Clinical Paediatric Dietetics 2020
Clinical Paediatric Dietetics 2020
Clinical Paediatric Dietetics 2020
Fifth Edition
Edition History
Wiley‐Blackwell (4e, 2014)
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Julia Ackrill BSc, RD Jennifer Douglas BSc, BPhEd, PG Dip Dietetics, NZRD
Specialist Paediatric Dietitian Formerly Specialist Paediatric Dietitian
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital NHS Mile End Hospital
Foundation Trust London E1 4DG
Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH and
Currently Dietitian, Jumpstart Nutrition
S. Francesca Annan BSc, MSc, RD, FBDA
George St, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand
Clinical Specialist Paediatric/Adolescent Diabetes Dietitian
University College London Hospital James Evans BSc, MRes, RD
Euston Road, London NW1 2PG Highly Specialist Paediatric Dietitian – Bone Marrow
Vanessa Appleyard BSc, PG Dip Nutrition and Dietetics, RD Transplantation and Immunology
Senior Specialist Paediatric Dietitian Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Foundation Trust Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH
Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH
Eulalee Green BSc, MSc, RD
Shelley Cleghorn BSc, RD Dietitian and Public Health Nutritionist
Team Leader and Clinical Lead Dietitian – Nephrology
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS
Foundation Trust Kate Grimshaw PhD, RD
Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH Operational Manager and Highly Specialist Allergy
Zoe Connor MSc, RD
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Dietetics
Stott Lane, Salford M6 8HD
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Faculty of
Health and Life Sciences David Hopkins BSc, MSc, RD
Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB Advanced Paediatric Dietitian
and Yeovil District Hospital
Freelance Paediatric Dietitian Higher Kingston, Yeovil BA21 4AT
Lisa Cooke BSc, MA, RD Tracey Johnson BSc, RD
Head of Paediatric Dietetics, Nutrition and Speech and Senior Specialist Paediatric Dietitian
Language Therapy Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital NHS
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Foundation Trust
Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol BS2 8BJ Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH
The continuing aim of this fifth edition of Clinical Paediatric adolescence is described and underpins many clinical
Dietetics is to provide a very practical approach to the dietary interventions. The trend for children to be discharge from
management of children with a wide range of disorders that hospital for continuing care at home makes this text a valu-
benefit from dietary therapy. Interventions range from nutri- able resource for both acute and community‐based health-
tional support to the diet being the major or sole treatment care professionals.
for particular disorders. The text is relevant for professional There has been an expansion of the range of disorders,
dietitians, dietetic students and their tutors, paediatricians, treatments, guidelines and recommendations described in
paediatric nurses and members of the community health many chapters, e.g. diabetes technology, the wider use of the
team caring for children who require therapeutic diets. The ketogenic diet, renal tubular disorders, refeeding syndrome
importance of nutritional support and dietary management and the use of blended diets in enteral nutrition, new guide-
in many paediatric conditions is increasingly recognised and lines for parenteral nutrition, irritable bowel syndrome and
is reflected in new text for this edition. rare skin disorders – in addition to a thorough review of all
The authors are drawn from practising paediatric dieti- the topics in the fourth edition. With much information pre-
tians, with additional contributions from academic research sented in tabular form and with worked examples and case
dietitians and a psychiatrist. The need for evidence‐based studies, the manual is easy to use.
practice demands a thorough review of scientific and medi- The most recent information and data on dietetic products
cal literature to support clinical practice, wherever possible, has been used in the preparation of this edition, but no guar-
and this has been undertaken by the authors. Where the evi- antee can be given for validity or availability at the time of
dence base is lacking, expert clinical opinion is given. While going to press.
the practice described is largely UK focused, the principles Of particular note, the new Commission Delegated
can be applied in other areas. Regulation (EU) 2016/128 on food for special medical pur-
The major part of the text concentrates on nutritional poses (FSMP) has come into force, with the rules for infant
requirements of sick infants, children and young people formulas applying from 22 February 2020. Hence, there may
in the clinical setting. Normal dietary constituents are be slight changes in some of the dilutions and compositions
used alongside special dietetic products to provide a pre- of formulas shown in the text.
scription that will control progression and symptoms of
disease while maintaining the growth potential of the indi- Vanessa Shaw
vidual. Healthy eating throughout infancy, childhood and May 2020
I would like to thank a number of dietitians who wrote for Ketogenic Diets: Georgiana Fitzsimmons and Marian Sewell
the fourth edition of this book whose work contributed to Immunodeficiency Syndromes: Natalie Yerlett
the following chapters: Feeding Children with Neurodisabilities: Leanne Huxham
Epidermolysis Bullosa: Melanie Sklar and Lesley Haynes
Provision of Nutrition in the Hospital Setting: Ruth Watling
Faltering Growth: Zofia Smith
Preterm Infants: Caroline King and Kate Tavener
Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Nicol Clayton, Janine
The Liver and Pancreas: Jason Beyers
Gallagher, Pat Portnoi, Jacky Stafford
Endocrinology: Alison Johnstone and Jacqueline Lowdon
Kidney Diseases: Julie Royle
Table 1.1 Child‐specific screening tools developed and evaluated Table 1.2 Recommendations for routine measurements for healthy
in the UK. infants and children.
Anthropometry Height
Measurement of weight and height (or length) is critical as Height or length measurement requires a stadiometer or
the basis for calculating dietary requirements as well as length board. Measurement of length using a tape measure
monitoring the effects of dietary intervention. It is important is too inaccurate to be of use for longitudinal monitoring of
that all measurements are taken using standardised tech- growth, although an approximate length may be useful as a
niques and calibrated equipment. Ideally staff taking meas- single measure. Under the age of 2 years, supine length is
urements should receive some training on how to do this measured; standing height is usually measured over this age
accurately. There are a variety of online resources to support or whenever the child can stand straight and unsupported.
training in anthropometric measurement of children. When the method of measurement changes from length to
height, there is likely to be a drop in stature; this is accounted
for in the UK‐WHO growth charts (p. 3). Measurement of
Weight length is difficult and requires careful positioning of the
Measurement of weight is an easy and routine procedure infant; positioning of the child is also important when meas-
that should be done using a calibrated digital scale. Ideally uring standing height. It is recommended to have two
Assessment of Nutritional Status 3
observers involved in measuring an infant or young child. It MUAC are less likely to be affected by oedema than body
is good practice for sick infants to be measured monthly and weight; they can also provide a useful method of assessing
older children at clinic appointments or on admission to hos- changes in children with solid tumours and liver disease. There
pital. Healthy infants should have a length measurement at are age‐related standards for infants and children [23, 24].
birth, but further routine stature checks are not recom- Measurement of waist circumference and the index of waist to
mended until the preschool check [18]. Whenever there are height can be helpful in the identification and monitoring of
concerns about growth or weight gain, a height measure- overweight and obesity [25–27]. Research has shown links with
ment should be made more often. dyslipidaemias, insulin resistance and blood pressure, although
the evidence for benefit using waist circumference centiles over
BMI centiles is limited [27, 28].
Proxy measurements for length/height
When monitoring interventions, particularly those
In some cases it is difficult to obtain length or height meas-
addressing undernutrition, it is important to determine if
urements, e.g. in very sick or preterm infants and in older
changes in weight are due to increases in fat mass or lean
children with scoliosis. A number of proxy measurements
muscle mass. In order to fully differentiate between lean and
can be used, which are useful to monitor whether longitudi-
fat, measurement of skinfold thickness (SFT) can be used.
nal growth is progressing in an individual, but there are no
While this can be unpleasant for young children and is not
recognised centile charts as yet, and indices such as body
used as a routine anthropometric measurement in general
mass index (BMI) cannot be calculated. In younger adults
clinical practice, it is used in some specialist areas and can
arm span is approximately equivalent to height, but body
provide valuable data when taken by an experienced and
proportions depend upon age, and while there is some evi-
practised observer. The equipment and technique are identi-
dence that there is a correlation in older children and adoles-
cal to those used in adults, and the measurement is subject to
cents, this measurement may be of limited usefulness in
the same high rates of inter‐observer and intra‐observer error.
children. Ulna length has been demonstrated to act as a good
Reference data for infants and children are available [24], and
proxy for stature in adults although evidence in children is
arm muscle and arm fat area can be calculated. Full details on
limited [20]. Measurements of lower leg length or knee−heel
skinfold measurements and their interpretation have been
length have been used and are a useful proxy for growth
published elsewhere [23, 29].
[21]. Total leg length is rarely measured outside specialist
Modern technologies can provide information on body
growth clinics and is calculated as the difference between
composition. Bioelectric impedance analysis is easily
measured sitting height and standing height. A number of
undertaken in a clinical setting using foot‐to‐foot or hand‐to‐
other measures have been used in children with cerebral
foot techniques. However, while studies have reported
palsy as a proxy for height (p. 424), but numbers are too
validity of this method of determining body composition in
small for reference standards to be established [22]. Formulas
healthy populations of young children, validity in sick chil-
for calculating stature in children from proxy measurements
dren and infants has yet to be fully established but may have
are available [23]. It should always be remembered that
a role in monitoring change if used on admission to hospital
when using a proxy for length or height measurements, mul-
[30–32]. More invasive technologies for assessing body com-
tiple sources of error are present, from the techniques and
position include dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry and air
equipment used to obtain the measurement to calculation
displacement plethysmography. These tend to be restricted
errors in estimation of length/height.
to research assessments of body composition, and further
information can be found elsewhere [23].
Head circumference
Head circumference is generally considered a useful meas-
urement in children under the age of 2 years. After this age Interpreting anthropometric measurements
head growth slows and is a less useful indicator of somatic Anthropometric measurements alone confer limited infor-
growth. A number of genetic and acquired conditions, such mation on growth, nutritional status and health and require
as cerebral palsy, will affect head growth, and measurement the use of growth reference data and conversion to indices
of head circumference will not be a useful indicator of nutri- for interpretation. One of the greatest challenges, however, is
tional status in these conditions. Head circumference is meas- the compliance with weighing and measuring infants and
ured using a narrow, flexible, non‐stretch tape. Accuracy is children, particularly when hospitalised [33, 34]. Staff train-
dependent on the skill of the observer, and, as such, training ing on measurement techniques and the importance of
and practice in this technique is a requirement. obtaining these should be reinforced regularly within all
healthcare settings.
Supplementary measurements
Growth charts
While the measurement of weight and length or height forms
the basis of routine anthropometric assessment, there are a Measurements should be regularly plotted on a relevant growth
number of supplementary measurements, which can be used. chart. In the UK the growth charts are the UK‐WHO growth
These include the proxy measurements for stature already chart 0−4 years and the UK growth chart 2−18 years [35].
mentioned and mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC). This They are based on WHO 2006 data between the ages of 2 weeks
is a useful measurement in children under the age of 5 years, as and 4 years (from the WHO multicentre longitudinal study of
MUAC increases fairly rapidly up until this age. Increases in optimal growth in breastfed singleton births from six countries
4 Principles of Paediatric Dietetics: Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Requirements and Feed Supplementation
across the world [36]) and UK 1990 data for preterm infants, for sex. BMI is now routinely used to identify and monitor over-
birthweights and for children over 4 years of age. They show weight and obesity in children, on an individual and popula-
nine centiles from the 0.4th to the 99.6th. Length data are used tion basis, in the clinical and research environments [39]. There
up to 2 years of age and standing height from age 2 onwards. are limitations, however, to the use of BMI in children:
The centile lines shift down slightly at the 2 years of age junc-
• It is not recommended in children <2 years of age as dur-
ture to reflect that standing height is less than the measured
ing this period BMI changes rapidly and weight gain
length. Every child in the UK is issued with a growth centile
rather than BMI has been shown to be more indicative of
chart as part of the personal child health record that is held by
future overweight and obesity [40]
parents and completed by healthcare professionals whenever
• In chronic undernutrition there is stunting as well as low
the child is weighed or measured.
weight for age, and thus undernutrition may be masked
Accuracy is crucial when plotting growth charts and,
by using BMI
therefore, training is essential as a number of different pro-
• Although BMI is a relative index of weight to height, it
fessionals may be plotting on a single chart and errors could
does not provide information about body composition;
result in the misdiagnosis or non‐identification of nutritional
it cannot be used to distinguish between fat mass and
and growth problems. When assessing a child in relation to
lean mass
the growth charts, a number of factors need to be accounted
for, including gestational age at birth and parental height. Paediatric BMI charts have been developed and can be
The growth charts give clear guidance on correction for pre- used to indicate how heavy a child is relevant to its height
maturity and the estimation of the child’s adult height. and age [41]. The UK growth charts have a quick reference
It can be difficult to assess progress or decide upon targets guide to estimate BMI centile on the basis of the child’s
where a measurement falls outside the nine centile lines weight and height centiles. More detailed BMI charts show-
(<0.4th centile or >99.6th centile). The Neonatal and Infant ing +3, +3.33, +3.66, +4 SD lines above the 99.6th centile and
Close Monitoring growth chart [35] shows −3, −4 and −5 −4, −5 SD below the 0.4th centile are available from Harlow
standard deviation (SD) lines to allow assessment of very Healthcare [38].
small infants up to the age of 2 years. ‘Thrive lines’ have also
been developed to aid interpretation of infants with either
Anthropometric indices and the classification
slow or rapid weight gain. The 5% thrive lines define the
of nutrition status
slowest rate of normal weight velocity in healthy infants. If
an infant is growing at a rate parallel to or slower than a 5% The World Health Organization (WHO) and research publi-
thrive line, weight gain is abnormally slow. The 95% thrive cations frequently report SD score or z‐score for length/
lines define the most rapid rate of normal weight gain in height, weight and BMI. This involves converting the meas-
healthy infants, and weight gain that parallels or is faster urement or index into a finite proportion of a reference or
than the 95% thrive line is abnormally rapid [36]. There is standard measurement, the calculation giving a numerical
also a Child and Puberty Close Monitoring Chart 2–20 years, score indicating how far away from the 50th centile for age
which is a modification of the UK growth chart 2−18 years, the child’s measurements/index falls. For the UK growth
designed to monitor unusually short, thin or overweight charts, each centile space equates to 0.67 SD; therefore, a
children. Puberty phase specific thresholds allow assess- child on the 2nd centile will have a z‐score of −2 SD, and a
ment of small children with late onset puberty and tall chil- child on the 98th centile will have a z‐score of +2 SD; a meas-
dren with early onset puberty [35]. urement that falls exactly on the 50th centile will have a z‐
There are a range of resources available to support train- score of 0 SD. Calculation of z‐scores by hand is extremely
ing on the plotting and interpretation of growth charts on laborious, but computer software is available that will e nable
the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) calculation of z‐scores from height, weight, BMI, sex and age
website [35]. data [38]. The z‐score can also be used when comparing
Some medical conditions have a significant effect on groups of children when a comparison of the measurements
growth, and where sufficient data exist, separate growth themselves would not be useful.
charts have been developed. Charts for Down syndrome The WHO defines moderate malnutrition and obesity in
were jointly published by the Down Syndrome Medical children in terms of z‐score for weight as −2 SD and +2 SD,
Interest Group and the RCPCH in 2011 [37]. Charts for a respectively [36].
number of other conditions including Williams syndrome, The calculations of height for age, height age and weight
sickle cell and Turner syndrome are available from Harlow for height are useful when assessing nutritional status ini-
Healthcare [38]. tially or when monitoring progress in children who are short
for their chronological age. Table 1.3 shows examples of cal-
culations for these indices. The Waterlow classification [42]
Body mass index
may be of use when assessing children in the UK with severe
A BMI measurement can be calculated from weight and height faltering growth. An adaptation of the classification is shown
measurements: BMI = weight (kg)/height (m2). This provides in Table 1.4. Calculation of height age is necessary when
an indication of relative fatness or thinness. In children the determining nutrient requirements for children who are
amount and distribution of body fat is dependent on age and much smaller (or larger) than their chronological age.
Assessment of Nutritional Status 5
Table 1.3 Height for age, height age and weight for height. Table 1.5 Physical signs of nutritional problems.
Worked example: 6‐year‐old girl with cerebral palsy referred with Assessment Clinical sign Possible nutrient(s)
severe feeding problems
Hair Thin, sparse Protein and
Visit 1 Decimal age = 6.2 years Colour energy, zinc,
change – ‘flag sign’ copper
Height = 93 cm (<0.4th centile)
Easily plucked
Weight = 10 kg (<0.4th centile)
Skin Dry, flaky Essential fatty
50th centile for height for a girl aged 6.2 Rough, ‘sandpaper’ acids
years = 117 cm texture B vitamins
93 Petechiae, bruising Vitamin A
Height for age = 117 = 79.5% height for age
Vitamin C
Height age is the age at which 93 cm
(measured height) falls on 50th centile = 2.7 Eyes Pale conjunctiva Iron
years Xerosis Vitamin A
50th centile for weight for 2.7 years = 14 kg
10 Lips Angular stomatitis B vitamins
Weight for height = = 71% weight for height Cheilosis
50th centile for height for a girl aged 6.8 Gums Spongy, bleed easily Vitamin C
years = 121 cm Face Thyroid enlargement Iodine
Height for age = = 79% height for age Nails Spoon shape, Iron, zinc, copper
Height age = 3.1 years koilonychia
50th centile for weight for age 3.1 Subcutaneous tissue Oedema Protein, sodium
years = 14.5 kg Overhydration
12 Depleted Energy
Weight for height = = 82.7% weight for subcutaneous fat
height 14 .5
Muscles Wasting Protein, energy,
Conclusions: The girl has shown catch‐up weight gain. Weight for height zinc
has increased from 71% to 83%. She has continued to grow in height, Bones Craniotabes Vitamin D
but has not had any catch‐up height. Her height continues to be about Parietal and frontal
79% of that expected for her chronological age. bossing
Beading of ribs
Table 1.4 Classification of malnutrition.
Chronic malnutrition
Acute malnutrition (wasting) (stunting ± wasting) stage in the development of a deficiency disease, and the
absence of clinical signs should not be taken as indicating
Weight for height Height for age that a deficiency is not present.
80%−90% standard – grade 1 90%−95% standard – grade 1 Typical physical signs associated with poor nutrition,
70%−80% standard – grade 2 85%−90% standard – grade 2 which have been described in children in Western countries,
are summarised in Table 1.5. Physical signs represent very
<70% standard – grade 3 <80% standard – grade 3
general changes and may not be due to nutrient deficiencies
Source: Adapted from Waterlow [42]. alone. Other indications such as poor weight gain and/or
low dietary intake are needed in order to reinforce s uspicions,
and biochemical and haematological tests should be carried
Clinical assessment out to confirm the diagnosis. These include the analysis of
levels of nutrients or nutrient‐dependent metabolites in body
Clinical assessment of the child involves a medical history fluids or tissues or measuring functional impairment of a
and a physical examination. The medical history will i dentify nutrient‐dependent metabolic process. The most commonly
medical, social or environmental factors that may be risk used tissue for investigation is the blood. Whole blood,
factors for the development of nutritional problems. Such plasma, serum or blood cells can be used, depending on the
factors may include parental knowledge and finance availa- test. Tests may be static, e.g. levels of zinc in plasma, or
ble for food purchase, underlying disease, treatments, inves- may be functional, e.g. the measurement of the activity of
tigations and medications. Clinical signs of poor nutrition, glutathione peroxidase, a selenium‐dependent enzyme, as a
revealed in the physical examination, only appear at a late measure of selenium status.
6 Principles of Paediatric Dietetics: Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Requirements and Feed Supplementation
Although an objective measurement is obtained from a blood • Contamination from exogenous materials such as equip-
test, there are a number of factors that can affect the validity of ment or endogenous sources such as sweat or interstitial
such biochemical or haematological investigations: fluid is important for nutrients such as trace elements,
and care must be taken to choose the correct sampling
• Age‐specific normal ranges need to be established for the procedure
individual centre unless the laboratory participates in a
regional or national quality control scheme A summary of some biochemical and haematological
• Recent food intake and time of sampling can affect levels, measurements is given in Table 1.6.
and it may be necessary to take a fasting blood sample Urine is often used for investigations in adults, but
for some nutrients many tests require the collection of a 24 hour urine s ample,
• Physiological processes such as infection, disease or and this is difficult in babies and children. The usefulness
drugs may alter normal levels of a single urine sample for nutritional tests is limited and
Biochemical tests
Protein Total plasma protein 55−80 g/L Low levels reflect long‐term not acute
Albumin 30−45 g/L depletion
Caeruloplasmin 0.18−0.46 g/L Low levels indicate acute protein
Retinol‐binding protein 2.6−7.6 g/L depletion but are acute phase proteins,
which increase during infection
Thiamin Erythrocyte transketolase 1−1.15 High activity coefficient (>1.15)
activity coefficient indicates thiamin deficiency
Vitamin B12 Plasma B12 value 263−1336 pmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Riboflavin Erythrocyte glutathione 1.0−1.3 High activity coefficient (>1.3)
reductase activity coefficient indicates riboflavin deficiency
Vitamin C Plasma ascorbate level 8.8−124 μmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Vitamin A Plasma retinol level 0.54−1.56 μmol/L Low level indicates deficiency
Vitamin D Plasma 25‐hydroxy‐ 30−110 nmol/L Low level indicates deficiency
colecalciferol level
Vitamin E Plasma tocopherol level α‐Tocopherol Low levels indicate deficiency
10.9−28.1 μmol/L
Copper Plasma level 70−140 μmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Selenium Plasma level 0.76−1.07 μmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Glutathione peroxidase activity >1.77 μmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Zinc Plasma level 10−18 μmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Haematology tests
Folic acid Plasma folate 7−48 nmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Red cell folate 429−1749 nmol/L Low levels indicate deficiency
Haemoglobin Whole blood 104−140 g/L Levels <110 g/L indicate iron
Red cell distribution width Whole blood <16% High values indicate iron deficiency
Mean corpuscular volume Whole blood 70−86 fL Small volume (microcytosis) indicates
iron deficiency
Large volume (macrocytosis) indicates
folate or B12 deficiency
Mean cell haemoglobin Whole blood 22.7−29.6 pg Low values indicate iron deficiency
Percentage hypochromic Whole blood <2.5% High values (>2.5%) indicate iron
cells deficiency
Zinc protoporphyrin Red cell 32−102 μmol/mol haem High levels indicate iron deficiency
Ferritin Plasma level 5−70 μg/L Low levels indicate depletion of iron
stores. Ferritin is an acute phase
protein and increases during infection
Assessment of Nutritional Status 7
needs to be compared with a standard metabolite, usually For most clinical purposes an oral history from the usual
creatinine. However, creatinine excretion itself is age‐ caregivers (or from the child if appropriate) will provide
dependent, and this needs to be taken into consideration. sufficient information on which to base recommendations.
Stool samples can be useful in determining reasons for In addition to assessing the range and quantity of foods
malabsorption if suspected. Hair and nails have been used eaten, it is also useful to assess whether the texture and
to assess trace element and heavy metal status in popula- presentation of food is appropriate for the age and develop-
tions, but a number of environmental and physiological mental level of the child. Estimation of food intake is
factors affect levels, and these tissues are not routinely particularly difficult in infants, as it is not possible to assess
used in the UK. Tissues that store certain nutrients, such as accurately the amount of food wasted through, for exam-
the liver and bone, also provide useful materials for ple, spitting or drooling. Similar difficulties occur in chil-
investigation, but sampling is too invasive for routine
dren with physical feeding difficulties and dysphagia.
clinical use. Observation of feeding can be particularly useful in these
A more detailed overview of clinical assessment can be situations. Recorded intake can often be utilised at annual
found elsewhere [24]. assessments of children with chronic conditions, in the
identification of food‐related symptoms (allergies and
intolerances) or in the assessment of diet‐related doses of
Dietary intake medications such as pancreatic enzymes or insulin. A range
of tools are available to assist with the assessment of dietary
For children over the age of 2 years, food intake is assessed intake including pictorial portion size guides, computerised
in the same way as for adults: using a recall diet history; a dietary analysis p rogrammes and texture descriptors [44].
quantitative food diary or food record chart at home or on The adequacy of dietary intake is assessed in relation to
the ward, recorded over a number of days; a weighed the dietary reference values (DRV).
food intake over a number of days; or a food frequency The assessment of milk intake for breastfed infants is dif-
questionnaire. These methods are not mutually exclusive, ficult, and only very general estimations can be made.
and combinations are often used to provide the greatest Historically infants have been test weighed before and after
depth of information. There are benefits and limitations to a breastfeed to allow the amount of milk consumed to be
each of these methods, and these are summarised in estimated. This required the use of very accurate scales
Table 1.7 [24, 43]. (±1–2 g) and included all feeds over a 24 hour period as the
volume consumed varied throughout the day. Test weighing
should be avoided if at all possible as it is disturbing for the
Table 1.7 Strengths and limitations of dietary assessment methodologies infant, engenders anxiety in the mother and is likely to com-
for individuals. promise breastfeeding. Studies have shown that the volume
of breastmilk consumed is approximately 770 mL at 5 weeks
Method Strength Limitation and 870 mL at 11 weeks of age [45]. In general an intake of
850 mL is assumed for infants who are fully breastfed and
24 hour recall Quick and easy Relies on memory
Low respondent burden May not be over the age of 6 weeks. Estimation of nutritional intake in a
representative of breastfed infant is further complicated by the varying com-
usual intake position of breastmilk [46].
Estimated food Assesses actual usual Respondents must
diary intake be literate
Ability to estimate Expected growth in childhood
portion size
Longer time frames The 50th centile birthweight for infants in the UK is 3.5 kg for
increase respondent boys and 3.3 kg for girls [47]. Most babies lose weight after
birth while full feeding is gradually established during the
Weighed food Accurate assessment of High respondent first week of life (p. 19). They begin to gain weight between
diary actual intake burden
3 and 5 days of age, with the majority regaining their birth-
Respondents must
be literate and
weight by the 10th−14th day of life. The National Institute
motivated for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends that
Setting may not be babies are weighed at birth and in the first week of life as
conducive to part of the overall assessment of their feeding. Thereafter,
weighing (e.g. babies should be weighed at 8, 12 and 16 weeks and again at
eating out) 1 year of age [19].
Food frequency Quick Ability to quantify The average weight gain during the first year of life, using
questionnaire Low respondent burden intakes is poor the 50th centile for age of the UK‐WHO growth charts [35], is
Can identify food
shown in Table 1.8. The increase in length during the first
consumption patterns:
high/medium/low year of life is 24−25 cm. It is important to remember that the
first 12 weeks of life see the most rapid postnatal growth. If
Source: Gibson [23]. length and weight measurements are static for just 2 weeks
8 Principles of Paediatric Dietetics: Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Requirements and Feed Supplementation
Table 1.8 Average weight gain throughout the first year of life. revised in the SACN 2011 report [49] in the light of advance-
ments in the methodology to measure total energy expendi-
Boys (g/week) Girls (g/week) ture. This report gives a detailed account of the evidence that
First 3 months 240 210 SACN used when updating the EAR for energy for infants,
children, adolescents and adults in the UK. This has coin-
Second 3 months 130 120
cided with other revisions of energy requirements by the
Third 3 months 80 75 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Fourth 3 months 65 60 World Health Organization and United Nations University
(FAO/WHO/UNU) and the Institute of Medicine (IoM) in
the USA.
during this period, there will be a fall of one centile; if static The revised EAR for energy has decreased for infants and
for 4 weeks, there will be a fall of two centiles. Growth rate children under 10 years of age and slightly increased for
slows as the baby gets older. older children and adults. The revised EAR for energy for
During the second year, the toddler following the 50th infants and children is shown in Tables 1.10 and 1.11.
centile gains 2.5−2.6 kg in weight and a further 11−12 cm It must be emphasised that these values are for assessing
in length. Average weight gain continues at a rate of approxi- the energy requirements of large groups of people and are
mately 2−3 kg/year. Height gain in the second year is 10 cm, not requirements for healthy or sick individuals. Also, when
steadily declining to 7 cm down to 5 cm/year until the estimating requirements for the individual sick child, it is
growth spurt at puberty. Puberty in boys usually starts important to calculate energy and nutrient intakes based on
between the ages of 9 and 14 years. Onset of puberty before actual body weight and not expected body weight. The latter
9 years of age is considered precocious, while puberty is will lead to a proposed intake that is inappropriately high for
delayed if there are no signs by 14 years. For girls, puberty the child who has an abnormally low body weight. In some
usually begins between 8 and 13 years, with the onset of instances it may be more appropriate to consider the child’s
puberty before 8 years considered to be precocious and height age rather than chronological age when comparing
puberty not present by 13 years considered to be delayed. intakes with the DRV as this is a more realistic measure of the
child’s body size and, hence, nutrient requirement.
In order to make the revised EAR for energy more usable
Dietary reference values in clinical practice, it is suggested that the data given in
Tables 1.10 and 1.11 are condensed and summarised
The 1991 Department of Health report on DRV [48] provides (Table 1.12).
information and figures for requirements for a comprehen- The estimated requirements for children with specific dis-
sive range of nutrients and energy. The Scientific Advisory orders are given in the relevant chapters. It is important to
Committee on Nutrition (SACN) revised the requirements remember that requirements are not necessarily increased
for energy in 2011 [49]. The requirements are termed dietary during illness. Factors to consider when estimating require-
reference values and are for normal healthy populations of ments for the individual are as follows: nutritional status
infants fed with artificial formulas and for older infants, prior to onset of the disease; whether the disorder is acute or
children and adults consuming food. The 1991 DRV were not chronic; is mobility affected; are there any impacts on nor-
set for breastfed babies as it was considered that human mal feeding such as dysphagia or reduced appetite; are there
milk provides the necessary amounts of nutrients when increased gastrointestinal losses such as vomiting and diar-
fed on demand. In some cases the DRV for infants aged up to rhoea; consider any urinary losses; is there an inability to
3 months who are formula fed are in excess of those that metabolise dietary constituents.
would be expected to derive from breastmilk; this is because A guide to increased oral and enteral (feeding by tube into
of the different bioavailability of some nutrients from breast- the gut) requirements is given in Table 1.13.
milk and artificial formulas.
It is important to remember that these are recommenda-
tions for groups, not for individuals; however, they can be Fluid requirements
used as a basis for estimating suitable intakes for the indi-
vidual, using the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for protein
Preterm and low birthweight infants
and other nutrients. This level of intake should satisfy the
requirements of 97.5% of healthy individuals in a population
Chapter 7 gives a full account of the special requirements of
group. A summary of the 1991 DRV for energy, protein,
these babies.
sodium, potassium, vitamin C, calcium and iron is given in
Table 1.9. The DRV for other nutrients may be found in the
full report. There has been a further revision for vitamin D The newborn infant over 2.5 kg birthweight
requirements [50].
The DRV for energy is expressed as the estimated average Breastfeeding is the most appropriate method of feeding the
requirement (EAR); about half of a population will need more normal infant [51] and may be suitable for sick infants with
energy than the EAR and half less. Energy requirements were a variety of clinical conditions. Demand breastfeeding will
Fluid Requirements 9
Weight* Energy (EAR) per day Protein Sodium Potassium Vitamin C Calcium Iron
Age kg MJ kJ/kg kcal kcal/kg g g/kg mmol mmol/kg mmol mmol/kg mg mmol mg
0–3 months 5.9 2.28 480–420 545 115–100 12.5 2.1 9 1.5 20 3.4 25 13.1 1.7
4–6 7.7 2.89 400 690 95 12.7 1.6 12 1.6 22 2.8 25 13.1 4.3
7–9 8.9 3.44 400 825 95 13.7 1.5 14 1.6 18 2.0 25 13.1 7.8
10–12 9.8 3.85 400 920 95 14.9 1.5 15 1.5 18 1.8 25 13.1 7.8
1–3 years 12.6 5.15 400 1230 95 14.5 1.1 22 1.7 20 1.6 30 8.8 6.9
4–6 17.8 7.16 380 1715 90 19.7 1.1 30 1.7 28 1.6 30 11.3 6.1
7–10 28.3 8.24 – 1970 – 28.3 – 50 – 50 – 30 13.8 8.7
11–14 43.1 9.27 – 2220 – 42.1 – 70 – 80 – 35 25.0 11.3
15–18 64.5 11.51 – 2755 – 55.2 – 70 – 90 – 40 25.0 11.3
0–3 months 5.9 2.16 480–420 515 115–100 12.5 2.1 9 1.5 20 3.4 25 13.1 1.7
4–6 7.7 2.69 400 645 95 12.7 1.6 12 1.6 22 2.8 25 13.1 4.3
7–9 8.9 3.20 400 765 95 13.7 1.5 14 1.6 18 2.0 25 13.1 7.8
10–12 9.8 3.61 400 865 95 14.9 1.5 15 1.5 18 1.8 25 13.1 7.8
1–3 years 12.6 4.86 400 1165 95 14.5 1.1 22 1.7 20 1.6 30 8.8 6.9
4–6 17.8 6.46 380 1545 90 19.7 1.1 30 1.7 28 1.6 30 11.3 6.1
7–10 28.3 7.28 – 1740 – 28.3 – 50 – 50 – 30 13.8 8.7
11–14 43.8 7.92 – 1845 – 42.1 – 70 – 80 – 35 20.0 14.8
15–18 55.5 8.83 – 2110 – 45.4 – 70 – 90 – 40 20.0 14.8
Age kcal (MJ) kcal (MJ) kcal (MJ) kcal (MJ) kcal (MJ) kcal (MJ)
(months) per kg/day per day per kg/day per day per kg/day per day
1–2 96 (0.4) 526 (2.2) 120 (0.5) 598 (2.5) 120 (0.5) 574 (2.4)
3–4 96 (0.4) 574 (2.4) 96 (0.4) 622 (2.6) 96 (0.4) 598 (2.5)
5–6 72 (0.3) 598 (2.5) 96 (0.4) 646 (2.7) 72 (0.3) 622 (2.6)
7–12 72 (0.3) 694 (2.9) 72 (0.3) 742 (3.1) 72 (0.3) 718 (3.0)
1–2 96 (0.4) 478 120 (0.5) 550 (2.3) 120 (0.5) 502 (2.1)
3–4 96 (0.4) 526 96 (0.4) 598 (2.5) 96 (0.40) 550 (2.3)
5–6 72 (0.3) 550 96 (0.4) 622 (2.6) 72 (0.3) 574 (2.4)
7–12 72 (0.3) 646 72 (0.3) 670 (2.8) 72 (0.3) 646 (2.7)
Table 1.11 Estimated average requirement (EAR) for energy Most babies will need 150−200 mL/kg/day of infant
for children, 2011. f ormula by the end of the first week until they are 6 months
old, although this will vary for the individual baby [53].
EAR (kcal (MJ) per day)*
Bottle‐fed babies should be allowed to feed on demand
Age (years) Boys Girls and not be encouraged to ‘finish the bottle’. A suggested
way to feed these babies is to offer on the first day approxi-
1 765 (3.2) 717 (3.0) mately one seventh of requirements, say, 20–30 mL/kg,
2 1004 (4.2) 932 (3.9) divided into eight feeds and fed every 2−3 hours. The
3 1171 (4.9) 1076 (4.5) volume offered should be gradually increased over the fol-
lowing days to appetite so that newborn babies gradually
4 1386 (5.8) 1291 (5.4)
increase their intake from about 20–30 mL/kg on the first
5 1482 (6.2) 1362 (5.7) day of life to around 150–200 mL/kg by 7−14 days. Of
6 1577 (6.6) 1482 (6.2) course, more should be offered if the baby is hungry and
7 1649 (6.9) 1530 (6.4) demands more. Breastfed infants will regulate their own
8 1745 (7.3) 1625 (6.8)
intake of milk.
9 1840 (7.7) 1721 (7.2)
10 2032 (8.5) 1936 (8.1) Fluid requirements after the first few weeks
11 2127 (8.9) 2023 (8.5)
12 2247 (9.4) 2103 (8.8) Healthy formula‐fed infants should be allowed to feed on
demand, although parents often wish to get them into a
13 2414 (10.1) 2223 (9.3)
‘routine’. Many infants will take their feeds 4 hourly, five to
14 2629 (11.0) 2342 (9.8) six bottles per day at around 4−6 weeks of age, although
15 2820 (11.8) 2390 (10.0) many will continue to demand feeds more frequently. The
16 2964 (12.4) 2414 (10.1) infant may start to sleep longer through the night and drop a
17 3083 (12.9) 2462 (10.3) feed. A fluid intake of around 150 mL/kg should be main-
tained to provide adequate fluids, energy and nutrients.
18 3155 (13.2) 2462 (10.3)
Infants should not normally be given more than 1200 mL of
*Calculated with the median physical activity ratio. feed per 24 hours as this may induce vomiting and, in the
Source: Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition [49]. long term, will lead to an inappropriately high energy intake.
Sick infants may need smaller, more frequent feeds than the
healthy baby and, according to their clinical condition, may
have increased or decreased fluid requirements. Breastfed
automatically ensure that the healthy infant gets the right infants will continue to regulate their own intake of milk and
volume of milk and, hence, nutrients. The suck−swallow− feeding pattern.
breathe sequence that allows the newborn infant to feed After the age of 6 months, a follow‐on milk may be used
orally is usually well developed by 35−37 weeks of gesta- (Table 1.14). These milks are higher in protein, iron and some
tion. If the infant is too ill or too immature to suckle, the other minerals and vitamins than formulas designed to be
mother may express her breastmilk; expressed breastmilk given from birth and may be useful for infants with a poor
(EBM) may be modified to suit the sick infant’s require- intake of solids or who are fluid restricted. There is no need
ments. If EBM is unavailable or inappropriate to feed in to change the feed from an infant formula to a follow‐on
certain circumstances (p. 20), infant milk formulas must be milk if a baby is feeding well and growing normally.
used, preferably whey-based. Common brands of infant ‘Growing up’ milks (or young child formulas) are also on
formulas available in the UK are given in Table 1.14. the market. Designed for children aged 1–3 years, they are
A systematic review of the volumes of breastmilk and not recommended for routine use, but they may increase the
infant formula taken in early infancy [52] has revealed that intake of iron, vitamin D and n‐3 polyunsaturated acids that
formula‐fed infants have a higher intake than breastfed may be in poor supply in the toddler diet [54].
babies (Table 1.15). While there was variation in the amount
of breastmilk taken in the first few days of life, on average
demand breastfed babies took only 21.5 ± 4.2 mL on day 1, Fluid requirements in older infants and children
whereas formula‐fed babies took 170 ± 55.8 mL on day 1. By
day 14, the bottle‐fed babies were still taking a greater Once solids are introduced around the age of 6 months, the
volume: 761.8 ± 18 mL vs. 673.6 ± 29 mL in the breastfed infant’s appetite for milk will lessen. Breastmilk and infant
babies. Not only did the bottle‐fed babies take a larger vol- formulas fed at 150 mL/kg provide 130 mL water/kg. The
ume, but they also had a more energy‐dense milk: fluid requirements for older infants aged 7–12 months
67 kcal/100 mL vs. 53.6 ± 2.5 kcal/100 mL for colostrum decrease to 120 mL/kg, assuming that some water is
(days 1−5) and 57.7 ± 4.2 kcal/100 mL for transitional milk obtained from solid foods (Table 1.16). At 1 year, the healthy
(days 6−14). child’s thirst will largely determine how much fluid is
Fluid Requirements 11
Boys Girls
1 kcal = 4.18 kJ.
* Depending on method of feeding for infants (Table 1.10).
Median weight from the UK‐WHO growth chart 0−4 years and the UK growth chart 2−18 years [35].
Table 1.14 Infant milk formulas and follow‐on milks. Table 1.17 Daily water requirements for infants and children.
Table 1.15 Volume of milk taken in the first 2 weeks of life. *Includes water from beverages and food.
Includes water from beverages, food and drinking water.
Day of life Breastmilk (mL) Infant formula (mL)
designed to calculate fluid requirements for parenteral nutri-
1 21.5 ± 4.2 170.5 ± 55.8
tion and is based on the child’s weight, using an average
2 100.3 ± 21.8 265.0 ± 67.7 requirement of 100 mL water for each 100 kcal (420 kJ) of
7 495.3 ± 33.4 576 ± 29 energy metabolised. If less energy is required, then less
14 673.6 ± 29 761.8 ± 18 water will be needed. If nutritional requirements are met
from a smaller volume of feed, then any extra fluid needed
Source: Hester et al. [52]. (e.g. if the child is losing more than usual fluid through
PMC3463945/. Licensed under CC BY. breathing, sweating, vomiting, diarrhoea and passing dilute
urine) may simply be given as water.
Table 1.16 Water content of foods.
Body weight Estimated fluid requirement
Food Percentage water content 11−20 kg 100 mL/kg for the first 10 kg +
50 mL/kg for the next 10 kg
Fruits and vegetables 80−85
>20 kg 100 mL/kg for the first 10 kg +
Yoghurt and milk puddings 70−80 50 mL/kg for the next 10 kg +
Rice and pasta 65−80 25 mL/kg thereafter
Fish 70−80 Worked example for a child weighing 22 kg
Eggs 65−80 100 mL/kg for =1000 mL
the first 10 kg
Meat 45−65
+50 mL/kg for =500 mL
Cheese 40−50 the next 10 kg
Bread 30−45 +25 mL/kg for =50 mL
the final 2 kg
Source: Adapted from Grandjean and Campbell [55].
Total =1550 mL = 70 mL/kg
Table 1.18 Examples of energy‐ and nutrient‐dense formulas for infants (per 100 mL).
Energy (kcal) kJ Protein (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) H2O) PE ratio
13.1% SMA PRO 1 67 280 1.3 7.1 3.6 1.0 1.6 296 7.8
(normal concentration)
15% SMA PRO 1 77 320 1.5 8.1 4.1 1.1 1.8 339* 7.8
17% SMA PRO 1 87 365 1.7 9.2 4.7 1.3 2.1 384* 7.8
EBM† + 3% Cow & Gate 1 84 350 1.6 8.8 4.8 0.9 1.9 – 7.6
17% Cow & Gate 100 420 1.6 12.0 5.0 0.9 2.3 – 6.4
1 + Maxijul to 12%
CHO + Calogen to 5% fat
Ready‐to‐feed formulas
SMA High Energy 99 415 2.6 10.0 5.4 1.2 2.6 377 10.5
(SMA Nutrition)
Similac High Energy 100 420 2.6 10.1 5.4 1.1 2.3 333 10.4
Infatrini (Nutricia) 101 420 2.6 10.3 5.4 1.6 2.4 360 10.3
The protein–energy (PE) ratio of the feed should ideally be formulas. They are suitable for use from birth and are
kept within the range 7.2%−12% for infants (i.e. 7.2%−12% designed for infants who have increased nutritional
energy from protein). For accelerated weight gain or catch‐ requirements or who are fluid restricted. They obviate the
up growth [61]: need for carers to make up normal infant milk formulas at
concentrations other than the usual one scoop of powder
• Weight gain of 10 g/kg/day requires 126 kcal (530 kJ)/
to 30 mL water.
kg/day, 2.8 g protein/kg/day, 8.9% PE
• Weight gain of 20 g/kg/day requires 167 kcal (700 kJ)/
kg/day, 4.8 g protein/kg/day, 11.5% PE Energy and protein modules
• Optimal PE for catch‐up height is not determined, but is
likely to be 11%−12% There may be therapeutic circumstances when energy and/
In some clinical situations it is not possible to preserve this or protein supplements need to be added to normal infant
protein–energy ratio as carbohydrate and fat sources alone milk formulas or special therapeutic formulas rather than
may be added to a feed to control deranged blood biochem- increasing the concentration of the base feed. Sometimes a
istry, for example. In these situations it is important to ensure ready‐to‐feed formula does not meet the needs of the indi-
that the infant is receiving at least the RNI for protein. vidual child, and energy and protein modules may need to
If infants are to be discharged home on a concentrated be added. Energy and protein modules and their use are
feed, the recipe may be translated into scoop measures for described below.
ease of use. This will mean that more scoops of milk powder
will be added to a given volume of water than recom-
mended by the manufacturer. As this is contrary to normal Carbohydrate
practice, the reasons for this deviation should be carefully
Carbohydrate provides 4 kcal/g (16 kJ/g). It is preferable
explained to the parents and communicated to primary
to add carbohydrate to a feed in the form of glucose poly-
healthcare staff.
mer, rather than using monosaccharides or disaccharides,
because it exerts a lesser osmotic effect on the gut. Hence,
Nutrient‐dense ready‐to‐feed formulas a larger amount can be used per given volume of feed.
Glucose polymers (Table 1.19) should be added in 1%
Nutrient‐dense ready‐to‐feed formulas are available for increments each 24 hours, i.e. 1 g/100 mL feed per 24
hospital use and in the community (Table 1.18). They are hours. This will allow the concentration at which the
nutritionally complete formulas containing more energy, infant becomes intolerant (i.e. has loose stools) of the
protein and nutrients per 100 mL than standard infant extra carbohydrate to be identified. Tolerance depends on
the age of the infant and the maturity and absorptive There is a combined carbohydrate and fat module using
capacity of the gut. The addition of 2% (2 g/100 mL) both long and medium chain fats (Table 1.19). Again this
glucose polymer (Super Soluble Maxijul) to infant formu- must be introduced to feeds in 1% increments to determine
las has been shown to increase the feed osmolality by the child’s tolerance of the product. The addition of 2% of a
31.2 mOsm/kg H2O [58]. combined fat and glucose polymer powder (Duocal Super
As a guideline the following percentage concentrations of Soluble) to infant formulas increases the feed osmolality by
carbohydrate (g total carbohydrate per 100 mL feed) may be 23.0 mOsm/kg H2O [58].
tolerated if glucose polymer is introduced slowly: A schedule for the addition of energy modules to infant
formulas is given in Table 1.20.
• 10%−12% carbohydrate concentration in infants under 6
months (i.e. 7 g from formula, 3−5 g added)
• 12%−15% in infants aged 6 months to 1 year Protein
• 15%−20% in toddlers aged 1−2 years Protein may be added to feeds in the form of whole protein,
• 20%−30% in older children peptides or amino acids (Table 1.21). Protein supplementa-
If glucose or fructose needs to be added to a feed where tion is rarely required without an accompanying increase in
there is an intolerance of glucose polymer, an upper limit of energy consumption.
tolerance may be reached at a total carbohydrate concentra-
tion of 7%−8% in infants and young children, so much less
energy will be provided from the feed.
Table 1.20 Schedule for the addition of energy modules to infant
Fat formulas.
Fat provides 9 kcal/g (37 kJ/g). Long chain fat emulsions Additional Energy
are favoured over medium chain fat emulsions because CHO/fat per added per
they have a lower osmotic effect on the gut and provide a Day Energy source added 100 mL feed 100 mL (kcal) (kJ)
source of essential fatty acids. Medium chain fats are
used where there is malabsorption of long chain fat 1 1% glucose polymer 1 g CHO 4 17
(Table 1.19). 2 2% glucose polymer 2 g CHO 8 33
Fat emulsions should be added to feeds in 1% increments 3 3% glucose polymer 3 g CHO 12 50
each 24 hours, providing an increase of 0.5 g fat per 100 mL 4 3% glucose polymer 3 g CHO 17 69
per 24 hours. Infants will tolerate a total fat concentration of + 1% fat emulsion 0.5 g fat
5%−6% (i.e. 5−6 g fat per 100 mL feed) if the gut is function-
5 3% glucose polymer 3 g CHO 21 88
ing normally. The addition of 2% long chain fat emulsion + 2% fat emulsion 1 g fat
(Calogen) to infant formulas has been shown to increase the
6 4% glucose polymer 4 g CHO 25 105
feed osmolality by only 0.7 mOsm/kg H2O [58]. Children + 2% fat emulsion 1 g fat
over 1 year of age will tolerate more fat, although concentra-
7 5% glucose polymer 5 g CHO 29 121
tions above 7% may induce a feeling of nausea and cause
+ 2% fat emulsion 1 g fat
vomiting. Medium chain fat will not be tolerated at such
8 5% glucose polymer 5 g CHO 34 140
high concentrations and may be the cause of abdominal
+ 3% fat emulsion 1 5 g fat
cramps and osmotic diarrhoea if they are not introduced
slowly to the feed. CHO, carbohydrate.
Per 100 g Type of protein (kcal) kJ Protein (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) Ca (mmol) PO4 (mmol)
Protifar (Nutricia) Whole milk 368 1540 87.2 1.2 1.6 4.8 3.6 33.8 22.6
Hydrolysed Whey Protein/ 348 1455 49.8 37.2 0 19.8 16.2 9.0 3.5
Maltodextrin (Nutricia)
Complete amino acid mix (Nutricia) 328 1370 82 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Principles of Paediatric Dietetics: Nutritional Assessment, Dietary Requirements and Feed Supplementation
Healthy Start Children’s Multivitamin Drops* DaliVit Drops (Boston Ketovite (Essential
Vitamin Drops (NHS) (Omega Pharma Ltd) Healthcare Ltd) Pharmaceuticals Ltd)
Children who are having 500 mL or more of formula a day do not need Healthy Start vitamins.
*Contains peanut oil.
**Values relate to 0.6 mL dose.
Protein modules are added to feeds to provide a specific be different, and these are fully described in the dietary man-
amount of protein per kilogram actual body weight of the agement of each clinical condition.
child. It is rarely necessary to give intakes >6 g protein/kg; if The prescribable vitamin and mineral supplements that
intakes do approach this value, blood urea levels should be are most often used in paediatrics are given in Tables 1.22
monitored twice weekly to avoid the danger of uraemia and 1.23.
developing. Modules should be added in small increments
as they can very quickly and inappropriately increase the
child’s intake of protein. The osmotic effect of whole protein Prescribing products for paediatric practice
products will be less than that of peptides and peptides less
than the effect of amino acids. Special therapeutic formulas, supplements and special
dietary foods can be prescribed for specific conditions.
The Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances
Vitamins and minerals recommends suitable products that can be prescribed for
use in the community and defines their indications.
Vitamin and mineral requirements for populations of normal Prescriptions from the general practitioner should
children are provided by the DRV [48]. Where no RNI is set, be endorsed ‘ACBS’ to indicate that the prescription
safe levels are given. The RNI for the main vitamins and min- complies with recommendations. A list of prescribable
erals are shown in Table 1.9. As a quick assessment of nutri- items for paediatric use appears in the British National
tional adequacy in the well child, when there is sufficient Formulary for Children under the borderline substances
energy, protein, calcium, iron and vitamin C in the diet, it appendix and is available on line at [62].
will probably be sufficient in other nutrients. In disease Dietetic products are categorised as enteral feeds (non‐
states, requirements for certain vitamins and minerals will disease specific), n
utritional supplements (non‐disease
Prescribing Products for Paediatric Practice 17
Energy kcal (kJ) 75 (315) 8.7 (37.5) 7.5 (32.6) 2 (10) 0.2 (1)
CHO g 18.8 0.86 0.34 0.5 0.04
Protein g 0 0 0 0 0.2
Fat g 0 0 0 0 0
Sodium mg <5 Tr Tr 4.7 8.8
Potassium mg <8 96 4 4.0 <1.4
Calcium mg 643 — 120 804 1000
Phosphorus mg 429 — 105 502 775
Magnesium mg 89 56 56 201 300
Iron mg 17.3 5 12 10 15.1
Zinc mg 11.5 5 15 10 11.1
Copper mg 1.2 1 2 1 1.5
Iodine μg 83 75 140 169 150
Manganese mg 1.2 0.35 3 1.5 1.5
Molybdenum μg 88 50 250 68 70
Selenium μg 34 25 50 41 75
Chromium μg 34 50 200 41 30
Vitamin A μg 1050 375 750 500 800
Vitamin D μg 14 5 10 15 10
Vitamin E mg 5.4 5 10 9.3 9
Vitamin K μg 41.5 25 0 60 70
Vitamin C mg 100 25 60 40 50
Thiamin mg 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Riboflavin mg 1.1 1 1.6 1.4 1.4
Niacin mg 8.8 7,5 18 15 20
Pyridoxine mg 0.9 1 2 1.7 1.6
Pantothenic acid mg 4.3 2 4 4.7 5
Vitamin B12 μg 2.2 2 3 2.8 5
Folate μg 76 100 400 240 700
Biotin μg 54 50 100 112 150
Choline mg 88 0 0 250 0
CHO, carbohydrate.
* 25 g dose.
** Also available as Forceval Capsule Adult. Same composition except for Energy 0, CHO 0, Calcium 108 mg, Phosphorus 83 mg, Magnesium 30 mg,
Sodium 0 and Potassium 4 mg. Not for children <12 years.
Table 2.2 Average volumes (mL/day) of breastmilk consumed compared with formula milk intakes [14].
Table 2.3 Comparison of average energy and macronutrient composition of breastmilk compared with formula milks [14].
For the infant: then be brought quickly and firmly to the breast aiming to
get a good mouthful of breast tissue.
• reduced incidence of non‐specific gastroenteritis and
Once attached to the breast, there should be more areola
lower severe respiratory infections
visible above the baby’s top lip than the lower lip; the lower
• reduced risk of otitis media
lip should be turned out and the tongue under the mother’s
• fewer visits to the doctor in the first 2 years of life
nipple; the chin can be indented into the breast and the nose
For the mother: must be free for breathing.
If the baby is unable to suckle at birth, the mother can
• delay in return to menstruation allowing maternal iron
express her milk. Expressing 8–12 times a day will be neces-
stores to replenish following pregnancy and childbirth
sary to establish a good milk supply, and considerable prac-
• reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer
tical and emotional support is important for these mothers.
• lower risk of postnatal depression
Provided there is no restriction on how much an infant can
The contraindications to breastfeeding are as follows: breastfeed (i.e. demand feeding is practised), no extra water
is needed, even in very hot weather, as the infant will simply
• The baby has classical galactosaemia, a long chain fatty
feed more frequently to obtain more fluid when thirsty.
acid oxidation defect or glucose–galactose malabsorption
Health professionals can support and promote breastfeed-
• The mother is taking certain medications, is receiving
ing through policy development, through the provision of
radiotherapy or chemotherapy, is a drug abuser or takes
environments conducive to breastfeeding and by having the
excessive alcohol
knowledge and skills to give consistent practical advice and
• HIV‐positive status of the mother as HIV transmission
support to breastfeeding mothers. Factors that improve rates
from mother to infant can occur via breastmilk; however,
of breastfeeding include:
in developing countries, where formula feeding may
greatly increase the risk of gastrointestinal infections and
• early contact between mother and baby. Healthy infants should
mortality, exclusive breastfeeding is preferable
be placed and remain in direct skin‐to‐skin contact with
mother immediately after delivery until the first feeding is
Supporting and maintaining breastfeeding accomplished [22]. The World Health Organization (WHO)
recommends putting the baby to the breast within an hour
Breastfeeding is not an entirely instinctive process and most after birth to assist in developing the suckling reflex, which
new mothers need support and advice. At least 95% of is particularly strong for a short while after delivery [23].
women are able to produce sufficient milk, and, therefore, • extra support by trained professionals with special skills in
less than 5% of women will have primary lactation insuffi- breastfeeding to help with good positioning and technique
ciency [21]. Good positioning and attachment are essential [24]. A good understanding of the physiology of lactation
for successful breastfeeding. Infants should be held so that: is essential for all who are involved in the care of breast-
feeding mothers and can be achieved with training. The
• they are close to mum; the angle of the breast will deter-
UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative has developed an
mine which position is best for the baby to effectively
accreditation system for assessing higher education insti-
milk the breast
tutions in the UK based on the training they provide to
• the baby’s back, shoulders and neck are supported,
midwives and health visitors on breastfeeding.
allowing the head to easily tilt backwards
• WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly status of the maternity unit
• their ear, shoulder and hip are in a line; this will ensure
where the baby is born. The WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly
the neck is not twisted while they are feeding
Initiative provides a framework for the implementation
When the baby is positioned correctly, their nose should of best infant feeding practice in maternity units and is
be brought to the nipple; this will stimulate the rooting reflex represented by the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
and the baby will give a nice wide gape. The baby should (Table 2.4), revised by WHO in 2018. Accredited units
Infants (0–12 Months) 21
Table 2.4 The 10 steps to successful breastfeeding [25]. Table 2.5 Summary of UNICEF UK Achieving Sustainability standard [28].
Perceived inadequate supply Crying in a baby does not always signal a Check the baby is feeding for as long as she/he wishes on both
A common reason cited by demand for food. It may be because the baby breasts. More frequent breastfeeds may help establish a better
mothers and may be due to is uncomfortable, needs a nappy change or is supply or suit a mother who produces low volumes of breastmilk.
persistent crying or fussing of overtired or just bored and lonely. A breastfed Check mother’s diet and fluid intake are adequate and that she is
infants that are not baby having an adequate intake will: getting enough rest. Check medications.
necessarily signs of hunger If available, a trained professional can observe the baby feeding and
• Be alert and responsive and have a healthy advise on how to ensure the baby is effectively transferring
appearance breastmilk
• Have 6+ feeds in 24 hours during the day
and night
• Have 6+ wet nappies daily
• Have 2+ yellow stools daily
Sore nipples Some tenderness is normal, but breastfeeding Treatment from a general practitioner (GP) is necessary to resolve
should not be painful. Pain is usually due to thrush in both the mother and infant. Heat treatment and feeding in
poor attachment and positioning. However, in a warm room may help in Raynaud’s syndrome
some cases, it may be due to thrush (Candida
albicans). In rare cases it may be due to
Raynaud’s syndrome, where nipples become
blanched due to poor blood supply
Cracked nipples Usually due to poor attachment With improved attachment and positioning, nipples will begin to heal
Engorgement Usually due to poor drainage of the breast as a Hand expressing before the feed can make it easier for the infant to
Oedema caused when the consequence of poor positioning and suck efficiently. Advice may include:
breast is full of milk and the attachment and can occur when feeds are
• Use of warm compresses or taking a warm shower before feeding
blood and lymph flows are missed
• Frequent breastfeeding (every 1–2 hours) and encouraging the
slow and seep into breast
tissue infant to suckle from both breasts
• Applying an ice pack to breast and underarm after feeding until
swelling decreases can also be helpful
• Seek expert advice if the problem persists
Mastitis Usually a result of engorgement or poor Advise rest, frequent breastfeeds and that the mother should drink
Swollen, inflamed or infected drainage of the breast, so it is important not to plenty of fluids. Antibiotics may be needed
area in breast stop breastfeeding
Baby has poor weight gain Less emphasis is now placed on frequently Check the weight chart carefully and reassure the mother if
weighing healthy infants as small variations in possible. Check position and feeding technique. Check the number
weight centiles can cause considerable of feeds being offered and if necessary advise an increase to
parental stress. Weight gain is not expected to stimulate breastmilk production. If top‐up formula feeding is
be regular: necessary in the first couple of weeks, advise the mother to give the
bottle at the end of each breastfeed to encourage stimulation of
• Infants often cross centiles in the first 6–8 breastmilk with the goal of fully resuming breastfeeding. After the
weeks to adjust for the intrauterine
infant is about 2 weeks old, advise the mother to give one bottle of
environment formula per day and continue breastfeeding at the other feeds.
• Thereafter variations of up to 1 centile space Refer to the GP for assessment if growth is faltering by falling
are normal through 2 centile spaces after 8 weeks of age
Tongue tie If severe can limit the infant’s ability to suckle Refer for an assessment. Surgery resolves the problem
milk can be expressed breastmilk (EBM), infant formula or, if to a reduction in the breastmilk demanded by the infant and
available, pasteurised human donor milk. consequently diminishing breastmilk production.
A supplementary feed can be given in a bottle, by cup or via • The infant can be given a bottle of formula milk at one
a nursing supplementor. Infants suck against a lower pressure feed per day and continue to breastfeed only at the other
when sucking from a bottle teat compared with sucking from feeds. Some mothers successfully maintain breastfeeding
the nipple [30], and some will prefer to suck against this lower for longer by doing this [31].
pressure, which requires less effort, if bottle feeding is offered.
There is little evidence on the best way to combine breast-
Expressing breastmilk
feeding and bottle feeding if a top‐up of EBM or formula
milk is needed. There are two ways to do this: Once breastmilk supply is established, it can be expressed
using one of three methods:
• Mothers can feed from both breasts to stimulate breastmilk
production and then offer a bottle feed if the baby still seems • by hand
hungry. This may be best in the newborn period when • using a hand pump
breastfeeding is being established. However later, it can lead • using an electric pump
Infants (0–12 Months) 23
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Table 2.7 Recommended intakes from the five food groups for lactating
(NICE) recommends that all mothers be taught to hand mothers.
express their milk [32]. EBM can be given to the baby via a
Food group Recommended daily intake
bottle, cup or spoon although not all babies are happy to
accept an occasional feed in this way. Bottles, containers for Bread, rice, Base each meal and some snacks on these foods.
storage and other utensils must be sterilised until the infant potatoes and Use wholegrain varieties as often as possible
is 1 year of age. EBM should be labelled and stored correctly pasta and other
to minimise the risk of infection. The Department of Health starchy foods
recommends that EBM is stored: Fruit and Include one or more of these at each meal and aim
vegetables for at least 5 portions per day
• in the refrigerator for up to 5 days if parents are confi- Milk, cheese 2–3 portions of milk, cheese and yoghurt. Use low
dent that the fridge remains at 4 °C or lower. It should be and yoghurt fat varieties if weight needs to be managed
stored at the back of the fridge where it is colder. A Meat, fish, eggs, 2–3 portions. Two servings of fish per week are
domestic fridge that is opened frequently may not main- beans and nuts recommended, one of which should be oily fish
tain a low enough temperature; it is preferable to freeze Butter, oils and Limit these to small quantities in food preparation.
EBM if it is not going to be used within 48 hours fat spreads For those trying to lose weight, limit them ½ to 2
• in the freezer compartment of a fridge for up to 2 weeks small portions per day
• in a domestic freezer at −18 °C for up to 6 months Sugary foods Avoid for those trying to lose weight and limit to
small amounts for others
Frozen EBM should be thawed in a fridge and then used
Fluid intake To satisfy thirst, but at least 6–8 drinks per day
within 24 hours. It must not be reheated in a microwave
(1½–2 L). Include a drink with each breastfeed. Fluids
oven because of the risk of ‘hotspots’ occurring and causing include water, tea, coffee, milk, soup, fruit juices,
burns [33]. Standing the bottle in warm water is a suitable squashes and fizzy drinks. More drinks may be
way of reheating milk if necessary; some babies will drink it needed in hot weather and after physical activity
cold from the fridge. Vitamin 10 μg vitamin D
Table 1.14 lists the infant formulas available in the UK. The • the feed must be cooled (by holding the sealed bottle
whey‐dominant formulas (whey–casein ratio of 60 : 40) have a under cold running water) and the temperature tested
protein ratio that is similar to that found in mature breastmilk; before giving to the baby
those with a lower whey–casein ratio (20 : 80) are more similar • bottles should be made up freshly for each feed
to the protein ratio found in cow’s milk. The energy and nutri- • any leftover milk at the end of the feed should be thrown
ent contents are similar in both types of feed, although the away
casein‐dominant formulas are marketed as more suitable for • parents who require a feed for later are advised to keep
hungry babies; this is simply because the curd formed by the water they have just boiled in a sealed flask and make up
higher casein level slows gastric emptying. fresh formula milk when needed
Formula‐fed babies should be demand fed just as breastfed
If parents choose not to follow this advice and make up
babies are and offered adequate feed to satisfy their hunger and
feeds for up to 24 hours in advance, the bottles of formula
growth needs. They should be allowed to stop feeding when
should be cooled quickly and stored in a fridge at <5 °C.
they signal they have had enough and not coerced to finish
These feeds can be warmed just before use by standing the
every bottle. An average total daily intake is around 150 mL/kg
bottle in a container of hot water. Microwave ovens must not
body weight/day up to about 4 months of age, although it var-
be used as the milk is not uniformly heated and hotspots in
ies with each baby. The number of feeds per day and the vol-
the milk could burn the baby’s mouth [33]. Feeds should be
ume taken at each feed will vary as with breastfeeding.
made up using boiled water and sterile bottles or cups until
1 year of age because of the potential for bacterial growth.
Follow‐on milks This is enhanced if bottles, teats and cups are not cleaned
These milks (Table 1.14) are only recommended from 6 In the case where a baby is prescribed a multi‐ingredient
months of age as they may have higher levels of protein, feed, the dietitian may deem it safer, from the point of view
minerals and some vitamins than the infant formulas of accuracy of feed reconstitution, for the parent to make up
designed for feeding from birth. Some mothers choose to use 24 hours’ worth of feeds at one time. It is incumbent on the
them, but it is not generally necessary. They can be used to dietitian to give advice about scrupulous hygiene, rapid
give additional nutrients to infants who are slow to accept cooling and safe storage at <5 °C if feeds are to be made up in
complementary feeding. advance. Any remaining milk not consumed after 1 hour of
feeding should be discarded.
Making up infant formula from powder
Bottle feeding
Tap water or bottled waters that comply with EU standards
for tap water [36] may be used for making up infant formula. Feeding position
Up to 200 mg/L sodium is allowed in tap water, which will
Bottle‐fed babies should be held in a supportive, semi‐
add 0.9 mmol sodium/100 mL feed. This extra sodium will
upright position, which encourages eye contact and bonding
not matter for most infants and powdered feeds on sale in
with the caregiver. The bottle should be angled so that the
the UK will still comply with the EU Directive’s acceptable
teat is always full of milk, thus minimising the amount of air
sodium content if made up with water containing this level
consumed. It is usual to ‘wind’ bottle‐fed babies halfway
of sodium. Bottled mineral waters may contain excess
through and after a feed.
amounts of sodium or other electrolytes and should not be
used for making up infant formula. Just as tap water must be
boiled before being used for reconstituting formula feeds, so Feeding equipment
must any bottled water. Carbonated fizzy water is not suit- Various types of bottles are available, some with air release
able for making up formula feeds. devices to reduce colic. The several different types of teats
Infant formula powder is not sterile and may contain available have varying flow rates according to the size and
microorganisms such as salmonella and Enterobacter sakazakii number of holes, and they also vary in size and shape.
(now known as Cronobacter sakazakii). Neonates, particularly
those who are preterm, of low birthweight or immunocom-
Problems preparing feeds
promised, are most at risk. To minimise the risk of gastroen-
teritis from these bacteria: Lucas et al. [37] measured the energy content of infant formulas
made up by a group of bottle feeding mothers and found the
• feeds should be made up using boiled water >70 °C (that
energy content ranged from 41 to 91 kcal (171–380 kJ)/100 mL,
has been left to cool in the kettle for no more than half an
whereas the manufacturer’s intended energy content was
68 kcal (284 kJ)/100 mL. One third of feeds contained less than
• this water is measured into a sterile bottle and the appro-
50 kcal (210 kJ)/100 mL and around half the feeds over 80 kcal
priate number of scoops of powder added (1 level
(335 kJ)/l00 mL. These discrepancies may arise from:
unpacked scoop of powder per 30 mL/1 fluid ounce water)
• the bottle should then be sealed with a sterilised cap and • compression of the powder in the scoop or by using
shaken to mix the powder heaped scoops
Infants (0–12 Months) 25
UK studies have shown that mothers of larger male infants who had been randomised to begin complementary feeding
introduce complementary feeding at an earlier age than at 6 months of age [58].
mothers of smaller and female infants [53]. The last UK
Infant Feeding Survey (IFS) (2010) reported [54]: Foods to offer
• 30% of infants began complementary feeding before 4 As infants learn new skills, they will progress through the
months developmental stages of complementary feeding as they are
• 75% were having solid food by 5 months given the opportunities to learn [59]. Some progress faster
• 94% by 6 months than others and will begin to take more energy from food
• 5% after 6 months and cut down their milk intake more quickly that those
whose skills develop more slowly and who will remain more
The Diet and Nutrition Survey of Infants and Young milk dependent for longer. Table 2.8 gives a rough guide of
Children (2011) reported [55]: the pattern of complementary feeding.
• 42% of infants receiving solid food by 4 months Complementary feeding usually begins with 1–2 tea-
• similar figures to the IFS at 5 and 6 months spoons of a smooth mashed or puréed food being offered
once a day. The addition of solids to bottles of milk is not
The Scottish Maternal and Infant Survey in 2017 advised in the UK; however, this is accepted practice in some
reported [56]: other European countries.
• 3% of infants began complementary feeding before 4 The food given at the first attempts may come back out as
months the infant pushes their tongue forward, as they do when
• 54% before 6 months sucking from the nipple or teat. With practice infants will
realise that the food stays in the mouth when the tongue
Parents should therefore be encouraged to consider their moves backwards. As the infant learns to manage and swal-
infant’s signs of readiness for complementary feeding and low solid food effectively and begins to take a larger quan-
begin when they perceive their infant is ready physically tity, a second meal and then a third meal can be introduced.
and nutritionally. Signs of readiness include: Once three meals are established, a variety of foods from the
• able to sit with support and control the head to reduce four main food groups should be included to provide a
the risk of choking range of nutrients. Table 2.11 shows the food groups and rec-
• putting toys and other objects in the mouth ommended number of daily servings.
• chewing fists
Energy and nutrient density
• watching others intently when they are eating
• seeming hungry between milk feeds or demanding feeds Meals should be nutrient dense and contain iron‐rich foods
more often even though larger milk feeds have been [20, 62] from the beginning of complementary feeding. The
offered best food sources of iron are meat, oily fish, pulses, eggs and
nut butters. Meat and oily fish provide the haem form of
These developmental signs are generally seen between 4
iron, which is easily absorbed. Pulses, eggs and nuts contain
and 6 months, and from this age, infants learn to accept new
the non‐haem form of iron, and absorption is less efficient,
tastes and textures relatively quickly [57].
but can be improved by combining them with a high vitamin
Sleep patterns also change around this time and infants
C food.
are more likely to wake when in a light sleep mode. Waking
Savoury courses for infants should ideally contain (by
during the night after beginning to sleep through the night
has not been considered an indication to begin solids, but the
EAT (Enquiring About Tolerance) study found that parents • ⅓ high iron foods: meat/fish/eggs/nut butter/pulses
who had been randomised to begin complementary feeding (lentils, hummus, starchy beans)
from 3 to 4 months reported that their infants slept for • ⅓ starchy foods: potato/rice/pasta/bread
slightly longer and woke less frequently than the parents • ⅓ vegetables
Stage Age guide Number of milk feeds/day Number of meals/day Variety of foods
This will meet the WHO recommendation that comple- choking in infants and children can be accessed at www.resus.
mentary foods are energy and nutrient dense providing‐guidelines/paediatric‐basic‐life‐support
about 80–120 kcal (335–500 kJ)/100 g food [62].
Second courses based on fruit and/or yoghurt/custard/ Gagging: a reflex closing off the throat and pushing the tongue to the
milk pudding can be given to replace the milk feed at one and front of the mouth
then two meals as the infant takes more food and two courses Choking: a piece of food partially or completely blocking the airway,
are offered at each mealtime. The amount of breastmilk or affecting breathing
infant formula consumed by the infant will gradually reduce
to about 500–600 mL/day towards the end of the first year.
Low nutrient foods high in fat and sugar do not have a place Research surveys using parental questionnaires in the UK
in complementary feeding. report that:
Ingredients to avoid are:
• 12% of infants were given finger foods at 4–5 months and
• salt and added free sugars, although a small amount of 40% by 6 months of age [67]
sugar can be added to make tart or sour fruits palatable • 43% of infants were eating toast before 6 months of age
• honey, which should not be given before 12 months as and 27% biscuits [68]
there is a small risk of infant botulism
Infants progress in different ways and some develop a
Although recommended in the past, there is no evidence preference for self‐feeding finger foods while others for
to support delaying any foods before 6 months to reduce the spoon feeding. Therefore, it is best that each infant has the
incidence of allergy. Evidence and policies now indicate that opportunity to learn and acquire both skills. Giving infants
highly allergenic foods can be introduced from the begin- their own spoon during spoon feeding encourages inde-
ning of complementary feeding [20]. Advice differs for pendence and an opportunity to learn to coordinate transfer-
infants at high risk of food allergy (p. 343). ring food from spoon to mouth. Including infants in family
meals allows them to learn by copying those eating around
Learning to like new tastes them. There is inadequate research on outcomes for health-
The majority of infants will try a wide variety of tastes and care professionals to recommend only giving finger foods
textures and they learn to like the foods they are offered [63]. with no spoon feeding [69].
The frequency with which they are offered a food, rather Table 2.9 shows the developmental stages of complemen-
than the amount they eat, determines how quickly they will tary feeding.
learn to like it. By the end of their first year, infants should be
eating family foods, and the more variety they have been Responsive feeding
offered by around 12 months, the wider the range of foods Responsive feeding allows each infant to decide how much
they will be familiar with and accept before food neophobia solid food is eaten and how much milk is drunk. There are
begins in their second year (p. 32). no set food or milk feed portion sizes for infants (under 12
months of age) because infants develop their feeding skills at
Learning to manage new textures different ages and grow at different rates. Most infants will
After beginning with smooth foods, to develop confidence,
offering thicker textures, lumps and soft finger foods Table 2.9 Developmental stages of complementary feeding.
allows infants to progress their skills [64]. Some need a lot
Age New food textures
of practice with new textures before they master eating Stage guide Skills to learn to introduce
them and are ready to move on. Others may manage soft
finger foods and thicker textures from the beginning of 1 4–6 • Taking food from a spoon Smooth purées
complementary feeding. The gag reflex makes it safe for months • Moving food from the front Mashed foods
(17–26 of the mouth to the back for
infants to try finger foods and lumps that they cannot at
weeks) swallowing
first process. Lumps or pieces of food that are too big to be • Managing thicker purées
swallowed are gagged and cleared from the back of the and mashed food
tongue to the front of the mouth and either spat out or
2 6–9 • Moving lumps around the Mashed food with
reprocessed to the sides of the mouth [65, 66]. Soft finger months mouth soft lumps
foods early in complementary feeding offer infants the • Chewing lumps Soft finger foods
opportunity to: • Self‐feeding using hands Water in a lidded
and fingers beaker or cup
• touch and play with food • Sipping from a cup
• learn to visually recognise foods and to associate them
3 9–12 • Chewing minced and Firmer finger
with their smell and taste months chopped food foods
• develop their self‐feeding skills • Self‐feeding attempts with a Minced and
spoon chopped family
Although gagging is a normal part of learning feeding skills,
choking, which is not common, is not. Guidelines on treating
28 Healthy Eating
Preschool children 1–4 years can change to semi‐skimmed milk if they are eating well and
growing normally, but this is not necessary and the extra vita-
Basing the diets of toddlers and preschool children on a com- min A in whole milk will support their immune system.
bination of foods from the food groups in Table 2.11, along Growing up and toddler milks marketed for this age
with a vitamin D supplement, will provide nutritional ade- group are enriched with more iron, zinc and vitamin D than
quacy. Although the PHE Eatwell Guide (Figure 2.1) is not is provided in cow’s milk. They can provide a nutritional
designed for children under 5 years of age, children in this safety net for toddlers who are not eating well, but a cheaper
age group do grow satisfactorily on the same percentage option is to give the toddler a vitamin and mineral supple-
energy contributions from the macronutrients as discussed ment. These milks are lower in certain nutrients than cow’s
below for school‐age children. However, under 5s are grow- milk: calcium, phosphorus, iodine and riboflavin.
ing rapidly and need a nutrient‐rich diet. Their diet differs Substitute drinks for milk such as drinks based on soya,
from that of the infant or that of older children and adults in cereals, nuts or coconut do not have the same nutrient profile
having: as mammalian milks and are not suitable for children as a
milk substitute unless they are fortified with calcium, ribo-
• less milk than the infant diet
flavin, iodine and vitamin A. If unfortified versions are used,
• a meal pattern of three meals with two to three planned
a supplement of those key nutrients should be given.
nutritious snacks per day, as these children may only
take small quantities of food at any one time
Meat, fish, eggs, nuts and pulses
Two courses at each meal, a savoury course followed by a
Many toddlers do not like the texture of chewy meat and
fruit‐ or milk‐based second course, ensure a wider variety of
prefer soft tender cuts of meat products made from minced
foods and nutrients will be offered and consumed. Parents
meat such as sausages, burgers and meatballs. As long as
should be encouraged to think of the second course as a sec-
these foods are made from good quality ingredients with a
ond opportunity to offer energy and nutrients and should
high lean meat and low salt content, they will make a valu-
not offer it only as a reward for finishing the savoury course.
able contribution to a healthy diet. Chicken, which often
has a softer texture than red meat, is popular with this
The food groups age group.
Fish should be offered twice a week and one portion
Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods should be oily (p. 41). Most toddlers enjoy fish when served
as fish fingers, fish cakes or fish and potato pie.
A mixture of some white and some wholegrain varieties can Dhal, lentils, chickpea flour in bhajis and starchy beans are
be offered as the fibre load from only wholegrain cereals commonly used by ethnic cultures and pulses can be used in
may be too high for some toddlers. Excess fibre can fill up soups and stews. Baked beans are popular and hummus and
the stomach and reduce food intake, thereby restricting nut butters can be used as spreads. Finely ground nuts can
energy and nutrient intake. Phytates in fibre reduce the be added to muesli or used in cakes, biscuits and puddings.
absorption of certain nutrients, and excess fibre may exacer-
bate loose stools in some toddlers.
Butter, oils and fat spreads
Fruit and vegetables should be offered at each meal and some Foods high in sugar
snacks. Toddlers may be averse to the bitter taste of some veg-
etables and may eat a limited variety. This should not be a These high energy foods add flavour and enjoyment to
cause for concern as this age should be seen as a time for learn- meals. Limiting sugary foods to the amounts below will
ing to like fruits and vegetables and parents should encourage retain an average intake of around the SACN recommended
their preschool children to eat these foods by setting an exam- maximum of 5% of energy from free sugars [4]:
ple and eating and enjoying these foods themselves. • one serving per day of a nutritious sweet food such as
cake, biscuits, pudding, cereal bar
Milk, cheese and yoghurt • one serving per day of sweet spread such as jam or honey
• one serving per week of sweet drink or confectionery
Milk intake should reduce from 12 months of age. Three
servings of milk, yoghurt and cheese per day will ensure cal- An excess of butter, oils and fat spreads and/or foods high
cium, riboflavin and iodine requirements are met. An excess in sugar will increase the likelihood of obesity, which is ris-
of milk in the diet usually means less iron‐rich foods are ing in this age group.
eaten and iron deficiency and anaemia are associated with
toddler diets where there is 400 mL milk or more drunk daily
[79, 80]. This is often toddlers drinking large bottles of milk Drinks
during the day and/or night.
Toddlers up to 2 years of age should have whole (full‐fat) The use of bottles for drinks should be discontinued around
milk for the extra vitamin A it contains. After 2 years toddlers 12 months as sucking on a bottle of milk can become a
30 Healthy Eating
1. Bread, rice, Bread, chapatti, breakfast cereals, Carbohydrate 3–4 servings a day Serve at each meal and some 4 servings per day
potatoes, pasta rice, couscous, pasta, millet, B vitamins snacks Serve at each meal and
and other potatoes, yam and foods made with Fibre one snack
starchy foods flour such as pizza bases, buns and Some iron, zinc and calcium
2. Fruit and Fresh, frozen, tinned and dried Vitamin C 3–4 servings a day Offer at each meal and some Aim for 5 servings a day
vegetables fruits and vegetables. Also pure fruit Phytochemicals snacks and aim for about
juices Fibre 5 small servings a day
3. Milk, cheese Breastmilk, infant formulas, follow‐ Calcium Demand feeds of 3 servings a day 3 servings a day
and yoghurt on milks, cow’s milk, yoghurts, Protein breastmilk or infant
cheese, custard and milk puddings Iodine formula as main drink
Riboflavin (about 500–600 mL/day)
Vitamin A in full‐fat milk Some yoghurt and cheese
Cow’s milk in food
4. Meat, fish, Meat, fish, eggs, pulses, dhal, nuts, Iron 1–2 servings a day 2 servings a day 2 servings a day
eggs, nuts and seeds Protein 2–3 for vegetarians 3 for vegetarians 3 for vegetarians
pulses Zinc Fish should be offered twice Fish should be offered
Magnesium per week and oily fish at least twice per week and oily
B vitamins once per week* fish at least once per
Vitamin A week*
Omega‐3 fatty acids: EPA
and DHA from oily fish
5. Oils, butter Cream, butter, fat spreads, cooking Vitamin E Not required In food preparation In food preparation
and fat spreads and salad oils, mayonnaise Omega‐3 fatty acids
High sugar Puddings, biscuits, cakes, Not required Pudding, cakes or biscuits Pudding, cakes or
foods and jam, honey, syrups, chocolate, once per day biscuits once per day
savoury snacks confectionery, sweet drinks, fruit Jam, honey or syrups once Jam, honey or syrups
juices, crisps and other high fat per day once per day
savoury snacks Chocolate, confectionery, Chocolate, confectionery,
sweet drinks, fruit juices, sweet drinks, fruit juices,
crisps and other high fat crisps and other high fat
snacks snacks
one item once per week one item once per week
Fluid Drinks Water Milk feeds 6–8 drinks per day and more 6–8 drinks per day and
Fluoride in areas with Water with meals in hot weather or after extra more in hot weather or
fluoridated tap water physical activity after extra physical activity
Vitamin Vitamin D Vitamin D Vitamin D
supplements Folic acid for adolescent
girls who could become
and/or smoothies
to a total of
150 mL a day
Eat at
d rat e
and su
Be s
an e Oil and spreads
Ea s, p at iv
ulse lt er n
so t more s , fi s
h, e g and
and Choose unsaturated oils
red ced beans
r g s, mea Dairy r fat and use in small amounts
and fish and p
t and ot her p ro t eins
ose lowe ptions
proc per we ulses, 2 portions of sustainably Cho ro
d mea
ek, one
of which is oily. Eat less lower
Eat less often and t
in small amounts
Per day 2000 kcal 2500 kcal = ALL FOOD + ALL DRINKS
Source: Public Health England in association with the Welsh government, Food Standards Scotland and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland © Crown copyright 2016
comfort habit that is hard to break. Children who drink eat a balanced diet, other nutrient supplements are not
sweet drinks from bottles have a higher risk of dental caries required; however, some nutrients are ‘at risk’ in the
[61]. Water and milk are preferred drinks and should be preschool diet in addition to vitamin D, namely, iron and
given in a cup, beaker or glass. Six to eight drinks of about vitamin A (p. 38). Children who are particularly fussy eaters
100–120 mL can be offered throughout the day, with meals and exclude whole food groups may need additional
and snacks. More may be needed in very hot weather or after supplements.
a lot of physical activity. Drinks containing artificial sweet-
eners should be kept to a minimum and be well diluted.
Guidance documents on food served in early
years settings
Portion sizes
The following guidelines are not mandatory and are not
The under 5s eat more on some days and less on other days; monitored by local authorities:
hence set portion sizes are not useful for them. The mid-
points of the portion size ranges in Table 2.12 meet the RNI • England: The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for
for nutrients and average energy requirement for children Early Years Settings.‐
aged 1–4 years when combined according to the specified articles/voluntary‐food‐and‐drink‐guidelines‐early‐
number of daily servings [81]. They can be used both to reas- years‐settings
sure parents of young children who eat small amounts and • Scotland: Setting the Table: Nutritional guidance and
to limit overeating, particularly of high sugar foods. food standards for early years childcare providers in
Vitamin and mineral supplementation
• Wales: Food and nutrition for childcare settings. https://
A supplement of vitamin D is recommended for children up‐and‐nutrition‐childcare‐settings‐full‐
to at least the age of 5 years [3]. For preschool children who guidance
32 Healthy Eating
• Northern Ireland: Nutrition matters for the early years: months, then they will enter their second year with a wider
Guidance for feeding under fives in the childcare setting. range of foods they recognise, like and readily accept [82].
nutrition‐matters‐early‐years‐guidance‐feeding‐under‐ Disgust and contamination fears
Between 3 and 5 years, young children may develop disgust
fears and stop eating foods they may have previously
Nursery milk enjoyed [83]. They will refuse a food on sight if it resembles
something they find disgusting, e.g. they may find spaghetti
Children under 5 years are entitled to 1∕3 pint (189 mL) milk per in sauce suddenly looks like worms. Contamination fears
day if they attend a nursery or are with a registered childmin- occur around the same time; if a disliked food is put on a
der for more than 2 hours per day ( plate next to a liked food, the toddler may refuse both foods.
what they will or will not do. They do not copy other chil- Table 2.13 Voucher entitlement for infants and children through
dren and so will not copy other people’s eating behaviour. Healthy Start.
• Others may be more sensory sensitive and have extreme
Number of vouchers valued at
reactions to touch, taste and smell. They may be orally
hypersensitive and have problems with different tex-
tures of food – they may have taken longer to progress Term infants up to 12 months 2
from smooth to lumpy food and onto more difficult tex- Preterm infants up to 12 months 2
tures during complementary feeding. They may worry after EDD
about getting their hands and face dirty and find it diffi- Children 1–4 years 1
cult to handle food and feed themselves.
EDD, estimated date of delivery.
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is the * Voucher value as defined in 2020.
diagnosis given where there are nutritional or growth con-
cerns with a restrictive eating pattern [87]. Toddlers who
experience faltering growth need to be referred to specialists 4 years in these families are also entitled to free vitamin
who can assess and advise. drops containing vitamins A, C and D. Details of entitlement
and how to access the scheme can be found on the Healthy
Start website (
Exacerbating food refusal
Parental anxiety when toddlers only eat a limited variety of Sure Start children’s centres
foods can exacerbate the problem, especially if parents try to
coerce or force‐feed the child with food they are wary of or Sure Start is a government‐led initiative aimed at giving
dislike. Until 4–5 years of age, young children’s appetites are every child aged 0–4 years the best possible start in life; it
determined mainly by their energy and growth needs. They offers a broad range of services focusing on family health,
eat well at sometimes and less so at other times, and those early years care, education and improved well‐being pro-
who are not gaining excess weight should be allowed to grammes. Services include advice on healthcare and child
decide the quantity they eat themselves. development, play schemes, parenting classes, family out-
Some parents expect their toddlers to eat more than they reach support and adult education and advice. One aim is to
need and coerce or force‐feed when the toddler is signalling help overcome the barriers to feeding young children a
they have had enough food. As mealtimes develop into a healthy diet, and dietitians have been involved in:
battle ground between toddler and parent, the toddler can • training Sure Start workers, community food assistants and
lose their appetite just by becoming anxious as the mealtime playworkers about weaning and healthy eating messages
approaches. Toddlers may use the following signals to indi- • developing food policies with parents and staff
cate that they have had enough food: • developing resources with parents
• saying ‘no’ • education sessions for parents on cooking, shopping and
• keeping their mouth shut when food is offered weaning. Cook and eat sessions are popular, and devel-
• turning their head away from food being offered oping literacy skills has become part of some shopping
• pushing away a spoon, bowl or plate containing food and cooking sessions
• holding food in their mouth and refusing to swallow it • holiday play schemes
• spitting food out repeatedly • clinical input and home visits
• crying, shouting or screaming Recently many schemes have closed, but operating
• gagging, retching or vomiting schemes and activities can be accessed on the Sure Start web-
• trying to escape from the meal by climbing out of their site (‐sure‐start‐childrens‐centre).
chair or highchair
From around 5 years of age, children learn to modify their Schoolchildren (5–18 years)
eating according to social rules and will learn to finish what
is on their plate or eat when others are eating even if they are From around the age of 5 years, the principles of healthy eat-
not hungry, and they will also begin to comfort eat. ing that are recommended for the adult population apply.
Guidance on macronutrient intakes is [2]:
• at least 50% of energy from total carbohydrates
Social support for preschool children in low‐income • a maximum of 5% of energy from free sugars [4]
families • a maximum of 35% of energy from fat
• a maximum of 11% of energy from saturated fat
Healthy Start • about 15% energy from protein
Families who qualify for this scheme are those in receipt of In order to satisfy the nutrient requirements of children, the
certain benefits. Under the scheme they are entitled to vouch- recommendations need to be more specific than those given
ers that can be exchanged for cow’s milk, fresh fruit and by PHE for the general population (Figure 2.1). Table 2.14 is
vegetables and infant formula (Table 2.13). Children up to based on recommendations from the Paediatric Specialist
34 Healthy Eating
Group of the British Dietetic Association, which meet the RNI instead of meat and fish. At least three servings are needed
for each age group when providing the EAR for energy. each day to provide an adequate iron intake as the bioavail-
ability of iron from eggs and plant sources is much lower
than that of haem iron found in meat and oily fish. Good
Vegetarian and vegan diets sources of omega‐3 fatty acids such as walnuts, linseeds and
walnut and rapeseed oils need to be recommended.
A well‐planned vegetarian diet based around the same food Vegan diets are unlikely to provide adequate nutrients
groups shown in Table 2.11 can be nutritionally adequate. for optimal growth and development. Replacing milk,
Of the group 4 foods eggs, nuts and pulses will be eaten cheese and yoghurt with substitute drinks based on pulses
Table 2.14 Portion size ranges and food group servings per day for school‐age children.
15–18 years
Food groups 4–6 years 7–10 years 11–14 years Girls Boys
Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and Bread 36–72 g 54–108 g 72–144 g 72–144 g 108–180 g
other starchy foods – medium slices 1–2 1½–3 2–4 2–4 3–5
• 4 servings per day Potato 70–100 g 90–150 g 120–180 g 120–180 g 170–190 g
Pasta (cooked) 70–100 g 90–150 g 120–180 g 120–180 g 180–220 g
Rice (cooked) 65–95 g 90–150 g 120–180 g 120–180 g 170–200 g
Dry breakfast cereal 18–32 g 25–45 g 30–50 g 30–50 g 45–55 g
Weetabix 1–2 1½–2½ 2–3½ 2–3½ 3–5
Porridge, cooked 100–160 g 120–180 g 175–275 g 175–275 g 240–360 g
Fruit and vegetables Apple/pear/orange 1 small 1 medium 1 medium 1 large 1 large
• 3 servings of fruit and 3 Banana 1 medium 1 medium 1 large 1 large 1 large
servings of vegetables per day Berries/grapes 45–75 g 55–85 g 60–100 g 80–100 g 80–100 g
Kiwi/plums/apricots 1 fruit 1–2 fruits 2 fruits 2–3 fruits 2–3 fruits
Vegetables 30–40 g 45–60 g 60–80 g 80 g 80 g
Milk, cheese and yoghurt Milk 120–140 mL 140–180 mL 190–210 mL 190–210 mL 230–250 mL
• 3 servings per day Yoghurt/lassi 125 g 130–150 g 140–160 g 140–160 g 160–240 g
Cheese/paneer 20–30 g 25–38 g 30–45 g 30–45 g 35–50 g
Custard 70–110 g 90–150 g 100–160 g 100–160 g 110–210 g
Rice pudding 60–120 g 800–160 g 120–180 g 120–180 g 135–180 g
Meat, fish, eggs, nuts and pulses Meat 35–55 g 45–75 g 60–100 g 60–100 g 70–110 g
• 2 servings per day Fish 35–50 g 45–75 g 70–110 g 70–110 g 75–125 g
• 2 portions fish/week – one of Fishcakes/fingers 35–55 g 50–70 g 65–105 g 65–105 g 110–130 g
oily fish Eggs 1 medium 1 large 1–2 eggs 1–2 eggs 2 eggs
Nut butter 22–27 g 30–35 g 40–50 g 40–50 g 60–70 g
Nuts/Bombay mix 25–35 g 30–40 g 40–50 g 40–50 g 45–55 g
Baked beans 55–95 g 75–115 g 90–150 g 90–150 g 110–170 g
Pulses/beans (cooked) 35–65 g 60–120 g 70–130 g 75–125 g 105–175 g
Butter, oils and fat spreads Butter/fat spread 1½ tsp 2 tsp 3 tsp 3 tsp 4 tsp
• 2 servings per day Oil 1 tsp 2 tsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp
Mayonnaise ½ tbsp ½–1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1‐1½ tbsp
Double cream 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 2–3 tbsp 2–3 tbsp 2–3 tbsp
Cake, biscuit, pudding Biscuits 1–2 2–3 3–4 3–4 3–4
• 1 serving per day Cake/croissant 25–35 g 40–50 g 50–70 g 50–70 g 80–100 g
Fruit‐based pudding 30–60 g 45–80 g 60–100 g 60–100 g 90–120 g
Ice cream 50–70 g 65–85 g 75–95 g 75–95 g 80–110 g
Sauces and sweet/savoury Jam/honey/syrup 1–2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp 3 tsp
spreads Gravy 1½–2 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbsp 3 tbsp 4 tbsp
• 2 servings per day Tomato or curry sauce 2–2½ tbsp 2½–3½ tbsp 3–4 tbsp 3–4 tbsp 4–5 tbsp
Ketchup/savoury sauce 1 tbsp 1½ tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2–3 tbsp
1 serving per week of either Fruit juices/sweet 120–140 mL 150–200 mL 200–250 mL 200–250 mL 250–330 mL
sweet drinks, confectionery or drinks
savoury snacks Sweets 25 g 35 g 40 g 40 g 45 g
Chocolate/Indian 25 g 35 g 40 g 40 g 45 g
Crisps/other packet ½ small 1 small 1 small 1 small 1 packet
snacks packet (25 g) packet (25 g) packet (25 g) packet (25 g) (37.5 g)
such as soy, nuts, coconut and cereals will not provide chil- • onion and vegetable bhajis
dren with the amounts of calcium, riboflavin, zinc, vitamin
Suitable healthy drinks for meal and snack times include:
A and iodine found in dairy products. Micronutrient
supplementation providing the RNI for iron, iodine, ribo- • water
flavin, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B12 and D is • milk (plain or flavoured)
required to prevent malnutrition. • vegetable juices
Vegan children are unlikely to achieve their full adult • no added sugar (sugar‐free) squashes
height potential even with micronutrient supplements as
epidemiological studies show milk and meat in diets are
Emotional changes in adolescents
associated with increased height [88, 89]. It is hypothesised
that milk and meat proteins along with zinc, iodine and
During adolescence teenagers develop their own autonomy,
other hormonal factors exert positive effects on the growth
rejecting their parents’ values and developing their own.
plate of growing children [90, 91].
Values around food and meals are no exception to this, and
many teenagers change their eating habits so that they are
Neophobia different from the rest of their family [85]. Their choices often
include commercial and low nutrient snack foods. Hill [85]
During childhood many children remain neophobic, preferring suggested adolescents may:
to eat foods they are familiar with. They must be motivated to
• eat more and more food outside the home and conveni-
taste new foods. Work in this field continues to show that the
ence may be influential in choices made
number of times children are exposed to food increases the like-
• eat according to personal ideology such as the use of veg-
lihood they will try the food and then learn to like it [92].
etarian or vegan diets
• begin slimming or weight control (whether justified or
Adolescent growth spurt not)
• choose less healthy foods as an act of parental defiance
The adolescent growth spurt lasts approximately 2 years and and peer solidarity
takes place, on average, around 12 years of age for girls and • consume certain foods or brands due to peer group
14 years for boys, but can be 2 years earlier or later. The peak pressure
height velocity can be up to 13 cm/year for boys and 10 cm/ • follow specific diets to enhance sporting prowess
year for girls [93]. Growth rate then declines until full height
Understanding why adolescents choose the foods they do
is reached. During this time adolescents’ energy require-
is crucial when developing health education programmes
ments will be noticeably higher and appetite may be larger.
for this age group.
Extra snacks often make up this increase in food intake, but
their snacks are often low nutrient, high fat and high sugar
foods, rather than snacks from combinations of the five food Nutritional initiatives in schools
groups, which would enhance their nutrient intakes.
Food and drinks consumed at school can make a large con-
tribution to a child’s nutrient intake.
Good choices for snacks and drinks
These snacks are suitable for all children from 1 year of age, School food standards
not just for adolescents:
These vary slightly across the four countries in the UK,
• fresh fruit (dried fruit can be cariogenic when eaten as a and it is up to the Board of Governors for each school
snack so it is not advised) to ensure they are followed as there is no statutory
• vegetable sticks, e.g. carrot, cucumber, pepper, baby corn monitoring.
and dips based on yoghurt, cream cheese or pulses such England has food‐based standards (
as hummus uk/uksi/2014/1603/pdfs/uksi_20141603_en.pdf).
• wholegrain breakfast cereals with milk They apply to:
• cheese cubes and crackers or chapatti
• local authority maintained nursery, primary, secondary,
• unsalted nuts
boarding and special schools
• sandwiches, filled rolls and pitta breads
• Pupil Referral Units
• French toast or toast with a range of spreads, used sparingly
• academies that opened prior to 2010 and academies and
• slices of pizza with a plain dough base that has not been
free schools entering into a funding agreement from
June 2014
• yoghurt and fromage frais
• non‐maintained special schools
• crumpets, scones, currant buns, teacakes, Scotch pan-
cakes and fruit muffins Practical guidance is given on the School Food Plan web-
• home‐made plain popcorn site ( From September 2014,
• cakes containing nuts or dried fruit or vegetables, e.g. every child in reception, year 1 and year 2 in state‐funded
fruit cake and carrot cake schools, is entitled to a free school lunch.
36 Healthy Eating
Wales has food‐based standards ( Table 2.15 Suggestions for packed lunchboxes.
eating‐maintained‐schools‐en‐v2.pdf). Food group Suitable foods
Scotland has nutrient‐ and food‐based standards (www. Bread, rice, potatoes, This should be the base of the lunch:‐eating‐schools‐guide‐ pasta and other starchy
implementing‐nutritional‐requirements‐food‐drink‐ • Breads, rolls, wraps and pittas can be filled
or used for sandwiches
• Crispbread or bread sticks
Northern Ireland has food‐based standards (www. • Pasta, rice or cooked potatoes as the base
education‐ for a salad or soup
de1‐09‐125640‐nutritional‐standards‐for‐school‐lunches‐a‐ • Buns, scones, tea breads
guide‐for‐implementation‐3‐2.pdf). Fruit and vegetables • Sliced in sandwiches
• Combined in a salad
The National Fruit and Veg Scheme • Sticks of raw vegetables (celery, carrots,
cucumber) or small tomatoes as finger
All 4‐ to 6‐year‐old children in fully state‐funded infant, pri- foods or crunchy alternative to crisps
mary and special schools are entitled to a free piece of fruit • Pieces of fruit or small packets of dried fruit
or vegetable each school day (‐well/eat‐ Milk, cheese and • Cheese is a popular sandwich filling
well/school‐fruit‐and‐vegetable‐scheme). yoghurt • Cubes or triangles of cheese as finger foods
• Pots of yoghurts, fromage frais or rice
Subsidised school milk pudding are popular desserts
• Cartons of milk or flavoured milk as the drink
This is available for primary schoolchildren. In England schools
Meat, fish, eggs, nuts • Cold meats or flaked fish can be included
choose whether they wish to offer it, but in Wales children up to and pulses in sandwiches or salads
7 years of age are entitled to 1∕3 pint (189 mL) milk free per day • Chicken drumsticks
(‐for‐the‐school‐ • Hard‐boiled eggs
milk‐subsidy‐scheme‐milk‐consumed‐from‐1‐august‐2017). • Falafels or vegetable bhajis
• Sausages, ham and salamis are processed
meats and should be limited
School breakfasts
Combined food group • Slices of quiche or pizza
Many schools have begun offering breakfasts, and anecdotal foods • Soups
claims have been made that school attendance, behaviour Foods high in sugar • Small cakes, plain biscuits, pancakes or
and performance have improved as a result. However, a sys- muffins
tematic review found that although a school breakfast is bet-
ter than no breakfast, this only makes a difference in children
who are malnourished. Furthermore they found that any
improved academic performance may be due in part to the or teenager who could become pregnant. Since most teenage
increased school attendance that a school breakfast encour- pregnancies are unplanned, a diet rich in folate should be
ages, rather than the food itself [94]. Children say they enjoy recommended to all teenage girls.
the social side of school breakfasts.
Packed lunches
Many children bring a packed lunch rather than have school Pregnancy during the teenage years places extra nutritional
meals that they dislike, or that their parents either cannot needs on girls who may not have finished growing them-
afford or of which they disapprove. Packed lunches can be of selves and who will not have attained their peak bone mass.
poor nutritional content; a survey of primary school lunch- Nutrient requirements have not been specified for these
boxes showed that only 1% met all the food‐based standards young mothers, but a healthy balanced diet with folic acid
for school meals [95]: 85% contained a sandwich; 82% con- and vitamin D supplementation would be a minimum
tained confectionery and/or crisps; 54% contained fruit; 19% requirement. For those eating poorly a multivitamin and
contained vegetables. mineral supplement (not containing retinol) could be recom-
A government leaflet on suggestions for healthy lunch- mended. Under the Healthy Start scheme, all pregnant girls
boxes is available at under 18 years old are entitled to benefits regardless of their
Suggestions for packed lunchboxes are given in Table 2.15. A financial circumstances [96].
small ice pack or a frozen drink will keep a closed lunchbox
cool for a few hours.
Nutritional needs of adolescents training as athletes
Teenage girls of childbearing age Meeting the higher energy needs for adolescents undertak-
ing sports training is essential and may require specialist
All women of childbearing age should have a nutritious diet input from a registered sports dietitian. Energy requirements
with adequate folate content. The Department of Health rec- should be calculated to support the training programme
ommends a supplement of 400 μg folic acid for any woman using basal metabolic rate and physical activity level and
Current Challenges in Paediatric Nutrition in the UK 37
adding in 60–100 kcal (250–420 kJ)/day to allow for extra 50%, 35% and 15% of energy, respectively, but those of free
growth [2]. Monthly height measurement can be used to sugars and saturated fat are higher than recommended
assess when the pubertal growth spurt is taking place. It is (Table 2.17) and intakes of fibre are lower than recommenda-
essential to meet all micronutrient requirements as sports tions (Table 2.18).
training can have a negative effect on the immune system Foods eaten on the way to and from school make a signifi-
[97]. Adolescents in sports training should eat a high carbo- cant contribution to schoolchildren’s nutrition, particularly
hydrate snack or meal, containing some protein, within an intakes of free sugars and saturated fats. A survey produced by
hour of finishing training to ensure good glycogen stores a large international school caterer reported that in 2005 [98]:
within muscles (as should any other athlete).
• £519 million was spent by schoolchildren on their way to
and from school
Current challenges in paediatric nutrition • Main purchases were sweets, crisps and savoury snacks,
in the UK chocolate, canned fizzy drinks, chewing gum, other soft
drinks, cigarettes, bottled water, chips and ice cream
Persistently high rates of obesity in UK children remain the
greatest challenge and are discussed in Chapter 25. Other
specific nutritional problems are discussed in other chapters: Micronutrient intakes are not met in all populations
faltering weight (Chapter 24), constipation and diarrhoea of children
(Chapter 8) and food allergy (Chapter 15).
Despite the initiatives and guidelines for healthy eating Preschool children
outlined above, several other paediatric nutritional chal-
The 2018 NDNS indicates that the mean intake of the 1½–3
lenges persist in the UK.
years population is above the RNI for all nutrients except iron
and vitamin D. Less than 50% of this population met the RNI
Breastfeeding rates during infancy are low for iron and the mean intake of vitamin D was 34% RNI. More
than 3% of this population did not meet the LRNI for iron, vita-
The last UK IFS in 2010 reported that 81% of mothers initiate min A and zinc [76] (Table 2.19). However, zinc deficiency
breastfeeding soon after birth; however, exclusive breast- would not be seen in this population if the UK LRNI and RNI
feeding declines rapidly with only 46% mothers doing so at were not set higher than in other countries, e.g. the RNI for zinc
the end of the first week, 23% at 6 weeks and 1% at 6 months is 3 mg/day in the USA compared with 5 mg/day in the UK.
[54] (Table 2.16). Similar figures were reported in the Scottish
Maternal and Infant Nutrition Survey in 2017 [56]. This Schoolchildren
decline is often due to lack of support to address common
problems and difficulties and a mother’s perception of an The food intakes of primary schoolchildren are fairly closely
inadequate breastmilk supply for her infant. NICE recom- controlled by their parents and the 2018 NDNS showed that
mends that when mothers leave a maternity unit, they the ‘at‐risk’ nutrients for primary‐age schoolchildren (4–10
should be given contact details of breastfeeding counsellors years of age) are vitamins A and D, iodine and zinc. In stark
and information on local peer support groups [32]. contrast older children (11–18 years), who are making more
of their own food choices, have low average intakes for most
micronutrients (Table 2.19).
Free sugar, saturated fat and fibre intakes in all age
Implications of poor teenage diets on future risk
groups of children do not meet recommendations
of osteoporosis
Figures from the 2018 National Diet and Nutrition Survey Even after the growth spurt, calcification of bones continues
(NDNS) [76] show that children’s current intakes of carbohy- as peak bone mass is not reached until the early to late 20s. It
drates, total fat and protein are close to the guidelines of is later for males than females [99]. A vitamin D supplement
At birth 66 69 76 81 76 81
1 week 56 55 63 69 45 46
6 weeks 42 42 48 55 21 23
4 months 27 28 34 42 7 12
6 months 21 21 25 34 <1 1
9 months 14 13 18 23 – –
38 Healthy Eating
Table 2.17 Macronutrient intakes of children, National Diet Preventable dietary iron deficiency remains prevalent
and Nutrition Survey [76].
in 1‐ to 5‐year‐olds and adolescent girls
Macronutrient intakes as % energy [76]
Iron deficiency is associated with frequent infections, poor
Age group Free Total Saturated weight gain, developmental delay and behaviour disorders.
(years) Carbohydrates sugars fat Fat It is usually of dietary origin. Table 2.20 shows the low hae-
moglobin and ferritin levels of population groups from the
1½–3 50.5 11.3 34.4 14.5
2018 NDNS.
4–10 51.6 13.5 33.4 13
11–18 50.3 14.1 33.7 12.4 Preschool children
Recommendation 50 <5 35 <10
Iron deficiency is more common in 1‐ to 5‐years‐olds than
those over 5 years and is seen more in socially disadvan-
Source: Food Standards Agency and Public Health England 2018. taged groups and in immigrant populations.
Depletion of iron stores in the second half of infancy
occurs when the iron content of the weaning diet is poor
Table 2.18 Fibre recommendations and current intakes in children,
National Diet and Nutrition Survey [76]. [47], even though deficiency may not be evident until
after 12 months of age. The early introduction of cow’s
Age group Recommendations Age group Average intakes milk as a main drink before 12 months of age is a risk fac-
(years) (g/day) [4] (years) (g/day) [76] tor [102]. Availability and choice of commercial baby
foods may contribute to an iron‐deficient weaning diet
2–5 15 1½–3 10.3
for Muslim families; there is a range of halal meat‐based
5–11 20 4–11 14 baby foods in the UK, but many families only buy or have
11–16 25 11–18 15.3 access to low iron vegetable‐only‐based savoury varieties
16–18 30 and desserts.
Overdependence on milk (consuming in excess of
Source: Food Standards Agency and Public Health England 2018. 400 mL/day) in toddlers and preschool children, where
it replaces iron‐rich foods, is another common cause [79,
Table 2.19 Percentage of population groups with nutrient intakes 80, 103].
from food and supplements below the LRNI, National Diet and Nutrition
Survey [76].
Age groups In older children deficiency occurs most commonly in teen-
age girls who have begun menstruating and have high iron
11∕2–3 years 4–10 years 11–18 years
requirements and in children who are vegetarian or vegan or
Nutrient Boys and girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
who do not eat a balanced diet.
• haem iron in meat and fish is absorbed much more effi- • 125 cases of nutritional rickets over 2 years (March 2015
ciently than non‐haem iron from eggs, nuts, pulses, cere- to March 2017)
als, fruit and vegetables. Simultaneous consumption of • the majority were of black and South Asian origin and
fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C will enhance non‐ more boys than girls were affected
haem iron absorption. This is a particularly important • 78% were not taking vitamin D supplements because
measure in vegetarian children parents had not been informed by healthcare practition-
• iron uptake can be maximised by including foods rich in ers to give them
vitamin C and avoiding drinking tea, which hampers • radiological abnormalities included bowed legs and
absorption at mealtimes swollen wrists
• co‐morbidities included:
◦◦ delayed gross motor development in 26%
Preventable dental caries and tooth extractions are ◦◦ fractures in 10%
common in all ages of children due to high sugar ◦◦ hypocalcaemic seizures in 8%
intakes and poor oral hygiene ◦◦ dilated cardiomyopathy in four cases, of whom two
Children, particularly the under 5s, are more susceptible to Epidemiological studies [109] report associations between
dental caries than adults although the incidence of caries in low vitamin D levels and higher rates of inflammatory and
children in the UK decreased following the introduction of autoimmune diseases and other chronic diseases in children
fluoride toothpaste in the 1970s. However, the current high including:
and frequent consumption of sugary foods and sugary acidic • type 1 and type 2 diabetes
drinks contributes to: • upper respiratory tract infections
• 23.3% of 5‐year‐olds in 2017 having at least one decayed, • wheeze, including asthma
missing or filled tooth. The average was 3–4 teeth • infectious diseases
affected. The incidence ranged from 13.6% in children Food sources of vitamin D are few in UK diets:
from the least deprived backgrounds to 33.7% from the
most deprived backgrounds [104] • Oily fish is the only significant food source
• the NHS spending £50.5 million on hospital‐based tooth • Eggs and meat provide very small amounts
extractions for 0‐ to 19‐year‐olds in 2015–2016 • Breastmilk provides extremely small amounts and varies
depending on the mother’s own vitamin D status
The incidence of dental disease is lower in children who
Some foods in the UK are fortified with small amounts of
brush their teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste and
vitamin D:
those over the age of 1 year limiting sugary and acidic food
and drinks to four eating episodes per day, e.g. three meals • margarine, but not necessarily all fat spreads
and one snack [105]. PHE recommendations on delivering • evaporated milk
better oral health include the following [106]: • infant, follow‐on and toddler formula milks
• tooth brushing should begin in infancy from the time the • some brands of breakfast cereals and yoghurts
first tooth erupts Some countries, e.g. Finland, the USA and Canada, fortify
• teeth should be brushed twice daily with fluoridated a wider variety of foods with vitamin D such as fresh cow’s
toothpaste, once in the morning and last thing at night milk, dairy products and fruit juices.
• use a smear of paste containing at least 1000 ppm of fluo- The 2018 NDNS [76] reports that very few children con-
ride up to the age of 3 years sumed the recommended SI or RNI for vitamin D through
• use a pea‐sized amount of at least 1000 ppm of fluoride food alone (Table 2.21) and very few took the recommended
paste between 3 and 6 years supplements to ensure nutritional requirements are met
• use a pea‐sized amount of 1350–1500 ppm of fluoride (Table 2.22). Blood results from the NDNS indicate defi-
paste from the age of 7 years ciency is highest in January to March when:
• 19% of children aged 4–10 years
Vitamin D supplements are not routinely given to all • 37% of children aged 11–18 years
children to prevent deficiency had blood vitamin D concentrations below 25 nmol/L, the
threshold indicating risk of deficiency.
When body stores are low and cutaneous synthesis and die- Over‐the‐counter supplements containing only vitamin
tary sources of vitamin D are limited, vitamin D deficiency D are widely available, and most multivitamin supple-
can develop in rapidly growing infants, toddlers and adoles- ments for infants, children and pregnant and breastfeeding
cents. The number of infants and children with preventable women include vitamin D. The Healthy Start vitamins are
rickets, hypocalcaemic seizures or cardiomyopathy resulting the most cost‐effective supplement, but they are only
from extremely low levels of vitamin D has been rising in available in some NHS clinics. Although NICE recom-
developed countries [107]. British paediatricians recently mends that local authorities provide them free of charge
reported the following [108]: to beneficiaries of the Healthy Start scheme and sell them
40 Healthy Eating
Table 2.21 Mean daily vitamin D intakes (μg/day) in children in the • season – the critical wavelength in daylight only
UK [76]. reaches the UK between April and September; it is
absorbed by the atmosphere during autumn and win-
Age groups
ter months
11∕2–3 years 4–10 years 11–18 years • latitude – less vitamin D is made in the north of the UK
than in the south where more of the UVB rays are
Source of vitamin D Boys and girls Boys Girls Boys Girls present
• weather – on a cloudy day less vitamin D is made than
Food only 2 2.1 1.9 2.3 1.9
on a bright sunny day
Food and supplements 2.9 2.5 2.8 2.5 4.6 • pollution in the air – reduces the critical UV light waves
• time of day – more vitamin D is synthesised when sun-
Source: Food Standards Agency and Public Health England 2018.
light is most intense in the middle of the day compared
with early morning and late afternoon
• skin type – darker skins require more time in the sun to
Table 2.22 Public Health England recommendations for vitamin D produce the same amount of vitamin D so children with
supplementation [110] and European tolerable upper intake levels pigmented skins are at higher risk of deficiency
for infants, mothers and children. • lifestyles:
◦◦ time spent outside in April to September
European tolerable ◦◦ amount of bare skin exposure when outside; cutane-
Recommended daily upper intake levels
Population group supplement per day
ous synthesis is extremely limited when most skin is
covered as dictated by fashion or religious and cul-
Breastfed and formula‐ 8.5–10 μg 25/35 μg* tural traditions
fed infants from birth • use of sunscreen – it blocks cutaneous synthesis
Formula‐fed infants who 8.5–10 μg 25/35 μg*
are drinking less than
500 mL formula milk Conflicting advice on the use of sunscreen
Breastfed preterm A vitamin supplement Concern over the balance between having sufficient sun
infants that includes vitamin D exposure to produce vitamin D and overexposure leading to
is usually prescribed burning of the skin and an increased risk of skin cancer has
Preschool children 10 μg 50 μg led to confusion in public health messages. To provide uni-
1–4 years fied, evidence‐based advice on the subject, a consensus state-
Children 5–10 years 10 μg during autumn 50 μg ment on vitamin D was agreed in 2010 by several
and winter organisations with an interest in this area [112]:
Children 11–17 years 10 μg during autumn 100 μg
and winter The time required to make sufficient vitamin D varies
Pregnant and 10 μg 100 μg according to a number of environmental, physical and per-
breastfeeding women sonal factors, but is typically short and less than the amount
of time needed for skin to redden and burn. Enjoying the
* 25 μg for infants under 6 months, 35μg for infants 6–12 months. sun safely, while taking care not to burn, can help to provide
the benefits of vitamin D without unduly raising the risk of
skin cancer. Vitamin D supplements and specific foods can
help to maintain sufficient levels of vitamin D, particularly
to other clients, not all do this. There is no harm in school- in people at risk of deficiency. However, there is still a lot of
children taking a daily 10 μg supplement all year round as uncertainty around what levels qualify as ‘optimal’ or
the European UL (shown in Table 2.22) will not be ‘sufficient’.
Cutaneous synthesis can be the major source of vitamin D
for some children, but only occurs in the UK when outside Inappropriate dieting leading to poor
with some bare skin exposed to daylight in the summer nutritional intakes
months. Synthesis is regulated and shuts off when a particu-
lar plateau is reached so excessive amounts are not synthe- Girls as young as 9 years old, and some younger, indicate
sised [111]. Vitamin D is stored in the body when cutaneous body dissatisfaction and a desire to be thinner. Similar‐aged
synthesis and dietary intakes exceed daily requirements and boys aspire for a more muscled body, but overweight boys
these stores can be used during the winter months, although and girls both desire weight loss and are unhappy with their
stored levels may not last all winter. body shape [113, 114]. Hill suggested this body dissatisfac-
The ideal time to spend outside each day to ensure ade- tion was a result of picking up on parental attitudes to weight
quate vitamin D levels is not defined as cutaneous synthesis and shape and the idealisation of thinness promoted in the
varies depending on: media and peer behaviour [85].
Controversial Issues Around Nutrients and Foods 41
Several studies point towards the contribution of food comparable and, therefore, do not affect infants’ and chil-
marketing to the rising levels of childhood obesity [126]. In dren’s nutritional intakes. Many parents choose not to give
Australia and Canada, industry self‐regulation initiatives to GM food to their children, but they may not always be
restrict low nutrient food advertising to children have not aware of the extent to which GM ingredients are used in
shown any success [127, 128]. processed foods.
Genetic modification
The long‐term effects of genetic modification (GM) are as References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
yet unknown and remain controversial. The nutritional and other useful links are on the companion website:
contents of GM and non‐GM foods sold in the UK are
Julie Royle
Provision of Nutrition in a Hospital Setting
Condition‐specific assessment tools, such as the one devel- Table 3.1 Nutrient provision guidelines.
oped for children and young people with cancer (p. 375),
may be a more appropriate future strategy to identify Snacks and
Breakfast Lunch Supper drinks
nutritional risk among paediatric inpatients [13]. Further
information about nutrition screening tools may be found in Energy % EAR 20 30 30 20
Chapter 1, p. 1. Protein % RNI 20 30 30 20
Salt % SACN 20 30 30 20
Nutritionally well inpatients recommendations
Provision of nutrition to nutritionally well inpatients should EAR, estimated average requirement; RNI, reference nutrient intake;
SACN, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition.
• the age and developmental stage of the patient including
the level of support needed to eat and drink improve food and drink provision across the NHS for a
• religious and cultural beliefs healthier food experience where everyone needs to ‘eat for
• the need to provide adequate food and fluid, together good health’ [1]. The food and drinks available for nutrition-
with choice of both, to meet standard nutritional require- ally well children and young people should be designed to
ments of a healthy balanced diet meet their nutritional requirements and allow them to eat a
• food provided should be familiar, appetising and avail- healthy well‐balanced diet of familiar foods.
able to accommodate the feeding pattern of the child; a Good eating habits can be encouraged by a well‐planned
hospital admission may provide the opportunity to hospital menu and by the availability of healthy snacks,
promote aspects of healthier eating to families including fresh fruit and drinks, including water. The Eatwell
Guide (p. 31) can be used to inform menu planning to include
the right proportions of the five food groups for children over
Nutritionally well infants 2 years of age. The focus of nutritional provision from hospital
food should be on achievement of an adequate energy intake
Paediatric inpatient facilities should endeavour to support [15]. An average day’s intake from breakfast, two main meals,
mothers in breastfeeding their infants unless there is a clini- two to three snacks and milk (or a suitable alternative), should
cal reason to discontinue breastfeeding. Support should meet the estimated average requirement (EAR) for energy.
include facilities for mothers to feed in comfort, respecting The UK Department of Health Dietary Reference Values
their privacy and dignity; support, facilities and equipment [16] and Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition Dietary
for mothers to express breastmilk; and safe and hygienic Reference Values for Energy [17] can be used as guidelines for
storage of expressed breastmilk (EBM). Evidence is emerg- nutritional requirements. The Eating Well for 5‐11 Year Olds
ing that breastfeeding can be sustained even in infants guidelines [18] can be extrapolated to the design of hospital
requiring significant surgical intervention [14]. menus; the nutrient provision guidelines that should be
For those infants who are not breastfed and not requiring worked towards are shown in Table 3.1 [15]. The high salt con-
a specialised infant formula, ready‐to‐feed (RTF) infant tent of hospital meals is well recognised, and caterers should
milks should be available. RTF milks minimise the potential be advised to adhere to age‐specific recommendations [19].
infection risks that can result from reconstituting powdered For children, the following nutrients require special
infant milks at ward level and also ensure a constant compo- attention:
sition. The availability of a variety of both whey‐ and casein‐ Calcium: 350–500 mL milk should be available to all children
dominant milks will accommodate the personal preference and young adults; full‐fat milk for the under 2‐year‐olds
of the family. Casein‐dominant RTF formulas are less readily and semi‐skimmed for those older
available in UK hospitals, and parents can be reassured that Vitamin C: 150 mL fruit juice for all and provision of fresh
their infants’ nutritional needs will be adequately met using fruit and vegetables
the appropriate volume of a whey‐based infant milk. Iron: inclusion of red meat dishes, iron‐fortified breakfast
For infants 6 months of age and older, age‐appropriate cereals, green leafy vegetables and pulses
commercial weaning foods must be part of the catering pro- Vitamin D: provision of adequate vitamin D in the diet can be
vision. Weaning foods should include first weaning foods a challenge; supplementation may be required in long‐
such as baby rice, pureed fruits and pureed vegetables as stay patients or those at specific risk of deficiency
well as weaning foods with lumps.
A wide variety of portion sizes need to be provided to
ensure that protein and energy requirements are met across
Nutritionally well children and young people the age ranges (Table 3.2). Food should be served in a man-
ner and in an environment that encourages eating. Crockery
Food standards for NHS hospitals were recommended by and cutlery appropriate to the age ranges are required. Menu
the government in the Hospital Food Standards Panel choices should meet the needs of vegetarians and those with
Report, 2014 [1]. The panel identified required standards to specific cultural or religious beliefs (Chapter 26).
The Nutritionally Vulnerable and those Requiring Therapeutic Diets 45
Meal pattern 3 small meals and 3 snacks 3 meals, 2–3 snacks or 3 meals, 1–2 snacks or 3 meals and 2–3 snacks
plus milk milk drinks milk drinks
Protein sources, 20–40 g or 2–4 tablespoons 50–80 g or 4–8 90–120 g or 9–10 120 g or 10 tablespoons
e.g. meat, fish, or 1 small item, e.g. fish or tablespoons or 1–3 items tablespoons or 1–3 items or 2–3 items
eggs, pulses chicken goujon, egg depending on size, e.g. 2 depending on size
fish fingers, 1 egg
Dairy 20 g cheese, 1 small pot 20–30 g cheese, 2 small 30–40 g cheese, 1 50–60 g cheese, 1–2
yoghurt, 1 cup milk, 5–8 or 1 standard pot yoghurt, standard pot yoghurt, 1 standard pots yoghurt, 1
tablespoons custard 1 glass milk, 8–10 glass milk, bowl of large glass milk, bowl of
tablespoons custard custard custard
Bread and other 1
∕2–1 slice or 1∕2–1 item, e.g. 1 slice or 1 item, 6–8 2 slices or 2 items, 10–15 2–3 slices or items, 10–20
carbohydrates crumpet, bagel, 3–5 tablespoons pasta or rice, tablespoons pasta or rice, tablespoons pasta or rice
tablespoons pasta or rice, 2–3 tablespoons potato, 3–4 tablespoons potato, or 4–6 tablespoons
1–2 tablespoons potato, 3–5 6–8 tablespoons breakfast bowl of breakfast cereal potato, bowl of breakfast
tablespoons breakfast cereal cereal or 1–2 Weetabix or 2 Weetabix cereal or 2–3 Weetabix
Fruit and vegetables 5 a day 5 a day 5 a day 5 a day
portion sizes to
increase with age
1 tablespoon = 15 g.
The nutritionally vulnerable and those requiring address this issue, the World Health Organization (WHO)
therapeutic diets issued guidelines for the safe preparation, storage and han-
dling of powdered infant formula (PIF) [24] in 2007. In a hos-
For nutritionally vulnerable children and young people, the pital environment local guidelines need to be produced for
relative proportions of the food groups in The Eatwell Guide making large volumes of feeds on a daily basis.
will not be appropriate, and a greater reliance on energy‐ Powdered feeds must be prepared in a specific location away
dense foods and snacks is needed [15]. from the bedside with adequate space and equipment [25]. The
Patients in this group will require some or all of the fol- area for the preparation of specialised feeds must ensure the
lowing during the course of a hospital admission: preparation and delivery of safe feeds using an aseptic tech-
nique [26] as well as minimising airborne contamination (as
• adapted infant milks and specialised formulas
from open windows, vents). A room that is routinely used for a
• enteral feeds
function necessitating similar requirements for cleanliness and
• parenteral nutrition (Chapter 5)
equipment can provide an acceptable work area.
• nutrient‐dense meals
Where there is a high demand for specialised feeds, as in
• therapeutic diets
paediatric hospitals, a separate room for the preparation and
handling of powdered feeds is recommended. This is desig-
nated the Special Feed Unit (SFU) [20].
Adapted infant milks and specialised formulas
Infants and children requiring specialised formulas should Guidelines for the preparation of adapted infant
receive the appropriate RTF product, where available, as milks and specialised formulas
these are commercially sterile in preference to powdered
products [20]. In the absence of RTF products, many infants In the UK there are no mandatory standards for feed prepa-
and children are prescribed individualised feeds or adapted ration areas in hospital settings. Feed preparation must com-
infant milks requiring the use of a powdered formula and/ ply with the requirements of the Food Safety and Hygiene
or supplement. Powdered feed products are not sterile; they (England) Regulations 2013 [27]; this provides for the
can be intrinsically contaminated with pathogens [21]. enforcement of certain provisions of Regulation 178/2002
Powdered feeds are a food source and once reconstituted and for the food hygiene legislation. The Paediatric Specialist
become a medium for bacterial proliferation. This concern Group of the British Dietetic Association has produced best
was heightened after the increase in the notification of seri- practice guidelines, and, in conjunction with the comprehen-
ous cases and outbreaks of disease caused by Cronobacter sive guidelines from the American Dietetic Association,
spp. [22]. This problem is especially serious in vulnerable these documents provide essential reference standards for
infants, i.e. those who are preterm, low birthweight, immu- safe, effective and efficient feed making units [20, 26], which
nocompromised or in the first 2 months of life [23]. To are summarised below.
46 Provision of Nutrition in a Hospital Setting
Structural design of feed making areas permit ease of cleaning and coved junctions between
floors, walls and ceilings to prevent collection of dust
The area or unit should be physically isolated from direct patient
and dirt. Light‐coloured sheen finish to reflect light and
care with access restricted to authorised personnel to minimise
increase illumination.
the risk of cross infection and tampering of feeds. It should be
• doors in the production area: self‐closing with glass obser-
designed to be easily cleaned, prevent the entrance and harbour-
vation panel.
ing of vermin and pests and operated to the highest standards of
• windows: sealed to prevent opening.
hygiene. Ideally there should be three separate areas:
• mechanical ventilation to provide a clean air supply: with tem-
• storage area: situated adjacent to the feed preparation perature (and preferably humidity) control to give opti-
area, where bulk goods are delivered, unpacked and mum working environment and control bacterial and
stored. It should be large enough to accommodate ade- dust contamination. Steam‐producing equipment such as
quate storage racks that are constructed and sited to per- dishwashers and pasteurisers should be fitted with a can-
mit segregation of commodities, stock rotation and opy and exhaust fan system to draw off steam and fumes.
effective cleaning. Items must be stored on racks or • lighting level: to allow staff to work cleanly and safely
shelves above floor level. The temperature should be without eye strain and to expose dirt and dust. Light fix-
ambient without large shifts in temperature and be tures flush with wall or ceiling.
checked daily. Where the storage is integrated within the • wash hand basins: one provided in each utility and prepa-
preparation area, the above criteria continue to apply. ration area. Hot and cold water with foot‐ or elbow‐oper-
There must be a designated area for feed storage and a ated taps. Hand soap and sanitiser as per local policies
separate area for cleaning equipment. and single‐use disposable towels or a hot air hand dryer.
• feed preparation area: contains a stainless steel work sur- • water supply: of potable quality from a rising main. The
face, a handwash sink with hand‐free taps, antibacterial Department of Health has not advised against the use of
handwash and drying facilities, storage for utensils and tap water in the preparation of feeds. Tap water should
current feeds being used and refrigerators for holding be provided from a fixed device such as a gas or electric
the prepared feeds. Utensils and currently used feed water boiler to dispense water >80 °C. If sterile water is
products should be stored in closed cupboard(s). used, it must be heated to >80 °C if it is used in the prepa-
Depending on the procedures required by the individual ration of powdered formulas.
healthcare facility, optional equipment used in the prepa-
ration room may include a pasteuriser, blast chiller and
freezer. There should be provision for water for feed
preparation to meet national and institutional standards. All equipment and utensils used within the preparation
Adequate electric outlets with sufficient power should room should be made of stainless steel or other non‐
be provided for the equipment within the room and be absorbent material. They must be easily cleaned and
compliant with local standards. Electric outlets for the decontaminated and withstand temperatures of a commer-
refrigerators and freezers should be backed by emer- cial dishwasher. Strong and persistent biofilms can form on
gency generators in cases of power failure. Lights within surfaces such as steel, plastic, silicone and latex [28]. Proper
the unit should be enclosed and allow adequate illumi- cleaning and decontamination of the equipment used in feed
nation for accurate feed production. Clean air should be preparation is essential to avoid Cronobacter spp. biofilms
supplied through the ventilation system. Floors, walls contaminating subsequent feeds if not removed.
and ceilings should be of a material that can be easily
maintained clean. The unit must be cleaned daily and
deep cleaned on a weekly basis. All waste bins must be Large Equipment
covered, foot operated and emptied daily. • Large equipment such as shelving, tables and refrigera-
• utility area for equipment washing and administrative work: tors should be castor mounted with wheel brakes to
this can be a designated area within the preparation allow easy access for cleaning. Surfaces should be smooth
room or in larger units situated in a separate area. In the and impervious to allow easy cleaning and disinfection.
former, the processes of preparation and clean‐up must • Refrigerators that operate at a temperature between 1
be separated by time and space. Small equipment can be and 4 °C; the temperature should be monitored and
cleaned in a dishwasher or sterilised in an autoclave. recorded twice daily. Commercial refrigerators are rec-
When a dishwasher with an 82 °C final rinse cycle is ommended in an SFU.
used, a single sink for pre‐rinsing is sufficient [26]. If bot- • Blast chillers to allow rapid cooling of all feeds to <4 °C
tles are reused, a two‐ or three‐compartment sink with within 15 minutes of preparation. This is advised in
bottle‐washing brushes and a rinse nozzle is suggested. larger units as it is the most efficient way of cooling feeds.
• If maternal expressed breastmilk (MEBM) is stored and
Recommendations for the construction of feed units are as fortified in the feed preparation room, a freezer that holds
follows: the milk at −20 °C is needed. A commercial‐grade freezer
with external thermometer and alarm systems is recom-
• walls, floors and ceilings: hardwearing, impervious and mended [26]. Both the refrigerator and freezer should be
free from cracks and open joints. Smooth surfaces to self‐defrosting and have shelves that are easy to clean.
The Nutritionally Vulnerable and those Requiring Therapeutic Diets 47
• Pasteurisation equipment with a range of cycles for pow- Training should cover personal hygiene, prevention of bac-
dered feeds and MEBM (see Feed preparation) together terial and foreign matter contamination, preparation proce-
with a means of data logging for monitoring and record- dures and basic knowledge of the feed composition and
ing pasteurisation cycles. clinical indication.
• Thermal disinfection of equipment is desirable in a small Suitable protective uniforms and footwear are required.
unit and essential in a large centralised SFU. This is a During feed preparation a disposable plastic apron and a
two‐stage process achieved with a dishwasher adapted disposable hat completely covering the hair should be worn.
for an initial wash of bottles and equipment plus a high
temperature rinse that holds a temperature of >80–85 °C
Feed preparation
for 2 minutes. This ensures a surface temperature of 80 °C
for at least 15 seconds, which is an effective disinfectant.
There are three key components of safe feed preparation.
A drying cycle is useful [29].
These are appropriate ingredients, safe and accurate prepa-
• A feed delivery trolley either insulated or with ice packs
ration and limitation of microbial growth:
to ensure feeds remain at <4 °C during delivery to the
wards. • All ingredients received into a feed making area should
be of the required standards and specification. Goods
received should be checked and stock rotated according
Small Equipment to date. Opened tins or packets, e.g. from the patient’s
• Mixing and measuring equipment including jugs, meas-
home, should not be accepted into the feed making area.
ures, cutlery and whisks should be made from plastic or
If pasteurised cow’s milk is used, e.g. to reconstitute
stainless steel. They must be easily decontaminated and
powdered oral nutritional supplements, it should be
withstand a high temperature wash.
stocked according to its dated shelf life; if opened any
• Weighing equipment must be easy to clean or easy to use
unused milk should be discarded at the end of the work-
and of the appropriate accuracy for the task.
ing day. MEBM will require an agreed procedure for stor-
• Feed bottles are available in glass, polycarbonate or plas-
age and use. Any feed containing MEBM must be made
tic polythene in 50–240 mL sizes. Bottles and teats are for
up at the end of formula preparation after work surfaces
single‐use only unless they can be sterilised or decontam-
have been cleaned and fresh equipment used [20].
inated adequately [20]. Glass is a hazardous material
• Details of each feed to be prepared should be in a clearly
prone to cracking and chipping; polycarbonate shrinks if
written or printed form including the patient’s name,
autoclaved at temperatures >119 °C and the bottles
date of birth and hospital number, the weight or volume
become scratched or crazed with repeated use. Reusable
of each feed ingredient, the total fluid volume and the
bottles require washing, sanitising by heat or chemical
number and volume of each feed required. All ingredi-
means; sealing discs or caps require the same treatment.
ents should be weighed or measured accurately. Prepared
Disposable sterile polythene bottles reduce the workload
feeds should be decanted into the appropriate number
in the unit. The decision to use disposable or reusable bot-
and size of bottles and each bottle labelled. The label
tles necessitates a detailed cost–benefit analysis for each
must include details of the patient’s name, ward, feed
establishment plus a risk analysis of possible contamina-
type, preparation, date and preferably advice to refriger-
tion from inadequately cleaned bottles. Single‐use enteral
ate and discard after 24 hours.
feeding containers will be required for larger volumes of
• Limitation of microbial growth is critical to safe feed pro-
prepared or decanted RTF formulas.
vision. The UK Department of Health and the WHO rec-
ommend reconstituting PIF with previously boiled tap
Staffing water cooled to ≥70 °C for all infants (≤12 months) [20,
24]. This fresh water should come from the cold water
Feed provision is usually required every day of the year. The tap. In practice this equates to boiling 1 L of water and
number of employees will depend on the volume of work allowing it to cool for 30 minutes in a covered container.
within each facility. A sufficient number of trained staff This evidence has been used as best practice to make up
should be available to provide 7‐day cover for the SFU, formulas for special medical purposes within the SFU in
accounting for planned and unplanned leave [20]. In large the UK. Risk assessment modelling found that reconsti-
units the operational management for staff and feed prepa- tuting PIF with ≥70 °C water resulted in a >100 000‐fold
ration is usually the responsibility of the dietitian. In small reduction in risk [30]. Such made‐up feeds must be stored
areas attached to a ward, the supervision and management in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours from the
may be the responsibility of the nursing staff with the dieti- time of reconstitution.
tian acting in an advisory capacity. Productivity measures • For compositional reasons, several formulas for special
for SFU staff have not been published to date. medical purposes cannot be reconstituted with water at
The manager of the unit must ensure that staff are ade- ≥70 °C. These include feeds with a high fat content for
quately trained in all aspects of food safety as it relates to use in a ketogenic diet, feeds containing probiotics
feed preparation in line with the Food Safety and Hygiene and pre‐thickened feeds. For these products a local
Regulations 2013 [30]. All staff preparing feeds should main- risk assessment needs to be undertaken, and a strict
tain food hygiene qualifications in line with local policy. preparation technique put in place [20].
48 Provision of Nutrition in a Hospital Setting
• The aseptic technique must be followed in the prepara- and sealed; this is costly and time consuming. In addition
tion of all feeds in healthcare settings to control the water condensation forms and remains in feeding bottles,
microbiological quality of the feed. Prior to feed prepa- where it can induce bacterial activity.
ration, work surfaces must be cleaned with a food‐ Thermal disinfection in a dishwasher is the practical pre-
grade antibacterial sanitising solution. During feed ferred option. This requires less time and the inclusion of a
preparation, there should be no admittance of allied drying cycle will ensure that all equipment is dry and ready
staff to the feed preparation room and no other for storage. To achieve thermal disinfection the water in the
activities taking place. The aseptic technique combines dishwasher should reach a minimum temperature of >80–
hand decontamination with the no touch technique to 85 °C for 2 minutes [29].
exclude contact contamination from personnel, work Chemical disinfection, e.g. hypochlorite, reduces levels of
surfaces, equipment and environment. Each healthcare harmful bacteria to acceptable levels and is satisfactory for
facility should have written guidelines for the aseptic small (non‐metallic) equipment provided recommendations
technique [20]. are followed.
• Pasteurisation can limit microbial growth. There is an
absence of evidence supporting or disputing the pasteur-
isation of specialised feeds and modified enteral feeds.
Quality assurance
Some of the larger children’s hospitals in the UK have
The primary infection prevention and control aim for feed
adopted the pasteurisation of feeds for at‐risk groups as
preparation is to prevent any infant or child from ingesting
best practice. These include preterm infants, low birth-
microorganisms that can result in illness. Each establishment
weight infants, neonates (infants <28 days of age), immu-
must have in place hazard analysis and critical control point
nocompromised children and those on powdered jejunal
(HACCP) guidelines for the preparation of powdered feeds
feeds. For these groups the feeds are heated to a tempera-
and special feeds. These should address factors that influence
ture of 67 °C for 4 minutes and rapidly cooled to a safe
and discourage microbial growth relating to the cleanliness of
temperature. Pasteurisers must be data logged to ensure
equipment, the use of the aseptic technique, storage tempera-
that correct temperatures are reached [20].
tures and the handling at ward level [31]. There is no epide-
There is evidence to support the pasteurisation of
miological evidence to support routine microbiological
donor breastmilk [20]; human milk is heated to 62.5 °C for
sampling of prepared feeds in healthcare facilities. Routine
30 minutes and is rapidly cooled to a safe temperature.
culturing is unlikely to detect intermittent contamination due
• Blast chilling is an effective method of limiting microbial
to breaches in the preparation technique, but may be helpful in
growth in prepared feeds by cooling rapidly to <4 °C
establishing trends and in evaluating root cause analysis [26].
within 15 minutes [20]. Following preparation and blast
Individual or multiple cases of infection with suspected
chilling feeds should be refrigerated at <4 °C until deliv-
food‐borne illness from potentially contaminated feeds must
ery to the wards. In small units blast chilling or pasteuri-
be investigated and managed in line with local policies.
sation may not be feasible, but systems must be in place
All premises specifically designated for feed preparation
for rapid cooling and refrigeration of prepared feeds.
in hospitals must be inspected annually (or as deemed
appropriate) by an environmental health officer.
Procedures and documentation
Transporting reconstituted feeds can increase the risk of bac-
terial proliferation. Local guidelines must be produced for Clear written procedures and local guidelines are required
the safe transportation of prepared feeds. Equipment that for each phase of feed preparation. This includes guidelines
prevents contamination of feeds and maintains a safe tem- from personal hygiene to procedures for ordering supplies,
perature should be used to deliver feeds. If transport takes feed reconstitution and aseptic technique, instructions for
more than 30 minutes, it is recommended that feeds are pasteurisation and blast chilling, cleaning and disinfection,
transported under refrigerated conditions [24]. A cool box risk management, equipment maintenance and breakdown
with ice packs or chilled trolley is suitable transportation. procedures.
Sterilisation of small equipment (the destruction of all micro- Older children and young people at risk of malnutrition as a
organisms and their spores) is not attainable in an SFU. result of underlying disease are often dependent on nutri-
Sanitation or disinfection of small equipment can be achieved tion support in hospital and will frequently require enteral
by autoclaving, by a dishwasher or by chemical means. tube feeding. The increase in the range of sterile RTF prod-
Autoclaving, although effective, has a number of disad- ucts has reduced the need to prepare powdered enteral
vantages: equipment first has to be washed, dried, packed feeds. A few remain as powdered products, and these should
Preparation of Food for Neutropenic Patients 49
be prepared to the same standards as described for adapted as gluten‐free and low protein products should be avail-
infant milks and specialised formulas. able, and those working in the area should be familiar
Care must be taken at ward level to ensure that all prepared with the use of these products.
feeds are stored in refrigerators at <4 °C. The hanging time • Appropriate equipment for preparation of small quantities
for feeds that are administered continuously is debatable. of food must be available for the diet cooks. An industrial
The UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence liquidiser, small pots and pans and accurate scales are all
(NICE) recommends that (non‐sterile) reconstituted feeds essential items. Freezer space is also required, as it is use-
should hang for no more than 4 hours. These are best prac- ful to keep frozen portions of special items, e.g. vegetable
tice guidelines for the prevention of healthcare‐associated casserole for low protein diets; minimal fat snacks; and
infections in the community; the guidelines can be adapted milk‐, egg‐, wheat‐ and soya‐free baked goods.
for local use in the hospital setting [32]. Sterile RTF enteral • A suitable plating system for diets must be used. Where
formulas may be hung for 24 hours if the administration sys- a bulk catering system is operated, individual contain-
tem (feed reservoir and giving set) is closed. ers, clearly labelled with relevant dietary details, are suit-
able for diet meals. If a plated system is in use, the
individual diet meals should be clearly labelled with the
Food for those at nutritional risk or requiring patient’s name and relevant dietary details.
therapeutic diets • The dietitian should always provide the diet cooks with
clear written and verbal instructions for each individual
Good food and good food services for children and young
diet being prepared. The written information should
adults are vital and are recognised by the Children’s National
include the patient’s name, age and ward, the diet
Service Framework [33]. Children on therapeutic diets espe-
required and specific instructions regarding the compo-
cially need to have the right food, at the right time, in an envi-
sition of the diet.
ronment that will encourage them to eat [34]. In contrast to
• A diet manual within the diet preparation area should
food provision in adult hospitals where menu coding is
include instructions regarding commonly requested
designed to allow patients with specific dietary requirements
modified diets and appropriate recipes. It is also useful
to choose from the main catering menu, it is preferable in large
to include details of any patients on unusual diets if they
children’s units to have a designated diet kitchen or diet bay.
are likely to be admitted. This manual should be regu-
This is supported by the need for attention to detail where food
larly updated.
items often have to be weighed very accurately; preparation of
• To ensure consistency and accuracy and a high quality
prescribed dietary food products, which demands special
product, the provision of modified diets should be moni-
cooking skills to get a good result; and prevention of cross‐con-
tored regularly. The following should all be considered:
tamination of food allergens. The exception to this is for those
the quality, freshness and suitability of the provisions,
with higher than normal requirements for protein and energy
the storage methods, the preparation of raw ingredients
where ordinary food from the main menu can be fortified or
and the presentation to the patient.
the provision of extra food at snacks or mealtimes may be suf-
ficient. Consistent use of standard recipes and ingredients in
food preparation in the main catering kitchen may render
some items from the main menu suitable for therapeutic diets. Preparation of food for neutropenic patients
Patient groups can provide helpful collaboration in attempts
Children undergoing bone marrow or haematopoietic stem
to improve the food on offer to some of the most nutritionally
cell transplantation have periods of severe immunosuppres-
at‐risk groups in hospitals [33]. For some groups of children,
sion and neutropenia. Opportunistic infection is a significant
specific initiatives have improved their food intake [13].
cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised
Staff involved in the preparation of therapeutic diets must
patients. Bacterial translocation from the gastrointestinal tract
be aware of the need for accuracy, appropriate portion size
can cause significant infection and, in theory, can be decreased
for age, consistency of nutrient content and variety. For those
by reducing the potential sources of bacteria and other patho-
on a therapeutic diet, the food provided in hospital is taken
gens from food. This has been referred to as a low microbial,
as an example of what must be continued at home and must,
clean or sterile diet depending on the degree of restriction.
therefore, be accurate and appetising. It is advisable that
The evidence on the effectiveness of low microbial diets is
staff employed to prepare special modified diets have as a
extremely limited [35, 36]. In the absence of larger well‐
minimum qualification City and Guilds 706/2. In‐service
controlled studies, some have advocated the use of food safety
training of diet cooks by the dietitian is good practice to
guidelines for neutropenic patients [37]. The need to minimise
ensure that staff are kept up to date with changes to dietary
risk from food‐borne infection must, of course, be balanced
treatment. The following points must be considered when
with the need to support nutritional status in this vulnerable
providing a therapeutic diet service:
group, with the avoidance of unnecessary restrictions that
• The dietitian should specify to the caterer the standards may impact adversely on nutritional intake.
of quality and suitability of provisions for use in the diet Current consensus suggests the use of a low microbial
preparation area. Stocks of specific dietary products such diet that avoids the use of raw or lightly cooked foods,
50 Provision of Nutrition in a Hospital Setting
Raw or undercooked meat and poultry Well‐cooked meat and poultry
Smoked or cured meats Vacuum‐packed cold meats such as turkey or ham
Tinned meats
Pâté Pasteurised pâté or paste in tins or jars
The Foods to avoid column will need to be realigned.
Raw, smoked or lightly cooked fish Well‐cooked fish
Raw or soft‐cooked eggs such as home‐made mayonnaise, Hard‐boiled eggs, shop‐bought mayonnaise, mousses, sauces or
mousses, sauces or meringues meringues
Other products made with pasteurised eggs
Milk and milk products
All unpasteurised dairy products Any pasteurised milk, soya milk, Jersey milk, UHT milk and cheese
Blue‐veined cheese, e.g. stilton products
Soft ripened cheeses, e.g. brie, camembert, goat’s cheese, Vacuum‐packed pasteurised and hard cheeses such as cheddar and edam
paneer Processed cheese
Probiotics; live, active or bio products such as live yoghurts, Pasteurised plain or fruit yoghurts
probiotic supplements or drinks
Soft ice cream Commercial ice cream individually wrapped portions
Unpeeled vegetables including salad items Good quality vegetables that are well cooked or peeled
Damaged or overripe vegetables UHT or long‐life vegetable juices sold in cartons or jars
Unpasteurised or freshly squeezed vegetable juices or smoothies Pasteurised smoothies
Unpeeled fruit Good quality fruit that is well cooked or peeled
Raw dried fruit such as dates or raisins and products containing UHT or long‐life fruit juices sold in cartons or jars
these such as muesli Pasteurised smoothies
Damaged or overripe fruit Tinned fruit or cooked dried fruit such as in cake, flapjacks or cereal bars
Unpasteurised or freshly squeezed fruit juices or smoothies
Herbs and condiments
Uncooked herbs, spices and pepper
Non‐drinking water, bottled mineral or spring water, water from Cooled boiled water
wells, coolers or drinking fountains Sterilised water
All nuts
Unpasteurised or ‘farm fresh’ honey and honeycomb Pasteurised or heat‐treated honey
Food items from ‘pick and mix’ or ‘buffet’ counters Packets should be individually wrapped or portioned on the ward only
Deli counter
Preparation of Food for Neutropenic Patients 51
reheated foods and foods known to contain higher levels of Table 3.4 High risk foods.
potential pathogens such as soft cheeses, unpasteurised Raw and undercooked meat, fish or eggs
products, nuts and buffet or deli counter foods. Practice Soft and blue‐veined cheeses
varies, but a summary of common foods to avoid is given in Pâté
Table 3.3 [38]. Live and bio yoghurts
In addition strict food hygiene practices must be used Take‐away foods
in the storage, preparation and service of food to Reheated food
Soft whip ice cream
n eutropenic patients requiring low microbial diets,
Deli and buffet foods
• ensuring that all preparation surfaces and equipment are After discharge neutrophil counts will have recovered, but
clean and avoidance of wooden chopping boards and there remains a risk and a small number of high risk foods
spoons should be avoided, usually for 3–6 months. These foods are
• thorough handwashing outlined in Table 3.4 and food hygiene advice should be
• use of protective clothing for preparation and service emphasised [38].
of food
• cooking methods to ensure a core temperature of 70 °C in
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
the final product
and other useful links are on the companion website:
• an agreed minimum delay between the food being
cooked and eaten
Tracey Johnson
Enteral Nutrition
Table 4.1 Indications for enteral feeding. retains an appropriate protein–energy ratio similar to the
commercial nutrient‐dense formulas (p. 13).
Indication Example Standard infant formulas are based on cow’s milk protein,
Inability to suck or Prematurity lactose and long chain fat. Infants with impaired gut func-
swallow Neurological impairment and tion who do not tolerate whole protein feeds frequently ben-
degenerative disorders efit from the use of hydrolysed protein or amino acid‐based
Trauma and burns feeds. Such feeds are hypoallergenic and are free of cow’s
Tumours milk protein and lactose. Many of these formulas also have a
Critically ill child requiring ventilation
proportion of the fat content as medium chain triglycerides,
Anorexia associated Cystic fibrosis which can be beneficial where there is fat malabsorption, e.g.
with chronic illness Malignancy liver disease and short bowel syndrome (p. 141). If the specific
Inflammatory bowel disease
requirements of an infant cannot be met by a commercial
Liver disease
Chronic kidney disease infant formula, it is possible to formulate a feed from sepa-
Congenital heart disease rate ingredients. These modular feeds allow a choice of pro-
Inherited metabolic disorders tein, fat and carbohydrate and give the flexibility to meet the
Increased requirements Cystic fibrosis needs of individual patients. However, they are expensive
Congenital heart disease and time consuming to prepare, and there is a greater risk of
Malabsorption syndromes (e.g. short bacterial contamination and mistakes being made during
bowel syndrome, liver disease) their preparation. It will take several days to establish a child
Trauma on a full‐strength modular feed (p. 147). Consequently, mod-
Severe burns
ular feeds should only be used if a complete feed is unsuita-
Congenital anomalies Tracheo‐oesophageal fistula ble and, in the hospital setting, should ideally be prepared in
Oesophageal atresia a dedicated special feed preparation area (p. 45).
Orofacial malformations
Primary disease Crohn’s disease
management Severe gastro‐oesophageal reflux Children aged 1–12 years (8–45 kg body weight)
Short bowel syndrome
Glycogen storage disease
Very long chain fatty acid disorders Specialist paediatric feeds are available for children 1–12
years of age or who weigh 8–45 kg. Children have differing
Refusal to eat Anorexia nervosa
Feeding aversion nutritional requirements according to their age, and conse-
quently specifically designed feeds for these age groups are
recommended to ensure provision of appropriate levels of
protein, micronutrients and electrolytes to optimise growth.
Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the processing of Although nutritional profiles of paediatric feeds are designed
donor breastmilk, and pasteurisation is recommended to to meet the specific requirements of children, it is still impor-
protect against pathological bacterial contamination [5]. In tant to assess requirements and intakes for the individual.
2017 the Paediatric Specialist Group of the British Dietetic All feeds are categorised as Foods for Special Medical
Association (BDA) published best practice guidelines for the Purposes (FSMPs) and must comply with the EU Regulation
handling of EBM (p. 45), available from (EU) 2016/128 [8], which came into effect in February 2019.
uploads/assets/a230ba75-c66a-4157-8ff6a6ca9f2eb971/201 The Regulation maintains the rules of the previous Directive
9sfuguidelines.pdf. 1999/21/EC, which lays down essential requirements on the
Standard infant formulas are suitable for enteral feeding composition of FSMPs and gives guidance for their minimum
from birth to 12 months of age for those children with nor- and maximum levels of vitamins and minerals, but has some
mal gut function and normal nutritional requirements. They additional labelling requirements and a prohibition on making
provide an energy density of 65–70 kcal (270–290 kJ)/100 mL nutrition and health claims. FSMPs intended for infants must
and meet the European Community Infant Formula now obey all rules on labelling, presentation, advertising and
Regulations [6]. An updated Regulation (EU) 2016/127 was marketing that are applicable to standard infant formulas for
adopted on 25 September 2015 and will start to apply on 22 healthy infants and must abide by the same rules on pesticides
February 2020. Follow‐on milks may also be used after 6 that apply to infant formulas and follow‐on milks.
months of age if their composition is thought to be more ben- Standard paediatric enteral feeds are based on cow’s
eficial to the child. Many infants requiring enteral feeding milk protein, but are lactose‐free, and provide three levels
will have increased nutritional requirements. Nutrient‐dense of energy density: 100 kcal (420 kJ)/100 mL, 120 kcal
infant formulas such as SMA High Energy, Infatrini and (500 kJ)/100 mL and 150 kcal (630 kJ)/100 mL. A lower
Similac High Energy are commercially available and have energy feed, 75 kcal (315 kJ)/100 mL, is also available. A
been shown to promote better growth than standard formu- range of oral nutritional supplements are available, specifi-
las with added energy supplements (glucose polymer pow- cally developed for children who may benefit from a
ders and fat emulsions) [7]. Concentrating standard infant smaller volume of feed (e.g. Fortini Compact, PaediaSure
formulas achieves a feed that is more nutrient dense and Compact) (Table 12.5). These have an energy density of
54 Enteral Nutrition
Per 100 mL
Nutrini Low Energy Multi Fibre (Nutricia) 1–6 years (8–20 kg) 75 (315) 2.0 0.7
Nutrini (Nutricia) 1–6 years (8–20 kg) 100 (420) 2.7 –
Nutrini Multi Fibre (Nutricia) 1–6 years (8–20 kg) 100 (420) 2.7 0.8
PaediaSure (Abbott) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 101 (424) 2.8 –
PaediaSure Fibre (Abbott) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 101 (424) 2.9 0.73
Frebini Original (Fresenius) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 100 (420) 2.5 –
Frebini Original Fibre (Fresenius) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 100 (420) 2.5 0.75
Isosource Junior Mix (Nestle) 1–10 years (8–30kg) 120 (500) 3.6 1.0
Nutrini Energy (Nutricia) 1–6 years (8–20 kg) 150 (630) 4.0 –
Nutrini Energy Multi Fibre (Nutricia) 1–6 years (8–20 kg) 150 (630) 4.0 0.8
PaediaSure Plus (Abbott) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 151 (632) 4.2 –
PaediaSure Plus Fibre (Abbott) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 151 (632) 4.2 1.1
Frebini Energy (Fresenius) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 150 (630) 3.75 –
Frebini Energy Fibre (Fresenius) 1–10 years (8–30 kg) 150 (630) 3.75 1.13
Tentrini (Nutricia) 7–12 years (21–45 kg) 100 (420) 3.3 –
Tentrini Multi Fibre (Nutricia) 7–12 years (21–45 kg) 100 (420) 3.3 1.1
Tentrini Energy (Nutricia) 7–12 years (21–45 kg) 150 (630) 4.9 –
Tentrini Energy Multi Fibre (Nutricia) 7–12 years (21–45 kg) 150 (630) 4.8 1.1
240 kcal (1010 kJ)/100 mL and can also be used for nasogas- children, even if they are over 12 years of age, as they may
tric or gastrostomy feeding if there is intolerance to high provide an excessively high amount of protein. Intakes of
volume feeds or a fluid restriction. copper, chromium, molybdenum and vitamins E, C, B6 and
Most product ranges are formulated either with or with- B12 will also be high. Adult peptide‐based and amino acid‐
out added fibre. Those with fibre contain a mix of soluble based feeds can be used for children with impaired gut func-
and insoluble fibre. Constipation is common in exclusively tion, and it is also necessary in special circumstances to
tube‐fed children, particularly those with neurological employ the flexibility of a modular feed.
impairment [9]. A normal diet contains fibre, and, with an The choice of feeds for children according to their energy
improved knowledge of the role of dietary fibre, it is now requirements and gut function is given in Table 4.3.
common practice for children to receive a fibre‐containing
feed as the standard. Fibre and its fermentation products Learning points: choice of feeds
(short chain fatty acids) impact on intestinal physiology and
can prevent both constipation and diarrhoea [10–13]. The choice of feed depends on a number of factors:
Children with neurological impairment form the largest sin-
gle diagnostic group who have long‐term enteral feeding at • age of child
home [14]. This group of children frequently has low energy • weight of child
expenditure, and, if a standard feed is provided in the neces- • gastrointestinal function
sary volume to meet recommendations for protein and micro- • dietary restrictions and specific nutrient requirements
nutrients, they may show excessive weight gain. The nutritional • route of administration
needs of this group of children are discussed in Chapter 21. • prescribability and cost
The range of paediatric enteral feeds available for children
is outlined in Table 4.2.
For children with abnormal gut function, as for infants, Feed thickeners
feeds based on hydrolysed protein and amino acids are
available (Tables 8.15 and 8.16), and it is also sometimes nec- Feed thickeners are recommended by NICE as an early
essary to use a modular feed (Table 8.25). intervention to manage gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR) in
formula‐fed infants [15]. With or without the concurrent
Children over 12 years (>45 kg body weight) use of anti‐reflux medication, feed thickeners can help to
reduce vomiting and minimise the risk of aspiration. Feed
The requirements of children over 12 years of age may still thickeners can also be added to enteral feeds that would
be met by a paediatric feed designed for 7‐ to 12‐year‐olds; otherwise separate out when left to stand (e.g. some modu-
individual assessment is necessary. Standard adult feeds lar feeds).
may also be used and are available with energy densities of There is a wide range of commercial products that are
1 kcal (4 kJ)/mL and 1.5 kcal (6 kJ)/mL, with and without suitable for thickening enteral feeds (Table 21.2). Thickened
fibre. Some adult feeds have a protein content of 6 g/100 mL feeds may be difficult to give as a bolus via a fine bore
or more, so care should be taken when using such feeds for nasogastric tube, and pump feeding may be necessary. It is
Routes of Feed Administration 55
Table 4.3 Choice of feeds for enteral feeding according to energy requirements and gut function.
also important to consider the energy contribution of some clear explanation of the procedure can help older children,
of the thickening agents. The thickeners based on modified and play therapy with the use of dolls, mannequins [17] and
starch given at a concentration of 3 g/100 mL may result in picture books has been shown to alleviate anxieties in the
an increased energy content of more than 10%. younger age group. Older children, particularly teenagers,
are naturally sensitive about their body image, and they may
Routes of feed administration be reluctant to start nasogastric feeding. Some children suc-
cessfully pass their own nasogastric tube at night and remove
Nasogastric feeding their tube in the daytime, which can be a successful way of
administering supplementary feeds without the embarrass-
Nasogastric is the most common route for enteral feeding, ment of a permanent nasogastric tube in situ.
and unless prolonged enteral nutrition is anticipated, it would Nasogastric feeding is a lifeline for many children, but it is
usually be the route of choice. However, passing a nasogastric not without its complications. Some of the more serious
tube can be distressing for both parents and children, and complications are related to dislodgement, poor placement
careful preparation is beneficial [16]. Frank discussions and a and migration of tubes. Training is required to pass a
56 Enteral Nutrition
nasogastric tube. Measures need to be in place to test place- performed by open surgery and are completed with a shorter
ment [18], and methods include measurement to predict anaesthetic time with fewer complications than an open sur-
tube insertion length [19]. gically placed gastrostomy tube. A systematic review of
Following a number of deaths, the National Patient Safety insertion techniques suggests that a laparoscopic approach is
Agency published a report suggesting that conventional associated with decreased patient morbidity when compared
methods to check tube placement were inaccurate. The com- with an endoscopic gastrostomy insertion approach [23].
mon method to aspirate the tube and test with blue litmus Ultimately, the technique chosen for gastrostomy tube place-
paper is not sensitive enough to distinguish between gastric ment will depend on individual patient’s clinical condition
and bronchial secretions; auscultation of air or observation of and surgical expertise.
gastric contents is also considered ineffective. Radiology and After about 3 months, once the tract is formed, a child can
testing of gastric aspirate with pH paper are the only accept- be fitted with a gastrostomy button that sits almost flush
able methods of confirming nasogastric tube position [20]. against the skin. This is far more discreet than the tubing asso-
Some feeds based on hydrolysed protein have been shown ciated with a conventional gastrostomy catheter and is a pop-
to have a pH < 4. There is a potential risk that a tube would ular choice, particularly with teenagers. Primary placement
test acidic if misplaced due to the feed pH rather than gastric of gastrostomy buttons for feeding tubes is also practised [24].
contents. This has led some health professionals avoiding This less common intervention often leads to some minor
the use of such feeds in children. post‐operative problems, including gastrostomy site leakage.
Long‐term nasogastric feeding in some children can cause Gastrostomy tubes and buttons require less frequent changes
inflammation and irritation to the skin where the nasogastric than nasogastric tubes. A device secured by a deflatable balloon
tube is secured to the face. Use of Duoderm or Granuflex is easier to change than one secured by an internal bumper bar
placed onto the skin can improve this. Another common prob- or disc. If a tube is inadvertently removed, it should be replaced
lem, particularly with fine bore tubes, is tube blockage. This within 6–8 hours or the tract will start to close.
may result from using the tube to administer drugs, the use of The main complications of gastrostomy feeding are wound
viscous formulas and inadequate flushing of the tube. Regular infection, leakage and excessive granulation tissue around
flushing of tubes can help to prevent this problem, and the use the exit site. Leakage of acidic gastric content can cause
of carbonated liquids can clear and prevent the build‐up of severe inflammation and skin irritation, and patients and
feed within the lumen of the tube. It may sometimes be neces- parents should be taught about skin care. Infection may
sary to replace the tube for one with a larger lumen. require treatment with topical or systemic antibiotics. There
are no evidence‐based guidelines on the use of prophylactic
antibiotics for the insertion of PEG or other gastrostomies in
children, but adult studies, including a Cochrane review,
Gastrostomy feeding
suggest a single dose of broad‐spectrum antibiotics before
PEG insertion reduces peristomal infections [25–27].
Gastrostomy is a widely used route of feeding when longer‐
Feeding can be recommenced soon after endoscopic or
term enteral nutrition is indicated [21]. Gastrostomy feeding
laparoscopic gastrostomy insertion. Early feeding is well tol-
is generally well accepted by children as it is more com
erated and reduces length of hospital stay, and resumption
fortable, obviates the need for frequent tube changes and is
of full feeding within 24 hours is safe [28, 29].
cosmetically more acceptable. Indications are not solely for
long‐term feeding; in certain situations gastrostomy feeding
is the first route of choice. This includes children with con- Feeding into the jejunum
genital abnormalities such as tracheo‐oesophageal fistula
and oesophageal atresia and children with oesophageal Indications for feeding into the jejunum include:
injuries (e.g. following the ingestion of caustic chemicals). It
has been suggested that a contraindication for gastrostomy • congenital gastrointestinal anomalies
is severe GOR. This can be exacerbated with the introduction • gastric dysmotility
of a gastrostomy tube [22], and gastrostomy placement in • severe vomiting resulting in faltering growth
such children is generally done in combination with a fun- • children at risk of aspiration
doplication (p. 152).
Placement of a nasojejunal tube and maintaining the posi-
The procedures used to place gastrostomies have signifi-
tion of the tube can be difficult. There are a number of meth-
cantly evolved over the past decades, and a device can be
ods of placement that include ‘blind’ bedside insertion,
inserted by four different methods:
weighted tubes, fluoroscopic or endoscopic placement and
• surgically, using the Stamm or open technique the use of prokinetic agents such as erythromycin [30]. The
• using the percutaneous endoscopic approach (PEG) position of the tube can be checked using pH paper. The tube
• using interventional radiology (RIG) can spontaneously re‐site into the stomach or can be inad-
• or by laparoscopic surgery vertently pulled back; weighted tubes do not seem to be of
much value in preventing this [31]. For longer‐term feeding
PEG, RIG and laparoscopic gastrostomy tube placement a surgical jejunostomy tube or a gastrojejunal tube is usually
are minimally invasive compared with a gastrostomy a more successful route for delivering nutrition support.
Methods of Feed Administration 57
When children are fed directly into the jejunum, feed Orogastric feeding
enters the intestine distal to the site of release of pancre-
atic enzymes and bile. Whole protein feeds are often tol- Orogastric feeding is principally used for feeding neonates
erated, but if malabsorption occurs, a trial period of where nasal access is not feasible or where breathing would
feeding a hydrolysed protein feed is recommended. The be compromised. The tube is passed via the mouth into the
stomach normally acts as a reservoir for food or feed, reg- stomach. If all feeds are given via the orogastric tube, it can
ulating the amount that is delivered into the small intes- be taped in place, but if the infant is taking some breast or
tine. Feed given as a bolus directly into the small intestine bottle feeds, the tube can be passed as required and removed
can cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea and dumping syn- between feeds.
drome (p. 155), resulting from rapid delivery of a hyper-
osmolar feed into the jejunum. Feeds delivered into the
jejunum should, therefore, always be given slowly by Gastrostomy coupled with oesophagostomy
continuous infusion.
Complications can include bacterial overgrowth, malab- Following surgery in infants born with tracheo‐oesophageal
sorption, bowel perforation and tube blockage. Stomach acid fistula or oesophageal atresia, it is not always possible to join
offers an antimicrobial effect that is bypassed in children the upper and lower ends of the oesophagus in continuity. If
receiving jejunal feeds. Like nasogastric and gastrostomy a surgical reconnection is delayed to a later date, the child
tubes, jejunostomy tubes need regular flushing to maintain will receive nutrition via a gastrostomy tube but is encour-
patency, and it is recommended that sterile water be used. aged to feed orally to learn normal feeding skills. Any feed
A gastrostomy device with jejunal tube (PEG‐J or G‐J tube) or food that is taken orally is collected at an oesophagostomy
may be used if access to the stomach and jejunum is required. site and is commonly referred to as a ‘sham feed’ (p. 151).
These devices can be useful in children with delayed gastric
emptying or those at risk of aspiration. Feed can be adminis-
Methods of feed administration
tered via the transgastric jejunal tube, and the gastrostomy
port can be used for aspiration, decompression or adminis- Enteral feeds can be given continuously via an enteral feed-
tration of medicines. ing pump, or as boluses, or a combination of both. A regimen
The routes of enteral feeding are shown in Figure 4.1. The should be chosen to meet the individual requirements of the
advantages and disadvantages of the routes of feed adminis- child, and in most cases it can be tailored to the most practi-
tration are given in Table 4.4. cal method of feeding to cause minimum disruption to the
child’s lifestyle and that of their family. Certain situations
will dictate a preferred feeding regimen, but a flexible
approach should be taken wherever possible. This enables
the child to maintain usual day‐to‐day activities and for the
family to experience minimal disruption to their routines.
Flexibility is especially important in children with a need for
long‐term tube feeding who, as time passes, will need a feed
that is appropriate to their age and changing nutritional
Orogastric requirements and a regimen that is adaptable as they grow
and develop.
Continuous feeding
daytime sleeps and when they are occupied with quieter Intermittent bolus feeding
activities such as watching television and tablets.
There are situations where continuous feeding is essen- Bolus tube feeding is successfully used in many children who
tial. As previously discussed, feeds given through a naso- require enteral feeding both in hospital and at home. Intermittent
jejunal tube or a feeding jejunostomy should always be boluses given 3–4 hourly throughout the day via the nasogas-
delivered by continuous infusion. Severe GOR can be man- tric or gastrostomy tube mimic a physiologically normal feed-
aged with a slow continuous infusion of feed as an adjunct ing pattern, providing cyclical surges of gastrointestinal
to anti‐reflux medication and positioning. Infants and chil- hormones that will have a trophic effect on the intestinal mucosa
dren with malabsorption will also benefit from a continu- [32]. It is more time consuming than continuous feeding, but is
ous infusion of feed. This will slow transit time and may the preferred method for many families with children requiring
improve symptoms of diarrhoea, steatorrhoea and abdom- long‐term feeding as it gives them greater freedom and mobil-
inal cramps and help to promote weight gain. In children ity and can be adapted to fit in with family mealtimes.
with protracted diarrhoea and short bowel syndrome, con- There are situations where bolus feeding is recommended:
tinuous enteral feeding with a specialised formula often
forms the basis of medical management; continuous tube • Neonates requiring small volumes may need to be given
feeding is also a treatment option for children with Crohn’s their feed by hourly bolus as the length of tubing between
disease to induce remission of disease. Infants and chil- the reservoir and child creates a ‘dead space’ holding
dren with glycogen storage disease type I require a fre- feed; this can be particularly relevant in infants fed EBM
quent supply of dietary glucose to maintain their blood as some fat can be lost by adherence to the sides of the
glucose levels within normal limits. A continuous over- burette and tubing [33]
night nasogastric infusion of glucose polymer solution or • Children who have had a surgical anti‐reflux procedure
standard feed will maintain blood sugars when children are unable to vomit; large volumes of feed from a con-
are asleep. tinuous infusion can accumulate in the stomach and
The use of nasogastric tubes for overnight feeding can remain undetected in those who have gastric stasis or
achieve optimal nutritional intake but may be associated poor gastrointestinal motility, which can lead to gastric
with risks of entanglement and displacement of tubes when rupture; bolus feeding with a gravity feeding pack will
infants and children are not closely supervised. There are prevent over‐filling of the stomach as tubes are routinely
currently no national guidelines for overnight nasogastric aspirated before each feed; and further feed will be pre-
feeding of children, but some healthcare professionals no vented from entering the stomach from the feeding
longer advocate or support overnight nasogastric feeding in chamber if the stomach is already full
the community. Development of local policies should involve • Children who frequently try to remove their nasogastric
risk assessments undertaken by the multidisciplinary team tube risk aspiration if the end of the tube is dislodged
and should always consider the medical needs of the indi- into the airways; they will benefit from bolus feeding as
vidual child. they can be constantly supervised during the feed
Enteral Feeding Equipment 59
Regimen Example
• Children with an oesophagostomy who are sham fed and cosmetically acceptable. Fine bore nasogastric tubes
should preferably receive bolus feeds to coincide with are the most commonly used tubes for children. These
their oral feeds tubes have a small internal diameter (1–2 mm) and are
• The continuous delivery of enteral feeds may interfere flexible and available in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and
with the absorption of medications; bolus feeding will polyurethane.
provide periods when medication can be given on an PVC tubes are used for short‐term enteral feeding. They
empty stomach to allow optimal absorption are for single use only and require changing every week as
the tubes stiffen over time and may cause tissue damage.
A schedule of feeding regimens is given in Table 4.5.
These tubes are least likely to be displaced and so can be
used for children who are prone to vomiting.
Enteral feeding equipment Fine bore polyurethane or silicone tubes are designed
for longer‐term nasogastric feeding and are very much
An international standard was introduced in 2016 to govern softer and more comfortable than PVC tubes. Each tube
enteral feeding devices [34]. A new global connector, ENfit, comes with a guidewire or stylet to give the tube rigidity
was introduced to replace the Luer connector system to when passed. As a general guide tubes can usually
ensure patient safety and prevent misconnection to intrave- remain in situ for 4–6 weeks, but manufacturers’ instruc-
nous lines or other types of medical device. The ENfit range tions regarding usage should always be followed. Unlike
includes tubes, syringes and giving sets. PVC tubes that are for single use, these tubes can also be
used for overnight feeding and removed during the day-
time if storage and cleaning instructions are carefully
Nasogastric feeding tubes adhered to.
When passing polyurethane tubes, there is a high risk of
There is a wide range of paediatric feeding tubes of var- tracheal intubation in children who have an impaired
ying lengths and gauges to meet the requirements of swallow or who are ventilated. In these children, PVC
children of all ages. For children, the ideal tube should tubes may be preferable despite the need for longer‐term
be of a small gauge to make the tube more comfortable feeding.
60 Enteral Nutrition
Diarrhoea Unsuitable choice of feed in children Change to hydrolysed formula or modular feed
with impaired gut function
Fast infusion rate Slow infusion rate and increase as tolerated to provide required
nutritional intake
Intolerance of bolus feeds Frequent, smaller feeds or change feeding regimen to
continuous infusion
High feed osmolarity Build up strength of feeds and deliver by continuous infusion
Contamination of feed Use sterile commercially produced feeds wherever possible
and prepare other feeds in clean environments
Drugs (e.g. antibiotics, laxatives) Consider drugs as a cause of diarrhoea before feed is stopped
or reduced
Review drugs
Nausea and vomiting Fast infusion rate Slowly increase rate of feed infusion or give over a longer
period of time
Slow gastric emptying Correct positioning and prokinetic drugs
Psychological factors Address behavioural feeding issues
Constipation Maintain regular bowel motions with adequate fluid intakes,
fibre‐containing feeds and laxatives
Medicines given at the same time as Allow time between giving medicines and giving feeds or stop
feeds continuous feed for a short time when medicines are given
Regurgitation and Gastro‐oesophageal reflux Correct positioning, anti‐reflux drugs, feed thickener,
aspiration transpyloric feeding, fundoplication
Dislodged tubes Secure tube adequately and test position of tube regularly
Fast infusion rate Slow infusion rate
Intolerance of bolus feeds Smaller, more frequent feeds or continuous infusion
disturbance, tube dislodgement, tube blockage and difficul- administration techniques and enteral feeding devices, it should
ties with home delivery of feed and equipment [40–42]. The be possible to minimise gastrointestinal symptoms. Some causes
additional psychosocial support needs of parents providing of feed intolerance and their resolution are given in Table 4.6.
home enteral feeding to children with neurodisabilities must
also be considered [43]. Dietitians and community nurses
need to explore solutions to the common problems associ- Monitoring children on enteral feeds
ated with overnight feeding. Regular review is necessary in
Children who are commenced on enteral feeds require moni-
long‐term patients to continue to identify and minimise
toring and review. There are at present no standards for the
monitoring of children on long‐term enteral feeding at home
Enteral feeds are usually prescribed by the general practi-
in the UK.
tioner although the costs for disposable equipment may be
At the initiation of enteral feeding, goals must be set
funded by a number of different agencies. These include
with respect to the aim of the nutritional intervention, e.g.
hospital, community and dietetic budgets.
an improvement in nutritional status, control of symptoms,
palliative care and the expected growth of the child taking
Feed administration and tolerance into account their underlying clinical disorder. Regular fol-
low‐up is required to monitor both short‐term and longer‐
The way in which a feed is administered ultimately depends term progress. Anthropometry, blood tests and control of
on the clinical condition of the individual child, and there any symptoms should all be included in the monitoring
are no set rules for starting enteral feeds. Neonates may need procedure. As children gain weight and get older, their
to be started on just 0.5 mL/hour infusion rates, whereas requirements change, and follow‐up is essential to ensure
older children may tolerate rates of 100 mL/hour. In most they continue to receive adequate nutrition. The EU
cases feeds can be started at full strength with the volume Regulation on Food for Specific Groups makes recommen-
being gradually increased in stages, either at an increased dations for the composition of FSMPs including minimum
infusion rate or as a larger bolus. and maximum content of vitamins, minerals and trace ele-
Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most common complica- ments [8]. A 2016 study compared the micronutrient con-
tions of enteral feeding, but with the wide choice of feeds, tent of 62 standard adult enteral feeds with dietary
62 Enteral Nutrition
reference values (DRVs). At a volume that met normal Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) on paediatric
energy requirements, the micronutrients supplied in these enteral nutrition also discourages liquidised foods for tube
enteral feeds were often above the DRV for a healthy popu- feeding [30]. However, parents have a statutory duty of
lation, but were within the range of the European stand- responsibility giving them the right to make fundamental
ards [44]. Although enteral feeds are formulated to be decisions in their child’s life including healthcare [49], and
nutritionally complete, it is wise to check nutritional status dietitians need to remain sensitive to the choices made by
with biochemical monitoring, particularly if tube feeding is parents.
the sole source of nutrition [45]. There will be deterioration There is evidence of clinical benefit associated with a
of vitamin content throughout the shelf life and individual blended diet. One study looked at improvement in symp-
variation in the absorption of micronutrients. Routine toms in 33 children with gagging and retching following
checks of albumin, electrolytes and haemoglobin are useful fundoplication: 73% showed symptom reduction with a 50%
as well as assessment of micronutrient status. Blood tests increase in enteral intake [50]. Another study reported better
can also be helpful in assessing response to nutritional volume tolerance and improvements in GOR and constipa-
therapy, e.g. monitoring of inflammatory markers in chil- tion when changing from commercial formula to blended
dren with active Crohn’s disease. Both hospital and com- diet [51]. Additional benefits relate to the impact on the fam-
munity staff have a role to play in monitoring a child’s ily, giving them more control and allowing them to provide
progress and helping the family cope with tube feeding at food for their child and include them in family mealtimes.
home. The needs of a young infant are quite different from Gastrostomy feeding is commonly required to provide nutri-
those of a toddler or teenager, and the individual needs of tional support to children with complex needs, many with
each child should be considered at different stages of their life‐limiting neurological disorders. It is well recognised that
development. parents of such children have a strong instinct to nurture
Regular follow‐up can be important for the family as well [52]; gastrostomy feeding with a commercial formula can be
as the child. Home enteral feeding has a big impact on family seen to medicalise feeding practices [53].
life, resulting in both psychological and practical problems A 2019 BDA policy statement [54] aims to support dieti-
that should be addressed regularly. Good communication tians to ensure patients fed with a blended diet receive
between the family, hospital and community teams is essen- effective, evidence-based, equitable and quality care. For
tial, and the family must be given a contact for professional the majority of patients a commercially prepared formula
help in the case of any emergency. remains the first choice, however, dietitians can recommend
blended diet via gastrostomy where they believe there may
be potential benefit. When families are considering a
Oral feeding skills blended diet, it is important that dietitians provide the
information necessary for them to make an informed choice,
Another important aspect of follow‐up is the encourage- including the potential risks, tailored to the individual
ment to maintain oral feeding skills. Children who miss needs of the family.
out on early experiences of taste and texture are much Blended diets can be introduced at weaning age along-
more likely to develop feeding problems [46]. Offering a side breastmilk or formula and for older children either as a
small amount of food gives children the chance to use the sole source of nutrition or in combination with commercial
lips and tongue and develop their oromotor skills while feeds. Despite not previously recommending blended diets,
experiencing a range of tastes. This is particularly impor- the BDA developed a toolkit in 2015 to enable dietitians to
tant around the time of weaning when children are often support their patients and provide practical recommenda-
more willing to accept different foods. Studies have also tions on the use of blended diet and monitoring [55]. Further
shown that in long‐term tube‐fed children, even tactile practical guidance and decision-making tools are expected
stimulation of the face and mouth alone can help re‐estab- in 2020.
lish oral feeding [47].
• paediatric dietitian – role described below • advise regarding suitable adjustments to feeding regi
• PN pharmacist – responsible for production and check mens to enhance intake and absorption and, if necessary,
ing of solutions; advises regarding prescription when advise on changes to feeds in cases of malabsorption or
necessary feed intolerance
• PN nurse – trains caregivers and staff, coordinates • review the nutritional biochemistry and contribute to the
patient care discussion and decision making regarding nutrient
• biochemist – advises on monitoring and interpretation of intakes and adjustments to the PN
blood biochemistry and appropriate biochemical tests
A scoping exercise was carried out by the National Institute
The NST usually reviews the child’s progress at least for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in 2017, and new
weekly, with daily reviews by some specialties as necessary. guidelines for PN in neonates were published in February
In centres where NSTs have been established, reported ben 2020. Guidelines from the European Society for Paediatric
efits include a reduction in mechanical line problems, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition/European
reduced sepsis, fewer metabolic complications, shorter Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism/European
courses of PN (due to faster transition to appropriate enteral Society for Paediatric Research/Chinese Society of Parenteral
formulas) and savings on the cost of providing PN [9–11]. and Enteral Nutrition (ESPGHAN/ESPEN/ESPR/CSPEN)
The NST produces protocols and procedures and organises have been updated and published in 2018 and will be referred
audit and reviews of the PN service; it may be monitored by to as the ESPGHAN guidelines throughout this chapter [13].
the hospital’s nutrition steering committee.
Other key members of the NST to include as required are Learning points: overview of parenteral nutrition
psychologists, speech and language therapists and play
specialists. These have a particularly important role with • PN usage is increasing and practice varies widely across
children undergoing long‐term PN. the UK
• See neonatal PN NICE guideline 154, February 2020
The role of the dietitian • Research into PN lipids has improved the outcomes for PN
• Nutrition support teams improve outcomes in patients
As a key member of the NST [12, 13], the dietitian ensures receiving PN
the child’s nutritional requirements are met in order to main • Dietitians have a key role within the NST in ensuring
tain adequate growth and development. There is also a role adequate delivery of nutrients
in the development of the child’s oral feeding skills. The
dietitian will:
• set targets for enteral and parenteral feeding and devise Indications and considerations for parenteral
a feeding plan nutrition in children
• monitor that correct volumes of prescribed enteral feeds/
PN are received Indications for PN are given in Table 5.2. This is not an
• calculate total nutrient intake and compare with the indi exhaustive list. PN is a hazardous and expensive form of
vidual’s requirements nutrition support in children and is indicated only where
• use appropriate centile charts to plot the child’s height, enteral nutrition cannot prevent or reverse growth failure.
weight and head circumference; it is imperative that The timing and duration of PN is dependent upon the child’s
inadequate growth is recognised and discussed with the nutritional reserves, expected duration of starvation and
NST at the earliest opportunity severity of illness. PN is normally built up over 2–4 days,
66 Parenteral Nutrition
Intestinal failure Other common indications Patients requiring additional nutrition support
and, therefore, it is neither reasonable nor clinically indi and measured regularly, and the measurements recorded
cated to routinely prescribe PN for less than 5 days [14]. and plotted on centile charts to ensure appropriate growth is
Some long‐term patients will require PN for several years, maintained.
sometimes into adulthood. Long‐term PN is generally Nutritional requirements and demands vary considerably
defined as PN of >4 weeks’ duration [13]. with age and size, with critical periods during infancy and
puberty when growth is fastest. Most brain growth occurs in
the last trimester of pregnancy and the first 2 years of life.
Considerations Extra special care should be taken to avoid malnutrition and
biochemical abnormalities at this time as poor nutrition dur
Enteral nutrition ing these critical periods not only results in slowing and
PN is associated with many complications, and for this rea stunting of growth but may also permanently affect neuro
son it is widely accepted that enteral nutrition should always logical development [20, 21].
be given where possible. If the gut works, it should be used, Infants are at considerable risk due to their limited energy
even if only minimal feeds are tolerated [15]. Absence of reserves, and the commencement of PN in a small infant
luminal nutrients has been associated with atrophic changes who cannot tolerate enteral feeds is a matter of urgency.
in the gut mucosa, and it is well recognised that enteral A preterm infant weighing 1 kg has only 1% body fat and
feeding is the single most effective way of preventing many may survive for only 4 days if starved [22].
gut‐related complications. Equally adolescents are at significant risk of not achieving
Nutritionally insignificant volumes of enteral nutrition have their growth potential if nutrient requirements are not met at
been found to have a trophic effect on the gut, encouraging the onset of and during puberty.
intestinal adaptation, and have been linked to enhanced gut
motility, decreased incidence of PN‐induced cholestasis and Cholestasis and liver disease
decreased bacterial translocation [16–18]. After gastrointestinal
The pathogenesis of PN‐associated liver disease (PNALD) is
surgery, particularly that resulting in short bowel syndrome,
not completely understood. The aetiology is thought to be
intraluminal nutrients and luminal substrates are essential for
multifactorial and can progress to cirrhosis and end‐stage
optimal intestinal adaptation [19]. Initiation of enteral feeding
liver failure in some cases [23]. With better management of
is strongly recommended early in the post‐operative period.
PN and earlier weaning from PN to enteral feeding, the
Breastmilk or standard infant formulas are indicated
reported prevalence of PNALD in infants has reduced from
unless there has been previous evidence of malabsorption or
around 65% [24] to around 25% [25]. The early introduction
feed intolerance. Short frequent breastfeeds or small boluses
of enteral feeding and weaning from PN without compro
of expressed breastmilk or infant formula, as little as 1–2 mL/
mising nutritional status is the most important measure that
hour, are beneficial. If there are signs of malabsorption, a
can be taken to help reduce the risk of cholestasis [25, 26].
hydrolysed protein feed, which is also lactose‐free and has a
In preterm neonates enteral feeding may be delayed or
proportion of its fat as medium chain triglycerides, may be
withheld in order to help prevent the development of necro
indicated, e.g. Pregestimil Lipil and Pepti‐Junior. It may be
tising enterocolitis (NEC); this has been an area of much
advantageous to deliver the feed continuously via an enteral
debate. A Cochrane analysis found that delaying enteral
feeding pump to aid absorption. (More detailed manage
feeds increased the length of hospital stay, prolonged use of
ment of intestinal failure is discussed in Chapter 9.)
PN and increased the incidence of cholestasis [27]. Results of
a UK multicentre trial, ADEPT (Abnormal Doppler Enteral
Prescription Trial), concluded that ‘Early introduction of
Malnutrition in children results in impaired growth and enteral feeds in growth‐restricted preterm infants results in
development. All children on PN should be weighed earlier achievement of full enteral feeding and does not
Nutrient Requirements and Solutions 67
appear to increase the risk of NEC’ [28]. Therefore, enteral PN‐related bone disease
feeding should be introduced as early as possible, even in
Children on long‐term PN can develop a type of metabolic
preterm infants. American guidelines recommend that all
bone disease. The aetiology is multifactorial and may be
preterm babies over 1000 g are commenced on minimal feeds
related to physical inactivity, underlying disease, disordered
(preferably mother’s milk) by the second day of life [29].
vitamin D metabolism, hypocalcemia, hypercalciuria, raised
In addition to lack of enteral feeds, pathogenesis of
alkaline phosphatase and hypophosphataemia.
PNALD is associated with intrauterine growth retardation,
Regular biochemical monitoring including measurements
prematurity, immature enterohepatic circulation, underlying
of urinary calcium, plasma calcium, plasma phosphorus,
disease, number of infections/septic episodes, number of
plasma parathyroid hormone, vitamin D concentrations and
surgical procedures and number of blood transfusions [13,
serum alkaline phosphatase activity along with dual‐energy
30, 31]. PN solutions themselves may have a role to play in
X‐ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning is recommended to
the development of liver disease; lipid emulsions have been
evaluate these children [13, 34]. Referral to an endocrine/
implicated and overfeeding of glucose has been associated
metabolic specialist may be necessary in cases of concern.
with hepatic steatosis [25, 26, 31]. High risk for PNALD is
also associated with PN dependency from a young age, very
short bowel length and prolonged PN duration.
Oral hypersensitivity
Cyclical, rather than continuous, PN and cycling of lipid Oral hypersensitivity occurs when the oral route is not estab
in particular and restricting lipid to certain nights of the lished from birth, or when there is a delayed introduction of
week afford some protection to the liver and are common solids, or when the oral route is not used for lengthy periods
practice in patients on long‐term PN, particularly those who of time. Lack of oral stimulation together with unpleasant
have PN at home. This usually involves giving the PN over oral procedures/experiences such as intubations, suction,
a shorter period allowing some hours off. There are obvious vomiting, choking and gastro‐oesophageal reflux may lead
implications to energy intake and tolerance of solutions, and to long‐term feeding problems. Steps to prevent oral feeding
this should be monitored carefully. Due to the implications aversion will help progress onto enteral feeding and subse
on growth, particularly where lipid is restricted, cycling quent reduction in PN.
should only be used in long‐term stable patients who have Early involvement of a specialist speech and language ther
an experienced NST looking after them. Effective treatment apist to advise regarding oral desensitisation is recommended,
and prevention of recurrent sepsis through translocation of particularly in cases of refusal to feed or distress during feed
bacteria across the gastrointestinal wall and via line infec ing. A play specialist can work with children around oral
tions is also known to be a significant factor in the avoidance desensitisation using messy play and play involving food. In
of PNALD [31, 32]. Other therapies include the use of urso addition to these specialist techniques, early and sustained
deoxycholic acid, a synthetic bile acid [33]. Cases of PNALD oral feeding when safe to do so, use of dummies (pacifiers),
that do not improve should be referred to a supraregional sips and tastes should always be employed (where safe to do
liver unit for assessment at the earliest opportunity [13]. so) to maintain oral function, especially in infancy.
