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Eae: Gene Encoding Intimim, The Gene Is Situated On The Locus of Enterocyte Effacement

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AFNOR: Association Française De Normalisation.

CRL: Community Reference Laboratory.

CT-SMAC: SMAC containing cefixime and tellurite.
eae: Gene encoding intimim, The gene is situated on the locus of enterocyte effacement –
LEE pathogenicity island. Presence of eae is indicative of the presence of the LEE gene
EHEC Enterohemorrhagic E. coli, a subset of serotypes of VTEC that has been firmly
associated with bloody diarrhoea and HUS in industrialized countries.
ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
Enter-net: an international surveillance network for human gastrointestinal infections
which was established in 1997 to maintain and develop laboratory-based surveillance of
the major enteric bacterial pathogens. The Enter-net network was funded by DG SANCO
of the European Commission until September 2006 and receives funding from ECDC
until September 2007, when the coordination activities was transferred into ECDC. This
network brings together the national surveillance leads and reference microbiologists to
conduct international surveillance of salmonellosis, VTEC infections, and
campylobacteriosis. Participants were from all EU Member States, WHO and non-EU
countries, including EU-candidate countries, Canada, the United States, South Africa,
Japan and Australia. In the VTEC database, data for 31 countries are available, of which
21 have data for the entire period 2000-2005.
HC: hemorrhagic colitis
HUS: hemolytic uremic syndrome
IMS: Immuno magnetic separation.
ISO: International Organization for Standardization.
LEE: The genetic locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) wich is a pathogenicity island
present in enteropathogenic E. coli, VTEC O157 and some VTEC non-O157 that
contains genes required for the formation of attaching and effacing epithelial lesions.
MLVA: Multiple-Locus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Analysis
Monitoring: According to the Directive 2003/99/EC on the monitoring of zoonotic
agents, monitoring means a system of collecting, analysing and disseminating data on the
occurrence of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and antimicrobial resistance related thereto.
MPN: Most Probable Number.
NMKL: Nordic Committee on Food Analysis
NRL: National Reference Laboratory.
PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction.

PFGE: Pulsed field gel electrophoresis.

SF VTEC: Sorbitol fermenting VTEC.
SMAC: Sorbitol-MacConkey agar.
Survey: According to the Report on Guidance on Good Practices for Design of Field
Surveys (EFSA, 2006b), survey is a study involving a sample of units selected from a
study population. This type of study is often known as a descriptive survey. Its main
objective is that of estimating the mean level of some characteristics in a defined
population including a measure of the precision for those estimates. A secondary
objective of surveys often is the measurement of the relationship between two or more
variables measured at the same point in time. These are analytical surveys.
VTEC: Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli which produce potent cytotoxins, termed
verocytotoxin(s) (VT), that inhibit the protein synthesis within eukaryotic cells. These
VTs are synonymously named Shiga toxins (Stx). The terms VTEC and STEC are

EFSA European Food Safety Authority.

Enhanced Surveillance Surveillance that provides significant additional information to
routine surveillance in current areas of interest or concern and
that can be targeted at a subset of organisms identified in the
preliminary routine surveillance screening.

Epidemiology The study of the cause, distribution and control of a disease in a

EU European Union.

OIE Office International des Epizooties - the animal health equivalent

of the World Health Organisation.

Routine Surveillance The minimum recommended surveillance requirement.

Zoonoses Diseases or infections, which are transmitted naturally between

vertebrate animals and man. Zoonoses cover a broad range of
diseases with different clinical and epidemiological features and
control measures, because the causative organism may be viral,
bacterial, fungal, protozoal, parasitic or any other communicable

MS Member State of the European Union

OIE World Organization for Animal Health

WHO World Health Organization

IFA Immunofluorescence Assay

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

EC European Community
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
EEC European Economic Community
EFSA European Food Safety Authority

CFT Complement Fixation Test

Monitoring - system of collecting, analysing and disseminating data on the

occurrence of zoonoses, zoonotic agents and antimicrobial resistance related thereto.
As opposed to surveillance, no active control measures are taken when positive cases
are detected (Dir. 2003/99/EC).

