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Question Bank

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Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung

TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2072
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What are the characteristics of purely competitive market?
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 How monopoly market differs from monopolistic one?
Subject: Principle of economics PM: 16 Describe price determination under monopolistic
Time: 2 competition.
hrs. Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The 2. Define economics. Among several definitions which
figure in the margin indicates full marks. do you feel the best one land. Why?
Essay type Questions 10 3. List out various types of consumption and describe any
1. Explain characteristics of monopoly, monopolistic and three important characteristics of indifference curve.
perfect competition market with suitable examples in
nepalese economy. How equilibrium price and outputs are 4. Explain income effect and substitution effect of price
determined under perfect competition? change for inferior good with the help of a clean
Short questions(attempt any ten) 10x3=30 diagram.
2. What is the subject matter of economics? Critically analyze 5. Define law of supply. How can you measure the
scarcity definition of economics. elasticity of supply?
3. Define the following terms:
a) Macro- economics b) Monopsony c) Liquidity trap 6. Differentiate between implicit and explicit cost.
d) Ridge line e) Marginal cost f) Break -even point Explain with the help of clean diagram the relationship
4. What are the major limitation of Malthusian theory of among short run marginal cost, short run average cost,
population? Explain briefly the modern theory of population. average variable cost and average fixed cost.
5. Conceptualize the opportunity cost, social cost, explicit 7. Discuss on the degrees of price elasticity of demand.
cost and implicit cost. Why average cost curve is U-shaped?
6. What do you mean by elasticity? How can you derive How can you know the relationship between two goods
point elasticity of a demand? based on the values of cross elasticity of demand?
7. Define law of supply. Explain degrees of elasticity of 8. Define land. Discuss the recardian theory of rent.
supply with appropriate examples. 9. List the characteristics of labour. Explain the
8. What are the reasons for law of demand? Describe the law optimum theory of population.
of diminishing marginal utility.
9. Write short notes on any three: 10. What do you mean by liquidity preference? Explain
a) Importance of economics b) Marginal rate of substitution the modern theory of interest.
c) Capital d) Indifference map 11. Differentiate between gross profit and net profit. Write
10. What does profit mean? Explain liquidity preference about any one type of organization which aims to protect
theory of interest. the poor sections of society.
11. Define rent. Discuss on marginal productivity theory of wage.
12. Differentiate between inferior and giffen goods. Explain 12. Write short notes on any three.
the price effect for rise in price in case of normal good. a) Goods b) Law of diminishing marginal utility
c) Equillibrium d) Importance of economics
Final examinations- 2071
Essay type question: 10 Final examination -2074
1. What are the various types of costs? Explain the Essay type question: 10
relation- ship among various types of cost curves. 1. What is the importance of demand and supply in
Discuss application of different cost concepts. econom ics? Discuss on law of demand and elasticity of
Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30 demand with examples.
2. Explain economics according to the view of robins. Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
3. What are the constant factors while preparing demand 2. Highlight the major points of material welfare definition
curve? What happens when there are changes in these of economics. "Robbins definition is self contradictory."
constant factors? Justify the statement with reasons.
4. What is the law of diminishing marginal return? How is 3. Define indifference curve and indifference map.
Explain the reasons for diminishing marginal rate of
it applicable in our daily life?
5. Explain indifferent curve and enlists its properties 4. Differentiate between normal and inferior goods.
with graphical illustration. Explain the price effect in case of Gifen's good with the
6. Describe income and substitution effect of price due to help of neat and clean graph.
fall in price of normal good. 5. Why does marginal utility of a commodity diminish?
7. What is the cross elasticity of demand? Explain it Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility along
for substitute and complementary goods. with its assumptions.
8. Differentiate monopoly market with perfect 6. Discuss on change in demand with appropriate graphs.
competition market. Explain the geometric method of measurement of
9. Explain recardian theory of rent. Discuss its validity. elasticity of supply.
10. How far do you agree with the applicability of 7. Explain the optimum theory of population.
Malthusian theory of population? 8. Define economic rent. Discuss on Recardian theory
11. What is schumpter's innovation theory? of rent in brief.
12. Write short notes on: 9. Define wage. Discuss on modern theory of wage.
10. What are the functions of an entrepreneur? Discuss
a) Profit
different types of organization in brief.
b) Transaction demand for money 11. Describe the characteristics of purely competitive market.
c) Wealth Explain price and output determination under
monopolistic competition with clean graphs.
12. Write short notes on:
a) Economics as normative science
b) IS and LM curves
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Final examination - 2070 Final examination - 2068
Essay type question: 10 Essay type question: 10
1. Compare and contrast the definitions of economics as 1. Define indifferent curve. Logically explain the
given by Marshal and robbins and give your opinion on properties of indifferent curve with necessary
which one of them you fing a better one. illustration.
Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
2. What are the basic assumptions of economics? Explain
2. Write short notes on:
your agreement on classificatory definition of
a) Inter- related supply economics.
b) Equilibrium 3. Explin the factors affecting the demand of any good.
c) Cross elasticity 4. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal utility.
3. Discuss different properties of indifference curve. 5. Give logical explanations:
4. Define demand. Discuss different types of demand. a) AC is "U" shaped
5. Defines cost. Discuss different types of cost. b) Supply curve of perishable good is perfectly inelastic
6. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal c) Elasticity of demand for salt is zero.
utility. Does it apply to money? 6. Classify the market on the basis of time. What are
7. "demand and supply determine the market price". Discuss the causes of monopoly market?
8. State and explain recardian theory of rent. 7. Explain the following:
9. Define wages. Distinguish between nominal and a) MR=MC
real wages. b) Ed =1
10. State and explain the Malthusian theory of population. c) AVC= AR
How is it valid today? 8. Write short note on:
11. What do you mean by liquidity preference? Explain how a) Minimum reserve price
b) Marginal rate of substitution
interest is determined according to the liquidity
c) Law of equimarginal utility
preference theory.
9. Differentiate between:
12. State and explain the innovation theory of profit. a) Wealth and money
b) Explicit and implicit cost
c) Rent and interest
10. Critically explain the optimum theory of population.
11. Graphically illustrate the following:
a) Breakeven point
b) Market equilibrium
c) Super normal profit under PCM
12. State and explaintheRecardian theory of rent.

Final examination - 2067 the various cost curves.

Essay type question: 6. Graphically illustrate
1. Define law of demand how price and quantity
and law of suply. are deter- mined under
Explain the different perfectly competitive
typss of elasticity of market in short run.
demand and methods 7. Briefly discuss the recardian
of measurement of theory of rent.
elasticity of demand. 8. Define labor and its
Short questions (attempt any characteristics. Briefly
ten) discuss the optimum
2. Degine economics. theory of population.
Discuss nature and 9. Briefly discuss the liquidity
subject matter of preference of interest.
economics in brief. 10. What is organization?
3. Define Disscuss the Schumpter's
indifference theory of profit.
curve. Explain the 11. Write short notes on:
properties of I. Utility
indifference curve II. Value
in brief. III. Money and wealth
4. Discuss price effect for 12. Define:
decreasing price on a) Shut down point and break
normal goods. even point
5. Define various cost b) Shot run supply and long run
concepts. Graphically supply
illustrate the
relationship among
Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Back examination- 2073 profit?
Essay type question: Write about
1. Define types of
market. organizatio
Which ns.
market 11. Differentiate
structure between perfect
you prefer competition and
most and monopolis- tic
why? How market.
price and 12. Suppose the price
output of sugar is Rs.
determine 30/kg and its
under mo- demand is 1500
nopoly? kg inRampur if
Short questions (attempt the price falls to
any ten) Rs. 25/k, the
2. Define economics. amount goes upto
Discuss the 30 quintals.
assumptions of Calculate the
economics. price elasticity of
3. Write short notes on: demand of sugar
a) Type of utility and interpret the
b) Goods results.
c) Economic cost
4. Discuss the price effect
between two
5. Define
elasticity of
Discuss the
of price
elasticity of
6. What are the
determinants of supply?
7. What do you
mean by
between rent
and quasi-
8. "Is still valid
theory of
population in
develop- ing
Justify the
9. Enlist the
of capital.
Why do people
10. What do
mean by
Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2073
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2073 1. Differentiate between soil fertility and productivity.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 Discuss the fundamental principles for the maintainance
Subject: Principle of agronomy PM: 16 of soil productivity in long-run.
Time: 2 Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
hrs. 2. Mention the role of present agronomist in brief.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
3. Differentiate between conservation and conventional
tillage. What are the effect of tillage on crop
Essay Type Question: 10
1. Define agronomy. Enlist the major problemsof production?
Nepalese Agriculture and briefly explain the role of 4. Enlist the basic elements of weather and mention the
Agronomist to solve the food problemsof Nepal. role duration in crop production.
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 5. Write short notes on:
2. Define soil erosion. Briefly explain the factors a. Bio- fertilizer b. cropping system c. Rainfed Farming
affecting water erosion. 6. What is weed? How would you say weeds are "friends
3. Write short notes on:
and enemies " both?
4. What is plant nutrient? Differentiate between soil
fertility and soil productivity. 7. What do you mean by irrigation scheduling? Write down
5. Define quality seed and write down the importance the critical growth stages of paddy, wheat, mustard, gram
of quality seed in brief. and cotton.
6. What do you mean by weather? Write down the photope- 8. Define cropping scheme and enlist the basic principles
riodic effect of solar radiation on crop production. of scientific cropping scheme.
7. Define bio fertilizer and also explain the different types 9. What is the role of plant density to determine crop
of biofertilizer used in Agriculture.
8. Define allelopathic weed. Explain the preventive yield? Suggest the appropriate ways to maintain the
and curative methods of weed management in uniform plant population.
agronomic crops. 10. Differentiate the followings:
9. Define tillage and differentiate between conservation a) Cropping intensity and land utilization index.
and conventional tillage. b) Splash and sheet erosion
10. What is sequential farming? Write down the c) Silage and soiling crop
major principles of crop rotation.
11. Define seed germination. Enlist the different 11. Write down the perspective of minimum tillage in
factors affecting seed germination. present days agriculture.
12. What is intercropping? Write down the merits 12. What do you know about quality seeds? Also mention the
and demerits of intercropping. importance of quality seeed in crop production.

Final weed? Mention

Exam in brief the
inatio various losses
n- caused by weed
2072 inn crop
Essay Type Question: production.
1. Define weather and 7. Define tillage. Write
climate. Write the down the modern
effect of tempera- concept of tillage.
ture on crop 8. What do you know
growth, about optimum soil
development and moisture regime?
yield of crop. 9. What do you
Short Questions: understand by the
(Attempt Any Ten) term macro and
micro nutrients?
2. Define Enlist the essential
agronomy and plant nutrients
write the role of needed by a plant for
agronomist in its growth and
solving the development.
food problem. 10. Why starch crop
3. What is the concept produce more
of land equivalent yield in cool
ratio? How does it climate as
estimate? compared to
4. What is ideotype? warmer climate?
Describe th 11. Write short notes on
desirable features (any three):
of rice, wheat and a) Multiple cropping
maize ideotype? b) Quality seed
5. Write the role of c) Zero tillage
organic manure d) Cropping intensity
in improving the 12. Differentiate the
soil productivity. following (any three):
6. What is a a) Light compensation
point and light Final Also mention the 12. Enlst bio-fertilizer and
saturation point role of plant explain the role of bio-
b) Silage and soiling crop population in crop fertilizer in
- 2071
c) Exhaustive and production.
Essay Type Question:
restorative crop 1. Define tillage and d) Cropping system andCfaormmipniglesydstBemy:-
differentiate between Free Students’ Union,
conventional and cLroapmpjruondgucCtioanm. pus
conservation tillage.
Mention the advantage
and disad vantage of
conventional and
conservation tillage in
Short Questions: (Attempt
Any Ten)
2. Define agronomy.
How agronomy is
inter- related with
different branches
of agriculture?
Mention briefly.
3. All productive soils
are fertile but all
fertile soils may not
be productive. Justify
the statement.
4. What is weed?
Enlist the various
practices applied
in crop fields.
5. Define the role of
water in crop
plants. Write down
the water
requirements of
6. Write short notes on:
a) Farming system b)

Crop rotation
c) Sequential cropping
7. Differentiate climate
and weather. Enlist the
various weather
factors affecting crop
production. How
tempera- ture and
solar radiation are
important in crop
8. Define seed.
Differentiate seeds
with grains. Also
mention the
characteristics of
quality seed.
9. Differentiate the following:
a) Monocropping and
multiple cropping
b) Surface and sub-surface
c) Dry land and rainfed
10. Define soil erosion and
explain various
damage caused by
water erosion and their
control measure.
11. Write down the
common ideotypes
of rice and maize.
Final examination- 2070 Final examination 2069
Essay Type Question: 10
Essay Type Question: 10 1. Define the term agronomy and agriculture. Enlist
1. Define the term agronomy and describe in brief the role and discuss in brief the relation of agronomy with
of agronomist in increasing food crop production to meet other sciences.
the increasing demand of growing population of Nepal. Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 2. What is crop classifiacation? Classify the agronomical
2. Define crop rotation. Write the principles and crops on the basis of season of growing with example.
advantages of crop rotation. 3. Define macro and micro climate. Briefly explain the
3. What do you understand by ideal plant type? List the effect of light on crop growth and development.
desirable characteristics of ideal plant type of rice and 4. Enlist the different types of tillage and explain the
wheat. objec- tive of tillage.
4. What are the differences between soil fertility and 5. Differentiate between seed and grain. What are
soil productivity? the determinants of quality seeds?
5. Write the short notes on: 6. Define the following terms:
a) Biofertilizers b) Seed dormancy a) Land equivalent ratio b) Farming system
c) Minimum tillage c) Seed viability and seed dormancy
6. Differentiate between: d) Cropping scheme
a) Mixed cropping vs intercropping 7. What do you mean by irrigation scheduling? Enlist
b) Trap vs brake crop the methods of surface irrigation with brief
c) Cash crop vs catch crop description.
7. Define weed. Describe the various disadvantages caused 8. Define soil fertility and soil productivity. Explain
by weeds. briefly the different practices to reclaim acid and
8. Describe the characteristics of quality see and its alkaline soils.
impor- tance in crop production. 9. What is agricultural drainage? Describe in brief the
9. Write the formula to calculate any three of the followings: effect of poor drainage on crop growth and
a) Growing degree day(GDD) b) Water use efficiency (WUE) development.
c) Harvest index(HI) d) Cropping intensity(CI) 10. What is soil erosion. Explain the types of soil
10. Describe in brief the role of temperature and humidity erosion caused by water erosion.
on the production of agronomical crops. 11. Define weeds. Briefly explain the looses caused by
11. What do you mean by rainfed farming? Why is it weed and benefit obtained by it.
impor- tant in Nepal? 12. Write short notes on:
12. Describe the various methods of irrigation in brief? a) Rainfed farming b) Ratoon crops
c) Crop ideotype d) Biofertilizers
e) Silage crops

Final field crops.

examinati 7. Enlist the method of weed
on 2068 control.discuss the
Essay Type Question: physical methods with its
1. What are the objective of merits and demerits.
tillage? Explain the 8. Mention the losses caused
conventional and by soil erosion and by
conservation tillages? water and suggest the
With their advantages and conservation practices for
disadvantages. such soil erosion.
Short Questions: (Attempt 9. What is optimum plant
Any Ten) population? List the factors
2. Define agriculture and affecting optimum plant
agronomy. List the roles population. Explain one of
of agrono- mist insolving them.
the food problems in 10. List the different
Nepal. approaches of scheduling
3. Draw and discuss the irrigation in field crops
light response curve to and describe the critical
show the effects of stage approach.
solar radiation on 11. Differentiate between :
photosynthesis of a) Soil fertility and soil
crops. productivity
4. Describe the b) Dry land and rainfed farming
chracteristics of quality c) Saltation and surface creep
seeds for optimum crop d) Macro and micro nutrients
yield. 12. Write short notes on:
5. Define multiple a) Use of biofertiliser in
cropping. Discuss agriculture
the sequence and b) Cash crops and catch crops
intercropping with c) Water requirement of
examples. crops
6. Explain the methods of
fertilizer application in the
F soil fertility and soil
inal productivity.
exam 6. What are the
inatio major and minor
n plant nutrients?
2067 Explain in brief
Essa the major
y functions of
Type N.P.K. an Zn in
Ques relation to crop
tion: growth and
1. Define yield.
the 7. Interpret water
term harvesting in dry
agrono farming.
my 8. Write
and down the
give its ole of
role in water for
increas normal
ing plant
food growth
produc and yield.
tion. 9. Write short notes on
Short Questions: the following.
(Attempt Any Ten) a) Seed dormancy b)
Minimum tillage c)Bio-
2. Enlist the factor fertilizers 10.Define macro
affecting optimum and micro climate and
plant population. explain in brief
3. What is the role of light in
ideotype? crop production.
Enlist the 11. Describe
desirable the
features of characteristic
wheat s of good
ideotype. quality seed
4. What is and its
a weed? importance in
What crop
are the production.
different 12.Differentiate between:
losses a) Mixed ccropping and
caused intercropping
by the b) Primary and secondary
weed? tillage
5. Differentiate between
d) Selective and non selective cCroopms piled By:-
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination - 2073
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2074 1. Define and step out glycolysis and TCA cycle. Also
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 briefly point out its regulation. Show the energetic as
Subject: General Biochemistry PM: 16 one molecule of glucose gets completely oxidized to
Time: 2 CO2.
hrs. Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
2. What are buffers? Give Henderson- Hasselbalch equation
and its significances.
Essay Type Question: 10 3. Classify amino acids on the basis of their side chain.
1. How is glucose completely degraded? Give the 4. Define structural organization of proteins. What may
outline reactions of the pathways involved. happen if there is a mis-folding while undergoing
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 protein organization?
2. Mention the importance of biochemistry in agriculture 5. Write the full form of IUBMB. And classify enzymes
and medicine. with examples.
3. Name the biological buffers. Derive Handerson - 6. Give a short note on DNA. Also name the different
Hassalbalch equation and mention its application. types of RNAs.
4. Classify carbohydrates with examples. 7. Describe electron transport chain with the help of a
5. What do you mean by essential and non- essential amino diagrammatic representation.
acids? Give the structure of five essential and five non - 8. What is Lobry de Van Ekensteintransformation.
essential amino acids. 9. Explain beta-oxidation in short.
6. How is protein synthesized? 10. Outline the Calvin - Bension cycle.
11. Draw the structures of
7. Classify lipids with examples. Write about any one group.
a) Amino-sugars
8. Mention the salient features of Watson and Crick DNA
b) Proline
c) Pyruvate
9. Define "enzyme". Describe the mechanisms of enzyme
d) Maltose
e) TAG
10. Give the structure of sucrose. How is it synthesized and
f) adenosine
12. Classify lipids with example. Differentiate
11. Name the common fatty acids found in lipids. Describe between saturated fat and unsaturated fat.
the oxidation of fatty acids.
12. Give the structure of any four of the following:
Final Explain the
a) Starch b)Pectin c) Lactose
exami Watson- Crick
d) Lecithin e)Chitin
nation model of DNA.
- 2072 5. What do you mean
Essay Type Question: by essential and
1. Give outline reactions semi- essential amino
of kreb's cycle acids? Name them
including the name of and give the structure
enzymes and of two essential and
structures of initial two non- essential
compounds, amino acids.
intermedi- ates and 6. Define polypeptide
products. and classify it. Give
Short Questions: general structure of
(Attempt Any Ten)
a dipeptide.
7. What do you mean
2. Define buffer. Give
by reducing and non-
the Handerson-
Harshalbalch reducing sugars?
equation. Give example. Write
3. What are structure of one
biomolecules? reducing and non-
Classify reducing sugar.
carbohydrates on 8. Describe briefly
the basis of about the
hydrolysis. Give enzyme
examples of each. nomenclature
4. Define and
nucleotides. classification.
Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
9. Explain about the Final
synthesis and
degradation of fat.
n - 2071
10. Give the
Essay Type Question:
1. Classify
formula of
with examples.
glutamic acid,
Mention the
functions of
adenine, lactose carbohydrates.
and pectin. Short Questions: (Attempt
11. Describe the Any Ten)
biosynthesis and 2. Give TCA cycle and draw
degradation of starch. the structures of
12. Write short notes on: intermediates.
a) Importance of 3. Give the outline reaction of
biochemistry calvin cycle.
b) Transamination 4. Define enzyme and
write about the
mechanism of
enzyme action
5. Draw the structures
of glycogen,
cholesterol, TAG
and ATP.
6. Describe the
biosynthesis and
degradation of
amino acids.
7. Describe the beta-
oxidation of fatty acid
and calculate the ATP
production in the
oxidation of one
palmitic acid molecule.
8. Define nucleosides and
nucleotides. Explain
double helical structure
of DNA.
9. Define and
classify phosphor
lipis with
examples and
10. Describe the biosynthesis
and degradation of starch.
11. Classify amino acids on the
basis of polarity of R-
12. Classify proteins with

Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung

Final examination - 2068 Final examination - 2067
Essay Type Question: 10
1. Define protein and classify them according to Essay Type Question: 10
structural composition and functions. 1. Classify protein with suitable examples. Write the
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 func- tions of proteins.
2. Define biochemistry and cell. Describe the structure Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
and functions of endoplasmic reticulum. 2. What is Henderson Hassel balch equation? Mention the
3. Explain the titration curve and zone of buffer action role of haemoglobin in buffer action?
of acetic acid. 3. Define biomolecules, pH and buffer action.
4. Write the structural composition of anomers and epimers 4. Classify amino acids on the basis of R group or structure.
of blood sugar. 5. Define fatty acids. Classify them and write the
5. Describe the carbohydrate derivatives of bacterial properties of fatty acid.
cell wall. 6. Define enzyme and prosthetic group. Classify
6. Explain the importance and fate of pyruvate molecule. enzymes with suitable examples.
7. What is the biological importance of pyridoxal 7. Describe the structure of t- RNA.
phosphate? 8. Describe glycolysis in erythrocytes.
8. Calculate the energy content released from the 9. Describe the metabolism of triacylglycerol(TAG)
palmitic acid breakdown. 10. Describe protein synthesis pathway.
9. Write the structural composition and functions of 11. Write the properties of enzymes.
NADH and FADH2. 12. Write short notes on:
10. What do you know about common terminal pathway? a) Nucleotide
11. What are chargaffis rules and okazaki fragments? b) Peptide bond
12. Describe the principle and applications of spectro- c) Glycosidic bond
photometry in the field of agriculture.

F aminoacids.
inal 6. Define polypeptide. Give
examination - the general structure of a
2066 Essay dipeptide.
Type 7. Define the terms
Question: saponification and
1. Give the outline hydrogenation.
reactions of kreb's 8. Explain about the synthesis
cycle including the of fat.
name of enzymes 9. Write short notes on:
and structure of a) pH and pH meter.
initial com- pounds, b) Water and its importance
intermediates and c) Degradation of amino acids
final products. 10.Describe briefly
Short Questions: (Attempt about enzyme
Any Ten) 10x3=30 nomenclature and
2. Define buffer. Give functions.
HandersonHassalbalch 11. What do you mean by
equation. reducing and non-
3. What are reducing sugars? Give
biomolecules? the structure of one
Classify reducing and one non-
carbohydrates on the reducing sugar.
basic of hydrolysis. 12.Write short notes on:
Give examples of a) Zwitterions
4. Define nucloetides.
Explain the Watson-
Crick model of DNA.
5. What do you mean by
essential and semi-
essential aminoacids?
Name them and give
the structures of
Back ure of
examina protein.
tion - 5. Draw the
2075 linear and
Essay Type Question: cyclic
structure of
1. Sketch the glucose,
outline of fructose
anaerobic and
glycolytic galactose.
pathway 6. Give a
accounting brief
its energy account of
production. glycogen
How is it and show
regu- lated? its
Give the biosynthes
significance is?
of lactic acid 7. List out
formation alcohol
during this containing
process. amino acid and
Short Questions: sulphur
(Attempt Any Ten) containing
10x3=30 amino acid
2. Derive Michaelis- with at least
Menten equation. one structure
3. What is of each group.
photophosp 8. Sketch the outline for ?-
horylation? oxidation of fatty acids.
Sketch 9. Using schematic
cyclic diagram, give the
photo features of DNA.
phosphoryla 10. What is
tion? phospholi
4. Differ pid?
entiat Explain
e their types
betwe with
en examples.
secon 11. Define pH? Write down
dary its significance.
and 12. Classify enzymes with
tertiar an example of each
y class.
b) Biosynthesis of triacyl glycCerooml. piled By:-
Free Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2074 1. Define rural sociology and describe the
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 importance of rural sociology in Nepalese context.
Subject: Rural Sociology PM: 16 Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Time: 2 hrs. 2. What is social movement? Write about the
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
precondi- tion of social movement with examples.
3. Why is it difficult to differentiate between rural
Essay Type Question: 10
and urban societies? What are the relative
1. How do you conceptualize social movement? Discuss
about types of social movement with necessary condition differences between rural and urban socieites?
for the emergence of social movement. 4. Define social stratification. Explain about
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 Marxian views od social stratification.
2. "Sociology is the mother of all social sciences" 5. What do you mean by social system? What are the
Briefly discuss. elements of social system?
3. What is social change? Explain its causes. 6. What is social change? Explain why economic
4. What do you mean by social process? Enlist different factor is important for social changes.
types of social interactions. 7. What do you mean by social institution?
5. What are the differences between rural and urban society?
6. What is social stratification? Discuss its major bases of Explain about the essential features and
social stratification. functions of the family.
7. What do you mean by family? explain its function in 8. What are the forms of social interaction? Write on
a social stratification. importance of accommodation in the social
8. What is social institution? Discuss the importance of process.
economic institution in development paradigm. 9. What do you mean by social problem? List the
9. What are the common social problems in Nepal? types of social problems and explain the genereal
write about its control measures. mecha- nism of social control.
10. What is social system? Write about major elements
of social system.
10. Define socialization. Describe about the
11. Define socialization process. Explain different stages agencies and stages of socialization.
of socialization 11. Differentiate the following: (a) Gender and Sex
12. What is social deviance? Write about the agencies of (b) Primary groups and secondary groups
social deviance with appropriate examples. 12.Write short notes on the following: (a) Culture (b)
FINAL EXAMINATION -2072 Social Norms and Social Values (c)
Essay Type Question: 10 Ethnocentrism.
1. Define rural sociology and explain why students FINAL EXAMINATION -2071
need the knowledge of rural social systems of Nepal. Essay Type Question: 10
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 1. Define social institution? Discuss types of
2. Define the following term in details: (a) sociology institution and interrelationship among social
(b) social movement (c) social deviance institution.
3. Describe about the differentiation of "Rural" Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
and "Urban" ways of life styles in detail. 2. Differentiate between "sociology" and "rural
4. Define the following social process in detail: sociol- ogy" with appropriate examples.
(a) social competition (b) social conflict 3. What is social movement? Discuss on the types of
5. Explain how age nad gender influence on social movement.
social stratification in rural Nepal. 4. What is social process? Write about the role
6. Describe the differences among caste, race, tribal of accommodation in social system.
group and thnic group clearly. 5. Define social stratification. Discuss on Karl
7. List and describe the types of familiesont eh basis Marx and Max Weber's viewpoint on
of marriage. stratification.
8. Explain, with examples, the exogamournad 6. Define "ethnicity" and ethnic group". Also write
endoga- mous normative structures of marriage the importance of interethnic relationship for
systems in rural Nepal. country's development.
9. Explain the role of Pancha- Bhaladmi on finding 7. What is culture? Discuss impact on cultural lag
the solutions of rural social problems in Nepal, in relation to social system.
10.Define how yourself is defined by the society 8. Define the term social norm, social value and
in detail. social belief with appropriate examples.
11.Explain on the impacts of technological 9. What is social group? Write about the role of
advance- ments in rural social changes in Nepal. refer- ence group in social development.
12.Describe by differentiating between primary 10.Define socialization process. Discuss various
and secondary groups in detail. ele- ments of social system.
11.What is social system? Discuss various elements of
7 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
social system.
12.Define social deviance. Write about the causes of
social deviance.

7 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung

Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. What do you mean by stratification? Elaborate 1. What is "Social institution?" Breifly discuss the
social stratification in the Nepalese context. type of social instutions, and e;laborate your points
Describe different theories of social stratification in on why social institutions should thrive in the rural
brief. society.
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
2. "Sociology is the mother of all social 2. What is socialization? Briefly describe the term
sciences" Justify the statement/ "looking glass- self in relation to socialization
3. Define social institutions. Describe briefly the process".
types of marriage practiced in the Nepalese 3. Define social movement. Discuss the types of
society. social movement,
4. Family is the primary and fundamental unit 4. Define rural sociology and write about the character-
of society. How? Justify your ansmer. istics of rural society.
5. What do you understand by deviance? What are the 5. What do you understand by social change? Write
causes of deviant behavior? in brief about the effect of technological change in
6. Name the elemnets of social system, explain the the society.
Parson's view. 6. What are the major social problems of Nepal? What
7. What do you mean by the term solutions you can offer to solve those problems?
"Ethnocentrism"? describe briefly the inter- 7. Define culture. Differentiate between cultural
ethnic relationship in the Nepalese context. ethnocentrism and cultural lag.
8. Socialization is the life long process, examine in 8. What are the major causes of 'deviance'? Write
brief. Explain Sigmund Freud's view in short. about the types of deviance.
9. "Culture is the way of life." Explain briefly. What 9. Differentiate between ethnicity and ethnic group?
do you mean by cultural lag? 10.Write the importance of festivals commonly valued
10.Include briefly the affecting factors of social change. in the Nepalese society. Discuss bay two of them.
11.Distinguish between social ceremonies and 11.Differentiate between 'values' and 'norms' with five
festivals of Nepal. Describe any two common examples.
Nepalese ceremonies. 12.Define 'reference group.' Differentiate between
12.Differentiate abount social norm, values and 'primary' and 'secondary' group with examples.
belief system with appropriate example. FINAL EXAMINATION -2065
FINAL EXAMINATION -2066 Essay Type Question: 10
Essay Type Question: 10 1. Discuss the term "socialization" and explain the
socialization process with illustrations. Also
1. What do you understand by social system and
describe how different theories of socialization
what are the elements of social system according work in the "development of self".
to Charlis P. Loomis? Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 2. Discuss briefly on the interrelationship among
2. What is social problem? Make a list of social social institutions.
prob- lems discuss about the unemployment. 3. What is social stratification? Discuss the views
3. What do you understand by social change? Describe of Karl Marx.
the natural factors in social change. 4. What is social deviance and social control? Write
different types of social deviance and its impact
4. Define social institution and classify marriage on on the society.
the basic of different criteria. 5. Define culture. Differentiate between cultural
5. Define social stratification. Differentiate ethnocentrism and cultural lag.
between class and caste. 6. Differentiate between 'primary' and 'secondary'
6. What do you mean by socialization? Describe group with examples.
the various agencies of socialization. 7. What is social change? Briefly discuss the impact
7. Define or explain the following terms: (a) conflict of technological change in the society.
8. What are the major social problems of Nepal? what
(b) Poverty (c) accommodation
solutions you can offer to solve those problems?
8. Differentiate the following (a) Rural life and urban 9. What is social movement? Write its impact in
life (b) Reform and revolutionary movement (c) the country's development.
Co- operation and Conflict 10.Name major festivals found in the Nepalese
9. What do you mean by social movement? Describe society. Describe any two of them with reference to
the types of social movement. their roles in social and economic aspects of the
10.What are the mores? How do mores differ from folk society,
ways. 11.Define social process. Differentiate between
'Cooperation' and 'Conflict'
11.Describe the condition of child labor in Nepal. 12.Differentiate between social norms and social
12.What role can rural sociology play in the present values. Also briefly explain the role of social
situation of deteriorating economical condition in norms in the society.
Nepal? Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination 2073
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define horticulture and explain in detail the factors
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2074 to be considered before and during establishment of
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 an orchard.
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Subject: Introductory Horticulture PM: 16 2. Briefly mention the economic importance of
Time: 2 hrs. horticul- tural crops and also give how horticulture
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The is interre- lated with other discipline of applied
figure in the margin indicates full marks. sciences.
Essay Type Question: 10 3. Discuss about the feasibility of horticultural
1. Define plant growth Regulators. Enlist the types/classes/ develop- ment in Nepal. Enlist ecological regions of
groups of plant growth regulators with examples and Nepal for horticultural crops with scientific and
describe the uses of plant growth regulators in the field of common names of five potential crops of each.
horticulture. 4. Define the term stress. How does temperature
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 stress affect the plant growth? List some measures
2. Define horticulture and relate it to other sciences. to overcome it in orchard.
3. Define the term propagation. Mention the advantages and
disadvantages of vegetative propagation. 5. What do you mean by organic farming? Write
4. Define orchard layout and briefly describe the down the techniques of off-season vegetable
different systems of layout with their merits and production.
diagrams. 6. Briefly describe the training system in fruit
5. What is organic farming? Why organic farming on crops. How does the training and pruning system
horticultural crop is getting popularity in this modern play a major role in high density planting of fruit
age? trees?
6. What do you mean by stress? How moisture stress affect 7. Discuss the characteristics of phytohormones and
the plant growth and development? Mention the measures classify them. Enlist major role or physiological
to overcome the moisture effect. actions of Giberellin.
7. What are the objectives of training and pruning? Describe
the modified leader system of training with examples. 8. Define and discuss the seed dormancy and its types.
8. What is unfruitfulness? Briefly discuss the suitable What are the major stages of seed germination?
measures to overcome the unfruitfulness in fruit crops. 9. Define propagation. What are the advantages of
9. Briefly describe the principles f off-season and asexual propagation over sexual methods of propagation?
protected cultivation of horticultural crops. 10. A prepared plan has 1600 plants/ha in square system
10. What do you mean by irrigation and drainage? Briefly of planting if you are assigned to arrange the plants
describe the importance of drip irrigation on horticultural in equilateral triangular system how many plants can
crops. be accommodated? Explain in detail.
11. Write short notes on (any three): 11. Differentiate between (any three):
a. Soilless culture b. Soils for fruit tress a. Growth and development b. Scarification and stratification
c. Micro propagation d. Dormancy
12. Differentiate between (any three): c. Physiological and horticultural maturity
a. Growth and Development b. Scion and Stock d. Double working and top working
c. Top working and Double working 12. Write short notes on (any three):
d. Abscission and Senescence a. Major events during flowering b. Parthenocarpy
c. Micro-propagation d. Multi-stories cropping in Nepal
Final Examination-2072 Final Examination 2071
Essay Type Question: 10
Essay Type Question: 10
1. Define horticulture and show its relation with other
disciplines. Discuss the feasibility of horticultural 1. Give the meaning of Growth and Development
develop- ment in Nepal. in horticulture. Explain the causes of
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 unfruitfulness along with remedies with suitable
2. What is meant by the term 'niche'? enlist various examples.
ecologi- cal regions of Nepal for horticultural crops with
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
five potential crops for each region.
3. Describe the importance of heat unit and discuss the effect 2. What do you know about genetic resources and
of light on plant growth and development. indigenous horticultural plant of Nepal?
4. Define the term stress and discuss the measures to 3. Briefly describe the principles of protected
overcome moisture stress. horticul- ture.
5. Briefly discuss the factors to be considered for the
4. What is organic farming? Give its importance in
successful establishment of an orchard.
6. Enlist the merit of asexual propagation nd discuss the present context.
the advantages of budding over methods of grafting. 5. What is Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)? Give
7. What is juvenility and enlist the major characteristics their major uses in horticulture.
of juvenility. 6. Discuss about the soil fertility management in
8. What do you mean by seed and bud dormancy? Mention an orchard.
different ways to overcome dormancy.
9. Enlist phytohormones along with their major characteris- 7. How pruning differs from training? Explain
tics. Describe the influence on different plant growth why pruning has dwarfing effect?
substances on germination, flowering and sex 8. Discuss about mist and micro propagation
expression. with examples.
10. What is high density planting? Explain the objectives 9. Briefly describe how would you select a site for an
of pruning in brief.
11. Differentiate between: orchard establishment and do planting of fruit
a. Scarification and stratification saplings.
b. Growth and development 10.Explain how temperature and light affect
c. Quincunx and square system of planting horticul- tural production.
12. Write short notes on: 11.What are the different branches of horticulture and
a. Major events during flowering
its relationship with other disciplines?
12.Explain the terms: hydroponics, aeroponics and multi-
b. So culture
mpi led
UnioBy:- Free Students’
c. Needs and prospects of organic farming
Final Examination 2068 Final Examination 2067
Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. Define plant growth substances. Mention the types/ 1. Define horticulture and describe its relationship
classes/groups of plant growth regulators with examples with other sciences.
and describe the uses of plant growth regulators in the Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
field of horticulture.
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 2. Discuss different methods of irrigation of
2. Define horticulture and relate it to other sciences. horticul- tural crops.
3. Define the term propagation. Mention the advantages and 3. Classify horticultural crops on the following basis:
disadvantages of sexual and asexual propagation. a. Life span b. Growth habit c. Physiology
4. What is organic farming? Why organic farming on 4. Discuss different causes of unfruitfulness
horticultural crop is getting popularity in this modern with suitable remedies to overcome them.
age? 5. What are the objectives of layout systems? Describe
5. Discuss the needs of high density planting with examples. the different steps involved in planting of fruit trees
6. Briefly discuss the different methods of orchard with neat and clean diagram.
layout system with clean diagrams.
6. What is a Plant Growth Regulator? Describe uses of
7. Discuss different causes of unfruitfulness with suitable
remedies to overcome them. auxins in horticultural crops.
8. What do you mean by stress? How moisture stress affect 7. Write short notes on any four of the following:
the plant growth and development? Mention the measures a. Branches of Horticulture b. Mist propagation
to overcome the moisture effect. c. Dormancy d.Germination e. Senescence
9. What do you mean by irrigation and drainage? Briefly 8. Differentiate between the following horticultural terms:
describe the most suitable irrigation method for fruit a. Training and Pruning b. Inhibitors and Retardants
crop. c. Sexual and asexual propagation
10. What are the objectives of training and pruning? d. Top working and Double working
Briefly describe the different systems of training of 9. Discuss the following:
fruit trees. a. Physiological basis of rooting b.Formation of graft union
11. Write short notes on (any three):
a. Dormancy 10.Explain in brief effect of low temperature on
b. Multi-stories cropping horti cultural crops.
c. Soilless culture 11.How off-season vegetables are produced by adjust-
d. Soils for fruit trees ment of planting time?
12. Differentiate between (any three): 12.What are the advantages of High Density planting?
a. Climacteric and non-climacteric fruit Discuss about Multi-storied cropping.
b. Double working and top working
c. Mono embryonic and poly embryonic Final examination 2065
d. Scarification and stratification. Essay Type Question: 10
1. Define horticulture and describe the importance
Final examination 2066 and scope of horticultural development in Nepal.
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Essay Type Question: 10 2. Enlist the propagation methods and briefly describe the
1. How would you plan and establish an orchard including methods of cutting.
site selection, preparation of site, layout and planting? 3. Define phytohormones and describe the commercial
Explain. uses of PGR in horticulture.
4. Write down the factors causing unfruitfulness of fruit
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 trees. How do you overcome the problem of
2. How climatic factors influence the growth of unfruitfulness?
horticultural plants? Discuss. 5. Briefly discuss the principle of off-season and protected
3. Describe in what ways is horticulture important to horticulture.
6. Classify the horticultural plants based on uses with
every sphere of life in a society. examples.
4. What are the major purposes of asexual propagation? 7. Write down the basic principle of orchard
Give limitation of vegetable propagation also. establishment and describe the different planting
5. Describe the mechanism of healing of a graft union. system.
8. Enlist the objectives of pruning and training. Describe
6. Describe mechanism of flowering initiation in horticultural the rule of training and pruning of fruit trees.
plants. 9. Describe the influence of climatic factors on the growth
7. What are the developmental stages of growth of horticul- of plants.
tural plants? Describe juvenile phase. 10. Briefly mention the temperature stress on plants and
describe how to overcome temperature stress on horticul-
8. Give roles of auxins in horticulture. tural plants.
9. Describe various orchard soil management practices. 11. Write short notes on:
10. Give objectives of training and pruning. Discuss a. Juvenility b. Approach grafting
major forms of training in fruit crops. c. High density cropping d. Peri-urban horticulture
12. Differentiate between
11. Differentiate between: a. Top working and double working
a. Hydroponics and aeroponics b. Stratification and scarification
b. Thinning-out and heading-back cut c. Hot bed and cold frame d. Shrubs and herbs
c. Division and separation e. Hydroponics and aeroponics
12. Define the following terms: i. f.
a. Senescence b. Ripening c. Apical dominance Environment Compiled
C li m a By:-
c te Free
ri c Students
an d n o ’n
d. Hormones e. Explants f. Callusing al pollutants. U n i on, L am j u n g
g. Apomixes h. Etiolation c lim ac te ri c g.Tropical and temperate zones
10 C am p u s
h. Shrubs and herbs
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Essay Type Question: 10
INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCE 1. "Soil is made by nature not by man." Justify this
RAMPUR, CHITWAN statement with examples. Explain chemical weathering of
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2074 rocks and minerals with suitable reactions.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Subject: Fundamental of Soil Science and Geology PM: 16 2. Define soil in your own words. Describe in brief
Time: 2 hrs. the different approaches to study soil.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The 3. Enlist the physical properties of soil and derive the
figure in the margin indicates full marks. relationship among bulk density, particle density
Essay Type Question: 10 and porosity.
1. Compare among saline, saline- sodic and sodic soils. 4. What are the causes of soil acidity? Mention the effective
What are the techniques to measure and quantity such management practices of acidic soils for better crop
soils. Explain the reclamation of such soils to improve
their productivity for optimum plant growth. production.
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 5. Describe in short, the management practices of
2. What is soil? Write its concept and uses for various fields of saline- sodic soils for better crop production.
life. 6. Define CEC, mention its measurement unit. Describe
3. Differentiate between sandy loam and loamy sand the importance of cation and anion exchange
soils. Describe the properties of loam soils. phenomena in soils.
4. List the reasons of soil acidity. 7. Define soil colloids. Enlist the different types of
5. Soil colloids serve as the "Bank" of plant nutrients. colloids with examples. Illustrate the fundamental of
Justify this statement with figure. silicate clay structures.
6. Differentiate between cation and anion 8. Mention the physiographic regions of Nepal. Briefly,
exchange phenomena in soils. Describe their importance the soils of terai region of Nepal.
in agriculture. 9. Differentiate between: (i) Soil fertility and soil productivity
7. Sketch a rock cycle with its components. Discuss in (ii) montmorillinite and kaolinite (iii) isomorphic
brief the mechanical weathering of rocks and minerals. substitu tion and pH dependent charges.
8. Derive the relationship among bulk density,
particle density, porosity of soils. 10. You are supposed to deliver a training session on 'soil
9. Mention various type of silicate clay minerals, nutrient management' to the progressive farmer group
describe the general properties of smectites. of Rampur. How would you illustrate on 'Ideal soil' to
10. What is solar system? Describe any one hypothesis for them. Describe in brief.
the evolution of the earth. 11. Define soil profile. Draw a well labelled diagram showing
11. Terai is called the "Breadbasket of Nepal". Justify all the master horizons with their characteristics features in short.
this statement with reference to soil properties, 12.What is solar system? Describe in short for about the
12. Write short notes on: evolution of earth.
a) Composition of the earth b) Soil structure c)Soil-plant
Essay Type Question: 10
Essay Type Question: 10 1. What is soil reaction? Explain the major sources
1. Define and explain cation exchange phenomena in soil. of soil acidity with suitable management options.
Write down the importance of cation exchange capacity Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
in soil fertility. 2. Define soil structures and explain its significance
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 in agriculture.
2. Define soil and explain why soil is considered as 3. How does phosphorous become unavailable to
a dynamic body. acid and alkaline soils? Explain.
3. Explain the unique contributions of nay two great 4. Define soil colloids and discuss their
scientist in the field of soil science, characteristics in brief.
4. Explain the general propertied of soil colloids and 5. How do you confirm that a given soil in saline?
their types and explain their importance in soil How does halophyte tolerate salinity?
science, 6. Vermiculites have higher cation exchange
5. Explain the buffering capacity of soil and why some capacity than that of Semctites, why?
soils are highly and some are poorly buffered? 7. Calculate the amount of CaCO3 required per hectare
6. Define soil texture. Compare physical, chemical of clayey land to replace 2.5 cmol H+ per kg soil
and mineralogical properties of sand and clay from the exchange complex.
particles? 8. Explain the effects of soil moisture regimes on
7. Define soil structure? How are soil aggregates formed soil color development.
and which constituents are responsible for their stability? 9. Describe the characteristics of soil of middle
8. Derive the formula used to calculate the percentage moun- tain region of Nepal.
of total pore-space in soil and differentiate between 10.Differentiate between active alluvial plains
sulk density and particle density of soil?
and recent alluvial plains.
9. What is soil pH? Describe the causes of soil acidity.
11.What is the significance of soil buffering
10. Explain the effects of pH on availability of plant
capacity? Explain the mechanisms of acid to
nutrients in soil.
11. Explain these terms in relation to salt in soil: ESP, SAR
buffer soil pH when lime is added.
and EC. Summarize the properties of salt affected soil,
12.Write short notes on:
a) Soil consistency
12. Describe these landforms in brief (any three):
a) Flood plain
d) Compiled By:- Free Students’bU)
Co nIsioomn,oLrpahmicjsuunbgstCituatmiopnus
b) Alluvial plain llu
c) Aeolian deposits 11
Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. Explain the types of soil colloids. Discuss the 1. Define the cases that develop specify type of soil reaction.
mineralogi- cal composition of layered silicate lays. Explain in detail the causes of osil acidity and suggest a
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 farmer who might have to solve the problem.
2. How do different people perceive soil? Define soil in Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
your own words. 2. Define soil in your own words. Describe soil as
3. "Weathering is the combination of disintegration and natural body and medium for the plant growth,
synthesis process". Justify the statement. 3. Soil is three phase system. Justify the statement with
4. Why is soil bulk density always lower than particle components of soils.
density? Discuss the importance of soil aeration in crop 4. "Weathering is the combination of disintegration and
growth. synthesis process". Justify the statement.
5. Is there any relation between soil pH and plan nutrients 5. Define soil porosity and derive the relationship
availability? Discuss. between the bulk density and particle density of soil.
6. What are the basic cause of soil acidity? Discuss in 6. Soil texture is relatively permanent property of
brief the type of soil acidity. soil, discuss the importance of soil structure in
7. Compare and contrast the Kaolinite, Smecticite and soil management.
Vermiculite type of silicate clay mineral in term of nutrient 7. Define soil colloids. How do soil colloids serve as
exchange capacity, water absorption and swelling 'bank' for plant nutrients?
properties. 8. Discuss the importance of cation exchange in soil system.
8. Differentiate between the soil texture and soil 9. What do you mean by salinity and sodicity? Give
structure. Explain thy types of soil structure. some management options to reclaim saline sodic soil.
9. Why is ion exchange considered as an important reaction 10. Write three hypotheses proposed for the evolution of
in soil? Describe in brief the cation exchange the solar system. Briefly discuss the Nebular hypothesis.
phenom- ena in soil. 11. Define primary and secondary minerals with examples.
10. Discuss the "Nebular Hypothesis" about the origin of the Differentiate between sedimentary and metamorphic
earth. rocks.
11. Differentiate between sedimentary rocks and metaphoric 12. Write physiographic units of Nepal. Discuss the geologi-
rocks. Also the list the names of some minerals founds in cal status of the Siwalik in detail.
these rocks,
12. Enlist the different physiographic units of Nepal.
Describe the soil of middle mountain unit of Nepal. FINAL eh benefits of liming in
EXAMINATIO intensive agriculture,
N - 2068 11. Mention the land forms
Essay Type Question: available in Nepal and
1. Define soil colloid and describe about the alluvial
describe the general soils
characteristics of soil 12. Write short notes on:
colloids and their types. a) Planetesimal hypothesis of the
Short Questions: (Attempt origin of the earth
Any Ten) b) Black color in the soil
2. What do you mean by soil? c) Soil pH and nutrient availability.
Explain briefly the concept
of soil
3. "Soil is a natural body."
Justify with examples.
4. How doe soil detoxify
the chemical pollutants
present in the soil?
5. What are the differences
between soil air and
atmospheric air?
6. Define soil separates and
describe the importance
of soil structure in
7. What is soil acidity?
Explain how soil become
8. What is CEC and what
creates difference in
CEC of the soils?
9. What are the
characteristics of saline
soil and how it can be
10. List how the liming
materials and explain
FINAL ance of
EXAMINA cohesion
TION - and
adhesion in
Essay Type Question: agriculture
1. Define soil soils,
colloids 7. Enlist types of
and soil structures
describe and describe the
the general properties of the
characteris- most suitable
tics of soil soil structure for
colloids, crop cultivation.
classify 8. Write down the
silicate different types
clays with of soil acidity
examples. and explain the
Short Questions: exchangeable
(Attempt Any Ten) soil acidity.
9. What are
2. What is the liming
soil? What materials?
are the uses Describe
of soil in briefly the
economic managemen
life of the t of acidic
society? soils for
3. Is soil natural dynamic agricultural
body? Justify your purposes.
10. Describe
4. How
does the
p between
soil pH and
become a
for plant
of crop
11. Write short notes on:
soil plant
a) Planetesimal hypothesis for
the origin of the earth.
b) Phosphorous and iron
5. List the components of
containing minerals
soil? Explain the soil
c) Physiographic and iron
containing minerals.
6. Define
12. Differentiate between:
a) Chemical and physical
weathering of rocks and
es and
b) White and black alkali soils
e the
c) Cation and anion exchange

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination 2073 poush
Essay Type Question: 6
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 20 1. Livestock production is a major occupation of hilly
Subject: Intoductory of Animal Science PM: 8 region's farmers in Nepal. Justify this statement with
Time: 1:30 hrs. your own logic.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 7x2=14
figure in the margin indicates full marks. 2. What do you mean by sanitation? Also mention its
importance in animal production.
Essay Type Question: 6
3. Differentiate between ruminant and non ruminant
1. Discuss about importance, scope and constraints of
animals with suitable examples.
livestock and poultry production in contest of the
4. Give zoological classification of the following .
Nepalese farming system.
a. Sheep b. Duck
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 7x2=14
5. Write in detail about animal marketing system in Nepal.
2. Give the zoological classification of cattle, buffalo,
sheep and goat. 6. Classify feed stuffs and also write major importance
of silage in ruminant production.
3. Write about care and management of new born calf.
7. Draw a labelled diagram of buffalo digestive system.
4. Write about sign of health and disease.
8. Write in detail on coccidiosis or tapeworm.
5. Discuss about transportation and marketing of animal
in Nepal. 9. Define the following terms (any six).
6. Write short notes on: a. Hay b. Farrowing c. Adlibitum d. Pellet ration
a) Aging b) Branding c) Casting e. Gutter f. Forage g. T-T Housing system
7. Enlist the indigenous breeds of cattle buffalo sheep and goat. 10. Define sick aniamls and also write about general care
and management of sick animals.
8. Write the incubation period, sign and symptom
and prevention and control of FMD. 11. Write general symptoms and prevention methods of
FMD or Ranikhet.
9. Write short notes on:
12. Write short notes on following (any three).
a) Farm record keeping b) Tattoing
a. Restraining b. Importance of farm record
10. Classify feed stuff on the basis of TDN content.
c.Liver fluke d. Management of new born
11. What are the major factors affecting barn sanitation
and also write about the characteristics of good
12. Write about differences between ruminant and F major advantages of fodder
non- ruminant. inal conservation in Nepal.
examination- 8. Discuss the sign and symptoms
2073 Essay of sick animals.
Type Question: 9. What are the importance
1. Define animal husbandry. of farm recording
Discuss importance, future keeping? Prepare a
scope and limitations of sample of herd book
overall livestock farming in record.
Nepal. 10. Write the prevention and
Short Questions: (Attempt control measures of FMD or
Any Ten) Ranikhet.
2. What are the significance 11. Write short notes n (any three):
of identification of farm a) Ageing of farm animals b)
ani- mals? Briefly discuss Characteristics of disinfec- tants
the method of tagging c) Casting of farm animals
with suitable example. d) Gestation ration
3. What are the rules of 12.Differentiate between
scientific naming? Ruminant and non-
Zoologically classify ruminant
the following: a) Goat
b) Fowl
4. Write in brief transportation
of farm animals.
5. Enlist the importance of
colostrum feeding. Write
general care and
management of newly
born calf.
6. Mention the significance
of barn sanitation.
Discuss the factors that
affect barn sanitation.
7. Classify the
feedstuffs. Give the
Back you transport
examin live animals
ation and animal
2072 products?
6. In a farm there
Essay Type Question: are 100 animals
1. Cattle and among them
s are 7 are sick. How
grazin do you find
g on animals are
the healthy or sick?
pastur 7. You are a farm
e land; manager and
you new calf are
need born today, how
to do you handle,
vaccin care and
ate manage them?
those 8. What do you
animal understand by
s. feed, fodder
How and feeding?
do you Differentiate
handle concentrate
them? and
Explai roughages.
n 9. You are
differe establishi
nt ng a new
metho dairy
d of farm,
restrai what are
ning the
animal records
s. you
Short Questions: (Attempt maintain
Any Ten) and
2. Livestock prepare?
and 10. What do you
poultry understand
are the by bran
assets of sanitation,
farming write its
commu- importance.
nity, 11. You need to buy
explain. ruminants, in
3. Differences between absence of record
ruminants and non- hoe do you
ruminants. identify the age
4. Zoologically classify of ruminants?
the cattle and poultry. Write dental
5. What are formula of pig.
the 12. Write short notes on:
means of a. H.S b.F.M.D
transport c.Ranikhet
ation and d.Branding
how do
Compiled By:- Free Students’
ls Union, Lamjung Campus
Back examination 2071 Back examination- 2068

Essay Type Question: 6 Essay Type Question: 6

1. Define Barn Sanitation. Why Sanitation is done? 1. How can you justify the importance of animal
Describe factor affecting barn sanitation. Write the husbandry in Nepal? Discuss the major scope,
characteristics of good disinfectants and classify it. constraints and possible solution of livestock farming in
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 7x2=14 Nepal.
2. Mention the major importance and constraints of Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 7x2=14
livestock farming in Nepal. 2. What is hierarchy of taxonomy? Zoologically classify
3. Define hierarchy of taxonomy. Zoologically classify the following animals.
the followings: a. Cattle b. Sheep c. Pig d. Fowl
a. Fowl b. Cattle c. Horse 3. What are the importance of identification of farm
4. What are the importance of identification of farm animals? Discuss its methods with special referee to
animals? Describe its methods. tattowing.
5. Mention the signs and symptoms of healthy and diseased 4. Explain the common appliances used for
animals. approaching handling and controlling of farm
6. Describe the methods of transportation of farm animals. animals.
7. Define the following terms; 5. Discuss the method of marketing of poultry and swine.
a. Free martin b. non-layer c. concentrate 6. Discuss the sign and symptoms of healthy cow.
8. Describe care and management of draft animals. 7. Mention the importance of colostrum feeding. Explain
9. What are the significances of maintaining farm records? the care and management of newly born calf.
Mention the major characteristics of a good farm 8. What is the significance of farm record keeping? Give
records. the sample of Herd book record.
10. Describe the process of hay making. Mention the charac 9. Mention the objectives of barn sanitation. Explain the
teristics of good quality hay. key points of factor affecting the maintenance of barn.
11. Write the prevention and control measures of 10. Classify the feed stuffs. Write the importance of
Black Quarter and Ranikhet . fodder production.
12. Write short notes on: 11. Write casual organisms, prevention and control of
a. Reuffs method of casting b. Classify the feed stuffs FMD and BQ.
b. Weighing of farm animals 12. Write short notes on:
a. Aging by dentition b. Casting c. Characteristics of

Final affect barn sanitation.

examination 7. Classify feedstuffs. Give the
- 2068 major advantages of fodder
conservation in Nepal.
Essay Type Question: 8. Discuss the sign and symptoms
1. Define animal husbandary. of sick animals.
Discuss importance, future 9. What is the importance of farm
scope and limitations of record keeping? Prepare a
overall livestock farming sample of herd book record.
in Nepal. 10. Write the prevention and
Short Questions: (Attempt control measures of FMD
Any Ten) and Ranikhet.
2. What are the significance 11. Write short notes on (any three):
of identification of farm a. Ageing of farm aniamls
ani- mals? Briefly discuss b. Characteristics of disinfectants
the method of tagging c. Casting of farm animals
with suitable example. d. Gestation ration
3. What are the rules of 12. Differentiate between Ruminant
scientific naming? and non- ruminant animals.
Zoologically clas- sify the
following: a.
Goat b. Fowl
4. Write in brief
transportation of farm
5. Enlist the importance of
colostrums feeding. Write
general care and
management of newly
born calf.
6. Mention the significance
of barn sanitation.
Discuss the factors that
Back in an animal Septicaemia (H.S.)? Write
examina farm? What are Compiled By:- Free
tion- the common mmjputnogmCs
2067 methods of aanmdpcuosntrol measures of
Essay Type Question: identifica- tion? it.
1. What 6. Classify 14
are the teeth
feedstu of farm
ffs? animals
Classif and give
y the the
feedstu dental
ffs and formula
describ of cattle,
e each sheep
of and goat.
them. 7. Why is
Short Questions: (Attempt record
Any Ten) keeping
2. Write done?
down Describe
the some
zoologi important
cal records that
classific should be
ation of kept in the
cattle farm.
and 8. How can the
buffalo. body weight
3. What of farm
are the animals be
Ecto estimated in
and the absence of
Endo weighing
parasite scale?
s? Discuss.
Write 9. What is
in brief casting?
about Write down
liver the different
fluke steps of
and casting by
Ticks. the use of
4. What are alternate
the methids.
digestive 10. How
organs of will you
ruminants differentiat
? Write e a healthy
down the animal
structure from that
and of a sick
function one?
of a cow 11. Discuss the
stomach. care and
5. Why is management of a
numbering newly born calf.
or marking 12.What is
important Haemorrhagic
RAMPUR, CHITWAN Essay type Questions 10
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2075 1. Define farm management. Discuss the importance of
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd Semester FM: 40 farm management in Nepalese context.
Subject: Farm management, Production PM: 16
Economics & Planning Time: 2 hrs. Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The 2. Define linear programming. Discuss the uses of linear
figure in the margin indicates full marks. pro gramming technique to solve farm management
Essay type Questions 10 problems with numeric example.
1. What is production function? Explain three zones of 3. Define marginal production. Explain law of equimarginal
production function along with the relationship among re- turns.
TP, AP and MP. 4. Discuss different types of enterprises relationships and
Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10
2. Show the nutrient cycle in a hill farming system. eco- nomic decisions in each relationships.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of farm 5. Define production function. How can you determine the
mechanization? least cost combination of two variable inputs?
4. What is least cost combination? 6. What are the major uncertainties affecting Nepalese
5. What are the relationships among enterprises? Explain farm- ers? Discuss on safeguard measures against them.
it along with the view of decision making. 7. What are the causes of poor labour use efficiency in
6. Enlist the principles involved in decision making agricul- ture sector of Nepal? Discuss on production
and explain the principle of equimarginal return.
7. What is farm planning? Why is it important? efficiency indi- cators with examples.
8. What is farm inventory? 8. What does farm planning mean? Develop a form for
9. What is linear programming? Explain the graphical monthly feed record to be used in raising 1000 broiler
method of linera programming for solving problem chicken in Terai condition of Nepal.
through a hypothetical example. 9. Estimate a partial budget of manual versus machine
10. Differentiate:
1. Farm management and Production Economics harvest- ing of wheat on the basis of best information you
2. Balance sheet and cash flow statement have re- garding the effect of machine use on yield and
3. Partial budgeting and complete budgeting cost per ropani.
11. What are the types of risk and uncertainity? 10. Define land management. Discuss on good farm layout
12. Write short note on (any three): and its importance in agriculture.
a. Farm records 11. Write short notes on:
b. Factors affecting farm cost and income a. Strategic management decisions
c. Expansion path
d. Scope of farm management b. Time value of money


Essay type Questions suc- cessful farm
1. Conceptualize the term business'. Comment.
production economics. 7. Discuss relationship
Discuss the stages of between various
classical production production curves in
function in detail. agriculture sectors.
Short type Questions (Attempt 8. What are the techniques of
any Ten) valuating farm assests?
2. What is linear Explain how will you arrive at
programming? least cost point graphically.
Explain the 9. Discuss the relationship of
principle of farm management with other
comparative sciences in detail.
advantage with 10.Explain the relationship
example. among enterprises in detail.
3. Explain the decision 11.Describe the strategies to be
making process of a adopted by farm manager to
typical farm in detail. minimize the effect of risk in
4. What is farm livestock and agriculture sector
inventory? in detail.
Describe the 12. Write short note on (any two):
methods of a. Partial budget
computing b. Elasticity of production
depreciation of c. Net worth statement
farm assets.
5. List out the types of
risks prevailing in
livestock sec- tor.
Also briefly describe
the steps of farm
6. ' Properly
maintained farm
records are key to
Essay type Questions good farm
1. Define farm plan? Why
management is it
along with its important to
scope. prepare a
Differentiate farm plan?
it with 5. Define linear
production programmin
economics g. What are
and show the the
relationship assumptions
of farm and
management application
with other of linear
sciences. programmin
Short type Questions g?
(Attempt any Ten) 6. What is net
2. Show worth
the statement?
relations How is it
hip different
among from
total income
product, statement?
margina 7. Explain nutrient cycle in
l Nepalese farming system.
product 8. Enlist
and various
average method to
product calculate
in depreciati
various on and
zones of explain
clas straight
sical line
producti method.
on 9. What is the
function importance of
. preparing a farm
3. Expla inventory? What
in are the methods
input of valuation?
input 10.What are the
relati various
onshi types of risk
p and and
profit uncertainity
maxi ? Enlist risk
miza managemen
tion t strategies
under for mango
this orchard.
relati 11. Write short notes on:
onshi a. Isoquant curve
p. b. Production possibility curve
4. What c. Land use efficiency
are the 12. Differentiate between:
charact a. Risk and Uncertainty
ers of a b. Fixed and variable
Compiled By:- Free
Essay type Questions 10 Essay type Questions 10
1. Define farm management. Discuss scope and 1. What is farm management? How farm management
importance of farm management in Nepalese context. is important in commercializing agriculture in
Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10 Nepal?
2. Enlist different farm management decisions. Explain Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10
production and organization decision with suitable
example. 2. What are the production relationships? Explain
3. What does production function mean? Explain satge of why second zone of production function is
pro duction function in detail. rational?
4. Write short notes on: a. Expansion path 3. What are the objectives of a farm manager? If you are a
b.Production possibility curve c.Land use efficiency farm manager and provided with limited resources, the,
5. Briefly explain the types of factor - factor relationship. How how would you manage the farm to achieve the
can you obtain the least cost combination of two variable inputs? objectives?
6. Draw an iso-revenue line. Describe different types of 4. Write the implications of following in farm management:
enter- prise combinations aand profit maximizing rules in a. Production possibility curve b. Least cost point
each com- bination. c. Derivative
7. What are the principles of farm management? Explain law
of equi0marginal returns with suitable example. 5. Suppose you have following relationship of profit:
8. A commercial farmer in Terai need tractor for his farm ?= Py.Y- [Px.X+FC] where ?= profit, Py = Price
opera- tion. Alternatives to him are; a. purchase a new of commodity,
tractor at Rs. 100,000 that will last for 15 years or b. Y= total production, Px= Price of inputs, X= Total input,
purchase a old at Rs. 60,000 and replace it by the next old FC= Fixec cost
tractor of value Rs. 50,000 after 8 years. Suggest him 6. Write short notes on:
which option will be eco nomical to him if he has limited a. Opportunity cost
capital. Also check which option is best if he has b. Principle of comparative advantage
unlimited capital. 7. What is linear programming? Describe the different
9. What do you mean by partial budgeting? Prepare an enter budget types and its importance in agricultural planning.
prise budget of raising a lot of 500 broilers in your 8. What is efficiency? Discuss various efficiency ratios in brief.
10. Differentiate between risk and uncertainty. Explain the 9. " Nepalese agriculture is not well managed", how
graphical method of linear programming in solving farm would you justify this statement?
management problems. 10. Differentiate following" a. Short run and long run
11. What is the importance of farm inventory preparation? b. Variable cost and fixed codt c. Average cost and marginal cost
Describe method of valuation along with the suitability of 11. Draw graph for following: a. Isoquant Vs Iscocost line
each method for valuation of different types of assets. b. PPC vs budget line c. Economies of scale
12. What do you mean by balance sheet? Prepare an income d. Supplementary product e. Factor- product relation
statement a farmer for the year 2070/71 putting 12. Conceptualize risk and uncertainity. Discuss the
hypothetical data relevant to an average Nepalese farmer. safeguard measures of risk and uncertainity.


