Physico-Chemical Water Treatment Processes: Course Title: Water and Wastewater Treatment Course Code: ESD417
Physico-Chemical Water Treatment Processes: Course Title: Water and Wastewater Treatment Course Code: ESD417
Physico-Chemical Water Treatment Processes: Course Title: Water and Wastewater Treatment Course Code: ESD417
An Assignment
Submitted by:
Abir Hasan Shovon
Submitted to:
Dr. Md. Rasheduzzaman
Lecturer, Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………...3
2. Stages of the Physico-Chemical Process…………………………………………..3
3. Determination of Design and Operating Conditions Using "Jar Tests"………..4
4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..5
5. Reference……………………………………………………………………………6
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1. Introduction
Contaminated water contains particles of different sizes which can be classified as dissolved
(< 0.08 μm), colloidal (0.08 - 1 µm), supracolloidal (> 100 - 100 mm) and settleable (> 100
µm) (1 and 2). The type of treatment selected depends on the size of particles present in the
wastewater. In practice, treatment efficiency also depends on particle size.
Solids of the size that are visible to the naked eye can be separated either by settling under the
influence of gravity or by flotation, depending on the relative densities of solids and water.
They may also be easily separated by filtration. However, very fine particles of a colloidal
nature (called colloids, size < 1 µm) which have high stability are significant pollutants. The
reason for this stability is that these particles have electrostatic surface charges of the same sign
(usually negative) (Haarhoff and Joubert, 1997).This means that repulsive forces are created
between them, preventing their aggregation and subsequent settling. It has therefore proved
impossible to separate them by settling or flotation. It is not possible to separate these solids
by filtration because they pass through any filter. However, separation by physico-chemical
treatments is possible (Clark and Stephenson, 1999).
Physico-chemical treatment of wastewater focuses primarily on the separation of colloidal
particles. This is achieved through the addition of chemicals (called coagulants and
flocculants). These change the physical state of the colloids allowing them to remain in an
indefinitely stable form and therefore form into particles or flocs with settling properties. (Ofir
et. al, 2007).
In the case of domestic water, commonly used doses are < 50 mg/L, while for industrial water
the dose is very variable (Bolto and Gregory, 2007).
The most commonly used coagulants are ferric chloride, ferric sulfate, aluminum sulfate,
aluminum polychloride , sodium aluminate mixtures of organic and inorganic compounds, lime
and the more recently studied application of iron polychloride (Cripps, 1995).
During the flocculation stage, chemicals referred to as flocculants are applied (assisted
flocculation). These products allow flocs to come together and adhere, increasing their size and
density. Flocculants can be classified by their nature (mineral or organic), their origin (synthetic
or natural) or their electric charge (anionic, cationic or non-ionic). Organic flocculants of
natural origin are derived from natural products such as alginates (seaweed extract), starches
(plant grain extracts) and cellulose derivatives. Their effectiveness is relatively low (Auriol et.
al, 2006).
Those of synthetic origin are long chain macromolecules, soluble in water, formed by the
association of simple synthetic monomers, some of which have electric charges or ionisable
groups. For these reasons they are referred to as polyelectrolyte (Duan and Gregory, 2003).
These products are highly efficient and recommended concentrations are 0.05% -0.1% for solid
products, 0.1% - 0.2% for liquid dispersion and 0.5%-1.0% for liquids in solution. Applied in
excess they may harm the flocculation process.
Sedimentation or clarification
This is the stage of floc removal by solid - liquid separation. For this, low, medium and high
rate settlers are commonly used. The rate is determined by the speed at which water and sludge
are produced by the system (Neis and Tiehm, 1997).
Other popular technologies to separate solids from liquids are DAF clarifiers, lamella settlers
and more.
coagulant are added at the same time (Kayode and Gregory, 1988). The system implements a
rapid mixing sequence for a predetermined time followed by slow mixing for a set time and
finally a settling sequence. After this, the supernatant is drained. Jar tests give a good
approximation of the actual treatment process and the rapid mixing, slow mixing and
sedimentation conditions of a real plant.
At the beginning, middle and end of the treatment tests, it is necessary to evaluate the efficiency
of the process. This is achieved by measuring traditional parameters such as TSS, COD, pH,
conductivity, turbidity, alkalinity, BOD, nutrients (N and P), thus establishing the efficiency of
the system. Other parameters of greater accuracy such as particle size distribution, zeta
potential and/or electrophoretic mobility may also be used (Jimenez, 2001).
4. Conclusion
Physico-chemical treatment may constitute a single stage in the wastewater treatment process
or be added as an additional treatment process during pre-treatment to improve the
biodegradation of wastewater in the biological process and secondary treatment (such as
Physico-chemical processes have been implemented for over 100 years. However in 1930,
these processes were replaced by biological processes due to the high costs incurred by the
treatment of large quantities of sludge. Recently, they have been reintroduced for various
purposes: the elimination of phosphorus for effluent being discharged to the sea, obtaining
average quality effluent at lower cost than conventional treatments and for water used for
agricultural irrigation, for potabilization, industrial water treatment conditioning of sludge
(primary and/or secondary). The resurgence of these processes is also due to increased
recognition that the cost of treatment should be consistent with the desired efficiency, as
progress in the synthesis of flocculation polymers with high efficiencies has been achieved at
a lower cost.
Using this type of process it is feasible to remove 80 to 90% of total suspended solids (TSS),
40 to 70% of BOD5, 30 to 40% of COD and 17 to 100% of nutrients (N and P), depending on
the dose and type of coagulant used. Heavy metals may also be removed by these processes,
but the removal efficiency depends on the metal type and concentration. Recently, these
processes have been used to remove pathogens such as helminth eggs and have proven to be
capable of removing up to 2 log concentration. In addition they are very efficient when used to
remove bacteria (0-1 log unit), viruses and protozoa (1-3 log units in each case). Current studies
are focusing on their use for the removal of emerging contaminants.
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5. References
Aguilar M. Sáez j., Lloréns M., Soler A., Ortuño J. (2002). Nutrient removal and sludge
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Auriol M., Filali Y., Tyagi R. Adams C. surampalli R. (2006). Endocrine disrupting compound
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Bolto B. Gregory J. (2007) Organic polyelectrolytes in water treatment, Water Research, (41):
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Clark T. and Stephenson T. (1999). Development of a Jar testing protocol for chemical
phosphorus removal in activated sludge using statistical experimental design. Wat. Res., 33(7)
Cripps S. (1995). Serial particle size fractionation and characterization of an aquacultural
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Duan J and Gregory J. (2003). Coagulation by hydrolyzing metal salts. Advances in Colloid
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Ginos A., Manios T. and Mantzavinos D. (2006). Treatment of olive mill effluents by
coagulation-flocculation-hydrogen peroxide oxidation and effect on phytotoxicity, Journal of
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Haarhoff J. and Joubert H. (1997). Determination of aggregates and breakup constants during
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Jimenez B., Chavez A., Maya C. and Jardines L. (2001). Removal of microorganism in
different stages of wastewater treatment for Mexico City. Wat. Sci. Tech. 43(10): 155-162.
Kayode T. and Gregory J. (1988). A new technique for monitoring alum sludge conditioning.
Wat. Res., 22(1):85-90.
Neis U. and Tiehm (1997). Particle size analysis in primary and secondary wastewater
effluents. Wat. Sci. Tech., 36(4):151-158.
Ofir E., Oren Y. and Adin A. (2007). Comparing pretreatment by iron of electro-flocculation
and chemical flocculation, Desalination, (204): 87-93.