A Consumer's Guide - Heat Your Water With The Sun (Brochure)
A Consumer's Guide - Heat Your Water With The Sun (Brochure)
A Consumer's Guide - Heat Your Water With The Sun (Brochure)
Bringing you a prosperous future where energy is clean, abundant, reliable, and affordable
What is solar heating? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
What are the basic components of a solar thermal system? . . . . . 2
How have solar systems improved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Getting help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Cover photo: The people living in this house enjoy hot water that is
heated with a solar thermal system. (Courtesy of Industrial Solar Technology/PIX12964)
Heat Your Water with the Sun
Would you like to learn more about how the sun can help meet your
home’s heating needs without straining your budget?
Today’s solar heating systems not only keep swimming pools warm—
they can also heat much of your home’s water and interior space. Their
popularity is increasing, for several reasons. Solar heating systems are
reliable, adaptable, and pollution-free because they use renewable energy
from the sun. Many systems include sleek, attractive, low-relief collectors
that people often mistake for skylights.
Did you know that solar heating systems work well in many different
climates? Some applications, such as pool heating, are widely cost-
effective today. The cost-effectiveness of other applications depends on
specific circumstances, such as the type and cost of your usual source of
energy. Today, special financing is available to help you purchase the
system that’s right for your home.
If you’d like to find out more about solar heating for your home or pool,
this booklet is a good place to start. Here, you’ll learn how solar heating
systems work, how they’re used, their benefits, and how to purchase one
yourself. Please note, however, that this booklet isn’t a technical guide
to designing and installing a system. For that, you’ll need to consult an
experienced solar heating contractor; see “Getting help” in this booklet
for more information.
A solar heating system is a substantial but rewarding investment. It can
reduce your monthly heating bill while helping to protect our environ-
ment. Being informed and planning carefully will ensure that you’ve
chosen the right system for you and your family.
Gen-Con, Inc./PIX09320
What is solar heating? have an unshaded area that faces
south, southeast, or southwest,
Solar heaters, or solar thermal
such as a roof. In some cases, a solar
systems, provide environmentally
professional may recommend west-
friendly heat for household water,
facing roofs for solar collectors.
space heating, and swimming pools.
The systems collect the sun’s energy The type of system you choose,
to heat air or a fluid. The air or including the type of collector
fluid then transfers solar heat and whether it is active or passive,
directly or indirectly to your home, depends on several factors. These
water, or pool. include your site, the climate you
live in, installation considerations,
Solar water heaters, sometimes
cost, and how you would like your
called solar domestic hot-water
solar heating system to be used.
systems, may be a good investment
for you and your family. Solar water
What are the basic
heaters are cost effective for many
applications over the life of the components of a solar
system. Although solar water thermal system?
heaters cost more initially than Solar water heaters and solar space
conventional water heaters, the fuel heaters are made up of solar collec-
they use—sunshine—is free. Solar tors, and all systems except pool
heating technologies can be used heaters have some kind of storage.
in any climate. To take advantage In pool systems, the swimming pool
of solar energy, you usually need to itself is the storage, and the pool’s
filtration pump circulates the pool
water through the collectors.
Active systems also have circulating
pumps and controls; passive sys-
tems work without this added
Roof-top collector equipment.
Solar-heated Three types of solar collectors are
tap water
used for residential applications:
flat-plate, integral collector-storage
Solar storage tank/ (ICS), and evacuated-tube collectors.
conventional backup heater
Flat-plate collectors like the one
Swimming pools and your home
shown on page 3 are the most
may also be heated using solar energy common type. Glazed flat-plate
collectors essentially are insulated,
Simplified representation weatherproofed boxes that contain
of a solar water-heating system a dark absorber plate under one
or more glass or plastic (polymer)
Glazing Flow tubes
frame Outlet
Inlet connection
Absorber plate
Active indirect one-tank system
contractors must pay careful atten- directory of certified systems on
tion to roof design because the its Web site along with system
water in the storage tank is heavy. performance ratings. FSEC publishes
Thermosyphon passive solar sys- similar information specific to
tems are usually less expensive than Florida that is useful in other states
active systems, but more expensive with similar climates. See the
than ICS systems. “Getting help” section for contact
How have solar systems
The appearance of the systems has
also improved. Today’s collectors
Since the early 1970s, the efficiency can usually be mounted flush with
and reliability of solar heating sys- the roof for a streamlined system
tems and collectors have increased that looks like skylights. Unglazed
greatly and costs have dropped. polymer collectors for solar pool
Improvements to materials, a rating heating are now available in terra
system for consumers, and more cotta colors as well as black, so
attractive designs have all helped homeowners can choose the color
to make systems more successful. that will best match their home.
