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Unit 1 Estimation of Earthwork: Structure

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Estimation of


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Estimation of Earthwork in Road and Railway Track
1.2.1 Calculating Cross-sectional Areas of Road Formations
1.2.2 Computing Volumetric Quantities of Earthwork along a Road Alignment
1.3 Estimation of Earthwork in Canals
1.4 Specifications of Earthwork in Roads, Rail Roads and Canals
1.5 Computation of Earthwork in Building Foundation Trenches
1.6 Summary
1.7 Answers to SAQs

The types of earthwork that most commonly are to be dealt with by practicing
civil engineers comprise cutting and filling in the construction of embankments,
road and rail formations, canals; and in the foundations of a building as well as
finishing upto below floor levels. A good grounding in mensuration forms the
basic skill that every civil engineer should possess to be able to compute the
quantities involved in every type of earthwork. A reasonably developed faculty of
imagination is a welcome asset to comprehend the drawings pertaining to any
type of earthwork in order to be able to calculate the quantities with ease.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
• calculate the earthwork, filling and cutting separately, that goes into
the making of a piece of work : road, rail track, canal, and a building,
• comprehend the various modes of mensuration that can be employed
in these calculations, and
• conceptualise the basic knowledge about the general specifications
that must be followed to bring any such earthwork to the standard


The basics of any computational methodology that may be adopted in the
mensurational procedure, vis-à-vis, road/rail consist of calculating the average
cross-sectional areas of filling/cutting, from point to point, along the given
alignment, and then multiplying by the distances between any two consecutive
sections in order to obtain the desired volumetric quantity of the earthwork
between these two points.

Estimating and
Quantity Surveying-I 1.2.1 Calculating Cross-sectional Areas of Road Formations
Figure 1.1 shows a simple (typical) cross-section of road (or rail) formations
wholly in cutting : the same figure, when reversed vertically about line 1-3-4-6
represents the cross-section totally in filling. Herein the side slopes
(1 : z1 and 1 : z2) are taken different from each other as a generalization – usually
in simple cases, while the soil is homogeneous, z1 = z2 = z (say). Knowing the
formation width, depth of cutting (or height of filling), and side slopes the
sectional areas (A), as explained in Figure 1.1, works out to be :
(b × h) + z h2 . . . (1.1)
Note : z1 (or z2) is the side slope–Generally z1 = z2 = z

z1 h b z2h 6
1 z1 2 5 z2
1 1

Road Formation
3 4
Cross sectional area, A of 1-3-4-6-1 = (Area 2-3-4-5) + (Area 1-2-3) + (Area 4-5-6)
1 1
= (b × h) +2 (z1h)h + 2 (z2h)h
= (b × h) + (zh)2—if z1 = z2 = z

Figure 1.1 : Simple Section of a Real Formation in Cutting

(When Inverted it Depicts Formation in Filling)
Figure 1.2 presents a typical cross-section of a road in cutting, in a hilly region,
where the cross-slope of the ground is quite large (1 : s : : V : H). The total area in
cutting (A) is the summation of three component areas : ABJ + BDFJ + DFN,
Area ABJ = (BJ × AK)
= [h − IJ ] [ z K B ]
⎜ ⎟
IJ = ⎝ ⎠
Cross-slope of the ground 1 : s s
G 1
J EF 1
A K AK z =
G = b/2 s z
KB 1 Note: Area IJH = Area EFH
z GF 1 1
JK 1 h =
1 = NG s
AK s
NL 1
DL z
b/2 b/2
Formation level
Cross-sectional area ABDNA = Area ABJ + Area BIED + Area DFN

Figure 1.2 : Cross-section of a Road, in Cutting, in a Hilly Region

with a Marked Cross-slope of the Ground
Also, BJ = KB + KJ Estimation of
AK AK ⎡s + z⎤
= + = AK ⎢ ⎥
z s ⎣ sz ⎦
⎡ sz ⎤
∴ AK = ⎢ ⎥ BJ
⎣s + z⎦
∴ = [h − IJ ]
(s + z)

sz ⎡ b⎤
= ⎢h − 2s ⎥
(s + z) ⎣ ⎦

1 ⎡ b ⎤ ⎡ sz ⎛ b ⎞⎤
Hence, Area ABJ = ⎢h − 2s ⎥ ⎢ (s + z) ⎜h − ⎟⎥
2 ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎝ 2s ⎠⎦

= [2sh − b]2
8s ( s + z )

Area BDFJ = 2 × Area BCHI

(where, shaded and dotted triangular wedges balance each other)
= 2× × h = (b × h)
and, area DFN = DF × NG
Here, DF = ED + EF
=h+ 2
⎛ 2hs + b ⎞
=⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2s ⎠
NG = DL = z NL
whose, NL = GD = GF + FE + ED
NG 2
= + +h
s s
⎡ NG b ⎤
∴ NG = z ⎢ + + h⎥
⎣ s 2s ⎦
⎛ z ⎞ z (2 sh + b)
or NG ⎜1 − ⎟ =
⎝ s⎠ 2s
⎡ z (2sh + b) 1 ⎤
NG = ⎢ ×
⎣ 2 ( s − z ) ⎥⎦

1 ⎛ 2hs + b ⎞ ⎡ z (2hs + b) ⎤
Hence, area DFN = ⎜ ⎟⎢ ⎥
2 ⎝ 2 s ⎠ ⎣ 2 ( s − z) ⎦

= (2 sh + b) 2
8 (s − z) s
Estimating and Therefore,
Quantity Surveying-I
z z
Total area A = (2 sh − b) 2 + (b × h) + (2 sh + b) 2 . . . (1.2)
8s (s + z) 8s (s − z)

Figure 1.3 depicts a cross-section of the formation wholly in filling, in a hilly

region, with marked cross-slope of the ground. Eq. (1.2) is applicable also to this
situation. Students must derive this equation for this geometry as a matter of
b/2 b/1
z L
z h


Figure 1.3 : Cross-section of Road Formation in Filling (in Embankment) in a Hilly Terrain
with Marked Cross-slope of the Ground
Figure 1.4 presents the simplest case of a road section in a hilly region : in
actuality BC may not always equal to CD, and calculations will have to be
different as discussed below :
Area in filling = Area ABC,
Area in cutting = Area CDE
AG z1 AG z1
= , or = , or AG = z1 × h1
BG 1 h1 1
AG s AG z1 × h1
and = , or FG = =
FG 1 s s
BF = BG – FG
z1 h1 ⎡ z ⎤
= h1 − = h1 ⎢1 − 1 ⎥
s ⎣ s⎦
1 1 ⎡ z1 ⎤
∴ Area ABF = AG × BF = (z1 × h1 ) h1 ⎢1 − s ⎥
2 2 ⎣ ⎦
1 b ⎡ z1 ⎤
Area CBF = × b1 BF = 1 × h1 ⎢1 − s ⎥
2 2 ⎣ ⎦
∴ Area ABC (Filling) = Area ABF + Area CBF
1 ⎡ z1 ⎤
= ⎢1 − s ⎥ h1 [z1 h1 + b1]
2 ⎣ ⎦
1 ⎡ z1 ⎤ 2
= ⎢1 − s ⎥ [z1 h1 + h1 b1] . . . (1.3)
2 ⎣ ⎦
and, Area CDE (Cutting) = Area DEH + Area CDH . . . (1.4)
EI z
= 2
DI 1
EI z 2
or = , or EI = z 2 h2
h2 1
EI s EI z 2 h2 Estimation of
and, = , or HI = = Earthwork
HI 1 s s

z 2 h2 ⎛ z ⎞
HD = ID − IH = h2 − = h2 ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
s ⎝ s ⎠

∴ Area DFH = × IE × HD

1 ⎛ z ⎞
= z 2 h2 × h2 ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
2 ⎝ s ⎠

and, Area CDH = × b2 × HD

1 ⎛ z ⎞
= b2 × h2 ⎜1 − 2 ⎟
2 ⎝ s ⎠

1 ⎛ z ⎞
∴ Area CDE (i.e., from Eq. 1.4 ) = × h2 ⎜1 − 2 ⎟ ( z 2 h2 + b2 )
2 ⎝ s ⎠

1 ⎛ z2 ⎞ 2
= ⎜ 1 − s ⎟ ( z2 h2 + b2 h2 ) . . . (1.5)
2 ⎝ ⎠
Average cross-slope of the ground ⇒ 1 : s E
h1z1 s z2 h2
Formation level
B b1 C
s b2 D
z1 h2z2
h1 1 F

sh2 = (b2 + h2z2)


Figure 1.4 : Cross-section of a Road Formation in Cutting-cum-filling

(i.e. Cutting-cum-Embankment) in a Hilly Terrain

Various other geometrical juxtapositions combining road/rail formation outlines

with single or double cross-sectional ground slopes are always encountered in
field situations. With these basics in mind one can always compute the areas,
either in filling or cutting, with ease. It is in order here to point out that in
practice, ground and proposed formation sections are plotted on a graph sheet on
a natural scale (i.e. vertical and horizontal scales being kept the same) imposing
the proposed outline on the given natural ground slope. It is easy to understand
that one can immediately make out the filling and cutting portions that are
required to be done in the proposed earthwork. If the chosen natural scale is, say,
1 cm = x metre on the ground, the conversion factor for 1 square cm (on the
graph) is x2 metre on the ground (in vertical plane). Hence, counting the number
of square centimetres (n) enclosed directly by a particular geometrical shape (the
procedure does away with the necessity of deducting anything from any gross
quantity, as was done while deriving the above mentioned formulae) – reckoning
half or more than half square on the graph as 1, and neglecting less-than-half
squares – one can arrive at the number (n × x2) of square metres that are
represented by the number “n” on the graph. 9
Estimating and
Quantity Surveying-I Example 1.1

