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Hidden Harmonies

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Steven Armstrong, F.R.C.

raditional histories of the Rosicrucian this collection of documents, there is mention
Order, AMORC usually begin with the of a historical appointment of an individual
description of the creation of a unified to be the head of the united priesthoods of
mystical body by the Egyptian Pharaoh Egypt during that time. That much is not
Thutmose III during the Eighteeneth Dynasty surprising. However, the details reveal
of New Kingdom Egypt. As H. Spencer Lewis something unexpected.
put it in 1929, it “was Thutmose III who Houses of Life Carried on the
organized the present physical form followed by Mystical Work of the Temples
the present secret Brotherhood and outlined
As we know, the priesthoods of Egypt
many of its rules and regulations.”1 The text goes
were not only concerned with external
on to caution that it “must not be construed
Temple duties. Attached to most of the
that the word Rosicrucian, or any variation of it,
Temples was a “House of Life” (Per Ankh)
was used by, or applied to this ancient
where documents were kept, and seekers were
brotherhood, . . . rather that the modern
trained in the Mysteries, including medicine,
manifestation of this ancient tradition is found
dreams, and other practices.3 Hermetic
in the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, which
historian Garth Fowden points out that the
derives its principles and objectives from it.”2
“sacred books of the ancient Egyptian priests
were copied out in the ‘Houses of Life,’ which
served, subordinate to their primary cultic
purposes, as temple scriptoria or libraries. . . .” 4
In many cases, among these volumes were
the forty-two volumes attributed to Thoth
(later known as Hermes Trismegistus). The
Christian Gnostic and teacher Clement of
Alexandria testifies to having seen a procession
carrying books from such a collection (around
200 CE) containing works on the gods,
The Enchanted Garden, by William Thornton, F.R.C. astrology, hieroglyphs, hymns, prayers,
Recent research has rediscovered another spiritual training, and medicine: “then forty-
aspect of this foundational event which has two books of Hermes indispensably necessary;
gone, if not completely unknown, then of which the six-and-thirty containing the
unremarked upon for a very long time, and whole philosophy of the Egyptians . . . and the
which sheds new light on a significant feature other six, which are medical. . . .”5
of the Rosicrucian tradition. Much of the literature and teachings
from the Houses of Life are probably those
In the archives of the Rosicrucian we have received today in Hellenized form as
Research Library in San José, the Order has a the practical (or technical) and philosophical
copy of the venerable records of ancient Egypt Hermetica, including the Corpus Hermeticum.6
as compiled by James H. Breasted in 1906. In The Houses of Life were much more than a

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priestly apprenticeship. They were the true was made during the joint reign, and we can
mystical heart of each priesthood. assume that it was with the full consent of
The Unified Priesthood Included both rulers. The alternation of masculine
both Exoteric and Esoteric Work and feminine may result from later
alterations in the text, or it may indicate
The appointment of an individual to be
both rulers’ actions: “Lo, his majesty was in
the head of all of the Egyptian priesthoods
his palace [. . .] of the king’s house,
unified not only the priestly orders in their
Hapuseneb, whom her majesty [. . .] before
external manifestation, but also brought into
millions; whom she magnified among the
harmony and union the mystical component
people because of the greatness of the
as well—the esoteric work which centered
excellence of. . . .”9 (italics added)
around the Per Ankhu. In this way, the
traditional Rosicrucian statement of the Breasted himself, perhaps due to the
unifying of these into one Mystical Order is presuppositions of his times, seems to have
consistent with external historical facts as well resisted or vacillated about the idea that
as inner spiritual truths. Hatshepsut was involved with the
appointment, later arguing against the evidence
New Facts Uncovered about the
of the inscriptions: “Hapuseneb, the first High
Unification of the Mystical Orders
Priest of Amon who occupied the position at
What is fascinating, and apparently the head of the new sacerdotal organization,
unremarked upon at least in recent times in was grand vizier under queen Hatshepsut, but
connection with Rosicrucian history, is that it is more likely that her husband, Thutmose
this historic appointment and III, effected this organization than
unification was not the sole that she should have done it.”10
work of Thutmose III. The
unification appears to have This opinion may well have
taken place during the joint influenced others in the early
reign of the co-Pharaohs twentieth century.
Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, The viewpoint excluding
roughly 1479–1458 BCE. Hatshepsut from significant
Further, it was Hatshepsut’s religious activity connected with
own trusted vizier and Amun did not survive the twentieth
supporter, Hapuseneb, century. By 1984, German
the most important man Hatshepsut Bead. This small
Egyptian Blue bead bears the Egyptologist Jan Assmann wrote of
in Pharaoh Hatshepsut’s cartouche of the controversial the joint religious work of the two
entourage, who was appointed rDynasty,
u l e r o f t h e Ei g h t e e n t h
Hatshepsut. From the Pharaohs: “Hatshepsut and
as “Chief of the Prophets of collection of the Rosicrucian Tuthmosis III founded and
North and South,” which title Egyptian Museum. propagated not a new religion, but
is found on his statue in the Louvre.7 a new form of Amun religion that was
As Breasted explains, “The formation of enhanced by the fourth dimension”11 [of
the priesthood of the whole land into a Divine spontaneity and action in the world
coherent organization, with a single individual and in devotees.—Ed.] He then goes on to
at its head, appears here for the first time. connect this evolution with the Atenism of
This new and great organization was thus, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, seeing more
through Hapuseneb, enlisted on the side continuity than is often supposed.
of Hatshepsut.”8 In this, as in many other areas, Pharaoh
Rosicrucian Breasted gives further translations of Hatshepsut was prescient when she said,
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Hapuseneb’s appointment from the inscription “Now my heart turns to and fro, in thinking
2007 found on the Louvre statue. This appointment what the people say, those who shall see my
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monument in after years, and shall speak of this Path, have been manifested time and
what I have done. . . .”12 We continue today time again, and most notably at the beginning
to recover the full significance of her reign. of the current cycle of
Balance of Energies Revealed at the Rosicrucian work.
Heart of the Rosicrucian Tradition Christian Rebisse
reminds us that H.
H. Spencer Lewis’s description of the
Spencer Lewis
Order’s foundation was focused on other
considered Mrs.
issues, and this joint aspect was not noted at
May Banks-Stacey
that time; however, with this rediscovery, we
“cofounder of the
have a notable confirmation of Rosicrucian
Ancient and Mystical
history; further, this striking rediscovery of
Order Rosae-Crucis.”14
Hatshepsut’s role at the beginning of the May Banks-Stacey
Rosicrucian Path reveals a pattern in During 1907–
Rosicrucian history that may have gone 1908, when Lewis confided in her about
previously unnoticed. The necessary balance some of his mystical experiences, she told him
of the feminine and masculine energies are that “he had probably rediscovered the
present at the very creation of the mystical knowledge acquired in his past lives . . . ” and
lineage we hold dear. The genesis of the “ . . . that he had surely belonged to a mystical
united spiritual tradition that manifests fraternity like the ‘Rosicrucians of Egypt,’”15
today in the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC (one of the factors which led Lewis to his
was a cooperation of the most powerful “Journey to the East” in Toulouse in 1909).
woman and man of the Two Lands, for the Mrs. Banks-Stacey was a mystic and
common good. an initiate of India and Egypt.16 During her
Once this pattern is recognized at the journey to Egypt she was told that she would
beginning of the unification of the ancient be instrumental in bringing the tradition
Egyptian Houses of Life, it can be seen to be back to North America. On November 25,
replicated throughout Rosicrucian history. 1914, she presented Lewis with a birthday
Within just about a century, Akhenaten and present: “a magnificent red rose, a little chest,
Nefertiti are represented over and over as and some documents on which he recognized
jointly offering their work and worship to the the same Rosicrucian symbols that he had seen
Aten. The harmonious balance of the feminine in Toulouse in 1909.”17
and the masculine is a feature of the Amarna They then “decided to pool their efforts,
period, and may account for and so on December 20, 1914,
many of the changes in artistic they published an
style during the period. The announcement in the New York
tradition that Akhenaten had Sunday Herald inviting people
learned in the House of Life at interested in Rosicrucianism to
the Temple of the Sun in join them.” Mrs. Banks-Stacey,
Heliopolis (On or Annu) bore H. Spencer Lewis, and several
fruit in the Aten spirituality he others then formally inaugurated
shared with Nefertiti.13 the Rosicrucian Order,
The Origins of AMORC AMORC on February 9, 1915,
are also a Joint Work of in Manhattan.
