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Character Rigging in Maya

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The key takeaways from this document are that it provides an introduction to character rigging in Maya including the basic concepts and terminology used such as FK, IK, and different IK Solvers. It also provides a step-by-step guide to rigging the eyes of a character.

Forward Kinematics (FK) animates each bone individually from root to tip, while Inverse Kinematics (IK) animates by moving an end goal position and the chain follows. FK provides intuitive posing while IK solves for positions based on a goal.

The three different IK Solvers in Maya are ikRPSolver (Rotate Plane), ikSCSolver (Single Chain) and IK Spline Handle.

Character Rigging In Maya - Part 1

By: Steven J. Tubbrit steven_tubbrit@yahoo.co.uk


Hello, this is a tutorial to introduce people to the sometimes complicated world of character rigging. As
with all my tutorials, I intend to take you through this with as much help and explanation of the techniques
as I can.

Hopefully, at the end of this tutorial, we'll all have a completed rig for a biped character and a better
understanding of the whole process in general, albeit aimed at beginners, I intend to get quite in depth
later on, although like I said before, I will be explaining everything I can as I go along to help the
understanding of why and what is going on in each section.

In most cases, these tutorials I create start out as being a collection of notes and findings of my own
research, which, in turn, just so 'I' can understand the processes become easy to read notes, and then
develop into my own tutorial on the subject matter, in this case, character rigging. I will also delve a little
into blend shapes, and also how to set up low-poly 'stand in' object for animating with, and how to export
and import animation from the low-res version to the high-res version.

As in other tutorials of this kind, where you get pages and pages of instruction which is sometimes a little
hard to understand and follow, I don't want to do that, instead, what I'm going to do is actually provide a
model of one of my characters for you to work with and follow along properly with this
tutorial, this means that you will be getting 'real world' experience as you progress and hopefully learn
what you need to, to set up your own rigs and so

Ok, before we move onto the main part of the tutorial, I firstly want to introduce some basic information
that will aid us later on in this tutorial,
forgive me if it comes across a little basic right now, but I've aimed this at beginners to start with. Hope you
all follow along and enjoy this learning process! :)
Basic Information

Ok, this section is just to introduce some fairly basic terms before we move on into the main rigging
tutorials, provided only as a basic heads up for beginners, who may or may not know these terms and

IK (Inverse Kinematics) and FK (Forward Kinematics)

Forward Kinematics (FK)

Forwards Kinematics or FK as it is more widely known is a way of posing or animating a skeleton each part /
bone at a time, for example, in the case of an
arm using FK, to animate it reaching forward, you would need to rotate the arm at the shoulder joint, and
then you would need to rotate the joint directly below that at the elbow. It is quite an intuitive way to
animate as it provides a good visual way of posing the character just by rotating the joints into position.

Inverse Kinematics (IK)

Inverse Kinematics or IK as it is more widely known is a way of posing or animating a skeleton by using a
goal based system, IK, in my opinion would be best described as imagine you have no control of you own
arm, and someone else instead moves it for you, the easiest way for this person to move you arm into the
required position would be to grab your arm at the wrist and then move it into position, the whole rest of
the arm would follow accordingly, this is how IK works. In the case of an arm, you would have shoulder and
forearms joints, you would then create an IK chain from the top to the bottom, and then when you
have done that, you would select the IK handle that would be created at the bottom of the forearm joint
(wrist area) and the just move that, the whole arm would then move along accordingly.

Maya provides three different types of IK Solver, these are (default) ikRPSolver (Rotate Plane), ikSCSolver
(Single Chain) and also the IK Spline Handle.

These are in turn described as : -


The Rotate Plane IK Solver is the default IK Solver and is probably used the most when setting up
characters, it is most useful when used in conjunction with chains in joints such as an arm (where the
elbow will need to be rotated into place) or a leg (where the knee will need to be rotated into place). It
essentially has the ability to control the twisting direction of the chain that it is controlling.


The Single Chain IK Solver is used when no twisting action is required of the joint chain, as in a characters
foot for example.

IK Spline Handle

The IK Spline Handle is actually quite a powerful handle, it is best used when you would have a complex
series of joints, for example a characters spine or
a character who has a tail, in both cases you would require a solver that would simplify the process of
animating a lot of joints together in the same area at the same time. When a Spline Handle is used
between a chain of joints, a Spline is created along the chain, and in turn the CV's (Control Vertices) are
what would be selected and manipulated for animating with, generally the CV's would in turn be
constrained to Cluster Deformers for ease of use when manipulating for animation.


As the Maya Online Help states 'Constraints enable you to constrain the position, orientation, or scale of an
object to other objects. Further, with constraints you can impose specific limits on objects and automate
animation processes.' Constraints are used quite a lot in animation and character setup, and it's
worthwhile getting to know how they all work, so you can best utilise them within your scenes. Maya
offers a number of different types of constraints, these are : -

Point constraints

- Point constraints constrain an object's position to the position of one or more objects. For example,
constraining a button to a characters shirt.

Aim constraints

- Aim constraints constrain an object's orientation so that it always aims at other objects. For example,
constraining eyes on a character so that they always look in a particular direction.

Orient constraints

- An orient constraint causes an object to follow the orientation of one or more objects. For example, a
crowd scene may require all characters to look in a particular direction at the same time, you can orient
constrain all the heads to one main character to set this up.

Scale constraints
- A scale constraint causes an object to follow the scaling of one or more objects. For example, constraining
two characters together so that when grows (scale Y), the other grows too.

Geometry constraints

- A geometry constraint restricts an object to a NURBS surface, NURBS curve, or polygonal surface (mesh).
For example, constraining a drinks can to a characters hand.

Normal constraints

- Normal constraints constrain an object's orientation so that it aligns with the normal vectors of a NURBS
or polygonal surface (mesh). For example, constraining a spider to a character to get it to walk over the
surface correctly.

Tangent constraints

- Tangent constraints constrain an object's orientation so that the object always points in the direction a
curve. For example constraining a fly character to a curve so that it animates along the curve and keeps the
direction that the curves holds, i.e. if it goes up, the fly character would be facing up.

