The Empirical Evidence Against Utility M
The Empirical Evidence Against Utility M
The Empirical Evidence Against Utility M
4, 2012
Mehmet Karacuka
Department of Economics,
Ege University,
Izmir, 35040 Turkey
Fax: 90-232-3734194
Asad Zaman*
IIIE International Islamic University of Islamabad,
New Campus Sector H-10 Islamabad, 44000 Pakistan
Fax: 92-51-9258019
*Corresponding author
1 Introduction
Despite the claims to objectivity and factuality set out clearly in Microeconomic
textbooks, the model of consumer behaviour is introduced and justified on the ground of
‘rationality’ – clearly a normative concept. If this microeconomic theory is positive as
claimed, then it should be backed up by observations of consumer behaviour which
confirm its factuality. No such evidence is presented, because none exists. Indeed, as Sen
(1977) has argued in his article ‘Rational fools’, behaviour which is rational according to
economic axioms may actually be quite foolish.
Over the past few decades, empirical evidence against the descriptive accuracy of
economic theories of human behaviour has mounted. Researchers in theories of decision
making, psychology, and more recently behavioural economists who actually study
human behaviour, observed the predictive failure of economic theories, leading to
substantial reconsideration of the status of such theories.
Today, the orthodox position in many of these domains is that theories of rational
behaviour used in economics are normative, and not descriptively accurate. The
Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making documents an extensive and
detailed collection of examples [Soman, (2004), p.135].1 This position arrived at after
careful, detailed and extensive experimentation on human decision making behaviour, is
exactly the opposite of assertions that economic theory is positive and consists of
indisputable facts of experience.
One of the most spectacular pieces of evidence is the global financial crisis of 2008.
As many leading economists have stated, the stock market crash is not compatible with
theories of rational behaviour. On the other hand, based on behavioural theories, Shiller
(2005) was able to predict the crash. Because of this dramatic conflict between dominant
economic theories and empirical evidence, many Nobel calibre economists have called
for a fundamental re-thinking of our basic economic models.
Margolis (1982, p.71) notes that a paradigm starts to become an intellectual handicap,
when things that are obvious and obviously important can be seen more easily by a naive
observer than by specialists. In this paper, we summarise the many areas of conflict
between the theory of utility maximisation and consumer behaviour. In fact, areas of
conflict are so numerous that it is impossible to summarise them in short article. We will
focus on areas where economic theory acts as an obstacle to understanding reality: the
naïve observer is better able to understand observed behaviour than those armed with
economic theory.
manner; no, they copied their models mostly term for term and symbol for
symbol, and said so.”
One of the aspects of this emulation was the simplification of human motives to the
single one of greed. While this simplification makes mathematical modelling on the style
of physics possible, it also makes the models of human behaviour highly unrealistic, as
we demonstrate in this section.
Camerer (2003, p.60) describes the skepticism of economists about ultimatum results as
follows: “If I had a dollar for every time an economist claimed that raising stakes would
drive the ultimatum behaviour towards self-interest, I’d have a private jet on standby all
day.” Replication of these results in a wide variety of different context, with high stakes
(equivalent to a month’s salary or more), with experienced players in realistic field
experiments has led to the conclusion that these results are robust (Fehr and Schimdt,
2006). Economists have reluctantly accepted the validity of these results. Nonetheless,
there has been no progress towards integrating these results into the body of economic
theory; the flat contradiction between the assumptions of microeconomics and these
observations of human behaviour make it unlikely that a resolution can be found which
fits into the framework of orthodox theory.
The assumption of economists that people only care about their own share and not
about fair and equitable distributions, leads economists to propose drastically wrong
policies in the domains of taxation and income re-distribution. Norton and Ariely (2011)
document substantial consensus in the US population about the desire for a more
equitable distribution of wealth. People think the distribution of wealth is more equal than
it actually is; and they think it should be much more equal than their already
unrealistically-equal notion of its current state. For example, the top 20% of the US
wealth distribution actually controls nearly 85% of total wealth; people think the top 20%
controls under 60%; and they think it should control just over 30%. Since concern for
fairness is not currently part of economic theories, these issues get swept under the rug, to
the detriment of all.
Figure 1 sketches the extensive form of a two-player game discussed in Goeree and Holt
(2001). At the first move (P1), player 1, Adam has the option of ending the game and
getting the safe option of $7, by playing RIGHT. Alternatively, he can choose to play
LEFT, which puts Ben on the move. Ben gets $3 + x < $5 if he moves L, and he gets the
higher payoff $5 if he moves R. Initially, assume that x < 2, so that $(3 + x) < $5. The
standard game theoretic analysis of this game provides us with the following insights:
1 At node labelled (P2: Ben), utility maximisation predicts Ben will choose to play R,
which gives him the higher payoff $5 > $ (3 + x). This implies that Adam will
receive $10.
2 Adam can rely on economic theory, which states that Ben will choose R over L, as
long as $5 > $ (3 + x). This means that Adam can rely on receiving $10, if he puts
Ben on the move by playing LEFT.
3 A rational and selfish Adam will play LEFT, since that leads to an outcome of $10,
while RIGHT leads only to $7.
P1: Adam
Left Right
P2:Ben Adam: $7
Ben: $B
All four of these insights are wrong. Furthermore, ordinary untrained subjects who play
this game behave in ways which show deeper understanding of human behaviour. Thus,
game theory systematically handicaps the understanding of observed behaviour in this
Experimental evidence reveals the following patterns of behaviour:
1 When the difference between $3 + x and $5 is small, Adam cannot rely on Ben
making the right move. Suppose 3 + x = 4.75, which is only a bit smaller than $5. In
one experiment, 15% of the second players choose L, which gives them a quarter
less than the optimal move R. This ‘mistake’ substantially reduces the payoff to
Adam. Anticipating this possibility, many players choose the safe payoff of $7 by
moving RIGHT.
2 As the difference between 3 + x and 5 increases, the chances of player 2 playing R
increase. In experiments, Player 1 anticipates this and chooses LEFT more often.
None of these phenomena is predicted by game theory, showing the theory is blind to
aspects of the game which untrained observers are aware off.
3 A high value of B creates resentment in player 2. For example, if B = $10, the LEFT
by player 1 reduces the payoff of player 2 to a choice between $3 + x and $5. This
could easily motivate player 2 to take revenge by playing L and punish player 1.
Anticipating this, player 1 takes the secure option of RIGHT very often in this
situation. Again this behaviour shows greater wisdom than game theory.
When the difference between 3 + x and 5 is small, player 2 might ‘carelessly’ choose the
lesser value. This is an instance of satisficing instead of maximising. There are many
other possible explanations for this carelessness; computational costs may exceed
benefits, for example. A large and negative B, like B = –$100, leads to another interesting
case. Now the safe choice of Right by player 1 incurs a large penalty to player 2.
