Question Bank
Question Bank
Question Bank
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2072
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. What are the characteristics of purely competitive market?
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 How monopoly market differs from monopolistic one?
Subject: Principle of economics PM: 16 Describe price determination under monopolistic
Time: 2 competition.
hrs. Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The 2. Define economics. Among several definitions which
figure in the margin indicates full marks. do you feel the best one land. Why?
Essay type Questions 10 3. List out various types of consumption and describe any
1. Explain characteristics of monopoly, monopolistic and three important characteristics of indifference curve.
perfect competition market with suitable examples in
nepalese economy. How equilibrium price and outputs are 4. Explain income effect and substitution effect of price
determined under perfect competition? change for inferior good with the help of a clean
Short questions(attempt any ten) 10x3=30 diagram.
2. What is the subject matter of economics? Critically analyze 5. Define law of supply. How can you measure the
scarcity definition of economics. elasticity of supply?
3. Define the following terms:
a) Macro- economics b) Monopsony c) Liquidity trap 6. Differentiate between implicit and explicit cost.
d) Ridge line e) Marginal cost f) Break -even point Explain with the help of clean diagram the relationship
4. What are the major limitation of Malthusian theory of among short run marginal cost, short run average cost,
population? Explain briefly the modern theory of population. average variable cost and average fixed cost.
5. Conceptualize the opportunity cost, social cost, explicit 7. Discuss on the degrees of price elasticity of demand.
cost and implicit cost. Why average cost curve is U-shaped?
6. What do you mean by elasticity? How can you derive How can you know the relationship between two goods
point elasticity of a demand? based on the values of cross elasticity of demand?
7. Define law of supply. Explain degrees of elasticity of 8. Define land. Discuss the recardian theory of rent.
supply with appropriate examples. 9. List the characteristics of labour. Explain the
8. What are the reasons for law of demand? Describe the law optimum theory of population.
of diminishing marginal utility.
9. Write short notes on any three: 10. What do you mean by liquidity preference? Explain
a) Importance of economics b) Marginal rate of substitution the modern theory of interest.
c) Capital d) Indifference map 11. Differentiate between gross profit and net profit. Write
10. What does profit mean? Explain liquidity preference about any one type of organization which aims to protect
theory of interest. the poor sections of society.
11. Define rent. Discuss on marginal productivity theory of wage.
12. Differentiate between inferior and giffen goods. Explain 12. Write short notes on any three.
the price effect for rise in price in case of normal good. a) Goods b) Law of diminishing marginal utility
c) Equillibrium d) Importance of economics
Final examinations- 2071
Essay type question: 10 Final examination -2074
1. What are the various types of costs? Explain the Essay type question: 10
relation- ship among various types of cost curves. 1. What is the importance of demand and supply in
Discuss application of different cost concepts. econom ics? Discuss on law of demand and elasticity of
Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30 demand with examples.
2. Explain economics according to the view of robins. Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
3. What are the constant factors while preparing demand 2. Highlight the major points of material welfare definition
curve? What happens when there are changes in these of economics. "Robbins definition is self contradictory."
constant factors? Justify the statement with reasons.
4. What is the law of diminishing marginal return? How is 3. Define indifference curve and indifference map.
Explain the reasons for diminishing marginal rate of
it applicable in our daily life?
5. Explain indifferent curve and enlists its properties 4. Differentiate between normal and inferior goods.
with graphical illustration. Explain the price effect in case of Gifen's good with the
6. Describe income and substitution effect of price due to help of neat and clean graph.
fall in price of normal good. 5. Why does marginal utility of a commodity diminish?
7. What is the cross elasticity of demand? Explain it Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility along
for substitute and complementary goods. with its assumptions.
8. Differentiate monopoly market with perfect 6. Discuss on change in demand with appropriate graphs.
competition market. Explain the geometric method of measurement of
9. Explain recardian theory of rent. Discuss its validity. elasticity of supply.
10. How far do you agree with the applicability of 7. Explain the optimum theory of population.
Malthusian theory of population? 8. Define economic rent. Discuss on Recardian theory
11. What is schumpter's innovation theory? of rent in brief.
12. Write short notes on: 9. Define wage. Discuss on modern theory of wage.
10. What are the functions of an entrepreneur? Discuss
a) Profit
different types of organization in brief.
b) Transaction demand for money 11. Describe the characteristics of purely competitive market.
c) Wealth Explain price and output determination under
monopolistic competition with clean graphs.
12. Write short notes on:
a) Economics as normative science
b) IS and LM curves
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Final examination - 2070 Final examination - 2068
Essay type question: 10 Essay type question: 10
1. Compare and contrast the definitions of economics as 1. Define indifferent curve. Logically explain the
given by Marshal and robbins and give your opinion on properties of indifferent curve with necessary
which one of them you fing a better one. illustration.
Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
Short questions (attempt any ten) 10x3=30
2. What are the basic assumptions of economics? Explain
2. Write short notes on:
your agreement on classificatory definition of
a) Inter- related supply economics.
b) Equilibrium 3. Explin the factors affecting the demand of any good.
c) Cross elasticity 4. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal utility.
3. Discuss different properties of indifference curve. 5. Give logical explanations:
4. Define demand. Discuss different types of demand. a) AC is "U" shaped
5. Defines cost. Discuss different types of cost. b) Supply curve of perishable good is perfectly inelastic
6. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal c) Elasticity of demand for salt is zero.
utility. Does it apply to money? 6. Classify the market on the basis of time. What are
7. "demand and supply determine the market price". Discuss the causes of monopoly market?
8. State and explain recardian theory of rent. 7. Explain the following:
9. Define wages. Distinguish between nominal and a) MR=MC
real wages. b) Ed =1
10. State and explain the Malthusian theory of population. c) AVC= AR
How is it valid today? 8. Write short note on:
11. What do you mean by liquidity preference? Explain how a) Minimum reserve price
b) Marginal rate of substitution
interest is determined according to the liquidity
c) Law of equimarginal utility
preference theory.
9. Differentiate between:
12. State and explain the innovation theory of profit. a) Wealth and money
b) Explicit and implicit cost
c) Rent and interest
10. Critically explain the optimum theory of population.
11. Graphically illustrate the following:
a) Breakeven point
b) Market equilibrium
c) Super normal profit under PCM
12. State and explaintheRecardian theory of rent.
Crop rotation
c) Sequential cropping
7. Differentiate climate
and weather. Enlist the
various weather
factors affecting crop
production. How
tempera- ture and
solar radiation are
important in crop
8. Define seed.
Differentiate seeds
with grains. Also
mention the
characteristics of
quality seed.
9. Differentiate the following:
a) Monocropping and
multiple cropping
b) Surface and sub-surface
c) Dry land and rainfed
10. Define soil erosion and
explain various
damage caused by
water erosion and their
control measure.
11. Write down the
common ideotypes
of rice and maize.
Final examination- 2070 Final examination 2069
Essay Type Question: 10
Essay Type Question: 10 1. Define the term agronomy and agriculture. Enlist
1. Define the term agronomy and describe in brief the role and discuss in brief the relation of agronomy with
of agronomist in increasing food crop production to meet other sciences.
the increasing demand of growing population of Nepal. Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 2. What is crop classifiacation? Classify the agronomical
2. Define crop rotation. Write the principles and crops on the basis of season of growing with example.
advantages of crop rotation. 3. Define macro and micro climate. Briefly explain the
3. What do you understand by ideal plant type? List the effect of light on crop growth and development.
desirable characteristics of ideal plant type of rice and 4. Enlist the different types of tillage and explain the
wheat. objec- tive of tillage.
4. What are the differences between soil fertility and 5. Differentiate between seed and grain. What are
soil productivity? the determinants of quality seeds?
5. Write the short notes on: 6. Define the following terms:
a) Biofertilizers b) Seed dormancy a) Land equivalent ratio b) Farming system
c) Minimum tillage c) Seed viability and seed dormancy
6. Differentiate between: d) Cropping scheme
a) Mixed cropping vs intercropping 7. What do you mean by irrigation scheduling? Enlist
b) Trap vs brake crop the methods of surface irrigation with brief
c) Cash crop vs catch crop description.
7. Define weed. Describe the various disadvantages caused 8. Define soil fertility and soil productivity. Explain
by weeds. briefly the different practices to reclaim acid and
8. Describe the characteristics of quality see and its alkaline soils.
impor- tance in crop production. 9. What is agricultural drainage? Describe in brief the
9. Write the formula to calculate any three of the followings: effect of poor drainage on crop growth and
a) Growing degree day(GDD) b) Water use efficiency (WUE) development.
c) Harvest index(HI) d) Cropping intensity(CI) 10. What is soil erosion. Explain the types of soil
10. Describe in brief the role of temperature and humidity erosion caused by water erosion.
on the production of agronomical crops. 11. Define weeds. Briefly explain the looses caused by
11. What do you mean by rainfed farming? Why is it weed and benefit obtained by it.
impor- tant in Nepal? 12. Write short notes on:
12. Describe the various methods of irrigation in brief? a) Rainfed farming b) Ratoon crops
c) Crop ideotype d) Biofertilizers
e) Silage crops
F aminoacids.
inal 6. Define polypeptide. Give
examination - the general structure of a
2066 Essay dipeptide.
Type 7. Define the terms
Question: saponification and
1. Give the outline hydrogenation.
reactions of kreb's 8. Explain about the synthesis
cycle including the of fat.
name of enzymes 9. Write short notes on:
and structure of a) pH and pH meter.
initial com- pounds, b) Water and its importance
intermediates and c) Degradation of amino acids
final products. 10.Describe briefly
Short Questions: (Attempt about enzyme
Any Ten) 10x3=30 nomenclature and
2. Define buffer. Give functions.
HandersonHassalbalch 11. What do you mean by
equation. reducing and non-
3. What are reducing sugars? Give
biomolecules? the structure of one
Classify reducing and one non-
carbohydrates on the reducing sugar.
basic of hydrolysis. 12.Write short notes on:
Give examples of a) Zwitterions
4. Define nucloetides.
Explain the Watson-
Crick model of DNA.
5. What do you mean by
essential and semi-
essential aminoacids?
Name them and give
the structures of
Back ure of
examina protein.
tion - 5. Draw the
2075 linear and
Essay Type Question: cyclic
structure of
1. Sketch the glucose,
outline of fructose
anaerobic and
glycolytic galactose.
pathway 6. Give a
accounting brief
its energy account of
production. glycogen
How is it and show
regu- lated? its
Give the biosynthes
significance is?
of lactic acid 7. List out
formation alcohol
during this containing
process. amino acid and
Short Questions: sulphur
(Attempt Any Ten) containing
10x3=30 amino acid
2. Derive Michaelis- with at least
Menten equation. one structure
3. What is of each group.
photophosp 8. Sketch the outline for ?-
horylation? oxidation of fatty acids.
Sketch 9. Using schematic
cyclic diagram, give the
photo features of DNA.
phosphoryla 10. What is
tion? phospholi
4. Differ pid?
entiat Explain
e their types
betwe with
en examples.
secon 11. Define pH? Write down
dary its significance.
and 12. Classify enzymes with
tertiar an example of each
y class.
b) Biosynthesis of triacyl glycCerooml. piled By:-
Free Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2074 1. Define rural sociology and describe the
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 1st Semester FM: 40 importance of rural sociology in Nepalese context.
Subject: Rural Sociology PM: 16 Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
Time: 2 hrs. 2. What is social movement? Write about the
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as practicable as possible. The
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
precondi- tion of social movement with examples.
3. Why is it difficult to differentiate between rural
Essay Type Question: 10
and urban societies? What are the relative
1. How do you conceptualize social movement? Discuss
about types of social movement with necessary condition differences between rural and urban socieites?
for the emergence of social movement. 4. Define social stratification. Explain about
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 Marxian views od social stratification.
2. "Sociology is the mother of all social sciences" 5. What do you mean by social system? What are the
Briefly discuss. elements of social system?
3. What is social change? Explain its causes. 6. What is social change? Explain why economic
4. What do you mean by social process? Enlist different factor is important for social changes.
types of social interactions. 7. What do you mean by social institution?
5. What are the differences between rural and urban society?
6. What is social stratification? Discuss its major bases of Explain about the essential features and
social stratification. functions of the family.
7. What do you mean by family? explain its function in 8. What are the forms of social interaction? Write on
a social stratification. importance of accommodation in the social
8. What is social institution? Discuss the importance of process.
economic institution in development paradigm. 9. What do you mean by social problem? List the
9. What are the common social problems in Nepal? types of social problems and explain the genereal
write about its control measures. mecha- nism of social control.
10. What is social system? Write about major elements
of social system.
10. Define socialization. Describe about the
11. Define socialization process. Explain different stages agencies and stages of socialization.
of socialization 11. Differentiate the following: (a) Gender and Sex
12. What is social deviance? Write about the agencies of (b) Primary groups and secondary groups
social deviance with appropriate examples. 12.Write short notes on the following: (a) Culture (b)
FINAL EXAMINATION -2072 Social Norms and Social Values (c)
Essay Type Question: 10 Ethnocentrism.
1. Define rural sociology and explain why students FINAL EXAMINATION -2071
need the knowledge of rural social systems of Nepal. Essay Type Question: 10
Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30 1. Define social institution? Discuss types of
2. Define the following term in details: (a) sociology institution and interrelationship among social
(b) social movement (c) social deviance institution.
3. Describe about the differentiation of "Rural" Short Questions: (Attempt Any Ten) 10x3=30
and "Urban" ways of life styles in detail. 2. Differentiate between "sociology" and "rural
4. Define the following social process in detail: sociol- ogy" with appropriate examples.
(a) social competition (b) social conflict 3. What is social movement? Discuss on the types of
5. Explain how age nad gender influence on social movement.
social stratification in rural Nepal. 4. What is social process? Write about the role
6. Describe the differences among caste, race, tribal of accommodation in social system.
group and thnic group clearly. 5. Define social stratification. Discuss on Karl
7. List and describe the types of familiesont eh basis Marx and Max Weber's viewpoint on
of marriage. stratification.
