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Artificial Intelligence in Education A Review

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Journals & Magazines > IEEE Access > Volume: 8 

Artificial Intelligence in
Education: A Review
Publisher: IEEE Cite This

Lijia Chen ; Pingping Chen ; Zhijian Lin 

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It is a diagram of AI education system, which consists of teaching

contents, data and intelligent algorithm, which can be divided into
system model and intelligent techno... View more

Abstract:The purpose of this study was to assess

the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education.
Premised on a narrative and framework for assessing
AI identified from a ... View more

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As illustrated by Henry Ford in the analogy,
innovation does not mean working that the society
should work only with what has been the norm, such
as finding ways of making horses faster. Sometimes,
it is necessary to search beyond the norm, develop
new ways of doing things. Instead of making horses
faster, build the automobile, which will be faster than
the horse and take a person from Point A to Point B
faster. These principles and approaches have driven
the rapid developments in technology experienced
over the years, particularly in the education sector.

The year is 1950. Dr. Potter, a tenured professor at a

local university shuffles to a class, a heavy load of
papers under his arm. He has just marked all the
papers, after reading and assessing the grammar and
content of each of the papers handed in by the 40
students in his class. Going through some of the
papers, Dr. Potter felt that the content in there had
been plagiarized from other sources, but he had no
sure way of ascertaining from where the student had
copied the content materials. Fast forward, in 2019,
Dr. Potter now walks into a class, barely carrying any
papers, but having read, flagged incidents of
plagiarism for disciplinary action, and graded papers
for an even larger number of students. Sometimes,
when he is off campus, he can dial-in or video
conference into the class and can still perform his
duties and responsibilities leveraging technology. The
introduction, advancements, and proliferation of
technology, more particularly, artificial intelligence,
has made it easier for instructors to dispense their
duties more effectively and efficiently. These
technological innovations have also permeated other
sectors of the academia, fostering effectiveness and

Prior to the introduction of computers and other

related technologies, instructors and students,
engaged in instructions and learning mechanically, or
through the pure application of natural human effort.
With the introduction of microcomputers, and by
extension, personal computers in the 1970s, which
according to Flamm, provided more computing
power and marked an important transition to
electronic computers for the mass market [1]. In
agreement, Campbell-Kelly opined that with
developments of the electronic computers, more
particularly, and the availability of the same for
different entities across different sectors of the
economy, was precipitated by the developments of
personal computers in the 1970s [2]. Personal
computers development made it possible for
individuals and other non-governmental entities to
own and use computers for different reasons. These
transitions harbingered the proliferation of
computers in different sectors of the economy and

Leveraging earlier research into programmed

instructions from the mid-1900s, developments in
computers and related computing technologies saw
the use of computers in different parts of the
education sector, more specifically, different
departments in educational institutions, such as the
development of computer aided instruction and
learning (CAI/L) in classroom interactions [3]. Later
developments in computers and computer-related
technologies, including networking, the internet, the
world wide web, and increased processing,
computing, and other capabilities, including different
programs and software packages that are task
oriented, have seen the increased application of
computers in different ways in the education sector.
More specifically, in different departments in
education institutions.

Computer and information communication

technologies have over the years continued to evolve,
leading to the development of artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence, according to Coppin, is the
ability of machines to adapt to new situations, deal
with emerging situations, solve problems, answer
questions, device plans, and perform various other
functions that require some level of intelligence
typically evident in human beings [4] (p.4). In
another definition, Whitby defined artificial
intelligence as the study of intelligence behavior in
human beings, animals, and machines and
endeavoring to engineer such behavior into an
artifact, such as computers and computer-related
technologies [5] (p.1). Drawing from these
definitions, it is evident that artificial intelligence is
the culmination of computers, computer-related
technologies, machines, and information
communication technology innovations and
developments, giving computers the ability to
perform near or human-like functions. In line with
the adoption and use of new technologies in
education, artificial intelligence has also been
extensively leveraged in the education sector.

For example, Devedžić observed that Web

Intelligence (WI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
research and development focuses on different
elements, including machine learning to create
distributed intelligence and creating a balance
between Web technology and intelligent agent
technology, agent self-organization, learning, and
adaptation among other aspects of WI and AI that
enable it to adapt to its environment and perform
intelligent functions, which should be leveraged to
foster improvements in the education sector [6]
(p.29). Indeed, artificial intelligence has been
adopted and permeated various areas of the
education sector, or departments in educational
institutions. Use of artificial intelligence in education
has had a major impact, including improved
efficiency, global learning, customized/personalized
learning, smarter content, and improved
effectiveness and efficiency in education
administration among others [7]. Artificial
intelligence continues to develop, and new ways of
application in education emerge.

A. Artificial Intelligence in Current

The mention of artificial intelligence brings to mind a
supercomputer, a computer with immense processing
capabilities, including adaptive behavior, such as
inclusion of sensors, and other capabilities, that
enable it to have human-like cognition and functional
abilities, and indeed, which improve the
supercomputers interaction with human beings.
Indeed, different motion pictures have been made to
showcase the abilities of AI, such as in smart
buildings, such as the ability to manage air quality in
a building, temperatures, and or playing music
depending on the sensed mood of the occupants of
the space. Within the education sector, there has
been increased application of artificial intelligence,
going over and above the conventional understanding
of AI as a supercomputer to include embedded
computer systems.

For example, embedded into robots, AI, or computers

and supporting equipment enable the creation of
robots that improve the learning experience of the
student, from the most basic unit of education, early
childhood education. Indeed, Timms posited that
cobots or the application of robots, working together
with teachers or colleague robots (cobots) are being
applied to teach children routine tasks, including
spelling and pronunciation and adjusting to the
students’ abilities [7]– [9]. Similarly, the web-based
and online education, as enumerated in different
studies, has transitioned from simply availing
materials online or on the web for students to simply
download, study, and do assignments to just pass, to
include intelligent and adaptive web-based systems
that learn instructor and learner behavior to adjust
accordingly, to enrich the educational experience [6],
[11], [18], [19]. Artificial intelligence in education,
according to Chassignol et al. has been incorporated
into administration, instruction or teaching, and
learning [11]. These areas, which Chassignol et al.
identify as the framework for analyzing and
understanding artificial intelligence in education, will
form the scope of this study.

The application of AI algorithms and systems in

education are gaining increased interest year by year.
Fig. 1 shows the rising number of papers published in
the topics “AI” and “Education” from Web of Science
and Google scholar since 2010. Note that the papers
published in 2015–2019 accounted for a large
proportion, i.e., 70% of all the papers indexed. As
education evolves, researchers are trying to apply
advanced AI techniques, i.e., deep learning, data
mining, to deal with complex issues and customize
teaching method for individual student.

