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Foxboro Conductivity Sensors Clean-In-Place Procedures

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Foxboro Application Solution

Foxboro Conductivity Sensors


Clean-in-place Procedures

Foxboro conductivity sensors can measure
the conductivity of almost any conductive
liquid. In process industries it allows for
optimum ROI with clean-in-place (CIP)
procedures. With the ability to consecutively
and accurately measure conductivity by
autoswitching between all three applications
with one loop saves on equipment and
maintenance costs.
•  Reduced material and maintenance costs
•  Improved production yields and reduced equipment corrosion

Business Value •  Reduced exposure of personnel to a potentially hazardous chemical

With more than 40 years experience in

conductivity measurement, Foxboro offers About Foxboro Flow-Through Conductivity Sensors
the most complete line of instrumentation
Foxboro® conductivity sensors are a comprehensive family of flow-through,
available. The proven reliability and
noninvasive electrodeless assemblies that measure the conductivity of almost
robustness of the Foxboro conductivity any conductive liquid. The sensors are available in several line sizes and with
flow-through sensor helps improve process a wide choice of wetted parts materials and end connections, including both
performance, increases production yields industrial and sanitary types. Featuring a built-in calibration port, the sensors
and reduces equipment corrosion. can be calibrated inline to improve applications with aggressive chemicals and
those in industries such as pharmaceuticals where the process line cannot be

Technical Challenge
Clean-in-place (CIP) procedures are widely used in all types of
processing industries after each batch run to prevent bacterial growth and
contamination and to maintain the highest product quality. Examples of
such industries include, dairy, brewery, food and beverage, pharmaceutical
and chemical manufacturing. The primary purpose of the CIP process is
to remove solids and bacteria from the processing vessels and piping.

Foxboro Application Solution > Conductivity Sensors Clean-in-place Procedures

Technical Challenge (continued)

The majority of cleaning and sterilizing agents used
in this process consist of caustic, acid, bleach,
peroxide, ammonia or a mixture of these constit-
uents. The CIP system allows for accurate dosing
of the concentrated cleaning agent, normally into
water, to yield a low concentration solution suitable
for cleaning the processing system. Multiple fluids
flow through the CIP process in a specific order
and time frame, and rely on precise conductivity
measurement equipment to monitor and control the
efficiency of the cleaning process.
A typical CIP process involves dissimilar solutions
traveling through the vessels and pipe work of the
processing system in a deliberate and sequential
manner. The change in conductivity at the interface
of such fluids is a crucial measurement for the
overall efficiency of the CIP process. A typical CIP
cycle, after a batch of product is produced may
include flushing the lines with a cleaning agent,
followed by a sanitizing agent and finally a rinse.
Inherently, the aforementioned cycle necessitates
monitoring and measurement of conductivity
ranges and changes for up to three consecutive
In addition to the challenge of measuring multiple
ranges, the conductivity measurement accuracy is
also dependant on the correct choice of tempera-
ture compensation. Perhaps the greatest challenge
with the CIP process lies with the sanitizing stage.
Sanitizers typically consist of various ratios of acid,
caustic and antibacterial agents. These non-bi-
nary solutions make it difficult for the end user to
determine the optimum percent concentration of
the material to use as well as choosing the opti-
mum temperature compensation type. To that end,
inaccurate conductivity measurements will lead to
excess chemical costs, cleaning cycles and neu-
tralization costs. Figure 1. Foxboro analyzers offer pre-programmed curves
such as H3PO4 and NaOH. They also offer custom curve
generation for proprietary solutions such as sanitizers.
Foxboro Application Solution > Conductivity Sensors Clean-in-place Procedures

The Foxboro Solution

For optimum ROI, conductivity measurement
equipment with the ability to consecutively and
accurately measure conductivity by auto switching
between all three applications with one loop saves
on equipment costs and maintenance costs. The
Foxboro 875EC analyzers can auto switch applica-
tions one of two ways. One way is by using a set
point for high or low conductivity and the second
is by using a digital contact signal from a host, e.g.
Any combination of our electrode less conductivity
or flow-through sensors (871FT or 871EC) together
with either analyzer (870ITEC or 875EC) provide
rapid, accurate interface detection. These ana-
lyzers have the largest number of chemical and
temperature compensation curves available (see
Figure 1).
The Foxboro Company 871FT Flow-Through Non-
Invasive Electrodeless Conductivity Sensor can be
vertically or horizontally adapted to your process
by threaded or flanged end connections. It is avail-
able in line sizes from 0.5 to 4.0 inches and in a
variety of construction materials to insure materials
The 871EC invasive electrodeless sensor instal- Figure 2. Clean-in-place process
lation requires a minimum three inch diameter
pipe (to avoid errors in conductivity readings
due to wall effect) or it can be vessel mounted. The 870ITEC Transmitter is a microprocessor based two-wire intelligent trans-
The 875EC Analyzer is a microprocessor based, mitter that provides a measurement indication and a single 4-20 mA output. A
menu-driven AC powered analyzer that provides menu-driven human interface guides the user through intuitive configuration,
a dual measurement indication and dual 4-20 mA calibration and troubleshooting procedures.
isolated analog outputs. This analyzer offers an
auto switch feature that minimizes the number of
loops needed in a CIP application. Two independ-
ent configurable alarm relays can be utilized to
activate diversion valves, alarms or diagnostics. Reference Documents
PSS 6-3N1 C..... 875EC Analyzer
PSS 6-3Q A....... 871FT Sensor
PSS 6-3N2 A..... 870ITEC Analyzer
PSS 6-3C4 A..... 871EC Sensor
Foxboro Application Solution > Conductivity Sensors Clean-in-Place procedures


38 Neponset Avenue
Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035 USA
Toll free within the USA 1-866-764-6477
Global +1-508-549-2424


November 2015
Part Number: FD-AS-A-008

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©2015 Invensys Systems, Inc., a Schneider Electric company. All rights reserved. No part of the material
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