Pole vector constraints

- A pole vector constraint constrains an IK rotate plane handle's pole vector. For example,. controlling the
position of a
characters knee of elbow when animating (more information later).

Ok, we're done with the basics, I hope I haven't bored you too much yet, now we should be ready to move
onto the main meat of the tutorial, but before we carry on, if your wanting to follow along completely so
that you understand fully what your doing, download this model I have created which we will rig together
as we progress : -

Ok, once you've downloaded this model, extract the contents and open the file up within Maya, you should
have something like this : -
! Note, In This Screengrab, I Have 'Wireframe On Shaded' Switched On !

Now, it looks slightly different to the nice smooth versions posted above, the difference being this model is
the low-polygon version that I normally build for conversion to either subdivision surfaces or polygon
smoothing. Because it is low-polygon, it will be much easier to set up and rig due to the low overhead and
uncomplicated layout, as opposed to the polygonally dense mesh that you would get with a 'smoothed'
version. There is some other notes I need to make about the scene, but I will do this as we progress on,
now onward we go....

Setting Up The Skeleton

In the scene, open up the the Outliner, Window > Outliner. Within the outliner, you will see two groups,
one called Character and the other Guide_Curves, The Character group node contains all of our characters
body parts, such as his head, hands, legs, teeth, gums and so on, I've grouped them this way just to make
the scene cleaner and more manageable when looking for things, the Guide_Curves group node is a group
containg some Nurbs Curves which I have placed around the characters body, the 'Guide' curves will aid us
in creating our Skeleton, and will be deleted later on, select the Guide_Curves group node within the
Outliner, and then maximises your Perspective window and press number 4 to display the wireframe, you
should be able to see the Nurbs Guide Curves a little better this way, it should resemble this diagram : -
As you can see, I have set up Guide Curves in some key areas, but not all, this step is not essential, but I
find it helps me when placing my joints, the key areas I have covered are the centre pivots for the eyes, the
head, the shoulders, each joint area in the fingers, the top of the leg, the knees and the ankle areas. Let's
start setting up our Skeleton now : -

ok, first things first, create a new layer and call it Skeleton_L, this will become the layer where we will store
all of our joints. Now that you have created the extra layer, we will now begin placing joints. We will begin
with the legs, press F2 if you are not already in animation mode, and then select SKELETON > JOINT TOOL,
in the Layers Menu, set the Character_L Layer to T for Templated. Although we have guide curves for both
sides of the body, we're only going to be using one side, and then mirroring our joints across to the other
side, we will be using our characters right side as your looking at him when setting up the joints to be
mirrored. Now, hopefully you should still have your Skeleton > Joint Tool still selected, if not, select it
again, and then in your side view, draw the following joint chain : -
Now, we're going to move the joints into position, maximise your Perspective view by pressing the Space
Bar quickly whilst holding the mouse over it, now switch on Snap To Points : -

and then in relation to where your joints are, snap each joint to the following points on each of the guide
curves, as shown in this diagram : -
So, essentially, you start from the top of the leg and work your way down when snapping to the joints, with
the 3 nurbs curves, you should snap in this order, 1st - Snap to to middle CV of the top curve, at the Knee
Area, you should snap the 2nd Joint to the second CV in from the front of the knee, and then on the 3rd
point your snapping to, make sure it is the second CV in from the back of the guide curve. In the Layers
menu, switch off the V - Visibility for the Curve_Guides Layer, and in the Charater_L Layer, change it from a
template to an R - Reference Layer, now snap your next joint to the following Vertex on the sole of the
foot: -

And then one more to finish, switch to your side view, and change your snapping to grid snapping instead
and then snap to this grid point at the front of the shoe : -
Once you've snapped the last one, you should now have a chain of joints for your leg, similar to this
diagram : -

Select the first Joint you created, joint1, and within the layers menu, right click over the Skeleton_L Layer
and click on Add Selected Objects, if you haven't already done so, I would also add a colour to the layer, so
you can easily identify what is contained within any given Layer, I've chosen Blue, as it stands out and is
easy to read. We haven't quite finished just yet though, we will be adding some more joints when we come
to do the reverse foot setup, but that is later, right now, we're going to rename our currently created
joints, open up the Outliner, and take a look at your joints, with respect to each one's position, rename
them like this : -

That reads a lot better now, and you now have a much better idea of what each joints role will be in the
hierarchy. We will now move onto creating the arm joints, so again in the Layers Menu, set the
Character_L Layer to T for Templated, and set the Curve_Guides back to V - Visible. Switch to the front
view, as this is where we will be placing our joints for the arm, and without any snapping turned on, create
the following joints for the arm, don't worry too much about placement right now, just so long as it roughly
matches this diagram : -

Within your Outliner, rename the joints, starting from the first one, like this :
Now, we need to place them properly, maximise your Persp view, and keep your outliner open, within it,
select the Left_Shoulder joint, now, Snap to the Middle CV on the nurbs curve in that area : -

Now, select the Left_Elbow joint, and in the top view, Do Not Snap, move it into position so it roughly
matches this diagram : -

Now, select the Left_Wrist joint, and again, in the top view, move that joint into position so it roughly
matches this position : -
Now, the last joint will be fine, and so will not need moving. Within the outliner, select the first joint,
Left_Clavicle and then add it to the Skeleton_L Layer. Now, let's place the finger joints, in the top view,
using Grid Snapping, create the following joints, remember to press Enter when you have created the first
lot, don't worry about where there being placed, as we'll be snapping them into place later : -

Next, maximise your Persp view, and then switch off Grid Snapping and instead use Point Snapping, and in
turn snap each joint to it's corresponding Guide
Curve, when snapping to the Guide Curve, snap to the Middle CV on it. You should end up with something
like this : -
Ok, we're not finished just yet, in your Top View, select the last joint in turn on each finger joints, and the
Thumb joint, turn your Character_L Layer from T - Template, to R - Reference, one, and 1 by 1 snap to
these points on the end of the actual mesh, see this diagram : -

