Geography Lesson Plan Template
Geography Lesson Plan Template
Geography Lesson Plan Template
Situation analysis: this should be those factors that may affect teaching and learning directly during this lesson and how
this may impact on teaching and learning. You should indicate how you have acquired this information and what
strategies you will put in place to address these.
Who? E.g. The class consists of 50 learners, making it difficult for the teacher to move around. However, the space is
better utilized when the desks are laid out in groups. This makes group work possible.
When? E.g. The lesson takes place just before lunch meaning that learners are hungry since this is the first meal that
most of them have eaten for the day. Concentration levels are therefore low and the teaching strategies implemented
need to maintain the interest of learners during the duration of the lesson.
Where? E.g. The school is situated in a part of the township that is known for experiencing drug-related challenges. As
such, learner attendance is a problem. This is beyond the control of the teachers but he or she must work with the police
and the principle in addressing issues relating to certain learners. All of this requires good time management.
Lesson Outcomes: (Use ACTION VERBS. Consider the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains) (Include relevant
Big Ideas: these are two or three specific statements of what you would like learners to remember in the future. They
should be precise and to the point.
E.g. Entrepreneurship stimulates economic growth.
Essential Questions: questions to ask during the lesson that will lead to formulating these big ideas.
E.g. Can entrepreneurs assist in developing skills amongst workers?
Lesson Phases: This should include each part of the lesson, including the pedagogical approaches to teaching and
learning, the content knowledge and how these are aligned.
Lesson Teaching and Learning Activities used (make Justification of teaching and learning activities,
Phase sure to include reference to ow you will methodology based on the content knowledge you
incorporate the 4Cs) are teaching
with the
of the
Resources What are the resources to be used? Justification of resources used. Remember, resources
should enhance teaching and learning in the
classroom and improve understanding of the topic
Assessment What type of assessment will you use? (formal/ informal/ formative/ summative etc.)
Activities How will you assess if learners have understood the lesson and especially the big ideas? Insert
(duration) the task and justify why you are using this.
Note that homework is an enrichment activity or add on and not an assessment activity to be
included in the conclusion of the lesson.
Reflection: What have you learned from teaching this lesson? Did it work in terms of chosen pedagogy? Would you
change your teaching and learning strategy and if so why? Were the resources used effective? How
have you grown as a teacher?
Reflection in: teacher reflects during the lesson and changes the teaching and learning approach for
whatever reason
Reflection for: Teacher reflects after the lesson on what worked and what didn’t and whether to
change the teaching, learning and assessment strategies in the next lesson or with another class in the
same grade doing the same subject.
Reflection on: post-lesson reflection on what worked, what didn’t and how the teacher may change the
teaching and learning approach in the future). This is a personal reflection and may include the personal
growth of the teacher.