Alchemy Standalone 10
Alchemy Standalone 10
Alchemy Standalone 10
Kibbles Crafting System
bonus + your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (your choice). for $1. marks your progress on a crafting project. If you succeed, you
item). Checks for Alchemy must be consecutive, meaning that
Though the page count may lead one to believe the process is your crafting time.
complicated, that comes down to specificity, and largely exists Failure means that no progress is made during that time.
only for reference. The core loop of crafting is quite simple Once an item is started, even if no progress is made, the
and easy to follow: components reserved for that item can only be recovered via
Select a potion that you would like to craft from the materials are lost and can no longer be salvaged.
Acquire the items listed in the materials column for that
Some alchemical creations trigger a saving throw. In
Use your Alchemy Supplies tool to craft the potion using
instances that they do, the following is the formula for
the number hours listed in the Crafting Time column, or
calculating the saving throw. The saving throw is calculated
during a long rest using the crafting camp action if the
at the time of creation based on the creators attributes and
crafting times is 2 hours or less. Alchemy items must be
proficiency, and does not change once it is created.
crafted in a single session.
the craft after a bad crafting roll if you wish, this counts as
a failure.
Herbalist s Limited Alchemy
On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once
While herbalism is primarily used for gathering
the completed time is equal to the crafting time, the magic
herbs, a creature with proficiency with Herbalism
item is complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and
Kits has a limited proficiency in creating potions in
no progress has been made during the 2 hours. If you fail
addition to gathering herbs. You can use
3 times in a row, the crafting is a failure and all materials proficiency with an Herbalism Kit in place of
are lost. Alchemy supplies when creating healing potions,
antidotes, antitoxins, and potions of poison.
When crafting in this way, you use an Herbalism
Kit and proficiency with it in place of Alchemy
Alchemy works using Alchemy Supplies. Attempting to craft
Supplies. This crafting otherwise works the same as
a potion without these will almost always be made with
using Alchemy Supplies.
disadvantage, and proficiency with these allows you to add
You can add additional reagent modifiers when
your proficiency to any alchemy crafting roll. crafting in this way.
Alchemy uses your choice of your Intelligence or Wisdom
Taking 10
All items have a crafting time measured in hours. Crafting is When you craft something, double the crafting period (from 2
completed in 2 hour chunk. A crafting roll is made every 2 hours to 4 hours per check) to "take a 10" on the crafting roll,
hours. For each two hours, make a crafting roll. meaning that your crafting checks are 10 + your related
On success, you mark 2 hours of completed time. Once the ability score + your related tool proficiency. This provides a
completed time is equal to the crafting time, the item is floor level that you can always succeed on if you choose to
complete. On failure, the crafting time is lost and no progress take your time.
some types of crafting, like alchemy, you cannot make does not make things from thin air, it makes more useful
incremental progress, but you can continue for 2 additional things from less useful things. Gathering the materials will be
hours of crafting before or after a long rest in which you took the essential first step in any job. Materials are generally
the camp action "craft" to get 4 hours (for example). found in three ways.
you want fall into you hands without the assistance of the
Each profession lists the related ability modifier and tool
oldest and most powerful tool of any craftsman - money.
used to calculate your crafting roll modifier. In many cases,
When you don't have what you need, frequently you can buy it.
attempting to craft without the applicable tool is impossible.
For some professions, there will be a lot more materials that
Your DM may allow improvised tools, and in that case the
can be purchased, while others will rely more on the other
check is made with disadvantage.
Beyond the tool, most branches of crafting require a heat
While reagents are substances that contain a glimmer of
magical power that can be harnessed through refinement,
fragment of magic contained within that is distilled out. You can get these by rendering down magical reagents,
simplify the crafting process and tracking thereof. reagents), or created from the raw power of a spell caster,
Individual names are included only to deepen the though the method is long and arduous.
