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Dmi - St. Eugene University (Dmiseu) : Module Code: 552 LA 31/551 LA 31 Module Name: Business Communication

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Institute for Virtual & Distance Learning (IVDL)

Course Material
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM)

MODULE CODE : 552 LA 31/551 LA 31


Technical Writing, Paragraph, Essays and Precise Writing:
Technical Writing: Introduction – Audience Recognition/Analysis –
Language – Elements of Style – Techniques of good writing –
Referencing & Styling – Right words and phrases – sentences.
Paragraph & Essays: Introduction – expressing ideas – paragraph
I 3-32
construction – paragraph length – paragraph patterns – kinds of
paragraph – writing first draft, revising and finalising – essays – types –
characteristics – steps of writing and check list. Art of Condensation:
Introduction – Steps of Effective Precise Writing – guidelines –
Meeting, Group Discussion & Business Letters:
Meeting: Introduction – Definitions – Objectives of Meetings – Types
of Meetings – preparation of Meetings – conducting a meeting –
Minutes of a Meeting. Group Discussion: How to Initiate – how to
II agree – how to disagree – make a point – analysing a point – how to get 33-62
back to the topic – how to summarise. Business Letters: Introduction –
Definitions – Characteristics of a good business letters – conventional
parts of business letters - types – credit – collection - enquiry – claim –
order - adjustment – instruction - employment letters – cover letters.
Communication Through Reports & Business Presentations:
Characteristic of Reports – types – proposals – The Problem Solving
Process – recognizing & defining the problem – selecting a method of
solution – Collecting & Organizing the data - Arriving at an answer –
III 63-81
Managing Data and using graphics – communicating quantitative
information – using graphics – including graphics in texts – organising
and preparing reports and proposals – parts of a formal reports –
organization of formal reports – short reports – parts of proposal.
Communication for Employment:
Preparing Resumes & Application Message: Preparing for job search –
identifying potential career opportunities – planning a Targeted resume
– standards part of a resume – Qualifications – Types of resumes –
IV 82-105
Preparing Resumes – Supplementing Resumes. Interviewing for a Job
& Preparing Employment Message: Types of Employment Interviews –
preparing for an interview – practice for the interview – conducting a
successful interview – preparing other employment message.
Etiquette Advantage in Business Communication:
What do working executive gain by etiquette – Introduction, Greetings
and Art of Conversations – Dressing and Grooming – Norms of
V 106-117
Business Dressing – Business Meals – Table Manners – Special Foods –
Buffets & Cocktails – Wining Etiquette – Gifting in Business –

Unit I
Technical Writing, Paragraph, Essays and Precise Writing
The audience of a technical report—or any piece of writing for that
matter—is the intended or potential reader or readers. For most technical
writers, this is the most important consideration in planning, writing, and
reviewing a document. You "adapt" your writing to meet the needs, interests,
and background of the readers who will be reading your writing.

The principle seems absurdly simple and obvious. It's much the same
as telling someone, "Talk so the person in front of you can understand what
you're saying." It's like saying, "Don't talk rocket science to your six-year-
old." Do we need a course in that? Doesn't seem like it. But, in fact, lack of
audience analysis and adaptation is one of the root causes of most of the
problems you find in professional, technical documents—particularly
instructions where it surfaces most glaringly.

Audience Analysis

It's important to determine which of the four categories just discussed

the potential readers of your document belong to, but that's not the end of it.
Audiences, regardless of category, must also be analyzed in terms of
characteristics such as the following:

Background—knowledge, experience, training: One of your most

important concerns is just how much knowledge, experience, or training you
can expect in your readers. If you expect some of your readers to lack certain
background, do you automatically supply it in your document? Consider an
example: imagine you're writing a guide to using a software product that
runs under Microsoft Windows. How much can you expect your readers to
know about Windows? If some are likely to know little about Windows,
should you provide that information? If you say no, then you run the risk of
customers' getting frustrated with your product. If you say yes to adding
background information on Windows, you increase your work effort and add
to the page count of the document (and thus to the cost). Obviously, there's
no easy answer to this question—part of the answer may involve just how
small a segment of the audience needs that background information.

Needs and interests: To plan your document, you need to know what your
audience is going to expect from that document. Imagine how readers will
want to use your document; what will they demand from it. For example,
imagine you are writing a manual on how to use a new smart phone—what
are your readers going to expect to find in it? Imagine you're under contract
to write a background report on global warming for a national real estate
association—what do they want to read about; and, equally important, what
do they not want to read about?

Different cultures: If you write for an international audience, be aware that

formats for indicating time and dates, monetary amounts, and numerical
amounts vary across the globe. Also be aware that humor and figurative
language (as in "hit a home run") are not likely to be understood outside of
your own culture. Texas A&M University makes available Chapter 6,
"Writing for International Readers," of Reporting Technical Information,
Elizabeth Tebeaux, et al. For standards, see List of style guides from
Wikipedia. (Thanks to the anonymous guest who contributed these important

Other demographic characteristics: And of course there are many other

characteristics about your readers that might have an influence on how you
should design and write your document—for example, age groups, type of
residence, area of residence, gender, political preferences, and so on.

Audience analysis can get complicated by at least two other factors: mixed
audience types for one document, wide variability within audience, and
unknown audiences.

More than one audience. You're likely to find that your report is for more
than one audience. For example, it may be seen by technical people (experts
and technicians) and administrative people (executives). What to do? You
can either write all the sections so that all the audiences of your document
can understand them (good luck!). Or you can write each section strictly for
the audience that would be interested in it, then use headings and section
introductions to alert your audience about where to go and what to avoid in
your report.

Wide variability in an audience. You may realize that, although you have
an audience that fits into only one category, there is a wide variability in its
background. This is a tough one—if you write to the lowest common
denominator of reader, you're likely to end up with a cumbersome, tedious
book-like thing that will turn off the majority of readers. But if you don't
write to that lowest level, you lose that segment of your readers. What to do?
Most writers go for the majority of readers and sacrifice that minority that
needs more help. Others put the supplemental information in appendixes or
insert cross-references to beginners' books.

Analysis Examples

The following example is from a technical writing course.

Note to Instructor: These instructions are intended for individuals

who want to streamline their calculations using Microsoft Excel using
macros to efficiently compute their data. They understand how to input data
into Microsoft Excel and have basic knowledge of the Microsoft Office
Suite. They are comfortable using Windows software and are comfortable
with basic arithmetic abilities to verify their calculations and check for logic
errors in computing.

Writing Techniques

Writing is an important form of communication. Good writers use

different writing techniques to fit their purposes for writing. To be a good
writer, you must master each of the following writing techniques.

1. Description

Through description, a writer helps the reader use the senses of

feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting to experience what the writer
experiences. Description helps the reader more clearly understand the
people, places, and things about which the writer is writing. It is the most
common form of writing. You will find descriptive writing in newspapers,
magazines, books, and most other forms of written communication.

2. Exposition

Through exposition, a writer informs, explains, and clarifies his/her
ideas and thoughts. Exposition goes beyond description to help the reader
understand with greater clarity and depth the ideas and thoughts of the
writer. Expository writing, like descriptive writing, is commonly found in
newspapers, magazines, books, and most other forms of written

3. Narration

Through narration, a writer tells a story. A story has characters, a

setting, a time, a problem, attempts at solving the problem, and a solution to
the problem. Bedtime stories are examples of short stories while novels are
examples of long stories. The scripts written for movies and plays are further
examples of narrative writing.

4. Persuasion

Through persuasion, a writer tries to change a reader's point of view

on a topic, subject, or position. The writer presents facts and opinions to get
the reader to understand why something is right, wrong, or in between.
Editorials, letters to the editor in newspapers and magazines, and the text for
a political speech are examples of persuasive writing.

5. Comparison and Contrast

Through comparison and contrast, a writer points out the similarities

and differences about a topic. Comparison is used to show what is alike or in
common. Contrast is used to show what is not alike or not in common.
Describing living conditions in 1900 and living conditions today would
allow for much comparison and contrast.

By using the writing technique that fits your purpose, you will be
able to communicate your ideas effectively.


Academic writing relies on more than just the ideas and experience of
one author. It also uses the ideas and research of other sources: books,
journal articles, websites, and so forth. These other sources may be used to

support the author's ideas, or the author may be discussing, analysing, or
critiquing other sources.

Referencing is used to tell the reader where ideas from other sources
have been used in an assignment. There are many reasons why it is important
to reference sources correctly:

 It shows the reader that you can find and use sources to create a solid
 It properly credits the originators of ideas, theories, and research
 It shows the reader how your argument relates to the big picture

What needs to be referenced?

Whenever an assignment uses words, facts, ideas, theories, or

interpretations from other sources, those sources must be referenced.
Referencing is needed when:

 You have copied words from a book, article, or other source exactly
 You have used an idea or fact from an outside source, even if you
haven't used their exact wording (paraphrasing and summarizing)

The only exception to this is when the information is common

knowledge, which is something that anyone is likely to know. If you are
uncertain whether to reference something or not, it is better to reference it.

Citations and references

There are two elements used in referencing:

1. A citation in the text of the assignment (also known as in-text

2. An entry in a reference list at the end of the assignment

The citation contains only enough information for the reader to find the
source in the reference list. Usually, this is the name of the source's author
and the year the source was published. For example:

Example. When testing the usability of a website, it is necessary to gather
demographic information about the users (Lazar, 2006).

In this example, (Lazar, 2006) tells the reader that this information
has come from a source written by Lazar, which was published in 2006. This
is a signpost, pointing the reader to the reference list.

The reference list is a list of all the sources used (and cited) in an
assignment. It is alphabetized according to the names of the authors. Each
entry in the reference list contains detailed information about one source.
This usually includes the author's name, the year of publication, the title of
the source, and other publication details. For example:


Durie, M. (2003). Ngā kāhui pou: Launching Māori futures. Wellington,

New Zealand: Huia.

Hazledine, T., & Quiggan, J. (2006). Public policy in Australia and New
Zealand: The new global context. Australian Journal of Political Science,
41(2), 131–143.

Lazar, J. (2006). Web usability: A user-centered design approach. Boston,

MA: Pearson Addison Wesley.

Ministry for Primary Industries. (2012). Food safety. Retrieved from


If they wanted to, a reader could use this information to find these sources in
a library or online.

Referencing Styles

Particular referencing styles are preferred by particular academic

disciplines because they work better with the kind of texts that are most
commonly used in that discipline. There are several different styles of

 Oxford
 Harvard
 Chicago

APA referencing

APA referencing is a variant on Harvard style. Most of the

conventions are the same, with brief author-date citations in brackets in the
body of the text and full citations in the reference list. It is usual to include a
reference list only rather than a bibliography in APA style. Citations for
websites are also slightly different, with no need to include a date accessed

Example for website:

In-text: The National Autistic Society (2014)

In bibliography: The National Autistic Society (2014). Recognising

autism spectrum disorder. Retrieved from

Oxford referencing

In Oxford referencing, in-text citations are in footnotes. Full details

should be included in the footnotes for the first mention of a text. After this,
a shortened version can be used.

Example for book:

In-text, first mention: (in footnote) Jonathan Bell, The Liberal State
on Trial: The Cold War and American Politics in the Truman Years (New
York, 2004) p.3.

In-text, following mentions: (in footnote) Bell, The Liberal State on

Trial, p. 36.

In bibliography: Jonathan Bell, The Liberal State on Trial: The Cold

War and American Politics in the Truman Years (New York, 2004).

Harvard style Also known as 'author-date' style. In Harvard style the in-text
citation can be in brackets in the body of the text or in footnotes, and uses the
author's surname and the date of publication, with the page number if it is a

reference to a particular page. Full details are only listed in the bibliography
or reference list.

Note that because Harvard is a 'style' rather than a system or set of

rules, the preferred punctuation and formatting of the text may differ. Check
for any examples in your course handbook, and if they are not available, be

Example for book:

In-text: (Shriver and Atkins, 1999)

In bibliography: Shriver, D.F. and Atkins, P.W. (1999). Inorganic

chemistry. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Example for website:

In-text: (National Autistic Society, 2014)

In bibliography: National Autistic Society (2014) Recognising autism

spectrum disorder, online at http://www.autism.org.uk/working-
spectrum-disorder.aspx, accessed 23/07/14.

Chicago style

Chicago style referencing offers two options for citations: either to

list brief citations in the body of the text as in Harvard referencing, or to list
them in footnotes as in Oxford referencing. So if you are asked to use
Chicago style referencing, it is especially important to check which format
your department wants you to use. You should be able to find more
information in your course or module handbook

Example for book:

Note Style: 1. Michael Pollan, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural

History of Four Meals (New York: Penguin, 2006), 99–100.
Duplicate Note: 2. Pollan, Omnivore's Dilemma, 3.
Bibliography: Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural
History of Four Meals. New York: Penguin, 2006.

Example for website:

Note Style: 1.“Google Privacy Policy,” last modified March 11,

2009, http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html.
Duplicate Note: “Google Privacy Policy.”
Bibliography: Google. “Google Privacy Policy.” Last modified
March 11, 2009. http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacypolicy.html.
Paragraph and Essays

Paragraph – Introduction

Paragraph is a group of sentence in which a single topic is developed.

It is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular
point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. Though not
required by the syntax of any language, paragraphs are usually an expected
part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.

Expressing Ideas

A well-written paragraph can make a significant difference in the

clarity and accessibility of your research manuscript as well as reduce
unnecessary word count. A well-written paragraph can give readers the
impression that the author is careful, methodical, and focused, which can
make your readers more receptive to the ideas you present.

A good paragraph should have an introduction, evidence, and a

conclusion. In addition, it should focus on a central theme, idea, or subject.
Before starting to write, it is helpful to think about the point you wish to
discuss in the paragraph and decide what type of paragraph it will be. There
are many types of paragraphs (e.g., descriptive, expository, persuasive,
comparative), and these differ according to how you intend to present the
information in your paragraph to support your point. Here, however, we will
discuss how to write a general paragraph based on its three main elements:

(1) the topic sentence,

(2) supporting evidence, and
(3) the concluding statement.

We will demonstrate how these three elements are
implemented in the following example, which is about the use of
mouse models for biomedical research:

Example paragraph:

Throughout the years, mice have proven to be invaluable model

organisms for biomedical research, allowing researchers to investigate
disorders by manipulating the environment or the genome. Unlike their
human counterparts, mice can be studied in a carefully controlled
environment. It is also relatively easy for researchers to manipulate diet
composition, food availability, exercise, and other environmental factors that
can contribute to differences in physiological outcomes in mice. In addition
to being relatively inexpensive, fast to reproduce, and easy to maintain
compared to other mammalian models, mice are also remarkably similar to
humans in terms of their physiology and genetics. Mice and humans share
approximately the same number of genes and exhibit extensive synteny.
Because of their genetic similarity to humans, mice have been used to
pioneer genetic manipulation technologies, such as gene overexpression and
gene knockout and knockdown models at the whole-organism level or in
specific tissues. These technological breakthroughs in genetics research have
fueled several decades of rapid discovery and knowledge expansion in many
biomedical fields. The ability to manipulate both genetic and environmental
variables with relative ease has made mice one of the most widely used in
vivo models in biomedical research today.

1. Topic sentence

The topic sentence is typically the first sentence of a paragraph, and it

should clearly state the main idea that you will develop throughout the
paragraph. If a topic sentence is too general, the paragraph will often be
lengthy and unfocused. In this situation, the paragraph can be organized into
two (or sometimes more) paragraphs, each with a topic sentence that has a
more reasonable scope based on the available supporting evidence. Ideally,
your readers should be able to quickly identify the main ideas and scope of
your paper simply by reading every topic sentence.

The example topic sentence (sentence 1, underlined) tells the reader
that the paragraph is going to discuss why the mouse has become such an
important model organism for biomedical research and how researchers can
manipulate environmental and genetic factors in mice to answer important
biomedical questions.

2. Supporting evidence

The supporting evidence composes the body of the paragraph. This

element should consist of detailed information that is directly relevant to and
further develops the main point presented in the topic sentence. It is standard
to have anywhere from two to five concise supporting sentences, which is
generally sufficient to develop the main point and keep the paragraph

It is also important to keep in mind that a paragraph may come across

as being disjointed (with no clear or logical progression of thought) when the
conceptual connections within the paragraph are missing or poorly
developed. This issue can be resolved by adding a sentence to lead into the
following statement or by revising the existing sentences so that they lead
from one into the next. The appropriate use of introductory words and
phrases can also help to clarify conceptual connections within a paragraph.
Readers appreciate when the authors make these conceptual connections
clear rather than relying on the reader to make these connections on their

In our example, the information provided in the supporting sentences

(sentences 2-6) explains to the reader why mice are good model organisms
for studying biological processes and medical conditions. The supporting
evidence includes information about why mice are easy to raise, how easy it
is to control their living environments, and the genetic advantages to using
mice as model organisms for translational studies of human disease
processes. The use of introductory words and phrases (bolded text) helps the
reader follow the author’s argument from one sentence to the next.

3. Concluding statement

The concluding, or closing, sentence essentially restates the main

idea of the paragraph in the context of the supporting evidence. However, it

is important to note that the concluding statement should not simply repeat
the topic sentence; care should be taken to minimize redundancy between the
two. The concluding statement can also be used to transition into the main
idea of the next paragraph, which improves the overall flow of the paper.

The concluding statement in our example paragraph (sentence 7, in

italics) clearly summarizes the conclusion that the author would like you to
draw from the supporting evidence presented in the body of the paragraph.
Here, the author wants to convey that mice are invaluable in vivo models for
human disease research because both environmental and genetic factors are
relatively easy to manipulate. Restating the main point of the paragraph in
the last sentence ensures that the reader has a clear understanding of the
author’s interpretation of the supporting evidence presented in the body of
the paragraph.

Final thoughts

Constructing effective paragraphs can be challenging due to the effort

involved in planning the overall structure of each unit. However, the results
of these efforts can greatly improve your chances for publication and allow
you to reach your target audience.

Paragraph Construction

A paragraph doesn’t need to have a complicated structure for it to be

effective, but it does need to do several things:

i. get across the point you are trying to make clearly – and, thus, your

ii. convey the depth of your own knowledge and understanding;

iii. locate the point within academic discourse (where possible);

iv. highlight supporting evidence;

v. demonstrate analytical skills, such as analysis and evaluation;

vi. introduce the next point in the argument.

