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Common Questions About Oppositional Defiant Disorder - American Family Physician

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Common Questions About

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Am Fam Physician. 2016 Apr 1;93(7):586-591.

Patient information: A handout on this topic is available at

disorder.html (https://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/diseases-conditions/oppositional-defiant-

Author disclosure: No relevant financial affiliations.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a disruptive behavior disorder characterized

by a pattern of angry or irritable mood, argumentative or defiant behavior, or
vindictiveness lasting for at least six months. Children and adolescents with ODD
may have trouble controlling their temper and are often disobedient and defiant
toward others. There are no tools specifically designed for diagnosing ODD, but
multiple questionnaires can aid in diagnosis while assessing for other psychiatric
conditions. ODD is often comorbid with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,
conduct disorder, and mood disorders, including anxiety and depression.
Behavioral therapy for the child and family members improves symptoms of ODD.
Medications are not recommended as first-line treatment for ODD; however,
treatment of comorbid mental health conditions with medications often improves
ODD symptoms. Adults and adolescents with a history of ODD have a greater than
90% chance of being diagnosed with another mental illness in their lifetime. They
are at high risk of developing social and emotional problems as adults, including
suicide and substance use disorders. Early intervention seeks to prevent the
development of conduct disorder, substance abuse, and delinquency that can
cause lifelong social, occupational, and academic impairments.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a disruptive behavior disorder characterized by

a pattern of angry or irritable mood, argumentative or defiant behavior, or
vindictiveness lasting for at least six months (Table 1).1 Children and adolescents
with ODD may have trouble controlling their temper and are often disobedient and
defiant toward others. ODD usually manifests in children by late preschool or early
elementary school, although it can also begin in adolescence.2,3

! Enlarge ( hi-res/afp20160401p586-ut1.gif ) " Print




Do not routinely prescribe antipsychotic medications as a first- American

line intervention for children and adolescents for any diagnosis Psychiatric
other than psychotic disorders. Association

Source: For more information on the Choosing Wisely Campaign, see

http://www.choosingwisely.org (http://www.choosingwisely.org). For supporting citations
and to search Choosing Wisely recommendations relevant to primary care, see

! Enlarge ( hi-res/afp20160401p586-ut2.gif ) " Print



Children and adolescents with ODD should be C 5, 6, 14,

evaluated for comorbid mental health disorders, 17
including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,
conduct disorder, and mood disorders.

Parent management therapy and collaborative B 20, 21

problem solving improve outcomes for children with
Although medications should not be used as first-line C 6
treatment of ODD, pharmacotherapy for comorbid
mental health conditions often improves symptoms
of ODD.

ODD = oppositional defiant disorder.

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-

quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual
practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating
system, go to https://www.aafp.org/afpsort (https://www.aafp.org/afpsort).

! Enlarge ( hi-res/afp20160401p586-t1.gif ) " Print

Table 1.
Diagnostic Criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder

A. A pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or

vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months as evidenced by at least four symptoms
from any of the following categories, and exhibited during interaction with at
least one individual who is not a sibling.

Angry/Irritable Mood

1. Often loses temper.

2. Is often touchy or easily annoyed.

3. Is often angry and resentful.

Argumentative/Defiant Behavior

4. Often argues with authority figures or, for children and adolescents, with
5. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority
figures or with rules.

6. Often deliberately annoys others.

7. Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior.


8. Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months.