A hilly ground has a cross-slope of 1 : 4 (V : H), and the proposed road

formation, entirely in cutting, (1) – (2) – (3) – (4) has to be constructed.
Calculate the area in cutting (Figure 1.5).
4 L

1 1 : 2⇒
G 2 ⇒1 : 2 2.8 m

12 m
2 6.0 m 6.0 m

Figure 1.5 : Given Cross-section of a Road Entirely in Cutting (Example 1.1)

From Eq. (1.2), we have
z=2 ; s=4
h = 2.8 m ; b = 12 m
Therefore, the total area (A) of the figure (1) – (2) – (3) – (4) is given by :
z z
A= (2 sh − b) 2 + b × h + ( 2sh + b) 2
8 s (s + z ) 8 s (s − z )

2 2
= (2 × 4 × 2.8 − 12) 2 + 12 × 2.8 + (2 × 4 × 2.8 + 12) 2
8 × 4 ( 4 + 2) 8 × 4 ( 4 − 2)

= 1.126 + 33.6 + 36.98

= 71.706 m2

Example 1.2

Figure 1.6 shows the cross-section (ABCEF) of a hilly road (made up of

cutting and filling too). Compute the cross-sectional area of cutting and
banking (i.e. filling) separately.
1 : 5 (1 : s) L
KJ = 6.0 m
JD = 0.4 m I F

K J Formation level
.5 P
Formation = 12m


Note : J is the projection of the mid-point on to the hilly slope of the formation width BE.

Figure 1.6 : Cross-section of a Hilly Road : Partly in Cutting and Partly in Banking (Filling)
(Example 1.2)
Solution Estimation of
To arrive at the required elements of Eqs. (1.3) and (1.4), some calculations,
with reference to Figure 1.6, are being made as follows :
PK 1 1
JD = 0.4 m, = =
JK s 5
JK 6
∴ PK = = = 1.2 m
s 5
BP = PK − KB = 1.2 − 0.4 = 0.8 m
Also, = =
0.4 0 .8
∴ =
DC 6 − DC
which gives,
DC = 2 m
IE 1 1 EC
Further, = = ; or IE =
EC s 5 5
But, EC = 6 m + CD
= 6 + 5 JD = 6 + 5 × 0.4
∴ IE = GH = = 1.6 m
Now, with reference to the overall cross-slope of the hill, we can write :
FH 1
CH 5
FH 1 HE + EC
or = , or FH =
HE + EC 5 5
Also = , or FH =
HE 1.5 1.5
Hence, =
5 1 .5
HE + 8.0 HE
or, =
5 1.5
∴ HE = = 3.42 m
3 .5
FH = = 2.28 m
1 .5
AM 1 AM 1
= , also =
MC 1.5 MB 2.5
∴ AM = =
5 2 .5
or, =
5 2 .5
where, BC = BD – CD
= 6.0 – 2.0 = 4.0 m 11
Estimating and MB + 4 MB
Quantity Surveying-I ∴ =
5 2.5
which gives, MB = 4.0 m
4 .0
Thus, AM = = 1 .6 m
2 .5
We have by now calculated the required data for use in the above
mentioned formulae, and the information is summed up as under :
z1 = 2.5; s1 = 5; h1 = AM = 1.6 m; b1 = BC = 4.0 m

and z 2 = 2.5; s = 5; h2 = FH = 2.28 m; b2 = CE = 8.0 m

1⎛ z ⎞ 2
Therefore, Area in cutting = ⎜1 − 1 ⎟ [ z 2 h2 + b2 h2 ]
2⎝ s⎠

1⎛ 1 .5 ⎞ 2
= ⎜1 − ⎟ [1.5 (2.28) + 8 × 2.28]
2⎝ 5 ⎠
= (0.7) (26.03) = 9.11 m 2
1⎛ z ⎞ 2
and, Area in filling = ⎜1 − 1 ⎟ [ z1 h1 + b1 h1 ]
2⎝ s⎠

1 ⎛ 2.5 ⎞ 2
= ⎜1 − ⎟ [ 2.5 (1.6) + 1.6 × 4]
2 ⎝ 5 ⎠
= (0.5) (12.8) = 3.2 m 2
1.2.2 Computing Volumetric Quantities of Earthwork along a
Road Alignment
A civil engineer (or the customer: the work executing agency, or the owner) is
ultimately interested in knowing the volumetric quantity of earthwork for which
arrangements are needed to be made, and payments made as per the agreement
entered between the parties. In general, there are three principal methods of
computation that are used, namely :
(a) Average cross-sectional area method,
(b) Mid-sectional area method, and
(c) Prismoidal formula method.
Average Cross-sectional Area Method
As the name of the procedure indicates the average cross-sectional area (A)
is computed between a given length (l) of the road to be multiplied by ‘l’
(the distance between the end sections), to obtain the volume of
earthwork (V) enclosed as shown in Figure 1.7. This Figure gives a
simplified case of a stretch of road that is fully in cutting and characterized
by a uniform longitudinal grade. In practice the end sections may be
composed of both the filling and cutting – in that case, again the average of
filling and cutting areas, respectively, are to be considered and multiplied
by “l” to obtain the respective volume of earthwork. It is to be understood
that ‘l’ is the regular chainage length at which cross-sections are profiled;
and any additional cross-sections are recorded at places where the Estimation of
longitudinal formation line registers a change in slope or the ground profile
(in longitudinal direction) shows natural changes in grade. Such additional
cross-sections help one to attain a better accuracy in the computation of
volumes of earth by changing the values of ‘l’ appropriately at such
locations as mentioned above. The view will change in its contours, as can
be easily understood, according to whether the road is entirely in filling or
partly so.
E ss-
s ect
al a
r ea

F H H= A
b z 2
2 G 1: h


are ro ss-s

a, A ec
B C ti o n a
=A l zh
1 1
b 1:
1 z h
C 1

A +A
1 2 ×l
Volume between the end sections = V =
A +A
Average cross-sectional area = A = 1 2

Figure 1.7 : Isometric View of a Road, Fully in Cutting, with End-section ‘l’ Metres Apart

Considering Figure 1.7, we have :

⎡1 ⎤
Area ABCD ( A1 ) = b1 × h1 + 2 ⎢ ( z h1 ) h1 ⎥
⎣2 ⎦

= (b1 h1 + z h12 )

Similarly, Area EFGH ( A2 ) = (b2 × h2 + z h22 )

[In compound cases we can have side slopes as z1 and z2; and
not z1 = z2 = z.]
∴ Average area of cross-section along the length (l) of the road stretch,
A1 + A2
And, the required volume of earthwork,
Estimating and
⎛ A + A2 ⎞
Quantity Surveying-I V =⎜ 1 ⎟l
⎝ 2 ⎠
(b1 h1 + z h12 ) + (b2 h2 + z h22 )
= ×l . . . (1.6)
It may again be pointed out, the areas A1 and A2 can as well be
calculated through the use of graphical constructions.
These computations can be tabulated as shown below for the ease of
recording and inspection, and quick totalling up (its format can be changed,
say, if z1 ≠ z2 etc.) :
Quantity of

Length (l) – Difference between

Earthwork, A × l

Area of Rectangular Portion

Mean Cross-sectional Area

Total Cross-sectional Area

Triangle (if z1 ≠ z2) (m2)

Consecutive Chainages
Area of Side Triangle,

Area of Second Side

Chainage or Length

Height or Depth

(A1 or A2) (m2)

of the Section

1/2 z h12 (m2)




In In
Cutting Filling

It is quite evident that the grand total of last two sub-columns gives the
required quantity of earthwork in cutting and embankment (i.e. filling),
Mid-sectional Area Method
In this method, the required volume of earthwork is calculated by
considering the area of cross-section profiled at the mid-point (Am) of length
‘l’ of the road stretch. Or, it is calculated as shown below :
Let the bottom width of the mid-section be = bm
Height (or depth) of the section be = hm
h1 + h2
∴ hm =

Am = b × hm + z hm2

So, quantity of earthwork = A m × l .

The tabulation of results is done as shown above, with the additional

column for recording the values of hm being incorporated.
Prismoidal Formula Method
Here in this method three cross-sectional areas – one at each end of the
stretch (i.e. reach of the road), and one at the mid-point of the reach – are
considered, using the following formula :
V = (A1 + 4 Am + A2 )
This formula is applicable equally both to cuttings and fillings.
Estimation of
Example 1.3 Earthwork

A survey was conducted for the proposed road through a given area, and
following data recorded :
Chainage 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
RL of Ground 104.0 104.40 104.55 104.80 105.10 105.80 105.60 105.10
RL of Proposed – – – – 104.80 – – –
Formation (m)
Proposed Rising Gradient of 1 m in 150
Gradient of
Chainage 200 225 250 275 300 325 350
RL of Ground 104.70 104.70 104.10 103.80 103.80 104.40 103.70
RL of Proposed – – – – – – –
Proposed Falling Gradient 1 m in 200
Gradient of

[Note : RLs of proposed formation at chainage 100 m is prefixed herein to meet some
field requirements, whereas RLs at other chainages are to be calculated as per the
proposed gradient of the road.]