And the last joint in the Thumb Joint hierarchy (Probably best placed in the Persp View) : -
Now name your joints in turn, starting from the first set you created, I recommend the following naming
convention, Left_Pinky_Finger_etc, Left_Index_Finger_etc, Left_Inner_Finger_etc, and finally,
Left_Thumb_etc, you can see what I've done here, ( Tip - To save the tedium of repetitive typing, type the
first name, and then select it, Press CTRL + C to copy it, and then with the next joint, press CTRL + V to past
it in, and then change it to what
you need ) : -
And finally, select all the new joints and add them to the Skeleton_L Layer. You can set the Character_L
Layer back to template now too. Don't worry about the finger joints not being connected to anything, we'll
sort that part out later. Now we're going to move onto creating the Spine joints.
The Spine

Right, let's continue the skeleton setup with the spine. Maximise your side view and create the following
joints : -

Now, open up the Outliner, and rename the joints starting from the bottom up like this : -

Ok, now we need to move them into place. Within the Outliner, select the COG(I've called it COG, as this
stands for Centre Of Gravity), and move it into place, so that it sits as best as you can get around the
middle of the character using the side view, to make things a little easier, turn the character layer to R -
Reference, and in the Persp view, snap to this point within the middle of the character : -
Now select the Head joint, and snap it to the middle CV of the nurbs guide curve which lies in the head
area : -

And finally, select the Head_End joint, and snap to the middle vertex on the top of the character model,
once you've done this, you can change the character layer back to T - Template, and again, once you've
done that select the COG Joint and add the whole set of joints to the Skeleton_L Layer : -
Ok, let's go back to another part of the skeleton, within the Outliner, select the Left_Clavicle joint, and
the Channel Box, in the Translate Z box, type 1 and press Return, now with the Left_Clavicle still
selected, press the down arrow key on the keyboard, it should now jump down the next bone in the
hierarchy, the Left_Shoulder joint, now snap that joint back to the middle CV of the nurbs guide curve,
basically your snapping it back to the location it was at before we moved the Left_Clavicle joint. Now,
we've finished with our Guide Curves for the main body now, so open the Outliner and select the
following curves within the Guide_Curves group and delete them, once you've done that, you should be
left only with the guide curves for the eyes which we will be utilising later. : -
Right. moving on, if you haven't already done so, template the character and guide_curves layers, so
that we can concentrate on the joints only. We're now going to set up the rest of the leg joints, in the
side view, we need to create some more joints that will aid us in the reverse foot setup that we will be
producing, so, in the side view, set up your joints like this, use Grid Snapping, it doesn't matter about the
placement as we will be moving them into place later, press Enter when your done : -

Within the Outliner, rename the joints like this : -

Select the LReverse_Foot joint, add it to the Skeleton_L Layer, now we'll move it into place, turn off grid
snapping, and instead, in the Persp view, vertex snap the LReverse_Foot joint to the Ankle joint like this :

With the LReverse_Foot still selected, go into the Channel Editor and within the Translate Y box, change
the value to 0, this will make sure our LReverse_Foot setup lies on the ground origin. Now, select each
joint and snap to the corresponding joint, i.e. LReverse_Toe Snapped to LToe and so on : -
Before we move onto the next part, the actual rigging process, we'll need to do one more thing with all
of our joints, and that is to orient them. Ok, open the Outliner and select your COG joint, now select
from the menu, DISPLAY > COMPONENT DISPLAY > LOCAL ROTATION AXES, you should now get
something like this : -

continue on until you have done the same for all joints, you will have to do this manually 1 by 1, so just
press G to repeat the last step for each joint in turn when you select it, you will end up with this :-
Now, select the COG joint, from the menu select SKELETON > ORIENT JOINT and open the options box,
we want to make sure all of our joints local rotation axes all point in the same direction, for the COG
joint, set it to the following - none, note the Y always points to the next joint, switch off the Hierarchy
and Scale options : -
Now carry on and do the same for all the other joints 1 by 1, basically, we're resetting all the joints, so
that we can now in turn set each joint to what we want it to be orientated at, once you've done that,
you'll notice that all joint orients are the same and all have Y as the Up axis. Now before we continue,
we need to download a melscript that will aid us in the orientation of all of our joints, the script (By
Jason Schleifer) we'll be using is called jsOrientJointUI.Mel, and can be downloaded from this address : -

Ok, once you've downloaded the script, put it in your usual scripts directory, and then within Maya, type
into the Command Line in the bottom left, jsOrientJointUI; , hilight it, and then drag and drop it onto
your shelf as shelf item, now click on your latest shelf addition, you should get a pop up menu like this : -

Now go back to the original COG joint and then press the down arrow key to move up to the next joint in
the hierarchy, you should have the SpineA joint now selected, and select either Z Up or Z Down, in the
case of SpineA, Z Up should be the one you will be using, carry on, until you have done all the joints in
that hierarchy, you should be getting results similar to this diagram: -
What you'll find is joints slightly tilted in one direction (backover) will require Z Up Orientation and joints
tilted forward will require Z Down Orientation. Note, don't worry about the end joints. Now do the same
for the Leg joints, for the first joint in the chain, you will probably use Z Up, now carry on doing the same
for the rest of the joints in the legs, and also for the reverse foot joints. Now with the reverse foot joints,
select the first one, it can probably get a bit confusing, so you should orient like this, 1st Joint, Z Up, all
other joints, Z Down. Now moving onto the arm, you'll utilise Z Up orientation all the way along, and
again for the fingers, Z Up too. With the Thumb Joints, you'll again utilise the Z Up Orientation, now,
once you've done, you'll have something like this : -

As far as joint orientation goes, that's it, and the whole reasoning behind doing this, is to make sure all
of our joints will rotate in the correct direction that we require when animating. Next we're going to
parent some of our joints together.
Character Rigging In Maya Continued (Part 2) - Parenting and Mirroring our final joints
Select the LHip joint, and then Shift Select the COG joint, now press P to parent the LHip to the COG Joint, a
bone will appear between them : -

