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ME 4061 Compressible Flow Unsteady Wave Motion

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ME 4061 Compressible Flow

Unsteady Wave Motion

Reference: Anderson, John D. Jr. Modern Compressible Flow
with Historical Perspective. McGraw-Hill
Moving Normal Shock Wave

Consider the following channel where the fluid is initially stationary

The piston on the left suddenly start moving with speed up.

The piston would push the fluid particles so that hey would start
moving with up. This would compress the fluid ahead of the piston.

Moving Normal Shock Wave

The effect of the piston would be transmitted to the fluid particles
away from the piston with a shock wave moving in the piston
direction with a speed W > up.

up up W
Moving Normal Shock Wave
Moving Normal Shock Wave

ρ1 u 1=ρ2 u 2
ρ1 u 21 + p 1=ρ2 u 22 + p 2
2 2
u1 u2
c p T 1 + =c p T 2 +
2 2

ρ1 W =ρ2 (W −u p )

ρ1 W 2 + p 1=ρ2 (W −u p )2 + p 2
2 2
W (W −u p )
c p T 1+ =c p T 2 +
2 2
Moving Normal Shock Wave

If conditions at 1 and W is given, then
M 1 =M s =

Where the subscript s stands for shock. Then you can use normal
shock table to calculate the properties downstream of the shock.
Note that u 2=W −u p

If conditions at 1 and up is given, then
– Select a W and calculate M 1 =M s =W /a 1
– For that M1 read ρ2 / ρ1 from the normal shock table
– If ρ2 / ρ1≠W /(W −u p ) then update W and repeat.
Hugoniot Relation

For a stationary normal shock u 2= ρ2 u1

Momentum equation:
ρ1 u 21 + p 1=ρ2 u 22 + p 2=ρ2 ρ1 u1 + p2
( ) 2

Solving for u1:
2 p 2− p 1 ρ2
( )
u1 = ρ − ρ ρ
2 1 1

2 p 2− p 1 ρ1
( )
u 2= ρ − ρ ρ
2 1 2

Energy equation
2 2
u1 p1 1 p 2 − p 1 ρ 2 u2 p2 1 p 2 − p 1 ρ 1
2 [ 1 ( )]
c p T 1 + =c v T 1 + ρ + ρ −ρ ρ =c p T 2 + =c v T 2 + ρ + ρ −ρ ρ
2 2 1 1 2 2 [
2 2 1 2 ( )]
( p1 + p2 ) 1 1
c v T 2−c v T 1=
2 ( ρ 1
2 )
Moving Normal Shock Wave

Using Hugoniot relation and noting that
R p=ρ R T
c v=
γ −1

γ +1 p 2 γ +1 p 2

( )
+ 1+
T 2 p 2 γ −1 p 1 ρ2 γ −1 p 1
T 1 p1 γ +1 p 2 ρ1 = γ +1 p
1+ +
γ−1 p1 γ−1 p 1

For a normal shock
γ +1 p 2

γ +1
( 2
M s −1 ) M s=

2 γ p1 ( )
−1 +1

γ +1 p 2 ρ1
W =a1
√ ( )
2 γ p1
−1 +1 (
u p=W 1− ρ
2 )
Reflection from a Solid Wall

What if the moving shock wave meets a solid wall

ρ2 (W R +u p )=ρ5 (W R )

ρ2 (W R +u p )2 + p 1=ρ5 (W R )2 + p5
2 2
(W R +u p ) (W R )
c p T 2+ =c p T 5 +
2 2

One can find:

MR Ms 2( γ −1) 1
M R −1 M s−1

( γ +1)

W R +u p
( M
s −1)

γ +
where M s= You will apply normal shock relations
M R=
a2 a1 using M= MR.
Shock Trajectory

Slopes give 1/speed of

the shock or the particle
Shock Trajectory
Finite Waves

We have seen sound waves; which generate infinitesimally small
disturbances in the medium.

We have also seen shock waves which generate large and
discontinuous disturbances in the medium.

Finite waves are waves which generate finite (not infinitesimally
small) but continuous disturbances in the medium. (e.g. expansion
– Flow across these finite waves are still isentropic.

In 1-D such waves move with velocity u+a with respect o a fixed
position if the flow and wave directions are same, u-a if the flow and
wave directions are opposite.
Finite Waves

Consider the conservation of mass in differential form (For details
resort to a Fluid Mechanics book):
V )=0
+ ∇⋅( ρ ⃗

For 1-D flow
∂ ρ ∂ρu ∂ ρ ∂ρ ∂u
+ = +u +ρ =0
∂t ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂x

Momentum equation in differential form (inviscid flow)
∂V⃗ 1
V⋅∇ ) V
+( ⃗ ⃗ =− ρ ∇p

For 1-D flow
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p
+u =− ρ
∂t ∂x ∂x
Finite Waves

For isentropic flow dp=a2 d ρ

∂ρ ∂ρ ∂u 1 ∂p ∂p ∂u

a ∂t
2 (+u
+ ρ )
=0 (1)

∂u ∂u 1 ∂p

Recall, +u =− ρ (2)
∂t ∂x ∂x

Adding (1) and (2);
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂p
+(u+a) ] [
∂ x ρa ∂t
+(u+ a) ]

Subtracting (1) from (2);
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂p
[ ∂t
+(u−a) ] [