It is required to workout the quantities of earthwork in cutting and filling

for the given length of the reach, 350 m, using the following data as well :
Proposed width of road formation = 12.0 m
Side slopes in cutting = 1 : 2
Side slopes in filling = 1 : 2.5
Assume the cross-slope of the ground as nil.
Draw the longitudinal section (L-section), i.e., longitudinal profile of the
ground, showing the formation line all long.
Propose the bill of quantities of earthwork – both in embankment (filling)
and cutting. Also prepare the cost of these two items of earthwork
separately, and the cost of turfing on the side slopes of the road.
Assume suitable rates of payment for each item.
Figure 1.8 presents the given data insofar as the longitudinal profile of the
ground, and formation line are concerned – the Figure itself being
self-explanatory. It should be noted that in contrast to the plotting of a
cross-section to a natural scale (horizontal scale = vertical scale) in order to
directly obtain the cross-sectional area by the counting of squares, here the
two scales are chosen differently to allow a better representation of the ups
and downs of the longitudinal profiles. In this particular example the
Estimating and vertical scale is chosen such as 2 cm represents 1 metre of the ground, while
Quantity Surveying-I
horizontal 1 cm represents 25 m of the ground.

Figure 1.8(a) : Determination of Formation Levels; and hence Depth of Cutting and Height Estimation of
of Embankment at Chainage Points (Example 1.3) Earthwork

105.5 105.6
Ground Line

104.3 104.4
Ground Line


Formation Line L2
105 105.13


Ox = 14.06 m x = 10.94 m
Chainage 1 2

150 175 Enlarged Profile;

X3 = 17.65 m Chainage ‘0’ to ‘25’

X4 = 7.35 m
Enlarged Profile;
Chainage 150 to 175

Figure 1.8(b) : Determination of Intersection of Formation and Ground Lines

After the ground profile is drawn, comes the turn of drawing the formation
line as per the proposed grade/grades over the various stretches of the
alignment. In this particular example it has been arranged to let the line pass
through the given obligatory point as shown in the Figure 1.8. RLs of the
longitudinal formation line at various chainage points can then be read off
from the graph or can be calculated as per the gradient of the line – the
latter being a more accurate procedure.
Knowing, by now, the RLs of the ground and the corresponding formation
line, one can calculate the required depth of cutting or filling (as the case
may be) at various chainage points, and enter the figures appropriately as
shown in the Figure. As is observed by inspection, the present formation
line intersects the ground profile at two points (L1 and L2) – it necessitates
determining the chainages of these intersection points (where, obviously,
there will neither be cutting nor filling involved) to allow computing
earthwork between the intersection point and the adjacent chainage points,
respectively, for better accuracy of estimation work. Figure 1.8 also depicts
graphical constructions (to enlarged scale) to determine the chainages
(RDs, i.e. reduced distances in the terminology of surveying and levelling)
of these points, L1 and L2 – 14.06 m (0 + 14.06), and 167.65 m
(150 + 17.65), respectively. For the sake of still higher accuracy (which,
generally, may not be required at all in actual field conditions), however,
one can arrive at these figures by calculations as well. Assuming the two
triangles (to the right and left of point L1 in Figure 1.8 – enlarged profiles,
to be similar, one can write :
0.13 0.1
= , where x1 + x2 = 25
x1 x2

0.1 0.1
or x2 = x1 ; or 25 − x1 = x1
0.13 0.13
or 0.13 × 25 − 0.13 x1 = 0.1 x1

0.13 × 25
or x1 = = 14.13 m ( ≈ 14.06 m)
Estimating and
Quantity Surveying-I
∴ x2 = 25 − 14.13 = 10.87 m (≈ 10.94 m)

Similarly, with reference to other point, L2, one can write :

0.47 0.2
= , where x3 + x4 = 25
x3 x4
It gives, x3 = 17.53 m (≈ 17.65 m) and x4 = 7.47 m (≈ 7.35 m)
(Moreover, Figure 1.8 shows representative cross-sections – one in cutting
and other in filling.)
Armed with the necessary data, one can next proceed to estimate the
quantity of earthwork (cutting and embankment, respectively) involved in
this road construction as detailed in Table 1.1 – in this Table, it is important
to point out, two more chainage points (i.e. RDs), namely, 14.06 m and
167.65 m, that have been added for obvious reasons. [Each hm is the mean
of two values of h, and is entered against the end of the particular stretch.]
Table 1.1 : Calculation of Quantity of Earthwork (Bill of Quantities)
– Example 1.3
b = 12.0 m; Side slope in filling, z = 2.5; Side slope in cutting, z = 2.0;
Quantity of
Difference of GL Total between Two
Chainage Mean Value of Central Two Side Distance Chainage Points,
and Formation Cross -
or Area Triangle sectional between
Reduced (b ×hm) Areas Area Adjacent (b × hm+ zhm2 )
Distance (zhm) Chainage
(RD) Depth, Height (b × hm + Points (l)
i.e., i.e., Cutting Filling zh2m) In In
Cutting Filling (hm) (hm) Cutting Filling
(h) (h)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m) (m2) (m2)
0 – 0.13 – – – – – – – –
14.06 0 0 – 0.065 (+) 0.78 (+) 0.010 (+) 0.790 14.06 – 11.10
25 0.10 – 0.05 – (– 0.60) (–) 0.005 (–) 0.605 10.94 6.61 –
50 0.09 – 0.095 – (– 1.14) (–) 0.018 (–) 1.158 25.00 28.95 –
75 0.17 – 0.13 – (– 1.56) (–) 0.033 (–) 1.593 25.00 39.82 –
100 0.30 – 0.235 – (– 2.82) (–) 0.110 (–) 2.93 25.00 73.25 –
125 0.84 – 0.57 – (– 6.84) (–) 0.649 (–) 7.489 25.00 187.22 –
150 0.47 – 0.655 – (–7.86) (–) 0.858 (–) 8.718 25.00 217.95 –
167.65 0 0 0.235 – (– 2.82) (–) 0.110 (–) 2.93 17.65 51.71 –
175 – 0.20 – 0.10 (+ 1.2) (+) 0.025 (+)1.225 7.35 – 9.00
200 – 0.76 – 0.48 (+ 5.76) (+) 0.576 (+) 6.336 25.00 – 158.40
225 – 0.63 – 0.695 (+ 8.34) (+ ) 1.207 (+) 9.547 25.00 – 238.67
250 – 1.11 – 0.87 (+ 10.44) (+) 1.892 (+)12.332 25.00 – 308.30
275 – 1.28 – 1.195 (+ 14.34) (+ ) 3.570 (+)17.91 25.00 – 447.75
300 – 1.16 – 1.22 (+ 14.64) (+) 3.721 (+)18.361 25.00 – 459.02
325 – 1.43 – 1.295 (+ 15.54) (+) 4.192 (+)19.732 25.00 – 493.30
350 – 1.01 – 1.22 (+ 14.64) (+) 3.71 (+)18.35 25.00 – 458.75
Total 605.51 2584.29
{+indicates quantity in filling, − indicates quantity in cutting}

Assuming suitable rates for earthwork in cutting and filling, say, Rs. A and Rs. B
per m³, respectively, one can calculate the cost of total earthwork, as shown Estimation of
below :
Abstract of Estimated Cost of Earthwork for Road
Item Particulars Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Earthwork in 605.51 m3 A m3 (605.51) A
2 Earthwork in 2584.29 m3 B m3 (2584.29) B
Total = [6.05.51 A + 2584.29 B]
= C (say)

⎛ 3 ⎞
Add 3% of contingencies ⎜= × C ⎟ = D (say)
⎝ 100 ⎠
⎛ 2 ⎞
Add 2% of Work-charged Establishment ⎜= × C ⎟ = E (say)
⎝ 100 ⎠
Grand Total = (C + D + E)

Cost of Turfing of Side Slopes of the Road

Table 1.2 gives the necessary calculations for calculating the area to be
turfed :
Table 1.2 : Calculations for Turfing of Side Slopes
2 2 2 2
[For filling, z1 + 1 = (2.5) + 1 = 2.692 , for cutting, z 2 + 1 = (2) + 1 = 2.236 ]

RD *Mean Depth One Sloped Breadth of *Length, l Area of both Side

(m) or Height, hm Side Slope, (m) Slopes,
(m) h × ( z 2 + 1) , 2 l ⎡ hm ( z 2 + 1) ⎤
⎣ ⎦
(m) (m2)
0 – – – –
14.06 (+) 0.065 0.065 × 2.692 = 0.174 14.06 4.89
25 (−) 0.05 0.05 × 2.236 = 0.111 10.94 2.42
50 (−) 0.095 0.212 25.00 10.60
75 (−) 0.13 0.290 25.00 14.50
100 (−) 0.235 0.525 25.00 26.25
125 (−) 0.57 1.274 25.00 63.70
150 (−) 0.655 1.464 25.00 73.2
167.65 (−) 0.235 0.525 17.65 18.53
175 (+) 0.10 0.269 7.35 3.95
200 (+) 0.48 1.292 25.00 64.6
225 (+) 0.695 1.870 25.00 93.5
250 (+) 0.87 2.342 25.00 117.1
275 (+) 1.195 3.216 25.00 160.8
300 (+) 1.22 3.284 25.00 164.2
325 (+) 1.295 3.486 25.00 174.3
350 (+) 1.22 3.284 25.00 164.2
Estimating and
Total = 1156.74 m2
Quantity Surveying-I
* [Values taken from Table 1.1.]
Abstract of Estimated Cost of Turfing of Side Slopes
Item Particulars Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
No. (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Turfing on 1156.74 m2 100/– m2 1,15,674/–
both side (say)
slopes : for
cutting and
Total = 1,15,674/–
Add 3% as Contingencies = 3470.22
Add 2% as Workcharged Establishment = 2313.48

Grand Total = 121458/– (say)

In elaborate (standard) road cross-sections there is provision made for

incorporating side drains (to take care of rainwater, or even oozing in hilly areas)
– both in cutting as well as filling; in the latter case the drains are positioned on
the natural ground beyond the embankments. Earthwork involved in these
constructions can easily be computed as per details furnished in the cross-
sectional data, etc.
Earthwork estimation in railroad work, and in canals is no different from the
procedure outlined above, and can be done easily once the data is given.