Therefore, we expect that player 2 will feel gratitude if player 1 plays Left. Player 2
might then choose to move Right, maximising the payoff to player 1, even if this is less
than optimal for him – for example, if 3 + x = 6. This scenario has not been tested in
experimental games, since experimenters do not use setups which involve penalties to the
players for various reasons. Nonetheless, it seems plausible on intuitive grounds, while
having no basis in game theory at all.
What is the harm of reducing the complexity of human motives to simple greed? We
have just seen that understanding human behaviour in a very simple game requires taking
into account resentment, gratitude, revenge, carelessness and reciprocity. Contrary to
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 371
reductionist economic views, a vast number of market transactions are based on motives
other than greed. The widely recognised phenomenon of conspicuous consumption
creates an externality and hence market failure which should be regulated – however
economists fail to acknowledge the phenomenon because it requires motivations other
than greed. An additional problem is that highlighting a single motive both legitimises
and encourages it: witness the ‘Greed is good’ maxim of the movie Wall Street.
2.3 Altruism
There has been a fundamental paradigm shift within social scientists in the last part of the
20th century.3 Earlier, it was not intellectually acceptable to argue that true generosity or
altruism existed. All such behaviour had to be explained with reference to some
underlying selfish concern. However, it has now come to be recognised that true
generosity exists, and indeed is an important characteristic of human beings.4 Such an
understanding is fundamentally at odds with the central ideas of utility theory, which
posits selfishness as the central motivation for consumer behaviour.
In the ultimatum game described earlier, the vast majority of offers lie between 30%
and 50%, contrary to game theoretic predictions of very low offers bordering on zero.
There was some dispute as to whether the high offers are due to a preference for fairness,
or due to the fear of rejection. To differentiate between these possibilities, the dictator
game was introduced. In this variant, the offer of the proposer is automatically enforced –
the responder has no choice. Utility maximisers will always take 100%, and leave
nothing to the other party. In real life games, only a small minority behaves like homo
economicus. Most players leave something for the other party, sometimes a token
amount. Amounts left for others are at cost to oneself, demonstrating clearly the existence
of altruism.
Aknin et al. (2010) also provide strong global empirical evidence for generosity,
based on their analysis of survey data from 136 countries. They find that ‘prosocial’
spending is consistently associated with greater happiness. In contrast to traditional
economic theory, they find that the reward experienced from helping others may be
deeply ingrained in human nature, emerging in diverse cultural and economic contexts.
In general, utility maximisation predicts that given a choice between a $100 dollar
meal at a high class restaurant and the alternative of donating it to feed hungry children,
people would prefer the first choice. In fact, substantial numbers of people prefer the
second option, and this is well known to most people. Psychologists have shown that this
is a wise choice, since long run happiness is achieved and sustained by such choices
(Sheldon and Lyubomirsky 2006). This illustrates our theme that intuitive lay opinion is
better informed about human behaviour than economic theory, in many situations.
experiments confirm findings which have extensive empirical support from a large
number of studies:
1 Generosity, in conflict with economic theory, is widespread, though the levels vary
with many factors. This means that simple utility maximisation models fail to
provide even a rough guide to human behaviour in a wide variety of situations.
2 Preferences are not exogenous, but responsive to social and structural circumstances
surrounding the choices to be made. This means that human welfare cannot be
measured solely by the final consumption bundle. Both the process by which it was
obtained, and the consequences to others, matter.
3 Institutional details and social norms impact greatly on human behaviour. Thus,
human behaviour is far more flexible than assumed by economic models, and also
subject to shaping by social structures.
Incorporating these findings would require radical reshaping of economic theories.
3 Social norms
3.1 Cooperation
The prisoner’s dilemma (PD) is perhaps the most widely investigated game, generating
thousands of papers in diverse fields. The payoff matrix can be described as:
The first coordinate gives the outcome for player 1 and the second for player 2. To
create a PD, the four payoffs must be ordered as follows for both players7:
Sucker < Low < High < Temptation
The socially optimal outcome is for both players to cooperate, which gives the high
payoff to both. If players are selfish and value individual benefits over cooperation and
social behaviour, both will be tempted by the higher temptation payoff. If both betray,
both will get the low payoff, which is both socially and individually inferior.
Table 1 The prisoner’s dilemma
Based on utility maximisation, game theory offers a clear and unambiguous solution for
this game. The betrayal strategy is the dominant strategy: regardless of what the second
player does, it is best for the first one to betray. If second player cooperates, one get the
higher temptation payoff. If second player betrays, one is saved from the poor sucker
payoff. If both players play their dominant strategy, then both will get the low payoff.
While this is what utility maximisation predicts for rational and selfish players, it
does not make intuitive sense. It seems likely that both players can figure out that both
will be made better off by cooperating, and achieve the high payoff, which corresponds to
actual behaviour; cooperation is much more widely observed than predicted by economic
theory.8 A few particularly strong conflicts between intuition and game theory are listed
1 Economic theory predicts that ‘cheap talk’ – communication between players
without substantive information or binding commitments – will have no effect on
outcomes. Intuitively, we all know this is not so, and communication will lead to
greater cooperation and fewer betrayals. There is strong empirical evidence that
communication creates cooperation.
2 According to game theory, as long as the inequalities specified hold, the size of the
temptation and the sucker payoff do not matter. In fact, changes in these payoffs
have predictable effects – increasing temptation payoff increases betrayals, while
increasing sucker payoff increases cooperation. Furthermore, intuitive players can
predict this behaviour and respond appropriately, while game theorists cannot.
3 With fixed finite repetitions of the PD, game theory makes the startling prediction
that betrayal in all rounds is the unique dominant Nash equilibrium. This follows
from a straightforward backward induction. Human beings routinely use the
opportunity offered by multiple games to signal friendliness, create cooperation, and
achieve far higher payoffs than homo economicus.
374 M. Karacuka and A. Zaman
In general, untrained intuition provides a much better guide to understanding the vast
literature on experimental evidence regarding the PD, while game theory serves as an
obstacle to understanding. Economists often perform poorly in PD games, not achieving
the same levels of cooperation as those non-economists (Frank et al., 1993).
Important practical implications arise in the case of externalities. These are situations
where individuals can make profits for themselves at public expense (by polluting the
environment, for example). Solutions proposed by economists systematically ignore the
most important factors relevant to solving such problems, which relate to social norms of
cooperation. This is because economic models predict that they do not exist, or else they
do not matter.
make it clear that cheating is a gross violation of internalised morals, which is done
only by a few.