8. Explain, with examples, the exogamournad 6. Define "ethnicity" and ethnic group". Also write
endoga- mous normative structures of marriage the importance of interethnic relationship for
systems in rural Nepal. country's development.
9. Explain the role of Pancha- Bhaladmi on finding 7. What is culture? Discuss impact on cultural lag
the solutions of rural social problems in Nepal, in relation to social system.
10.Define how yourself is defined by the society 8. Define the term social norm, social value and
in detail. social belief with appropriate examples.
11.Explain on the impacts of technological 9. What is social group? Write about the role of
advance- ments in rural social changes in Nepal. refer- ence group in social development.
12.Describe by differentiating between primary 10.Define socialization process. Discuss various
and secondary groups in detail. ele- ments of social system.
11.What is social system? Discuss various elements of
7 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
social system.
12.Define social deviance. Write about the causes of
social deviance.
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Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
2. Differentiate between the followings: s
a. Arachnida and crustacea b. Connectives and y
commissures s
3. Write short notes on: t
a. Entomology b. Tergum c. Excretion d. Spiracle e
4. Draw and label a neat diagram of digestive system of an m
5. Give six modifications of antennae with examples. o
6. Give six modifications of wings with examples. f
7. D
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e 9. G
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41 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
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42 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
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43 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
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44 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
Give reason. 11. In papaya, what kinds of progeny
a ii) Write the genes in correct will occur by crossing
d order on the chromosome. (i) male and female plants, (ii)
v iii) What are double female and hermaphrodite
a crossover, non- crossover plants and (iii) selfing of a
n and single crossover types? hermaphrodite plant? And in
t iv) Write the genotypes what proportions?
a involved in the parental 12. Define cytoplasmic inheritance
g and test crosses. and maternal effect. How
e v) Draw a linkage map cytoplasmic inheritance differs
s showing map distances. from nuclear inheritance?
vi) Calculate Coefficient
o of coincidence (CC) and
f interfer ence (I). Interpret
the value.
b Short Questions( Attempt any
e Ten)
e 2. Explain sex determination in
k animals with example.
e 3. Calculate gametic and
e phenotypic frequencies of
p AAaa individual after
i selfing. Also, write the
n types of genotype and
g phenotype.
? 4. Differentiate between
mitosis and meiosis cell
UNIVERSITY Final divisions. Write down
INSTITUTE OF examination- their significance.
AGRICULTURE 2074 5. Mention steps of
AND ANIMAL DNA replication.
SCIENCE Write down the
CHITWAN properties of genetic
FINAL Essay Type Question: code.
. 1. Explain in 6. Present complete diagram
INATI of a cross between tall
ON - M detail about
2074 . Mendel's law round variety and dwarf
(Back 4 wrinkled peas. Summarize
of inheritance
Paper) 0 the expected results up to
Level: P. with the help second filial generation.
B.Sc. M of appropriate 7. What is Gametogenesis?
Ag. . examples and
1 Describe the life cycle of
3rd 6 crosses. If maize diagrammatically.
Semes Ti 8. Differentiate between
ter m auto and allo
Subje e: polyploidy. Write
ct: 2 applications of haploid
Intro H
rs in crop improvement.
duct 9. Explain in brief about Lac
ory operon system in E. coli.
Gen 10. Two plants for one trait
etics are crossed and the F1 is
Candidates are required to give their following types of pro duced. The F1 is self
answers in their own words as practicable
as possible. The figure in the progeny were obtained. fertilized and F2 is
margin indicates full marks. CfS 50, cFs 46, CFs 383, obtained. The data of F2
Essay Type Question: cfS 380 is given below. Perform
1. In maize, F1 Dfs 72, cFS 68, CFS 6, cfs chi-square test for
heterozygous plants 5 goodness of fit and
were test crossed Symbols: coloured= C, interpret the result.
with colourless, colourless= c, full= F, (Tabulated chi- square
shrunken, waxy shrunken= f, starchy= S, value at 1 d.f. = 3084)
plants and the and waxy= s Round: 165, Wrinkled:
i) Are these genes linked? 35
45 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
you had a of blood group test cross Write down features
plant that O, to what between a and significance of
was of different blood heterozygous transposons.
phenotyp groups can smooth round 10.In chicken, the gene
e A_B_, this man and pistilate plant h, distinguishes hen
what test woman expect and a peach feathering from cock
would their children elongate feathering. If a cock
you to belong? staminate one feathered male was
conduct 5. What is produced the mated to a hen
to "Central following feathered female
determine dogma of progeny. (HH), what pat-
whether it biology"? Smooth round terns of feathering
was How 420, peach might be expected
AABB or Eukary otic round 57, peach between the
AaBB or transcriptio elongate 460 (i) male F2 and (ii) female F2
AABb or n differs and smooth progeny.
AaBb? from that of elongate 63. 11.A heterozygous plant
Explain prokaryotic i) Which for two genes is self-
logi- ? Explain are the fertilized and in F2,
cally. with the crossover the following seeds
Short Questions( Attempt help of and non- are observed. Perform
any Ten) figures. crossover chi-square test for
2. What is 6. Calculate progeny? goodness of fit and
cell gametic and ii) What is interpret the result.
cycle? phenotypic the map (Tabulated chi-square
Write in frequencies distance in value at 3d.f. = 7.81)
short of AAaa the map round yellow: 315,
about individual units be- round green: 108,
meiosis after selfing. tween these wrinkled yellow: 101,
cell Also, write two loci? wrinkled green: 32
division the types of 9. What are the 12.Explain sex
with genotype transposable determination in
figures. and genetic plants with
3. What is phenotype. elements? suitable
sporogene 7. What do examples.
sis and you mean Final laws of inheritance.
oogenesis by extra examination- 5. What are sex limited and sex
? nuclear 2073 linkage traits? Explain with
Diagram inheritance Essay Type Question: suitable example.
mati cally ? Explain 1. Define central dogma 6. Define male sterility. Discuss its
show, with the of biology. Explain in significance in crop science.
how help of detail about how DNA 7. What do you mean by linkage?
gamete example. transcribe a messenger If two persons het erozygous
formation Write RNA and its translation for albinism have four
takes down the to amino acids. Also children. What is the
place in characterist list out signifi- cance of probability that three will be
life cycle ics of Replication. normal and one albino?
of maize. cytoplasmi Short Questions( Attempt any (Albino phenotypes appears in
4. If a man of c Ten) recessive condition).
blood 2. Define genetics. How 8. Explain briefly about sex
group AB do you correlate life determination in papaya.
cycle of any crops with Present suitable example of
marries a 8. The two pairs it? role of environment in sex
man of of alleles are 3. Sketch diagram and determination.
blood linked on briefly explain the major 9. What are transposable genetic
group A chromosome events that occurs during elements? Explain in detail.
whose two in meiotic cell division. 10. Define mutation and mutagen.
father was tomato. A 4. Explain about Mendel's Classify them.
46 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
11. Discuss about girl (ii) a short black
Final the genotypic and
genetic control skin red hair boy.
5. Write about semi- examination- phenotypic ratio of F1,
mechanism in conservative mode of 2072 F2 and F3 progeny.
prokary otes with DNA replication. Essay Type Question: 7. What do you mean
the help of Lactose 6. What is gene 1. Explain in detail by Translation? Discuss
metabolism. interaction? Write about Mendel's the step involving
12. Calculate the about the types of laws of translation.
gametic and epistatic gene inheritance with 8. What is mutation? Classify
interaction with
phenotypic suitable examples. the help of mutation on different bases.
frequencies of 7. In maize, recessive appropriate 9. Explain the type of
following gene ba produces example. chromosome
individuals after barren cob and ts gene Short Questions( Attempt any inversion. What is
selfing. Also, write converts male flower Ten) its genetic effects?
the types of into female flower. Ba 2. Diagram and 10. What are the
and Ts are the briefly state transposable genetic
genotype and dominant genes give
phenotype. the major elements? Give your
the normal cob and
a. AAa b. AAaa male flowers, events that logic on gene
Final respectively. A occur during expression.
exami genetician working in meiotic cell 11. What is the gene
nation the IAAS crossed a division. regulation? What
- plant having genotype 3. What is do you mean by
2071 Baba Tsts with other gene positive and
Essay Type Question: plant having genotype interaction negative
1. Explain in detail BaBa Tsts. Show this
about Mendel's ? Write transcriptional
cross and determine
laws of inheritance the sex expression in about the control?
with the help of the progeny. types of 12. Write short notes on (any three):
suitable examples. 8. The recessive gene e, epistatic a) Cell cycle b)
Short Questions( Attempt produces color blind in gene Scope of genetic c)
any Ten) human, which is sex interaction Genetic code d)
2. Diagram and linked gene. A carrier with Pachytene
briefly state the woman of this gene
major events suitable
married a color blind man examples.
that occur and produced first child, a 9. What is mutation? Classify
during meiotic normal vision klinefelter 4. Black colour is
mutation on different bases.
cell division. but in the second time this dominant over
10. What are transposable
3. If a man of blood couple gave birth a color white. A man
group A marry a genetic elements?
blind daughter. How such hetero for body
woman of blood Give your logic how
klinefelter and daughter colour married
group B whose may be produced? Show those elements can
with white woman
father was of blood with the help of clean affect the gene
group AB, what and is expecting 4
diagram. expression.
different blood children. Find the
11. An autotetraploid plan
groups their children probability of
is heterozygous for
belong to? Also, obtaining: (a) one
what may be the two gene loci, YYyy
black boy and
probable blood and DDdd. Dominant
three white girls
group(s) of the Y and D genes govern
(b) all white girls
woman's mother? high yielding and
(c) two black boys
4. Non red hair (R) is disease resistant traits
dominant over red and two black girls
respectively. These
hair (r). Black skin (d) all black
genes are located on a
color (B) is children.
different set of
dominant over 5. Write about semi-
white skin color (b). homologous
conservative model of DNA
Tall (T) is dominant chromosomes. If
over short (t). If a dominance is
6. What is the
man who is complete, how many
maternal effect?
heterozygous for all progenies of this
characters marry a Present (dextral
autotetraploid will you
short, white skin female and
expect for both traits,
woman having sinistral male)
high yielding and
homozygous non coiling in water
red hair character, disease resistant?
snail mentioning
find the chance of 12. Write short notes on (any three):
(a) genotype of
obtaining their first a) Cell cycle b) Scope
parent, F1, F2 and
child (i) a tall white of genetics c) Genetic
skin non red hair F3 progeny (b)
code d) Chromosome
47 Compiled By:- Free Students’ Union, Lamjung
9. T
o s
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b n
l e
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d a
i r
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10. A r
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B Question:
ack examination- 1. Define seed germination. Discuss
2073 Essay Type about the factors affecting
germination and F (any three): quality seed?
processes of inal a) Triple fusion and 12.Describe about the following
germination in detail. exam double fertilization b) terms (any three):
Short inati Grow out test c) Seed a) Isolation distance for highly cross
Questions( Attempt any on- disinfestations d) Roughing pollinated vegetables
Ten) 10*3=30 2072 11.What are the importance of b) Seed classes c) ISTA d)
2. Define double Essa Intellectual Property Right
fertilization. Give the y
processes of embryo Type
development with Compiled By:- Free Students’
figures. tion: Union, Lamjung Campus
3. Define quality seed. 1. What is seed?
Discuss how you can What factors are
maintain quality seed in responsible for
Nepalese situation in deteriorat- ing the
brief. seed quality in
4. What are the storage? Describe
causes of seed in brief.
dormancy? Discuss Short Questions( Attempt any
how dormancy can Ten)
be broken in brief. 2. Draw a well
5. What are the labelled diagram
objectives of field showing
inspection? Write microsporogenesi
about seed legislation s and
in Nepal. microgametogene
6. Differentiate between sis.
seeds and grains in a 3. What is
legical way. megagametophyte
7. Define seed and ? Briefly write
discuss about the about the types of
nutritional value of endosperm
seed in brief. development.
8. Classify the seed 4. What
based on its do you
storability. Give the mean by
ways how we can scarificatio
increase their n? What
longevity for further are the
use. contamina
9. What is nts to be
physiological maturity observed
period of seed? during
Discuss how we can field
detect its inspection?
physiological maturity 5. Climate is
period in field considered as
condition in brief. both constraint
10. Define seed and opportunity
processing. Give the for seed
five machines used production. How?
in seed processing 6. How do you maintain
and discuss about genetic purity in seed
their uses it in brief. crops?
11. Give the 7. Explain about
techniques of seed the fertilizers, seed
production of rice and rate, sowing time,
discuss in brief. sowing depth and
12. Write short notes spacing in wheat
on (any three): seed production.
a) Hybrid seed b) 8. What are the seed
Breeder's property right standards for rice seed?
c) World Trade 9. What are the
Organization (WTO) d) objectives of
Farmer's right in seed field inspection?
Write about the
types of seed
10.Define the following terms
Final examination- 2072 Final examination- 2070
Essay Type Question: 10 Essay Type Question: 10
1. Describe the basic principles of seed technology. 1. What is the importance of seed dormancy in crop
Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30 produc- tion? Discuss the factors that affect seed dormancy.
2. Define seed technology. Differentiate between seed Short Questions( Attempt any Ten) 10*3=30
and grain. 2. Write in brief about different phases of germination.
3. Discuss the process of megasporogenesis and 3. Define improved seed. Briefly explain the various
megagametogenesis. classes of improved seed.
