6 Badran
6 Badran
6 Badran
39(1) 2006
Coccidia are common protozoan parasites. In the past, most broiler producers have controlled coccidiosis by
providing anticoccidial drugs in poultry feed, this approach is becoming less desirable in light of growing
public concern about food safety. Presently, vaccination consist of infecting young poultry with a known dose of
live coccidian parasites. This vaccination will immunize poultry against the disease, The probiotic
(Enterococcus faecium) is a common component of intestinal microbial of normal human and animals. The
objectives of this study are: to compare the effect of additive and nonadditive of probiotic feed supplement
(Enteroccus faecium) in the: diet contains anticoccidia on performance of broiler, diet without anticoccidia or
vaccine (control) on performance of broiler, diet contains coccidia vaccine on performance of broiler.
Coccidiosis is recognized as the parasitic disease that Eimeria have a direct life cycle (only one host), are
has the greatest economic impact on poultry production. very specific to hosts, to sites of development
Williams (1998) reported that the annual world wide (intestine) and to cell types (epithelial cells of the
cost is estimated at about 800 million $ and that for intestina villi or cells of the crypts). Nine species of
American broiler industry about $ 45 million. The Eimeria have been described in chickens; seven are
estimates include the costs of prophylactic in feed currently recognized as valid:
medication for broilers and broiler breeders, alternative Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria praecox, Eimeria maxima,
treatments (e.g. with amprolium) if the medications fail, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria tenella,
and losses due to mortality, morbidity, and poor feed Eimeria brunetti.
conversion of birds that survive out breaks.
Lillehoj and Okamura (2003) reported that intestinal These seven species are specific to chickens and cannot
parasitism is a major stress factor that can lead to infect other type of fowl or birds or mammals
malnutrition and lowered performance. They are distinguished by:
Coccidiosis are ubiquitous, they are every where 1. The morphology of their oocyst, the form of
chickens are reared (traditional, industrial, label or resistence and of dissemination of the parasite in
organic/bio farms). Their survival is assured by a highly the external environment.
resistant form of transmission - the oocysts - which may 2. Their intestinal location for endogenous
survive for several months in the environment. Coccidia development.
are obligatory parasite (sporozoa) belonging to the 3. Their pathogenicy: characteristic intestinal lesions
phylum of the Apicomplexa characterized by the and type of diarrhea (e.g. with or without blood).
presence of an apical complex in the free stages of the After an out break of a specific species of coccidian the
cycle (sporozoites and merozoites) which invade the flock will develop a resistance to the exposed coccidia
epithelial cells. The disease is the result of a breakdown species but remain resistant to other infective species.
in the balance between: Although there may be some differences between
1) The parasites: their number, their pathogenicity poultry management systems regarding the degree of
and their ability to promote immunity in the host. risk from coocidia, it is generally accepted that the
2) The host: its susceptibility, including its protection disease may be found in most systems, both indoor and
by anticoccidials, and its ability to regenerate from outdoor. Williams (1995) reported that oocysts
the damage caused by the parasite. Chickens sporulate readily in poultry house litter. However, they
selected for their zootechnical performance are can be damaged by bacteria, other organisms, and
particularly sensitive to coccidia. ammonia that are also present, and their viability can
3) The environment: intensive rearing particularly begin to diminish after 3 weeks.
predisposes conditions for coccidiosis.
Anticoccidial (coccidiostat) in feed additives Williams and Catchpole (2000) reported that because
The effective use of anticoccidial feed additives over live vaccines are multivalent (controlling more than one
the past 50 years has played a major role in the growth species), tests of their efficacies require a different
of the poultry industry and has allowed the increased approach from tests of the efficacies of anticoccidial
availability of high quality, affordable poultry products compounds.
to the consumer. Williams (1994) reported an advantage of attenuated
These anticoccidial can be classified as: vaccines is that they have low reproductive potentials,
1. Chemicals which has specific modes of action against thus avoiding crowding in the specific mucosal areas of
parasite metabolism, such as amprolium, clopidol infection and resulting in the development of optimal
decoquinate, halofuginone. immunity with minimal tissue damage.
