7 Perennialism - Ragma
7 Perennialism - Ragma
7 Perennialism - Ragma
Education should adjust man to the truth which is eternal, while the contemporary
world is not. “Education implies teaching. Teaching implies knowledge. Knowledge is
truth. The truth everywhere is the same. Hence, education should be everywhere the
same.” Perennialists believe that one should teach the things that one deems to be of
everlasting importance to all people everywhere (Adler, 2015)
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the discussion, the learners were able to:
a. Define Perennialism as an educational philosophy;
b. Recognize perennialist authors.
c. Determine the aims of perennialism
Participants will engage in the activity by answering “yes” or “no”.
1. Practicing perennialism teaching? Yes or No?
Learning Content
Perennialism philosophy of education is a very conservative and inflexible
philosophy of education. Students are taught to reason through structured lessons and
drills. Even the national standards that are coming into place emphasize the ideas of
Perennialism. As now days we are stressing reading, writing and arithmetic in education
but the decline of the music and art. Teaching the students for job and the knowledge is
what we need today so Perennialism philosophy of education is what helps in educators
is to equip them with “universal knowledge Perennialists philosophers, despite a variety
of minute distinctions, generally feel that they are advocates of the True Philosophy and
with it the True Philosophy of Education. They are often unwilling to concede the
possible validity of different interpretations of the same data. Adler, in his article aptly
titled, “In Defense of The Philosophy of Education,” has this to say about the possible
validity of any other system of philosophical inquiry: Education is a preparation for life,
not an imitation of life; or as the progressive insist it is not „life itself.‟ Education should
be basically the same for all men. The term Perennialism is used when referring to this
point of view in education, while in the more general philosophical area it is referred to
as Neo-Thomism or Neo-Scholasticism. Perennialism is the preferred educational term
because of the insistence of philosophers associated with the position that there are
certain everlasting values to which we must return and which much be brought to the
attention of all youth in the schools.
2. Christianity
The first thousand years one of the great voices during these first thousand years
of Christendom was the voice of St. Augustine. Since the works of Aristotle were lost for
the first thousand year of Christianity, the great influence on the early medieval thinkers
was Plato. Plato, indirectly, and Augustine, directly, set much of the pattern of Christian
theology until the time of St. Thomas Aquinas. For Augustine, reason was subservient
to religious dogma and the material and practical aspect of life were to play only a minor
role as compared with the spiritual aspects. First came faith and then came reason.
Because human beings are essentially the same, education should be essentially
the same for everyone. The function of a citizen may vary from society to society, but
the function of man, as a man, is the same in every age and in every society since it
results from his nature as a man. “The aim of an educational system … is to improve
man as man. For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire
understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization. These ideas have the
potential for solving problems in any era. The focus is to teach ideas that are
everlasting, to seek enduring truths which are constant, not changing, as the natural
and human worlds at their most essential level, do not change. A Perennialist views
nature, human nature, and the underlying principles of existence as constant. The
principles of knowledge are enduring. Truth never changes. Education should be for the
„long-haul‟ not for the immediate, contemporary fad. It is not the job of the school to
meddle in contemporary problems, social reform, and political action. It is the job of the
school to provide an education on the basis of which education, students later after
graduation can rationally initiate the efforts for social reform, change, and political
The ecclesiastical perennialists see the school as concerned with the secular in
education and particularly the training of the intellect. But in addition to this they see a
second aim carefully interwoven through the fabric of education. They view education
as a moral and religious undertaking. The ecclesiastical perennialists believe that the
school cannot separate itself from the study of those things that have come to man
through faith and revelation. Thus, the Roman Catholic Church in America has
continued to maintain a separate school system so that it might permeates its „secular‟
teachings with its moral and religious convictions. If we were to sum up the whole
educational aim of the ecclesiastical perennialists in one sentence it would be,
“Catholic,” and it is at this that the Catholic parochial schools from kindergarten through
graduate school aim. They believe that there is a common core of knowledge that
needs to be transmitted to students in a systematic, disciplined way. The emphasis in
this conservative perspective is on intellectual and moral standards that schools should
teach. The core of the curriculum is essential knowledge and skills and academic rigor.