Papers in Web of Science and Google Scholar
in the last ten year with key words “AI” and

B. Purpose of the Study

With the continued application or use of information
technology, it is inevitable that it has impacted the
education in different ways. This study seeks to
assess how the use of AI, in its different forms, in
education, has impacted or affected different aspects
of education. More particularly, the study will seek to
assess how AI has affected teaching, learning, and
administration and management areas of education.
It is anticipated that the study will ascertain that AI
has fostered effectiveness and efficiency in the
performance of administrative tasks in education,
and overall fostered improved instructional and
learning effectiveness in education.

This study will benefit various stakeholders in the

education sector. It will contribute to the growing
study and development of knowledge, theory, and
empirical findings that identify and discuss the
different ways in which AI has affected education. It
will benefit scholars, professionals, and policy
makers, such as administrators, management and
leadership of educational institutions and the
education sector, by fostering evidence-based
decision-making and management and leadership
practices in the sector. The findings will also augment
the findings by other studies and inform government
policy and actions aimed at fostering meaningful use
of information technology, particularly, AI, in the
education sector. For example, with an
understanding of the impact of AI on education
sector, and an evaluation of the exact nature of such
impact, including improved instructional and
learning effectiveness, the government, working with
educational institutions can develop a policy,
strategy, and initiatives that promote the beneficial
impact or effects and mitigate the possible adverse
effects of AI on education.

C. Review Strategy
1) Materials and Methods
The study seeks to assess the impact of AI on
education. More particularly, it seeks to ascertain
how AI has affected education, looking at various
aspects of education, including administration,
instruction, and learning. Accordingly, the study
takes a retrogressive approach, entailing assessing
secondary data and materials or studies that have
been undertaken. Indeed, Snyder posited that a
systematic or semi-systematic literature review, a
review of secondary data, provides a deeper
understanding of the study phenomenon [8]. This
approach ensures that the study is premised on
empirical or is evidence backed because only studies,
including meta-analysis, that have been conducted on
the subject matter, support the identification,
analysis, understanding, and synthesis of the ways in
which AI has affected and impacted education.
Generally, a qualitative research design,
incorporating qualitative content and thematic
analysis is used to assess the different ways. Thematic
and content analysis entails undertaking a thorough
critique of each piece of text and identifying recurring
themes from a review of different texts, which then
form the basis for inferences and conclusions for
descriptive studies [10]. It is an appropriate research
design and strategy considering the aim of this study,
to assess the impact of AI on education.

2) Search Strategy
Key words and search strings will be used to search
different databases, including EBSCOhost,
ProQuest,Web of Science. In addition, the key words
and search strings are used to search Google Scholar
to identify articles from different journals that have
focused on researching the impact of AI on
education. The journals containing the articles are
then searched on Scimago and the journals with an
H-Index of 20 and above are included in the study.
An H-Index is an author level measure of scientific
productivity in terms of publications and citations
and by extension, contribution to science and
scholarly pursuits; and the higher the H-Index, the
more reputable the journal and the authors published
in the journal are. A total of more than forty articles,
including journal articles, professional publications,
and government and institutional reports were
selected after the use of an eliminative process.

3) Sampling: Exclusion and Inclusion Criteria

Initially, a total of 250 articles, published after 2009
were selected premised on the aforementioned
criteria; matching the search key words and search
strings and inclusion in a journal with an H-Index of
20 and above. A further review and analysis of these
articles, identifying articles that focused on the
nature of AI and the impact it had on education,
together with the H-Index, narrowing down the
number of articles for analysis to thirty, a sample size
that was considered sufficient to inform conclusions
and inferences about the impact of AI on education,
taking a retrospective approach. Further, studies that
had taken a quantitative approach in identifying and
assessing the impact of AI on education, while at the
same time, meeting the criteria aforementioned, were
given preference.

Artificial Intelligence
in Education
From a review of the convergence of AI with
education as discussed by Chassignol et al., the scope
of this study will cover the impact of AI on the
administration and management, instruction or
teaching, and learning functions or areas in the
education sector. This section of the report provides
an overview and brief discussion of the results of the
study from a review of various articles that have
assessed the nature and impact of artificial
intelligence in the education sector.

A. Nature of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is conventionally heavily
associated with computers. However, it is evident,
from a review of the various articles, particularly
within the context of the education sector, that while
computers may have formed the basis the
development of artificial intelligence, there is a
gravitation away from the computer alone, the
hardware and software, or the equipment, as being
artificial intelligence. Embedded computers, sensors,
and other emerging technologies have facilitated the
transfer of artificial intelligence to machines and
other items, such as buildings and robots [11].
Indeed, Chassignol et al. provides a two-faceted
definition and description of AI. They define AI as a
field and a theory. As a field of study, they define AI
as a study area in computer science whose pursuits
are aimed at solving different cognitive problems
commonly associated with the human intelligence,
such as learning, problem solving, and pattern
recognition, and subsequently adapting [11]. As a
theory, Chassignol et al. defined AI as a theoretical
framework guiding the development and use of
computer systems with the capabilities of human
beings, more particularly, intelligence and the ability
to perform tasks that require human intelligence,
including visual perception, speech recognition,
decision-making, and translation between languages
[11] (p.17).

Other scholars and in other studies, the definition of

AI provided brings to the fore near similar elements
or characteristics of AI. Sharma et al, defined AI as
machines that have the ability to approximate human
reasoning [13] (p.1). Similarly, Pokrivcakova, with a
definition and description orientated to the education
sector, observed that AI is as a results of many
decades of research and development bringing
together system designers, data scientists, product
designers, statisticians, linguists, cognitivescientists,
psychologists, education experts and many others to
develop education systems with some level of
intelligence and ability to perform different
functions, including to help teachers and support
learners to develop their knowledge and flexible skills
for a constantly changing world [14] (p.138). The
author posited that AI uses improved capabilities of
programs and software, such as algorithmic machine
learning, which provides the machines with an ability
to perform different tasks that require human-like
intelligence and ability to adapt to the immediate
environment [14]. Similar observations are made by
Wartman et al., who defined artificial intelligence as
the ability of computers and machines to mimic
human cognition and actions [17].

Generally, artificial intelligence, from these

definitions and descriptions, encompasses the
development of machines that have some level of
intelligence, with the ability to perform human like
functions, including cognitive, learning, decision-
making, and adapting to the environment. As such,
there are specific characteristics and tenets that come
out as key for AI. Intelligence or machine ability to
demonstrate some level of intelligence and perform a
wide range of functions and capabilities that require
human-like abilities, comes out as a key
characteristic of AI from this definition and
discussion of AI.