In summary, increased risk of developing PNALD is
Learning points: considerations in children on PN
• in premature infants
• in those with short bowel syndrome • Their continuing growth with key stages of development
• where there has been long‐term absence of enteral feeds • They have immature liver and bowel function with
• where there is loss of enterohepatic cycling of bile salts inefficient enzyme production
post‐operatively or due to obstruction • They are susceptible to PNALD
• where there are repeated septic episodes • Their immature immune system leads to increased
• where there is intestinal bacterial overgrowth susceptibility to infection
• They are vulnerable to central venous line infection
• There is a high risk of cross‐contamination due to inability
to self‐care
Learning points: prevention of PNALD • Oral feeding is often not established, so food aversion
• giving early enteral feeding, even if only minimal • There may be delayed weaning from PN due to an inability
• giving some oral feeds if possible to feed orally
• avoidance of line sepsis by rigorous line care
• prompt treatment of sepsis
• cyclical PN, particularly lipid
Nutrient requirements and solutions
• reduction of the dose of lipid
• use of ursodeoxycholic acid Recommended requirements vary and tend to be based on
• use of lipid solutions containing ω3 PUFA in some groups clinical experience [6, 8, 20, 34, 35]. The ESPGHAN guide
(Table 5.5) lines published in 2018 [13] are the most recent regarding
paediatric PN at the time of writing.
68 Parenteral Nutrition
Age (kcal/kg) Age (g/kg) Age (g/kg) Body weight (kg) (g/kg)
energy. The child may become catabolic using body tissue Lipid
protein stores for fuel. This results in linear growth failure.
Adequate energy intake will promote weight gain, but will Lipid preparations provide a concentrated source of
not always promote linear growth in the absence of adequate energy in an isotonic solution: 2 kcal (8 kJ)/mL in a 20% lipid
protein. solution compared with only 0.8 kcal (3 kJ)/mL in a 20% car
Many well infants and children will achieve their expected bohydrate solution. Lipid emulsions normally contribute
growth rate if the energy intakes shown in Table 5.4 are pro 25%–40% of non‐protein energy. Lipid emulsion, unlike high
vided. An appropriate gain in weight for the age, sex and concentration dextrose solutions, can be given via a periph
size of the individual child, taking the clinical condition into eral vein and helps in the provision of sufficient energy for
consideration, is likely to indicate that the prescription is growth, avoiding the complications associated with central
adequate. venous access, and may prolong the life of peripheral lines in
In the disease state these requirements will vary, and infants [46].
research suggests that actual energy requirements for many Intravenous lipid particles in solution resemble endoge
children are less than originally thought [13, 37]. It is recom nously produced chylomicrons in terms of size and are
mended that energy intakes should be adapted for those hydrolysed by lipoprotein lipase. Intravenous lipids pro
disease states found to increase resting energy expenditure, vide essential fatty acids (EFA) and improve net nitrogen
e.g. head injury, burn injury, pulmonary and cardiac disease balance compared with glucose alone as a source of non‐
[13]. Also, extremely low birthweight neonates requiring protein energy [27]. Current ESPGHAN guidelines [13]
ventilation have been found to have significantly increased specify that a minimum linoleic acid intake of 0.25 g/kg/
rates of energy expenditure [38]. Uncomplicated surgery day should be given to preterm infants and 0.1 g/kg/day to
does not significantly increase energy requirements [39, 40]. term infants and older children to prevent EFA deficiency.
Achievement of adequate growth is a significant outcome In premature infants, due to low stores, EFA deficiency can
target in the nutrition support of children. Growth presents occur within 72 hours of birth [47] and in term infants just
a significant energy burden; this will vary with age and is a few days.
highest in the neonatal period with 35% of energy being Intravenous lipid emulsions available in the UK that are
used for growth alone [41]. However, in the very sick child, considered safe for use in paediatric PN are given in Table 5.5.
the catabolic process inhibits growth, thereby temporarily All solutions contain glycerol and phospholipids and are
reducing this burden. available as 10% and 20% emulsions.
Previous recommendations for energy did not account Higher concentration emulsions (20% or more) are advan
for this [42]. Recent research has suggested that critically tageous where there is fluid restriction and they also deliver
ill children in the catabolic phase have better outcomes, less phospholipid per gram of triglyceride, leading to more
including reduced length of stay and infection rate, if PN normal plasma phospholipid and cholesterol levels [48]. In
is withheld in the initial days [43]. However, due to the children it is recommended that 20% or higher concentra
heterogenicity of the population studied, this research tions of lipid emulsions are used due to the higher phospho
cannot be extrapolated to individuals. It is the job of the lipid–triglyceride ratio found in 10% emulsions [13].
clinical team to prescribe PN according to the child’s indi Lipid emulsions currently used are either based on long
vidual needs. Guidelines suggest that in the acute phase, chain triglycerides (LCT) or long chain and medium chain
intakes should be limited [13]. Further recommendations triglycerides (MCT) combined. Both LCT and MCT/LCT
specifically relating to neonates can be found elsewhere, solutions are considered safe to use in paediatric practice. [44, 45]. Soya oil emulsions have been available for many years and
Children on stable long‐term PN, particularly if approach were the first commercially available lipid solutions; they
ing the adolescent growth phase, should have individual are still commonly used. There have been some concerns
energy and protein requirements calculated to maintain ade over the effect of the highly polyunsaturated, unphysiologi
quate growth. This may require an extrapolation of enteral cal fatty acid supply from soybean oil. The development of
energy requirements based on 80%–90% of the estimated PNALD is possibly associated with the composition of soy
average requirement (EAR) for their age. bean oil‐based lipid emulsion. There is mounting evidence
Equations for calculation of resting energy expenditure that the pro‐inflammatory ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
are available (p. 87) and may also be used along with die (PUFA) most prevalent in soybean oil, along with the low
tetic principles of calculating energy requirements. Where ratio of antioxidants in the form of vitamin E (tocopherols),
dietetic estimations are usually needed for those children may in part have a role in the onset of liver injury [32].
with genetic reasons for growth failure, disability or meta Numerous ‘composite’ lipid emulsions have been devel
bolic disorders, calculated PN requirements for energy oped over recent years, and ongoing research is extremely
would normally be adjusted (usually downwards by active in this area. A recently published systematic review
5%–10%) due to bypassing enteral absorption and its [49] recommends that larger high quality trials are required to
associated losses. evaluate the effects of each type of lipid emulsion available.
In all children on PN, it is essential to monitor closely to Olive oil‐containing emulsions may produce more physio
ensure appropriate growth is achieved without adverse bio logical levels of linoleic and oleic acid, better antioxidant
chemical consequences. status and lower cholesterol levels [49].
70 Parenteral Nutrition
TG, triglycerides; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; LCT, long chain triglycerides. 1 kcal = 1.48 kJ.
*Some 10% emulsions are available, but are not recommended due to the high phospholipid–triglyceride ratio [13].
Omegaven is to be used as a supplement, not a complete source of lipid; not licensed in Europe.
Coconut oil‐containing emulsions (MCT) have the advantage and should be considered alongside other interventions to pre
of carnitine‐independent uptake by the mitochondria and, vent PNALD. The guidance also suggests that paediatric PN
therefore, have a more rapid clearance from the plasma after for greater than a few days should include a lipid emulsion
infusion. Solutions with 50% MCT have been used in containing a combination of oils (with or without fish oils) [13].
paediatric PN for many years. MCT solutions contain
It is important to note that in some children the biochemi
approximately 50% less EFA than LCT solutions alone, yet cal measurement of cholestasis does not detect the degree of
measured plasma EFA and their derivatives (linoleic and PN‐associated liver fibrosis. There are reports that fibrosis
alpha linolenic acid) were similar compared with LCT seen on liver biopsy may persist despite the improved liver
solutions [49–51]. function tests after using these products [57, 58].
Fish oil‐containing emulsions contain a significant amount Serum lipid levels should be monitored to ensure adequate
of anti‐inflammatory ω3 PUFA. These are probably now the clearance and, hence, utilisation [59]. Clearance of lipids
most widely adopted and routinely used combinant lipids from the plasma is limited by the rate of activity of lipopro
used in paediatric intestinal failure. tein lipase. The amount of fat infused should be adapted
SMOF (Fresenius Kabi) provides just 30% and Lipedem (B to the lipid oxidation capacity, approximately 3–4 g/kg/day
Braun) 40% of the EFA contained in Intralipid due to the [5, 13]. Hyperlipidaemia will result if the enzyme is saturated
relatively lower soya oil content of these solutions. EFA pro by excessive doses of fat or by rapid infusion [60]. Gradually
vision will be adequate when these are given at normal vol increasing the volume of the lipid emulsion by 1 g/kg/day
umes but may become inadequate if lipid intake is restricted. over 3–4 days and maintaining a steady rate of infusion help
There have been two randomised control trials to compare prevent possible hypertriglyceridaemia. Tolerance of lipid
the short‐term physiological effects of lipid preparations emulsions has been found to be improved if given continu
containing soya oil versus fish oil both in preterm and very ously in preterm infants [61], although it is usual practice to
low birthweight infants [25, 26]. There were no significant give 4 hours off the infusion per 24 hours to allow all admin
differences found in outcomes in this group of patients com istered fat to clear the circulation before the next infusion
pared with those using soya oil‐dominant lipid solutions. begins. Serum lipids should be monitored as the volume of
In children where cholestasis is already present, there fat given increases and should always be taken 4 hours after
have been several paediatric case reports citing improve the infusion is completed. Peak levels of triglyceride and free
ments in liver function tests and a drop in conjugated biliru fatty acids normally occur towards the end of the infusion,
bin and reversal of PNALD when patients were switched returning to fasting levels 2–4 hours later. Once stable,
from soya oil solutions to fish oil‐containing solutions [52– weekly monitoring is likely to be sufficient.
55]. An emulsion of fish oils alone (Omegaven) has been In malnourished children, it is good practice to assess
used temporarily as monotherapy, but due to risks of EFA baseline serum lipids prior to starting PN as children who
deficiency, it cannot be recommended for long‐term use (>15 have failed to thrive or lost weight due to suboptimal intake
days). It can be used as a ‘rescue therapy’ in PNALD [56]. frequently have raised triglyceride levels that return to nor
New guidance suggests that solutions containing a combi mal when sufficient energy is provided. Restricting lipid
nation of oils including fish oil may slow or reverse cholestasis and, therefore, energy would not be beneficial in this case.
Nutrient Requirements and Solutions 71
Name Manufacturer Total AA (g/L) Cysteine (g/L) Tyrosine (g/L) Taurine (g/L) Comment
Primene (10%) Baxter 100 1.89 0.45 0.6 For neonatal and infant PN
Vaminolact Fresenius Kabi 65 1.0 0.5 0.3 For neonatal and infant PN
A reduced lipid dose may be indicated for children with a Amino acids
marked risk of hyperlipidaemia, e.g. low birthweight infants,
sepsis and catabolism. Reduction of the dosage of lipid emul Crystalline l‐AA solutions are used as the nitrogen source
sion can be considered if serum or plasma triglyceride con for PN. Despite routine use of PN, surprisingly few clinical
centrations during infusion exceed 3 mmol/L (265 mg/dL) efficacy data are available to guide total or specific AA dos
in infants or 4.5 mmol/L (400 mg/dL) in older children [13]. ing in paediatric (and adult) patients.
EFA deficiency can be prevented with as little as 0.5–1.0 g/ Commercially available mixed AA formulations provide
kg LCT/day [13, 62], although at this level of lipid intake both essential and non‐essential AA. All provide the nine
there is likely to be suboptimal energy intake. As discussed essential AA (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,
above, reduction in lipid intake may improve abnormal liver phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine). They also
function; however, this cannot be sustained over a long period contain varying amounts of classically non‐essential AA
due to suboptimal energy provision and a long‐term effect on that may become conditionally essential under certain cir
growth. If reducing intake for any reason, including treating cumstances. In children arginine, cysteine, glycine, proline,
PNALD, the source of lipid is an important consideration. taurine, glutamine and tyrosine may be conditionally
Some intravenous medication may be given in fat emul essential [13].
sions, e.g. the sedative propofol or the antifungal ampho The products designed for infants and children are
tericin. Consideration should be made of the fat (and, Vaminolact, which is based on the AA profile of breastmilk,
therefore, energy) content of this. and Primene, which is based on the profile of cord blood
(Table 5.6). The ideal AA profile for PN solutions for infants
α‐Tocopherol and children is still unclear. A solution that contains insuffi
cient quantities of essential AAs will inhibit protein synthe
Vitamin E (α‐tocopherol) is the most important lipid‐soluble
sis and may limit growth [64–66].
antioxidant; it helps prevent tissue damage by free radicals
Estimates of protein requirements are often based on 10%–
produced from peroxidation of the PUFA within parenteral
20% of the total energy intake (Table 5.4). All nitrogen can be
lipid solutions [63]. Most composite parenteral lipid solu
converted to energy (via the Krebs cycle), and where inade
tions have α‐tocopherol present in adequate amounts for this
quate energy is provided (from fat and carbohydrate), the
reason (Table 5.5). When these solutions are given to infants
child may become hypoproteinaemic as nitrogen is used for
and children <11 years old, the total vitamin E intake should
energy. The child subsequently will not grow. Sufficient
not exceed 11 mg/day [13].
energy intake is 30–40 kcal (125–165 kJ)/g AA or 250 kcal
(1.05 MJ)/g nitrogen [66], although in preterm infants this
ratio may indeed be less: 150–200 kcal (630–835 kJ)/g nitro
Learning points: lipid solutions gen [44].
Guidelines [13] are based on amounts required to main
• MCT, fish and olive oil solutions should be considered in all tain nitrogen balance and growth. While it is difficult to
patients on long‐term PN assess if nitrogen provision is adequate, it is generally agreed
• Fish oil may be beneficial as part of a treatment strategy in that inadequate nitrogen intake is reflected by a low plasma
the prevention or treatment of PNALD urea level and poor linear growth. (A high plasma urea level
• Pure soya oil solutions are not recommended in paediatric is more likely to be attributable to dehydration than over‐
PN provision of nitrogen.)
• 10% solutions not recommended due to the high ratio of
phospholipids to triglycerides
• 20% solutions most widely available ≡ 200 g TG/1000 mL
(20 kcal [85 kJ]/100 mL) Glutamine
• Lipids should provide 25%–40% of non‐protein energy Endogenous biosynthesis of glutamine may be insufficient
• 0.5–1 g/kg/day LCT is required to prevent EFA deficiency for tissue needs in states of metabolic stress. Trials in adults
• Solutions with lower LCT content will be lower in EFAs have suggested that glutamine supplementation improves
• Vitamin E is protective against PNALD, but intake should clinical outcomes in critically ill adults [67]. It has been sug
not exceed 11 mg/day [13] gested that glutamine supplementation may benefit preterm
infants, particularly very low birthweight infants. However, a
72 Parenteral Nutrition
systematic review in 2016 concluded that glutamine supple hyperglycaemia, hepatic steatosis, excessive carbon dioxide
mentation does not have a statistically significant effect on production and impaired protein metabolism [44]. Insulin
morbidity or mortality [68]. Currently, there is insufficient resistance may occur in some situations, e.g. steroid use,
evidence to support the routine supplementation of glu very low birthweight, sepsis, trauma and stress. This is a
tamine in preterm infants, and there is no evidence for its rou protective mechanism to relieve the liver of excessive sub
tine use in PN in children under 2 years [13]. strates. In this acute phase the ESPGHAN guidelines recom
mended that glucose infusion rates should be limited in
order to prevent hyperglycaemia [13].
Glucose infusion should always be initiated gradually,
Carnitine is a nitrogen‐based compound and plays a role increasing over 3–4 days to maximum infusion rates. Rates
in the beta‐oxidation of long chain fatty acids and facili of glucose oxidation vary significantly with age and clinical
tates their transport across the mitochondrial membrane in status. In stable situations (post‐acute phase), it is recom
the form of carnitine esters. Carnitine is present in breast mended in term neonates and children up to 2 years of age
milk and formula feeds, but current PN formulations do that glucose intake should not exceed 14 g/kg/day [13].
not contain it. Carnitine can usually be synthesised in the Infusion rates exceeding glucose oxidative capacity result in
liver from lysine and methionine, and the ability to synthe conversion of carbohydrate to fatty acids and can consume
sise it is age dependent [69]. Non‐supplemented parenter up to 15% of the available energy from carbohydrate [71, 72].
ally fed infants have very low tissue carnitine levels, and In cyclical PN the increased rate of glucose infusion may
relative carnitine deficiency may impair fatty acid oxida exceed glucose oxidation rate so the maximal infusion rate
tion [70]. It is recommended that carnitine supplementa should not exceed 10 mg/kg/min [13].
tion (20–30 mg/kg/day) be considered on an individual
basis in premature infants or those on exclusive PN for
more than 4 weeks [13]. Learning points: carbohydrate
With the exception of vitamin E, no upper limits are given; care must be taken to avoid over‐delivery of individual nutrients. Where nutrient mixtures
are used, manufacturers’ guidelines should be followed.
*In 10% Intralipid.
**Vitamin E is also added to some lipid bags (see Table 5.5).
The following single vitamin preparations are available in the European and American markets:
vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, thiamin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, vitamin C and folic acid.
Provision and administration of these should be arranged by a specialist pharmacist as part of a multidisciplinary team.
is based on expert opinion [5, 13, 75]. The amount of intrave Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are usually added
nous vitamins given is usually recommended to be higher to the PN prescription as individual solutions, and the sug
than that given enterally. This is to allow for losses of the vita gested intakes are listed in Table 5.9.
mins by adsorption onto the PN bag and giving set or bio Individual preparations of some (not all) trace elements
degradation due to light exposure, thus reducing the available are available where there is a need to exclude or increase
intake. Vitamin A is most affected by these problems [76]. doses of single trace elements. In cases where there is an
Addition of the vitamins to the lipid bag and protecting the apparent overload or deficiency, action should be taken after
bag from direct sunlight is the best method of preserving discussion with members of the NST.
the vitamin concentration. Artificial light has little effect on
the stability of the vitamins [13]. Table 5.7 shows the com
mercially available vitamin solutions for preterm infants Iron
and neonates, none of which fully meets neonatal guidelines
[13, 45]. Daily administration is recommended with the Current commercially available paediatric mineral solu
exception of vitamin K that may be given weekly [13]. tions do not contain iron (Table 5.8). Intravenous iron sup
Consideration should be given to cholestatic patients with plementation is controversial due to the risk of adverse
obstructive jaundice as they can accumulate copper and side effects [78]. Parenterally administered iron bypasses
manganese, which are normally excreted in bile [77]. Patients the normal homeostatic mechanism of the intestine, and
with renal dysfunction may not be able to excrete selenium, excess iron may lead to iron overload syndrome. Iron
molybdenum, zinc and chromium [36]. High fluid losses enhances the risk of Gram‐negative septicemia [79] and
result in greater losses of magnesium and zinc. has powerful oxidative properties; it may, therefore,
74 Parenteral Nutrition
Peditrace (Fresenius Peditrace (Fresenius Tracutil (B Braun) Decan (Baxter) (Fresenius Kabi)
Trace element (atomic mass) Requirement (ESPGHAN 2018) [13] Kabi) (μg/1 mL) Kabi) μmol/1 mL) (μmol/1 mL) (μmol/1 mL) (μmol/1 mL)
Where upper limits are not given, care must be taken to avoid over‐delivery of individual nutrients. Where nutrient mixtures are used, manufacturers’ guidelines should be followed.
PN, parenteral nutrition; CNS, central nervous system; LBW, low birthweight.
Source: Adapted from [13]. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.
Administration of Parenteral Nutrition 75
Table 5.9 Suggested intakes of parenteral calcium, phosphorus Administration of parenteral nutrition
and magnesium.
A more detailed account of the techniques of PN administra
Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium
tion is available in other publications [4, 13]. PN may be
mg (mmol)/ mg (mmol)/ mg (mmol)/
Age kg kg kg infused via a peripheral vein or a CVC. Each route has
advantages and disadvantages [82, 83]. For the purpose of
Stable premature 64–140 50–108 5.0–7.5 providing PN, it is necessary to differentiate peripheral from
infant (1.6–3.5) (1.5–3.5) (0.2–0.3) central venous access.
0–6 months 30–60 20–40 2.4–5.0
(0.8–1.5) (0.7–1.3) (0.1–0.2)
7–12 months 20 (0.5) 15 (0.5) 4.0 (0.14)
Vascular access
1–18 years 10–16 6–22 2.4 (0.1)
(0.25–4.0) (0.2–0.7) Peripheral lines
A needle or short catheter is placed into a subcutaneous vein
Where upper limits are not given, care must be taken to avoid over‐
to gain peripheral access. Peripheral lines are rarely associ
delivery of individual nutrients. Where nutrient mixtures are used,
manufacturers’ guidelines should be followed. ated with septicaemia. They are useful in short‐term PN (7–10
Source: Adapted from [13]. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier. days’ duration) when the fluid allowance is not restricted and
the concentration of PN solutions is <600 mOsm/L and when
venous access is good. They are often used in neonates. One
major disadvantage is the risk of thrombophlebitis caused by
increase demand for antioxidants. Monitoring of serum the hypertonic solutions used. The maximum concentration
ferritin and reduction/removal of iron supplementation, if of glucose solution that should be used with these lines is
levels become too high, is recommended [13]. Ferritin is a 12%. Infiltration is also a common problem; the peripheral
poor measure of deficiency as growing children and ado line may penetrate the surrounding tissues, resulting in leak
lescents use most of the iron supplied almost immediately ing of the infusion. This leakage is known as extravasation
to accrete tissue and red blood cells, so they rarely have and if undetected can cause tissue necrosis and severe scar
any significant iron stores. Although iron reserves should ring. Line sites must be inspected frequently to avoid this.
be adequate to supply red cell production for 3–5 months Lines that fail must be re‐sited quickly to avoid the risks of
(much less in preterm infants), iron deficiency has been hypoglycaemia and suboptimal nutritional intake.
found to develop much sooner. However, this is very much
dependent upon the underlying condition and if there has
Central venous catheters
been a degree of blood loss due to sampling or bleeding or
inter‐operatively. A CVC, e.g. a Broviac or Hickman catheter, is one that is tun
Iron deficiency may lead to increased blood manganese nelled beneath the skin and inserted into the superior or infe
levels [77]. In the absence of iron, manganese binds to trans rior vena cava or outside the right atrium via a subclavian vein.
ferrin [80], and iron deficiency up‐regulates both iron and It can be inserted either surgically or percutaneously. It is made
manganese absorption from the intestine [81]. of silicone that helps decrease sepsis rates and inhibits fibrin
Oral iron supplementation when possible is preferable to production and is, therefore, less likely to block. It has a Dacron
intravenous iron; however, if required, iron preparations cuff planted subcutaneously that serves to fix the line in place
may be added to the intravenous solution or given as a sepa and inhibits the migration of microorganisms from the skin.
rate infusion. This must be done with care due to its poor The maximum concentration of glucose solution that can
solubility, and risk of anaphylaxis; additional iron is usually be given via a CVC is 25%. The line can remain in situ for
given by week 4 of receiving PN. months. The major disadvantages of a CVC are the risks
associated with insertion and catheter care. Complications
include sepsis, occlusion, infection of the line site and acci
dental removal. Loss of venous access can be a life‐limiting
Learning points: iron
factor in PN‐dependent children, e.g. those with intestinal
failure. It is, therefore, imperative that these lines are well
• Iron is not present in commercially available paediatric
cared for. The more frequently a line is accessed, the greater
intravenous mineral solutions
the risk of infection. Only PN or fluid (not drugs) should be
• Oral supplementation should be attempted where possible
given via a single lumen catheter [6, 82, 83].
• Iron should be added if PN is long term (>4 weeks)
For the taking of blood samples or the administration of
• Iron status (ideally transferrin and transferrin saturation)
blood products or medication, separate venous access should
should be monitored to avoid toxicity/deficiency
be organised. In the case of home PN, where monitoring is
less frequent, the line may be accessed as long as it is done
aseptically. Multiple lumen catheters are usually inserted
when frequent intravenous drug therapy is required as well
An example PN prescription is given in Table 5.10. as PN and where the child is critically unwell, e.g. following
76 Parenteral Nutrition
Energy = 65 kcal (270 kJ)/kg/day (non‐protein calories)
AA = 2 g/kg/day
Lipid = 2.5 g/kg/day
CHO = 10 g/kg/day
Fluid = 120 mL/kg
Solution Dose (mL) Energy (kcal) (kJ) CHO (g) Lipid (g) AA (g)
*10% lipid. Electrolytes, calcium, phosphorus and iron need to be added in recommended doses.
Rates of infusion
The above is a typical PN content sheet and is supplied with the PN solutions; it is not a prescription. PN is prescribed by writing the rates of
‘aqueous’ and ‘lipid’ solutions on an intravenous (IV) prescription chart. The rates are usually specified/recommended by the PN pharmacist and
are calculated as follows:
Aqueous solution (Vaminolact and 20% glucose and trace elements; could also include water, electrolytes, calcium and phosphate and any IV
drugs given in the aqueous phase of the PN)
In this example volumes are calculated as follows:
Total = 380 + 215 + 163 = 728 mL = 30.3 mL/hour given for 24 hours
Lipid solution (Intralipid and vitamins; could also include any IV drugs given in the lipid phase of the PN)
In this case example volumes are calculated as follows:
Total = 88 + 10 + 7 + 7 = 112 mL = 5.6 mL/hour given for 20 hours
Lipid solution is usually given over 20 hours to allow time off for clearance of lipid from the blood prior to blood sampling.
When the boy becomes more stable, some enteral feeds are given. PN infusion rates are increased to give some hours off PN:
Rates of infusion of glucose solution must be calculated and ideally should not exceed the maximum glucose oxidation rate of 10 mg/kg/min.
The PN in this case example provides 70 g glucose per 24 hours = 2.9 g glucose per hour or 10.4 mg/kg/min if given for 16 hours. With the boy’s
weight of 7 kg, this is just above the recommended rate.
(continued overleaf)
Administration of Parenteral Nutrition 77
PN, parenteral nutrition; AA, amino acids; CHO, carbohydrate; IV, intravenous.
bone marrow transplantation or in intensive care. The rate of and dextrose solution as close as possible to the peripheral or
infection of these catheters is higher compared with single central line. All the components are compounded in a spe
lumen catheters [82], and this is probably a reflection of more cialist pharmacy unit under aseptic conditions in an isolator.
frequent catheter manipulation. Specialist pharmacists use computer‐based programmes to
Accidental damage to, or removal of, the catheter is com ensure that the nutrient content of the bag is appropriate for
mon. Young children will chew and pull their catheter, given the child’s age, condition and biochemistry. They also help
the opportunity, and it is important that nursing staff and to ensure that solution stability is assessed and drug–nutri
parents carefully loop and tape the catheter securely to the ent interactions are avoided [84].
skin. It is then best practice to cover with a vest and other Compounded PN is supplied from the manufacturing
clothing to keep the line out of reach. pharmacy in a premixed collapsible bag with an opaque
cover to protect nutrients in the solution from photodegrad
Portacath ation. When low rates of infusion are prescribed and the
solution remains in the burette for long periods, light protec
A portacath is a totally implantable device that requires nee
tive sets may also be used, although these have limited effec
dle sticking for vascular access. It has limited value for PN
tiveness and are most useful if solutions are exposed to direct
but is useful for vascular access for frequent medications,
sunlight rather than artificial light [13]. Home PN is often
e.g. prophylactic antibiotics in cystic fibrosis.
given during the night, thus reducing the risk of photodeg
radation further. Manufacturers’ guidelines advise on stabil
Learning points: central venous catheters ity, dosage and administration.
‘All‐in‐one’ mixes (containing AA and dextrose with and
• Examples are Hickman or Broviac catheters, also known as without lipid) are available. They are used more commonly
central lines in adults. Products that can be used in children >2 years are
• Maximum glucose concentration in a CVC = 25% (12% in Oliclinomel (Baxter) and Kabiven (Fresenius Kabi).
a peripheral line) There are two solutions (Table 5.11) that can be used from
• CVC can stay in situ for years if well cared for birth (whether preterm or term) to 2 years of age: Babiven
• CVC is high risk as a route of infection and source of sepsis (Fresenius Kabi) and Numeta (Baxter). These products do
• Central venous access, or lack of it, is a life‐limiting factor not contain vitamins or complete mineral profiles; these
for children with intestinal failure must be added to the bag before it is infused. Babiven does
not contain lipid, which must also be given separately.
Standard solutions such as these may be useful in order to
increase the capacity of a busy aseptic pharmacy unit and
Delivery methods decrease preparation time [85]. They may also help avoid
some areas of risk previously identified, such as delayed PN
PN can be delivered by a variety of systems. Infants and chil commencement where the pharmacy capacity or ordering
dren usually have a system in which AA and dextrose are may delay the provision of PN. They may also avoid inade
mixed and delivered over 24 hours. The fat emulsion is quacy in delivery of solutions as prescribing errors are mini
delivered from a separate container but mixes with the AA mised when ‘all‐in‐one’ bags are used at ‘standard’ rates.
78 Parenteral Nutrition
N, nitrogen.
The stability of ‘all‐in‐one’ PN depends on the stability of • 0.22 μm for AA and dextrose solutions; this safely
the premixed nutrient solutions. The formulations cannot removes bacteria, endotoxins, air and particles (this is
be varied greatly; therefore, they are not suitable for unsta not used for lipid solutions as the pore size is too small
ble patients or those with unusually low or high require for lipid to pass through)
ments. As the mixing of the lipid and aqueous solutions • 1.2 μm for ‘all‐in‐one’ bags and lipids; this safely removes
shortens the shelf life of the PN, some solutions come in Candida, air and particles (the pore size is large enough
separate chambers that can be rolled together and mixed for the lipid to pass through); it is not a sterilising filter as
just before use. it will not remove bacteria
Best practice demands that children should have individ
ually prepared PN as ‘all‐in‐one’ solutions may not contain
sufficient calcium, phosphate and other electrolytes. ‘All in Cyclical parenteral nutrition
one’ is safe for use in short‐term PN; however, close monitor
ing of biochemistry is necessary. This refers to the intermittent administration of intravenous flu
ids with a regular break in each 24 hour period. There may be
advantages in terms of changes in insulin/glucagon balance
Equipment and decreased lipogenesis, time off to allow for physical activity
and reduction in the risk of development of liver disease [86].
A steady flow rate should be maintained when infusing PN. Infusion rates are usually built up gradually over a period
Hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia will result if infusions of days or weeks. Often patients on long‐term PN will have
are delivered too quickly. If the line blocks or the infusion infusion rates increased to enable them to have the prescribed
stops suddenly, hypoglycaemia may occur [6]. Volumetric volume of solutions delivered overnight only, leaving them
pumps are sufficiently accurate for use in children; these free from PN during the day. However, this is very much
deliver measured volumes via a cassette with a syringe mech dependent upon the age of the child, e.g. infants, particularly
anism ensuring accuracy. Syringe pumps are used instead of preterm infants, have very low glycogen stores and need an
volumetric pumps when small volumes are required. These almost constant supply of glucose. Any breaks in PN require
have a linear drive mechanism and can be set to deliver as close monitoring to avoid hypoglycaemia. With increased
little as 0.5 mL/hour. Filters are needed to remove any poten rates of delivery, there is a risk of hyperglycaemia on com
tial bacterial or fungal contaminant and prevent air embolism mencement of PN and a risk of rebound hypoglycaemia on
and entry of particulate matter. It is considered good practice cessation of PN. For this reason, it is recommended that infu
to filter PN solutions with a pore size of: sion tapering may be warranted, particularly in children
Home Parenteral Nutrition 79
<2–3 years old to limit risk [87, 88]. Rates are ramped up and Home parenteral nutrition
down over the initial and final 2–3 hours of PN (Table 5.10).
Although most patients discontinue PN in the acute setting,
it is recommended that PN at home be considered for any
Weaning from parenteral nutrition patient likely to be dependent on PN for more than 3 months
In order to wean the child from PN, i.e. reduce the amount of [89]. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) improves quality of
PN given, it is essential that some degree of enteral nutrition life for these patients and their families due to obvious psy
is maintained. The concentration and rate of delivery of chosocial benefits. It is also associated with lower risks of
enteral feed will be gradually increased, depending on toler catheter infection and a decreased risk of PNALD [90] and
ance and growth parameters. If fluid restriction is not a reduces the cost of caring for these children during long hos
major issue, once enteral feeds or diet provide at least 25% of pital admissions.
the total nutritional requirements, a corresponding reduc The demand for HPN services for children has risen over
tion can be made to the PN prescription. Once 50% of the past 30 years. Due to better understanding and manage
requirements are met enterally, the PN can be decreased to ment of complications, long‐term survival rates on PN have
50%, with a further decrease to 25% once the enteral route improved. Published surveys show a 200% increase in
meets 75% of requirements. When more than 75% of require patients registered on HPN since 2012 [91]. Short bowel syn
ments are achieved by enteral nutrition, the PN could be drome was the most common diagnosis with an increase
stopped in most cases [88]. These reductions depend upon from 27% to 63% of cases [90]. It is widely recognised among
satisfactory growth and development of the child. Weaning expert practitioners in this field that a national strategy is
from PN may take a few days where it has been used for needed to manage this expanding group of patients with
nutritional support in the short term, e.g. following acute chronic intestinal failure.
surgery, or be very gradual over months and sometimes Patients on HPN should be managed by a specialist centre
years where it has been used for long‐term support, such as with significant expertise in this area [91]. Dedicated special
in short bowel syndrome while waiting for gut adaptation. If ist nurses must train parents and caregivers in preparation
the PN is provided as separate lipid and aqueous (carbohy for discharge, with community services supporting the fam
drate and AA) solutions, it is important to decrease each ily by providing equipment and a suitable environment for
solution proportionally in order to maintain an adequate the administration of PN in the home. Home assessments
nitrogen-energy ratio. must be undertaken, and, if necessary, rehousing or struc
If fluid restriction is a complicating factor and the wean tural changes to housing must be made. Manufacturers of
ing period is prolonged, the PN should be made up as con PN solutions usually provide homecare packages that may
centrated as possible (depending upon the route of be funded by local health purchasers; contracts are often
administration and the solutions used). Thereafter, the PN agreed on a case need basis.
will usually need to be decreased by each millilitre that the
enteral nutrition is increased (although a greater fluid vol
ume is usually tolerated via the enteral route than the paren
teral route due to losses from the gut). Care and attention to
actual intake is necessary in these cases to ensure maximum
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
nutrition is achieved, as enteral feeds are often less concen
and other useful links are on the companion website:
trated than PN. This is especially important in infancy or for
malnourished children.
6 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
Rosan Meyer and Luise Marino
Introduction 28.2% in infants <1 year of age [13]. Both malnutrition and
faltering growth have been shown to have a significant
Data from the 2017 annual report from the Paediatric effect on: muscle strength [14]; reduced wound healing
Intensive Care Audit Network (PICANet) in the United due to altered immunity with increased rates of sepsis [3];
Kingdom (UK) indicate that only 150 children are admit- mechanical ventilation days with poorer post‐operative
ted to a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) per 100 000 resilience [3]; longer length of hospital stay, particularly
(0.15% of all children), with the majority of those children amongst children post‐surgery [12, 13, 15–17]. Ensuring
(41.4%) being below 1 year of age (PICANet) [1]. Nutritional optimal nutritional support in critically ill children is
management of the critically ill child (CIC) is, therefore, a therefore crucial.
very specialist and challenging area in paediatric dietetic
practice. In addition to minimising the effects of starvation
associated with suboptimal nutrition and preventing Learning points: incidence of critical illness
nutritional deficiencies and excesses, its goal is to sustain
organ function and prevent dysfunction of the cardiovas- • Mortality rates are low (4.7%) in PICUs in the West
cular, respiratory and immune systems until the acute‐ • Persistent malnutrition is associated with a longer length
phase inflammatory response resolves (Table 6.1) [8]. Both of PICU stay
under‐ and overnutrition have the potential to compro-
mise this goal and significantly complicate and increase
the length of hospital stay [9–11]. Overfeeding can lead to
increased carbon dioxide production resulting in difficul-
ties with weaning from mechanical ventilator support,
Inflammatory and metabolic responses that
fatty liver, as well as diarrhoea associated with electrolyte impact on nutritional requirements
imbalances and other well documented metabolic and
physiological complications [4]. Underfeeding, however, Endocrine and inflammatory response
is a more common occurrence in PICU that has not
improved over the last 35 years, in spite of great medical Knowledge of metabolic changes and fuel utilisation during
advances. Pollack et al. [9] found in 1981 that 16%–20% of physiological stress can assist in commencing nutritional
critically ill children develop significant, acute protein support at an appropriate time, suggesting a suitable feed-
energy malnutrition (PEM) within 48 hours of admission ing route and feed composition. Critical illness is character-
to a PICU; in 2006, Hulst et al. found that 24% of children ised by a cascade of endocrine and metabolic reactions,
have PEM [3]. More recently Valla et al. [12] found that affecting all major organs (Figure 6.1) [8, 18].
23.7% of children were either malnourished on admission The reaction of the body to physiological stress changes
or developed faltering growth during a PICU admission. over time and can be divided into three phases. The acute
In addition, children with chronic diseases such as congen- phase is characterised by escalating organ support, includ-
ital heart disease may also have persistent malnutrition, ing the use of inotropes and mechanical ventilation, affect-
with a UK centre reporting a height for age z‐score <−2 in ing substrate (protein, carbohydrate and fat) metabolism.
• Gastroparesis (motility affected due to • Tachycardia • Respiratory deterioration • Renal impairment may
medication, e.g. morphine, inotropic • High cardiac output [5] leading to artificial occur during critical
agents and antibiotics, as well as the • Fluid shift from the ventilation [5] illness and may be as
disease process itself) [2] [3] intracellular, to the severe as acute renal
• Impaired digestive enzyme secretion extracellular failure requiring
• Cholestasis [4, 5] compartments [6] haemofiltration [7]
• Impaired lipid metabolism due to
affected liver function [5]
• Increased intestinal permeability [2]
• Poor gut perfusion [2]
Endogenous glucose production Catabolism
Protein turnover
Metabolic consequences
phase Muscle protein synthesis
Growth hormone
Reverse triiodothyronine
Muscle protein synthesis
Insulin-like growth factor 1
Figure 6.1 Different phases of critical illness with corresponding neuro‐endocrine, immunologic and metabolic changes. REE, resting energy
expenditure. Source: Adapted from Joosten [8]. Reproduced with permission of Wolters Kluwer Health.
The stable phase is where physiological control has been receptors on the surface of target cells and organs mediating
achieved, but the stress response is not completely resolved the following responses:
although the child is stable and there is a process of stability
• up‐ or down‐regulation of gene expression influencing
or weaning of vital organ support, and finally the recovery
wound healing and immunocompetence
phase (which may not occur in PICU) involves clinical
• release of counter‐regulatory hormones
mobilisation, with normalisation of neuro‐endocrine, immu-
• cell to cell signalling orchestrating the inflammatory
nologic and metabolic alterations returning to anabolism.
response which affects substrate metabolism [8, 22, 23].
During this phase there will be the re‐accumulation of pro-
tein and fat stores, which may require a period of intensive
nutritional rehabilitation [2, 8, 19, 20].
During critical illness immune cells, e.g. macrophages, Learning points: pathophysiology of critical illness
lymphocytes and neutrophils, regulate the inflammatory
response through the release of: cytokines (in particular There are three phases of critical illness
interleukins (IL) such as IL‐1, IL‐6, IL‐8, IL‐10 and tumour
• acute phase – escalating organ support, e.g. the use of
necrosis factor alpha (TNFα); and chemokines such as heat
inotropes and mechanical ventilation, affecting substrate
shock protein 70 [21]. All are important mediators of the
(protein, carbohydrate and fat) metabolism
stress response (Table 6.2). Cytokines signal through
82 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
Table 6.2 Cytokines involved in the acute phase of injury and possible effects on substrate metabolism and nutrition.
Pro‐inflammatory cytokines
TNFα [9, 12, 13, 22–24] Pro‐inflammatory; release of leucocytes by Increases glucose transport and impacts on muscle lipolysis
bone marrow; activation of leucocytes and
endothelial cells
IL‐1 [23, 25] Involved in pyrexia; T‐cell and macrophage Impact on hepatic and muscle lipogenesis
IL‐6 [23, 25] Growth and differentiation of lymphocytes; Impact on hepatic lipogenesis
activation of the acute‐phase protein response Increases during multi‐organ dysfunction and associated with
poor nutritional status
IL‐8 [9, 13, 22, 23] Chemotactic for neutrophils and T‐cells Concentrations during the first 24 hours are predictive of
worsening organ dysfunction
Anti‐inflammatory cytokine
IL‐10 [22, 25] Inhibits immune function Increases during multi‐organ dysfunction and associated with
poor nutritional status
Both excessive and under expression of IL‐10 is negatively
associated with outcome
Negatively correlated with resting energy expenditure:
increase in IL‐10 associated with lower energy expenditure
Inhibits pro‐inflammatory cytokine production by
macrophages, monocytes, neutrophils and natural killer cells
Attenuates the synthesis of TNF cell surface receptions
Controlling cytokine regulating the inflammatory response
for parenteral nutrition (PN) has been found to be 5 mg/ from intensive care almost all children showed nutritional
kg/min and in a study reducing this to 2.5 mg/kg/min recovery with regards to weight and height [3]. This study
during the acute phase reduced high glycaemic levels and did not consider body composition measures, so the type of
increased the rate of glucose production, mainly through nutritional rehabilitation achieved is not known, e.g. fat
glycogenolysis [40, 41]. mass vs. lean body mass. Recent work has corroborated this
It is, therefore, important to ensure that carbohydrate finding: 2 year follow up data from the PEPaNIC study indi-
intake in CIC is monitored, especially if PN is used [40]. cates that withholding early parenteral nutrition for 1 week
There is no data currently published on glucose oxidation in the PICU does not negatively affect survival, anthropo-
rates for enteral nutrition, however, as hyperglycaemia is an metrics, health status and neurocognitive development [54,
important complication, monitoring intake also from the 55]. It was, however, associated with improved inhibitory
enteral route and avoiding overfeeding is critical (see energy control 2 years after PICU admission [56, 57]. Nutritional
requirements, p. 86). outcomes should be defined for future use in daily clinical
work and as part of audit/research within and between
organisations, to ensure variation in practice is reduced and
Longer term outcomes nutritional outcomes are optimised.
As mortality rates continue to decline, there is an increasing
focus on PICU survivorship and improving outcomes in Mechanism for muscle wasting
children who are discharged. Disordered feeding is well
described in children with chronic diseases such as cystic There is often an imbalance between anabolism and catabo-
fibrosis [42], gastrointestinal disorders [43], food allergy [44] lism with protein turnover outstripping protein synthesis,
and congenital heart disease (CHD) [45] and has been leading to a net loss of muscle mass which occurs as a result
reported to affect up to 22% of post‐surgical infants with of de novo gluconeogenesis [37, 58].
CHD [46], and is the cause of significant parental distress [47, Sepsis associated muscle wasting is well described in the
48]. However, what is not known is the extent of feeding dif- adult ICU, although the prevalence is not known in children.
ficulties in PICU survivors who were healthy prior to admis- Causative factors include sepsis, muscle disuse, fasting, can-
sion. Risk factors for feeding difficulties and dysphagia in cer, cardiac failure and renal dysfunction. In ICU there is often
adult intensive care unit (ICU) survivors are endotracheal prolonged bed rest or immobilisation, use of sedatives and
tube intubation for longer than 48 hours, ICU associated mal- neuromuscular blockades, acute or chronic organ dysfunc-
nutrition and muscle weakness [49–52]. Furthermore, survi- tion, medication using steroids [58] and increased levels of
vors of adult critical care report significant changes to their cytokines, e.g. IL‐6, IL‐10, TNFα (which are associated with
ability to eat with reduced appetite, altered taste and food muscle degradation) amongst other factors [22, 58] (Figure 6.2).
preferences lasting up to 3 months post‐ICU discharge [53]. Muscle wasting and ICU induced myopathy has not been
With regards to nutritional risk Hulst et al. considered lon- described in children and it may be that the pathophysiology
gitudinal changes to anthropometry in critically ill infants/ of paediatric critical illness does not result in this phenome-
children (n = 293) from admission to PICU up to 6 months non. However, as a significant number of children admitted to
post‐discharge. At the time of admission 24% of the cohort PICU develop malnutrition it is likely that muscle wasting also
were undernourished. During PICU admission only infants occurs in children, although the correlation with strength and
(preterm/neonates), not older children, exhibited a decline function has not yet been studied in CIC [59]. Ultrasonography
in nutritional status. Of note at 6 months post‐discharge of various upper and lower body muscles, in particular the
84 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
Multiple Neuromuscular
Immobilization Hyperglycemia Corticosteroids
organ failure blockers
IL-1, IL6
TNF-α C3a, C5a ICUAW
TGF -β
Predominant type II Selective myosin loss muscle membrane
muscle fibre atrophy
Protein degradation
Protein synthesis
Muscle atrophy, disuse,
less fibre type specific Muscle wasting fasting,
organ failure
Figure 6.2 Risk factors for muscle wasting and ICU associated wasting from Schefold et al. with permission [58]. IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; TNF, tumour
necrosis factor; TGF, transforming growth factor; ICUAW, intensive care unit acquired weakness. Source: Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons.
quadriceps femoris muscle in adults, has been studied as [64, 66] found that this formula underestimates the weight
proxy marker of muscle wasting [59]. So, although muscle significantly and that a new formula (weight = 3(age) + 7)
ultrasound may detect muscle wasting in CIC, the error of allows for a more safe and accurate estimation. A formula can,
margin is too large for it to be used in clinical practice [59, 60]. however, never replace an accurate weight measurement; it is
not only used in the assessment of nutritional status and cal-
culating nutritional requirements, but is also used for estimat-
Nutritional assessment ing fluid requirements and medication doses. Transfer and
hospital notes as well as the child’s personal health record
Growth failure is common amongst children admitted to PICU. (red/blue book) may have a recent accurate weight (often
It is, therefore, imperative to classify the type of growth impair- height and head circumference as well), which may be useful.
ment (i.e. wasting, stunting or faltering growth) to enable a tar- It is important that available accurate weight, height and head
geted nutritional care plan. Malnutrition in this population is circumference measurements are plotted on an appropriate
multifactorial and may be illness and non‐illness related and it growth chart [63, 67].
is important to identify the contributors (Figure 6.3). The multi- The use of both triceps skin fold thickness (TSF) and mid
factorial nature of malnutrition in this population makes nutri- upper arm circumference (MUAC) has been documented in
tional assessment in particular challenging [62]. this population. Although MUAC is less affected by oedema,
Anthropometry, biochemical markers, clinical and dietary both measurements have limited use in children with a short
review form part of the nutritional assessment in CIC [63]. PICU stay (4–5 days), however, should be considered for
This process, however, is notoriously difficult due to a mul- children who remain in PICU for a longer period of time (>1
titude of factors including oedema, ascites and severity of week). They are most helpful when followed over time and
disease, which often makes it challenging to obtain an accu- measured by the same trained person [63, 67]. Hulst et al.
rate body weight. In addition, the emotional impact of hav- [63] studied the feasibility of routinely performing nutri-
ing a child in PICU frequently makes the diet history from tional assessments using non‐invasive methods in CIC. It
the caregivers unreliable. was found that anthropometry was reliably obtained within
A UK study found that only 20.5% of CIC had an accurate 24 hours of admission in 56%–91% of patients. Unfortunately,
admission weight documented and it is common practice to the more seriously ill patients were those where measure-
estimate their weight on admission [64]. The Advanced ments were less feasible, but who might have benefited the
Paediatric Life Support formula ([age + 4] × 2) is most com- most from having them done. Vermilyea et al. [68] have pro-
monly used to estimate weight [65], however, Luscombe et al. posed the use of a subjective global nutritional assessment
Nutritional Assessment 85
Etiology and
Anthropometry chronicity Mechanism Imbalance of nutrients Outcomes
Non-illness related Anorexia, socio-
Parameters economic, iatrogenic Loss of lean body
Behavioral, socioeconomic
or environmental feeding mass
Weight, height interruptions, or
or length, skin intolerance
Muscle weakness
folds, mid
upper arm Or
Malnutrition Developmental
or intellectual
Illness related delay
Nutrient requirement
Statistic Infections
Acute (<3 months)
Z-scores e.g. infection, trauma, Intake < Requirement Immune
burns Nutrient loss
Energy +/– protein Delayed wound
Reference Chronic (<3 months) Hypermetabolism imbalance healing
charts e.g. cystic fibrosis, Energy expenditure
chronic lung disease, Prolonged
WHO MGRS hospital stay
(0–2 years) deficiencies
CDC 2000 Altered utilization
(2–20 years)
of nutrients
Figure 6.3 Aetiology of illness and non‐illness related malnutrition in CIC [61]. Source: With permission from SAGE. Reproduced with permission of
Wolters Kluwer Health.
(SGNA) tool, specifically designed for PICU. That study are also influenced by impaired renal function, dehydration,
found, although not predictive of outcome, the SGNA was polyuria and severe sweating on admission. Children with
valid and strongly correlated with standard anthropometri- sepsis or cardiac anomalies in this study showed the highest
cal measurements. Although this does not replace an accu- prevalence of uraemia, which can be explained by the degree
rate measurement, healthcare professionals may consider of catabolism and impairment of renal function. Although
this in those children where measurements are not feasible. pre‐albumin, retinol binding protein, transferrin and nitro-
More recently the use of bioelectrical impedance spectros- gen balance studies have also been used in research on nutri-
copy (BIS) in predicting nutritional risk and PICU outcomes, tional status in CIC [70], their accuracy and the value of
such as length of stay, has been investigated. A phase angle routine use have been questioned by several authors.
of <2.7 on day 2 in PICU following cardiac surgery for con- However, a positive nitrogen balance does not reflect protein
genital heart disease was found to be associated with a four- or amino acid utilisation or stores, and although increasing
fold risk of staying longer in PICU. A low phase angle also amino acid intakes may result in a positive protein balance, it
appeared to precede anthropometrical changes and may be a leads to increased endogenous glucose production and lipol-
more sensitive predictor of nutrition risk [69]. Future work ysis, exacerbating insulin resistance and promoting glucone-
needs to focus on investigating the use of BIS in this setting ogenesis [72, 73]. Urinary nitrogen has been used in the past
as it may represent an inexpensive tool to identify those at as a marker of nitrogen balance. Urinary nitrogen as a bio-
risk of prolonged PICU stay, allowing for nutritional intake marker is challenging to collect in clinical practice (a full 24
to more carefully managed [17, 69]. hours of urine is needed) and more recently the isotope tracer
Most laboratory markers of nutritional status are affected technique has been more commonly used to determine whole
by the acute inflammatory response, renal impairment and body protein balance and synthesis [20, 74, 75]. Whilst this
fluid shifts. Hypomagnesaemia (20%), hypertriglyceridae- method has been shown to be very accurate, it requires spe-
mia (25%), uraemia (30%) and hypoalbuminaemia (52%) are cialist equipment and expertise to conduct these studies. It is,
commonly seen in CIC [70], but an association between therefore, important to select biomarkers for the assessment
anthropometric measurements was only found with urae- of nutritional status in the critically ill patient with care and
mia. Serum urea levels can indicate the degree of catabolic interpret them accordingly (Table 6.4).
stress and levels of protein breakdown associated with ill- Taking a diet history often gets neglected in PICU [67].
ness, surgery and trauma. Uraemia has been shown to be Although manipulation of oral intake is not practical or pos-
negatively correlated to MUAC and weight for age on admis- sible, many acute and chronic nutrition related problems,
sion and discharge, as well as increased risk of mortality [71]. e.g. food allergy, nutritional rickets, can be identified on
However, it is important to consider that serum urea levels admission and can assist in planning dietary input during
86 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
Serum urea • Indication of catabolism and protein breakdown associated with trauma [76] as well as impaired renal function,
dehydration, polyuria or severe sweating which will impact on fluid management [70]
• Although there is a link between muscle mass and urea, it is not a reliable marker to assess nutritional support
Glucose • There is currently a great deal of interest in the use of tight glycaemic control in critically ill children. There is,
however, no clear guidance on this topic from a nutritional perspective [77]
• It is important to monitor glucose levels, in particular in children on IV preparations and those with PN (p. 72) [40]
Albumin • Levels are likely to be low especially in those receiving intravenous saline
• Albumin is not a good marker of nutritional status, due to a long ½ life and is more a marker of inflammation,
intravascular/extravascular fluid shifts and catabolism [14, 15, 70, 76]
C‐reactive protein (CRP) • Is used as an index of the acute phase response and is usually measured serially
• Serum prealbumin and CRP are inversely related, e.g. serum prealbumin levels decrease and CRP levels increase in
proportion to the severity of illness, returning to normal (<5 mg/dL) once the illness has resolved
• In infants a value of <2 mg/dL is associated with a return of anabolism with a concomitant rise in prealbumin levels [78]
Magnesium/calcium • Hypomagnesaemia is commonly found in critically ill children [79]
• It is strongly associated with hypokalaemia and hypocalcaemia
Phosphorus • Hypophosphataemia (in up to 61% of critically ill children) [70, 80] and low levels of selenium, zinc [81] and
manganese are also commonly found in critical illnesses [70]
Lactate • Lactic acidosis is common in critically ill children and reflects hypoperfusion, including diabetic ketoacidosis, septic
shock and cardiogenic shock
• Lactic acidosis, base excess and a strong anion gap are associated with increased risk of mortality
• A level of >2 mg/dL may be used as a crude proxy for cell function and a resolution of lactic acidosis is correlated
with survival [82]
the admission. The effects of long term feeding problems, Although current guidelines [1] recommend indirect calo-
e.g. obesity, constipation, can be addressed once the patient rimetry to establish energy requirements, there is a consider-
is extubated and transferred to a ward or local hospital. able cost related to running and maintaining them and most
PICU units do not have access to an indirect calorimeter [20–
23]. The guidelines from the Society of Critical Care Medicine
Nutritional requirements and the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
(ASPEN) [93] and the European Society of Paediatric and
Energy requirements Neonatal Intensive Care Society (ESPNIC) [94] recommend
that in the absence of indirect calorimetry the BMR,
Many predictive equations have been used and studied in
the paediatric critical care setting to calculate energy require- Table 6.5 Bias at 200 and 1000 kcal level introduced with different
ments including Harris‐Benedict [83], World Health predictive formulas [89].
Organization [84], Talbot [83], Schofield [85], Henry [86],
White [87] and Meyer et al.’s [28] prediction equation and the Bias at 200 Bias at 1000 Mean
simplified equation based on bedside volumetric carbon Predictive equation kcal (%) kcal (%) bias (%)
dioxide elimination method by Mehta et al. [88]. A recent Talbot tables −2 −5 −2
study by Jotterand Chaparro et al. [89] assessed all equations
Schofield WH −5 9 4
specifically recommended for PICU. That study found that
the equations by Mehta, Schofield and Henry had a bias Schofield W −8 6 1
<10%, however, the 95% confidence interval was large and Henry W −5 8 3
contained values well beyond ±10% of measured energy Henry WH 6 0 2
expenditure (MEE) (Table 6.5). A subsequent systematic Mehta −10 0 −3
review assessing the accuracy of predictive equations of
WHO −15 7 −1
2326 indirect calorimetry measurements in 1102 children
found that none of the equations predicted energy require- Meyer −18 −7 −10
ments within the recommended ±10%, but the Schofield and White 40 −15 11
Talbot equations predicted requirements within ±15% in Harris Benedict −40 −33 −33
50% of cases. infants
Most authors have found that the actual energy expendi- Harris Benedict 175 −3 76
ture is closer to the resting energy expenditure. These stud-
ies are summarised in Table 6.6. WH, weight and height; W, weight.
Nutritional Requirements 87
Table 6.6 Mean energy expenditure using the same indirect calorimeter (published studies since 2000).
Number of
Publication children enrolled Diagnosis Mean energy expenditure
calculated by Schofield or World Health Organization/Food Table 6.7 Recommended predictive equations for calculating resting
Agriculture Organization/United Nations University equa- energy expenditure (REE) in critically ill children.
tions, can be used using an accurate body weight without any
Name of equation Equation (kcal/24 hours)
additional stress factor (Table 6.7) [93]. The Schofield equa-
tion is used most commonly in the UK and also in 55% of Schofield Males
European PICU [24], with some evidence of reasonable cor- (if accurate weight <3 years: (59.5 × W) – 30
relation with ventilated CIC. The use of physical activity fac- is available) 3–10 years: (22.7 × W) + 505
tor is described by van der Kuip et al. [33], however, this is 10–18 years: (17.7 × W) + 658
difficult to estimate and apply in clinical practice. It is recom-
<3 years: (58.3 × W) – 31
mended to achieve at least two thirds of calculated energy 3–10 years: (20.3 × W) + 486
target within the first week of admission [95]. 10–18 years: (13.4 × W) + 692
If indirect calorimetry is considered, it is important to only
Schofield Males
use validated metabolic carts. The Deltatrac II (GE Healthcare) (if an accurate <3 years: (0.167 × W) + (1517.4 × H) − 616.6
has been validated in all populations, but is being used less weight and height 3–10 years: (19.6 × W) + (130.3 × H) + 414.9
as it has not been technologically updated. Several breath by is available) 10–18 years: (16.97 x W) + (137.2 x H) + 515.5
breath indirect calorimeters exist, however, many are not Females
validated and accuracy in small children (weighing <10 kg) <3 years: (16.252 × W) + (1023.3 × H) – 413.5
3–10 years: (16.25 × W) + (161.8 × H) + 371.2
is questionable [96]. As well as cost considerations and
10–18 years: (8.365 × W) + (465 × H) + 200.0
choosing the correct indirect calorimeter, ensuring there is
sufficient resource to provide a service [97], care should be
formula 0–3 years: (60.9 × W) − 54
taken to perform measurements only in a resting state and to 3–10 years: (22.7 × W) − 495
not perform any measurements if the FiO2 is >60%, or in 10–18 years: (17.5 × W) + 651
patients with an endotracheal tube leak >10%. Dietitians Females
need to be aware that measurements in patients on haemodi- 0–3 years: (61 × W) − 51
alysis/haemofiltration may not be accurate [98, 99]. 3–10 years: (22.4 × W) + 486
10–18 years: (12.2 × W) + 746
and 1.5 g/kg of protein, respectively, and in severely in CIC. Low serum levels of micronutrients during the acute
stressed states may require even more (≥3 g/kg). The 2017 phase may be related to the impact of the inflammatory
ASPEN guidelines, based on expert opinion, recommend a response on micronutrient transporters (particularly those
minimum of 1.5 g/kg/day [95] for CIC. In contrast ESPNIC associated with albumin), over‐hydration and oxidative
reported there was insufficient evidence to recommend a stress [110]. As a result there are no specific recommenda-
protein/amino acid intake of 1.5 g/kg or higher during the tions for ventilated patients in PICU [111]. The pharmaco-
acute phase of disease and that more research is required to logical use of vitamins and trace minerals in paediatric
determine the exact threshold of protein which may be of illness is controversial due to reports of toxicity [80, 112].
benefit during critical illness as previous recommendations When energy and fluid requirements are met by commercial
may overestimate protein/amino acid requirements during enteral tube feeds, CIC should receive sufficient vitamins
the acute phase acute critical illness [71]. Increased amounts and minerals to meet the RNI for both. However, many
of protein/ amino acids may be required during rehabilita- patients require additional supplementation, depending on
tion [8] Disease specific protein recommendations, e.g. for diagnosis and treatment modality, e.g. premature infants,
renal failure, burns also provide useful guidelines for chil- haemofiltration [113]. This should be done under supervi-
dren in PICU. sion and monitored with blood biochemistry.
A recent study has suggested that during the acute phase
amino acid intake from parenteral nutrition exceeding age
related reference nutrient intakes (RNI) is associated with Nutrition care plans and outcomes
increased serum urea and harm [71] as well as shortened
leucocyte telomere length [103]. It is important to empha- Defining energy and protein requirements is integral to any
sise these results arise from one large randomised con- part of a nutrition care plan [114]. In addition, there is a
trolled study and additional studies are required to confirm growing focus on clinical outcomes as part of the nutrition
the association [104, 105]. These findings are in contrast care pathway [115]. A large multicentred retrospective study
from other observational studies which report that an in CIC investigated whether early documentation of nutri-
average daily total protein intake >1.5 g/kg and energy tion care plans had any effect on daily energy intake and
intake of 58 kcal (242 kJ)/kg was associated with lower route of nutrition support: 47.7% had energy requirements
mortality [106], although further research is required as documented in the medical notes and these patients had sig-
during the acute phase these levels may overestimate nificantly higher total daily energy intake and were more
requirements during the acute phase [94]. There is insuffi- likely to be fed enterally during the first 4 days of admission
cient data to determine the optimal structure and type of to a PICU compared with those without a nutrition care plan
protein used in CIC [75]. [114]. The implementation of nutrition practice guidelines
It is important to note from the PEPaNIC study [107] and and participation of dietitians in medical rounds improved
other studies that providing an excess of nutrients during the nutritional intake in some patients [116, 117]. In another
the acute phase may be detrimental to critically ill children, large international prospective study in adults increased
particularly during the acute phase of critical illness [94, 108] intake of energy and protein was associated with better clini-
and, therefore, age related nutritional requirements should cal outcomes [118]. As a result, the Faculty of Intensive Care
not be exceeded [8, 93]. It is also important to note that sub- Society has published minimum standards for intensive care
strate utilisation and effect on inflammatory mediators will units which recommend that a dietitian is part of an inten-
vary depending on the route and type of macronutrients sive care multidisciplinary team contributing to improved
administered, e.g. intravenous vs. enteral [71, 109]. delivery of nutrition support to all ICU patients [119].
Nutritional management
Learning points: protein requirements
When to commence nutrition support
• Expert opinion recommends 1.5 g/kg /day as a minimum
• ASPEN recommends 2–3 g/kg/day The aim of nutritional support in critically ill children is not
• PEPaNIC results suggest that it may be of benefit to to reverse the course of illness or pre‐existing malnutrition,
withhold PN for the first 7 days of critical illness (excluding but is to possibly minimise nutrient deficits and prevent a
preterm infants) further decline in nutritional status [117]. Traditionally, nutri-
tion support has been withheld in children in PICU until
metabolic and cardiopulmonary stability has been estab-
lished [120]. However, many units have changed their proto-
Vitamins and minerals cols and guidelines to include nutritional support at an earlier
stage. Early enteral feeds can be safely initiated within 6
Vitamin and trace mineral metabolism in critically ill and hours of admission and by 24 hours in CIC, including those
postoperative paediatric patients is not a well researched with single ventricle cardiac physiology [120–124]. Early
area. Valla et al. described significantly lower plasma levels of enteral feeing may improve nutritional delivery, particularly
selenium, copper, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E and β‐carotene when used in conjunction with locally adapted feeding
Nutritional Management 89
protocols, and is also cost effective [117, 125]. Increasing feeds • Energy requirements in neonates treated with ECMO are
in a stepwise fashion has been shown to be an effective way equivalent to healthy subjects
to initiate and advance nutritional support until the goal vol- • Enteral feedings should be initiated when the patient on
ume and rate of feed delivery is achieved. [120, 123, 124, 126]. ECMO has clinically stabilised
There are four main hypotheses to justify early feeding in
Due to the nature of ECLS it is not possible to use indirect
calorimetry and, therefore, predictive equations, e.g.
• Fasting has a deleterious effect on these patients Schofield, should be used without stress factors [134]. Fluid
• Energy supply plays an important role in the promotion is not usually restricted and if clinically stable it is usually
of energy metabolism possible to provide adequate amounts of enteral nutrition.
• The delivery of nutrients is important for gut maintenance
• Specific nutrients provide support for organ and system
Route of feeding
The combination of decreased blood flow to the gut and Although it is an acknowledged fact that using the enteral
interactions with drugs can lead to a reduction of nutrient route is more physiological and beneficial to CIC, the debate
absorption and gastric motility, failure of gastric acid secre- of enteral vs. parenteral nutrition in critical care has changed
tion and increase in intestinal permeability and bacterial its focus to the delivery of nutrients in the most effective and
translocation [127, 128]. Early enteral nutrition support may safe way, using the most appropriate route for the individual
reverse these effects by reducing catabolism, promoting patient [123].
wound healing and, most likely, decreasing the frequency of Standard protocols have been shown to be useful in both
clinical sepsis [129]. improving the time taken to initiate feeding, as well as pro-
Extracorporeal life support (ECLS), or extracorporeal gression to full feeds [120, 135, 136]. Enteral feeding proto-
membrane oxygenation (ECMO), is used in children with cols guide medical and nursing staff through the choice of
refractory respiratory and heart failure in order to maximise tube feeds, the feeding rates depending on the child’s age
medical management. In a European survey of nutritional and weight, as well as guidelines for the continuous moni-
practices in CIC with CHD enteral nutrition support was rec- toring process.
ommended for those requiring ECLS [130]. With an increas-
ing number of centres commissioned to provide this type of
life support it is important that nutritional support during Nasogastric versus nasojejunal feeding
periods of ECLS is optimised in this vulnerable group of chil-
Nasogastric (NG) feeding is most widely used and is usually
dren. Previous concerns during periods of ECLS regarding
safe and well tolerated in CIC [93]. However, gastric delivery
the risk of decreased mesenteric blood flow and use of vaso-
of enteral feeds may be poorly tolerated due to disordered
active medication, e.g. inotropes, resulting in intestinal
gastric motility which may lead to aspiration. In addition, the
ischaemia, cardiac necrotising enterocolitis and gut haemor-
use of gastric residual volume as a marker of tolerance of NG
rhage delayed the introduction of enteral nutrition [131].
feeding has a poor evidence base and is often been blamed
Parenteral nutrition was the traditional mode of nutrition
for inadequate delivery of feed [91, 137]. Horn et al. [138]
support, however, this has been associated with increased
defined delayed gastric emptying in CIC as >5 mL/kg gastric
risk of catheter related line sepsis [132]; as such enteral nutri-
residuals every 4 hours. Although this provides some guid-
tion is regarded as the preferred route of nutritional support.
ance, this is still an arbitrary volume and may still lead to
Ong et al. [133] recently completed a retrospective cohort
feeds being inappropriately stopped. Therefore, interest has
study of children aged between 1 month and 18 years of age
focused on post‐pyloric feeding. Nasojejunal (NJ) feeding has
(n = 51) who required ECLS. Their average (range) intakes of
been shown by several centres to be safe and effective in this
energy and protein of 23.2 (16.0–35.9) kcal/kg/day and 0.8
subset of patients, enabling adequate delivery of nutrition in
(0.4–1.38) g/kg/day represented around 50% of estimated
a shorter period of time in the majority of patients and so
requirements. In this cohort intake of enteral nutrition was
reducing the problems had PN been used: hyperglycaemia,
affected by veno‐arterial compared with veno‐venous cannu-
hypertriglyceridaemia and hepatic dysfunction [139].
lation and vasoactive inotropes score (VIS). Greater enteral
However, in cyanotic patients it is important to note a risk in
nutrition adequacy remained associated with lower mortal-
the development of necrotising enterocolitis with enteral
ity after controlling for number of days of ECMO, need for
feeding, therefore, additional care in the monitoring of
continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) and number
haemodynamic status is warranted when NJ feeds are given
of vasoactive and inotropic drugs required. ASPEN have
to this subgroup of patients [140]. Many units avoid post‐
published clinical guidelines for the nutrition support of neo-
pyloric feeding as NJ tubes are extremely difficult to place
nates/infants supported on ECLS and provide the following
and become dislodged very easily [141]. Several blind (non‐
recommendations (levels of evidence D) [134]:
radiological guided) bedside techniques have been success-
• Timely nutrition support should be provided in neonates fully developed using weighted or unweighted polyurethane
treated with ECLS NG tubes with hydrophilic guide wires. Meyer et al. [142]
• Neonates treated with ECLS have protein requirements have shown that with continuous training and audit, a blind
of up to 3 g/kg/day placement technique can be maintained at 96% success rate.
90 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
Gastric feeding is considered to be as effective as post‐ Table 6.8 Case study: a child admitted to the paediatric intensive care
pyloric feeding in the majority of critically ill children and unit.
should be considered as the first choice of feeding route.
A 13 month old boy with meningococcal sepsis was admitted to PICU.
However, post‐pyloric feeding should be considered in those He received fluid resuscitation and after 5 hours of admission, the
CIC at high risk of aspiration or requiring frequent fasting for doctors deem him haemodynamically stable so he can commence
surgery or procedures (e.g. severely burned children and those enteral nutrition. He is fully sedated (including muscle relaxants) and
with traumatic brain injury or on non‐invasive ventilation). ventilated, requiring adrenalin.
Continuous feeds versus bolus feeding Weight = 11.2 kg
Length = no recent length available
Both continuous as well as bolus feeding have been used in Biochemistry
paediatric critical care. The pros and cons of both are well Electrolytes are all within normal range, but in order to achieve this he
studied in the neonatal and adult setting [143, 144], but in is receiving potassium and magnesium corrections. Albumin is low,
paediatrics individual units have their preferred practice. urea is increased, creatinine is increased.
Although bolus feeding is more physiological difficulties Clinical
with monitoring the tolerance, as well as the additional nurs- Necrotic areas in all extremities: fingers and toes. Necrotic areas on the
ing input, has led to many PICUs preferring continuous feed- face as well.
ing. On the other hand, continuous feeding has been shown Diet history
to delay gastric emptying in adult ICU patients [145] and Parents report that he usually eats well at home and consumes
reduce gallbladder contraction [146]. Horn et al., however, 500–600 mL of full fat cow’s milk, has red meat twice per week and
otherwise has fish or chicken.
showed gastric residual volumes did not differ between chil-
dren on bolus or continuous feeds [138]. In the absence of Nutritional requirements
Activity: physiotherapy twice per day, he is turned four times per day
substantial clinical evidence, consensus is that the adequate
and is not fully ventilated.
delivery of nutrition support should be the main goal in feed- Energy requirements:
ing CIC and should not be hampered by the feeding route. A = (59.512 × 11.2) – 30.4
case study of a child admitted to PICU is given in Table 6.8. = 564.72 + 10%
= 636 kcal (2.66 MJ)
Protein requirements: 2–3 g/kg/day = 22.4–33.6 g/day
Type of enteral feed Enteral feed: 1 kcal/mL (4 kJ/mL) feed with a multifibre mix
Feeding route: trial NG. Likelihood of having gastroparesis is high
(adrenalin, shock) and may therefore require NJ.
Although there is a wide variety of types of enteral feed
available, there remains a paucity of data regarding optimal NG, nasogastric; NJ, nasojejunal.
enteral feed composition during critical illness in children.
Feeds range from human milk and standard infant formula
perceived feed intolerance the use of a peptide based energy
to various specialised infant and paediatric feeds, including
and nutrient dense feed in critically ill infants with a PICU
energy and nutrient dense formulas with varying protein
length of stay >7 days has been shown to promote weight
and fat sources [147–150]. However, the metabolic utilisation
gain and reduce the incidence of feeding interruptions due
and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other
to feed intolerance to 2% [159].
nutrients during critical illness may be affected by hypoxae-
There remains a paucity of data regarding optimal enteral
mia, dysbiosis and impoverishment of the microbiome [151–
feed composition during critical illness and further work is
153], affecting absorption, tolerance and utilisation of protein
required regarding the type and timing of feeds, particularly
[101], fats and energy [4, 19].
as tolerance to feeds [160] or metabolic adjustments for vari-
Traditionally polymeric enteral feeds or breastmilk are
ous macronutrient sources may change throughout the
used as first line in CIC [148]. Peptide based feeds are usu-
acute, stable and recovery phase of critical illness [161].
ally considered as second line, particularly following cardiac
surgery or where tolerance to polymeric feed is poor, e.g.
vomiting, diarrhoea [20, 147, 148, 150]. Energy and nutrient
dense whey based feeds have been successfully use in criti- Learning points: enteral feeding
cally ill infants during the first week of admission, resulting
in significantly higher de novo arginine synthesis and higher • Enteral feeds can be safely commenced within 12 hours of
nutritional intakes compared to standard infant feeds [154, admission
155]. These feeds have also been shown to be well tolerated • Gastric feeding is as effective as post‐pyloric feeding
from day 1 of admission [149, 155, 156] and are associated • Where there is tight fluid management, e.g. <4 mL/kg/hour,
with weight gain during a PICU admission [157] and, in the use of an energy and nutrient dense feed from day 1 may
post‐surgical infants with CHD, achievement of nutritional allow nutritional targets to be met more easily
goals of 92%–161% of BMR (51–89 kcal/kg/day) compared • Where there is poor feeding tolerance the use of a peptide
with 80%–100% of BMR (44–56 kcal/kg/day) in the control based energy and nutrient dense feed may improve feeding
group [158]. However, not all infants tolerate energy and outcomes
nutrient dense whey based feeds and where there is
Future Research and Unanswered Questions 91
Monitoring Complications
Ideally CIC should have their nutrition monitored daily. The Refeeding syndrome
clinical situation can change rapidly and may impact on
nutritional requirements. Nutrition is also impacted by: As the prevalence of malnutrition within the PICU population
is high, the risk for refeeding syndrome should be considered.
• fluid volume restriction – the main barrier to adequate When enteral or parenteral nutrition is commenced in children
nutrition delivery. The dietitian needs to establish who have not received optimal nutritional support for some
whether such strict fluid restriction is required in the time, e.g. ≥3 days, it is important to ensure there is a multidisci-
light of inadequate nutrient delivery and to change plinary approach to determine the risk of refeeding syndrome
the enteral feed (if necessary); also to negotiate in addition to an appropriate management strategy regarding
whether drugs running in intravenous (IV) fluids can electrolyte replacement, vitamin supplementation and energy
be made more concentrated, thus liberating volume and/or protein restriction [165–167]. Figure 6.4 provides a
for feeding [162]. management outline on refeeding syndrome in PICU [168].
• procedural interruptions – can account for 11%–57% of Baseline:
total interruptions affecting up to 62% of patients [137].
The most common interruptions arise from surgery, radi- • Before starting to feed complete baseline bloods for
ological procedures, attempts at extubation and the sodium, potassium, phosphate, magnesium, corrected
administration of medication. Often feeding rates are not calcium, creatinine, glucose, particularly vitamin D, par-
increased to compensate for time lost during the inter- athyroid hormone, alkaline phosphatase and albumin.
ruption making it challenging to achieve nutrition goals, • On day 0 supplement at least 30 minutes before starting
with the resultant large energy and protein deficits nega- or restarting feeding.
tively impacting on weight [162, 163]. • Give a daily dose of oral thiamin for 2 weeks: <1 year of
• interruption due to gastrointestinal intolerance – especially age 50 mg daily for 2 weeks; >1 year of age 100 mg daily
where there is vomiting, diarrhoea, large gastric residu- for 2 weeks.
als and abdominal distension which may occur in up to During feeding (days 0 to 4–10):
57% of patients [162].
• mechanical problems – such as NJ tube dislodgement, NG • Repeat laboratory testing every 12 hours of the follow-
blockage [162]. ing: potassium, phosphate, magnesium, and as indi-
cated: corrected calcium, albumin.
The dietitian’s role is critical to improving nutrient • For at least 4 days, continue if laboratory results are aber-
delivery and ensuring protocols and procedures are in rant or show clinically relevant variations.
place to allow for optimal nutritional support [164]. • Supplement with thiamin orally; if nil by mouth then
Table 6.9 shows how often aspects of nutrition support thiamin should be administered intravenously as an
need to be monitored. infusion or repeated intramuscular injections. Doses in
excess of 400 mg/day in adults have been associated
with anaphylaxis.
• Correct any other vitamin deficiencies with therapeutic
Learning points: monitoring doses, e.g. vitamin D.
• Give multivitamins and trace elements complex once
• Regular monitoring of anthropometry, biochemistry and daily: vitamins preferably at least 200% recommended
nutritional intake is essential daily intake (RDI); trace elements at least 100% RDI.
• Dietetic involvement improves nutritional intake • If there are no biochemical or symptomatic changes and
none appear later, the feeding can be increased more
• If there is a clinical manifestation of the refeeding syn-
drome consider a slower approach particularly during
Table 6.9 Monitoring frequency in paediatric intensive care unit.
the first week [167].
2–3 times Once Table 6.10 shows recommended electrolyte supplementa-
Daily per week per week tion in the management of refeeding syndrome.
Anthropometry X* X* X*
Biochemistry X Future research and unanswered questions
Recalculation of X* X*
nutrient requirements Immunonutrition
Evaluation of delivery X
of feed The use of immune enhancing enteral feeding formulas is
well known in adult intensive care. In addition to the normal
* Frequency depends on the age of the child. macro‐ and micronutrients, these feeds contain: a mixture of
92 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
• If levels are low, deficits should be corrected using the appropriate age-related reference ranges as targets
• Record pulse (compensatory tachycardia/ bradycardia) and continuous ECG monitoring for arrhythmias, blood
pressure and respiratory rate hourly
• Record an accurate fluid balance, weigh daily
Day 1–5 Initial refeeding – Calculate energy / protein using the table below:
• Start feeding: at 60–75% normal requirements (see below) with standard 0.67 kcal/mL feed (infants) or 0.75–1.0 kcal/mL (children)
• Calorie and protein intake should betailored to each child and the above values may need to be adjusted down by as much as 30%
• Prescribe thiamin: <1 year of age 50 mg daily for 1 week or >1 year of age 100 mg daily for 1 week
• In addition to a multivitamin: <3 years of age 0.6 mL Dalivit daily for 3 weeks or >3 years of age Santogen A-Z 1 tablet daily/Forceval
Junior effervescent tablet 1–2 daily for 3 weeks
• Biochemistry: First 3–5 days, every 24 hours: 24 hourly U&E, Ca, P, Mg, LFTs and FBC, 4 hourly glucose
Catch-up no; Energy kcal/kg* Protein g/kg* Protein energy ratio Food
Birth to 1 year 126 2.8 10–12%
1–7 years 126 2.8 10–12% 3 meals and 1–2 snacks/ONS
7–10 years 126 2.8 10–12% 3 meals and 2 snacks/ONS
11–14 years 80 1.5–2 15–20% 3 meals and 2 snacks/ONS
15–18 years 80 1.5–2 15–20% 3 meals and 2 snacks/ONS
> 18 years 80 1.5–2 15–20% 3 meals and 2 snacks/ONS
* Use actual body weight. Aimfor up to 10 years 20g/kg/day > 10 years 0.5 –1 –1.5 kg weight gain week
ONS = oral nutrition supplements, e.g. Fortisip
Table 6.10 Recommended electrolyte supplementation in refeeding syndrome (NB adjust in case of renal insufficiency) [169].
Phosphate • For those children at risk of refeeding syndrome a phosphate of <0.8 mmol/L before initiating feeds should be
corrected to within normal range on the day of admission
Mild to moderate 15–30 mmol/day IV or oral Every 12 hours
0.3–0.8 mmol/L
Severe <0.3 mmol/L (with a rapid drop 0.25–1.0 mmol/kg over 8–12 hours IV Every 6 hours
(>0.3 mmol/L/day) or life‐threatening 4.5 mmol/hour for 3 hours IV followed by
hypophosphataemia) 2.0–3.5 mmol/hour IV with a maximum of 90
mmol/day + frequent testing
Potassium Mild to moderate 30–80 mmol/day IV or oral Every 12 hours
3.0–3.4 mmol/L
Severe <3.0 mmol/L 2–4 mmol/kg/day IV or 120–240 mmol/day IV Every 6 hours
or oral
Magnesium Mild to moderate 13–34 mmol/day oral or 10–15 mmol/day IV Every 12 hours
0.5–0.7 mmol/L
Severe <0.5 mmol/L 1.5–3.0 mmol/hour IV or with very severe Every 6 hours
hypomagnesemia 4 mmol/hour IV
IV, intravenous.
omega‐3 and omega‐6 fatty acids (which have pro‐ and anti‐ metoclopramide 10 mg every 12 hours. Initial analysis found
inflammatory properties); additional arginine and/or glu- no difference in the development of nosocomial infections/
tamine (which become conditionally essential amino acids sepsis. A post hoc analysis was completed according to three
during increased physiological stress); and increased levels categories of immune status on admission: immune compe-
of the antioxidants selenium and β‐carotene [170]. Although tent without lymphopenia (n = 134), immune competent
these enteral feeding formulas have all the ingredients to with lymphopenia (n = 79) and previously immunocompro-
improve outcome, results in the adult population have been mised (n = 27). There was no difference in the development
conflicting, as seen in a large multicentre randomised study of nosocomial infection and sepsis in the overall population.
where there have been higher mortality rates in the immu- However, there was some benefit in the immunocompro-
nonutrition group among patients with severe sepsis or mised group with fewer nosocomial infections/sepsis
septic shock [171, 172]. reported in the immune enhancing group compared to the
There are fewer studies completed in children using whey group: 1.57 per 1000 days compared with 6.33 per 1000
immune enhancing diets. Briassoulis et al. [173] used an days respectively (p = 0.01).
adult feed containing arginine, glutamine, omega‐3 fatty Jacobs et al. [175] considered the use of a feed enriched with
acids and antioxidants (vitamin C, selenium and zinc) com- γ‐linoleic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) compared to
pared to a standard paediatric enteral feed. Mean intake standard paediatric enteral feed. The only outcomes reported
after 5 days for the immune enhancing diet group was 52 ± 6 that there were significantly higher levels of plasma phospho-
vs. 63 ± 6.3 kcal/kg in the paediatric feed group and 2.7 ± 0.4 lipids of γ‐linolenic acid and EPA, which would be expected.
vs. 2 ± 0.2 g/kg protein respectively. After 5 days IL‐6 levels This area of paediatric critical care nutrition is still very new
were significantly lower (11.8 ± 2.4 pg/mL vs. 38.3 ± 3.6 pg/mL and the limited evidence does not yet support routine use of
p < 0.0001) in the immune enhancing diet group compared to immune enhancing feeds or supplementation because of pos-
the paediatric enteral feed group; IL‐8 levels were signifi- sible deleterious effects. Until such data are available, specifi-
cantly higher at 65.4 ± 17 vs. 21±2.5 pg/mL p < 0.03. There cally for CIC, the following ad hoc additions to feeds or future
was no relationship between energy or protein intake and immune enhancing feeds should be used with caution.
inflammatory mediators. There were no differences in sec-
ondary infections, duration of mechanical ventilation, length
of stay or mortality rates, so although the use of an immune
enhancing diet may be anti‐inflammatory, this did not sig- Glutamine is thought to be able to alter the host response to
nificantly impact on any of the outcome measures chosen. stress [176], however, much of the work considering the use
Carcillo et al. [174] completed the paediatric Critical Illness of glutamine in critical illness has been completed in adults
Stress‐induced Immune Suppression (CRISIS) comparative [177–181]. Whilst initially considered to be safe and non‐toxic
effectiveness trial investigating the interaction between recent studies have found that in critically ill septic adults
immune enhancing nutraceuticals with intravenous (IV) supraphysiological levels of glutamine may increase the risk
metoclopramide on immune status compared to whey pro- of mortality [172, 182], although a recent meta‐analysis which
tein and IV saline in critically ill children In the treatment considered the administration of glutamine dipeptide as per
group children received enteral zinc 20 mg, an age depend- ESPEN (European Society of Clinical Nutrition and
ent dose of selenium 40–400 μg, glutamine 0.3 g/kg and IV Metabolism) recommendations (via the parenteral route at
94 Nutrition in Critically Ill Children
0.3–0.5 g/kg/day; maximum 30% of the prescribed nitrogen expression of numerous genes either requires zinc and or has
supply) demonstrates significant reduction in length of hos- a role in regulating zinc homeostasis [202]. Critically ill chil-
pital stay, mortality and infectious complications rates [183]. dren have been found to have significantly lower plasma
Glutamine serves as a metabolic intermediate and precur- zinc levels in the first few days of their illness which is cor-
sor, providing carbon and nitrogen for the de novo synthesis related with markers of inflammation (IL‐6 and CRP levels).
of other amino acids, nucleic acids, fatty acids, nucleotides Persistently low plasma concentrations are also associated
and proteins [184]. During times of stress, skeletal muscle is with the severity (and number) of organ(s) dysfunction [81],
an active net exporter of free glutamine [37]. Glutamine’s increased mortality rate in septic shock [202] and pneumonia
functions within the cell can be broadly classified into four [203, 204], although the causality of this is not well under-
main categories: stood. Yuan et al. [205] investigated the use of zinc supple-
mentation in a non‐blinded randomised controlled trial in
1. nitrogen transport critically ill infants (n = 96) with severe pneumonia. There
2. maintenance of the cellular redox state through was no statistical difference in lung injury score, length of
glutathione hospital stay or duration of mechanical ventilation. Although
3. a metabolic intermediate zinc supplementation does not prevent infection in critically
4. a source of energy [184]. ill children, supplementation may benefit those who are
found to be deficient [203, 204, 206], particularly during the
In children, the use of glutamine remains largely unde- recovery phase, but has not been found to be of any benefit
fined with paucity of data regarding the benefits of glu- in children who are otherwise zinc replete [204–206].
tamine as a pharmacological agent in critical illness. Zinc absorption occurs in the small intestine which is facil-
Conflicting results with respect to the benefits of glutamine itated by zinc transporters and it is stored in the liver and
supplementation have been reported in preterm infants kidney. Zinc is excreted from the kidney (0.5–0.8 mg/day) or
[185–190], infants with gastrointestinal disease and surgery is recycled back into the intestine. Zinc is vital for linear
[191, 192], burns [177, 193] and malnutrition [194–196]. Three growth and is required in larger amounts during periods of
randomised studies have been completed in CIC, two of nutritional rehabilitation. In severe and moderate malnutri-
which considered glutamine supplemented parenteral nutri- tion zinc muscle concentration is reduced from 81 to 64 mg/
tion [19, 197] and one using glutamine supplemented enteral kg. This tissue deficit will require an additional retention of
nutrition [198]. Ong et al. administered IV glutamine (0.4 g/ 0.57 mg/kg/day and will take approximately 30 days to
kg/day), however, this study did not report any benefit with replete if a child is eating a normal amount of protein in their
no significant difference in sepsis, however, there was a diet [207].
highly significant weight loss in all groups (−1.0 z scores to
−1.3 z scores) suggesting that insufficient nutrients were pro-
vided to sustain growth in both study arms and this may be Selenium
in part the reason for the lack of efficacy seen [199].
Selenium is an essential trace element with antioxidant and
Jordan et al. investigated the effects of glutamine on heat
immunological functions. Selenium has been shown to inhibit
shock protein 70 (HSP70) and inflammatory mediators in
the expression of pro‐inflammatory genes, down regulating
critically ill children (n = 98). Those children who were septic
the inflammatory response. Decreased selenium levels are
or had undergone major surgery were randomised to PN
found in adults with systemic inflammatory response syn-
with glutamine supplementation (0.33 g/kg glutamine [=
drome (SIRS) and multi‐organ failure [208]. High doses of
0.5 g/kg Dipeptiven]) for a minimum of 5 days vs. standard
selenium given as an IV infusion of selenite (1000–1600 μg)
isocaloric and isonitrogenous PN [197]. In this study glu-
has shown: to be well tolerated, significantly increasing sele-
tamine supplementation upregulated the release of HSP70.
nium levels with resultant lower incidence of hospital
These children also had significantly lower levels of IL‐6,
acquired ventilator associated pneumonia; a reduction in
suggesting that glutamine supplementation was able to
infection risk; a decreased mortality in patients with severe
increase HSP70 release and modulate the release of pro‐
sepsis or septic shock [209]. Selenium given enterally as a feed
inflammatory mediators [197]. HSP70 is part of a family of
constituent has not been shown to be as effective, although the
highly conserved proteins involved in cell protection and
dose delivered was significantly lower at 300 μg [210]. There
modulation of the inflammatory response, in particular
are no studies considering the efficacy of selenium in CIC.
NF‐κB and MAPK pathway [200, 201].
The paediatric Critical Illness Stress‐induced Immune
At present there is insufficient evidence to recommend the
Suppression (CRISIS) trial is currently considering the effect
routine use of glutamine supplementation in paediatric criti-
of an enterally administered whey protein supplemented
cal illness.
with trace zinc, selenium and glutamine. These results are
awaited with interest and may change practice in relation to
glutamine, zinc and selenium supplementation [174].
Zinc is an essential trace element which is required for the
function of numerous enzymes and transcriptional factors.
Vitamin D
Zinc homeostasis maintains immune function, oxidative
stress response, neurocognitive function and promotes There are numerous reports of low vitamin D levels in
growth and development [81]. During critical illness the critically ill children, which is associated with a greater
Future Research 95
severity of illness [211], although the causality and the microbial balance [219]. Altering enteric flora is a concept
impact of vitamin D on outcomes during critical illness gaining popularity throughout the world and the use of pro-
remain unclear [212]. Gottschlich et al. [213] completed a ran- biotic bacteria in PICU is developing too. Intestinal permea-
domised controlled trial of CIC with thermal injuries (n = 50) bility is increased during critical illness particularly after
aged 0.7–18.4 years, investigating the effect of vitamin D sup- burns, major trauma and sepsis. In addition, bacterial trans-
plementation. During the acute phase the authors reported location has been demonstrated in patients with bowel
there were no significant differences in serum vitamin D lev- obstruction. The administration of some probiotic strains
els between groups, although >10% of patients had low has been associated with a reduction in bacterial transloca-
serum 25(OH)D levels at the point of PICU discharge. The tion and intestinal inflammation [148].
proportion of children with vitamin D deficiency (defined as In critically ill patients, the main concern remains the
vitamin D < 30 nmol/L) increased in the group who received possibility of septicaemia related to the provision of live
no vitamin D supplementation at 1‐year follow up compared bacteria to patients that are relatively immunocompro-
to those who had received D2 and D3. The prevalence of mised, although there are some studies showing their
vitamin D deficiency in the groups was: no vitamin D sup- safety and beneficial effects in critical illness [220]. A ran-
plementation 75%; D2 supplementation 56%; and D3 sup- domised double blind placebo controlled study in CIC
plementation 25%. Although the study was not powered to with severe sepsis evaluated the effect of probiotics on
detect changes in clinical outcomes some non‐statistically cytokines, duration of PICU length of day and healthcare
significant improvements were demonstrated. A larger clini- associated costs. One hundred children with severe sepsis
cally powered randomised clinical trial is required to inves- aged 3 months to 12 years of age were enrolled to receive
tigate the effect of vitamin D supplementation in CIC both VSL#3 which contains Lactobacillus paracasei, L. plantarum,
during acute phase and rehabilitative phase. L. acidophilus, L. delbrueckii, Bifidobacterium longum, B. infan-
McNally et al. [214] undertook a meta‐analysis of published tis, B. breve, Streptococcus salivarius, maltose and silicon
papers to examine and estimate prevalence of vitamin D defi- dioxide (n = 50), or a placebo of maltose and silicon diox-
ciency in CIC compared to levels reported in healthy children. ide (n = 50). Probiotics or placebo was administered in a
The average 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower in criti- dose of one sachet twice a day for 7 days, orally or through
cally ill children (range 41.5–66.8 nmol/L) than in healthy nasogastric/orogastric tube depending on clinical status
children (61–99 nmol/L) with a pooled difference −17.3 nmol/ of patients. From day 1 to day 7 the probiotic group had
L, 95% CI −14.0 to −20.6. Length of stay was evaluated in 11 significantly lower levels of pro‐inflammatory cytokines,
studies, but only 3 published data were suitable for evalua- IL‐6, IL‐12p70, IL‐17 and TNFα, and higher levels of anti‐
tion (1.99 days, 95% CI 0.88–3.10, p = 0.001). Four studies eval- inflammatory cytokines, IL‐10 and transforming growth
uated association with culture positive sepsis (pooled OR factor‐β1, than the placebo group. There was a non‐signifi-
2.02, 95% CI 1.08–3.78, p = 0.03). Vitamin D was associated cant trend toward lower incidence of healthcare associated
with increased mortality (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.11–2.36) and ill- infections (14% vs. 20%) and duration of ICU stay (6.5 vs. 9
ness severity. Vitamin D should be supplemented with thera- days) in the probiotic group. Mortality rates were similar
peutic doses in those children found to be deficient. in two groups. This study suggests a role for probiotics
supplements in immune modulation in critically ill chil-
dren. Further studies are required to confirm these results
as they may be strain and geographical location dependent
Critical illness is associated with gastrointestinal microbiome [221]. A recent systematic review aimed at answering the
dysbiosis, with a loss of healthy commensal bifidobacteria question of routine use of probiotics in CIC found that
and an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria [215], which may in although there were positive results in some studies, rou-
turn impact on nutrient assimilation [216]. In children there is tine use of probiotics cannot yet be recommended [220].
increasing evidence that alterations in gut microbiota [217] Safety also needs to be taken into account, with data point-
may result in changes to the gut epithelium which may be ing towards caution in extreme premature infants and
associated with clinical outcomes in critically ill children [218]. those that are immunocompromised, in particular where
A probiotic is a live microbial feed supplement which the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract has been
beneficially affects the host by improving its intestinal impaired [222].
Future Research
A number of research priorities have been identified includ- intolerance; role of parenteral nutrition and longer term
ing the: impact of malnutrition during critical illness; outcomes [223].
development of nutrition risk assessment tools and bio-
markers; accurate assessment of nutritional requirements References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
in all phases of critical illness; type and role of protein; role and other useful links are on the companion website:
of immunonutrition and micronutrients; mode, type and
delivery of enteral nutrition; management of feeding
7 Preterm Infants
Karen King and Lynne Radbone
A preterm infant is one born before 37 weeks’ completed ges Preterm infants have limited stores of many nutrients as
tation. An infant born <2500 g is termed low birthweight accretion occurs predominantly in the last trimester of
regardless of gestation, <1500 g very low birthweight (VLBW) pregnancy [4]. They are born poorly equipped to with
and those <1000 g extremely low birthweight (ELBW). stand inadequate nutrition; theoretically, endogenous
Categorisation of infants born smaller than expected is more reserves in a 1000 g infant are only sufficient for 4 days if
contentious; however, they are often divided into small for left unfed [5]. In addition, the gastrointestinal system of a
gestational age (SGA) and/or intrauterine growth restricted preterm infant is immature; thus it is generally accepted
(IUGR). Classification of SGA infants is usually defined as that most infants of <30 weeks’ gestation and/or weighing
<9th centile for weight at birth (depending on the source of <1.25 kg will need some parenteral nutrition (PN), while
definition), and they constitute a heterogeneous group, i.e. enteral feeds are gradually increased to ensure an a dequate
those destined to be born small due to genetic influences and nutritional intake. The most recent comprehensive reviews
those who are IUGR. The former group tends to be propor and recommendations for enteral nutritional require
tionally small. Those who are IUGR will have a similarly low ments are those of Agostoni et al. [6] and Koletzko et al. [7]
birthweight but may show head and/or length sparing and for parenteral requirements are of the European
depending on the timing of intrauterine nutrient restriction. Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
These infants are at high risk of both perinatal and later prob Nutrition (ESPGHAN) [8] (Table 7.1). The interested
lems [1]. This chapter will deal predominantly with the reader is advised to refer to these publications for further
nutritional needs of preterm infants. information.
The early nutritional management of preterm infants may Precise requirements for infants with a birthweight
be vital to their later outcome but can be hampered by an between 1800 and 2500 g are not given in these enteral feed
immature or dysfunctional gastrointestinal tract and poor ing publications. This has led to varying interpretations of
tolerance of parenteral and enteral nutrition. the weight cut‐offs for feeding preterm formulas or fortify
Small term infants in general are mature with respect to ing breastmilk. Higher nutrient density feeds are not rou
oromotor function and can usually grow well if allowed tinely recommended for term SGA infants, so gestational
breastmilk or standard infant formula ad lib. Only where co‐ age as well as birthweight should dictate local feeding pol
morbidities exist may small term infants need specialised icy. In practice most infants born <2000 g and <34 completed
nutritional input. It is not recommended that these infants be weeks’ gestation will benefit from the higher nutrient
given any formula designed for preterm infants as there may intakes recommended by Agostoni et al. [6] and Koletzko
be adverse outcomes [2, 3]. et al. [7].
Table 7.1 Recommended enteral and parenteral nutrient intakes for very low birthweight infants.
Nutrient (per kg Agostoni et al. [6] Koletzko et al. [7] RNI (1991)* term ESPGHAN [8] preterm
per day) preterm infant enteral preterm infant enteral infant enteral infant parenteral
N/S, not specified; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; AA, arachidonic acid.
Agostoni et al.’s recommendations are for stable growing preterm infants up to a weight of 1800 g. No recommendations are made for infants <1000 g
except for protein.
Koletzko et al.’s recommendations presented are for fully enterally fed, growing preterm infants with a birthweight up to 1500 g.
*Reference nutrient intake (RNI) for infants aged 0–3 months [9].
**Estimated average requirement (EAR) for energy for infants aged 1–2 months [10].
Sodium and potassium values per kg are based on weights given in [10].
per day, not per kg.
techniques). Very sick preterm infants are often fluid Table 7.2 Suggested upper limit of enteral feed volumes to provide
restricted; therefore, nutritional intakes should always be 4–4.5 g/kg protein.
optimised within the fluid allowed and restrictions lifted as
Suggested Energy
soon as clinical condition permits. Recommendations from
maximum fluid (kcal Protein
Agostoni et al. [6] suggest 135 mL/kg/day as the minimum volume (mL/kg) (kJ)/kg) (g/kg)
requirement with an upper reasonable limit of 200 mL/kg/
day. Between 150 and 165 mL/kg/day is likely to meet SMA Gold Prem 1 150 120 (500) 4.35
enteral requirements if an infant is fed fortified human milk Nutriprem 1 165 132 (550) 4.29
or the lower end of the range if preterm formula is given. Hydrolysed Nutriprem 165 132 (550) 4.29
Breastmilk with SMA Breast 150 129 (540) 4.11
Energy Milk Fortifier*
Breastmilk with Nutriprem 180 151 (630) 4.32
Recommended energy intakes vary according to a baby’s Human Milk Fortifier*
birthweight and postnatal age but are generally higher than
*Using mature breastmilk.
term requirements [11]. There are variations in resting energy
expenditure requirements between individuals with resting
energy expenditure increasing over the first few weeks of life nutrition is crucial to attain the high energy requirements of
[11]. Some IUGR babies may have increased needs to facili preterm infants and to provide essential fatty acids. Feeding
tate catch‐up growth, but this will vary between individuals with non‐heat‐treated breastmilk has the advantage of preserv
and can only be established by monitoring progress and ing endogenous lipase (bile salt‐stimulated lipase) activity,
adjusting intakes accordingly. Optimising body composition which ensures optimum fat absorption [18].
is essential, and excessive energy intake may lead to exces For many years studies have investigated the theory that
sive fat deposition. However, severity of illness rather than enteral medium chain triglycerides (MCT) lead to improved
diet appears to be most closely linked to increased abdominal fat absorption. However, a systematic review found no con
adiposity [12, 13]. It is recommended that >100 kcal (420 kJ)/ sistent advantage [19]. Agostoni et al. [6] recommend that fat
kg/day is generally appropriate for enteral formula feeding in the form of MCT should not exceed 40% of the total fat
as long as adequate protein, 3.0–3.6 g/100 kcal (420 kJ), is pro content of preterm formulas. Preterm formulas currently
vided [6]. There are currently only three preterm formulas contain: SMA Gold Prem 1, 40% fat as MCT; Nutriprem 1,
that meet this requirement: Nutriprem 1, Hydrolysed 10% fat as MCT; and Hydrolysed Nutriprem, 8% fat as MCT.
Nutriprem and SMA Gold Prem 1. Monitoring linear growth It has been recommended that the long chain polyunsatu
as a proxy for lean mass accretion is recommended. rated (LCP) derivatives of linoleic and α‐linolenic acids, namely,
arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, be provided in the diet
Protein of preterm infants [6]. However, controversy remains concern
ing their role, with recent reviews concluding that there were
Current recommendations for protein are significantly few significant benefits although no evidence of harm [19, 20].
higher in the preterm infant than that of the term infant, due Outcomes with respect to neurodevelopment have been incon
in part to increased demand for growth secondary to early sistent [21], which may be due to genetic variations between
delivery and relatively poor nutritional stores. In some of the individuals in their ability to manufacture LCP from precursors
sicker infants, there may be an accumulated nutrient deficit [22]. There also appears to be risk of greater adiposity and
due to an inability to provide full requirements during acute higher blood pressure for preterm girls supplemented with
episodes of illness and periods of fluid restriction. Table 7.2 LCP [23]. Conversely, research suggests that girls may show
shows the suggested upper limit of feed volumes to provide positive effects of LCP supplementation with respect to
4–4.5 g/kg/day protein. neurodevelopment [24]. Conclusions are made difficult by the
The benefits of early provision of amino acids (AA) in par heterogeneity of studies and the fact they also generally include
enterally fed preterm infants are well accepted. A staged only mature and healthy preterm infants. Despite this, all
approach is recommended by many authors [8, 14, 15] with current preterm formulas are supplemented with LCP.
guidance from ESPGHAN recommending starting with a Enteral requirements for fat are in the range 4.8–6.6 g/kg/
minimum of 1.5 g/kg AA on day 1, increasing up to 2.5 g/kg day [6]. Parenteral lipids should be started on day 1 of life
and then a maximum of 3.5 g/kg from day 2 [8]. [8], building up to a maximum of 3.5–4.0 g/kg/day of lipid
[8, 14], although some extremely premature or very low
birthweight infants may develop hypertriglyceridaemia;
Fat therefore, close monitoring is required. Recommendations
from ESPGHAN suggest that the use of pure soya bean oil
Fat absorption can vary between individuals, but the more lipid emulsions should only be for the initial few days of PN
immature the infant, the higher the risk of malabsorption due to and that infants who will be on PN longer than this should
low bile salt pools [16] and reduced pancreatic lipase levels [17]. be given a third‐generation mixed lipid source [8]. Preterm
Despite this, the fat component of both enteral and parenteral infants, particularly those born VLBW and ELBW, will
Nutritional Requirements 99
develop essential fatty acid deficiency very rapidly without that this higher amount of vitamin D is beneficial, and there is
an exogenous supply. This can be obtained from as little as some evidence that these higher levels will be excessive for
0.5 g/kg/day from soya bean emulsions and 1.5 g/kg/day some infants [27]. However, babies of mothers with docu
from third‐generation mixed lipid sources. mented vitamin D deficiency will benefit from the higher lev
els as the placental supply will have been compromised. This
will need to be given as a supplement as current breastmilk
fortifiers (BMFs) and preterm formulas do not contain suffi
cient vitamin D to match this recommendation. The ratio
Lactase activity is present from 10 to 12 weeks’ gestation and
between calcium and phosphorus is also important for ade
approaches levels expected at term at 36 weeks’ gestation.
quate bone mineralisation, and Agostoni et al. recommend an
Exposure to lactose may help to induce intestinal lactase
enteral Ca–P ratio of 1.5–2.0.
activity. In practice, lactose malabsorption is rarely seen in
In PN solutions, stability of these nutrients is a limiting fac
the preterm infant.
tor as calcium and phosphate can bind and precipitate,
A large range of oligosaccharides are present in breast
although the use of organic phosphate salts has led to improved
milk, with the highest concentration in colostrum and
solubility and allows greater amounts to be given. The ideal
decreasing with the duration of lactation. They may help to
Ca–P ratio should be in the region of 1:1 in PN solutions [8].
protect against gastrointestinal problems, both by encourag
ing growth of a beneficial intestinal flora and by inhibiting
binding of pathogens. They may improve feed tolerance and Iron
reduce stool viscosity [25]; however, a review by ESPGHAN
states that more research is required before firm conclusions At birth there is an abrupt reduction in erythropoiesis, leading
about their benefits can be drawn [26]. Oligosaccharides are to early anaemia of prematurity, which is unresponsive to iron
currently added to Nutriprem 1 and Nutriprem 2 feeds. supplementation. Preterm iron stores are low, and infants may
Carbohydrate recommendations in PN are based upon the also lose significant volumes of blood through phlebotomy;
provision of a safe lower limit to prevent hypoglycaemia and however this may be reduced in cases where delayed cord
the provision of an appropriate protein–energy ratio to facil clamping has occurred [28]. Iron in excess is toxic, and, there
itate protein accretion. Carbohydrate in the form of dextrose fore, supplementation needs to be carefully weighed up
should be started at 5.8–11.5 g/kg/day on day 1, increasing against potential overload. Infants receiving regular blood
to an upper range of 11.5–14.4 g/kg/day over a couple of transfusions may benefit from delayed iron supplementation.
days from day 2 [8]. Tolerance to carbohydrate load should Preterm infants will become iron deplete by 8 weeks without
be closely monitored especially in the sick or preterm infant. supplementation [29]. Current recommendations are that sup
plements should commence between 2 and 8 weeks of age as
either a supplemented formula or medicinal iron at a dose of
Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D 2–3 mg/kg/day [6]. These recommendations can easily be met
by adequate volumes of currently available preterm infant for
The homeostasis of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is mulas and SMA Breast Milk Fortifier. Nutriprem Human Breast
fundamental to the development of bone, and this in turn is Milk Fortifier and PN solutions do not provide iron, and, there
regulated by factors including hormones and vitamin D. fore, supplementation will be required if these are used.
Metabolic bone disease of prematurity is a recognised co‐
morbidity. Causes include an inadequate supply of nutrients
Conditionally essential nutrients
(calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D), prolonged PN, immobili
sation and medications. Immobilisation stimulates bone
Beta‐carotene, nucleotides and inositol are present in human
reabsorption, while steroids (which are occasionally used in
milk and are often added to preterm infant formulas and
the treatment of chronic lung disease [CLD]) reduce calcium
BMFs; however, there is currently no evidence of benefit in
absorption, increase urinary losses and have a direct effect
the preterm population.
on bone. Diuretics and methylxanthines such as caffeine,
used to optimise respiratory status, increase renal calcium
excretion. Premature infants are also born with poor reserves
of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D and have a high Learning points: nutritional requirements
requirement in order to optimise bone mineralisation.
Infants born IUGR or SGA are also more likely to show signs • Preterm infants are those born before 37 weeks’ completed
of osteopenia due to poor placental supply. gestation
The recommendations provided by Agostoni et al. [6] for cal • Accretion of nutrients occurs in the last trimester of
cium and phosphate are similar to previous recommendations; pregnancy, and as a result preterm infants are often born
however, vitamin D recommendations from Agostoni et al. are with limited stores of key nutrients
significantly higher. They argue that since the prevalence of • Preterm infants born weighing <2000 g and <34 weeks’
maternal vitamin D deficiency is high, supplementation with gestation will benefit from higher nutrient intakes, as
800–1000 IU (20–25 μg) per day is required to achieve optimal recommended in published guidelines
serum levels of 25‐hydroxyvitamin D. There is no evidence
100 Preterm Infants
Parenteral nutrition Table 7.4 [14]. More frequent monitoring may be required
according to the clinical condition of the infant.
PN has become the cornerstone of neonatal nutritional care in
the very preterm infant, without which many infants would Parenteral nutrition‐related complications
not survive. PN is required when adequate nutrients to sustain
growth and development cannot be provided via the enteral Some of the smallest and sickest infants tolerate PN the least,
route. PN should, therefore, be given to all infants with [14]: while they also have the greatest nutritional needs; manag
• gestational age <30 weeks’ completed gestation ing the complications of PN administration while optimising
• birthweight <1.25 kg nutrition is, therefore, a significant challenge in this patient
• failure to establish enteral nutrition (e.g. 100 mL/kg) by group.
day 5 of life regardless of gestation or birthweight
• inability to tolerate enteral nutrition for a period likely to Hyperglycaemia
result in a significant nutritional deficit
Hyperglycaemia is common in small preterm infants and
PN can be started safely and effectively within the first 24 hours results from impaired glucose homeostasis and may be
after birth in the preterm infant [8, 14, 30]. The aqueous AA solu aggravated by carbohydrate provision from PN solutions or
tions used are the same as those for term infants and have an AA additional glucose in the form of intravenous drugs and
profile based on either breastmilk or cord blood. PN solutions flushes not being included in the total carbohydrate calcula
for preterm infants have improved in recent years, and there are tion. Often it is temporary, lasting only a few days, but it can
now standardised formulations available that meet the specific significantly affect total energy provision if the glucose infu
needs of the majority of preterm infants. An example of a build‐ sion rate or lipid rate (which can increase insulin resistance)
up regimen for PN using standard bags can be seen in Table 7.3. is lowered for a period of time. Early AA infusion alongside
glucose is associated with a lower incidence of hyperglycae
Monitoring mia [31]. Insulin can be used in these cases in order to protect
nutrient provision, but glucose infusions >12 mg/kg/min
Monitoring PN administration in preterm infants is imperative. should be avoided in very preterm infants as this may lead
A suggested guide for frequency of monitoring is given in to excessive fat deposition in the liver [8].
Table 7.3 Example parenteral feeding regimen for a preterm infant using standardised PN bags.
Day 3,
Nutrient (per kg per day) Day 1 Day 2 Day 3, fluid limited standard PN
150 mL/kg/
60 mL/kg/day 90 mL/kg/day 120 mL/kg/day day
Conc bag Standard bag Conc bag Standard bag Conc bag Standard bag Standard bag
Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous Aqueous
vol: 50 vol: 55 vol: 80 vol: 80 vol: 100 vol: 105 vol: 130
Volume of PN Lipid vol: 10 Lipid vol: 5 Lipid vol: 10 Lipid vol: 10 Lipid vol: 20 Lipid vol: 15 Lipid vol: 20
Trace elements
(selenium, zinc,
copper, manganese)
Urea, creatinine Calcium and Fat‐soluble vitamins
and electrolytes Liver function tests phosphate Magnesium Triglycerides Glucose (A, D, E)
First week of Daily (or twice Daily (or twice Daily Twice Twice Urine: –
PN or unstable weekly depending weekly depending weekly weekly 6 hourly
infant on clinical status) on clinical status) Blood:
6–8 hourly
Stable PN* Twice weekly Weekly Twice Twice Twice Urine: daily Monthly once on
weekly weekly weekly Blood: daily PN >3 weeks
costs of care [37–39]. It is recommended that standardised safe to introduce feeds early in the higher risk infant [45, 46].
PN be used wherever possible [8, 14, 40], and up to 80% of There is no evidence that delaying enteral feeds (>4 days) in
preterm infants receiving PN will grow adequately on a VLBW infants reduces the risk of NEC [47] and that the
standardised PN bag [40]. Use of standardised concentrated severity of NEC is greatest if an infant has never received
formulations can support unstable and fluid‐restricted pre enteral feeds before diagnosis [48]. Both these factors sup
term infants. The benefits of standard bags include: port the practice of introducing early enteral feeds. The
ADEPT trial [46] investigated the effect of enteral feeding on
• availability from first day of life
the development of NEC in high risk growth‐restricted pre
• consistency of nutritional care
term infants with abnormal antenatal Doppler. The authors
• cost
concluded that early feeding (within 24–48 hours of birth) in
• accuracy (the end product is tested)
this group of infants led to a reduced time to full enteral
feeds compared with late feeding (within 120–144 hours of
Learning points: parenteral nutrition birth) without an increased risk of NEC. However, it is
important to note that infants with abnormal antenatal
• PN is required in all infants <30 weeks’ gestation and/or Doppler who were born at <29 weeks’ gestation in this study
<1.25 kg were approximately 4 times more likely to develop NEC
• PN should be started within 24 hours of birth irrespective of whether they were fed early or late. This
• Regular biochemical monitoring is required to monitor group of infants may, therefore, benefit from a more pro
tolerance to the PN longed period of minimal enteral nutrition and slower
• Proportionate weaning of aqueous and lipid PN phases is advancement of feeds [49].
required in order to ensure maintenance of the required The practice of giving oropharyngeal colostrum, where
protein-energy ratio; consideration for stopping PN can start small volumes of maternal colostrum are placed directly
once an infant is having at least 120 mL/kg/day of enteral feeds onto the inside of the infant’s cheeks, should be considered
• Preterm infants who are on long‐term PN are high risk for in all units. Maternal colostrum produced in the first few
developing IFALD days after birth is rich in cytokines and other immune agents
• Standardised PN provision is recommended for the majority that provide bacteriostatic, bactericidal, antiviral, anti‐
of preterm infants requiring PN inflammatory and immunomodulatory protection against
infection [50] and has been found to be protective against
clinical sepsis [51]. Giving oropharyngeal colostrum has
Minimal enteral feeding also been associated with sustained breastmilk feeding in
preterm infants [52].
Structural development of the gut in utero initially com
mences outside the body of the foetus. At 8–12 weeks’ gesta
tion, the primitive gut rotates and returns into the abdominal What to give
cavity. Villi develop from around 12 weeks’ gestation and
they mature from approximately 22 weeks. Functional matu See Enteral nutrition (p. 103).
ration occurs somewhat later with enzymes being produced
from around 8 weeks’ gestation and increasing in produc
tion from around 25 weeks. Motor function also begins to How to progress feeding
develop around 25 weeks’ gestation so that structure and
most functions are in place around this time [41] although A recent Cochrane review [53] examining studies looking at
immature motor function is likely to be the most common slow (15–20 mL/kg/day) versus rapid (30–35 mL/kg/day)
cause of enteral feed intolerance in the VLBW infant. advancements of feeds concluded that there was no signifi
A lack of enteral nutrition leads to the risk of gut atrophy and cant difference in risk of NEC but that the slow group took
impairs gut development. Minimal enteral feeding (also known longer to regain birthweight to establish full enteral feeds
as ‘non‐nutritive feeding’, ‘trophic feeding’ or ‘gut priming’) is and may have an increased risk of invasive infection. It
the process by which small volumes of milk (up to 24 mL/kg/ should be noted, however, that randomisation was at the dis
day) are provided enterally for up to 7 days to facilitate gut cretion of the clinician; therefore there is a possibility that
adaptation, rather than for nutritive gain. It is believed that only a smaller proportion of high risk infants may have been
these small amounts of milk can promote intestinal maturation, included. In practice, evidence suggests that caution should
stimulate enteral hormones that aid gut function and prevent or be exercised when increasing feeds in high risk infants and
reverse the mucosal changes seen during starvation [42, 43]. continual review of the literature is recommended [54]. The
initiation of trophic feeding followed by cautious increases
in feeds at a limit of 20 mL/kg/day is recommended in this
When to start patient group. Evidence in lower risk infants indicates
increases of 30 mL/kg/day are considered safe [48, 52].
Preterm infants should commence enteral feeding as early as Evidence also suggests that the number of days to full enteral
possible after birth unless there is a clinical contraindication feeds is reduced in VLBW infants if fed 2 hourly compared
[44]. There is increasing evidence to suggest that it is also with 3 hourly [55].
Enteral Nutrition 103
Enteral nutrition support mother’s own freshly EBM as the milk of choice for
preterm babies. Several studies confirm association with
Breastmilk mother’s EBM and lower risk of NEC [59–62]. There may also
be long‐term neurodevelopmental advantages [63–66].
The freshly expressed breastmilk (EBM) from a preterm baby’s Breastmilk may be nutritionally adequate in many respects
own mother is considered the optimal enteral feed [56]. Much for babies >34 weeks’ gestation when fed in sufficient vol
of the evidence supporting the benefits of EBM is gathered umes (up to 180–200 mL/kg/day in well infants), although
from studies other than RCTs as it is ethically inappropriate to iron supplements will be needed. However, in infants <34
randomise a baby not receive their mother’s own milk when it weeks, the provision of some nutrients will be limited from
is available. No RCTs were found to meet the criteria for a the start of feeding, e.g. phosphorus, sodium and most
Cochrane review [57], and those that do exist involved ran vitamins, particularly the fat‐soluble ones, or become lim
domising babies to donor breastmilk (DBM) or formula when ited after 2–3 weeks of feeding, e.g. protein, calcium and
their mothers chose not to provide breastmilk. When risk for zinc. A case study to illustrate this is given in Table 7.5.
NEC was examined separately, it was found that breastmilk in Preterm breastmilk during the first 2–3 weeks of lactation
the form of DBM did have a beneficial effect over formula usually has higher protein levels than later on [67, 68]. Protein
milk [58]. There are a large number of observational studies to fortification will eventually be needed for babies <34 weeks
Table 7.5 Case study to illustrate adequacy of enteral nutrition in a preterm infant.
Baby boy, born at 27/40, birthweight 800 g (9th centile). Spontaneous rupture of membranes, maternal antenatal steroids and magnesium
sulphate given.
1 Mother visited by member of neonatal unit staff within 6 hours of Parenteral nutrition (PN) started 6 hours postnatally
delivery and provision of her breastmilk (BM) discussed; she is happy As soon as available oropharyngeal colostrum is started
to express
Advised on breast massage and hand expressing
2 Mother and father have long visits to baby PN given at 90–120 mL/kg
Mother encouraged to express after visiting Trophic feeds commenced at 10–20 mL/kg
3 Meconium passed and yellow seedy stools appear PN given at 120–150 mL/kg
Maternal milk production >20 mL at each hand expression so Trophic feeds not yet tolerated so continue
instruction in mechanical expression given
5 Trophic feeds now tolerated and included in total fluid volume PN decreased to 130 mL/kg
Maternal lactation checked: 200 mL/day and increasing Expressed breastmilk (EBM) 20 mL/kg
EBM increases by 20 mL/kg/day
8 Enteral feed well tolerated; minimal aspirates and bowels open PN decreased to 70 mL/kg
1–2 times per day EBM 80 mL/kg
Parents having skin‐to‐skin cuddles with baby Sodium and phosphate supplements started based on blood
Cotside expressing encouraged biochemistry results
9 Enteral feed tolerance as above PN decreased to <50 mL/kg and lipid component stopped
EBM 100 mL/kg
Supplements started: multivitamin supplement containing 400 IU
vitamin D and 5000 IU vitamin A and folic acid
10 Maternal lactation checked: <600 mL/day PN stopped
Further advice on expressing given EBM 120 mL/kg and building up towards 150 mL/kg
12 Maternal lactation improving with increase to 8–10 expressions per EBM 150 mL/kg
day, including at night Breastmilk fortifier started†
The need for breastmilk fortifier (BMF) discussed with parents and its
use explained
14 Enteral feed well tolerated; minimal aspirates and bowels open EBM 150 mL/kg with full‐strength breastmilk fortifier
1–2 times per day Sodium supplements kept the same
Maternal lactation now >700 mL/day Multivitamin and phosphorus supplements adjusted once on
Mother doing regular skin‐to‐skin cuddles full‐strength breastmilk fortifier
28 Baby now 31 weeks and beginning to nuzzle at breast during skin‐to‐ EBM 150 mL/kg + breastmilk fortifier
skin contact; will begin first attempts at suckling over next few weeks Sodium supplements stopped
Mother reports largest volumes of milk expressed after skin‐to‐skin (Iron supplement written up if infant on Nutriprem Human Breast
contact Milk Fortifier)
Could be half strength for 24–48 hours or full strength straight away; there is no consensus.
104 Preterm Infants
and <1.5 kg [69]. Some units start this routinely, while others does not contain iron, so a separate supplement is necessary.
wait until there are signs that additional protein is needed, Table 7.7 compares fortified breastmilk with the guidelines.
e.g. low serum urea levels [70]. A commercial multinutrient There is one commercially available protein supplement
BMF has many advantages over the addition of nutrients as for preterm infants. Nutriprem Protein Supplement is
separate supplements, e.g. reduced risk of excessively high designed to be added to Nutriprem 1 or Nutriprem Human
osmolality, reduced risk of errors in administration and Milk Fortifier to make up the additional protein require
reduced nursing time. Those currently available in the UK ments for those infants <1000 g as required. It should not be
are Nutriprem Human Milk Fortifier and SMA Breast Milk added to breastmilk without the prior addition of BMF as it
Fortifier. Typical composition of a BMF is given in Table 7.6. does not contain complete nutrition.
A systematic review concluded that BMFs promote short‐ Concerns around increased feed osmolality and bacterial
term growth and that, despite lack of longer‐term outcome growth with the use of BMF are not supported by current
data, it was unlikely that further trials would be carried out evidence [69]; neither is there evidence to suggest a link with
with an unfortified breastmilk group [71]. The BMFs available NEC [73]. One paper suggested that the use of a fortifier
in the UK provide nutrients sufficiently close to current recom based on human milk protein reduces the risk of NEC; how
mendations [6, 7]; however, Nutriprem Human Milk Fortifier ever questions over the design of this study weaken this pro
posal [74]. Despite the lack of evidence, it is advisable to add
Table 7.6 Typical composition of a multinutrient breastmilk fortifier. BMF to the minimum amount of breastmilk possible and to
feed as close as possible in time to the fortifier being added
Protein (hydrolysed) in order to avoid both prolonged storage and any potential
disruption of immunological components, which has not yet
Phosphorus been quantified. All feeds should be handled and stored
Sodium, potassium according to current guidelines to avoid contamination [75].
Fat‐soluble vitamins including vitamin E Strategies are needed to ensure that mothers of preterm
Water‐soluble vitamins including folic acid babies are able to produce milk in time for their baby’s first
Trace elements, e.g. zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium, iodine, feed and, if planning to breastfeed on discharge, to provide
sufficient quantities to support the volume their baby will
Iron is provided from SMA Breast Milk Fortifier, but not Nutriprem
Human Milk Fortifier
need in the longer term [76]. Table 7.8 shows a sample check
list that can be used to ensure mothers are given appropriate
EBM, expressed breastmilk; BMF, breastmilk fortifier; HMF, human milk fortifier. 1 μg vitamin A = 3.33 IU. 1 μg vitamin D = 40 IU.
*Finglas et al. [72]. Vitamin D level taken from 5th edition.
Does not take account of high risk of fat loss on handling.
Expressed as per day not per kg.
Enteral Nutrition 105
Discuss the importance of colostrum as first feed and breastmilk for the preterm baby with
respect to the following
• Reduced risk of infection • Improved development ❑
• Improved gut tolerance • Reduced risk of NEC
For mother; reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis
If baby is a candidate, get verbal consent for donor breastmilk from mother. Obtained
by............................................ (Name)
Is there a reason why feed at 6 hours is not appropriate in this baby? If not give feed
Is the baby likely to feed at the breast within 6 hours of delivery? If yes move to section 7 Y/N
6 hours post‐delivery: Call to midwife to check mother has expressed – in this hospital or
one mother is in ❑
Name of midwife discussed with.
2. Within the first 24 hours: during mother’s first visit to the unit:
Importance of skin‐to‐skin contact with baby explained and check the mother has watched the
film on the Small Wonders DVD: Film 5. Holding your baby
Breast massage and hand expressing observed and breastmilk expressing log offered
Log taken Y/N
Importance of frequent milk expression explained, i.e. 8–10 times in 24 hour (including once at
night between 2 am and 4 am)
Benefits of non‐nutritive sucking explained (calming, maximising CPAP, sucking practice during
tube feeds) (parent leaflet on shared drive)
If mother unable to visit the unit within 24 hours go down to visit her to complete this section
or if in another hospital phone her midwife to check expression has commenced
3. Day 2–4
Safe collection and storage of expressed breastmilk explained, including guide to minimise
Offer mother manual pump and demonstrate use when milk comes in ❑
Use of electric breast pump demonstrated and breastmilk expressing log reoffered Log taken
4. Day 5
Check that milk has come in and the volume of expressed breastmilk is increasing. If not, give
Check that production has increased and milk is being stored in the freezer (750 mL in 24 hours
is optimal). If not, give support
Discussion regarding the possible need for breastmilk fortifier to meet a preterm baby’s
❑ N/A
additional requirements (see guideline)
If appropriate advice has been given and followed by the mother but milk yield is not increasing,
is she taking domperidone? Date started?:...................................................
Check frequently that mother’s milk supply is being maintained. If not, offer support early
7. Stable and ready to feed
Support the mother to watch the film on the Small Wonders DVD: Film 7. Feeding
Importance of mother’s availability for breastfeeding and rooming in discussed with support for
any potential obstacles considered?
Breastfeeding observed, baby’s position and attachment has been supported and signs of milk
transfer explained
Consent for bottles given if necessary and developmentally supportive feeding demonstrated ❑
support and information at the relevant times. Another is required, it may be useful for the baby to be preferentially
useful resource is the booklet produced by the UK‐based fed hindmilk [77].
charity for sick and preterm babies, BLISS (see the website If mother’s own milk is not available or there is a delay in for the most recent publications). obtaining it, DBM is the feed of choice to initiate enteral feed
If mothers are advised to express 8–10 times per day ing in high risk infants as it is associated with a reduced risk
including once at night and to fully empty the breast of all of NEC than formula feeds [57]. There are guidelines from the
the fat‐rich hindmilk, they should produce milk of sufficient National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for
energy content to preclude the need for energy supplemen the processing and handling of donor milk in the UK [78]. All
tation. However, human milk is prone to fat loss and should donor milk in the UK is pasteurised to ensure microbiological
be handled carefully to avoid this. If it is felt that more energy safety with the preservation of as many immunological
Nutritional Assessment 107
components as possible. However, pasteurisation leads to the other [82]. Bolus feeding has been associated with less
denaturation of bile salt‐stimulated lipase with subsequent feed intolerance [83] but may lead to a deterioration in
reduced fat absorption and, therefore, total energy provision. respiratory function (due to gastric distension) in very com
In order to achieve optimal growth, babies are usually graded promised infants when compared with continuous feeds
onto preterm formula once full feed volumes are established [84]. Continuous feeding of human milk can lead to excessive
using DBM, if mother’s milk remains unavailable [79]. fat loss due to adherence to tubing [85] and risk of sedimenta
Although not all units have a milk bank, any baby in the UK tion of added minerals. There is no evidence that there is a
can have access to DBM; it can be purchased from many of the beneficiary effect of transpyloric feeding and that there may
established milk banks and delivered to the requesting unit. be some evidence of harm in the preterm infant [86].
Further information is available on the UK Association for
Milk Banking (UKAMB) website (
Transition to oral feeding
Serum biochemistry less frequently due to the high risk of inaccurate measure
ments using inappropriate equipment. A simple measure
Protein status is difficult to assess, whereas adequacy of is available to take the length of preterm babies, both in
protein intake in the short term can be approximately incubators and in cots (the Leicester Incubator Measure
assessed via measurement of serum urea levels. In healthy available from Harlow Printing). It is accurate if used
preterm infants, after the first 2–3 weeks, serum urea is according to a protocol and by two observers and has
likely to fall to <1.6 mmol/L when intake of human milk been shown to lead to minimal disturbance of the baby
protein is <3.0 g/kg/day [87]. Adequate protein intake of [90]. The value of a length measurement is that it reflects
3.5–4.0 g/kg/day (up to 4.5 g/kg/day in infants <1000 g) growth of the skeleton and, therefore, body mass, includ
[6] will probably be indicated by maintaining serum urea ing lean mass as well as adipose tissue, and is not affected
levels >2.0 mmol/L. However dehydration, renal and by fluid balance changes. It is becoming apparent that
hepatic dysfunction, sepsis, steroid therapy and insufficient preterm babies are often more stunted than wasted by the
non‐protein energy can all raise serum urea levels despite time they are discharged from the neonatal unit, but this
protein intake being <3.0 g/kg/day and should be taken can only be evaluated if length measurements are rou
into account. In some circumstances therefore, it may be tinely carried out [91, 92].
appropriate to increase protein intake despite there being a Weekly measurements of length and head circumference
urea level >2.0 mmol/L. are sufficient to give information on growth. Weighing may
Calcium and phosphorus are essential for bone health; be carried out daily initially while on PN and during acute
phosphorus is also needed for soft tissue deposition. Serum episodes to estimate fluid balance; thereafter twice weekly to
phosphorus levels vary more than calcium levels, but both weekly should be sufficient to monitor growth.
are very useful for assessing needs. It is recommended that These anthropometric measurements can be plotted on a
supplements be titrated to keep serum calcium and phos growth chart for preterm babies, the UK Neonatal and Infant
phorus within normal levels. A supplement of 0.5 mmol Close Monitoring Chart (available from Harlow Printing).
phosphorus twice daily has been shown to be a good start This chart is based on cross‐sectional data on size at different
ing point should serum levels drop <1.8 mmol/L [88]. gestational ages at birth and does not necessarily represent
Alkaline phosphatase is a marker of both bone formation how babies at different gestational ages should grow. There
and reabsorption. Sudden very large increases in serum lev is data showing postnatal growth of babies in North America
els may indicate a fracture or be due to increasing levels of [93] that are based on a cohort of babies from 1994. Similar
the liver isoenzyme during an acute phase reaction. Levels data from UK babies has been published [94]; there are some
that gradually increase with time, but stay below the upper striking similarities with the North American cohort of 1994
normal range, usually reflect bone activity during growth with both showing an initial loss of weight and tracking
and are not a concern. along a lower centile.
It is important to monitor trace elements during long‐term All preterm babies experience a reduction in extracel
delivery of PN (Table 7.4), e.g. manganese and copper, as lular fluid that is usually demonstrated by a weight loss
they can build up to excessive levels in the liver when bile in the first few days after delivery, and it is debatable
flow is reduced. During prolonged renal dysfunction, sele whether this fluid should be regained and whether an
nium and molybdenum levels may accumulate, so it may be infant’s weight should rapidly go back up to their birth
advisable to assess these in this circumstance. centile or not. The perceived benefit or detriment of catch‐
Other parameters to check are haemoglobin and sodium. up growth is still being debated. There is a move towards
Sodium depletion has been associated with poor growth ensuring satisfactory growth early on so that less catch‐
[89]. Preterm babies have higher requirements for sodium up growth is needed later on. In general it is acceptable
than term babies due to renal immaturity whereby they are for a baby to drop 1 or 2 weight centiles in the first few
unable to conserve sodium initially and can quickly days and then grow along the new centile. Babies who are
become hyponatraemic. If they are on sodium‐wasting born growth restricted may cross centiles upwards even
diuretics, they are also at risk of depletion due to higher when fed according to standard preterm nutritional
renal losses. recommendations.
Rather than considering gains in weight, length and
head circumference in isolation, it is useful to look at pat
Growth terns of growth on a centile chart. There will be no loss of
head circumference or length per se, but there may be a lag
A healthy preterm baby’s growth rate rapidly responds to phase before these consistently follow a particular centile.
both poor nutrition and nutritional rehabilitation. It is difficult to quickly establish when growth is failing
Accurate weight measurement is essential in the neonatal unless weight, length and head circumference are all con
unit as it gives important information about fluid balance sidered together as babies may show weight faltering that
as well as changes in body mass. Head circumference is is mainly due to loss of fluid rather than other tissue.
also routinely measured as it can alert to abnormal brain Where there are concerns about growth, a wide range of
growth after certain insults as well as contributing to possible causes need to be evaluated alongside nutrition
growth monitoring. Length measurement is carried out (Table 7.9).
Feeding Issues in Special Conditions 109
Causes Remedies
Inadequate nutrient input • Optimise volume and composition of parenteral nutrition and enteral feeding
• Ensure timely breastmilk fortification
Immature digestion and • Vomiting or diarrhoea – treat root cause
absorption • When MEBM unavailable and infant having DBM, consider introduction of preterm formula or
fortification of DBM in infants at low risk of NEC
• No benefit has been found in the use of medium chain triglycerides
Fluid restriction • Ensure that fluid restriction is clinically necessary and negotiate a liberalisation of fluid input as soon as
Inadequate sodium replacement • After early postnatal diuresis has occurred, monitor serum sodium levels and supplement when necessary
• Monitor serum sodium levels carefully during sodium wasting diuretic therapy
Breastmilk fat • Ensure all steps taken to avoid loss of fat on handling, e.g. avoid decanting cold breastmilk and leaving
fat residues in bottles
• If continuous feeding, ensure syringe tilted upwards to deliver fat first
• Consider the creamatocrit technique
• Consider preferential feeding of hindmilk
Postnatal steroids • Postnatal steroids are known to arrest postnatal linear growth; therefore caution is required to not
overfeed during this period
• Additional energy supplements are not recommended as there is a risk of excessive adiposity
• Additional protein is not recommended as baby will be catabolic and can increase urea levels
• Ensure liberalisation of nutritional input after steroids are finished to allow catch‐up growth
Renal/metabolic • Excess mineral loss due to renal immaturity – monitor biochemistry and supplement accordingly
• Metabolic acidosis needs prompt treatment as it interferes with protein synthesis
Inactivity • Not currently recommended but if further evidence shows benefit and no harm try gentle, passive
Suspected increase energy expenditure
1. Respiratory or cardiac disease • Trial of high energy density feeding, e.g. preferential hindmilk feeding for babies being tube‐fed
breastmilk, and/or use of high energy formulations in the near term and term infant
• Ensure adequate protein–energy ratio when using energy‐enhanced formulations
2. Other causes • Ensure that the infant is kept in a thermoneutral environment
• Ensure that methylxanthine (caffeine) levels are not excessive
• Ensure that infant is nursed to minimise energy expenditure
MEBM, mother’s expressed breastmilk; DBM, donor breastmilk; NEC, necrotising enterocolitis.
encephalopathy or cardiac anomaly such as patent duc administered directly into the baby’s lungs to improve com
tus arteriosus pliance and, more recently, more rapid transfer from
• congenital gastrointestinal abnormalities, e.g. gastroschisis mechanical intratracheal ventilation to non‐invasive airway
• unstable, ventilated and hypotensive infants support. It is now only the most immature and compromised
• altered gut microflora at birth who develop this disease.
There is evidence for some increase in energy require
Medically managed NEC is bowel rest and PN with slow
ments with CLD; however, this is probably restricted to
regrading of enteral feeds, ideally onto human milk. In the
babies with severe forms of the disease [111]. Most babies
most extreme cases, infants may require surgical manage
today have a milder form of CLD and grow well without
ment and gut resection, which can result in short bowel syn
routine energy supplementation.
drome if extensive gut resections are required. Severe NEC is
associated with a poor neurodevelopmental outcome and
high morbidity and mortality rates in those requiring sur Learning points: special conditions
gery [97, 98]. Standardised enteral feeding protocols appear
to reduce the incidence of NEC [99]. The use of probiotics in • NEC affects 5% of preterm infants <33 weeks corrected age
preterm infants in the prevention of NEC has been widely • The most severe form of NEC can lead to short bowel syn-
reviewed [100]; however, a recent study found no clear ben drome in patients who require extensive surgical resection
efit of giving probiotics for prevention of NEC and that fur • Feed intolerance is common in preterm infants and can be
ther research is required to identify the optimal probiotic reduced by feeding mother’s EBM and feeding at frequent
strain [101]. intervals
• Infants with severe forms of CLD may have an increased
requirement for energy
Feed intolerance
orally, each sachet of BMF can be dissolved in a small amount Table 7.10 Cues for weaning healthy preterm babies.
of breastmilk and given via a teat or syringe just before a
breastfeed, the aim being to avoid introducing a bottle Behaviours
where possible and risk any interference with breastfeeding. • Alert and appears ready for a new type of feeding
There is an argument that BMF could be given at half the • Shows an interest in others eating
• Leans forward and opens their mouth towards a spoon or food
usual dose as a ‘step‐down’ to gradually reduce the nutri
tional concentration, as happens when changing from a pre Positioning
term formula to a nutrient‐enriched post‐discharge formula • Can hold their head in a stable position
(NEPDF). This approach has not been investigated in clinical • Can be supported easily in a sitting position on a lap, bouncy or high
trials, but has been advised by various units, and anecdo chair
tally it has been found not to interfere with breastfeeding, • Caution should be taken when starting to wean preterm babies who
which has been voiced as a concern [115]. BMF is currently cannot be assisted to achieve the above positioning skills
not prescribable in the community in the UK and depends Oral skills
on the individual neonatal unit to supply it. • Has started to bring their hands to their mouth and explore fingers
Babies who are exclusively or predominantly breastfed and/or toys with their mouth
(with or without BMF) will need a multivitamin preparation • Is demonstrating a ‘munching’ or up down jaw movement when
containing vitamin D, which should continue as long as mouthing non‐food items
breastmilk is the main drink. An iron supplement is also • Can breast, bottle or cup feed efficiently
needed until around 1 year of age but may be stopped earlier This is desirable although some babies who are not managing
milk feeds efficiently can still be tried with weaning foods.
if there is sufficient iron in the diet. The practice of giving a
A specialist speech and language assessment should be initiated for
single dose of iron daily throughout the first year (e.g. such babies
5.5 mg/day) allows the baby to gradually grow out of the
dose per kilogram so that when the supplement is finally Some factors have been used in the past, but are now not
stopped, it is a relatively small dose, as the diet becomes the
predominant source of iron. • That a certain target weight is reached
• Demanding feeds more frequently; this will often be due to a growth
Some babies will leave hospital on formula feeds whether
spurt and should be managed initially by offering more milk rather
fully feeding or as a top‐up to breastfeeding. There has been than starting solid foods
much discussion recently over the appropriate formula for
preterm infants at the time of discharge, with a recent Some factors may only develop once weaning has begun; their absence
should not prevent a baby’s progression with weaning
Cochrane review suggesting that recommendations to pre
scribe NEPDF are not supported by available evidence [116]. • Managing to clear the spoon with their lips; this skill develops with
However, the cohort in this review either lacked or under‐ experience
• Presence of teeth, as they are not essential for chewing
represented the infants at highest nutritional risk and those
with additional requirements at discharge, e.g. those going
home on supplemental oxygen [7].
It could be surmised then that infants with good weight for
have lower nutrient density per kilocalorie (kilojoule) com
post‐conceptional age and nutritional status will not require
pared with NEPDF, so as babies tend to feed to meet their
an NEPDF and should be considered for discharge home on a
energy requirements and then stop feeding once achieved,
term formula. These infants will require additional vitamins
they are at risk of having a lower nutrient intake.
and iron supplementation until around 6 months corrected
After NEPDF is stopped, a term formula can be used up to
age. However, it needs to be acknowledged that there is still a
12–18 months of age. Iron status should be adequately main
cohort of preterm infants, e.g. those high risk for nutritional
tained without supplementation [118], although some
deficits and with increased requirements who would still
infants with limited dietary intakes may still need extra iron.
benefit from a going home with an NEPDF.
When unmodified cow’s milk is given at 12–18 months
The nutritional composition of NEPDF falls between pre
instead of formula or breastmilk, the toddler should be
term and term formulas. There are two brands of NEPDF
started on Healthy Start Children’s Vitamin Drops as per
available on prescription in the UK: Nutriprem 2 and SMA
Department of Health guidelines (Table 1.22).
Gold Prem 2. These formulas are prescribable to 6 months
corrected age, which may benefit those who have accrued
the greatest nutritional deficit while on the neonatal unit; for Weaning onto solids
others their use up to 3 months corrected age is probably suf
ficient [117]. Although NEPDFs are currently prescribable Introduction of solids is not recommended before 6 months
for low birthweight term as well as preterm infants, there is for the general population; however, these UK government
no evidence that they are of any benefit for small term infants guidelines are not intended for special groups such as pre
[2]. High energy formulas designed for term infants are not term babies [119]. There is limited evidence on weaning in
recommended for preterm babies post‐discharge as they preterm infants. The decision of when to start weaning is
112 Preterm Infants
Sarah Macdonald
Gastroenterology is one of the most interesting and challeng- malabsorptive condition will have high to very high require-
ing areas in paediatric dietetics. The medical conditions ments. Table 8.1 can be used as a guide for requirements for
encountered are diverse and require an understanding of such infants who are fed enterally and are based on actual
normal gastrointestinal (GI) function before correct dietetic rather than expected weight. For all the clinical conditions
advice can be given. described, the assessment and monitoring of the child’s
Manipulation of feeds and diet may be the primary treat- nutritional status is paramount. Anthropometric measure-
ment for the underlying condition. Careful documentation ments should be plotted serially on appropriate growth
and monitoring of symptoms is needed to assess the response charts and feeding regimens adapted as needed.
to alterations in the feeding regimen. It is important to work In conditions resulting in malabsorption, or in those
closely with the child’s family to ensure that the planned requiring a very restrictive diet, iron indices, trace elements,
feeding regimen is possible for them to continue at home. vitamins (particularly fat‐soluble vitamins and B12) and
Once this is established the child’s caregivers need accurate urinary sodium levels should be monitored, with additional
explanation and written advice for discharge. It should be supplements prescribed as necessary. The inflammatory
recognised that GI symptoms are open to exaggeration and response is known to affect many micronutrient levels, and
manipulation by the patient and their family. In perplexing it is recommended that C‐reactive protein (CRP) should also
cases hospital admission with close monitoring of symptoms be measured at the same time to assess the accuracy of the
may be needed. A multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach results [3].
to the management of such cases is vital [1, 2].
Disorders of absorption and digestion
Nutritional requirements Acute gastroenteritis
Nutritional requirements vary according to the underlying Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) remains one of the leading
disorder. Normal requirements for most nutrients will suf- causes of childhood morbidity and mortality in developing
fice for GI disorders that do not result in malabsorption, with nations, with an estimated 5–18 million deaths attributed to
additional energy and protein required for catch‐up growth. this each year. In industrial nations the mortality rate is
When malabsorption is present, requirements for all much lower. Infants and children are particularly vulnerable
nutrients are raised to allow for stool losses particularly
to the effects of AGE because of their greater relative fluid
fluid, energy, protein and electrolytes. Most infants with a requirements and their susceptibility to faecal–oral agents.
Table 8.1 Suggested requirements for infants with malabsorption Table 8.2 Oral rehydration solutions (mmol/L).
per day.
Na+ K+ Cl− CHO
Energy High 120–150 kcal/kg
(500–630 kJ/kg) Dioralyte* 60 20 60 90
Very high 150–200 kcal/kg (Sanofi) (glucose)
(630–840 kJ/kg) Electrolade* 50 20 40 111
Protein High 3–4 g/kg (Electrolade) (glucose)
Very high Maximum 6 g/kg Dioralyte Relief*,† 60 20 50 30 g
Sodium High 3.0 mmol/kg (Sanofi) (rice starch)
Potassium High 2.4–4.5 mmol/kg (age dependent) WHO formulation
Fluid High 180–220 mL/kg Oral rehydration salts 75 20 65 75
Table 8.3 Low lactose, cow’s milk protein‐based formulas. Table 8.4 Brush border enzyme activity in the small intestine.
• Rehydration with a low osmolality ORS remains the Congenital sucrase‐isomaltase deficiency
mainstay of treatment of AGE Congenital sucrase‐isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is an auto-
• An NG tube should be used if the child will not drink the ORS somal recessively inherited disease, which is a rare, but fre-
• Breastfeeding should not be stopped quently misdiagnosed cause of chronic diarrhoea in infants
• Normal feeding should be introduced rapidly after rehydration and children. It results in a deficiency in the ability to hydro-
• In infants and children admitted to hospital with AGE, lyse sucrose, maltose, short 1–4 linked glucose oligomers,
there is low quality evidence that the use of low lactose feeds branched (1–6 linked) α‐limit dextrins and starch. The cur-
reduces the duration of acute diarrhoea rent gold standard method of diagnosis is measuring the
• Administration of effective probiotic strains may also be con- intestinal disaccharidase activity in small bowel biopsy spec-
sidered in children requiring hospital admission with AGE imens, which show normal morphology.
Patients with CSID have different phenotypes and enzy-
matic activities that range from mild reduction of sucrase
activity to complete absence. Isomaltase is the only enzyme
Disaccharidase deficiencies to possess the α1–6 glucosidic activity needed to cleave the
linkages present in the branch points of the α‐limit dextrins
Deficiencies of disaccharidase enzymes can be primary in found in high concentrations in amylopectin [15]. Although
nature, due to a congenital enzyme defect, or secondary to considered rare, the prevalence of CSID may have been
some other GI insult. In the brush border of the small intes- underestimated, and it is likely that the disease remains
tine, there are four disaccharidase enzymes with the highest undiagnosed in numerous patients with a history of chronic
level of activity occurring in the jejunum (Table 8.4). When a diarrhoea, some of whom are diagnosed with CSID as adults.
carbohydrate (CHO) intolerance is suspected, a careful diet The sucrase‐isomaltase gene has been identified, and more
history, which includes the timing of introduction of sugars than 25 mutations discovered, which raises the possibility of
into the diet and the onset of symptoms, can aid in the diag- genetic screening in the future. Current estimates of the
nosis of these disorders. prevalence of CSID in the North American and European
The net result of sugar malabsorption is to increase the populations range from 1 in 500 to 1 in 2000 among non‐
osmotic load of GI fluid. This draws water into the small Hispanic Caucasians [16].
116 Gastroenterology
Table 8.5 Low sucrose, low starch solids (<1 g per 100 g). Table 8.6 Sucrose content of some common fruits (per 100 g edible
portion) [17].
Protein Meat, poultry, egg, fish
<1 g sucrose <3 g sucrose <5 g sucrose
Fats Margarine, butter, lard, vegetable oils
Avocado, bilberries, Galia melon, Apples,
Vegetables Most vegetables except potato, plantain, yam, sweet
potato, parsnip, carrots, peas, onion, sweetcorn, blackberries, grapefruit, apricots,
beetroot, okra, beans and lentils [17] blackcurrants, cherries, kiwi fruit, oranges,
Fruits Initially use fruits <1 g sucrose per 100 g fruit (Table 8.6); cooking apples, passion fruit, clementines,
most fruits contain negligible amounts of starch
damsons, dates, plums, satsumas
Milk Breastmilk, infant formula (free of glucose polymer
and sucrose) gooseberries, grapes, watermelon
Cow’s milk, unsweetened natural yoghurt, cream lemons, loganberries,
Others Marmite, Bovril, vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs, spices, 1–2 lychees, melon
teaspoons of tomato purée used in cooking, gelatine,
essences and food colourings, sugar‐free jelly, sugar-free
drinks, fructose, glucose honeydew), pears,
raisins, raspberries,
redcurrants, rhubarb,
While being breastfed or given a normal infant formula
strawberries, sultanas
(where the sugar is lactose), the infant remains asympto-
matic and thrives. The introduction into the diet of starch or Source: Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons.
sucrose in weaning foods or a change in formula to one con-
taining sucrose or starch (sucrose is added to the extensively
hydrolysed formula [EHF], Similac Alimentum, and starch is sucrose‐containing foods should improve until, by the age
found in pre‐thickened formulas) initiates symptoms. The of 2–3 years, the restriction of starch may no longer be
clinical presentation of CSID is very variable. Chronic watery needed.
diarrhoea and faltering growth are common findings in An international support group based in the USA tracks
infants and toddlers. A delay in the diagnosis may be related children with CSID and provides further information on this
to the empirical institution of a low sucrose diet by parents, disorder ( It has followed 7433 individu-
which controls symptoms. Some children attain relatively als and has identified 5 different phenotypes who can toler-
normal growth with chronic symptoms of intermittent diar- ate varying amounts of starch in the diet [18].
rhoea, bloating and abdominal cramps before diagnosis. In The sucrose content of fruits is shown in Table 8.6. Fruits
older children such symptoms may result in the diagnosis of containing higher amounts of sucrose can be added to the
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). diet according to tolerance [19]. If children have problems
tolerating starch in reasonable quantities, soy flour can be
Treatment used in recipes to replace wheat flour as it only contains 15 g
In the first year of life, treatment usually requires the elimi- starch per 100 g compared with 75 g per 100 g in wheat flour.
nation of sucrose from the diet. Starch is excluded initially Parents need reassurance that occasional dietary indiscre-
and then increased to tolerance (Table 8.5). The lactose in tions will not cause long‐term problems.
normal infant formula, breastmilk and mammalian milks is Newly diagnosed older children should initially be
tolerated. Such a diet is very restrictive, and care needs to be advised to avoid dietary sources of sucrose only. Advice
taken to ensure an adequate energy and vitamin intake. It should be given about alternative sweeteners that are suita-
may be beneficial to continue an infant formula after 1 year ble. The following have been found to be tolerated: crystal-
of age. Oral nutritional supplements (ONS) (sip feeds) for line glucose, dextrose, corn syrup and crystalline fructose.
older children should not be prescribed as these all contain None of the phenotypes identified by the CSID Parent
sucrose as a sweetener. Fructose and glucose can be added to Support Group could tolerate hydrogenated glucose syrup,
foods and low calorie drinks to provide extra energy if galactose/maltose/malt sugar, acesulfame K, maltitol and
needed. Butter, margarine and oils can be added to savoury brown rice syrup. If avoidance of sucrose does not lead to a
foods. All medications should be sucrose‐free; Ketovite liq- prompt improvement in symptoms, then the starch content
uid and tablets are a suitable complete CHO‐free vitamin of the diet should be reduced, particularly those foods with
supplement. a high amylopectin content such as wheat and potatoes.
Once the infant or child is symptom‐free, the tolerance Glucose tablets may be included in the diet.
for the excluded CHO should be tested by slowly increasing
dietary intake; if the capacity to absorb CHO is exceeded, Enzyme substitution therapy
this will cause osmotic diarrhoea or a recurrence of abdom- Sacrosidase, a liquid preparation containing high concentra-
inal symptoms. Reducing the CHO to the previously tions of yeast‐derived invertase (sucrase), has been used
tolerated level will result in normal stool production. With with good results and is available, as Sucraid, on a named
increasing age the tolerance of starch and the lower patient basis. It is stable if refrigerated and tasteless when
Disorders of Absorption and Digestion 117
mixed with water. This formulation has been shown to be Secondary disaccharidase deficiency
resistant to acidic pH. Degradation by intragastric pepsin is
Carbohydrate malabsorption can result from secondary
buffered by taking the enzyme with protein foods. Unlike
damage to the GI mucosa and can present at any age.
human intestinal sucrase‐isomaltase, it has no activity on
Examples include rotavirus‐induced villus damage and
oligosaccharides containing 1–6 glucosyl bonds.
enteropathies of assorted aetiologies. Lactase deficiency is a
A controlled, double‐blind trial of sacrosidase in 14
more common clinical problem than sucrase‐isomaltase
patients with CSID consuming a sucrose‐containing diet
deficiency as its expression is restricted to the villi, whereas
with ongoing symptoms (diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and
sucrase‐isomaltase is expressed in the crypts of the small
bloating) resulted in the absence of, or less severe, problems.
One other study showed that, in six patients with confirmed
CSID, dietary advice resulted in little improvement in symp-
toms, whereas sacrosidase administration resulted in a
Treatment is to eliminate the offending CHO and treat the
marked improvement with no adverse events reported [20].
primary disorder causing the mucosal damage. Clinical
The recommended dose is 1 mL with each meal for
course depends on the underlying disease, but studies in
patients weighing <15 kg and 2 mL for those weighing
infants with rotavirus infections have shown an incidence of
>15 kg. This allows the consumption of a more normal diet
30%–50% lactose intolerance that recovers 2–4 weeks after
by children with CSID and decreases the high incidence of
the infection.
chronic GI complaints seen in this condition [21, 22]. It is
Infants requiring a lactose‐free formula and diet can use
suggested that the product is introduced when the child’s
either lactose‐free, CMP‐based formula (Table 8.3) or soy for-
tolerance of sucrose is known. Doses should be split, with
mula if older than 6 months (Table 8.14). A milk‐free diet
half the dose given at the start and the other half midway
(Table 8.17) is necessary although mature cheese can be
through the meal, to maximise the enzyme’s activity. Sucraid
included. Medications need to be checked as these can con-
should not be heated, added to hot drinks or mixed with
tain lactose as a bulking agent.
fruit juice. Data from 229 patients using Sucraid showed
that 65% of patients were able to consume either a normal or
mildly restricted diet. However, 27% is still needed to main-
tain a strict sucrose restriction with some level of starch Learning points: disaccharidase deficiencies
restriction to maintain acceptable suppression of their GI
symptoms. The addition of enzymes to enhance maltase • Deficiencies of disaccharidase enzymes can be a primary
and glycoamylase activity in the future may help these problem or secondary to gut damage
patients to cope with the continued problem of starch mal- • All are characterised by osmotic diarrhoea that stops when
absorption [16]. the offending carbohydrate is removed
• Dietary treatment of congenital CSID requires the elimina-
tion of sucrose (unless enzyme substitution therapy is given)
Lactase deficiency and removal or reduction of all foods containing starch
Congenital lactase deficiency is very rare, the largest group • A primary adult‐type lactase deficiency occurs from around
of patients being found in Finland. Severe diarrhoea starts the age of 3 years in approximately 70% on the world’s
during the first days of life, resulting in dehydration and population
malnutrition, and resolves when either breastmilk or normal
formula are ceased and a lactose‐free formula is given
(Table 8.3).
Lymphatic disorders
Primary adult‐type lactase deficiency is found in approxi-
mately 70% of the world’s population. Lactase levels are nor-
Intestinal lymphangiectasia
mal during infancy but decline to about 5%–10% of the level
at birth during childhood and adolescence. These popula- Intestinal lymphangiectasia is a congenital, acquired or
tion groups are common in East and South East Asia, tropi- inherited disorder characterised by dilated enteric lymphatic
cal Africa and Native Americans and Australians. The age of vessels, which rupture and leak lymphatic fluid into the
onset of symptoms varies but is generally about 3 years or gut, leading to protein loss. The presentation is variable,
later and only if a diet containing lactose is offered. In the but diarrhoea, hypoproteinaemic oedema and decreased
majority of Europeans, lactase levels remain high, and this levels of immunoglobulins are commonly seen. Peripheral
pattern of a declining tolerance of lactose with age is not lymphoedema of the limbs is reported in 22% of cases.
seen. Failure to thrive can also be a significant problem. Children
In ethnic groups with this problem, a moderate reduc- usually present in the first 2 years of life although cases diag-
tion of dietary lactose will be sufficient, using either lac- nosed as late as 15 years of age are documented [24]. The
tose‐reduced milks available from the supermarket or milk diagnosis is definitively established by a small intestinal
substitutes based on soya, oats and rice milks. It is impor- biopsy demonstrating the characteristic lymphatic abnor-
tant to ensure that children meet their requirements for mality although, as the lesion is a patchy one, negative
calcium [23]. biopsy does not exclude the diagnosis [25]. Techniques that
118 Gastroenterology
Table 8.7 Composition of minimal fat, cow’s milk protein‐based infant formulas per 100 mL.
Dilution (%) (kcal) (kJ) Protein (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) (mOsm/kg H2O)
allow visualisation of the small intestine, such as video Ensure Plus Juce and Fresubin Jucy are useful to ensure ade-
capsule endoscopy or double balloon enteroscopy, may be quate protein intake in older children (Table 12.5).
required to diagnose this disorder [26]. As the dietary restrictions are required long term, it is par-
ticularly important to ensure that the recommended amounts of
Treatment essential fatty acids (EFA) are included in the diet once the vol-
Treatment is by diet unless the lesion is localised and selec- ume of complete infant formula is reduced. Walnut oil provides
tive surgical excision is possible. A reduced long chain tri- the most concentrated source of EFA and can be given as a
glyceride (LCT) diet is needed to control symptoms. This measured amount as a daily dietary supplement. Recommended
reduces the volume of intestinal lymphatic fluid and the amounts would be at least 0.1 mL per 56 kcal (235 kJ) provided
pressure within the lacteals. It has been recommended that from foods and drinks not supplemented with EFA (Table 30.4);
the amount of LCT should be restricted to 5–10 g/day [25]. A however, there are no data as to how well this is absorbed in this
very high protein intake with sufficient energy to ensure its disorder. It may be prudent to give double the normal amount
proper utilisation is also recommended. Enteric protein loss of walnut oil as a divided dose mixed with food or as a medi-
can be monitored by measuring faecal α1‐antitrypsin levels. cine. This needs to be included in the daily fat allowance.
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) can be used as an energy Fat‐soluble vitamin supplements (A, D, E) to meet at least
source and to increase the palatability of the diet as these are the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for age should be given
absorbed directly into the portal system and not via the lym- separately. The above ONS are fortified with these vitamins,
phatics. Supportive albumin infusions and, occasionally, so separate supplementation may not be required if they are
parenteral nutrition (PN) may also be needed [27]. used. Blood levels should be monitored. A 4‐year‐old girl
Papers reviewing nutritional treatments in this condition presenting with tetany caused by hypocalcaemia due to vita-
have shown that 63%–85% of paediatric cases having dietary min D deficiency has been described [30].
intervention showed improvement in clinical symptoms and
laboratory parameters. The exact composition of the diet in
Congenital intestinal transport defects
terms of fat and protein content is not reported [28, 29].
Suitable feeds in infancy and early childhood are Monogen
Glucose–galactose malabsorption
or Lipistart (Table 8.7). If additional protein is needed to help
maintain plasma albumin levels, protein supplements, such This is an extremely rare congenital disorder resulting from a
as Protifar or Renapro, can be added to a complete feed. The selective defect in the intestinal glucose and galactose/sodium
fat and electrolyte content of these products should be calcu- co‐transport system in the brush border membrane. Dietary
lated in addition to the quantities supplied by the feed. intake of glucose, galactose, lactose, sucrose, glucose polymers
and starch are all contraindicated. It presents in the neonatal
Minimal fat diet period with the onset of severe watery, acidic diarrhoea, leading
Minimal fat weaning solids should initially be introduced to rapid dehydration and metabolic acidosis. The diarrhoea can
and gradually expanded aiming to keep the total LCT intake be so profuse and watery that it may be mistaken for polyuria
<10 g/day, certainly in the first 2 years of life. Details of mini- [31]. Glucose–galactose malabsorption is a heterogeneous condi-
mal fat diets are given elsewhere (p. 302). Attention needs to tion in its expression, and older children seem to have consider-
be given to protein intake, and extra very low fat, high pro- able variation in their tolerance of the offending carbohydrates.
tein foods should be included.
As the problem is lifelong, it is necessary to continue die- Treatment
tary restrictions, certainly until the end of the pubertal growth Initial intravenous (IV) rehydration is required. The use of
spurt. Maintaining such a low intake of fat becomes increas- ORS, all of which are glucose or starch based, is contraindi-
ingly difficult as the child becomes older. There is no infor- cated. A fructose‐based complete infant formula, Galactomin
mation about the degree of fat restriction required in older 19, should be introduced slowly to ensure tolerance, initially
children, and some relaxation of the diet should be possible as quarter and half strength formula with IV carbohydrate
so long as symptoms are controlled and growth is adequate. and electrolyte support to avoid metabolic acidosis (Table 8.8).
Minimal fat or fat‐free ONS such as Meritene shakes, which Once the infant is established on feeds and gaining weight,
can be made up with skimmed milk, or PaediaSure Plus Juce, it is important to discuss with the child’s doctor a suitable
Disorders of Absorption and Digestion 119
Dilution (%) (kcal) (kJ) Protein (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) (mOsm/kg H2O)
protocol for oral rehydration should the child become Infants and children are very dependent on Galactomin 19
unwell. Plain water or a 2%–4% fructose solution can be to meet their energy requirements, and parents should be
given, but this does not have the same effect on water absorp- encouraged to continue this formula for as long as possible.
tion as ORS. Fructose is absorbed through the facilitative It can also be useful for older children entering adolescence
transporter, GLUT5, which is not coupled to sodium and who find it difficult to meet their increased energy require-
water absorption. In severe infectious diarrhoea the infant ments from eating a low starch diet. If sufficient formula is
will need IV fluids. taken, a vitamin supplement should not be needed.
Fructose is available on prescription for this condition and
can be used to sweeten foods for older children and as an Table 8.9 Foods allowed in children with glucose–galactose
additional energy source. It is important to ensure that all malabsorption (<1 g glucose and galactose per 100 g)*.
medicines are CHO‐free.
First weaning solids should contain minimal amounts of Protein Meat, poultry, egg, fish
starch, sucrose, lactose and glucose (Table 8.9). Manufactured Fats Margarine, butter, lard, vegetable oils
baby foods are not suitable, and it is necessary for weaning Vegetables Ackee (canned), asparagus, bamboo shoots, beansprouts
solids to be prepared at home. All foods should be cooked (canned only), broccoli, celery, cucumber, endive,
without salt and initially blended to a very smooth texture. fennel, globe artichoke, lettuce, marrow, mushrooms,
To save time parents can prepare foods in advance and freeze spinach, spring greens, steamed tofu, watercress,
preserved vine leaves
in clean ice cube trays.
With increasing age children gradually begin to tolerate Fruits Avocado pear, rhubarb, lemon juice
more of the offending CHO due to colonic salvage. The foods Milk Galactomin 19 formula
in Table 8.10 are grouped to allow a gradual increase in the substitute
amount of glucose and galactose in the diet. These lists can Others Marmite, Bovril, vinegar, salt, pepper, herbs, spices, 1–2
be used as a guide by parents. Small amounts of new foods teaspoons of tomato purée used in cooking, gelatine,
can be introduced cautiously and increased as tolerated. Too essences and food colourings, sugar‐free jelly, sugar‐free
much of these foods will exceed the individual’s tolerance drinks, fructose
and cause diarrhoea. In this situation the child should return
*The lists of foods have been compiled calculating the amount of glucose
to the diet previously tolerated, and food introductions tried and galactose as g starch + g glucose + g lactose + 0.5 g sucrose [17].
again a few months later. Source: Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons.
Table 8.10 Glucose and galactose content of foods (per 100 g edible portion) [17].
Quorn, all ‘hard’ cheeses, cream cheese, brie,
Aubergine, beans (French and runner), Brussels Carrots Sugar snap peas, butternut squash,
sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celeriac, courgettes, mange tout
gherkins (pickled), leeks, okra, onions (boiled),
green peppers, radish, spring onions, swede,
tomatoes (including tinned), turnip
Gooseberries, redcurrants Apples (cooking, sweetened with fructose Apricots, blackcurrants, cherries,
or artificial sweetener), blackberries, clementines, peaches, pineapple,
loganberries, melon (all types), pears, grapefruit, nectarines, oranges,
raspberries, strawberries satsumas, tangerines
Ordinary mayonnaise (retail) – not reduced calorie Double cream Whipping cream
Congenital chloride‐losing diarrhoea necessitating this being administered over 24 hours. Trace
mineral deficiencies have been reported, so it is important to
This is a selective defect in intestinal chloride transport in
carefully monitor nutritional parameters [35]. Trophic feeds
the small intestine and colon, which is inherited as an auto-
should be offered so long as the resulting osmotic diarrhoea
somal recessive trait. Lifelong secretory diarrhoea occurs
does not further complicate fluid balance. Many babies in
with high chloride concentrations. It has been reported in
this group have early‐onset cholestatic liver disease. A case
most populations including the UK; however, it is most com-
series of three infants with MVID and cholestasis showed
monly seen in Finland, the Arabian Gulf and Poland [32].
improvement with the substitution of conventional IV lipid
In the past it generally resulted in severe lethal dehydration.
sources with an emulsion based on fish oil [36].
Watery diarrhoea is present prenatally as polyhydramnios
Small bowel transplantation is the only curative treatment in
and after birth often goes unnoticed as the fluid in the nappy
the early‐onset form of the disease; however, the decision and
is thought to be urine. Dehydration occurs rapidly followed
timing should be carefully assessed due to recent improvements
by disturbances in electrolyte concentration causing hypoka-
in PN management. A case series of 24 patients, detailing the
lemia and hypochloraemia with mild metabolic alkalosis.
complexity of managing these patients, has been published [37].
As the intestinal defect cannot be corrected, treatment requires Tufting enteropathy
replacement of the diarrhoeal losses of chloride, sodium, This is a rare autosomal recessive enteropathy of neonatal
potassium and water. The rationale behind this therapy is the onset that presents with intractable diarrhoea, poor growth
normal jejunal absorption of these electrolytes. Initially this and intestinal failure. The intestinal histology shows ‘tufts’
may need to be given IV, but this should gradually be changed of closely packed epithelial enterocytes due to poor entero-
to the oral route. Insufficient salt substitution causes chronic cyte adhesion. Genetic associations include a mutation in the
dehydration, salt depletion and activation of the renin– epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) gene. There is a
aldosterone system, which may lead to chronic kidney higher prevalence in areas with a high degree of consanguin-
disease [33]. Dietary manipulation is not required in this
ity and in patients of Arabic origin [38].
disorder other than to ensure a normal intake for age in con- Children with tufting enteropathy, also known as intesti-
junction with the prescribed electrolyte and fluid therapy. nal epithelial dysplasia, have a highly variable clinical phe-
notype. Infants require PN support, but there appears to be a
Congenital enteropathies and protracted diarrhoea range of severity in these disorders with some children
becoming less dependent on, and even stopping, PN as they
The causes of protracted diarrhoea in the first few months of progress through childhood [39, 40]. The enteral manage-
life are mostly post‐infectious and food allergic enteropathies. ment of tufting enteropathy is limited to the exclusion of
Rare, and usually early onset, congenital enterocyte disorders major food allergens if there is concurrent inflammation in
include microvillous inclusion disease (MVID) and tufting gut biopsies and additional tailored micronutrient supple-
enteropathy (intestinal epithelial dysplasia) [34]. Congenital ments in cases weaning from PN.
glucose–galactose malabsorption, congenital chloride‐losing
diarrhoea and congenital sodium‐losing diarrhoea also mani- Defects of lipolysis
fest from birth, but villous morphology is normal in these babies.
Shwachman–Diamond syndrome
Microvillous inclusion disease
Shwachman–Diamond syndrome (SDS) is a rare autosomal
MVID is a congenital enterocyte defect that requires PN for recessive disorder characterised by congenital abnormalities,
fluid and nutritional maintenance. Small bowel biopsy shows exocrine pancreas dysfunction, bone marrow failure and a
accumulation of secretory granules within the enterocytes, predisposition to myelodysplasia and leukaemia. It is a
and electron microscopy confirms the diagnosis, showing the multisystem disorder with potential manifestations in the
typical inclusions of microvilli in the cytoplasm. It does not skeletal, hepatic, cardiac, immune and central nervous sys-
manifest in utero with hydramnios (as a result of intrauterine tems. Deficits in cognitive abilities across many domains of
diarrhoea), but commonly becomes apparent in the first few functioning are seen in the majority of individuals with this
postnatal days. Early‐onset MVID is almost invariably fatal condition, although the extent of the problems varies [41].
without PN support. A later onset form of MVID has been The heterogenicity of presenting symptoms means that one
described in a few patients who appear to have a better prog- American study of 37 children found that only 51% of patients
nosis, with one reported case weaning off PN. presented with the classical picture of neutropenia associated
Early‐onset MVID is characterised by secretory diarrhoea with diarrhoea while 73% presented with failure to thrive.
(typically 200–250 mL/kg/day) and intolerance of any oral The median age at clinical presentation was 3.5 years [42].
nutrition. The management of the PN is difficult with the
infants having very high fluid and electrolyte requirements Treatment
and experiencing frequent complications of acute dehydra- Children with SDS and pancreatic insufficiency (PI) have
tion and metabolic imbalance. Some young children fail to normal sweat chloride tests, unlike those children with cystic
tolerate any breaks in the administration of PN, fibrosis (CF). Dietary treatment consists of enteric coated
Coeliac Disease 121
pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) (p. 219) in Children with SDS are generally shorter than their peers,
those with PI. This should be titrated with stool consistency, and it is thought that this is related to their skeletal prob-
fat‐soluble vitamin levels and weight gain. Due to the rarity of lems. Some children do need additional nutritional support
the condition and the lack of evidence‐based treatment, a as sip or gastrostomy feeds to achieve normal weight gain and
recent review concluded that medical treatment for malab- growth velocity, and a high number are recorded as requiring
sorption in SDS should aim to improve fat absorption and support for oral motor skills by specialist speech and language
stool output; however, it is unclear whether this improves therapy [44].
prognosis [43]. Micronutrient levels, including trace elements and fat‐
In the author’s experience these children need less PERT per soluble vitamin levels (A, D, E), should be monitored and
kg body weight than age‐matched children with CF. It is appropriate supplements taken to correct any deficiencies.
appropriate to start with a small initial dose of 2000 units Prothrombin time can be used as a surrogate marker of
lipase/kg body weight/day distributed between feeds, meals vitamin K levels. It is important to ensure that fat‐soluble
and snacks containing protein, fat or complex carbohydrates. vitamin supplements are taken at the same time as PERT to
This can then be gradually increased as needed, but should not ensure optimum absorption. One study found that 16 of 21
exceed the upper dosage guidelines for children with CF [41]. children with SDS had low levels of vitamin A and 4 of 21 had
It is generally not necessary to teach families to titrate the a low vitamin E. A variable number also were also found to
dosage of PERT using fat exchanges. Advice to give a set PERT have deficiencies in zinc, copper and selenium possibly related
dosage with each meal and snack alongside suggestions to to the abnormal GI histology seen in 7 of these children [44].
increase slightly if more fat than usual is consumed generally The long‐term management of these children should be
suffices. Unlike children with CF, pancreatic function may undertaken by an MDT that includes a gastroenterologist,
improve such that 50% children can stop their PERT as they haematologist and dietitian with appropriate referrals to
get older. In most European centres faecal elastase is used as an dental services. Care should be individualised due to the
indicator of PI, and this should be reassessed every few years. heterogenicity of the underlying condition.
Immune Enteropathies
Joanne Louise Price
structural proteins of the small intestine mucosa and other Table 8.11 Gluten‐free diet.
organs, in association with a specific pattern of cell‐mediated
damage in the small intestine. CD‐specific antibody tests Foods permitted Foods to avoid Check ingredients
measure IgA tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and IgA anti‐ Milk, butter, cream, Cheese spreads
endomysial antibodies (EMA) (the same antibody measured cheese and savoury
by different methods). These antibodies may not be raised spreads, yoghurts,
in IgA deficient individuals, so IgA should always be meas- custard
ured at the same time, and most laboratories will incorpo- Meat, fish, eggs, Products with pastry, Sausages, tinned
rate this into their coeliac screen. pulses thickened gravies and meats
The gold standard for diagnosis was previously a small sauces, breadcrumbs,
intestinal biopsy demonstrating mucosal damage followed batter
by a clinical response to gluten withdrawal. New guidelines Rice, corn (maize), Wheat, rye, barley, Oats
recommend that: buckwheat, millet, bread, crumpets, cakes,
tapioca, soya, gram biscuits, crackers,
• symptomatic children can be diagnosed accurately flour, arrowroot chapattis, nan bread,
without biopsy. Diagnosis based on a level of tTG‐IgA 10 pasta, noodles,
times or more of the upper normal limit, a positive result semolina, couscous
from the EMA tests in a second blood sample, and the Special gluten‐free Wheat‐based cereals, Corn and rice‐
presence of at least one symptom could avoid risks and flours, breads, e.g. Weetabix, based cereals
costs of endoscopy [47]. Current guidance also suggests biscuits and pasta Shredded Wheat
HLA testing, but this is no longer felt to be necessary and Vegetables, potato, Potato croquettes Flavoured potato
is likely to be removed from future guidance. New fruit and nuts crisps, dry‐
European guidelines for the diagnosis of CD in children roasted nuts
can be found at Sugar, jam, honey, Liquorice Filled chocolates,
• for asymptomatic children and/or where tTG is raised some chocolates boiled sweets
on screening, but is less than 10 times the upper normal Tea, coffee, drinking Malted milk drinks, e.g.
limit, a small bowel biopsy is still recommended to diag- chocolate, fizzy Horlicks and Ovaltine
nose the condition; the histology should be interpreted drinks, juice, squash Barley water, beer
using the Marsh grading system [47]
Learning points: diagnosis of coeliac disease diet, including topics as diverse as eating out to travelling
abroad. It also produces many helpful publications such as
• Adequate gluten must be consumed for all tests (see the Food and Drink Guide in electronic and paper form plus a
challenge guidance p. 125) ‘food checker’ barcode scanner app for smart phones.
• A negative test result can change to positive over time Membership is free for the first 6 months and then costs £24
• In the UK only 30% of all those with CD are clinically (£12 concessionary) per year or £42 for 2 years for the
diagnosed caregivers of a child with CD (
• Symptomatic children can be diagnosed on blood tests alone
if the markers are high enough Gluten‐free diet
The diet should be followed for life. All possible sources of
gluten including wheat, rye, barley and contaminated oats
should be excluded from the GF diet (Table 8.11). This
includes a number of staple foods such as bread, pasta, bis-
cuits and cakes; parents will need support in finding suitable
Currently the only treatment for CD is the exclusion of all die- substitutes. Children tend to be high consumers of savoury
tary sources of gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley snack foods and processed foods, which also need to be
and contaminated oats. Gluten can be divided into four sub- excluded and substituted. Wheat flour is commonly used in
classes: gliadin, glutenins, albumins and globulins. In wheat processed foods as a binding agent, filler or carrier for fla-
the injurious constituent is the prolamin fraction of α‐gliadin. vourings and spices, and these also need to be excluded and
The equivalent in rye is secalin and in barley hordein. Oats is suitable GF substitutions made.
discussed in more detail (p. 123). Enzymatic degradation stud-
ies have suggested that the damaging fraction is an acidic Commercially produced gluten‐free foods
polypeptide with a molecular weight <1500 Da. Many proprietary GF foods are available, and the standards
for their manufacture are governed by the Codex
Coeliac UK Alimentarius Commission [48], established by the Food and
This is an independent registered charity established over 50 Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and
years ago. All parents/caregivers of children with CD should the WHO to provide international food standards, guide-
be encouraged to join. The society acts as an invaluable lines and codes of practice to ensure the safety and quality of
resource on all aspects of management of the gluten‐free (GF) the international food trade.
Coeliac Disease 123
prepared that is suitable for the whole family to enable GF foods can be found in the British National Formulary or in
everyone to eat together. Coeliac UK’s Food and Drink Guide. A dietitian may support
and request additional items on prescription and should do
Eating out so especially in exceptional circumstances, for example,
Children should be taught to check with parents/caregivers where dietary intake is poor, income is low, there are multi-
before eating foods outside the home or when foods are ple family members with CD or the child with growth failure
offered by siblings or friends. Children’s parties are a source may benefit from additional foods to supplement their diet.
of concern due to the buffet style table, high volume of Foods will only be prescribed at the discretion of the general
wheat‐based products and risk of cross‐contamination. If GF practitioner and within the limits of the local CCG.
food cannot be guaranteed, the child with CD should take Availability of GF foods that may be purchased in the UK
suitable foods of their own to eat. has increased greatly over the past 10 years with most popu-
For eating out and takeaways, food outlets providing GF lar supermarket chains producing their own brands of GF
alternatives who comply with strict guidance are listed on foods. They cost more, with some specialist GF products
the Coeliac UK website. This is an important aspect to con- 76%–518% more expensive than their gluten‐containing
sider in teenage years when adolescent children begin to counterparts [56]. Naturally GF foods should not be mar-
socialise independently. keted to mislead the consumer by suggesting that the food
possesses special characteristics when in fact all similar
Travelling abroad foods possess such characteristics; the dietitian can help
Insurance companies tend not to increase the cost of insurance for parents identify these and avoid paying inflated prices.
people with CD; however, it should still be declared. CD is very Product taste and textures vary, and children should be
common in European countries, and local organisations may pro- encouraged to try different food items.
vide lists of hotels, restaurants and shops that supply GF foods. Some specialist GF food manufacturers will provide trial packs
Coeliac UK also provides information on over 50 countries. to newly diagnosed patients on application. Manufacturers’
Taking sealed packs of GF products may not be necessary contact details can be found on the Coeliac UK website.
due to the excellent provision of these foods in Europe; how-
ever, if travelling further afield, it is advisable to contact the
Learning points: prescriptions and products
airline or tour operator before packing these items in luggage.
Airlines may sometimes also give additional baggage allow-
• Prescriptions are generally issued for bread and mixes only
ance if requested, and a medical/dietetic letter in support of
• Other foods are still prescribable and may be requested in
this should be provided if requested.
special cases
• Gluten‐free manufactured products are expensive, and
Learning points: labelling there may be naturally gluten‐free alternatives available
• Coeliac UK resources can be used to identify naturally
• Gluten‐free means a gluten content of <20 g/kg (<20 ppm) gluten‐free products to buy
in a food or drink
• Foods containing levels >21–100 ppm are labelled very low
gluten, but this is not currently used in the UK
• Some foods with barley malt extract are suitable and some Bone health
are not One of the main complications of CD in adults is reduced
• Uncontaminated oats can be introduced into the diet with bone mineral density (BMD), leading to osteoporosis. It is
caution unclear if this is due to calcium malabsorption for prolonged
periods prior to diagnosis. One study found that while the
bone mineral content of coeliac children was s ignificantly
Prescriptions lower than control subjects at diagnosis, after 1 year on a GF
NHS England has published guidance for clinical commis- diet it had returned to normal. The calcium intake of the
sioning groups (CCG) on the prescribing of GF foods in children was not assessed during this time [57]. Another
England [54]. This follows the Department of Health and longitudinal study found that, although there was an
Social Care (DHSC) recommendation to retain access to GF improvement after 1–2 years on the GF diet, BMD scores
foods on prescription in England but to restrict these prod- were still lower than expected for the normal population
ucts to GF breads and flour mixes and to remove access to all [58]; BMD has also been found to be lower in children with
other GF foods such as GF pasta and breakfast cereals. CD with poor dietary adherence [59]. Suboptimal vitamin D
Currently in England only bread and GF mixes are routinely and K status may contribute to the increased risk of poor
prescribed for those with a diagnosis of CD. Furthermore, in bone health in childhood CD, and careful consideration
some CCG the type and brand of GF foods are also limited. should be given to supplementation with these vitamins at
Dietary compliance is known to be enhanced by the ease the time of diagnosis [60]. Although there are no formal rec-
with which patients can obtain suitable amounts of GF foods ommendations, it would appear sensible to ensure that chil-
on prescription [55]. Several other staple foods remain pre- dren’s intake is at least equal to the RNI for calcium for their
scribable for patients with CD; a complete list of prescribable age. Some GF products are fortified with calcium.
Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases 125
Gluten challenge Two to three grams of gluten is found in one medium slice
of bread, two rusks or digestive biscuits, four tablespoons of
Gluten challenge may be necessary when there is some doubt
cooked pasta or one Weetabix. Parents are often anxious that
at the time of initial diagnosis. This should always be pre-
the inclusion of normal foods in the diet will make returning
ceded by HLA typing and assessment of mucosal h istology
to the GF diet difficult if the diagnosis of CD is confirmed.
and should be avoided in children under the age of 5 years
Reassurance is required, and an explanation of the proce-
and during the adolescent growth spurt, where p ossible [47].
dure to the child is very important in ensuring its success.
Challenge may also be necessary when a patient has com-
menced a GF diet prior to a formal diagnosis.
For challenge purposes gluten can be introduced into the Associated food intolerances
diet in two forms: either as gluten powder that can be mixed
Due to the gluten‐induced enteropathy, a secondary disac-
in foods such as yoghurt or as gluten‐containing foods. Both
charidase deficiency may occur at the time of diagnosis. It is
need to be given daily in sufficient amounts for 4–6 weeks to
occasionally necessary to exclude lactose from the diet of a
ensure an adequate challenge [47]:
child newly diagnosed with CD. Infants may sometimes
• 10 g gluten per day in young children have an associated CMP intolerance and require a CMP‐free
• 10–15 g per day in older children formula (Table 8.15). This usually resolves with mucosal
healing after commencement of a GF diet.
Eosinophils are customary inhabitants and key effector high rates of concurrent asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema and
cells of the innate immune system within the GI tract. They food allergy (FA)/anaphylaxis. It is more common in boys.
protect against parasitic infections, the rate of these having Young children typically present with symptoms of gastro‐
decreased markedly in the developed world. It is thought oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), food refusal or growth
that hypersensitivity reactions to allergens may now be the faltering, while adolescents tend to present with dysphagia.
driving force for recruitment and activation of gut eosino- It is a chronic, relapsing disease with only a small amount of
phils. When activated they release multiple cytotoxic long‐term data available on which to assess outcomes. There
agents and immunomodulatory cytokines resulting in local is a complex relationship between EoE and GORD, and these
inflammation and tissue damage [61]. disorders are not mutually exclusive and may exacerbate
Eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases (EGID) are a hetero- each other [64]. Complications include food impaction,
geneous group of diseases (eosinophilic oesophagitis [EoE], oesophageal stricture formation and perforation. Serum
eosinophilic gastroenteritis, eosinophilic colitis) character- immunoglobulin E (IgE) and skin prick tests for IgE‐medi-
ised by GI symptoms and increased eosinophils in the ated FA are warranted to identify comorbid food‐induced
absence of other causes. Apart from EoE the diagnosis of allergic disease. However, these tests alone are not sufficient
these disorders is unclear due to the uncertainty as to the nor- to make the diagnosis of food allergy‐driven EoE.
mal number of eosinophils seen in different parts of the GI
tract and their distribution within the mucosa [62]. The latter
may differ with geographical environment.
The goals of treatment are symptom resolution and reversal
EGID are classified based on the location of the inflamma-
of the histological abnormalities. First‐line therapy is a trial
tory response, even though their symptoms, prognosis and
of a protein pump inhibitor (PPI) followed by a second
treatment vary considerably. In view of the close relation-
biopsy to assess histological response to this treatment and
ship between food allergies and some EGID, controlling
differentiation of the diagnosis between GORD and EoE. If
antigen exposure is one of the most widely used strategies.
symptoms fail to improve, then dietary therapy should be
In one study 80% of patients with EGID were found to have
tried as sole treatment or in conjunction with topical
coexisting atopy, and anaphylaxis to foods was present in a
swallowed corticosteroids (steroids that are usually inhaled
significant number [63].
but are taken orally).
Dietary therapy has been shown to be an effective treat-
Eosinophilic oesophagitis ment when assessing the histopathology of patients, and
three different elimination regimens have been used:
EoE is the most common and best described of the EGID and
is seen in both children and adults. It is a chronic immune/ • Complete amino acid‐based formulas (AAF) have been
antigen‐mediated disease characterised clinically with shown to induce remission in 96% of patients, the
symptoms related to oesophageal dysfunction and histologi- majority of whom needed an NG tube to complete the
cally by eosinophil‐predominant inflammation. There are treatment. The trial of feeds is followed by an extended
126 Gastroenterology
Local inflammation has been demonstrated on biopsy, and it sensitised to CM were also more likely to have their FPIES
is thought that this leads to increased gut permeability and persist beyond 3 years of age. IgE testing may, therefore, be
fluid shifts resulting in emesis, diarrhoea and lethargy. important for decision making about when and where to
Diagnosis is primarily based on the clinical history with perform an OFC [78].
improvement after exclusion of the causative food. As
FPIES is not an IgE‐meditated process, specific IgE levels
Food protein‐induced allergic proctocolitis
are not useful to identify food triggers. Diagnostic criteria
for patients presenting with possible FPIES are listed in
Food protein‐induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP), also
the recent international consensus guidelines by Nowak‐
known as allergic colitis of infancy, is a non‐IgE cell‐
Wegrzyn et al. [77].
mediated food allergic disorder predominantly seen in
infancy. The classical presentation is of blood streaked
Treatment stools in an otherwise healthy child. It is a benign, transient
condition and is considered to be one of the major causes
Acute FPIES should be considered a medical emergency
of colitis under 1 year of age. Diagnosis relies on a history of
with 15% of patients having hypovolaemic shock and need-
rectal bleeding, exclusion of infections and other causes of
ing aggressive fluid resuscitation and other supportive ther-
rectal bleeding, and response to an elimination diet [79].
apies. Once the child is stable, advice to ensure dietary
elimination of the trigger food(s) and support for the family
with introduction of new foods into the diet is required. Treatment
Infants with suspected CM or soy‐induced FPIES should
Elimination of the causal protein is usually followed by a
be advised to avoid all forms of these foods, unless baked
rapid resolution of symptoms [80]. In FPIAP the most com-
and processed foods containing these proteins are already
mon causal proteins are CM and soy. As a large number of
included in the diet and tolerated. In this instance it would
infants with this disorder are breastfed, this necessitates a
be safe to continue the baked form of the food. If the infant is
maternal exclusion diet [73]. Maternal ingestion of egg and
breastfed, this should continue, and, as the majority of infants
corn has also been identified as potential triggers in the
with FPIES do not react to food proteins in human milk,
breastfed infant [79]. In one series of 95 breastfed infants
maternal dietary elimination is only warranted if the infant
with FPIAP, dietary exclusions were successful in 89% of
remains symptomatic while exclusively breastfeeding. Most
cases. Of the remainder, seven responded to an EHF, and
non‐breastfed infants with this disorder will tolerate an EHF
the remaining four (all of whom had eczema) needed an
with only 10%–20% requiring an AAF.
AAF [81]. The majority of infants with FPIAP achieve clini-
In the majority of children, FPIES is caused by a single
cal tolerance of the food by 1 year of age [79].
food, most commonly CM; however, one US centre reported
5%–10% children who reacted to more than three foods with
some as many as six. Children with CM or soy‐induced Autoimmune enteropathies and IPEX syndrome
FPIES may react to both foods with a higher likelihood of
this occurring if they developed symptoms in the first month Autoimmune enteropathies are a heterogeneous group of
of life. They also have an increased risk of reacting to a solid disorders characterised by immune‐mediated damage to the
food, most commonly rice or oat. GI tract causing severe and intractable diarrhoea. Anti‐
A guideline for weaning these infants suggests that first enterocyte antibodies are seen in some patients with this
solids introduced should be low risk fruit and vegetables problem, but not all. Patients may have other associated
(avoiding legumes and banana) followed by red meats and autoimmune conditions including liver, renal, endocrine,
cereals made from quinoa and millet. In infants with severe pulmonary, haematologic and musculoskeletal system
CM and soy‐induced FPIES, supervised oral food challenges involvement. Treatment with immunosuppression is usually
(OFC) can be considered to support the family. Tolerance of required. These patients do not respond to dietary allergen
one food from a particular food group is considered to be a exclusion as would those with a CM sensitive enteropathy,
favourable indicator that the child will tolerate other foods and some will require PN as supportive treatment to correct
from the same group [77]. malnutrition [82–84].
The age of development of tolerance to food triggers in Immunodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy
this disorder is variable and depends on the type of food X‐linked (IPEX) syndrome is a monogenic autoimmune
and country of origin of the child. There is currently no disease caused by FOXP3 mutations. Type 1 diabetes and
agreement about ideal timing of OFC to determine symptom eczema are frequently seen in these children. The median
resolution, and this varies considerably by country and indi- age of onset is 2 months with most infants experiencing diar-
vidual preference. It is agreed that patients should be evalu- rhoea and faltering growth. Some children will have an
ated at regular intervals, and, in the USA, diagnostic OFC extremely high blood IgE level and eosinophil infiltrate in
are usually attempted 12–18 months after the most recent the bowel; others will have a severe enteropathy. Treatment
reaction to a specific food. It should be noted that, in a large is with immunosuppressive therapy and nutritional support
US cohort, 41% of patients with CM FPIES transformed into (enteral or parenteral) or with hematopoietic stem cell trans-
an IgE‐mediated phenotype over time. Those who were plantation [85].
128 Gastroenterology
Paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) encompasses a a team approach with many specialist centres developing
spectrum of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), the most prev- dedicated MDT. According to published standards of care
alent being Crohn’s disease (CrD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). In [94], the IBD team should include:
childhood these conditions are more extensive and associated
• consultant gastroenterologists
with a more aggressive disease course than adult‐onset disease.
• consultant specialist surgeons
In paediatric‐onset CrD the genetic component is more domi-
• clinical nurse specialists with a special interest and com-
nant, and, therefore, recurrence within the family is more fre-
petency in IBD
quent than in adults [86]. IBD is more common in urban than
• clinical nurse specialist with a special interest and com-
rural areas and in northern developed countries, though the
petency in stoma therapy
incidence is beginning to increase in developing nations.