May Banks-Stacey and Akhenaten, by Danny Pyle, F.R.C. The Rosicrucian Masters
H. S. Lewis were clearly insistent that the
The same balance and harmony, which same balance from the time of Hatshepsut
we have rediscovered at the foundations of and Thutmose III be present at the founding
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of AMORC. Mrs. Banks-Stacey had been told exist and for the Rosicrucian work to prosper.
when she was initiated into Rosicrucianism in For thousands of years this has manifested in
India that, although she was named legate for examples of cooperation such as: Stepmother
America, the organization would not be and Son—Hatshepsut and Thutmose III—
founded until 1915, with a French lineage.18 who established this form of the Tradition;
In similar fashion, H. Spencer Lewis had through the loving work and worship of
held an introductory meeting in December husband and wife—Akhenaten and Nefertiti;
1913. Although twelve people attended, all and in the cofounding of AMORC (1915) by
declined to sign the charter that Lewis had spiritual friends and coworkers—May Banks-
created.19 With the information we have Stacey and H. Spencer Lewis; and in countless
rediscovered about Hapuseneb and the first other examples.
united mystical bodies, we can see that the With this rediscovered insight into our
Rosicrucian Masters were insistent: it was to be ancient cofounders, Pharaohs Hatshepsut and
the joint mission of May Banks-Stacey and H. Thutmose III, we truly have the tools to
Spencer Lewis, fulfilling the ancient mandate manifest the goals enunciated in the Fourth
from the time of the Eighteenth Dynasty—a Manifesto, the Positio Fraternitatis:
dynamic and unmistakable symbol of
“Such openness encourages the coming of
Rosicrucian principles.
a Culture of Peace, founded upon integration
Balance of Feminine and Masculine and cooperation, to which the Rosicrucians
Energies Necessary for Rosicrucian Work have always devoted themselves. As humanity
The fullness of humanity, that is, the is one in essence, its happiness is only possible
complementary balance of feminine and by promoting the welfare of all human beings
masculine energies, is necessary for harmony to without exception.”20

1 H. Spencer Lewis, Rosicrucian Questions and Answers with vizier and the head of the united priesthoods, placing this power
Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order, 1954 ed. (San Jose: on Hatshepsut’s side, seemingly weakening his own argument for
Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC, 1929), 40. sole action by Thutmose III.
2 Ibid., 44n. 11 Ibid., 195-244.
3 University College London, “Ancient Egypt: Knowledge and 12 Hatshepsut, quoted on her obelisk at Karnak, after translation
Production—The House of Life,” Digital Egypt, http://www.
in Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol. 2 (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1976), 27.
4 Garth Fowden, The Egyptian Hermes (Princeton: Princeton
13 From discussions in the online RCUI Course, “Rediscovering
University Press, 1993), 57.
the Wisdom of the Ancient Mystery Schools,” facilitated by Grand
Clement of Alexandria, Stromata (Miscellanies), bk. 6, chap. 4, 35- Master Julie Scott (San Jose, CA: Supreme Grand Lodge of
37. The Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. AMORC, Inc., Fall 2006) .
325, vol. 2 (Buffalo: The Christian Literature Publishing Company,
14 Christian Rebisse, Rosicrucian History and Mysteries (San Jose,
1885-96). www.earlychristianwritings.com/clement.html.
6 CA: Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC,
For the best study of the probability of this connection, see
Inc., 2005), 161.
Garth Fowden, Egyptian Hermes. See note 4.
15 Ibid., 159.
7 Newberry, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, 22:31-36.
8 16 For the materials on May Banks-Stacey, see Ibid.,159-163,
James H. Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt, vol. 2, The Eighteenth
Dynasty (1906; repr., New York: Russell and Russell, 1962), 160-162. 175-176, 217.
9 Ibid., 161. While part of this gender switching may be later 17 Ibid., 175-176.
interpolated revisions, as the name of Thutmose II was inserted 18 Ibid., 163.
into the text, it may also indicate that this was the action of both
19 Ibid., 175.
Hatshepsut and Thutmose III.
10 James H. Breasted, Development of Religion and Thought in 20 Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient & Mystical Order Rosae
Digest Ancient Egypt (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1912), 319n1. In A Crucis, Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, (San Jose, CA: Grand
History of Egypt (New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1909), 272, Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc., 2005),
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Breasted mentions the fact that Hapuseneb was both Hatshepsut’s 19, http://www.rosicrucian.org/publications/positio.pdf.
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