I don’t know if the teachers simply misinterpreted it or this is really how the DepEd
wants it implemented. If this is how UbD is being done in the entire archipelago then we
have a BIG problem.
The chapter is divided into four parts: First part- Explore; Second part- Firm
Up; Third Part – Deepen; Fourth Part – Transfer. There are many unit topics in a
chapter so it means for example that what is being ‘deepened’ is a different topic to what
has been ‘firmed-up” or “explored’! I think this is a mortal sin in teaching.
EFDT is used in all subject areas. The nature of each subject, each discipline, is
different. I don’t know why some people think they can be taught in the same way or to
even think that within a discipline, its topics can be taught in the same way. Or that the
same style of teaching is applicable to all year levels in all kinds of ability. UbD, the real
one, not our version, does not even promote a particular way of teaching but a particular
way of planning. Stges 1 and 2 dictates the teaching that you needed to do.
Activities for Explore part always have to be done in groups and with some
physical movement. A math teacher was complaining to me that her students no longer
have the energy for their mathematics class especially during the “explore’ part because
all subject areas have activities and group work so by the time it’s math period which
happens to be the fourth in the morning, students no longer want to move. The explore
part alone can run for several days. All the while I thought the “explore part” of EFDT
can be done with a mathematical investigation or an open-ended problem.
The prepared lesson plans given during the training consists of activities from
explore part to transfer part and teachers implement them one after another without
much processing and connection. Most activities aren’t connected anyway.
The teachers can modify the activity but they said they don’t have resources
where to get activities.
The teachers cannot modify the first two parts of the UbD plan. The teachers
said they were told not to modify them. I asked “how does it help you in the
implementation of the lesson?” They said “we just read the third part, where the lessons
are. We don’t really understand this UbD. Our trainers cannot explain it to us. They said
it was not also explained well during the training.
The teacher have this cute little notebook which contains their lesson. So I asked
“so what is your lesson at this time?” She said it’s 3.5. Indeed that’s the little number
listed there. So what’s it about. I think we are now on Firm-up. I have to check the xerox
copy of the lesson plan distributed to us. Well, I thought UbD is a framework for
designing the lesson. It was proposed by its author with the assumption that if teachers
will design their lesson that way, then perhaps they can facilitate their lesson well. How
come that teachers are not encourage to design their own lesson? How come we give
them prepared lesson plans which have not even been tried out?
Firm-up – the teacher helps the students make connections by asking them to explain
their solutions and reasoning, comment on other’s solutions, identify those solutions
that uses the same concepts, same reasoning, same representation, etc.
Deepen – the teacher consolidates ideas and facilitates students construction of new
concept or meaning, linking it to previously learned concepts; helps students to find new
representations of ideas, etc.
Transfer – teacher challenges students to extend the problem given by changing aspects
of the original problem or, construct similar problems and then begin to explore again.