Low-iron, tempered
glass is now used Freeze
ICS Collector
instead of convention- prevention
al glass for glazing. valve
Improved insulation From
and durable selective collector
coatings for absorbers
have improved effi-
ciency and helped to To collector
reduce life-cycle costs.
The Solar Rating relief valve Drain valve
and Certification valve Drain valve Check valve
Corporation (SRCC) Isolation valve
and the Florida Solar Cold water in
Energy Center (FSEC) Three-way Pressure/
certify and rate solar ball valve temperature
relief valve
thermal systems and
equipment. SRCC
Hot water out
evaluates product
reliability and rates Top element
the performance of
solar water-heating Bottom element
systems by subjecting Water heater tank Dip tube
them to technical Drain
reviews. SRCC has a
Investing in Solar Thermal Technologies
Why should I invest in a conscious, responsible decision to
solar thermal system? help reduce harmful emissions from
fossil fuels, while maintaining your
The first question many people ask quality of life.
when considering a home expense
is, “How much will it cost?” The How much will your solar
answer depends on the type of sys-
heating system help the
tem, how you want to use it (water
or pool heating, for example), and environment?
your geographic location. But most Depending on the type of conven-
solar thermal systems cost between tional fuel used, replacing an elec-
$2,000 and $4,500. Although this tric water heater with a solar heater
is usually more than the cost of a can offset the equivalent of 40% to
conventional gas or electric system, 100% of the carbon dioxide emis-
today’s solar heating systems are sions of a modern passenger car.
cost competitive when you consider
your total energy costs over the Carbon dioxide traps heat in our
entire life of the system. atmosphere, contributing to the
greenhouse effect, which alters
Your monthly gas or electricity bills our planet’s climate and ecological
will usually be lower and more systems. Using solar energy in place
predictable for as long as you own of nonrenewable fuels may also
the house. Also, solar heating sys- reduce nitrous oxides and sulfur
tems will insulate you from rising dioxides, which are components
fossil fuel costs and protect you of smog.
from fuel-price inflation over time.
Investing in a solar thermal system Is my home a good place for
could also increase the resale value a solar heating system?
of your home. Often, the entire
initial cost of the system can be The first consideration when build-
recovered when you sell your ing a solar thermal system is the
property. In addition, you will site. If your site has unshaded areas
be earning an annual 6% to 25% and generally faces south, it is a
tax-free rate-of-return on your good candidate for a solar thermal
investment, depending on how system. A professional installer can
much hot water you use and how evaluate your roof as a location for
much energy you save. collectors. If your roof doesn’t have
enough space, you can also install
Another important reason to invest the system on the ground. Please
in solar systems may be less tangi- refer to the system-sizing section of
ble. When you purchase a solar this booklet for more information
heating system, you support tech- on space requirements. The amount
nologies that are good for the of sun that your site receives,
environment. You are making a how often temperatures dip below
freezing, and other factors will How big should my solar
also affect the type of solar heating thermal system be, and which
system you choose. features should I look for?
Before getting under way, you need Some of the answers to questions
to consider your homeowners about system size and features
association rules and neighbor- depend on how you plan to use
hood bylaws, also known as codes, the solar system. Here, you’ll find
covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs). general information on sizing
In Arizona, California, and Florida, systems for water heating, swim-
state laws prohibit CC&Rs that ming pools, and space heating.
restrict solar system installations. To locate more specific information,
Nine other states have similar laws please see “Getting help” on
barring regulations that unreason- page 17.
ably limit solar energy use in
planned communities. Some cities Sizing a solar thermal system
and counties have ordinances or for heating domestic water
require permits for home improve- Just as conventional water heaters
ment construction, including solar come in different sizes, so do solar
system installation. water heaters. Sizing your solar
A Check valve
Vacuum breaker/auto-air relief
B Gate valve
C Chlorinator
(if applicable)
D Drain valve
E Bypass valve
F Booster pump Sensor
(if necessary)
control box
D Gate
Pump A valve
Solar pool-heating system
The amount of solar collector area the size and type of your system.
needed to heat your home depends Other factors can include the
on many factors. These include the climate, the contractor, and the
available solar energy, collector effi- system rating. Your state may offer
ciency, local climate, and heating solar rebates or other incentives
requirements. Heating requirements that will reduce costs.
are based on insulation levels, the
house’s airtightness, and the life- Savings and costs for solar
style of the residents. Generally, the domestic water heating
area of solar collector is about equal Solar heating systems can save
to 10% to 30% of the floor area of you money in the long run. FSEC
the house. studied the potential savings to
Florida homeowners who use
How much money will my common water-heating systems,
solar thermal system save, including solar, in comparison
and how much will it cost? to electric water heaters. FSEC
undertook this study because the
Your savings depend on how your
initial installed cost of a solar water
solar system will be used, as well as
heater is higher than that of a gas 25% of its home energy costs on
or electric water heater. FSEC want- heating water.
ed to explore costs and savings over
time, beyond the initial installation If you are building a new home
period. The study found that solar or refinancing because of a major
water heaters offered the greatest renovation, the economics are even
potential savings. Annual utility more attractive. Including the price
costs for solar water heaters were of a solar water heater in a new
50% to 85% lower than those for 30-year mortgage usually amounts
electric water heaters. to between $13 and $20 per month.