4. What is seed dormancy? What are the factors affecting 4. Define seed viability. Briefly discuss various methods
seed dormancy? to measure seed viability.
5. Define seed germination. Explain briefly the 5. What are the principles of seed drying?
chemical changes occurring during seed germination. 6. What do you mean by the determinants of seed quality?
6. Explain the seed certification process in Nepal. 7. Define seed processing. What are the objectives of seed
7. What are the general principles of seed storage? Also processing?
discuss about the factors affecting seed longevity in storage. 8. What are the objectives of seed testing?
8. Write short notes on (any two): 9. Describe in brief various types of seed storage and their
a) Intellectual Property Right b) Seed Quality c) significance in agriculture.
harvesting and threshing of seed maize 10. Write down the differences between grain and
9. What are the seed distributions systems in Nepal? seed production.
Explain. 11. Differentiate between the followings (any three):
10. Explain briefly the (Package of Practice) POP for a. Apomixis and parthenogenesis
seed material production of potato. b. Scarification and stratification
11. Write short notes on: c. Nuclear and cellular endosperms
a) Time isolation in Maize b) Process of seed cleaning c) d. Mesobiotic and microbiotic seeds
National seed act 12. Write down the general principles of seed production
12. Write the principles of field inspection during of grain legumes.
seed production.
N - 2070
) Compiled By:- Free Students’
= Union, Lamjung Campus
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Describe the scope and vegetable and spice crops in
EXAMI Nepal and discuss the
NATIO M. cultivation of tomato under
N - 2074 40 the following headings.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 4th P. a) Climate and soil
Semester M.
Subject: Vegetable and Ti
Spice Crop Production me:
Candidates are required to give their answers in their b) Off season production techniques
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in
c) Disease and pests
the margin indicates full marks.
d) Seed extraction methods
Essay Type Question
1. Define solanaceous Short questions (Attempt any TEN)
vegetable crops with suitable
examples and describe the 2. Briefly discuss the seed
Brinjal under following production method of cabbage
headings 3. What do you mean by
(a) Climate and soil (b) Nursery sex ratio in cucurbits? How
Raising (c) Promising Varieties will you regulate the sex
(d) Harvesting and seed ratio in cucurbits?
extraction. 4. What do you mean
Short questions (Attempt any by spic crops?
TEN) Discuss ginger or
2. What do you mean by cole turmeric on planting
crops? Enlist the popular cole and processing
crops with their botanical
5. Enlist the leafy
name and family.
3. Define root crops with vegetables grown in Nepal.
examples and put your reason Discuss briefly the
why carrot is grown in cultivation of Rayo.
Kathmandu Valley. 6. Discuss the varieties and disorders
4. Discuss growing time, climate, of cauliflower
seed rate and varieties of Okra. 7. What do you mean by
5. Define seed spices and root vegetable> discuss
describe turmeric or ginger about the climatic
with respect to soil, requirement and varieties
propagule, harvesting and of Carrot and Radish.
curing. 8. Briefly describe about Okra and
6. Briefly describe the cultivation Broad Bean on following headings
practices of spinach and swiss
chard. a) Climate and Soil b)
7. Describe potato on (i) Varieties
Plantin method (ii) True Potato 9. Describe onion and garlic under
seed (TPS) (iii) Late Blight following headings:
Disease a) Soil and climate b) Varieties c)
8. Discuss about the Harvesting and curing of bulbs
maturity judgement of sponge 10. Briefly discuss about the cultural
gourd, cucumber, water practices of cumin and coriander
melon and musk melon 11. Give short notes on: (any six)
9. Differentiate between: (a) a) Chayote b) Asparagaus c) Yam d)
Cumin and Coriander Tree tomato
(b)Sweet potato and tree e) Knolkhol f) Pointed gourd g) Sweet
tomato (c) Kitchen garden potato h)Cassava
and truck garden
12. Write about the following in short
10. Write short notes on (any
three): (a) Legume (any three)
Vegetables a) Blanching
(b) Pointed gourd (c) Colacasia b) Use of plant growth regulators in
(d) Knolkhol vegetable crops
11. Briefly describe the importance of c) Importance of TPS in potato
preserving indigenous vegetable production programmes
seeds. d) Importance of roguing in
12. Write about the following in vegetable seed production
a) Use of plant growth
regulators in vegetable crops
b) Importance of isolation
distance in seed production
c) Blanching
FINAL - 2072
EXAMINATION Essay Type Question
1. What is the scope FINAL botany, varieties 11. What is the present status of
and importance of EXAMINATIO and harvesting. vegetable production in Nepal?
vegetable and spice N - 2072 10. Describe pea Give your valuable inputs to
Essay Type Question with respect to increase the production to meet
crops in Nepal? Discuss
1. There is a great soil and climate, the country requirement.
the total package of popular 12. Describe in brief the cultivation of
cultivation including scope for
vegetable and cultivars, seed okra with respect to:
off-season production spice crop produc- rate and spacing. a) Popular cultivars b) Sowing
of Tomato. time and seed rate
tion in Nepal"
Short questions (Attempt Justify the Compiled By:- Free
any TEN) statement in the Studenc)ts’HUarnveiostnin, gLaanmd
2. Discuss present context. jyuienlgd Campus
cauliflower on (i) Short questions
Promising varieties (Attempt any
including hybrids (ii) TEN)
2. What do you
Disorders mean by cole
3. Discuss the planting crops? Briefly
method and planting discuss about the
material of potato. seed production
4. Discuss the climate techniques of
and soil for growing cabbage.
carrot and radish 3. What is the
including varieties. most serious
5. Discuss about the
maturity indices of during nursery
fruits of cucurbits. raising of
6. Discuss onion and vegetable and
garlic in (i) major how it can be
varieties (ii) harvest- controlled.
ing and curing of bulbs 4. Describe
7. Describe ginger in brief the
or turmeric on
of tomato
preparation of under the
planting materials following
and processing. heads?
8. Give the importance a) Climatic requirement
of leafy vegetables, b) Fertilizer requirement and
briefly describe the its method of application
methods of cultivation c) Harvesting and seed
extraction techniques
and any one major leafy
5. Write short note son (any
vegetable. two)
9. Discuss botany and a) Disorders in cauliflower
cultivars of okra and b) Propagation of pointed
pea. gourd
10.Briefly mention 6. What are the
your own view about major leafy
the crop improve- vegetable
ment of chili and grownthrougout
the world?
coriander, Describe Broad
11.Differentiate between Leaf Mustard
(any three): with respect to:
a) Kitchen garden and a) Soil and climate b) Time
roof garden b) Vegetable and method of planting
and fruits 7. Differentiate between (any
c) Pest and pesticide d) two)
Seed and seedlings a) Insitu and transplanting
method of radish seed
12.Write short notes on
(any six) b) Weeding and roguing
a) Chayote b) c)Asiatic and European
Pointed gourd c) type carrot varieties
Drumstick 8. Discuss the following
d) Asparagus e) points (any two):
Knolkhol f) Yam a) Harvesting of water melon
g) b) Vegetable forcing
Cassava c) Hardening of seedlings
9. What do you
mean by seed
60 Describe
coriander with
respect to
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What is the status and scope of vegetable and spice
crops in Nepal? Discuss the production package including 1. Describe in brief, the package of potato
off- season production as well as production problems of cultivation practices being employed in Nepal
tomato in Nepal Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30. 2. Discuss the seed production techniques of cabbage.
2. Give shrot note son (any three) 3. Describe the coriander with respect to soil and
a) Chayote b) Drumstick c) Tam d) Asparagus climate, soloing time, harvesting and curing.
3. Enlist major spice crops grown in Nepal.Discuss ginger 4. Explain the following terms
of turmeric or land preparation, planting and processing. a) Blanching b) Pricking c) Stecklings d) Scooping
4. Discuss the cultivation practices and major varieties of 5. Describe the pea with respect to soil and climate, seed
Rayo rate and seed treatment, manuring and fertilization.
5. Discuss the flower regulation/ sex regulation in cucurbits. 6. Classify onion cultivars on the basis of shin color.
6. Enlist the varieties of carrot and radish, and also De- scribe off season production of onions by onion set.
mention theland preparation, manuring and fertilization 7. Enlist leafy vegetable (with botanical name) and
7. Discuss cauliflower on (i) Botany (ii) Varieties (iii) describe spinach with request to time of socoing varieties,
Disorders seed rate and spacing
8. What do you mean by Bulb crops? DIiscuss onion (i) 8. Give short introduction of the following minor vegetables
climate and soil (ii) harvesting and curing of bulbs a) Drum stick b) Tree tomato c) Knolkhol d)Beet root
9. Discuss about the maturity indices of cole crops and 9. Describe in brief a) Maturity judgement for harvesting
cucurbits. of watermelon b) Downy mildew of bitter gourd
10. What is the popularity of cumin and coriander in c) Little leaf disease of brinjal
Nepal? Also mention the cultural practices and harvesting 10. Distinguish between:
11. Write about the following in short: a) Hot pepper and sweet pepper
a) Importance of TPS in potato b) Determinate and indeterminate tomato
b) Use of plant growth regulators in vegetable crops c) Asian type and European type carrot
c) Propagation techniques in sweet potato and pointed 11. Describe the botany and major insect pest Radish and Turnip
gourd 12. What do you mean by Cole crops? Describe major
12. Discuss about Okra and French bean on (i) varieties nutri- tional disorders of Cole Crops
(ii) major production problems. FINAL EXAMINATION - 2068
Essay Type Question 10
FINAL EXAMINATION - 2070 1. There is great importance and scope of vegetable and spice
Essay Type Question 10 crops in Nepal" Comment on this statement in the present
1. What is status and scope of vegetable and spice crops in context.
Nepal? Discuss the production package including off- season Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
2. What do you mean by cole crops? Describe cabbage
under the following heads:
Short questions (Attempt any TEN) 10×3 = 30.
a) Climatic and edaphic requirements
2. Enlist major spice crops grown in Nepal. Discuss ginger b) Improved varieties c) Major diseases and pests
of turmeric or land preparation, planting and processing. 3. Describe in brief on seed production techniques
3. What is the importance of leafy vegetables? Discuss the employed in radish
cultivation practices and major varieties of Rayo 4. Describe cucumber with respect to:
4. Enlist the varieties of carrot and radih, and also mention a) Improved varieties b) Seed rate and spacing
th eland preparation, manuring and fertilization c) Manure and fertilizer requirement d) Seed extraction
5. Discuss cauliflower on (i) Botany (ii) Varieties (iii) Disorders 5. Write short notes on:
a) Chayote b) Seed extraction techniques of tomato
6. Discuss the flower regulation/ sex regulation in cucurbits. 6. Write in brief about the disorders of cauliflower
7. What do you mean by bulb crops? Discuss onion on (i) along with their possible remedies.
climate and soil (ii) harvesting and curing of bulbs 7. What are the important leafy vegetable grown in Nepal?
8. Discuss about Okra and French bean on (i) varieties What should be done in crop improvement program in leafy
(ii) major production problems. vegetables?
9. Discuss about the maturity indices of cole crops and 8. Differentiate between:
cucurbits a) Determinate and indeterminate type of tomato
10. What is the popularity of cumin and coriander in b) Weeding and roguing c) Hoeing and ploughing
9. Enlist solanaceous vegetable crops grown in Nepal.
Nepal? Also mention the cultural practices nad harvesting Describe any one with the reference to:
11. Give short notes on (any three): a) Important varieties
a) Chayote b) Drumstick c) Yam d) Asparagus b) Time and method of sowing/ planting
12. Write about the following in short. c) Fertilizer requirement and its application techniques
a) Importance of TPS in potato 10. What is seed species? Describe any one of them with reference to:
b) Use of plant growth regulators in vegetable crops a) Field preparation b) Sowing technique
c) Propagation techniques in sweet potato and pointed gourd. c) Seed rate and spacing
11.Write short notes onL
a) Propagation of pointed gourd
b) Hardening of seedlings in nursery
12.Enlist some popular cultivars of onion and give your
valuable suggestion to reduce the post-harvest loss during
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
Essay Type Question 10
RAMPUR, CHITWAN FINAL 1. Define plant breeding. State
F. different breeding methods in
NATIO M. self and cross pollinated
N - 2074 40
P. crops. Explain with
Level: B.Sc.
M. diagram breeding methods
Ag. 4th 16 that are practiced in self-
Semester Ti pollinated crops.
Subject: me:
Introductory Hrs
plant breeding
Candidates are required to give their answers in their frequencies of that population.
own words as practicable as possible. The figure in 6. Calculate gametic and phenotypic
the margin indicates full marks.
frequencies of GGGg individu- als after
Essay Type Question selfing. Also, write types of genotype
1. Explain in detail operations and phenotype.
involved in production of hy- 7. What are advantages of partial
brids showing relevant crossing diallel cross? Make a partial diallel
scheme. What are basics steps in scheme involving 8 parents.
hybridization procedure? 8. What are major conclusions from
Short questions (Attempt any pureline theory? Describe Johannsen
TEN) experiment in detail.
2. A plant breeder found two 9. Enlist defence mechanisms of host
inbred lines with genotypes against pathogen. Describe and
AAbb and aaBB. A and B differentiate; vertical and
alleles are dominant. These two horizontal disease resistance.
inbred lines were crossed and 10. For a quantitative trait in a
F1 hybrid was obtained. The F1 random matign population, the mean
was selfed to produce F2. Each and variance are 60 cm and 81 cm2
dominant gene, in homozygote respectively. The nar- row sense
condition con- tributes 13 cm heritability of this trait is 0.5.
towards the panicle length of the Truncation selection is practiced with
hybrid. In the absence of a selection differential 10. What is
dominant, each homozygote the genetic gain? Also, find the
recessive gene con- tributes 10 expected mean in the next
cm towards the panicle length of generation.
the hybrid. Simi- larly, the gene 11. Define gene pool and classify
in heterozygote condition it. State the law of homolo- gous
contributes 15 cm to- wards the series in variation.
panicle length of hybrid. 12. What is G×E interaction?
i. Calculate Heterosis and Mention significance and causes of
Inbreeding depression G×E interaction.
indicating hypothesis involved.
ii. Interpret the results.