In order to meet these criteria, the following structure is suggested:

Topic sentence

The topic sentence is the headline of the paragraph. In other words, in

its opening sentence, you must make it very clear to the reader what the
paragraph is about. You need to be specific; remember, each paragraph deals
only with an aspect or element of your argument, rather than the whole thing.
Focus on the point you are trying to make.

Discourse / debate

Following the topic sentence, in one or two sentences, set out the
discourse or debate on this particular point (i.e. the perspectives of
academics or published authors). Together, these sentences frame your own
viewpoint, which comes next.

Your view

Having set out the academic context in the discourse / debate section,
it is now time to express your own view. You are usually expected to express
your view in a scholarly and objective way. This might be achieved by using
the third person and commenting on the views highlighted in the discourse
debate section. (E.g. ‘However, whilst this may be true, it can be argued that
. . . .’.)

Supporting evidence

Your own view should always be supported by relevant and

appropriate evidence. Depending on your subject, this may take the form of
statistics or it may consist of the views of academics.

Evaluative judgment

The evaluative judgment differs from the statement of your own
viewpoint because it should be more explicitly linked to the key issue of the
question. Thus, if your question began with ‘To what extent’, the evaluative
judgment will address the issue of ‘extent’. Alternatively, you might be
addressing the relative significance of the point discussed in the paragraph
next to other factors considered in the essay.

Signpost next paragraph

Ideally, a paragraph will end with a sentence that steers the reader to
the next point. This is a difficult skill to develop; it is much easier to do if
you have planned the overall structure of your essay clearly and carefully.

Using Paragraph Patterns in Writing

A great way to make sure your writing stays focused and makes one
unified point is to concentrate on a particular pattern. The words used in your
given prompt can be used as a blueprint for your writing.

Depending on your purpose—what you want to accomplish—you can

use several methods of development:

 narration
 definition
 description
 classification
 illustration
 cause and effect
 comparison/contrast
Each method can be used separately or in combination with any of
the others. Learning which methods best suit your purpose will help
when you create outlines and write first drafts of paragraphs and

Learn to Narrate

Use narration to recall an event or explain how a process works. A

narrative is a story. It arranges information in chronological (time) order; one
event in a story or one step in a process follows another just as it happened.

Narratives contain action words—verbs and adverbs—that help move
the story or process along and make it more interesting. They also use
transitions such as first, then, soon, after, and suddenly, which maintain
coherence and show movement from one event to the next.

Learn to Describe

Use description when you need to explain the nature of people,

places, and things. It's always a good idea to start a physical description by
relying on your five senses to gather details about what your subject looks,
sounds, feels, smells, or even tastes like.

Unlike narration, which presents information from beginning to end,

description can be arranged in any pattern you think best. Usually, the
pattern is spatial, presenting things as they appear in space. But each writer
chooses his or her own perspective—the position from which to view a
subject. And each decides where to begin and where to end.

Learn to Explain, Convince, and Persuade

Narration and description can also be used to explain an idea or

statement, to convince readers that an opinion is correct, or to persuade them
to do something. But such purposes also lend themselves to other methods.


Depending on what you want to accomplish, you can choose one or more
methods to develop your central idea:
Illustration: Uses examples.
Comparison or constrast: Points out similarities or differences.
Definition: Explains what a term means.
Classification: Distinguishes between types or classes.
Cause and effect: Explains why something happens.

Four Patterns of Arrangement

As you have learned, there are several ways to develop details in a
paragraph. These methods—narration, description, comparison/contrast,
definition, classification, illustration, and cause and effect—relate to the
paragraph's purpose. You should also learn patterns of arrangement—ways
to organize details in a paragraph.

There are four basic patterns, but there are as many variations on
such patterns as there are writers who use them. Study these four patterns of
arrangement. You can use any of them regardless of the method of
development you choose.

General Begin with a general statement (topic sentence); develop

to specific: the rest of the paragraph with supporting details.
Specific Begin with supporting details that lead to a broad
to general: concluding statement (topic sentence).
Question Begin with a question; follow with details that answer that
to answer: question.
Order Begin with the least important detail; end with the most
of importance: important detail.

Drafting, Revising, and Editing


When creating a document such as an essay or a college paper, the

writer must ensure that the content is appropriate for the audience, the voice
is appropriate for the content, the word choice is effective, transitions are
used, the sentences are parallel, proper grammar is used, and the document is
formatted properly. Knowing how to draft, revise, and edit can make the task
of creating a document easier.


Beginning a paper does not have to be a formal affair. A rough draft

is all that is needed. Jotting down topic ideas is an effective beginning. Once
an idea is decided upon, the author should consider his or her audience and
the purpose of the paper. The audience may or may not know anything about
the topic. The purpose of the paper is also an important factor to consider. Is

the paper academic, professional, or personal? The writer must use a voice
that is appropriate for the audience and for the purpose.

The First Draft

After the preliminary notes, a first draft is constructed with an

introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion. The first draft does not
have to be perfect. It is a work-in-progress. A catchy, interesting introduction
will cause the reader to want to read more. The thesis statement will direct
the rest of the paper. The writer must include the relevant details of what will
be discussed in the paper in this sentence. The body of the paper will follow,
using the thesis statement as a guide. The conclusion will sum up the paper.


When revising the first draft, the writer should make sure that the
content follows the thesis statement. Each paragraph of the body should
support that pivotal sentence. The writer should ask if the content is in a
logical sequence. Is the paper well-organized, making it an easy read?

Remove slang and jargon that the reader may not understand. Ensure
that the content is coherent and that connections are made between sentences
and paragraphs, making them parallel. Transitions should be used when
introducing a new paragraph or idea.

Transition words include:

Also generally Beyond in conclusion

Again for example Nearly incidentally
as a result conversely Moreover above all
Consequently however in other words especially
Therefore nevertheless While beside
other than except Finally
in particular in any case,


When editing, the writer must carefully read each word. Word choice
is a crucial factor. If needed, the author should use a thesaurus to find just the
correct word. Do not use the same words over and over. Mix up sentence

styles to give the paper variety. Readers will appreciate the effort. Clichés
have no place in academic or professional writing. Finally, grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and other mechanical issues need to be addressed by
the writer. Using grammar checking software is productive and effective.
Asking a teacher or other professional to review your paper before
submission is also an effective editing tool.


Knowing how to draft, revise, and edit can make the task of creating
a document easier. With each successful paper, these jobs become simpler. A
writer can become an expert at the stages of paper development, and can
experience a genuine satisfaction when he or she produces a quality paper.

Paragraph Length

Paragraphs vary in length depending on the needs of the paragraph.

Usually, paragraphs are between one-third and two-thirds of a page double

A series of long paragraphs can make prose dense and unpleasant to

read. Check any paragraph that is a page or longer to see whether it would
work better as two or more paragraphs. Break it at a logical place (e.g.,
where your focus shifts), and see whether you need to create new topic
sentences to make the shift clear.

Also look out for short paragraphs only two or three sentences long.
They make academic writing seem disjointed or skimpy. Try combining
short paragraphs with the preceding or following paragraph if they share the
same topic. Short paragraphs might also need to be developed further. Make
sure that nothing vital has been omitted.

Types of Paragraph

Here are the basic type:

1) Descriptive paragraphs
2) Narrative paragraphs
3) Expository paragraphs
4) Persuasive paragraphs

5) Literary paragraph

Types of Paragraphs – Focus on Description

When considering the type of paragraph you are about to write, you
need to consider a few different questions. What is the purpose of the
paragraph? What are you trying to communicate to your reader? The
answers to these questions will guide you as you consider both the content of
your paragraph and the effect you are trying to achieve. There are many
different types of paragraphs. Each type has a different purpose, and writers
make use of different means in achieving each purpose.

Narrative Paragraph

Narrative paragraphs tell stories. They differ from short stories or

novels in length as well as in the amount of detail provided; they sometimes
are little more than brief vignettes. True narrative paragraphs, however, are
similar to short stories in that they feature characters, follow a plot line,
include a conflict which is resolved and are told from an identifiable point of
view. They may also establish a setting or include a moral.

Descriptive Paragraph

The purpose of a descriptive paragraph is to allow the reader to

experience the item, phenomenon or event being described as vividly as
possible without physically sensing it. That is, the reader cannot see it, but
knows what it looks like; cannot taste it, but knows whether it is salty or
sweet; cannot touch it, but knows its texture. Descriptive paragraphs
typically include modifiers (ex., adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases)
and figurative language (ex., metaphors, personification, similes) to help
enrich the "experience" for the reader.

Expository Paragraph

An expository paragraph explains something; its purpose is to help

the reader understand. Exposition often includes techniques such as the use
of examples or illustrations to support a point or the use of some kind of
ordering (chronological or numerical, for example) to help a reader follow a

process. Exposition needs to be clear; language is often quite direct although
sometimes a writer may use language devices to help illustrate a point.

Persuasive Paragraph

The purpose of a persuasive paragraph is to convince the reader of

something, such as the writer's position on a controversial topic or a proposal
for a new project. The structure is often similar to that of an expository
piece, as it is usually helpful to explain a little bit about the subject, but
rhetorical devices are often employed to help sway the reader's opinion. The
language can be highly charged; the intent is to get a reaction.

Literary Paragraph

Literary paragraphs are paragraphs written about literature; they are

part of a genre known as "literary criticism." This does not mean they are
supposed to find fault with a piece of literature; criticism, in this sense, is an
analytical examination of a poem, story, novel, play, essay, or other literary
work. The writer of a literary paragraph must choose a specific aspect of the
text to examine and then focus on that aspect, always referring back to the
literature. Literary paragraphs do not make references to “real life” – the
protagonist may be just like the writer’s Great-aunt Gertrude, but this
observation has no place in a literary paragraph. Quotations are often used to
support the observations and evaluations made by the writer.


Types of Essay:

For our academic writing purposes we will focus on four types of

essay. expository, persuasive, analytical, argumentative.

The expository essay

This is a writer’s explanation of a short theme, idea or issue.

The key here is that you are explaining an issue, theme or idea to your
intended audience. Your reaction to a work of literature could be in the form
of an expository essay, for example if you decide to simply explain your
personal response to a work. The expository essay can also be used to give a

personal response to a world event, political debate, football game, work of
art and so on.


You want to get and, of course, keep your reader’s attention. So, you should:

 Have a well-defined thesis. Start with a thesis statement/research

question/statement of intent. Make sure you answer your question or
do what you say you set out to do. Do not wander from your topic.
 Provide evidence to back up what you are saying. Support your
arguments with facts and reasoning. Do not simply list facts,
incorporate these as examples supporting your position, but at the
same time make your point as succinctly as possible.
 The essay should be concise. Make your point and conclude your
essay. Don’t make the mistake of believing that repetition and over-
stating your case will score points with your readers.

2) The persuasive essay

This is the type of essay where you try to convince the reader to
adopt your position on an issue or point of view. Here your rationale, your
argument, is most important. You are presenting an opinion and trying to
persuade readers, you want to win readers over to your point of view.


 Have a definite point of view.

 Maintain the reader’s interest.
 Use sound reasoning.
 Use solid evidence.
 Be aware of your intended audience. How can you win them over?
 Research your topic so your evidence is convincing.
 Don’t get so sentimental or so passionate that you lose the reader, as
Irish poet W. B. Yeats put it: The best lack all conviction, while the
worst, Are full of passionate intensity .
 Your purpose is to convince someone else so don’t overdo your
language and don’t bore the reader. And don’t keep repeating your

 Remember the rules of the good paragraph. One single topic per
paragraph, and natural progression from one to the next.
 End with a strong conclusion.

3) The analytical essay

In this type of essay you analyze, examine and interpret such things
as an event, book, poem, play or other work of art.


Your analytical essay should have an:

 Introduction and presentation of argument

The introductory paragraph is used to tell the reader what text
or texts you will be discussing. Every literary work raises at least one
major issue. In your introduction you will also define the idea or
issue of the text that you wish to examine in your analysis. This is
sometimes called the thesis or research question. It is important that
you narrow the focus of your essay.
 Analysis of the text (the longest part of the essay)
The issue you have chosen to analyze is connected to your
argument. After stating the problem, present your argument. When
you start analyzing the text, pay attention to the stylistic devices (the
“hows” of the text) the author uses to convey some specific meaning.
You must decide if the author accomplishes his goal of conveying his
ideas to the reader. Do not forget to support your assumptions with
examples and reasonable judgment.
 Personal response
Your personal response will show a deeper understanding of
the text and by forming a personal meaning about the text you will
get more out of it. Do not make the mistake of thinking that you only
have to have a positive response to a text. If a writer is trying to
convince you of something but fails to do so, in your opinion, your
critical personal response can be very enlightening. The key word
here is critical. Base any objections on the text and use evidence from
the text. Personal response should be in evidence throughout the
essay, not tacked on at the end.

 Conclusion (related to the analysis and the argument)
Your conclusion should explain the relation between the
analyzed text and the presented argument.

The argumentative essay

This is the type of essay where you prove that your opinion, theory or
hypothesis about an issue is correct or more truthful than those of others. In
short, it is very similar to the persuasive essay, but the difference is that you
are arguing for your opinion as opposed to others, rather than directly trying
to persuade someone to adopt your point of view.


 The argument should be focused

 The argument should be a clear statement (a question cannot be an
 It should be a topic that you can support with solid evidence
 The argumentative essay should be based on pros and cons
 Structure your approach well
 Use good transition words/phrases
 Be aware of your intended audience. How can you win them over?
 Research your topic so your evidence is convincing.
 Don’t overdo your language and don’t bore the reader. And don’t
keep repeating your points!
 Remember the rules of the good paragraph. One single topic per
paragraph, and natural progression from one to the next.
 End with a strong conclusion.

Qualities of a Good Essay

1. General Satisfaction

1. Assignment requirements and instructions are applied in the

2. Global and local content in the essay is substantial. The reader
feels rewarded for reading the essay.
3. Space and words are not wasted on information that is already
known by the assigned audience.

4. The essay has no avoidable mistakes.
5. The essay’s appearance prejudices the reader in favor of the
6. Beginner’s local cohesion devices (and, but, so) are not over-

2. Clarity

1. Title, Introductory Paragraph, Closing Paragraph

i. Title: The title is short, catchy, and hints at the thesis.

ii. Introductory Paragraph: Leads the reader to the thesis
in a way that makes the reader want to keep on
reading and provides easy understanding of the thesis.
iii. Concluding Paragraph: Reminds the reader of the
main point and major supporting points, and leaves the
reader with a good impression of the essay. Style:
Uses the Paragraph Practice format

2. Definition and explanation are provided for the reader’s full


3. Every general statement/claim is either a) self-explanatory, or b)

already generally understood by the audience, or c) explained
sufficiently for the particular audience.

4. Ideas at all levels are presented in an order that makes a logical and
easy-to-follow line of thought. The point precedes explanation of the

5. Because every idea is relevant to the point that it is intended to

explain, focus is clear and it is easy for the reader to follow the line of

6. Clarity tags help the reader follow the line of thought. “ ”

7. Global and local cohesion devices are used skillfully to help the
reader see the relationships between ideas, to follow the line of

8. Reference: Pronouns and other lexical that refer to something are
used clearly and don’t make the reader guess what is being referred

9. Expression is clear because it is concise (verbosity is avoided).

10. Language

1. Lexical choice: Lexical are well-chosen for expressing

intended meaning.

2. Grammar: Lexical and sentence grammar are helpful in

expressing intended meaning.

3. Punctuation is accurate and effective.

11. The Thesis

1. meets all of the requirements of the assignment

2. is presented clearly in a thesis statement that also presents

the major points of development, in a way that the reader can
easily see the relationship among the thesis’ elements and can
see the structure of the essay.

12. Structure

1. Essay-level: The essay employs a structure that effectively

develops this particular thesis.

2. Paragraph-level: The elements (helpful topic sentence,

discussion sentences, closing sentence) and structure of body
paragraphs follow the conventions of academic writing, and
the elements are employed effectively. Paragraphs employ the
most effective structure for this particular type of essay.

3. Support

1) Relevance: Every idea in the essay is clearly relevant to the point that
it is intended to support.
2) Definition and explanation are used effectively for support.

3) Every general claim is either a) self-explanatory, or b) already
generally accepted or considered “reasonable” by the audience, or c)
explained sufficiently for the particular audience.
4) Concrete examples are provided when helpful to understanding, and
they effectively illustrate their intended point.
5) Supporting details provide credibility.
6) Supporting details and ideas themselves are credible; they do not
contradict reality, nor do they contradict other details or ideas in the
7) Closure provides logical resolution in discussion of a point.
8) Every element (major and minor ideas) speaks to the assigned

4. Technical Features:

Technical features (spelling, format, etc.) help the reader follow your
line of thought and prejudice the reader in favor of the essay. They also give
a good impression of the writer. The essay’s format adheres to announced

Writing Checklist

Essay writing is a step-by-step process. This checklist is a guide to

those steps.

A. Read and understand the assignment
B. Choose a topic
C. Narrow your topic
D. Start thinking about your thesis/claim/central idea
E. Locate sources, see a librarian if necessary (research paper)

Outline in point form

A. Organize your main points for the body paragraphs

Write the first draft

A. Introduction

B. Thesis/Purpose Statement
C. Body of the essay: Points of discussion and supporting evidence
D. Conclusion

A. Thesis/claim/central idea clearly written
B. Clear topic sentences related to thesis
C. Body paragraphs developed with supporting points
D. Written in your own words (no plagiarizing, avoid
discriminatory language)
E. Conclusion matches thesis statement

Edit and proofread

A. Logical organization
B. Clarity (clear and concise)
C. Word usage
D. Grammar
E. Punctuation
F. Spelling and capitalization


The Art of Condensation is a process to make any piece of writing

precise by omitting unnecessary elements. This art of condensation in
creative writing is synonymous with précis writing.

According to Collin’s Dictionary

"To make a précis of a given passage is to extract its main points and
express them clearly”.

According to Oxford’s Dictionary:

"A concise or abridged statement a summary or abstract.

In fact a précis or the Art of Condensation is just a straight forward statement
of the bare (facts without any unnecessary trimming. That means it must be
able to stand alone and make a complete sense.

