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Diablo Valley College Catalog 2020-2021: Engineering - Engin

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any updates to this document can be found in the addendum at www.dvc.edu/communication/catalog

major requirements: units
ENGINEERING – ENGIN CHEM-120* General College Chemistry I.............................. 5
ENGIN-110 Introduction to Engineering............................... 3
Joseph Gorga, Dean ENGIN-120 Engineering Drawing.......................................... 3
ENGIN-230* Introduction to Circuits and Devices................. 4
Physical Sciences and Engineering Division ENGIN-240* Properties of Engineering Materials.................. 4
Physical Sciences Building, Room 263 ENGIN-255* Statics................................................................. 3
MATH-192* Analytic Geometry and Calculus I..................... 5
Possible career opportunities MATH-193* Analytic Geometry and Calculus II.................... 5
MATH-292* Analytic Geometry and Calculus III................... 5
The engineering transfer program prepares students to enter
MATH-294* Differential Equations......................................... 5
four-year engineering schools as juniors. Upon completion
PHYS-130* Physics for Engineers and Scientists A:
of the B.S., students can become electrical, civil, mechanical, Mechanics and Wave Motion............................. 4
chemical, materials, aerospace or industrial engineers. PHYS-230* Physics for Engineers and Scientists B: Heat
and Electro-magnetism...................................... 4
Associate in science degree plus at least 3 units from:
Civil engineering ENGIN-135 Programming for Scientists and Engineers....... 4
Students completing the program will be able to... ENGIN-136* Computer Programming for Engineers Using
MATLAB............................................................. 4
A. apply the skills and knowledge acquired to analyze is- ENGIN-140* Plane Surveying................................................. 4
sues, solve problems, and critically evaluate a proposal or ENGIN-257* Statics and Strength of Materials...................... 3
a process.
total minimum units for the major 53
B. use appropriate quantitative tools to answer scientific
*These courses have prerequisites. See a counselor for program
questions, represent data, and document scientific find-
C. demonstrate effective communication with fellow team
members, the public, and members of the scientific com- Associate in science degree
munity, using written, oral, and visual communication Electrical engineering and computer
methods. engineering
D. safely and appropriately use standard laboratory or field Students completing the program will be able to...
equipment to make precise and reliable measurements.
E. analyze the internal forces and moments in statically A. apply analysis tools and computer tools in problem solv-
determinate structures. ing.
B. identify interdisciplinary aspects of engineering projects.
The associate in science degree in civil engineering (ASCE) is
offered to prepare students to transfer to a four-year institu- C. apply software engineering principles and procedures.
tion in the civil engineering major. D. do computer algorithm development using C and C++
The graduates of this program will be able to apply the techniques.
basic principles of civil engineering to a variety of technical E. understand the operation and control of electrical measur-
projects related to the design, construction, managing and ing equipment.
sustaining of a wide range of developments such as struc-
tural systems, buildings, highways, waterways, lifelines, and F. use computer programming skills to develop software for
infrastructures. automation, decision making and control of equipment.
The DVC ASCE degree is intended for transfer. Degree G. develop test software for evaluation of digital circuits.
requirements at four-year programs differ from institution H. analyze the operation of small scale digital and analog
to institution, so students wishing to transfer to a particular circuits.
four-year program must consult with a counselor regarding
specific major requirements of a particular university pro- I. design simple operational amplifier circuits.
gram. Additionally, students are advised that other courses J. demonstrate knowledge of magnetism and its applications
in math, physics and chemistry may be required and that in the design of transformers and actuators.
engineering courses have science and math prerequisites.
It is recommended that the students contact the counseling K. assemble and test digital and analog circuits from circuit
office for advisement regarding appropriate sequencing. diagrams.
Finally, the ASCE is a high-unit major; students are advised
to meet with a counselor to determine appropriate general The associate degree program in electrical engineering and
education courses to complete their degree requirements. computer engineering (EECE) prepares the students for a
career in the EECE field or to transfer to a four-year degree
To earn an ASCE degree students must complete each course program. Graduates entering the workforce will be able to
used to meet a major requirement with a “C” grade or higher perform the tasks typically expected of an assistant engineer.
and complete general education requirements as listed in
Students who intend to transfer are advised to select general
the catalog. Major requirements may be taken only on a “for
education Option 2 (IGETC) or Option 3 (CSU GE). General
grade” basis. Certain courses may satisfy both major and
education option 1 (DVC general education) is appropriate for
general education requirements; however the units are only
students who do not intend to transfer.
counted once.
any updates to this document can be found in the addendum at www.dvc.edu/communication/catalog


