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E 3.4 High Voltage - Table of Contents: Last Updated September 2004

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Last Updated September 2004













E.3.4. HIGH VOLTAGE .............................................................................4
E.3.4.1. Overview ..................................................................................4
E.3.4.2. HV Cables ................................................................................4
E.3.4.3. HV Switchgear..........................................................................6
E.3.4.4. Substations ..............................................................................8
E.3.4.5. Metering and Protection Transformers .....................................9
E.3.4.6. Protection System ..................................................................10
E.3.4.7. Tripping Battery and Charger .................................................12
E.3.4.8. Substation Earthing ................................................................13
E.3.4.9. Testing of HV System.............................................................14
E.3.4.10. Testing of HV Switchgear.......................................................14
E.3.4.11. Labelling.................................................................................15
E.3.4.12. Testing and Commissioning ...................................................16
E.3.4.13. As-Installed Documents .........................................................17
E.3.4.14. Manuals..................................................................................17
E.3.4.15. Training ..................................................................................18



Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004










Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004


As a guide only, attention is drawn to changes that have been made in the
following clauses since the last revision

Clause Date
General revision
E.3.4.3 August 2004

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004


E.3.4.1. Overview

Electricity to the University’s Kensington Campus is supplied at 11,000volts by

Energy Australia’s (EA) distribution network. Auspower currently provides
electrical energy, under contract.

Presently, there are two (2) points of supply, one at the High Street (Main
Switchroom Building 12a) the other at Botany Street (Substation 6 – Building
D26). These are in turn fed from EA’s Randwick and Clovelly zone substations.

The campus has an extensive 11,000volt high voltage network of underground

cables interconnecting twenty (20) substations. These substations are arranged
in three rings, commonly referred to as the upper, mid and lower campus rings.
The rings are designed to operate as “closed rings”, to ensure minimum
disruption to University operations, should a high voltage fault occur on campus.
The campus network is owned and operated by the University.

Due to limitations of EA’s Randwick zone substation, a second feed was required
from their Clovelly zone substation. This arrangement necessitated the provision
of a Castell keying regime to ensure that the two supplies are separated. The mid
and lower campus rings are fed from Randwick zone substation, whilst the upper
ring is fed from the Clovelly zone substation.

In the event of failure of supply from one of the two zone substations, the entire
campus can be supplied from the other, albeit at a reduced capacity. The
capacity limitations are about 14MVA from Randwick and 8MVA from the
Clovelly zone substations respectively. Obviously, the most critical situation
would be the failure of the Randwick zone substation feeder, as this would
restrict the capacity of supply to the University to only 8MVA, requiring extensive
switching-off of electrical loads. This would severely impact on University

E.3.4.2. HV Cables

Feeder Cables
The University’s HV cabling system consists entirely of underground cables,
either directly buried or in conduits. Generally, these are three-core 400mm2
PILSWA aluminium cables. For ease of making connection to HV switchgear, at
entry points to substations located within buildings, trifurcated joints are made

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

with three single core PILSWA 300mm2 copper cables, that are then run from this
point to the required indoor switchgear.

Transformer Cabling
Transformer feeder cables shall be 95mm2 copper flexible single core HD
screened Siemens Protolon 22kV, or similar.

Pilot Wire Protection Cables

Pilot wire protection cables shall be four-core (plus earth) 6mm2 PVC/SWA/PVC.
These shall be run with the HV cables they are intended to provide protection.

Cable Bending Radii

Underground cables shall be run as required for the equipment to be provided

In the course of laying underground cables the Contractor shall take due care in
their handling to avoid any undue bending and damage. To this end the cable
manufacturer’s recommended laying procedures, minimum bending radii and
constraints, including the use of specialised equipment (e.g. rollers), shall be
followed and strictly adhered to at all times. Note that if bending radii less than
recommended are used, cables could be damaged and fail in services.

Cable Trenches

Before cutting any trenches Contractors shall confer with the Project Officer to
ascertain the precise location and depth of existing services. Generally trenches
shall be run straight, between changes of direction and junctions, with vertical
sides and uniform grades. Trench widths shall be kept to the minimum required,
consistent with the laying and bedding of the cables used, cable pit construction
and its particular configuration.