Steps to prepare a good précis

1. Go through the passage to grasp the general idea.

2. Prepare a skeleton of basic structure by noting down the main points
and key words.
3. Exclude all the illustrations, elaborations, figurative comparison.
4. Prepare the first draft by joining the underlined words.


Some books are not so important. We can just taste them by reading
in some parts, instead of wasting our time on a through reading. Some other
books lacking in depth and seriousness, can be completed in a hurried
manner. In such cases, as a light novel, superficial reading would serve the
purpose. It is like a swallowing a book, without showing much curiosity.
There are only a few books which deserve to be studied very carefully. These
books should be studied with so much concentration as we eat food to chew
and to digest. Just as food taken in this manner gives nourishment to the
body, the books studied in this manner strengthen our mind. If the subject
matter of some books is not very important to us, we can read them by
deputy; that is read their summaries prepared by others. This will save our
time and labor. But this is possible only in the case of lesser sort of books.
After all a summary is as dry and tasteless as distilled water. It loses the


All books are not equally important. Some books can be read in parts,
some in a hurried manner. Only a few books need to be thoroughly studied
and preserved in mind. Summaries save time but lack the sweetness of the
original books.

Guide line of Précis

Basic steps in writing

1. A précis is a short summary: It is not a paraphrase, which merely
says in different and simpler words exactly what the passage being
paraphrased has to say. A paraphrase may be as long as the passage
itself. A précis rarely is more than one-third the length of the original
selection and may be only one-fourth as long.

2. A précis gives only the “heart” of a passage. It omits repetition and

such details as examples, illustrations, and adjectives unless they are
of unusual importance.

3. a précis is written entirely in the words of the person writing it, not
in the words of the original selection. Avoid the temptation to lift
long phrases and whole sentences from the original.

4. A précis is written from the point of view of the author whose

work is being summarized. Do not begin with such expressions as
“This author says” or “The paragraph means.” Begin as though you
were summarizing your own writing.

Sample 1

It is physically impossible for a well-educated, intellectual, or brave man to

make money the chief object of his thoughts just as it is for him to make his
dinner the principal object of them. All healthy people like their dinners, but
their dinner is not the main object of their lives. So all healthy minded people
like making money ought to like it and enjoy the sensation of winning it; it is
something better than money. A good soldier, for instance, mainly wishes to
do his fighting well. He is glad of his pay—very properly so and justly
grumbles when you keep him ten years without it—till, his main mission of
life is to win battles, not to be paid for winning them. So of clergymen. The
clergyman’s object is essentially baptize and preach not to be paid for
preaching. So of doctors. They like fees no doubt—ought to like them; yet if
they are brave and well-educated the entire object to their lives is not fees.
They on the whole, desire to cure the sick; and if they are good doctors and
the choice were fairly to them, would rather cure their patient and lose their
fee than kill him and get it. And so with all the other brave and rightly
trained men: their work is first, their fee second—very important always; but
still second.

The Main Points:

 Money making is a common attraction in life.

 But it cannot be the principal aim of well-educated, intellectual brave

Precis Summary:

Money-making is a common attraction in life. But it cannot be the

principal aim of well educated, cultured and brave man. A brave soldier
prizes honour and victory more than his pay. A good clergyman is more
interested in the moral welfare of his people than his returns. A doctor (good)
values the care of his patient far more than his fees. Thus with all the well-
educated, intellectual persons, their work is first, money next.

Sample 2

Home is the young, who known “nothing of the world and who would be
forlorn and sad, if thrown upon it. It is providential, shelter of the weak and
inexperienced, who have to learn as yet to cope with the temptations which
lies outside of it. It is the place of training of those who are not only ignorant,
but have no yet learnt how to learn, and who have to be taught by careful
individual trail, how to set about profiting by the lessons of teacher. And it is
the school of elementary studies—not of advances, for such studies alone can
make master minds. Moreover, it is the shrine of our best affections, the
bosom of our fondest recollections, at spell upon our after life, a stay for
world weary mind and soul; wherever we are, till the end comes. Such are
attributes or offices of home, and like to these, in one or other sense or
measure, are the attributes and offices of a college in a university.

Precis Summary

Home shelters the young who are weak and inexperienced and unable to face
the temptations in life. It is a centre of their elementary education and a
nursery of sweet affections and pleasant memories. Its magic lasts for ever.
A weary mind turn to it for rest. Such is the function of a home and in some
measure of the university.




Meetings are a primary process for organizational life. In fact, for

many people, attending meetings is what they do during most of the time
they spend in the organizational setting. So, it is essential that time spent in
meetings be productive if we are to achieve effective individual and
organizational performance. This paper has been developed to help you think
carefully about the meetings you attend and, perhaps, lead.


A meeting is a gathering of two or more people that has been

convened for the purpose of achieving a common goal through verbal
interaction, such as sharing information or reaching agreement.

First, it is important to think in terms of different kinds of meetings

with different kinds of participants and different purposes. Different types of
meetings call for different arrangements, time schedules, participants,
expectations, follow-through, and so forth. Think about the type of meeting
you are planning, and adjust your plans accordingly. Some different types of
meetings that organization leaders put together include these:

1. Quick business meetings (just to check-in, coordinate, share

information, prepare for next steps, anticipate customer or employee
needs, answer questions for each other, etc.)
2. “Stand-up” meetings (no more than 10 minutes to plan the day, make
announcements, set expectations, assure understanding and
alignment, identify upcoming difficulties, etc.)
3. Business meetings (with customers, clients, colleagues, etc.; often
require presentations.)
4. Staff meetings (to clear calendars, coordinate unit activities, share
info, etc.)
5. Management Team meetings (to solve problems; make decisions, set
policy, etc.)

6. Interdepartmental meetings (to get input, interpret decisions and
policies, share information, etc.)
7. Coordinating meetings (to assure all know what’s happening when
and who is responsible.)
8. Board meetings (to report results, set policies and directions, scan for
needed changes, etc.)
9. Team building meetings (to communicate together, resolve conflicts,
share impressions and feelings, gain alignment and commitment to
goals, strengthen relationships, clear out debris from disputes,
develop or deepen interpersonal trust, etc.)
10. Project Team meetings (to define results, methods, schedules,
responsibilities, policies, etc.)
11. Creative product development meetings (to define new markets,
create new products, etc.)
12. Community meetings (to interpret decisions, get input, build
relationships, gain trust, etc.)
13. Conferences and Retreats (to share information, work through
strategies and tactics, involve people, set long-range directions, work
in sub-groups as well as in total group, etc.)


Once you have clarified your objectives, you still need to determine if
a meeting is the best way to reach them. To make sure a meeting will be the
best use of time and energy for all concerned, determine if it will be used for
at least one of the following reasons:

• To convey information to a group

• To solicit information from a group

• To answers questions

• To participate in group decision making

• To brainstorm ideas

• To solve problems

• To network

• To sell an idea, product, or service

• To show or provide support for others

If you have determined a meeting is the best avenue to carry out your team's
objective, then you should begin to organize for an effective meeting.

Preparing Meeting

Everyone hates long meetings that are unorganized. These days,

people are busy enough with their regular work so when meetings are bad,
they get mad.

Most meetings suck because people are unprepared. They haven't

given thought to the reasons why the meeting is happening and the desired
outcome. Worse, they are afraid to step up and take control so other
offenders don't steal time.

Don't let bad meetings steal your time. Use these preparation
techniques to make sure you and the other attendees get the most from
meetings whether there are 2 or 10 people.

1. Research the attendees.

There is no real excuse today for not knowing the people with whom
you are meeting. Whether it's a one on one or a conference table of 10, you
should have some idea of who is at the table. Get a list of attendees to
understand who they are and what they bring to the conversation. The time
spent up front will not only save time on introductions, but it will give you
powerful insights should conflict occur.

2. Determine clear objectives.

Most meetings ramble because people wait until the last minute to
determine what they want from the time spent. Even if you are the only one
clear on what is to be accomplished, you can drive the results to meet your
needs and declare completion when the objectives are met. That leaves the
pressure on the others to justify hanging around.

3. Plan a suggested agenda.

In his book Death by Meeting, Patrick Lencioni suggests leaving the

agenda open until the beginning of the meeting. That doesn't mean you
shouldn't consider what it looks like until the last minute. Have your
preferred agenda prepared and share in the meeting at the beginning. Most
likely people will accept your plan or at least voice any necessary alterations
that can quickly be agreed upon.

4. Consider any obstacles.

Rather than waiting for the explosions to happen, be prepared for the
drama that may come your way. Think about which battles are worth your
energy and which ones you are willing to concede. If you are mentally
prepared for the emotion and conflict, you can keep your cool and will be
ready to move toward resolution quickly.

5. Remove any roadblocks.

You don't have to wait to solve every problem in a meeting. If you

identify potential issues and can remove them before the meeting you will
save time for the attendees. With enough careful forethought you might even
remove the need for the meeting altogether.

6. Decide on desirable outcomes.

Make sure everyone is clear on why the meeting is important and

what the greater impact for the involved parties will be. Different than the
meeting objectives, which are tactical, this is about understanding how this
meeting fits into the big picture strategy. If people aren't clear on this then
the effort and results will likely be disconnected at best and useless at worse.

7. Think about follow-up activities.

Before you get in the meeting, budget time to take action that
capitalizes on the conversation. Doing a follow-up and follow-through are
critical for successful meetings and yet most people don't think about it until
after the meeting is over. If you budget time that becomes unnecessary, you
can easily reapportion that time to other important efforts.

Conducting Meetings

Meetings don’t just happen – they have to be Conducted. This can be

considered in three stages:

 before the meeting – the planning of what will happen;

 at the meeting – the conduct of business during the course of the
meeting itself; and
 after the meeting – wrapping up the proceedings by producing the
record of the meeting and following up on the issues discussed and
decisions made.

A. Planning for meetings

Meetings have to be planned. Efficient undertaking of the necessary

work prior to any meeting – whether it is for the public company, a local
government committee, or a work group – will invariably smooth the
conduct of business at the meeting itself.

The starting point is the preparation of an agenda. This is fundamental to

any meeting as it sets out, in order, the business to be transacted. It provides,
then, not only the statement of what the meeting will consider – its content –
but also defines its structure.

However, prior to that, perhaps the first step is to determine if the

meeting is really necessary! Many of us will have felt the frustration of
spending two or three hours in a meeting where no progress has been made,
or there was nothing of substance to discuss, or even where it was evident
that decisions had already been taken elsewhere. Meetings are an expensive
way of using staff time and effort, so they need to be cost-effective.
Therefore, if it is not a required meeting of a formal committee, its
appropriateness or necessity should be questioned and alternatives
considered for achieving the desired outcomes.

B. The conduct of business

The proceedings of a meeting may be considered as a sort of structured

discussion. The structure is partly provided by the agenda, but the way in
which the discussion is conducted is governed by rules of procedure. Again,

formal bodies will have very specific rules of procedure, usually codified and
written down as standing orders, but even informal groups will have some
generally understood rules about how the meeting will be conducted.

There are a number of specific roles within all meetings. Some of these
are implicitly agreed, but more often there is a deliberate appointment to
these positions – either by election, or as a consequence of holding a
particular post in the organisation. Two of these roles are particularly

 the chairperson; and

 the committee secretary/clerk.

At the meeting itself, it is the chairperson who actually controls the

meeting. This is the key role in any meeting, setting the tone and style of the
meeting and generally ensuring that the business of the meeting is efficiently
and effectively conducted. However, this role is not simply one of a passive,
neutral referee of proceedings. It is invariably a very powerful position,
giving the holder the ability to control what is discussed and how that
discussion progresses.

The secretary’s role is to ensure the effective administration of the

meeting, including all work before and after the proceedings, and to advise
the meeting on the application of the rules of business. This is a key role and,
for formal committees and boards, will be fulfilled by a senior officer of the
organisation. He/she will have a close working relationship with the
chairperson to ensure that the proceedings go smoothly and the desired
outcomes are achieved. In informal meetings it is often the case that the
secretary and chairperson’s role are held by the same person.

The clerk’s role is essentially that of carrying out the work of agenda
preparation and writing the minutes, including (of necessity) taking notes of
proceedings at the meeting itself. In many smaller bodies, this work is
actually carried out by the secretary.

It is worth pointing out that these roles – committee secretary and clerk
– should not be confused with the general office positions of secretary and
clerk. They are specialized and very important positions in relation to
meetings specifically.

C. Work after meetings

This breaks down into two areas – the preparation of the record of the
meeting, and ensuring that decisions taken at the meeting are subsequently

The particular requirements of the formal minutes of proceedings go

much further than the recording needs for most business meetings. In
essence, all is required is:

 a record of all essential information, particularly what has been

 a statement of who has to take what action.

This preserves a record of salient information and can be circulated to all

participants and others involved or interested. It is important to remember
that the information must reach all those who need to know – either for
general awareness or because action is required – rather than just those who
were present. It is helpful, though, to direct the recipient’s attention to the
relevant items in what may often be very large reports or minutes.

Finally, it is worth noting that meetings exist to facilitate the execution of

work. It is sometimes tempting to think of them as talking shops which have
to be serviced, but have no relevance after the event. However, if they are to
have any meaning, the discussions and decisions must be followed up and
put into effect. They then form a key participative element in the decision
making and operating processes of the organisation, rather than a distraction.


It is generally the case that, after any meeting, a record of what

transpired at the meeting is made. This may be in the form of a few hand-
written notes, a memorandum, a note for filing or a report of some kind,
possibly with notes for action. The appropriate form will vary with the type
of meeting and the importance of what took place.

The situation with regard to formal meetings of a committee or board is

rather different. The proceedings of such meetings are recorded by the

Minutes are the factual record of the proceedings and resolutions
of a meeting. They constitute a true and impartial record of the

The prime function of minutes is to place on record the proceedings of a

meeting as the basis for subsequent action. The minutes constitute the
authorization for such action to be taken.

A. The format of minutes

The way in which the events at a meeting are recorded in the minutes is
likely to vary between organisations. Each has its own particular conventions
about what should be recorded and how they are set out.

However, there are a number of general principles which can be identified.

As noted above, the primary purpose of the minutes is to provide

authorization for actions to be taken. As such, then, the key element which
must be recorded is the decisions taken at the meeting.

This may be done by simply stating the motions passed by the meeting,
using the exact words of the motions as voted on. For example:

Resolved: That the Treasurer’s Report (ref. FD.045) be adopted,

subject to the assumed Government funding becoming available for
development of the new site by the end of the financial year.

This may mask considerable debate about the issue, including the proposing
of, and voting on, various motions and amendments. However, at the
simplest level, the only important point is the final decision at which the
meeting arrived.

Whilst this is the essential element of minutes, it is often the case that they
need to go further than this in order to accurately convey the sense and
meaning of a meeting. Indeed, this may be necessary since, in the event of a
dispute as to what transpired or was agreed, the minutes may be cited as
legal evidence.

Thus, it is quite possible that the minutes will record all motions and
amendments put to the meeting (with their proposer and seconder), together

with brief details of discussion and the subsequent vote. It is also sometimes
necessary to record details about the voting on particular motions – either as
totals “for“ and “against“, with abstentions, or even the way individual
members voted.

Finally, in addition to decisions taken by the meeting, it is normal for the

minutes to record events in respect of each item on the agenda, including:

 those members present, together with absences for which apologies

were made at the time;
 agreement about the minutes of the previous meeting(s), together
with any changes made to them;
 brief notes about items or issues introduced to the meeting, but not
specifically referred to on the agenda or supporting papers – as in the
case of reports or discussion about matters arising from the previous
minutes, correspondence and any other business;
 the start and finish times.

B. Minute writing

The production of clear and accurate minutes is an exercise requiring many

of the communication skills we have considered previously. It is important to
listen effectively and consistently, to take accurate notes, and then to
translate these into a coherent and comprehensible written statement.

There are a number of points of good practice in minute writing, as follows.

 The essence of minutes is that they are a brief note – i.e. a condensed
statement – of the proceedings at a meeting. As such, they are not the
same as a report. They are designed, basically, to record the decisions
taken, and that is all. On the other hand, they need to be sufficiently
detailed and complete to convey what transpired at the meeting and
to provide clear instructions and authorizations for action.
 Where it is accepted practice that minutes should record, in some
detail, the discussions which take place, this should not become
unwieldy and over-long. It should not obscure the central point about
the decisions made.

 The minutes – as a whole and in each individual statement – should
be positive, free from ambiguity and capable of standing on their
own. For example, resolutions should not merely say “resolved
accordingly“ or “resolved as agreed“, but state precisely what the
decision was, using the exact wording on which voting took place.
 Minute writing requires accurate and concise language, involving
objectivity and the absence of ambiguity. The minutes should be
written in third person – i.e. using “he/she“, “they“, “them“, etc. –
and in the past tense.
 It is important to emphasize the word “factual“ in the definition
above. Minutes must not express opinions or give interpretations of
what has been said. They should be simple statement of fact. Thus, it
would be wrong to write:

“The Treasurer displayed such excellent persuasive skill in putting

forward her argument that she took all the members with her.“

This should be expressed as:

“There was unanimous agreement to accept the Treasurer’s report.“

 Minutes should be completed as soon as possible after the meeting. It

is surprising how quickly your understanding of your own notes can
fade, and your memory of a certain discussion grow cloudy.
 It is normal practice in many organisations for the accuracy of the
minutes to be checked with the chairperson before circulation.

The following example of an extract from the minutes of a meeting

illustrates many of the points made above.

Example of minutes (extract)



Minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 200X, between 7.00

pm and 9.00 pm in the Assembly Room at Salem House

1. Members present: Councillor Green (in the chair);

Councillors Brown, Black, Cyan, Grey, Maroon, Purple,
Red, Tan and White.
2. Apologies were received from Councillor Jones
3. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 December
200V were approved and signed as a true record.
4. Pay rise
After a full discussion, it was proposed by Cllr. Red and
seconded by Cllr. White that the opinions of all employees
be sought by means of a questionnaire. An amendment
that the questionnaire should also ask if employees would
prefer a one-off or staged arrangement was proposed by
Cllr. Cyan and seconded by Cllr. Black. This was passed by
six votes to three, and the motion that the questionnaire
be produced and circulated was then passed

Group Discussion

A Group Discussion or GD, as it is popularly known, judges the

personality of a person. It assesses the behavioural traits in a person his or
her leadership skills, social skills, team skills, problem solving skills and
presence of mind.

