IJCAS v3 n3 pp.493-501
IJCAS v3 n3 pp.493-501
IJCAS v3 n3 pp.493-501
Development of aControl,
Power Automation, and Tool
Plant Simulation Systems, vol. based
with GUI 3, no. 3,
onpp. 493-501,
General September
Purpose Design2005
Software 493
Abstract: A power plant simulation tool (‘PowerSim’) has been developed with 10 years
experience from the development of a plant simulator for efficient modeling of a power plant.
PowerSim is the first developed tool in Korea for plant simulation with various plant
component models, instructor station function and the Graphic Model Builder (GMB).
PowerSim is composed of a graphic editor using general purpose design software, a netlist
converter, component models, the scheduler, Instructor Station and an executive. The graphic
editor generates a netlist that shows the connection status of the various plant components from
the Simdiagram, which is drawn by Icon Drag method supported by GUI environment of the
PowerSim. Netlist Converter normalizes the connection status of the components. Scheduler
makes scheduling for the execution of the device models according to the netlist. Therefore, the
user makes Simdiagram based on the plant Pipe and Instrument Drawing (P&ID) and inputs the
plant data for automatic simulating execution. This paper introduces Graphic Model Builder
(GMB), instructor station, executive and the detailed introduction of thermal-hydraulic
modeling. This paper will also introduce basic ideas on how the simulation Diagram, based on
netlist generated from general purpose design software, is made and how the system is
organized. The developed tool has been verified through the simulation of a real power plant.
Keywords: Graphic model builder, instructor station, netlist, component model, simulation
verification simulator, simulation tools have to be how the simulation Diagram (SimDiagram) based on
imported from other countries[4]. Along with the ten- Netlist, which is generated from general purpose
year knowledge on simulators, research has been done design software, is made and how the system is
to develop an independent power plant simulation tool. organized.
A simulation tool, PowerSim, operating in
windows(NT) is developed by applying existing 2. STRUCTURE OF POWERSIM
commercial software and general purpose design
software as a model builder GUI. General purpose The PowerSim comprises four basic elements,
design software was used as a library of power plant which are the Graphic Model Builder called GMB,
component symbols such as heat exchangers, pumps, Instructor Station, Executive and Database. Fig. 1
valves, tanks, and etc. From this, procedures for shows its structural overview.
getting Netlist, which contains information on the
relationship between each element and the procedures 2.1. Graphic Model Builder
for constructing a simulator environment, was Graphic Model Builder is composed of Graphic
developed. Editor, Netlist Converter, Plant Component Library,
This paper describes a new simulation methodology Simulation Solver and Scheduler. The graphic editor
for reducing cost and improving the expandability creates and edits component icons and adds them into
limitation of existing tools. Developing tool has the the component library. The graphic editor also
GMB in addition to the elements of the simulator. provides SimDiagram with drawing functions that
This paper introduces GMB, Instructor Station and the construct plant system objects to be simulated by
real-time Executive. This paper provides a description placing graphical icons selected from the component
and algorithm of the thermal-hydraulic modeling of library. The Netlist Converter transforms the output of
power plant components such as heat exchangers, the Simulation Diagram into a serial information lists
pumps, pipes, valves, tanks and solver applied to the to be used for modeling. The Simulation Solver
simulation tool, and system model fitted to Netlist, calculates the plant dynamics with the netlist data
which was created from general purpose design received from the netlist generating from general
software adjusted to the relation information to purpose design software. The Scheduler makes an
describe processes of simulating a power plant system. order for executing the device models, which are the
The tool developed has been verified through subroutine for them.
simulating a real power plant.
The power plant model applied in this verification 2.1.1 General purpose design software and Model
is a feed water system of the Honam thermal power Builder
plant. This paper will also introduce basic ideas on Since a power plant has complex connections of
C om p on en t D B
P lant D ata
P & ID C on trol L ogic
C om ponentt
A lgorithm L ibrary
Solver TM O
O bject O riented - C ontrol
PG M - Process
Instructor Station
W indow s N T
O u tp ut
S im u lation D iagram
G en era l P u rp o se
(P rocess & C on trol)
D esig n S o ftw a re
In p u t O u tpu t
O b ject O rien ted
L ib ralies S ch em atic F ile
P rogram GUI
P lan t D ata
G rap h ic L ib rary F ile
(G U I
P & ID
T ran slator)
N etL ist F ile
C on trol L ogic
various components, the graphical procedures in general purpose design software, although a limitation
which components are placed and connected with on the information general purpose design software
each other are essentially required for efficient system can provide exists.
