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Benchmarking of The Water Supply and Wastewater Management System of A Smart City: A Case Study of Cauayan City, Philippines

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Benchmarking of the Water Supply and Wastewater Management System of a

Smart City: A Case Study of Cauayan City, Philippines

Article  in  Test Engineering and Management · July 2020


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jeoffrey lloyd Bareng

Isabela State University


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March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

Benchmarking of the Water Supply and Wastewater

Management System of a Smart City: A Case Study
of Cauayan City, Philippines
Ma. Teresa S. Alvarez 1, Agnes M. Ramos2, Eva U. Cammayo3,
Jeoffrey Lloyd R. Bareng 4
Faculty, Department of Accountancy, Isabela State University, Echague, Isabela, Philippines
Faculty, CBAPA, Isabela State University, Echague, Isabela, Philippines
Director, Water Research and Development Center, Isabela State University, Echague, Isabela, Philippines

Article Info Abstract

Volume 83 Undeniably water supply is one of the basic services for demographic, social and economic
Page Number: 4768 - 4775 development of a society. Thereby, the need to have access to reliable and excellent quality
Publication Issue: water supply regardless of uses is deemed necessary.
March - April 2020 The study aim was to benchmark the performance in terms of water supply and wastewater
management aspects of the Local Water Utility (LWU) system. The performance evaluation
was based on the following domains –(a) sustainability of water supply; (b) water users
satisfaction; (c) waste management practices; and (d) compliance of the local government
unit in accordance to water security and management.
The assessment framework and indicators used were adapted from the established
benchmarking manual by the International Water Association (IWA). The method used in
collecting information and/or data for this study involves focused group discussions, key
informant interview and conduct of field survey wherein a total of 388 respondents were
selected employing stratified random sampling.
Results showed that in terms of water sustainability based on a 40-year projection, in 2040
and 2050, system groundwater withdrawals would exceeds the allowable or safe
groundwater yield. Overall acceptability on water quality was slightly poor with a rating of
54% wherein 55%, 56%, 59% and 50% acceptability rating were attributed by taste, odor,
color and pressure, respectively. Meanwhile, lack of waste water treatment facilities were
observed which resulted to direct disposal of wastes to water bodies. For the last study
domain, the local government passed four (4) city ordinances or enabling laws on water and
wastewater management for sustainable water resources utilization.
In light of the results of this benchmarking study, more specifically on the issue of
Article History sustainability, it is highly suggested that providing or developing alternative water source is
Article Received: 24 July 2019 necessary as a sustainable approach to adequately and reliably supply water demand for the
Revised: 12 September 2019 future generations.
Accepted: 15 February 2020
Publication: 27 March 2020 Index Terms: benchmarking, performance, sustainable, water supply, wastewater

I. INTRODUCTION wastewater collection and treatment system is costly

to build and operate, decentralized approach for
Providing reliable and affordable wastewater
wastewater treatment can be used as an alternative.
treatment in rural and urban areas is a challenge,
These employ a combination of onsite and/or cluster
particularly for developing countries (Massoud,
systems which can become more reliable and cost-
Tarhini and Nasr, 2009). Whereas a centralized
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

