Vedic Age 74
Vedic Age 74
Vedic Age 74
• The oldest book known all over the world is supposed to be that of the Vedas.
• They were written about 3,700 years back and are the earliest literary source available.
• The Vedas: The word, Veda means Knowledge. There are four Vedas: Rigveda, Samaveda,
Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. The Rigveda is the oldest Veda. It was composed about 3,700
years ago. The hymns have been compared by sages. These hymns were recited and passed
from one generation to another until they were written down. These hymns are in praise of
different gods such as Indra (the god of warrior), Agni (the god of fire also known as connecting
between God of earth and God of sky), Varun (the god of sky) and many others.
• While studying about the past, historians examined Rigveda. Most of the hymns in Rigveda
were in the form of dialogues. Historians study these dialogues to arrive at conclusions.
• Most prayers in the Rigveda are for cattle, children and horses. Horses were yoked to chariots
and used in battles. Battles aimed to capture cattle, land, pasture, water and people. A portion
of the wealth was used for performing Yajnas or sacrifices in which offerings were put into fire,
for gods including ghee, grains and rare animals.
• The Vedas even tell us about political life of this sage. The head of state was called Raja. The
Raja had no capital, palaces, armies or right to collect taxes.
• Agriculture, cattle-rearing, chariot-making, pottery, jewellery-making tanning and metalwork
were the main occupations.
• While Aryans composed Vedas, another group of people opposed to Vedas. They were called
Dasas or Dasyus or slaves.
• Archaeologists assume that objects discovered with a skeleton, probably belonged to the dead
person. In Brahmagiri, a skeleton was buried with 33 gold beads, 2 stone beads, and one conch
shell whereas other skeleton only had a pot which shows the difference in status, amongst the
people who were buried. Some were rich while others were poor. Sometimes, megaliths have
more than one skeleton. It indicates that people belonging to the same family were buried at
the same place though at different times. Special burials took place at Inamgaon.
• Animals were used as food. Skeletal studies tell us about better way of identifying dead bodies.
b. The Brahmana’s – Consists of the explanatory part of the Vedas in prose form. Sacrifices and
rituals have also been discussed in great detail.
i. Rig Veda – Aitreya and Kaushitiki Brahmana
ii. Yajur Veda – Shatapata and Taittariya
iii. Sama Veda – Panchvisha, Chandogya, Shadvinsh, and Jaiminaya
iv. Atharva Veda - Gopatha
c. The Aranyakas – Concluding portions of Brahmans, also called as Forest texts written mainly
for the hermits and students living in forests.
d. The Upanishads – Appearing at the end of the Vedic period, they criticized the rituals and laid
stress on right belief and Knowledge.
Note- Satyamev Jayate has been taken from Mundaka Upanishad.
2. Vedic literature – Following the Later Vedic age, a lot of Vedic Literature was developed,
inspired from the Samhitas which follow the Smriti – Literature which was written in comparison
to Shruti – Word of Mouth tradition. Important texts in Smriti tradition are further subdivided into
a. Vedangas
i. Shiksha - Phonetics
ii. KalpaSutras – Rituals
• Srauta Sutras deals with large public sacrifice
• Grihya Sutras deal with ritual connect with birth naming and marriage
• Dharma Sutras deal with social and local customs
iii. Vyakarna - Grammar
iv. Nirukta - Etymology
v. Chhandha - metrics
vi. Jyotisha - Astronomy
b. Smriti
i. Manu Smriti - First book on laws also known as Manav Dharma Shastra
ii. Yajnavalkya Smriti
iii. Narada Smriti
iv. Parashara Smriti
v. Brihaspati Smriti
vi. Katyayana Smriti
c. Mahakavyas
i. The Ramayana written by Valmiki/ Ratnakar, consists 6000 verses initial but later raised to12000
and finally 24000 verses.
ii. The Mahabharata older than Ramayana originally consists 8800 verses which raised to 24000
known as Jai Samhita and later it consists 50000 verses and known as Bharat which finally has
100000 verses and known as Mahabharata
d. The Puranas
i. 18 Maha Parana’s – Dedicated to specific deities such as Brahma, Surya, Agni, Saiva and
Vaishnava. They include Bhagavata Purana, Matsya Purana, Garuda Purana etc
ii. 18 Upa Puranas – Lesser known texts
e. The Upvedas
i. Ayurveda - Medicine
ii. Gandharvaveda - Music
iii. Arthaveda - Vishwakarma
iv. Dhanurveda - Archery
f. Shad - Darshanas or Indian Philosophical Schools
i. Samkhya by Kapil muni
ii. Yoga by Patanjali
iii. Nyaya by Gautam
iv. Vaisheshika by Kannad
v. Mimansa by Jamini
vi. Vedanta by Vyas
a. Territorial Divisions
i. Aryavarta – North India
ii. Madhya Desa – Central India
iii. Dakshinapah – South India
b. The transition of chief source of livelihood from Pastoralists to well-settled and sedentary
Agriculture based economy. Rice (Vrihi), Barley, Wheat, and Lentils were chief produce.
c. Arts and Crafts improved with the use of Iron and Copper implements. Weaving, leatherwork,
pottery and carpenter’s work also made great progress.
d. The growth of Towns or Nagaras were seldom found. The Later Vedic phase didn’t develop into
an urban Phase. Kaushambi and Hastinapur are called as Proto-Urban Sites.
e. Seas and Sea Voyages are also mentioned in the Vedic texts.
4. Political Organization
a. Assemblies – Popular assemblies lost their importance. The character of Sabha and Samiti
changed while Vidatha disappeared. Rich nobles and chiefs started to dominate these assemblies.
i. Women were no longer allowed in these assemblies. They lost their importance gradually.
b. Formation of bigger kingdoms led to Kings becoming powerful and tribal authority becoming
territorial. Rashtra indicates territory appears first in this phase
c. Though Election of the chief appears in the text, the post tends to become hereditary. But the
Bharata Battle shows Kingship knows no Kinship.
d. The king performed various rituals to strengthen his powers. Some of them are
i. Ashvamedha – Unquestioned control over an area in which the royal horse ran uninterrupted.
ii. Vajapeya- Chariot race
iii. Rajasuya Sacrifice to confer supreme powers
5. Social Organization
a. Chaturvarna System developed gradually due to the increasing power of Brahmanas as
Sacrifice rituals were becoming more common. But even now the Varna system had not advanced
very far.
b. The Vaishyas were the common people who paid tributes while the Brahmanas and Kshatriyas
lived on the tributes collected from the Vaishyas. The three Varnas were entitled to Upanayana
and the recitation of Gayatri Mantra which was deprived to Shudras.
c. Gotra started to appear with Gotra Exogamy begun to be practiced.
d. Ashramas (Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha, and Sannyasin) were not well established.