• dietitian allocated to gastroenterology
A genetic predisposition for IBD was first identified in
• administrative support for IBD meetings, IBD database
2001 on the NOD2 gene. Since then 200 other loci have been
recording and audit
found, however, this genetic susceptibility only accounts for
• named histopathologist with a special interest in
up to 26% of cases [87]. The aetiology of IBD is not fully
understood, but is thought to involve a dysbiosis of the gut
• named radiologist with a special interest in gastroenterology
microbiota [88] and/or an abnormal response to environ-
• named pharmacist with a special interest in gastroenterology
mental triggers such as diet, infection, drugs or other agents.
Researchers have hypothesised that modification of the gut In addition to the IBD team, PIBD patients will often be
microbiota to influence the dysbiosis will induce remission, referred to several other specialties due to various systemic
and this could be the mode of action of future treatments. manifestations, e.g. ophthalmology, endocrinology, derma-
Understanding that environmental factors have a more sig- tology and rheumatology.
nificant role to play in the susceptibility of individuals to
develop PIBD is a continuously evolving area of research.
Ulcerative colitis
Most cases of PIBD are insidious in onset with nonspecific
GI symptoms, often leading to a significant delay in diagno-
UC is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory disease of the intes-
sis and growth failure [89, 90]. To aid diagnosis certain sero-
tine that is confined to the colonic and rectal mucosa.
logical inflammatory markers (erythrocyte sedimentation
Childhood‐onset UC has a worse disease course compared
rate [ESR], platelets, albumin and stool faecal calprotectin
with that in adults with a 30%–40% colectomy rate at
tests) can indicate the possibility of IBD. Faecal calprotectin
10 years, compared with 20% in adults.
testing is recommended as an option to support clinicians
Drug therapy is used to induce and maintain disease
with the differential diagnosis of IBD or non‐IBD (including
remission. There is no evidence to support the use of
IBS) in children with suspected IBD. It is also used to moni-
enteral nutrition or diet as methods to induce remission in
tor CrD [91].
UC. The nutritional problems found in UC are not as severe
Diagnosis of PIBD should always be carried out by a paedi-
as in CrD because of sparing of the small intestine [95].
atric gastroenterologist and requires endoscopic confirmation
Height velocity is usually normal unless there is excessive
with biopsy and histological interpretation; the presence of
steroid use. As patients with PIBD are at risk of vitamin D
granuloma within the biopsies is a unique diagnostic feature of
deficiency, it is recommended that serum levels are rou-
CrD and helps distinguish it from UC. Due to the preponder-
tinely measured and supplemented when appropriate.
ance of small bowel disease in CrD and its transmural pattern
Nutritional support is needed if there is growth failure or
of inflammation, diagnosis requires full assessment of the mid
weight loss.
gut, particularly the terminal ileum, and this is intrinsically
reliant on imaging techniques. Ultrasound (US), computed
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are Crohn’s disease
the most widely employed imaging methods [92].
It should be noted that PIBD is a systemic disease and is The incidence of CrD in children is increasing worldwide,
also associated with other inflammatory conditions affecting ranging from 2.5 to 11.4 per 100 000 [96]. It is a chronic,
the joints (arthritis), skin (pyoderma gangrenosum) and eyes transmural (infiltrating all layers of the intestinal wall)
(uveitis and episcleritis). inflammatory process that may affect any part of the GI
tract from the mouth to the anus. It is not usually continu-
ous and is characterised by skip lesions. It can occur ran-
The IBD team domly, and inflammation can move from one area to another
within the same individual. It is an extremely heterogene-
Appropriate organisation and delivery of services are an ous disorder with great anatomical and histological diver-
integral part of good care in PIBD [93]. Management requires sity, so no two cases are the same. However, the small
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 129
intestine, and particularly the terminal ileum, is involved in therapy in paediatric CrD are to induce remission and
up to 90% of cases [86]. therefore relieve symptoms, prevent adverse longer‐term
The presentation of CrD in children depends largely on outcomes such as stricture and fistula formation, optimise
location within the GI tract and extent of the inflammation. growth and improve quality of life (QoL) while minimising
It is a chronic relapsing and remitting condition, and this drug toxicity. At a cellular level achievement of sustained
aggressive cycle of inflammation and healing can lead to and deep mucosal healing is the ultimate goal of treatment.
ulceration and fistula formation. In more chronic and severe Surgery is not curative and should only be indicated in
disease, fibrosis of the bowel and strictures can occur. refractory short segment ileal disease (without colonic
involvement) and in those with stenotic disease unrespon-
sive to treatment. Planning for surgery should be discussed
Nutritional issues
within the MDT with a paediatric surgeon experienced in
Symptoms of nausea, anorexia and malabsorption result in IBD. If indicated it is suggested that surgery should be com-
the mean energy intake of patients with active CrD up to pleted prior to the onset of puberty to prevent complications
420 kcal (1.75 MJ)/day lower than in age‐matched controls of growth failure and give the best chance for catch‐up
[97]. This is associated with insufficient nutrient intake, growth and normal development [111].
which can contribute to both macronutrient and micronutri- Remission can be induced using exclusive enteral nutri-
ent deficiencies. The energy and protein deficit results in tion (EEN) or corticosteroids followed by maintenance ther-
weight loss, occurring in over 80% of children with CrD, apy with an immunosuppressant, usually azathioprine or
and a decreased height velocity. In addition to a reduced 6‐mercaptopurine.
oral intake, pro‐inflammatory cytokines are increased in They act slowly over several months and may take 6–12
CrD and have been shown to adversely affect growth [98, weeks before benefit is noticed. Methotrexate may be used
99]. Growth failure occurs in 15%–40% children with CrD, and is given as an injection or a tablet each week. It can take
and final adult height can be up to 7 cm shorter than up to 3 months before becoming effective.
expected [100]. In persistent relapsing disease, EEN can be repeated, and/
Specific nutrient deficiencies, such as calcium, magnesium, or a combination of drugs known as biologics (anti‐tumour
zinc, iron, folate, B12 and fat‐soluble vitamins, are common necrosis factor monoclonal antibodies) may be commenced.
findings at diagnosis, with antioxidant trace elements and They are relatively expensive and have been used increas-
vitamins being consistently reported at suboptimal concen- ingly and successfully over the past 15 years. The longer‐term
trations [101, 102]. As some of these levels are affected by the effects of biologics have yet to be seen. The original biologics
acute phase response in inflammatory conditions, the true are infliximab, given intravenously in hospital usually every
significance of the findings is not understood; however, 8 weeks; adalimumab, given via subcutaneous injection
there is good evidence that IBD patients experience increased every 2 weeks that can be given at home; and vedolizumab,
oxidative stress [103]. During periods of active inflamma- given intravenously in hospital usually every 8 weeks. The
tion, there is often enteric leakage of protein, resulting in timings of the infusions/injections depend on response.
hypoalbuminaemia. Protein requirements can be increased Before a child receives any of these medications, it is neces-
by 25% in some cases [102]. sary to test if they are clear of tuberculosis using a chest X‐ray
Accompanying this is retarded bone mineralisation and and serum QTB (QuantiFERON‐TB). There are now many
development and delayed puberty [104]. It is well recog- less expensive ‘biosimilar’ drugs available on the market that
nized that children with IBD have an increased risk of may also be used. Recent guidance also suggests biologics
reduced BMD [105–107]. Interpretation of BMD should be may be considered first line in children with a high risk of
adjusted according to the child’s bone age as it is known that poor outcome and a ‘top‐down’ approach could be used in
these patients have delayed skeletal maturation [108]. It is these more difficult cases [111].
prudent to supplement with calcium if estimated dietary
intakes do not meet the normal requirements for age. Vitamin
D should be supplemented as per normal guidelines [109]. Exclusive enteral nutrition
Once in remission, self‐imposed dietary restrictions
The most recent consensus guidelines recommend EEN as
among patients with PIBD are often associated with
first‐line therapy in paediatric CrD [111] and should be used
insufficient nutrient intake, which can contribute to both
where there is involvement of the small intestine and/or
macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies. A study of
colon [112]. This therapy for active CrD was initially identi-
78 patients with inactive or mild CrD, compared with
fied in the 1970s by surgeons treating patients with nutrition
80 non‐IBD controls, identified inadequate nutrient intake
support perioperatively, and finding the inflammation
due to exclusion of various food groups, particularly grains,
became quiescent [113]. It involves the administration of a
milk and vegetables [110].
liquid diet, for a defined period, with the exclusion of all
other food. Since the 1970s many trials have been completed
with the aim of establishing its efficacy. To date there has
Management of Crohn’s disease
been no trial of EEN vs. placebo.
Treatment options are comprehensively presented in a 2014 The mechanism by which EEN exerts a therapeutic effect is
consensus document from the European Crohn’s and Colitis still not understood. The anti‐inflammatory effect of EEN is
Organisation (ECCO) and ESPGHAN [111]. The aims of recognised and precedes nutritional restitution [114]. The fat
130 Gastroenterology
content of the feed could potentially affect the production of A survey of IBD centres in the UK, Europe, the USA and
pro‐ or anti‐inflammatory mediators. EEN is known to Asia‐Pacific showed wide variations in EEN protocols used
induce mucosal healing in the affected GI tract, while corti- throughout the world; 93% used polymeric formulas, with
costeroids do not do so [111]. EEN has been shown to improve flavourings commonly added to enhance acceptability [125].
QoL outcomes [115]. Research into this therapy is continu- Polymeric feeds have the advantage of being more palatable
ously evolving with the latest studies hypothesising that it is and cheaper than the elemental alternatives. One centre
the withdrawal of a normal ‘Western diet’ and replacing it found that the use of the former significantly decreased the
with enteral feeds that is the mode of action. Enteral feeds are need for NG tubes in their patients, and this did not affect
known to alter the intestinal microbiome [116]. adherence to the EEN regimens prescribed [126]. Amino
A 2019 systematic review of paediatric randomised con- acid‐based feeds (elemental feeds) need only be used in indi-
trolled trials (RCT) [117] and 2018 Cochrane review [118] both viduals where CM allergy is suspected.
concluded that EEN is the most effective treatment for induc- Partial enteral nutrition (PEN) is not currently recom-
ing remission in active paediatric CrD; it also has the benefit mended as a treatment to induce remission [111]. A ran-
of improving nutritional status and growth when compared domised paediatric study compared children on EEN with
with steroids. As children with CrD are often chronically children who received 50% of their nutritional require-
malnourished, enteral feeds support nutritional repletion. ments from feeds and were allowed to eat normally. On
Feeds are also preferable as a first‐line treatment because of analysis nutritional parameters improved equally in both
the deleterious effect of steroids on growth; the use of ster- groups; however, blood indices of inflammation failed to
oids in puberty results in lower adult height [119, 120]. improve in the PEN group, showing that a significant
There are many studies investigating the effectiveness of amount of food affects the anti‐inflammatory response to
feeds with differing nutritional profiles and components. enteral feeds [127].
Protein content and sources (amino acids, peptides and
whole protein), LCT fat and carbohydrate components
Learning points: treatment of Crohn’s disease
have all been scrutinised. The protein composition (includ-
ing the addition of glutamine) does not appear to influence
• Enteral feeds promote mucosal healing and alter the
the effectiveness of EEN [118], with similar efficacy demon-
bacterial flora in the bowel
strated between a polymeric and elemental amino acid‐
• EEN has a steroid sparing role, avoiding the adverse effects
based feed in a paediatric RCT [121]. Two large single‐centre
steroids have on growth
cohort studies with more than 100 subjects achieved
• Partial enteral nutrition (PEN) should not be used for
approximately 80% remission rates using both polymeric
induction of remission
and elemental feeds [122, 123].
• Nutrition support is often required alongside other treatments
In a 2007 systematic review, a non‐significant trend was
and can enhance the effectiveness of other interventions
seen favouring feeds with a very low LCT content with the
• It is usual to have a form of immunosuppressant therapy as
recommendation that larger trials are needed to explore this
part of treatment
further [124]. The 2018 review [118] included 7 trials with 209
• Biologics are expensive but are indicated in particular patients
patients treated with EN formulas of differing fat content
• Surgery is only indicated in specific circumstances but
(low fat < 20 g/1000 kcal vs. high fat > 20 g/1000 kcal); there
should be carried out in a timely manner in order to preserve
was no difference in remission rates. Very low fat content
optimum growth and development
(<3 g/1000 kcal) and very low LCT demonstrated higher
remission rates than EN formulas with a higher content. No
recommendations for the fat content of feeds have been
made [118]. Nutritional requirements and monitoring on EEN
Two feeds, Modulen IBD and Alicalm, have been marketed Most studies have failed to show increased basal energy
for the treatment of CrD. The former claims immunomodu- requirements in patients with CrD unless the patient has a
latory effects purportedly due to the presence of transform- fever [128, 129]. One study confirmed that measured resting
ing growth factor‐β, an anti‐inflammatory cytokine, present energy expenditure (REE) in children with CrD fed with PN
in casein. The latter is an energy dense (1.35 kcal/mL, 5.6 kJ/ correlated well with the predicted REE using FAO/WHO/
mL) polymeric feed with 50% fat present as MCT and addi- UNU equations and was not increased [130].
tional fish oil. There are no published trials comparing these Guidelines suggest that EEN should provide 100% EAR for
feeds against standard paediatric polymeric feeds. The mean age for energy and the RNI for protein from the full feed [111].
remission rate for EEN for all feed types from all published It is important to check that all vitamins and minerals are pre-
meta‐analyses is approximately 70% [111, 117]. Relapse rate sent in amounts at least equivalent to the RNI. Children
outcomes are less well reported, but in two separate studies should be advised to take a larger feed volume than pre-
in paediatric centres in the UK, 30% of patients relapsed scribed if they are still hungry. They should be weighed
within 1 year of completing a course of EEN; however, 60% weekly and monitored by telephone or email contact. A
remained in remission for at least 2 years [121, 122]. In terms follow‐up appointment should be arranged approximately
of duration of feeding, most studies find remission occurs half way through the treatment to ensure that the patient is
after 6–8 weeks of EEN [111]. responding and that appropriate weight gain is achieved.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 131
Commencement of EEN energy and calcium intake. Patients with persistent narrow
Regardless of the type of feed, the following protocol can strictures, due to fibrosis rather than inflammation, may
be applied: require a low fibre diet or liquid diet to control symptoms
until the stricture is surgically removed.
• Aim 100% EAR for energy plus allow more to appetite
It has been reported that continued use of supplementary
• Feeds should be gradually introduced over 3–5 days
feeds in addition to a normal diet is associated with pro-
depending on symptoms. In severely malnourished
longed periods of disease remission. A Cochrane review
patients, there is a risk of refeeding syndrome (p. 63), and
identified two adult RCTs that suggest supplementary
daily biochemical monitoring with appropriate electro-
enteral nutrition may maintain disease remission [131]. A
lyte and mineral supplementation should be instituted
retrospective study found that a subgroup of patients who
until the patient has reached their target nutritional
are not commencing azathioprine or similar maintenance
intake and is metabolically stable
treatments can successfully continue PEN supplements fol-
• In cases of severe disease symptoms, an NG tube should
lowing induction of remission with EEN; this can be an
be used to deliver the feed more slowly or enable the
effective maintenance treatment [132].
feed to be established without pressure to drink. The
Some patients require continued nutritional support by
tube can be removed in a few days or weeks once
NG tube, gastrostomy or orally if appetite remains poor.
tolerance and oral intake is established
The routine use of supplements to support growth, par-
• Exclusive enteral feeds should provide complete
ticularly in puberty, is usual practice in some UK paediatric
nutrition for a 6–8‐week period
• If the feed is well tolerated, the concentration of
powdered feeds may be increased to lower the volume of
enteral feed required Learning points: exclusive enteral nutrition
• Clear fluids, boiled sweets and chewing gum can be
taken alongside the feed. There is no evidence to inform • Use standard polymeric feeds for 6–8 weeks
best practice, but these do not appear to have any adverse • Aim for 100% EAR for energy plus allow increased volume
effects to appetite
• Use NG tubes if indicated
As paediatric CrD presents more frequently in adoles-
• Reintroduce food over 2 weeks
cents, this process can be particularly difficult for them, and
• Amino acid‐based feeds and exclusion diets should only be
they require a high degree of support and motivation to
used in those with associated allergies
complete the treatment. Despite this, feeds are well tolerated
• PEN may be used as a maintenance therapy or as ongoing
by most patients, and the full 6 weeks is usually adhered to.
nutrition support in children, particularly during times of
If the patients are sure that they will be able to manage orally,
rapid growth or increased nutritional demands, but not for
feeds can be introduced at home. If an NG feeding regimen
induction of remission
is required, this should be commenced as an inpatient.
Once the feed choice and prescribed volumes have been
decided, the aim is to give as much control to the patient as
possible. Feeds should be tried orally with different flavour- Special diets for Crohn’s disease
ings to enhance compliance; the daily volume required must
At the time of writing, special diets are not routinely used for
be explained carefully so that it is understood that the pre-
therapeutic management of IBD or recommended in any
scribed volume must be completed every day. If the patient
guidance in the UK and are used for research purposes only:
needs or chooses to have an NG tube, they can be taught to
pass this each night and remove it in the morning to cause • CD‐TREAT diet – a trial diet undergoing research in the
minimum inconvenience to their daily routine. Some UK, based on the hypothesis that the aetiology of CrD is
patients choose to drink the full feed volume. Others opt for influenced by dysbiosis of intestinal flora. The diet mim-
a combination approach (some orally and the remainder via ics the profile of the carbohydrate in EEN, reducing the
the tube). carbohydrate and fibre in the diet and increasing the pro-
tein. In preliminary studies it had similar effects to those
of EEN on the gut microbiome and metabolome of
Introduction of foods healthy participants and reduced ileitis in a rat model of
There is no agreement about the best methods of food intro- disease. The results of an initial study using this diet in
duction to patients completing a period of EEN. The most children with active CrD were recently published [133].
recent guidance document states it would appear prudent to In this initial small population sample, three of five pae-
reduce feed volume over a period of 2–4 weeks and gradu- diatric patients with active CrD achieved remission after
ally introduce a normal diet every 2–3 days, ensuring that 8 weeks on the diet. Further larger studies are planned.
continued weight gain is maintained [111]. Many centres • Crohn’s disease exclusion diet – excludes dairy, wheat
exclude high fibre foods in the initial stages [125]. Atopic and most processed foods. It has been used alone and in
patients requiring an elemental feed should be advised to combination with PEN (Modulen) and in one prospective
exclude suspected food allergens, ensuring an adequate uncontrolled paediatric study showed 70% remission
132 Gastroenterology
rates. The published study did not include all of the recognised systemic condition. It is a rare condition charac-
details of the diet; however, in general this diet includes terised by chronic disfiguring oral and facial inflammation
limited meat, rice and potatoes, fresh fruits and vegeta- in the form of severe lip and cheek swelling, and skin lesions
bles. There are larger studies in process [134]. are commonly seen. The incidence, geographical distribu-
• specific carbohydrate diet – restricts all carbohydrates tion and cause of this disease are not known, but are thought
(starch, polysaccharides and disaccharides) except mon- to involve an allergic component, the trigger for which is not
osaccharides (glucose, fructose and galactose). The diet always clear.
results in a high protein and high fat intake. There have Three potential dietary triggers are thought to be cinna-
been two low quality paediatric studies with small num- mon, benzoates and chocolate. Treatments can, therefore,
bers. Success was limited, and the evidence for using this include dietary avoidance of these, and when this fails, and
diet in paediatric IBD is lacking [102, 135, 136]. no other trigger can be identified, immunosuppressive ther-
• low FODMAP diet (fermentable oligosaccharides, disac- apy is sometimes used.
charides, monosaccharides and polyols) – described on Clinical features vary with OFG and oral CrD may be on
p. 138. The literature supports the use of this diet to treat the same disease spectrum. Some patients appear to
IBS but not IBD. This diet can be helpful with those respond to the exclusion of certain items from their diet
patients with IBD who have symptoms from IBS [102]. [139]. A systematic review of the literature identified
common hypersensitivities to benzoic acid, benzoates,
The ‘Western diet’ has been implicated in the aetiology of
cinnamaldehyde, cinnamon and chocolate. EEN, using an
IBD. In a Canadian study, higher intakes of meats, fatty
amino acid‐based formula, followed by single food intro-
foods and desserts were found to increase the risk for devel-
ductions to identify specific dietary triggers may also be
oping CrD in females, whereas the consumption of vegeta-
successful [140]. Information sheets for professionals
bles, fruits, olive oil, fish, grains and nuts was associated
working with children with this diagnosis can be obtained
with a decreased risk for developing CrD in both males and
on request from the King’s College London website (www.
females [137], suggesting diet may be a significant environ-
mental factor. A recent Australian population‐based study
demonstrated an increased risk for CrD with frequent con-
sumption of fast food before diagnosis [138]. Transition
Until results of RCTs pertaining to diet become available,
current best practice advice regarding diet should focus on fol- Transition should be an integral part of any IBD service,
lowing healthy eating guidelines with an emphasis on a reduc- preferably with joint clinics held between adult and paediat-
tion in processed foods and an increase in fresh fruit, vegetables ric gastroenterology teams. However, it is a challenging pro-
and fibre (in the absence of stricturing disease) while meeting cess where practical realities do not always match official
energy, protein and micronutrient requirements. guidance. A tool has been developed by the Childhood
Research Association (CICRA) with young people with IBD
to equip them as they approach transition from paediatric to
adult services. It includes a symptom tracker that helps
Orofacial granulomatosis
young people become more confident about managing their
Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) is a condition where there condition. Generic transition guidance can be found in
are granulomas in the orofacial region in the absence of any guideline 43 from NICE [141].
Integration of the digestive, absorptive and motor functions action that grinds food to 1–2 mm particle size. Gastric emp-
of the gut is required for the assimilation of nutrients. In the tying can be modulated by feed components via hormonal
mature gut, motor functions are organised into particular secretion.
patterns of contractile activity that have several control In the small intestine, motor activity is effected by smooth
mechanisms. Disturbances in this coordinated system can muscle contraction, which is controlled by myogenic, neural
occur in all parts of the GI tract. and chemical factors. In the fasting state the gut has a con-
After swallowing, a bolus of milk or food is propelled tractile activity (the migrating motor complex) that propels
down the oesophagus by peristalsis; this action differs from the luminal bacteria and food residue into the colon.
the motility of the rest of the intestine in that it can be induced Abnormalities of this phasic activity can result in bacterial
voluntarily. The lower oesophageal sphincter relaxes to overgrowth of the small intestine and malabsorption. Post‐
allow food or fluid to pass into the stomach, which acts as a prandial activity is initiated by hormones, which produce
reservoir and also initiates digestion. It has a contractile peristalsis in the gut. This allows the relaxation of the GI
Disorders of Altered Gut Motility 133
muscle coats below the bolus of food and contraction above, Treatment
propelling the bolus of food through the intestine.
Postural treatment of infants has been demonstrated to help,
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux and a prone‐elevated position at 30° is the most successful in
reducing GOR [144]. This cannot be recommended as sev-
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR) is defined as the passage of eral studies have shown an increased risk of sudden infant
gastric contents into the oesophagus, with or without regur- death syndrome in the prone sleeping position. A more
gitation and vomiting. It is a normal physiological process practical approach is to avoid positions that exacerbate the
that occurs several times a day in healthy infants, children situation. In older children head elevation or left lateral posi-
and adults. Most episodes of GOR in healthy individuals tioning can be used [142].
occur after meals, last less than 3 minutes, and cause few or
no symptoms [142]. Approximately 50% of infants regurgi- Feeding
tate at least once a day, and, in the majority of c hildren, this The infant should not be overfed and should be offered an
can be considered as an uncomplicated self‐limiting condi- age appropriate volume of milk. Small volume, frequent
tion, which spontaneously resolves by 12–15 months of age. feeds may also be beneficial by reducing gastric disten-
This is due to the lengthening of the o esophagus and the sion, e.g. 150 mL of formula/kg/day as 6–7 feeds [145]. In
development of the gastro‐oesophageal sphincter. Parental practice frequent feeds may be difficult for parents to man-
reassurance is very important and should preclude the need age, and reduced feed volumes may cause distress in a
for any further investigations or treatment [143]. hungry baby.
More severe forms of this problem occur when an infant Commercial anti‐regurgitation (AR) formulas and feed
with regurgitation does not respond to simple treatment and thickeners decrease visible regurgitation episodes, but the
develops GORD. Acid‐induced lesions of the oesophagus impact on non‐regurgitation symptoms is less clear [142].
and oesophagitis may develop and are associated with other Although the actual number of reflux episodes may not
troublesome symptoms such as faltering growth, haemate- decrease with AR formulas, the reduction in regurgitation
mesis, respiratory symptoms, apnoea, irritability, feeding may improve QoL for caregivers.
disorders and iron deficiency anaemia. GORD is a common There are four pre‐thickened infant formulas based on
finding in premature infants, children with neurological CMP available in the UK (Aptamil Anti‐Reflux, Cow &
problems, obesity and previous oesophageal atresia and Gate Anti‐Reflux, Enfamil AR with Lipil, SMA Staydown).
congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Recent clinical practice They contain either a high amylopectin pre‐gelatinised
guidelines from the North American and European Societies rice starch, precooked cornstarch or carob (locust) bean
for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition gum. The manufacturers’ instructions should be followed
(NASPGHAN, ESPGHAN) describe symptoms and signs when reconstituting these feeds. Feeds containing starch
that may be associated with GORD to try and prevent under‐ thicken on contact with the acid pH of the stomach, while
or overdiagnosis of this condition. Diagnosis of GORD in those containing carob bean gum thicken on mixing.
infants and toddlers is complicated by the fact that there is The EC Scientific Committee for Food has accepted the
no symptom or group of symptoms that is diagnostic or pre- addition of starch to a maximum of 2 g/100 mL in infant
dicts response to therapy. Investigations that may be used to formula.
understand the underlying disorder include oesophageal A variety of feed thickeners are available on prescrip-
pH monitoring with the aim of correlating symptoms with tion, based either on locust (carob) bean gum or modified
GOR events and to determine the effect of acid suppression maize starch (Table 8.12). Locust bean thickeners are
therapy [142]. approved for use in infants after 42 weeks’ gestation.
Instant Carobel (Cow & Gate) Locust bean gum (carob) 1–3 3–8 13–33
Thick and Easy (Fresenius Kabi)** Precooked maize starch 1–3 4–12 17–50
Thixo‐D (Sutherland Health)*
Vitaquick (Vitaflo)*
Multi‐thick (Abbott)*
Nutilis Powder (Nutricia)**
Resource ThickenUp (Nestle)*
*Only prescribable for children <1 year of age in cases of failure to thrive.
**Only prescribable for children over the age of 3 years.
134 Gastroenterology
These can cause the passage of frequent loose stools in a without GORD [151]. These problems often persist after
minority of infants; however, they have the flexibility of medical or surgical treatment.
being able to be mixed as a gel and fed from a spoon before Where there are severe feeding problems, it may be nec-
breastfeeds. essary to instigate NG or gastrostomy tube feeding to
Where there is faltering growth a maize‐based thickener ensure an adequate nutritional intake. Wherever possible
can be used to provide extra energy. These products are clas- an oral intake, however small, should be maintained to
sified as ‘not suitable for children under 1 year except in minimise later feeding problems. The child’s feed should
cases of failure to thrive’. Their use in infants should be be administered as oral or bolus day feeds or with contin-
under the supervision of a healthcare professional. The uous feeds at a slow rate to avoid feed aspiration. The feed
lowest amount of thickener recommended should be added volume may need to be reduced below that recommended
initially, and the amount gradually increased to the maxi- for age to ensure tolerance, with feeds fortified in the
mum level if there is no resolution of symptoms. Feeding usual way to ensure adequate nutrition for catch‐up
through a teat with a slightly larger hole, or a variable flow growth. If using a fine bore NG tube to administer bolus
teat, is recommended. feeds, thickening agents should be kept to the minimum
concentration recommended to prevent the tube blocking
Other treatments and an inappropriate length of time being taken to admin-
Non‐pathological reflux is normal and does not require ister the feed. Transpyloric feeding can be tried where
treatment. PPI are recommended as first‐line treatment of GORD continues to be a problem; however, one study
reflux‐related erosive oesophagitis in infants and chil- showed that reflux can still occur during feeding times
dren with GORD. H2 receptor analogues may be used if and aspiration events and reflux‐related hospital admis-
PPI are contraindicated. Infants and children prescribed sions are still possible [152].
with these medications should have regular assessment The requirement for tube feeding can continue for pro-
with the aim of stopping the medication as soon as longed periods of time, as long as 36 months [153]. Parents
tolerated. of infants with feeding problems secondary to GORD need
Symptoms of GORD, particularly in infants, may be con- a great deal of support. Optimal management should
fused with those of FA as these infants may also experience employ a multidisciplinary feeding disorder team including
regurgitation, vomiting and distress. 30%–40% of infants a psychologist with experience of children with these prob-
with GORD resistant to treatment have CM allergy, with lems, a paediatrician, a dietitian and a speech and language
symptoms significantly improving on a CMP‐free diet [146, therapist.
147]. Although the mechanism is still poorly understood,
Borrelli et al. suggest that foregut dysmotility is affected by
neuro‐immune interactions induced by food allergens [148]. Paediatric intestinal pseudo‐obstructive disorder
In food allergic children, CM has been shown to cause gas-
tric dysrhythmia and delayed gastric emptying that may Paediatric intestinal pseudo‐obstructive disorder (PIPO) is
exacerbate GORD and induce reflex vomiting [149]. When characterised by the chronic inability of the GI tract to propel
GORD fails to respond to simple treatment, a therapeutic its contents, mimicking mechanical obstruction in the
change of formula to EHF or AAF can be tried for 2–4 weeks absence of any lesion occluding the gut. It is an extremely
followed by reintroduction of CMP to see if symptoms reoc- rare disorder, and children with PIPO experience significant
cur. Breastfed infants should have a trial of maternal CM morbidity and repeated hospital admissions. Half to two
exclusion [142]. thirds of patients present within the first year of life.
In extreme cases that do not respond to the above treat- A recent expert group published consensus‐based recom-
ment transpyloric/jejunal feeding should be considered mendations to aid consistent definition, diagnosis and man-
as an alternative to surgery [142]. Anti‐reflux surgery agement of the disorder. It is hoped that this will contribute
includes fundoplication that wraps the fundus of the to a better understanding of the problem and more effective
stomach around the lower oesophageal sphincter (p. 152). treatments in the future [154]. Primary causes of PIPO
A gastrostomy is usually inserted for venting gas from include sporadic or familial forms of myopathy, neuropathy
the stomach and, occasionally, for feeding purposes. or abnormal development of the interstitial cells of Cajal,
There can be considerable morbidity associated with this mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalomyopathy
operation. (MNGIE) and total intestinal aganglionosis. The urinary
tract may also be involved.
Feeding problems in GORD Stasis of intestinal contents is common, and the chronic
Feeding difficulties are not uncommon in this disorder, dilatation leads to decompensation and elongation of the
especially when the reflux has an allergic aetiology. They bowel, further impairing motility. Dehydration and malnu-
are characterised by food refusal, distress during feeding, trition are often not recognised, and the child’s weight may
poor appetite, and negative feeding experiences by the be unreliable due to significant amounts of fluid pooling
caregivers [150]. Infants with GORD are significantly more within distended gut loops. The management goals for this
demanding and difficult to feed and have been found disorder are to improve GI motor activity where possible,
to ingest significantly less energy than matched infants relieve symptoms and restore nutrition and hydration.
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders 135
Learning points: paediatric intestinal pseudo‐obstructive
Nutritional support is vital for these children. In one series disorder
of 44 patients, 72% required PN for a relatively long period
of time, 7 children died of PN‐related complications with a • Liquids are easier for the dysmotile gut to process than
further 10 remaining dependent on long‐term home PN highly textured foods; it may be beneficial to minimise the
[155]. In a second series of 105 children, only 18 were able to intake of solids even if tolerated, although long‐term evi-
be enterally fed throughout their illness, and 11 patients dence of outcomes is currently lacking
died [156]. Nutritional management of these children is • Enteral feeds are more likely to be tolerated as a continuous
challenging and has a poor evidence base. The ability to infusion than as bolus feeds
maintain an oral intake is influenced by the extent of GI • Feed constituents influence gastric emptying; it would
disease. Children with gastroparesis are more likely to have appear prudent to avoid casein‐dominant feeds in children
difficulty eating food than those with predominantly small with gastroparesis
bowel involvement [157]. In children fed via the gastric • Care should be taken to ensure that enteral feeds are made as
route, it is known that a number of factors influence gastric cleanly as possible to prevent the introduction of microorgan-
emptying including the type of protein, amount and type of isms into the gut, which could contribute to bacterial over-
fat, energy density and osmolality. A recent meta‐analysis of growth; in older children the use of sterile feeds is preferable
the available literature suggests that breastmilk has a faster • Fluid balance and sodium requirements should be accu-
gastric emptying rate than any infant formula. Whey‐dominant rately assessed, and supplements given as needed
formulas empty more rapidly than casein‐dominant feeds • Foods that are low in fibre with a semi‐solid or bite‐dissolvable
due to the predominance of β‐lactoglobulin. This remains consistency are more likely to be tolerated as non‐bite‐
soluble in the stomach and, therefore, transits more rapidly dissolvable foods may increase the risk of bezoar formation
into the small intestine. The effect of protein hydrolysis on • Additional anthropometric measurements should be taken in
the gastric emptying of feeds remains unclear [158]. this group of children to assess and monitor nutritional status
Oral diet and gastric and jejunal feeds tailored to the indi-
vidual child should all be trialled. In the long term one third
of patients with PIPO require PN (partial or total), one third
will need feeds via an artificial device, and one third will be Functional gastrointestinal disorders
able to tolerate sufficient nutrition orally. For those that can
manage oral diet, it would appear prudent to recommend Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) are a heteroge-
small frequent meals and snacks avoiding high fibre foods neous group of symptom based conditions that cannot be
that can result in bezoar formation. Such children are advised explained on an organic basis. They are usually classified
to eat low residue and bite and dissolve foods and soft diets according to their predominant presenting symptoms and
to minimise the contractile activity needed for digestion the age of the child [161, 162]. They are recognised by mor-
[154]. High fat foods may need to be avoided in order to phological and physiological abnormalities that often occur
limit delay in GI transit. in combination and that can include motility disturbances,
Some children with PIPO have an ileostomy fashioned to visceral hypersensitivity, altered mucosal and immune
decompress the gut. The loss of sodium‐rich effluent through function, altered GI microbiota and altered central nervous
the stoma can result in high sodium requirements, and this system processing [163]. They include infantile colic, regur-
needs careful monitoring. Enteral feed can be pooled in the gitation, constipation, functional diarrhoea, functional
intestine for a prolonged period of time before passing abdominal pain (FAP), cyclical vomiting syndrome, rumi-
through the stoma, resulting in a lack of appreciation of the nation syndrome and IBS. FGID have a complex aetiology
relatively high fluid requirements of these children. When that includes biological and psychosocial factors. A recent
unwell, children often need additional IV fluids to prevent meta‐review reported that worldwide prevalence of the
dehydration. In certain children (especially those with two most common FGID in infants, regurgitation and func-
impaired gastric motor function), jejunal feeding may be tional constipation (FC), is approximately 25% and 18%,
successful if a trial of gastric feeds has failed [159]. QoL has respectively [164].
been shown to be poor with a reduction in school attendance Most of the algorithms devised for practical management
and GI pain being common findings. Parents’ QoL is affected of these conditions are based on parental support, reassur-
by having to be vigilant in assessing their child’s fluid ance and nutritional advice. Despite this there is evidence of
balance and the need to follow complicated and time‐
discrepancies between these guidelines, what physicians
consuming nutritional support protocols [160]. recommend and what parents may do, resulting in many
Where there are life‐threatening complications of PN such different treatments and approaches to the management of
as loss of IV access, end‐stage liver disease or an intolerable these conditions. This comes at a considerable financial cost
QoL, multivisceral transplantation is an option. Early dis- to parents and healthcare systems and a decreased QoL
cussion with a transplant centre combined with an MDT reported by parents [165, 166].
approach to decide about the optimal timing of assessment The nutritional status of children with FGID may be
is recommended. affected with one study of 102 children showing that those
136 Gastroenterology
with IBS were more likely to be overweight, while children treatment; FC should be treated with laxatives and a com-
with FAP were more likely to be underweight compared with bination of age‐appropriate behavioural interventions.
reference data [167]. Treatment should involve disimpaction with polyethlyene
The Rome Foundation is an independent not‐for‐profit glycol or enemas if needed, followed by maintenance ther-
organisation that provides support for activities to assist in the apy. Movicol Paediatric Plain (Norgine), containing poly-
diagnosis and treatment of FGID. It has published textbooks ethylene glycol ‘3350’ with electrolytes, should be first‐line
to update knowledge and diagnostic criteria of these disorders treatment with a stimulant laxative (senna, docusate
with the 2016 Rome IV series being the most recent; all func- sodium, bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate) added as required
tional disorders in infants and toddlers are included [168]. Only [169, 170].
three of the functional GI disorders are described here. Dietary fibre can be classified into water‐soluble and
water‐insoluble forms. The former includes pectins, fructo‐
oligosaccharides (FOS), gums and mucilages that are fer-
Functional constipation mented by colonic bacteria to produce short chain fatty
acids. This has been shown to increase stool water content
Constipation is a symptom rather than a disease and can be and volume. Insoluble fibre mainly acts as a bulking agent in
caused by anatomical, physiological or histopathological the stool by trapping water in the intestinal tract and acting
abnormalities. FC is not related to any of these abnormalities like a sponge. Both soften and enlarge the stool and reduce
and is thought to be most often due to the intentional or sub- GI transit times.
conscious withholding of stool after a precipitating acute event. Surveys have shown that constipated children often eat
Peak incidence occurs at the time of toilet training with an considerably less fibre than their non‐constipated counter-
increased prevalence in boys. Constipation has been found to parts. Even when advised to increase their fibre intake by a
account for 3% of visits to general paediatric outpatient clinics physician, the fibre intake was only half the amount of the
and 10%–25% of visits to a paediatric gastroenterologist [162]. control population. It appears that families can only make
Average stool frequency in children has been estimated to the necessary changes with specific dietary counselling
be four stools per day in the first week of life, two per day at [171, 172]. Behavioural intervention can significantly
1 year of age, decreasing to the adult pattern of between increase dietary fibre intake at 3 months, but this increase is
three per day and three per week by the age of 4 years. Within not sustained at 6 months and 1 year [173], confirming the
these patterns there is a great variation. The Rome III criteria difficulties initiating and maintaining high fibre diets in
for diagnosis are used in the evidence‐based ESPGHAN and children. Children with FC have been shown to have lower
NASPGHAN guidelines published in 2014 [169] and are energy intakes and a higher incidence of anorexia. It is dif-
based on history and physical examination. FC is defined as ficult to know if this was pre‐existing and predisposed to
the occurrence of two or more of the following characteristics the condition or whether it is caused by early satiety sec-
for at least 1 month in children up to the age of 4 years and at ondary to constipation [174]. No RCT has shown an effect
least 2 months in children older than 4 years: on stools in constipated children of any of the above dietary
• less than two bowel movements per week measures. The fact that FC is uncommon in societies that
• at least one episode of faecal incontinence per week after consume a high fibre diet has been used to justify this
the acquisition of toileting skills treatment.
• large stools in the rectum or palpable on abdominal The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN)
examination recommends daily amounts of dietary fibre: 15 g for 2‐ to 5‐
• passing of stools so large they obstruct the toilet year‐olds, 20 g for 5‐ to 11‐year‐olds, 25 g between the ages of
• a history of excessive stool retention 11 and 16 years and 30 g from the age of 16 years (Table 2.18).
• a history of painful or hard bowel movements, retentive In infancy and childhood it is important to ensure that
posturing and withholding behaviour in a child older adequate fluids are taken. As a guide, children should have
than 4 years [169] 6–8 drinks a day, preferably as water. For children who drink
insufficient amounts, foods with a high fluid intake should
In FC prolonged stretching of the rectal walls, associated be encouraged such as ice lollies, jelly and sauces. Fruit, veg-
with chronic faecal retention, leads to an atonic and desensi- etables and salad have a high fluid content as well as being
tised rectum. This perpetuates the problem as large volumes desirable because of their fibre content. The ESPGHAN/
of faeces must be present to initiate the call to pass a stool. NASPGHAN guidelines recommend that normal fibre, fluid
Faecal incontinence (previously described as encopresis or and physical activity levels should be achieved in children
soiling) is mostly as a result of chronic faecal retention and with FC but that additional fluid or fibre supplements such
rarely occurs before the age of 3 years. as glucomannan or cocoa husk should not be recommended.
There is also no evidence to support the use of pre‐ or probi-
otics [175] or MDT working, involving a dietitian or psychol-
ogist, in the treatment of FC [169].
The 2010 NICE guidelines (updated in 2017) and 2014 In a select group of children with constipation who fail to
ESPGHAN/NASPGHAN guidelines emphasise that die- respond to conventional treatment, CMP‐free diets have
tary interventions alone should not be used as first‐line been shown to be beneficial [176]. Motility studies in these
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders 137
Table 8.13 Gastrointestinal disorders that can be caused by allergy Removal of dietary antigens as treatment for
to dietary proteins.
GI allergic disorders
Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE)
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis Exclusion of cow’s milk protein
Food protein‐induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES)
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR)
CMP is the most common food protein to cause a reaction in
Food protein‐induced enteropathy (FPE) infant. The natural history of CMA is described elsewhere
Food protein‐induced allergic proctocolitis (FPIAP) (p. 334).
Alternative infant formulas
It is vital that an infant is given a nutritionally complete milk
combined with the age at presentation of symptoms and substitute to replace a CMP‐based formula. Except in FPIES,
food intake at that time. Diet history is often an unreliable the maternal diet in breastfed infants should be modified by the
indicator of the offending allergen(s) due to the delayed removal of CMP and any other foods allergenic to the infant.
reaction to the food. The efficacy of the exclusion of a par- Care needs to be taken to ensure that the maternal diet contin-
ticular food antigen should be evaluated, and, when there is ues to include adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D, energy,
symptom improvement, an OFC should be performed to protein and fluid. It has been found that breastfed infants can
see if symptoms reoccur [197]. If there is no improvement be sensitised to multiple allergens including egg, soy, wheat
on an exclusion diet, a normal diet should be reintroduced. and fish [205]. Recommendations from ESPGHAN are that the
In non‐IgE GI FA, this diagnostic pathway is generally dietary trial should be continued for up to 14 days if delayed GI
undertaken at home and relies on accurate parental report- reactions are suspected. If there is no improvement, then the
ing of symptoms [198]. infant should be further evaluated. If multiple food allergies
Although the most common foods to cause GI FA prob- are suspected, then an EHF or AAF can be tried. The mother
lems are CM, egg, wheat and soya, any food ingested could should be encouraged to express her milk while the clinical
be allergenic [199]. Sometimes a number of dietary manipu- response to the hypoallergenic feed is evaluated [202, 206].
lations need to be tried before the correct dietary restriction
for the individual is achieved. In the presence of multiple
Mammalian milks
food allergies, a few foods diet (p. 320) or exclusive use of a
hypoallergenic feed may be needed. Mammalian milks are not suitable to be used as an infant
The timing of symptom resolution varies between a few feed without modification due to their high renal solute load
hours for acute FPIES to several weeks for FPE. A review of and inadequate vitamin and mineral content. The proteins in
symptom response to the exclusion diet followed by OFC goat’s and sheep’s milks share antigenic cross‐reactivity
to confirm the diagnosis needs to be undertaken by the cli- with CMP [201, 206]. Infant formulas based on goat’s milk
nician or dietitian [200]. A 4‐week dietary trial has been are not recommended for use in GI FA [207].
shown to be sufficient to determine symptom improve-
ment in 98% of children with non‐IgE‐mediated FA
Soy protein‐based formulas
responding to dietary antigen exclusion [198]. When multi-
ple foods are excluded from the diet, it is important to Soy formulas are based on soy protein isolate supplemented
sequentially challenge the excluded foods (p. 325) to iden- with l‐methionine to give a suitable amino acid profile for
tify those the child is reacting to in order to avoid over‐ infants. They are lactose‐free with glucose polymer as the
restricting the diet. most common source of carbohydrate. The fat is a mixture of
While there are internationally recognised guidelines on vegetable oils that provide long chain fatty acids, including
the management of cow’s milk allergy (CMA), these do EFA. Feeding soy formulas to infants is associated with nor-
not encompass children with possible multiple food mal growth, protein status and bone mineralisation [208, 209].
allergies [201–203]. It is known that unnecessary food
In the UK the use of soy formulas in infants under the age of
exclusions can lead to nutrient deficiencies as well as 6 months has been advised against by the Chief Medical
affecting QoL. One study showed that the families of chil- Officer due to their high phytoestrogen content, unless there is
dren with non‐IgE GI FA had worse scores in emotional a specific medical indication [210]. There appears to be less risk
and physical domains than families of children with intes- to the infant after 6 months of age as the reducing dependence
tinal failure [204]. It is, therefore, important that children on formula decreases the amount of isoflavones, per kilogram
are diagnosed and correctly managed on as few dietary body weight, ingested. The infant’s potentially vulnerable
exclusions as possible. organ systems are also likely to have matured by that age.
Exclusion diets are difficult to manage at home and are Soy protein has a very large molecular weight and after
expensive. Selection of suitable patients is important. The digestion can generate a large number of potential allergens.
use of anti‐allergic or anti‐inflammatory drugs as a thera- Severe GI reactions to soy protein formula have been
peutic alternative to dietary restriction should be considered described for more than 30 years and include enteropathy,
in situations where the family will not cope with a strict enterocolitis and proctitis. In FPIES caused by CMP, 25%–
exclusion diet. 50% of children in the USA had concomitant soy‐induced
140 Gastroenterology
Dilution (%) (kcal) (kJ) CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) (mOsm/kg H2O)
enterocolitis, which responded to the use of hypoallergenic hence in their residual allergenic activity (Table 15.6). Feeds
feeds. This frequency of sensitisation is not reported in other with peptides >1500 Da have been demonstrated to have
countries [77]. It has been suggested that an intestinal residual allergenic activity [215, 216]. The degree of hydroly-
mucosa damaged by CMP allows increased uptake and sis does not predict the immunogenic or the allergenic
increased immunological reaction to soy protein. Conversely, effects in the recipient infant. It has been recommended that
one study of children with CMA (both IgE and non‐IgE dietary products for treatment of CMP allergy in infants
mediated) found that soy formula was tolerated by 90% of should be tolerated by at least 90% of infants with docu-
children [211]. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) mented CMA [207].
states that soy formulas are not recommended in the man- Table 8.15 shows the composition of EHF available in the
agement of CMP enteropathy or enterocolitis; however, most UK. Feed choice may be influenced by:
children can resume soy protein consumption safely after
• palatability, which is affected by the presence of bitter
5 years of age [208]. EPSGHAN concluded that the use of
peptides. This is particularly important in infants older
EHF (or AAF if EHF is not tolerated) should be preferred to
than 3 months of age
soy protein feeds and the latter should not be used before the
• coexisting fat malabsorption, where a feed with some of
age of 6 months. If soy formulas are used therapeutically
the fat as MCT may be indicated
after the age of 6 months, tolerance to soy protein should
• cost, some hydrolysates being twice as expensive as
first be established by clinical challenge [212]. The more
recent ESPGHAN and European Academy of Allergy and
• religion and culture, where parents do not wish their
Clinical Immunology (EAACI) guidelines for the manage-
children to be given products derived from pork
ment of CMA both state that soy formulas may be tolerated
after the age of 6 months [202, 213].
Soy formula has the benefit of being at least half the cost of Introduction of hydrolysate formulas
EHF and is much more palatable. Prospective studies looking These feeds may need to be introduced slowly to infants
at the incidence of soy allergy in patients with GI conditions with severe GI symptoms as they have a higher osmolality
are required. The soy infant formula available in the UK is than normal infant formulas. If severe diarrhoea is present in
given in Table 8.14. an older infant, it is preferable to stop all solids while a new
feed is being introduced to assess tolerance.
In an outpatient setting, where symptoms will be less
Feeds based on protein hydrolysates
severe, full strength formula can usually be introduced from
Infants with CMA need an alternative infant formula to the outset. In infants older than 6 months, there may be an
ensure nutritional adequacy. The allergenicity or antigenicity advantage in initially mixing one part EHF to three parts of
of a particular protein is a function of the amino acid the usual formula to slowly introduce the new taste and
sequences present and the configuration of the molecule. An encourage acceptance. The proportion of EHF can be
epitope is the area of a peptide chain capable of stimulating increased over the next three days when full strength feeds
antibody production. During the manufacture of a hydro- are achieved. Milkshake flavourings at 2%–4% concentration
lysate, the protein is denatured by heat treatment and hydro- (2–4 g per 100 mL) can also be used in this age group if
lysed by proteolytic enzymes, leaving small peptides and sucrose is not contraindicated.
free amino acids. The enzymes are then inactivated by heat If an infant refuses to drink the EHF, an NG tube needs to
and, along with residual large peptides, are removed by fil- be passed to ensure adequate volumes are taken. Where fal-
tration [214]. The proteins used to make a hydrolysate vary, tering growth coexists, feeds can be fortified in the usual
and production methods also differ between manufacturers. manner by increasing formula concentration or the judicial
The profile of peptide chain lengths between different feeds use of carbohydrate and fat modules [217] (p. 13). All changes
will not be identical, even when the initial protein is the same. should be made slowly to ensure they are tolerated.
Dilution CHO* Protein Fat† Na K Osmolality
(%) (kcal) (kJ) (g) (g) (g) (mmol) (mmol) (mOsm/kg H2O)
Nutramigen 1 with LGG‡,a 13.6 68 280 7.5 1.9 3.4 1.4 2.1 287
(Mead Johnson)
Pregestimil Lipil 13.5 68 280 6.9 1.9 3.8 1.3 1.9 279
(Mead Johnson) (55%)
Similac Alimentum 12.8 68 283 6.6 1.9 3.8 1.3 1.8 274
(Abbott) 20% (33%)
Aptamil Pepti‐Junior 12.8 66 275 6.8 1.8 3.5 0.8 1.7 210
(Nutricia) trace (45%)
Aptamil Pepti 1^ 13.6 67 280 7.0 1.6 3.5 0.9 2.0 280
(Nutricia) 41%
SMA Althera 13.2 67 280 7.3 1.7 3.4 0.9 1.8 281
(Nestle) 52%
Infatrini Peptisorb§ — 100 420 10.3 2.6 5.4 1.4 2.8 350
(Nutricia) trace (50%)
Dilution CHO Protein Na K Osmolality
(%) (kcal) (kJ) (g) (g) Fat (g) (mmol) (mmol) (mOsm/kg H2O)
Neocate LCP 13.8 67 279 7.2 1.8 3.4 1.1 1.8 340
(Nutricia) (4% MCT)
Neocate Syneo* 14.7 68 286 7.2 1.9 3.4 1.2 1.9 360
(Nutricia) (4% MCT)
Puramino 13.6 68 286 7.2 1.9 3.6 1.4 1.9 350
(Mead Johnson) (33% MCT)
Alfamino 13.8 70 291 7.9 1.9 3.4 1.1 2.0 332
(SMA) (24% MCT)
*Feed contains a synbiotic (pre‐ and probiotic). Care is needed in certain infant groups where live bacteria may be contraindicated. Water to
reconstitute the feed should be <40 °C.
logical step, so long as there is no coexisting fat or carbohy- For the majority of infants with non‐IgE gastrointestinal
drate intolerance; in this circumstance a modular feeding FA, an EHF would be the first‐line treatment, with an AAF
approach should be used (p. 145). Infant AAFs available in the used if the child fails to tolerate this feed There are differ-
UK are summarised in Table 8.16. Neocate Spoon, which con- ences between the EHF and AAF brands that are shown in
tains highly refined rice starch as a thickener, can be offered as Tables 8.15 and 8.16. An EHF that contains Lactobacillus rham-
a nutrient‐dense hypoallergenic weaning food if required. nosus GG has been shown to reduce the time taken for a child
142 Gastroenterology
to acquire oral tolerance of CMP (p. 337). There is a differ- their packaging, but, as this is not compulsory, caregivers
ence in cost between EHF and AAF with the latter being should always be advised to check the ingredients. Foods
more than twice as expensive. It should be noted that one labelled ‘may contain’ do not generally need to be avoided
retrospective study found that up to 30% of food allergic by children with non‐IgE GI FA. Parents need clear advice
infants, many with delayed reactions to foods, were intoler- about this due to the increasing number of foods carrying
ant of EHF [199]. Intolerances to hydrolysate formulas, this label (p. 329). For foods manufactured outside the EU, it
resulting in GI disturbances have also been described by is still necessary to teach families about the following ingre-
Vanderhoof et al. [216]. dients that indicate the presence of CM in a manufactured
food: casein, hydrolysed caseinates, whey, hydrolysed
whey, lactose, milk solids, non‐fat milk solids and butter fat.
Milk‐free dietary information is summarised in Table 8.17.
Learning points: cow’s milk‐free formulas for infants
• Soy‐based formulas should not be used under the age of Exclusion of soy protein
6 months, but may be tolerated by a significant number of
infants with CMA over this age In conditions where soy allergy is present in addition to
• Consideration when selecting an EHF for an infant with CMA, foods containing soy and milk protein should be
CMA would include cost, enzymes used in manufacture excluded from the diet (Tables 8.17 and 8.18). Vegetable or
and taste in the older in infant soy oils and soya lecithin are normally tolerated by individu-
• AAF are at least twice as expensive as EHF and, in most als sensitive to soy protein and should not need to be
cases, should only be used when a trial of EHF fails excluded except in severely affected individuals [218, 219].
• The addition of selected pre‐ and probiotics may influence
outcomes in infants with CMA
Milk, egg, wheat and soy exclusion diets
Soy, eggs and wheat are also covered by EU law (Directive hypoallergenic feed was continued until the age of 2 years
2003/89/EC, November 2005) and must be clearly labelled [220]. In situations where a large percentage of the child’s
on all pre‐packed foods. Families need a lot of help and nutrition comes from a formula, it will either need fortifica-
information about commercial foods to enable them to tion to meet nutritional requirements, or a feed designed
adhere to this regimen. Suitable wheat‐free products that for older children should be used. If an infant formula is
are available via the Advisory Committee on Borderline modified, care needs to be taken to ensure an appropriate
Substances (ACBS) for CD cannot be prescribed for wheat protein to energy ratio. Rather than addition of energy sup-
allergy. Many of these products contain milk, egg or soya, plements, it is often preferable to concentrate the feed. This
so families need help to identify suitable substitutes. should be done slowly, taking into account individual tol-
Supermarkets produce many foods suitable for exclusion erance [217]. When a concentrated infant formula is used to
diets that can help families to expand the diet. For foods feed an older child, consideration should be given to the
manufactured outside the EU, it is still necessary to teach sodium intake, especially where there are increased stool or
families about the following ingredients that indicate the stoma losses. Most feeds in Table 8.20 have been designed
presence of egg, wheat and soya in manufactured foods: egg to meet the requirements of older children requiring
albumin, wheat flour, wheat starch/bran, edible starch, hypoallergenic feeds. Adult feeds based on soy or hydro-
modified starch, hydrolysed wheat protein, rusk, batter, lysed protein should be used with care in older children
breadcrumbs, thickener (unless specified as being made and may require modification or vitamin and mineral sup-
from another cereal), soy protein isolate, soya grits, tofu, plementation. Not all the feeds are categorised as EHF, and
hydrolysed/spun/textured vegetable protein, miso and care needs to be taken when selecting a feed for children
tempeh (Tables 8.19 and 15.8). with CMA.
Children over the age of 2 years consuming a balanced
diet and tolerating soy protein may be given liquid soy
Suitable feeds for older children drinks as an alternative to CM. Those with added calcium
and vitamins help to ensure nutritional adequacy. For chil-
A suitable infant formula should be continued for as long dren intolerant of soy and CM, there are alternative drinks
as it is nutritionally indicated in children on an exclusion made from foods as diverse as oat, nut and coconut.
diet and is preferable under the age of 2 years [201]. One Many brands of rice drinks are available, but these are not
study showed significantly better micronutrient intake if a recommended for children under the age of 5 years due to
144 Gastroenterology
Table 8.20 Hydrolysate and amino acid‐based feeds for older children per 100 mL.
Dilution Protein Fat† Na K Osmolality
(%) (kcal) (kJ) CHO* (g) (g) (g) (mmol) (mmol) (mOsm/kg H2O)
Whey hydrolysates
Peptamen Junior ∼ ‡ 22 100 420 13.8 3 3.8 2.9 3.6 370
(Nestle) (60)
Peptamen Junior Advance∼ f ‡ 150 631 18 4.5 6.6 4.1 4.6 450
(Nestle) (60)
Nutrini Peptisorb§ — 100 420 13.6 2.8 3.9 2.5 2.8 345
(Nutricia) trace (46)
Nutrini Peptisorb Energyf § 150 630 16.7 4.2 6.6 4.1 4.3 510
(Nutricia) trace lactose (55)
Amino acid feeds
Neocate Junior¶ 21.1 100 420 12 2.8 4.6 2.6 2.9 600
(unflavoured) (35)
Elemental 028 20 89 374 11.8 2.5 3.5 2.7 2.4 502
Extra¶ †† (35)
Emsogen¶ †† ‡‡ 20 88 370 12 2.5 3.3 2.6 2.4 580
(unflavoured) (83)
concerns about their arsenic content [222]. These alternative CMP‐free diet [225], and it is likely that this may be a
drinks are available in supermarkets and health food shops problem in older children as well. Optimal dietetic man-
and can be useful as a social replacement for CM. agement of exclusion diets ensures that these do not sig-
Most of these drinks contain very little protein. nificantly impact on a child’s growth parameters [226].
Although fortified with calcium and vitamins, calcium
supplements may need to be given if the RNI is to be
achieved [221]. Calcium intakes below recommended Learning points: formulas and milks for older children
amounts have been identified in a number of children
who are limiting CM in their diet, and this may affect • For children under 2 years of age who do not take a
bone density [223]. A study in Norway showed that hypoallergenic formula, a detailed dietary assessment
children aged between 31 and 37 months following CMP is needed, and appropriate nutritional supplementation
free diets had significantly lower intakes of energy, fat, given as necessary
protein, calcium, riboflavin and niacin than age‐matched • Formulas based on partially hydrolysed proteins are not
controls [224]. Careful monitoring of dietary adequacy suitable for children with CMA
and supplementation with calcium and vitamins, if • EHF and AAF for the older child have very different
needed, is required together with ensuring adequate nutritional profiles and should be carefully selected for the
energy and protein intake from food. Suitable calcium individual
supplements may be found in Table 29.10. Iodine status • Alternative drinks to cow’s milk, such as soy, coconut and
should also be considered in children on a CMP‐free diet oat ‘milks’, can be included in the diet of the older child and,
who are not having a complete feed. One study found if fortified, are a useful source of calcium
reduced iodine levels in breastfed infants following a
Food Allergy in Gastroenterology 145
Modular feeds for intractable diarrhoea and short nutritional requirements. The following parameters need to
bowel syndrome be considered:
Intractable diarrhoea can be defined as chronic diarrhoea in • total energy content and appropriate energy ratio from
the absence of bacterial pathogens of greater than 2 weeks’ fat and carbohydrate
duration, together with failure to gain weight. Some infants • protein, both type used and quantity
with severe enteropathy, allergic GI disorders or short • EFA intake
bowel syndrome fail to respond to feed manipulation using • full vitamin and mineral supplementation, including
EHF or AAF, as previously described, and a modular feed trace elements
is necessary [227]. This allows individual manipulation of • suitable electrolyte concentrations
ingredients resulting in a tailor‐made feed for a child. • feed osmolality
Careful assessment and monitoring is important to prevent
nutritional deficiencies and to evaluate the response to feed
Practical details
manipulation. The grading of stools using the Bristol stool
chart is important to help assess the response to feed altera- • Accurate feed calculation and measurement of ingredi-
tions [228]. The use of modular feeds can also assist in the ents is required to make the necessary small daily feed
diagnosis of the underlying problem. alterations. Scoop measurements are not accurate enough,
and ingredients should be weighed on electronic scales.
• Infants with protracted diarrhoea or short bowel
Feed ingredients syndrome will tolerate frequent small bolus feeds given
Some of the possible choices of feed ingredients and their one to two hourly, or continuous feeds via an NG tube,
advantages and disadvantages are listed in Tables 8.21–8.24. better than larger bolus feeds.
Before starting there needs to be a discussion with the medi- • Attention needs to be given to the combination of ingre-
cal staff regarding the appropriate feed composition for the dients as these will affect the feed osmolality. The smaller
individual infant and to establish good medical support for the molecular size, the greater the osmotic effect. Most
the dietitian managing the baby’s nutrition. The aim is to hospital chemical pathology laboratories will analyse
produce a feed that is well tolerated and meets the infant’s feed osmolality on request.
dilution* Protein equivalent ACBS
Protein type (g/100 mL) (g/100 mL) prescribable Comments
Glucose polymer*, e.g. Maxijul 10–12 Y Carbohydrate of choice as has the lowest osmolality
(Nutricia), Polycal (Nutricia),
Vitajoule (Vitaflo)
Glucose 7–8 Y Use when glucose polymer intolerance is present
Fructose 7–8 Y Monosaccharides will increase final feed osmolality
A combination of the two monosaccharides can be
used to utilise two transport mechanisms
Suggested concentration*
(g/100 mL) Comments
MCT, medium chain triglycerides; LCT, long chain triglycerides; EFA, essential fatty acids.
*The amount of fat used will depend on tolerance and nutritional aim.
These ingredients are not Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances listed.
Table 8.24 Vitamin and mineral supplements that may be used use a modular feed with, say, a different fat source (in this
in modular feeds.
case wholly MCT instead of the mainly LCT found in
Paediatric Seravit Contains glucose syrup which may be
Neocate LCP), then the full strength modular feed can be
(Nutricia) contraindicated introduced more rapidly:
Does not contain electrolytes (Table 1.23)
• Before starting a modular feed, it is necessary to assess
Phlexy‐Vits Designed for children >11 years the infant’s symptoms and current nutritional support. If
(Nutricia) Reduced dose to be given for younger children PN is not available, feeds should be introduced rapidly
May need additional vitamins and minerals
to prevent long periods of inadequate nutrition.
prescribed separately according to requirements
Does not contain electrolytes (Table 1.23) • In the absence of IV glucose, the carbohydrate content of
the feed should never be less than 4 g/100 mL because of
FruitiVits Designed for children aged 3–10 years of age
the risk of hypoglycaemia. A higher percentage of energy
(Vitaflo) 0.5 g maltodextrin per 6 g sachet
Contains orange flavouring and artificial from fat than from carbohydrate may result in excessive
sweeteners acesulfame K, sucralose ketone production.
Does not contain electrolytes (Table 1.23) • An example of the slow introduction of an amino acid‐
based modular feed (the case study detailed in Table 8.25)
can be applied to other protein sources. Suggested
• Infants requiring a modular feeding approach may have incremental changes can take place every 24 hours. If well
high requirements for all nutrients depending on the tolerated this process can be accelerated.
underlying disorder. • The infant’s response to each change of feed should be
• Vitamin and mineral supplements used in conjunction assessed daily before making any further alterations.
with a fat emulsion, such as Calogen or Liquigen, cause Where possible making more than one change at a time
the fat to separate out. For feeds given as a continuous should be avoided.
infusion, it is recommended that these products are • Feed changes should be avoided during intercurrent
administered separately. infections as these tend to worsen GI symptoms and
• There is no carbohydrate‐free complete vitamin and make it difficult to assess feed tolerance.
mineral supplement for infants in the UK. If intolerance
of glucose/glucose polymer is suspected, then Paediatric
Seravit cannot be used. Phlexy‐Vits could be used in Preparing and teaching for home
small quantities with specific nutrients added according
to individual requirements. After a period of time on a modular feed, a nutritionally
complete feed should be tried again to see if this is now toler-
ated. The formula nearest in composition to the modular
Introduction of modular feeds
feed should be chosen and challenged slowly, either by sub-
Depending on the clinical situation, feeds are often intro- stituting one or two small feeds or by regrading over 4 days,
duced very slowly, and the concentration of the individual starting with a quarter strength complete feed mixed with
components is gradually increased (Table 8.25). Occasionally, three quarter strength modular feed. If this is not possible or
if an infant is already taking a full strength complete feed the complete feed is not tolerated, the aim should be to sim-
such as Neocate LCP and the necessary dietary change is to plify feed ingredients as much as possible in readiness for
Table 8.25 Case study: a female infant requiring a modular feed.
Anthropometry: Baby girl born at term, weight = 3.2 kg (25th centile). On admission to hospital at 2.5 weeks of age, she has failed to regain her birth
weight and current weight = 2.8 kg.
Biochemistry: On admission her biochemical results show her to be dehydrated and have severe metabolic acidosis.
Clinical: The baby is started on IV fluids and is allowed 20 mL/kg of Dioralyte orally. On this regimen she has 4 stools per day, grade 6 on the Bristol
stool scale. Stool samples are sent to the lab to rule out an infectious cause of the diarrhoea, and these come back negative. An endoscopy is planned.
Dietary: A careful feeding history shows that mum has breastfed the baby at home. When she failed to gain weight, she changed her to a standard
infant formula. This was not been tolerated (diarrhoea resulting in acidosis). After rehydration and correction of the acidosis, the focus is to
nutritionally rehabilitate the infant and find an enteral feed that she can tolerate. A central venous catheter is inserted to start PN. The constituents are
increased slowly over 5 days with careful biochemical monitoring because of the risk of refeeding syndrome. After the PN is established, a trial of
small volumes of an AAF results in increased stool output.
Environment: The baby is the second child of consanguineous parents. The sibling has known autoimmune enteropathy.
Focus: The aims of the dietetic intervention are now to ensure normal growth and weight gain and to find an enteral feed that the infant can tolerate
that will allow the PN to be gradually reduced and stopped. As she has failed a trial of AAF and no specific abnormalities are found on her small
bowel biopsy that can be treated, it is decided to trial a modular feeding approach. The older sibling had previously done well on this method of
feeding. The introduction of her modular feed based on Complete Amino Acid Mix is shown.
Slow introduction of modular feed based on Complete Amino Acid Mix.
Days 1–3 1
∕2 strength increasing Full strength 2% Nil 20 mL/kg
to full strength
Days 4–9 Full strength Full strength Increase in 1% Nil No change
increments daily to
total of 7%
Days 10–12 Full strength Full strength 7% Calogen is added No change
in 2% increments
to 6%
Day 12+ Full strength Full strength 7% 6% Increase volume and
titrate with PN
An age appropriate vitamin and mineral supplement, Paediatric Seravit, is added as a separate medication when the PN is reduced to half volume
to ensure nutritional adequacy of the regimen. It is not added to the feed as this will result in the fat emulsion separating. Her full strength
modular feed based on Complete Amino Acid Mix is shown.
Full strength modular feed using Complete Amino Acid Mix per 100 mL.
Protein CHO Fat Na K
(kcal) (kJ) (g) (g) (g) (mmol) (mmol)
The baby does well on the modular feed, which she takes orally from a bottle, and the PN is successfully stopped. Before she is discharged, an
alternative AAF to the one offered initially is trialled again. This is because of the complexities of making modular feeds in the home environment,
and it is hoped that, now she is more clinically stable, she will tolerate an appropriate complete formula.
The new feed is introduced very slowly (¼ strength AAF mixed with ¾ strength modular feed for 24 hours, then ½ strength AAF mixed with ½ strength
modular feed, etc.). Once the full strength AAF is introduced she starts to vomit, her stool frequency increases, and the amount of oral feed she is taking
decreases. As a result she loses weight. She has no other cause for her GI symptoms to deteriorate such as an intercurrent infection, teething, etc. She is,
therefore, changed back to her modular feed, and the GI symptoms settle again, and the parents are taught to make this feed at home.
Discharge from hospital
She is discharged at 16 weeks of age, weight = 5 kg (2nd to 9th centile), length = 60.4 cm (25th centile). Her parents are advised not to introduce
solids until she is 6 months old, and these are to be started slowly, one hypoallergenic food at a time, until her tolerance to these can be established.
Management at home
In the first few weeks at home, the dietitian keeps in touch with the family regularly to ensure the feed is being made correctly and that she is taking
enough. The infant is weighed weekly by her health visitor and plotted on a centile chart to ensure appropriate weight gain. Her micronutrient levels
and urinary sodium levels are monitored monthly at the hospital to ensure that no additional supplements are required and that she is receiving
adequate amounts of electrolytes, vitamins and minerals.
IV, intravenous; PN, parenteral nutrition; AAF, amino acid formula; GI, gastrointestinal.
148 Gastroenterology
discharge home. Many preparation errors in the home envi- practitioner will be needed to arrange a supply of the
ronment have been noted including poor recipe adherence, product. A supply of these items may need to be given
incorrect use of measuring equipment, and errors in ingredi- from the hospital.
ent measurement [229]:
• Electronic scales should be used that measure in 1 g
Introduction of solids in infants on modular feeds
increments. If this is not possible to arrange at home,
ingredients need to be converted into scoop measure- Where possible solids should be introduced after the infant
ments, using the minimum number of different scoops or child is established on a nutritionally complete feed. The
possible to avoid confusion. restrictions imposed will depend on the underlying diagno-
• Syringes need to be supplied for accurate measurement sis. If this is not practical, then two or three items should be
of electrolyte solutions. chosen, and these should be allowed daily without varia-
• A 24 hour recipe should be given to reduce inaccuracies tion. Often it is necessary to introduce food items singly to
in feed reconstitution, paying due care to issues of determine tolerance of different foods.
hygiene and refrigeration of feed until it is used. It is
important to demonstrate the method for making the
feed to the infant’s caregivers on at least one occasion
before discharge.
• A laminated recipe and wipe‐off pen for home is useful
so that parents can tick off ingredients as they are added. References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
• Not all the suggested ingredients for modular feeds are and other useful links are on the companion website:
ACBS listed. A separate letter to the child’s general
9 Surgery in the Gastrointestinal Tract
Danielle Petersen and Tracey Johnson
Congenital Malformations
Danielle Petersen
would not attempt an anastomosis, but would rather making it difficult to coordinate sham with gastrostomy
perform oesophageal replacement surgery [9]. feeding. However, this problem rapidly corrects itself
In a small number of cases, the oesophagus is temporarily when the feed volume is increased.
abandoned, and a cervical oesophagostomy is formed. This
If an oesophagostomy was not formed, there would be no
allows the infant to safely swallow saliva, and a gastrostomy
route for sham feeding, and infants would be deprived of
is inserted for feeding [4]. In these infants the oesophagus is
oral feedings for the first few weeks to months of life. This
left for a few months before attempting to join the upper and
should not be a major problem if oral feeding is established
lower ends. Although cervical oesophagostomy prevents
within 2–3 months of life, but if oral feeding is delayed
growth in the upper pouch of the oesophagus, the lower
longer than this, it may be associated with feeding difficul
pouch hypertrophies and shortens the distance between the
ties. Infants who are not used to oral feeds often initially
two ends. However, a recent position paper on long‐gap OA
experience gagging and vomiting and may avert their head
suggests that a cervical oesophagostomy should be avoided
at the very sight of the breast/bottle or push out the nipple/
as it may increase the difficulty of a delayed primary anasto
teat with their tongue. Desensitisation to this oral aversion is
mosis or jejunal interposition [11].
a long, slow process, and it is important to remember that
If primary oesophageal anastomosis is not possible, then
feeding does not only provide nutrition; infants are very
an oesophageal replacement technique (p. 152) is used [11].
alert at feeding time and develop cognitive and motor abili
Feeding infants undergoing a delayed or staged repair often
ties while feeding as well.
presents more of a challenge than in those with a primary
Infants with OA with or without TOF can grow well on
breastmilk and standard infant formulas, if adequate volumes
are taken. If there is a problem with weight gain, feeds can be
Feeding the young infant concentrated or a high energy formula used (Table 1.18).
Oesophageal substitution procedures similar rate as the child; it has a similar diameter to the
oesophagus and maintains intrinsic motility well. In the long
Long‐gap OA occurs in about 10% of infants with OA. term, the risk of GOR is less than that seen in gastric and
Repairing the continuity of the oesophagus in these infants is colonic interposition. However, the main disadvantage is
more complex than those with distal tracheo‐oesophageal fis that the blood supply is often precarious [11, 13].
tulas. There is consensus among centres that the first choice
in correction is to preserve the native oesophagus and per
form a primary repair, with delaying primary anastomosis or Feeding post‐oesophageal substitution
using traction/growth techniques to achieve anastomosis if
needed. If primary anastomosis is not possible, various The oesophagostomy, if present, is closed at the time of the
oesophageal replacement techniques are used. These include oesophageal substitution. If a gastric transposition is per
jejunal interposition and, more commonly, colonic interposi formed, the pre‐existing gastrostomy can no longer be used
tion and gastric pull‐up/interposition, with no clear evidence and is removed with a jejunostomy formed as a route for
regarding which has better outcomes [11, 12]. In the study by enteral nutrition. Gastrostomy feeding can continue if
Zani et al. [9], results showed that 51% of surgeons perform colonic or jejunal interposition has been performed. Oral
gastric interposition, 36% colonic interposition, 9% jejunal nutrition is introduced as soon as possible, but supple
interposition and 4% gastric tube reconstruction. mentary overnight gastrostomy/jejunostomy feeds may
be indicated until an adequate intake is taken by mouth.
Oesophageal replacement procedures may have their prob
Gastric interposition
lems when feeding recommences. The advantage of the gas
In gastric interposition the whole stomach is mobilised and tric transposition is that there is only one anastomosis in the
moved into the chest. The proximal end of the oesophagus is gastrointestinal tract, but the stomach is now sited in a much
joined to the top of the stomach in the neck. Advantages of smaller place in the thorax than it usually occupies in the
this technique are that the blood supply is excellent, and abdomen. The volume of feed or meals that can be taken
only one anastomosis is required; therefore the rate of leak comfortably may be greatly reduced, imposing a feeding
age and strictures is low [11, 13]. Disadvantages of this tech regimen of little and often. The problem with colonic inter
nique, gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR), dumping syndrome position is that two areas of the gut have undergone surgery
(p. 155) and poor gastric emptying, are often seen in the and anastomosis. Over time the transplanted colon makes a
short term; and Barrett’s esophagitis may develop in the rather ‘baggy’ oesophagus because of the nature of its mus
long term [13]. A single institution review of gastric interpo culature, and the repaired oesophagus may not have normal
sition in 236 children (177 with OA) reported that more than peristaltic function. The colon may suffer temporary dys
90% of patients were highly satisfied with the procedure, function because of surgical trauma and malabsorption may
and there did not appear to be any long‐term deterioration ensue, necessitating a change to a hydrolysed protein feed
in function. Anastomotic leak was seen in 12% of patients, (Table 8.15). The end result of these most commonly used
strictures developed in 20%, delayed gastric emptying was a surgical interventions may be oesophageal continuity, but
problem in 8.9% and 3% developed dumping syndrome. not necessarily normal oesophageal function.
Post‐operatively, 55 patients (23%) had significant swallow
ing difficulties, of which 47% was classified as moderate and
53% severe. Follow‐up showed that height was normally Problems with oesophageal function following repair
distributed, and weight was in the lower centiles for age.
There was a 2.5% procedure‐related mortality rate [13]. Gastro‐oesophageal reflux
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR) is the most common
Colonic interposition gastrointestinal tract complication following repair, with a
reported incidence of 22%–45% [14–17]. Medical manage
Colonic interposition involves removing a piece of the colon
ment may include the administration of proton pump inhibi
and transposing it into the chest between the oesophagus
tors (PPI) and H2 receptor antagonists, the thickening of
above and the stomach below. The advantages are that the
fluids (Table 8.12) and positioning the baby appropriately
required length of the graft is available, and the diameter of
after feeding. PPI, e.g. omeprazole and lansoprazole, are rec
the lumen of the transposed colon is appropriate for joining
ommended as first‐line therapy for acid‐related GOR due to
to the oesophagus. The disadvantages of this procedure are
their acid blocking abilities. The reduction in gastric acid out
that the blood supply to the colon is poor; the transposed
put is beneficial as reflux is then less damaging to the oesoph
colon does not have very good peristaltic function to propel
ageal mucosa. If GOR is severe and unresolved by these
food down to the stomach; with time the transposed colon
methods, surgical correction may be considered by perform
may lose its muscular activity, and there is a high rate of
ing a fundoplication [17]. Literature suggests that a fundopli
anastomotic leaks and strictures [13].
cation is performed in 10%–45% of patients with OA [18].
Anti‐reflux operations may be either a partial (Thal,
Jejunal interposition
Toupet or Belsey) or a complete fundoplication (Nissen) [18].
The jejunum can also be used for oesophageal replacement. The choice depends on what the surgeon believes to be
This interposition has the advantage that the graft grows at a the best procedure for the individual child. The Nissen
Introduction 153
fundoplication is the most common and involves mobilising has undergone a primary repair in the first few days of life, a
the fundus of the stomach and wrapping it around the lower delayed repair or a staged procedure, a circular scar will
oesophagus, thus fashioning a valve at the junction of the form where the upper and lower segments of the oesopha
oesophagus and stomach. In particular children with long‐ gus are sutured together. With perfect healing the scar will
gap OA and recurrent anastomotic strictures may benefit have the same diameter as the oesophagus and will grow
from such surgery [17]. with the child. However, if there is a long gap between the
Anti‐reflux surgery is, however, not without its post‐ upper and lower oesophageal ends, the tissues will have
operative complications. Children who experience poor been stretched to meet, and the repair will be put under ten
motility and oesophageal clearance prior to the surgery may sion. This tension is thought to increase the risk of an anasto
find their symptoms get worse after a fundoplication. This is motic stricture developing. Some studies also suggest that
due to increased oesophageal stasis and decreased gravity‐ GOR is a major factor for recurrent anastomotic strictures, as
driven oesophageal clearance, which may also worsen the reflux of acidic stomach contents back up into the
respiratory symptoms, including aspiration. Therefore, the oesophagus can inflame the healing scar [17]. The presence
decision to perform a fundoplication for respiratory symp of an oesophageal stricture has been reported in 52% of
toms only should be made with caution [17]. Holschneider patients with GOR as opposed to 22% of patients with no
et al. [19] found that following fundoplication children with reflux [23].
OA had higher rates of post‐operative dysphagia and/or Other factors that have been suggested to influence stricture
stenosis than children without OA (17.2% vs. 6.5%). While formation include a reduced blood supply in the lower oesoph
preventing reflux into the oesophagus, the fundoplication agus following repair, the type of suture material used and the
may also stop the child from burping, and gas bloat can be suture pattern employed [6]. Allin et al. [8] reported that of 105
very uncomfortable in the stomach. Parents should be taught infants with OA/TOF, 39% had post‐operative complications
how to ‘wind’ their child through the gastrostomy tube if of oesophageal strictures within the first year of life, with most
they have one. Although the child should not be able to infants requiring multiple dilatations. Legrand et al. [14] had
vomit, they often experience severe retching, which is very similar findings, reporting that of 57 patients with OA and
distressing for both child and parent, but this usually disap TOF, 46% presented with anastomotic stenosis, which required
pears after a few weeks or months. Fundoplication can also dilatation. These strictures prevent the normal passage of food
cause dumping (p. 155). Sometimes the wrap performed with bread, meat, poultry, apple and raw vegetables being the
during the fundoplication weakens over time (commonly foods most often cited as getting stuck. Children with these
after 1.5–2.5 years but occasionally after a few months), and problems will often show difficulty in feeding and a reluctance
GOR returns. If this cannot be managed medically, the fun to swallow; they will choke and splutter. Strictures require
doplication has to be ‘redone’. It has been suggested that repeated dilatations to soften the scar tissue and allow the eas
between 20% and 45% of fundoplications fail [18]. Koivusalo ier passage of solid food [17]. The oesophagus may also go into
et al. [20] reviewed data from 262 patients with OA who spasm at the site of the anastomosis, and particular foods like
received fundoplication. In 31% of patients the fundoplica mince and peas may get stuck.
tion failed, with 15% undergoing a redo operation. The fail
ure rate was highest in those with long‐gap OA. Transpyloric Dysphagia
feeding may also reduce reflux and retching. Studies have
shown similar rates of reflux and retching between those Dysphagia is common in infants, children and adolescents
who had a fundoplication and those who received jejunal with OA following repair of the oesophagus. The reported
feeds [21]. incidence ranges from 21% to 85% and may remain a prob
lem for many years following repair [17, 21]. Little et al. [24]
reported that within a group of 69 patients with OA, 45%
Eosinophilic oesophagitis had dysphagia after 5 years, 39% at 5–10 years and 48% after
It is suggested that children with OA may have a higher risk more than 10 years, indicating that dysphagia may not
of developing eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) than the gen decrease over time. It has also been suggested that the
eral paediatric population [17]. One study of 103 patients incidence of dysphagia may be higher than that reported as
reported an incidence of 17% from the retrospective review children in particular may not identify their symptoms as
of biopsies, compared with 1 in 10 000 children in the general abnormal [17]. Children with OA will often eat very slowly
paediatric population. They also reported that the risk of or drink large quantities of water with their food. These and
developing EoE is much greater among those with long‐gap other significant changes to their eating habits have been
OA [22]. Possible reasons for the increased risk of EoE within reported in 73% of patients with dysphagia. The nutritional
the OA population include genetic associations, impairment management of dysphagia includes the adaptation of feed
of oesophageal mucosal barrier function by acid reflux and ing habits to help manage symptoms, and gastrostomy feeds
prolonged exposure to acid‐suppressive medication [17]. may need to be considered in some cases [17].
the oesophagus. Although the child may have been exposed Adequate nutrition can usually be achieved with small fre
to sham feeding, this method of feeding does not always quent meals that are energy dense and the provision of fluids
lead to successful swallowing. Therefore, many children at mealtimes to help wash down the food. Such are the prob
panic when offered any food other than in liquid form, and lems associated with eating that families need help, advice
the establishment of normal feeding has to proceed through and encouragement from all professionals with appropriate
stages of gradually altering the consistency of foods, from experience, including dietitians, speech and language thera
purées to finely minced and mashed foods and then to a nor pists, clinical psychologists and medical and nursing profes
mal diet. The frightening experience of repeated choking sionals. The Tracheo‐Oesophageal Fistula Support Group
and/or possible delayed introduction of solids may lead (TOFS) is a self‐help organisation where carers of these chil
to fraught mealtimes that both parents and children come dren can share their experiences and offer advice.
to dread.
Feeding difficulties such as dysphagia, coughing, choking,
aspiration, vomiting during meals, food aversion, excessive Outcomes
fluid intake with meals and slow eating are seen in up to 75%
of patients with OA. The reasons for these may include dys Growth studies within the OA population are often limited by
motility, GOR, anatomic abnormalities, oesophageal outlet a lack of adjustment for comorbidities, e.g. cardiac, genetic or
obstruction, oesophageal inflammation, anastomotic steno neurological, which may have a large impact on growth. Early
sis, laryngeal clefts, vocal cord paralysis or paresis, neuro nutritional support and advances in neonatal and surgical
muscular dyscoordination and developmental delay in care of these infants and children have decreased the preva
swallowing function [17, 21]. Infants who are at risk of aspi lence of long‐term growth faltering in this population [17].
ration or those with retching or oropharyngeal dysphagia A review in 2006 of 15 children with OA and TOF who had
may benefit from a thickened formula [21]. primary repair at birth found that all were between the 50th
Menzies et al. [25] conducted a retrospective review of all and 75th centile of expected growth at 12 years of age [26]. A
75 children attending their multidisciplinary OA clinic from later review in 2012 of 57 children with OA and TOF (mean
2011 to 2014. Median age at initial appointment was 3.7 age 13 years) found that 75% had experienced normal growth
years. Twenty‐eight percent of children had an associated patterns, 9% of patients were underweight and 16% were
syndrome, and 96% had at least one associated gastroin overweight, according to weight/height z‐scores [14].
testinal or respiratory complication: most commonly GOR Vergouwe et al. [27] reviewed 96 children with OA at 5 years
disease in 87%, chest infections in 67% and EoE in 38%. of age (genetic syndromes associated with growth disorders
Twenty‐four children (32%) had a history of gastrostomy were excluded). Stunting (>2 SD below normal height for
feeding, and 10 children (13%) were still using their gastros age) was present in 5%–8% of children depending on their
tomy at the time of the initial appointment (median age 15 age, and wasting (>2 SD below normal weight for height) in
months). At the initial appointment 18% of children were 3%–12%. In children 1–8 years old, weight and height were
wasted (weight for age), 9% were malnourished (weight for significantly lower than the general population, but by
length/BMI), 9% were stunted (height for age) and 3% were 12 years of age, it had normalised in most children. Low
overweight. Results showed that infants had poorer growth birth weight and fundoplication were found to be negatively
than children >1 year old. Other risk factors for poor growth associated with growth.
included having had a fundoplication, those at risk of aspi Due to improvements in surgical and post‐surgical care,
ration or children who had had an additional surgery (other the focus of research in these patients has more recently
than OA repair) in the first year of life. Regarding eating been on quality of life (QoL) issues; OA is not just a neonatal
behaviour 54% of children did not consume age‐appropriate problem, but can often cause lifelong issues [17]. Ongoing
textures (most commonly seen in those <2 years old), 29% gastrointestinal problems are frequently reported in adults.
demonstrated extreme food selectivity (<20 foods in diet) Studies have found that 39%–85% of adults reported symp
and 25% had lengthy mealtimes (>45 minutes). Results may, toms of dysphagia and 29%–63% experienced symptomatic
however, be falsely elevated in this study as children were reflux [17].
reviewed from a specialist clinic and not a general OA popu Legrand et al. [14] studied 81 patients with OA and TOF
lation, therefore possibly containing a higher proportion of who were treated in their institution from 1989 to 1998. In
more complex cases. 2008, 57 of these patients returned for nutritional status,
Mealtimes can become very antisocial as choking and digestive and respiratory symptoms and QoL assessments.
vomiting are common when eating, and children may need The mean age was 13.3 years: 61% had dysphagia; 35% had
hefty pats on the back to dislodge food that has become GOR disease and only 19% of patients had no digestive
stuck. Eating can be a very slow process for the child, as symptoms. Their QoL was good but was lower than in
foods have to be thoroughly chewed before swallowing can healthy controls and was lower in patients born prematurely,
be attempted. Parents understandably feel inhibited about with symptoms of GOR disease and a barky cough. The
eating out of the home, which curtails the social experience association between complaints of dysphagia and GOR dis
of the child. It is often difficult for parents and carers to ease, oesophageal function and QoL was also investigated in
understand the problems with swallowing following repair 25 adults who had previously undergone correction of OA
of OA, and force feeding the child may be a temptation. [15]: 48% reported complaints of dysphagia and 33% of
Introduction 155
GOR. Manometry showed low oesophageal contractions in accelerated, the result is that hyperosmolar foodstuffs leave
20% of patients, and pH measurements showed pathological the stomach very rapidly and hence draw large quantities of
reflux in 14%. Patients reporting dysphagia more often had fluid into the small bowel. This produces the ‘early’ symp
disturbed motility and appeared affected by these symp toms of distension, discomfort, nausea, retching, tachycar
toms in their QoL. No association was found between QoL dia, pallor, sweating and dizziness. This may be associated
and GOR complaints. The authors’ hypothesis was that this with hyperglycaemia. ‘Late’ symptoms may occur from 1 to
may be because these patients had grown up with these 4 hours later as a result of hypoglycaemia and may be indis
symptoms and had got used to them. tinguishable from early symptoms [33].
Dellenmark‐Blom et al. [28] conducted a literature review
regarding health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) studies
Dietary interventions
among children and adults with OA. Overall HRQOL was
found to be reduced in five out of seven studies comparing There are no large studies on children with dumping syn
overall HRQOL in OA with a healthy reference population. drome, and most of the published papers are case histories;
Reports of the impact of OA on physical, psychological and all report it as difficult to treat. Various dietary interventions
social HRQOL differed between studies, and no conclusions have been tried to overcome the symptoms of dumping, but
could be drawn. no one treatment has been agreed on. The aim is to avoid
swings in blood sugar levels. Some children respond to a
combination of treatments. In summary these are:
Dumping syndrome
• giving small frequent meals [29, 33]
Following oesophageal replacement • taking fluids separately from solid foods [29, 34]
• avoiding a high glucose intake [29, 34]
Dumping syndrome is often seen in infants and young chil
• adding uncooked cornstarch to feeds at a concentration
dren following gastric transposition. Studies have shown
of 3.5%–7% [31] or 50 g/L of feed [35]
that children with OA often have abnormal gastric empty
• adding pectin to the diet: 5–10 g (<12 years) or 10–15 g
ing. This alone, or together with damage to the vagus nerve
(>12 years) divided into six doses [34]
during oesophageal anastomosis, is thought to cause dump
• administering continuous feeds with added fat (both
ing syndrome [17, 29].
long‐chain and medium‐chain fats are used) or small
Ravelli et al. [30] studied gastric emptying in 12 children
frequent meals enriched with fat [35–37]
who had undergone gastric transposition using electrical
impedance tomography. Gastric emptying was normal in one Borovoy et al. [38] described eight children with dumping
patient, delayed in seven and accelerated in four. Like the syndrome fed by gastrostomy and found that uncooked
repaired oesophagus, the transposed stomach does not cornstarch controlled glucose shifts, resolved most of the
behave normally. The stomach retains its function as a reser symptoms, allowed bolus feedings and enhanced weight
voir, but its emptying is extremely irregular. Spitz [29] found gain. A guideline for the administration of uncooked corn
that the dumping experienced in the early post‐operative starch could be taken from the treatment of glycogen storage
period was short lived, although it lasted for as long as disease (p. 612).
6 months in some children and recurred periodically in one
child. Michaud et al. [31] reported two children who under
went primary repair of their OA and presented a few months
later with dumping syndrome. Neither child had undergone Learning points: oesophageal atresia
anti‐reflux surgery nor had known precipitating factors. They
suggested that dumping syndrome can occur after primary • Surgical repair of the OA and/or TOF needs to be performed
anastomosis of OA without anti‐reflux surgery, and it should before oral feeding can commence
be considered in children with OA when they present with • The first choice in correcting OA is to preserve the native
gastrointestinal symptoms, faltering growth or refusal to eat. oesophagus and perform a primary repair
• Infants with long‐gap OA often have a delayed introduc-
tion of oral feeds and commonly experience more long‐term
Following Nissen fundoplication feeding difficulties than other children with OA
Dumping can also occur in children following Nissen fun • GOR, anastomotic strictures and dysphagia are common
doplication for severe GOR. Holschneider et al. [19] found post‐operative complications in children and adults
that following fundoplication dumping syndrome was seen • Infants should be weaned onto solids at the recommended
in 18.3% of children with OA post‐operatively compared age of around 6 months and weaning modified according to
with 1.6% in the non‐OA group. Pacilli et al. [32] measured tolerance and symptoms
gastric emptying in eight children before and after laparo • Other associated anomalies occur in 50%–66% of infants
scopic Nissen fundoplication. Their results showed that gas with OA, over 50% of infants with duodenal atresia, 23%
tric emptying was accelerated in all but one patient and of infants with Hirschsprung’s and 17% of infants with
concluded that gastric emptying for liquids is accelerated gastroschisis
following Nissen fundoplication. When gastric emptying is
156 Surgery in the Gastrointestinal Tract
2006 and March 2008. Eighty‐five percent had simple gastro Kitchanan et al. [61] found that neonates with gastroschisis
schisis, 11.5% complex and 3% not categorised. Within the had significant delays in reaching full enteral feeds com
simple gastroschisis group, 51% of infants underwent opera pared with those with exomphalos (24 vs. 8 days) and
tive primary closure, and 36% staged closure after a pre required prolonged support with PN (23 vs. 6 days). The age
formed silo had been placed. Outcomes for infants with at which the infant with gastroschisis is first given enteral
complex gastroschisis were significantly poorer than those feeds affects the length of stay in hospital and the duration of
with simple gastroschisis [57]. Bradnock et al. [56] found PN; each day delay in starting enteral feeds was associated
that infants managed with preformed silos took on average with an increase hospital stay of 1.05 days and increased PN
5 days longer to reach full enteral feeding compared with duration of 1.06 days. Median day of first enteral feeds was
those managed with primary closure. Other outcome meas day eight post‐surgery (range 3–40 days) [58]. A follow‐up
ures for both groups were similar. study of 301 infants found that infants with complex gastro
schisis required PN for an average of 51 days, compared
with infants with simple gastroschisis who required PN for
Feeding the infant with abdominal wall defects an average of 23 days. Mean length of stay was 84 days for
complex gastroschisis and 36 days for simple gastroschisis
Impaired gastrointestinal function is common in infants [56]. Bergholz et al. [55] found that infants with complex gas
with abdominal wall defects, especially in those with gastro troschisis were started on enteral feeds later, took longer to
schisis. The pressure of the silo or the closed abdominal wall reach full feeds and therefore continued PN for longer than
forces the intestine back into the abdomen, but this continual infants with simple gastroschisis. Their risk for sepsis (pos
pressure may upset normal intestinal function, including sibly PN related), SBS and necrotising enterocolitis was also
intestinal motility, resulting in a prolonged functional ileus. higher. Infants with complex gastroschisis also had longer
Most of these infants will need PN (p. 68) for several weeks hospital stays and were more likely to be sent home on
or months before bowel function returns. enteral feeds and PN.
Enteral feeding is considered when bowel sounds return, A recent study of 50 infants with exomphalos found that 37%
and nasogastric aspirate has decreased. Expressed breast milk of infants with exomphalos major and 17% with exomphalos
or infant formula is usually tolerated if given as small fre minor still required nasogastric feeding at discharge [62].
quent boluses or as a continuous feed. Large boluses are not
tolerated as the intestinal tract is under constant pressure and
cannot accommodate a large amount of fluid at once. If the Outcome
baby can be handled normally and does not need to be nursed
flat, breastfeeding is possible. In one study 70% of babies with Henrich et al. [63] followed up 22 survivors of gastroschisis
gastroschisis were breastfed on discharge, 28% were bottle fed and 15 of exomphalos who were treated between 1994 and
and 2% were taking solids (median hospital stay was 24 days, 2004. Developmental delays were rapidly made up after
range 6–419 days) [58]. If there is malabsorption, then a hydro treatment, and 75% of these children had no gastrointestinal
lysed protein feed is indicated (Table 8.15). problems or suffered from these rarely. Most children were
Burge et al. [59] conducted a retrospective review of 111 of normal weight and height, with physical and intellectual
infants with gastroschisis. In 50 infants (45%), symptoms development delay seen in a third. The initial gastrointesti
suggesting non‐IgE‐mediated cow’s milk protein allergy nal problems and developmental delays were most often
(CMPA) were recorded and resulted in the feed being made up during the first 2 years of life, and, except for those
changed. Median age of diagnosis of suspected CMPA was with severe defects, the children had good QoL scores.
44 days. In 44 infants follow‐up data was available. All expe Fifty infants with gastroschisis were followed up at a
rienced improvement in symptoms after their feed was median age of 9 years (5–17 years); of these 10 infants 20%
changed to either an extensively hydrolysed formula, an had complex gastroschisis. Growth data was available for 42
amino acid‐based formula or breastmilk while the mother children. Most children showed significant catch‐up growth
was taking a cow’s milk protein‐free diet. The majority from birth to follow‐up. At follow‐up one child (2%) was
showed a significant reduction in symptoms within 2 weeks underweight, 10 children (24%) overweight and four chil
of this feed change. This study suggests that infants with dren (9.5%) obese. Bone mineral density was measured in
gastroschisis and symptoms suggestive of CMPA may ben 41 children, and results suggested that three children
efit by changing to a milk‐free formula. (7%) had significant bone density deficiency. Laboratory
A retrospective study of 79 infants with simple gastroschisis investigations showed the most prevalent micronutrient
found that those exclusively fed with breastmilk (28%) had a deficiencies were iron deficiency anaemia (12%), vitamin D
significantly shorter time to reach full enteral feeds (median 5 (13%) and vitamin B12 (6%, both children having lost signifi
vs. 7 days) and a shorter time to discharge after feeds where cant small bowel) and fasting cholesterol was elevated in
initiated (median 7 vs. 10 days) compared with non‐exclusive 24% of children, with no correlation to BMI. This study sup
breastmilk fed infants. Interestingly, the same benefits were ports what others have suggested that good catch‐up growth
not seen in infants receiving a mixture of breastmilk and for is seen in older children with gastroschisis [64].
mula, suggesting that the use of exclusive breastmilk is most Twenty infants with gastroschisis (four complex) born
beneficial for infants with simple gastroschisis [60]. between October 2006 and August 2011 were reviewed.
Introduction 159
Intestinal resection
retrospective analysis of case series. As a result, in individual
centres, practices depend more on years of personal experi
ence than on research.
Commence total Infants with SBS might be expected to benefit from an exten
parenteral nutrition
sively hydrolysed protein feed because of the insufficient
luminal surface area for digestion and absorption, but pro
tein digestion and absorption is completed in the upper small
Introduce enteral Continue parenteral gut and is generally not a significant problem in SBS. There is
nutrition nutrition probably little absorptive benefit from using amino acid‐
based or hydrolysed protein feeds [83], and complex proteins
may in fact be superior in stimulating adaptation. However,
Increase enteral Wean parenteral cow’s milk protein intolerance can occur in surgical neonates
nutrition nutrition and has also been reported in SBS, so there may be a role for
extensively hydrolysed protein or amino acid‐based feeds
when inflammation is present [84, 85]. Children with SBS,
Achieve enteral autonomy especially young infants, may have a risk of secondary non‐
IgE‐mediated intestinal allergic disease. Secondary protein
intolerance is a common phenomenon after mucosal injury
Figure 9.2 Progression from parenteral to enteral nutrition.
[86], and increased permeability to food antigens in SBS may
lead to an enteropathy or inflammatory colitis [87].
Carbohydrate has the greatest intraluminal osmotic effect
Choice of feed but potentially can be well absorbed as brush border enzyme
activity can be induced according to the composition of the
The choice of nutrients may be important. Complex nutri feed. Feeds containing sucrose will induce sucrase, and those
ents, especially long‐chain triglycerides (LCT), stimulate containing glucose polymer will induce isomaltase [90]. The
adaptation better than simple nutrients, the hypothesis exception to this is lactose.
being that the more work the bowel has to do to digest a Monosaccharides need no digestion, but have a higher
nutrient, the greater the stimulus to adapt [80]. There is no osmotic load than polysaccharides. Just as with protein and
consensus regarding the best formula for infants with SBS. fat, it can be suspected that polysaccharides may stimulate
Two systematic reviews of nutritional therapies in paediatric intestinal adaptation better than monosaccharides. Intact
SBS showed the evidence was limited and of poor quality starch can also be fermented to short‐chain fatty acids in the
[81, 82]. There is a lack of randomised trials, and most human colon, stimulating sodium and water absorption and provid
data on the nutritional management of SBS are derived from ing a primary energy source for the colonocytes.
162 Surgery in the Gastrointestinal Tract
Learning points: choice of feed
Breastmilk may not seem the ideal feed as it contains whole
protein and lactose; however, it is associated with good gas • Breastmilk is recommended when feeds are first introduced
trointestinal tolerance. In addition to the psychological ben • If breastmilk is not available or not tolerated, a protein
efits for the mother of using her breastmilk, it contains high hydrolysate feed with 50% fat as MCT is usually
levels of IgA, nucleotides, epidermal growth factor (EGF) recommended
and leucocytes [91]. Glutamine, LCT and growth hormone in • Amino acid‐based feeds are not indicated unless inflamma-
breastmilk may play a role in intestinal adaptation, and there tion is present
may also be benefits associated with protective colonic bac • Feed changes should be guided by stools/stoma fluid: quan-
teria. Importantly, studies have shown that the use of breast tity, consistency, reducing sugars, pH and fat
milk correlates highly with a shorter duration of PN and that • Modular feeds can be used to establish a feed that is
highly specialised formulas confer no advantage over breast tolerated
milk [92]. It is the practice in most centres managing infants
with SBS to use mother’s EBM in the initial stages of feeding.
In the early stages of enteral feeding, expressed milk is usu
Trophic factors
ally preferred so it can be given in the small measured
amounts that are tolerated, but breastfeeding can usually be
There are few studies conducted in infants and children
introduced when feed volumes are increased and if the
regarding trophic factors, and, like other aspects of manag
infant is at least 35 weeks’ gestation.
ing SBS, more controlled studies are required to justify their
widespread use. Their current use is based on trial and error,
but as a non‐invasive inexpensive intervention, a trial of pec
Formula feeding
tin or glutamine may be useful.
It is important to have a flexible approach to feeding, and Pectin is a water‐soluble fibre. In animal experiments pec
knowledge of gut anatomy and physiology allows informed tin has been shown to slow gastric emptying, slow transit
decisions about nutritional management to be made. In the through the small bowel and enhance adaptation. Following
absence of EBM, or when there is intolerance of EBM, the fermentation to short‐chain fatty acids by colonic bacteria,
most appropriate feed to try would be a protein hydrolysate pectin may also improve colonic absorptive function [94–97].
feed with approximately 50% of the fat as MCT [89]. Suitable Slower transit allows a longer nutrient contact time with the
feeds would be Aptamil Pepti‐Junior and Pregestimil Lipil intestinal mucosa, and in children with a preserved colon,
(Table 8.15). pectin may also stimulate water and sodium absorption [98].
As feed volumes are advanced, malabsorption frequently A dose of 1 g/100 mL feed has been suggested [99]. Pectin is
occurs. It may be helpful to formulate a feed to suit the indi no longer manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in
vidual child with a choice of ingredients not predetermined by the UK. Suitable products designed for use in the catering
the composition of a commercial formula. A modular feeding industry can be obtained and need to be free from added
system allows this flexibility giving a choice of protein, fat and sugar and tested for microbiological safety.
carbohydrate so that ingredients can be manipulated individu Partially hydrolysed guar gum has also been shown to
ally to find a feed composition that is tolerated. Modular feeds reduce stool frequency in children with SBS when added to
can be successfully used in the management of children with enteral feeds and solids [100].
SBS, leading to improved absorption, advancement of enteral Glutamine (available as Adamin G) is considered to be
feeds and ultimate independence from PN [93]. an important energy source for rapidly dividing cells such
Tables 8.21–8.23 show some of the components that may as the cells of the intestinal mucosa. The benefit is unclear,
be used in a modular feed. The protein source can be a whole but glutamine supplements may enhance adaptation,
protein, hydrolysed protein or amino acids. The carbohy have an anabolic effect on body tissues and improve
drate source may be polysaccharides, disaccharides (sucrose, enterocyte glucose absorption [101, 102]. The ideal dose is
lactose) or monosaccharides (fructose, glucose), and in prac unclear, but animal studies suggest that increasing the
tice a combination of carbohydrate sources may be beneficial glutamine content of feeds to 25% total amino acids may
so as not to saturate the capacity of a single brush border enhance adaptation [98].
enzyme. The ratio of LCT to MCT can also be manipulated to
tolerance. Electrolytes and micronutrients are added to make
Route of feeding
the feed nutritionally complete (Table 8.24). An example
modular feed is shown in Table 8.25.
Continuous tube feeding
Establishing a modular feed involves systematic stepwise
changes to feed concentration and volume. Careful descrip Infants and children with SBS frequently tolerate continuous
tion of volume and consistency of stools needs to be docu enteral feeds better than oral bottle or enteral bolus feeds. A
mented, and serial analysis of stool or stoma fluid for slow infusion of feed allows constant saturation of brush
reducing sugars, pH and fat is crucial to make informed border enzymes and carrier proteins, leading to improved
decisions about feed composition. absorption. Luminal nutrients are the single most important
Nutritional Support 163
to always provide the maximum amount of enteral nutrition develop symptoms of nausea, bloating, vomiting and diar
and minimum amount of PN while maintaining hydration rhoea resulting from nutrient malabsorption and an
and nutritional status. This requires careful adjustment as increased number and/or type of bacteria in the small intes
advancing enteral nutrition too quickly will result in malab tine [119]. It can be controlled with antibiotics that are fre
sorption and osmotic diarrhoea. In this circumstance feeds quently given in ‘cycles’, changing the antibiotic given at
can be reduced to the level at which they were tolerated and regular intervals.
attempts made to advance again in subsequent days and d‐Lactic acidosis presents as a severe metabolic acidosis
weeks. Failure to attempt to advance feeds may lead to with neurological manifestations that can include slurred
longer dependence on PN with the risk of associated speech, ataxia, irritability and drowsiness. In patients with
complications. SBS carbohydrates can reach the colon in undigested or
As feed tolerance improves PN can usually be reduced. partially digested form and are fermented there to produce
Initially the number of hours on PN and the volume infused organic acids. This results in a progressive decrease in
are reduced, aiming to deliver the PN at night over 12–14 intraluminal pH, which favours the overgrowth of acid‐
hours. With time it is usually possible to reduce the number resistant bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. These
of nights children receive their PN, providing adequate bacteria produce d‐lactate, which is poorly metabolised in
enteral fluid is tolerated to maintain hydration. Careful humans. Antibiotic treatment can resolve the acidosis by
monitoring is required during the period of transition both treating the bacterial overgrowth, but it may also be neces
to ensure optimal growth and to prevent micronutrient sary to modify the type and/or amount of carbohydrate in
deficiencies. the diet.
Complications Monitoring
Intestinal failure‐associated liver disease Monitoring is an important part of the management of chil
dren with SBS receiving PN and is even more important as
PN has improved the outcome for children with SBS, but
they are weaned from PN. As previously mentioned assess
paradoxically it is associated with many potentially fatal
ment of stool output is crucial to monitor feed tolerance. This
complications. These complications include intestinal fail
is the best indicator to assess the potential to increase enteral
ure‐associated liver disease (IFALD). The prevalence of
feeds and reduce PN.
IFALD is unknown. Two cohort studies report an incidence
Serial anthropometric measurements are useful to evalu
of 22%–23% [110, 111], but an incidence of 40%–60% of chil
ate nutritional status and track progress. These should
dren on long‐term PN has also been reported [112]. The
include not just weight and length but head circumference,
cause of liver disease in children on PN is multifactorial with
mid‐upper arm circumference and skinfold measurements.
risk factors including:
Nutritional blood tests are also needed. Micronutrients
• prematurity [113] may be poorly absorbed, and deficiencies are commonly
• nutrient excess seen in children who are weaning from PN and in those who
• bacterial infection [114] are exclusively enterally fed. The most common deficiencies
• failure to tolerate enteral feeds [115] seen are fat‐soluble vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc,
• failure to establish continuity of the gut iron and selenium. Oral supplements should be started to
avoid clinical signs of deficiency.
Prevention and management of IFALD involves aggressive
Vitamin B12 receptors are restricted to the terminal ileum,
use of enteral nutrition, prevention of line sepsis, the use
and if this has been resected, children will require lifelong
of ursodeoxycholic acid and ‘cycling’ of PN to reduce the
injections of B12 to prevent deficiency. Regular monitoring is
number of hours, or days, that a child receives PN (p. 67).
needed to assess the appropriate time for commencement of
There has been recent interest in the use of novel intrave
vitamin B12.
nous lipid sources containing fish oil to treat IFALD. There
Sodium depletion can also occur in children with either
are no randomised controlled trials looking at these lipid
high stoma output or watery diarrhoea and is a common
sources (SMOF lipid, Omegaven), but several case series
cause of poor weight gain. Urinary electrolytes are a good
report reversal of cholestasis and suggest a potential
indicator of sodium status and should be measured regu
benefit in preventing and treating IFALD in young children
larly, aiming to maintain a urinary sodium concentration
>20 mmol/L and a sodium–potassium ratio of approxi
mately 2 : 1.
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth and d‐lactic acidosis
Small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SBBOG) occurs com Home parenteral nutrition
monly in SBS. It results from anatomical and physiological
changes associated with the condition where there is dilata Many children with SBS can eventually be weaned from PN.
tion of the small bowel associated with the adaptation pro However, if PN is required for extended periods of time,
cess and changes in motility. Patients with SBBOG typically it is appropriate to continue the treatment in the home
Nutritional Support 165
environment, and there is good evidence that catheter sepsis who can be safely managed on PN with low mortality and
is reduced when children are discharged home [120] and good QoL [121, 125].
mortality is low [121]. The graft usually comes from a size‐matched child that
results in a long waiting time on the transplant list. The small
bowel can be transplanted alone or with the right colon if the
Surgery disease also involves the colon; this occurs in congenital
enteropathies and motility disorders rather than SBS.
Non‐transplant surgery Combined liver and small bowel transplant is necessary in
A number of surgical interventions have been tried to alter cases of intestinal failure‐associated liver disease [126].
intestinal transit and promote adaptation in children with Feeding protocols vary between transplant centres, but
SBS. The aim of surgery is not only to improve nutrient enteral feeds are commenced as soon as possible and deliv
absorption by increasing food contact time with the intesti ered either into the stomach or, if necessary, into the jejunum.
nal lumen but also to reduce stasis and bacterial overgrowth. The lymphatic circulation of the graft takes time to re‐estab
Procedures require a dilated segment of small bowel to be lish, and a feed containing at least 50% MCT is recom
present and include longitudinal intestinal lengthening and mended. There is a risk that food antigens may increase the
tailoring (Bianchi procedure) and serial transverse entero risk of acute graft rejection, so protein hydrolysate feeds are
plasty procedure (STEP) [122, 123]. usually used initially [127], but normal diet and independ
ence from nutritional support is possible.
Transplant surgery
Learning points: longer‐term management
Some children who develop end‐stage liver disease as a
result of IFALD, but have the potential to eventually achieve • Home parenteral nutrition is the treatment of choice
independence from PN, may benefit from isolated liver • Enteral feeds should be reviewed regularly and always
transplantation [124]. given at the maximum level of tolerance as most children
Small bowel transplantation has developed over the past can be weaned from PN
20 years to become a lifesaving option for children with SBS • Monitoring of anthropometry, nutritional biochemistry,
who develop the complications of intestinal failure. For chil stool/stoma output and sodium balance is essential
dren with an extremely short bowel, permanent intestinal • Monitoring for associated complications is important
failure is almost inevitable. Long‐term PN remains the treat • Bowel lengthening procedures can alter intestinal transit
ment of choice for this group, but intestinal transplantation and promote adaptation
may be indicated for those children who develop irreversi • Small bowel transplant may be indicated when irreversible
ble liver disease or impaired venous access. In 2015 the complications occur, and home PN is no longer possible
International Transplant Registry reported on 3067 patients,
including 1697 children: the 10‐year graft survival was
40%–60%. Advances in surgical techniques and immuno
suppression have improved the outcome of intestinal trans
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
plantation with a consistent improvement in the survival of
and other useful links are on the companion website:
children transplanted within the last 10 years, but the sur
vival rate does not yet justify transplantation for children
Sara Mancell
The Liver and Pancreas
The Liver
Nutritional assessment The clinical assessment of a child with liver disease should
include signs of malnutrition (muscle wasting), cholestasis
Patients with liver disease require regular nutritional assess- (dark urine, pale/oily stools, micronutrient deficiencies), the
ment. The frequency of assessment is determined by the clinical condition, the presence of ascites or organomegaly
stage and severity of liver disease, the age of the child and and the impact of medications on nutrition, e.g. cholesty-
nutritional status. ramine. Scans and procedures commonly used in the clinical
assessment of a child with liver disease are described in
Table 10.2.
ALP Alkaline phosphatase 62–209 IU/L An enzyme found in the osteoblast cells of the bone and in liver cells. It is
excreted via the biliary tract. High levels can indicate bile duct inflammation;
however, as it is not specific to the liver, abnormal levels can be due to
processes occurring in other parts of the body (e.g. raised due to bone growth)
ALT Alanine transaminase 5–55 IU/L An enzyme predominantly found in the liver. Used to detect hepatocellular
injury. It is most specific in the detection of acute hepatitis from viral, toxic or
drug induced causes. The serum level can rise to 20 times the normal level in
these cases. The level may be mildly to moderately elevated in cases of
obstructive jaundice, cirrhosis and liver tumours
AST Aspartate transaminase 3–35 IU/L An enzyme found in the heart, but also highly concentrated in the liver. A raised
AST can indicate liver inflammation. Isolated increases are more characteristic of
hepatitis. A raised AST in a transplanted patient may indicate rejection
GGT Gamma‐glutamyl 1–55 IU/L A biliary enzyme found in the kidney, liver and pancreas. High levels can
transferase indicate bile duct inflammation or obstruction. It can provide information
about bile production
APPT Activated partial 0.85–1.15 ratio A medical test of blood clotting. Also used to monitor treatment effects with
thromboplastin time heparin, a drug that reduces blood’s tendency to clot
INR International 0.9–1.20 ratio A measure of the time needed to form a clot. Clot formation is dependent on
normalised ratio coagulation factors, of which four are dependent on vitamin K. Raised levels
may mean there is less vitamin K due to obstructive jaundice or poor utilisation
of vitamin K due to liver damage
Bilirubin 3–20 μmol/L Raised unconjugated bilirubin occurs when the liver is unable to conjugate the
bilirubin, usually due to excessive red blood cell haemolysis. Raised
conjugated bilirubin is where the total serum bilirubin is raised and the
conjugated fraction is >20% of the total bilirubin (normally <5%). Raised
conjugated bilirubin indicates reduced flow of bile out of the liver
Albumin 35–50 g/L This is the major circulating protein and is synthesised in the liver. It is
responsible for maintaining plasma osmotic pressure. Hypoalbuminaemia is
found in advanced chronic liver disease. Low levels may be due to decreased
synthesis in the liver or through losses in the stool
Total protein 60–80 g/L A test used to determine the concentration of protein in the plasma. Liver
disease is one source of abnormal values, but there are many more
Globulin 25–35 g/L This refers to a group of globulin proteins. The two affected by liver disease are
alpha globulin and gamma globulin
AFP Alpha‐fetoprotein <7k IU/L These levels are useful in the diagnosis of primary hepatocellular cancer
because only primary liver tumours secrete AFP
Cholesterol 1–5 mmol/L Levels may become increased in chronic biliary obstruction, especially
intrahepatic bile duct hypoplasia
Ammonia 12–50 μmol/L Ammonia is formed from protein metabolism and protein degradation by
colonic bacteria. The liver converts ammonia to urea. Increased levels indicate
that there is liver damage or an underlying metabolic condition
Bile acids <14 μmol/L Bile acids are formed in the liver from cholesterol, enter the intestine via bile
and are reabsorbed into the portal circulation and returned to the liver. In liver
disease serum levels may be high because of reduced hepatocytes (which are
able to extract bile acids from the blood) or shunting of blood past hepatocytes
Learning points: nutritional assessment of liver disease • Clinical assessment of the child with cholestasis should
include assessment for jaundice, dark urine, pale/oily stools
• Nutritional management will depend on whether the liver and micronutrient deficiencies
disease is acute, chronic or metabolic • Dietary assessment should explore how liver disease
• Measurement of MUAC, TSF and abdominal girth may aid symptoms impact on nutrition
in assessment where there is organomegaly or ascites
168 The Liver and Pancreas
Procedure Description
Liver ultrasound Non‐invasive scan measures dimensions of the liver, spleen, portal vein, gallbladder, cysts, stones
or tumours. Blood flow in portal vein, hepatic artery and hepatic veins can be assessed using a
Doppler attachment
HIDA (hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid) scan A dye is injected by nuclear medicine and a series of scans are then performed to examine bile
CT (computerised axial tomography) A 2D scan of the liver and any focal lesions, e.g. tumours, abscess, cysts or bleeding. A radioactive
dye may be injected to demonstrate gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, bile ducts and kidneys
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) A 3D scan using magnetic frequency to obtain cross‐sectional images of the liver
Liver biopsy A small piece of liver is taken with a needle and sent for analysis
PTC (percutaneous transhepatic Dye injected under X‐ray control showing the flow through the liver and biliary tracts to evaluate
cholangiography) biliary duct obstructions. Debris and stones can be flushed out
ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangio‐ An endoscope is passed through to the duodenum and contrast medium is injected into the
pancreatography) common bile and pancreatic ducts to examine the structure and identify obstructions/narrowing/
debris/stones. It can help diagnose problems such as sclerosing cholangitis or pancreatitis
MRCP (magnetic resonance cholangio‐ A 3D scan of the hepatobiliary and pancreatic systems including the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts,
pancreatography) pancreas and pancreatic duct
Angiography An invasive test that uses an injection of contrast medium to visualise the hepatic artery, portal
venous system and intrahepatic vessels
Transient elastography (FibroScan®) A non‐invasive procedure assessing how elastic (or how stiff) the liver is. An ultrasound probe is
used to create a 2D picture of the liver. The level of fibrosis can be measured in relation to the
stiffness of the liver (with increased stiffness indicating more fibrosis)
HARI (hepatic artery resistance index) Used to evaluate portal venous blood pressure. A low HARI indicates reduced arterial blood flow,
which may result from hepatic artery narrowing. A high HARI may result from chronic
hepatocellular disease or transplant rejection
Paracentesis (ascitic tap) A needle is used to drain ascitic fluid. A therapeutic tap is done where ascites stretches the
abdomen, causing discomfort/distress/increased work of breathing. A diagnostic tap is where the
fluid is sent for testing (i.e. for infection)
Table 10.3 Common clinical symptoms at first presentation of ALF by restriction (⅔ maintenance) is generally used to avoid cere-
age group. bral oedema. Dietetic management is focused on avoiding
hypoglycaemia, avoiding the build‐up of toxic by‐products
Age group Common symptoms Possible disease
of metabolism and maintaining nutritional status until there
Neonate Hypoglycaemia Neonatal iron storage disease is some clinical improvement.
Jaundice Inborn error of bile acid A child with a suspected IMD may be protein restricted
Poor feeding synthesis initially, aiming for full requirements in the first 24–48 hours
Vomiting Alpha‐1‐antitrypsin depending on advice of the metabolic team. Where a disor-
Diarrhoea deficiency
der of amino acid metabolism is diagnosed, the metabolic
Lethargy Niemann‐Pick type C
Sepsis Galactosaemia
team will advise on the upper tolerable limit of the offending
Lactic acidosis Tyrosinaemia amino acid to limit toxic by‐products. In practice, a standard
Haemolysis Glycogen storage disease formula or feed is usually used to provide up to the first 1 g/
Hypotonia kg protein. Glucose polymer is added to meet the glucose
Seizures oxidation rate (Table 10.5).
Liver failure The nutritional requirements in ALF are outlined in
Infant Hypoglycaemia Fructosaemia Table 10.5.
Jaundice Cystic fibrosis
Faltering growth Progressive familial
Vomiting intrahepatic cholestasis Hypoglycaemia
Fever Alpha‐1‐antitrypsin
Cataracts deficiency Hypoglycaemia may be present in 40% of patients with ALF
Hepatosplenomegaly Alagille’s syndrome [5] due to increased plasma insulin levels secondary to
Deranged liver
function tests
reduced glucose uptake and gluconeogenesis. The aim in
Chronic liver disease ALF is not only to avoid hypoglycaemia but also to help
prevent catabolism (and the associated accumulation of toxic
Child/ Hepatomegaly Wilson’s disease
adolescent Faltering growth Autoimmune hepatitis
metabolites). In the presence of hypoglycaemia, if there is no
Developmental delay suspicion of an IMD, a standard or high energy feed may be
Short stature started (depending on whether fluids are restricted), and a
glucose polymer may be added if blood sugar levels are low.
If normoglycaemia cannot be achieved by continuous feed-
increasing hepatocyte necrosis), there is a poor prognosis. ing, or it is contraindicated, a continuous intravenous (IV)
These patients may be placed on the super urgent liver dextrose infusion is started. Once feeds are commenced,
transplant (LT) list. LT is the only proven treatment that they may then be gradually titrated against the IV infusion.
may improve outcomes in ALF [1]. Table 10.4 illustrates If an IMD is suspected, an emergency regimen (ER) is
the biochemical profiles of two different presentations of started (p. 673) using either IV dextrose or a glucose polymer
ALF. These examples show the blood biochemistry results added to water for enteral use. Following the ER phase, a
in the days prior to and at 1‐week post‐LT when there is a suitable formula can be used for the suspected condition on
return to normal (or near normal) levels. the advice of the metabolic team. Glucose management for
ALF is as described in Table 10.6.
Learning points: clinical management of ALF
Hepatic encephalopathy
• The definition by PALFSG removes the need for HE to
diagnose ALF HE is where there is brain dysfunction ranging from minor
• It can be difficult to determine the cause of ALF and often a changes such as confusion to coma. As it is due, in part, to
cause is not found altered ammonia metabolism, treatment aims to reduce
• Liver transplant is the only proven treatment that may ammonia production and absorption from the gut. Almost
improve outcomes in ALF half of the body’s ammonia is endogenously produced by gut
flora and is primarily managed with medical interventions
(e.g. sodium benzoate). A dietary protein restriction is not
recommended [1] as it could result in increased endogenous
Dietetic management ammonia production from protein catabolism. Sufficient
energy from other macronutrients needs to be supplied with
The clinical presentation of ALF varies and requires specific close consideration to the protein–energy ratio to prevent
dietary treatment. If presentation is rapid, infants and chil- protein breakdown. Branched chain amino acid (BCAA) sup-
dren are often well nourished. In children with severe ALF, plementation may be beneficial in encephalopathy as BCAAs
nutrition support will be managed in the intensive care unit, detoxify ammonia and limit the efflux of aromatic amino
and adjustments to ventilation, sedation and fluid allowance acids across the blood–brain barrier [6]. BCAAs are discussed
will be needed. If there is no evidence of dehydration, a fluid further in the section on faltering growth in CLD.
170 The Liver and Pancreas
1 week 1 week
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 post‐LT Range Day 1 Day 3 Day 5 post‐LT Range
LT, liver transplant; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; GGT, gamma‐glutamyl transferase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase;
INR, international normalised ratio; APPT, activated partial thromboplastin time.
Table 10.5 Nutritional requirements in acute liver failure. Table 10.6 Glucose management in ALF.
EAR, estimated average requirement; RNI, reference nutrient intake. * Dextrose concentrations >10% require central venous access due to
risk of thrombophlebitis.
Dietetic management
Learning points: dietetic management of ALF
• The ER should be initiated, if necessary, aiming to keep
blood glucose levels between 4 and 8 mmol/L (and • Children with ALF are often well nourished if presentation
meeting the glucose oxidation rate) is rapid
• Nasogastric (NG) feeding should be introduced as soon • Management is focused on avoiding hypoglycaemia, avoid-
as possible ing the build‐up of toxic by‐products of metabolism and
• Adequate energy intake must be ensured: maintaining nutritional status
Feeds can be concentrated or energy supplements added • A protein restriction is not recommended for HE due to its
• Adequate protein must be ensured: impact on nutritional status and the risk of increasing
Initially a minimum of 1 g/kg ammonia production through catabolism
Protein intake maximised as soon as possible to pre- • BCAAs may be beneficial as they detoxify ammonia and
vent catabolism limit the efflux of aromatic amino acids across the blood–
Consideration of using a formula with supplementary brain barrier
Chronic Liver Disease 171
Table 10.7 Case study: a young child with acute liver failure.
Admission A male aged 2 years and 9 months, previously well and healthy
Weight = 15.5 kg (75th–91st centile), height = 95 cm (<75th centile)
Presentation history: Deranged liver function, INR of 6.0 with acute liver failure, grade 1–2 encephalopathy, jaundice, pale stools,
dark urine, lethargy, loss of appetite
Impression: Post‐viral hepatic failure with encephalopathy and neutropenia
Acute interventions: Admitted to intensive care, intubated and sedated
Clinical concerns: Blood glucose = 3.3 mmol/L. Raised bilirubin, INR rapidly increased along with a declining AST indicating
hepatocellular death. Albumin declined indicating worsening synthetic liver function. Listed for super urgent liver transplantation
Day 1–5 On IV fluids. NBM due to new Roux loop surgery. Extubated day 2
Day 5 Weight = 14.7 kg (50th–75th centile). Energy requirements for extubation calculated as 82 kcal (343 kJ)/kg (EAR). Started standard
1 kcal (4 kJ)/mL feed via NGT at 10 mL/hour and increased by 10 mL/hour every 6 hours. Target fluid = 53 mL/hour. Target energy
82 kcal (343 kJ)/kg
Day 6 Transferred to high dependency unit on continuous NG feeding
Day 7 Chyle fluid in abdominal drain confirmed in lab. Chyle leak secondary to chylous ascites. Changed to 80% medium chain
triglyceride (MCT) feed via NG
Day 8 Allowed oral intake. Commenced sips of fat‐free fluids and restricted long chain triglyceride diet alongside high MCT feed
via NG
Day 10 Transferred to liver ward. NG feeding overnight to allow appetite for solid foods in the day
Week 2 Weight = 14.7 kg (50th–75th centile). Chylous ascites resolved. NGT removed as taking oral diet well. Fat content of diet
Week 4 Weight = 15.4 kg (>75th centile). Discharged with advice about short‐term high energy/protein snacks and meals as not yet eating
full meals. Given advice regarding monitoring for excessive weight gain in view of nutrient‐dense diet and steroids
Outpatient clinic
3 months Weight = 16.0 kg (75th–91st centile). Growing well. No longer on nutrient‐dense diet
1 year Weight = 18.0 kg (75th–91st centile). Doing well. No concerns
INR, international normalised ratio; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; IV, intravenous; BMR, basal metabolic rate; NGT, nasogastric tube; NBM, nil by
mouth; EAR, estimated average requirement.
* Schofield equation (p. 87).
A case study of the management of a young child with ALF Learning points: malnutrition in CLD
is given in Table 10.7.
• There is a high risk of malnutrition in CLD
• Malnutrition in CLD is strongly linked to morbidity and
Chronic liver disease mortality
• Malnutrition may be due to malabsorption, reduced intake,
CLD involves a process of progressive destruction and increased requirements and altered metabolism
degeneration of the liver leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis.
Children with CLD are at risk of malnutrition, which is
strongly linked to morbidity and mortality [7]. Common CLD manifests as a range of symptoms shared by different
factors contributing to malnutrition in CLD are listed in types of liver disease and can be grouped into the complica-
Table 10.8. tions below. These symptoms may either be the direct result
172 The Liver and Pancreas
Table 10.8 Potential causes of malnutrition in chronic liver disease. Fat malabsorption
Causes Factors that may contribute
The absence or shortage of bile results in malabsorption of
Malabsorption Reduced or absent bile flow/bile salts long chain triglycerides (LCT) from the gastrointestinal
Pancreatic insufficiency (GI) tract. If left untreated, it can result in faltering growth,
Portal hypertension‐related enteropathy fat‐soluble vitamin deficiency and essential fatty acid (EFA)
Malnutrition‐related villous atrophy deficiency. Many cholestatic infants compensate for the
Reduced nutrient Anorexia loss of energy from fat malabsorption by consuming high
intake Nausea and vomiting volumes of breastmilk or infant formula. Intakes can be
Early satiety as a result of ascites, enlarged liver/ more than twice normal fluid requirements. Where there is
fat malabsorption, medium chain triglycerides (MCT)
Behavioural feeding problems
Hospitalisation‐related depression
should be given as they do not require emulsification by
Unpalatable diet/feeds bile; their partial water solubility allows them to diffuse
Taste changes easily into intestinal cells for direct absorption into the
Fluid restriction bloodstream. As MCT is not a source of EFA, it is important
Timing of medication interfering with meal times that children continue to have LCT in the diet. There is a
Fatigue, prolonged sleeping lack of evidence for the ideal MCT content of formulas, but
Increased nutrient Respiratory effort increased due to most contain approximately half of their total fat content as
demands organomegaly or ascites MCT (Table 10.9).
Stress such as infection
Increase in metabolically active cells [8]
Altered metabolism Increased oxidation of fat and protein stores Dietetic management
Reduced glycogen storage
• Infants – dietetic management is described in Table 10.10
Insufficient protein synthesis
Impairment of gluconeogenesis
• Toddlers and children – normal solids with MCT sup-
plementation as formula/oral nutritional supplements
• Fat‐soluble vitamins should be provided in order to pre-
of disordered metabolism or a physiological manifestation vent deficiency (Table 10.11).
of liver disease [9]. • Although there is limited research on the need for sup-
plementing water‐soluble vitamins, twice the recom-
Jaundice mended daily allowance may be required due to altered
hepatic metabolism [7]. This may be achieved with ONS.
Jaundice, a condition that causes the complexion and whites
of the eyes to appear yellow, is classified as either unconju-
gated or conjugated. Unconjugated jaundice is characterised Learning points: fat malabsorption
by a jaundiced appearance without bilirubin in the urine.
This may be physiological in the newborn due to an increase • Fat malabsorption is due to the absence of bile, which is
of bilirubin production, decreased bilirubin clearance or a required for fat emulsification
combination of both. Dietetic intervention is not usually • MCT does not require emulsification as it is partially water
required. In contrast, conjugated jaundice or conjugated soluble
hyperbilirubinaemia (CHB) represents cholestatic liver dis- • Infants may compensate for fat malabsorption by i ncreasing
ease and requires dietetic intervention. It results when bile is consumption of breastmilk/formula
reduced either due to an obstruction (e.g. biliary atresia [BA]) • As MCT does not contain essential fatty acids, the diet
or reduced bile formation (e.g. progressive familial intrahe- should continue to include some LCT
patic cholestasis [PFIC]). Normally, conjugated bilirubin is • There is limited evidence on the ideal MCT content of
made water soluble by the addition of glucuronide in the formulas; most formulas contain 50% fat as MCT
liver and enters the bile. If there is an absence or reduction in • Fat‐soluble vitamins are routinely given in CLD
bile, the conjugated bilirubin glucuronide passes into the
serum and is then excreted as dark urine, and as a result the
stools lack pigment.
Pancreatic enzyme insufficiency
Dietetic management
Some types of liver disease (Alagille’s syndrome, PFIC,
For unconjugated jaundice:
choledochal cysts) may be accompanied by pancreatic
• No dietetic intervention is required enzyme deficiency that aggravates malabsorption. Since bile
salts are required to activate pancreatic lipase, a functional
For conjugated jaundice:
deficiency may be present in cholestasis. The finding of a
• Dietetic management is as described for fat malabsorption low stool elastase may support a deficiency.
Table 10.9 Formulas and supplements high in medium chain triglycerides (per 100 mL).
Heparon Junior 49 86 (360) 11.6 3.6 2 Whole 0–3 years Supplemented with BCAA
Pregestimil Lipil 55 68 (285) 6.9 3.8 1.89 Peptide 0–1 year Clinically lactose‐free (<5 mg
lactose/100 mL)
Aptamil Pepti‐Junior 46 66 (275) 6.8 3.5 1.8 Peptide 0–1 year
Puramino 33 68 (290) 7.2 3.6 1.89 Amino acid 0–1 year
Peptamen Junior 60 100 (420) 13.2 4.0 3.0 Peptide 1–10 years
PaediaSure Peptide 50 100 (420) 13.0 4.0 3.0 Peptide 8–30 kg
Infatrini Peptisorb 50 100 (420) 10.3 5.4 2.6 Peptide 0–18 months or <9 kg
Nutrini Peptisorb 46 100 (420) 13.7 3.9 2.8 Peptide 1–6 years or 8–20 kg
Monogen 84 74 (310) 11.6 2.2 2.2 Whole 0–1 year* Used for chylous ascites
Lipistart 80 69 (290) 8.3 3.1 2.1 Whole 0–10 years Used for chylous ascites
Emsogen 83 88 (368) 12 3.3 2.5 Amino acid >1 year** Used for chylous ascites for those
needing a milk‐free diet
Liquigen 96 450 (1880) 0 50 0 n/a From birth MCT emulsion. Not a sole source of
MCT Oil 100 855 (3575) 0 95 0 n/a From birth MCT oil. Useful in cooking, low
smoke point. Not a sole source of
Betaquik 95 189 (777) 0 21 0 n/a >3 years MCT emulsion. Not a sole source of
MCTprocal 96 703 (2907) 20.6 63.5 12.2 Whole >3 years Use in cooking/baking or add to foods/
drinks. Not a sole source of nutrition
1. Is galactosaemia suspected?
• No, proceed to step 2 below
• Yes, change to clinically lactose‐free MCT formula* (Table 10.9). Stop breastfeeds and give advice on how to maintain milk supply while awaiting
diagnosis. If diagnosed with galactosaemia change to soya infant formula and refer to a metabolic centre. If galactosaemia excluded, proceed
with step 2 below
3. Is cholestasis resolving?
• No, remain on above regimen
• Yes, stop MCT formula and give full breastfeeds and/or a suitable infant formula
5. At weaning
• Encourage normal weaning
• Add MCT formula when making up dried baby foods instead of water or cow’s milk
• Add cream/butter/cheese and/or glucose polymer/fat supplement to increase energy content of foods
* Caution. For preterm infants receiving breastmilk who are at high risk of necrotising enterocolitis, await a definitive diagnosis of galactosaemia before
stopping breastmilk. If diagnosed with galactosaemia, liaise with metabolic team.
174 The Liver and Pancreas
Table 10.11 Practice guide for vitamin supplementation at King’s College Hospital, London.
Table 10.12 Energy and protein requirements for chronic liver disease. Dietetic management
Energy Protein This will depend on the extent of the varices:
complications [13]. Once a decision is made to consider a Table 10.13 Types of liver transplants.
child for transplantation, a detailed assessment (including
a full nutritional review) is carried out to determine Type of transplant Description
whether the child should be placed on the transplant wait- Partial graft • A split liver is the most common transplant.
ing list. Waiting time on the transplant list is unpredicta- The donor liver is split into two lobes, with the
ble and depends on the potential recipient’s severity of right lobe going to an adult or older child and
disease, disease type and blood type. The median (95% CI) the left lobe or a left lateral segment (part of
waiting time to LT for children in the UK between 2013 the left lobe) going to a young child
• A cut down or reduced graft is where there is
and 2016 was 107 (29–135) days [14].
one recipient. The liver is cut down to size to
fit the child
Dietetic management Whole liver • More common in children over 5 years
• The whole liver may be used if it is the right
Management for cirrhosis is as described for CLD above, size for the child
depending on the symptoms that the child presents with.
Auxiliary • A partial donor liver graft is transplanted onto
For those being considered for transplant:
a resected native liver
• a detailed nutritional assessment is carried out • Used where there is a possibility of the native
• pre‐ and post‐transplant nutrition information is dis- liver recovering, e.g. in acute liver failure,
some metabolic diseases
cussed with the family/caregivers:
◦◦ the importance of good nutritional status prior to Hepatocyte • Novel technique used in some metabolic
disorders and acute liver failure
• Hepatocytes are infused into the liver engraft
◦◦ the timing and type of nutrition initiated after and support liver function
◦◦ possible post‐transplant complications (e.g. chylous
• close monitoring of progress is required after transplant, and referral to a specialist feeding clinic
may be required.
Liver transplantation can be curative for many metabolic
Learning points: cirrhosis diseases, enabling a normal diet after transplant. For those
patients who have been on a lifelong dietary protein restric-
• Cirrhosis represents the end stage of liver disease tion, self‐restriction of protein intake following transplanta-
• Compensated cirrhosis is where the liver compensates for tion is common [16]. For conditions where transplant is not
liver damage so that cirrhosis is asymptomatic curative (e.g. propionic acidaemia and methylmalonic aci-
• Decompensated cirrhosis occurs when liver damage causes daemia), continued dietary restriction may be required [17].
blood flow to be impaired, resulting in symptoms such as In these patients PN is usually given initially to avoid catab-
portal hypertension, ascites and varices olism and limit production of toxic metabolites, e.g. ammo-
• Nutritional status is likely to decline despite maximum nia and organic acids.
nutrition support
Dietetic management
Liver transplantation
This depends on whether an LT is curative or not.
Where transplant is curative:
LT may be from a deceased or a living donor. Survival rates
have been reported as 95% at 1 year, 93% at 2 years and 92% • after 3–5 days NBM a standard NG formula or feed is
at 5 years (2010–2012) [15]. The types of LT are outlined in started
Table 10.13. • some older children are able to commence a normal diet
The biliary ducts are either rerouted directly to the without tube feeding
small bowel (i.e. a new Roux loop is formed), or if the
Where transplant is not curative (i.e. for some metabolic
graft liver has an intact bile duct, it may be surgically
joined to the native bile duct. Following transplant there
is usually a period of between 3 and 5 days nil by mouth • PN is given while NBM immediately after transplant
(NBM): 5 days NBM where a new Roux loop is formed with 1.0–1.5 g/kg protein restriction
due to the risk of small bowel perforation. The clearing of • once enteral feeing is started, PN is gradually weaned
long‐standing jaundice, reduction in abdominal pressure down
and the introduction of high dose steroids (as antirejec- • in some cases it may be necessary to continue dietary
tion treatment) can play an important role in promoting protein restriction either immediately post‐transplant or
good appetite. In children with pre‐existing oral aver- at a later stage. The metabolic team caring for the child
sion, NG feeding may be required for an extended period should be consulted
Liver Transplantation 177
There are many disorders that lead to CLD and the most
Nutrition support in liver disease common causes are described below.
Causes presenting in infancy:
Nasogastric tube feeding
• metabolic, e.g. glycogen storage disease, urea cycle
NG feeding has been shown to improve body composition in defect and galactosaemia
paediatric liver disease [23] and should be commenced early • genetic, e.g. alpha‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency, Alagille’s
to optimise nutritional status. Feeds may be administered as syndrome and PFIC
boluses, top‐up feeds or continuous pump feeding. It is • infections, e.g. hepatitis
important to promote oral feeding alongside tube feeding to • biliary malformations, e.g. BA, choledochal cysts and
reduce the risk of oral aversion. inspissated bile syndrome
• vascular lesions, e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma and
Gastrostomy feeding
Causes presenting in older children:
The placement of a gastrostomy is often not possible in • immune related, e.g. sclerosing cholangitis and autoim-
CLD. There is an increased risk of bleeding during tube mune hepatitis
placement due to portal hypertension or intra‐abdominal • genetic, e.g. Wilson’s disease
varices [24] and a risk of puncture if the liver/spleen is • biliary malformations, e.g. choledochal cyst
enlarged. There is also a risk of inadequate tract formation • lifestyle disorders, e.g. NAFLD and non‐alcoholic steato-
with ascites [24]. It may also create potential problems hepatitis (NASH)
with access to the abdominal cavity (due to adhesions)
during liver transplantation. However, placement of a
percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has been Neonatal hepatitis
successful where there is no portal hypertension, ascites or
varices [25]. Neonatal hepatitis is inflammation of the liver in the first
few months of life. The cause is most often unknown or sus-
pected to be from a virus. Severity varies and rarely results
Parenteral nutrition in cirrhosis, with bile flow usually resolving with time.
PN may be beneficial in children with advanced end‐stage
liver disease who are listed for LT, where the risk of PN exac- Galactosaemia
erbating the liver disease is outweighed by improvement in
nutritional status prior to transplantation [26, 27]. The nutri- Galactosaemia is a metabolic disorder resulting from the
tion support team plays an important role in optimising PN inability to metabolise galactose (p. 599). As a common clini-
and promoting enteral nutrition [28]. cal presentation of galactosaemia is conjugated jaundice, all
Common Disorders Leading to Chronic Liver Disease 179
infants with CHB are screened for this condition. Where failure to export the glycoprotein alpha‐1‐antitrypsin
galactosaemia screening is not done at birth, the blood galac- from hepatocytes, resulting in hepatic inflammation and
tose‐1‐phosphate uridyltransferase (Gal‐1‐PUT) is meas- eventually cirrhosis [36]. The severity of this condition,
ured. If the infant has received a blood transfusion within six degree of liver involvement and nutritional management
weeks of testing, a false result can occur, in which case both vary significantly.
parents will need testing.
Alagille’s syndrome
Biliary atresia
This syndrome is a genetic autosomal recessive condition
BA is the inability to excrete bile due to obstruction, destruc- and can present as a spectrum of disorders including intra-
tion or absence of the extrahepatic bile ducts, which leads to hepatic biliary hypoplasia (paucity of the intrahepatic bile
bile stasis in the liver with progressive inflammation and ducts) and cardiovascular, skeletal, facial and ocular abnor-
fibrosis. It is a rare progressive disease occurring in 1 in 9 000– malities. It is a rare condition that is typically diagnosed in
16 000 births [31] but is the most frequent hepatic cause of 7% of all neonatal cholestasis cases [37]. Infants present with
death and requirement for transplantation [12]. At least 50% CHB followed by pruritus and finally, if severely affected,
of children with this condition are likely to receive LT in the xanthelasma (yellowish deposits of fat underneath the skin,
first 2 years of life [32] with a further 20%–30% likely to require usually on or around the eyelids), which usually appears by
a transplant later in life [26]. Up to two thirds of BA survivors 2 years of age. Some children have cyanotic heart disease as
who have not received liver transplantation may develop por- their main problem.
tal hypertension but maintain adequate growth [33]. The nutritional management of Alagille’s syndrome can
Bile drainage can be restored by the Kasai operation, be challenging. Frequent problems include poor growth,
which involves bypassing the blocked ducts. Native liver vomiting, appalling appetite (fussy eating), pancreatic insuf-
survival rate and jaundice clearance are reported to be ficiency, malabsorption, severe itching and renal acidosis.
improved when the Kasai procedure is performed earlier Malnutrition and severe itching may be the main indications
than 60 days of age, with outcomes showing better results for transplantation.
the earlier the Kasai is performed [34]. A late Kasai opera-
tion, i.e. after 60 days of age, is associated with a poor prog-
nosis [35]. A Kasai procedure is considered to have been Learning points: Alagille’s syndrome
successful if jaundice has cleared and LFTs have normalised
3 months after the procedure. • A rare genetic condition presenting as a spectrum of
Given the high requirement for transplantation, a focus on disorders including lack of intrahepatic bile ducts
nutrition is extremely important in these patients. They • Growth is a major problem and most children require NG
require close monitoring and aggressive nutrition support as feeding
studies have shown that improvement of nutritional status • Malnutrition and severe pruritus may be the main
in the pre‐transplant period may improve outcomes after indications for transplantation
transplantation [31, 33]. Their management is as described
for CLD.
Learning points: biliary atresia
Haemangiomas are benign vascular tumours of the liver. If
• BA is the most frequent hepatic cause of death and require- large in size, they are supplied by wide blood vessels taking
ment for transplantation a large proportion of the cardiac output, resulting in imme-
• A Kasai operation can restore bile flow and should be per- diate medical treatment to decrease blood pressure, increase
formed in the first 8 weeks of life cardiac output and reduce the risk of fluid overload. In
• A Kasai operation is considered to have been successful if young infants where cardiac failure develops, hepatic artery
jaundice has cleared and LFTs have normalised 3 months ligation is essential to restrict the tumour’s blood supply. If
after the procedure surgical intervention is not curative or where ligation cannot
• Close monitoring is required due to the high likelihood of be performed, liver transplantation may be required. These
transplantation cases may be dramatic, presenting with hepatomegaly and
worsening cardiac function; these children may struggle to
meet nutritional requirements.
Alpha‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency
Inspissated bile syndrome
Alpha‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency is an IMD that can cause
varying degrees of liver disease in infancy and can pre- Inspissated bile syndrome is where a plug of thick bile
sent with cholestasis. Liver disease is secondary to the blocks the bile ducts and causes conjugated jaundice.
180 The Liver and Pancreas
Disease progression Progresses quickly to cirrhosis Cirrhosis often before age Slow progression of cirrhosis and
in infancy 10 years. Higher incidence liver disease
of hepatocarcinoma
Symptoms Jaundice, severe pruritus, Severe pruritus, diarrhoea, Pruritus tends to be milder,
diarrhoea, poor growth, poor growth, gallstones gallstones, high risk portal
gallstones. Some have hypertension
pancreatic insufficiency
Biochemical or Normal GGT, high serum bile Normal GGT Elevated GGT, normal bilirubin,
functional hallmarks acids low phospholipids in bile
Resolution may occur naturally with time, or with the Table 10.15 Surgical procedures used to manage itching and possible
help of ursodeoxycholic acid (enhancing bile flow), or nutritional consequences.
under percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC)
Procedure Description
(Table 10.2), or in rare cases surgical excision. The syn-
drome often occurs in infants who have been NBM, e.g. Partial external Stoma created from gall bladder to remove some
after surgery and long courses of PN. biliary of the bile produced. This may worsen
diversion malabsorption and vitamin deficiencies
Partial internal Similar to external diversion except a piece of
Choledochal cysts biliary drainage bowel connects the gall bladder to the large
intestine (no stoma). Diarrhoea may result as bile
Choledochal cysts are dilatations of all or part of the extrahe- enters the large intestine
patic biliary tract. They may occur in infants (and can be Internal ileal A bypass is created around the distal ileum
detected in utero) and children. They may remain undiag- exclusion (where bile salts are usually reabsorbed) to
reduce reabsorption. Diarrhoea may result and
nosed for years. Ursodeoxycholic acid improves bile flow
there may be nutrient malabsorption
and may enable a small cyst to disappear requiring no fur-
ther treatment, while other cysts may require surgical Liver transplant Most will eventually require a liver transplant. In
PFIC1 the defective gene is also expressed in
removal. Indeed some are so large and invasive that the
organs outside the liver, and therefore symptoms
extrahepatic bile ducts have to be removed and a Kasai pro- may persist after transplant
cedure has to be performed. Post‐surgery, any required
catch‐up growth, should occur quickly, negating further
nutritional intervention.
Learning points: PFIC
azathioprine [38] and rarely necessitates dietetic intervention, transplantation, in some cases. The main nutritional compli-
unless associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Some of cations include severe vomiting and diarrhoea.
these children will need liver transplantation due to failure to
prevent progression to CLD secondary to cirrhosis.
Non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease and non‐alcoholic
Wilson’s disease
NAFLD may result in mild fatty infiltration of the liver
Wilson’s disease is a genetically inherited disease where there and mild inflammation, advancing to NASH, which
is a defect in copper metabolism. It leads to an accumulation leads to cirrhosis and eventually end‐stage liver failure
of copper in the liver, brain, kidney and cornea. Accumulation [42]. It is typically diagnosed around 12 years of age in
can take years and, hence, presentation is delayed. In advanced children with obesity. With the increase in childhood
disease or acute onset, LT may be required. Oral chelating obesity, prevalence of NAFLD may range from 36% [43]
agents, e.g. penicillamine, bind dietary copper and negate the to 80% [44].
need for a copper‐restricted diet. There is no conclusive evi- Weight reduction through diet and exercise is the main
dence that a lifelong dietary restriction of copper is beneficial treatment but can be difficult to achieve for many patients
in patients whose serum transaminases (ALT, AST) have nor- [45]. The aim is to correct metabolic disturbances by revers-
malised and who are compliant with drug therapy. A strict ing insulin resistance, reducing visceral fatness and reducing
low copper diet may negatively impact on the nutritional oxidative stress and inflammation [46]. Evidence for other
value of the diet and should be reserved for patients who are treatment options including metformin, vitamin E and anti‐
uncompliant with or unresponsive to drug therapy [39]. inflammatory fats [47] have thus far produced equivocal
Learning points: Wilson’s disease
Alpha‐1‐antitrypsin • Some children require no nutritional intervention and are clinically well
deficiency • Severely affected children (who may come to transplantation before the age of 1 year): dietetic management is as
described for CLD
Inspissated bile syndrome Supplementing the diet with MCT may be necessary until PTC is performed
Autoimmune hepatitis Presenting symptoms that may need dietetic input range from faltering growth and malabsorption to obesity
aggravated by steroid therapy
Wilson’s disease On diagnosis and initiation of drug therapy or where there is poor compliance with drug therapy [39]:
• Avoidance of foods high in copper until there is remission of symptoms and raised liver enzymes:
◦◦ Offal, particularly liver
◦◦ Animals/fish eaten whole (which contain the liver, e.g. shellfish)
◦◦ Mushrooms
◦◦ Cocoa, chocolate
◦◦ Energy drinks
Once there is remission of symptoms and normalising of serum transaminases (ALT, AST):
• Normal diet
Cystic fibrosis‐related Assessment and treatment needs to take into account that:
liver disease
• Body mass index (BMI), the standard measure of nutritional status in CF, may be affected by ascites or
• An increase in malabsorption with progressive CFLD is most likely to be as a result of portal hypertension
enteropathy. Increases in PERT above 10 000 units lipase/kg are thus unlikely to be helpful
• High feed volumes may not be tolerated due to organomegaly and ascites
• Restriction of sodium intake may not be needed as requirements are greater in CF
• A peptide‐based MCT formula should be used where portal hypertension enteropathy is suspected
Dietetic management is further described on p. 232
Liver tumours Nutritional support and monitoring is required throughout the course of treatment
Bonemarrowtransplantation – Nutrition support in the form of enteral and parenteral nutrition may be required throughout the critical course of
immune deficiency treatment
Non‐alcoholic fatty liver • Energy‐restricted diet
disease and non‐alcoholic • Incorporate regular physical activity
MCT, medium chain triglycerides; CHB, conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia; Gal‐1‐PUT, galactose‐1‐phosphate uridyltransferase; CLD, chronic liver
disease; NG, nasogastric; PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; PTC, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography; ALT, alanine aminotransferase;
AST, aspartate aminotransferase; PERT, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.
Admission An 8‐week‐old female with conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, dark urine and pale stools. Weight = 3.75 kg (<2nd centile)
Presentation: Excessive feeding on breastmilk and standard infant formula = 260 mL/kg. Galactosaemia excluded
Impression: Possible biliary atresia
Changed to 100 mL/kg MCT formula and breastfeeding
Kasai operation performed
Management post‐Kasai
Day 1–2 NBM, on IV fluids
Day 3 Commenced hourly feeds of Dioralyte, gradually increasing to 120 mL/kg
Day 4–5 Changed to feeds and gradually increased to 150 mL/kg MCT formula. Once tolerating, changed to 100 mL/kg MCT formula
and breastfeeds
Day 7 Discharged home with advice to call liver team weekly to discuss progress and provide a weight measurement
Readmitted after 8 weeks
Admission 17 weeks old. Increased abdominal girth, remained jaundiced. Increased HARI, splenomegaly and ascites. Paracentesis
Day 1 Weight = 5.78 kg (<25th centile) MUAC = 11 cm (<2nd centile). Weight affected by increased girth. Feeding: 100 mL/kg MCT
formula via bottle and breastmilk in addition
Day 2–3 Not managing full feed volume, so NG tube inserted to provide top‐up feeds. Breastfeeding continued
Day 4–7 Kasai procedure considered to have failed in view of worsening liver disease. Liver transplant assessment completed (to
determine suitability for transplant). Taking 100 mL/kg via bottle with NG top‐ups. Mum breastfeeding
Day 8 18 weeks old. Weight = 5.8 kg (9th–25th centile) MUAC = 10.8 cm (0.4th centile). Listed for transplant. Discharged from
hospital on bottle feeding and NG top‐ups providing 150 mL/kg. Formula concentration increased to provide 1 kcal (4 kJ)/mL.
Mum breastfeeding occasionally
Outpatient management
Week 1 Telephone review. 19 weeks old. Weight = 5.8 kg (9th–25th centile), static. Only managing 130 mL/kg feed. Advised to take
150 mL/kg by increasing NG top‐ups. Occasional breastfeeds
Week 2 Telephone review. 20 weeks old. Weight = 5.8 kg (>9th centile), static, increased abdominal girth, poor appetite, early satiety.
Unable to tolerate more than 130 mL/kg feed. Arranged to see in clinic
Week 3 Clinic. 21 weeks old. MUAC = 10.3 cm (<0.4th centile). Rapid progression of end‐stage liver failure. Continued on bottle feeds
with NG top‐ups. Still only managing 130 mL/kg feed. Formula concentration increased to 1.2 kcal (5 kJ)/mL. Mum no longer
Week 4 Clinic: 22 weeks old. Weight = 5.82 kg (9th centile) MUAC = 10.2 cm (<0.4th centile). Poor oral feeding tolerance due to
organomegaly and ascites. Not always managing 130 mL/kg feed. Formula concentration increased to 1.5 kcal (6 kJ)/mL. Started
on complementary foods
Week 5 Admission: 23 weeks old. Received liver transplant
NBM, nil by mouth; IV, intravenous; HARI, hepatic artery resistance index; MUAC, mid‐upper arm circumference; NG, nasogastric.
The Pancreas
Diagnostic criteria for acute, acute‐recurrent and chronic Causes for pancreatitis in children differ from those of
pancreatitis [55] are outlined in Table 10.19. Ranges of serum adults where lifestyle factors such as alcohol and
levels of enzymes used in the diagnosis and monitoring of smoking are common. Common causes of pancreatitis in
pancreatitis are given in Table 10.20. children are:
• idiopathic
• drugs and toxins, e.g. valproic acid and azathioprine
• biliary tract, e.g. gallstones, biliary tract malformations
Table 10.19 Diagnostic criteria for pancreatitis. choledochal cysts, pancreas divisum, pancreatic ductal
abnormalities and annular pancreas
Type of pancreatitis Diagnostic criteria
• genetic, e.g. mutations in PRSS1, CFTR and SPINK1
Acute pancreatitis Requires at least 2 of 3 criteria: • autoimmune
Lipase/amylase greater than three times the • metabolic disorders, e.g. glycogen storage disease and
upper normal limit hypertriglyceridaemia
Epigastric/abdominal pain • trauma, e.g. non‐accidental injury, fall from horse/bicy-
Imaging findings compatible with acute cle, seat belt laceration and endoscopic retrograde chol-
angio‐pancreatography (ERCP) complication
Acute‐recurrent Requires 2 distinct episodes of acute
pancreatitis pancreatitis:
Complete resolution of pain ≥1 month Nutrition assessment
between episodes OR
Complete normalisation of serum amylase/ Patients with pancreatitis require regular nutritional assess-
lipase between episodes with resolution of
ment. The frequency of assessment is determined by the
pain symptoms irrespective of time interval
between episodes type and severity of pancreatitis.
Chronic pancreatitis Requires at least 1 of 3 criteria:
Abdominal pain consistent with pancreatic Anthropometry
origin and imaging suggesting pancreatic
damage Routine anthropometric measurements should be under-
Exocrine or endocrine pancreatic
insufficiency and suggestive pancreatic
taken for children with chronic pancreatitis including
imaging findings weight, height and BMI with screening for signs of impaired
Surgical or pancreatic biopsy showing growth every 3–6 months [56].
histopathological features of chronic
nutritional difficulties include nausea, vomiting, abdomi- Table 10.21 Severity of acute pancreatitis.
nal pain and steatorrhoea (if there is pancreatic exocrine
insufficiency). Mild No organ failure
No local or systemic complications
Resolves in first week
Moderately severe Transient organ failure resolving in <48 hours, or
Learning points: nutritional assessment of pancreatitis
exacerbation of co‐morbid disease or local
• Nutritional management will depend on whether the pan-
Severe Organ failure for >48 hours
creatitis is acute, acute‐recurrent or chronic
• Anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI)
should be repeated every 3–6 months
• Assessment should include signs of malnutrition, diabetes, enteral nutrition (oral/NG/nasojejunal) following any nec-
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, the clinical condition essary fluid resuscitation and to commence PN only in chil-
(severity and type of pancreatitis) and the presence and dren unable to tolerate enteral nutrition [56, 57]. Table 10.22
severity of abdominal pain shows the dietetic management of acute pancreatitis.
• Dietary assessment should explore how pancreatitis symp-
toms are impacting on nutrition Acute‐recurrent pancreatitis
Table 10.23 Dietetic management between episodes of acute Table 10.24 Dietetic management of chronic pancreatitis.
Type of nutrition Normal oral diet
Timing of initiating A regular diet should be started within one week Pancreatic exocrine Require:
nutrition after the onset of acute pancreatitis insufficiency • Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
Type of nutrition A diet with normal fat content should be initiated • More frequent follow‐up to monitor for
A low fat diet should be initiated if: malnutrition
• There is abdominal pain/vomiting on a normal Consequent diabetes Require:
fat diet
• Pancreatitis is caused by hypertriglyceridaemia • Specialist diabetes input
• More frequent follow‐up to monitor for
malnutrition and complications
Admission A 15‐year‐old male. Fell off bike onto handlebars, vomited once, then vomited upon eating meal at home with significant
abdominal pain. CT scan: tear in tail of pancreas. MRI scan: swelling with fluid around tail of pancreas
Presentation: Active and physically fit with good nutritional status. Wt = 52.3 kg (25th–50th centile) Ht = 160.5 cm (9th–25th
centile) BMI = 20.3 kg/m2 (9th–25th centile)
Impression: Acute pancreatitis secondary to abdominal trauma
Acute interventions: IV fluids and standard analgesia
Dietetic intervention: Normal oral diet started
Week 1 Wt = 49.9 kg (25th centile). Amylase level increasing, no pain on standard analgesia. Poor appetite, eating less than half of meals.
Started on two cartons ONS per day
Week 2 Wt = 46.3 kg (9th–25th centile). Amylase level increased to 1400 IU/L, but no abdominal pain. Appetite slightly improved. Having
half of meals. Discharged on two cartons ONS per day with advice to have high energy/protein foods
Readmitted a week later
Week 3 Wt = 45.3 kg (>9th centile) (13% weight loss since injury). Amylase level >1700 IU/L, severe abdominal pain. Poor appetite and
pain on eating. Made NBM
Received stenting to tail of pancreas. Remained NBM
Two days later started NG feeding using 1.5 kcal (6 kJ)/mL polymeric feed at 10 mL/hour, increasing by 10 mL/hour every 4 hours
to target of 67 mL/hour × 24 hours: 1600 mL, 2400 kcal (10 MJ), 96 g protein/day
Did not tolerate NG so changed to NJ feeding after 1 day
Week 4 Wt = 46 kg (>9th centile). Started normal oral diet alongside NJ feeding, but made NBM again due to pain on eating
Week 5 Wt = 46.5 kg (>9th centile). Vomiting and increased pain. Pancreatic collection identified. NJ feeds stopped. PN commenced
providing 2000 mL, 2320 kcal (9.7 MJ), 81 g protein/day
Week 6 NJ feeding restarted at 5 mL/hour increasing by 10 mL/hour every 4 hours. PN titrated down as feeds increased. Kept NBM
Week 7 Wt = 49 kg (<25th centile). PN stopped as NJ feeds at full rate of 100 mL/hour × 16 hours. NBM
Month 2 Discharged to local hospital on full NJ feeds. NBM as trials of eating causing pain
Outpatient management
Month 3 Clinic: Wt = 52.5 kg (25th–50th centile). Having 1600 mL NJ feeds at home. Started normal oral diet the week before with no pain
or vomiting. NJ feeds reduced to 800 mL/day. Advised to remove NJ within 1 month if eating well
Month 5 Clinic: Wt = 54 kg (25th–50th centile). NJ tube removed following previous clinic appointment. Tolerating normal diet with no
abdominal pain
CT, computerised tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; BMI, body mass index; ONS, oral nutritional supplement; NBM, nil by mouth;
NG, nasogastric; NJ, nasojejunal; PN, parenteral nutrition.
Diabetes Mellitus
S. Francesca Annan
Introduction 2016–2017. Scottish data [3] from 2017 reports the new
iagnosis incidence as 18 per 100 000 for children under
Diabetes mellitus describes a collection of complex meta- 5 years and 45 per 100 000 in 5‐ to 9‐year‐olds. There were
bolic disorders resulting from defects in insulin production 715 reported type 2 diabetes cases in England and Wales,
and secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetes is classified with an increase in the number of newly diagnosed reports.
into the following forms: Other forms of diabetes make up a very small percentage of
the total numbers of children with diabetes.
• type 1: β‐cell destruction, usually leading to absolute
The 2017 International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Diabetes
insulin deficiency; may be immune mediated or
Atlas [4] reports worldwide incidence and prevalence
for type 1 diabetes; the UK is in the top 10 countries in the
• type 2: insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency,
world with 40 300 cases of diabetes in under 20‐year‐olds.
leading to hyperglycaemia
• other specific types: for example, monogenic forms of
diabetes; neonatal diabetes; genetic defects of insulin Key practice recommendation documents
secretion; drug‐induced forms of diabetes; secondary
to other genetic syndromes; exocrine pancreatic dis- The following publications are essential reading for dieti-
eases, e.g. cystic fibrosis‐related diabetes (CFRD) and tians practising in the care of children and young people
endocrinopathies with diabetes:
A detailed explanation of all forms of diabetes in child- • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
hood can be found in the International Society for Pediatric Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people:
and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) Consensus Practice diagnosis and management, NG18 [5]
Guidelines [1]. • International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent
In childhood the commonest form is type 1 diabetes [1]. Diabetes (ISPAD). Clinical practice consensus guidelines
The latest reported data from England and Wales collected in compendium 2018 [6]
the National Paediatric Diabetes Audit (NPDA) [2] shows • American Diabetes Association (ADA). Standards of
that overall prevalence rates for type 1 diabetes have been Medical Care in Diabetes 2019 [7]
stable since 2013/2014. Prevalence of type 1 diabetes under • Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN).
15 years of age was 194.2 per 100 000 population; a new diag- Management of Diabetes, A National Clinical Guideline,
nosis incidence rate of 25.4 cases per 100 000 was reported in SIGN 116 [8]
Overview of type 1 diabetes management account for the impact not only of carbohydrate amount on
glucose levels but also carbohydrate type and quality, along
Type 1 diabetes is now described in stages with increased with meal composition [13]. Increased understanding of glu-
recognition of the process through which a person with cose responses to food has also created groups of healthcare
increased genetic risk progresses through to diagnosis [9]. professionals who believe a low carbohydrate diet should
TrialNet [10] is an international collaboration, leading be used to lower glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) [14]. There
the work on early detection and trials to prevent or delay the is currently no evidence to recommend low carbohydrate
development of type 1 diabetes. At the current time there diets for children with type 1 diabetes.
are no nutritional recommendations for stages 1 and 2. The To provide safe and effective nutrition advice, paediatric
stages of type 1 diabetes are shown in Figure 11.1. diabetes dietitians need to be familiar with current and
The management of type 1 diabetes in childhood is chang- future technology and incorporate its use into routine
ing rapidly; development of insulin pumps and closed‐ clinical practice [13].
loop/artificial pancreas systems, using both single (insulin)
and dual hormones (insulin and glucagon) along with Current treatment options
improvements in glucose sensing technology and the devel-
opment of smart insulin pen devices, will continue rapidly There are recommendations from a number of bodies, includ-
over the next 2–3 years. In addition to the systems currently ing NICE [5], ISPAD [6] and ADA [7]. There is broad consen-
being researched worldwide, there has been an increased sus worldwide that the optimal insulin replacement is one
use of do it yourself (DIY) artificial pancreas systems, with which mimics normal physiology as closely as possible.
families building their own systems based on open‐source
algorithms [11].
The increased use of continuous glucose monitoring Glycated haemoglobin and glucose targets
(CGM) has had a significant impact on the understanding of
how food affects glycaemia [12] and has resulted in recogni- The recommended HbA1c target in England was lowered
tion of the need for whole food approaches to education that by NICE [5] in 2015 to 48 mmol/mol or 6.5%. The HbA1c
Overview of Type 1 Diabetes Management 191
Table 11.2 Commonly used insulin preparations in the UK and expected insulin action profiles.
Name Manufacturer Onset of action Peak action Duration of action Licensed for use
NovoRapid (insulin aspart) Novo Nordisk 15 minutes 60–90 minutes 3–5 hours Age 2 years and over
Humalog (insulin lispro) Lilly Age 2 years and over
Apidra (insulin glulisine) Sanofi 6 years and over
Lantus (insulin glargine) Sanofi 2–4 hours 8–12 hours 22–24 hours* Age 2 years and over
Levemir (insulin detemir) Novo Nordisk 1–2 hours 4–7 hours 20–24 hours* Age 1 year and over
Toujeo (insulin glargine U300) Sanofi 2–6 hours No peak 30–36 hours Age 18 years and over
Tresiba (insulin degludec) Novo Nordisk 0.5–1.5 hours No peak >42 hours Age 1 year and over
level in a person without diabetes is <42 mmol/mol. To injections of fast‐acting insulin with food and for the man-
achieve this target level of glycaemic management, an aver- agement of high glucose levels (correction doses); or insulin
age blood glucose level of 8 mmol/L or below is needed. pump therapy. Twice daily and three times daily (split even-
Current recommendations for the assessment of glycaemic ing insulin) regimens are not recommended for routine use
management are moving towards measuring time spent in in clinical care. Commonly used insulin preparations and
target glucose levels with a focus on minimising exposure their expected action profiles are given in Table 11.2.
to both hypoglycaemia (<3.9 mmol/L) and hyperglycaemia Newer insulin pump technologies, described as hybrid
(>10 mmol/L) [15]. closed‐loop systems, are currently undergoing clinical tri-
A number of glucose target recommendations are als in the newly diagnosed child. Hybrid closed loop inte-
available and are summarised in Table 11.1. grates the glucose sensor information into an insulin dosing
algorithm, which adjusts insulin according to sensor glu-
cose levels of every 5 minutes. These systems currently
Glucose monitoring
require meals to be ‘announced’, and carbohydrate count-
NICE guidelines recommend that blood glucose levels ing and meal boluses remain essential parts of manage-
should be checked a minimum of five times a day [5]. ment [22]. The use of insulin pump therapy from diagnosis
International recommendations [16] based on more recent is recommended by ISPAD for children under the age of
data suggest 6–10 glucose checks are required a day. They 7 years [23]. The use of pumps from diagnosis has been
also recommended that a meter with an integrated bolus reported to be associated with improved treatment satisfac-
calculator is provided to children using intensive therapy tion, but not glucose management. A 2016 study comparing
(p. 199) [13, 16, 17]. the use of insulin pump therapy between three large
CGM is currently not uniformly widely accessible across paediatric registries, namely, England and Wales (NPDA),
the UK. NICE guideline 18 provides guidance on when CGM Germany and Austria (DPV registry) and the USA
should be offered in England. The use of CGM allows a (T1Dexchange), showed a much lower percentage of the
child/family to have information about glucose levels every population with type 1 diabetes in the NPDA registry using
5 minutes with the additional benefit of alarms and alerts to insulin pump therapy, 14%, compared with 41% and 47% in
indicate the onset of hypoglycaemia (p. 200). CGM may be DPV and T1Dexchange, respectively [24]. However, the use
real time, the use of which has been demonstrated to improve of insulin pumps in 2017 in England and Wales was 32.2%
time in target range for people using both insulin pump ther- and in Scotland was 35.7%, representing an increase in use
apy and multiple daily injections (MDI) when used for more over the last 2 years.
than 90% of the time [17–19]. Intermittent use of CGM does
not lead to sustained benefits beyond the period of use. Flash
glucose systems (p. 200) are also available that allow glucose Care delivery and teamwork
to be measured without finger prick calibration, but do not It is recommended that children and young people with type
offer alarms and alerts. The currently available system 1 diabetes attend a specialist children’s clinic and are cared
requires the sensor to be read at least every 8 hours for the for by an appropriately trained paediatric multidisciplinary
information about glucose levels to be reviewed [18]. diabetes team (MDT), providing ongoing integrated educa-
tion and support [25, 26]. This team should include a paedi-
atric endocrinologist or diabetologist, diabetes nurse
Insulin management
specialists and a paediatric diabetes dietitian; children and
It is recommended that intensive insulin regimens (intensive young people should have access to psychological services
therapy) are introduced from diagnosis [5, 20, 21]: either and social workers in addition to services offered in primary
multiple daily insulin injections, using a combination of a care. The MDT should work collaboratively with the child
long‐acting insulin given once or twice a day, in addition to and their family to optimise diabetes management while
192 Endocrinology
enabling them to deal with their diabetes day to day and • to balance food intake and insulin action profiles to
reduce the risk of acute and long‐term complications. optimise glycaemic management
Teamwork and target setting have been shown to have a • to reduce the risk of micro‐ and macrovascular complica-
greater impact on clinic outcomes than the treatment regimen tions, particularly cardiovascular disease
used [27]. Teams that are consistent with the messages and • to develop a supportive relationship to facilitate behav-
information given by all team members, in addition to aiming iour change
for lower blood glucose and HbA1c targets, have better out- • to use diabetes technology to aid education about nutri-
comes and have a greater influence on parental expectations. tion and inform insulin adjustments for food and activity
To be successful, nutrition education must be tailored to management
the individual clinical, social, psychological, cultural and
economic needs of the child and family, and dietitians should
Distribution of macronutrients
convert the scientific knowledge about food into practical,
feasible advice that can be delivered by the whole MDT.
Children with diabetes have the same overall nutritional
Current guidance recommends regular review of nutrition
requirements as their peers. Energy requirements will depend
and growth as part of multidisciplinary clinics, with an addi-
on age, sex, size and activity levels. Individual assessment of
tional annual review [13]. Annual review is recommended
energy requirements will support education about the appro-
for all children with diabetes, and the following additional
priate amount and distribution of carbohydrate in the diet.
investigations are usually performed: liver function tests,
The suggested macronutrient distribution is:
renal function, urine albumin to creatinine ratio, lipid pro-
file, thyroid screening, screening for coeliac disease (CD) • carbohydrate 45%–55% energy with moderate sucrose
and retinopathy screening from age 12 years. Children with intake up to 10% total dietary energy
abnormal lipid levels will need additional advice about • fat 30%–35% energy with <10% from saturated and trans
management of dyslipidaemia. Positive coeliac screening fatty acids
will require further investigation for the diagnosis of CD. • protein 15%–20% energy
Table 11.4 Impact of adjusting ICR on actual dose delivery according to device.
Meal amount (CHO) Ratio Calculated dose (units) Pen delivery (0.5 unit pen) Pen delivery (1 unit pen) Pump delivery
across the day, reflecting the pattern of insulin sensitivity management of mealtime insulin can be provided based on
seen. Typically, ratios are stronger on waking for breakfast results seen by families.
and weaker at midday and bedtime. Care is needed in Fat has been shown to produce delayed hyperglycaemia
explaining ratio adjustment. In most pump and meter bolus when consumed with carbohydrate [42]. The impact of high
calculators, ratios are expressed as 1 unit to cover an amount protein or high fat with carbohydrate is less than the com-
of carbohydrate, e.g. 1 unit to 8 g carbohydrate. To increase bined impact of high fat and high protein [43]. Protein, when
insulin dose the carbohydrate value is lowered, and to consumed with carbohydrate, blunts the rise in glucose levels
reduce the insulin dose, the carbohydrate value is increased. at 90 minutes and causes a delayed rise in glucose levels
The ability to deliver the actual calculated dose will depend between 2 and 5 hours [44]. Protein consumed in the absence
on the treatment regimen as illustrated in Table 11.4. of carbohydrate has also been shown to cause a delayed rise in
glucose levels when consumed in high quantities, 75 g or
more protein per serving [45]. The impact of fat and protein is
Fat and protein
likely to be more noticeable when smaller amounts of carbo-
hydrate are consumed. It is suggested that meals containing
Population‐based recommendations for fat intake are 30%–
more than 20 g fat and 25 g protein per serving may cause
35% total dietary energy. The goal of management is to
delayed postprandial hyperglycaemia and will require addi-
ensure that saturated, trans and total fat intake fall within
tional food insulin dosing [13]. Examples of meals that can
recommendations for the population. There is an association
cause these problems include pizza, pasta with creamy sauces,
between high saturated fat intake and increased insulin
fish and chips, rice with curry, fish pie and takeaway foods.
requirements, as well as increased risk of cardiovascular dis-
A variety of methods of calculation of additional insulin
ease and obesity [34, 42]. Children should be encouraged to
have been proposed:
reduce saturated fat intake. Where appropriate this can be
replaced with unsaturated fats; consumption of oily fish two • Pańkowska et al. [46–48] suggested the use of a formula
to three times a week should be promoted. to calculate fat and protein units (FPU) to determine both
Protein requirements for growth are the same as for the increase in insulin dose and duration of insulin delivery
general population, and intake will vary with age and rates of for patients using insulin pump therapy.
growth. There is likely to be benefit from encouraging vegeta- • The food insulin index (FII) has also been proposed as an
ble protein sources, such as legumes, as part of a healthy diet. alternative to carbohydrate counting in adults [49].
Detailed information about advice on fat and protein can be • A recent study comparing carbohydrate counting, FPU
found in the ISPAD guidelines chapter on nutrition [13]. formula and FII demonstrated increased time in target
Education about the impact of fat and protein on post- range for blood glucose levels with the FPU formula and
prandial glycaemia should also be given. There is clear evi- increased incidence of later hypoglycaemia [50].
dence that meals higher in total fat and/or protein increase • Data from the studies suggests that at least 20% more
insulin requirements for at least 5–6 hours after eating insulin is needed for the higher fat/protein meals.
[42–44]. A number of post‐meal glucose effects have been Increases of 60% are associated with increased hypogly-
observed and studied; the commonly reported issues by caemia incidence [51].
families are a post‐breakfast glucose spike around 60–90 • For all mixed meals, insulin delivered using a combina-
minutes after eating and raised glucose levels overnight tion bolus on insulin pump therapy has been demon-
after meals eaten in the evening [12]. strated to be more effective at controlling postprandial
Mealtime insulin dosing based solely on amount of carbo- glycaemia [52–55].
hydrate is likely to be insufficient to maintain postprandial • For patients using MDI it is suggested that a second
glycaemia for many [42]. Significant individual differences injection is given after the meal to provide the additional
exist in the requirement for additional insulin, and, there- insulin needed [56].
fore, advice should be based on observation of effect of
meals. Initial education should raise awareness of the foods Practical advice for managing post‐meal glucose levels is
likely to create an issue, and individual review of given in Table 11.5.
Education and Review 195
Table 11.5 Practical advice for managing post‐meal glucose levels. effect (sugar alcohols) and are higher in fat than the product
Use a combination bolus with at least 60% immediate bolus and
they are replacing.
extended over 3 hours
Give an additional dose of insulin 20% for meals causing delayed Salt
Increase carbohydrate amount used in a bolus calculator by 20% on Children with diabetes should follow the same recommen-
pump therapy.
dations for salt intake as the general population (Table 2.1).
Give an additional injection of 20% of calculated insulin dose on MDI
Reduce saturated fat content of meals to improve glucose profiles
Add low fat protein sources to breakfast to blunt postprandial
Education and review
glucose spike
It is recommended that all children receive a process of
MDI, multiple daily injections. education from diagnosis through the ages and stages of
development so that the young person has the necessary
knowledge and diabetes self‐management skills as they
Fibre transition to adult services [26].
A number of studies have looked at the impact of educa-
Children’s diets should contain a variety of fibre containing tion programmes on glycaemic outcomes. These studies
foods including fruit, vegetables, wholegrains and legumes. were all conducted in children and adolescents with estab-
Both soluble and insoluble fibre sources should be con- lished diabetes and had little or no impact in terms of
sumed. High fibre diets are associated with reduced risk of improving HbA1c, but reported some benefit to quality of
cardiovascular disease and improved digestive health. life [58, 59]. No studies have evaluated the same education
Dietary fibre modulates bowel function, fermentation and processes from diagnosis. Both NICE and ISPAD [5, 26] have
effects of the gut microbiota. Eating an age‐appropriate recommendations for education at diagnosis with ongoing
amount of fibre is important for glycaemic management, gut review. Nutrition education is part of the wider diabetes
health and reduction in cardiovascular risk. Children with education package. Education that embeds solution focused
diabetes should be encouraged to meet the current UK pop- and motivational interviewing techniques is beneficial [60].
ulation guidelines on fibre intake (Table 2.18) [57]. Practical Structured education packages for use from diagnosis
ways do this include higher fibre breakfast cereals, addition have been developed using educational theory and offer a
of beans, pulses and lentils to cooked dishes and the use of variety of learning styles, but not all of these have been eval-
raw vegetables and fruits as between meal snacks. uated by clinical trials. These are summarised in the box
GOALS of diabetes education (Novo Nordisk) – education
Sucrose can be consumed within the context of a healthy curriculum available from
diet. Isocaloric quantities of sucrose and starch increase glu- content/dam/UK/AFFILIATE/www‐novonordisk‐co‐uk/
cose levels by the same amount. Foods containing high Home/Health%20Care%20Professionals/Documents/
amounts of sucrose should be discouraged as a regular com- GoDe_Book_v7_INTERACTIVE.pdf
ponent of the diet in line with population guidelines. Routine SEREN structured education programme (Welsh
use of sugar‐sweetened beverages should be avoided except Paediatric Diabetes Network) – details available from
for the treatment and prevention of hypoglycaemia.‐pages/
Sweeteners and specially labelled products programme/
Deapp diabetes digital education – details available
Non‐nutritive sweeteners used commercially can assist in from
reducing total sucrose intake. Advice should be given to
avoid excessive consumption, and water should be encour-
aged as the first‐choice drink rather than diet fizzy drinks. Management at diagnosis
Fructose is not recommended as a sweetener in place of
sucrose. Recent changes to UK food taxation have reduced Education about nutrition and diabetes management should
the sugar content of drinks, though in some cases this has begin as soon as possible post‐diagnosis. Withholding edu-
resulted in increased use of non‐nutritive sweeteners to cation and information can lead to increased anxiety and dif-
maintain a sweet taste. Reduced sugar products are widely ficulties with glucose management. Surveys conducted by
available and can be useful. the Families with Diabetes National Network highlight the
Internationally, products labelled ‘diabetic’ are not recom- importance of education about food, and specifically man-
mended for routine use in the diets of children. They are agement of carbohydrate, on receiving the diagnosis of dia-
often expensive, contain sweeteners that have a laxative betes [61]. Education may occur within the hospital setting
196 Endocrinology
or at home depending on local practice. The Delivering Early MDT review in addition to annual educational review. Key
Care in Diabetes Evaluation (DECIDE) study compared points for education for both the family and child/young per-
management at home vs. management in hospital at diagno- son are at transition to nursery, primary school, secondary
sis; this showed no difference in outcomes and explored par- school and university and how to manage exam times. Age‐
ent preferences. Education can be successfully delivered in specific considerations are given below.
either setting [62].
Education at diagnosis is the beginning of a process and
Babies and toddlers
should enable a family to understand the role of amount and
type of carbohydrate, calculate insulin doses for carbohy- A detailed review of the management of preschool children
drate in meals, understand the importance of timing of insu- can be found in the ISPAD guidelines [23]. Diabetes manage-
lin and meal routines, appreciate the impact of the whole ment in babies and toddlers is best supported by establish-
meal on postprandial glucose levels, introduce GI and sup- ing eating routines. Supportive advice allows normal
port the management of food and activity in school. In addi- weaning and development of intake of solid foods. Insulin
tion, for children commencing pump therapy at diagnosis should be given preprandially or as a split dose with some
education about bolus type is needed. The use of diabetes insulin given before the meal and some during. Glucose lev-
education checklists can help to provide consistency of edu- els are more difficult to manage when frequent grazing
cation as well as a record of teaching for both the family and occurs [37]. Parental behaviours at mealtimes have been
diabetes healthcare team. An example of the nutrition com- shown to impact on glycaemic outcomes [63]. Dietitians
ponents of an education programme at diagnosis is given in need to support parents to establish mealtime routines and
Table 11.6. A case example of a girl newly diagnosed with reduce parental anxiety.
diabetes is given in Table 11.7 Advice on normal eating behaviours and the variability of
appetite in this age group should be given. Food refusal can
Ongoing review cause significant anxiety due to fear of hypoglycaemia [64];
it is helpful to provide guidance on appropriate carbohy-
Ongoing management depends on the age and developmental drate amounts at meals to avoid issues arising from parents
stage of the child or young person. General recommendations trying to feed too much carbohydrate to a young child. They
encourage at least 3 monthly contact with a dietitian as part of can be advised that eating 5–7 g less or more carbohydrate
than the mealtime dose calculation should not cause a sig-
nificant problem. When less than half the meal is consumed,
Table 11.6 Example of nutrition components of an education
due to insulin action, there is time to offer additional carbo-
programme at diagnosis.
hydrate. It is important that treats/sweets/desserts are not
Topic Date Sign used as replacement carbohydrate foods. It is possible to
achieve glycaemic management with both MDI and pump
Food and carbohydrate counting therapy, though there may be a preference for pump therapy
• Assess usual dietary habits due to the number of insulin injections required with MDI.
• Check ward carbohydrate counting information
Anxiety about hypoglycaemia may be helped by the use of
available at bedside
• Explain role of food in diabetes management CGM systems.
How carbohydrate, protein and fat impact of glucose In the younger age group, it is suggested that the follow-
levels ing ‘rules’ are used for calculation of insulin doses: breakfast
Recommend changes if needed, e.g. replace sugar‐ 150/TDD and other meals 250 or 330/TDD [23]. Education
containing drinks with water/no added sugar drinks, and support may be needed for the management of food in
timing of sweets/treats
• Introduce principles of lower fat, lower GI
wholegrain food choices
• Explain carbohydrate counting including use of School‐age child
scales/weighing foods/food labels/portion pots
• Explain use of insulin to carbohydrate ratio to The routine of starting school brings more structured days
calculate insulin doses and mealtimes, which can help diabetes management rou-
• Discuss school meal management tines. Education about food in school will be needed. The
Observation of carbohydrate counting and insulin dose availability of information about carbohydrate content of
calculation on ward at mealtime before discharge school foods depends on the catering providers. Education
Exercise/physical activity is also needed about the management of activity in school.
• Assess the ‘normal’ levels of physical activity As a child begins to engage in more activities with friends,
undertaken across the week school and clubs, appropriate advice about eating away
• Advise on regular PA as part of healthy lifestyle
from home should be given [65]. Prior to the transition to
• Advice on extra fast‐acting carbohydrate prior to/
during exercise and advice on reduction of insulin as
secondary school education, to support the child to become
appropriate more independent in managing their food is essential as lev-
els of support change dramatically in secondary school for
GI, glycaemic index; PA, physical activity. the majority of children.
Ongoing Review 197
Nutritional diagnosis: New diagnosis type 1 diabetes, caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells, evidenced by presenting blood
glucose and ketone levels, auto‐antibodies and HbA1c on screening blood tests
Dietetic assessment: Establish family meal routines and usual foods eaten, school routines and regular activities
Initial management plan: Nutrition and diabetes education (days 1–6) covering:
Session 1 Food choices for health, understanding food and glucose levels, introduction to carbohydrate counting
Session 2 Review and recap session 1 plus carbohydrate counting, use of insulin to carbohydrate ratio, preprandial insulin dosing, use of insulin
sensitivity factor
Session 3 Review and recap session 2 plus glycaemic index, role of fat and protein, management of activity, food in school
Follow‐up 1 week post‐discharge: Joint nurse and dietitian review
Follow‐up 2 week post‐discharge: Multidisciplinary diabetes clinic
Insulin doses at clinic review
Levemir 3 units and 3 units pm
Insulin to carbohydrate ratios:
Breakfast 1 unit to 9 g carbohydrate
Midday meal 1 unit to 12 g carbohydrate
Evening meal 1 unit to 12 g carbohydrate
Example of glucose profile at clinic review:
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 24:00
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Number of values: 59 Values above goal (9 mmol/L): 4 Highest value (mmol/L): 13.9
Values per day: 7.4 Values within goal (4–9 mmol/L): 45 Lowest value (mmol/L): 2.7
Period average (mmol/L): 6 Values below goal (4 mmol/L): 10 Standard deviation: 2.2
Median (50%): 16.4 mmol/L
IQR (25–75%): 12.5–19.4 mmol/L
10/90 percentile (10–90%): 8.3–22.2 mmol/L
Min/max (0–100%): 4.3–24.2 mmol/L
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00
Figure 11.2 Impact of missed meal and snack injections in a 14‐year‐old boy on multiple daily injections.
Different treatment regimens and continuous to occur [39]. If food refusal is a concern, parents can be
glucose monitoring technology reassured that additional carbohydrate can be given; in
most cases a falling glucose level will cause hunger. If
Twice daily and split evening insulin food refusal is a significant concern, then insulin pump
therapy may be a more suitable treatment option.
Twice daily insulin using premixed insulin does not mimic • Advice to avoid post‐meal insulin injection can include
physiological insulin production. A mix in the morning with giving insulin split into two doses, one at the start of the
a rapid‐acting insulin for the evening meal and intermediate meal and one towards the end of the meal.
acting insulin before bed is also not optimal. These insulin • ICR will need to be reviewed regularly; it is usual to need
regimens are not recommended for routine clinical care. If different carbohydrate ratios at different times of the day
used then education about consistent carbohydrate intake, as insulin sensitivity varies across the day. Usually the
mealtime routines and snacks between meals and before bed breakfast ratio needs to be significantly ‘stronger’ than
to offset the risk of hypoglycaemia and match the insulin those used at midday and evening meals.
action profiles will be needed [13]. • It is recommended that a glucose meter with a bolus cal-
culator is used to reduce the burden of the family having
to do the calculation and the risk of insulin stacking
Intensive therapy causing hypoglycaemia.
• The effectiveness of the ICR can be assessed by looking at
Intensive therapy delivered as both MDI and insulin pump the change in glucose levels. As a guide a glucose level
therapy should have the following components: above target (9 mmol/L) in the first hour is due to insulin
• an ICR timing; a raised level at 2–3 hours is likely to be due the
• an insulin sensitivity or correction factor (ISF) ICR; and a raised level at 3–5 hours indicates the need for
• a duration of insulin action or active insulin time adjustment in insulin distribution for the meal type.
• a target glucose level used for calculations
• a bolus dose calculator incorporating all the above fac- Insulin pump therapy
tors, which displays information about active insulin
(bolus insulin already delivered) The current options for insulin pump therapy are:
Square or extended
insulin in the combination bolus varies from individual to activity, including active play and movement, are also avail-
individual. It is suggested for most children at least 50% of able for the under 5s. Children and young people should be
the insulin needs to be given in the immediate bolus, and doing aerobic exercise and exercise to strengthen bones and
this may be as high as 70% for some specific meals [51]. The muscles daily. The health benefits of regular activity include
duration of insulin delivery will also vary; however, a sensi- maintenance of healthy weight, reduced cardiovascular risk,
ble starting point is 2–3 hours. Families should be taught improved bone health and increased well‐being. Lower lev-
how to assess the impact of meals on glucose levels and els of physical activity and physical fitness in children and
adjust bolus insulin delivery to maximise the benefits of adolescents with type 1 diabetes have been reported [75].
using insulin pump therapy. The current hybrid closed‐loop Physical activity in type 1 diabetes can be challenging as
system does not have advanced bolus functions as basal the normal physiological responses to exercise are disrupted
rates are adjusted according to glucose changes post‐meals. due to the inability to adjust insulin in response to acute
changes in glycaemia. Detailed explanations of exercise
physiology and type 1 diabetes can be found in the Juvenile
Continuous and flash glucose monitoring Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Performance in
The use of real‐time and intermittent CGM systems is Exercise and Knowledge (PEAK) consensus paper on exer-
increasing understanding of mealtime glucose responses. cise and type 1 diabetes management and the ISPAD guide-
The effects of foods are immediately obvious to both families lines [76, 77].
and healthcare professionals. As part of nutrition education, Activity advice should be underpinned by an understand-
it is helpful to explain the normal glucose responses to meals ing of exercise types, normal exercise physiology and the
in the population without diabetes. Parents and young peo- impact of type 1 diabetes on the usual physiological pro-
ple should understand that glucose levels fluctuate, and the cesses. Exercise can be broadly classified into three types
aim of treatment is not a flat line. Dietitians should be able to based on the predominant energy systems used: aerobic,
interpret sensor downloads and provide appropriate man- mixed and anaerobic exercise. The usual glucose responses
agement advice to families. Rate of change (ROC) arrows in type 1 diabetes are summarised in Figure 11.4.
that predict the direction of change in glucose levels are Children, young people and families need advice based
increasingly being incorporated into decision making. on an understanding of how the usual physiological
Resources are available to help families use this information responses to different types of activity may impact glucose
to adjust insulin doses to increase time in spent in target [73]. levels and factors that alter glucose responses to exercise
alongside management strategies, including nutrition and
glucose monitoring, to promote appropriate levels of physi-
Physical activity and exercise management cal activity.