Now do the same with the Left_Clavicle and Neck joint, and then again with the first joint on each of the
fingers and the thumb and parent to the Left_Hand joint, you'll end up with something like this : -
Ok, we've now set up and parented all of our joints, now there's one last thing to do now before we've
finished with the skeleton, and that's to Mirror our Joints from the Left Side over to the Right Side. Select
the Left_Clavicle joint and then from the menu select Skeleton > Mirror Joint and open the options box,
within the options, select YZ as the Mirror options and Orientation as the Mirror Function : -

Select Mirror, and you should now have the right arm set up, including the parented joint :-

Do the same now for the LHip and then again for the LReverse_Foot, that's it, we now have all of our joints
mirrored across. We don't need our Local Rotation Axes displayed anymore, so select each joint one by
one, and then issue the command DISPLAY > COMPONENT DISPLAY > LOCAL ROTATION AXIS, or press G to
repeat the last command. Once you've done that to all the joints, open up the Outliner. We need to
rename our joints that we have mirrored across, essentially we need to differentiate the two sides, so Left
and Right is enough to do that, so rename all the mirrored joints so that they are R - Right related, as in : -
Do the same for the mirrored reverse foot and also for the mirrored arm including all the fingers and
thumb. A bit of tedious task but worthwhile in the long run. In cases where you have a number 1 at the
end of the name, just remove it. That's it, we're officially finished with the skeleton setup, now we can
move onto the juicy part, the rigging.....

The Rigging Process

Now we'll start the actual rigging process, now before we continue, I'd just like to point out that you should
be used to saving your work quite often, and getting into the habit of creating new files, just so your not
saving over the same file again and again, and if it crashes you'll have no backup. Anyway, back to the
subject matter, we'll first begin with our characters legs, seeing as how we already have the reverse foot
joints in place. Now, just for the rigging controls and so on, create a new layer, and call it Rig_Controls.

The Legs

First, we need to create some poly objects, select CREATE > POLYGON PRIMITIVES > CONE, and in the
channel box, change the values so that they are the same as the following diagram : -

In the side view, snap the object to the knee joint : -

Press CTRL + D to Duplicate the object, and in the PERSP view, snap to the other knee, now select both
objects, and in the Channel Box again, change the Translate Z for each to 5. This will move the knee
controllers in front of the Knees. Select MODIFY > FREEZE TRANSFORMATIONS, and then EDIT > DELETE BY
TYPE > HISTORY. Add both objects to the newly created Rig_Controls Layer, select the Cone in front of the
Left Knee and rename it to LKnee_PV_Constraint, and again select the Cone in front of the Right Knee, and
then rename that one to RKnee_PV_Constraint. One more thing, open your Hypershade, and create two
new Lambert materials, rename them Left_LambertM and Right_LambertM, make the Left_LambertM a
Red Colour, and the Right_LambertM a Yellow Colour, now apply the materials to the appropriate Knee
Controllers, don't worry, it doesn't mean anything, it's just a quick visual way of determining left and rights
sides : -

We're now going to create the first part of our IK Setup for the leg, select SKELETON > IK HANDLE, you now
need to select the LHip Joint, and then the LAnkle joint, select the IKHandle once done and rename it to
ikHandle_LAnkle : -
Now, do the same on the other side, RHip to RAnkle joints, select the IKHandle and rename it to
ikHandle_RAnkle. Select both IKHandles and add them to the Rig_Controls Layer. Select the geometry
LKnee_PV_Constraint, and then SHIFT - SELECT the ikHandle_LAnkle. Now select CONSTRAIN > POLE
VECTOR, now select the LKnee_PV_Constraint and try moving it left and right, you'll find the knee is
constrained to it, press Z to undo any movements you may have added. Do the same now for the
RKnee_PV_Constraint and ikHandle_RAnkle. For the rest of the leg setup, I'm going to go through the
process for the left leg, and then you can repeat the process yourself for the right leg. Select the
LReverse_Foot joint, if you've been following this tutorial it's Translate X, Y and Z values in the channel box
will be about X = 2.243, Y = 0 and Z = -0.44, make a note of what the X value is and then change the X value
to 5, this is just to get it out of the way whilst we are working on the other joints, now select SKELETON > IK
HANDLE TOOL, and open the options box, and change the IKRP Solver to IKSC Solver (Single Chain Solver) : -

Once you've done that, select the LAnkle joint and then the LBall joint, the ikSC Solver will be created,
select it and rename it to ikHandle_LBall, and then add it to the Rig_Controls layer. Add another IK SC
Solver from the LBall joint to the LToe Joint, rename it ikHandle_LToe and add it to the Rig_Controls layer.
Remembering the value you noted earlier for the LReverse_Foot, type it in and put it back to it's default
position. Select the ikHandle_LAnkle and then SHIFT - SELECT the LReverse_Ankle, and then press P to
Parent them, if it's easier for you, you can do this in the Outliner. Now do the same for the ikHandle_LBall
and the LReverse_Ball, and then again for the ikHandle_LToe and the LReverse_Toe. Select the
LReverse_Foot Joint, and try moving it around, you'll find you now have control of the whole foot, try
moving it backwards and forwards, and also try moving the knee controller with it, you'll see straightaway
the benefit of using a reverse foot setup. Once you are happy with what you have, repeat the whole
process for the Right Leg.
We don't really want to be selecting joints every time we animate, we ideally want things as easy as
possible to just visually grab and away you go. We have vsiual objects that we can grab for the Knee
controls, now, let's set up some for the Reverse Foot Setups for the left and right sides. First off, rather
than this becoming a modelling tutorial, download the following scene file :-