A canal along a given terrain can either be in full cutting, full filling
(embankment), or in part cutting and filling – similar to the situation that can
prevail for a roadway. The basic method of earthwork computation, as mentioned
earlier, remains the same as outlined for a given road work.
In all earthworks (road and canal), an experienced engineer aims at achieving on
economical depth of cutting (known as balancing depth) such that the quantity of
earth cutting practically equals the quantity in embankment at a given location or
over a stretch of alignment – this balance can be achieved by a judicious
adjustment of alignment, and grade of the bed of the structure which is a difficult
task when there are practical constraints to be faced. In practice, the quantity of
excavation can exceed the quantity required for embankment – and, the extra
(surplus) quantity of earth is used to form spoil banks (Figure 1.9). It is, however,
obvious that when the excavated earth is less than that required for filling, one
has to obtain the balance quantity from the borrow pits [regular-shaped pits dug
on the temporary acquired land]. In case spoil banks are provided in the design of
a canal section (due to particular practical reason(s), the canal is also said to be in
balancing depth of cutting if the excavated earth is sufficient to form the required
spoil banks. When the canal is in partial cutting (Figure 1.10) in a plain area (in a
hilly area the section can be comprising a cutting in the hill slope and a fill on the
down hill side – like that of a road section), the banks on the ground look like
spoil banks.
A canal section in full embankment can have its bed at ground level, or above the
ground land (Figure 1.11), or could be, as a general case, in part cutting and part
filling. These situations arise depending upon the relative levels of the ground and Estimation of
the bed of the canal. Near aqueducts (or other cross drainage works) high
embankments are necessitated to be constructed – in such cases core walls in the
centre of banks are provided both as an antiseepage measures as well as a
structural reinforcement (to be estimated separately as per the design approved
for the purpose).

Spoil Berm Free Board Spoil

Bank Bank

1:z 1:z h
FSL = Full Supply Level
Canal Bed

zh b zh

Figure 1.9 : Spoil Banks Along the Flanks of a Canal in Cutting

Free Board

Bank Bank

Canal Bed

Figure 1.10 : Canal in Partial Cutting in a Plain Area – Spoil Banks Functioning as Water
Retaining Banks

b1 b2

z 1:z h
1:z Canal Bed

(a) Canal Bed at Ground Level (GL)

b1 b2

1:z 1:z h 1:z

Canal bed

zh zh y

(b) Bed of Canal above Ground Level (GL) – Full Embankment

b1 b2

1 : z1 1 : z1 1 : z1 1 : z1
1 : z2 1 : z2
z1 h z1 h y
Canal Bed

z2 y b z2 y
Estimating and (c) Canal (in Plain Area) – Partly in Cutting and Partly in Filling
Quantity Surveying-I
Figure 1.11 : Canal Bed at Ground Level, Above GL or Below GL

With reference to Figure 1.11(a), when the canal bed is at ground level (GL), the
quantity of earthwork (V) between two adjacent chainage points (distance, l,
apart) can be computed as,

⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
V = ⎢ (b1 × b2 ) h + 4 ⎜ × zh × h ⎟ ⎥l
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦

or, V = [(b1 × b2 ) h + 2 z h 2 ] l . . . (1.7)

Similarly, when the canal section is totally in cutting (Figure 1.9), the required
quantity, is calculated as

⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
V = ⎢b × h + 2 ⎜ zh × h ⎟ ⎥ l
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦

or, V = [b × h + z h 2 ] l . . . (1.8)

For a canal section totally above the GL, we can write for the total filling
(Figure 1.11(b)),

⎡ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛1 ⎞ ⎤
V = ⎢ (b1 + b2 ) h + 4 ⎜ zh × h ⎟ + 2 ⎜ zy × y ⎟ + by + ( b1 + 2 zh + b2 + 2 zh ) y⎥ l
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠ ⎝2 ⎠ ⎦

= [(b1 + b2 ) h + 2 z × h 2 + z y 2 + by + b1 y + 2 zhy + b2 y + 2 zhy ] l

= [(b1 + b2 ) h + zh 2 + ( zh 2 + 2 zhy + zy 2 ) + (b1 + b2 + b + 2 zh) y] l

or, V = [(b1 + b2 ) h + zh 2 + z (h + y ) 2 + (b1 + b2 + 2 zh + b) y ] l . . . (1.9)

For a more general case, canal section partly in cutting and partly in filling, as in
Figure 1.11(c), one can write :
Volume in cutting,
VC = (by + z2 y 2 ) l . . . (1.10)

and, Volume in filling,

⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
VF = ⎢(b1 + b2 ) h + 4 ⎜ z1 h × h ⎟⎥ l
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦

= [(b1 + b2 ) h + 2 z1 h 2 ] l . . . (1.11)

It is obvious that while tabulating the results, for a given length of work, the
columns of tabulation framework will be provided according to the formula used
for the computational purposes.

Example 1.4

With reference to the construction of a distributory (branch of a canal), Estimation of
whose proposed bed slope is 1 in 5000, following survey data was made
available for a portion of the work :

Chainage Ground Level Proposed Bed Level

(m) (m) (m)
0 98.50 100.00
300 98.80 –
600 98.10 –
900 98.20 –
1200 98.40 –
1500 98.40 –
1800 98.10 –

The bed width is to be maintained at 4.5 m with the section being fully in
banking. The top width of the side banks is to be kept as 2.25 m, with the
side slopes at 1 : 1.5. The full supply depth of water is 1.25 m with a
free-board of 0.5 m.
Borrow pits are to be dug on both sides of the distributory leaving a clear
distance of 5 m from the toe of the bank, limiting the depth of borrow pits
to 30 cm, with width that may exceed 1.5 m. As the lift (to be paid to the
contractor) of earthwork increases with the height of the embankment, it is
required to workout the quantity of earthwork (filling) in stages of 1.5 m
from the GL.
Prepare a bill of quantities, and an abstract of cost of earthwork – rate for
each item depends on the required specifications (detailed in contract
The proposed bed levels and the height of filling from the GL to the bed (at
each chainage) are calculated as follows :

Chainage Ground Level Proposed Bed Level Filling upto Bed

(m) (m) (Bed Slope = 1 : 5000) Level, y
(m) (m)

0 98.50 100.00 100 – 98.50 = 1.50

300 98.80 99.94 1.14

600 98.10 99.88 1.78

900 98.20 99.82 1.62

1200 98.40 99.76 1.36

1500 98.40 99.70 1.30

1800 98.10 99.64 1.54

[Note : For every 300 m longitudinal distance there is a fall of 0.06 m in the bed level (at
the given slope of 1: 5000).]

Figure 1.12 presents the canal cross-section (which is totally in filling) with
essential details. Herein head lead, distance from the centre-line of a
borrow pit to the centre-line of the adjacent bank, is indicated which is a 23
Estimating and function of y (which in turn varies from chainage to chainage as shown in
Quantity Surveying-I
the above table) – this head lead is to be paid for as a carriage over which
the earth is to be carried along the horizontal distance.

Estimation of
Figure 1.12 : Canal Section (with Borrow Pits) – Example 1.4
Using Eq. (1.9), without the multiplier “l”, one can calculate the sectional
areas (filling) at various chainages.
Full Sectional Area (in Filling) at Chainage “o”, A0 (Figure 1.12)
= [(2 × 2.25) 1.75 + 1.5 (1.75) 2 + 1.5 (1.75 + 1.5) 2
+ (2 × 2.25 + 2 × 1.5 × 1.75 + 4.5) × 1.5]
= [(7.875 + 4.593 + 15.843 + (14.25) × 1.5]
= 12.468 + 15.843 + 21.375

= 49.686 m 2
Area ABCD (i.e. upto line DC –1.5 m above GL – from top line AB)
– for full canal cross-section (Figure 1.13),
⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢2.25 × 1.75 + 2 + ⎜ × 2.625 × 1.75 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦
= 2 [3.937 + 4.593]
= 17.06 m2

2.25 m
0.25 m

1.75 m
1 : 1.5
1.5 m

0.375 y
1.75 × 1.5 = 2.625

Here, y = 1.5 m

Figure 1.13 : Calculation of Cross-sectional Area of Canal (Filling) at Chainage ‘0’

(Example 1.4)
Similarly, area ABEF (i.e. from top to 3 m above GL (Figure 1.13),
⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢2.25 × 0.25 + 2 + ⎜ × 0.375 × 0.25 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦
= 2 [0.562 + 0.093]
= 1.31 m2
Full Sectional Area (Filling) at Chainage “300 m”, A300 (Figure 1.14)
= 12.468 + 1.5 (1.75 + 1.14) 2 + (14.25) 1.14
= 12.468 + 12.528 + 16.245
= 41.241 m2
Area ABCD (top to 1.5 m above GL) – Figure 1.14,
⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢2.25 × 1.39 + 2 ⎜ × 2.085 × 1.39 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦ 25
Estimating and = 2 [3.127 + 2.898]
Quantity Surveying-I
= 12.05 m2
2.25 m

1.39 m

1.75 m

0.36 m
1.39 × 1.5 = 2.085 m
1.5 m

y = 1.14 m

Figure 1.14 : Area Calculations of Chainage ‘300 m’ (Example 1.4)

Full Sectional Area at Chainage ‘600 m’, A600 (Figure 1.15)
= 12.468 + 1.5 (1.75 + 1.78) 2 + (14.25) × 1.78
= 12.468 + 18.691 + 25.365
= 56.524 m2
0.53 m
A 2.25 m B
0.795 m

