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05 Legacy A2 Unit 5

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Unit 5

 Special days & Holiday wishes

1 Match the pictures (1-4) with the celebrations (A-D). Then match the wishes to the

 Many happy returns!  Best wishes for the year ahead!  Congratulations on your new arrival!
 Wishing you a happy life together.

A birth B marriage C New Year D birthday

1 2 3 4

 Celebrations & Traditions

2 Match the columns to form phrases.

1 exchange A a boat race

2 sing B presents

3 decorate C carols

4 light D our house

5 let off E a bonfire

6 hold F fireworks

 Embarrassing moments

3 Complete the dialogue with: broke, tore, slipped, took, ate, fell.

Jim: Hi,
Hi, Mark.
Mark. I’m
I’m sorry
sorry about
about thethe party
party last
last night.
night. ItIt was
was terrible!
Mark: It’s
It’s OK,
OK, Jim.
Jim. II just
just can’t
can’t believe
believe so so many
many accidents
accidents happened!
Jim: Yes.
Yes. Things
Things started
started badly
badly when
when James
James 1) ……………..
1) …………….. on on the
the wet
wet floor
floor and
and 2) ………………..
2) ………………..
his glass!
Mark: Poor
Poor James.
James. II felt
felt sorry
sorry for
for Anna.
Anna. She She 3)
3) ………………..
……………….. something something tootoo spicy
spicy andand looked
looked illill all
Jim: Yeah,
Yeah, she
she really
really hates
hates spicy
spicy food.
food. What
What about
about Martin,
Martin, though?
though? HeHe 4) ………………..
4) ……………….. down down the the
stairs and
and 5) ………………..
5) ……………….. his his shirt!
shirt! II offered
offered toto buy
buy himhim aa new
new one,
one, but
but he
he said
said itit was
was alright.
Mark: Wow!
Wow! II didn’t
didn’t see
see that.
that. II was
was busy
busy with
with Mary
Mary looking
looking for for her
her coat.
coat. The
The problem
problem was was that
that she
was inin such
such aa hurry
hurry to
to catch
catch herher train
train that
that she
she 6) ………………..
6) ……………….. the the wrong
wrong one.
Jim:Oh, no!
no! ItIt really
really was
was an
an unlucky
unlucky evening
evening for for everyone!
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy A2
Unit 5
General Revision
4 Choose the correct item.

1 Erica hung a crown/garland on her door to 4 The festival is the biggest event/gathering of
decorate the house. dancers in the country.
2 On May Day, a May Queen watches the festival 5 At the winter festival, Sandra learnt how to ride a
from her throne/pole. sledge/kayak.
3 People from all over the area join in the May Day 6 The Notting Hill Carnival has the largest street
spirits/festivities. display/parade in London.

5 Fill in: delicious, traditional, special, changing, impressive.

1 We watched ……………………… dances at the 4 I was amazed by the ……………………… floats

May Day celebration. at the carnival this year.
2 I love Christmas because we eat lots of 5 On May Day, at the end of spring, people
……………………… food for dinner. celebrate the ……………………… seasons.
3 Bonfire Night is a very ………………………
event; I love watching the fireworks!

6 Choose the correct item.

Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day is an event in Britain that 1) remembers/honours soldiers who 2) fought/defeated in World
War I and other wars since then. It happens every November across the country, and people 3) take/grab wreaths
to monuments as a sign of respect. The Royal family visit the biggest Remembrance Day monument, called the
Cenotaph. It 4) commemorates/represents soldiers who died in wars in other countries. During the ceremony,
crowds 5) participate/watch as the Queen lays a wreath while soldiers play slow music.

 Prepositions

7 Choose the correct preposition.

This weekend, come and join 1) in/on

the fun 2) in/at Grove Hill School! Our
Halloween party is 3) on/at Saturday
evening and takes place 4) at/on 5 pm
5) at/in the main hall. Make sure you
bring a costume 6) with/for you and
don’t forget your pumpkin 7) to/for the
pumpkin-carving competition!

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Legacy A2

Unit 5
8 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect.

1 Martin …………………………. (make) tea for 4 The girls …………………………. (leave) for the
everyone. concert already.
2 Kevin …………………………. (not/read) this 5 I …………………………. (attend) a Guy Fawkes’
book before. Night bonfire for the last five years.
3 …………………………. (you/ever/be) to 6 Oh no! I …………………………. (burn) the
Hogmanay in Edinburgh? dinner in the oven!