Recently, AI and machine learning are widely studied

to be applied in mobile devices, which aim to enhance
computation quality and create possibilities for new
applications, such as face unlock, speech recognition,
natural language translation, and virtual reality.
However, machine learning requires huge
computation capability to perform complex training
and learning. To address this issue, someplatforms
for running computationally efficiently were
proposed. In 2016, Qualcomm introduced the
Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine to accelerate
the execution of neural networks with their GPU
processors. HiSilicon proposed the HiAI platform for
running neural networks. It should be noted that
Android Neural Networks API was designed to
quickly execute machine learning models on mobile
devices [37]. This API brings a lot of utility to the
mobile by reducing network latency and complexity.
With respect to AI-related learning network,
SqueezeNet, MobileNet, and Shufflenet are well
developed for mobile phones [38]. The technical
development of AI in mobile devices takes mobile
education to the higher level, which provides
convenience by helping student in less time and
achieves interactive and personalized learning. For
instance, virtual reality facilitates the learning
process beyond the learning space to create a global
classroom since AI can connect students to the virtual
classroom. In addition, AI-based chatbots provide a
personalized online learning, and also turn instructor
into chat conversations. This technology can assess
the students’ level of understanding.

B. Technical Aspects of Ai in Education

AI-aided education includes intelligent education,
innovative virtual learning, and data analysis and
prediction. Major scenarios of AI in education and
key technologies supporting are listed in Table 1.
Note that AI-enable education is playing a more
important role as learning requirements promotes
[12]. Intelligent education systems provide timely
and personalized instruction and feedback for both
instructors and learners. They are designed to
improve learning value and efficiency by multiple
computing technologies, especially machine learning
related technologies [18], which are closely related to
statistics model and cognitive learning theory.

TABLE 1 Techniques for Scenarios of AI

ScenariosofAleducation Al-relatedtechniques
Assessmentofstudentsandschools Adaptivelearningmethodandpersonalized
Gradingandevaluationofpaperandexams Imagerecognition,computer-vision,prediction
Personalizedintelligentteaching DataminingorBayesinknowledgeinterference,
Smartschool Facerecognition,speechrecognition,virtual
Onlineandmobileremoteeducation Edgecomputing,virtualpersonalizedassistants,

Various techniques are incorporated into AI system

for learning analysis, recommendation, knowledge
understanding and acquirement, based on machine
learning, data mining and knowledge model [39]. AI
education system generally consists of teaching
contents, data and intelligent algorithm, which can be
divided into two parts, i.e., system model (including
learner model, teaching model, and knowledge
model) and intelligent technologies [43]. As shown
in Fig. 2, model help to build data map is crucial for
improving learning, which establishes structures and
association rules for collected education data [44].
Model works as a core in AI system, with
technologies providing power for the system.

Technological structure of AI education.

1) AI Education Model
In AI learning system, learner model is critical for
improving independent learning capabilities. It is
established based on behavior data of learners
generated from the learning process. Learners’
thinking and capability is analyzed to assess their
learning abilities. Then knowledge analysis are
mapped to obtain learners’ knowledge mastery.
Learner modeling establishes connections between
learning results and various factors including
learning materials, resources and teaching behaviors
[39]. Knowledge model establishes knowledge
structure map with detailed learning contents,
usually including expert knowledge, rules of making
mistakes often made by learners and
misunderstanding [44]. Combining knowledge field
model and learner model, teaching model determines
the rules to access knowledge field, which enables
instructors to tailor teaching strategies and actions.
As education evolves, learners are likely to behavior
positively, take actions or seek for help. AI system
can always be prepared to offer aid from tutoring
model’s built-in teaching theories. User interface
explains learners’ performance through multiple
input media (voice, typing and click) and provides
output (texts, figures, cartoons and agencies). The
advanced human-machine interface provides AI-
related functions including natural language
interaction, speech recognition and learners’ emotion

2) Intelligent Education Technologies

Machine learning, learning analytics, and data
mining are closely related technologies for education.
At present, two communities have evolved based on
learning analytics and educational data mining. They
overlap in objectives and techniques and benefit from
a variety of disciplines, including machine learning,
data mining, psychometrics of statistics, and data
modelling [41]. The field of learning analytics is more
focused on learning content management systems
and large-scale test results. Data mining originates
from the community of intelligent tutoring systems,
work on very small-scale cognition.

a: Machine Learning
The core of machine learning is knowledge discovery,
the process of parsing based on sampling data set
known as “training data”, generating meaningful
patterns and a structured knowledge. For instance,
machine learning can help create recommendations
for students as they select classes, even choose
universities. It leverages achievements data,
aspirations, preferences of students to “match-make”
institutions where they can be best developed.
Moreover, this technology can help instructors gain
an understanding of how every concept is being
digested by students [42]. In this way, instructors can
adjust the teaching method to work well based on
students’ cumulative records, which may help
students grasp course material better. In particular,
for student assessment, image recognition and
prediction of machine learning can be used to grade
student assignments and exams, with faster and more
reliable results than human being. It should be noted
that deep learning, the subfield of machine learning,
attracts much attention. This widely used techniques
includes decision tree learning, inductive logic
programming, clustering, reinforcement learning and
Bayesian networks. From technique perspective, deep
learning emphasizes on increasingly meaningful
representations from learning successive layers.
These layer features are extracted via models called
neural networks structured in literal layers stacked
on top of each other.

b: Learning Analytics
Learning analytics focuses on data from the
characteristics of students and knowledge objects
from learner model and knowledge field model. The
concept of learning analytics introduces new
technology, i.e., machine learning, being applied to a
non-technical world as education. The purpose is to
tailor educational method to the individual learner’s
need and ability, such as intervening with students at
risk or providing feedback and instructional content
[40]. It uses techniques related to machine learning,
data visualization, learning sciences, and semantics.
For instance, AI-based competency learning, which
generates critical data from the students, can
effectively find insights on the students and predict
the critical competencies they can pursue, which
enables institutions to act proactively. In addition to
a competency-based learning, learning analytics also
exploit the versatile capability of AI to learn. With
respect to drop-out issues, AI can consider various
parameters to classify incoming students in
likelihood of dropping-out generating early warning
systems and actionable data for the institutions. The
next challenge for learning analytics is to move out of
the comfort zone towards a broader scope including
interpersonal skills, arts, literature, among others
that raise a whole new level of complexity in terms of
measurement and assessment of competencies or
learning outcomes. A challenge for learning analytics
is to be applied in specific learning contexts, but at
the same time need to be general enough to be used
across different courses and institutions. Learning
analytics will be increasingly used and integrate
advanced techniques to support learning for
students, instructors, administrators, and

c: Data Mining
Educational data mining tries to generate systematic
and automated responses to learners. AI-based
educational data mining aims for developing inherent
association rules, and offering knowledge objects to
students to meet their personal needs. For instance,
students’ demographic characteristic data and
grading data can be analyzed from a small number of
written assignments [44]. It can be achieved by a
machine learning regression method that can be also
used to predict a student’s future performance.
Furthermore, data mining is becoming a powerful
tool to improve the learning process and knowledge
mastery, leading to a better understanding of the
educational settings and learners. In other words,
data mining can be seen as pattern discovery and
predictive modeling applied in extract hidden
knowledge, which allows instructors to make
adjustments to improve curriculum development in
educational system. One of important applications is
that data mining-based AI can achieve personalized
learning from knowledge field data, where students
perform their own learning, at their own pace and
deciding their own learning method aided by AI.
Ideally, using personalized learning, students choose
what they’re interested in, and instructors adjust
teaching course and method to the students’ interests
[43]. With data mining, AI can build its intelligence
(e.g., using machine learning) more accurately and
outcome is more reliable.

