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Smoke and Fire Detector Models DI-3

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Installation/Wiring Instructions

Smoke and Fire Detector Models DI-3, DI-3H, DI-3IS*, DI-A3, and DI-A3H

To initiating circuit of
compatible control End-of-line
unit (See †NOTE and device
Compatibility Chart) observe
if applicable

Connection for listed remote lamp †NOTE: The Models DI-3, DI-3H, DI-3IS*, DI-A3, and
RL-30 or equivalent, audible base DI-A3H are rated at 16-25.7 VDC—3 volt peak to
ADB-3, or relay RR-3, 40mA max, at peak maximum ripple. Supervisory current 110μA
24V (one per detector.) CAUTION: Only max steady state. 350μA peak surge upon
one critical function remote should be application of power, and 135mA max in alarm.
used in each circuit, since only one alarm
per circuit is guaranteed.

*NOTE: The DI-3IS is FM listed only. Do not use remote function with the DI-3IS.

Figure 1 SIEMENS Models DI-3, DI-3H, DI-3IS, DI-A3, AND DI-A3H

Installation And Wiring Diagram P/N 315-081882, Rev. 2

These instructions are written in accordance with the of all facets of the area being protected. Such factors as air
installation guidelines of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm currents, temperature, humidity, pressure, and the nature of
Code, and CAN/ULC-S524, The Installation of Fire Alarm the load have been carefully considered. Especially noted have
Systems. been the room or area configuration and the type of ceiling
(sloped or flat, smooth or beamed). Siemens Industry, Inc.'s
DETECTOR PLACEMENT extensive experience in the design of the system assures the
optimum detector placement and is reflected in these drawings.
Although no specific spacings have been allocated for the Sound engineering judgment by qualified personnel must
detectors used for the 0 to 300 ft/min clean air velocity prevail.
application, use 30 foot center spacing (900 sq ft) from NFPA
Standard 72 Chapter 5 and CAN/ULC-S524, if practical, as a
guide or starting point for a detector installation layout. This
spacing, however, is based on ideal conditions — smooth
ceiling, no air movement, and no physical obstructions. In DO NOT locate the DI-3, DI-3H, or DI-3IS detectors where
some applications, therefore, considerably less area is excessive smoke concentrations exist under normal conditions
protected adequately by each smoke detector. This is why it or in areas of prolonged high relative humidity where
is mandatory to closely follow the installation drawings. In all condensation will occur.
installations (except in special circumstances, such as in
computer room underfloors where the velocity may be DO NOT locate the DI-3, DI-3H, or DI-3IS detectors adjacent
between 300 and 1200 ft/min) the detector should be located to an oil burner, kitchen, or garage where exhaust fumes could
on the ceiling, a minimum of 6 inches from a side wall, or on trigger an alarm. Other causes of false alarms are dust
a wall, 6 inches from the ceiling. accumulation, high wind velocity, heavy concentrations of
steam, heavy pipe or cigar smoke, and certain aerosol sprays.
Should questions arise regarding detector placement,
drawings provided or approved by Siemens Industry, Inc., or DO NOT locate the DI-A3 or DI-A3H detectors in an area of
by its authorized distributors should be followed. This is prolonged high relative humidity when condensation will occur
extremely important! The detector placements shown on or adjacent to oil burners or in garages, where exhaust fumes
these drawings have been chosen after a careful evaluation could trigger an alarm.

P/N 315-081943-19 Siemens Industry, Inc.