NOTE: The persistence and frequency of these behaviors should be used to

A systematic review found that the prevalence of ODD is approximately 3.3% across
distinguish a behavior that is within normal limits from a behavior that is
multiple cultures; other reports listed a prevalence of 1% to 16%.3,4 ODD is more
symptomatic. For children younger than 5 years, the behavior should occur on
common in children who live in poverty, and before adolescence it is slightly more
most days for a period of at least 6 months unless otherwise noted (Criterion
prevalent in boys, although this difference resolves in adolescence.1,4,5 Concern
A8). For individuals 5 years and older, the behavior should occur at least once
about ODD is among the most common reasons children are referred for mental
per week for at least 6 months, unless otherwise noted (Criterion A8). While
health services.4
these frequency criteria provide guidance on a minimal level of frequency to
Familydefine symptoms,
physicians other factors
are uniquely should
positioned toalso
helpbe considered,
assess such
children as whether
at risk of ODD and
the frequency
refer their families toand intensity of
community the behaviors
programs are outside
and resources. a range
Once thathas
a child is begun
displaying for theprompt
symptoms, individual's developmental
diagnosis level,
and referral to gender, and culture.
local mental health
professionals with experience in treating ODD are essential.
B. The disturbance in behavior is associated with distress in the individual or
othersCauses ODD?
in his or her immediate social context (e.g., family, peer group, work
The or it impacts
etiology of ODD negatively
is not clearly defined.on social,
Most educational,
experts think it isoccupational,
caused by theor
other important
cumulative effect ofareas of functioning.
multiple risk factors that stem from biologic, psychological, and social
issues. Social support is a protective factor.
C. The behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a psychotic,
substance use, depressive, or bipolar disorder. Also, the criteria are not met for
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.
The etiology of ODD is multifactorial with a cumulative nature. Biologic factors
associated with ODD may include nicotine use by parents, prenatal nutritional
deficiencies, and developmental delay.6–9 Familial clustering suggests an underlying
genetic component, but hereditary connections are variable. Psychological factors
Specify current
associated severity:
with ODD may include insecure attachment and unresponsive parents.6
Parental psychopathology, including maternal aggression, is associated with ODD;
abuse, harsh punishment, and inconsistent discipline are common correlates.10
Newer studies confirm that parental behavior is likely causal rather than a response
to the child's symptoms.11 Additional social factors that may contribute to ODD
include poverty, lack of structure, peer rejection, and community violence.6 Protective
factors are less clear but include social support, such as peer acceptance and time
spent in supportive environments.10

What Are the Diagnostic Criteria?

To meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed., (DSM-5)
diagnostic criteria for ODD, the child must have at least four symptoms of angry/irritable
mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness. Symptoms must be present for
at least six months and have a negative impact on social, educational, or occupational


A number of changes in the diagnostic criteria for ODD were made in the DSM-5.
Symptoms are now grouped by mood, behaviors, and vindictiveness, and the
exclusion criterion for conduct disorder has been removed. Because many
oppositional behaviors are a normal part of early childhood and adolescence, the
DSM-5 now provides guidance on when these behaviors are a departure from normal
development. For example, the DSM-5 notes that temper outbursts for preschool-
aged children are common, but they may be abnormal if they occur on most days
and are associated with significant impairment, such as being asked to leave

The DSM-5 also provides severity criteria depending on the number of settings in
which symptoms are present. In contrast with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), in which impairment must be pervasive across multiple settings, ODD
symptoms must be present in only one setting to make the diagnosis.1 This means
that a child who has no behavioral problems in school may be diagnosed with ODD
as a result of oppositional issues at home. However, ODD more commonly causes
impairment in multiple settings, and pervasiveness across settings indicates a more
severe disorder.12 Children with ODD who have symptoms in only one setting may
still have significant problems with current and future adjustment, and warrant
further evaluation and treatment.

Are There Tools for Diagnosing ODD?

No questionnaires are specifically designed for diagnosing ODD, but multiple tools can aid
in diagnosis while assessing for other psychiatric conditions.


Diagnostic tools for ADHD, such as the Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating
Scale and the Conners 3 scales, have comorbidity screening scales that can help
identify ODD.6,13 One study of the Vanderbilt scale found that affirmative answers
(“often” or “very often”) to the items “Actively disobeys or refuses to follow adults'
requests or rules” and “Is angry or bitter” had good sensitivity (55% to 88%) and
specificity (85% to 94%) for diagnosing ODD.13 Table 2 provides information on these
and other tools for identifying behavior disorders; Table 3 lists the differential
diagnosis of ODD.1

! Enlarge ( hi-res/afp20160401p586-t2.gif ) " Print

Table 2.
Screening Tools for ODD


Child Screens for a Versions are available for younger children (18
Behavior variety of months to 5 years) and for older children (6 to 18
Checklist behavioral and years); available at http://www.aseba.org
emotional (http://www.aseba.org) ($30 each)
including ADHD,
ODD, conduct
anxiety, and

Conners 3 Screens for ADHD Updated version uses DSM-5 criteria; available at
with additional http://www.mhs.com/product.aspx?
assessments for gr=cli&id=overview&prod=conners3#scales
ODD and conduct (http://www.mhs.com/product.aspx?
disorder gr=cli&id=overview&prod=conners3#scales) (price varies)
Swanson, Screens for ADHD Available at
Nolan and with additional http://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/behavioral-
Pelham questions to health/attachments/Pages_from_CY_BPGs_454-
Teacher assess for ODD, 463.pdf (http://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/behavioral-
and conduct disorder, health/attachments/Pages_from_CY_BPGs_454-463.pdf)
Parent generalized (free)
Rating anxiety disorder,
Scale obsessive-
disorder, and