After laying and bedding of the cables the Project Officer shall be invited to
inspect this work. After approval is obtained from the Project Officer the trenches
shall be immediately backfilled.

Backfilling shall be carried out in layers not greater than 200mm loose thickness
and compacted to the required density and trimmed to the final earth works level.
Backfilling material shall not contain any stones or sharp objects with a diameter
greater than 10mm.

Prior to backfilling underground cable routes shall be accurately recorded.

Cable Location Markers

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

Route markers shall accurately indicate the location of underground cables.

These shall consist of engraved brass marker plates set flush in a concrete base
not less than 200mm diameter x 200 mm deep, placed at each joint, route
junction, change of direction, termination and building entry point, and in straight
runs at regular intervals.

E.3.4.3. HV Switchgear

All HV switchgear shall utilise vacuum technology as the dielectric and circuit-
interrupting medium.

Where the switchgear in on a ring main system (ie having two incoming feeds)
the main busbar shall be, as far as practical, in multiple two sections couple by a
bus section circuit breaker, to allow maintenance of the switchboard without
major shutdown of the low voltage system. The out going circuits shall, as far as
possible, be distributed evenly and symmetrically between the bus sections.

All HV Switchgear shall be designed and constructed to AS 2006, AS 2067, AS

2086 and AS 2650 or equivalent international standard, and to any other
relevant Australian or international standard.

The switchgear shall be designed for local operation (with provision for remote
operation) and hence shall provide complete safety to the operator by ensuring
full fault containment against all short circuit faults.

Busbars and conducting elements shall be of high conductivity copper. Busbars

and connections shall preferably be epoxy encapsulated or be insulated with a
solid dielectric.

Each HV switchboard shall be fitted with a copper earth bar of not less than
105mm2 section, running the whole length of the switchboard, to which shall be
effectively connected all metal parts not intended to be alive

The general arrangement of a HV substation, located within a building, shall be

Two (2) ring-main unit circuit breakers

Two (2) transformer circuit breakers

Switchboard Construction
Switchboards shall be of the metal enclosed type with a "dead front" exterior.
The switchboards shall preferably be of the front access type and of compact
design, with minimum floor space requirements.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

The construction shall be preferably be of the indoor, non-withdrawable,

freestanding metal enclosed cubicle type of such design as to require front
access for connection, maintenance and repair.

The switchboard shall be designed to facilitate future extension at both ends, and
busbars shall have provision for the fitting of fasteners for future extension
without the need for drilling or other work.

Switchboard height shall not exceed 2000mm, unless otherwise specified.

Components requiring inspection or adjustment shall be not more than 2000mm

or less than 400mm from finished floor level.

Cable Facilities
Cable connection facilities shall be provided and sized for the termination of
power cables as specified in the data sheets. In any event three-core 400mm2
PILSWA aluminium cables shall be able to be connected. The switchgear shall
be suitable for cabling when the switchboard is fully assembled

Cable connection chambers shall be air insulated and shall be suitable for cables
utilising a "Raychem" or similar heat-shrink sleeving stress control-insulating

HV Circuit Breakers
Unless other required, all HV circuit breakers shall comply with, or be provided
with the following features:

Operating Mechanism: A trip-free closing mechanism (as defined in AS 2006),

effective during the entire closing cycle, with a clear and distinct mechanically
operated OPEN/CLOSED indication. In event of failure to latch in the closed
position, the circuit breaker shall trip free at normal tripping speed. The
mechanism shall be designed to close onto a short circuit and break short circuit
currents, without damage.

Manual Closing: The HV circuit breakers (CBs) shall be provided with an

independent, manually operated mechanism, as follows:
Mechanical indication of the spring charge condition
Capability of in-service spring charging
A padlock facility shall be provided to prevent manual close operation

Motor Charging: All CBs shall be provided with a motorised spring-charging

facility. The circuit breakers shall have a 24DC motor winding mechanism for the
charging springs. Terminals shall be provided for future addition of a remote
OPEN/CLOSE operation.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

Rating: Apart from intake switchgear, which is rated to Energy Australia

requirements, HV switchgear within the campus shall be rated as follows:

Main busbars shall be rated at a minimum of 800amps

Tee-offs from the main busbar system shall be rated at 630 amps
Short circuit current making and breaking capacity – 20kA (for three seconds) &
Short circuit current withstand – 20kA
Arc fault containment during short circuit conditions – 20kA for 0.1 sec.
Design voltage levels – 12kV, 95 kV power frequency test, 95 kV BIL (insulation

Vacuum Interrupter Units: These shall be readily accessible for inspection,

removal and replacement. The vacuum interrupter shall be rated for at least 100
short circuit breaking operations and 30,000 full load operations.