1 : 1.5
1.75 m
1.50 m

0.28 m
D1 C1

2.625 m 1.5 m y = 1.78 m

0.42 m

Figure 1.15 : Area Calculations at Chainage ‘600 m’ (Example 1.4)

Area ABCD (from AB upto 1.5 m above GL)

= Area AB C1 D1 + (Area D1 C1 CD + Area under canal bed)
⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢ 2.25 × 1.75 + 2 ⎜ × 2.625 × 1.75 ⎟ ⎥
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦

1 ⎧⎡ 4.5 ⎤
+ ⎨ ⎢ 2 × 2.625 + 2.25 +
2 ⎩⎣ 2 ⎥⎦

⎡ 4.5 ⎤⎫
+ 2 ⎢ 2 × 2.625 + 2.25 + + 0.42 ⎥ ⎬ × 0.28
⎣ 2 ⎦⎭
= 2 [3.937 + 4.593]
+ [5.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 5.25 + 2.25 + 2.25 + 0.42] × 0.28
= 17.06 + 5.577 Estimation of
= 22.637 m2
Area ABEF (AB to 3 m above GL)
⎧1 ⎫
= 2 ⎨ [2.25 + (0.795 + 2.25 + 0.795)] × 0.53⎬
⎩ 2 ⎭
= [6.09] × 0.53
= 3.227 m2
Full Sectional Area at Chainage ‘900 m’, A900 (Figure 1.16)
2.25 m B
0.37 m
0.555 m

1 : 1.5

1.5 m 1.75 m

0.12 m
2.625 m

0.18 m
1.5 m y = 1.62 m

Figure 1.16 : Area Calculations at Chainage ‘900 m’ (Example 1.4)

= 12.468 + 1.5 (1.75 + 1.62) 2 + (14.25) × 1.62
= 12.468 + 17.035 + 23.085
= 52.588 m2
Area ABCD (from AB upto 1.5 m above GL)
= 17.06 + [19.5 + 2 (9.75 + 0.18)] × 0.12
= 17.06 + (2.361)
= 19.421 m2
Area ABEF (AB to 3 m above GL)
= 2× [2.25 + (0.555 + 2.25 + 0.555)] × 0.37
= [5.61] × 0.37
= 2.075 m2
Full Sectional Area at Chainage ‘1200 m’, A1200 (Figure 1.17)
= 12.468 + 14.508 + 19.38
= 46.356 m2
Area ABCD (top to 1.5 m above GL) – Figure 1.17,
⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢ (2.25 × 1.61) + 2 ⎜ × 2.415 × 1.61⎟ ⎥
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦
= 2 [3.622 + 3.888]
Estimating and = 2 × 7.510
Quantity Surveying-I
= 15.020 m2
0.11 m
2.25 m
0.165 m

1 : 1.5
1.61 m 1.75 m
1.5 m

0.14 m


2.25 m 1.5 m

2.415 m y = 1.36 m

Figure 1.17 : Area Calculations at Chainage ‘1200 m’ (Example 1.4)

Area ABEF (top to 3.00 m above GL)
= 2× [(2.25) + (2 × 0.165 + 2.25)] × 0.11
= [2.25 + 0.742] × 0.11
= 0.329 m2
Full Sectional Area at Chainage ‘1580 m’, A1500 (Figure 1.18)
= 12.468 + 1.5 (1.75 + 1.30) 2 + (14.25) × 1.3
= 12.468 + 13.953 + 18.525
= 44.946 m2
0.05 m
A 2.25 m B
0.075 m

1 : 1.5

1.5 m 1.75 m

1.55 m 0.20 m

1.5 m
2.325 m

y = 1.30 m

Figure 1.18 : Area Calculations at Chainage ‘1500 m’ (Example 1.4)

Area ABCD (top to 1.5 m above GL) – Figure 1.18
⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢2.25 × 1.55 + 2 ⎜ × 2 .325 × 1.55 ⎟⎥
⎣ ⎝2 ⎠⎦
= 2 × [3.487 + 3.603]
= 14.18 m2
Area ABEF (top to 3 m above G. L.)

⎡1 ⎤ Estimation of
= 2 ⎢ {(2.25) + (2 × 0.075 + 2.25)} × 0.05⎥ Earthwork
⎣2 ⎦
= 0.232 m2
Full Sectional Area at Chainage “1800 m”, A1800 (Figure 1.19)
= 12.468 + 1.5 (1.75 + 1.54) 2 + (14.25) × 1.54
= 12.468 + 16.236 + 21.945
= 50.649 m2
A 2.25 m

0.29 m

0.435 m
1 : 1.5

1.75 m
1.5 m

0.04 m
2.625 m
D1 C1

1.5 m

0.06 m
y = 1.54 m

Figure 1.19 : Area Calculations at Chainage ‘1800 m’ (Example 1.4)

Area ABCD (top to 1.5 m above GL),
= 17.06 + [(19.5) + 2(9.75 + 0.06) ] × 0.04
= 17.06 + 0.782
= 17.84 m2
Area ABEF (top to 3.00 m above G.L.)
= 2× [ 2.25 + (0.435 + 2.25 + 0.435 )] × 0.29
= [ 2.25 + 3.12] × 0.29
= 1.557 m²
Following tables present the computational procedure to compute the work
in stages of 1.5 m from the ground level (using the information worked out
till now) :
Quantity of Earthwork upto 1.5 m above Ground Level
Chainage Total Area Total Area Col. (2) – Mean Length of Quantity of
Above GL between Top Col. (3) Area Reach = Earthwork
of Bank to 1.5 Difference = Col. (5) ×
m above GL of Col. (6)
(m) (m²) (m²) (m2) (m) (m³)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 49.686 17.06 32.626 – – –
300 41.241 12.05 29.191 30.91 300 9,273
600 56.524 22.637 33.887 31.54 300 9,462
900 52.588 19.421 33.167 33.53 300 10,059 29
Estimating and 1200 46.356 15.020 31.336 32.25 300 9,675
Quantity Surveying-I
1500 44.946 14.18 30.766 31.05 300 9,315
1800 50.649 17.842 32.807 31.79 300 9,537
Total = 57,321 m3
Quantity of Earthwork between 1.5 to 3 m above Ground Level

Chainage Total Area Total Area Col. (2) – Mean Length of Quantity of
between Top between Top Col. (3) Area Reach Earthwork
of Bank to of Bank to 3 m = Col. (5) ×
1.5 m above above GL Col. (6)
(m) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m) m3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 17.06 1.31 15.75 – – –

300 12.05 0.00 12.05 13.9 300 4,170

600 22.637 3.227 19.41 15.73 300 4,719

900 19.421 2.075 17.346 18.38 300 5,514

1200 15.020 0.329 14.691 16.02 300 4,806

1500 14.18 0.232 13.948 14.32 300 4,296

1800 17.842 1.557 16.285 15.12 300 4,536

Total = 28,041 m3

Quantity of Earthwork between 3 m above GL to Top of Banks

Chainage Total Area between Mean Area Length of Reach Quantity of

Top of Bank to 3 m Earthwork
above GL = Col. (5) × Col. (6)

(m) (m2) (m2) (m) m3

1 2 3 4 5

0 1.31 – – –

300 0.00 0.66 300 198

600 3.227 1.61 300 483

900 2.075 2.65 300 795

1200 0.329 1.20 300 360

1500 0.232 0.28 300 84

1800 1.557 0.89 300 267

Total = 2187 m3

Borrow Pits
Borrow pits (as per the given design) are made (on both sides of the
distributory as given in the problem) which are not to exceed 30 cm in
depth. This, therefore, is treated as work of surface excavation, and is paid
for in m2.
It is usual, unless otherwise stated, to assume the cross-sectional area of a Estimation of
borrow pit (that falls on either side of the earthwork) to be equal to half the
cross-sectional area of the distributory at a given chainage. Therefore, we
have :
Chainage Sectional Area (m2) Width of Borrow Average Width Total Surface
of a Borrow Pit = Pit, of Pit Area of Pits
(Total Cross- Col. (2) = Col. (4)
sectional Area of x = ×length
Depth of Pit
Distributory) / 2
(m) (m) (m)
1 2 3 4 5
0 49.684 24.84
= 24.84 = 82.8
2 0.3
300 41.241 68.73
= 20.62
Average of 2 × 81.42 × 1800
600 56.524 94.2 values in = 293112
= 28.26
2 Col. (3)
900 52.588 87.63 569.93
= 26.29 = 81.42
2 7
1200 46.356 77.27
= 23.18
1500 44.946 74.90
= 22.47
1800 50.649 84.4
= 25.32

By now, all the required quantities stand calculated, and the following bill
of quantities is made for working out the cost of each item of work and of
the total work :

Bill of Quantities of Various Items (Example 1.4)

Item Particulars Measurements Quantity Remarks
No. No. L B H
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in borrow pits Here,
(here, surface excavation) not obviously
exceeding 30 cm in depth (but measurement
its width may exceed 1.5 m). columns are
– – –
Disposal of this excavated 293112 m2 not to be
material shall be done as per entered into
given horizontal distance and
upto given maximum lift.
Total 293112 m2
2 Earthwork in filling (banking)
– to be excavated in layers not
exceeding 20 cm depth,
breaking clods, watering,
– – – 57321
rolling as per specifications,
and dressing up, with a lead
upto 50 m and lift upto
1.5 m (1st stage). Total 57321 m3
3 As in Item (2) above, with lift – – – 28041 m3
from 1.5 m to 3 m (2nd stage). 28041 m3
Total 31
Estimating and 4 As in Item (2) above, with lift
Quantity Surveying-I
from 3 m to top of the bank – – –
(i.e. upto 3.53 m above GL) – 2187 m3
(3rd stage). Total 2187 m3

