Electronic System Level Power and Performance Analysis For Multi-Processor-System-on-Chip
Electronic System Level Power and Performance Analysis For Multi-Processor-System-on-Chip
Electronic System Level Power and Performance Analysis For Multi-Processor-System-on-Chip
Abstract—Electronic System Level (ESL) is the highest level such as power and performance. A top-level view of POEM
of abstraction to represent embedded systems for Design Space is presented in Fig. 1.
Exploration (DSE). This work is the first step towards a In POEM, an application or a system-level use-case is mod-
comprehensive methodology development to address the DSE
for extra-functional properties such as power and performance. eled as a task graph using Intel SystemC library (ISCTLM), (a
The principle of separation of concerns is exercised in its true productivity layer) on top of Accellera [9] standard SystemC.
spirit and enhanced for power evaluation by proposing a specific ISCTLM is compliant to SystemC standards and includes
mapping step between power and performance models. generic bus sockets, component base classes, power trace
Index Terms—electronics system level, design space explo- infrastructure, register modeling tools, and many other con-
ration, performance models, power modeling, task graphs, low-
power, separation-of-concerns venience modeling tools for SystemC TLM modeling.
All the architectural elements like processors, memories,
buses are modeled at Transaction Level with Approximately-
Timed (AT) coding style using the same ISCTLM library, for
In order to perform an effective power/performance trade- power and performance simulations and analysis. At the end
off analysis in early design phases, the following key ingredi- of the simulation, stimuli for power model is generated, which
ents are required: contains the functional states and timing information, together
• Abstract performance model of the hardware architecture known as the state-residency of a processing element.
candidate(s) The behavior of the SystemC simulation can be controlled
• High-level description of the use cases under analysis using attributes based configuration mechanism. Both, the task
• Power model for the relevant hardware components graph and the architecture models are configured dynamically
using these attributes.
In the recent past, a significant amount of research has been
As power models are developed in a different environment,
carried out to develop ESL methodologies using Transaction
a mapping step and an interface between the SystemC simu-
Level Modeling (TLM) with the help of SystemC. Early
lation and power models are required to drive them using the
system-level power models are typically modeled by experts in
SystemC simulation for dynamic power estimation.
custom Excel sheets or dedicated frameworks like Intel® Do-
cea™ (Docea) [1]. In order to integrate these models with III. I NTERFACE AND M APPING
system-level simulations, two approaches have been proposed:
There are two main ways to build an interface between
co-simulation [2] or explicit annotation [3]–[7] using e.g. C++
performance (SystemC simulation) and power model, i.e.,
APIs for integration into SystemC TLM-2.0 Virtual Platform
using an API or VCD file.
(VP) simulations. The drawbacks of an explicit C++ API are
The number of components in performance and power
the manual rewrite of the power model into C++, limiting
models are not equal most of the time as they are created
reuse and increasing turnaround times for changes.
independently at different abstraction levels and granularities.
The main contribution of this work is a novel Power The performance model could be fine-grained, whereas the
Optimization and Exploration Methodology (POEM), which power model can be coarse-grained and vice versa. Hence, the
addresses such distributed project set-up by using the concept connection of such models is a non-trivial task and requires
of Separation of Concerns [8]. It first separates functionality an explicit mapping definition.
from architecture, and second the way power database is
Suppose the system has a total M number of components in
developed and attached.
the performance model, and each component ci ∈ {1, 2, .., M }
can take Kci discrete functional states, Sci ∈ {1, 2, ..Kci } at a
given time of point. Given N number of time stamps tj in total
As stated earlier, the essence of POEM is an enhancement simulation time T , the functional states of the components in
of Separation of Concerns for extra-functional requirements, the performance model can be defined as M × N matrix:
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Management & Technology Lahore. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 19:55:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Design specifications
Application Model
Performance Model
T5 T6
T3 Performance Application
Mem CPU T1 Model Models
Mapping (SystemC Simulation) T2
System Level Mapping
System Level
Power and
Fig. 1. Abstract representation of how POEM fits to the SoC design flow
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Management & Technology Lahore. Downloaded on July 16,2020 at 19:55:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.