Earth Switch: A manually operated earth switch shall be provided in the outgoing

Site Dimensions & Shipping

The Contractor shall inspect the site and verify all site dimensions to assure that
the entire equipment assembly offered is of a size that will fit within the proposed
switchroom. If access is restricted, shipping sections of the switchgear are to be
made in sizes to enable easy installation.

The Contractor shall provide for all transport, lifting and off-loading on-site, as
well as all equipment and personnel to move and install the switchgear as
required in-situ.

Access arrangements are to be made with the University (where required).

E.3.4.4. Substations

The University has a variety of HV substations. However, in general there are

two main types, the indoor type that is located within a building, and the outdoor
type that is usually a kiosk, enclosing a transformer with high and low voltage

Consultants are to discuss the options available, including space considerations,

ventilation and associated matters with Facilities’ Engineering Services Section.

Cost benefits, life cycle and aesthetic considerations are important issues.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

Substation Access
Adequate provisions shall be made to enable transformers, switchgear and other
equipment to be easily brought into the substation, or removal of same, for
repairs or maintenance. To this end, suitable doors, removable panels and other
features useful in this regard shall be provided.

Adequate ventilation shall be provided to ensure that substation equipment does
not exceed thermal operation design. Wherever possible use shall be made of
natural ventilation. Where this is inappropriate, suitable mechanical ventilation
shall be provided.

Substation Floor
The Contractor shall ensure that floor levels are appropriate for the HV
equipment to be installed and, if necessary, to make such adjustments and
provisions (e.g. use of suitable shims) as are required to achieve this. Check with
manufacturers to obtain specific level requirements for equipment to be provided.
In addition the Contractor shall modify or provide appropriate floor support
structures for any HV switchgear or power transformer.

Following the installation of the electrical equipment suitable galvanised checker

plates are to be installed to cover any open cable pit areas. Suitable lifting holes
and lifting tools shall be provided.

Electromagnetic Interference
Transformers and current carrying conductors in substations give rise to
magnetic fields. These electromagnetic fields can impact on PC operation as well
as affect some experimental work. For this reason it is essential to locate
substations in areas that will have minimal impact.

In cases where location of a substation is driven by other considerations, it may

be necessary to install suitable shielding material.

E.3.4.5. Metering and Protection Transformers

Voltage Transformers (VTs)

One (1) set of voltage transformers shall be supplied and installed on the main

Voltage transformers shall be of the types, ratings and ratios required for proper
operation of the protection relays as well as the EMACS digital metering. VTs
shall be in accordance with AS 1243, rated at 50 VA.and an accuracy class of

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

For protection purposes the VT voltage ratios shall be 11,000/110/63.5V.

EMACS meters are rated at 240V.

Voltage transformers shall be of the epoxy resin encapsulated type of single-

phase box-type construction, incorporating fuse protection on the secondary
side. The configuration shall be Y-Y, with the primary star point earthed for
protection purposes and the secondary star point for safety reasons.

Current Transformers (CTs)

Protection CTs

Protection current transformers shall comply with AS 1675 and be of ratio,

accuracy and rating as required for proper operation of the protection system
Current transformers shall be capable of being left on open-circuit with the
primary circuit at rated current for one minute, without overheating or damage.
Current transformers shall be of the epoxy resin encapsulated type and shall not
be embedded in compound filled chambers. Duplicate current transformer labels
shall be fixed in a readily accessible position to the outside of chambers housing
current transformers.
The primary winding of current transformers shall be capable of carrying, without
thermal or electromagnetic damage or deformation, the rated making current and
rated short circuit current (magnitude and duration) of the circuit breaker.

Metering CTs

A second set of CT's shall be provided within each circuit breaker unit, for the
purpose of metering, and shall be connected to the digital meters, which are
usually installed elsewhere within the switchroom. The classification of the CTs
shall be 0.5M.

