Engineering Bulletin
Engineering Bulletin
Engineering Bulletin
Application Deadline
March 1, 2023
Table of Contents
Section 1: General Statement ......................................... 1
Section 2: Eligibility Requirements ................................. 2 Section 1: General Statement
A. Academic Requirements ......................................... 2
1. Admission to the Preliminary Year...................... 2 The purpose of this bulletin is to provide information to
2. Admission to a Degree Program ......................... 2 prospective applicants to the Price Faculty of
B. English Language Proficiency Requirements ......... 4 Engineering at the University of Manitoba. This
Section 3: Application Process & Deadlines.................... 4 document outlines categories of admission,
A. Application Fees...................................................... 4 requirements, selection process, and deadlines.
B. Deadlines and Important Dates .............................. 4
C. Required Application Documentation .................... 5 This bulletin is available with, and constitutes part of,
D. Transfer credit information .................................... 6 the application. It is assumed that all applicants have
Section 4: Selection Process............................................ 6 read and understood it prior to submitting the
A. Admission to the Preliminary Year ......................... 6 completed application.
1. From High School via Direct Entry....................... 6
2. Through the Engineering Access Program Degree Programs Offered:
(ENGAP) ................................................................... 6
3. From a Bachelor’s Degree ................................... 6 • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Biosystems)
4. From a Recognized Engineering Technology [B.Sc. (Eng.)]
Diploma ................................................................... 6
B. Admission to the Programs..................................... 7 • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil) [B.Sc.
1. Program Capacity Targets ................................... 7 (Eng.)]
2. Individual Consideration for ENGAP Applicants.. 7
C. Tie Breaking Procedure for Offers .......................... 7 • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Computer)
D. Notification of Decision .......................................... 8 [B.Sc. (Eng.)]
Section 5: Reconsideration & Appeals ............................ 8
Section 6: Counselling of Applicants ............................... 8 • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Electrical) [B.Sc.
Section 7: Student Accessibility ...................................... 8 (Eng.)]
Section 8: Contact Information ....................................... 8
• Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Mechanical)
[B.Sc. (Eng.)]
All of the above degree programs have a common first c. Bachelor’s Degree Graduates
year (preliminary year). This does not add any extra
time onto the degree and is incorporated into each of Applicants who have graduated from any recognized
the programs. bachelor’s degree program with a minimum adjusted
grade point average (AGPA) of 2.50 can be considered
for admission to Engineering (Undeclared). These
students must have completed the high school pre-
Section 2: Eligibility Requirements requisite courses of English 40SΔ, Pre-Calculus
Mathematics 40SΔ, Chemistry 40SΔ, and Physics 40SΔ
A. Academic Requirements with no grade lower than 60%.
∆Equivalent education systems are also considered. Equivalency is
The University of Manitoba will require graded determined by the Admissions Office and questions regarding this
coursework to fulfill all admission requirements as can be directed to that office.
outlined in this bulletin. Pass grades will not be
considered for meeting any of these requirements The AGPA will be calculated in accordance with the
unless otherwise stated. following table:
ENG 1440 Introduction to Statics - The written work must include a written description
ENG 1450 Intro to Electrical and Computer or argument that is clear, concise, and logically
Engineering structured and that reflects an appropriate
awareness of the audience or readership being
ENG 1460 Intro to Thermal Sciences
MATH 1210 Techniques of Classical and Linear
Algebra 2 - There must be feedback given to the student on the
MATH 1510 Applied Calculus 1 (or equivalent) 3 style as well as content of written assignments.
• In order to be considered for admission, as well as Section 3: Application Process & Deadlines
to continue within the Price Faculty of Engineering
following admission, students who have attempted Applicants are required to submit one application
at least 72 credit hours of courses applicable to a whereby they can rank up to 5 choices.
Price Faculty of Engineering program must have
passed at least 75% of the attempted credits.
A. Application Fees
Furthermore, if the student has attempted less than
72 credit hours, the total number of failed credit Canadian/Permanent Residents: $100.00
hours (from all courses with a grade of “D” or “F” International applicants: $120.00
that are applicable to the student’s potential
engineering program) must not exceed 18 credit Applications are not considered received until the
hours in order to be eligible to be considered for application is submitted and the non-refundable
admission. application fee has been paid by the posted deadline.
• Students who are enrolled at an international post- All correspondence, including decision release
secondary institution at the time of application information will be sent via email and posted to your
must submit unofficial transcripts showing all application portal.
complete and in progress coursework by March 15.