9 Choose the correct word.

1 Jenny has already/yet prepared the food for the 4 The Hendersons have lived here since/for two
party tonight. years.
2 This is the first time I've never/ever been to a 5 Tom has just/yet graduated from university.
food festival.
3 I haven't seen Kathryn since/for New Year’s

10 Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.

1 A: …………………………… (you/ever/hear) the 4 A: …………………………… (you/wrap) Jane’s

band perform live? birthday presents this morning?
B: No, but I …………………………… (listen) to B: No, I …………………………… (not/buy) the
all their albums. wrapping paper yet.

2 A: …………………………… (you/bake) the 5 A: I …………………………… (never/see) such

mince pies yet? beautiful fireworks!
B: Yes, I …………………………… (try) one this B: I know, I’m glad I ……………………………
morning; they’re delicious! (catch) it all on video!

3 A: I …………………………… (never/wear)
fancy dress to a festival before.
B: Neither have I, but I …………………………
(order) my costume last night.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy A2

Unit 5
Everyday English
11 Read the dialogues below. Complete them with the appropriate item (A, B or C).

1 X: Did you have a nice time at the concert?

Y: .................................................................................
A It was amazing.
B I went to a party.
C They enjoyed it a lot.

2 X: Were there a lot of people?

Y: .................................................................................
A She had a huge wedding.
B No, Mary went with her cousin.
C All her friends and relatives were there.

3 X: .................................................................................
Y: I didn’t do anything special.
A Did you enjoy yourself?
B What was your weekend like?
C How was the birthday party?

4 X: Did you get the invitation?

Y: .................................................................................
A Not yet.
B No, thank you!
C That would be nice.

5 X: How do you usually celebrate?

Y: .................................................................................
A We danced and played games.
B We have a special meal.
C I enjoy singing a lot.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Legacy A2

Unit 5
Pairwork Activities Student A
Work with Student B. Ask Student B questions about a film festival. Then answer Student B’s
questions about a dance event.

18th – 20th March

Experience a huge celebration of dance at the ExCel Centre London.

Enjoy classes, performances, workshops and even shopping!



Visit www.moveitdance.co.uk for more info.

Film festival

 what/name/festival?
 what/people/do?
 how many/festival locations?
 how much/tickets/cost/IMAX films?
 membership/needed?

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Legacy A2

Unit 5
Pairwork Activities Student B
Work with Student A. Answer Student A’s questions about a film festival. Then ask Student A
questions about a dance event.

Britain’s most
important film festival
runs from 7 – 18
October this year.

Come and watch

award-winning films or attend
classes with famous

Festival locations:
 BFI Southbank
Cinema, Belvedere Road
Cinema, London Waterloo

Films - Southbank £12.50,
IMAX £20,
Classes - £15
BFI membership not needed

Dance event

 what/name/event?
 when/happen?
 what/activities?
 how much/tickets/cost?
 how/get/more information?

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 6 Legacy A2

Unit 5
Portfolio Activities
Name: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………………. Class: ...................

Design a poster advertising a local celebration/festival in your area.

Include a picture and information about:
the name of the festival, when and where it happens, what activities there are at the festival.

place picture here

Name of event: ......................................................................................................................................................

Where it takes place: ............................................................................................................................................

When it happens: ..................................................................................................................................................

What it celebrates: ................................................................................................................................................

Activities you can do there: .................................................................................................................................


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7 Legacy A2

Unit 5
Ask students to create a questionnaire about experiences using yes/no questions in the
present perfect tense. Check students’ work, then students take turns asking each other
their questions. If students get a “no” answer, they move on and ask another student. If they
get a “yes” answer, they write that person’s name on the questionnaire and ask a follow up
question in order to get more information. Give students 8-10 minutes to go around the class
and get information. When the time is up, students present what they have learned about
their classmates.

Sample Questionnaire:

Find someone who… Name of student More information

has been to a festival. Martin Martin went to a medieval

festival at Leeds Castle last

has celebrated an important event


has travelled abroad. Helen Helen travelled to Spain two

years ago.

has participated in a contest.

has had an embarrassing accident.

Harry asks Sally: “Have you been to a festival?”

Sally answers: “No, I haven’t.”

Harry then moves on to another student and asks the same question.
Harry asks Martin: “Martin, have you been to a festival?”
Martin answers: “Yes, I have.”
Harry then asks a follow up question: “When was the last time you went to a festival?”
Martin answers, “I went to a medieval festival at Leeds Castle last year.”

Variation: Have students write their own questionnaires.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 8 Legacy A2

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