Test blocks with shorting links, GEC type MMLG or similar (subject to approval),
shall be provided in all CT secondary circuits.

Feeder Differential Protection

E.3.4.6. Protection System

Overall HV System
It is intended that the campus HV system shall operate on a closed ring basis,
with Substations Nos. 12 and 13 being fed from Sub 6 on a spur, as is Sub 5a
from Sub 5. In general, Alstom KCEG140 series protection relays are to be used.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

The Alstom KCEG 140 series relays have remote communication capability. To
provide for future remote monitoring of the campus HV protection system, data
cables shall be run from all such meters within a substation HV switchgear
assembly to a clearly labelled terminal strip. This terminal strip shall be easily
accessible from the front of the assembly by means of a hinged door. Data
cables shall be of a type that will not be subject to interference in the in-situ
operational environment.

All new or refurbished substations shall have the protection system tested by
Primary Injection testing techniques.

Feeder Differential Projection

For faults on the feeders from the HV Intake Substations, where protection is
unable to trip the associated CB due to CB failure, the KCEG140 series relay
protecting the feeder shall provide CB fail backup protection by back tripping
after an appropriate time delay.

Over-current and Earth Fault Protection & Differential Protection

Each feeder and incomer shall be protected with IDMT over-current and earth
fault protection, which shall be provided with the KCEG140 series relays.

Transformers shall be protected by three-phase over-current, and single-phase

earth fault protection and/or differential protection systems.

Discrimination of Protection
All equipment and protection devices to be installed are to be selected and/or
adjusted at the time of commissioning to achieve appropriate discrimination and
grading between the various levels of protection, in accordance with good design
practice. Discrimination and grading shall fully consider upstream and
downstream protection devices as well as the configuration of the campus
reticulation system and the equipment connected thereto.

Statistical Metering
For statistical metering purposes, the following indications shall be provided on
the KCEG140 series relays:

Vph - ph line voltage Vph - n phase voltage

A - current kW - kilowatt
kVar - kilovar pf - power factor
f - frequency

All associated CTs, VTs and such other devices or power supplies required to
ensure these indications are achieved shall be provided.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

E.3.4.7. Tripping Battery and Charger

All substations that comprise of motorised circuit breakers and protection relays
require a tripping battery and associated charger to operate them

The tripping battery and charger unit shall comprise a self-contained battery
charger, complete with batteries, housed in a lockable sheet metal cabinet
(baked enamel finish). In general, SAFT-Nife units have been installed in

The unit shall be wall-mounted, incorporating two distinct and separate sections;
a charger section and a battery section. The charger section of the cubicle shall
be dust and vermin proof with the degree of protection: IP52 to AS 1939. The
battery section of the compartment shall be vented.

The input voltage shall be 240V, 50 Hz, single phase and the output shall be 24V

The unit shall provide a constant potential d.c. output and shall compensate for
load current and supply voltage fluctuations. The d.c. output stability shall be
within plus or minus 1%.

The battery shall be of the nickel-cadmium type and shall have adequate
ampere-hour capacity to supply the standing load for a minimum period of 3
hours, on loss of a.c. supply. At the end of this three-hour period it shall still be
capable of tripping circuit breakers of the HV switchgear assembly at least 10
consecutive times.

Batteries shall have a life expectancy of at least ten (10) years.

The charger output shall be capable of carrying any standard load of the
switchgear, in addition to charging the battery, and shall be matched to the
recommended charging rate of the battery.

The charger output shall automatically regulate the trickle (float) and fast (boost)
rate, depending on the charged state of the battery

The charger shall be self-protecting against overload and short-circuiting of the

output and be capable of being subjected to the situations without damage to the

The following equipment shall be included:

Input circuit-breaker

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

(b) a.c. charger ammeter/indicator

(c) Battery voltmeter/indicator

(d) Visual indicators

a.c. boost charge

Charge fail
Low battery voltage
High battery voltage
Low electrolyte level
Earth fault

The above shall be achieved by a computer-based system with digital display.

The unit shall be provided with a data communication port to enable remote
monitoring, by means of Modbus RTU or BACnet protocols, of the status of the
key unit indicators, listed above.

A common battery fault alarm shall be provided for indicating faults in the battery,
also a voltage free contact shall be provided for remote sensing.