3. Estimate heritability from the
following data.
Population Variance
P1 11
P2 10.32
F1 5.23
F2 90.35
BC1 47.35
BC2 54.29
and 10 cm towards the spike Parents Gametophytic SI
length of the hybrid Sporophytic SI
respectively. In the absence of Male Female Reaction
dominants, each recessive Progeny Reaction Progeny
gene contributes 4 cm S1S3 S1 S2
towards the spike length of S1 S2 S1 S3
the hybrid. The spike length S2 S3 S1 S4
of the best commercial variety 6. State Hardy- Weinberg law.
is 25 cm. Compute gene and genotypic
(i) Find the spike lengths of frequencies from the following
the parents, F1 and F2 data and mention how many plants
progeny are disease resistant. Note that the
(ii) Calculate average susceptible gene, R is dominant
heterosis, heterobeltiosis, over resistant gene, r.
economic heterosis and Genotyp
inbreeding depression. (iii) e RR
Interpret the results. Rr rr Frequency
2. In a random mating 32 48
population, the mean plant 20
height and variance are 120 7. What is gene for gene
cm and 121 cm2 respectively. hypothesis? Write compatible (+)
A plant breeder selected the and incompatible (-) reaction
top 5% plants from the base with the help of following
population and found mean information. Which are the most
plant height 110 cm in the next resistant and most suscep- tible
generation. Find the genetic reaction types and why?
gain, selection differential Host
Pathogen genotype
and the heritability of this R1 R1R2 R2 R3R3 a1a1a2a2a3a3 A1A1 a2a2a3a3 A1A1 A2A2
trait. R1 R1r2 r2 R3R3
r1 r1 r2 r2 r3 r3
management for crop Candidates are required to give their
answers in their own words as practicable
Short questions (Attempt any as possible. The figure in the margin
Seven indicates full marks.
2. Describe the salient Essay Type Question
features of comprehensive 1.Discuss feeds and
system of soil classification. feeding in relation to
List the criteria used to pasture situation in
classify soils at different Nepal. What could be the
levels of generalizations. appropriate techniques
3. Explain the reasons and ways to overcome
why presence of feed deficit situation of
stratified layer of sand in Nepal?
lower horizon of clay Short questions
soil impede the (Attempt any Seven)
downward movement of 14. 2.Discuss critical
water? factors associated to
4. Describe the master soil nutrition of grazing
horizons and layers of soil animals ?
profile and list the 3.Write the
importance of studying soil common principles
profile. of pasture
5. List the reasons of establishment.
decreasing infiltration rate 4.Write down the
with time. Describe the major chemical
factors that affect the rate changes during
of infiltration. silage formation.
6. Define energy concept of 5.What are non-
soil water and briefly explain carbohydrates? How
the matric-potential (?m) of they are valued in feed?
soil- water. 6.Discuss silvipastoral
7. Explain DARCY's system in relation to
equation for the saturated feed supply.
flow of water in soil. Also, 7.Discuss on the
differentiate between production and
saturated and un-saturated management of
flow of water in soil. Stylo. 8.What is
8. What is weathering of the preservation
rocks and minerals? of forage? Write
Describe in brief the about the
physical weathering of mechanism of
rocks and minerals. silage
9. List the major soil preservation.
orders found in Nepal. 9.Write short notes on:
Briefly explain the a. Hay
inceptisols. grazing animals
c. Sward
ION -2072
Essay Type Question
1. Discuss the
'Taungya system'
of Agroforestry
practices under
the following
1. Define agroforestry. Discuss its objectives importance RAMPUR, CHITWAN
concepts. F F.M.
Short questions N 40
(Attempt any ten) A P
L .
X .
A 1
M 6
A i
T m
I e
O :
- 2
2 H
0 r
7 s
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
5th Semester
on to PLANT
2. Enlist the goals of on:
agriculture. a. Pollarding
3. Write the b. Carrying capacity
characteristics c. Sapling
features of FSRE.
4. Discuss FIN
the AL
features of EXA
Nelder MIN
wheat ATI
model in ON -
agroforestr 2070
y system. Essay Type Question
5. Write the objectives
and options of 1. Define
SALT model. agroforestry.
6. Discuss the Describe the
characteristics importance and
features taungya scope of
system in agro- agroforestry in
silvo system of Nepal with
agroforestry. examples.
7. Name six Short questions
agroforestry species (Attempt any ten)
used in SALT
model. 2. What are
8. Briefly describe the the attributes
tree-crop interfaces. and feature of
9. Under what agroforestry?
conditions wood Describe
lots are developed? briefly.
Explain. 3. Classify
10. Write down the agroforestry system
criteria for crop on the basis of
selection in arrangement of
agroforestry system. components with
11. Calculate the example.
volume of 10 feet long 4. What could
when its combined be the criteria
diameter was measured snd how will you
24.24" inch. Also design ally
calculate the sawing cropping
cost, when the cost is intervention?
Rs.450 per cubic feet. 5. Mention the
12. Write short notes concept of D &
D. How D & D is Candidates are required to give their answers in 2. Differentiate between 8. Explain the use
different from FSRE? their own words as practicable as possible. The diseases and disorder and of mechanical
6. What is SALT figure in the margin indicates full marks. enlist the biotic causes of transmission of
technology? What Essay Type Question plant diseases. virus particles.
are the basic step 1. Define pathogenesis. 3. Enlist typical 9. Explain about
followed in SALT Explain how the pathogens symptoms of plant genera
technology? survive in absence of their diseases caused by the Plasmodiophora,
7. Enlist main crop hosts. pathogens. Phytophora and
indigenous and Short questions (Attempt any 4. Define fungi and explain Erysiphe.
modern ten) their importance in 10. Define
agroforestry 2. Explain the host as an agriculture. pathogenicity and
system. Describe important factor of disease 5. Explain about sexual draw the chain of a
any two modern pyramid. How the human fruiting bodies of fungi. typical disease
agroforestry activities can influence the 6. Write about Xanthomonas, cycle.
system. occurrence and spread of Erwinia and 11. Define epidemic of a
8. What is shifting plant diseases in an agro- Agrobacterium. diseases and explain the
cultivation? Mention the ecosystem. 7. Discuss about analysis of epidemic
advantage and 3. Explain the symptoms genera Anguina, given by van-der plank.
disadvantage of shifting of plant diseases observed Heterodera and 12. Differentiate between
cultivation. due to the visible Meloidogyna. enzymes and toxins.
9. Explain the basis for pathogens.
tree selection in 4. Define monocyclic
agroforestry system. disease. Why monocyclic 77 Compiled By:- Free
10.Write short notes on: can't spread in endemic Students’ Union, Lamjung Campus
a. Shelter belts scale with in a single season
b. Tuangya after the entry to a new
c. Home garden location? Explain.
11.How will you quantify 5. Enlist the general
tree-crop interaction in characteristics of fungi and
agroforestry system? explain the harmful effects
Explain briefly. of fungi to human beings.
12.Describe tree- crop 6. Draw a well labeled
interaction that occurs in sketch of bacterial cell and
agroforestry system. explain the function of its
7. Define plant virus. How
plant virus get multiplied in
plant system? Explain.
8. Enlist the general
characteristics of root rot
nematode and root knot
9. Describe the possible
physiological alterations
caused by plant diseases.
10. Differentiate between :
a) Horizontal diseases
resistance and vertical
diseases resistance.
b) Symptom and sign
11. Enlist characteristics of
following genera:
a. Alternaria b. Pythium c.
12. Write short notes on:
a. Diseases forecasting b.
Bengal famine c.
ON -2074
Essay Type Question
1. Define forecasting of
plant diseases and explain
various forecasting
methods in detail.
Short questions (Attempt any
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What do you mean by defence mechanism? Discuss about 1. Define fungi. Enlist its beneficial and harmful effects
various defence mechanisms governed by the host plants. to human life. Describe the different modes of
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 reproduction in fungi with suitable example.
2. Explain about biotic causes of plant diseases briefly. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
3. Enlist symptoms due to some effects or changes in the 2. Describe the major physiological changes caused by
host plant. disease in host plants.
4. Explain about sexual fruiting bodies of fungi. 3. Provide the taxonomic positions of
5. Draw and label a typical structure of a Gram Erysiphe plasmodiophora and Pseudomonas.
negative bacterial cell. 4. Enlist any five non infectious diseases of crop plants. Do
6. Write about pseudomonas,streptomycesand C the plant nutrition may affect the incidence of biotic diseases?
orynebacterium. How?
7. What do you mean by virus? Writ about spireplasma. 5. Discuss the characteristic features of
8. Explain about reproduction of nematodes. Helminthosporium, Meloidogyne and Xanthomonas.
9. Explain about Puccinia, Alternaria and Albugo. 6. Define epidemics of a disease and explain the analysis
10.Explain the role of hosts in survival of the pathogen and of epidemic given by Vander plank.
enlist the agents of autonomous dispersal of the pathogens. 7. Explain the six principles of diseases management.
11.Explain about the physiology of infected hosts. 8. Discuss the mode of transmission of virus from
12.Write about pathotoxins and phytoalexins. diseased plants to the healthy plant.
9. What do you mean by diseases forecasting. What are the
bases for effective forescasting?
10. Describe the different survival techniques utilized by
plant pathogens.
11. Compare and contrast between the followings:
a. Ascomycota and Oomycota
b. Systemic acquired resistance and induced systemic
12. Write short notes on any three among following.
a. Exotoxin b. Direct penetration
c. Quarantine d. Heterokaryon
Essay Type Question 10
1. Define plant pathology and discuss inanimate and FINAL EXAMINATION -2071
animate causes of plant diseases with suitable examples. Essay Type Question 10
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 1. Define disease and disease resistance. How plant defend
2. Differentiate the following(any 2) themselves against pathogens by their morphological
a. Simple and compound interest diseases modification explain.
b. Obligate and facultative parasites Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
c. Perithecium and pycnidium 2. Describe about asexual the reproduction of fungi
3. Define bacteria and draw and label a typical bacterial with suitable examples.
cell. 3. How pathogen propagules are disseminated by animate
4. Define parasexual cycle and discuss asexual agents? Explain
reproduction in fungi. 4. Give the systematic position of the pathogen causing
5. What is a viroid? How viruses are transmitted in yellow rust of wheat and give its important characters.
plant? Explain in short. 5. Write down the causal oraganisms of the following diseases:
6. Enumerate the characteristics of root rot nematode a. Root rot of rice b. soft rot of potato c. Bacterial wilt of tomato
and seed gall nematode. e. Rive blast e.Little leaf of brinjal f. Powdery mildew of pea
7. Explain briefly the principles of plant disease management. 6. What resting structure are made by the microorganism
8. Define pathogenecity and describe pathogenesis. for their survival? Describe with suitable examples.
7. Differentiate between pathogenicity and pathogenesis
9. Define the following terms (any 6)
and write about koch's postulates.
a. Symptom b. Local lesion c. Cyst d. Exudation 8. Define cyst. How knots are formed in healthy roots of
d. Fungicide f. enzyme g. Hyperplasia the plants by Meloidogyne spp.?
10. How pathogens survives in absence of their main host? 9. Define plant virus and explain how they are
Explain transmitted fro, infected plant to healthy plants.
11. Explain the induced biochemical defense mechanisms 10. Draw a well labeled structure of bacteria amd
in plant. mention plant pathogenic genera.
12. Give classification and important characteristics 11. Why is it always a challenge for plant pathologist to
of Pythium, Colletotrichum and Pyricularia mange plant disease? Classify fungicides on the mode of
their application.
12. Define the following terms:
a. Disease tetrahedron b. Pathotoxin c. Disease forecast
c. Oospore e. perithecia f. sign
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Describe major problems in Nepalese agriculture. 1. Critically evaluate food production and poverty
Briefly discuss the important of irrigation water policy in alleviation aspects of 10th five year plan and first interim
the agricul- tural sector development in Nepal. plan (2007/08- 2009/10) launched by the Government of
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Nepal.
2. Critically asses the present scenario of horticultural crops Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
in Nepal. 2. Argue graphically how share of agriculture in total GDP
3. Agriculture as the accelerator if economic development is gradually reducing over time.
in Nepal. Give your suitable argument. 3. Graphically analyze fruit and vegetable production
4. What is APP? Briefly discuss the major inputs trend in Nepal.
and outputs priority in APP. 4. One of the major causes of poor agricultural
5. Briefly discuss food security and insecurity scenarios in development is the economic obstacle adhering. Explain it
Nepal. with examples.
6. What is three year interim plan? Discuss major priority, 5. Give details about major policy implementation role
achievement and highlight in agricultural sector under of agricultural extension institutions in Nepal.
TYIP. 6. What do you mean by income poverty? Prepare a list of
7. What are the objectives of NAP, 2004? Briefly discuss major organizations involved in poverty alleviation in
any five major policies under objective 1st of NAO, 2004. Nepal.
8. Enlist major institutions actively involved for 7. What are the objectives and components implemented
agricultural research, extension and development. How does in the Integrated Rural Development Programs (IRDPs)?