3 Reminders of an honour code, or of religious values, prior to testing, reduce cheating
to zero. According to economic theory, such reminders should have no effect on
4 Students are not aware of their own internalised moral values. When asked to predict
outcomes of these experiments on cheating, they utilise the economic model, which
yields wrong predictions. This means that students are not ‘rational’ in the economic
sense: they cannot predict their own behaviour or that of their fellow students in
moral dilemmas.
Because economic theory neglects morality, Nobel Laureates Arrow and Solow both
went astray in their analysis of an anomaly pointed out by Titmuss (1970). Titmuss
argued that monetary incentives would actually reduce blood donations, since it would
undermine the sense of civic duty which leads donors to donate. Both Arrow (1972) and
Solow (1971) thought otherwise; they argued that the two incentives would supplement
each other. Frey and Oberholzer-Gee (1997) show that crowding-out holds in donation:
monetary incentives interfere with the sense of civic duty, as argued by Titmuss.
Hausman and McPherson (1996) have given an excellent exposition of the problems
which arise from ignoring the moral dimensions of economics. Many policy
recommendations made by economists on apparently positive grounds incorporate hidden
value judgements. For example, Zaman (2012a) argues that the apparently objective
concept of ‘scarcity’ is actually based on several normative propositions. Mongin (2006)
and Weston (1994) have argued that it is impossible to do economics on purely positive
and factual basis. Rather than hide normative judgements, it is preferable to make them
explicit in the analysis.
The Grameen Bank succeeds in getting high repayment rates and returns in poor
communities where transaction costs in terms of gathering information on
creditworthiness and enforcing repayments would be too high for a commercial
operation. Inside information and social pressure based on community is crucial to its
success (Stiglitz, 1990). The Orangi Pilot Project succeeded in laying down sewer lines in
a poor neighbourhood at minimal cost because of community involvement (Khan, 1998).
The community knew which members could afford to pay, and could enforce an
equitable distribution of the burden. It could also exploit knowledge of relevant
engineering skills available with members of the community.
Frey and Oberholzer-Gee (1997) provide a startling example of how communities
violate predictions of economic theory. Based on survey conducted in a Swiss
community chosen as the site for depositing nuclear wastes, they found that about 50% of
the citizens agreed to accept the site out of a sense of civic duty. With full awareness of
the risks and hazards of these sites, they were prepared to sacrifice personal benefits for
the sake of the good of the larger community. Offering large payments as compensation
for placement of the site reduced the willingness to accept the site to 25%. The monetary
incentive ‘crowds-out’ the social incentive. These findings are exactly the opposite of the
predictions of economic theory.
Bowles and Gintis (2006) provide many more examples of successful operation of
community-based initiatives and firms in situations where conventional theories predict
failure based on incentive and informational problems. They point out that communities
are fragile, and government policies can make or break communities. Since communities
are invisible in the conventional economic theory framework, economic policy and
governments as decision makers generally ignore them, resulting in destruction of
tremendous amounts of valuable social capital.
4 Computational complexity
In the previous section, we showed that people are often concerned with payoffs to
others, justice, equity, and also reciprocate both good and bad done to them. They have
broader concerns than just individual selfish utility. In this section, we look at the
‘maximisation’ part of the utility maximisation model. Herbert Simon won the Nobel
Prize for showing that people often do not maximise; instead they satisfice. In some
cases, maximisation may fail because people lack the computational abilities to
maximise. Instead they use rough and ready heuristics, which have systematic and
predictable biases.9 These heuristics have their advantages, but they do not resemble the
optimisation strategies we routinely assume in economics.
One well-established case where heuristics leads to systematic violations of utility
maximisation is ‘preference reversals’. Consider two lotteries, one with a high payoff
with low probability, and a second with a low payoff with high probability. If offered a
choice between the two, people focus on probabilities and prefer the second. If asked to
price the two, people focus on the payoffs and evaluate the first as more valuable
(Tversky and Thaler, 1990). Part 3 of Gigerenzer and Todd (1999) explains the efficiency
of this heuristic of ‘one reason’ decision making.
We give several examples of situations where people systematically fail to compute
optimal strategies required to maximise utility. In this connection, it is of interest to note
378 M. Karacuka and A. Zaman
the arguments of Koppl and Rosser (2002), showing that there are many situations where
it is logically impossible to compute an optimal strategy.
• people (not Economists) know that other people only make a small number of
calculations, and make accurate predictions on this basis.
exact maximisation. The literature cited above shows that this is not true; bounds on
computational ability have serious consequences for economic theory.
V(i). So the only case in which my probability of winning increases is the case in which
winning the auction leads to a loss (SHB > V(i) case). Therefore, I should never bid B(i)
> V(i). In general, people have difficulty understanding and implementing that the bid
B(i) should be made conditional on the assumption that it will be the winning bid. The
value of the bid matters only if it is the winning bid. This conditioning can change the
relevant distributions and calculations. Failure to condition in this way leads to the
winners curse in many different situations (Kagel and Roth, 1995).
It is empirically shown that people fail to compute the optimal strategy, and do not
learn it from experience, even in very simple situations, contrary to the assumptions of
utility maximisation. Almost all over the place in economic theory, we start with the
assumption of rational agents figuring out the maximising strategies in very complex
environments. These are calculated to explain behaviour, make predictions and derive
policy implications. Empirical evidence shows that this assumption is wrong, and leads to
wrong policy prescriptions by economists in many different domains. One striking
illustration is given by Gigerenzer and Edwards (2003). Doctors and patients make
decisions on diagnosis, medical tests, and prescriptions on the basis of statistical
information. Professionals with an average of 14 years of experience routinely made
wrong inferences and decisions when given data about prevalence of disease, sensitivity
and specificity of tests in their own speciality. When the same data is presented in an
easier to use and more directly accessible format, these errors are dramatically reduced.
Contrary to assumptions of economists, experience and high stakes do not serve to induce
second stage, responder offers an equal share ($4, $4). Instead of offering $4, which gives
him only $4, is he not better off accepting the $5 offered on the first round? Many
explanations of this phenomenon which are compatible with multi-stage maximisation
are examined and rejected. Examining eye-movements and mouse cursor moves of the
players shows that many people do not examine the payoffs in the second stage of the
game and those who do, do not pay much attention to them. Optimal strategies work by
backwards induction and require taking careful account of each stage, starting from the
last. In fact, players look carefully only at the current game and not too much at later
stages. Each decision appears to be made in isolation, without taking into account the
multi-stage character of the game.