Knowing the rates for different items of work, as per applicable Schedule of
Rates, Abstract of Estimated Cost of Works of Example 1.4 can be tabulated
according to the following Proforma.
Abstract of Estimated Cost of Works of Example 1.4
Item No. Particulars Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount

Add 3% for Contingencies
Add 2% for Workcharged Establishment
Grand Total (say, to be rounded off)
[Note : It is to be noted that, unlike in road/rail work, canals incorporate falls along their
alignment. Therefore, at those chainages, where a fall is positioned, that particular
cross-section is to be considered twice – once with the cross-section at the chainage
previous to it, and secondly with the one at the following chainage – to compute the


Fundamentally important principles ever and always govern the earthwork (as
any other civil engineering work) wherever it is undertaken with a view to
achieve a quality in its workmanship, and its durability. Therefore, these
principles (general specifications) are universally applicable. However, in
addition to these requirements, sometimes more and finer aspects (in detailed
specifications) are covered under special clauses to cater to the excellence of
work – hence, it can happen that seemingly these specifications may differ from
agency to agency or place to place; but the basic primise being quality and
1.4.1 General Specifications Regarding Earthwork in Road, Rail
and Canal
All work in cutting (excavation) shall be classified as outlined below :
Rock Cutting (Blasting Not Resorted to)
This work shall comprise all rock cutting, which may not be removed
by blasting because of the proximity of buildings (or for any other
reason), by means of chisels or wedges. However, blasting is resorted
to for the removal of rock in masses where blasting is permissible.
Cutting Soft Rock
Soft rock shall include all that material that is rock, but does not need
blasting; and it can be removed with the help of picks, jumper,
32 shovels, and kasis.
Cutting Hard Soil Estimation of
This includes, besides hard soil, all kinds of disintegrated rock, shale,
indurated (hardened) clay mixed with boulders (not needing blasting),
and can be removed by means of picks.
Earth Cutting
This type of work includes all cutting in earth that is capable of being
ploughed, no matter whether picks or phowrahs are used in the
excavation work. Mud, a mixture of soil and water – in a state of
fluid–like material or weak solid state – is paid for separately.
In excavation, special care shall be taken ensuring that start and
progress of work proceed in a manner that the excavations drain
themselves – in order to avoid delays caused by water (oozings or
rain water) being trapped.
All the materials obtained (by cuttings/excavations), if suitable for pitching,
ballast, or any other purpose, shall be the property of the government. It
shall be stacked suitably as per authorized directions, for which the
contractor shall be paid extra for the labour involved in stacking, and for the
excess lead if any.
For the purposes of determining leads, all distances shall be measured along
the shortest practical route which may not necessarily be the actual route
taken. Distance of 0.5 km or more shall be taken as 1.0 km, and a distance
of less than 0.5 km shall be ignored (with relaxation in this rule under
special circumstances). Earth, etc. shall be stacked by leveling the materials
in layers.
Any finds such as relics, coins, fossils, etc. shall belong to the government.
Trenches and foundation pits, if necessary, shall be fenced, surrounded with
appropriate caution signs, and marked with red lights at night to avert
accidents. Excavations shall not be carried out upto a depth that goes below
the foundation level of adjacent buildings/structure unless, under authorized
directions, underpinning, or shoring, etc. is done (liable to be paid for the
All cuttings (including for building foundations) shall be measured
carefully to the precise dimensions detailed on the drawing. In the case of
the bed (bottom) of the cutting having been taken down deeper than
necessary by overright or neglect of the contractor, the scooped out hollow
has to be filled with hard stuff to achieve true depth and shall be rammed at
the contractor’s expense. No payment shall be made for this cutting that has
been made in excess of the designed profile.
No claim for inequalities in the original ground shall be entertained
(including for building foundations) unless the same have been measured
before the commencement of work.
Excavation that does not require dressing of sides and bottom and going
upto (reduction to) exact levels are classified as rough excavation. An
example of this kind of excavation is best presented while excavating earth
from borrow pits (to be used elsewhere).

Estimating and As is well understood, cuttings as per design vis-à-vis a given work, shall
Quantity Surveying-I
be done from top to bottom – in no case shall under-cutting or under-mining
be allowed to be indulged in. The sides of all excavations shall be dressed
up or trimmed, and the bed (bottom) shall be levelled (or graded if required)
as per the intended design.
In the case of hard rock, that requires blasting to be resorted to, the cutting
depth (for the sake of measurement) shall be measured upto the actual
levels if it was an unavoidable outcome of the operation.
Excavation over an area (in soft or hard soil) shall consist of excavation for
basements, water tanks, septic tanks, etc.; excavation in foundation trenches
that are more than 1.5 m in width or/and 10 m2 in plan; and also those
excavations that are more than 1.5 m in breadth (width) or/and 10 m2 in
plan and exceeding 30 cm in depth. If these items of earthwork in cutting in
firm soils, the sides of the trench shall be cut vertical upto a depth of 2 m
from the bottom. In case of greater depth, it is important to widen the trench
by providing steps of 50 cm on either side after every 2 m from the bottom,
or allow side slopes of 1 : 4. For soft, loose or slushy soils either the width
of the steps shall be increased suitably or sides given appropriate slope or
the soil is shored up. The bed of the excavation (after the designed profile is
achieved) shall be consolidated by watering and ramming. Soft/defective
areas/spots shall be dug out and filled with levelling concrete.
All excavated earth, it is to be ensured, shall not be dumped within 1 m of
the edges of trenches, and shall be disposed off as per the agreement
between the contractor and the executing agency.
If different rates of payment are to be paid to the contractor according to the
different classes of earth to be excavated, it is customary not to execute any
work except, at first, the work to be paid at the lowest rate till the whole
quantity at this rate has been billed – however, exceptions can be made by
the authorized officer according to difficult/hard field conditions. The same
procedure shall be followed for each succeeding higher rates as per varying
The rate of payment for excavation/cutting must include lead and lift, as
well as dressing the bed and sides of the cutting. Spoil from a given cutting
shall be carried into the adjoining embankment (if any) upto the usual lead
Before any earthwork (including cutting) is commenced, the entire area
(falling under the designed profile) shall be cleared of shrubs, grass, etc.
and trees and saplings; and the rubbish shall be removed upto distance
falling beyond the boundary of the area under clearance. The roots of the
trees shall be extracted from upto a minimum of 60 cm below the ground
level or a minimum of 30 cm below the formation level, whichever is lower
– all the hollows shall be filled up with earth, levelled and rammed. In case
Archaeological monuments fall within the area (or adjacent to it), necessary
fencing around these be provided as a measure of protection.
Masonry pillars shall be erected at appropriate points in the area to
delineate the earthwork area, as well as serve as benchmarks. Necessary
earthwork profiles shall be set up with the help of bamboo posts, pegs and
strings – or “burjis” shall be erected to indicate the required formation Estimation of
levels. All this arrangement shall be maintained during the execution of the
Ground levels shall be taken at adequately close intervals to also
incorporate local pits, mounds, and undulations.
Earth from cutting (if of required quality) shall be directly used for filling,
and no claim for double handling of earth shall be accepted. Filling shall be
done in regular horizontal layers – each layer not to exceed 20 cm in
height. All this earth has to be free from grass, rubbish, roots; and lumps
and clods exceeding 8 cm in any dimension have to be broken down. Each
layer that is laid shall be consolidated by ramming (and for certain works
water is to be used in this process). The surface of the finished filling work
(embankment) shall be neatly dressed. Finished formation levels shall be
built upto higher than the designed levels (say, by an allowance of 10% of
the total depth of filling) to allow future settlement for ordinary
consolidated fills. This allowance could be reduced to only 5% for fills
consolidated by heavy mechanical machinery. However, for works
consolidated by heavy mechanical machinery with optimum moisture
content being maintained, no such settlement allowance shall be made.
Rates for making payments shall cover cost of lead upto, say, 300 m; and a
lift of 1.5 m from the borrow pits. It is usual to use borrow pits for
measuring the quantity (m3) of earthwork used in filling; and no
measurements of finished work are used for payments. That is why sakhis
(i.e. dead man/tell tale/matams) – earth pillars are left out to help take
accurate measurements of earthwork dug out for the intended embankment
– these are removed after measurements are made; and the spoil is used up
in the embankment. It is understood that any excess quantity (i.e. greater
than given by the profile of the embankment) shall be excluded from the
borrow pit-based quantity.
In exceptional cases, where the basis of measurement has been agreed upon
to be based on the actual embankment profile, all measurements shall only
be taken after the bank has fully settled.
Wherever feasible, in case of high banks, continuous longitudinal earth
bunds (of appropriate dimensions) shall be made on the outer edges of the
top of the bank, and also cross bunds (at designed intervals) to impound
rain water (if any) in order to expedite the consolidation of the embankment
– it will entail extra payment of the contractor, at ordinary earthwork rates.
Lead for purposes of payment shall be measured from the centre line of
bank at right angles to itself. In situations where borrow pits may not be
situated opposite to embankments (where their spoil is intended to go in),
lead shall be measured from the centre of gravity of the fill to the centre of
gravity of the borrow pits.
Filling in approaches to bridges, in the backing of abutments and in
spandrils and haunches, shall proceed evenly with the masonry.
Earthwork Measurements : General Considerations
For every earthwork, length, breadth and depth shall be measured upto the
nearest cm if measurements are taken by tape. In the case of measurements
being taken by means of staff and level, the reading shall be noted correct to 35
Estimating and 5 mm depth of cutting, and height of filling also correct to 5 mm – the
Quantity Surveying-I
cubical measure (contents) shall be worked out to the nearest two places of
decimal of a cubic metre.
For excavations in trenches (or from borrow pits), that lie in a fairly
uniform ground, the measurement of cutting shall be made as usual. In
borrow pits, diagonal ridges, cross ridges, or dead-man (positions fixed by
the competent authority) shall be left for measurements after the completion
of the work. Deductions for such ridges and deadmen are to be made
appropriately to arrive at the correct quantities. However, no such
deductions are made if these are meant to be removed later on for the use of
this earth in the work profile itself.
When ordinary soil and hard rock are mixed in nature, the different kinds of
rock shall be stacked separately to be measured up – the net quantity of
each type shall be given by the measured loose quantity after applying
appropriate loosening factor (when in stacked form compared to the
unloosened volume).
In case the ground is not uniform, levels shall be taken before the start of
excavation work, after due site clearance, as well as after the completion of
work – and the quantity shall be worked out accordingly. For filling as well
this principle will apply equally.
Lift shall be measured from the ground level. Excavation upto 1.5 m depth
below the ground level and depositing the excavated material on the ground
shall comprise this lift. However, extra lift shall be measured in units of
1.5 m or part thereof (unless otherwise specified). While the ground slopes
in one direction, the inherent lift in the lead shall be accounted for wherever