ADB/ Nepal play an important role on agricultural 8. List down the priority inputs and outputs envisaged in the
development in Nepal? Agriculture Perspective Plan. Explain growth path of per
9. Define poverty. What are the major causes and capita GDP from horticultural crops envisaged in the APP.
conse- quences of high poverty in the country? 9. Graphically describe current trend of Nepalese food
10. What are the strategies under APP? Briefly discuss each self- sufficiency status.
strategy. 10. Critically analyze foreign aid use pattern in
11. Briefly discuss major land reform and tenure Nepalese Agriculture,
system adopted in Nepal. 11. Write short note on:
12.How to achieve the goal of household food security, a) Role of financial institutions in agriculture
profit maximization at farm and improved living standard of b) Milk production trend
the people? c) Land tenure system
12. State current water resources management policies
in Nepal.
Final APP.
EXAMINA 8. Critically evaluate the Land
TION-2071 Reform and tenure system in
Essay Type Question Nepal.
1. Discuss the 9. Discuss the role of
importance of different national plan periods
agriculture in Nepalese in the agricultural development
economy. Also in Nepal.
highlight various 10. Highlight the role of
obstacles faced by the foreign aid in agricultural
sector. develop- ment in Nepal.
Short questions (Attempt any 11. Discuss various efforts of
ten) government of Nepal towards
2. Highlight the role of alleviating poverty.
teaching institutions like 12. Write short notes on (any
IAAS in the agricultural three):
development in Nepal. a) Youth in agriculture
3. Discuss the b) Role of women in
chronological agricultural development of agriculture
development in Nepal. c) Cooperatives
4. How can 3-R d) Agriculture, accelerator of
approach be an national economy
effective tool to fight
against food
5. What is the
significance of National
Agricultural Policy 2004 in
the agricultural
development in Nepal?
6. Explain the harnessing of
water resources in Nepal.
7. Describe in brief about
BACK 6. What do you
EXAMIN mean by the land
ATION- reform and land
2071 tenure system?
Essay Type Question Explain in context
1. What do you of Nepal.
mean by food 7. Briefly discuss the
security? Discuss priorities of input and
the dimension, output of APP.
causes and coping 8. Briefly discuss the
strategies of food importance of water
insecurity in Nepal. resource in Nepal.
Short questions (Attempt 9. Discus the role of
any ten) foreign aid for
2. What are the problems agricultural
of agriculture in Nepal? development in
3. Define Nepal.
poverty. How do 10. Define the
you suggest the Lorentz curve and
Nepal govern- Gini coefficient
ment to solve and also discuss
poverty? its application.
4. Enlist different 11. Agriculture
institution engaged is the back
in agricultural bone of
develop- ment in Nepalese
Nepal. Explain the economy,
role of ADB/N. comment.
5. Critically 12. Critically
discuss the evaluate the national
productivity and agricultural policy
production trend of 2004 of Nepal.
Final examination- 2073 Final examination- 2073
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. What is the importance, scope and status of postharvest 1. Describe the factors that influence respiration and
horticulture in Nepal? Also explain the problems faces by transpiration on fruits and vegetables to prolong their shelf
Nepalese people in the development of post harvest enter- life.
prises. Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 2. Describe the importance of postharvest horticulture in
2. Compare and contrast the physiology of attached and Nepal
detached organs. 3. Differentiate between climacteric and non climacteric
3. What are the common maturity indices of fruits with suitable examples.
horticultural commodities? 4. Enlist the various changes that occur during ripening and
4. What do you mean by degreening and waxing in harvested describe the softening and firmness changes during ripening.
oranges? 5. Write don the bio synthesis pathway of Ethylene.
5. Briefly describe the postharvest diseases of fruits and their 6. What is maturity indices? Describe the methods
control measures. of maturity indices of horticultural products.
6. Briefly describe the chemical method of preservation. 7. Briefly mention the physiological causes of postharvest
7. Explain the general market channels for horticultural deterioration of horticultural commodities.
produce. 8. Define postharvest disease? How can you overcome the
8. Write down the major changes occurring during ripening. problems of postharvest disease?
9. Differentiate between (any three) 9. Describe various kinds of physiological disorders
a) Sigmoid and double sigmoid growth in horticultural commodities.
b) Maturation and ripening 10. Enlist various methods of storage. Describe in detail
c) Chilling and freezing injury about rustic storage.
d) Climacteric and non climacteric fruit 11. Write about different methods of preservations of
10. Write short notes on: (any three) horticultural products.
a) Horticultural maturity 12. Write short notes on:
b) Greening in potato a) Greening
c) Latent infection b) Curing
d) Cellar storage c) Commercial maturity of vegetables
11. Briefly discuss the mechanism of action in ripening,
12. Briefly describe the causes of postharvest deterioration.
Final occur during ripening of
examinati fruits.
on- 2073 8. How ethylene triggers
Essay Type Question ripening of fruit crops?
1. What is postharvest 9. What is cold storage? Write
horticulture? Describe the down the working principle of
scope of post harvest refrigerator. What are the
horticulture in Nepal. factors affecting storage?
Short questions (Attempt any 10. Write short notes on:
ten) a) Physiology difference
2. What are the factors between attached and detached
affecting physiological organs b) Waxing c) Factor
deterioration? Describe how affecting water loss.
cultural practices affect 11. Define maturity indices.
physiological deteriora- What are the different methods
tion? of maturity judgement?
3. What is chilling 12. Describe commonly
injury? Write the used preservatives in post
mechanism of chilling harvest horticulture.
4. What is pre cooling?
What are the advantages
of pre- cooling?
Describe the hydrovac
cooling method.
5. What is curing in root
and tubers crops? Write
the mechanism of curing
in cut surface of potato.
What are the factors
affecting curing?
6. Differentiate
between climacteric
and non climacteric
7. Describe the changes that
Final vegetables and
examinat describe only two
ion- of them.
2071 6. Describe the effects of
Essay Type Question ethylene with example.
1. Describe 7. Describe the
various kinds of factors that
physiological influence the
disorders and respiration and
their control shelf life of fruits
measures with and vegetables.
suitable 8. Enlist the
example. postharvest disease
Short questions (Attempt of fruits and
any ten) vegetables and how
2. Describe the do you overcome
importance of them?
postharvest 9. What is pre-
horticulture in cooling? Discuss
Nepal. the factors that
3. Describe the affect in storage if
respiration horticultural
behavior of fruits products.
and vegetable with 10. Differentiate between:
suitable examples. a) Physiological maturity and
4. What are the horticultural maturity
major factors to b) Physiological
affect transpiration process of detached
water loss? And organ and attached
discuss nay two organ
factors that affect 11. Write short notes on (any
transpiration/ two):
water loss a) Curing b) Waxing c)
5. Enlist Chilling injury
various methods 12. Describe the mechanism of
to judge fruit softening during
maturity of ripening.
fruits and
on- 2074
Final examination- 2073 Final examination- 2073
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Describe about the symptoms, epidemiology, 1. Describe in detail about the symptoms, epidemiology,
diseasecycle and management practices of late blight of diseasecycle and control method of brown rust of wheat in
potato. Nepalese Agriculture.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. How will you differentiate between powdery mildew 2. Differentiate between powdery mildew and downy
and downy mildew and cucurbit, also mention their mildew of pea and mention their control measures.
management practices. 3. Describe the management practices of late blight of
3. Describe various management practices of blast of rice. potato and tomato.
4. Describe the symptoms of cucumber mosaic and 4. Describe the symptoms and diseasecycle of yellow
bunchy top vein mosaic of okra and bean common mosaic.
5. Differentiate between the fungal and bacterial wilt of 5. Explain the systemic and symptoms of white rust crucifers,
maize, also give their causal organisms. 6. Comment of the causal organism of mango anthracnose
6. Describe the various methods of root knot of vegetables. of wilt of chick pea.
7. Describe the symptoms and management practices of 7. How root knot of vegetables could be managed? Explain.
zinc deficiency in rice, 8. Describe the symptoms and management practices
8. What are the causal organisms of Tikka disease of of Khairadisease of rice and black tip of mango
ground- nut and describe the symptoms produced by them. 9. Differentiate between bacterial stalk rot and fungal stalk
9. Describethe imp of sclerotina blight in Nepalese rot of maize,
agricul- ture. 10. How bacterial leaf blight and bacterial leaf streak
10. Describe the epidemiology, diseasecycle and control of could be identifies? Explain.
red rot of sugarcane, 11. Comment on the citrus decline and their
management in Nepal.
Final examination- 2070
Final examination- 2071 Essay Type Question 10
Essay Type Question 10 1. Wheat cultivation in Nepal is challenged by
1. Describe the importance of rice blast in Nepalese rust disease. Describe the rust occurring in
Agricul- ture, symptoms developed by the disease, its differentiate agro ecological zones of Nepal.
etiology and differentiate management practices adopted.
2. Define the following terminologies
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
1) Inoculum 2)Nectrotroph 3) Haustoria 4) Oospore
2. Differentiatebetween powdery mildew and downy
mildewof cucurbits based on their symptomsand
5) Ooze 6) Trichoderma
causal agents.
3. Differentiate the following terms.
3. What are ways of surviving a) White rust and red rust b) Wilt and rot
pathogenPhytophtorainfestansin our country? Also describe c) Loose smut and covered smut
the management practices of late blight disease in potato. 4. Sprinkler irrigation is suggested for management
4. Describe the symptoms of damping off of of Powdery mildew disease, why? Describe the
vegetable seedlings and their management practices. disease cycle of Powdery mildew of Pea
5. Describe the historical significance of late blight of 5. Describe in brief the symptoms and
potato and leaf spot of maize. management for damping off of seedlings.
6. Describe the diseasecycle of loose smut of wheat and 6. What mechanism causes the wilting of crops
mention its managemnet practices. when attacked by Fusarium? Write down the
7. What are the casual organisms and symptoms developed management strategies for Fusarium wilt complex
in wilt disease of lentil? Also give their control measures. disease.
8. How do you differentiate between loose smut and covered 7. Define epidemiology. What are the pre-
smut disease of wheat and barley? Mention their control disposing factors for the occurrence of Late Blight
measures. of potato.
9. Describe the symptoms of stem gall of coriander and 8. Panicle or neck blast is the most serious
die back of chilly and mention their causal organisms. phase among all the tice blast symptoms.
10. How bean common mosaic virus survives and spreads
Justify. List the management measures for rice
in the field? Mention their management practices of tristeza
virus in citrus,
blast in rice,
11. Describe the symptoms, causal organism and man of
9. Define Canker. Write down the symptoms
root knot of vegetable. and management for Citrus canker in brief.
12. What are the major diseases of cardamom in our 10.List down the etiology for root knot of
country, how to manage them? vegetables. Write about the below ground and
above ground symptoms caused by root know
pathogen, 11.Chirkey and Foorkey disease in
eastern part of Nepal have caused serious threat in
the cultivation of large cardamom. Write about the
symptoms and effective management measures for
these diseases.
12.Write short notes on:
a) Black tip of management b) Black heart of potato
c) Khaira disease of rice.
Compiled By:- Free
Students’ Union, Lamjung
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Final examination- 2072
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Define agribusiness management. Briefly discuss the major
N F. strategies to be adopted in
A M agribusiness to manage risk
L . and uncertainties.
E 40
X P. Short questions (Attempt any
A M. ten)
MI 16
N Ti
A me
TI :2
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
and Cooperatives
Candidates are required to give their agribusiness?
answers in their own words as practicable Discuss.
as possible. The figure in the margin
indicates full marks.
9. What are
Essay Type Question the various
1. What are ways to
cooperatives? Discuss mitigate the
the roles of agriculture risks in
cooperatives in agribusiness?
transforming 10. What is
subsistence type of marketing efficiency?
agriculture into an How do you calculate
agribusiness in reference it?
with some examples of 11. Write short
agricultural cooperatives notes on:
in Nepal. a. Balance sheet b.
Short questions (Attempt Minimum support price
any ten) c. Supply chain
2. Define agribusiness management
and discuss its scope and 12. In short
importance in context of discuss about the
Nepal. prospects of export of
3. Define: a. Firm b. Plant Nepalese commodity in
and c. Industry international market.
Also illustrate their Final
interrelationship with the exam
help of figure. inati
4. Define on-
organizational 2071
behavior. How is Essay Type Question
organizational 1. Discuss agricultural
behavior vital in marketing as the
agro-enterprise? summation of all the
5. What do you mean by activities that occur
marketing functions? between "Farm to
Discuss. Fork". Explain with the
6. How do you help of any one
appraise the agricultural
investment in any commodity.
agricultural Short questions (Attempt
enterprises? Discuss. any ten)
7. Discuss in short about 2. What is
Agribusiness Promotion the impact
Policy 2063. of
8. What hindrances increasing
does an agro- immigration
entrepreneur faces in
while starting a new agribusiness
in the 2. "Agribusiness is the Discuss the of subsidy on agribusiness
context of backbone of Nepalese importance of development.
Nepal? economy". Comment. agribusiness in 8. Enlist the
3. Discuss in short, how 3.Discuss supply chain brief. provisions of WTO
do you conduct a management system in 3. What do you mean by for underdeveloped
market research. brief. payback period? Explain countries. Enlist
4. How does 4. Explain the concept of the importance of TRIPS in brief.
agribusiness promotion balance sheet and income agribusiness control 9. What do you mean by
policy 2063 help in the statement with suitable program and evaluation. marketing research?
upliftment of examples. 4. Define Explain types and
agribusiness? 5. Briefly organization. How importance of marketing
5. Discuss the explain key can you motivate research.
need of economic human behavior in an 10. Define firm,
conducive principles organization? plant and industry.
environment for used in 5. Discuss the problems Graphically explain
any agribusiness agribusiness. and prospects of physical optima of
to start and 6. Describe the agribusiness in Nepal industry.
flourish. procedures and under WTO membership. 11. Describe
6. How can you importance if 6. What are the steps of marketing system of
incorporate human marketing investment analysis? agriculture products in
behavior in the research? Discuss the discounted Nepal. Also discuss
upliftment of any 7. Define method of investment marketing efficiency.
agricultural enterprises? cooperatives. analysis in brief. 12. Write short notes on:
7. Differentiate between Discuss the scope 7. Enlist the government a. ansoff matrix
balance sheet and in context of policies on agribusiness in b. balance sheet
income statement. Also agribusiness Nepal. Also discuss the effect
discuss their utilities. development in
8. What is marketing Nepal. 95 Compiled By:- Free Students’
efficiency? How does 8. Briefly discuss Union, Lamjung Campus
market information help in different discounted and
efficient marketing activity. method of invest- ment
9. How do you appraisal with suitable
determine the project examples.
is worth investing? In 9. What do you mean by
short, discuss various price spread? Explain the
methods of marketing functions
investment appraisal. need for agricultural
10. Discuss commodity.
cooperative 10. Explain the
marketing. impact of any three
Discuss its government policies on
various agribusiness
principles. development.