C. The Role of AI in Education

Timms makes an interesting observation, AI is very
powerful and has the potential to permeate and
heavily cause changes in different sectors of the
society, with the education sector being one that is
likely to be majorly impacted by AI. Indeed, from the
different articles reviewed, it is evident that AI has
been adopted and applied in the education sector,
where it has fostered improvements in different areas
of the sector. More specifically, within the context of
the narrative and framework proposed by Chassignol
et al., which also forms the scope of the study, it is
evident that AI has been applied in education, more
particularly in administration and teaching, and
subsequently, influencing or impact students’

An analysis of the scholarly sources selected for the

study showed that AI has indeed been applied in
educational institutions in different ways, including
in the form of automation of administrative processes
and tasks, curriculum and content development,
instruction, and students’ learning processes. AI has
improved efficiency in the performance of
administrative tasks, such as reviewing students’
work, grading, and providing feedback on
assignments through automation using web-based
platforms or computer programs. Other areas in
which AI has been applied in the education sector
include curriculum and content development, and
instructions leveraging technologies such as virtual
reality, web-based platforms, robotics, video
conferencing, audiovisual files, and 3-D technology,
which have made it possible for students to learn
better. Teachers are more effective and efficient and
students have a personalized and richer learning or
educational experience.

Other important findings, from a further scouring of

the different sources, is that the application of AI in
education, from the analysis, presents an opportunity
to break the physical barriers posed by national and
internationally borders because learning materials
are now domiciled on the Internet and the World
Wide Web. Learning online or use of web-based
learning platforms means that the material are
accessible from anywhere in the world, and
leveraging other aspects of AI, such as language
translation tools, make it possible for students, to
learn best within the context of their individual
abilities. Indeed, the study findings demonstrate that
administration, instruction, and learning is more
efficient and effective, which will be illustrated in the
section on the discussion of the findings on the
impact of AI in education.

Different studies discussed and demonstrated the

application of AI in education. Chassignol et al.
provides an overview and the transitions that have
defined the application of AI in the education sector.
Chassignol et al. observed that AI, in education, was
adopted in the form of computers, and computer-
related technologies, such as the Internet and the
World Wide Web [11]. There has been evidence of
gradual, in tandem with changes in technology in the
macro operating environment, of transitioning from
computers to online and web-based technologies and
intelligent or AI systems [11]. AI in the education
sector is transitioning from simply computers to
embedded systems, such as robots or colleague
robots (cobots) that work with instructor or
educators or independently, to perform teacher like
functions [11]. In agreement, Timms posited that
artificial intelligence in education (AIED0 is taking
different forms but there is evidence of dissociating
AI with computers or the focus on understanding and
using AI as computers only, to include using
computer embedded systems such as in smart
classrooms and cobots [7]. AI is no longer computers
only or the desktop and other computer applications
as conventionally understood. It has gone on to
include other elements as already demonstrated from
the presentation of findings from other studies.

Indeed, even from a review of other works, there is

evidence of AI, in the context of application in the
education sector, going over and above the
conventional perception of AIs as computer systems
only. Pokrivcakova’s definition and description of AI
in education provides an overview and summary of
the nature of application of the same in education
[14]. Pokrivcakova posited that the design and
implementation of AI brings together different
professionals, including system designers, data
scientists, product designers, statisticians, linguists,
cognitive scientists, psychologists, education experts
and many other professionals [14] (p.138). The
implication therefore is that AI, in education, is
designed to perform more than just the normal
computers and computer-related functions. Indeed,
Sharma posited that AI, in its entirety, supersedes the
conventional understanding of the different
technological applications in education, web-based,
online, distance, and computer-assisted instruction
courses and learning.

More specific application of AI in education, as

evidenced form the different articles reviewed takes
different forms. Chassignol et al. highlighted the
extensive application of AI in different areas,
including content development, teaching methods,
student assessment, and communication between
teacher and students [11] (p. 22). For example,
according to the study by Chassignol et al. AI has
been extensively applied in curriculum development
and content personalization, teaching and
pedagogical methods, assessment, and
communication exchanges between teachers and
students. Chassignol et al. provide examples of
different platforms and applications of AI, such as
Interactive learning environments (ILEs), which are
used to manage performance and provide feedback
and exchanges between teachers and students;
Intelligent tutoring systems, such as ACTIVE Math,
MATHia, Why2Atlas, Comet, and Viper which have
been used at different levels of the education system
to by educators or instructors for different subjects at
different levels of education, as well as extensive use
in learning assessment to track performance and
improve the available pedagogical tools [11]. Similar
applications are evident in other studies.

Making similar observations and arguments, Sharma

et al. observed that AI in education has taken the
form of adaptive learning systems, intelligent
tutoring systems, and other systems that improve the
quality of administrative processes, instructions, and
learning [13]. In agreement, Pokrivcakova observed
that in education, AI takes the form of intelligent
systems with adaptive capabilities [14]. These tenets
andcharacteristics of the systems enable AI in
education to perform a wide range of tasks
traditionally or conventionally performed by
instructors, while at the same time improving
students’ learning experiences through coaching
students and customizing learning to students’
expectations and needs [14]. Mikropoulos and Natsis
in their article, also describe another aspect of AI in
instructions, virtual reality (VR) and three dimension
(3-D) technology, observing that VR presents
immense opportunities for the learning process,
integration of simulation and 3-D technology because
it enables simulation and provides learners with an
opportunity for experiential learning.

Indeed, it is evident, as the United Nations Education

Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
observed, that AI has permeated various sectors of
the society, more particularly, the education sector,
as discussed for example, instructions or teaching
methods, approaches, and tools [16]. Other areas or
ways in which AI has been implemented in education
include learning and administration, which has been
precipitated by changes in the general environment.
Indeed, according to Wartman and Combs education
is changing in tandem with changes in the
employment or professional world, necessitating the
incorporation of AI in instruction and learning [17].
For example, there is heavy use of AI in the medical
profession, which necessitates exposing students to
AI through use of the technology in medical
education to prepare them for the experiences in the
real world [17]. The trend and arguments identified
and presented by Wartman and Combs are echoed in
other studies and publications, which demonstrate
other applications of AI in education.

