Adrianna News Letter
Adrianna News Letter
Adrianna News Letter
The International Olympic Committe (IOC) has started this movement called
the Gender Equality Project. Gender Equality is a priory of the IOC.
In Rio 2016 45percent of athletes were female. In 2018 PyeongChang a record
1,242 female athletes competed across 7 sports. Buenos Aires 2018 was the
first gender balanced youth Olympic games.
They are now starting to have Gender Equality in Leadership
The media is also starting to have balanced media for both female and male
genders. Finally there are many opinions that people have on women plying
sports. Many people like to argue that women’s sports are boring compared
to the men’s, this is because
Women’s sports compared to men’s sports are rarely broadcasted in the
media. This is one major reason why these opinions exist. By doing this the
media is making fans believe that women’s sports are less important than
the men’s. EspenW is an all-women's sports channel and broadcast that
focuses on only female sports. This has helped put women's sports out in the
media and has changed the way people look at it.
They have articles and broadcasts on all- female sports and teams.
Before women were not even allowed to participate in sport, but now they
are coming closer and closer to achieving equality in sport. With that being
said they still face major discrimination in no matter what sport they play.