Acoustic Ventilation Brochure
Acoustic Ventilation Brochure
Acoustic Ventilation Brochure
Acoustic Ventilator
Technical Considerations
Application Guidance
Acoustic Ventilator 1 Guidance for Dwellings 5
Product dimensions 6
Ventilator Performance 3
Design Requirements 4
Example 4
Interpretation 4
i Acoustic Ventilator Brochure
Acoustic Ventilator
Ventilation Problems and the Solution
Providing natural ventilation to a room is essential for all modern The acoustic ventilator is not designed to be part of the window,
buildings, however this can often lead to noise issues. but part of the façade and therefore can sit above the window.
Using traditional trickle vents undermines the sound insulation The ventilator dimensions are designed to simply replace a
performance of the façade, and consequently causes a rise in series of brickwork, meaning that installation is straightforward
ambient noise levels within the room. and hassle free.
The Caice Acoustic Ventilator bridges the gap between the Of course not every window in a building will require a ventilator,
necessary ventilation requirements and noise criteria required so matching dummy ventilators can also be supplied to maintain
for comfortable living. a consistently superior look and finish to your building.
Acoustic Ventilator Brochure 1
Technical Considerations
Ventilation and Acoustics
Ventilator performance is determined by the Building When you introduce a ventilation opening into a structure, you
Regulations Approved Document F and CIBSE Guide B. introduce a potential acoustic weakness. The Caice Acoustic
Ventilator can be used to overcome that weakness.
Approved Document F focuses mainly on dwellings and offices.
It contains a section for other buildings such as hotels and There are numerous ventilation and acoustic requirements that
laboratories. For each of these, there is a cross-reference to can all be addressed using the adaptable Caice Acoustic
another document (for example CIBSE Guide B) although some Ventilator. For bespoke applications, acoustic and aerodynamic
others are also referenced. performance can also be tested and verified.
Applicable Documentation
Approved Document F: 1995 - Archived Version Approved Document F also has an impact on the design of
mechanical ventilation such as supply or extract fans. It is
This older version of Approved Document F details the important not to confuse this with any natural or background
requirements for background ventilators in terms of a free area. ventilation requirements.
It is not concerned with how much air is exchanged, but instead CIBSE Guide B
assumes that by providing minimum opening areas within a
façade, then satisfactory ventilation rates will be achieved. CIBSE Guide B provides ventilation rates applicable to building
types other than dwellings and specifies various criteria. This
Approved Document F: 2006 - Current document includes the criteria for hotels.
The current version of Approved Document F now details Approved Document F refers to CIBSE Guide B2, rather than
ventilation requirements in terms of “equivalent ventilator area”: CIBSE Guide B. Since the publication of Approved Document F,
CIBSE have consolidated their guides (B1, B2, B3, B4 and B5)
Equivalent area is a property of the ventilator which can be into one version (Guide B), which covers heating, ventilating,
accurately derived by airflow measurement. This is related to the ductwork, refrigeration and noise and vibration.
required geometric free area of the ventilator necessary to
provide a specified ventilation rate at 1Pa pressure differential. Intrusive Noise
This means that Approved Document F now details For any building, the composite sound reduction of all the
requirements based on ventilation rates achievable, rather than associated façade elements will be one of the factors which
making the assumption that a certain geometric free area will influences the level of intrusive noise to the internal spaces.
allow sufficient ventilation.
Guidance on acceptable noise levels can be obtained from such
It should be noted that within Approved Document F, the actual documents as BB93 (Building Bulletin 93 Acoustic Design for
geometric free area (FA) is taken to be approximately 25% Schools), HTM08-01 (NHS Health Technical Memorandum 08-
greater than the equivalent area (A), i.e. FA ≈ 1.25A. However, 01 Acoustics), BS8233 (Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction
two ventilators with the same free area may not necessarily for Buildings).
provide the same ventilation rate.
2 Acoustic Ventilator Brochure
Ventilator Performance
Acoustic Testing Table 1: Ventilator acoustic performance
The normalised element level difference (Dn,e) is the usual test Octave Band Acoustic Performance (dB)
parameter that should be measured. Dn,e tests need to be
conducted in an appropriate laboratory facility capable of testing 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k
to BS EN ISO 140-10: 1992; ISO 140-10: 1991 - Laboratory Dn,e,(dB) 33 40 45 56 67 75 69
measurement of airborne sound insulation of small building
elements. R (dB) 6 12 17 28 41 50 41
C is given in the table below.