Once you've downloaded the file, unzip it and then import it into the current scene. Once you've imported
the scene in, you will notice two new controllers at the base of the feet, note they are coloured, first thing
to do is add them to the Rig_Controls layer, if you have coloured this layer, remove it, otherwise the
wireframe colouring won't work, and both controllers will appear the same colour. Note, if you load them
in, and they are two different colours, just recolour them again, by using DISPLAY > WIREFRAME COLOUR,
add the two colours you require, red and yellow and click on Default. You should have something like this
now within Maya : -
Now the easy part, select the LReverse_Foot, and SHIFT - SELECT the LFoot_Control, then press P to Parent
it, do the same for the RReverse_Foot and the RFoot_Control, now grab either controller and try moving it
around, you'll notice that we now have full control for each leg for both left and right sides. Remember to
press Z to undo the last command, just to make sure you go back to your original location each time. Now,
just some more small things to do before we carry on with the foot setup, select the LKnee_PV_Constraint,
you'll notice that in the Channel Editor you have access to Translate X, Y and Z, Rotate X, Y and Z, and Scale
X, Y, Z, and the only one we will be using when animating is actually the Translate X Channel, so we need to
set this up so that we don't have loads of uncessary keyframes being set on the other channels, and also to
keep our Graph Editor a lot more tidier, so in essence, we only want that Channel to be accessible. So,
select the LKnee_PV_Constraint, now left mouse drag over the following channels : -

The right click over your selection, and choose Lock Selected, you'll notice they become greyed out, now
try scaling or rotating the object, the manipulators that usually appear for Scale or Rotate are also greyed
out, now that would be fine, but let's tidy this up further, with it still selected, select WINDOW > GENERAL
EDITORS > CHANNEL CONTROL, you'll have two sections, Keyable and Non - Keyable, select the same
channels you had selected in the channel editor in the Keyable section : -
And then press the MOVE >> button, you'll now notice in the Channel Editor that you now only have the
Translate X channel to choose from and animate with, making things much easier and more logical for you
to work with, now repeat this for the RKnee_PV_Constraint. You can now also do the same for
LFoot_Control and RFoot_Control, from these two, we probably won't be using Scale X, Y, Z and Visibility,
so get rid of them too. Ok, now we can return to setting up the rest of our foot setup : -

Select the LFoot_Control, we're now going to add some extra useful attributes to our Left Foot Controller,
I'll take you through what to set up with the Left Foot, and then you can just repeat the same functions for
the Right Foot. So, with the LFoot_Control still selected, select MODIFY > ADD ATTRIBUTE, the Add
Attribute Window will appear, in the Attribute Name, Type Heel_Roll, and give it a Minimum Value of -45,
and a maximum value of 45 : -
In case your wondering why -45 and 45 for the values, let me first tell you how I calculate them, I'm adding
an extra attribute to my foot controller that controls the roll of the heel, so I select not the controller, but
the actual Left Reverse Foot joint, and then I test it's rotations to see how much I will require, -45 and 45
are about as much a I need for the Heel to rotate comfortably when animating, so that is the values I use.
Click OK, now, all we've done is added the attribute name to the Left Foot Control, you'll notice it within
the Channel Editor, now we need to actually set up the connection, so with the LFoot_Control selected,
LFoot_Control, now select your LReverse_Foot joint, and then click on RELOAD RIGHT : -
If you have a long list within each window, go to Left Display, and switch off Show Non Keyable, and then
do the same for the Right Display. Now in the LFoot_Control, click on the Heel_Roll attribute we have set
up, and in the LReverse_Foot, select Rotate X : -

Close the window, now select your LFoot_Control object, and then in the Channel Editor, select your
Heel_Roll Attribute, with it still selected, go back to your Persp view and move the mouse Left and Right on
the screen, you'll notice you now have control of the Heel Rotation through your LFoot_Control. Now we
need to add some more commonly used attributes to the left foot, using the techniques shown above, add
the following attribute, Heel_Pivot with a Minimum of -30, and a maximum of 75, using the Connection
Editor, connect the Heel_Pivot to the Rotate Z of the LReverse_Foot. Again, add another attribute called
Heel_Lean, with a minimum of -45 and a maximum of 20, then in the Connection Editor, connect
Heel_Lean to the LReverse Foot's Rotate Y. That's the heel controls added to the LFoot_Control now, but
we haven't yet finished, create another attribute called Ball_Roll, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of
50, open up the connection editor like befoe and load up the LFoot_Control, now select the LReverse_Foot
and then press the down arrow key 2 times until you have the LReverse_Ball joint selected, then Reload
Right, then connect the Ball_Roll attribute to the Rotate X of the LReverse_Ball joint.
That's the heel and ball taken care of, now we just need to sort out the toes, select the LFoot_Control and
add a new attribute called Toe_Roll with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 50, then in the connection
editor, do the same as before, but this time you should be loading the LReverse_Toe joint, then connect
the Toe_Roll to the Rotate X. Next attribute to be added should be called Toe_Pivot and have minimum of
-40 and a maximum of 30, then in the connection editor, do the same as before, loading the LReverse_Toe
joint, then connect the Toe_Pivot to the Rotate Z. That's all we'll require for the feet, unless you need a
more complicated setup involving toes and so on, but this tutorial is designed to give you the basic
understanding so that you can then go on and create your own rigs. Now, you'll have to repeat all the
above steps for the right foot, taking into account your minimum and maximum values may change from
left to right. The one's changing will be the Heel_Pivot = Min -75, Max 30, Heel_Lean = Min -20, Max 45,
and Toe_Pivot = Min -30 and Max 40.

Once you've finished on the RFoot_Control, we now need to one more thing, select the
LKnee_PV_Constraint, then SHIFT - SELECT the LFoot_Control and then Press P To Parent them together,
do the same on the other side, select the RKnee_PV_Constraint and SHIFT - SELECT the RFoot_Control and
then press P to Parent them. Ok, believe it or not, we're now done with the legs.