Essay type Questions 10
1. What are the assumptions of linear programming? Essay type Questions 10
Explain the relationship of farm management with other 1. Define farm management. Explain the scope
discipline in detail.
Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10 and major issues of farm management in
2. Discuss the relationship between inputs in brief. Also Nepal.
explain the steps of arriving at optimum combination Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10
of enterprises.
3. How is income statement different from cash flow 2. Explain least cost combination.
state- ment? Discuss liquidity and solvency ratios for a 3. Define product and describe its types.
typical livestock farm.
4. 'In order to maximize resource use efficiency, a farm 4. First and third zone of production function
manager must operate his business in second region of are called irrational, why?
classical production function'. Justify this statement.
5. What do you mean by risk and uncertainty? List
5. What are the principles involved in farm management the safe measures of risk and uncertainty.
decisions? Discuss any two principlkes that you consider
most important in brief.
6. Define linear programming. Describe the
6. Differentiate risk and uncertainty. Also write down graphical method of linear programming with an
the steps to be followed to arrive at least cost point. example.
7. What do you mean by farm planning and budgeting? 7. Explain the comparative advantage principle.
Construct a hypothetical linear programming model.
8. What are the characteristics of a good farm plan? Discuss 8. Differentiate farm plan and farm budgeting.
the importance of farm management studies in Enlist the farm management decisions.
Nepalese's condition. 9. Explain nutrient cycle in Nepalese context.
9. What do you mean by farm resources? Explain
the valuation techniques of farm assets in detail. 10.Explain the methods of calculating depreciation.
10. What is partial budget? Discuss the strategies to mitigate 11.Law of diminishing return is applied in
risk and uncertainity. agriculture.
11. Explain decision making process in detail.
12. Differentiate between (any two):
12. Define:
a. Input Vs Output a. Expansion path
b. Isoquant Vs Product transformation curve b. Product transformation curve
c. Network statement
c. Total value product Vs Total reCtuornmpiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2075 1. Write about the spacing, climatic and edhapic
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd Semester FM: 40 require- ments of rice, maize and wheat. Also enlist
Subject: Cereal Crop Production PM: 16 each five varieties of rice, maize and wheat with
Time: 2 domain.
hrs. Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
2. Classify maize on the basis of endosperm.
3. Write down the soil and climatic requirements, seed
Essay type Questions 10 rate and spacing of barley.
1. What are the causes and effects of late sown wheat in 4. Fingermillet crop is also called "poor's food" why?
Nepal? Describe in details.
Short type Questions (Attempt any Ten) 3x10 Write the importance of fingermillet crop.
2. Classify rice cultivars grown in the world and 5. Explain the different growth stages of rice.
describe them in Brief. 6. Define baby corn. Write down the importances and
3. Write short notes on (any three): uses of baby corn.
a. Dalbhat combination of ration in Nepalese diet 7. Mention the scientific ways to increase the nitrogen use
b. Baby-corn c. Crown root initiation stage in wheat. efficiency in lowland rice.
d. System of rice intensification.
4. Describe the reasons for higher yields of winter maize 8. Enlist the five major weeds of maize filed na dexplain
than the spring and summer maize in Nepal. the weed control practices in maize crop.
5. Mention the scientific ways to increase the nitrogen use 9. Differentiate between:
efficiency in lowland rice. a. Direct seeding rice system and system of rice intensification.
6. Write about the buckwheat species, soil requirement b. Photosensitive and photo insensitive crops
and fertilizer management for their higher yield in
c. Japonica and indica cultivar
7. Mention the seed rate, planting seasons and planting 10. What are the causes and effects of late sown wheat in Nepal?
methods of finger millet in brief. 11. Suggest the major cereal based cropping systems for
8. Enlist the major weeds of direct seeded rice and terai, mid hill and high hill regions of Nepal.
suggest the ways for their scientific management. 12. What are the reasons of higher yield of winter maize
9. Write down the sunshine hour, temperature and rainfall than the spring and summer maize in Nepal?
required for main season rice grown in Nepal and South
10. Enlist the latest five cultivars of rice, maize and FINAL of rice.
wheat recommended for mid-hill region of Nepal. EXAMINATIO 8. Enlist the major weeds of
11. Write down the water and nutrient management in Barley. N - 2072 rice field and explain the
12. Suggest the major cereal based cropping systems for Essay type Questions
terai, mid hill and high hill regions of Nepal. weed control practices in rice
1. Discuss the fate of added crop.
nitrogen in wetlands rice 9. Differentiate between:
and methods for minimizing a. Direct seeding rice Vs system of
nitrogen loss from flooded rice intensification
rice soils. b. Photosensitive Vs photo
Short type Questions (Attempt insensitive crops.
any Ten) c. Japonica vs indica cultivar
2. Classify maize on the basis 10. Write the weed and nutrient
of endosperm. management in wheat crop.
3. Write down the soil and 11. Why is the yield of chaite dhan
climatic requirements of higher than barkhe dhan?
barley. Explain.
4. Fingermillet crop is also 12. Why is the yield of winter
called "poor's food" maize higher than the rainy
why? Write the season maize in Terai of
importance of Nepal? Dicuss in brief.
fingermillet crop.
5. What are the different
growth stages of rice.
6. Give the name of five
varieties of rice, maize
and wheat grown in
hilla nad high hills of
Nepal .
7. Write short notes on: a.
b. Economic importance of
c. Yield and yield components
17 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
FINAL SRI (System wheat cultivation. indica, japonica and javonica
EXAMINA of Rice 4. Write down the major sub-species of rice. Shortly
TION - Intensificatio practices of DSR write the features of dapog
2071 n). (Direct Seeded Rice) method of seedling raising of
Essay type Questions 5. Explain about weed and SRI (System of rice.
1. Explain managemnent practices in Rice Intensification). 4. What do you mean by
water and rice. 5. What are the effects of puddling? Write about the
nutrient 6. Compare and water deficit on maize? special features of submerged
management contrast How would you avoid rice soil.
in lowland between water deficit in maize 5. Briefly discuss about the growth
rice various under rainfed condition? stages of wheat plant.
cultivation. methods of
Write about 6. How is nitrogen lost 6. How can we manage the water in
rice nursery from lowland rice field? wheat, if available?
ways of preparation.
nitrogen Discuss the ways to 7. Explain about the seed rate,
7. Describe improve nitrogen-use sowing time, sowing depth and
losses and various
ways to efficiency under such spacing in wheat.
intercultura condition. 8. Give reasons for the higher
improve l
nitrogen use 7. Describe various yield of maize in winter than in
operations intercultural operations the summer season.
efficiency in practice in
that practiced in maize. 9. Write about the rate, time
maize. 8. Write short notes on: and method of manure and
condition. 8. Write short notes on:
Short type Questions a. Triticale fertilizers application in
a. Triticale maize.
(Attempt any Ten) b. Economic importance of
b. Weed management in
2. Classify maize on the buckwheat 10. Mention about 2 most
basis of endosperm. c. Types of maize based on popular maize varieties for
c. Types of wheat based on
3. In Nepal, endosperm each agroecological region of
ploidy level.
winter and 9. What are the types Nepal. How can we manage
9. What are types of barley
summer of barley and how the weeds in maize?
and how are they
grown are they disti 11. Highlight the improved
cereals face guished? agrotechniques of
10. Write 5
water varieties each 10. Write five varieties of fingermillet production in
deficiet. of rice, wheat rice, maize and wheat short.
What and maize with with their 12. Short notes on (any three):
agronomic their recommendation a. Fertilizer and manure
ways would recommendatio domain. management in buckwheat.
you n domain. 11. Describe the planting b. Seed rate and sowing in barley
recommend 11. Describe the methods of finger millet c. Post-harvest operation in rice
to reduce or planting methods and also highlight the seed d. Triticale
manage of finger millet rate, crop geometry and
crop and also plant nutrients required
production highlight the for each method of
in such seed rate, crop planting.
environmen geometry and 12. Describe the current
t. plant nutrients status of agronomic
4. Write required for each research in Nepal.
down the method of
major planting.
practices FINAL
12. Write short notes on: EXAMINATIO
of DSR ( a. climatic requirement of N - 2068
Direct barley Essay type Questions
Seeded b. Water management in 1. Discuss in detail about
Rice) and wheat the fate of added
FINAL Write the water nitrogen in wetland rice
EXAMINA management in lowland and methods for
TION - rice correlating it with the minimizing nitrogen loss
2070 in flooded rice.
rice physiology.
Essay type Questions Short type Questions (Attempt
Short type Questions (Attempt
1. Explain land any Ten)
any Ten)
preparation, seed 2. How does a rice plant
2. Classify wheat on the basis
sowing and nutrient of ploidy level. respond to temperature and
management in light?
3. Explain the water
different in different 3. Comparatively
and nutrient
types of rice nursery. differentiate between
management in
18 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
FINAL national average any Ten) irrigate the wheat
EXAMINA productivity of
2. Discuss the fertilizer crop.
maize lower than management in low
that of rice?
6. Discuss the seed rate,
Essay type Questions
land rice. fertilizer and plating time in
1. Explain about 3. List the wheat.
6. Write about weed and
the climatic major weeds
and edaphic
nutrient management in 7. Why is the
wheat. of rice. yield of winter
requirements 7. Write short notes on:
of rice.Write Describe in maize higher
a. Triticale b. Economic
about the importance of buckwheat brief the than the rainy
land c. Seed treatment weed control season maize
preparation methods in
and nutrient
8. Classify maize on the basis in terai of
of endosperm. low land Nepal?
manage- 9. Write five rice.
ment in varieties of
8. Explaintheimportanceofbuckw
transplanted rice, maize
4. Write heatcultivationin Nepal.
rice. down the 9. Write down the
and wheat
Short type Questions recommen
(Attempt any Ten)
with their planting time, seed
recommend ded tae, spacing and
2. Explain ation varieties of
nursery fertilizer application
raising in
10. Describe the
each crops in finger millet.
rice. rice, wheat 10.Why is the
planting methods
Distinguis and maize
h between
of finger millet yield of Chaite
the sub-
and also for both dhan higher
highlight the terai and
species of than the
seed rate, crop
geometry and
mid hills barkhe dhan?
sativa. of Nepal. 11. Write short notes (any
plant nutrients
3. Write 5. What are the
required for each two):
down the method of
critical stages a. Puddling b. Triticale
planting. of wheat for
practices c.Importance of barley in Nepal.
11. Write short notes on:
of DSR
a. Water management in
irrigaton? If 12.Describe the fertilizer
(Direct irrigated wheat you have only management for improved
Seeded two irrigations,
b. Weed management in maize cultivation in Terai.
Rice) &
buckwheat c. Glutein when will you
(System 3. Write the characteristics of
12. Enlist major UNIVERSITY
of Rice different lawn grasses.
weeds of maize INSTITUTE OF
Intensific 4. How can you justify
and explain the AGRICULTURE AND
ation). ANIMAL SCIENCE floriproducts are
weed control
4. What are the RAMPUR, CHITWAN economically important?
practices in FINAL EXAMINATION - Justify with examples.
effects of maize. 2075 5. What are the different
water deficit
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd methods of dormancy
in maize? FINAL Semester breaking of gladiolus corms?
agronomist, FM: 40 Subject: 6. What are the basic
N - 2067
would you Essay type Questions
Ornamental consideration that should be
avoid water Horticulture done before establishing of
1. List the Time: 2nursery
hrs. enterprises?
deficit in
maize? different Candidates are required to give their answers in 7. Describe briefly the landscape
methods of their own words as practicable as possible. The design process.
Explain. figure in the margin indicates full marks.
5. C4 crops are raising 8. How temperature affects
Essay Type Question postharvest life of flowers?
generally seedling 1. Define landscape. 9. Describe the chain of life steps of
better and explain What are the factors flowers.
producers and
any two of affecting land scape 10. Write short notes on:
them with design? a) Nursery media
Short type Questions
more efficient their 2. Write the characteristics
than C3 . b)Nursery containers
advantages. of the plants suitable for 11. Differentiate between:
why is the Short type Questions (Attempt bonsai making. a) Sympodial orchid and monopodial
19 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
orchid 9. What types of plants are FINAL 12. Write short notes on:
b) Pinching and suitable for hanging EXAMINATION a) Pergola b) Boulevard c)
disbudding basket? Classify - 2073 Xeriscape gardening
c) Spray chrysanthemum different types of House d) FAN
and standard plants with examples. Essay Type Question
chrysanthemum 10. What do you know about 1. What is
12. Write the propagation pre-cooling and storage landscape
method followed in of cut flowers. gardening? And
rose. 11. Briefly describe about explain the
FINAL objectives of flower principles
EXAMINATION - exhibition and hints for involved in FINAL
2072 flower judging. landscape EXAMINATION -
Essay Type Question 12. Describe in brief different gardening 2071
1. Discuss cultivation methods employed for design. Essay Type Question
of Chrysanthemum propaga- tion of roses. Short type Questions 1. What is lawn?
under following 30 Describe different
headings: i) 2. Differentiate types of grass used
Propagation ii) between for making lawn.
manure and weak and What are the different
fertilization iii) de- strong methods of lawn
shooting and dis- geophyte establishment? What
budding iv) are the major
with example.
important disease management
3. Compare and
v) protected cultivation
contrast eastern practices for lawn
Short type Questions
and western maintenance?
design and Describe.
2. Define landscape
twister and also Short Questions
highlight the 2. Describe the
Comment on factors
which affect motto and aims importance of
landscape design. of Ikebana. ornamental
3. Discuss the main 4. Explaining pruning and root horticulture in
features of Japanese exposing in rose. Nepal.
style of gardening. 5. Discuss the process of 3. What is landscape?
4. Write short notes on making bonsai. Describe about
(any three): 6. Discuss landscape designing
a) Economic value of cleaning and process.
ornamental gardening light 4. What is bonsai?
b) Bio-aesthetic planning management What types of
c) Sphagnum moss of indoor plants are suitable
d) Guidelines for selection orna- mental for making
of containers for Bonsai plants. Bonsai? Write
5. Describe briefly the 7. Discuss briefly with example.
different methods of the use of 5. Classify Carnation.
planting lawn grass. ornamental Describe about
6. How shifting of plants in pinching methods in
potted plant is landscape Carnation.
done? Why is gardening 6. What are the factors
repotting design. influencing
necessary? 8. Discuss the management postharvest longevity
7. Discuss the aesthetic practices of established of cut flowers?
use of following lawn. 7. What is indoor
ornamental plants: 9. Classify the orchid gardening? What
a) Acalypha b) according to the habit with are the practices
Gulmohar c) example. that should be
Hibiscus 10. Discuss about calyx done for the
8. Give reason of splitting in carnation. maintenance of
wiring and 11. Discuss the indoor plants?
method of wiring objectives and 8. What is nursery?
of Bonsai plants. goal of chain of What are the basic
How dwarfing of life concept in considerations for
plant is achieved postharvest the nursery
in Bonsai handling of cut enterprise
making? flowers. development?
20 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
9. Write short notes on: 11. Classify orchids. Final in landscape garden-
a) Factors affecting Write about the examinatio ing design.
landscape design potting media n- 2068 5. Describe the management
of rose commonly used Essay Type Question practices of established lawn.
c) Types or styles of in orchids. 1. Why orchid is 6. Enlist the rose root
Bonsai 12. What are the wondrous stocks and explain
10. Differentiate between: commonly among flowers? how the modern
a) Formal and informal used Discuss about roses are
styles of gardening containers? orchids on the developed.
b) Pinching and Describe the following 7. Write down the
disbudding advantages of heads: aesthetic and
c) Standard and spray plastic pot a) Classification according to functional uses of
Chrysanthemum over clay. habit b) Media for growing follow- ing plants:
Final splitting in Carnation. orchids a) Polyaltheapendula b)Petunia
examin 11. Write objectives and c) Structures for c)
ation- goal of chain of life growing orchids d) Tagetes spp.
2069 concept in Manuring and 8. Discuss the importance of
postharvest handling fertilization Short nursery raising of plants.
Essay Type Question of cut flowers. type Questions 9. How can you
1. What is 12. Write short notes on (any 30 judge the
landscape three): 2. Compare harvesting stage
gardening? a) Pergola b) Boulevard and contrast of following
Explain the c) Xeriscape gardening eastern and ornamentals:
principles d) FAN western a) Carnation b) Gladiolus
involved in design of c) Rose
landscape flower 10. Discuss the
gardening arrangement remedies for
design. . prolonging vase
Short type Questions 3. Discuss life of cut
the goals flowers.
2. Differentiate and 11. Discuss the judging
between weak and objectives criteria in flower
strong geophytes of "Chain shows and competi-
with example. of Life" tion.
3. Compare and concept. 12. Write short notes on the
contrast eastern and 4. Briefly following:
western design and describe the a) Sciophytes b)
twister and also steps involved Calyx splitting c)
highlight te motto Dieback in rose
and aims of
4. Explain pruning and Final suitable examples.
root exposing in rose. examinatio 5. Briefly discuss the propagating
5. Discuss the process of n- 2067 methods of Bougainvillea and
making bonsai. Chrysanthemum.
6. Describe Essay Type Question 6. Write short notes on (any three):
cleaning and 1. Discuss Rose under the a. Indoor plants b.
light following heading: Nursery media c. Mughal -
management a) Classification b) garden d. Flower
of indoor Propagation c) exhibition
ornamental Pruning and root 7. Briefly discuss the postharvest
plants. exposing d) Important practices of cut flowers.
7. Mention use of pests and diseases 8. Briefly discuss the classification
ornamental plants in Short type Questions and protected cultivation of
landscape gardening 30 orchids.
design. 2. Mention the important 9. What are the factors that affect
8. Discuss the varieties of Gladiolus landscape design?
management practices and Tube rose. 10. Define lawn. Give suitable
of established lawn. 3. Discuss stopping and de- plant species for making lawn.
9. Classify the orchid shooting in Dahlia. Give the maintenance tips for
according to habit with 4. Differentiate between lawn.
example. cacti and succulents with 11. What is a bonsai? Give five
10. Discuss about calyx
21 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
suitable plant species Final factors a. Origin and distribution b. Orchid
for making bonsai. examinatio affecting house c. Propagation d. Harvesting
Also mention how a n- 2066 the 10. Write short notes on (any three):
plant can be Essay Type Question postharvest a. Partial opening b. Topophysis
miniatuized. 1. Landscape longevity c. Basic rules of Ikebana d.
12. Briefly discuss the design is a of cut Pulsing
elements of landscape problem flower. 11. Differentiate between ( any
gardening 8. Discuss on the following three):
process. Why? aspects of gladiolus. a) a. Cacti and succulents b.
Varieties Complementary and analogous
Discuss in
b) Corm dormancy c) arrangement
detail the
Plant depth d) c. Burmuda grass and Korean grass
Harvesting d. Pinching and disbudding
design process
9. Discuss on the following 12. Briefly describe about the flower
and the factors
aspects of Orchids. exhibition and judgment.
affecting it.
Short type Questions TRIBHUVAN 7. Explain the characteristics of
2. Ornamenta UNIVERSITY Holestein Frisian breed.
l 8. Write in brief about use of draft
horticultur ANIMAL SCIENCE animals.
e is an RAMPUR, CHITWAN 9. Explain the constraints of
emerging FINAL EXAMINATION - ruminant production in
2073 Nepalease farming system.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd Semester
in Nepal.
Justify this
Subject: Ruminant
in brief. production
3. Briefly T
mention the ime: 1:30 hrs. Candidates are required to FINAL EXAMINATION -
climatic give their answers in their own words as 2072
requirement practicable as possible. The figure in the margin EASSY TYPE QUESTION
s of rose indicates full marks. 1. Discuss about importance
and EASSY TYPE QUESTION of colostrum and artificial
tuberose. 1. What are the methods of rearing of new born.
4. Briefly housing dairy cattle? Give SHORT QUESTIONS
discuss the the comparative merit and (ATTEMPTANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
aesthetic and demerit of loose 2. Discuss about system housing for
functional use and cow house barn dairy cattle housing.
of five system. Discuss the 3. Enlist the important breeds of
ornamental factors which affect the sheep and goats. Explain the
shrubs and location and construction characteristics of Lampuchare
five of dairy farm building. and Beetal.
ornamental SHORT QUESTIONS 4. Write the care and management of
trees with (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) new born calf.
their 7*2=14 5. Write in brief about the use of
scientific 2. Discuss in brief about the draft animals.
name. care and management of 6. Explain the breed characteristics
5. What do you milking animals for of Jafarabadi buffalo.
mean by potting maximizing the milk 7. Discuss about different methods
and repotting? production. of milking.
Explain the 3. Which hand or machine 8. Explain briefly the feeds and
significance of milking methods would feeding of ruminants.
repotting. you prefer on your farm? 9. Write short notes on:
6. Define Give reasons. a) Dehorning
bonsai and 4. Enlist the important b) Dipping
enlist the breeds of sheep and
plant write the charac teristics
specimen of Merino.
selection 5. What do you mean by
criterion for colostrums and write the
bonsai. importance of colostrums
7. Briefly feeding?
mention the 6. Write in brief about selection
and judging of dairy cattle.
22 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
FINAL Dehorning? method of Dehorning
EXAMINA Explain the with its merits.
2073 FINAL
1.Explain the EXA 1. Why goat is regarded as EASSY TYPE QUESTION
management MIN poor man's cow? Explain 1. Discuss the
practices of the importance of
dairy cattle ATIO importance, scope and
N- ruminants in Nepalese constraints of
adopted in hot
climate to take 2071 agricultural systems. Also ruminant production in
optimum EASS explain the problems of Nepal.
performance Y ruminants farming (e.g. SHORT QUESTION
SHORT QUESTIONS TYPE dairy cattle) in commercial
7*2=14 QUES level among our farmers. 2. Name five important
2. Give the characteristics TION SHORT ANSWERS cattle breeds and write
of Murrha and Merino 1. Explain (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) down the breed
breed. about the characteristics of
3. Describe the role of 2. Write down the breed
ruminant animal in importance Murrah Buffalo.
and scope characteristics of Holstein- 3. Differentiate between
4. Describe of Friesian cow. Loose housing and
the Ruminant 3. What do you mean by barn systems as
artificial production estrus cycle? Explain housing.
rearing of in Nepal. the external systems of
calf and 4. Differentiate
SHORT QUESTION heat in cattle. between Full hand
feeding (ATTEMPTANY SEVEN) 4. Discuss about care and and Stripping
system. 7*2=14 management of breeding method of milking.
5. Explain the feeding of 2. Draw a well labeled diagram bull. 5. What is
dairy cow. of digestive system of a 5. Describe about various
6. Write the care of Castration? State
buffalo. type of milking the objectives
breeding buck and
culling of goat. 3. Why is castration methods. Which method and different
7. Explain about dipping mostly done in do you consider the best methods of
sheep. young animals? one? Castration.
8. What Describe the 6. Explain about different
are the 6. Enlist the desirable
burdizo method types of housing systems characters for Judging
to be of castration. with their merits and and selection of a
conside 4. What do you Demerits. dairy cow by using
r while mean by estrus 7. Why castration is Score card method.
selectio cycle? Write done in male animals?
n of 7. Discuss the care and management
the important Describe the Burdizzo of new born lamb.
g symptoms of method of castration. 8. Discuss the role
stock? estrus in a cow. 8.Explain the importance of of draft animals
Describ 5. Describe the care and colostrums feeding in new born in Nepalese
e in management of new born animals.
brief. farming system.
calf. 9. Write short notes on:
9. Write short note on: 9. Write short notes on (any two):
6. Write short note on: a) Grooming b) Murrah
a) Flushing a) Grooming b) Docking
Synchronization of a) Murrah b) c)Jamunapari c) Merino
heat Lime c)
d) Jamunapari e)
Lampuchhre f)
7. Describe the
Friesian and
8. Explain about care and
management of breeding FINAL 1. What are the Salient points is
bull. EXAMINATI grouping of dairy farm
9. What do you ON - 2068 buildings? Explain the
mean by EASSY TYPE QUESTION different types of intensive
23 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
cattle housing and FINAL example. introduced in
give merits of each. EXAMINATIO 9. Enlist Nepal and which
SHORT QUESTIONS N - 2067 different ones are
(ATTEMPT ANY breeds of considered most
SEVEN) EASSY TYPE QUESTION goat appropriate &
2. What do you 1. Why crude why?
understand by fiber is TRIBHUVAN 12.Account the
'breed'? List the essential for UNIVERSITY contribution of Louis
factors you would ruminant
Pasteur and M.
consider in selection AGRICULTURE AND
animals? ANIMAL SCIENCE Beijerinck.
of dairy cattel breed Also, write RAMPUR, CHITWAN
in Nepalese the scope of FINAL EXAMINATION -
condition. ruminant 2075
3. Explain the care and production in Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd
management of Semester
breeding buck. AGRICULTURAL
general care and 7*2=14
management of new Time: 2 hrs.
2. Write breed Candidates are required to give their answers in
born calf up to one characteristics of their own words as practicable as possible. The
year age. following figure in the margin indicates full marks.
5. Why is Full hand breeds: Jersey EASSY TYPE QUESTION:
milking preffered to and Nili-Ravi. 1. What is
any other method of 3. Why sheep and Transduction?
hand milking? goat are suitable Explain the process
6. Write the breed for midhill with well labeled
characteristics: region? Also diagram.
a)Brown swiss b) write in short SHORT QUESTION:
Jaffarabadi c)
about their (ATTEMPT ANY TEN)
grazing 10*3=30
7. Define the followings:
systems. 2. What is the role of plasmid
a) Animal Judging
4. Write in short in cell and genetic
score card b) engineering?
about care and
Animal Body
management of 3. Draw nitrogen cycle
wedges- side, top,
newly born kid. along with the names of
5. What do you associated microbes.
8. What do you mean by 4. Define mycorrihza.
understand by
milking? Which Differentiate between
barn sanitation? method is ectomycorrhiza and
suitable for endomycorrhiza.
disinfectants and cattle and why? 5. Write short note on
6. " staphylococcal
9. Differentiate between:
Convention intoxication. Name one
a) Hand milking and al housing mycotoxin and the micro-
machine milking
system is organism producing it.
b) Stanchion stall and suitable for 6. How does microbial
Tie stall of animal
milking degradation of starch take
animals", place?
why? 7. Name six antibiotics and
Justify with microorganisms producing
your them.
suitable 8. Explain the role of
logic. protozoa and fungi in
7. Write short notes on: rumen with four
a. Casting b. examples of each.
Docking c. 9. Name any ten
Grooming bacterial diseases of
8. How can plants with causal
you oraganisms.
estimate 10. Explain biodegradation of
the age of aromatic hydrocarbons.
sheep? 11. Define biopesticide and its
Write with types with examples.
24 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
FINAL b t microbes.
EXAMINA r f 10. Name any ten
TION - i e fungal
e a pathogens of
f t plants with the
a u diseases.
1. Explain the
c r 11.Account the
c e contributions of
o s S. Winogradsky
u . and M.
n 9. How does Beijerinck.
t lignin 12. Categorize and
o degradation explain the
account of
n take place? types of
Name at least microorganism
s three s encountered
a associated in milk.
2. Draw
m 11. Explain the phosphorous cycle.
o 12. Classify micro- organisms
cycle FINAL
n EXAMINATION with examples. Describe
e - 2072 the characteristics of any
with the
names of
l 1.What do you mean by
o genetic recombination?
s Describe types of
i transduction with their detail
3. Explain microbial
s mechanism. Point out the
degradation of aliphatic
hydrocarbons. significance of
a recombination in bacteria.
4. Define
c 2.Explain briefly the
a importance of microbiology
m in agricultural field .
p 3. Present the general
y schemes of degradation
d of
l of aromatic
o hydrocarbons.
b 4. Enlist
a Biofertilizers.
c Explain mass
5. Name at least five rumen
t production of
associated bacteria and
e Cyanobacteria.
their role.
r 5. Enlist the important
6. Describe Azolla-
i bacterial diseases of plant
Anabaena symbiosis.
o with causal oraganisms.
7. Differentiat
s 6.What is Hay and silage?
e between
i Describe the role of
s microbes in silage
n and making?
continuous w 7. Describe the cell of
fermentatio i organism possessing
n. t incipient nucleus with well
8. G h - labeled diagram.
i 8. Give the role of microbes in
v s the degradation of cellulose
e a and protein.
l 9. Describe the microbiology
a i of milk and milk products.
e 10. Give the mechanism of
n symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
25 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
FINAL nutritional fungicides and herbicides. micro-organisms in
EXAMINA requirement 3. Mention only the outline of maintaining nitrogen
TION - 2071 for growth of sulphur and nitrogen cycle. cycle.
bacteria. 4. Give a note on 4. Describe Azolla-
ESSAYTYPE QUESTION: 5. Differentia nutritional Anabaena symbiosis.
te between requirements of Mention the significance
1. Defin Lytic and bacteria and of this symbiosis.
e Lysogenic nematodes. 5. What is mycorrhiza? Classify
myco phase of 5. Name any five fungal and mycorrhiza giving character-
rrhiza transductio five bacterial diseases with istics of each group.
. n. their causal organisms and 6. Name some recalcitrant and
What 6. Write about phosphorus hosts occurring in plants. biodegradable pesticides. Give
are cycle. 6. Give a definition and the general scheme for the
its 7. What is classification of biodegradation of pesticides
speci anaerobic mycorrhiza and also having aromatic side chain.
es? digestion of mention their importance. 7. Classify micro-organisms on the
Write organic residues? 7. Write the short notes on: basis of cellular organiza- tion.
the Write its major a. Silage Mention the characteristics of
mech steps and b. Antibiotics any one group.
anism responsible c. Asymbiotic nitrogen 8. Enlist only five bacterial
of microorganisms. fixation diseases and five fungal
symb 8. Define d. Food borne infection and diseases of plants with their
iotic recalcitrant toxins causal organisms.
Nitro chemicals. 8. Define biofertilizers. Give 9. Describe the microbiology of
gen Outline the their importance in milk.
fixati process of agriculture. 10. Write about any two food
on? degradation 9. Describe plant microbes infections and One food
SHORT QUESTIONS of aromatic association with suitable intoxication.
(ATTEMPTANY TEN) chemicals by example. 11. Enlist any ten ruminal micro-
10*3=30 microorganis 10.What do you mean by organisms and mention their
2. Define micro biology. ms. prokaryotic cell? Draw role in rumen.
Classify 9. Define and classify bio & label a typical 12. Enlist the important
microorganisms. remediation. bacterial cell. biofertilizers and
3. What are 10. Differentiate 11.Write short-notes on the biopesticides. Describe the
different between sign followings: mass inoculums production
cell and symptoms. a. Butter b. Cheese c. method of any one
envelopes How is mass Rumen microbiology biofertilizer.
of culture of 12.Describe microbial
prokaryoti Rhizobium degradation of cellulose.
c cell? done?
Differenti 11. Define rumen
ate microbiology.
between What are
the cell different phases
wall FINAL
of silage EXAMINATIO
componen production? N - 2067
ts of 12. Short notes on:(any three)
Gram a) Application of EASSY TYPE QUESTION:
positive microbiology in 1. Name any two prokaryotic
and Gram agriculture and two eukaryotic
negative b) Fermentation microorgan- isms. Describe
bacteria. c) Dairy microbiology the cell structure of a
4. What are d) koch's postulate typical prokaryotic micro-
organism with well labeled
FINAL background of diagram.
TION - Describe their
importance in
agriculture. 2. How genetic
SHORT QUESTION recombinations occur in
(ATTEMPTANY TEN) bacteria? Describe any
1. Give the 10*3=30
historical one mechanism.
2. Define insecticides, 3. Describe the role of
26 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
FINAL importance of structure of 8. Enlist each five
EXAMINA microbes in peptidoglycan. important plant
TION - industry, Give three pathogenic bacteria
agriculture and differ- ences and fungi and
medicines. between gram diseases caused by
9. Discuss briefly positive and them.
the role of gram negative 9. Describe briefly bio-
1. Define mycorrhiza and
micro-organisms bacteria. pesticides and on
describe various types
in soil fertility 5. Describe how conjugation which factor the use of
and crop takes place in bacteria. bio-pesticides depends.
micorrhiza with
production. 6. Define and 10.Describe the
examples. Give its
10. Define classify metabolism of
significance in
recalcitrant mycorrhiza carbohydrate and
pesticides with mentioning the protein in the rumen
examples and characteris- tics by ruminal
10*3=30 also write about of each group. microbes.
food borne 7. Write down 11.Describe about
2. Describe briefly the
carbon and sulphur mycotoxins. name of two the diseases
cycle in nature. 11. Give mechanism of biodegradable caused by food
3. Give the symbiotic nitrogen fixing and two borne infection
microbes. recalci- trant and food borne
name of
microbes 12. Write in short the pesticides. in toxication.
which help nutritional With the help 12.Classify
in the requirements and of general microorganisms
degradation genetics of scheme show present in milk with
of lipids, bacteria. how aromatic examples and also
starch and insecticides are name the sources
cellulose. degraded by through which they
4. Give the microbes. enter in the milk.
1. Classify FINAL
crop plants. EXAMI F.M 1. Draw a well labeled
5. Give short notes on biological NATIO . 40 diagram of a typical
any three: nitrogen fixing N- P.M plant cell and give the
organisms with 2075 . 16
a. Botulism Tim functions of important
ex- amples. Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd
b. Transformation e: 2 cell organells.
Show with the Semester
C. Pasteurization d. Hrs SHORT QUESTION:
help of labeled Subject: Introductory (ATTEMPTANY TEN) 10*3=30
6. Discuss diagrams only Crop Physiology
how nodule is Candidates are required to give their answers in and passive absorption of water?
formed in their own words as practicable as possible. The 5. Outline C2 cycle. What are the
leguminous figure in the margin indicates full marks. conditions required for its
biopestici initiation?
des and 1. Define respiration? 6. What is guttation? Which
biofertiliz the mechanism
Outline the EMP theory is most accepted for
ers with of biological
pathway and TCA cycle explaining opening and
suitable nitrogen closing of stomata?
with all the steps and
examples. fixation. enzymes involved. 7. What is Z scheme?
7. Mention SHORT QUESTION SHORT QUESTION: Outline and discuss
a list of (ATTEMPTANY TEN) (ATTEMPT ANY TEN) briefly the process.
five 10*3=30 10*3=30 8. Define phloem loading
microbes 2. Give broad 2. Define micro- and sink loading. Explain
present in classificatio bodies? Draw a well the factors affecting
milk, n of micro- labeled diagram of source sink translocation.
infected organisms mitochondria and 9. Define dormancy? How can it
with ex- enlist its major be removed? What are the
food and
amples. function. significance of dormancy?
alimentar 3. Define imbibition? Does
3. Describe the importance of 10. Enlist the visual symptoms
y canal of osmosis occurs in dead cells? of Phosphorus, Potash and
any microorganism in
agriculture. Explain. Sulfur deficiency.
cattle. 4. Differentiate between active 11. Define crop production? How is
8. Give the 4. Write the
27 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
developmental analysis 10. What are the 2. Give the mechanism of
of annual crop done? physiologica ascent of sap.
12. Define: (any three)
deficiency symptoms of
l role of 12. Write about photoperiodism.
a. Cell inclusion potassium? 11.What is
b. Growth curve carbon exchange theory gibberellins
c. Long short day plant for? Explain. and
12.List out the differences cytokinins.
Mention FINAL
between water potential EXAMINATION -
FINAL their
EXAMINA and DPD. 2071
3. Describe 1. What is
with the photosynthesis?
help of Outline the Hill
diagram Reaction and Black
1. Explain the electron Man's cycle with all
hypothesis/theorie transport steps and enzymes
s of stomatal system. involved.
move- ment in 4. Define SHORT QUESTION:
photophosphory (ATTEMPTANY TEN) 10*3=30
with the criticism lation and write
about them. 2. Write about cell
about cyclic and inclusion. Draw a well
SHORT QUESTION: non-cyclic labeled diagram of
(ATTEMPT ANY TEN) photophosphory endoplasmic reticulum
10*3=30 lation. and enlist its major
2. List out the 5. Write shorts notes: function. Define
physiological role a. Osmosis diffusion pressure
auxin and b. Diffusion deficit. How is
c. Vernalization osmosis different then
gibberellin. 6. Define C3 and C4 cycles diffusion?
3. What are and differentiate between 4. What is apoplastic
photoperiodism them. movement of water?
and critical day 7. Give the When does active
length? Explain. various absorption of water
theories takes place?
4. Explain the methods proposed
of breaking of seed 5. Which theory is
for widely accepted for
dormancy. mechanism mineral salt absorp-
5. What is of solute tion? Explain.
phasing translocatio 6. What is guttation?
development Explain starch glucose
8. Give the outline reactions of interconversion theory
theory given Kreb's cycle. for opening and
by Lysenko? 9. Define closing of stomata.
6. With the transpiration? 7. Outline glycolysis
evidences and Give the process with its
mechanism of
objectives of closing and
different phases. Enlist
Mass Flow three regulatory
opening of enzymes involved in
Hypothesis, stomata. the process.
explain the 10. Write down the 8. Define phloem
hypothesis. water absorption loading and phloem
and mineral
7. Draw the outline of unloading. Explain
absorption. the factors affecting
glycolysis pathway. Differentiate source sink
8. Explain Hatch and between active translocation.
slack cycle. absorption and 9. What are the causes
9. Differentiate passive of dormancy? What
between cyclic are the ways to
11. Mention remove it?
and non-cyclic various 10. Define nutria
photo theories physiology. Enlist
phosphorylation. proposed for
28 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
the visual minerals. ascent of sap. Explain FINAL
symptoms 11. Write about the any one of these. EXAMINATION -
of physiological 6. What is respiratory 2068
phosphoru parameters quotient? Give the EASSY TYPE QUESTION:
s and which influence outline of EMP 1. What do you
sulfur crop pathway. understand by C4
deficiency productivity. 7. What do you mean by cycle? Describe the
Hatch-Slack cycle of
. Write 12. Write short notes on: growth and development?
photosynthesis and
about the a. Quiescence b. Explain the different comment on its
physiologi Growth curve growth stages in annual biological
cal role of c. Water potential d. plants with the help of significance.
these Vernalin growth curve. SHORT QUESTION:
FINAL of photoperiodism. 8. What do you mean (ATTEMPTANY TEN) 10*3=30
EXAMINA 9. Classify hormones. Point by seed dormancy? 2. Give the outline
TION - out the role of auxin in What are its causes? of a typical cell.
2069 How it can be Discuss briefly
broken? the functions of
10. Discuss the biochemical ribosomes and
EASSY TYPE QUESTION: 9. Define vernalisation and
change which takes place chloroplast.
during seed germination. photoperiodism. Classify
1. Differentiate between 3. Make a list of vital and
11. What are the essential and plants on the basis of physical force theories
C3 and C4 plants. length of photoperiod
non-essential elements? responsible for ascent
Give the outline requirement with
Discuss briefly the role of sap. Explain briefly
reaction of the cycles examples.
played and deficiency the transpiration pull
operating in these two 10. Draw well labeled theory.
symptom of nitrogen,
categories of plants. diagrams of chloroplast, 4. Write shorts notes on(any two):
sulfur and zinc in plant
SHORT QUESTION: mitochondria and golgi a) photosynthetic pigments and
(ATTEMPTANY TEN) body. role of light in photosynthesis
12. Enlist the physiological
10*3=30 11. Classify growth regulators b) practical application of crop
parameters which physiology in agriculture
2. Describe the with examples. Write
influence the c) practical application and effect
mechanism of stomatal about the biosynthesis of
movement. productivity of major of hormones in crop plants
cereals, pulses and any one phytohormone. 5. Differentiate between:
3. Define diffusion and 12. Enlist the physiological
oilseed crops. a) diffusion and osmosis b) C3
osmosis. Describe the parameters which
significance of and C4 plants
influence the c) aerobic and anaerobic
osmosis in plants. productivity of major respiration
4. Give the outline cereals. 6. What do you know
structure of a typical FINAL about passive and
cell. Discuss briefly EXAMINATIO active uptake of
the functions of N - 2067 ions? Describe
ribosomes and EASSY TYPE QUESTION: briefly the
chloroplast. 1. Differentiate between C3 mechanism of
5. Make a list of vital and and C4 plants. Give the cytochrome pump
physical forces outline reaction of the hypothesis.
theories respon sible cycles operating in these 7. Describe briefly the mechanism of
for accent of sap. two categories of plants. stomatal movement.
SHORT QUESTION: Give emphasis on active K
Explain briefly the
(ATTEMPTANY TEN) transport mechanism of
transpiration pull transpiration.
theory. 10*3=30
8. What are xylem and
6. What is respiratory 2. Define diffusion and
phloem? Write a note
quotient? Give the osmosis. Describe the on Munch Mass Flow
outline reactions of significance of osmosis in hypothesis.
EMP pathway. plants. 9. Discuss briefly
7. What do you 3. What is water the complexes
mean by seed potential? involved in
dormancy? Differentiate between ETS and
What are its water potential and oxidative
causes and how diffusion pressure phosphorylati
deficit. on in
it can be
4. Describe the mechanism of respiration
broken? process.
8. What do you know stomatal movement.
10. Define
about phptoperiodism 5. Enlist the theories put
and vernalism? Give forward for explaining vernalisation and
briefly the mechanism the mecha- nism of dormancy. Write
29 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
the 3. If a cell a with plant growth. physiological
mechanis DPD 4 bars is 12. Give an parameters with
m and connected to account of influence the
significan cells B, C, D the productivity of
ce of whose O.P. and cereal crops.
11. What are respectively 4 INSTITUTE OF
the and 4; 10 and 5 2072
and 7 and 3 bars. ANIMAL SCIENCE
essential RAMPUR, CHITWAN Essay Type Question:
and non- Then what is the 1. Enlist at least three common
direction of flow commercial fertilizer sources
essential FINAL
elements? of water? EXAMI F. of each Nitrogen,
Discuss 4. Give an account of the NATIO M. Phosphorus and
briefly the factor affecting N - 2073 40 Potassium. Explain the
role played Level: B.Sc. Ag. 2nd P.M behavior of Phosphatic
transpiration. . 16
and 5. Write short notes on( any Semester fertilizer in acid soil
deficiency three): Subject: Soil Fertility, me: with the help of well
symptoms a. anaerobic respiration Fertilizers & Integrated 2 labeled diagrams.
of nitrogen, Nutrient Mgmt. Hrs
b. trace element Candidates are required to give their answers in
sulfur and their own words as practicable as possible. The Nepalese soil is being declining.
zinc in c. vernalisation figure in the Give your opinion on this
plant d. dormancy margin indicates full marks.
statement and possible over
metabolism 6. Distinguish Essay Type Question: come.
. between 1. What are the different pools 10. Discuss about different
12. Make a list active and of phosphorus in soil? components and relevance of
of conditions Discuss in detail the Integrated Nutrient
necessary for behavior of single super Management (INM) for
absorption of phosphate in different types
germination. water. sustainable soil management
of soil. Illustrate your in Nepalese condition.
Describe briefly 7. Describe Cohesion-Tension answer in figure. 11. Discuss briefly about the soil
the biochemical theory in ascent of sap. Short Questions( Attempt any
changes during test value as the basis of
8. How does Ten) fertilizer recommendation in
see germination 2. What is the essence of the
ion exchange different land.
FINAL and "Law of the Minimum" 12. List the salient features of biogas
EXAMINA accumulation 3. Define the term plant in Nepal.
TION - fertilizer. Enlist at
mechanism FINAL
2067 least three fertilizer
mechanism EXAMINATION -
EASSY TYPE QUESTION: sources with nutrient
help in the 2072
concentration of each
absorption in nitrogen, phosphorous Essay Type Question:
1. will you mineral and potash. 1. Enlist at least three common
differentiate solutes? 4. What are possible ways of commercial fertilizer sources
between 9. Give an nitrogen losses from added of each Nitrogen, Phosphorus
C3, C4 and account of N sources in soil and and Potassium. Explain the
CAM discuss in short about behavior of Phosphatic
the energy
plants? control measures? fertilizer in acid soil with the
releasing 5. Describe the
Why C4 help of well labeled diagrams.
process in function and
plants Short Questions ( Attempt any Ten)
glucose deficiency
photosynthe 10*3=30
oxidation symptoms of
tically more 2. Discuss in brief the "Law of the
through phosphorus,
efficient Minimum"
glycolysis sulphur and boron
than C3 in crop plants. 3. Define plant nutrient. List all
. essential plant nutrients with
plants. 10. Discuss the 6. What is hidden hunger?
SHORT QUESTION: Describe the visual their forms absorbed by plants.
biochemical 4. What are the possible ways of
(ATTEMPTANY TEN) diagnosis method of soil
change which fertility evaluation with nitrogen losses from added N
10*3=30 takes place
2. Established merit and demerits. sources in soil also discuss their
during seed 7. Describe the following control measures.
the germination. deficiency symptoms in
relationship 5. Write the most important three
11. Write crop functions of Phosphorous,
between leaf different plants: a) Dead heart (b) Calcium and Zinc in crop
angle, plant types of Grey speck (c)
type and growth Khaira disease
8. What are biofertilizers? 6. Why should we evaluate the
penical hormones. Describe the importance soil fertility? List the various
initiation Discuss the of Azolla in rice methods of soil fertility
with crop role of cultivation. evaluation techniques with
productivity. cytokinin in precautions in interpreting
9. The soil fertility status of
30 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
visual diagnosis. Short Questions ( Attempt any Discuss in brief How necrotic lesions
7. Describe the following Ten) 10*3=30 the different on leaves are
deficiency symptoms in 2. Discuss in brief the "Law of options Nepalese developed under Zn
crop plants: the Minimum" farmers for INM. deficiency
(a) Dead heart (b) 3. Define plant 11. Discuss briefly condition? Suggest
Grey speck (c) nutrient. List all the philosophy its correction
Khaira disease (d) essential plant of fertilizer measures.
Branches to weep nutrients with recommenda- 6. Why Potassium is
8. What are their forms tion in called chemical
biofertilizers? absorbed by different lands. policeman? Explain
Describe the plants. 12. Describe in its roles during wear
importance of Azolla 4. What are the short about stress condition.
in rice cultivation. possible ways of different 7. Why Boron (B)
9. "The soil fertility nitrogen losses organic residue is called unique
status of Nepalese soil is from added N decom- position element?
being declining". Give sources in soil in soil with Explain its
your opinion on this also discuss their figures deficiency
statement and possible control measures. FINAL symptoms on
overcome. 5. Write the most EXAMINATION crop plants.
10. What is the basic important three - 2071
8. Is Integrated
concept of Integrated functions of Essay Type Question: Nutrient
Nutrient Manage- Phosphorous, 1. Describe the
ment (INM)? Discuss Management
Calcium and nitrogen (N)
in brief the different (INM) relevant in
Zinc in crop cycle. Explain
options Nepalese Nepal? Explain
plants. the source and
farmers for INM. 6. Why should we major components
forms of of IPNS.
11. Discuss briefly the evaluate the soil nitrogenous
philosophy of fertility? List the 9. Differentiate
fertilizers. Can between inorganic
fertilizer various methods on-farm nitrogen
recommenda- tion of soil fertility and organic
loss be fertilizers.
in different lands. evaluation minimized? Describe the
12. Describe in short techniques with How? Explain importance of
about different precautions in with examples. Azolla in rice
organic residue interpreting
Short Questions ( Attempt any cultivation in
decom- position in visual diagnosis.
Ten) Nepal
soil with figures 7. Describe the following
2. What is law of the 10. Which element is
deficiency symptoms in
Minimum or Liebieg's responsible for
crop plants:
Barrel, elaborate.
(a) Dead heart (b) causing "whiptail"
3. Due to which
Grey speck (c) Khaira in cauliflower?
disease (d) elements Enlist its function
Branches to deficiencies are in plants.
weep "V" and
11. Enlist
8. What are opposite "V"
the soil
biofertilizers? shapes
Describe the symptoms on
importance of leaves of
Azolla in rice plants? Enlist
cultivation. major functions
9. "The soil of nitrogen
fertility status 4. Explain the any one
of Nepalese roles of of them.
soil is being sulphur (S) and 12. Enlist the major
declin- ing". its deficiency
functions of P in
Give your symp- toms on plant growth and
opinion on this mustard and
development. At
statement and onion plants. which stage of the
possible 5. Explain the role plant growth, phos
overcome. of zinc (Z) in phorous is most
10. What is the basic plant growth. important?
concept of
Integrated FINAL 1. Write the behavior of urea and
Nutrient Manage- EXAMINATIO ammonium sulphate in soil.
N - 2069 Ammonium sulphate causes
ment (INM)?
Essay Type Question: soil to be more acidic than urea,
31 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
why? How do you 10. Write short notes: benefits to improve the FINAL
increase the a. Sustainable soil health. EXAMINATION -
effectiveness of urea agriculture 11. Discuss briefly the 2068
in soil? Explain b. Biofertilizer major soil fertility Essay Type Question:
Short Questions ( Attempt FINAL problems in Nepal along 1. Differentiate
Any Ten Questions) EXAMINATIO with your suggestions to between
10*3=30 N - 2067 overcome the problems. commercial
Essay Type Question: 12. Write short notes on:
2. What advances were fertilizer and
1. Define the term fertilizer. a.Beneficial elements b.
made in the field of biofertilizers.
Classify the phosphatic Biogas c. Chemical
agriculture and plant Explain the
fertilizer on the basis of policeman
nutrition in 21st behavior of single
solubility and explain the
century? Describe. super phos phate in
behavior of phosphatic
3. Do you think fertilizer in acid soil with soils. Illustrate
'Nitrogen' is an the help of well labeled your answer with
essential element? figures. figures.
Give the reasons. Short questions (Attempt Any Short questions (Attempt Any Ten)
Classify nutrients on Ten):
the basis of mobility 2. Being a soil scientist 2. Describe the
in plants.Identify the suggest the farmer to behavior of
nutrients deficiency select potassic fertilizer to ammonium
with reasons. harvest good yield of crop sulfate in soils.
a. Porphyrin ring b. 3. What is plant nutrient? Justify your
Whiptail in List out all essential plant answer with
cauliflower nutrient elements with reactions.
c. Wheat sterility their forms absorbed by 3. Mention the most
plants. important functions
White bud in corn
4. Differentiate soil fertility of Nitrogen, Sulfur
e. Corky apple f. and soil productivity. and Molybdenum
speak of oat Descrie the experimental with reasons.
g. Dead spot on findings of John Wood 4. Explain the
tobacco leaf Ward (1700). following
straw of cereals 5. "Organic matter symptoms of
4. In fruit trees, copper depletion is the core plant nutrient
deficiency causes problem of soil defi- ciency on
branches to weep, fertility crop plant.
why? degradation". Justify a) Branches to weep b)
5. Briefly discuss the statement. Dead heart of cauliflower
occurrence, 6. List the possible
c) Empty peanut shells d)
availability and ways of nitrogen
White bud of maize
deficiency losses from nitrog
5. What is azolla?
symptoms of enous fertilizers in
Mention the
boron and soil and give brief
description to control importance of
molybdenum in Azolla in
plants. these losses.
7. Describe in brief the lowland rice
6. Describe the cultivation.
most important three
phosphatic 6. Describe the
functions and typical
fertilizers in soil practical
deficiency symptoms of
with suitable Nitrogen, Sulphur and significance of
figures. Iron in crop plants. C:N ratio in soil
7. What are the 8. What is hidden hunger? giving a suitable
different criteria Describe the biological figure.
that are to be method of soil fertility 7. List the
considered while evaluation. composition of
selecting MOP and 9. What is the biogas.
SOP as fertilizer? fundamental concept of Mention its
8. Write different Integrated Plant salient features
methods of Nutrient Management under
assessing soil (IPNM)? Also suggest Nepalese
fertility in the field. the avail able condition
Describe any one. management options 8. Define Integrated
for Nepalese farmer to Plant Nutrient
9. Compare and contrast
follow IPNM. Management.
pit and heap method 10. Describe biofertilizers.
of composting organic Describe its
Describe importance in
reaction. vermicompost with its
32 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Nepalese effect of PH on Describe the
agriculture phosphorous importance of
. availability to SOM in the soil
9. Write plants. productivity.
down Short Questions ( Attempt any 10. What are the
the Ten) soil fertility
techniqu 2. Describe problems in
es of the Nepal? Give
soil following your vision to
fertility deficiency improve soil
evaluati symptoms fertility of
on. in crop agricultural
Explain plants. a. land.
the Dead heart 11. Define
microbi b. Branches Integrated Plant
ological to weep Nutrient
method c. Khaira disease d. Management.
of soil Whiptail Explain its
fertility 3. Explain the three relevance in
evaluati most important sustainable
on functions of agriculture.
10. Describe the phosphorus, 12. Write short notes on (any
soil fertility sulphur and two):\
problems in molybdenum in a) Beneficial elements b)
Nepal. Also Biogas slurry c) organic
crop plants.
mention manures.
4. List the
types of
11. What
s. Describe
t practices
do you
in Nepalese
consider for
sustain able agriculture.
agriculture 5. Discuss in brief
in Nepal? the forms and
12. What are the transformation of
criteria for potassium in soils.
nutrient 6. Mention the
essentiality source of raw
to plants? materials for the
Describe in manufacture of
brief the urea.
historical 7. Distinguish
development between MOP
of soil and SOP in terms
fertility and of use in crop
plant production to
nutrition. obtain quality
FINAL produce.
EXAMINA 8. Write down the
TION - various types of
2066 Soil Fertility
Essay Type Question: Evaluation
1. What is Techniques.
phosphate Mention the
rock? merits and
Explain the demerits of
behavior of visual method
phos phatic of nutrient
fertilizer in deficiency
soils. Also symptoms.
discuss the 9. Define SOM.
33 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define project cycle. Discuss the different criteria for
FINAL appraising a
NATIO . project with their
N - 2073 M suitability to
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 3rd . different
Semester 4 conditions, merits
0 and demerits.
Subject: Agricultural and
Environmental Economics Time: 2
Candidates are required to give their answers in their FINAL EXAMINATION - 2071
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in (Back Paper)
the margin indicates full marks. Essay Type Question:
Essay Type Question: 1. Define externality. What are
1. What are the pre-requisites of various direct and indirect
resources? Biomass addition
in the soil is a function of measures of impact from
time and nutrient recruitment externality?
is the function of biomass. Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
Discuss in detail.
Short Questions( Attempt any
Ten) 2. Define project cycle and explain
2. How could you apply the its stages.
knowledge of project cycle 3. Give a brief description of
for mitigating environmental
deterioration created by various discounting project
develop- ment projects? appraisal criteria.
3. What is project sensitivity 4. Prepare a nutrient cycle in mid hill
analysis? Discuss.
4. What are the typical farming system.
institutional developments in 5. What are the policy and action
eights Five Year Planned plan for land management in
Period for the environmental
issues? Discuss the Nepal?
objectives of Nepal 6. What are the major causes for
Environmental Policy and deforestation in Nepal?
Action Plan for environment 7. Explain the strategies for the
protection and sustainable
development. conservation of biodiversity.
5. What do you mean by 8. Elucidate the importance of
farming system component? Environment policy in Nepal.
Show the interrelationship
between these components. 9. What is Environmental
6. Interpret the following Impact Assessment? Why is
outcomes of economic it essential?
analysis of irrigation 10. What are the various
a. Net Present Value= Rs. 25,000 institutions involves in
b. Benefit-Cost Ratio= Rs. 1.15 Resource Management?
c. Internal Rate of Return= 21% 11. Present the behavioral relationship
7. How do you valuate the non-
traded goods? Discuss it. of biomass.
8. Show the interrelationship 12. Write short notes on:
between overpopulation and a. Buffer zone management
natural resources.
9. What are the legal b. Inland fisheries
provisions made by the
government in different acts
related to agricultural
resources managment?
10.Illustrate the nutrient cycle
in a typical hill farming
system for sustainable
11. All pollutions and resources
depletion are the
consequences of
overpopulation. Justify.
12.Discuss the
different aspect of
project preparation
and analysis.
29 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Short Questions( Attempt project project. Enlist economic importance
any Ten) preparation various aspects of inland fisheries in
2. Differe and to be considered Nepal.
ntiate analysis in an agricultural 6. Explain the
project and efficient ways for
betwee with explain any one the use of limited
n examples. of them with farm resources
exhaust 8. What are the suitable example. for economic
ible and major 3. What do you management.
non- strategies for mean by 7. What do you mean by
exhaust biodiversity biodiversity? natural resource
ible conserva tion Explain the management? Explain
resourc in Nepal? status and the concept of
es. strategies for Environmental Impact
Explain role Assessment.
3. Discuss on of conservation 8. Define the terms in
behavioral community of short: cut-off rate,
relationshi in Natural biodiversity. buffer zone manage-
p of resource 4. What are the ment, sustainable
biomass in management. different development,
relation to 9. Enlist criteria project decentralization of
its for formulation appraisal power, need assessment,
optimum of effective criteria? equity.
environmental Interpret the 9. Enlist the objective
manageme of Nepal
nt. policy. Discuss result
obtained from Environmental
4. Enlist the briefly on Rio Policy and Action
the following
characterist declaration on projects with Plan. And show the
ics of environment the interrelationship
Nepalese and given information. between different
farming development. (Consider components of
system. 10. Write short notes on (any opportunity cost of Nepalese farming
Explain the three): capital is 24%) system.
population a. Agenda 21 b. National ProjectA: 10. What do you mean by resources is
Conservation Strategy POULTRY LDR= imperfect?
and 11. Write short notes on: (any three)
environme c. Environment Impact 20, UDR= 32,
NPV@LDR= 29678 a. Sensitivity analysis b. Behavioral
nt relation Assessment relationship of biomass (graphically)
to Nepal. and NPV@UDR= -32491
d. Nepal Environmental Project B: PIG c. Agenda 21
5. What are Policy and Action Plan FARMING LDR= d. National Conservation Strategy
the major 11. Discuss on 18, UDR= 26, (NCS)
reasons for types and NPV@LDR= 12. Explain the status of
watershed roles of 309070 and the forest and
degradatio institution NPV@UDR= rangeland resources.
n in -296831 Also discuss the
involved action plan adopted by
Nepal? in 5. What is inland
fishery? Explain government for their
Explain manageme management.
the scope and
shortly the nt of
action plan natural FINAL Nepal. b.Mineral resource in Nepal.
and policy resources EXAMINATION c. Agenda 21.
for land and - 2070 5. Differentiate between:
manageme environme Essay Type Question: a. Project and programme b.
nt in ntal 1. Define project cycle. Renewable and non-renewable
Nepal. protection Discuss on different resources
6. Highligh in Nepal. aspects of project c. Technical and pecuniary
t the 12. Show the nutrient cycle in preparation and analysis externality
present the hill farming system. with suitable examples. 6. Discuss on Nepalese farming
situation FINAL EXAMINATION - 2071 Short Questions( Attempt any system and interrelation
of Essay Type Question: Ten) between its components.
mineral 1. Define 2. Explain the importance 7. What do you mean by
and externality. of environmental
How can we internalizing the externality?
livestock economics in Describe the Hedonic Pricing
internalize the agricultural
resource externality? Method of economic valuation.
s in Explain the development. 8. What is the importance of
Nepal. various tools 3. Define natural resources. project valuation? Show the
7. Discuss and methods "Ecological optimum nay steps of evaluation in a flow
on for economic no necessarily be the diagram.
technic valuation of economic optimum". 9. Write down the characteristics
al and non-traded Justify this statement in
goods. of land resource. Describe the
econom relation to biological present land use pattern of
ic Short Questions( Attempt any
Ten) resource management. Nepal with relevant data.
aspects 2. Define 4. Write short notes on: 10. What are the major causes of
of program and a. Scope of inland fisheries in
30 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
deforestation in 5. Define externality. FINAL in Nepal. Explain this
Nepal? Explain the Briefly describe EXAMINATION resource in relation to
action plans and different types of - 2072 land and forest degrada-
policies for forest externality with Essay Type Question: tion problem and ways
1. What do you of addressing this
and range land suitable example. problem.
mean by
management in 6. Define pollution. externality and 9. Describe the
Nepal. Briefly describe major what is the importance of
11. Highlight the action plan of current impor- tance of biodiversity
three year interim plan internalizing it? conservation for
importance of Discuss on the sustainable agriculture.
biodiversity for economic Explain role of
methods of
conservation. management of measuring community on natural
Also discuss in environment. externality with resource management
7. Define project cycle. suitable with convincing
brief the evidences.
Describe different examples.
strategies for Short Questions( Attempt any 10.Enlist criteria for
aspects of project formulation of
biodiversity Ten)
preparation with suitable 2. Discuss on effective
conservation in
examples. dimensions of environmental policy.
Nepal. Discuss briefly on Rio
8. Briefly describe exhaustible
12. What are the criteria limitations of non- resources. declaration on
for development of discounting criteria of "Ecologi- cal environment and
effective environ optimum may not development.
project evaluation. necessarily be the 11.Write short notes on (any three):
mental policy? 9. Differentiate: a. Public economic opti- a. Environmental Accounting
Highlight the major and private goods mum". Justify the b. Environmental Impact
achievements made b. Monitoring and statement in Assessment
in 8th five year plan evaluation relation to c. National Conservation Strategy
in relation to c. IRR and NPV biological resource d. Nepal Environmental Policy and
environment. management. Action Plan
10.write short notes on (any 3. How do you 12.Discuss on types
three): identify a potential and roles of
FINAL a. inland fisheries institutions
project in an area?
EXAMIN Which appraisal involved in
ATION - criteria will be management of
2068 c. maximum sustainable
appropriate for natural resources
Essay Type Question: yield d. sensitivity analysis ranking of accept and environmental
1. Explain concept of 11.Enlist any ten able, independent protection in Nepal.
resource. Describe national rules and alternative projects
regulations for the and why?
different categories of 4. Enlist the FINAL
resources with management of
characterizes EXAMINATION -
suitable examples. natural resources. of Nepalese 2074
Why categorization of 12.Write short notes on (any farming Essay Type Question:
resources is generally three): system. 1. Conceptualize
a. Decentralization b. Discuss the
imperfect? Give role of externality and its
reasons. different internalization.
Short Questions( Attempt c. Project identification
components Discuss on different
any Ten) d.Shadow price of Nepalese methods of externality
2. Define farming measurement.
biological system. Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
5. Discuss the
diversity. issues of land
Highlight major resource 2. Define resource and
causes of management in natural resource.
worldwide peri urban area Discuss on behav ioral
biodiversity of Nepal in relationship of
brief. biomass in relation to
loss. 6. Explain the
3. Explain present situation ecological and
strategies of of forest resource, economic optimum.
forest causes of 3. Differentiate between
management for deforestation and program and project.
economic legislative Discuss with
measures on
growth of forest manage- evidences the social
nation. ment in Nepalese and economic aspects
4. Illustrate context. of project preparation
interrelationship 7. Discuss the and analysis.
between climate resource of 4. Why is sensitivity
Nepalese Nepal as boon for analysis of a project is
agricul tural
farming system development of important? Discuss on
components. the country with discounted measures
How could it sufficient of investment
help farmer for examples. analysis.
eco- nomic 8. Depict present 5. How project
decision making? situation of
livestock resource monitoring differs
31 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
from al. F.M. 20 1. nce of grain legumes in human
evaluation 8. Explain the P.M. 8 Time: 1:30 Hrs Ex nutrition, soil
? Discuss specific plai fertility
on steps challenges n
and types for the improvement and
of project management imp cropping system
evaluation of land, orta of Nepal.
. water and Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT
6. Define forest the
nutrient resources of margin indicates full marks.
ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
cycle. Show Nepal. EASSY TYPE QUESTION 2. Explain the
population 9. What do you 1. Give the differences improved cultivation
and mean by between rapeseed and practices on green-
environment biodiversity? mustard with respect to their
relationship Discuss on gram / moong bean
morphology and in Nepal.
in contests efforts of
agronomical practices.
of both Nepalese
Moreover, compare date
3. Explain the
developed government for importance of
and biodiversity wise sequence of activities
developing conservation. which are used in spring and Rhizobium
countries. 10.What does summer sown blackgram. inoculation in grain
7. Hig watershed SHORT QUESTIONS legumes.
hlig degradation (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 4. Write the
ht mean? 7*2=14
maj Explain 2. Write about the
or action plan biochemical varieties of lentil,
envi and polices processes which chickpea and
ron for land
men management
occur during root soyabean in Nepal.
nodule formation in 5. Write the
tal in Nepal?
con 11.Explain in brief grain legumes. cultivation
cern the different 3. Define the following terms:
practices of
s in types of a) Inoculation b) Nipping c)
curr institutions Aflatoxin d) rapeseed and
ent involved in Iodine number mustard on
agri natural resource 4. Write about following
cult management morphological changes headings;
ure and which occur during
dev environmental a) Sowing time b) Seed rate c)
flowering and pegging in
elop protection in groundnut.
men Nepal with 5. Write about the dose of N, d) Fertilizer and manure e)
t examples. Irrigation
12.Write short notes on: P, K fertilizers with their
egy a. Criteria for effective time and method of 6. Explain the
(AD environmental policy application used for cultivation
S) b. National Conservation sunflower cultivation. practices of
of Strategy (NCS) 6. Explain about water
sunflower on
Nep c. Climate as boon to management for soyabean
Nepalese agriculture cultivation under irrigated following
TRIBHUVAN condition. heading:
UNIVERSITY FINAL 7. Write short notes on: a) Sowing time b)
ON - 2074
a) Seed priming b) Micro Sowing method c)
AGRICULTURE AND nutrient loading
8. What are the purposive
RAMPUR, CHITWAN and fertilizer
FI Le ion differences in land
NA preparation of summer and 7. Write the importance
L gu sesamum crop.
winter legumes? Explain
EX me
A with reasons. 8. Explain the climatic
MI 9. Write about herbicidal and edaphic factors
NA an weed management used in influencing
TI d winter legumes.
ON Oil chickpea cultivation
- in Nepal.
20 se
74 ed 9. Write short notes on: (any
Level: B.Sc. Ag. pr two):
3rd Semester od a) Biological nitrogen fixation
Subject: Grain uct b) Different species of rape and
32 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
mustard grown in c) Relay cropping of FINAL 5. Write recommended
Nepal legumes with rice EXAMINATION varieties of chickpea
- 2072 with their yield
FINAL mustard, groundnut 1. Suggest date wise 6. Why tori was replaced
EXAMIN and sesamum in
ATION - sequence of by buckwheat in
Nepal. activities for
2073 Chitwan instead of
9. Enlist the major cultivation of
EASSY TYPE juncea?
weeds of summer lentil.
QUESTION 7. Write about
and winter legumes. SHORT QUESTIONS
1. Explain the nutrient
Also, mention their (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN)
importance of grain management in the
scientific 7*2=14
legumes. Grain cultivation of
management. 2. Write about nitrogen fixation
legumes are said to be groundnut.
the 'mini-fertilizer in grain legumes. 8. Suggest about harvesting of
factory'. Justify the 3. Write difference between groundnut.
statement. toria and mustard. 9. Write down five legume based
SHORT QUESTIONS 4. Suggest about seeding time cropping systems.
(ATTEMPT ANY and seed rate of redgram.
2. Suggest the seed EXAMINATIO EXAMINATION -
N - 2071
rate, spacing, and 2070
in groundnut. 1. The area production and 1. Describe the process
3. Write short notes on: productivity of major of root nodule
a. Land preparation in oilseed crops are formation in grain
soybean declining in terai region legumes. Also state
b. Rhizobium of Nepal give the how and under which
inoculation in reasons and possible conditions we
legumes solution measures. inoculate Rhizobia in
c. Pegging in groundnut SHORT QUESTIONS legumes.
complete 7*2=14 (ATTEMPTANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
agronomical 2. Enlist the planting date, 2. Discuss the
packages to seed rate and spacing and importance of
grow plant population of grain legumes in
blackgram soyabean or sunflower. Nepalese cropping
in brief. 3. Discuss the importance of system.
5. What are the major grain legumes in human 3. Write the climatic and
problems of diet. edaphic requirements
growing rapeseed 4. Discuss briefly the of soybean. Also
and mustard in importance of pulses enlist the varieties of
Nepal? Mention on in human nutrition. soybean released by
any three major 5. Give the climate and soil NARC.
problems. requirements of green 4. Describe the land
6. Enlist the gram and back gram. preparation and seed
various cereal- 6. Mention the maturity sowing of lentil
legumes crop indication of lentil and focusing on methods
rotation most sesamum. of sowing, crop
popular in the 7. Suggest the scientific geometry, seed rate and
terai and hilly ways o fertilizer time of sowing.
regions of management in 5. Describe the weed management
Nepal. rapeseed and mustard in rapeseed and mustard.
7. How will you in upland as well as low 6. Write the plant
manage fertilizer land conditions of field. nutrient and
in rapeseed and 8. Grain legumes production irrigation
mustard under is lesser than cereals, give managements in
rainfed and the reason. Sunflower.
irrigated 9. Explain the process of 7. Write the names of
condition? flowering and seed recommended varieties of:
8. Giive the most formation in groundnut. a. Rape and mustard
popular released b. Groundnut cultivated in Nepal
cultivars of 8. What are the ways to
33 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
enhance 9. Write short notes on (any Final crop duration.
grain two): examintion 4. Write about nitrogen
legumes a. Importance of oilseed - 2068 and phosphorous
and crops in Nepal EASSY TYPE QUESTION management in
oilseed b. Pollination and 1. Suggest chickpea.
yield in fertilization in groundnut datewise 5. Write recommended
Nepal? c. Major constraints of sequence of varieties of tori and
Describe oilseed production in activities for juncea with their yield
theem. Nepal
growing potential.
mustard in 6. Why tori production in Chitwan
Chitwan. has gone down?
SHORT QUESTIONS 7. Suggest about
(ATTEMPTANY SEVEN) irrigation management
7*2=14 in the cultivation of
2. What do juncea.
you know 8. Suggest suitable soil
FINAL 6. List the botanical about and weed management
EXAMIN names of rapeseed and ennoculati practices for lentil
ATION - mustard crops grown in
2069 on of seed cultivation to farmers
Nepal with their uses of of your locality.
EASSY TYPE for various purposes.
QUESTION legumes? 9. Write short notes on the
7. Write the fertilization 3. Write botanical followings:
1. Discuss the process in groundnut
nutrients and name of a. Broomrape in tori b. Uses
crop. How does the groundnut, of brassica oilseed
irrigation pegs get developed
requirements of lentil and their
into a full matured TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY
rapeseed and pod? Explain it. FINAL
8. Describe the importance AGRICULTURE AND
for their 2073
of sesamum in Nepal. ANIMAL SCIENCE
optimum yields RAMPUR, CHITWAN Essay Type Question:
Also write its sowing 1. How diurnal and seasonal
under inner- temperature variation occurs in
time and seed rate for a
terai conditions FINAL
hectare. F atmosphere and in
of Nepal. EXAMI
9. Suggest a package of NATIO . soil? give their
practices for growing N- significances of atmo-
pea for green pod by spheric and soil
SEVEN) 7*2=14 Level: B.Sc. Ag. 3rd 4
farmers. temperature in crop
2. Describe the Semester 0
importance of P. production. Explain
Subject: Introductory
grain legumes in M how soil temperature
agrometeorology . is measured.
agriculture. 6
3. Enlist the Ti
different cultivars m
of chickpea and e:
lentil with their 2
recommended s
regions grown in Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in direction of wind?
Nepal. the
margin indicates full marks. 3. Describe briefly the different
4. Discuss the types of instruments used for
Essay Type Question:
suitable package precipitation measurement with
1. Describe the effects of
of practices of their simple sketches.
intensity, duration and
effective weed 4. How can modification
quality of solar radiation
management for of climate at micro-
on crop production.
soybean level be achieved?
Explain the factors
growers. Describe briefly.
affecting actual
5. Write manures and 5. How can the study of
fertilizers agrometeorology help
demand of a crop.
requirement of agriculture sector? Describe
Short Questions( Attempt any
chickpea under with examples.
irrigated and 6. Explain the significance
2. What is pressure
rainfed condition of of soil temperature in
gradient? How does
Mid Terai region of crop production with
pressure gradient
Nepal. necessary examples.
determine the speed and
34 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
7. Compare agroclimatic 6. Discuss Beaufort's Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
regionalization and scale of wind
crop zonation. estimates and measure 2. Write with
8. Describe the structure ment of wind direction sketch on
of earth atmosphere. by wind vanes. extent and
9. Explain the factors 7. Discuss briefly the structures
affecting wind process of formation of on earth
motion. precipitation. Back
10. What are the 8. Discuss the important examination
3. Give the nature and
relationship normal for the 2072
properties of solar radiation.
among green production of rice Essay Type Question:
4. How do human
house effect, from 1. Discuss the basic
influences on
global warming arometeorological radiation laws related
changes in
and climate point of view. from solar radiation.
climate, global
change? 9. How can heat What are the major
warming and
Explain. balance be controlled effects of solar
crop production?
11. Define relative in the agricultural radiation on crop
5. How wind speed and
humidity. field? plants?
direction are measured?
What is the 10. Explain the greenhouse Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
6. Explain the
significance of effects on agriculture
production. 2. Define ambient
humidity in gradient and
11. Explain the effects temperature,
agriculture? give concept
of humidity on temperature lapse and
12. Explain the factors about
plant growth and temperature inversion.
affecting soil mercurial
development. Mention the effect of
moisture. barometer.
12. Determine the air tempera- ture on
FINAL evapotranspiration for 7. Write
crop plant.
EXAMIN maize if climatic conditions significanc
3. What is
Month ATION -
Mean monthly temp. are asMonthly
given below,
% of use
day time e of
2072 Bimetallic
in degree celcius Blaney-criddle
Hrs. formula atmospheri
Essay Type Question: Thermograph?
June 36 with crop factor8.30
of 0.75. c humidity
1. Discuss the basic How it is used to
July 33 8.21 in crop
laws of solar 30 measure air
August 8.20 production.
radiation. Explain temperature.
September 28 the 8.15 8. Sketch the
major effects of25solar 4. Define temperature
October 8.00 clear diagrams
radiation on crop coefficient (Q10).
of a non-
plants. What are its demer
recording type
Short its?
rain gauge and
Questions( Attempt any 5. Discuss the various effects of
any two of
Ten) wind on crop plants.
recording type
2. Discuss the different 6. Discuss different processes of
rain gauges.
layers of atmosphere formation of precipitation.
9. Explain what
in brief. 7. What climatic
does mean
3. Explain with factors are
the help of considered by
diagram the wilting
pen0plan for
variation of percentage?
estimation of
soil Give
temperature significance of
during day and soil moisture in
8. Discuss the climatic normals of
night period. crop
rice in context to Nepal.
4. Define growing production.
9. Discuss various forms
degree day (GDD) 10. Write the
of soil water. Discuss
and mention its agrometeorolo
the methods of
various advantages. gical normals
increasing soil moisture
Describe the concept for wheat,
in crop zone.
behind growing sugar cane and
10. Explain the effects of global
degree day. cotton.
warming on yield of rice.
5. What climatic 11. Give the concept of wind
11. Name the different
factors are modification and shelter
layers of
considered while belt.
estimating the 12. Explain on agroclimatic
Describe the
evapotranspiration regionalization and crop
important features
by penman;s zonation.
of troposphere.
12. Explain the effect of humidity on
35 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
plant? Final Enlist the importance
Final effect on agriculture Examination of soil temperature in
2070 agriculture.
Exam sector briefly. 6. Differentiate between
Essay Type Question:
inatio 12.Write short notes on: actual and potential
1. Discuss the roles
n a. Coriolis force of human evapotranspira tion.
2071 b. Temperature inversion influence on Which instrument is the
Essay Type Question: climate change. best for measurement
c. Consumptive use rate of
1. Define solar What are the
meteorological evapotranspiration and
radiation. How does whY?
indicators of
solar radiation affect climate change? 7. Explain collision
the crop production? What coalescence theory.
Short Questions( Attempt microclimatic Write any three
modification differences between
any Ten)
techniques can be recording and non-
2. Describe the recording types of rain
adopted to cope its
instrument used in effect in the gauge.
measurement of Nepalese context? 8. Classify soil water on the basis of
sunshine duration. Short Questions( Attempt any soil moisture constant.
Ten) Hills of Nepal receive more
3. Define orographic precipitation while
agrometeorology 2. Define
agromeorology in Terai convective precipitation
and discuss its related the why? Mention the reasons.
importance in modern approach 9. What is the role of
agricultuture. of coriolis force in
agrometeorology geostrophic wind?
4. What is Explain the
evaporation? in the relevance
to developing mechanisms of
What are the country. cyclone and
factors affecting 3. Enlist the anticyclone.
it? Describe instruments used 10. Show the
to measure solar relationship
briefly. between specific
5. Write about the radiation quality,
duration and humidity and
floating siphon gauge. instensity. Why temperature. Enlist
6. Define bimetallic the instruments
saturation actinogra phy is used to measure
capacity, field superior to humidity and
solarimeter? explain any one of
capacity, them.
4. Draw a graphical
permanent sketch of diurnal 11. Write short notes on (any three):
wilting point, and annual a. Relative humidity and saturation
ultimate variations of air vapour pressure
wilting point. temperature. Write b. Penman's equation
the importance of c.Kirchoff's law
7. Define d. Temperature inversion and lapse
growing degree
agroclimate, day in crop rate
agroclimatic production. 12. Draw the
regionalizatio 5. Discuss the temperature
n and thermal variations in
properties of soil different layers of
agroclimatic atmosphere and
which affect soil
index. temperature. describe the
8. What is hair reasons.
9. List the factors Back the effect of cooling process on
affecting wind examination agricultural crops.
2069 3. Discuss the scope of
motion. How does
Essay Type Question: agrometeorolgy on crop
horizon tal pressure
1. What is precipitation? production.
gradient affect the
wind direction and Discuss its forms and 4. State the Kirchoff's law of
velocity. types in detail with radiation and its applicability in
examples. Also agriculture.
10.Explain about
mention its importance 5. Differentiate among absolute
Polygon method in agriculture. humidity, specific humidity and
Short Questions( Attempt any its applicability in agriculture.
to determine
Ten) 6. Describe in brief the coriolis
average rainfall
2. Define evapotranspiration. force. How does it affect the
over an area.
Wyt is it considered as wind motion?
11.What is climate
cooling process>? Describe 7. How does annula variation
change? Discuss its
36 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
of air Back motion. How
temperature examinati does horizon tal
occur? on 2068 pressure gradient
Describe the Essay Type Question: affect the wind
effects on crop 1. Define solar direction and
production. radiation. How velocity?
8. How does variation does solar 10. Explain about
of soil temperature radiation affect Thiessen
occur with depth? the crop Polygon
Discuss it with production? method to
reference to various Short Questions( Attempt any determine
soil types. Ten) average
9. Define climatic 2. Describe the rainfall over
normals. Mention instrument used an area.
the climatic In measurement 11. What is climate
normals of rice. of sunshine change? Discuss
10. Explain the duration. its effect on
importance of 3. Define agricultural sector,
microclimate agrometeor briefly.
modification in ology and 12. Write short notes on:
agriculture. discuss its a. Coriolis force
11. Distinguish importance b. Temperature inversion
between in c. Consumptive use
agroclimatic index agriculture.
and agroclimatic 4. What is
regionalization. evapotr
12. Describe the anspirat
functions and ion?
working principles What
of bimetal lic are the
thermograph in factors
agriculture. affectin
g it?
5. Write about the floating
siphon rain gauge.
6. Define
t wilting
7. Define
tix index.
8. What is hair hygrometer?
9. List the factors
affecting wind
37 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define environment impact assessment and short descrip-
FINAL tion on each process.
M. Give short notes on
NATIO descriptive checklist
N - 2074 40
method for
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 3rd P. identification of
Semester M.
16 environment impact.
Subject: Environment Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
Science and Agro- Ti
ecology me
Candidates are required to give their answers in their Living mulch
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in
the margin indicates full marks. FINAL
Essay Type Question: EXAMINATION - 2072
1. Define climate change. Essay Type Question:
What are the causes of 1. Explain the three-fold
climate change? What relationship between agriculture
are the various adaption and climate change: agriculture as
and mitigation strategies a contributor to climate change,
to cope against climate impacts of climate change on
change? agriculture and agriculture as a
Short Questions( Attempt any part of climate change solution.
Ten) Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
2. What is human environment
interaction? Explain. 2. Define environmental science.
3. Define ecosystem. Explain the interrelationship
Why is agro- between human and environment.
ecosystem called as 3. Enlist global environmental issues
human engineered and explain any two of them.
ecosystem? 4. Write short notes on:
4. What is ecological a. Soil erosion b. Eutrophication
pyramid? Why is c. Types and sources of water
pyramid of energy pollution
always upright? 5. How does IEE differ from EIA?
5. What are POPs? What are What are the steps of EIA?
the effects of long term Explain in brief.
use of agrochemicals? 6. Enlist Nepal's environment rules
6. Define people's participation. and regulations? Explain the
What are its various types? people participation in
7. What is EIA? Explain
environment management.
about matrix method
7. Write a few examples of the
to impact
interrelationship between
agro-ecology and
8. Why is home garden said
agricultural productivity.
to be appropriate in
Nepalese context? 8. What are the structures and
9. State water balance functions of an agro-ecosys-
equation. How is it tem? Explain.
different in areas with 9. Write short notes on:
vegetation and without a. Trophic level b. Food web c.
vegetation? Ecological pyramid
10. What is 10. Describe agro-ecology of the
sustainability? following production systems:
How will you a. Multiple cropping
analyze the b. Minimum tillage
sustainability of a c. Crop production
farm? 11. Does the present agricultural
11. Explain the ecology of system of Nepal is sustain
multiple cropping. able? Give your argument with
12. Define: (answer any three) examples
a. Eutrophication b. LD 12. How does crop interact with
50 weeds and pests? Explain.
c. Disease cycle d.
35 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
2. What should be the development'. 5. How crop response to interrelationships of
strategies and
requirements for Justify this environment factors? agricultural ecology
sustainable agriculture statement with 6. What are the biotic with agricultural
in our context? examples.
3. Define 9. Analyze the sustainable and abiotic productivity.
ecosyste farming system. components of a 9. How environment impact
m. What 10. Write short notes on: hill based maize assessment in framed?
is your a. People's participation in farm? List only. 10. How do you link global warming
inference environment management 7. Give nutrient cycling process and agricultural production?
that any b. Ecological processes and food chain I agriculture. 11. What are the environment issues
ecosyste c. Deforestation and its
m having 8. Briefly explain of Nepal?
impacts on environment
less 11. Define any three of about the 12. Give brief definition of environment
primary following: management strategies.
productiv a. Bioaccumulation and bio- FINAL briefly its methods.
ity would magnification EXAMINATION
have 11. Define food chain and food
b. Eutrophication, its causes - 2071
shorter and controlled measures web. Describe ealso the
Essay Type Question: various types of food chain
food c. Farmers and their
chain? 1. What do you understand by which exist in nature.
4. What do d. Primary and secondary pollution and pollutants? 12. Discuss the following terms( any
you productivity What are the different types three only)
understand 12. Write short notes on any of pollution and how do a. Agro-ecology b. Climate change
by three: you define them? c. Energy flow
population a. Pyramid of biomass in Short Questions( Attempt any
ecology? d. Water contamination e.
pond ecosystem Ten)
Describe b. Pesticide use and abuse Nutrient cycle Year:2069
2. What is global warming? Essay Type Question:
briefly the c.Ecology and agro-
interactions Give various sources of
forestry 1. What are the major factors
of d. Effect of different global warming effects.
responsible for causing changes
agricultural management on dynamics of Describe in short its
adverse effect on in agricultural ecosystems?
crops with pest population.
pathogens agriculture production. Discuss the impacts of agro-
and pest FINAL 3. What is Eutrophication? ecosystem dynamics on crops
population EXAMINATION - Give different methods to and their pests.
s. 2072 (back paper)
stop eutrophication. Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
5. What is Essay Type Question: 4. Give only definition of
climate 1. What are the
change following ( any four only) 2. Define" environment
challenges of a. Soil erosion b. Population science" and "agro-ecology".
and its
sustainable c. Urbanization Explain the role of
ces on agriculture? d. Deforestation e. Pet animals environment studies in
environ Write down
mental about sources 5. Mention briefly the 3. What are the different issues related
sectors? of pollution conservation
6. 'Organic to the environment? Discuss briefly
( soil and strategies used in
farming about the most important
water) and Nepal for
system is environmentalissues.
an eco- their impacts environment
on agro- 4. Discuss the impact over use of
friendly management.
ecosystem. pesticide in agriculture.
system'. 6. Define agro-ecosystem.
Justify this Short Questions( Attempt any Give biotic components 5. What is EIA? Briefly explain the
statement. Ten) influenc- ing the agro- steps.
7. Define 2. What are the ecosystem. 6. Write a short note on
air problems and 7. Give short notes on nay impact of climate change
pollution three of the following: on agriculture.
and types opportunities
of sustainable a. Shifting cultivation b. Crop 7. What are the importance of
of air
pollutant agriculture? rotation c. Organic farming people's participation in
s and 3. Write about organic d. Water balance e. environment management.
their farming systems in agro- Minimum and zero tillage 8. What do you understand by
effects ecology. 8. Briefly describe the interaction farmhouse or home garden
on agro- 4. What do you of crops with weeds and ecology? Discuss the inter-
ecosyste pathogens.
m. mean by relation between different
dynamics of 9. Give a list of requirements components that exists in a
8. 'Active
participatio pest essential for sustainable
farmhouse or home garden.
n of local population agriculture and mention a
9. Explain briefly any three of the
people is and what list of any of weeds of any
the root for should be the crop field of Nepal.
sustain a. Ecological pyramid b.Food chain
management 10. What is environment impact
able assessment? Describe c. Food web d.Trophic level
36 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
10. What are the major Year: 2070 10.Enlist the various types and
organizations working Essay Type Question: goals for sources of pollutants
in the field of 1. Why is climate sustainable and also give at least
environment science? change known production five diseases caused by
Write the contribution as system. water microbial
of any one of them.\ contemporary Compare pollutants?
11. What is organic issue of global among natural, Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
farming? 'Organic world? conventional
farming is important Explain. and 2. Define agro-
for conserving soil Elaborate its sustainable ecosystem. Give the
health', justify your impacts on agro- biotic components
answer with suitable agriculture ecosystem. of any agro-
examples. with some 11.How is ecosystem of Nepal.
adaptation analysis of 3. Give only the definition
12. What are the
examples. sustainable of the environment,
challenges of
Short Questions( Attempt any farming deforestation,
Ten) system done? urbanization, garbage,
agriculture? How
2. How are Discuss. rubbish, and population.
do you convert
human and 12.Write short notes on (any 4. What is greenhouse
those challenges three):
environment effect? Give the
into opportunities? a. IPM various sources of
Write your answer interrelated?
Show their b. Type of competition by green-house gases.
in concise way. mechanism What can be the
relations. c. Monitoring effects of the global
3. Why is agro- d. warming?
ecosystem also A 5. What is
known as eutrophication?
human What the
p methods to stop
ecosystem? l eutrophication?
Explain. i 6. Define food chain
4. What do you and food web. Give
understand by a list of various
d food chains which
farm house
ecology? exist in nature.
Show the e 7. Mention various
interrelationsh conservation
ip among its strategies for
o biological and
5. What are POPs? Discuss l physical stability in
the pesticide misuse. o Nepal.
6. Why is EIA needed? What 8. Give short notes on any three:
are its guiding principles? a. Shifting cultivation b. EIA c.
y Water balance
7. How does
interaction of d. Agro-ecology
crops with Y 9. Briefly describe the
crops with interactions of crops
e with weed and
weeds and
insects take a pathogens.
place? r 10. Mention briefly the
8. Define : conservation strategies
people's used in Nepal for
participation. environment
Discuss the 2 management.
different types 0 11. What do you
of people's mean by climate
participation. change? Discuss
8 its impacts on
9. What are the
Essay Type Question: agriculture.
strategies to be
followed for 12. Give a list of
1. What are the
social stability? requirements essential
Explain. for sustainable
issues? Mention
agriculture and mention
37 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
a list weeds of any
a) Entomology b) Insect insect and mention
having at crop fields of
Ecdysis major function of
least fifteen Nepal.
3. Differe each part.
TRIBHUVAN ntiate 8. Draw and label a neat diagram of
examinat betwee male reproduction
AGRICULTURE AND ion- n system of an insect and mention
ANIMAL SCIENCE 2074 Hypogn major function of each part.
RAMPUR, CHITWAN Essay Type Question: athous 9. Mention the
1. Define metamorphosis. head names of fifteen
Describe different types
of and orders of insect
NA F metamorphosis with ophisth with examples.
L . examples. ognatho 10. Enlist six important
EX M us characteristics of the
Short Questions( Attempt
A . head. order Hemiptera or
MI 4 any Ten)
2. Define the followings: 4. Distinguish between apposition Lepidoptera and
NA 0
TI P image and super position mention five families
ON . zimage. of economic
- 5. Give six modification of legs importance with
74 . of insect with examples. examples.
1 6. What is venation? 11. How would you
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 6
3rd Semester T Draw a labelled recognize workers,
Subject: i diagram of typical droves and queen of
Introductory m wing venation of honeybees? Give their
entomology e an insect. characteristics.
: 7. Draw and label 12. Write the systematic
H a neat diagram position of Honeybee,
rs of digestive silkworm and lac
Candidates are required to give their How compound eye of system of an insect.
answers in their own words as practicable insect is differ with
as possible. The figure in the margin simple eye?
indicates full marks. Final longitudinal cross- veins.
7. Describe the
Essay Type Question: examination- 9. Enlist oligo-pod and polypod
1. Enlist the family of appendages of 2073 type of insect larva with
order Coleoptera insect with Essay Type Question: examples.
with example. appropriate 1. Define entomology. What 10. Write six important
Write the important diagram. are the reasons for the domi characteristics of the order
characteristics of 8. Define nance of insects over other "Co leoptera" and mention
order Diptera and metamorphosis. animals? Explain in details five families of economic
Homoptera. Describe the with examples. impor- tance with examples.
Short Questions( Attempt different type of Short Questions( Attempt any 11. Differentiate between chewing
any Ten) metamorphosis in Ten) biting and chewing lapping types
2. Define insects. 2. What is cuticle? Write on of mouth parts.
entomology. 9. How honeybee is manage
hardening of cuticle. 12. Write short notes on: a)
How smaller in winter and summer
size of insect season? 3. Write on six Haemolymph
help to 10.Enlist the organs modifications of insect
dominance in involved in the process legs with suitable
this world? of excretion in insect. examples.
3. Describe the beneficial Describe the function of 4. Explain complete
aspects of insects. Malpighian tubules of metamorphosis with
4. Define cuticle. Describe insect. examples.
the integument of insect 11. Enlist any seven 5. Draw and label a neat
with figure. holometabolous type of insect diagram of male
5. Enlist the different order with examples. reproductive system of an
mouth parts 12.Write the difference
insect and mention function
modification of between following:
insect. Describe the a) Caterpillar and of each part.
biting and chewing Semilooper b) Halter 6. What is "Binomial
type of mouth part and Hamuli Nomenclature"? Write the
with suitable c) Chilopoda and systematic position of
example. Diplopoda honey bee.
6. Define ommatidia. 7. Write down the lifecycle of
What might be the mulberry silkworm.
role of number of 8. Draw a typical insect
ommatidia in insect? wing and label
38 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Final ns with an a) Integument b) Prognathus c) Cerci
exami example. Final rial
nation 5. Draw a examination- and
- 2072 well 2070 Rapta
Essay Type Question: labelled Essay Type Question: torial
1. Define diagram 1. Enlist the modified legs
entomol of mouth parts of insects b. Nymph and Naiad
ogy. typical with example. Describe c. Apposition and Superposition
Insects insect with figures the typical
are the wing mouth parts of grass
successf includin hopper.
ul group g Short Questions( Attempt any
of venatio Ten)
organism n. 2. Draw and label a neat
s in the 6. Enlist diagram of male
world. abdominal reproductive system of an
Justify appendages of insect and describe in brief
with insect and the major parts with their
example. explain about functions.
Short Questions( Attempt the genital 3. Enlist five types of
any Ten) appendages. antennae of insects with
2. Human's 7. Enlist forms of larvae with figure and one example
perceptio appropriate example of of each.
n towards each. 4. Define metamorphosis and
insects is 8. Enlist the mention it types in insects
negative orders of with examples.
but endopterygota 5. Classify insect larvae with
actually division and one example of each.
they have mention 6. Mention the list of
more seven abdominal
beneficial distinguishing appendages with one
effects characteristics example of each.
than of order 7. List the orders of
negative, Coleoptera endopterygota
how? and Diptera. division with one
3. Enlist 9. Define beekeeping and example of each.
non- explain about its 8. Enlist any five major
stylet importance. characteristics of order
types of 10.Draw a well Hemiptera and also
insect labelled mention any five
mouth diagram of families of this order
parts and insect with examples.
which digestive 9. Draw and write the names
type of system and of longitudinal and cross
insect's describe veins of a typical wing.
mouth briefly about 10. Mention any five bee
part is its digestion species that collect honey
mainly process. and the castes of honey
responsib 11.Differentiate between: bee.
le for a. Compound 11. Write short notes on:
disease eye and a. Mimicry b. Mesothorax c.
transmiss simple Pseudo legs
ion and eye b. 12. Differ
how? Quiescens enti
4. Draw a e and ate
well Diapause bet
labelled c. wee
diagram of Hemimet n
insect abolous (an
antennae and y
and enlist Holometa thre
its bolous e):
modificatio 12.Short notes on: a. Saltato
39 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Final function ra and and
exami of each. Hemiptera Superposition
nation 5. What do
- 2069 you mean
Essay Type Question: by insect Final examination- 2068
1. Define classificatio Essay Type Question: 10
the term n? Enlist 1. W
insect ten h
and important a
entomolo insect t
gy. orders with
Explain an example a
the of each. r
reasons 6. Explain the complete e
of insect metamorphosis with an
dominan illustration. t
ce over 7. Draw and label a diagram h
other of insect digestive e
living system.
beings in 8. Briefly r
the world describe the e
with piercing and a
suitable sucking type s
examples of mouth part o
. of an insect n
Short Questions( Attempt with the help s
any Ten) of a well
2. Briefly labelled f
describe diagram. o
the major 9. Enlist r
parts of distinguishin
integumen g t
t with a characteristi h
well cs and five e
labelled important
diagram. families, d
3. What are with o
the examples, of m
functions the order i
of insect Coleoptera n
antennae or a
? Also Hymenopter n
briefly a. c
describe 10. What do you e
the major mean by
parts of a industrial o
insect entomology? f
antennae. Explain in
4. Enlis brief about the
t the life cycle of
modi silkworm.
fied 11. Write short notes on (any
insec three):
t a. Photoreceptors b.
legs Halter c. Cerci
with of larvae
a 12. Differentiate between
(any three): o
a. Butterfly and Moth b. v
Thoracic legs and e
pseudo-legs r
speci c.
fic Homopte o
40 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
h n
e e
r a
n d
i i
m a
a g
l r
s a
? m