2. Polyether ionophore such as monensin, lasalocid, It is believed that the drug-sensitive, attenuated strains
salinomycin, narasin, and maduramycin), which act and wild, native strains interbred, reducing both
throw general mechanisms of altering ion transport virulence and drug resistance in local population. Thus
and disrupting osmotoic balance. Chapman (1994, the useful period of anticoccidial drugs could be
1998) and Ruff and Danforth (1996) reported that extended by rotating their application with live vaccine
some degrease of resistance to all anticoccidial drugs, (Williams, 1998a).
including ionophores, has developed.
Williams (1998a) reported that to minimize the effects Recombinant vaccine
of resistance, poultry producers rotate the use of various Over the past 10 years, much research effort has been
anticoccidial with successive flocks, combine chemical spent on the development of recombinant vaccines.
and ionophore treatments, or employ shuttle programs Although none are in commercial use, this research has
during a flock growth. served to highlight the complex nature of the avian
Application of these treatment programs depend on host-coccidia interaction. A major hurdle to overcome
seasonal conditions and prevalence of various species in the development of a recombinant vaccine is the lack
of coccidia. In recent years, pharmaceutical companies of cross - species immune protection. Other factors
have not brought new anticoccidial to market. However impeding the development of a successful vaccine have
two potential drug targets, enzymes of the sporozoite been recently reviewed (Jenkins, 1998; Vermeulen,
mannitol cycle (Allocco et al., 1999; Schmatz, 1997) 1998), the most important of which is the identification
and trophozoite host one deacetylase, have been of protective antigens. Many potential coccidial
recently identified (Schmatz, 1997). antigens have been characterized and cloned.
Jenkins (1998) reported that a total of 29 DNA
Vaccination sequences encoding immunity-stimulating Eimeria
Avian coccidia are highly immunogenic, and primary proteins from various species and developmental stages
infections can stimulate solid immunity to homologous have been listed in a recent review.
challenges. Therefore, it would seem obvious that Many of these antigens are surface proteins or internal
vaccines could offer excellent alternatives to drugs as a antigens associated with organelles such as micronemes
means controlling coccidiosis, efforts to develop (Tomley et al. 1996, 1991), rhoptries (Tomely, 1994)
various types of vaccines (Lillehoj and Trout, 1993). and refractile bodies (Vermeulen et al., 1993, 1994).
Recently (Tennyson and Barta, 2000) a low-molecular-
Live vaccine weight immunogenic antigen with a single
Live vaccine for coccidiosis control have been used to a immunodominant epitope was reported to be present in
limited degree by the poultry industry for about 50 all endogenous stages of E. tenella.
years, their effectiveness hinges on the recycling of Metabolic antigens from developing sporozoites
initially very low doses of oocyst, and the gradual (Jenkins et al 1991, 1993), merozoite antigens (Brake et
buildup of solid immunity. They have been used al., 1997 and Vermeulen, 1998), and gamete antigen
primarily to protect breeder and layer flocks (Shirley et (Wallach et al., 1992, 1995) all elicit various degree of
al., 1995). However, their use, particularly in broiler protective immunity.
flocks, is increasing. Live vaccine contains attenuated A delivery mechanism for coccidial vaccines that
or virulent coccidial strains. Paracox (consisting of produces optimum resistance to challenge infection has
precocious strains of all seven species of chicken yet to be determined.
coccidia) and Livacox (consisting of precocious and Immunogenic Eimeria antigens have been administered
egg-passage lines) are attenuated vaccine. as isolated proteins with adjuvants (Brake et al., 1997
All coccidial strains in these vaccines are drug and Vermeulen, 1998), as recombinant antigens in live
sensitive. Coccivac and Immucox are each composed of vectors such as nonpathogenic strains of Escherichia
several virulent species. All four vaccines are coli, Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium,
commercially available. All of these vaccines are poxviruses, fowlpox virus, and turkey herpesvirus
administered during the first week after hatch and will (Tomely et al., 1991) and by direct plasmid DNA
produce solid immunity when they are used carefully injection (Jenkins et al., 1998, Kopko et al., 2000 and
under good rearing condition (Danforth, 1998). Lillehoj et al., 1997) with various degree of success.
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Corresponding author:
Ing.Iyad Badran
Czech University of Agriculture Prague
Institute of Tropics and Subtropics
165 21 Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic
E-mail: ebd26@yahoo.com