Synthesizing Essences
following ways:
Magical Materials
Standard Potions Crafting Table
Name Materials Checks Difficulty Rarity Value
2 common reactive reagent
Alchemical AcidK 1 common poisonous reagent 1 hour 1 DC 13 Common 50 gp
1 glass flask
3 common reactive reagent
Alchemical FireK 1 hour 1 DC 13 Common 50 gp
1 glass flask
3 common reactive reagent
Alchemical NapalmK 1 common curative 2 hours 1 DC 14 Common 70 gp
1 glass flask
2 common curative reagent
Antitoxin 1 common poisonous reagent 1 hour 1 DC 13 Common 50 gp
1 glass vial
2 common reactive reagents
Bottled WindK 1 hour 1 DC 14 Common 40 gp
1 glass flask
2 common reactive reagents
Burning OilK 1 hour 1 DC 13 Common 40 gp
1 glass vial
3 common curative reagent
Healing Potion 1 hour 1 DC 13 Common 50 gp
1 glass vial
1 common reactive
1 common poisonous
Potion of Climbing 1 hour 1 DC 14 Common 85 gp
1 uncommon reactive
1 glass vial
2 uncommon reactive reagent
Potent Alchemical AcidK 1 uncommon poisonous reagent 1 hour 1 DC 15 Uncommon 140 gp
1 glass flask
2 uncommon reactive reagents
Flametongue OilK 1 common arcane essence 1 hour 1 DC 16 uncommon 170 gp
1 glass vial
1 uncommon poisonous reagent
Dust of Dryness 4 hours 2 DC 16 Uncommon 200 gp
3 uncommon reactive reagents
Either (a) 1 finely shredded scroll of web
K or (b) 2 uncommon poisonous reagents
Sticky Goo Potion 2 hours 1 DC 14 Uncommon 140 gp
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass flask
3 uncommon reactive reagent
Potent Alchemical FireK 1 hour 1 DC 15 Uncommon 140 gp
1 glass flask
2 common reactive
1 common poisonous
Potion of Animal
1 uncommon curative 1 hour 1 DC 13 Uncommon 145 gp
1 primal common essence
1 glass vial
1 common reactive reagent
Potion of Firebreath 1 uncommon reactive reagent 2 hours 1 DC 15 Uncommon 75 gp
1 glass vial
1 common reactive reagent
1 uncommon curative reagent
Potion of Growth 2 hours 1 DC 14 Uncommon 115 gp
1 uncommon reactive reagent
1 glass vial
1 common curative reagent
Greater Healing Potion 2 uncommon curative reagent 2 hours 1 DC 15 Uncommon 120 gp
1 glass vial
1 common poisonous
Potion of Poison 1 uncommon poisonous 1 hour 1 DC 13 Uncommon
1 glass vial
Standard Potions Crafting Table (Cont)
Magical Ink
Magical Dust
Potion, rare This stick red liquid has a living viscosity to it,
churning slow within the flask. When you trink this potion,
option is selected).
When the effect ends and revert to your normal form, you
Potion, common
You regain 2d4 + 2 Hit Points when you drink this potion.
Superior Rare 8d4 + 8 When you drink this potion, you gain the “reduce” effect of
Supreme Very Rare 10d4 + 20 the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration
When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal
your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you're in the
air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some
Potion, rare
other means of staying aloft. This potion’s clear liquid floats
Potion, uncommon
After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus action to
Potion, rare
When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the gaseous
Potion, rare
When you drink this potion, you gain the “enlarge” effect of
from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then
Potion, rare
For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points
that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the
Potion, rare
This potion’s container looks empty but feels as though it thoughts spell (save DC 13, no concentration required) for 1
holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. The potion’s dense, purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of
hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The pink floating in it.