Type 1 diabetes disrupts usual exercise physiology as
Regular physical activity is important for long‐term health. insulin cannot be adjusted in response to activity; addition-
Children with diabetes aged over 5 years should be advised ally, insulin delivered by either injection or insulin pump is
to achieve the World Health Organization recommendation delivered to the peripheral circulation, whereas pancreatic
of at least 60 minutes moderate to vigorous activity a day insulin production is via the portal circulation. This can pro-
[74]. Specific recommendations on promotion of physical duce the effect of insulin being in the ‘wrong’ place at key
Physical Activity and Exercise Management 201
Figure 11.4 Usual glucose responses to exercise. Source: Adapted from Riddell et al. [78]. Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons.
Table 11.8 Factors associated with the effect of activity on blood • an insulin adjustment strategy to prevent hypo‐ and
glucose levels. hyperglycaemia
• management of the post‐activity period
Blood glucose falls Blood glucose rises
Aerobic or low intensity Anaerobic or high intensity exercise Blood glucose targets for activity
Excess insulin Insufficient insulin Regular glucose monitoring before, during and after activ-
Prolonged duration Short duration ity is important to guide both insulin and nutrition adjust-
Insufficient carbohydrate Excess carbohydrate ments. This may be done by the use of finger prick glucose
checks or a glucose sensor. Trends in glucose levels help
Extremes of temperature Heat stress
(cold or hot environment) direct actions; understanding if glucose levels are stable,
rising or falling will enable targeted advice to be used more
Activity within 2 hours of Competitive nature of the sport
unadjusted insulin bolus (adrenalin will increase the blood
effectively. A change in glucose level of more than 2 mmol/L
glucose level) over 30 minutes when using finger prick values indicates
that glucose level is rising or falling. For glucose sensors
the ROC arrows should be explained to families to allow
points during exercise and recovery. As the duration of dia- them to interpret how glucose levels are changing. It is use-
betes increases, there may a loss of glucagon production by ful to give an example of what the change in glucose levels
α-cells of the pancreas; however, a study in recently diag- means in real terms. For example, if a finger prick glucose
nosed adolescents has demonstrated glucagon production level is 7.5 mmol/L 30 minutes before exercise and
during exercise at similar levels to matched controls without 5.5 mmol/L immediately before exercise, if that pattern
diabetes [78]. continues, then the glucose level will be 3.5 mmol/L in the
Hypoglycaemia is often cited as a barrier to exercise [79]; next 30 minutes.
however, many young people also experience significant Families should be advised that starting exercise with a
hyperglycaemia during exercise. Education should focus high glucose level does not protect from hypoglycaemia;
on strategies to maintain glucose levels between 5 and in fact the opposite appears to be true. The higher the start-
10 mmol/L during activity [76]. Factors associated with the ing glucose level, the greater the fall [80]. Starting with a
effect of activity on blood glucose levels are given in glucose level in target is optimal for hypoglycaemia
Table 11.8. prevention.
Education about physical activity management should Children and families should be advised:
• the starting glucose level will need to be interpreted in
• an explanation of exercise types and the expected glu- the context of the timing of any pre‐exercise food and
cose responses; however, as studies on type of exercise insulin
report the mean responses, it is important to explain that • to start exercise with a glucose level above 5 mmol/L
glucose responses are individual and may differ from • to aim for a glucose level between 5 and 10 mmol/L
those expected during exercise
• a blood glucose monitoring strategy to enable under- • to check glucose levels before activity at least twice
standing of the individual responses within the preceding hour, every 30 minutes during and
• a nutrition strategy to prevent hypoglycaemia and immediately after activity and then 1–2 hourly, overnight
support performance if appropriate if activity has been very strenuous
202 Endocrinology
• to check blood ketones if glucose level is above need to be adjusted between 9 pm and 3 am for pump users
13.9 mmol/L or with a reduced night‐time injection on MDI. Insulin
• to stop or avoid exercise if glucose level is above requirements have been shown to be at least 20% lower
13.9 mmol/L and blood ketones are above 1 mmol/L during this period.
hypoglycaemia by taking additional carbohydrate after Table 11.9 Case example: Exercise management in a 15‐year‐old boy.
the sport.
• Fluid intake should be adequate as dehydration can A 15‐year‐old boy on insulin pump therapy
He plays club football at under 18 level
impair performance. High glucose levels will increase
fluid requirements. Concerns: Avoiding hypoglycaemia during matches causing high blood
• Following moderate or intense exercise of 45 minutes glucose levels post‐exercise overnight.
duration or longer, carbohydrate stores must be replen- HbA1c = 51 mmol/mol.
Hyperglycaemia following football matches on Thursday evenings
ished to lower the risk of hypoglycaemia, as insulin
6–9 pm.
sensitivity remains raised for several hours. Usual management temporary basal rate (TBR): 50% set 90 minutes
• To minimise post‐exercise hypoglycaemia lower GI before the start of match until the end of the match.
foods, protein and a reduction in basal insulin, and a
Assessment and cause of issues: The team is picked on the day of
lower than usual bolus dose, with the post‐exercise meal
match, but the boy is not told if he is starting the game or on the bench.
can be helpful. If on the bench the TBR was not being stopped, resulting in
• Hypoglycaemia treatment must be available during hyperglycaemia.
activity. Adults supervising children with diabetes,
Management advice: Usual insulin until 30 minutes before game. If
including teachers, coaches and activity holiday staff,
playing check glucose, have a snack according to blood glucose level,
should all be aware of the possibility of hypoglycaemia suspend pump if below 10 mmol/L and recheck glucose at half‐time. If
and know how to treat it. on the bench, suspend the pump when he starts to play and have an
additional snack.
Additional strategies for managing glucose levels
during and after activity
anaerobic or competitive. Where the pump cannot be worn,
10 second sprint it may be necessary to replace missing basal insulin with a
long‐acting insulin analogue, for example, in multi‐round
The 10 second sprint has been demonstrated to increase glu-
competitions where performance is impacted by glucose lev-
cose levels and reduce hypoglycaemia risk [81]. Further work
els rising. Post‐pump disconnection, children can experience
has shown that the order of different exercise types within an
periods of hyperglycaemia, which can be managed by
activity session can influence the pattern of glucose levels. For
employing strategies to replace missing insulin; this may be
some young people providing advice about the order in which
by giving a bolus of half the missing basal insulin at the end
different exercises are performed may be helpful [82–84].
of the activity or reconnecting the pump and using a higher
basal rate than normal. This phenomenon may also occur
Cool down when temporary basal rates are used for long periods and
can be managed by returning to usual basal rates about 30
Hyperglycaemia post‐exercise is commonly reported. One of
minutes before the end of activity or using a temporary basal
the potential causes is the production of lactate during exer-
rate increase for a period of time post‐exercise.
cise, which is not removed at the end of activity by an active
Hybrid closed‐loop pumps do not have a temporary basal
cool down. Lactate is then managed through the Cori cycle
rate feature, and hypoglycaemia prevention is facilitated
and converted to glucose by the liver. Introducing 10 min-
through using higher glucose targets. It is likely that aerobic
utes of cool down exercise at the end of activity can be help-
activity using these systems will still require carbohydrate to
ful in reducing post‐activity hyperglycaemia [76, 77].
prevent hypoglycaemia during the exercise [86].
A case example of the management of exercise is given in
Insulin treatment specific considerations Table 11.9.
immediate action [87]. Glucose targets vary internationally, level or treat and override the system. Predictive low glucose
with some centres recommending near‐normal glycaemia, suspend algorithms stop basal insulin delivery when hypo-
aiming for fasting and preprandial glucose levels of 3.6– glycaemia is predicted in the following 30 minutes. Children
7.0 mmol/L; others recommend levels of 4.0–7.0 mmol/L. and families using CGM systems may also intervene to stop
The use of technology allows safer lowering of glucose hypoglycaemia by giving additional carbohydrate or sus-
targets. pending the pump. If this is a frequent occurrence, it may
Clinical factors linked with hypoglycaemia are: indicate a need to adjust insulin doses.
Glucose is the preferred carbohydrate for the immediate
• excess insulin
treatment of hypoglycaemia as it does not require digestion or
• reduced food consumption
metabolism. Chocolate, milk and other lower GI items are dis-
• exercise
couraged to treat hypoglycaemia due to the slower rate of
• alcohol consumption
absorption of glucose they contain. Twice the amount of carbo-
• sleep
hydrate from fructose (in the form of fruit juice) has been shown
The signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia can be to be needed compared with glucose tablets to raise blood glu-
described as: cose by similar amounts. Sucrose and milk also require greater
amounts to provide the same rise in blood glucose.
• autonomic (adrenergic) activation, e.g. shaking, pound-
It is advised that a rescue treatment for hypoglycaemia is
ing heart, pallor, cold sweatiness
available at all times. It can be useful to view the hypo rescue
• neurological dysfunction (neuroglycopenia), e.g. diffi-
as a ‘treatment’ and to always carry glucose tablets or a
culty concentrating, disturbed vision and hearing,
glucose drink.
slurred speech, dizziness and, in severe episodes, loss of
A guide to the amount of treatment needed based on age
consciousness and seizure
and average weight is given in Table 11.10. The introduction
• behavioural changes and mood swings including irrita-
bility, erratic behaviour, becoming upset and tearful
• non‐specific symptoms such as hunger, headache, tired- Hypoglycaemia treatment steps (the 15 minute rule)
ness and nausea though these may be present when the
blood glucose level is high Glucose level below hypoglycaemia threshold
Treat with 0.3 g/kg glucose
Children often find it difficult to describe their own symp- Act
toms but might experience shaky or wobbly legs or a ‘funny’
feeling. Wait 15 minutes – repeat glucose check
Hypoglycaemia may be categorised as mild, moderate or Glucose level above 5.5 mmol/L – no further action
severe depending on symptoms and the ability of the indi- Check
vidual to treat the ‘hypo’ themselves. However, this is not
applicable to younger children who are unable to self‐treat. Glucose level below treatment target – repeat rescue
The aim of hypoglycaemia treatment is to restore glucose treatment
levels to the euglycaemic range. While the general principles Repeat
include confirming the glucose value (i.e. that blood glucose
level is in the hypoglycaemic range), giving immediate treat-
ment and checking treatment effectiveness, the treatment Figure 11.5 Hypoglycaemia treatment steps.
steps may vary with the use of technology (insulin pump
therapy and CGM systems, as described below). Table 11.10 Hypoglycaemia treatment amounts.
The amount of glucose needed for treatment of a hypo
depends on the size of the child and may also depend on the Hypoglycaemia treatment dose (g of glucose)
severity of the hypo and ROC of blood glucose levels. The
aim is to restore the blood glucose level to 5.6 mmol/L (eug- 2 g 5 g 10 15
lycaemia) [88]. The recommended amount of carbohydrate (<2 years) (2–5 years) (5–10 years) (>10 years)
is 0.3 g/kg body weight as glucose. It is important to avoid Lucozade – 60 mL 120 mL 180 mL
overtreatment of hypoglycaemia with consequent rebound Energy
high glucose levels. The amount of carbohydrate required to Lucozade 1 2 3 5
restore euglycaemia will also depend on the type of insulin Energy tablets
therapy and time since its administration, recent activity and (3 g/tablet)
starting blood glucose level. Dextrosol 1 2 3 5
Figure 11.5 shows the steps for treating hypoglycaemia. (3 g/ tablet)
Insulin pump therapy allows the introduction of an addi-
GlucoTabs – 1 2 or 3 4
tional treatment step of suspension of the insulin pump. (4 g/tablet)
Children using insulin pumps with continuous glucose sen-
Lift 10 mL 20 mL 40 mL 60 mL
sors and a predictive low glucose suspend algorithm should (GlucoJuice)
be advised to either allow the system to manage the glucose
Type 2 Diabetes 205
of the UK government sugar tax has created a number of advice on a GFD according to current management of CD
challenges for families in treating hypoglycaemia. As the guidelines. Additional advice on the potential effects on
‘sugar’ content of drinks is reduced, the volume of drink glucose levels and insulin adjustment will be required
required for treatment increases. The dietitian and diabetes [93]. Higher postprandial glucose levels have been
team need to monitor changes in composition of commer- observed with GF alternative foods. Annual review of
cially available suitable glucose containing drinks to review management of the GFD should be conducted alongside
treatment amounts. the diabetes annual review.
group. There is some evidence that substitution of low GI with the use of high dose steroids and tacrolimus (p. 266).
foods for high GI foods may help with weight control, lipid Dietary management depends on how the diabetes is
levels and control of appetite. medically managed. In some instances, instruction about
Strategies to lower total dietary energy intake include: avoiding glucose loads, e.g. avoiding sugary drinks and
foods, and healthy eating is sufficient. Other children are
• reduction in portion size
commenced on daily long‐acting analogue insulin and
• reduction in consumption of high fat, high sugar food
require additional information about eating regularly, hav-
and drinks. Cutting out sugary soft or fizzy drinks
ing a bedtime snack and hypoglycaemia prevention and
and fruit juices completely can make the most signifi-
management. MDI or insulin pump therapy can also be ini-
cant change and result in weight loss. These drinks
tiated, and the advice is similar to that given to those with
can be replaced with water, diet drinks and sugar‐free
type 1 diabetes.
Children needing insulin should have appropriate
advice on carbohydrate counting and avoidance of
The nutritional management of children and young people
with diabetes is complex and reaches beyond simple carbo-
Diabetes secondary to pancreatic disease hydrate management. As technology continues to develop,
so nutrition management strategies will continue to change
CFRD has a complex pathophysiology, which includes loss and develop. Increased exposure to information about glu-
of pancreatic islet cells causing insulin and glucagon defi- cose levels in real time will need to be supported by nutri-
ciency, variable insulin resistance, disrupted gut function tional management strategies that allow children to eat and
and liver disease. Medication may also contribute to enjoy food as well as manage glucose responses. Both health-
impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes. The use of CGM care professionals and families face the challenge of keeping
demonstrates abnormal glucose profiles in those with up to date and being able to apply the latest evidence to day‐
reported normal glucose tolerance tests. Presentation is often to‐day management of glucose levels. Healthcare profes-
at times of illness or metabolic stress. The aim of manage- sionals should also be mindful of the recent advice about the
ment is to achieve glucose targets while following CF nutri- impact of the use of language on people living with diabetes
tion guidelines [95]. It has been documented that early [96]; for dietitians this means following the National Health
initiation of insulin therapy may have value for growth, Service guidance, Language Matters, in both face‐to‐face
weight and pulmonary function. Insulin doses and types consultations and in the production of written information.
may need to be adjusted when nutritional supplements, The role of the team in supporting families living with diabe-
overnight or continuous enteral feeding are being used and tes to achieve the best possible outcomes is well recognised.
during times of acute infection. Dose adjustment should take The biggest single factor in determining a clinic outcome is
priority over dietary restriction. the teamwork and targets set by the clinical group. It is
Dietary management includes: important, therefore, that the dietitian is an integral member
of the diabetes MDT. However diabetes is managed, a
• meeting CF nutritional guidelines (p. 217) healthy lifestyle with high quality food choices is associated
• avoiding sugary drinks/glucose loads in drinks between with improved outcomes.
• advice about the effect of carbohydrate on blood
glucose levels and carbohydrate counting and insulin Learning points
• Nutrition education from the point of diagnosis and
Diabetes secondary to medication thereafter should take a whole food approach
• Education about carbohydrate counting should happen
Some drugs, such as high‐dose steroids, can cause transient immediately following diagnosis
hyperglycaemia for the duration of the prescription, and • Physical activity should be promoted in line with
others, such as tacrolimus and cyclosporin, may cause islet recommendations for the general population
cell destruction in which case the diabetes becomes perma- • Advances in technology will continue to influence and
nent. In oncology protocols some chemotherapy drugs change the nutritional management of type 1 diabetes
induce diabetes, which coincides with the cyclical nature of • Using the right language should be central to all contact
the chemotherapy (p. 379). Following organ transplantation with people with diabetes
such as kidney transplant, diabetes most commonly occurs
Genetics 207
Congenital Hyperinsulinism
Sarah Price
Table 11.11 Risk factors for transient hyperinsulinism. Table 11.12 Hyposcreen measurements and results to confirm
a diagnosis of CHI.
Risk factor Mechanism
Measurement Result
Uncontrolled The baby may or may not be macrosomic but
gestational produces too much insulin in response to the Serum glucose <3.0 mmol/L
diabetes mother’s high blood sugar levels. Post-birth, the Serum insulin Detectable or raised
infant’s blood sugars usually stabilise within a week,
during which time they may require additional C‐peptide Detectable or raised
carbohydrate to maintain their blood sugar levels Free fatty acids Low
Maternal use The exact mechanisms are not known, but Beta‐hydroxybutarate (ketones) Low
of labetalol sympathetic inhibition of the infant’s counter‐
regulatory responses may be responsible
Perinatal The mechanism is not known, but anaerobic suppressed at the time of hypoglycaemia. In children with
stress metabolism to maintain blood glucose CHI, insulin continues to be produced regardless of hypo-
concentration may be responsible glycaemia. Therefore, any insulin that is detectable at the
Small for A small for gestational age infant will have poor time of hypoglycaemia suggests the diagnosis of CHI [102].
gestational glycogen stores and will therefore be more likely to The absence of an elevated C‐peptide may raise concerns
age drop their blood sugar below a safe level. However, over the origin of the insulin, e.g. the child could have
why some children who are born small develop
received insulin via an injection deliberately to cause a low
hyperinsulinism is not explained. Whether
intrauterine stress plays a part in insulin blood sugar level. In a hyposcreen for a child with CHI, a
overproduction remains to be seen finding of low levels of free fatty acids and little or no ketone
bodies would be expected. This is because the presence of
high levels of circulating insulin suppresses lipolysis and
ketogenesis [103]. Table 11.12 shows the results of hypo-
Presentation screen measurements that confirm a diagnosis of CHI.
Most infants present within the first few days of life, but some
may present later during the first year, and, very rarely, an
Glucose infusion rate
older child may present with hypoglycaemic symptoms. The
Calculating the glucose infusion rate (GIR) can be helpful in
first indications of CHI include non‐specific features of hypo-
identifying babies that may have CHI. GIR is the amount of
glycaemia including floppiness, jitteriness, reluctance to feed
carbohydrate (CHO) expressed as milligrams (mg) required
and lethargy [111]. If these symptoms are left unrecognised in
per kilogram per minute over a 24 hour period. In a full‐term
CHI, they can lead to severe prolonged hypoglycaemia, which
newborn baby, the GIR is 4–6 mg/kg/min, but in CHI this
can result in permanent neurological damage or death.
figure can be much higher [114]. A GIR > 8 mg/kg/min is a
Hyperinsulinism can also occur in response to perinatal
good indicator of insulin‐driven hypoglycaemia [100]. GIR
stress and certain maternal factors. In such cases, hypogly-
is both helpful at diagnosis and a useful indicator of the
caemia due to hyperinsulinism is usually transient. Some
severity of CHI throughout the acute management phase. A
of the risk factors for transient CHI are given in Table 11.11
reduction in GIR with stable blood glucose levels can indi-
[112, 113].
cate an improvement in the condition as long as other factors
remain consistent, e.g. medication.
How to calculate GIR
GIR calculation for intravenous (IV) fluids alone:
Hypoglycaemia in CHI is defined as a blood sugar level % dextrose infused mL/hour
of <3.0 mmol/L. The blood sugar cut‐off indicating hypogly- mg/kg/ min
weight kg 6
caemia has been defined variably, with some sources relying
on a level of 2.6 mmol/L. Most centres now accept that Fluid rate mL/hour
investigations should be carried out when the blood sugar CHO requirement mg/kg/ min weight kg 6
drops below 3.0 mmol/L [100]. In a baby or child experienc-
% dextrose
ing hypoglycaemic episodes, it is important to conduct a
hypoglycaemic screen (hyposcreen) when a heel prick blood GIR calculation for enteral feeds (can also be used for IV
sample of <3.0 mmol/L is found in order to understand the fluids if the total amount of CHO is worked out first):
reason for this low blood sugar. The hyposcreen measures
the level of plasma glucose to confirm if the child is truly Total CHO g 1000 mg weight kg 24 hours
hypoglycaemic. It also measures serum levels of insulin 60 minutes mg/kg/min
and C‐peptide, both of which would be raised in a child
with CHI. In normal individuals, insulin production is This calculation is for a 24 hour period.
Surgical Management of CHI 209
Medical management of CHI catheter should be considered to allow a higher dextrose con-
centration infusion (>12.5% dextrose) [116]. These IV infu-
The aims of medical management are: sions often impact on the volume of enteral feeds that can be
given in the early days. Consideration must be given as to
• prevention of hypoglycaemic brain damage, allowing for what impact this will have on the infant’s nutritional status.
normal psychomotor development Despite receiving large volumes and high concentrations
• establishment of a normal feeding regimen appropriate of IV dextrose, the infant’s blood glucose levels often remain
for the age of the infant/child: volume, frequency, type unstable. Medications are often used alongside IV dextrose,
• ensuring normal and safe tolerance to fasting that is and CHO supplemented feeds in order to bring blood glu-
appropriate for age, without developing hypoglycaemia cose levels into a safe stable range. A summary of the drugs
• optimal growth used in CHI is given in Table 11.13. First‐line medications are
• maintenance of family unit and quality of life [115] diazoxide and chlorothiazide, which are often given together
These aims can only be effectively achieved with the input due to their synergistic mechanism. Chlorothiazide is a diu-
of a multidisciplinary team of health professionals including retic that reduces the risk of fluid retention, a common side
doctors, specialist nurses, dietitians, speech and language effect of diazoxide [100].
therapists and psychologists [100].
Blood glucose monitoring
CHI services
Parents need to be taught how to measure and interpret fin-
Early support from a specialist centre should not be under- ger/heel prick blood glucose levels, using a handheld device,
valued and has been found to have positive effects on the prior to going home. The specialist nurse and/or ward nursing
neurological outcomes for patients with CHI [103]. In the UK staff should help with this. It is important to carry out blood
there are two specialist centres for CHI. In the north, the glucose monitoring prior to every feed and at other times
Northern Congenital Hyperinsulinism Service (NORCHI) is when clinically indicated. Parents need to be advised on what
a joint service between the Royal Manchester Children’s is suitable for their child as management is highly individual.
Hospital and Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. In The flow chart in Figure 11.6 shows the ‘hypo’ manage-
the south, there is a service at Great Ormond Street Hospital ment advice given to the parents of children with CHI at
for Children in London. Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, together with clear
The management of CHI is a team effort comprising pae- instructions on how to use it. Alongside this they are also
diatric endocrinology and supporting services, of which given an ‘emergency regimen’ by the dietitian (p. 673). This is
dietetics is a key part. CHI specialist dietitians play an designed to give a solution of glucose polymer during peri-
important part in determining feeding regimens to ensure ods of illness when the child may not be feeding/eating as
maintenance of glucose levels. While CHI dietitians acquire normal and is, therefore, at greater risk of their blood glucose
knowledge and skills in the essential clinical management of level dropping. The regimen is designed to give an amount of
hypoglycaemia in the hospital setting, they continue to pro- CHO appropriate for the child’s age based on average nutri-
vide support when children are managed at home with the tional requirements and should be used during illness with
support of local dietetic services. the aim of preventing (rather than treating) hypoglycaemia.
Local dietitians may have initial contact with a newly diag-
nosed infant if their condition is manageable in a district gen- Surgical management of CHI
eral hospital or prior to transfer to a specialist centre. Upon
discharge they may also have shared care with the specialist In focal CHI surgical removal of the lesion is the treatment of
centre dietitian. Advice from the specialist dietitian should choice as this will usually resolve the hyperinsulinism with
be sought early, given the complexity of the condition and no long‐term side effects [106, 108].
acknowledging that a local dietitian’s experience of CHI will Children with diffuse disease should be considered for
usually be limited due to the rareness of the condition. surgery (subtotal pancreatectomy) if they are unresponsive
to medical treatment. Traditional opinion was that these
Acute management children should be considered for surgery sooner rather
than later. However, more recently there is a motion for pre-
In CHI blood glucose concentrations should be kept above serving the pancreas where possible due to post‐surgery
3.5 mmol/L with a consensus that neuroglycopenia can occur and long‐term side effects. In the post‐operative period, a
at level <3 mmol/L [100, 103]. In severe neonatal hypoglycae- significant proportion of children with diffuse CHI continue
mia, oral feeds alone are unlikely to maintain safe blood glu- to have hypoglycaemia due to over‐secretion from the
cose levels. In most instances IV access is required to provide residual pancreas. In the long term, as the remnant pancreas
additional CHO. An infusion of 10% dextrose at a standard fails, diabetes becomes inevitable, which then places a life-
volume of 90–120 mL/kg/day provides a GIR of 6–8 mg/kg/ long disease burden on the individual [117]. A decision for
min, which again may not be enough to maintain blood glu- surgery should be undertaken with the input of the whole
cose levels in an infant [100]. For this reason a central venous CHI team, including parents, and should be weighed up
210 Endocrinology
Diazoxide – oral Opens KATP channels and stabilises Fluid retention – fluid is often restricted to 120–150 mL/kg and can
pancreatic beta cells therefore have implications on nutritional status
Taste changes
Ineffective in CHI mutations where the potassium channel is absent
Pulmonary hypertension – echocardiogram recommended prior to
Excessive hair growth
Rarely leukopenia and thrombocytopenia
Chlorothiazide – oral Acts synergistically with diazoxide by Acts as a diuretic, which helps with the side effect of fluid retention with
activating non‐KATP channels diazoxide
Octreotide – subcutaneous Activates G protein‐coupled rectifier K Suppression of growth hormone
injection channel Delayed gastric motility
Abdominal distention
Hair loss
Sirolimus Rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, beta cell No longer in regular use in CHI due to its immunosuppressive side
suppressor effects
Used in rare cases when other treatment options have failed
Glucagon – intravenous Increased glycogenolysis/gluconeogenesis Nausea
Increased growth hormone
Increased myocardial contractility
Decreased gastric acid and pancreatic enzymes
Helpful in allowing the reduction of IV dextrose/fluid requirement
Not used long term as drug delivery is unreliable through subcutaneous
against the risks of persistent hypoglycaemia and subse- Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
quent brain damage. The quality of life for the child and
Some children may become reliant on pancreatic enzyme
family should remain central to decision making [100].
replacement therapy (PERT) due to pancreatic insufficiency,
Subtotal pancreatectomy removes 95% of the pancreas.
and so faecal elastase should be measured post‐subtotal
The remaining 5% is left largely due to its involvement with
pancreatectomy [120]. Some children found to be pancreatic
other major structures including the bile ducts. Post‐surgery
insufficient in the immediate months following surgery have
there is a higher risk of pancreatic endocrine and exocrine
gone on to demonstrate normal exocrine function a year or
two down the line. For this reason it is important to reassess
exocrine function periodically. PERT is usually an area that
Complications after surgery the dietitian will lead on in terms of calculating doses and
monitoring symptoms.
Infants will often require insulin post‐operatively due to
hyperglycaemia, although this can usually be titrated down
in the first few days. Children who have a subtotal pancrea- Chylothorax is another complication that can arise in the
tectomy have a high risk of developing diabetes [118, 119]. immediate post‐operative period. It can be treated conserva-
Most will go on to develop insulin‐dependent diabetes, tively using a minimal long chain triglyceride diet or feed for
usually by their teenage years [100]. as long as is required (p. 299).
Dietetic Management 211
Re-check to ensure
Give correct reading Check ketones
Give GlucoJuice 30–60 ml, or Glucogel if your child is conscious and able to swallow.
Or give 20% Vitajoule/maxijul (1 scoop that comes in the tin) in 50 mls water
Orally or via Gastrostomy/NG tube
Then offer feed/diet as normal
Rechek in
15 minutes
BG level still
Seek medical assistance/advice
Below 3.5 mmols/l?
Figure 11.6 Blood glucose monitoring in CHI. Source: Reprinted with permission from Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.
The first choice of feed should be as for normal infants, i.e. dehydrogenase deficiency. Glutamate dehydrogenase hyper-
mother’s breastmilk [121]. In the absence of breastmilk, a insulinism is also be known as hyperinsulinism–hyperammo-
suitable standard infant formula should be used. naemia syndrome and is a milder form of hyperinsulinism
In the neonate feeding should be started as an hourly that is more likely to present in late infancy or early childhood
bolus. This may be orally or via nasogastric tube (NGT) rather than the newborn period. In this patient group intake
depending on their willingness to feed. The interval between of protein particularly without carbohydrate can cause hypo-
feeds should be ‘stretched’ equally as blood glucose levels glycaemia [105]. If, on dietary assessment, the child’s protein
and tolerance allow. This is usually done in hourly stages, intake is significantly above the reference nutrient intake
e.g. 1 hourly, 2 hourly, 3 hourly and 4 hourly. Prior to ‘stretch- (RNI), it may be helpful to suggest ways of reducing or spac-
ing’ an interval, the infant should receive the next interval’s ing their protein more evenly throughout the day. Any reduc-
volume, e.g. if stretching from 1 hourly to 2 hourly, the baby tion in dietary protein, which may form part of the medical
should receive the 2 hourly volume 1 hour after their last treatment, must maintain at least the safe minimum protein
feed. This is to ensure they do not go a longer period of time intake so that growth and development is not compromised.
on the smaller feed volume, which could put the baby at risk Depending on requirements for carbohydrate, energy,
of hypoglycaemia. Aiming for 4 hourly feeds would be the fluid and growth history, it may be more effective to use an
ideal for an infant prior to discharge, although this will energy‐dense feed, e.g. Infatrini, Similac High Energy, SMA
depend on their age and size at discharge. All infants with High Energy, or a standard infant formula can be concen-
CHI should undergo a 6 hour ‘safety fast’ prior to discharge trated to better meet their nutritional needs (p. 13).
to ensure they are safe to go home and maintain their blood
glucose level [100].
Some infants may need to go home on a combination of Long‐term feeding difficulties and strategies
daytime bolus feeding and night‐time continuous feeding to
achieve stable blood glucose levels. This requires a gastros- Feeding difficulties are common and persistent in the CHI
tomy to be placed prior to discharge to ensure they are not at cohort: 75% will require nasogastric (NG) tube feeding, and
risk of tube migration during sleep. A bolus feed may need 93% will require anti‐reflux medications [124]. Recent
to be given soon after the overnight feed stops as the blood research has found that the more severe the hyperinsulin-
glucose level can drop quite quickly after the cessation of the ism, the worse the feeding problems appear to be [100].
continuous feeding period. The same rule should also be Feeding problems is a term used to encapsulate a range of
applied when starting the night‐time feed after the last bolus difficulties, and there are a number of suggestions for their
of the day. occurrence.
Quite often infants with CHI require an additional sup- The presence of excessive insulin contributes to gut dys-
plementation of CHO in their feed to allow the medical team motility, which could explain why babies with CHI often
to wean them off the IV dextrose. Glucose polymers such as suffer from GOR and have poor tolerance of large feed vol-
Vitajoule, Polycal and Maxijul can be added to a feed to umes, with frequent vomiting. Some studies have also linked
increase the CHO concentration [100]. The glucose polymer excessive insulin production with the suppression of the
should be started at a small amount (1%–2.5% concentra- appetite‐stimulating hormone ghrelin, which could further
tion) and increased as required/tolerated up to a maximum explain the baby’s apparent reluctance to feed [125].
of approximately 5% (5 g/100 mL feed). Further increases in Although there are clear physiological explanations for
concentration are not tolerated due to the increase in osmotic poor feeding, it is well recognised that in reality feeding
load in the feed. This causes delayed gastric emptying, con- problems are multifactorial in origin. In the case of babies
tributing to gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR) and possibly a with CHI, their feeding problems are further compounded
higher incidence of necrotising enterocolitis [122]. by the nature of the medical management of CHI. The
Consideration needs to be given to the protein-energy adverse side effects of medication (Table 11.13) could further
ratio of the feed, which should be maintained between 7.5% exacerbate feeding difficulties. Some studies found that
and 12% (p. 14). This can become easily reduced in CHI those on a higher dose of diazoxide were more likely to have
treatment with the addition of a glucose polymer and has the persistent feeding difficulties [124, 126]. Whether the higher
potential to affect growth. However, in CHI the protein- dose of diazoxide is causally linked to appetite suppression
energy ratio is usually already greatly distorted through the or rather an indicator of the severity of CHI is unclear [124].
use of IV dextrose, which to a large extent cannot be altered The use of IV fluids and need for a regimented feeding
as it is part of the medical management. For this reason if the routine to maintain blood glucose levels interrupts the estab-
protein-energy ratio cannot be improved through dietetic lishment of normal oral feeding in a newborn infant. The
manipulation, it is more important to ensure the child is at effect of this disruption should not be underestimated.
least meeting their safe minimum protein intake, which will It is well recognised in medical conditions where there is fre-
vary depending on age [123]. quent exposure to unpleasant sensory stimuli from an early
A case study of a baby newly diagnosed with CHI is given age such as intubation and frequent passing of NG tubes that
in Table 11.14. the infant’s facial/oral sensitivity and, therefore, their oral
Some children with CHI can experience a hypoglycaemia feeding experiences are affected. Infants with CHI fit this
sensitive to protein intake, particularly those with glutamate description, and oral feed aversion is a common problem [127].
Table 11.14 Case study: Dietary management of a baby with CHI.
Anthropometry: Male born at term weighing 3.9 kg, 75th–91st centile, length 53 cm, 75th–91st centile. Growth history:
1 week, 4.2 kg, 91st centile
4 weeks, 4.8 kg, 75th–91st centile
2.5 months, 7.5 kg, <98th centile at discharge
6 months, 9.5 kg, 75th centile
11 months, 10.2 kg, 75th centile, length 75 cm, 50th–75th centile
Comments: Baby’s weight increased beyond the trajectory of his birth centile due to excessive CHO intake forming part of the medical management
up until 6 months of age. Weight at 11 months of age shows the rate of weight gain slowed down as the need for additional CHO had ceased
Biochemistry: Blood sugar level <2.6 mmol/L, insulin level raised, no ketones present
Clinical: Baby presented with poor feeding and lethargy in the hours after birth, which prompted a blood sugar level check at the local hospital where
he was born
Dietary: Initially fed 110 mL/kg EBM, unable to increase further due to IV fluids with dextrose required to maintain blood sugar levels. At day 10 EBM
was fortified with 2.5% glucose polymer to help stabilise the baby’s blood sugar levels, while medication was weaned down. Mum was supported to
breastfeed the baby after and in between bottle feeds. Bottle feeds given first to ensure the required volume containing the glucose polymer was taken.
Baby was stretched from 3 hourly bottles to 4 hourly bottles and went home on this regimen. He started weaning at 6 months of age and stopped
glucose polymer fortification at 7.5 months of age due to stable blood sugars
Environment: The baby was the first child of healthy parents. He had diffuse disease heterozygous ABCC8 mutation, which he had inherited paternally.
He spent the first 2 weeks of his life on HDU before being stepped down to a medical ward for 3 months. He was then discharged home
Focus: The dietetic aims were to meet the baby’s nutritional requirements while providing a dietary regimen that was safe from a blood sugar level
perspective. His blood sugar levels were frequently reassessed by the dietitian once home to ensure the baby did not continue to receive an excessive
CHO intake for longer than required as this would have led to further accelerating weight gain. The dietitian also maintained a focus on supporting
breastfeeding throughout the baby’s treatment to ensure it was considered by the medical team in their treatment planning
10 days Transferred to HDU from local district general hospital neonatal unit
due to uncontrolled hypoglycaemia. He had a hyposcreen performed
locally, which showed high circulating levels of insulin; hence
diazoxide and chlorothiazide were commenced prior to transfer
Birth weight = 3.9 kg. Once on HDU he was commenced on 10% This feeding regimen did not meet his nutritional requirements,
IV dextrose at 6.5 mL/hour and oral feeds of EBM 54 mL × 3 hourly, but fluids could not be increased further given that he had just
total fluid intake 150 mL/kg with 110 mL/kg as EBM commenced diazoxide. Feed fortification was not considered at
Calculation of GIR this point due to the potential changes in medical management
Amount of CHO received from 10% IV dextrose:
6.5 mL/hour × 24 hours = 156 mL × 10% = 15.6 g CHO
Amount of CHO received from EBM (7 g CHO/100 mL average
content of EBM)
54 mL × 8 feeds in 24 hours = 432 mL × 7/100 = 30.2 g CHO
Total CHO intake per 24 hours = 45.8 g
GIR (mg/kg/min) =
45.8 g × 1000 mg ÷ 3.9 kg = 11 744 ÷ 24 hour = 489.33 ÷ 60 minutes
= 8.155
Round up to 8.2 mg/kg/min
12 days A central line was placed to obtain IV access that would allow a
higher concentration than 10% IV dextrose, due his blood sugars
being continually <3.5 mmol/L on the current regimen
Blood sugars did not improve on diazoxide; therefore, he was
commenced on octreotide and weaned off diazoxide and
Current regimen: 15% IV dextrose at 5 mL/hour and glucagon at
3 mL/hour to stabilise his blood sugars; feeds 50 mL EBM × 3 hourly.
Current weight = 4.2 kg.
Calculation of GIR
IV fluids 15% dextrose: 5 mL/hour × 24 hours = 120 mL × 15% = 18 g GIR had decreased due to the baby’s weight increasing, but he
CHO was also on glucagon, which would have helped stabilise his
Feeds EBM: 50 mL × 8 in 24 hours = 400 mL × 7/100 = 28 g CHO blood sugar levels
Total CHO intake per 24 hours = 46 g At this time Mum had a strong wish to breastfeed; it was agreed
GIR (mg/kg/min) = that he could latch on for ‘comfort feeds’ after the 50 mL EBM
46 g × 1000 mg ÷ 4.2 kg = 10 952 ÷ 24 hour = 456.34 ÷ 60 minutes feed. This was to ensure it did not impact on his appetite for his
=7.6 mg/kg/min set feed volumes via the bottle. It was important that his feed
remained quantifiable given the instability of his blood sugar
levels. Had he had more stable blood sugars breastfeeding may
have been recommended before top‐up feeds (if required
depending on blood sugar levels)
(continued overleaf)
214 Endocrinology
20 days 10 days after admission he was still experiencing hypos 2.5% glucose polymer concentration was added to the EBM.
<3.5 mmol/L. The medical team discussed with the dietitian the To make this practical on the ward, 1 small blue SHS scoop
introduction of a glucose polymer to help stabilise the blood sugar Vitajoule (1.3 g) was added to 50 mL EBM, providing 2.6%
levels while weaning down the glucagon concentration. Tolerance to this addition of CHO was monitored
Over the next few days, with the addition of this extra CHO, he was by stool frequency, amounts of vomits and whether the baby
weaned off glucagon as his blood sugars were consistently remained settled
>3.5 mmol/L. This allowed the baby to be stepped down to a
general ward
On admission a sample had been obtained for genetic testing.
When the results came back two weeks later, they showed the baby
had diffuse disease heterozygous ABCC8 mutation. Despite a
diagnosis of diffuse disease, the plan was for medical management
as the baby’s blood sugars were more stable
24–78 While he was on the ward, it was planned to lengthen his feed His GIR had increased significantly over the course of his
days interval from 3 hourly to 4 hourly by giving the new increased treatment. At this time it was important to assess his nutritional
volume after a 3 hour fast, then allowing him to go 4 hourly. After intake:
the 4 hour interval, his blood sugars were on the low side
Protein intake
(<4 mmol/L); therefore the Vitajoule in the EBM was increased to
P:E ratio was greatly distorted at 4% due to his high CHO
5% rather than going back to more frequent feeds. IV fluids were
requirements; however, his protein intake of 1.65 g/kg was above
stopped. Current weight = 4.8 kg
the safe minimum protein intake of 1.3 g/kg
Calculation of GIR
Energy intake 142 kcal (595 kJ)/kg and, as is common with
Feeds EBM + 5% Vitajoule: 165 mL/kg × 4.8 = 792 mL
many babies with CHI, weight gain at a rapid rate would be
Total CHO intake per 24 hours = 792 mL × 12% CHO (7% from
feeds + 5% from Vitajoule) = 95.04 g expected
GIR = It is important to regularly assess the stability of blood sugar
95.04 × 1000 = 19 800 = 825 = 13.75 mg/kg/min levels and reduce CHO intake where possible. Dietary
4.8 kg 24 hour 60 minutes changes should not be made at the same time as medication
changes. The baby was discharged home on this regimen at
3 months of age
The parents were also given an emergency regimen to use during
periods of illness when he could not tolerate his usual feeds
6 months The baby continued on octreotide injections The baby commenced weaning foods without any dietary
manipulations and eventually stopped all CHO supplementation,
which allowed Mum to solely breastfeed
11 months The baby came back into hospital for a controlled fast off He continued to have his emergency regimen for use during times
medication and demonstrated that he was now producing ketones of illness when his dietary intake may decline, and he will be at
and his CHI had become less severe and progressed to ketotic risk of a hypo
CHO, carbohydrate; IV, intravenous; EBM, expressed breastmilk; HDU, high dependency unit; GIR, glucose infusion rate.
For this reason it is important to involve a speech and language family from the multidisciplinary team, including the dieti-
therapist from an early stage to help the family with techniques tian and speech and language therapist, with a focus on
to overcome aversion or limit its development. feeding throughout their treatment process is crucial.
Anecdotally the CHI cohort has a high prevalence of cow’s Children are often in hospital for long periods of time, which
milk protein allergy (CMPA). Changing to an extensively adds to the stress of illness upon families. The support of a
hydrolysed protein formula or amino acid‐based formula, skilled and experienced psychologist is often necessary,
where indicated, could help to alleviate some of the feeding given the burden of managing a complex medical condition
problems such as GOR, vomiting and to a certain extent oral over long periods of time [100].
feed aversion. Consideration should be given to the increased
gut transit time of these formulas vs. a whole protein feed
and, therefore, their effect on blood glucose stability. Establishing feeding in the young infant
However, if the symptoms associated with CMPA are more
effectively managed through this change, it may actually The infant with CHI should be given the chance to establish
lead to better blood glucose control. oral feeding as soon as possible. Although there is no pub-
Feeding difficulties often place an unbearable burden on lished data, the NORCHI service has found through experi-
the family of an infant with CHI. Accessible support for the ence that the more an infant is allowed to respond to their
Acknowledgements 215
own feeding cues without being regimented with feeding supermarkets. It can also be prescribed as Glycosade,
volumes and times, the better their long‐term feeding although the cost implications of this should be considered.
outcomes. This approach has to be weighed up against the If a child is taking multiple doses of uncooked cornstarch in
stability of the infant’s blood glucose levels so as not to a day, the dietitian should give consideration to the impact
compromise their safety. this may have on their appetite and, therefore, overall nutri-
Breastfeeding should be promoted and supported by the tional intake, particularly if there are concerns regarding
dietitian [128]. Initially, when the baby is unstable, the weight gain and growth.
mother may have to express breastmilk for all the feeds. As the child gets older, their condition usually becomes
Latching on after feeds or in between for comfort should be less severe, and they may eventually grow out of it. During
encouraged as soon as it is safe. Expressing breastmilk is this time they may progress from CHI to another form of
highly demanding, and steps should be taken to ensure the hypoglycaemia called ketotic hypoglycaemia. This is a con-
mother is well supported including education on optimal dition where a child’s blood sugar levels may still drop, par-
times and frequency of expression. Recently, continuous ticularly during periods of illness or prolonged fasting, but
glucose monitors have been used in individual cases; this they can now produce ketones, which will provide an alter-
has allowed parents to be less regimented with the infant’s native source of fuel for the brain. For children that go on to
feeding and has had positive outcomes in relation to oral develop ketotic hypoglycaemia, their emergency regimen
feeding and weaning. (p. 676) is still used for times of illness, but their eating on a
Weaning in infants with CHI is encouraged at around six daily basis is usually free from dietary manipulations.
months of age as for the normal population [129]. Early
weaning may be considered in the orally averse child who
does not make progress with accepting bottles to ensure that
Learning points: dietetic intervention
oral acceptance is encouraged through a different medium.
This should be done with the supervision of a speech and
• the dietitian should be involved as early as possible to
language therapist and dietitian [127].
ensure the impact of medical treatment on nutritional sta-
tus is minimised as much as possible
• the aim should be for normal infant feeding while providing
Feeding the older infant and child
a regimen that is safe for the individual
• there is high incidence of feeding problems including gas-
As the infant gets older, every effort should be made by the
tro‐oesophageal reflux, oral aversion and feed intolerance
dietitian to ensure their feeding progresses as expected for a
• all children should have an emergency regimen to be
child of their age, e.g. dropping a night feed if their blood
used during times of illness, with the aim of preventing
glucose levels are stable enough to do so. This should be
done by increasing the volume of feed prior to their night‐
time fast and then stretching the period slowly by 30 min-
utes to 1 hour at a time while monitoring blood glucose
levels over a period of days/weeks.
The older child with CHI may benefit from the introduc-
tion of uncooked cornstarch. This can be particularly helpful
Thanks to the NORCHI team at Royal Manchester Children’s
in stretching times between meals/feeds and snacks or to
Hospital for their comments, particularly Dr I. Banerjee and
allow a longer fast period overnight. Uncooked cornstarch
dietetic colleague Niamh Gilligan, and also to Annaruby
can help with blood glucose stability because of its structure
Cunjamalay, CHI dietitian at Great Ormond Street Hospital
as a complex carbohydrate and therefore slow digestion
for Children, London.
time, which ranges from 4 to 9 hours [130]. A start dose of
5 g/dose is recommended with a maximum dose of 2 g/kg/
dose. It is not recommended in children under 1 year of age
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
and may be less effective in the younger child due to the
and other useful links are on the companion website:
immaturity of intestinal amylase [131]. Cornstarch can be
bought in the form of cornflour from most UK
12 Cystic Fibrosis
Carolyn Patchell and Katie Stead
Function No synthesis Reduced trafficking Reduced gating Decreased conductance Reduced synthesis
Mutation Nonsense, frameshift and stop Poor processing; On cell surface, protein Wrong shape so chloride Reduced protein
mutations: no CFTR is made protein does not get unstable, chloride cannot pass through easily, synthesis; reaches
due to miscoding in DNA to cell surface transport not effective but sits on cell surface cell surface, but
limited numbers
Genotype G542x F508del G551D R117H A455e
False Negative CF
CFSPID Less than 5% of CF infants
Unclear clinical may be interpreted as not
outcome having CF through screening
and will be identified later in life
through clinical presentation
Figure 12.1 Possible outcomes of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis. CFSPID, CF screen‐positive inconclusive diagnosis.
Clinical consequences of cystic fibrosis inflammation [8, 9]. Chest treatment aims to prevent infec-
tion and remove secretions so delaying the rate of lung dam-
The clinical consequences of CF include: age. This is done by:
• maintenance of good bone health dehydration should be taken into consideration when
• normal eating behaviour assessing weight.
• control of blood glucose levels in the presence of CFRD Infants will initially require more frequent weighing,
every 1–2 weeks after diagnosis to inform adjustments to
The nutritional status of people with CF has improved
feeding and treatment. This can be done in the community
since a high fat and high energy diet has become a standard
by the health visiting team. Once the infant is thriving and
element of care since the early 1980s.
there is stability in abdominal symptoms, the frequency of
Factors associated with poor nutrition include:
weighing can be reduced.
• increased stool energy losses due to PI; untreated PI will
lead to significant fat, fat‐soluble vitamin and, to a lesser
degree, protein malabsorption leading to poor nutri-
tional status
Supine length should be measured for children under 2 years
• reduced pancreatic bicarbonate secretion, reduced bile
of age at each clinic visit and admission, and the measure-
acid secretion and abnormal gastric and intestinal motil-
ment plotted on the child’s growth chart. Standing height,
ity may also contribute to malabsorption
using a correctly installed and calibrated stadiometer, should
• increased energy requirements as a result of infections,
be measured for all children over 2 years of age.
inflammation and declining lung function; individual
energy requirements vary significantly depending on the
severity of the disease and requirements should be Head circumference
assessed on an individual basis
• reduced oral energy intake due to infection‐related ano- Head circumference should be measured, using a non‐
rexia, sputum production leading to nausea, abdominal stretchable disposable tape measure, in infants at each
pain, vomiting, gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR) and clinic visit and admission throughout the first 1–2 years and
disordered eating behaviour plotted on the child’s growth chart.
• co‐morbidities, for example, CFRD and impaired glucose
tolerance resulting in energy losses through glycosuria Body mass index (BMI)
Regular assessment of nutritional status is essential as part Weight Every 1–2 weeks until a stable 2‐monthly in
treatment plan established, then clinic, twice
of clinical assessment. Longitudinal measurements should
monthly or on admission, then weekly on
be made and measurements of growth should be plotted on twice weekly admission
age‐specific growth charts: UK‐WHO Growth Chart 0–4
Length/height Monthly in clinic/on admission 2‐monthly in
years and UK Growth Chart 2–18 years. clinic and on
Weight Head Monthly in clinic/on admission n/a
All children should be weighed at each clinic visit and regu- BMI n/a Each clinic visit
larly during admission to hospital using category III elec- and on admission
tronic scales. Weight should be plotted on an age‐appropriate
growth chart. Factors such as ascites, organomegaly and n/a, not applicable; BMI, body mass index.
Management of Malabsorption 219
Dosage recommendations and administration • The total dose of PERT used in CF should not exceed
10 000 units lipase/kg body weight daily
All pancreatic enzyme preparations contain a mixture of
• Patients developing new abdominal symptoms while
lipase, protease and amylase, the strength of which degrades
using PERT should be reviewed by their specialist team
over time. The dose of lipase stated per capsule or scoop is a
to exclude the possibility of colonic damage
minimum taking into account degradation; capsules that are
• High strength preparations Pancrease HL and Nutrizym
close to their use by date will have less potency than those
22 should not be used in children under 15 years of age
with a longer use by date.
• No association with FC was found in those using Creon
All pancreatic enzyme preparations are derived from pork,
25 000 and Creon 40 000
and currently there are no forms of PERT available that are
• It is important to ensure adequate hydration in those
halal or kosher. This should be discussed with families before
using high strength preparations
initiation of PERT. Families can be reassured that Islam and
Judaism allow the use of non‐halal and non‐kosher medicinal Some patients require higher doses than 10 000 units of
products that are lifesaving, if there is no acceptable alterna- lipase/kg body weight to achieve good control of abdominal
tive. Families may wish to discuss this with a hospital chap- symptoms. It is more likely to occur in infants, as they con-
lain or their own religious leader before starting PERT. sume a higher percentage of energy from fat in their diet
Pancreatic enzyme preparations are heat sensitive and than older children, and in those on a very high fat diet or
should not be stored in a hot place or mixed with hot food. requiring enteral tube feeding (ETF).
Doses should be advised individually and adjustments Children who need high doses of PERT should be closely
made based on clinical symptoms, appearance and frequency monitored, checking the titration relative to the fat content of
of stool, presence of abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and the diet and ensuring that PERT is given with all fat‐containing
weight gain. foods. Adjunctive therapies may also be required (See
below). Dietary fat should not be limited to restrict the PERT
dose required as this may impact on nutritional status.
Enzyme dose
The dose of PERT should be adjusted according to the quan-
tity and composition of the food eaten. The lower strength
Efficacy of PERT
The timing of enzyme dosing may be an important factor in
preparations are recommended for infants and young chil-
maximising efficacy, and the recommendation is to split the
dren to allow fine adjustment of the dose.
dose throughout the meal to allow thorough mixing of the
As the majority of lipase is secreted by the pancreas, and
enzymes with food, although some children will achieve
amylase and protease are secreted elsewhere in the gastroin-
control of symptoms when the enzymes are all given prior to
testinal (GI) tract, doses are adjusted based on the fat content of
a meal.
the meal or snack consumed. Cohort studies [17, 18] suggest
Splitting the dose before, during and after the meal is a
that the requirement for lipase ranges from 400 to 5000 units
helpful strategy for children with variable intakes to ensure
lipase/g of fat consumed with a mean requirement of 1800
that too many enzymes are not given if the meal is refused.
units lipase/g fat consumed to achieve optimal absorption:
Adjunctive therapies such as H2 antagonists and proton
• Enzyme doses should be individually determined and pump inhibitors (PPI) may be required to reduce gastric acid
adjusted based on fat intake, abdominal symptoms and secretion to optimise PERT efficacy. Recent guidance from the
weight gain; requirements will vary considerably UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
between patients recommends that PPI should be used with caution and the use
• Parents and caregivers should receive practical advice to of H2 antagonists or PPI should be regularly reviewed [20].
manage their PERT dose independently. The advice
should not be strictly based on lipase/g fat consumed, Practical administration
and there should be avoidance of an excessive focus of Infants
measuring the fat content of food due to the recognised Creon Micro is the most suitable PERT preparation to use in
variation in potency of enzymes, lack of accurate data infants, although Creon 10 000 capsules may be used and the
on fat content of home‐prepared foods and variability of capsules opened to administer the contents. The enzyme
appetite and intake for young children granules should be given orally mixed with a small amount
• Other GI disorders such as coeliac disease, inflammatory of the infant’s usual feed or fruit puree on a spoon. Enzyme
bowel disease and food allergies may also occur and doses should be given before and, as necessary, during feeds
should be considered if there are ongoing symptoms of of long duration. Doses will vary. A guide when starting
malabsorption despite optimising enzyme doses, timing enzymes is given in Table 12.4. Doses should then be adjusted
and titration based on volume of feed, bowel symptoms and weight gain.
swallowed whole as soon as the child is able to swallow Dietetic advice should be given from diagnosis and at each
capsules (around 3–6 years of age) subsequent review with the aim of achieving normal rates of
• Chewing or crushing the capsules should be avoided as weight gain, growth and a healthy BMI centile; controlling
this reduces efficacy malabsorption; maintaining normal serum fat‐soluble vita-
• The granules should not be mixed with hot food as this min levels; and developing and maintaining normal feeding
reduces efficacy behaviours.
• The dose should be split throughout the meal
• Suggested starting dose: 1–2 capsules Creon 10 000 per
meal, 1 capsule per fat‐containing snack
The majority of infants diagnosed through newborn screen-
Pancreatic enzymes with enteral feeds ing will thrive well with exclusive breastfeeding for the
The dose and timing of enzymes depend on the timing and first 6 months of life, and this should be encouraged due to
duration of enteral tube feeds. Feeds administered slowly by the well‐documented immunological and nutritional ben-
continuous infusion, either overnight or during the day, may efits breastfeeding gives. A standard infant formula can be
require a lower dose of enzymes than anticipated. This is used for infants whose mothers cannot or choose not to
due to the stimulation of gastric lipase [21] and the slow rate breastfeed.
of fat infusion. Pancreatic enzymes are usually given at the Infants should be weighed every 1–2 weeks after diagno-
start and end of the infusion in a split dose [22]. Bolus feeds sis, and once adequate growth has been achieved, every
may require more pancreatic enzyme, similar to that required month. Infants not demonstrating adequate growth and
per gram of fat for meals and snacks, as a larger amount of weight gain will require an increased energy intake.
fat is given over a short time period.
For patients unable to swallow enzyme capsules while Pancreatic enzymes
being tube fed, e.g. those who are ventilated, a powdered All infants should be screened for PI at diagnosis and those
preparation of pancreatic enzymes dissolved in water, or showing signs of malabsorption should be started on PERT
enteric‐coated granules dissolved in sodium bicarbonate while results are awaited. A review of bowel symptoms
solution, may be used. The administration of sodium bicar- should be done every 1–2 weeks initially and then at each
bonate should be given with caution in young children due review, adjusting PERT to achieve a normal bowel habit.
to the risk of excess bicarbonate intake. A PPI will be required
if preparations are dissolved to avoid the enzymes being
destroyed by gastric acid.
Sodium supplementation
A urinary sodium–creatinine ratio (UNa–Cr) should be
assessed and sodium supplementation started at a dose of
1–2 mmol/kg if UNa–Cr ratio is low (reference range
Learning points: pancreatic enzyme therapy 17–52) [23].
than 17 weeks. Giving fruit and vegetables as first foods team to help support the child at school, and this will give
allows the infant to get used to feeding from a spoon in guidance on dosing and timing of pancreatic enzymes.
advance of Creon being required. Meat, pulses, cheese, Parents can request information about the school lunch
yoghurt and cereals should be introduced at 6 months of age, menu in order to give guidance to school staff on the dose of
with advice given on the appropriate dose of Creon to use for PERT required for each meal.
fat‐containing solids. Salt need not be restricted and can be Independence in self‐medication should be encouraged as
used in cooking; normal gravy and sauce mixes can be given. the child gets older. Some schools are reluctant to allow this
By the age of 12 months, the infant should be weaned onto and may need a telephone call or visit to give reassurance
mashed and chopped family foods, maintaining a healthy and advice.
balance of foods and often requiring three meals plus small
mid‐meal snacks. Full‐fat cow’s milk can be introduced as a
drink at 12 months of age and should be encouraged
throughout childhood to help maintain an adequate intake Adolescence is a time of increased growth and nutritional
of calcium. requirements. There is often a clinical decline during this
period, increasing nutritional requirements even further, and
Establishment of healthy eating behaviour in infants co‐morbidities such as CFRD are more likely to develop. Many
and toddlers adolescents will require more aggressive nutritional manage-
Establishing healthy feeding behaviour is important, and ment in order to achieve and maintain a healthy BMI centile.
feeding times and mealtimes should be a positive experi- Adolescence is also a time of increasing independence,
ence. Parental awareness of the need to maintain a healthy and parents often struggle to allow the young person to
weight for their child, however, can put undue focus on eat- become independent in the management of their diet and
ing, and food selectivity or refusal can be used effectively by treatment. Young people are more likely to experiment with
the child as a means of getting attention. Advice and support risk‐taking behaviour including choices of food, eating pat-
should be given to minimise the duration of any feeding terns and adherence to treatment such as pancreatic enzymes.
difficulties, and expert input from a psychologist may be Young people with chronic health conditions are more
needed for the more persistent cases. likely to develop disordered eating [24], and this is common
Simple advice that can be given by the dietitian include: in CF [25].
Maintaining a positive and supportive relationship with
• encouraging positive behaviour and ignoring bad the young person is important in facilitating adherence.
• encouraging family meals and avoiding distractions
such as TV and IT devices such as phones and tablets Learning points: preventative nutritional advice
• making food attractive
• offering small portions; more can be given if the child • Infants diagnosed by newborn screening should be breast-
eats well fed or receive normal infant formula
• allowing the child to play with food; it is an important • Infants presenting with severe growth deficit or meconium
part of learning about food ileus will require more specialist intervention
• if the child refuses to eat, removing the food without • Solid foods should be introduced between 17 and 26 weeks
comment and not offering an alternative of age and follow a normal weaning pattern
• avoiding threats and bribes at mealtimes • Infants should be fed on a mashed or chopped family diet by
• limiting mealtimes to around 30 minutes, as after this the age of 12 months
time little additional food will be eaten • Regular counselling and advice should reduce the risk of
• all caregivers should be consistent in the management of behavioural feeding difficulties
feeding difficulties • School‐age children should be encouraged to learn about
their food and enzymes
• Adherence difficulties in adolescents are common, and
School‐age children
maintaining a positive and supportive relationship will
Normal school meals or packed lunches should be given, help to reduce the risk or duration
ideally adhering to the school food policy unless there are
nutritional difficulties; the child with CF should not be made
to feel any different to their peers.
Management of moderate nutritional deficit
Pancreatic enzymes
Most school‐age children will be able to swallow their cap- Early recognition and treatment of nutritional deficits is
sules whole and should be encouraged to learn the doses important for optimal outcomes. Addressing nutritional dif-
they require for different foods. Young children will still ficulties will require a full clinical review of not only dietary
need guidance from school staff to administer correct doses. intake, but doses and timing of PERT and, in older children,
A care plan will be developed by the CF specialist nursing screening and exclusion of CFRD.
Nutritional Management 223
Manufacturer Energy (kcal) Energy (kJ) Protein (g) Fat (g) CHO (g) Fibre (g)
Powdered high energy milkshake style ONS (estimated per 100 mL reconstituted milkshake)
Aymes Extra Shake Aymes 196 820 4.2 10.4 21.6 0
Foodlink Complete Nualtra 159 671 8.8 6.3 17 0
Scandishake Nutricia 195 820 4 9.8 9.9 0
particular route, e.g. the presence of gastric varices in CFLD For feeds given overnight, enzymes are usually given
may preclude the use of a G device. NG and G tubes are the orally as a split dose at the start and end of the feed, although
most commonly used route of feeding. Nasojejunal and gas- if there are signs of malabsorption using this method a
tro‐jejunal feeding can be considered in the presence of smaller third dose can be given midway through the feed.
severe GOR. The impact of disturbing sleep should be considered and
children should not be woken to give enzymes.
Nasogastric feeding For bolus feeds, given over a short period of time, enzymes
NG feeding is usually considered a less permanent choice of may be given at the start of the feed only.
feeding than other routes and is preferred by some children
and young people. With concerns about their body image, Other considerations
some choose to remove the feeding tube for special events; Following initiation of ETF, weight, height, BMI and abdom-
some may even remove the tube daily, with replacement of inal symptoms should be monitored, and the feeding and
the tube each night prior to commencing feeding. This needs enzyme plan adjusted as necessary, with the aim of increas-
considerable motivation to be successful. NG feeding may ing lean body mass, not just adipose tissue. Weight gain,
also be used for short episodes of feeding, such as during therefore, should not be too rapid.
inpatient admissions for IV antibiotics, or to support recov- Glucose tolerance should also be carefully monitored on
ery of weight following acute illness. commencement of ETF to ensure it has not resulted in noc-
NG feeding tubes may be easily dislodged during cough- turnal hyperglycaemia. Blood glucose levels should be
ing or vomiting and, therefore, may not be suitable for all checked mid‐ and post‐feeding and ideally repeated monthly
patients. NG feeding can cause nausea, vomiting, disturbed at home with insulin being commenced if required.
sleep and negative changes in body image.
Local hospital policies and national guidance should be
adhered to when introducing NG tube feeding. Learning points: significant nutritional deficit
Vitamins and minerals
Administration of pancreatic enzymes with tube feeding
Pancreatic enzymes will be required with polymeric, protein Fat‐soluble vitamins
hydrolysate or amino acid‐based feeds. Feeds with a high
Children with PI are at risk of malabsorption of fat‐soluble
medium chain triglyceride (MCT) content should be used
vitamins, with evidence of biochemical deficiency in infants
(Table 8.20). The dose and the timing of PERT should be con-
at the time of diagnosis by newborn screening [32–35].
sidered individually, taking into account the choice of feed,
Factors contributing to deficiencies include:
rate of infusion and usual enzyme requirement. Enteric‐
coated enzymes should be given orally and not put down • fat malabsorption and bile salt deficiency
the feeding tube due to the risk of blockage. • suboptimal dose or poor adherence to PERT
Feeds given slowly over a long period of time, e.g. over- • poor dietary intake
night, may need less enzyme than those given as a bolus due • inadequate dosing or poor adherence to fat‐soluble vita-
to the slower infusion rate of fat. min supplements
226 Cystic Fibrosis
A Annually during a period of stability and not during an acute Acute toxicity causes vomiting, Retinol is the preferred source,
exacerbation. abdominal pain, anorexia, blurred starting with a low dose and
Samples should be processed promptly and protected from vision, headaches and irritability. increasing according to serum
light to avoid degradation. Chronic toxicity causes levels
If levels are low RBP, zinc and a marker of infection should be headaches, muscle and bone
measured (e.g. CRP) as levels of vitamin A may be falsely pain, ataxia, alopecia, liver
depressed in acute infection and inflammation and in children toxicity and dyslipidaemia
with liver disease
D Serum 25‐hydroxyvitamin D levels should be measured. There is evidence that vitamin D3
This need not be a fasting sample; however, seasonal variation (cholecalciferol) is more effective
should be taken into account when interpreting the results than ergocalciferol at sustaining
adequate serum levels [36]
E Serum vitamin E levels represent only a proportion of total Hypervitaminosis E is rare and Supplementation should be
vitamin E, which is found mostly in cell membranes. occurs only when large started in patients who are PI and
Serum levels will vary according to levels of carrier lipoproteins supplementary doses are given. in patients who are PS if low
so vitamin E concentrations should be reviewed in relation to It may result in bruising and serum levels are seen.
serum lipid levels, which requires a fasting sample. bleeding and increased Supplements should be taken
A minimum ratio of α‐tocopherol to cholesterol of 5.4 mg/g has prothrombin time with food and PERT
been suggested
K Plasma vitamin K levels and deranged prothrombin time are Vitamin K1 (phytomenadione) is
both unreliable and insensitive markers of vitamin K status. considered the safest form to use.
The most reliable measure of is protein induced by vitamin K Routine supplementation is
absence (PIVKA II). recommended for all patients
This is not routinely available in clinical practice and it is, who are PI
therefore, difficult to routinely assess status
RPB, retinol binding protein; CRP, C‐reactive protein; PI, pancreatic insufficient; PS, pancreatic sufficient; PERT, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.
Table 12.7 Recommendations for supplement doses of fat‐soluble Table 12.8 Recommendations for sodium supplementation [49].
Age Daily sodium supplementation
Vitamin Daily supplement
0–12 months 1–2 up to 4 mmol/kg in those with increased losses
Vitamin A >1 year Up to 4 g in divided doses
<1 year <1500 IU (0.45 mg)
Adolescents Up to 6 g in divided doses
>1 year 1500–10 000 IU (0.45–3.0 mg)
Vitamin D
<1 year 400–2000 IU (10–50 μg)
• when dietary intakes are low
• before strenuous exercise
>1 year 400–5000 IU (10–125 μg)
• during episodes of pyrexia
Vitamin E
• when there is excessive sweating
<1 year 40–80 IU
1–3 years 50–150 IU
Sodium supplements can be added in a liquid form to
infant formula and expressed breastmilk or into fruit squash
4–7 years 150–300 IU
or fruit juice for toddlers. Sodium tablets are usually pre-
8–18 years 150–500 IU scribed for older children and young people. Recommendations
Vitamin K for sodium supplementation are given in Table 12.8.
<2 years 300 μg/kg
2–7 years 5 mg Calcium
>7 years 5–10 mg
A number of factors affect calcium balance in CF including:
Source: Adapted from • malabsorption and increased faecal loss
• inadequate intake
Older children • glucocorticosteroid treatment
Supplementation should be given: • increased gastric acid reducing the solubility of calcium
• in hot weather
• if there are excessive GI losses, such as stoma losses or Calcium deficiency will result in bone demineralisation
prolonged diarrhoea and low BMD is a common feature in adults with CF. A high
228 Cystic Fibrosis
Table 12.9 Recommendations for calcium intake. Serum magnesium levels should be monitored annually,
and individuals identified as having low serum levels should
Age Daily calcium intake (mg) be prescribed supplementation.
0–6 months 210
7–12 months 270 Iron
1–3 years 500
Iron deficiency is common in CF and risk factors include:
4–8 years 800
• malabsorption
9–18 years 1300
• low dietary intake of iron rich foods
Source: Adapted from • chronic infection and inflammation
• use of PPI
• blood loss due to haemoptysis or GI losses
calcium intake is a positive predictor of bone health in
adolescents with CF [45]. Iron status should be assessed annually and supplementa-
Intake of calcium is generally good; however, due to the tion prescribed in those with low serum iron levels. All
factors affecting calcium absorption, a high calcium intake is patients should be counselled regarding an adequate dietary
advised, particularly during adolescence. intake of iron [49].
Individuals with a high intake of milk in addition to There have been concerns regarding iron supplementa-
enteral feeds or calcium supplements may exceed the safe tion in CF as iron can increase the virulence of bacteria, and
upper limit of 1500 mg/day for the healthy population. studies suggest that increased iron may facilitate infection
Calcium requirements in CF are higher; however, extremely with Pseudomonas aeruginosa [55]. A randomised double‐
high intakes should be monitored and reduced if possible. blind placebo‐controlled study in which a trial of low dose
Recommendations for calcium intake are given in Table 12.9. ferrous sulphate was given daily for 6 weeks did not
identify an increase in respiratory exacerbation or sputum
microbiome [56, 57].
Learning points: calcium
Water‐soluble vitamins
• A high intake of calcium should be encouraged for all, espe-
cially adolescents Water‐soluble vitamins are well absorbed and routine sup-
• A diet rich in milk and dairy produce should be encouraged plementation is not required.
throughout childhood; intake should be assessed at each
Essential fatty acids, probiotics, antioxidants
• Calcium supplements should be prescribed if dietary intakes
are suboptimal There is no firm evidence for routine supplementation with
antioxidants, essential fatty acids or probiotics in CF, and
further research is required before recommendations can
be made.
Zinc deficiency can result in growth retardation in children, poor Case studies
appetite and impaired immune function and should be consid-
ered in children with poor oral intake and suboptimal growth. A case study describing the dietetic management of an infant
Low serum zinc levels can also contribute to secondary vitamin who screened positive for CF with newborn screening is
A deficiency, as it is required for the synthesis of RBP [50]. shown in Table 12.10. A case study of a boy with significant
Fasting plasma zinc levels are the most sensitive marker of nutritional deficit is shown in Table 12.11.
deficiency and should be assessed in those where zinc defi-
ciency is considered, such as those with poor growth or poor
oral intake. Individuals with low serum zinc levels should
receive oral supplementation to correct deficiency. The North
American CF Foundation recommends 1 mg zinc/kg daily in
Cystic fibrosis‐related diabetes
children under 2 years of age who are not growing despite a
CFRD is a common co‐morbidity with around 12% of chil-
high energy intake and control of malabsorption [51].
dren between 10 and 15 years requiring treatment, rising to
around 34% of adults. The diagnosis of CFRD reduces life
expectancy by an estimated of 10 years, and there is often a
Risk factors for magnesium deficiency include treatment decline in nutritional status and respiratory function during
with N‐acetylcysteine (to treat abdominal symptoms) and the year prior to diagnosis [58]. CFRD shares clinical features
diatrizoate sodium powder or Gastrografin (to treat DIOS) of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes; however, it is a distinct
[52], CFRD [53] and use of PPI [54]. condition [59].
Co‐morbidities 229
At diagnosis
A female infant 16 days old. Second child of a school teacher and an IT consultant. Older sister aged 3 years old has no medical history.
Remains under midwife care as not yet regained birthweight.
Genetics: dF508 homozygous.
Birthweight = 3.1 kg (25th centile)
Weight = 2.89 kg (2nd–9th centile) Length = 51 cm (9nd centile)
Head circumference = 36 cm (50th–75th centile)
Feeding and stools
• Breastfeeding approximately 12 times per day, feeding well at most feeds from both breasts
• 6–8 loose, yellow stools per day with visible oil
Nutritional diagnosis
• Nutritionally compromised: not regained birthweight by 14 days
• Potential for catch‐up growth: head circumference centile is higher than weight and length centiles
• Malabsorption: weight loss despite frequent feeding; oily, yellow offensive stool, therefore, likely pancreatic insufficient
Management plan
• Check pancreatic function; send stool for FPE‐1
• Initiate PERT based on clinical symptoms of weight loss, malabsorption, frequent stool, excessive feeding and genetics indicative of PI. This will
prevent further weight faltering while waiting for FPE‐1 result
• PERT dosage: ¼ scoop of Creon Micro approx. 1250 units lipase per feed, 8500 units lipase/kg
• Practical PERT advice:
◦◦ Put Creon Micro granules on top of a drop of formula/EBM on baby weaning spoon
◦◦ Advise not to give Creon Micro granules dry because there is a risk of inhalation
◦◦ Give parental reassurance about dosing of Creon Micro; the scoop provided is small to allow gradual increase of dose, but precision can be
difficult and it takes practice to master
◦◦ Give parental reassurance that it is expected that feed volumes taken may reduce and stool consistency, colour and frequency may change
• Assess attachment and positioning during a breastfeed and direct to local breastfeeding support networks if further help is needed
• Give parental reassurance that many babies with CF can successfully breastfeed. There is no need to change to infant formula or express breastmilk
to enable assessment of fat intake
• Provide family with fat‐soluble vitamins that may be started at home before the next clinic visit, with either a home visit or telephone advice from
the CF MDT; this is part of a staged introduction of CF treatments
• Check UNa–Cr to assess the need for sodium supplementation
• Weekly weighing; this can be with community agencies such as the health visitor or with the CF nursing team
• Weekly telephone contact with the family to assess feeding pattern, weight gain, stool consistency and frequency, dose of PERT needed
• Increase Creon Micro by ¼ scoop per feed during phone contact if indicated by ongoing malabsorption symptoms to a maximum dose of 10 000
units lipase/kg
• Review in CF clinic appointment in 2 weeks
At second clinic visit
Infant is now 1 month old
Weight = 3.3 kg (9th centile) Length = 51 cm (9th centile)
Head circumference = 36.8 cm (50th–75th centile)
Feeding and stools
• Breastfeeding – 8 feeds per day, feeding well at most feeds from both breasts
• 4 large orange stools, mousse like consistency
• ½ scoop of Creon per feed (2500 units lipase per feed, 6250 units lipase/kg)
• Urinary Na: <20 mmol/L
Nutritional diagnosis
• Nutritional status improving
• Malabsorption improved: stools less frequent, darker and less liquid. Feeding has also reduced because nutrients are being absorbed and utilised.
However, stools remain abnormal
• Low urinary sodium levels
(continued overleaf)
Table 12.10 (continued)
Management plan
• Increase Creon to ¾ scoop per feed (3750 units lipase per feed, 9375 units lipase/kg), based on stool frequency and appearance and to promote
further catch‐up growth
• Start sodium supplementation 2 mmol/kg, e.g. 3 mL BD 1 mmol/mL NaCl solution
• Practical advice for sodium solution:
◦◦ Put in a bottle of EBM/formula, it can be given in one dose per day if tolerated
◦◦ NaCl can be given undiluted via syringe, but this is not well tolerated and often causes vomiting
• Continue weekly weighing in the community to monitor nutritional recovery closely
• Continue weekly phone contact to assess bowel symptoms and feeding pattern, increase Creon dose by ¼ scoop if indicated (to a maximum 10 000
units lipase/kg).
• Review at clinic appointment in 1 month
At third clinic visit
Infant is now 2 months old
Weight = 4.5 kg (9th–25th centile) Length = 55.2 cm (9th–25th centile)
Head circumference = 38.5 cm (50th–75th centile)
Feeding and stool history
• Taking fewer feeds – 6 breastfeeds per day, feeding well at most feeds from both breasts plus one bottle of EBM with added NaCl
• 2–3 orange/light brown pasty stool per day
• UNa–Cr ratio: 42
• Vitamin A: 1.3 μmol/L (0.7–1.5 μmol/L), Vitamin E: 16.2 μmol/L (7–21 μmol/L), Vitamin D: 78 nmol (>50 nmol/L), figures in brackets normal range
• 1¼ scoop Creon Micro per feed (6250 units lipase per feed, 8578 units lipase/kg)
• Consider giving it in fruit purée instead of formula/EBM, as it holds granules in a gel so is easier to give
Nutritional diagnosis
• Nutritional status recovering
• Malabsorption significantly improved and excessive feeding reduced
• Sodium status normalised
• Serum vitamin levels normal
Management plan
• No vitamin adjustments needed
• Continue sodium supplementation, maintain dose at 1–2 mmol/kg, will need adjusting with weight gain
• Increase Creon Micro: 1½ scoops (7500 units lipase per feed, 10 290 units lipase/kg)
• Reduce frequency of weight measurements and telephone reviews with the family because weight gain is recovering and PERT does not need
adjusting as frequently
At seventh clinic visit
Infant is now 6 months old
Weight = 7.3 kg (50th centile) Length = 63 cm (25th centile)
Head circumference = 42.5 cm (50th–75th centile)
Feeding and stool history
• 4 breastfeeds per day, feeding well at most feeds from both breasts plus one bottle of EBM with added NaCl
• 2 meals of a variety of fruit and/or vegetable purée with some finger foods
• 2 light brown, soft, large stools
• 2 scoops Creon Micro per breast or bottle feed (10 000 units lipase per feed, 7024 units lipase/kg)
Nutritional diagnosis
• Nutritional status recovered
• Malabsorption improved and feeding reduced
Management plan
• Introduce fat‐containing solids, e.g. meat, dairy, egg – appropriate textures
• ½ scoop Creon Micro with fat‐containing solids
• Give parental reassurance that stool appearance and frequency may change with the introduction of solids, discuss signs of malabsorption and
encourage parents to contact dietitian by telephone if concerned
• Telephone call to parents 2 weeks after clinic to advise:
◦◦ Titration of Creon Micro if indicated by symptoms of malabsorption
◦◦ Progression of normal weaning
◦◦ Review in clinic in 1 month
PERT, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy; FPE‐1, faecal pancreatic elastase; PI, pancreatic insufficient; EBM, expressed breastmilk; UNa–Cr,
urinary sodium–creatinine ratio; BD, twice daily.
Co‐morbidities 231
Table 12.11 Case study: a boy with cystic fibrosis with significant nutritional deficit.
A 9‐year‐old male
He lives with mum, a homemaker, and dad, a finance officer. No siblings
Genetics: Homozygous delta F508
Diagnosed by newborn screening, weight was faltering at diagnosis with his weight 2 centiles below his length. Good catch‐up growth was achieved
by 12 months and his weight tracked on 50th centile from then, with his height around 25th–50th centile
The CF MDT have no concerns around his CF treatment compliance. Unable to increase oral intake due to poor appetite and dislike of ONS
Lung function (FEV1) is stable around 100% predicted; no recent clinically significant pulmonary exacerbations
• Baseline lung function (FEV1) stable: 103% predicted
• Static weight = 23 kg (9th centile) for 9 months, previously had a slow decline from 50th to 25th centile over 12 months
• 12 months ago: BMI = 25th–50th centile, 18 months ago BMI = 50th percentile, current BMI = 9th centile
• Oral nutritional strategies have been maximised, including food fortification
• Poor tolerance of ONS, currently taking 60 mL Pro‐Cal Shot daily, providing 200 kcal
• No signs of malabsorption: stools described as normal, type 3 or 4 on Bristol stool chart, brown, once per day (parents agree: not excessively
frequent, offensive or difficult to flush)
• No recent clinically significant pulmonary exacerbations
• Recent OGTT normal
Nutritional diagnosis
• Faltering growth despite attempts to maximise oral intake
• No malabsorption
• Glucose tolerance normal – no CFRD
Management plan
• Discuss enteral feeding with family and MDT
• Start nasogastric feeds
• Blood glucose levels should be checked mid‐ and post‐feeding and repeated monthly at home with insulin being commenced if required
Calculating feed regimen
• EAR energy = 63 × 23 = 1449 kcal
• Aim to give approximately 50% energy using overnight feed = 725 kcal/day
(500 mL standard age‐appropriate energy fibre containing feed)
Calculating enzymes dose
• Feed contains 6.3 g fat/100 mL (aiming for 500 mL of feed)
= 6.3 × 5 = 31.5 g fat in total feed volume
• Estimate PERT dose from average of patient’s usual enzyme dosing
1 Creon 10 000 capsule/5 g fat therefore 31.5 ÷ 5 = 6.3 = 6 Creon 10 000 capsules in total
Feeding plan:
Tentrini Energy Multifibre: 55 mL/hour × 9 hours
Creon 10 000: 4 capsules at the start and 2 capsules at the end/on waking
Initial monitoring
• Stool consistency: check for any changes indicating malabsorption
• Feed tolerance: ensure no new reporting of vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or other signs of feed intolerance
• Check weight 1 month post‐discharge; this can be in community, e.g. GP surgery or community nurse, to ensure nutritional recovery
• Review in CF clinic review every 2 months with full nutritional assessment
MDT, multidisciplinary team; ONS, oral nutritional supplement; BMI, body mass index; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; CFRD, cystic fibrosis‐related
diabetes; EAR, estimated average requirement; PERT, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.
232 Cystic Fibrosis
Complex carbohydrate Regular intake, include at all meals Regular intake, include at all meals Regular intake, include at all
Simple sugars Include at meals, avoid high sugar Include at meals, avoid high sugar snacks Avoid
snacks and drinks and drinks
Fat No limit No limit Reduce intake
Carbohydrate counting Consider in those with poor or Consider in those with poor or variable Consider in those with poor or
variable appetite appetite variable appetite
The main driver of CFRD is insulin deficiency. Insulin individualised, depending on the pattern of hyperglycaemia
secretion in people with CF appears to decline from child- i dentified through CGM or serial blood glucose monitoring.
hood, even in individuals with normal blood glucose lev- The dietary recommendations for type 1 and type 2 diabe-
els [59]. The insulin response to a glucose load is reduced tes are not usually appropriate, and advice should be indi-
and delayed, resulting in high glucose levels that can nor- vidualised based on nutritional status. Insulin regimens
malise within 2 hours. Basal insulin secretion is usually need to be modified for those receiving overnight enteral
initially preserved, so fasting levels may remain normal feeding to optimise glycaemic control at night and may need
despite a diagnosis of CFRD. Insulin sensitivity is usually adjusting to account for patients who do not receive enteral
normal in CF, but other factors common in CF may cause feeding every night. Dietary recommendations for CFRD are
insulin resistance, e.g. infection, inflammation or systemic given in Table 12.12. A case study describing CFRD is given
corticosteroid use. There is evidence that starting insulin in Table 12.13.
therapy early improves respiratory and nutritional health
and reduces the development of diabetes‐related compli-
Learning points: CF‐related diabetes
cations [58–61].
Collaborative MDT working between CF specialists and
• Annual OGTT is required to screen for CFRD after 10
diabetes specialists is important to optimise outcomes.
years of age
• Glycaemic control should be optimised to minimise the
Screening for CFRD impact on nutritional status and respiratory health
Annual oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) are advised for • Insulin injections are required and the regimen should be
all children over 10 years of age as a screening tool. As sig- individualised based on the pattern of hyperglycaemia
nificant numbers of children with CF have a degree of • Standard dietetic advice for type 1 and type 2 diabetes is not
impaired glucose tolerance, the standard WHO OGTT may suitable for CFRD
not identify all of those with a degree of impaired glucose • Dietary advice depends on nutritional status and patterns
tolerance requiring treatment. A 4‐point OGTT, with blood of eating
glucose measurements taken at T0, T30, T60, T90 and T120, • MDT working between the CF team and the diabetes team
may be a more sensitive screening tool due to abnormalities is important for optimal outcomes
in insulin secretion.
Abnormal glucose tolerance identified through screening
should be followed by serial blood glucose monitoring or
continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) (p. 191) to assess the Cystic fibrosis‐related liver disease
need for treatment.
CFRLD includes fatty liver (steatosis), which is a relatively
benign condition with no evidence that it leads onto cirrho-
sis, and biliary cirrhosis.
The aim of treatment is to normalise blood glucose levels, to The development of steatosis is not linked to a high dietary
avoid the long‐term complications of diabetes and to opti- fat intake, and there should be no dietary restrictions if BMI
mise nutritional status and respiratory function. is either suboptimal or healthy. For patients who have a high
Insulin injection is the recommended treatment for CFRD. BMI, advice should be given to reduce energy and fat intake
Control of blood glucose levels has been shown to have a with the aim of reducing BMI to within the healthy range.
positive impact on respiratory function, nutritional status Biliary cirrhosis is a more serious complication leading to
and mortality [58–62]. Insulin regimens should be portal hypertension in 5%–15% of cases [63–65], and
Co‐morbidities 233
Table 12.13 Case study: an adolescent boy diagnosed with cystic fibrosis‐related diabetes.
IV, intravenous; PERT, pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; CGMS, continuous glucose monitoring system.
234 Cystic Fibrosis
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
end‐stage liver disease is a late complication affecting mainly that BMD is normal in well‐nourished children with CF
adults. Data from the 2017 UK CF Registry [1] shows that with well‐preserved lung function, but many patients fail
7.9% of all CF patients under 16 years of age have evidence to gain bone mass normally and/or experience premature
of liver disease, with or without portal hypertension. bone loss in adolescence or early adult life. Osteoporosis
The only therapeutic option to give ursodeoxycholic acid affects around 0.7% under 16 year olds, rising to 18.5% in
(p. 180) has been shown to improve serum liver enzymes adults [1].
levels. A small proportion of CF patients will require a liver The aetiology of low BMD is multifactorial and major risk
transplant. factors include:
Significant CFRLD may increase energy requirements by a
• overall disease severity, including links to FEV1 (forced
further 20%–40% due to increased fat malabsorption as a
expiratory volume in 1 second)
result of cholestasis. This will not be improved by changes in
• the frequency and duration of IV antibiotic therapy
PERT, and care should be taken to ensure that pancreatic
• corticosteroid use
enzyme doses are not increased inappropriately.
• exercise tolerance and levels of physical activity
ETF may be required to optimise nutritional status, and
• DF508 genotype
advice should be taken regarding the suitability of NG or G
feeding devices if oesophageal varices are present. NG feed-
• delayed puberty
ing may be preferred if there is a risk of gastric varices.
Assessment of nutritional status should be undertaken Peak growth velocity is associated with high bone mass
with care as there may be ascites, oedema or significant orga- accrual, and low BMD in CF is thought to be due to subopti-
nomegaly leading to overestimation of body weight and mal peak bone mass accrual during childhood [66]. In
BMI. Serial mid-arm circumference and triceps skinfold healthy populations, peak bone mass accrual occurs at 11.7
thickness should be measured, ideally by the same observer years in girls and 13.4 years in boys. Puberty may be delayed
to reduce error. in CF, and this is associated with a reduction in bone age and
delay in peak height velocity.
There are also nutritional factors:
• nutritional status and lean body mass
Patients may develop low BMD through either osteoporo- • vitamin D status may result in impaired bone mineralisa-
sis or vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia. Studies suggest tion and increased loss
Co‐morbidities 235
• vitamin K deficiency may contribute by altering the bal- Distal intestinal obstructive syndrome
ance of bone formation and resorption
• calcium intake DIOS is a common complication. It is characterised by accu-
mulation of sticky mucofaecal matter in the terminal ileum
Diagnosis of low BMD and caecum, often presenting as abdominal pain and pres-
ence of a right iliac fossa mass. Patients may present acutely
European guidelines for bone mineralisation recommend with intestinal obstruction with bilious vomiting. It affects
that BMD should be measured in the lumbar spine from mainly patients who are pancreatic insufficient; factors pre-
around 8 to 10 years of age [67]. Dual‐energy X‐ray absorp- disposing to DIOS include fat malabsorption and impaired
tiometry (DEXA) scans should ideally be done in a centre gut motility. Risk factors include poorly controlled malab-
with a clinical team experienced in performing and sorption and dehydration.
interpreting bone densitometry in children. These scans Medical management is usually effective in treating
should be repeated every 1–5 years; serial measurements the condition and includes rehydration with oral or IV
will allow for identification of peak bone mass, and this fluids and administration of an osmotic laxative contain-
may influence treatment options if premature bone loss ing polyethylene glycol, administered either orally or
occurs. via NG tube. In more severe cases Gastrografin enemas
may be required, and in very severe cases surgery may be
Recommendations to optimise bone health
A dietetic review should be done for patients suffering
Low BMD in adults has its origins in childhood, and factors from DIOS to ensure optimal use of PERT and avoidance of
to optimise bone health should be considered in paediatric dehydration.
care. Dietary factors play a significant role, and it is impor-
tant that patients are regularly reviewed by an experienced
paediatric dietitian with the aim of achieving normal weight, Meconium ileus
height, body composition, optimal vitamin D and K status
and adequate calcium intake. Around 20% of infants born with CF will present with MI,
Weight‐bearing physical exercise and safe sun exposure where the intestine is obstructed with inspissated meconium
should be encouraged. Children and adolescents should be in the small bowel [1]. It can also be associated with other
encouraged to exercise for 20–30 minutes three times per complications, such as intussusception, volvulus, atresia and
week, and exercises should include high‐impact weight‐ perforation.
bearing exercises. Management varies according to the severity of obstruc-
Glucocorticosteroid use should be minimised, and CF pul- tion and anatomical changes, from conservative manage-
monary exacerbations should be promptly treated to mini- ment in the form of bowel washouts to laparotomy; in severe
mise the systemic inflammatory effect on bone. Pubertal cases bowel resection and formation of a temporary ileos-
delay should be recognised and treated. tomy may be necessary.
Infants requiring surgery present significant nutritional
difficulties, and it is recommended that these be managed in
a tertiary CF centre post‐operatively. These infants will
Learning points: bone mineral density require a period of parenteral nutrition (PN) until oral or
enteral feeds can be introduced. Use of PN is associated
• Vitamin D levels should be monitored annually and normal with a number of risks in all patients and oral or enteral
serum levels maintained feeds should be introduced as soon as it is safe to do so. The
• Advice should be given to optimise calcium intake; supple- choice or feed depends on whether a stoma has been formed
ments may be required in patients who dislike milk and and the position of the stoma and the extent of any bowel
dairy produce resection. Breastmilk, either as breastfeeds or EBM given
• Weight‐bearing exercise and exposure to sunlight should be orally or by enteral feeding tube, should be encouraged
encouraged post‐operatively. If breastmilk is not available, then an
extensively hydrolysed infant formula containing MCT
should be considered (Table 8.15).
In conservatively managed infants, breastmilk and stand-
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux ard infant formula are recommended.
Management of MI, either conservative or surgical, may
GOR is common, affecting around 6% of children with CF result in suboptimal weight gain, and there may be a require-
[1], and can compromise growth and increase respiratory ment to give higher volumes of feed or a high energy for-
symptoms. Treatment includes the use of thickened infant mula (Table 1.18) to optimise weight gain and ensure
formula (p. 133) and reducing gastric acid secretion either catch‐up growth.
with H2 antagonists or PPI, although these should be used MI is associated with PI and all infants presenting with it
with caution [20]. will require PERT when feeds are introduced. FPE‐1 levels in
236 Cystic Fibrosis
the stool should be assessed to confirm the requirement; 90th centile [70]. The evidence is limited currently, but
however a sample taken from stoma fluid may be too liquid increased longevity may put patients with CF at risk for
for analysis. some of the metabolic complications due to excess body
Supplementation with sodium should be considered in weight seen in the general population.
infants with a stoma due to increased losses in stoma fluid. Individualised advice should be given to prevent exces-
sive weight gain and ensure a well‐balanced diet. It is impor-
tant to ensure that height velocity is not affected by energy
restriction in children and aiming for weight maintenance
Learning points: meconium ileus
may be preferable before and during the pubertal growth
spurt. Effective communication to the families and the wider
• Infants requiring surgery for MI should be managed in a
MDT is essential to prevent conflicting advice about energy
tertiary centre specialising in neonatal surgery and CF
needs. It may be useful to counsel early on in treatment that
• Breastmilk and standard infant formula are recommended
dietary advice may change throughout life.
for infants managed conservatively
• Breastmilk or a hydrolysed protein formula containing
MCT should be used in those requiring surgery Learning points: Overweight and Obesity
• Some infants have suboptimal weight gain during the
period of management of MI and require increased volumes • Families should be counselled early on that the aims of die-
of feed or a high energy feed to ensure catch‐up growth tetic management may change with time
• All infants with MI will require PERT • Individualised advice should be given to prevent excessive
• Sodium supplementation should be considered in all weight gain, aiming for a healthy BMI
infants, especially in those with a stoma • Communication about the aims of dietetic management to
• If there is nutritional deficit, attention should be given to the wider MDT is necessary to ensure a consistent message
volume and type of feeds to achieve catch‐up growth is given
Constipation should be differentiated from DIOS. It is These therapies target the underlying defect in the trans-
defined as a reduced stool frequency and increased consist- membrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. The defect
ency, often with abdominal pain and distension. The aetiol- in the protein varies depending on the specific genetic muta-
ogy is unknown, but it may be due to changes in gut motility tions (genotype) that the individual has because the different
and intestinal fluid. genetic mutations code for different defects in the protein.
There is no consensus on the cause of constipation; a high This is why each modulator therapy is only effective for
dose of pancreatic enzymes is often cited, although one specific genotypes.
study failed to find an association [68] and other studies The two types of modulator therapies currently available
have shown no association with fibre or fluid intake [69]. are ‘correctors’ and ‘potentiators’:
Constipation can be effectively treated with polyethylene • CFTR potentiators keep the chloride channel on the
glycol, which is well tolerated in CF. CFTR protein open so the chloride can pass through to
the other side of the membrane.
• CFTR correctors help the CFTR protein to form the cor-
Other nutritional considerations rect three‐dimensional shape so that it can be trafficked
to the cell surface.
Obesity and overweight
chloride in younger children, and they additionally had an needed, and most families choose to give it at breakfast
increase in faecal elastase levels [73, 74]. This suggested that and a later evening meal, or with a fat‐containing snack
starting modulator therapy in younger patients may support before bed.
the recovery of exocrine pancreatic function, but further Due to drug nutrient interactions, it is recommended to
investigation is needed. avoid grapefruit and Seville orange (found in marmalade)
when on ivacaftor-containing therapies.
Some centres are choosing to regularly monitor faecal
elastase levels in children <6 years of age who are started on
modulator therapies.
Lumacaftor/ivacaftor (Orkambi) is a combination therapy
Due to the significant weight gain in patients seen with
containing two active molecules: ivacaftor, a corrector, and
some modulator therapies, in well‐nourished individuals,
lumacaftor, a potentiator. Treatment with Orkambi has dem-
weight monitoring and individualised advice to support
onstrated a small significant increase in BMI z‐score, lung
optimal BMI may be advisable.
function (FEV1) (by 2%–4%) and reduction in exacerbations
[75, 76]. These improvements were not as substantial as
those seen with ivacaftor. Learning points: CFTR modulator therapies
Due to its mechanism of action, Orkambi is licensed in
Europe for individuals aged 2 years and over who are • Modulator therapies should be taken with fat‐containing
homozygous for dF508, approximately 49% of the current foods every 12 hours
UK CF population [1]. NICE has recommended Orkambi for • Weight gain should be monitored and pre‐emptive dietary
use in the National Health Service. advice given to ensure optimal BMI is maintained, espe-
There are many other modulator therapies currently in cially in well‐nourished individuals
production, which offers great promise for future therapeu- • Monitoring faecal elastase levels is advised in younger chil-
tic options. dren, initially at 6 months and then annually after starting
therapy or if new abdominal symptoms are described
Practical nutritional management with modulator
Modulator therapies are given as tablets or granules.
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
They need to be taken twice a day, 12 hours apart, with
and other useful links are on the companion website:
fat‐containing food to optimise the absorption of the drug.
There is no specific recommendation for the amount of fat
13 Kidney Diseases
Leila Qizalbash, Shelley Cleghorn and Louise McAlister
ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blockers; HUS, haemolytic uraemic
The selection of RRT in acutely ill children depends upon the Unstable CRRT
availability of treatment modalities, ventilatory support, the Solute and fluid Stable/unstable HD, PD, CRRT
patient’s requirements for fluid and solute removal and haemo- removal
dynamic stability. The choice is between peritoneal dialysis Tumour lysis Stable/unstable HD followed by CRRT
(PD), continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and inter- syndrome
mittent haemodialysis (IHD). Factors determining the choice of Toxin or drug Stable/unstable CRRT, IHD for some drugs
RRT include the desired outcome of therapy and clinical condi- removal
tion of the child as indicated in Table 13.2 [10]. PD is the pre-
ferred modality in children as it is well tolerated and there are HD, haemodialysis; CRRT, continuous renal replacement therapy; PD,
peritoneal dialysis; IHD, intermittent haemodialysis.
no rapid fluid shifts. IHD is used when there is an urgent need
for solute removal. For the critically ill child in the paediatric
intensive care unit (PICU), CRRT is the favoured treatment.
prescription varies with clinical management and the stage
of the illness [11].
Nutritional management of AKI
Nutritional support aims to provide sufficient energy to
avoid catabolism, starvation and ketoacidosis as well as to
Children with AKI are highly catabolic. This is usually mul-
control metabolic abnormalities. The provision of nutrition
tifactorial manifesting as anorexia. The catabolic nature of
is easier once dialysis is initiated since the fluid removed by
the underlying disorder, increased breakdown and reduced
ultrafiltration allows larger volumes of feed to be given.
synthesis of muscle protein, increased hepatic gluconeogen-
Nutritional intervention for children with AKI depends on:
esis, nutrient losses in drainage fluids or dialysis and
impaired access to food can all impact the child’s nutritional • clinical management: conservative vs. RRT (and modality)
status. Input from a paediatric dietitian with experience in • biochemical assessment: serum levels of sodium, potas-
renal disease is essential from the onset as the dietary sium, bicarbonate, urea, creatinine, albumin, glucose,
240 Kidney Diseases
calcium, magnesium and phosphate should be regularly often unsuitable for the child with AKI because of their
monitored and reviewed e lectrolyte composition and the amount of fluid they pro-
• cause of AKI including the involvement of other organs vide. An appropriate daily nutritional prescription to meet
• gastrointestinal functioning individual requirements should be agreed by the dietitian,
• growth parameters: height (if available) and weight plot- pharmacist and medical staff. When formulating PN, nitro-
ted on a growth chart; weight recordings prior to the gen and electrolyte modified solutions, together with
onset of AKI will help determine a more accurate estima- increased energy from carbohydrate and fat solutions where
tion of dry weight fluid allowance is limited, need to be considered. On CRRT
• dietary history: if the child is eating. the loss of nutrients through filtration and dialysis needs to
be compensated for in the replacement fluids (p. 243); levels
Table 13.3 shows the normal range for serum levels of
need to be greater than those found in standard PN regi-
mens. For many children PN is temporary and the enteral
route is re‐established as soon as gut function returns.
Methods of feeding
Enteral feeding Nutritional considerations
The child with AKI may initially take oral fluids readily,
driven by thirst. Some children fail to achieve nutritional tar- There are few data on the nutritional requirements of criti-
gets through diet alone. As the duration of the acute illness cally ill children with AKI and on RRT. Most of the informa-
can be prolonged, the passing of a fine bore nasogastric tube tion is derived from adult data.
(NGT) is recommended. The tube can be passed at the time
of sedation or when anaesthetised for procedures including Energy
the insertion of a PD catheter or arterial line [11]. This allows
the provision of early nutritional support because anorexia, Little is known about the energy requirements of infants and
vomiting or food refusal can impair management and may children with AKI [12]. A minimum of the estimated average
increase parental anxiety. requirement (EAR) for energy [13] for healthy children of the
A continuous 24 hour feeding regimen using an enteral same chronological age provides a guide. These recommen-
feeding pump at a slow rate (10–20 mL/hour) is advantageous dations can be difficult to achieve during acute treatment; it is
in the initial stages of treatment if vomiting is present. As oral important to provide the maximum energy intake tolerated
intake improves, the transition from continuous to overnight within the prescribed fluid allowance. The early addition of
feeding provides the outstanding nutritional prescription until glucose polymers to water (flavoured with squash or cordial
appetite improves sufficiently to allow tube feeding to be if desired) or to drinks of choice is recommended. It is pru-
discontinued. Those children with persistent diarrhoea may dent to start at a concentration of 0.5 kcal (2 kJ)/mL, building
tolerate a hydrolysed protein‐based feed (Tables 8.15 and 8.20) up to a concentration of 1 kcal (4 kJ)/mL, or 25% carbohy-
before considering parenteral nutrition (PN). drate (CHO) concentration, depending on individual toler-
ance. Liquid glucose polymer preparations can also be used,
Parenteral nutrition but require dilution with water to be tolerated by children. It
The parenteral route is only considered when enteral nutri- is recommended to start with a 1 : 5 dilution of liquid glucose
tion is not tolerated. Standard hospital PN regimens are polymer, building up to a final 1 : 3 dilution. Neutral tasting
preparations can be flavoured with squash or cordial. When
fluid is severely restricted, ice cubes and lollies can be pre-
Table 13.3 Guidelines for normal serum creatinine values. pared with these energy‐dense solutions and offered at fre-
quent intervals. Energy‐rich CHO drinks including original
Age Serum creatinine (μmol/L)
bottled Lucozade Energy (8.4%–8.9% CHO concentration)
<1 week <100 and Mountain Dew (12.3% CHO concentration) and some
full sugar squashes (6%–10% CHO concentration) can be
1–2 weeks <80
useful alternatives for those children who refuse to drink
2–4 weeks <55
prescribed energy supplements.
1 month to 1 year <40 A list of energy supplements that can be considered is
1–3 years <40 given in Table 13.4. These can be successfully added to infant
4–6 years <46 formulas to increase energy density:
7–9 years 10–56 • In infants up to 6 months of age, 0.85–1.0 kcal/mL
10–12 years 30–60 (3.6–4 kJ/mL) is usually tolerated
• In infants from 6 to 12 months of age, 1.0–1.5 kcal/mL
13–15 years 40–80
(4–6 kJ/mL) should be tolerated
16 years to adult male 40–96
16 years to adult female 26–86
In children over 12 months of age, or whose weight is
>8 kg, a nutritionally complete paediatric feed can be consid-
Ketones interfere positively. Bilirubin interferes negatively. ered and modified as necessary to meet individual
Table 13.4 Nutritional supplements.
Glucose polymers
Powder, e.g. Polycal, Super Soluble Maxijul, Vitajoule Add to infant formula, baby juice, cow’s milk, squash, fizzy drinks, tea,
milk shake, ice cubes and lollies
Liquid, e.g. Polycal Dilute with water, cordial or fizzy drinks of choice (unless fluid
restricted); add to jelly
Fat emulsion
Calogen, Liquigen, Carbzero, Betaquik Add to infant formula, cow’s milk, nutritionally complete supplements or
take as a supplement
Combined fat and carbohydrate
Powder, e.g. Super Soluble Duocal Powder Add to infant formula, cow’s milk, nutritionally complete supplements
Liquid, e.g. Liquid Duocal Add to infant formula, cow’s milk, nutritionally complete supplements or
take as a supplement
Powder, e.g. Protifar, Renapro*, ProSource TF* Add to infant formula, modular feed components
Liquid, e.g. Renapro Shot* Add to cow’s milk, squash, tea, milkshake, supplements, feeds, modular
feed component or take as a supplement
Combined fat, carbohydrate and protein
Powder, e.g. Pro‐Cal* Add to cow’s milk, squash, tea, milkshake, milky puddings, supplements,
feeds, modular feed component
Liquid, e.g. Pro‐Cal Shot*, ProSource*, ProSource Plus* Add to cow’s milk, squash, tea, milkshake, supplements, feeds, modular
feed component or take as a supplement
Renal specific infant formulas
Powder per 100 g: 7.5 g protein, 503 kcal (2104 kJ), 93 mg phosphorus,
3 mmol potassium, 10 mmol sodium
20% solution (20 g powder made up to 100 mL with water): 1.5 g For infants with CKD or conservatively managed AKI
protein, 101 kcal (421 kJ), 18.6 mg phosphorus, 0.6 mmol potassium, Suitable from birth to 10 years of age
2 mmol sodium
Renastart Not nutritionally complete for all age groups, nutritional assessment
Powder per 100 g: 7.5 g protein, 494 kcal (2066 kJ), 92 mg phosphorus, needed
3 mmol potassium, 10.4 mmol sodium
20% solution (20 g powder made up to 100 mL with water): 1.5 g protein,
99 kcal (413 kJ), 18.4 mg phosphorus, 0.6 mmol potassium, 2.1 mmol sodium
Nutritionally complete feeds
Nutrini per 100 mL: 2.8 g protein, 100 kcal (420 kJ), 50 mg phosphorus,
2.8 mmol potassium, 2.6 mmol sodium
PaediaSure per 100 mL: 2.8 g protein, 101 kcal (422 kJ), 53 mg For oral or supplementary tube feeding in children >1 year and
phosphorus, 2.8 mmol potassium, 2.6 mmol sodium weight >8 kg
Nutrini Energy per 100 mL: 4.1 g protein, 150 kcal (630 kJ), 75 mg Can be combined with energy supplements
phosphorus, 4.2 mmol potassium, 3.9 mmol sodium
PaediaSure Plus per 100 mL: 4.2 g protein, 151 kcal (632 kJ), 80 mg
phosphorus, 3.5 mmol potassium, 2.6 mmol sodium
Nepro HP per 100 mL: 8.1 g protein, 180 kcal (722 kJ), 72 mg Consider micronutrient contribution in younger children
phosphorus, 2.7 mmol potassium, 3.0 mmol sodium
Low electrolyte supplements (not nutritionally complete)
PaediaSure Plus juce per 100 mL: 4.2 g protein, 150 kcal (638 kJ), Can be diluted with water or fizzy drinks
9.5 mg phosphorus, 0.49 mmol potassium, 0.32 mmol sodium
Fortijuce per 100 mL: 4 g protein, 150 kcal (640 kJ), 12 mg
phosphorus, 0.2 mmol potassium, 0.4 mmol sodium
Ensure Plus juce per 100 mL: 4.8 g protein, 150 kcal (638 kJ), 11 mg
phosphorus, 0.4 mmol potassium, 0.5 mmol sodium
Renilon 7.5 per 100 mL: 7.5 g protein, 200 kcal (835 kJ), 3 mg
phosphorus, 0.6 mmol potassium, 2.5 mmol sodium
VitaBite per 25 g bar: 0.06 g protein, 137 kcal (571 kJ), <12.5 mg
phosphorus, 0.63 mmol potassium, <0.1 mmol sodium
(contiued to overleaf)
242 Kidney Diseases
requirements (Table 13.4). The energy density can be built up [14] demonstrated that at similar blood and dialysate/pre-
to 1.5–2.0 kcal/mL (6–8 kJ/mL). Fat emulsions can be given filtered replacement fluid flow rates, there is an equivalent
as a prescribed medicine during the day. urea clearance with haemofiltration and haemofiltration
A few children develop insulin resistance and hypergly- with dialysis. A negative nitrogen balance occurred in chil-
caemia can occur. If managed on PD, this can be exacerbated dren with AKI on PN containing 1.5 g/kg/day of protein
by the absorption of glucose from the PD fluid together with and an energy intake 20%–30% above resting energy
the intake of high CHO supplements. Insulin infusions need expenditure. An 11%–12% loss of dietary amino acids was
to be considered to control blood glucose levels before the found on both modalities. A significant daily accumulative
reduction of dietary CHO. glutamine loss may potentiate nitrogen imbalance. A dose
adjustment of amino acid formulation may be needed to
overcome negative nitrogen balance in children with AKI
on CRRT. An adult study by Scheinkestel et al. [15] showed
In children with AKI who are being managed conservatively, that a protein intake of 2.5 g/kg/day and meeting energy
protein should be limited to the reference nutrient intake (RNI) requirements increased the likelihood of achieving a posi-
[11] level to minimise uraemic symptoms. Kidney Disease tive nitrogen balance and improving survival. However,
Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) guidelines recommend another adult study recommends a protein intake between
avoiding restriction of protein intake as a way to delay RRT 1.5–1.8 g/kg/day and an energy allowance of 25–35 kcal
and recommend starting RRT early [1]. Protein intake needs to (105–145 kJ)/kg/day [16].
be gradually increased as tolerated if RRT is started, with its Nutrition therapy in AKI remains an area of many unan-
associated increased solute removal and possible protein swered questions, especially for those managed on CRRT; Li
losses. The RNI for protein is not always appropriate for the et al. illustrate this in their review of AKI studies in adults
child with AKI on RRT, and requirements should be individu- [17]. A review article in paediatric intensive care patients [8]
ally determined [11]. The age and weight of the child, the serum reinforces the high risk of underfeeding the critically ill
biochemistry and RRT modality, when implemented, all need child, with the presence of AKI further increasing the risk of
to be considered. Inadequate energy intake can exacerbate high protein–energy debt. Further paediatric studies are needed
urea levels; therefore, it is beneficial to maximise energy intake. to investigate nutritional support adequacy, nutritional sta-
Once RRT is established, the following increments can be tus and clinical outcomes [8].
used as a guide to increase protein intake to the RNI Nutritional supplements, using an NGT, are frequently
(Table 1.9). If dialysis is prolonged, an increase in protein used to meet protein and energy requirements in the initial
intake above the RNI may be required: stages of treatment. For infants standard whey‐based for-
mulas (which are already low in electrolytes and phosphate)
• Exclude protein if the serum urea is ≥40 mmol/L
are recommended. These can be modified as required.
• Introduce 0.5 g protein/kg if the serum urea is ≥30 and
Kindergen and Renastart – renal specific low phosphate,
<40 mmol/L
low potassium infant formulas (Table 13.4) – can be benefi-
• Give 1.0 g protein/kg if the serum urea is ≥20 and
cial for infants not receiving RTT or receiving IHD when
<30 mmol/L
serum biochemistry levels are unstable. Nutritionally com-
• Give the RNI for height age (infants) or chronological
plete, energy‐dense infant formulas (Infatrini, Similac High
age (children) if the serum urea is <20 mmol/L
Energy, SMA High Energy) can be useful if blood biochem-
CRRT offers haemodynamic stability while maintaining istry allows when on RTT. The phosphate content of these
excellent control of solutes in extracellular fluid and allows feeds is higher than in standard infant whey‐based formu-
nutritional support in highly catabolic states, but contrib- las, so serum phosphate levels should be regularly reviewed.
utes to nitrogen loss through the filtration of free amino For the older child a number of nutritionally complete
acids and small peptides across haemofilters. Maxvold et al. supplements are available. These can be used solely or in
Acute Kidney Injury 243
Banana, apricots, kiwi fruit, grapes, avocado, citrus fruits, e.g. orange, Apple, pear, satsuma, blueberries, tinned fruit in syrup
grapefruit; dried fruit, e.g. raisins; tinned fruit in fruit juice; melon,
plums, rhubarb, blackcurrants
Hi juice squash, fruit juices including orange, apple and tomato Squash, cordials, Lucozade, lemonade and fizzy drinks, tea
Instant coffee and coffee essence
Malted drinks
Cocoa, drinking chocolate
Potato crisps and potato containing snacks, nuts, peanut butter, salt Corn or rice snacks (without added potassium chloride and take
substitutes, meat extract, yeast extract account of sodium content), sweetened popcorn, jam, honey,
marmalade, syrup
Jacket potatoes, chips (oven and frozen), roast potatoes Rice (boiled or fried), spaghetti, pasta, noodles, bread, chapatti, naan,
Mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, spaghetti in tomato sauce, baked Carrots, cauliflower, swede, broccoli, cabbage
beans, pulses and hummus, tinned and packet soups
Chocolate and all foods containing it, toffee, fudge, marzipan, liquorice Boiled sweets, jellies, mints, marshmallows
Chocolate biscuits Biscuits: plain, sandwich, jam filled, wafer
Chocolate cake, fruit cake Cake: plain sponge filled with cream and/or
jam Jam tarts, apple pie, doughnuts, plain scones
Milk, yoghurt, evaporated and condensed milk Low protein milk substitutes, e.g. Sno‐Pro, Renamil, ProZero
Salted crisps, nuts and savoury snacks Unsalted crisps, unsalted nuts, rice cakes, unsalted popcorn
Tinned and packet soups Home‐made soups
Pot savouries/noodles Sweet snacks instead of savoury
Tinned foods with added salt *Reduced salt products, e.g. reduced salt baked beans
Bacon, sausages and other processed meats and fish Fresh meats and fish
Cheese and cheese products Cottage cheese, ricotta and cream cheese
Stock cubes, meat and vegetable extracts Halve the amounts used or use reduced salt varieties; add herbs and spices
in their place, use gravy powder and meat juices to make gravy
Pickles, sauces and chutneys Reduced salt alternatives
Ready‐made meals and takeaway meals Home‐made meals using fresh ingredients
their appetite is typically poor and their nutrition is easily t ablets. Iron supplementation may be indicated in some chil-
compromised. dren during the recovery phase, particularly in those who
had a poor diet history prior to the onset of AKI.
When on CRRT water‐soluble vitamins, especially folic
acid, thiamin and vitamin C are lost. Requirements when on
Vitamin supplementation should be considered if dialysis this treatment are unknown and a minimum of the RNI [18]
treatment is prolonged. A general paediatric vitamin supple- should be given. Patients receiving CRRT also lose magne-
ment of water‐soluble vitamins should be adequate for the sium and calcium; this often leads to negative balances
majority of children as appetite improves, e.g. Ketovite requiring additional supplementation. Zinc is also
Chronic Kidney Disease 245
abnormally lost, but serum levels do not generally fall [19, National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcome
20]. Additionally Wiesen et al. [16] recommend selenium Quality Initiative (NKF KDOQI) classification of CKD into
supplementation. five stages (Table 13.8) [22]. This staging does not apply to
children below 2 years of age where ongoing renal matura-
tion is seen. UK data published in 2015 reveals an incidence
Recovery phase
of established renal failure under the age of 16 years of 10.2
per million age‐related population [23]. Children from
As renal function improves and urine output increases, the
minority ethnic groups displayed higher RRT prevalence
need for RRT is reduced and stopped. Dietary restrictions,
rates when compared with white children, with South Asian
where instigated, can gradually be relaxed. Serum electro-
children exhibiting the highest rates. The causes of CKD in
lytes and dietary intake should be monitored closely as
the registry data are shown in Table 13.9 [23]. Regardless of
major losses, especially of potassium, during the diuretic
the underlying cause, CKD is characterised by progressive
phase can occur.
scarring that ultimately affects all structures of the kidney
Prior to discharge, advice should be given on returning to
[24]. Despite the diverse causes, once CKD develops, the
a normal diet as renal function continues to improve. The
subsequent response of the failing kidney is similar. Initially,
opportunity to educate the child and family about the prin-
the kidney adapts to damage by increasing the filtration rate
ciples of a well‐balanced diet can also be taken if poor eating
in the remaining nephrons, a process called adaptive hyper-
patterns were highlighted during the admission. Where
filtration. Additional homeostatic mechanisms permit the
appetite is slow to improve, some children may need to
serum concentrations of sodium, calcium, phosphate, potas-
continue energy and vitamin supplements for a short time,
sium and total body water to remain within the reference
with monitoring of their progress in clinic.
range, particularly among those with mild to moderate
stages of CKD. Adaptive hyperfiltration, although initially
Outcome of AKI beneficial, appears to result in long‐term damage to the glo-
meruli of the remaining nephrons. This irreversibility is
The prognosis and outcome for children with AKI depends responsible for the development of ESRD [25].
on the underlying cause. Factors associated with a poor out-
come include multi‐organ failure and the need for RRT and
these children need secondary or tertiary follow‐up.
Table 13.8 Stages of renal failure.
Management of CKD with CKD [27]. The aetiology of growth delay and cachexia
in children with CKD is multifactorial with inadequate
Childhood CKD presents clinical features that are specific energy intake, uraemic toxicity, anaemia, increased inflam-
to paediatrics such as the impact of the disease on growth, matory response and metabolic and endocrine abnormalities
not only influencing the health of the patient through among the foremost causes. The dietitian plays an essential
childhood but also having an impact on the life of the adult role in optimising the management of these causes and
that the child will become. Therefore, the care of this vul- needs to ensure that individualised dietary prescriptions are
nerable population requires the collaborative efforts of a practical and flexible to aid adherence.
multidisciplinary team (MDT). The aim is to optimise the
quality of life of the child and family while treating Growth
the complications of the disease, delaying or slowing the
progression of the disease and preparing for RRT or pre‐ Achieving optimal growth is the most challenging problem
emptive transplant when the time comes. There needs to for the dietitian in this population. The causes of growth fail-
be an appreciation that the long‐term consequences of ure in children with CKD are multifactorial (Table 13.10)
CKD, e.g. cardiovascular disease (CVD), poor growth and [28]; the two most important factors are the severity of the
bone disease, have a great psychosocial impact on both the CKD and young age at onset.
patient and their family. Parents/caregivers not only fulfil Normal growth in childhood occurs in four phases: foetal,
a parental role but also take on many tasks that are infantile, mid‐childhood and pubertal. Nutrition is impor-
normally the remit of nurses and doctors [26], and they tant in all growth phases, but especially during the infantile
are, therefore, vital members of the MDT. phase when growth is at its most rapid and is less dependent
Irrespective of aetiology, the sequence of events in CKD on growth hormone (GH). There is a slowing of growth
demands attention to the management of nutrition, growth, velocity in the mid‐childhood phase when growth is more
fluid and electrolyte balance, acid–base abnormalities, CKD‐ dependent on the GH/IGF‐1 (insulin‐like growth factor 1)
mineral bone disease, hypertension, slowing the progression axis [28]. At puberty, which is typically delayed in CKD,
of CKD, anaemia, CVD, medication, education and psycho- there is a rapid increase in growth velocity in response to sex
social support. steroids and GH; adequate nutrition is important during this
A good knowledge of biochemical and haematological anabolic phase. A third to a half of total postnatal growth
parameters is essential to identify variations from normal occurs during the first 2 years of life and 20% during the
age‐specific reference ranges when formulating dietary man- pubertal phase.
agement plans. The serum values of particular relevance
include urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate,
albumin, calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase, parathy-
roid hormone (PTH), glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides.
Table 13.10 Aetiology of growth failure in children with CKD [28].
Haemoglobin, ferritin and percent hypochromic cells (<10%)
can be used to assess iron status in combination with serum Birth‐related factors: Genetic factors:
iron and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) to calculate the Prematurity Height of parents
percent transferrin saturation (TSAT = serum iron × 100 Small for gestational age Sex
divided by TIBC), which should be maintained at >20%. Intensive care Concurrent syndromes
An assessment of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) pro-
vides an indication of the overall level of renal function. GFR Hormonal disturbances affecting: Metabolic disturbances:
estimation by Cr51 EDTA clearance is used to predict when Somatotropic hormone axis Salt and water balance
PTH and vitamin D metabolism/ Metabolic acidosis
RRT is likely to be required. GFR should not be measured
action CKD‐MBD
before 1 year of age as the kidney function may continue to Gonadotropic hormone axis
mature during the first year of life and even beyond. GFR Gastrointestinal hormones
can be estimated using the Haycock Schwartz formula: Age at onset of CKD Severity of CKD and residual
predicted GFR = 40 × ht (cm)/serum creatinine (μmol/L). Anaemia renal function in those
undergoing dialysis
Nutrition Malnutrition: Protein energy wasting:
Anorexia Uraemic toxins
The adverse effects of poor nutrition in children are mani- Vomiting Infections and inflammation
fested by their influence on the capacity to grow and develop Altered taste sensation Oxidative stress
appropriately. There is a complex interrelationship between Dietary restrictions Inflammatory cytokines
renal dysfunction and nutrition whereby abnormalities or a Nutrients lost to dialysis fluids
decline in renal function frequently leads to changes in Infections and inflammation
Abnormal levels of gastrointestinal
metabolism, as well as a poor nutritional intake complicat-
ing CKD. Malnutrition is associated with increased mortal-
ity. Early and careful nutritional therapy may improve CKD‐MBD, chronic kidney disease‐mineral and bone disorder; PTH,
growth, development and mortality in all ages of children parathyroid hormone.
Chronic Kidney Disease 247
As the infantile phase is predominantly dependent on circumference, length, pubertal stage and body mass
nutrition, inadequate intake at this time can have a dramatic index (BMI). Some patients may need to be seen more
influence on growth with irreversible loss of growth poten- frequently in order to prevent the development of malnu-
tial. Nutritional adequacy is complicated by other factors, trition. This will depend on CKD stage and need for enteral
e.g. fluid and electrolyte balance, vomiting, infections, CKD‐ nutrition [30].
mineral bone disorder (CKD‐MBD), acidosis and catabolic In older infants and children, who may have a varied
states. If these factors are adequately controlled, severe diet, a 3‐day dietary diary and 24 hour recalls (for three
stunting can be avoided in the majority of patients (without separate periods in order to account for wide day‐to‐day
untreatable co‐morbidities) [28]. variability) are valuable tools when estimating nutritional
In order to maximise nutritional intake, supplementary intakes and individual baseline requirements [33].
feeding is often used via the enteral route. In a retrospec- Information on prescribed medications, presence or absence
tive analysis of growth in infants and children with of nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation and energy
severe CKD, catch‐up growth was achieved in the majority levels can be helpful in determining the child’s nutritional
of patients with good metabolic control and enteral and medical needs. Dietary intake should be communi-
feeding [29]. KDOQI advises that early and intensive
cated to members of the MDT, where appropriate, to rein-
nutritional management will benefit nutritional status and force discussions and recommendations made with the
growth [22]. child and family.
In later childhood catch‐up growth is rarely achieved by Height and weight plotted on growth charts are used to
diet alone as the role of the GH/IGF‐1 axis becomes more assess nutritional status. At each clinic visit, accurate meas-
important [30]. Optimising nutrition, however, may still urements of height, or supine length, and weight should be
prevent further growth decline. obtained. Infants with CKD have been shown to be at high
GH resistance is seen in CKD as well as decreased secre- risk of poor head growth [33]. Children <2 years of age
tion when there is metabolic acidosis. This is an important should have regular measurement of their head circumfer-
factor during the peri‐pubertal years and can result in a ence and plotted for chronological age on appropriate
delayed growth spurt [31]. The efficacy and safety of recom- growth charts. Where the child is within normal centile
binant growth hormone (rhGH) has been shown extensively ranges for height (>2nd centile), energy and nutrient
in paediatrics [31]. Pre‐pubertal children (conservatively requirements can be based on recommendations for chil-
managed or on RRT) treated with rhGH demonstrate dren of the same chronological age [13, 19]. For the child
increased height velocity [28]. For children with a height or who falls below the normal centile ranges for height
height velocity for chronological age <–2 SDS, GH therapy (<2nd centile), their height age (age at which the child’s
following the optimisation of nutritional management has height would be on the 50th centile) should be used for
been shown to increase height velocity and final adult comparison with recommended intakes for energy and
height [30]. nutrients [13, 19] and adjusted accordingly thereafter.
IGF‐1 production and sensitivity is also negatively affected Estimated dry weights need to be used in those children
by GH and CKD. The role of IGF‐1 is vital in longitudinal retaining fluid.
growth. Treatment with rhGH stimulates IGF‐1 synthesis Extremes of BMI are associated with increased morbidity
and, therefore, promotes longitudinal growth. and mortality, and children with CKD should avoid becom-
As already described, in the infantile phase, nutrition ing overweight or obese. However, it is difficult to find a
has the greater impact on growth. Two studies have shown measure of body composition that is relevant for children
that infants treated with rhGH showed significantly with CKD. They may not have a normal body composition
greater gain in length than the control groups [27]. Early making a comparison with normal populations inappropri-
rhGH may be beneficial in those infants that, despite ade- ate. CKD may have a disproportionately greater effect on
quate nutrition, show growth failure since it will help spinal growth, and children have been shown to have a low
achieve the body size required for renal transplant without ratio of length of trunk to limb [34]. They also have a rela-
delay [28]. tively high fat mass, low lean mass and increased central
adiposity [35]. BMI should not be used as a measure of fat-
ness for children <2 years of age. It can also be misleading in
Dietary and anthropometric assessment
adolescents with CKD due to delayed sexual maturation and
There is no simple measure of nutritional status for chil- linear growth, which is further confounded by reduced mus-
dren with CKD. Nutritional parameters are complicated cle mass, reduced activity and fluid retention; if BMI is used,
on account of salt and water imbalances together with the it is suggested that it is plotted against the child’s height age
inappropriateness of comparing growth to that of age‐ [36]. Caution should be used when interpreting BMI in this
matched populations. The frequency of nutritional moni- patient group [33].
toring depends on age, stage of CKD and how well the Mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC) and triceps skin-
child is thriving. Clinical guidelines for growth monitor- fold thickness (TSF) are no longer recommended as part of
ing in children with CKD have been developed in the UK routine assessment, due to concerns of overestimation due to
[32]. The guidelines (Table 13.1) provide recommendations fluid overload and distorted fat and lean distribution in this
for the minimum frequency of reviewing weight, head patient group [22] (Table 13.11).
248 Kidney Diseases
ml/min/1.73 m2 CKD stage Measurement Frequency of measurement Action
>90 Stage 1 Normal childhood growth Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Measure, document and plot on growth chart
monitoring (RCPCH) guideline
60–89 Stage 2 Length/height and weight Annually Measure, document and plot on growth chart
≤59 All these items for Weight (euvolaemic, i.e. Measure every clinic visit, but for growth Measure, document and plot on growth chart
children with greater normal fluid status) purposes required:
severity CKD, i.e. Every month if aged <6 months
stages 3–5 Every 2 months if 6–12 months
Every 3 months if >1 year
Head circumference Every 2 months if <1 year Measure, document and plot on standard head
Every 3 months if 1–2 years circumference curve on growth chart
Length/height Every 2 months if 0–1 year Measure supine length if <2 years on validated
Every 3 months if >1 year length mat, i.e. rollameter or kiddimeter
Measure standing height if >2 years on wall‐
mounted stadiometer
Document and plot on growth chart
Sitting height, knee height or total leg length
can be used as height proxies
Assess pubertal stage Annually if ≥12 years, i.e. during the older half Consider whether growth and development
of the normal age range of onset of puberty in progress is as expected or whether concern of
girls 8–13 years, boys 9–14 years pubertal delay
Consider using Childhood and Puberty Close
Monitoring (UK CPCM 2–20 years) chart if
Assess 6 monthly
Body mass index (BMI) Only applicable if >2 years, then do so every Calculate and plot on growth chart (UK 2–18
6 months years) against chronological age
Parental heights As soon after referral as possible if able to do Calculate mid‐parental height using
so information on growth chart
Document in notes and on growth chart
Conservative management
Preterm 110–135 460–560 2.5–3.0
0–2 months 96–120 400–500 2.1
3–12 months 72–96 300–400 1.5–1.6
1–3 years 78–82 325–340 1.1
4 years to puberty Minimum of EAR for chronological age (use height age if 1.0–1.1
Pubertal <2nd centile for height) 0.9–1.0
Post‐pubertal 0.8–0.9
Peritoneal dialysis (APD/CAPD)
Preterm 110–135 460–560 3.0–4.0
0–2 months 96–120 400–500 2.4
3–12 months 72–96 300–400 1.9
1–3 years 78–82 325–340 1.4
4 years to puberty Minimum of EAR for chronological age (use height age if 1.3
Pubertal <2nd centile for height) 1.2
Post‐pubertal 1.0–1.2
Preterm 110–135 460–560 3.0
0–2 months 96–120 400–500 2.2
3–12 months 72–96 300–400 1.7
1–3 years 78–82 325–340 1.2
4 years to puberty Minimum of EAR for chronological age (use height age if 1.1
Pubertal <2nd centile for height) 1.1
Post‐pubertal 1.1
These guidelines are for the initiation of management and require adjustments based on individual nutritional assessment.
Protein intakes reflect the reference nutrient intake (RNI) in the UK [18] plus an increment to achieve positive nitrogen balance including any
transperitoneal losses [22].
EAR, estimated average requirement [13]; APD, automated peritoneal dialysis; CAPD, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.
250 Kidney Diseases
infants and is a primary reason for growth failure in this depend on the fluid allowance. Powdered glucose polymers
patient group [33]. It can be seen in less severe CKD. Anorexia are useful in children who drink plenty of water or squash.
is caused by a combination of factors including nausea, vom- Each day a target amount to use should be negotiated, and a
iting, gastro‐oesophageal reflux, oral aversion, delayed gas- personalised record chart can aid compliance.
tric emptying, altered taste changes, elevation of cytokine
levels and changes in leptin and ghrelin hormone levels [37].
This will result in suboptimal nutritional intake. In order to Protein
optimise intake and growth, nutritional interventions either
with supplements (Table 13.4) or enteral tube feeding is com- Children, especially infants and young children, have a high
monly required [28]. requirement for protein per kilogram body weight because of
the demands of growth. A systematic review of protein
restriction for children with CKD [38] showed no significant
impact on delaying progression of renal failure, and there is
an association with inferior growth. The correlation between
dietary protein intake and proteinuria was also insignificant.
The energy requirements for children with CKD are the same
Protein intake should be optimised to allow for the mainte-
as those of healthy children. Energy intakes below the EAR
nance of nitrogen balance and growth, together with the pres-
contribute to growth failure [28]. The provision of adequate
ervation of lean body mass. In CKD, protein must provide at
energy is essential to promote appropriate weight gain and
least 100% of the RNI for age to avoid protein becoming a lim-
linear growth in all children with CKD and to avoid the use
iting factor in growth [27]. The RNI for height age is advised
of lean muscle mass as an energy source. The EAR for energy
when the child is <2nd centile for height. Insufficient protein
for either height age (if the child’s height is <2nd centile) or
will impact on body composition with a predominance of fat
chronological age (if the child falls within the normal centile
rather than lean tissue being laid down. Children achieve rec-
range) is used as baseline guidelines (Table 13.12) [13].
ommended protein intakes more easily than their energy
Raised serum urea levels in combination with increased
requirements, and a protein intake above 3.0 g protein/kg
serum potassium levels can be suggestive of catabolism and
should be avoided because of the associated phosphorus load
the need to increase non‐protein energy intake.
and link with cardiovascular morbidity. Where dairy proteins
have been limited to restrict phosphate intake, and adequate
High energy, low protein foods energy intake has been ensured to promote anabolism, further
protein modification is seldom needed. However, when a
These include sugar, glucose, jam, marmalade, honey and
child’s serum urea remains persistently >20 mmol/L, a grad-
syrup and should be encouraged where possible. The liberal
ual protein reduction based on the child’s 3‐day dietary record
use of polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils in cooking
should be initiated to lower the urea level to <20 mmol/L,
or margarine spread on bread or toast or added to meals and
aiming not to go below the RNI appropriate for the child.
vegetables can contribute significantly to the child’s energy
Protein of a high biological value should comprise 65%–70%
intake. Special low protein dietary products such as bread
of the total dietary protein intake.
and biscuits are rarely needed.
Should protein supplements be needed, consideration
should be made regarding the phosphate, calcium and
Energy supplements potassium content of these supplements (Table 13.4).
Anorexia, nausea and vomiting are features of CKD and can
be exacerbated by uraemia. These symptoms, together with
Electrolyte and fluid balance
an abnormal sense of taste, contribute to a reduced energy
intake. Energy supplements are helpful in meeting this deficit.
Sodium and fluid balance
A number of supplements are available and enable a flexible
approach (Table 13.4). Combined fat and CHO supplements In several causes of CKD in infancy, including obstructive
or glucose polymer alone, if additional fat is not tolerated, can uropathy and renal dysplasia, there is poor urinary concen-
be successfully added to infant formulas, tube feeds and oral trating capacity and sodium wasting. Sodium depletion
nutritional supplements. The concentrations of CHO and fat results in contraction of the extracellular fluid volume and
should be increased gradually to establish tolerance. further impairment in renal function, as well as impairment
Assuming normal gut function, the following upper limits for of growth [39]. Sodium chloride supplements can be added
CHO and fat can be worked towards: to infant feeds or be given as a medicine. The amount should
be increased until an improvement in growth is seen without
• infants <6 months: 12% CHO and 5% fat
the development of hypertension, peripheral oedema or
• infants >6 months to 1 year: 15% CHO and 6% fat
hypernatraemia. Such infants typically require up to
• toddlers aged 1–2 years: 20% CHO and 7% fat
4–6 mmol sodium/kg/day. These infants are usually polyu-
• older children: 32% CHO and 9% fat
ric and require free access to fluids in the form of supple-
Liquid glucose polymers are useful when diluted with a mented feed and extra water. Their preference of water over
fizzy drink or diluted squash, and the volume used will feed/food can diminish their appetite [33].
Chronic Kidney Disease 251
In contrast, children with primary renal diseases exhibit- sodium retention until CKD stage 5 and, as such, have little
ing hypertension may benefit from a reduction in sodium effect on blood pressure control; they do not usually need to
intake and advice on a reduced salt or ‘no added salt’ diet be included in an assessment of sodium intake. Dialysis will
(Table 13.7). usually correct acidosis.
As the GFR declines in CKD stages 4 and 5, sodium and In older children a protein intake in excess of require-
fluid retention are commonly seen. This can lead to volume ments, and hence an excess in intake of sulphur containing
overload and hypertension; dietary sodium and fluid restric- amino acids, can increase endogenous acid production.
tion together with diuretics are instigated. Fluid restrictions Protein intake should be modified in such instances.
are only instituted as urine output diminishes or oedema
develops, more usually when the GFR falls below 15 mL/ CKD‐mineral bone disorder
min/1.73 m2. Fluid prescriptions are individualised to take
account of insensible losses and a typical day’s urine output. The pathogenesis of CKD‐MBD is complex. Children with
stage 2 CKD usually have no signs of bone abnormalities,
Potassium but biochemical abnormalities can be evident. There is a fall
in 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 production; this results in an
The majority of children with CKD stages 1–3 maintain
increase in PTH levels and a drop in serum calcium levels,
potassium homeostasis. If hyperkalaemia occurs, other cor-
further stimulating PTH production. Phosphate retention, as
rectable causes including drugs such as angiotensin‐convert-
a result of reduced GFR, causes hypocalcaemia and a rise in
ing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, metabolic acidosis and
PTH. Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) causes bone
catabolism should be excluded before initiating a potassium‐
resorption and a further increase in serum phosphate levels
modified diet (Table 13.5). A haemolysed blood sample will
[21]. In addition to MBD, this process can lead to calcification
show a falsely high serum potassium level. In stage 5 CKD,
in other tissues including blood vessels and muscle tissue as
hyperkalaemia necessitates a potassium‐modified diet; any
well as phosphate acting as a uraemic toxin.
nutritional supplements used must be exchanged for low
Vitamin D deficiency is widely prevalent and often severe
potassium varieties. Foods containing the preservative
in children with chronic kidney disease and contributes to
potassium sorbate should be minimised if hyperkalaemia
abnormalities in calcium, phosphate and PTH homeostasis
persists; 100 g of food containing this additive can add
[41]. The mineral dysregulation seen in CKD directly affects
an additional 1.0–2.5 mmol of potassium to the diet.
bone strength, mineralisation and architecture. CKD‐MBD
Hyperkalaemia is the most dangerous of the electrolyte
in childhood presents multiple obstacles to bone accrual,
disturbances, affecting cardiac function.
resulting in bone pain, deformities, growth retardation and
Hypokalaemia is seen in renal tubular disorders such as
fractures [41].
cystinosis and Bartter syndrome (p. 272, 274). Potassium
Management of CKD‐MBD should be based on serial
supplements are usually indicated together with medication
assessments of phosphate, calcium, PTH and vitamin D lev-
(indometacin) that reduces renal sodium, potassium and
els. Therefore, dietary management is a combination of die-
water losses. Hypokalaemia can be seen in polyuric CKD
tary assessment and manipulation of calcium and phosphate
as well as resulting from the use of some diuretics or with
intake and the treatment of vitamin D deficiency [42].
episodes of diarrhoea and vomiting.
Hyperphosphataemia and hypocalcaemia contribute to the
pathogenesis of SHPT. Optimal control of bone and mineral
Acid–base abnormalities homeostasis is essential for preventing debilitating skeletal
complications, achieving adequate growth and preserving
Acidosis can occur as early as CKD stage 2 in young children long‐term cardiovascular health.
with dysplasia. It is common in all causes of CKD when the
GFR falls below 25 mL/min/1.73 m2. It is more commonly
seen in children due to the consumption of base due to
growth of bone and other tissues [30]. Acidosis can have sub- Bones expend 85% of the body’s phosphorus during skeletal
stantial adverse effects on development, exacerbation of mineralisation [43], making phosphate essential for childhood
bone disease, growth retardation, increased muscle degrada- growth. Organic phosphorus is naturally found in foods that
tion, reduced albumin synthesis, resistance to the effects of are rich in protein. Inorganic phosphorus is the main compo-
insulin and acceleration of the progression of CKD. It is also nent of many preservatives and additive salts found in a vari-
associated with increased mortality [40]. Current recommen- ety of processed foods. The bioavailability of organic and
dations are to maintain serum CO2 at ≥20 mmol/L among inorganic phosphorus varies considerably [44] with 30%–80%
children less than 2 years of age and at ≥22 mmol/L in chil- bioavailability from organic plant, meat and dairy sources [45]
dren aged over 2 years of age [22]. and over 90% from inorganic phosphorus preservatives and
Hyperkalaemia can be exacerbated by acidosis. additives [46]. Bioavailability is lower from plant foods,
Extracellular potassium shifts occur with metabolic acidosis including seeds and legumes, due to the limited gastrointesti-
as bicarbonate is lost through the kidney. Acidosis is cor- nal absorption of phytate‐based phosphorus. Food preserva-
rected with the administration of sodium bicarbonate. tives and additives (Table 13.13) add to the burden of the diet
Sodium bicarbonate supplements do not usually cause and need to be factored into dietary counselling.
252 Kidney Diseases
Food industry
Phosphate additive purpose Examples of food
Phosphoric acid Acid Processed meats, cakes, chocolates, sweets, jams, vegetable fats
and oils, cola drinks, beer
Sodium phosphate Antioxidant Processed meat, processed cheese, powdered milk
Potassium phosphate Antioxidant Cured meats, milk and cream powders, drinking chocolate
Calcium phosphate Anti‐caking agent Self‐raising flour, cake and pancake mixes, powdered milk drinks,
instant pasta and sauces
Magnesium phosphate Anti‐caking agent Salt substitutes, prepared mustard
Diphosphate Emulsifier Processed cheese, instant mashed potatoes, cakes
Triphosphate Emulsifier Fish fingers
Polyphosphate Emulsifier Dried foods and desserts
Distarch phosphate Thickening agent Batters for frozen foods, custards, sauces, mayonnaise, salad
dressings, pies and fillings, dried foods, drinking yoghurt, flavoured
milk, whipped cream, pre‐cooked pasta and noodles, starch‐based
puddings, instant beverages
There is much debate as to when to start dietary phos- dietary allowance. Guidelines for phosphate intake are
phate restriction. In the past phosphate restriction was based on body weight as follows:
started when either serum phosphate or PTH levels were
• infants <10 kg < 400 mg/day
above normal; this is now felt to be too late in relation to
• children 10–20 kg < 600 mg/day
CKD progression, advancement of CKD‐MBD and the
• children 20–40 kg < 800 mg/day
increase in risk of CVD. Consumption of a phosphate‐rich
• children >40 kg < 1000 mg/day
diet in the early stages of CKD releases fibrin growth factor
23 (FGF‐23) from the bones [47, 48]. A study in adults with Care needs to be taken not to compromise protein intake
ESRD proposes that FGF‐23 is the earliest marker of abnor- while restricting dietary phosphate. A guide to the phospho-
mal phosphate metabolism [49] and it has been found to be rus content of different foods per gram of protein is given in
an independent risk factor for CKD progression in chil- Table 13.14. Note this is not appropriate for processed foods
dren [50]. FGF‐23 levels above the normal range have been due to their added phosphate preservative and additive con-
seen as early as CKD stage 3 [51]. Raised serum phosphate tent. Dietary strategies should enable children and their care
levels are not normally seen until CKD stage 4 and signifi- givers to choose foods with less phosphate, but to maintain
cant CKD‐MBD has already occurred by this time [50]. an adequate protein intake. Maintenance of serum phos-
Therefore, reducing dietary phosphate in the early stages phate within the normal reference values for age is desirable.
of CKD has been suggested as a possible strategy to slow During conservative management and when on haemodial-
down the progression of FGF‐23 levels and, thus, delay ysis (HD), phosphate intake will be reduced with protein
disease progression [47, 50] and decrease mortality risk
from CVD [52, 53].
Table 13.14 Guide to the phosphorus content of foods related to their
protein content.
Phosphate restriction
For infants, standard whey‐based infant formulas are used Type of food Phosphorus (mg/g protein)
for at least the first 1–2 years of life due to their lower phos- Poultry, meat and white fish 7–9
phate content. Where hyperphosphataemia persists,
Pulses 12–18
Kindergen or Renastart (Table 13.4), usually in combination
with standard whey‐based infant formula, can be used to Tofu 12
regulate serum phosphate levels. Consideration should be Shell fish, oily fish, offal 15–20
given to their lower calcium and potassium contents (and Egg 16
higher sodium content). In older children, cow’s milk can be
Hard cheese 20
introduced in a controlled amount. Individualised targets
should be given for cow’s milk and cow’s milk products. Milk, yoghurt 28
Phosphate‐rich foods and alternatives also should be tai- Peanuts 15
lored to the individual’s diet (Table 13.6) Where indicated, Almonds 26
nutritional supplements with a lower phosphate content Walnuts 48
(Table 13.4) should be chosen and be included within the
Chronic Kidney Disease 253
Elemental calcium
mg (mmol) Estimate of potential
per tablet Dose Flavour binding power
Sevelamer binders
Sevelamer hydrochloride
Renagel tablet (800 mg) None 1–3 tds Swallow whole Approximately 26 mg
Sevelamer carbonate phosphorus bound per 1 g
Renvela tablet (800 mg) or None 1–3 tds or 1 Powder in natural or citrus sevelamer (this amount
powder (2.4 g) sachet of flavour varies between 21 and
powder 39 mg) [58]
co‐transporter 2b [54]. Additional data on safety and efficacy restriction (Table 13.7), exercise, carefully monitored
are required before widespread use and at the time of writ- weight loss in overweight children and strict fluid control
ing a trial in adults is underway. where appropriate.
Many children readily exceed the adult daily maximum
Calcimimetic agents recommendation for sodium intake of 100 mmol/day (6 g
salt) due to their intake of salted snacks and processed foods.
Cinacalcet is a calcimimetic agent that increases the sensitiv- Dietary advice should take into account current lifestyles
ity of calcium sensing receptors to extracellular calcium ions, and the hidden salt in foods when devising targets to reduce
thereby inhibiting the release of PTH. It is gaining use in salt intake. Advice needs to be given on interpreting food
severe cases of hyperparathyroidism. Promising results have labels and giving ideas for lower salt snacks. Poor compli-
been seen in limited paediatric trials [28, 61, 62]; however, ance with salt restriction is a common observation. The UK
there is still limited experience especially in the first years of Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) [64]
life [63]. A large multicentre trial was stopped due to a severe gives recommendations on maximum daily salt intake for
serious event (hypocalcaemia) in one patient; caution in the children throughout childhood, which can be used as a
use of this drug is therefore advised [28]. guideline (Table 13.16).
In the absence of fluid overload, hypotensive therapy is
Hypertension started when the child’s systolic or diastolic blood pressures
are repeatedly >90th centile for age. A systematic review in
Hypertension is common in the late stages of CKD and is adults showed a reduction in sodium intake significantly
due to fluid overload and the activation of the renin– reduced resting systolic blood pressure [65]. It would be
angiotensin–aldosterone system [21]. Hyperparathyroidism prudent to avoid excessive sodium intakes in this group of
can also contribute. Management strategies include salt children.
Chronic Kidney Disease 255
Table 13.16 Recommendations on salt consumption in children. Management aims are to prevent the development of iron
deficiency anaemia and the maintenance of adequate iron
Age range Target daily intake of salt and sodium stores. Haematology results are frequently monitored by the
0–6 months <1 g <17 mmol
7–12 months 1 g 17 mmol
1–3 years 2 g 34 mmol Dietary assessment
4–6 years 3 g 50 mmol Foods rich in iron, folic acid and vitamins C and B12 should
7–10 years 5 g 84 mmol be advised to ensure children are achieving recommended
11–14 years 6 g 100 mmol
intakes for age and sex [19]. Sources of haem iron are to be
recommended together with advice about non‐haem iron
Target salt intakes for infants and children have been estimated as an and its potential inhibition by phytates in cereal grains and
increase in the reference nutrient intake (RNI) by a factor of 1.5 [64] and legumes; polyphenols including tannin in tea, coffee and
should be considered the maximum daily intake. cocoa; and calcium in milk and dairy products.
To convert grams of salt to milligrams of sodium: divide the salt figure in
grams by 2.5 and then multiply by 1000, e.g. 6 g
salt ÷ 2.5 = 2.4 × 1000 = 2400 mg sodium = 100 mmol sodium. Oral iron supplements
Oral iron supplements are prescribed when dietary iron
intake is insufficient to maintain adequate iron stores. As the
Preservation of renal function child progresses to stage 5 CKD, intravenous iron therapy is
Control of hypertension and proteinuria continues to be the Iron preparations can be prescribed as liquid, tablet or cap-
strongest independent predictor for progression of renal dis- sule to aid compliance. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of
ease [66]. The ESCAPE study group showed that strict blood non‐haem iron. It is important to avoid over‐supplementa-
pressure control slowed the progression on CKD in children tion. It can be given in two to three divided daily doses [70].
[67]. The same trial also showed the benefits of the use of an Iron is best absorbed in the absence of medications (antacids,
ACE inhibitor on proteinuria. Proteinuria is associated with phosphate binders), food, infant formulas, milk or nutritional
inflammatory factors in the urine, which contribute to renal supplements. Ideally, it should be taken 1 hour before or
disease progression. 2 hours following a feed or meal and be taken with a micro-
There is clear evidence in adults that obesity is associated nutrient supplement where prescribed. Problems with
with increased risk of development and progression in CKD. compliance are common, particularly with the potential side
A similar association is seen in children; however, there is a effects including nausea, vomiting and constipation. The
lack of large and long‐term follow‐up studies in paediatrics ideal prescription can be impractical, and a flexible approach
[66]. There is reluctance to recommend dietary modification that is conducive to the child’s feeding pattern, school and
in an attempt to delay the progression of chronic renal insuf- family should be advised.
ficiency in the early stages of CKD [68]. The lack of signifi-
cant impact from protein restriction in children was
Cardiovascular disease
considered earlier (p. 250). Some paediatric data suggest that
factors such as anaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, hyperphos-
The lifespan of children with advanced CKD remains low
phataemia and hypocalcaemia might be associated with the
compared with the general paediatric population, with
rate of CKD progression; however, further studies are
CVD accounting for the majority of deaths [55].
needed to confirm this [66].
Cardiovascular abnormalities develop early in the course of
CKD and progress as end stage is reached. Recognised risk
Anaemia factors in renal insufficiency include a pro‐atherogenic state
with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), hyperlipidaemia,
The anaemia of CKD is associated with substantial morbid- hypoalbuminaemia, hypertension and dysregulated min-
ity, an increased risk of CVD, reduced quality of life, eral metabolism. Hypertension and volume overload are
increased hospitalisations, anorexia, growth retardation, associated with the development of LVH in children. There
cognitive impairment and reduced exercise capacity. is consistent association between the length of time on dial-
Anaemia can be seen as early as CKD stage 2 [69]. The blood ysis and deteriorating measures of vascular function.
film is a normochromic, normocytic anaemia as a conse- Thickening and stiffness of the blood vessel walls have both
quence of inadequate erythropoietin production by the dam- been associated with abnormal levels of calcium, phospho-
aged kidneys. The aetiology of anaemia in CKD is rus and PTH [55]. The lifelong nature of CKD reinforces the
multifactorial with iron and folate deficiency, reduced red importance of dietetic involvement in reducing CVD risks
blood cell survival, hyperparathyroidism‐induced bone in connection with addressing the management of fluid lev-
marrow suppression and gastrointestinal loss. Serum ferritin els, hypertension, obesity and the regulation of CKD‐MBD
is used to assess iron status and should be >100 μg/L. and levels of vitamin D.
256 Kidney Diseases
Education and psychosocial support and Transplant when their GFR falls to approximately
10 mL/min/1.73 m2. Living donor transplantation is becom-
The conservative stage of CKD management is a time for ing the choice for an increasing number of families.
ongoing education and preparation for the child and family Pre‐emptive transplantation is not always possible and is
by all members of the renal team in preparation for stage 5 unsuitable for certain renal diseases or if the child presents
CKD management. Progressive renal failure is disruptive to in established renal failure. European guidelines recom-
a child’s schooling, social life and family life. Parents of chil- mend commencing dialysis when the estimated glomerular
dren with CKD reported moderate health‐related quality of filtration rate (eGFR) is between 15 and 10 mL/min/1.73 m2
life scores, with parents of children undergoing dialysis unless the child is growing well and is asymptomatic [74].
experiencing more limitations in quality of life [71]. To many The indications for starting maintenance dialysis are a
families, nutrition can be one of the more demanding parts combination of clinical and biochemical characteristics. The
of management. An understanding of the psychosocial presence of fluid overload that is resistant to medical man-
effects of feeding such children is as important as the nutri- agement, especially if the resulting fluid restriction makes it
tional advice [72]. Many families travel long distances to difficult to provide adequate nutrition, is a major factor.
their renal unit; regular telephone contact and visits to the Subjective indictors include fatigue, drowsiness and general
home, nursery and school can be invaluable supportive weakness, which decrease quality of life and educational
measures to clinic visits. Good communication is essential attainment and attendance [75].
with other team members to help develop practice, manage- Dialysis in children can be by HD or PD. In the UK, PD is
ment strategies and shared team philosophies, which ulti- the favoured dialysis modality for children. Data from the
mately lead to better patient care. There is emerging 2015 UK Renal Registry showed that 44% of paediatric
evidence regarding a positive relationship between MDT patients started RRT on PD, 33% on HD and 23% had a pre‐
support and clinical outcomes [73]. Adequate dietetic time emptive transplant [23].
is crucial to provide the close and frequent assessments and
support, which is required to optimise nutrition and mini-
mise negative outcomes. These negative outcomes can lead
Chronic dialysis
to significant emotional, physical and financial costs to the
Choice of RRT modality needs to be individualised to fit the
patients and their families [73]. Attendance on ward rounds,
needs of the patient and their family. Factors that need to be
outpatient clinics and psychosocial team meetings are
considered are the patient’s age, lifestyle choice, parental
essential [72].
preference and assessment of whether the patient their fam-
ily can adhere to a dialysis regimen at home [75].
Peritoneal dialysis
Several of the prescribed medications in CKD are nutrition
related (including phosphate binders, oral iron, sodium sup- PD is the method of choice for initiating RRT in the youngest
plements and vitamins) and should be periodically reviewed age group and has been shown to preserve residual renal
as part of the dietary assessment. Children and their families function [74]. PD has numerous advantages: relaxation of
should be advised on the correct administration and timing dietary restriction; avoidance of vascular access, therefore
of medications to ensure compliance, optimise absorption preserving for future use; ability to provide RRT in the home
and minimise potential side effects. Ongoing discussion setting; less disruptive to home and school life; and the daily
with education and information about each medication ultrafiltrate (UF) allowing a more liberal fluid allowance that
should be routine at each dietetic review. The practicalities of may be necessary to optimise nutrition. However, it is very
taking medications, including at school, should be identi- labour intensive and gives a high level of responsibility for
fied, and regimens adjusted accordingly following medical the family.
and team discussion. Adherence with medication is a signifi- The procedure of PD requires a patent abdominal cavity
cant problem, especially among the adolescent group. and a functioning peritoneal membrane across which solute
and fluid transport can take place. A PD catheter is inserted
into the abdominal wall. PD can be performed intermittently
Management of stage 5 CKD (usually overnight) using an automated cycling machine.
This automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is the preferred
For many children with established renal failure, treatment option in smaller children, combining 5–10 overnight
can be cyclical between dialysis and transplantation. The exchanges with a long daytime dwell of dialysate.
treatment of choice for all children with established renal Alternatively, the child may have continuous ambulatory
failure is a successful renal transplant with pre‐emptive peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) where the child or caregiver
transplantation occurring before dialysis is required. carries out 3–4 exchanges of dialysate during the day with a
Transplantation provides superior long‐term survival and long overnight dwell.
quality of life. Children are usually activated on the national Peritoneal membrane transport capacity for solutes and
waiting list for cadaveric renal transplantation at NHS Blood ultrafiltration can be estimated using a standardised
Management of Stage 5 CKD 257
peritoneal equilibration test (PET), which is used in a central venous catheter in younger children while an
determining the PD prescription including dialysate dwell a rteriovenous fistula is created in older children once blood
times. A low transporter status in the PET indicates low puri- vessels have developed sufficiently. Central venous cathe-
fication rates and potential issues in achieving creatinine ters pose an infection risk.
clearance, but ultrafiltration is good. A high solute transport Intensified HD, which includes short daily HD, intermit-
rate in the PET implies good purification, but poor UF. The tent nocturnal HD and daily nocturnal HD, has demon-
reason is twofold: firstly, due to the rapid absorption of strated improved control of phosphate, anaemia and blood
glucose, the osmotic gradient is lost, resulting in reduced UF; pressure. There is less dietary restriction and room to
secondly, once the osmotic gradient is lost, the rate of fluid optimise nutrition, leading to improved growth compared
reabsorption is more rapid, leading to a positive fluid balance with conventional HD [75].
[76]. Prescriptions can be individualised based on patients’
needs; the combination of dwell times and fill volumes can
Nutrition and chronic dialysis
optimise dialysis [77]. Newer PD solutions that lessen the
harmful effects caused by the exposure of the peritoneal
Children treated with dialysis require a nutritional prescrip-
membrane to glucose have been shown to improve mem-
tion dependent on their age and treatment modality. This
brane health and viability in adults [76]. There is no strong
prescription requires regular dietetic review and includes all
evidence in children; however, the Renal Association guide-
the points highlighted in the conservative management of
line group’s view [76] is that the principles used in adults of
CKD, together with consideration of the efficiency and
minimising glucose exposure and avoiding obesity should
demands of dialysis. Evidence‐based clinical practice guide-
be applied to the paediatric population. The European
lines for all stages of CKD and related complications are
Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) notes some
published in the NKF KDOQI [22]. Nutritional guidelines
caution in their use in children due to possible hyponatrae-
for the child with stage 5 CKD based on NKF KDOQI data
mia and risk of rebound hypoglycaemia in the daytime [74].
are given in Table 13.12.
Peritonitis is the single most common complication of PD
The monitoring of dialysis prescriptions (dose of dialysis,
and requires antibiotic therapy. Anorexia can be experienced
solution(s) used, ultrafiltration) and urine output should be
as a result of the pressure effect caused by the dialysate in
carried out by the nephrologist, renal nurse and dietitian
the abdomen, which may decrease appetite and increase
and is used when formulating a nutritional prescription.
Dialysis dose affects growth and nutritional status in chil-
dren. Dialysis adequacy can be monitored by urea kinetic
Haemodialysis modelling, in particular by calculation of Kt/V (normalised
whole‐body urea clearance) and nPCR (normalised protein
HD is chosen as the initial mode of RRT in infants with
catabolic rate). Kt/V is termed as the minimally acceptable
primary oxalosis and those with contraindications for PD
dose of dialysis and refers to the dose of dialysis below
(omphalocele, gastroschisis, diaphragmatic hernia, oblite-
which a significant increase in morbidity and mortality
rated peritoneal cavity, bladder exstrophy) [74]. Conventional
would occur. The target Kt/V for patients on PD is >1.7 [76]
HD has the disadvantage of being a hospital‐based treat-
and on HD is 1.2 [79]. Current guidelines recommend that
ment that disrupts the home routine, but it can relieve the
the delivered daily dose be measured monthly. Kinetic
family of a great responsibility and may be used to give the
modelling software programs can be used to tailor PD pre-
caregiver some respite. A child will transfer to HD if there is
scription to the individual’s characteristics and needs. In
a loss of peritoneal access or function. No comparative stud-
contrast to adult patients, Kt/V is difficult to define in chil-
ies of conventional HD and PD outcomes in children suggest
dren, and scientific data demonstrating that dialysis efficacy
that one procedure is superior to the other [78]. Intensified
can be predictive of morbidity and mortality are lacking
and home HD (HHD) is being recognised as an important
[80]. Adequacy of PD in children is better expressed by the
strategy to improve clinical outcomes [75]. Only two centres
attainment of appropriate fluid balance, good electrolyte
in the UK currently provide HHD.
and acid–base control. The most sensitive measure of appro-
Conventional HD is an intermittent process lasting
priate dialysis in infants is appropriate growth and devel-
4–6 hours typically three times a week; smaller children,
opment [74].
especially anuric patients, frequently require four or more
dialysis sessions a week to ensure adequate fluid removal.
Small molecular weight solutes are removed from the blood Energy
by diffusion through a semipermeable membrane. Small
solute clearance is typically measured by urea clearance and The EAR for energy is used as a guideline for requirements.
is dependent on the clearance characteristics of the dialyser This is corrected for height age if the child’s height is <2nd
and the blood pump flow rate [79]. The dialysis fluid compo- centile (Table 13.12). There is no consistent evidence that
sition takes into account concentrations of sodium, potas- energy requirements on dialysis are different from those for
sium, chloride, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium and normal children. Some studies suggest that HD stimulates
glucose. HD provides a greater level of small molecule mass the release of cytokines and complement that can have the
transfer than PD. Access to the circulation is usually through direct effect of increasing resting metabolic rate [52].
258 Kidney Diseases
Table 13.17 Glucose absorption from peritoneal dialysate (PD). Dietary protein restriction has led to poor growth in chil-
dren on HD. A small study in adults demonstrated a loss of
Grams of anhydrous 0.2 g amino acid/L filtrate in an HD session [83]. Protein
glucose per
intake in children on HD needs to be sufficient for growth,
PD solution
concentration 1 L 1.5 L 2 L Osmotic effect but moderated in order to minimise large variations in blood
urea levels between dialysis sessions. The aim for pre‐dialysis
1.36% 13.6 20.5 27.2 Weak hypotonic serum urea levels should be <20 mmol/L, provided the child
solution is not catabolic. For children on HD, an added dietary protein
2.27% 22.7 34.1 45.4 Intermediate intake of 0.1 g/kg/day should be appropriate to compensate
3.86% 38.6 57.9 77.2 Strong hypertonic for dialytic losses [22].
solution The protein requirements of children on PD are higher than
when on HD to allow for the greater reported transperitoneal
To calculate the energy obtained from glucose absorbed from PD fluid: losses of protein and amino acids, with the greatest losses
total the grams of glucose from all the exchanges, multiply by 4 kcal being seen in the smaller, younger child (Table 13.12). Daily
(17 kJ)/g and then multiply by 60%–80%.
peritoneal protein losses reduce from an average of 0.28 g/kg
in the first year of life to <0.1 g/kg in adolescents [84]. Dietary
However, other studies have shown a deficit of energy stores protein sources with a high phosphate content, including
in children on HD, which, when adjusted for lean body cow’s milk, dairy foods and foods with phosphate additives
mass, gives a similar resting energy expenditure to matched (Tables 13.13 and 13.14), need to be restricted to reduce the
healthy children [81]. Energy requirements should be calcu- dietary phosphorus load that is implicated in the pathogene-
lated based on the individual needs for growth and dialysis. sis of dialysis‐associated calcifying arteriopathy [22]. Infants
Subsequent adjustments for weight gain/weight loss should and children may require complete nutritional supplements
be made. either as sip or tube feeds (Table 13.4) to meet recommended
During PD glucose is absorbed from the dialysis fluid. It is protein intakes. High protein intake could negatively affect
estimated that glucose absorption from the dialysate can be acid–base status, bone mineralisation and fat‐free mass [85];
10–20 kcal (40–85 kJ)/kg/day [74]. Table 13.17 gives a guide therefore, any alterations to protein intake should always be
to the energy from glucose absorbed from PD fluid. Energy made along with ensuring an adequate energy intake.
intake for children on PD should be reduced when excess Consideration of serum urea, albumin and phosphate levels is
weight gain is seen. For those children on PD requiring addi- essential in tailoring an individual’s protein requirements.
tional energy intake, it is best to consider a nutritionally Hypoalbuminaemia is a marker of cachexia and protein
complete supplement (Table 13.4) in preference to a refined energy wasting (PEW) and has been associated with mortality
CHO supplement in view of the raised triglyceride levels in children initiating dialysis such that each 1 g/L fall in serum
seen in children on PD and the additional source of exoge- albumin level has been shown to relate to a 54% increase in
nous glucose derived from the PD fluid. These children also risk of death [86]. Rapid changes in albumin levels can, how-
have increased protein requirements and, therefore, benefit ever, be attributed to non‐nutritional factors including PD loss
from the protein content of complete supplements. The use of albumin, hydration status, the presence of systemic disease,
of complex CHO foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and liver function and a persistent nephrotic state.
cereals should be encouraged. The replacement of glucose in Protein requirements may be increased in patients with
PD fluid by glucose polymers (7.5% icodextrin) is beneficial proteinuria, as well as during episodes of peritonitis or other
in children with sodium and water overload; in addition the intercurrent infections. Peritonitis has a catabolic effect on
transperitoneal absorption rate is much lower than that of the body, and the permeability of the peritoneum for protein
glucose [80] and so contributes much less energy. The quan- and amino acids can increase by 50%–100%. The main pro-
tity of toxic glucose degradation products is also reduced. tein loss is albumin although other immunoglobulins are
Significantly, increased dialysis with an icodextrin daytime also lost. Serum albumin levels fall in these circumstances.
dwell in children on overnight APD showed no effect on Amino acid‐containing PD solutions have been suggested
albumin homeostasis in the short term [82], but longer‐term to replace transperitoneal losses and to reduce glucose load.
studies are awaited. Excess weight gain is emerging as a The ESPN working group found no evidence to suggest a
problem in children on PD in developed countries, and benefit in children [74].
dietary prescriptions need to be modified accordingly. There are losses of amino acids into the dialysate during
HD. There are limited and small studies on the use of intra-
Protein dialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN) in children receiving
HD. An early study showed no improvement in amino acid
There are limited data to demonstrate the optimal amounts levels after supplementation; another study showed weight
of protein for children on dialysis, and existing data do not gain in three adolescents with organic illness after 6 weeks of
include all age ranges. Protein intake must be no less than starting IDPN [87]. It has been suggested that in patients
100% RNI for children on dialysis, with an addition to com- who do not respond to enteral supplementation, IDPN could
pensate for the losses of protein and amino acids across the be considered in those who have been losing >10% body
dialysing membrane (Table 13.12) [74]. weight for three consecutive months [87]. The use of IDPN
Management of Stage 5 CKD 259
remains controversial and further clinical trials are needed. Increased dietary intake of energy and protein alone is not
There are potential side effects: hyperglycaemia, cramps and enough to reverse the catabolism associated with inflamma-
long‐term changes to liver function. tion. Adequate dialysis is essential. Current diet therapies in
the early stages of investigation into the PEW of CKD are
omega‐3 fatty acids and soya protein, used for their anti‐
Protein energy wasting
inflammatory properties [92]. A systematic review by Rangel‐
Huerta et al. reports a positive correlation between omega‐3
In patients with CKD, especially those undergoing mainte-
fatty acid supplementation and lowering of plasma bio-
nance dialysis, PEW is the strongest risk factor for adverse
marker levels. However, they conclude that further research
outcomes and death [88]. Younger age, duration of CKD and
is required before specific recommendations can be made
time on dialysis together with the presence of inflammatory
about the routine supplementation of omega‐3 fatty acids in
diseases are increased risk factors. PEW is characterised by
chronic renal disease [93]. A trial by Fanti et al., looking at the
the state of decreased body protein mass and fuel reserves.
dietary effect of soy in adult patients with ESRD, suggests a
The PEW seen in CKD is a slow, progressive process. Initially,
possibility of beneficial effects on inflammatory and nutri-
there is slightly impaired nutrient intake and absorption
tional status of HD patients. They acknowledge that larger
plus an increase in inflammatory markers in seemingly well‐
clinical trials are needed [94]. The treatment of inflammation
nourished children. In the second phase, depletion of tissue
to improve body composition and linear growth in children
levels and body stores occurs with a change in biochemical
with CKD is likely to become a cornerstone in management.
and physiological functions; these changes progress with
time and marked cachexia is seen [89].
PEW is the result of multiple mechanisms characteristic to Nutritional supplements
CKD including undernutrition, systemic inflammation, co‐
morbidities, hormonal derangements, dialysis procedure For infants to meet their energy and protein requirements,
and consequences of uraemic toxicity. PEW may cause infec- protein supplements with a lower phosphate content can be
tion, CVD, frailty and depression; these complications may added to standard whey‐based infant formulas, in combina-
also increase the extent of the PEW [90]. tion with energy supplements (Table 13.4). Alternatively,
Inflammation is an important cause of cachexia and PEW where biochemical parameters allow, infant formulas can be
in patients with CKD. An increase in pro‐inflammatory concentrated progressively to provide an increased balance
cytokines, tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin‐6 are of all nutrients or energy‐dense infant formulas can be used
seen [91]. These act through the hypothalamus to affect appe- (Table 1.18). Biochemistry should be frequently monitored,
tite and metabolic rate. In turn, poor protein anabolism particularly with respect to potassium, phosphate, calcium,
results in a reduction in serum albumin and prealbumin. sodium and urea. A combination of Kindergen or Renastart
Levels of albumin, prealbumin and C‐reactive protein (CRP) (renal specific low phosphate and potassium infant formulas)
can be used to assess the degree of inflammation or illness, and a standard whey‐based infant formula is used to design
but should not be used as an indicator of nutritional status. a feed to correct high serum phosphate and potassium levels.
Table 13.18 Case study: A young child with chronic kidney disease with a high serum potassium levels.
A 1‐year‐old girl, diagnosed with renal dysplasia, is running high serum potassium levels 5.6 mmol/L. Her current feed is 800 mL of a
whey‐based infant formula, taken orally. She currently does not take any solids.
Wt = 8.5 kg (25th centile). Ht = 72 cm (0.4th centile).
Energy requirement: 72 kcal (300 kJ)/kg. Protein requirement: 1.2 g/kg.
Feed Energy (kcal (kJ)) Protein (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) Ca (mmol) PO4 (mmol)
Cow & Gate 1 per 100 mL 66 (278) 1.3 0.74 1.8 1.3 1.0
800 mL provides per kg 62 (262) 1.22 0.7 1.7 1.26 0.9
Her feed is changed to a 50:50 mixture of normal infant formula with renal specific low potassium formula, Renastart, to reduce her potassium
intake. There is a beneficial increase in energy intake. Note changes in protein, Na, Ca and PO4 intakes. Her serum biochemistry results and
growth pattern will determine if further changes to the feed profile are necessary. Excellent communication with the multidisciplinary team,
together with regular monitoring, is essential.
Feed Energy (kcal (kJ)) Protein (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) Ca (mmol) PO4 (mmol)
½ strength Cow & Gate per 100 mL 33.5 (140) 0.65 0.37 0.9 0.65 0.5
½ strength Renastart per 100 mL 45.5 (207) 0.75 1.05 0.3 0.3 0.3
800 mL provides 632 (2640) 11 11 9.6 7.6 6.4
800 mL provides per kg 74 (310) 1.3 1.3 1.13 0.9 0.75
260 Kidney Diseases
For infants >12 months of age, or whose weight is greater allow space for nutrition and to avoid overconcentration of
than 8 kg, nutritionally complete supplements can be consid- feeds in order to meet nutritional requirements in a small
ered (Table 13.4). Combining feeds and supplements to volume of fluid.
achieve specific intakes of particular nutrients is a common Meticulous attention should be given to fluid manage-
practice to achieve nutritional and biochemical goals. A case ment to avoid the cardiovascular complications of long‐term
study to show how feeds can be modified to control serum fluid overload. Educating children about their fluid restric-
potassium levels is given in Table 13.18. tion should include practical ways of reducing fluid intake
Nutritional supplements may be useful for children and including using tablet rather than liquid medicines; the judi-
adolescents depending on dialysis modality and biochemi- cious use of foods with a high water content such as jelly,
cal parameters. gravy, sauces, yoghurt and milky puddings; and freezing
drinks and sipping the fluid as it melts. In older children
sucking sugar‐free boiled sweets or chewing gum may help
Carnitine along with drinking from small cups/glasses. Thirst preven-
tion techniques, including reducing salt intake and good
Carnitine is an amino acid derivative that has a key role in the mouth care, should be considered. Involving younger
regulation of fatty acid metabolism and adenosine triphos- children in devising fluid record charts can aid compliance.
phate (ATP) formation. Altered carnitine metabolism is seen It is also better, psychologically, to talk about a fluid allow-
in CKD; limited protein intake, impaired carnitine synthesis, ance rather than a fluid restriction. Case studies showing
malnutrition and dialysis all contribute. A low serum free example feeds for children on HD and PD are given in
carnitine concentration can be seen in paediatric dialysis Tables 13.19 and 13.20.
patients [95]. Carnitine supplements have been proposed as a
treatment for symptoms or complications of dialysis includ-
ing intradialytic arrhythmias, skeletal muscle cramps, hyper- Sodium
triglyceridaemia and anaemia. Further research to support Infants and children, especially the polyuric infant, on PD
the routine supplementation of children on dialysis is needed. can become hyponatraemic (serum sodium <130 mmol/L)
In adults, a systematic review and meta‐analysis reported due to the sodium losses into the UF. To maintain sodium
that two out of seven trials showed l‐carnitine supplementa- balance, medicinal salt supplements are prescribed if increas-
tion significantly decreased the percentage of patients who ing enteral sodium intake does not correct levels. Conversely,
experienced dialysis cramping symptoms at the end of an those children on PD who are hypertensive and oedematous
HD session [96]. The authors comment, however, that no require education regarding a ‘no added salt’ diet (Table 13.7).
definitive conclusions should be drawn due to the lack of Hypertension and excess interdialytic weight gain seen in
data available. With regard to the effects of l‐carnitine on children on HD are invariably related to salt and water over-
haemoglobin and erythropoietin dose, the meta‐analysis load. The importance of a sodium‐restricted diet needs to be
failed to confirm previous findings that supported supple- reinforced to reduce both thirst and fluid intake. An intake
mentation. There was no significant decrease in serum LDL between 1 and 3 mmol/kg body weight/day is usually
cholesterol levels with supplementation. acceptable.
A boy aged 4 years and 1 month, with CKD stage 5 due to non‐recovery of renal function post‐cardiac transplant. He has HD three times a week.
Wt = 13.2 kg (2nd centile). Ht = 0.98 m (9th centile).
Fluid allowance 800 mL/day.
Energy requirement: 85 kcal (355 kJ)/kg. Protein requirement: 1.1 g/kg.
This young boy is on a hydrolysed protein formula as he has always experienced feed intolerance due to poor gut perfusion, a consequence of
his cardiac condition. With his history of poor weight prior to starting HD, the hydrolysate formula was continued. His feed is delivered via a
nasogastric tube (he has been tube fed since his was 2 weeks old). He occasionally picks at food, but has no other oral intake.
Pre‐dialysis blood results: Na 136, K 4.9, Ca 2.44, PO4 1.6, urea 17.
His feed, as shown below, is not complete for all B vitamins. The addition of more Paediatric Seravit to give a greater intake of a range of vitamins
and minerals would increase the phosphate content of the feed further, hence has 1 Ketovite tablet a day to provide extra B vitamins. He also has
a small dose of calcium‐containing phosphate binders that provide some elemental calcium (this has helped keep his serum calcium in the
acceptable range).
Feed recipe Amount Energy (kcal (kJ)) Protein (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) Ca mmol PO4 mmol
Table 13.20 Case study: Meeting the nutritional requirements of a child on peritoneal dialysis.
A boy aged 3 years and 8 months, diagnosed with FSGS, thought to be secondary to tacrolimus toxicity (given as immunosuppression for
previous cardiac transplant). He has a single functioning kidney and is on daily overnight PD.
Wt = 13.2 kg (9th centile). Ht = 0.93 m (2nd centile).
Fluid allowance = 800 mL/day.
Energy requirement: 82 kcal (349 kJ)/kg. Protein requirement: 1.4 g/kg.
Post‐dialysis blood results: Na 146, K 4.5, Ca 2.57, PO4 1.81, urea 13.1.
His feed is delivered via a PEG.
The feed meets the RNI for vitamins except for B6 (95%) and niacin (77%). As a prudent measure he has 1 Ketovite tablet a day. The feed meets
57% RNI for vitamin A, serum level within normal range. The feed does not meet the RNI for Na (70%), but serum level is in the normal range
and he is growing well.
Feed recipe Amount Energy (kcal (kJ)) Protein (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol) Ca (mmol) PO4 (mmol)
Nutrini 75% 750 mL 750 (3135) 21.0 19.5 21.0 11.3 12.0
Duocal 11% 110 g 541 (2261) 0 0.1 0.11 0.1 0.2
ProSource TF 1.5% 15 mL 19 (80) 4.4 0.1 0.06 1.7 1.1
+ water to 1000 mL
Total per 100 mL 131 (548) 2.5 2.1 2.12 1.3 1.3
Total per 740 mL 969 (4052) 18.5 15.5 15.6 9.6 9.6
Total per kg 73 (305) 1.4 1.2 1.19 0.6 0.7
FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; PD, peritoneal dialysis; PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; RNI, reference nutrient intake.
Hyperkalaemia can result in fatal cardiac arrhythmias. high serum potassium level to achieve an acceptable base-
When plasma levels are >6.5 mmol/L, there is a prolonga- line level due to the movement of potassium from the intra-
tion of the PR interval and peaking of the T wave on electro- cellular fluid.
cardiogram (ECG). In such instances salbutamol is prescribed Education about potassium intake needs to be tailored to
to enhance cellular potassium uptake. An ion exchange resin each individual. Advice on adapting recipes at home to lower
such as calcium resonium can be used as a crisis manage- potassium content of meals may be helpful. Intake needs
ment strategy. It can take several HD sessions following a to be reviewed at frequent intervals together with blood
262 Kidney Diseases
biochemistry results and dietary analysis. A photographic with uraemia. Vitamin A is also not removed in dialysis.
album of foods rich in potassium and food models can be use- Elevated levels of vitamin A in CKD have been associated
ful educational tools. Older children need to be involved in with hypercalcaemia, anaemia and hyperlipidaemia [102]. A
decision making and the setting of targets when discussing study has shown that those children on exclusive or supple-
serum potassium levels. Having potassium ‘swaps’ can also mental feeding received a higher vitamin A intake and had a
be helpful in this age group, e.g. a 5–10 mmol potassium ‘treat’ serum vitamin A level above the upper limit of normal com-
a day of their choice; this could be an extra piece of fruit or pared with those on diet alone [103]. It was also shown that
vegetable portion, a small portion of chocolate or some crisps. those children on dialysis were more likely to have a higher
vitamin A level relative to their vitamin A intake compared
with those children not on dialysis. An excessive intake of
Phosphate vitamin A should be avoided. An intake close to the RNI is a
sensible practice target [103]; however, this can be difficult to
Phosphate restrictions continue when on dialysis (Table 13.6).
achieve when the vitamin A contribution from feeds and
In adults 800 mg of phosphate is typically removed during
nutritional supplements is also considered.
each HD session and 300–400 mg/day on PD. Removal fig-
Vitamin D has been discussed earlier (p. 253).
ures will be lower in children due to lower flow rates and
Homocysteine is an intermediary of methionine metabo-
volume of dialysate used.
lism that, at raised levels, is a risk factor for CVD.
As with potassium restriction advice needs to be tailored
Hyperhomocysteinaemia is common in adult patients with
to each individual. Education and support around the taking
chronic renal insufficiency and appears to relate to reduced
of phosphate binders is also advisable.
clearance of plasma homocysteine. Supraphysiological
folic acid treatment has been used to normalise homocyst-
Micronutrients eine levels in CKD, but a recent systematic review has
shown that homocysteine lowering based on folic acid does
Little is known about the essential micronutrient require- not reduce cardiovascular events in people with kidney
ments or biochemical status of children with CKD. It is rec- disease and should not be used as such [104]. Increased
ognised that children with CKD on dialysis are at risk of cancer outcomes have been shown for patients on high lev-
vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This may be due to inad- els of folic acid [105].
equate intake, poor absorption and dialysis‐related losses Low serum zinc and copper levels were seen in a study of
[22]. Individual dietary assessment is essential, taking into paediatric patients on dialysis, some of which were sup-
account intakes from diet, infant formulas, oral nutritional plemented [106]. Zinc and copper is cleared by dialysis,
supplements and enteral feeds, the latter often being the which could explain the low levels in this group. Low zinc
sole source of nutrition for many younger patients. Only levels can result in anorexia, impaired would healing and
then can micronutrient supplements be individually and faltering growth. Papers in adult studies discuss the theo-
safely prescribed, where indicated [27]. Dietary assess- retical risk of both deficiency and accumulation of trace ele-
ment has numerous limitations, but can be supported with ments depending on dietary intake, removal by dialysis,
regular measurement of serum levels of vitamins and min- composition of source water and residual kidney function
erals that may guide when to start supplementation and [107]. It is helpful to measure serum levels before starting
what to give. supplementation as these trace elements have impaired
The RNI for healthy children of the same age and sex [18] clearance with reduced renal function. Further studies are
provides guidelines for children with CKD [97] and should needed in order to evaluate the benefit of supplementation
be aimed for in stages 2–5 CKD, with the exception of on clinical outcomes.
calcium, phosphate, magnesium, sodium and potassium,
Infants and children receiving nutritional support from
which may not bear any relation to recommended dietary complete feeds, usually by the enteral tube feeding route, are
reference values. less likely to require extra vitamin and minerals. Older chil-
For children on dialysis a water‐soluble vitamin supple- dren, with an inadequate diet and poor compliance with oral
ment is often prescribed as a prudent measure, although a nutritional supplements, may benefit from micronutrient
recent study measuring serum levels of B vitamins of supplements.
mainly unsupplemented children on dialysis showed nor- Micronutrient intakes can be greater than the RNI when
mal to high levels of these in all children [98]. Adult renal adult renal specific feeds are used solely or in combination
studies have shown that there are potential dialysate losses for children. It needs to be borne in mind that some nutri-
of vitamins C, B6 and folic acid [99]. Published adult rec- ents, including pyridoxine and magnesium, can have toxic
ommendations for these vitamins are likely to be too high effects at high intakes. Dietary intake should be evaluated
for the majority of paediatric patients [100]. Excessive and serum levels measured where intake far exceeds the RNI
intakes of vitamin C should be avoided as elevated oxalate for all vitamin and minerals.
levels can lead to the development of vascular complica- To aid compliance and acceptability, the taste and presen-
tions [101]. tation of micronutrient supplements are important fac-
Vitamin A levels are invariably increased in the serum of tors. Ketovite tablets (dose 1–3 per day) are most widely
children on dialysis as retinol binding protein levels increase prescribed.
Feeding Problems in CKD 263
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis feeding, which can result in vomiting and/or refusal of for-
mula or food as well as having a detrimental effect on nor-
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a rare, but serious mal oral feeding behaviour in the long term [114]. Data from
complication of long‐term PD. It involves the formation an the International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network
inflammatory and later fibrotic ‘cocoon’ surrounding the (IPPN) demonstrated a benefit of gastrostomy over NGT
gastrointestinal tract [84]. The result is abdominal inflamma- feeding. A possible explanation is the increased vomiting
tion and intestinal obstruction. The clinical presentation associated with an NGT, which can act as a stent passing
includes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, through the gastro‐oesophageal junction [30]. Placement of a
low‐grade fever and ultrafiltration failure [108]. The treat- gastrostomy button or percutaneous endoscopic gastros-
ment is immunosuppression or surgery (partial or complete tomy (PEG) tube in a child already on PD may not be ideal as
enterolysis). Post‐surgery, PN is commenced. The possibility it carries the risk of peritonitis. Ledermann et al. recommend
of refeeding syndrome may need to be considered (p. 63). placement prior to a PD catheter [114], while two other
Enteral feeds are gradually reintroduced. A 10‐year study groups report no statistical difference with gastrostomy
showed a prevalence of 1.5% in paediatrics, and the outcome insertion prior to or after PD catheter insertion [115, 116].
data was significantly better then seen in the adult popula- Vomiting can be an ongoing problem for some infants;
tion [109]. feed prescriptions should be closely monitored and altered
appropriately. Some infants are sensitive to changes in their
fluid balance, and this should be considered in relation to
Feeding problems in CKD vomiting. Persistent vomiting is stressful for families, and
close dietetic and team support is required in the long term
Improved clinical experience in dialysis techniques and [72]. Gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR) and disturbances in
renal transplantation has seen increasing numbers of infants gastrointestinal motility are common in infants with CKD
taken onto end‐stage management programmes. The ulti- [117], and investigations to detect and treat appropriately are
mate goal is early transplantation; this is technically more essential. Advice about appropriate positioning of the baby
complex in the very small child. Most units prefer to pro- when feeding should be initially given and a thickened feed
mote the growth of the child to a body weight >10 kg or can be tried (p. 133). Gastroparesis (delayed gastric empty-
length >80 cm before they are eligible for transplantation. ing) can be treated with prokinetic agents such as metoclo-
Optimal nutrition, with or without early dialysis, is essential pramide, erythromycin and domperidone. Due to concerns
in the care of these infants and young children since growth with potential side effects and lack of robust evidence, these
is crucially nutrition dependent during the first 2 years of medications are prescribed with caution. Some medications,
life. Nutrition has been one of the most important factors including calcium channel blockers and calcitonin, can delay
responsible for the improved outcomes and improved gastric emptying and should be reviewed. Persistent GOR
growth seen in this population [110, 111]. Data on growth, can respond to proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole
without the use of GH, and the dietetic contact necessary to and lansoprazole [118]. In extreme cases a fundoplication
manage and support children and their families receiving may be indicated to manage persistent vomiting [74].
chronic PD and intensive nutrition support illustrates the Caregivers, especially those of infants, need frequent
essential role of paediatric renal dietitians in the manage- reassurance that lack of interest in food and anorexia are
ment of such families [112]. The provision of adequate nutri- symptomatic of renal failure.
tion for growth requires frequent adjustments of nutritional Weaning should be encouraged at the customary recom-
prescriptions in accordance with blood biochemistry, mended age to enable the development of oral feeding expe-
especially in preschool children. riences and the reduction of sensitisation to food. The feeding
Once diagnosis is established, there may be a period of problems seen in infants and young children with CKD are
conservative management to determine if renal function multifactorial. Many of these infants commonly pass large
improves or stabilises. Appetite is poor in the infant with volumes of dilute urine; this creates a thirst and preference
CKD, vomiting is common, and there is usually a reluctance for water rather than formula. The large number and volume
to feed spontaneously. This impacts on both growth and of prescribed medications can contribute to refusal to take
biochemical stability. Supplementary enteral feeding is adequate formula by mouth. Some of these infants have dis-
indicated early to achieve and maintain growth and neu- ordered taste perception and refuse energy‐dense sweetened
rodevelopmental progress when oral feeding is insufficient. foods in preference for salty foods. They often find difficulty
In addition, salt and water should not be restricted in the in swallowing lumpy foods and fail to progress from puréed
salt‐wasting polyuric infant as this will also adversely baby foods to more energy‐dense family foods; in extreme
impact on growth [27]. Initiation of enteral feeds before circumstances even puréed foods may cause choking and
height deficits were noted has been associated with superior retching [119]. Caregivers need reassurance that it is typical
height outcomes compared with initiation after growth had for a child with CKD to only take small amounts of food and
faltered [113]. drink and that the early introduction of enteral feeding is
Tube feeding reduces some of the parental anxieties recommended before growth failure is evident. Positive rein-
associated with oral feeding while assuring nutritional and forcement with the use of dummies (pacifiers) and oral feed-
medication prescriptions are met. It is preferable to force ing while receiving daytime enteral bolus feeds should be
264 Kidney Diseases
Post‐transplantation medications aim to prevent graft rejec- may benefit from a behaviour modification approach [127].
tion and include the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporin and Although a renewed appetite is positive in the initial
tacrolimus, mycophenolate and steroids. Minimising steroid stages of management, excessive weight gain and obesity in
exposure can improve linear growth and reduce metabolic the long term must be avoided. Both the child and family
disorders. Early steroid withdrawal has been shown to sig- should be reminded of this soon after transplant. The princi-
nificantly help growth at 6 months post‐transplant especially ples of a sensible, healthy eating, well‐balanced diet for all
in pre‐pubertal children [125]; improved lipid and glucose the family is advised prior to discharge from hospital.
metabolism profiles were also seen. Nutritional advice All patients on immunosuppressive therapy need to take
continues to be an important feature of treatment post‐
care with food hygiene and avoid foods that carry a high risk
transplant with the dietitian continuing to be involved with of food poisoning organisms such as Listeria and Salmonella;
the ongoing management. this should be discussed with each child and family prior to
Hypertension can present following transplantation and
Initial dietary management antihypertensive therapy is prescribed. Early post‐trans-
plantation systolic hypertension strongly and independently
Immediately after transplantation, the main concerns for the predicts poor long‐term graft survival in paediatric patients
recipient include the complications of rejection and infection. [128]. Arterial wall stiffness has been demonstrated in young
Feeding commences on the return of normal bowel sounds. If adults with ESRD since childhood, with hypertension being
there are no complications, the child usually develops an the main determinant [129]. Weight control and advice
appetite as renal function improves and previous dietary regarding salt intake, as part of the healthy eating recom-
restrictions can be relaxed in line with biochemical results. mendations, should be encouraged.