If we analyse the two words Group and Discussion. Group means a

number of individuals who may or may not have interacted before.
Discussion means exchanging information on a certain topic and coming (or
not coming) to a concrete conclusion.

Hence, we can say that Group Discussion is an invigorative
discussion where a topic is analysed and discussed, and in the end, the
members come to a fair conclusion. It involves team work, but at the same
time, it portrays individual personalities.

Preparing for Group Discussion

Below are few points that a person can keep in mind while preparing
for a GD.

Before the Group Discussion

Stock yourself with information

No one knows what the topic of GD is going to be. Hence, it will be a

good idea to keep yourself abreast with topics like:

Current Affairs

Current Affairs is something that you have to be thorough with. For

this, read newspapers regularly and watch news on the television.
Understand the recent crises that the world is reeling under, the latest
developmental initiatives, the ties between various countries and the like.

Historical topics

Have a fair knowledge about the countrys history and also the history
of other countries. The topics may not be specifically from this area, but
having historical information will help you cite examples and make
references whenever needed.

Sports, Arts & Literature

In these topics, try to have a decent idea about what is popular, who
are the leaders in each area, the latest that has happened in these areas. If the
topic for GD is from these areas, then you will be in control of the situation,
or else you can definitely use the information to draw references.

Data crunching

Do familiarize yourself with important data. Throwing in some data
if required in your GD will definitely create an impression among the

At the Group Discussion

Understanding the topic

When the topic is given, understand the topic carefully. If it is not

clear initially or you have some doubt regarding the topic, ask immediately.
Clarity of the topic is of utmost importance to ensure that you perform well
in the GD.

Precise and sharp thoughts

As you are gathering thoughts, try to stick to precise and concise

thoughts. Remember, when you are communicating, what is more important
is what you are communicating rather than how much you are
communicating. In a Group Discussion, it is always quality over quantity.
Let your views be relevant and to the point. To a great extent, try to do some
out-of-the-box thinking so that your view stands out from the rest.

Communicating your views

You may have excellent views on the topic, but are you able to
communicate them in an effective manner is the question. Here, is where
your communication skills will come to your rescue. If you have good
communication skills, well and good, or else you will have to work on
developing the same. To develop communication skills, you can choose a
topic, stand before the mirror and start talking about it. As you are talking,
anticipate few questions from an imaginary audience and try replying them.
Analyse what you are doing, try to spot flaws, if any, in your communication
and then start working on them. This will help you come across as a
confident person during the GD. On the day of the Group Discussion, your
aim should be to collate your thoughts in a structured manner and put them
across to the team and the assessors in an effective way.

Taking the initiative

Try to initiate the Group Discussion, if possible. By taking the

initiative, you will be giving a structure to the discussion and defining the
manner in which the discussion will progress. This will exhibit your quality
as a person who can facilitate actions by breaking the ice. A little word of
caution here, attempt being the lead only if you have a fair amount of
knowledge about the topic and you know exactly what you are speaking. If
you take the initiative of being the lead and somehow you are unable to pull
it through, then it will backfire completely. So, act wisely.

Knowledge about the topic

When you are talking on the topic, choose your points in a manner
that they convey the depth of knowledge that you possess. Superficial talk is
going to be a strict no-no here as the assessors will be easily able to see
through. Try to have abstract thoughts around the topic and also try to draw
references to different situations or incidents. Citing relevant examples will
also help to a great extent.

Understanding dynamics in the group

In a group discussion, try to be in control of the discussion. This is

easier said than done, because most of the group members would be trying to
do the same. What you can do is follow the discussion keenly and try to pitch
in wherever relevant. If you have some good points, try to put them forth and
steer the discussion. Do not be aggressive. Do not force your points. If there
is a disagreement on the points that you have made, try to counter them with
even more valid points. This will not only exhibit your knowledge but also
show that you are a good listener. Try to fuel the discussion whenever
possible. Give everyone a chance to speak. If someone has not contributed,
ask the person to speak up. This will showcase your ability as a team player.

Logical conclusion

When the discussion is about to end, try to conclude it by taking in

the points that everyone has made and coming to a decent conclusion. This
will indicate your analytical skills and also the way you structure your

How to Initiate, Agree, disagree, summarize:

“Group Discussion” is a term that that throws most job seekers into a
tizzy because it’s a criteria used by most organizations for selection. Not
only does it help in mass elimination but also validates the candidates’ ability
to communicate. However, it is not something to be scared of because at the
end of the day it is just a discussion! All one needs for this is a focused and
planned approach. We have often heard that first impression is the last
impression, so trick is to give a perfect start to your discussion. A good start
is one that not only lays the foundation to what you want to say but also
shows your professionalism. Since it’s a discussion you may sometimes
agree or disagree with what a fellow speaker said, therefore starting
statements for a GD can actually stem from there.


If you have strong content and accurate facts to support your content,
then go ahead and initiate the discussion by explaining the topic and using
phrases like- ‘In today’s world’, ‘ In my opinion’, ‘ I believe’ and so on.

Stating your own opinion

- In my opinion, …

- Personally I think that ...

- My own view of the matter/issue is that ...

- It seems to me that ...


One of the most common means to start a discussion is agreeing with

what a fellow participant said and start by reiterating your stand with
sentences like- ‘I agree with my friend’, ‘I do feel the same as my friend
thinks’, ‘You are completely right, ‘I second you on that opinion’, ‘I too feel
the same’ and many more.

Agreeing with an opinion

- Yes, I agree (absolutely).

- I couldn't agree more to what you just said.

- That matches exactly my own view.

- Yes, that is just how I see it.

- I absolutely hold the same view.

- We both share the same point of view.


Do you remember when you last disagreed with your friend on

something and how that was followed by a great discussion! It is no different
here. However, you must tread very carefully here and not be too aggressive
or get too personal with expressing your differences. Statements like, ‘I do
not support / oppose your point of view’, ‘I have a different opinion on that’
can be used.

Disagreeing with an opinion

- I'm afraid I can't accept ...

- I simply don't agree with you.

- I fail to see the logic behind any of your arguments.

- Your arguments are not convincing at all!

- Excuse me, but I have to contradict you quite strongly here.

- I couldn't disagree more with what you just said.


Interrupting someone while they are talking may not sound like a
very pleasant way to start a discussion. But if a wrong fact was stated or you
think a particular point is being overelaborated you can always check them.
Remember to use the word ‘Sorry’ at the beginning of sentences like, ‘Sorry
to interrupt you there’.


- I'm sorry to interrupt here, but ...

- Excuse for breaking in here right now, but ...

- Can I stop you there for a moment?

- Hold on a second. (informal)

- Pardon me, but I think this just leads the debate astray.

Partial Agreement-

Agreement does not always have to be complete; it can be partial

along with being a great conversation starter too. Use of phrases like, ‘I
agree with you to some extent but’, ‘You are right, however,’ will be ideal in
this situation.

Partly agreeing with an opinion

- I see what you mean, but ...

- There is certainly some truth in your words, but you fail to

notice that ...

- I don't entirely agree with you.

- I understand your reasons; however, I see some aspects a bit



Points- Any discussion takes its due course as more and more points
are added. Therefore starting with sentences like, ‘You are correct to that I
would like to add something’, ‘In addition to that’ serve as both, a
conversation starter and give the opportunity to add more points without
being repetitive.

Back to the topic


- I think we should focus on the main aspects now.

- Let's now consider another important aspect of today's

- I think we have exchanged our opinions on that point now

and should move on ...

- You all highlighted crucial aspects, but have we really

discussed ... in-depth?

- Thank you for your honest/thought-provoking views, but we

should also pay attention to ...


Most GDs are left without a conclusion, and it isn't even essential that
a group reach one. Remember that a GD is about getting to know one's
personality traits and it is the process, not the conclusion that reveals these
traits. Even though not every GD is concluded, everyone is still summarized.
While a conclusion represents a final stage, where the entire group decides in
favor or against a topic, in the case of a summarization a candidate
summarizes in a nutshell what the group has discussed. The following points
should be kept in mind while summarizing a discussion:

- No new point should be taken up.

- A person should not share his or her own viewpoint alone.

- A summary should not dwell only on one side of the GD.

- It should be brief and concise.

- It should incorporate all the important points spoken.

Business Letter

A business letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used

when writing from one business organization to another, or for
correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and
other external parties.

Characteristics of good business letters:

The qualities which are essential for a good business letter are
collectively called, the eight C’s of correspondence. They are, namely,
correctness, clearness, courtesy, conciseness, coherence, cheerfulness,
character and completeness. All these qualities are contributory to one

1) Correctness
2) Clearness
3) Conciseness
4) Courtesy
5) Coherence
6) Character
7) Cheerfulness
8) Completeness

(1) Correctness:

A letter must be correct in every respect, especially in appearance and

form of layout, in grammar, spelling and use of language and in the
information it conveys. Poor and untidy appearance, with mistakes in typing,
too many corrections, uneven spacing or carelessness in the layout, creates a
poor impression of the company’s efficiency in handling its work. Incorrect
language spoils the message, distracts the reader’s attention and harms the
image of the sender.

Completeness is dependent upon correctness. A letter is complete

when it presents all the necessary ideas.

(a) Correctness of details:

It is necessary that the facts presented in a business letter are correct.

One should not transmit any message unless one is absolutely sure of its
correctness. If your message involves any legal matter, you should know the
correct legal position before you commit anything.

(b) Correctness of time:

All messages must be transmitted and responded at the most

appropriate time. Outdated information involves wastage of time, money and
human resources.

(c) Correctness of language:

The letter should be correct from the language point of view. It

means that the writer should be careful in spelling, grammar and other
aspects of language use.

(d) Correctness of format:

The writer of a business letter should be careful about format. It

means all the parts of structure of a business letter should be placed properly.
Incorrect format creates wrong impression in the mind of the reader.

(2) Clearness:

The message of the letter must be clear at the first reading. Clearly
written messages avoid misunderstandings and also save time. Clearness
depends upon four factors:

1. The words should be simple, common, everyday words which

everyone can understand. There should not be excessive use of
technical words. Such words should be avoided when writing to
persons who do not have technical knowledge.

2. The sentence should be simple and short. Long sentences confuse

the readers and often confuse the writer also. Phrases and clauses
should not be added to a sentence.

3. Punctuation marks helps to provide pauses and stops, to break up

groups of words into readable units.

4. Giving definite and concrete details with figures and names is an

important factor in clarity. Clarity can be achieved only if the writer
of the letter is clear in his mind, about the purpose of writing the

The first and foremost requirement of effective business
communication is clarity.

The communication must be clear about three points:

(i) What is the objective of communication?

(ii) What is to be communicated?

(iii) Which medium will prove to be the most suitable for this

(3) Conciseness/ comprehensiveness:

Conciseness means expressing much in a few words; using as few

words as possible. In business writing it means keeping to the point, without
sacrificing clarity or courtesy. Conciseness can be achieved by,

- Leaving out unnecessary words

- Leaving out unnecessary details

- Reducing unimportant ideas and phrases to single words, if possible

A writer who is quite clear about what he wants to say and fully
understands the information he has to convey, uses very few words. Using
more words than necessity, makes the idea confused. A reader’s time is
valuable; don’t make him feel that he is wasting his time in going through
your letter. Brevity of expression wins the attention of the reader. The writer
should include only the relevant facts. He should organize his message well
before actually beginning to write the letter. There are mainly two reasons
for lack of conciseness in a business letter.

(1) Tautology- it means repetition of words that add nothing to the


(2) Verbosity- it is the result of using many words which could be

expressed in fewer words.

e.g. “I want to take this opportunity to tell you that we are grateful to
you for all the help that you extended when we were in New York.”

The writer can compress the sentence in the following way:

“Thank you for your hospitality in New York.”

Thus, one should check all messages to see if it is possible to cut out
needless words.

Generally, readers are thankful for precise and clear messages.

(4) Courtesy:

In business, we must create friendliness with all those to whom we

write. A well-mannered and courteous person shows consideration and
thought for others. Courtesy demands friendly behaviour towards others. In a
letter, the style, the manner and the choice of words reflect the courtesy of
the write. The following principles enable us to achieve courtesy.

Answer the letters on time:

In business, it is a general practice to answer a letter the same day it

is received. Sometimes one needs time to refer to different departments for
clarification of certain points. In that case one should inform about the
received letter and inform the probable time, require to send a full reply.

Omit irritating expressions:

Some words and expressions are negative and irritate the reader.
Expressions like, ‘you forgot’, ‘you failed’ etc. are bound to irritate or hurt
the reader.

Apologise sincerely for an omission and thank generously for a favour:

If you have failed to do something, express your regrets promptly and

make up, for the omission at the earliest. If someone does a favour to you,
acknowledge it promptly and thank the person generously for being kind to

A courteous letter has the best chance of getting favorable responses

from the reader. There are mainly two factors from the layout, which express
the writers’ courtesy. They are namely, salutation and complementary close.

(5) Coherence:

Coherence means logical connection between different parts of a

business letter. In other words all the paragraphs of a business letter should
be contributory to one another. Usually a business letter is divided in three
paragraphs. Coherence means the first paragraph should lead the reader to
the second paragraph and accordingly the second paragraph should lead the
reader to the third paragraph. Thus, there is a chain like connection between
three paragraphs of business letters. Coherence can be achieved only if the
writer is clear in his mind, as to what he wants to communicate. Secondly he
must have good command over language. All three paragraphs should look
like parts of a single whole rather than individual unit. Moreover, the ideas
expressed in a letter should be logically connected.

(6) Character:

Here character means individuality. A business letter should reflect

the personality of the writer. A business letter written by one person is
different from a letter written by another person. This difference is due to
difference in personality. Each and every person selects words and phrases
according to his own personality. Business letter should not be written in
stereotypical manner. A stereotype letter fails to attract the reader to go
through the entire letter. It also fails to create desirable effect upon the mind
of the reader. The reader should come to know about the personality of the
writer as soon as he completes the letter.

(7) Cheerfulness:

A business letter projects the personality of the writer. In other words

it carries moods, nature, likes and dislikes of the writer. A business letter
written in a sad mood fails to create effect on the reader’s mind. The writer
should select the appropriate time and condition to write a letter. A letter
should be written in a cheerful mood.

(8) Completeness:

This is a sum total of all other essential qualities. A letter is complete

only if it is clear, courteous, coherent, cheerful, concise, correct and

individualistic (character). Moreover a business letter is said to be complete
only if it presents all the necessary ideas.

Parts of a Business Letter

We have discussed above the qualities of a good business letter. The

quality will be maintained if we give proper attention to each and every part
of the letter. Let us now learn about the different parts of a business letter.

Different parts of a business letter-

1. Heading
2. Date
3. Reference
4. Inside Address
5. Subject
6. Salutation
7. Body of the letter
8. Complimentary close
9. Signature
10. Enclosures
11. Copy Circulation
12. Post Script
The essential parts of a business letter are as follows:

1. Heading -The heading of a business letter usually contains the

name and postal address of the business, E-mail address, Web-site address,
Telephone Number, Fax Number, Trade Mark or logo of the business (if

2. Date - The date is normally written on the right hand side corner
after the heading as the day, month and years. Some examples are 28th Feb.,
2003 or Feb. 28, 2003.

3. Reference- It indicates letter number and the department from

where the letter is being sent and the year. It helps in future reference. This
reference number is given on the left hand corner after the heading. For
example, we can write reference number as AB/FADept./2003/27.

4. Inside address - This includes the name and full address of the
person or the firm to whom the letter is to be sent. This is written on the left
hand side of the sheet below the reference number. Letters should be

The Chief Manager, State Bank of India M/S Bharat Fans Bharat Complex
Utkal University Campus Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad Industrial Complex
Orissa- 751007 Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh - 500032

addressed to the responsible head e.g., the Secretary, the Principal, the
Chairman, the Manager etc. Example:

5. Subject - It is a statement in brief, that indicates the matter to

which the letter relates. It attracts the attention of the receiver immediately
and helps him to know quickly what the letter is about. For example,

Subject: Your order No. C317/8 dated 12th March 2003.

Subject: Enquiry about Samsung television
Subject: Fire Insurance policy
6. Salutation - This is placed below the inside address. It is usually
followed by a comma (,). Various forms of salutation are:

Sir/Madam: For official and formal correspondence

Dear Sir/Madam: For addressing an individual
Dear Sirs/Dear Madam: For addressing a firm or company.
7. Body of the letter- This comes after salutation. This is the main
part of the letter and it contains the actual message of the sender. It is divided
into three parts.

(a) Opening part - It is the introductory part of the letter. In this part,
attention of the reader should be drawn to the previous correspondence, if
any. For example- with reference to your letter no. 326 dated. 12th March
2003, I would like to draw your attention towards the new brand of

(b) Main part - This part usually contains the subject matter of the
letter. It should be precise and written in clear words.

(c) Concluding Part - It contains a statement the of sender’s

intentions, hopes or expectations concerning the next step to be taken.
Further, the sender should always look forward to getting a positive

response. At the end, terms like Thanking you, with regards, With warm
regards may be used.

8. Complimentary close - It is merely a polite way of ending a letter.

It must be in accordance with the salutation. For example:

Salutation Complementary close

Dear Sir/Dear Madam Yours faithfully
Dear Mr. Vincent Yours sincerely
My Dear Akbar Yours very sincerely

9. Signature - It is written in ink, immediately below the

complimentary close. As far as possible, the signature should be legible. The
name of the writer should be typed immediately below the signature. The
designation is given below the typed name. Where no letterhead is in use, the
name of the company too could be included below the designation of the
writer. For example:

Yours faithfully
For M/S Adobe Electricals (Signature)
Abraham Thomson

10. Enclosures - This is required when some documents like cheque,

draft, bills, receipts, lists, invoices etc. are attached with the letter. These
enclosures are listed one by one in serial numbers. For example :

Encl : (i)The list of goods received

(ii)A cheque for Rs. One Thousand dtt. Feb. 27,2003 (Cheque No. )
towards payment for goods supplied.