11. Discuss 11. Differentiate:
opportunities and a. Demand and supply
challenges of b. Production planning and
WTO in the market planning
context of c. Firm and industry
Nepalese 12. Write short notes on:
agricultural a. Marketing channel
economy. b. Market information system
12. Write short c. Production function
notes on:
a. Marketed surplus vs Final
marketable surplus examinati
b. Time value of money on- 2068
Essay Type Question
1. Conceptualize the
terms risk and
uncertainty. Explain the
types of risk prevailing
in agriculture and the
strategy to minimize the
effect of risk in detail.
Short questions (Attempt any
2. What is
Final examination- 2070 Final examination- 2067
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Define agribusiness management. Explain with suitable 1. What is agribusiness? Explain the government policies
examples as to why management functions and the for agribusiness development in Nepal. Also describe the
manager are important in agricultural business. support of price and subsidy on functioning of agribusiness.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
2. Suppose that a farm proprietor requested you to appraise 2. Enlist the goals of co-operative. Discuss the environment
the financial position of organic tomato business planted in
forces affecting agribusiness.
1.5 hectare land. An initial investment worth is Rs.
520,000.0 for collection centre, boundary, water pipes and 3. What are the functions of an organization? Discuss
other structural assets. No salvage value is estimated at the bureaucracy principle of Max Weber.
end of business. The operational costs sre: Rs. 160,000.0, 4. Establish interrelationship between firm, plant
Rs. 195,000.0, Rs. 225000.0, Rs. 280,000.0 and Rs. 307,000.0 and industry in the context of agribusiness.
for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th year, respectively. The sale 5. Define risk and uncertainty. Discuss strategies to
volume of ripe tomato is 14 ton per hectare each year. Per mitigate risky environment.
kilogram average tomato price is Rs. 20.0, 25.0, 28.0, 32.0 6. Explain problems and prospect of co-operative system
and 35.0 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year, respectively. in Nepal.
Calculate the net present value (NPV), financial internal rate 7. Conceptualize the term ' Ansoff matrix' explain
of return(FIRR), and benefit-cost ratio(BCR). Interpret each the importance of agribusiness in Nepalese economy.
result at 12% opportunity cost of capital and advise the
8. Discuss problems and prospects of Nepalese agriculture
profitability situation.
3. Prepare a list of major financial statements used in under the scenario of WTO membership.
agribusiness management. Differentiate net-worth 9. What are the criteria for investment analysis? Discuss the
statement and income statement in terms of use and most appropriate method on investment analysis.
preparation procedure. 10. What is supply chain management? Briefly discuss about
4. Writ short notes on: agribusiness production planning process.
a. Business risk management b. Marketing research 11. Differentiate between balance sheet and income
c. Agribusiness incubation state- ment. Briefly discuss any two financial principles
5. What do you mean by marketing mix? Briefly used in agribusiness management.
explain marketing functions need for food commodity. 12. Write short notes on:
6. Briefly explain key economic principles used a. Marketing efficiency
in agribusiness.
b. Market integration
7. Highlight major aspects of "Agribusiness Policy
2006" implemented by Government of Nepal. Final examination- 2065
8. Differentiate between: Essay Type Question 10
a. Commerce vs. trade b. Business firm vs. plant 1. What do you mean by cooperatives? Discuss cooperative
c. Value chain vs. supply chain farming and marketing in terms of concepts, types, merits,
9. Define cooperatives. Explain farming and commodity limitations, and examples in Nepalese context.
marketing related efforts performed by the agricultural coopera- Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
tives in Nepal. Also enlist the limitations of 2. Briefly discuss the major managerial decisions in
cooperatives. an agribusiness firm.
10.Clarify on "agribusiness financing only increases after 3. Define firm, plant and industry. How firms and industry
enabling environment". Enlist supportive factors of are interlinked in determination of equilibrium price and
business enabling environment. quality in market?
11. Briefly explain issues of Nepalese agribusiness in
4. State and explain the theories of human resource motivation.
context of WTO.
12. Compare the differences between traditional plans over 5. What are advantages of international trade? Discuss
business plans. What are the factors to be considered while agreement an SPS measures and GATs in brief.
preparing marketing plans of a high value commodity? 6. Graphically illustrate the effects of minimum support
price and ceiling price policy in agribusiness enterprise.
7. What are different marketing systems prevailing in
Nepal? Briefly explain the significance of marketing
8. Enlist principles used in financial management.
Briefly discuss the tools for motivating human behavior
in an organization.
9. What do you mean by risk and uncertainties? Discuss the
strategies that an agribusiness manager should adopt to
minimize risk and uncertainties.
10. Differentiate between balance sheet and income state-
ment. Prepare a standard format for income statement
along with meaning and example of its example of its
11. Write short notes on: a.theory of consumer behavior b.
marketing information c. internal rate of return
12. Differentiate between: a.Allocative and pricing efficiency
b. Leverage ratio and solvency ratio
c. Investment and expenditure
Compiled By:- Free Students’
Union, Lamjung Campus
INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL SCIENCE 8. Which type of measuring device is used for
RAMPUR, CHITWAN medium discharge carrying silty water? Derive the
F. between different roughness
NA coefficients.
L M.
40 9. Water flows through a
A P. contracted rectangular
MI M. weir, 120 cm long to
NA 16 depth of 40 cm. then
TI Ti water flows through a
ON me
- rectangu- lar channel of
207 Hrs 150 cm width and over a
4 second weir, which has
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
practices of
farm water
Candidates are required to give their irrigation method.
answers in their own words as practicable as
possible. The figure in the
Explain border strip
margin indicates full marks. method.
Essay Type Question 10.A field experiment plot
1. Soil moisture is said to method was carried out in
be constant. How, when which moisture before
and why? Relate soil and end of season was
moisture constant to crop 22.84% and 18.32%
water requirement, respectively. Apparent
consumptive use and specific gravity was found
irrigation scheduling. 1.5 and depth of effective
Short questions (Attempt root zone was 75 cm.
any ten) Base period of a crop was
critically "we have plenty 105 days, number of
of water for agriculture irrigation was five and
irrigation". each depth of irrigation
3. What are characteristic was 6.5 cm. During an
parameters for experiment a precipitation
infiltration? Derive recorded 23 mm. Now,
A.N. Koastiakov's formula. calculate the seasonal
4. What is seasonal water requirement.
consumptive use? 11. Write briefly on
How Hargreaves types of field drainage
determined it? methods.
5. What is allowable soil 12. Write on weir
moisture depletion? and its' types.
Derive equation for depth Final
of irrigation and its examin
frequency. ation-
6. What is crop water 2073
requirement? Write on Essay Type Question
net, field and gross 1. What are the
irrigation requirement.
different irrigation
7. Write on types of
impeller. Find the horse methods? How does the
power require- ment for a selected irrigation
centrifugal pump its' method help in the
efficiency is 84%, suction prosperity of farmers?
head is 5 m and delivery Short questions
head 13 m. Direct drive (Attempt any ten)
electric motor having an 30
efficiency 75% operated 2. What are the different
for 6 hours per day. What soil moisture constants?
will be the cost of Differenti- ate between
electricity energy if cost PWP and UWP.
per unit is 12 rupees.
3. What are the
8. How problem soils are
done reclamation? causes of water
9. Write on surface logging? Describe
its preventive
measures. its length equal to the width 4. Which method is was reduced to 1 l/sec for 2
4. Discuss the status of of channel. Determine the used to calculate CU of hours. Estimate the net
irrigation depth crops if mean monthly average depth of irrigation.
development in Nepal. of the water over the second temperature is only 8. Explain any two types of
5. Estimate the CU of weir. available. sub-surface irrigation
water by wheat crop 10. What are the 5. Drive the systems.
sown 1st Novem- ber different water relationship between 9. What is pump
and harvested on 20 pumps used for duty and delta. A crop characteristics curve?
march. Using the irrigation? Explain requires 92 cm of water Write its importance.
Blaney-Crddle formula centrifugal pump in 122 days of its 10.What factors influence
for the following data: installation practice. irrigation period. How the suitability of irrigation
Month Mean monthly air11. What are the different much land will be water? Explain.
temp., in degree channel crossing irrigated with flow of 11. An irrigation canal;
(1) (2) structures? Explain. 30l/sec for 12 hours a carrying 265l/sec was
November 73.83 12.A moist soil sample day? diverted to thefield where
December 66.81 has a volume of 484 cm3
January 65.3 6. Define diversion box. 185 l/sec water was
February 70.34 in the natural state and a Under which circumstances delivered. An area of 3.7
march 80.02 weight of 7.94 N. The dry inverted siphons are ha was irrigated for 5
6. How do soil, plant weight of the soil is 7.3 N constructed? Explain with hours. The run off loss in
and climatic indicators and the relative density of their construction details. the field was 700 m3.
help for irrigation the soil particle is 2.65. 7. Furrow of 100 m long Calculate water
scheduling? Describe in determine the porosity, and space 60 cm apart are conveyance effieciency
brief. soil moisture content, irrigated by an initial furrow and water application
7. What do you mean volumetric moisture stream of 2.5 l/sec. the efficiency.
by reclamation of alkali content and degree of duration of initial stream is 12. Write short notes on (any
soil and how it can be saturation. 30 min. The size of stream three):
examinati Compiled By:- Free Students’
on- 2072
Essay Type Question Union, Lamjung Campus
1. Which type of
measuring device is used
for medium discharge
carrying silty water?
Explain. A cemented
trapezoi- dal canal having
60 cm base, slide sope
1:1, depth of water 120
cm, angle of repose 60
degrees and delta 20 cm.
calculate :a) base of canal
b) wetted perimeter, c)
carrying capacity of
canal. Short questions
(Attempt any ten)
2. A field having
10.2% ultimate wilting
point, 28% field
capacity and 1.7
specific gravity can
store 16.32 cm water.
A crop requires 18mm
of daily CU having 80
cm effective root zone
depth was planted. If
90% moisture
depletion was allowed
for deficit irrigation
then how many
irrigations frequency
can be reduced?
(RAM=50% AM)
3. Which water
availalbilty theory is
widely accepted and
why? Explain the
soilk moisture
extraction pattern.
Final examination- 2071 9. Sketch the figure showing artesian and non-artesian wells
Essay Type Question 10 including acquifers and piezometric surface and define each of
1. Describe the different irrigation methods. How does them.
the selected suitable irrigation method for individual field 10. Name the list for determination of crop water
may help in prosperity of farmers? requirement. Write on depth-interval-yield method.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 11. A single acting reciprocating pump has its piston
2. What does farm management mean? How does diameter 20 cm and the stroke 50 cm. the pump rod is
climatic conditions influence for irrigation management connected to a crank which makes 100 revolutions per
in Nepal. minutes. How many cubic meters of water are raised per
3. Describe shortly about soil moisture conditions. minute and what horse power must be delivered to acrank if
4.What is seasonal evaporation? Write the empirical the total head of water is 45 meter and the pump efficiency is
formula for Thornthwrite method to estimate evaporation. 55%?
5. Derive the relationship between depth of irrigation and 12. A. Write on soil moisture extraction pattern and
frequency of irrigation to maintain the irrigation critical stages of crops.
scheduling. B. A centrifugal pump has a discharge of 25 liter/second.
6. Define the following: One and half hectare of potato crop is irrigated in 12 hours.
a. Irrigation intensity b. Permeability What is the depth of the irrigation?
c. Potential evapotranspiration Back examination- 2070
7. Discuss briefly about Parshall flume. Essay Type Question 10
8. Differentiate between the following: a. Duty and Delta 1. Write down the different water conveyance structures and
b. Irrigation interval and irrigation period describe any two of them. What are the causes and conse-
c. Flume (aqueduct ) and inverted siphons quences of water logging? Explain.
9. Derive the relationship for determining water horse Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
power (WHP), shaft horse power (SHP), Break horse power 2. Describe the significance of irrigation in
(BHP) and requires kilowatt input to run a centrifugal pump. agricultural development of Nepal.