Schooling should be practical, preparing students to become valuable members of
society. It should focus on facts-the objective reality out there–and “the basics,” training
students to read, write, speak, and compute clearly and logically. Schools should not try
to set or influence policies
The student is seen as a rational being with tendencies toward Truth and
knowledge. But the learner also has a spiritual side. It is the responsibility of the school
to help him develop both. The rational power of the learner tends to be viewed from a
position of faculty psychology. Thus, the faculty of reason is trained through the formal
discipline of those subjects with the most logical organization. This would include
subjects such as mathematic and logic. The faculty of memory is trained by having
students memorize. Any foreign language which requires extensive memorization both
of forms and content would seem to be desirable.
Because man’s highest characteristic- the one differentiating him from the lower
life forms- is his reason, he must use it to direct his life and control his instincts. Men are
free, not determined. They are responsible for their actions. We cannot excuse a child’s
actions because of his environment or personal problems. Because men are rational,
they must live rationally. Hence, children must be held to the standards of reason, and
this is one function of education. Students should be taught hard work, respect for
authority, and discipline. Teachers are to help students keep their non-productive
instincts in check, such as aggression or mindlessness. Discipline in the classroom is
essential to learning. A noisy classroom is not a desirable place for learning to take
place. Order is vital. Students cannot always think of the future. Consequently, teachers
and parents must help students overcome their desire for immediate ends and direct
them to future objectives. Self-discipline is fine, but most of the times it is insufficient.
Adults therefore must give direction. The classroom is teacher-centered. The teacher as
a professional is far more likely to know what her students will need to know in the
future than do they. She/he is responsible for the education and intellectual growth of
his/her students. Education requires the mastery of content, of subject matter.
Perennialists disapprove of teachers requiring students to absorb massive
amounts of disconnected information. They recommend that schools spend more time
teaching about concepts and explaining they are meaningful to students. The teacher,
to the perennialist, is a mental disciplinarian with highly developed logical skills, capable
of teaching logical thinking and the use of reason to his students. The teacher must
have the ability to work with the natural tendencies of the students toward reason. He
must serve as a benevolent taskmaster, exercising the minds of the students in order to
help them develop their rational faculties. Thus, besides having been trained in logic,
the teacher must have the proper spiritual orientation. Nor is this all. Since the teacher
is to train the students in reason, memory and will power, he must certainly have these
three qualities if he is to help the student on the road to knowledge and the
development of his faculties.
Education requires hard work and effort. If the student is interested in the subject, well
and good, but if not, s/he still must be required to do the tasks. After all, the student
does not know what s/he will need in the future. Motivation is fine, and if the teacher can
provide it, well and good, but if not, the student must work at the task regardless
Perennialists believe that reading is to be supplemented with mutual investigations
(between the teacher and the student) and minimally-directed discussions through the
Socratic method in order to develop a historically oriented understanding of concepts.
They argue that accurate, independent reasoning distinguishes the developed or
educated mind and they thus stress the development of this faculty. A skilled teacher
would keep discussions on topic and correct errors in reasoning, but it would be the
class, not the teacher, who would reach the conclusions. While not directing or leading
the class to a conclusion, the teacher may work to accurately formulate problems within
the scope of the texts being studied, Perennialism, typically considered being teacher-
centered. However, since the teachers associated with perennialism are in a sense the
authors of the Western masterpieces themselves, these teachers may be open to
student criticism through the associated Socratic Method, which, if carried out as true
dialogue, is a balance between students, including the teacher promoting the
Teachers reflect on the year and often redesign perfect their teaching strategies
and plans. They get back to the basics of what they believe is the best way to inspire
learning in their students. In other words, they revisit and refine their philosophy of
education. Write a short essay about the goal of a perennialist education.
Adler, Mortimer, In Defense of the Philosophy of Education,” Philosophies of Education.
National Society for the Study of Education, Forty-First yearbook, Part I. Chicago:
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