Fluid balance is dependent on output and is assessed daily Dyslipidaemia is seen in some children following trans-
by medical staff. A high fluid intake is initially encouraged to plantation and requires regular assessment. An evaluation
perfuse the transplanted kidney. Serum phosphate levels 2–3 months after transplantation and annually thereafter is
typically fall below reference ranges due to the large tubular recommended [130]. Studies have identified that 40% of
and urinary losses; dietary advice should encourage phos- deaths in adult renal transplant patients are attributed to
phate‐rich foods and drinks at this stage. Invariably phos- CVD and they occur at a younger age than in the general
phate supplements are prescribed in the early post‐transplant population [131]. There is growing evidence that dyslipidae-
days to match urinary losses. Serum magnesium levels can mia hastens the progression of renal disease itself. Disordered
also fall and require medicinal supplementation. Those chil- lipoprotein metabolism results from complex interactions
dren who experience acute tubular necrosis following a renal among many factors including the primary disease process,
transplant require a period of c onservative management or use of medications such as corticosteroids, the presence of
dialysis therapy, including appropriate dietary modification, malnutrition or obesity and diet [132]. All children with
until adequate renal function is achieved. dyslipidaemia should follow the recommendations for ther-
In infants and children receiving enteral feeds pre‐trans- apeutic lifestyle changes [131]. Dietary modification should
plant, concerns have been raised about a prolonged transi- include advice favouring monounsaturated and polyunsatu-
tion to exclusive oral nutrition [120]. Others have shown that rated fats and oils in preference to saturated fats, together
long‐term enteral tube feeding does not preclude the transi- with encouraging the regular consumption of omega‐3 fatty
tion to normal feeding and the majority of children will eat acids and antioxidants from fruit and vegetable intake.
and drink after a successful renal transplant [110]. Feeding Moderate physical activity is recommended.
dysfunction and impaired oromotor development appear to
be more evident in infants who received NG feeding than in
those who had gastrostomy buttons for feeding [126]. Ongoing dietary management
It is recommended to cease tube feeding, whenever possi-
ble, at the time of renal transplantation in order to stimulate Children still receiving nutritional support post‐transplant
appetite as renal function is restored, especially if higher should be regularly reviewed in the outpatient clinic. A transi-
doses of corticosteroids are prescribed. To do this success- tion period to encourage the oral route of feeding should be
fully, the medical staff, dietitian and team members need to agreed with families. To stimulate the appetite, a reduced vol-
provide ongoing support to families. Most children do well ume of bolus feed should be given during the day. Vitamin and/
and resume normal eating and drinking post‐transplant [110, or trace mineral preparations may be required in those children
126]. There will always be exceptions to this approach with whose micronutrient intakes are poor. Iron status should also be
some children requiring short periods of nutritional support, monitored. Many younger children struggle with fluid targets
particularly in the first few weeks or months post‐transplan- post‐transplant and require bolus top‐ups with water.
tation. In such patients a planned and agreed strategy to Transplantation restores the conditions to promote more typ-
wean off enteral tube feeding must be implemented. Common ical growth. However, (when used) corticosteroids as well as a
experience is that some young children take time to adapt to low GFR in the graft kidney will both have growth suppressive
drinking more fluids. In such cases fluid boluses delivered effects. Steroids suppress growth mainly by interacting with
via the enteral feeding tube are given short term. Severe eat- the GH/IGF‐1 axis and by affecting the growth plate [133]. A
ing difficulties present in a small number of children; these retrospective analysis of longitudinal growth in children who
266 Kidney Diseases
had been weaned off steroids within 6 months of transplant therapy and appropriate dietary advice. Hyperglycaemia is
showed improved height growth [28]. A nutritionally adequate also seen in a small number of children when acute rejection
balanced diet should be established to sustain normal growth episodes are treated with pulses of methylprednisolone; this
while guarding against overnutrition. effect is often transitory.
The prevention of weight gain leading to obesity can be a Chronic rejection of the transplanted kidney will eventu-
difficult problem particularly for adolescents where body ally result in the child returning to dialysis with appropriate
image is important. The patient who was anorexic prior to dietary intervention as for CKD.
transplantation may not engage in discussions to modify food
intake to control body weight. Adolescents who experience
excess weight gain and change of body image can be suscep- Learning points: renal transplantation
tible to crash dieting and possible fasting to lose weight.
Healthy eating and exercise should always be encouraged, • Nutritional advice continues to be important post‐trans-
including information on the health risks of alcohol and smok- plant; weight control and advice regarding salt intake, as
ing. Adolescents need to be included in setting their own die- part of the healthy eating recommendations, should be
tary targets. Paediatric data looking at weight status at encouraged
transplant found that obese recipients were at higher risk of • Studies have identified that 40% of deaths in adult renal
mortality and graft failure compared with normal weight transplant patients are attributed to CVD and they occur
patients. Overweight patients also had greater risk of graft at a younger age than in the general population
failure, acute rejection and delayed graft function. Obese chil- • Overweight patients have a greater risk of graft failure,
dren either pre‐ or post‐transplant experience higher work- acute rejection and delayed graft function; obese children
load within the nephrons that contributes to graft loss [134]. either pre‐ or post‐transplant experience a higher workload
A small number of children develop steroid‐induced within the nephrons that contributes to graft loss
diabetes mellitus post‐transplant, which requires insulin
introduction. After using CYP treatment, BMI decreased sig- findings of depressed serum copper. Low serum copper levels,
nificantly [147]. as previously reported, may occur in the early disease phase
A study with 60 patients evaluated the final stature of because of loss of ceruloplasmin in urine. Increased plasma
adults with childhood‐onset steroid‐responsive INS. INS‐ levels likely reflect oxidative stress. Plasma selenium was sig-
related issues did not prevent final stature reaching the nificantly decreased in active NS compared with c ontrols [153].
predicted target height [148]. Zinc is an important antioxidant and aids growth in
children. Low serum zinc levels have been seen in children
Vitamin D in clinical practice with SRNS and CNS. Plasma zinc consti-
tutes only 0.1% of total body zinc stores. Zinc is an important
Many small studies have documented very low total 25(OH)
component of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and zinc defi-
D levels in NS, attributed to the urinary loss of vitamin D
ciency leads to a decreased serum ALP level. In a systematic
binding protein (DBP) and albumin [149]. Children with NS
review including six randomised controlled trials, zinc sup-
and normal renal function have evidence of abnormal bone
plementation reduced the frequency of relapses in children
metabolism and structure, and vitamin D deficiency may be
with SSNS and SDNS/FRNS; however, the GRADE evidence
an important modifiable risk factor in this population.
generated was of very low quality [154].
However, skeletal outcomes have not been addressed, and
There is very limited literature on the dose of supplemen-
guidelines for management of bone health in this population
tation that is needed when low levels of trace elements are
are lacking [149]. In an incident INS cohort, all children at
found [155]. There are no recommendations for monitoring
diagnosis had 25(OH)D deficiency. Supplemental vitamin D
micronutrient status in NS patients. In CNS or SRNS, if there
decreased the odds of 25(OH)D deficiency at follow‐up, sup-
is concern about a child’s growth or ongoing anaemia, meas-
porting a role for supplementation [150].
uring levels of trace elements and relevant micronutrients
More research is needed to provide guidance about the
would seem acceptable; however, more evidence is needed to
management of vitamin D deficiency in NS.
justify routine measurements of these nutrients in all patients.
Trace elements play a significant role in several metabolic
processes and often circulate in the blood bound to protein. Whether a high or low protein intake is necessary in NS is
Anaemia is one of the complications seen in patients with questionable, and there is limited evidence on protein needs
persistent NS and may occur as a result of excessive urinary for children. An old study in nephrotic rats suggested that
losses of iron, transferrin (iron transport protein), erythropoi- augmentation of dietary protein stimulates albumin synthe-
etin, transcobalamin (which binds and transports vitamin sis, but also causes an increase in glomerular permeability so
B12) and/or metals. This leads to a deficiency of substrates that the excess albumin synthesised is lost in the urine [156].
necessary for effective erythropoiesis. Supplementation of In a further study, dietary supplementation with protein had
iron and erythropoietin alone often does not lead to correc- no obvious beneficial effect on the nutritional status of
tion of the anaemia [151]. nephrotic rats [157]. Low protein diets have been shown to
Copper plays a significant role in erythropoiesis, and its decrease albuminuria in rats with NS [158]. In children a low
deficiency is known to be associated with anaemia and other protein diet carries the risk of malnutrition and is, therefore,
haematological abnormalities. Urinary losses of ceruloplas- not recommended.
min, a copper carrier protein in plasma, can lead to copper
deficiency and consequent anaemia in children with NS. If
anaemia does not improve with iron and erythropoietin
therapy, copper deficiency could be considered with meas- One of the primary strategies in the management of oedema
urement of serum copper levels [151]. is salt restriction. With severe or symptomatic oedema, fluid
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is transported in plasma bound to may need to be restricted with the addition of a loop diuretic
the protein transcobalamin. The role of vitamin B12 in eryth- under close medical supervision [159, 160]. In a nephrotic
ropoiesis is well established, and its deficiency can lead to state, the kidneys retain salt inappropriately in the tubules,
acquired megaloblastic anaemia. How much impact these causing oedema [161]. Filtered proteins send a signal to the
urinary losses have on the development of anaemia in chil- kidney tubules to reabsorb salt into the blood, so it is not
dren with NS is not clear. effectively excreted in the urine, which results in salt and
The reticulocyte count is the best laboratory marker of water retention and oedema.
effective erythropoiesis, and levels are expected to be low in
anaemia due to deficiencies in erythropoietin, iron, vitamin
Nutritional management
B12, folate and copper [151]. In a small prospective study,
plasma levels of boron, selenium and zinc were shown to be
Nutritional assessment
significantly lower in 14 children with NS in active phase
compared with 14 healthy children [152]. At diagnosis, the child’s length/height and weight should
A study including 48 children with NS showed elevated be measured. The child is likely to be oedematous, so obtain-
serum copper levels in relapse, contrasting with previous ing a history from the parents/caregivers of previous
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome 269
weights prior to the onset of disease is important in order to these situations; for the younger child, tube feeding may be
help the medical team estimate the dry weight. Length/ necessary. Hydrolysed feeds (partial or extensive hydro-
height and dry weight should be plotted on a growth chart lysates) can be trialled if diarrhoea is present and malabsorp-
and used to estimate nutritional requirements. A diet history tion is suspected. It is likely that these steroid‐resistant
should be taken. children will progress to end‐stage kidney disease. It is
At follow‐up appointments, the dietitian should obtain important to monitor their renal blood tests, growth param-
details from the medical team about how the child has eters and appetite on a more frequent basis.
responded to steroids, if they are currently in relapse or Monitoring of trace elements and 25(OH)D blood levels
remission and whether they are oedematous. A history of the should be considered in children who are steroid resistant
child’s bowel habit should be taken, especially if they have and in a persistent nephrotic state. There is not any strong
not responded to steroids and are in a persistent nephrotic evidence about dosages to supplement with if the levels are
state; the gut and surrounding tissues may be oedematous low; this can be discussed with the medical teams. For zinc
and there may be consequent malabsorption. A diet history supplementation, dosages in the British National Formulary
should be taken at each appointment. can be used as a guide to correct low levels. Measuring CRP
is advised as levels can be affected if the child is in a state of
Energy and protein inflammation.
to a congenital infection. An increasing number of genetic length and head circumference should be plotted on growth
defects have been identified for their involvement in the charts weekly in hospital to closely monitor growth. It is not
pathogenesis of CNS, including NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1, always easy to estimate the dry weight due to the oedema.
PLCE1 and LAMB2. Mutations in the genes NPHS1 and The level of fluid restriction is determined by the medical
NPHS2 are the most common causes. CNS was initially team. Infants are often restricted to 100–130 mL/kg/day.
referred to as the Finnish‐type nephrotic syndrome due to its However, it is important to discuss with the medical team
high incidence in Finland, with NPHS1 mutations underly- the limit on nutrition (and hence growth) that this fluid
ing most cases [164, 165]. These genes provide instructions restriction imposes; they may be able to change the medical
for producing proteins that are found in cells of the glomeru- management to control the oedema and allow more fluid to
lus (filtering unit). When there is a defect of the gene, the provide better nutrition.
kidney leaks protein in the urine. Infectious causes of CNS A feeding history should be taken as well as a history on
include congenital syphilis, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalo- the frequency of vomiting and stool output. Stools can be
virus (CMV). Treatment with antibiotics or antivirals is loose due to malabsorption resulting from oedema of the gut.
sometimes curative.
Dietetic management
Medical management The dietetic aims are to provide adequate nutrition for growth
and development, to minimise diarrhoea and vomiting and
Initially management includes stabilisation of the child, con-
to support the parents through what is a very difficult time.
trolling oedema, preventing and treating infection and
Feeds will need to be concentrated due to the fluid restric-
thrombosis and optimising nutrition to promote growth.
tion. Exclusive breastfeeding is unlikely to be sufficient to
Daily intravenous albumin in the early weeks or months is
meet nutritional requirements and in the early stages is not
typically required with monitoring of thyroid function and
advised due to strict control of the fluid intake. In more sta-
blood tests for anaemia. This may require infants to remain
ble babies, supplementary comfort breastfeeding may be
in hospital for many months, which can affect family life.
allowed. Mothers are encouraged to express their breast-
Serum creatinine levels are typically normal in the early
milk, and expressed breastmilk (EBM) can be fortified
stages of CNS. Once the infant is stable, medications such as
according to local policies. If there is no EBM, standard
ACE inhibitors can be used to reduce protein loss.
whey‐based infant formulas are used and slowly concen-
Clinical symptoms can vary hugely depending on the
trated depending on tolerance. In practice, infant formulas
phenotype, and there is wide variance in practice [166].
have been concentrated up to 20%–23% depending on the
Some centres advocate regular albumin infusions, with
level of fluid restriction, tolerance and age of the child.
planned unilateral or bilateral nephrectomies to reduce the
Proprietary high energy infant formulas can be used.
huge urinary losses of protein, once a child reaches an appro-
Extensively hydrolysed protein formulas (powdered and
priate dry weight of about 7 kg. Peritoneal dialysis is then
liquid), particularly those with a high medium chain triglyc-
commenced until the child is a suitable size for transplanta-
eride (MCT) content, and amino acid‐based formulas may be
tion (weighing aproximately10 kg). Other centres are mov-
helpful where there is diarrhoea and vomiting and feed
ing away from regular daily albumin, giving it on a clinical
intolerance is preventing growth. Protein powders, glucose
basis as required and allowing the child to progress n aturally
polymers and fat emulsions can be added to feeds to help
towards end‐stage renal disease [166]. If the infant is dis-
meet nutritional requirements.
charged home without albumin infusions, they need close
Infants who cannot meet their nutritional requirements
monitoring with frequent outpatient follow‐up, initially
orally and are not growing adequately will need a placement
weekly, and with telephone support by a clinical nurse
of a nasogastric tube. Feeds in hospital should be given con-
specialist and specialist paediatric renal dietitian.
tinuously at first if the baby is vomiting and slowly moved
The decision to carry out a bilateral nephrectomy and start
to bolus feeding as tolerated. A combination of day bolus
dialysis is dependent on the child’s growth, frequency of
feeds and continuous overnight feeding is a commonly used
infections and kidney function. In the majority of cases,
regimen. It is important to involve the family in the decision
kidney transplantation is the only curative outcome [165].
making. If tube feeding is likely to be long term, gastrostomy
feeding should be discussed with the medical team and the
parents. It is advisable to place the gastrostomy before peri-
Nutritional management
toneal dialysis is started. A gastrostomy can be very helpful
post‐kidney transplant in order to give daily immunosup-
Nutritional assessment
pressants and to meet high fluid requirements.
Babies with CNS are at nutritional risk due to large losses of Normal weaning practices are encouraged. Some babies
protein, oedema and fluid restriction, poor oral feeding, vom- struggle to take more than tastes; however, some babies
iting and diarrhoea, increased risk of infections that further wean successfully.
affects feeding and losses of vitamin D and trace elements. There have been reports of improved growth in CNS with
It is important to obtain an estimated dry weight from the aggressive treatment regimens. However, it is unknown
medical team in order to calculate requirements. Dry weight, whether this improvement is related to the high protein intake
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome 271
A 6‐week‐old term baby girl diagnosed with CNS is fluid restricted to 120 mL/kg.
Birthweight = 3 kg (25th centile).
Current estimated dry weight = 3.5 kg (2nd centile). Length = 54 cm (25th centile). Head circumference = 37 cm (50th centile).
Energy requirements 130 kcal (545 kJ)/kg/day. Protein requirements 3–4 g/kg/day.
Mum is not expressing any breastmilk. Feeds using whey‐based infant formula were gradually increased daily to 20% concentration with 1%
added glucose polymer and 1% added protein powder, as tolerated.
Feed recipe Energy (kcal (kJ)) Protein (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) Na (mmol) Calcium (mg)
The following week, she became more oedematous and was vomiting frequently, and the doctors request the fluid be further restricted to
110 mL/kg. It is difficult to estimate a dry weight, due to oedema, but the medical team has decided on 3.6 kg. A more concentrated feed was
calculated to provide her nutritional requirements in 110 mL/kg. To try to achieve better feed tolerance, the dietitian changed the base feed to a
high energy extensively hydrolysed liquid infant formula with 5% added glucose polymer.
Feed recipe Energy (kcal (kJ)) Protein (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) Na (mmol) Calcium (mg)
Her vomiting improved by reducing in frequency; however, she still had occasional vomits 2–3 times a week that the medical team felt was
acceptable. She continued to receive daily albumin infusions and her oedema reduced. For the next couple of weeks, it was felt that her dry
weight was increasing well. Close monitoring by the dietitian and liaison with the medical team continues because as she grows, she will need
either an increase in her fluid allowance or a further increase in the feed concentration to continue to meet her nutritional needs.
272 Kidney Diseases
The renal tubules play a central role in fluid, electrolyte and reduction of further losses by appropriate medication. Early
acid–base homeostasis. Urine composition is determined by diagnosis and initiation of therapy can improve growth and
active and passive reabsorption from the glomerular ultrafil- prognosis. Glomerular function is preserved in some disor-
trate (mainly occurring in the proximal tubule) and secretion ders (e.g. GS), but can be severely affected in others (e.g. cys-
into the tubule from the surrounding blood supply. The final tinosis and some Bartter patients), leading to chronic kidney
regulation occurs in the distal tubule and collecting duct disease (CKD). Episodes of dehydration or complications
under the influence of hormones. Defects in tubular function related to the original defect (e.g. renal stones in cystinuria)
may be inherited or acquired and disrupt one or more of can also affect glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Although
these absorptive or secretory processes, leading to potential rare, the long‐term outcome and clinical profile of many of
abnormalities in electrolyte, mineral and water balance that these inherited renal tubular d isorders are now being
can be life threatening. reported [170–175].
Classification of renal tubular disorders is based on the Ensuring a nutritionally adequate diet and achieving
location of the defect in the nephron and whether it is iso- appropriate growth can be challenging. The polyuria, which
lated (e.g. nephrogenic diabetes insipidus), generalised (as is a common feature of many of these conditions, drives
in renal Fanconi syndrome) or secondary to a more wide- thirst and can result in a poor appetite, especially during
spread disease process (such as cystinosis, tyrosinaemia or infancy. The medical treatment and dietary considerations
Lowe syndrome) (Table 13.22). Biochemical analysis of for a few of these conditions are described below.
serum and urine assists differential diagnosis, and genetic
testing can confirm the diagnosis in suspected or familial
cases. Bartter syndrome
Inherited renal tubular disorders may present in the first
year of life with faltering growth, polydipsia and polyuria. Bartter syndrome (BS) is not a single entity, but refers to a
Dehydration can lead to symptoms of constipation, recur- group (types I–V) of rare, predominantly autosomal reces-
rent fevers and vomiting. Bone deformities (rickets) may be sive disorders, characterised by hypokalaemic alkalosis,
part of the clinical picture, suggesting loss of phosphate from hypochloraemia, hyper‐reninaemia and hyperaldosteron-
the proximal tubule. The antenatal history can include poly- ism with normal or low blood pressure. The underlying
hydramnios with infants born premature and with low renal abnormality causes high urinary losses of sodium,
birthweight. A few conditions (such as Gitelman syndrome chloride and potassium. Males and females are affected
[GS] and renal glycosuria) may not present until later in equally.
childhood or adulthood [170, 171]. The BS subtypes correspond to specific defective transport
The initial management for most tubular disorders involves proteins in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the loop of
correction of dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities and Henle caused by a variety of gene mutations. They share
Primary or secondary to another disorder (e.g. galactosaemia, nephropathic cystinosis, mitochondrial cytopathies, Lowe syndrome, Wilson’s disease).
multifactorial being secondary to the renal Fanconi syn- supplements (such as glucose polymers and a fat emulsion)
drome [187], inadequate nutrition, rickets and cystine depo- if necessary. It is usually sufficient to aim for 100% of energy
sition in the bones and thyroid. Early initiation and requirements for age (or height age if stunted) [182]. Within
compliance with cysteamine therapy can help prevent the first year many experience feeding difficulties including
growth retardation by increasing GH release and improving frequent vomiting, poor appetite and oral aversion. Weaning
metabolic status, but cannot induce catch‐up growth [188]. can begin at around 6 months, but progression onto solids
Frequent measurement of trough leucocyte cystine levels are can be slow, with an extended reliance on formula and poor
used to adjust cysteamine dose [189] and can help assess acceptance of a cup rather than a bottle [193]. Extreme thirst
compliance with medication. may be a feature due to the polyuria, along with craving for
Hypophosphataemic rickets can be seen at a young age in high salt foods. A reduction in saliva production can com-
cystinosis due to the large urinary losses of phosphate, cal- promise the ability to chew and swallow [194].
cium and vitamin D binding protein and impaired vitamin Achieving adequate nutrition and fluid intake can be dif-
D metabolism. High doses of phosphate supplements and ficult, and infants and children may require intensive die-
active vitamin D may be required to treat and prevent rick- tetic support. Fluid requirements may be up to twice normal
ets. However, careful monitoring of phosphate and bone for weight. Young children can benefit from an NG or G tube
status (using serum phosphate, parathyroid hormone or ion- to administer nutrition, fluid and medications, resulting in
ised calcium levels) is necessary to detect a reduction in improvements in height and weight parameters [189, 195].
phosphaturia that may occur as CKD progresses. High A questionnaire survey of 70 members of the Cystinosis
serum phosphate levels can trigger increases in serum fibro- Foundation [196] reported that 30% of responders had
blast growth factor‐23 (FGF‐23), which is associated with received gastric/jejunal feedings and 7% had periods on
adverse outcomes including increasing progression of renal parenteral nutrition. Oral nutritional supplements can be
disease and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. helpful if a child’s appetite is reduced. Children with poor
Urinary carnitine excretion is high in cystinosis due to the growth, whose medical and nutritional therapy have been
renal Fanconi syndrome, as 97% of free carnitine is normally optimised, may benefit from the use of GH.
reabsorbed by the renal tubules. This leads to low levels in Despite treatment, cystine can accumulate in the oropharyn-
plasma and muscle, although clinical signs of deficiency geal muscles, with many patients reporting choking, gagging
(such as cardiomyopathy or metabolic encephalopathy) and vomiting during mealtimes and poor tolerance of changes
have never been reported. In addition, the cysteamine medi- in food textures [193, 197]. A videofluoroscopy can be helpful to
cation may also inhibit the efficient transport of carnitine assess the nature, severity and aspiration risk associated with
into muscle. these swallowing difficulties. A wide range of GI disturbances
Carnitine levels improve with the onset of CKD and the have been reported in this patient group, including intestinal
reduction in urinary losses. The value of supplementation is dysmotility and delayed gastric emptying [198–200].
debatable as it can take many years to replace muscular As renal function declines, dietary intake may need to be
carnitine and it is unclear if this provides any clinical
manipulated according to serum biochemistry (p. 249).
improvement [190]. However, dietary advice requires a careful balance between
High urinary copper excretion (up to four times normal) compensation for renal losses and the usual dietetic manage-
has been reported in patients with cystinosis [191] together ment of CKD.
with low serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels. Copper is
a cofactor involved in maintaining normal collagen and
bone structure, and so it has been proposed that copper defi- Learning points: cystinosis
ciency may play a role in the connective tissue lesions that
have been reported. Monitoring copper status and the use of • Cystinosis is an inherited systemic disease
oral copper supplements may be important to prevent these, • 95% have the severe form (nephropathic or infantile)
but there is no consensus on whether copper supplements • High fluid requirements
should be given [192]. • Breastfeeding and standard infant formula are usually
• May need nutritional support (supplementation or tube feeding)
Nutritional management • Symptoms of extreme thirst and feeding difficulties, espe-
cially in infancy
Infants with cystinosis are asymptomatic at birth with a nor- • Normal weaning from about 6 months of age, but often
mal weight and length, but by 6–12 months may be faltering slow progression onto solids
[183]. Breastfeeding, EBM and infant formula are appropri- • Serum copper levels may be low and could be supplemented
ate feed choices, but energy and nutritional intake should be • Cysteamine medication:
regularly assessed along with anthropometry. If weight gain ⚬⚬ improves prognosis and delays progression of CKD
or growth is poor, the optimal feed will depend on the vol- ⚬⚬ has a strong taste and smell which reduces compliance
umes taken or tolerated. Energy‐dense infant formulas, e.g. • 90% of children with cystinosis have stage 5 CKD by age
Similac High Energy or Infatrini, may be useful or concen- 20 years requiring renal replacement therapy
trating a standard infant formula with the addition of energy
276 Kidney Diseases
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus kg body weight/day will reduce the amount of urine pro-
duced and can help to achieve feed tolerance by decreasing
Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is a rare polydipsia.
genetic condition characterised by insensitivity of the distal The RSL refers to solutes of dietary and endogenous origin
renal tubule to antidiuretic hormone (arginine vasopressin that need to be excreted in the urine along with water [204].
[AVP]) leading to an inability to concentrate urine. The most These include urea (from dietary protein metabolism), cre-
common manifestations are polyuria, polydipsia and hypos- atinine, sodium, chloride, potassium and phosphate. In
thenuria (urine with an osmolality less than that of plasma) practice, most of the RSL is of dietary origin, and the poten-
with recurrent episodes of dehydration and fever. About tial RSL of a feed can be estimated from the protein content
80% of cases have mutations in the gene affecting the vaso- together with the main electrolytes. Formulas for roughly
pressin V2 receptor (AVPR2) in the collecting duct, an X‐ calculating this are given in the literature using slightly dif-
linked recessive disorder. Mutations in the aquaporin water ferent assumptions regarding contributions of dietary elec-
channel (AQP2) in the collecting duct account for 10% with a trolytes and protein. The formula shown in Table 13.23 was
recessive mode of inheritance (or rarely a dominant inherit- devised generalising that all dietary proteins are metabo-
ance pattern). These genes code for critical compounds for lised to urea (and contribute 4 mmol to the RSL per gram of
the transepithelial water permeability of the collecting duct protein) with the addition of a contribution from electrolytes
[201]. A further 10% of cases of NDI are due to unknown (by multiplying the millimolar amounts of sodium and
mutations. potassium by two to allow for the accompanying anions).
The clinical presentation of NDI may be indistinguishable The medical management of NDI usually includes the
from central (or neurogenic) diabetes insipidus (DI), which administration of a thiazide diuretic, often in combination
is due to insufficient AVP production or release. In both of with a potassium‐sparing diuretic (amiloride) or an NSAID
these conditions, the high urine output leads to an increase (such as indometacin or ibuprofen) or a COX‐2 inhibitor
in serum osmolality and hypernatraemia, accompanied by (celecoxib) to reduce urine output. Potassium supplementa-
an inappropriately low urine osmolality. Urine volume is tion may be indicated if serum potassium levels fall below
often greater than 6 mL/kg/hour in neonates (or 4 mL/kg/ the normal range for age.
hour in children), accompanied by a fluid intake of >2 L/m2 Patients have been reported to have developmental delay,
BSA/day (p. 243). The nephrogenic form of DI is confirmed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and poor
by administering an artificial form of AVP, 1‐desamino‐8‐d‐ short‐term memory [203], although these may be secondary
arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), either IV or subcutaneously. to the feeling of constantly craving for fluids and needing to
In patients with central DI, DDAVP will concentrate the pass urine.
urine to normalise serum osmolality, whereas in NDI there
will be no response. Genetic testing (if available) can help to
confirm the NDI diagnoses. Nutritional management
Most patients with congenital NDI have non‐specific
symptoms in the first weeks of life, e.g. faltering growth, Infants with NDI are usually fed a controlled volume of a
recurrent vomiting, poor feeding, irritability, hypotonia, low solute whey‐based infant formula calculated to provide
fever and constipation. Birthweight and height have been a RSL <15 mOsm/kg H2O per kg body weight (Table 13.23).
reported as normal, suggesting normal prenatal growth This infant formula may be given as a feed up to 150 mL/kg
[202]. In a recently reported retrospective review of 36 NDI body weight, with additional fluids offered freely as water.
cases [174], 69% were diagnosed in the first year of life with Fluid requirements are high (up to 250 mL/kg), but can
a median age of diagnosis of 7 months. The majority (87%) of reduce substantially when urine output is controlled on
patients are diagnosed in the first 2.5 years of life [203]. medication. To achieve the EAR for energy for age, energy
Median height and weight SDS at presentation a the Dutch supplementation of the formula and also of the free water
cohort [203] was −1.06 (range −4.94 to −1.9) and −2.1 (range may be needed. Glucose polymers (p. 14) can be used to
−8.25 to −2.6), respectively. provide extra energy without further increasing the RSL.
Infants with NDI may need IV fluids to rehydrate and Tolerance and acceptance of glucose polymers varies, but
slowly normalise serum sodium in the first instance. Too between 3 and 10 g of glucose polymer powder can be added
rapid a decrease in serum sodium levels can risk cerebral to 100 mL of the fluids, providing an additional 11–38 kcal
oedema and potentially be fatal. The IV fluids should be 5% (45–160 kJ)/100 mL. A total carbohydrate concentration of
glucose, given at an infusion rate just exceeding urinary 10 g/100 mL can be trialled initially and slowly increased in
output, with careful monitoring of urine and plasma bio- increments of about 2 g/100 mL if required (up to a maxi-
chemistry. Only in the event of circulatory shock should a mum of about 20 g total carbohydrate per 100 mL, i.e. 20%
bolus of 0.9% saline be given. In other situations, the higher concentration). Most infants have a preference for water, so
sodium load from 0.9% saline would worsen the hyper- the formula should be offered first to ensure adequate nutri-
natraemia, exacerbating the polyuria. These IV fluids are tion. An NG tube may needed for those infants who refuse to
carefully managed and monitored by the medical team. take an adequate amount of formula orally. Within the first
Once oral feeding is initiated, achieving an adequate fluid year of life, many infants experience feeding problems that
intake to replace urinary losses can be difficult. Lowering the lead to poor weight gain and growth, so regular monitoring
renal solute load (RSL) of the feed to <15 mOsm/kg H2O per and adjustment of feeds may be necessary.
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus 277
The reduced RSL feed may initially result in a shortfall in a G device inserted [174]. Tube feeding is not usually needed
protein and micronutrient intake, but is essential to stabilise beyond the age of 2 years [174], although children and their
urine output and minimise thirst. Preterm infants are par- families often need a lot of support to achieve a consistent
ticularly vulnerable to the effects of poor nutrition, so it may oral intake and careful weaning off from the tube. A multi-
not be possible to reduce RSL below 15 mOsm/kg H2O per disciplinary approach, including the support of speech and
kg body weight, and a compromise of 18 mOsm/kg H2O language therapists and a specialist feeding team, can be
per kg may be more appropriate. Once an infant is thriving helpful to manage this process.
and medically stable, the feed RSL can be relaxed to improve To reduce urine output, lifelong control of dietary salt
protein and nutrient intake. Plasma sodium concentration intake is required. In infants, initial weaning should be a
and routine monitoring of paired urine and plasma osmolal- low sodium diet, with a gradual relaxation to a reduced salt
ity can guide hydration status, although interpreting these diet (or ‘no added salt diet’) by the age of 2 years. Most tra-
can be difficult [205]. A plasma osmolality >300 mOsm/kg ditional weaning foods are low in sodium including fruit,
H2O and serum sodium >150 mmol/L in an NDI infant sug- vegetables and baby rice and manufactured baby foods
gests hypernatraemic dehydration and medication doses (apart from those with added high salt items such as cheese,
may need adjustment (to reflect an increase in body weight) ham and bacon). A reduced salt diet provides about 3 mmol
or extra fluids given. Urine osmolality in NDI is rarely con- sodium/kg body weight (Table 13.7), which is similar to the
centrated above 70–150 mOsm/kg H2O, even when serum healthy eating guidelines given to the general public. A
osmolality is high. web‐based support group for NDI families gives detailed
The tendency to vomit and experience constipation (due advice on strict adherence to a very low sodium diet irre-
to dehydration) is commonly reported in infants and young spective of age, which is not necessary or achievable.
children with NDI. The regular use of laxatives can be help- Practical advice on achieving a reduced salt intake is given
ful. To control vomiting, careful positioning during feeding, in Table 13.24.
the use of feed thickeners, anti‐emetics and prokinetics can A very strict low salt diet can contribute to growth failure
be tried, but are often unsuccessful. For infants with severe despite adequate energy intake and optimal medical treat-
vomiting and faltering growth, a trial of NG tube feeding to ment [206]. Individual tolerance of salt varies, with parents
allow a slower administration of feed volume (by gravity or reporting higher fluid intakes (with accompanying polyuria
pump) can be helpful. In the cohort review by Sharma, about and bedwetting) if salty foods are taken. For this reason,
a third of infants had required NG feeding, and 24% had had many older children self‐regulate their salt intake to avoid
278 Kidney Diseases
Table 13.24 Practical advice to achieve a reduced salt diet (‘no added salt diet’).
General advice
• Do not add salt to your food at the table or in cooking • Season foods with fresh, frozen or dried herbs, black pepper, garlic, onions,
This includes sea salt, rock salt, garlic salt, natural salt, table salt or chilli, lemon juice, vinegar, spices (check spice mixes for salt)
salt substitutes • Try baking or roasting vegetables to bring out their flavour
• Eat foods high in salt less often and in smaller amounts • It is not usually necessary to avoid cereals, bread and normal butter and
• Check food labels spread
Very high salt foods may have >1.5 g salt/100 g. However, salt
intake from these will depend on the amount eaten and a small
portion may be acceptable
High salt foods Lower salt advice
Especially hard and processed cheese (e.g. cheddar cheese and Try using a small amount of a stronger cheese or grating hard cheese to make
cheese slices or strips) it go further. Cream cheese, cheese spread and cottage cheese are lower salt
Processed meats/ready meals
Bacon, sausages, hot dogs, frankfurters, ham, corned beef, beef Not all processed meals are high in salt – check food labels for those with
burgers, salami, meat pies, sausage rolls, meat paté or paste ≤0.3 g salt/100 g
Ready meals or dried pot meals (particularly if containing bacon, Replace packaged meals with freshly cooked meat, poultry and fish
ham, cheese or soy sauce) Replace dried pot meals with fresh or dried noodles or pasta; discard
ready‐mixed ‘seasonings’ packets and flavour with a low salt spice mix or
suitable sauce
Burgers can be made at home and chicken strips can be oven baked or fried
in batter or breadcrumbs rather than choosing shop‐bought items
Certain fish products
These include smoked salmon or mackerel, tins or jars of fish Fresh or frozen fish
(including anchovies, sardines and pilchards), fish paté or paste
Tinned foods
Check soups and vegetables Prepare fresh soup or choose suitable lower salt products
Use fresh, frozen or salt‐free tinned vegetables and pulses in place of tinned
vegetables with added salt. If you cannot find salt‐free products, rinse the
can’s contents in a colander under running water to remove excess salt
Ready‐made gravy and sauces
These include tomato ketchup, soy, brown, barbecue, mayonnaise, Use these sauces sparingly or replace with a lower salt brand if available. You
pickles, mustard, tabasco, curry paste and pesto could make a stock and/or gravy from suitable ingredients, rather than using
cubes or granules. Try apple, cranberry or mint sauces
Manufactured jars of tomato‐based sauces are often lower in salt than cheesy
ones or those containing olives, bacon or ham. Alternatively, make a sauce
with fresh ingredients such as tomatoes/tomato purée and garlic
Takeaway foods
Including Chinese, Indian, kebabs, fried chicken, burgers and salted Make pizza at home:
chips Spread a base with salt‐free tinned smooth chopped tomato and add
home‐cooked meat, chicken, red peppers, onions, sweetcorn and mushrooms
Unsalted oven and microwave chips
Go to a local restaurant or takeaway shop that will prepare your foods freshly
with minimal salt, e.g. fresh meat or chicken kebab with pitta bread (not
doner or kofte kebab)
In a takeaway or restaurant choose plain rice, sticky or coconut rice rather
than egg fried or pilau rice
Salty snacks
Avoid most crisps, salted nuts, mini cheddars, salted or flavoured corn Choose salt‐free crisps, some toddler finger food sticks/straws (check the label
snacks, olives, most sun‐dried tomatoes, peanut butter, pickles and for salt content), sesame or sunflower seeds (be aware of the choking hazard
some savoury spreads (including yeast extracts) for a child under 5 years)
Popcorn (unsalted), dried fruit, trail mix
Rice cakes, crumpets, croissants, toast
Biscuits, cakes
Source: Adapted from the advice sheet produced by the nephrology dietetic team at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust,
London, UK.
Renal Stones 279
these side effects. Free access to water during the day and at Growth has been reported to be suboptimal in long‐term
night is important, and Sharma noted in their cohort [174] follow‐up studies [203, 208], but near normal in others [174].
that the median fluid intake at the age of 13 years in their In the latter, median z‐scores for weight improved from −2.1
sample was 3800 mL/m2 BSA (range 1600–9200 mL/m2 BSA), at presentation to 0.2 at last follow‐up; median height SDS
the mean BSA at this age being 1.4 m2. Nocturnal enuresis is a remained essentially unchanged −1.06 at presentation to
commonly reported problem related to the high fluid intake, −0.9 at last follow‐up.
resolving at a median age of 11 years [174]. Conversely, the
over‐provision of water can drive urine output and poten-
tially result in water intoxication [207]. The reported feeding Learning points: nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
problems, including vomiting and poor appetite, improve in
early childhood with good adherence to salt control and • Feeding problems are common in infancy (related to poly-
medications. Most children take adequate nutrition orally, dipsia, vomiting and constipation)
but regular dietary assessments through childhood can be • Feed renal solute load in infants should be reduced to
helpful to ensure that the recommended intakes for energy, ≤15 mOsm/kg H2O per kg body weight
protein and micronutrients are still being met. • Allow free access to water
Providing advice on how to manage acute episodes of GI • May need tube feeding support up to 2 years of age
symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea is important. To pre- • Wean onto a low sodium diet initially
vent hypernatraemic dehydration, a glucose polymer solution • Expand intake up to a reduced salt diet (‘no added salt’) by
can be offered in place of the usual oral rehydration solutions. the age of 2 years
As a precaution, clear instructions should be given on the • Episodes of diarrhoea and vomiting should be managed by
preparation of a 10% concentration of a glucose polymer (10 g offering a glucose polymer solution (e.g. at 10% concentra-
in 100 mL water) using scoop measurements or pre‐measured tion), rather than a rehydration solution
sachets along with a very small supply of suitable product.
Renal Stones
Urolithiasis (or urinary stone disease) is a heterogeneous urolithiasis in adults, with less acute abdominal pain or hae-
group of conditions where minerals crystallise to form hard maturia. The large UK paediatric cohort [209] reported that
solid stones, or calculi, in the urinary tract. They are typically 36% children presented with a urinary tract infection, 32%
classified by their main chemical component (calcium, uric with abdominal pain and 27% with haematuria (especially in
acid, struvate or cystine) or location, e.g. nephrolithiasis (in children <6 years) and 13% were asymptomatic (some pre-
the kidney). Stones vary in size from less than 3 mm diame- senting with more than one main symptom).
ter to larger stones that can block urinary flow and cause The medical management of children with renal stones
renal damage. Stones are less common in infants and chil- involves alleviating acute pain, prevention of renal damage,
dren than in the adult population. A recent UK single‐centre managing infections or obstruction and facilitating passage
retrospective paediatric cohort of 511 patients over a 22‐year or removal of stones. Diagnosis is confirmed by an ultra-
period [209] reported a median age of presentation of sound, enabling assessment of the size of the stone, location
4.4 years for males and 7.3 years for females, but stones were and degree of urinary obstruction. Kidney stones less than
reported from as young as 1 month of age. Paediatric renal 3 mm (‘gravel’) are likely to pass spontaneously [211]. Many
stone disease is more common in males than females, espe- stones can be cleared by lithotripsy using high energy shock
cially in the first decade. waves directed towards the stone. If the stones are in the
A significant proportion (20%–60%) of paediatric patients middle or lower portion of the ureter, an ureteroscopy can
have an underlying condition that is conducive to stone for- assist in removing the stone. Larger and more complex
mation, e.g. a metabolic disorder, urinary tract abnormality stones (such as staghorn stones) in the upper urinary tract
(especially if leading to urinary stasis or risk of an infection), may require percutaneous lithotomy [212].
tubular damage secondary to medications (e.g. furosemide) The majority of stones in children are composed of cal-
or frequent urinary tract infections [209]. There has been a cium oxalate (≥75%) or calcium phosphate (10%–20%), fol-
shift over the past decades in paediatrics from predomi- lowed by struvite, cystine or uric acid in descending order
nantly infectious to metabolic causes and 30%–40% of [209, 213]. Cystinuric patients often present with larger
children have a family history of stone disease [209, 210]. stones and higher new stone formation rates and are more
The prevalence of paediatric urolithiasis varies between likely to require surgery [214]. Evaluation of the composition
countries, with high rates reported in Turkey, Pakistan and of the stone (if available), together with identification of
Saudi Arabia compared with the UK, the USA and Japan. The underlying metabolic risk factors, guides treatment and
incidence and prevalence in developed countries appears to directs targeted advice to prevent recurrence. Metabolic risk
be increasing, particularly in adolescents [210], although this factors include hypercalciuria, hyperuricosuria, hyperoxalu-
may reflect more sensitive imaging technology. The initial ria, cystinuria, disorders of purine metabolism and hypoci-
presentation in children differs from the classic signs of traturia, in addition to environmental factors such as diet
280 Kidney Diseases
Often measured in a 24 hour urine sample to check adequacy of collection.
Salt 281
age groups has not been investigated. A suggested intake of hence, risk of stone recurrence. The National Institute for
at least 3 L has been proposed for children with cystinuria, Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is producing guidelines
1 L of fluid for every millimole of cystine excreted [225], but on the assessment and management of renal and ureteric
compliance with this is difficult. Some adult research sug- stones that will include dietary and lifestyle advice [224].
gests that water, milk and fruit juices (except grapefruit, Lack of clinical trial data in children means that adult data is
cranberry or apple juice) are all appropriate fluids [226]. often extrapolated by clinicians to the management in chil-
However, consumption of fructose‐containing drinks been dren. The role of diet in preventing paediatric renal stone
shown to increase oxalate and calcium excretion in adults, recurrence is now discussed.
increasing stone risk [227]. Extra fluids are ideally given as
water, rather than fructose or sugar sweetened drinks, espe-
cially as a link between stones and obesity has been seen in
adults. Prevention of dehydration is central to management,
High dietary sodium intake decreases proximal tubular
and practical advice should be given on regular drinking
sodium and calcium reabsorption, increasing urinary cal-
both day and night, during sports and exercise, during car
cium excretion [232]. Hypercalciuria is found in approxi-
and airplane journeys and in hot weather. Alcohol is also a
mately 30%–50% of stone‐forming children [233]. For
risk factor causing dehydration, so young people should
individuals at risk of developing renal stones, a reduction in
be cautioned about this (taking extra water alongside if
salt intake is helpful to reduce hypercalciuria [230, 234] and
cystinuria [235], and this also increases urinary citrate [236].
However, the level of sodium restriction required has been
Nutritional management debated.
Following a literature review, Tasian [213] recommended
Dietary interventions may reduce urinary stone formation reducing sodium intake to <2–3 mmol/kg for young c hildren
and recurrence, but there is no conclusive consensus in the and <2.4 g sodium/day (<6 g salt/day) in adolescents with
literature regarding their effectiveness in children [221, 228]. hypercalciuria or calcium‐based stones. The usual practice
Restrictive diets may alter urine concentration of solutes, but in the UK is similar, advising on a reduced salt diet (approxi-
not necessarily translate to decreased stone formation [229]. mately 3 mmol sodium/kg; 2–6 g salt per day depending on
The regulation of urine saturation and crystallisation is com- age), achieved by omitting adding salt to meals and avoid-
plex, and dietary alterations of a single component may be ing high salt foods such as most takeaway foods, processed
too simplistic an approach. An example of this has been the meat, cheese, smoked fish, savoury snacks, ready meals and
previous misconception that limiting oral calcium intake high salt soups and sauces (Table 13.24). Personalised practi-
would reduce hypercalciuria and risk of calcium‐containing cal advice based on a careful diet history will improve com-
stones. Paradoxically, diets low in calcium carry an increased pliance. This should include education on identifying high
risk of renal stones, possibly due to lower binding with die- salt manufactured foods, adaptation of standard recipes and
tary oxalate in the gut leading to increased oxalate absorp- ideas for suitable snacks. Salt taste preferences are depend-
tion [230]. A Cochrane review assessing the effectiveness of ent on the salt level in the diet, so it can take time for a child
diets for adults with renal stones [231] concluded that a low with a high salt intake to become accustomed to a reduced
protein, low salt diet (with a normal calcium content) intake. The degree of salt restriction imposed can be reas-
reduced oxaluria, urinary calcium oxalate saturation and, sessed depending on urinary composition.
282 Kidney Diseases
Hypercalcaemia is uncommon in children, but can be associ- immobilisation, inherited metabolic disorders or occurring
ated with long‐term morbidity including renal, cardiac and secondary to phosphate depletion (e.g. in premature or low
neurological problems. The usual definition of hypercalcae- birthweight infants) [254]. Congenital anomalies associated
mia is a total (albumin‐corrected) plasma calcium (Ca) with hypercalcaemia include idiopathic infantile hypercal-
>2.6 mmol/L or an ionised Ca >1.3 mmol/L, severe levels caemia (IIH) and Williams syndrome.
being >3.0 and >1.5 mmol/L, respectively [216]. However,
reference ranges vary with different laboratories and are age
dependent, with higher levels in infants compared with Idiopathic infantile hypercalaemia
The management of hypercalcaemia involves identifying IIH is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting in high levels
the underlying cause and initiation of treatment to lower of active vitamin D and hypercalcaemia in infancy, often
serum calcium (including fluids, antiresorptive medications resolving by the age of 2 years. Inadequate 24‐hydroxylase
and potentially surgery). A reduction in calcium intake from enzyme activity results in impaired catabolism of vitamin D,
enteral, parenteral, medicinal and supplemental calcium leading to high intestinal calcium absorption, decreased cal-
(and vitamin D) is often appropriate, particularly when cium excretion and increased osteoclastic activity [255]. Infants
increased intestinal absorption is a possible aetiology. present in the first year with severe vomiting, dehydration,
The causes of hypercalcaemia are diverse and may be constipation, faltering growth, weight loss and lethargy, which
genetic or acquired, including abnormalities of parathyroid can be exacerbated by the administration of supplementary
hormone or vitamin D metabolism, malignancies, vitamin D. Hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis may develop
284 Kidney Diseases
and persist into adulthood, increasing the risk of renal more severe restriction [262]. Standard infant formulas or
stones. Treatment may be limited to simple oral hydration, breastfeeding may need to be stopped and replaced with
discontinuation of additional vitamin D supplementation and Locasol, a nutritionally complete formula low in calcium
possibly short‐term dietary calcium restriction. However, and vitamin D. This formula can be given to infants or used
more severe cases reported in the literature have required ster- as a supplementary drink in hypercalcaemic children. When
oid, bisphosphonates and even haemodialysis [255]. If a die- prepared using deionised or distilled water (available in the
tary restriction is imposed, a gradual increase in calcium UK on prescription), Locasol provides <7 mg cal-
intake to normal levels is recommended after 6–12 months to cium/100 mL. The calcium content of tap water in the UK is
reduce risks of rickets and poor dentition [256]. Lifelong available by contacting the relevant water suppliers (www.
avoidance of vitamin D supplements should be advised.; hard water can contribute over 0.3 mmol
(12 mg) calcium per 100 mL. The level of calcium restriction
is determined by blood calcium levels and may need to
Williams syndrome remain low throughout infancy and early childhood, e.g. at
300 mg (7.5 mmol) daily, which is less than the RNI (or popu-
Williams (or Williams–Beuren) syndrome (WS) is a rare auto- lation reference intake) in most countries. However, this
somal dominant multisystem disorder known to be associ- should be relaxed when possible, especially if serum PTH or
ated with hypercalcaemia in infancy. It is characterised by alkaline phosphatase starts to rise. Rickets has been described
cardiovascular abnormalities, distinct facial features (often in infants with WS [263] as a result of inappropriate pro-
referred to as elfin face), low muscle tone and manifestations longed treatment of hypercalcaemia. If serum calcium and
relating to endocrine and nervous system disturbances. urinary calcium–creatinine ratios are in the age‐appropriate
Hypercalcaemia has been reported in 5%–50% patients range, then dietary calcium restriction is not necessary.
with WS, but is often transient and mild [257–259]. The mech- Breastfed infants with WS without hypercalcaemia may
anisms underlying this are not known, but may be due to need additional vitamin D to prevent rickets (along with
hypersensitivity to vitamin D, increased 1,25‐dihydroxyvita- careful monitoring).
min D or defective calcitonin metabolism. Hypercalcaemia is Infants are usually born at term, but often with a low
most likely to be symptomatic in infancy, levels normalising birthweight [90], and gain weight poorly and may continue
between 2 and 4 years of age although recurrence in puberty to have a decreased BMI and percentage body fat up until
has been reported [260]. Hypercalcaemia is clinically rele- early adulthood. Conversely, a longitudinal study [264]
vant if it leads to hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis. reported that nearly 60% of their WS patients (median age
Nephrocalcinosis is rare and may improve in time, with a 13.6 years) were overweight or obese and 25.9% and 11%
report from Italy finding no evidence on ultrasound in a patients had impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes,
cohort of 57 WS patients [258]. Guidelines from the American respectively. The weight gain in WS adults is particularly
Academy of Pediatrics [260] suggest a urinalysis for total cal- related to fat accumulation in the lower extremities, as
cium 2–4 yearly, depending on baseline calcium, with spot assessed by thigh circumference [265]. Growth charts for
urine calcium–creatinine ratios every 2 years. However, oth- British children with WS have been published [266] with
ers suggest symptom‐based testing, triggered by changes in data from 169 children and adults with an established genetic
feeding pattern and behaviour, irritability, nausea and vomit- diagnosis. These allow improvement in growth monitoring
ing and/or signs of dehydration [257]. and picking up growth abnormalities that may require
In infants with WS, hypercalcaemia appears to exacerbate further medical investigation.
colic and cause extreme irritability, poor appetite, mild hypo- Infants with WS may experience feeding problems from
tonia and constipation, but not all infants are symptomatic 2 to 3 months of age including feed refusal, reflux, vomiting,
[258]. The acute management of hypercalcaemia may include a sensitive gag reflex, symptoms of colic, constipation and
IV hydration (particularly in infants), to improve urinary disordered suck or swallowing patterns [256]. Weaning onto
calcium output, and the administration of loop diuretics solid foods may be delayed as they may not readily accept
together with a strict reduction in calcium intake and v itamin change in textures (tactile sensory defensiveness). These
D intake. Vitamin D supplements (including multivitamin feeding difficulties tend to resolve in early childhood,
formulations) should be avoided during the stabilisation although gastro‐oesophageal reflux may continue to be a
period as this will significantly increase calcium absorption. problem. Abnormal dentition including small, widely
If hypercalcaemia and hypercalciuria are present, part of the spaced, crooked or missing teeth and malocclusion are com-
dietetic review should include an assessment of fluids, monly reported [267].
advising an increase if necessary, e.g. to 160–200 mL/kg for For children and weaned infants, a low calcium diet limits
an infant to prevent nephrocalcinosis. high calcium foods such as milk and milk products, tinned
Clinical practice guidelines for WS in the UK [261] suggest fish (where the bones are eaten), tofu and calcium or vitamin
calcium intake may need to be reduced to equal or less than D fortified foods (such as orange juice, breakfast cereals and
half the RNI of the child’s age group [18]. However, for some breads). Table 13.27 gives a guide for low calcium and vitamin
infants, lowering of serum calcium is only achieved after D diet. For a 5‐year‐old, this would achieve a calcium intake
Williams Syndrome 285
Tap or bottled water Purified water (deionised or distilled)
Milk and milk products
Infant formulas Locasol (Nutricia)
Cow’s milk – any fresh or dried (whole, semi‐skimmed, skimmed, evaporated, Unfortified (often organic): coconut, rice, soya drinks. Rice drinks
condensed) are not advised under 4½ years of age
Other mammalian milks (including goat, sheep and buffalo)
Calcium fortified milk substitutes, e.g. soya, oat, almond, hemp, coconut
White or cheese sauce
Yoghurt, fromage frais, rice pudding, ice cream, ready‐made custard, instant Jelly, sorbet, pure ice lollies, meringue
custard powder mix
Cheese, cream, quark, crème fraiche Make custard using custard powder and milk substitute. Non‐
milk, non‐fortified ice cream, e.g. soya and coconut (check labels)
Oils and spreads
Margarines and spreads fortified with vitamin D Butter, cooking fats, oils, lard
Cod liver oil
If made with fortified flour, cheese or milk, e.g. meat pies, lasagne All are suitable – unless made into a product with fortified flour,
cheese or milk
Oily fish or fish with edible bones, e.g. whitebait, sardines, pilchards, anchovies, White fish, e.g. cod, haddock, hake, monkfish, halibut, plaice,
salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, tinned tuna, trout, kippers, eel sole, skate
Prawns, mussels, oysters, fish paste
Particularly egg yolk Egg white
Egg dishes, e.g. omelette, quiche
Calcium fortified wheat flour or products made with this, e.g. bread, crumpets, 100% wholemeal, granary, rye, rice, cornflour, gram flour
biscuits, muffins, bagels, scones, some pasta*, noodles
Self‐raising flour (white, brown or wholemeal) or products made with this, Wholemeal, granary, rye, oats or wholegrain products not made
e.g. cakes with self‐raising flour e.g. bread, chapattis, pitta bread and biscuits
Soya flour Barley, rice, oats, sago, tapioca
Baking powder
Ordinary baking powder A substitute can be made from cream of tartar and bicarbonate
of soda
Breakfast cereals
Calcium and/or vitamin D fortified breakfast cereals All unfortified cereals are suitable unless they have added
unsuitable nuts, seeds or dried fruit
Nuts and seeds
Almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts Peanuts and peanut butter
Sesame seeds and sesame seed pastes, e.g. tahini Sunflower seeds
Fortified products (with calcium or vitamin D)
e.g. baby rusks, orange juice, breakfast cereals
Dried figs, sultanas, raisins, currants, prunes, apricots All other fruit
Rhubarb, orange
(continued overleaf)
286 Kidney Diseases
Okra, kale, spinach, broccoli, spring greens, watercress, olives All other vegetables
Tofu – especially if firm Small portions only of broad beans, chickpeas, baked beans,
(often processed with calcium sulphate) kidney beans, hummus
Malted and chocolate drinks, malted milk products
Drinking chocolate, Horlicks, Ovaltine drinks and malted milk drinks Purified water (deionised or distilled)
and biscuits Unfortified fruit juice of allowed fruit, e.g. apple, grape,
Fruit squash
Sugary drinks, e.g. lemonade, cola drinks
Chocolate, fudge, toffee, chocolate spread Boiled sweets, lollies, pastilles, peppermints, jam, syrup, honey
*Pasta made from wheat flour milled in the UK is also fortified with calcium; pasta made in other countries may not be.
Source: Adapted from the advice sheet produced by the nephrology dietetic team at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust,
London, UK.
of less than 250 mg/day. Locasol can be used as a milk substi- Learning points: hypercalcaemia
tute at any age to ensure nutritional adequacy, but unfortified
(usually organic) rice, oat or other plant‐based drinks can also • Paediatric hypercalcaemia has a diverse aetiology including being
be offered to older children. Once serum calcium is approach- secondary to abnormalities of PTH or vitamin D metabolism or
ing the normal range, the calcium intake can be increased status, phosphate depletion malignancy or immobilisation
gradually (e.g. by about by 120 mg at a time, equivalent to • Williams syndrome (WS) and idiopathic infantile hypercalcae-
100 mL cow’s milk) as indicated by blood biochemistry. To mia (IIH) are inherited disorders, usually presenting in infancy
avoid hypercalcaemia, patients are advised to use sunscreen • WS is a multisystem disorder with hypercalcaemia present
to minimise endogenous vitamin D production. in 5%–50%, which is usually mild and resolves by the age
A high incidence of decreased bone mineral density has of 2–4 years of age
been described in adults with WS [265, 268], which may be a • IIH presentation may be precipitated by the use of vitamin
consequence of a prophylactic low calcium diet, initiated by D supplements
parents or professionals. • Symptoms of hypercalcaemia include nausea, vomiting,
Gastrointestinal problems, including chronic constipa- irritability, poor appetite, polyuria, polydipsia, constipa-
tion and colonic diverticulitis, have been reported more tion, faltering weight and height in infants
frequently in WS compared with the general population • A low calcium and vitamin D diet may be appropriate, but
[269, 270], causing recurrent or acute abdominal pain. This is not usually needed beyond infancy
may not be identified promptly, as WS children have been
reported to have an increased pain tolerance. Acute man-
agement of diverticulitis may involve a reduction in die-
tary fibre, but, once in remission, incorporating adequate
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
soluble and insoluble fibre (fruit, vegetables, oats, pulses,
and other useful links are on the companion website:
wholegrain cereals) and fluids may help to minimise
David Hopkins and Luise Marino
Congenital Heart Disease
Ventricular or atrial septal defects (VSD/ASD) and persistent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
Coarctation aorta.
Cyanotic heart lesions.
Coarctation of aorta.
Complex heart disease.
* In very rare cases.
th th th st th .6
2n th 25 50 75 91 98 99
• Faltering growth is common
• Up to a quarter of patients have marked wasting 5.5
• Delayed diagnosis increases the prevalence and severity of 5
faltering growth 98th 4.5
Pathogenesis of faltering growth in CHD
50th 3.5 h
25th 0.
The extent and type of growth attenuation in CHD depend 9th
on how the different lesions affect different metabolic pro- 2nd 2.5
cesses. Not all CHD results in faltering growth. Some lesions, 2
such as transposition of the great arteries (TGA), may be
diagnosed on antenatal ultrasound scan, while others, such
1 Age in weeks/
as coarctation of the aorta, may present shortly after birth.
Both lesions usually undergo primary surgical repair in the 1 2 3 4 5 6
neonatal period and have negligible impact on long‐term 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
growth [12]. Other lesions, such as ASD, do not cause cardio-
pulmonary changes that are large enough to affect energy = repair of tetralogy of Fallot.
expenditure and are repaired in early childhood [13].
Relatively mild forms of lesions that would usually result in Figure 14.1 Growth chart of a breastfeed infant with mild tetralogy of
faltering growth, such as small VSD, may either resolve with
time or undergo repair having had limited effect on growth.
Figure 14.1 shows the growth chart of an infant with mild energy available for tissue accretion, and the level of growth
tetralogy of Fallot who continued to breastfeed with mini- failure depends on the extent to which workload is increased.
mal impact on growth until the defect was repaired (see Examples are moderate to large VSD and atrioventricular
arrow), with slight post‐operative weight loss, after which septal defect (AVSD), and PDA. The effect on faltering
he fed more avidly and weight trajectory improved. growth is exacerbated if the lesion progresses to cause con-
For the healthy infant the average daily total energy gestive heart failure (CHF), in which cardiac output is una-
expenditure (TEE) is between 60 and 70 kcal (250–290 kJ)/ ble to meet the metabolic demands of the body [18].
kg/day [14–16]. Achieving the estimated average require- Improving growth before surgery is considered key to
ment (EAR) of 96–120 kcal (400–500 kJ)/kg/day in early improving longer‐term outcomes among infants with com-
infancy [17] results in 35–60 kcal (145–250 kJ)/kg/day being plex heart lesions [20], especially as a high risk growth pat-
available for growth. However, up to a third of children with tern has been quantified as faltering growth during the first 2
CHD have an energy expenditure 120% of normal [18, 19], years of life with subsequent rapid catch‐up growth between
resulting in less energy available for growth. An understand- the ages of 2 and 15 years [21]. It is hypothesised that increased
ing of the primary cardiac anatomy and the surgery involved adiposity in adults with CHD may increase the risk of meta-
in either repair or palliation helps to identify those who are bolic and cardiovascular disease later in life [22–24].
at most risk of faltering growth. Lesions that increase cardi- Complex CHD is associated with malnutrition and growth
orespiratory workload affect growth by reducing the surplus retardation in both infancy [11, 25–30] and childhood [11, 31].
Pathogenesis of Faltering Growth in CHD 289
Energy expenditure
Doubly labelled water studies have been used to calculate
right ventricle
the TEE of ‘free‐living’ infants with a variety of cardiac
Figure 14.5 Tetralogy of Fallot illustrating the four aspects of the cardiac lesions [16, 18, 37, 38]. However, indirect calorimetry is the
defect. recommended method of calculating energy expenditure of
Table 14.2 Effect of type of cardiac lesion on metabolic processes affecting somatic growth.
TEE, total energy expenditure; VSD, ventricular septal defect; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; AVSD, atrioventricular septal defect; CCF, congestive
cardiac failure; TOF, tetralogy of Fallot; TGA, transposition of the great arteries.
Table 14.3 Risk of different congenital cardiac defects affecting long‐term growth.
Coarctation of the aorta Atrial septal defect (ASD) Pulmonary atresia* Aortopulmonary window
Cor triatriatum Tetralogy of Fallot* Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD)
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (if early closure) Ebstein’s anomaly*
Pulmonary stenosis* Hypoplastic left heart (HLH)*
Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage Partial anomalous pulmonary venous
(TAPVD)* drainage (PAPVD)*
Transposition of the great arteries (TGA)* Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)¶
Tricuspid atresia*
Truncus arteriosus*
Ventricular septal defect (VSD),
moderate to large
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV)
* Cyanotic lesions.
If PDA is large and/or if surgery is delayed.
Energy Expenditure and Energy Intake in CHD 291
VSD [16, 18, 19, 37, 41] Acyanotic 61 [18] 71–97 [41]
62 [16] 77 [18]
78–157 [37]
84–123 [19]
87 [15]
VSD (with CHF) [18] Acyanotic 61 92 ± 20
ASD [19] Acyanotic 77–168 54–92
AVSD [41] Acyanotic 91 [19]
98 [41]
TOF, TAPVD, complex Cyanotic 60* 73*
CHD [38] 72** 94**
TGA [37] Cyanotic 78
TOF [37] Cyanotic 101–185 [19] 79–105 [19]
104 [37]
ventilated post‐operative patients [39]. One study has is unclear [26, 49]. Children with cardiac defects resulting in
shown that congestive cardiac failure (CCF) may increase both cyanosis and pulmonary hypertension have been
energy expenditure in infants as young as 1 month old [40] reported as having significantly lower energy intakes than
although good diuretic control may negate this effect [41]. those with pulmonary hypertension or cyanosis alone
Malnutrition itself reduces ventricular mass and cardiac [26, 49], and these patients may warrant more frequent nutri-
output, which may exacerbate an already compromised cir- tional review.
culation [42]. The elevated energy expenditure causing Any child with faltering growth whose energy intake is
growth failure in lesions resulting in large ‘left‐to‐right normal or above normal warrants cardiac assessment as part
shunts’ and some cyanotic cases [16, 18, 25, 26, 37, 38, 42, 43] of further clinical investigations. The dietitian’s role may be
is summarised in Table 14.4. key in highlighting suspicion if growth failure continues fol-
lowing optimisation of nutritional intake.
Energy intake
Most studies show pre‐operative energy intakes of patients Learning points: energy expenditure and intake in CHD
with CHD are near normal [16, 18, 30, 38, 46, 47]. In one
study where mean daily intake at 6 months of age was able • Most studies report normal energy intakes in most cases of
to be measured, an average intake of 91.1 ± 38.9 kcal/kg and CHD
2.5 ± 0.9 g/kg protein was similar to that of healthy controls: • Elevated energy expenditure is the cause of faltering growth
89.4 ± 16.9 kcal/kg and 2.2 ± 0.55 g/kg [47]. However, some in most cases
authors report low energy intakes [26] of the order of 80%– • Energy intake may be reduced in infants whose cardiac
90% of that recommended [37, 48, 49], although the method- defects result in both pulmonary hypertension and cyanosis
ology for nutritional data collection in some of these studies
292 Congenital Heart Disease
Delayed diagnosis [11] Gastro‐oesophageal reflux [32, 57] Insulin resistance [53] Elevated energy expenditure [16, 18, 38]
Prolonged respiratory Pyloric stenosis [56] Reduced insulin‐like growth Hypoxia [26]
support [58] factor [46]
Repeated operations [9] Diarrhoea Elevated norepinephrine [32] Increased inflammatory markers [53]
Pain [51] Chylothorax [59] Elevated renin [32] Impaired lipid metabolism [52]
Feeding difficulties [60] Hepatic dysfunction [61] Increased sympathetic nerve Increased haemopoiesis [33]
activity [33]
Vocal cord palsy [62–64] Dysregulated microbiome [65] Pyrexia [33]
Wound healing [51]
Pre‐surgical Nutrition to Improve Outcomes in High Risk Patients 293
The dietitian’s role during this intervening period is to moni- local team with cardiac expertise who are in regular contact
tor nutritional status and where possible to try to correct with the tertiary centre. An initial study considering the
nutritional deficits [74–76]. Nevertheless, one study showed implementation of the consensus‐based pre‐surgical nutri-
delayed or no referral to dietetics services in a fifth of CHD tion pathway (Figure 14.7) demonstrated that growth of
patients with faltering growth prior to their surgery [8]. A infants with CHD was significantly improved at 12 months
consensus‐based pathway providing a structured approach of age, as well as a 10‐day reduction in paediatric intensive
to the nutritional care of infants with CHD awaiting surgical care unit length of stay [78].
palliation or repair may help to achieve timely referral to the If sufficient energy is provided, adequate growth can be
dietitian [77]. Patients are categorised into three nutritional achieved [79–81] even in severe CHD [76]. Studies measur-
risk groups according to cardiac diagnosis, weight gain, feed ing TEE in infants with CHD indicate that energy intakes of
intake and tolerance parameters [77]. High risk patients 30 kcal (125 kJ)/kg/day above the EAR should compensate
require weekly, and medium risk fortnightly follow‐up by for elevated energy expenditure in most cases [16, 18, 38, 41].
the tertiary team, with low risk patients requiring follow‐up A reasonable starting point for an infant with faltering
by their local hospital (Figure 14.6). Figure 14.7 summarises growth would be 120–130 kcal (500–545 kJ)/kg/day.
a proposed nutritional and feeding care plan/intervention However, in the most severe cases, some patient’s energy
based on the nutritional risk of these infants. In some intakes may need to be 150+ kcal (630+
kJ)/kg/day to
medium and high risk cases, follow‐up may be deferred to a achieve consistent weight gain [37, 79]. Plotting weight on
growth charts is essential in monitoring the effectiveness of
Table 14.6 Measures of malnutrition in CHD associated with poorer nutritional interventions.
surgical outcome.
Choice of feed
Measure of malnutrition Effect on outcome
Breastfeeding, or expressed breastmilk (EBM), is the initial
Weight for age <−2 SD Increased infection risk [54, 66]
feed of choice for infants with CHD. The mechanics of breast-
Increased time on ventilator [54, 67]
Increased PICU length of stay [54] feeding may cause less cardiorespiratory stress than bottle
Longer hospital stay [68] feeding, resulting in lower oxygen desaturation episodes
Increased risk of cardiac arrest [54] [82], and has even been attempted following heart transplant
Increased 30‐day mortality [54, 69] [51]. If breastmilk is not available, a suitable infant formula
Increased mortality at 1 year of age [67] should be provided. However, early fortification or supple-
Height for age <−2 SD Increased infection risk [54] mentation with a higher energy infant formula in the first
Increased time on ventilator [54] few weeks of life may be needed to achieve satisfactory
Increased PICU length of stay [54, 70] weight gain and prevent growth faltering. These high energy
Increased risk of cardiac arrest [54]
nutrient‐dense formulas provide a favourable protein–
Increased 30‐day mortality [54]
energy ratio of around 10%. A summary of these feeds and
Lower triceps skinfold Increased PICU length of stay [71] their macronutrient breakdown is shown in Table 1.18.
scores Longer duration of ionotropic support [71]
Some units supplement EBM with up to 6% w/v infant
Increased time on ventilator [71]
Elevated levels of serum B‐type natriuretic formula, giving an energy content close to 100 kcal
peptide (greater myocardial stress) [71] (420 kJ)/100 mL while keeping the osmotic load at around
Low bioimpedance Increased PICU length of stay [72]
400 mOsmol/kg H2O (Dr Graeme O’Connor, personal com-
spectroscopy score munication). However, even with this level of supplementa-
tion, the protein–energy ratio remains at around 8%, and
PICU, paediatric intensive care unit. slower growth may have to be an accepted consequence of
Cardiac defect First‐stage operation Second/final stage operation Third and final stage operation
Atrioventricular septal defect Pulmonary artery (PA) band PA band removal and AVSD repair N/A
Double inlet right ventricle Repair of coarctation of the aorta PA band removal N/A
and arch reconstruction, PA band, Damus–Kaye anastomosis of PA
atrial septostomy with PA plasty
Double outlet right ventricle Modified Blalock–Taussig shunt AVSD and pulmonary valve repair N/A
Hypoplastic left heart Norwood stage 1 Norwood stage 2 (Glenn shunt) Norwood stage 3 (total
cavo‐pulmonary connection)
Ventricular septal defect (VSD) Pulmonary artery band PA band removal and VSD closure N/A
Have a CHD lesion with a higher Have a CHD lesion with a higher
nutrition risk but drinks well nutrition risk but no oral feeds
Able to meet nutritional
requirements orally, e.g. bottle No
or breast feeding
Finishes >75% of feeds orally No Requires NGT/NJT for feeding
Fluid intake < 120 ml/kg/day No Fluid intake < 100 ml/kg/day
Continue on Plan A:
Local team to monitor growth/
feeding progress
Continue on Plan B: Continue on Plan C:
Review every 2 weeks Review every week
• Step 2: Growth – using an appropriate chart • Step 2: Growth – using an appropriate chart
• Step 3: How an infant is eating or drinking • Step 3: How an infant is eating or drinking
• Step 4: What and how much is eaten or drunk • Step 4: What and how much is eaten or drunk
Figure 14.6 Choice of nutritional care plan based on nutritional risk. Source: From Marino et al. [77].
this approach. A combination of breastmilk and energy‐dense demonstrated in patients with percutaneous endoscopic
infant formula, adjusting proportions to ensure feed toler- gastrostomies (PEG) [85] and should be considered in
ance, is another way of meeting the required energy and patients requiring long‐term tube feeding; gastrostomy feed-
protein intakes. If weight gain is unsatisfactory on a 1 kcal ing may be less of an impediment to the development of oral
(4.2 kJ)/mL feed and feed volumes cannot be increased feeding skills than NG feeding. Laparoscopic gastro‐jejunal
further, energy density may be increased by adding a fat and feeding tubes have been successfully placed in infants with
carbohydrate supplement or infant formula powder in 1% severe cardiac anomalies and GOR disease weighing as little
w/v daily increments up to a maximum of 4%. At this level of as 2.7 kg and may circumvent protracted vomiting [86].
fortification, a protein–energy ratio between 9% and 10% is However, one study has shown that children with single
maintained with an energy density of about 1.2 kcal (5 kJ)/ ventricle anatomy who have a gastrostomy with or without
mL. As these infants are often at risk of GOR [49, 57], a fine laparoscopic fundoplication have a mortality risk 2.3 times
balance must be made between giving a feed of sufficient that of those fed orally or via NG tube [87]. The authors pos-
energy density to achieve adequate growth while limiting tulated that having a gastrostomy with or without fundopli-
vomiting and malabsorption. A hydrolysed protein formula, cation might be a marker for more severe disease with
such as Infatrini Peptisorb, may be useful where there is a evidence of higher risk of complications (GOR, aspiration,
degree of malabsorption (Table 8.15). If weight gain continues faltering growth), but nevertheless found the increased mor-
to be poor, a detailed nutrition review is required to ensure tality disconcerting.
infants are consuming adequate macro‐ and micronutrients. The timing of weaning off tube feeds to allow for the
A nasogastric (NG) tube and micronutrient supplementation development of independent feeding skills should be
may be required to support adequate intake and growth. addressed for each individual child. Shine et al. have
reviewed mainly NG tube‐fed patients and identified longer
duration of tube feeding, older age and classification of
Tube feeding
being orally averse as factors increasing transition time to
Children with complex congenital heart lesions have been full oral feeding [88]. Dietetic interventions aiding transition
shown to achieve greater energy intakes and weight gain included switching from nutrient‐dense to standard infant
when fed continuously via a feeding tube compared with formula, increasing time between feeds and reducing feed
oral feeding using the same feed [83]. It has been suggested volumes while ensuring adequate hydration [88].
that continuous feeding of high energy formulas may be the Common issues identified by parents such as growth
only way in which target intakes more than 140 kcal (585 kJ)/ before surgery and how to feed your baby have been
kg/day can be met [84]. Improved weight SDS has been described in the literature including information on the
Pre‐surgical Nutrition to Improve Outcomes in High Risk Patients 295
Figure 14.7 Nutrition and feeding care plan based on nutritional risk in infants with congenital heart disease. Source: From Marino et al. [77].
Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
The patient in the paediatric intensive care unit within 6–24 hours, once haemodynamic stability is achieved.
The use of umbilical arterial or venous catheters, prostaglan-
Surgical procedures for children with CHD vary in their dins or extracorporeal life support (ECLS) does not preclude
complexity, morbidity and mortality risk. A variety of scor- enteral feeding [96].
ing systems are used to classify surgical risk, one of which is In the first 12–24 hours following cardiac surgery, patients
the Risk Adjusted Cardiac Heart Score (RACHS), where sur- are usually fluid restricted to 2 mL/kg/hour (48 mL/kg/
gery for simple lesions such as a patent ductus arteriosus day) to manage the post‐cardiopulmonary bypass‐associ-
closure is category 1 and the Norwood procedure is category ated fluid overload. This is usually liberalised to 3 and then
6 [90]. Some surgical procedures require the use of CPB, 4 mL/kg/hour (72–96 mL/kg/day) on consecutive post‐
involving aortic cross‐clamp and circulatory arrest. Children operative days depending upon circulatory status and
who undergo bypass usually develop capillary leak, which cumulative fluid balance [97]. Drug infusions are included in
is considered to occur because of the release of inflammatory the daily fluid allowance; it is possible for some drug infu-
mediators acting to disrupt intercellular junctions of capil- sions to be made up to double or quadruple the usual
lary endothelial cells. As a result C‐reactive protein is usu- strength, enabling more of the fluid allowance to be pro-
ally elevated post‐cardiac bypass surgery [91]. vided as feed. Fluid flushes for intravascular arterial and
venous pressure monitoring lines and intravenous drugs are
also included in the total fluid allowance; the remaining vol-
Post‐operative energy expenditure ume is for feeds.
A number of paediatric/cardiac intensive care units
As during the acute phase of critical illness, only resting express fluid allowances as a percentage. This is based on
energy expenditure should be calculated following cardiac 100% equating to 4 mL/kg/hour for the first 10 kg body
surgery [39, 92] (Table 6.7). Indirect calorimetry has shown weight, 2 mL/kg/hour for the second 10 kg and 1 mL/kg/
energy expenditure in infants and young children in the pae- hour for every kilogram thereafter. Once the 100% fluid
diatric intensive care unit (PICU) to be between 60 and allowance has been calculated, this is multiplied by a pro-
70 kcal (250–290 kJ)/kg/day [45, 93]. There is little difference portion of the allowance depending on whether the patient
between metabolic rate of acyanotic and cyanotic patients on has had CPB or not. Table 14.8 illustrates changes in fluid
PICU, 62 kcal (259 kJ) and 59 kcal (247 kJ)/kg/day [45, 93]. allowances following cardiac surgery.
Infants with HLHS in the immediate 3 days following their Worked example: Infant weighing 3.5 kg
first complex Norwood stage 1 operation have been shown 100% fluid allowance provides 4 mL/kg/hour = 4 × 3.5 =
to have even lower energy expenditure, 39–43 kcal (163– 14 mL/hour or 336 mL/day. A 50% fluid allowance gives
180 kJ)/kg/day [44]. Having CPB does, however, appear to 14 mL/hour × 0.5 = 7 mL/hour total fluid allowance from
elevate energy expenditure to around 75 kcal (315 kJ)/kg/ which hourly volumes of intravenous drugs and flushes are
day [37], although further research is required to confirm subtracted to leave the volume for feeds.
this as the phenomenon could be temporary. Enteral feeds are increased gradually every 6–12 hours
Although many predictive energy expenditure equations depending on fluid allowance and clinical observation [98].
have been found to be inadequate in estimating resting energy Most are fed via NG tube for the first few days following
expenditure [45, 94, 95], the use of Schofield (weight) equation cardiac surgery, either as continuous or bolus feeds; there is
has been recommended by all of the major European and no evidence to support one method over the other [39].
American societies in estimating resting energy expenditure Breastmilk is again the feed of choice for all infants.
during the acute phase [39], stable and rehabilitative phases of However, less than a third of children undergoing cardiac
critical illness [92]. Recommendations for the first few days surgery achieve their estimated energy requirement while
post‐operatively are to meet two thirds of resting energy on PICU, contributing to further declines in weight during
expenditure as calculated using Schofield equation [39] (see
Chapter 6). Increased periods of sleep, and sedation, use of
paralysing agents and mechanical ventilation, suppression of Table 14.8 Fluid allowance during admission to the paediatric intensive
thyroid hormones and surgical stress curtailing growth might care unit after cardiac surgery.
all contribute towards conservation of energy expenditure
[19]. The general reductions in observed energy expenditure Day post‐surgery Cardiopulmonary Non‐cardiopulmonary
bypass bypass
go some way ameliorating the energy deficits inevitably
imposed by the fluid restrictions that limit post‐operative feed 1 50% 80%
volumes. If the stay on PICU becomes extended, the experi- 2 60% 90%–100%
ence of one of the authors is that energy intakes as low as
3 70% 120%
70 kcal (230 kJ)/kg/day may be necessary to prevent exces-
sive weight gain in some stable long‐term ventilated infants. 4 80% Free fluids
5 90%
Fluid restrictions and feed delivery 6 100%
7 120%–135%
Early enteral nutrition via the NG route is recommended in 8 150%
cardiac infants following surgery and can be safely started
Other Nutritional Issues 297
inpatient stay [70]. The use of energy‐dense infant feeds • small frequent NG tube bolus feeds
early in the post‐operative PICU stay may reduce this pro- • continuous feeds via an enteral feeding pump with some
portion [99, 100] although a small number of patients may time off to allow gastric pH to return to normal. This
show signs of feed intolerance [100]. These feeds are also must be supervised if via a NG tube
associated with increased production of nitric oxide and do
not require a graded approach to introduction [99, 101].
Changes in energy expenditure and nutritional status
following repair of CHD
Learning points: the patient in PICU TEE, which more accurately reflects energy requirements in
non‐ventilated patients, is marginally elevated, but not sig-
• Indirect calorimetry, if available, and the Schofield equation nificantly so at 3 and 12 months’ post‐surgery [106]. A fur-
are the current options for calculating energy requirements ther study measuring resting energy expenditure showed
• Patients on PICU following cardiac surgery usually have no difference at 3 months of age post‐first‐stage palliation
lower energy requirements than prior to surgery for univentricular physiology or correction of biventricular
• Fluid restrictions often limit adequate delivery of nutrition defect compared with healthy infants [107]. These infants
in the post‐operative period had significantly poorer growth and lower percentage
body fat compared with healthy infants, implying that
lower dietary intakes were the contributory factor, but dif-
Most infants and children are discharged from PICU on ficulties encountered in measuring energy intakes could
day 1 or 2 post‐cardiac surgery. If the patient’s clinical condi- not confirm this.
tion results in ongoing fluid restrictions, their nutritional Weight loss may occur in the immediate period between
intake will need close monitoring. Even with active dietetic surgical repair and discharge home, with this attributed to
involvement on PICU energy and protein intakes at the end poor post‐operative intake [108]. Nevertheless, most infants
of the first post‐surgical week may only be 70% of require- and children demonstrate catch‐up growth following repair
ments, with young infants being the most vulnerable [70]. of their primary cardiac defect, with improvements in weight
The dietitian’s role is to ameliorate the effect of any neces- for age, weight for height and height for age SDS scores,
sary ongoing fluid restrictions affecting feed delivery by most of this occurring in the first year following corrective
seeking to liberalise fluid allowances when clinically appro- surgery [109–112]. However some infants may continue to
priate [102, 103]. exhibit growth failure even after haemodynamic correction
[43], and catch‐up growth may be limited if malnutrition
prior to surgery is marked and prolonged [109, 111].
Nutrition on transfer from PICU to the cardiac ward
Fluid allowances often increase on discharge from PICU to Learning points: patient transfer from PICU to ward
the ward, providing opportunity to increase feed volumes. and discharge home
The type of residual lesion affecting cardiopulmonary func-
tion determines the extent to which energy expenditure is • Immediate post‐operative fluid restrictions are usually lib-
elevated and the requirements for catch‐up growth. Where eralised on transfer to the ward
catch‐up growth is required, the FAO/WHO recommenda- • Various strategies may need to be employed to help transi-
tions for energy and protein intake should be followed, in tion to oral feeding
addition to the provision of enough micronutrients to replete • If growth has been impaired pre‐operatively, it should con-
pre‐ and post‐operative losses. tinue to be monitored after correction of the cardiac defect
If not done so already, attempts should be made to until adequate catch‐up growth has been achieved
establish oral feeds. However, some infants may initially
fail to complete feeds by mouth due to fatigue brought on
by the effort of sucking, anorexia or early satiety. Others
may require short‐term tube feeding to ensure require-
Other nutritional issues
ments are met. Poorer oral feeding capability is associated
with long post‐operative ventilation, poor weight at sur-
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux and vomiting
gery and vocal cord injury [104]. A screening tool may
If GOR develops, positioning and feed thickeners may be
help with early identification of those at risk of dysphagia
used as a first‐line treatment (p. 133). Although H2 antago-
or swallowing difficulties [105], enabling early involve-
nists and proton pump inhibitors may not prevent GOR, the
ment of a speech and language therapist to address oral
reduction in acid enables the infant to feel more comfortable
feeding issues.
and more likely to continue oral feeding, and there are no
If an infant is regularly failing to complete feeds, one of
contraindications to their use in CHD. Other causes of vom-
the following strategies should be employed:
iting, such as cow’s milk protein allergy, should also be con-
• offer smaller, more frequent oral feeds sidered [113]. However, although feeding tolerance for some
• incomplete feeds to be topped up via a NG tube may improve on a milk‐free formula, growth among infants
298 Congenital Heart Disease
with CHD and cow’s milk protein allergy is significantly but levels <30 mmol/L have been associated with poor
worse compared with non‐allergic CHD infants [113]. This growth [120].
may be associated with a decline in phosphate levels, par- An infant feeding 150 mL/kg of a standard infant formula
ticularly among infants who are also on anti‐reflux medica- receives 1.0–1.3 mmol Na/kg, depending on the formula,
tion. The impact of medications on absorption and compared with the reference nutrient intake (RNI) for
bioavailability of micronutrients and minerals on growth, as sodium for an infant aged 0–3 months of 1.5 mmol/kg.
well as the choice of infant formula, needs to be considered Infants feeding 150 mL/kg of one of the commercially avail-
in these patients [114]. able energy‐dense formulas will receive 1.4–1.65 mmol
Na/kg. Sodium supplementation of 2–3 mmol/kg may be
appropriate in some depleted individuals.
Electrolyte supplementation of infant feeds
Potassium supplementation associated with diuretic use
is common on PICU. Supplementation providing up to
Where infants with CHD fail to gain weight despite energy
3–4 mmol/kg may be required to keep serum levels within
intakes above 140 kcal (585 kJ)/kg, it is important to consider
the normal range. Enteral and intravenous supplementation
whether nutrients such as sodium, potassium, zinc, magne-
has been shown to be equally effective in increasing serum
sium, phosphorus or iron may be insufficient in the diet to
levels [121, 122] although a small number of patients may
support adequate growth [115]. Loop diuretics are com-
vomit supplements given enterally [122]. If additional potas-
monly used on PICU following surgery to prevent fluid
sium is needed on an ongoing basis and the serum level is
overload, but by nature increase sodium and potassium
stable, it may be added into the infant’s feed. This has the
excretion. Chronic electrolyte depletion may become a
benefit of spreading out the supplementation over 24 hours.
growth limiting factor. Table 14.9 lists commonly used drugs
Some units may prefer to split the dose and add it to each
affecting electrolytes. Use of hypertonic solutions after
individual feed.
bypass surgery has been shown to improve cardiac function
and reduce the need for inotropic support [116]. Patients
with cyanotic lesions have higher fractional excretion of Iron deficiency
sodium compared with healthy individuals and those with
acyanotic lesions and may be at higher risk of depletion In developing countries where diagnosis of CHD may be
[117]. In children who have undergone the total cavo‐pulmo- delayed, parents may commence early weaning with solid
nary connection (TCPC) operation, diuretic use correlates foods either in recognition that breast or formula feeding is
with low levels of serum sodium, resulting in increased risk insufficient to promote adequate growth or that the infant
of rehospitalisation [118]. The gold standard method to tires easily on sucking. If weaning foods are nutritionally
establish sodium intake of individuals is to collect 24 hour inadequate, there is an increased risk of iron deficiency anae-
urine. If growth is poor, this may be due to low sodium mia, particularly in those with acyanotic lesions where wast-
intake and/or low total body sodium [119]. It is however not ing predominates [11]. Children with cyanotic lesions need
practical to collect 24 hour urine in infants as they are usu- to have optimal oxygen delivery to the tissues. Ensuring an
ally not catheterised, and as such a spot urine sodium should adequate haemoglobin concentration is vital to help with tis-
be done to establish urinary sodium levels [120]. There is no sue saturation [123], and maintaining adequate iron status is
consensus regarding defined cut‐offs for sodium depletion, important.
Right lymph Table 14.10 Conditions requiring Glenn and/or total cavo‐pulmonary
duct connection (TCPC) shunt operations.
A survey of US centres showed the majority using TPN as required for 14 days. Once the pleural drainage has decreased
the main treatment mode [59]. to <5 mL/kg/day, PN can be replaced by the infant’s usual
If after 7 days there is no resolution, a period of parenteral milk if tolerated, or a continuation of a low LCT diet for a
nutrition (PN) for 10–14 days or a 2‐ to 4‐week period of further 2–4 weeks [135]. Surgery should be considered for
minimal LCT diet may be required to reduce the lymph flow patients who fail these initial steps or in whom complica-
and so allow the fistula to heal [135]. Dietary fat is mainly tions such as electrolyte and fluid imbalance, malnutrition or
composed of LCT. Normally medium chain triglycerides immunodeficiency persist [152].
(MCT), with 6–10 carbon atoms in the fatty acid chain, do not
constitute more than a minor proportion of dietary fats. Monogen
However, as they are absorbed directly into the portal vein
as ‘free fatty acids’ bound to albumin, they constitute a use- Monogen is a whey protein‐based infant formula with
ful additional source of energy in a diet that may otherwise low LCT content that has been used as the treatment of
be low in energy. As diets high in MCT are used to promote choice in infants with chylothorax. The fat sources are frac-
weight loss in adults, growth monitoring during the treat- tionated coconut and walnut oil. Monogen contains 0.35 g of
ment period is important [146]. LCT/100 mL formula at standard dilution (17.5%) (Table 14.11).
There have been individual case reports of the hormone, If the infant has previously been tolerating normal or con-
somatostatin or an analogue, octreotide (both of which have centrated feeds prior to the development of chylothorax, it
antisecretory and antidiarrhoeal properties) being used in should be possible to introduce Monogen at full strength
isolation or as an adjunct to a minimal LCT diet or PN to despite its relatively high carbohydrate content (12%) and
treat refractory chylothorax. A dose of 1–4 μg/kg/hour is high content of MCT. If the baby has had limited enteral
recommended [147, 148], although benefit has been noted on nutrition, then, as a precaution, Monogen may be introduced
smaller doses [149]. Despite some promising case reports at half strength, i.e. 9% dilution in the first 12–24 hours.
[147–150], results are inconsistent [139, 140]. Surgical liga- Standard dilution provides 74 kcal (310 kJ)/100 mL. In cases
tion of the thoracic lymph duct is usually reserved for of severe fluid restriction, it has previously been advocated
patients who do not respond to 3–4 weeks of conservative to gradually increase the concentration of the feed to meet
management [139, 151]. requirements. However, the current formulation has a higher
LCT content than previously, so it might be prudent to
increase energy density using either glucose polymer (in 1%
Prognosis daily increments) or MCT emulsion (in 1%–2% daily incre-
The conservative dietary approach has a success rate of ments) up to an energy density of 90 kcal (375 kJ)/100 mL.
between 70% and 80% [137, 144, 145]. A useful algorithm for This allows an increase in energy density while maintaining
the management of chylothorax has been produced by a protein–energy ratio close to 10%. However, this is often
Cormack et al. [145]. Development of chylothorax may poorly tolerated, particularly in younger infants, and a
almost triple hospital length of stay [137]. period of PN may be required. Monogen is a complete infant
formula so supplementation with essential fatty acids (EFA)
should not be needed. However, falls in EFA status have
Dietary treatment been noted following commencement on Monogen feeds
The publication describing treatment of chylothorax with a (Luise Marino, personal communication).
minimal LCT diet is now rather old (Diets for Sick Children, To achieve adequate energy intake to facilitate growth, the
4th edition, 1987, Dorothy Francis) and recommends giving total LCT intake may be greater than the 1 g/year of life rec-
no more than 1 g LCT per year of life up to a maximum of ommendation. If chest drain output is unaffected, then a
4–5 g LCT/day. The efficacy for this practice has not since higher LCT intake should be allowed to continue. If chest
been studied in a randomised controlled trial, and it is often drains are not in situ, then clinical signs such as increased
breached [144], particularly in older infants and younger respiratory effort can be used to monitor tolerance to
children where 1–2 g LCT/day is very difficult to manage.
Achieving this without compromising nutritional intake is Table 14.11 Nutritional content of standard Monogen per 100 mL.
challenging and supplementary PN should be considered
[97]. The use of feeds with a high MCT content is also associ- Energy 74 kcal/310 kJ
ated with significant weight loss compared with the use of a Protein 2.2 g
fat‐free enteral feed with peripheral lipid or TPN, both of Carbohydrate 12 g
which have been shown to significantly reduce chyle drain Fat 1.9 g
output in cases refractory to conventional low LCT feeds
MCT 1.52 g
[144]. If the chylous leak is responsive to a low LCT diet,
pleural losses should be reduced to <10 mL/kg/day by day LCT 0.35 g
7 and cease by the end of the second week of treatment. Energy from C18:2 (%) 1.1
However, if the drain output remains unchanged or output Energy from C18:3 (%) 0.17
increases after the first week, the low LCT diet should be
discontinued and PN should be commenced and is usually MCT, medium chain triglycerides; LCT, long chain triglycerides.
302 Congenital Heart Disease
increasing amounts of LCT. A chest X‐ray may confirm reac- Table 14.12 Sample day’s menu for a toddler on a minimal LCT diet.
cumulation of chyle in the pleural cavity. The ‘clock’ for the
duration of the diet should be started when it is initiated and Minimal fat milk (MFM)
not when the pleural drains are removed. 60 g skimmed milk powder Provides 500 kcal (2090 kJ)
35 mL Liquigen 22 g protein
MCT can be used in the diet in the form of MCT oil or 25% 4 weeks, and 40% 6 weeks (Marino et al., personal com-
MCT emulsion. MCT oil allows fried foods to be included, munication). Research is urgently required to determine
such as fried fish, chips and crisps. Both MCT oil and MCT duration of treatment and degree of fat restriction. Cormack
emulsion can be used in baking, cakes, biscuits and pastry; et al. [145] have suggested a return to normal diet 4 weeks
all these foods are valuable sources of energy and can greatly after removal of a pleural drain that has not resulted in recur-
enhance the palatability of the diet to the patient. MCT rence of chylothorax, while others suggest 2–4 weeks’ con-
should be gradually introduced over a period of 7–10 days to tinued treatment following chest drain removal [135]. One
avoid abdominal discomfort. Table 14.13 lists foods contain- further study suggested that patients could be transitioned
ing minimal LCT, which can be used freely in the diet. onto normal infant formula within 1 week with limited risk
The weights and fat contents of foods that can be used to of relapse following use of a ‘long chain fatty acid‐free’ for-
construct a day’s meals containing minimal fat for the child mula with only 1%–2% MCT content [141]. For infants, the
or adolescent with chylothorax are given in Table 14.14. A risk of limiting the supply of EFA during a critical point in
review of some suitable low fat foods indicates that there brain and retinal development should be balanced against
may be up to a threefold variation in fat content of some achieving faster resolution of chylothorax. Following rein-
meat and fish products depending on the brand. To make the troduction of a normal diet, clinical signs usually confirm
diet more manageable, the family can be taught to calculate whether chylothorax has recurred or not, but a chest X‐ray
minimal LCT exchanges as follows: may help clarify.
All fruits fresh, tinned or frozen (except olives and avocado pear)
Necrotising enterocolitis
All vegetables, fresh, tinned or frozen
Sugar, honey, golden syrup, treacle, jam, marmalade The overall incidence of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) in
Jelly and jellied sweets such as Jelly Tots, Jelly Babies, wine gums or infants with congenital heart defects is around 10 times that
fruit pastilles found in healthy term infants. Development of NEC mark-
Boiled sweets, mints (not butter mints) edly increases PICU length of stay and may double hospital
length of stay in patients with HLHS [62]. A review of cases
Fruit sorbets, water ices, ice lollies
of NEC in a large cohort of term and preterm infants with
Meringue, egg white, Rite‐Diet egg replacer CHD (n = 643) demonstrated an incidence of 21 cases (3.3%);
Spices and essences 7 had a gestational age <36 weeks; 6 term infants had devel-
Salt, pepper, vinegar, herbs, tomato ketchup, most chutney, Marmite, oped an episode of poor systemic perfusion or shock [156].
Oxo, Bovril Of the eight remaining term infants who developed NEC all
Fruit juices, fruit squashes, Crusha fruit flavouring syrups, Nesquik fruit had lesions that put them at risk of low blood flow in the
flavouring powder, chocolate flavour topping, bottled fruit sauces systemic circulation. HLHS and truncus arteriosus/aor-
Fizzy drinks, lemonade, cola, Lucozade topulmonary window were identified as defects that
increased the risk of the infant developing NEC [156] with
LCT, long chain triglycerides. up to a quarter of HLHS patients affected in one study [62].
304 Congenital Heart Disease
Table 14.14 LCT content of foods suitable for use in minimal LCT diet.
Food LCT (per 100 g) Average portion size (g) LCT per portion (g)
Breakfast cereals
Branflakes 2.0 35 0.7
Cornflakes 0.9 25 0.2
Frosties 0.6 20 0.1
Sugar Puffs 1.6 25 0.4
Special K 1.0 20 0.2
Coco Pops 2.0 20 0.4
Just Right 2.5 40 1.0
Rice Krispies 1.0 25 0.25
Ricicles 0.7 20 0.1
Weetabix 1.9 37.5 (2 biscuits) 0.7
Puffed Wheat 2.5 15 0.4
Frosted Shreddies 1.4 35 0.5
Weetaflakes 1.6 30 0.5
White, large thin slice 1.6 35 0.4
Granary 1.7 35 0.6
Matzos 1.0 20 0.2
Crumpets (toasted) 1.0 45 (1 crumpet) 0.45
Dairy foods
Reduced fat cottage cheese 1.4 50 0.7
Very low fat fromage frais 0.1 100 0.1
Condensed milk, skimmed sweetened 0.2–1.0 50 0.1–0.5
Very low fat yoghurt (Muller Light) 0.1 200 0.2
Very low fat ice cream 0.4 50 0.2
White cod fillet, raw 0.1–0.7 100 0.7
White cod steak, raw 0.6 100 0.6
Grilled white haddock fillet 0.6 100 0.6
Steamed whiting 0.9 100 0.9
Steamed smoked haddock 0.9 100 0.9
Fish finger 7.2 25 (1 fish finger) 1.8
Tuna 0.2–0.6 100 0.2–0.6
Shell fish
Prawns (peeled) 0.5–1.7 80 0.4–1.4
Crabsticks 0.1 50 Neg
Crab (canned) 0.9 50 0.4
Crab (white meat only) 0.1 100 0.1
Shrimps (canned) 1.2 50 0.6
Cockles (boiled) 0.3–3 50 0.1–1.5
Mussels 2–3 50 1.0–1.5
Meat, poultry and alternatives
Roast turkey, light meat 1.4 70 1.0
Roast chicken, light meat 4.0 25 1.0
Roast lamb, lean 8.0 25 2.0
Roast beef topside, lean only 4.0 45 1.8
Roast beef silverside, lean only 4.9 40 2.0
Thin sliced packet beef cooked with added water 2.6 30 0.8
Ham 2.3–7.0 40 1.2–2.8
Quorn mince 2.0 50 1.0
Legumes, pasta, rice
Baked beans in tomato sauce 0.5 200 1.0
Tinned spaghetti in tomato sauce 0.1 200 0.2
White rice (boiled) 0.3 150 0.4
White pasta (boiled) 0.8 130 1.0
time. Early satiety, vomiting and anorexia, all of which may Table 14.15 Factors associated with increased risk of readmission [170].
be interlinked, lead to low energy intake. Up to half of infants
admitted for cardiac surgery may have feeding difficulties Factor Odds ratio for readmission
when assessed by a speech and language therapist [8]. Single ventricle physiology 2.39
Having CPB and prolonged ventilatory support are associ-
Pre‐operative arrhythmia 2.59
ated with delays in achieving post‐operative energy intake
targets and oral feeding, particularly in those with cyanotic Long post‐operative hospital stay 2.2
lesions [58]. Feeding difficulties associated with CHD may Nasogastric tube on discharge 2.2
become entrenched, affecting intake into early childhood.
Up to a fifth of patients may continue to show signs of feed- Source: Reproduced with permission from Elsevier.
ing difficulties at 2 years of age [168]. Having repeated oper-
ations is associated with a sixfold increase, and those with
pre‐existing feeding difficulties at operation a 20‐fold Treatment and outcome of patients with specific
increase, in feeding difficulties at 2 years of age [168]. cardiac lesions
Identifying these infants for early intervention and support
may help to reduce ongoing problems. In developing coun- Advances in surgical expertise in recent years has meant that
tries early weaning may indicate breastfeeding difficulties increasing numbers of infants with severe cardiac lesions are
associated with heart failure [11]. surviving and being discharged into the community. The
nutritional status of infants and children with CHD depends
on both the type of lesion and the number of operations that
Learning points: other complications of CHD affecting they require. The more complex the lesion and the greater
nutritional status the number of planned operations, the greater the nutritional
risk to the patient.
• There is increased risk of NEC in CHD, but feeding can be
cautiously commenced in high risk infants once haemody-
namically stable; feeding should stop immediately if signs Atrial septal defects
of NEC develop
• Vocal cord palsy occurs in up to 8% of infants with CHD Because blood flow into and out of the atria is at a consider-
and may take time to resolve; early involvement of a speech ably lower pressure than that in the ventricles, the effect of a
and language therapist may help overcome feeding septal defect between the two chambers on energy expendi-
difficulties ture and subsequent growth should be negligible. As a
• Protein‐losing enteropathy and hepatic dysfunction are late result, growth should not be impaired, and closure of the
complications in CHD and may occur in later childhood ASD at the correct time, between 2 and 4 years of age, is
unlikely to have any bearing on subsequent growth.
Although haemodynamic parameters markedly improve in
all patients following surgery, those referred specifically
Patients with VCP have abnormal swallowing patterns because of poor growth demonstrate no significant catch‐up
and are less able to protect their airways resulting in greater growth [13, 171]. However, children left longer before ASD
risk of aspiration [169]. Low birthweight infants with VCP closure may show signs of faltering growth, which improves
following PDA ligation need longer ventilatory support, following repair [172].
have longer hospital stays and may require long‐term tube
feeding [167]. In one series, 63% of infants required long‐
term gastrostomy feeding to meet their nutritional require-
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
ments [166]. Infants with hypoplastic left heart who are
HLHS is a condition in which the left ventricle fails to
unable to tolerate oral feeds on discharge may take between
develop fully in utero (Figure 14.9). The patient undergoes a
6 and 10 weeks to recover oral feeding, but some may take
series of palliative operations resulting in the right ventricle
considerably longer [62].
taking over the role of pumping blood to both the pulmo-
nary and systemic circulations. The first‐stage operation,
Factors associated with increased risk known as a Norwood stage 1 operation, at around 5 days of
of readmission age involves connecting the pulmonary artery with the
aorta to create one large arterial vessel. Traditionally, a
Readmission to hospital following surgery is not uncommon smaller head and neck artery is then used to connect to the
with rates of around 10% within 30 days of discharge [170]. pulmonary arteries via a Gore‐Tex tube, allowing the blood
However, children with single ventricle physiology and to be oxygenated, a BT shunt (Figure 14.10). A more recent
those with NG tubes may account for up to 50% of these modification (Sano‐modification) is to connect the right
admissions [170]. It has been suggested that focusing post‐ ventricle directly to the right pulmonary artery using an
operative care on those with four high risk factors may be artificial Gore‐Tex conduit. A second‐stage operation,
helpful in reducing readmission (Table 14.15). known as a Glenn shunt (Figure 14.11), is carried out
Treatment and Outcome of Patients with Specific Cardiac Lesions 307
Thin aorta Patent ductus arteriosus between 4 and 5 months [74], connecting the superior vena
cava directly to the pulmonary circulation, allowing the
venous return from the head to be oxygenated; the initial
shunt is taken down. Inter‐stage mortality is between 8%
and 10% [87, 173], but may be reduced with intensive moni-
toring [74, 174]. The final palliative operation, TCPC or
Fontan (Figure 14.12), is carried out at around 4–8 years and
involves connecting the inferior vena cava to the pulmonary
vasculature. Having good pre‐operative nutritional status is
important, and patients are at risk until their second‐stage
Inferior vena cava (delivering venous return from body) Inferior vena cava delivering blood to pulmonary circulation
Figure 14.11 Stage 2 Norwood procedure: connection of superior vena Figure 14.12 Stage 3 Norwood procedure: total cavo‐pulmonary
cava to left and right branches of pulmonary artery. connection (TCPC or Fontan).
308 Congenital Heart Disease
between birth and discharge from their stage 1 palliative demonstrated an almost threefold increase in inter‐operative
operation at around a month of age. Over 90% of patients mortality in patients being fed via NG or nasojejunal tube
suffer a weight loss >−0.5 SDS with over a third experiencing compared with those either fed orally or via gastrostomy
a fall of >−2 SD [7]. Other studies showed median weight [173]. Infants who require NG tube feeding have a greater
remaining static for the duration of admission [9] and 60% of burden of medication [182], and the need for tube feeding
patients do not regain their birthweight by discharge [179]. per se may be an indicator of more severe disease.
Male gender, longer post‐operative mechanical ventilation, Overall outcomes on inter‐operative growth are variable.
longer hospital stays and, interestingly, greater birth weight One study showed growth stabilisation between the first
are all predictors of falls in post‐operative weight SDS [7]. (Norwood) and second (Glenn shunt) operations [7], but
other studies report weight for age falling by up to 1 SDS [68,
184], with admission weights at second operation as low as
Feeding and growth following Norwood stage 1 operation
−2 SD [9]. However, a programme of close cardiovascular
Risk of NEC is unaffected by the type of initial shunt [175], monitoring, feed fortification and, where necessary, tube
but does increase with increasing shunt size that affects feeding with target intakes of ≥110 kcal (460 kJ)/kg/day
blood flow into the descending aorta and mesenteric artery demonstrates that catch‐up growth is possible, with average
[180]. However, as up to a third of patients may not meet weight gains of 26 g/day [174] (Tables 14.16 and 14.17).
normal energy requirements during their stage 1 admission Nevertheless, infants with HLHS can be expected to remain
[179], feeding should commence once they are clinically sta- small with an average weight for age of −1 SD by the time of
ble. A post‐operative enteral feeding algorithm has shown their second operation.
that feeds may be increased quite rapidly towards target
intakes without risk of NEC [162]. Bolus and continuous
feeding are equally as effective in achieving satisfactory Growth following stage 2 operation (Glenn shunt)
weight gain in this group of patients if adequate energy The best time for catch‐up growth to occur is after the stage
intake is achieved [181]. 2 operation (Glenn shunt) has been carried out. Between this
Poor post‐operative oral feeding is common following the operation and 14 months of age, mean weight gain is of the
first‐stage operation with one study showing less than 40% order of +1 SDS [7]. However, care must be taken to ensure
achieving full oral feeding on discharge home [62]. Increased that weight gain does not occur without improvements in
risk factors for poor oral feeding are pre‐operative inability length, which would indicate laying down of excess fat
to feed orally and pre‐operative mechanical ventilation, with (Table 14.18 case study).
recovery of normal oral function taking between 2 and 5
months [62]. Issues with poor oral feeding ability or toler-
ance may only become apparent once the infant is at home. Table 14.16 Factors associated with poor weight gain during admission
In these cases, the support of a local paediatric dietitian, chil- for and after first palliative operation for HLHS [9].
dren’s community nursing team, health visitor and speech
and language therapist with the capacity to identify and During inpatient stay Following discharge home
address feeding issues may help to re‐establish oral feeding.
Longer hospital stay Lower feed energy on discharge
Although oral feeding may be a marker for less severe dis-
ease, those managing oral feeds on discharge do have better Longer PICU stay Worse right ventricular function
inter‐operative growth compared with those with tube or Shorter course of TPN More frequent readmissions
oral/tube feeding [174, 182]. Nevertheless, weight gain High diuretic usage Higher oxygen saturation at discharge
slows earlier in orally fed infants [183], and ongoing moni-
toring is required to ensure initial gains do not falter. HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome; PICU, paediatric intensive care
Options for ongoing nutrition support include NG, nasodu- unit; TPN, total parenteral nutrition.
odenal, nasojejunal and gastrostomy feeding. The option of a Source: Reproduced with permission from John Wiley & Sons.
gastrostomy should be considered in any child still fed via
NG tube after 6 months. The benefits of having less interfer-
ence in the oral cavity may be quite marked, allowing for
rapid improvement in oromotor skills and language develop- Table 14.17 Nutritional targets for discharge in HLHS and criteria
ment (David Hopkins, personal communication). for contacting monitoring team [174].
The benefits of one mode of tube feeding over another in
Prior to discharge Alerts for home monitoring team
this group of patients are contentious. One study showed
gastrostomy feeding having no significant effect on improv- Intake above 110 kcal (460 kJ)/kg/day 1. Intake < 100 mL/kg/day
ing growth [184]. Both NG/nasojejunal [173] and gastros- 2. Weight loss > 30 g in a day
tomy [87] tube feeding have been associated with increased
3. Failure to gain 20 g weight in
mortality. One study has shown no difference in inter‐stage 3 days
mortality between infants fed orally and those fed via NG
tube, but a 2.4‐fold increase in those fed via gastrostomy +/− HLHS, hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
Nissen fundoplication [87]. However, a further study Source: Reproduced with permission from Springer Nature.
Treatment and Outcome of Patients with Specific Cardiac Lesions 309
Table 14.18 Case study: treatment progression and dietetic management of an infant with hypoplastic left heart.
Baby boy born at term. Birth weight = 3.42 kg (25–50th centile), length = 51 cm (50th centile). The first child of parents who speak limited English.
The case study illustrates:
• Mix of breastmilk and energy‐dense formula required to ensure adequate growth.
• Good nutritional status with tube feeding from tertiary centre enabled local team to transition to oral feeding while ensuring adequate nutritional
• The involvement of a local paediatric dietitian with knowledge of paediatric cardiology carrying out home visits enabled treatment options to be
discussed and implemented despite language barriers.
• Involvement of multidisciplinary working with speech and language therapist providing support and reassurance in transition from nasogastric to
oral feeding.
1–4 months old Early surgical intervention with stage To promote growth along birth centiles for length and weight (50th centile) a
1 procedure: Norwood and subsequent mix of 50:50 EBM and Infatrini was provided. During periods of fluid
Stage 2 Glenn procedure restriction 80%–100% Infatrini was provided
4½ months old Transition to district general hospital prior Wt = 7.26 kg (50th centile) Length = 64.5 cm (25–50th centile)
to going home. Local dietitian at district BO 1× day. Vomits 1× day, retches 5–6× day
general hospital contacted by tertiary Feeding 100 mL/kg using a combination of Infatrini and EBM: 115 mL × 4
centre dietitian for handover of care hourly × 6 feeds via NG tube (1 feed of EBM and 5 feeds of Infatrini). Current
post‐op Norwood stage 1 and 2 feed gives 95 mL/kg/day, 90 kcal (375 kJ)/kg/day
operations. History of right diaphragmatic Consultant advises no oral feeding pending SLT review
palsy on PICU – plicated diaphragm. Mum had tried purée weaning solids in tertiary hospital but infant retched
Current drugs: omeprazole, ranitidine, Prior to stage 2 operation mum reports that he had been managing 150 mL
aspirin, spirinolactone, furosemide feed volumes orally with no problems
0.6 mL Abidec Reviewed on ward every 1–2 days: mum not able to provide enough EBM so
alternative standard infant formula given as top up. Vomiting more on Infatrini
Home enteral feeding set up prior to discharge
Day 3 post‐discharge Home visit by local dietitian and CCN Wt = 7.66 kg (↑260 g in 8 days)
BO 3× day. Vomits 1× day mostly associated with moving or changing nappy
Mum reports him as getting upset/inconsolable after some feeds
Feeding: 100 mL Infatrini + 20 mL EBM/infant formula × 6 feeds per day via NG
Advised on upright positioning if possible following feeds
Day 4 post‐discharge SLT review SLT reports patient as becoming hot, sweaty and upset before the end of each
feed. Ruminating towards the end of feeds (indicating possible GOR). On
advice from SLT mum has started him on some purée sweet potato. Managed
3–4 teaspoons
5 months old CCN review. Oxygen saturations in air: Wt = 8.04 kg (>50th centile)
84%–86% Continues feeding 100 mL Infatrini + 20 mL EBM/infant formula via NG tube
Reports managing only 1 teaspoon solids per day
Ongoing weekly telephone calls with local dietitian. Patient continues to
vomit in the early morning on waking
6 months old Telephone discussions with tertiary centre No concerns with current weight. Plan to progress with increasing intake of
Nutrition Team weaning solids while continuing on NG feeds
Change in NG tube reported to be better tolerated. Feed regimen altered to
give 60 mL in the morning when he is more likely to vomit, larger volumes of
120 mL later in the day. Intake: 77 mL/kg/day, 73 kcal (305 kJ)/kg/day
6½ months old Further home visit with CCN Wt = 8.66 kg (50–75th centile). Continues to vomit 2× day associated with
opening bowels. Flexible approach to NG feed volumes discussed, feeding
100–130 mL Infatrini + 20–30 mL infant formula via NG tube. Appears to have
entrenched food aversion requiring oral desensitisation
Further SLT assessment: unable to manage a few millilitres of infant formula
and recommends thickened feeds. Plan for gentle approach, applying
thickened feeds and purée food to lips regularly each day. Mum feels he is
getting hungry
7½ months old Professionals meeting with SLT, Consultant Wt = 8.9 kg (50–75th centile). Mum now trained in passing NG tube
paediatrician with interest in paediatric Combination of 100–110 mL Infatrini + 20 mL infant formula feeds × 5 per day
cardiology, parents, CCN and local gives 75 mL/kg/day, 71 kcal (295 kJ)/kg/day. Starting to replace Infatrini with
dietitian some formula feeds to try to improve appetite
SLT: starting ‘messy play’ allowing patient to suck puree food off a variety of
soft utensils. Therapy support workers involved
(contiued to overleaf)
310 Congenital Heart Disease
8 months old Outpatient clinic review with local Wt = 8.98 kg (50–75th centile) Length = 69.2 cm (25th centile)
dietitian No longer vomiting in the morning. Mum concerned about weight, but food
intake has improved from 2 weeks ago, now managing 1 dessert spoon solids
at some meals. Trying some water from a syringe. Plan: offer water from
spouted beaker and offer from a syringe if this does not work, increase to
3 meals per day
9½ months old Telephone call to mother Fewer vomits. Now managing 3 dessertspoons of solids at each meal. Using
meat, potatoes and vegetables as basis of main meals. NG feeds: 130 mL
standard infant formula three times a day and 2 feeds of 95 mL Infatrini mixed
with 35 mL standard formula. Trying small amounts of feed orally
10 months old Outpatient clinic review with local Wt = 9.22 kg (50–75th centile)
dietitian. Ongoing fortnightly telephone Length = 68.9 cm (9th centile)
reviews No gagging or vomits reported
Now managing 2 small baby bowls of cereal and meat with vegetables. Has
started to drink milk again 2 × 30 mL/day, but majority of feeds are still via NG
tube. Having a mix of about ½ Infatrini and ½ standard formula
Plan: All feeds as standard infant formula. Increase volume of feeds gradually
from 140 × 5 to 170 mL × 4 feeds per day and progress with weaning to 3
meals per day including main and dessert items
11½ months old Dietetic outpatient and SLT review Weight = 9.44 kg (50th centile) Length = 72 cm (9th centile)
SLT review shows good progress with both solids and fluid intake. However,
becoming constipated
Aiming for 500–600 mL standard infant formula in a total fluid allowance of
800 mL per day. Formula feeds to be given after meals to encourage food
intake. Encouraging to drink more from a cup. Discussed removing NG tube,
but some medications still needing to be given via tube
1 year old Telephone review CCN visit. Wt = 9.46 kg (<50th centile) Length = 72 cm (2nd–9th centile). NG
tube removed. Managing all food and fluids orally. Encouraging more lumpy
EBM, expressed breastmilk; NG, nasogastric; SLT, speech and language therapist; CCN, children’s community nurse; BO, bowels open; GOR, gastro‐
oesophageal reflux.
Tetralogy of Fallot blood flow, increasing respiratory effort that requires addi-
tional nutritional support. Once stabilised or after recovery
This complex cyanotic defect has four separate aspects: a from the shunt operation, the infant can be discharged home.
VSD, an ‘overriding aorta’ in which the aorta straddles the As this is a cyanotic lesion, breathlessness may affect feed-
two ventricles, obstruction of pulmonary blood flow from ing, and growth may slow prior to having the lesion repaired,
the right ventricle (sub‐pulmonary stenosis) and right ven- usually at about 4–6 months of age. The primary defects are
tricular hypertrophy (Figure 14.5). The presence of a VSD repaired with closure of the VSD, repair of the pulmonary
would usually result in excessive pulmonary blood flow, outflow tract and, if it has been necessary, removal of the BT
the development of pulmonary hypertension and subse- shunt. Improvements in feeding ability may then become
quent faltering growth. However, the pulmonary stenosis apparent with full catch‐up growth occurring within 2 years
protects the lungs from excessive lung blood flow prevent- of repair [185].
ing the development of pulmonary hypertension but
increases the workload of the right ventricle causing hyper-
trophy. Patients who have very little outflow tract obstruc- Transposition of the great arteries
tion may develop high pulmonary blood flow and require
nutritional support. With TGA the two main arteries exit from the opposite ven-
Rarely, if blood flow to the lungs is very restricted and the tricles from which they would normally, the aorta from the
patient is very cyanosed, a BT shunt operation is initially right ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the left. The
performed (Figure 14.10) early in life to try to normalise pul- patient survives because blood mixes through a patent
monary blood flow. Infants who have undergone the BT foramen ovale (PFO) and a PDA. Prostaglandin is almost
shunt operation may however develop excessive pulmonary always given to keep the PDA open. In about 25% of
Glossary 311
patients, the PFO is enlarged, using a cardiac catheter in a studies without the risk of selection bias may help to clarify
procedure called a balloon atrial septostomy, to allow for the timing and type of feeding that is most beneficial.
better mixing of blood. The patient can recover before a fur- Several studies have now identified energy requirements
ther operation is carried out at about one week of age in of patients in intensive care who have undergone specific
which the arteries are switched over to their correct posi- operations. Further evaluation of post‐operative energy
tion, the hole between the atria repaired and the PDA requirements in specific patient groups may enable better
closed. These patients tend to have normal birthweights targeting of nutritional support. Clarification of energy pro-
[34, 43] although the reason for this is uncertain. Repairing vision of optimum mix of carbohydrate and fat in different
this complex defect within the first few weeks of life ena- cardiac conditions is needed, with evidence of improving
bles patients to be discharged, feeding normally, usually cardiac function.
without dietetic intervention, with good prospects for nor- A suitable means of improving breastmilk fortification
mal long‐term growth [12]. without raising the osmotic load such that there is increased
risk of developing NEC is needed. Evidence of improved
vitamin and mineral status from an appropriate supplement
Ventricular septal defect is lacking in this group of patients.
There continues to be uncertainty as to whether chylotho-
In VSD a hole exists between the two ventricles. There are rax is a self‐limiting condition and, therefore, whether a min-
several types. The most common is a peri‐membranous imal LCT diet is required for treatment; evidence‐based
defect in which the hole is located at the ‘top’ of the ventricle outcome data is limited. The use of either TPN or a fat‐free
near to where blood exits. A muscular VSD is located near the feed with peripheral lipid in either speeding recovery or
‘bottom’ or apex of the ventricle. In most cases the VSD tends treating cases who initially fail to respond may need further
to close or become so small as to have an insignificant effect evaluation. There is uncertainty as to whether treatment fail-
on cardiac function as the child grows. However, a moderate ures are due to the current level of LCT in feeds (0.35 g/100 mL)
to large VSD causes increased blood flow into the lungs, not being low enough.
resulting in breathlessness, elevated metabolic rate and the The issue of pre‐operative enteral feeding of patients with
child to feed in short bursts. These defects require closure as HLHS differs in Europe and the USA and has not been fully
they invariably result in faltering growth (Figure 14.2). The resolved. The conflicting outcomes from varying modes of
child may undergo an initial pulmonary artery band opera- nutritional support in these patients demonstrate the need
tion that reduces the blood flow to the lungs, protecting them for further multicentre studies.
from the development of pulmonary hypertension. The
infant needs to grow to a size (approximately 5 kg) that ena-
bles surgical closure to be carried out more easily. This
requires a careful balance between increasing the energy con-
Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary
tent of the feed to promote growth and trying to limit the
artery (ALCAPA) ALCAPA is a rare condition in which
almost inevitable GOR and vomiting. However, there has
the left coronary artery arises from the pulmonary artery
been a tendency towards early closure of clinically significant
rather than the aorta. As a result, deoxygenated blood is
VSD easing the pressure on the nutritional aspects of treat-
provided to the coronary artery, resulting in myocardial
ment. Late diagnosis of a large VSD is associated with marked
ischaemia. Cases usually arise in the first few months of life
faltering growth with an imperative to operate as soon as
with about half presenting with faltering growth [187].
possible [186]. Following surgery most infants demonstrate
However, following repair of the primary defect, weight can
good catch‐up growth [110] although the same authors
be expected to be regained.
expressed concern that rapid growth following a period of
Aortopulmonary window A hole, or ‘window’, is pre-
growth faltering might lead to insulin resistance, obesity and
sent between the aorta and the pulmonary artery. This results
adult cardiovascular disease later in life [110].
in higher pulmonary blood pressure with more blood than
usual going to the lungs and less to the systemic circulation.
Case studies Atrial septal defect (ASD) A hole between the right
and left atria. There is malformation of the septum between
Case studies illustrating aspects of nutritional management the two chambers. The defect may have anomalous pulmo-
of CHD are given in Tables 14.18 and 14.19. nary drainage associated with it, in which some of the
venous return from the lungs enters the right atrium rather
than the left.
Future research and unanswered questions Blalock–Taussig (BT) shunt A procedure in which the
subclavian artery is connected to the pulmonary artery in
Many studies into the benefits of nutritional support in CHD order to provide adequate blood flow to the lungs. Used
are retrospective and observational so may be subject to when the defect results in no direct connection between the
selection bias, resulting in patients with better prognosis right ventricle and the pulmonary circulation, e.g. pulmo-
being fed earlier and more aggressively [53]. Prospective nary atresia. A modified version of this procedure is to use a
312 Congenital Heart Disease
Table 14.19 Case study: treatment of an infant who developed chylothorax and vocal cord palsy following arterial switch operation for transposition
of the great arteries.
Baby boy born at term. Birth weight = 3.75 kg (75th centile). Length obtained at 2½ weeks: 53 cm (75th centile) with weight = 4.07 kg
(50th centile).
The case study illustrates:
• Limiting the treatment period for chylothorax
• Need for regular follow‐up in the initial stages following discharge as the reasons for feeding difficulties may become clearer following
discharge home
• Interaction between local and tertiary centre. Monitoring and observations made by the local team on feeding behaviour informed feeding
decisions made by tertiary team
• Gradual transition from tube to oral feeding as vocal cord palsy resolved
3 weeks old Transferred from tertiary centre to home Feed: Monogen (4‐week treatment period). 75 mL × 3 hourly × 8 feeds via
following repair of TGA. Post‐op development NG tube, 150 mL/kg/day
of chylothorax Discharged, reported to be feeding well orally pre‐operatively but
currently taking minimal volumes by mouth
Handover reported that he throws his head back and screams when
attempts are made to feed orally. Some consideration given to possibility
of cow’s milk protein allergy, but omeprazole has eased symptoms
Local dietitian contacted to arrange home enteral feeding
Drugs: spironolactone, furosemide, propranolol
4 weeks old Local CCN reports Wt = 4.15 kg (25th centile), Current feed volumes: 67 mL × 3 hourly × 8, 130 mL/kg/day, advised by
increase of 80 g since discharge tertiary centre dietitian due to issues with vomiting
Length = 53.5 cm (25th centile) Mum keen to stop NG feeding and revert to bottle feeds. Local dietitian
Patient continuing to cough and vomit feeds suggests Gaviscon Infant to try to resolve vomiting
4½ weeks old Tertiary centre commence patient on Now on 2 hourly feeds of Monogen: 45 mL × 12 feeds to reduce vomiting
omeprazole for GOR. Patient coughing but Local dietitian advises change to 55 mL × 2–3 hourly × 10 feeds if tolerating
coping better with feeds
5 weeks old Wt = 4.4 kg (25–50th centile), increase of Telephone call to mother as she would like information about alternatives
250 g/week to Monogen when treatment stops
6½ weeks old Request from tertiary centre for NG tube to Feeds changed from Monogen to standard infant formula
remain in situ to ensure adequate weight gain
7 weeks old Home visit by CCN and local dietitian Infant is now managing up to 30 mL orally with remaining 65 mL via NG
Weight = 4.68 kg (25th centile) tube. Feeding 95 mL × 3 hourly × 7 feeds with 6 hour break during night
Local dietitian contacts tertiary centre to advise Still struggling with oral feeds, only managing half the volume. Has
of suspicion of vocal cord palsy wheeze on feeding and does not appear to like oral feeding
Local dietitian suspects vocal cord palsy and advises continued NG
feeding to augment oral intake. Advises increase to 100 mL × 7 feeds per
day, 150 mL/kg/day mostly via NG tube
8 weeks old Telephone review by local dietitian Infant is now managing half of feed volume orally with remainder via NG
8–12 weeks old Ongoing home visits by CCN and telephone Gradual transition to full oral feeding of 150 mL/kg/day of standard infant
reviews by local dietitian formula. ENT review scheduled at tertiary centre in 3 months’ time
Weight = 5.6 kg (9–25th centile)
Length = 60.5 cm (25th centile)
4½ months old CCN handover to health visitor for ongoing Dietitian discusses weaning with mum for when baby shows interest in
weight monitoring solids. Provided with open appointment with local dietitian
TGA, transposition of the great arteries; NG, nasogastric; CCN, children’s community nurse; GOR, gastro‐oesophageal reflux; ENT, ear, nose and throat.
Gore‐Tex graft between the subclavian and pulmonary arter- pulses. Surgical repair is either with an end‐to‐end anasto-
ies (modified BT shunt). mosis, with the narrowed section being cut out, or by using
Coarctation of the aorta A narrowing of the aortic arch a flap of subclavian artery.
near to where the ductus arteriosus connects in the foetal cir- Cor triatriatum A membrane divides the inside of the
culation. One of the signs is reduced or absent femoral left atrium interfering with blood flow into the left ventricle.
Acknowledgements 313
DiGeorge syndrome (22Q11 microdeletion) Cardiac Shunt The redirection of blood flow from one area of the
defects that affect the pulmonary artery and aorta are associ- circulation to another via a ‘short circuit’. This may be due to
ated with this syndrome. Parathyroid hormone is absent, a physiological defect as in the movement of blood from the
and infants often need calcium supplementation post‐opera- left to right ventricle across a VSD or due to an operation
tively. The thymus is also affected, resulting in poor immune such as a BT shunt in which blood is redirected from the sys-
function and the need for irradiated blood products to be temic to pulmonary circulation (see Blalock–Taussig shunt
given if transfusion is required. above).
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) Both aorta and Tetralogy of Fallot (Figure 14.3) There are four aspects
pulmonary arteries exit from the right ventricle. A VSD is to this defect: a ventricular septal defect, pulmonary steno-
present, allowing blood to exit from the left ventricle. sis, right ventricular hypertrophy and an overriding aorta in
Ductus arteriosus This is a connecting vessel between which the aorta straddles the two ventricles.
the pulmonary artery and the aorta. Its function is to allow Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (TAPVD)
blood to bypass the lungs in the foetal circulation. If it The four pulmonary veins usually return blood to the left
remains open once the infant is born, it is known as a ‘patent atrium. In TAPVD all of these veins empty into a variety of
ductus arteriosus’. This causes excess blood flow to the other locations: the superior vena cava, the inferior vena
lungs. cava, the hepatic vein, hepatic portal vein or the right
Ebstein’s anomaly A deformed tricuspid valve, with atrium.
missing leaflets, arises lower than normal from the wall of Total cavo‐pulmonary connection (TCPC) An opera-
the right ventricle. This results in a small functional right tion in which the inferior vena cava is connected directly to
ventricle with the pulmonary artery exiting from above the the right pulmonary artery. This operation follows on from a
tricuspid valve. Poor pulmonary blood flow results. Glenn shunt and occurs when a child is older. These opera-
Glenn shunt A procedure in which the superior vena tions are used where there are right‐sided obstructive car-
cava is disconnected from where it enters the right atrium diac lesions resulting in deoxygenated blood flowing from
and is attached to the right pulmonary artery. The venous the body directly into the pulmonary circulation without
return from the upper part of the body therefore flows going through the right side of the heart.
directly into the pulmonary arteries. This is used as a means Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) The aorta
of oxygenating blood when there is a non‐functioning right exits from the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery exits
ventricle usually due to stenosis of the pulmonary valve or from the left ventricle. Blood is able to mix due to a patent
atresia of either the tricuspid valve or pulmonary artery. foramen ovale and patent ductus arteriosus. Initially the
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) Due to PFO is enlarged, using a cardiac catheter in a procedure
embryological defects the size of the left ventricle is severely called a balloon atrial septostomy, to allow for better mixing
reduced. The aortic and mitral valves are also defective or of blood. Surgical repair in which the arteries are cut and
absent, and the aorta is reduced in size. switched over is carried out at about 2 weeks of age.
Interrupted aortic arch The aorta exits from the left ven- Tricuspid atresia The tricuspid valve between the
tricle but fails to continue round to form the usual arch. The right atrium and right ventricle fails to from. A PFO or ASD
descending part of the aortic arch remains connected to the along with a VSD ensures that this lesion is compatible
pulmonary circulation via the ductus arteriosus. with life.
Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage (PAPVD) Truncus arteriosus A single large vessel exits from above
As for TAPVD, but fewer pulmonary veins are misdirected. the two ventricles due to the pulmonary artery and the aorta
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) The hole that exists failing to divide in the embryo. There is only one single valve
between the pulmonary artery and aorta in foetal circulation to this large vessel, having 3–6 leaflets. A VSD is also present
persists postnatally. Some cardiac lesions require this hole to just beneath where the vessel leaves the heart. Truncus arte-
remain open in order to get blood to the lungs and so be riosus is classified into four types depending on where the
compatible with life. Prostaglandin E1 is used to keep the right and left pulmonary arteries arise.
duct patent.
Patent/persisting foramen ovale (PFO) The hole
between the two atria that is normally present in the foetal Acknowledgements
circulation persists postnatally.
Pulmonary atresia The outflow from the pulmonary Dr Alison Hayes, Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist, Bristol
artery is completely restricted either at the site of the pulmo- Royal Hospital for Children for providing Figures 14.3–14.5
nary valve or the artery itself. A VSD may or may not be and 14.9–14.12. Ms Angela Drayton, Mr Tom Wellham and
present, and this will affect the surgical course. Ms Katie Peck, Yeovil District Hospital Library for help with
Pulmonary stenosis The valve of the pulmonary artery database searches and sourcing references. Dr Graeme
is not formed correctly, resulting in reduced blood flow to O’Connor, Specialist Paediatric Dietitian, Great Ormond
the lungs. There are three types with areas of tissue above or Street Hospital for Children for reviewing the chapter
below the valve or the valve itself being affected. text. Mrs Pamela Wright, Paediatric Pharmacist, Yeovil
314 Congenital Heart Disease
Food allergy food
IgE mediated Enzymatic Pharmacological Unknown
(A) (C) (D) (E)
Figure 15.1 Classification of food hypersensitivity [1]. Source: Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.
Specific IgE
IL-3, IL-4
presenting IL-4
cell IL-13
Specific IgE
Figure 15.2 Immunological basis for food allergy using cow’s milk as an example (exposure through the gastrointestinal tract) [3]. Source: Reproduced
with permission of Elsevier.
Introduction 317
Table 15.1 Summary of symptom presentation of IgE and non‐IgE mediated food allergy.
cases per 100 000 population per annum [5–7]. The presenta- vomiting that in severe cases may lead to hypovolaemic
tion of anaphylaxis is varied, but the major causes of death shock (e.g. FPIES) [10], d
iarrhoea, abdominal pain, falter-
are obstruction to the upper airway or shock, hypotension ing growth, irritability, colic‐like pain, constipation and
and cardiac arrhythmia [7, 8]. The results of double‐blind eczema [13, 14]. Gastrointestinal symptoms are further
placebo‐controlled food challenges (DBPCFC) from several discussed in Chapter 8.
studies in the USA and the UK have shown that the most
common foods to provoke immediate reactions are peanuts,
Mixed IgE and non‐IgE food allergy
tree nuts, milk, egg, soy and wheat, fish and shellfish. Seeds
(e.g. sesame) may also cause this type of reaction [6].
It is now recognised that patients can present with a mixed
picture including both the immediate‐type IgE mediated and
Non‐IgE mediated food allergy the delayed‐type non‐IgE mediated reactions. An example of
this overlap is atopic dermatitis and, in some cases EoE, when
These reactions are immune‐mediated delayed hypersensi- patients also exhibit IgE sensitisation to pollen [15–17]. The
tivity reactions with symptoms usually appearing more than same child may show signs of both IgE mediated allergy, e.g.
2–48 hours after antigen exposure. Although the mechanism to egg, and non‐IgE mediated allergy, e.g. to milk.
of this reaction is not yet fully understood, it is thought that
it involves sensitised T cells reacting with the antigen to pro- Symptoms often associated with both IgE and
duce cytokines, which mobilise non‐sensitised cells to fight
non‐IgE mediated food allergy
the antigen. This causes inflammation, tissue damage and
the formation of epithelioid and giant cells [9].
It is important to recognise additional features that are often
present in children with food allergies, and these may have
Clinical manifestation of non‐IgE mediated food allergy implications in the nutritional management. These include
faltering growth; vitamin D, calcium and iron deficiency;
These reactions to foods may develop slowly after an hour
and feeding difficulties [18].
(e.g. food protein‐induced enterocolitis syndrome [FPIES])
[10] or days (e.g. food protein‐induced proctocolitis [FPIP]
and eosinophilic oesophagitis [EoE]) [11], and the expo- Non‐allergic food hypersensitivity
sure dose evoking a reaction varies from small to larger
amounts [12]. As with immediate symptoms, adverse reac- The most well‐known non‐allergic food hypersensitivity is
tions mainly affect the skin and gastrointestinal tract. lactose intolerance (p. 117). Symptoms arise due to the
Symptoms include chronic diarrhoea, chronic or acute osmotic effects of lactose and fermentation thereof by
318 Food Hypersensitivity
intestinal bacteria. This may cause excessive flatus, explo- Table 15.2 High risk components (more likely to lead to anaphylaxis)
sive diarrhoea, perianal excoriation, abdominal distension versus low risk components [25].
and pain [19]. The overlap in symptoms with non‐IgE medi-
Food allergens High risk Low risk
ated gastrointestinal food allergies often causes confusion
with the diagnosis, but is distinctly different due to the Peanut Ara 1,1,3,9 Ara h 8, profilin
absence of an immunological mechanism [20]. Hazelnut Cor 1,8,9,14 Profilin
More controversial problems that may be related to non‐ Walnut Jug r 1,2,3 Profilin
allergic food hypersensitivity are migraine, rheumatoid Soya Gly m 5,6 (4) Profilin
arthritis, migraine with epilepsy, enuresis, autism and atten- Rosacea fruit Pru p 3, Mal d 3 Pru p 1, Mal d 1, profilin
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Dietary manip- Wheat Tria 14, Tria 19 Profilin
Shrimp Pen a 1 N/A
ulation (elimination and challenge) is the mainstay for
diagnosis and treatment of these conditions [2, 21]. It is N/A, not applicable.
important to consider nutritional adequacy when such a diet Source: Reproduced with permission of Springer.
is considered (p. 328).
Diagnosis of food hypersensitivity which particular allergen or allergens are involved in trig-
gering allergic symptoms. CRD has become extremely u seful
IgE mediated allergy as it has enabled identification of specific clinical pheno-
types, prediction of severity of reactions and identification of
cross‐reactive specific components to other similar allergens
Skin prick tests
from different pollen species or foods (Table 15.2) [25, 26].
The skin prick test (SPT) indicates the presence of allergen CRD is, however, mainly available only in specialist centres,
specific IgE. It can be performed in a medical setting equipped and its use is limited to cases where it makes a difference in
to deal with anaphylaxis and yields an immediate result, the diagnosis or management.
which is very useful for clinicians and parents. Drops of food
extract, positive (histamine) control and negative (saline)
control are applied using lancets. In the past a cut‐off of 3 mm
Intradermal test
or larger was considered positive; however, with the publica- Intradermal tests for food allergy are not recommended in
tion of the LEAP (Learning Early About Peanut Allergy) and either UK [27] or US guidelines [28]. Unacceptably high false
EAT (Enquiring About Tolerance) studies, this cut‐off has positive rates as well as safety concerns, such as systemic
been questioned, and interpretation of SPT should be led by reactions (including fatal anaphylactic responses), are asso-
an allergy‐focused history [22]. It is important to note that the ciated with this allergy skin test [29].
positive predictive accuracy of SPTs is less than 50% when
compared with results from DBPCFC. Negative predictive
Basophil activation test
accuracy is 95% [23, 24]. This means that negative SPT
responses are a worthwhile means of excluding IgE mediated Studies are emerging on basophil activation test (BAT) as a
allergies, but positive SPT responses only indicate an atopic new diagnostic tool for food allergy. This test is based on a
individual with a tendency to react to this food. Exclusion three‐step approach: cell stimulation, cell staining and flow
diets should not be based on these results alone [4]. cytometry. The expression of activation markers is then
measured on the surface of basophils following stimulation
with the allergen and has shown high specificity [30]. It has
Specific IgE test
been described as an oral food challenge (OFC) in a test tube
Specific IgE is an in vitro assay for identifying food‐specific and has already been applied to cow’s milk, egg and peanut.
IgE antibodies from serum. It is more expensive than SPT, However, BAT requires a specialist laboratory setting and at
and the results are not available to the clinician immediately, this stage is mainly limited to research [4].
possibly delaying diagnosis. This test may be preferred when
patients have dermatographism, severe skin disease or lim-
Other diagnostic tests
ited surface area for testing (e.g. in severe atopic dermatitis);
where patients have difficulty discontinuing antihistamines; To date there are no additional diagnostic procedures to
or where patients have exquisite sensitivity to certain foods those described above that can be recommended as useful
[23]. Interpretation of results is as difficult as with SPTs as tests in the diagnosis of IgE and non‐IgE mediated food
there are no universally accepted cut‐offs for each allergen, allergy. IgG testing has received a significant amount of
and interpretation needs to also occur in conjunction with an attention in the lay press for assisting in the ‘diagnosis’ of
allergy‐focused history. SPTs and specific IgE tests provide non‐IgE mediated reactions or food intolerances. The
useful contributory information towards a diagnosis when European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
added to the clinical history and should be interpreted by (EAACI) [31, 32], the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma
clinicians with appropriate competencies [23]. and Immunology (AAAAI) [33] and the UK National
More recently, component‐resolved diagnostics (CRD) Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) [13] advise
have been used in food allergy, giving information about against the use of this ‘test’ for diagnosing any type of food
Elimination Diets for Diagnosis of Ige and Non‐Ige Mediated Food Allergies 319
allergy or intolerance due poor association with actual aller- For IgE mediated allergies the elimination diet is imple-
gies and the concern that misinterpretation may lead to mented to manage symptoms, and reintroduction of these
nutritionally incomplete diets. Other tests that have also foods into the diet will only occur when there is an indica-
been shown to be of no benefit in the diagnosis of food tion that the allergy may have been outgrown. However, in
hypersensitivity include vega testing, hair analysis, cyto- some cases (particularly for non‐IgE mediated allergy and
toxic test, kinesiology, iridology, electrodermal testing and non‐allergic food hypersensitivity), it may not be clear if par-
sublingual provocative food testing [34]. ticular foods are involved, and, therefore, a diagnostic elimi-
nation diet is recommended. Before this is embarked upon, it
is essential to consider whether the child/parent is suffi-
Non‐IgE mediated allergy
ciently motivated and able to adhere to the diet. The length
of time required on an elimination diet to confirm/refute a
There are currently no validated in vitro or in vivo tests that can
non‐IgE mediated allergy is around 4 weeks [37], but may
identify foods responsible for non‐IgE mediated food allergies
vary between 2 and 6 weeks depending on the following:
[4, 12]. It has been suggested that atopy patch testing could be
used to aid the diagnosis of non‐IgE mediated food allergy; • type of suspected food allergy (more severe symptoms
however, studies have not found the test to be sufficiently may take longer to resolve)
accurate, and, therefore, all current guidelines do not recom- • frequency of symptoms
mend this test to be used for diagnostic purposes in delayed • degree of restriction of diet (i.e. one food versus many
food allergy [4, 35, 36]. Currently, the symptomatic improve- foods)
ment on an allergen exclusion diet [37] followed by a return of • nutritional status of the child
symptoms on allergen reintroduction or a food challenge
For non‐allergic food hypersensitivity, the elimination
remains the gold standard for diagnosing this food allergic
time is also poorly defined, but published data indicates an
condition [4, 14, 38]. Therefore, without the reintroduction of
elimination period of also between 2 and 6 weeks being suf-
the allergen, the diagnostic process is not complete.
ficient [21].
Any improvement of symptoms has to be followed up by
Non‐allergic food hypersensitivity reintroduction or a challenge with the offending foods,
resulting in reproducible deterioration and then recovery on
As for food allergy, there is no proven test (outside of those re‐elimination in order to confirm the presence of a food
for disaccharide malabsorption) for the diagnosis of non‐ allergy. The NICE guidelines recommend that challenges for
allergic food hypersensitivity. Advertised diagnostic meth- IgE mediated allergy should be performed in a clinical
ods such as applied kinesiology, hair tests or electrodermal setting; food reintroduction for delayed symptoms can be
tests were evaluated in a Consumer Association report [39]. performed at home, apart from FPIES that needs to occur in
The verdict was that known allergies in individuals were not a hospital setting [13, 43].
picked up, the services exaggerated the number of allergies, Keeping a food symptom diary before starting a diet may
and this could result in unnecessarily restricted and inade- provide a baseline, but seldom adds any useful information
quate diets. The report suggests that people should not waste about suspect foods that has not been revealed by diet his-
their money on these tests. Vega testing has also been assessed tory; keeping a food diary may increase the burden for fami-
in a double‐blind study and was shown to be unable to accu- lies. The initial diet may exclude one food (e.g. cow’s milk)
rately diagnose food hypersensitivity of any mechanism [40]. or a number of foods (e.g. cow’s milk, soya and eggs). The
choice of diet is a matter of clinical judgement taking into
account age, severity and type of symptoms and whether
Elimination diets for diagnosis of IgE and other elimination diets have already been tried [44]. There
non‐IgE mediated food allergies are three levels of dietary restriction: an empirical diet, a few
foods diet or an elemental diet (Figure 15.3).
An allergy‐focused history is the cornerstone for making a
diagnosis of food allergy and guiding food eliminations.
This includes taking a symptom history to assist in the deci- Empirical diet
sion whether the reaction may be IgE or non‐IgE mediated
[41]. Taking a full diet history is mandatory before embark- An empirical diet is used where food hypersensitivity is
ing on an elimination diet as this may indicate provoking suspected and causative foods are not known. One or sev-
foods and also gives an indication of dietary adequacy. The eral of the most commonly provoking foods are avoided.
accuracy of the diet history needs to be taken into account, as Cow’s milk, hen’s egg, wheat, soy, peanut, tree nut, sesame
it is not uncommon for parents to be mistaken as to which and kiwi are responsible for the majority of IgE mediated
foods affect their child and problems with staple foods eaten food‐induced allergic reactions in young children [44]. Fin
several times a day, such as milk and wheat, often go unno- fish, shellfish, tree nuts and peanut are more common food
ticed [41]. Both the clinical and diet history then provide allergens in older children [44]. In children with atopic der-
guidance on which diagnostic test may be required to guide matitis (mixed IgE and non‐IgE mediated), the offending
the elimination diet and, in the case of non‐IgE mediated foods are similar to those in IgE mediated allergies; how-
allergy, to embark on a diagnostic elimination diet [42]. ever, studies of common allergens in delayed reactions yield
320 Food Hypersensitivity
Elimination diet
Followed by Followed by
Food challenge
food reintroduction
Single-blind Double-blind
Open food
placebo- placebo- Reintroduction of
controlled food controlled food food (at home)*
challenges (hospital) challenges (hospital)
Figure 15.3 Using elimination diets and food challenges/reintroduction to aid diagnosis. *Only if there is no risk of an immediate severe reaction.
anecdotal results. The most common food allergens in the Few foods diet
whole spectrum of non‐IgE mediated gastrointestinal food
allergies are cow’s milk, soy, egg and wheat [4, 12, 45]. A few foods diet consists of a small number of hypoaller-
However, it is important to recognise that there are varia- genic foods. This diet may be useful if there is a perception
tions in common allergens, for example, in FPIES foods like that most foods cause an allergic‐type reaction. Although it
rice, oats and also vegetables such as sweet potato may is often suggested as a dietetic option for establishing food‐
cause reactions [46, 47]. induced hypersensitivity reactions, its use has only been
Milk‐free, soya‐free and milk, egg, wheat and soya‐free extensively studied in patients with atopic eczema [49–51].
diets are given in Tables 8.17–8.19. Diets using one meat, one carbohydrate source, one fruit
Outside of non‐IgE mediated allergies, parents may also and one type of vegetable have been used in the past [52].
report allergic‐type symptoms related to fruit and occasion- Examples of such diets are given in Table 15.3. If no improve-
ally to vegetables. It is important to elicit the type of reaction ment occurs with the first diet, a second diet containing a
and also the time of year these occur. Pollen food syndrome different set of foods can be used. Nutritional adequacy
(PFS) (otherwise known as oral allergy syndrome [OAS]) in should be monitored carefully [18, 44, 53]. In extreme cir-
children may need to be ruled out as new data generated from cumstances, more rarely eaten foods such as rabbit, venison
the UK indicates that this can occur as young as 1.4 years of and sweet potatoes could be included [53]. As these diets are
age (average 4.5 years) [48]. In infants and young children, nutritionally demanding, it is suggested that they should not
citrus and tomato are often blamed for exacerbation of atopic be followed for more than 4 weeks.
dermatitis. Flare‐up of eczema may occur around the mouth/ Since the above diets are extremely rigorous, less restricted
face due to the pH of the fruit and its histamine content, but diets have been used to improve adherence (Table 15.4) [53].
specific research supporting this is absent. Fruit and vegeta- It is much more difficult to find a completely different set of
bles contribute important micronutrients to the diet; it is, foods for a second attempt if the first is not helpful. However,
therefore, important not eliminate these foods from a diagnos- it is possible to monitor progress closely and adjust or fur-
tic exclusion diet without ensuring dietary adequacy. Practical ther restrict the diet during the third or fourth week in an
advice is to cover the area around the mouth with petroleum attempt to achieve eventual success.
jelly (e.g. Vaseline) prior to eating these fruits and vegetables. The acceptability of the few foods diet depends greatly on
Problems can occur with empirical diets when excluded the dietitian’s advice regarding planning menus, giving
foods are inadvertently replaced by others that can cause ideas for meals and providing recipes for cooking with the
adverse reactions, e.g. a child on a milk‐free diet may drink allowed foods. Ideas for packed lunches should be given as
soy milk or orange juice instead, and it is possible to be school canteens cannot be expected to cope with such a
equally reactive to these foods. Failure to respond to an restricted diet. For vegetarians a larger range of vegetables,
empirical diet does not always, therefore, rule out the possi- including pulses, would be allowed. The dietitian should
bility of food hypersensitivity. keep in regular contact with the family to ensure adherence
Elimination Diets for Diagnosis of Ige and Non‐Ige Mediated Food Allergies 321
Table 15.3 Two examples of few foods diets. to factors other than change in diet. Regular medication
should not be changed before or during the diet trial for
A B the same reason. Children on regular medication such
Turkey Lamb as anticonvulsants should remain on these, but be switched
to a colour/preservative‐free version if possible. Attention
Cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, Carrots, parsnips
should be paid to non‐food items that may be consumed by
small children such as toothpaste (a white toothpaste should
Potato, potato flour Rice, rice flour
be used), chalks and play dough [53]. It is critical that after a
Banana Pear maximum of 4 weeks on this diet, the reintroduction of foods
Soya oil Sunflower oil occurs. There is very little guidance on the reintroduction of
Calcium and vitamins (Table 15.4) Calcium and vitamins (Table 15.4) foods following a few foods diet or elemental diet, and prac-
tice varies between allergy centres, depending on the:
Tap water Tap water
Hypoallergenic formula (<2 years) Hypoallergenic formula (<2 years) • type of food allergy and symptoms
• most likely offending foods (which are introduced at the end)
Possible additions: milk‐free margarine, sugar for baking. • nutritional status of the child and nutritional adequacy
Possible variations: bottled water; rabbit instead of above meats; peaches of the existing diet
and apricots, melon or pineapple instead of above fruits. • foods the child misses most
Foods should be reintroduced singly in order to try and
Table 15.4 Less restricted few foods diet. identify trigger foods. Each new food may be tried in a small
test quantity, then given in normal amounts every day for a
This diet should be used for no more than 4 weeks. Children under week and then incorporated into the diet as desired. A guide
2 years require a nutritionally adequate substitute for milk to reintroduction of foods is given in Table 15.5.
Choose two foods from each food group
Meat Lamb, rabbit, turkey, pork Elemental diet
Starchy food Rice, potato, sweet potato
Elemental diets based on amino acid formulas (AAF)
Vegetables Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts
(brassicas) (Table 15.6) can occasionally be justified where there has been
Carrots, parsnips, celery no response to a restricted diet. AAF (elemental diet) are also
Cucumber, marrow, courgettes, melon indicated for children with EoE, and data indicates that remis-
Leeks, onions, asparagus sion is >90% when used as a sole source of nutrition [54, 64].
Fruit Pears, bananas, peaches and apricots, pineapple The use of an elemental diet alone should be carefully consid-
Also included: Sunflower oil, whey‐free margarine ered: for nutritional adequacy; how to maintain oral motor
Plain potato crisps skills, in particular in the young; and whether the feed will be
Small amount of sugar for baking accepted as sole source of nutrition in the long run. In particu-
Tap or bottled water lar older children may find the feed unpalatable, and tube
Juice and jam from allowed fruits feeding may be necessary to achieve adequate nutrition. The
Salt, pepper and herbs in cooking insertion of a feeding tube will involve a hospital admission.
It is important to achieve daily requirements for vitamins and minerals
appropriate for the child’s age and diagnosis. On a few foods diet, if
insufficient breastmilk or suitable formula for the management of food Learning points: elimination diets
allergy is consumed, then vitamin and mineral supplementation is required.
• An individualised elimination diet is essential for the
management of known food allergies
and nutritional adequacy of the diet. The cost of the diet • For non‐IgE mediated allergies and non‐immune‐mediated
may be a problem and should be discussed with the family. food hypersensitivities, an empirical elimination of common
The few foods diet is most difficult to carry out in the culprits may be required to establish a food hypersensitivity
toddler age group, as they may still be very reliant on milk or reaction
formula for their nutrition. Ideally, they should take a suita- • A few foods diet should only be implemented in those
ble hypoallergenic formula, but it may be refused due to its patients where an empirical elimination has not lead to
taste, and in this case an over‐the‐counter plant‐based milk symptom improvement and food is still suspected as the
may be considered, but it is important to note that energy, cause of the reactions
protein and vitamins are much lower than in formulas. The • An elemental feed can be used as either the sole source of nutri-
diet can be altered to suit the individual child and, in some tion (e.g. in EoE) or the main formula/feed in a restricted diet
circumstances, can be made less restricted by including a • Dietary elimination needs to be carefully considered and rein-
larger range of meats, fruits and vegetables. troduction/food challenge should always occur after a trial of
Few foods diets are usually carried out in the home envi- few foods diet and to confirm a diagnosis of a non‐IgE medi-
ronment. It is important that the child’s lifestyle is not ated allergy or a non‐immune‐mediated food hypersensitivity
altered; otherwise changes in symptoms could be attributed
322 Food Hypersensitivity
Each food should be given in normal quantities daily for 4–7 days before being allowed freely in the diet. Smaller doses on the first day of introduction
may be recommended initially [44]. The order of reintroduction depends on the child’s preference and on which foods were avoided initially
Oats Porridge oats, Scottish oatcakes, home‐made flapjacks (if sugar is already allowed)
Corn Sweetcorn, home‐made popcorn, cornflour, maize flour, cornflakes if malt is tolerated
Meats Try meats (including offal) singly, e.g. chicken, beef, pork
Wheat Wholemeal or unbleached white flour for baking, egg‐free pasta, Shredded Wheat, puffed wheat,
Yeast Pitta bread; ordinary bread (this usually also contains soya)
Rye Worth trying if wheat is not tolerated; pure rye crispbread; pumpernickel
Cow’s milk Fresh cow’s milk, cream, butter, plain yoghurt, milk containing foods with tolerated ingredients, e.g.
rice pudding
Try cheese separately later
Cow’s milk substitute If cow’s milk is not tolerated, try substitutes one by one
Infant soya formula (if >6 months) or infant hydrolysate formula
Sheep milk, goat milk for >1 year olds (boiled or pasteurised)
Supermarket liquid soya milk (>2 year olds), supermarket rice milk (>4½ year olds) with additional
Egg Use one whole fresh egg per day for test period
It may be preferred to begin with small amounts of egg in baking
Fish Fresh or frozen (not smoked, battered, etc.), e.g. cod, herring
If one type is not tolerated, others may be. Try shellfish separately later
Tomatoes Fresh tomatoes, canned and puréed tomatoes, ketchup
Peas/beans These include peas, green beans, kidney beans, lentils, and baked beans in tomato sauce if tomato is
Orange Pure orange juice, oranges, satsumas. If oranges are tolerated, all citrus fruit probably are too
Sugar Use ordinary sugar on cereal, in drinks and baking
Some parents comment that small amounts are tolerated, whereas larger amounts are not
Chocolate Try only if sugar is tolerated
If diet is milk‐free, use milk‐free chocolate
Cocoa powder in drinks and cooking
Carob Carob confectionery can be tried if chocolate is not tolerated Check other ingredients – it may
contain milk or soya
Tea/coffee Add milk if this is already in the diet
Peanuts Plain or salted peanuts*
Peanut butter
Other nuts Try singly or mixed*
Malt Malt/malt flavouring is present in most breakfast cereals
Try Rice Krispies if rice is tolerated
Nitrite/nitrate Corned beef if beef is tolerated; ham and bacon if pork is tolerated
Sodium benzoate Supermarket lemonade provided other ingredients are tolerated
Sodium glutamate Stock cubes, gravy mixes, flavoured crisps, provided the other ingredients are tolerated
Sodium metabisulphite Some squashes, sausages provided the other ingredients are tolerated, dried fruit
Vitamins/minerals These may be given if needed to enhance nutritional adequacy and introduced singly to test tolerance
Other foods, e.g. fruit and vegetables, can be introduced gradually as desired. Manufactured foods such as ice cream and biscuits can be introduced
taking into account known sensitivities. Many additives, e.g. colours and flavours, will be introduced as mixtures in manufactured foods such as sweets
and canned/bottled drinks. For children with multiple cereal intolerances, flours such as buckwheat, soya, gram (chickpea) and wheat starch may be
tried. Some of the special dietary products for gluten‐free and low protein diets may be suitable, but other ingredients must be checked (they may not
be prescribed for food hypersensitivity).
*Children under 5 years old must not be given whole nuts as they are a choking hazard.
Elimination Diets for Diagnosis of Ige and Non‐Ige Mediated Food Allergies 323
Formula Protein source Tested for hypoallergenicity* Osmolality (mOsm/kgH2O) Additional information
Nutramigen LGG 1, 2 EHF casein Yes [57] 1 = 290 Clinically insignificant lactose content
and 3 2 = 420 Nutramigen LGG 1 is suitable form birth
(Mead Johnson) 3 = 300 Nutramigen LGG 2 is suitable from 6 months of age
Nutramigen LGG 3 from 1 year of age
Contains LCP and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG probiotic
Pregestimil Lipil EHF casein No§, but same peptide 280 Contains 55% fat as MCT
(Mead Johnson) mixture as Nutramigen LGG Clinically insignificant lactose content
For allergy and/or fat malabsorption/maldigestion
Suitable from birth to 12 months**
Similac Alimentum EHF casein Yes [58] 374 Clinically lactose‐free
(Abbott) Suitable from birth to 12 months**
Aptamil Pepti‐Junior EHF whey No, but similar peptide 275 Contains 50% of fat as MCT
(Nutricia) mixture to Aptamil Pepti Clinically insignificant lactose content
For allergy and/or malabsorption/maldigestion
Suitable from birth to 12 months**
Aptamil Pepti 1 and 2 EHF whey Yes [59] 1 = 280 Contains prebiotics
(Nutricia) 2 = 290 Pepti 1 contains 41% CHO as lactose and Pepti 2 36% CHO as lactose
Pepti 1 is suitable from birth
Pepti 2 is suitable from 6 to 12 months of age**
Althera EHF whey Yes [60] 335 Contains 53% CHO as lactose
(SMA Nutrition) Suitable from birth to 12 months of age**
MCT Pepdite EHF pork No 290 Contains 75% fat as MCT
(Nutricia) collagen and Not suitable for patients requiring Halal or Kosher diet
soya Rarely used for CMPA
Suitable from birth to 12 months of age**
MCT Peptide 1+ EHF pork No 460 at 91 kcal Contains 75% fat as MCT
(Nutricia) collagen and (380 kJ)/100 mL Not suitable for patients requiring Halal or Kosher diet
soya 580 at 100 kcal Rarely used for CMPA
(420 kJ)/100 mL Suitable >12 months of age
Infatrini Peptisorb EHF whey No 360 Energy‐dense infant formula
(Nutricia) Suitable for children <1 year of age
Occasionally used in CMPA <1 year of age,
if faltering growth is present
Nutrini Peptisorb EHF whey No 345 Energy‐dense formula
(Nutricia) Suitable for children >1 year of age
Rarely used for CMPA
(continued overleaf)
324 Food Hypersensitivity
Formula Protein source Tested for hypoallergenicity* Osmolality (mOsm/kgH2O) Additional information
Neocate LCP AAF Yes [61, 62] 360 Truly hypoallergenic, no CMP ß‐Lactoglobulin
(Nutricia) Lactose‐free
With LCP
Suitable from birth to 12 months of age**
Neocate Syneo AAF Yes [63] 360 Truly hypoallergenic, no CMP β‐Lactoglobulin
(Nutricia) Lactose‐free
With LCP
Suitable from birth to 12 months of age**
PurAmino AAF Yes 350 Truly hypoallergenic, no CMP β‐Lactoglobulin
(Mead Johnson) Lactose‐free
With LCP
Suitable from birth to 12 months of age**
Neocate Junior AAF No 580 (at 21.1% Energy‐dense formula
(Nutricia) concentration) Truly hypoallergenic, no CMP β‐Lactoglobulin
With LCP
Suitable for children >1 year of age
Can be mixed at different concentrations
Elemental 028 AAF No Unflavoured powder Truly hypoallergenic, no CMP β‐Lactoglobulin
(Nutricia) 502 (at 20% concentration) Lactose‐free
Flavoured = 637–670 Available in ready‐to‐feed (different flavours) and powder
depending on flavour Suitable from >1 year of age
Can be mixed at different concentrations
LGG, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG; EHF, extensively hydrolysed formula; MCT, medium chain triglyceride; CHO, carbohydrate; LCP, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; CMPA, cow’s milk
protein allergy; AAF, amino acid formula; CMP, cow’s milk protein.
*Tolerated by 90% of children with CMPA with a 95% confidence interval (CI).
Studies have been performed using this formula in CMPA; however, these were not set out to establish hypoallergenicity.
**Occasionally dietitians may use these feeds in children older than 1 year of age, if nutritionally indicated.
Elimination Diets for Diagnosis of Ige and Non‐Ige Mediated Food Allergies 325
Food challenges dose, dose increment and final dose may not be that critical, it is
essential that the patient has consumed an adequate amount of
Following improvement on the diagnostic diet, the dietitian will food during the challenge to make a diagnosis accurate [69, 70].
need to either perform a food challenge in hospital, in particular
for IgE mediated symptoms, or a reintroduction plan/prolonged
food challenge at home for the delayed‐type reactions. Single‐blind placebo‐controlled food challenges
During the SBPCFC, both active and placebo challenges are
History taking given. The health professionals involved know which food is
active and which is placebo, but the patient does not.
Prior to considering any food challenge, it is important to
Sufficient masking of the challenge food is very important.
gather all the history relevant to performing the challenge
SBPCFC are particularly useful when performing food chal-
safely. Taking a history will provide important information on:
lenges in children who do not want to ingest a specific food.
• the age of the patient to determine how difficult it may
be to perform the food challenge and to help in identify-
ing the possible food causing the symptoms Double‐blind placebo‐controlled food challenges
• the type of food or foods causing reported symptoms, The gold standard for confirming or refuting food allergy is the
e.g. raw egg versus cooked egg DBPCFC [70, 71], although in practice open challenges are more
• the age of onset of symptoms as well as the frequency common. One of the strengths of the DBPCFC is that neither the
and reproducibility of the reaction patient nor the investigator knows when the active or the pla-
• the time of onset of symptoms in relation to food consump- cebo challenge is performed, therefore ruling out reporting bias
tion; the clinical manifestation and duration of the symptoms from the clinician and any psychological effect from the patient.
• the quantity of food causing symptoms in order to The DBPCFC is mainly used for research purposes and
prevent false negative food challenges can be time consuming and difficult to manage. DBPCFC
• a thorough description of the most recent reaction is also still remains the optimal choice to determine clinical reactiv-
very important in designing challenges; the details of the ity to food, especially where there is a possibility that any
most recent reaction may be more helpful than those of observed reaction could be caused by anxiety, or in diagnos-
more distant reactions ing subjective symptoms such as abdominal pain and nau-
• sometimes, more than one food or factor is needed to sea [68, 70]. DBPCFC are also most commonly used to
elicit a positive challenge outcome (e.g. a combination of determine severity of reactions, threshold doses and efficacy
foods eaten together, exercise‐induced anaphylaxis or of desensitisation protocols [66].
with concomitant drug intake)
• a list of foods that are well tolerated and that could be used
as a placebo or vehicle to mask the challenge food [65] Considerations when performing food challenges
There are many different reasons for performing food chal- Elimination period
lenges including determining tolerance to the food allergen,
Prior to a food challenge, the identified food should be
clinical reactions to foods without any tests being p ositive
excluded from the diet as discussed above.
and severity of reactions, determining threshold doses and,
more recently, establishing the efficacy of desensitisation pro-
tocols [66]. Challenges can be performed as either open food Challenge dose
challenges (OFC), single‐blind placebo‐controlled food
challenges (SBPCFC) or DBPCFC (Figure 15.3) [65]. Guidance on performing food challenges (OFC and DBPCFC)
such as the dosages given and foods used is discussed in the
PRACTALL consensus guidance [71].The PRACTALL recom-
Open food challenges mendations suggest the following doses for food challenges
[71]: 4.334 g of protein divided into 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 and
During OFC both the clinician and patient (or parent) are
3000 mg doses. In terms of amount of food given, this equates to:
informed of the food being administered, and these challenges
should be sufficient to either confirm or refute most reported • Milk
food hypersensitivity. However, many children are very reluc- 12.428 g of skimmed milk powder (8.3 mg; 27.8 mg; 83.3 mg;
tant to eat a food that they do not remember having eaten before 277.8 mg; 833.3 mg; 2777.8 mg; 8333.3 mg)
or that they have previously been told to avoid. Indeed it is not
• Soya
uncommon for children who have had previous severe reac-
134.6 mL of soya milk (0.1 mL; 0.3 mL; 0.9 mL; 3.0 mL; 9.1 mL;
tions to foods to exhibit some degree of food avoidance. It is,
30.3 mL; 90.9 mL)
therefore, often advisable to provide the challenge in a ‘single
blind’ form (culprit food mixed with another food acceptable to • Egg
the child) simply to ensure that the child consumes it [67, 68]. 9.45 g of egg powder (6.4 mg; 21.3 mg; 63.8 mg; 212.8 mg;
OFC are mainly used in the clinical setting, particularly to 638.3 mg; 2127.7 mg; 6383.0 mg)
determine tolerance to a food, and are useful for the diagnosis of 34.711 g of egg (23.4 mg; 78.1 mg; 234.4
mg; 781.3 mg;
objective symptoms [66, 68]. Although factors such as starting 2343.8 mg; 7812.5 mg; 23 437.5 mg)
326 Food Hypersensitivity
be decided by the supervising doctor and dietitian involved foods is often a very difficult step for families, especially if sig-
based on the history of the child and the symptoms experi- nificant symptom relief has been experienced.
enced. There are no clear guidelines regarding the point at There is very limited guidance on how reintroduction should
which a challenge should be considered positive, but some occur for non‐allergic food hypersensitivity, but a pragmatic
advice is summarised in the PRACTALL guidance [71]. This approach using the guidance from Table 15.5 may be useful.
is based on clinical expertise rather than substantiated by For non‐IgE mediated allergies, apart from FPIES, reintroduc-
evidence. In addition, Koplin et al. [88] have published tion can take place at home. In the UK, the ladder approach
guidelines on performing OFC in children suspected of IgE (suitable only for non‐IgE mediated allergies) has been well
mediated food allergies. Food challenge involved gradually received following the publication of the MAP (Milk Allergy in
increasing doses on day 1 in the hospital and continued Primary Care) guideline and then the iMAP milk ladder
ingestion of the maximum day 1 dose (one teaspoon of pea- (Figure 15.4) [14, 89]. The principle of the milk ladder is based
nut butter or tahini paste or one whole raw egg white) on on the processing and heating of cow’s milk that has an impact
day 2 to day 7. Different criteria have been set for the out- its allergenicity [90–94]. There is currently no data on its effi-
come of food challenges. The LEAP study in the UK set the cacy; however, it is easy to use at home and thought to increase
following criteria for food challenge outcomes [22]: the quality of life for families [92, 95]. Since the publication of
the milk ladder, the Food Allergy Specialist Group (FASG) of
1. A positive food challenge is defined as: the British Dietetic Association (BDA) has also published
• one or more symptoms from the major criteria egg, wheat and soya ladders for use in non‐IgE mediated
• two or more symptoms from the minor criteria allergies (apart from FPIES). These are available online for
2. An equivocal food challenge is defined by the presence BDA members (
of one symptom from the minor criteria and-branches/food-allergy-specialist-group/diet-sheets.html).
3. A negative food challenge is defined by the absence of Due to the severity of symptoms that can be experienced
any symptoms listed under major or minor criteria with FPIES, a supervised challenge is recommended for this
non‐IgE mediated food allergy. Current consensus is to
In addition, all symptoms should be of new onset and not administer the challenge food at a dose of 0.06–0.6 g, usually
due to ongoing disease and must present within 2 hours of 0.3 g of the food protein per kilogram of body weight, in
consuming the last dose. three equal doses over 30 minutes. It is recommended not to
Major criteria are: exceed a total of 3 g of protein or 10 g of total food (100 mL of
liquid) for an initial feeding (which aims to approximate a
• confluent erythematous pruritic rash
serving size) and observe the patient for 4–6 hours [43].
• respiratory signs (at least one of the following): wheezing
After food challenge or food reintroduction, the food
or inability to speak or stridor or dysphonia or aphonia
should continue to be consumed if there is no reaction or
• ≥3 urticarial lesions
avoided (maintenance diet) if there is a reaction to the food.
• ≥1 site of angioedema
Despite the clear need for food introduction or challenge,
• hypotension for age not associated with vasovagal
some parents/caregivers may refuse to give a particular
food if the child has improved a great deal when it has been
• evidence of severe abdominal pain (such as abnormal
eliminated. It is important to discuss this with the parents
stillness or doubling over) that persists for ≥3 minutes
and highlight the need for a clear diagnosis and also the
Minor criteria are: possible risk of deficiencies [18].
• vomiting
• diarrhoea Learning points: food challenges
• persistent rubbing of nose or eyes that lasts for ≥3 minutes
• persistent rhinorrhoea that lasts for ≥3 minutes • Food challenges, in particular the DBPCFC, are the gold
• persistent scratching that lasts for ≥3 minutes standard for diagnosis of food allergies
The food challenge result is also considered positive if any • It is important to take a careful history before embarking on
of the above reactions occurred within 2 hours of ingestion a food challenge
of the food on days 2–7 of the challenge at home. • The type of food challenge will depend on the clinical indica-
tion for the challenge and also the available clinical facilities
• There are different types of challenges, including open,
Reintroduction of foods for non‐IgE mediated single blind and the gold standard DBPCFC
allergies, non‐allergic food allergic hypersensivities • PRACTALL dosage guidelines should be used to guide dos-
and supervised challenge for FPIES ages for common allergens, but doses are often too large in
the case of other foods, e.g. fruit and vegetables
In the case of suspected non‐IgE mediated symptoms or non‐ • Challenges at home should ideally only happen for non‐IgE
allergic food hypersensitivity, an elimination diet should be fol- mediated allergies (apart from FPIES)
lowed by the reintroduction of offending foods: to confirm the • It is important that foods are reintroduced to the diet at
food‐related reaction, to expand the variety foods consumed home, if a challenge is successful
and to avoid unnecessary eliminations. The reintroduction of
328 Food Hypersensitivity
5 Amount – 125 mL (4.5 fl oz)
STEP Cheese
4 Amount – 15 g (½ fl oz) (hard cheese e.g. cheddar or
parmesan) Once your child tolerates cheese, you can
introduce 15 g baked cheese on a pizza or baked on other
food as well.
3 Amount – ½ and build up to 1 (see Recipe)
2 Muffin
Amount – ½ and build up to 1 (see Recipe)
1 Amount – 1 and build up to 3 (see Recipe)
Should you wish to consider locally available store-bought alternatives – seek the advice of your healthcare professional Re: availability
Figure 15.4 Milk ladder for reintroduction of cow’s milk at home [14]. Source: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Nutritional requirements [101]. This law specifies that pre‐packed foods should pro-
vide information on the label if any of the following 14 aller-
Although it is well known that faltering growth and, in par- gens are ingredients in any amounts in the food: cereals
ticular, poor length/height growth is common in this popu- containing gluten, such as wheat (including spelt and kho-
lation, especially in association with eczema, and that there rasan wheat), rye, barley and oats; crustaceans, e.g. prawns,
is a higher risk of nutritional deficiencies in children with crab, lobster and crayfish; eggs; fish; peanuts; soybeans;
food allergies [18, 97–99], there is very little research on their milk, including lactose; nuts, e.g. almonds, hazelnuts, pista-
requirements. Many factors specific to the allergic child may chios, pecans, walnuts, Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts;
impact on nutritional requirements, as highlighted in celery, including celeriac; mustard; sesame seed; sulphur
Table 15.7. In the absence of specific guidelines, the prudent dioxide/sulphites, if there are more than 10 mg/kg or
approach would be to ensure that the allergic child achieves 10 mg/L in the finished product; lupin, including lupin
at least the normal requirements for a child of that age (p. 9) seeds and flour; and molluscs, e.g. mussels, oysters, snails
and that any deficiencies should be corrected. and squid. The information is required to be clearly visible in
bold, colour, italics or capital letters.
Loose foods include all items that are not pre‐packed.
Dietary management Foods that are wrapped on the same site as they are sold are
also known as loose foods [101, 102]. Rules for declaring the
The principles of dietary avoidance in children with food 14 allergens in loosely sold foods are the following:
hypersensitivity are:
• Information needs to be provided about the allergens
• which foods need to be avoided used in these foods
• suitable alternatives to these foods • Allergen information should be available in writing or
• practical advice for living on a restricted diet by speaking to staff
• dietary adequacy including optimal vitamin and mineral • Logos or symbols can be used when accompanied by
intake words and numbers on menus
• ensuring that oral motor milestones are achieved with
age‐appropriate taste and texture exposure For loosely sold foods allergen information has to be:
• easily accessible to all consumers
Which foods need to be avoided • accurate, consistent and verifiable
Information on foods that may contain ‘hidden’ allergens, If there is a risk of a pre‐packed food product being
and where these allergens may be found in non‐food items, affected by allergen cross‐contamination during its manu-
is the mainstay of any advice about dietary avoidance. The facture, the label should include one of the following state-
European Union (EU) law on food information for consum- ments: may contain X or not suitable for someone with X
ers (Regulation No 1169/2011) came into full effect in 2016 allergy. Foods with this precautionary allergen labelling
Table 15.7 Factors that may impact on nutritional requirements [18, 100].
Factors Explanation Energy Protein Vitamins Minerals elements
should only be used following a thorough risk assessment. products and review existing products. This task can be
Parent/caregivers should take this warning seriously and made easier by joining a specialist support group where this
the dietitian should discuss the risk with them. The dietitian information is shared. Dietitians should also be aware of
also needs to address cross‐contamination issues [103]. suitable website and phone applications that can help
Many manufacturers and supermarkets produce ‘free‐from’ families with the availability of suitable foods.
lists for their products. These are very useful in managing food Food allergies, in particular cow’s milk allergy, most com-
avoidance diets, and families should be encouraged to use monly occur during the first year of life [56], when breast-
these to identify products that can be included in the diet. milk or infant formula is the sole or main source of nutrition.
It is important for parents/caregivers to be able to identify The young child is particularly vulnerable to nutritional
the sources of allergens in composite foods and to recognise deficiencies and growth failure, so it is important that
the terminology that may be used for each allergen dietitians can advise parents on suitable alternatives [18].
(Table 15.8). The dietitian needs to consider the nutrients
that the offending foods contribute to the diet so that these
Human milk
can be replaced with suitable alternatives.
Breastmilk is the ideal source of nutrition and should be
encouraged in all infants with food allergy, and the WHO
Suitable alternatives
guidelines for breastfeeding should be followed where
It is important for dietitians to familiarise themselves with possible [56, 105]. Occasionally, infants exhibit allergic symp-
suitable alternatives for foods that must be avoided. Advice toms while being exclusively breastfed. It is known that aller-
should be given on available products (e.g. peanut free con- gens, including β‐lactoglobulin (a protein unique to cow’s
fectionery, milk substitutes, egg‐free cakes, wheat‐free pasta) milk), egg and soya allergens, consumed by the mother can
and where to find them. Products and ingredients change appear in breastmilk [106, 107] and breastfed infants with
constantly. It is, therefore, essential that dietitians dealing multiple food allergies have been described [108, 109].
with food allergy continually update themselves with new In these cases, it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding
Milk Butter and most fat spreads, cheese, cow’s milk, Casein, caseinates, curd, lactoglobulin, Protein, energy, vitamins A, D and
sheep and goat milk, evaporated and lactose, milk solids, whey, buttermilk, B12, riboflavin, pantothenic acid,
condensed milk, cream, ghee, yoghurt, ice milk sugar, whey sugar, whey syrup calcium, phosphorus
creams, custard, dairy desserts and sweetener
manufactured foods using milk or butter in their
Egg Egg white and yolk, cakes, biscuits, speciality Albumin, dried egg, egg powder, egg Protein, vitamins A, D, E and B12,
breads, egg pasta, mayonnaise protein, frozen egg, globulin, lecithin riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin,
(E322), livetin, ovalbumin, ovomucin, selenium, iodine, folate
ovovitellin, vitellin, pasteurised egg
Soy Soya sauce, soya products, meat substitutes, Soya beans, soya flour, soya protein, Protein, fibre, thiamin, riboflavin,
breads, vegetarian and vegan foods, processed soya gum, soya starch, texturised (or pyridoxine, folate, calcium,
meat hydrolysed) vegetable protein, soya phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc
flavouring, soya lecithin (E322)
Wheat Bread, breakfast cereals, pasta, cakes, biscuits, Bran, cereal filler, farina, starch, wheat, Energy, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,
crackers, cold cooked meat, pies, batter, flour, durum wheat, semolina, spelt, kamut, iron, folate (if fortified)
semolina, couscous, bottled sauces and gravies wheat bran, wheat gluten, wheat starch,
wheat germ oil, hydrolysed wheat
protein, triticale, bulgur wheat
Nuts Peanuts/tree nuts, nut oil, nut flour, nut butter, Arachis oil and hypogaea (peanut), Protein, vitamin E, niacin,
some sprouts, confectionery, frozen desserts, prunus (almond), juglans (walnut), magnesium, manganese,
Asian dishes, nut snacks, trail mix, some rice corylus (hazelnut), peanut protein, chromium; some nuts may contain
crackers, some cereal bars, some cookies, some groundnut, earth nut, monkey nut a significant amount of essential
brownies, nut toppings on ice cream, vegetarian fatty acids
and vegan foods, satay sauce, some breakfast
cereals, some liquors and sauces
Fish All types of white and fatty fish, anchovy Protein, iodine
(Worcester sauce), aspic, caviar, surimi, Caesar Fish bones: calcium, phosphorus
salad, Gentleman’s Relish, kedgeree, caponata, Fatty fish: omega‐3 fatty acids,
fish sauce, paella, bouillabaisse, gumbo vitamins A and D
but to suggest that the mother should avoid all suspected gastrointestinal food allergies, due to the possibility of brush
food allergens (p. 317), which appear to upset the infant when border damage related to inflammation. The European
she eats it [108]. In very rare cases, if symptoms cannot be Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and
controlled by maternal allergen avoidance and harm to either Nutrition (ESPGHAN) advises that adverse reactions to lac-
the infant (e.g. faltering growth, rickets or other nutritional tose in children with CMPA are not reported and states that
deficiencies) or the mother (excessive weight loss or vitamin/ complete avoidance of lactose may not be needed in the
mineral deficiencies) is done, as a last resort after careful con- majority of cases [38]. A recent small cohort study has also
sideration with the parents, the cessation of breastfeeding found that secondary lactose intolerance in a non‐IgE medi-
may be considered. Breastfeeding mothers on exclusion diets ated population was rare [121]. Formulas suitable for CMPA
should be reviewed by a dietitian to check the adequacy of with lactose may, therefore, be considered for all types of
their diets as they may need supplements, especially of CMPA and may also be of benefit in regard to the gut micro-
calcium, vitamin D and iodine [56, 110, 111]. biota [122].
Much of the literature on the use of these formulas relates
to IgE mediated allergy. As far as non‐IgE mediated gastro-
Formulas suitable for the management of children
intestinal allergies are concerned, both extensively hydro-
with cow’s milk protein allergy
lysed casein and whey formulas have been shown to be
There are currently two definitions widely used in the EU to satisfactory. However, the incidence of intolerance to EHF
define products suitable for management of CMPA. The first seems to be higher (29.7%) in children with this delayed‐
such definition for labelling infant formulas with reduced type food allergy compared with the immediate‐type (IgE
allergenicity is arbitrarily based on a content of <1% immu- mediated) cow’s milk allergy (around 10%) [45, 54, 123].
noreactive protein of total nitrogen, which translates into the Therefore, some infants may react to hydrolysed formulas.
majority of peptides being <1.5 kDa [112]. However, there is Anaphylactic reactions have been described with both casein
no evidence that this threshold would prevent a clinical reac- and whey hydrolysates [54, 58, 124]. However, the majority
tion. There has, therefore, been a drive by official bodies for of cow’s milk allergic infants will tolerate any EHF. Luyt
hypoallergenic formulas to be tested in clinical trial using et al. [56] and Venter et al. [14] provide detailed discussion on
another criterion that stipulates that a formula suitable for cow’s milk allergy and the formulas available in the UK.
management CMPA should be tolerated by at least 90% of
children with a CMPA with a 95% confidence interval [112]. Amino acid‐based formulas
EAACI [31] is currently reviewing these guidelines, and an AAF (Table 15.6) consist of pure synthetic amino acids and
updated publication is expected. have been shown to be tolerated by infants and children with
Only extensively hydrolysed formulas (EHFs) [113], rice both IgE and non‐IgE mediated food hypersensitivity [125–
hydrolysates (currently not available in the UK) and AAF 127]. They are particularly useful for those infants who fail to
fall within either of these definitions, and dietitians should tolerate an EHF and may be useful in some allergic infants as
be aware that partial hydrolysates are not suitable for the first‐line treatment. In 2007, Hill et al. [128] undertook a sys-
treatment of CMPA [14, 38, 55, 56, 114]. In the past it was tematic review of food allergic patients that specifically may
recommended that an EHF should contain a majority of pep- benefit from an AAF. This systematic review has recently
tides <1.5 kDa; however this is based on old in vitro data [115, been updated with a new publication including more recent
116], and studies have shown that the percentage of peptides studies and found that in the following conditions an AAF
below this threshold does not predict tolerance, and, there- may be considered preferable in non‐breastfed children [54]:
fore, more attention should be given to research proving tol-
• failure of symptom resolution with an EHF
erance as per the current EAACI definition [117, 118].
• faltering growth, in particular if multiple systems are
involved, e.g. gastrointestinal tract and skin
Extensively hydrolysed infant formulas
• anaphylaxis
An EHF [113] is often the choice for an infant with immediate
• a diagnosis of EoE
or delayed adverse reactions to cow’s milk (Table 15.6). Casein
hydrolysates have been successfully used for over 60 years; The issue about which top‐up formula to use for cow’s milk
whey hydrolysates were introduced in the 1990s, and hydro- allergic breastfed infants, if needed, remains problematic; β‐
lysates of pork and soya are also available, but rarely used for lactoglobulin is detected in EHF made from cow’s milk (0.84–
CMPA [55, 118]. All EHFs in the UK suitable for CMPA have 14.5 μg/L), a similar level to that in breastmilk, and based on
gone through the necessary testing for growth and also toler- this an AAF would be indicated. However, this is not convinc-
ance, as recommended by EAACI. Over the last 5 years, there ingly supported by studies; in food allergic proctocolitis [129,
has been an increase in the use of rice hydrolysates in Europe 130], which most commonly presents in breastfed infants,
for CMPA. Many of these formulas have now also gone EHFs have been used with great success. Data also indicates
through the required testing [114, 119], and Meyer et al. [120] that FPIES in breastfed children is rare and, therefore, most
found very low inorganic arsenic levels in these formulas, guidelines suggest an EHF as first formula choice.
comparable with those in standard infant formulas. The choice of formula remains a challenge for dietitians
Some question the use of hypoallergenic formulas where the clinical need and the cost of the formula have to be
containing lactose in children with non‐IgE mediated
weighed up. Table 15.9 summarises the current available
332 Food Hypersensitivity
DRACMA, Diagnosis and Rationale for Action Against Cow’s Milk Allergy; ESPGHAN, European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition; BSACI, British Society for
Allergy and Clinical Immunology; MAP, Milk Allergy in Primary Care; AAF, amino acid formula; EHF, extensively hydrolysed formula; EoE, eosinophilic oesophagitis; FPIES, food protein‐
induced enterocolitis syndrome; EGID, eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases.
*iMAP guidelines only cover mild to moderate presentations of non‐IgE mediated allergies, therefore excluding guidance on the more severe presentations such as EoE, FPIES and children with
faltering growth.
Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Management 333
international guidelines on the use of hypoallergenic formu- formula, therefore, based on goat milk is not suitable for the
las in the diagnosis and management of CMPA if breastmilk treatment of CMPA [55]. Some guidelines also hint towards
is not available. These guidelines, however, do not replace camel, and donkey milk being suitable, however, there is still
the clinical expertise of the dietitian. The problem is that >50% cross‐reactivity with cow’s milk protein. Therefore, the
there are very few randomised controlled studies directly introduction of these milks ideally requires the input of a
comparing two different formulas; the studies are relatively suitable healthcare professional to advise whether it is safe
poor quality; numbers are small; and clinical profiles of the to do and may require an OFC.
infants included in the studies are poorly described. Current
research indicates that the majority of children with CMPA
Practical advice
will improve on an EHF. The guidelines suggest the use of an
AAF as a first option only for more severe presentations of It is important to provide families with practical advice on
CMPA, such as a history of anaphylaxis, Heiner syndrome, how to manage their child’s food allergy. This starts with
EoE, faltering growth, and some of the more severe gastroin- how to support breastfeeding. If breastmilk is not available,
testinal and skin presentations. or a top‐up formula suitable for the management of CMPA is
needed, the following hints may help with the introduction:
Formulas based on whole soy protein isolate
• The formula should be offered when the infant is hungry
Infant formulas based on whole soy protein isolate have
and thirsty
been available without prescription for many years. In the
• It may sometimes be easier if the first bottles are not
past, soy‐based formulas were used widely as an alterna-
given by the main caregiver
tive to cow’s milk formula in those infants with CMPA.
• Mixing hypoallergenic formula with weaning foods may
However, in 2004 the UK Chief Medical Officer advised
help the child to get used to the taste of the formula (e.g.
against the use of soy formula in infants under the age of 6
in porridge)
months unless there is a specific medical indication due to
• If the child is able to hold a bottle (usually over 6 months
their high phytoestrogen content [132]. The Committee on
of age), then a baby beaker with free flow may also be
Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the
Environment (COT) is reviewing more recent research in
• Vanilla essence may be helpful to improve the taste, but
this area.
care must be taken as if too much is added it may make
The prevalence of concomitant soy allergy in infants with
the formula taste more bitter
CMPA differs between IgE and non‐IgE mediated diseases.
• Flavourings should be avoided, but if all else fails, a milk
Klemola et al. and Zeiger et al. found that 10% and 14% of
and soy‐free milkshake powder or syrup can be added
infants with IgE mediated CMPA, respectively, have con-
(no honey is advised <1 year of age)
comitant soy allergy, whereas associated soy allergy in non‐
IgE mediated CMPA is much higher (up to 50%), especially Parents also need information on the availability of
in enterocolitis and enteropathy syndromes [133–135]. This products to suit their child’s exclusion (avoidance) diet.
data may, however, vary between countries, which has been Many supermarkets now stock a range of ‘free‐from’ foods,
shown by a review of 40 worldwide studies on IgE mediated which may be useful, and there are two apps that are free
soya allergy, finding a prevalence in allergic children rang- to download that may help in finding products free from
ing from 0% to 12.9% in different countries [136]. the offending allergens: the Food Maestro App (www.
The use of soya formula in the diagnosis and management and the Spoon Guru App
of CMPA is a highly debated topic, with clear differences (‐guru‐news). The BDA FASG has
between different countries and professional bodies produced diet sheets with ‘free‐from’ foods suitable for all
(Table 15.8). Soya formula can be given for the treatment of types of food allergies, free to be downloaded for BDA
CMPA in infants over the age of 6 months if it has been members.
shown that they do not have soy allergy and they have failed Parents find recipes very useful. Some examples include
to take other hypoallergenic formulas due to the taste prefer- cakes without egg, biscuits and cakes without wheat and
ences of the child or if there are strong parental preferences gravy and sauces without wheat. A general discussion
(e.g. following a vegan diet). Soya‐containing products such about menu planning is helpful. Advice may include ideas
as soya desserts enhance the variety in a cow’s milk‐free diet for weaning foods and packed lunches. Other agencies may
and can be given from 6 months of age [56, 137]. need to be contacted, e.g. school caterers. Parents also
appreciate tips on how to get a child to take a new food.
Other mammalian milks For example, wheat‐free products are often better accepted
The most commonly available other mammalian milks in the initially if given with other flavours, e.g. jam on bread and
UK are sheep and goat milk, which are not suitable for sauce on pasta. A caregiver other than the main caregiver is
infants with CMPA as their proteins can be as sensitising as often able to persuade the child to take the new food. It is
cow’s milk protein. Dean et al. have shown that there is also important to discuss the management of food allergies
strong cross‐reactivity in vitro between allergens in all mam- at nursery or school and when the family travels abroad.
malian milks (except human milk) and DRACMA guidelines The FASG diet sheets contain recipes; these can be freely
summarise further cross‐reaction [55, 138]. An infant downloaded by BDA members.
334 Food Hypersensitivity
A 3‐month‐old baby girl presented with chronic diarrhoea and mild to moderate eczema across her body and face.
Weight = 25th centile, Length = 50th centile
She was fed on normal infant formula from birth.
Family history: Mother has asthma and father has hay fever. Born at full term, normal delivery.
The infant was seen by a paediatrician, an allergy nurse and a paediatric allergy dietitian, who provided advice regarding skin care and changed her
formula to an EHF [113], in line with current guidelines. Skin prick tests (SPTs) were not conducted at this stage, based on her current symptoms,
which suggested a non‐IgE mediated allergy. Written and verbal advice was given on the avoidance of cow’s milk and soya, and the introduction of
complementary food was advised from around 6 months of age.
Returned to the allergy clinic at age 6 months; her diarrhoea had resolved and her eczema had cleared, with only the occasional flare.
On examination, she was found to be well and thriving, with a normal physical examination.
Weight = 25th centile, Length = 50th centile
Full blood count, clotting profile and liver function were all within the normal range.
Because she was weaning, SPTs were performed to determine which foods could be safely introduced (see table below). The SPT for milk was positive,
which suggested that hypersensitivity to cow’s milk may have played a role in her eczema flares in the past. Together with her improved symptoms
since changing to EHF, this allowed a diagnosis of CMPA to be made. A second, smaller wheal suggested a potential allergy to egg. In consultation
with the paediatrician and dietitian, the baby’s mother was advised to use milk and egg‐free weaning foods, given recipes and website addresses.
An egg challenge was planned to assess tolerance. It was also recommended that all other allergenic foods should be introduced one at a time, with
the precautionary exclusion of soya, because infants with non‐IgE mediated CMPA commonly also have a soy allergy [45]. In addition, the baby’s
formula was changed to a follow‐on EHF, which contains more calcium and is, therefore, suited to babies >6 months of age.