Now that we've finished with the legs, we'll finish off the rest of the rigging on the lower body before we
move onto the spine and upper body rigging. First off, we need to create our characters main pick
controller, essentially, the one controller that will select the whole character and everything else attached
to it so we can easily rotate the whole character around and face another direction, or place the character
where we want in a scene, so, first off, select the COG joint, and using the same principles as we discussed
earlier, in the channel editor, select Scale X, Y and Z, And Visibility and right click over them and select
LOCK SELECTED, then open up the Channel Control, Window > General Editors > Channel Control and then
move the Scale X, Y, Z, And Visibility into the Non-Keyable section. Now create a Nurbs Circle, Create >
Nurbs Primitives > Circle, Scale it 7.5 in the X, Y and Z Channels. Rename it to Character_World, then freeze
transformations and delete all history. Using DISPLAY > WIREFRAME COLOUR, make it a green colour, don't
forget to add it to your defaults, and then add it to the Rig_Controls Layer, that's it for that part, we'll be
returning to that controller towards the end of the tutorial to actually connect it to our fully rigged
character and give us the ability to move the entire character anywhere we wish. Now, let's build our Hip
Controller, to save you the time, I've already built one for you, you can download it here : -

Once downloaded, unpack it, import it into your scene, and if it doesn't come across with the wireframe
coloured green, make it green, and then add it to the Rig_Controls Layer, I've already snapped it to the
COG joint, it should already be named Hip_Control, and you should now have something similar to this
diagram : -
We need to connect our hip movements now to our Hip_Control, which is very easily done, open up the
Outliner, select the COG joint, then Shift - Select the Hip_Control, then press P to Parent them together.
Note, I've already taken the liberty of removing the scale, x, y, z and visibility options for the Hip_Control.
And finally, select the LKnee_PV_Constraint and then Shift - Select the Hip_Control, and then press P to
Parent them, do the same for the RKnee_PV_Constraint too, this will aid in the knees following the hips
when using the Hip_Control. That's it, select your Hip_Control controller, and have a little play, you should
now have full control of the characters hip movements. Now we can move onto the upper body rigging,
starting with the spine.

Rigging The Spine

Rigging the actual Spine is quite an easy process, and to keep things simple, I've purposely kept away
from more complicated techniques, which, you yourself can look at when you are feeling a bit more
confident about your rigging knowledge. From the menu, select Skeleton > ikSpline Handle Tool, then
select the Spine_A joint, and then the SpineC joint to draw an ikSpline Handle between them. Open up
the Outliner, and select the newly created ikHandle, and rename it to Back_ikHandle, then with the
middle mouse button, drag it over the top of the COG_Control, this will have the affect of parenting it,
then expand the COG_Control, and find the Spline, it should be named curve1, rename it to Back_Spline,
and with it still selected, select Display > Nurbs Components > Cvs, now select the top CV, then go to
Deform > Create Cluster, then rename it to Shoulder_Cluster, it's probably an idea to keep the Outliner
open here, then select the next one down, create another Cluster, and rename it to
Middle_Spine_Cluster, then the next one down, create a Cluster and rename it to Lower_Spine_Cluster :
Select the COG_Control, and add two new attributes, Spine_Roll - Minimum = -180, Maximum = 180, and
Spine_Twist - Minimum = -180, Maximum = 180. Then open the Connection Editor, and Reload Left for
the COG_Control, and Reload Right for the Back_ikHandle, then connect the Spine_Twist to the Twist on
the Back_ikHandle, and then connect the Spine_Roll to the Roll on the Back_ikHandle. In the Outliner,
select all of the Clusters, and parent them to the COG_Control, and then expand the COG_Control, select
them again and add them to the Rig_Controls Layer. Select the first Cluster you create, the
Shoulder_Cluster, we only really need Translate X, and Translate Z when animating, so lock it's channels
for all the rest, and then use the Channel Control to move them into the Non-Keyable area so that they
don't display as we discussed earlier on the tutorial if you need to refer back how to do this. Do exactly
the same for the Middle_Spine_Cluster and Lower_Spine_Cluster. Add the Back_ikHandle to the
Skeleton_L Layer. We need to create a better way of selecting those Clusters for the spine, so select the
Shoulder_Cluster, and then press CTRL + A to open the Attribute Editor for it, set the Cluster Attributes
to Relative (Specifies whether the cluster deformation occurs only when the cluster deformer handle
itself is transformed (moved, rotated, or scaled). With Relative on, only transformations to the cluster
deformer handle itself cause deformation effects. Transformations to any objects parented to the handle
do not cause deformation effects. With Relative off, transformations to objects parented to the cluster
deformer handle can cause deformation effects), select the Shoulder_Cluster tab, and then expand the
Display Section, select Display Handle, and in the Numeric boxes, change the third one's current values
to -5, so that the Handle actually resides outside of the characters body, and hence easier to grab. Now
do the same for the Middle_Spine_Cluster and the Lower_Spine_Cluster using the same -5 value.
Character Rigging In Maya Continued (Part 3) - The Head Control

Create a Nurbs Circle, and then Scale it to 4.5 in the X, Y and Z channels. Snap it to the Head joint, then
rename it to Head_Control, the freeze transformations and delete all history. Change the wireframe colour
to Green. We'll only really be using the Rotate X, Y and Z for the Head, so lock the other channels, and then
use the Channel Control to hide them. The main reasoning behind using a Head_Control over standard
joint rotation animation is this method can be used to eliminate the need to animate the counter
movements of the head when moving the body. Thereby making it much faster to animate since it's
something we don't need to worry about. We're going to get a little complicated here, so make sure you
follow the instructions as carefully as possible, open the Outliner, and find your Head joint, press CTRL + D
to duplicate it, rename duplicated version to Head_Joint_Constraint, select the Head_Joint_Constraint and
the Head_Joint, and then go to Constrain > Orient, select the Head_Joint_Constraint, and then the
Head_Control, then press P to parent it and you can hide it if you wish, but not the Head_Control. Select
the Head_Control, then press CTRL + G to group it, press W to make sure your in MOVE mode, and then
press the INSERT key to go into PIVOT mode, using Point Snapping, snap to the Head joint, press Insert
again to come out of pivot mode, now rename the group to Head_Control_Group. Nearly there, select the
Head_Control_Group, and duplicate it, then delete all the contents, so that you are only left with an empty
group, rename this to Head_Control_Group_Constraint, now with Head_Control_Group_Constraint still
selected, also select Head_Control_Group and then go to Constrain > Point, now parent
Head_Control_Group_Constraint to the Neck Joint. Now, select your COG_Control and rotate it around,
you'll notice that the Head joint always stays up over when moving left, right, forward and back. And if you
select the Head_Control, you'll notice that you also have seperate control of the head movements. Select
the Head_Control and add it to the Rig_Controls Layer.
Arms And Shoulders