E o
x f
l f
a e
i m
n a
w e
t r
h e
e r
x o
a d
m u
p c
l t
e i
s v
. e
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
2. Differentiate between the followings: s
a. Arachnida and crustacea b. Connectives and y
commissures s
3. Write short notes on: t
a. Entomology b. Tergum c. Excretion d. Spiracle e
4. Draw and label a neat diagram of digestive system of an m
5. Give six modifications of antennae with examples. o
6. Give six modifications of wings with examples. f
7. D
r a
a n
a n
n s
d e
l t
a .
b 8. Explain the complete metamorphosis with examples.
e 9. G
l i
a e
41 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
s t
i e
x r
i "
m .
o M
r e
t n
a t
n i
t o
h f
a i
r v
a e
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e a
r m
s i
o i
f e
h o
e f

o t
r h
d e
r o
" d
H e
e r
e w
r i
o t
p h
e e
r x
a a
" m
o l
r e
" .
C 10. W
o r
l i
e t
o e
42 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
t p
h e
e r
a o
m f
s i
o s
f e
f t
i s
t w
e i
e t
n h

o e
r x
d a
e m
r p
s l
( s
n .
o 11. M
t e
m t
e i
n o
t n
o t
n h
e e
i a
n m
t s
i o
s f

q s
u i
e x
t a
i p
o p
n e
p d
43 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
a o
g s
e i
s t
o o
f n
b o
d f
m h
e o
n n
o y
i e
n e
s s
e ,
t s
s i
w k
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t o
h r
x a
a n
m d
l l
e a
s c
12. G i
i n
v s
e e
t t
h s
e .

s W
y h
s a
t t
m a
a r
t e
c t
p e
44 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Give reason. 11. In papaya, what kinds of progeny
a ii) Write the genes in correct will occur by crossing
d order on the chromosome. (i) male and female plants, (ii)
v iii) What are double female and hermaphrodite
a crossover, non- crossover plants and (iii) selfing of a
n and single crossover types? hermaphrodite plant? And in
t iv) Write the genotypes what proportions?
a involved in the parental 12. Define cytoplasmic inheritance
g and test crosses. and maternal effect. How
e v) Draw a linkage map cytoplasmic inheritance differs
s showing map distances. from nuclear inheritance?
vi) Calculate Coefficient
o of coincidence (CC) and
f interfer ence (I). Interpret
the value.
b Short Questions( Attempt any
e Ten)
e 2. Explain sex determination in
k animals with example.
e 3. Calculate gametic and
e phenotypic frequencies of
p AAaa individual after
i selfing. Also, write the
n types of genotype and
g phenotype.
? 4. Differentiate between
mitosis and meiosis cell
UNIVERSITY Final divisions. Write down
INSTITUTE OF examination- their significance.
AGRICULTURE 2074 5. Mention steps of
AND ANIMAL DNA replication.
SCIENCE Write down the
CHITWAN properties of genetic
FINAL Essay Type Question: code.
. 1. Explain in 6. Present complete diagram
INATI of a cross between tall
ON - M detail about
2074 . Mendel's law round variety and dwarf
(Back 4 wrinkled peas. Summarize
of inheritance
Paper) 0 the expected results up to
Level: P. with the help second filial generation.
B.Sc. M of appropriate 7. What is Gametogenesis?
Ag. . examples and
1 Describe the life cycle of
3rd 6 crosses. If maize diagrammatically.
Semes Ti 8. Differentiate between
ter m auto and allo
Subje e: polyploidy. Write
ct: 2 applications of haploid
Intro H
rs in crop improvement.
duct 9. Explain in brief about Lac
ory operon system in E. coli.
Gen 10. Two plants for one trait
etics are crossed and the F1 is
Candidates are required to give their following types of pro duced. The F1 is self
answers in their own words as practicable
as possible. The figure in the progeny were obtained. fertilized and F2 is
margin indicates full marks. CfS 50, cFs 46, CFs 383, obtained. The data of F2
Essay Type Question: cfS 380 is given below. Perform
1. In maize, F1 Dfs 72, cFS 68, CFS 6, cfs chi-square test for
heterozygous plants 5 goodness of fit and
were test crossed Symbols: coloured= C, interpret the result.
with colourless, colourless= c, full= F, (Tabulated chi- square
shrunken, waxy shrunken= f, starchy= S, value at 1 d.f. = 3084)
plants and the and waxy= s Round: 165, Wrinkled:
i) Are these genes linked? 35
45 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
you had a of blood group test cross Write down features
plant that O, to what between a and significance of
was of different blood heterozygous transposons.
phenotyp groups can smooth round 10.In chicken, the gene
e A_B_, this man and pistilate plant h, distinguishes hen
what test woman expect and a peach feathering from cock
would their children elongate feathering. If a cock
you to belong? staminate one feathered male was
conduct 5. What is produced the mated to a hen
to "Central following feathered female
determine dogma of progeny. (HH), what pat-
whether it biology"? Smooth round terns of feathering
was How 420, peach might be expected
AABB or Eukary otic round 57, peach between the
AaBB or transcriptio elongate 460 (i) male F2 and (ii) female F2
AABb or n differs and smooth progeny.
AaBb? from that of elongate 63. 11.A heterozygous plant
Explain prokaryotic i) Which for two genes is self-
logi- ? Explain are the fertilized and in F2,
cally. with the crossover the following seeds
Short Questions( Attempt help of and non- are observed. Perform
any Ten) figures. crossover chi-square test for
2. What is 6. Calculate progeny? goodness of fit and
cell gametic and ii) What is interpret the result.
cycle? phenotypic the map (Tabulated chi-square
Write in frequencies distance in value at 3d.f. = 7.81)
short of AAaa the map round yellow: 315,
about individual units be- round green: 108,
meiosis after selfing. tween these wrinkled yellow: 101,
cell Also, write two loci? wrinkled green: 32
division the types of 9. What are the 12.Explain sex
with genotype transposable determination in
figures. and genetic plants with
3. What is phenotype. elements? suitable
sporogene 7. What do examples.
sis and you mean Final laws of inheritance.
oogenesis by extra examination- 5. What are sex limited and sex
? nuclear 2073 linkage traits? Explain with
Diagram inheritance Essay Type Question: suitable example.
mati cally ? Explain 1. Define central dogma 6. Define male sterility. Discuss its
show, with the of biology. Explain in significance in crop science.
how help of detail about how DNA 7. What do you mean by linkage?
gamete example. transcribe a messenger If two persons het erozygous
formation Write RNA and its translation for albinism have four
takes down the to amino acids. Also children. What is the
place in characterist list out signifi- cance of probability that three will be
life cycle ics of Replication. normal and one albino?
of maize. cytoplasmi Short Questions( Attempt any (Albino phenotypes appears in
4. If a man of c Ten) recessive condition).
blood 2. Define genetics. How 8. Explain briefly about sex
group AB do you correlate life determination in papaya.
cycle of any crops with Present suitable example of
marries a 8. The two pairs it? role of environment in sex
man of of alleles are 3. Sketch diagram and determination.
blood linked on briefly explain the major 9. What are transposable genetic
group A chromosome events that occurs during elements? Explain in detail.
whose two in meiotic cell division. 10. Define mutation and mutagen.
father was tomato. A 4. Explain about Mendel's Classify them.
46 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
11. Discuss about girl (ii) a short black
Final the genotypic and
genetic control skin red hair boy.
5. Write about semi- examination- phenotypic ratio of F1,
mechanism in conservative mode of 2072 F2 and F3 progeny.
prokary otes with DNA replication. Essay Type Question: 7. What do you mean
the help of Lactose 6. What is gene 1. Explain in detail by Translation? Discuss
metabolism. interaction? Write about Mendel's the step involving
12. Calculate the about the types of laws of translation.
gametic and epistatic gene inheritance with 8. What is mutation? Classify
interaction with
phenotypic suitable examples. the help of mutation on different bases.
frequencies of 7. In maize, recessive appropriate 9. Explain the type of
following gene ba produces example. chromosome
individuals after barren cob and ts gene Short Questions( Attempt any inversion. What is
selfing. Also, write converts male flower Ten) its genetic effects?
the types of into female flower. Ba 2. Diagram and 10. What are the
and Ts are the briefly state transposable genetic
genotype and dominant genes give
phenotype. the major elements? Give your
the normal cob and
a. AAa b. AAaa male flowers, events that logic on gene
Final respectively. A occur during expression.
exami genetician working in meiotic cell 11. What is the gene
nation the IAAS crossed a division. regulation? What
- plant having genotype 3. What is do you mean by
2071 Baba Tsts with other gene positive and
Essay Type Question: plant having genotype interaction negative
1. Explain in detail BaBa Tsts. Show this
about Mendel's ? Write transcriptional
cross and determine
laws of inheritance the sex expression in about the control?
with the help of the progeny. types of 12. Write short notes on (any three):
suitable examples. 8. The recessive gene e, epistatic a) Cell cycle b)
Short Questions( Attempt produces color blind in gene Scope of genetic c)
any Ten) human, which is sex interaction Genetic code d)
2. Diagram and linked gene. A carrier with Pachytene
briefly state the woman of this gene
major events suitable
married a color blind man examples.
that occur and produced first child, a 9. What is mutation? Classify
during meiotic normal vision klinefelter 4. Black colour is
mutation on different bases.
cell division. but in the second time this dominant over
10. What are transposable
3. If a man of blood couple gave birth a color white. A man
group A marry a genetic elements?
blind daughter. How such hetero for body
woman of blood Give your logic how
klinefelter and daughter colour married
group B whose may be produced? Show those elements can
with white woman
father was of blood with the help of clean affect the gene
group AB, what and is expecting 4
diagram. expression.
different blood children. Find the
11. An autotetraploid plan
groups their children probability of
is heterozygous for
belong to? Also, obtaining: (a) one
what may be the two gene loci, YYyy
black boy and
probable blood and DDdd. Dominant
three white girls
group(s) of the Y and D genes govern
(b) all white girls
woman's mother? high yielding and
(c) two black boys
4. Non red hair (R) is disease resistant traits
dominant over red and two black girls
respectively. These
hair (r). Black skin (d) all black
genes are located on a
color (B) is children.
different set of
dominant over 5. Write about semi-
white skin color (b). homologous
conservative model of DNA
Tall (T) is dominant chromosomes. If
over short (t). If a dominance is
6. What is the
man who is complete, how many
maternal effect?
heterozygous for all progenies of this
characters marry a Present (dextral
autotetraploid will you
short, white skin female and
expect for both traits,
woman having sinistral male)
high yielding and
homozygous non coiling in water
red hair character, disease resistant?
snail mentioning
find the chance of 12. Write short notes on (any three):
(a) genotype of
obtaining their first a) Cell cycle b) Scope
parent, F1, F2 and
child (i) a tall white of genetics c) Genetic
skin non red hair F3 progeny (b)
code d) Chromosome
47 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung

48 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung

Final examination- 2070 Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
Essay Type Question: 10 2. Black skin colour (B) is dominant over white skin colour
1. A dominant gene (B), in maize, produces brown pericarp, (b). Tall (T) is dominant over short (t). If a man who is
and its recessive allele (b) produces colorless pericarp. heterozygous for both characters marry a short and white
Tissue adjacent to pericarp is alerone, which is triploid. skin woman, find the chance of obtaining (i) a tall black
The purple pigment is deposited in the aleurone when skin girl and (ii) if this couple expect to obtain 5
dominant (C) is present, its recessive allele (c) results in children, what is the chance of obtaining three tall black
colorless aleurone. The color of the endosperm itself is boys and two short white girl?
modified by a pair of alleles. Yellow is governed by the 3. Tall is dominant over dwarf and round is dominant over
dominant allele, Y, and white by the recessive allele y. wrinkled. Mendel crossed tall wrinkled and dwarf
both C and Y show xenia to their respective alleles. A round seeded pea and found the following F2
plant which is bbCcYy is pollinated by a plant of progenies. Test each for goodness of fit and indicate
genotype BbCcYy. whether it is signifi cantly different from 9:3:3:1 ratio
(a) What phenotypic ratio is expected among the progeny or not. The chi-square value at 0.05P against 3 df is 7.8.
kernels? Tall round: 100, Tall wrinkle: 20, Dwarf round: 30 and
(b) If the F1 is pollinated by plants of genotype bbccyy, Dwarf wrinkle: 10
in what proportions color ratio will the resulting F2 4. Hemophilia in human is a sex-inked character. A normal
kernels be expected to occur? woman whose father had hemophilia married a normal
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 man. What is the chance of occurring hemophilia in their
2. What is apomixes? What is the benefit of apomictic rice? children? If this couple wishes to get first two boys, what
3. In mammals, including humans, a fixed sex ratio is is the chance of occurring hemophilia in both boys?
main- tained. Explain the genetic mechanism. 5. In dogs dark coat colour (D) is dominant over albino (d),
4. In tomatoes, a cross between normal (LfLf) and and short hair (S) is dominant over long hair (s). These
inflores cence leaf (lf lf) was made, then a test cross effects are caused by two independently segregating gene
was per formed, producing 20 offsprings. Fourteen of pairs. A dark short dog is crossed with a dark long dog
them were normal type and 6 were inflorescence leaf and found the following progenies.
Dark short: 29, albino long: 11, Dark long: 38, albino short:
type. Using binomial expression, calculate its
12 Find the probable genotypes of the parents.
6. In summer squash, fruit may be white, yellow or green.
5. Differentiate between repulsion and coupling phases of
In one case the cross of Yellow X White produced an F1
linkage. Provide examples.
of all white fruited plants. The F1 is selfed and F2
6. Draw a well labelled diagram of DNA molecule.
progenies were found as 135 White and 105 Yellow
7. Give (at least) 5 points differentiating mitosis from
phenotypes, explain the results giving genotypes of the
parents, F1 and F2 of this cross.
8. Mean and variance of heights among the girls and boys 7. In papaya, sex determination is governed by a single
students varied significantly in your class. What may be gene. Single gene with three alleles controls the sex
the possible reasons? differentia- tion. What kinds of progeny will occur by
9. What is the reason of obtaining hermaphrodites in goat crossing (i) male and female plants, (ii) female and
population in Chitwan? Explain. hermaphrodite plants (iii) selfing of a hermaphrodite
10. What is the importance of DNA replication? Explain. plant? and in what proportions?
11. What do you understand by gene regulation? Explain. 8. Explain in brief about transformation.
12. There are 2 types of segregation in polyploids. How 9. How Turner and Kilnefelter syndromes are
do they produce a different gametic ratios? Describe. appeared? Explain with the help of suitable
Final examination- 2069 10. What is maternal effect? Briefly explain with the help
Essay Type Question: 10 of suitable example.
1. Female F1 maize heterozygous for tall producing 11. Explain in brief about transcription process in
round and starchy seed was test- crossed and the prokaryotic individuals with the help of suitable
following progenies were obtained. figure(s).
Tall round starchy :10 dwarf shrunken waxy : 05 12. The transposable genetic elements, Ac and Dc
Tall shrunken waxy : 300 dwarf round starchy : 350
Tall round waxy :70 tall shrunken starchy : 135
Dwarf round waxy : 70 dwarf shrunken starchy :
60 Compiled By:- Free Students’
i. Is there linkage between genes?
ii. Draw a linkage map of the linked genes showing Union, Lamjung Campus
the correct genes order and their map distances.
iii. What are double crossover, non crossover and single
crossover types?
iv. Write the genotypes of flies involved in the parental and
test crosses.
v. Diagram the cross showing the arrangement of the
genetic markers on the chromosomes.
vi. Calculate I and CC and interpret the results.
Final examination- 2068 4. Black skin colour (B) is dominant over white skin colour
Essay Type Question: 10 (b). Tall (T) is dominant over short (t). If a man who is
1. Female maize heterozygous for coloured (Cc), tall (Tt) heterozygous for both characters marry a short and white
and starchy (Ss) were test- crossed and the following skin woman, find the chance of obtaining (i) a tall white
progeny were obtained. skin girl and (ii) if this couple expect to obtain four
Coloured tall starchy 75 colourless dwarf waxy 68 children, what is the chance of obtaining three tall black
Colourlesss tall starchy 320 coloured dwarf waxy 330 boys and one short white girl?
Coloured dwarf starchy 80 coloured tall waxy 20 5. Mendel crossed tall wrinkle and dwarf round seeded pea
Colourless tall waxy 77 colourless dwarf starchy and found the following F2 progenies. Test each for
30 goodness of fit and indicate whether it is significantly
Answer the following questions: different from 9:3:3:1 ratio or not. The chi-square value
a. Construct a linkage map showing the correct order of at
genes and the map distances between adjacent genes. .05P at 1 df is 7.8, respectively.
b. Write the genotypes of parents, F1 and test crossed Tall round: 83, Tall wrinkle: 24, Dwarf round: 30 and Dwarf
progenies. wrinkle:07
c. Which are non crossover, single crossover and double 6. A plant breeder crossed a white flowered sweet pea
crossover types? plant with one producing purple flowers and found 2/4
d. Calculate coefficient of Coincidence and Interference purple and 2/4 white flowered progenies. Determine the
and interpret the results. geno types of the parents and progeny.
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 7. In human, how many male gametes and female gametes
2. An individual has two homologous pairs of metacentric will be produced by a primary spermatocyte and by a
chromosomes. Draw metaphase, anaphase and telophase primary oocyte respectively? How many and what kinds
plates of mitosis cell division. How many chromosomes of chromosomes will be present in such male and female
will be present in daughter and parental cells of such gametes?
individual? 8. In maize, recessive gene ba produces barren cob and ts
3. If a man of blood group A married a woman of blood gene converts male flower into female flower. Ba and
group B whose father was of blood group O, what Ts are the dominant genes give the normal cob and
different blood groups their children belong to? Also, male flowers, respectively. A genetician working at
what was the probable blood group(s) of the woman's IAAS crossed a plant having genotype Baba Tsts with
mother? other plant having genotype BaBa Tsts. Show this
cross and determine the sex expression in the progeny.

