Roll No: 190803 Subject: COAL Lab Class: BSCYS-F-19-B-556: Name: Muhammad Adnan Haider
Roll No: 190803 Subject: COAL Lab Class: BSCYS-F-19-B-556: Name: Muhammad Adnan Haider
Roll No: 190803 Subject: COAL Lab Class: BSCYS-F-19-B-556: Name: Muhammad Adnan Haider
Lab task
Lab task no 01:
Source code:
movzx eax,var1
movsx ecx,var3
movsx ebx,var
call dumpregs
call waitmsg
main endp
end main
Lab task no 02:
Source Code:
var1 byte 15h
var2 byte 18h
main proc
mov a1,0
mov b1,0
mov a1, var1
mov b1, var2
call dumpregs
xchg a1,b1
call dumpregs
call waitmsg
main endp
and main
main proc
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov al,array
mov bl,array+1
call dumpregs
add al,bl
call dumpregs
call waitmsg
main endp
end main
main proc
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov edx,0
mov ecx,0
mov ebx,Yval
neg ebx
add ebx,Zval
mov eax,Xval
sub eax,ebx
mov Rval,eax
call dumpregs
call waitmsg
main endp
end main
Task no 05;
Source code:
X byte 9h
Y byte 2h
Z byte 3h
main PROC
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, 0
mov bl, X
mov cl, Y
mov dl, Z
call dumpregs
neg cl ; -Y
call dumpregs
call waitmsg
main endp
end main
Task no 06:
Source code:
result dword ?
num dword ?
msg byte "Enter number You Want To Print Table",0,13h,10h
msg1 byte " * ",0
msg2 byte " = ",0
main proc
call clrscr
call crlf
mov edx,offset msg
call writestring
call crlf
call readint
mov num,eax
mov ecx,10
mov ebx,1
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
inc ebx
mov eax,num
call writeint
mul ebx
mov edx,offset msg1
call writestring
mov result,eax
mov eax,ebx
call writeint
mov edx,offset msg2
call writestring
mov eax,result
call writeint
call crlf
call waitmsg
inc ebx
main endp
end main