We're now going to move onto the rigging for the character's arms and shoulders. Let's start with the
shoulders, but first, download the following Nurbs Control Shapes that we will use : -

Unpack them, import them into the Maya scene, and even though I have them placed, just to make sure,
snap them to your Shoulder joints, and if they're not coloured, colour them accordingly : -
Select them both and add them to your Rig_Controls Layer. Select the L_Clavicle_Control, then lock the
channels for everything but Translate Y and Translate Z, and then use the Channel Control to make the
locked one's non-keyable. Do the same for the R_Clavicle_Control too. Before we add full control of the
shoulders / clavicle to the control objects, we'll set up our arms beforehand, lastly add them to the
Rig_Controls Layer. With the arms, I'm going to be using an IK Rig, a lot of people use a rig on the arms that
can switch between FK and IK, in this case, I want to keep things fairly simple, so I'm just going to be using
the IK setup. Just like the knees we're going to use some elbow constraints, so download these objects
first, import them into Maya, colour them as before, left and right colours, and add them to the
Rig_Controls Layer, (note I've also colour coded the wireframe for the polygonal constraints too) : -

From the menu, select Skeleton > IK Handle Tool, then select the Left_Shoulder joint and then the
Left_Wrist joint, do the same on the other side, selecting Right_Shoulder and Right_Wrist joints. Open the
Outliner, select the ikHandle1 and rename it ikHandle_LWrist, and do the same for the ikHandle2 naming it
ikHandle_RWrist, select them both and add them to the Skeleton_L Layer. Then select the
L_Elbow_PV_Constraint and then the ikHandle_LWrist and then go to Constrain > Pole Vector, and then do
the same on the other side for R_Elbow_PV_Constraint and ikHandle_RWrist. You'll notice that when you
do this, the hands may offset themselves slightly out of sync with where they should be, so using any
method you want, either by rotating the hand joint or using nurbs guide curves again, move them or snap
them back into where you'd like them. If you need to do this, don't forget to re-orient the joints using the
script we used earlier too, I'd recommend starting from the clavicle joints on each side. If your having
problems doing this, you can download a scene here with this stage set up for you : -

Select both the ikHandle_LWrist and ikHandle_RWrist, Create a nurbs circle, rotate it 90 on the Z Axis, and
Scale it 2 in X, Y and Z, rename it to L_Arm_Control, colour it accordingly for the left side and then snap it
to the Left_Wrist joint. Duplicate it, and then do the same for the other side, this time, rename it
R_Arm_Control and snap to the Right_Wrist joint, colour accordingly. Freeze Transformations and delete
all History, and add them to Rig_Controls Layer. Select the ikHandle_LWrist and then the L_Arm_Control
and then P to Parent them, do the same on the right side for ikHandle_RWrist and the R_Arm_Control.
Select the L_Arm_Control, and Lock the Scale, Rotate And Visbility Channels, and then make them non-
keyable using the Channel Control. Do the same for the R_Arm_Control. Select the L_Arm_Control and
create a new Attribute called Elbow_Twist, do the same for the R_Arm_Control, call it Elbow_Twist as well.
Now in the connection editor, load L_Arm_Control in the left column, and in the right, load the
ikHandle_LWrist, then connect the Elbow_Twist attribute to the Twist of the ikHandle_LWrist, again, do
the same for the right side too.
Because we've added an Attribute to control the Twist, we won't be needing the elbow constraints
displayed any more, so select them both, and press CTRL + H to Hide them or alternately, it's up to you,
lock all channels, and make them non-keyable, which is what I've done.

Let's return back to the shoulders, create a Locator, rename it LClavicle_Locator and snap it to the
Left_Shoulder joint, add it to the Rig_Controls Layer, select the LClavicle_Locator and then the
Left_Shoulder joint and then go to Constrain > Point. Now, parent the locator to the L_Clavicle_Control,
create another locator, name it RClavicle_Locator and repeat the same process again. Then parent both L
and R Clavicle_Control's to the COG_Control, just so they follow when rotating.

The Hands now, create a Nurbs Circle, rotate it 90 on the Z Axis, and Scale it 1.3 in X, Y and Z, rename it to
L_Hand_Control, colour it accordingly for the left side and then snap it to the Left_Wrist joint. Duplicate it,
rename it R_Hand_Control and snap it to the Right_Wrist joint, colour accordingly, freeze transforms on
both, delete all history, add them both to the Rig_Controls Layer. Select the L_Arm_Control and Point
Constrain it to the L_Hand_Control, do the same for the R_Arm_Control and the R_Hand_Control. Select
the L_Hand_Control and lock the channels for the Translate X, Y, Z Scale X, Y, Z and Visibility and then make
them non-keyable, do the same for the R_Hand_Control. Open the Connection Editor, Reload Left for the
L_Hand_Control, Reload Right for the Left_Wrist Joint, connect the rotations : -
Do the same for the R_Hand_Control and Right_Wrist joint. Now let's move onto the finger and thumb
rigging. We'll start by doing the Left Hand and then move onto the Right Hand.