Many economic theories invoke the life cycle hypothesis, according to which agents
plan their current decision taking into consideration their lifetime prospects of earnings
and consumption patterns. If the forward looking hypothesis can be rejected in simple
environments like this, how can we rely on it for complex lifetime utility maximisation
calculations? Shefrin and Thaler (1988) show the differences which result from taking
into account the quirks of human behaviour, which deviates from the globally rational
maximising model.
the larger-later reward (x2) is preferable. However, later on, for a brief period of time, the
smaller-sooner reward (x1) will be preferred. This comes under the heading of self-
control problems, which have been extensively studied in behavioural economics.
Anticipating this problem, the consumer might take steps to ensure that he will not be
able to choose x1 so that the temptation might be bypassed. The classic case is that of
Ulysses, who has himself bound to a mast to avoid being tempted by the sirens. There is a
conflict of interest between self-now and self-later which does not arise in economic
models. More discussion on this topic is given in Section 6.4 about savings behaviour.
The DSGE model is one example, where lifetime utility is maximised by a
representative agent in a very complex, dynamic environment with uncertainty.
Testifying before a congressional committee investigating the failure of economic
theories to predict the global financial crisis, Nobel Laureate Robert Solow (2010, p.2)
stated that “a thoughtful person, faced with the thought that economic policy was being
pursued on this basis (DSGE models), might reasonably wonder what planet he or she is
on.” Solow, and others, have argued that use of models where agents make rational
forecasts is a major reason why economists failed to foresee the global financial crisis.
Had they foreseen it, prevention could have occurred. Thus, defective theories about
human rationality and foresight may be held responsible for major economic crises.
The supply and demand model for determination of prices is the bedrock of modern
economic theory. It is considered both a great achievement of the marginalist school and
as firmly established empirically. Strong ideological commitment to supply and demand
is demonstrated in the hostile responses to empirical evidence against it produced by
Card.10 This ideological commitment prevents a rational examination of the evidence.
The mainstream literature almost completely ignores a major controversy on the
foundations of the theory, which shows that supply and demand must interact, except
under very stringent conditions on the market structures (Saglam and Zaman, 2012).
Supporting evidence for the standard supply and demand theory of price
determination is obtained by showing that certain predictions of the theory conform to
observations. For example, increasing prices lead to decrease in sales. However, many
alternative theories also lead to the same predictions. Ariely et al. (2003) proffer the
hypothesis of ‘coherent arbitrariness’ which shows that consumers make arbitrary
choices, while maintaining coherence with previous choices. Such a behaviour pattern
appears to conform observationally to utility maximisation while actually being radically
different. Our goal in this section is to demonstrate that how much consumers are willing
to pay for goods can be very arbitrary. It also depends on many factors not account for in
conventional microeconomic theory. Incorporating these factors would require
substantial revisions of standard textbook accounts.
controversial anomalies in choice theory. There are many goods for which the price
people will accept to sell the good in their possession is very high, but the price they will
pay to purchase the good when they do not own it is very low. The existence of even a
single large WTA-WTP is regarded as pathological (Arrow, 1993; Diamond, 1996), since
that would lead to unreasonably large income effects in the study of utility maximisation
(Mandler, 2004). Thus, the traditional analysis of indifference curves has no reference to
current endowments. However, in many experiments, subjects require a relatively large
amount of money to move from status-quo, contrary to utility theory.
Kahneman et al. (1990) test WTA-WTP disparity and whether this disparity vanishes
when subjects learn in market settings. For this purpose, consumption objects (e.g.,
coffee mugs) are randomly given to half the subjects in an experiment and then markets
for the mugs are then created. According to conventional theory, it is expected that
supply and demand curves should be intersecting at their common median and half of the
goods provided should change hands. However, people with mugs demand about twice as
much to give up their mugs as others are willing to pay to get one. The possession of the
mug creates an ‘endowment effect’ and owners are unwilling to part with them.
Carmon and Ariely (2000) find similar disparities on their experiments based on four
studies examining buying- and selling-price estimates of tickets for college basketball
games. Ariely (2008) reports that the disparity between WTP of a student who wants a
ticket, and WTA of a student who holds a ticket was up to 15 times. This implies that if a
good is evaluated as a loss when it is given up, and as a gain when it is acquired, loss
aversion and endowment effects induce higher values for owners than for potential
buyers. These phenomena cannot be explained by standard utility maximisation models.
Another striking example of the WTA-WTP disparity arises in the context of risk of
death (or value of life) calculation. In order to accept even small increases in the risk of
death, people ask for huge amounts of money. However, they are willing to pay very little
in order to decrease risks already present in their existing circumstances. This disparity,
documented in many sources, such as Martín-Fernández et al. (2010), has significant
implications for economic policy involving Value of Life calculations.
These results clearly invalidate the Coase theorem, which argues that the allocation of
resources is independent of the assignment of property rights when costless trades are
possible. The experimental results remain the same when there are costless trade
opportunities, meaning the Coase theorem predicts more trade than actually occurs. An
implication of this asymmetry is that there is much less trading than economic theory
predicts, since status quo is preferred by all. The Coase theorem implicitly assumes no
disparity between WTA and WTP, and is the basis for many types of economic policy
discussions which are based on erroneous assumptions about human behaviour and
People value objects along dimensions which cannot be priced in markets. Gifts can carry
sentimental value which makes them more precious than the identical good in the market;
these conflicts with utility theory which would price identical goods equally.
Furthermore, this non-marketable value can be instantly acquired, as the experiment with
mugs described in the previous section shows. Thaler (1994, p.183) states that
“Preferences … may exhibit value ambiguity, that is, consumers may not be able to
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 385
with low last digits in the range 00-19. Writing down these arbitrary numbers served as
an anchor which unconsciously guided decisions regarding the value of the objects.
Furthermore, the students were not aware of this process of anchoring, and did not feel
that their writing down these numbers had any influence on the prices they chose.
Savvy marketing experts are aware of the phenomenon of ‘anchoring’ and use it to
generate favourable prices for new products. Ariely (2008) lists several striking
• After failure of initial efforts to sell black pearls, marketers displayed them on Fifth
Avenue at an outrageously high price, in the company of similarly expensive
jewelry. This had the desired effect of creating a high price anchor for the product,
and many sales were made at these prices.
• In a classroom exercise, Ariely offered a session of poetry reading to his students.
Half the class was asked how much they would pay to attend the session, while the
other half was asked how much they would require as payment in order to attend. All
members of the first half offered to pay a positive amount, while all members of the
second half asked for some positive payment to attend. Based entirely on the
arbitrary anchor provided by the question, students evaluated the poetry reading as a
‘good’ or as a ‘bad’ (experience).
These experiments demonstrate that the economists’ model of price setting via supply
and demand is seriously in error. Goods do not come with demand curves attached, and
demands are generated by contextual references and subject to a very high degree of
Since the value of X is the same in both conditions, standard economic theory
predicts that the conflict group will be LESS (≤) interested in purchasing an outside
option – the value of the third option must be superior to both X and Y to be worth
purchasing. The dominance group should be MORE (≥) interested since the value of the
third option need only be superior to X. Empirical data shows that the opposite is true.
