Hyms of Kuala
Hyms of Kuala
Hyms of Kuala
dharmo jayatvakhilalokasukhāvaho'yaṃ
naśyatvadharmamakhilaṃ bahuduḥkhamūlam |
āśīrvacāṃsi samantvamṛtopamāni
śāpāḥ patantu samayadviṣi yoginīnām || 4 ||
May Dharma which brings happiness to all Lokas
May Adharma the root of all evil perish!
May the Nectar-like blessings of the Yoginis fall on
the followers of Samaya and their curses on the
enemies thereof!
śivādyavaniparyantaṃ brahmādistambasaṃyutam |
kālāgnyādiśivāntañca jagad yajñena tṛpyatu || 8 ||
May the world (of the thirty-six Tattvas) from Shiva
to the Earth consisting of Brahma (down) to a blade
of grass and Time from Final Conflagration, to when
Shiva (began to function again for Creation)
(Kalagnyadi-Shivantam), be pleased by this Yajna
(of ours)!
sampūjakānāṃ paripālakānāṃ
jitendriyāṇāñca tapodhanānām |
deśasya rāṣṭrasya kulasya rājñaḥ
karotu śāntiṃ bhagavān gaṇeśaḥ || 9 ||
May Ganesha, of sixfold power (Dominion, strength
etc.,) grant peace to the worshippers and the
Protectors (of Kula); to those who have conquered
their senses and to the great ascetics, to the
country, to the kingdom, to Kula and to the King!
anekakoṭyaḥ kulayoginīnā-
mantarbahiḥ kaulikacakrasaṃsthāḥ |
nipīyamānena parāmṛtena
prītāḥ prasannā varadā bhavantu || 13 ||
May the many Kotis of Kula-yoginis within and
outside the Kaulika-chakra, be gladdened, gracious,
and grant boons by partaking of the excellent