10. A. what is drainage coefficient (DC)? 3. Discuss the status of irrigation development in Nepal.
B. a sub-surface drainage system draining 5 hectors field 4. Explain the significances of irrigation development in Nepal.
flows at a design capacity for two days following a storm. If 5. Wheat is to be grown at a certain place, the useful
the system is designed using drainage coefficient of 1.5 cm, climato- logical conditions of which are tabulated below in
then how much water is drained during this period. thr Table. Determine the evapotranspiration and consumptive
11. What are criteria for irrigation water supply? irrigation requirement of wheat crop. Also determine the
12. A vegetable field has loamy soil having field capacity of field irrigation requirement if the water application
23.8% and wilting coefficient 7.3%. The apparent specific efficiency is 80%. Make use of Blaney-Criddle equation and
gravity of odil is 1.46 and the effective root zone depth of a crop factor equal to 0.8.
the field is 0.8 m. if the allowable soil moisture depletion in
Month Monthly temp, in Monthly percent Useful rainfall in
35% and evapotranspiration rate is 0.7 mm/day. Answer the degree celsius, of day time hr. of cm, averaged over
followings: a. Determine the storage capacity of soil, averaged over the last the year computed the last 5 years
b. Find out the net irrigation requirement, 5 from
c. Calculate the irrigation interval, the Sun-shine Tables
(1) (2) (3) (4)
d. If irrigation efficiency is 65% find how much water November 18 7.20 1.07
should be applied in 3 hactares of land to irrigate. December 15 7.15 1.42
Back examination- 2071 January 13.5 7.30 3.01
February 14.5 7.10 2.25
Essay Type Question 10
1. You have a farm of one ha, please write how do you
manage this farm to get better crop (say maize) yield? 6. A moist clay sample weighs 0.55 N. its volume is 35 cm3.
Include the idea of soil moisture, evapotranspiration, After drying in an oven for 24 hours, it weighs 0.5 N. assum-
irrigation, scheduling, depth of irrigation, methods for ing specific gravity of clay as 2.65, compute the porosity n,
determining crop water requirement, suitable irrigation degree of saturation S, original moist unit weight, and dry
methods and need of drainage facilities. unit weight.
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 7. A steam of 130 liters per second was diverted from a
2. Write advantages and disadvantages of irrigation. canal and 100 liters per second were delivered to the field.
3. What are the criteria for irrigation water quality? An area of 1.6 ha was irrigated in 8 hrs. The effective depth
4. What is lysimeter? Derive the equation for of root zone was 1.7 m. the runoff loss in the field was 420
evapotranspi- ration using Christransen method. cu. m. The depth of water penetration varied linearly from
5. Describe drip irrigation method in brief. 1.7 m at the head end of the field to 1.1 m at the tail end.
6. A sandy loam soil has field capacity of 28% and wilting Available mois- ture holding capacity of the soil is 20 cm
coefficient of 12%. The dry unit weight of soil is 1.4gm/cm3. per depth of soil. Determine and calculate the water
If the root zone depth is 0.65 m. determine the storage conveyance efficiency, water application efficiency, water
capacity of the soil. lrrigation is applied when moisture storage efficiency and water distribution efficiency.
content falls to 15%. If the water application efficiency is Irrigation was started at a moisture extraction level of 50%
75%, determine the water depth required to be applied in the of the available moisture.
field. Express depth of irrigation in volume basis also. 8. What are the different irrigation methods? Explain any
7. Give the concept of water logging. How do you two of them comparing each other.
remove excess surface water? 9. Explain the reclamation of problematic soils.
8. Design a trapezoidal channel to carry a discharge 10. What are the different water pumps used for
25 cumecs at a slope of 1 to 3500. The side slope is irrigation? Explain centrifugal pump installation practice.
2:1. Manning's roughness coefficient is 0.018. design 11. Discuss the occurrences and utilization of ground water
most efficient cross section of channel. for irrigation.
12. Describe the environmental consequences and
possible mitigation practices of irrigation project
w o
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h y
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e Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30
n 2.
t W
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D n
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s 3. How does temperature affect a farming system?
t 4.
e W
m h
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d s
h s
o y
w s
a e
w s
o a
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o b
f l
s i
a a
r g
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l s
t t
u u
r d
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? i
5. What are the opportunities and limitations of hill farming n
systems? g
D f
e a
s r
c m
r i
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b g
t y
h s
e t
e m
c .
o 7. What are the characteristics of sustainable agriculture?
l 8.
o W
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9. What are the principles of organic farming? a
10. k
W i
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m u
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a e
b u
y s
i a
n i
d n
i a
g b
e l
n e
o ?
11. e
W v
h e
a l
t ?
12. Write short notes on three of the following: a. HEIA
a b. Vermi composting c. Identity d. Permaculture
o Compiled
a By:- Free
c Students’
h Union,
TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Back examination- 2074
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Explain the role and importance of mountain agriculture in
NA F. livelihood support, ecological
L M. bio-resources and constraints,
EX 40 feasibility and sustainability
A P.
MI M. of mountain agriculture.
Short questions (Attempt any
NA 16 ten)
ON me
- :2
207 Hrs
Level: B.Sc. Ag.
7th Semester
Sunject: Mountain
Candidates are required to give their the value of non-
answers in their own words as practicable as timber forest
possible. The figure in the margin indicates
full marks.
product for
Essay Type Question mountain people.
11. Discuss the
1. Discuss the soil and
climate change effects
water conservation in the
in the mountain.
mountain region on the
12. Write short
following topics: a.
notes on: ( any two) a.
Problems b. Consequences
Niche b.Gradient
of soil erosion and its
c. Watershed
types c.Factors of soil
erosion Final
d. Agronomic and exami
mechanical nation-
conservation 2073
measures. Short Essay Type Question
questions (Attempt 1. Define climate change.
any ten)
What are the effects of
2. Discuss the
climate change on
characteristics of
mountain agriculture and
Himalayan Agriculture.
people's livelihood? What
3. Discuss the status
are the various adaptation
of rangelands and
problem faced by strategies for overcoming
mountain people. it? Short questions
4. Discuss the goal and (Attempt any ten)
principle of sustainable 30
agriculture in the 2.What are the strength
mountain region. and threats of mountain
5. Discuss the biodiversity agriculture?
conservation in mountain 3.Explain niche and
agro-ecosystem. pocket are concept of
6. Briefly describe the mountain agriculture.
mountain specifities in 4. How can agro-
the context of Nepal. ecotourism be
7. Discuss the developed and
traditional verses promoted in mountain
modern agriculture region of Nepal?
system adopted in 5. What do you
mountain. mean by bio-
8. Discuss the engineering?
impact of human Describe with
activities on examples.
mountain 6. Migration of young
ecosystem in generation is the
context of chronic problem of
landslides. mountain. Discuss
9. Give the how can we retain the
dominating livestock people in that region.
species of mountain 7. Write short note on
and their role in shifting cultivation and
livelihood system. niche opportu- nity.
10. Highlight 8. Describe trans-
human pastoralism ecology and agro-ecology. modern agriculture.
2. How can you
of yak and chauri 5. Why is Yak called the ship of 10.Discuss the
improve the agro-
in mountain region. Himalayas? importance of non-
ecotourism in
9. Define biodiversity. 6. Highlight the timber forest products
mountain region?
Why it is important? agricultural frame-work (NTFPs) for mountain
Give your opinion.
10.Discuss briefly for mountain liveli- people.
3. What are the major
about issues of soil hood. 11. Discuss the
challenges of rangeland
fertility problems in 7. Enlist the important characteristics
development in
hills of Nepal. dominating livestock of different species of
mountain region?
11.What are the species of mountain in honey bees found in
possible land Nepal. Nepal.
4. Describe the
improvement 8. What are the basic issues of 12. Write short notes on: (any
programs for mountain agriculture? three)
marginal land of 9. Discuss the a. GIS b. Soil conservation
system of yak and
Nepal? traditional verses c. Gradient d. Marginal fund
chauries in mountain
12.Describe the farming improvement
system of mountain
5. What are the strategies
should follow for genetic
improve- ment and
conservation of livestock
species of mountain
6. Why geographical and 101 Compiled By:- Free Students’
biological diversity is Union, Lamjung Campus
important for nature and
7. What do you mean by bio-
engineering? Why it is
8. Write short note on high
value crops.
9. What do you mean
by niche opportunity
and precision
10. Give your
suggestion for the
improvement of marginal
land of mountain region.
11. Describe the
farming system
adopted by the
people of mountain
12. Describe pocket area
concept and its
on- 2072
Essay Type Question
1. Discuss the
characteristic features of
mountain agriculture in
Short questions (Attempt any
2. Explain the impact on
mountain ecosystem
over biological
components (flora and
fauna) due to human
3. Explain with ideal
examples the agro-
ecotourism potentials of
Nepal's mountain.
4. Compare and contrast
Final examination- 2071 Back examination- 2071
Essay Type Question 10 Essay Type Question 10
1. Write the status of range land resources and challenges for 1. Discuss the challenges and constraints faced by mountain
its improvement in Nepal. people in their livelihood system and future sustainable
Short questions (Attempt any ten) 10×3 = 30 development.
2. Describe the trans-human pastoralism in mountain 2. Discuss the mountain agriculture and its basic issues.
of Nepal. 3. What is watershed management? Why is it important
3. Write the different training system and high density in mountain environment?
planting of apple and pear in temperate climate. 4. Describe important high value cash crops and their
4. Write short note on HVC crop and niche opportunity. commercialization in the context of mountain.
5. What are the impacts of climate change in 5. How can soil and crop productivity in the
Nepalese agriculture? mountain agriculture be improved? Discuss.
6. Describe the cropping pattern of cropping system in 6. Discuss the impacts of human activities in
mountain region. mountain environment.
7. Discuss the soil fertility and productivity status of 7. Discuss the important characteristics of different honey
Nepalese mountain agrarian system. bees found in Nepal.
8. Suggest the land improvement practices for marginal land. 8. Discuss agro-ecotourism, its status and importance with
9. Write short note on: reference to our country.
a. Shifting cultivation 9. Discuss the climate change and its impacts on mountain
b. Precision agriculture agriculture.
10. Write about mountain agro-forestry system and 10. Discuss the status of rangeland, trans-humance along
its importance in mountain agriculture? with problems faced by herders.
11. What are the dominating livestock species in the 11. Discuss the genetic diversity of mountain livestock
moun- tain? How small ruminat are indispensible part of with their characteristics, socio-economic importance and
mountain people? genetic improvement for conservation.
12. Describe Baruwal sheep and sedentary system. 12. Discuss about dominating livestock species and their
role in livelihood support.
2. Aphid 80
3. Hopper 20
4. Rice bug 30
5. Mole cricket 10
6. Total 150
n- 2073
Essay Type Question
1. What is water pollution?
Explain the causes, imparts
and control measures in the
context of Nepal.
Short questions (Attempt any
2. What is host-plant
resistance? How can we utilize
it in pest management?
Short questions (Attempt 3.What do you chemical pesticide techniques with
any seven) mean by Rapid on non-target suitable examples.
2. What is ETL? Bioassay of organisms. 9. How pest survey and
Why is it Pesticide Resi- 8. Give the surveillance can be
considered effectiveness of effective in pest
dues? Why
important in male sterile management?
integrated pest- pesticide residue
management? of garlic and
3. "FFS is an effective ginger can't be
Compiled By:- Free Students’
tool in IPM". Justify the tested by RBPR?
statement. 4.What do Union, Lamjung Campus
4. Give the you mean by
concept of International
climate change Plant
and mention its Protection
impact on pest Convention?
management and
agriculture as a
whole. 5.Define
5. Mention Bioassay. What
the causes are the factors
and effects considered during
of air bioassay?
pollution 6.Differentiate between
with survey and surveillance.
examples. 7.Define pollution and
6. What is mention its causes.
pesticide 8.Define POPs. Enlist
act? How it different POPs.
is useful to 9.Write short notes on:
manage the
pesticides in a. Basal convention b.
Nepal? Dirty Dozen
7. Explain the c. Bio-magnification d.
legal method of Pest Risk Analysis
pest-management Final
with suitable examinati
examples. on- 2071
8. Mention Essay Type Question
the causes and 1. What is
effect of water integrated pest
pollution in management
the context of (IPM)? What are
Nepal. its principles? How
9. Define the following
do IPM programs
terms: a. Bio-
magnification work? Design an
b. Insect-pest resistance c. IPM package
Insect resurgence program to control
d. Selective pesticide insect-pests of
crucifers or
Final cucurbits.
examin Short questions (Attempt any
ation- seven)
2072 2. Mention environment
Essay Type Question impact of air pollution.
1.Enlist the 3. Describe
different Act causes and
and regulation mitigation of
related to IPM water pollution in
in Nepal. Write the context of
in brief about Nepal.
Plant 4. What do you mean by
Protection Act, ISPMs? Mention its
2064. Short
5. Shortly mention the
questions environment protection
(Attempt any policies of Nepal.
seven) 6. Mention your
7×2 = 14 responsibilities if
2.What is the you are appointed as
difference plant quarantine
between stock officer.
pollutants and 7. Describe the
fund pollutants? impact of
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Conceptualize project, plan and program. Discuss on
FI different aspects of
L M project preparation and
EX . analysis visualizing a
A 40 livestock related
MI P. agricultural project in
NA M. Hilly region of Nepal.
TI 16
ON Short Questions:
Ti (Attempt any Ten)
- me
Level: B.Sc. Ag. rs
8th Semester
Project Planning
Candidates are required to give their 10. Conceptualize ZOPP
answers in their own words as practicable as approach. Describe the steps
possible. The figure in the margin indicates of this approach visualizing
full marks. citrus decline problem in
Essay Type Question: western region of Nepal.
1. What is project 11. What do you mean
cycle? Discuss in detail by project
about different criteria monitoring? Discuss
for investment analysis. on aspects, criteria
Short Questions: (Attempt and steps of project
any Ten) evaluation.
2. Why is referencing 12. Describe the
important? Elicit proper planning, preparation
referencing of online and presentation of
material of a journal seminar with example
article, proceeding and
book with single and FINAL
multiple authors of each. EXAMINA
3. Differentiate between
question and
questionnaire. Explain Essay Type Question:
pretesting of 1. Proposal is pivotal
questionnaires interns of for research and
process and reasons. development. Why?
4. Explain different data How to develop an
presentation technique along effective research
with appropriateness of each proposal? Explain in
of the technique for brief with suitable
different types of data. example.