The dominance group buys options significantly less often, because they are satisfied that
they have made the right choice in X which dominates. The conflict group cannot decide
which of X and Y is better and searches for a superior alternative, contrary to predictions
of economic theory.
by the hostility of customers to price increases that are not justified by increased costs.
The opposition to price rationing as a response to a shortage is easily documented.
A number of economic phenomena can be predicted on the assumption that the rules
of fairness have some influence on the behaviour of firms (Kahneman et al., 1986a). The
rules of fairness tend to induce stickiness in wages and asymmetric price rigidities. They
also favour a much greater use of temporary discounts than of temporary surcharges in
price adjustments. Where costs for a category of goods are similar, opposition to price
rationing may lead to sellouts for the most desirable items (e.g., the main game on the
football calendar or the Christmas week in a ski resort). The sellers are aware that
consumers will think it is unfair to charge high market clearing prices and will take
revenge (Kahneman et al., 1986a). Standard economic models cannot explain these
6 Savings behaviour
The basic consumer decision is to allocate some portion of his income to consumption;
the remainder is automatically saved. Savings behaviour has not received attention within
consumer theory, because it is a residual, a consequence of the optimising consumption
decision. There are several assumptions which justify this neglect:
1 Competitive markets equalise the average rate of return to savings in all forms – that
is, for savings accounts, shares, bonds, etc.
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 389
theoretical models is neither expected nor asked for.15 Thus, behavioural explanations
which conflict with utility maximisation are not considered acceptable. This makes it
impossible to find the correct explanations of many observable events, as is now widely
realised following the recent financial crisis.
• Conflict between current and future self: The economic model assumes that my
interests are identical to those of my future self, and hence we can maximise a
common utility function. Empirical research reveals that the opposite is true; Caplin
(2003) states that “conflicts of interest are close to universal” and provides
references documenting this finding. By saving today, I can enjoy a much better life
during retirement. However, most people lack the self-control to curb or reduce
today’s consumption in order to save for the future. Forced savings devices which
lock money into accounts which cannot be accessed are very popular because they
resolve the problem of self-control. When corporations introduce pension plans, the
amount of discretionary personal saving should be roughly offset by the increased
saving created by the pension plan. Contrary to this prediction of economic theory,
Munnell (1976) shows that personal saving is not offset. Similarly, Rooij et al.
(2011) provide evidence on the impact of financial planning on wealth accumulation.
This variable is not present in economic theory because of the assumptions of
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 391
identity (instead of conflict) of interest, as well as the ability to foresee and rationally
plan for the future, none of which holds in real life.
2 There is substantial consensus about what are fair transfer payments from the young
to the old, and consensus that the current burdens are not equitable. Thus, there is a
social problem created by older policies devised without sufficient information.
3 The problem with implementing solutions lies in political issues about how to share
the burden of financing the retirement of the old among different classes of workers,
with differing amounts of power.
The other 16 papers deal with the mathematical calculations that an omniscient planner
would make to ensure that the twin goals of equity and efficiency can be achieved within
an overlapping generation model. These mathematical models start out by assuming that
none of these three real world problems exist.
• The omniscient planner knows exactly the population growth patterns and the
incomes to be earned from now to eternity. In the real world, it is the lack of this
knowledge which has created the problem currently being faced in Japan.
• How to define intergenerational justice is one of the major issues which receive
substantial importance in Roemer and Suzumara (2007). Different mathematical
formulations and arguments are presented and evaluated. None of the authors
considers what are the prevailing social norms for fairness and intergenerational
equity in the society under discussion. In a different context, behavioural economists
Kahneman et al. (1986a) used survey data to find out what people consider fair.
These internalised rules play a very important role in proposals made for equitable
retirements and their political feasibility. Economic theory proceeds as if such social
norms do not exist, and seeks to derive them mathematically from first principles and
arguments about ethics, which makes it irrelevant to real world societies.
• There is no omniscient planner in the real world. So any practical plan for
intergenerational justice must take into account the political environment. How is the
burden of financing retirement shared among different classes, with differing amount
of political clout? Political institutions are critical in determining which plans are and
are not politically feasible. Economists have nothing to say about these issues.
It is clear that the utility maximisation framework is not well equipped to deal with
problems of intergenerational justice. It is widely recognised and agreed that fairness to
future generations may require us to restrain ourselves from maximising current utility.
We must rely on social norms regarding our obligations to posterity, as well as our older
generations who are no longer able to work and earn. These social norms have changed
rapidly in the last 50 years and the burden of supporting the old has shifted from families
to governments. This has led to proposals to legally force children to care for their elders;
see Martin (2010) and BBC News Asia-Pacific (2011). However, Kirby (2010) suggests
that laws cannot replace social norms, and it is essential to strengthen family institutions
in order to achieve changes of this kind. Current toolkits available to economists are not
equipped to even formulate this problem, let alone study it. Change is on the way as
Bicchieri (2006) and others have emphasised the effect of social norms on behaviour; and
the necessity of taking norms into account in economic theory (Zaman, 2012a). However,
taking this into account necessarily requires going beyond the utility maximisation
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 393
If anybody knows how consumers behave, it should be the folks in the business schools.
Their livelihoods depend on getting it right. It is interesting that there are large number of
texts with ‘consumer behaviour/theory’ in their titles which are taught in business
schools. Their content has virtually no overlap with what is taught about the same subject
in economics departments. Furthermore, students in one department often know nothing
about what is being taught in the other. In this section, we go outside discipline
boundaries to take a peek at what the folks in business schools have to say about
consumer behaviour.
Schiffman and Kanuk (2004, p.550) describe four models of consumer behaviour,
starting with ‘an economic view’. They write that the economic model is ‘often rejected
as too idealistic and simplistic’; none of the three assumptions required for rational
behaviour is valid:
1 consumers have knowledge of the range of options available
2 they are able to rank the alternatives
3 they are able to identify the best one.
They further state that recent research rejects the economic assumption that customers are
out to get the best value for their money which is the basis of the model of utility
maximisation under a budget constraint. For example, consumers haggle for prices for
social reasons of ‘achievement, affiliation, and dominance’ instead of obtaining good
value for money.