Further, from the analysis of the selected articles,

another trend or application of AI in education is in
the form of AI in web-based education. For example,
Kahraman, Sagiroglu, and Colak, in their study,
discussed the development and use of AI in education
in the form of Adaptive and intelligent Web-based
educational systems (AIWBES), which are fast
replacing the simplistic leveraging and use of the
Internet and the World Wide Web, what they refer to
as the just-put-it-on-the-Web approach [18].
AIWBES is the integration of AI principles and
technology into web-based learning platforms, which
improves the learners’ experiences. Indeed, Peredo et
al. also describe the integration of AI into web-based
platforms. They posited that intelligent web-based
education (IWBE) has emerged as an important
component of education, more so with the
proliferation of online education because of the
power of the platform as a pedagogical tool that
incorporates and leverages AI into web-based
education (WBE) as well as other intelligent
methods, tools, and theories for modelling
engineering agent-based systems and technologies
[19] (p.14690). IWBE, according to the findings of
their study, involves considering different factors,
including learner’s knowledge and skill, learning,
performance capabilities, and compatibilities, which
are then leveraged in the development and use of a
platform that improves teaching-learning
experiences. From their study, Peredo et al. therefore
concluded that studying and understanding of
different social agents, teachers and students leads,
an integral part of the IWBE ensures the
development and use of robust, intelligent,
interactive, learning, and adaptive AI systems in
education, more particularly on the web, which is
accessible from anywhere in the world [19]
(p.14690). Evidently, as demonstrated from the
evaluation of the nature of application of AI in
education and as enumerated in the report by
UNESCO, AI will potentially foster improved access
to learning by eliminating barriers to learning,
automating management and administrative
functions in academic institutions, and optimizing
instructions and learning, as well as fostering
empirical or evidence-based decisions and initiatives
in education [16]. As a virtual platform, it can create
a better professional environment for instructors and
learners. AI as an assessment tool can be used grade
paper and exams and free up the teacher’s time.
Moreover, it helps students navigate through
different content paths, and personalize learning
according to their strengths and weaknesses. Tab. 2
shows the different functions of AI can work as in
education scenarios of administration, instruction
and learning. The detailed findings of the application
of AI in education are summarized in the next

TABLE 2 The Functions AI Provides in

Educational Scenarios








1) AI in Education Administration
In this section, a summary of the findings on the
application of AI in education, with a particular focus
on administrative functions is presented. One of the
key areas in education, identified as likely to be
impacted by AI, is the performance of different
administrative tasks in the education process, such as
students’ assignments and papers reviews, grading,
and providing feedback to students. According to
Sharma et al. AI in education, particularly in distance
and online education, where AI has enhanced
efficiencies in institutional and administrative
services [13]. Indeed, specific programs, such as
Knewton, ease the burden on instructors because
they provide a platform for feedback to students
premised on the interaction on the platforms. Similar
positions are evident in other studies and
publications, which discuss systems that make the
administrative tasks easier.

For example, Rus et al. posited that intelligent

tutoring systems (ITSs) perform a wide range of
functions, including grading and providing students
with feedback on their work [12]. Instructors,
working with ITS achieve improved efficiencies in
various administrative tasks, as well as their core
responsibilities, providing guidance and instructions
to help students excel in their studies. The findings
and arguments by Mikropoulos and Natsis augment
the arguments and findings in these studies;
leveraging and using AI in education has fostered
effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of
administrative tasks, such as grading of students’
assignments [15]. Indeed, a scrutiny of the online
learning environment today, shows programs that
make it possible for instructors to perform various
administrative tasks, such as TurnItIn and Ecree,
which give suggestive grading and check plagiarism
on students’ assignments. AI has improved
efficiencies in the performance of different
administrative tasks that instructors, would require a
lot of time to perform in the absence of AI.

2) AI in Instruction
From the analysis of the articles identified and
included in the analysis, one of the key areas that
have seen an influx of AI systems, is teaching or
instructions. AI has facilitated the creation and
deployment of systems that are evidently very
powerful pedagogical tools. These tools have fostered
improved instructional quality. Different platforms
and applications of AI as an instructional tool are
discussed and highlighted in the various articles
evaluated. Timms discusses various applications of
AI as a pedagogical tool or instructional platforms;
simulation-based instructions, which include using
different technologies, such as virtual reality to
demonstrate or show students concepts or practically
demonstrate materials, giving students an
experiential or practical learning experience [7]. The
same concept or the application of virtual reality
elements as an element of AI in education is
discussed in other studies. For example, Mikropoulos
and Natsis highlight the use of virtual reality as well
as including 3-D technology and highly interactive
simulation as a pedagogical tool, which helps
students have a better understanding of
demonstrated concepts [15]. Similarly, Wartman and
Combs highlight the use of AI, in the form of virtual
reality and simulation in medical education, which
takes medical students through practical aspects of
their education, such as operations and
understanding human anatomy, among other

Other studies have also highlighted the integration of

AI into machines or robots and creation of powerful
instructional tools and improvement of the quality of
the applied pedagogical strategies. Indeed, Timms
highlights that another key form of application of AI
in education as an instruction tool is the integration
of AI in education principles in robots, the
development and use of robots as teacher assistants
and colleagues, cobots, which can be used to
undertake basic and even advanced teaching tasks,
such as teaching students to read and pronounce
words [7]. Indeed, Sharma et al. observed that the
integration or the use of AI in education, more
particularly, integration with other technologies and
use as instructional tools, has resulted in the
development and use of better teaching tools [13].
On the other hand, Pokrivcakova also highlights the
integration of AI into computer programs, and the
development and use of chatbots, or online
computer-based robots with conversational and
dialogue abilities to answer routine student queries,
and in some instances, disseminate instructional
materials [14]. AI equips the humanoid or other
robots with cognitive and decision-making abilities,
as well as dialogue and conversation abilities, and
subsequently, enable their use as instructional and
pedagogical tools.

Further, from the analysis of the articles, other ways

of the application of AI in education were identified.
For example, intelligent tutoring systems in different
forms are discussed in different studies. For example,
Rus et al. observe that intelligent tutoring systems or
ITS equipped with conversational and dialogue
abilities, as well integrated with animated
conversational agents, in the form of chatbots or
cobots, have fostered realization of effectiveness in
teaching [12]. The same concepts are also highlighted
in the AI applications in education discussed by
Pokrivcakova; Computer-assisted language learning
(CALL), which provides students or learners with
customized instructions; as well as the writing and
translation assistants in language learning [14].
Other forms of application of AI in education,
particularly, in instructions to perform teacher or
instructor functions are also highlighted. Web-based
education platforms integrating AI with instructor
abilities are discussed by Kahraman et al. and Peredo
et al. in their different publications. Kahraman et al.
discuss the integration of AI in web-based education,
more particularly, the use of AIWBES in teaching,
and incorporating teacher-like functions, making the
platform a powerful supportive pedagogical tool [18].
Similarly, Peredo et al. discuss IWBE or intelligent
and adaptive web-based systems, in which teachers
are studied and presented as social agents in this
system; the system then seeks to understand and
support teachers in the discharge of their mandates,
to provide instructions and directions to students,
with an objective of ensuring that the technology,
web-based education, used in education is efficient
and systematic way to improve learner experience
[19]. AI has been integrated into different
technologies and approaches and used as a stand-
alone instructional tool or to support instructors in
the discharge of their teaching mandate.

