Amaya School of Home Industries Weekly Home Learning Plan Grade 10 - ARTS Week 1 Quarter I Date 19-23, 2020
Amaya School of Home Industries Weekly Home Learning Plan Grade 10 - ARTS Week 1 Quarter I Date 19-23, 2020
Amaya School of Home Industries Weekly Home Learning Plan Grade 10 - ARTS Week 1 Quarter I Date 19-23, 2020
Department of Education
Division of Cavite
Day and Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Analyze art elements and principles in the Pre Activity
Week 1 ARTS 10 Personal submission by the
production of work following a specific art style Read : ‘What I need to know’ (page 1) Parents/Guardians/Housemates
Session from the various art movements
1-4 Read and Answer‘ What I know’ (page2-3). in school
(A10EL-Ib-1) Write your answers in Intermediate paper.
Specific Objectives:
Lesson 1- Principles of Design
At the end of the module, you should be able
Lesson / Activity Proper Discussion
1. Identify the different principles of design and Read ‘What’s In’ (page 4)
the elements of arts present in the various Read the Directions and answer Activity 1 ‘
art movements; What’s New’ (page 4-5). Write your answers in
Intermediate paper.
2. Appreciate the different principles of design Read and Understand ‘ What is It’ (page 5-8)
and the elements of arts; and Assessment 1 ( Activity 1)
Read the Directions Do Asssessment 1 ( page 9).
3. Create your own artwork by applying the
principles of design and the elements of
arts based on the example of arts. Lesson 2- Elements of Arts
Day and Time Learning Area Learning Competencies Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Identifies distinct characteristics of arts from Lesson 1 – Chracteristics of Arts from
Week 2 ARTS 10 Personal submission by the
various art movements (A10EL-Ib-1). the Various Art Movements
Session 1-4 Pre Activity
Specific Objectives in school
Read: ‘What I need to know’ ( page 1)
At the end of the module, you should be able Read the Directions and Answer ‘ What I
to: know’ ( page 2-4). Write your answers in
Intermediate paper.
1. Identify the various art movements and its
distinct characteristics;
Lesson / Activity Proper Discussion
2. Create a simple example of an artwork from Answer the Activity 1 ‘ Who Am I ?’
any of the art movements; and ‘What’s New (page 5). Write your
answers in Intermediate paper.
3. Appreciate a given artwork through the
process of art appreciation activity Read and Understand ‘ What is It’(page
Read and answer the ‘Assessment ’
( page 18-20). Write your answers in
Intermediate paper.
Head Teacher I, MAPEH
School Principal IV