11. Copy circulation - This is required when copies of the letter are
also sent to persons apart of the addressee. It is denoted as C.C. For example,

C.C. i. The Chairman, Electric Supply Corporation

ii. The Director, Electric Supply Corporation

iii. The Secretary, Electric Supply Corporation
12. Post script - This is required when the writer wants to add
something, which is not included in the body of the letter. It is expressed as
P.S. For example,

P.S. - In our offer, we provide two years warranty.

Type of Business Letters

Business letters are written for the fulfillment of several purposes.

The purpose may be to enquire about a product to know its price and quality,
availability, etc. This purpose is served if you write a letter of enquiry to the
supplier. After receiving your letter the supplier may send you details about
the product as per your query. If satisfied, you may give order for supply of
goods as per your requirement. After receiving the items, if you find that the
product is defective or damaged, you may lodge a complaint. These are the
few instances in which business correspondence takes place. Let us learn the
details about some important business letters.

i. Business Enquiry Letter

Sometimes prospective buyers want to know the details of the goods

which they want to buy, like quality, quantity, price, mode of delivery and
payment, etc. They may also ask for a sample. The letter written to sellers
with one or more of the above purposes is known as enquiry letter.

Points to be kept in mind while writing letters of enquiry-

– Letters of enquiry should clearly state the information required,

which may be asking for a price list or a sample.

– Write specifically about the design, size, quantity, quality, etc.

about the product or service in which the buyer is interested.

– The period or the date, till which information is required, may also
be mentioned.

ii. Quotation Letter

After receiving the letter of enquiry from a prospective buyer, the
sellers supply the relevant information by writing a letter that is called
quotation letter. These letters are written keeping in view the information
asked for like price list, mode of payment, discount to be allowed etc.
Businessman should reply to the inquiries carefully and promptly.

iii. Order Letter

In the previous section, we have studied about letters of enquiry and

reply to enquiry i.e., quotation letter. The prospective buyer after receiving
the reply to his enquiry letter may decide to place on order with that business
house which offers goods at minimum price and at favourable terms and
conditions. Letters written by a buyer to the seller giving the order to
purchase the goods is called order letter.

iv. Complaint Letter

A complaint letter is written when the purchaser does not find the
goods upto his satisfaction. It is normally written by the purchaser when he
receives wrong, defective or damaged goods or receives incorrect quantity of
goods. It can also be written directly to the transit authority when the goods
are damaged in transit. Thus, we may define a letter of complaint as the letter
that draws the attention of the supplier or any other party on account of
supply of defective or damaged goods.

Points to be considered while writing a complaint letter-

defective goods.


uld be dealt with, i.e.,

mention of compensation, replacement, discount, cancellation etc, should be

v. Recovery Letter
The letter written by the seller for collection of money for the goods
supplied to the buyer is called recovery letter. The aim of recovery letter is to
collect money without annoying the customers. The letter should include
information regarding the amount of arrears argument for payment, and last
date for payment. The language of recovery letter should be polite, so that
the customer is not offended and future transactions with him are not
adversely affected.

vi. Cover Letter

The cover letter typically accompanies your resume when you are
applying for a position. It should be specific to the position that you are
applying for, and demonstrates to the employer why (based on your
background) you are a great candidate for that particular position (based on
the job description) and/or company. The cover letter is a business
document, so should be formatted with a business heading and left aligned.

Communication through Reports & Business Presentations
Report writing in an essential skill at all levels of business. Writing
clear, concise reports is a key skill for effective business communication. An
effective, well-written report can drive sales, create more cohesive and
better-functioning teams, streamline processes, and improve financial
operations. Reports can alert management to opportunities for business
growth, identify areas where greater efficiency can be realized and establish
cohesive business procedures. Because it is so essential to the functioning of
most businesses, report writing is considered one of the most important
forms of business communication.

Business reports are typically assigned to enable you to:

 Examine available and potential solutions to a problem, situation,

or issue.
 Apply business and management theory to a practical situation.
 Demonstrate your analytical, reasoning, and evaluation skills in
identifying and weighing-up possible solutions and outcomes.
 Reach conclusions about a problem or issue.
 Provide recommendations for future action.
 Show concise and clear communication skills.

Characteristic of Reports

1. Precision

In a good report, the report writer is very clear about the exact and
definite purpose of writing the report. His investigation, analysis,
recommendations and others are directed by this central purpose. Precision
of a report provides the unity to the report and makes it a valuable document
for best usage.

2. Accuracy of Facts

Information contained in a report must be based on accurate fact.
Since decisions are taken on the basis of report information, any inaccurate
information or statistics will lead to wrong decision. It will hamper to
achieve the organizational goal.

3. Relevancy

The facts presented in a report should not be only accurate but also be
relevant. Irrelevant facts make a report confusing and likely to be misleading
to make proper decision.

4. Reader-Orientation

While drafting any report, it is necessary to keep in mind about the

person who is going to read it. That's why a good report is always reader
oriented. Readers knowledge and level of understanding should be
considered by the writer of report. Well reader-oriented information qualify a
report to be a good one.

5. Simple Language

This is just another essential features of a good report. A good report

is written in a simple language avoiding vague and unclear words. The
language of the report should not be influenced by the writer's emotion or
goal. The message of a good report should be self-explanatory.

6. Conciseness

A good report should be concise but it does not mean that a report
can never be long. Rather it means that a good report or a business report is
one that transmits maximum information with minimum words. It avoids
unnecessary detail and includes everything which are significant and
necessary to present proper information.

7. Grammatical Accuracy

A good report is free from errors. Any faulty construction of a

sentence may make its meaning different to the reader's mind. And
sometimes it may become confusing or ambiguous.

8. Unbiased Recommendation

Recommendation on report usually make effect on the reader mind.

So if recommendations are made at the end of a report, they must be
impartial and objective. They should come as logical conclusion for
investigation and analysis.

9. Clarity

Clarity depends on proper arrangement of facts. A good report is

absolutely clear. Reporter should make his purpose clear, define his sources,
state his findings and finally make necessary recommendation. To be an
effective communication through report, A report must be clear to
understand for making communication success.

10. Attractive Presentation

Presentation of a report is also a factor which should be consider for a

good report. A good report provides a catchy and smart look and creates
attention of the reader. Structure, content, language, typing and presentation
style of a good report should be attractive to make a clear impression in the
mind of its reader.

The inclusion of above factors features or characteristics make a good report

to be effective and fruitful. It also helps to achieve the report goal. A
reporter, who is making the report, always should be careful about those
factors to make his report a good one.

Different Types of Reports.

Basically, reports are either oral or in written form. Oral report

involves face to face communication. To the contrary, a written report is
more accurate and permanent.

A written report, in its printed/typed form, can be divided further into

formal and informal categories. In professional communication, formal
reports are normally in use, and these reports are further classified as
informational, interpretive and routine.

Informational reports generally contain only the data collected or the
facts observed. They present the situation as it is and not as it should be.
Which means they will just quantify the fact and pass whatever is observed
without any concluding remarks or recommendations based on the reporter’s

Whereas, in case of interpretive or analytical report, the facts are

presented with evaluation, data interpretation, the reporter’s conclusions and
recommendations for future actions.

A routine report is formally written in prescribed form. Often the

reporter does it in the form of simply putting ticks or crosses on the boxes
provided in a predesigned format. Performance Appraisal Reports, Periodic
and Progress Reports, Inspection Reports, etc., fall under this category.

Further, the most common types of business reports include

Periodic reports – communicate the activities of an ongoing

operation at equal and regular intervals. For example, someone might write a
quarterly sales report at a retail store.

Trip and conference reports – communicate experiences, details, and

knowledge gained from attending activities outside of an organization. For
example, an employee that spends a weekend attending a training seminar

may be asked to communicate the experience to peers in an effort to share

Progress reports - update management or a supervisor on the

progress of a project or a process. Examples include reports that
communicate the development of a building site or steps that are being taken
to adhere to regulation.

Investigative reports – seek to find answers to predetermined

questions. A sample report found in a separate handout, for example,
answers the question “what is the relationship between the TSX Composite
Index and the energy sector?”

Recommendation reports – attempt to persuade an individual or a

group of individuals to take a desired course of action. For example,
someone might write a report that attempts to persuade management to
upgrade its computer system.

Feasibility reports – communicate whether a decision to pursue an

action or continue with an on-going action is feasible. These reports are often
used in the field of finance, and in that context they may be called a cost-
benefit analysis.


Effective business proposals are built around a great idea or solution.

While you may be able to present your normal product, service, or solution
in an interesting way, you want your document and its solution to stand out
against the background of competing proposals.

 What makes your idea different or unique?

 How can you better meet the needs of the company that other
 What makes you so special?
Business proposals need to have an attractive idea or solution in order to be

Problem solving Process
Problem solving is an ongoing process that is an integral part of
work. One of the reasons groups encounter difficulty in solving problems is
that they fail to follow an organized procedure. For working groups to be
effective, they should have an agreed upon procedure for problem solving.
Not all problems are equally important and their relative significance should
be kept in perspective. Common sense about practicality and priorities are
important ingredients in maximizing people's time, energy, and commitment
level to solving problems. There are many different versions of problem
solving models, but essentially they all contain the following key steps:
1. Define the problem --
A good problem definition states the current situation and the desired
situation. When defining the problem, the statement should not imply any
solutions or causes. The current situation is defined by facts. Use clear and
concise language supported by gathered facts when defining the problem.
The desired situation, or what we want to happen, is defined as an
objective. The desired situation should be stated in clear, concise, concrete
language and be both realistic and worthwhile.
A primary source of group ineffectiveness is rushing to solutions
before properly defining the problem.
2. Identify and define the root causes --
To solve problems so they remain solved, the group must identify and
define root causes (i.e., reasons for the problem) rather than symptoms (i.e.,
something that indicates the presence of the problem). A technique to use
when considering all possible causes is brainstorming. Brainstorming is a
technique that allows a large number of ideas to be generated. Prior to
brainstorming, go over the ground rules with group members.
Ground Rules for Brainstorming
 No criticism of an idea is allowed.
 Strive for the longest list possible - "go for quantity."
 Strive for creativity - "wild and crazy ideas are encouraged."
 Build on the ideas of others - "piggyback on ideas presented by the

3. Generate Alternative Solutions -
Now that the group has identified and defined root causes, brainstorm
alternative solutions. The focus of this step is to generate, not evaluate.
Usually groups that generate and evaluate together often reduce the number
of potentially viable solutions (i.e. when one member suggests a solution,
other members offer reasons why it will not work). After the group has
exhausted its ideas for alternative solutions, combine aspects of previously
generated solutions. Some solutions are likely to integrate the best aspects of
various ideas and also are more likely to find consensus in the group.
4. Evaluate the Alternatives -
Before evaluating alternatives, the group needs to first establish
criteria for judging solutions. The criteria should define general
characteristics that a solution should have. One way to help members
develop criteria is to ask them to complete sentences that naturally lead to
identifying criteria. For example, "The solution should be one that...".
Criteria should be objective and preferably measurable rather than emotional.
Group members should focus only on those criteria that are needed or
desired to solve the problem. Unnecessary criterion needlessly reduces the
number of potential solutions.
5. Agree on the best solution –
After completing step 4, the group is now left with the "best
solution". Agreeing on the "best solution" requires that the group have some
ground rules for making decisions, such as consensus or majority vote. If the
group is having difficulty in reaching consensus, members or a facilitator
should work to clarify specific areas of disagreement and then identify ways
to integrate similar interests into the solution. Controversy and disagreement
if used constructively can be effective tools in selecting the best solution.
Sometimes, as a result of disagreement, the group may actually identify new
solutions supported by group consensus.
6. Develop an Action Plan -
Action planning is designed to involve people, build their
commitment, and increase the likelihood that the solution will be
implemented effectively and on time. To help structure the action plan,
groups can choose from a variety of action plan types.

Questions that need to be answered during action planning include:
(1) what they want to do (goal);
(2) how each step is to be undertaken (strategy);
(3) when they want to do it (timeframe);
(4) who is responsible for each step; and
(5) expected outcome of the completed step.
Typically, a group's energy and attention may wane during this step if
members think selecting the best solution is the culmination of the problem-
solving process. As long as the group understands, up front, that action
planning is part of the process of problem solving, members should accept
this phase as part of the process.
7. Implement and Evaluate the Solution - Solution steps should be
implemented according to the action plan. However, sometimes unintended
consequences occur that require changing the implementation plan
midstream. The group can adapt to unintended consequences by suggesting
that project updates (status) be added to each meeting's agenda so that the
group has a regular way to check its progress.
Managing Data and using graphics
Before interpret quantitative data, the elements must be classified,
summarized, and condensed into a manageable size. In order to achieve this
goal, the data need use graphics. Because the imagine trying to put in
composition style all the information available in a financial statement.
We should use effective and ethical use of graphics with a written
discussion serves three purposes: to clarify, to simplify, or to reinforce data.
Otherwise we should attention that the graphic presentation contributes to the
overall understanding of the idea under discussion and it must understand
There are many types of graphic aids, selecting one type can depict
data in the most effective manner is the first decision you must make. ‘table’
is a graphic that presents data in columns and rows, which aid in clarifying
large quantities of data in a small space; ‘bar chart’ is a graphic used to
compare quantities; ‘line chart’ is a graphic that depicts changes in

quantitative data over time and illustrates trends; ‘pie chart’ is a graphic that
shows how the parts of a whole are distributed; ‘flowchart’ is a step-by-step
diagram of a procedure or a graphic depiction of a system or organization.
Communicating quantitative information
Graphical presentation of quantitative data greatly improves
information perception, absorption, and retention. Here, we addressing the
four most frequently used quantitative business data presentation types:
tables, graphs, charts and maps.
Essential graph features
In order to effectively present and communicate data, graphs must
have a:
Title- Graphs have succinct yet comprehensive titles that inform
the reader about their content. Graph titles are placed beneath the graphic as
a caption (so if your computer program automatically places a title at the top
of a graph, you must drag it to the bottom). The title should not simply repeat
the axes labels, or contain the words “Graph of” or “Plot of”.
Axes labels- Both the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axes must have
a label to indicate which variable they represent, and if necessary the unit of
measurement into which the variables are divided. Origins should always be
labelled on graphs (unless a logarithmic scale has been used, as the log of
zero is not defined).
Tick marks- Tick marks are used to indicate the scale of the graph.
Major tick marks are labelled with a number, symbol or word, depending on
the type of data being presented. Minor tick marks are placed within the
major tick marks and are not labelled. They are designed to help the reader
estimate detailed values off a graph (should they wish to).
Source- Reference the source of your graph in the style consistent
with the textual component your report. The reference should either be
placed in the title or beneath the title in a source line.

Legend (if presenting multiple variables)- Legends are used to
indicate the meaning of the shading and/or symbology used in a graph. They

should be enclosed by a border, given a title and placed to the right of the
graph, below the graph, or if small enough they can sit within the plot area.
Essential chart features
To present information effectively, every chart must have:
Title- Charts must contain a descriptive title to inform the reader what
the chart is about and any other essential information necessary to
understand its contents.
Nodules- Nodules are the discrete points within charts that represent
people, places, groups or events. The size and colour of nodules can be used
to indicate levels of importance.
Linking devices-These are used to indicate progressions, relationships
and interactions within charts.

Essential table features
To effectively present data and/or information, every table (Table 1)
must have:
Title- Titles are placed one line above tables, and never inside the
table itself. The title should give a clear yet concise description of the table
contents, and answer the who, what, where and when questions.
Column headings- these are placed in the first row to explain the
contents of each column. As there is usually little space for column headings,
it is best to keep them short and simple. If the entries in a column have a
common unit of measurement or multiplying factor, this information is
placed next to the column heading and enclosed in brackets.
Stub- the stub is the leftmost column in a table. It may contain
several sub-headings for different sections within the stub. These sub-
headings are indicated by italics, bold font, or similar means.
Rule- The rule is a fine line that separates the column headings from
other rows (to avoid any confusion).
Borders- Bold lines are placed at the upper and lower edges of tables,
to define their boundaries and separate them from the text.
Depending on the type of information/data being presented, your table may
also require:
Totals- If you are presenting quantitative data, it is usually a good
idea to provide a row of total values. There may be more than one row of
total values, depending on the type of data and number of data classes
presented. Rows of total values should be distinguished from other rows by
means of italics and/or a fine line.
Subheadings- When there are two or more columns in a table that
are directly related to each other, they can be classed together under a single
column heading and given sub-headings. These sub-headings are placed
within the first row, though are separated from their primary heading by a
fine line and are less visually prominent.

Essential map features
Maps are used to convey the spatial distribution of things and events.
But in order to do this successfully, maps must contain the eight essential
map features (Figure 21):
Title- A title should be placed beneath the map and outside the neatline, to
explain what is being presented and where it is located. The map title should
not include the words “Map of” or “Distribution of”, as this is obvious
Scale- The scale of the map must be indicated with either a scale bar or as
a representative fraction, and placed within the neatline. Scale bars should be
divided into consistent units that form round, even figures (e.g. 10m, 20km,
Orientation- Orientation must be indicated with either a north arrow
(avoid elaborate symbols), lines of longitude and latitude, or graticules.
Orientation markers should be placed within the neatline, but must not
obstruct the map.
Source- The source of maps must be indicated using the style of
referencing that is consistent with the rest of your paper.
Date- As the information contained on maps often changes with time, it is
necessary to include the date on which the map was created. The date can
either be included in the title, or written somewhere on the map itself.

Legend- A legend should be placed within the neatline in a visually
prominent area that does not obscure the map. Legends should be enclosed
by a separate border and given a title (the title should contain the words
“legend” or “key”. If the data classes in your legend have a common unit of
measurement, this can be stated in the title.
Feature Labels- To give your map context, a sufficient number of well-
known feature labels should be included. Feature labels can include place
names, natural and artificial landmarks, or any other significant points.
Neatline- The neatline is the fine border around a map that encases all of
the maps essential features (except the title).