effective. Additionally, a decentralized approach in Primarily an agricultural province, its main produce
wastewater management may offer opportunities for are rice and corn. In 2012, Isabela was declared as
wastewater re-use and resource recovery, which may the country’s top producer of corn with 1,209,524
improve local environmental health conditions metric tons (Department of Agriculture, 2013).
(Parkinson and Tayler, 2003). It may also offer Furthermore, it is the 10th richest province of 2011
increased opportunities for local stakeholder (Inquirer PH, 2014). Isabela has four trade centers in
participations in planning and decision-making. the cities of Ilagan, Cauayan, Santiago and the
municipality of Roxas. Cauayan city is a 3rd class
Goal 6 of the 16 Sustainable Development Goals
city in Isabela, with total population of 140,218
(SDGs) set out by the United Nations 2030 Agenda
people (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2016) and
and SDGs involve the need for Clean Water and
the 4th largest in population size among the
Sanitation (El-Maghrabi et al, 2018). The scarcity
municipalities of Region 2 with 30,556 number of
and poor quality of water, and inadequate sanitation
total household (2016) and with 9,844 potable water
across the world, could negatively impact food
connections. Politically, it is subdivided into 65
security, livelihood, and educational opportunities of
barangays over a total land area of 336,40 km2
poor families (Goal 6, n.d.). Currently, more than 2
(National Statistical Coordination Board, 2014)
billion people, particularly in several developing
including 9,959,7065 hectares for Agricultural
countries within the Sub-Saharan Africa, Central
lands. Cauayan City as Smart City, recognized by
Asia, Southern Asia, Eastern Asia and South-
the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Eastern Asia, are living with the risk of low access
for its innovation in adopting science and
to freshwater resources. Thus, the target of Goal 6
technology development programs such includes the
by 2030 is to achieve universal and equitable access
integration of the information and communications
to safe and affordable drinking water for all. To do
technology(ICT) in Cauayan City Connect, website
so, a target was also to improve water quality by
for e-commerce, barangay website, e-Gaps and the
reducing pollution, eliminating and reducing
Dost Juan time -all geared toward an interactive and
dumping and releasing of hazardous wastes to the
efficient city operation and services, thus
environment. Another target of Goal 6 was to
contributing to the attainment of Goal 11
implement integrated water resources management
(Sustainable Cities and Communities). Identified
at all levels by 2030. In addition to being helpful for
under the RPFP 2001-2030as one of the region’s
the environment, achieving Goal 6 could also
key urban centers and to host the Proposed Isabela
achieve Goal 3 of the SGDs: Good health and well-
Special Economic Zone and the Regional Agro-
being (Goal 3, n.d.). Kajee et al in their paper,
Industrial Growth Center. In terms of its commerce
argued that there could be considerable benefit in
and trade, over 2,422 commercial establishments are
approaching and implementing together two
established in the city .These commercial
seemingly separate goals: the SGDs and the
establishments operate in Agriculture, Banking and
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
Finance, Commerce industries, providing a diverse
(DOHaD) (Kajee et al, 2017). Here, the DOHaD
range of facilities to cater to the administrative,
demonstrates that early exposures to environmental
social commercial and institutional requirements of
hazards (e.g. wastes, unsanitary water) could not
the region’s population.
only affect future health, but also that of future
generations. Here, the water supply and wastewater management
systems of Cauayan City, Philippines, was assessed
Isabela is the second largest province in the
in the context of Smart Cities and Goal 6 of the 16
Philippines and the largest in the island of Luzon.
SDGs. Specifically, factors such as service area
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

coverage, system facilities and population and III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
demand projections of the existing water
Water Management Sustainability of Cauayan
management systems were used to assess system
City, Philippines
sustainability. Additionally, the impact of the
existing water management system on the social Water Production
context was also determined by measuring consumer
The combined daily average water production
satisfaction. Using these data, policies for better
capacity of the Cauayan City Water District
governance were proposed to the local government
(CCWD) is 10,518.13 m3 which is sufficient amount
unit (LGU) of Cauayan City.
for 24-hour water supply for 12,067 concessionaires.
II. METHODOLOGY From the total daily pumped water, only 9,229.63
m3 is metered and accounted for, resulting in total
Part of the methodology is the stakeholder
water loss of 1,288.50 m3 (distribution efficiency =
consultations with governments, civil society
87%). This unaccounted water losses could
organisations, development cooperation agencies,
potentially supply an additional 2,863 households
the private sector, and other business sector were
(one community/barangay) when optimally used
consolidation of issues and problems were identified
and/or regulated.
including good practices across all levels and sectors
of society. Another is the conduct of key informant Service Area Coverage
interview and field interview with household and
The CCWD served 15 out of the 52 barangays of the
concessionaire and focus group discussion is also
city corresponding to 29.67% service area coverage.
administered. The study uses the GIS (geographic
To put into social context, this accounts for only
Information System) for mapping important areas
9,085 households served from the total household of
that highlights the location of the respondents and
30,623, wherein majority is within the city proper
the reservoir, pumping stations and water system
and adjacent barangays as shown in Figure 1.
coverage. There were about 388 respondents
selected through stratified random sampling.

