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Bahan Ajar Narrative

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Narrative Text

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Learning Guidance

1. This module is expected to help students in exploring learning material about Narrative text
2. This module consists of three main materials related to the Narrative text, namely: social
function, generic structure, and language features

Basic Competence

3.8 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan
dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda rakyat sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaanya.

4.8 Menyajikan teks naratif pendek dan sederhana terkait legenda rakyat secara lisan dan tulis
dengans memperhatikan fungsi soisal, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan
sesuai konteks.

Learning Objective

Showing an Narrative text with Problem Based Leraning, students are expected to be able to
analyze social functions, text structures, and language features, as well as construct the Narrative
text in accordance with the context of its use.


Merah dan Bawang putih

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl with her father, her stepmother, and her
stepsister. One day, her father passed away. Her stepmother and stepsister treated her very
bad whereas they used to love her before her father died. She had to do all the house work.
On the morning day, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash a lot of clothes. Then she
saw a goldfish needed a help. Its mouth was stuck on a hook. Bawang Putih felt sorry and
helped the poor goldfish.
“Thank you for your kindness”, the goldfish said.
Bawang Putih was very surprised that the goldfish could speak. However the goldfish helped
her to wash the clothes and they became best friend.
Unfortunately, Bawang Merah her stepsister knew about the goldfish. She caught the goldfish
and gave it to her mom. After that, they cooked it and ate it. When Bawang Putih knew it, she
took the bone and buried it. She felt very sad that she could not take care of her best friend.
Several days later, grew a beautiful tree on the burial. Surprisingly, a Prince came to see
it. he needed the tree to make his father well again. When he asked who own the tree, Bawang
Merah said that it was hers. However, when she wanted to pull the tree, she could not do it.
Even everyone could not do it, but Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih pull the tree easily and gave it
to the Prince.
The Prince married Bawang Putih. She forgave her stepmother and stepsister and they lived
happily ever after.

Look at the pictures above:

 What do you think about the story of the text?

 Have you ever read text like that?
 Are you entertained after reading the text?

Check your answers with your classmates!


Narrative Text is an imaginative story

The function is…
To entertains or amuses the reader or listener
with fictional story.

There are three generic Structure of Narrative Text :

1. Orientation, the part of narrative text that introduces the characters and the setting of the
2. Complication, the part of narrative teks that tells about the problem that is faced by the
main character.
3. Resolution, the ending of the story it can be either tragedy or comedy.

Languange Features
1. Past Tense
2. Adverb of time
3. Time Conjuction (when, then, suddenly,etc)
4. Specific Character. The character of story is specific, not general (bawang merah and
bawang putih, Cinderella, Sura and Baya, snow white)
5. Action Verb. A verb that shown an action. ( killed, dug, walked, etc)
6. Direct speech, it is to make the story lively. (Snow white said “My name is Snow White).
The direct speech uses present tense.

Kinds of Narrative Text

 Fable
 Folktales
 Fairy Tales
 Myth
 Legend


Widiati U, dkk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2017. Jakarta: Kemendikbud

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