Milk 3 1
Egg 2 1
Wheat 0 0
Soya 0 0
Peanut 0 0
Positive control 3 4
Negative control 0 0
SPT are considered positive if the wheal is ≥3 mm larger than the negative control; for further information,
see Skypala [2].
At age 9 months
Weight = 50th centile, Length = 50th centile
Thriving. Eczema was under control and the diarrhoea had not returned. She was feeding a follow‐on EHF and solid foods, excluding milk, egg and
soy. An oral challenge with one boiled egg was performed in hospital, with a negative result. Therefore, it was recommended that she should be given
a well‐cooked scrambled egg at home the next morning, returning to the children’s ward if symptoms reappeared.
At age 12 months
Weight = 50th centile, Length = 50th centile
Thriving. Eating a varied diet and consuming 450–500 mL EHF per day with additional supplement of vitamins A and D and consuming calcium‐
enriched coconut yoghurt. SPT showed negative results for cow’s milk and soya, so oral challenges with these foods were given. The soya
reintroduction over a period of a week at home was negative. However, the cow’s milk challenge, conducted in hospital, resulted in an immediate
flare of her eczema, with diarrhoea the following morning. It was recommended that soya yoghurts and puddings could be introduced to increase
variety in her diet, but she should continue to avoid all milk products.
2 years
SPT for milk produced a 2 mm wheal. On analysing this toddler’s diet, her nutritional intake was found to be adequate. As a result, it was
recommended that the milk‐free diet was continued and calcium‐enriched soy milk could be introduced.
Four months later, this girl accidentally drank a cup of milk at nursery, without an adverse reaction. Consequently, oral challenge was given in hospital,
which continued at home for a week. As she showed no allergic symptoms, the mother was advised that milk products could be gradually
reintroduced. Subsequently, she occasionally experienced eczematous symptoms, which were treated with emollients, antihistamines and a little
3 years
SPTs were negative for all allergens tested and she was tolerating all foods.
336 Food Hypersensitivity
childhood. This phenomenon is referred to as the ‘allergic intervention (named transition coordinators), joint clinics
march’ [153, 154]. The ‘allergic march’ has been well estab- run by paediatric and adult physicians and changes to ser-
lished for IgE mediated allergy, but it is only recently that a vice delivery (separate young adult clinics, out of hours
non‐IgE mediated ‘march’ has been hypothesised. Also start- phone support, enhanced follow‐up). All these interven-
ing with eczema and food allergies and migrating to the tions have been shown to improve care [158].
same atopic diseases with age, there is an increased risk of
developing functional gastrointestinal disorders and extra‐
intestinal manifestations when getting older in the non‐IgE Problems with dietary management in food
mediated ‘march’ [16]. hypersensitivity
such children who have not responded to conventional treat- that these foods/chemicals are triggering any reactions. If
ment is worth considering. foods are being eliminated for a longer period of time, a
dietitian should be involved to ensure that the diet is nutri-
tionally adequate and take the individual’s eating habits
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder into account [21].
The question of diet and ADHD is very controversial.
In 1975 Feingold, an American allergist, claimed that Future research needs and unanswered questions
hyperactive children would benefit from avoiding foods
containing salicylates together with artificial flavours Management of food allergies
and colours. Later, food preservatives were also excluded.
The results of studies aimed at testing Feingold’s hypoth- With an increase of our understanding of how nutrition
esis indicated that only a few hyperactive children impacts on the immune system and tolerance development,
responded to the elimination of food additives from their questions increasingly arise regarding manipulation of the
diets. Problems with methodology and interpretation of gut microbiome; the role of particular nutrients, e.g. omega‐3
these studies have been discussed by Taylor [162]. Five fatty acids; food components such as advanced glycation
studies have looked at the relationship between food end products; and diet diversity to increase tolerance devel-
(not just additives) and behaviour [163]. More recently, opment. There is currently no particularly evidence‐based
McCann et al. [164] performed a double‐blind ran- advice that can be given to patients, but these are certainly
domised controlled study using two additive m ixtures areas of nutrition that provide hope for resolution of food
and found that artificial colours or a sodium benzoate allergies [100].
preservative (or both) in the diet resulted in increased
hyperactivity in 3‐year‐old and 8‐ to 9‐year‐old children
in the g eneral population. At the time of publishing this Food allergy treatment
study, the exact mechanism of worsening ADHD through
food additives was not known. Since then, the same The use of oral immunotherapy, sublingual i mmunotherapy,
group has discussed how food additives can exacerbate epicutaneous immunotherapy and biologics to induce tol-
ADHD symptoms and cause non‐IgE dependent hista- erance to food allergens are currently investigated.
mine release from circulating basophils. The fact that However, even though increased threshold levels are seen,
some children reacted worse than others was found to be sustained unresponsiveness is not guaranteed with any of
related to specific genes influencing the action of hista- these treatment modalities, and a number of side effects
mine, which may explain the inconsistency between (including anaphylaxis) are often seen. Allergists may,
p revious studies [165]. however, implement these in the allergy clinic based on
From a practical dietetic point of view, food colourings their level of expertise and confidence in a particular
and sodium benzoate are found in processed foods, often treatment regimen [166].
with high sugar and salt content. Parents of a child with
ADHD should in the first instance be advised to ensure a
healthy balanced dietary intake. For children with severe Prevention of food allergies
ADHD whose parents wish to explore the dietary approach
(free from colourings and sodium benzoate), they should Prevention strategies for food allergy are discussed in
be given the opportunity to do so with the support of a Chapter 16.
dietitian; otherwise they will be tempted to experiment
with a diet unsupervised, which may lead to nutritional
The gut microbiome and probiotics
deficiencies. Other treatments such as behaviour modifica-
tion or stimulant medication may be more effective than
The microbial diversity and species abundance in children
dietary management, although some children may end up
with food allergies have received significant attention in the
on a combination of these treatments.
last 5 years. Studies have shown there to be a difference
between children sensitised to food allergens [167], those with
clinical CMPA [168], those who remain allergic, and those
Vasoactive amines and intolerance reactions
who develop tolerance [169]. However, we are far from being
Skypala et al. discussed the role of food chemicals in possi- able to define what optimal gut microbial diversity means
ble adverse reactions and concluded that there is limited and identifying which bacterial strains are of particular
and mostly outdated evidence for the removal of food importance in reducing symptom severity and induce
chemicals (either added or natural) in the management of tolerance [169].
suspected adverse reactions to foods, e.g. migraine or A probiotic is defined as “an oral supplement or a food
chronic urticaria. Foods should only be excluded for a lim- product that contains a sufficient number of viable microor-
ited period of time, followed by reintroduction to confirm ganisms to alter the microflora of the host and has the
338 Food Hypersensitivity
incidence of physician‐reported eczema. This association However, when the analysis was adjusted for adherence to
persisted to 10 years of age [77]. Kajosaari and Saarinen com- early introduction, there was a statistically significant reduc-
pared the early introduction of allergenic foods with intro- tion in food allergy in the early introduction group (6.4% vs.
duction after 6 months of age and showed no differences in 2.4%, p = 0.03), suggesting that introduction of sufficient
the prevalence of food allergy, either in the first year of life amounts of allergenic foods into the infant diet from 3 to 6
[78] or at age 5 years [79]. A number of similar studies fol- months alongside continued breastfeeding may be effective
lowed, and a systematic review looking at complementary in food allergy prevention. However, the poor adherence to
feeding before 4 months of age found few data linking early study protocol emphasises the challenges around introduc-
solid feeding and allergic conditions other than an associa- ing solids into the diets of infants under 6 months of age.
tion with early solids introduction and persistent eczema Since the STAR study, further trials into the relationship of
[80]. However, a recent study using data collected from pro- egg introduction and allergy development have reported.
spective food diaries has shown solids introduction before The Hen’s Egg Allergy Prevention (HEAP) study [86] exam-
17 weeks of age to be associated with an increased risk of ined 383 infants aged 4–6 months randomised to receive
food allergy development [58]. freeze‐dried egg white or placebo three times a week until 1
This century, infant feeding data collected as part of birth year of age. At 12 months, egg allergy was found in 2.1% in
cohort studies have been analysed to investigate the relation- the active group and 0.6% in the placebo group (p = 0.35).
ship between solid food introduction and the later develop- Overall, this study failed to find evidence that early egg
ment of atopy [34–37]. No study found any benefit on allergic intake prevents food allergy. Comparable results emerged
outcome by delaying the introduction of solids, and two from the Australian Starting Time of Egg Protein (STEP) trial
found an association between the delayed introduction of [87] that recruited 820 high risk infants who had no allergic
milk [37] and egg [81] and increased incidence of eczema and symptoms and had not previously ingested egg. Infants were
atopic sensitisation. More recently it has been suggested that daily fed 0.9 g pasteurised raw egg (½ egg per week) or pla-
children exposed to cereal grains before 6 months of age (as cebo from 4–6 to 10 months of age. No difference in egg
opposed to after 6 months of age) are protected from the allergy prevalence was found between the groups (7% active
development of wheat‐specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) [35]. vs. 10.3% placebo, p = 0.20). Likewise, the Beating Egg Allergy
All these studies retrospectively collected feeding data, which Trial (BEAT) [88] found no difference in egg allergy preva-
makes the findings vulnerable to both recall bias and reverse lence between the active group and the placebo group (10.5%
causality, and they only demonstrate an association, not cau- vs. 6.2%) of pasteurised egg introduction from 4 to 8 months
sality. Large scale RCTs are required to determine causality, of age in high risk infants. Overall, these findings suggest that
and a number have reported their findings over the past few other factors including genetic features, epigenetic modifica-
years, providing important data to the evidence base. tions, nutrient intake and alterations of intestinal flora may
The first of these studies to report was the STAR (Starting play a pathogenic role in the development of food allergy.
Time for Allergy Reduction) study looking at the introduc- Further RCTs are under way, but those that have reported
tion of egg powder into the diet of 86 high risk infants aged have already led to changes in recommendations for the
4–6 months with moderate/severe eczema [82]. Of the infants introduction of solids made by expert groups. In their report
randomised to receive egg powder, 31% had an allergic reac- on feeding in the first year of life, the Scientific Advisory
tion to the egg powder, leading to the study stopping prema- Committee on Nutrition (SACN) has advised that foods con-
turely. At 12 months of age, there was a trend towards fewer taining peanut and hen’s egg can be introduced from around
infants randomised to the egg ingestion group being diag- 6 months of age and need not be differentiated from other
nosed with IgE mediated food allergy (33% vs. 51%, p = 0.11). solid foods [89]. It adds that families of infants with a history
The next study to report was the LEAP (Learning Early About of early‐onset eczema or suspected food allergy may wish to
Peanut Allergy) study, which enrolled 530 high risk infants seek medical advice before introducing these foods. A joint
with moderate/severe eczema and/or egg allergy aged 4–11 statement from the British Society of Allergy and Clinical
months [83]. They demonstrated that in infants randomised Immunology (BSACI) and the British Dietetic Association
to open‐label peanut consumption, 1.9% had peanut allergy (BDA) builds on this advice, addressing the numerous issues
determined by double‐blind placebo‐controlled challenge at associated with making feeding recommendations for allergy
age 5 years compared with 13.7% in the control group who prevention [90]. Ideally, the statement should be read in its
avoided peanuts (p < 0.001). Mean age of peanut introduction entirety for full understanding of all the relevant issues.
was 7.9 months. A follow‐up to the LEAP study (‘LEAP‐On’ However, its main recommendations are that infants in the
Study) suggested that early introduction of peanut into the general population should be exclusively breastfed for
diet may induce long‐term tolerance [84]. around the first 6 months of life with complementary foods
The EAT (Enquiring About Tolerance) study focused on the (including allergenic foods) introduced in an age‐appropriate
early introduction of 6 common food allergens into the diet of manner from around 6 months, alongside continued breast-
1303 breastfed 3‐month‐old infants recruited from a general feeding. For high risk infants with eczema (particularly early‐
(not high risk) population [85]. In an intention‐to‐treat analy- onset or moderate/severe eczema), egg and peanut can be
sis, 7.1% of the standard introduction group and 5.6% of the introduced from 4 months, but the decision on whether this
early introduction group developed food allergy to one or should be done under the care of the local allergy service
more of the six intervention foods (peanut, egg, cow’s milk, and/or after allergy testing needs to be made on an individ-
sesame, white fish and wheat) up to 3 years of age (p = 0.32). ual basis, considering the local allergy resources available.
342 Prevention of Food Allergy
age of 2 years [125]. This inverse association with processed guidance for infant feeding and allergy prevention guidance
foods has been observed elsewhere [126] and may be due to for parents [90].
the higher microbial load of home‐prepared foods compared
to commercially processed foods [127] or that home‐pre- For all infants:
pared fruits and vegetables are good sources of naturally
• Mothers should eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty
occurring prebiotics. Both are thought to modify immune
of fruit and vegetables during pregnancy and lactation.
function [128].
Do not avoid any particular foods, e.g. peanuts
• Omega‐3 fatty acids taken during pregnancy and lacta-
Prebiotics and probiotics tion may help reduce the risk of eczema and allergic sen-
sitisation. (Do not eat more than two portions of oily fish
Intestinal microbiota play an important role in the develop- a week)
ment of the mucosal and systemic immune system [129]. • Ideally, breastfeeding should be the sole source of nutri-
Observational studies show both quantitative and qualitative tion until around the age of 6 months
differences in gut microbiota composition between atopic • Standard cow’s milk formula should not be given for the
and non‐atopic infants, with decreased populations of benefi- first 4–6 months unless the child has other forms of cow’s
cial bacteria (bifidobacteria, bacteroides, lactobacilli) and milk in their diet
higher numbers of coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus [130] • Other infant formulas should not be given unless pre-
in atopic infants; since these differences already exist in the scribed by your GP. They have not consistently shown to
first few weeks of life, a causal relationship is suggested [131– reduce the risk of allergy development
133]. Lower consumption of prebiotics (fibre/indigestible • Weaning should never commence before the age of 17
dietary components) are suggested to lead to less favourable weeks and ideally not before 6 months of age. Once
colonisation patterns, which may be implicated in the loss or weaning has become established with traditional wean-
inability to develop oral tolerance. Neonatal prebiotic supple- ing foods, then the introduction of high allergenic foods
mentation trials have failed to show any effect of prebiotics can begin
on food allergy development, but have shown favourable • Weaning foods should ideally be introduced while an
results on other allergic outcomes such as eczema [134]. infant is still being breastfed
Consequently, manipulating the intestinal microflora of • All babies (including those exclusively breastfed) should
atopic children, using pre‐ and probiotics, towards a more receive a vitamin D supplement containing 8.5–10 μg of
‘non‐atopic flora’ could be a way to prevent allergic diseases. vitamin D
There have been a number of trials to investigate the abil- • By the age of 12 months, all the major allergenic foods,
ity of probiotics to prevent allergic disease in high risk which would normally be suitable for a child of this age,
infants, but these studies have mainly focused on atopic der- should have been introduced into the diet
matitis and not on food allergy and have conflicting results • Delayed weaning, beyond 6 months, could adversely
[135–139]. These findings need to be repeated in similar affect the normal dietary and developmental milestones
studies using more readily available probiotics before moth- essential to establishing a good varied diet and may
ers are advised to take probiotics during pregnancy. The increase the risk of allergy development
most up‐to‐date Cochrane review on the subject states that
further research is needed before probiotic use can be recom- Additionally for babies with moderate to severe eczema:
mended for allergy prevention [140]. However, a World
Allergy Organization (WAO) systematic review has sug- • It may be beneficial to introduce peanut and/or egg into
gested using probiotics in infants at high risk of allergy due the infant’s diet before 6 months. Individual advice
to the ‘likely net benefit’ from the prevention of eczema seen should be sought from a healthcare professional
with their use [141]. The guideline panel did, however, • When allergenic foods such as wheat, egg and milk are
acknowledge that their recommendation was supported by introduced into the diet, each food category*1should be
very low quality evidence, demonstrating a need for high introduced singly, starting with a small amount, e.g. ½
quality intervention trials. There are a number of these ongo- teaspoon (2.5 mL). No more than one new allergenic food
ing that may provide further insight in the future. These group should be introduced at a time
studies will also provide information on which strains may
be the most effective for allergy prevention and what dose is
required as these are important factors to consider and about
which there is currently very little information. * Food category: for example, introduce wheat as one category by
giving pasta, bread and other suitable wheat-based products over
a 2- to 3-day period [90].
The ketogenic diet (KD) is a high fat low carbohydrate diet, with KDT is recommended as the first choice of treatment for two
adequate protein content, which has been used for the treat- disorders of brain energy metabolism: glucose transporter 1
ment of severe medically refractory epilepsy since the 1920s [1]. deficiency syndrome (GLUT1DS) and pyruvate dehydroge-
It was designed to mimic the metabolic effects of starva- nase deficiency (PDHD) [8]. The KD produces ketone bod-
tion, with ketone bodies (acetoacetate and beta‐hydroxybu- ies to bypass the metabolic defect, and they provide an
tyrate) becoming the main fuel source for the brain, following alternative energy source for the brain.
reports of the successful treatment of severe epilepsy by fast-
ing. The diet was widely used during the 1930s but fell out of
favour during the 1940s and 1950s when new anti‐epileptic Glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome
drugs (AEDs) became available as the diet was then thought
to be too rigid and difficult compared with medication. Glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) is a glycoprotein that facili-
However, over the past 15–20 years, the use of the KD has tates transport of glucose across the blood–brain barrier to
expanded considerably worldwide [2] with the increase in the brain. In GLUT1DS this process is impaired, resulting in
clinical evidence of its effectiveness. insufficient glucose supply to the brain [9]. The classic phe-
Approximately 600 000 people in the UK have a diagnosis notype presents in infancy as early onset seizures and is
of epilepsy with the incidence in children being approxi- often associated with a complex movement disorder and
mately 1 in 240 [3]. Around 60% will be controlled on mono- developmental delay [10]. However, GLUT1DS is now rec-
therapy, usually with the first or second AED chosen, with ognised as showing wide phenotypic diversity ranging from
the remaining 30%–40% being difficult to control [4]. Brodie mild impairment to severe disability, with or without epi-
found only 11% of patients with inadequate control on the lepsy [10, 11]. As the condition was only described as recently
first AED later became seizure‐free. Therefore, with approxi- as 1991 [9], the disease course remains unclear. Epilepsy
mately a third of cases not responding to anti‐epileptic medi- appears to diminish, but paroxysmal exertional dyskinesia
cation [5], alternative treatments are required. The 2012 (PED), which responds to KDT, has been described in ado-
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines lescence and adulthood [12, 13].
[6] state that children and young people with epilepsy whose It is recommended that KDT should be started early [9,
seizures have not responded to appropriate AEDs should be 14–16] as GLUT1DS is a treatable disorder with the majority
referred to a tertiary paediatric epilepsy specialist to be con- of patients treated with KDT showing a significant reduction
sidered for ketogenic diet therapy (KDT). Since then the in seizures (67% achieving seizure freedom) and reducing
number of patients in the UK treated with KDT for epilepsy severity of movement disorder [11, 15], and it is further rec-
has increased considerably. In 2010 there were 28 centres in ommended that the diet should be continued until at least
the UK offering KDT, treating 152 patients. This increased to adolescence to meet the increasing energy demands of the
39 centres, treating 754 patients in 2017, with 267 patients on developing brain [10]. It remains to be seen whether there is
waiting lists to start KDT [7]. benefit in following the diet lifelong. It may be prudent to
avoid caffeine in those affected by GLUT1DS, as it is known anti‐seizure effects of ketone bodies [25, 26]. However,
to down regulate GLUT1 in vitro [17]. whether ketone bodies themselves have a direct effect on sei-
Triheptanoin (C7) is an artificial ester that has been theo- zure control or whether they are merely a marker of a shift in
rised as a treatment for GLUT1DS, but it is currently only metabolism remains unclear.
being used in clinical research [18, 19]. Triheptanoin has an One of the more popular hypotheses for KD action
odd number of fatty acids, so it can provide ketone bodies involves γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory
that cross the blood–brain barrier and also replenish the tri- neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. Yudkoff et al. pro-
carboxylic acid (TCA) cycle by providing the intermediate posed that ketosis induces major shifts in brain amino acid
substrate pyruvate (a process known as anapleurosis). handling, favouring the production of GABA, which in turn
dampens hyperexcitability throughout the brain [27]. Several
studies support this possibility [28, 29].
Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
Failure to meet energy needs may also contribute to initia-
tion and spread of epileptic activity. Another key feature of
In PDHD pyruvate cannot be metabolised into acetyl‐CoA,
the KD is a relative reduction in glycolysis and an increase in
resulting in a mitochondrial disorder with lactic acidosis,
non‐glucose sources of fuel through the oxidation of fatty
seizures and severe encephalopathy. Ketones bypass the
acids and ketone bodies, which ultimately feed through
enzyme defect providing an alternative source of acetyl‐CoA
the TCA cycle through a process known as anapleurosis.
and thus normalising blood lactate levels. KDT has been
Glycolytic restriction is thought to be an important mecha-
shown to be effective at prolonging life in PDHD and may
nism mediating the anti‐seizure properties of the KD [30].
improve neurodevelopment, especially if initiated early [20,
It would seem that multiple mechanisms including the
21]. However, as PDHD is a degenerative disorder, it is dif-
production of ketone bodies, decrease of glucose and reactive
ficult to monitor effectiveness of KDT, particularly if seizures
oxygen species and increase in adenosine triphosphate, cre-
are absent. Some families may decline KDT, as in this condi-
atinine and GABA levels may contribute to the anti‐convul-
tion KDT may be considered ‘life‐extending, but not improv-
sive effect of the KD [31]. Further studies on the mechanisms
ing quality of life’. The International Ketogenic Diet Study
of action are needed and could help determine which specific
Group supports any parents making this decision for their
seizure types or syndromes respond better to KDT [32].
child [8]. Weber [22] suggests it may be more appropriate to
avoid excessive carbohydrate (CHO) intake in this condi-
tion, rather than following a true KD.
Learning points: mode of action
The principles of introducing and monitoring KDT in both
GLUT1DS and PDHD are the same as in the population
• The mechanism of the KD remains unknown
being treated for epilepsy, but consideration as to the type of
• It would seem multiple mechanisms exist that contribute to
KDT in these conditions may be different and is discussed
anti‐convulsive effect of KDT
later in this chapter.
• More research is needed in this area
• KDT is first‐line treatment for both GLUT1DS and Types of ketogenic diet
PDHD – the ketone bodies produced act as an alternative
energy source by bypassing the metabolic defect Several different forms of the diet have been developed.
• GLUT1DS shows wide phenotypic diversity – seizure There are four specific diet protocols: the traditional classical
control and improvement in PED have been demonstrated ketogenic diet (CKD), the medium chain triglyceride (MCT)
on KDT diet; the low glycaemic index treatment (LGIT) and the mod-
• PDHD is a degenerative disorder and the benefit of KDT is ified Atkins diet (MAD). Increasingly in the UK, modified
not always measurable versions of the KD are being used, but protocols are indi-
vidual to the KD centres.
The CKD is the traditional form of the diet and is largely
unchanged from the original described by Wilder in 1921 [1].
Mode of action of the ketogenic diet It is based on a ratio of fat to protein and CHO, usually in the
range of 2:1 to 4:1, i.e. 2–4 g fat to every 1 g of protein and
Research into the mechanism of the KD has greatly increased; CHO combined. Fat is provided as long chain triglycerides
however despite this, the anti‐epileptic mechanism of KDT (LCTs), protein is adequate for growth and CHO is minimal.
remains an ‘enigma’ [23]. A few hypotheses are outlined Each meal needs to be carefully weighed and calculated.
below. The MCT diet was developed by Huttenlocher et al. in
The anti‐seizure effect of ketone bodies was first demon- 1971 [33]. As MCT fat produces more ketones per gram than
strated by Keith in the 1930s. Acetoacetate was shown to LCT, this allows for a more generous allowance of CHO and
protect against thujone‐induced seizures in rabbits [24]. This protein in the diet. The MCT diet has been shown to be
was followed decades later by two studies showing in vivo equally effective as the CKD [34].
346 Ketogenic Diets
The LGIT was developed by Pfeifer and Thiele in 2005 [35] Table 17.1 Conditions for which ketogenic diet has been reported
following observations that children on the CKD have stable to have 20% above the norm* efficacy rates [8].
blood glucose levels and that this may in part relate to the
Angelman syndrome
mechanism of the diet. The LGIT allows approximately
Complex 1 mitochondrial disorders
40–60 g CHO per day but regulates the type to those with a Dravet syndrome
glycaemic index <50. The LGIT has been shown to be effica- Doose syndrome
cious both as a first dietary treatment and as a way of liber- Glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome (GLUT1DS)
alising the KD [36]. It is not widely used in the UK. Febrile infection‐related epilepsy syndrome (FIRES)
The MAD was originally designed and investigated at Solely formula‐fed children or infants
Infantile spasms
Johns Hopkins Hospital and has been shown to be similar in
Ohtahara syndrome
efficacy to the CKD [2]. It was first formally referred to as Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency (PDHD)
MAD in 2006 to distinguish it from the Atkins diet used for Super‐refractory status epilepticus
weight loss [37]. While CHO must be measured, fat, protein, Tuberous sclerosis complex
calories and fluids are allowed freely, thus making meal
planning easier and, therefore, more tolerable. * Norm being 40%–50% chance of 50% reduction in seizures.
In the UK a broad spectrum of modified ketogenic diets
(MKD) are increasingly being used in clinical practice, which Table 17.2 Conditions for which ketogenic diet has been reported
lie somewhere between the CKD and the MAD [38]. to be effective, but with no more than 40%–50% responder rates [8].
NICE recommends that the KD should be considered in chil- Contraindications and pre‐diet screening
dren with complex epilepsy that has not responded to two
anti‐epileptic medications [6]. The 2018 International A pre‐diet clinic assessment with a consultant neurologist is
Ketogenic Diet Study Group recommendations [8] suggest essential to establish that a diagnosis of epilepsy has been
that the diet should be used early in the course of treatment, made and if it has been optimally treated to date, including
Nutritional Assessment and Considerations 347
of 1 g per kg body weight on KD has been shown to maintain important to assess parents’ and caregivers’ commitment to
nitrogen equilibrium and allow for growth [45]. However, the diet and that they are aware from the outset what is
rapidly growing younger children may require higher involved in terms of providing the diet, monitoring, side
amounts, whereas older children may not need as much. effects, length of trial and follow‐up. It is recommended
Protein requirements should be based on safe levels for that children should be reviewed after 1 month on KD and
growth. WHO/FAO/UNU has published minimal safe lev- that the diet should be followed for at least a 3‐month
els of protein intake [46] (Table 28.48). period before considering whether it is efficacious or
whether the diet should be discontinued [8]. If deemed effi-
cacious at the end of the 3 month trial, there should be regu-
lar review of benefit, tolerability and side effects at clinic
appointments. At the authors’ centres, patients are reviewed
Historically fluid has been restricted; however, this is no
every 3 months in alternate joint neurologist/dietitian and
longer deemed to be necessary [47]. Normal fluid require-
nurse/dietitian clinics. Consideration of weaning off the
ments should be encouraged, and if intakes are low on pre‐
diet should be given after 2 years on the diet. There are
diet assessment, intake should be increased to help minimise
some conditions where this period may be increased, e.g.
the risk of renal stones developing [47] and also help in the
GLUT1DS and PDHD, or shortened, e.g. infantile spasms.
prevention and management of constipation.
Discontinuation of diet is described on p. 369.
Parental expectations and follow‐up • Fasting is no longer essential, so KDT can be safely initi-
ated at home with the proper support of a dedicated team
Parental expectation should be discussed in advance • Infants less than 12 months of age should be hospitalised to
regarding not only seizure reduction but also possible med- initiate KDT
ication reduction and cognitive improvement [48]. It is
Classical Ketogenic Diet 349
CKD is the traditional form of the diet with approximately Once the diet prescription has been calculated, some centres
90% calories coming from fat. It is calculated based on a in the UK use food choice lists for fat, protein and CHO
ratio of fat to protein and CHO based on a method first based on UK food composition tables [54] in order to prepare
described more than 90 years ago [45, 51]. Typically, ratios meal plans. However, these are not standardised, but are
range from 2:1 to 4:1, the higher the ratio indicating increased individual to each centre. Once families have been given
intensity of diet, e.g. 4:1 = 4 g fat to every 1 g of protein and training using this method, it has the advantage of giving
CHO combined. The amounts prescribed are based on indi- them greater flexibility and control over meal planning
vidual energy requirements. Fat, CHO and protein are care- rather than relying on their dietitian to calculate menu
fully calculated for each meal, and it is important that the changes. There are also a number of meal planning websites
whole prescription is consumed to optimise effectiveness of available (see Companion website, Useful addresses).
the diet. All meals and snacks must be in the same diet ratio, An example meal plan using a 4:1 ratio is shown in
so the relative proportions of fat, CHO and protein remain Table 17.7.
the same.
Free foods
Dietary units
Some centres provide families with a list of ‘free foods’ con-
A worked example of calculating the diet using the method
taining minimal amounts of CHO, which can be incorpo-
of dietary units as described by Kossoff et al. [52] is shown in
rated into the diet without being included in the CKD
Table 17.6. A dietary unit is calculated based on the calorie
prescription. They can help to make meal planning easier
content of fat being 9 kcal/g and protein and CHO being
and improve tolerability of the diet. However, this is not
4 kcal/g each in the chosen ratio, i.e. a dietary unit on 4:1
standard practice and is individual to KD centre. In addition,
ratio = (4 × 9 kcal) + (1 × 4 kcal) = 40 kcal.
the following foods may be allowed freely:
The diet is usually started at a lower ratio, e.g. 2:1, and
then gradually increased if needed to a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio • water, tea and coffee (without milk); at the authors’ centres,
depending on tolerance, level of ketosis and seizure control. sugar‐free squash is allowed providing it contains <0.7 g
It is not always necessary to increase to 4:1 ratio if good sei- CHO per 100 mL undiluted, and fizzy drinks/flavoured
zure control can be achieved on a lower ratio. waters providing they contain <0.3 g CHO per 100 mL
Table 17.6 Worked example of classical ketogenic diet using dietary units.
8‐year‐old boy in mainstream school, active and enjoys sports. A food diary estimates his intake = 1750 kcal/day. Weight = 25 kg. He has 3 main
meals, a snack after school and supper
Daily requirements Calories = 1750 kcal
Protein RNI = 28 g/day (minimum 1 g/kg/day = 25 g) [46]
Ratio 4:1
Dietary unit – based on ratio of 4:1 (9 kcal × 4) + (4 kcal × 1) = 40 kcal per dietary unit
Divide calorie requirements by number of calories in dietary unit 1750 ÷ 40 = 44 units daily
Fat = number of units × ratio 44 × 4 = 176 g
Protein and carbohydrate = number of units × ratio 44 × 1 = 44 g
Protein = RNI or minimum 1 g/kg 28 g
CHO = number of units minus grams of protein 44 − 28 = 16 g
Daily prescription 176 g fat 28 g protein 16 g CHO = 4:1 ratio
Divide into 3 meals, 1 snack and supper Breakfast, lunch, evening meal
=45 g fat per meal, 6 g protein and 5 g CHO (4:1)
=16 g fat, 3 g protein, 1 g CHO (4:1)
=24 g fat, 5 g protein and 1 g CHO (4:1)
Total = 175 g fat, 26 g protein, 17 g CHO = 4:1 ratio 1747 kcal/day
included at each meal and snack through the day. Prescribable reduced if the MCT is increased slowly over a period of 7–10
products are given in Table 17.17. A worked example of the days to the goal intake. MCT should be included in all meals
MCT KD is shown in Table 17.11. and snacks, and a supper time drink or snack containing MCT
will help to maintain ketosis overnight. All foods should be
weighed, and parents should be educated in reading labels as
Initiating the MCT KD
they will likely want to include foods not on the choice lists
MCT is known to cause gastrointestinal symptoms including that contain both protein and CHO, e.g. yoghurt and baked
abdominal cramping and discomfort, loose stools and diar- beans. There are several standard recipes provided by the feed
rhoea, nausea and vomiting [63]. These symptoms can be manufacturers who supply specialist food and drink products;
the charity, Matthew’s Friends, is also a source for recipes.
Table 17.8 Fat (LCT) choices. Families should be educated on how to adjust these to meet
their dietary targets. Full vitamin and mineral supplementa-
5 g fat choices tion should be advised to meet age‐related requirements.
Fine‐tuning of the diet is likely to be required as with any
6 g butter
KDT and could involve reducing CHO, increasing LCT or
5 g oil MCT depending on tolerance and ketosis. Some centres have
6 g mayonnaise adapted MCT KDT VW further and do not prescribe an
10 g double cream amount of protein, but advise modest intake, and have found
this works well and report improved compliance, although
efficacy of these modified KDT has not been researched.
Table 17.9 Carbohydrate choices.
8 g apple, eating, raw 31 g broccoli, raw • MCT is included to provide 40%–45% of total daily energy
7 g blueberries, raw 23 g cauliflower, raw • As MCT is more ketogenic, it allows for more CHO in the
13 g peaches, raw 43 g celeriac, raw diet, which may make the diet more palatable for school‐
aged children
22 g raspberries, raw 56 g courgette, raw
• MCT can cause intestinal discomfort, including diarrhoea
16 g strawberries, raw 6 g garlic, raw
and vomiting, so it needs to be introduced slowly
32 g tomatoes, raw 13 g onion, raw • MCT KD has comparable efficacy to CKD
26 g tomatoes, tinned 8 g tomato puree
Each choice provides 6 g of protein and has been adjusted to ensure each contains 3 g of fat [54].
White fish (cod, coley, haddock, plaice) 33 g raw or 29 g cooked (baked, poached, grilled or steamed) 3 g oil or 4 g butter or mayonnaise
Salmon 30 g raw or 29 g cooked (grilled or steamed)
Tuna, canned in oil 22 g
Ham 33 g 2 g oil or 3 g butter or mayonnaise
Bacon rashers, back 37 g raw or 26 g grilled
Cheddar cheese 24 g
Minced beef, lean meat 27 g raw weight or 20 g cooked
Chicken, light meat 25 g 3 g oil or 3 g butter or mayonnaise
Eggs 1 medium (approx. 50 g)
Table 17.11 Worked example for MCT ketogenic diet.
8‐year‐old boy in mainstream school, who enjoys sports, and parents report he is very active. His most recent weight is 25 kg. A food diary
estimates intake at 1750 kcal/day. He has three main meals per day, an after‐school snack and a supper. He enjoys toast and cereal
Dietary calculation
MCT, medium chain triglyceride; CHO, carbohydrate; LCT, long chain triglyceride.
Modified Atkins Diet 353
devised by Robert Atkins as a weight reduction programme restricted, and there is no initial fasting period, which at
[65]. The Johns Hopkins’ MAD differs from the original the time was often typical on the CKD, and so it became
Atkins diet in several ways, primarily because seizure con- possible to initiate the KD in an outpatient setting. The diet
trol, not weight loss, is the goal. In addition, the induction induces ketosis, although studies are contradictory as to
phase (during which CHO is restricted) is continued indefi- whether the level of ketosis correlates to the degree of effec-
nitely, and fat is encouraged (as opposed to just being tiveness [37, 66, 67].
allowed). This diet was first referred to as ‘modified Atkins A strict CHO limit is important during the first 3 months,
diet’ in a prospective trial, which showed that 65% children but a study by Kossoff et al. [40] suggests that it is possible to
had >50% seizure reduction [37]. A subsequent RCT sup- later ‘relax’ the CHO intake from an initial 10 g to 20 g while
ports the effectiveness and tolerability of MAD but rein- still maintaining seizure control. A ketogenic ‘shake’ drink
forces that although less restrictive, it does still have side given in the first month may also improve outcome [68].
effects and close medical supervision is required [5]. A sample menu plan for a modified Atkins diet is shown
The Johns Hopkins modified Atkins KD protocol restricts in Table 17.12.
CHO to 10 g/day in children aged 2–12 years and 15 g in
adolescents (but this can be increased to an adult intake of
20 g daily if adherence is difficult). CHO can be given
throughout the day or at one meal. Fibre is not counted in Learning points: modified Atkins ketogenic diet
the CHO allowance, but sugar alcohols are. A high fat
intake is mandatory, but unlike the CKD, fat is not counted • Modified Atkins diet is a protocol that specifies CHO intake
and protein is free. A ketogenic ratio is not calculated and (10–20 g/day depending on age) while freely allowing pro-
may, therefore, change from day to day. Examination of tein, and it does not specify fat intake
food diaries estimates an approximate ratio of fat to • It has been shown to be effective at reducing seizures in all
CHO + protein of 0.9:1 with 65% of calories provided by fat, age groups
in comparison with 90% in the CKD [40]. Calories are not
Menu plan for an 8‐year‐old boy (10 g CHO per day) [54]
Protein (excluding fibre) Fat
Breakfast – scrambled egg
2 eggs scrambled with butter Not counted 0 Not counted
40 g mushrooms (fried in oil) Not counted Trace –
Total Not counted Trace Not counted
Lunch – sandwich
2 slices low carbohydrate bread Not counted 6 Not counted
(3 g CHO per slice)
Ham and Cheddar cheese with butter Not counted 0 Not counted
Sugar‐free jelly with 50 mL Calogen Not counted 0 Not counted
Total Not counted 6 Not counted
Snack – cheese and celery
Cheddar cheese Not counted 0 Not counted
Celery (¼ stick) – Trace –
Total Not counted 0 Not counted
Evening meal – minced beef and courgette
Oil – 0 Not counted
13 g onion Not counted 1 Not counted
Garlic – – Not counted
Minced beef Not counted – Not counted
26 g tomatoes (canned) – 1 –
56 g courgette (cut into thin strips and boiled/fried) Not counted 1 Not counted
Cheddar cheese, grated Not counted – Not counted
16 g strawberries Not counted 1 –
Total Not counted 4 Not counted
Daily total Not counted 10 Not counted
CHO, carbohydrate.
Source: Courtesy of Royal Society of Chemistry.
354 Ketogenic Diets
Modified ketogenic diets with Angelman’s syndrome that five tolerated the diet well
and reported over 90% reduction in seizures, which is a
In UK practice, a broader spectrum of ‘modified ketogenic potentially higher degree of efficacy than in the general epi-
diets’ (MKD) has been described that refers to a KD, which lepsy population, despite the small study size [74]. In 15
does not use diet ratios (i.e. not CKD), but neither does it fol- patients with tuberous sclerosis complex, a prospective
low the MAD protocol. A survey of UK ketogenic practice in study found 47% of patients had a 50% improvement in sei-
2011 reported the use of ‘an adapted version of the MAD’ in zures [75], and multiple studies highlight that stabilised
seven of eight centres [69]. More recently, 40% of centres in the blood glucose, rather than ketosis, correlates with the
UK report using an MKD with no single definitive protocol improvement in seizures [73]. Ketone bodies may be meas-
[38]. Published studies are at present limited, but there is grow- ured on LGIT, but they are not a goal of LGIT; blood glucose
ing interest in research using MKD. A single‐centre study of is monitored to ensure stability within the normal range.
100 paediatric patients on MKD found 40% of children had a
>50% reduction in seizures with 16% showing a >90% reduc- Dietary prescription
tion in seizures after 3 months on diet [70]. This MKD protocol
did not prescribe calories and counted total CHO (with indi- The dietary prescription for LGIT is:
vidual CHO allowance being determined by ketone levels)
while fat and protein were freely allowed. A study of an MKD • 10% energy from low glycaemic index CHO (GI < 50–55),
in adults with epilepsy showed MKD to be tolerated and feasi- equating to 40–60 g/day
ble with ketosis achieved, but it did not examine effectiveness • 60% energy from fat
on seizure control [71]. This MKD protocol encouraged a fat • 30% energy from protein
intake of up to 70% of total energy and limited CHO to 20 g/ Foods are measured using household measures, and only
day. Protein was not restricted. Another small study in adults general estimates for quantities of fat and protein are given
has demonstrated effectiveness of an MKD on seizure control to families. Food choice lists can be adapted from those used
using 15–50 g net CHO/day [72]. The authors’ personal experi- in other dietary therapies, e.g. 10 g fat choices, which may
ence and feedback from other UK centres confirms the effec- help to give a guide to families on how much fat is required.
tiveness of MKD and their increasing use in clinical practice. It should be advised that fat should always be included in a
meal or snack containing CHO, e.g. fruit and cream, to fur-
Learning points: modified ketogenic diets ther reduce the GI and aim to avoid peaks in blood glucose
level. Education on CHO sources should be given with refer-
• There is no set modified ketogenic diet protocol – the term ence to label reading, considering low CHO products that
refers to any ketogenic diet, which produces ketosis, but may be sourced over the internet, perhaps from the USA.
does not follow the protocols of either the classical ketogenic Full vitamin and mineral supplementation is still required
diet, MCT diet or modified Atkins diet as with other KDT, and regular follow‐up, including blood
• Modified ketogenic diets are used effectively in clinical and urine monitoring and anthropometry, must be provided.
practice in many ketogenic centres in the UK As with other KDs, fine‐tuning may be necessary, and this
could include reduction in CHO or reduction in protein to
allow for a higher fat intake.
LGIT is used more in the USA and India, with only a few cen-
Low glycaemic index treatment
tres offering this KD therapy in the UK. From experience, the
authors have found that a further restriction on the type of CHO,
The LGIT was developed at Massachusetts General Hospital
not just the quantity, has discouraged its use with families.
in 2002 [35] as an alternative to the CKD. The authors theo-
An example meal calculation is given in Table 17.13.
rised that as it has been noted that blood glucose levels are
stable in those following a KD and that there can be increased
seizure activity associated with high CHO loads in this Learning points: LGIT
group, then a more liberalised diet increasing CHO content,
but ensuring that it is all sourced from low glycaemic index • Carbohydrate from low GI sources (<50–55)
(LGI) foods, may have a similar effect to KDT. • 10% energy from LGI carbohydrates
Several studies have documented that LGIT is associated • Use household measures and encourage fat intake
with reduced seizure frequency [35, 36, 73–75]. It has been • Ketosis is not a goal of LGIT
successful in both focal and generalised seizure types, and
the retrospective study in 2005 demonstrated that 73% of
patients had at least 50% improvement in seizures, with a
third becoming seizure‐free [35]. More recent studies [73, 74] Which ketogenic diet to use?
found similar efficacy with 66% and 53% of patients having
at least 50% improvement in seizures. There are four KDTs, which have been described by a pro-
The use of LGIT in some genetic disorders has also showed tocol specifying the quantities of specific macronutrients;
efficacy. Thibert noted in a prospective study of six children these are summarised in Table 17.14. The MKD is not a
Which Ketogenic Diet to Use? 355
Table 17.13 Example meal calculation for low glycaemic index allow flexibility, with modified versions of the KD being
treatment [54]. widely used [38].
8‐year‐old boy with estimated calorie requirements of 1725 kcal/day,
The CKD is, by default, used when liquid tube feeding is
following assessment of 3‐day food diary and growth history required and is generally the first‐line method of feeding in
10% of energy from CHO = 40–50 g low GI foods status epilepticus where rapid seizure control is required
60% energy from fat = 115 g (not routinely measured, but encouraged and a 4:1 starting ratio is often used [84–86]. The MAD has
liberally) been successfully used in a case report of status epilepticus
30% energy from protein = 130 g (not routinely measured) [87]. The CKD is recommended in international guidelines
for infants under 2 years of age [8, 50]. The MAD has suc-
cessfully been used in this age group [88–90]; however, Kim
Omelette – 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of double cream, 1 teaspoon of butter
and grated cheese
et al. [42] found the CKD more effective in a group of patients
less than 2 years of age with 53% showing a significant
2 rashers of bacon fried in oil
response on the CKD compared with 20% on the MAD.
1 slice of low CHO bread (10 g CHO) with butter
The MAD is considered less restrictive and so may be pre-
Lunch ferred in adolescents and adults in whom it has shown to be
Low CHO wrap (6 g CHO) with grilled chicken breast, 1 tablespoon of effective [91, 92]. It has also been suggested that MAD may
mayonnaise, grated cheese and lettuce
have a role in developing countries with fewer dietetic
5 strawberries (5 g CHO) with mascarpone
resources [93] and remote treatment in adults [94]. For
Evening meal patients who require longer‐term use of KDT (i.e. disorders
Fried steak with mushroom and cream sauce served with 4 tablespoons of brain energy metabolism and in those who are either
of green beans (2.5 g CHO) and 3 tablespoons of carrots (2.5 g CHO) reluctant or unable to wean off the diet after 2 years of treat-
Chopped peach (10 g CHO) with 2 tablespoons of double cream ment), a switch to MAD may be considered if adherence
Supper becomes an issue. It is also hypothesised that MAD may
Hot chocolate made with 100 mL semi‐skimmed milk (5 g CHO) and have milder side effects, but this has not been proven [78].
cocoa powder, sweetened with liquid Hermesetas sweetener and Switching from the MAD to the more prescriptive CKD
topped with double cream may improve seizure control in one third of patients who
Total intake CHO = 41 g have already responded to the MAD (especially for those
children with myoclonic atonic epilepsy). However, if the
CHO, carbohydrate; GI glycaemic index.
child has not responded to the MAD, then there appears to
be no benefit in swapping to the CKD [95]. As calories are
single protocol, but rather a spectrum of KDs. There are few controlled with CKD, it may be preferred for those patients
studies that directly compare the effectiveness of these vari- where weight gain or loss is a concern.
ous diets. Variations in diet protocols make it difficult to Studies have shown it is possible to transition from the
accurately compare outcomes between studies, with differ- CKD or MCT diet to a less restrictive MAD without an
ent ratios or CHO allowances being used, with or without increase in seizures [77, 76, 96].
calorie restriction or an initial fasting period [42, 76]. The In GLUT1DS ketones provide fuel for the developing
efficacy of CKD and MAD when the diet is eaten (rather brain. Cerebral glucose utilisation has been shown to increase
than being delivered by tube feed) seems to be very similar linearly after birth, with the brain of a 4‐year‐old metabolis-
[77–80]. A randomised study by Kim et al. [42] found no ing twice as much glucose as an adult; glucose consumption
significant difference in outcome between groups ran- gradually decreases in adolescence [97]. It is recommended
domised to CKD or (a calorie restricted) MAD, although that in infants and preschool children, the CKD should be
MAD was better tolerated with less side effects. The CKD the first choice of diet, and, if tolerated, it should be main-
and MAD have been described as ‘complementary and not tained as long as possible [50, 98]. The MCT diet has also
competing’ [81]. been reported as successful in a GLUT1DS case study [76]. A
A lower (2.5:1) ketogenic ratio may be just as effective as a survey by Kass et al. [16] found that a similar percentage of
higher (4:1 ratio) in the CKD [82]. A randomised trial by Neal children with GLUT1DS were seizure‐free on CKD/MCT
et al. [34] showed CKD and MCT KDs to be comparable. The compared with MAD/LGIT (74% vs. 63%), and it has also
CKD delivered in liquid form appears to be more effective been shown that seizures can be well controlled with a low
than oral CKD or MAD, which may be expected as there is (2:1) ratio CKD [82]. A clinical benefit has been seen even
less risk of diet miscalculation or indiscretion [67, 83]. There with only mild ketosis in the GLUT1DS population [12, 76].
are no studies directly comparing LGIT or modified versions However, the long‐term effects of GLUT1DS are as yet
of the KD with the other KDTs. unclear, and it may be that seizure control is not the only
The International Ketogenic Diet Study Group concluded marker of disease course, with the relationship between
that ‘the specific ketogenic diet therapy chosen should be ketosis and neurodevelopment still to be established. A less
individualized based on the family and child situation, restrictive KD has also been reported successful in a case
rather than perceived efficacy, together with the expertise of study with PDHD [99]. The LGIT is not recommended for
the ketogenic diet center’ [8]. In UK practice, dietitians are treatment of disorders of brain metabolism as it does not
evolving the KD to suit their patients’ individual needs and provide ketones [98].
356 Ketogenic Diets
Classical ketogenic diet MCT diet Modified Atkins diet Low glycaemic index treatment Modified ketogenic diet
Date first described 1921 [1] 1971 [33] 2003 [64] 2005 [35] 2012 [69]
Ketogenic ratio 2:1 to 4:1 No set ratio (approx. 1.2 to 1.6:1) No set ratio (approx. 1:1) No No
Fats prescribed Yes Yes No No Maybe
Depends on ratio 4:1 approx. 40%–45% total calories from MCT and Depends on individual
90% total calories 30%–40% from LCT centre’s practice
Carbohydrates Yes Yes Yes Yes 40–60 g/day Yes
prescribed Depends on ratio and protein 10%–15% total calories 10–20 g/day depending
requirements on age
Protein prescription Yes Yes No No Maybe
Depends on age requirements Approx. 10% total calories Depends on individual
approx. 1–1.5 g/kg centre’s practice
Ketosis goal Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Type of carbohydrates No No No Yes No
specified GI < 50–55
Initiation setting Historically inpatient Historically inpatient Outpatient Outpatient Outpatient
Multivitamin/mineral Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Age range All All All All All
Preferred choice in infants May be helpful in adolescents/adults as May allow more May be helpful in adolescents/
<2 years of age it allows increased carbohydrate intake flexibility in adolescents/ adults as it allows increased
adults carbohydrate intake
Use recommended in Yes Yes Yes No Yes
MCT, medium chain triglyceride; LCT, long chain triglyceride; GI, glycaemic index; GLUT1DS, glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome; PDHD, pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Management of the Diet 357
in neonates [109]. The Ketogenic Diet in Infants with The principles of weaning onto solids are the same as for
Epilepsy (KIWE) trial is an RCT multicentre UK study cur- the normal population, i.e. appropriate age, developmental
rently underway assessing outcomes of the KD in compari- stage, food textures and advice about any potential allergies.
son with anti‐epileptic medication in infants aged 3 months A speech and language therapist assessment may be indi-
to 2 years [129]. cated if there are concerns that neurological impairment
International guidelines for the use of the KD in infancy has affected the ability to swallow. When first introducing
were published in 2016 [50], which recommend that infants weaning foods, the CHO content may not be significant due
under the age of 1 year start the diet as an inpatient as they to the small volume consumed. However, it is prudent to
have been shown to be at increased risk of hypoglycaemia still avoid high CHO foods, particularly sweet foods, to
and acidosis. Good growth has been shown to be achievable avoid the infant developing a preference for these foods at
in infants on a KD [108, 130], although it has been proposed the expense of lower CHO choices. As the amount increases,
that shorter diet duration shows better growth outcomes then solid meals will need to be calculated in the diet
with no detrimental effect on seizure recurrence [131]. prescription.
An example of feeding regimen for an infant starting a KD
at a 2:1 ratio is given in Table 17.16.
Feeding the infant
The KD for infants prior to being weaned onto solid foods is, Learning points: KDT in infants
by default, a liquid CKD. Ketocal 3:1 ketogenic formula pro-
vides a 3:1 ratio and at standard dilution provides • KDT can be used safely and effectively in infants
66 kcal/100 mL. It has been demonstrated that it is possible • Breastfeeding (or expressed breastmilk in the case of tube
to provide an infant a KD while still receiving some breast- feeding) on a ketogenic diet is possible; however, the high
milk, either from breastfeeds or expressed breastmilk (EBM), CHO content of breastmilk may make it difficult to achieve
with ketogenic formula top‐ups [132]. However, in order to optimal ketosis in some infants
achieve optimal ketosis, the amount of breastmilk received
may need to be limited since it contains approximately 7 g
lactose per 100 mL [133]. If an infant is breastfed and the
Use of the ketogenic diet in emergency situations
mother wishes to continue, then a measured volume of
Ketocal 3:1 should be given before each breastfeed
KTD is being used increasingly in an intensive care setting
(Table 17.15). This principle assumes that the infant will con-
in the management of super‐refractory status epilepticus
sume expected volumes for age and, therefore, the ketogenic
(SRSE) and febrile infection‐related epilepsy syndrome
infant formula will reduce appetite for breastmilk and so
(FIRES). SRSE is defined as refractory epilepsy that contin-
limit CHO intake. Depending on ketone levels, the amount
ues 24 hours after initiation of general anaesthesia or reap-
of Ketocal 3:1 given can be either increased (thus reducing
pears after the discontinuation of general anaesthesia [135].
breastmilk intake if higher ketones are desired) or decreased
Prior reports demonstrate that outcomes in SRSE and FIRES
(to increase breastmilk intake and consequently, increasing
are poor, with hospital mortality ranging from 30% to 40%
CHO intake if hyperketosis is a concern).
and about 75% of patients experiencing a poor functional
For exclusively formula‐fed infants, if ketones are rou-
outcome at discharge [136, 137], so an effective intervention
tinely too high, then some feeds of normal infant formula can
is essential. Both these conditions have been highlighted as
be included, or, alternatively, glucose polymer can be added
conditions in which KDT should be used early, showing a
to the Ketocal 3:1 feed to lower the ratio. If optimal ketosis is
higher than average efficacy [8, 138]. There is limited research
not achieved on a 3:1 infant formula, then small volumes of
into the use of KDT as the published papers are often case
fat emulsion may be added to the feed to increase the ratio.
reports which could have selection bias.
MCT emulsion may be preferred as MCT is more efficient at
It is likely that in the above scenarios, KDT will be admin-
producing ketones [134]. If extra fat is added, then tolerance
istered via an enteral feeding tube (although parenteral
and weight gain will need to be closely monitored.
nutrition may also be considered), and a CKD ratio should
be selected. Due to the nature of the setting in intensive
Table 17.15 Relative proportions of EBM and ketogenic infant formula
care, a rapid introduction of the diet can be used over 24–48
and ratio provided. hours as closer monitoring is available for blood glucose
and blood ketone management. With a rapid induction,
Percentage EBM Percentage Ketocal 3:1 Ketogenic ratio blood glucose levels may be more likely to drop, so levels
should be checked more frequently. Energy requirements
0 100 3:1
should reflect clinical status, considering the reason for
5 95 2.5:1 admission; pyrexia should be considered, particularly if
15 85 2:1 FIRES is the cause of status epilepticus. All drugs, including
25 75 1.5:1 intravenous (IV) medications and fluids, should be
reviewed with the ward pharmacist to ensure that they are
EBM, expressed breast milk. the lowest CHO formulations [139] and nursing and
360 Ketogenic Diets
Table 17.16 Example of feeding regimen for a 6‐month‐old infant starting ketogenic diet at 2:1 ratio.
A male infant, weight = 8 kg, is receiving all his nutrition as 5 oral feeds per day. He is not yet taking solid foods. Mum is keen to continue to provide
some breastfeeds
Calculation of intake of formula:
Assuming an age appropriate intake of 120 mL/kg/day, expected intake = 120 × 8 = 960 mL/day
Total expected volume per feed = 960/5 = 192 mL
To provide a feed with 2:1 ratio, the feed should contain 15% breastmilk and 85% Ketocal 3:1 (Table 17.15)
85% × 192 mL = 163 mL formula per feed. Top‐up feed given as breastmilk = either 192 – 163 = 29 mL EBM or fed to appetite from breast
Feeding regimen = 163 mL × 5 feeds Ketocal 3:1 per day, with a top‐up feed of breastmilk
The infant is tolerating the feeding regimen, but ketones are <2 mmol/L with no reduction in seizures.
The ratio of the feed can be adjusted to improve ketosis:
The volume of ketogenic infant formula should be increased (from 173 mL × 5 to 180 mL × 5 per day would be a sensible adjustment), and it would be
expected that the volume of breastmilk taken by the infant would spontaneously reduce to correspond to appetite, thus increasing the overall ratio of
the diet.
Feed contains 94% Ketocal 3:1 (180/192 mL) and 6% breastmilk (12/192 mL) providing approximately 2.5:1 ratio (Table 17.15).
Ketones are now in the therapeutic range 2–5 mmol/L, and the infant is gaining weight appropriately. A speech and language therapist has advised
that weaning solids can be introduced.
Calculation of 2.5:1 ketogenic meal prescription:
Calorie intake divided over three meals and 2 bottles per day, continuing the current volume of 180 mL Ketocal 3:1 per bottle with a breastfeed
top‐up to be given afterwards (estimated total intake per feed = 192 mL, including assumed 12 mL from the breastfeed, as per previous calculation)
Dietary exchanges
100 mL Ketocal 3:1 provides 192 mL feed provides (rounded to nearest 0.5 g)
½ egg 2.5 3 –
15 mL Calogen 7.5 – –
3 g butter 2.5 – –
13 g apple (stewed) – – 2.0
Total (2.5:1) 12.5 3 2.0
medical staff should be made aware that IV fluids and An example calculation of a ketogenic tube feed is given in
medications should not contain CHO. Table 17.18.
The length of time that KDT is used in the above condi-
tions is unclear, and recent research has supported success-
Modular feeds
ful use in shorter time periods compared with the usual 2
years [140, 141]. It may be that if the patient responds to KDT
The Ketocal range of products contains cow’s milk protein.
and is extubated and ultimately discharged back to the ward,
A modular feed is, therefore, necessary in the case of a child
they can be weaned off KDT as they are re‐established onto
with cow’s milk protein allergy or whole protein intoler-
oral feeding, without deterioration of seizure control. This
ance. It is important to consider the CHO content of protein
may be an opportune time to wean back to a normal diet as
modules used in the feed, e.g. Complete Amino Acid Mix
it can be challenging to wean from enteral to oral KD in these
may be required due to the CHO content of hydrolysed pro-
tein modules such as Prosource TF and Hydrolysed Whey
Protein/Maltodextrin Powder (Table 17.17). Consideration
Prescribable items must also be given to ensuring electrolyte, vitamin and min-
eral requirements are also met. Further information on
There is an increasing, but limited, range of prescribable modular feeds can be found in Chapter 8.
products available for use in KDT. It should be noted that,
with the exception of Ketocal 3:1, the prescribable items
in the UK are not approved by Advisory Committee on Learning points: enteral feeding
Borderline Substances (ACBS) for children below 3 years of
age for use in the community, e.g. Ketocare breakfast cereals, • The KD can be provided as an enteral feed
Keyo and FruitiVits. This is due to EU legislation prohibiting • Enteral feeds should be calculated based on the current feed-
sweetener use in foods for infants and young children [142]. ing regimen and growth history
Items available on prescription are given in Table 17.17. • Feeds are usually introduced slowly starting at a low
ketogenic ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 and then gradually increased as
Enteral feeding
• Macronutrient and micronutrient levels should be checked
and supplemented where necessary to meet requirements
The KD can be provided as an enteral feed via nasogastric,
• A modular feed may be necessary for children with cow’s
gastrostomy or jejunostomy feeding tubes. Efficacy in this
milk protein allergy or an intolerance to whole protein feeds
group has been shown to be high. A study by Kossoff [83]
found 59% of children exclusively tube fed to have >90% sei-
zure control at 12 months. Compliance in this group has also
been found to be high [143]. This may be due to the relative
Parenteral nutrition
ease of delivery of this form of the diet and reduced room for
error compared with an oral diet.
Ketocal is a specially designed nutritionally complete
ketogenic formula available in the UK. It comes in various
Parenteral nutrition is indicated in KDT when enteral intake
ratios and formulations, which are suitable as a sole source
is impaired (inability to absorb nutrients through the gastro-
of nutrition in specific populations (Table 17.17).
intestinal tract), and bowel rest is required [144], and ketosis
Enteral feeds should be calculated based on the child’s
for seizure control must be maintained. It may also be needed
current feeding regimen and growth history (p. 349) and cal-
when KDT is indicated, but enteral application is temporar-
culated in a similar way to an oral CKD. Where possible
ily impossible [145]. In UK practice, ketogenic parenteral
feeds can be administered in a similar way to the child’s
nutrition (kPN) is not used at dietary initiation, and there are
usual regimen.
only a few case reports supporting the use of kPN in the lit-
Feeds are usually introduced slowly starting at a low
erature, which are summarised in Table 17.19.
ketogenic ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 and then gradually increased
according to ketosis/seizure control. The ratio of the feed can
be altered by adding/subtracting CHO/protein modules Calculation and provision of prescription
(Tables 1.19 and 1.21). Macronutrient and micronutrient lev-
els should be checked and supplemented where necessary to The flow chart in Figure 17.1 shows the steps to calculate the
meet requirements [111], e.g. children with particularly low prescription for kPN. Standard bags are not available for
energy requirements, and, hence, low volumes of feed may kPN, so a multidisciplinary approach is key to successful
require extra supplementation of protein and electrolytes. As implementation. There needs to be close working with an
MCT fat is more efficient at producing ketones [134], addi- experienced pharmacist to calculate the kPN script, ensuring
tion of MCT fat may also be useful, particularly in this group, its stability and suitable osmolality. It will also be necessary
in order to optimise ketone levels when protein requirements to work with the nursing and medical team to ensure all IV
do not allow for further increase in the diet ratio. medications, fluids and solutions are CHO‐free to support
362 Ketogenic Diets
Nutritionally complete
Ketocal 4:1 powder Nutricia Advanced Powdered feed enriched with fibre and LCPs Suitable as a sole source of nutrition, or as
Medical Nutrition available in vanilla and unflavoured varieties. a supplementary feed, in children over 1
The standard feed concentration is 14.3% year. For sip and tube feeding
Ketocal 4:1 LQ Nutricia Advanced Ready to use fibre enriched liquid feed Suitable as a sole source of nutrition in
Medical Nutrition available in vanilla and unflavoured varieties children aged 1–10 years or as a
supplement for those over 10 years and
Ketocal 3:1 powder Nutricia Advanced Powdered feed, fibre‐free, enriched with LCPs, Suitable as a sole source of nutrition in
Medical Nutrition unflavoured. The standard feed concentration infants from birth to 6 years or as a
is 9.5% supplement in those over 6 years
Ketocal 2.5:1 LQ Nutricia Advanced Ready to use fibre‐enriched liquid feed Suitable as a sole source of nutrition in
Medical Nutrition available in vanilla flavour children aged 8 years to adults or as a
Keyo Vitaflo International Ready to eat semi‐solid food Suitable from 3 years of age onwards.
Ltd. Suitable as a sole source of nutrition up to
10 years of age
Fat modules
Liquigen Nutricia Advanced 50% MCT emulsion Suitable from birth
Medical Nutrition
MCT oil Nutricia Advanced Liquid containing only a mixture of MCT Suitable from birth
Medical Nutrition
Calogen Nutricia Advanced 50% LCT fat emulsion Suitable from birth
Medical Nutrition
Carbzero Vitaflo International Ready to use 20% emulsion of LCT Suitable from 3 years of age
Betaquik Vitaflo International Ready to use 20% emulsion of MCT Suitable from 3 years of age
Protein modules
Protifar Nutricia Advanced Powdered, unflavoured, high protein Suitable from birth
Medical Nutrition supplement
Hydrolysed Whey Nutricia Advanced Powdered, whey protein hydrolysate Suitable from birth
Protein/Maltodextrin Medical Nutrition
Prosource TF Nutrinovo Ltd. Liquid high protein milk‐free (beef collagen Suitable from 3 years of age
derivative) supplement for tube feeding
MCTprocal Vitaflo International Neutral tasting protein powder supplement Suitable from 3 years of age
Ltd. high in MCT
Complete Amino Nutricia Advanced Powdered mix of essential and non‐essential Suitable from birth
Acid Mix Medical Nutrition amino acids
Carbohydrate modules
Super Soluble Maxijul Nutricia Advanced Powdered unflavoured CHO supplement Suitable from birth
Medical Nutrition
Polycal Powder Nutricia Advanced Powdered unflavoured CHO supplement Suitable from 1 year of age
Medical Nutrition
Vitajoule Vitaflo International Powdered unflavoured CHO supplement Suitable from birth
Vitamin and mineral supplements
Phlexy‐Vits sachets Nutricia Advanced Concentrated powdered vitamin, mineral and Suitable for children over the age of
Medical Nutrition trace element preparation 11 years and adults
Phlexy‐Vits tablets Nutricia Advanced Tablets containing vitamins, trace elements, Suitable for children over the age of 8 years
Medical Nutrition calcium, phosphorous and magnesium and adults
(continued overleaf)
Parenteral Nutrition 363
FruitiVits Vitaflo International Orange flavour vitamin, mineral and trace Suitable from 3 to 10 years of age
Ltd. element supplement
Food products
Ketoclassic bar Ketocare 3:1 ratio, high fibre bar Suitable from 3 years of age
Ketoclassic savoury Ketocare 3:1 ratio, high fibre solid meal Suitable from 3 years of age
Ketoclassic chicken Ketocare 3:1 ratio ready meal Suitable from 3 years of age
Ketoclassic bolognese Ketocare 3:1 ratio ready meal Suitable from 3 years of age
Ketoclassic porridge Ketocare 3:1 ratio, high fibre ready-prepared breakfast Suitable from 3 years of age
Ketoclassic muesli Ketocare 3:1 ratio, high fibre ready-prepared breakfast Suitable from 3 years of age
LCP, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; LCT, long chain triglycerides
The feed meets full nutritional requirements in the desired ratio; there is no need to restrict protein to minimum requirements
The ratio can then be gradually increased if required by decreasing the amount of Maxijul depending on ketosis and seizure control
Table 17.19 Summary of literature for ketogenic parenteral nutrition.
Ketogenic Diets
Duration Established Ketosis achieved Remained on KD
Sample of kPN KD prior (defined as after kPN
Reference size Reason for kPN (days) to kPN BHB > 2 mmol/L) Efficacious Adverse effects discontinued Conclusions
Kang et al. 10 Bowel rest 4.1 (±1.5 Yes Yes Yes ↑ ALT (n = 1) 9 continued kPN is a safe short‐term
[146] days) ↑ amylase and method of continuing KDT to
lipase (n = 1) maintain seizure control
↑ triglycerides
(n = 1)
Strzelczyk 1 Significant 9.5 No Yes Refractory seizures Non‐reported Yes kPN is safe and feasible
et al. [147] reflux and SRSE resolved
Chiusolo 1 Ileus and 3 No Yes NA Non‐reported No, weaned onto kPN is a temporary bridge for
et al.[148] refractory status enteral KDT but KDT for those with partial or
epilepticus stopped after 8 days total intestinal failure who
due to non‐response need to start KDT
Zupec‐ 1 Not identified 1 No No Yes, once Non‐reported Weaned after 2 Poor ketosis due to
Kania et al. transitioned to months due to poor carbohydrate content of
[139] enteral KDT compliance phenobarbitone infusion and
glycerol content of lipid
infusion, which had not been
accounted for
Lin et al. 1 GI bleed 8 No Yes Yes ↑ triglycerides and Yes Early intravenous initiation of
[149] cholesterol a KD in SRSE is an effective
and safe alternative treatment
Rosenthal 1 Bowel rest for 140 Yes Yes Yes Abnormal LFT Died Relatively safe, effective
et al. [150] intractable Iron deficiency short‐term treatment
diarrhoea anaemia
↑ triglycerides and
Roan et al. 1 Intestinal failure 448 Yes On day 3 of Yes Mild ↑ in Remain on kPN long Well tolerated and safe with
[151] initiation triglycerides, term with minimal close and careful monitoring
cholesterol and LFT enteral input
Dressler 17 Non‐ 1–41 Yes – 13 Yes – 10 Those previously Transient ↑ in 12 continued KDT Ketosis can be maintained
et al. [145] functioning GI days No – 4 No – 7 on KDT maintained triglycerides (n = 3), successfully, and relevant
tract ± status efficacy. Of the 7 cholesterol (n = 5), adverse effects were not noted
epilepticus remaining, only 2 HDL (n = 6), LDL in short‐ or long‐term
responded to the (n = 4) and LFT application (41 days)
diet (n = 4)
All resolved after
stopping kPN
kPN, ketogenic parenteral nutrition; KD, ketogenic diet; BHB, β‐hydroxybutyrate; ALT, alanine transaminase; SRSE, super‐refractory status epilepticus; KDT, ketogenic diet therapy; NA, not
applicable; GI, gastrointestinal; LFT, liver function tests; HDL, high density lipoproteins; LDL, low density lipoproteins.
Fine‐tuning the Ketogenic Diet 365
Assess carbohydrate content of current IV medications and adjust Fine‐tuning the ketogenic diet
where possible in discussion with the pharmacist [139]
Fine‐tuning is necessary to ensure therapeutic levels of
ketones and as a result, hopefully, to improve seizure con-
Calculate final diet ratio trol. Fine‐tuning is often associated with the initial trial
period but can occur at any stage. Selter et al. [152] showed
Figure 17.1 Calculation of prescription for ketogenic parenteral that fine‐tuning lead to an improvement in seizure control in
nutrition. 18% of patients who had already responded to the KD and
A 14‐year‐old male is established on a modified ketogenic diet (oral and by nasogastric tube) following super‐refractory status epilepticus at 12 years
of age and is maintaining good ketosis
He is admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit following emergency laparotomy: 25 cm necrotic bowel is resected following obstruction
secondary to adhesions. Bowel rest and parenteral nutrition is advised
Weight = 65.6 kg (91st centile) Height = 179.5 cm (75th–91st centile)
Usual ketogenic diet
Energy 1973 kcal
Protein 65.6 kg = 10.5 g nitrogen/day (lowest safe intake protein = 58.4 g/day)
Fat 228 g (129 g LCT and 99 g MCT) per day
kPN prescription
Fat 3 g/kg/day = 197 g fat per day = 0.13 g/kg/hour, given over 18 hours to avoid overfeeding = 0.17 g/kg/hour
CHO 21.67 g CHO from glycerol (0.11 g per g lipid); all medication given IV and CHO‐free
Micronutrients Standard supplementation meets requirements
Final bag 197 g fat, 10.5 g nitrogen, 21.67 g CHO = 2.25:1 ratio providing 2035 kcal
Ketosis was maintained once kPN was established and the patient was weaned back onto enteral KDT after 7 days
LCT, long chain triglycerides; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; kPN, ketogenic parenteral nutrition; CHO, carbohydrate; IV, intravenous;
KDT, ketogenic diet therapy.
366 Ketogenic Diets
3% achieved seizure freedom. Fine‐tuning is also important infection is a common cause of low ketones, and levels
to help manage side effects and to optimise weight gain and should improve post‐illness. If the level of ketones has low-
growth. Fine‐tuning may also improve palatability and thus ered with no obvious increase in seizures, then there may be
adherence to diet. Common fine‐tuning strategies are sum- no need to alter the diet, so avoiding unnecessary further
marised in Table 17.21. restriction.
If there is a sudden reduction in ketosis, with subsequent If the diet is being given correctly with no obvious indis-
increase in seizures, then thorough investigation is necessary cretions, then to optimise ketosis it may be necessary to
to find the cause. There may have been accidental ingestion increase the ratio of the classical diet (in 0.5:1 increments) or
of excess CHO. A food diary can be helpful to check that the to decrease the CHO (in 1–2 g decrements) if the child is on
diet is being administered correctly. Common errors include MAD. If there is consistent hyperketosis, then the converse
miscalculation of meals and incorrect interpretation of food would apply. Calorie control has not been shown to be effec-
labels, product changes and the use of sugar polyols as tive in improving seizure control on KDT [152, 153]. Carnitine
sweeteners in foods and medications. Non‐adherence or supplementation may be of benefit [152, 154] although the
‘cheating’ by the child is always a possibility and can some- International Ketogenic Diet Study Group recommends that
times be facilitated by a misguided relative or teacher who supplementation should only be given if levels are low [8].
believes that the ‘occasional treat won’t hurt’. Intercurrent The use of MCT as a supplement to the CKD or MAD, rather
than giving MCT as the full MCT KD, can be a fine‐tuning
tool [155]. The authors have found the addition of small
Table 17.21 Fine‐tuning the ketogenic diet. measured amounts (15 g MCT given three times a day) of an
MCT emulsion, e.g. Betaquik or Liquigen, to the diet can
Problem Action boost ketosis and so prevent the need for further reduction
Difficulty If ketones lower than usual, but child still in in CHO allowance, but only when mild to moderate ketosis
establishing ketosis ketosis and no associated increase in seizures: has already been established. If ketones are minimal
or a sudden loss of no immediate action necessary, but be vigilant (<1.5 mmol/L), then the addition of MCT to the diet does not
ketones for possible cause of decreased ketones appear to have an effect. A small pilot study [156] investi-
If seizures increased: check for consumption of gated if intermittent fasting improved outcome in children
extra CHO (e.g. cheating, miscalculation of already established on a KD, whereby the child was fasted
meals or misinterpretation of labels); a detailed for two meals on 2 non‐consecutive days per week. Although
food diary may be helpful there was some seizure improvement, it was not sustained,
If intercurrent illness: temporary reduction in and adherence to this regimen was found to be difficult.
CHO may help, but ketosis should improve as It is suggested that during the initial 3 months on a KD, it
child recovers may be beneficial to follow a stricter diet but that it may be
If no obvious cause for loss ketosis: reduce CHO possible to ‘liberalise’ the KD subsequently with no deterio-
allowance (MAD) or increase diet ratio (CKD); ration in seizure control. Both a randomised crossover com-
consider addition MCT emulsion to diet in small parison of either 10 g or 20 g CHO on MAD [40] and a crossover
3:1 or 4:1 CKD [41] showed improved seizure control for the
If still struggling to regain ketosis: consider groups on the stricter protocol (i.e. either 10 g CHO or 4:1) at
checking carnitine levels and supplementing
the end of trial period, but outcome was maintained, and
if low
tolerability was improved when crossed over to the less
Hyperketosis If occasional and/or only associated with illness: strict protocol (20 g CHO or 3:1).
treat with 5–10 g liquid CHO
If repeated episodes: first check all the CHO
allowance is being consumed; if not consider Learning points: fine‐tuning the ketogenic diet
using higher CHO foods
If all CHO allowance is being consumed: • Fine‐tuning can help to optimise ketosis, growth and adher-
increase the CHO by 1–2 g (MAD) or reduce the ence and reduce risk of hyperketosis and hypoglycaemia and
ratio by 0.5:1 (CKD) can happen at any stage of KDT
If using MCT emulsion: consider reducing or • It has been suggested that it may be possible to liberalise the
discontinuing, but generally the preference is to diet after the initial 3 month trial period while still main-
increase CHO allowance and thus improve taining effectiveness
palatability/variety diet
Concern that If on CKD: recalculate diet using amended
excessive weight calorie requirements
gain or loss Management of illness
If on MAD: adjust fat intake; if issue is ongoing
consider changing to CKD to enable calorie
During episodes of intercurrent illness, dietary adjustment
may be required to maintain ketosis and prevent seizure recur-
CHO, carbohydrate; MAD, modified Atkins diet; CKD, classical rence. Closer monitoring is also advisable to identify hyperke-
ketogenic diet; MCT, medium chain triglycerides. tosis or hypoglycaemia as the risk is higher during illness.
Adverse Effects of the Ketogenic Diet 367
As with all children who are unwell, medical advice should be Adverse effects of the ketogenic diet
sought if there are concerns or if the illness is ongoing to ensure
correct treatment is received. Where possible, medications The most commonly seen side effects of KDT are gastrointes-
should be low CHO formulations, but medication should not tinal symptoms, hypercholesterolaemia, kidney stones and
be withheld as the illness needs to be treated. Further informa- slower linear growth. Other potentially more serious side
tion about medications and KTD is given on p. 358. effects are rare but support the requirement for monitoring
Ketones and blood sugars should be checked every on KDT and regular follow‐up by an experienced team. A
4 hours if oral intake is significantly reduced, if the child review by Kang et al. [158] looked at 129 patients following a
is vomiting or if recent levels have required treatment. KD for a mean duration of 12 months (±10.1); early‐onset
Hyperketosis should be treated in the first instance, and if symptoms occurred within the first 4 weeks (Table 17.22). Of
there are repeated episodes, then it may be necessary to tem- the 46.5% that experienced dehydration, 52 were fasted prior
porarily increase the CHO allowance of the diet. Further to starting the KD and maintained on 75% of fluid require-
information about measuring ketones is given on p. 357. ments as part of the initiation protocol, which is not common
If ketones are low then, if possible, the CHO allowance can practice in the UK. Bergqvist et al. [49] highlighted that fast-
be temporarily reduced in the diet to compensate. If the ing is not necessary to achieve ketosis; it is commonly associ-
CHO allowance is already at a minimum, then the addition ated with the adverse effects of hypoglycaemia, acidosis and
of MCT emulsion, e.g. Betaquik or Liquigen, to the diet may dehydration.
help to optimise ketone levels, although if vomiting or In practice the most commonly seen side effects in the
abdominal discomfort is associated with the illness, then short term are constipation and GOR. In the longer term
starting MCT simultaneously is not ideal. there can be impacts on growth, raised cholesterol levels and
If the child has a poor appetite, then higher CHO foods, renal calculi. The diet is generally well tolerated, and nutri-
e.g. juice or glucose polymer, fruits and potato, may be help- tional deficiencies are not commonly seen if the diet is ade-
ful to ensure the CHO allowance is consumed (although it is quately supplemented with vitamins and minerals (p. 357).
preferable to still avoid those foods that are not usually per-
mitted on the diet, such as chocolate or normal bread, to Constipation
avoid confusion for the child upon return to their usual KD
allowance after illness has resolved). If meals are not eaten, As the CHO content of the diet is limited, fibre‐containing
then a meal replacement ‘shake’ drink may be used tempo- foods are also limited. Families should be encouraged to
rarily (Ketocal LQ 4:1 or 2.5:1 with additional glucose poly- regularly include high fibre CHO sources and to optimise
mer if necessary to provide the correct classical ratio or CHO fluid intake; CHO‐free laxatives, e.g. macrogol (Movicol
allowance). Sugar‐free fluids should be given to ensure ade- Paediatric Plain), may be required [159]. Constipation is not
quate hydration. Oral rehydration solutions may be used, only more common with the CKD than the MCT diet [8] but
but the CHO content should be taken into consideration, e.g. is also seen with MAD or MKD. It may be a concern for those
Dioralyte provides 1.8 g glucose per 100 mL. If vomiting or children with swallowing difficulties or learning difficul-
diarrhoea is present, then it may be necessary to temporarily ties where their fluid intake may already be compromised.
reduce fat intake, especially MCT. Sugar‐free jellies or sugar‐free ice pops can be important
If nil by mouth for a surgical procedure, then ketones and sources of fluid to supplement intake.
blood sugars should be checked 4 hourly, and diet reintro-
duced as soon as is feasible after the procedure. If IV fluids
are required, then saline or Plasmalyte is preferred to dex- Table 17.22 Complications experienced on the ketogenic diet [158].
trose (unless treating hyperketosis or hypoglycaemia).
Continuing or late‐onset
Valencia et al. [157] showed that serum glucose remained
Early‐onset complications complications
stable in children on KD who underwent general anaesthe-
sia on CHO‐free IV solutions. However, metabolic acidosis Dehydration 46.5%* Gastrointestinal effects 27.9%
was observed in several patients, so it is recommended that Gastrointestinal effects 38.7% Hypercholesterolaemia 19.4%
serum pH or bicarbonate levels are monitored if undergoing
Hypercholesterolaemia 14.7% Hepatitis 5.4%
prolonged surgical procedures.
Raised urate 26.4% Osteopenia 14.7%
Hypoglycaemia 7% Renal stones 3.1%
Learning points: management of illness
Hypomagnesemia 4.7% Hydronephrosis 0.8%
• Close monitoring is advisable during illness to maintain Hyponatraemia 4.7% Iron deficiency 1.6%
therapeutic ketone levels and also to reduce the risk of Hepatitis 2.3% Carnitine deficiency 1.6%
hyperketosis and hypoglycaemia Acute pancreatitis 0.8% Cardiomyopathy 0.8%
• Temporary modification of the diet may be needed to com- Metabolic acidosis 0.8% Raised urate 10%
pensate for abnormal ketone levels, poor intake or feed intol-
Hypomagnesemia 14%
erance; a ‘shake’ drink can be used as a meal replacement
* Fluid is no longer routinely restricted on dietary introduction.
368 Ketogenic Diets
GOR is common in this patient group, particularly if tube Risk of renal stones may be higher for those children on the
feeding is necessary. The incidence of epilepsy in cerebral diet for longer periods and for those that are concurrently
palsy (CP) is estimated to be between 15% and 62% [160]. using carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, such as topiramate and
GOR is predicted to affect 50% of patients with CP [161]; in zonisamide [171]. The use of oral citrates (potassium citrate
this patient group their GOR is likely exacerbated by the or Effercitrate) appears to be helpful, but there is no consen-
high fat content of KDT and will need careful management, sus on whether these should be used empirically [8]. Often,
considering proton pump inhibitors [8] and feeding meth- common practice is to introduce them if urine calcium/cre-
ods, e.g. pump‐assisted feeds or jejunal feeding. Input from atinine ratio is raised, and it may be prudent to introduce
the gastroenterology team can help to fully investigate GOR early if they are taking topiramate or zonisamide. Good fluid
and advise regarding optimisation of treatment prior to intake of at least 100% of calculated fluid requirements
dietary initiation. is essential, with some specialists advising up to 120% of
Vomiting is most commonly associated with MCT [34] in requirements if patients are deemed at higher risk of renal
children feeding orally, but this side effect can be avoided by stones. This can be particularly challenging in children with
gradual introduction of MCT over a number of days to GOR or with swallowing difficulties and needs to be consid-
improve tolerance. If vomiting persists, a reduction in the ered. Renal ultrasound scans are not advised as a routine
MCT prescription may be required. baseline investigation unless there is a perceived risk, e.g.
family history [8], but they can be useful for monitoring in
high risk patients.
Growth and bone density
Discontinuing the ketogenic diet and Worden et al. conclude that ‘weeks rather than months
appeared to be safe’ [181]. A study by Kang et al. [131] sug-
Reasons for discontinuing KDT are individual, and the deci- gests that in infantile spasms KDT can be discontinued after
sion to withdraw KDT should always be made after a joint just 8 months, with no increase in seizure recurrence and
discussion between parents, the child if they have the capac- improved growth compared with the more typical 2‐year
ity, dietitian and neurologist. KDT is a medical treatment diet duration.
with risk of side effects and should not be continued if it has, The rate of diet discontinuation should be decided in dis-
unfortunately, been unsuccessful in reducing seizures in a cussion with the child and parent/caregiver, as it will
child. The International Ketogenic Diet Study Group [8] rec- depend on the reason for discontinuation. If the presence of
ommends that KD should be discontinued after 3 months if side effects or the diet being too challenging or unpalatable
unsuccessful. It has been shown that 75% of children who is the reason, then a quicker ‘wean’ may be preferred; in
responded to the diet will respond within 14 days, but some other circumstances families may be more anxious and pre-
can take over 2 months to respond [180]. If a trial of KD has fer to adjust the diet more slowly.
shown no benefit, then it can be discontinued safely over
days [181].
Occasionally, even if seizure control has improved on Learning points: discontinuing KDT
KDT, the decision may be taken to stop the diet if the child
and/or family find it so restrictive or unpalatable that it is • The KD can be discontinued over days if the diet has been
affecting adherence to diet and/or quality of life. If signifi- ineffective after a trial period (usually 3 months)
cant adverse effects have been experienced that have not • If KDT has been successful, then consideration should be
responded to diet manipulation or medical treatment (p. 367), given to discontinuing the diet after 2 years; the majority of
then it may also become necessary to stop diet. Less com- children can safely discontinue KDT without an increase in
monly, KDT may be discontinued after epilepsy surgery has seizure recurrence after 2 years on diet
treated a focal cause for seizures, so the diet is no longer • The risk of recurrence is not associated with speed of ‘wean-
required. In some cases it necessary to withdraw the diet ing’ the diet, although (in the absence of significant side
when there is no access to a ketogenic service when transi- effects) it is prudent to discontinue the diet gradually over
tioning from paediatric to adult healthcare. weeks (as would be done with any anti‐epileptic medication
The KD is not intended to be a lifelong treatment for epi- that was discontinued)
lepsy, and the International Ketogenic Diet Study Group • When to discontinue the diet and how quickly will depend
advises that risks and benefits should be reviewed at every on the individual circumstances and preference and should
clinic appointment, and discontinuation should be consid- be discussed with the patient and parent/caregiver
ered at 2 years’ duration of diet [8]. The Group also states • There is no maximum diet duration, and for disorders of
that ‘Shorter durations may be appropriate for infantile brain metabolism, it is generally recommended that the diet
spasms and status epilepticus, but longer diet durations are should be followed into adolescence, although the benefits of
likely necessary for Glut1DS and PDHD and may also be a lifelong diet are not clear
appropriate based on individual responses for other forms
of intractable epilepsy’. It also recommends that there is no
maximum diet duration and indeed KDT has been contin-
ued safely for more than 20 years [182]. Transition
Seizure recurrence is a potential risk of KDT discontinua-
tion in responders, and the recurrence rate has been esti- Guidance from NICE [6] supports the use of KDT in children
mated as 14%–25% [181, 183, 184]. Factors that have been and young people. Unfortunately, this guidance does not
associated with increased recurrence risk include focal recommend use in adults, as there is limited evidence and an
abnormality on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), abnor- RCT has not been undertaken in this age group. In contrast
mal electroencephalogram (EEG) on discontinuation and the to earlier guidance, it does recommend further research into
genetic condition tuberous sclerosis [181, 183, 184]. It is the potential applications for KDT in adults, which is ongo-
accepted practice that the diet should be gradually discontin- ing within the UK [71].
ued (a process known as ‘weaning’ from the KD), rather than Despite this there are some adult ketogenic centres in the
stopped abruptly, as would be the case with any anti‐epilep- UK, but they are limited with only 7 out of 39 centres treating
tic medication. Stopping the diet, rather than weaning, is adults [7]. The consequence is that over 80% of paediatric cen-
only relevant in rare situations where the KDT is a major risk tres in the UK do not have access to transition services to
to health, e.g. severe hypertriglyceridemia on kPN. The adult care for KDT; children who are reaching transition age
reverse method to introducing the diet is followed, i.e. a step- may need to be weaned off KDT. A study at Johns Hopkins
wise reduction of ratio on the CKD and increasing CHO on Hospital [185] found that those with seizure reduction on KD
the MAD. Kossoff et al. [8] suggest reducing the ratio by 1:1 experienced recurrence or worsening of seizures with
each month on CKD, e.g. 4:1 to 3:1 to 2:1, until ketosis is lost. attempts to wean off diet for this purpose, concluding that
A faster speed of weaning off the diet has been shown not transition plans need to be in place for adolescents to support
to be associated with an increased risk of seizure recurrence, continued KDT in adult care. It has also been seen that
370 Ketogenic Diets
referrals for older children (over 14 years of age) are avoided that ‘high‐quality evidence on the effects of KDs is currently
to prevent this challenge when they reach transition age [186]. lacking in oncology patients’ [193] with evidence so far lim-
NICE guidance advises that service providers and com- ited to animal models, early phase trials and case study
missioners [187] ensure there are systems in place for young reports, although RCTs are in development [194].
people with epilepsy to have an agreed transition period The diet has also been associated with increased energy
during which their continuing epilepsy care is reviewed supply to skeletal and cardiac muscles in glycogen storage
jointly by paediatric and adult services. Unfortunately, this disease type III with KDT improving cardiomyopathy in
is not the case within KDT services, and more work is case studies [195].
needed nationally to improve service provision for this
older age group.
Learning points: extended use of ketogenic diet therapy
Extended use of ketogenic diet therapy
• KDT is recommended by NICE for the treatment for epi-
in paediatric dietetics
lepsy in paediatrics, and its effectiveness has been proven in
randomised controlled trials
Historically, the KDT has been used exclusively in treatment
• KDT in adults for weight management and treatment of
of epilepsy. There is ‘evidence to suggest that low‐carb diets
type 2 diabetes is gaining acceptance, but its use for these
are safe and effective in the short term for improvements in
conditions in children is not currently recommended
glycaemic control, weight loss and cardiovascular risk in peo-
• There is growing interest in KDT in other adult neurologi-
ple with Type 2 diabetes’, but KDT is discouraged in children
cal conditions and as a potential treatment for gliomas, but
with type 2 diabetes due to concern about growth [188].
more evidence is needed before being used as a mainstream
There is also increasing attention on the role of KDT in a
treatment for these conditions
diverse range of adult neurological conditions, including
Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease
There is interest in KDT as a potential treatment in adult
malignant gliomas by stopping glucose supply to tumour
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
cells and as a consequence inhibiting tumour growth [192].
and other useful links are on the companion website:
Extended use of KDT in oncology is not, at present, main-
stream clinical practice, and a systematic review concluded
Evelyn Ward and James Evans
Childhood Cancers
and Immunodeficiency Syndromes
Childhood Cancers
Evelyn Ward
Diagnosis age range Diagnostic tests Chemotherapy Surgery Radiotherapy HSCT Other 5-year survival rate
ALL 3–7 years Blood tests Yes May be needed if CNS Yes – if likely to Steroids 87%
Bone marrow aspirate or testicular disease at recur or relapsed
Lumber puncture diagnosis disease
AML 3–7 years Blood tests Yes May be needed if CNS Yes – if likely to 67%
Bone marrow aspirate disease at diagnosis recur or relapsed
Lumber puncture disease
NHL Any age Blood tests Yes Yes – if relapsed Steroids 85%
Biopsy, bone marrow disease Rituximab
x‐ray, USS, CT, MRI
Hodgkin’s Adolescents Blood tests Yes Yes – if extended disease Yes – if relapsed Steroids 95%
lymphoma x‐ray, CT, MRI, PET or poor response to disease
scans chemotherapy
Medulloblastoma Any age Biopsy Yes Yes Yes – if over 3 years of Steroids to reduce 80% standard risk
CT, MRI scan age swelling around disease
Biological markers the brain 60% high risk disease
Neuroblastoma ≤5 years Blood tests, x‐ray Yes – unless stage 1 Yes Yes – high risk disease Yes – high risk High risk disease 67%
MIBG, CT, MRI scans and complete disease 1‐cis‐retinoic acid
Urinary catecholamine surgical resection Dinutuximab
Biopsy (ant‐GD2) +/−
Biological markers – to interleukin−2
check if MYCN
Bone marrow aspirate
Wilms’ tumour ≤5 years Blood tests Yes – unless stage 1 Yes Yes – if poor histology 90%
USS, CT, MRI scans disease
Rhabdomyosarcoma ≤10 years Blood tests Yes Yes Yes – depending on 67%
CT, MRI scans histology
Ewing’s sarcoma/ Adolescents Blood test Yes Yes Yes – if incomplete Yes – if poor 66%
pPNET and older CT, MRI scans surgical resection response
children Biopsy
Osteosarcoma Adolescents Blood tests Yes Yes Yes – if poor response Mifamurtide 60%
and older CT, MRI scans
children Biospy
Retinoblastoma ≤5 years Eye examination Yes In some Cryotherapy, laser 95%
Blood test for RB gene cases – enucleation therapy,
ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; CNS, central nervous system; AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; NHL, non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma; USS ultrasound scan; CT/MRI, computerised tomography/magnetic
resonance imaging; PET, positron emission tomography; MIBG, iodine‐123 meta‐iodobenzylguanidine; pPNET, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour.
Source: Adapted from [1, 2].
374 Childhood Cancers and Immunodeficiency Syndromes
high blood pressure. Children with the WT1 gene or Metabolic factors
WT1 syndromes have an increased risk of developing a
Wilms’ tumour. Cancer cachexia is complex and multifactorial involving
• Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common type of soft tissue involuntary progressive weight loss as a result of skeletal
sarcoma in children that develops from muscle or fibrous muscle mass depletion with or without adipose tissue deple-
tissue. There are two main subgroups: embryonal (80%) tion. It is characterised by systematic inflammation and met-
and alveolar (20%). Rhabdomyosarcoma occurs at a wide abolic changes resulting in a negative protein and energy
variety of primary sites but is most common around the balance leading to progressive functional impairment.
head and neck. Other sites include genito‐urinary and Additional factors to consider in a diagnosis of cancer
occasionally limb, chest or abdominal wall. cachexia are chronic inflammation, anaemia, protein deple-
• Ewing’s sarcoma and peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tion, anorexia and fatigue [26]. Although studies in the 1990s
tumour (pPNET). Ewing’s sarcoma is a type of bone demonstrated changes in the metabolism of fat, carbohy-
tumour. Any bone can be affected, but it is more common drate and protein in the child with cancer [10, 27, 28], a recent
in the pelvis, femur or shin bone. Persistent localised review paper suggested that the presence of cachexia in chil-
bone pain is a characteristic symptom that usually pre- dren could not be confirmed [21]. More robust studies are
cedes the detection of a mass. pPNET is a soft tissue sar- required to determine the presence of the inflammatory pro-
coma of neuroepithelial origin, which can be thought of cess in childhood cancer patients and its impact on nutri-
as being similar to a Ewing’s sarcoma. tional status [21, 23]. Other factors can affect the metabolic
• Osteosarcoma is a high grade bone tumour. It often occurs turnover of a child with cancer such as age, gender, nutri-
at the end of bones where new bone tissue is forming, tional status, body composition, hormones, physical activity,
predominantly in the arms or legs, particularly around energy intake, anti‐cancer treatment, surgical stress and
the knee. Pain and swelling around the affected bone are infections [23].
the most common symptoms.
• Retinoblastoma is the commonest malignant eye tumour
in children, accounting for around 3% of childhood can- Complications of the disease and treatment
cers. All bilateral tumours are thought to be hereditary
due to the RB1 gene in 40% of cases, as are 15% of unilat- In childhood cancer, malnutrition is generally due to an
eral cases. Children of affected families are screened from insufficient intake and absorption of nutrients caused by
birth. gastrointestinal (GI) side effects of treatment [22]. Anorexia,
• Additional information on rarer tumours, e.g. hepato- stomatitis, mucositis, constipation, vomiting, diarrhoea and
blastoma and germ cell tumours, can be obtained from dysgeusia are important contributory factors to the weight
the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) loss seen in children undergoing treatment for cancer [29].
website [1]. Table 18.2 shows the side effects relating to drugs commonly
used in treatment of paediatric malignancies.
Table 18.2 Side effects relating to treatment seen in paediatric oncology diagnosis may not be the best indicator of overall nutritional
patients. status, indicating the need for ongoing nutritional assess-
ment and intervention throughout treatment [33].
Side effect Causative drug
It is well documented that the nutritional risk of the child
Infection Both chemotherapy and radiotherapy are with cancer is associated with the diagnosis of certain
known immune depressants tumours and stages of the disease, either as a result of the
Diarrhoea Actinomycin, doxorubicin, methotrexate, underlying disease and/or as a result of the anticipated tox-
cytosine, interleukin‐2, irinotcan icity from the current treatment protocol (Table 18.4) [23, 33,
Nausea and vomiting Actinomycin, carboplatin, cisplatin, 34]. Studies highlight that there is no simple method to accu-
cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, ifosfamide, rately identify poor nutritional status in children treated for
cytosine, etoposide, methotrexate, malignancy, and there is also inconsistency between treat-
procarbazine, thioguanine, interleukin‐2 ment centres [35, 36]. The UK Royal College of Nursing
Stomatitis mucositis Actinomycin, adriamycin, daunorubicin, (RCN) in their guideline Nutrition in children and young people
doxorubicin, epirubicin, bleomycin, with cancer includes a condition specific assessment tool
melphalan, methotrexate based on STAMP (screening tool for the assessment of mal-
Renal damage and Cisplatin, cyclophophamide, ifosfamide nutrition in paediatrics) [37] and the disease criteria in
nutrient loss Table 18.4 [38]. However it has not been audited or validated.
Constipation Vincristine SCAN (nutrition screening tool for childhood cancer) has
been assessed for children and young people with cancer. It
Weight gain and raised Dexamethasone, prednisolone
blood glucose levels is designed to identify those who are at risk of malnutrition
by asking six questions [39]:
Hypoalbuminaemia l‐Asparaginase, dinutuximab
Pancreatitis l‐Asparaginase • Do they have a high risk cancer?
• Are they currently undergoing intensive treatment?
Weight loss α‐Interferon
• Do they have any GI tract symptoms?
Bone morbidity Dexamethasone, prednisolone, • Have they had a poor intake over the past week?
methotrexate, ifosfamide
Vincristine (due to reduced physical activity)
• Any weight loss over the past month?
l‐Asparaginase associated with osteonecrosis
• Do they show any signs of under nutrition?
In practice assessment tends to be a combination of nutri-
tional risk based on diagnosis (Table 18.4), anthropometrics
and questions similar to the SCAN screening tool.
Table 18.4 Types of childhood cancers associated with high or low nutritional risk and high risk of fat accumulation [23, 33, 34].
High nutritional risk Low nutritional risk High risk of fat accumulation
Advanced disease during initial ALL regimen A patients ALL patients on corticosteriods
intense treatment
High risk neuroblastoma Non metastatic solid tumours Craniopharyngioma
Stage III and IV Wilms’ tumour Retinoblastoma Other malignancies with large or
prolonged does of corticosteroids
High risk rabdomyosarcoma Hodgkin’s disease Total body or cranial irradiation
Ewing’s sarcoma/pPNET Germ cell tumours
Osteosarcoma Advanced disease in remission
during maintenance treatment
Medulloblastoma/CNS PNET
Diencephalic tumour
Nasopharyngeal tumour
B‐cell NHL
Some ALL
Infants and teenagers
Regimen B and C
Patients relapsed ALL
Bone marrow‐transplant patients
pPNETnet, peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour; CNS PNET, central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumour;
NHL, non‐Hodgkin’s lymphoma; AML, acute myeloid leukaemia; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
• Energy intake should be regularly reviewed, particularly consume enough food. However, some will require oral
in children at high risk of fat accumulation (Table 18.4) nutritional supplements. In clinical practice their consump-
tion can be limited mainly due to treatment‐related taste
With changes in body composition now well documented
alterations and compliance. The following should be
and highlighting an increase in fat mass and risk of overnu-
trition in children treated for cancer, requirements for energy
in particular should be regularly reviewed throughout the • Advice on how to modify sip feeds, e.g. adding to nor-
child’s treatment [22, 42]. Although there is an increased mal commercial milkshakes or juice; trying as ice lollies;
awareness to try to improve the physical activity of children using neutral flavoured supplements to add to milk to
undergoing treatment for cancer, for the non‐catabolic child drink, milk for breakfast cereals, soups, puddings
who is inactive energy requirements should be adjusted • Fresh milk‐based supplements are more acceptable [45]
accordingly for low physical activity [43]. • Low volume energy supplements can be more accepta-
ble either taken on their own like a ‘medicine’ or added
to food and drinks
Oral feeding
• Nutritionally complete ‘compact’ supplements should
be considered as less volume needs to be consumed
Advice should be given routinely about:
The aim should be to provide the right food at the right
• the impact of cancer and its treatment on nutritional status
time by taking a flexible approach tailored to the individual
• eating problems related to the side effects of
needs of the child [46]. With this is mind some treatment
treatment [44]
centres have the facility for meals and/or snacks to be pre-
• food safety [44]
pared at ward level to achieve this more flexible approach
• use of high energy foods, food fortification and small
to eating.
frequent meals and snacks [44]
Enteral nutrition
Oral nutritional supplements
Oral feeding is the best method of nutrition support in Children at higher nutritional risk due to their disease
patients with a low nutritional risk if they are able to and/or treatment should be identified early in treatment
Nutritional Requirements and Feeding 377
and enteral nutrition (tube feeding) instigated. Early inter- • A fibre‐containing feed should be used in children at risk
vention can prevent nutritional decline during treatment of constipation due to treatment with vincristine, e.g.
[47]. It is well documented [48–50] that enteral nutrition is ALL, brain/spinal CNS tumours
successful in: • A hydrolysed protein feed is recommended if there is
impaired GI function due to malabsorption, lower gut
• reversing any malnutrition seen at diagnosis
mucositis, radiation enteritis, graft versus host disease
• improving nutritional status and maintaining an ade-
(GvHD) or when weaning off PN
quate nutritional status
• An amino acid‐based formula may be required if a
• improving energy intake and well‐being
hydrolysed protein feed is not tolerated, e.g. with severe
• offering an alternative route for fluid and medication.
lower gut mucositis, grade III GvHD
Children on treatment frequently require additional elec-
• A higher energy feed should be used if there are increased
trolyte supplementation such as potassium, phosphate;
energy requirements or to maximise intake over a shorter
an enteral tube in situ can help with their administration
period of time
and subsequently improve compliance
• A higher energy feed is beneficial if there is a fluid restric-
• helping to reduce both parental and child anxiety related
tion due to, e.g. veno‐occlusive disease (VOD) or fluid
to trying to achieve an adequate oral intake
Enteral nutrition has advantages over parenteral nutrition • A higher energy feed is also used where, due to abdomi-
(PN) [34, 49, 50]. While nasogastric feeding is effective, when nal disease, large feed volumes are not tolerated, e.g.
there is a need for long‐term nutrition support or there are neuroblastoma, hepatoblastoma, Wilms’ tumour
problems such as vomiting, thrombocytopenia, mucositis • A trial of a lactose‐free feed may be necessary if diar-
or dysphagia, a gastrostomy tube is more beneficial. rhoea does not settle post-chemotherapy, or the child has
Gastrostomy feeding is safe, effective and only associated had rotavirus or norovirus infections
with minor complications [51–54]. Table 18.5 gives criteria • A minimal long‐chain triglyceride (LCT) formula is indi-
for gastrostomy tube placement in children with cancer. cated if there is post‐operative chylothorax, e.g.
Jejunal feeding should be considered in children with pro- neuroblastoma
longed vomiting or gastric dysmotility associated with treat-
ment in whom antiemetics and prokinetics have had a The volume and delivery of the feed regimen should be
limited effect. A gastrostomy/jejunostomy feeding tube has determined according to the child’s normal daily routine
proved useful in children with brain tumours who have an and can be provided as a continuous infusion, intermittent
unsafe swallow post operatively and vomit large bolus bolus feeds or a combination of both:
gastrostomy feeds. • Continuous feed regimens are usually better tolerated
The choice of enteral feed depends on the child’s age, GI than intermittent bolus feeding due to the GI side effects
function and, to some degree, their treatment protocol. A of treatment such as nausea and vomiting
wide variety of feeds and formulas are used in paediatric • During periods of intensive treatment or admissions for
oncology: febrile neutropenia, it may be necessary to feed continu-
• Generally an age‐appropriate standard enteral feed is ously 20–24 hours in order to achieve tolerance and max-
tolerated in children with normal GI function imum nutrient intake
• Children prone to vomiting and those with large abdom-
inal masses tolerate continuous feeding with frequent
Table 18.5 Indications for gastrostomy placement.
breaks by feeding in cycles of say 5 hours with 1 hour rest
Indications for gastrostomy placement • In between treatments and when at home, most children
Patients treated on intensive protocols with high emetogenicity or risk of
are able to tolerate bolus feeds or combination of contin-
mucositis uous and bolus feeding
Patients requiring long‐term nutritional support ≥3 months Frequent monitoring is essential to provide effective nutri-
Patients unwilling to accept or tolerate a nasogastric tube tion support as feed tolerance and oral intake can vary due
Adolescent patients should routinely be offered the choice of a to treatment and its side effects. The majority of children will
gastrostomy require enteral feeding throughout their intensive treatment
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma or any other tumour in head and neck area protocol, but once treatment is completed or they go onto
requiring radiotherapy treatment maintenance treatment, an effort should be made to wean off
Brain or CNS tumour with post‐operative swallowing dysfunction
enteral feeding. Maintaining some oral intake while being
tube fed can make this process a lot easier and quicker. Input
Contraindications for gastrostomy placement
from a psychologist is helpful for those with feeding behav-
Poor anaesthetic risk iour problems struggling to get off enteral feeding.
Short‐term feeding <3 months Infants treated for cancer can be more challenging due to
Abdominal disease present (individual assessment) the length of treatment, problems with gut toxicity and sto-
matitis. Starting complementary feeding around 17 weeks of
CNS, central nervous system. age may be considered to establish some oral feeding skills
378 Childhood Cancers and Immunodeficiency Syndromes
in between periods of severe oral mucositis; otherwise feed- Careful consideration should be given before commence-
ing development is delayed making it harder for the infant ment of PN; it is of limited nutritional benefit if given for less
to develop normal feeding skills [55]. Input from a speech than 1 week [57]. Metabolic complications of PN are described
and language therapist should be considered. [58] and are not significantly different between children with
malignancies and other children requiring PN. The child’s
clinical condition may also limit the effectiveness of PN. The
Learning points: enteral nutrition majority of children with cancer will have central venous
access. Table 18.6 highlights potential problems and solutions
Adequate enteral feeding support can be provided even in using PN in children treated for cancer and post-HSCT.
in children at risk of mucositis by:
• identifying those at risk early in treatment Nutrition and the child with cancer undergoing
• early tube placement
haemopoietic stem cell transplant
• type of feed – consider hydrolysed protein feed if there is
lower gut toxicity
HSCT is widely used in children with malignancies.
Allogeneic transplant is indicated for patients with high risk
leukaemia or patients with leukaemia who have disease
Parenteral nutrition recurrence. Some children with solid tumours, e.g. high risk
neuroblastoma and Ewing’s sarcoma may undergo autolo-
A Cochrane review highlighted there is limited evidence gous stem cell transplantation.
from individual trials to suggest that PN is more effective The priming chemotherapy causes severe nausea, vomit-
than enteral nutrition in well‐nourished children and young ing, mucositis, diarrhoea and protein‐losing enteropathy.
people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy [56]. PN is Transient intestinal failure is common. Nutrition support is
generally indicated in children with: provided to minimise the morbidity of both the conditioning
regimens and complications resulting from the procedure
• neutropenic enterocolitis such as GvHD or VOD of the liver.
• ileus or bowel obstruction VOD can be life‐threatening and is typically characterised
• typhlitis by hyperbilirubinaemia, hepatomegaly, hypoalbuminaemia,
• severe mucositis increased platelet consumption, rapid weight gain and
• severe GvHD of the gut following haemopoietic stem ascites [59]. Incidence rates of 60% have been reported, how-
cell transplant (HSCT) ever few studies report an incidence above 40% [60].
• chylous ascites post‐surgery when there is no response to PN continues to have a role in children who develop
a minimal LCT diet severe GI toxicity or GvHD. Table 18.6 highlights some of the
Table 18.6 Challenges and solutions in the use of parenteral nutrition in children with cancer and post-HSCT.
Fluid restriction due to VOD, fluid overload, drug and Check child has central venous access
blood product volumes Use more concentrated solutions to maximise protein and energy intake
Ascites related to VOD Keep sodium addition to a minimum
Large diarrhoeal losses due to mucositis or GvHD Close monitoring of electrolytes and if safe may require additions above normal
recommended amounts [58]
Renal tubular losses post-cisplatin or ifosfamide Close monitoring of electrolytes and if safe may require additions above normal
chemotherapy recommended amounts [58]
Hypokalaemia due to antifungal amphotericin If safe increase potassium in PN
Consider use of potassium sparing diuretics – amiloride, spironolactone, potassium
Monitor blood potassium levels
Risk of iron overload Parenteral iron is not given routinely due to the majority of patients receiving
frequent blood transfusions
Low blood zinc and selenium levels Routinely monitor trace element levels if on PN for >2 weeks
Hyperglycaemia due to steroids for management of GvHD Consider insulin infusion if a reduction in glucose in PN would compromise
nutritional intake
VOD – hyperbilirubinaemia/abnormal LFTs Consider ω3PUFA and MCT lipid solution, e.g. SMOFlipid
HSCT, haemopoietic stem cell transplant; PN, parenteral nutrition; VOD, veno‐occlusive disease; GvHD, graft vs. host disease; LFT, liver function test;
PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acid; MCT, medium chain triglyceride.
Late Effects of Treatment 379
potential challenges and solutions to using PN in children lysis. Side effects include an increased appetite and raised
following HSCT. blood glucose levels. Hyperglycaemia is usually only tran-
Adequate nutrition support can be provided enterally sient while the child is receiving the dexamethasone; how-
[61, 62], and during periods of gut toxicity, a hydrolysed ever, in some cases it may be permanent. Children who
protein‐based feed is recommended or an amino acid‐based appear more susceptible to hyperglycaemia include those
formula if this is not tolerated. Some centres use a graded with a family history of diabetes, those overweight at diag-
dietary guideline for children with GvHD consisting of dif- nosis and older children and adolescents.
ferent phases relating to the grade of GvHD. An example is Sliding scale intravenous insulin is given until blood sugar
given below: levels are controlled. Subsequently an alteration in diet may
be all that is necessary to control blood sugar levels; how-
• phase 1 – gut rest and supported with PN (Grade IV
ever, a twice daily injection of premixed analogue and
isophane insulin may be advised, or a basal bolus regimen.
• phase 2 – clear liquid diet and amino acid‐based enteral
Using basal and rapid‐acting analogue insulins allows
feed (Grade III GvHD)
greater flexibility with regard to mealtimes as there is no
• phase 3 – low fat, low fibre, low acid, low irritant, lac-
need to adhere to rigid meals and snacks as a bolus of insulin
tose‐free diet (Grade III–II GvHD)
is injected prior to food. Children treated for ALL can have
• phase 4 – continuation of low fat, low fibre, low acid, low
variable appetites and food intakes, and hence a basal bolus
irritant, lactose‐free diet (Grade II GvHD)
regimen allows for this variation.
• phase 5 – lactose‐free diet (Grade II–I GvHD) [63, 64]
Dietary advice should be simple: the avoidance of rapidly
Children who receive a cord blood stem cell transplant absorbed carbohydrate with suitable alternatives and snack
may have prolonged diarrhoea that is distinct from GvHD, suggestions. Restriction of high fat foods and increased fibre
and if all other causes have been excluded, cord colitis syn- intake may not be appropriate in children who have poor
drome may be considered [65, 66]. Treatment involves a 10‐ appetites and who would be unable to achieve an adequate
to 14‐day course of metronidazole alone or in combination energy intake.
with a fluoroquinolone.
In addition patients undergoing bone marrow transplant
Late effects of treatment
(BMT) are severely neutropenic and need to have a ‘neutro-
penic’ diet to prevent GI infection from food‐borne patho-
The development of curative therapy for the majority of pae-
gens. The provision of a neutropenic diet is described
diatric cancers has resulted in a growing population of child-
elsewhere (p. 49).
hood cancer survivors who are at an increased risk of various
health problems [67, 68].
Learning points: monitoring and follow‐up
Bone morbidity
• Children on nutritional support need frequent monitoring
and review throughout treatment Bone morbidity in children with cancer both during and
• It is often necessary to change the method of nutritional after completion of treatment is increasingly recognised as
support, type of enteral feed and route of delivery depend- both a short‐term and long‐term problem [69, 70]. This is
ing on treatment, nutritional status and tolerance especially the case in children who receive large cumulative
• Once on maintenance treatment or completed treatment doses of glucocorticosteroids and methotrexate for treat-
follow‐up continues until weaned off enteral tube feeding or ment, such as ALL. Risk factors, particularly for children
if still tube feed dependent, care may be transferred to local treated for ALL, are highlighted in Figure 18.1. Other
dietetic services: patients at risk include those treated for Ewing’s sarcoma
⚬⚬ advice on the importance of following a healthy diet and and osteosarcoma who have received methotrexate and
exercise should routinely be given at the end of treat- ifosfamide [67, 74].
ment review with the medical team During treatment the majority of PTCs routinely check
⚬⚬ medical follow‐up, repeat scans and blood tests con- vitamin D status at diagnosis and at regular intervals during
tinue at regular intervals, although they reduce in treatment. Vitamin D supplementation during treatment is
frequency until 5 years off treatment when care will advised in line with current national guidelines [75]
transfer to annual review at the late effects clinic (Table 18.7). As a precaution, some centres are not supple-
menting vitamin D during induction chemotherapy for ALL
due to the potential risk of hyperphosphataemia based on
one small study [76]. Children and young people who are 5
Steroid‐induced diabetes years off treatment and attend long‐term follow‐up clinics
annually will routinely have vitamin D levels measured.
Children treated for ALL regularly receive the corticosteroid Osteonecrosis is a debilitating complication seen both dur-
dexamethasone as part of their treatment. Dexamethasone ing and after treatment for ALL and is an iatrogenic compli-
has potent lymphocytotoxic activity causing lymphoblast cation attributed to the risk factors highlighted in Figure 18.1.
380 Childhood Cancers and Immunodeficiency Syndromes
Steroids Chemotherapeutics
(Dexamethasone > Prednisolone) Methotrexate - poorer bone
Higher incidence of skeletal morbidity with Dex OR = formation and increased
2.6 (95%Cl 1.1–5.9, p = 0 .027) [71] bone resorption [72]
Vincristine - ? as a result of
reduced physical activity
L–Asparaginase - ? association
Figure 18.1 Factors that contribute to skeletal morbidity in patients with ALL. ALL, acute lymphoblastic anaemia; ? = other potential factors.
The prevalence is around 5.5% with 38% of patients requir- energy expenditure and energy intake. Lack of physical activ-
ing some form of surgery [77]. ity, high energy intake and metabolic changes following pro-
Correction of bone mineral loss may be possible by cor- longed courses of chemotherapy and steroids may all play a
recting dietary deficiencies including those of calcium and part in altering body composition in ALL survivors [81–84].
vitamin D; however, in some cases bisphosphonates such as Attention is also focusing on the increased risk of obesity
pamidronate or alendronate are given. Advice on improving during treatment (Table 18.4), with a prevalence ranging
diet and physical activity should be recognised as a strategy from 25% to 40% [85]. Studies have identified that significant
for amelioration and prevention [74]. weight gain can occur in ALL patients between diagnosis
and the end of treatment [83–86]. As well as affecting emo-
tional and social health‐related quality of life [8], studies
Obesity suggest it may influence survival rates [4, 7, 87]. The mecha-
nisms for weight‐influencing event‐free survival are unclear.
Another well‐reported effect in childhood cancer survivors Some possibilities include pharmokinetic variations on
is the prevalence of obesity, particularly in children treated chemotherapy, direct influence on adipose tissue on leukae-
for ALL and brain tumours [11, 78, 79]. The majority of stud- mia resistance, differences in protein synthesis and haemat-
ies have looked at ALL survivors where, as well as obesity, opoietic reserves causing reduced target dose delivery or
there is a high prevalence of endocrine and metabolic disor- other yet unidentified causes [4]. Studies vary as to when the
ders such as growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, risk of obesity is highest during treatment for ALL [4, 7, 86]
insulin resistance, hyperlipidaemia and increased cardiovas- so routinely giving advice on ‘healthy eating’ and exercise
cular risk [80, 81]. throughout the different stages of treatment should be con-
The mechanism for the onset of obesity following treatment sidered, with monitoring of weight and BMI to guard against
for ALL may be partly due to a sustained imbalance between overweight and obesity.
Areas Requiring Further Research 381
perhaps reflecting the role of glutamine in improving lower reducing the incidence and severity of mucositis [113] and
gut mucositis. prevention and treatment of GvHD [114]. A recent feasibility
Evidence for the use of glutamine in PN given to children study in children and adolescents undergoing stem cell
with cancer remains weak. One randomised study in chil- transplantation reported no cases of bacteraemia or unex-
dren following stem cell transplantation found no signifi- pected adverse events related to the probiotics [115].
cant difference in the incidence of mucositis [101]. Currently there are insufficient studies to assess the effects of
Although oral glutamine has been shown to be safe to use probiotics in children with cancer, but there is an increasing
in paediatric oncology, studies to date are not statistically interest for studies to be undertaken.
significantly in terms of mucositis, infection rates and length
of stay [56]. It is not widely used.
Ketogenic diet
Eicosapentaenoic acid Ketogenic diets have gained popularity amongst patients and
researchers, although the efficacy and benefits are still contro-
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) derived from fish oil has been
versial in oncology [116, 117]. The aim of the ketogenic diet for
studied in adult cancer patients with cachexia. EPA may mod-
cancer patients is to reduce energy production of the cancer
ulate aspects of the inflammatory responses implicated in the
cells and therefore decrease tumour cell proliferation [116].
metabolic changes associated with weight loss and muscular
The theory and science behind this notion is due to the
atrophy. EPA may downregulate production of pro‐inflamma-
resurgence of the Warburg effect. Warburg described how
tory cytokines and attenuate progression of the acute phase
cancer cells consume glucose and produce lactic acid
protein response. A Cochrane review looking at EPA supple-
under aerobic conditions, and this glycolysis induces car-
ments in adult studies highlighted insufficient data to define
cinogenesis [118]. However, the discovery of oncogenes
the optimal dose and insufficient evidence that it improved
and tumour suppressor genes, leading to theories that
symptoms associated with cancer cachexia [102].
activated oncogenes or the inhibition of tumour suppres-
There is only one poor quality study in children with
sor resulted in tumourigensis, meant that the Warburg
cancer [103, 104]. While some paediatric enteral feeds have
effect fell out of favour [119].
EPA added, there is still insufficient information to deter-
Recently the cancer metabolism debate and the Warburg
mine the ideal amount of EPA that would be effective in
effect have provoked new interest as it is now thought onco-
children [105]. There are lipid PN emulsions containing
genes and tumour suppressors are linked to altered metabo-
fish oils, e.g. SMOFlipid, Omegaven, and further studies
lism that in turn affects the cancer epigenome [118–120]. Part
are required to determine their safety and benefits for the
of the debate is which is the cause and which is the effect?
child with cancer. Despite concerns regarding interaction
Some propose that tumours switch to aerobic glycolysis
of EPA with ciclosporin and platelet function in HSCT and
through activation of oncogenes or loss of tumour suppres-
cancer patients, there is no strong evidence of this in stud-
sors and that this oncogene driven metabolic reprogram-
ies involving other patient groups [106, 107]. PTCs are
ming is needed to support the cancer cell survival and
using fish oil‐containing lipids if the clinical need arises,
proliferation [120]. Others propose that increased glycolytic
e.g. where there are increasing conjugated bilirubin levels
activation can result in upregulating oncogenic signalling
or increasing abnormal liver function tests, with no adverse
leading to tumour development and growth or that damage
issues being highlighted.
to cell respiration precedes the genomic instability that
results in tumour development [118, 121].
Probiotics It is known that many of the well‐established oncogenes
and tumour suppressors, such as HIF, AKT, MYC, RAS
Current UK dietary advice is for neutropenic cancer patients and p53 have a direct effect on metabolism, particularly
to avoid products containing probiotics [108]. It is important on glucose uptake and glycolysis and have been impli-
to investigate the safety of probiotic use in immunocom- cated in the Warburg effect [122]. The insulin pathway,
promised cancer patients, as case reports have identified including insulin, insulin like growth factor (IGF‐1) and
Lactobacillus strain use in probiotic therapy to be involved the IGF‐receptor IGF‐R1 are involved in cell growth, pro-
with sepsis [109]. Two systematic reviews have highlighted liferation and inhibition of programmed cell death by acti-
that the use of probiotics in people with cancer may reduce vating the AKT signal pathway [123]. This pathway is
the severity and frequency of diarrhoea [110, 111]. Both high- upregulated by carbohydrates:
lighted five case reports of probiotic related bacteraemia/
Higher glucose levels stimulate insulin secretion
fungaemia/positive blood cultures. A third systematic
review, looking specifically in children with cancer, high- ↓
lighted evidence of gut dysbiosis, which potentially may be Drives glucose into the cells to produce energy
improved using prebiotic and probiotic supplements [112].
As well as treatment related diarrhoea, other potential ↓
interest in the use of probiotics in cancer patients includes Synthesis and high rate of cell proliferation
Organs of the Immune System 383
Hence the minimisation of carbohydrates in general or by a Currently there are very few clinical studies, with the
ketogenic diet is one potential way to reduce the energy pro- majority being small samples and in adult patients. Improved
duction for cancer cells and decrease tumour proliferation clinical studies to provide stronger evidence are needed [116,
[116]. This is the main reason why families ask ‘Does sugar 117]. The ketogenic diet is complex and not without side
feed my child’s cancer?’ effects and requires close monitoring and guidance. Due to
The majority of studies investigating the use of a the lack of good clinical trials in children, the ketogenic diet
ketogenic diet have focussed on brain tumours, particu- is currently not recommended by CCLG centres. However, it
larly malignant high grade glioma/glioblastoma, where is imperative that any family contemplating a ketogenic has
recurrence rate is high resulting in decreased survival. a fully informed choice including taking into account the
Ketone bodies can be used as an energy source by neurons, child’s quality of life, especially if their disease is palliative.
glia and other cells; however cancer cells are unable to If they do embark on a ketogenic diet, it must be properly
metabolise them. monitored to prevent nutritional deficiencies.
Immunodeficiency Syndromes
James Evans
Bone marrow
Monocyte cell Antibodies
Innate Macrophage Adaptive
Figure 18.2 Overview of the immune system. Source: adapted with permission from [126].
Cells of the immune system NK cells are important in the defence against viruses. The
name ‘natural killer’ comes from the fact these cells do not
B cells make up the humoral (antibody mediated) immune require the same maturation as T cells.
response, and their main function is to produce antibodies Phagocytes are the cells of the immune system that pro-
(immunoglobulins), namely IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM vide innate immunity. They include eosinophils, basophils,
[127]. The humoral response protects the extracellular monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, the latter being
spaces from pathogens, particularly bacteria. There are two the most abundant of all white blood cells. Their main role is
types of B cells: to ingest and destroy bacteria and fungi.
B2 cells then progress through a further maturation process, • Innate immunity involves a rapid response to an invading
which results in more specific B‐cell subsets [127]: pathogen but does not produce antibodies nor long‐lasting
• plasma B cells (effector B cells) – already exposed • Adaptive immunity produces antibodies and creates immu-
to antigens, subsequently producing and secreting nological memory after an initial response to a specific
antibodies pathogen
• memory B cells – made from activated B cells specific to • B cells mature in the bone marrow and form the humoral
a previous antigen; they are secreted quickly on encoun- response that involves antibody production
ter with the same antigen for the second time • T cells mature in the thymus and illicit a cell‐mediated
• marginal zone B cells – resident in the spleen response involving phagocyte activation
• follicular B cells – resident in lymphoid tissues • Primary immunodeficiency disorders arise from inherited
or genetic defects leading to a dysfunctional immune
T cells undergo positive/negative selection during matu- system
ration in the thymus. This ensures the resulting T cells
will not over‐ or under‐recognise host ‘self’ antigens.
T cells illicit a cell mediated, intracellular immune
response; therefore, they can help to fight off intracellular
pathogens such as viruses. There are three main catego- Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PIDs)
ries of T cells [127]:
PIDs are a large and growing group of conditions with more
• naïve T cells than 350 recognised by the World Health Organization [128].
• memory T cells The lives of patients with PIDs are profoundly impacted by
• effector T cells their condition that, if not treated, can be chronic, serious or
Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (PIDs) 385
even fatal [129]. Most are inherited in one of three different Table 18.8 Common primary immunodeficiency diseases and possible
ways [130]: dietetic considerations.
The prevalence of coeliac disease is up to 30% higher in coeliac disease [138]. However, patients do not respond to
patients with SIgAD than the general population [135]. This dietary modification, including a gluten‐free diet [146].
IgA deficiency persists when following a gluten‐free diet Medical therapy commonly uses corticosteroids, but some
despite the return of normal mucosa [143]. IgA antibodies patients are refractory to this, and immunosuppression may
against both tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and endomysial be required to control the disease. If these conventional ther-
antibodies (EMA) are relied upon for serum screening of apies fail, HSCT can be a successful treatment [148].
coeliac disease; therefore, patients with IgA deficiency will Intense nutritional management is a crucial component of
not have a reliable tTG/EMA serum level and should have care as poor nutritional status can worsen mucosal integrity.
IgG, tTG and EMA testing when available [144]. IgA plays a A trial of oral nutritional supplementation may be successful
vital role in mucosal integrity and so is also associated with [147] though for many patients parenteral nutrition (PN) is
the onset of food allergy [142]. required [147, 149]. Nutritional management of patients
undergoing HSCT for AIE is similar to that in graft versus
host disease (GvHD) in that post‐transplant, patients are
IgG and IgG subclass deficiency
usually maintained on a milk, egg, wheat and soya‐free diet
Children may have deficiencies in one or more of the IgG for up to 2 years. Extreme caution should be applied when
subclass (IgG1–4). Clinical presentation depends on the challenging with new feeds or foods.
severity and combination of the deficiency, with some indi-
viduals being asymptomatic. Most commonly children may
DiGeorge syndrome (DGS)
present with recurrent infections, usually of the upper air-
ways, food allergy or food allergic colitis [136]. However, DGS is caused by abnormal migration and development of
food allergy testing involving IgG is not recommended [137]. certain cells and tissues during foetal development. As part
The outlook for patients with selective IgG subclass defi- of the developmental defect, the thymus gland may be
ciency is generally good with low IgG subclass levels in chil- affected consequently impairing T cell production, which
dren very likely to improve with age and return to normal by results in low T cell numbers and frequent infections. DGS
around 10–12 years of age [145]. If necessary treatment with athymia, known as complete DGS (cDGS), occurs in
requires only occasional use of antibiotics to clear infections around 1.5% of children with DGS [150].
as they occur. For patients with a persistent deficiency and Two approaches have been used to correct cDGS. The first
significant documented infections, immunoglobulin replace- is HSCT, but because of the absence of the thymus, this
ment therapy may be used to prevent serious infections and approach can only achieve engraftment of post‐thymic T
complications. cells, and the quality of immune reconstitution achieved is
poor [151]. The alternative approach is to use thymus trans-
plantation that aims for a more complete reconstitution. A
T cell defects
recent study on 12 children undergoing thymus transplant
for cDGS concluded this should be the corrective treatment
T cell defects range in type and severity, for example:
of choice [152]. It offers the possibility of immune reconstitu-
• complete insufficiency of T cell/T cell function, with/ tion that will produce a quality of life not limited by infec-
without concurrent B cell defect such as severe com- tion susceptibility, and, despite the significant risk of
bined immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID), including autoimmune complications for survivors, these can often be
Omenn syndrome and major histocompatability com- managed.
plex (MHC) class II deficiency
• partial or complete insufficiency of T cell function such
Phagocyte defects
as DiGeorge syndrome (often associated with absent thy-
mus) or Wiskott‐Aldridge syndrome
Phagocytic cells are important in host defence against
• T cell dysregulation, i.e. autoimmune enteropathy
pyogenic bacteria and other intracellular organisms. These
cells leave the bone marrow and migrate to peripheral
Autoimmune enteropathy (AIE) tissues, particularly to sites of infection or inflammation.
Phagocytes ingest pathogens and degrade them. Therefore,
AIE is a rare disease resulting in immune mediated damage
phagocyte defects can lead to severe infections and as a
to the intestinal mucosa. The immune dysfunction may vary
result may be fatal [4]. Some patients may present with
in nature including activation of mucosal T cells causing per-
gastrointestinal complications similar to those of inflamma-
sistent damage to the gut mucosa or by autoantibodies pre-
tory bowel disease [140].
sent on the gut mucosa [146]. This condition most commonly
affects infants in the first 6 months of life who commonly
present with intractable diarrhoea, malabsorption and ano-
Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD)
rexia leading to severe weight loss [147]. Severe inflamma-
tion, villous atrophy with crypt hyperplasia, and increased In CGD phagocytes are unable to produce microbial oxygen
mitosis may be seen on small intestinal biopsy. These changes metabolites so cannot degrade pathogens after ingestion.
in the small intestinal mucosa may resemble those found in This leads to recurrent, often life‐threatening, bacterial and
Dietetic Management of Infants with SCID 387
fungal infections that are difficult to cure. These frequent accumulation of metabolic substrate precursors that are toxic
infections increase nutritional requirements and decrease to lymphocytes [155].
the appetite for food and tolerance of adequate volumes of Data from newborn screening programmes in the USA
oral feeds. It is, therefore, often necessary to initiate enteral estimate the incidence of SCID to be approximately 1 in
feeding as soon as an acute episode begins to prevent exces- 58 000 live births [156]. Infants with SCID are unable to fight
sive weight loss. Diarrhoea is usually common due to inten- infections until they have restored immune function. Siblings
sive antibiotic therapy, but despite this, children are often diagnosed at birth, following testing due to a positive family
able to tolerate a whole protein, energy‐dense feed. Recent history, have an overall survival rate above 90% compared
HSCT outcomes have produced excellent results suggesting with 40% in the first presenting family member [157].
all children should undergo HSCT if a matched donor is Otherwise most infants present between 3 and 6 months of
available [153]. age with recurrent infections after the protective effects of
maternal immunoglobulins have worn off [158]. When diag-
nosis is delayed, the onset of infections leads to end‐organ
Leucocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) damage, meaning a significant number of infants die in the
LAD is characterised by impaired migration of neutrophils first year of life before definitive treatment with HSCT can
from the intravascular space to the site of infection. It usually be undertaken [158]. Even those who make it to HSCT with
presents in early infancy with deep tissue infections, ongoing infections or organ damage have a poorer outcome
impaired pus formation and delayed wound healing. [159]. The key to improving the outcome for SCID is early
diagnosis and treatment so that severe infections can be pre-
vented [157].
Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
HLH is characterised by the early onset of fever and hepato- Newborn screening
splenomegaly associated with pancytopenia, hypertriglyc-
eridaemia and haemophagocytosis in the bone marrow. The Newborn screening for SCID can now be performed by
pathogenesis has been associated with uncontrolled T cell detecting biomarkers of healthy T cell development: T cell
activation leading to increased inflammatory cytokine lev- receptor excision circle (TREC) in DNA extracted from blood
els. The condition is fatal if not treated with HSCT, which spot on routine Guthrie cards in the first days of life [160].
gives an overall 3‐year survival of 64% [153]. Veno‐occlusive Results from recently established screening programmes in
disease (VOD) is the major toxicity associated with HSCT in the USA have demonstrated improved outcomes [156].
HLH and reduced intensity conditioning may be a preferen- Despite this, screening for SCID is not currently available in
tial option. the UK. However, in December 2017 the UK National
Screening Committee recommended that screening for SCID
should be trialled in the National Health Service (NHS).
Combined immunodeficiencies
receiving various conditioning chemotherapy regimens for Continuous low volume enteral formulas can be initiated
7–10 days prior to transplant. The purpose of conditioning is once stool frequency has decreased. Again extensively
to destroy the existing bone marrow and make space for hydrolysed protein or amino acid, rather than whole protein,
donor stem cells to engraft and undergo normal haemat- formulas are usually better tolerated from observations in
opoiesis. Such regimens are typically categorised as highly clinical practice, despite a lack of published evidence. In
toxic myeloablative conditioning (MAC), or less toxic severe cases it may be necessary to start with half‐strength
reduced intensity conditioning (RIC). MAC generally leads feeds to reduce osmotic load. Some patients tolerate feed or
to the highest levels of donor engraftment, but at the risk of food better than others, with no known explanation. The
significant morbidity. RIC results in less chemotherapy‐ first foods offered should be low in fat and fibre [170], and
induced organ damage allowing more unwell children, who some patients may tolerate a simple ‘few foods’ diet very
would previously have been deemed not fit for chemother- well, e.g. plain chicken with potato or rice. For those suffer-
apy, to undergo transplant [158]. ing from more severe gut GvHD, a milk, egg, wheat and
After conditioning the child receives their transplant, soya‐free diet may be required, with reintroduction of these
commonly referred to as ‘day 0’ (the preceding days referred foods sequentially once the child is medically stable.
to as day −1, −2 etc. and proceeding days as day +1, +2 etc.). VOD is a condition where the tiny blood veins in the liver
Sources of donor stem cells include bone marrow and become blocked due to chemotherapy given during condi-
peripheral blood from related or unrelated donors, or umbil- tioning, particularly busulfan, high dose melphalan and/or
ical cord blood from unrelated newborns. The donor type is total body irradiation. If VOD is suspected, fluid restriction
a major factor influencing outcome. European data from is indicated and lipid‐free PN may be necessary. The evi-
children undergoing HSCT for SCID over the past 30 years dence base for this practice is lacking. It will be difficult to
have shown over 90% survival with a matched sibling donor, meet energy requirements in this situation, and it is impor-
69% with an unrelated donor and 66% with a mismatched tant to monitor and restart lipids as soon as possible.
relative [166]. Supplementation with walnut oil (p. 649) to meet essential
fatty acid requirements should be considered early on, par-
ticularly if lipid‐free PN is used for prolonged periods, or if
Complications post‐HSCT leading to impaired the patient is a young infant.
nutritional status
After conditioning the child enters an extremely vulnerable Dietetic management of children undergoing HSCT
period where their existing bone marrow is destroyed, and
the donor stem cells have not yet engrafted and started to Regardless of diagnosis prior to transplant, maintaining
produce healthy, functioning blood cells. They are, therefore, nutritional status pre‐, peri‐ and post‐transplant is essential
extremely susceptible to infection and will be prescribed a as there are negative associations between malnutrition and
plethora of prophylactic medications and remaining isolated survival, transplant‐related mortality and relapse risk [171].
in HEPA filtered rooms. Energy requirements calculated using Schofield equations
Oral mucositis occurs in most patients treated with to predict basal metabolic rate (BMR) have been shown to
chemotherapy for HSCT. It is characterised by mucosal closely resemble resting energy expenditure (REE) pre‐HSCT
damage ranging from mild inflammation to extensive [172]. However, REE has been shown to reduce to 79% of
ulceration and may affect the oral cavity and other parts of predicted BMR in the early weeks post‐transplant putting
the digestive tract mucosa. This makes eating or passing a children at risk of being overfed [173]. Patients are typically
nasogastric tube painful. The potential breakdown of less active post‐transplant, being kept in isolation, and
mucosal barriers increases the risk of systemic infection receive sedatives for pain relief, both possibly contributing
and, coupled with mucositis associated pain, causes signifi- to reduced REE. Estimates of BMR using equations devel-
cant morbidity and mortality [167]. Mucositis usually oped from healthy children are also likely a poor reflection
occurs between day +6 and +12 with resolution coinciding of the energy expended during recovery following HSCT.
with engraftment. If a child develops severe mucositis, Children are likely to require somewhere between 80% and
most will require pain management, gut rest and PN [168]. 100% requirements predicted using Schofield throughout
Once engraftment has taken place, the child is at risk of admission for HSCT.
GvHD – reactions between the donor stem cells (graft) Almost all children going through HSCT will require
and the host’s own tissues. If GvHD occurs soon after nutritional support beyond oral supplementation. It is rec-
engraftment, it may affect one, or all, of the skin, liver ognised from European guidelines [168] and a Cochrane sys-
and gut. Prophylaxis typically involves ciclosporin and tematic review [174] that enteral nutrition should be
mycophenolate mofetil; if severe GvHD develops, it may provided as first line nutrition support over PN. A proactive
be treated with steroids. Gut GvHD results in profuse approach to enteral tube placement should be encouraged,
watery diarrhoea, exacerbated by feed/food, with a con- and timing of nasogastric tube placement is crucial. If
current rapid decline in oral intake and nutritional status nasogastric tubes are placed during conditioning (approxi-
[169]. Gut rest and PN are recommended if gut GvHD mately days −7 to −2) there is a chance the tube will be dis-
develops [168]. lodged multiple times through vomiting. If placed too late
390 Childhood Cancers and Immunodeficiency Syndromes
(approximately after day +7), the procedure may be trau- transplant team will review annually. Reviews will monitor
matic or contraindicated if mucositis is severe, or the child is immune reconstitution (from which duration and intensity
thrombocytopenic. Placing nasogastric tubes between day of antimicrobial prophylaxis can be adjusted), chimerism
−1 and +1 seems to be a good compromise and has been (proportion of the child’s lymphocytes which are native or
shown to be well tolerated and acceptable [175]. Some fami- donor), GvHD and need for immunoglobulin replacement.
lies may even opt for prophylactic gastrostomy placement It is also becoming increasingly recognised that effects on
prior to admission. Although this has potential benefits of mental health, well‐being and quality of life of both the child
avoiding dislodgement due to vomiting and irritation to the and family should be monitored, with counselling offered as
throat when mucositis develops, there is a paucity of studies required [158].
investigating the benefits of this feeding route in HSCT. Growth and development will also need to be monitored
Dietetic management of HSCT is similar to that described closely, and the dietitian has a key role in this. Many patients
for SCID patients. Hydrolysed protein formulas are usually will require enteral nutrition support at home following dis-
better tolerated post‐transplant than whole protein formulas. charge, and advice will be needed regarding weaning off
Patients may initially require a continuous feeding regimen, enteral feeds according to improvements in oral diet, and rein-
building up to an overnight feed, daytime boluses and oral troducing any restricted foods to normalise intake. This will
diet. Infection remains life‐threatening to children having help ease parental anxiety. Close team working and communi-
HSCT, and a ‘neutropenic’ diet (p. 49) is required. Meals may cation between the dietitians within the transplant centre and
be provided by a designated ward or diet kitchen, or main the child’s local hospital, as well as the medical teams within
hospital menus adapted following food safety precautions to each site, will be crucial to facilitating appropriate growth.
reduce the risk of infection from food borne microorganisms. A case study showing the dietetic management of a child
Oral and enteral feeds may be pasteurised as an additional with SCID undergoing HSCT is given in Table 18.9.
precaution. A diet including cow’s milk protein can be given
during this time in the absence of gut GvHD and is usually
tolerated. Some centres may allow commercial bottled water Future research needs and unanswered questions
to be taken orally. However, common practice is to only allow
water that has been boiled, whether tap or bottled water. There is a paucity of literature investigating the effectiveness
Pharmacy grade sterile water can be used, but is often unpal- of nutrition support specifically in PIDs, with most studies
atable. Food safety precautions usually continue for 3–6 combining those having HSCT for PIDs with those having the
months post‐transplant depending on immune reconstitu- same procedure for haematological malignancies and other
tion. Oral intake is often slow to recover to achieve full nutri- disorders. Most of the current paediatric literature comprises
tional requirements. Therefore, many children often require low to moderate quality cohort studies investigating the feasi-
enteral feeds for several months post‐discharge. bility and benefits of early enteral nutrition, with some mak-
ing comparisons to the provision of upfront PN, during HSCT.
There is, therefore, a need for more well‐designed trials
Learning points: HSCT assessing the effectiveness and safety of nutritional support
in children with PIDs during the early stages of diagnosis
• HSCT remains the primary treatment for PIDs and throughout HSCT. The main research recommendations
• Conditioning leads to numerous dietetic challenges includ- from the literature regarding nutrition support during HSCT
ing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, mucositis, VOD include:
and cytopenia with infection risk
• an urgent need for randomised controlled trials investi-
• Following engraftment there is a risk of GvHD of the skin,
gating the benefits of enteral versus PN
liver and/or gut
• further research investigating the effectiveness and
• Gut GvHD will require a period of gut rest and PN
safety of enteral nutrition interventions including both
• Reintroduction of feeds following gut rest is similar to
the route of nutrition, e.g. comparisons between nasogas-
tric, gastrostomy and jejunal feeding, and the type of for-
• Food reintroduction in gut GvHD will require restriction of
mula used
milk, egg, wheat and soya, alongside food safety precautions
• the effect of enteral and parenteral glutamine on mucositis,
diarrhoea, infections, GvHD and malignancy relapse rates
From the existing literature a diverse range of clinical out-
Follow‐up and monitoring comes have been reported making it difficult to compare tri-
als. For such future studies listed above, consideration should
Frequency of patient reviews post‐discharge for HSCT will be given to the adoption of standard multicentre clinical out-
vary between centres, but generally children will be moni- comes. Families should be involved in the setting of out-
tored closely by the transplant team, a minimum once to comes that are important to them and could include factors
twice monthly for the first year. Following this care will be such as anthropometry, cost of interventions, complications
shared between the child’s local hospital supported by 6 and quality of life to improve the nutritional and immune
monthly visits to the transplant centre [176]. After 5 years the status of transplanted patients.
Future Research Needs and Unanswered Questions 391
Table 18.9 Case study: treatment progression and dietetic management of a child with SCID.
Anthropometry: Baby boy born at term weighing 2.75 kg (9th centile). Over the first 6 months of life (up to admission for HSCT), weight decline
to 0.4th centile. Over the first month of HSCT, weight continued to decline to <0.4th centile. By discharge the child, now 8 months old, had
increased weight to 0.4–2nd centile. At 1 year of age, he was on the 2nd centile with further increase in weight centile.
Biochemistry: At 4 months old the child was found to have low T and B cells following investigations for an ear infection. Following
conditioning, immune cell counts flattened between day +1 to +7 post‐HSCT. Counts began to reconstitute between day +8 to +20, and had
recovered by day +30.
Clinical: Following an ear infection revealing an opportunistic bacterial pathogen, the child was referred to an immunology team and diagnosed
with RAG1 deficient SCID. He was admitted for a RIC conditioned, matched family donor, HSCT.
Dietary: Following admission a nasogastric tube was placed due to weight loss and reducing oral intake. The child was changed from a standard to
a high energy formula and, shortly after, to an extensively hydrolysed protein and later amino acid‐based formula to aid absorption as mucositis
developed. Despite this, diarrhoea and weight loss persisted and the child was placed on PN. Following engraftment an extensively hydrolysed
formula was gradually reintroduced and titrated against PN until this was eventually stopped. At discharge, the child was beginning to take small
amounts of feed and puréed foods orally, but required ongoing nutrition support as four pump‐assisted day boluses of a high energy formula.
Environment: The baby was a first child of healthy parents. During admission he was isolated in a high‐efficiency particulate air‐filtered room as
standard infection prophylaxis.
Focus: The dietetic aims were to prevent further weight loss following admission, maintain weight during the period of mucositis after
conditioning and, following engraftment, gradual weight gain towards that on admission. To achieve this the aim was to provide 80%–100%
requirements via oral, enteral and/or parenteral nutrition.
1–3 months old Multiple visits to GP with recurrent ear infections Infant not seen by dietitian, but after initially being
requiring antibiotic treatment. The infant also suffered breastfed had been changed to a standard infant
three bouts of diarrhoea each lasting 3–5 days. Weight formula.
initially plateaued and later fell to 0.4th centile.
4 months old Taken to GP with further ear infection, but this time NA
cultures grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a bacteria
not typically found in infant ear infections). Full
blood count showed low levels of T and B cells.
Referred to tertiary centre for further management
under an immunology team.
5 months old Admitted to tertiary centre and following genetic Nasogastric tube inserted due to weight loss since birth
tests a diagnosis of RAG1 deficient SCID was made. (currently weight on 0.4th centile), and minimal oral
Infant to remain an inpatient in preparation for HSCT intake. Feed changed to high energy 1 kcal/mL (4 kJ/mL)
with father agreeing to be the donor. whole protein‐based formula to facilitate weight gain.
Feeds offered orally with nasogastric gravity bolus
top‐ups as needed, given 3–4 hours to meet full
nutritional requirements. Once feed plan established
no further weight loss occurred, and weight began to
increase gradually.
6 months old Care transferred to HSCT team. Infant stopped feeding orally, so full nutritional
requirements met entirely via nasogastric feeds.
Occasional vomiting with feeds so delivered via pump
assisted boluses, each feed given over one hour.
Gradual weight gain continued.
Day −7 to −1 pre-HSCT RIC conditioning. Infant suffered from frequent Nasogastric tube displaced twice, promptly replaced
vomiting and diarrhoea. each time without difficulty. Commenced continuous
feeding, given over 20 hours, and changed to
extensively hydrolysed protein formula to facilitate
tolerance and absorption.
Day 0 Infusion of peripheral blood stem cells from matched NA
family donor.
Day +1 to +7 post‐HSCT Immune cell counts flatten. Severe mucositis Feed changed to amino acid‐based formula to facilitate
develops with associated pain, irritation and tolerance and absorption in light of severe mucositis.
worsening of diarrhoea. Volume of feed allowance reduced to 90 mL/kg as
infant required occasional blood products and plentiful
IV medications. Feed concentrated to 1 kcal/mL (4 kJ/mL)
to continue to meet 80%–100% requirements.
(continued overleaf)
392 Childhood Cancers and Immunodeficiency Syndromes
Day +8 to +20 Immune cell counts remain low, but starting to Due to weight loss following day 0 (weight now <0.4th
reconstitute. Mucositis and diarrhoea persist. centile) and persistent diarrhoea, PN started and child
placed on gut rest without enteral nutrition.
Day +21 to +30 Immune cell counts recovered. Mucositis and stool While PN continued to provide full nutritional
output improved so enteral feeds reintroduced. Mild requirements, an extensively hydrolysed protein
skin GvHD treated with topical steroids. No formula was reintroduced at 5 mL/hour × 20 hours
evidence of gut GvHD, VOD or infections. continuously via nasogastric tube. Feeds increased by
5 mL/hour/day until approximately 50% of nutritional
requirements were met enterally. After this PN was
gradually reduced over three days, while nasogastric
feeds continued to increase towards providing full
requirements. Oral intake remained minimal during
this time. Weight returned to 0.4th centile.
Day +31 to +40 Medicines converted from IV to oral in preparation PN stopped. Regimen gradually transitioned from
for discharge. continuous to small volume 2‐hourly boluses;
subsequently 3‐ then 4‐hourly boluses of increasing
volume. Boluses given via pump due to semi‐frequent
vomiting. Feed gradually transitioned back to 1 kcal/mL
(4 kJ/mL) whole protein infant formula. Infant started to
take small amounts of feed and pureed foods orally. Pump
training and home enteral feeding arrangements made.
Day +41 NA Infant discharged on four pump assisted day time
boluses via nasogastric tube of 1 kcal/ml (4 kJ/mL)
formula providing 80% requirements. Oral intake of
both feeds and pureed foods slowly increased. Weight
slowly increased to 0.4th‐2nd centile. Handover to
local dietitian for follow‐up.
9–12 months old Ongoing monitoring of immune reconstitution, Oral intake and weaning continued to progress well.
GvHD and infection status. Nil concerns. Bolus feeds gradually reduced and stopped with
nasogastric tube removed at 1 year of age. Weight on
2nd centile and increasing.
SCID, severe combined immunodeficiency; HSCT, haematopoietic stem cell transplant; RAG1 recombinase‐activating gene 1; RIC reduced intensity
conditioning; PN, parenteral nutrition; GP, general practitioner; NA, not applicable; IV intravenous; GvHD, graft versus host disease; VOD, veno‐
occlusive disease.
self‐harm [8]. The cognitive distortion associated with AN poor self‐esteem, resulting in extreme competiveness,
results in dieting behaviour and an intense fear of weight asceticism and the need to please; subsequently, young
gain and fatness. Generally, there is no loss of appetite; satis- people with AN tend to be high achievers and can be
faction in feeling ‘empty’ and hungry overrides the need to perceived by peers and family as flourishing.
eat, and weight loss is viewed as an achievement. Thus, suf-
ferers have limited desire to change [9].
Bulimia nervosa: clinical features
Identifying an eating disorder in the early stages is diffi-
cult due to the deceptive nature of the disease, especially
In BN a persistent preoccupation with eating is present, with
when presentation is atypical. Such a lack of awareness that
craving and consequent binges, usually with a feeling of loss
AN can occur in younger children and boys may lead to a
of control. Weight is usually maintained within the normal
delay in referral, diagnosis and treatment [10], although this
range by compensatory exercise, vomiting or purging. A pre-
may be changing. Clinical signs of AN include:
occupation with weight leads to attempts at weight control
• weight loss – leading to significantly low body weight in with characteristic cyclical pattern of missing meals, which
the context of what is minimally expected for age, sex, is not sustained as hunger reinforces a propensity to binge
developmental trajectory and physical health. The World eat, often followed by compensatory behaviours and guilt.
Health Organization (WHO) definition of underweight is There are well‐validated treatments that are effective in
a percentage body mass index (%BMI) below 85% (where over 60% of patients; however, BN is less obvious than AN to
%BMI is BMI/median BMI for age and sex). Cole et al. recognise and may only come to light through suspicion of a
provide cut‐offs for degrees of malnutrition based on family member or friend. Clinical signs of BN include:
international BMI data [11]. For the majority of the popu-
• irregular menses
lation, a healthy %BMI will fall between 95% and 105%
• Russell’s sign – callouses on the knuckles of forefingers
[12, 13]. A consequence of low weight is that pubertal
due to abrasions from self‐induced vomiting
development is halted, resulting in either a delay in reach-
• dental erosion from damage to teeth enamel from
ing menarche or secondary amenorrhoea, which can have
stomach acid
implications on bone health. Physical signs of poor nutri-
• swollen parotid glands
tion and low weight include: sunken cheeks, temporal
• depression/low mood
lobes and eyes; dull and thinning hair; lanugo hair; cold
extremities and feeling cold; and delayed puberty [14].
• avoidance of food – this can occur gradually over time, with Binge eating disorder
subtle restriction of nutritional intake including eliminat-
ing snacks, reducing portion sizes, hiding food and miss- In BED the patient has binge episodes, a sense of loss of con-
ing meals. Furthermore avoidance of food can transfer trol over food intake and a preoccupation of weight and/or
into the social setting; the young person will avoid eating shape but does not utilise compensatory behaviours follow-
out perhaps due to a lack of control over food prepara- ing a binge episode.
tion, or it may interrupt rigid exercise routines or other
‘rules’. Conversely the young person can be overly
Purging disorder
involved with food shopping, meal preparation and bak-
ing but will avoid eating themselves. Young people with
In PD, weight is in the normal range, and the patient purges
eating disorders will often have an extensive knowledge
but does not binge, in order to maintain their weight. Purging
about the calorie content of food, but this is often the limit
includes a variety of methods including, but not limited to,
of their understanding about food and nutrition. It is a
self‐induced vomiting, laxative or diuretic misuse, or the
common misconception that young people with AN have
omission of insulin in those with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
a good comprehension of nutrition, but they are often
PD is classified as an OSFED.
unable to understand information or interpret it correctly,
hence the importance of nutrition education [15].
• morbid preoccupation with weight and/or shape – energy‐
dense foods are avoided through fear of gaining weight Learning points: anorexia nervosa
or a change in body shape that may accompany it. Girls
perceive their stomach and thighs as particularly fat, • Among the eating disorders, AN carries the highest risk
whereas boys may be more concerned about muscula- and is most likely to require dietetic input
ture and are more likely to exercise excessively. • The peak onset for AN is between 15 and 19 years of age but
• poor self‐esteem – feelings of ineffectiveness are extremely can present as young as 7 years old, affecting boys and girls
common and often married with depressive and anxiety • AN is linked with low self‐esteem, anxiety and perfectionism
features, impaired concentration and obsessional symp- • AN is characterised by extreme nutritional restriction accom-
toms. Social interests decline as young people with eat- panied by other associated behaviours such as binge eating,
ing disorders lose weight, and most become socially self‐induced vomiting, purging, over‐exercising and self‐harm
withdrawn. Many of these features reverse with weight • AN can be focused on weight or shape or both weight and shape
gain [14]. Perfectionism is a trait that can converge with
Assessment of Eating Disorders 395
Assessment of eating disorders BMI centile charts and to report BMI centile in young people.
However, for patients below the 0.4th BMI centile, there is a
The mainstay of diagnosis is a clinical interview. For young need to quantify the degree of underweight. Using %BMI
people this would typically include parents or the whole fam- (BMI/median BMI for age and sex) instantly provides infor-
ily in the first instance, although it is important to interview mation about a patient’s nutritional status without the need
the young person on their own too, bearing in mind that all to refer to a chart. Furthermore, young people and parents
young people have a right to confidentiality, and this needs to understand the concept of %BMI.
be balanced against the parents’ right to parent, i.e. to have the Mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC) is a simple and
necessary information to make decisions in their child’s best effective additional anthropometric measure; its use can
interest, particularly before the child is assumed to have the eliminate some of the methods employed by young people
capacity to do this for themselves at the age of 16 years. with eating disorders to mislead practitioners about their
Areas to explore in an assessment include how everyone true weight, such as water‐loading and attaching weights to
feels about coming to the appointment; the history of the various parts of the body [17].
concern including who is most worried (often justifiably);
ideas the family have about triggers for onset of the eating Nutritional
disorder (providing an opportunity to explain that families
do not cause eating disorders and that triggers are not the Acquiring an accurate diet history from young people with
same as cause or blame); previous experience of eating disor- an eating disorder has the added barrier of intentional over‐
ders or other mental health problems within the young per- and underestimation of intake. Therefore, it is essential to
son or the family; specific questioning about eating disorder have input from families along with a 4‐day food record.
behaviours, including direct questions about vomiting, exer- Nutritional assessment should expand on the history of food
cise, binge eating; other areas of risk (eating disorder behav- restriction and other self‐imposed nutritional ‘rules’ such as
iours, self‐harm and suicidal ideation, anger towards others, exclusion of a food group (fats and/or carbohydrates), veg-
risk of abuse and neglect) and then looking at what the fam- etarianism/veganism, daily calorie limits, ritualistic behav-
ily or young person has tried, what resources they have iours or even a limit to the number of spoonsful of food the
accessed, what resources and strengths they have as a family young person will allow themselves to eat each day.
and what ideas they have about treatment. Thoughts and Additionally, when reviewing young people with binge eat-
feelings about eating, anxiety and mood are best elicited ing tendencies, the dietitian will need to ascertain if there is
with young people on their own, while families often given a specific binge food/food group, specific binge time, cycli-
the clearest narratives about the development of the eating cal pattern to binges and which meals are missed.
disorder and factors that may be important in maintaining it. Exercise routines should form part of the nutritional
assessment and be taken into account when estimating
Medical nutritional requirements. An in‐depth nutritional assess-
ment also allows the dietitian to gauge the extent of the
Although medical investigations may be necessary to rule out young person’s nutritional knowledge.
organic aetiology responsible for weight loss or food avoid-
ance, eating disorders are much more common than most pos- Biochemical
sible differential diagnoses for weight loss: hyperthyroidism,
type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), coeliac The initial consultation should include a detailed laboratory
disease or neoplastic disease (tumour). Amenorrhoea may assessment to rule out any organic cause of weight loss and
result from ovarian or pituitary disease or following use of the to obtain baseline biochemistry. Additional markers that
contraceptive pill. Clinical assessment should focus on deter- should be monitored include vitamin B12, folate, zinc, fat‐sol-
mining the severity of malnutrition as well as possible causes uble vitamins A, D and E, and ferritin [16, 18]. Biochemical
and should include hydration status, temperature, muscle monitoring for patients at risk of refeeding syndrome is
wasting and cardiovascular status with particular attention to given at the end of this chapter.
heart rate and orthostatic blood pressure. The sit up, squat,
stand (SUSS) test is a useful clinical sign to monitor the clinical Learning points: assessment process
status of malnourished patients [16].
• A detailed multidisciplinary assessment is warranted to
Anthropometric elicit the nature of the disordered eating
• All family members who have regular contact with the
The simple use of weight or BMI has limited use in young young person should be part of the assessment
people, owing to the normal changes in weight, height and • A thorough medical and biochemical assessment should be
BMI in childhood and through puberty. Weight and BMI can performed to exclude any organic cause of disordered eating
be used to track changes in an individual, but any compari- • An in‐depth diet history can provide valuable information
son of weight against population norms needs to take about eating habits and rules
account of height, sex and age. It is perfectly correct to use
396 Eating Disorders
Management: family‐based treatment Table 19.1 Graded‐up meal plan for a 15‐year‐old female accounting
for hypometabolic state of low weight.
Although inpatient and day patient treatments are generally Estimated energy intake 900 kcal/day (3760 kJ/day)
effective for weight restoration of patients with AN, they are on assessment
disruptive to family, social and educational life. Therefore, Estimated average 2400 kcal/day (10.80 MJ/day)
intensive outpatient treatment using an evidence‐based requirements (EAR) for
treatment approach should be sought by preference if the height age
risks are manageable. Family‐based treatment (FBT) can be Estimated energy 1400 kcal/day (5850 kJ/day)
summarised as an intensive outpatient treatment where par- requirements:
ents play an active and positive role in promoting recovery hypometabolic (BMR)
in their adolescent child with AN or BN and has the strong- Meal plan: 1 1500 kcal/day Day 1–3: halt weight
est evidence base of available therapies. Parents are seen as a (6270 kJ/day) losing trajectory
resource and play an active role in treatment, using their Meal plan: 2 1800 kcal/day Day 3–7: weight gaining
own methods to restore their malnourished adolescent’s (7520 kJ/day)
weight. Families are encouraged to explore how the eating Meal plan: 3 2000 kcal/day Week 2+: continual
disorder and the interactional patterns in the family have (8460 kJ/day) weight gain
become entangled and how this entanglement has made it
Meal plan: 4 2500 kcal/day Week 7+: established
difficult for the family to get back on track with their normal (10.45 MJ/day) energy requirements for
developmental course. However, in some cases, outpatient age and height
treatment is just not an option: presence of overt systemic Energy requirements are driven by % body fat and total body
issues (the young person is at risk in the family environment, weights; therefore, as weight increases, so will energy requirements.
e.g. parents unable to provide the necessary level of care); or If weight stabilises, it may be due to this as opposed to compensatory
AN cognitions and behaviours are too strong or risky. In behaviours.
most cases, the treatment comprises three phases consisting
of 15–20 treatment sessions over 6–12 months. The phases of EAR, estimated average requirements [19]; BMR, basal metabolic rate
(Schofield equation [20]).
treatment in FBT for AN, highlighting the potential role of
Source: Data from [20].
the dietitian at each phase, are described below. In FBT for
BN, the first phase focuses on cessation of binge and purge
episodes rather than weight gain. An in‐depth manual, devising a realistic achievable meal plan, which encourages
Clinical guidelines for dietitians treating young people with ano- the young person to engage with treatment. Once weight
rexia nervosa: family focused approach, has been published by loss has slowed and the patient has been able to adhere to
Great Ormond Street Hospital; it is endorsed by the British the meal plan, then energy intake can be increased to achieve
Dietetic Association (BDA) and is available to BDA members a weight‐gaining meal plan.
894c-4c69-b909af56b1da9b70/Clinical-Guidelines-for- Refeeding syndrome
It is essential to ascertain whether the patient is at risk of the
refeeding syndrome prior to commencing this graded meal
Dietetic management within an FBT framework plan. A detailed assessment and nutritional intervention
schedule for refeeding high risk patients is given at the end
Phase 1: help restore their child’s weight to a healthy of the chapter (p. 400).
Physical implications of malnutrition and low weight
Accurately calculate energy requirements
Outlining the physical complications of malnutrition and
Energy requirements vary considerably throughout the course/ low weight to the young person is an important part of the
treatment of AN due to normal increments associated with age/ treatment, and these should be reiterated regularly through-
height, changes in percentage body fat and varying activity lev- out the three phases of therapy.
els. Healthy adolescents have very high energy requirements
because of the demands of pubertal growth phase. However,
Bone health
low‐weight adolescents with AN have reduced energy require-
ments because their depleted body fat stores have led to an Chronic fasting, malnutrition and low weight, along with
increase in cardiac vagal tone, causing bradycardia and hypo- compensatory behaviours, have profound effects on all of the
tension, all of which aid conservation of energy [8, 9]. body’s physiological systems [21]. However, bone health is of
This altered metabolic state observed in low‐weight ado- particular importance in adolescents as it is a time when lin-
lescents with AN supports the need for a graded incremental ear growth and mineralisation is rapid and when bone for-
meal plan, outlined in Table 19.1. Initially, the aim is to stop mation should normally exceed bone reabsorption in order
weight loss and build a relationship with the family by for peak bone mass to be acquired [22]. Impaired linear
Dietetic Management within an FBT Framework 397
Lunch Large bagel or 2 slices bread (butter optional) 10 cm diameter 250 (1050)
12.30–13.45 Meat/egg 50–60 g 100 (420)
Popcorn/rice cakes 3 cups/3 servings 100 (420)
Low fat yoghurt 150 g (1 pot) 100 (420)
Water 200 mL (full glass) 0
• avoid ‘anorexic language’ – discussion of calories and may be drunk from taps, toilets and showers; access to
grams these facilities may need to be restricted. If water‐loading is
• transparent – build trust: calories should not be secretly suspected, then unplanned/spot weighing may be
added to a meal plan warranted.
Assuming the patient is medically stable, weight resto-
As the weeks progress the parents would be expected to lead
ration at a rate of 0.8–1.0 kg per week for inpatients and
on changes to the meal plan with the guidance of the d
0.3–0.5 kg in an outpatient setting [7, 16, 18] is safe. Initially,
and therapist, in the context of the family meeting and
weight restoration can usually be achieved by meeting the
guided by weekly weight measurements.
estimated average requirements (EAR) for energy for
height age. However, sometimes this is not adequate, and
Meal supervision daily increments of 200–300 kcal (840–1255 kJ) are required
until sufficient weight gain is achieved.
Meals and snacks should be provided under supervision, It is not uncommon for a member of the psychiatric team
ideally by someone who can demonstrate empathy and to request that the dietitian put a hold on weight gain once
understanding while setting firm boundaries about what is the young person is out of the high risk category (once their
expected, e.g. how much is to be consumed in a set period of %BMI is >85%) to allow for directed therapy around anxiety,
time [28]. It is essential that appropriate observations are in which has resulted from the weight gain.
place at mealtimes, i.e. consideration is given to who is pre- If the young person is still expected to grow, then the use
sent at each snack and mealtime and who has the responsi- of target weights should be avoided as a marker of health,
bility for observation of the food and fluid consumed and but instead, a target %BMI is better used as it accounts for
the time limits set for snacks and meals. Time limits for eat- expected changes in height.
ing, e.g. 15 minutes per snack and 30 minutes per meal, all
need to be agreed. Support and supervision is recommended
for 1 hour after each meal and has been shown to reduce the Learning points: phase 1
need for nasogastric (NG) feeding [28]. Additionally, meal
supervision is a good opportunity to explore and discuss • Accurate calculation of energy requirements is necessary,
normal hunger and feelings of satiety. taking into consideration the hypometabolic state of the
Any actions to be taken if a meal is not completed need to young person and risk of refeeding syndrome
be agreed and documented in advance, e.g. volume of sip • Energy requirements should be regularly recalculated to
feed to be given instead of the incomplete meal. Individual account for normal growth and development, along with an
circumstances will help to dictate the exact needs of the increase in percentage body fat and subsequent increase in
young person and any help that may be needed with respect resting energy expenditure
to helping them eat the required amount of food. • Meal plan prescriptiveness should be devised based on the
level of parental empowerment
• A prescriptive meal plan should be concise and clear to
Sip feeds
avoid any confusion and possibility of manipulation once at
High energy sip feeds (e.g. Fortini Compact Multi Fibre, home
Fortisip Compact, Nutrini Energy, Fortisip 2kcal, Pro‐Cal • Weight gain is an expectation of outpatient treatment
shot) can be invaluable supplements for the young person
who is struggling to consume the large quantity of food that
they need for growth. A top‐up supplement can provide a
nutrient‐rich addition, used as an adjunct to the meal plan, Phase 2: returning control over eating
given after meals or snacks. to the adolescent
Amount served What was suggested addition? What addition was managed?
Breakfast Good portion nil
Lunch Good portion nil
Dinner Not enough 2 more roast potatoes 1 roast potato
Breakfast Good portion
Lunch Not enough 1 pot of yoghurt 1 pot of yoghurt
Dinner Not enough Finish food on plate Left rice: 3 tablespoons
Breakfast Not enough Half cup more of Rice Krispies Half a banana (an
appropriate negotiation)
Lunch Good portion nil
Dinner Good portion nil
Positive signs that eating is becoming easier include compensatory behaviour, i.e. exercise, to counteract the
eating to appetite, serving larger portions and having addition of feared foods, and if there is, it must be ensured
additional snacks not included on the meal plan. Once par- that it is time limited.
ents and the therapy team agree that there is a significant
shift in attitude towards eating, then a ‘food and feeling
diary’ can be trialled. Table 19.3 gives an example of how Activity level
to promote the return of eating to the young person. In the
Exercise and activity levels are a contentious issue in young
example, at breakfast the parents documented that a suffi-
people with AN who have previously used exercise to con-
cient amount of food was served by the young person, and
trol weight or shape. It is important to remember that
therefore, no suggestion or addition was needed. However,
healthy exercising has many benefits; one of note is its
at dinner time the parents felt that an insufficient amount
cathartic value, as well as its antidepressant qualities.
of food was served and therefore suggested another two
Therefore, once the team has deemed exercise to be safe,
roast potatoes; what was actually managed was one roast
based on cardiovascular health, BMD and percentage BMI
potato. The point here is that, if there are consistent short-
>85%, low level activity can be introduced. This may include
falls in expected intake and regular battles, it may be that
walking to and from school (20 minutes per day) or
the young person does not have a grasp of what is expected
partaking in physical education lessons at school. Table 19.4
or is not ready/capable of taking control of their condition.
outlines expected energy expenditure from a variety of dif-
A ‘feeling section’ can be added to the diary, which can
ferent activities with worked examples of how to calculate
be kept private or discussed with family or individual
energy requirements.
Once the young person has demonstrated that they can
continue to gain weight while performing low level
Challenging feared/forgotten foods activity and manage additional snacks to account for the
increased energy level, then it is viable to consider starting
It is during this second phase of FBT that challenging the
out of school clubs. However, it is important to avoid
young person’s ‘feared foods’ can start. This can be per-
solitary sports such as running and swimming, which
formed in a number of ways including the reintroduction
inadvertently promote rigidity (counting lengths/laps),
of foods that were most recently excluded, in a sequential
or activities that emphasise body shape, e.g. gymnastics,
manner, gradually increasing the number of foods eaten.
dance and ballet. Team sports, which have a social
Alternatively, a list of feared foods can be formulated,
component, like hockey, football and netball, should be
which is usually completed with the parents in conjunc-
tion with the young person as it is a difficult task for
Suitable snacks for episodes of 20–30 minute exercise
the young person; it is essential to have trust between all
(200 kcal, 840 kJ per portion) are:
Starting with the least feared food, there is discussion how • cereal bar – nut based
it can be incorporated into a family meal or simply just • banana toasted sandwich with butter or honey
touching or tasting the food. It is important to continue with • 75 g dried fruit
regular exposure to feared foods to help with reducing anxi- • 50 g mixed nuts
ety. There must be observance that there is no increase in • blueberry muffin
400 Eating Disorders
Worked examples:
A 10‐year‐old girl spends 5 hours seated jiggling per day. EER = 1935 kcal (8090 kJ) × (1.4 × 5/24) = 564 kcal (2360 kJ)
Total daily energy requirements = 1935 kcal (8090 kJ) (EAR) + 564 kcal (2360 kJ) (EER) = 2500 kcal (10.45 MJ)
A 7‐year‐old boy spends 2 hours jogging per day. EER = 1650 kcal (6895 kJ) × (1.8 × 2/24) = 250 kcal (1035 kJ)
Total daily energy requirements = 1650 kcal (6895 kJ) (EAR) + 250 kcal (1045 kJ) (EER) = 1900 kcal (7940 kJ)
A 14‐year‐old girl spends 2 hours swimming per day and 1 hour jogging. EER = 2340 kcal (9780 kJ) × ([2.4 × 2/24] + 2340 kcal
(9780 kJ) × ([1.8 × 1/24]) = 545 kcal (2275 kJ)
Total daily energy requirements = 2340 kcal (9780 kJ) (EAR) + 545 kcal (2275 kJ) = 2885 kcal (12.10 MJ)
These snack portion sizes take into account the raised energy premenarche/male >95% BMI) and focused on establishing
expenditure that occurs after exercise. a healthy age‐appropriate relationship with parents.
Complications manifest with the introduction of carbohy- • An electrocardiogram (ECG) according to the individual,
drates (from diet or intravenous [IV] fluids), triggering a especially where there is pre‐existing cardiac arrhythmia
metabolic sequence of events due to a switch from ketone to (particularly prolonged QTc), should be considered
glucose metabolism. The subsequent insulin surge that • Strict monitoring of fluid balance should be put in place
occurs in response to rising serum glucose levels causes a
rapid intracellular movement of glucose, fluid and electro-
Commencing nutrition
lytes [35, 36].
For most children and young people, the most significant
The refeeding of malnourished patients needs to be gradual
finding will be a fall in serum phosphate levels. When under-
and closely monitored and must increase in controlled
nourished patients are fed, there is an increased requirement
phases in order to avoid further weight loss (underfeeding
for phosphate as the body switches back to carbohydrate
metabolism, which can be potentiated by a background of
Note that although initial feed rates provided below are
relative phosphate depletion in starvation. Phosphate levels
for safe initiation of feeding, children and young people may
in the blood begin to fall, and cardiovascular and neurologi-
well have additional requirements, e.g. for increased losses
cal sequelae may follow [37].
or catch‐up growth, which should be considered and incor-
On the initiation of feeding after a period of starvation, it
porated into feeding plans after the safe commencement of
is of the utmost importance to anticipate and remain vigilant
nutrition, as per the protocols below.
for the biochemical and clinical features of refeeding syn-
Adolescents are at particular risk as their high energy
drome, especially in the first 48 hours, and then the first 5
requirements coupled with restricted nutritional intake lend
days after commencement of feeding. Low phosphate levels
itself to a rapid deterioration in health. Table 19.5 outlines
will usually correct when treated with oral phosphate sup-
the refeeding phases that can be adopted to promote appro-
plements or given intravenously if the enteral supplement is
priate weight gain in a timely and safe manner. A worked
not tolerated.
example of a phased refeeding regimen is given in Table 19.6.
Refeeding syndrome may occur up to 2 weeks after initiat-
ing feeding. While it is important to be vigilant and refeed
safely, ‘underfeeding syndrome’, i.e. weight loss or inade- Table 19.5 Refeeding phases for adolescents at high risk of refeeding
quate weight gain, should also be avoided. syndrome [38].
Management of refeeding syndrome phase Target energy requirements and weight gain
• Baseline blood samples should be taken (see Biochemical Maintenance • Once weight is >85% median BMI, weight gain can
monitoring) be slowed or maintained depending upon the
therapeutic plan as discussed with the
• Electrolyte disturbances must be corrected as feeding
multidisciplinary team
commences and prophylactic phosphate supplementa-
tion considered for those who are known to have had BMI, body mass index.
refeeding syndrome before Source: Reproduced with permission of John Wiley & Sons.
402 Eating Disorders
Table 19.6 Worked example of a phased refeeding regimen. Table 19.8 Estimated energy requirements per day based on low
physical activity.
14‐year‐old girl with anorexia nervosa, weight = 30 kg. She is restricted
to limited activity on the ward giving her a physical activity level Age (years) Energy males (kcal) Energy females (kcal)
(PAL) = 1.2. Her basal metabolic rate (BMR)* = 1223 kcal (5112 kJ).
1 80 per kg 80 per kg
Day (refeeding phase) Target energy requirements and weight gain
2 65 per kg 65 per kg
Day 1 and 2 (primary It has not been possible to elicit an accurate 3 65 per kg 60 per kg
phase) reliable diet history
4 60 per kg 60 per kg
Start a meal plan: at 40 kcal/(165 kJ)/
kg = 1200 kcal (4950 kJ)/day 5 60 per kg 55 per kg
Now, calculate the secondary phase energy 6 1150 1050
intake target:
BMR × 1.2 PAL (restricted to ward) 7 1200 1100
[(17.686 × 30 kg) + 692.6] × 1.2 8 1250 1200
PAL = 1468 kcal (6140 kJ)/day
9 1350 1250
Day 3 and 4 (secondary Increase meal plan by 200 kcal (820 kJ)/day
10 1500 1400
phase energy intake until secondary phase requirements met =
target) 1468 kcal (6140 kJ)/day 11 1600 1500
Weight should increase as a result of 12 1650 1550
hydration and glycogen store replenishment
Now calculate the tertiary phase energy 13 1800 1650
intake target: 14 1950 1700
EAR for energy = 2342 kcal (9836 kJ) [19]
15 2100 1750
Day 7 (tertiary phase Increase meal plan by 200 kcal (820 kJ)/day
16 2200 1800
energy intake target) until tertiary phase energy requirements met
Halt energy increments and monitor weight 17 2300 1850
gain 18 2400 1850
From this point weight gain target:
0.6–1.0 kg/week (0.1 kg/day) Source: Adapted from [19]. Licensed under Open Government License.
If weight gain is <0.6 kg/week, increase
meal plan by 300 kcal (1255 kJ) = 2650 kcal
(11.07 MJ)/day • NG tube insertion should be considered if daily energy
Progression If sufficient weight gain is not achieved, requirement is not met orally with food and/or nutri-
continue to increase energy intake by 300 kcal tional supplements
(1255 kJ) every 4 days until weight gain target • Bolus NG feeds are preferable to continuous as they
of 0.6–1.0 kg/week (0.1 kg/day) is achieved
closely mimic normal physiology and reduce the indi-
Be mindful of compensatory behaviours
(secret exercising/purging) if exceeding
vidual’s preoccupation with energy. However, continu-
3000 kcal (12.54 MJ)/day while bed/ward ous feeds may be considered in those with hypoglycaemia,
bound upper gastrointestinal symptoms or malabsorption
Table 19.9 Normal ranges for electrolytes according to age. • consider oral phosphate supplements for mildly low lev-
els or IV phosphate supplements for significantly low
Age 4–9 years 9–15 years >15 years levels of serum phosphate (e.g. <0.5 mmol/L), poor clini-
Magnesium (mmol/L) 0.66–1.0 0.7–0.95 0.7–1.0 cal status or where oral supplementation is not possible/
Age 4–9 years 1–15 years >15 years • involvement and discussion between all relevant staff:
medical consultant, senior nurse, ward nurses, dietitian
Potassium (mmol/L) 3.5–5.5 3.5–5.5 3.6–5.0
and pharmacist
Age 4–9 years 10–15 years >15 years • ensure there is peripheral IV access if no central IV
access, particularly in those considered most at risk
Phosphate (mmol/L) 1.2–1.8 1.1–1.75 0.8–1.45 and those with other medical co‐morbidities. Some
children with mild hypophosphataemia who are other-
to ensure that appropriate nutrition is being given, and wise clinically stable may not automatically need IV,
supplementation can take place but the decision should be based on likely risk and
• Urinary sodium may be useful measure to determine other medical problems and should be decided by the
sodium depletion medical team
• Early weight gain may be secondary to fluid retention • repeat ECG if there is evidence of refeeding syn-
drome – monitor for QT interval prolongation
• phosphate level <0.3 mmol/L is considered severe, and
Clinical monitoring HDU/PICU support may be needed – this should be dis-
cussed with consultant, senior nurse and PICU leads for
• The presence of oedema or confusion should be moni- the shift
tored frequently throughout the day
• In particular, identification and reporting of tachycardia
to members of the medical team is important as this can Treatment of clinical features
be an early sign that refeeding syndrome is developing refeeding syndrome
Table 20.1 Comparison of the criteria and classifications for autism spectrum disorder in WHO IDCD‐11 and APA DSM‐5.
ASD diagnostic A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social ‘Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by
criteria interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by all persistent deficits in the ability to initiate and to
of the following: sustain reciprocal social interaction and social
1. Deficits in social‐emotional reciprocity communication, and by a range of restricted,
2. Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviours used repetitive, and inflexible patterns of behaviour and
for social interaction interests. The onset of the disorder occurs during
3. Deficits in developing, maintaining and understanding the developmental period, typically in early
relationships childhood, but symptoms may not become fully
B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or manifest until later when social demands exceed
activities, as manifested by at least two of the following: limited capacities. Deficits are sufficiently severe to
1. Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of cause impairment in personal, family, social,
objects or speech educational, occupational or other important areas
2. Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to of functioning and are usually a pervasive feature of
routines or ritualised patterns or nonverbal behaviour the individual’s functioning observable in all
3. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in settings, although they may vary according to
intensity or focus social, educational, or another context. Individuals
4. Hyper‐ or hypo‐reactivity to sensory input or unusual along the spectrum exhibit a full range of
interests in sensory aspects of the environment intellectual functioning and language abilities’
C. Symptoms must be present in the early developmental
D. Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in
social, occupational or other critical areas of current
E. These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual
disability or global developmental delay
ASD specifiers Severity based on social communication impairments and Autism spectrum disorder
restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour: With/without disorder of intellectual development
Level 3 ‘Requiring very substantial support’ and
Level 2 ‘Requiring substantial support’ with mild or no impairment functional language/
Level 1 ‘Requiring support’ with impaired functional language/with the
With or without accompanying intellectual impairment absence of functional language
New diagnoses Social (pragmatic) communication disorder Developmental language disorder
related to ASD
Terms used for ASD Pervasive developmental disorders, autistic disorder, Autistic disorder, pervasive developmental delay
in previous manuals Asperger’s disorder, Rett’s disorder, childhood disintegrative
that are no longer disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise
included specified (PDD‐NOS)
(but not head circumference) in infancy and early childhood Outcomes and public health impact
compared with typically developing children [23]. These
changes are associated with altered connectivity both Autism is seen as a lifelong condition; however, 4%–40% of
throughout the brain and in specific regions [24–27]. The children lose their diagnosis as they get older [45–47]. Loss of
underlying cellular mechanisms are poorly understood. diagnosis is more common for those more ‘mildly’ affected or
More than 20 environmental factors linked to increased without other coexisting conditions. Whether these changes
risk of autism have been identified, many of which focus on are due to ‘recovery’ or just a shifting of how much underly-
maternal exposure before and during pregnancy and include ing autistic traits impede ‘normal’ life is not known [48].
both maternal and paternal increasing age, pregnancy spac- Autistic people have an increased risk of many preventa-
ing and use of some medications [28–32]. Taking folic acid ble nutrition‐related conditions including vitamin and
before and after conception is associated with more than a mineral deficiencies, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and type 2
40% reduction in risk for having an autistic child, with diabetes and die on average 18 years younger than the gen-
greater reductions in risk when mothers or children carried eral population (30 years younger for autistic people with
the gene variant MTHFR 677 C > T [22, 33–36]. However, intellectual/learning disabilities) [49, 50]. Autism costs the
other studies do not support these associations [37, 38]. UK £32 billion per year in treatment, lost parental earnings,
Other maternal dietary factors that have been linked to care and support – more than heart disease, cancer and stroke
increased risk of autism are low iron intakes in pregnancy combined [51, 52]. The government has highlighted the need
[39], high polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake [40] and to reduce the health gap between autistic people and the
low vitamin D levels [41–44]. general population and increase UK research spend from the
Sensory Processing Difficulties 407
current £4 million per year (£6 per year per autistic person conditions are listed in Table 20.2. Assessment for coexisting
compared with £220 spent per person with cancer) [53–56]. conditions, including feeding and nutrition problems, and
referrals to appropriate professionals (including dietitians)
Co‐morbidities on diagnosis are recommended in UK guidance [7, 8].
Over 95% of autistic CYP have at least one coexisting medi- Sensory processing difficulties
cal, psychiatric or behavioural condition [57]. Autistic CYP
have an increased prevalence of gastrointestinal (GI) condi- Impairment in the perception of sensory stimuli is reported
tions and feeding problems. These conditions further impair in over 90% of autistic people [79, 80] and has been incor-
social and psychological functioning and increase the need porated into the DSM ASD criteria for the first time in the
for medical and dietetic input. Prevalence of a selection of current 5th edition: ‘Hyper‐ or hypo‐reactivity to sensory
Medical problems
Autoimmune disease [50] USA: 13.9% of 1507 adults vs. 10.8% of 15 070 controls
Food allergy [66, 67] USA: 0.9% of 5565 children vs. 0.5% of 27 825 controls (diagnosed); 11.25% of 1868
children vs. 4.25% of 199 520 controls (reported)
Motor coordination problems [68, 69] UK: 79%–89% of 97 children aged 10–14, 1.2 times more prevalent in a meta‐analysis
Epilepsy [50, 70] USA: 8.6% vs. 1.2% of 85 248 aged 2–17; 11.9% in 1507 adults vs. 0.73% in 15 070 controls
Mitochondrial disease [71] 5.0% vs. 0.01%, meta‐analysis of 11 studies of 112 autistic children
Gastrointestinal problems
Gastrointestinal symptoms [50, 72–74] Four times more prevalent in autistic CYP than non-autistic CYP (9% to >70%),
meta‐analysis of 2215 autistic CYP, 15 studies
USA: 34.7% of 1507 adults vs. 27.5% of 15 070 controls
Diarrhoea [73] 3.6 times more prevalent in autistic CYP than non-autistic CYP meta‐analysis of 2215
autistic CYP, 15 studies
Constipation [73, 75] 3.9 times more prevalent in autistic CYP than non-autistic CYP (12 times more
prevalent in nonverbal CYP), meta‐analysis of 2215 autistic CYP, 15 studies
85% of autistic CYP in a clinically validated sample of 121 CYP
Coeliac disease [76–78] Sweden: in 36 714 CYP same prevalence in autistic and non-autistic CYP
Italy: 3.3% of 150 screened CYP three times higher than in non-autistic CYP
408 Autism
Table 20.3 Examples of how sensory processing difficulties could affect food preferences and mealtime behaviour.
Taste (gustatory) Strong preference for bland tasting foods Preference for strong tasting spicy foods
Aversion to spicy foods/many foods Licking objects
Ability to detect tastes that others may not, e.g. attempts Pica
to hide foods or supplements in preferred foods
Smell (olfactory) Distracted or disturbed by food smells Preference for strong scents
Ability to detect odours that others may not, e.g. in
protein‐rich foods
Sight (visual) Distracted by lighting, movement or colours at mealtimes Difficulty making out foods on a plate
Distracted by ‘specks’ in food Preference for contrasting foods and plates
Preference for bland‐coloured foods
Preference for different foods to be presented separately
Disturbed by foods not displayed in the usual way
Aversion to certain coloured foods
Sound (auditory) Dislike of the sound of self or others eating, particularly Preference for foods that make sounds when eaten,
crunchy or noisy foods e.g. crunchy ones
Distracted or disturbed by background sounds, some of
which may not be obvious, e.g. fluorescent light tubes
Touch (tactile) Dislike of mixed textures in the mouth Preference for lumpy or crunchy foods
Dislike of hot or cold foods and drinks May not notice when face gets messy when eating
Dislike of some cutlery in mouth Preference for very hot or very cold foods and
Dislike of tooth brushing drinks (possibility of burning self as hyposensitive
Dislike of busy eating places in case someone bumps to pain)
against them A tendency to frequently put foods and other
Dislike of getting messy objects to the mouth
Proprioception Alterations can contribute to clumsiness in eating or drinking or being distracted by arm movements during
Vestibular Changes can cause a child to be distracted by moving or not moving self or by body position during a meal
Interoception Alterations may create a lack of or excessive experience of hunger and thirst and might affect the ability to
know when to defaecate and urinate or indeed a dislike of these sensations
input or unusual interests in sensory aspects of the environ- spinning, rocking or hand flapping are often forms of self‐stim-
ment’ [9]. The reasons for these sensory processing difficul- ulation when hypo‐reactive to external stimulation; aversions
ties are not understood. to touch, light, smell, taste, sound or certain movements may
SPDs can fluctuate between hyper‐ and hypo‐reactivity in be due to hyper‐reactivity. Table 20.3 gives examples of sensory
each sense and can have marked negative impacts on a issues that could affect food intake and mealtimes.
child’s functioning in daily activities including eating [81].
SPDs not only relate to sight, sound, smell, touch and taste
but also to proprioception, sensations from muscles and Learning points: features of autism
joints that give a sense of where the body is in space; vestibu-
lar, sense of head movement in space that relates to balance; • Autism is a complex, common and costly condition
and interoception, the sensations associated with the physi- • It is characterised by a range of social difficulties with
ological and physical condition of the body such as the sense unpredictable outcomes and trajectories
of thirst, hunger and body temperature. • Causation is likely a complex interplay between multiple
SPDs impact on a child in many ways. Firstly, they may genes and mostly unavoidable environmental stressors
directly impact the way they experience the world around • Vitamin D and folate supplements peri‐conception may
them, impairing (or sometimes enhancing) their understand- play a role in development of autism
ing of objects and experiences, including food and mealtimes. • Autistic people often have numerous coexisting conditions
Secondly, they can affect their alertness: hypo‐responders may that can impair quality of life and affect mealtimes and
be understimulated and not alert enough to take part in a eating
learning activity, for example, or too busy self‐stimulating • Sensory processing difficulties are often a major contribu-
(‘stimming’) to concentrate; hyper‐responders may be over- tor to eating problems
stimulated by a learning activity and overwhelmed. Thirdly, • High premature mortality rates are of great concern and are
coping behaviours may be directly related to sensory an increasing public health priority
processing difficulties: common behaviours such as fidgeting,
Management of Autism 409
transition should include all the family and be considered as CD to be three times more common in autistic CYP and,
early as possible, being particularly mindful that autistic therefore, recommended routine screening for CD in autistic
young people may find change incredibly hard. CYP however, a large Swedish study of biopsy registers did
not find a higher prevalence in autism, but instead found a
strong link between autism and CD serology in the absence
Learning points: management
of histologically normal intestinal mucosa [76–78].
An expert US multidisciplinary group consensus statement
• Autistic CYP often need tailored education and behavioural
recommends that ‘individuals with autism who present with
gastrointestinal symptoms warrant a thorough evaluation,
• Pharmacological treatment is primarily for coexisting
as would be undertaken for individuals without autism who
have the same symptoms or signs’ [120]. Markers of abdominal
• Management of stress, anxiety and sensory processing
pain or discomfort include irritability, agitation, aggression,
difficulties can help with overall functioning and eating
constant eating, pica, unusual posturing and unexplained
repetitive behaviours, aggression and sensitivity.
Autistic CYP are significantly more likely to be at risk for
developing nutrient deficiencies [121, 122] and have a
Dietary and nutritional issues significantly lower consumption of calcium, protein and vita-
mins B12 and D [121–123], and a third have intakes below the
Prevalence lower reference nutrient intake (LRNI) for iron, zinc, calcium
and vitamins A, B2 and B12 [89]. Bone mineral density of young
Feeding problems such as extremely fussy eating are up to autistic children has been found to be significantly lower
five times more common in autistic CYP than in non-autistic than the reference for their age [124–131]. Serum 25‐hydroxy-
CYP, affecting up to 90% of children [88–91], and were recog- vitamin D levels are significantly lower than in peers [132];
nised even in the earliest descriptions of autism by Leo rates of iron deficiency range from 8% to 24% [133–137]; and
Kanner in 1943 [92]. Mealtimes for parents of autistic CYP biochemical markers of biotin, folate and vitamins B5, B12 and
and feeding problems can be ‘one of the most stressful times E are lower than in controls [138]. There are many published
of the day’, absent of enjoyment, horrible and even ‘hell on case reports of severe nutritional deficiencies including scurvy
earth’ [93]. A lack of support from professionals is commonly presenting as rash and/or muscle atrophy [139–152], concur-
reported [94–96]. rent vitamin A and D deficiency presenting as a limp and
Compared with typically developing controls, autistic periorbital swelling [153], vitamin B12 deficiency presenting as
children have more severe eating problems that include not partially reversible optic neuropathy [154], vitamin A defi-
staying seated, not eating with their families, ‘food jags’ ciency presenting as vision loss [155–160] and other multiple
(persistently wanting the same foods), narrower food reper- deficiencies leading to severe malnutrition [161–166].
toires, restrictions by food category, texture and the way they It is unclear whether rates of underweight, overweight
are presented [88, 97–99]. Eating habits can be extremely and obesity in autistic CYP are higher than or comparable to
rigid, e.g. only eating two or three foods, preference for food rates in the general population [167–176].
that is only ‘dry’ or ‘wet’, a particular colour or shape or from
a specific brand packaging [89]. Feeding problems are not
associated with the autism ‘severity’ [99–102]. Many autistic Assessment and management of dietary
CYP with eating problems may meet the criteria for the new and nutritional issues
DSM‐5 feeding and eating disorder diagnosis of avoidant
and restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), but prevalence There is no evidence that autistic CYP have different nutrient
is yet to be studied [103]. Pica, packing or pocketing food in requirements to the general population. In the main, dietary
their cheeks, rumination and regurgitation and other abnor- and nutritional management of coexisting conditions, GI
mal feeding practices are also common, particularly in those conditions and nutritional problems should be as per the
with intellectual/learning disability [63, 104–106]. general population, taking an individualised approach to
The prevalence of autism in adults and young people with each child.
anorexia nervosa (AN) is estimated to be 23% (4%–53%), Having a good understanding of the core and coexisting
although accurate ascertainment of levels is problematic due challenges facing autistic CYP and their families is essential
to individuals acutely ill with AN displaying high levels of in providing assessment and treatment that is accessible and
symptoms characteristic of autism [107–110]. Screening for appropriate. 74% of respondents in a large survey of parents
autism in AN has been recommended as autistic CYP may of autistic CYP and professionals felt that autistic people
require significant treatment adaptations [108]. receive ‘worse’ or ‘much worse’ healthcare than non-autistic
Food hypersensitivities, GI problems, constipation, diar- people [177]. In another survey, the lowest satisfaction
rhoea and abdominal pain, disordered gut microbiota and with the National Health Service (NHS) was with those
increased intestinal gut permeability are more common than related to feeding, nutrition and diet with 24% unable to
controls (see Table 20.2) [67, 68, 74, 111–120]. Coeliac disease access support; 77% of those who did have support did not
(CD) can present as autism, and a prospective study found find it helpful [178].