5. Differentiate
Short Questions: (Attempt
between population and
universe. Discuss on any Ten)
probability sampling 2. What are the
techniques in brief. questions to be
6. Enlist different socio- answered in project
economic research methods. assess- ment and
Explain steps of socio- evaluation?
economic research with the 3. Discuss on
help of a clean flow quantitative and
diagram. qualitative survey
7. Discuss on the instrument in
process of log-frame
socioeconomic research.
Develop a log-frame 4. What are the major
representing crop components in project
insurance project. cycle? Imple- mentation
8. Enlist the elements of a phase is called as a mini-
scientific report. Briefly cycle of the project. Why?
discuss on footnote and 5. What are the
appendix as important difference between
elements of a report. financial and economic
9. What are the different analysis of a research
functions of a project and developments
proposal? Discuss on
introduction and
methodology part of a 6. Simple Random
proposal with example. Sampling is the best
sampling technique 2. Differentiate between FINAL Referencing b) Sensitivity
then other why? references and EXAMINATION analysis
7. Social, economic bibliography? - 2072 6. What are the major
and environmental Exemplified proper Essay Type Question: instruments used for socio-
aspects are most referencing of a journal, 1. Differentiate between economic research design?
unpublished thesis and Monitoring and Why simple random
important as while
book with editors with Evaluation. Why
preparing project sampling technique is pivotal
single and multiple Difference in Difference
feasibility study. authors to each type of for all probability sampling
Give your scientific (DiD) model is best techniques? Explain with
document. approach for project
opinions. 3. Discuss briefly on example.
8. What is ZOPP impact assessment using 7. What is ZOPP?
preparation and
apporach? How do you presenting a seminar with-without and before- Briefly explain the
develop problem tree with example. after project scenarios? problem tree analysis
and objective tree? 4. What are important Explain with suitable with suitable example.
Briefly explain with issues of questionnaire example. Short 8. What do you mean by
suitable example. development? Discuss on Questions: (Attempt any sample? How do you
9. What are the basic steps of questionnaire Ten) determine an accurate sample
development with 2. What is proposal? Briefly
things to be included size in socio-economic
examples. explain the LFAmatrix with
while preparing the research? Explain with
5. Conceptualize example.
LFA? research design and examples.
10. What are the 3. What do you mean by 9. How do you craft an
sampling design. Discuss investment analysis?
methods of project on non-probability effective research
investment? Discounted method is best proposal? Briefly explain
sampling techniques with
Differentiate between examples. approach than non- with components.
NPV and IRR. 6. Highlight importance discounted method for 10. Differentiate
11. Short notes of log-frame approach of investment analysis. between financial and
on: a)Abstract b) project formulation. Why? economics analysis with
Footnotes c) sensitivity Develop a log-frame 4. What are the suitable examples.
analysis representing a post- questions to be 11. Differentiate between: a)
harvest training project. answered during project Footnotes and Endnotes
7. Differentiate between assessment and
between: b) PCN and Full proposal c)
APA and Harvard system evaluation at feasibility
a)References vs. of referenc- ing. Acronyms and Abbreviations
Bibliography and economic efficiency 12. What do you mean
Exemplified APA system criteria in different
b) PCN vs. Proposal of text referencing in by referencing? Discuss
SIA vs. EIA levels? Explain with the way of referencing
following cases: one
work by six authors, example. followed by IAAS with
group as author, no 5. Write short note on: a) suitable examples.
author and personal 107 Compiled By:- Free Students’
communication. Union, Lamjung Campus
8. Enlist elements of a
technical report. Develop
abstract of any research
which you have
conducted in your
undergradu- ate
9. What are elements of
a project proposal?
Discuss on type and
function of a typical
proposal with example.
10. What do you mean
by sensitivity analysis?
Discuss in brief the
elements of feasibility
study of an agricultural
11. How many
project monitoring
differs from
evaluation? Discuss
on steps and types of
project evaluation.
12. Conceptualize
ZOPP as a planning tool.
Describe the steps of this
approach visualizing a
project aiming to address
the problem of low
productivity of cereal
crop in Nepal.
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Describe in detail about the production scheme of button
EXAM F.M mushroomAgaricus
INATI . 20 sp.with giving
ON - P.M
.8 emphasis on compost
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 8th Time preparation, casing,
Semester : spawning and
1:30 productivity.
Subject: Mushroom Hrs Short Questions: (Attempt any Ten)
Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as practicable as possible. The 2. Enlist the three
figure in the margin indicates full marks. commonly grown species
Essay Type Question: of oyster mushroom.
1. Why mushroom Discuss on environmental
cultivation is gaining requirement for spawn- run
popularity to uplift the phase of oyster mushroom
economic position of rural cultivation.
poor people? Describe the 3. Define mushroom and discuss on
cultivation practices of its economic importance.
Pleurotussajorkajumushroom. 4. Enlist any three
Short Questions: (Attempt any poisonous mushroom
Ten) with their common name
2. Discuss on the and scientific names.
wild mushrooms 5. Give the general
having economic morphology of
significance in our mushroom with well-
country. labelled sketch.
3. Enlist five each of the edible 6. Mentions the
and poisonous mushroom symptoms of dry
species. bubble and wet bubble
4. How Boletes are different diseases of mushroom.
from Mushrooms? Discuss How they can be
with examples. managed?
5. Draw a well labelled figure 7. Describe the process of grain
of Agaricusbisporus. spawn production.
6. How mushroom pure 8. Write short notes on the
culture is prepared and following:
7. What are the major insects a) Fairy rings
and diseases of mushroom and b) Boletes
how they are controlled? c) Honey Mushroom
8. What is casing? Explain the d) Rose comb
qualities of casing 9. Differentiate between following:
materials. a) Grain spawn and perlite spawn
9. What are the basic b) Base material and additive of
components of compost? How compost
will you judge about the
qualities of a best compost?
ON - 2072
Essay Type Question:
1. Classify
carbohydrates with
examples; also write
down the function,
deficiency symptoms and
food sources of carbohy-
drates on human.
Short Questions: (Attempt
any Ten)
2. What do you mean
by bioenergetics? How
does energy partition in
human? Explain.
3. What are macro
elements? Write down the
function and deficiency
symptoms of calcium,
phosphorous and Sulphur
in human.
4. What is energy?
What are different
methods of energy
measurement? Explain.
5. Classify foods with
RAMPUR, CHITWAN 1. Write the present status, problems, challenges and
EXAM F. opportunities of dairy sector in
INATI M. Nepal.
ON - 40 Short Questions: (Attempt any
2074 P.
Level: B.Sc. Ag. 8th M. Ten)
2. Why milk product
Semester 16 diversification is necessary?
Subject: Introduction me:
to Dairy Science 2
Candidates are required to give their answers in Short Questions: (Attempt any
their own words as practicable as possible. The Ten)
figure in the margin indicates full marks.
2. Define milk and describe
Essay Type Question:
diagrammatic representation of
1. Discuss briefly about
importance, present milk constituents.
situation and future scope 3. What are the physical and
of dairying in Nepal. chemical properties of milk,
Short Questions: (Attempt any discuss?
Ten) 4. Discuss the factor
2. Explain briefly about affecting composition of
structure, importance and milk and nutritive value of
commercial use of milk milk.
protein. 5. What are the milking
3. Discuss briefly about methods and write advantages
blood circulation and of machine milking over hand
lymphatic system of
milking system?
mammary gland.
4. Explain the effect of stage 6. How can we produce clean
of lactation and seasonality milk and what are the factors
on composition of milk. affecting clean milk
5. Discuss briefly about production?
chemical properties of milk. 7. What are the common flavor
6. Justify the role and defect in milk, discuss their
importance of lactose in the cause and prevention?
growth and development of 8. Enlist beneficial and
children. harmful microorganism in
7. "Milk is an ideal, unique milk and also write down what
and most nearly perfect
are the sources of
food for human being"
justify it. microorganism in milk?
8. Give a concise table of 9. What is pasteurization and
milk constituents and their why is it important in diary
blood precursors in animal. industry?
9. Discuss briefly about 10.Discuss on mammary gland
absorbed flavor defects in development.
milk in milking parlour. 11.Describe on physiology of
10.What are the sources of lactation and milk secretion in
contamination of milk on cattle.
diary farm? Explain in 12.Write short notes on: a) NDDB
brief. b) H.T.S.T.
11. Differentiate the
c) Objective of DDC d) L
following. a) Clostrum and
cow milk. b)Sucrose and
Lactose c) Apparent and
developed acidity 12.Write
short notes on following:
a)Importance of machine
b)Hygienic milk production on
diary farm
N - 2072
Essay Type Question:
1. Write scope and
importance of diary
development in Nepal and
discuss in comparison with
developed countries.
3. Write in short about representation of
nutritive value of milk. milk constituents.
4. How does the stage of Explain the factors
lactation affect the influence the quality
composition of milk? and quantity of milk
5. Write short notes: a) produced.
Specific gravity b) Short Questions: (Attempt
Alveoli any Ten)
c) Rancid flavor of milk 2. Define milk.
6. Why Give food value of
temperate milk. Milk is
countries perfect food.
are more Comment with
favorable reason.
for milk 3. Discuss about importance
production of dairying in Nepal.
as compared 4. Write short notes:
to tropical a.Flavor defect in milk
7. What are the major b.Specific gravity of milk
hormones and it's role 5. Write in brief about
lactation? hormones related to udder
8. Discuss on method of development.
milking a diary animal. 6. Full hand milking is the best
9. Differentiate the method of milking. Justify
following. with reason.
a) Flavors and off flavor 7. Write short notes on: a.
in milk homogenized milk
b) Apparent and b. Toned milk c.
developed acidity Acidity and pH of milk
10. Briefly 8. Explain the physical and
explain the chemical properties of
various factors milk.
affecting the 9. What do you
clean milk mean
production. pasteurization?
11. What are the Write the
different types of advantages and
micro-organisms methods of
found in milk pasteurization of
and milk milk.
products? 10. Explai
12. How n the
does the principles of
blood clean milk
circulatory production.
system 11.Discuss in
function in brief about
mammary mechanism
gland? of milk let
FINAL 12.Write
EXAMINA short notes
TION - on:
2071 a. Plat farm test b.
Essay Type Question: Colostrums c. Sterilized
1. Give the milk
I feel immense pleasure to see the enthusiasm of the students in the preparation and
publication of IAAS QUESTION BANK book and would like to extend my words of
gratitude to Free students union lamajung campus unit . This activities shows that the
students are not only involved in regular course work but are also active to demon-
strate their intellectual capabilities in agricultural and veterinary related articled book
This book would serve as a good medium for exchange and transfer of techni-
cal know- how related to ariculture and veterinary in different sector .
Lastly I would ike to acknowledge all the team member of free students union
lamjung campus for creative iputs and their efforts .
9thSeptember, 2018
Keshav Raj Adhikari,PHD
Professor and Dean
IAAS Lamjung campus has played a crucial role as a premier constituent college of TU
for the development of agricultural competent manpower required for the nation. It is
focused on graduating qualified students with Bachelor's degree in Agriculture and
Animal Science. A higher level competent manpower has been producing in the B.Sc.
Ag program since 2012/013. I heard "Free Student's Union (FSU)" of Lamjung
Campus is going to publish "Question Bank from 1st to 8th semester compiled By
FSU, Lamjung Campus (2073-2075)".I hope this compiled questions bank will be
useful for all the students of different collages of IAAS especially the students batch of
2074/75 as a reliable exam preparatory book.
I believe this book will guide students to develop ideas for attempting questions and
obtain good results in each and every semester. It is a stepping stone for the exam
appear- ing student to boost their knowledge and take their practice to perfection.
I feel very pleasure and privileged to congratulate the appreciable work of the FSU team
and all of their helping hand for the excellent work. I hope this sort of noble work will
be continued for the long. Thanks.
Dr.Narayan Neupane,
I feel immense pleasure to see the enthusiasm of the students in the preparation and
publication of IAAS QUESTION BANK book and would like to extend my words
of gratitude to Free students union Lamjung campus unit . This activities shows that
the students are not only involved in regular course work but are also active to
demonstrate their intellectual capabilities in agricultural and veterinary related articled
book .
This book would serve as a good medium for exchange and transfer of
technical know- how related to ariculture and veterinary in different sector .
Lastly I would ike to acknowledge all the team member of free students union
Lamjung campus for creative iputs and their efforts .
Kapil Kafle, Asst. Professor
"t€. t§. §BF7†Ł Y§J7 JB† †\hfl"
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gets tough, the tough gets going". Anyone who enters the gate of Agriculture and
Animal Science College knowingly and unknowingly follows the path indi- cated in the
quote. We have to put our focus on study and at the same time we have to fight with
the system to make things better. On top of that, we never refused to see our surround-
F ing and not just show our reaction, we act on it. At the end of our college life after
studying amidst such toughness, we will become tougher in important areas and that
e will surely be a head start to our journey of life.
The book is prepared with dedication and hard-working of many helping hands. I am
W pretty confident that contents of the book along with your own effort will be
o valuable asset to BSC(Ag) study. Helping each other and grow as a community are
always our culture and strength and this book is addition of one more pillar to that
r strength. I am personally and officially thankful to the helping hands for their
d contribution to the community.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all the college staff who helped in our cause,
f my seniors who guided us to find a right and better path, my juniors for constantly
r supporting us whenever required. As a Act.President of FSU, I wish you all the best
o for your upcoming exam. We, as FSU, always try to represent the voice of student and
put our effort to shorten the distance between need of students need and the focus of
m the university and college authority.
Thank you ….
d Sagar Lamichhane
e Act. President,
Free students
n union Lamjung
t Campus
10, 2018
When I
got the
ty to
words for
this book,
one quote
my mind
- "When
the going