Organisation of Formal business report

A business report may organize in the following structure:
1. a covering letter or memorandum
2. a title page
3. an executive summary
4. a table of contents
5. an introduction
6. conclusions

7. recommendations
8. findings and discussion
9. a list of references
10. appendices.
These are the parts of business reports.
Parts of Reports
1. Covering letter/memorandum
Often a letter is attached to a report to officially introduce the report
to the recipient. If the recipient is outside the organisation, a letter format is
appropriate; if the recipient is inside the organisation, a memorandum/memo
is appropriate.
The covering letter or memorandum should:
 remind the reader of their request for the report
 state the purpose of the report
 acknowledge any assistance
 indicate future actions to be taken.
2. Title Page
The title page should be brief but descriptive of the project. It should
also include the date of completion/submission of the report, the author/s,
and their association/organisation.
3. Executive Summary
The executive summary follows the title page, and should make sense
on its own. The executive summary helps the reader quickly grasp the
report’s purpose, conclusions, and key recommendations. You may think of
this as something the busy executive might read to get a feel for your report
and its final conclusions. The executive summary should be no longer than
one page. The executive summary differs from an abstract in that it provides
the key recommendations and conclusions, rather than a summary of the
4. Table of Contents
The table of contents follows the executive summary on a new page.
It states the pages for various sections. The reader receives a clear orientation

to the report as the table of contents lists all the headings and sub-headings in
the report.
5. Introduction
The introduction sets the stage for the reader. It gives the context for
the report and generates the reader’s interest. It orients the reader to the
purpose of the report and gives them a clear indication of what they can

6. Conclusions/recommendations
A business report usually needs both conclusions and
recommendations. The difference between conclusions and
recommendations in a report lies in the orientation to time. Conclusions
typically relate to the present or past situation.

Recommendations are oriented to the future: what changes are

recommended, or what actions are recommended for the future? They are

specific, action-oriented suggestions to solve the report problem.

Although the conclusions and recommendations are presented before

the discussion, they need to logically flow from the discussion. Taking a
deductive approach allows the reader insight into your
conclusions/recommendations early on. When your reader reads the
discussion afterwards, they will follow it more easily. Here are some
examples of conclusions and recommendations:

7. Findings and discussion

The discussion is the main part of your report and should present and
discuss your findings. It should give enough information, analysis, and
evidence to support your conclusions, and it should provide justification for
your recommendations. Its organisation will depend on your purpose, scope,
and requirements, but it should follow a logical and systematic organisation.
The discussion should be subdivided into logical sections, each with
informative, descriptive headings and a number.

Where your report’s purpose is to recommend the best solution to a
problem, you should show clear analysis of all options. You should explain
any analytical framework you used, such as SWOT or cost benefit analysis.
This analysis of options can often be presented effectively in tables.
8. References
Whenever you use information from other sources, references must
be provided in-text and in a list of references. The style of referencing may
be dictated by your faculty or organisation.
9. Appendices
If material is important to your discussion and is directly referred to,
then it should be included in your discussion proper. However, you might
want to use appendices to include supplementary material that enhances
understanding for the reader. You might use appendices to provide details on
the process or analysis you underwent (or which was required by your
supervisor or lecturer).
When you choose to include information in appendices, you should
refer to it clearly in your text (refer Appendix A). A single appendix should
be titled APPENDIX. Multiple appendices are titled APPENDIX A,
APPENDIX B, etc. Appendices appear in the order that they are mentioned
in the text of the report.

Parts of a Proposal
There are 12 parts for a good proposal. And these are,
1. Cover Letter

2. Proposal Summary
3. Introduction
4. Problem Statement
5. Target Population
6. Goal
7. Objectives
8. Methods
9. Evaluation
10. Budget
11. Future Funding
12. Supporting Material
Essential Elements of Business Proposal
Simplicity and understanding of the customer are the two most
important elements of a good business plan. Those who invest in start-ups
see a lot of enthusiastic entrepreneurs and their business plans. Some
obviously hit the mark. Others, more commonly, are missing important
Some are idea top-heavy. Others are full of credible numbers but lack
a killer concept. The best and ultimately most successful business plans
combine both.
Here are some five essential elements of a good plan:
Elevator pitch. More formerly this is known as the executive
summary, but functionally it is the condensed version of the concept that you
would be forced to give if you had only a minute or two to summarize. In
some ways, this is the most important piece of the entire equation.
Target market. Who are your potential customers? Many good
business ideas lack sufficient customers or a coherent plan to reach them.
This is where the entrepreneur needs to do the most intense research prior to
preparation of the plan.
Growth potential. Is there a plan to gain market share? How? A full
analysis is necessary of immediate and future competitors. Also, changes in
technology must be anticipated, at least broadly, to make sure the growth
plan is not built on shifting sands.

Early investors, managers. It helps to have a team of early investors
to help get the business off the ground. It also helps to have a management
team in place, or at least a good conceptual framework for a team. A blue-
chip team already suited up for duty gives prospective longer-term investors
a more comfortable feeling about the plan.
Cash flow plan. Admittedly, a cash flow plan is akin to a war plan —
it only is good until the first battle. However, investors want to see
entrepreneurs go through the effort of trying to predict cash flow during the
initial months of operation. Detailed planning also can expose a conceptual
flaw that can be corrected before it becomes a real problem.
There is nothing more exciting than a good business idea. Only a few
ideas, however, are so groundbreaking that they blossom on their own. All
good ideas must be accompanied by solid market research and wily instincts
about the future. There also must be a coherent and realistic financial
structure that allows the great idea to turn into a thriving, profitable business.
Entrepreneurs with the best business plans tend to be the
entrepreneurs who succeed most often

Short Report Sample

A short report is usually written to inform the authority concerned or
specific readers about a specific matter so that they can make appropriate
decision about the matter. It consists of facts and sometimes analysis of facts.
The information provided in a short report is arranged somewhat in a memo
format. While writing a short report, one must start it with an introduction
heading. Also the purpose of writing the report including explanation should
be mentioned in it. The length of a short report is usually from half page to
two pages. However, the followings are the parts of a short report.
(1) Introduction
(2) Discussion
(3) Summery
(4) Conclusions
(5) Recommendations
(6) Appendix

Employment communication plays an important role between an
applicant and the employer, Employment communication is a conversation
you have with an employer. For example you have an interview for a job you
have applied, you show up, the interview starts by asking several basic
questions such as what is your age, name, history, etc.
Later the employer approaches you with more profound questions
such as what qualities do you have that will be suitable for the job position
you have applied? And why should I hire you? From the beginning of the
communication to the end is what is considered an employment
Preparing for job search
Wherever you are on the path to finding your dream career, it’s
important to know what to expect from the process so that when the right
opportunity arrives, you’ll be ready for it.
Here are some things you can do to get a head start on your job
1. Self-Reflection And Evaluation
Take some time to truly think about whom you are and where you
stand. What are your passions, dreams and aspirations? What are you
looking for in a career and what focus do you want your career to have going
down the line?
It’s also time to determine what your top skills are and what
challenges you might face post-graduation. If public speaking is a skill that
you need to work on, for example, making an appointment with the
Communication Arts Studio can help you improve your preparation, style
and delivery. The first step is being honest about your strengths and
2. Write Your Resume and Have It.

A well-constructed resume is one of the main tools needed in any job
search. Employers sometimes look at dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes in
their search for capable candidates for various positions.
Have somebody from Career Services and a professional already
working in the field you want to get into look over your resume and provide
you with feedback to create a strong resume.
3. Meet with Key People
Set up appointments with key people who can provide guidance and
help with your job search. Meet with an advisor at Career Services and they
can help you get started, helping you figure out how to apply for jobs and
what employers are looking for in your field.
Meet with an academic advisor to make sure all your academic
affairs are in order and discuss graduate school possibilities. Speak with your
professors, current and former supervisors, and others who may be able to
give you wise advice and potentially connections that can lead to possible
4. Attend Workshops
Career Services hosts a wide variety of workshops that help students
brush up on interview skills, networking and resume writing. They are events
tailored to help students learn about the various stages of the job search
process, how to stand out to employers and ask questions.
5. Look for Companies in Your Field
Look for companies in your field –both large and small – locally and
in places you may be interested in relocating to, and find out about different
opportunities that may exist there.
Once you do, and if they have an opening that may interest you, send
them your finalized resume and a personalized cover letter that is specifically
tailored for each position and each company for which you are applying.
6. Perform Mock Job Interviews
Whether it’s a phone, Skype or in-person interview, it’s important to
know what to expect and practice beforehand. Career Services offers a
Practice Interview Program that allows students and alumni the chance to

practice interviews with actual recruiters and employers, who will then offer
a critique and review of their interviewing skills.
7. Invest in Professional Attire
Like it or not, appearance is important. In fact, a 2010 national poll
showed that appearance ranked second in qualities associated with
professionalism (only communication skills ranked higher).
So investing in attire that is appropriate for the field you want to get
into is vital. That doesn’t mean you have to break your bank account balance
in order to do so. Look for places that offer sales, cut down on certain
expenses and save some extra cash over time.
8. Be Organized In Your Job Search
You will probably be sending resumes to so many companies and
organizations and applying for so many positions that you’re head might
start spinning. That’s why it is crucial to stay organized during the process.
Create an excel sheet or document with different categories (date
applied, field, sub-field, company, etc.) and make sure to save the job
descriptions and qualifications of the jobs you apply for.
“Being organized will give you a sense of control and ownership of
what you are doing,” Cirion says. “It also helps you measure your progress
and holds you accountable.”
9. Review Your Online Presence
Now more than ever, social media is playing a larger role in the job
search progress. This can either be a positive or a negative – depending on
how you have conducted yourself online.
Having a LinkedIn profile that is updated and well constructed can be
a valuable resource for you. So make sure all your information is up-to-date
and accurate. It’s also important to be mindful of what you post on
Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets.
“How you put yourself out there on social media is part of your
portfolio and employers can access that. Be careful and mindful of that.
Every post has a consequence, positive and negative,” Cirion says.

10. Develop a Support System
The job search process can vary in length and it can be easy to get
frustrated; so find people in your life – close friends, family members and
mentors – who can keep you motivated during the difficult moments of the
process. One of the most important aspects of the job search process is to
stay motivated, focused and hopeful.
11. Reach Out to Professionals in Your Field
One of the best ways to find out what it takes to make it in the field
you want to get into is to ask someone who is where you hope to be
someday. Reach out to a professional in your field and request to have an
“informational interview” with them.
12. Be Flexible and Adaptable
It’s easy to get caught up and have a one-track mind when it comes to
your job search. You want that position at that company with that kind of
The truth is you might need to think outside the box and be open to
opportunities that might be out of your comfort zone or areas of interest. If
you’re looking to get into marketing, for example, there may be
opportunities to work in places you might not expect – like a hospital or in
the sports industry.
Being flexible and adaptable during your job search can open up
doors that you never expected might be open to you.
Identifying Potential Career Opportunities
Choosing a career is a big deal. It's about so much more than
deciding what to do to make a living. When you think about the amount of
time you will spend at work, it will become clear why this decision is such a
big deal. Expect to be on the job approximately 71% of every year. Over
your lifetime, this comes out to roughly 31 1/2 years out of the 45 years you
will probably spend working, from the beginning of your career until
retirement. Do not underestimate the importance of selecting a career that is
a good fit for you.
To increase your chances of finding a satisfying career, follow, in
order, these four steps of the career planning process:

Step 1. Self Assessment
During this first step, you will use a variety of tools to gather
information about yourself. Learn about your:
 Interests: The things you enjoy doing
 Work-related Values: The ideas and beliefs that are important to you
and guide your actions
 Personality Type: Your social traits, motivations, strengths and
weaknesses, and attitudes
 Aptitudes: A natural talent or an ability learned through training and
 Preferred Work Environments: The type of workplaces you prefer,
for example, indoors or outdoors, office or factory, and noisy or quiet
 Developmental Needs: Your cognitive abilities that have an impact
on the type of training or education you can complete and what kind
of work you can do
 Realities: Circumstances that may influence your ability to train for
an occupation or work in it
You will identify careers that might be a good fit for you during the
self-assessment, but you will need more information before you can make a
final decision. Step 2 will help you do that.
Step 2. Career Exploration
Career exploration focuses on learning about the occupations that
seem to be a good fit based on the results of your self-assessment and any
other professions that interest you. Use online and print resources to get a job
description; learn about specific job duties; and gather labor market
information including median salaries and job outlooks.
After completing this preliminary research, you can start eliminating
professions that don't appeal to you and get more details about those that do.
This is an ideal time to conduct informational interviews and arrange job
shadowing opportunities. During an informational interview, you will ask
people who work in an occupation that interests you questions about their
jobs. Job shadowing involves following someone around at work in order to
learn more about what they do.

Step 3. Match
Finally it's time to make a match! During Step 3, you will decide
which occupation is the best fit for you based on what you learned during
Steps 1 and 2—self assessment and career exploration.
Identify the occupation in which you are most interested and one or
two alternatives on which to fall back if, for any reason, you can't pursue
your first choice.
Give serious thought to how you will prepare to enter your chosen
career, the costs associated with education and training, and whether you will
face any barriers, which are the realities discussed during the step 1.
Go back to Step 2 if you find you need to explore your options
further before making a decision.
Once you have chosen a career, you can go on to Step 4, which will
lead you toward your first job in your new career.
Step 4. Action
During this step, you will write a career action plan. It will serve as a
guide to reaching your ultimate goal of getting a job in the career you
deemed to be a good match during Step 3. Identify what long-term and short-
term goals you will have to reach to get to the ultimate one.
Start investigating appropriate education and training programs, for
example, colleges, graduate schools, or apprenticeship programs. Then start
preparing for required entrance examinations or applying for admission.
If you are ready to seek employment, develop a job search strategy.
Identify and learn about potential employers. Write your resume and cover
letters. Begin to prepare for job interviews.
What Else we Should Know About the Career Planning Process
It is important to note that the career planning process never ends. At
various points in your career, you may have to go back to the beginning, or
to any phase as you redefine yourself and your goals. For example, you may
decide to change your career or you may have to figure out how to pursue
better options in your current one.

You can attempt to go through the career planning process on your
own, or you can hire a career development professional who will help
facilitate your journey. The way you decide to undertake this process—with
or without assistance—is less important than the amount of thought and
energy you put into it.
There are several steps an individual needs to take to acquire his/ her
dream job. The first step starts with preparing a good CV or resume. CV
stands for curriculum vitae. It is known by several names- personal profile,
bio-data, personal data sheet, qualification sheet and summary. In practice, it
is a written statement of our personal history-biographical details,
educational qualification, work experience, achievements and other strong
points that make us for getting selected for a job. In short, a CV/resume is a
self-introduction to promote you.
The resume is an organized summary of the applicant’s particulars. It
is not a substitute for a job letter, but a supplement to it. Its alternate titles are
“Data Sheet”, “Bio-Data” etc. a resume is usually attached to an application
letter. It is therefore, read only after the application letter, but we should
prepare first. A resume is a written compilation of your education, work
experience, credentials, and accomplishments and is used to apply for jobs.
There are several basic types of resumes used to apply for job
openings. Depending on your personal circumstances, choose a
chronological, a functional, combination, or a targeted resume.
The usual contents of a resume are:
Heading: Name, address and telephone number of the applicant. Job
title and career objectives may also be included.
Education: Academic qualifications mentioning degrees, certificates,
scholarships, awards, honours, and other academic recognition received by
the applicant. It should begin with the most recent information.
Experience: Listing of previous employers, job titles and period of
service. Brief description of job duties and names of superior may also be
included. It should also begin with the most recent information.

Personal Data: Age, height, health, marital status etc., of the
Reference: Names, titles, addresses and telephone numbers of people
who will recommend the applicant for the job. These people should know
about applicant’s job skills, aptitude and experience.
Miscellaneous: Co-curricular activities, interests and hobbies of the
applicant. Driving license, passport, domicile and national identity card
number may also be mentioned if material.
Some useful tips for preparation of resume
 Be brief and concise: You’ve got about 30 seconds to make your
pitch so don’t beat around the bush.
 Be perfect: Proofread ruthlessly. Weed out typos and grammatical
boo-boos. Double-check dates and facts. Ensure punctuation marks
are correct and in their proper places.
 Be active: Go for action verbs. Delete personal pronouns and articles.
These will invigorate your resume and free up space for more
 Be inviting. Your resume must look attractive to be read. Use
conservative fonts like Times New Roman or Arial, at least 10 in
size. Include ample white space. Organize items under section
headings to give the eyes a break. Print on crisp, white paper.
A qualifications summary section of a resume (also known as a
“Qualifications Profile”) is an optional customized section at the beginning
of the resume that lists key achievements, skills, experience, and your
qualifications that are most relevant to the position for which you are
The typical hiring manager or recruiter, tasked with reviewing dozens
– if not hundreds – of job applications, typically spend no more than six
minutes reading submitted resumes. One of the advantages of including a
summary of qualifications on your resume is that this is a great tool to catch
the reviewer’s eye within that critical six-second purvey.

Completing your resume with a summary of qualifications, or career
summary will personalize your resume. Reviewing resumes can become
tedious, so beginning yours with a description of your unique career path and
the skills you have attained is a great way to spark the reader’s interest and
encourage them to consider you for the interview process.
Job Seekers with Experience
A summary statement works especially well for people with a
significant amount of experience. It is an effective way to showcase the
experiences that best speak to the qualifications an employer is seeking.
Recent Graduates
Resume summary statements are also an effective tool for recent
college graduates. New graduates should tailor the statement to highlight
relevant skills and experience for each opportunity they apply for.
Career Changers
Career changers can show transferable skills on the qualifications
profile and prevent their most recent and possibly unrelated experience from
throwing off the hiring manager.
Sample Summary of Qualifications
This example of a customer service qualifications summary is like a
 Customer Service Representative with 8+ years experience in high-
volume call centers.
 Maintained 99% positive customer survey rank at On Point
 Scored 38% higher-than-average customer retention for all call-ins.
 Chosen as a target example for other reps during trainings.
 Scored a 98% in the Sales Force Certified Professional training
Types of Resumes: There are several basic types of resumes used to apply
for job openings. Depending on your personal circumstances, choose a
chronological, a functional, combination, or a targeted resume.

