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Infant Attachment NCP

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Subjective: Risk for Post partum Short term Dependent
“ nahadlok altered hemorrhage : after 3- : Discuss : To Short term
ko para sa parent-infant is defined as 4hrs of clients view provide : after 3-
bata ko attachment any blood loss nursing of infant informatio 4hrs of
kay wala related to from the interventio cause n about nursing
pako may anxiety uterus of n, the responsibiliti how a interventio
namang’an associated more than patient es and client n, the
sa with the 500ml during affirms parenting perceive patient was
parenting parent role or after desire to role. these role able to
nga na” delivery . it develop changes develop
Reference: may occur constructiv that will and
(nurseslabs.co either early e parenting help in construct
m) within the skills to identifying parenting
first 24hrs support areas of skills to
after delivery infant’s learning support
Objective: or late growth and need. infant’s
interaction anytime after developme growth and
s between the 24hrs nt. Independen developme
parent and during the t : to reduce nt.
child remaining Long term : provide anxiety Therefore,
days of the : after 1-2 information and goal was
sadness six-week days of regarding reinforce met.
puerperium. whole the use of positive
anxiety nursing community informatio Long term
Reference: interventio resources n : after 1-2
fearness (nurseslabs.co n, the and with previously days of
m) patient follow-up given by whole
identifies health care the health nursing
strategies referrals team . interventio
to protect such as well- promotes n, the
child from baby clinics self- patient was
harm and and sufficiency able to
or neglect parenting and identify the
and classes. personal strategies
initiates growth. needed to
action protect the
when child from
indicated. any ham
: to and neglect
Collaborativ provide and
e informatio initiates
: evaluate n on the actions.
the physical,
attachment psychologi
process, cal and
bonding physiologic
behaviors al
and capabilities
parenting of the
capability parent.
once client
care of her
infant. Refer
to a

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