The Fingers

We're now going to add some extra attributes to the Left and Right Hand_Control objects that will allow us
to animate our fingers and thumb for the character. Select the L_Hand_Control, and add the following new
attributes : -

Add these attributes first, but with no minimum and maximum values : -
We now need to connect all these attributes via the connection editor, so open the editor up, and then
Reload Left for the L_Hand_Control, we now have a number of things to connect up, so here's the list, just
remember to reload right for each item : -

Now you're going to need to do the same for the R_Hand_Control, the values will change for the opposite
side, so here's a list for the right side : -

and then in the Connection Editor : -

That's it select either your L or R Hand_Control, and check everything is working ok, by selecting what you
want to check in the Channel Editor, and middle mouse scrubbing backwards and forwards in the Persp
view, or any other view, note you can select more than 1 item to test, for instance, try selecting
Inner_Curl_Base, Inner_Curl_Middle and Inner_Curl_Top and then scrubbing you'll see the whole finger
correspond hopefully. Well, that was quite an intensive part to the tutorial, but at least we've now finished
with the main body rigging, note you can use these same principles applied to a character's toes, toe
spread, etc You can download the rig, rigged up to this point here : -
Before we move onto the actual binding process, and the creation of blendshapes and so on, we need to
create the final part of our rig, and that's the rigging for the eyes, which would mean both eyes together,
seperately, and for pupil dilation : -

Rigging The Eyes

Before we continue on the rig the eyes, there's a couple of small things we need to do first. Open the
outliner, and expand the Character group, you can make the the Character_L Layer non-templated now too
if you wish for better visualisation, now select the Nose and Head objects, then from the menu select
Polygons > Combine, you will end up with one object called polySurface1, with polySurface1 still selected,
select the Inner_Mouth_Group Group, and then again, go to Polygons > Combine, then go to Edit > Delete
By Type > History, to remove all of the empty nodes. Rename polySurface1 to Head, and then add it to the
Character group, to do this, within the outliner, middle mouse drag it over the top of the Character group
to make it a child of the parent. Now add it back to the Character_L Layer. Now, select both the Eye_Left
and Eye_Right groups, and then middle mouse drag them both over the Head object to parent them to it.
Finally, with the Head selected, press W to make sure your in Move mode, then press INSERT to go into
PIVOT mode, then point snap the pivot of the head to the Head joint, template the Charater_L Layer to
make things a bit easier when snapping to the joint. Ok, we're now ready to rig the eyes, download the
following file and import it into your scene, then colour it green if it isn't already and add it to the
Rig_Controls Layer, it should be named Main_Eye_Controls : -

If they're not already, you can untemplate the Curve_Guides Layer, as we'll be using the last two nurbs
curve guides when we rig the eyes. We don't need our Nurbs_Guide curves anymore, as I've used the
guides to create the control object above already, right mouse click over Curve_Guides Layer, and then
select Select Objects, the press DELETE, and then right-click over it again and choose delete. Expand the
Head_Control_Group with Outliner, and then parent the Main_Eye_Controls to the Head_Control. Let's set
up this controller now, so it actually does something when selected, select the Main_Eye_Controls, lock
and make non-keyable the Rotate Z, Translate X, Y, Z, the Scale X, Y, Z and the visibility. Select the
Main_Eye_Controls again, and then open the Connection Editor, Reload Left, then within the Outliner, find
the head object, and expand it, and then select the Eye_Left group, and then Reload Right. Connect the
rotation values of both : -
Do the same for the Eye_Right group too, then Close the Window. Select the Main_Eye_Controls, then
select Modify > Centre Pivot, just so our pivot point is in the correct location. Let's add an attribute now for
the pupil dilation, select the Main_Eye_Controls, and add a new attribute called Pupil_Dilation, min = 0.5
and max = 1.4 : -

Open the outliner, expand the Character group, find the Head and then expand that, select both the
Eye_Left and Eye_Right group. In the Persp view, press F to Fit them fully into view then select Show >
Isolate Select > View Selected so that we only have the eyes viewable, select the corneas on the front of
both eyes, go to Modify > Centre Pivot, and move them up out of the way for now, so that we can
concentrate on the main parts : -

Select the Left Eye and then press F to Fit it, select the pupil and iris and select Modify > Centre Pivot, then
select Display > Nurbs Components > Edit Points, press Insert for both and snap both pivots to the central
CV of the Iris : -

Select all of the eye, press 1 for lowest display, then rotate your view so that you are inside the eye looking
through it, you can switch off Edit Points now :-
Select the L_Eye_Iris, and then select the following CV's :
With them still selected, right click over the the L_Eye_Pupil, and select the Middle CV, then go to Edit
Nurbs > Selection > Grow CV Selection, Press G to repeat it again, and again, and one more time to make
sure, this is to make sure we grab all the overlapping CV's where the Pupil and Iris meet, once you've done
this, deselect the CV's that are outside of the original selection you made, you should now have something
like this : -

Go to Deform > Create Cluster, don't worry about the Cluster not displaying as we're still in Isolate Selected
mode, now repeat this process for the other eye. Once you've done the right eye, select both the cornea
objets that you originally moved up out of the way and move them back, I moved mine up 1 on the
Translate Y, so setting this value back to 0 will put them back into the original position. select Show >
Isolate Select > View Selected so that we have all of our objects displaying again, then open the outliner,
find the two clusters and rename them as Left_Pupil_Cluster and Right_Pupil_Cluster. You can add them
both to the Rig_Controls Layer. Go to the Connection Editor, Reload Left for the Main_Eye_Controls and for
Reload Right, load the Left_Pupil_Cluster, and then connect the Pupil_Dilation to the Scale X, Y and Z, then
Reload Right for the Left_Pupil_Cluster, and again connect the Scale X, Y and Z to the Pupil_Dilation : -
Select the Left_Pupil_Cluster, and press CTRL + A to bring up it's attributes, within the Cluster attributes
section, turn on Relative, do the same for the Right_Pupil_Cluster. Select the Left and Right Pupil_Clusters
and press CTRL + H to Hide them. Close the window, that's it, that's the eyes now rigged. The Head isn't
quite finished yet, but it is finished in terms of rigging, the extras that we will use for the head will be the
actual Blendshapes for facial animation, we'll look at that shortly.

Just about ready to start our actual binding, but we will finish here and next time look at Blendshapes: -

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