Dietary and Nutritional Issues 411
Consultation location Consider alternatives to clinic appointments if attendance is stressful: phone, email, video, home visits
Consider lighting and noise levels in consultation location and waiting rooms, provide a quiet area if needed
Consider if the autistic CYP needs to attend the consultation, especially if needing to discuss things that may be upsetting to
Consultation timing Allow double time for processing of information
duration Be punctual and warn if this is unlikely to be possible. Consider giving the first appointment or last appointment of the
clinic, or scheduling appointments outside busy times
Consultation Ask in advance what adjustments are needed
preparation Provide visual information to prepare for appointment, e.g. photos of the building entrance, room, dietitian
Provide easy‐read appointment letters
Verbal Simplify, slow down, avoid idioms that could be taken literally (e.g. ‘I’ll be back in a second’, ‘Eating that will put hairs on
communication your chest’), use positive commands rather than negative (e.g. ‘Sit down there’ rather than ‘Don’t stand over there’)
Don’t assume that CYP who cannot communicate verbally cannot understand verbal communication or that those who can
speak well can comprehend easily
Visual supports Use visual supports to complement any verbal instructions, e.g. written information, signing, the use of objects or pictures
Provide easy‐read information leaflets and advice summaries
Training Training in autism awareness is mandatory for all ancillary staff who work in public services, and more in‐depth training is
mandatory for all dietitians. Essential skills and knowledge for dietitians and ancillary staff are set out in the Skills for Health
Learning Disabilities Core Skills Education and Training Framework and Autism Skills and Knowledge Checklists [181, 182]
Assessment Ask direct questions. Allow written answers in advance
Autistic CYP may have symptoms (e.g. constipation, abdominal pain, symptoms of food hypersensitivities) that they are not
able to communicate verbally or distinguish well due to sensory processing difficulties, but may be indicated by different
behaviours, e.g. unusual irritability, food refusal, behavioural outbursts, unusual posturing
See Table 20.5 for possible underlying causes for eating problems in autism
Giving advice Simplify for some, provide detailed science‐backed information for others
Bear in mind that individuals with high IQ may struggle with executive functioning that may make following recipes and
food preparation difficult without simplified directions
Avoid unnecessary dietary rules that may be followed rigidly
Ensure advice is consistent and unambiguous from all that are involved
412 Autism
Table 20.5 Possible underlying reasons for dietary issues in children and young people with autism.
The author’s suggested best practice approach is to carry Learning points: dietary issues
out feeding therapy as part of a multidisciplinary team
(MDT), involving as many of the following as possible: par- • Feeding, dietary and GI problems are widespread
ents, teachers, speech therapists, sensory integration trained • All dietitians should be trained in working with autistic
occupational therapists, paediatricians, clinical psycholo- CYP and ensure their practice is autism-friendly
gists, play therapist and portage. Table 20.8 details a prag- • Reasonable adjustments include allowing extra time for
matic stepwise approach to feeding therapy that could consultations, care with communication and consideration
include group or one‐to‐one sessions with parents and/or of consultation location
parents and the child or young person. • An in‐depth understanding of autism is vital in taking a
Two case studies are described in Tables 20.9 and 20.10, full history and designing support and interventions
suggesting approaches to two of the most common issues • There is little consensus in the best way to manage feeding prob-
parents of autistic CYP seek dietetic help for: firstly extremely lems, but there are a number of options and MDT working is ideal
fussy eating and secondly overeating.
Popular Therapeutic Diets and Supplements 413
Satter’s division of responsibility in Trust that if a parent provides the what, where and how of offering food, the child will decide whether
feeding to and how much to eat, a ‘no pressure’ approach to feeding all children (and discourages all the other
components in the table as they involve pressure)
Positive reinforcement Praise, compliments, rewards (food or non‐food), distraction
Negative reinforcement Warning, punishing, withholding preferred food until child eats non‐preferred food, selective attention
(looking away when she/he does not eat, paying attention when she/he does), stopping a video if the
child does not eat
Differential reinforcement of alternative An example of negative reinforcement – the child is allowed access to a preferred item or activity, e.g. a
behaviour toy only after eating a non‐preferred food
Escape extinction Non‐removal of the spoon (spoon held in front of the child’s mouth until she/he gives in and takes a
bite), physical guidance (physically opening the child’s mouth and putting in the food)
Systematic approximation Eating‐related activities, such as chewing on a washcloth, sitting in the chair at the table, offering food
and encouraging interacting with it, then touching it, then smelling it, then licking it, etc.
Food chaining/spreading the sets Widening variety of foods eaten by starting with favourite and then offering closely related foods that
are a bit more challenging
Table 20.8 Suggested stepwise approach to feeding therapy in autistic children and young people.
Step Detail
1 Do nothing: This is an option if there are few nutritional concerns and it is not a priority for parents. Often one of the key things parents
seek from a dietetic consultation is reassurance that their child is growing well and that their problem is not unique
2 Standard fussy eating management: Changes to the environment and feeding relationship in line with the trust model of feeding and
Satter’s division of responsibility in feeding (sDOR) [195–199]. sDOR is reported by proponents to ‘work’ even in severe feeding issues in
ASC, but there is no empirical evidence for this
3 Autism‐specific fussy eating management: Step 2 plus additional strategies for autism (but no pressure to try any new foods in line with
sDOR as above), which may include:
• Visual timetables detailing when and where they will eat and what will be eaten
• Visual schedules with written or picture symbol schedules detailing behaviour expected at mealtimes or foods to be tried at a mealtime
• Very structured routines day to day and before and after meals
• Social stories or social articles (specially written stories or articles explaining how and why to do something) [200]
• Relaxation exercises before meals, e.g. progressive muscle relaxation
• Stress‐reducing strategies during meals, e.g. playing favourite music/video clips
• ‘Sensory diet’ specific to mealtimes, e.g. incorporating calming or alerting activities before a mealtime such as blowing bubbles,
washing hands and face to ‘wake them up’, heavy lifting or swinging before meals, sitting on a large ball during eating, using a weighted
lap tray, adjusted cutlery
4 Home‐based food introduction: Step 3 plus slow desensitisation to new foods via food play outside mealtimes (if tolerated) and/or food
chaining/spreading the sets [201]. Useful motivators to engaging in food exploration include:
• ‘Eat it up’ books. A written list or picture symbol list of foods liked, foods parents want the child to try and the foods the child is going to
try next. Foods can be moved gradually up the lists
• Using ‘special interests’ to motivate. Autistic CYP often have intense interests, e.g. watching the same part of a popular children’s DVD
story. Reserving access to special interest to ‘reward’ times may be an effective motivator
• Modifying a favourite game to include activities to taste new foods, e.g. snakes and ladders – trying a new food to prevent going down a
snake. An example of a clinical use of a specially devised board game is described by Gillis [202]
5 Professional food introduction: Professional intervention working directly with the child on developmentally appropriate food
desensitisation systematic approximation, e.g. the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach [203] is an MDT approach to intensive feeding
therapy using a developmentally informed food school or food scientist approach in groups of CYP, alongside parental training to continue
the approach at home
6 More invasive options: Enteral feeding may be necessary to improve nutritional status in the short to medium term while feeding therapy is
provided. There may be a role for ABA approaches if enteral feeding is contraindicated or rejected (e.g. gastrostomy tube pulled out) and
improved nutritional status is urgently needed
NICE guidance advises against using any therapeutic supplementation with omega‐3 fatty acids [219], vitamin B12
diets or supplements for core autism ‘symptoms’ [87]; SIGN [219], levocarnitine [219], digestive enzymes [219], vitamin
guidance found insufficient evidence to draw firm conclu- B6 and magnesium [222] or camel milk [219]. There is
sions and recommended further research [8]. some pilot evidence for supplementation with iron [223],
There are many organisations and complementary and sulphoraphane (from broccoli sprout extract) [224], ubiqui-
alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners (and some main- nol [225], folic acid [38, 226], high dose vitamin C [227], vita-
stream practitioners) who recommend various diets and min A [228], probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1) [229],
supplements for autism, and many companies sell tailored prebiotics [230] and a multiple dietary and supplement
supplements, parent training and books [210–215]. Many intervention [231]. Dimethylglycine (DMG) [232] and N‐ace-
anecdotes on the Internet describe autistic CYP (and adults) tylcysteine (NAC) [233] supplementation showed no signifi-
who have benefitted from one or more dietary changes, cant effects compared with controls. Randomised controlled
sometimes dramatically so. Unsurprisingly then, around a trials (RCTs) of vitamin D supplementation have given con-
third of parents in England have tried exclusion diets for flicting results [234, 235]. A double‐blind RCT of a multivita-
their child, and over a half have tried micronutrient supple- min and mineral supplement in adults (containing high doses
ments [216]. of B vitamins, no iron and a subclinical dose of lithium) showed
Dietary approaches and supplements for autism range in promising results in improved functioning [236].
plausibility, evidence base and safety [217]. A report by the A ketogenic diet has shown promise in mouse models of
Westminster Commission on Autism highlighted particu- autism [237] and in pilots in autistic CYP [238]. Popular
larly dangerous options, e.g. the ‘supplement’ Miracle dietary approaches that have no published evidence include
Mineral Solution (MMS), a 28% sodium chlorite solution the exclusion of phenolic compounds and salicylates, the
equivalent to industrial strength bleach, and found that Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and the Gut and
ingestion as ‘recommended’ could be lethal [218]. Psychology Syndrome Diet (GAPS). SCD has a history of
Systematic reviews have found inadequate evidence to more than 50 years; it eliminates grains, sucrose and lactose
recommend gluten and casein/milk exclusion [219–221], with the theory that this modifies intestinal bacteria growth
Popular Therapeutic Diets and Supplements 415
Table 20.9 Case study: Gina, an autistic 5-year-old who has a very selective diet.
• Anthropometry: no concerns – tracking the 50th centiles
• Biochemistry: none available – aversive to having blood tests
• Clinical/physical: diagnosed with ASD at 3 years of age, bowels open regularly, good energy levels, no other diagnosis
• Dietary: severely limited diet – eats 4–6 times a day, banana sandwiches, in total six slices white bread with four bananas and 600 mL full‐fat milk to
drink plus water. Dietary analysis shows that despite the lack of variety, the RNI is met for most nutrients and the EAR is achieved for all
micronutrients except for vitamin D
• Environmental/behavioural/social: attends mainstream primary school, limited verbal communication, learning to use PECS but not yet proficient
• Focused on parents’ concerns in order of priority: (1) worry about nutritional adequacy and (2) how to widen food range
Focus 1: Worry about nutritional adequacy
1. Reassure parents of Gina’s growth and relative dietary adequacy
2. Address vitamin D shortfall:
a. Recommend a vitamin D test due to likely low historic intake and high levels of deficiencies in autistic CYP. A finger prick test may be better
b. Recommend a standard vitamin D supplement until vitamin D levels established
c. Advise on acceptance of supplement:
i. Hiding it in a preferred food is likely to backfire with autistic CYP who often have very sensitive taste detection
ii. Advise it is usually better to introduce it as a medicine and to use social stories, visual supports and explanations that it is a medicine and
is essential
iii. It can be mixed with something of a preferred taste to reduce its likelihood to elicit a disgust response or paired with a spoonful of a
preferred food directly after
iv. Find out from parents how they have managed to accept medicines previously; often they never have
v. Help from teachers, speech therapists, play therapists, etc. can be utilised to make acceptance of the supplement in the short term the
absolute priority
Focus 2: How to widen food range
1. Establish if this falls under remit of the dietetic service or that of other members of the MDT. If the dietetic service has scope and training and
knowledge to provide feeding therapy, continue as below
2. Explore underlying issues:
a. No apparent underlying oromotor or medical issues
b. Feeding problems have been apparent since introduction of solids at 5 months; no identified traumatic experience associated with it starting
(e.g. choking, silent reflux, tube feeding, illness)
c. 6Ss
i. Self‐esteem – No issues identified
ii. Sensory – Gina has help with various sensory integration issues – messy play has helped accepting getting her hands dirty; massage and
body brushing has helped to calm her down when anxious and the parents and school already have a sensory diet plan that they follow
iii. Structure – Gina has a relatively well‐structured day and mealtimes are very structured to her preferences: the same cutlery, place setting,
sat at a table, etc.
iv. Supports – At school they use visual timetables, PECS and a choice board at mealtimes. Gina is still getting used to these
v. Special (intense) interests – Gina loves kittens; using books with kittens has been used effectively with toilet training
vi. Stress – Change in Gina’s routine cause anxiety. Changes to the presentation or any aspect of her food causes extreme anxiety and often
food refusal. Introduction of new foods in her proximity provokes a fear response
3. Explore management options (from steps shown in Table 20.8):
a. Step 1: Do nothing: Give parents permission to do this as there is little evidence whether feeding therapy is effective in autism; incidental
exposure to foods via family mealtimes, school activities and sensory activities may help her to vary her diet with time. If parents opt for this,
they can be advised to seek further help immediately if Gina’s diet reduces in range as she would then need a multivitamin and mineral
supplement to ensure nutritional adequacy
b. Step 2: Standard fussy eating management: Parents have consistently applied this and it hasn’t helped
c. Step 3: ASC‐specific fussy eating management: Gina’s parents have a good understanding of autism and its management. Discussion of why
feeding problems may be more common in autism helps them to see the problem through Gina’s eyes, e.g. sensory issues, behavioural rigidity
and social demands at mealtimes. As Gina becomes more used to visual supports used at school, these may help with mealtimes at home and
with slow introduction of new foods
d. Step 4: Home‐based food introduction: If Gina’s parents want to try to push her on with food acceptance, they could try food chaining at
home making small changes to her preferred foods, e.g. adding a bit of food colouring or changing the way it looks on the plate. The worry
with this with such a restricted range is that she might then reject a core food and they have reported that changing her foods invokes stress.
Parents and school staff may be able to come up with creative ways to motivate her to interact with new foods in a non‐threatening way
outside mealtimes, e.g. using her special interest of kittens; could they play with feeding foods to a toy kitten supported by a home‐made book
about kittens eating different foods?
e. Step 5: Professional food introduction: Gina may be a suitable candidate for group food play sessions aiming for
systematic approximation as in the SOS Approach
RNI, reference nutrient intake; EAR, estimated average requirement; PECS, Picture Exchange Communication System.
416 Autism
Table 20.10 Case study: Rajesh, a 14‐year‐old autistic boy who overeats.
• Anthropometry: height tracking 50th centile, weight >99.6th centile and moving further upwards, BMI >99.6th centile and moving further upwards
• Biochemistry: none available
• Clinical/physical: diagnosed with autism at 3 years of age; chronic constipation, no other diagnoses
• Dietary: eats three meals a day, snacks a lot in the evenings, demands food when he wants it. Meal choices not excessive in fat and sugar and
portion sizes, but evening snacks consist of crisps, chocolate, biscuits and sugary drinks and make up at least a third of his energy intake
• Environmental/behavioural/social: attends a special educational needs school, teachers find his behaviour around food challenging – demanding
food off others’ plates, etc. Rajesh has limited verbal communication but makes his desires known via behaviour and PECS. Rajesh does little
physical activity
• Focused on parents’ priorities, unable to ascertain from Rajesh due to communication barriers; parent priorities: (1) reduce behaviours that
challenge around demanding food and (2) reduce the risk of diseases associated with obesity
Focus 1: Reduce behaviours that challenge around demanding food
1. Establish if this falls under remit of the dietetic service or that of other members of the MDT. If the dietetic service has scope and training and
knowledge to provide support in changing behaviours that challenge, continue as below
2. Explore underlying issues:
a. No apparent oromotor or medical issues apart from constipation
b. Discuss better medical management of constipation and ruling out potential underlying causes such as coeliac disease
c. 6Ss
i. Self‐esteem – Rajesh is very sensitive about having his weight and eating discussed. After an initial brief consultation meeting Rajesh and
establishing with parents and school staff, further advice and assessment is given without Rajesh present. School staff can monitor his
weight prior to each follow‐up appointment to avoid him needing to be involved further unnecessarily
ii. Sensory – Rajesh hasn’t had sensory issues considered previously. He seems to love the crunch of snack foods in the evening – could this
be ‘sensory seeking’ behaviour? If so could other sensory activities help to replace this, e.g. munching on raw vegetables or wearing an
age‐appropriate chew ring
iii. Structure – Rajesh has a structured day at school but free access to food in the evenings. A very set routine around eating and rules about
when and where food can be eaten can be very effective, especially when backed up by social stories, visual supports and even locked
kitchen doors
iv. Supports – At school Rajesh uses visual timetables, PECS and a choice board at mealtimes. At home little is used. Introducing these around
foods and food times is advisable. Visual supports around home food rules will help parents to say ‘no’ consistently to Rajesh’s demands.
Teaching about hunger and satiety levels using a visual hunger scale, supported by social stories to explain this, can sometimes be
effective in helping autistic CYP manage their desires to eat
v. Special (intense) interests – Rajesh loves dinosaurs. Could activities about dinosaurs and what they eat be used to help to learn about
healthier eating and being more active?
vi. Stress – Could Rajesh’s appetite in the evenings be driven by his stress levels? He does very little exercise – could regular evening exercise
serve the double purpose of reducing stress and reducing the time he is able to access snack foods? Could mindfulness and relaxation help?
Focus 2: Reduce the risk of diseases associated with obesity
1. Dietary management
a. Help parents consider keeping tempting foods out of the house or locked away
b. Avoid giving any hard and fast dietary rules or advice that could cause harm if followed rigidly, e.g. ‘avoid fat’, ‘avoid fatty foods’, etc. If giving
prescriptive dietary advice, ensure that it is clear that it is ok to have some days when they don’t follow them, e.g. at celebrations or religious
feast days
c. Ensure verbal advice given directly to Rajesh is accompanied with clear and unambiguous written information that is developmentally
appropriate. Could appropriate materials be given to the parents to discuss with Rajesh at home?
2. Advise on physical activity levels
This is not primarily for weight management, but for overall health and well‐being, lowering of anxiety and possibly a way to keep him busy in the
evenings and away from food. Sensory issues are sometimes a barrier to engaging in some activities, e.g. aversion to the noise in the gym, and
social communication can sometimes make team sports challenging to participate in. Could going to the gym with a parent in the evenings be an
option, or getting a treadmill or exercise bike at home, or going for long walks, runs, bike rides or swims? Could the family get a trampoline for
their garden?
and treats various digestive disorders [239]. GAPS is a more A pragmatic approach to therapeutic
recent modification of SCD, with multiple supplements, and diets and supplementation
its author claims it is effective in many different disorders,
including autism [240]. Both GAPS and SCD have extensive Parents of autistic CYP often do not readily disclose their
(differing) lists of foods to be avoided with limited rationale. use of complementary health approaches, including dietary
GAPS has aspects that risk malnutrition, e.g. the advice to approaches and supplements, to professionals and may wish
follow the first stage – a limited range of broths and fer- to pursue them despite their weak evidence base [217, 242,
mented foods – for as long as it takes for diarrhoea to settle 243]. Left unsupported, parents are at risk of putting their
and ‘the gut to heal’, over a year if necessary [241]. child on more and more restricted and imbalanced diets,
A Pragmatic Approach to Therapeutic Diets and Supplementation 417
accompanied by expensive and often excessive supplements. integrative approaches in autism [247]. Vitamin and min-
Dietitians and other professionals should inquire in a non‐ eral supplementation in the absence of a clear biochemical
judgemental manner about all interventions families are or dietary need, and exclusion diets in the absence of visi-
using and considering [217]. A ‘shared decision‐making’ ble effects after a trial, should not be recommended, but
model is recommended to avoid a paternalistic approach are relatively safe when monitored so can be accepted/
that may alienate parents [242, 244, 245]. tolerated. Overly restrictive diets such as SCD and GAPS
Dietitians should not interpret lack of RCT evidence of should be recommended against due to their lack of sound
efficacy as evidence of inefficacy and should recommend rationale, evidence, nutrition risk, cost and inconvenience.
standard dietetic approaches including a healthy lifestyle, However, if parents are determined to continue, careful
vitamin and mineral supplementation and trials of exclusion dietetic monitoring can help to reduce these risks, although
diets when indicated. Table 20.11 compares the ease, sup- this may fall outside the scope of stretched NHS dietetic
porting evidence and potential risk to health when using service provision. Advice on vitamin and mineral supple-
therapeutic diets in autistic CYP. Families should ideally be mentation to meet the reference nutrient intake (RNI) when
advised to introduce one intervention at a time to monitor dietary intake is insufficient is appropriate. Pharmaceutical
effectiveness and side effects [246]. doses for corrections of deficiencies usually fall under
Table 20.12 adapts the classification of approaches that medical rather than dietetic scope, and appropriate refer-
clinicians can recommend, monitor, tolerate or avoid, rals and requests when deficiencies are suspected should
based on their evidence and safety from a review of be made.
Difficulty in following
Intervention the intervention Supporting evidence Negative impact on nutrition/health
Exclusion of gluten and/or Moderate* Some Insufficient calcium, iodine, fibre and energy intake
milk possible, but minimised with dietetic support
Other exclusion diets Moderate* None Possible dietary deficiencies, but minimised with
dietetic support
Ketogenic diet High* Some High risk of dietary deficiencies and growth
faltering, but minimised with dietetic support
Individual vitamin and Low* None/some for vitamin B6 Possible side effects at high doses, e.g. neuropathy
mineral supplementation in high dose vitamin B6; a possible antagonistic
effect for other vitamins and minerals
Multivitamin and mineral Low* None (some for supplements with Unlikely (possible side effects of high doses)
supplement (standard levels) high doses of some nutrients)
Fish oil supplements Low* Some Unlikely
Probiotics Low* Some Unlikely
Digestive enzymes Low* Very little Unlikely
Improvement when on dietary modifications may mask underlying disorders (e.g. coeliac disease, metabolic disorders, epilepsy); therefore continued
communication with the patient’s doctor is vital.
*Ease of intervention is significantly decreased if the child is resistant to changes in diet/resistant to taking supplements.
Table 20.12 When to recommend, monitor, tolerate or avoid a dietary therapy for autism.
Yes No
RCT, randomised controlled trial; SCD, Specific Carbohydrate Diet; GAPS, Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet; MMS, Miracle Mineral Solution.
Source: Adapted from Klein and Kemper [247]. Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.
418 Autism
• Therapeutic diets and nutritional supplements are popular Autism is complex, costly and under‐researched. Dietary
with parents of autistic CYP but lack a quality evidence base issues are common and further study into effective manage-
• Dietitians should directly ask parents about interventions ment is needed. Research into the role of diet and nutrition
they are using or considering as spontaneous disclosure is in reducing comorbidities in autistic CYP continues to
not usual emerge, but the quality remains weak partly due to inherent
• Care is needed to guide parents away from harmful interventions barriers to quality research in this area. All dietitians must
• Support in following interventions that are low risk should ensure they are adequately trained to best support autistic
be offered to reduce any risk of harm CYP and address poor satisfaction with existing care.
Dietitians should ensure that commissioners and service
managers are aware of the additional resources needed to
provide a service with the reasonable adjustments that are
essential to ensure optimal care.
Future research needs/unanswered questions
Introduction with CP, are small as part of their condition. With the evolution
of enteral feeding, it has become evident that children with
Neurodisability is a term used to describe conditions affect- neurodisability have the potential to grow if adequate nutri-
ing the brain and central nervous system (CNS) and includes tion is provided [9].
muscular, developmental, motor, sensory, learning and neu-
ropsychiatric disorders. CNS damage can be due to disease, Cerebral palsy
genetics, oxygen deprivation or acquired brain injury and
can occur at any stage in a child’s life. The majority of CP is defined as ‘a group of permanent disorders of the
research is on children with motor disorders and cerebral development of movement and posture, causing activity
palsy (CP), which are the two most common causes of limitation, that are attributed to non‐progressive distur-
neurodisability [1]. These children often have neurological bances that occurred in the developing fetal or infant brain’.
involvement of other body systems as part of their condition The motor disorders of CP are often accompanied by distur-
[2]. In the past 10 years, there has been a steady increase in bances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication
the number of children with severe disability due to and behaviour, by epilepsy and by secondary musculoskel-
increased survival of preterm infants and better survival etal problems [10]. There is currently no test before birth to
outcomes for children with brain injury. In 2016 there were identify CP. The incidence in the UK is currently 1 in 400
54 143 infants born before 37 weeks’ gestation in England children and 2.1 per 1000 live births [11].
and Wales [3]. Survival rates have improved dramatically in CP is a condition where there may be abnormal brain
the UK, but neurological impairment is seen in 45% infants development or brain injury during development. This can
born at 22–23 weeks, 30% at 24 weeks, 25% at 25 weeks and occur before, during or after birth, and even during early
20% infants born at 26 weeks’ gestation [4]. childhood. It is not unusual for children to be diagnosed at a
Many children with neurodisability have difficulties with later stage when the child’s motor development is almost
eating and drinking, and they are likely to have nutritional complete. Even before diagnosis is established, children may
concerns that need to be addressed [1, 5]. Oromotor dys- already be experiencing oromotor problems.
function is associated with poor health and nutritional out- Causes of CP may be complex with no obvious single
comes, affecting up to 98% of children with moderate to cause. However, there are certain risk factors that may con-
severe CP [6]. Those with motor, physical or sensory impair- tribute: premature birth, placental abnormalities, birth
ments are more likely to struggle, and the more severe the defects, low birthweight, meconium aspiration, instrumen-
disability, the more likely the child is to be at nutritional risk tal/emergency caesarean delivery, birth asphyxia, neonatal
[1, 7]. The ability of infants, children and adolescents to seizures, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoglycaemia and
achieve their potential for growth and development neonatal infections [12].
depends on the intervention provided at critical time peri- There are four main types of CP, which correspond to inju-
ods. Many children with neurological impairment would ries to different parts of the brain [13]. Children may have:
benefit from individual nutritional assessment and manage-
ment as part of their overall care [8]. It has been accepted in • spastic CP – the most common form of CP causing hyper-
the past that children with neurodisability, especially those tonia, or increased muscle tone, giving movements that
are stiff or jerky. This form is caused by damage to the WHO standard growth charts and other anthropometric
motor cortex either during or after birth measurements of nutritional status [5].
• dyskinetic CP – involves involuntary movements caus- Low micronutrient intake and low micronutrient serum
ing slow twisting or repetitive movements or abnormal concentrations are common in children with CP and can
sustained postures. This form is caused by damage to the also occur in those who are tube fed [18, 19]. Nutritional
basal ganglia status should be assessed frequently to ensure that micro-
• ataxic CP – the least common form of CP causing shaky nutrient requirements are met [5]. Tube feeding and the use
movements, clumsiness, imprecision or instability when of nutritional supplements are associated with higher
walking or picking up objects. This form is caused by micronutrient concentrations [19]. It is important to take
damage to the cerebellum into account the type of CP the child is diagnosed with
• mixed‐type CP – a mixture of two or more of the above (including other comorbidities) as this has significant
implications on the chosen nutritional management plan.
The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
Children with spastic quadriplegic CP, hypotonic patients
can be used to classify a child according to their current level
and those having seizures often have significant feeding
of function and gives an idea of what equipment and mobil-
difficulties [20].
ity aids may be needed in the future. The GMFCS defines
The following factors should be taken into consideration
five grades for children between 6 and 12 years of age [13]:
when assessing a child with CP:
• level I: can walk, run, jump at home, school or in the
• type of CP and limb involvement
community, but speed, balance and coordination is
• mobility: including information about locomotion such
as the use of wheelchair or a walker
• level II: can walk in most settings, but may find long dis-
• gastrointestinal problems: gastro‐oesophageal reflux
tances and uneven terrain challenging without mobility
(GOR) and chronic constipation are common in children
aids. They have minimal ability to run or jump
with CP [21]
• level III: can walk indoors with a handheld mobility aid.
• dependence on feeding: ability to self‐feed, dependent or
They need a wheeled mobility aid for longer distances
partially dependent on assistance from caregivers
and can self‐propel their wheelchair
• feeding dysfunction: detailed information regarding
• level IV: uses mobility aids that require physical assis-
how the child manages food textures such as puréed,
tance or powered mobility. They may walk for short dis-
mashed or chopped foods [5, 22]
tances at home with physical assistance or use powered
• feeding skills: should be assessed at regular intervals in
mobility or a body support walker when positioned
order to identify children at nutritional risk. Parents/
• level V: is transported in a manual wheelchair in all
caregivers should be asked about the presence of tongue
thrust, drooling/dribbling causing fluid loss, lack of
Improved nutritional status in children with CP is associ- hand to mouth coordination, poor lip seal causing food
ated with improvements in general health, such as decreased or fluid loss, inability to communicate hunger, prolonged
irritability and spasticity, improved healing of pressure sores feeding times and dysphagia [5, 14]
and improved circulation [1]. In contrast, undernutrition is • environment: environmental factors can have an impact
significantly associated with poor functional status, poor on growth and nutrition, e.g. the child’s living situa-
motor function, reduced communication ability and tion, mealtime environment, lifestyle, involvement in
increased dependence on the caregiver for feeding [14]. The therapy groups, school and respite care arrangements
level of feeding dysfunction can be directly related to the [23]. Information about the family and the child’s expe-
degree of undernutrition, and even those who have mild rience with oral feeding should be sought as this may
feeding dysfunction may have poor growth and limited fat affect decisions about future oral or non‐oral feeding
stores [5, 8]. Therefore, a child requiring any modified con- methods
sistency of food and fluids can be at risk of nutritional com- • other medical conditions and respiratory health: these
promise. It has been documented that 89% of children with children are vulnerable to respiratory morbidity for sev-
CP need help with feeding and 56% regularly choke during eral reasons, so it is important to find out about frequency
mealtimes [1]. Poor growth and nutritional status is common of chest infections and other respiratory problems that
in children with CP and is more prevalent in those with may have an effect on energy requirements [24]
higher GMFCS grading. Prevalence of poor growth in chil- • bone health: there is a higher risk of low bone mineral
dren with CP can range from around 20% to 51% depending density, osteopenia and osteoporosis due to reduced
on which growth chart has been used [15]. CP specific weight‐bearing activity or being bed bound, lack of
growth charts were first developed by Krick [16] and further nutrition, medication limiting vitamin D metabolism
developed by Day [17]; they show similar growth in children and limited sun exposure. DEXA scans may be useful to
with lower GMFCS grade to that in normal children, but determine bone mineral density [5]
substantially different growth in children with moderate to • anthropometry: there is no universally accepted method
severe disability. These growth charts may be a poor predic- for measuring children with CP. Alternatives to measuring
tor of nutritional status and should be used alongside the height are available and are discussed later (p. 423)
Nutritional Requirements for Children with Neurodisability 421
Lysosomal storage disease Commonly have short stature, skeletal deformities, muscle weakness or lack of
(Tay–Sachs, Fabry, Pompe, control (e.g. ataxia, seizures), neurological failure/decline and/or loss of gained
metachromatic development. Poor swallow may require tube feeding or texture‐modified diet.
leukodystrophy, Krabbe, Can have both undernutrition and overnutrition. Frequent dietetic monitoring
Canavan, Zellweger) required due to progressive nature of the disease (Chapter 27)
Adrenoleukodystrophy Lorenzo’s oil can be used in children who are asymptomatic, and this may
delay onset of symptoms. Symptom control is needed for all other children
[39] (Chapter 27)
Rett syndrome Growth failure, oromotor dysfunction, gastro‐oesophageal reflux, constipation
and low bone density are common. Often need assistance with feeding. May
need gastrostomy feeding to improve growth [40]
Duchenne muscular Predominantly affects males. High prevalence of obesity related to lower
dystrophy resting energy expenditure, steroid use and reduced physical activity. Muscle
wasting, poor feeding and poor swallow coordination can lead to malnutrition www.muscular‐
as they get older. Assistance is often needed with oral feeding and texture
modification may improve intakes. Tube feeding may be required. Will need
supplementary calcium and vitamin D if they are on steroids as they have high
risk of osteoporosis. Regular dietetic monitoring required [41]
Spinal muscular atrophy Muscle weakness and bulbar dysfunction lead to swallowing difficulties.
Respiratory problems are common including aspiration pneumonia.
Undernutrition and overnutrition can occur and regular dietetic monitoring is
essential. Gastro‐oesophageal reflux and constipation are common [42]
Prader–Willi syndrome At birth the infant typically has low birth weight for gestation, poor muscle
tone (‘floppy’), difficulty sucking and may require tube feeding to prevent
faltering growth. Feeding difficulties resolve over time and at 2–5 years of age
hyperphagia sets in and lasts throughout the lifetime, leading to obesity if not
correctly managed (Chapter 25)
Cockayne syndrome Premature ageing and short stature. Growth failure and likely to have feeding
problems especially as an infant. Will need tube feeding to treat faltering
growth and/or manage poor swallow coordination. Likely to have www.cockayne‐
developmental delay and increased tone/spasticity. Regular dietetic monitoring
needed due to progressive nature of the disease [43]
Batten’s disease A neurodegenerative disease. Feeding becomes more difficult with resulting
poor weight gain and frequent symptoms of aspiration or difficulty coordinating www.bdfa‐
swallowing (due to progressing lack of coordination and progressive poor
muscle tone). Most children will eventually need tube feeding. If they manage
to feed orally, they are likely to need assistance due to abnormal limb
movement and poor muscle strength. Frequent dietetic monitoring is required
to support child at various stages of disease progression [44]
f ormula for predicting energy requirements in children with nutritional requirements [45]. This should then be adjusted
neurodisability; however, the Schofield equation may be a depending on whether weight loss or weight gain is needed.
good starting point to estimate energy requirements [5]. A child entering their pubertal growth spurt will require
Requirements need to be based on individual clinical assess- more energy than one who is not. In practice energy require-
ment, degree of mobility, fat stores and muscle mass. Regular ments are often no more than 75% of the estimated average
reassessment, with any necessary alterations to the esti- requirement (EAR) for height age and are often considerably
mated energy requirement, should be carried out and intake less; a child receiving as little as 20–30 kcal/kg/day (85–
adjusted accordingly. 125 kJ/kg/day) can still gain weight. The exceptions to this
Children with neurodisability are often smaller than an are those children with mixed CP that includes an athetoid
average healthy child, and until further research becomes component; excessive involuntary movements make their
available, dietetic consensus opinion is to use height age energy requirements higher and closer to the EAR for chron-
(a crude estimation of bone age) as a basis to estimate ological age.
Nutritional Assessment 423
Micronutrients Weight
Weight should be measured routinely on the most appropri-
Micronutrient deficiencies (calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins C, ate weighing equipment for the individual child. These
D, E and selenium) can occur in those with neurodisability, include standing scales, hoist scales, wheelchair scales and
especially when oral intake is poor or tube feeding vol- sitting scales for the child, as well as the caregiver holding
umes are low [5]. There are no studies showing require- the child on the scales and then their weight being sub-
ments for micronutrients differ from those of healthy tracted. The chosen method should be recorded and used
children. However, when feed volumes are low due to low when subsequently weighed. Personal equipment such as
energy requirements, micronutrient intake may also be splints should be removed before weighing. Weight meas-
low; aiming to provide the lower reference nutrient intake ures should be plotted on growth charts, the frequency
(LRNI) for age, rather than the RNI for micronutrients, depending on local practice and the child’s individual cir-
may be sufficient. cumstances, but should be a minimum of every 6 months for
older children and young adults but more frequently for
Fluid children under the age of 2 years [5].
Tibial length
The TL is measured from the tibia to the sphyrion. It requires
Figure 21.2 Tibial length or lower leg length.
the child to be sitting and is taken on the right side or the least
affected side. This measurement can be taken accurately with
an anthropometer or steel tape measure (Figure 21.2). Two
measurements should be taken and averaged. The measure-
ment can be converted into a height measure using the
following formula [47]:
Knee height
The KH is measured with the child sitting down and the
knee and ankle bent to 90°. Using a sliding caliper the dis-
tance from the heel to the superior surface of the knee
over the femoral condyle is measured on the left side or
least affected side (Figure 21.3). Two measurements
should be taken and averaged. The measurement can be
converted into a height measurement using the following
formula [47]:
Body composition show that children with moderate to severe CP lack a signifi-
cant pubertal growth spurt. These charts should not be
Whole‐body dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is used exclusively, but rather in combination with clinical
an accurate method for measuring body composition, but it assessment, UK‐WHO growth charts and anthropometric
is unavailable to most centres. There is some research into measurements.
the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), and this
has been found to be effective in estimation of body compo- Biochemistry
sition in children with CP [5]. There is good evidence that
body composition of children with disabilities can be ascer- Serum albumin and prealbumin levels do not reflect nutri-
tained by measuring skinfold thickness with mid-arm cir- tional status in children with neurodisability. Albumin and
cumference (MAC) and this should be done routinely [5]. prealbumin levels are very rarely below normal reference
Triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses in particular values and do not correlate with anthropometric measure-
correlate highly with true fat and fat‐free mass. However, in ments or general health [17]. Regular blood monitoring
routine practice, it can be difficult to take accurate skinfold may be useful for children who are at risk of nutritional
thickness measurements, e.g. subscapular skinfold thickness deficiencies, such as those on texture‐modified diets due to
measurement may be impractical due to the need to remove dysphagia, or those with faltering growth due to poor oral
clothing or spinal jackets. In practical terms annual serial intake. The 2017 guidelines from the European Society for
measurements of MAC and triceps skinfold thickness (TSFT) Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
can be a useful monitoring tool and can be used to estimate (ESPGHAN) suggest that children with neurodisability
mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) [48]: should have annual blood monitoring of electrolytes, urea,
creatinine, glucose, full blood count, haemoglobin, ferritin,
MAMC cm MAC cm 0.314 TSF cm
iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, albumin, liver
enzymes, vitamins A, B12, D, E and folic acid, parathyroid
Skinfold thicknesses and MAC can be compared with hormone (PTH) and zinc [5]. A study conducted by
the WHO arm circumference and skinfold thickness charts Gonzalez Ballesteros et al. highlighted hypophosphataemia
and tables [48, 49] or Addo and Himes charts [50]. in those fed exclusively on an amino acid (AA)‐based for-
Measurements should be taken a minimum of every mula, and therefore serum phosphorus, calcium and alka-
12 months. Where possible other anthropometric measure- line phosphatase may need regular monitoring if using
ments, such as subscapular skinfold thickness, should be these formulas [55].
taken. Children with CP can have higher levels of central
adiposity, and so waist circumference may be a useful
measurement to do routinely. Clinical
Children with disabilities are more vulnerable to both physi- Multidisciplinary and multi‐agency working is vital in
cal and emotional abuse, and child protection is a high prior- supporting and safeguarding children with complex needs.
ity. It is important that services work together to ensure there Children with disabilities are classified as in need in the
is a focus on safeguarding children [57, 58]. It is important Children’s Act (2004), and as such it is the duty of care of
that agencies work together to identify children who need every local authority to provide a range of services at the
help early as laid out in the 2018 guide Working Together to level appropriate to these children’s needs [57]. Strong links
Safeguard Children [58]. Specific standards for the health and within the professional team and effective communication
social care of children with disabilities are described in the are essential to ensure each child’s potential is met and main-
National Service Framework for Children, Young People tained [59]. Having an overview of all sources of information
and Maternity Services: Disabled Children and Young People is important to ensure a holistic assessment and allows for
and those with Complex Health Needs [59]. practical interventions to optimise the child’s potential.
The social issues affecting a child with disabilities are far Often these children, with very complex health and social
reaching, and the pressure on parents/caregivers to provide needs, have a large number of professionals and services
for their child is immense as they cope with difficulties in all involved (Figure 21.4). If managed well, this can be a huge
areas of life: housing, transport, finances, education, f amily benefit to those involved and the families themselves.
dynamics and managing medical interventions. Consideration A multidisciplinary approach to nutritional assessment
of all aspects of the child’s life is important when giving for children with neurodisabilities is essential to achieve
recommendations for nutrition intervention. Ideally the die- feeding and lifestyle goals [45, 60, 61], drawing together the
titian should work within an MDT to get an understanding skills and expertise of caregiver and a range of healthcare
of any social factors that could affect the child’s ability to professionals. In the absence of a validated nutrition screen-
achieve nutritional goals. ing tool, nutrition and feeding problems are identified by
visitor Acute
Play Speech
specialist therapy
Continuing the child
Figure 21.4 Professionals and services involved in the care of the disabled child. GP, general practitioner; OT, occupational therapist.
Nutritional Intervention 427
measuring children, observing mealtimes and questioning • early attachment difficulties, especially with an ill child
caregivers, other MDT members and nursing staff. • marital/family stress, life events, social support, family
• general parenting skills
Speech and language therapist
• parent–child relationship and interaction
• past and present parental mental health
A feeding assessment by an SLT should always be included
• parental level of anxiety and obsessions
in the nutritional assessment of a child with neurodisability
[62]. Assessment of feeding competence provides important
information for identifying children at risk of poor nutri- Nutritional intervention
tional status. Feeding dysfunction is related to nutritional
risk, and it has been shown that even those who have mild Nutritional management of children with neurodisabilities
dysfunction are still lighter and shorter than their peers [7, can be challenging, and there is little supportive research.
63]. The assessment will also highlight any problems with Nutritional care is determined by the individual child’s
drooling or excess salivation, which will need to be factored needs and is often based on observations rather than set
into calculation of fluid requirements. guidelines. Nutrition aims should focus not only on linear
growth but also on functional and physiological improve-
ments [5].
Occupational therapist
available (Table 21.2). Other fluids can be thickened using fibre white/wheatmeal breads, given with plenty of fluids,
foods such as thick yoghurts, ice cream, instant powdered are also useful. Other foods high in fibre, such as linseed,
desserts, instant sauce granules and smooth puréed fruit. A psyllium husk, ground seeds and nuts, can be added to
range of proprietary thickening agents is also available on smoothies, porridge or gravies.
prescription (Table 21.2). Many caregivers have fears about If the child is tube fed, it is advisable to change to a fibre‐
offering thick drinks as they perceive these as not as thirst containing formula. The use of prescribed soluble fibre sup-
quenching, and their use should be fully discussed. plements, e.g. Resource OptiFibre or Benefiber, may be
For children who manage food better than fluids offering useful where it is difficult to increase dietary fibre or when
foods with a high water content between meals, e.g. puréed there is no alternative fibre‐containing tube feed. These sup-
fruit, thick yoghurts, fromage frais, ice cream and ice lollies, plements are of benefit for both constipation and diarrhoea.
will increase their fluid intake. Jelly can be useful, but it dis-
solves immediately on entering the mouth, resulting in the
Oral nutritional supplements
same problems as thin fluids.
The following can be noted to monitor an increase in fluid Prescribed oral nutritional supplements, e.g. PaediaSure,
intake: whether there have been more wet nappies, fewer Frebini Energy, Fortini (Table 12.3), may be appropriate for
urinary tract infections, softer or more regular bowel move- some children. The child’s current nutritional intake should
ments. Despite all efforts some children still find it extremely be assessed first to ensure that the supplement with the
difficult to achieve an acceptable fluid intake orally and may desired composition is selected. The use of supplements
require tube feeding to meet fluid requirements. should be reviewed regularly. Supplements can be thickened
as recommended by the SLT by a powdered thickener or can
also be supplied as a ready thickened drink (Table 21.2).
Increasing fibre
Energy modules based on fat and/or carbohydrate, e.g.
Children with neurodisability are at risk of constipation, Duocal, Calogen, Vitajoule, can be used to improve energy
which is very common. Poor fibre intake increases the risk intakes, and these can be added to food or enteral feeds. A
and arises from the use of low fibre foods for puréed or protein supplement, e.g. Protifar, can be added to foods and
mashed meals, enteral feeds with no added fibre and poor drinks to increase protein intake.
fluid intakes. Therefore, increasing dietary fibre and fluid
intake alongside the use of medications is important [64].
Presentation of food and drink
Puréed fruit can be added to breakfast foods, and extra veg-
etables can be incorporated in gravy, mashed potato, casse- Mealtimes need to be enjoyable for the child to eat and drink
roles and thick soups. Wholegrain cereals and breads or high to their best ability. When the child is alert and healthy, they
Powdered thickeners Cow & Gate Instant Carobel Infants and small children
Aptamil Feed Thickener Infants and small children
Abbott Multi‐thick Over 1 year
Sutherland Thixo‐D original Over 1 year
Vitaflo Vitaquick Over 1 year
Nestle Resource ThickenUp Clear Over 3 years
Fresenius Kabi Thick and Easy Over 3 years
Fresenius Kabi Thick and Easy Clear Over 3 years
Nutricia Nutilis Powder Over 3 years
Nutricia Nutilis Clear Over 3 years
Slo Drinks Slo Drinks Powder Over 3 years
Thickened drinks Nestle Resource Thickened Drinks Over 1 year
Fresenius Kabi Fresubin Thickened Stage 1 Over 3 years
Fresenius Kabi Fresubin Thickened Stage 2 Over 3 years
Nutricia Nutilis Complete Stage 1 Over 3 years
Hormel Thick and Easy Over 3 years
Thick‐It AquaCare H2O Over 3 years
Semi‐solid desserts Nutricia Nutilis Fruit Stage 3 Over 3 years
Nutricia Forticreme Complete Over 3 years
Fresenius Kabi Fresubin 2 kcal Creme Over 3 years
Abbott Ensure Plus Creme Over 3 years
*Indicated by manufacturer.
Nutritional Intervention 429
will manage a more challenging consistency of food than if time for the child to experience the taste, texture and
they are tired or unwell. The child’s caregiver needs to be temperature of the food
sensitive to their needs on each eating/drinking occasion. • verbal, to promote the awareness of the concepts of eat-
To reduce the risk of aspiration and improve swallow coor- ing; asking the child how they would like to be fed; tell-
dination, a child should be offered a reasonable choice of food ing the child what is going to happen next; explaining
with a texture they can manage. If the child can feed assisted, what is being done as it occurs. Repetitive phrases
this should be encouraged as the hand to mouth action will throughout the meal help the child know what they are
help with anticipation of receiving food into the mouth. doing, e.g. ‘bite’, ‘chew’ and ‘swallow’
The way food is presented to the child is important for • object recognition, such as a spoon being placed in the
success. Food should be given slowly and rhythmically, child’s hand prior to each meal, helps the child to under-
allowing time to finish each mouthful and anticipate the stand and anticipate that a food is on its way
next one. Small mouthfuls are more likely to be successful.
Assessment will inform which combination the child will
For some children the food needs to be heaped towards the
prefer; however, consistency by all helpers is important.
tip of the spoon to provide sensory cues for the lips. The
spoon should normally be presented horizontally from the
front, and, depending on the techniques being practised at Assistance with feeding
the time, it could be centrally or towards the side of the
All people who could possibly be involved with feeding the
mouth when encouraging chewing. Scraping food off the
child should be identified. Total reliance on one main caregiver
spoon with the top teeth should be avoided. The SLT or OT
should be discouraged as this can make the child dependent
can suggest other methods to help the child to learn to take
on one person’s feeding technique and makes changing
food from the bowl of the spoon and achieve lip closure.
caregivers very difficult. Other members of the family, friends,
respite caregivers, social service family support, students and
Communication volunteers can all give support at mealtimes. The caregiver
should be encouraged to let another person help with at least
A child or young person with a severe neurodisability may one meal a week. Training and support should be offered to
not be able to verbalise or signal their wish for food. This the helpers, and they should be involved in the assessment
inability to make their request leads to an increased risk of and review process. Clear details of the programme such as
insufficient nutrition, as they are unable to make the same a ‘mealtime guidance sheet’ must be accessible to all involved
demands as a healthy child. As a child grows older or their with feeding. A model of how the task of feeding is best
condition progresses, oromotor abilities may also change, carried out provides caregiver a clear picture of what is
which can result in new difficulties with managing food and expected. Also, this can increase the empathy of the demon-
drinks. Children with unrecognised feeding difficulties may strator by briefly experiencing the difficulties experienced
be incorrectly interpreted at mealtimes. Often rejection of by the feeder at every meal.
certain textures or consistencies can be mistaken for the child
being fussy, lazy or badly behaved, or disliking the food.
They may even display self‐injurious behaviour or pica as a Special feeding aids and equipment
sign of distress. When a child is reported to be fussy or badly Positioning of the child is important to ensure they can feed
behaved at mealtimes, thorough investigation of exactly safely as even a slight change in the angle of the child’s head
what is happening is needed, as the possibilities of misinter- or body can affect their ability to feed safely [65]. Children
preting intentions are very great. An SLT and OT can help may need their seating adapted to ensure they are in the cor-
with these issues. Special communication aids, also known rect posture and an OT can help with this.
as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), Special feeding aids and equipment are tailored to improve
may be used such as communication boards, charts, books eating and drinking and promote independence. Examples
or electronic communication aids with voice output to help of these are:
the child communicate their needs.
• eating systems
• special bowls and plate guards
Prompts • cutlery such as spoons with textured, contoured or
curved handles, e.g. angled spoons and good grip spoons
If the child is unable to feed themselves, then the caregiver
• drinking equipment: cups, mugs and bottles with special
will need to use appropriate prompts to ensure the child is
features such as two handles, one‐way valves, weighted
aware that food is coming and what they are eating. Prompts
bases to reduce tipping, cup holders and straws. Specific
can be:
special cups are the Doidy cup (slanted towards the child
• visual, e.g. an environment with other people eating; for easier drinking); the anyway drinking cup (designed
mirrors; seeing, smelling and hearing the food being pre- to reduce spillage); special needs Medela teats, bottles,
pared or arriving at the table cups; Easyflow cups
• physical, such as the smell of food; stroking the lower lip • bibs and aprons to help keep children clean during mealtimes
with the spoon; giving very small amounts so allowing • slip‐resistant tableware such as placemats
430 Feeding Children with Neurodisabilities
• high energy paediatric feed with or without fibre This can be a very difficult problem to rectify and has led to
(Table 4.3) the precaution of underestimating energy requirements
• low energy paediatric feed with fibre (Table 4.3) rather than overestimating these when feeds are initially
• adult feeds for older children/adolescents with energy started. A low energy paediatric feed or a reduced volume of
density 1–2 kcal/mL (4–8 kJ/mL) with varying protein an adult feed can be useful.
content (Table 4.3)
• adult feeds nutritionally complete in 1000–1200 mL vol-
Monitoring and follow‐up
ume (Table 4.3)
• specialised paediatric/adult feeds based on AAs, pep-
Monitoring and follow‐up will depend on the type of neuro-
tides or soya (Tables 8.14–8.16 and 8.20)
disability, stage of progressive disorder and symptom con-
A case study to illustrate enteral tube feeding in a child trol as it arises. Therefore, it is difficult to give guidance on
with neurodisability is given in Table 21.3. frequency or method. There are often limited resources for
regular review of these patients, and dietitians may rely on
other healthcare professionals, parents, or caregivers to
Feeding regimens highlight problems and monitor nutritional parameters for
The feeding regimen should be discussed with the child, these children. Many of the children may be lost to follow‐up
their family and caregivers. due to non‐attendance at reviews. To minimise non‐attend-
Common choices are: ance it is important to choose locations that are convenient
for the child and their parents and caregivers, e.g. home and
• continuous special school.
• bolus via syringe or gravity set Weight gain is a crude guide to assessing whether the
• bolus via pump right amount of nutrition has been prescribed. Often the
The choice of regimen will be affected by whether the subjective opinion of the parent or caregivers on how well
child is still allowed to eat and drink (whether or not they nourished their child appears is sought as a guide. However,
have a safe swallow). The feed may be used merely as a top‐ these children tend to put on weight as fat rather than
up after meals, or it may replace all oral intake. Commonly, muscle and often do not grow taller no matter how much
children who are at risk of aspiration may still be allowed to additional nutrition is provided [80]. Measuring body com-
take small tastes of food for pleasure (as directed by the SLT), position by taking skin fold thickness and mid-arm circum-
and this should be taken into account when calculating ference measurements can help clarify this quandary. The
energy requirements. rate of growth and weight gain can be tracked using the
If the enteral feed is to be the sole or major source of nutri- child’s growth chart. It is usual for many of these children to
tion, it is common to give a small feed via bolus or pump at be tracking below the 0.4th centile for both height and weight
each mealtime to mimic the psychological and physiological and this is acceptable providing they are following the shape
effects of a meal. Overnight feeding can accompany this type of the growth curve.
of regimen if a larger volume is required, but this should be Children receiving tube feeds should be reviewed every
used with caution if the child has an NG tube due to the risk 2–6 months once stable, depending on their age, to monitor
of displacement and aspiration, particularly as children with weight and height, assess clinical indices and alter feeds as
disabilities often have irregular postures when lying down. necessary. These guidelines may be used for children feed-
Overnight gastrostomy feeding can only be offered if the ing orally who are at risk of nutritional deficiencies or prob-
child can maintain a safe sleeping position, propped up to at lems with growth. Monitoring nutritional parameters in
least 30°. The use of a sleep system can help with safe posi- blood tests for high risk children or those on tube feeds
tioning. The choice of feeding regimen may depend on the should be carried out every 6–12 months [5, 56].
child’s tolerance, particularly if GOR is present, and activity
during the day. Complications
Faltering growth
Gastrostomy feeding is beneficial for children with neuro- Faltering growth, or low weight for height, has been well
disabilities who have oral or motor dysfunction and clinical documented in children with neurodisabilities [1, 5, 81, 82].
signs of undernutrition. It aids weight gain; however, cau- Nutrition intervention for children with CP has been shown
tion should be taken not to overfeed as it has been shown to produce improvements in growth and nutritional status
that children with CP have significantly higher body fat con- [83, 84]. There are beliefs that it is ‘normal’ for children with
tent and lower lean body mass than the healthy population severe disabilities, particularly children with CP, to have
[77]. Sometimes children become very overweight when poor stature and low weights, which has been ascribed to
enteral feeds have not been carefully monitored or higher their underlying cerebral deficit or physical inactivity rather
volumes (and hence higher energy) have been given to than to chronic malnutrition [16, 81]. Normal parameters for
ensure an adequate supply of protein and micronutrients. identifying faltering growth may not be appropriate in this
432 Feeding Children with Neurodisabilities
Table 21.3 Case study to illustrate enteral tube feeding in a child with neurodisability.
500 mL Nutrini
Addition of 1∕2 Low Energy
Daily requirements 500 mL Nutrini Addition of sachet Dioralyte MF + 5 g Paediatric
RNI (1–3 years based on 10.9 kg Low Energy 5 g Paediatric (dissolved in Seravit + 1∕2 sachet
Nutrient boy) (using height age) Multi Fibre Seravit 100 mL water) Dioralyte
Energy 95 kcal (400 kJ)/ 1036 kcal (4330 kJ) 375 kcal (1570 kJ) 14 kcal – 389 kcal (1625 kJ)
kg/day (EAR) (58 kJ) 36 kcal (150 kJ)/kg
Protein 1.1 g/kg/day 12 g 10.5 g – – 10.5 g (1 g/kg/day)
Sodium 1.7 mmol/kg/day 15.5 mmol 13 mmol 0.05 mmol 10.2 mmol 23.25 mmol
(2.1 mmol/kg)
Potassium 1.6 mmol/kg/day 17.4 mmol 17 mmol 0.04 mmol 3.85 mmol 20.9 mmol
(1.9 mmol/kg)
Calcium 350 mg/day 350 mg 300 mg 129 mg – 429 mg
Iron 6.9 mg/day 6.9 mg 5 mg 3.50 mg – 8.5 mg
Vitamin A 300 μg/day 300 μg/day 205 μg 210 μg – 415 μg
Vitamin D 7 μg/day 7 μg/day 5 μg 2.80 μg – 7.8 μg
Vitamin E 3.2 mg/day 3.2 mg/day 6.5 mg 1.10 mg – 7.6 mg
Thiamin 0.36 mg/day 0.36 mg/day 0.75 mg 0.16 mg – 0.91 mg
Riboflavin 0.5 mg/day 0.5 mg/day 0.8 mg 0.22 mg – 1.02 mg
Vitamin B6 0.7 mg/day 0.7 mg/day 0.6 mg 0.17 mg – 0.77 mg
The addition of 1∕2 sachet of Dioralyte in 100 mL water and 5 g of Paediatric Seravit makes up the requirements for vitamins and minerals. The GP and
paediatrician were notified of the patient’s feed plan, and a request was made to monitor his bloods annually to ensure nutritional adequacy of the feed
with electrolyte supplementation.
GOR, gastro‐oesophageal reflux; EAR, estimated average requirement; RNI, reference nutrient intake; GP, general practitioner.
Complications 433
population, and a variety of methods may be needed to wrap [88]. Often a gastrostomy tube is placed at the same
assess nutritional status [5]. Many patients with neurodisa- time. Complications such as dumping syndrome, gas bloat-
bilities have malnutrition and growth failure as the result of ing and retching can occur (p. 155). If underlying oesopha-
inadequate energy intake [85]. There is evidence that the geal dysmotility still remains and if retching or attempted
severity of feeding problems in children with neurodisabil- vomiting are not controlled by continuing drug therapy,
ity is directly related to the degree of faltering growth [7]. slippage or unwrapping of the fundoplication can occur [88].
Resulting malnutrition is linked to poorer health status and An alternative to fundoplication for children on tube feeds is
reduced ability to participate in normal daily activities [7]. for a change to transpyloric feeding via nasojejunal (NJ)
tube, percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (PEJ) or percu-
taneous endoscopic gastrostomy with jejunal tube (PEG‐J).
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease The latter two procedures have been shown to improve qual-
ity of life and to show decreases in aspiration pneumonia in
GOR is the passage of stomach contents into the oesopha- children with neurological impairment, with similar rates of
gus. Gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is GOR with mortality [89–91]. However, small amounts of reflux may
secondary complications such as feeding difficulties, respir- still occur with transpyloric feeding [92].
atory problems, faltering growth, abdominal pain and exces-
sive regurgitation [86]. GORD is common in children with
neurodisability and can affect up to 70% of children [5, 87]. Constipation
The most important mechanism of GOR is the prolonged
relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter. Other mecha- Constipation is a common problem for children with neu-
nisms are reflux and strain‐induced reflux, when abdominal rodevelopmental disabilities with an estimated prevalence
pressure exceeds the pressure of the lower oesophageal of 26%–70% depending on the definition [60, 93, 94]. There is
sphincter [87]. GOR differs from vomiting, the emetic reflex often a delay in recognising and treating the problem either
following ingested toxins, which acts as a protective because of the inability of the child to communicate effec-
mechanism. tively or because constipation is accepted as inevitable or
Diagnosing GORD involves taking a thorough history and because higher priority has been given to other aspects of the
physical examination, alongside any changes in lifestyle, child’s medical management [64]. There are multiple factors
diet and medications. Endoscopy may identify oesophagitis, predisposing to constipation, both neurological and lifestyle.
eosinophilic oesophagitis, coeliac disease or erosions [88]. Colonic transit times may be prolonged, and some children
Oesophageal pH studies may be used to diagnose GOR and have problems with coordination in anal sphincter and pel-
involves insertion of a microelectrode probe into the lower vic floor muscles [64]. It is generally felt that constipation is
oesophagus for 24 hours and measuring the duration and related to poor ambulatory function with CNS damage being
number of reflux episodes. Oesophageal pH studies will not suggested as an important risk factor [64]. Constipation has
show non‐acid reflux [88]. A barium swallow may be used to also been linked with medications, particularly those known
detect anatomical abnormalities. to slow intestinal motility [94].
Treatment for GORD depends on the age of the child and Dietary fibre and fluid intakes in these children are often
the severity of GORD. Offering smaller more frequent meals poor and can be exacerbated with drooling and poor oromo-
and/or feeds with thickener may help manage symptoms in tor function [5]. Dietary intake is often high in fat, moderate
those with mild symptoms [5]. In older children diet modifi- in protein and low in carbohydrates, all of which contributes
cation, weight loss (if overweight) and other lifestyle changes to a lower fibre intake [85]. Additional fluid and fibre may
may help to improve reflux. Elevating the cot or bedhead help for long‐term management of constipation, but initial
when a child is sleeping may help. For those with severe management involves disimpaction and laxative use [5, 64].
GORD, a 2‐ to 4‐week trial of a hydrolysed protein or AA‐ National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
based formula, or elimination of cow’s milk from the mater- guidelines recommend a clear treatment for constipation,
nal diet in a breastfed infant, should be considered before the starting with disimpaction and then maintenance of regular
use of medications [88]. A referral to a paediatric gastroen- and painless defaecation. Laxatives are recommended as
terologist may be helpful to identify underlying causes. first‐line treatment, starting with polyethylene glycol, e.g.
There are various drug therapies used to treat GORD. Acid Movicol, and then moving on to stimulant or osmotic laxa-
suppression medications are most widely used [88]. Proton tives as necessary [95]. There is no set treatment regimen for
pump inhibitors (PPI), e.g. omeprazole and lansoprazole, children with neurodisabilities with constipation, but a con-
are effective acid suppressants and should be first‐line medi- sistent approach with clear instructions for caregivers on
cation treatment for children with GORD and neurodisabil- how and when to adjust medications is recommended
ity [5]. H2 receptor antagonists, e.g. ranitidine, are rarely [5, 94]. A bowel habit diary can be useful in assessing
used as PPI are more effective. Prokinetics agents, e.g. dom- response to treatment.
peridone, may help to accelerate gastric emptying, but there Dietetic assessment and treatment is necessary in order to
is limited evidence for their use [5, 88]. avoid further nutritional compromise, and supplementation
Where drug therapy fails, the child may be offered anti‐ with dietary fibre from food, enteral feeds or commercial
reflux surgery as either a complete fundoplication or partial preparations may help to normalise bowel function [5, 96].
434 Feeding Children with Neurodisabilities
However, often simply increasing the child’s fluid intake can • inability to clear the mouth of food after eating
have the most success. • GORD
• frequent consumption of energy‐dense meals and drinks
• children may be unable to communicate to caregivers
Micronutrient deficiency
that they have dental pain and therefore caries are not
investigated promptly
Micronutrient deficiencies are common in children with
neurodisability due to lower overall food intake and variety, There are some strategies to help prevent dental caries:
poor enteral feed tolerance, vitamin losses through liquidis-
• teeth should be brushed twice daily with a small amount (a
ing foods or long cooking methods and other factors affect-
smear for children <2 years and a pea‐sized amount for
ing oral or enteral intakes [85]. Studies have shown lower
children >2 years) of fluoride toothpaste (1000 ppm ± 10%).
intakes of iron, vitamin D, selenium, folate and calcium [85].
If the child is nil by mouth, a cloth or suction catheter
Nutrient deficiencies can cause neurological changes, which
should be used to wipe away excess toothpaste
may be hard to distinguish from the underlying medical
• chlorhexidine mouthwash can be wiped over the teeth
condition and could be considered a progression of the dis-
and gums using a pink sponge
ease rather than initiating an investigation into deficiency
• teeth should be flossed daily
[85]. Sodium and potassium intakes can be low; however,
• children should be seen by their local dentist biannually;
current opinion is that a level between the RNI and LRNI for
they may advise topical fluoride application as a preven-
height age is acceptable provided urine and blood biochemi-
tative measure
cal parameters are within normal ranges [19].
• children who cannot be treated by their local dentist
should be referred to a specialist community or hospital
Osteopenia dental team; they may also be able to arrange dental
cleaning at hospital with sedation
Children with neurodisabilities are more susceptible to • a dry mouth or decreased saliva production increases the
osteopenia (poor bone density) and increased risk of frac- risk of dental caries; Luborant artificial saliva sprays can
tures because they are often non‐weight‐bearing and have be used for these children
limited exposure to sunlight. Many studies have found defi- • care should be taken when advising on diet and nutri-
ciencies in vitamin D status [5, 18, 85]. Long‐term use of anti- tional supplements for possible cariogenic effect on the
convulsant therapy has been associated with alterations in teeth
vitamin D and calcium metabolism [5]. NICE guidelines • bottle feeding for prolonged periods of time should be
suggest that children should be supplemented with vitamin avoided where possible and alternatives should be
D if they are under 4 years old and/or spend significant peri- advised
ods of time indoors [97]. It is advisable that vitamin D and
calcium intakes meet the reference nutrient intakes (RNI) for
age. The requirement for vitamin D for those older than 4 Oral dysfunction and dysphagia
years to prevent deficiency is 10 μg (400 IU) daily [98]. It is
also important to ensure that there is an adequate calcium Oral dysfunction may result from either structural abnor-
intake to build and maintain bone strength, and a prepara- malities such as high roof of the mouth, cleft, enlarged
tion with calcium and vitamin D may be indicated. Regular tongue, abnormal dentition or motor difficulties such as
blood monitoring every 6–12 months for bone indices should those seen in CP. Children with neurological impairment
be done and supplementation given as indicated. The use of commonly have oromotor difficulties, and around 89% need
DEXA scans to measure bone mineral density is a useful part assistance with feeding, 56% choke with food and 28% have
of nutritional monitoring for children with neurodisability if prolonged feeding times [1].
this is available in their area [5]. There are four stages of swallowing, all of which need to
be functioning correctly for the safe and efficient passage of
fluid or solids to the stomach (Table 21.4).
Dental caries From infancy to childhood, as the CNS matures, certain
reflexes usually disappear. Children with physical disabilities
There is a higher incidence of oral/dental problems in these
may keep some of these, and, when coupled with abnormal
children [5] and are caused by a number of factors:
movement patterns, they can make it difficult to coordinate the
• poor dental hygiene due to hypersensitivity to teeth passage of food and fluids to the mouth. Table 21.5 summa-
cleaning rises the effect of abnormal movement on eating.
• inability to clean teeth oneself and dependent on caregivers
for support
Texture modification
• difficulty accessing oral cavity for children who have
behavioural, structural or muscular conditions In order to ensure a safe swallow and to allow for different
• cariogenic effect of some medications due to sugar con- structural, behavioural or reflexive movements, the SLT may
tent or decreasing saliva production alter food and fluid consistencies to reduce the risk of
Complications 435
Stage of swallow What is happening Difficulties that can occur at this stage
Pre‐oral The process of thinking about food, smelling food, seeing food, Lack of coordination to touch food or bring food to mouth
(anticipatory) touching food and bringing food to mouth Blindness
Unable to smell/see food if inside packaging, e.g. pouch food
Oral preparatory The process consists of head and jaw movements including Inability to open the mouth voluntarily
voluntary opening of the mouth, lip closure around the utensil Inadequate lip closure
or biting food, transferring the food around the mouth including Overbite or tonic biting (biting down hard)
chewing, sorting and mixing to form a bolus and holding onto Tongue thrust
this bolus ready for swallowing Oral hypersensitivity indicated by food refusal
Oral This relates to the initiation of the swallow and involves Lack of coordination of tongue movement
elevation of the front of the tongue to seal the mouth, Incomplete nasopharyngeal seal
propulsion of the bolus by the tongue to the back of the mouth
and raising the soft palate to provide a nasopharyngeal seal
Pharyngeal This is an involuntary stage triggered by the movement of food to Ineffective function of peristalsis
the lower part of the pharynx. The nasal passage and airway are Problems with pharyngeal anatomy
closed as the food passes from the pharynx into the oesophagus.
The bolus of food is transported through the oesophagus by
peristalsis. Closure of the vocal fold prevents aspiration
Oesophageal This depends on the peristaltic action of oesophageal muscles to Oesophageal obstruction
propel the bolus of food into the stomach and the contraction of Gastro‐oesophageal reflux
the cricopharyngeus muscle to prevent reflux
Asymmetrical tonic Caused by turning the head and triggers extension of Posture: The child can be difficult to position
neck reflex the limbs on the side which the head is rotated and Feeding: The child may be unable to look at their hand and bring
an increased flexion of the opposite side their hand to mouth
Swallow: Head turned severely to one side may prevent an effective
Extensor thrust Voluntary or involuntary strong push back of head Posture: The child can be difficult to position
and trunk Swallow: Chin thrust inhibits effective swallow, may cause choking
Oral: Jaw thrust prevents mouth closure and can obstruct suckling
and chewing
Startle reflex Sudden extension of arms and opening of hands, Posture: The child can be difficult to position for self‐ or assisted
stimulated by sudden noise or unexpected feeding
movements Feeding: The sudden loss of posture may rouse feelings of insecurity
Swallow: Associated with a fast intake of breath, which may
cause choking
Rooting reflex When cheek is touched, the head turns to that side Oral: When head is out of midline, the configuration of the mouth
changes including the jaw and lip positioning
Bite reflex When mouth touched there is a sudden jaw closure Oral: Cannot coordinate jaw movement in order to introduce or
withdraw utensil
Tongue thrust Tongue moves in direction when touched Oral: Difficult to introduce food, retain food and deal with it in
the mouth
aspiration and improve swallow. The International 3 – liquidised food, or moderately thick drink
Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) has devel- 2 – mildly thick drink
oped descriptors for both food and fluid [100]: 1 – slightly thick drink
0 – thin drink
7 – regular food
6 – soft bite‐sized food This sequence and overlap of textures is shown in Figure 21.5.
5 – minced and moist The required texture should be described to the caregiver,
4 – puréed food, or extremely thick drink giving plenty of examples of ways of achieving the desired
436 Feeding Children with Neurodisabilities
Easy to chew
Soft and bite size 6
l fo
Minced and moist 5
Pureed 4 Extremely thick
2 Mildly thick
1 Slightly thick
0 Thin
Figure 21.5 Descriptors for foods and drinks. IDDSI framework.
texture. The effect that cooling or warming the food may the rate of bone loss for patients on AED [5, 102]. Children on
have on texture, the effect of stirring the food repeatedly and AED may also have reduced levels of vitamin B12, folate and
how saliva from the spoon will thin the consistency during a vitamin B6, and these nutrients may need monitoring and
prolonged meal need to be discussed. supplementation given [103, 104].
Muscle relaxants, such as baclofen, are commonly used for
children with CP and other neurological conditions. If the
Cleft lip and palate
dose is correct, posture for eating can be improved in chil-
dren with spasticity. However, if the dose is too high, then
Children with neurodisability may also have a cleft lip and/
muscle weakness can lead to feeding difficulties.
or palate. They are at risk of poor growth and nutrition
Food can affect absorption of some medications making
because they may not be able to get an effective suck. Feeding
them more or less effective, e.g. phenytoin, which should be
adaptation may involve using different techniques when
given 2 hours before or after a meal/feed. Medications, espe-
breastfeeding, different shaped teats with enlarged or differ-
cially antibiotics, can also alter the gut microbiota of a child,
ent positioned holes, soft squeezy bottles that may help the
and this may increase risk of gastrointestinal upset, e.g. diar-
flow of milk and temporary maxillary plates, or if the child is
rhoea [105].
unable to safely meet nutritional needs orally, then they may
be tube fed [101]. Surgical repair of the lip and palate can
occur any time from 4 to 12 months of age. Normal feeding
Transition to adult care
can often resume if the cleft has been completely repaired
The transition of children to adult care normally takes place
when the child leaves full‐time education, and this could be
Drug and nutrient interactions up to 19 years of age. Children are often very carefully moni-
tored within a paediatric MDT, and care should be taken to
Medications can have an impact on nutritional status by ensure that all relevant information is handed over to all the
causing changes in taste, appetite, weight, alertness and/or adult team such as dietitian, general practitioner, hospital con-
gastrointestinal upset. This can be a problem when a new sultant, allied healthcare team and district nurses (where
drug is being introduced and adjusted. Anti‐epileptic drugs appropriate). There is often a transition period where a child
(AED) may have impact on bone health and are associated will start getting used to day‐care units, and the MDT needs to
with an increased risk of bone fractures and reduced bone support this transition. Parents and caregivers will need
mineralisation relating to lower availability of vitamin D. support as often adult services offer different facilities to chil-
Supplementation with calcium and vitamin D may reduce dren’s services, and they may find the change quite stressful.
Future Research Needs and Unanswered Questions 437
Future research needs and unanswered • changes to gut microbiota with medications for children
questions with disability
• prevalence of food allergy or intolerance in children with
The following issues need to be addressed in children with disabilities
neurodisability: • energy and protein requirements and whether the use of
height age is a good estimator of requirements
• long‐term use of adult enteral feeds and the effects of
high micronutrient intakes over prolonged periods of
time and gut microbiota References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
• the need for routine supplementation of vitamin D and and other useful links are on the companion website:
calcium with modern AED
Natalie Yerlett
Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare
Skin Disorders
Epidermolysis Bullosa
Introduction on extremities. Some patients presenting with the same sub-
type of EB may manifest a wide range of symptom severity.
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) comprises of a group of rare genet- The intellectual development of these children is normal.
ically determined skin blistering disorders characterised by
extreme fragility of the skin and internal mucous membranes.
Mode of inheritance
Level of skin
cleavage EB type Major subtypes Main group of targeted proteins
or extra‐cutaneous symptoms; the EB major subtype Multidisciplinary management is focused on symptom control,
could be elucidated from this wound dressing, therapeutic input, treatment and prevention
• following this, localised or generalised diagnosis may be of infection, monitoring, pain management, surgery, gastroin-
elucidated with further symptomology and later from testinal (GI) review and optimisation of nutritional status [7].
information related to the mode of transmission Worldwide research efforts are under way to find new ther-
• this may be followed up with a skin biopsy, undergoing apies that provide longer lasting improvement in patients’
microscopy with immunohistochemical techniques conditions and, ultimately, a cure. These include [8]:
(immunofluorescence antigen mapping [IFM] with EB‐
• therapies such as gene therapy, protein therapy, drug
specific monoclonal antibodies)
therapy, molecular and cell therapy
• finally, a genetic mutation analysis [1, 3, 4].
• local therapies that target healing such as grafting with
genetically corrected skin or subcutaneous injections of
Prevalence collagen or fibroblasts
• systemic therapies aimed at whole body healing using
The exact prevalence of EB is difficult to assess as very mild intravenous (IV) injections of bone marrow stem cells
cases may go undiagnosed, while the severely affected may from a donor, mesenchymal stem cells or, in the future,
die before diagnosis. In the UK, it is currently estimated that induced pluripotent stem cells
there are approximately 5000 people living with all subtypes While some interventions aim for temporary improve-
of EB. Prevalence of all types of EB and all ages in late 2010 ment (collagen or fibroblast therapy), others aim for a per-
was estimated at 15 : 1 000 000 [5]. EB affects the sexes equally manent cure (grafting with genetically corrected skin or
and is prevalent in all ethnicities. bone marrow transplant).
Nutrition support
Severe types of EB can be extremely physically disabling cou-
pled with constant severe pain. Many patients will have chroni- Current practice relies on retrospective studies of small
cally compromised nutritional status as outlined in Table 22.2. numbers of children, expert clinical experience and extrapo-
These include those diagnosed with RDEB, JEB and the EBS lation from other conditions affecting the skin such as burns
generalised severe patients, all of whom are likely to require and pressure ulcers. Early proactive intervention has the
nutritional intervention from birth. Despite worldwide research best chance of optimising nutritional status, well‐being and
investment and many advances in treatment, there is currently wound healing in the longer term [9–12].
no cure for any type of EB. Treatment with exclusion diets Breastfeeding should always be encouraged; however,
combined with topical and systemic treatments (the Kozak rooting at the breast may cause or exacerbate facial lesions,
regimen) was disproved in an open evaluation [6]. and suckling may lead to blistering of the mouth, tongue and
440 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
Keratin 5/14
Cell membrane
Collagen XVII
Collagen VII
Figure 22.1 Schematic representation of the dermal‐epidermal basement membrane zone. This shows the position of specific structural proteins
relevant to EB. Source: Image reproduced with permission from Medscape Drugs & Diseases (, Epidermolysis Bullosa,
2018, available at:‐overview
gums. This can be eased by applying petroleum jelly to the vacuum, a ‘Special Needs Feeder’ ( may be
lips and to the nipple to reduce friction. In severe cases breast- useful as no vacuum is needed, and the carer can learn to gently
milk may need to be supplemented to meet high nutritional squeeze the shaft of the feeder to deliver a steady flow of milk.
requirements. Breastmilk can be supplemented with stand- Weaning foods can be offered at the usual time of around
ard infant formula or hydrolysed protein infant formula if 6 months (always after 4 months) of age using a shallow
indicated. These can be either mixed with expressed breast soft plastic spoon with rounded edges. Carers may need
milk (EBM) (p. 13) or given in addition to direct breastfeed- reassurance if progression to solids is slow and babies with
ing. In some cases, topping up with one or two feeds of a high an extremely fragile mouth may feed more confidently
energy, high protein formula may be useful. If fully formula from the carer’s fingertip initially. It is common to make
fed, a concentrated infant formula or a commercial energy good progress then have a short period of painful oral blis-
and protein‐dense formula can be used (Table 1.18). tering that may stop progress all together. Carers can be
Soft silicone teats are generally better tolerated. If needed, reassured that this is common in EB and that, once the
teats can be moistened with cooled, boiled water before feeding blister has healed, steady progress can resume. Reluctance
to avoid the teat sticking to the lips and causing damage when to try new foods maybe exacerbated by gastro‐oesophageal
it is removed. In addition, petroleum jelly or teething gel can be reflux (GOR) [13], a very painful mouth or nasogastric
applied if needed to the teat itself before feeding. Occasionally (NG) tube feeding. Scarring and tongue tethering can cause
a slightly larger teat hole may be beneficial as more milk is an uncoordinated swallow with the risk of aspiration [14].
delivered without as much sucking effort – grading up through There is often early aversion to food composed of mixed
the size of teat hole is helpful to avoid giving too fast a flow. If textures (such as the soft lumps within a more liquid matrix
feeding is very difficult due to pain and inability to form a found in many commercial baby foods), whereas uniform
Nutrition Support 441
Table 22.2 Main complications influencing nutritional status and suggested interventions in some of the main types of EB.
RDEB Recurrent severe generalised blistering that heals poorly with Significantly increased requirements for energy and protein
generalised scarring and contractures (causing digits to fuse). Severe Supplementation of certain micronutrients may be indicated
severe growth faltering. Dystrophic or absent nails. Internal mucosal including vitamins C and D, zinc, calcium and iron
membrane scarring and contractures cause microstomia, Gastrostomy tube feeding often indicated
dysphagia and oesophageal strictures. Other complications Specialised formula feeds and exclusion diets may be
include osteoporosis/osteopenia, refractory anaemia, anal considered for severe GI symptoms
fissures, ocular issues, constipation, bowel inflammation/colitis Fibre and laxative management is often required
and pubertal delay. Dental caries often requiring extractions
RDEB Recurrent mild–moderate generalised blistering that heals Slightly increased requirements for energy and protein
generalised poorly with scarring and contractures (causing digits to fuse). Supplementation of certain micronutrients may be indicated
intermediate May have a degree of growth faltering. Dystrophic or absent including vitamins C and D, zinc, calcium and iron
nails. Internal mucosal membrane scarring and contractures Fibre and laxative management is often required
may cause microstomia, dysphagia and oesophageal
strictures. Other complications may include mild anaemia,
anal fissures, mild ocular issues and constipation
DDEB Mild–moderate lesions with minimal scarring. Growth may Intervention is not generally indicated other than advice on
be normal. Anal fissures may cause painful and reluctant healthy eating and age‐appropriate increases in fibre and fluid
defaecation. Constipation is common. Oesophageal strictures intakes if defaecation painful
may be problematic Iron levels should be checked periodically
JEB generalised Recurrent moderate to severe blisters that heal without scarring, Moderately increased requirements for energy and protein
intermediate but often very slowly. May be genito‐urinary involvement. May Supplementation of certain micronutrients may be indicated
have airway narrowing requiring MLB. Other complications including vitamins C and D, zinc, calcium and iron
may include anaemia, ocular issues, enamel hyperplasia and Gastrostomy tube feeding may be indicated
dental caries requiring extractions, scalp abnormalities affecting Specialised formula feeds and exclusion diets may be
hair growth, dystrophic/absent nails considered for severe GI symptoms
Fibre and laxative management may be required
JEB generalised Fatal usually within 1–2 years of age. Recurrent moderate to Maintain hydration, feed to appetite, address deficiencies
severe severe and widespread lesions. Dental pain due to abnormal within terminal care framework
tooth composition. Laryngeal and respiratory complications. Gastrostomy placement not usually recommended as
Initial weight gain usually followed by profound, intractable laryngeal/respiratory issues greatly complicate general
growth failure, possible protein‐losing enteropathy and anaesthesia and healing around stoma may be poor
diarrhoea. Tissue granulation occurs, may effect nostrils NG feeding can be discussed with the family as an option
High energy, hydrolysed protein, MCT feeds may be an
appropriate choice of formula
Weighing can be undertaken to determine best regimen for
pain relief
Emphasis to be placed on quality of life
Advice for weaning onto solids may be needed if
JEB with Recurrent severe blisters. May have large areas of absent Depends on severity of phenotype. Early repair of atresia.
pyloric atresia skin. Complex genito‐urinary involvement. May have anal, Significantly increased requirements for energy and protein
duodenal or pyloric atresia. Other complications may (and fluid if large areas of skin missing). Supplementation of
include renal complications, rudimentary ears, anaemia, certain micronutrients likely needed including sodium,
ocular issues, enamel hyperplasia and dental caries requiring vitamins C and D, zinc, calcium and iron
extractions, dystrophic/absent nails. High risk of infant Enteral feeding can be considered if appropriate
mortality in severe cases despite early atresia repair. In milder Specialised formula feeds and exclusion diets may be
cases who survive infancy, blistering can improve with age considered for severe GI symptoms
Fibre and laxative management may be required in later years
EBS Severity of skin involvement at birth also dictates level of As for RDEB generalised severe in early years, but
generalised feeding and growth difficulties in infancy. In severe cases gastrostomy placement is rarely necessary
severe gastro‐oesophageal reflux, malabsorption and oropharyngeal In severe cases, NG feeding is often needed initially and may
blistering may be significant and difficult to manage. lead to oral aversion
Nutritional replacement of sodium, micronutrients and Sodium, protein, fibre, iron, zinc and vitamin
protein may be needed if large areas of skin are absent. supplementation may be indicated
Problems may lessen in late infancy/early childhood. Advice on healthy eating and weight maintenance/reduction
Catch‐up growth often occurs around adolescence. Painful may be indicated later on
hands and feet may reduce ability to take part in activities/
physical education at school and this may lead to becoming
overweight in teenage years. Anal fissures frequently cause
painful defaecation often with constipation
(continued overleaf)
442 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
EBS localised Lesions usually confined to hands and feet, especially in hot Intervention is generally not indicated other than advice on
weather, often severely limiting mobility. Frequently painful healthy eating and age‐appropriate increases in fibre and fluid
defaecation with/without constipation intakes if defaecation painful
Due to compromised mobility, advice on weight
maintenance/reduction may be indicated
Kindler Photosensitivity. Thin papery skin with variable tendency to Intervention not generally indicated unless growth falters and/
syndrome develop moderate to severe blisters that predominantly affect or GI complications necessitate relevant management
limbs and fingers (which may fuse). Other complications may Nutritional blood samples should be monitored at least
include oesophageal, laryngeal, urethral and anal mucosa annually
involvement, colitis, gingival fragility and inflammation with
poor dentition. May develop anaemia. Growth faltering not
common. Blistering tendency may lessen around adolescence
EB, epidermolysis bullosa; RDEB, recessive dystrophic EB; DDEB, dominant dystrophic EB; JEB, junctional EB; MLB, microlaryngoscopy and
bronchoscopy; NG, nasogastric; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; GI, gastrointestinal; EBS, EB simplex.
textures tend to be accepted with more confidence. Hard or • not meeting nutritional or fluid requirements
sharp foods such as toast, crisps or baked rusks are unsuitable • gastrostomy placement is considered appropriate, but
as they can damage the fragile mucosa of the mouth and gums evidence of the effects of improved nutrition are needed
in some babies. Some bite‐dissolve weaning snacks may need before surgery can be agreed
vigilance, so they do not get stuck to the lips, which can then
cause a blister – moistening them a little first can help.
Gastrostomy tube feeding
Practical information for carers and community personnel
can be found in the booklets Nutrition for Babies with Epidermolysis
G‐tube placement is often a vital and highly beneficial
Bullosa and Nutrition in Epidermolysis Bullosa for Children over 1
method of improving the nutritional intakes of children and
Year of Age published by the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa
young adults with EB. Particular benefits are increased fluid
Research Association (DEBRA) and downloadable from www.
intake, increased energy and protein intake, and increased DEBRA’s nutritional guidelines for
adherence to medications, particularly laxatives and micro-
the management of EB are currently being revised and will be a
nutrient supplements. Discussion about G‐tube placement is
valuable resource once published.
often greeted with great concern by families as they may be
The complications of RDEB in particular begin in infancy
worried that it is an extra burden of work and may be com-
and, except in mild cases, progressively increase as the child
plicated by poor skin healing and/or become a source of
gets older [11, 15]. The causes and effects of severe general-
potential infection. Great care and consideration of these
ised RDEB on nutritional intake are shown in Figure 22.2.
emotive issues is needed, and multidisciplinary team (MDT)
Factors such as painful defaecation (with or without consti-
work with expert communication skills are required for
pation), extensive non‐healing lesions, chronic infections,
sometimes long periods to talk with the patient and the fam-
general skin and bone pain, anaemia, malaise and refusal of
ily to ensure the best outcome. Ideally the idea of a G‐tube
oral medications and supplements contribute significantly
should be discussed early for patients suffering with severe
to the potential for profound nutritional compromise.
types of EB, as preventing a severe decline in nutritional sta-
tus may benefit all symptoms and help to establish a positive
Nasogastric tube feeding balance between oral intake and intake via gastrostomy.
Dietetic review is essential to ensure the right balance of
NG feeding maybe required in early infancy in severe cases nutrition is provided by feeds, oral foods are encouraged
and occasionally in some older children. The majority of when able, and weight gain is proportionate to good linear
older children who are considered for gastrostomy (G) place- growth and not just creating central obesity.
ment will have one placed without a period of previous NG In practice, patients and parents are happy with the deci-
feeding. Internal nasal and oesophageal damage may be sion to have a G‐tube placed as it often improves weight
caused by placing the NG tube and securing the tube on the gain, reduces the burden of oral medications, improves
cheek should be done in consultation with an EB clinical bowel function and maintains nutritional status and hydra-
nurse specialist. Advice can be sought on non‐adhesive tion during periods of oesophageal stricturing. A recent sys-
dressings and silicone tapes to minimise trauma tematic review concluded that G‐tube placement, although
Circumstances in which NG feeding may be indicated as a not risk free, is safe and effective for improving nutritional
temporary measure include: status and quality of life (QoL) in children with EB [16].
While G‐tube placement has been associated with minimal
• a baby’s mouth becomes excessively traumatised by complications and improved growth and bowel function, it
suckling has also been previously linked to pain, intractable leakage,
Nutrition Support 443
• Food/fluid intake
• Energy levels
• Mobility and
• Sunlight exposure
Growth faltering
Nutrient losses via blisters and wounds
Compromised wound healing
Compromised immunity
Increased infection rates
Increased nutritional requirements
Nutritional deficiencies
Pubertal delay
Figure 22.2 Causes and effects of nutritional problems in severe generalised recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa.
infection and excoriation around the G‐tube insertion site, Regular review of the gastrostomy site is essential to make
bloating, colitis, gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) sure the fit is right, and over time the position of the G‐tube
and central obesity [16–23]. Improvements in G‐tube place- may need to be changed to ensure it is anatomically in the
ment techniques, aftercare, proactive placement of a G‐tube most beneficial place. G‐tube feeds are generally begun
prior to decline to a severe malnourished state and manage- within 4–6 hours of surgery, initially using sterile water, to
ment of constipation are all factors that may improve out- ensure absence of leakage; discharge from hospital is usually
comes of G‐tube placement. Pro‐inflammatory cytokines are within 48–72 hours depending on progress and local policy.
thought to play a critical role in GI complications and the Parents/carers may need to be trained on feed pump use
central obesity, increased fat mass and poor linear growth and feeding regimens, especially as often a prior period of
seen in some G‐tube fed children with EB [22]. NG feeding has not taken place.
Different methods are preferred for G‐tube placement at In rare cases it may be necessary to place a gastrostomy
the EB centres around the world. A team with experience in with a jejunal extension if GOR or aspiration is severe. As with
EB should ideally create the gastrostomy. Techniques that any other child, this has implications for the rate at which
avoid endoscopy and risk of trauma to the oesophagus are feeds can be given, their volume and composition (Table 4.4).
preferred and may include open surgical gastrostomy, lapa-
roscopically assisted endoscopy, modified laparoscopic gas-
trostomy and non‐endoscopic percutaneous gastrostomy [22,
23]. The G‐tube should have soft silicone securing material Parenteral nutrition
where possible. The type of tube placed and local policy will
dictate if it should be rotated and how often. Some G‐tubes The use of parenteral nutrition (PN) in EB babies and chil-
may not need to be rotated, but just pushed gently in and out dren is rare but can be used for profound malnutrition when
to ensure it does not become buried in the stomach wall. The enteral feeding has failed repeatedly. Intravenous lines pose
tube may be replaced by a low‐profile device 10–12 weeks a risk of septicaemia, so PN should be considered as a last
postoperatively if the patient wishes to change it [23]. resort [18, 24].
444 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
Table 22.3 Suggested proforma for recording nutritional intake and other relevant information.
DRV, dietary reference value for age and sex matched healthy child.
*Record name(s), dose, frequency
Nutritional Requirements 445
18 months of age and forms part of nutrition clinical practice • the degree to which oral, oropharyngeal, oesophageal
guidelines written for EB, currently being updated [26]. It and GI complications limit intake
has been developed to aid, not replace, clinical judgement • the diversity of disease severity of patients even with the
and its scoring charts rate the three key aspects of the child’s same EB type
state: weight and height, gastroenterology and feeding; der- • the variability over time of individual patients’ requirements
matology. The higher the score, the greater is the likelihood • varying mobility levels over time and even within the
of nutritional compromise. According to the total nutritional same type of EB
compromise score, algorithms suggest varying courses of • the difficulties associated with estimating desirable
action. weight gain when height growth is compromised
• the presence of infection that complicates the interpreta-
tion of laboratory results
Biochemistry and haematology • the chronic inflammatory nature of EB characterised
by continued expression of pro‐inflammatory
Interpretation of laboratory results in EB children is difficult cytokines [19]
because of the inflammatory nature of the condition.
Table 22.4 [27] lists investigations that should be carried out
with suggested sampling intervals. Frequency may vary Energy
depending on disease severity.
Energy requirements can be estimated using the following
formula [15]:
Nutritional requirements
weight kg kcal/kg for height age
Every patient with EB has different nutritional requirements 1 sum of 3 additional factors
that may fluctuate. Some milder cases of EB may have close
to normal requirements for energy and protein, whereas
Additional factors:
more severe cases of EB may likely have much greater
requirements for energy, protein, fluid and micronutrients.
1. Ratio of blisters to body surface area (BSA): 20%
The main factors potentially compromising nutritional
BSA = 0.19, 40% BSA = 0.5, 100% BSA = 0.95
status in EB are:
2. Sepsis: mild = 0.2, moderate = 0.4, severe = 0.8
• open skin lesions will likely lose blood, serous fluid, protein, 3. Catch‐up growth: 0.1–0.2
fluids, electrolytes and heat. The body constantly attempting
to heal these wounds can result in a chronic hyper‐catabolic An example calculation using this formula is given in
state. In addition, the risk of infection is high with such Table 22.5. Although this method provides a working figure,
wounds that can increase requirements further the scoring of skin involvement is subjective, and the
Table 22.5 Case study: high energy and protein requirements in a boy with EB.
Daily requirements
Fluid requirement based on actual weight 1150 mL
Energy requirement calculated by applying the formula (p. 445): 13 × 90 × [1 + (0.19 + 0.2 + 0.2)] = 1860 kcal (7.8 MJ) or 143 kcal (595 kJ)/kg
Energy requirement based on 130–180 kcal/kg = 1690–2340 kcal (7.1–9.8 MJ)
Protein requirement based on 2.5–4.0 g protein/kg = 33–52 g
Fibre requirement = 20 g
Gastrostomy feeds
1000 mL high energy paediatric fibre containing formula, e.g. PaediaSure Plus Fibre: 152 kcal (635 kJ), 4.2 g protein and 1.1 g fibre per 100 mL
Energy = 1520 kcal (6.4 MJ) Protein = 42 g Fibre = 11 g
Feeding plan
Building up gradually to 100 mL/hour × 10 hours continuously overnight (or 2 × 200 mL boluses morning and late evening with 60 mL/hour × 10 hours
overnight) depending on tolerance and family’s preference
Continue to offer oral intake of foods with the textures altered accordingly. Soft foods orally with high fibre, protein and energy content should be
Initially 2–4 weekly to assess feed tolerance and weight gain and then every 3 months
formula is complex. It may be that the skin involvement is it may be beneficial to supplement certain micronutrients in
not always directly observed by the dietitian at hospital EB [32] since deficiencies of specific micronutrients includ-
review, which makes this value harder to estimate. A simpler ing iron, selenium, zinc and vitamins A, B6, B12, C and D have
method is to use 115%–150% of the average energy require- been identified [15, 17, 33]. However, the role of increased
ment for the normal population [28] in order to provide suf- intakes of single or multiple micronutrients is unclear even
ficient energy to promote weight gain and wound healing: in individuals with normal skin, and more work is required
130–180 kcal (545–750 kJ)/kg actual body weight per day. to identify both the clinical conditions and the doses of indi-
Requirements may be as high as 225 kcal (940 kJ)/kg if the vidual micronutrients that actively promote or accelerate
skin is septic or growth failure is profound. healing [34, 35]. Although understanding of drug‐nutrient
interactions are limited, especially when body composition
Protein is altered [36], care should be taken to advise families on the
timings of supplementation to maximise bioavailability of
Protein plays a most important role throughout the entire the nutrient absorption.
wound healing process. Collagen is the protein that is pro-
duced mainly in the healing wound of normal skin; therefore, Vitamins
a lack of protein decreases the synthesis of collagen and the
production of fibroblasts [29]. Protein requirements in EB are It is likely that severely affected children need increased
estimated to be approximately 10%–15% of energy intake, amounts of all vitamins [33]. Babies and older children who
extrapolated from the recommendation of 9% energy intake successfully take concentrated or nutrient‐dense feeds
for catch‐up growth in children with normal skin [30]. Children receive correspondingly increased amounts of all vitamins.
with extensive lesions will require an intake at the higher end In some instances additional iron and other micronutrients
of the range, especially where there is associated sepsis. Protein may still be required so serum monitoring is highly recom-
requirements tend to be 2.5–4.0 g/kg, 115%–200% of the refer- mended (Table 22.4).
ence nutrient intake [31], based on chronological age. Children relying on oral diet alone are likely to require an
age‐appropriate multivitamin and mineral supplement.
Micronutrients Supplements available over the counter that provide a wide
range of nutrients, including iron and zinc, are preferable.
Micronutrients are known to play essential roles in metabo- Vitamin C enhances iron absorption and promotes colla-
lism, wound healing, cellular immunity and antioxidant gen synthesis [37]. It also plays a role in the immune response
activity. Research in burns and pressure ulcers suggests that [29] through its antioxidant properties where it limits tissue
Nutritional Requirements 447
damage and prolonged inflammation [38]. Children with EB as promoting healing, optimising immune status and exerting a
may avoid the more astringent food sources of vitamin C beneficial effect on inflammatory conditions [38, 44]. It has been
due to their tendency to irritate the mouth and pharynx; shown in critically ill burns patients that supplementation with
however, in practice many patients enjoy foods such as cau- glutamine has reduced gram positive bacteraemia and mortal-
liflower or broccoli cheese bake, sweet or white potatoes, ity as the requirements for glutamine increase significantly dur-
avocado, mango, berries and the less acidic fruit juices given ing this time [44]. More studies need to be completed
with a meal (such as apple or mango juice). Fruit puree specifically in EB patients who have chronic wounds looking
mixed with yoghurt or ice cream can also be enjoyed. into the effectiveness of supplementing with these nutrients.
Where dietary intake is markedly low in fruit and vegeta-
ble content, it would be beneficial to ensure an age‐appropriate
Calcium and vitamin D: osteopenia and osteoporosis
multivitamin and mineral supplement is given daily, most of
which will contain vitamin C.
A number of mechanisms are thought to contribute to the
observed low bone mineral density (BMD) for chronological
age seen in children with RDEB and JEB [24, 45–47]. These
include reduced mobility, poor nutritional intake, reduced
Zinc is an essential trace element in the human body as it
sunlight exposure (from restricted outdoor activities and
serves as a cofactor in numerous transcription factors and
extensive bandaging), chronic inflammation (pro‐inflamma-
enzyme systems including zinc‐dependent matrix metallo-
tory cytokines increase osteoclastic activity) and pubertal
proteinases that augment auto‐debridement and keratinocyte
delay. In addition, GI complications may affect absorption of
migration during wound repair [39]. Zinc confers antioxidant
relevant nutrients [11].
activity including resistance to epithelial apoptosis, protecting
Annual monitoring of all children with RDEB and JEB
membrane stability, and is important in immune function [39,
from 5 years of age is recommended. Lateral X‐rays of the
40]. Zinc deficiency of hereditary or dietary cause can lead to
lumbar and thoracic spine and ankles are suggested to detect
pathological changes, poor growth and delayed wound heal-
clinically significant osteoporosis and fractures, respectively.
ing. In addition, zinc may be involved in anti‐inflammatory
Dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan was previ-
responses with chronic zinc deficiency causing an increase in
ously routinely undertaken; however, current practice may
the production of pro‐inflammatory cytokines [40, 41].
move away from such frequent DEXA scanning unless clini-
Most patients with severe types of EB will likely need
cally indicated, such as to monitor impact of bisphosphonate
long‐term zinc supplementation due to their higher require-
treatment. Annual bone age assessment for adolescents with
ments for chronic wound healing. However, the degree of
pubertal delay can also be undertaken [48].
desirable supplementation is unclear. Generally, evidence
Intravenous pamidronate and oral risedronate have been
has shown supplementation of zinc is safe and non‐toxic;
used to address bone pain associated with osteopenia, osteo-
however, if high levels are given, it is prudent to monitor
porosis and fractures. However, information on their effects
both serum zinc and copper levels to ensure the dose is not
on BMD in this group of patients is lacking. If osteoporosis,
too high as excessive zinc may increase copper levels [42]. In
fractures and/or low serum levels are detected, calcium and
practice, if serum zinc is very low, dosing procedure is fol-
vitamin D should be supplemented and the serum bone pro-
lowed as per local protocol for deficiency and levels moni-
file monitored (p. 445).
tored routinely. Soluble zinc tablets available on prescription
can be taken orally (or via gastrostomy); it is often necessary
to ensure the dose is split and taken with food or feed to Iron and anaemia
reduce nausea or gastric irritation and aid absorption.
Interpretation of serum zinc results can be difficult in EB as Children with severe EB are at high risk of chronic and
the levels are affected by the acute phase response during peri- severe iron deficiency anaemia through reduced dietary
ods of infection or inflammation, both of which are common in intake, high requirements from chronic wound healing,
EB. In addition, a low serum albumin will also effect the serum blood loss and possible reduced GI iron absorption. Patients
zinc level. All of these findings will reduce the serum level of often have chronic inflammation, and iron homeostasis is
zinc [43]. Supplementing with excess zinc at this time may result changed significantly during the acute phase response; iron
in it just being excreted as the cells are saturated with zinc. may accumulate in the hepatocytes instead of being avail-
Iron and zinc have the potential to interact, leading to able for use [49]. Although iron’s participation as a cofactor
potentially reduced absorption of both [29]. Timings of sup- for antioxidants and collagen synthesis has been demon-
plements should be planned carefully to minimise these strated, causal links between iron supplementation and
micronutrient interactions, but not increase the daily burden improved wound healing have not been identified [38].
of poly‐medication. Haemoglobin (Hb) levels correlate very poorly with meas-
ures or markers of iron status in EB. Hepatic mechanisms
respond to inflammation by decreasing intestinal uptake and
Immune‐enhanced formulas release of iron into plasma. In addition, transferrin levels
decrease in response to inflammation, and ferritin levels can
‘Immune‐enhanced’ formulas containing nutrients such as argi- increase. Interpretation of iron status is multifaceted, and cor-
nine, glutamine and essential fatty acids are marketed for adults rection of deficiency is done with care and experience.
448 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
Prescribable sodium feredetate syrup is widely used, Carnitine supplementation does not reverse cardiomyopathy,
although compliance is often poor as this can directly cause but it can prevent its progression. Carnitine deficiency should
constipation, which is usually already an issue for most be addressed by giving 50–100 mg/kg/day Carnitor
patients with EB. Iron ionic water supplements, iron liquid Paediatric Solution.
preparation and iron spray supplements are all available
over the counter and can sometimes be much better toler-
Painful defaecation and constipation
ated and more palatable than sodium feredetate, with less GI
side effects; however, these are not always available on
GI complications are present in all types of EB with up to 58%
prescription. IV iron supplementation may be necessary in
of patients presenting with some form of GI complication [53].
children with severe chronic deficiency who are refractory
Painful defaecation, with or without constipation, is one of the
to, or unable to tolerate, oral supplements. IV iron must be
most common of these GI problems and is seen in all major
administered carefully under constant clinical supervision
subtypes, especially RDEB. Constipation results from strain-
due to the risks of anaphylaxis and other potential side
ing to defaecate leading to painful perianal blistering and fis-
effects. It is often a short infusion, so this one‐on‐one nursing
sures, or faecal retention due to pain or fear of defaecation.
can be arranged before admission. An Hb level of <80 g/L or
Restricted food intake or a soft blended diet, due to oral
symptoms such as shortness of breath and extreme fatigue
lesions, dental problems and dysphagia, may be lower in total
are taken as a signal to intervene with an IV blood transfu-
fibre content and, therefore, may worsen constipation. This
sion. This only provides temporary benefit, and some
situation is exacerbated by reduced physical activity [18].
patients may need to have a few transfusions per year to
Measures to normalise bowel habit include increasing
maintain a safe level of circulating Hb. Care needs to be
intake of fluid and fibre in the form of age‐appropriate fibre‐
taken when administering any IV treatment for iron defi-
rich foods and fibre‐containing feeds, and pure fibre supple-
ciency anaemia so that iron overload is avoided [19].
ments such as Optifibre or HyFibre. Stool softeners such as
The limited data on the use of erythropoietin (EPO) or an
polyethylene glycol sachets, e.g. Movicol, Laxido, are very
analogue in EB, either alone or in conjunction with IV iron,
commonly used [54] and show very good success in most
indicate that such treatments result in improvement in Hb
patients. To treat constipation it is optimal to give a regular
levels and general well‐being. However, the need for regular
dose of a smaller amount of stool softener than to give large
injections of EPO and its high cost limits its usefulness in
doses and then none; getting the right dose is trial and error
routine practice for children with EB [19].
as every patient will require a varying amount. In young
patients with mild constipation, a starting dose of ¼ sachet is
appropriate once a day, building up to twice a day, then
Selenium and carnitine: dilated cardiomyopathy
increasing the amount given gradually at these two doses.
UK guidance on the fibre requirements for children now rec-
No clear cause of dilated cardiomyopathy (DC) in children
ommends between 15 and 30 g for 2–18 year olds (with no
with EB has yet been identified [50], but poor global nutri-
specific guidance for <2 years) [55].
tional status, chronic iron overload from repeated transfu-
Fragility of the anal mucosa means that suppositories and
sions [51], low carnitine and selenium levels [51], concomitant
enemas should never be given. If clearance of faecal impac-
viral illness, chronic anaemia, coexistent renal failure and
tion or preoperative bowel preparation is required, an
medications (amitriptyline and cisapride) [52] have been
osmotic agent, given orally or via feeding tube, is preferred
proposed as possible contributors to its development. Most
[24]. In the older child, overflow incontinence can be mis-
reported cases have been fatal, and to date there is no evi-
taken for diarrhoea, and carers often reduce or stop the pre-
dence that the underlying genetic mutations in RDEB have a
scribed laxative therapy, inadvertently exacerbating the
role in the pathogenesis of DC. Annual cardiac assessment
situation. Children with faecal impaction demonstrable on
(echocardiogram and electrocardiogram and referral to a
abdominal radiograph must have their bowel evacuated
cardiologist if either of these is abnormal) should be per-
before the introduction of a further fibre source. If such prep-
formed in all children with severe RDEB and JEB to identify
arations are introduced while the child remains faecally
early changes leading to DC.
loaded, abdominal pain, GOR and vomiting will ensue, and
Serum selenium levels are difficult to interpret due to
compliance will be jeopardised [11].
potential effects of chronic inflammation as this will falsely
Constipation is very common in all types of EB patients.
reduce the serum level of selenium. Fifty‐five percent of
Occasionally, if constipation is severe and a thorough history
children with EB‐related DC did have selenium deficiency;
reveals a suspicion of non‐IgE mediated food allergy, then it
therefore, it is important to monitor closely and supplement
would be worth considering a trial period of an elimination
when appropriate [51]. Selenium supplementation reverses
diet for 8 weeks to rule this out as a cause for the constipation.
cardiomyopathy if started early in the disease p rocess [51].
A liquid formulation of selenium is available on prescrip-
tion, e.g. Selenase oral solution, and provides 500 μg/10 mL. Prebiotics and probiotics
When total plasma carnitine is normal, any decrease in free
carnitine should not be considered as a real deficiency and Food groups that are natural prebiotics and prebiotic formulas
does not represent a risk for the development of DC [17]. and powders are generally considered a safe addition to any
Other Issues 449
child’s diet and may act to potentially improve bowel function pain, itch and improved mobility [58]. A coeliac screen is
by improving overall diversity of the individual’s microbiome. appropriate in all EB patients when displaying symptoms of
Probiotics, such as probiotic yoghurt drinks, natural anaemia, constipation and diarrhoea. More research is
yoghurt or fermented yoghurt such as kefir, are popular needed into dietary restrictions in EB with outcomes and
additions to many EB family’s diets. To date the author has improved QoL weighed against the difficulties of following
no experience of a negative impact on the use of such prod- a restricted diet and the subsequent impact on nutritional
ucts; currently there is not enough evidence to routinely status.
advise giving probiotics to treat constipation [56]. Studies
have shown probiotics to be potentially beneficial in other
Protein‐losing enteropathy
areas of health, such as enhancing immune function, improv-
ing colonic integrity and reducing incidence and duration of
Protein‐losing enteropathy (PLE) and diarrhoea have been
intestinal infections, post‐antibiotic use and improvement in
described in JEB [53], mostly in those with pyloric atresia.
digestion and defaecation – all of which would be very desir-
α‐6‐β‐4 deficiency has been shown in an infant with total
able for children with EB. However, they have also been
GI mucosal separation and intractable diarrhoea [59].
associated with adverse effects such as bacteraemia, sepsis
Hydrolysed protein feeds containing mainly medium‐chain
and endocarditis [11]. It would be prudent to advise probiot-
triglycerides (MCT) as the fat source have been used empiri-
ics only in selected and carefully monitored EB children.
cally. As in the treatment of intestinal lymphangiectasia
(p. 118), the use of a predominantly MCT source of fat
Sodium decreases lymphatic flow, and its use has been suggested to
improve hypoalbuminaemia and to reduce levels of stool
In very severe cases of EB where, at birth, a high percentage α‐1‐antitrypsin in JEB [53].
of skin loss has occurred, the infant may need a period of
admission in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease
Growth can be difficult to achieve at these times, and often
additional iron, zinc and other micronutrients may be neces-
GORD is very common in many types of EB [53]. GORD may
sary. Urinary sodium concentration should be measured,
start early in infancy and may remain throughout childhood.
and if <20 mmol/L the infant should be supplemented with
Recurrent oesophageal scarring by acidic gastric contents
NaCl at 1 mmol/kg/day until the urinary sodium is main-
may cause shortening of the oesophagus, which may predis-
tained around 50 mmol/L. Low sodium status may have a
pose to GORD and to stiffening of the lower oesophageal
direct impact on the ability to gain weight and should be
sphincter, fixing it in an open position and so worsening the
monitored carefully. If the dose of required NaCl is very
reflux [59]. GORD may be exacerbated by oesophageal dila-
high, it is better to split it throughout the 24 hours to reduce
tation that allows reflux of stomach contents into the oesoph-
the impact of nausea and potential vomiting.
agus, or by the introduction of gastrostomy feeding [24, 60]
When vomiting and poor weight gain are observed,
Other issues GORD should be investigated and managed in accordance
with age and symptoms as in the child without EB (p. 125).
Bowel inflammation (colitis) Nissen fundoplication (p. 152) has been used for refractory
GORD in children with EB, but there was only a temporary
The precise mechanisms responsible for the colitis seen in EB (<1 year) reduction of symptoms [53]. The surgery is believed
are not yet understood, but absence of type VII collagen that to have failed owing to abnormal structure and fragility of
is normally expressed in the colonic mucosa has been impli- the gastric mucosa.
cated. There have been reports of children with RDEB pre-
senting with explosive diarrhoea with their histological
features ranging from absence of abnormality to moderately Oesophageal strictures
severe inflammatory changes. The mechanism underlying
these changes is uncertain, but the defective cell adhesion Oesophageal strictures and dysphagia are common in patients
may result in altered epithelial cell turnover and abnormal with severe types of EB and may also be seen in patients with
mucosal permeability stimulating an inflammatory response DDEB. Every patient’s incidence of stricturing is different,
[53, 57]. Children with suspected or proven inflammatory even within the same type of EB. Lower oesophageal strictures
bowel disease are often treated with steroids and, if appro- are likely to be precipitated or exacerbated by GORD, whereas
priate, an amino acid‐based feed. upper strictures probably arise from blistering related to inges-
Suspicions that colitis is exacerbated by food antigens tion of food. The latter tend to impose ever greater restrictions
have led to regimens excluding milk, egg, wheat and soya on the textures of foods that the child is able to swallow, show-
[53] (Table 8.19). In two RDEB patients (one adult and one ing dysphagia with hard or bulky foods initially, then with
child), exclusion of gluten with concomitant low dose corti- softer foods and eventually with liquids [24].
sone is reported to have reversed compromised renal func- When an oesophageal blister or stricture is suspected,
tion and proteinuria, with a reduction in skin blistering, food consistency should be modified to tolerance with
450 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
nutritional supplementation. Moist foods of soft consistency and frequent eating, ineffective use of a toothbrush due to
are often preferred, but, if swallowing problems are more pain, extreme fragility of the oral mucosa and reduced man-
severe, foods should be puréed [15]. Sips of water between ual dexterity, side effects of some medications that cause a dry
mouthfuls are helpful. Reliance on oral nutritional supple- mouth, GORD and carers’ capabilities [19, 62].
ments (ONS) and milky drinks is paramount at this time to Dental reviews should be scheduled according to caries
prevent an acute deterioration in nutritional status. Drinking risk. Caries prevention is the dentist’s approach of choice.
while food is still in the mouth risks gagging and aspiration. This includes [19, 63]:
Oral dexamethasone can be prescribed initially, which can
• dietary changes to modify when high sugar foods and
sometimes be enough to alleviate symptoms and for the
drinks are consumed. These items should ideally be
potential blister to heal. If these measures are insufficient to
restricted to the end of mealtimes where possible and
ensure adequate nutritional intake, oesophageal dilatation
continuous sipping of sugary drinks outside mealtimes
(OD) should be considered as soon as possible.
should be discouraged
Balloon dilatation (which applies mainly radial forces),
• mechanical plaque/substrate control by brushing (using
either endoscopically or fluoroscopically, has been used very
appropriate equipment and techniques), flossing, rinsing
successfully and can often be undertaken as a day case. An
(with alcohol‐free mouth washes)
experienced team with knowledge of EB should undertake the
• adjuvant therapies that include fluoride (in toothpaste or
dilatation. Endoscopic dilatation techniques all carry the inher-
supplement) and chlorhexidine (in mouth washes,
ent risk of oropharyngeal and oesophageal trauma, potentially
swabs, sprays, gels or topical varnish)
resulting in strictures that worsen over time. Fluoroscopic‐
• protective covering of teeth using fissure sealants and
guided balloon dilatation uses larger balloons that can achieve
stainless steel crowns
a greater dilatation diameter. Once children are awake and
alert post‐procedure, they can drink. When they are comforta- Exercises for maintaining mouth opening by using ‘mouth
bly able to swallow (usually within 2–4 hours), a soft diet can expanding devices’ as well as for the tongue to maintain
be given with most resuming a normal diet within 24 hours of mobility for adequate swallowing are mentioned in the lit-
the procedure. One potential disadvantage of this procedure erature, but the author has not seen this in practice, and the
lies in the repeated exposure to radiation. This is particularly evidence for their effectiveness is lacking [64].
significant for children with RDEB who are known to be pre-
disposed to aggressive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin in
late teenage or adulthood [61]. Pubertal delay
When oesophageal strictures are too tight to allow ante-
grade passage of a guide wire, or if oral contractures Malnutrition can affect the entire hormonal system (involv-
severely limit mouth opening, a retrograde approach ing insulin, thyroid hormones, cortisol and growth hormone
through a gastrostomy may be successful. If OD is unavail- [GH] and the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis) and is a
able or strictures have not responded satisfactorily to this direct cause of pubertal delay [65]. Chronic inflammation
procedure, surgical interventions including colonic interpo- mediated by cytokines causes disturbances in the pathway
sition and the resection of localised oesophageal strictures involving GH and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (GH/IGF‐1)
with end‐to‐end anastomosis (oesophago‐colonoplasty) and the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis [66, 67].
have been very rarely used. However, these procedures Improving nutrition and growth with the use of G‐tube feed-
involve highly complex surgery and have high rates of mor- ing and OD may facilitate attainment of puberty. However,
bidity and mortality [24]. They, therefore, remain the last the introduction of such measures after adolescence may
resort for those whose nutritional status cannot be main- mean that catch‐up growth is not possible. Attention should
tained by any other means. be paid to the likely increased requirements in puberty, and
oral or G‐tube intake may need to be increased to ensure
there is no a decline in nutritional status [15]. Radiographs of
Oral manifestations the left hand and wrist to evaluate bone age can assess skel-
etal maturation and help to confirm the picture of delay.
Oral manifestations in children with EB vary markedly In girls, a pelvic ultrasound scan may be helpful to assess
depending on the specific EB type. Features include micros- uterine development and ovarian activity. Induction of
tomia (reduced mouth opening), trismus (spasm of the jaw puberty with appropriate hormonal intervention is neces-
muscles), ankyloglossia (fixation of the tongue to the mouth sary from a psychological point of view as well as to opti-
floor), malocclusion, blistering and scarring; all compromise mise peak BMD. This may prove problematic for boys as
mouth opening and the normal cleansing action of the intramuscular testosterone injections may be painful and
tongue. Teeth can be structurally defective, having little or buccal preparations may be difficult to take when microsto-
poor quality enamel that erodes easily, rendering them more mia has led to obliteration of the buccal sulci [68]. It is impor-
prone to decay and gum disease [19]. tant for young adults to attain puberty at around the same as
Other factors contributing to increased dental caries include their peers. Collaboration with an endocrinologist may be
consumption of a diet high in fermentable carbohydrate, slow necessary to achieve timely puberty.
Future Research Needs 451
Reduced mobility families develop coping strategies and deal with the changing
stresses that growing up with EB can involve.
Mobility in severe EB is frequently reduced due to complica-
tions such as fixed flexion contractures, bone and skin pain Transition from paediatric to adult care
and fatigue secondary to anaemia and poor nutritional sta-
tus [19, 69]. When longitudinal growth falters, wheelchair For young people with any severe form of chronic illness,
dependency is more likely. Consequent lack of weight bear- transition to adult services is a major life event involving the
ing compounds low BMD, and possible bone pain and loss of lifelong trusted professional carers [75]. With EB,
fractures leads to further immobility. Maintenance of a
increasing age and transition may be perceived as moving a
balance between mobility, growth and nutritional status is step closer to increasing and worsening of complications, the
challenging [47]. Assessment for bone fractures should be potential development of terminal metastatic squamous cell
undertaken periodically or when symptomatic; however, carcinoma [76] and death [70], highly sensitive issues that
often EB patients have a very high pain threshold and may are openly discussed.
not report the severity of pain you might expect from, say, a Awareness of potential transition‐related problems is par-
spinal fracture. Regular review by an experienced physio- amount, and protocols should be in place to minimise them
therapist with knowledge of EB is crucial from a young age [77]. EB clinical nurse specialists are key in liaising between
to optimise motility. parents, patients and healthcare professionals in the hospital
and community settings, and good communication between
all concerned should ease the transition process.
Psychological and psychosocial issues and QoL
It is important that a comprehensive history is provided
by the paediatric dietitian at the time of transition, such as:
The psychological and psychosocial issues affecting both
children with severe EB and their parents can be significant. • a summary of relevant medical history including oesoph-
Building a rapport over time is essential for establishing a ageal dilatations, bowel pattern, iron, bone, mobility and
relationship where families will accept dietetic advice. Tact dental status
and empathy is needed at all times during dietetic consulta- • a growth chart, ideally from birth, details of supplements
tions due to the significant demands of everyday life for tried and rejected
patients with EB. Growth and eating can often be the one • if G‐tube fed details of brand of device, dimensions, when
thing that families can work to improve, and it is very hard placed/changed, ordering procedure, problems encoun-
for families to accept that, despite their best efforts, occasion- tered, details of current feeds and feeding regimen
ally the demands of EB are so great that extra intervention is • current medication regimen including vitamins and min-
needed. This is particularly evident when discussing the erals, orally or via gastrostomy
need for a gastrostomy or weight management advice in • contact details for general practitioner and any other rel-
older children with EB simplex. Coping with the everyday evant key professionals
regimen of dressing changes, lancing blisters, pain manage- • social details – family dynamics, educational stage,
ment and medication intake can be overwhelming and can career ambitions and hobbies
greatly increase family stresses, interpersonal problems and
likelihood of depression [70].
Practices, such as rewarding the child for painful proce-
Future research needs
dures with sweet treats or compensating for eating difficul-
There are many specialist EB centres worldwide. Establishment
ties by allowing a child to drink milk from a bottle for
of collaborative studies between them greatly facilitates
prolonged years, may be detrimental to dental health and
improved practice in several areas:
appetite. Discussion of issues such as these should always be
done carefully and with understanding of the greater priori- • macro‐ and micronutrient requirements for children with
ties the family may have. severe EB
Multiple factors affect QoL for those with EB and these • appropriate biochemical and haematological monitoring
greatly depend on severity and age. The family burden has in order to implement and evaluate nutrition support
been found to be high independent of EB type or severity [71]. • validation of THINC (p. 444)
There is a validated tool to assess QoL specifically in adults • minimising the adverse effects of the inflammatory pro-
with EB [72], in addition to the family burden score (EBBoD) cess in EB as chronic inflammation impacts on anaemia,
that has been developed for families with children with EB osteoporosis and abnormal body composition
[73]. A study has found that children with severe EB express • role of dietary exclusion regimens in the potential reduc-
five main areas of distress: continually itchy skin, pain, diffi- tion of bowel inflammation
culties in participation with peers, lack of understanding by • role of pre‐ and probiotics in promoting gut health and
others and being different [74]. All these can impact on nutri- immune status in EB
tional intake, either directly or indirectly. Early intervention • techniques to better manage oesophageal disease and
with a psychologist is optimal to help patients and their stricture prevention
452 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
Harlequin Ichthyosis
Introduction frequent stages to encourage this where possible.
Breastfeeding is always encouraged and can help to build
Harlequin ichthyosis (HI) is the most severe subtype of all a maternal bond [80].
the autosomal recessive ichthyoses [78]. HI presents with a In clinical practice energy requirements appear to be
severely compromised skin barrier. It is caused by mutations higher than normal; however, there is no data on basal meta-
in the ABCA12 gene leading to defective lipid transport [78]. bolic rate (BMR) or energy requirements in these infants.
Newborn infants present with ectropion (outwardly turned A range of 130–170 kcal (545–710 kJ)/kg/day in the first
eyelids) and eclabium (outwardly turned lips), and the skin 3 months would be an appropriate target.
is formed of dense white scales separated by deep fissures Infants have very high fluid requirements and may require
[79]. Families may find it difficult to bond with the infant 180 mL/kg/day on average, and occasionally this might
due to their appearance. HI often goes undetected prenatally increase to 200–220 mL/kg/day to maintain serum sodium
[78] as the skin changes are only evident in the second levels within the normal range during particularly difficult
trimester and may only show on a 3D scan undertaken by an times. During episodes of infection or vomiting, dehydration
experienced sonographer. can quickly occur, and a low threshold for IV fluids or NG
Historically, HI diagnosis has had a very poor prognosis, feeding (if not already established) should be encouraged.
often families being offered just palliation. However, with Protein requirements are higher than normal; however,
greater awareness of the condition and good multidiscipli- there are no data on the amount needed and will depend on
nary working, including medical, nursing, dietetic, occupa- the severity of the disease at presentation; 4.0–4.5 g/kg/day
tional therapy, physiotherapy, social work and psychology, may be needed. Renal function should be monitored and
long‐term survival rates have significantly improved [79]. The protein intake graded down if indicated.
main medical management consists of treatment with retinoid
therapy (acetretin), which is a synthetic form of vitamin A.
Nasogastric feeding
The main risks to infant survival are severe hypernatrae-
mic dehydration, sepsis, respiratory failure and malnutri-
Placement and securing of NG tubing can be a difficult chal-
tion. Infants with HI need immediate transfer to a level 3
lenge. Due to the frequent application of emollients, some-
NICU where possible and placed into an incubator with
times 2 hourly, it is difficult to get dressings to stick to the
high humidity [79]. Narcotics may be appropriate for pain
cheeks to secure the tube. In addition, the nostril may be nar-
relief [79]. Twice‐daily baths to promote shedding of scales
row or blocked with skin, and this may present further
and frequent application of bland emollients (or wet wraps)
are essential to stabilise the skin [79]. Antimicrobial tech-
Techniques to secure a feeding tube:
nique is essential when applying any product to the skin:
application with a clean spoon, dispensing cream into a • The ‘lasso’ technique: This involves cutting a 2–3 cm loop
clean bowl each time, wearing sterile gloves, etc. A central band of ‘Tubifast’ or similar dressing. This is then passed
line maybe needed to administer fluids, PN or antibiotics. over the head so it is secure, paying attention to the nasal
The risk of line infection is very high, and close monitoring septum and the soft issue of the ear to ensure it is not
and swabbing are needed with targeted antibiotic treatment rubbing. The NG tube is then passed as usual, and the
as per local policy. external portion can be spiralled around the lasso over
one ear. To keep the tube more secure, a soft hat, with a
hole made for the tube, can worn by the infant if needed.
Nutritional requirements and feeding Close monitoring is necessary to ensure the tube is in the
correct position. This technique should be used with cau-
Trans‐epidermal water loss (TEWL), high skin turnover
tion in mobile babies or older children.
and infection all act to increase nutritional requirements
• The ‘dressing sandwich’ technique: This involves bath-
for energy, protein and fluids. The thickened plaques of
ing the cheek as usual, but not using emollients in the
skin may restrict chest expansion and increase work of
area to be dressed. A dressing such as ‘Duoderm’ is put
breathing too, which in turn can increase energy require-
underneath the tube, then multiple pieces of ‘Duoderm’
ments [79]. Eclabium and restricted jaw movement can
are stuck on over the top of the tube. This dressing will
lead to poor vacuum suckling/sucking, which can pre-
need changing daily if it peels away.
vent breast or bottle feeding initially and can result in tir-
ing on feeding. Due to this orogastric or NG feeding
should be commenced as soon as possible as it may be Gastrostomy placement
very difficult to meet nutritional requirements solely with
oral feeds for several months. Often the mouth will Due to the difficulties in maintaining the position of a NG tube,
improve gradually, and oral feeding should be retried at coupled with the chronically high nutritional requirements, a
Introduction 453
gastrostomy can be considered very early on and has proved • Serum electrolytes need to be monitored closely in the
highly successful. initial period. Hypernatremia can occur quickly if fluid
requirements are not met
• Serum albumin may be chronically low due to protein
Tolerance of feeds
losses via the skin. Stabilisation of the skin will improve
this. The addition of extra protein to feeds may be
The high volume of feeds required can often be difficult to
tolerate. GORD and vomiting is common and can be treated
• Sodium (Na) losses can occur through the skin and when
with anti‐reflux medications as per local policy. Patients may
serum Na levels are stable it may be appropriate to sup-
present initially with steatorrhoea, together with raised faecal
plement with Na if urinary Na is <20–30 mmol/L as per
calprotectin levels and severe exocrine pancreatic insuffi-
local policy
ciency requiring administration of pancreatic enzyme ther-
• Vitamin D levels can quickly become deficient, and sup-
apy. Measurement of faecal calprotectin and faecal elastase
plementation should be started prophylactically. Levels
could be warranted to rule out malabsorption in early life
should be monitored 3 monthly initially, then annually.
and rechecked at periods throughout infancy and childhood.
Vitamin supplements containing vitamin A should be
Breastfeeding or giving EBM should be encouraged (if toler-
avoided as this can be contraindicated when having
ated) and made a priority. If no malabsorption is suspected or
retinoid treatment
identified and additional energy and protein is required, for-
• Iron levels often need supplementing. Liquid iron
tification of EBM with standard infant formula or the use of
supplementation should start as per local policy
energy‐dense formula is indicated. If additional energy and
• C‐reactive protein (CRP) levels will often be high, and
protein is required and the infant does have malabsorption,
this may artificially show a reduction in serum zinc and
EBM can be fortified with the addition of an extensively
selenium. Careful monitoring is vital and if levels con-
hydrolysed protein formula or amino acid‐based formula;
tinue to fall then supplementation is needed
and/or a liquid high energy, high protein extensively hydro-
lysed formula can be used. If an amino acid-based formula is
required, then the feed concentration will need to be gradu-
Copper transport in ichthyosis
ally increased to provide a higher energy and protein intake.
Prolonged continuous tube feeding is often needed for the
An autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism char-
infant to tolerate the high fluid volumes required. Wherever
acterised by mental development delay, enteropathy, deaf-
possible oral feeds should be offered in breaks from continu-
ness, neuropathy, ichthyosis and keratodermia (MEDNIK)
ous feeding to enable maintenance of oral feeding skills.
has been recently described with patients presenting with
Weaning onto solid foods can be started as per normal
significantly low serum copper levels and ichthyosis. A
guidelines and may often be enjoyed as a positive interac-
mutation in the affected gene AP1S1 causes abnormal intra-
tion between the parents and the baby. This may also reduce
cellular copper trafficking, which subsequently affects cop-
the volume of feed needed slightly and can help ameliorate
per‐dependent enzymes leading to the symptoms of
symptoms of GORD.
MEDNIK syndrome [81]. Copper may accumulate in the
Growth may be delayed due to chronic inflammation and
liver and brain tissue causing symptoms of copper overload
high requirements and careful and ongoing dietetic monitor-
despite clinical serum copper deficiency. Liver function tests,
ing can help to optimise growth and nutritional status of
brain MRI and treatment with zinc acetate (to treat copper
patients with HI. Patients can often have their gastrostomies
overload) are suggested starting points for treatment [81, 82].
closed as they get older and are able to meet their require-
Treatment with copper supplements should be avoided until
ments orally.
a full diagnosis is made, and it can be ensured that addi-
tional copper is not going to worsen the symptoms of copper
Nutritional monitoring overload.
It would be good practice to check the serum copper levels
Close attention needs to be paid to monitoring nutritional in all patients with ichthyosis to ensure this condition is not
parameters: missed.
Netherton Syndrome
Introduction allergic manifestations [83]. NS is caused by loss of function
mutations in SPINK5 (serine protease inhibitor of Kazal
Netherton syndrome (NS) is a rare autosomal recessive skin type‐5) encoding LEKTI‐1 (lympho‐epithelial Kazal type‐
disorder, which presents with severe erythroderma, skin related inhibitor type‐5), which regulates skin barrier and
inflammation and scaling, hair shaft abnormalities and immunity [84].
454 Epidermolysis Bullosa and Rare Skin Disorders
There is a clinical spectrum of severity in NS. Some infants increase requirements and reduce feed tolerance. In severe
may be born with severe NS with approximately 75% of skin cases in early infancy, steatorrhoea, diarrhoea and poor feed
affected. These infants are at very high risk of hypernatraemic tolerance with very high fluid requirements can make die-
dehydration, and there is often great difficulty with establish- tetic management very difficult. Breastfeeding can be estab-
ing feeding and hence optimising their growth. Historically, lished successfully from birth and should be encouraged if
the survival rate for severely affected infants was poor, com- tolerated well. Breastfeeding may transfer important
pounded by a lack of recognition of their condition and being immune complexes to the infant. Breastfeeding or giving
misdiagnosed and, hence, not getting adequate treatment. EBM should be made a priority, and if EBM is used, this can
Some infants with NS may present with a milder phenotype, be fortified as described above (p. 440).
with less than 25% of skin affected. These infants may estab- Fluid requirements are higher than normal due to TEWL
lish feeding more easily, with a good growth projection. They and tend to remain very high throughout life. In infancy, the
may not get diagnosed as early as the severe type and may be volume required to maintain sodium in the normal range
misdiagnosed with atopic dermatitis. may be approximately 200–220 mL/kg/day. To achieve and
The main risks to survival are severe hypernatraemic dehy- tolerate this high volume, an orogastric or NG tube is often
dration, hypoalbuminemia, enteropathy, infection, poor body needed. Older patients often display high thirst levels and
temperature control, sepsis and malnutrition. Nursing or paren- enjoy drinking of large quantities of water, potentially
tal care to ensure twice‐daily baths and frequent application of impacting on appetite and nutritional intake.
bland emollients is essential to stabilise the skin. Antimicrobial During episodes of infection or vomiting at any age, dehy-
technique is vital when applying any product to the skin: appli- dration can quickly occur, and a low threshold for IV fluids
cation with a clean spoon, dispensing cream into a clean bowl or tube feeding (if not already established) should be encour-
each time, wearing sterile gloves, etc. Due to the reduced integ- aged. Adolescent patients who have been stable for many
rity of the skin barrier, topical medications are absorbed very years can become unwell with infection and quickly become
readily, so topical steroids may be contraindicated. severely hypernatraemic, requiring hospitalisation.
Greater awareness of NS and good MDT working has Energy requirements are higher than normal; however, to
improved survival rates significantly. The main difficulties date there is no evidence as to exactly what requirements
and risks to survival present in early infancy; after 1 year of might be. A range of 130–170 kcal (545–710 kJ)/kg/day in the
age the acute nature of the medical and dietetic intervention first 3 months would be an appropriate target. In severe
may stabilise somewhat, although the condition is lifelong cases of NS with extreme faltering growth, supplementary
and requires daily dedication to the skin care regimen. feeding with a high energy, high protein formula is usually
All patients with NS are at high risk of developing IgE indicated. The initial presentation of steatorrhoea, diarrhoea
(immunoglobulin E)‐mediated allergies, which does not or carbohydrate malabsorption secondary to enteropathy
appear to correlate with severity of skin affected. A charac- and/or severe exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, seen in
teristic feature of NS can be an exponentially increasing and severe cases, requires administration of pancreatic enzyme
very high total serum IgE level [85], although this may not replacement therapy. Tests, such as faecal calprotectin, sugar
always present early in infancy. chromatography and faecal elastase, could be warranted to
Infants are often born prematurely between 34 and 37 rule out malabsorption in early life and rechecked at periods
weeks’ gestation with their weight between the 2nd and 50th throughout infancy and childhood. These GI disorders may
centiles. Almost all patients will display faltering growth improve with time, and therapy can be weaned off. Growth
within 3 months of birth, with many faltering until at least may be severely delayed in such cases, and amino acid‐
1 year of age. Patients with severe disease often have chronic based formulas with a high percentage of MCT are likely to
inflammation, which has a negative effect on growth. be required. Refeeding syndrome risk may be high when
Patients with the milder phenotype may display good changing formulas so should be managed carefully.
growth within normal parameters. PN may be necessary in some cases; however, risk of line
Early nutritional intervention and monitoring may pre- infection is very high. It is often difficult to maintain a suffi-
vent poorer growth later on. Some late presenting patients, cient intake due to the increased risk of infection from
although stable, may present with chronic severe faltering bacterial presence on the skin.
growth and in some cases acute protein-energy malnutrition Protein requirements may be higher than normal due to
(PEM) [84]. The number of infections, allergic disease, enter- skin losses, although there is no data on the amount needed,
opathy, use of steroids and endocrine abnormalities may all and will depend on the severity and stabilisation at presen-
impact on growth projection [86]. More research is needed tation. The protein-energy ratio of the diet needs to be main-
into the impacts on growth outcomes in NS patients. tained at an appropriate level and a protein intake of
4.0–4.5 g/kg/day has been needed in some patients. Renal
function should be monitored and protein intake graded
Nutritional requirements down as necessary. Liquid high energy and high protein
extensively hydrolysed formulas can be effective if malab-
TEWL infection and high skin turnover all significantly sorption is identified or suspected. If amino acid‐based feeds
increase nutritional requirements for fluids, energy and pro- are required, then the concentration will need to be increased
tein. Patients are at greater risk of sepsis, which can also to provide a higher energy and protein intake.
Acknowledgements 455
GORD and constipation are common from infancy and eczema, rhinitis, urticaria, pruritis (itch), asthma, angi-
throughout life. Anti‐reflux medications can be used as per oedema and anaphylaxis [84, 87]. Patients may have a nor-
local policy. Constipation is likely secondary to difficulty in mal total serum IgE level at birth, often increasing
maintaining a high fluid intake. Increasing fibre intake, using significantly on each sequential measure with total serum
regular stool softeners and increasing fluid intake is often IgE ranging from 300 to 7000 kU/L. Due to the very high
successful in achieving a regular bowel motion. Weaning can total serum IgE levels, specific IgE levels can be hard to
be started as per normal guidelines and may often be enjoyed interpret correctly and may often show false positives [88].
as a positive interaction between the parents and the baby. Symptom history is very important to ensure foods are not
This may also reduce the volume of feed needed slightly and removed from the diet unnecessarily. Skin prick testing is
can help ameliorate symptoms of GORD. often contraindicated due to damaged skin. Antihistamine
Early gastrostomy placement can be life‐saving and essen- medication is often used to reduce itch and patients may
tial to maintain good nutritional status. Most patients have have allergies to a wide range of foods, environmental
been able have the gastrostomy tube removed a few years antigens and animal dander. In the author’s cohort the
after placement when intake has stabilised sufficiently. Some most common proven allergenic foods are nuts, eggs and
patients may benefit from prolonged use of a gastrostomy if fish, but patients have reported many foods to elicit aller-
helpful for optimising fluid intake. gic reactions including milk, wheat, soya, watermelon,
coconut, kiwi fruit, berries and cantaloupe melon. In very
severe cases where an infant is having breastmilk and has
Nutritional monitoring acute faltering growth, dehydration and GI involvement,
the removal of allergens from the maternal diet may be
Close attention needs to be paid to monitoring nutritional indicated to attempt to stabilise the patient’s skin and any
parameters: GI inflammation. There is no literature to support this in
NS. More research is needed to identify if allergen avoid-
• Vitamin D supplementation is essential, and rickets has
ance in early infancy or early introduction of allergens
been observed in older patients with NS. Levels can be
would be helpful to reduce later onset of allergic manifes-
monitored 3 monthly initially, then annually throughout
tations in NS.
• Iron levels may need supplementing in infancy as per
local policy Acknowledgements
• Zinc, selenium and copper should be monitored annu-
ally. A general multivitamin supplement for children The author wishes to thank Dr Anna Martinez for her
containing iron and zinc may be sufficient to maintain medical expertise and help guiding the writing of this
levels in childhood chapter and to all the remarkable children and young
• Electrolytes need to be monitored closely. Risk of hyper- adults living with EB and rare dermatological condi-
natraemia needs to be balanced with supplementing with tions. Thanks to Rosie Jones and Lynne Hubbard for their
sodium chloride (NaCl) if the urinary Na is <20–30 mmol/L ongoing collaboration and shared passion for this area of
(depending on local policy) to ensure adequate growth dietetics. Thanks also to Lesley Haynes and Melanie
• Serum albumin may be chronically low due to protein Sklar for their dedicated work and previous edition of
losses via the skin, particularly in infancy. Stabilisation of this chapter.
the skin and the addition of protein to the diet or feed
may be beneficial in severe phenotypes
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
Allergic manifestations can show in approximately 75% of
and other useful links are on the companion website:
all NS patients due to the diminished skin barrier, with no
correlation to severity of skin involvement. These include:
23 Burns
Helen McCarthy and Jacqueline Lowdon
post‐injury [14]. Hypermetabolism affects glucose, fat and Aim of nutritional support
protein metabolism. Burn‐induced hyperglycaemia can have
significant detrimental effects; elevated triglycerides have The aim of nutritional support in a child with a thermal injury
been associated with poor organ function, and the up‐regu- is to provide appropriate intervention in order to moderate
lation of protein catabolism with associated muscle weak- the hypermetabolic response, promote optimal wound heal-
ness prolongs the need for ventilation and can result in ing and maintain normal growth. It is well documented that
prolonged growth delay [16]. improved nutritional status in the critically ill patient reduces
Modern medical and nursing management has had the the likelihood of complications (e.g. infection, poor wound
effect of moderating the hypermetabolic response to the healing) and length of stay in hospital [22–24].
burn injury [10, 14]. These include early excision and graft-
ing, increased use of artificial skin and other novel wound
coverings, regular analgesia, control of ambient tempera- Nutritional requirements
ture, and nutritional intervention [15, 17, 18]. Nonetheless
the metabolic response remains elevated, and evidence Factors influencing the nutritional requirements of a child
clearly links this to the extent of the injury and, in children, with a thermal injury are listed in Table 23.3. A full assessment
their age and sex [19–21]. of nutritional requirements should be made taking these and
any additional factors, such as surface area used as donor sites
for skin grafts, into consideration. As thermal injuries are
Table 23.1 Causes and types of burn injury. dynamic, regular reassessment and adjustment of regimens is
essential to achieve optimal outcomes for patients.
Type of burn Cause of burn
Table 23.3 Factors influencing nutritional requirements. Schofield equation [30] may be the most suitable for chil-
dren, but acknowledge that this is a fixed equation and will
not integrate change over time. With the exception of the
Sex Schofield equation, these formulas require an estimate of
Weight body surface area and burn surface area. There are a number
Height/length of equations to aid with this estimation, but the simplest is
probably the Mosteller formula [36]:
Pre‐injury nutritional status
Current nutritional status T
otal body surface area = weight kg height cm / 3600
Percentage burn surface area
Thickness of burn Any formula is only a guideline and provides a starting
Grafted area point for estimating requirements. As already stated, ther-
mal injuries are dynamic and require frequent reassessment
Extent of healing
and amendment of nutritional requirements.
Protein requirements
Table 23.4 Formulas for energy requirements. Protein requirements for children with burn injuries remain
unclear, but it is evident that these will be increased above
Hildreth/Galveston equations [28] the recommended nutrient intake (RNI) for age [37]. The
Infants <1 year 2100 kcal (8.8 MJ)/m2 TBSA + 1000 kcal hypermetabolic response to the thermal injury results in an
(4.2 MJ)/m2 BSA up‐regulation of protein turnover with both protein catabo-
Children <12 years 1800 kcal (7.5 MJ)/m2 TBSA + 1300 kcal lism and synthesis being increased. Losses of lean muscle
(5.4 MJ)/m2 BSA mass and negative nitrogen balance have both been recog-
Children >12 years 1500 kcal (6.3 MJ)/m2 TBSA + 1500 kcal nised in studies investigating the nutritional needs of this
(6.3 MJ)/m2 BSA patient group [38, 39]. Cunningham et al. suggest that appro-
Curreri Junior equations [29] priate wound healing is achievable in children receiving
Infants <1 year RDA + 15 kcal (0.063 MJ)/m2 BSA
2–3 g protein/kg/day [32]. It has also been suggested that
higher protein intakes may have beneficial outcomes in ther-
Children 1–3 years RDA + 25 kcal (0.105 MJ)/m2 BSA
mally injured children [38, 40]. However, a recent review by
Children 4–15 years RDA + 40 kcal (0.167 MJ)/m2 BSA Herndon and Tompkins states that protein intakes of 3 g/
Scofield equation [30] kg/day may raise urea production without improvement in
Girls 3–10 years (16.97 × wt) + (161.8 × ht) + 371.2
muscle protein synthesis [10].
Protein synthesis, as well as wound healing, does appear to
Boys 3–10 years (19.6 × wt) + (103.3 × ht) + 414.9
be improved when relatively higher protein provision is made
Girls 10–18 years (8.365 × wt) + (465 × ht) + 200 in combination with anabolic agents such as growth hormone
Boys 10–18 years (16.25 × wt) + (137.2 × ht) + 515.5 and oxandrolone [14, 15, 41]. Studies have reported improve-
ments in lean muscle mass, wound healing and scarring at
TBSA, total body surface area; BSA, burn surface area; RDA, 2 years post‐injury when recombinant human growth hor-
recommended dietary allowance; wt, weight in kg; ht, height in cm.
mone (rhGH) is administered during the hospitalisation,
although its use is not without side effects [15, 16]. Oxandrolone
has similarly been shown to have beneficial effects on lean
clinical practice, there is some evidence to suggest their muscle mass, muscle strength and bone mineral density [41].
accuracy is limited [25, 26]. Several amino acids become conditionally essential
Energy requirements in children with burns rarely rise following trauma, particularly burn injuries, including
above the EAR in the first 24 hours post‐burn injury [13, 27]. glutamine, arginine, histidine and cystine [24]. Most of the
Therefore, it may be reasonable to aim for the EAR for age research into supplementation of specific amino acids has
initially for all injuries, particularly those classified as minor focused on glutamine and arginine [42–44]. Current evi-
or of a small surface area. Commonly used formulas for esti- dence suggests that while there are benefits to supplementa-
mating energy requirements for children are detailed in tion of major burn‐injured patients with glutamine,
Table 23.4. These include the Curreri Junior formula and the supplementation with arginine does not appear to provide
Galveston or Hildreth formula, which have been recom- any benefits despite the role it plays in wound healing [45].
mended for some time [28, 29, 31–33]. There is recognition Recommended levels of supplementation for glutamine
that these formulas can overestimate energy requirements have not been established for children, although deficiency
and provision of excess energy and/or protein has been has been reported and further research is required in this
shown to have detrimental effects on outcomes [34, 35]. area [46]. Currently a large multicentred trial is being under-
Current guidelines from the European Society for Clinical taken to establish the role of glutamine supplementation in
Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) [35] suggest that the burn injuries [34].
Meeting Nutritional Goals 459
Moderate hypoalbuminaemia is common in children with Excessive routine supplementation with a multivitamin and
thermal injuries, and this can be well tolerated. Increasing mineral preparation may result in a nutritional imbalance
protein provision above that recommended in the literature and potential toxicity, as well as interference with the utilisa-
has little impact on this. However, it has been suggested that tion of other nutrients.
if the serum albumin level falls to <25 g/L, then albumin
infusions should be considered [24, 47].
Novel substrates
Minor burns (<10% body surface area) periods related to surgical intervention, dressing changes,
physiotherapy and medications. Several studies within a
A ‘food first’ approach should be taken with minor injuries critical care environment have demonstrated suboptimal pro-
of <10% surface area (not including the face) and if the child vision of nutrition support; therefore, effective communica-
does not have a compromised nutritional status pre‐injury. tion and team working are imperative to the nutritional
The child should be encouraged to start eating and drinking management of children with thermal injuries [74].
as early as possible, and every effort should be made to pro- PN should only be considered when there is prolonged
vide familiar foods in order to promote appetite. Nutritious paralytic ileus or where poor tolerance of enteral feeding
drinks such as milk and milkshakes, in preference to juice or prevents nutritional requirements from being met by this
fizzy drinks, should be encouraged. route alone. Where possible, trophic enteral feeds should
Daily food and fluid intake should be accurately recorded continue to be infused at a very low rate (as little as 2 mL/
by nursing staff. If this highlights difficulties in meeting the hour) to maintain the brush border integrity of the gastroin-
dietary targets, alternative nutritional intervention may be testinal tract [24, 75, 76]. The complications of PN are well
necessary. A multivitamin supplement or an oral nutritional recognised, and as infection risks are already high in burns
supplement (ONS) may be beneficial in this group if accept- patients, special care must be taken when considering PN.
ance of hospital food is limited. Other issues, such as electrolyte imbalances and hypergly-
caemia, also require particularly close monitoring. Further
guidance on enteral and PN support in children may be
Major burns (>10% body surface area) found in Chapters 4 and 5.
It is important to remember that burn injuries are dynamic levels are depressed acutely and chronically, despite success-
and this patient group has constantly changing nutritional ful nutrition, making it a poor marker [86]. Prealbumin has a
needs related to the healing of their wounds. As the percent- short half‐life of 2 days, which should make it more respon-
age burn surface area changes, so the nutritional require- sive to nutritional changes. However, the level falls quickly
ments need to be reassessed. There is no one method that is after a burn injury and recovers slowly, meaning that it may
universally reliable or applicable for the nutritional monitor- not correlate well with ongoing nutritional status [87].
ing of paediatric burns patients. It is important that the Raised serum levels of C‐reactive protein (CRP) can act as a
overall clinical picture is incorporated into the assessment. predictor of sepsis in children with burns injuries [88].
Body weight is a common measure of nutritional status as it Vitamin, mineral and trace element status should also be
is easy to obtain and can be related to the general paediatric monitored in extensive burns injuries as evidence of defi-
population; however, it can be very misleading in burns ciency has frequently been reported in the literature [48–54].
patients. The initial fluid resuscitation after severe burn will Guidelines for monitoring blood parameters in burns
increase body weight, and although this will eventually lead patients have been developed by several of the regional burn
to diuresis, the time period is unpredictable [80]. Additional networks and local policy should reflect these.
fluid shifts occur with infections, ventilator support and
hypoproteinaemia, making body weight a very unreliable Imaging techniques
gauge of nutrition in this population. Patients can have
increased total body water for weeks after the burn injury, Although a few imaging techniques are now available for
masking the loss of lean body mass that will have occurred nutritional monitoring, due to availability and cost, they are
[81]. Regular weights (without dressings) should be recorded typically used in research only. Bioelectrical impedance anal-
and plotted on appropriate centile charts. These should be ysis calculates total body water and the body’s fat‐free cell
compared with pre‐admission measurements where available; mass by measuring the body’s resistance to the passage of
asking parents and caregivers for these weights can be help- electrical currents. However, it is unknown how the fluid
ful. Long‐term monitoring of trends in weight are valuable, shifts after a burn injury affects this measurement.
especially during the rehabilitation phase. It is important to
remember that oedema and fluid shifts may mask true Changing clinical condition
weight and any loss of lean tissue early in the clinical course.
Studies in severely burned children found that increasing The clinical condition of the child is constantly changing and
energy intake to maintain weight resulted in increased fat includes aspects such as burn area and healing, temperature,
mass instead of improved lean body mass [51, 82]. infection and sepsis, ventilation issues and rehabilitation pro-
grammes. All of these should be closely monitored and require-
ments recalculated on the basis of these changing factors.
of longer‐term nutritional deficiencies and growth failure population. This causes further imbalance in calcium and
[89–92]. It should also be noted that even with adequate nutri- vitamin D levels. Studies of paediatric burns patients have
tional intake, poor growth often continues to be an issue. In found that supplementation with a multivitamin containing
these circumstances, children exhibit increased body fat 400 IU of vitamin D2 did not correct vitamin D insufficiency.
stores, but no significant increase in lean body mass [12, 92]. More research is required to determine benefits of supple-
Specifically, with major burn injuries, bone health should mentation and optimal levels [54, 93, 94]. The use of dual
be reviewed longer term with studies reporting significant X‐ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scanning is another imaging
increases in long bone fractures post‐injury [52]. Paediatric option, which can measure bone density and lean body mass.
burns patients can suffer significant dysfunction of calcium Long term follow‐up and monitoring of nutritional status
and vitamin D homeostasis for a number of reasons including and intake should be integral to the dietetic management of
increased bone resorption, osteoblast apoptosis ( programmed burn injuries, particularly those falling into the major burn
cell death) and urinary calcium wasting. Additionally, burned classification.
skin is not able to manufacture normal quantities of vitamin D3, A case study of a young girl with a mixed thickness scald
the main source of vitamin D for the majority of the is described in Table 23.6.
A girl aged 2 years and 11 months old has sustained a 12% mixed thickness scald (7% full thickness, 5% partial thickness) to the lower legs and feet as
a result of being placed in a bath of hot water.
On admission
Weight = 12.85 kg (25th centile). Estimated height = 92 cm (25th centile)
Blood results are within the normal range, and there is no history of iron deficiency anaemia.
She eats three meals plus supper daily and has no noted dislikes or food intolerance. Usual dietary intake is reported to be ‘children’s food’ such as
chocolate‐based breakfast cereals, ham or cheese sandwiches, chicken nuggets and chips or sausage and mashed potatoes. Reported portion size
appears appropriate for age. Drinks are mainly diluted juice or fizzy drinks. No additional vitamin or mineral supplements are taken.
She is receiving pain medication and is currently sedated.
Nutrition assessment
From the information presented, this child had a reasonable intake of food prior to her injury, although the nutritional quality may not have been
adequate. Anthropometric measurements and biochemical results are all currently in the normal range. Sedation and pain management is likely to
reduce dietary intake in the early stage of management.
Calculating requirements
Total body surface area (TBSA)
weight × height / 3600
12.85 92 / 3600 = 0.57 m
(continued overleaf)
Monitoring and Outcomes 463
Nutritional diagnosis
Nutritional intake is likely to be inadequate to meet requirements specifically for protein, vitamins and minerals, related to increased nutrient
requirements and poor dietary intake post‐injury, as evidenced by the extent of injury requiring sedation at present, and dietary history indicating
energy dense, nutrient poor dietary intake pre‐injury.
Nutritional intervention
Nutritional prescription is for a nutrient dense intake to meet requirements. Initially this will be met via nasogastric feeding and oral intake. In deciding
the nutritional prescription, the following points should be considered:
• Site of injury – Lower legs, therefore, not likely to directly compromise oral intake.
• Percentage burn area – This is >10% and is, therefore, a major burn.
• There is no previous medical history of note
• Previous nutritional status – reasonable, possibility of vitamin insufficiency, particularly vitamin D.
• No gastrointestinal problems.
• Pain management – As a result of the injury, the child will be in a great deal of pain and will be commenced on pain relief; this should be
considered when planning intervention.
• Pyrexia – none noted yet.
• The child is scared and unsure of what is happening to her.
Method of feeding
An enteral feeding tube should be passed during the resuscitation period. Enteral feeds should commence within 6 hours of admission via this route,
until such time as the child is able to feed orally. Enteral feeds should gradually be replaced by oral intake to meet full nutritional requirements. Good
oral hygiene should be maintained throughout.
Choice of feed
• A fibre containing 1 kcal (4 kJ)/mL paediatric enteral feed. The advantage of this option is a nutritionally complete feed that should meet all nutritional
requirements without modification. A fibre containing feed is recommended from initiation due to the high risk of constipation in patients with burn injuries.
This is due to significant fluid shifts and losses as a result of the injury and high doses of sedatives and opioids frequently required for analgesia [35].
• The final feeding regimen should be planned in conjunction with medical and nursing management taking account of times of dressing changes,
physiotherapy sessions and other interventions.
• If taking anything orally, or as oral intake begins, encourage nutrient dense foods that are familiar and acceptable to the child. Encourage high
protein foods. Avoid diluted juice and fizzy drinks; encourage milk‐based drinks or oral nutritional supplements instead.
Learning points: nutrition in burns and thermal injury References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
and other useful links are on the companion website:
• Early intervention in the form of enteral feeding within 12
hours of injury to maintain gut integrity
• Regular reassessment of nutritional requirements to account
for healing of burn and graft sites and changing oral intake
• Follow‐up post‐discharge should consider body composition
and bone health
Lisa Cooke and Julie Lanigan
Faltering Weight
Growth monitoring is the cornerstone of paediatric care. In infancy and early childhood, faltering weight is identi-
Faltering weight may be a marker of undernutrition or fied by downward centile crossing. The degree of centile
disease, and early recognition allows prompt intervention crossing that would lead to concern depends on birthweight
to protect short‐ and long‐term health. Therefore, regular (Table 24.1).
monitoring is advised throughout infancy and early Weight below the 2nd centile on the UK‐WHO 0–4 years
childhood [1]. and UK 2–18 years growth charts indicates faltering regard-
less of birthweight. Infants and children exhibiting the growth
patterning described in Table 24.1 are at risk of growth falter-
ing, and regular monitoring is recommended [6].
Failure to thrive (FTT) is an outdated term previously used
to describe infants and young children who failed to reach
Further measurements
their expected growth [2]. This definition is still used by
some clinicians and researchers. However, ‘faltering growth’
Where there is concern about growth faltering, weight
or ‘faltering weight’ is now the most widely accepted defini-
should be measured and plotted on the relevant growth
tion for infants and children with inadequate weight gain.
chart. Previous measurements should also be plotted to
allow a longitudinal assessment of growth. In addition,
Growth assessment length (in infants and children under 2 years of age) and
height (in older children) should be measured. Where there
Growth charts are used to compare measurements in chil- are concerns regarding a child’s length or height, parents’
dren of the same age and sex. It is recommended that inter- height should be measured, and the mid‐parental height
national growth standards are used, which are based on centile (MPC) calculated. If the child’s length or height is
infants and children growing under optimal conditions in a more than two centile spaces below the MPC, this could
range of settings, i.e. the WHO Child Growth Standards [3]. suggest undernutrition or a growth disorder [7]. Head cir-
The UK‐WHO 0–4 years growth charts combine data from cumference is also a useful indicator of growth in the first
the WHO standards with UK term and preterm data. The 2 years of life.
UK 2–18 years growth charts combine data from the UK 1990 Mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC) is a useful anthro-
growth reference for 4–18 years with the WHO standards for pometric measure of nutritional status that can be done sim-
2–4 years [4]. Growth is monitored according to progression ply with minimal equipment. Data show that in a
along centiles [1, 3]. The growth of healthy infants and chil- well‐nourished population, there are very few children aged
dren will normally follow an established centile from about 6–60 months with a MUAC less than 115 mm. Those with a
2 weeks of age. However, small deviations are common and MUAC less than 115 mm have a highly elevated risk of death
not always a cause for concern [5]. compared with those who are above this cut‐off [3].
Table 24.1 Centile crossing relative to birthweight. Table 24.2 Factors contributing to faltering weight.
Birthweight centile Fall across weight centiles causing concern • Inability to digest or absorb nutrients
⚬⚬ Coeliac disease
<9th centile One or more centile spaces* ⚬⚬ Cystic fibrosis
• Excessive loss of nutrients
9th–91st centile Two or more centile spaces
⚬⚬ Vomiting
>91st centile Three or more centile spaces ⚬⚬ Chronic diarrhoea
⚬⚬ Protein‐losing enteropathy
*A centile space is the distance between two adjacent centile lines. • Increased nutrient requirements due to underlying disease
⚬⚬ Chronic cardiac or respiratory failure
⚬⚬ Chronic infection
• Inability to fully utilise nutrients
Growth charts are the most reliable tools for identifying
⚬⚬ Metabolic disease
faltering weight. However, the following features are com- • Reduced intake of nutrients
monly reported in association with weight faltering: ⚬⚬ Functional problems
⚬⚬ Suck–swallow incoordination
• muscle wasting, poor skinfold thickness
⚬⚬ Oral hypersensitivity
• thin, wispy hair
• visible or prominent bones (e.g. pointed chin in a baby)
• pale complexion (could suggest iron deficiency)
Table 24.3 Factors contributing to inadequate intake.
• poor sleep pattern
• developmental delay (particularly in communication skills) • Delayed/problematic progression of solids
• emotional and behavioural issues (ranging from with- • Early feeding difficulties, e.g. tube feeding, gastro‐oesophageal reflux
drawn/passive to active/chaotic with poor concentration) • Poor appetite following illness or dental problems
• Parental attitudes to food and feeding, including cultural practices
Research has shown that health professionals do not • Behavioural difficulties, e.g. coercive feeding
always recognise faltering weight. Batchelor and Kerslake • Limited or rigid parenting skills
found that one in three children whose weight had fallen • Parental ill health, e.g. maternal depression
substantially were not identified [8]. There were various rea- • Family characteristics, e.g. chaotic household and lack of routine,
poor facilities, neglect
sons for non‐recognition: lack of awareness of the problem,
well‐cared‐for children with no signs of physical neglect, no
reported feeding difficulties, acceptance of children as small
and underuse of growth charts. Children with neurological dysfunction may have prob-
The prevalence of faltering weight varies between and lems with oromotor development, which can affect the abil-
within populations and is influenced by socio‐economic fac- ity to suck and swallow. They may also suffer from oral
tors. For example, 5% of infants living in deprived inner city hypersensitivity and therefore refuse to feed. Children with
areas are affected, but it occurs across a wide social range [9]. metabolic disorders can present with faltering weight as a
result of poor feeding or inability to utilise energy correctly.
Faltering weight is common in infants born prematurely;
their special nutritional needs and oromotor problems are
reviewed separately (p. 96).
Historically, the focus has been on differentiating faltering
For children with poor weight gain and no apparent medi-
in weight as ‘organic’ (resulting from an underlying medi-
cal problem, inadequate energy intake is the underlying
cal condition) or ‘non‐organic’ (related to unknown psycho-
cause. Many factors contribute to inadequate intake as dis-
social factors). It is now clear that only 5% of cases of
cussed below (Table 24.3).
faltering weight have an underlying medical problem. The
two categories are not mutually exclusive, and undernutri-
tion is recognised as the primary cause of poor weight gain Early feeding problems
in infancy [10].
During infancy and early childhood, relative energy and For many infants, growth begins to falter around the time of
nutrient requirements are high to support rapid growth. complementary feeding. During complementary feeding the
Infants and young children are at risk of nutritional deficien- diet is expanded to include a wider range of foods aiming to
cies due to feeding difficulties and, in a minority of cases, establish a diet that meets nutritional requirements. As the
food insecurity. For some children, medical conditions may infant’s oromotor skills develop, this allows the introduction
be the underlying cause of growth faltering (Table 24.2) [11]. of new foods with a wider range of tastes and textures.
Despite an apparently adequate intake, gastrointestinal Complementary feeding is a time when infants become
disorders may lead to faltering weight because of malabsorp- accustomed to new foods. If this period of acceptance of new
tion, e.g. coeliac disease. Children with congenital cardiac or foods, in particular those with more ‘lumpy’ textures and
respiratory defects may show poor growth due to breathing bitter tastes, is interrupted, progression through the intro-
problems, anorexia or increased energy requirements caused duction of solid foods can be difficult and may compromise
by their disease. the nutritional adequacy of the diet. Overdependence on
466 Faltering Weight
cow’s milk and fruit juice is common in infants and toddlers. prepared to offer their children [19]. In another study, infants
This may restrict intake of solid foods, leading to insufficient of mothers who were both depressed and deprived showed
energy intake to support normal growth [12, 13]. poorer weight gain [20].
As complementary feeding progresses, infants show
increasing independence and a desire to self‐feed. It is
important that infants are given opportunities to develop
self‐feeding skills.
Poverty is not a factor in isolation, and there is little evi-
Infants and young children with faltering weight are
dence to suggest an increased risk of faltering weight in the
reported to experience more feeding problems compared
poorest families [20]. However, it has been suggested that
with those growing normally [14]. In a case–control study,
children from larger families are at increased risk of weight
infants with faltering growth were introduced to solids and
faltering [7].
finger foods later than a control group and were described as
variable eaters with low appetite and poor feeding skills.
While causality could not be defined from this observational Neglect and abuse
study, findings suggest that feeding difficulties may increase
the likelihood of faltering weight [15]. Two population studies found that between 5% and 10% of
Faltering growth is often accompanied by chronic feeding children who had faltering weight were registered with
difficulties [14]. For example, one study found that children social services as having suffered abuse or neglect [15, 21]. It
with faltering weight also had severe feeding difficulties, is suggested that children in abusive or neglecting families
according to parental reports. Parents described stressful are at an increased risk of faltering weight, but these families
mealtimes, children crying, clamping their lips, turning away, only represent a small proportion of all cases.
pushing food away, spitting out food and being sick [16].
Behavioural feeding problems, including food refusal,
Outcomes for children with poor weight gain
can present at an early age, and there are many contributing
factors [17]. One of the earliest forms of infant communica-
Nutrition in the early years of life is a major determinant of
tion occurs during feeding, with the caregiver and infant
growth and development and influences future adult health
responding and reacting to each other. When interactions
[22]. Evidence suggests that poor weight gain from birth to
are appropriate, feeding is termed responsive. However,
6–8 weeks of life is a stronger predictor of developmental
parental feeding interactions may be affected by worry, anx-
delay than poor weight gain over the remainder of the first
iety or concern about a child’s intake and will influence how
year [23]. A meta‐analysis found that infants with early onset
a child reacts to food. Feeding cues relayed by the child, e.g.
faltering weight were likely to be shorter and thinner than
signalling discomfort, might not be appropriately inter-
age‐matched peers. Evidence supporting adverse effects of
preted by the caregiver. For young infants with gastro‐
early faltering on later growth and intellectual development
oesophageal reflux, food might well be associated with
was not strong. However, it was acknowledged that poor
vomiting and pain. Feeding can then be an unpleasant expe-
growth could be an important marker and indicate the need
rience, leading to food refusal. There are many reasons for
for intervention in children where there is neglect, a medical
food refusal including extreme temperatures of food, inap-
condition, developmental problems or feeding issues [24].
propriately sized pieces, insensitive feeding or reluctance of
Early home intervention has been reported as mitigating the
parents to allow the child to feed themselves fearing an
effects of faltering weight [25].
inevitable ‘mess’. If the child has dental caries, then pain
may be a factor. Feeding problems can cause severe distress
and disruption to family life and if unchecked can lead to Assessment of faltering weight
persistent weight faltering.
Health visitors, with appropriate training, are ideally
placed to identify children with faltering weight when they
Family and maternal influences undertake routine child health checks. In the UK, babies are
weighed at birth, 8, 12 and 16 weeks, 1 year and at school
Some studies have focused on psychosocial characteristics of entry. If there is concern, they should be weighed more
the family and the environment of the child with faltering often (p. 2).
weight. Parents’ inability to provide emotional nurturing A holistic assessment, preferably undertaken at home,
may well contribute to the problem. Family conflict before should evaluate a child’s intake, feeding behaviour and fam-
the age of 7 years has been shown to have a strong and sig- ily circumstances. The health visitor can provide a detailed
nificant association with slow growth [18]. picture of family life, where it is not possible for this to be
Maternal attitudes towards food and feeding have been completed by a dietitian. The paediatric dietitian can help to
shown to have an influence on the eating habits of children. clarify any dietary concerns and assess nutritional adequacy.
McCann et al. reported that mothers of children whose Should the child appear to have affected oromotor skills,
weight faltered showed greater dietary restraint, both con- assessment by a speech and language therapist (SLT) may be
cerning what they ate themselves and what they were beneficial. If available, joint consultations with the SLT and
Assessment of Faltering Weight 467
dietitian can not only save time but can also offer reassur- Table 24.4 Poor feeding techniques.
ance and reduce anxiety for the family.
A multidisciplinary team approach has been advocated • Infant fed with a bottle in a semi‐lying position
• Infant fed with a bottle while asleep (‘dream’ feeding)
where the medical and psychosocial aspects are combined
• Anxious parent following the child around with food or forcefully
into a clear focus on food and feeding [26, 27]. A full paediat- feeding a child
ric assessment can be undertaken including medical and • Excessive cleaning of the child with every mouthful of solids
feeding history, dietary intake and psychosocial and devel- • Dummy (pacifier) or infant bottle available at any time
opmental aspects. Potential members of a multidisciplinary • Child discouraged from participating in feeding itself
feeding team include: • Child chastised with threats or punishment for not eating
• paediatrician
• paediatric dietitian Observing a child eating is useful to obtain more informa-
• specialist health visitor tion about:
• clinical psychologist • seating of the child and parent positioning
• nurse/nursery nurse • child’s interest in its own food or food of other family
• SLT members
Joint working enables discussion of individual cases and • quantity, texture and type of food offered and what is
close cooperation between families and professionals. eaten
Clinical investigations only need to be undertaken if there are • child’s desire or ability to feed or drink by themselves
any suggestions of symptoms in order to exclude organic dis- • child’s oromotor function and self‐feeding skills
ease and to reassure anxious parents. The feeding clinic‐style • interaction between the child and parent, including
approach is resource costly, although offers a really good parental response to child’s cues
approach to managing ongoing difficulties. There are very • communication between the child and parent, e.g. verbal
few of these services available, but when in place they offer a encouragement
‘one‐stop shop’ with opportunities for positive outcomes. • atmosphere and emotions at mealtime
If there is a specialist team available, it is possible, with
Dietary assessment parental agreement, to video mealtimes. This is difficult to
do unless home visits for appointments are possible.
It is important to construct a complete picture of all aspects However, most parents have smart phones and may be able
of and influences on the child’s feeding. Early feeding his- to bring short videos of their child feeding into clinic.
tory, together with the start and progression of solids, will Observations of mealtimes can allow parents to see feeding
help to identify if there were problems in the first year of life. from a different perspective. For example, a parent who
Dietary recall with further information on the variety, tex- viewed a feeding session made the following comment:
tures and frequency of foods offered and eaten, mealtime ‘Well I’m not surprised she’s not eating. I didn’t realise I was
routines and drinks taken through the day will all help in the so forceful. If someone tried to feed me like that, I wouldn’t
assessment of the child’s current intake. It is important to eat either’. When parents are able to suggest changes and
understand the family practices and dynamics around food contribute to the management plan, there is a greater chance
as these are important factors that may influence poor intake of success. A mealtime video helps the dietitian to support
in the child. Information on where food is purchased and its the parents with positive adjustments to feeding. Feeding
preparation within the home will also help in understanding observations can also highlight ineffective feeding of an
which strategies will best fit the family and their lifestyle. infant or young child (Table 24.4), allowing issues to be sen-
Discussion with the parent/caregiver will identify how long sitively raised with parents.
mealtimes last and whether they are stressful. Gathering It is important to listen to parental concerns and their view
background information will help to identify any difficulties should be taken into account. It is also useful to know who
experienced by the family. else is involved in the care and feeding of the child. For some
There is little research on the dietary intake of children children, with parental agreement, it is useful to observe the
with faltering weight. One study raised the difficulties in child’s behaviour around food in a setting other than the
collecting dietary information and suggested that only a home, e.g. nursery, children’s centre or school. This can help
minority of children with faltering weight will have dietary identify differences in eating and feeding, adding further
histories that are obviously inadequate, but that wider rang- valuable information to a supportive action plan for the
ing nutritional assessment will be more revealing [28]. family.
A food diary is a useful tool in supporting nutritional
assessments and can provide information on the quality of Assessment of oromotor function
diet and help identify dietary inadequacies [29]. Food dia-
ries that have been validated for use in children are availa- For a small number of children who may have neurodevel-
ble from Nutritools and can be downloaded from their opmental problems or continue to exhibit food refusal and
website [30]. faltering weight, it is important for a SLT to assess oromotor
468 Faltering Weight
function. Such assessments, often in conjunction with video- • to improve protein and energy intake
fluoroscopy, will identify those who are unable to coordi- • to promote weight gain enabling catch‐up and allowing
nate their suck–swallow reflex. These children are likely to optimum growth
aspirate feeds and may require nasogastric or gastrostomy • to correct nutritional deficiencies and achieve an ade-
feeding. The SLT will also detect oral hypersensitivity and be quate nutritional intake
able to help with desensitisation programmes. In certain
If a child is underweight for height and failing to gain
areas, occupational therapists (OT) lead on oral desensitisa-
weight at the expected rate, whatever they are consuming is
tion programmes. Joint appointments with the dietitian, SLT
not enough for their needs. Working in partnership with par-
and OT can help with children who have physical issues
ents and engaging them in any decisions on nutritional
with feeding, leading to faltering growth.
intervention is crucial.
In a young breastfed infant where weight is faltering, the
Nutritional management maternal diet needs to be assessed, and its quantity and
quality improved. It is essential that observation of the
Nutritional requirements mother breastfeeding is carried out to make sure the infant is
latched on correctly. Additionally, an understanding of the
A dietary intake that provides energy and protein require- mother’s mental and general health and well‐being is needed
ments for age [31, 32] will usually allow for maintenance of to identify factors that may affect faltering growth [37].
growth along an established centile. Additional protein and Supplementation of breastfeeds may be necessary, but this
energy will be required to allow for rate of weight gain to should be done under dietetic supervision and with caution
improve (catch‐up growth). Guidelines suggest that the per- as it may suppress production of breastmilk. The breastfeed-
centage of energy supplied from protein should be between ing mother will need lots of support around her. A study in
8.9% and 11.5% to provide optimal improvement of lean and formula‐fed infants found greater benefits from using a
fat mass [33]. ready‐to‐feed nutrient‐dense formula (Table 1.18) compared
A formula for predicting energy requirements to improve with adding energy supplements to standard infant formula
weight gain in infants and young children has been sug- [38]. Full‐strength high energy formula has been shown to be
gested [34]: tolerated well by infants under the age of 12 months with
faltering weight, but some may benefit from a gradual intro-
120 ideal weight for height kg duction to avoid increased bowel frequency [39].
kcal kJ /kg In general, young children have high energy requirements
actual weight kg
relative to their size. In cases of poor weight gain, when
catch‐up growth is the aim, requirements are even higher.
This may mean an intake of 1.5–2.0 times, the normal rec- This is difficult to achieve as many children have small appe-
ommended energy requirements for age. Experience and tites and consume small food portions at any one time. There
judgement should be used when advising additional energy are various ways of increasing energy intake:
density, making sure that fortification of the diet does not
displace other foods or is provided at the expense of essen- • regular meals
tial nutrients. Therefore, close monitoring with regular • snacks in between meals
review is essential. • use of energy‐dense foods
Anaemia is common in children with faltering weight, • fortification of foods
and in one study one‐third of a sample had iron deficiency • supplements
anaemia [35]. Often young children who falter in growth are • enteral feeding
high consumers of cow’s milk, which is low in dietary iron Emerging evidence supports that rapid growth in the first
and may inhibit iron absorption. Excessive intake is also year of life can lead to metabolic concerns later in life [40].
associated with gastrointestinal bleeding and iron depletion Therefore, growth faltering should be managed with energy
in infants and young children. There is also evidence that requirements adjusted on an individual basis to allow for
zinc deficiency affects growth [36]. Requirements for vita- healthy catch‐up growth and avoidance of continued rapid
mins, minerals and trace elements are increased during peri- growth once the child’s previously established centile is reached.
ods of rapid growth, and a suitable supplement should be
included if the child’s intake is thought to be inadequate. No
guidelines exist, but intakes should be at least appropriate Provision of regular feeding
for the proposed energy intake.
Children need a routine with regular meals, which include
energy‐ and nutrient‐dense foods. It is advisable to start with
Achieving nutritional requirements small quantities and offer realistic portions of everyday fam-
ily foods, with the opportunity for the child to be given more
Following a detailed feeding assessment, a strategy for if they can manage. Emphasis may need to be removed from
catch‐up growth needs to be planned. The main nutritional mealtimes, and the importance of a balanced intake over the
objectives are: day emphasised.
Summary 469
Anthropometry: Baby boy Arlo born at term weighing 3.62 kg. Breastfed for 6 weeks and then started on a standard infant formula. Lives with
mum and has an older sibling aged 5 years. Referred from GP at 2 years of age with faltering growth. Weight = 10.2 kg (9th centile).
Height = 85.5 cm (25th centile).
Clinical: Faltering growth and becoming ill with lots of coughs and colds. Mum reports child is grumpy and not sleeping well, listless and
lethargic, crying a lot. Mum is a single parent, exhausted with older child and struggling with Arlo’s lack of sleep and behaviour.
Dietary: Intake inadequate, drinking lots of milk and very little solid food. Diet very low in fruit and vegetables and iron‐rich foods.
Environment: Mum has few cooking skills and relies on processed food. Family lives in a small flat with only a hob, fridge with freezer box and
microwave oven. Mum receiving benefits and has very little money. Has a small table in the lounge.
EAR, estimated average requirement; RNI, reference nutrient intake; GP, general practitioner.
*Available from the British Dietetic Association Paediatric Specialist Group.
identification of suboptimal weight gain. Regular surveil- dietary intake, oromotor function and feeding; and identifica-
lance, e.g. by the primary care team, and early intervention tion of behavioural difficulties. It is important that parental
are important to help ensure adequate nutritional intake and concerns are acknowledged and there is avoidance of blame.
correct growth faltering. Parenting strengths and difficulties should be acknowledged,
Many factors contribute to poor weight gain, and interven- and support offered to encourage responsive feeding prac-
tions will require a multidisciplinary team approach to tices. A strong working partnership between the care team
enable investigation into possible underlying organic causes and the family is essential for the successful management of
including medical diagnoses and social factors; assessment of growth faltering and should be upheld at all times.
Summary 471
• Faltering weight may be a marker of undernutrition or disease • UK‐WHO Neonatal and Infant Close Monitoring Growth
• Regular monitoring is advised throughout infancy and early Charts should be used to assess weight faltering in preterm
childhood infants
• Prompt referral is recommended to investigate possible • Feeding difficulties are common in infants and young
underlying medical causes children and increase risk of nutritional deficiencies
• Timely dietetic intervention is recommended to support • There are many other signs of malnutrition, e.g. wasting, dry
catch‐up growth and prevent further weight faltering skin, thin hair and fatigue, that should also be considered
• UK‐WHO Growth Charts 0–4 years should be used to assess (Table 1.5)
weight faltering in term infants and young children
Laura Stewart
Introduction 2–20 years centile charts are available from Harlow Printing
Ltd (see Useful addresses), and all dietitians working in
Obesity is the most common childhood nutritional disorder weight management in the UK with children and adoles-
in the world and is widely acknowledged as being a global cents should use these charts [12, 13].
epidemic [1, 2]. In the UK the importance of implementing In the UK the debate over the most appropriate BMI cen-
effective strategies for the prevention and treatment of child- tile cut‐off points for definition has been long agreed with
hood obesity has national significance with the publication both the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
of government policy documents [3–5] as well as evidence‐ (NICE) and Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network
based guidelines [6–8]. The role of the specialist paediatric (SIGN) clinical guidelines recommending ≥98th centile
weight management dietitian should now be viewed as an (WHO/UK 1990 data) for obesity and ≥91st centile (WHO/
important member of a paediatric or weight management UK 1990 data) for overweight. For epidemiological studies
service. Dietitians may work with children living with obesity ≥95th centile (WHO/UK 1990 data) defines obesity, and
and their families in primary or secondary care, utilising group ≥85th centile (UK 1990 data) defines overweight [6, 7].
or individual sessions [9, 10]. Background information, life- Data on waist circumference centiles for British children
style advice and the use of behaviour change tools that a [14] was previously available on the reverse side of the UK
specialist paediatric dietitian will require to manage childhood BMI centile charts; these have been removed. With no agree-
obesity in any combination of these settings are discussed. ment on the relevant clinical cut‐off points for the waist cir-
cumference centiles, they are not recommended for diagnosis
of childhood obesity [2, 7, 11] although they can prove useful
Definition in monitoring progress.
The definition of childhood overweight and obesity associ-
ates excess body fatness with the clinical relevance of such Aetiology
excess body fat. Body mass index (BMI) is generally recog-
nised as the most appropriate proxy measure for body fat to Obesity is the accumulation of excess body fat associated
define and diagnose childhood obesity and overweight [2, 6, with medical consequences. The aetiology of all o
besity is
11]. BMI in childhood changes with age and differs between both complex and multifactorial [15]. It is well recog-
the sexes; therefore, it must be plotted correctly on age and nised that the development of childhood obesity is an
sex‐specific centile charts (WHO/UK 1990 data). UK BMI interaction between the modern obesogenic environment
and family lifestyle choices [16]. Increases in the amount common inherited disorders associated with childhood
of energy‐dense foods eaten combined with large portion besity seen in routine clinical practice are:
sizes, more time spent watching television, using computers
• Down’s syndrome
and playing video games (screen time) with a simultaneous
• Prader–Willi syndrome
decrease in the amount of physical activity undertaken by
• Duchenne muscular dystrophy
children have all been mooted as causes of the current
• Fragile X
epidemic [2, 17, 18].
Endocrine causes
The endocrine glands produce hormones that are important
The polygenetic theory of obesity suggests that the most in the regulation and maintenance of a stable body environ-
common genetic cause will be found to involve a number of ment. In childhood they are important in ensuring normal
genes that could ‘predispose’ a person to gaining excess fat, growth and puberty. Dysfunction of these hormones can
which in turn would lead to obesity if or when that person is lead to hypothyroidism, growth hormone insufficiency,
then exposed to an environment that encourages the neces- hypopituitarism, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, hypog-
sary behaviours, i.e. a high energy diet and low levels of onadism, excessive corticosteroid administration, pseudo-
activity [19–21]. It has been suggested that by identifying hypoparathyroidism and craniopharyngioma; all of which
common gene variants that predispose individuals to obe- are associated with rare causes of childhood obesity [26, 27].
sity subgroups of people living with obesity could be targeted Many of these endocrine disorders and the inheritable
for particular interventions such as specific diets, behavioural syndromes present with short stature as a clinical feature
approaches or drugs [22, 23]. The Human Obesity Gene Map [26, 28]. There is strong agreement in clinical guidelines and
is an interesting resource to look for information in this area practice that children with obesity who present with short
[22]. Research into polygenetics and obesity is complex, and stature for their age and weight should be referred to a
it may be some years before any findings can be of use in paediatric endocrinologist for further investigation of pos-
day‐to‐day clinical practice [16, 20]. sible underlying medical reasons for their obesity [2, 6].
Although described as rare, monogenetic causes of obe-
sity in humans have been found [19, 24, 25] with much of Consequences
the research being carried out by the Genetics of Obesity
Study (GOOS) group. The GOOS project recruited children There are a number of consequences of childhood obesity
from across the world who have severe obesity (BMI > 3.0 that are seen both in childhood and adolescence, and indeed
SD), a strong family history of obesity and from consan- later life. Clustering of cardiovascular risk factors has been
guineous families. The GOOS has identified seven monoge- reported in children and adolescents including high blood
netic causes of obesity [21]. Most of these have involved pressure, dyslipidaemia, abnormalities in left ventricular
mutations in leptin production, leptin receptors, propeptide mass and/or function, abnormalities in endothelial function,
pro‐opiomelanocortin (POMC) and the melanocortin 4 hyperinsulinaemia and/or insulin resistance. There is evidence
receptor (MC4R) [19–21]. that these cardiovascular risk factors are seen in adults who
Mutations in MC4R are believed to be found in approxi- were living with obesity as children or adolescents [29, 30].
mately 3%–5% of people with a BMI > 40. Mutations in MC4R Hyperinsulinaemia, the metabolic syndrome and type 2
appear to result in a range of phenotypes ranging from those diabetes are also seen in adolescents [31, 32]. Psychological
showing no obesity to individuals with severe obesity (par- problems, particularly in girls, have been reported in rela-
ticularly at an early age), hyperphagia, increased lean body tion to low self‐esteem and behavioural problems. There are
mass, increased linear growth and hyperinsulinaemia [24]. also long‐term consequences of social and economic effects,
Deficiencies in the hormone leptin are reported to produce particularly in women achieving a lower income [29, 30].
extreme obesity (usually from a young age), increased appe- An important reason why tackling childhood and adoles-
tite, hyperphagia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. cent obesity is government policy is the evidence that obe-
Injections of leptin in these individuals have been shown to sity in childhood and adolescence tracks into adulthood.
reverse the hyperphagia and extreme obesity [19]. Individuals Risk factors for persistence into adulthood include:
with POMC mutations are reported as having severe obesity
• parental obesity (high risk if one parent is living with
(from an early age), hyperphagia, altered pigmentation, usu-
obesity and higher if both are living with obesity)
ally red hair and adrenal insufficiency [19, 25].
• level of obesity (increasing risk with increasing level of
Inheritable disorders • obesity in adolescence [29, 30]
These eight aspects are reviewed from the child’s point of Problem solving
view and are a useful concept for ensuring a weight concern
is not seen in isolation of the child’s whole life circumstances Problem solving is used to help the child and their parents to
and well‐being. identify barriers and then to explore ways to overcome these
Screen Time (Sedentary Behaviours) 475
barriers [38, 42]. A patient centred approach would recom- • reducing energy‐dense but nutrient poor foods
mend that the child and/or parent identifies their own solu- • reducing sugar sweetened drinks
tions to barriers and difficult situations [37, 40]. • increasing fruit and vegetable consumption
It is also used in relapse prevention by identifying ‘high • decreasing the overall total energy intake
risk’ situations where keeping to goals could be difficult,
These changes came through programmes that lasted a
e.g. holidays, parties and wet weather, and then exploring
minimum of 3 months, with less intense follow‐up periods
strategies to cope with these situations such as participating
of between 3 and 18 months through face‐to‐face meetings
in an indoor activity during wet weather. Relapse preven-
or via phone/texting. Importantly the systematic review
tion is particularly important at the end of the programme
noted that if these dietary changes were maintained they led
to ensure that the child and family maintain behaviour/life-
to a long‐term decrease in BMI SD scores [46].
style changes in the long term [40, 42].
Children and their families should be encouraged to
reduce the amount of foods and drinks in their diet that are
Stimulus control high in sugar and fat and replace them with foods with
lower energy content such as fruits and vegetables. Very
Environmental/stimulus control involves identifying and importantly the dietitian needs to explore that age‐appropri-
then changing/removing stimuli or cues that encourage or ate portions are being taken by all the family. This can often
sustain the ‘unhealthy behaviour’ and substituting cues that be the main area of education for the child and family. There
support/promote the new necessary lifestyle changes [42]. should also be consideration of:
Examples include parents reducing the purchase of high • the number of takeaway meals taken
sugar/high fat snacks in their shopping or the child avoid- • the amount and types of snacks the child eats
ing walking home from school past a local sweet shop or a • the amount of pocket money the child has
football being left at the front door to encourage physical • school lunches
activity after school [40].
Guidelines also recommend that parents should be It is important to ensure that normal growth occurs when
encouraged to be the role models for the positive behav- dietary intake is restricted and that age‐appropriate quanti-
ioural changes required; i.e. they need to change their eating ties of protein, vitamins and minerals are taken. There are
habits, physical activity and screen time behaviours and let some children who dislike certain foods and do not consume
their child see them undertaking these positive activities. a nutritionally adequate diet, and they may require a supple-
Giving affirming, concrete praise to the child when they ment of vitamins or minerals (particularly iron and calcium).
undertake positive changes is also important to reinforce Some children may, therefore, require regular assessment to
behavioural change [6, 7]. compare their intake with recommended nutrient require-
ments [47]. Regular plotting of weight, height and BMI on
approved growth and BMI centile charts is important.
Implementing lifestyle changes
Physical activity
As discussed, the aetiology of childhood overweight and
obesity is multifactorial and management requires both
NICE and SIGN obesity guidelines recommend that
energy in and energy out to be tackled. A Cochrane review of
overweight and children with obesity undertake at least
the treatment of childhood obesity showed that the most
60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day [6, 7].
effective treatments were those that combined diet and life-
Physical activity guidelines in the UK recommend that
style changes [44]. Therefore, the dietitian must facilitate
children under 5 years who can walk unaided should take
changes in total energy intake, physical activity levels and
up to 180 minutes of activity each day [48].
screen time (sedentary behaviours) while using the behav-
Many children living with overweight or obesity dislike
ioural change tools outlined above.
team sports and physical education (PE) at school. It is,
therefore, important to help the child and family find local
Dietary advice activities that they enjoy and are not embarrassed to take
part in. In practice this can be done by working in partner-
A systematic review concluded that no one particular type of ship with local leisure/physical activity organisations.
dietary manipulation in childhood obesity was more effec- Increasing everyday ‘lifestyle activities’, such as walking
tive than any other [45]. The child (and the whole family) and taking the stairs rather than lifts, has been demonstrated
needs to reduce the total energy intake in their diet while bal- to be effective in controlling weight in the long term [41].
ancing essential nutrients. Collins et al. found that the traffic
light type scheme was the most commonly used [9, 41, 45]. Screen time (sedentary behaviours)
Calorie counting is not normally used with children.
A recent systematic review of the effectiveness of dietary NICE and SIGN guidelines recommend that children reduce
intervention concluded that childhood weight management their screen time (watching television, using computers, playing
interventions could be successful in: video/computer games) to no more than 2 hours daily or an
476 Obesity in Childhood
average of 14 hours over a week [6, 7, 49, 50]. Some countries’ 11‐year‐old boy is given in Table 25.1. Infants, preschool chil-
guidelines, e.g. the USA, Canada and Australia, recommend dren and adolescents may require particular consideration.
that children under 2 years should have no screen time [51].
For some children and parents, this is the most difficult
change to make and there needs to be a discussion how this Infants and preschool children
reduction can be attained over time.