Since developing a new graphic editor takes time, 2.2. Netlist Converter
PowerSim uses general purpose design software, The Netlist Converter automatically generates
which is one of many commercial CAD programs. dynamic models represented by the SimDiagram and
The general purpose design software has the normalizes the components symbols by the pin order
advantages in managing the device symbols as library using Netlist files, Schematic files, Graphic library
and providing information on connection status of the files. Then the Converter makes the output files,
components for designing electric circuits. The ‘.CON’, ‘MAIL’ which represent the connection status
component editor and library are used to enable users of the controlling symbols such as External Parameter
to add or change component icons. Users can create or (EP), Boundary Condition(BC) and the all symbols
change component icons and save the icons in the drawn in Simulation Diagram. If the Converter finds
component library. Therefore in the present tool, the an abnormal connection, it makes a report file, ‘.RPT’.
system design tool does not generate a source code for for the user.
simulation unlike other commercial simulation tools
which generates code. This may be more convenient 2.2.1 Conversion of Control Simulation Diagrams
for the general users. Once users complete a system The last pin was selected for the output of the
design and execute simulation, the simulation can be symbol in the Control SimDiagram. Fig. 3 shows the
executed immediately by the Executive. Fig. 2 shows Converter normalizes the process of the Control
the process of the automatic generation of GUIs for SimDiagram.
instructor station and dynamic plant models. First, a Each connection status between the symbols is
graphic library of component symbols should be made processed after normalizing. When all of the input
according to the order required for Netlist Converter. pins connected to the symbols have the new values,
Then, SimDiagram should be made using the library, the output pin sends the signal ‘Active’ to the next
plant data, Pipe and Instrument Drawing (P&ID) and symbol so that it recognizes the inputs have been
control logic.
General purpose design software provides a
Schematic file (.SCH), a Library file(SRC) and a
Netlist file(.NET) for each SimDiagram.
Since the Schematic file is made of binary that has
the locating information such as symbol, line, text and
so on, the file needs conversion to ASCII. And the
Library file provides the width, height and graphic
information of symbols. Other GMBs such as
ProTRAX and SIMPORT use the graphic editor and
the GUI at same time. But PowerSim generates the
GUI using Visual C++ from the drawing information
of the graphic editor.
Therefore, PowerSim can easily modify the
functions of the GUI through the information from Fig. 3. Normalization of control SimDiagram.
496 Dong Wook Kim, Cheong Youn, Byung-Hak Cho, and Gihun Son
updated. This is similar to the process of the feed scheduling the subroutines for components. But other
forward in Neural Network. But, when the symbols tools generate raw codes from the converter and
have any inner feedback loop, they use the old values executable files through compiling and linking.
for the input pins. Mail Addresses for the ‘Label’
manages exchanging data between SimDiagrams. On 3. INSTRUCTOR STATION AND GUI
the other hand, the Converter does not manage the
Addresses in the same Simdiagram, since the Netlist Instructor Station provides many functions such as
makes the connection status automatically. Other run, stop, Snapshot, Reset of the initial conditions,
connection to the symbol such as Reset, Malfunction, Trend Display, Remote Function to effectively operate
Parameter update and so on will be explained in the simulator. In addition, PowerSim has the
Executive to be followed. advantage in integrating the GMB and the Instructor
Station since it supports the function to add/delete the
2.2.2 Conversion of Process SimDiagrams SimDiagrams. In other GMBs which generate raw
Process is composed of pipes, pumps, valves, heat codes, the parameters of the components should be
exchangers, drums and etc. The rules for connecting selected in graphic editor and the executable file can
symbols in Process SimDiagram are more be generated through compiling and linking. In
complicated than in Control SimDiagram. PowerSim, the parameters can be selected through the
Fig. 4 shows the Converter normalization process dialog box of the instructor station during running.
of the Process SimDiagram. When the fluid has two- Therefore, it has the advantage of making the
way flow such as heat exchangers, the rule for developing period of the simulator short.
connecting the symbols also has two ways as follow.
That is, pin 1 and 2 are for primary flow and pin 3 and 3.1. Graphic user interface(GUI)
4 are for secondary flow. Connecting rules of other The basic information of the GUI is the Schematic
pins are defined for each symbol. Boundary Condition and library files from general purpose design software.
(BC) is added for process simulation. The converter The graphic functions of the GUI are developed in the
for Process SimDiagram needs Admittance Matrix for environment of the Multiple Document Interface
finding the pressure on the symbol. Inverse of the (MDI) using the Microsoft Foundation Class(MFC)
matrix gives the pressure difference between plant provided by Visual C++.
components. Then the flow rate is solved from the
result. The temperature of fluid is caculated from the 3.2. The functions of the instructor station
flow rate and the input and output of the heat energy. The relationship between the Instructor Station
functions is shown in Fig. 5 as follows. These
2.3. Scheduler functions are represented from menus and dialog
Using the connection relationship from the Netlist boxes supported by the Instructor Station. The
Converter, Scheduler makes the environment and Instructor Station has not only the function of
database which calls the subroutines of the device controlling the simulator but also the function of
models for executing the system model in the appending the plant system models.
SimDiagram. The Scheduler selects the input/output Fig 6 shows many functions of the Menu. Most
data between different SimDiagrams using the file, important variables such as the functional output
‘.MAIL’. PowerSim makes the executable model by values of Control SimDiagrams, flow rates,
temperatures, pressures of Process SimDiagrams are
displayed on the space under each symbol. Other
variables can be recognized and altered through the
dialog box. The operation of the developed simulator
can be worked on through a personal computer and
the simulating environments can be stored at the
database using the Snapshot of the Menu. Fig. 7
shows the dialog boxes of the PowerSim.
