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BAN ON Pubg Game IN Pakistan: Where Are We Heading?

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BAN ON PUBG GAME IN Similarly, what caused the authorities to

take stringent action against the game in Pakistan

is a case where, allegedly, two children
HEADING? committed suicide; for they were told to quit the
The Pakistan Telecommunication game, and obviously that restrictions might have
Authority (PTA) has formally put a ban on carried with exchange of harsh words and
PUBG- a digital game that is widely considered “Violence”- the controversial off-shoot of the
game, apparently. Nevertheless, Social-Activists
as a Violent-cum-Addictive game. Is it a violent
game or an addictive and really causing serious took the matter before the High Court and
health issues among the youth and their eventually the court after looking thoroughly into
acquaintances are burning questions of the day the matter directed the authorities to put a ban on
the said game. They have now!
which should be left for the relevant authorities.
What is pertinent for me, as a the member of the Let one shed light on the potential risk of
Youth Parliament of Pakistan (PILDAT), is to the game as the benefits are non-productive
look for the reasons which led the government for hitherto. Conveniently, one can say that there are
taking such a staunch step, especially, when it is many other constructive activities like out-door
already in hot waters owing to domestic and games (e.g. Cricket, Hockey, Football and so on)
political challenges. and In-door games (e.g. Badminton, Table-
PUBG is a globally recognized digital Tennis, Chess and etc.) which can be played to
upgrade mental and physical abilities. Is PUBG
game which has engulfed all and sundry
irrespective of age, caste or creed. It is a an addiction? Perhaps yes, because anything that
competitive war game that gives both: the propels one for “more” and without which one
Adrenaline as well as cravings for “more”. finds it hard to find peace is considered addictive.
Nevertheless, one may hardly find a family in the Now, in the case of PUBG, it is seen that not only
tech-driven societies that is novel to the said the players long for it but also appear restless if
kept away from the game- to harsh extent they
game. Undoubtedly, it might have its boons but,
unfortunately, the banes of it have cause a stir can even take the lives of their blood-relatives or
among family members of the players. It can, their own. It is an open secret, one cannot deny it
however, be argued that the players get socialized
while playing the said game; it gives thrills; One can point out the potential
produces sense of competition; nurture for the disenchantment of the youth from their non-
real-life challenges; give air to the emotions of PUBG acquaintances, however, they don’t feel it
the youth and so on. themselves as finding fault within oneself is the
True, the arguments of the supporters hardest thing to do. They become anti-social. By
hold water. However, one must not forget that it anti-social it is meant the real-world social
is this game that had prompted a child to murder aspects and not the virtual one. Excess of
his parents in India few months ago, when he was anything is bad and, scientifically, excess of
forbidden to play the “Addictive-Game” as it is Adrenaline is hazardous. When a thing person is
wasteful for the social and personal life of the doing and it is risking the life of that person then
it is forbidden- by Islamic Principles: “Murder of
child. Arguably, the parents could have handled
the situation properly and the ill-fate of that child an innocent means murder of the whole
mankind”, “Do not transgress as Allah doesn’t
and the parents could have been avoided. It is
true, but not all the parents are equally educated like transgressors”, also, “It is a sin to harm
and competent enough to provide adequate oneself”. Meaning thereby, the life is entrusted to
counselling to their off-springs. one by God and one can’t exceed the limits and
destroy it oneself.
Once, the Church in Europe put a ban on No one is against the freedom of
the Chess-game by holding that it is a wasteful individual, but certainly is against the disorder
activity and a game of Devil. However, the age of that freedom brings with it, if any. A wise man
Enlightenment- the age of reasoning- brought the once reflected: “I have come to a personal
game back. A lot of focus was given on the ills of conclusion that while all the artists are not Chess
the game and it was found out that is merely a players, all the Chess players are artists.” Are
strategic game and enhance wisdom. Now, when PUBG players artist, or even becoming
one looks at the PUBG game, it is a Violent-cum- strategists? It might be a debatable question but
Strategic game. Man is social animal and he so long as there is the element of “Violence” in it,
demonstrates what he learns. He is constantly every positive aspect would be nullified. Not just
learning and developing his mind- yes, from the PUBG, all the War-games include this
cradle to grave, he is in flux of learning and element of wrath in it but PUBG has gone to a
development. Now consider asset of mankind- next level. It is, hence, apparent that is the full-
the youth- learning violence from the machine stop on such acrid excesses is not put, only
(capable of intelligence). It can do havoc in the repentance would be left. The decision of the
longer run. authorities in this regard is harsh yet a wise one.
The Enlightenment era which was the Meanwhile as the armistice on the
epoch of reasoning is being replaced by the “PUBG War-game” stands, it is the need of the
modern age of Artificial Intelligence. The hour that the authorities devise mechanism to
Intelligence of machine, which can enslave a man revive tha physical activities in play-grounds. It
if given free hand, should be used for productive is also imperative that masses be educated before
purpose only. PUBG and other digital games are a direct contact with the Artificial Intelligence
manifestation of the highest echelon of the games and accessories. It is wise to put question
human-brain. However, regrettably, these games in the minds of children and their parents as to see
have barren the play-grounds. People, especially if the new gadget or game is productive for me or
the youth, have already become enslave of not. Also, is one going to control it or the
machine. Nature is calling the man, but he has no gadget/game would control one? If one becomes
time for it. Realistically, the blame should equally addict and enslave to technologically
be put on the authorities who had abandoned revolutionized Instruments then one should also
sports-activities long before the advent of the learn to face the music. Ban on PUBG might last
pandemic. Every person tries to find a healthy few days, but it is an alarm for all the stakeholders
activity and, unfortunately, for want of clear to devise a policy for the betterment or else the
direction and lack of education among the other party- the Artificial Intelligence- would
masses, the youth have become prey to this highly devise its own and that would be quite painful.
intelligent creature- the Artificial Intelligence. It True, every man is the architect of his own fate
is ready to mold the World-Order and the banning and the mankind is in a decisive round- the World
of PUBG in Pakistan likewise demand in India is Order is historically being modified- as the rise of
the manifestation of this dominating menace. Artificial Intelligence and its potential degrading
power is evident, partly in the form of PUBG.
Can one balance it? Yes, but only with
proper education, parenting and awareness. No
individual has the absolute will-power. It is the
responsibility of the society and polity to take the
lead and not just control games like PUBG but Extempore
also stop giving a heroic-privileges to other
addictive platforms like TikTok, WhatsApp, Engr. M. Abdullah Alvi
Facebook and alike applications. July 2, 2020

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