UNDERSIDE VIEW 1 2 4 8 10 20
BOTTOM DISCHARGE C 1272.5 899.7 636.2 449.9 402.4 284.5
Acoustic Ventilator Brochure 3
Guidance for Hotels
Design requirements Example
Guidance is from CIBSE Guide B: Heating, Ventilating, Air A hotel room has a volume of 75m3, and is designated as a non-
Conditioning and Refrigeration. smoking room with 2 person occupancy.. Natural ventilators are
to be provided in the external façade based on a differential
There are two requirements to consider: pressure design of 10Pa.
Fresh air rate (l/s) = Fresh air rate per person (l/s/p) x no. of occupants
4 Acoustic Ventilator Brochure
Guidance for Dwellings
Design Requirements
Equivalent Area Requirements
Other conditions
The equivalent area requirements are given per dwelling, and
are based on the number or bedrooms and assumed levels of The minimum equivalent area per room is 5000mm2 with an
occupancy. external wall.
Dwellings with more than one exposed façade The minimum equivalent area for a wet room (i.e. a room with
significant airborne moisture) is 2500mm2.
• For multi-storey dwellings and single storey dwellings
more than 4 storey’s above ground level, see table 4 Example
A single storey ground-floor dwelling has a total of 36m2 floor
• For single storey dwellings up to 4 storey’s above ground
level, take the total equivalent free area from table 4
below and add 5000mm2. Interpretation
Dwellings with only one exposed facade From Table 4 , the equivalent background ventilator free area is
For a dwelling with only one exposed façade, cross ventilation is
not possible so background ventilators should be located at both However, because it is a single storey dwelling lower than the
high level (1.7m above floor level) and low level (at least 1m 4th floor, an additional 5000mm2 should be added.
below the high ventilators). The equivalent areas given in the
following table, should be achieved for both the high and low Therefore the total equivalent area required is 30,000mm2.
To maximise airflow through the dwelling by encouraging cross
Table 4: 2
Equivalent ventilator area for dwellings (mm ) ventilation, it is best to locate similar equivalent areas of
background ventilators on opposite sides of the dwelling.
Total Number of bedrooms
Floor Even where background ventilators are required, mechanical
Area ventilation may also be required to meet minimum mandatory
1 2 3 4 5 ventilation requirements. Designers should therefore refer to
Approved Document F for guidance.
≤ 50 25,000 35,000 45,000
51 - 60 25,000 30,000 40,000
61 - 70 30,000 30,000 30,000
45,000 55,000
71 - 80 35,000 35,000 35,000
81 - 90 40,000 40,000 40,000
91 - 100 45,000 45,000 45,000
> 100 Add 5000mm for every additional 10m2 floor area
Acoustic Ventilator Brochure 5
Physical Details
Typical Installation
Equivalent Area will be marked on each unit. Length: nominally 338mm, but shorter units can be
manufactured if required,
The ventilators shall be delivered to site suitably protected to
prevent the ingress of dirt whilst on site, and shall be provided
with labels detailing a description of the unit.
The manufacturer shall ensure that the ventilators will fit easily
and correctly above the window and in the facade.
6 Acoustic Ventilator Brochure
Example of Caice Acoustic Ventilator selection
General Information required
The Caice acoustic ventilator was used on a project at Plough To enable Caice to select acoustic ventilators for any given
Lane in London, and had a geometric free area of 8000mm2. development situation, the following minimum information will be
The estimated equivalent free area was therefore 6400mm2.
1. Required equivalent free area
The estimated ventilation rate at 1Pa was estimated as 5 l/s.
2. Required ventilation rate (if applicable)
4. Acoustic requirements
UNDERSIDE VIEW The equivalent areas and ventilation rates should be determined
by the client based on the guidance given in the applicable
VIEW documentation.
Dn,e,(dB) 33 40 45 56 67 75 69
R (dB) 6 12 17 28 41 50 41
Acoustic Ventilator Brochure 7
Telephone CAICE Acoustic Air Movement Ltd.
0844 847 5370 Riverside House
Facsimile 3 Winnersh Fields
0844 847 5371 Gazelle Close
Winnersh Wokingham RG41 5QS