Building Technologies Division
Before a detector can sense a fire, the products of combustion In general, detector placement for high stockpiling requires
or smoke must travel from the fire to the detector. Since their closer spacing, depending on the nature of the stock, its
travel is especially influenced by air currents, the movement stored height, and the height of the building. Newer
of air must be considered in the design of the system. While technologies recommend additional detector locations at
combustion products tend to rise, drafts from hallways, air tiered, lower levels. Detector placement for this type hazard
diffusers, fans, etc., may aid or hinder the travel of combustion requires a judgment factor that can only be provided by
products to the detector. When positioning a detector at a experienced, qualified personnel.
particular location, consideration must be given to windows
DI-3IS ONLY—Use in hazardous atmospheres. The DI-3IS
and doors, both open and closed, and to influencing air
is approved by Factory Mutual to protect areas identified as
movement. A detector should never be installed in the air
Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D. The intrinsically
stream of a room air supply diffuser. It may be advantageous
safe operation requires the use of a diode shunt barrier for
to position a detector closer to an air return.
System 3 applications or a DC Isolator for MXL CZM-1/-1B6
The distance that products of combustion or smoke travel applications. For System 3 applications refer to the Model
from a fire to the detector is not usually the shortest linear 515-180238 Installation Instructions, P/N 315-091465. For
route. Combustion products or smoke usually rise to the MXL CZM-1/-1B6 applications, refer to the CZM-1 Installation
ceiling, then spread out. With average ceiling height (8 to Instructions, P/N 315-090725 or the CZM-1B6 Installation
10 feet), this will not be an abnormal factor. Height should be Instructions, P/N 315-095355, as applicable.
taken into account, however, for high ceilings such as in
churches, warehouses, auditoriums, etc. DETECTOR WIRING
Siemens Industry, Inc., detectors should be interconnected
as shown in Figure 1 and wired to the control panel by
SPECIAL CEILING CONSTRUCTION FACTORS following the Wiring Connection drawing installed on the
Ceiling obstructions can change the natural movement of air inside face of each control panel cover. Duplicate wiring
and combustion products. Depending on the direction of information is also contained in the Installation, Operation,
smoke travel, joists and beams can slow the movement of and Maintenance manual provided with every control panel.
heated air and smoke, while pockets between them can Note should be made of any limitations on the number of
contain a reduced level of smoke.Take obstructions created detectors permitted on each circuit. Quantities may vary,
by girders, joists, beams, air conditioning ducts, or based on the specific type of response designed into the
architectural design into consideration when determining area system (fan shutdown, door closing, external relay tie-in,
protection. Refer to the Initiating Devices chapter of NFPA extinguishing system discharge, etc.).
Standard 72 for Location and Spacing requirements for
specific types of construction; e.g. beam, suspended, level, DETECTOR MOUNTING
sloped and peaked ceilings. The detector is provided with a separate base which attaches
to a standard 4 inch square, 4 inch octagonal, or single
gang outlet electrical box. The depth of the box is determined
TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY by the National Electrical Code for the number and size of
The temperature range for Models DI-3, DI-3H, DI-3IS, DI- the conductors used.
A3, and DI-A3H is 32oF (0oC) to 100oF (37.8oC). The four
models can each be used in environments where the humidity TO MOUNT:
does not exceed 93% (non-condensating). • Route all wires outward
from outlet box.
• When the alarm LED
viewing is critical,
Normal changes of atmospheric pressure due to changes in position the LED mark in
weather have a negligible effect on detector sensitivity. the base in the intended
However, the lower air pressure at higher altitudes does have direction. (See Figure 2.)
some effect on the sensitivity of ionization type detectors.
• Mount base to outlet box
Refer to the following table.
and route wires through
APPLICATIONS the hole in the center of
Velocity Altitude
the base. Make
Rand Rande connections directly to
Model (ft/min) (feet) Application the base terminals.
Refer to Figure 1 for
DI-3 0-300 0-4000 Open area
details. Figure 2
DI-3H 0-300 3000-8000 Open area • After all bases are installed, including the end-of-line
DI-3IS 0-3000 0-4000 Open area device, check loop continuity. (Refer to system operation
manual for procedure.) To make the continuity check, a
DI-A3 0-1200 0-4000 Open area/Computer
facilities/Air duct spots jumper is furnished in every base (between terminals 1a
and 1b) to complete the loop (See Figure 2). An open cir-
DI-A3H 300-1200 3000-8000 Air duct spots only cuit condition exists until the jumper or detector is installed
in the base.

• If loop continuity is acceptable, remove jumper at each
detector location and proceed with detector head

NOTE: To insure proper installation of the detector head into

the base, be sure wires are properly dressed at installation.
a. Position all wires flat against the base.
b. Take up all slack in the outlet box.
c. Route wires away from connector terminals.

Detection Device Storage
DO NOT install this detection device until all
construction is completed.
DO NOT store this detection device where it can
be contaminated by dirt, dust, or humidity. Figure 4
Testing should be performed by qualified personnel. To
1. Align notch in detector cover to raised surface on outer
ensure that the DI-3, DI-3H, DI-3IS, DI-A3, and DI-A3H are
ring of base (See Figure 3).
within factory-specified sensitivity limits, a sensitivity jack test
is provided to directly measure the sensitivity of the detector
in its mounted position while powered by the system. Access
to the sensitivity test jack is obtained through five holes
located on the front face of the detector (See Figure 4). Use
sensitivity tester Model TM-I3 to test. Refer to the sensitivity
test OPERATION MANUAL for Model TM-I3, P/N 315-
086641. Test frequency should be in accordance with
installation and test guidelines of NFPA Standard 72.