Figure 1. Cauayan City Water District service

In terms of number of connections, there are 12,067
existing or active concessionaires with 9,085 are
classified as residential, 98 are government offices,
1,834 are commercial establishments, 24 are bulk,
and 16 are unbilled.
Stakeholder’s Consultation and Focus group

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

Water System Facilities Table 1. CCWD pump locations and discharge

The CCWD has a total of 15 pumping stations
(Figure 2) to support water demand of the 12,067 WELL NUMBER PUMP CAPACITY, li sec-1
concessionaires with a total volume requirement of
Turayong, Pump No. 1 6.69
9,229.63 m3 per day.
San Fermin, Pump No. 2 9.61

Turayong, Pump No. 3 6.76

San Fermin, Pump No. 4 17.77

Danila, Pump No. 5 31.57

Bala, Pump No. 6 19.65

Tagaran, Pump No. 7 5.15

Figure 2. Cauayan City Water District pumping
and storage reservoir locations City Terminal, Pump No. 8 7.01

Christine, Pump No. 9 19.09

Barbers, Pump No. 10 22.55

Prenza, Pump No. 11 25.56

Beverly, Pump No. 12 5.30

Beverly, Pump No. 13 5.33

West Tabaccal, Pump No. 14 12.03

NHA, Pump No. 15 18.92

To address the continuous water demand, eight (8)

elevated water storage tanks/ reservoirs were
strategically installed within the service area as also
shown in Figure 2. In addition to the pumping
stations and tanks, two (2) water filtration facilities
The capacity of the different pumps is reflected in were also constructed at Barangay Tabacal and
Table 1 where pump No. 5 has the highest pumping Centro to address water quality issues and concerns.
capacity while pump no. 7 is the least with
equivalent pump discharge capacities of 31.57 and
5.15 li per second, respectively. The combined
discharges of these pumps were sufficient to supply
the daily water demand of all concessionaires.

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

latest growth rate report of the Philippine Statistics

Authority (PSA, 2017) of 1.5% and 6.7,
respectively. While future water demand were based
on the combined average water usage by domestic,
commercial and/or industrial sectors.
Table 2. Population and Water Demand
Ye Population Water Demand Required
ar Projection Projection Groundw
Househ Industry/ Househ Industry/ Abstracti
old Commer old , m3 Commer on rate,
cial day-1 cial, m3
day-1 li sec-1

202 31,079 2,079 13,880. 24,120 439.82

0 13

203 35,700 3,978 15,943. 46,134 718.49

0 52
Water Usage per Capita 204 40,320 7,608 18,006. 88,240 1,229.71
0 91
Domestic water usage under CCWD was estimated
to be 89.32 L/capita/day considering an average 205 44,940 14,551 20,070. 168,776 2,185.72
family size of 5 members. This estimate was below 0 31
the average consumption of 120 L/capita/day in
Considering the future population for the next 30
urban settings based on the estimates conducted in
years, water demand would also sky rocket with an
major cities of the Philippines by the World Bank in
equivalent percent increase of 63.36%, 179.60%,
2003. The estimated water usage for CCWD
and 396.96% for 2030, 2040 and 2050, respectively,
concessionaires constitutes: drinking water for
based on the present demand as of 2019. These
survival, water for human hygiene, water for
results are noteworthy to consider that agricultural
sanitation services, and modest household needs for
demands or groundwater withdrawal for agricultural
preparing food.
purposes and individual domestic wells within the
The above per capita estimates conforms to the basic City of Cauayan are not included in the analysis.
water requirement of 50.00 liter per person per day Thereby, with the projections in 2040 in
as proposed by Gleick, 1996 which excludes water groundwater withdrawals might already exceeds the
for laundry activities. The result suggest that CCWD allowable or safe groundwater yield of 2,000 li per
concessionaires still consumes water at an second (NWRC and NHRC, 1983). Also, more
acceptable state. noteworthy to consider the projected abstraction in
the year 2050 reached as high as 2,185.72 li per
Population and Water Demand Projections
second which is way above the safe yield. These
Table 2 shows the projected household population of results suggests that mining yield would have been
the City of Cauayan and the future water demand reached within this timeframe given the above
from the baseline year of 2019. Population projection estimates.
projections and industry growth were based on the
Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

The aforementioned results suggest that another with the utility service’s water quality (44%), taste
water source (e.g. surface water) for domestic use (48%), odor (37%), color (37%), and pressure
should be considered to sustainably consider (33%). Commercial establishments are expected to
demand and environmental requirements. This is require higher influx of water to accommodate the
besides that Cagayan valley region is blessed with customers, as compared to household establishments
abundant fresh water resources, over-groundwater which cater only a few people at a time. Thus,
extraction or groundwater mining could still pose a commercial establishments have stricter requirement
threat to this valuable groundwater resource. for their water quality and quantity service needs but
nonetheless can be met by upgrading the facilities at
Assessment of water user’s satisfaction
of the water utility service.
The scarcity and poor quality of water, and
inadequate sanitation across the world, could
negatively impact food security, livelihood, and
educational opportunities of poor families. Thus, the
target of Goal 6 by 2030 is to achieve universal and 80
equitable access to safe and affordable drinking
water for all. In Cauayan City, Isabela, the población 70

