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Jordan University of Science and Technology: Faculty of Science & Arts Applied Biological Sciences Department

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Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Science & Arts

Applied Biological Sciences Department

BIO101 General Biology (1)

First Semester 2017-2018

Course Catalog

3 Credit Hours. Biology 101 is dedicated to the study of the molecular and cellular basis of life. Topics include cell
structure and function, information flow, metabolism, cellular reproduction, Mendelian and modern genetics. This course
is designed for students planning to major in biotechnology, genetics or a related disciplines.

Text Book

Title Biology: A global Approach

Author(s) Campell, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Reece

Edition 10th Edition

Short Name 1

Other 11th edition Pearson Education Inc.


Course References
Name Dr. Qutaiba Ababneh
Office Location PH1L1
Office Hours Sun : 08:30 - 10:00
Mon : 08:30 - 10:00
Tue : 09:00 - 10:30
Wed : 11:30 - 13:00
Email qoababneh@just.edu.jo

Class Schedule & Room

Section 1:
Lecture Time: Mon, Wed : 10:00 - 11:30

Tentative List of Topics Covered

Weeks Topic References

Weeks 1, 2 Biological Macromolecules and Lipids 5 (114-139) From 1

Weeks 3, 4 Cell Structure and Function 7 (163-195) From 1

Week 5 Cell Membranes 8 (196-212) From 1

Week 6 Cell Respiration 10 (236-258) From 1

Week 7 Photosynthetic Processes 11 (259-283) From 1

Week 8 Mitosis 12 (284-302) From 1

Week 9 Sexual Life Cycle and Meiosis 13 (304-318) From 1

Weeks 10, 11 Mendelian Genetics 14 (319-343) From 1

Weeks 11, 12 Linkage and Chromosomes 15 (344-363) From 1

Weeks 13, 14 Nucleic Acids and Inheritance 16 (364-384) From 1

Mapping of Course Objectives to Program Student Outcomes1 method

Describe the basic properties of the major classes of biological molecules needed for life [1A] First Exam

Compare and contrast the structures, membranes, reproduction, and subcellular characteristics and First Exam
functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells [1A]

Describe and explain the principles of Bioenergetics [1A]

Describe the importance of cell division in maintaining the continuity of life [1A]

Define and apply the principles of Mendelian genetics and its modern extensions to the unity and
diversity of life [3A, 1D]

Understand the molecular, structural and chromosomal basis of heredity. [1A]

Relationship to Program Student Outcomes (Out of 100%)


97.50 2.50


Assessment Tool Weight

First Exam 20%

Second Exam 20%

Quizzes 15%

Projects 5%

Final Exam 40%


Class Your class attendance is mandatory. Absences in excess of 20% of the total lecture hours will result in your
Attendance being dropped from the course with a failing grade

Makeup Make-up exam appeals should be filed within one week of the missed exam

Cell Cell phones are completely prohibited during examinations according to the university regulations i.e. you
phones are not allowed to bring your phone into the exam hall

Cell Cell phones must be turned off during lectures. No incoming or outgoing calls or text messages are allowed

Cheating Unethical conduct, including cheating during examinations, will result in punishment by the university

Date Printed: 2017-11-28


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