NOTE: To test for GO/NO GO operation, use SIEMENS

Test Gas, P/N 315-282747, following the
instructions on the label.

Figure 3 Dust accumulations may cause a shift in detector sensitivity.
For this reason, it is important that each unit be given a
2. Push detector head into base and rotate clockwise to periodic check and a light cleaning if necessary. The minimum
engage electrical connections. The detector will test schedule may be found in the current edition of NFPA
automatically stop and lock into place. 72, Chapter 7 for installations in the U.S., and CAN/ULC-
3. To remove, push detector head up into the base while S537, The Verification of Fire Alarm Systems, for installations
rotating the detector head counterclockwise. Continue in Canada. Cleaning program intervals should be geared to
to rotate counterclockwise until stop is reached. Then the individual detector environment.
pull downward to disengage from base.
Clean a detector by lightly brushing all open slots. You can
DETECTOR SENSITIVITY also clean a detector with the suction of a vacuum cleaner,
but the suction may cause the detector to alarm; therefore, it
The normal sensitivity range of each Siemens Industry, Inc., is recommended that power be disconnected during cleaning.
detector can be found on the back of the detector. In general,
any condition which causes the detector sensitivity to The detectors are not designed for thorough cleaning in the
decrease to a value outside its normal sensitivity range is field. When the detector sensitivity falls outside the acceptable
approaching alarm and indicates that (a) a detector requires limits for that detector, and cannot be brought back with
cleaning, (b) a change in ambient or environmental conditions sensitivity adjustment (where applicable), replace the detector
has occurred, or (c) the detector is faulty. head with an acceptable head. Send the removed head to
the nearest Siemens Industry, Inc. Authorized Service Center
The DI-3, DI-3H, and DI-3IS sensitivities are field adjustable. for servicing.
Access to the sensitivity adjustment potentiometer is through
a hole located on the detector head face. The DI-3, DI-3H, CAUTION: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THE
and DI-3IS sensitivity is adjustable ± 0.50 VDC of the nominal DETECTOR HEAD TO BE DISASSEMBLED. NO FIELD
factory setting. Adjustment towards “ + ” increases detector REPAIRS SHOULD BE ATTEMPTED. THE DETECTORS
sensitivity. Adjustment towards “ – ” decreases detector ARE FACTORY REPAIRABLE ONLY.
sensitivity. Refer to Figure 4. The sensitivity of the DI-A3 and
DI-A3H detectors is factory set and is not field adjustable.

ZS-30 w ith Diode Shunt Barrier P/N 315-024056-16
CP-2ER P/N 315-093523-6
CZM-1 w ith D.C. Isolator P/N 315-090725-8
CP-35 (System 3) P/N 315-084902-20
CZM-1B6 w ith D.C. Isolator P/N 315-095355-5
* CZM-1 (MXL/MXL-IQ System) P/N 315-090725-8
T he detector model number is the compatibility identifier.
* CZM-1B6 (MXL/MXL-IQ System) P/N 315-095355-5
CZM-4 (MXL/MXL-IQ System) P/N 315-090726-8
PXL P/N 315-094131-4
PZC-4D (PXL) P/N 315-094164-2
PZE-4B (PXL) P/N 315-094065-4
* SXL P/N 315-092419-10
SXL-EX P/N 315-095997-5
* SZE-4R (SXL) P/N 315-092430-4
SZE-4X (SXL-EX) P/N 315-096018-4
SZE-8AX (SXL-EX) P/N 315-096022-4
ZNX-3 (XL3 System) P/N 315-088562B
ZU-35 (System 3) P/N 315-083222-14
T he detector model number is the compatibility identifier.
* Control Equipment does not support remote accessories;
e.g. lamps or relays.

Siemens Industry, Inc. Siemens Building Technologies, Ltd. P/N 315-081943-19

Building Technologies Division Fire Safety & Security Products
Florham Park, NJ 2 Kenview Boulevard
Brampton, Ontario L6T 5E46 Canada

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