Excavations of a foundation trench of a building, having walls of different
thicknesses (widths), gives rise to trenches of different breadths, and sometimes
even of different depths. Necessary drawings – plan and sections at appropriate
locations – coupled with clear, lucid imagination, enable a civil engineer to
estimate the various items of a building, including earthwork in an excavation of
foundations. The very first step, in order to get introduced into these seemingly
intricate mensurational procedures, is to comprehend the drawings of a straight
compound wall (Figure 1.20) – the simplest case of a trench excavation. It is
always useful for all, especially a beginner, to draw a trench plan as per the given
section (as well as the given plan at plinth level, which is generally provided for
use); and, here Figure 1.21 details out such a plan for the given compound wall
which is, say, 6.5 m long – it also helps, as will be appreciated later on as one
progresses through the following Unit, in computing the quantities of various
other items of the structure. In this example, the trench is a straight cut into the
ground (assuming the wall does not enclose any other side of the compound)
which is uniformly 1.0 m in width – the dimension of the widest item laid
underground, namely, lime concrete. An inspection of Figure 1.20 shows that the
total depth of the excavated trench adds upto :
50 cm of plinth course (below the ground level) + (3 × 20) cm of the three courses Estimation of
of brickwork done in three steps + 30 cm of lime concrete (LC) = 140 m, a depth
that is more than the usual depth of foundation for a brick wall because of local
soil conditions.
Therefore, earthwork in excavation in foundation of the wall
= Length (L) × Breadth (B) × Height (H) / or Depth (D)
= 6.50 × 1.0 × 1.40 = 9.1 m3

30 cm Thick Brickwork
(Compound Wall)


Ground Level
40 cm
50 cm 80 cm
Foundation Trench
20 cm 50
20 cm 60
20 cm 70
30 cm Lime Concrete (LC)

100 cm

Figure 1.20 : Section of a Straight Compound Wall in a Brickwork

Estimating and 30 cm Brickwork above GL
Quantity Surveying-I Centre Line


Third Brick Coarse

L = 6.5 m
50 cm

Second Brick Coarse

in Foundation, 60 cm

First Brick Coarse in Foundation

70 cm

100 cm of Lime Concrete

Figure 1.21 : Plan of the Foundation Trench for a Straight Compound Wall (Figure 1.20)
Considering a foundation trench for a wall enclosing a rectangular area as shown
in Figure 1.22 – with uniform trench width and depth all around – one can discuss
two methods of calculating earthwork in excavation, viz, Centre-line method,
and Long-wall and Short-wall method.
b Short Wall


Long Wall

Centre Line


Figure 1.22 : Centre-line, Long and Short Wall, Method of Computing Earthwork
Centre-line Method

Dashed line EFGH (Figure 1.22) is the centre-line of the trench, dividing Estimation of
the width (b) of the trench into two equal halves. The total length of the
= EF + FG + GH + HE
= 2 (EF) + 2 (FG)
= 2 (FG + EF)
⎡⎛ b⎞ ⎛ b ⎞⎤
= 2 ⎢⎜ l1 − 2 × ⎟ + ⎜ l2 + 2 × ⎟ ⎥
⎣⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠⎦

= 2 ( l1 + l2 )

Taking the uniform depth of cutting all around as h, and width as b (as
shown in this Figure), and total Volume of excavation = [2 (l1 + l2 ) × b × h] .
In cases where the width (b) of the trench is not uniform, even though the
depth (h) is uniform, this method of Volume computation is not applicable.
Long-wall and Short-wall Method
In this Figure there are two long walls (BC and AD), and two short walls
(JK and ML) whose widths are same (b), and depths same (h). Volume of
excavation (V) can be worked out as given below :
Excavation in two long walls = 2 [l1 × b × h]
and, Excavation in two short walls = 2 [l2 × b × h]
∴ V = 2 [l1 b h + l2 b h]

= [2 (l1 + l2 ) × b × h],

which is the same as worked out by centre-line method.

In building plans where trench widths vary from trench to trench, use of
long-wall and short-wall method for same width and depth items is used for
easy and quick computations. It is obvious, as will be clear from solved
examples given later on, that some other items of construction in
foundation, or even above GL, are amenable to computations by either
centre-line or long- and short-wall method – such as line concrete, brick
work in foundation, DPC, superstructure.

Example 1.5

Calculate earthwork in excavation (in foundations), and filling under the

floor and foundation trenches (i.e. refilling after the masonry has been
done) for a Mazdoor Shed (Figure 1.23). Tabulate the results in the form of
a bill of quantities.

Estimating and X
Quantity Surveying-I a b

e W f

W = Grilled 30 cm
Window = 1m × 1m

4. 0 m
5.0 cm

5.0 m

D, Open Door = 1m × 2m

h g

d c

Figure 1.23(a) : Plane Above Plinth Level (at Window Level)

10 cm Thick RCC (1 : 2 : 4) Roof Slab

10 cm Projection
RCC (1 : 2 : 4) 5 cm thick lintel with
5 cm bearing on either side

2. 5 m

30 cm
DPC, 2.5 cm thick
Stone Masonry
in Mud

2.5 thick CC
5 cm Thick LC
GL 10 cm 40 cm

50 cm GL
5 cm 5 cm
10 cm
7.5 cm thick Earth Filling
60 cm 1 : 3 : 6 LC

Figure 1.23(b) : Section at X-X

0.6 m Estimation of
5 + 2(0.3/2) + 2(0.6/2) = 5.9 m 0.5 m
E 0.4 m


Centre Line = 4.0 + 2(0.3/2) = 4.30 m

Centre Line = 5.0 + 2(0.3/2) = 5.30 m
4 + 2(0.3/2) + 2(0.6/2) = 4.9 m

60 cm

50 cm

40 cm



(c) Trench Plan

Figure 1.23 : Plan, Section and Trench Plan of a Shed for Mazdoors (Example 1.5)
Use centre-line and Long- and Short-wall methods for computations – i.e.
solve by these two different modes of calculations.
Centre-line Method for Foundation Trenches
Referring to Figure 1.23(c), total length of the centre-line of trenches
= (2 × 5.3) + (2 × 4.3) = 19.20 m
Depth of trenches = 5 cm + 5 cm + 10 cm = 20 cm = 0.20 m
Width of trenches = 60 cm = 0.60 m
Long- and Short-wall Method
There are two long walls and two short walls – Figure 1.23(a) – ab
and cd; and eh and fg, respectively. Considering the corresponding
trench plan (Figure 1.23(c)), their length can be worked as follows.
Long walls namely, EFIJ and GHLK, each has a length that is the sum
of the following elements :
(Internal length of the shed) + (Half the width of the wall on both
sides) + (Half the width of the trench – i.e. width of L. C. course – on
both sides)
⎛ 0.3 ⎞ ⎛ 0.6 ⎞
= 5.0 + 2 ⎜ ⎟+2⎜ ⎟ = 5 + 0.3 + 0.6 = 5.9 m
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
It is important to point out that the addition of second term brings the
length dimension to the centre line of the trench; and the addition of
third term takes the trench length upto its full measure (EF).
Similarly, short walls (two in number, here – IK and JH) have each of
a length of :
⎛ 0.3 ⎞ ⎛ 0.6 ⎞
=4+2⎜ ⎟−2⎜ ⎟ = 4 + 0.3 – 0.6 = 3.7 m
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
Depth and width of the trenches remain the same as for centre-line
Estimating and Earthwork in filling under the floor is given to be 7.5 cm thick
Quantity Surveying-I
(Figure 1.23(b)). It is observed that this filling has following
dimensions in plan :
Length = 5.0 – 2 (one offset between the width of plinth and width
of wall)
⎡1 ⎤
= 5.0 m − 2 ⎢ (40 cm − 30 cm) ⎥
⎣2 ⎦
= 5.0 − [0.40 − 0.30]
= 5.0 – 0.1
= 4.9 m
and, Breadth = 4.0 – 0.1 = 3.9 m
With these dimensions in hand, one is ready to prepare a bill of
quantities as follows :
Bill of Quantities – Earthwork (Example 1.5)
Item Particulars No. Dimensions/Measurements Quantity
No. L B H (or D) (m3)
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in excavation 1 19.2 0.60 0.2 2.30
(by centre line method)
(By Long Wall and Short
Earth work in excavation :
(a) Long Wall 2 5.9 0.60 0.2 1.42
(b) Short Wall 2 3.7 0.60 0.2 0.88
Total = 2.30 m3
2 Earthwork in filling
(a) Earthwork in filling 1 4.9 3.9 0.075 1.43
under the floor Item (1) – [Item (3) + Item (4)] = x (say)
(b) Earthwork in filling
in foundations
Total = 1.43 + x
3 Lime concrete (LC), Can be calculated as shown in Unit 2
1 : 3 : 6, in foundations
4 Stone masonry in mud, Can be calculated as shown in Unit 3
below ground level (i.e. in