Most core requirement courses have math and science pre- The associate in science degree in mechanical engineering
requisites. Students must see a counselor for planning appro- (ASME) is designed to prepare mechanical engineering stu-
priate coursework sequence. dents for transfer to a four-year institution. This program
To earn an associate degree in electrical engineering and enables graduates to apply basic engineering principles
computer engineering, students must complete the core and technical skills in support of engineers engaged in the
requirements with a “C” grade or higher. Students must also design and development phases of a wide variety of projects
complete general education requirements as listed in the involving mechanical systems.
catalog. Certain courses may satisfy both major and general The DVC ASME degree is intended for transfer. Degree
education requirement; however the units are only counted requirements at four-year programs differ from institution
once. to institution, so students wishing to transfer to a particular
four-year program must consult with a counselor regarding
major requirements: units
specific major requirements of a particular university pro-
CHEM-120* General College Chemistry I.............................5
gram. Additionally, students are advised that other courses
COMSC-165* Advanced Programming with C
in math, physics and chemistry may be required and that
and C++.............................................................4
engineering courses have science and math prerequisites. It is
COMSC-210* Program Design and Data
recommended that the students contact the counseling office
for advisement regarding appropriate sequencing. Finally,
ENGIN-110 Introduction to Engineering..............................3
the ASME is a high-unit major; students are advised to meet
ENGIN-230* Introduction to Circuits and Devices................4
with a counselor to determine appropriate general education
MATH-192* Analytic Geometry and Calculus I....................5
courses to complete their degree requirements.
MATH-193* Analytic Geometry and Calculus II...................5
MATH-292* Analytic Geometry and Calculus III..................5 To earn an ASME degree students must complete each
MATH-294* Differential Equations........................................5 required course for the major with a “C” grade or higher
PHYS-130* Physics for Engineers and Scientists A: and complete all the requirements as listed in the catalog.
Mechanics and Wave Motion...........................4 Major requirements may be taken only on a “for grade” basis.
PHYS-230* Physics for Engineers and Scientists B: Certain courses may satisfy both major and general education
Heat and Electro-Magnetism............................4 requirements; however the units are only counted once.
PHYS-231* Physics for Engineers and Scientists C:
Optics and Modern Physics.............................4 major requirements: units
CHEM-120* General College Chemistry I.............................. 5
plus at least 3 units from: ENGIN-110 Introduction to Engineering............................... 3
ENGIN-120 Engineering Drawing.........................................3 ENGIN-120 Engineering Drawing.......................................... 3
ENGIN-121 Engineering Drawing/Descriptive Geometry....3 ENGIN-230* Introduction to Circuits and Devices................. 4
ENGIN-135 Programming for Scientists and Engineers......4 ENGIN-240* Properties of Engineering Materials.................. 4
ENGIN-136* Computer Programming for Engineers ENGIN-255* Statics................................................................. 3
Using MATLAB..................................................4 MATH-192* Analytic Geometry and Calculus I..................... 5
ENGTC-126 Computer Aided Design and Drafting - MATH-193* Analytic Geometry and Calculus II.................... 5
Auto CAD...........................................................3 MATH-292* Analytic Geometry and Calculus III................... 5
MATH-194* Linear Algebra...................................................3 MATH-294* Differential Equations......................................... 5
MATH-195* Discrete Mathematics.......................................4 PHYS-130* Physics for Engineers and Scientists A:
total minimum units for the major 55 Mechanics and Wave Motion............................. 4
PHYS-230* Physics for Engineers and Scientists B:
Heat and Electro-magnetism............................. 4
*Certain courses required for this degree have prerequisite
coursework that could add additional units.
plus at least 3 units from:
ENGIN-135 Programming for Scientists and Engineers....... 4
Associate in science degree ENGIN-136* Computer Programming for Engineers Using
Mechanical engineering MATLAB............................................................. 4
Students completing the program will be able to... ENGIN-257* Statics and Strength of Materials...................... 3
total minimum units for the major 53
A. apply the skills and knowledge acquired to analyze is-
*These courses have prerequisites. See counselor for program
sues, solve problems, and critically evaluate a proposal or
a process.
B. use appropriate quantitative tools to answer scientific
questions, represent data, and document scientific find-
C. demonstrate effective communication with fellow team
members, the public, and members of the scientific com-
munity, using written, oral, and visual communication
D. safely and appropriately use standard laboratory or field
equipment to make precise and reliable measurements.