After flatly rejecting the economic model, Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) go on to
formulate more realistic models of how consumers make decisions. A second model is
the ‘passive’ model, where the consumer decisions are entirely shaped by advertising and
marketers. After rejecting this as well, the textbook develops a complex model of
consumer behaviour based on a cognitive/emotional framework, where decision making
is broken down into three separate components. Taking these three dimensions of
consumer decision making into account would substantially improve and enrich the
microeconomic models used in economics, as we discuss below.
making unnecessary object appear essential and attractive, then it creates disutility for
large portions of the population who feel deprived because they cannot have the object
advertised. Any realistic theory of consumer behaviour must take this into account.
In his landmark study The Great Transformation, Polanyi (1944) offers a deep critique of
modern economic theory. This is based on the history of the emergence of economics as a
discipline, and how this was affected by particular historical circumstances in England. It
describes the great transformation that took place as markets, which were originally
peripheral to society, became central institutions. It is not possible for us to treat these
deep and complex issues in the present essay. We only take up one aspect of the Polanyi
critique which impacts on consumer behaviour in market societies.
Polanyi defines a market society as one where an ‘unregulated market’ is central to
the functioning of the society. A good way to understand the concept of a market society
is to contrast it with its polar opposite: a self-sufficient community, or a collection of
nearly self-sufficient communities. Within such communities, production, acquisition,
and distribution of goods could be organised in ways radically different from those of
market societies. Trading across communities would be a peripheral function, not a
central one, as in market societies.
Polanyi makes the following three relevant points about market societies:
1 Because of the global dominance of market societies, we have come to think of them
as natural and inevitable ways of organising economic affairs; it is hard for us to
imagine alternatives. History teaches the opposite: other than our present civilisation,
none of the past cultures/societies have been market societies.
2 Market societies organise economies in ways which violently conflict with natural
social tendencies of human beings. They come into being by replacing and
suppressing (rather than adding to) other modes of organising economic affairs.
Markets come to dominate society rather than the other way around.
3 Market societies promote greed, indifference to poor and other characteristics
universally condemned. It is the triumph of markets over society which answers
Hirschman’s question (1977): “How did commercial banking, and similar money-
making pursuits become honorable at some point in the modern age after having
stood condemned or despised as greed, love of lucre, and avarice for centuries past?”
Polanyi says that labour, land, money are not standard commodities like others traded in
markets. A market society must force them to become marketable commodities, but they
resist. There is a tension between the requirements of market society, and certain natural
tendencies of social behaviour. This tension leads to failure of economic theory to operate
in these dimensions. We now document these failures.
we cannot even sell our own self voluntarily to another. The logic of the labour market is
in conflict with this ethic. If I can sell 8 hours of my time, I can also sell 12 or even
24 hours of my time. This is a clear illustration of how market-based values conflict with
social values as Polanyi argues. This conflict is clearly illustrated in many labour market
phenomena which do not square with economic theories, as we show below.
1 Land and natural resources are not manufactured. We cannot re-create exhaustible
resources. Extraction costs are not the same as production costs (which may be
2 Natural resources have varying degrees of renewability or exhaustibility; they are not
necessarily used up in the process of consumption.
In a functioning market economy, prices reflect values, and utility maximisation leads to
efficiency. However, for exhaustible resources like oil, the extraction cost does not reflect
the production cost – these resources cannot be produced once exhausted. This
discrepancy means that the market prices are too low, and utility maximisation would
lead to an overuse of the resources from the point of view of society.
Use of the wrong prices for exhaustible and renewable resources also leads to an
illusion of growth. Rapid growth in the 20th century has been purchased at the cost of
extinct species, unique environments like coral reefs and rainforests which are destroyed
and can never be re-created at any price. Schoemaker (2004), Douthwaite (1999) argued
that once these costs are taken into account, growth has actually been negative. The
ruthless exploitation of Earth for current profits is encouraged by standard economic
theory which prizes growth as a means to utility maximisation, which cannot be sustained
in the long run. What will our posterity inherit after our destruction of rain forests and the
ozone layer, pollution of rivers and atmosphere, building up of greenhouse gases,
depletion of coal and oil reserves, destruction of myriad species of plants and animals?
‘Sustainable development’ and environmental economics have emerged to answer these
questions which are not easily handled by conventional economic theory.
Land is not used up by consumption; this leads to the concept of stewardship of the
land for future generations. The environment is automatically a public good, which
benefits (or harms) everyone. Renewable resources require sharing rules. None of these is
well suited to being treated as private consumer good. This illustrates a central theme of
Polanyi that a market society creates markets in goods which are better handled via social
norms. Kogl (2005) provides historical details of how the notion of private property
emerged in England, and how it replaced social norms governing the use of the
‘commons’. This resulted in drastic reductions of consumption streams of the poor. Land
and natural resources are consumed by all, but have characteristics radically different
from manufactured goods. Taking these characteristics into account would require
substantial revisions in the microeconomic framework of consumer theory.
1 Unit of account: The worth of the unit (paper money) itself is indeterminate, not
being linked to any real asset.
2 Medium of exchange: This holds true by social convention, or by government fiat.
An individual market transaction is a highly unequal exchange of a piece of paper for
a real good. This makes sense only because society has agreed to accept the paper
3 Store of value. Again paper itself does not carry value, and cannot store it. The value
is stored in an invisible place – the level of trust placed by the society in the issuer of
the currency.
4 Standard of deferred payments. If one could rely on stable value of money, this
would hold. But over a hundred monetary crises in the last century testify otherwise.
To understand the nature of money, we must unlearn ways of thinking imposed upon us
by the needs of a market society. In social exchange, when someone takes something
from another, this generates an implicit or explicit claim. Trust is the basis of social
exchange, and people can rely on to fulfil commitments on the basis of social norms.
Paper currency is an attempt to market this trust, and make it anonymous. Thus, the paper
is a generalised obligation of the society as a whole (or that of the government). This is
the fundamental point of difference between heterodox theories of money and
conventional ones. Many such theories are surveyed in Arestis and Sawyer (2006). After
reviewing the difficulties of formal economic theories in explaining money’s existence,
and assigning it an essential role, Ingham (1996) suggests that these can be resolved by
conceptualising it as a ‘structure of social relations’.
Conventional economic models of consumers, firms, and financial markets are
defective because they do not have a realistic theory of money. Consumers theoretically
decide on their purchases by maximising utility subject to a budget constraint. This
budget is given in nominal terms, and the value of goods is converted to a nominal value
by multiplying by prices. Thus, the budget constraint states that the (money) value of all
the goods purchased must be less than or equal to the value of money income or wealth in
my possession. How do we learn what is the value of money? According to conventional
theory, money is just a unit of account, with no intrinsic value. Its real value is settled by
dividing by a price index. However, the prices are determined partly by the demand
functions which come out of this utility maximisation. Problems created by this circular
logic for basic supply and demand theory of equilibrium price determination are
highlighted in Saglam and Zaman (2012).
In general, the value of commodities is determined by consumer preferences.