Both visual and audible alarms shall be provided including visual indicator test
switch, mute button to cancel audible alarm and a flashing visual indicator to
show that the audible alarm has been muted. These shall be located on the front

For the solid-state protection relays to be used, the system output shall be
arranged to ensure that during boost charging the voltage supply to the relays
remains within allowable limits. An acceptable scheme would comprise series
voltage dropping diodes in circuit during boost cycles.

All items on the front panel, as well as relevant internal items, shall be clearly and
suitably labelled.

Circuit and connection diagrams as well as maintenance requirements shall be


E.3.4.8. Substation Earthing

This section deals with the work associated with substation earthing, including
substation equipment, by the direct bonding of all non-current carrying exposed
metal to the substation earthing grid.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

The earthing system shall be the combined earthing type, as per AS 3000,
incorporating the HV substation and LV switchroom earths. The combined
earthing system shall have a resistance to earth not greater than one (1) ohm

The substation earthing grid shall be designed to ensure the safety of personnel
and equipment. The design and as constructed touch and step potential shall be
within allowable limits for the design fault clearance time.

Internally within a HV substation, the earthing provisions shall include a copper

strip (of not less than 50 x 6.3 mm cross section) fixed 100 mm above substation
finished floor level. This strip shall be spaced 25 mm off the respective walls by
means of suitable stainless steel tubes fitted over metal screws expanding bolts,
to secure the terminal strip to the walls. Copper earth strips shall be thermally
rated for the relevant fault current and its duration.

All substation steel structures shall be bonded to the substation earthing grid. All
steel support structures shall have two earthing tail conductors to the substation
earthing grid. Each tail shall be thermally rated for the relevant fault current and
its duration.

E.3.4.9. Testing of HV System

At the completion of specified works a NATA registered specialist contractor or

organisation shall be engaged to test the University's HV protection system and
ensure that all the various aspects of the system operate as required. The tests
shall also ensure that there is a full complementary coordination within the
campus HV system and with the upstream Energy Australia HV protection
system. To this end adjustments or resetting of the various protection systems
shall be made as may be required.

HV power frequency tests shall also be carried out on associated HV cables.

A typed record of such tests and relay settings (3 sets) shall be provided to the
University at Practical Completion or as may otherwise be required.

The Contractor shall allow for and pay the cost of all charges or fees that Energy
Australia may impose or charge for their advice and/or attendance in relation to

E.3.4.10. Testing of HV Switchgear

The following tests are required of the HV switchboard:

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

Type Tests
Certified type test reports are required to verify:

Ability of the circuit breakers, switches and combination to make, carry and break
their rated currents;
Insulation level of all equipment;
Temperature rise together with millivolt drop or resistance readings of equipment
type tested for temperature rise;
Radio interference voltage tests.

Routine Tests
All equipment shall be subjected to the following routine tests and copies of these
shall be supplied in duplicate:

Mechanical operating tests;

Power frequency voltage withstand test;
Partial discharge tests;
Millivolt drop or resistance readings to compare with temperature rise type tests;
Insulation resistance.
Test of auxiliary devices

E.3.4.11. Labelling

The location and content of labels shall be clear, concise, appropriate and
sufficient to enable even operators unfamiliar with the installation to easily
establish the purpose and function of the plant, equipment, control devices and

In addition to the circuit description, each switchboard panel shall carry a

sequential number label, starting with pane No 1, from left to right when viewing
the front of the switchboard.

All cables shall be clearly identified by appropriate cable codes approved by the

Proposed label details shall be submitted to the University for approval prior to

All labels, unless otherwise specifically approved by the University, shall be

engraved on plastic laminate material (Traffolyte or similar). Labels shall have
adhesive backing and be screw fixed in the required locations.

In general, labels shall consist of black lettering on a white background.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

Cables shall be identified at each end (also cable type and size) and at
terminations, on both sides of floor and wall openings, where cables enter
conduits or ducts from a trench or cable pit. Unconnected cables shall be
suitably tagged.

Tags on HV cables shall be of approved material, free from sharp corners and
edges and attached to the relevant cables through two holes at each end so that
the tags lie flat and longitudinally along the cables. The tags shall be fixed in
such a manner to enable the labels to be easily read from the direction or point of

E.3.4.12. Testing and Commissioning

All relevant tests shall be carried out to ensure that the HV switchgear and
associated equipment not only perform as specified and required, but also to do
so safely.