Potion, uncommon
Potion, uncommon
This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a potion of
When you make this potion, you can make it resist one
healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually
particular image type. For Necrotic or Radiant resistance,
poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its
substitute an uncommon divine essence for the primal
true nature.
essence. For Force resistance, substitute an uncommon
arcane essence. For psychic, substitute an uncommon psionic If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must
When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the haste
Potion, uncommon
potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a
Quality Rarity Fire Damage
Quality Rarity Acid Damage damage when poured on an object. Can be used as a simple
(or at the start of your turn for an object without a turn) until
Concoction, common
A small flask of volatile orange liquid. It deals 2d10 fire Concoction, common
damage when poured on an object. Can be used as a simple
As an action, you can open this casting gust without verbal
ranged weapon with the thrown (20/60) property, dealing
or somatic components. Alternatively, you can breath from it,
2d10 fire damage on hit. You do not add your modifier to the
letting out only a little bit at a time, breathing directly from
damage roll.
the bottle, but each time you must make a DC 5 athletics
checks. On failure, you cast gust as above and all the air is
lost. You can get 10 minutes of breathable air from one bottle.
Concotion, common
rapidly expanding web like foam, with the effect of the spell
on impact.
Oil, common
As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil and ignite it.
1d4 fire to attacks made with it, and providing bright light in
Oil, uncommon
As an action, you can coat a weapon in this oil and ignite it.
2d6 fire to attacks made with it, and providing bright light in
Oil, very rare
the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical
When ignited by 1 or more fire or lightning damage, it
Frequently used for mining and other responsible Creatures in range of more than one explosive take damage
things... until adventurers get their hands on it. only from the highest damage effect.
to create a devastating fragmentation device. An exceedingly Powerful 20 feet 4d8 fire + 4d8 thunder.
dangerous device. Heavier and more deadly than other
explosives, the primary damage comes from the metal You can fuse your explosives. When fused, intentionally
shrapnel (nails) flung in all directions. It can be detonated by dealing fire damage to the explosives (or otherwise lighting
dealing 1 fire or lightning damage to it. As an action, a packet the fuse) causes it to detonate on a delay, selected from: short
of this explosive can be accurately thrown 20 feet, but will not (the end of your turn), medium (the start of your next turn),
detonate on impact (usually). When it detonates, all creatures and long (2 rounds, at the start of your turn).
You can fuse your explosives. When fused, intentionally (typically made of glass). When you add an Alchemist Fire
dealing fire damage to the explosives (or otherwise lighting and an Explosive to its separate compartments, it becomes
the fuse) causes it to detonate on a delay, selected from: short an incredibly dangerous device. As an action, a character can
(the end of your turn), medium (the start of your next turn), light this bomb and throw it at a point up to 60 feet away.
and long (2 rounds, at the start of your turn). Creatures within the range of the explosive used must make a
Only dwarves really know if the name of this liquid explosive + 1d4 fire damage.
Explosive, common
A fine grey powder with large grains and the faint smell of
The following are alchemical modifiers that can applied to potion. All alchemical modifiers require approval from the DM if the
Modifier Effect
Require two additional reactive reagents of equal rarity to the rarest reagent of the potion. Rather
Aerosol +8 than drinking it, when uncorked or broken (as an action) it effects all creatures in a 5 foot radius as
if they'd consumed it.
Celestial +3 Requires an common divine essence. Adds the effect of lesser restoration to the potion.
Divine +6 Requires an uncommon divine essence. Adds the effect of greater restoration to the potion.
Endothermic +4 Any fire damage the potion does becomes frost damage
Requires an additional reactive reagent. Expands the area of effect of any area of effect the potion
Expansive +5
has by 5 feet.
The effect of the potions becomes shrouded from magic such as identify. You can make the potion
Insidious +3 appear as another potion of the same rarity. Another alchemist can indentify it by making an
Alchemy Check against your Alchemy DC
You can simply load more reagents into any potion, increasing its potency in different ways, though it increases the difficulty. You
can make a "custom potion" simply by using these modifiers with no base potion. When you do so, the base DC is 8.
Applicable Targets: Aberration, Constructs, Dragons,
Harvesting and looting are two paths to the same place, but
Monstrosities, Plants, Some Undead
generally depend on what kind of foe the enemy has
A random roll is performed to judge what can be harvested
vanquished and is not collecting the stuff of. Typically
from the monster. For Dragons and Monstrousities, a
humanoid creatures that carry stuff are candidates for the
Wisdom (Medicine) check is required to harvest the
Individual Treasure tables, awhile Aberrations, Beasts,
material without destroying it, for Constructs, an
Dragons, Monstrosities, and Plants are harvesting
Intelligence (Arcana) check is required, and for Plants an
Intelligence (Nature) check is required.