Fig. 4. Normalization of process SimDiagram. Fig. 5. Functional block diagram of the Instructor.
Development of a Power Plant Simulation Tool with GUI based on General Purpose Design Software 497
(a) PID.
(a) Reset.
(b) Execute.
(b) DRUM.
Fig. 7. Instructor station dialog box.
(c) Display.
(d) snapshot.
Fig. 8. Structure of the PowerSim.
The Executive runs the dynamic model from Netlist
and Scheduler in real time and writes the execution supports the periodical scheduling by Time-Trigger
results on the database. It manages the Activities and interruptible scheduling by Message Trigger.
related to the User Interface. PowerSim selected PowerSim uses only the Time-Triggered function.
Time-Triggered Message-Triggered Object system PowerSim is composed of GMB, Executive and
(TMO) for the real time Scheduler of the Executive, Instructor station shown in Fig. 8. Database is made of
which is different from the Scheduler for the device the Structures of C language defined in the Document
models, explained in the previous section. The Class in Visual C++. Using the Snapshot via the
Scheduler has an important function in real time Instructor station makes all the simulating
running for the whole simulator. TMO, developed in environments store in the hard disk. In back, using the
University of California at Irvine, is used for Reset with an initial condition reloads the
industrial applications in Korea nowadays. TMO environments from the hard disk.
498 Dong Wook Kim, Cheong Youn, Byung-Hak Cho, and Gihun Son
Fig. 10. Schematic of the feed water system of Honam thermal power plant model.
When applying the equation of energy conservation analysis. Momentum equation of the feed-water
to the heat exchanger such as economizer or small system is a function of the flowrate and the pressure.
components, the following implicit method, which has Most of the pressure loss in the loop is proportional to
no limitation on time interval, is used: the square of the flowrate.
V ρ n h n + δ t ( F in + h inn + Q ) F = K ∆p (10)
h n +1 = , (7)
V ρ n + δ tF in
The K factor in (10) is determined based on the
where the pressure variation is neglected since it is configuration of the loop. In this study, the overall
very small and the complete mixing (hout=h) is pressure losses including those of the pump are
assumed. considered as following:
In the equation of heat transfer between tube and
shell of the feed water heat exchanger, the two F = C1∆p + C 2 N 2 , (11)
sections of drain and steam are calculated separately
as follows: where N is the speed of the pump and C1, C2 are the
drain section: constants determined based on the performance curve
of the pump.
h sheel , out = h shell − Q shell / F shell , out To obtain the pressure and the flowrate, equation
h tube = h tube , in + Q drain / F tube (11) is substituted into the mass balance equation and
the following equation is obtained:
Q = (UA ) drain (T shell , out − T tube , in − T shell + T tube )
/ In [( T shell , out − T tube ,in ) /( T shell − T tube )] − ain pin + (ain + a out ) p − a out p out = bin − bout . (12)
Q drain = Q drain + a ( Q − Q drain ) To solve (12) defined at a number of nodes, a
matrix solver is needed because the pressure between
steam section: the adjacent nodes should be obtained simultaneously.
As shown in the Fig. 10, there are many kinds of
h tube , out = h tube − Q steam / Ftube volumes and the flow paths. Present study adopted an
Q = (UA ) steam (T shell − T tube − T shell + T tube ,out ) automatic method of calculating pressure using
/ In [( T shell − T tube ) /( T shell − T tube ,out )] “Netlist” which is generated from the general purpose
design software.
Q steam = Q steam + a ( Q − Q steam ) (9)
6.2. System configuration using the Netlist
In the above equations, the overall heat transfer As shown in Table 1, information between the
coefficient(UA) is a function of the volumetric flow- connecting nodes can be generated based on the
rate and the void fraction. To solve the equation, a general purpose design software program. The
relaxation factor is adopted to solve the non-linear component number represents a component type. The
terms. It is determined as 0.1 after the sensitivity numbers assigned to each component are randomly
500 Dong Wook Kim, Cheong Youn, Byung-Hak Cho, and Gihun Son
Table 1. Netlist file of feedwater system. the digits displayed on components show calculation
results of mass flow rate(F), enthalpy(H), pressure(P),
level(L), and the position of a valve(y) when the level
and pressure of a drum is maintained to 50% and 174
kg/cm2 respectively.
As shown Fig. 11, the mass flow rate of inflow
from the feed water tank equals to the mass flow rate
of outflow into the main steam under steady state.
This verifies that pressure equations governing the
mass conservation are correct.
Fig. 11. Result of simulation of the feed water system of the Honam power plant.
Development of a Power Plant Simulation Tool with GUI based on General Purpose Design Software 501
operation. It is expected that the simulators will be Byung-Hak Cho received the B.S.
very effective for training the plant operators and I&C degree in Electrical Engineering from
engineers who have knowledge of CAD. PowerSim Han-Yang University 1982, and the
will be updated for development of full-scope M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Nuclear
Engineering from KAIST in 1986 and
simulator in the future.
1996 respectively. He has been a
principal member of technical staff at
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