All official final transcripts with grades must be Please ensure your email account remains current and
received by June 1 for selection. will accept emails from the University of Manitoba.
Check your filters.
• It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform the
Admissions Office in writing of any deferred exams It is important to check your email and application
or grade changes. All final grades, including grade portal regularly and specifically around the deadlines
changes must be submitted to the Admissions and important dates listed below.
Office by the document deadline June 1st in order
for them to be included in the final selection B. Deadlines and Important Dates
process. Grade changes will not be accepted after
the documentation deadline date. If a grade is not DATE DEADLINES AND IMPORTANT DATES
available by the documentation deadline date, an March 1, Final deadline to apply to Engineering
‘F’ grade will be used in the final admission 2023 degree programs.
determination and calculation.
Final deadline to apply to the
B. English Language Proficiency Requirements preliminary year of from a degree or
engineering-related diploma.
All applicants whose primary language is not English and March 15, For current internationally educated
do not qualify for a waiver under the University of 2023 applicants, this is the deadline for
Manitoba’s English language proficiency regulations will submission of unofficial transcripts
be required to demonstrate proficiency in English. showing all coursework completed
and in progress.
Additional information regarding specific proficiency
requirements, waiver information, and test options can
At the University of Manitoba, all course work from a Section 4: Selection Process
recognized prior post-secondary institution will be
considered as part of the application for admission A. Admission to the Preliminary Year
process for all undergraduate degree and diploma
programs. Applicants from the following categories make up the
intake to the preliminary year of engineering. The
Courses are evaluated for advanced standing or transfer composition and distribution of spaces for each
credit on a course-by-course basis and assigned a category will vary each year and is determined by the
University of Manitoba equivalent, where applicable. Engineering Selections Committee.
Where a direct equivalent does not exist, students may
receive general (unallocated) credit. The regulations 1. From High School via Direct Entry
regarding transfer credit are program specific and vary
considerably depending on the faculty or school of The selection process is competitive, and admission will
application. The Price Faculty of Engineering will only follow the procedures outlined in the Direct Entry
consider external courses completed within the last ten Applicant Information Bulletin.
2. Through the Engineering Access Program (ENGAP)
Courses deemed acceptable for transfer credit will be
awarded, subject to program approval, up to the Applicants meet with the ENGAP staff (see Section 8:
maximum allowed under the program of admission, Contact Information) and admission is recommended on
based on the Faculty or School’s transfer credit policy a holistic basis once documentation has been provided
and residency requirements (consult the section of the to ENGAP indicating First Nations, Métis, or Inuit
University's Academic Calendar for details). ancestry.
An online transfer credit resource is available for 4. From a Recognized Engineering Technology Diploma
information on current course evaluations receiving
credit. Selection is competitive and is based on the applicant’s
Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), if a recognized
While we understand that some institutions do not Engineering Technology Diploma has been awarded
have course information readily available, many (see Section 2: Eligibility Requirements, A. Academic
NOTE: Preference within each program will be given to If you are unsure whether or not to apply under this
Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents. However, category, please consult with ENGAP (see Section 8:
each program will aim to admit a minimum of 10% Contact Information).
international students.
Canadian Indigenous ENGAP applicants will
1. Program Capacity Targets automatically be considered in the regular admission
process if it is deemed to be to their advantage. For
The following are the maximum number of students example, an ENGAP Individual Consideration applicant
admitted to each department within the Price Faculty of who has achieved an AGPA that exceeds the cut-offs
Engineering in a given year: established through the regular admission process will
automatically be admitted as a regular applicant and
• Biosystems engineering – 48 students will not fill one of the eight available seats in this
• Civil engineering – 76 students category.
• Electrical and Computer engineering – 120 students
• Mechanical engineering – 120 students C. Tie Breaking Procedure for Offers
2. Individual Consideration for ENGAP Applicants In the event of a tie, the following procedure will be
The Individual Consideration Category for ENGAP is
intended for all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit applicants 1. Increase the number of significant figures used in
who have completed the minimum admission the calculation.
requirements (see Section 2: Eligibility Requirements, A. 2. Where a tie still exists, the application that was
Academic Requirements, 2. Admission to a Degree received first will be used to break the tie. All
Program), but who do not meet the cut-off AGPA completed applications are time stamped upon
established for the year’s admission. Applicants in this submission; in the case of a paper application, these
category must also be enrolled in ENGAP for a minimum applications will be time stamped after they have
of eight months by the end of April of the year of been entered into the system by a University of
application. Manitoba Admissions Office staff member.