any updates to this document can be found in the addendum at www.dvc.edu/communication/catalog


ENGIN-110 Introduction to Engineering ENGIN-131 Technology and Society

3 units SC 3 units SC
• 36 hours lecture/72 hours laboratory per term • IGETC: 4; CSU GE: D; DVC GE: IV
• Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL-122 or equivalent • 54 hours lecture per term
• Note: Credit by examination option available. • Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL-122 or equivalent
This course is an introduction to different engineering This course explores the interrelationships between tech-
disciplines and careers, the role of an engineer in society, nology and the social sciences. Specifically, the course
engineering ethics, the engineering approach to problem- investigates the societal factors that impact technology (his-
solving, engineering design process and project develop- torical, political, economic, ethical and environmental), and
ment, engineering analysis, concurrent engineering, and the ways in which technology affects society (language, art,
application of computers in engineering including design music, psychology and sociology). This course is appropri-
and presentation tools. The emphasis is on hands-on creative ate for students in both technical and non-technical majors.
problem-solving, teamwork, and effective communication. CSU, UC
Students will develop design, analysis, and computer skills
through work on projects drawn from various engineering
majors. C-ID ENGR 110, CSU, UC ENGIN-135 Programming for Scientists and
4 units LR
ENGIN-120 Engineering Drawing • 54 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory per term
3 units SC • Prerequisite: Math-192 (may be taken concurrently) or
• 36 hours lecture/72 hours laboratory per term equivalent
• Recommended: MATH-114 and ENGIN-119 or equiva- • Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL-122 or equivalent
lents This course presents an introduction to programming in C/
This course presents modern drafting using board tech- C++ for engineers and scientists. Topics include flowcharts,
niques as well as computer aided design (CAD) principles. algorithm design principles, algebraic operations, decision
Orthographic, oblique, and perspective projection of objects making, loops, records, data structures, file input output
and visualization of the object from projected views are operations and linked lists. Students will apply program-
emphasized. Other topics include relationships of points, ming principles of numerical methods in science and engi-
lines, and planes as well as auxiliary views, dimensioning, neering. CSU, UC
tolerancing, threads and fasteners. During the CAD part
of the course, students use solid modeling techniques and
methods to produce working drawings from CAD solids. ENGIN-136 Computer Programming for
CSU, UC Engineers Using MATLAB
4 units LR
• 54 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory per term
ENGIN-121 Engineering Drawing/Descriptive • Prerequisite: MATH-192 or equivalent
Geometry • Recommended: MATH-193 or equivalent (may be taken
3 units LR concurrently)
• 36 hours lecture/72 hours laboratory per term The methods of problem solving and data visualization
• Recommended: ENGIN-120 or equivalent and MATH- in engineering and science using the MATLAB program-
121 or equivalent (may be taken concurrently) ming language will be introduced. Topics include numeri-
This course covers space relationships of points, lines, and cal integration and differentiation, solution of systems of
surfaces. Double auxiliaries, curved and warped surfaces, equations, regression, roots of equations and solution of
intersections, developments and vector analysisare present- differential equations. Programming with functions, local
ed in relation to solving problems. Three-dimensional (3D) and global variables, file input and output, data formatting,
computer aided drafting (CAD) systems and solid modeling induction, iteration, recursion and elements of object ori-
for civil engineering and mechanical engineering problems ented programming will also be covered. C-ID ENGIN 220,
are also introduced. CSU, UC CSU, UC

ENGIN-130 Energy, Society, and the Environment

3 units SC
• 54 hours lecture per term
• Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL-122 and MATH-090
or equivalents
This course presents an introduction to the sources, uses,
economics, and environmental impacts of energy in con-
temporary society. The role of non-renewable and renewable
energy systems and technologies in creating and maintain-
ing sustainable energy systems is emphasized. CSU, UC


any updates to this document can be found in the addendum at www.dvc.edu/communication/catalog