Chronological Resume:
A chronological resume starts by listing your work history, with the
most recent position listed first. Your jobs are listed in reverse chronological
order with your current or most recent job, first. Employers typically prefer
this type of resume because it's easy to see what jobs you have held and
when you have worked at them. This type of resume works well for job
seekers with a strong, solid work history.
Functional Resume:
A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience, rather
than on your chronological work history. It is used most often by people who
are changing careers or who have gaps in their employment history.
Combination Resume:
A combination resume lists your skills and experience first. Your
employment history is listed next. With this type of resume you can highlight
the skills you have that are relevant to the job you are applying for, and also
provide the chronological work history that employers prefer.
Resume With Profile:
A resume with a profile section includes a summary of an applicant’s
skills, experiences and goals as they relate to a specific job.
Targeted Resume:
A targeted resume is a resume that is customized so that it
specifically highlights the experience and skills you have that are relevant to
the job you are applying for. It definitely takes more work to write a targeted
resume than to just click to apply with your existing resume. However, it's
well worth the effort, especially when applying for jobs that are a perfect
match for your qualifications and experience.
Mini Resume:
A mini resume contains a brief summary of your career highlights
qualifications. It can be used for networking purposes or shared upon request
from a prospective employer or reference writer who may want an overview
of your accomplishments, rather than a full length resume.

Non-traditional Resume: A non-traditional resume is a web-based version of
your resume that may include photos, graphics, images, graphs and other
CV Vs Resume
Generally, the terms resume and CV are seems to be same, there are
certain differences between these two; they are;
Curriculum Vita (CV)
A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as
teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors
and affiliations.
How long should it be? -There is no page limit.
What is it used for? - Typically for graduate school and academic
positions including faculty openings, assistantships, and internships; also
grant scholarship and fellowship applications.
What is it? - A synopsis of the most relevant professional experiences
you have for the particular job for which you are applying.
How long should it be?- One to two pages in length.
What is it used for?- Typically, you will use a resume when you
apply for business, industry, governmental, and non-profit jobs. The main
purpose of the resume is to help you get an interview. A polished resume is
your chance to make a good first impression with potential employers.
Resume Preparation
A resume is a summary of your education, experience and skills for
potential employers. The resume’s physical appearance, and more
importantly, what you say and how you say it, will affect an employer’s
decision to interview you. Your resume should highlight your qualifications
for employment in a particular position or career field. A resume prepared
for one position might leave out information that would be included in a
resume for another position. In all cases, your resume should focus on your
qualifications and transferable skills, and suggest future contributions you
could make to the employer. Your resume should always be up-to-date.

Use this before asking someone to critique your resume for you.
Most Important Info First- Everything on your resume should be written
with the most important information first. Consider this when choosing the
order of sections after the Objective.
Reverse Chronological Order- Within each section, each entry should be
arranged with the most recent experience first.
Relevant to Objective- When you’re trying to decide what to leave in and
what to leave out, make certain that everything relates back to your
Objective. Also, make sure that your descriptions highlight and accentuate
the connection to your Objective.
Meet the Employer’s Needs- (academic, experience, leadership)- Everything
on your resume should communicate to the reader that you know what the
employer’s needs are and that you have the experience, skills, leadership and
education to meet employer’s needs.
Be Professional- When people seek an entry-level position, they are
generally trying to bridge the gap between student and professional. You can
accomplish this by keeping out or changing the items which remind people
that you are student (high school education/activities, listing dates by
semester rather than month, listing many “interests”).
Consistency- Everything from dates to abbreviations and formatting should
remain consistent throughout your resume.
Supplementing Resume
Some candidates feel their career accomplishments are not
appropriately captured in a standard resume’. There are two additional tools
for communicating your qualification and abilities are the portfolio and
employment video.
Professional Portfolio
Whether it’s digital or print, your professional portfolio is essentially
a collection of work samples that demonstrate your creative skills. Think of
it as a “visual resume” that communicates the message “I have done great
creative work for others and I can do the same for you.”

A professional portfolio means the resume which is presented in the digital
format and distributed to prospective employer via website, CD/DVD, or
other media. It is also known as electronic portfolio or E – portfolio.
A clear understanding of your audience’s needs and your
qualifications will allow you to develop a logical organizational structure for
your portfolio. Some possible items to be included are:
 Sample speeches with digitalized audio or video clips of the delivery.
 Performance appraisal
 Awards
 Certificate of completion
 Reports, proposals, or written documents prepared on the job
 Broucher or program describing workshops attended and
 Commendation messages, records or surveys showing customer
satisfaction with service.
Employment video
A video recording can be used to extend the impact of the printed
resume’ visually. A video can capture your stage presence and ability to
speak effectively and add a human dimension to the written process. The
following guidelines should apply when preparing an employment video.
 Be sure the video makes the professional appearance and is
complimentary to you. A ‘home movie’ quality recording will be the
liability instead of an asset to your application.
 Avoiding long ‘talking heads’ segments. Includes segments that
reflects you in a variety of activities: shots that include samples of
your work are also desirable.
 Remember that visual media (such as photographs and videos)
encourage the potential employer to focus on your physical
characteristics and attributes, which might lead to undesired
stereotyping and discrimination.
Be sure to advertise the availability of your portfolio and employment video
to maximise its exposure. List your URL, address in the identification
section of your resumes. In your application letter, motivate the prospective
employer to view your portfolio or video by describing the types of
information included. Talk enthusiastically about the detailed supplementary

information available during your job interview, and encourage the
interviewer to view it when convenient.

The word interview means ‘sight between’ or ‘view between’. It is an
encounter or meeting between two parties, say employer and candidates or
otherwise. Interview is an integral part of selection process of candidates for
employment, admission, grant of scholarship and fellowship. An interview is
a formal affair, a meeting at which a prospective employee, student or
awardees of a fellowship is asked questions in order to find out whether he or
she suitable for that purpose.
An interview can be defined as an oral tool to test candidate’s traits
for employment or admission to an institution or organisation. Being an oral
test, it calls for your skills of oral and nonverbal communication to support
your performance before a panel of experts.
Types of Interview
1. Structured Interview
Here, every single detail of the interview is decided in advance. The
questions to be asked, the order in which the questions will be asked, the
time given to each candidate, the information to be collected from each
candidate, etc. is all decided in advance. Structured interview is also called
Standardised, Patterned, Directed or Guided interview. Structured interviews
are pre-planned. They are accurate and precise. All the interviews will be
uniform (same). Therefore, there will be consistency and minimum bias in
structured interviews.
2. Unstructured Interview
This interview is not planned in detail. Hence it is also called as Non-
Directed interview. The question to be asked, the information to be collected
from the candidates, etc. are not decided in advance. These interviews are
non-planned and therefore, more flexible. Candidates are more relaxed in
such interviews. They are encouraged to express themselves about different
subjects, based on their expectations, motivations, background, interests, etc.
Here the interviewer can make a better judgement of the candidate's

personality, potentials, strengths and weaknesses. However, if the
interviewer is not efficient then the discussions will lose direction and the
interview will be a waste of time and effort.
3. Group Interview
Here, all the candidates or small groups of candidates are interviewed
together. The time of the interviewer is saved. A group interview is similar to
a group discussion. A topic is given to the group, and they are asked to
discuss it. The interviewer carefully watches the candidates. He tries to find
out which candidate influences others, who clarifies issues, who summarises
the discussion, who speaks effectively, etc. He tries to judge the behaviour of
each candidate in a group situation.
4. Exit Interview
When an employee leaves the company, he is interviewed either by
his immediate superior or by the HRD manager. This interview is called an
exit interview. Exit interview is taken to find out why the employee is
leaving the company. Sometimes, the employee may be asked to withdraw
his resignation by providing some incentives. Exit interviews are taken to
create a good image of the company in the minds of the employees who are
leaving the company. They help the company to make proper HRD policies,
to create a favourable work environment, to create employee loyalty and to
reduce labour turnover.
5. Depth Interview
This is a semi-structured interview. The candidate has to give
detailed information about his background, special interest, etc. He also has
to give detailed information about his subject. Depth interview tries to find
out if the candidate is an expert in his subject or not. Here, the interviewer
must have a good understanding of human behaviour.
6. Stress Interview
The purpose of this interview is to find out how the candidate
behaves in a stressful situation. That is, whether the candidate gets angry or
gets confused or gets frightened or gets nervous or remains cool in a stressful
situation. The candidate who keeps his cool in a stressful situation is selected
for the stressful job. Here, the interviewer tries to create a stressful situation

during the interview. This is done purposely by asking the candidate rapid
questions, criticising his answers, interrupting him repeatedly, etc.
7. Individual Interview
This is a 'One-To-One' Interview. It is a verbal and visual interaction
between two people, the interviewer and the candidate, for a particular
purpose. The purpose of this interview is to match the candidate with the job.
It is a two way communication.
8. Informal Interview
Informal interview is an oral interview which can be arranged at any
place. Different questions are asked to collect the required information from
the candidate. Specific rigid procedure is not followed. It is a friendly
9. Formal Interview
Formal interview is held in a more formal atmosphere. The
interviewer asks pre-planned questions. Formal interview is also called
planned interview.
10. Panel Interview
Panel means a selection committee or interview committee that is
appointed for interviewing the candidates. The panel may include three or
five members. They ask questions to the candidates about different aspects.
They give marks to each candidate. The final decision will be taken by all
members collectively by rating the candidates. Panel interview is always
better than an interview by one interviewer because in a panel interview,
collective judgement is used for selecting suitable candidates.
The guidelines to conduct an effective
Giving an interview is equally important as taking interview, one has
to be very careful while giving an interview, there is following guidelines in
general which could enable an interviewer to conduct a good and effective
 Preparation
 During conducting of interview
 Evaluation

I. Preparation:
The interviewer should prepare himself before the interview; the following
points are to be Considered in this regard are;
1. Reading applicant’s Resume: There is much information provided
by applicant in his resume. so the resume should be read in detail in order to
asks the question in the perspective of resume.
2. Being aware of state Regulation: There are many policies and rules
and regulation made by a state about the recruitment of employees. The
interviewer should be aware of them so as to avoid any unlawful act.
3. Planning the questions: The interviewer should plan the pattern of
question, the number of question types length duration etc. should be clear in
the mind of interviewer.
4. Omitting personal bias: There might be many biases in the minds
of interviewer about the candidates. In order to make the interviewee fair he
should avoid these biases.
II. During the interview:
Having prepared for the interview the interviewer should consider the
following points during Interview.
1. Letting the candidate speak: The main objective of interview is to
have the information from the candidate as much as possible, so interviewer
should let the candidate speak as much as possible.
2. Using the language of candidate: If there is no restoration
regarding the language such a language should be used in which the
candidate feels easy and free.
3. Avoiding arguing with the candidate: The purpose of interview is
to evaluate the candidate not to solve a dispute, so argumentation with the
candidate should be avoided.
4. Not interrupting the candidate: The candidate is already under a lot
of pressure. So the candidate should not be interrupted.
5. Controlling the emotions: During the interview there are many
stages on which the interviewers might get emotional. This may cause
failures to the interview process.

6. Establishing eye contact: In order to be confident and the put the
candidate at case, the interviewer should establish an eye contact with the
7. Using body language: Use of body language can play an important
to make the question clear the candidate.
8. Asking open ended questions instantly: The close or dead ended
questions are not very useful to acquire more information. So open-ended
question should be asked as much as possible.
III. Evaluation:
After the interview the last step is to evaluate the interviewee. For
this purpose there are following points which should be given importance.
1. No personal bias: There might be many candidates with whom the
interviewer may have personal bias. This should be avoided in any case so as
to hire the potential people.
2. Clear cut standards: The interviewer should try to establish a clear-
cut standard for evaluation such as point system.
Preparing for Interview
The key to a successful interview is preparation. There are several
things you can do to improve your performance:
1. Research the position and company/organisation:
 Be clear about what the job will involve and research as much as you
can about both the company and the sector it operates in.
 Make sure you know what the main product or service is, who they
work with/for, and who their competitors are. Consider what makes
the company stand out and what attracts you to work there.
 Ensure your research is up to date.
 Come to any on-campus employer presentations, fairs and skills
sessions that the employer is attending.
2. Review your strengths in relation to the job
 Read through your application form/CV/covering letter and review
the examples you have given to demonstrate how you fit the person

 Think about other examples you might be able to use at the interview.
Remember, employers are looking for evidence of skills and personal
 For jobs which require specific technical knowledge you may be
asked questions to test this.
3. Prepare for tricky questions
 You might be asked about your strengths and weaknesses. For
strengths, consider what you need to be good at for this particular job.
For weaknesses, be honest but don’t select something which is a key
requirement for the job. Remember that the important thing is to say
how you are addressing the weakness to turn the negative into a
 Disclosure of health problems: it’s important to be clear on your
rights and what support is available to you. When and how you
disclose is up to you, but it’s best to think about it and prepare
beforehand, rather than worry about it and hope it doesn’t come up.
4. Practicalities
 Confirm your attendance for interview by whichever method the
employer asks for
 Check you know where you are going for your interview and how
long it will take to get there, allowing plenty of time for travel on the
day. By arriving early you will not only have a chance to calm your
nerves, but also the opportunity to talk to the reception staff about the
organisation, or read any literature on display
 Get your interview clothes ready the night before. Dress smartly but
ensure you will be comfortable. Think about the sector and
organisation you are applying to when selecting clothes but
remember that even in sectors where employees wear casual clothes
to work, you would be expected to dress more formally for interview
(unless advised otherwise)
 Have a file ready with your CV, the job advertisement, copies of your
letters, and literature/research you have on the organisation etc. to
take with you for last minute checks. A pen and a small A5 notepad
for notes may also be useful

 Make sure you have something to eat beforehand – you might find an
empty, rumbling tummy distracting or even embarrassing!
Preparing other employment message
1. Application Forms
2. Follow up Messages
3. Thank you Messages
4. Job acceptance messages
5. Job refusal messages
6. Resignations
7. Recommendations
1. Application Forms
Before beginning a new job, you will almost certainly complete the
employer’s application and employment forms. Some application forms,
especially for applicants who apply for jobs with a high level of
responsibility are very long. They can actually appear to be tests in which
applicants give their answers to hypothetical questions and write defense for
their answers. Increasing number of companies are designing employment
forms as mechanism for acquiring information about candidate that often is
not included in the resume. Application forms also ensure consistency in the
information received from each candidate and can prevent decision based on
illegal topics which might be presented in a resume.
2. Follow up Messages
It’s frustrating to send in a job application and not hear back from the
company. What can you do? Well, you basically have two options: continue
waiting, or send a follow-up letter.
If you choose to send a follow-up, you’ll be walking a fine line: you
want to remind the hiring manager of your interest and qualifications,
without making them feel hounded.
Writing a Follow-Up Letter
Send it promptly. Wait a week or two after sending your job
application. If you don’t hear back by then, consider sending a letter. Keep in
mind that it will take at least a couple of days for the letter to get to the

company. If you are in a rush, consider following up in a different way. You
can also send an email, make a phone call, or even visit the office in person.
Be polite. Avoid accusing the employer of forgetting your application
or ignoring you. Assume the best – that they are simply very busy and have
not yet had time to read your application or respond to you. Be extremely
polite throughout the letter.
Keep it short. The employer is likely very busy and has many
applications to read through. Therefore, don’t add to his or her workload
with a very long letter. Get right to the point, explaining who you are and
why you are writing.
Reinforce your skills (briefly). While your letter should be short, you
should briefly reiterate one or two things that make you stand out as a job
candidate. Emphasize why you are right for the job, and/or the company.
Carefully edit and proofread your letter. This letter is a chance for
you to make a first (or second) impression on the employer. Make sure it is
professional and polished, and in proper business letter format. Read through
the letter carefully before sending it.
Follow up again. If another week or so passes after sending your
letter and you still haven’t heard back, you can send another. At that point,
you might also follow up in a different way, such as a phone call or email.
3. Thank you Messages
Saying thank you can go a long way. A thank you note or email
message, in addition to showing your appreciation, can boost your career,
help you get a job offer, and cement a relationship with a client, vendor, or
networking contact.
It is important to say thank you to an employer after an interview.
This is a great way to emphasize your interest in a job, remind the employer
why you are an ideal candidate, and address any remaining concerns that
came up in the interview. Read here for a list of sample thank you letters,
and more tips on when and how to send an interview thank you letter.
4. Job acceptance Messages
You’ve just landed the job of your dreams, and you’re still recovering
from the great news. You need to write to your new boss, formally accepting

the role and perhaps return signed documents - but what is the best way to
maintain the good impression you’ve made so far?
Here’s a step by step guide on how to write a job acceptance letter or
1. Write in a Professional Tone
If you have documents to return, a printed letter in a professional tone
should accompany them. If you’re accepting a job offer made on the phone,
then an email is fine. Keep the tone professional - this isn’t the time for
LOLs and emotions so don’t get confused by the internet’s inherent
informality and make an impression you’ll regret.
2. Thank Your New Employer
In even the briefest of letters, you should say thank you, directly and
clearly accept the position, and make it clear you’re excited about the
opportunity. You may have a long notice period before actually assuming
your new position, so maintaining a positive impression is important. A more
personal touch such as thanking the interviewer for making you feel
comfortable is also an excellent idea and reinforces your sentiment.
3. Confirm Details of the Job Offer With Your New Employer
Your acceptance letter is your chance to confirm important details
regarding your acceptance of employment, such as agreed salary, your
department, position, supervisor and start date. Simply summarise your
understanding of the offer so that everybody is clear on the agreement being
Your acceptance letter is also the perfect place to ask any questions
you may still have, about the role or benefits of your new job - it’s easy to
forget questions about the job offer you’d prepared in the heat of the
interview, so this is another chance!
If you’re keen to get more information about your new role in
advance, say so - your new boss may be able to send you pertinent
information you can start looking over during your notice period. Depending
on the flexibility you have in your old job, there may even be training or
meetings you could be involved in before starting.
4. Specify Any Special Considerations