The federal income tax deduction
The cost and benefit of purchasing for mortgage interest attributable
a solar water heater vary from to the solar system reduces that
region to region, so check costs in by about $3 to $5 per month. So,
your area. Depending on the price if your fuel savings are more than
of the conventional fuel, a solar $15 per month, the solar invest-
water heater can be more economi- ment is profitable immediately.
cal over the life of the system than On a monthly basis, you are saving
heating water with electricity, fuel more than you are paying.
oil, propane, or even natural gas.
That’s because the fuel—sunshine— Savings and cost for solar
is free. swimming pool heating
A solar heating system for your
However, at historically low prices
pool usually costs between $3,000
for natural gas, the total cost of
and $4,000 to buy and install. This
owning a solar water heater with
provides a payback of between
a backup natural gas heater may
1.5 and 7 years, depending on the
be more expensive than owning
cost of the fossil fuel your system
a natural gas heater alone.
replaces. The actual cost and pay-
Nevertheless, as natural gas
back depends on your site, the type
becomes more costly and its avail-
of system you choose, financing,
ability more volatile, solar water
and the length of the pool season.
heaters become more economical.
Solar water heaters are often quite Often, a payback cannot even be
cost-competitive in new homes. calculated, because many people
choose not to heat their pool at all,
In many places in the United
given the extra $300 to $600 on
States, homebuilders choose
their energy bill. A solar system
electric water heaters because they
allows these people to swim in a
are easy to install and relatively
pool that was previously too costly
inexpensive. Research shows that
to heat and too cold to use.
the average household with an
electric water heater spends about
Savings and cost for solar One common way to finance a solar
space heating system is through your mortgage or
The cost of a solar space-heating through a home-equity loan secured
system depends on many factors, by your home. Mortgage loans
including the size of your house, offer lower interest rates and longer
how airtight it is, how much of pay schedules than conventional
your heat will be supplied with a bank loans, and interest on your
conventional backup, the system mortgage loan is tax-deductible.
you choose, and your site. In Financing your system when you
general, solar space-heating systems apply for your mortgage—whether
can provide 40% to 60% of your because you are building or refi-
space-heating needs. These systems nancing—can make the application
are most economical for consumers process simpler and less costly.
who would otherwise be heating Conventional bank loans are
with electricity, rather than with another way to finance your solar
natural gas or other fuels. system. However, your system is a
But solar space heating is needed long-term investment; this should
most when sunlight is least be reflected in the pay schedule for
available, during the winter and the loan. Look for longer terms and
at night—and needed least when lower interest rates, which will help
sunlight is most available, during keep your solar thermal system
the summer and the daytime. So affordable.
today’s solar technologies are not
likely to be a cost-effective solution
for active solar space heating in Many states have incentives for
most homes. However, a good alter- buying solar technologies. Check
native is to simply to use passive with your state or local energy
solar building techniques. See the office or your state departments
EERE Web site, www.eere.gov/solar, of revenue or finance for informa-
for more information. tion. Some electric utilities offer
rebates to customers who install
How can I finance the cost solar energy equipment because
of my solar thermal system? these installations help utilities
Are there incentives? reduce energy use during times
of high demand.
You can also check the National
Financing the cost of your solar Database of State Incentives for
thermal system is not as tricky Renewable Energy (DSIRE). DSIRE
as it may seem. Although some is prepared by the North Carolina
special programs are available to Solar Center. It provides informa-
help you purchase solar thermal tion on financial and regulatory
technologies, most of the financing incentives to promote renewable
options are familiar ones. energy technologies. For informa-
tion, see “Getting help” on page 17.