If you don't normally provide loot equivalent to default
If a beast is sufficiently magical, poisonous, or vemous, a
treasure tables, you don't need to start providing loot
DM can opt to use the Dragon & Monstrosity table for exotic
equivalient to them using these new tables, simple apply
harvesting, but this should be rare - even a poisonous beast is
these tables as frequently as it makes sense for your game.
usually too mundane for the magical properties of harvested
Remember that you can fully mix and match as it makes
materials, and a beast should always be rolled on the 0-4 CR
sense - you can replace coinage with gems or art pieces, you
table regardess of its CR.
can replace crafting items that wouldn't make sense with
At a DMs discretion, some Undead may be harvested as
coinage, gems, or art pieces, etc. The tables are merely a
well if there is something that would make sense for them
guide and convenience for what sort of range of materials
provide in this manner, in which case the would use an
should come from what sort of creature.
Intelligence (Arcana) check. Undead are less likely to
Double Harvesting
If a monster is applicable for both Basic Harvesting
Remnants optional replace the Individual Treasure table for
and Exotic Harvesting, you can perform both, but
creatures that leave behind no body on death, like
the second check rolled has disadvantage on the
Elementals, Celestials, or Fiends (ones that leave behind a
skill check to successfully gather the materials.
body can use the Harvesting table).
Beasts, Dragons, and Monstrosities can be harvested using
Exotic Harvesting (CR 0-4)
Dragon &
d100 DC Construct Aberration Undead Plant
Common Reactive Common Arcane Common Poisonous
01-30 10 Reactive Fancy Parts
Reagent Essence Reagent
Uncommon Uncommon
Uncommon Reactive 1d4 Common
31-60 12 Poisonous 1d4 Fancy Parts Poisonous
Reagent Poisonous Reagent
Reagent Reagent
1d4 Uncommon
1d4 Uncommon Uncommon Curative 1d4 Uncommon
61-85 12 1d6 Fancy Parts Curative
Reactive Reagent Reagent Poisonous Reagents
Uncommon Primal Uncommon Arcane Uncommon Arcane Uncommon Primal
86-00 14 Arcane
Essence Essence Essence Essence
Exotic Harvesting (CR 11-16)
Dragon &
d100 DC Construct Aberration Undead Plant
Uncommon Reactive Uncommon Reactive Uncommon Poisonous Uncommon Poisonous
01-30 12 Esoteric Parts
Reagent Reagent Reagent Reagent
Uncommon Primal Uncommon Psionic Uncommon Arcane Uncommon Primal
31-60 14 1d4 Esoteric Parts
Essence Essence Essence Essence
Rare Reactive Uncommon Arcane Rare Reactive Rare Poisonous
61-80 14 Rare Curative Reagent
Reagent Essence Reagent Reagent
Rare Poisonous Uncommon Arcane Rare Poisonous Uncommon Arcane Rare Poisonous
81-90 14
Reagent Essence Reagent Essnece Reagent
Rare Arcane
91-99 14 Rare Primal Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Primal Essence
Very Rare Primal Very Rare Arcane Very Rare Arcane Very Rare Arcane Very Rare Primal
00 16
Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence
Dragon &
d100 DC Construct Aberration Undead Plant
1d4 Rare Reactive 1d4 Rare Reactive 1d4 Rare Poisonous 1d4 Rare Poisonous
01-30 15 1d4 Esoteric Parts
Reagent Reagent Reagent Reagent
31-50 16 Rare Primal Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Psionic Essence Rare Arcane Essence Rare Primal Essence
Very Rare Primal Very Rare Arcane Very Rare Arcane Very Rare Arcane Very Rare Primal
51-89 16
Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence
Legendary Primal Legendary Arcane Legendary Arcane Legendary Arcane Legendary Primal
90-00 17
Essence Essence Essence Essence Essence
that biomes table, (making the skill check from the
Gather Reagents
Gather Reagents
Name Rarity Description Properties
Cold Snaps Common Frozen berries that burst violently when broken. Reactive 20 gp
Ice Bamboo Common Bamboo formed entirely out of ice, does not melt. Curative 15 gp
Snake Tracks Common A dead looking weed found beneath layers of snow and ice. Poisonous 15 gp
Blizzard Bones Common Bones that have been through three blizzards. Curative 15 gp
Yeti Droppings Common Particularly potent yeti droppings. Poisonous 15 gp
Snowmelt A strange flower that grows up through the snow melting a
Uncommon Reactive 40 gp
Flower patch of it
Unicorn Fur Rare Glistening pure white stalks that grow in sheltered spots Curative 200 gp
White Lotus Rare A glistening white flower 300 gp
Desert Locale
Forest Locale
Mountains/Caves Locale
Plains Locale
Swamps Locale
Name Rarity Description Properties
Drooping Death Common Drooping dead looking ferns. Curative 15 gp
Wartflower Common A sickly yellow flower with strange growths Curative 15 gp
Swamp Oil Common A rainbow sheened oily substance Reactive 15 gp
Hag Trail Uncommon Wilted plants that grow on corpses Poisonous 40 gp
Sad Salvation Uncommon A brilliantly blue flower that grows in decay Curative 40 gp
Watery sludge that seems is burning hot and slightly
Burning Sludge Uncommon Reactive 40 gp
A pleasantly apple looking fruit that grows on gnarled
Hag Fruit Rare Poisonous 200 gp
Rare A seedling that sprouted on a shambling mound. Curative 200 gp
Fetid Gas Rare Rare swap gas that smells of sulfur. 300 gp
Coastal Locale
Exotic Locale
Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties
Ankheg Acid Poisonous,
Ankheg Common Squishy brown organ prone to leaking green stuff 15 gp
Gland Reactive
Basilisk Uncommon Basilisk Eye Beedy and hard, almost rocklike in texture. Poisonous 40 gp
Pristine Behir Humming with static charge, grinding it can be a
Behir Rare Reactive 200 gp.
Scale hazardous process.
Bulette Uncommon Bulette Liver Fat A giggling gelatin like substance with a grey hue. Curative 40 gp
Ram Horn
Chimera Uncommon Scrapped from the inside of the ram's horn. Curative 40 gp
Cockatrice Common A hideous worm-like thing that is very tough Poisonous 15 gp
Darkmantle A small gland that changes color to whatever
Darkmantle Common Poisonous 15 gp.
Pigment Sac surface it is on.
Death Dog Common Unbroken fang Jagged foul smelling fangs. Poisonous 15 gp
A sticky white substance that must be carefully
Ettercap Common Webbing Mass Special 10 gp
Metalized A heart that has started to turn metallic with iron
Gorgon Uncommon Curative 40 gp
Gorgon Heart shot through it
Grick Common Grick Beak Incredibly hard surface; shiny when polished. Poisonous 15 gp.
Harpy Common Harpy Claws Sort of like very large chicken feet. Poisonous 15 gp.
Hydra Uncommon Hydra Blood Syrupy black liquid with a swamp gas smell 40 gp.
Astral Grey
Kraken Legendary A slimy material with strange properties. Reactive 5,000 gp.
A long vicious looking thing that must be
Manticore Common Pristine Tail Spike Poisonous 10 gp
carefully ground
Medusa Uncommon Hair snake fangs Tiny fangs from the snakes of a medusa's hair. Poisonous 40 gp
Mimic Common Mimic's "Heart" An odd organ that keeps changing shape. Curative 15 gp.