∂ x ρa ∂t
=0 ]
Finite Waves

Recall; “waves move with velocity u+a with respect o a fixed
position if the flow and wave directions are same, u-a if the flow and
wave directions are opposite”

For a wave moving with velocity u+a (right going wave)
=u+ a dx=(u+a) dt Along the wave path

Then along the path of a right going wave
∂u ∂u 1 ∂p ∂p ∂ u dx ∂u 1 ∂ p dx ∂ p
[ ∂t
+(u+a) + ] [
∂ x ρa ∂t
+(u+ a)
∂x ][
= + + ] [ +
∂ t dt ∂ x ρ a ∂ t dt ∂ x
=0 ]

Multiply by dt:
∂u 1 ∂p ∂p
dt +
∂x ] [
dx +
ρa ∂t
dt +
dx =0]
du+ dp=0
Finite Waves

From definition of speed of sound ρ= 2

Recall for isentropic flow
γ 2γ 2γ
2 γ γ −1 −1
p=C T γ −1
=C 1 a γ −1
dp=C 1 a da
γ −1


Also ρ= γ C 1 a γ −1

Then, 2γ
2 γ γ −1 −1
C1 a da
dp γ −1 2
= = da
ρa 2γ γ −1
(γC a 1
γ −1
1 2 2 Along the
du+ dp=du+ da=0 u+ a=const path of a right
ρa γ −1 γ −1 going wave
Finite Waves

Similarly one can show that
2 Along the path of a left going
u− a=const wave (with speed u-a)
γ −1

The trajectories for dx =u+ a will be called right-going
characteristics (C+) dt

The trajectories for =u−a will be called left-going
characteristics (C-)

Along a C+ u+ a=const
γ −1

Along a C- u− 2 a=const
γ −1
Moving Expansion Waves

Consider the following channel where the fluid is initially stationary

The piston on the right suddenly start moving with speed up.

The piston would pull the fluid particles so that hey would start
moving with up. This would expand the fluid downstream of the

Moving Expansion Waves

This would cause expansion waves moving in the opposite direction
of the fluid.

Expansion of the fluid causes the speed of sound to drop. Therefore,
each expansion wave moves faster than the wave following it.

(4) (3)

u4=0 up

Trajectories of these expansion waves are C- characteristics.

Moving Expansion Waves
Since C+ characteristics cross the
trajectories of the expansion
waves, across the expansion fan
u+ a=const
γ −1

2 2
u+ a=u 4 + a4
γ−1 γ−1

a γ −1 u
a4 2 a4
=u−a x=(u−a) t
γ −1
x=(u−a) t= u−a 4 +
u t )
2 x x
γ +1 (
a4 +
t )
−a 4 ⩽ ⩽u 3−a 3
Moving Expansion Waves
2 x x

Recall: u=
γ +1 (
a4 +
t ) −a 4 ⩽ ⩽u 3−a 3

a γ −1 u
a4 2 a4

2 2γ 2
T γ −1 u p γ−1 u ρ γ−1 u
T4 [
= 1−
2 a4 ] p4 [
= 1−
2 a4 ] γ −1
ρ4 = 1− 2 a
] γ −1
Moving Expansion Waves

2 x
γ +1 (
a4 +
t )
ρ γ −1 u
ρ4 = 1− 2 a
] γ −1

T γ −1 u
= 1−
[ 2 a4 ]

p γ−1 u
= 1−
[ 2 a4 ] γ −1
Shock Tube

Consider a very long tube separated into two by a membrane. We
have high pressure gas to the left of the membrane and low pressure
gas to the right of the membrane. Both gases are at rest.

(4) (1)

p4 > p1, u1 = u4 = 0

At t = 0, membrane is removed. Then the high pressure gases start
moving toward low pressure region. The gas in the low pressure
region will e compressed due to this movement.

The gas in the high pressure region will expand.
Shock Tube

At some time t;

(4) (3) (2) (1)

up W

Contact surface

u2 = u3=up and p2 = p3.

However, since shock wave increases entropy but expansion fan
does not; s2 ≠s3
Shock Tube

Recall for a moving shock wave
γ +1 p 2
γ −1 p 1 W =a γ +1 p 2 −1 +1
ρ1 = γ +1 p
γ−1 p 1
√ 2 γ p1 ( ) (
u p=W 1− ρ
2 )

γ +1 p 2

]( )

u p=u2 = a 1
γ +1 p 2
( )
2 γ p1
−1 +1 1−
γ −1 p 1

γ +1 p2
γ −1 p1
Shock Tube

Recall for a moving expansion wave

p3 γ −1 u 3
p4 [
= 1−
2 a4 ] γ −1

Since u2 = u3 and p2 = p3:
γ +1 p 2

( )

[ ( ) ][√ ( ) ]
γ −1
2 a4 p2 2γ γ +1 p 2 γ −1 p 1
1− = a1 −1 +1 1−
γ−1 p4 2 γ p1 γ +1 p2
γ −1 p1
−2 γ
a1 p2

[ ( )( )

This can be rearranged into ( γ −1) −1
γ −1

p 4 p2 a4 p1
= 1−
p1 p1

√ ( ( ))
2 2 +( +1)
γ γ γ
This work is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
It makes use of the works of
Kelly Loves Whales and Nick Merritt.

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