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Program Info

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Program Information

Postbachelor’s or Post-master’s PhD Master of Science program may be obtained from the Gradu-
in Engineering Program Tests* Credits ate School of Management, 595 Com-
Programs Biomedical GRE 36 monwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215;
for Post-master’s Test Credits Computer GRE 32 e-mail: mba@bu.edu. Please indicate that the
Biomedical GRE 32 Electrical GRE 32 application is for the dual degree engineer-
Computer GRE 32 Global Manufacturing GRE 36 ing/management program. Applicants for
Electrical GRE 32 Manufacturing GRE 36 the MS/MBA degree program are required
Materials Science & Materials Science & to submit the official results of the Gradu-
Engineering GRE 32 Engineering GRE 32
ate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
Mechanical GRE 32 Mechanical GRE 32
Photonics GRE 32 scores (use code P42-OL-26).
Systems GRE 32
Systems GRE 32 The program requires a minimum of
Applicants may apply for a PhD program Engineering GRE 32 two and one-half calendar years of
in biomedical, computer, electrical, materi- (Interdisciplinary)
full-time study.
als science & engineering, mechanical, and
systems engineering. Applicants who hold The Master of Science is a professional
a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply degree with emphasis on advanced training Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of
to the postbachelor’s PhD program and in engineering science and design. Students Medicine (Dual Degree Program)
applicants who hold a master’s degree are receiving the Master of Science degree The combined MD/PhD degree program
eligible to apply for a post-master’s PhD may choose to continue studies toward a is conducted under the joint auspices of
program. Students entering the postbach- doctoral degree or to enter engineering the School of Medicine and the College of
elor’s PhD program are required to enroll practice. Engineering and is designed for and open
in a minimum of eight or nine graduate- to highly qualified individuals who are
The program requires a minimum of
level courses (see requirements below) to strongly motivated for an education and a
one year of full-time study.
complete the equivalent of the MS portion career in both medicine and research.The
of the program (with a thesis, if required minimum entrance requirements and the
Master of Engineering prerequisite courses for the School of Medi-
by the department of admission). Postbach- Program Tests* Credits
elor’s PhD students are required to declare cine are the same as those for the Division
Biomedical GRE 32
the MS degree upon fulfillment of the of Graduate Medical Sciences. Applications
Systems GRE 32
degree requirements of their department. may be obtained from the School of Medi-
In addition, a minimum of 32 graduate This program was developed for students cine, Admissions Office, Building L, Room
credits and the completion of a disserta- that wish to work in industry rather than 124, 715 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118;
tion are required for the postmaster’s PhD pursue a PhD program. A thesis or project is e-mail: medadms@bu.edu. Applicants for
portion of the program. Postbachelor’s PhD not required. the MD/PhD degree program are required
students in the systems program are not to submit the official results of the Medi-
required to declare an MS degree. Students Master of Science in Manufacturing cal College Admission Test (MCAT) as well
entering the post-master’s PhD program Engineering and Master of Business as of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
are required to enroll for a minimum of 32 Administration (Dual Degree General Test.
graduate credits and to complete a disser- Program) The program requires six or seven
tation. Detailed information dealing with The combined degree program is designed calendar years of full-time study.
requirements such as qualifying examina- to provide a balance between manufactur-
tions and the prospectus can be found in the ing engineering and operations manage- Late Entry Accelerated Program
PhD Programs in Engineering at Boston Univer- ment.The program has a requirement of 80 (LEAP)
sity Handbook. Information for all programs credit hours. Application to this program The LEAP program is designed for students
listed below, including course descriptions requires both the GRE and GMAT official who have at least a bachelor’s degree, but
of graduate courses (those numbered 500 test scores. Applications for the combined whose academic background is in the liberal
and above), may be found on the website: arts or other nonengineering areas which do
www.bu.edu/reg/registration/regreg.html. not qualify them for direct admission to the
* The official general GRE is required. College’s Master of Science programs. LEAP
VI Program Information

applicants must have completed at least one under the appropriate heading for additional
semester of calculus in college and obtained requirements. LEAP scholarship assistance
a grade of “B” or higher to be considered is available to full-time LEAP students who
for admission. A number of undergraduate demonstrate need through the Free Applica-
courses are required of the LEAP student, tion for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
depending on the specific program being who are U.S. citizens, Permanent Residents,
sought and the educational background or refugees. Federal and private educational
of the applicant. Once the course require- loan funds are available to eligible students
ments are satisfied, the student advances enrolled at least half time. LEAP scholar-
to their master’s program of choice. LEAP ship support is available for a maximum of
applications will be considered for Septem- seven semesters. International students are
ber, January, or May admission. Credentials not eligible for financial aid and must pres-
required for an application are listed under ent financial documentation with their
“Credentials Required” on the instruction application.
sheet of the Application for Admission. All
The program requires approximately
applicants must submit official results of the
two calendar years of full-time study.
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) General
Test. International applicants should check

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