ENGIN-140 Plane Surveying ENGIN-240 Properties of Engineering Materials

4 units SC 4 units LR
• 54 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory per term • 54 hours lecture/72 hours laboratory per term
• Prerequisite: MATH-121 or equivalent • Prerequisite: CHEM-120 and PHYS-130 or equivalents
• Note: Same as CONST-116 This course is a study of properties of engineering materi-
This course covers the principles and practices of surveying als as related to their atomic, microscopic, and macroscopic
including measurement of distances, directions, elevations structures. The application of the basic principles of physics
and measuring standards. An introduction to electronic and chemistry to the engineering properties of materials
measurements and calibration as well as systematic and ran- will be covered. Special emphasis will be devoted to the rela-
dom-error analysis is presented. Students will use survey- tion between microstructure and the mechanical properties
ing instruments, perform Global Positioning System (GPS) of metals, concrete, polymers, and ceramics, and the electri-
measurements, and gain experience with map reading and cal properties of semiconducting materials. C-ID ENGR 140B,
mapping. CSU, UC CSU, UC

ENGIN-150 Topics in Engineering ENGIN-255 Statics

.3-4 units SC 3 units LR
• Variable hours • 54 hours lecture per term
A supplemental course in engineering designed to provide a • Prerequisite: PHYS-130 or equivalent and MATH-193 or
study of the current concepts and problems in engineering. equivalent
Specific topics will be announced in the schedule of classes. • Recommended: ENGIN-135 or ENGIN-136 or equiva-
CSU lents
This course covers equilibrium of rigid bodies, structures,
beams, flexible cables and fluids under concentrated and
ENGIN-210 Thermodynamics distributed forces. The application of the method of sections
3 units LR and free- body diagrams to solve truss problems as well as
• 54 hours lecture/18 hours laboratory per term shear diagrams and bending diagrams and their application
• Prerequisite: CHEM-120 and PHYS-230 or equivalents to forces in beams, are covered. Wedges, screws, bearings,
This course introduces the fundamentals of energy storage, brakes and other problems involving friction are examined.
thermophysical properties of liquids and gases, and the Virtual work and potential energy methods in the determi-
basic principles of thermodynamics. The course focuses on nation of equilibrium conditions in machines and structures
application of the concepts to various areas of engineering are discussed. C-ID ENGR 130, CSU, UC
related to energy conversion and air conditioning. The use
of computing tools that facilitate problem solving, design
analysis, and parametric studies in thermodynamics will be ENGIN-257 Statics and Strength of Materials
integrated throughout the course. CSU, UC 3 units LR
• 54 hours lecture/18 hours lab per term
• Prerequisite: PHYS-130 and MATH-193 or equivalents
ENGIN-230 Introduction to Circuits and Devices • Recommended: MATH-194 or equivalent
4 units LR This course is a study of mechanics and strength of mate-
• 54 hours lecture/54 hours laboratory per term rials, including equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies,
• Prerequisite: MATH-193 or equivalent and PHYS-230 or analysis of truss and frame structures, concepts of stress and
equivalent strain, linear elastic materials, axially-loaded structural ele-
• Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL-122 or equivalent ments, torsion in circular and hollow shafts, and shear and
The course covers the subjects of electrical quantities, Ohm’s moment diagrams in beams. Deflection of beams, buckling
law, Kirchoff’s network theorems, AC and DC circuit analy- of columns and energy methods are also discussed. CSU, UC
sis, transient and steady state response of circuits, digital cir-
cuits, solid state devices, magnetism and magnetic circuits.
C-ID ENGR 260L, CSU, UC ENGIN-298 Independent Study
.5-3 units SC
• Variable hours
• Note: Submission of acceptable educational contract to
department and Instruction Office is required.
This course is designed for advanced students who wish
to conduct additional research, a special project, or learn-
ing activities in a specific discipline/subject area and is not
intended to replace an existing course. The student and
instructor develop a written contract that includes objec-
tives to be achieved, activities and procedures to accomplish
the study project, and the means by which the supervising
instructor may assess accomplishment. CSU


any updates to this document can be found in the addendum at www.dvc.edu/communication/catalog

ENGIN-299 Student Instructional Assistant

.5-3 units SC
• Variable hours
• Note: Applications must be approved through the
Instruction Office. Students must be supervised by a
DVC instructor.
Students work as instructional assistants, lab assistants and
research assistants in this department. The instructional
assistants function as group discussion leaders, meet and
assist students with problems and projects, or help instruc-
tors by setting up laboratory or demonstration apparatus.
Students may not assist in course sections in which they are
currently enrolled. CSU


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