3) AI in Learning
Learning, which is an integral part of education, is
another aspect of education that is within the scope
of the study. From an evaluation and analysis of the
different articles included in the study, different ways
in which AI has been adopted and implemented or
leveraged in fostering students’ learning were
identified. Further, specific programs or applications
that leverage AI to improve student learning were
identified. An important way in which AI has been
applied in improving students’ learning is the
customization and personalization of curriculum and
content in line with the learners needs, abilities, and
capabilities [15]. Other approaches give learners a
more pleasant and involving or experiential learning
experience, therefore improving the learners’ uptake
and retention of information, the foundation of
learning [15], [17]. From another perspective, AI in
education has also eliminated some barriers to access
to learning opportunities, such as national and
international borders, enabling global access to
learning through online and web-based platforms
[13], [15].

From the articles, different platforms and

applications were identified. Some platforms will
foster the customization and personalization of
content and in so doing foster the uptake and
retention of information, which improves the
learning experience of the learner. For example, an
application such as Knewton makes real-time
recommendations for students premised on
deciphered learning style as adduced by the
technology using machine learning algorithms, and
subsequently customizes course materials or content
to the learners’ needs [11]. Other platforms with
similar capabilities include Cerego, Immersive
reader, and CALL, which together with other
platforms, have the potential to improving the
learning experience of learners at all levels of the
education system, from early childhood education to
university undergraduate and graduate level [11],
[14]. Pokrivcakova also observed that the integration
of AI and use of chatbots also improve the learning
experiences of students because they leverage
machine learning algorithm and deliver content
customized to students learning needs and
capabilities [14]. The author also highlights the
integration of AI into education through machine
translation tools, adaptive education systems, and
intelligent tutoring systems, which improve the
learners’ experience. There are different ways in
which AI ensures personalization and customization
of content to learners’ capabilities and needs.

On the other hand, as gleaned from other articles,

there were other applications of AI that were found to
have a major impact on the learners’ experiences. For
example, the application and use of simulation-based
learning and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) were
demonstrated to encourage deep learning, which is a
way of improving the students’ learning experience
[13]. Mikropoulos also highlights the same concept,
observing that virtual reality and simulation fosters
students improved learning experiences [15]. The
use of simulation, virtual reality and other aspects of
AI in learning was shown to prepare students for
futuristic trends with the gradual gravitation towards
keeping pace with the application of AI in industry
[17]. Other uses of AI in fostering the students’
learning experience is the use of AIWBES. AIWBES is
more adaptive and generates content that is based on
the learner’s needs [18] (p.156). For example,
according to Kahraman et al., interactive problem
solving, a component of AIWBES will work with
students to offer intelligent help in each of the phases
of the problem solving process when students are
working on such issues [18] (p.159). The same
capabilities of AI in web-based education are
highlighted and discussed by Peredo et al., who
observed that IWBE or intelligent and adaptive web-
based systems, particularly multi-agent systems
(MAS) have a learner component, with the learner
integrated as a social agent, in which the system
focuses on understanding learner behavior and
adjusting accordingly by generating content relevant
to the learners’ needs [19]. Evidently, AI integration
or adoption and use in education has been focused in
improving the learners’ experiences, as well as having
a major impact on other aspects of the education

Impact of AI in
A recap of the objective or purpose of the study; the
study aims at assessing the impact of AI in education.
The evaluation of the different ways in which AI has
been implemented in the education, focusing on
administration tasks, instruction, and learning, only
partly answers the implied research question.
Sharma et al observed, the use of AI in education
presents an opportunity to majorly revolutionize
different aspects of education [13]. An exploration of
the uses of AI partly shows how the impact of AI in
education. In this section, a more focused exploration
of the actual effects of AI on administration,
instructions, and learning is explored and explained
premised on the findings from the articles analyzed.

A. Education Administration
AI application in education, in its various forms and
serving different functions, has had a major impact
on the performance of administrative and
management functions in education. It has enabled
instructors or teachers to perform their
administrative functions, such s as grading and
providing feedback to students more effectively.
AIWBEs programs have incorporated functions that
provide instructors with grading guides, which make
it easier to grade students’ work and provide
feedback [14]. Similar capabilities and functionalities
are available on programs, such as Knewton, provide
instructors within built functionalities to evaluate
performance, grade, and provide students with
feedback to ensure continuous improvement in
learning [13]. AI has made the performance of
administrative tasks easier and improve teacher or
instructor efficiency and effectiveness in providing
instructions and guidance to students. Intelligent
tutoring systems provide a wide range of
functionalities that enable instructors to perform
different administrative tasks, including grading and
providing feedback [12]. Other programs, such as
Grammarly, Ecree, PaperRater, and TurnItIn among
others, which leverage AI also provide instructors
with the functionalities to perform different
administrative functions, including plagiarism
checking, rating and grading, and providing students
with feedback on improvement areas. AI, has
significantly reduced the paperwork and workload on
instructors, particularly in the performance of
various administrative functions, thereby enabling
them to focus on their core mandate, instruction,
dissemination of content and materials in line with
the curriculum in place at the institution or
nationally [11], [13]. While this area of education
was not a focus for many of the articles evaluated, in
the articles it was covered, there was evidence of
attainment of improvements in the administrative
processes and tasks quality, as well as effectiveness
and efficiency of the instructors or educators in the
performance of various administrative tasks.

B. Instruction
Another aspect of education that was the focus of this
analysis is the use of AI in instructions or by
instructors. An analysis of different articles showed
rapid uptake and use of AI, in different forms for
instructional purposes or as a pedagogical tool by
instructors. The use of AI for instructional purposes
or as a pedagogical tool has had a major impact on
this aspect of education. It has improved
effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the work done
by instructors as adduced from the different
publications reviewed and analyzed. Efficiency and
quality, within this context, is measured by the
delivery of the relevant content in line with the
curriculum and in line with the learner specific needs
and capabilities, while effectiveness is assessed by the
implied uptake and retention or the achievement of
learning by the students or the learners. Considering
these operational definitions and description of
efficiency, quality, and effectiveness, the findings of
the study therefore indicate AI has fostered the
realization of quality, effectiveness, and efficiency in
instruction or teaching.