If you have a pre-booked holiday, most employers will honour them,
but it is important to raise the issue quickly. If you already have plans,
particularly if they’re over peak holiday season, put them into your
acceptance letter, and make it clear if you are unable to change any plans
already made (for example if your flights are already booked).
5. Make Sure to Edit and Proofread
Having written your acceptance letter, double check the details before
hitting send (or print). Make sure that both spelling and grammar are
accurate and you’ve correctly addressed your new boss – both in name and
title - to maintain a professional tone.
6. Avoid These Basic Errors
 Unprofessional tone
 Misidentifying the hiring manager or employer
 Addressing the hiring manager or employer incorrectly (Mr, Mrs, Ms,
 Not reiterating all the specifics of the offer (salary, supervisor,
position, and date when you will begin your new job)
5. Job refusal Messages
No candidate wants to hear that they didn’t get a job after they’ve spent
hours applying and interviewing, and no recruiter likes delivering the bad
news. After all, recruiters live for the moment of signing a candidate and
feeling proud of having matched the candidate to the right opportunity. And
yet, perhaps because no one likes sending those, rejection letters are often
cold, robotic, and shrouded in mystery. There’s nothing like a lifeless,
template rejection to bring a candidate way down after having gone through
a fantastic interview process with a company.
Taking a few extra minutes to inject a human touch into your rejection
letters makes the process substantially better for everyone involved. Here are
a few samples of the ways:
1. Thank the candidate warmly
2. Leave the door open
3. Try to provide a satisfying explanation
4. Identify a strength

6. Resignation
One of the greatest secrets of success is knowing when to move on.
With the right resignation letter, you will do so with satisfaction while
leaving on good terms with your previous employer. Though you may think
it would feel great to get a few things off your chest about how much you've
come to hate the company you work for, it's in your best interest to be kind,
polite, and helpful, so you’re professional future remains secure.
 Have a friendly but formal opening
 Clearly state your intention to resign.
 Give proper notice
 State your reasons for leaving (optional)
 State that you're willing to help out during the transition
 Thank your employer for the experience
 Wrap up your letter on a kind note
7. Recommendation
Writing a letter of recommendation can be intimidating, especially
because the person you’re writing it for is counting on you to pull through
for them. Fortunately, there's a general formula you can use to write a letter
of recommendation that is both professional and effective.
1. Use standard formal letter writing conventions to begin
2. Open with a short, but enthusiastic, bit of praise
3. Describe how you know the person
4. Be specific about the candidate's qualifications and successes
5. Make comparisons to illustrate their success
6. Don't exaggerate -- show where and how they can improve
7. Keep your writing action-oriented
8. Close the letter affirmatively
9. Use a business closing and sign your name

Etiquette Advantage in Business Communication
Webster defines it as "the forms, manners, and ceremonies
established by convention as acceptable or required in social relations, in a
profession, or in official life." Etiquette is respect, good manners, and good
behavior. It is not just each of these things, but it is all of these things rolled
into one.
General Business Etiquette & Professional Communication
 Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm with a smile and confident,
friendly body language.
 Extend your arm and offer a firm handshake using direct eye contact,
and clearly state your full name.
 Always stand when introducing or being introduced to someone.
 Unless directed otherwise, introduce someone by using their title and
last name.
 When introducing people, always introduce the lower-ranked person
to the higher-ranked one.
Dressing and Grooming
 Keep in mind that first impressions are often made based on
appearance; prepare in advance so that you stand out for all of the
RIGHT reasons.
 Ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the occasion; know the
difference between business formal, business casual, and casual
 Error on the side of being more formal than being too casual.
 Make every effort to appear polished (wear well-fitted clothing that is
cleaned and pressed, along with shined shoes) and well-groomed
(including face, hair, fingernails, teeth, breath).
 Be conservative with make-up, jewelry, perfume/cologne, and other

Norms of Business Dressing
Present yourself in a professional manner when interviewing. Your
appearance affects how others evaluate you, your work style, your attitude
and your level of interest in a particular position. Additionally, professional
dress can help build confidence and self-esteem, thereby increasing the
likelihood of interviewing success.
Guidelines The following illustrations depict some guidelines for
dressing appropriately in most interview settings.
Professional Attire for Women
Appropriate business attire for women includes: dresses, suits, and
dress skirts that reach to the top of the knee; dress pants with dress blouses.
Hosiery is required with skirts at all times, along with dress shoes. As far as
dresses and skirts, there are some rules to follow as far as color and style.
Select modest style dresses and skirts. Long slits are a no, no. Colors to
choose are black, gray, navy blue, and any earth-tones. Examples of
inappropriate business attire includes: anything sleeveless, denim clothing of
any kind, dresses/shirts with long slits, low-cut blouses, stirrup or spandex
pants, shorts of any kind or length, crop tops, hats, sundresses, leather pants,
extremely casual shoe styles commonly worn for sports or the beach,
deck/boat shoes, sandals, and sneakers.
Professional Attire for Men

Professional business attire for men includes: suits, sports coats, dress
pants, dress shirts with collars, dress shoes (can be polished) and dark socks
(matching pants or shoes), and a tie (nothing crazy). Examples of
inappropriate business attire includes: denim clothing of any kind, Dockers
style pants, flight jacket/windbreaker-style coats/jackets, shorts of any kind
or length, hats, extremely casual shoe styles commonly worn for sports or the
beach, deck/boat shoes, sandals, and sneakers.
Business Meal:
A meal attended by faculty, business personnel, and official guests of
the business, for which the primary purpose of that meeting is to conduct
business. Business meals may occur while away from campus on travel
status, or locally with consultants, business collaborators, recruits, and others
with official relationships. The main focus of the activity is business and
consumption of food is incidental to the purpose of the meeting.
 Where possible, business meals should be conducted on campus,
during normal business hours, and be limited in scope.
 All reimbursement requests for business-related meal expenses must
fully document the purpose of the meeting, the names of those in
attendance, the time and place of the meeting, and include an
itemized receipt.
 Business meals require a significant commitment of time and
financial resources. Accordingly, the number of such events should
be limited.
 The meal must be part of a formal business meeting and integral to
the continuity of conducting business or there must be some other
clear and compelling reason why the business could only be
conducted over a meal.
 The meeting must include external participant(s).
 The business discussed during the meal must be integral to the goals
and objectives of the project.

Whether you are sitting across the table at a job interview, or rubbing elbows
with a stranger at a corporate event, your table manners speak volumes about
your social skills and confidence level. Here is the least you should know
when it comes to sharing a meal:
1. At a business meal, men and women are responsible for seating
At a business meal, men and women are gender neutraland each
person seats themselves.
2. Watch your host.
Before jumping into the bread basket or sweetening your iced tea,
wait for the host of the table to lead the way. Generally, he or she will pick
up the napkin and place it on his or her lap. Incidentally, once you place your
napkin on your lap, it won’t see the table again until the end of the meal
when it is placed back on the table before departing.
3. Which is my water glass?
Easy way to remember what goes
where is B-M-W.
 Bread plate is always on the
 Meal will be in the middle
 Water glass will be on the
right side of the place setting
4. Order smart.
Away from messy foods like spaghetti, corn on the cob, ribs, pizza,
and hard to eat or hold items. Cherry tomatoes will always spray the person
sitting next to you – skip it when eating your salad.
5. Your cell phone should not be visible anywhere at the table.
If you want to blow the job interview, show up holding your cell
phone. Your full attention should be on the person sitting across from you,
rather than an incoming call or text message. We recommend turning your
phone off completely.
6. Never leave a spoon in the soup bowl.
Between bites, place your spoon on the plate, behind and beneath the
soup bowl. Spoon the soup away from your body before bringing the soup to
your mouth.
7. Cut only one piece of food at a time.
Pace yourself and put your utensils down between bites. Use the
proper form of “Resting” and “Finished”. It doesn’t matter if your server
doesn’t recognize the Rest/Finish signal, you will appear more composed
and your plate won’t look as if it has been bulldozed with stray cutlery.
8. Sneeze and cough into your left shoulder.
Never use your napkin as a tissue, and sneezing into the crook of
your arm is reserved for school children. Turn your head left and use your
left hand to shield your mouth when you cough or sneeze at the table. If you
must blow your nose, excuse yourself and take care of the issue away from
your table guests.
9. Salt and pepper travel together.
Bread, salt, pepper, butter and other food items are passed to the
right, counterclockwise.
Table Etiquette:
• Keep in mind with your utensils that you start on the outside and
work your way in.
• Wait for everyone at the table to be served before you begin eating.
• Pass items in a clockwise pattern.
• Always pass the salt and pepper together.
• Pass items with the handle pointing toward the recipient.
• Always taste your food before seasoning it.
• It is acceptable to eat your chicken with your fingers on three
occasions: a picnic, at home, or if it is served in a basket.
• Once you pick a utensil up from the table, it should not return to the
• Do not cut all your meat at once; this is reserved for children only.
• Dessert utensils may be placed across the top of the place setting.
Slide them down at dessert, if this is the case.
• When finished with a course, leave your plates in the same position
and place your knife and fork on the plate at 4 o’clock.
• Don’t ask for a doggy bag.
• Remember to thank your host. A thank you note is recommended!

Wining Etiquette
Good business etiquette allows your business to put its best foot
forward and can protect business owners and employees from internal and
external conflicts by setting a high standard for behavior by all. Business
etiquette is a set of standards for behavior in which individuals treat
everyone respectfully and display good manners in all interactions. Proper
etiquette sets a tone for clients and customers that the business has a
productive and successful environment, and the impression created when
everyone displays professional manners helps the company's profitability.
1. Enhances Impression
• People judge you and your business on how you carry yourself in
social and professional situations. If you don’t know the proper way to shake
someone’s hand or offer your business card, people might question your
business skills.
• By observing proper business etiquette, you suggest to fellow
professionals that you’re on their level. You also portray yourself as
someone who is confident and at ease, both in the boardroom and when
meeting with people one-on-one.
2. Enriches Workplace Relations
• With its focus on respect for others, business etiquette can pave the
way for a collaborative and civilised corporate culture.
• Many basic business etiquette rules are actually common courtesies
 not checking your email or phone during meetings
 answering your phone when someone is talking to you
 barging into other people’s offices unannounced
 talking loudly all the time
 using a speakerphone unless you have a private office.
• Additionally, abiding by etiquette principles can eliminate some of
the distractions associated with the workplace, such as gossip or personality
clashes. It also ensures workplace relationships stay professional and that

colleagues don’t blur the line between work and personal life or allow their
personal feelings to affect their workplace behaviour.
3. Promotes Business Growth
• A little business etiquette knowledge can open up several
professional doors.
• Potential clients and associates will often judge you as much on
your soft skills as they will your business savvy.
• Someone skilled in communication and comfortable in a wide range
of professional situations will inspire trust more easily than someone who
• When you observe business etiquette principles you will know how
to handle yourself both in high-stakes meetings and at business lunches,
you’ll impress people with your versatility and people skills.
4. Endorses your Personal Brand
• Yes the products & services you offer are extremely important, but
your/your staff’s business etiquette and behaviour of you employees is just
as essential.
• People gravitate toward those who project self-confidence and
success and knowing the appropriate business etiquette guidelines will allow
you to display more of these qualities and exude a powerful personal brand.
• Being noticed for your great business etiquette skills is a sure way
to get recognised and moved up the ladder.
A lack of business etiquette will limit your potential, harm your
personal brand, and jeopardize relationships that are fundamental to business
success. Making your customers and employees comfortable with proper
business etiquette is the cornerstone of a great business success model!
Business Gifts
Business Gifts can be the perfect way to share an important milestone
with a colleague or a great way to show a client they matter. Business Gifts
can also create an uncomfortable situation where boundaries are crossed and
client or colleague relations are left hanging in an awkward, uncomfortable
state. Take some time to think through whether a gift is appropriate and

necessary. By choosing a gift that is too expensive or extravagant sends the
wrong signals and can easily create ethical issues. Sometimes a simple card
is gift enough.
Gifts for the Boss? Refrain from giving a personal gift to the boss;
unfortunately this may be frowned upon by your colleagues leaving them
thinking you’re trying to one up them. Instead, if a gift is necessary, look to
your fellow employees and consider giving a “group” gift. By giving a group
gift, everyone is included and the opportunities for favoritism are left at bay.
It’s all in the Presentation. A small gift can be made so much more by
thinking through the presentation. Nice packaging says, “you’re important”,
“you’re special”.

Travelling Etiquettes
For some employees, travel is a part of their daily routine. Maybe
your employees commute to work each day, or maybe they travel around the
globe to visit your other offices. Whatever the case may be, there are some
etiquette tips that every person should know before traveling.
One of the easiest etiquette tips is also one of the most important.
Always be punctual! Whether traveling by car, plane or train, this means first
and foremost scheduling your travel times and arrival times earlier than
necessary. It’s always best to be early: not only does this give you time to get
everything in order, but it also ensures that you have plenty of time to make
it to your final destination.
Preparedness for travel and meetings
Traveling prepared encompasses many different things, like having
the proper documentation and tickets for travel, but also remembering all the
materials that you will need for your meeting. What’s an easy way to do
this? Use your mobile! It’s portable, lightweight, and easy to store during
travel. A mobile is only one of many ways to simplify business travel.
Familiarize yourself with the culture and the city
As an act of courtesy (and to make sure you don’t offer a handshake
where it’s considered taboo) it’s always a good idea to look over some of the

cultural practices of the city that you will be traveling to. It’s also great if
you have an opportunity to look over some of the popular destinations in the
city. While you may not know exactly where things are located, it’s great if
you can offer your colleagues a dinner spot that you’ve heard great things
Courtesy in respect to your technology use
A great tip for both the business and the pleasure traveler, always
remember to be respectful when using technology. Other travelers don’t
want to listen to your phone call or hear your ringtone for each email
received. Talk as quietly as possible and always put your phone on vibrate!
Always clean up after yourself
Be it by plane, car or train that you’re traveling, everyone has trash
that they need to dispose of at some point. Make it a point to throw away the
trash in an appropriate location, rather than leaving it for an employee or
future traveler to dispose of!
Buffet Etiquette
Dining Out at a Buffet Restaurant
Buffet restaurants are excellent options for family dining. Each
person can choose whatever he or she wants, and if they don't get enough
during the first round, a second trip to the serving dishes is typically allowed.
Tips for buffet etiquette:
 Walk around and look at all the food items before making your
selection. That way you can plan, starting with what appeals to you
the most and work your way toward items you would like to try
without running out of room in your plate.
 When dining out at a buffet style restaurant, always get a fresh plate
before putting food on it. Returning with the same plate is unsanitary
and may spread germs and bacteria.
 Never reach around someone. Doing so is not only rude, it's likely to
cause an accident that can be avoided if you wait until they are
finished making their selection.

 Keep the line moving. Don't hover while trying to figure out whether
or not you want something. If you aren't sure, move on and come
back later after you decide.
 Don't touch any of the food in the serving dishes. Never use your
fingers to pluck something off a serving dish. Use the tongs, spoon,
or serving fork that is provided. You also don't want to lick your
fingers while standing at the serving counter.
 Place all serving utensils in the original dishes. You don't want to
cross contaminate items. If someone is allergic to a food item that
winds up in another dish, that person may become very sick.
 When you get up from your table to return to the buffet, place your
napkin on the seat of your chair to let others know you are returning.
 If you feel the urge to cough or sneeze, turn your head away from the
serving table.
 Even though you are serving yourself at a buffet, you will want to
leave a tip. The staff still has to remove dirty plates and clean the
 Most buffet style restaurants have a policy of not allowing doggie
bags with leftovers.

Etiquette Cocktail Party

Cocktail Party Invitations/Arrangements

If you are the host, make a plan depending on the number of guests
on your list. For a big scale function, ensure ample seating arrangement
before the party begins. While deciding on food, choose appetizers or mini
cuisines that can be picked with toothpicks. If you receive an invitation for a
party then it is your duty to inform the host whether you can attend it or not
so that they can have an idea of the numbers that they can expect.

Maintain Timing

If the invitation mentions a particular time then keep track of it.

Usually, parties give a time range. In this case, you can come about half an
hour after the start time. Also remember that this can be altered according to
the host’s wishes.

Dress Appropriately

The purpose of the event is not to show off your clothes! Dress
according to whether the cocktail party is business related or casual. It is
advisable to enquire from the host beforehand if there are any themes or
dress codes.


First and foremost, offer a handshake when you are meeting someone
new. Greet them with a genuine smile. Introduce yourself by saying your
name and asking for theirs. Avoid a situation where even after talking to
someone for 20 whole minutes, you walk off without knowing/remembering
their name! Try and mingle with as many people as possible and don’t stay
limited to a small group. Being social, polite and graceful are some of the
most important qualities to possess.

Keep Napkins Handy

Being the host of the party, you must make the party easy for guests
by opting for dishes that are light and easy to carry. Always, keep a napkin
handy. As a guest, do not fill your plate with lots of food at once. Consume
in small bites and chew quickly so as to keep the conversation going. In
cocktail parties, you will either find a waiter serving food in trays or you
may have to line up for a buffet.

No Gossip

Keep yourself away from gossip and cheap talk because there are
chances you may be overheard or misinterpreted. In a group, if the topic of
discussion gets too intense then immediately create a diversion to a new

No Overdose of Drinks

You are permitted to have alcoholic drinks but make sure that you
know your limits and can control yourself. Embarrassment is certainly
unnecessary! Drinks should be limited to a maximum of two in number to
avoid problems. Take small sips instead of big gulps. If you are driving back
home, stay away from the alcohol and stick to cocktails.

Drinking Manners

The key to good etiquette is to drink only when you have no food in
your mouth. Most cocktails are garnished with mint leaves or fruits.
Although it is advisable not to eat these, you may if you like. But make sure
you don’t crunch the ice in the process. Disgusting habit! Women must be
careful not to use too much lipstick, as it may smudge on the glass.

Holding Drinks

There is a specific etiquette to hold your drink. Beer is served in

mugs which are held by their handles, wine poured into flute-shape stemmed
glasses which must be held by the stems. Hold your drinks in the left hand so
that the right is free for introductions and handshakes.

Eating Etiquette

Food will be passed on to everyone; there is no need to grab or rush

to it. For the convenience of guests, food served on toothpicks can be eaten
directly. Always keep a napkin with you and ensure that you dispose the
stick into the waste or on the small plates kept for this purpose. Take new
plates for every helping rather than mounting your plate with appetizers,
main course and the dessert! If you don’t want something, politely say, ‘no’.

Saying an Early Goodbye

If you have to leave the party early, then don’t forget to thank your
hosts for the entertainment before you leave. Do not sneak out of the place.

You are invited to a cocktail party only because you are valued by the
hosts. In order to keep up a good impression, it is advisable to maintain
discipline and good manners. There are certain basic rules that you need to
take into consideration such as being social and perceiving every situation


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