Official control - any form of control that the competent authority or the Community
performs for the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and
animal welfare rules (Reg. (EC) No 882/2004).
Official sampling - sampling performed under control of the competent authority.

Objective sampling - planned strategy based on the selection of a random sample,

which is statistically representative of the population to be analysed. Each unit, within
the framework population, has a specified probability of being selected. This strategy
provides with data from which statistical inference can be implemented. That means
that the results inferred are comparable.
Objective sampling is often the case in monitoring and surveillance schemes as well as
Selective sampling- planned strategy where the selection of the sample is from
previously defined “high-risk” population groups. Samples are normally selected to
either illustrate or document unsatisfactory conditions or suspected adulteration of a
product. The sampling is deliberately biased and is directed at the particular products
or manufacturers. The sampling procedure can be random or not. The specification of
the “high-risk” population comes from either scientific studies or previous analysis and
information of other regions or countries. The comparability of the results lies on both
the definition of the population to be analysed and the way the samples have been

Convenient sampling – is used in exploratory research where the researcher is

interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of the truth. The sample is selected
because they are convenient. This non probability method is often used during
preliminary research efforts to get a gross estimate of the results, without incurring
the cost or time required to select a random sample. This methodology is potentially
subject to serious bias.
Sampling strategy - planned procedure for selecting samples from a population and
for conducting the sampling in order to obtain the information needed.
Surveillance - a careful observation of one or more food or feed businesses, food or
feed business operators or their activities (in the context of the food and feed control
Reg. (EC) No 882/2004). In general, it means a close and continuous observation for
the purpose of control. As opposed to monitoring, active control measures are taken
when positive cases are detected. This type of programme does not necessarily have a
defined target for diseases / contamination occurrence reduction.

Survey - study involving a sample of units selected from a larger, well-delineated

population. This (target) population is the entire set of units to which findings of the
survey are to be extrapolated. The units to examine are to be selected randomly
(Rothman, 1986 and Noordhuizen et al, 2001).

Sampling unit - the unit which the specimens taken represent and which is
considered either infected (contaminated) or not, based on the analyses result. For
animal data, the sampling unit may be “Animal”, “Flock”, “Herd”, “Holding” or
“Slaughter batch”; for food data, the sampling unit might be “Single” or “Batch”.

Sample - set composed of one or several units or a portion of matter selected by

different means in a population or in an important quantity of matter, which is
intended to provide information on a given characteristic of the studied population or
matter and to provide a basis for a decision concerning the population or matter in
question or concerning the process which has produced it (Reg. (EC) No 2073/2005).

Source of information - the institute (or laboratory or other organisation) that has
provided the data.
Zoonosis - any disease and / or infection which is naturally transmissible directly or
indirectly between animals and humans (Dir. 2003/99/EC).
Zoonotic agent - any virus, bacteria, fungus, parasite or other biological entity which
is likely to cause a zoonosis (Dir. 2003/99/EC).

Case definition - definition stating when the sample is considered to be positive for
the zoonotic agent or when the person, animal, herd or flock is considered to be
infected with the zoonotic agent.
Microorganism - bacteria, viruses, yeasts, moulds, algae, parasitic protozoa,
microscopic parasitic helminths, and their toxins and metabolites (Reg. (EC) No
Notification system - a system, where the disease or infection has to be reported to
the competent authority based on a legal obligation.
Positive finding - situation stating when the sample (a foodstuff, feedingstuff or a
batch of them) is considered to be positive for the zoonotic agent.
Prevalence - the proportion of existing positive cases in a population at that specified

Herd - an animal or group of animals kept on a holding as an epidemiological unit

((Reg. (EC) No 2160/2003); if more than one herd is kept on a holding, each of these
herds shall form a distinct unit and shall have the same health status (Dir.
Holding - any establishment, construction or, in the case of an open-air farm, any
place in which animals are held, kept or handled (Dir. 92/102/EEC).

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