AI has fostered effectiveness of instructions. Rus et

al. posited that ITS, which leverage evidence-based or
empirical-evidence backed practices, including the
extensive use of cognition and learning models, have
ensured the optimal uptake and retention of
materials or optimized learning among students [12].
Indeed, programs, such as DeepTutor and AutoTutor,
as discussed by Rus et al. are learner-centered
programs that foster customization and personalized
content in line with the learner capabilities and
needs, thereby improving learners experience and
fostering the achievement of the set learning
objectives. The arguments presented by Pokrivcakova
also demonstrate that AI has fostered instructional
quality and effectiveness because the contemporary
systems, are technology-based adaptive systems,
which means that the materials or the content
presented is determined by the learners needs,
ensuring an optimized learning experience [14]. AI
ensures improved dissemination of course content,
starting from curriculum development phase to
actual delivery of content or instructions, more so in
online and web-based learning platforms.
The development and use of AI, particularly
integration in online and web-based learning
platforms, has indeed, according to Mikropoulos and
Natsis, led to realization of improvements in
instructions because AI has provided for
development and use of better pedagogical tools for
these platforms [15]. The same benefits or
improvements to learning are enumerated in other
studies that were evaluated. Peredo et al. discuss the
importance of adaptive IWEBS and instructions
premised on observed and learned learner behavior,
which enables the platforms to improve the quality of
learning and instructional effectiveness because of
the customization capabilities of the AI-backed
pedagogical methods used [19]. The same is
highlighted by the study by Phobun and
Vicheanpanya, who observed that unlike Computer-
Aided Learning (CAL) and Computer-based training
(CBT) take a generalized put it all on the web
approach and may not address the learning needs of
the student unlike ITS, which customizes,
individualizes, and personalizes learning [20]. The
impact of AI on education, more particularly in
improving instructional effectiveness and efficiency,
is summed by Roll and Wylie, who in discussion of
the changes in the AI, particularly in application in
education, observed that AI, particularly tutoring or
instructional systems, have been designed with the
objective of solving the different challenges eminent
in one-on-one teacher-student tutoring, thereby
improving the overall quality of instructors’ work

From the analysis other important themes, or ways in

which AI has affected the quality of instructors’ works
were also identified. Some studies highlighted the
role of technology in more particularly, AI in
fostering academic integrity, using plagiarism
checkers and proctoring and online supervision of
students’ activities on platforms such as Grammarly,
TurnItIn and White Smoke among others [23]– [25].
Gamification, leveraging AI for instructional
purposes, with significant benefits to the
instructional quality, which is also an element of or
integrates virtual reality and 3-D technologies, in its
different forms was discussed in other studies, which
highlighted the benefits of simulation, team-viewer
applications, and gamification, closely related to VR
and 3-D or even leveraging the technologies to the
pursuit of instructional effectiveness and efficiency
[26], [27]. Other studies also discussed the benefits
of expressive humanoid robots with dialogue and
conversational capabilities in fostering instructional
quality by fostering engagement with learners
because of their improved capabilities and human-
like appearances [28]– [33].

C. Learning
Another area of education within the scope of this
study, which has majorly been impacted by the
rollout and the use of AI, is students’ learning
experiences. Indeed, Rus et al. summing up the effect
of AI on learning observed that ITS fosters deep
learning because working with the conversational
agents that form an integral part of the system, will
probe and prod students until the students are able to
adequately explain themselves in detail, including the
reasoning behind their position, thereby improving
the uptake and retention of information [12] (p.43).
This and other studies illustratively discuss the
numerous benefits of AI in students’ learning
experiences in different ways. AI enables the tracking
of learning progression, including knowledge and
understanding and uses the findings to enhance the
capabilities of the system to customize content to the
students’ needs and capabilities, which motivates
students and leverages personal capabilities to
enhance uptake and retention [12], [14]. For
example, Pokrivcakova observed that AI has enabled
the development and use of intelligent learning
systems and adaptive content customized for each
students learning needs and capabilities, such as
intelligent virtual reality and use of the same in
simulation teaching and learning, which has been
shown to have a positive impact on learning [14]
(p.143). The same benefits of simulation and other
related technologies to learning are also discussed by
Mikropoulos and Natsis, who observed that
simulation and other related technologies provide the
students with the practical exposure and experiential
learning, which improves the quality of learning, with
the studies reviewed by the researchers in their
article highlighting the key benefits of VR, 3-D
technology in learning, including usability,
enjoyment, learner enthusiasm, motivation, and
increased interests in students [15] (p.773).

Other benefits of AI and its effect on quality of

learning are highlighted in other studies, which
focused on web-based platforms. For example,
Kahraman in discussion of the important tenets or
components of AIWBES, such as adaptive
hypermedia, information filtering, class monitoring,
and collaborative learning, among others, observed
that they encourage collaboration, interactions, and
learning among students [18] (p.160). The same
benefits of web-based platforms are highlighted by
Peredo et al. who discussed the relationship between
AIWBE and improved quality of learning because the
system adapts and customizes instructions and
content to identified and assessed learner behaviors.
For example, StudentTracker middleware will work
with online information about the learner, including
completed activities, learning tracking, time, and
other components to adapt the pedagogical
approaches for the AIWBE [19]. Other benefits of
web-based platforms and demonstrated benefits to
learning include fostering global access to education
and affordability [20]. These platforms have
generally offered a better learning experience.

Other benefits of AI to learning, and impact on

learning are highlighted in other studies. For
example, AI has been used to encourage and foster
honesty and academic integrity [23], improve studies
and learning through the use of revision and writing
assistants, such as TurnItIn tools, such as revision
assist and Pearson’s Write-to-Learn tools [24], [25],
[27]– [29]. Other studies have however, highlighted
the possible detrimental or adverse effects of AI on
learning. Crowe et al. in their study, observed that AI
may encourage dishonesty and jeopardize academic
integrity because it may facilitate or enable students
to use paper mills and paper churning sites or
platforms [24]. Generally though, the benefits of AI
to learning supersede the challenges, as
demonstrated in various other studies analyzed [35],

D. Performance of Instructor and

As intelligent systems, it would be interesting to look
at how AI will affect the performance of instructor
and student. As the number of students increases in
learning institutions, AI systems will work well in
easing the burden on instsructors. AI systems help
instructors to analyze the syllabus and course
material to propose customized content [11]. These
systems can also generate and grade exams after
analyzing. This would eventually free instructors to
focus on more pressing issues such as student
performance. In individualized teaching and
autonomous learning, AI solutions can better analyze
studying data, in turn helping instructors create
personalized learning plans for each student. Human
bias is also an emerging issue for AI in education. AI
solution can grade papers and exams by preset
rubrics and benchmarks to break bias [41]. This is
can be achieved by computer vision-based AI systems
that read and detect images of handwritten papers.
Apart from reducing bias, such systems also prevent
student from cheating and plagiarism.

By analyzing student data, AI systems has detected

learning shortcomings of student and address them
early in their education. Most students are treated
similarly by the conventional education system [44].
Thus, the same teaching method to all students
cannot achieve the best teaching performance. AI
would help to determine the tailored teaching
method for each student based on their personality,
strengths and complementary skills. In this way, all
students can improve and enjoy the learning
performance. While increasing students’ knowledge,
it also helps students build up knowledge system with
improved learning capability, habits and creativity.
Moreover, AI systems predict the career path for each
student by gathering studying data, which in turn
customizes the university course selection for
students. Considering the individual ability and
career path, students can obtain better grades and
garnering skills that are applicable in the real world.