9. T





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42 Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final Examination 2073
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Enlist the specific problems encountered in the commercial
EXAMI farming of mandarin,
pinepapple, banana and
N - 2074 .
4 mango. Discuss the
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 3rd solution/remedial measures
Semester 0
Subject: Fruit and P. regarding the
plantation crop M
production .
Candidates are required to give their answers in their apple
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in c. Importance of indigenous fruit
the margin indicates full marks. species
Essay Type Question: d. Use of plant growth regulators in
1. What are the specific fruit crops.
problems encountered in
the commercial farming
of Apple, Mandarin and Final Examination 2072
Mango. Discuss the Essay Type Question:
remedial 1. Write cultivation of Apple under
measures/solutions following headings:
regarding the specific a. Root stock b. Climatic
problems in Apple.
Short Questions( Attempt any requirement
Ten) c. Role of pollinizer d.Alternate
2. Classify the apple varieties bearing
according to the chilling Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
3. Briefly discuss the Bahar
2. What are the differences
regulation techniques in case of
Guava. between European plum and
4. Discuss the flowering and Japanese Plum. Write briefly
fruiting habit of Litchi and about prunes.
pear. 3. Explain the propagation technique of
5. Define indigenous Litchi and botany of Papaya.
fruit crops. Why
conservation of 4. Write short notes on (any two):
indigenous fruit crops a. CTC tea b. Parchement
is necessary? coffee
6. What do you mean by c. Under exploited fruit crops
plantation crops? Briefly 5. Describe any two physiological
discuss the processing disorders of mango.
methods of C.T.C and
orthodox tea. 6. Write any two techniques of
7. Briefly describe the improving fruit quality of grape.
dry and wet methods 7. Mention about soil and
of coffee processing. climatic requirement of
8. What are maturity indices? walnut. Write about double
Mention the maturity
indices of banana, papaya working in European pear.
and pineapple. 8. What are the major problems of
9. Describe the soil and soil commercial cultivation of
profile for fruit crops. banana in Nepal?
10.Write short notes on (any 9. Describe two training systems for
a. Litchi cracking b.Alternate strawberry.
bearing habit of fruit crops 10. Write down the uses of plant growth
c. Citrus decline d. Spongy regulator on following crops:
tissue of mango a. Grape b. Mango
11.Differentiate between (any c.Pineapple
three): 11. What is citrus decline? List out
a. Training and Pruning
b.Climacteric and the factors responsible for citrus
Nonclimacteric fruits decline.
c. Monoembryonic and 12. Write down the names of five
polyembryonic popular varities of following fruit
d. Sexual and asexual crops:
propagation a. Mango b. Guava
12.Write about the following in c. Jackfruit d. Peach
short (any three):
a. Characteristics of juvenile e. Litchi f. Apricot
phase b. Clonal rootstocks of
specific problems of a. CTC and Orthodox tea b. papaya plant and of follow- ing fruit
Short Questions( Attempt Cayenne and Queen name six crops:
any Ten) pineapple important a. Mango b. Guava c. Pear d.
2. Write about the 10. Enlist any six cultivars of Peach e.Apricot f.Jackfruit
climatic requirements underexploite papaya. 10.Describe two training systems for
of mango and pear. d and 7. Describe a strawberry plant.
3. Mention indigenous training system 11.Write down the
the fruit crops for grape which cultivation practices
importan with their is simple and followed for banana
t scientific inexpensive. under the following
cultivars name. discuss 8. Mention about heads:
and the skin the soil and a. Season of planting b.
maturity cracking climatic Planting
indices problem in requirements of c. Desuckering d.
of litchi. litchi and walnut. Deflowering
papaya 11. Discuss the usefulness of 9. Write down the 12.Write short notes on (any three):
and plant growth regulator in names of five a. CTC tea b. Fruit Drop in
litchi. fruit sector. popular varieties citrus
4. What do 12. Describe in c. Propagation of pineapple
you mean brief about the
major problems Compiled By:- Free Students’
by "Chilling
requirement encountered in Union, Lamjung Campus
s of the
temperate development of
fruits"? fruit and
Write about plantation
the different sector in Nepal.
tion of
apple. Back examination 2072
5. Discuss the Essay Type Question:
suitable site 1. Describe
and soil the
condition cultivation
for of Aplle
commercial under the
cultivation following
of guava, heads:
litchi and a. Climatic requirement
peach. b. Root stock
6. Discuss c.
climatic Alternate
suitability bearing d.
of Insect pest
different Short
citrus Questions(
species in Attempt
Nepal. any Ten)
7. What do 2. What are
you mean the
by table differences
grapes? between
Discuss European
about the plum and
planting Japanese
and plum?
fertilizer 3. Describe any two
manageme physiological disorders of
nt practices mango.
in guava 4. Write two techniques of
and improving fruit quality of
banana. grape.
8. Write short notes on 5. Write briefly about
propagation and processing of parchment
processing of coffee. coffee.
9. Differentiate between: 6. Describe a
Final Examination 2071 Final Examination 2070
Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. Discuss on the causes of bearing and malformation 1. Describe the cultivation practices of mango on the
in mango and also suggest their remedies. following headings:
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 a. Climate and soil b. Propagation
2. What are the various constraints for the development of c. Alternate bearing d. Insect pests
deciduous fruits in Nepal? Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
3. Discuss banana with respect to bunch covering and its 2. What are the major constraints of fruit production
propagation materials. in Nepal? Describe in brief.
4. Discuss about the propagating materials of pineapple and 3. Describe two training systems for apple practiced in
crop regulation in guava. developed countries that are used for height regulating
5. Discuss about the propagating materials and planting root stocks.
systems of strawberry. 4. Write the propagation technique and one popular planting
6. Define citrus decline. Discuss the multiple causes of system for pineapple.
this problem. 5. What is citrus Decline? List out the factors responsible for
7. Discuss litchi on the following topics: citrus decline.
A. Fruit drop B. Fruit cracking C. Litchi curl mite 6. Describe the harvesting technique and storage of litchi fruits.
8. Give the training and pruning practices in apple 7. List the names of five popular varieties of following fruit crops.
and peach. 8. What are the differences between European plum
9. Discuss various sex forms of papaya and and Japanese plum?
pollination behavior of apple cultivars. 9. Write short notes on (any three):
10. Give the method of propagation in tea and coffee. a. Propagation in papaya b. Coffee processing
11. A citrus orchard is seen with its foliage covered with c. Desuckering in banana d. Guava wilt
black powdery mass, diagnose the problem and suggest 10. What do you mean by CTC tea? Discuss briefly
the remedy measures. on processing of tea.
12. Write short notes on: 11. What are the differences between comunis and serotina pear?
a. Harvesting indices of jackfruit 12. Describe physiological disorders of Apple.
b. Guava wilt
Final Examination 2068
c. Telephone system of training in grapevines
Essay Type Question: 10
Final Examination 2069 1. Describe the cultivation practices of mango on
Essay Type Question: 10 following headings:
1. What are the major problems faced by Nepalese farmers a. Origin and uses b. Climate and soil
in the production of fruits? Also mention the measures to c. Variety d.Propagation e. Orchard planning and planting
overcome these problems. Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 2. Define 'citrus declining'. Explain its causes and control measures.
2. What is chilling temperature? Why chilling requirement 3. Briefly describe the feasibility of fruit development in Nepal.
is necessary for temperate fruit crops? 4. Define 'graft incompatibility'. What are the
3. Describe the ways to regulate flowering in guava. requirements for the success of grafting?
4. Give the control measures of alternate bearing in 5. How does pruning differ with the age of tree?
mango and citrus greening in citrus. Briefly describe the different training system of
5. What do you mean by viticulture? Why viticulture is not grape vine.
still in commercial scale? Mention suitable varieties of 6. Explain the alternate bearing in mango and state in
grape. briefly the causes of alternate bearing.
6. Explain the flowering and fruiting behavior of pear, 7. Write down the cultivation practices of coffee on
plum and apricot. the following topics:
7. Explain the high density orcharding concept in a. Area and production b. Climate and soil
pineapple, banana and papaya. c. Intercultural operation d. Varieties e. Processing
8. What is the importance of underexploited fruit crops? 8. Shortly describe the banana cultivation in chitwan.
Enlist ten under exploited fruit with their scientific 9. What are the prospects and constraints of banana
name and family. cultivation in Nepal?
9. What do you mean by CTC tea? Describe briefly 10. Write short notes on:
on processing of tea. a. Mango malformation b. Guava wilt
10. Why Nepal is potential for coffee plantation? c. Panama wilt d. Classification of fruits
Also mention the wet method of coffee 11. Enlist any four varieties of the each fruit crops:
processing. a. Grapes b. Apple
11. What are maturity indices? Mention the maturity c. Papaya d. Mandarin orange e. Banana
indices of jackfruit, litchi and peach. 12. Why grafted plants are precious in bearing and
12. Write short notes on (any three): dwarfer than seedling?
a. In vitro propagation of fruit crops 44
b. Promising cultivars of apple and pear Compiled By:- Free Students’
c. Strawberry Union, Lamjung Campus
d. Climacteric fruits
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Explain the national scenario of poultry industries and
EXAMI write problem associated with
poultry production and
N - 2074 20
P. suggestion to overcome such
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 3rd problem.
Semester M.
Subject: Pig and 8
Poultry production Tim
Candidates are required to give their answers in their SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
the margin indicates full marks. 2. Why biosecurity is
EASSY TYPE QUESTION essential? Write the
1. Why housing is important different proce dure
for poultry? Describe fallow s in
different systems of housing biosecurity.
birds. Which system is 3. Describe the causes of
generally used for egg drop syndrome and
commercial farming and it preven- tion in
SHORT QUESTIONS 4. Describe the formation of eggs.
5. Write the care and management of
litters up to eight weeks.
2. Describe the care and
management of chicks up to 8 6. Describe the care and
week of egg. management of sow at
3. Write about care and pregnant and farrowing
management of new born piglet. time.
4. Write different points would 7. Write short note on:
keep in mind for selection of a) Creep ration b) Layer ration c)
egg for hatching. Pakhribas black pig
5. Write short notes on:
d) Flushing
a) Needle teeth cutting b)
Debeaking 8. Write the various
6. What are the principle factors influencing
points considering while efficient incubation of
formulating rations for eggs.
poultry feed feeding? 9. Give the criteria for the selection
7. Describe the care and of good sow.
management of broiler up
to the age of marketing.
8. Enlist common breed of
pig and write the
characteristics of middle
9. Enlist the local breeds of
poultry and discuss about
distinguish- ing characteristics
of Rhode Island Red.

2. Write down zoological

Final classification of pig and poultry.
examination 3. List down the swine breeds
- 2073 grown in Nepal. And also
EASSY TYPE QUESTION discuss why Pakhribas black is
1. Why poultry rearing is considered as a suitable breed
being a major enterprise in of swine for eastern hill of
Nepal? Write your own Nepal.
opinion. And also list down 4. Write the process of artificial
the major constraints of brooding of chicks and also
swine production in Nepal. discuss about its importance on
SHORT QUESTIONS poultry production.
(ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 5. Briefly discuss about care and
7*2=14 management of newly born
piglets. Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
6. What are the Final
considerations to examinati
be taken during on- 2072
formulation? 1. With the help of
7. What are the factors a neat diagram,
essential for best explain the
hatching of eggs? working of the
8. Write short notes on: reproductive
a. Albumen b. system of hen.
Farrowing c. Layers What endocrine
9. Explain the complete mechanism is
metamorphosis with involved in the
an illustration. formation of
2. How lighting hours effect
egg production? Explain.
3. Discuss the
care and
nt of
broiler up
age of
4. What are the
formulat ing
rations for
poultry feed?
5. Write the advantages of
pig farming in Nepalese
6. Write short notes on the
a) Debeaking b) Identification
of pig by ear notching
7. Discuss about
methods and
merits of deep
litter system of
8. Explain the
component of
biosecurity can
be maintained
at commercial
9. Write short notes on:
a) Landrace b) Rhode
Island Red

Compiled By:- Free

Final examination- 2071 Final examination- 2070
1. Explain the general management practice of broiler
1. How broiler is managed under deep litter
7*2=14 system. Explain each step from purchase of
2. Describe the reproductive system of a hen with diagram. chicks up to their sale.
3. Explain the care and management of newly born piglets. SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
4. Why temperature management necessary for baby chicks? 2. Explain the egg formation structure of a hen
5. Describe any three indigenous and exotic breeds of pigs
with their characteristic features.
with a labelled diagram.
6. What do you mean by biosecurity? Explain its 3. Explain the care and management of pregnant sow.
compo- nents. 4. Describe the relationship of temperature in
7. Why debeaking is done in layers? Write the importance brooding for chicks.
of vaccination is poultry. 5. Describe any three indigenous and exotic breeds
8. What is piglet Anaemia? Explain its cause and preventive.
of pigs with their characteristic features.
9. Write short notes on:
a. Ear notching b. De-beaking c. Candling of eggs 6. What do you mean by bio-security? Explain
d. New castle disease its components.
7. Why debeaking is done in layers? Write the
impor tance of vaccination in poultry.
8. What is piglet anemia? Explain its causes
and prevention.
9. Write short notes on:
a. Breeding boar b. Candling of eggs
c. Landrace d. Chwanche

a. Air cell b. Cage system

Final of poultry housing
examinatio 5. How bio-security can be
n- 2069 maintained at commercial
1. Explain the 6. Write short notes on:
importance, scope a. Vaccination of chicks b.
and constraints of Identification of pig by
poultry farming in ear notching
contest of the 7. Write short notes on:
Nepalese farming a. Yorkshire b. Plymouth
system. rock
SHORT QUESTIONS 8. Write short notes on:
(ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) a. Needle teeth clipping
7*2=14 b. Moulting
2. Write the zoological 9. Write the care and
classification of management of chicks
Japanese quail. from 0-8 weeks of age.
3. Writeaboutthefactorsinflu
encingcompositionof egg.
1. Write about the effect
of lighting on egg
2. What are the
principle points
considered while
formulating rations
for poultry.
3. Write about care
and management
of new born
4. Write short notes on:
one common
Final poultry
examin housing
ation- system,
2068 which is
1. "Poultry 4. What do you
enterpris mean by
e is brooding?
becomin Also, write
g about
popular temperature
in management
Nepal". in brooder.
Justify 5. What is the
this importance of
statemen light in laying
t along birds? Also,
with its mention the
scope. light
SHORT QUESTIONS management in
(ATTEMPT ANY layers.
SEVEN) 7*2=14 6. Write
2. Writ general
e breed
abo characteris
ut tics of
gen following
eral breeds
care (any two):
and a. Pakhribas black b.
man Hampshire
age c. New Hampshire
men 7. Draw a well
t of labelled diagram
preg of egg laying
nant system of
sow. poultry.
3. Why 8. What are the factors
housing essential for best
is hatching?
importan 9. Write short notes on (any
t for two):
poultry? a. Structure of egg b.
Write Incubation c.
about Biosecurity
46 Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2070
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What is respiration? Describe the structure of the gills of a
FI F. Teleost and explain the
L M. mechanism of respiration.
MI . 8 7*2=14
NA Time 2. Discuss the roles of fish in
TI : human nutrition.
ON 1:30
- Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
3rd Semester
Candidates are required to give their 1. Define 'fish' and
answers in their own words as practicable as 'Ichthyology'. Give
possible. The figure in the margin indicates the taxonomic
full marks. classification of
EASSY TYPE QUESTION fishes of Nepal up to
orders with their
1. Describe respiratory characters and at
system of fish and explain least two examples of
mechanism of respiration. each (order). SHORT
SEVEN) 7*2=14 SEVEN) 7*2=14
2. Discuss the role of fish 2. Draw a well labelled
in human nutrition. diagram of a fish
3. Differentiate between showing its external
chondrichthyes and features, and write down
osteichthyes. the functions of skin.
4. Enlist different orders 3. Write the location in
of fishes of Nepal with the body cavity and
one example of each functions of the
order. following organs of fish:
5. Draw a neat and well (i) Gonads (ii) Gills (iii)
labelled diagram of Heart and
teleost skin and write its (iv) Kidneys. Illustrate
functions. your answer with
6. Explain female suitable rough sketch.
reproductive organs of 4. Discuss the different
a fish. types of fin found in a
7. Describe process of teleost.
digestion in fish. 5. Describe the
8. Discuss different types structure of
of caudal fin. respiratory organ in
9. Write short notes on fish with suitable
any two of the diagram.
following: 6. Write notes on
a. Cycloid and ctenoid accessory
scales respiratory organ in
b. Fish ghee and isinglass singhi
c. Accessory respiratory (Heteropneustes
organs fossilis).
7. Describe the
structure of any one
gonad of fish studied
by you.
8. Differentiate the
following pairs: (i)
Cycloid and ctenoid
scales; (ii) Alimentary
canal of herbivorous
fish and that of
carnivorous fish.
Final 9. Write short notes on:
examin a. Economic
ation- importance of fishes
2069 b. Digestive glands in
3. What is placoid examinati
scale? How is it on- 2068
differentiated between EASSY TYPE QUESTION
cycloid and ctenoid 1. Draw and label
alimentary canal of
4. Define fish.
Differentiate between cyprinids and explain
chondrichthyes and mechanism of
Osteichthyes. digestion.
5. Enlist different orders SHORT QUESTIONS
of sub-class (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN)
Actinopterygii present in 7*2=14
Nepal with one example 2. Define
of each order. ichthyology and state
6. Explain the mechanism of how fish is different
digestion in carnivorous
fish. from other terrestrial
7. Discuss the female animals.
reproductive organ of a 3. Explain the nutritional
Teleost. importance of fish.
8. Write short notes on any 4. Write down the
two of the following: characteristics of teleosts
a. Fish glue and isinglass and discuss with example
b. Fish meal order siluriformes.
c. Functions of skins and fins 5. What do you
9. Write the common and
understand by bony
scientific names of the
following: ridge scale? Differenti-
a. Largest and smallest fishes ate between the cycloid
of the world and Nepal and ctenoid scales.
b. Any two predatory fishes 6. What do you
mean by paired fin
and explain
different types of
caudal fin?
7. Write down the structure
and function of skin of
8. Draw, label and
explain in brief the male
reproductive organ of a
oviparous fish.\
9. Short notes:
a. Accessary respiratory
Final relative gut length

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung
Final examination- 2067 Final examaination- 2065
1. What is digestion? Describe mechanical, chemical and 1. What is respiration? Describe mechanism of respiration
enzymatic activities for digestion in fish with description in fish.
of different parts of alimentary canal. SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14 2. Write important characters of class Dipnoi and give
2. Define fish. Differentiate between Chondrichthyes two examples.
and Oesteichthyes. 3. Classify: Andha bam, Katle, Singhi, Buhari.
3. Discuss the role of fish in human nutrition. 4. Explain digestion process in stomach of fish.
4. Enlist the different orders od sub-class 5. What are the functions of fins? Explain.
Actinopterygii represented in Nepal with one example of 6. What are the differences between cycloid and ctenoid
each order scale? Explain.
5. Describe the structure of cycloid scale and compare it 7. Explain briefly functions of skin.
with ctenoid scale. 8. Draw the diagrams of female reproductive organs
6. Explain structure of gills of a bony fish and explain and describe oogenesis process.
the mechanism of respiration. 9. Write short notes on following:
7. What is reproduction? Describe the male a) Swim bladder b) Lateral line
reproductive organs of a teleost.
8. Write the scientific names of following:
a. Largest and smallest fishes of the world and Nepal
b. Any two fishes having two dorsal fins
9. Write short notes on:
a. Accessory respiratory organ in Clarias species.
b. Functions of skin and fins

Final examination- 2063

Final examination- 2066 EASSY TYPE QUESTION 6
EASSY TYPE QUESTION 6 1.What is digestion? Describe mechanical, chemical and
1. Describe economic importance of fishes.
enzymatic activities for digestion in fish with description of
2. Define fish.
Differentiate between different parts of alimentary canal.
chondrichthyes and SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT
osteichthyes. ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
3. Describe the structure 2. Define ichthyology.
of skin of fishes. Differentiate between
4. Enlist the different cypriniformes and
orders of sub-class siluriformes.
Actinopterygii 3. What is gonado
represented in Nepal somatic index (GSI)?
with one example of
each order. Describe annual
5. Mention the variation of GSI of
functions of scale of ovary in carps.
fish. Differentiate
between cycloid and
ctenoid scales.
6. Explain homocercal type of caudal fin. Discuss the func-4.
Enlist different types of scales in fishes. Describe structure
tions of of ctenoid scales. Mention the
different functions of scale.
types of fins
in fishes.
7. Describe mechanical, chemical and enzymatic activities
f5o.rDescribe the structure of skin of a fish.
dig 6. Explain homocercal
esti type of caudal fin.
Discuss the func-
8. Differentiate between the cypriniformes and siluriformes.
9. Explain structure of of respiration.
gills of a teleost and
discuss the mechanism
tions of different types of Intestine
find in fishes. 8. Describe accessory
7. Write the locations and respiratory organs of Clarias
functions of the species.
following organs: 9. Explain role of fish in human
a) Pharyngeal teeth b) nutrition.
Swim bladder c) Spleen d)

48 Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCE 9. Why is tractor called so? What is the principle of
RAMPUR, CHITWAN opera tion in clutch system and brake system and how
FINAL F. differ from one another?
NATIO M. 10. Machine X has a cost
N - 2074 40
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th of Rs. 10,0000 and
Semester M. expected to produce
Subject: Farm power 16 cash flow of Rs. 3,000
Ti per year for 4 years and
and Machinery me
:2 Rs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in the power sprayer.
margin indicates full marks. FINAL
Essay Type Question: EXAMINATION -
1. Write about the prospect of
Essay Type Question:
mechanization in our 1. Define tillage with its
country. Explain with objectives. List the functions of
sketch how power Mould Board plough. Describe
generated by a tractor its different parts with the help
engine is transferred up to of neat sketches.
rear wheels? Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
Short Questions( Attempt any
2. How can mechanization
help in the development of
2. What is the most crucial agriculture in hilly regions
requirement for zero tillage of Nepal? Discuss in brief.
practice? Describe the 3. What is seed drill and write its
different unit of operations functions? Calculate the seed
applied in modern thresher. rate per hectare of 5×18 cm
3. Point out the seed drill whose is main drive
drawbacks of wheel is 120 cm diameter and
total weight of grain collected
indigenous plough in
in 20 revolutions is 0.5 kg.
tillage action. Explain 4. Write the methods of
with figure about the spraying. Explain a
adjustment of depth knapsack sprayer in brief.
of plough by hitch orders in a 5. What are different types
animal drawn indigenous threshing cylinders used in
plough. power thresher? Explain them
4. Present the with the help of diagrams.
diagrammatic features 6. Describe the working principle
of tyne harrow and of centrifugal pump with a neat
cultivator showing
7. Compare between CI and SI
their difference in engines with diagrams.
operation. 8. What is power transmission
5. Differentiate the rotary system or power train of a
action in rotavator and disc tractor? Write its components
harrow and write the with figures.
application and purpose of 9. Explain the reaper with its
cage wheel in a tractor. essential components.
10. What power is required to pull
6. "A knowledge of
1.2 meter reaper working at a
pump characteristic speed of 4.8 km/hr, if there is a
curve help in selection load of 50 kg/m length of the
of centrifugal pump". reaper and field efficiency is
Justify the statement. 80%.
7. What is the function of 11. Find the cost of using a tractor
metering device in a seed per Hp-hr when the cost of 35
Hp tractor is NRs. 12,00,000/-
drill? Explain about the
life of tractor is 10 years, rate of
procedure for the interest 10% and working hours
calibration of a seed drill. per year are 1000 hrs. Make
8. What is the main necessary assumptions, if any.
determining factor for 12. Discuss the uses of
selection of duster or electricity in farm. Also
sprayer? Explain about the write the alternative sources
of electricity.
construction detail of a
2,500 on the Calculate the resistance on the The shovel spacing is
fifth year. field efficiency seeder is 0.4 24 cm. Speed of
Similarly of 3 bottom MB kg/cm2. cultiva- tion is 5 km/hr
machinery plough having a 6. Describe the working and field efficiency is
Y with cost furrow width of principle of vertical conveyer 80%. Calculate the
reaper. cost of tractor in
25,000 is 26 cm, depth of
7. A farmer RS/hr.
expected to plough of 22 cm purchased 35 hp 8. Write the working principles of
produce and forward tractor for Rs. threshers with a neat diagram.
cash flow of speed of 5 11,45,000.00 . Its 9. Describe the working principle of
Rs. 7,400 km/hr. if the total working life reciprocating pump.
per year for time loss is 20% is 12000 hours 10. Define sorting and
3 years and and overlapping with the annual grading. Explain
Rs. 8,000 width is 12 cm. use of 1000 the color sorting
and 6,500 hours. The method with a
annual interest diagram.
for fourth
rate is 7%. The 11. Differentiate between motor and
and fifth
tractor is being generator.
year. used with an 12. Enlist the types of
Assuming eleven tine laboratory tests of
the interest cultivator costing farm tractor and
of capital is RS. 18000.00. machinery.
12%, which Compiled By:- Free Students’
machine is
cost FINAL Union, Lamjung Campus
effective for N - 2072
selection if Essay Type Question:
they are 1. Explain the
mutually working
exclusive? principle of
11. Explain four stoke
about the Spark Ignition
engine. Also
describe the
and principle of
closing differential
mechanis with a
m of 4- diagram.
stroke Short Questions( Attempt any
engine. Ten)
Find out 2. Explain the scope and
the status of farm
mechanization in Nepal.
3. Describe the different
on ratio if component of tractor drawn
the MB plough.
engine 4. Explain the procedures of
cylinder calibration of seed drill.
having 5. A pair of
stroke bullocks weights
boar ratio 600 kg and can
is 1.25 pull about 1/
10th of their
body weight.
Find out the
diameter power required
of 55 cm and the power
clearance available to
volume operate this
105cc. seeder when
12. What is the each of the 5
main furrow openers
difference makes a
between a
furrow cross
section of 5 cm
and a wide × 5 cm
motor? deep. The soil
Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. What are the functions or purposes of cooling system in 1. Explain the working principle of two strokes and four
strokes spark ignition engines. What are the different
tractor engine? With the help of neat diagram explain
types of lubrication system in I.C. engine? Write down
the working of forced circulation water cooling system the working mechanism of fuel supply system in disel
and also write down the function of thermostat value in engine. What are the common engine troubles.
this system. Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 2. What are the sources of farm power? Explain the tractive
2. How do you see farm mechanization can help in and stationary operations. How non-conventional source
develop- ment of agriculture in terai and hills of Nepal? of energy is being utilized in Nepalese agriculture?
3. What is the principle of friction clutch? Explain 3. Write the importance and operation of pre-cleaner and
tractor engine. List the types of water cooling systems.
the working of single plate clutch. What are the advantages and disadvantages of air cooling
4. Explain the working of Flutted Roller seed metering system?
mechanism? List different parts of tractor drawn seed 4. Explain the mechanism of mechanical brake. What
drill. is differential lock in tractor system?
5. Explain the working principle of centrifugal pumps. 5. Specify the objectives of primary and secondary tillage
6. What may be the reasons if the tractor engine does not operations. Calculate the area covered per day of 8 hrs
start at all? by a tractor drawn four bottom 35 cm plough if the speed
7. Calculate the time required for sowing of 5 ha of land by of ploughing is 6 km/hr, the time lost is turning is 6%.
6. Describe the popular types of furrow openers in cultivator
a tractor drawn seed drill with 11 furrow openers with a diagram. How can penetration be improved in a
spaced 20 cm apart. The drill is operated at the speed of 5 disk harrow? What are the uses of chisel plough and
km per hour. Take field efficiency 90%. subsoiler?
8. What are the main considerations for selection of 7. List different mechanism of seed metering mechanism in
electric motors? seed drill and planter. The seed rate indicator of 12×20
9. What is the difference between single action disc cm seed drill was kept to show 65 kg per hectare. If the
harrow? List different parts of disc harrow. radius of ground wheel is 30 cm, what should be
correction factor to multiply the indicated value if half of
10. What are the functions of combine harvester?
the grain drill
Name different parts of combine harvester. gives 26 kg at 1000 rpm?
11. Describe the working of manually operated 8. What are principal function of sprayer? Describe different
Knapsack sprayer. types of duster. What are the components associated with
12. What are the different types of threshing cylinders used power sprayer?
in 9. What is registration of a mower? Mention the components
threshes? of power thresher. What are the major operations per
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2068 formed in combine harvester?
Essay Type Question: 10 10. Define different types of primary processing
1. Explain the working principle of 4-stroke diesel engine operations. What are the different types of screen
and 2-stroke petrol engine with necessary diagrams. cleaner?
11. Explain the principle of reciprocating pump. What are
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
the prospects of farm electric use?
2. Why is air cleaning important in tractor system? 12. Write short notes on: (any two)
Discuss forced circulation type water cooling system. a. Depreciation b. Mould plough
3. If the cost of tractor having 12 years life is Rs. c. Radiator d.Self propelled rice transplanter
7,00,000 find the cost of operation per unit hour if the FINAL EXAMINATION - 2067
rate of interest is 10% and working hours is 1000 per Essay Type Question: 10
year. Assume necessary data. 1. What are the functions or purposes of cooling system in
4. Write the classification of sprayers. Describe the tractor engine? With the help of neat diagram explain the
compo- nents of power sprayer. working of forced circulation water cooling system and
5. Describe working procedures of power thresher with also write down the function of thermostat valve in this
a suitable diagram. system. Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
6. Mention the classification of water pumps. How can 2. What is the principle of friction clutch? Explain
we select them for irrigation purposes? the working of single plate clutch.
7. What is zero tillage and minimum tillage? 3. What may be the reasons if the tractor engine does not start at all?
Differentiate between disc plough and disc harrow. 4. What is the difference between single action and double
8. Discus the types of seed metering mechanism used in action disc harrow? List different parts of disc harrow.
seed cum fertilizer drill. 5. Explain the working of Flutted Roller seed metering
9. Describe the possible reasons behind the overheating of mechanism? List different parts of tractor drawn seed
an I.C. engine. Explain the hitching systems of a farm drill.
tractor. 6. Describe the working of manually operated knapsack sprayer.
10. Mention the functions of lubrication system in I.C. 7. What the functions of combine harvester? Name
engine. Compare a water cooling system with a air cooling different parts of combine harvester.
system. 8. What are different types of threshing cylinders used in threshers?
11. Write the functions of the following: 9. What are the major considerations for selection of electric motors?
a. clutch b. PTO c. carburetor 10. Explain the working principle of centrifugal pumps.
12. Write short notes on: 11. Calculate the time required for sowing of 5 ha of land by
a. rotavator b. chaff cutter c. jointer a tractor drawn seed drill with 11 furrow openers spaced 20
cm apart. The drill is operated at the speed of 5 km per hour.
Take field efficiency 90%.
12. How do you see farm mechanization can help in develop-
ment of agriculture in terai and hills of Nepal?
50 Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final Examination- 2073
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Write the different planting times of sugarcane in Nepal.
EXAMI Discus shte importance of
NATION M. various-by-products if
- 2074 40
P. sugarcane in Nepalese
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th Economy.
Semester M.
Subject: Commercial 16
Crops Ti
Candidates are required to give their answers in their are the improved methods of
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in sugarcane planting over superior
the margin indicates full marks.
over conventional methods? Also
Essay Type Question:
write about the post- harvest
1. Explain the planting
considerations in sugarcane ratoon
methods adopted in sugarcane
management. Short Questions
highlighting the procedure if
land preparation, areas of (Attempt any ten)
adoption and amount of seed 2. Write about climatic and edaphic
materials required for requirements of sugar beet.
planting. Short 3. Enlist various planting materials
Questions( Attempt any Ten) in sugarcane. How do you manage
10*3=30 weeds in sugarcane plantation
2. What are the in deal specially during the early crop
conditions for jute retting? stages?
How can we increase the 4. Give the differences in the
efficiency in retting process? morphology as well as the
3. What is curing? Enlist the methods cultivation practices of the two
of curing and discuss about flue- species of jute.
curing. 5. Discuss about the nursery
4. Explain the nutrient management in tobacco.
management on tobacco with 6. What are the roles if major
respect to types and properties nutrients in cotton? How will you
of tobacco leaves. manage plant nutrition in cotton?
5. Write the physio- 7. Write about the process of
morphological differences and
harvesting in tobacco.
differences in cultivation
8. Write about the defoliation and
practice of the two species of
Chorchorus. desiccation in cotton as well as
6. Enlist various planting its harvesting.
material in sugarcane. How do 9. Explain the process of jute stalk
you manage weeds in retting and also discuss the defects of
sugarcane plantation specially jute fiber.
during the early crop stages? 10. What is curing? Enlist the
7. What are the roles of methods of tobacco curing and
major nutrients in cotton? describe the process of flue- curing.
How will you manage the 11. Write on following heading
plant nutrition in cotton. a) Role of plant population in seed
8. Explain the pollination cotton yield
behavior and fiber formation B) Topping in cotton
in cotton. 12. Write on the following headings:
9. Write short notes on: a) Sugar extraction from the sugar
a) Defects in jute fiber b) beet
Role of N, P and K in cotton b) Effect of light on growth and
10.Discuss about nursery development of jute
management in tobacco.
c) Leaf quality in tobacco
Write about the climatic
and edaphic requirement of
11.Write short notes on:
a) Sugar extraction from
b) Nicotine c) Hybrid
Essay type Question:
1. Enlist various methods of
planting of sugarcane. How
Short Questions (Attempt planting. Also 11. How do nitrogen fertilizer in
any Ten)
2. Write describe any one you suggest he Tobacco.
about the popular method farmers for the 12. Write about the process of
climatic used in Nepal. application of harvesting in tobacco.
requirements 12. Write short notes on (any
and soil for three) Compiled By:- Free Students’
higher yield a) Retting of Jute b)
Harvesting of Tobacco Union, Lamjung Campus
of cotton.
3. Discuss the qualities c) Gossypol d)
and defects of Jute Rayungans.
4. Give
the planting
seed rate
chemical Final
weed Examinati
control in on 2072
Jute. Essay Type Question
5. Define 1. Mention the
the term scope and
curing. constraints if
Write about sugarcane
the process cultivation in Nepal
of flue- and describe one
curing in popular method of
tobacco. planting Nepal.
6. Write Short Questions
about the (Attempt any Ten)
dose and 2. Briefly describe the
time for climatic requirement of
NPK sugarcane.
fertilizer 3. Describe the crop rotation
applica- tion for the successful tobacco
for the cultivation.
cultivation 4. Write the
of the effects of NPK
sugarcane. fertilizers for
7. How do you raise the the
tobacco seedling in productionof
nursery? seed cotton,
8. What are 5. Write the merits and
the different demerits of summer
panting planting sugarcane.
materials used 6. Write short notes om: (any
in sugarcane, three)
also mention a) Stubble shaving b)
the preparation Nicotine
of sets for c) Seed preparation of Cotton
planting of
sugarcane. 7. Describe
9. Discuss about the the flue curing
topping and method of
defoliation in cotton. tobacco and
10. What give reasons
are the that the
advantages desirable top
and quality tobacco
disadvanta can be ob-
ges tained from
ofratoon this curing
crop in method.
sugarcane: 8. Write the defects of Jute
? fibers.
11. Enlist the 9. Why defoliation is done in
different cotton.
methods of 10. Explain the fiber
sugarcane development in cotton
Final Examination-2070 Final Examination-2070
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Enlist the different planting materials used for planting 1. Write about the sowing of cotton and jute.
sugarcane and describe in brief the best planting material Short Questions (Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
thatyou will recommend to the Sugarcane growing 2. Write about the effect of soil on growth and
farmers. Give reasons for your recommendation. development of tobacco.
Short Questions (Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 3. Write the effect of N, P and K on growth and
2. Describe the process of Jute Rotting. development of cotton.
3. Discuss the defoliation and dessications in Cotton. 4. Write the effects of N, P and K fertilizer application
4. Enlist the factors that affect the quality of Jute Fibre. for tobacco cultivation,
5. Give planting season, seed rate, spacing and plant 5. Describe the pit (ring) method of planting sugarcane.
population in sugrabeet. 6. Write about cotton on the following headings:
6. List the recommended varieties of jute, cotton, a) Effect of light on its growth and development
sugarbeet, sugarcane and tobacco. b) Topping and Harvesting
7. Define curing. Write about the flue curing method 7. Describe the process of steeping in jute.
of tobacco leaves. 8. Explain the different factors which should be taken into
8. How sowing and harvesting is done in cotton? consideration for the improvement in yield of ratoon crop
9. What are the different growth stages of sugarcane? of sugarcane.
10.Write short notes on: (any three) 9. Define curing in tobacco and explain the process of its
a) Rayangans air curing.
b) Wrapping and propping of sugarcane 10. Write about the sugarcane on the following headings:
c) Top one third portion of cane a) Top one third portion
d) Topping and desuckering in tobacco b) Dethrasing
11.Explain in brief the carious precautionary measure that c) Intercropping
you will recommend to raise the healthy seedlings of 11. Describe Jute fibres with its defects.
tobacco. 12. Write about the sowing and plant population in sugarbeet.
12.Explain the following terms (any three)
a) Gossypol
b) Yield attributes of cotton
Final Examination 2065
c) Fertilizers in sugarcane farming
d) Mollases Essay Type Question 10
1. Explain the importance and use of sugarcane and
Final Examination 2068
its byproducts in brief. As an agronomist, give your
Essay Type Question 10
1. Write the different planting time of sugarcane in Nepal
suggestion. How can we increase the productivity of
and discuss the importance of various by products of sugarcane in Nepal
sugarcane in Nepalese economy. Short Questions (Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
Short Questions (Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 2. Briefly explain the seed rate, sowing time,
2. Write about the harvesting of tobacco spacing and fertilizer management in jute,
3. Describe the cotton fibre. 3. Write down the method so harvesting of tobacco
4. List the recommended varieties of Jute, cotton,
4. What are the seed materials of sugarcane briefly
tobacco and sugarcane in Nepal.
5. Write the suitable climatic requirements and soil for explain the seed selection, preparation and
higher yield of cotton. treatment of set of top 1/3 portion of sugarcane.
6. Give the planting season, seed rate and chemical 5. Write down the climatic requirements of cotton crop.
weed control in Jute. 6. Define retting and briefly explain the method of
7. Define the rem curing. Write about the process of stalk retting in Jute.
tobacco flue- curing.
7. Enlist he different methods of cutting in tobacco
8. How do you raise the tobacco seedlings in nursery?
9. Explain the reasons of obtaining low yield of ratoon crop and briefly explain the method of sun curing
in sugarcane. 8. Explain in brief the topping, defoliation and
10.Write about the dose and time of NPK fertilizer desicca- tion process in cotton.
application for ®®the cultivation of sugarcane. 9. Enlist the different methods of sugarcane
11.Write about the defoliation of cotton, topping and planting. Briefly explain the trench method of
desuckering in tobacco and molasses. planting. 10.Briefly explain the intercultural operations in
12.Write short notes (any three)
a) Retting of jute
b) Priming in tobacco 11.Classify and briefly explain the cultivated cotton crop.
c) Gossypol 12.Write short notes on:
d) Rayungans a) Desuckeringb)Propping in sugarcane c) Gossypol
d) Nicotine

52 Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define seed technology. Describe in brief about the
EXAMI problems and
opportunities of quality
N - 2075 M
. seed production of grain
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th
4 legumes and oilseed in
0 Nepal.
Subject: Principles and practices
of seed technology Time: 2 Hrs Short Questions( Attempt any Ten)
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in 2. Explain briefly the
the margin indicates full marks. pollination and
Essay Type Question: fertilization process
1. Define seed and seed during seed formation
technology. Describe in
of rice.
brief the agronomic
principles of upland rice 3. Write short notes on:
seed production. Short a) Seed materials b) Micro-
Questions( Attempt any sporogenesis c) Field inspections
Ten) 4. Define seed vigor.
2. Explain briefly the How the seed vigor
pollination and fertilization affect on plant stand
process during seed establishment under
formation of maize seed.
3. Write short notes on: field condition?
a) Seed vigor b) Hybrid seed c) 5. Define seed
Routine test germination. Briefly
4. Define seed dormancy. explain the seed formation
Write down the types of process of soyabean seed.
seed dormancy. How you 6. Briefly explain the
can remove the seed basic requirements for
dormancy in Dhaincha( the quality seed
5. Briefly explain the determination.
importance of quality seed to 7. Enlist the agronomic principles of
increase the productivity of a seed production of maize.
crop. 8. Briefly explain
6. "Quality seed is the the practices of
carrier of new technology". seed selection, seed
Justify this statement with treatment, time of
examples. sowing, isolation
7. Briefly explain the seed
distance and pest
selection, seed treatment, time
of sowing, seed rate and weed management during
management in lentil seed rice seed
production. production.
8. What do you mean by seed 9. Define seed
certification? Write down the certification. Write down
seed certification in sequence in the process of seed
Nepal with appropriate certification of wheat.
9. Define seed germination 10.Define seed
and write down the pattern upgrading. How can you
of seed germination. upgrade the maize seed
10. Define seed processing. by using different
Write down the steps of machines?
seed cleaning to get quality 11.What is Intellectual
seed. Property Rights (IPRs)?
11. What is seed upgrading? Briefly explain the different
How can we do seed upgrading
by using different machines/ forms of IPR found in
explain briefly. Nepal.
12. Define Intellectual 12.Write down the
Property Rights (IPRs). quality seed production
Write briefly the different and distribution systems
forms of IPR protections. of wheat seeds in Nepal.

B Question:
ack examination- 1. Define seed germination. Discuss
2073 Essay Type about the factors affecting
germination and F (any three): quality seed?
processes of inal a) Triple fusion and 12.Describe about the following
germination in detail. exam double fertilization b) terms (any three):
Short inati Grow out test c) Seed a) Isolation distance for highly cross
Questions( Attempt any on- disinfestations d) Roughing pollinated vegetables
Ten) 10*3=30 2072 11.What are the importance of b) Seed classes c) ISTA d)
2. Define double Essa Intellectual Property Right
fertilization. Give the y
processes of embryo Type
development with Compiled By:- Free Students’
figures. tion: Union, Lamjung Campus
3. Define quality seed. 1. What is seed?
Discuss how you can What factors are
maintain quality seed in responsible for
Nepalese situation in deteriorat- ing the
brief. seed quality in
4. What are the storage? Describe
causes of seed in brief.
dormancy? Discuss Short Questions( Attempt any
how dormancy can Ten)
be broken in brief. 2. Draw a well
5. What are the labelled diagram
objectives of field showing
inspection? Write microsporogenesi
about seed legislation s and
in Nepal. microgametogene
6. Differentiate between sis.
seeds and grains in a 3. What is
legical way. megagametophyte
7. Define seed and ? Briefly write
discuss about the about the types of
nutritional value of endosperm
seed in brief. development.
8. Classify the seed 4. What
based on its do you
storability. Give the mean by
ways how we can scarificatio
increase their n? What
longevity for further are the
use. contamina
9. What is nts to be
physiological maturity observed
period of seed? during
Discuss how we can field
detect its inspection?
physiological maturity 5. Climate is
period in field considered as
condition in brief. both constraint
10. Define seed and opportunity
processing. Give the for seed
five machines used production. How?
in seed processing 6. How do you maintain
and discuss about genetic purity in seed
their uses it in brief. crops?
11. Give the 7. Explain about
techniques of seed the fertilizers, seed
production of rice and rate, sowing time,
discuss in brief. sowing depth and
12. Write short notes spacing in wheat
on (any three): seed production.
a) Hybrid seed b) 8. What are the seed
Breeder's property right standards for rice seed?
c) World Trade 9. What are the
Organization (WTO) d) objectives of
Farmer's right in seed field inspection?
Write about the
types of seed
10.Define the following terms
Final examination- 2072 Final examination- 2070
Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. Describe the basic principles of seed technology. 1. What is the importance of seed dormancy in crop
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 produc- tion? Discuss the factors that affect seed dormancy.
2. Define seed technology. Differentiate between seed Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
and grain. 2. Write in brief about different phases of germination.
3. Discuss the process of megasporogenesis and 3. Define improved seed. Briefly explain the various
megagametogenesis. classes of improved seed.
4. What is seed dormancy? What are the factors affecting 4. Define seed viability. Briefly discuss various methods
seed dormancy? to measure seed viability.
5. Define seed germination. Explain briefly the 5. What are the principles of seed drying?
chemical changes occurring during seed germination. 6. What do you mean by the determinants of seed quality?
6. Explain the seed certification process in Nepal. 7. Define seed processing. What are the objectives of seed
7. What are the general principles of seed storage? Also processing?
discuss about the factors affecting seed longevity in storage. 8. What are the objectives of seed testing?
8. Write short notes on (any two): 9. Describe in brief various types of seed storage and their
a) Intellectual Property Right b) Seed Quality c) significance in agriculture.
harvesting and threshing of seed maize 10. Write down the differences between grain and
9. What are the seed distributions systems in Nepal? seed production.
Explain. 11. Differentiate between the followings (any three):
10. Explain briefly the (Package of Practice) POP for a. Apomixis and parthenogenesis
seed material production of potato. b. Scarification and stratification
11. Write short notes on: c. Nuclear and cellular endosperms
a) Time isolation in Maize b) Process of seed cleaning c) d. Mesobiotic and microbiotic seeds
National seed act 12. Write down the general principles of seed production
12. Write the principles of field inspection during of grain legumes.
seed production.

Final examination- 2070 time of sowing, seed rate and

Essay Type Question: water management in wheat
1. Define seed and seed seed production.
technology. Describe the 9. Define seed processing. Write
problems and scope of down the factors affecting seed
quality seed production in longevity.
Nepal. 10. Write down the seed production
Short Questions( Attempt any and distribution systems in Nepal.
Ten) 11. Define seed certification.
2. Explain briefly Enlist the fundamental concept of
the seed certification.
megasporogenesis 12. Briefly explain the Intellectual
and Property Rights (IPRs).
process during seed
3. Write short notes on: a)
Seed dormancy
1998 c) ISTA d) Field
4. What is seed
germination? Write down
the process of seed
germination in brief.
5. Briefly explain the
requirements for the
determination of seed
6. Write down genetic
principles of seed
7. Define field standard
and seed standard. Briefly
explain the seed standards
of rice seed in Nepal.
8. Briefly explain seed
selection, seed treatment,
Final examination- 2068 classes of improved
Essay Type Question: seed in your views.
1. How do you 6. Define seed
produce quality germination and
seed of cereal explain the patterns
crop? Write in of seed
detail step by germination.
step. 7. Write short notes on:
Short Questions( Attempt a. Physiological maturity of
any Ten) seed
2. Define 8. How does plant nutrition
seed dormancy affect seed production?
and briefly Discuss.
explain the 9. Writ down
methods of the principle
breaking differences
dormancy. between grain
3. Discuss the and seed
importance of quality production.
seed. 10. Write short notes on (any
4. W three):
hat is a. Quescence b.
arches Seed vigor c.
porial Seed purity d.
cell? Stratifica- tion
Explai 11. Briefly describe
n the the Nepal Seed Act
proces 1998 and its
s of important features.
micro 12. Differentiate between the
gamet following (any two):
ogene a. Seed and
sis. improved seed b.
5. Define Nucleus seed and
improved seed. Breeder seed
Briefly explain c. Constitutive dormancy and
the various enforced dormancy

54 Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
M. 1. What is Brood
N Fish? How will you
A 20
L P. manage it
E M. scientifically? How
X 8 does small brood
A Ti fish differ from
M me:
I 1:3 female?
N 0
A Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
4th Semester
Principles of
Candidates are required to give their transportation?
answers in their own words as 7. What is pig- fish
practicable as possible. The figure in
the margin indicates full marks.
farming? What are its
EASSY TYPE 8. What are the desirable
QUESTION characters of fish for
1. What type of culture?
fish is called a 9. What do you
brood fish? know about duck-
Describe the fish farming
artificial breeding system? What are it
of Chinese carp? merits?
2. How dissolved ATION -
oxygen and
temperature is
essential for the EASSY TYPE
growth and QUESTION
development of fish? 1. Define fish
3. Is liming breeding. Explain
essential for the
the importance of
semi- intensive
fish culture artificial breeding
system? and semi-artificial
4. How do you breeding and role of
know about hormones?
semi- intensive
fish culture
systems? SEVEN) 7*2=14
5. Define fish
disease. Write the 2. Differentiate
casual organism, Aquaculture and
disease symptoms Fisheries? Mention
and control the characters which
measures of white
make the fish
spot disease?
6. Enlist the suitable for culture.
reasons of fish 3. List "Exotic" and
mortality in "Indigenous" fish
transportation. species that are
Describe the cultured in Nepal
methods of
packaging of with their common
fish seed during and scientific name.
4. What is SHORT QUESTIONS aquaculture manure over
thermal 7*2=14 species that chemical
stratification? 2. What do you are cultured fertilizers.
Discuss the role of mean by in Nepal 5. Define
fisheries? How
temperature and with their fish
does enhanced
dissolved oxygen fisheries differ common farming
in aquaculture from capture and system.
5. Define the fish fisheries? scientific Describe
farming system. 3. What is name. rationale
aquaculture? Enlist
"Polyculture is better Describe behind
the desirable
than monoculture" characters of fish to desirable duck-fish
Justify the statement. culture in a scientific characters farming.
6. "Integrated Fish pond. of Silver 6. Define and
Farming is more 4. What is polyculture? and classify
5. How does monoculture
economical" Gove Bighead plankton.
differ from composite fish
reasons. farming? carp for Discuss the
7. Define brood 6. What is cage fish culture. role of
fish. Mention the farming? How does it SHORT QUESTIONS plankton in
characteristics of differ from pen fish (ATTEMPT ANY fish
farming? SEVEN) 7*2=14
good brood fish. production
7. What is water 2. Define
8. Write notes on: mould disease? 7. Define
a) Predatory and aquaculture. brood fish.
Write its causal
weed fishes organism, disease Classify How do you
b) Hypophysation symptoms and aquaculture differentiate
9. What is white control measures. systems mature males
8. What is based on
spot disease? intensive fish from female
Describe its culture brood of
faring? How does it
casual organism differ from methods. common
symptoms and extensive fish 3. Discuss carp?
control measure. farming? What the role of 8. Discuss
system do you water
recommend to the causal
temperatur organism,
fish farmers and
why? e and dis- symptoms
9. Explain the Diel solved and control
fluctuation of oxygen in measures of
dissolved oxygen aquacultur
in pond water Dactylogyros
e. es and
during sunny and
cloudy days 4. What is Argulosis.
10. What is pH? pond 9. Write short notes on:
Discuss the fertilization? a) Liming of the fish
approaches to Discuss the
manage unfavor- pond
favorable b) Predatory and weed
able pH
environment of fish action of fishes.
pond. organic

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus

N - 2070


1. Enlist
indigenous and


1. Enlist aquaculture species that are cultured in 1. What is rice fish farming? What are its
Nepal with their common and scientific names. advantages and disadvantages? How does pond
Describe desirable characters of Common and refuge rice fish farming differ from trench refuge?
Bighead Carps of culture. SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14 2. Define aquaculture. What are the desirable
2. Discuss the role of dissolved oxygen and pH charac- ters of fish for culture in fish ponds.
in aquaculture. 3. Enlist the cultivated species of carp in fish ponds
3. What do you mean by thermal stratification? of Nepal along with scientific names,
How does it occur in fish pond? 4. Hat is turbidity? How will you control mud
4. Describe scope of rice-fish farming in Nepal. turbidity in new fish ponds?
5. Define and classify plankton. Discuss the role 5. Describe fish farming system. How does
of zoo-plankton in fish culture. extensive fish farming differ from intensive system?
6. What do you mean by brood fish? What are 6. What is Saprolegniasis? Write casual
the management practices required before organism, symptoms and treatment of water
breeding? mould disease.
7. Discuss the causal organism, symptoms and 7. Describe brood fish. How does male brood fish
control measures of water mould disease. if common carp differ from female?
8. What do you mean by neutralizing value of 8. Define asphyxiation. What is its sign? How will
liming materials? How calcium oxide has more you control it in cloudy day?
neutralizing value than calcium carbonate? 9. How does monoculture differ from polyculture?
9. Write short notes on: What system do you recommend to the fish
a) Semi- artificial breeding of common carp farmers?
b) Control measures of predatory fish


1. Enlist indigenous and exotic aquaculture species EASSY TYPE QUESTION 6
that are cultured in Nepal with their common and 1. What is principle behind pond fertilization? What
scientific name. Describe desirable characters of are the major nutrients for a fish pond> explain role
Silver and Bighead carp for culture. of organic and inorganicfertilizers. Describe how you
SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14 fertilize a 1 bighapond.
2. Define aquaculture. Classify aquaculture SHORT QUESTIONS (ATTEMPT ANY SEVEN) 7*2=14
systems based on culture methods. 2. List "Exotic" and "Indigenous" fish species that are
3. Discuss the role of water temperature and cultured in Nepal with their common and scientific
dissolved oxygen in aquaculture. name.
4. What is pond fertilization? Discuss the 3. Why common carp is considered a popular fish for culture?
favorable action of organic manure over chemical 4. Why dissolved oxygen is considered as most
fertilizers. critical water quality parameter for fish culture? How
5. Define fish farming system. Describe dissolve oxygen does fluctuate in green pond during
rationale behind duck-fish farming. 24 hours (day)? Explain with reasons.
6. Define and classify plankton. Discuss the role 5. Why do you need to lime in fish pond?
of plankton in fish production 6. What is cage culture? describe cage culture
7. Define brood fish. How do you differentiate system practices in Nepal.
mature males from female brood of common carp? 7. What is "brood fish"? How do you breed common carp?
8. Discuss causal organism, symptoms and 8. What is white spot disease? Describe its
control measures of Dactylogyroses and casual organism symptoms and control measure.
Argulosis. 9. Write short notes on:
9. Write short notes on: a) Zooplankton b)Turbidity
a) Liming of the fish pond
b) Predatory and weed fishes.
56 Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define statistics. Mention the use of statistics in your field.
EXAMI Describe in brief the
presentation of statistical
N - 2074 40
P. data diagram- matically.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th
Semester M.
Subject: Agricultural 16
Statistics Ti
Candidates are required to give their answers in their breed and remaining were pure
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in breed. What is the probability of
the margin indicates full marks.
selecting a cross breed Holestein
Essay Type Question having fat percentage more than
1. What is simple 5%?
regression? Obtain the 9. What are the parameters of
simple regression equation Binomial distribution? If in a lot of
which passes through (x?, wheat grains, 20% are of inferior
y?), and interpret the quality and the rest are of superior
equation. y= 1+2x quality, determine the probability
and / if r = 1 that out of 4 grains chosen at random
Short questions (Attempt any from this lot (a) none (b) one (c) at
TEN) the most two grains will be of
2. Define statistics in reference to inferior quality.
agriculture and state its 10. Define chisquare (X2) test.
limitations. Assuming the ratio of male birth to
3. What is a sample? female birth to be 1:1, test the
State the characteristics following data and see whether the
of a good sample along data agree with expectation. There
with examples of good are 200 calves born and 120 of them
sample. were females.
4. "Arithmetic mean is the best 11. Complete the following
measure of central tendency", ANOVA table and answer the
comment on this statement. following questions.
5. Consider the measurements SOV df SS
on yield and plant height of a MSS F Cal F
paddy variety. tab at 5% Treatments 2 8 ---
Yield: --- 5.14
Mean Replications 3 18 ---
yield = 50 --- 4.76
kg, SD = Error 6 10 ---
10 kg Total 11 36
Height: (i) Mention the design (ii) How many
Mean treatments are tested
height = (iii) Summarize the result
55 cm, 12. Write short notes on:
SD = 5 (i) Sampling error (ii) Coefficient of
cm variation (CV)
6. What are the (iii) Blocking or local control
methods of representing
data? Which method(s)
is suitable to represent
categorical data?
7. Define the correlation
coefficient and find its value
for the following observations.
x: 1 2 3 4
Y: 2 4 6 8
8. State the multiplication
theorem of probability. In a
cattle farm, one cattle has to be
selected from 50 cattle, among
them 20 were Holestein,
whereas 30 were Jersey, 10 of
them had fat percentage more
than 5 and remaining had less
than 5%, 15 of them were cross
Short questions (Attempt kg 4.5 X 6 7 8 9 10
any TEN)
kg Y 15 10 11 9 6
2. What is
meant by B 50 kg 7.6
central kg
tendency? State
the limitations 7. Find out the
of mean and Karl Pearson's
median. coefficient of
3. Define skewness and
population interpret the
and sample result from the
with following
illustration. information of the
State any two number of rice
characteristic seed per panicle
s of a good (NSPP)/NOP=No
sample. . Of Panicle
(NSPP) 200 220 230 240
4. State the
NOP 5 7 10 15
need of
sampling in
agriculture 8. Calculate the
research. How coefficient of
do you conduct correlation and
simple random interpret the
sampling in result for the
agriculture following
fields? observations.
5. Calculate X 1 2 3 4
lower quartile, 6
mean and Y 3 5 8 10
upper decile of 12 11
the data given 9. What do you
below. mean by
6, 8, 10, 12, 9, 16, 18, 9, hypothesis
15, 11, 10 testing? Discuss
6. In two the application
pig farms of X2 test.
following 10. In a lot of
are the wheat seeds 30%
information are of inferior
regarding quality and the rest
the weight. are of superior
Find which quality. Determine
farm shows the probability that
greater out of 5 grains
consistency chosen at random
in weight of from this lot,
pigs. a) None of the grains will be
F of inferior quality
a b) At least 3 grains will be of
r inferior quality
m 11.Complete the ANOVA
Mean table and summarize the
w SOV df ss ms
e F F at 5% F at
Bt varieties 4 1552 --
Error 15 52.0 --
Standard deviation A
0 12. Estimate the value of
X when Y = 7 from the
following data.
Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
Back examination-2073 Back examination-2072

Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10

1. Describe the different measures of variability in their 1. What is variability (Dispersion)? Give some reasons of
sequential order of development and hence decide the best variability in biological observations and discuss in short the
measure. different measures of variability in the sequential order of
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30. their development and also point out the best ones with
2. What are the limitations of statistics? reasons. Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
3. Write about the properties of binomial distribution and its 2. Define statistics and state its limitations.
parameters. 3. What is a sample? State the characteristics of a good sample.
4. The frequency distribution of weight in grams of 4. State the importance of sampling in your field of study
mangoes of a given variety is given below. Calculate the and explain the simple random sampling (SRS) in brief.
arithmetic mean and standard deviation. 5. Find the mean, median and mode of the following
Wt(gm) 410-419 420-429 430-439 440-449 450-459 460-469 470-479 observa- tions: 4, 1, 8, 10, 9, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6, 3, 2, 6, 7, 8
Number 14 20 42 54 45 18 7 6. Consider the following observations on height of adults
5. Find the regression line of the type y= a+bx for and children.
the following values: Mean height Standard deviation
x: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 Adults: 160 cm 10 cm
6. A researcher claims that the number of filled grains per Children: 60 cm 5
panicle is more in a new variety of Ghaiya- 1 compared to cm Whose height shows greater variation?
that of old variety Ghaiya- 2. To verify his claim a random 7. What is correlation? Give the methods of
sample of 40 plants of Ghaiya-1 and 50 plants of Ghaiya- 2 determining correlation.
were selected from the experimental fields. The following 8. Given the following values on yield and annual rainfall;
results were obtained. Mean Standard deviation
Mean of Ghaiya- 1 sample mean = 139.4 grains/panicle and S Yield (in kg) 10 8
= 26.864 Annual rainfall (in inches) 8 2
Mean of Ghaiya- 2 sample mean = 112.9 grains/panicle and S Correlation: 0.5
= 20.10 Estimate the yield when the rainfall is 9 inches.
7. Briefly explain the significance of t-test in 9. State the Addition theorem of probability. A herd has 4
agricultural research. Haryana calves and 4 Tharparker calves, all of the same
8. The distribution of dairy milk yield of a cow follow the sex and almost of the same age. Find the probability that
normal distribution with mean 15 kg and standard deviation i. One calf selected at random is Haryana
2 kg. find (i) the probability with which the yield per day ii. Two calves selected at random are both of same breed
exceeds 18 kg (ii) the probability with which the yield per 10.Define the X2 (chi-square) test. Assuming the ratio of
day falls less than 11 kg. male birth to be 1:1, test the following data and see whether
9. Make a comparative study of CRD, RBD, and LSD. the data agrees with this ratio or not. There are 20 calves
10. Define the following terms (any three): born and 120 of them were females. (Given X2 = 3.84, X2 =
a) Standard error b) Standard deviation 6.64)
c) Randomization d) X2 test 1(.05) 1(.01)
11. Complete the following ANOVA and interpret the 11. What is ANOVA? Complete the following
result. SOV df SS MSS F- value P- ANOVA and answer the questions.
value Between 2 231.2 -- -- 0.011 SOV df SS MS Fcal F tab at 5%
Treatment Trtmnt 2 8 --- --- F(2,6) =
Within 8 82.8 -- 5.14
Treatment Repln 3 18 ---- --- F(3,6) = 4.76
Total 10 314.0 Error: 6 10 ---
12. Differentiate between the following terms ( any three): Total: 11
a) Type- I and Type- II error b) Statistics and Parameter 12. Write short notes on (any three):
c) RCBD and CRD d) Coefficient of determination and (i) Degrees of freedom (df) (ii) Coefficient of variation (cv)
coefficient of correlation (iii) Replication (iv) Normal distribution

58 Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
Final examination- 2072 FINAL EXAMINATION - 2065
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What is sampling? Explain the importance and purpose 1. Explain about the basic principles of field
(aims/ objectives) of sampling in brief along with the experimentation Short questions (Attempt any TEN)
charac- teristics of a good sample. Also define the simple 10×3 = 30.
random sampling (SRS) and the situation in which it is 2. In a sample survey on the yield of two varieties of paddy,
applicable. Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = say A and B, the mean yield were found A= 2500 and B=
30. 1500 kg/ha. The standard deviation were 95 and 80 kg/ha
2. What are the different ways for measuring the central respectively. Which variety is subjected to more variation?
tendency of data? Which one you consider the best one and 3. Explain briefly about mutually exclusive and complementary events.
why? Obtain the measures of central tendency of the follow- 4. Certain drug was found to be effective in 25% of the cases
ing observations: 4,1, 8, 10, 9, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6, 3, 2, 6, 7, 8 in animals when administered over a long period of time. If a
3. Define the standard deviation (SD) and the coefficient doc- tor is now administering the drug to 5 animals, what is
of variation (CV) along with conditions (S) of their the prob- ability that it will be effective for at least 3 of the
application. What do you they measure? animals?
4. The following observations on two varieties of paddy 5. The mean weight of 500 male pigs in a certain pig shed is
A and B are given. Discuss their efficiency and 151 lbs and the S.D. is 15.0 lbs. assuming that the weights are
consistency. nor- mally distributed, find how many pigs do weigh between
Mean yield SD 120 and 155 lbs.
A: 60 kg 10 kg 6. The following data are for the amount of water supplied in
B: 50 kg 9 kg inches and yield of alfa alfa in tons/ acre:
Water (X)
5. Which method is suitable for representing categorical data/ Yield (Y) 5

differentiate between the Bar Find the regression of

diagram and Histogram. yield on water. Assuming
6. Define the rank that the rela- tion between
correlation. Ten farmers who the two is linear, calculate
were partici- pating in a the expected yield when
debate on a farming system the amount of water
were ranked by two judges A supplied is 20 inches.
and B as follows. Find the 7. Why arithmetic mean is superior
rank correlation between the than other measures of central
judges and interpret it. tendency?
8. Two laboratories carry out
independent estimates of fat con-
Farmers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tent for ice-
A: 4 10 2 5 1 9 6 3 7 8 each batch,
B: 5 9 3 4 2 10 7 1 6 8 laboratories
7. Find the regression equation of y on x for the following Batch no.
x: 1 2 3 4 5 Lab A
y: 3 5 7 9 11
8. State the addition theorem of probability. A herd has 4 Lab B
Haryana calves and 4 Tharparker calves, all of the same sex

and almost of the same Is the testing reliable?

age. Find the probability 9. In the cross of peas,
that the F2 progeny gave the
i. One calf selected at following data on shape
random is Haryana and colour.
ii. Two calves selected at
random are both of same
9. What are the parameters of Normal distribution? Draw a
neat and clean diagram of standard normal curve and state its Yellow
properties, particularly the area properties. Green
10.Define the t-test and write the conditions for its applica- Total

tion. Just write the cases of From the result, can it be

application. said that the segregation (1
11.Complete the following to 4) fol- lows the
ANOVA table for 5 varieties Mendalian ratio of 9:3:3:1?
testing with 4 replications and 10.The calculated values of six
answer the questions: varieties of rice in 4 randomized
SOV df SS MSS Fcal F at 5% blocks are g
Trtmnt 4 359.30 -- -- 3.06 Varieties of r
Error ----- 311.25 -- Meanyield(kg/p
su of square =
Total 19 670.55 C m 237
i. Mention the o of Analyze
design ii) Mention
r squ the data
H0 iii) r are and state
result e s your
12.Write short notes c (B. conclusion
(any two): t S.S s.
a) Blocking/ local i )= 11.Differe
control o 12 ntiate
error and level of n Tre between
significance c) F-test atm CRD and
f ent RCBD.
a su 12. Write short notes on:a) Type
c m of error b) Null hypothesis

) Compiled By:- Free Students’
= Union, Lamjung Campus







RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Describe the scope and vegetable and spice crops in
EXAMI Nepal and discuss the
NATIO M. cultivation of tomato under
N - 2074 40 the following headings.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th P. a) Climate and soil
Semester M.
Subject: Vegetable and Ti
Spice Crop Production me:
Candidates are required to give their answers in their b) Off season production techniques
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in
c) Disease and pests
the margin indicates full marks.
d) Seed extraction methods
Essay Type Question
1. Define solanaceous Short questions (Attempt any TEN)
vegetable crops with suitable
examples and describe the 2. Briefly discuss the seed
Brinjal under following production method of cabbage
headings 3. What do you mean by
(a) Climate and soil (b) Nursery sex ratio in cucurbits? How
Raising (c) Promising Varieties will you regulate the sex
(d) Harvesting and seed ratio in cucurbits?
extraction. 4. What do you mean
Short questions (Attempt any by spic crops?
TEN) Discuss ginger or
2. What do you mean by cole turmeric on planting
crops? Enlist the popular cole and processing
crops with their botanical
5. Enlist the leafy
name and family.
3. Define root crops with vegetables grown in Nepal.
examples and put your reason Discuss briefly the
why carrot is grown in cultivation of Rayo.
Kathmandu Valley. 6. Discuss the varieties and disorders
4. Discuss growing time, climate, of cauliflower
seed rate and varieties of Okra. 7. What do you mean by
5. Define seed spices and root vegetable> discuss
describe turmeric or ginger about the climatic
with respect to soil, requirement and varieties
propagule, harvesting and of Carrot and Radish.
curing. 8. Briefly describe about Okra and
6. Briefly describe the cultivation Broad Bean on following headings
practices of spinach and swiss
chard. a) Climate and Soil b)
7. Describe potato on (i) Varieties
Plantin method (ii) True Potato 9. Describe onion and garlic under
seed (TPS) (iii) Late Blight following headings:
Disease a) Soil and climate b) Varieties c)
8. Discuss about the Harvesting and curing of bulbs
maturity judgement of sponge 10. Briefly discuss about the cultural
gourd, cucumber, water practices of cumin and coriander
melon and musk melon 11. Give short notes on: (any six)
9. Differentiate between: (a) a) Chayote b) Asparagaus c) Yam d)
Cumin and Coriander Tree tomato
(b)Sweet potato and tree e) Knolkhol f) Pointed gourd g) Sweet
tomato (c) Kitchen garden potato h)Cassava
and truck garden
12. Write about the following in short
10. Write short notes on (any
three): (a) Legume (any three)
Vegetables a) Blanching
(b) Pointed gourd (c) Colacasia b) Use of plant growth regulators in
(d) Knolkhol vegetable crops
11. Briefly describe the importance of c) Importance of TPS in potato
preserving indigenous vegetable production programmes
seeds. d) Importance of roguing in
12. Write about the following in vegetable seed production
a) Use of plant growth
regulators in vegetable crops
b) Importance of isolation
distance in seed production
c) Blanching

FINAL - 2072
EXAMINATION Essay Type Question
1. What is the scope FINAL botany, varieties 11. What is the present status of
and importance of EXAMINATIO and harvesting. vegetable production in Nepal?
vegetable and spice N - 2072 10. Describe pea Give your valuable inputs to
Essay Type Question with respect to increase the production to meet
crops in Nepal? Discuss
1. There is a great soil and climate, the country requirement.
the total package of popular 12. Describe in brief the cultivation of
cultivation including scope for
vegetable and cultivars, seed okra with respect to:
off-season production spice crop produc- rate and spacing. a) Popular cultivars b) Sowing
of Tomato. time and seed rate
tion in Nepal"
Short questions (Attempt Justify the Compiled By:- Free
any TEN) statement in the Studenc)ts’HUarnveiostnin, gLaanmd
2. Discuss present context. jyuienlgd Campus
cauliflower on (i) Short questions
Promising varieties (Attempt any
including hybrids (ii) TEN)
2. What do you
Disorders mean by cole
3. Discuss the planting crops? Briefly
method and planting discuss about the
material of potato. seed production
4. Discuss the climate techniques of
and soil for growing cabbage.
carrot and radish 3. What is the
including varieties. most serious
5. Discuss about the
maturity indices of during nursery
fruits of cucurbits. raising of
6. Discuss onion and vegetable and
garlic in (i) major how it can be
varieties (ii) harvest- controlled.
ing and curing of bulbs 4. Describe
7. Describe ginger in brief the
or turmeric on
of tomato
preparation of under the
planting materials following
and processing. heads?
8. Give the importance a) Climatic requirement
of leafy vegetables, b) Fertilizer requirement and
briefly describe the its method of application
methods of cultivation c) Harvesting and seed
extraction techniques
and any one major leafy
5. Write short note son (any
vegetable. two)
9. Discuss botany and a) Disorders in cauliflower
cultivars of okra and b) Propagation of pointed
pea. gourd
10.Briefly mention 6. What are the
your own view about major leafy
the crop improve- vegetable
ment of chili and grownthrougout
the world?
coriander, Describe Broad
11.Differentiate between Leaf Mustard
(any three): with respect to:
a) Kitchen garden and a) Soil and climate b) Time
roof garden b) Vegetable and method of planting
and fruits 7. Differentiate between (any
c) Pest and pesticide d) two)
Seed and seedlings a) Insitu and transplanting
method of radish seed
12.Write short notes on
(any six) b) Weeding and roguing
a) Chayote b) c)Asiatic and European
Pointed gourd c) type carrot varieties
Drumstick 8. Discuss the following
d) Asparagus e) points (any two):
Knolkhol f) Yam a) Harvesting of water melon
g) b) Vegetable forcing
Cassava c) Hardening of seedlings
9. What do you
mean by seed
60 Describe
coriander with
respect to
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What is the status and scope of vegetable and spice
crops in Nepal? Discuss the production package including 1. Describe in brief, the package of potato
off- season production as well as production problems of cultivation practices being employed in Nepal
tomato in Nepal Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30. 2. Discuss the seed production techniques of cabbage.
2. Give shrot note son (any three) 3. Describe the coriander with respect to soil and
a) Chayote b) Drumstick c) Tam d) Asparagus climate, soloing time, harvesting and curing.
3. Enlist major spice crops grown in Nepal.Discuss ginger 4. Explain the following terms
of turmeric or land preparation, planting and processing. a) Blanching b) Pricking c) Stecklings d) Scooping
4. Discuss the cultivation practices and major varieties of 5. Describe the pea with respect to soil and climate, seed
Rayo rate and seed treatment, manuring and fertilization.
5. Discuss the flower regulation/ sex regulation in cucurbits. 6. Classify onion cultivars on the basis of shin color.
6. Enlist the varieties of carrot and radish, and also De- scribe off season production of onions by onion set.
mention theland preparation, manuring and fertilization 7. Enlist leafy vegetable (with botanical name) and
7. Discuss cauliflower on (i) Botany (ii) Varieties (iii) describe spinach with request to time of socoing varieties,
Disorders seed rate and spacing
8. What do you mean by Bulb crops? DIiscuss onion (i) 8. Give short introduction of the following minor vegetables
climate and soil (ii) harvesting and curing of bulbs a) Drum stick b) Tree tomato c) Knolkhol d)Beet root
9. Discuss about the maturity indices of cole crops and 9. Describe in brief a) Maturity judgement for harvesting
cucurbits. of watermelon b) Downy mildew of bitter gourd
10. What is the popularity of cumin and coriander in c) Little leaf disease of brinjal
Nepal? Also mention the cultural practices and harvesting 10. Distinguish between:
11. Write about the following in short: a) Hot pepper and sweet pepper
a) Importance of TPS in potato b) Determinate and indeterminate tomato
b) Use of plant growth regulators in vegetable crops c) Asian type and European type carrot
c) Propagation techniques in sweet potato and pointed 11. Describe the botany and major insect pest Radish and Turnip
gourd 12. What do you mean by Cole crops? Describe major
12. Discuss about Okra and French bean on (i) varieties nutri- tional disorders of Cole Crops
(ii) major production problems. FINAL EXAMINATION - 2068
Essay Type Question 10
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2070 1. There is great importance and scope of vegetable and spice
Essay Type Question 10 crops in Nepal" Comment on this statement in the present
1. What is status and scope of vegetable and spice crops in context.
Nepal? Discuss the production package including off- season Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
2. What do you mean by cole crops? Describe cabbage
under the following heads:
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
a) Climatic and edaphic requirements
2. Enlist major spice crops grown in Nepal. Discuss ginger b) Improved varieties c) Major diseases and pests
of turmeric or land preparation, planting and processing. 3. Describe in brief on seed production techniques
3. What is the importance of leafy vegetables? Discuss the employed in radish
cultivation practices and major varieties of Rayo 4. Describe cucumber with respect to:
4. Enlist the varieties of carrot and radih, and also mention a) Improved varieties b) Seed rate and spacing
th eland preparation, manuring and fertilization c) Manure and fertilizer requirement d) Seed extraction
5. Discuss cauliflower on (i) Botany (ii) Varieties (iii) Disorders 5. Write short notes on:
a) Chayote b) Seed extraction techniques of tomato
6. Discuss the flower regulation/ sex regulation in cucurbits. 6. Write in brief about the disorders of cauliflower
7. What do you mean by bulb crops? Discuss onion on (i) along with their possible remedies.
climate and soil (ii) harvesting and curing of bulbs 7. What are the important leafy vegetable grown in Nepal?
8. Discuss about Okra and French bean on (i) varieties What should be done in crop improvement program in leafy
(ii) major production problems. vegetables?
9. Discuss about the maturity indices of cole crops and 8. Differentiate between:
cucurbits a) Determinate and indeterminate type of tomato
10. What is the popularity of cumin and coriander in b) Weeding and roguing c) Hoeing and ploughing
9. Enlist solanaceous vegetable crops grown in Nepal.
Nepal? Also mention the cultural practices nad harvesting Describe any one with the reference to:
11. Give short notes on (any three): a) Important varieties
a) Chayote b) Drumstick c) Yam d) Asparagus b) Time and method of sowing/ planting
12. Write about the following in short. c) Fertilizer requirement and its application techniques
a) Importance of TPS in potato 10. What is seed species? Describe any one of them with reference to:
b) Use of plant growth regulators in vegetable crops a) Field preparation b) Sowing technique
c) Propagation techniques in sweet potato and pointed gourd. c) Seed rate and spacing
11.Write short notes onL
a) Propagation of pointed gourd
b) Hardening of seedlings in nursery
12.Enlist some popular cultivars of onion and give your
valuable suggestion to reduce the post-harvest loss during
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
Essay Type Question 10
RAMPUR, CHITWAN FINAL 1. Define plant breeding. State
F. different breeding methods in
NATIO M. self and cross pollinated
N - 2074 40
P. crops. Explain with
Level: B.Sc.
M. diagram breeding methods
Ag. 4th 16 that are practiced in self-
Semester Ti pollinated crops.
Subject: me:
Introductory Hrs
plant breeding
Candidates are required to give their answers in their frequencies of that population.
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in 6. Calculate gametic and phenotypic
the margin indicates full marks.
frequencies of GGGg individu- als after
Essay Type Question selfing. Also, write types of genotype
1. Explain in detail operations and phenotype.
involved in production of hy- 7. What are advantages of partial
brids showing relevant crossing diallel cross? Make a partial diallel
scheme. What are basics steps in scheme involving 8 parents.
hybridization procedure? 8. What are major conclusions from
Short questions (Attempt any pureline theory? Describe Johannsen
TEN) experiment in detail.
2. A plant breeder found two 9. Enlist defence mechanisms of host
inbred lines with genotypes against pathogen. Describe and
AAbb and aaBB. A and B differentiate; vertical and
alleles are dominant. These two horizontal disease resistance.
inbred lines were crossed and 10. For a quantitative trait in a
F1 hybrid was obtained. The F1 random matign population, the mean
was selfed to produce F2. Each and variance are 60 cm and 81 cm2
dominant gene, in homozygote respectively. The nar- row sense
condition con- tributes 13 cm heritability of this trait is 0.5.
towards the panicle length of the Truncation selection is practiced with
hybrid. In the absence of a selection differential 10. What is
dominant, each homozygote the genetic gain? Also, find the
recessive gene con- tributes 10 expected mean in the next
cm towards the panicle length of generation.
the hybrid. Simi- larly, the gene 11. Define gene pool and classify
in heterozygote condition it. State the law of homolo- gous
contributes 15 cm to- wards the series in variation.
panicle length of hybrid. 12. What is G×E interaction?
i. Calculate Heterosis and Mention significance and causes of
Inbreeding depression G×E interaction.
indicating hypothesis involved.
ii. Interpret the results.
3. Estimate heritability from the
following data.
Population Variance

P1 11

P2 10.32

F1 5.23

F2 90.35

BC1 47.35

BC2 54.29

4. Enlist method of crop

improvement for inbreeders.
How do you transfer a disease
resistant recessive gene from
wild spe- cies to local cultivar?
5. Mention different factors that
affect gene and genotype fre-
quencies. A population
consisting 10,000 individuals,
25 indi- viduals are of 'aa'
genotype. If the population is in
hardy- weinberg equilibrium,
find the gene and genotype
Short questions (Attempt mean in the heterosis. wheat crop.
any TEN) next 7. What are the 10. Write main
2. Write about the generation? defence mechanisms achievements of plant
objectives of plant of host against natural breeding in the context of
8. Explain gene
breeding. enemy? Explain. Nepal.
for gene
3. Briefly 8. What is patent? Explain its 11. Enlist different
explain the requirements. breeding methods used in
between a host
self- 9. Mention current Rice and Maize crops.
and a pathogen
pollination research activities 12. How
governing carried out by transgressivesegregants are
susceptible or NARC in the produced? Present with the
resistance improvement of help of suitable figure
What are the
9. Define intellectual
property right. Explain it
of self- forms.
pollination? 10.Differentiate qualitative 62 Compiled By:- Free Students’
4. Define and quantitative traits.
cytoplasmic Union, Lamjung Campus
11.Explain the role of
male sterility. environment on
Show the cross quantitative character.
how male 12.Write about the status of
sterile line in rice breeding in Nepal.
production of
single cross
hybrid and Final
double cross examinati
hybrid? on- 2073
5. Defi Essay Type Question
ne 1. How do you
heterosi transfer disease
s. Write resistant gene
the from unculti-
causes vated genotype to
of cultivated cultivar,
which is
s and
Explain in detail.
Short questions (Attempt any
governi TEN)
ng 2. Explain briefly
heterosi the various
s. mechanism which
6. Explain how genetic promote self and
variation can be cross pollination in
originated in a crop plants.
population. 3. Differentia
7. For a quantitative trait te between
in RMP, mean is 100 gametophytic
and variation is and
240. The regression of the sporophytic
offspring on mid-parent systems of
value is self-
0.25. incompatibilit
Truncati y.
on 4. How do you
selection produce single,
is double and three
practiced way cross hybrids
with a using cytoplasmic
male sterility?
5. Explain pureline theory
al of 32. given by Johannsen.
What is 6. Briefly explain about
the hypothesis governing
Final examination- 2072 7. What are the merits and demerits of mass selection?
Essay Type Question 10 8. Differentiate between:
1. What do you mean by heterosis and inbreeding a) Horizontal resistance and vertical resistance
depression? A plant breeder crossed two genotypes of wheat b) Disease resistance and disease escape
AAbb and aaBB to get F1. The F1 was selfed to obtain F2. 9. Differentiate between:
On the basis of hetrosisgoverning theories (dominance and a) Autopolyploid and allopolyploids
over dominance), find all kinds of heterosis and inbreeding b) Aneuploid and euploid
depression. Each of the dominant homozygote, heterozygote 10. Write your view on Breeder Rights and Farmers
and recessive homozygote contributes 4 ton, 6 ton and 2 ton Right. 11.Define mutation. List the different types of
per hectare in yield respectively. The commercial variety of mutagens. 12.What should be the maize breeding objectives
wheat yield 5 ton/ha. for Nepal?
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30. Final examination- 2070
2. Write in short about the different activities in 1. Suppose two inbred lines A and B are crossed to produce
plant breeding directed to release a superior cultivar. F1 hybrid. The F1 is selfed and F2 is produced. The
3. A cultivated variety of wheat became susceptible to genotype of inbred line A is AAbb and the genotype of
a fungal disease which drastically reduced the yield. inbred B line is aaBB. A and B are the dominant genes and
However, a wild variety is resistant to this fungus. If the each contribute 12 cm towards the spike length of the hybrid.
resistance is a dominant trait governed by 'R' gene, is it In the absence of dominants, each recessive gene contributes
possible to transfer this trait to the cultivated variety? Give 8 cm towards the spike length of the hybrid. The spike length
procedure with you logics. of the best commercial variety is 22 cm.
4. State Hardy-Weinberg Law. A population consisting i. Find the spike lengths of the parents, F1 and F2 progeny
of 10,000 individuals, 49 individuals are of 'aa' genotype. If ii. Find all kinds of Heterosis and Inbreeding depression
the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, find the iii. Interpret the results.
gene and genotype frequencies of that population. 2. How do you develop single and double cross hybrids
5. State law of homologous series in variation by N.1 using cytoplasmic male sterility? Explain.
Vavilov. Discuss the relationship between primary, secondary 3. Differentiate between gametophytic and sporophytic
and tertiary gene pools with respect to their combining system of self-incompatibility with the help of well labeled
ability. figures.
6. Explain pureline theory in the basis of Johansen's 4. Enlist various types of breeding methods used in self-
experiment. What might be the applications of this theory pollinated crops. And, how a disease resistant dominant gene
in breeding program? is transferred from uncultivated genotype to cultivated
7. For a quantitative trait in a RMP, the mean is 100 cultivar? Outline the breeding procedure.
and the variance is 240. The regression of the offspring on 5. The mean days to maturity and variance are 120 and 144
mid parent value is 0.25. Truncation selection is practiced respectively. A plant breeder selected the top 5%plants
with a selection differential of 32. What is the expected from base population and found mean days to maturity 110
mean in the next generation? Also, find the heritability of in the next generation .Find the genetic gain and heritability of
that trait. this trait.
8. What is intellectual property right? Write 6. On the basis of following table ,answer the following questions:
the requirements of patent. Cultivar Virus Yellowing Yield with Yield without
9. List different breeding methods used in wheat and concentration virus virus
maize crops. Give your logics why generally a long time is
required to release a variety in self-pollinated crops as A 100 8 80 90
compared to cross pollinated crops? B 60 0 97 100
10. Briefly explain the different defence mechanisms
of host against pathogen/parasite. Which of horizontal or C 50 0 90 70
vertical resistance is desirable in a commercial cultivar, a. Which cultivar is the most susceptible and why?
why? b. Which cultivar is the most resistant and why?
11. How do you produce single, double, and three way c. Which cultivar is the most tolerant and why?
cross hybrids? Explain with the help of suitable figures. d. Which cultivar is the most sensitive and why?
12. Differentiate between qualitative and quantitative traits. 7. Give the conclusive remarks of pureline theory given
Back examination- 2072 by Johannsen on the basis of his study in French bean.
Essay Type Question 10 8. What is the frequency of the heterozygote (Bb) in a
1. What is G×E interaction? Explain the various methods random mating population, if the frequency of
of estimating G×E interaction. recessive phenotype (bb) is 0.04?
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30. 9. Differentiate between full sib and half sib selection. Which
2. Define plant breeding. What are the major objectives selection scheme is the most effective in breeding maize?
of Plant Breeding? Logically explain. 10.What do you mean by Plant Breeder
3. Differentiate between: Right (PBR)? What are the main points to be considered in
a) Self incompatibility and male sterility getting PBR? 11.Briefly explain applications of
b) Self-pollinated crops and cross pollinated crops allopolyploids with the help of suitable examples.
4. What is male sterility? List the various types of 12.Present current research activities carried out by Nepal
male sterility found in plants. Agriculture Research Council (NARC) for the improvement
5. Explain the Pureline theory of Johansen. of wheat crop.
6. What is inbreeding depression? Describe the effect of Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
Final examination- 2068 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY
1. Suppose two inbred lines A and B are crossed to produce RAMPUR, CHITWAN
F1 hybrid. The F1 is selfed FINAL F.M. 20
and F2 is produced. The EXAM
genotype of inbred line A is ON - .
AAbb and the genotype of 2074 M
inbred B line is aaBB. A and Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th .
B are the dominant genes and Semester 8
contribute 12 cm Subject: Soil physics,
genesis and T
classification i


and 10 cm towards the spike Parents Gametophytic SI
length of the hybrid Sporophytic SI
respectively. In the absence of Male Female Reaction
dominants, each recessive Progeny Reaction Progeny
gene contributes 4 cm S1S3 S1 S2
towards the spike length of S1 S2 S1 S3
the hybrid. The spike length S2 S3 S1 S4
of the best commercial variety 6. State Hardy- Weinberg law.
is 25 cm. Compute gene and genotypic
(i) Find the spike lengths of frequencies from the following
the parents, F1 and F2 data and mention how many plants
progeny are disease resistant. Note that the
(ii) Calculate average susceptible gene, R is dominant
heterosis, heterobeltiosis, over resistant gene, r.
economic heterosis and Genotyp
inbreeding depression. (iii) e RR
Interpret the results. Rr rr Frequency
2. In a random mating 32 48
population, the mean plant 20
height and variance are 120 7. What is gene for gene
cm and 121 cm2 respectively. hypothesis? Write compatible (+)
A plant breeder selected the and incompatible (-) reaction
top 5% plants from the base with the help of following
population and found mean information. Which are the most
plant height 110 cm in the next resistant and most suscep- tible
generation. Find the genetic reaction types and why?
gain, selection differential Host
Pathogen genotype

and the heritability of this R1 R1R2 R2 R3R3 a1a1a2a2a3a3 A1A1 a2a2a3a3 A1A1 A2A2
trait. R1 R1r2 r2 R3R3

3. Half sib and full sib r1r1 R2 R2r3r3

selection breeding methods

r1r1 r2r2 R3R3

r1 r1 r2 r2 r3 r3

are used in crop improvement

of cross pollinated crops like 8. Make a partial diallel crossing
maize. Which one is the most scheme involving 11 parents and a
effective and why? three way cross involving 3
4. How do you produce parents. Parents are represented
double cross hybrid using like P1, P2, P3… P12.
genetic male sterility? 9. How do you release a superior
Outline the procedure. variety of rice (Oryza sativa) if the
5. What different types of existing variety yields 3.5 t/ha and
progeny will occur in is 75% disease resistance.
gametophytic and sporophytic 10. How do you produce hybrid
system of self-incompatibility seed using on self-incompat- ible
from the following cross? In (P1) and another self-compatible
which system, homozygous (P2) parents?
progeny can occur and why? 11. Write various breeding methods
The dominance relation used in self-pollinated crops. How do
operates like you transfer a disease resistant
S1> S2>S3> S4. dominant gene, R from non-
cultivated genotype to a Candidates are required to give their answers
in their own words as practicable as possible. of the
commercially cultivated The figure in the Ochricepipeon.
variety which is disease margin indicates full marks.
BACK 4. What is soil
susceptible? Outline the Essay Type Question EXAMINATIO classification?
breeding procedure. 1. What do you N - 2073 Describe the
12. Briefly explain about mean by soil Essay Type Question nomenclature
research activities that taxonomy? 1. Explain the system of suborder
are being carried out by Explain the factors affecting with examples.
Nepal Agriculture major soils soil aggregate 5. Entisols from the
Research Council for the found in Nepal formation and write terai region differ
improvement of wheat with their uses. the methods to from the hilly region,
(Triticumaestivum) in Short questions (Attempt any improve soil how? Describe with
the context of Nepal. Seven) structure in field reasons.
2. How does cultivated. Short 6. Discuss the
maize field questions (Attempt hydration and
differ with rice any Seven) hydrolysis weathering
field in terms of 2. Define soil of rocks and minerals.
soil water moisture Justify with chemical
movement? characteristic reactions.
3. Define curve and 7. Discuss the
capillary rise discuss it characteristics of soils
and briefly significance in found in Siwalik Region
explain the water of Nepal.
effect of soil management in 8. Differentiate
texture on crop field. between mesic and
water 3. Enlist the isomesic soil
conductivity surface temperature regimes.
with suitable diagnostic 9. Write short notes on (any two):
figure. horizons and a) Soil moisture control section b)
4. Explain soil describe the Hysteresis
moisture release characteristics c) Fluvaquents
and retention
curve with
suitable figure
and discuss its 64 Compiled By:- Free
significance in Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
water manage-
5. How can you
manage soil
temperature in
the agricultural
6. How does human activities
affect soil aeration?
7. Enlist the
horizons and
between mollic
8. Enlist the
major soil
regimes and
discuss the
s of Udic
9. Write short notes on (any
a) Cryic soils b) Carbonation
Essay Type Question 6 Essay Type Question 6
1. Explain the major types of soils found in Nepal with
their uses. 1. Define soil moisture retention curve (SMRC).
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14. Explain the factors that could affect the SMRC.
2. Define soil moisture characteristic curve and discuss Also, explain the practical application of this curve
its significance in water management. in soil water management for crop production.
3. Enlist the surface diagnostic horizons and describe the Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14.
characteristics of the Ochricepipedon.
4. What do you mean by soil classification? Describe the
2. Explain the energy concept of soil water. Why
nomenclature system of suborder with suitable is matric potential of soil water always negative?
examples. 3. Explain the salient features of Comprehensive
5. Entisols formed in terai region differ with that formed system of soil classification. List the criteria used
in hilly region, how? to classify soil at different levels of
6. Discuss the hydration and hydrolysis in relation to
weathering of rocks and minerals.
7. Discuss the characteristics of soil found in Mustang 4. Define soil physics and derive the relationship
region. between the volumetric and gravimetric water
8. Describe the methods of soil structure improvement in contents of soil.
the crop field. 5. What Darcy's law and derive the Darcy's
9. Write short notes on (any two):
a) Soil Aggregation b) Darcy's Law c) Fluvaquents
equation under saturated vertical movement of
water in soil.
6. Define infiltration and why does the rate of
infiltra- tion decrease with time?
7. Describe the mechanism of formation of stable
soil aggregates.
8. List the major soil orders found in Nepal and
briefly explain the 'inceptisols' found in Nepal.
9. Describe the general properties of this soil
family: loamy, mixed, mesic, TypicArgiustoll.
Essay Type Question 6
1. Explain soil moisture characteristic curve (SMCC)
Essay Type Question 6
in different textured soil. Discuss the practical
1. What is the basis of classifying soils in Soil
Taxonomy? Explain the characteristic features of major
implica- tions of SMCC and hysteresis effect on the
soils found in Nepal. curve with figure.
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14. Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14.
2. Define capillarity. How adhesion and cohesion 2. Define soil water potential. Interpret the
are responsible for capillary movement of soil water? relationship between potential energy of pure water
3. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated flow of and soil water with the help of a graph.
soil water. How dos water flow under field condition? 3. What is hydraulic conductivity? Discuss the
4. How dos the vegetation influence soil aggregation? relation- ship between matric potential and hydraulic
Describe. conductiv- ity in different textured soil.
5. What are the impacts of poor aeration in cultivated 4. Define:
land? Explain the measures to improve soil aeration. a. Field capacity b. Infiltration rate c. Capillarity
6. What are the processes of weathering of rocks and 5. Why is soil aeration important? Discuss the
minerals? How do human beings influence the mea- sures to improve soil aeration and heat
weathering process of rocks and minerals?
movement in cultivated land.
7. List out the master horizons and explain
diagnostic horizons induced by human beings.
6. Define weathering of parent material. Discuss the
8. Define soil moisture control section (SMCS). roles of various forms of water and temperature in
Differentiate between Mesic and Thermic Soils. soil profile development.
9. Define: 7. Explain the horizon designation in a soil profile
a. Alfisols with a diagram.
b. Hyste 8. Mention the unique features of comprehensive
system of soil classification. Discuss the structure
of classification system with implication of the
name TypicArgiaquolls, fine, mixed, mesic, active.
9. Discuss the status of classification of Nepalese
soil with properties of inceptisols
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
Final examination- 2066 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY
1. Define soil moisture retention curve. Explain the RAMPUR, CHITWAN
that affect the soil FIN F.M. 20
moisture retention curve EXA P
(SMRC). Also, explain the MIN .
practical application of ATI M
this curve in soil water ON - .
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th 8
Subject: fodder T
production & pasture i
management m


management for crop Candidates are required to give their
answers in their own words as practicable
Short questions (Attempt any as possible. The figure in the margin
Seven indicates full marks.
2. Describe the salient Essay Type Question
features of comprehensive 1.Discuss feeds and
system of soil classification. feeding in relation to
List the criteria used to pasture situation in
classify soils at different Nepal. What could be the
levels of generalizations. appropriate techniques
3. Explain the reasons and ways to overcome
why presence of feed deficit situation of
stratified layer of sand in Nepal?
lower horizon of clay Short questions
soil impede the (Attempt any Seven)
downward movement of 14. 2.Discuss critical
water? factors associated to
4. Describe the master soil nutrition of grazing
horizons and layers of soil animals ?
profile and list the 3.Write the
importance of studying soil common principles
profile. of pasture
5. List the reasons of establishment.
decreasing infiltration rate 4.Write down the
with time. Describe the major chemical
factors that affect the rate changes during
of infiltration. silage formation.
6. Define energy concept of 5.What are non-
soil water and briefly explain carbohydrates? How
the matric-potential (?m) of they are valued in feed?
soil- water. 6.Discuss silvipastoral
7. Explain DARCY's system in relation to
equation for the saturated feed supply.
flow of water in soil. Also, 7.Discuss on the
differentiate between production and
saturated and un-saturated management of
flow of water in soil. Stylo. 8.What is
8. What is weathering of the preservation
rocks and minerals? of forage? Write
Describe in brief the about the
physical weathering of mechanism of
rocks and minerals. silage
9. List the major soil preservation.
orders found in Nepal. 9.Write short notes on:
Briefly explain the a. Hay
inceptisols. grazing animals
c. Sward

66 Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
Final Final
exa examinati
mina on- 2073
Essay Type Question
1.Explain the
Essay Type Question importance and
1.Describe the scope of fodder
factors affecting production in
nutritive value of Nepal.How pasture
can be managed to
forages /pasture in improve
relevance to productivity of our
livestock feeding. livestock?
Short questions Short questions
(Attempt any Seven) (Attempt any
= 14. 2.Describe the
soil can be as
feeds and livestock important factor
feeding situation in on fodder
Nepal. production
3.Explain the
3.How forage is converted
following terms . into silage? Explain.
a. fodder b. pasture 4.Discuss
c. rangeland d. briefly about
forbs 4.What are the the cultivation
difference between practices of
Stylo. 5.What
the temperate and are the Factors
tropical fodder affecting
grasses? chemical
5.Why does composition /
legumes yield less nutritive value
of fodder
biomass than crops?
grasses species? 6.What do you
6.What are the mean by
factors affecting silvipasture .Write
fodder and pasture its advantages.
7.Give your
productivity ? opinion about
7.What are the significance of
basic difference practicing alterna-
in hay, haylage tive feeding
and silage? resources in our
situation with
Illustrate the examples.
chemical changes 8.What are the
during silage characteristics
making. of good quality
8.What are the hay ? Write
about the
requirements for advantages and
pasture establish- appropriate
ment? plant stage for
9.Describe in short hay making.
the cultivation 9.Write short notes on:
a.Teosinte b.
practices of Napier Pasture establishment
and White Clover. c. Grazing system d. Effect
of climate on fodder
Final examination- 2072 Final examination- 2072
Essay Type Question 6 Essay Type Question 6
1.Explain the situation of feed supply in the different region 1.Describe the cultural practices in grassland
of Nepal.And discuss the strategy and guidelines to manage- ment in the following headline reseeding
overcome the feed deficiate for the improve livestock in ,selection of pasture crop ,introduction of legume
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14
,fertilizer applica- tion and control of shrubs.
2.Write about important factors affecting chemical Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14
composi- tion of forage. 2.Describe factors that affect the chemical
3.Write the cultivation practices of stylo and Berseem on composition of forages.
the following headline. 3.Write in detail on cultivation practice of Lucerne
a.Seed rate b.Sowing method
c.fertilizers use d.yield
on climate ,land preparation ,seed rate and cutting
4.What do you mean by silvipastoralsystem? Write its man- agement.
importance and give the selection criteria of tree for 4.Define silvipastoralsystem.Write its important and
silvipastoral system. give the selection criteria of tree of silvipastoral
5.How can you improve the protein value of straw?Write system. 5.Write short note on : a)Haylage
its process.
b) Hohenheim grazing system.
6.Describe the grassland management IN following
headline: Reseeding ,introduction of legume ,fertilizer 6.Explain the chemical and bacterial change
application during silage making.
,grazing management. 7.What do you mean by alternative feed resources
7.Write short notes on: and write about its important on livestock production
a.Alternative feed resources b.Nutrition of pasture
8.How the silage is preserved ?Write the changes occurs in
system in Nepal.
silage after ensiling. 8. How does climate and soil Factors affect on
9.Write short notes on ; fodder production?
a.Wastelage b.Grass tetany 9.Describe the nutritional deficiency diseases
c.Cell and cell wall content d.Hay of pasture animals.

Final examination- 2067

Final examination- 2068
Essay Type Question 6
Essay Type Question 6
1.Discuss variation in livestock feed availability across
1.What are the factors that affect fodder production
the region in Nepal. Write about possible scientific
? Explain each factors in detail.
guidelines and approaches to satisfy the growing
2.There is feed deficit in Nepal.Discuss how we
need of ruminants feed.
can overcome from the existing forage deficit
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14
situation for the improvement of livestock
2.Define the terms -herbage, silage and rangelands.
production .
3.Write about major environmental resources and
3.Explain the chemical composition of forage.
the forage plant processes that determine the
4.Write the process of silage making .Explain the
productivity. 4.Outline how the components of
chemi- cal and bacterial changes after sealing the
ingestive behaviors are interrelated? How such
green masses. 5.Write the cultural practices of
behavior is related to selective grazing?
Berseem and Napier in the following headline :
5.Discuss on the production and management
climate , soil ,sowing time , method of sowing
of Napier grass.
,seed rate and yield.
6.How do you relate nutritive value of forages with
6.Define silvipastoralsystem.Write its importance and
the availability and present feeding practices in rural
give the selection criteria of tree of silvipastoral
7. How do you think new pasture could be
7.Describe in brief the nutritional disorders and
better established?
delete- rious effect of pasture on animal.
8.What is preservation of forage? Write about
8.Explain grass land management in the following
the mechanism of silage preservation.
headline:Reseeding ,introduction of legumes ,fertilizer
9.Write summary points of cultivation practices
ap- plication.
of Stylosanthes.
9.Write short notes on:
a. Nutrition of pasture b. Alternative feeding Compiled By:- Free Students’
resources Union, Lamjung Campus
Essay Type Question 6
FINAL F.M 1. Mention the peculiarities of
. 20 digestive system of
- 2074 P.M. fowl. Describe the
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 5th 8 process of protein
Semester Time
: digestion in ruminants
Subject: Animal 1:30 and non-ruminants.
nutrition and feeding Hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in composition of plant cells and animal
the cells.
margin indicates full marks.
4. Write down the functions and
Essay Type Question deficiency symptoms of water.
1. Explain the digestion of 5. Write short notes on the
carbohydrate and protein in followings( any two):
ruminants. a. Macro elements b. feeding
standard c. TDN
Short questions (Attempt any 6. What are the points to be considered
Seven) while formulating a diet? Explain.
2. What do you mean by 7. Write down the digestion and
quality of protein and absorption of lipids in non-ruminant.
write the function of 8. Write down the functions and
protein. deficiency symptoms of Vit. A, Vit.
D and Vit. B complex.
3. Write the general 9. What do you mean by
function of minerals and metabolism? How do you determine
enlist the essential macro metabolic energy of feed stuff?
and micro elements. Explain with example.
4. Describe the digestion of EXAMINATION - 2073
protein in non-ruminants. Essay Type Question
5. Write down the 1. Describe the digestive physiology
of ruminants and state how digestive
function and deficiency system of ruminants in different than that
symptoms vitaminA. of non-ruminants. Short questions
(Attempt any Seven)
6. What do you mean by 2. Describe the basic differences in plant
digestibility coefficient and animal cells and tissues.
3. Illustrate the functions of
and write the factors proteins in farm animals. What are
affecting digestibility amino acids?
coefficient of feed. 4. Outline the classification of
feed ingredients. Describe the
7. Describe by pass importance of maize and fish
protein. Why it is meal in animal nutrition.
5. What are the basic functions of
important for high proteins? Classify proteins in short.
yielder ruminant. 6. How minerals and vitamins are
absorbed in animals? Describe
8. What are amino functions of vitamin A and K.
acids? Clarify the 7. Why fats yield more energy than
protein and carbohydrates? Describe
concept of essential fat metabolism in short.
amino acids and 8. Describe the importance of vitamin E and
limiting amino acids. selenium in immune system of animals.
9. Classify carbohydrate in short. What
9. Write the desirable are structural carbohydrates?
characteristics of a
ration for cattle.
- 2073
Essay Type Question
1. Classify protein and write
down the functions,
deficiency symptoms and
source of protein.
Short questions (Attempt any
2. Write down the digestion of
carbohydrates in ruminants.
3. Compare and contrast the
Short questions (Attempt Short questions 2. Compare and 6. Write about the
any Seven) (Attempt any contrast chemical characteristics,
2. Define Seven) composition of animal nutrient content and
nutrition. 2. What do you and plant cells and utilization of maize
mean by VFAs. tissue and mustard cake.
Mention Explain about 3. Write about function and 7. Define the following:
the their impor- deficiency symptom of calcium a. Metabolic water b. essential fatty
difference tance and site of in animal body. acid c.
between production. 4. Classify carbohydrate with 8. Write about the function and
3. Classify protein with examples. deficiency symptom of vitamin A.
ration and
examples. Explain its 5. Write about the function of 9. Explain the importance of animal
feed. function in farm animals. protein in animal body. nutrition.
3. Enlist the functions 4. What are
and deficiency of the function of 68 Compiled By:- Free Students’
vitamin E. lipids in Union, Lamjung Campus
4. What are the animal?
Describe the
difference between digestion
probiotics and process of fat in
prebiotics. non-ruminant
5. Write animals.
in brief 5. Discuss
about the fate
of glucose
some after
common absorption in
feeding animal body
stan- with flow
chart diagram.
6. Classify feed
being ingredients.
used in Describe any
Nepal. three energy rich
6. Mention and protein rich
concentrates of
animal feedstuffs.
difference 7. Compare and contrast
in between animal and plant
composition cells and tissues.
of plant and 8. What do you
mean by
essential and
tissue? non-essential
7. Describe the process fatty acids?
of carbohydrate Describe the
digestion in rumen. properties of
8. Mention the lipids.
9. Write short notes on:
deficiency symptoms a. Feeding standard b.
of iron in farm Macro and micro minerals
animals? c. Water soluble vitamins d.
9. Write short notes Deficiency symptom of
on(any two): protein
a. Role of calcium in FINAL
dairy cattle N - 2070
b. Essential amino Essay Type Question
acids 1. Draw a clean
c. Concentrate labeled diagram
of digestive
EXAMIN system of
ATION - ruminant and
2072 discuss the
Essay Type Question digestion
1. Discuss in process of
detail about the nutrients in
nutritional rumen of
condition of ruminant
farm animals. animals.
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2071 Level: B.Sc. Ag. 5th Semester
Essay Type Question 6 FINAL EXAMINATION - 2074
1. Classify the feedstuffs with example. Discuss major Essay Type Question 6
and available feedstuffs with their value to feed animal. 1. Why are medicinal plants called as biological mine of
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14 noble products? What are the constrans of medicinal plants
2. Compare the composition of plant and animal cells cultivation in Nepal?
and tissues with examples.
3. Classify carbohydrate and write its functions. Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14
4. Write down the functions and deficiency symptoms of 2. Classify aromatic plants based on parts used.
protein. 3. What is CITES? Explain its appendices.
5. What do you mean by lipid? Why is it necessary to 4. Define doctorine of signature and TRAFFIC.
include lipid in animal diet? 5. Define extraction. Which method of extraction of
6. Differentiate between macro and micro elements and medicinal plants is best and why?
write down the functions of calcium ,phosphorous and iron 6. What are various raw materials for extraction of perfume?
in animal. 7. What ia value chain? Show existing value chain of
7. What do you mean by feeding standards? Write down the medici- nal plant in Nepal?
feeding standard of poultry or pigs.
8. What are medicinal uses of rauvolfia and neem?
8. Define or explain the following( any three):
a. TDN b. metabolism c. digestion d. ME 9. State management of lily of desert and citronella.
9. What are the challenges in the field of animal FINAL FINAL
nutrition? Write in brief. EXAMINA EXAMINATION
TION - - 2073
2069 Essay Type Question
Essay Type Question 1. Define exaction.
1. Draw a clean What are the different
labeled diagram of
digestive system of extraction pro- cesses
poultry and explain the available for aromatic
digestion of feed plants? What are the
nutrient in non- criteria of selecting
ruminant animal. these process?
Short questions (Attempt 2. Write about plant
any Seven) profile, active
2. Explain digestive of constituents, origin and
crude fiber in ruminant distribution of
animal. periwinkle.
3. Write down function of
3. Write about the history and
4. Classify carbohydrates importance of medicinal
with examples. plants.
5. Explain the properties 4. Classify aromatic plants
of lipids. based on scented parts
6. Write down the used.
characteristics, 5. What are existing
nutritive value and marketing channels of
utilization of any four MAOs? How can it be
plant protein rich feed improved?
ingredients. 6. Write uses and active
7. Write down in brief constituents of Aloe Vera.
about the importance 7. Write crop management
and scope of animal
practices and actions of
8. Define the followings: citronella.
a. Tranguilizer b. Metabolic 8. What are agricultural uses
water c.Crazy chicks and current research
disease d. Pica potential of Neem.
9. Write down 9. Write short notes on;
composition of nutrient a. Doctorine of signature b.
in plant and animal cell CITES c.
and tissue. MAPDON
RAMPUR, CHITWAN Essay Type Question
FIN n d feeding practices
AL u
ON -
2074 o
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 5th n
Subject: Animal a
F.M. 20 ine MAPS. Enlist the
P.M. 8 Time: 1:30 Hrs 1.
methods for extraction
of essen- tial oils.
Describe any two of
Candidates are required to give their Short questions (Attempt any
answers in their own words as practicable Seven)
as possible. The figure in the margin 2. Classify aromatic plants on
indicates full marks. the basis of scented parts?
Essay Type Question 3. Define alkaloid. How will
1. Describe the you extract alkaloid from
plant profile, medicinal plant?
chemical 4. Write about CITES.
constituents and 5. How can medicinal
economic and aromatic plants
importance of fox be stored? What are
glove and the characteristics of
periwinkle. good packaging
Short questions (Attempt material?
any Seven) 6. What are chemical
2. List the various constituents and
extraction methods therapeutic uses of
of essential oils. Aloe and Periwinkle?
Describe any two 7. Why is neem used
of them. very much in the
3. Write about the history clinical research these
of MAPS. days? Mention its plant
4. Give the economic profile
importance, chemical 8. What are the
constituents and different uses of
biological actions of lemon grass, vetiver
sweet flag. and sweet flag.
5. Classify the 9. Write about any two of the
alkaloids with following:
examples. Describe a. MAPDON b. Research
any on extraction status of MAPS in Nepal
method of alkaloids. c. Trade of MAPS in Nepal
6. Give the scientific
name, family and
biological actions of
the following plants:
a. Gurjo b. ghodtapre
jatamasi d. panchauwle
e. yarshagumbha f.
burn plant
7. what is CITES? Give the
objectives and appendices
with examples.
8. Describe briefly the
importance of
medicinal plants.
9. Define
phytogeography. Briefly
mention the distribution
of MAPs on the basis of
climatic zones of Nepal.

