Thingworx Training Brochure (12-04-2021)
Thingworx Training Brochure (12-04-2021)
Thingworx Training Brochure (12-04-2021)
Sessio Duration
Topic Detail
n# (min)
Theory :
Internet of Things – Introduction
Introduction to IoT
Smart Connected products
and ThingWorx 60
Applications of IoT in different domains
IoT Platforms and its features
ThingWorx Features and Architecture
Theory and Practical:
ThingWorx Import
30 Import/Export : Storage, Files, Source control entities, best
and Export Utilities
Adding Extensions Theory and Practical:
to Enhance Extensions : Importing extensions, ThingWorx market place,
ThingWorx Using ThingWorx Community site, managing extensions,
Functionality importing
widget extension
Theory and Practical:
Model Tags: Overview, Adding Model tag Term to an existing to
Model Tags 20
an existing vocabulary, Creating a model tag Vocabulary
with Terms