However, money itself does not generate utility according to conventional models, which
do not take into account the utility that misers derive from the hoarding of gold. Thus,
money is considered purely as a unit of account which has no real effects on the
economy. In fact the value of money is crucially determined by trust, a variable that has
only recently started receiving attention in economics. The level of trust can vary without
any change in any of the variables considered relevant in conventional economic theory.
The role of trust and its relation to monetary crises has been highlighted by Eichengreen
(2004), who discusses two mechanisms relevant to crises. Government guarantees of
bank deposits can prevent runs on the banks, since runs are cause by loss of trust. At the
400 M. Karacuka and A. Zaman
same time, government guarantees can cause a crisis if institutions take unnecessary
risks, since they are secure from the possibility of loss.
A proper understanding of money requires moving back from the theory of markets to
social theories about how trust is created and maintained in society. A currency is just
what it says on the face of the note: ‘a promise to pay’. Promises are not marketable
commodities like others. Analysis of how much promises are worth requires studying real
human beings and societies and not homo economicus.
Ultimately, the subject of economics is (or ought to be) about how material resources can
be used for the benefit of human beings. So the question of what constitutes welfare is (or
ought to be) central to the study of economics. For nearly a century, a methodology based
on the flawed philosophy of logical positivism has side-stepped these questions by
assuming that:
1. People know what is good for their own welfare, and this is the only valid
criteria – we have no external ways to assess welfare.
Both of these assumptions are very easy to refute. Divorces reflect errors of judgement
which inflict heavy personal and social costs, showing that one of the two decisions was
taken without adequate knowledge. Interviews of people near life’s end in hospices show
widespread consensus that careers and materials were wrongly prized over social
relations (Ware, 2011). Thus, people acted in ways which conflicted with their long-term
welfare. Some empirical evidence against the economist’s views of welfare is collected
Thaler and Sunstein (2008) give examples of how people are vulnerable to temptation in
their daily lives. One person may decide to exercise in the morning instead of watching a
game on afternoon. However, in many cases, when the game starts, he may decide to
watch the game. Preferences can be inconsistent in a dynamic time span. People may
prefer A to B initially, but later they may choose B to A. Such examples give solid
evidence against the theoretical propositions of positive economics which regard people
as always making the best choices. Similar problems arise in daily decisions on health
(smoking vs. non-smoking, exercising vs. watching TV, and dieting), on financial welfare
(savings vs. spending) and career (working vs. leisure), that the decisions are not for the
best alternatives.
Ariely (2008) presents an experiment to understand how the performances of
students are affected when they are allowed to make their decisions. In this experiment,
students in three different classes are asked to complete three projects in one term. The
students in the first class were dictated three deadlines for three projects. The second
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 401
class were not given deadlines, and allowed to finish at the end of semester. However,
they could turn the papers in early, but there was no benefit to doing so. In a way,
they were given complete flexibility and freedom of choice. The students in the third
class were allowed to fix deadlines for each project. However, once the deadlines
were set by students, they were not allowed to change, and late papers would be
penalised at the rate 1% off the grade for each day. The rational behaviour for a student in
this class would be to set a deadline at the end of the semester, since there was no benefit
of handing the projects early, but punishment for handing them out after the fixed
These experiment shows that self-control is not easy and people do not make
choices that maximise their utilities, (grades in this case). The objective evaluation of
the papers shows that the first class got the best grades; the second class with
complete flexibility without any deadlines were the least successful. One interesting
point of this study is that although the third class had the opportunity to choose the
latest deadline, end of semester, most of them did not, and scheduled their deadlines
earlier. This behaviour shows that people are willing to self-impose meaningful
(i.e., costly) deadlines to overcome the problems of procrastination and they understand
that inconsistent preferences can occur as time evolves. Another point is that,
given the opportunity to evaluate their future behaviour, people are too optimistic or
over-confident about the future, which leads to higher risk taking behaviour as seen in
this example. Thaler and Sunstein (2008) show numerous examples (drug addiction,
saving, spending, education) on self-control problems. Due to the psychological facts that
people can be short-sighted, or may have inertia and have unrealistic optimism, combined
with the heuristics explained above, the choices of people can result in sub-optimal
welfare levels.
In Easterlin’s (1974) seminal paper, he finds that within any one country, in cross
sectional studies, there was a strong correlation between income and happiness. One
would easily conclude that money can buy happiness. However, looking at a cross
section of countries, one comes to a different conclusion. Figure 3 is taken from the
Easterlin article.
For 10 of the 14 countries surveyed, the happiness ranking is about the same, even
though the income per capita changes by a factor of 30 from $140 to $2,000. There are a
few outliers, but these also confirm this finding. Cuba and USA have similar levels of
happiness even though the GNP per capita is six times greater in the USA. The
Dominican Republic is extremely unhappy relative to India despite having twice as much
GNP per capita.
The finding of strong correlation between income and happiness disappears when
comparisons are made across countries. Similarly, there is no correlation between
happiness and income in the long run within a single country. For example, between 1962
and 1996, the real income of Japan quadrupled, but there was no change in the level of
happiness. Similarly, Easterlin (2001) cites several studies which show that, despite
tremendous increases in GNP per capita, the level of happiness in European and Latin
American has remained virtually constant over decades.
402 M. Karacuka and A. Zaman
3 The third objection is based on short-term studies which find a correlation between
income and happiness. Just like there is a strong correlation between the two in cross
section studies, a good correlation exists in short time periods. As income increases,
everybody becomes happier in the short run, because it takes a while to realise that
average income has increased. Easterlin et al. (2010) says that over a period of ten
years or more, these income changes become incorporated into our benchmarks for
comparison and correlations between income and happiness decline to zero. He
shows how some studies came to the wrong conclusion because they used short run
The implicit proposition of utility theory that the sole route to happiness is maximisation
of consumption contradicts with the empirical evidence: this proposition is true only in
the short run. This short run validity creates a dangerous illusion of long run validity;
understanding this has dramatic policy implications. If happiness is determined by
relative comparisons, then one can achieve greater happiness by reducing inequalities,
and also by reducing the standards of living for everyone. This will lower the benchmark
and make it easier for everyone on the planet to be happy in comparison with this
in the integrating and coordinating of intellectual and motor functions which lead,
over time, to the development of skills.
4 Work as a sense of purpose – at best work prevents classic signs of alienation such as
feelings of powerlessness, self-estrangement, isolation and meaninglessness; while at
best work ensures interdependence with others which helps in the development and
achieving of life goals.
5 Work is a source of income and control – work means putting oneself in the hands of
employers during working hours so long as it provides sufficient money to assure
oneself of independence and free choice of leisure and future outside the work place.