area is served by the Cauayan City Water District

(Level III utility provider), which provides safe
Centralized Water System. Additionally, housing
subdivisions have their own water supply system
(Level I-III). In this study, Surveys were conducted 40
on selected households and commercial
establishments around Cauayan city to determine the 30

consumer’s perception and acceptability of the water

utility service they are getting from NAWASA. At
least half of the connected households deemed the
water supply to have an acceptable quality (54%),
taste (55%), odor (56%), color (59%) and pressure 0
Water Taste
Water Taste

Water Taste
Water Color
Water Pressure

Water Color
Water Pressure

Water Color
Water Pressure
Water Odor

Water Odor

Water Odor
Water Quality

Water Quality

Water Quality

(50%). This entails that the quality, physicochemical

characteristics (taste, odor, and color) and
availability (i.e. water pressure) of the water utility
service were sufficient and acceptable to the
household consumers. In contrast, only less than half Household - Household - Not Commercial
Connected Connected
of the surveyed households that were not connected
Acceptable Good Not Acceptable
to the utility service were satisfied with the water’s
quality (35%), taste (25%), odor (33%), color
Figure 3. Satisfaction of the respondents in the
(38%), and pressure (38%). Considering that these
City of Cauayan, Isabela
households derive their water from groundwater, the
overall quality and quantity will be substandard 3. Enabling policies/ordinances of the local
compared to quality-treated water provided for by a government unit in accordance to water security and
utility service. For the connected commercial waste management
establishments, less than half were also satisfied

Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

Based on these assessments of water management Creeks and Bodies of Water within the Territorial
system in Cauayan City, the researchers found Jurisdiction of the City of Cauayan, Isabela”) and
several aspects of the system that could be improved Ordinance No. 2016-082 (“An Ordinance
upon based on international standard; specifically, Establishing Water Conservation Programs in the
based on the European Benchmarking Co-operation City of Cauayan”). However, these LGU policies
(EBC) on Water & Wastewater Benchmark (EBC, pertain to aqueous environmental cleanliness
2018). Specifically, the EBC performed assessment (Ordinance No. 2009-005) or water conservation
of water services using indicators in five (Ordinance No. 2016-082). Although necessarily
performance areas: water quality, reliability and important ordinances in their own right, a specific
service coverage, service quality, sustainability and LGU policy regarding the establishment of water
finance & efficiency. Thus, the researchers service quality assurance and control systems
compared the data obtained from the current study adapting the EBC benchmarking standards should
against the standards set by the EBC (2018). In the be put forth. Specifically, these LGU policies should
performance areas of reliability and service address the deficiencies of the existing water service
coverage, the water management system of Cauayan system in Cauayan City and likewise devise
City fell behind in terms of Reliability and Service measures to supplement these deficiencies.
Coverage (with a service coverage of only 29.67%)
and Water distribution efficiency (with an average
daily loss of 1,288.50 m3/day). In terms of Service Based on the data gathered in this study, it can be
Quality, although official complaints were not seen that the Water Supply System of Cauayan City,
recorded by the water service, the survey results Philippines, requires further improvements for it to
show that the at least 40% of the consumers be sustainable and efficient in providing high quality
(n=12,067 total concessionaires) were not satisfied and reliable water to the citizens of the Smart City.
with the water quality, taste, odor, color and To facilitate such improvements, policies must be
pressure. In terms of complaints per 1000 properties, set forth by the city’s Local Government Unit that
this value is equivalent to approximately 400 provides a platform for improvement, all in
complaints/1000 properties, which is well above the accordance to International Standards for water
median value of the EBC 2018 report of 0.75 systems. As such, the researchers suggest writing of
complaints/1000 properties (EBC, 2018). In terms of a City Ordinance that adapts the European
Sustainability, population and water demand Benchmarking Co-operation (EBC) water
projections of Cauayan City after 30 years show that benchmarking standards, with fund allocations for
the current system may not be sufficient; thus, increasing water distribution efficiency, higher
another water source for domestic use should be coverage area, and increased water quality
considered to sustain consumer demand. assessment.
In order to facilitate these improvements in Cauayan REFERENCES
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Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.
March - April 2020
ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 4768 - 4775

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Published by: The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.

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