What are the maintenance may need to be cleaned in dry
issues and repair costs for climates where rainwater does
a solar thermal system? not provide a natural rinse.
about solar installations through One solution is to ask for bids
one or more of the following: on systems certified by the
Solar Rating and Certification
• Possession of a solar contractor Corporation (SRCC). If possible,
specialty license issued by a have each bid specify system type
local building jurisdiction and size, energy output, mainte-
• Certification in solar thermal nance requirements, and cost.
systems by a group such as the Cost should include having the
state chapter of SEIA system installed and getting it
up and running, as well as the
• A letter from the solar heating cost of hardware, permits, sales
manufacturer that indicates tax, and warranties.
that the installer has the neces-
sary experience and training to A system warranty is crucial in
install solar systems. comparing bids. A solar rebate
program may require a written
Does your company have any installation warranty, for example
pending or active judgments a 2-year parts-and-labor warranty
or liens against it? in addition to manufacturers’
As with any project that requires warranties on system components.
a contractor, due diligence is The company may offer other,
recommended. Your state contractor longer warranties, particularly
licensing board can tell you about on the collectors. However, solar
any complaints against state- systems are more than collectors;
licensed contractors. The Better active systems include electronic
Business Bureau is another good components, pumps, valves, and
source for such information. wiring. Make sure you know what
your warranty covers and that
How do I choose among bids? the company stands behind the
Is the least expensive the full warranty.
best deal? If you have several bids, you may
It is usually a good idea to get more wonder if the lowest bid is the
than one bid for installation of your best deal. Sometimes it is not. A
solar system. Make sure that all the solar thermal system installer is
bids you receive are based on the in business to make money; over-
same information and require- head and operating expenses must
ments. For example, comparing a be covered. A low price could be
bid for a system mounted on your a sign of inexperience, or of a
roof with a bid for one mounted company without staying power.
on the ground would not tell you Contractors that expect to stay in
how the two bids compare—it business must charge enough to
would probably tell you more about cover their products and services
how the two types of installations plus make a fair profit. Price is
compare. not the only consideration.
Before you put solar heating to work
Do I need a conventional The ICS system stores hot water in
system as a backup? addition to collecting solar heat,
and the instantaneous water heater
Whether you need a backup system provides hot water when solar heat
for your solar thermal system is not available.
depends largely on the type of
system you choose and where you Most people do not need or use
live. Solar water-heating systems a backup heater with solar pool
almost always require a backup heaters. In freeze-prone climates,
system for cloudy days and times solar pool heaters are used mainly
of increased demand. This backup in summer. Spas or hot tubs are
system is typically a conventional an exception. Spa owners may use
gas or electric water heater and their solar system to heat both the
may already be part of the solar pool and the spa, but will use a
system package. It may also be backup heater to get the spa to a
part of the solar collector, such as higher temperature. In climates
rooftop tanks with thermosyphon where it rarely freezes, pool heaters
systems. For example, an integral may be used year-round.
collector-storage system (ICS)
If you decide to install solar thermal
may be packaged with an instanta-
space heating, you will almost
neous gas water heater for backup.
Sun Systems/PIX05978
Getting Help
American Solar Energy Society (ASES) Solar Benefits Model Software
2400 Central Avenue, Suite G-1 www.eere.energy.gov/
Boulder, CO 80301 solarbuildings/sbm.html
Phone: (303) 443-3130 Solar Energy Industries
Fax: (303) 443-3212 Association (SEIA)
E-mail: ases@ases.org 1616 H Street NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20006-4999
Database of State Incentives www.seia.org
for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) Phone: (202) 628-7745
www.dsireusa.org Fax: (202) 628-7999
Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) Solar Rating and Certification
Public Affairs Division Corporation (SRCC)
www.fsec.ucf.edu c/o FSEC
Phone: (321) 638-1015 1679 Clearlake Road
Fax: (321) 638-1010 Cocoa, FL 32922-5703
E-mail: info@fsec.ucf.edu www.solar-rating.org
(See standards document OG-300)
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Phone: (321) 638-1537
Solar Energy Technology Program Fax: (321) 638-1010
www.eere.energy.gov/solar.html E-mail: srcc@fsec.ucf.edu
The Opportunities
Biomass Program—Using domestic, plant-derived resources to meet our fuel,
power, and chemical needs
Building Technologies Program—Homes, schools, and businesses that use less
energy, cost less to operate, and, ultimately, generate as much power as they use
Distributed Energy & Electric Reliability Program—A more reliable energy
infrastructure and reduced need for new power plants
Federal Energy Management Program—Leading by example, saving energy
and taxpayer dollars in federal facilities
FreedomCAR & Vehicle Technologies Program—Less dependence on foreign
oil, and eventual transition to an emissions-free, petroleum-free vehicle
Geothermal Technologies Program—Tapping the Earth's energy to meet
our heat and power needs
Hydrogen, Fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program—Paving the
way toward a hydrogen economy and net-zero carbon energy future
Industrial Technologies Program—Boosting the productivity and competitiveness
of U.S. industry through improvements in energy and environmental performance
Solar Energy Technology Program—Utilizing the sun's natural energy to
generate electricity and provide water and space heating
Weatherization & Intergovernmental Program—Accelerating the use of today's
best energy-efficient and renewable technologies in homes, communities, and businesses
Wind & Hydropower Technologies Program—Harnessing America's abundant
natural resources for clean power generation