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung
Essay Type Question 6 Essay Type Question 6
1. Why there is need of research and development of 1. Define medicinal plants and aromatic plants? Point
MAPS? Explain about the causes of unorganized marketing out different methods of extraction of medicinal plants.
of MAPS n Nepal ? Give different parameters for selecting appropriate
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14 extraction method.
2. Classify aromatic plants on the basis of scented plant
parts. Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 14
3. Write about CITES. 2. Describe in brief the history of MAPS of Nepal.
4. Write the steps for preparation of crude drugs in brief. 3. List out the five medicinal plants and aromatic plants
5. Give the plant profile of Neem and mention its with the scientific names and family.
medicinal, industrial and agricultural uses. 4. Point out different research areas of MAPS of Nepal.
6. Write about the harvesting of Digitialis and lemon 5. Describe in brief plants description and
grass. Mention the therapeutic uses of Digitialis. cultivation practices of rose.
7. Write about the history of MAPS. 6. Explain how essential oils are extracted by hydro
8. Write about the chemical evaluation of distilla- tion process.
snakeroot(Rawolfia) and Holy basil? Mention the plant 7. List the chemicals found in Datura and Aloe. Why Neem
profile of Rawolfia.
is useful for AIDs patient. Explain brief.
9. Write short notes on:
a. MAPDON b. Enfleurage c. Trade of MAPS 8. Give the origin and distribution of khus. Explain
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2071 anti fertility effect of Tulsi.
Essay Type Question 6 9. Point out different aromatic plant extract. Describe
1. Describe the history, status and trade of medicinal any two.
and aromatic plants in Nepal .
Short questions (Attempt any Seven) 7×2 = 1
2. Write in short status of MAPS research in Nepal .
3. Describe in brief the process of extraction alkaloids.
4. Describe the harvesting technique of Aloe.
5. Write about the distribution and importance of Neem in
Nepal .
6. Describe the cultivation practice of citronella.
7. How do you extract essential oil from a plant? Explain.
8. Describe the important chemical compounds found
in Rauvolfia. FINAL EXAMINATION - 2073
9. What are the various ways of classifying medicinal Essay Type Question 10
1. Define and differentiate natural and biological control
FINAL F. methods. Explain the strategies of
M biological control method.
. Describe about
N- biological control agents
2074 40
P. with suitable examples.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 5th
Semester M.
Subject: Principles and Ti
practices of insect-pest me
management. :2
Candidates are required to give their answers in 6. What do you mean by legal
their own words as practicable as possible. The means of pest control and how this
figure in the margin indicates full marks. concept of pest control has been
Essay Type Question established in our country?
1. Define IPM and FFS. 7. Normally insecticides having
Explain how IPM systemic mode of entry are
concept was evolved and considered more effective to
also mention its piercing and sucking types of
significance and insect pests, why? But seeing the
principles. Short mode of entry of recent
questions (Attempt any developed pesticides, do you
ten) think this concept has been
2. Explain diagrammatically changed? If yes, what might be
with examples that how insect your logic?
pests were classified on the 8. Discuss about the mode of action
basis population level and of insecticides.
extent of damage? 9. Describe about the different
3. What are the reasons that factors that affect the host plant
insect pests status is changing resistance to insect pests.
over a period of time? 10.What do you mean by insect
4. How culturally insect attractants? Describe different
pest can be managed? types of insects attractants that
Described briefly with are being used in insect pest
examples. management.
5. What do you mean by 11.Differentiate between:
entomopathogenic fungi and a. Monophagous and polyphagous
write down its mode of action. insect pest
Also describe about white and b. Predator nad parasitoids
green muscardine fungi.
Short questions (Attempt semiochemicals.
any ten) Also
2. List differentiate
major allomones and
insecticide kairomones.
formulatio 7. Name major
ns. five plants
Describe suitable for
any five botanical
types of pesticides. Why
insecticide neem
additives. (Azadiractaindica)
3. Define is called as the
and tree of future pest
classify control.
pests. 8. Differentiate
Define between physical
gain and and mechanical
economic control
thresholds measures. List
in pest major cultural
manageme control methods.
nt 9. What do you
decision. mean by innovative
4. Describe control measures?
major resistance Describe insect
mechanism of pheromones use in
host plants. pest management
Also mention /monitoring.
the degree of 10. What is SPS
host plant agreement?
resistance. Mention the
5. Why different classes of
organocholride insect legislation.
insecticides are 11. Define the following:
replaced by a. Insect equivalents b.
organophos- Autocidal control method
phate? Give any c. Farmer field school
two names of 12. Differentiate( any two)
insecticides from a. Parasites and parasitoids b.
each group. Cuelure and helilure
6. Define c. Deflocculators and
and classify deodorants.
70 Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Which insect pest control method would you think is the 1. What are the significance of economic injury level and
best for the Nepalese farmers? Give reason with economic threshold level in insect-pest management? How
appropriate examples. cultural operations are helpful in insect-pests
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 management? Explain with examples.
2. What are biological control agents commercially Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
available in Nepal? 2. Define the term LD50 and classify the generation
3. Classify insecticides based on nature of chemical with examples. of insecticides with examples.
4. Why the concept of injury level is essential for insect pest 3. Enlist the characteristics of an ideal microbial insecticide.
management? Describe. 4. What are the techniques or approaches of biological
5. Describe about common pesticide formulations available control? Explain with appropriate examples.
in Nepalese market. 5. Briefly mention the factors that affect plant
6. Give universal and specific antidote in case of resistance against insect.
organochlo- rine and Carbamate poisoning. 6. Enlist advantages and disadvantages of physical methods
7. Describe mechanisms of Host Plant Resistance of insect- pest control.
8. Write the importance of microbial insect pest 7. Describe mechanical method of insect-pest
management technique with examples. management with appropriate examples.
9. What is the IPM dissemination tool which has been 8. What is farmer field school? Also mention the
employ- ing by Department of Agriculture in Nepal? significance of its in pest management.
Describe briefly. 10.Explain Mechanical method of insect 9. How the entomopathogenic fungus can damage the insect
pest management with suitable examples. pest?
11.Write short notes on: 10. What are the major features of integrated pest
a. Pest residue b. key pest c. pesticide resistane manage- ment?
12.Differentiate between: 11. Write short notes on:
a. Natural and Applied control a. parasitoids b. Key pests c. pest resurgence
b. Parasitoids and parasites d. cue-lure
12. Differentiate between (any three):
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2071 a.Horizontal resistance and vertical resistance
Essay Type Question 10 b. Predators and parasites c. Dry and liquid formulations
1. Why are the insect-pest becoming a challenging d. Trichogramma and trichoderma
problem in Agriculture and how cultural operations are
helpful in insect-pests management? Explain with suitable FINAL EXAMINATION - 2070
examples. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Essay Type Question 10
2. Classify the insecticides based on their chemical 1. What do you mean by plant resistance in pest manage-
nature with two examples of each. ment? Describe the mechanisms and factors affecting in
3. Enlist the characteristics of an ideal microbial insecticide. plant resistance along with suitable examples.
4. What are the major considerations for effective use Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
of insecticides in pest management? 2. Why the insect-pest are becoming a challenging
5. Briefly explain thefactor that affect plant problem in agriculture?
resistance against insects. 3. Briefly explain the significance of economic injury
6. Enlist advantages and disadvantages of physical methods level and economic threshold level in insect pest
of pest control. management.
7. Briefly explain the significance of economic injury 4. Classify the generation of insecticides with examples.
level and economic threshold level in insect-pest 5. What are the techniques of biological control?
management. Explain with appropriate examples.
8. What is farmer field school? Also mention its 6. What are the modes of action of insecticides?
significance in pest management. 7. How cultural operations are helpful in insect-pest
9. How the fungus can damage the insect-pest? Explain. manage- ment? Explain with examples.
10. What are the major features of integrated pest 8. What is farmer field school? Also mention its
manage- ment? Explain with examples. significance in pest management.
11. Write short notes on: 9. How the entomo-pathogenic fungus can damage the
a. LD50 b. Key pests c. pest resurgence insect pest?
d. cue-lure 10. What do you mean by integrated pest management?
12. Differentiate between (any three): 11. Write short notes on:
a.Horizontal resistance and vertical a. I.D50 b. key pests c. Pest resurgence
resistance 12. Differentiate between:
b. Trichogramma and trichoderma a. Horizontal resistance and vertical resistance
c. Dry and liquid formulations b. Predators and parasites
d. Predators and parasites c. Trichogramma and trichoderma

Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What do you mean by programme planning? Enlist the
EXAMIN types of extension
ATION - M. programme planning?
2074 40 Explain about the
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 5th P. importance of
Semester M. decentralized
Subject:FUNDAMENTALS OF Tim programme planning in
AGRICULTURAL e: 2 agricul- tural extension.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in
farm community?
the Short questions (Attempt any ten)
margin indicates full marks.
Essay Type Question 2. Write about the
1. Define extension
education. Discuss the
extension education
principles of extension process with suitable
education, also write about example.
the importance of 3. Who are leaders? What
principles in extension functions can be expected
delivery system. from local leaders in
Short questions (Attempt any agricultural extension?
2. What are theories of teaching 4. What do you mean by
learning psychology? indicators? Write about the different
3. What is group types of indicators for monitoring
approach? Why group of agricultural projects.
approach is effective in 5. Classify the teaching methods
teaching-learning according to their
system? use. Discuss which method of
4. Define TOT and explain teaching is more useful in
innovation diffusion process
agricultural extension.
5. Define leadership and 6. Write about S-R theory
explain Fielder model of of learning and the laws
contin- gency theory of associated with it.
leadership in brief. 7. Enlist different extension
6. What are the philosophies of approaches practiced in Nepal
extension education? and discuss the effectiveness of
7. Discuss about the adopters group approach in agricultural
categories with example. extension.
8. What is programme planning?
Briefly describe about project 8. What do you mean by
cycle. appropriate technology? What
9. Describe extension teaching are the attributes of an
methods focusing to appropriate technology?
demonstration. 9. What do you mean by
10. Explain Morrial and Hatch act program planning? Write
in development of extension in about extension program
11. Discuss about the role
of agricultural professionals 10. Write about the process of
as main actors in promotion Agri-clinic conduction in farm
of agriculture. communities.
12. Write short notes on: 11.What roles can extension
a) Agricultural extension b) agents play in adoption and
Monitoring and evaluation diffusion of agricultural
c) Leader and leadership
d) Extension service of DOA &
DLS 12. Write short notes on(any 3):
e) Technology transfer process a) Participatory rural appraisal b)
f) Appropriate technology Cone of experience
c) Philosophy of extension d)
FINAL Non-formal education
- 2073
Essay Type Question
1. What do you mean by
Adoption of an
Innovation? What are the
factors affecting the rate
of adoption in a given
Short questions (Attempt Describe its stages 10. Explain Smith lever act in 12. Define following terms:
any ten) with diagram. development of extension in a. Extension education
2. What is extension? 11. Write about USA. b. Education
Write about the types of adopters 11. Write short notes on: c. Programme planning
extension education with typical a. Objectives d. Technology
process. characteristics. b. Non formal education e. Innovation
3. Who are Also explain how c. Philosophy
leaders? communication
What channels can be 72 Compiled By:- Free Students’
functions used in the different Union, Lamjung Campus
can be stages of adoption.
expected 12. Write short notes on: (any
from local three)
leaders in a) Participatory rural appraisal
agricultural b) Adoption and diffusion
extension? c) Importance of line
4. Wha agencies in extension
t are the d) Non- formal education
ces Back
monitor ON - 2073
ing ansd Essay Type Question
evaluati 1. Define
on? agriculture
5. Classify extension. How
teaching do you deal with
methods farmers to
according to diffuse
their use. innovation in a
Discuss on new normal
importance of society as an
result extension
demonstration personnal?
in agriculture.
Short questions (Attempt any
6. Write
about ten)
the S-R 2. Which
theory of teaching method
learning will you use to
and the teach broadcast-
laws ing of fertilizer in
associate Berseem? Explain
d with it. 3. Define FSR/E and
7. Enlist evaluate it as an extension
different approach.
extension 4. Why
approaches extension is
practiced in different from
Nepal and
describe on
effectiveness advertisement
of Group and propaganda?
approach in 5. Describe
extension. TOT and write
8. What do characteristics
you mean by of appropriate
appropriate technology.
technology? 6. Define
What are the leadership and
attributes of an explain
appropriate elements of
technology? leadership in
9. Write about brief.
the methods of 7. What are the elements of
discovering teaching and learning
leaders in a process?
8. What are the differences
10. What is between monitoring and
innovation- evaluation?
decision 9. Explain programme
process? planning cycle in brief.
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. How can you differentiate monitoring and evaluation? 1. What is innovation- decision period? Classify adopters based on
What are the approaches of evaluation? Explain what type innovativeness and write down the characteristics of adopter.
of approach can be used in different situation of evaluation? Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 2. Describe teaching-learning process.
3. Discuss the importance of Group approach in agricultural
2. Conceptualize leadership and management.
Differentiate the concept of leaders and managers in the 4. Define demonstration. Write about different types of demon-
context of agriculture development. stration with appropriate example.
3. What is teaching method? Discuss teaching methods with 5. Differentiate between workshop and panel discussion.
best example according to teaching learning process? 6. What is participatory and decentralized program planning in
4. Elaborate the concept of decentralized agriculture agriculture extension? Discuss.
plan- ning and justify its working modality at the VDC 7. List down the philosophy of extension education.
level. 8. What do you mean by monitoring of extension program?
5. What is extension education? Write the importance 9. List down the methods of discovering local leaders and
of extension in agriculture development. explain performance test method.
10. What are the characteristics of innovation and role of
6. Differentiate between method and result
innovators in agriculture development.
demonstration with appropriate example. 11. Describe program planning process in brief.
7. What do you mean by teaching and learning? 12. What is KAS change in educational process?
Explain about theories of learning.
8. State the diffusion of innovation theory with sketch of
graph showing different adopters categories.
9. What are the determining variables of rate of adoption ?
10. Enlist the function of technology transfer and explain
the process of technology transfer with specific example.
11. How principle of extension education developed? FINAL EXAMINATION - 2070
Essay Type Question 10
Enlist and explain any one of its principle with specific
example. 1. Describe innovation decision process. What are the
12. Write short notes on (any 3): perceived characteristics of an innovation? Write about the
a) Adopters categories five stage model of adoption process.
b) Advantage of group approach of extension Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
c) Types of extension program objectives 2. What is extension? Describe any two principles
d) Extension system used in Nepal of extension education in brief.
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2070 3. Give the classification of extension teaching methods and
describe the importance of result demonstration in agriculture
Essay Type Question 10
1. What do you mean by extension education? 4. What is learning? List out the major theories of
How do you justify its application in the field of learning and describe any one of tehm.
agriculture? Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 5. What do you mean by 'group approach' of extension
30 delivery system? What are the reasons for focusing on group
2. Enlist the principles of extension education and approach?
briefly describe the principle of grass root 6. Write about the extension education process with suitable
approach. examples.
3. Where does the extension education in 7. What do you mean by leader? Describe the role of
local leader in extension.
agriculture find its scope?
8. Write down the philosophy of extension education in brief.
4. What do you mean by teaching and learning and 9. What do you mean by technology? Describe appropriate
write down the step in teaching and learning technology.
process? 10. Write the difference between monitoring and evaluation
5. Briefly describe the individual extension of agriculture extension program.
teaching method with example. 11. What is program planning? Write in brief about
6. Differentiate between PRA and RRA. extension program planning process.
7. Define innovation decision process with 12. Write short notes on(any 3):
suitable example. a) Participatory monitoring and evaluation
8. Write down the farming system research b) Social audit c) Credibility of extension worker
and extension in briefly. d) Types of adoption diffusion
9. What do you mean by program and planning?
Enlist the steps. Compiled By:- Free
10. Define the term leader and leadership. Students’ Union, Lamjung
Write down the roles of a good leader in Campus
agricultural devel- opment.
11. Differentiate between monitoring and
evalua- tion of agricultural extension programme.
12. Clarify then concept of land grant
college system of agricultural college or
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What is rDNA technology? Describe in detail tools and
FINAL F. techniques of gene manipulation.
EXAMI Short questions (Attempt any ten)
N - 2074 40
Level: B.Sc. P. 2. What are the limitations of one
M. gene one enzyme hypothesis?
Ag. 5th 16
Semester Ti
Subject: me:
Genetics of Hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in their Giveyourlogicalviews.
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in
4. Explain about one gene one
the margin indicates full marks.
polypeptide hypothesis with
Essay Type Question suitable examples if necessary.
1. What do you mean by 5. Differentiate between
recombinant DNA technology? inbreeding depression and hybrid
Explain in detail about the vigour with the help of suitable
formation of recombinant DNA
with the help of suitable figures.
6. State and illustrate
Short questions (Attempt any
Hardy_Weinberg law with the help
of a suitable example.
2. What do you understand by
PCR? Explain briefly. 7. In a random mating population
3. What is multiple factor the allelic frequencies are found
hypothesis? Explain in brief. A=0.5 and a=0.5. if the inbreeding
4. Write the significance of coefficient (F) equals 0.1, find the
restriction enzymes. genotypic frequencies of AA, Aa
5. Differentiate southern , and aa in this population.
northern and western bolting. 8. Define heterosis. The F1 hybrid
6. Differentiate maternal effect is the cross of two different pure
from maternal inheritance with lines 1 and 2. The spike lengths of
example. pure line 1, pure line 2 and
7. Write about most accepted commercial variety are 20 cm, 25
chromosome model. cam, 27 cm respectively. You found
8. Explain in brief about spike length of F1 hybrid 30 cm by
Johansen's pure line theory. crossing these two pure lines 1 and
9. What do you mean by 2. What type of heterosis do you
heterosis and inbreeding find? Give your logical answer.
depression? 9. Two pure lines of rice are
10. Explain one gene one crossed. In the F1 the variance in
polypeptide hypothesis. number of grains per panicle is 0.5.
11. Illustrate Hardy- the F1 is selfed. In the F2 the
Weinberg equilibrium. variance in number of grains per
What factors affect this panicle is 2.5. estimate broad sense
equilibrium. heritability of number of grains per
12. Write short notes on: panicle.
a. Immunogenetics 10. What is genotype* environment
b. Cancer interaction? How does it affect in the
FINAL field of crop improvement? Present
EXAMINATIO your logical views.
N - 2073 11. Explain polygenes in discontinuous
Essay Type Question traits with suitable figures.
1. Explain in detail 12. Mention genetic structures of different
Adrobacteriumtumefacians types of populations with examples.
method of gene transfer in
a given crop with the help
of suitable figure(s).
2. How recombinant DNA
(rDNA) is formed? Present
with the help of well labeled
3. What are restrictionenzymes?
Enlist any5restrictionenzymes
Discuss enzymatic chromosomes. hybrid 300g by Shortly explain about the
explanation of genetic 8. What is Gel crossing these two methods of gene cloning.
ratio with few examples. Electrophorosis?
3. Descri parents A and B. 8. What is
Explain blotting what type of recombinant DNA
be briefly
techniques of
experime heterosis do you (rDNA)? How r-
Nucleic acids.
nt on find? Give your DNA is formed?
9. Explain the
modern logical views. Present with the help
model that best
theory of 4. Explain polygenes in of well labeled
explains the
fine discontinuous traits with diagrams.
structure suitable figures.
architecture. 9. What are restriction
of gene
Mention genetic 5. Explain enzymes? Briefly
control mechanisms Johannsenspu explain different types
in eukaryotes. reline theory of restriction enzymes
its 10. What is LOD score? with the help
findings. with examples.
Describe the method for
4. Describe genetics of of 10. Briefly explain about one gene
its calculation.
cancer and 11. Write the Johannsens one polypeptide hypothesis.
immunogenetics experiment. 11. Explain
significance of G*E
briefly. 6. Write an explanatory note on different types of
5. What is variegation in biological
Explain types of genotype x
multiple factor tissues.
G*E interaction environment
with diagrams. 7. Define vector. interaction with
Polygenes, in 12. What is
some instances Enlist different suitable figures.
heritability? types of gene
govern 12. What is heritability? Briefly explain
Explain in brief cloning vectors.
discontinuous methods of about estimation of heritability.
traits. Explain estimating Compiled By:- Free Students’
this statement
heritability. Union, Lamjung Campus
appropriate FINAL
experiment. EXAMINATIO
N - 2073
6. State Hardy- Weinberg
equilibrium. How do Essay Type Question
you validate H-W law? 1. State and
7. What is illustrate Hardy-
inbreeding Weinberg law.
depression? Enlist the factors
Suppose 2 that affect Hardy-
inbred lines Weinberg
Ana B are
crossed to
produce hybrid. Short questions (Attempt any
The genotype ten)
of A is 2. In a large open
AAbbccDD pollinated
and the population of
genotype of B maize the alleles
is aaBBCCdd. M and m at the
A,B,C and D M/m locus occur
are the with frequencies
0.6(M) and 0.4(m).
genes. If
dominant What are the
homozygote frequencies of
contrib- utes 2 genotypes MM,
ton/ha, Mm and mm in
recessive this population?
homozygotes 3. What do you
contribute 1 mean by
ton/ha heterosis? The F1
hybrid cross of
contributes 2.5
ton/ha, Find the parent A and
grain yields pf parent B. the 1000
parent A, seeds weights of
Parent B and parent A, parent B
F1 hybrid on and the best
the basis of commercial
over variety are
dominance 100g,200g and
hypothesis. 275g respectively.
Suppose thet
You found 1000
you have taken
one pair of seeds weight of F1
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. State and illustrate the Hardy Weinberg Law with 1. State and illustrate the Hardy Weinberg Law. Explain
one gene two alleles. about natural forces affecting Hardy-Weinberg
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 equilibrium. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 =
2. Explain one gene one polypeptide hypothesis. 30
3. Briefly explain about fluorescence in 2. What is one gene one polypeptide hypothesis? Explain.
situ hybridization(FISH) technique and its 3. What do you know about PCR? Write its significance in
uses. plant breeding.
4. How recombinant DNA is formed? Explain in brief
4. How is recombinant DNA formed? Explain with figure.
about various vectors used in gene cloning.
5. Differentiate between southern and northern blotting.
5. 'R' represents resistance and 'r' represents susceptible and
'R' is dominant over 'r'. Compute gene frequencies and sort 6. What is the frequency of heterozygote (Aa) in random
the following cultivars on the basis of resistance. You are mating population if the frequency of recessive phenotype
given the number of individuals (in percentage) with (aa) is 0.16?
different genotypes for resistance gene as follows. 7. In a random mating population the allelic frequency of A is
Groups RR Rr Rr
o.6. if the inbreeding (F) equals 0.2. find the genotypic
Cultivar 1 81 18 1 frequencies in the population.
Cultivar 2 26 50 24 8. What do you know about Johannsen's theory? Write
Cultivar 3 10 30 60 major two conclusions of this theory.
Cultivar 4 25 50 25 9. Show inheritance of color in bread wheat to
illustrate multiple factor hypothesis.
6. What are restriction enzymes? Explain their types. 10. What do you mean by G*E interaction? Write its
7. Explain G*E interaction with suitable figures. signifi- cance in plant breeding.
8. What is the frequency of heterozygote (Aa) in a
11. What are the sources of genetic variation? Explain in brief.
random mating population if the frequency of recessive
12. Write short notes on:
phenotype (aa) is 0.16?
9. Estimate broad sense heritability with the help of a. LOD score b. Inbreeding depression
follow- ing information. c. Reproductive isolation mechanism
SV RR Rr MSS Essay Type Question 10
Genotypes 24 240 …………….
1. State and illustrate the Hardy Weinberg Law. Explain
Replications 3 6.3 …………….
Error 72 6.48 ……………. 1. State and illustrate Hardy- Weinberg law and equilibrium
with one gene two alleles.
10. Show inheritance of color in bread wheat to 2. In a large open pollinated population of population of
illustrate multiple factor hypothesis. maize the alleles B and b at the B/blocus occur with
11. In a random mating population the allelic frequencies frequencies 0.2(B) and 0.8(b). What are the frequencies of
are of A=0.6.Iif the inbreeding coefficient (F) equals 0.2, genotypes BB, Bb and bb in this population?
find the genotypic frequencies in this population.
3. What is frequency of the heterozygote (Tt) in random
12. What do you know about Johannsen'spure line theory?
mating population if the frequency of recessive phenotype (tt)
Write two major conclusions of this theory.
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2070 is 0.04?
Essay Type Question 10 4. In a random mating population the allelic frequencies are
1. State and illustrate the Hardy Weinberg law. found A=0.5 and a=0.5. if the inbreeding coefficient (F)
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 equals 0.1, find the genotypic frequencies of AA, Aa and aa in
2. What is Enzymatic Explanation of Genetic Ratio. this population.
3. Describe the multistranded model of chromosome 5. Two pure line of rice are crossed. In the F1 the variance in
4. What are the special type of chromosome and describe the spike length is 1.5. the F1 is selfed. In the F2 the variance in
Gaint chromosome. spike length is 4.5. estimate broad sense heritability of spike
5. What do you mean by formation of recombinant DNA? heritability of spike length in rice.
6. Define the restriction fragment length polymorphisms. 6. Estimate broad sense heritability with the help of
(RFLP) and what are its important features?
following information.
7. Define vectors and explain the type of cloning vectors.
8. What do you mean by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)? Source of variation df SS MSS
Discuss the different stage of PCR. Genotype 24 240 ……………
9. Write short notes on: Replication 3 6.3 …………….
a. Southern hybridization b. DNA Error 72 6.48 …………….
fingerprint 7. Compute the gene and genotype frequencies of the
10. Discuss polygene of discontinuous trait in threshold character. follow- ing cultivars. Where R represents resistance and r
11.No. of individuals in population indifferent blood groups: represents susceptible, R id dominant over r.
O=78, A=71, B=17 and AB= 7. cultivars Genotypes
What is the frequency of O A B in this individual? Cultivar 1
12. Suppose 2 inbred lines Ana B are crossed to produce a Cultivar 2
Cultivar 3
hy- brid. The genotype of A is AAbbccDDEEff and the
8. What is restriction enzyme? Explain its types.
genotype of B is aaBBCCddeeFF. A,B,C,D,E and F are the
dominant genes. If dominant heterozygote contributes 2 9. Explain pure line theory of Johannson.
ton/ha, recessive homozy- gotes contribute 1 ton/ha, 10. Explain polygenes in discontinuous traits with suitable figures.
heterozygote contributes 2.5 ton/ha, Find the grain yields of 11. Explain G*E interaction with suitable figures.
parent ABF. 12. Briefly explain about one gene one polypeptide hypothesis.
75 Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Describe the characteristics of plants suitable for
FINAL F. agroforestry system.
NATIO M What are factors
N - 2074 . affecting choice of
Level: 40 species? Describe.
P. Short questions (Attempt any ten)
B.Sc. M.
Ag. 16
5th Ti
Semes :2
ter Hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in their forestry
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in c. Tyanga cultivation system
the margin indicates full marks. d. Quantitative assessment of
Essay Type Question woody species
1. Define agro-foretry and 11. What is crop- tree competition ?
mention the various show various relations overlooked in
components of agro-forestry agro-forestry system and suggest the
system suited to the Nepalese scientific ways to measure
agricultural system. Short productivity, profitability and
questions (Attempt any ten) diversity of various agro-forestry
10×3 = 30 systems.
2. What is SALT? Mention 12. Classify agro-forestry on the basis
the suitable SALT of structure and
technology commonly function. FINAL
practiced in Nepal. EXAMINATION
3. Agro-forestry is the -2071
ways to augment soil Essay Type Question
fertility and crop 1. What are the basic components
productivity. Justify the of agro-forestry system(AFS)?
statement. Discuss the conditions for
4. Describe the suitable sustainable development of AFS.
characteristics of tree-crop Short questions (Attempt any ten)
species in the selection of 10×3 = 30
scientific agro-forestry 2. How does agro-forestry system
system. improve and /or maintain soil
5. How does agro-forestry fertility- productivity? Explain.
diagnosis and design (D&D) 3. Define the following:
Look importance in agro- a. Alley cropping b. Multi-storied
forestry system planning and system
development? Mention the c. Spatial arrangement d. Taungya e.
scientific steps of D & D Farming system f. PRA
adopted in agro-forestry. 4. Outline the variation of slopy-
6. Scientific agro-forestry agricultural land technology(SALT) and
system only can moderate give the methodology of
micro and macro climate, establishing SALT method.
conserve biodiversity and 5. Give the basic steps of diagnosis
sequestrate organic carbon. and design of AFS with brief
Mention the basics over this activities and outputs.
statement. 6. Why classification of AFS is
7. Agro-forestry is the done? Discuss the structural
vital in bio-fuel and bio- classification of AFS.
energy production. Can 7. Discuss shifting cultivatiom with its
you convince the farmers merits and demerits in context of nepal.
in this saying? 8. What is the nature of tree-crop
8. Mention briefly the interaction (TCI)? Discuss briefly
problems, prospects and on how TCI are quantified.
opportuni- ties Of agro- 9. Discuss briefly various
forestry in Nepales context. soil and water conservation
9. Write the common and measures as a strstegy in
scientific names of three tree agroforestry development.
speciesx commonly suitedin 10.Discuss about the
terai, mid-hills and high-hills of contribution of forestry sector
nepal. in livelihood of people of
10. Write short notes on: Nepal.
a. Land capability 11.What is an agroforestry
classification b. Farm- system(AFS)? Discuss various
factors affecting AFS 2. Classify agroforestry a. Meaning/definition of Nelder wheel
development. system with their b. Objectives charactersistics model of agroforestry
12.Differentiate between examples. c. Types of Taungya system.
the following: 3. Describe the d. Advantages ana 7. Enumerate the
a. Farming system different e. Disadvantages model landuse as
development and methods of Short questions (Attempt any alternative to shifting
resesrch quantitative ten) cultivation with figures.
b. Top- down and assess- ment of 2. Discuss the environmental 8. Discuss the contour
bottom-up research woddy species. and economic benefits of hedge row intercropping
c. Farm based and forest 4. Calculate agro forestry. model of agroforestry
based AFS the volume of 3. Enlist system.
the log having the 9. What is SALT? And discuss its
20 cm diameter different objectives and types.
and 1o cm criteria for 10. What are the
length by using tree agroecosystem properties
Hubners se;ectiom or the criteria for
formula. for measurements to reduce
5. Describe the stages of agroforestr the trade off in
technology development. y system. agroecosystem.
6. Describe FSRE 4. Discuss the 11. Calculate the
approach of advantages of spacing of plants, if
agroforestry system tree/crop interface there are 4oo
develop- ment. studies and also list agroforestry species
7. Describ out the tree/crop in a hectare of
e the interaction effects. plantation raised on
different 5. Discuss the criteria of square planting
components desirable agroforestry pattern.
of design. 12. Write short notes on:
agroforestry 6. Enlist the a. Xylometric method of volume
system. agroforestry measurement
8. How the models and b. Pollarding c. Buttressings
productivity explain the d. Multistory cropping
increased salient features
Compiled By:- Free Students’
system? Union, Lamjung Campus
9. What is
of D and D
10. What is
improved fallow
system of
system what are
the advantages of
improved fallow
over shifting
11. Define agroforestry
system with their
12. Write short notes on:
a. Agrisilvipasture
b. Improved fallow
c. Taungya

ION -2072
Essay Type Question
1. Discuss the
'Taungya system'
of Agroforestry
practices under
the following
1. Define agroforestry. Discuss its objectives importance RAMPUR, CHITWAN
concepts. F F.M.
Short questions N 40
(Attempt any ten) A P
L .
X .
A 1
M 6
A i
T m
I e
O :
- 2
2 H
0 r
7 s
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
5th Semester
on to PLANT
2. Enlist the goals of on:
agriculture. a. Pollarding
3. Write the b. Carrying capacity
characteristics c. Sapling
features of FSRE.
4. Discuss FIN
the AL
features of EXA
Nelder MIN
wheat ATI
model in ON -
agroforestr 2070
y system. Essay Type Question
5. Write the objectives
and options of 1. Define
SALT model. agroforestry.
6. Discuss the Describe the
characteristics importance and
features taungya scope of
system in agro- agroforestry in
silvo system of Nepal with
agroforestry. examples.
7. Name six Short questions
agroforestry species (Attempt any ten)
used in SALT
model. 2. What are
8. Briefly describe the the attributes
tree-crop interfaces. and feature of
9. Under what agroforestry?
conditions wood Describe
lots are developed? briefly.
Explain. 3. Classify
10. Write down the agroforestry system
criteria for crop on the basis of
selection in arrangement of
agroforestry system. components with
11. Calculate the example.
volume of 10 feet long 4. What could
when its combined be the criteria
diameter was measured snd how will you
24.24" inch. Also design ally
calculate the sawing cropping
cost, when the cost is intervention?
Rs.450 per cubic feet. 5. Mention the
12. Write short notes concept of D &
D. How D & D is Candidates are required to give their answers in 2. Differentiate between 8. Explain the use
different from FSRE? their own words as practicable as possible. The diseases and disorder and of mechanical
6. What is SALT figure in the margin indicates full marks. enlist the biotic causes of transmission of
technology? What Essay Type Question plant diseases. virus particles.
are the basic step 1. Define pathogenesis. 3. Enlist typical 9. Explain about
followed in SALT Explain how the pathogens symptoms of plant genera
technology? survive in absence of their diseases caused by the Plasmodiophora,
7. Enlist main crop hosts. pathogens. Phytophora and
indigenous and Short questions (Attempt any 4. Define fungi and explain Erysiphe.
modern ten) their importance in 10. Define
agroforestry 2. Explain the host as an agriculture. pathogenicity and
system. Describe important factor of disease 5. Explain about sexual draw the chain of a
any two modern pyramid. How the human fruiting bodies of fungi. typical disease
agroforestry activities can influence the 6. Write about Xanthomonas, cycle.
system. occurrence and spread of Erwinia and 11. Define epidemic of a
8. What is shifting plant diseases in an agro- Agrobacterium. diseases and explain the
cultivation? Mention the ecosystem. 7. Discuss about analysis of epidemic
advantage and 3. Explain the symptoms genera Anguina, given by van-der plank.
disadvantage of shifting of plant diseases observed Heterodera and 12. Differentiate between
cultivation. due to the visible Meloidogyna. enzymes and toxins.
9. Explain the basis for pathogens.
tree selection in 4. Define monocyclic
agroforestry system. disease. Why monocyclic 77 Compiled By:- Free
10.Write short notes on: can't spread in endemic Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
a. Shelter belts scale with in a single season
b. Tuangya after the entry to a new
c. Home garden location? Explain.
11.How will you quantify 5. Enlist the general
tree-crop interaction in characteristics of fungi and
agroforestry system? explain the harmful effects
Explain briefly. of fungi to human beings.
12.Describe tree- crop 6. Draw a well labeled
interaction that occurs in sketch of bacterial cell and
agroforestry system. explain the function of its
7. Define plant virus. How
plant virus get multiplied in
plant system? Explain.
8. Enlist the general
characteristics of root rot
nematode and root knot
9. Describe the possible
physiological alterations
caused by plant diseases.
10. Differentiate between :
a) Horizontal diseases
resistance and vertical
diseases resistance.
b) Symptom and sign
11. Enlist characteristics of
following genera:
a. Alternaria b. Pythium c.
12. Write short notes on:
a. Diseases forecasting b.
Bengal famine c.

ON -2074
Essay Type Question
1. Define forecasting of
plant diseases and explain
various forecasting
methods in detail.
Short questions (Attempt any
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What do you mean by defence mechanism? Discuss about 1. Define fungi. Enlist its beneficial and harmful effects
various defence mechanisms governed by the host plants. to human life. Describe the different modes of
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 reproduction in fungi with suitable example.
2. Explain about biotic causes of plant diseases briefly. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
3. Enlist symptoms due to some effects or changes in the 2. Describe the major physiological changes caused by
host plant. disease in host plants.
4. Explain about sexual fruiting bodies of fungi. 3. Provide the taxonomic positions of
5. Draw and label a typical structure of a Gram Erysiphe plasmodiophora and Pseudomonas.
negative bacterial cell. 4. Enlist any five non infectious diseases of crop plants. Do
6. Write about pseudomonas,streptomycesand C the plant nutrition may affect the incidence of biotic diseases?
orynebacterium. How?
7. What do you mean by virus? Writ about spireplasma. 5. Discuss the characteristic features of
8. Explain about reproduction of nematodes. Helminthosporium, Meloidogyne and Xanthomonas.
9. Explain about Puccinia, Alternaria and Albugo. 6. Define epidemics of a disease and explain the analysis
10.Explain the role of hosts in survival of the pathogen and of epidemic given by Vander plank.
enlist the agents of autonomous dispersal of the pathogens. 7. Explain the six principles of diseases management.
11.Explain about the physiology of infected hosts. 8. Discuss the mode of transmission of virus from
12.Write about pathotoxins and phytoalexins. diseased plants to the healthy plant.
9. What do you mean by diseases forecasting. What are the
bases for effective forescasting?
10. Describe the different survival techniques utilized by
plant pathogens.
11. Compare and contrast between the followings:
a. Ascomycota and Oomycota
b. Systemic acquired resistance and induced systemic
12. Write short notes on any three among following.
a. Exotoxin b. Direct penetration
c. Quarantine d. Heterokaryon
Essay Type Question 10
1. Define plant pathology and discuss inanimate and FINAL EXAMINATION -2071
animate causes of plant diseases with suitable examples. Essay Type Question 10
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 1. Define disease and disease resistance. How plant defend
2. Differentiate the following(any 2) themselves against pathogens by their morphological
a. Simple and compound interest diseases modification explain.
b. Obligate and facultative parasites Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
c. Perithecium and pycnidium 2. Describe about asexual the reproduction of fungi
3. Define bacteria and draw and label a typical bacterial with suitable examples.
cell. 3. How pathogen propagules are disseminated by animate
4. Define parasexual cycle and discuss asexual agents? Explain
reproduction in fungi. 4. Give the systematic position of the pathogen causing
5. What is a viroid? How viruses are transmitted in yellow rust of wheat and give its important characters.
plant? Explain in short. 5. Write down the causal oraganisms of the following diseases:
6. Enumerate the characteristics of root rot nematode a. Root rot of rice b. soft rot of potato c. Bacterial wilt of tomato
and seed gall nematode. e. Rive blast e.Little leaf of brinjal f. Powdery mildew of pea
7. Explain briefly the principles of plant disease management. 6. What resting structure are made by the microorganism
8. Define pathogenecity and describe pathogenesis. for their survival? Describe with suitable examples.
7. Differentiate between pathogenicity and pathogenesis
9. Define the following terms (any 6)
and write about koch's postulates.
a. Symptom b. Local lesion c. Cyst d. Exudation 8. Define cyst. How knots are formed in healthy roots of
d. Fungicide f. enzyme g. Hyperplasia the plants by Meloidogyne spp.?
10. How pathogens survives in absence of their main host? 9. Define plant virus and explain how they are
Explain transmitted fro, infected plant to healthy plants.
11. Explain the induced biochemical defense mechanisms 10. Draw a well labeled structure of bacteria amd
in plant. mention plant pathogenic genera.
12. Give classification and important characteristics 11. Why is it always a challenge for plant pathologist to
of Pythium, Colletotrichum and Pyricularia mange plant disease? Classify fungicides on the mode of
their application.
12. Define the following terms:
a. Disease tetrahedron b. Pathotoxin c. Disease forecast
c. Oospore e. perithecia f. sign

Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
1. How koch's postulates help to prove pathogenicity? RAMPUR, CHITWAN
Explain in detail about FINA F.M.
the sequential events EXA 40
occurring during the MIN 16
diseases development. ATIO
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 5th
Short questions (Attempt diseases manage- ment
any ten) in brief.
2. Define the following FINAL
terminologies: EXAMI
a. Sclerotia b. Blight c. NATIO
Enzymes d. Witche's N -2069
broom Essay Type Question
e. Cyst f. Toxin 1. Enlist abiotic,
3. Define fruiting biotic and meso-
body? Explain with biotic causes of
figures the asexual plant diseases.
fruiting bodies. Describe
4. Give the systematic importance and
position of the pathogen general
causing club root of morphological
curcifers with its characteristics of
important diagnostic fungi.
characters. Short questions
5. Write down the (Attempt any ten)
etiology of the = 30
following diseases: 2. Write the
a. Damping off b. characteristics of the
Brown rust of wheat phylum Ascomycota
Citrus canker and discuss any two
d. Fire blight of apple e. genera of it.
Ear cockle of wheat 3. Draw and label
f. Root knot of vegetables a typical structure
6. Explain with figures and of plant pathogenic
examples about the bacterial cell.
locomotion of bacteria.
4. Discuss about the
7. What are the general
modes of Plasmodiophora,
transmission of plant Pythium and Erwinia
viruses? Explain in in brief.
brief. 5. Briefly describe
8. How infected host the general
acts as a reservoir of morphological
inoculums for the characters of plant
survival of pathogens? pathogenic nematode
9. Explain in brief in reference of
how seed and soil Heterodera and
helps for the active Anguina.
dispersal of the 6. Explain about the
pathogens. vector mediated
10. Define plant virus transmis-
epiphytology? What are sion.
the essential components 7. Define
to cause epiphytotic pathogenecity and
condition? Explain describe briefly about
briefly. disease cycle in
11. Plants defend general.
themselves against the 8. Explain
pathogens with their briefly post
structural modification in exposed defense
the post infection period. mechanisms in
Justify. plants.
12. Explain about the 9. Explain about the
principles of the plant asexual fruiting
bodies of fungi. Time: 2 Hrs TION: 2074 erosion by Water.
10. List the names of MGMT. Essay Type Question 7. Describe in brief soil
diseases caused by Candidates are required to give their 1. What is soil erosion? erosion control in
Puccinia, Uromyces, answers in their own words as practicable Describe in brief the agricultural lands.
Helminthosporium, as possible. The figure in the margin types of soil erosion by 8. Explain in brief soil
Pyricularia, Cercospora and indicates full marks. water. conservation practices of
Collectotrichum with their Essay Type Question forest lands.
Short questions (Attempt any
1. Explain the
hosts. ten) 9. What are the
mechanisms of soil
11. Describe briefly 2. Describe in brief the factors measures to solve
erosion by water.
about the Discuss the factor affecting wind erosion. landslide problem in
physiology of affecting soil 3. Compare among the Nepal? Describe
infected host plant. erodibility. various type of soil erosion 10.Describe in brief
12. Write short notes Short questions (Attempt by water and which one is the concept of
on (any 3) any ten) the most hazards to the integrated watershed
a. Pathogenesis 2. Define soil Nepalese soil? management in Nepal.
b. Koch's postulates conservation and 4. Discuss the 11.Discuss in brief
discuss the major empirical method for the institutional
causes of soil soil loss estimation arrangement for soil
degradation in Nepal. caused by erosion. conservation and
3. How does wind
5. What are the different processes watershed
transport the soil
of wind erosion? Describe in management in
particles? Explain with
suitable diagram. brief. Nepal.
4. Enlist the different 6. Describe in brief the on- 12.Write short notes on:
method of soil loss site and off-site a) land slide in Nepal
estimation by erosion consequences of soil b) hydrology
and explain the runoff
plot technique for such
loss. 79 Compiled By:- Free Students’
5. How does soil erosion Union, Lamjung Campus
affect soil fertility and
productivity? Explain
with suitable examples.
6. What are the
principles of protecting
soils from water
erosion? Enlist the
major soil conservation
measures for the
agricultural land in
midhills of Nepal.
7. What is
Why it is
becoming more
important in
8. Define Watershed and
discuss the principles of
integrated watershed
9. How do the
activities influence
the water quality?
Describe in brief.
10.Describe the
objectives of Department
of soil conservation and
watershed management.
11.Define Land
capability classifications.
Discuss the general
characteristics of land
capability classes that
can be used for
cultivation purposes in
12.Write short notes on:
a. Spillway b. Shelterbelt c.
Hydrological cycle
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Explain the major consequences of soil erosion by 1. What is soil conservation? Describe the most effective
water in the Himalayan Region of Nepal. methods of soil conservatiom measures required to be
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 followed in Nepal. Give scientific reasons for applicability
2. Under what conditions the visual method of soil of each method in Nepal.
erosion is observed? Discuss in brief. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
3. Describe the mechanisms of soil erosion by water in brief. 2. Define watershed and explain briefly the
4. Discuss the factor affecting the condition conducive for watershed approach of soil conservation.
soil erosion by wind. 3. How does afforestation help in soil and soil
5. Sketch the hydrological cycle and level its fertility conservation?
components and processes. 4. How does human influence in hydrological cycle?
6. Explain the approaches adopted by Department of soil 5. In Bagmati river flowing through the Kathmandu valley
conservation and watershed management by Govt, of is clean? If not what are the sources of its pollution.
Nepal for controlling soil erosion. 6. What is conservation tillage? Describe the importance
7. Write a short note on the concept of integrated watershed of conservation tillage in soil and soil fertility conservation.
management. 7. What are the socio-economic consequences of soil
8. Define the terms: erosion in down streams?
a) soil conservation 8. Describe briefly the mechanisms of wind erosion.
b) landslides 9. What is Universal soil loss equation? Define each symbols
c) watershed management used in universal soil loss equation.
d) bioengineering measures 10.Write down the factors affecting soil erosion caused by
9. Describe the soil erosion control practices on forest lands rain water? Describe the effects of perennial cropping in
of Nepal. soil and nutrient conservation.
10. How natural vegetation and soil fertility are linked 11.Describe briefly the importance of bio-engineering
with land degradation? Explain to reduce soil loss situation in nepal?
11. Describe soil erosion related terms used in Universal 12.If you were appointed as a district soil conservation
soil Loss Equation. officer for a mountain district, what would you do for your
12. Discuss in brief the sources of water pollution and its District?
consequences in agriculture.
Essay Type Question 10
1. Define soil conservation. Explain the soil erosion
control measures in agricultural lands with special FINAL EXAMINATION -2071
reference to the Nepalese condition. Essay Type Question 10
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 3 1. Differentiate between soil erodability and rain fall
2. There was a severe land slump in pokhara valley erosiv- ity. Enlist the methods of soil loss monitoring and
recently. What do you think would be the reasons behind estimation. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 3
this? 2. Hydrological cycle is influence by human. Discuss it
3. Define Eutrophication. Discuss the cause and effect of with example.
water pollution. 3. Discuss the soil erosion control measures in agriculture
4. "Sheet erosion is also a selective process". Justify the lands under Nepalese condition.
statement. 4. Human are the primary causes for the land
5. Discuss the erosion status of Nepal. degradation. What would be the reasons behind this?
6. Enlist the methods of soil loss monitoring and 5. How does agriculture and industries responsible for
estimation. Enumerate the universl soil loss equation water pollution? Describe.
(USLE) With its practical limitations. 6. "sheet erosion is also a selective process". Justify the
7. What are the special forms of erosion? Discuss in statement.
brief stream bank erosion with its control measures. 7. Nepal is hilly region erosion prone. How is terai
8. Describe the process of wind erosion. affected by this?
9. Define and delineate watershed with figure. Enlist 8. Describe the erosion status of Nepal.
the major watersheds in Nepal. 9. Write short notes on(any two):
10. Differentiate between rill and gully erosion. Describe a) SALT b) CHIAT c) Avalanches
the gully development process in hilly areas of Nepal. 10. Differentiate between rill and gully erosions. Discuss
11. Enlist the institutions involved in soil conservation and the gully development process in hilly area or Nepal.
watershed management in Nepal. Discuss the activities 11. Enlist the institutions involved in soil conservation and
carried out by the Department of Soil conservation and watershed management in Nepal. Discuss the activities
watershed Management(DSCWM) carried out by the Department of Soil erosion and Watershed
12. Describe the benefits of integrated watershed management(DSCWM)
management. 12. Discuss the principles of integrated watershed manage-
ment with examples.

Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
1. Define watershed management and explain the causes RAMPUR, CHITWAN
watershed deterioration FI F.M.
and management L 40
options in hilly region of EX P.M.
Nepal. A
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
6th Semester
Short questions (Attempt ATION-
any ten) 2069
2. Briefly explain Essay Type Question
the mechanisms of 1. Define soil
the soil erosion by erosion by water and
water. describe the factors
3. Differentiate affecting soil erosion
between surface in detail. Explain the
creep and effects of soil
suspension. Describe erosion caused by
the factors affecting water in public
wind Erosion. Health hazard.
4. Enlist the measures Short questions (Attempt
of soil erosion control in any ten)
agricultural land and 2. Describe various
explain the role of strip parameters used for
cropping in soil erosion land capability
control. classification.
5. Agricultural practices 3. Explain watershed
and water quality affect characteristics affecting
each other, how? the sediment Yield.
6. What are the 4. Explain sources of
significances of water pollution with
hydrological cycle examples.
in agriculture? 5. Describe the
7. Describe the policies importance of
and strategies adopted hydrological
by Depart- ment of soil knowledge in natural
conservation and resource planning.
watershed management 6. Discuss the
in Nepal. consequences of soil
8. What is afforestation? erosion in soil fertility
Describe the soil erosion loss and land
control in forest Lands. degradation.
9. Poor men and poor soil 7. Describe soil
go together, justify. characteristics for
10. Define universal soil better water harvesting.
loss equation. How do 8. What are the
organic matter and clay engineering
particles influences soil measures for soil
erodibility? erosion control?
11. Explain any two Describe the
bioengineering terracing method in
technologies that are brief.
useful to control soil 9. Mention the
erosion in Nepal. legislations and
12. Write short notes on: regulations related to
a. Contour hedge row soil conservation and
technology watershed
b. Sheet erosion management.
10. Classify and discuss
the control measures of
FINAL stream bank erosion.
EXAMIN 11. Explain the mechanics
of wind erosion. DEVELOPMENTAND POLICYTime: Essay Type Question Nepal. Also suggest
2 Hrs
12. Write short notes on: 1. Interrelate Nepal's suitable policy interven-
Candidates are required to give their
a) Wind erosion agriculture with her tions to overcome those
answers in their own words as practicable
b) Shelterbelt as possible. The figure in the margin
economy. Discuss on problems.
indicates full marks. major components of 7. Discuss on role of
Essay Type Question Nepalese agriculture cooperative
1. Discuss why the pertaining to their roles in organizations for
pace of agricultural national economy. promot- ing agricultural
development or Short questions (Attempt any production and
growth is very ten) marketing in Nepal.
slow in Nepal. 2. Discuss on past 8. Define land
Short questions (Attempt any trend, present reform. Discuss on
ten) situation and future present land tenure
2. Discuss basic prospect of food systems of Nepal.
terms to be grain production in 9. Explain in brief about
considered while Nepal. major research and
3. Discuss with extension institutions
evidences whether involved in development
higher dependency of of agricultural develop-
economy on agriculture ment sector in Nepal.
development policies
is bad or boon to Nepal. 10.Explain the role of
in Nepal.
4. Enlist major water foreign aid as well as
3. Discuss social resources policies of their negative
and institutional Nepal. Critically evaluate consequences in
obstacles in key policies of Nepal. agricultural
hindering Critically evaluate key development of
agricultural growth policies in relation to Nepal.
in Nepal. efficiency in water 11.Define poverty.
4. Discuss structural resource utilization, Critically evaluate the
obstacles in Nepal 5. Describe key strategies government efforts for
from agricultural for increasing agricultural poverty alleviation in
development point profitability envisaged in Nepal.
of view. Agriculture development 12.What are dimensions
5. Discuss the importance of Strategy (ADS), 2014 of of food security? Suggest
cash crops in Nepal. Nepal. effective measures to
6. Discuss the importance of 6. Explain major overcome food insecurity
livestock development in institutional problems of problem of Nepal.
Nepal. agricultural production in
7. Discuss the
importance of water
resource in
agricultural 81 Compiled By:- Free Students’
development of Union, Lamjung Campus
8. Discuss different
priorities of
Strategy (ads) of
9. Briefly discuss
development plans
of Nepal.
institutes related to
teaching and
research in
agriculture sector
of Nepal
11.Critically discuss land
reform initiatives of
Nepal. 12.Discuss
different programs related
to poverty alleviation of

Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Describe major problems in Nepalese agriculture. 1. Critically evaluate food production and poverty
Briefly discuss the important of irrigation water policy in alleviation aspects of 10th five year plan and first interim
the agricul- tural sector development in Nepal. plan (2007/08- 2009/10) launched by the Government of
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Nepal.
2. Critically asses the present scenario of horticultural crops Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
in Nepal. 2. Argue graphically how share of agriculture in total GDP
3. Agriculture as the accelerator if economic development is gradually reducing over time.
in Nepal. Give your suitable argument. 3. Graphically analyze fruit and vegetable production
4. What is APP? Briefly discuss the major inputs trend in Nepal.
and outputs priority in APP. 4. One of the major causes of poor agricultural
5. Briefly discuss food security and insecurity scenarios in development is the economic obstacle adhering. Explain it
Nepal. with examples.
6. What is three year interim plan? Discuss major priority, 5. Give details about major policy implementation role
achievement and highlight in agricultural sector under of agricultural extension institutions in Nepal.
TYIP. 6. What do you mean by income poverty? Prepare a list of
7. What are the objectives of NAP, 2004? Briefly discuss major organizations involved in poverty alleviation in
any five major policies under objective 1st of NAO, 2004. Nepal.
8. Enlist major institutions actively involved for 7. What are the objectives and components implemented
agricultural research, extension and development. How does in the Integrated Rural Development Programs (IRDPs)?
ADB/ Nepal play an important role on agricultural 8. List down the priority inputs and outputs envisaged in the
development in Nepal? Agriculture Perspective Plan. Explain growth path of per
9. Define poverty. What are the major causes and capita GDP from horticultural crops envisaged in the APP.
conse- quences of high poverty in the country? 9. Graphically describe current trend of Nepalese food
10. What are the strategies under APP? Briefly discuss each self- sufficiency status.
strategy. 10. Critically analyze foreign aid use pattern in
11. Briefly discuss major land reform and tenure Nepalese Agriculture,
system adopted in Nepal. 11. Write short note on:
12.How to achieve the goal of household food security, a) Role of financial institutions in agriculture
profit maximization at farm and improved living standard of b) Milk production trend
the people? c) Land tenure system
12. State current water resources management policies
in Nepal.

Final APP.
EXAMINA 8. Critically evaluate the Land
TION-2071 Reform and tenure system in
Essay Type Question Nepal.
1. Discuss the 9. Discuss the role of
importance of different national plan periods
agriculture in Nepalese in the agricultural development
economy. Also in Nepal.
highlight various 10. Highlight the role of
obstacles faced by the foreign aid in agricultural
sector. develop- ment in Nepal.
Short questions (Attempt any 11. Discuss various efforts of
ten) government of Nepal towards
2. Highlight the role of alleviating poverty.
teaching institutions like 12. Write short notes on (any
IAAS in the agricultural three):
development in Nepal. a) Youth in agriculture
3. Discuss the b) Role of women in
chronological agricultural development of agriculture
development in Nepal. c) Cooperatives
4. How can 3-R d) Agriculture, accelerator of
approach be an national economy
effective tool to fight
against food
5. What is the
significance of National
Agricultural Policy 2004 in
the agricultural
development in Nepal?
6. Explain the harnessing of
water resources in Nepal.
7. Describe in brief about
BACK 6. What do you
EXAMIN mean by the land
ATION- reform and land
2071 tenure system?
Essay Type Question Explain in context
1. What do you of Nepal.
mean by food 7. Briefly discuss the
security? Discuss priorities of input and
the dimension, output of APP.
causes and coping 8. Briefly discuss the
strategies of food importance of water
insecurity in Nepal. resource in Nepal.
Short questions (Attempt 9. Discus the role of
any ten) foreign aid for
2. What are the problems agricultural
of agriculture in Nepal? development in
3. Define Nepal.
poverty. How do 10. Define the
you suggest the Lorentz curve and
Nepal govern- Gini coefficient
ment to solve and also discuss
poverty? its application.
4. Enlist different 11. Agriculture
institution engaged is the back
in agricultural bone of
develop- ment in Nepalese
Nepal. Explain the economy,
role of ADB/N. comment.
5. Critically 12. Critically
discuss the evaluate the national
productivity and agricultural policy
production trend of 2004 of Nepal.

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2071
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Discuss the roles of organic matter for soil health. Suggest
AL F. means and ways to
EX M. make the soil rich in
AM 20
organic matter. Short
ATI .8 questions (Attempt any
ON Time Seven)
- : 2. Write down the evolution of
organic agricultural move-
207 1:30
4 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
6th Semester
Subject: Organic
Candidates are required to give their answers 3. What is integrated
in their own words as practicable as possible. pest management?
The figure in the margin indicates full Enlist the major
marks. constraints of organic
Essay Type Question farming in Nepal.
1. Define organic 4. Discuss briefly the
farming and write down principles of health in
positive and negative organic agriculture.
impact of green 5. Write short notes on
revolution in agro- (any two):
environment. Short a) Green
questions (Attempt any revolution b)
Seven) Accreditation c)
2. Write down the soil Biodiversity
conservation practices conservation
adopted in Nepal. 6. Write down the
3. What is bio-pesticides? principles of sustainable
Briefly explain the major soil management in
principles IPM. organic agriculture.
4. Write down the 7. Discuss briefly the
principles of fairness in importance of animals
organic farming. integration in organic
5. Write short notes on farming.
(any two): 8. Enlist the major
a) Accreditation b) components organic
Importance of bio- farming and explain the
fertilizer c) Present status importance of any one in
of organic farming in brief.
Nepal 9. Writ down the
6. Write down the organic product
importance of certification status in
indigenous knowledge Nepal.
in organic farming.
7. What is biodiversity
examination- 2073
conservation? Write
Essay Type Question
down the major practices
1. Define organic
needed for biodiversity
farming and write
conservation in Nepal.
down in brief the
8. How can you
importance of
manage the physio-
organic farming in
chemical properties of our country.
soil in organic farming? Short questions (Attempt
9. Write down the any Seven)
importance and 2. How enough
principles of in organic nutrients can be
farming in Nepal. provided to the crops
Final examination- by supplying organic
2073 material?
Essay Type Question 3. What is integrated
1. Define organic nutrient management?
farming and write Write down the major
down the scope of constraints of organic
organic farming in farming in Nepal.
Nepal. 4. Write down the
Short questions (Attempt principles of sustainable
any Seven) soil management in
organic agriculture.
2. Briefly explain the
5. Discuss briefly the
negative effect of modern
principles of ecology in
agriculture in Nepal.
organic agriculture. revolution? Explain the the soil fertility in organic
6. Briefly explain the ment in the world.
positive impact of green farming? Describe in
major negative 3. What are the
revolution on farmer's brief.
constraints of organic positive and
livelihood. 9. Discuss the importance
farming in Nepal. negative aspects of
8. How can you manage of livestock integration in
7. Enlist the green revolution in
major components organic farming.
of organic 4. How does
farming and biodiversity help to
explain the Compiled By:- Free Students’
importance of any
promote organic 83
one of them. agriculture in Nepal? Union, Lamjung Campus
8. Discuss briefly 5. Write down the
the importance of principles of organic
animal integration in pest management
organic farming. write examples.
9. Write short notes on 6. What are the
(any two): a) Soil prospects and
conservation problems of organic
b) Integrated pest
agricul- ture in Nepal?
management c) Green
revolution Explain.
7. Describe the
potential of Nepal shift
to organic system of
8. Write short notes on (any
a. Bio fertilizers b. Plants of
pesticidal value c.
Livestock in
9. Discuss briefly the
principles of health in
organic agricul- ture.
on- 2070
Essay Type Question
1. Define organic
farming and write
down the importance of
organic farming in
Short questions (Attempt any
2. Briefly explain
the impact of green
revolution on agro-
3. What is organic pest
management? Explain
the principles of
integrated pest
4. Write down the ecological
principles of organic
5. Write short notes on (any
a. Chemical based agriculture
b. Certification of organic
c. Bio pesticides
6. Describe the
importance of
management in
organic agriculture.
7. What is green
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What is genetic principle of mating systems? Outline and
FINA discuss the different
L F.
EXA M. mating systems
MINA 40 practiced in genetic
TION P. improvement
- 2074 M. programs focusing on
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 6th 16 the application issues
Semester Ti and situation.
Subject: Principles and me:
practices of animal Hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in labelled diagram of
their own words as practicable as possible. The female reproductive
figure in the margin indicates full marks. system of cattle. Write in
Essay Type Question brief about corpus
1. Classify livestock mating luteum.
system in brief. You want to Final
improve the indigenous examination-
Parkote breed for the milk 2073
purpose in the mid-hill area. Essay Type Question
What could be your suitable 1. What are different systems
breeding plan? Short of mating? Which of them do
questions (Attempt any ten) you choose to improve local
10×3 = 30 cattle and hilly goat in Nepal?
2. Write in short Give enough reasons.
about the history of Short questions (Attempt any
animal breeding ten)
development in Nepal.
2. Write short notes on (any
3. Discuss about the results of
mating of Bosgrunnienswith two):
hill cattle. a) Heat synchronization b)
4. What do you mean by Nicking c) Achhami cattle
genotype by environment (G×E) 3. Describe the importance
interaction? Describe the and scope of animal breeding
importance of (G×E) in impressing the local stocks
interaction in livestock in Nepal.
breeding. 4. Write the causes of variation
5. Enlist the causes of and why it is important in the
variation. What is the role of selection process?
variation in genetic 5. What are the important
improvement? economic traits of livestock
6. What do you mean by and poultry?
non-additive gene action? 6. What is the breeding value
Write any two cases of and how can you estimate the
over- dominance in
breeding value of a bull?
7. Define the term selection. 7. Define pedigree record.
Discuss on the genetic effect Write the advantages and
of selection. disad- vantages of pedigree
8. What are the selection.
advantages of progeny 8. How do you know that a
selection over the cow is in heat? Enlist the
individual selection? major hormones related to
Discuss. reproduction.
9. Differentiate 'broad 9. Differentiate between A.I.
sense' and 'narrow sense' and E.T. technique. Which
heritability and describe the technique is appropriate to adopt
importance of heritability in Nepalese context and why?
estimates in livestock 10.Draw a well labelled diagram
improvement. of female reproductive organs
10. What is the worth of AI in and describe ovaries.
country such as Nepal? What
11. What is transgenic
are the practices to be
animal? Write the
considered to increase the
success rate of conception importance of transgenic
through AI? animal.
11. Define the concept of 12. Draw a well labelled diagram
transgenic animals. What of mature Graatian follicle.
are the uses of transgenic
12. Draw a well
Short questions (Attempt 11. 600 half sib dotropic hormone. by super ovulation? Write
any ten) progenies of Jersey 8. What do you down any two protocols
2. What are the cattle obtained from mean by AV? How of super ovulation in farm
differences 6 sores were reported do you prepare AV animals.
between to have an average g for collection of 11. How embryo collection is
qualitative and fat of 4.99 %. If the
quanti- tative trait semen? performed in cattle? Explain.
heritabil- ity is 53%,
behaviors? calculate the 9. What is estrus 12. Write short note on following.
Discuss. breeding values of synchronization? What a. Most probably
3. It is said that each sire and rank are the methods of producing ability (MPPA) b.
selection is the them as per their synchronization of Breeding value c. Plate
"key of the arch" superiority on the estrus in farm animals? population d. Coef
in animal basis of following 10. What do you mean inbreeding
breeding. Justify. data.
4. What may be Sire ID Compiled By:- Free Students’
the selection Sire 1 Sire 2 Sire 3 Union, Lamjung Campus
approach for No. of 60 40 100
additive and non- progenies
per sire
additive type of Avg. fat % 4.48 5.43 5.39
gene actions?
Illustrate. Final
5. What do you examinati
understand by on- 2073
probable Essay Type Question
breeding values 1. What are the
(PVB) of an different methods
individual and
how you of selection for
estimate the superior breeding
PBV of an of livestock? Why
individual under progeny selection is
different must preferred to
situation? other method of
6. What are the selection?
ways or Short questions (Attempt any
approaches of ten)
improving animal 2. Discuss on the history of
productivity? Which
animal breeding.
approach bring
permanent changes? 3. What are the major
Discuss. economic traits of sheep?
7. What are the Explain in brief.
differences in the 4. What do you
interest of mean by gene and
breeder farm and environmental
commercial interac- tion and its
farmers? Discuss significance?
in the line of Explain in brief.
breeding 5. In Nepal, there
methods. are many local
8. How do you animals which have
perform selection
very low production
based on
siblings? What and productivity, as
are the genetic a student of animal
principles? breeding what
9. Estimate relative breeding strategy
accuracy of you followed for
selection under increasing the
progeny test when produc- tivity of
heritability of a trait these animals?
is 30% and the Explain with
number of suitable example.
progenies (half sibs) 6. What do you
tester parent is 10
mean by
and conclude the
result. heritability? How do
10. Discuss the you estimate
concept of using heritability from
crossbred males or resemblance
females in between relatives?
developing synthetic 7. Define
breed population in hormone. Explain
animal production the role and
systems. function of gona-
Final examination- 2071 Final examination- 2071
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Explain the meaning of selection and discuss about 1. Explain the meaning of embryo transfer. How
the method of selection. embryo transfer is performed in buffalo? Discuss in
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 detail.
2. Write about phases of estrus cycle. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
3. What are the major economic traits of cattle and sheep? 2. What are the advantages of cross breeding? Why do the
4. What do you mean by variation? What are the causes of people still follow in breeding? Give reasons.
variation? Explain. 3. Explain the meaning of heritability. How does it differ
5. Explain the meaning of heritability and repeatability. from repeatability?
6. Define hormone. Write the important function of FSH, 4. Write about indigenous breeds of cattle, goat and sheep
LH and PMSG. in Nepal.
7. What do you mean by AV? How do you prepare AV 5. What is variation? What are the causes of variation in
for collection of semen? livestock? Explain.
8. What is estrus synchronization? What are the methods of 6. Write about method of selection.
synchronization of estrus in cattle? 7. How semen is collected from bull? Describe in brief.
9. What do you mean by super ovulation? Write down any 8. What do you mean by estrus? Discuss about phases of
two protocols of super ovulation buffaloes. estrus cycle.
10. How embryo collection is performed in cattle? Discuss. 9. Define hormone. Write the role of FSH, LH and PMSG
11. Write the short note on: in livestock reproduction.
a) Most probable producing ability (MPPA) b) Breeding 10. How do you evaluate semen?
value c) Semen extenders d) Silent estrus 11. What do you mean by heat synchronization? Give it
significance and technique involved in livestock production.
Final examination- 2070 12. Write about short notes on the following:
Essay Type Question 10 a) Additive and non-additive generation
1. How does selection contribute in genetic b) Lethal gene
improvement? What are basis of selection, discuss them c) Genetic effect of cross breeding
with their advan- tages and disadvantages. d) Importance of animal breeding
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Back examination- 2070
2. Describe briefly about DNA translation. Essay Type Question 10
3. What do you mean by heritability? Describe briefly 1. What are the advantages of out breeding over inbreeding
with example. and, vice versa? Why do you the people still follow inbreed-
4. Why is it important to know the type of gene actions in ing practices in spite of knowing about its consequences?
the selection process? Discuss.
5. What is variation? What are the causes of variation in Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
livestock? Explain. 2. Enlist the indigenous breeds of buffalo and cattle found in
6. What are economic traits considered in sheep, swine and Nepal with their major characteristics features.
poultry for genetic improvement? 3. What is E.T? How ET is performed in cattle? Explain.
7. What are the different biotechnological approaches 4. What are male and female reproductive hormone?
g=developed in livestock improvement program? Explain Discuss their role and function in reproduction.
in brief. 5. What are the significance of AI in farm animal?
8. Discuss mating system used to improve the productivity 6. What are the basis of selection for genetic improvement
of different livestock species. of livestock species?
9. Define heat synchronization. Give it significance 7. Why heredity is more important than environment?
and processes involved in livestock production. 8. Define repeatability. How does it differ from heritability?
10. Differentiate between AI and ET. How AI is performed 9. List method of semen collection from bull and explain
in cow? Explain. one of them.
11. Define hormone. What are male and females 10.How could you determine if quantitative trait are
hormones? Discuss their roles and functions in affected by additives or non- additives or both type of gene
reproduction. action?
12. Explain with sketch of reproductive system of buffalo. 11.Write your impression about this course considering
practical use.
12.Write short notes on the following:
a. Lethal gene
b. Silent estrus
c. Progeny testing
d. Breeding value