There is strong evidence that both work and leisure provide us utility, although there is
substantial variation in the levels provided. Given that motives of work are diverse, as
listed above, the neoclassical theory of the labour market fails to explain labour-leisure
choice. If work can provide utility, we can increase levels of human happiness by
providing better quality jobs, in ways that go outside dimensions considered in economic
theory. In addition, failing to consider these aspects lead economists to underestimate the
effects of unemployment. Thus, the recommendation to allow an industry to collapse
because it is no longer competitive would not take into account the full cost of the
transitional unemployment created.
more than others. By suggesting that selfishness is natural and rational, students are
encouraged to develop these traits.
choices and their long-term consequences can be extremely helpful to make good
Life goals are chosen, and then all things are evaluated with respect to these. Studies
show that different types of goals are different with respect to their influence on welfare
and happiness. How much consumption is done, and how it relates to life goals is crucial
to building a correct theory of consumer behaviour. Clearly, consumer theory for the
Amish community will be different from that for Manhattan. Ignoring this, as
conventional microeconomics does, is to ignore the most important factors relating to
consumer behaviour.
10 Conclusions
In this paper, we criticised utility maximisation theory in many grounds. The defenders of
this theory argue that, even based on false assumptions, utility theory predicts human
behaviour well. However, the empirical evidences prove the opposite. Richardson et al.
(2012) note that these false assumptions deflect the attention from the real behaviours
which motivate individuals and society, and has a negative impact on economics as a
discipline. For example, the success of micro credit mechanisms, and particularly the
Grameen Bank, is mostly explained by its capabilities to solve collective action problems
by trust, and by building social capital in small communities (Dowla, 2006). Social
capital and trust are two major factors on social progress that have been neglected in
economic theory, as homo economicus trusts no one, and does not socialise.
There is no doubt that Aristotle was among the brightest men who have walked this
planet; and even though more 2400 years old, his books continue to be studied and
discussed at leading universities today. Yet, he stated that “heavier stones fall faster than
lighter ones”, and that “women have fewer teeth then men” without bothering to verify
these theories by observations. Why, when this would have been so easy? The early
methodology of science was axiomatic and deductive, borrowed from geometry. Starting
from self-evident propositions, logic was used to deduce sound conclusions. Because
they were logically valid, there was no need to check them empirically – we do not try to
check whether or not two parallels to a straight line can be drawn through a given point.
Observed regularities in nature were suspect because they could be accidental; so
empirical observation was not a good path to knowledge. Giving primacy to observations
and induction is the basis of the scientific method which revolutionised the world of
knowledge. It is worth noting that the Greeks were right about induction – it cannot lead
to certain knowledge, as has been forcefully stated by Popper (1959). But it turns out that
this uncertainty is the price we have to pay for advances in knowledge. The axiomatic
deductive framework is suitable for mathematics, but not well adapted to real world
science. As Kuhn (1962) has argued in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
spectacular scientific advances of the past few centuries can be traced to attempts to
explain observations in conflict with widely accepted theories.
The methodology of modern economics is firmly set in the mould described by
Robbins (1932) “The propositions of economic theory, like all scientific theory, are
obviously deductions from a series of postulates. And the chief of these postulates are all
assumptions involving in some way simple and indisputable facts of experience…” This
is a precise description of the pre-scientific methodology of Greeks. Commitment to this
methodology led to serious errors by very intelligent people. Today’s economists do not
The empirical evidence against neoclassical utility theory 407
bother to check whether their theories are actually aligned with real world behaviour. All
conventional economic textbooks use the axiomatic method to derive theoretical results
which are never cross-checked against observations of the real world. The straitjacket of
a wrong, pre-scientific, methodology can lead even the best minds to theories grossly in
conflict with observations. Most of the current efforts at reform do not go far enough in
challenging methodology. They seek to achieve conformity with observations while
retaining existing economic methodology. We feel is that this is not sufficient. Radical
methodological changes are required for progress. The world of economics awaits its
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1 Soman (2004, p.135) writes that initial research has firmly established failure of utility
maximisation, and attention has now shifted to developing theories and description of actual
2 Gintis et al. (2003, p.157) find that “in ultimatum games proposers usually offer a large
amount to respondents (the mode value is generally 50% of the total) and respondents
frequently reject offers below 30%”.
3 ‘Paradigm shift’ in the conceptualisation and perception of altruism is documented in Piliavin
and Charng’s (1990) survey of the growing empirical literature. They show that ‘true altruism’
exists and it is part of human nature. More information on the biological and social
explanations of altruism can be found in Wilson (1975), Hoffman (1981), Dovidio (1984),
Krebs (1987), Mook (1991), and Oliner and Oliner (1988). Economic implications of
‘undeniable’ existence of altruistic behaviour are discussed in Margolis (1982) and
Rose-Ackerman (1997).
4 For a detailed discussion see Batson (1992, 2011).
5 The analogue to ‘methodological individualism’ in social sciences, does not hold in physical
sciences. In chemistry for instance, the behaviour of organic compounds cannot be understood
in terms of the properties of atoms and molecules.
6 See, for example, Clayton and Davies (2006).
7 We also need to assume that Temptation + Sucker < 2High. If this inequality is violated, then
the social optimum becomes one where two players take turns betraying each other. We do not
discuss this case to avoid distracting from the main theme.
8 See Camerer (2003, pp.45–46), and Kagel and Roth (1995) for summary of results and further
9 Gigerenzer and Todd (1999) is a convenient reference for heuristics used by people to make
414 M. Karacuka and A. Zaman
10 In an interview with Clement (2006), Card stated that: “I’ve subsequently stayed away from
the minimum wage literature for a number of reasons. First, it cost me a lot of friends. People
that I had known for many years, for instance, some of the ones I met at my first job at the
University of Chicago, became very angry or disappointed. They thought that in publishing
our work we were being traitors to the cause of economics as a whole.”
11 Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game of chance in which participants place a single
round in a revolver, spin the cylinder, place the muzzle against their head and pull the trigger.
12 When asked in a 1996 interview by CBS reporter Leslie Stahl if the killing of half a million
Iraqi children was worth the US policy objectives, US Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine
Albright said yes, the price was worth it.
13 See Bicchieri and Muldoon (2011) for a discussion on the internalisation of norms.
14 Note that this phenomenon is not explained by differentiating between permanent and
transient income, since the two types of income are used in different ways.
15 See Friedman’s (1953, 1957) famous justification for the ‘as-if’ methodology.
16 See Zaman and Abbas (2005) for evidence and further references.
17 The details of actual experiments which confirm the broad picture painted above are too
complex to describe here. The interested reader is referred to Fehr and Gächter (2000), and
Camerer et al. (2004) for a guide to the literature.