ICMR NITM Advertisement 070621
ICMR NITM Advertisement 070621
ICMR NITM Advertisement 070621
ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine, Belagavi invites online applications (by email) for the below mentioned posts on purely temporary basis at
Covid-19 Laboratory for a period up to 31.07.2021. The last date for sending online application by email is 13-06-2021 (05.00 P.M.) Short listed candidates
will be informed to attend the Interview (Offline / Online) for the following positions:
Sl. No. Name of the Post No. of Monthly Age limit as on Essential qualification
Vacancy consolidated 13.06.2021
emoluments in
Contract Laboratory Graduate in Life Sciences (Microbiology, Biotechnology and
Support – III Rs. 32,000/- p.m. 30 years Biochemistry) from a recognized university with at least five years
1. (Contract Technical 01 work experience.
Officer) OR
Post Graduate Degree in above mentioned subjects.
Contract Laboratory
Support – I 02 Rs. 18,000/- p.m. 30 years 12th pass with Science subject and DMLT.
2. (Contract Technician)
Contract Information
Technology Support Intermediate or 12th pass. A speed test of not less than 15000 key
3. 01 Rs. 17,000/- p.m. 25 years depressions per hour through speed test on computer.
(Contract Data Entry
4. Administrative Intermediate or 12th pass. Typing Speed of 35 W.P.M in English
Support – I 01 Rs. 16,000/- p.m. 25 years or 10500 KDPH in English.
(Contract Jr. Clerk
Terms and Conditions:
1) Candidates willing to apply for the post may download application form from the ICMR-NITM website (www.icmrnitm.res.in). Duly filled
application affixing recent passport size colored photograph along with self-attested copies of all relevant certificates and experience should be sent to
ICMR-NITM, Belagavi before 05.00 PM of 13.06.2021 via email to rect.nitm@gmail.com while sending application by email candidates should
attach application form, along with documents related to education and experience in chronological order. (Pdf format). Late received applications
will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be called for Interview (offline/online), no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Shortlisted candidates for the posts of Contract Information Technology Support and Contract Administrative Support – I, need to attend typing test at
the Institute.
2) Date for Interview (offline/online) and typing test will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates in due course of time.
3) The applications not in the prescribed format will summarily be rejected.
4) Number of vacancies are likely to vary.
5) Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates will be as per the government rules.
6) Educational Qualification/Degree should be from a reputed Institution/University.
7) Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/experience does not guarantee for selection.
8) Departmental candidates or candidates working/have worked on projects of ICMR Institutes/Centre's shall be given age relaxation to a maximum of
five (5) years or a completed months/year based on earlier project service, whichever is less, they meet the essential qualification and experience
prescribed for the post, with a view to provide them opportunity to compete with other candidates.
9) Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
10) No TA/DA will he paid either for attending the interview or joining the post.
11) The Director has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.
12) Candidates who will be interviewed online, if they get selected, will have to produce original documents of their Qualification, Age & Experience
before joining. If they are not found eligible, their selection will be cancelled immediately.
13) The above said posts are Contractual for the duration offered. The appointment may be renewed after every specific period of time subject to
satisfactory performance and requirement.
14) The Director, ICMR-NITM reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment or re-advertise the posts, without
assigning any reasons thereof, no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
15) Candidates are advised to keep checking website of this Institute for any change in the schedule, and/ or any other information
ICMR – National Institute of Traditional Medicine
Nehru Nagar, Belagavi - 590 010
b. Permanent Address :
7. E-mail ID :
8. Mobile No. :
9. Category (Please tick) : SC ST OBC PH GENERAL
10. Marital Status : Married / Unmarried
12. Experience:
13. If selected what period would you require to join the post: __________________________________________
I hereby declare that the particulars furnished in this form by me are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Place: Signature of the Candidate