Vanderbilt Screens for ADHD Available

! Enlargeat ( hi-res/afp20160401p586-t3.gif ) " Print
ADHD with additional http://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/behavioral-
Table 3.
Diagnostic scales to screen health/attachments/Pages_from_CY_BPGs_464-
Differential Diagnosis of ODD
Parent for ODD, conduct 472.pdf (http://www.tn.gov/assets/entities/behavioral-
Rating disorder, and
OVERLAPPING health/attachments/Pages_from_CY_BPGs_464-472.pdf)
Scale anxiety/depression (free)

ADHD Difficulty In ODD, defiance of authority figures occurs

following beyond
ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity settings
disorder; DSM-5where sustained
= Diagnostic attention
and or
Manual of Mentalrules, sitting
Disorders, 5th ed.; ODDstill is required;defiant
= oppositional ODD isdisorder.
struggles comorbid with ADHD
figures; may
be annoying
to others

Conduct Behavioral More severe behavioral issues occur in

disorder problems conduct disorder, including aggression toward
leading to animals and other persons, destruction of
conflict with property, and a pattern of theft or deceit; anger
authority and irritability are ODD criteria but are not
figures included in the diagnostic criteria for conduct
Depressive Irritability, Argumentative/defiant behavior and
and bipolar negative vindictiveness that occur in ODD do not
disorders affect routinely occur in mood disorders; ODD should
not be diagnosed if oppositional symptoms
occur exclusively during a mood disorder

DMDD Chronic Temper outbursts are more severe, frequent,

negative and chronic in persons with DMDD; mood
mood, disturbance severe enough to meet criteria for
temper DMDD precludes the diagnosis of ODD

What Are Common

Difficulty in
with ODD?
Intellectual disability may be detected on
ODD is often comorbid
disability with other mental
school, health
formal conditions.
testing; personsThe most
with common are ADHD
and conduct disorder, although mooddisabilities
oppositional disorders are
arealso common.
diagnosed Substance
with ODD only use
if and
other behavioral problems
behaviormay also coexist with ODD.
oppositional behaviors are significantly beyond
those that occur in persons with similar
intellectual disabilities

ADHD is one of the most common comorbid conditions with ODD, occurring in 14%
40% of children Anger
with the disorder.Serious aggression
14,15 Symptoms of toward others
ADHD may does not
precede those of
ODD. occur
Children with more predominant in ODD
defiant and headstrong symptoms of ODD are
more likely to have comorbid ADHD.2,16 Older studies suggested that conduct
disorder may be a more severe, age-related progression of ODD, although more
recent Oppositional
evidence suggests that theyLanguage disorder
are distinct (e.g.,
disorders. fromRetrospective
2,12,14 hearing loss) studies
disorderthat conduct
estimate behavior may be detected
disorder is comorbid on formal
in up to 42% testing;
of persons lack
with of 4,14
Those with comorbid ADHD and ODD following directions
or conduct in persons
disorder and ODDwithtendlanguage
to have
more severe and persistent behavioral is due
problems andtoare
more likely toissues,
have not
additional comorbid mood disorders. 6,17 They are also at higher risk of substance

use and abuse.17

Social Oppositional Opposition in social phobia is due to fear and
Anxiety and depression are commonly associated with ODD, developing as early as
phobia behavior anxiety, as opposed to the defiance of authority
preschool age.2,5,14 One study found that up to 14% of persons with ODD also have
figures that occurs in ODD
anxiety, and 9% have a depressive disorder.15 A more recent study found even higher
rates; at least 50% of participants with ODD had comorbid anxiety or depression.14
ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; DMDD = disruptive mood dysregulation
disorder; ODD = oppositional defiant disorder.
Those with angry and irritable symptoms of ODD are at higher risk of comorbid mood
disorders, whereas those with argumentative, defiant, and vindictive symptoms are at
higher risk of conduct disorder.16

Which Behavioral Treatments Are Effective?

Individualized treatment plans by mental health professionals for both the child and family
are the most effective. Behavioral parenting interventions are first-line therapy in younger
children. In adolescence, individual therapy takes a more prominent role, but outcomes are
better when parents are involved. Early intervention may help prevent other disorders, such
as conduct disorder, substance abuse, and delinquency.