Purple Worm
Very Rare Fang Venom Poison extracted from a Purple Worm's maw Poisonous 2,000 gp
Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties
Mud Mephit Common Foul Dust The crusty dried remains of it's head Poisonous 15 gp
Common Swirling Soot Little flecks of ash that never quite settle. Reactive 15 gp
Common Steaming Droplets Droplets of water that are never quite cool. Reactive 15 gp
Common Frozen Droplets Droplets of water that never quite thaw. Curative 15 gp
Common Burning Rocks Small rock chips that are painfully hot to the touch. Reactive 15 gp
Magmin Common Magmin Charcoal Small pieces of ever warm charcoal. Reactive 15 gp
Fire Snake Common Fire Snake Scales Small red scales that are warm to the touch. Reactive 15 gp
Small beard hairs made of fire. Smells faintly like
Azer Common Flaming Beard Hairs Reactive 15 gp
burning hair.
Gargoyle's Stone
Gargoyle Common A gem like heart. Curative 15 gp 21
Elementals (cont)
Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties
Essence of Tainted
Water Weird Common Brackish water with high surface tension. Poisonous 15 gp
Uncommon Primal
Air Element Uncommon An eddy of every swirling wind magic. Primal Essence 40 gp
Earth Uncommon Primal
Uncommon An unremarkable looking stone. Primal Essence 40 gp
Element Essence
Uncommon Primal
Fire Element Uncommon Small sourceless fires. Primal Essence 40 gp
Water Uncommon Primal
Uncommon A cup of water that never dries. Essence 40 gp
Element Essence
Salamander Uncommon Salamander's Tongue A long leathery tongue. Exotic 40 gp
Xorn Uncommon Xorn's Stomach Acid A burbling very acidic substance. 40 gp
A strange rock with veins of crystal
Galeb Duhr Uncommon Duhrian Heart Curative 40 gp
Invisible Uncommon Primal An eddy of wind that always swirls
Uncommon Primal Essence 40 gp
Stalker Essence toward you.
Dao Rare Heart A heart shaped stone with dark veins. Primal Essence 200 gp
Djinni Rare Heart A floating blue heart that slowly spins. Primal Essence 200 gp
Efreeti Rare Heart An ever burning coal the size of a fist. Primal Essence 200 gp
Marid Rare Heart A flabby heart that never stops oozing. Primal Essence 200 gp
Monster Rarity Organ Description Properties
Pseudodragon Common A small sharp barb Poisonous 15 gp
Wyrmling Common Wyrmling Heart A heart in the color of the wyrmling Reactive, Essence 30 gp
Faerie Dragon
Faerie Dragon Common A small sparkling liver. Poisonous 15 gp
Wyvern Uncommon Wyvern Stinger Pieces of the wyvern's tail singer. Poisonous 40 gp
A large heart flaring with elemental Reactive, Primal
Young Dragon Rare Dragon Heart 300 gp
power Essence
Shadow Dragon Shadow Dragon An ethereal heart that casts a pitch
Rare Arcane Essence 200 gp
Heart Heart black shadow.
A huge heart flaring with elemental Reactive, Primal
Adult Dragon Very Rare Dragon Heart 3,000 gp
power Essence
Dragon Turtle
Dragon Turtle Very Rare The rubbery flesh from the lung tubes Curative 2,000 gp
A massive heart flaring with elemental Reactive, Primal
Ancient Dragon Legendary Dragon Heart 7,500 gp
power Essence
Abyssal Knight
Andrew Keenan Richardson
C. Dobb
This is a standalone piece of Kibbles' Crafting System. For
Dallas blanch
blacksmithing, enchanting, cooking, leatherworking, and
David Santistevan
more, get the full system at
Dr. Arielpro for $1.
Elijah McGowan
Ethan Hart
Fencing Bucket
This will be included as part of the full crafting system in
Garion Pankievich
Kibbles' Compendium of Craft and Creation, available for
Garr K
preorder in PDF, Softcover (Crafting System Only), and
Hardcover. Visit for more information.
Glider Onair
Issac Dyne
Jake Sine
Jason Lasica
Johannes Wieland
Kainoa Pacrro
Larry Eger
Micheal Molik
Mitchell Baltosser
Nannette Groft
Natal Takashima
Nicholas Sherman
Patrick Hart
Peter Steil
Prussi Antique
Robert White
Rory Collier
Sam B Spivey
Suliman Adel
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are
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