For the testing and commissioning aspect of HV projects contractors shall supply
all equipment (e.g. earthing sticks, meters etc.) and personnel to undertake all
relevant tests (including any specialist works e.g. testing and programming of
protection system) at their own cost.

The specified works shall be commissioned in total to ensure that the entire
works operate in the intended manner.

Ensure the correct phase sequence of the HV switchboard busbars after

connection of supply. Test energy meters, where fitted, on connected loads for
correct operation.

The remote monitoring functionality of the Alstom KCEG 140 series relays shall
be tested by means of a PC connected to the protection relay communication
data terminal strip. The Contractor shall provide all software to enable this testing
to be undertaken and proven.

Immediately upon completion of the works the Contractor shall replace the HV
Diagram and Substation Layout in all Campus substations with an updated
laminated version to reflect and incorporate the new works. The HV Diagram
and Substation Layout shall be in the same colour, size and format as existing.

All testing and commissioning outcomes are to be documented and incorporated

within the manuals required at the time of Practical Completion or as required.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

E.3.4.13. As-Installed Documents

The University shall make available to the successful tenderer a copy of the
Campus HV reticulation diagram in Autocad compatible format.

Prior to granting of Practical Completion, the Contractor shall modify and

upgrade this diagram to reflect the new works.

The Contractor shall submit this updated layout in the same format as originally
supplied by the University.

These layouts shall also incorporate the protection relay settings (and CT ratios)
at each affected substation, as revised in accordance with the specified works.

A separate wiring and single line diagram of the protection system as well as
tender drawings (where applicable) shall also be provided, to the Contractor, on
3½ inch HD floppy disk (or CD ROM) in Autocad compatible format. This shall
also be updated by the Contractor to reflect the new works and/or associated
interrelated adjustments.

E.3.4.14. Manuals

Before commencement of operational maintenance, provide the specified
number of copies of a site-specific combined operator's manual and technical
manual, consisting of information collated and arranged in a logical order. This
shall be written in clear concise English, containing a title page listing suppliers'
names, addresses and telephone numbers, a table of contents, and the following

Operator's Manual:

Safe working procedures: For switching, isolation and earthing the high voltage
supply and distribution system;

Operation and maintenance: Information for the satisfactory long-term operation

and maintenance of the installation;

Maintenance periods: Recommended maintenance periods and procedures;

Equipment and tools: Particulars of maintenance equipment and tools provided,

with instructions for their use.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

The time frame for Operational Maintenance & Equipment and Tools shall be
over the anticipated operational life of the equipment.

Technical Manual:

Diagram: A single line diagram of the circuit breakers, fuse-switches, switches,

disconnectors, earthing switches and earthing points in the system;

Technical description: Detailed technical description of the equipment, functions

of individual items, with diagrams, illustrations, protective relay curves, software
information on microprocessor equipment, etc., where appropriate;

Dismantling equipment: Such drawings, data, details or procedures, shall be

provided as may be necessary for the University to install, maintain, dismantle,
reassemble or adjust all parts of the works and repair or replace all parts
particularly those liable to wear and failure, should this be required to be
undertaken by the Principal at a future time.

Spares: List of spare parts provided;

Drawings: The work-as-executed drawings.

Form: A4 size, printed or typed on durable printing paper, each page

consecutively numbered, and neatly bound in durable vinyl or similar hard

Number of copies: Three (3)

E.3.4.15. Training

The Contractor shall arrange for and make available persons competent in the
operation of the equipment provided in the works and carry out in-depth training
workshops on the various items of equipment, aspects of the equipment
operation, maintenance and associated safety matters.

Training shall be integrated and relate closely to the site-specific Operator’s and
Technical Manual.

It is anticipated that this would entail site-specific off-site (at equipment supplier's
training facility) and 'hands-on' on-site training. Handout notes and provisions
shall be made for ten (10) University staff to attend.

At the end of the training sessions, participants should be able to program,

operate and maintain the equipment with confidence and safety.

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)

Last Updated September 2004

Design and Construction Requirements (Rev 4.1)


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