Child-based therapy often focuses on problem-solving skills, whereas parent training

(parent management therapy) focuses on how to respond to the child's behavior.
Parent management therapy aims to help parents manage disruptive behavior by
decreasing unintentional positive reinforcement of disruptive behaviors, to help them
understand appropriate consequences and punishments for disruptive behaviors,
and to help them make their response timely, predictable, and appropriate. Overall,
the goal is for parents to be more positive and less harsh.6 A 2012 Cochrane review
found that group parenting interventions based on behavioral therapy and cognitive
behavior therapy (CBT) are effective and cost-effective for improving child conduct
problems, parental mental health, and parenting skills in the short term.18 Group CBT
for children has also been found to decrease aggressive behaviors.19

Collaborative problem solving, in which parents and children work together, is another
effective technique for treating ODD.20 A 2015 trial found collaborative problem
solving to be as effective as parent management therapy.21 In both treatment arms,
50% of children no longer met criteria for ODD after six months.

Can Pharmacologic Treatment Help?

Medications are not recommended as first-line treatment for ODD, but they may be helpful
in some situations when used in conjunction with behavioral interventions. Treatment of
comorbid conditions often improves symptoms of ODD. 6 Mood stabilizers and atypical
antipsychotics may be helpful for aggressive behaviors, but have limited data for ODD.

Stimulants can help improve oppositional symptoms in persons with comorbid
ADHD, whereas atomoxetine (Strattera) has mixed evidence for reduction of ODD
symptoms.22,23 Clonidine has also proved effective in managing concomitant ADHD
and ODD.24

Antidepressant therapy in persons with concomitant depression and ODD can help
both disorders. One study found that fluoxetine (Prozac), with or without CBT,
improves comorbid ODD.25 Fluoxetine plus CBT was superior to CBT alone, but ODD
symptoms improved in all treated groups.

The broader literature on conduct disorder suggests that mood stabilizers and
atypical antipsychotics may be helpful for managing aggressive behavior. A 2012
Cochrane review found limited evidence that atypical antipsychotics help with
aggression and conduct problems in children five to 18 years of age.26 The evidence
was strongest for risperidone (Risperdal), and there was no evidence to support the
use of quetiapine (Seroquel) in this population.

What Is the Natural History of ODD?

ODD does not have a consistent course. Symptoms often resolve by early adulthood,
although other mental health problems, such as mood disorders and social impairment,
may persist or develop.


The normal course of ODD is not well defined. One study showed that 70% of persons
with ODD had symptom resolution by 18 years of age.14 However, ODD can persist
into adulthood, and earlier onset of symptoms and male sex predict more severe

Environmental factors such as family instability, low may increase the risk of conduct
disorder in persons with ODD.2,4 Because antisocial personality disorder is
considered a more severe adult form of conduct disorder, children with ODD and
comorbid conduct disorder are at risk of developing antisocial personality disorder.6

Adults and adolescents with a history of ODD have a greater than 90% chance of
being diagnosed with another mental illness in their lifetime.14 They are at high risk
of social and emotional problems as adults, including suicide. They also have a
higher risk of mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder, and
high rates of substance use disorders.2,17,27,28 Early intervention is aimed at
preventing the development of conduct disorder, substance abuse, and delinquency
that can cause lifelong social, occupational, and academic impairments.

Can ODD Be Prevented?

Programs that improve social skills, conflict resolution, and anger management in
preschool-aged children to adolescents can reduce the risk of ODD. These programs are
often embedded in existing community programs that serve high-risk youth, such as Head
Start, or in elementary or secondary school curricula.


Integrating behavioral programs for preventing conduct problems into existing

programs such as Head Start has had a positive impact. One example, the Incredible
Years program (http://www.incredibleyears.com (http://www.incredibleyears.com)), has
been found to improve social competence and emotional self-regulation and
decrease conduct issues. This program has content for parents, children, educators,
and clinicians.29,30 Other programs for adolescents concentrate on CBT-based
interventions, skills training, vocational training, and academic preparation. A
comprehensive list of programs and resources is available on the American Academy
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's website


Data Sources: A PubMed search was completed in Clinical Queries using the key
term oppositional defiant disorder. The search included meta-analyses, randomized
controlled trials, clinical trials, and reviews. A search was also performed using
Essential Evidence Plus. Search dates: January 2015 through December 2015.

The Authors show all author info

MARGARET RILEY, MD, FAAFP, is an assistant professor of family medicine at the
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, and the medical director of the
Adolescent Health Initiative and the Regional Alliance for Healthy Schools in Ann
REFERENCES show all references

1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013....


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