(a) A road has been aligned along a given direction; the relevant survey
data, and also the proposed formation levels are tabulated as under :
Distance 0m 30 m 60 m 90 m 130 m 150 m 180 m
NSL (Natural 111.87 m 111.87 m 115.62 m 114.50 m 116.31 m 113.90 m 115.20 m
Surface Level)
Proposed 111.87 m 111.87 m 111.97 m 112.07 m 112.203 m 112.203 m 112.203 m
Formation Level

Take the proposed road cross-section as trapezoidal with side slopes

of 1 : 1, and the formation width equal to 7.50 m.
Compute the earthwork in cutting/filling as the case may be. Estimation of
(b) Reduced levels (RLs) of natural ground along the centre-line of a
proposed road from chainage 0 to 200 m are given below. The
formation level at the 40 m chainage is 102.75. The formation of road
from chainage 0 to 80 m has a rising gradient of 1 in 40. The
formation level has a falling slope of 1 in 100 from chainage 100 to
200 m.
The formation width of the road at top is 12.0 m and the side slopes of
banking are 2 : 1.
Prepare a estimate of the earthwork in the road at the rate of
Rs. 5 per m3. Also, find the area of the side slopes, and the cost of
turfing on the side slopes @ Rs. 100 per % m2.
Also, work out the quantities of materials required for 1.5 km long
road if
Metalled width of road = 10.0 m
Thickness of brick soling = 7.5 m
Chainage 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
RL Ground 101.50 100.90 101.50 102.0 102.85 101.65 101.95 100.70 101.25 99.90 100.60
Given 102.75
RL of
Gradient ← Rising 1 in 40 → ← Falling 1 in 100 →

Water Bound Wearing coat of stone metal = 12 cm loose which is to

be consolidated to 8 cm thickness.
If the road is to be painted (Bitumen) two coats, find the materials
required for the following specifications:
First coat painting = 12. 5 mm nominal size stone grit @ 1.5 m3 per %
m2 of road surface; and Bitumen @ 1.8 kg/m2.
Second coat painting = 10.00 mm nominal size stone grit @ 1.10 m3
per % m2 road surface; and Bitumen @ 1.1 kg/m2.
Note : Calculate the EW if the last ground RL is 103.10 m.
(c) RLs of ground along the centre-line of a proposed road, from
chainage 10 to chainage 20 are given as under :
Chainage 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
RL of 105.0 105.6 105.44 105.90 105.42 104.3 105.0 104.1 104.62 104.0 103.3

Formation level at the 10th chainage point is 107.0 m; and the road is
in a downward gradient of 1 in 150, upto the chainage point 14, and
then the gradient changes to 1 in 100 (downwards). Formation width
of the road is 10 m, and side slopes of the banking are 2 : 1 (H : V).
Take the length of each chain 30.0 m.
Prepare a estimate of the earthwork at the rate 70/– per % m3.
Find also the cost of turfing the side slopes at the rate of
20/– per % m2. 43
Estimating and (d) A road in cutting has formation width of 4.0 m; side slope, s = 2;
Quantity Surveying-I
distance between two chainage points = 300 m; h1 = 1.5 m; and
h2 = 1.1 m. Using the trapezoidal formula, compute the volume of
earthwork in cutting.

Earthwork is road/rail/canal – both as cutting and banking (filling) – is very often
being encountered by a practicing civil engineer. Also, earthwork in the
foundation trenches of buildings, as well as filling upto just below the floor level
forms the very first item in the estimate of quantities. The whole process of
computation demands mensurational skills and practice.
Every earthwork, as much as any other item of work, has to follow
general/specific specifications to bring the work to the desired standards.


7.5 + 2h

A = (7.5 + h) h

7.5 m

Figure 1.24
Chainage (m) 0 30 60 90 130 150 180
Filling (m) – – – – – – –
Cutting (m) – – 3.65 2.43 4.107 1.697 2.997
Area (m ) – – 40.70 24.13 47.67 15.64 31.50
Mean Area – 20.35 32.42 35.90 31.66 23.57 –
(m2 )between
Chainage Points
Volume of – 20.35 × 32.42 × 35.90 × 31.66 × 23.57 × –
EW in Cutting 30 = 30 = 40 = 20 = 30 =
(m3) 610.50 972.6 1436 633.20 707.10

Total E. W. in Cutting = 4359.40 m3.

(b) Given the formation gradients and the formation RL at chainage 40
m, we can compute and tabulate the other RLs of the formation.
Chainage 0 20 40 60 80 100
Formation RL 101.75 102.25 102.75 103.25 103.75 103.55
Chainage 120 140 160 180 200
Formation RL 103.35 103.15 102.95 102.75 102.55
(m) Estimation of
Earthwork Computations
Formation width, b = 12.0 m; 1 : s ⇒ 1 : 2, i.e., s = 2
Station Ht/Depth, Mean, Central Side Total Distanc Quantity,
(or h h Area, Area, Area, e A×l
Chainage (m) (m) b×h s h2 A=b× between (m3)
) (m2) (m2) h+s Two
(m) h2 Areas, l + −
(m2) (m)
0 0.25 – – – – – – –
20 1.35 0.80 9.60 1.28 10.88 20 217.60 –
40 1.25 1.30 15.60 3.38 18.98 20 379.60 –
60 1.25 1.25 15.00 3.13 18.13 20 362.60 –
80 0.90 1.08 12.96 2.33 15.29 20 305.80 –
100 1.90 1.40 16.80 3.92 20.72 20 414.40 –
120 1.40 1.65 19.80 5.45 25.25 20 505.00 –
140 2.45 1.93 23.16 7.45 30.61 20 612.20 –
160 1.70 2.08 24.96 8.65 33.61 20 672.20 –
180 2.85 2.28 27.36 10.40 37.76 20 755.20 –
200 1.95 2.40 28.80 11.52 40.32 20 806.40 –
Total 5031.00 NIL

If the last ground RL is 103.10 m then the depth of cutting at

chainage 200 m is equal to 103.10 – 102.55, i.e. 0.55 m.

Formation Line Formation Line Ground

L g
b f
0.55 m
a e
G x
2.85 m ⇒
20 m
Chainage Chainage
180m 200m

Figure 1.25
ac eg
x 20 − x
ac x
or =
eg 20 − x
2.85 x
0.55 20 − x
or 5.182 =
20 − x
or, 103.64 – 5.182 x = x
or 6.182 x = 103.64
Estimating and ∴ x = 16.76 m
Quantity Surveying-I
Now, the calculations after chainage 180 m are given as shown
below :

Chainage h Mean, b×h s h2 A l Quantity

+ −

180 2.85 2.28 27.36 10.40 37.76 20 755.20 –

180 + 16.76 = 0 1.43 12 × 1.43 = 17.16 2 × (1.43)2 21.25 16.76 356.15 –

196.76 = 4.09

200 − 0.55 − 0.28 − [12 × (0.28)] – [2 × (0.28)2] – (3.52) 3.24 – 11.40

= − 3.36
= – 0.16

Total ~4581.0 11.40

Abstract of Cost of EW

Item Particulars of Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount


1 EW in 5031 m3 5 m3 25,155/– = 25,000/– (say)


Total = 25000/–

Add 3% contingency = 750/–

Add 3% workcharge establishment = 500/–

Grand Total = 26,250/–

[Note : One can include cutting (11.40 m3) and at an appropriate rate, calculate its cost as well.]

Calculations of Areas of Side Slopes for Turfing

Stn h Mean, hm Sloping Length Length, l Area of Both Side

(m) (m) (m) of the Side = hm (m) Slopes
[ ( s 2 + 1) ], = 2 l × hm ( s 2 + 1) ,
(m) (m2)

0 – – – – –

20 1.79 71.60

← As given earlier, i.e., 20.0 m –→

40 2.91 116.40

60 2.80 112.00
← As computed earlier –

80 2.41 96.40
←As computed earlier

100 3.13 125.20

120 3.69 147.60

140 4.32 172.80

160 4.65 186.00

180 5.10 204.00

Estimation of
200 5.37 214.8 Earthwork
Total = 1446.80 m2

Abstract of Estimated Cost of Turfing

Item No. Particulars of Item Quantity Unit Rate Per Amount
1 Turfing on both the 1446.8 m2 100/– % m2 1446.8
side slopes of
Total = 1446.8
Add 3% contingency = 43.40
Add 3% workcharge establishment = 28.94
Grand Total = 1519/– (say)

Other Items of Road Work

(i) Quantity of brick soling
= (1.5 × 1000) × 10 × 0.075 = 1125 m3
(ii) Quantity of stone ballast (WB wearing coat)
= (1.5 × 1000) × 10 × 0.12 = 1800.00 m3
(iii) First coat painting : 12.5 mm nominal size stone grit
1 .5
= 1500 × 10 × = 225.0 m 3
(iv) Second coat painting : 10.00 mm nominal size stone grit
1 .1
= 1500 × 10 × = 165.0 m 3
(v) Quantity of Bitumen = 1500 × 10 × (1.8 + 1.1)
= 43500 kg = 43.50 tonne
(c) 3,574.5 m2 of banking; and 648.9 m2 of turfing.
(d) 2582.0 m3


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