Based on the above discussion, AI has great potential

in automating and expediting administrative tasks for
both institutions and instructors [7]– [10]. AI can
already automate the grading homework, evaluating
essays which allows instructors to spend more time
with students one-on-one. AI developers are creating
new ways to grade written paper and exams as well.
With respect to learning materials, AI creates create
customizable learning digital interfaces that apply to
students of all age ranges and grades. Moreover, in
learning process, AI enables instructor to gain
student insight “based on the entire ecosystem of
learning tools” according to Nick Oddson, the creator
of Brightspace. AI systems tutor a leaner based on the
difficulties they’re having with class material. In the
past, students had a limited window of time in which
they could resort to their instructors, meaning office
hours or hoping they answer their emails [11], [12].
There are now smart tutoring systems such as
Carnegie Learning that use data from specific
students in order to give them feedback and work
with them directly. AI will soon be able to work as a
full-fledged assistant adapt to a wide variety of
learning styles to help instructors and students. In
specific, it helps instructors and students with their
educational needs in just about any area of need.

Discussion of the
From the different articles and studies reviewed, it is
evident that with technological innovations and
advancements, computers and computer related
technologies, and other innovations have encouraged
the development of artificial intelligence, which has
permeated different sectors of the society, and will
potentially have a major impact on different
industries in which it is used. One of these areas in
which AI has been applied, and is resulting in a major
impact, is the education sector. As a foundation, and
basis for understanding how AI has impacted
education, a definition and description of AI was
deemed essential. Different tenets and characteristics
and nature of AI were gleaned from the different
definitions derived from the studies evaluated. A key
characteristic and tenet of AI, as the name intimates,
is having some level of intelligence, a characteristic
that has only been the preserve of human beings until
the onset of AI [4], [5], [7], [11], [16], [24], [35].
Intelligence gives the AI, computers and by
extension, embedded systems, such as robots and
facilities, with human like abilities, including
cognition, learning, adaptability, and decision-
making functions [6], [13], [16], [19], [22]. The
innovations and developments, culminating in the
development and use of AI, have accorded the
education sector, more particularly, academic
institutions, with an opportunity to leverage and use
of AI.

Indeed, as adduced from the different sources

reviewed and analyzed, the uptake and use of AI in
education has taken various forms. AI in education
was initially in the form of computers and computer
related technologies, used to perform a wide range of
administrative tasks, instruction, and to foster
learning among students, scope areas determined
from the description of AI application in technology
[11], [15], [19]. Continuous developments and
innovations, particularly, with the transitioning of AI
from computers only, to include embedded systems,
as well as online and web-based platforms,
harbingered the development and use of AI in web-
based platforms and online platforms, and robotics,
evidenced by the development and use of humanoid
robots (cobots and chatbots), which perform,
independently or working with human instructors,
educators’ duties, including dissemination of learning
materials to learners at various levels of education. In
addition, from the analysis, and the descriptions of
the platforms provided in the different evaluated
articles, it is apparent AI application, in education, in
its different forms, has accorded learners a richer and
more rewarding learning experience [19], [22],
[25], [31], [34], [35].

Implied therefore, and as adduced from the analysis,

is that AI has majorly affected or had a major impact
on the education sector in general, and in particular,
in application in particular educational institutions.
Teachers or instructors using AI or leveraging AI are
able to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in
the performance of different tasks, including
completion of administrative tasks, such as
reviewing, grading, and providing feedback to
students on submitted assignments. In addition,
working with AI or the different forms of AI, such as
web-based and online intelligent systems, cobots, and
chatbots, teachers are able to achieve improvements
in instructional quality. Students on the other hand,
because AI uses machine learning as adduced from
the different studies, are able to have a better and
richer learning experience because AI uses machine
learning to assess capabilities and needs, and
subsequently, with the findings of such an analysis,
develop and disseminate personalized or customized
content, which ensures higher uptake and retention,
thereby improving learning.

Further, AI provides students with practical or

experiential learning experiences, particularly when
used together with other technologies, such as virtual
reality, 3-D, gaming, and simulation, thereby
improving the students’ learning experiences. One
study discussed or highlighted the adverse impact of
AI, degradation of academic integrity and cheating
using paper churning and paper mill services
facilitated by AI. Most of the studies analyzed
demonstrated and explained the different ways in
which AI, including integration, benefits, and impact
on administration, instruction, and learning when
used in education. The positive effects, the pros,
outweigh the cons, or the negative effects.

AI learning is currently considered as education

assistant at the early stage, while AI-enable education
will play a more important role as learning
requirements changes. It now provides courses of
different difficulty based on simple rule judgement
and has not reached the best intelligence level in
intelligent education. There are education studies for
AI systems involving knowledge map and probability
model. With increasingly frequent interaction of the
educational process, AI systems will generate more
and more data to provide a clearer picture of the
process of teaching and learning, which enables more
accurate information recommendation. Aided by
learner analytics, machine learning and data mining,
AI systems will provide high-quality contents to
teachers and students, to support both teaching and
learning and make the whole process measurable. In
this stage, users will have access to multiple
approaches to the correct answer to any question. In
the future, the desirable AI system would shape
students’ imagination and creativity, analyzing their
learning style and emotional condition and initiative,
to improve learning capabilities and creativity and
stimulate subjective initiative. AI systems are likely to
be used more widely, which is expect to thrive on all
aspects of students, i.e., personal skill, knowledge
mastery, learning ability and career development,
instead of just assisting students in understanding of
specific knowledge.

The objective or the purpose of this study was to
assess the impact of AI on education. A qualitative
research study, leveraging literature review as a
research design and method was used. Journal
articles, professional publications, and professional
conference reports were identified and used in an
analysis that facilitated the realization of the study
purpose. The development and use of computers and
computer related technologies harbingered research
and innovations that have led to the development and
use of AI in different sectors. Particularly, the
development of the personal computers, and later
developments that have increasing the processing
and computing capabilities, as well as the ability to
integrate or embed computer technologies in
different machines, equipment, and platforms, have
encouraged the development and use of AI, which
has been shown to have a major impact on the sectors
it permeates. AI has been extensively adopted and
used in the education sector, particularly, in
education institutions, which were the focus of this
study. The analysis focused on evaluating the impact
of AI on administrative, instruction, and learning
aspect of education, with a focus on assessing how AI
has been applied and the effects it has had.

AI in education initially took the form of computers

and computer-related systems, and later, the form of
web-based and online education platform. Embedded
systems have made it possible to use robots, in the
form of cobots or humanoid robots as teacher
colleagues or independent instructors, as well as
chatbots to perform teacher or instructor-like
functions. The use of these platforms and tools have
enabled or improved teacher effectiveness and
efficiency, resulting in richer or improved
instructional quality. Similarly, AI has provided
students with improved learning experiences because
AI has enabled the customization and personalization
of learning materials to the needs and capabilities of
students. Overall, AI has had a major impact on
education, particularly, on administration,
instruction, and learning areas of the education
sector or within the context of individual learning


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