Indian Food: Chicken Vegetarian Desserts Mutton Mughlai Indo Chinese Low Calorie Fish Microwave Cooking
Indian Food: Chicken Vegetarian Desserts Mutton Mughlai Indo Chinese Low Calorie Fish Microwave Cooking
Indian Food: Chicken Vegetarian Desserts Mutton Mughlai Indo Chinese Low Calorie Fish Microwave Cooking
Chuntey Recipes baked in these regions include Tandoori, Rumaali and Naan etc. However in the northern
Strawberry Cupcakes
region impact of Mughlai food is quite obvious.
Cookies Recipes
Coconut Recipes Sugar Cookie Hearts
West Indian Food
Corn Recipes
Daal Recipes Tuna Casserole
In western India, the desert cuisine is famous for its unique taste and varieties of food.
Indian Pickles Rajasthan and Gujarat are the states that represent the desseert flavor of Indian food. Here an Whole Wheat Potato
Mango Recipes immense variety of dals and achars (pickles/preserves) is used that simply substitutes the Bread
Mushroom Recipes relative lack of fresh vegetables in these areas.
Indian Breakfast
Indian Cheese Recipes In the states like Maharashtra, the food is usually a mix of both north as well as south cooking
Food Guide
styles. Here people use both the rice and the wheat with same interest. Along the coastline of
Indian Drinks Indian Food
Mumbai a wide variety of fishes is available. Some of the delicious preparations include dishes
Indian Starters Garlic Health Benefits
like the Bombay Prawn and Pomfret.
Jams Jellies Microwave Cooking
Kebab Recipes
In Goa, that is further down towards south, one can notice Portuguese influence in the cooking Green Tea Benefits
Paneer Recipes style as well as in the dishes. Some of the major dishes Health Benefits Of Celery
Pudding Recipes of this regiun are the sweet and sour Vindaloo, duck Indian Curry
Raita Recipes baffad, sorpotel and egg molie etc. South Indian Food
Rice Recipes Indian Diet During
Salad Recipes
East Indian Food Wheatgrass Benefit
Sauce Recipes
Canned Food Storage
Vrat Recipes
Indian Soup Recipes In the eastern India, the Bengali and Assamese styles of
cooking are noticeable. The staple food of Bengalis is Latest Additions
Special Features the yummy combination of rice and fish. Usually the
Basic Preparations Bengalis love eating varieties of fishes. A special way of Dahi Kebab
Indian Regional Food preparing the delicacy known as 'Hilsa' is by wrapping it in the pumpkin leaf and then cooking it.
Another unusual ingredient that is commonly used in the Bengali cooking is the 'Bamboo Shoot'. Kacche Kele Ki Chaat
Andhra Various sweets prepared in this region, by using milk include the 'Roshogollas', 'Sandesh',
'Cham-cham' and many more. Vegetable Kebab
South Indian Food Hara Bhara Kebab
In the southern India, the states make great use of spices, fishes and coconuts, as most of them Kale Chane Ka Kebab
have coastal kitchens. In the foods of Tamil Nadu use of tamarind is frequently made in order to
Galouti Kebab
impart sourness to the dishes. It simply distinguishes the Tamil Food from other cuisines.
Kele Ki Barfi
Maharashtrian The cooking style of Andhra Pradesh is supposed to make excessive use of chilies, which is
obviously to improve the taste of the dishes.
Rajasthani Food
In Kerala, some of the delicious dishes are thelamb stew and appams, Malabar fried prawns, Contributors' Recipes
South Indian Idlis, Dosas, fish molie and rice puttu. Another famous item of this region is the sweetened - Lauki Coconut Raita
coconut milk. Yet another dish is Puttu, which is glutinous rice powder steamed like a - Fried Chana Daal With
Punjabi Food Paneer
pudding in a bamboo shoot.
- Dahin Mushroom
Holiday Recipes - Gehu Ki Khichdi
- Masala Chips
Christmas - Veggie Corn Raita
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