85 Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Briefly outline the major economic insect-pests of
L F. cucurbits with their
EXA M. common names, scientific
name and family.Discuss in
- 2074 M. detail the effective
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 6th 16 management strategies to
Semester Ti control Cucurbit Fruit Fly.
Subject: Economic me:
Entomology Hrsin
their are required to giveastheir answers
figureown words
in the as practicable possible. The Final
margin indicates full marks. examination-
Essay Type Question 2073
1. List down the major Essay Type Question
insect pests of cole crops 1. Enlist major and minor insect
pest of Solanaceous crops with
vegetables. Describe
their scientific names and orders.
identification, nature of
Among the major pests, describe
damage, life cycle and two of the most economic
management of cabbage importance pests with
butterfly and diamond black justifications and suggest their
moth. Short questions management practices as well.
(Attempt any ten) Short questions (Attempt any
2. Recently there was heavy ten)
infestation of one of the insect 2. Define economic
pest in tomato in Kavre entomology and how do you
district which belong to differenti- ate insects from
Gelichiidae family. identify pests.
and describe the managerial 3. Enlist the major stored
aspect of that inset pets grain insects and suggest
3. How do the Lipaphis their management practices
erysimi damage crops? appropriate to our rural
4. Wrote down the community.
non- chemical 4. What are the stem and plant
measures to control heart-damaging insects of maize
storage insects with stem borer.
5. Give the name of sap
sucking insects of rice.
5. Write down the non- Describe the life cycle and
chemical measures to management practices of
control storage insects Leptocorisa oratorius
with example. 6. What do you understand
6. Give the names of by pseudo stem trapping and
economically importance for what purpose this is
insect pests of mango with applied?
their scientific name, order, 7. List five major insects of
family. citrus. Write down the
7. Define insect vectors. biology and management
List the major plant insect practices of Citrus Pysilla
pests of mango with the 8. What do you understand by
disease they transmit. medical and veterinary insect
8. List any three insects pests? Enlist major veterinary
that have two damaging insect pests and describe
stage and write about their management practices of one of
nature of damage. them.
9. Write about the scientific 9. Define insect vectors. Why
name, family, order, aphids are considered the most
efficient vectors and enlist five
identification and life cycle of
plant diseases transmitted by
social insect pests for potato. aphids?
10. The pest causes 10. Write down the major
significant damage being insect pests of
vector of citrus greening cucurbitaceous crops.
disease. Write down Describe the life cycle and
identifying character and the management practices of
management procedures for Bactorcera cucurbitae
the pest. Coquillett.
11. How do you identify 11. Define polyphagous
Tobacco caterpillar? Write pests. Why polyphagous pets
about its damaging are difficult to manage.
symptoms and management 12. Write short notes on:
procedure. a) Macropterous b) White head
12. Define the term: c) Hopper burn
a) Double seeds in cotton b)
Dead heart c) Rodent control.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) mean by insect and plant.
any ten) 2. Write any five vectors? Enlist nay 12.Write short notes on:
2. How do you important pests of five insects vectors a) Polyphagous pest b) Soil
inhibiting insect
measure the industrial crops? Shortly of human beings
economic status of describe the integrated Compiled By:- Free Students’
insect-pest? Briefly management of Union, Lamjung Campus
explain with Heliciverpa armigera in
examples. cotton crops.
3. Enlist any five 3. Compare and
storage grain insect- contrast the
pests of crucifer management
crops and their practices of soil
management? inhibiting and
4. How the fruit borer aerial feeding
damages in tomato insects of
crop? vegetables
5. Describe about 4. The management
major insect pest practice of white grub
and their is difficult in cereal
management in based farming system.
potato. Describe details on its
6. What are the biology and
major insect pet management practices
of crucifer crops in hilly regions of
and their Nepal.
management? 5. How do you
7. How does differentiate dead
the five storage heart with white head
grain insect- of rice? Write the
pests with their short management
host crop and practices of stem
damage borer in rice crops.
symptoms. 6. How do you
8. Briefly explain the life justify Pumpkin fruit
cycle of American fly is the destructive
bollworm, pest of cucurbit?
9. Briefly Briefly describe its
describe the management practices
life cycle of in cucurbit fields.
sugarcane top 7. Enlist 5
shoot bores. important pests
10. Differentiate between: under homopteran?
a) Dead heart and white Shortly describe it
head nature of damage of
b) Fleas and mites sucking insects in
c) Brown plant hopper vegetable crops.
and green leaf hopper Justify and support
11. Define the terms: with examples.
a) Oligophagous pest 8. How do you
b) Medical entomology differentiate the leaf
c) Silver shoot webber with the lead
Final folder? Suggest the
examin short life cycle and
ation- management practices
2073 of Brinjal Leaf webber.
Essay Type Question 9. Write short life
1. Write down the cycle of banana
borer and hopper scarring beetle?
complex of rice Scarring beetle
ecosys- tem? reduced the market
Describe details on price of banana.
brown plant hopper Justify wit ex-
and yellow stem amples.
borer of rice 10.Enlist any five
highlighting it major leaf defoliating
sustainable insect of rice? Shortly
management describe any one of
practices. Short them.
questions (Attempt 11.What do you
Final examination- 2071 Final examination- 2071
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. List down the major insect pest of solanaceous vegetables 1. What are the major economic insect pests of solanceous
on the basis of the plant parts they feed upon. Describe identi- crops? Discuss in detail the biology and effective manage-
fication. Nature of damage, life cycle and management of any ment strategies to control tomato fruit borer.
two leaf feeders. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 2. How do you measure the economic threshold level of
2. Write down the identification, nature of damage, life cycle insect pet? Briefly categorize the insect pest based on host
and management of any two leaf feeders. association.
3. List any six crop damage activities inflicted by chewing 3. Enlist five major insects of rice with management
insects. options of borer complex.
4. Write down the damaging activities of aphids, 4. Briefly describe the life cycle and management of
5. Write down the measures to control storage insects sugar- cane top shoot borer.
without using any chemicals. 5. Briefly describe the biology and effective
6. Give the names of economically important insect pest of management practice of cucurbit fruit fly.
banana with their scientific name, orders and families. 6. Briefly describe the biology of citrus stink bug. Also
7. Define insect vectors. List he major plant insect vectors describe its appropriate management practices in citrus
with the disease they transmit. crops,
8. Write down about thaactivitiesdone for rodent control. 7. List any five major insect pests of temperate fruits.
9. Write about the scientific names, families, orders Briefly describe the biology and management practices of
identifica- tion and life cycle of social insect pest for citrus. wooly aphid.
10. Recently there was a heavy infestation of one of the 8. Define insect vectors. Define any five viral insect
polypha- gous insect pest in Banke district whose adult is a vectors with names of viral diseases.
dark colored moth with certain patterns of white-wavy 9. Enlist any five storage grain insect pest. Also describe its
marking on the forew- ings and hind wings are white brown integrated management.
colored margins, their egg masses are covered with brown 10. Describe briefly the biology and management practices
hairs. Identify and describe the managerial aspect of that of white fly in cucurbit crops.
insect pest. 11. Differentiate between:
11. Write down the management of Leptocorisa oratorius. a) Dead heart and white head b) Fleas and mites
12. Define the term: c) Brown plant hopper and green leaf hopper
a) Silvery shoot b)Dead heart c) Hopper burn 12. List any three major insect pest of mango with
their effective management options.
Final examination- 2070 Final examination- 2070
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Write down the major ten insect pest of cereal crops. 1. Enlist the major insect pests of all cereal crops found in
Write in detail about the hopper and borer complex of rice your locality. Write on borer and hopper complex of rice
pests describing their life cycle, nature of damage and
crops. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
practical management practices.
2. What are the major storage insect pests in your locality? Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
How do you suggest to the farmers to reduce its infestation in 2. Enlist economically important insect pests of
storage house? sugarcane and mention control measure of any one of
3. Briefly describe the biology of Lemon Butterfly. Also them.
describe its appropriate management practices in citrus 3. What are the major insect pest of winter fruits? Explain
crops. the damage symptoms and preventive control measure of San
4. What are the major pests of maize crops. Jose Scale in apple.
4. Describe the nature of damage and practical
5. List any five major leaf damaging insects of crucifers. control measure of the following insects:
Also describe the biology and management practices of a) Aphis sp b) Agriotes so c) Agrotis sp
cabbage butterfly. 5. What do you understand by vertebrate pets? Write on
6. What do you mean by invertebrate pests? Write their their effective management in different crops.
nature of damage and appropriate management 6. Enlist the important insect pest of cucurbits. The
practices. manage- ment of cucurbit fruit fly is difficult, why? Explain.
7. Give the names of economically important insect pest 7. Define HPR. How can you measure the plant
of mango? Write appropriate management practices of resistance against insect? Give suitable examples.
8. Shortly describe the insect vectors of human diseases.
citrus stink bug, Highlight the effective management of important vectors
8. Write in detail the life cycle and nature of damage of in your locality.
red pumpkin beetle. 9. Enlist the important insect pests of banana. Describe the
9. "Management of sap sucking insects differ from nature of damage of fruit and leaf scarring beetle. Why this
chewing type of insects." Support with examples. pest is important to banana farmers?
10. Define insect vectors. List nay five major viral insects 10. Enlist the important pests of solanaceous and leguminous
with names of viral diseases. crops available in your locality.
11. Differentiate between the following:
11. List any five major insect pests of temperate fruits.
a) Bug and Hispa damage b) Cabbage butterfly and tobacco
Briefly describe biology and management practices of wooly caterpillar damage c) Soybean hairy caterpillar and red
aphid. pumpkin beetle damage,
12. Write short notes on: 12. Write short notes on:
a) Predators b) Hopper burn c) Deadheart a) Dirty trap b) Mc Fell trap c) Farmer field school

87 Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Write down the type of communications system in details
EXAM F. and which method of
INATI M. communication is
ON - 40 cost effective? Short
2074 P.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 6th M. questions (Attempt
Semester 16 any ten)
Ti 2. Define the term
Subject: Agricultural communication.
communication 2
Candidates are required to give their answers in technol- ogy transfer? Explain
their own words as practicable as possible. The the characteristics of feedback
figure in the margin indicates full marks. with suitable examples. How can
Essay Type Question we make feedback more
1. What is effective effective? Short questions
communication? Discuss (Attempt any ten)
the role of planning for 2. What is the model of
effective communication? In your
opinion, which model of
respect to the trends,
communication is best
issues and problems
Short questions (Attempt any suitable to make teaching
ten) learning effective?
2. List nine function of 3. What are the major
communication. Describe typologies of communication
nay two reflecting barriers? How can it be reduced?
agricultural development. 4. How non-verbal
3. Describe physical and communication is effective in
cultural barrier of extension of teaching learning
communication. situation?
4. Explain bullet theory 5. Enlist the functions of
and cognitive dissonance communication and explain
theory of ccommunication major functions of
5. What are different communication in most of the
approaches of development agricultural development
communi- cation? Explain. organization.
6. What do you mean by 6. Is communication a process?
kinesics and haptics in Explain with suitable sketch
communica- tion? Explain demonstrating each elements of
7. Explain individual communication as a process.
communication system and 7. What are the major
its impor- tance in differences between the
agriculture, communication approach,
8. What are different ccommunication strategy and
communication channels? communication methods?
Which one is better in 8. Define and state the meaning
agricultural development? of communication plan. What
Give your vies, are the elements of
9. What are the things communication we should
to be considered in consider before planning a
planning for effective
communication plan?
9. Classify the major types of
10.Describe principle of
communication in relation communication. How can we
to chan- nels and receiver. make verbal presentation
11.Give any six effective?
problems in South 10. What are the major issues of
Asian development development communication on
communication Nepal?
program with their 11.What is communication
solution measures, theory? Enlist the major theory
12.Write short notes on (any of communication and explain
three) a) Aristotle model any one of them.
b) Leagan's model c) Mirage 12.Write short notes on: (any
d) Homogeneity three)
a) communication skills b)
Final intrapersonal communication
examinatio system
n- 2073 c) advantage of group
Essay Type Question communication system
1. How feedback in d) principles of communication
communication is important in
3. What are examinati
the scope of on- 2073
communicati Essay Type Question
on in 1. What is theory in
agricultural communication?
development Mention the functions
program of of theory and
Nepal? recommend a theory
4. Write down the process of your own choice to
of communication in help in solving IAAS
brief. problems.
5. What do you Short questions (Attempt any
mean by 'theory' ten)
and write down 2. Conceptualize
the theory of communication in brief.
selective 3. Discuss in brief
influence in brief? the roles of
6. Write down the communication in
function of agricultural
communication development
planning. program.
7. What are the 4. Explain non-verbal
effect of communication in brief.
communication 5. Write down the scopes of
research in communication in Nepal.
agricul- tural 6. Describe in brief the
development? feedback and its types.
8. Briefly describe 7. Discuss in brief the
communication theories of mass media.
strategy model. 8. Clarify inter personal
9. Write down the non- communication with
verbal communication examples.
in brief. 9. Differentiate
10. What do you between intensive
mean by feedback development
in communication approach and self-
and its type? help cooperative
11. Write approach of
short note communication.
on cultural 10. What are
barrier on the physiological
agricultura barriers of
l communication?
communic Describe in brief.
ation. 11. List the
12. What are the characteristics of
basic least developing
communication countries with
approaches and example.
write community 12. Describe the
development nature of
approach in communication
detail? strategy model in
Final agricultural
Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
Final examination- 2071 Final examination- 2071
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What do you mean by communication strategy? Describe 1. What is theory in communication and write down the
the steps involved in planning a communication strategy for different theory in communication with suitable example
an agricultural extension project of your choice. Provide in agricultural development program of Nepal?
with suitable examples. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 2. Explain non-verbal communication in brief.
2. What do you mean by feedback? What is its importance in 3. What are the social barriers of communication? Explain.
extension education? 4. Discuss on characteristics of feedback in communication.
3. What are the different elements of communication? Write 5. Write down the elements of communication in brief.
about the importance of media forums in agricultural 6. Define communication in agricultural development in brief.
extension. 7. Write down the function on communication planning
4. What do you understand by media forums? Write about 8. Discuss on channel of mass media.
the importance of media forums in agriculture extension. 9. Write down the communication strategy model in brief.
5. How do you view communication as a process? Explain. 10. What do you mean by group communication system?
6. What are the channels of communication? Classify Briefly discuss the agricultural development perspective.
and explain different channels of communication. 11. What are the basic communication approaches? Describe
7. What are models? Provide a model on extension community development approach.
communi- cation system with neat diagram. 12. Write down the function of communication in
8. List out the different barriers to communication and agricultural development program of Nepal.
explain any one of them,
9. What are the different forms of communication? Final examination- 2070
Explain nor-verbal communication with its functions. Essay Type Question 10
10. Explain about the induced innovation model of 1. Define the term theory in communication and mention it
Agricultural Development. type and recommend an appropriate theory which will
11. Define effective communication. Write about the factors solve the problems of Lamjung Campus.
affecting communication effectiveness of an extension worker. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
12. Write short notes on (any three): 2. Explain the characteristics of feedback.
a) Homophily and heterophily 3. Write down the free press theory and relate it with
b) Communication fidelity example of our country.
c) Time lag in communication 4. Write down the appropriate model of communication
d) Two step flow of communication in agriculture development of Nepal.
5. Discuss in brief the communication emphasized
Final examination- 2070
agricultural extension.
Essay Type Question 10
6. What are the cultural barriers to communication?
1. What do you mean by strategy development? How Discuss in brief.
do you plan on effective communication program? 7. What are the functions of communication? Describe
Explain in detail in brief.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 8. Explain facial expression of non- verbal communication.
2. Write down the principle of communication in brief. 9. What are the factors involved in the planning for
3. Discuss communication process in effective communication?
agriculture development. 10. Clarify the inter-personal communication with examples.
4. What are the functions of communication? Describe in 11. Write down the nature of communication and
brief. development of South East Asia.
12. Differentiate between ideological mass
5. Define feedback in communication and discuss
mobilization approach and mass media educational
the advantage of feedback in extension education. approach.
6. Describe the different types of communication in brief.
7. What do you mean by theory? Describe any one
important theory in agricultural development.
8. Define proxemics in communication with Compiled By:- Free Students’
suitable examples.
Union, Lamjung Campus
9. Write in brief about different approaches of
commu- nication used in Nepal.
10.What are the basic things of mass communication
system? Write down the advantages of mass communi-
cation channels.
11.Discuss the barriers of effective communication.
12.What do you mean by PPP in agricultural
develop- ment? Write down the roles of stakeholders
in PPP.
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Sketch the diagram specifying the four phases of social
EXAM F. mobilization. Outline the
INATI M. major challenges and its
ON - 40 possible causes in
2074 P. implementation process of
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 6th M.
16 social mobilization with
Tim specific example.
Subject: social mobilization e: 2
and community Hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as practicable as possible. The mobilization
figure in the
d) Purpose of social mobilization
margin indicates full marks.
Essay Type Question
1. Elaborate every Final
segments of social examination-
mobilization con- 2073
tinuum in detail and Essay Type Question
outline the phases of 1. Explain detailed account
social mobilizationwith of stages, dialogues and main
its detailed descriptions. activities of social
Short questions (Attempt any mobilization.
ten) Short questions (Attempt any
2. Write on history of social ten)
mobilization after post 2. Describe social mobilization
1993 era. is a 'collective effort'.
3. What is the 3. Write the concept of rural
concept of GESI and development and sustainable
how it support to development.
maintain social 4. What is ISACPA? What
harmony? multifaceted crisis observed and
4. What arethe endorsed in 1992 SAARC
capitals of meeting that summarized under
community the document called 'Meeting
development? the Challenges'.
Describe it with 5. How social mobilization
practical examples.
promotes good governance and
5. Mention
ensures empowerment of
multifaceted crisis of
marginalized groups?
SAARC sub- region
6. Describe gender roles and
observed by the
needs with its few examples.
6. What is decentralization? 7. What is social
Mention the elements of its mobilization
four bases. continuum? Sketch an
7. Describe the illustration of social
conceptual and groups in partnership.
programme packages of 8. Why does social mobilization
social mobilization. give importance on premium
8. Present brief overview on brand of the cadres? Describe it.
gender mainstreaming. 9. Make a checklist of the steps
9. What are the 5 of planning cycle,
core elements used 10. What capitals need for the
for the plan community development, what
prioritization and plan situation could be speculated in
shortening from the the absence of social norms and
preliminary collected ethics in a group?
shopping list of the 11. What is the typology of social
community needs? mobilization? Describe it
10. How social mobilization 12. Write short notes on:
is a dynamic process? Outline a) Packages of social
the learning cycle. mobilization
11. Write some b) Purpose of social
important traits mobilization
possessed by a person
involved in social
12. Write short notes on:c)
Packages of social
Short questions (Attempt poverty in Nepal? relative deprivation and 10. Explain gender needs
any ten) 10. What is the human poverty in brief with the context of
2. Explain with current situation of with appropriate development and poverty
suitable diagram remittance in Nepal examples. reduction in Nepal with
and specific and explain how 8. What are the gender examples.
example, why migration affects needs? Explain them 11. Explain the
soical the poverty with the context of rural differences between
mobilization is reduction and development and WID and GAD in brief
dynamic development of poverty reduction in with specific examples.
process? Nepal? Nepal. 12. Write a question of
3. Conceptualize 11. Summarize the 9. Explain the stages your own choice of the
the meaning of local governance of cycle of social course of social
development and reforms and mobilization in Nepal mobilization and
enlist the major decentraliza- tion in brief with examples. community development
dimensions of practice of Nepal and explain in brief.
development. during different
State any three regime Compiled By:- Free Students’
indicators for its 12. Why government Union, Lamjung Campus
measurement with of Nepal recognized
specific examples. social mobilization
4. Explain the as one of the best
concept 'gender strategy of poverty
is constructed reduction program?
by society'. Final
Differentiate examinati
the concept on- 2073
gender and sex. Essay Type Question
5. What is gender
1. What are
the concept of
How could we
mainstream gender
in development
process? Explain
with example. and social
6. Classify the mobilization?
major typologies Explain them
of social with suitable
mobilization examples in the
with specific context of
example. What Nepal.
are the program Short questions (Attempt any
package of social ten)
mobilization? 2. Explain the
7. Enlist the various stages of
major social mobilization
objectives of in brief with
social suitable examples.
mobilization 3. What are the
with specific major problems and
example. What issues of rural
are the develop- ment of
program Nepal? Explain in
package of brief.
social 4. Explain the
mobilization? concept of
8. Enlist the modernization in
major brief with suitable
characteristics of examples.
participatory 5. What are the
planning process. factors and goals
What are the of rural
steps of planning development of
cycle? Nepal?
9. Conceptualiz 6. What are the
e the meaning of major problems and
human poverty.
issues of rural
What are the
develop- ment of
major indicators
Nepal? Explain in
of measurement
of human
7. Explain the
Final examination- 2073 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY
1. Explain detailed account of stages, dialogues and main RAMPUR, CHITWAN
activities of social FI
mobilization. 40
Short questions (Attempt EX P
any ten) AM .
2. Describe social IN M
mobilization is a .
'collective effort'. AT
N- 1
207 6
ev i
el: e
B. :
g. r
3. Write the concept of 8. Why does social
rural development and mobilization give
sustainable importance on premium
development. brand of the cadres?
4. What is ISACPA? What Describe it.
multifaceted crisis 9. Make a checklist of the
observed and endorsed in steps of planning cycle,
1992 SAARC meeting 10. What capitals need for
that summarized under the the community
document called 'Meeting development, what
the Challenges'. situation could be
5. How social speculated in the absence
mobilization promotes of social norms and ethics
good governance and in a group?
ensures empowerment 11. What is the typology of
of marginalized groups? social mobilization?
6. Describe gender roles Describe it
and needs with its few 12. Write short notes on:
examples. a) Packages of social
7. What is social mobilization
mobilization continuum? b) Purpose of social
Sketch an illustra- tion of mobilization
social groups in
Fina Candidates are required to give their 2074 increase in
l answers in their own words as Essay Type Question production.
practicable as possible. The figure in
exa the margin indicates full marks. 1. Describe the role of 6. Enlist various methods of
mina temperature in post preservation.
Essay Type Question
tion- harvest horticul- ture. 7. Define irradiation
1. Describe the role
2070 What are the various treatment and its use
of temperature on
Essay Type Question practices to maintain the in postharvest
carious postharvest
1. Why lowest level of horticulture.
aspects. What is the
understanding rural metabolic activities in 8. Differentiate between
importance of pre-
development is fruits and vegetables ripening and degreening.
cooling? Describe
necessary in Nepal? after harvest. 9. Describe the
mechanism of cold
how objective or Short questions (Attempt any mechanism with a
rural development is ten) diagram how cold storage
Short questions (Attempt
attained? Explain 2. What are the various operates?
any ten)
briefly. points that should be 10. What are the various
2. Why there is climacteric
Short questions given consid- eration for points that should be
rise in respiration during
(Attempt any ten) effective marketing of considered in packaging
= 30 fruits and vegetables? of fruits and vegetables?
3. Define relative humidity.
2. Nepal is a 3. What are the 11. What do you
How does it affect
developing various problems in cut mean by latent
country. Explain flowers? How can you infection? What do
4. Write short notes on:
the statement overcome such you suggest to
a) Ripening b)
providing problems? overcome such
Senescence c)
justification. 4. Differentiate between disease?
3. What are the aerobic and anaerobic 12. What are the
5. Discuss the significance of
characteristics of respiration. different criteria and
entomology in postharvest
social mobilization" 5. Explain with measures to judge the
4. Why and how example- reduction in maturity indices of fruits
6. Enlist and
investment is made to postharvest loss is and vegetables?
describe in two
build capacity of the more beneficial than
sentence about
village organization?
5. Explain
deterioration on
sustainability in
cut flower.
development. How will
7. Describe the mechanism
you prove development is of fruit softening.
8. What is the Compiled By:- Free Students’
6. What are the major importance of 91
issues to be Union, Lamjung Campus
electron transport
addressed in
system in
7. Explain term GAD.
handling and
What are the gender
9. Write down the bio
8. Justify the statement
synthesis path-way to
'Poverty breed
10. Describe the
9. Share your idea for
control measures
for postharvest
decentralization in
Nepal. disease whose
infestation occurs
10. What are the roles
of culture in before harvest
development? (latent infection).
Discuss. 11. Enlist and
11. What are the describe any three
efforts of SAARC constraints in
in poverty marketing of fruits
alleviation? and vegetable,
Describe. 12. Enlist
12. What have various packing
you learnt from house operation.
participatory Describe the
planning process of curing
process? potato and its
Explain. importance.

Final examination- 2073 Final examination- 2073
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What is the importance, scope and status of postharvest 1. Describe the factors that influence respiration and
horticulture in Nepal? Also explain the problems faces by transpiration on fruits and vegetables to prolong their shelf
Nepalese people in the development of post harvest enter- life.
prises. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 2. Describe the importance of postharvest horticulture in
2. Compare and contrast the physiology of attached and Nepal
detached organs. 3. Differentiate between climacteric and non climacteric
3. What are the common maturity indices of fruits with suitable examples.
horticultural commodities? 4. Enlist the various changes that occur during ripening and
4. What do you mean by degreening and waxing in harvested describe the softening and firmness changes during ripening.
oranges? 5. Write don the bio synthesis pathway of Ethylene.
5. Briefly describe the postharvest diseases of fruits and their 6. What is maturity indices? Describe the methods
control measures. of maturity indices of horticultural products.
6. Briefly describe the chemical method of preservation. 7. Briefly mention the physiological causes of postharvest
7. Explain the general market channels for horticultural deterioration of horticultural commodities.
produce. 8. Define postharvest disease? How can you overcome the
8. Write down the major changes occurring during ripening. problems of postharvest disease?
9. Differentiate between (any three) 9. Describe various kinds of physiological disorders
a) Sigmoid and double sigmoid growth in horticultural commodities.
b) Maturation and ripening 10. Enlist various methods of storage. Describe in detail
c) Chilling and freezing injury about rustic storage.
d) Climacteric and non climacteric fruit 11. Write about different methods of preservations of
10. Write short notes on: (any three) horticultural products.
a) Horticultural maturity 12. Write short notes on:
b) Greening in potato a) Greening
c) Latent infection b) Curing
d) Cellar storage c) Commercial maturity of vegetables
11. Briefly discuss the mechanism of action in ripening,
12. Briefly describe the causes of postharvest deterioration.
Final occur during ripening of
examinati fruits.
on- 2073 8. How ethylene triggers
Essay Type Question ripening of fruit crops?
1. What is postharvest 9. What is cold storage? Write
horticulture? Describe the down the working principle of
scope of post harvest refrigerator. What are the
horticulture in Nepal. factors affecting storage?
Short questions (Attempt any 10. Write short notes on:
ten) a) Physiology difference
2. What are the factors between attached and detached
affecting physiological organs b) Waxing c) Factor
deterioration? Describe how affecting water loss.
cultural practices affect 11. Define maturity indices.
physiological deteriora- What are the different methods
tion? of maturity judgement?
3. What is chilling 12. Describe commonly
injury? Write the used preservatives in post
mechanism of chilling harvest horticulture.
4. What is pre cooling?
What are the advantages
of pre- cooling?
Describe the hydrovac
cooling method.
5. What is curing in root
and tubers crops? Write
the mechanism of curing
in cut surface of potato.
What are the factors
affecting curing?
6. Differentiate
between climacteric
and non climacteric
7. Describe the changes that
Final vegetables and
examinat describe only two
ion- of them.
2071 6. Describe the effects of
Essay Type Question ethylene with example.
1. Describe 7. Describe the
various kinds of factors that
physiological influence the
disorders and respiration and
their control shelf life of fruits
measures with and vegetables.
suitable 8. Enlist the
example. postharvest disease
Short questions (Attempt of fruits and
any ten) vegetables and how
2. Describe the do you overcome
importance of them?
postharvest 9. What is pre-
horticulture in cooling? Discuss
Nepal. the factors that
3. Describe the affect in storage if
respiration horticultural
behavior of fruits products.
and vegetable with 10. Differentiate between:
suitable examples. a) Physiological maturity and
4. What are the horticultural maturity
major factors to b) Physiological
affect transpiration process of detached
water loss? And organ and attached
discuss nay two organ
factors that affect 11. Write short notes on (any
transpiration/ two):
water loss a) Curing b) Waxing c)
5. Enlist Chilling injury
various methods 12. Describe the mechanism of
to judge fruit softening during
maturity of ripening.
fruits and

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
Final examination- 2070 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY
1. Describe with illustration the mechanism of cooling RAMPUR, CHITWAN
refrigerator. Discuss FI
how does the 40
temperature affect EX P
storability of fruits? A .
Short questions MI M
(Attempt any ten) NA .
= 30
TI 1
ON 6
20 T
74 i
Level: B.Sc. Ag. m
6th Semester e
Subject: Crop :
Diseases and their 2
management H
2. Describe with market- ing of produce?
illustration the 11. Briefly
changes in fruits describe modified
during ripening. atmospheric
3. Justify with storage and
examples, "minimization hypobaric
of post harvest loss is storage.
more beneficial rather 12. Describe curing and
than to increase its importance. Give
production." examples.
4. How do you
prevent the post harvest Final
disease infection which exami
occurs in the field and nation
those which develop - 2070
during ripening of Essay Type Question
fruits? 1. What are maturity
5. Enlist the activities indices? Discuss methods
which are to be carried of maturity determination
out packing house. and their applicability on
6. Differentiate between reducing post harvest
drying and dehydration losses with examples.
7. Name different Short questions (Attempt
chemicals and plant any ten)
growth regulators that are 2. "Reducing post
used in Physiological harvest losses in a
horticulture. Why are they better option than
used? increasing
8. Which is the most production of
appropriate method of horticultural
maturity commodities.
determination to find 3. What are the major
out harvesting stage changes occurring
for commercial during ripening?
production of Discuss briefly with
vegetables and examples.
flowers? 4. How do the pre-
9. How do you harvest factors affect on
minimize post harvest the shelf life of the
diseases that occur horticultural
during harvest and commodities? Justify
subsequent handling with examples.
practices? 5. Enlist the
10. You are supposed to recommended
be a planner. What do temperature and relative
you suggest for humidity for storage of
commercial production the following
of vegetable and effective commodities:
a) Apple b) Cauliflower Candidates are required to give their Essay Type Question chickpea and lentil.
c) Cucumber d) answers in their own words as practicable 6. Mention
1. Explain Irish famine and
as possible. The figure in the margin
Tomatoes indicates full marks. describe the etiology, symptomatology, etiology
e) Onions f) Mangoes Essay Type Question symptoma- tology, of leaf blight of wheat and
6. Explain briefly the 1. Enlist major epidemiology and leaf blast of rice.
ways to control post diseases of wheat with management of late blight 7. Give symptomsof die back
harvest diseases. their casual organism of potato and loose smut of and leaf spot rot of chilly.
7. What are packing and describe the wheat. 8. Write about sclerotina rot
house operations? importance, symptoms Short questions (Attempt any and white rust of crucifers.
Explain briefly. etiology, epidemiol- ten) 9. Write shortly
8. What are the ogy, and diseasecycle 2. Mention importance about citrus canker
methods of storage? and management of downy mildew of grape and tristeza virus of
Which method is the practices of spot blotch and give symptoms of citrus.
best suited to present of wheat. downy mildew of maize. 10. Explain about nematode
Nepalese conditions? Short questions (Attempt 3. Differentiate between disease of wheat and paddy.
Explain. any ten)
powdery mildew and 11. Mention
9. How do chemical 2. Describesymptoms,
downy mildew of cucurbits symptomatology of
etiology and
preservatives help in on the basis of etiology and bunchy top of
management practices of
food preservation? symptomatology. banana, khairadisease
rice blast.
What are the two major 3. Differentiatebetween 4. Give etiology of root rot rice and black tip of
chemical classes pf bacterial and fungal stalk of papaya and jute, downy mango.
preservatives used for rot of maize based on mildew of apple and wheat 12. Mention some resistant
food preservation? symptomatology and and bunts of wheat. varieties of yellow rust,
Explain their suitability. etiology. 5. Write symptomatology black rust and brown rust
10. Explain the major 4. Explain the of wilt of pigeon pea, of wheat.
causes of post harvest symptoms and
losses? Deal with suitable management practices 93 Compiled By:- Free Students’
examples. of root knot of Union, Lamjung Campus
11. Why ethylene vegetables.
producers are not 5. Explain the symptoms
advised to store and diseasecycle of
with other fruit, sclerotina blight of
vegetables of mustard.
flowers that are 6. Describe the
sensitive to it? symptoms, etiology and
Discuss with control measures of
suitable examples. cersospora lead spot of
ground nit.
12. Write short notes
7. Explain
the symptom
a) Curing b) Pre cooling
and control
c) Ranch packing measures of
d) Organoleptic test Khairadiseas
e of rice and
browning of
8. Comment on viral
disease of tomato in our
9. Write short note on black
scruf of potato.
10.Explain the
symptoms of
cotton wilt, its
d management
11.Explain the
management practice
of mango anthracnose.
12.How will you
early and late blight of
potato? Explain

on- 2074
Final examination- 2073 Final examination- 2073
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Describe about the symptoms, epidemiology, 1. Describe in detail about the symptoms, epidemiology,
diseasecycle and management practices of late blight of diseasecycle and control method of brown rust of wheat in
potato. Nepalese Agriculture.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. How will you differentiate between powdery mildew 2. Differentiate between powdery mildew and downy
and downy mildew and cucurbit, also mention their mildew of pea and mention their control measures.
management practices. 3. Describe the management practices of late blight of
3. Describe various management practices of blast of rice. potato and tomato.
4. Describe the symptoms of cucumber mosaic and 4. Describe the symptoms and diseasecycle of yellow
bunchy top vein mosaic of okra and bean common mosaic.
5. Differentiate between the fungal and bacterial wilt of 5. Explain the systemic and symptoms of white rust crucifers,
maize, also give their causal organisms. 6. Comment of the causal organism of mango anthracnose
6. Describe the various methods of root knot of vegetables. of wilt of chick pea.
7. Describe the symptoms and management practices of 7. How root knot of vegetables could be managed? Explain.
zinc deficiency in rice, 8. Describe the symptoms and management practices
8. What are the causal organisms of Tikka disease of of Khairadisease of rice and black tip of mango
ground- nut and describe the symptoms produced by them. 9. Differentiate between bacterial stalk rot and fungal stalk
9. Describethe imp of sclerotina blight in Nepalese rot of maize,
agricul- ture. 10. How bacterial leaf blight and bacterial leaf streak
10. Describe the epidemiology, diseasecycle and control of could be identifies? Explain.
red rot of sugarcane, 11. Comment on the citrus decline and their
management in Nepal.
Final examination- 2070
Final examination- 2071 Essay Type Question 10
Essay Type Question 10 1. Wheat cultivation in Nepal is challenged by
1. Describe the importance of rice blast in Nepalese rust disease. Describe the rust occurring in
Agricul- ture, symptoms developed by the disease, its differentiate agro ecological zones of Nepal.
etiology and differentiate management practices adopted.
2. Define the following terminologies
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
1) Inoculum 2)Nectrotroph 3) Haustoria 4) Oospore
2. Differentiatebetween powdery mildew and downy
mildewof cucurbits based on their symptomsand
5) Ooze 6) Trichoderma
causal agents.
3. Differentiate the following terms.
3. What are ways of surviving a) White rust and red rust b) Wilt and rot
pathogenPhytophtorainfestansin our country? Also describe c) Loose smut and covered smut
the management practices of late blight disease in potato. 4. Sprinkler irrigation is suggested for management
4. Describe the symptoms of damping off of of Powdery mildew disease, why? Describe the
vegetable seedlings and their management practices. disease cycle of Powdery mildew of Pea
5. Describe the historical significance of late blight of 5. Describe in brief the symptoms and
potato and leaf spot of maize. management for damping off of seedlings.
6. Describe the diseasecycle of loose smut of wheat and 6. What mechanism causes the wilting of crops
mention its managemnet practices. when attacked by Fusarium? Write down the
7. What are the casual organisms and symptoms developed management strategies for Fusarium wilt complex
in wilt disease of lentil? Also give their control measures. disease.
8. How do you differentiate between loose smut and covered 7. Define epidemiology. What are the pre-
smut disease of wheat and barley? Mention their control disposing factors for the occurrence of Late Blight
measures. of potato.
9. Describe the symptoms of stem gall of coriander and 8. Panicle or neck blast is the most serious
die back of chilly and mention their causal organisms. phase among all the tice blast symptoms.
10. How bean common mosaic virus survives and spreads
Justify. List the management measures for rice
in the field? Mention their management practices of tristeza
virus in citrus,
blast in rice,
11. Describe the symptoms, causal organism and man of
9. Define Canker. Write down the symptoms
root knot of vegetable. and management for Citrus canker in brief.
12. What are the major diseases of cardamom in our 10.List down the etiology for root knot of
country, how to manage them? vegetables. Write about the below ground and
above ground symptoms caused by root know
pathogen, 11.Chirkey and Foorkey disease in
eastern part of Nepal have caused serious threat in
the cultivation of large cardamom. Write about the
symptoms and effective management measures for
these diseases.
12.Write short notes on:
a) Black tip of management b) Black heart of potato
c) Khaira disease of rice.
Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union, Lamjung
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2072
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define agribusiness management. Briefly discuss the major
N F. strategies to be adopted in
A M agribusiness to manage risk
L . and uncertainties.
E 40
X P. Short questions (Attempt any
A M. ten)
MI 16
N Ti
A me
TI :2
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
and Cooperatives
Candidates are required to give their agribusiness?
answers in their own words as practicable Discuss.
as possible. The figure in the margin
indicates full marks.
9. What are
Essay Type Question the various
1. What are ways to
cooperatives? Discuss mitigate the
the roles of agriculture risks in
cooperatives in agribusiness?
transforming 10. What is
subsistence type of marketing efficiency?
agriculture into an How do you calculate
agribusiness in reference it?
with some examples of 11. Write short
agricultural cooperatives notes on:
in Nepal. a. Balance sheet b.
Short questions (Attempt Minimum support price
any ten) c. Supply chain
2. Define agribusiness management
and discuss its scope and 12. In short
importance in context of discuss about the
Nepal. prospects of export of
3. Define: a. Firm b. Plant Nepalese commodity in
and c. Industry international market.
Also illustrate their Final
interrelationship with the exam
help of figure. inati
4. Define on-
organizational 2071
behavior. How is Essay Type Question
organizational 1. Discuss agricultural
behavior vital in marketing as the
agro-enterprise? summation of all the
5. What do you mean by activities that occur
marketing functions? between "Farm to
Discuss. Fork". Explain with the
6. How do you help of any one
appraise the agricultural
investment in any commodity.
agricultural Short questions (Attempt
enterprises? Discuss. any ten)
7. Discuss in short about 2. What is
Agribusiness Promotion the impact
Policy 2063. of
8. What hindrances increasing
does an agro- immigration
entrepreneur faces in
while starting a new agribusiness
in the 2. "Agribusiness is the Discuss the of subsidy on agribusiness
context of backbone of Nepalese importance of development.
Nepal? economy". Comment. agribusiness in 8. Enlist the
3. Discuss in short, how 3.Discuss supply chain brief. provisions of WTO
do you conduct a management system in 3. What do you mean by for underdeveloped
market research. brief. payback period? Explain countries. Enlist
4. How does 4. Explain the concept of the importance of TRIPS in brief.
agribusiness promotion balance sheet and income agribusiness control 9. What do you mean by
policy 2063 help in the statement with suitable program and evaluation. marketing research?
upliftment of examples. 4. Define Explain types and
agribusiness? 5. Briefly organization. How importance of marketing
5. Discuss the explain key can you motivate research.
need of economic human behavior in an 10. Define firm,
conducive principles organization? plant and industry.
environment for used in 5. Discuss the problems Graphically explain
any agribusiness agribusiness. and prospects of physical optima of
to start and 6. Describe the agribusiness in Nepal industry.
flourish. procedures and under WTO membership. 11. Describe
6. How can you importance if 6. What are the steps of marketing system of
incorporate human marketing investment analysis? agriculture products in
behavior in the research? Discuss the discounted Nepal. Also discuss
upliftment of any 7. Define method of investment marketing efficiency.
agricultural enterprises? cooperatives. analysis in brief. 12. Write short notes on:
7. Differentiate between Discuss the scope 7. Enlist the government a. ansoff matrix
balance sheet and in context of policies on agribusiness in b. balance sheet
income statement. Also agribusiness Nepal. Also discuss the effect
discuss their utilities. development in
8. What is marketing Nepal. 95 Compiled By:- Free Students’
efficiency? How does 8. Briefly discuss Union, Lamjung Campus
market information help in different discounted and
efficient marketing activity. method of invest- ment
9. How do you appraisal with suitable
determine the project examples.
is worth investing? In 9. What do you mean by
short, discuss various price spread? Explain the
methods of marketing functions
investment appraisal. need for agricultural
10. Discuss commodity.
cooperative 10. Explain the
marketing. impact of any three
Discuss its government policies on
various agribusiness
principles. development.
11. Discuss 11. Differentiate:
opportunities and a. Demand and supply
challenges of b. Production planning and
WTO in the market planning
context of c. Firm and industry
Nepalese 12. Write short notes on:
agricultural a. Marketing channel
economy. b. Market information system
12. Write short c. Production function
notes on:
a. Marketed surplus vs Final
marketable surplus examinati
b. Time value of money on- 2068
Essay Type Question
1. Conceptualize the
terms risk and
uncertainty. Explain the
types of risk prevailing
in agriculture and the
strategy to minimize the
effect of risk in detail.
Short questions (Attempt any
2. What is
Final examination- 2070 Final examination- 2067
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Define agribusiness management. Explain with suitable 1. What is agribusiness? Explain the government policies
examples as to why management functions and the for agribusiness development in Nepal. Also describe the
manager are important in agricultural business. support of price and subsidy on functioning of agribusiness.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. Suppose that a farm proprietor requested you to appraise 2. Enlist the goals of co-operative. Discuss the environment
the financial position of organic tomato business planted in
forces affecting agribusiness.
1.5 hectare land. An initial investment worth is Rs.
520,000.0 for collection centre, boundary, water pipes and 3. What are the functions of an organization? Discuss
other structural assets. No salvage value is estimated at the bureaucracy principle of Max Weber.
end of business. The operational costs sre: Rs. 160,000.0, 4. Establish interrelationship between firm, plant
Rs. 195,000.0, Rs. 225000.0, Rs. 280,000.0 and Rs. 307,000.0 and industry in the context of agribusiness.
for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year, respectively. The sale 5. Define risk and uncertainty. Discuss strategies to
volume of ripe tomato is 14 ton per hectare each year. Per mitigate risky environment.
kilogram average tomato price is Rs. 20.0, 25.0, 28.0, 32.0 6. Explain problems and prospect of co-operative system
and 35.0 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year, respectively. in Nepal.
Calculate the net present value (NPV), financial internal rate 7. Conceptualize the term ' Ansoff matrix' explain
of return(FIRR), and benefit-cost ratio(BCR). Interpret each the importance of agribusiness in Nepalese economy.
result at 12% opportunity cost of capital and advise the
8. Discuss problems and prospects of Nepalese agriculture
profitability situation.
3. Prepare a list of major financial statements used in under the scenario of WTO membership.
agribusiness management. Differentiate net-worth 9. What are the criteria for investment analysis? Discuss the
statement and income statement in terms of use and most appropriate method on investment analysis.
preparation procedure. 10. What is supply chain management? Briefly discuss about
4. Writ short notes on: agribusiness production planning process.
a. Business risk management b. Marketing research 11. Differentiate between balance sheet and income
c. Agribusiness incubation state- ment. Briefly discuss any two financial principles
5. What do you mean by marketing mix? Briefly used in agribusiness management.
explain marketing functions need for food commodity. 12. Write short notes on:
6. Briefly explain key economic principles used a. Marketing efficiency
in agribusiness.
b. Market integration
7. Highlight major aspects of "Agribusiness Policy
2006" implemented by Government of Nepal. Final examination- 2065
8. Differentiate between: Essay Type Question 10
a. Commerce vs. trade b. Business firm vs. plant 1. What do you mean by cooperatives? Discuss cooperative
c. Value chain vs. supply chain farming and marketing in terms of concepts, types, merits,
9. Define cooperatives. Explain farming and commodity limitations, and examples in Nepalese context.
marketing related efforts performed by the agricultural coopera- Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
tives in Nepal. Also enlist the limitations of 2. Briefly discuss the major managerial decisions in
cooperatives. an agribusiness firm.
10.Clarify on "agribusiness financing only increases after 3. Define firm, plant and industry. How firms and industry
enabling environment". Enlist supportive factors of are interlinked in determination of equilibrium price and
business enabling environment. quality in market?
11. Briefly explain issues of Nepalese agribusiness in
4. State and explain the theories of human resource motivation.
context of WTO.
12. Compare the differences between traditional plans over 5. What are advantages of international trade? Discuss
business plans. What are the factors to be considered while agreement an SPS measures and GATs in brief.
preparing marketing plans of a high value commodity? 6. Graphically illustrate the effects of minimum support
price and ceiling price policy in agribusiness enterprise.
7. What are different marketing systems prevailing in
Nepal? Briefly explain the significance of marketing
8. Enlist principles used in financial management.
Briefly discuss the tools for motivating human behavior
in an organization.
9. What do you mean by risk and uncertainties? Discuss the
strategies that an agribusiness manager should adopt to
minimize risk and uncertainties.
10. Differentiate between balance sheet and income state-
ment. Prepare a standard format for income statement
along with meaning and example of its example of its
11. Write short notes on: a.theory of consumer behavior b.
marketing information c. internal rate of return
12. Differentiate between: a.Allocative and pricing efficiency
b. Leverage ratio and solvency ratio
c. Investment and expenditure
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCE 8. Which type of measuring device is used for
RAMPUR, CHITWAN medium discharge carrying silty water? Derive the
F. between different roughness
NA coefficients.
L M.
40 9. Water flows through a
A P. contracted rectangular
MI M. weir, 120 cm long to
NA 16 depth of 40 cm. then
TI Ti water flows through a
ON me
- rectangu- lar channel of
207 Hrs 150 cm width and over a
4 second weir, which has
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
practices of
farm water
Candidates are required to give their irrigation method.
answers in their own words as practicable as
possible. The figure in the
Explain border strip
margin indicates full marks. method.
Essay Type Question 10.A field experiment plot
1. Soil moisture is said to method was carried out in
be constant. How, when which moisture before
and why? Relate soil and end of season was
moisture constant to crop 22.84% and 18.32%
water requirement, respectively. Apparent
consumptive use and specific gravity was found
irrigation scheduling. 1.5 and depth of effective
Short questions (Attempt root zone was 75 cm.
any ten) Base period of a crop was
critically "we have plenty 105 days, number of
of water for agriculture irrigation was five and
irrigation". each depth of irrigation
3. What are characteristic was 6.5 cm. During an
parameters for experiment a precipitation
infiltration? Derive recorded 23 mm. Now,
A.N. Koastiakov's formula. calculate the seasonal
4. What is seasonal water requirement.
consumptive use? 11. Write briefly on
How Hargreaves types of field drainage
determined it? methods.
5. What is allowable soil 12. Write on weir
moisture depletion? and its' types.
Derive equation for depth Final
of irrigation and its examin
frequency. ation-
6. What is crop water 2073
requirement? Write on Essay Type Question
net, field and gross 1. What are the
irrigation requirement.
different irrigation
7. Write on types of
impeller. Find the horse methods? How does the
power require- ment for a selected irrigation
centrifugal pump its' method help in the
efficiency is 84%, suction prosperity of farmers?
head is 5 m and delivery Short questions
head 13 m. Direct drive (Attempt any ten)
electric motor having an 30
efficiency 75% operated 2. What are the different
for 6 hours per day. What soil moisture constants?
will be the cost of Differenti- ate between
electricity energy if cost PWP and UWP.
per unit is 12 rupees.
3. What are the
8. How problem soils are
done reclamation? causes of water
9. Write on surface logging? Describe
its preventive
measures. its length equal to the width 4. Which method is was reduced to 1 l/sec for 2
4. Discuss the status of of channel. Determine the used to calculate CU of hours. Estimate the net
irrigation depth crops if mean monthly average depth of irrigation.
development in Nepal. of the water over the second temperature is only 8. Explain any two types of
5. Estimate the CU of weir. available. sub-surface irrigation
water by wheat crop 10. What are the 5. Drive the systems.
sown 1st Novem- ber different water relationship between 9. What is pump
and harvested on 20 pumps used for duty and delta. A crop characteristics curve?
march. Using the irrigation? Explain requires 92 cm of water Write its importance.
Blaney-Crddle formula centrifugal pump in 122 days of its 10.What factors influence
for the following data: installation practice. irrigation period. How the suitability of irrigation
Month Mean monthly air11. What are the different much land will be water? Explain.
temp., in degree channel crossing irrigated with flow of 11. An irrigation canal;
(1) (2) structures? Explain. 30l/sec for 12 hours a carrying 265l/sec was
November 73.83 12.A moist soil sample day? diverted to thefield where
December 66.81 has a volume of 484 cm3
January 65.3 6. Define diversion box. 185 l/sec water was
February 70.34 in the natural state and a Under which circumstances delivered. An area of 3.7
march 80.02 weight of 7.94 N. The dry inverted siphons are ha was irrigated for 5
6. How do soil, plant weight of the soil is 7.3 N constructed? Explain with hours. The run off loss in
and climatic indicators and the relative density of their construction details. the field was 700 m3.
help for irrigation the soil particle is 2.65. 7. Furrow of 100 m long Calculate water
scheduling? Describe in determine the porosity, and space 60 cm apart are conveyance effieciency
brief. soil moisture content, irrigated by an initial furrow and water application
7. What do you mean volumetric moisture stream of 2.5 l/sec. the efficiency.
by reclamation of alkali content and degree of duration of initial stream is 12. Write short notes on (any
soil and how it can be saturation. 30 min. The size of stream three):
examinati Compiled By:- Free Students’
on- 2072
Essay Type Question Union, Lamjung Campus
1. Which type of
measuring device is used
for medium discharge
carrying silty water?
Explain. A cemented
trapezoi- dal canal having
60 cm base, slide sope
1:1, depth of water 120
cm, angle of repose 60
degrees and delta 20 cm.
calculate :a) base of canal
b) wetted perimeter, c)
carrying capacity of
canal. Short questions
(Attempt any ten)
2. A field having
10.2% ultimate wilting
point, 28% field
capacity and 1.7
specific gravity can
store 16.32 cm water.
A crop requires 18mm
of daily CU having 80
cm effective root zone
depth was planted. If
90% moisture
depletion was allowed
for deficit irrigation
then how many
irrigations frequency
can be reduced?
(RAM=50% AM)
3. Which water
availalbilty theory is
widely accepted and
why? Explain the
soilk moisture
extraction pattern.
Final examination- 2071 9. Sketch the figure showing artesian and non-artesian wells
Essay Type Question 10 including acquifers and piezometric surface and define each of
1. Describe the different irrigation methods. How does them.
the selected suitable irrigation method for individual field 10. Name the list for determination of crop water
may help in prosperity of farmers? requirement. Write on depth-interval-yield method.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 11. A single acting reciprocating pump has its piston
2. What does farm management mean? How does diameter 20 cm and the stroke 50 cm. the pump rod is
climatic conditions influence for irrigation management connected to a crank which makes 100 revolutions per
in Nepal. minutes. How many cubic meters of water are raised per
3. Describe shortly about soil moisture conditions. minute and what horse power must be delivered to acrank if
4.What is seasonal evaporation? Write the empirical the total head of water is 45 meter and the pump efficiency is
formula for Thornthwrite method to estimate evaporation. 55%?
5. Derive the relationship between depth of irrigation and 12. A. Write on soil moisture extraction pattern and
frequency of irrigation to maintain the irrigation critical stages of crops.
scheduling. B. A centrifugal pump has a discharge of 25 liter/second.
6. Define the following: One and half hectare of potato crop is irrigated in 12 hours.
a. Irrigation intensity b. Permeability What is the depth of the irrigation?
c. Potential evapotranspiration Back examination- 2070
7. Discuss briefly about Parshall flume. Essay Type Question 10
8. Differentiate between the following: a. Duty and Delta 1. Write down the different water conveyance structures and
b. Irrigation interval and irrigation period describe any two of them. What are the causes and conse-
c. Flume (aqueduct ) and inverted siphons quences of water logging? Explain.
9. Derive the relationship for determining water horse Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
power (WHP), shaft horse power (SHP), Break horse power 2. Describe the significance of irrigation in
(BHP) and requires kilowatt input to run a centrifugal pump. agricultural development of Nepal.
10. A. what is drainage coefficient (DC)? 3. Discuss the status of irrigation development in Nepal.
B. a sub-surface drainage system draining 5 hectors field 4. Explain the significances of irrigation development in Nepal.
flows at a design capacity for two days following a storm. If 5. Wheat is to be grown at a certain place, the useful
the system is designed using drainage coefficient of 1.5 cm, climato- logical conditions of which are tabulated below in
then how much water is drained during this period. thr Table. Determine the evapotranspiration and consumptive
11. What are criteria for irrigation water supply? irrigation requirement of wheat crop. Also determine the
12. A vegetable field has loamy soil having field capacity of field irrigation requirement if the water application
23.8% and wilting coefficient 7.3%. The apparent specific efficiency is 80%. Make use of Blaney-Criddle equation and
gravity of odil is 1.46 and the effective root zone depth of a crop factor equal to 0.8.
the field is 0.8 m. if the allowable soil moisture depletion in
Month Monthly temp, in Monthly percent Useful rainfall in
35% and evapotranspiration rate is 0.7 mm/day. Answer the degree celsius, of day time hr. of cm, averaged over
followings: a. Determine the storage capacity of soil, averaged over the last the year computed the last 5 years
b. Find out the net irrigation requirement, 5 from
c. Calculate the irrigation interval, the Sun-shine Tables
(1) (2) (3) (4)
d. If irrigation efficiency is 65% find how much water November 18 7.20 1.07
should be applied in 3 hactares of land to irrigate. December 15 7.15 1.42
Back examination- 2071 January 13.5 7.30 3.01
February 14.5 7.10 2.25
Essay Type Question 10
1. You have a farm of one ha, please write how do you
manage this farm to get better crop (say maize) yield? 6. A moist clay sample weighs 0.55 N. its volume is 35 cm3.
Include the idea of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, After drying in an oven for 24 hours, it weighs 0.5 N. assum-
irrigation, scheduling, depth of irrigation, methods for ing specific gravity of clay as 2.65, compute the porosity n,
determining crop water requirement, suitable irrigation degree of saturation S, original moist unit weight, and dry
methods and need of drainage facilities. unit weight.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 7. A steam of 130 liters per second was diverted from a
2. Write advantages and disadvantages of irrigation. canal and 100 liters per second were delivered to the field.
3. What are the criteria for irrigation water quality? An area of 1.6 ha was irrigated in 8 hrs. The effective depth
4. What is lysimeter? Derive the equation for of root zone was 1.7 m. the runoff loss in the field was 420
evapotranspi- ration using Christransen method. cu. m. The depth of water penetration varied linearly from
5. Describe drip irrigation method in brief. 1.7 m at the head end of the field to 1.1 m at the tail end.
6. A sandy loam soil has field capacity of 28% and wilting Available mois- ture holding capacity of the soil is 20 cm
coefficient of 12%. The dry unit weight of soil is 1.4gm/cm3. per depth of soil. Determine and calculate the water
If the root zone depth is 0.65 m. determine the storage conveyance efficiency, water application efficiency, water
capacity of the soil. lrrigation is applied when moisture storage efficiency and water distribution efficiency.
content falls to 15%. If the water application efficiency is Irrigation was started at a moisture extraction level of 50%
75%, determine the water depth required to be applied in the of the available moisture.
field. Express depth of irrigation in volume basis also. 8. What are the different irrigation methods? Explain any
7. Give the concept of water logging. How do you two of them comparing each other.
remove excess surface water? 9. Explain the reclamation of problematic soils.
8. Design a trapezoidal channel to carry a discharge 10. What are the different water pumps used for
25 cumecs at a slope of 1 to 3500. The side slope is irrigation? Explain centrifugal pump installation practice.
2:1. Manning's roughness coefficient is 0.018. design 11. Discuss the occurrences and utilization of ground water
most efficient cross section of channel. for irrigation.
12. Describe the environmental consequences and
possible mitigation practices of irrigation project

Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2072
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What are the ecological principles of low external inputs
AL F. sustainable (LEISA)
EXA M. agriculture and how are
MIN 40 these brought into
ON - . 16 practice?
Short questions (Attempt any
2073 Tim ten)
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 7th e: 2
Semester Hrs
Sub:- Farming
systems and
Candidates are required to give their answers security.
in their own words as practicable as possible. 10. What are the new
The figure in the margin indicates full approaches taken in action
towards the successful
Essay Type Question implementation of
1. Define farming sustainable agricultural
system research. practices globally?
Differentiate on-farm 11. Mention the brief history
research with on-station of farming system
research. Describe the research in Nepal.
ways to accomplish a 12. Enlist the external
farming system research and internal determinants
with an example of a of a farming system and
new practice of Direct describe it in brief.
Seeded Rice (DSR) in a
village. Short questions Final
(Attempt any ten) examina
30 tion-
2. What are the 2071
determinants of a simple Essay Type Question
farming system of mid- 1. Differentiate between
hill region of Nepal? mixed farming and
Enlist the points.
integrated farming system.
3. Describe the
opportunities and What is farming system
limitations of the farming research? Enlist the
system of terai region of process/ steps of a good
Nepal. farming system research.
4. Define sustainable Short questions (Attempt
agriculture. Enlist the any ten)
characteristics of 2. Define system and
sustainab;e agriculture. system approach in
5. Differentiate dryland agriculture.
and rainfed farming 3. What are the
agriculture and suggest determinants of farming
the suitable farming system? Enlist and
enterprise for the rainfed
describe briefly.
eco- zone of western terai
and hills in Nepal. 4. Define sustainable
6. What do you mean by agriculture. How will
Indigenous Technical you maintain
Knowledge (ITK)? How sustainability in an
will it be vital in an eroded soil of higher
agrarian agriculture? altitudes?
7. Write down the 5. Give the model of
characteristics of a typical farming system
sustainable farming suited to the mid hill
8. Write short notes on situation of Nepal.
(any three): 6. Describe the Nepalese
a. Participatory research biodiversity and ways to
methodology b. conserve the flora and
Permaculture fauna of Nepalese habitat.
c. Stress and perturbation d. 7. Enlist the principles and
Bio-dynamic agriculture practices of ecological
9. Define agro- balance for a suitable
biodiversity and write farming.
down its importance in 8. How bio-diversity is
preservation of ecosystem
interrelated with
and maintenance of food
sustainable agriculture? 4. What are the limitations of 9. What do you mean by
2. What are the elements
9. Write down the key mountain farming systems? permaculture and what are
of a system? And write
characteristics of a 5. Why temperature is an its ethics? 10.What are
the elements of a plant
farming system. important determinant of biofertilizers and what are
as a system.
10. Indigenous a farming system? their limitations? 11.Why
3. How are components
Technical Knowledge 6. What are the goals and our conventional research
of a typical Nepalese
(ITK) is a vital procedures of the system in agriculture could
farming system
element of a farming diagnostic phase of farming not contribute to
system. Justify the system research? sustainability?
4. What are the
statement. 7. What is 12. Write short notes on the
climatic conditions
11. What are sustainable followings (any three):
found in Nepal and
the major problems of agriculture and what a. Elements of a system b. Hill
their impact in farming
farming system are its three farming system
research and fundaments? c. Participatory rural appraisal
5. How do you conduct the
extension system in 8. What is the role of d.HEIA
testing phase of FSR?
Nepal? Describe biodiversity is sustaining our e. "Our Common Future"
6. Why is farming
briefly. agriculture?
system research
12. Write short
important for
notes on (any three):
Nepalese agriculture?
a. Scale Neutral
7. What impact of Compiled By:- Free Students’
b. Stree and Perturbation Union, Lamjung Campus
c. PRA/PLA factors may have
on farming
d. Agriculture Natural
Resources (LEIA) system?
8. What are the basic
characteristics of
sustainable agricul-
9. What is permaculture?
Discuss its ethics.
10. What do you
mean by
biodiversity and
how can you
conserve it?
11. Farmers are
the technology
Justify with
12. Describe
any five major
points to be
allowed to make
on- 2069
Essay Type Question
1. What are the
opportunities and
limitations of
organic farming in
Nepal? Explain by
reasoning in
Short questions (Attempt any
2. What do you mean
by systems approach
and what is its
importance in
agriculture? Explain.
3. How does edaphic factor
affect farming system?
Final examination- 2068 Final examination- 2067
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1.What do you mean by sustainable agriculture? Why 'Green 1. What is farming system? Write down the components of
Revolution' agriculture is unsustainable? a typical Nepalese farming system and their role and status.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. What are the elements of system and why is it important 2. What do you mean by the component of a system? Write
to study them? down the components of a rice field as a system.
3. What are the edaphic factors affecting farming system? 3. How do you solve the problems in agriculture and why?
4. How does socio-economic factor shape a farming system? 4. Why jute farming is popular in Eastern Nepal where
5. Describe the climate of Nepal in brief and its effect as cotton in the West?
in farming system. 5. What are the socio-economic factors shaping the farming system?
6. What are the opportunities and limitations of 6. What do you mean by farming system and why is it a system?
mountain farming systems? 7. What is sustainable agriculture and what are its compo-
7. What do you mean by HEIA and how is it unsustainable? nents?
8. What are the working principles of LEISA? 8. What do you mean by design phase of FSR and what are
9. What do you mean by organic farming and why is its goals?
it important in Nepalese agriculture? 9. Why is farmer's knowledge important in
10. What is biodiversity and what is its role in sustaining agriculture?
sustaining agricultural productivity? 10. What are bio-fertilizers and how soil organic matter is
11. How do you think Nepalese agriculture be made the core of good soil?
sustain- able? 11. How bio-diversity can be preserved at farm level?
12. Write short notes on three of the following: 12. Write short notes on (any three):
a. Biofertilizer a. Agro-ecosystem
b. Systems approach in agriculture b. Vermi compost
c. Testing phase of FSR c. Permaculture
d. Precipitation in Farming system
Final examination- 2066
Essay Type Question 10







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e Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
n 2.
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s 3. How does temperature affect a farming system?
t 4.
e W
m h
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d s

h s
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o b
f l
s i
a a
r g
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l s
t t
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? i
5. What are the opportunities and limitations of hill farming n
systems? g
D f
e a
s r
c m
r i
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b g
t y
h s
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c .
o 7. What are the characteristics of sustainable agriculture?
l 8.
o W
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9. What are the principles of organic farming? a
10. k
W i
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b u
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g b
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o ?
11. e
W v
h e
a l
t ?
12. Write short notes on three of the following: a. HEIA
a b. Vermi composting c. Identity d. Permaculture


o Compiled
a By:- Free
c Students’
h Union,






TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Explain the role and importance of mountain agriculture in
NA F. livelihood support, ecological
L M. bio-resources and constraints,
EX 40 feasibility and sustainability
A P.
MI M. of mountain agriculture.
Short questions (Attempt any
NA 16 ten)
ON me
- :2
207 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
Sunject: Mountain
Candidates are required to give their the value of non-
answers in their own words as practicable as timber forest
possible. The figure in the margin indicates
full marks.
product for
Essay Type Question mountain people.
11. Discuss the
1. Discuss the soil and
climate change effects
water conservation in the
in the mountain.
mountain region on the
12. Write short
following topics: a.
notes on: ( any two) a.
Problems b. Consequences
Niche b.Gradient
of soil erosion and its
c. Watershed
types c.Factors of soil
erosion Final
d. Agronomic and exami
mechanical nation-
conservation 2073
measures. Short Essay Type Question
questions (Attempt 1. Define climate change.
any ten)
What are the effects of
2. Discuss the
climate change on
characteristics of
mountain agriculture and
Himalayan Agriculture.
people's livelihood? What
3. Discuss the status
are the various adaptation
of rangelands and
problem faced by strategies for overcoming
mountain people. it? Short questions
4. Discuss the goal and (Attempt any ten)
principle of sustainable 30
agriculture in the 2.What are the strength
mountain region. and threats of mountain
5. Discuss the biodiversity agriculture?
conservation in mountain 3.Explain niche and
agro-ecosystem. pocket are concept of
6. Briefly describe the mountain agriculture.
mountain specifities in 4. How can agro-
the context of Nepal. ecotourism be
7. Discuss the developed and
traditional verses promoted in mountain
modern agriculture region of Nepal?
system adopted in 5. What do you
mountain. mean by bio-
8. Discuss the engineering?
impact of human Describe with
activities on examples.
mountain 6. Migration of young
ecosystem in generation is the
context of chronic problem of
landslides. mountain. Discuss
9. Give the how can we retain the
dominating livestock people in that region.
species of mountain 7. Write short note on
and their role in shifting cultivation and
livelihood system. niche opportu- nity.
10. Highlight 8. Describe trans-
human pastoralism ecology and agro-ecology. modern agriculture.
2. How can you
of yak and chauri 5. Why is Yak called the ship of 10.Discuss the
improve the agro-
in mountain region. Himalayas? importance of non-
ecotourism in
9. Define biodiversity. 6. Highlight the timber forest products
mountain region?
Why it is important? agricultural frame-work (NTFPs) for mountain
Give your opinion.
10.Discuss briefly for mountain liveli- people.
3. What are the major
about issues of soil hood. 11. Discuss the
challenges of rangeland
fertility problems in 7. Enlist the important characteristics
development in
hills of Nepal. dominating livestock of different species of
mountain region?
11.What are the species of mountain in honey bees found in
possible land Nepal. Nepal.
4. Describe the
improvement 8. What are the basic issues of 12. Write short notes on: (any
programs for mountain agriculture? three)
marginal land of 9. Discuss the a. GIS b. Soil conservation
system of yak and
Nepal? traditional verses c. Gradient d. Marginal fund
chauries in mountain
12.Describe the farming improvement
system of mountain
5. What are the strategies
should follow for genetic
improve- ment and
conservation of livestock
species of mountain
6. Why geographical and 101 Compiled By:- Free Students’
biological diversity is Union, Lamjung Campus
important for nature and
7. What do you mean by bio-
engineering? Why it is
8. Write short note on high
value crops.
9. What do you mean
by niche opportunity
and precision
10. Give your
suggestion for the
improvement of marginal
land of mountain region.
11. Describe the
farming system
adopted by the
people of mountain
12. Describe pocket area
concept and its
on- 2072
Essay Type Question
1. Discuss the
characteristic features of
mountain agriculture in
Short questions (Attempt any
2. Explain the impact on
mountain ecosystem
over biological
components (flora and
fauna) due to human
3. Explain with ideal
examples the agro-
ecotourism potentials of
Nepal's mountain.
4. Compare and contrast
Final examination- 2071 Back examination- 2071
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Write the status of range land resources and challenges for 1. Discuss the challenges and constraints faced by mountain
its improvement in Nepal. people in their livelihood system and future sustainable
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 development.
2. Describe the trans-human pastoralism in mountain 2. Discuss the mountain agriculture and its basic issues.
of Nepal. 3. What is watershed management? Why is it important
3. Write the different training system and high density in mountain environment?
planting of apple and pear in temperate climate. 4. Describe important high value cash crops and their
4. Write short note on HVC crop and niche opportunity. commercialization in the context of mountain.
5. What are the impacts of climate change in 5. How can soil and crop productivity in the
Nepalese agriculture? mountain agriculture be improved? Discuss.
6. Describe the cropping pattern of cropping system in 6. Discuss the impacts of human activities in
mountain region. mountain environment.
7. Discuss the soil fertility and productivity status of 7. Discuss the important characteristics of different honey
Nepalese mountain agrarian system. bees found in Nepal.
8. Suggest the land improvement practices for marginal land. 8. Discuss agro-ecotourism, its status and importance with
9. Write short note on: reference to our country.
a. Shifting cultivation 9. Discuss the climate change and its impacts on mountain
b. Precision agriculture agriculture.
10. Write about mountain agro-forestry system and 10. Discuss the status of rangeland, trans-humance along
its importance in mountain agriculture? with problems faced by herders.
11. What are the dominating livestock species in the 11. Discuss the genetic diversity of mountain livestock
moun- tain? How small ruminat are indispensible part of with their characteristics, socio-economic importance and
mountain people? genetic improvement for conservation.
12. Describe Baruwal sheep and sedentary system. 12. Discuss about dominating livestock species and their
role in livelihood support.

Final examination- 2070

Essay Type Question 10
1. Define the salient features of Nepalese Mountain
Agricul- ture.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. Explain why Yak is called the ship of the Himalayas.
3. What measures can be adopted to improve soil and crop
production in Nepal?
4. Migration is hurting mountain agriculture, explain
with examples.
5. Explain the features of modern verses traditional
agricul- ture.
6. How are NTFP helping rural economy?
7. Mention the impacts of climate change in
mountain agriculture.
8. What are the dominating livestock species of mountains in
9. Mention how eco-tourism can be established in Nepalese
10. Mention the hardship to herding practice in
mountains. 11.Mention the roles of GPS, GIS, remote
sensing in develop- ing mountain agriculture.
12. Discuss the types of bees in mountainous regions of
Nepal and explain wild honey hunting practice in Nepal.

Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define transformation. Explain about different methods of
NA F. transformation and
L M. explan in detail about the
EX 40
A P.
MI M. tumefaciens mediated
NA 16 method of
TI Ti transformation.
ON me Short questions (Attempt any
- ten)
207 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
Sunject: Mountain
Candidates are required to give their rights. Explain different
answers in their own words as practicable as form of protection of
possible. The figure in the margin indicates intellectual property
full marks. rights.
Essay Type Question 11. Briefly
1. Define genetic mention the current
engineering and practices that are being
briefly mention the carried out in conserving
methods of genetic the biodiversity.
engineering in the 12. Write short
field of agriculture. notes on: a.
Short questions Agricultural
(Attempt any ten) biotechnology
30 b. Biodiversity indexing
2. What is
environmental Final
biotechnology? Explain exami
in brief its application in nation-
Nepal. 2073
3. What are Essay Type Question
restriction 1. Explain
enzymes? Explain applications of tissue
its types with culture in the field of
suitable examples. crop improvement.
4. Enlist and
2. What is
explain basic steps
biotechnology? Explain
of tissue culture
with suitable different
figures. fields/disciplines of
5. Mention the biotechnology.
applications of 3. Define genetic
pollen/anther engineering. Write its
culture in applications in the
agricultural crops. field of crop
6. What is culture improvement.
medium? Write its 4. Differentiate
principal components between vector and
with appropriate
plasmid. Briefly
7. How the target explain about different
gene(s) of interest kinds of gene cloning
is/are transferred into vectors.
crop plants? Explain. 5. How gene(s) is/are
8. What are the prime transferred into plants?
objectives of gene Explain.
cloning? Enlist and 6. Explain basic steps of
explain in brief about plant cell/tissue culture.
gene cloning vectors. 7. Briefly explain about
9. What are the different basic steps of genetic
centres of biodiversity of engineering.
crops proposed by N I 8. Describe shortly about
Vavilov? How wild aim and scope of
genetic diversity is useful
in improving agricultural
crops? 9. Shortly explain
10. Define about diversity of
Intellectual property cereals (cultivated
plants). Final culture.
2. Differentiate between
10. What is center examination- 8. How are tissue
vector and plasmid.
of diversity of crops? 2072 culture generated
Write the types of
Explain in brief about Essay Type Question plantlets transferred to
plasmid. Explain about
the wild genetic 1. Define transformation. soils in field conditions?
the important
diversity of crop plants. Explain about different 9. Explain briefly
characteristics of
11. Discuss methods of transformation biodiversity, species
normally occuring
different methods and explan in detail about diversity and genetic
applied for biodiversity the Agrobacterium biodiversity.
3. Write the scope and
conser- vation in the tumefaciens mediated 10. What is your
application of
contest of Nepal. method of transformation in perception about
agriculture biotechnol-
12. Define point swith suitable genetically modified crops?
ogy with suitable
patent. Explain in examples. Give your logic on the
brief about the 2. Discuss gene pools with context of Nepal.
4. What are restriction
requirements of practical examples. 11. What do you mean
enzymes? How they
patent. 3. What do you mean by by species richness,
work? Discuss with
Intellectual Property crossing over and
Rights (IPR)? Explain mutation? Correlate
5. What is plant tissue
with an illustration. crossing over and mutation
culture? What are the
4. Explain 'genetic eroision'. with species richness.
different types of tissue
5. List down contributions of 12. Write short notes on the
culture? Write their
health care biotechnology. following:
practical applications in
6. What are the major activities a. Necessity of
agriculture. of plant biotechnology? biodiversity for
6. What is embryo culture?
7. What is explant? continuation of species
Why is it important in
Write short or lives.
explanation of b. Biodiversity of foods for
7. What is the
surface utilization in beauty
tissue or meristem
implication of
haploid in plant
8. What is
Differentiate 103 Compiled By:- Free Students’
among genetics Union, Lamjung Campus
diversity and
species diversity.
9. Define the term:
Guild diversity,
alpha diversity, beta
diversity, and Gama
diversity. And also
explain about the
factors that affect
10. What are agro
biodiversity and
biodiversity? Write
scope and
importance of
11. What is data
base? How do you
store a sample species
index in
computerized data
12. Write the genetic
diversity of wheat and
paddy along with species
name, chromosome
number, genome formula
and form of
Back examination 2071 Final Examination 2070
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What is recombination DNA (r-DNA) technology? How 1. Define the term biotechnology. What are the different
r- DNA is formed? Also, mention some important methods for transformation of genes? Explain in detail
applications of this technology in crop improvement.
about indirect method of transformation.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. What are restriction enzymes? Give the cleavage sites Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
of restriction enzymes Aat II, Eco RI and Hae III. 2. What is agro-biotechnology? Why is it relevant in today's
3. Outline the basic steps of plant tissue culture. scenario?
4. The average length of a double helix in wheat (Triticum 3. How is virus free plant produced? What are the
aestivum L.) chromosome is 2.5 cm. approximately how applica- tions of this method in agriculture?
many base pairs would be present in such a chromosome? If 4. What is biodiversity? Outline the different values
all chromosome of the wheat complement are in same of biodiversity.
length, approximately how many base pairs would be in a 5. What is database? What are the different variables that are
sperm nuclear. to be included while constructing plant database?
5. Manipulation of seed propagation is on eof the important 6. What are the different methods of assessing biodiversity?
applications of genetic engineering. How do you produce
7. Outline the different steps of anther culture. What are its
hybrid seeds in tomato and Brassica by applying this
6. How RNA duplex is formed in the body of crop 8. What is hybrid? How is it produced? What are its
plants? What is its significance in the field of plant applica- tions in agriculture?
breeding? 9. What is somaclonal variation? What are its usabilities?
7. Enlist different types of gene cloning vectors in the 10.What are different conservation strategies that you have
field of biotechnology. Draw well labeled figure of a Ti studied? Which method do you prefer and why?
plasmid of Agrobacterium tmefaciens. 11.Calculate evenness. Shannon and Simpson's index for the
8. A commercially cultivated wheat variety has less given community and interpret your result.
efficient photosynthetic system. In a landrace of wheat,
more efficient photosynthetic system can be observed. You Species Number
as a biotechnologist and or breeder. How do you incorporate
efficient photosynthetic system founf in landrace to a Cynodon 24
commercial variety of wheat? Explain with the help of well
labeled diagram. Cyperus 20
9. Differentiate between species richness and species
evenness with suitable examples. Cabbage 7
10. What are standard criteria followed in Nepal for
the protection f a crop variety? Carrot 3
11. What do you mean by 'Genetic diversity"? What factors
affect genetic diversity of a species? Which on eis more 12. Write short notes on (any three) of the following:
vulnerable to natural enemies an inbred line of wheat or a a. History of biotechnology
hybrid cultivar of maize? b. Culture media
12. Calculate Diversity index of insects found at research c. Similarity index
field in IAAS by Shannon-Wiener Index and Simpson's
d. Important conventions on Biodiversity
Index methods and interpret the results from the data in
Table 1. Table 1. Name and number of insects found at a S.N. Name of insect Number of individulas
research field in IAAS in 2010/2011.
1. Rice stem borer 10

2. Aphid 80

3. Hopper 20

4. Rice bug 30

5. Mole cricket 10

6. Total 150

Compiled By:- Free Students’

Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define agro-biodiversity. What are the emerging threats to
FI agro-biodiversity? How
L M. can these threats be
EX 20 reduced? Short
A P. questions (Attempt any
MI M. seven)
NA 8 2. Enlist crop and animal
TI Tim genetic resources of Nepal
ON e:
- (with
207 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
Subject: Agro-
Candidates are required to give their b. WIPO
answers in their own words as practicable as c. Ecological foot print.
possible. The figure in the margin indicates
full marks.
Essay Type Question Final
1. Define biodiversity. exami
Write about different nation-
components of agro- 2073
biodiversity. Essay Type Question
Short questions (Attempt 1. What agricultural
any seven) biodiversity matters?
2. Write about Explain the values of
importance and biodiversity in detail?
prospects of Short questions (Attempt
agricultural any seven)
biodiversity. 2. Define biome? What
3. Enlist the are the different
organizations potential biomes for
involved in agro- agriculture?
biodiversity 3. What are distinctive
conservation. Write features of PGRFA?
about the role of any 4. Classify weeds with
two of them. examples.
4. Enlist different 5. Define PPB?
methods of Explain its
documenting genetic participatory research
re- sources, traditional methodol- ogy.
knowledge and 6. How is four cell
practices. Mention the analysis done?
steps of CBR. What are the
5. Write about four cell various intervention
analysis. done after it is
6. What are the different accomplished?
approaches for 7. What are the various
conservation and threats to agro-
utilization of agricultural biodiversity? Explain.
biodiversity? Write about 8. What are the various
any one of them. obligations of CBD that
7. Write about Nepal should follow?
national policies and How can Nepal benefited
laws on agricultural from it?
biodiversity 9. Define value addition.
conservation and Explain its types with
development. examples.
8. Write about
Participator Plant Breeding
(PPB). How does it differ
from conventional plant
9. Write short notes on
any two:
their wild relatives). examples.
3. Write about the role 7. Write the important
of soil flora and fauna policies and legislative
in soil fertility regarding the
management. conservation, uses and
4. Mention the research status sharing of benefits from
of agro-biodiversity in agricultural
Nepal. biodiversity.
5. Describe CBM 8. What is CBR? Mention
approach of agro- the different steps of
biodiversity management CBR.
and development. 9. How can you
6. Mention the importance of assess genetic
agricultural biodiversity. resources by four
7. How will you assess analysis?
agricultural biodiversity cell Final
of a place? Write about examination- 2071
four cell analysis. Essay Type Question
8. Describe ex-situ 1. What is community
approach of agro- based Biodiversity
biodiversity conserva- Register (CBR)?
tion. Describe the
methodology of
9. Write short notes on any
preparation of CBR
and write down its
a. Species of ecosystem
Short questions (Attempt any
b. Ecological foot print
2. "Loss of agro-
Final biodiversity is a
examinatio threat for
n- 2072 agricultural
Essay Type Question sustainability".
1. Define agro- Explain.
biodiversity. Mention 3. What do you mean
different methods of by ecosystem services?
agro-biodiversity Write about importance
conservation. What is of agro- biodiversity.
value addition? Short 4. Classify soil-
questions (Attempt any inhabiting
seven) 7×2 = organismssccording to its
14 size and provide suitable
2. What are the emerging examples of each group.
threats for the 5. Describe the
conservation of agro- framework of
biodiversity? Also governmental
mention the measures to organization on Nepal
reduce them. responsible for
3. What is biodiversity
ITPGRFA? conservation.
Write its 6. Enlist the objectives
importance in of convention on
agro- biological
biodiversity diversity(CBD). Describe
conservation. the guideline principles.
4. What do you mean Write about WTO/TRIPS.
by ecological foot print? 7. What are the
Write the main factors potential threats
that influence it. How for agro-
can we reduce biodiversity
ecological foot print. management. How
5. Name the different can we minimize
components of agro- them?
biodiversity. Write the 8. Enlist the
importance of wild strategies of agro-
relatives of crop plants biodiversity
and livestock with suitable management. Write
examples. about participatory
6. Explain the plant breeding.
ecosystem services 9. Write short notes on:
provided by insects and a. ITPGRFA b. ILO 169 c.
microbes with suitable Farmer's right

105 Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN Essay Type Question 6
FINAL 1. What are the
INATI . 20 importance of IPM?
ON - P.M Mention the major
2074 .8 components of IPM. Also
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 7th Time state the use of pesticides
Semester : under IPM approach.
Subject: Environmental Hrs
Pollution and Protection
Candidates are required to give their answers in 3. "IPM is not the enemy of
their own words as practicable as possible. The pesticide". Justify the statement.
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
Essay Type Question 4. Mention the
1. Why IPM is very environmental and health
important? Explain the imparts of air pollution.
effectiveness of FFS in the 5. Why pesticide is being one
dissemination of IPM of the emerging problems in
knowledge mentioning major Nepal? Explain with suitable
processes of it. examples.
Short questions (Attempt any 6. Define the following:
seven) a. Pest resurgence
2. What do you mean by b. Economic threshold level
economic injury level? c. Pheromone trap
Mention the use and 7. Explain how farmers' field
importance of ET|L with school is one of the best tool for
example. IPM dissemination.
3. List the major 8. List out the major
environmental issues and environment protection of
mention the effect of air climate change related acts
pollution. in Nepal.
4. Mention the major 9. Mention novel pest
causes of air pollution and control techniques with
effective control measures. suitable examples.
5. Give important pesticide
acts and regulations in context
of Nepal.
6. Why plant quarantine is
important? Explain the major
duty of plant quarantine
7. Define the following terms:
( any three)
a. Resurgence of insect pests
b. Insect-pest out break
c. Persistent pesticide
d. Pesticide residue
8. "Ecological and socio-
economic aspects are also
impor- tant for insect-pest
management". Justify the
9. Mention the impacts of
pesticides and its use under
the IPM approach.

n- 2073
Essay Type Question
1. What is water pollution?
Explain the causes, imparts
and control measures in the
context of Nepal.
Short questions (Attempt any
2. What is host-plant
resistance? How can we utilize
it in pest management?
Short questions (Attempt 3.What do you chemical pesticide techniques with
any seven) mean by Rapid on non-target suitable examples.
2. What is ETL? Bioassay of organisms. 9. How pest survey and
Why is it Pesticide Resi- 8. Give the surveillance can be
considered effectiveness of effective in pest
dues? Why
important in male sterile management?
integrated pest- pesticide residue
management? of garlic and
3. "FFS is an effective ginger can't be
Compiled By:- Free Students’
tool in IPM". Justify the tested by RBPR?
statement. 4.What do Union, Lamjung Campus
4. Give the you mean by
concept of International
climate change Plant
and mention its Protection
impact on pest Convention?
management and
agriculture as a
whole. 5.Define
5. Mention Bioassay. What
the causes are the factors
and effects considered during
of air bioassay?
pollution 6.Differentiate between
with survey and surveillance.
examples. 7.Define pollution and
6. What is mention its causes.
pesticide 8.Define POPs. Enlist
act? How it different POPs.
is useful to 9.Write short notes on:
manage the
pesticides in a. Basal convention b.
Nepal? Dirty Dozen
7. Explain the c. Bio-magnification d.
legal method of Pest Risk Analysis
pest-management Final
with suitable examinati
examples. on- 2071
8. Mention Essay Type Question
the causes and 1. What is
effect of water integrated pest
pollution in management
the context of (IPM)? What are
Nepal. its principles? How
9. Define the following
do IPM programs
terms: a. Bio-
magnification work? Design an
b. Insect-pest resistance c. IPM package
Insect resurgence program to control
d. Selective pesticide insect-pests of
crucifers or
Final cucurbits.
examin Short questions (Attempt any
ation- seven)
2072 2. Mention environment
Essay Type Question impact of air pollution.
1.Enlist the 3. Describe
different Act causes and
and regulation mitigation of
related to IPM water pollution in
in Nepal. Write the context of
in brief about Nepal.
Plant 4. What do you mean by
Protection Act, ISPMs? Mention its
2064. Short
5. Shortly mention the
questions environment protection
(Attempt any policies of Nepal.
seven) 6. Mention your
7×2 = 14 responsibilities if
2.What is the you are appointed as
difference plant quarantine
between stock officer.
pollutants and 7. Describe the
fund pollutants? impact of
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Conceptualize project, plan and program. Discuss on
FI different aspects of
L M project preparation and
EX . analysis visualizing a
A 40 livestock related
MI P. agricultural project in
NA M. Hilly region of Nepal.
TI 16
ON Short Questions:
Ti (Attempt any Ten)
- me
Level: B.Sc. Ag. rs
8th Semester
Project Planning
Candidates are required to give their 10. Conceptualize ZOPP
answers in their own words as practicable as approach. Describe the steps
possible. The figure in the margin indicates of this approach visualizing
full marks. citrus decline problem in
Essay Type Question: western region of Nepal.
1. What is project 11. What do you mean
cycle? Discuss in detail by project
about different criteria monitoring? Discuss
for investment analysis. on aspects, criteria
Short Questions: (Attempt and steps of project
any Ten) evaluation.
2. Why is referencing 12. Describe the
important? Elicit proper planning, preparation
referencing of online and presentation of
material of a journal seminar with example
article, proceeding and
book with single and FINAL
multiple authors of each. EXAMINA
3. Differentiate between
question and
questionnaire. Explain Essay Type Question:
pretesting of 1. Proposal is pivotal
questionnaires interns of for research and
process and reasons. development. Why?
4. Explain different data How to develop an
presentation technique along effective research
with appropriateness of each proposal? Explain in
of the technique for brief with suitable
different types of data. example.
5. Differentiate
Short Questions: (Attempt
between population and
universe. Discuss on any Ten)
probability sampling 2. What are the
techniques in brief. questions to be
6. Enlist different socio- answered in project
economic research methods. assess- ment and
Explain steps of socio- evaluation?
economic research with the 3. Discuss on
help of a clean flow quantitative and
diagram. qualitative survey
7. Discuss on the instrument in
process of log-frame
socioeconomic research.
Develop a log-frame 4. What are the major
representing crop components in project
insurance project. cycle? Imple- mentation
8. Enlist the elements of a phase is called as a mini-
scientific report. Briefly cycle of the project. Why?
discuss on footnote and 5. What are the
appendix as important difference between
elements of a report. financial and economic
9. What are the different analysis of a research
functions of a project and developments
proposal? Discuss on
introduction and
methodology part of a 6. Simple Random
proposal with example. Sampling is the best
sampling technique 2. Differentiate between FINAL Referencing b) Sensitivity
then other why? references and EXAMINATION analysis
7. Social, economic bibliography? - 2072 6. What are the major
and environmental Exemplified proper Essay Type Question: instruments used for socio-
aspects are most referencing of a journal, 1. Differentiate between economic research design?
unpublished thesis and Monitoring and Why simple random
important as while
book with editors with Evaluation. Why
preparing project sampling technique is pivotal
single and multiple Difference in Difference
feasibility study. authors to each type of for all probability sampling
Give your scientific (DiD) model is best techniques? Explain with
document. approach for project
opinions. 3. Discuss briefly on example.
8. What is ZOPP impact assessment using 7. What is ZOPP?
preparation and
apporach? How do you presenting a seminar with-without and before- Briefly explain the
develop problem tree with example. after project scenarios? problem tree analysis
and objective tree? 4. What are important Explain with suitable with suitable example.
Briefly explain with issues of questionnaire example. Short 8. What do you mean by
suitable example. development? Discuss on Questions: (Attempt any sample? How do you
9. What are the basic steps of questionnaire Ten) determine an accurate sample
development with 2. What is proposal? Briefly
things to be included size in socio-economic
examples. explain the LFAmatrix with
while preparing the research? Explain with
5. Conceptualize example.
LFA? research design and examples.
10. What are the 3. What do you mean by 9. How do you craft an
sampling design. Discuss investment analysis?
methods of project on non-probability effective research
investment? Discounted method is best proposal? Briefly explain
sampling techniques with
Differentiate between examples. approach than non- with components.
NPV and IRR. 6. Highlight importance discounted method for 10. Differentiate
11. Short notes of log-frame approach of investment analysis. between financial and
on: a)Abstract b) project formulation. Why? economics analysis with
Footnotes c) sensitivity Develop a log-frame 4. What are the suitable examples.
analysis representing a post- questions to be 11. Differentiate between: a)
harvest training project. answered during project Footnotes and Endnotes
7. Differentiate between assessment and
between: b) PCN and Full proposal c)
APA and Harvard system evaluation at feasibility
a)References vs. of referenc- ing. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Bibliography and economic efficiency 12. What do you mean
Exemplified APA system criteria in different
b) PCN vs. Proposal of text referencing in by referencing? Discuss
SIA vs. EIA levels? Explain with the way of referencing
following cases: one
work by six authors, example. followed by IAAS with
group as author, no 5. Write short note on: a) suitable examples.
author and personal 107 Compiled By:- Free Students’
communication. Union, Lamjung Campus
8. Enlist elements of a
technical report. Develop
abstract of any research
which you have
conducted in your
undergradu- ate
9. What are elements of
a project proposal?
Discuss on type and
function of a typical
proposal with example.
10. What do you mean
by sensitivity analysis?
Discuss in brief the
elements of feasibility
study of an agricultural
11. How many
project monitoring
differs from
evaluation? Discuss
on steps and types of
project evaluation.
12. Conceptualize
ZOPP as a planning tool.
Describe the steps of this
approach visualizing a
project aiming to address
the problem of low
productivity of cereal
crop in Nepal.
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Describe in detail about the production scheme of button
EXAM F.M mushroomAgaricus
INATI . 20 sp.with giving
ON - P.M
.8 emphasis on compost
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 8th Time preparation, casing,
Semester : spawning and
1:30 productivity.
Subject: Mushroom Hrs Short Questions: (Attempt any Ten)
Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as practicable as possible. The 2. Enlist the three
figure in the margin indicates full marks. commonly grown species
Essay Type Question: of oyster mushroom.
1. Why mushroom Discuss on environmental
cultivation is gaining requirement for spawn- run
popularity to uplift the phase of oyster mushroom
economic position of rural cultivation.
poor people? Describe the 3. Define mushroom and discuss on
cultivation practices of its economic importance.
Pleurotussajorkajumushroom. 4. Enlist any three
Short Questions: (Attempt any poisonous mushroom
Ten) with their common name
2. Discuss on the and scientific names.
wild mushrooms 5. Give the general
having economic morphology of
significance in our mushroom with well-
country. labelled sketch.
3. Enlist five each of the edible 6. Mentions the
and poisonous mushroom symptoms of dry
species. bubble and wet bubble
4. How Boletes are different diseases of mushroom.
from Mushrooms? Discuss How they can be
with examples. managed?
5. Draw a well labelled figure 7. Describe the process of grain
of Agaricusbisporus. spawn production.
6. How mushroom pure 8. Write short notes on the
culture is prepared and following:
7. What are the major insects a) Fairy rings
and diseases of mushroom and b) Boletes
how they are controlled? c) Honey Mushroom
8. What is casing? Explain the d) Rose comb
qualities of casing 9. Differentiate between following:
materials. a) Grain spawn and perlite spawn
9. What are the basic b) Base material and additive of
components of compost? How compost
will you judge about the
qualities of a best compost?

FINAL with few examples.

EXAMINATI 5. Describe the morphology of
ON - 2072 Button mushroom.
Essay Type Question: 6. How mushroom pure culture
1. Describe in detail the is prepared and maintained?
method of Explain.
Pleurotusfloridamushroo 7. Describe the method of grain
m cultivation at farmer's spawn production.
level in Nepal. 8. What is casing? Enlist the
Short Questions: (Attempt qualities required for casing
any Ten) materials.
2. Explain the importance of 9. What are the major insect
mushroom in human diet. pests of mushroom and how
3. List five each of the they can be managed?
edible and poisonous
mushroom species.
4. How Boletes are different
from Mushrooms? Explain
4. What different
FINAL types of toxin are
EXAMINA present in
TION - mushroom? Describe
2072 briefly with their
Essay Type Question: specific symptoms.
1. Differentiate 5. "Mushroom is a source of
seed and spawn. medicine". Justify
Why quality of 6. Describe the
spawn and morphological
substrate selection difference between
is important for Button mush- room,
successful Oyster mushroom
mushroom culti- and paddy straw
vation. Describe mushroom.
the detail 7. Describe about
procedure of pure the turning schedule
culture mainte- of compost prepara-
nance to spawn tion for the
production of cultivation of white
white button button mushroom.
mushroom. Why casing is
Short Questions: (Attempt necessary during
any Ten) Agaricus cultivation.
2. Mention the 8. Mention the
diseases and common and
insects that are scientific name of the
noticed during only 4 ed- ible and
mushroom available in
cultivation. poisonous mushroom
Describe in brief in Nepal.
about 2 fungal 9. Describe shortly about the
diseases. preservation techniques of
3. Give the systematic mushroom.
position of mushroom.

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Discuss the role of food and nutrition on human health
NA F. with special focus on
L M. diabetes, heart diseases,
EX 40
cancer, obesity and high
A P.
MI M. blood pressure
NA 16 (hypertension).
TI Ti Short Questions: (Attempt
any Ten)
ON me
- :2
207 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
8th Semester
Subject: Applied
Human Nutrition
Candidates are required to give their a) Nutrition b)
answers in their own words as practicable as Crude fiber c)
possible. The figure in the margin indicates
Omega-3-fatty acids
full marks.
Essay Type Question:
1. Discuss in detail the FINAL
role of bioactive
phytochemicals in the 2072
human body. Also Essay Type Question:
mention the relation of 1. Discuss
foods/ nutrition with the
human health.
Short Questions: (Attempt
any Ten) between nutrition,
2. What are water soluble immunity, cancer,
vitamins? Mention the ageing and mental
physiologi- cal functions function.
of any one of them. Short Questions: (Attempt
3. What are the functions any Ten)
of lipid in the human 2. Discuss the impact of
body? nutrition on CHD.
4. Explain the factors 3. Discuss interaction
that affect losses of between malnutrition
nutrients during and infection in children,
handling and storage. in community and social
5. Explain the deficiency pediatrics.
symptoms and food 4. Classify carbohydrates
sources of the following with important
vitamins: examples.
a) Vitamin E b) 5. Discuss lipids
Vitamin D c) nutrition in health and
Thiamin diseases of humans.
6. What are the functions of 6. Discuss the metabolic
carbohydrates in the functions following of
human body? the following:
7. What are the major a) Thiamine b) Vit A
nutritional deficiency c) Vit E
diseases occur- ring in 7. Vit A deficiency
Nepal? Mention the in a serious public
Symptoms of any one of health problems in
them. many developing
8. Write short notes on:
countries. Discuss.
a) Polysaccharides
8. Protein-energy
Essential amino acids
malnutrition (PEM)
9. Classify foods based on
their nutrient densities. continues to be a major
10. Write down the public health problem in
deficiency symptoms of many developing
the following? countries. Discuss.
a) Calcium 9. Discuss malnutrition
11. Discuss the and cognitive
functions of proteins in development.
the human body. 10. How do bioactive
12. Define the phytochemical help
following: improve human
health? Discuss. examples. requirement in human
2. What is the iodine
11. Discuss the 6. List down vitamins beings.
deficiency disorder
importance of and write down the 10. Write down different
(IDD)? How is it
storage of fords functions and methods of processing of
being controlled in
on the deficiency symptoms foods.
improvement of of fat soluble vitamins. 11. Write down the
3. Define PEM. What are the
nutritional 7. Write short notes on (any function and deficiency
major causes malnutrition
value. three): symptoms of (1)
in Nepal?
12. Write down the a) Hypoglycemia b) Rickets c) Riboflavin (2) selenium
4. What are
deficiency symptoms Beri-beri and (3) iron in humans.
of the following: 8. Explain basal metabolism in 12. Write down the
functions and
a) Calcium b) Iron human. problems, prevention and
deficiency symp- toms
c) 9. Write down the factors control of over feeding
of vitamin A?
Manganese which influence water humans.
5. How assessment of the
nutritional status of an
individual done?
6. What is balance diet?
Give an example of your
7. Write in brief
about the methods of
enhancing nutritive
value of food. 109 Compiled By:- Free Students’
8. Mention the Union, Lamjung Campus
role of Vitamin D
and calcium in
human nutrition?
9. Describe the role of
dietary fiber in the human
10. Describe different anti-
nutritional factors in our
11. What are the different
factors that affect BMR?
12. Write short notes on:
a) Vitamin C b) Beriberi
c) Food groups

ON - 2072
Essay Type Question:
1. Classify
carbohydrates with
examples; also write
down the function,
deficiency symptoms and
food sources of carbohy-
drates on human.
Short Questions: (Attempt
any Ten)
2. What do you mean
by bioenergetics? How
does energy partition in
human? Explain.
3. What are macro
elements? Write down the
function and deficiency
symptoms of calcium,
phosphorous and Sulphur
in human.
4. What is energy?
What are different
methods of energy
measurement? Explain.
5. Classify foods with
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Write the present status, problems, challenges and
EXAM F. opportunities of dairy sector in
INATI M. Nepal.
ON - 40 Short Questions: (Attempt any
2074 P.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 8th M. Ten)
2. Why milk product
Semester 16 diversification is necessary?
Subject: Introduction me:
to Dairy Science 2
Candidates are required to give their answers in Short Questions: (Attempt any
their own words as practicable as possible. The Ten)
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
2. Define milk and describe
Essay Type Question:
diagrammatic representation of
1. Discuss briefly about
importance, present milk constituents.
situation and future scope 3. What are the physical and
of dairying in Nepal. chemical properties of milk,
Short Questions: (Attempt any discuss?
Ten) 4. Discuss the factor
2. Explain briefly about affecting composition of
structure, importance and milk and nutritive value of
commercial use of milk milk.
protein. 5. What are the milking
3. Discuss briefly about methods and write advantages
blood circulation and of machine milking over hand
lymphatic system of
milking system?
mammary gland.
4. Explain the effect of stage 6. How can we produce clean
of lactation and seasonality milk and what are the factors
on composition of milk. affecting clean milk
5. Discuss briefly about production?
chemical properties of milk. 7. What are the common flavor
6. Justify the role and defect in milk, discuss their
importance of lactose in the cause and prevention?
growth and development of 8. Enlist beneficial and
children. harmful microorganism in
7. "Milk is an ideal, unique milk and also write down what
and most nearly perfect
are the sources of
food for human being"
justify it. microorganism in milk?
8. Give a concise table of 9. What is pasteurization and
milk constituents and their why is it important in diary
blood precursors in animal. industry?
9. Discuss briefly about 10.Discuss on mammary gland
absorbed flavor defects in development.
milk in milking parlour. 11.Describe on physiology of
10.What are the sources of lactation and milk secretion in
contamination of milk on cattle.
diary farm? Explain in 12.Write short notes on: a) NDDB
brief. b) H.T.S.T.
11. Differentiate the
c) Objective of DDC d) L
following. a) Clostrum and
cow milk. b)Sucrose and
Lactose c) Apparent and
developed acidity 12.Write
short notes on following:
a)Importance of machine
b)Hygienic milk production on
diary farm

N - 2072
Essay Type Question:
1. Write scope and
importance of diary
development in Nepal and
discuss in comparison with
developed countries.
3. Write in short about representation of
nutritive value of milk. milk constituents.
4. How does the stage of Explain the factors
lactation affect the influence the quality
composition of milk? and quantity of milk
5. Write short notes: a) produced.
Specific gravity b) Short Questions: (Attempt
Alveoli any Ten)
c) Rancid flavor of milk 2. Define milk.
6. Why Give food value of
temperate milk. Milk is
countries perfect food.
are more Comment with
favorable reason.
for milk 3. Discuss about importance
production of dairying in Nepal.
as compared 4. Write short notes:
to tropical a.Flavor defect in milk
7. What are the major b.Specific gravity of milk
hormones and it's role 5. Write in brief about
lactation? hormones related to udder
8. Discuss on method of development.
milking a diary animal. 6. Full hand milking is the best
9. Differentiate the method of milking. Justify
following. with reason.
a) Flavors and off flavor 7. Write short notes on: a.
in milk homogenized milk
b) Apparent and b. Toned milk c.
developed acidity Acidity and pH of milk
10. Briefly 8. Explain the physical and
explain the chemical properties of
various factors milk.
affecting the 9. What do you
clean milk mean
production. pasteurization?
11. What are the Write the
different types of advantages and
micro-organisms methods of
found in milk pasteurization of
and milk milk.
products? 10. Explai
12. How n the
does the principles of
blood clean milk
circulatory production.
system 11.Discuss in
function in brief about
mammary mechanism
gland? of milk let
FINAL 12.Write
EXAMINA short notes
TION - on:
2071 a. Plat farm test b.
Essay Type Question: Colostrums c. Sterilized
1. Give the milk

Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union,
Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What is silo and how it is prepared? Give your view about
NA F. the performance of silo in
L M. Nepal. Design a trench
EX 40
silo taking ration
A P.
MI M. assumption for small herd
NA 16 of 75 cows weighing 380
TI Ti kg each.
ON me Short Questions: (Attempt
- any Ten)
207 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
8th Semester
Subject: Farm
Structure and
Candidates are required to give their 60? respec- tively. Find
answers in their own words as practicable as the included angle of
possible. The figure in the margin indicates ABC.
full marks. 10. Define the
Essay Type Question: following terms:
1. Explain the important a)Magnetic meridian
features of a structurally b)Offset c) Ti
sound building. Describe 11. In a contour
the functional map of 1:25000 scales,
requirements of a goat distance between two
house. Short Questions: pointes A and B as
(Attempt any Ten)10x3=30 measured in map was
2. Calculate the quantity found to be 2cm. The
of materials required to point A lies on contour
construct a RCC slab of line of 1025m while B
20m X 10m X 0.12m with lies on 1525m. What is
1:2:4 mix proportion and the slope of AB?
1.5% reinforcement bars. Express in percentage.
3. Design a cylindrical 12. The following
grain bin to store 3 tones consecutive readings
of rice. Density of rice is were taken in a level
1200 kg per cum and survey. Work out the
angle of repose of rice is Reduced Levels of all
45?. the points if the first
4. Define surveying reading was taken at a
and distinguish plane BM of 100m; readings;
surveying from 3.55, 3.30, 3.35, 3.0.
geodetic surveying. Apply check.
5. Discuss in brief
the importance of
curing in building
6. What is
Mention the tape
correction formula
for temperature,
pull and sag.
7. Describe the desirable
qualities of sand as a
construction material of
a building.
8. After measuring a
distance of 2500 meter
with a 30 m chain, it was
detected that the chain was
0.1m too short. Another
1500m was measured and
it was found that the chain
was 0.15m too short.
Determine the exact length
measured if the chain was
corrected initially.
9. The bearings of lines
AB and BC are 200? and
2. What is bulking of sand? magnetic bearing.
Give procedure of its teste. 10. Define the following
3. How do you design the terms:
foundation for load bearing i) Saddle ii) Tie line iii)
building? What are the Skirting iv)
characteristics of load Cliff
bearing building? v) Height of instrument (HI)
4. Why a farm house vi) Representative factor
should be insulated? How (R.F.)
thermal conductivity and 11. The following
thermal resistivity are consequences reading
related to each other? were taken with an
5. Design and make Dumpy/Auto level.
sketch for a bag storage 2.375, 1.730, 0.615, 3.450,
structure for storing 350 2.835, 2.070, 1.835, 0.985,
tonnes of maize. 0.435, 1.630,
Assume reasonable data 2.255 and 3.630
where they are The instrument was
necessary. shifted after the fourth
6. Layout a cattle and eight reading. The
house for thirty five first reading was taken at
number stanchion RL is 110.245. Calculate
head to head herd. the reduced level by fall
7. Explain the ranging and rise system and
technique. check whether
8. a) what does offset mean? calculation is correct or
b) A survey line BAC not.
crosses a river. A and C 12. Design and
being on the near and estimate the quantities
opposite banks, of work for construc-
respectively. A tion of a single room
perpendicular AD 60 m building having internal
long, is set out at A. If the room size 5m x 4m.
bearing of AD and DC are One door 2 x1 mand
32?30' and 266?30', two windows of 1.5x1.5
respectively, draw a mare ad- justed. Make
sketch and find the free hand sketch for
bearing of a chain line plan and a cross-
BAC, width of the river sectional view of
AC and find what will be foundation and
chainage of C when that superstructure
of A is 108.6 m. according to given
9. The following below item works. Find
bearing were observed quantities of work done
in running a com- in earth excavation and
plete compass plinth only.
traverse. i) Earthwork in
Line FB excavation in
AB 142□30’ foundation: depth 75
BC 223□15’ cm, width 85 cm.
CD 287□0’
ii) Concrete in foundation in
DE 12□45’
base: depth 20 cm
EA 60□00’
iii) One brickwork footing:
depth 15 cm, width 60 cm
At what stations do you iv)Plinth: height 60 cm and
suspect the local attraction width 40 cm,
(LA)? Determine the true v) Superstructure: height 3 m
and width 30 cm.

111 Compiled By:- Free

Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
Essay Type Question: (1+6+3)=10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. What is difference between detailed estimate and 1. Explain the important features of a structurally sound
approxi- mate estimate? Estimate the quantities of the building. Explain the functional requirements of a Dairy
following items of a cattle house from the given plan and Cattle House.
section. Also work out the Abstract of Cost of these items of Short Questions: (Attempt any Ten) 10x3=30
work. Assume suitable rate. (Drawing is attached in a 2. Design a cylindrical grain bin to store four tons of rice.
separate sheet). Density of rice is 900 kg per cum and angle of repose of rice is
i) Earthwork in excavation 36?.
ii) PCC 1:3:6 in foundation 3. Define curing. Why is it necessary for construction?
iii) First class brickwork in 1:4 c/s mortar in foundation Describe.
and superstructure 4. Calculate the quantity of materials required to construct
iv) M20 grade PCC in RCC in plinth beam assuming 1.5% 20 numbers of RCC column of size 30cmx30cmx3m with 1:1
of reinforcement steel bars 1/2:3 mix proportion and 2.5% reinforcement bars.
Short Questions: (Attempt any Ten) 10x3=30 5. Describe the desirable qualities of gravel as a
2. Mention reasons for the following statements: construction material.
i) Large quantity of water makes concrete weak 6. Define surveying and distinguish plane surveying from
ii) Bricks should be soaked in water before they are laid geodetic surveying.
with cement mortar 7. What is hypotenusal allowance? Mention the tape
iii) Gypsum is added in cement correction formula for temperature, pull and sag.
3. Point out important dos and don'ts to make a brick 8. The bearings of lines PQ and QR are 300? and
masonry capable of resisting vertical as well as horizontal 60? respectively. Find the included angle of PQR.
load. 9. Define the following terms:
4. A farmer produces 10 tons of same variety of grain in a) Offset b) True Bearing c) Well-conditioned triangle
his farm. Design and draw a suitable type of storage 10. 2000 meters distance was measured with a 30 m chain
structure to store it. Assume crop type and reasonable data and it was detected that the chain was 0.08m too long.
wherever necessary. Another 1200m was measured and it was found that the
5. What is farmstead planning? Give an account of chain was 0.12m too long. Determine the exact length
site selection criteria in farmstead planning. measured if the chain was corrected initially.
6. Differentiate between: 11. In a contour map of 1:25000 scales, distance between
i) Plane and geodetic survey ii)Chain and compass survey two pointes A and B as measured in map was found to be 4
7. Derive the relationship between Back Bearing and cm. The point A lies on contour line of 1025m while B lies
Fore Bearing. How is this relation useful in compass on 2025m. What is the slope of AB? Express in percentage.
surveying? 12. The following consecutive readings were taken in a
8. A survey line crosses a river and stations A and Bare level survey. Work out the Reduced Levels of all the points
established on opposite banks. A perpendicular AC, 60 m if the first reading was taken at a BM of 500m; readings;
long, is set out at A. If the bearing of AC and CB are 50? 2.55, 2.30, 2.35, 2.0. Apply check.
and 290?, respectively. The chainage of A is 1817.2m. Find
the chainage of B.
9. The area of an old survey map drawn to a scale of 10m to
1 cm now measures 90.5cm2 as found by a planimeter. The
plan found to have shrunk so that a line originally 10 cm
long now measures 9.5 cm only. Find the true area of the
10. Define offset. How is swing offset taken?
11. The following consecutive readings were taken with
an instrument in leveling work.
The first two readings were taken from the first setting of the Compiled By:- Free Students’
instrument and the remaining reading from the second Union, Lamjung Campus
setting. Enter the above readings in a level field book and
calculate the RL of all the points. Also apply usual check.
Assume the RL of the first point as 100m, as BM.
12. Draw contour to represent the following:
i) Ridge ii) Vertical cliff iii) Hill top
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2071 12. Study the contour map given below
Essay Type Question: 10
and answer the following questions.
1. What are the functional requirements of a dairy cattle
house? Sketch a typical cross-section of a diary cattle house
indicating its important components and briefly explain the
constructional details of (i) floor (ii) manger and (iii) alleys.
Short Questions: (Attempt any Ten) 10x3=30
2. State the most important functions of cement in
concrete. Why is steel bar (rods) use in concrete?
3. Name most common types of foundations used in
RCC Farmed Structure and briefly explain pad
4. A farmer had a herd of 200 cows in the area with shallow
water table. The silage is to be fed 120 days in a year at the
rate of 12 kg per cow. Design the type of silo you would like
to recommend in that area. Assume density of silage to be
800 kg per m3 and losses 20%. Assume other data suitably
wherever needed. (i) What type of land do the above contour lines represent?
5. Estimate the quantities of materials required to construct (ii) Distance of B from A is 60 m, find the distance of C
a 50m long, 3m high and 38cm thick brick masonry in 1:4 and D from B (Elevation Shown in contour are in meter)
cement sand mortar. Station BS IS FS Rise Fall RL Remarks
6. Under what condition reciprocal ranging is conducted?
1 3.25 150 BM
Briefly explain the process of reciprocal ranging.
7. Define offsets. How is swing offset taken? 2 1.75 ? 0.75 ? TP
8. A 30 m chain was used to measure a survey line. Before 3 ? 0.50 ?
the commencement of the work, the chain was tested and
4 ? 0.25 ? Last point
found to be 1 decimeter too short. After measuring a
distance of 1550m the chain was found to be 5 cm too long.
After chaining a total distance of 5500m at the end of the S
9. A chain line PQR crosses the river at right angle, Q and
R being two points on the near and distant banks
respectively. A perpendicular QS 90m long is set out at Q
on the right of the chain line. The respective bearing of P
and R taken at S are 2200and 3100. Find the chainage of R,
given that the length of PQ is 65m and the chainage of Q is
650 m.
10. The bearing of the side of a triangle ABC are AB =
2000, BC = 320?, CA = 80?. Determine the angle of the
triangle. Is the triangle well-conditioned?
11. Following is page of a level field book. Fill in the
missing readings and calculate the Reduced Level of all the
points. Also apply usual check.
113 Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
m ljz] f wGojfb
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gsf ld> la1fg s]=;L= Ozf kf}8]n cfs[lt vgfn k|1f 9sfn jljtf nfld
/f]ZfgL cfrfo{
;'k|ef cfrfo{ k|ltef sfsL{ cldt 1jfnL dgf]h >]i7 Pj+ ;Dk" f{
SofDk; kl/jf/
Liaison office :
P.O. Box :984 ,kritipur,Kathmandu,
9thSeptember, 2018


I feel immense pleasure to see the enthusiasm of the students in the preparation and
publication of IAAS QUESTION BANK book and would like to extend my words of
gratitude to Free students union lamajung campus unit . This activities shows that the
students are not only involved in regular course work but are also active to demon-
strate their intellectual capabilities in agricultural and veterinary related articled book
This book would serve as a good medium for exchange and transfer of techni-
cal know- how related to ariculture and veterinary in different sector .
Lastly I would ike to acknowledge all the team member of free students union
lamjung campus for creative iputs and their efforts .
9thSeptember, 2018

Keshav Raj Adhikari,PHD
Professor and Dean

IAAS Lamjung campus has played a crucial role as a premier constituent college of TU
for the development of agricultural competent manpower required for the nation. It is
focused on graduating qualified students with Bachelor's degree in Agriculture and
Animal Science. A higher level competent manpower has been producing in the B.Sc.
Ag program since 2012/013. I heard "Free Student's Union (FSU)" of Lamjung
Campus is going to publish "Question Bank from 1st to 8th semester compiled By
FSU, Lamjung Campus (2073-2075)".I hope this compiled questions bank will be
useful for all the students of different collages of IAAS especially the students batch of
2074/75 as a reliable exam preparatory book.
I believe this book will guide students to develop ideas for attempting questions and
obtain good results in each and every semester. It is a stepping stone for the exam
appear- ing student to boost their knowledge and take their practice to perfection.
I feel very pleasure and privileged to congratulate the appreciable work of the FSU team
and all of their helping hand for the excellent work. I hope this sort of noble work will
be continued for the long. Thanks.

Dr.Narayan Neupane,

Campus Chief,lamjung campus

Tribhuwan Univercity Lecturer's Association
Lamjung Campus Unit
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science
Lamjung Campus, Sundarbazar, Lamjung

Date:- 9thSeptember, 2018.

I feel immense pleasure to see the enthusiasm of the students in the preparation and
publication of IAAS QUESTION BANK book and would like to extend my words
of gratitude to Free students union Lamjung campus unit . This activities shows that
the students are not only involved in regular course work but are also active to
demonstrate their intellectual capabilities in agricultural and veterinary related articled
book .
This book would serve as a good medium for exchange and transfer of
technical know- how related to ariculture and veterinary in different sector .
Lastly I would ike to acknowledge all the team member of free students union
Lamjung campus for creative iputs and their efforts .

Kapil Kafle, Asst. Professor
"t€. t§. §BF7†Ł Y§J7 JB† †\hfl"

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gets tough, the tough gets going". Anyone who enters the gate of Agriculture and
Animal Science College knowingly and unknowingly follows the path indi- cated in the
quote. We have to put our focus on study and at the same time we have to fight with
the system to make things better. On top of that, we never refused to see our surround-
F ing and not just show our reaction, we act on it. At the end of our college life after
studying amidst such toughness, we will become tougher in important areas and that
e will surely be a head start to our journey of life.
The book is prepared with dedication and hard-working of many helping hands. I am
W pretty confident that contents of the book along with your own effort will be
o valuable asset to BSC(Ag) study. Helping each other and grow as a community are
always our culture and strength and this book is addition of one more pillar to that
r strength. I am personally and officially thankful to the helping hands for their
d contribution to the community.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the college staff who helped in our cause,
f my seniors who guided us to find a right and better path, my juniors for constantly
r supporting us whenever required. As a Act.President of FSU, I wish you all the best
o for your upcoming exam. We, as FSU, always try to represent the voice of student and
put our effort to shorten the distance between need of students need and the focus of
m the university and college authority.
Thank you ….
d Sagar Lamichhane
e Act. President,
Free students
n union Lamjung
t Campus

10, 2018
When I
got the
ty to
words for
this book,
one quote
my mind
- "When
the going

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