The management outlined above covers all age groups. It is difficult to overfeed a breastfed infant, but bottle fed
A case study to demonstrate weight management in an infants can be persuaded to consume a greater volume than
An 11‐year‐old boy referred for weight management advice by his family general practitioner
After triaging by the paediatric weight management team, he was accepted into the structured weight management programme SCOTT [9], which
involves 10 family sessions over 4–5 months, including 2 parent‐only sessions
Referral weight = 50 kg; height = 1.46 m
BMI = 23.5 (98–99.6th centile) therefore classified as obesity
Assessment weight = 49.6 kg; height = 1.474 m
BMI = 22.9 (98th centile)
None taken. In clinical practice it is not usual to review biochemistry in childhood weight management unless there is an indication of an underlying
medical cause, e.g. short stature; or indication of a comorbidity, e.g. symptoms of type 2 diabetes
Obesity due to BMI being above the 98th centile. No medical history to note
From a typical day diet assessment, he appeared to eat well‐balanced meals; however, these appeared to include excessively large portion sizes and
multiple snacking in between meals
Social history
He lived at home with his mother, father and younger brother. He was in his last year of primary school. There was no involvement of social work or
child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
A SHANARRI assessment indicated that he had:
• A supportive family
• Low self‐esteem and confidence
• His screen time was excessive with very low activity levels
• Making changes might be difficult for him, and he may not be able to take responsibility to make changes outside the home
• He had few friends and was being bullied at school due to his weight
He and his mother had attended the GP surgery due to mother’s concerns that he had been progressively gaining weight in the preceding 2 years,
including having gained 4 kg in the last month. Both were concerned about his weight but did not feel he had an unhealthy dietary intake. He
appeared at assessment stage to be very sedentary, with excessive use of screen time
Motivation to change
The boy 8/10
His mother 8/10
PASS statement
Problem – childhood obesity
Aetiology – sedentary lifestyle, excessive hunger with snacking on sweets
Signs and symptoms – BMI above 98th centile, bullying
At his second appointment (appointment 3 in the programme) he set goals:
• 30 minutes of activity four times per week
• To have pudding four times a week instead of current seven times
• To reduce portion size
Over the course of 4 months, he made the following changes to his lifestyle:
• Decreased the portion sizes of food at meal times
• Stopped having crisps as snacks
• Increased his physical activity to 30–90 minutes every day
• Changed from bakery foods in the morning for breakfast to Rice Krispies
End of programme weight = 48.3 kg; height = 1.496 m
BMI = 21.6 (91–98th centile) therefore classified overweight, rather than obesity
Prevention 477
they want or require; in addition feeds can be made more minerals and micronutrients to meet the requirements for
concentrated than recommended, or items such as cereal can this age group.
be added to the bottle [52]. In general there should be no Drugs for the treatment of obesity are used in adults,
need to restrict an infant’s diet, but for those gaining weight although these have not been licensed for use in children or
too quickly, or those already living with obesity, specific adolescents in the UK. NICE and SIGN guidelines both rec-
advice on feeding and weaning practices and lifestyle will be ommend that they could be used in adolescents with obesity
necessary. The following advice may be helpful: and comorbidities under strict supervision [6, 7].
• Make sure that parents react appropriately to the infant’s
crying; often crying is perceived as indicating hunger, when Written advice
in fact the baby may be bored, tired or uncomfortable
• Avoid any additions to the infant’s bottle, e.g. sugar or Written information should be provided to support any
cereal advice that has been given. It is usual to record goals and
• Make certain that the feed dilution is correct and that the rewards (if used). The Caroline Walker Trust has very useful
volume is appropriate for age pictorial information on portion sizes. Written information
• Solids should not be introduced before the age of 6 on reading food labelling can be helpful, e.g. that produced
months by the British Heart Foundation.
• Weaning solids should initially have a low energy den-
sity, e.g. vegetables and unsweetened fruits Treatment success criteria
• Reduced fat products can be used in the weaning diet,
e.g. low fat yoghurts and reduced fat cheese Current guidelines agree that the goal of childhood weight
• When a greater variety of foods is being consumed, e.g. management for most children is weight maintenance, with
lean meat, white fish and cereals, then the quantity of height growth leading to a natural decrease in BMI. For some
milk should be decreased older children, and particularly those with very severe and
• Infants should be introduced to a cup or teacher beaker extreme obesity, a weight loss of around 0.5–1.0 kg per month
from about 7–8 months of age and bottles omitted by 1 is acceptable.
year of age; more milk is generally consumed when When reporting outcomes on programmes, it is standard
feeding from a bottle practice to report on BMI SD scores, also known as z‐scores.
• Review if bottles of milk are being given at night particu- There is a limited evidence base on the impact of BMI SD
larly to aid getting to sleep or to enable getting back scores on reducing cardiovascular disease risk factors. The
to sleep during the night; discussion with the parents studies suggest that a reduction of between 0.1 and 0.5 BMI
and seeking help for them from early years workers to SD score after 1–2 year follow‐up is significant enough to
support good sleep practices is important show changes in cardiovascular risk factors [53, 54].
• Semi‐skimmed and skimmed milk should not generally be
used before the ages of 2 and 5 years, respectively; however,
these lower fat milks are a useful way of decreasing energy Prevention
intake in a toddler with overweight; it is important that a
supplement of vitamins A and D are given with these milks Promotion of a healthy lifestyle must start in early childhood
• Drinks of water should be offered with and in between if the present trend in childhood obesity is to be reversed.
meals; if the child is reluctant to drink water, then pure Current government initiatives around healthy eating and
unsweetened fruit juice (well diluted) can be given once increasing physical activities at schools may be helpful in the
or twice daily with meals future. Dietitians, particularly those working in the area of
public health nutrition, have a key role to play in prevention
Adolescents Growth in infancy and the early years is an important
period in relation to the risk of obesity later in childhood and
Adolescents present dietitians with their greatest challenge. adulthood. It appears that infants at the upper end of weight
Normal adolescent behaviours and peer pressure for the and BMI for their age, and also those who gain weight rap-
consumption of snack foods dense in fat and sugar can lead idly as infants, are at a higher risk of excess body fat and
to resistance towards lifestyle changes. The lifestyle advice obesity later [55]. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents
outlined above should be given, but with careful considera- and Children (ALSPAC) has noted eight particular risk fac-
tion of how to approach the adolescent to ensure that they tors in early childhood that were significantly related to later
feel ownership of goal setting and all stages towards behav- childhood obesity [55]. These are:
ioural change.
• parental obesity
Slimming foods and medications • very early BMI or adiposity rebound
• more than 8 hours watching television per week at age 3
‘Slimming foods’ and drinks as a replacement for a meal are years
not appropriate as they usually contain insufficient protein, • weight at 8 and 18 months
478 Obesity in Childhood
• catch‐up growth
Learning points
• weight gain in the first year
• birthweight
• Obesity is the most common childhood nutritional disorder
• short sleeping duration at age 3 years
worldwide and is an important area for dietitians
Prevention programmes that take place in schools and • A paediatric weight management dietitian should be seen as
also target parents would appear to be an effective route. an important member of the team
Prevention strategies need to focus on the complex issues • WHO/UK 1990 BMI centile charts should be used to
around childhood obesity involving diet, physical activity, diagnosis overweight and obesity and for monitoring
sedentary behaviour, family lifestyle and environment. progress
These interventions must, therefore, engage complex behav- • Interventions should be family based, with at least one of
ioural changes. An example of such an intervention is the the parents involved
school‐based Planet Health project, although this appeared • Changes in diet, physical activity and screen time should be
to be more effective for girls than boys [56]. targeted equally
Without a doubt the role of tackling the obesogenic envi- • Dietitians working in paediatric weight management
ronment [4, 5] is now seen to be fundamental in helping should have training in the use of behavioural change tools
with both the prevention of overweight and obesity and and techniques
with supporting those undertaking weight management.
Promoting this role and indeed working with communities
to co‐produce community‐based healthy weight planning
[57] is certainly a role that dietitians should be taking up.
Prader–Willi Syndrome
Chris Smith
feeding to hyperphagia occurs, resulting in the establish- short stature. Therefore, sequential plotting on standard
ment of the second phase of obesity. growth charts may make growth interpretation difficult.
PWS specific charts are recommended for evaluating growth
More recently, however, a large USA study has proposed for comparison purposes, monitoring growth patterns,
a more gradual and complex range of phases. In total nutritional assessment and recording responses to growth
seven different nutritional phases are described (five main hormone (GH) therapy. Several PWS specific growth charts
phases and two sub‐phases), each with distinct characteris- have been proposed and produced from groups in Japan
tics (Table 25.2) [63]. [66], Germany [67] and the USA [68], although there are no
Throughout these phases it is recognised that the combi- charts from UK data. Most recently, centile charts for non‐
nation of behavioural and nutritional problems requires a growth hormone‐treated children have been produced by
multidisciplinary team approach [64, 65]. It is important that the USA from birth up to 36 months [69], and from 36 months
dietary intervention and advice are given before the onset of to 18 years [70]. Centile charts for growth hormone‐treated
weight gain, in order that excessive weight gain is curtailed. children from 0 to 18 years are also now published [71].
Consistent dietary advice from all professionals must be There are thought to be no racial differences in growth
given to parents and carers, and the need to adhere to this patterns, but interestingly, on comparison, the data suggests
explained. Gross obesity can occur during adolescence, and the degree of overweightness is milder in Japanese children
behavioural problems encountered during this period can compared with Caucasian, with the same pattern reflected in
add to the difficulties of care. However, obesity should not adults [66].
be considered inevitable, as weight can be controlled with Body composition is also inherently different in people
comprehensive management. with PWS, with lower lean body mass even in very young
infants and toddlers [72]. There is limited reference data, but
Growth assessment assessing body composition using valid techniques, where
resources and skills allow, can be useful in the long‐term
The inherent growth pattern of children with PWS varies monitoring of PWS children. Measurements can highlight
from that of healthy children in that they have early child- good weight gain (lean mass) as a result of GH treatment, or
hood obesity, absent pubertal growth spurt and adolescent a change in diet or physical activity that may be missed by
480 Obesity in Childhood
one dimensional weight or BMI measurements. In addition, patients from different continents: Europe [77] and the USA
the accuracy of determining energy requirements can be [78]. Due to the considerable variation in international eating
improved by taking into account body composition meas- habits and diets, extrapolation of these results to other popu-
urements [73]. lations should be done with caution, and some of the results
from these studies were contradictory. Lindmark et al. [77]
showed iron to be under‐consumed in this group; conversely,
Learning points Rubin et al.’s [78] study showed adequate iron consumption
in all of the PWS patients. Calcium intake was below the refer-
• PWS is a rare condition with no cure. However, lives of ence nutrient intake (RNI) in 18% of the group in Rubin’s
children with PWS can be improved with a multidiscipli- study; Lindmark’s study found calcium was not a nutrient of
nary approach, and paediatric obesity should not be consid- concern. Bone health, however, is an important consideration
ered inevitable in PWS. Younger PWS children have been shown to have no
• Inherent growth difference occurs in PWS children and significant difference in bone mineral density compared with
adolescents controls, but a decline in adolescence is reported in both
females and males [79]. Osteoporosis is common by adult-
hood [80]; therefore, vitamin D and calcium are of particular
importance. A recent Italian study reported vitamin D levels
Nutritional requirements in a group of PWS patients to be similar to a control group
with the prevalence of levels <20 ng/mL in 30% of the PWS
A recent systematic review concluded that absolute total
group [81]. No study to date in this patient group has included
energy expenditure, resting energy expenditure, sleep
the assessment of zinc and selenium intakes. However, these
energy expenditure and activity energy expenditure are all
have been shown to be two of the nutrients that were high-
lower in individuals with PWS than in age, sex and body
lighted as very likely to be below the lower RNI (LRNI) in a
mass index‐matched individuals without the syndrome [73].
UK group of patients [82].
The causes for these differences are multifactorial, including
In addition to awareness of likely low micronutrient
inherent disturbed body composition [74]. Limited studies
intakes, care must also be taken in ensuring balanced macro-
have evaluated energy requirements, and calculating spe-
nutrients and, in particular, fat. Historically, a low fat intake
cific energy requirements for PWS children is controversial.
was the diet of choice for management, but several studies
There is particular uncertainty about energy requirements
have suggested that over‐restriction of fat (<20% of total
for small children.
energy intake) can occur [20, 78]. This is associated with poly-
Consensus appears to suggest the energy needs of chil-
unsaturated fatty acid deficiency, increasing the risk of
dren with PWS are typically 60%–80% of the recommended
associated negative consequences on development.
daily allowance [61]. There are several proposals for basing
energy requirement for preschool‐ and school‐age children
on kcal/cm. These are 10–11 kcal/cm height for weight Dietary treatments
maintenance and 8–9 kcal/cm height for weight loss [75],
and more recently 10–12 kcal/cm height for weight mainte- Evidence‐based dietary approaches in children with PWS are
nance and 6–8 kcal/cm height for weight loss [76]. scarce. Several dietary modifications have been proposed for
As with all children, the precise energy intake required treating adults: simple energy restriction (6–7 kcal/cm height
will depend on many factors and requires close monitoring per day); the ‘red, yellow, green’ diet that limits foods with
of growth as a guide. higher energy density, sugar or fat; and general fat restriction
[83]. A recent paediatric study proposed the p rinciple of
Dietary considerations altering the proportion of energy from macronutrients in the
diet (30% fat, 45% carbohydrates and 25% protein). When
While a significant difference in energy requirements is compared with a simple energy restricted diet, encouraging
required, conversely requirements for micronutrients do not results were shown in both weight and body composition
appear to be different from age‐matched healthy controls. [84]. As yet no one specific strategy can be concluded to work
Therefore, focus on the quality, as well as the quantity, of the best, as successes have been described with each. This in part
diet is paramount. Dietitians must take care to balance the supports the notion that, regardless of the approach, the com-
need for provision of sufficient energy and nutrients for mon element of success is the consistency of that approach.
growth without excess energy intake leading to unwanted As a low energy diet may be lacking in some nutrients, it
weight gain. Prevention of over‐restriction, particularly in the is widely recommended that children have a daily vitamin
younger more vulnerable infant, is of particular importance. and mineral supplement [85]. Interestingly, in the largest
Surprisingly, for a condition with fundamental links to die- and most recent review of PWS diets published [78], only
tary intake, there are very few studies published on the actual 40% of patients supplemented their diet with multivitamins
nutritional intake of people with PWS. Only two studies have (with or without calcium).
specifically investigated and reported micronutrient intakes The balance of fat sources, ensuring sufficient essential
in paediatric PWS patients. These studies were small and took fatty acid intake, is advised. Anecdotally, supplementation
Behaviours 481
foods and toiletries that resemble or smell like food can also
Learning points: behaviours and activity
be eaten. Attempts should be made to check all potential
sources of food, e.g. from neighbours or friends, in keeping
• Common PWS behaviours associated with the condition
with a strict controlled intake. Offering food as a reward or
can be very challenging but can be utilised to promote
withholding food as a punishment is almost always counter-
successful management
productive and should be avoided.
• Growth hormone and activity are important adjuncts to
treatment for weight control
• Establishing a pattern of regular activity should be
Growth hormone
encouraged and supported
Best practice in early intervention management for PWS
now includes recommendations for GH therapy, which is
supported by the National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE) [91]. A recent systematic review and
international guideline for the use of GH in PWS provides
There is no current UK national standard recommending
good background on this topic [92]. It is widely recognised
the frequency or specific monitoring or considerations for
that GH will aid height growth, promote leaner body
follow‐up in people with PWS. Monitoring guidelines have
composition, increase energy expenditure, improve weight
been published in the USA [99], which suggest evaluating
management, increase energy and physical activity, and
diet (including adequacy of vitamin and mineral intake),
improve strength, agility endurance and respiratory
growth parameters (height, weight and BMI) and activity:
function [89, 91–95].
A recent 4‐year longitudinal randomised controlled trial • every month in infancy
of 50 PWS children (aged 3.5–14 years) on GH treatment • every 6 months in the first decade of life
suggested it also prevented deterioration in cognition
• at least annually thereafter
function, with the most benefit being seen in those with
The application of this for UK dietitians would appear
the greater deficit [96].
sensible. More recently, specific recommendations for endo-
In another small study GH treatment showed improved
crine monitoring and screening have been published [100].
body composition to be variable and suggested it increases
PWS patients may be followed up in a variety of settings.
total energy and fat intakes (although effects appear to vary
There are several PWS specialist multidisciplinary clinics in
depending on the developmental status of the child). It
the UK and the follow‐up timeframe varies between these.
should also be noted that in this study the children on GH
However, the principle of close monitoring and support is
still had raised BMI, and the authors concluded that the
well recognised and consistent.
treated children should have been on a tighter calorie con-
A case study to show the management of a boy with PWS
trolled intake [97]. Indeed, it should be noted that GH‐treated
is given in Table 25.5.
patients do not show complete normalisation of weight or
BMI. However, a downward shift of these profiles when
compared with non‐GH‐treated PWS individuals is evident Transition
[70]. GH treatment is not without risks, so its initiation and
monitoring should be done by a suitable endocrinologist, Ideally a young person with PWS should be transitioned to
ideally with experience in PWS [92]. an adult service with a dietitian who has an interest and
experience in PWS. In some areas this may come under the
remit of the Learning Disability Dietetic Team. Monitoring in
Activity adult patients is as important as in children. As the child
approaches transition, education and identification of tools
It is very easy for people with PWS to gain weight. This is for adult life should be discussed and recommended. There
due to the combination of the overriding desire to eat cou- are four options for adult patients with PWS:
pled with low muscle tone, making exercise difficult and
• living with parents or other relatives
slow and, therefore, of little enjoyment. However, activity is
• group home placement
a key element of treatment. Increasing energy expenditure
• supported living services
and aiming to increase fat‐free mass should be considered a
• specialised residential services
constant goal, and maximising activity can help this [71].
Some activities are physically difficult for the PWS child Each may require different levels of nutritional and weight
due to poor muscle strength, but walking and swimming monitoring, depending on the level of support. It is widely
can be accomplished by most and should be encouraged. A acknowledged that adults with PWS probably lack capacity
small prospective study in prepubertal PWS children from relating to food choices (when and how much), so there is a
the Netherlands showed daily muscle training increased duty of care to support the individual to manage their food
lean body mass when compared with controls, although it intake appropriately. The issue of mental capacity with
did not normalise lean mass [98]. respect to PWS patients in the UK is important and discussed
Transition 483
A 12‐year‐old boy with PWS (growth hormone‐treated) attends clinic for 6 monthly review. Presents with clear and sustained acceleration of weight
gain over the last year. Linear growth is maintained. No signs of puberty. Otherwise well with no new medical issues. Historical strict control and
management of diet and steady controlled weight gain (as evidenced from growth chart)
a. Anthropometry
Plots on Boys UK Growth chart 2–18 years reveal accelerated acute weight gain
BMI calculations and comparison show significant increase in the last 12 months
Plots on PWS specific growth charts for growth hormone‐treated child suggest overall pattern within that expected, but with recent acceleration
Body composition measurements compared with his historical data (as there are no standards to compare with) show a notable increase in % body
fat and a reduction in lean body mass
b. Biochemistry and other lab results
Review of blood tests indicated growth hormone is at appropriate dose
Review of nutritional bloods including vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, zinc and iron reveal all in range, but with ferritin and zinc borderline
c. Health and disease state
Scoliosis stable. Behaviour aspects challenging
d. Nutritional and food intake
Diet recall with family reveals consistent nutritional intake from previous reviews
No changes to family management strategy
Detailed 3‐day food diary requested from family
Analysis: intake 65% of estimated average requirement for energy; micronutrient intakes low for many minerals, however achieving reference
nutrient intake when vitamin and mineral supplement included
e. Social circumstances
Recent change to mainstream secondary school, but with education, health and care plan (EHCP) in place
New teachers, new peers and small increase in independence
On discussion with patient it becomes obvious access to food much less controlled in the school environment coupled with a lack of
understanding of diligence required from teaching assistant (1:1 supervision necessary)
(continued overleaf)
484 Obesity in Childhood
Identification of diagnosis
Accelerated weight gain. Concern of both long‐ and short‐term consequences of this on the child’s health and quality of life if left unaddressed
Unprepared new environment (school) where previous well established safety mechanisms to prevent access to food no longer in place. Family/home
environment proven successful in the past; main area of issue is external
Education for key school supervisors on principles of PWS care
Provision of written support documentation for school
Request for evaluation of patient’s access of food/any unsupervised situations in school environment
Diet management and requirement for daily structured activity written into EHCP
Patient’s weight gain stabilised
• Identification of changes in growth pattern weight gain is key to identify an issue with management
• Changing environments for PWS children require careful planning and evaluation to ensure strategies to control access to food
are minimised
• Accelerated weight patterns should be addressed with urgency as uncontrolled weight gain and subsequently raised BMI and %
body fat can have long‐term impacts on the child’s health and quality of life
in detail in a recent guide written in association with the UK • implanted devices, e.g. vagus nerve stimulation
PWS Association [101]. • medications to address hyperphagia
Ensuring young people with PWS transition to adult ser- • medications to impact behaviour
vices with an acceptable weight/BMI is a key target for pae-
Oxytocin has attracted particular interest in recent years in
diatric dietitians. The development of metabolic syndrome
relation to the behaviours of PWS patients. While many of
and complications in PWS adults is closely associated with
these clinical trials (four of five) showed promising results, a
obesity status. Type 2 diabetes is estimated to affect 25% of
recent review of all of these concluded that due to limitations
adults with PWS [102]. A useful paper describes the common
there is currently no convincing evidence that it improves
issues in adult care [103].
symptoms [105].
Surgical interventions, such as gastric bypass, have been
There is much interest currently in the use of ketogenic
used in adults with PWS, although these are not recom-
diets. However, there are currently no robust good quality
mended as treatments [104]. In addition to not addressing
studies that allow any conclusions to be drawn on this as a
the inherent hyperphagia, they are also associated with high
viable treatment approach.
complication rates.
Future research
In PWS dietary management presents a tremendous
Clinical trials investigating potential treatments for PWS are
challenge for the child, family, caregivers, and health
ongoing. Work is progressing across five main areas:
professionals. Even so, weight control and even weight
• genetic therapies loss is achievable and is frequently associated with
• use of cognitive therapies, e.g. cognitive behavioural improved behaviour, often due to the establishment of
therapy (CBT) routines and clear rules. In addition, weight control can
Acknowledgements 485
The UK is the home to a multicultural and multi‐ethnic soci- Vegetarianism and veganism are common dietary practices
ety. Immigration during the late 1950s and early 1960s was in among many religious and ethnic groups. In addition,
response to labour shortages. Since the 1980s conflict in increasing numbers of the indigenous population are
Africa and Europe has led to further immigration, and, restricting their intake of meat and animal products for
together with movement of people from European Union either humanitarian, ethical or health reasons. Table 26.5
countries, the diversity of the UK has increased. As with the gives a classification of vegetarian and vegan diets. Providing
early migrations, ethnic communities have remained near that careful attention is given to ensuring nutritional ade-
large industrialised cities. These ethnic groups have intro- quacy, these diets can support normal growth and develop-
duced a wide variety of cultures, including dietary beliefs ment [4–6]. In general, the greater the degree of dietary
and practices, which have had to fit into their new lifestyles. restriction, the greater is the risk of nutritional deficiency [7].
Achieving nutritionally adequate diets became a challenge The vegan diet is most restricted. Parents who chose a vegan
with people finding themselves in an environment very dif- diet for their children should be supported to ensure that
ferent from their homeland. their children have adequate intake. A recent position paper
The top 25 countries of birth of migrants to the UK from from the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology,
July 2017 to June 2018 are shown in Table 26.1. Table 26.2 Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) suggests that vegan
shows the percentage of ethnic groups in England and Wales diets in infancy should only be used under medical or die-
from the latest national census report of 2011. tetic supervision and that parents should understand the
It is essential that healthcare professionals understand consequences of failing to follow advice regarding supple-
religious and cultural attitudes towards diet when they are mentation of the diet, such as retarded growth, fat and mus-
initiating any dietary intervention in order to achieve opti- cle wasting, slower psychomotor development and an
mal growth and development in these children. Assessment increased risk of irreversible cognitive impairment [8].
of intake must be accurate, and any advice given must be Table 26.6 gives dietary sources of the nutrients most at risk
relevant to dietary custom so that it is both realistic and in a vegan diet.
Children are subject to many outside influences and often
start to develop Westernised dietary ideas. With time, these Infant feeding
ideas are taken home and adopted by other members of the
family. The extent of adoption of dietary practices that differ The current recommendation in the UK is for babies to be
from traditional customs is variable; therefore, all diets must exclusively breastfed for around the first 6 months of life and
be individually assessed. for breastfeeding to continue for at least the first year while
Table 26.3 shows the religions practised in the UK, and solid foods are being introduced; most infants should not
Table 26.4 gives a guide to religious and cultural influences start solids until around 6 months of age [9]. There is a higher
on the diet. proportion of women from minority ethnic groups who
Table 26.1 Top 25 countries of birth of all migrants to the UK Some vegetarian families choose to give their babies goat’s
(excluding living in communal establishment), July 2017 to June 2018. milk or ewe’s milk in the belief that these confer health ben-
efits and are preferable to cow’s milk. These milks are con-
Number of
traindicated because of their nutritional inadequacy, high
migrants Percentage of
Ranking Country of birth (thousands) population renal solute load and doubtful microbiological safety [12,
13]. The European Food Safety Authority considers that pro-
1 Poland 889 1.4 tein from goat milk can be suitable as a protein source for
2 India 862 1.3 infant formula provided the formula complies with the com-
3 Pakistan 529 0.8 positional criteria laid down in Directive 2006/141/EC [14].
Providing the maternal diet is adequate, breastmilk will be
4 Romania 410 0.6
nutritionally adequate for the first 6 months of life for most
5 Republic of 380 0.6 infants, with a recommended vitamin D supplement. Specific
attention must be paid to the mother’s vitamin D, calcium
6 Germany 309 0.5 and iron intakes. Vegan mothers may require supplementa-
7 Bangladesh 259 0.4 tion with additional vitamin B12 [15]. Vitamin B12 deficiency
8 Italy 237 0.4 resulting in neurological damage, irritability, faltering
growth, apathy, anorexia and developmental regression has
9 South Africa 235 0.4
been reported in breastfed infants of vegan mothers [16].
10 China 210 0.3 Some algae (e.g. spirulina) and seaweeds (e.g. nori) contain
11 Nigeria 205 0.3 natural compounds that are similar to vitamin B12; however,
12 Lithuania 184 0.3 the human body cannot use these nutrients. Furthermore,
13 France 178 0.3
because they are so similar to B12, they compete with it and
can be the cause of B12 deficiency in people who do not eat
14 USA 159 0.2
animal products. Vegetarian sources of iron and vitamin B12
15 Spain 155 0.2 are given in Table 26.9.
16 Philippines 144 0.2
17 Australia 142 0.2
18 Sri Lanka 135 0.2
19 Portugal 132 0.2 At around 6 months of age, solids should be gradually intro-
20 Jamaica 124 0.2 duced to the infant’s diet, increasing flavours and textures
21 Kenya 123 0.2 with time. Only a small number of women choose to intro-
duce solids before their child is 4 months old, but only 10%
22 Zimbabwe 116 0.2
of women wait until their child is 6 months old. Table 26.10
23 Ghana 113 0.2 shows the age of introduction of solids by ethnic group.
24 Somalia 104 0.2 Pulses must be thoroughly cooked to destroy toxins such
25 Latvia 96 0.1 as trypsin inhibitors and haemagglutinins, which may cause
diarrhoea and vomiting [13]. Breastfeeding or infant formula
Source: Office of National Statistics [1]. Licensed under Open should be continued until 1 year of age. As the child gets
Governemnt License. older, they should be encouraged to take 500 mL/day full fat
cow’s or approved calcium fortified alternative, or the equiv-
alent in cheese or yoghurt, in order to provide enough cal-
cium. Suitable weaning foods for vegetarian and vegan diets
choose to breastfeed their babies up to 6 months of age [10]
are given in Table 26.11.
(Table 26.7). There is no data about breastfeeding at 6 months
and ethnicity after 2010.
All breastfed infants and infants having less than 500 mL Children
of infant formula should be given a vitamin D supplement,
which should continue throughout childhood (p. 28) [11]. Vegan diets are typically high in fibre and low in fat, so care
Suitable vitamin drops include Healthy Start, Abidec and must be taken to ensure an adequate energy intake to sup-
Dalivit (Table 1.22). port growth. A systematic review of vegetarian and vegan
If the infant is not breastfed, an infant formula must be diets found that growth in children was similar or slightly
given. Table 26.8 shows normal infant formulas, milks and less than their non‐vegetarian peers [18]. To provide optimal
special therapeutic formulas that are suitable for vegetarian nutrition a vegetarian or vegan diet should be well bal-
and vegan families and for those who require a halal or anced, containing two or three helpings of protein foods
kosher formula. Some families will accept ‘unsuitable’ for- daily plus cereals, vegetables, fruits and fats (Table 26.12).
mulas if there is a clinical need and may seek advice and Vegetable and pulse proteins have a lower concentration
assurance from their religious leader. and range of essential amino acids than protein from animal
488 Eating for Children from Minority Ethnic Groups
Table 26.3 Percentage of the UK population belonging to a religion, rich in vitamin C is given alongside iron‐containing foods to
April 2011 to March 2012. increase bioavailability. When considering recommenda-
tions for dietary fat, a vegan diet is often regarded as
Religion Population percentage Number (thousands)
‘healthy’. The essential fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid
Christian 62.0 37 191 (DHA) (22: 6n−3), has been found to be absent from vegan
Islam/Muslim 4.6 2 755
diets [21]. DHA has an important role in growth, the health
of the retina, central nervous system and skin. Vegans
Hindu 1.4 860
should, therefore, use oils with a low linoleic‐α‐linolenic
Sikh 0.6 350 acid ratio such as walnut, rapeseed, flax and linseed oils
Jewish 0.5 287 (Table 26.13). Sources of vitamin D and calcium in the diet
Buddhist 0.4 246 are shown in Tables 26.14 and 26.15.
None or undeclared 29.9 17 927
Fruitarian diets
Source: Office of National Statistics [2].
Fruitarian diets are based on fruit and uncooked fermented
or fish sources. Therefore, careful planning of menus with cereals and seeds. These diets are nutritionally inadequate
pulse and cereal combinations is necessary to provide suffi- for children of any age and can lead to severe protein–energy
cient protein of high biological value. The protein and malnutrition, anaemia and multiple vitamin and mineral
energy content of the diet can be increased by the use of deficiencies.
nuts, beans and oils.
The main micronutrients at risk of deficiency in the vegan
diet are shown in Table 26.5. In addition, vegan children South Asian subcontinent
may require a daily supplement of 1–2 μg vitamin B12 [12].
The increased intake of phytate‐containing legumes and The communities from the South Asian subcontinent include
whole grains may lead to poor bioavailability of zinc [19] those from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and
and iron [20]. It is important to ensure that a food or drink those who came to the UK via East Africa. Migrations to the
Table 26.4 A guide to religious and cultural influences on diet.
Food Buddhist Christian Hindu Jewish Muslim Rastafarian Seventh‐Day Adventist Sikh
Eggs Acceptable to Acceptable Acceptable to some No blood spots Acceptable Acceptable to some Acceptable to most Acceptable
Milk, Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable to some Acceptable Acceptable to some Acceptable to some Acceptable to most Acceptable
Cheese Acceptable Acceptable Not with rennet Not with rennet Not with rennet Acceptable to some Acceptable to most Acceptable to some
Pork Acceptable to Acceptable to most Rarely acceptable Not acceptable Not acceptable Not acceptable Not acceptable Rarely acceptable
Beef Acceptable to Acceptable Not acceptable Kosher Halal Acceptable to some Acceptable to some Not acceptable
Lamb Acceptable to Acceptable Acceptable to some Kosher Halal Acceptable to some Acceptable to some Acceptable
Chicken Acceptable to Acceptable Acceptable to some Kosher Halal Acceptable to some Acceptable to some Acceptable to some
Fish Acceptable to Acceptable – some only Acceptable – with Acceptable – with fins, Acceptable – with fins Acceptable – with Acceptable – with fins Acceptable to some
some fish with fins and scales fins and scales scales and backbone and scales fins and scales and scales
Shellfish Not acceptable Acceptable to most Acceptable to some Not acceptable Acceptable to some Not acceptable Not acceptable Acceptable to some
Animal Acceptable to Acceptable Acceptable to some Kosher Halal Acceptable to some Not acceptable Acceptable to some
fats some
Alcohol Not acceptable Acceptable to most Not acceptable Acceptable Not acceptable Not usually wine Not acceptable Acceptable
Cocoa, Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Not acceptable Decaffeinated are Acceptable
coffee, tea suitable
Fasting Good Friday and Ash 3 days a year or 1–2 Yom Kippur 1 day of Ramadan 1 month
Wednesday for some days every week atonement (no food or fasting (no food or
liquid for 25 hours) liquid during daylight)
Other Most Buddhists Certain foods are Kosher (food fit to eat), Halal, i.e. meat must be Processed, preserved Some are vegetarians Some may be
comments are vegetarians taken during prayers. i.e. meat from animals from animals that have or tinned foods may vegetarians
or vegans, Some Hindus may slaughtered by a been bled to death and be avoided. Most
although some be vegetarians or kosher butcher. the phrase ‘in the name only eat Ital foods,
may not be vegans (Jains) Milk and dairy of God’ is said i.e. in a whole and
products are not natural state.
consumed within 3 No fruits of the vine,
hours of each other e.g. sultanas, grapes,
Black and Chinese, Afro‐Caribbean, Gujarati, Punjabi, Jews of all nationalities Arab, Bangladeshi, Afro‐Caribbean Afro‐Caribbean Indian
ethnic Vietnamese Chinese, Greek, Greek Indian Pakistani, Gujarati,
minority Cypriot, Ugandan, Somali, Turkish, Turkish
groups Vietnamese, West Cypriot, Ugandan, West
African (e.g. Nigerian African (e.g. Nigerian
and Ghanaian), Indian and Ghanaian), Indian
Foods excluded Animal protein source Non‐animal protein source Nutrients at risk of deficiency
Nutrient at risk of
deficiency Suitable dietary alternative sources
Protein Pulses (soya, tofu, tempeh, beans and lentils), grains (wheat, rice, rye, millet, etc.), seeds, groundnuts*, nuts* and nut
spreads*. Meals should have a combination of grains with seeds or grains with pulses to get the right balance of essential
amino acids to ensure the best use of the available protein
Energy Vegetable oils/margarine, groundnuts, nut spreads
Iron Iron fortified cereals, wholegrain cereals, wholemeal bread, pulses, dried fruit and nuts. Dark leafy green vegetables are not
a suitable source of iron for infants and young children as the portion size is so large (120 g for 2 mg iron). Foods rich in
vitamin C, such as fruits and vegetables, aid the absorption of non‐animal sources of iron
Fat‐soluble vitamins In England, white people will make enough vitamin D for the year from 30 minutes a day of moderate sunlight from April
to October. Black and Asian people living in England will not make enough and must rely on dietary sources or
supplements: vegetable oils/margarines, fortified soya milk and fortified cereals
Essential fatty acids Whole grains, nuts, seeds and seed oils
Vitamin B2 Wheat germ, almonds, green leafy vegetables, yeast extract (e.g. Marmite, Tastex**), avocado, soya beans, fortified soya
Vitamin B12 Fortified yeast extract (e.g. Marmite, Tastex**), fortified cereals, fortified soya milk, tofu
Calcium Fortified soya products (soya milk and yoghurt), seaweed products (kombu, wakame, nori), nuts and seeds. Other sources
(bread, leafy green vegetables, pulses) are not suitable sources of calcium for infants and young children as the portion size
is so large (>120 g for 100 mg calcium)
Zinc Some soya products (flour, miso, cheese and tempeh), nuts, seeds, wheat germ, wholemeal bread, fortified breakfast
cereals, seaweeds and hard cheeses
Iodine Whole grains, seaweeds and vegetables
* Whole nuts should not be given to children under 5 years of age as they are a choking hazard. Nut allergy is discussed on p. 319.
** Yeast extracts should be used with care in children under 2 years of age due to the high salt content.
South Asian Subcontinent 491
Table 26.7 Prevalence of breastfeeding at ages up to 6 months by mother’s ethnicity in Great Britain, 2010.
Birth 82 79 87 96 95 96
2 days 77 75 81 88 90 94
3 days 75 73 80 86 90 93
4 days 73 71 80 85 90 93
5 days 72 69 79 84 90 93
6 days 71 68 79 83 90 93
1 week 70 67 79 83 90 92
2 weeks 66 63 79 81 89 87
6 weeks 56 52 75 73 85 82
4 months 43 39 60 58 73 76
6 months 35 32 49 49 61 66
Source: Data.Gov.UK. Infant Feeding Survey – 2010 [10]. Licensed under Open Governement.
Milk‐based feeds Suitable for kosher Suitable for halal Suitable for vegetarians
Abbott PaediaSure √ √ √
Abbott PaediaSure Compact X X √
Abbott PaediaSure Fibre √ √ √
Abbott PaediaSure Plus √ √ √
Abbott PaediaSure Plus Fibre √ √ √
Abbott PaediaSure Plus juce √ √ √
Abbott Similac High Energy √ √ √
Cow & Gate Anti‐Reflux X X X
Cow & Gate Comfort X X X
Cow & Gate First Infant Milk X √ (P) X
Cow & Gate Follow-on Milk X √ (P) X
Cow & Gate Growing‐up 3 X X X
Cow & Gate Growing‐up 4 X √ (P) X
Cow & Gate Hungrier Baby X √ (P) X
Cow & Gate Nutriprem 1 X √ X
Cow & Gate Nutriprem 2 X √ X
Cow & Gate Nutriprem Human Milk Fortifier X X X
Cow & Gate Nutriprem Hydrolysed X √ X
Mead Johnson Enfamil AR √ X X
Mead Johnson Enfamil Human Milk Fortifier √ √ X
Mead Johnson Enfamil Infant √ X X
Mead Johnson Enfamil Premium √ X X
Mead Johnson Enfamil Premium Newborn √ X X
Mead Johnson Enfamil Premature √ √ X
Nestle NAN Comfort 1 X √ X
Nestle NAN Comfort 2 X √ X
Nestle NAN Comfort 3 X √ X
(continued overleaf )
492 Eating for Children from Minority Ethnic Groups
Milk‐based feeds Suitable for kosher Suitable for halal Suitable for vegetarians
Peptide‐based feeds
Soya feeds
(continued overleaf )
South Asian Subcontinent 493
Milk‐based feeds Suitable for kosher Suitable for halal Suitable for vegetarians
P, powder only.
This information is correct at the time of writing.
Always check with the manufacturer.
Sources Iron (mg) B12 (μg) in the UK [2]. Traditional dietary customs are largely based
on the religious and cultural beliefs of the three main reli-
Infant formula, 200 mL 1.4 0.2
gious groups: Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. Dietary variance
Milk (all types except UHT), 200 mL 0.4 2
Yoghurt full fat (1 medium pot), 150 g 0.3 0.3 has been observed within these groups, as income and geo-
Cheddar‐type cheese (1 slice), 50 g 0.1 1 graphical area have an influence on the diet.
Fromage frais (1 medium pot), 100 g 0.1 1.4
Soya cheese (1 slice), 40 g 0.4 0.75
Dietary customs of Hindus
Spinach boiled (3 tbsp), 100 g 4 0
Fenugreek (methi) seeds (1 tbsp), 11 g 4 0 Approximately 1.4% of the UK population are Hindu [2].
Watercress (1 bunch), 80 g 2 0
The majority originally came from the Gujarat region of
Broccoli/peas (2–3 tbsp), 80 g 1 0
India, although some are from the Indian Punjab and East
Apricots (6), figs (3) dried, 60 g 2 0 Africa [22, 23].
Raisins/sultanas (1 tbsp), 30 g 1 0
Hindus classify foods into three groups [24]:
Bread wholemeal (2 slices), 60 g 2 0.3
Bread white (2 slices), 60 g 1 0 • sattvik (nutritious foods) such as milk, fruit, vegetables,
Bran flakes (3 tbsp), 25 g 4 0.5 nuts and whole grains
Fortified breakfast cereals, e.g. 3 0.5 • rajasi (foods of strong emotions) such as meat, eggs, fish,
Special K, Cheerios (3 tbsp), 25 g spices, onions, garlic, hot peppers, pickles and other
Weetabix (2 biscuits), 40 g
pungent or spicy foods
Lentils (dhal) green/brown boiled 3 0 • tamsai (leftovers producing negative emotions), i.e.
(½ cup),100 g foods that are stale, overripe, spoilt or imperfect
Black‐eyed beans/kidney beans, chickpeas 2 0
boiled (4 tbsp), 100 g Fasting is common among Hindus to help reinforce con-
Baked beans (1 small can), 200 g 3 0 trol over the senses and to achieve closeness to God. Fasting
Hummus (2 tbsp), 50 g 1 0 occurs for a few days during holy days, new moon days and
Tofu fried (1 average serving), 50 g 2 0
Vegeburger soya mince, fortified with B12 2.5 0.2
(1 average burger) 56 g A restriction on eating beef was introduced between 1500
and 500 BC because Hindus regard the cow as sacred. It is
Nuts, e.g. almonds, cashew, brazil 1 0
(1 average serving), 25 g
also unusual for pork to be eaten as the pig is thought to be
Seeds, e.g. melon, pumpkin, sesame 2 0 unclean. Devout Hindus believe in the doctrine of Ahimsa
(1 average serving), 30 g (not killing) and are vegetarian. Some will eat dairy prod-
Curry powder (1 tsp), 3 g 3 0 ucts and eggs, while others refuse eggs because they are
Plain chocolate (1 bar), 50 g 1 0 potential sources of life. A minority of Hindus practise
Yeast extract (spread on 1 slice bread), 1 g 0 0.01 veganism. Wheat is the staple food eaten by Hindus in the
UK. It is used to make chapattis, puris and parathas. Oil
tbsp, tablespoon (15 mL); tsp, teaspoon (5 mL). and ghee (clarified butter), which is believed to sanctify
Source: Adapted from CompEat Pro nutritional database, based on Ref. [17]. food, are used extensively in cooking [22]. Traditional
Hindus fast on 3 days a year to celebrate the birthdays of
UK began in the seventeenth century when the British East the Lords Shiva (March), Rama (April) and Krishna
India Company first began trading with India [22]. Today (August). Orthodox Hindus may also fast once or twice
the Asian community represents 34.9% of the ethnic groups every week (often on Tuesdays and Fridays). Fasting lasts
494 Eating for Children from Minority Ethnic Groups
Table 26.10 Age of introduction of solids by mother’s ethnicity in Great Britain, 2010.
6 weeks 1 4 2 5 1 2
8 weeks 2 4 3 5 1 2
3 months 5 4 4 9 1 5
4 months 30 24 22 33 19 29
5 months 77 69 62 65 65 75
6 months 95 90 90 90 83 94
9 months 99 99 97 99 x 99
Source: Data.Gov.UK Infant Feeding Survey – 2010 [10]. Licensed under Open Governement.
Table 26.11 Suitable vegetarian and vegan weaning foods. Table 26.13 Vegetarian sources of essential fatty acids.
from dawn to dusk and varies from avoiding all foods Dietary customs of Muslims
except those considered pure (e.g. rice, fruit and yoghurt)
to total food exclusion [22, 24]. Approximately 4.6% of the UK population are Muslim. With
Jainism has its roots in Hinduism. Jains practise non‐vio- the majority originating from Pakistan and Bangladesh,
lence to all living creatures, and their diet is a form of lacto‐ more recently they have been joined by Muslims from
vegetarianism that includes the avoidance of root vegetables, African countries such as Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Morocco,
with the exception of ginger and turmeric. Syria and Lebanon [2].
The Koran provides halal guidelines [24]. Acceptable ani-
mal foods are beef, sheep, lamb, goat, deer, poultry and fish
prepared and stored under halal conditions. Unclean foods
Table 26.14 Vegetarian sources of vitamin D.
are carnivores (except fish), pork, birds of prey, reptiles,
Non‐animal foods Vit D Non‐animal foods Vit D
amphibians, rodents, insects and maggots. Wheat, usually in
(1 average portion) (μg) (1 average portion) (μg) the form of chapattis, is the staple cereal eaten by Muslims
from Pakistan, whereas those from Bangladesh eat more
Special K 31 g 1 Bran flakes 25 g 1 rice. Cooking oil is used in preference to ghee.
Ricicles 35 g 2 Sultana Bran 30 g 1 Fasting for Ramadan occurs during the ninth lunar month
Rice Krispies 29 g 2 Coco Pops 40 g 2
of the Islamic year. Muslims fast between sunrise and sunset.
Frosties 23 g 1
All‐Bran 31 g 1 Non‐dairy margarine (for 0.5 m The purpose is to purify oneself both spiritually and physi-
1 sandwich filling) 8 g cally and to share the experiences of the poor and hungry.
Children under the age of 12 years (puberty) and the elderly
Source: Nutritics nutritional analysis software. are exempt from fasting. People who are ill, pregnant,
Milk, all types 200 mL 240 Soya milk, calcium enriched, 200 mL 240
Hard cheeses (1 slice), 40 g 240 Water/orange juice calcium enriched, 200 mL 292
Fruit yoghurt (1 medium pot), 150 g 240 Soya yoghurt, calcium enriched (1 pot), 125 g 150
Whole milk yoghurt (1 medium pot), 150 g 300
Milky pudding, e.g. kheer/rice pudding (1 small serving), 140 g 120
Rice dessert (1 pot), 228 g 196
Naan bread (1), 170 g 240 Fortified breakfast bar (1 bar), 37 g 180
White or brown bread (2 slices), 60 g 120 Gluten‐free bread (2 slices), 50 g 180
White flour, self‐raising, (2 tbsp) 50 g 180 Swiss‐style muesli (1 average portion), 60 g 60
Meat alternatives
Nuts, e.g. almonds, brazils, pistachios (1 medium packet), 30 g 30 Baked beans (1 small tin), 220 g 120
Sesame and sunflower seeds (1 tbsp), 25 g 60 Bombay mix (1 medium packet), 100 g 60
menstruating or on a long journey are also excused, but are avoided during pregnancy and cold ones avoided when
expected to fast later. Unfortunately, many pregnant women breastfeeding [24].
fast with the rest of the family during Ramadan as they find
it more convenient. The Koran also dictates that children
Infant feeding
should be breastfed up to the age of 2 years.
Early studies reported lower breastfeeding rates among Asians
Dietary customs of Sikhs in the UK compared with the Caucasian population [26, 27] and
Asians in the Indian subcontinent [28]. However, high inci-
Approximately 0.6% of the UK population are Sikhs. dences of breastfeeding among Asian mothers (49% at 6
Sikhism is a relatively new religion, originating as a reform- months) compared with white mothers (32% at 6 months) have
ist movement of Hinduism in the Indian Punjab in the six- more recently been reported in the 2010 Infant Feeding Survey
teenth century [2]. [10]. Interestingly, of mothers who were born outside the UK,
Non‐practising Sikhs are not usually vegetarian, but they 30%–40% who bottle fed initially or who stopped breastfeeding
will usually avoid beef, pork and their products. They will to bottle feed reported that they would have fed their babies
also avoid halal meats preferring animals that have been differently had the babies not been born in the UK. Unfortunately,
killed with a single stroke, i.e. the jhatka method. Sikhs who for some bottle feeding is perceived as the Western ideal and,
have undergone the amrit ceremony are usually lacto‐veg- therefore, better for the baby. This problem is compounded by
etarians avoiding meat, fish, eggs and their products [24]. communication difficulties and overcrowded housing [12],
Punjabi food customs include a wide range of milk dishes making it difficult for a mother to breastfeed in privacy.
from cream, white cheese, butter, ghee and yoghurt that
include maize flatbread (roti), spinach, dhal and chickpeas.
Common South Asian dietary habits Grains, roots and tubers are the foods first introduced. A sys-
tematic review in 2018 found that early weaning was not
Common dietary patterns across the three main groups uncommon among most Asian families, with about 70%
(Table 26.16) include alcohol abstinence and the hot and cold starting before 3 months and almost all babies being weaned
properties of foods. Many of the Asian people in the UK share by 6 months of age. However, families from Pakistan intro-
dietary customs, despite their varying religious and geo- duce complementary feeding later than other Asian groups:
graphical background. Older members of the Asian commu- 49% by 6 months of age and 15% after 7 months [29].
nity tend to retain traditional dietary customs, while second
and later generations are consuming more Westernised foods, Nutritional problems commonly found in Asian
especially convenience foods. The extent of adoption of these
foods is variable, tending to be greater in the younger genera-
tions who were born in the UK and in those who have lived
Faltering growth
in the UK for some time [22], although they may continue to
eat traditional meals in the evening [25]. Dietary intake, family income, housing standards, maternal
The traditional breakfast includes chapattis, parathas, education, psychological distress and morbidity all influ-
bread and, occasionally, hard‐boiled or fried eggs are eaten. ence growth [22, 26]. The incidence of lower birthweights in
The two main meals are based on staples, usually served this population has decreased recently; longer birth inter-
with a vegetable, pulse or nut‐based curry [23]. Most foods, vals, fewer teenage pregnancies and improved nutrition are
including spices, are usually fried before adding to the thought to be contributing factors [22]. Despite lower birth-
curry, which is then served with home‐made chutneys, weights, some studies show that Asian babies and children
side salads of tomatoes and onions and yoghurt. Very little grow as well as other groups [30, 31]. Table 26.17 shows
hard cheese is eaten; paneer, an Indian soft curd cheese, birthweight by ethnic group.
is preferred. Meals are usually served with tea, which is
made with hot milk and sugar, although English tea is
Iron deficiency anaemia
becoming popular. Traditionally, Asians rarely eat snacks,
although Western snack foods are increasing in popularity. Iron deficiency anaemia has been described in Asian infants.
Traditional Asian savoury snacks (usually reserved for Contributing factors include maternal iron deficiency dur-
celebrations only) are high in fat, and the sweets are often ing pregnancy, premature delivery and low birthweight.
very high in refined sugar. Many Asians believe that foods Inadequate dietary intake of iron is commonly related to the
have heating and cooling effects on the body. These hot early introduction and excessive use of unfortified cow’s
and cold foods should be eaten in the correct balance to milk. Prolonged use of a baby bottle and the mother being
achieve a healthy state. Certain hot foods cause symptoms born outside the UK have also been shown to have a nega-
such as constipation, sweating and body fatigue, while cer- tive influence on the iron status of Asian children [33].
tain cold foods lead to strength and happiness. Foods may Families should be advised on the use of foods rich in iron
also be used to treat a condition, e.g. hot foods should be and vitamin C [34].
South Asian Subcontinent 497
Birthweight Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani African Caribbean White British White other Other Not Stated
Under 2.5 kg 7.3 6.6 6.2 3.2 4.1 2.6 2.3 3.3 3.1
Under 2.5 kg 5.6 5.6 4.7 2.8 4.3 2.4 2.0 3.0 2.7
Source: Office of National Statistics, 2017 [32]. Licensed under Open Government License.
should include foods rich in vitamin D such as fortified Table 26.18 Prevalence of overweight and obesity (%) within ethnic
milk products, eggs, oily fish, liver, fortified breakfast cere- groups in England, 2017/2018.
als and margarine. Vitamin D supplementation is advisa-
Reception year (4‐ and Year 6 (10‐ and
ble for infants, young children and deficient pregnant
5‐year‐old children) 11‐year‐old children)
women to prevent neonatal hypocalcaemia and rickets
[11]. In addition, children should be encouraged to play White 22.5 32.2
outside [41]. Mixed 21.5 36.2
Asian or Asian 18.5 39.6
Dental caries
Black or black 29.3 45.0
Traditionally, sugary foods are reserved for celebrations British
and, therefore, do not have a major role in Asian diets. Chinese 18.3 30.1
However, with increasing Westernisation, over consump-
Any other 23.5 39.6
tion of refined sugar leading to a high incidence of dental
caries has been observed in Asian preschool children [42].
Asian mothers often add sugar to babies’ bottles and give Unknown 22.9 35.0
sweetened drinks via the bottle for prolonged periods. These
Source: NHS Digital. [44]. Licensed under Open Governement.
drinks, as well as having high sugar content, are acidic,
which can lead to tooth decay [43]. Education regarding
infant feeding with the restriction of quantity and frequency
of sugar intake, the use of fluoride‐containing drops and
toothpaste and frequent dental visits will help to reduce the Dietary customs
incidence of dental caries.
Most Afro‐Caribbeans are Christians, such as Seventh‐Day
Adventists, Pentecostals, Baptists and Rastafarians. A high
proportion of Afro‐Caribbeans living in the UK has adopted
Obesity and diabetes
the dietary patterns of the wider UK population than other
With the increasing consumption of high sugar and high fat ethnic groups. However, a small group retain traditional
foods, the prevalence of obesity is increasing. The incidence meal patterns.
of obesity and diabetes is higher in Asian children aged Seventh‐Day Adventists and Pentecostals aim to eat foods
10–11 years than in white children (Table 26.18). In addition that are natural and have few dietary restrictions; they abstain
to restricting these foods, advice on acceptable Asian food from eating pork and fish without scales. Alcohol, caffeine
alternatives and appropriate cooking techniques must be and high intakes of sugar and salt are discouraged. Some
given. The dietary fat intake can be reduced by avoiding Seventh‐Day Adventists may also be lacto‐vegetarians.
deep‐fried foods, reducing the amount of oil or ghee used in Rastafarians aim to eat food in their natural states (Ital
cooking and restricting or not adding fat to chapattis. foods). Some avoid meat completely to obey the command-
Avoiding the popular sweet sugary tea and Asian sweet- ment ‘thou shalt not kill’ and follow a lacto‐ovo-vegetarian
meats will reduce dietary sugar. or vegan diet [48]. Vinegar, raisins, grapes and wine are also
avoided by some Rastafarians as the Nazarite law states that
fruits of the vine should not be eaten.
Afro‐Caribbean communities The two main meals are taken at breakfast time and in
the evening [49]. Traditional breakfasts include fried plan-
The earliest migration from the Caribbean to the UK began tain, cornmeal dumplings and fried dumplings. However,
in the eighteenth century with the trade in people. Small many dietary practices have now been adopted from
communities settled around the major British port cities of British culture, with toast and breakfast cereals largely
Bristol, Liverpool and London. In the second wave in the replacing these foods. The evening meal is more likely to
nineteenth century, there was recruitment from the Caribbean contain traditional foods, especially with the younger gen-
for both the Royal and Merchant Navy. The settled commu- eration who seem keen to retain their identification and
nities continued to serve in the First and Second World War. culture. Cereals and tubers such as rice, green banana, yam
The final migration occurred after the Second World War and sweet potato form the main part of the diet [50]. These
when people from former British colonies were invited to starchy foods are served with small amounts of meat or
the UK to support major industries, public services and the fish [49]. The tropical climate in the homeland makes it dif-
NHS [45]. The largest phase of migration from the Caribbean ficult to keep foods fresh, and, therefore, preserved meat,
occurred in the 1940s and 1950s [46, 47]. Most were recruited fish and milk are eaten. Peas, beans, nuts and green leafy
to re‐staff national transport and health services [45]. The vegetables are widely used, often being made into home‐
Afro‐Caribbean community is 1.1% of the UK population made soups and stews, which are well seasoned with herbs
and 5.6% of ethnic minority groups in the UK [2]. and spices [50].
Chinese Communities 499
minced meat and vegetables are given at 9 months and more Infant feeding
solid food at 1 year.
Almost all women breastfeed, often for 2–3 years. Breastmilk
Iron, calcium and vitamin D is not offered in the first 24 hours when infants may be given
sugar water or fresh cow’s or goat’s milk. Colostrum is
There is an increased risk of iron deficiency in young thought to have a poor nutritional value or to be unhealthy,
Vietnamese children [66]. This is particularly associated with and it often expressed and discarded. A mixture of rice and
a high milk intake and poor body weight. cow’s milk is introduced at 6 months of age, and drinks from
Children are at risk of calcium deficiency, especially if a cup are offered at 6–8 months.
minimal milk and associated products are eaten. The rice
traditionally grown in Vietnam is a good source of cal- Calcium and vitamin D
cium, but is unavailable in Britain. Traditional Vietnamese
fruit and vegetables also contain more calcium than British The traditional Somali diet is low in vitamin D and calcium
varieties [24]. and could give rise to poor bone mineralisation and the
Vitamin D deficiency has been noted in Vietnamese chil- development of osteoporosis [67]. Vitamin D deficiency has
dren; supplementation is beneficial [24]. been reported in 82% of Somalis living in Liverpool [67].
Dietary advice should focus on improving the intake of these
nutrients from dietary sources with additional supplementa-
Somalian communities tion with vitamin D where appropriate.
Somalis first settled in the UK in 1914 when they were Jewish communities
recruited to fight in the First World War. They are now
thought to be the oldest African community in London. The dietary laws of the Jewish community (kashrus) are
Later arrivals included Somalian asylum seekers who fled based around foods fit to eat (kosher) and foods that are for-
the civil unrest in their country and settled around the main bidden (treifah) [68]. The laws of kashrus may be set aside
cities in the UK. Today there are second‐, third‐ and fourth‐ for life‐threatening conditions and only applies to food or
generation Somalis living in the UK. substances that are ingested orally.
Kosher laws prescribe that only certain meat and fowl can
be eaten and all must be slaughtered as humanely as possi-
Dietary customs
ble and prepared in a way that ensures that as much blood
has been removed as possible. Meat and milk products, or
Somalis are of Arab‐African ethnicity and their faith is Islam.
foods containing them, must be stored separately and
Therefore, they share many of the Islamic (Muslim) dietary
cooked using separate utensils. Meat and milk foods cannot
customs. Somalia was formed in 1960 from a British protec-
be eaten in the same meal, and there must be a break of a
torate and an Italian colony. As a result, many southern
minimum of 3 hours before the other food can be eaten. Only
Somalis eat Italian food, and spaghetti is a national dish. The
milk from kosher animals that has been bottled under the
Somalian diet tends to be relatively high in protein.
supervision of a kashrus authority may be drunk.
Breakfast usually consists of 2–3 pieces of injera (fer-
Fish, fruit and vegetables are known as parev (neutral)
mented pancake-like Somali bread made from corn and
because they do not contain meat or milk. These foods can
wheat) with ghee or butter and tea. Lunch is the main meal
be eaten with either meat or milk‐containing foods. All
and usually consists of spaghetti or rice with a meat sauce
fruits and vegetables are kosher; however, care must be
(beef or goat) and mixed vegetables. Food is often flavoured
taken to ensure that they do not contain any insects. With
with aromatic spices (cumin powder, cinnamon, cloves, car-
regard to seafood, only certain species that can clearly be
damom, garlic, cilantro, parsley). Pork is avoided and
recognised as ‘fish’ are kosher. Eels, crabs and shellfish
chicken, fish and eggs are not usually eaten. The evening
are treifah.
meal consists of injera or bread with butter and jam, or a
The Really Jewish Food Guide ( lists
traditional meal of rice, beans, butter and sugar. Desserts
commercially produced foods that are deemed to be accept-
and snacks are not considered as part of the daily diet.
able for a kosher diet.
Sweets are usually given to children, but are not usually
The prevalence of breastfeeding among Jewish families is
eaten by adults. Children usually drink cow’s or goat’s milk
very high; however, where infant formula is required, it
three times or more each day. From the age of 3 years, sweet-
should be kosher certified (Table 26.8).
ened tea is usually added to the milk. During pregnancy,
Somali women tend to decrease their meals to ensure an
easier delivery. They believe that too much food will make References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
the baby grow too big, and it will be hard to deliver nor- and other useful links are on the companion website:
mally. The diet usually improves during the third trimester,
although most women do not take prenatal vitamins.
Fiona J. White
Inherited Metabolic Disorders:
Introduction and Rare Disorders
This chapter provides information on normal metabolic including the catabolic processes to produce energy and
processes and how these are affected in inherited metabolic urea (the detoxification product of the nitrogen moiety of
disorders (IMD). Also discussed are the basics of inheritance amino acids) and anabolic processes to form tissue protein
and how this relates to IMD, newborn screening (NBS), an and energy stores, glycogen and lipids. Together these pro-
overview of dietary treatment modalities for those disorders cesses are known as intermediary metabolism.
treatable with dietary manipulation and, briefly, the role of
Carbohydrate metabolism
The final section covers IMD requiring nutritional support
and management with a ketogenic diet.
Cellular carbohydrate (CHO) metabolism involves both
catabolic (glycolysis, glycogenolysis) and anabolic (glyco-
Metabolism genesis, gluconeogenesis) processes. Carbohydrates, as
monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose), are absorbed
Metabolism describes the chemical processes that occur in the in the intestine and then transported to the liver where
body’s cells to produce energy and other substances needed excess glucose, galactose and fructose are converted to glu-
for normal body functioning. It comprises two elements: cose‐6‐phosphate (G‐6‐PO4). Depending upon energy needs,
G‐6‐PO4 undergoes either catabolism to form energy or
• anabolism – the formation and storage of complex com-
anabolism to form glycogen, the storage form of glucose, in
pounds needed for growth, tissue repair and energy stor-
liver and muscles. To produce energy, G‐6‐PO4 (derived from
age from simpler molecules
monosaccharides from dietary CHO or from glycogen deg-
• catabolism – the breakdown of large complex molecules
radation by glycogenolysis) undergoes glycolysis. A series of
to provide energy for cellular activity and smaller com-
enzyme reactions in the glycolytic pathway convert G‐6‐PO4
pounds, e.g. amino acids, needed for anabolic reactions
to form pyruvate or lactic acid and then to acetyl‐CoA.
or for elimination from the body
Acetyl‐CoA is also produced from fatty acid oxidation and
Commonly the term metabolism defines the digestion and degradation of the carbon skeleton of the glucogenic amino
absorption of food together with how its components (carbo- acids (Table 27.1). Acetyl‐CoA enters the Krebs cycle, also
hydrates, fats and proteins) are transformed into energy via known as the citric acid or tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle,
a sequence of chemical reactions (metabolic pathways), within the mitochondria. Within the Krebs cycle acetyl‐CoA,
which are controlled by large numbers of different enzymes. combined with oxaloacetate, undergoes cycles involving
Enzymes themselves are proteins. These biochemical reac- eight enzymes, when reducing equivalents are produced,
tions frequently involve cofactors, often vitamins, which which then enter the electron transfer chain for the produc-
help the specific enzyme function, e.g. vitamin B6 is the tion of energy as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). When cells
cofactor for the enzyme cystathionine β-synthase, which do not require G‐6‐PO4 for energy production, it undergoes
converts the amino acid homocysteine into cystathionine. glycogenesis to be stored as glycogen until required to
Figure 27.1 illustrates the metabolic processes involved in restore blood glucose levels. G‐6‐PO4 can also be produced
the overall metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and protein via pyruvate from protein catabolism of several glucogenic
CO2 O2
Urea cycle Krebs (TCA) Electron transport chain
2e– H2O
Urea CO2
Figure 27.1 Summary of metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and protein. TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle; ADP, adenosine diphosphate; ATP, adenosine
Table 27.1 Classification of amino acids. initially hydrolysed by lipases into glycerol and free fatty
acids. Glycerol is then oxidised to acetyl‐CoA via pyruvate.
Glucogenic only Ketogenic only Ketogenic and glucogenic Lipid transport is a complex process and is discussed in
Alanine Leucine Isoleucine
Chapter 30. Long chain fatty acids enter the mitochondria
via the carnitine transport cycle (medium chain fatty acids
Arginine Lysine Phenylalanine
enter primarily independent of carnitine) into the β‐oxida-
Asparagine Threonine tion spiral in which fatty acids, via a series of enzymes, pro-
Aspartate Tyrosine duce acetyl‐CoA and electron carriers. Acetyl‐CoA can enter
Cysteine Tryptophan the Krebs cycle or form ketone bodies in the liver. Electron
carriers (flavin adenine dinucleotide, FADH2, and nicotina-
mide adenine dinucleotide, NAD) enter the electron transfer
Glutamine chain to produce ATP. Acetyl‐CoA in excess of requirements
Glycine for energy production via the Krebs cycle is converted via
Histidine lipogenesis to stored lipids in adipocytes.
Proline Protein metabolism
Dietary protein is broken down into 20 individual amino
acids for absorption. Of these nine are essential or indis-
pensable (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine,
phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine) as they can-
not be synthesised by the body. The other 11 (alanine, argi-
amino acids or breakdown of glycerol from lipids, via glyc-
nine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid,
eraldehyde‐3‐PO4, both within the gluconeogenesis path-
glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, tyrosine) are classified
way (Table 27.1).
as non‐essential amino acids (NEAA), or dispensable, as
they can be produced from the breakdown of essential
Lipid metabolism amino acids (EAA) by transamination. A few of the NEAA
become conditionally essential in certain disorders or at
Dietary fat is present mainly as long chain triglycerides, times of stress. These include arginine, cysteine, glutamine,
comprising a glycerol backbone and fatty acids. Dietary fats, glycine, proline and tyrosine and in such circumstances
and lipids produced endogenously from acetyl‐CoA, are must be provided in the diet.
504 Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Introduction and Rare Disorders
Nitrogen pool
Non-protein compounds
New amino acids Catabolism
Heterocyclic amines
Carbon dioxide
Amino acids enter the body’s nitrogen pool (Figure 27.2) • responding to signals from other cells, involving
and are used to form proteins needed for growth and body hormones and growth factors
tissue repair or are catabolised by transamination and deam-
ination. The amine group (nitrogen moiety) undergoes
Influence of hormone regulation
transamination, in which it is transferred to a keto acid pro-
ducing a new amino acid and a new keto acid, and then
Hormones are released according to metabolic status
deamination to produce ammonia, which is detoxified via
including whether in the fed or starved state and stress.
the urea cycle to produce urea, which is then excreted in
Their regulation of metabolic pathways (Table 27.2) plays a
urine. The carbon skeletons of amino acids (organic acids)
crucial role by:
are either glucogenic, ketogenic or both (Table 27.1).
Glucogenic amino acids degrade either: • altering the availability of substrates, e.g. the sympa-
thetic nervous system response during exercise increases
• directly to Krebs cycle intermediates
the mobilisation of glucose from glycogen, fatty acids
• via acetyl‐CoA or acetoacetyl‐CoA to oxaloactetate,
from adipose tissue [1] and insulin being released in
which is either used in the Krebs cycle or can be con-
response to high blood glucose levels and glucagon
verted to phosphoenolpyruvate and used to produce
being released when glucose levels are low
G‐6‐PO4 via gluconeogenesis
• influencing enzyme activity, e.g. adrenaline, a fight and
• to pyruvate, which can either be used to produce G‐6‐
flight hormone, increases phosphofructokinase (PFK)
PO4 via gluconeogenesis or converted irreversibly to
activity, an important enzyme in glycolysis. In addition
acetyl‐CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)
glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones also affect energy
complex. Acetyl‐CoA can then enter the Krebs cycle
Ketogenic amino acids degrade to acetoacetate or acetyl‐
CoA and are used in fatty acid synthesis or ketone body
production (Figure 27.3).
In 1911 Johannsen [2] introduced the theory that genes were
Control and regulation of metabolism responsible for inheritance, and in 1941 Beadle and Tatum
hypothesised the one gene, one enzyme theory [3]. The
To maintain homeostasis within cells, metabolic pathways molecular disease concept in which gene mutations alter
have to be finely balanced (Figure 27.4). This is achieved by protein structure by changing a single amino acid within the
either: protein was introduced by Pauling et al. [4] and Ingram [5]
with their work on sickle cell anaemia.
• flux through pathways increasing or decreasing by intra-
The structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), from which
cellular self‐regulation of reactions (feedback), by respond-
genes are formed, was described by Watson and Crick in
ing to concentrations of substrates or products, e.g. a low
1953. DNA contains:
concentration of an essential product causes increased
enzyme activity in the metabolic pathway, resulting in • information as a code made up of four chemical (nucleo-
increased product production from the substrate tide) bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine
Inheritance 505
Glucose Phenylalanine
Isoleucine Tryptophan
Leucine Tyrosine
Lipogenesis Ketone
Aspartate Citrate Bodies
Succinyl α-ketoglutarate
Isoleucine Glutamate
Methionine Glutamine
Threonine Histidine
Valine Proline
Anabolism Catabolism
Glycogen Glucose Glycogen
Protein Amino acids Protein
Triglycerides Fatty acids Triglycerides
Insulin Glucagon
Growth hormone Adrenaline
Thyroxine Cortisol
Blood levels
• an error in the coding sequence of a gene can result in Further information can be obtained at https://ghr.nlm.
no protein or an abnormal protein or enzyme being and
produced 101/genes.
• many mutations are benign (silent), whereas others lead
to variable severity of defect (Table 27.3) Patterns of inheritance
• gene mutations result in a genotype that predicts residual
enzyme activity Autosomal recessive inheritance
• single genes do not function independently, but interact
with other genes and the individual’s environment, Features of autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance (Figure 27.5)
resulting in the disease phenotype are as follows:
• there is not always an exact genotype–phenotype • two faulty (mutated) copies of the gene have to be inher-
correlation ited for the disease to be expressed
Inheritance 507
Deletions, insertions
and duplications can
also result in frameshift
Splice site Introns (bulk of the Incorrect protein is
mutations DNA within a gene that produced
is not translated) not
spliced from mRNA
Features of autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance Figure 27.6 Autosomal dominant inheritance (http://www.
(Figure 27.6) are as follows:
508 Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Introduction and Rare Disorders
• it only requires one copy of a faulty (mutated) gene to inherit inactivation (how many of the mutant X chromosomes are
the disorder; this can be inherited from either parent active), females can be symptomatic to a greater or lesser
• there is a 50% risk of occurrence with each pregnancy extent, e.g. in ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency,
• Unaffected offspring will have two normal copies of the some carrier females present with hyperammonaemia
gene • males with X‐linked disorders will pass on the faulty
• dominant mutations can occur sporadically (de novo) gene to all of their daughters; sons are unaffected
with both parents having no mutations. This is often seen • examples of X‐linked IMD include adrenoleukodystro-
in Glut 1 deficiency syndrome. Occasionally an AD dis- phy, OTC deficiency and X‐linked phosphorylase b
order can occur as the result of a germ line mutation; this kinase deficiency (GSD type IXa)
is where parents usually have a normal phenotype, but
one of the parents has a mutation occur in some of his/ Mitochondrial inheritance
her sperm/eggs
Features of mitochondrial inheritance are as follows:
• AD conditions can occur in a homozygous state in which
case they can be very severe or lethal • mitochondria contain their own DNA, which originates
• familial homozygous hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is an in the egg and encodes for enzymes involved in electron
AD disorder; heterozygotes are symptomatic, but transport and energy metabolism
homozygotes are more severe and often die from fatal • some mitochondrial encoded polypeptides join with
myocardial infarction in early adult life nuclear originated protein to form a complete enzyme
• individuals with heterozygous AD disorders (only one • Mitochondrial disorders can be inherited in maternal,
copy of the faulty gene) have a 50% chance of passing on recessive, X‐linked or dominant fashion dependent upon
the faulty gene. All children born to individuals with the defective polypeptide
homozygous AD disorders will inherit the disorder • cells contain multiple mitochondria and, therefore, many
alleles for one gene. When some alleles are mutated the
X‐linked inheritance cells contain a mixture of normal and mutated alleles,
known as heteroplasmy. Depending on the number of
Features of X‐linked inheritance (Figure 27.7) are as follows:
mutated mitochondria in the cell or tissue, diseases with
• mutations occur in genes on the X chromosome the same mutation can be expressed differently
• X‐linked recessive single gene defects affect males as • examples of mitochondrial inherited IMD include Leigh
they only have one X chromosome, and if the gene fault/ syndrome, Pearson syndrome and mitochondrial
mutation is passed on from a carrier mother then they encephalomyopathy lactic acidosis and stroke‐like epi-
are affected sodes (MELAS)
• females carry the gene fault/mutation on one of their two
X chromosomes. Depending upon the degree of X Inherited metabolic disorders
Phenylalanine (B) Tyrosine (C) A significant number of IMD are treatable, often by thera-
(ii) Protein (A)
peutic dietary intervention. The main forms of nutritional
therapy in IMD are as follows:
Phenyl ketones (D) Substrate reduction in which the accumulating
metabolite(s), due to the enzyme deficiency, is restricted (if it
Figure 27.8 Metabolism of phenylalanine: normal (i) and in phenylke- is an essential nutrient) or as far as possible removed from the
tonuria (ii). diet. Such a treatment strategy is employed in managing:
Patients with IMD are invariably complex to treat, and it is many different IMD including all those part of NBS
important they are managed by an experienced metabolic
team including doctors, specialist dietitians, clinical nurse • Further information on the disorders and treatment is
specialists, biochemists, pharmacists and psychologists in a given in the disorder‐specific sections of Chapters 28–31
metabolic centre. Local professionals and hospital teams also
form an integral part of the care for metabolic patients, and Transplantation for inherited metabolic disorders
liaison between the metabolic centre and local health, educa-
tion and social care is crucial. Solid organ transplants, e.g. liver, kidney and stem cell trans-
plants are used in some IMD:
Nutritional support and ketogenic diet in IMD Liver transplantation
• If the enzyme affected by the IMD is limited to the liver, then
Some IMD require nutritional support for various reasons, liver transplantation would effect a cure. Such disorders
or, on occasions, dietary advice is required to limit the intake include the urea cycle disorders, MSUD and GSD type Ia
of certain nutrients if there are dietary intolerances due to • Transplantation improves the metabolic stability of
drug treatment, e.g. with the use of Miglustat in Gaucher patient, but continued IMD management is required
disease. Infantile Refsum’s disease requires both therapeutic post‐transplant. Includes organic acidaemias, e.g. propi-
diet and nutritional support. Other IMD may be treated with onic acidaemia, methyl malonic acidaemia and GSDIb
a ketogenic diet. Examples of nutritional interventions are
given in Table 27.4. Kidney transplantation
• Renal transplants can be required in methylmalonic aci-
Newborn screening daemia where the toxic effect of methylmalonic acid
causes end‐stage renal failure. IMD management is still
Early detection is important to ensure a good outcome in required post‐transplant
many IMD, starting treatment before significant or any dam- Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)
age is done. NBS aims to detect affected infants before symp- • HSCT is used as a means of cross correction whereby
toms occur to allow early implementation of treatment. Strict engrafted donor white blood cells make and secrete the
criteria have to be met in order to be considered for screen- deficient enzyme in the recipient that can be taken up
ing, with screening tests having a high positive prediction and used by enzyme deficient host cells, thus correcting
value and low numbers of false positive and false negative the enzyme deficiency [12]. HSCT is used in a number of
results (‐ IMD including MPS I (Hurler disease) and X‐linked
review‐criteria‐national‐screening‐programmes): adrenoleukodystrophy
• PKU was the first IMD to be part of NBS (from the end of There are review papers on IMD and liver transplantation
the 1960s in the UK) [13, 14], kidney [15], liver–kidney [16] and HSCT [12, 17].
• Screening has been expanded in a number of countries to
include a variety of other disorders, depending on local Summary
health policy
• In the UK NBS was expanded to include: There are over 500 different IMD currently identified. A sig-
◦◦ MCADD (2009 England, 2012 all UK) nificant number are treatable, often by therapeutic dietary
◦◦ homocystinuria, isovaleric acidaemia, glutaric aciduria intervention as the sole treatment or in combination with
type 1 and MSUD (2015 in England) pharmacological agents. These are discussed further in
• Further information on NBS can be found at Chapters 28–31.
• Metabolic Support UK have developed an app for par- Learning points: inherited metabolic disorders
ents receiving a positive NBS result ‘INHERITED
METABOLIC DISORDERS: A Guide for Parents of a • Understanding of normal metabolism and hormonal control is
Child Detected by Screening’, which can be downloaded key to the understanding of IMD of intermediary metabolism
via their website • IMD are individually very rare, but as a group are not
• Clinical and dietetic management guidelines can be • Therapeutic dietary treatment is the sole or a significant
accessed from treatment modality in many IMD
• NHS Newborn Blood Spot Screening Programme – a • Ketogenic diet therapy is a treatment modality for the
laboratory guide to newborn blood spot screening for underlying metabolic defect in some disorders of energy
inherited metabolic diseases. Updated September 2017. production or glucose transport, as well as being used to
Describes the screening and diagnostic pathway for all treat epilepsy in some IMD
screened disorders • Nutritional support is a part of the management of many
• TEMPLE (Tools Enabling Metabolic Parents Learning) is non‐treatable forms of IMD
a resource for health professionals and families, covering
Summary 511
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) Children with a LSD may require nutritional
A defect in a specific lysosomal enzyme usually results in accumulation of incompletely intervention as:
catabolised substrates. This can result in organomegaly, dysmorphic or other • Nutritional support including enteral tube feeding,
morphological features as well as neurological deficits. Includes: particularly those with neurodegeneration – see
• Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) – result from incomplete breakdown of Chapter 4
glycosaminoglycans; include MPS I (Hurler syndrome), MPS II (Hunter syndrome), MPS • Weight management. Some may have growth
III (Sanfilippo syndrome), MPS IV (Morquio syndrome) retardation as a part of the disorder, e.g. those with
• Mucolipidosis (ML) – has features of MPS and sphingolipidoses; includes I‐cell disease MPS IV have short stature
• Oligosaccharidoses – result from incomplete breakdown of carbohydrate side chains • Low disaccharide diet if on Miglustat therapy [8]
from glycoproteins; includes mannosidosis • Ketogenic diet if they have epilepsy, e.g. Batten’s
• Sphingolipidoses – result from incomplete breakdown of ceramide‐containing disease – see Chapter 17
membrane lipids; includes GM gangliosidosis, Fabry disease, Gaucher disease, Krabbe Infant onset lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (Wolman
disease, Niemann–Pick Type A/B, metachromatic leukodystrophy disease) requires specific therapeutic dietary
• Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL), e.g. Batten’s disease management – see Chapter 30
• Lipid storage diseases, e.g. Niemann–Pick type C, Pompe disease (GSD type II),
lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
• Lysosomal transport defects, e.g. cystinosis
Some LSD are treated with enzyme replacement therapy
Some LSD, e.g. Fabry disease, Gaucher disease, Niemann–Pick type C, may be treated with
Miglustat (substrate reduction therapy). This can cause diarrhoea initially due to malabsorption
of disaccharides, particularly sucrose and maltose; lactose to a lesser extent
Defects in energy production Children with defects in energy production may
A number of different disorders that affect cellular energy supply (ATP) require nutritional intervention as:
Mitochondrial disorders – a heterogeneous group of disorders resulting in impaired energy • Enteral nutritional support, including enteral tube
production by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Many may result in neurological feeding, for poor growth, inadequate oral intake,
deficits, epilepsy, gastrointestinal symptoms and involvement of unrelated organs over time. unsafe swallow – see Chapter 4
Includes: • Parenteral nutrition may be required in MNGIE due to
• Alpers syndrome – progressive neuronal degeneration of childhood with liver disease severe gut dysmotility causing gastrointestinal pain
• Coenzyme Q10 deficiency – multisystem disease with nephropathy, encephalopathy with enteral intake, resulting in severe undernutrition
including seizures, hearing loss and growth failure – see Chapter 5
• Ethylmalonic encephalopathy (EME) • Pearson syndrome may require pancreatic enzyme
• Leigh syndrome (subacute necrotising encephalomyelopathy) replacement therapy – see Chapter 12
• Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke‐like episode (MELAS) • Ketogenic diet may be used for:
• Myoclonus, epilepsy, ragged red fibres (MERFF) ◦◦ Management of epilepsy
• Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy (MNGIE) ◦◦ Management of milder cases of PDH deficiency
• Pearson syndrome ◦◦ Management of Glut 1 deficiency syndrome – see
Further information in review papers: Chapter 17
Rahman S Gastrointestinal and hepatic manifestations of mitochondrial disorders [9]
Rahman S Mitochondrial disease and epilepsy [10]
Disorders of pyruvate metabolism and Krebs cycle - includes:
Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) deficiency
• PDH complex converts pyruvate to acetyl‐CoA. Deficiency results in increased blood
and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentrations of pyruvate and lactate and lack of
acetyl‐CoA, thus decreasing availability of precursors feeding into the Krebs cycle and
resulting in limitation of mitochondrial energy production.
Pyruvate carboxylase (PC) deficiency
• PC catalyses the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate, a Krebs cycle intermediate,
and is also needed for synthesis of aspartate required to transport reducing equivalents
across the mitochondrial membrane and in the urea cycle.
There are currently no specific medical or dietetic therapies to effectively treat the
underlying defect
Supportive therapies, including nutritional support, may be required in many cases to
manage symptoms resulting from the underlying defect
Disorder of glucose transport affecting brain energy metabolism
Glut 1 deficiency syndrome
• Lack of glucose transporter type 1 prevents normal transport of glucose across the
blood–brain barrier and a consequent lack of glucose for brain energy metabolism.
For a fuller description see Chapter 17
(continued overleaf)
512 Inherited Metabolic Disorders: Introduction and Rare Disorders
Sterol biosynthesis disorders Children with SLOS and other sterol biosynthesis
Multisystem disorders resulting from enzyme deficiencies in the biosynthesis of disorders may require nutritional intervention as:
cholesterol and consequently the formation of bile acids, steroid hormones, cell • Enteral nutritional support, including enteral tube
membranes and vitamin D. This results in dysmorphic and skeletal dysplasias that have feeding for poor growth, inadequate oral intake,
antenatal onset. unsafe swallow – see Chapter 4
• Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome (SLOS)
• Desmosterolosis
• Lathosterolosis
Cholesterol supplementation is used for SLOS and in other sterol disorders where there is
hypocholesterolaemia. In SLOS restoration of normal plasma cholesterol levels restores
adrenal steroid and bile salt production. Cholesterol supplementation increases plasma
cholesterol levels. In turn this provides feedback inhibition of HMG‐CoA reductase, thus
reducing flux through the endogenous cholesterol synthesis pathway with decreased
production of 7‐dehydrocholesterol and its isomer 8‐dehydrocholesterol, which are toxic.
Exogenous cholesterol cannot cross the blood–brain barrier and so cannot treat the
biochemical defect in the brain.
Congenital disorders of glycosylation Children with congenital disorders of glycosylation
A group of disorders resulting from defects in the glycosylation (addition of sugar may require nutritional intervention as:
molecules) of proteins or lipids to form glycoproteins and glycolipids. They affect multiple • Enteral nutritional support, including enteral tube
organs causing a range of symptoms including developmental delay, hypotonia, seizures feeding for poor growth, inadequate oral intake,
in most and commonly gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhoea and vomiting. unsafe swallow – see Chapter 4
GSD, glycogen storage disease; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; HSCT, haemopoietic stem cell transplantation.
in human milk
Phenylalanine Threonine
Figure 28.1 Amino acid composition of mixed human milk proteins [8].
Table 28.1 Amino acid requirements of healthy children determined using the factorial approach [8].
Age (years) His Ile Leu Lys SAA AAA Thr Trp Val
0.5 22 36 73 64 31 59 34 9.5 49
1–2 15 27 54 45 22 40 23 6.4 36
3–10 12 23 44 35 18 30 18 4.8 29
11–14 12 22 44 35 17 30 18 4.8 29
15–18 11 21 42 33 16 28 17 4.5 28
His, histidine; Ile, isoleucine; Leu, leucine; Lys, lysine; SAA, sulphur amino acids (methionine, cysteine); AAA, aromatic amino acids (phenylalanine,
tyrosine); Thr, threonine; Trp, tryptophan; Val, valine.
Source: Reproduced with permission of WHO.
Total protein requirement in amino acid disorders (referred to as a protein substitute in this text) is essential
to both prevent protein deficiency and optimise metabolic
Most patients with amino acid disorders require severe control. In most patients, it is likely that precursor‐free
restriction of natural protein intake, and the provision protein substitute will supply >75% of the total protein
of a suitable precursor‐free supplement of l‐amino acids intake [13].
Anita MacDonald
Enzyme Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH)
Biochemical defect PAH catalyses the hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine, using tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) as a cofactor. Deficiency leads to
complete or partial inability to metabolise phenylalanine, causing increased phenylketones, and elevated blood phenylalanine
concentrations that cross the blood–brain barrier and accumulate in the brain. Tyrosine, dopamine, norepinephrine and
serotonin concentrations are lower (Figure 28.2).
High levels of brain phenylalanine are possibly the main cause of neurotoxicity [14] by interfering with cerebral protein
synthesis [15], increasing myelin turnover and inhibiting neurotransmitter synthesis [16].
Phenylketonuria 515
O2 hydroxylase H2O
Phenylalanine Tetrahydrobiopterin Dihydrobiopterin Tyrosine
(BH4) (BH2)
Dihydropteridine synthesis
reductase Melanin
Genetics • Autosomal recessive inheritance. The global prevalence in screened populations is approximately 1 in 12 000 births with
an estimated carrier frequency of 1 in 55 [17], but it varies between populations. It is particularly common in Ireland and
• Phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding PAH. There are >1000 PAH gene variants and >2500
different genotypes [18]. There is a good correlation between genotype and phenotype [19].
• A small number of patients with so called severe PKU mutations have escaped intellectual disability despite having high
blood phenylalanine concentrations and poor dietary control. They appear to have near normal brain phenylalanine content
although other neurological, psychological and/or behavioural symptoms may occur [20].
Newborn screening • Screening is by measurement of phenylalanine (≥240 μmol/L) in dried blood spots using tandem mass spectrometry. More
information on UK screening, diagnostic and clinical management protocols can be found at and www. Newborn blood spot screening: laboratory guide for IMDs (inherited metabolic diseases).
• UK infants are screened at around day 5 of life. European PKU guidelines 2017 [21] recommend the following:
◦◦ Treatment should start by 10 days of age
◦◦ All patients with untreated blood phenylalanine levels >360 μmol/L should be treated
Clinical onset Untreated PKU causes global intellectual disability, significant delays in developmental milestones, hyperactive behaviour with
presentation, autistic features, seizures, movement problems, eczema, musty body odour and light pigmentation (eyes, hair and skin). If
features treatment is started within the first 3 weeks of life, irreversible intellectual disability is prevented.
There is a broad continuum of PKU phenotypes ranging from severe to milder forms. PKU is generally classified by the severity
of hyperphenylalaninaemia at diagnosis:
• Classical or severe PKU: usually characterised by blood phenylalanine concentrations >1200 μmol/L. Phenylalanine
tolerance may be ≤250 mg/day (5 g/day natural protein) to maintain phenylalanine concentrations <360 μmol/L
• Moderate PKU: classified with diagnostic phenylalanine concentrations of 600–1200 μmol/L. Most patients with moderate/
severe PKU tolerate between 200 and 700 mg/day phenylalanine (4–14 g/day natural protein) while maintaining
phenylalanine concentrations <360 μmol/L
• Persistent hyperphenylalaninaemia or mild PKU: patients present with phenylalanine concentrations between 120 and
600 μmol/L on a normal diet. They are likely to tolerate >750 mg/day phenylalanine (>15 g/day natural protein). European
PKU guidelines 2017 recommend all patients with untreated blood phenylalanine between 360 and 600 μmol/L be treated
during the first 12 years of life [21] and should remain on treatment >12 years if blood levels exceed 600 μmol/L. Any patient
with a blood phenylalanine between 240 and 360 μmol/L should remain in long‐term follow‐up, particularly women due to
later risks of maternal PKU. Young children require blood phenylalanine monitoring, particularly during the first year of life as
levels may still increase in the late weaning period
About 1%–2% of hyperphenylalaninaemia is caused by mutations in genes coding for enzymes involved in tetrahydrobiopterin
(BH4) cofactor biosynthesis or regeneration [22] affecting phenylalanine homeostasis and catecholamine and serotonin
biosynthesis [23]. BH4 deficiencies are treated with neurotransmitters with or without BH4 supplementation (described in
Clinical Paediatric Dietetics 4th edition). A low phenylalanine diet may be prescribed for hyperphenylalaninaemia.
Long‐term Neuropsychological and mental health
complications Children who commence early dietary treatment from newborn screening should be within the broad normal range of general
and outcome ability, attain expected educational standards and lead independent lives as adults. However, outcome is dependent on the
quality of blood phenylalanine control, and even children with good metabolic control have lower IQs (up to 6 points) than
their unaffected siblings and children without PKU [21]. They may have deficits in selective and sustained attention, processing
speed, fine motor skills, perception and visual–spatial abilities. Executive function (working memory, planning, mental
flexibility, organisation and inhibitory control) may be impaired. Mental health problems (anxiety, depression, mood swings)
have been associated with concurrent and historical high blood phenylalanine levels. Seizures, behavioural problems and
movement disorders are reported in patients with long‐term diet discontinuation [24].
516 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Quality of life
An infant diagnosis of PKU may have a significant psychological impact on parents. The knowledge that their actions can affect
the neurocognitive outcome of their child is a heavy responsibility. Dietary management of PKU by parents has a median time
burden of 19 hours per week [25]. Stigmatisation and feeling socially excluded are common issues. Bullying about diet can
affect a child’s relationship with food, leading to disordered eating [26]. Eating away from home is a barrier to adherence.
Overall children with PKU have comparable growth patterns to healthy controls, although suboptimal growth has been noted,
particularly in early childhood and adolescence [27, 28], with adults underachieving their final height [28]. Head
circumference increase has been shown to align with natural protein intake [29]. Fat‐free mass and improved body
composition is also associated with higher intakes of natural protein intake [30, 31].
Adults with PKU have a higher prevalence of overweight, and females are more overweight/obese than the general population
[27, 32, 33]. Although factors associated with overweight in PKU include relaxation of strict diet therapy, a high carbohydrate
intake and low activity levels [34], causes are probably multifactorial.
Bone health
Osteopenia and osteoporosis may occur, with a lower spine bone mineral density [35], but meta‐analysis of early treated patients
shows that while bone mineral density z scores were lower than healthy peers, they were within normal reference range [36].
Poor bone health is associated with amino acid imbalances; inadequate natural protein intake; low calcium, phosphorus,
magnesium, vitamin D, n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids intakes; low calcium/protein ratios; poor dietary adherence with
micronutrient supplemented protein substitute; low plasma magnesium, zinc and copper concentrations; elevated blood
phenylalanine concentrations and lack of weight bearing exercise [35–37].
Pegvaliase (PEGylated recombinant [Anabaena variabilis] phenylalanine ammonia lyase [PAL]) (Palynziq)
An enzyme substitution therapy given by daily subcutaneous injection. PEGPAL converts phenylalanine into low levels of
ammonia and non‐toxic trans‐cinnamic acid by‐products. This allows patients with PKU to metabolise phenylalanine
independently of PAH residual activity. It is approved by the USA Food and Drug Administration, and the European Medicines
Agency has granted marketing authorisation for patients with PKU aged 16 years and over with blood phenylalanine levels
>600 μmol/L. Its use has not yet been appraised in the NHS. Trial data has demonstrated that 61% of patients were able to
achieve blood phenylalanine levels <360 μmol/L at 24 months of treatment [42] with substantially improved natural protein
intake. Side effects include hypersensitivity type reactions including injection site reactions, anaphylactic episodes, headaches,
and joint pain during the initial stages of dosing with the drug.
Other therapies
Those in development include genetically modified bacteria to lower phenylalanine levels [43] and genome‐targeted gene
therapy [44].
Dietary Management of PKU 517
Dietetic • Primary aim – to prevent adverse neurocognitive and psychological outcomes by restricting protein from natural foods to
management maintain blood phenylalanine levels within the target range while providing enough phenylalanine to support protein
synthesis and avoid catabolism
• Secondary aim – to maintain a healthy nutritional status by providing sufficient low phenylalanine/phenylalanine‐free
protein substitute, energy and other nutrients to support physiological protein synthesis, counterbalance catabolism but
without providing excess energy intake. Protein substitute may be from one of two sources: either phenylalanine‐free
l‐amino acids or low phenylalanine glycomacropeptide (GMP) (p. 520)
Monitoring – Blood phenylalanine levels should be measured weekly in the first year, once every 2 weeks from age 1–12 years and monthly
biochemical >12 years of age. Blood phenylalanine levels should be reported within 5 working days from the time of home blood spot
sampling [21].
For children aged 0–12 years, target blood phenylalanine levels are 120–360 μmol/L. For patients above the age of 12 years
(exception pre‐conception and pregnancy), European PKU guidelines 2017 suggest 120–600 μmol/L to be safe throughout
adolescence and adulthood [21].
Parents should be taught by a specialist nurse how to collect heel or thumb prick dried blood spot samples at home. Blood
samples are posted to the hospital and analysed, usually by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), for phenylalanine (+/−
tyrosine). For patients on dietary treatment, the dietitian should promptly inform the parents/patients of blood phenylalanine
results on the same day of availability, discuss their interpretation and give instruction about any necessary dietary change.
Blood phenylalanine levels should be taken at a standard time each day, preferably before the first dose of protein substitute
in the morning when they are at their highest concentration after an overnight fast [45].
Annual measurement of plasma homocysteine and/or methylmalonic acid, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
and ferritin [21]. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations within the reference range do not indicate a satisfactory vitamin status [38].
Clinical European PKU guidelines 2017 [21] includes evaluation/monitoring for cognitive and executive function, neurological
management involvement, psychosocial and mental health, biochemical nutritional monitoring and pregnancy.
Parent support The National Society for Phenylketonuria (NSPKU)
groups The European Society for Phenylketonuria (ESPKU)
Table 28.3 Tolerance of phenylalanine throughout childhood. Table 28.5 Guide to calculating the weight of 1 g protein exchange
(50 mg phenylalanine) from protein food labels.
Age Phenylalanine (mg/kg)
100 ÷ by the amount of protein per 100 g food = 1 protein exchange
0–6 months 25–60*
Breakfast cereal X contains protein 8.3 g/100 g
7–12 months 25–40 To calculate 1 exchange:
Phenylalanine (mg/day) 100 ÷ 8.3 g = 12 g breakfast cereal X
12 g breakfast cereal X = 1 g protein or 1 protein exchange
1–10 years 200–700*
NB: Always use the protein analysis per 100 g of food and not protein
11–16 years 200–700* analysis per stated food portion size. If using this method for estimating
protein exchange from food portion sizes, see Table 28.7.
This does not take into consideration the additional quantities consumed
from low protein free foods and fruits and vegetables allowed without
measurement/calculation in the diet.
* MacDonald A. Unpublished longitudinal clinical data in 100 patients
Challenging phenylalanine tolerance
with classical/moderate PKU over 20 years: maintaining plasma
phenylalanine 120–360 μmol/L in children aged 1–10 years and From the age of 2 years, if blood phenylalanine control is
120–700 μmol/L in adolescents aged 11–16 years (data collected prior stable, phenylalanine tolerance should be re‐examined from
to European PKU guidelines 2017 [21] using target blood phenylalanine time to time, but particularly at times of rapid growth. Some
levels higher than these recommended guidelines for patients aged adolescents and adults with PKU have been reported to tol-
10 years and older).
erate more natural protein than they had been prescribed
[55]. Any challenge with additional phenylalanine should be
conducted carefully, introducing small measured quantities
(equivalent to 0.5–1.0 g/day natural protein) systematically,
50 mg phenylalanine or 1 g protein exchanges. Generally, ensuring stable blood phenylalanine control within target
for all foods except fruit and vegetables, protein analysis limits before further changes are made. A minimum of three
can be used to calculate exchanges as 1 g protein pro- consecutive blood phenylalanine levels within target range
vides 50 mg phenylalanine. Fruit and vegetables gener- should be achieved before further challenge is considered.
ally contain a lower concentration of phenylalanine
(<50 mg/1 g protein) compared with their protein con-
tent, so phenylalanine analysis is used to calculate phe- Low protein foods
nylalanine exchanges from fruits and vegetables.
• Each patient is allocated a total daily amount of natural There are some foods that are naturally very low in protein
protein/phenylalanine; the number of exchanges to that can be eaten in normal portion sizes in the diet without
make up this daily allowance is then calculated measurement (Table 28.9). They are referred to as exchange‐
(Table 28.4) [49]. One food can be exchanged or substi- free foods [51].
tuted for another of equivalent phenylalanine content. The European Commission and Consumers Regulation (EU)
No more than 50% of the natural protein/phenylalanine No. 1169/2011 on the provision of food information for con-
allowance should be given at any one meal. A guide to sumers states that manufacturers need not declare protein con-
calculating the weight of 1 g protein exchange (50 mg tent if manufactured foods contain ≤0.5 g/100 g protein, and so
phenylalanine) from protein food labels is given in foods may be listed as containing 0 g protein even if they have
Table 28.5. A guide to using protein/phenylalanine protein‐containing ingredients. This has contributed to some
exchanges is given in Table 28.6. unclear protein labelling on manufactured foods. However, the
British Inherited Metabolic Disease Group (BIMDG) dietitians
have examined the protein content of manufactured foods and
Table 28.4 Examples of phenylalanine/protein exchange systems have defined for each food group the foods that can be consid-
for PKU. ered exchange‐free in PKU (Table 28.9) [51].
Table 28.6 Guide to using 1 g (50 mg phenylalanine) protein exchange foods.
1. Exchange foods are generally sourced from low biological protein foods such as potatoes, peas, sweetcorn, rice, pasta and breakfast cereals.
Yoghurt or milk are useful protein sources in older infants and toddlers if appetite is poor
2. It is preferable to weigh foods with digital scales rather than using household measurements, which are not accurate
3. Ideally exchanges should be spread evenly throughout the day so that a phenylalanine load is not given at any one time [50]
4. It is useful to teach parents and patients to calculate 1 g protein exchanges directly from food protein labelling on packages. An example on how
to calculate 1 g protein exchanges is given in Table 28.5. ‘Pocket‐size protein calculators’ are helpful and are available from the NSPKU. Their
website also provides a downloadable PKU exchange calculator
5. If protein exchange amounts are calculated from food portion sizes listed on food labels, then the protein content per item should be rounded up
or down to the nearest 0.5 g protein using the rule for rounding numbers (Table 28.7) [51]
6. All parents/caregivers should be advised to read food label ingredient lists. Occasionally food protein labelling errors occur that can be
detected by checking the list of ingredients. For example, if a food states that it contains protein <0.5 g/100 g but the first or second ingredient
is wheat flour, then the protein label is likely to be incorrect. Patients should be encouraged to report protein labelling errors to their dietitian
and food supplier.
7. For foods such as ice cream, weight rather than volume should be used to calculate the protein exchange amount. The protein value may
be expressed per 100 g or per 100 mL on food labels. The weight of 100 mL ice cream is not the same as 100 g ice cream because of the
difference in density. The density is influenced by the ‘free’ air a manufacturer whips into the ice cream. Ice cream has a minimum density
of approx. 50 g per 100 mL, but brands of ice cream that contain solid ingredients such as chocolate chips will have higher densities (up to
90 g per 100 mL)
8. Fruits and vegetables:
• Fruits and vegetables containing phenylalanine >75 mg/100 g are counted as exchange foods. Phenylalanine content up to 75 mg/100 g are
exchange‐free [21] as they do not significantly elevate plasma phenylalanine concentrations and can be safely given free [52]
• Fruits and vegetables containing phenylalanine 76–99 mg/100 g (e.g. cauliflower, broccoli) use a standard weight of 60 g as one phenylalanine
exchange (Table 28.8)
• Fruits and vegetables containing phenylalanine ≥100 mg/100 g (e.g. peas, sweetcorn) use the actual phenylalanine content per 100 g to calculate
the weight of food to provide one phenylalanine exchange (Table 28.8) [53]
9. Potatoes should be calculated as part of the phenylalanine/protein allowance. They have a higher phenylalanine/protein ratio than most other
fruits and vegetables. If potato products contain additional exchange ingredients, e.g. wheat flour or milk, then the protein analysis on the packet
should always be used to determine their exchange amount
10. Cooked crisps (snacks) made from vegetables such as beetroot or parsnips are concentrated in phenylalanine and should be counted within the
phenylalanine allowance
11. Theoretically any foods can be eaten as exchanges, but high protein foods can only be given in small amounts. Young children do not understand
exchange systems and have difficulty in understanding why they cannot eat more of these foods. It would seem inappropriate to accustom their
palate to high protein foods when they cannot eat adequate quantities to satisfy appetite
Table 28.7 Guidance for calculating protein exchange amounts [51] from food portion sizes on food labels.
Table 28.8 Basic 50 mg phenylalanine exchanges for infant formula, fruits and vegetables (using phenylalanine analysis) and 1 g protein exchanges
for dairy products.
compared with normal diets although data around this topic The provision of protein substitute is essential. Its func-
is too limited to draw conclusions [56]. tions include:
It has long been established that utilisation of dietary pro-
• prevention of protein deficiency
tein is influenced by energy intake [57–59]. Protein synthesis
• supporting growth
and catabolism are energy dependent and thus are sensitive
• provision of tyrosine
to dietary energy deprivation. Insulin is secreted in response
• optimisation of metabolic control by promoting anabo-
to CHO (and protein) promoting cellular uptake and the use
lism and/or ability of individual large neutral amino
of amino acids. Energy and/or glucose depletion will result
acids (LNAA) to alter phenylalanine transport at gut epi-
in phenylalanine breakdown (gluconeogenesis) to meet min-
thelial level [60]
imal glucose requirements, which can ultimately lead to a
• 35%–50% of the total l‐amino acids content is from
loss of blood phenylalanine control. It is not uncommon to
LNAA; these provide competition with phenylalanine
observe this in young children with classical PKU who may
and block its transport across the blood–brain barrier
have poor appetites. Regular monitoring of energy intake is
[61], both decreasing brain phenylalanine and increasing
brain tyrosine and tryptophan
• prevention of micronutrient deficiencies; most protein
Protein substitutes substitutes are supplemented with additional vitamins
and minerals in amounts that meet requirements provid-
Phenylalanine (Phe)‐free or low Phe protein substitute is the ing they are prescribed in adequate dosages
primary source of protein or protein equivalent in a low phe-
nylalanine diet, typically providing between 50% and 80% of
Casein glycomacropeptide
the total protein intake, depending on the severity of PKU. It
is derived from synthetic protein. Traditionally based on CGMP is a low Phe protein source used as an alternative to
Phe‐free l‐amino acids, more recently casein glycomacro- l‐amino acids in the treatment of PKU. Found in cheese whey,
peptide (CGMP) is also being used in products for children it is associated with better taste and improved nitrogen reten-
aged 4 years and above. tion [62]. In PKU mice studies, it has been shown to improve
Dietary Management of PKU 521
Table 28.9 Foods that can be allowed without measurement (exchange‐free) in PKU [51].
Fruits and vegetables • Fruits and vegetables given in Table 28.10 [21, 52, 54]
Fats • Butter, margarine, ghee, vegetable oils
Starches • Cassava flour, arrowroot, cornflour, custard powder, sago, tapioca and tapioca starch providing they contain protein
≤0.5 g/100 g
Vegan products • Some vegan protein free cheeses (e.g. Violife), chicken substitutes (e.g. Violife), shrimp and salmon substitutes (e.g.
Sophie’s Kitchen) containing protein ≤0.5 g/100 g. They are based on vegetable oil and plant starches. Any vegan food
products containing >0.5 g/100 g of protein should be calculated as part of the protein exchange system, e.g. modified
soya‐based cheeses
Sugars • Sugar, glucose, jam, honey, marmalade, golden syrup, maple syrup, icing sugar, buttercream, sweets containing
protein ≤0.5 g/100 g
Drinks • All drinks must be free of aspartame.* Water, squash, lemonade, cola drinks, fruit juice; black tea, fruit tea, mint tea,
green tea, coffee; tonic water, soda water, mineral water
• Plant milks, e.g. rice† or coconut milk, should be counted as part of protein exchange system (unless protein content
provides ≤0.1 g/100 mL)
• Milk shake liquids and powders, e.g. Crusha, Nesquick, containing protein ≤0.5 g/100 g and aspartame‐free
Pickles • All clear pickles in vinegar, e.g. pickled onions, gherkins, red cabbage
Miscellaneous • Vegetarian jelly, agar‐agar, salt, pepper, herbs, spices, seasonings, vinegar, tomato and brown sauce, baking powder,
bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar, food essences and colouring. The protein content of some foods (e.g. herbs and
spices) is relatively high, but because they are only used in small amounts, they are considered exchange‐free
• Gravy mixes containing protein ≤0.5 g/100 mL when diluted. Tabletop sauces and cook‐in sauces containing protein
≤1.0 g/100 g
• Soya sauces containing protein ≤1.5 g/100 g
Low protein special foods • A selection of low protein (LP) breads, flour mixes, pizza bases, pasta, biscuits, egg replacers and milk replacements
available on (ACBS) are available on prescription (ACBS) in the UK
prescription • Most LP foods are exchange‐free provided their listed ingredients are also exchange‐free. If they do contain exchange
ingredients such as milk, but total phenylalanine content is ≤25 mg/100 g, they are exchange‐free
• Some LP foods contain protein/phenylalanine ingredients. If their phenylalanine content is >25 mg/100 g, e.g. potato‐
based low protein snack pots, burger mixes, milk replacements, these should be calculated as part of the exchange
• A list of all low protein prescribable foods is available from the NSPKU website
• Age‐based guidelines on the number of units of ACBS‐approved low protein foods that can be prescribed each month
are given on the NSPKU website. This is calculated to provide around 50% of daily energy intake
Energy supplements If appetite is poor and energy intake is low, energy supplements such as glucose polymer, fat emulsions or combined
energy/fat supplements may be needed to maintain phenylalanine control
bone health and acts as a probiotic [63]. Unmodified CGMP is phenylalanine levels in well‐treated children with PKU.
low in some EAA or semi‐EAA such arginine, cysteine, histi- Therefore, it is essential CGMP substitutes are systematically
dine, tryptophan, leucine, lysine and tyrosine. When CGMP introduced when replacing Phe‐free l‐amino acids in chil-
is used as a protein substitute in PKU, it is supplemented dren under 12 years of age [64, 65]. Only one dose of CGMP
with deficient amino acids (except phenylalanine). CGMP should replace one dose of Phe‐free l‐amino acids at any one
protein substitutes, usually with added vitamins and min- time, and stability of blood phenylalanine control must be
eral, are available in powdered, liquid and bar presentations established (at least 3–4 serial blood phenylalanine concen-
(Table 28.A.1). Almost all CGMP protein is sourced from one trations within target range) before replacing a second dose.
supplier, and UK CGMP substitutes adapted for PKU mainly CGMP substitutes should not be used in children <4 years of
provide 1.8 mg phenylalanine for each 1 g protein equivalent age as there are no studies examining efficacy in this age
[63]. Taking 60 g/day of protein from CGMP substitutes (the group. Some brands of CGMP substitutes are higher in CHO
average adolescent/adult dose) provides an extra 108 mg/ and fat and provide a high energy intake. It is advisable not
day phenylalanine. It is established that if CGMP supplies the to mix powdered CGMP products with low protein milk,
entire daily dose of protein substitute, it increases blood such as Prozero and SnoPro, as this will add extra energy.
522 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.10 Fruits and vegetables that are exchange-free in PKU [53, 54].
Type of protein
substitute Advantages Disadvantages
Powdered Phe‐free • Nutritionally similar to standard infant formula except • May not contain novel nutrients like prebiotics
infant formula Phe‐free, tyrosine supplemented and higher in Phe‐free
protein content (approximately 2 g/100 mL formula)
• Contain LCPUFA and may contain novel nutrients such as
• Usually similar preparation instructions to standard infant
Weaning/spoonable • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals ± DHA/EPA • Concentrated so needs to be administered with extra water
protein substitutes from • Proven to be a successful way of administering l‐amino • Low energy so advice regarding adequate energy
6 months of age. acids but need to be introduced in this format early in a provided from solid foods is necessary
Designed to be given child’s life (preferably from 6 months of age) [54, 55] • Poor taste but most infants adapt
as a semi‐solid • Useful to accustom a young child to the taste of l‐amino • Can be difficult to administer during teething and
consistency from a acids in the weaning period intercurrent illness
spoon • Low volume • Some spoonable protein substitutes thicken on standing
• Pre‐measured in a sachet • Should be prepared immediately prior to administration
• Less convenient than readymade protein substitutes; spoon
and water always need to be available for administration
Protein substitutes • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals ± DHA/EPA • Should be administered with additional water as a drink
suitable for children • Flexible as amount of water added can be varied to make • Poor taste
over 1 year of age. a low volume concentrated drink or higher volume more • Can be difficult to administer during teething
These powders are dilute drink • Needs preparation immediately prior to administration;
mainly presented as • Can be flavoured the smell may be stronger if left reconstituted for
flavoured/unflavoured some time
powders (in cans/ • Less convenient; always needs water available for
pre‐measured sachets) preparation
Ready to drink bottles • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals ± DHA/EPA • High volume
for children over 1 year • Ready to use/convenient • Poor taste
• Can be difficult to administer during teething
• More difficult to transport due to weight of liquids
Protein substitute • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals ± DHA/EPA • Poor taste
powders suitable from • Usually available in pre‐measured sachets (convenient • Less convenient; needs water available for preparation
3 to 4 years or older and easy to transport)
• Concentrated in amino acids so low volume
• Flexible as the amount of water added can be adjusted to
prepare a low volume concentrated drink or higher
volume more dilute drink
• Can be flavoured or available in different flavours
Ready to use liquid • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals ± DHA/EPA • Poor taste
pouches suitable from • Pre‐measured doses of protein substitute in low volume • Smaller volume pouches need extra water given due to
3 years of age • Convenient osmolality
• Different flavours available • More difficult to transport due to weight of liquids
• Usually low CHO/low fat/low energy
• Packaging presentation acceptable
Ready to use semi‐solid • Supplemented with vitamins and minerals ± DHA/EPA • Poor taste
protein substitutes • Pre‐measured doses of protein substitute in low volume • Small volume needs extra water given due to osmolality
• Convenient • More difficult to transport due to weight of product
• Usually low CHO/low fat/low energy • Always need a spoon to administer
• Packaging presentation acceptable
Tablets • Only some are supplemented with vitamins and minerals • Large number of tablets required
• Taste of l‐amino acids is masked in tablet format so useful • Needs to be administered with water
for patients who do not like the taste of liquid or • Not suitable for younger children
powdered products
• Low energy
Ready to use semi‐solid • Usually supplemented with vitamins and minerals • Taste fatigue
protein substitute bars • Novel presentation • Large number of bars needed to meet requirements
• Not palatable
Phe, phenylalanine; LCPUFA, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; CHO, carbohydrate.
Feeding and Management of Newly Diagnosed Infants with PKU 525
Table 28.13 Strategies for encouraging protein substitute in children. of DHA in plasma and membrane phospholipids compared
with controls without additional supplementation.
Caregivers should be patient, calm and encouraging while remaining DHA ± EPA supplements should be given if not already
added to the protein substitute (Table 28.A.1). The optimal
Establish a routine for protein substitute: always give at the same time dosage of DHA ± EPA in children is not established, but
each day
between 140 and 500 mg daily are provided by protein sub-
Continue to offer protein substitute even when a child refuses or is stitutes for children aged between 2 and 16 years.
unwell. Giving a child a ‘day off’ from protein substitute will adversely
affect their metabolic control and give the wrong message. Stopping a
protein substitute, even for 24 hours, may create difficulties with its Micronutrients
reintroduction, particularly in young children
With young children, if taken with meals, it may be better to offer Vitamins and minerals are added to most protein substitutes,
protein substitute before food while they are hungry so providing an adequate dose is prescribed, no additional
If more than one person administers the protein substitute, ensure that supplementation is necessary. If either a low dose of protein
all caregivers involved apply the same strategies in the same way substitute is taken, or protein substitute does not supply vita-
It is good practice to ensure that no protein substitute is left behind in mins and minerals, additional vitamin and mineral supple-
containers or pouches mentation is essential. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are
An adult should always supervise the intake of protein substitute at now uncommon in PKU. Suitable supplements that can be
home, nursery or school prescribed are given in Table 28.14. To improve micronutrient
availability, it is best to administer all vitamin and mineral
supplements in two to three equal doses throughout the day.
FruitiVits Vitaflo UK 6 g sachet From 3 years Orange‐flavoured powdered vitamin, trace element and mineral
mix. Contains minimal amount of carbohydrate, sodium and
potassium. Mix with water
Paediatric Nutricia Suggested daily dose: 0–14 years Powdered vitamin, trace element and mineral mix containing
Seravit • Age 0–6 months 14 g only trace amounts of sodium and potassium on a carbohydrate
• Age 7–12 months 17 g base; designed for infants and children; unflavoured and
• Age 1–7 years 25 g pineapple flavour. Mix with water or suitable fruit juice
• Age 7–14 years 35 g
Phlexy‐Vits Nutricia 7 g sachet or 5 tablets >11 years Unflavoured comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement;
does not contain sodium and potassium; available in powder and
tablets. Powder can be mixed with water or fruit juice; better to
consume immediately after mixing
Forceval Alliance Recommended dose by >6 years Effervescent tablet. Contains all vitamins and minerals but
Junior soluble Pharmaceuticals manufacturer only one contains no calcium, phosphorus, sodium, inositol, choline and
tablet Ltd. daily only a small amount of potassium and magnesium.
If no other source of vitamins and minerals, 1 tablet dose is low
in vitamins A, D, folic acid, iron, zinc, selenium and iodine.
Dissolve in 125–200 mL water
Forceval Alliance Recommended dose by >12 years Effervescent tablet. Contains all vitamins and minerals except
soluble tablet Pharmaceuticals manufacturer only one vitamin K, inositol and choline but contains no sodium and only
Ltd. daily a small amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and
magnesium. Dissolve tablet in 125–200 mL water.
Inadequate intake of natural protein 1. Ensure all prescribed intake of natural protein/exchanges are eaten
2. Check understanding of exchange system
Anabolic phase following an intercurrent 1. Ensure all prescribed intake of natural protein/exchanges are eaten and energy intake is adequate
infection 2. Repeat blood phenylalanine level. If level is still low, consider an increase in natural protein by
1 g/day; careful blood phenylalanine monitoring is required as the increase in extra
phenylalanine tolerance may be temporary
Rapid growth spurt such as puberty 1. Ensure all prescribed intake of natural protein/exchanges are eaten and energy intake is adequate
2. Repeat blood phenylalanine level; if level is still low, consider an increase in natural protein by
1 g/day; careful blood phenylalanine monitoring is required during any increase in natural
protein intake
◦◦ It is convenient and reduces the number of bottles • Alternatively, the calculated volume of standard infant
that needs to be given and helps establish good formula and Phe‐free infant formula can be mixed
mother–infant bonding together, but it is then essential that the full volume is
◦◦ It gives the mother some control over the feeding consumed. A disadvantage of mixing the source of phe-
process nylalanine (standard infant formula) with Phe‐free infant
• BF is based on the principle of giving a measured volume formula is that the infant will not easily adapt to the taste
of a Phe‐free infant formula before each breastfeed, so of the Phe‐free infant formula. Therefore, when phenyla-
inhibiting the baby’s appetite and, hence, suckling. This lanine from food exchanges is introduced and the quan-
reduces the amount of breastmilk taken so lowering phe- tity of standard infant formula is reduced, the Phe‐free
nylalanine intake. infant formula may be less acceptable and consequently
• Babies can still feed on demand, with a varying number refused.
of feeds from day to day, provided the Phe‐free infant • Ensuring a minimum volume of Phe‐free infant formula
formula is always given first. The volume given at each is consumed is just as important as ensuring all the phe-
feed changes according to blood phenylalanine concen- nylalanine source is taken (some infants may require the
trations and frequency of breastfeeds, from 30 to 50 mL Phe‐free formula to be given first to ensure the mini-
per feed. Most breastfed infants will take 6–8 feeds of mum volume is consumed). The total volume provided
Phe‐free infant formula daily. by the two formulas should equate to a feed volume of
• Once blood phenylalanine concentrations are stabilised 150–200 mL/kg/day. The Phe‐free infant formula and
within target treatment ranges, if phenylalanine levels source of phenylalanine (standard infant formula)
then increase >360 μmol/L, the Phe‐free infant formula is should be given at the same feed to deliver the correct
increased by 10 mL per feed; the amount of breastmilk balance of all EAA.
decreases accordingly.
The quantity of standard infant formula is adjusted by
• If phenylalanine concentrations are <120 μmol/L, the
25–50 mg phenylalanine/day according to blood phenylala-
Phe‐free infant formula is decreased by 10 mL per feed,
nine concentrations. If blood phenylalanine concentrations
with breastmilk being increased by similar quantities.
are <120 μmol/L, the standard infant formula is increased. If
• Local and international BF practices vary in PKU [78]. The
the blood phenylalanine is >360 μmol/L, the daily dietary
baby should be weighed weekly for the first 6–8 weeks.
phenylalanine is decreased by 25–50 mg providing the infant
BF can continue for as long as the mother and baby desire.
is well, gaining weight and drinking adequate quantities of
Phe‐free infant formula.
An example feeding plan is given in Tables 28.17 and
Bottle feeding
28.18. A case study is given in Table 28.22.
• Once phenylalanine concentrations are <1000 μmol/L,
50 mg/kg/day of phenylalanine from standard infant Introduction of solids
formula should be introduced (Table 28.8). The total
daily amount of calculated infant formula is divided • Solids should be introduced around 17–26 weeks of age
between 6 and 7 feeds. starting with 1–2 teaspoons of natural low protein
• Traditionally, it is recommended standard infant formula exchange‐free foods such as homemade purée fruits and
is given first to ensure the entire phenylalanine source is vegetables, e.g. apple, pear, carrot, butternut squash and
given, followed by the Phe‐free infant formula that can parsnip. A wide variety of homemade weaning foods or
be fed to appetite, with guidance on an acceptable mini- commercial baby foods containing exchange‐free ingre-
mum volume to give. dients only should be encouraged.
528 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.17 Example of a daily feeding plan for a 4 kg infant with PKU having infant formula.
Aim: To provide 50 mg phenylalanine/kg/day and 3 g total protein equivalent/kg/day (using natural protein and Phe‐free infant formula)
• Total fluid intake = 200 mL/kg/day = 800 mL daily
• 90 mL Cow & Gate First Infant Milk (reconstituted from powder) = 50 mg phenylalanine
• Total number of feeds = 6
Phenylalanine requirement 50 mg/kg/day = 4 × 50 mg = 200 mg phenylalanine/day
• Daily formula intake from Cow & Gate First Infant Milk = 4 × 90 mL = 360 mL daily
• Total fluid requirement = 800 mL
• Fluid from Cow & Gate First Infant Milk = 360 mL
• Deficit = 440 mL (800–360 mL)
Feed deficit made up with Phe‐free infant formula, e.g. PKU Anamix Infant, PKU Start = 440 mL/day
Feeding plan
First feed: 60 mL × 6 feeds of Cow & Gate First Infant Milk
Second feed: 75 mL × 6 feeds of PKU Anamix Infant/PKU Start (more can be given if the infant is hungry)
However, in this calculation, a ‘generous’ intake is already provided, and a variable daily volume of Phe‐free infant formula may lead to an uneven
blood phenylalanine profile
Table 28.18 Nutritional analysis of a daily feeding plan for a 4 kg infant with PKU having infant formula.
Aim: To provide 50 mg phenylalanine/kg/day and total protein equivalent 3 g/kg/day (using natural protein and Phe‐free infant formula)
Protein Phenylalanine Fluid
kcal kJ equivalent (g) intake (mg/day) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) (mL)
360 mL Cow & Gate First Infant Milk (41 g dry weight) 238 990 4.7 191 26.6 12.2 360
450 mL PKU Anamix Infant (68 g dry weight) 311 1292 9 0 33.3 15.8 450
Total 549 2282 13.7 191 59.9 28 810
Intake per kg 137 571 3.4 48 202
% energy intake 10% 2% 41% 46%
• Low protein weaning foods are usually offered after the Phe‐free infant formula.) 1 g natural protein exchange
breast or formula feeds, so it does not alter the volume of should be introduced, gradually replacing all breast or
breastmilk/formula consumed. The intake of Phe‐free formula feeds with the equivalent natural protein source
infant formula should be carefully monitored to ensure from solid food. Foods such as purée potato, peas,
the amount is adequate. At this stage, the low protein yoghurt, ordinary rusks, baby rice or vegetable based
food is mainly offered for the infant to establish a taste weaning foods in jars or tins are useful protein exchange
for solids foods, and they usually accept these without foods. Cheese‐flavoured sauce mixes (given as exchange
difficulty [79]. food) can be introduced from the age of 6 months.
• Many low protein weaning foods have a low energy den- • More textured food should be gradually introduced from
sity, so higher energy weaning foods should be encour- 6 to 8 months with breakfast cereals, e.g. wheat biscuits
aged: low protein rusks mixed with cooled boiled water or oat based cereal, and mashed potato for protein
to a smooth paste; low protein pasta meal as a ‘porridge’ exchanges.
replacement or low protein breakfast cereal; custard • Finger foods can be given from 7 months of age: fingers
made with protein‐free liquid milk replacements, e.g. of low protein toast; soft fruits such as bananas, straw-
Prozero, SnoPro. Weaning foods are gradually increased berries and peaches; soft vegetable sticks; fingers of low
to three times daily. protein cheese; low protein bread sticks; low protein
• Once infants are taking 8–12 teaspoons at a time, natural rusks and biscuits. The Phe‐free infant formula or a pro-
protein exchange foods are given instead of the equiva- tein‐free milk replacement can be introduced from a
lent quantity of infant formula or a breastfeed. (One feeder beaker at 7 months of age.
breastfeed in combination with Phe‐free infant formula • From 9 months, low protein pasta dishes; sandwiches
is likely to provide approximately 1.0–1.5 g natural pro- made with low protein bread; chopped low protein
tein, but this amount is determined by the number of burgers or sausages; finger exchange foods such as mini‐
breastfeeds consumed in 24 hours and the amount of waffles, potato shapes and rice cakes.
Parent/caregiver Approach and Support 529
Table 28.19 Plan for introducing spoonable Phe‐free l‐amino acid substitutes in infants from the age of 5–6 months.
A boy aged 5–12 months with PKU on 4 g natural protein (200 mg phenylalanine) daily and 3 g/kg/day total protein equivalent
If the infant takes less Phe‐free infant formula, then the amount of spoonable protein substitute should increase.
530 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.20 Issues to consider when feeding different age groups of children with PKU.
Factors Guidance
Protein substitute Maintenance of protein substitute intake to support protein synthesis. It may be better for this to be given in smaller,
frequent doses throughout the day. Try to control fever (temperature ≥38 °C) prior to administration to avoid vomiting
High carbohydrate intake Encourage high carbohydrate fruit juices/glucose polymer solution
Natural protein intake There is no need to formally omit natural protein. Catabolism will probably increase blood substrate amino acid
concentrations more than natural protein. However, in practice, a reduced appetite leads to a lower natural protein intake
Fluids Give regular drinks, particularly if there is high temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea. Oral rehydration solutions
(aspartame‐free) are suitable
Medications All treatment specific medication should be continued during illness. Medications should be free of aspartame.
Continue sapropterin if prescribed
Treat precipitating factors For example, antipyretics for fever; antibiotics (aspartame‐free) for infections
Table 28.22 Case study: a newborn screened infant with PKU being breastfed.
Dietary intervention:
Breastfeeding was stopped for 24 hours only.
The infant was started on a Phe‐free infant formula given on demand.
The mother kept a daily record of all formula taken (the amounts and times) to estimate total feed intake.
The mother was advised to express breastmilk at least 6 times in 24 hours, and her local midwife was contacted to provide support.
Supplies of the specialist formula were organised (with parental consent) through a home delivery company who liaised with the GP.
The infant drank 60–90 mL of Phe‐free infant formula every 2–3 hours.
Twenty‐four hours later, blood phenylalanine had rapidly lowered = 1210 μmol/L.
Breastfeeding was recommenced; 50 mL of Phe‐free infant formula was introduced prior to each breastfeed.
Within a further 48 hours, the blood phenylalanine reduced = 210 μmol/L, the specialist formula was reduced to 40 mL prior to each breastfeed.
The mother was worried the baby was taking too little breastmilk, but with encouragement and reassurance she was happy to continue breastfeeding
in combination with the Phe‐free formula.
The baby was weighed weekly for the first 6 weeks and gained weight satisfactorily.
Blood spot phenylalanine concentrations were measured twice weekly, and within 2 weeks the parents had both learnt how to take blood samples.
The dietitian reported results to the parents on the same day of availability.
During the first 10 weeks of life, there was little variability in the blood phenylalanine concentrations, almost all = 120–360 μmol/L.
Gradually, phenylalanine concentrations increased to >300 μmol/L.
The baby was only taking six breastfeeds in 24 hours and was feeding for a longer duration at each feed. The Phe‐free infant formula was increased to
50 mL and then 60 mL before each breastfeed until almost all phenylalanine concentrations were maintained well within the target treatment range.
The mother continued to give two to three breast feeds daily until the baby was 10 months old.
532 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Enzyme Branched chain 2‐ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKD) complex that is composed of three catalytic enzymes (Figure 28.3). It is
the second enzyme in the catabolic pathway of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA): leucine, isoleucine, valine.
Biochemical defect The first step of BCAA catabolism is their transamination to form the branched chain keto acids. The second shared step in
the degradation of the branched chain keto acids is irreversible and catalysed by BCKD enzyme. Deficiency results in maple
syrup urine disease (MSUD) with:
• ↑ accumulation of plasma leucine, isoleucine and valine
• ↑ 2‐ketoacids in plasma, urine and cerebrospinal fluid
• l‐alloisoleucine is always present (≥5 μmol/L) and is pathognomic for MSUD
• ketonuria is present without treatment, poor metabolic control or catabolic stress
• ↑ molar ratio of leucine to other amino acids such as alanine, glutamine and tyrosine [81]
On presentation, plasma leucine levels are commonly 1000–5000 μmol/L (normal reference range 65–220 μmol/L).
Non‐classic forms of MSUD have lower presenting concentrations of BCAA.
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance
• >260 mutations reported.
• Estimated prevalence is 1 in 150 000 worldwide but is more common in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Malaysia [82].
Newborn screening • Screening is by measurement of combined concentrations of leucine, isoleucine and alloisoleucine in dried blood spots
using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). More information on UK screening and diagnostic and clinical management
protocols can be found at and Newborn blood spot screening: laboratory guide for IMDs
(inherited metabolic diseases).
• UK infants are screened aged day 5; infants with classic MSUD may be symptomatic before newborn screening (NBS)
results are available
• NBS will detect patients with classic MSUD, but may not detect intermediate or intermittent forms that have a spectrum
of clinical and biochemical severity; milder variant forms of MSUD may have normal leucine levels in the newborn
Clinical onset Clinical phenotype can be divided into five types based on clinical presentation and severity; classical, intermediate,
presentation, features intermittent, thiamin‐responsive and E3‐deficient forms. The distinction between classic and intermediate type is not
absolute [83].
• Classic MSUD: 0%–2% enzyme activity, presents at the age of 2–3 days with ketonuria, intense sweet malty caramel
smell, irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, leading to lethargy, seizures, brain oedema, encephalopathic crisis, coma,
central respiratory failure and even death
• Intermediate MSUD: 3%–30% of normal enzyme activity, may appear healthy as a neonate, but present with anorexia,
developmental delay, faltering growth and metabolic encephalopathy triggered by intercurrent illness or other catabolic
• Intermittent MSUD: 3%–30% enzyme activity, presentation at any age, normal growth and neurological development, but
may present with encephalopathy triggered by catabolic state (e.g. intercurrent illness or increased protein intake),
between episodes plasma BCAA are normal
• Thiamin‐responsive: A cofactor for BCKD complex with 2%–40% enzyme activity; thiamin‐responsive phenotype is
similar to intermediate MSUD
• Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase deficiency (E3‐deficiency): 8%–20% enzyme activity, early‐onset neurologic
phenotype: hypotonia, developmental delay, microcephaly, vomiting, hepatomegaly, lethargy, seizures, spasticity, Leigh‐
type encephalopathy and lactic acidosis
In MSUD, acute elevations of leucine and alpha‐ketoisocaproic acid (αKIC) due to trauma, surgery, illness, excess protein
intake and dietary non‐adherence increase the risk of metabolic decompensation, causing acute metabolic encephalopathy
and life‐threatening cerebral oedema.
Long‐term Without early and effective treatment, children develop severe and permanent brain damage, including spasticity, and may
complications and die within the first few months of life. With early diagnosis and diligent dietary management, the outcome is improving.
outcome Children with milder variants of MSUD tend to have better outcomes [84], but all patients are vulnerable to rapid
deterioration associated with catabolic stress. Treated individuals have average low IQs, inattention, hyperactivity,
generalised anxiety, depression and movement disorders. Some attend normal schools and have normal IQ scores.
Intellectual outcome is related to the length of time after birth that plasma leucine concentrations are >1000 μmol/L and
quality of long‐term metabolic control. High leucine levels are associated with psychological comorbidity (particularly long
periods of leucine toxicity and recurrent acute decompensations) [85]. Pancreatitis has been documented during acute
intercurrent illness/leucine intoxication [83].
Maple Syrup Urine Disease 533
3-Methylglutaryl-CoA (6)
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA Propionyl-CoA
(5) (5) (7)
Acetoacetate Acetyl-CoA Methylmalonyl-CoA
1. Maple syrup urine disease Succinyl-CoA
2. Isovaleric acidaemia
3. 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
4. 3-Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase deficiency
5. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency
6. 2-Methylacetoacetyl-CoA thiolase deficiency
7. Propionic acidaemia
8. Methylmalonic acidaemia
Figure 28.3 Selected inborn errors of the catabolic pathways of branched chain amino acids.
Dietetic management • The aim is to maintain plasma BCAA concentrations within a target treatment range that is not associated with
neurotoxicity (that can cause encephalopathy and cerebral oedema). Dietary restriction of leucine, valine and isoleucine
is necessary while avoiding their deficiency.
• Dietary principles are similar to PKU. To ensure adequate protein synthesis, energy intake should meet estimated average
requirements for age [98]. Low protein/exchange‐free foods are similar as for PKU (Table 28.9). Generally, any foods
containing protein ≤0.5 g/100 g weight are considered exchange‐free. Suitable fruits and vegetables given without
measurement are listed in Table 28.23.
• Low protein special foods (e.g. bread, pasta, cereals) are an important source of energy, but some contain higher amounts of
leucine (Table 28.24); these should be calculated as part of the leucine exchange allowance.
• If appetite is poor, additional energy supplements such as glucose polymer or fat emulsions may be necessary to minimise
catabolism. Tube feeding may be required in a few cases. Long periods of fasting should be avoided, particularly in young
children as blood leucine increases with fasting.
• In classical MSUD, leucine tolerance is likely to vary from 400 to 700 mg/day in children [87] and is allocated in 50 mg
leucine exchanges (this is equivalent to approximately 0.5 g protein) (Table 28.25).
The diet is supplemented with leucine, valine and isoleucine‐free l‐amino acids, with dosage and distribution similar to a
low phenylalanine diet in PKU (p. 525). Age‐specific MSUD amino acids are available, but the choice is more limited than
for PKU (e.g. MSUD Anamix Infant, MSUD Anamix Junior, MSUD Gel, MSUD Lophlex LQ, MSUD Cooler 10, 15, 20,
MSUD Maxamum). Total daily protein requirements are given in Table 28.26. They are usually supplemented with vitamins
and minerals, and, if an adequate dose is prescribed, dietary reference values of micronutrients should be met. Details of
presentation, composition, age suitability and preparation can be found on the manufacturers’ websites:, Similar products are available outside the UK:,,, www.milupa‐ Separate flavour packs are also available.
Additional valine and isoleucine supplements are invariably necessary. Valine supplementation has a low affinity for the
blood–brain barrier LAT1 transporter, and it is especially vulnerable to competitive inhibition by leucine [83]. Failure to
provide adequate isoleucine and/or valine for protein synthesis during acute metabolic decompensation slows the rate at
which blood leucine decreases. In infants and children, a suggested starting dose of 50–100 mg/day of valine and/or
isoleucine should be given if isoleucine and/or valine are below target treatment range. The dose is then titrated according to
plasma valine and isoleucine concentrations.
Separate valine (50 or 1000 mg) and isoleucine (50 or 1000 mg) supplements are available in pre‐measured sachets (www. A small amount of carbohydrate (CHO) (3.8 g/4 g sachet) is added to each 50 mg valine/isoleucine sachet. This
CHO should be calculated in infant and ER feeds (dosage with ER feeds is given on p. 539 and in newly diagnosed infants
on p. 535). Valine and isoleucine supplements should be given in three doses throughout the day and added to the BCAA‐
free amino acid substitute or low protein milk.
Table 28.23 Fruits and vegetables allowed without measurement target treatment levels. The stimulation of a high rate of pro-
in MSUD [46, 99]. tein synthesis and to minimise catabolism is essential to aid
removal of leucine from the plasma pool.
Treatment of the infant with MSUD includes the
Fresh, frozen or tinned in syrup (<1 g protein/100 g or <30 mg following:
leucine/100 g)
• Immediate removal of toxic metabolites by continuous
Apples Guava Oranges venovenous extra corporeal therapies (CECRT) including
Apricots Kiwi fruit Peaches haemodialysis and haemofiltration [103], reducing leu-
Blackberries Lemons Pears
cine to almost 1000 μmol/L or lower within 24 hours irre-
spective of initial leucine concentration in neonates [104].
Blackcurrants Limes Pineapples
• Newborn screening by MS/MS may lead to earlier treat-
Clementines Loganberries Plums ment and prevent the need for CECRT [105] with dietary
Cherries Loquats Pomegranates treatment alone normalising leucine levels within 2–3 days.
Cranberries Lychees Raspberries • BF and infant formula (leucine source) are stopped
Damsons Mandarins Rhubarb
• The rate of decrease of blood leucine concentrations
Fruit salad Mangoes Satsumas should be >750 μmol/L per 24 hours [106]. CECRT is
Gooseberries Melons Starfruit more effective than diet alone in reducing plasma leucine
Grapefruit Mangosteen Strawberries and can usually be stopped around 24–36 hours after
Grapes Nectarines Tangerines commencement.
• Enteral feeding should be commenced early. BCAA‐free
Greengages Olives Watermelon
infant formula (e.g. MSUD Anamix Infant) will stimulate
protein synthesis. 150 mL/kg/day of BCAA‐free infant
formula (providing 2 g/100 mL protein equivalent) will
Fresh, frozen or tinned (<1.5 g protein/100 g or <100 mg provide 3 g/kg/day BCAA‐free protein equivalent. If fluid
leucine/100 g) is restricted, it may be necessary to supplement BCAA‐free
infant formula with additional concentrated BCAA‐free
Artichoke+ Fennel+ Plantain§ amino acid mixes only (MSUD Aid 111 or MSUD Amino 5)
Aubergine Garlic+ Pumpkin to enable provision of 3 g/kg/day BCAA‐free protein
Beans, French, green §
Gherkins# Radish equivalent. A feeding plan is given in Table 28.27.
Beetroot Gourd #
Samphire§ • A high energy formula (120–140 kcal [500–585 kJ]/kg/
day), administered by a continuous tube feed or bolus, is
Cabbage §
Leek* Spring onion
necessary to promote anabolism. Glucose polymer is
Carrot Lettuce §
Squash, butternut# usually added to BCAA‐free infant formula to provide a
Celery Marrow +
Swede total of 10 g CHO/100 mL and 79 kcal (330 kJ)/100 mL.
Chicory Mustard and cress Sweet potato§ Fat emulsion (e.g. Calogen) is added, as necessary.
Chives #
Onions Tomato
• If enteral feeds are not well tolerated, intravenous (IV)
fluids are given – 10% dextrose with additional electro-
Courgette* Parsley +
Tomato purée
lytes and lipid (e.g. Intralipid at 2 g/kg/day). Any hyper-
Cucumber Parsnip§ Turnip glycaemia requires insulin administration. A continuous
Endive +
Peppers Watercress+ feed of BCAA‐free amino acids (+ valine/isoleucine)
may be tolerated (recipes are given at
* No leucine data are available for these fruits and vegetables. uk) and will help plasma leucine decrease.
They are included on the free list because they contain <1 g • Plasma leucine will not decrease if isoleucine and/or
protein/100 g or are consumed in small amounts infrequently.
No leucine data are available for these vegetables, but they are
valine are deficient (as they become rate limiting for pro-
consumed in small quantities. tein synthesis), and it has been suggested that 60–90 mg/
These vegetables contain 50–100 mg leucine/100 g, so it is better to use kg/day (varying between 200 and 400 mg/day) of isole-
them in small quantities in the diet. ucine and valine should be given to support maximal
NB: The protein content of vegetables is 3%–6% leucine (i.e. 30–60 mg rates of protein synthesis. There is little toxicity associ-
for 1 g protein); the protein content of fruits is 5% leucine (50 mg leucine ated with increased plasma concentrations of isoleucine
for 1 g protein) [100].
and valine [105], and plasma levels are likely to fall
Source: Adapted from [46, 99].
quickly with haemodialysis/haemofiltration.
• Individual supplements of valine and isoleucine (50 mg/
Management of infants with MSUD sachet) may be used. The contribution of energy and CHO
(3.8 g/CHO per 4 g sachet) from these supplements
The newly diagnosed infant is likely to be very sick, requir- should be calculated. These can be either added to the
ing admission to intensive care and ventilation. On presenta- feed or mixed with water and given as a medicine, if there
tion in infancy, rapid leucine reduction is required to achieve is a risk the full volume of enteral feed may not be given.
536 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.24 Leucine content of low protein manufactured foods that should be calculated as part of leucine exchange system.
Amount of leucine
Product Portion size (mg) per portion size 50 mg leucine exchanges
This is not a comprehensive list of low protein manufactured foods that should be counted as leucine exchanges. It is possible that the recipes of some
manufactured products may change over time, so it is important to regularly recheck the leucine content of low protein manufactured foods.
Food Weight Protein* (g) Leucine† (mg) Isoleucine† (mg) Valine† (mg)
Human milk, mature 40 mL 0.5 50 29 29
SMA Pro First Infant Milk‡ 40 mL 0.5 52 26 29
Cow & Gate First Infant Milk‡ 38 mL 0.5 52 32 29
Cow’s milk 15 mL 0.5 50 27 36
Single cream 20 mL 0.5 48 26 36
Double cream 35 mL 0.6 52 30 38
Yoghurt (natural/flavoured) 10 g 0.4 57 31 34
Custard 15 mL 0.4 57 31 42
Rice, raw 10 g 0.7 56 26 39
Rice, boiled 25 g 0.6 47 22 32
Asparagus, boiled as served 65 g 1.9 49
Baked beans, canned 15 g 0.8 51
Broccoli, boiled 45 g 1.5 51
Brussels sprouts, boiled 35 g 1.1 53
Cauliflower, boiled 40 g 0.8 53
Mushrooms, fresh 50 g 0.8 53
Okra, fried in oil 35 g 1.0 52
Peas, boiled 15 g 0.8 45
Petit pois, boiled 15 g 0.8 51
Spinach, boiled 20 g 0.4 54
Spring greens, boiled 25 g 0.5 51
Sweetcorn, canned 15 g 0.4 50
Yam, boiled 45 g 0.7 49
Boiled, jacket 60 g 1.3 55
Roast 45 g 1.2 53
Chips 35 g 1.2 46
Fruits (edible portion)
Avocado 45 g 1.0 52
Bananas 55 g 0.7 53
Dried fruits¶ 60 g 1.4 56
Figures for the weight of food are rounded to the nearest 5 g, although many families use electronic scales which are accurate to between 1 and 2 g.
* [99].
Manufacturers’ data for infant formulas.
Potato – the leucine content of potato varies between old, new and different varieties; an average figure has been used.
Dried fruits – the leucine content of different dried fruits is similar, so an average figure has been used.
Management of Infants with MSUD 537
• Oral feeding can usually be re‐established once the the volume titrated according to BCAA amino acid concen-
infant is extubated and leucine level is normalised. trations. This process for BF is similar to PKU (p. 526).
Leucine is given from standard infant formula/ There are few reports of BF infants with MSUD [108].
expressed breastmilk (EBM) when plasma leucine is • Plasma BCAA should be monitored frequently, prefera-
<800 μmol/L. Although young infants often tolerate bly daily in the early stages of management. Feeding
between 300 and 400 mg/day of leucine [107], it may be plans are given in Table 28.28 and 28.29.
prudent to start with 200 mg/day (140 mL infant formula)
of leucine (divided equally throughout the daily feeds) Introduction of solids
and increase/titrate intake according to blood concentra-
tions, aiming for blood leucine 150–300 μmol/L. The timing and principles of weaning is similar to PKU
• As leucine intake from infant formula increases, this natu- (p. 527). Start at one meal only with 1–2 teaspoons of home-
ral protein will also provide a source of isoleucine and made purée fruits and vegetables (e.g. apple, pear, carrot,
valine, and so these individual supplements should be butternut squash and parsnip). Commercial baby foods
reduced and adjusted to maintain them within target treat- should contain exchange‐free ingredients only (e.g. low leu-
ment reference ranges. A total protein intake of 3 g/kg/ cine fruits and vegetables without rice or milk). Gradually
day from standard infant formula and BCAA‐free infant increase to 3 times daily and progress from smooth purée to
formula is necessary. Once oral feeding is established, the lumpier foods and suitable low protein finger foods (p. 528).
BCAA‐free infant formula and infant formula should be Many low protein weaning foods have a low energy den-
administered in separate feeding bottles (similar to PKU sity, so higher energy weaning foods should be encouraged:
p. 527). A measured volume of infant formula is given (6–8 low protein rusks mixed with cooled boiled water to a
times/day) followed by BCAA‐free infant formula. smooth paste, low protein pasta meal as a ‘porridge’ replace-
• An infant with MSUD can be breastfed. During initial stabi- ment or low protein breakfast cereal and custard made with
lisation, BCAA‐free infant formula and valine and isoleu- protein‐free/leucine‐free liquid milk replacements, e.g.
cine supplements are given until leucine levels are Prozero (some low protein milk replacements contain
<800 μmol/L, with the mother expressing breastmilk. leucine – Table 28.24).
Infants can then be breastfed on demand, but always with a As the intake of solids increases, gradually reduce the
measured quantity of BCAA‐free infant formula first, with breastmilk/infant formula by 1 × 50 mg leucine exchange
(e.g. 40 mL breastmilk; 38–40 mL infant formula depending
Table 28.26 Guidelines for total protein requirements for MSUD on the brand), and replace with 1 × 50 mg leucine exchange
(protein intake from protein substitute and natural protein/leucine of food (e.g. 40 g cauliflower or 45 g avocado). This process is
continued until all the leucine from breastmilk or infant for-
mula is replaced. The leucine exchanges should be divided
Age (years) Total protein (g/kg body weight/day)
between the three main meals.
0–2 3.0
3–10 2.0 Introduction of second stage protein substitute
11–14 1.5
As solids are introduced, an infant may be unable to drink
>14 1.0 (maximum 80 g/day)
adequate BCAA‐free infant formula to meet total protein
Table 28.27 Example of daily feeding plan for an 8‐day‐old 3 kg infant with MSUD.
Table 28.28 Example of daily feeding plan for 18‐day‐old 3.3 kg infant with MSUD.
Feeding 167 mL/kg/day, tolerating 80 mg/kg/day leucine (264 mg/day) and 200 mg/day of valine and isoleucine
Feeding plan
First feed: 25 mL × 3 × 8 feeds of Cow & Gate First Infant Milk
Second feed: 45 mL × 3 × 8 feeds of MSUD Anamix Infant
Protein Leucine Isoleucine Valine
(kcal) (kJ) equivalent (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) (mg) (mg) (mg)
190 mL Cow & Gate First Infant Milk (26 g powder) 125 523 2.5 13.9 6.5 260 160 145
360 mL MSUD Anamix Infant (54 g powder) 248 1033 7.2 26.6 12.6 0 0 0
Valine 50 sachets (4 g dry weight) 15 63 0.04 3.8 0 0 0 50
Isoleucine 50 sachets (4 g dry weight) 15 63 0.04 3.8 0 0 50 0
Total 403 1682 9.8 48.1 19.1 260 210 195
Per 100 mL 73 306 1.8 8.7 3.5
Per kg 122 510 3.0 14.6 5.8 79 64 59
Valine/isoleucine supplementation is titrated according to blood valine/isoleucine concentrations. One leucine exchange is equivalent to 50 mg.
Table 28.29 Example of daily feeding plan for a 2‐month‐old 4.5 kg infant with MSUD.
Feeding 165 mL/kg/day to provide 400 mg leucine (8 leucine exchanges) and 250 mg/day of both valine and isoleucine
Feeding plan
First feed: 50 mL × 6 feeds of Cow & Gate First Infant Milk
Second feed: 75 mL × 6 feeds of MSUD Anamix Infant
Protein Leucine Isoleucine Valine
kcal kJ equivalent (g) CHO (g) Fat (g) (mg) (mg) (mg)
300 mL Cow & Gate First (41 g powder) 198 825 3.9 21.9 10.2 410 253 229
450 mL MSUD Anamix Infant (68 g powder) 311 1291 9 33.3 15.8 0 0 0
Total 509 2116 12.9 55 26 410 253 229
Per 100 mL 68 282 1.7 7.3 3.5
Per kg 113 470 2.9 12.2 5.9 91 56 51
Valine/isoleucine supplementation is titrated according to blood valine/isoleucine concentrations. One exchange of leucine is equivalent to 50 mg.
requirements of 3 g/kg/day. From 6 months, and usually at Feeding preschool and school children
the time of introducing leucine exchanges, it is necessary to and young people
gradually introduce a more concentrated spoonable second‐
stage/weaning BCAA‐free l‐amino acid substitute (e.g. Issues to consider when feeding preschool and school chil-
MSUD gel; 5 g powder provides 2 g BCAA‐free protein dren and teenagers and during transition to adult services
equivalent). This is reconstituted with approximately 1–2 mL are given in Table 28.30.
water for each 1 g of product and is given as a paste before
meals (as in PKU p. 529). At 1 year of age, the spoonable
protein substitute may be replaced by a concentrated/low Emergency regimens for management
volume drink, e.g. MSUD Anamix Junior powder (10 g pro- of intercurrent illness
tein equivalent/29 g powder) and MSUD Anamix Junior LQ
(10 g protein equivalent/200 mL). During intercurrent infections, surgery and injury, plasma
BCAA‐free infant formula should not normally be com- BCAA concentrations may rise rapidly, particularly leucine
pletely replaced by the second stage amino acid substitute due to inadequate energy intake [109] and the direct cata-
until infants are at least 1 year old as the infant still requires bolic effect of the infection [110]. This may cause rapid neu-
some BCAA‐free infant formula to ensure adequate energy rological deterioration, with neurotoxic levels of leucine and
intake. branched chain keto acids being reached within hours [107].
Emergency Regimens for Management of Intercurrent Illness 539
Table 28.30 Issues to consider when feeding different age groups of children with MSUD.
Patients may present with symptoms such irritability, vomit- valine and isoleucine supplements, but this may vary.
ing, dehydration and lethargy. Parents need to recognise Valine and isoleucine content of feeds should be titrated
early warning signs. They often report young children can- according to blood BCAA. A 50 mg leucine exchange
not sit up and fall to one side or fall over with walking, cry- from food or infant formula typically provides 25–30 mg
ing, being ‘clingy’ and poor feeding. Rapid neurological isoleucine and 30–40 mg valine (Table 28.25).
decline, including altered mental state (e.g. disorientation, • Daily monitoring of blood BCAA.
speech disturbances, hallucinations), seizures and encepha- • Glucose polymer is added to the BCAA‐free substitute
lopathy, may occur. Ketoacidosis and ketonuria is present. meeting total CHO concentration as recommended for
Any acute metabolic decompensation is considered a medi- standard ER feeds (p. 677); addition of fat emulsion
cal emergency [111]. The principles of ER are described on should be considered for additional energy, if necessary.
p. 673. The ER for MSUD is disorder specific. • BCAA‐free l‐amino acid substitutes made up according
It is essential to start the ER (Table 28.31) at the first sign of to manufacturer’s instructions have a high osmolality.
illness: This needs to be considered when managing illness par-
ticularly if there is diarrhoea. If tolerance is poor, adding
• Aim to provide the child’s usual intake of branched chain
additional water to make them more dilute may help.
free amino acids and at least the normal energy require-
Continuous feeds can help feed tolerance.
ment for age [109]. If oral intake is poor, tube feeding
should commence without delay. With timely introduction of the ER with mild or moderate
• The usual leucine intake should be stopped or substan- illnesses, most patients can be safely managed at home [83].
tially decreased. It is essential to maintain close contact with parents/caregiv-
• Valine and isoleucine supplements should be added to ers during illness management (at least 3 times a day) to
the BCAA‐free substitute. As a starting point, valine and assess if the prescribed ER feed is being achieved. If there is
isoleucine should replace the amount provided by the any feed intolerance and/or progression of clinical symp-
natural protein allowance and in addition to the usual toms, the child should be admitted to hospital without delay.
540 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Dietary emergency guidelines with examples of age specific ER recipes are given at
BCAA, branched chain amino acids; CHO, carbohydrate; ER, emergency regimen, IV, intravenous.
Ketonuria is a physiological result of catabolism in late If emergency feeds are not tolerated and the patient’s symp-
infancy, childhood and even adolescence. In MSUD, daily toms are vomiting, diarrhoea or very high temperature,
home monitoring using standard test strips for ketonuria is then IV fluids (at least 10% dextrose) are given. Some
useful in illness [83], and it is a surrogate marker for meta- patients may require higher concentrations of dextrose,
bolic instability but should be used in combination with (and insulin and Intralipid to promote anabolism [112].
not replace) plasma BCAA monitoring. A positive result Accompanying enteral BCAA‐free amino acid acids (e.g.
indicates catabolism, and the energy content of the ER should MSUD Aid 111 or MSUD Amino 5) providing up to a maxi-
be increased, as tolerated. Usually the result is expressed as mum concentration of 8 g/100 mL protein equivalent [113]
negative or positive with a grade of 1–4. Testing should be together with valine and isoleucine supplements adminis-
performed according to manufacturer’s instructions on fresh tered via a continuous tube feed are essential to promote
uncontaminated urine. Urine test reagents deteriorate with protein synthesis. Pure BCAA‐free amino acid acids with-
exposure to air (so should be kept in a tightly sealed con- out additional nutrients may be better tolerated than the
tainer) or if used after expiry date. The use of old or incor- usual BCAA‐free amino acid substitute with added CHO,
rectly stored test reagents may lead to false negative results. fat and micronutrients. If vomiting persists, consideration
Classical Homocystinuria 541
should be given to nasojejunal feeding as, in the UK, there Table 28.32 Introducing dietary leucine post‐illness.
are no BCAA‐free parenteral amino acid solutions availa-
ble. Careful monitoring of hydration, electrolytes and neu- Plasma leucine
concentrations (μmol/L) Amount of dietary leucine to introduce
rological status is necessary to prevent cerebral oedema.
Acute illness resulting in elevated plasma leucine is usually Leucine <800 25% usual leucine intake
well managed without the need for CECRT. However, if the Leucine >400 and <600 50% usual leucine intake
plasma leucine is >1000 μmol/L, CECRT should be consid-
Leucine <400 75% usual intake
ered [103]. If clinically safe, enteral nutrition including
energy, fluid and BCAA‐free amino acids with valine/iso- Repeat leucine <400 Usual leucine intake
leucine supplements should be given in combination with
dialysis [83].
Learning points: maple syrup urine disease
Introduction of natural protein post‐illness
• In early treated MSUD, outcome is dependent on prompt
Studies suggest reintroduction of leucine when plasma leu- and effective control of plasma BCAA levels
cine reaches the upper treatment target range [83]. Others • Lifelong dietary treatment and follow‐up is required
recommend graded reintroduction over 3–4 days when leu- • Supplementation with valine and isoleucine is commonly
cine concentrations are <800 μmol/L (Table 28.32) (www. necessary Supplements of isoleucine/valine • Prompt and meticulous use of an ER is essential at any
should be adjusted according to dietary intake and plasma time there is a risk of metabolic decompensation
BCAA concentrations.
Classical Homocystinuria
Fiona J. White
Enzyme Cystathionine β‐synthase. Expressed mainly in the liver and kidneys [114]
Biochemical defect Deficiency of the enzyme cystathionine β‐synthase (CBS) in the catabolic pathway of the essential amino acid methionine
(Figure 28.4):
• Methionine is initially converted into the non‐structural amino acid homocysteine by a series of enzyme dependent
• Homocysteine is not a constituent of protein and so not required for protein synthesis. Normally it undergoes either:
◦◦ degradation through the trans‐sulphuration pathway that converts homocysteine via cystathionine, with the addition of
a serine group, to cysteine or
◦◦ recycling back to methionine by the remethylation pathways [114] by either:
i. methionine synthase, vitamin B12 and folic acid or
ii. betaine–homocysteine methyltransferase – occurring in certain tissues, e.g. liver, kidney [115]
The first step in the trans‐sulphuration of homocysteine requires CBS and pyridoxal‐5‐phosphate (vitamin B6) as a cofactor.
Deficiency of CBS results in:
• increased plasma concentrations of methionine, homocysteine and other sulphur‐containing metabolites (mixed
• low levels of plasma cysteine, cystathionine and serine
• homocysteine is present in large amounts in the urine, hence the condition being termed homocystinuria (HCU)
• 10%–20% present as free, non‐protein bound homocysteine (fHcy) comprising homocysteine (reduced form <2%),
homocystine (disulphide of homocysteine) and mixed disulphide (homocysteine–cysteine)
• 80%–90% present as protein (albumin)‐bound homocysteine
Plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) concentration is the sum of all the different forms. Normally free homocysteine (fHcy)
is undetectable, and tHcy level is 5–15 μmol/L [117]. fHcy only becomes detectable when tHcy exceeds 60 μmol/L [118].
At diagnosis plasma tHcy in HCU patients will be significantly elevated with levels often >200 μmol/L in non‐screened
patients. Additionally, plasma methionine levels are elevated and cysteine levels are low.
542 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Vitamin B12 6 2
5-Methyltetra- 3
Vitamin B6 4
Figure 28.4 Metabolic pathways of homocysteine metabolism. 1: methionine adenosyl transferase; 2: SAM‐dependent methyltransferase; 3: SAH hydrolase;
4: cystathionine β‐synthase; 5: γ‐cystathionase; 6: methionine synthase; 7: serine hydroxymethyltransferase; 8: methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase.
There are some cases that show a partial pyridoxine responsive phenotype with tHcy levels decreasing to below 80% of
baseline [122].
Newborn screening Many countries undertake newborn screening (NBS) for HCU:
In the UK infants are screened on day 5 of life using a standard screening protocol with quantification of methionine, and
then, if the level is above the cut‐off, second tier testing with quantification of tHcy.
Only pyridoxine non‐responsive HCU were thought likely to be identified on NBS, as those who are pyridoxine responsive
are more likely to have methionine levels below the screening cut‐off at that time. However, unpublished data from the
European Network and Registry for Homocystinurias and Methylation Defects (E‐HOD) shows that if the screening test is
sufficiently sensitive, then pyridoxine responsive cases may be identified [122]. The author is aware of one case of
pyridoxine responsive homocystinuria identified by NBS in England (personal communication).
More details on UK screening and diagnostic protocols can be found at and
Clinical onset • Individuals with HCU are clinically normal at birth.
presentation, features • CBS deficiency results in accumulation of methionine, homocysteine and their S‐adenosyl derivatives (S‐
adenosylmethionine (SAM), S‐adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and deficiency of cystathionine and cysteine.
• Without early diagnosis and treatment there is progressive onset of the clinical features of HCU, from the
severe childhood onset of multisystem disease to those where symptoms only appear in adulthood [122].
• The pathogenesis is not fully elucidated. In addition to the accumulation of homocysteine, altered concentrations
of other metabolites may play a role in the pathophysiology [122].
Long‐term complications Good long‐term biochemical control in HCU can prevent the onset of complications in early diagnosed individuals and
and outcome can curtail further progression, but not reversal, of the disorder in late diagnosed cases, apart from the eye disease [127]:
• No long‐term data of tHcy levels over time and clinical outcome have yet been published.
• Published outcome data from follow‐up of patients treated over many years show that lifelong median fHcy <11 μmol/L
significantly reduces the probability of developing complications [123] and levels of fHcy <10 μmol/L indicate good
biochemical control [127]. A median fHcy of around 10 μmol/L corresponds with a median tHcy around 120 μmol/L [122].
• Normal IQ has been reported [127, 128] in pyridoxine non-responsive HCU with good treatment adherence since
diagnosis in the neonatal period.
• In a review of 46 patients [129] 65% were diagnosed from NBS (77% of whom had good/moderate control) with
complication rates: 2% for those diagnosed on NBS and under good control; 17% for those diagnosed on NBS, but with
poor control; and 45% for those not identified on NBS. Tertiary education was achieved by 84% of those diagnosed on
NBS compared with 43% who were clinically presenting cases. Ectopia lentis (lens dislocation) is likely to develop where
fHcy >12.3 μmol/L. Cognitive outcome in children is related to exposure to homocysteine and is best where cumulative
exposure up to age 4 years is fHcy <100 μmol/L.
• Vascular events are the most common cause of death with risk of a vascular event at 25% <16 years of age and 50% by
age 30 years in undiagnosed or poorly controlled HCU [130].
• Cardiovascular risk is greater in pyridoxine non‐responsive HCU [126].
• Growth in a pyridoxine non‐responsive HCU cohort has been reported [131]:
◦◦ At 18 years of age cases, late diagnosed with learning disability had greater height and weight than those picked up
through NBS. This appears related to early accelerated growth pre‐diagnosis as rate of growth >10 years age was
comparable. There was no relationship with metabolic control.
◦◦ Compared with the general population, they were heavier and taller, with those diagnosed on NBS being closer to the
general population.
• Osteoporosis, a known risk in HCU, can be prevented if diagnosed early and good biochemical control is maintained on
treatment [122].
• Psychiatric conditions are more prevalent [122, 132].
Treatment • Aimed at reducing homocysteine levels.
• Modality will depend upon factors such as pyridoxine responsive or non‐responsive and age at diagnosis.
• All newly diagnosed patients should initially have a trial with a pharmacological dose of pyridoxine (vitamin B6): 50 mg
twice daily for 7–14 days in those diagnosed on NBS; and 10 mg/kg/day (max 500 mg/day) in older
children for 6 weeks [122], together with 5 mg folic acid to assess for pyridoxine responsiveness.
Medications Vitamin B6 – Pharmacological doses used in pyridoxine responsive or partial responsive cases.
Folic acid – In CBS deficiency folic acid requirements can increase, due to increased flux through the remethylation
pathway. It is recommended that low dose folate supplements are given although sufficient may be included within the
methionine‐free protein substitutes.
Betaine – A methyl donor, derived from choline, promotes the remethylation reaction of homocysteine to methionine via
the enzyme betaine–homocysteine methyltransferase (Figure 28.5). Its use in HCU results in a decrease in plasma
homocysteine and increase in plasma methionine [135]:
• Oral betaine can be useful, as an adjunct to dietary therapy, in improving biochemical control where dietary adherence
is poor, e.g. adolescents, adults and those late diagnosed. However, adherence with betaine is not always good, with
fHcy levels in 13 patients in one study not being significantly altered with betaine (mean 35 μmol/L pre‐treatment and
33 μmol/L on treatment), and it is unlikely to replace dietary therapy [127], although a European survey [136] identified
significant individuals treated with betaine alone.
• Initial dose in children – 100 mg/kg/day divided in two doses and adjusted depending upon response [122] should result
in a decrease in plasma homocysteine levels and will normally result in plasma methionine levels being significantly
increased, although this is not universal [135, 137].
• Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated that doses of betaine above 200 mg/kg/day in two to three divided doses were of
no additional value in decreasing tHcy levels [138, 139]. Giving betaine twice daily is adequate, with the half‐life of
betaine around 14 hours [139].
• Betaine alone as treatment of pyridoxine non‐responsive HCU rarely achieves target Hcy levels [122]. This is also seen in
CBS‐deficient mice [140]. The response to betaine has been shown to be less efficient if plasma methionine is
>80 μmol/L [141]; thus betaine should be used as an adjunct to a methionine‐restricted diet and not as a sole treatment.
• The significantly raised plasma methionine levels that occur with betaine use do not appear to affect the
pathophysiology of the disease [127]. Methionine levels should be monitored closely, and the dose reduced if levels
exceed 1000 μmol/L as high levels have been associated with cerebral oedema [142, 143].
Monitoring Dietary monitoring
Monitoring the diet by serial measurements of substrate blood amino acid levels is essential to assess metabolic control.
If dried blood spots (DBS) are used, the results will be lower than for plasma. Studies in non‐HCU patients show the DBS
method was approximately 40% of the plasma concentration [144, 145]. This may vary in clinical practice with HCU
patients and so locally, by paired samples, the ratio of DBS to plasma levels should be determined. A correction factor can
then be applied to enable results to be compared with target levels.
Methionine – Within the normal range except in cases on betaine where methionine should be maintained <1000 μmol/L.
Excessive restriction of methionine that results in levels below the normal range could impair growth and
neurodevelopmental outcome [122].
Cysteine – Aim for levels within the normal range, but this can be difficult to achieve. Low levels can be a reflection of
poor homocysteine control, and improving this may improve cysteine levels.
Dietary Management of Classical HCU 545
Frequency of testing
Depends on age, severity, treatment adherence, previous complications [122]. Regular blood sample monitoring can be
challenging as blood samples for total homocysteine require centrifugation within 1 hour of collection [146], so blood
samples are usually taken at a local hospital. More recently DBS monitoring has become available in some centres that
enables samples to be taken at home and therefore can be done more frequently as in PKU (p. 517).
Biochemical/haematological monitoring
• Vitamin B12 and folate status should be assessed as low levels of these could cause inadequate response to treatment due
to their intimate roles in homocysteine metabolism
• Annual monitoring of full blood count (FBC), ferritin
• Other vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids as appropriate
Clinical monitoring
• growth – weight, length/height, BMI at each clinic review
• assessment for signs of any vitamin and mineral deficiencies (e.g. skin rashes, sparse hair)
• neurological and neurocognitive assessments
• DEXA (dual‐energy X‐ray) scans from adolescence to monitor bone health as risk of osteoporosis
Nutritional monitoring
• dietary assessment at all clinic reviews
• nutritional biochemistry as above
Guidelines Morris et al. Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of cystathionine beta‐synthase deficiency [122].
Parent Support Group Metabolic Support UK
HCU Network Australia
Dietary management of classical HCU Table 28.33 Biochemical monitoring in HCU – treatment targets.
Plasma Plasma
Restriction of dietary methionine intake
methionine cysteine Plasma tHcy Plasma fHcy
Methionine is an EAA required for normal growth and body B6 responsive Normal range Normal <50 μmol/L <10 μmol/L
protein synthesis and so cannot be completely excluded range
from the diet. Methionine intake is restricted by restriction of B6 non‐ Normal range Normal <100 μmol/L <10 μmol/L
dietary protein to maintain blood methionine and homocyst- responsive, range
eine levels within treatment targets (Table 28.37). In practice diet alone
this will require the avoidance of high biological value (HBV) B6 non‐ <1000 μmol/L Normal <100 μmol/L <10 μmol/L
protein foods including meat, fish, eggs, cheese and pulses responsive + range
as they contain high amounts of methionine and, thus, the betaine
amounts permitted would be very small.
Table 28.34 Factors affecting substrate amino acid tolerance.
Methionine tolerance
Residual enzyme activity
• Individuals have a daily methionine allowance that
Growth rate
maintains blood Hcy, methionine and cysteine within
target values (Table 28.33). Degree of adherence to methionine (or natural protein) prescription
• Methionine tolerance varies between individuals and is Adequacy of methionine‐free, cysteine‐enriched protein substitute
influenced by a number of factors (Table 28.34). Adequacy of energy intake
In the author’s unit, a historical group (the majority identi- Taking betaine in combination with methionine restricted diet
fied by NBS), monitored using fHcy with target levels Target treatment substrate blood amino acid concentrations
≤10 μmol/L, had a median tolerance of methionine of
230 mg/day (range 160–900 mg/day). Current patients,
diagnosed on NBS, monitored using tHcy, appear to require • Each exchange contains 20 mg methionine equivalent to
a lower methionine intake, around 80–160 mg/day to achieve approximately 1 g protein; where the methionine content
target tHcy <100 μmol/L. is not available, for example, in manufactured foods, the
protein content is used
• Some centres use 1 g protein exchanges only
Exchange system
• Examples of basic 20 mg methionine exchanges are given
in Table 28.35, and 1 g protein exchanges in Table 28.48
To manage an individual’s methionine allowance, an
exchange system is used, predominantly consisting of foods The guides for calculating exchanges in PKU can be
of LBV protein: adapted for use in HCU (Tables 28.5, 28.6 and 28.7).
546 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.35 Basic 20 mg methionine exchanges for use in HCU foods with <0.5 g protein/100 g can be allowed freely unless
[147, 148]. a large portion is likely to be eaten. This definition may be
used in HCU.
Food Weight/volume
Table 28.36 Fruits and vegetables allowed without measurement • The administration and distribution through the day are
in HCU and tyrosinaemia. similar to those in PKU (p. 523)
• Protein substitutes come in a range of presentations
including powdered infant formula, spoonable products
Fresh, frozen or tinned in syrup (<15 mg methionine and/or <1 g useful in weaning, powders and liquids (Table 28.12)
protein/100 g) • Strategies are often required by parents/caregivers to
encourage their child to take the protein substitute
Apples Guava Pawpaws (Table 28.13)
Apricots Kiwi fruit Pears
Blackberries Lemons Pineapples Cystine supplementation in HCU
Blackcurrants Limes Plums
Clementines Lychees Pomegranates Cystine is a conditionally indispensable amino acid in HCU
because of the metabolic block preventing the conversion of
Cherries Mandarins Raspberries
cystathionine into cysteine (Figure 28.4). Although all the
Cranberries Mangoes Rhubarb methionine‐free protein substitutes contain added cystine
Damsons Melons Satsumas (30–50 mg/g protein equivalent), plasma cysteine concentra-
Fruit salad Mulberries Strawberries tions are commonly low:
Figs, green, raw Nectarines – contain Tangerines • Cysteine and homocysteine–cysteine is present in plasma
36 mg methionine/100 g in three different forms:
Allow up to 1 nectarine
◦◦ free cysteine
daily only in HCU
◦◦ bound to homocysteine forming a mixed disulphide
Gooseberries Olives Water melon ◦◦ bound to protein
Grapefruit Oranges • With increased concentrations of plasma homocysteine,
Grapes Passionfruit the amount of cysteine present as the mixed disulphide
homocysteine–cysteine increases, and cysteine and pro-
Vegetables tein‐bound cysteine decrease as cysteine is displaced
from albumen by homocysteine [149]
Fresh, frozen or tinned (<20 mg methionine and/or <1 g • Monitoring plasma cysteine is problematic; most labora-
protein/100 g)
tories only measure free cystine, and if the sample is not
Artichoke Fennel Peppers deproteinised quickly, results may be falsely low [149];
ideally total plasma cysteine (free and bound) should
Aubergine Garlic Plantain
also be assessed, but it is difficult to measure [149, 150]
Beans, French, green Gherkins Pumpkin • It has been reported that as biochemical control improves,
Beansprouts Gourd Radish with decreasing homocysteine concentrations, total
Beetroot Fennel Spring onion cysteine levels increase [150]
Cabbage Leek Swede • There are reports that deficiency of cysteine can lead to
poor weight gain and growth despite adequate energy
Carrot Lettuce Sweet potato
intakes [151] although one study did not find any asso-
Celery Marrow Tomato ciation with low cysteine levels and height [131]
Chicory Mustard and cress Tomato purée • Cystine has a poor solubility, so care is required to ensure
Courgette Onion Turnip it does not precipitate on solution when added to water;
it has an unpleasant taste and can also cause gastrointes-
Cucumber Parsley Watercress
tinal (GI) disturbance [131]
Endive Parsnip
• Additional supplementation may not be warranted if
Source: From [123, 124] and Leatherhead Food RA, Randalls Road,
tHcy is well controlled, as well as growth satisfactory;
Leatherhead, Surrey, UK, 1994. however, cysteine is essential for synthesis of glutathione
that is an important antioxidant. Further research is
needed to accurately assess cysteine status and whether
supplementation to achieve normal levels affects out-
Table 28.37 Guidelines for total protein requirements for HCU (protein come, for example, hHcy levels, glutathione status.
equivalent from protein substitute and natural protein/amino acid Accurate monitoring of cysteine status is needed, and, if
exchanges). low, studies of supplementation in well‐controlled
patients and outcomes are needed
Age (years) Total protein (g/kg body weight/day)
Monitor blood levels, weekly initially and adjust feeding regimen to achieve target treatment levels
Inform GP, health visitor, local dietitian, as appropriate, of patient management plan
Figure 28.6 Homocystinuria (pyridoxine non‐responsive) dietary management pathway. Source:
Interpretation of Homocysteine, Methionine and Cysteine Results 549
methionine/kg/day if weight below 3 kg), from stand- approximately 75 mL/kg/day divided into 5–6 feeds and
ard infant formula is reintroduced, depending on initial given prior to breastfeeds.
biochemistry (Figure 28.6): • If initial plasma methionine is <200 μmol/L, breastmilk
◦◦ the standard infant formula is divided equally intake should be decreased by approximately 50%. This
between several feeds (5–6 times daily) and is offered is achieved by giving the infant 75 mL/kg/day of
first followed by HCU Anamix Infant to appetite after methionine‐free infant formula divided into 5–6 feeds
each standard feed and at additional feeds as the and given prior to BF.
infant demands. An example feeding plan is given in • The prescribed quantity of methionine‐free infant for-
Table 28.38 mula would then be increased or decreased according to
◦◦ the quantity of standard infant formula is adjusted blood methionine/homocysteine levels in order to
according to subsequent plasma methionine and manipulate the amount of breastmilk the infant takes.
homocysteine levels, aiming to keep within the desir-
This has been shown to be successful in practice, main-
able limits (Table 28.33)
taining low plasma tHcy as long as adequate intake of
methionine‐free infant formula is taken [152].
Breastfed infants Further dietary progression with the introduction of wean-
ing solids and food exchanges and onto second stage protein
Early diagnosed infants (newborn or at risk screening) with substitute follows the same pattern as in PKU (p. 529).
pyridoxine non‐responsive HCU can be breastfed using the Feeding issues can occur and parents can need support.
principles employed in the management of PKU. The die- Appropriate guidance around these issues is given on p. 529
tary management guidelines for pyridoxine non‐responsive and Table 28.20.
HCU (Figure 28.6) are as follows:
• If initial plasma methionine is >200 μmol/L, breastmilk Interpretation of homocysteine, methionine
should be withheld for 24–48 hours, and the infant fed and cysteine results
solely methionine‐free infant formula. The mother should
be encouraged to express breastmilk regularly, around 6 Regular monitoring of blood levels of homocysteine, methio-
times a day, to maintain supply. Following this, methio- nine and cysteine should be carried out with samples taken
nine‐free infant formula should be decreased to at home (dried blood spots) or at the local hospital (venous
Protein Fluid
kcal kJ equivalent (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) (mL)
420 mL Cow & Gate First Infant Milk 277 1155 5.5 30.7 14.3 420
300 mL HCU Anamix Infant 207 861 6.0 22.2 10.5 300
Total 484 2016 11.5 52.9 24.8 720
Intake per kg/day 121 504 2.9 13.2 6.2 180
10% energy 44% energy 46% energy
Energy requirement per kg/day 96 403
550 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
samples). Target aims are given in Table 28.33. Depending Table 28.39 Menu plan for an 8‐year‐old boy with HCU.
upon blood results dietary manipulation may be required:
Weight = 27 kg
• If tHcy is towards the lower target range, then an increase 10 × 20 mg methionine exchanges and methionine‐free protein
in methionine/protein intake, by 10–20 mg methionine substitute to provide 2 g protein equivalent/kg
or 0.5–1.0 g protein per day, should be advised
Total protein equivalent requirement = 54 g (10 g from natural protein/
• If tHcy is higher than target ranges, then a decrease in methionine exchanges and 44 g from protein substitute, e.g. 3 × HCU
methionine/protein intake, by 10–20 mg methionine or Cooler 15 or 2.5 HCU Lophlex LQ)
0.5–1.0 g protein per day, should be advised
It is better to consider trends in blood results before Methionine‐free protein substitute, e.g. 1 × HCU Cooler 15 (130 mL) or
increasing/decreasing natural protein intake. It is advisable 1 HCU Lophlex LQ (125 mL)
to adjust methionine/natural protein intake after more than 3 × 20 mg methionine exchange
one blood result is available unless blood concentrations are 105 g baked beans (3 exchanges)
Low protein toast
very low or very high. Factors such as illness, growth rate
Fruit juice
and dietary adherence should be taken into account. During
illness, plasma tHcy and methionine increase due to catabo-
lism. Tables 28.15 and 28.16 give guidance on interpretation Water
of blood amino acid results.
3 × 20 mg methionine exchange
Management of illness Low protein pasta salad + 25 g boiled sweetcorn (1 exchange)
Chopped peppers or tomato or cucumber
Low protein bread and margarine
Children with HCU do not have acute metabolic decompen-
1 cereal bar (2 exchanges)
sation with intercurrent illness. A formal ER is not required. 1 pear
It is prudent, though, to try to prevent catabolism and exces- Fruit juice or water
sive rise in blood homocysteine levels by: Mid‐afternoon
• encouraging intake of methionine‐free protein substitute Methionine‐free protein substitute, e.g. 1 × HCU Cooler 15 (130 mL) or
HCU Lophlex LQ (65 mL)
• giving methionine/protein exchanges to appetite
• giving high carbohydrate drinks 1 × 20 mg methionine exchange
1 packet crisps (1 exchange)
• ensuring good fluid intake
Evening meal
Development of acute venous thrombosis is a potential 2 × 20 mg methionine exchange
risk [122] that can be minimised by: Low protein pizza
Free salad vegetables
• avoiding dehydration and immobilisation Low protein garlic bread (with garlic butter)
• giving intravenous fluids if there is intractable vomiting 60 g ice cream (2 exchanges)
Fruit juice or water
In some cases, management with betaine alone is used. A betaine), 34% on betaine alone and 3% on unmeasured,
European survey [136] of dietary practices in 181 patients moderate protein restriction and betaine. The use of diet
showed wide variety in treatment with 62% on measured alone decreased with age with the converse for use of
methionine/protein restriction (of whom 92% also had betaine only.
• Pyridoxine non‐responsive homocystinuria is part of the newborn screening programme in the UK and many other countries
• Dietary treatment (low methionine diet and methionine‐free, cysteine‐enriched protein substitutes) is required lifelong
• With lifelong good biochemical control of fHcy, clinical features of HCU can either be avoided or not worsened
Hereditary Tyrosinaemias
Fiona J. White
Tyrosine is a non‐EAA found in dietary protein and also Tyrosine
endogenously synthesised from the hydroxylation of pheny- Tyrosine
lalanine. It is used for protein synthesis as well as being a pre-
cursor for a number of important body chemicals including
dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, melanin and thyrox- 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate
3 dioxygenase (site of
ine. Tyrosine is catabolised by a series of enzyme‐dependent action of nitisinone)
reactions to fumaric acid and acetoacetate (Figure 28.7). Homogentisate
There are three inherited disorders of tyrosine catabolism:
hereditary tyrosinaemia types I, II and III.
In addition to these, raised tyrosine levels can also occur in: Maleylacetoacetate
• Fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) which is further metabolised to produce succinylacetone (SA) and maleylacetoacetate (MAA)
• Presence of SA is pathognomonic for HTI. It inhibits δ‐aminolevulinic acid (δ‐ALA) dehydratase (PBG synthase) resulting in
accumulation of δ‐ALA, which is excreted in high concentrations in urine
• Plasma tyrosine levels are usually only moderately elevated, around 2–4 times the upper limit of normal (30–120 μmol/L), as
the defect occurs in the terminal rather than early steps of tyrosine degradation
• Plasma methionine concentration can also be markedly increased, due to liver dysfunction or secondary inhibition of
S‐adenosylmethionine synthetase [157]
• The main diagnostic metabolite for HTI is SA measured in plasma, dried blood spot (DBS) or urine
• Alpha‐fetoprotein (AFP) levels are normally markedly raised, even in those identified on newborn screening (NBS), but this
is not specific for HTI [158]
552 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Chronic management
HTI is managed with:
• nitisinone
• dietary restriction of tyrosine and phenylalanine
Historically HTI was treated with a low tyrosine, low phenylalanine diet to minimise formation of toxic metabolites.
Methionine intake was also restricted if plasma levels were high. Dietary treatment improved renal tubular dysfunction, growth
and to some extent liver function, in particular prothrombin time, but dietary management could not completely prevent the
production of toxic metabolites or the development of HCC. Most patients diagnosed early in life, pre‐1992 and the
introduction of nitisinone, either died from progressive liver failure or lethal porphyric crises unless they received a liver
transplant that was the only effective treatment.
Treatment of HTI has been revolutionised since the use of nitisinone (2‐(2‐nitro‐4‐trifluoromethyl‐benzoyl)‐1,3‐
cyclohexanedione, NTBC, Orfadin) was described in 1992 [165].
Nitisinone treatment
• inhibits 4‐hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase, the second enzyme in tyrosine catabolism (the defect in tyrosinaemia type
III), blocking the tyrosine degradation pathway upstream of the enzyme defect (Figure 28.7) that:
◦◦ suppresses the formation of FAA, MAA and SA
◦◦ increases plasma tyrosine as the degradation pathway is blocked earlier
Tyrosinaemia Type I (Hepatorenal Tyrosinaemia, HTI) 553
• in studies on healthy volunteers, given a single dose of nitisinone, plasma tyrosine concentrations increased from around
10 μmol/L at baseline to approximately 1100 μmol/L [166]
• as high plasma tyrosine concentrations are considered the probable cause of the oculocutaneous manifestations in
tyrosinaemia type II and may also be associated with cognitive impairment [167], restriction of dietary tyrosine and
phenylalanine is necessary
• leads to rapid improvement in hepatic and renal function and prevents neurological dysfunction in most patients [168]
• when started early in life, nitisinone markedly reduces the risk of early development of HCC. For patients who start this
treatment late, there remains a considerable risk for liver malignancy [169, 170]
• is established as a very effective alternative to liver transplantation
• treatment must continue without interruption; otherwise serious complications, including acute liver failure, neurological
crisis or malignant liver changes, may occur [158]
• the usual dose of nitisinone is 1 mg/kg/day in two divided doses. Based on the half‐life being 54 hours in healthy adults,
the frequency of dosing has been examined as less frequent could be beneficial in improving adherence and metabolic
control, as compliance issues have been reported [171]. However experience is divided: a single daily dose could
maintain adequate plasma NTBC levels [172]; but detectable levels of SA were found in those on once but not twice daily
dosing [173]
Dietetic Principles are based on:
management • substrate reduction (tyrosine, phenylalanine) to decrease the load on the affected pathway. Phenylalanine has to be
restricted as it is catabolised to tyrosine
Very high tyrosine concentrations are risk factors for neurotoxicity and corneal opacities [175]. Eye complications are said to
be rare with tyrosine concentrations <800 μmol/L [158]. However, there is a case report of a nitisinone‐treated HTI patient
with photophobia and ‘burning eyes’, with tyrosine levels around 600 μmol/L. Corneal deposits resembling those seen in
hereditary tyrosinaemia type II were confirmed [176].
Frequency of testing
Regular monitoring of blood or plasma tyrosine and phenylalanine concentrations should be undertaken. Generally DBS are
taken at home and sent in to the laboratory for analysis. The European recommendations 2013 do not give any
recommendations on frequency of monitoring [158]. A guide would be:
• weekly in infants because growth is rapid, or in newly diagnosed patients until stable
• every 1–2 weeks in 1‐ to 4‐year‐olds
• monthly thereafter or more frequently if levels are unstable
Biochemical/haematological monitoring
• regular monitoring of nitisinone levels and SA. Methods for determining nitisinone levels in DBS have been developed that
enable easier monitoring with samples being able to be sent from home
• SA and AFP at clinic reviews
• liver and renal function tests, clotting, bone profile, FBC
• plasma quantitative amino acid profiles
• iron studies
• annual monitoring of other vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids as appropriate [158]
Clinical monitoring
• growth – weight, length/height, BMI at each clinic review
• assessment for signs of any vitamin and mineral deficiencies (e.g. skin rashes, sparse hair)
• neurological and neurocognitive assessments
• eye examination especially if high tyrosine levels
• bone mineral density (DEXA), especially if there is renal tubular disease
Nutritional monitoring
• dietary assessment at all clinic reviews
• nutritional biochemistry as above
554 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Long‐term Prior to nitisinone treatment, survival rates were clearly related to age of onset of symptoms with death from liver failure,
complications and neurological crisis or HCC usually by 10 years of age [162] (Table 28.41).
outcome Nitisinone is now the mainstay of treatment for HTI. A small proportion of patients presenting acutely with liver failure do
not respond after a week of nitisinone. These cases should be referred for liver transplant assessment [158].
• Neuropsychological outcome appears affected in nitisinone‐treated HTI [170, 171, 178–180] in particular affecting IQ
scores, especially performance skills, executive functioning and social cognition.
• Outcome studies on 46 French [171], 10 Belgian [178], 19 Dutch [179] and 7 German (>3 years of age) [181] patients
treated with nitisinone and diet show high incidence of educational difficulties and cognitive impairment, in up to:
◦◦ 35% of the French cases of school age
◦◦ 30% of the Belgian cases
◦◦ 32% of the Dutch cases
◦◦ five of the seven German cases
• The cause of the cognitive deficits is unclear, but may be the result of high tyrosine levels due to poor adherence with the
dietary treatment as chronic high tyrosine levels are associated with cognitive difficulties in HTII and most cases of HTIII
[171, 178]. Tyrosine is a precursor for the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, and high tyrosine levels may
alter the synthesis of these [178].
• Some patients have low plasma phenylalanine concentrations [178, 182]. There is a known association in PKU between low
phenylalanine levels and low IQ [178] where patients with the lowest IQ had mean phenylalanine <40 μmol/L in the first 2
years of treatment. Phenylalanine and tyrosine are both large neutral amino acids, and they compete for entry at the blood–
brain barrier; thus high tyrosine levels with low phenylalanine concentrations will limit the amount of phenylalanine
transported into the brain, potentially being rate limiting for brain protein synthesis.
• Recent work from the Netherlands [183] looked at plasma and, by calculation, presumptive brain influx of tyrosine and
phenylalanine. Presumptive brain influx of phenylalanine was decreased more than expected from plasma levels but could
be increased with phenylalanine supplementation; however to achieve adequate presumptive brain phenylalanine influx in
HTI plasma phenylalanine levels probably needs to be above the current thresholds for hypophenylalaninaemia of
30–40 μmol/L [184, 185].
Guidelines European 2013 – Recommendations for the management of tyrosinaemia type 1 [158]
US/Canadian 2017 – Diagnosis and treatment of tyrosinaemia type I: a US and Canadian consensus group review and
recommendations [180]
Parent Support Metabolic Support UK
Exchange system value protein contain high amounts of tyrosine and phenyla-
lanine and thus the amounts permitted would be very small.
Foods used to provide daily protein allowance are mainly of Each exchange provides 1 g protein. Examples of basic 1 g
low biological value protein as foods with a high biological protein exchanges are in Table 28.42. A more extensive list is
Dietary Management of HTI 555
Table 28.42 Basic 1 g protein exchanges for tyrosinaemia [54]. Table 28.43 Factors affecting tyrosine tolerance.
Protein Fluid
kcal kJ equivalent (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) (mL)
330 mL SMA Pro First Infant Milk 221 924 4.3 23.4 11.9 330
390 mL Tyr Anamix Infant 269 1119 7.8 28.9 13.7 390
Total 490 2043 12.1 52.3 25.6 720
Intake per kg/day 123 511 3 13.1 6.4 180
10% energy 43% energy 47% energy
Energy requirement per kg/day 96 403
558 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.46 Manipulation of diet based on blood tyrosine levels. diagnosed with HTI, are commenced on dietary treatment
and nitisinone:
Blood tyrosine level Protein intake
• Initially natural protein intake is decreased to 0.5–1.0 g/
>400–700 μmol/L Decrease intake by 1–2 g protein/day kg body weight/day, and an age‐appropriate tyrosine‐
<200 μmol/L Increase intake by 1 g of protein/day and phenylalanine‐free protein substitute is introduced
to maintain an age‐appropriate total protein intake/kg/
day (Table 28.44)
Management of Illness • Natural protein intake is then adjusted according to
plasma tyrosine results (Table 28.46) to maintain within
Children with HTI do not have acute metabolic decompen- target treatment ranges (Table 28.40)
sation with intercurrent illness. A formal ER is not required.
It is however prudent to try to prevent catabolism and exces-
sive rise in blood tyrosine levels by:
• encouraging intake of the usual tyrosine and phenylala- Learning points: tyrosinaemia type I (hepatorenal
nine protein substitute tyrosinaemia)
• giving protein exchanges to appetite
• giving sugary/high carbohydrate drinks • HTI is a treatable disorder since the introduction of
Dietary management of later diagnosed • Dietary restriction of tyrosine and phenylalanine is required
cases of HTI lifelong
• Long‐term outcome knowledge is still being accrued as
Individuals diagnosed late after the onset of clinical symp- nitisinone has only been available for 27 years
toms, or as a result of investigation following a sibling being
• The target for tyrosine is lower than that needed to treat the skin and eye lesions to minimise possible risk of high tyrosine
levels contributing to developmental delay [191]
Monitoring Frequency of blood tyrosine and phenylalanine monitoring
Regular monitoring of blood tyrosine and phenylalanine concentrations should be undertaken. Generally DBS are taken at home
and posted to the laboratory for analysis:
• weekly in infants because growth is rapid, or in newly diagnosed patients until stable
• every 1–2 weeks in 1‐ to 4‐year‐olds
• monthly thereafter or more frequently if levels are unstable
Nutritional monitoring
• dietary assessment at all clinic reviews
• nutritional biochemistry including plasma quantitative amino acids, FBC, iron studies, annual monitoring of other vitamins,
minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids as appropriate
Parent Support Metabolic Support UK
Learning points: tyrosinaemia type II (Richner–Hanhart Learning points: tyrosinaemia type III
syndrome, HTII)
• HTIII is extremely rare
• HTII is extremely rare • Treatment with a low tyrosine and phenylalanine diet
• Treatment with a low tyrosine and phenylalanine diet with with tyrosine‐ and phenylalanine‐free protein substitute
tyrosine and phenylalanine protein substitute, as in HTI, although needed initially may not be required long term to
will reduce the accumulation of tyrosine crystals achieve target treatment blood levels
• Neurological outcome is compromised in many cases with • Neurological outcome is compromised in most cases
learning difficulties, challenging behaviour and seizures
Long‐term • There are reports that after infancy many patients with HTIII are able to maintain tyrosine levels within the target treatment
complications range without the need for dietary treatment [193]. This has also been observed in the author’s unit
and outcome • Intellectual impairment is the most common long‐term complication reported in 75% of cases [192, 194]
Dietetic Principles of dietetic management used for HTI (p. 554) can be applied to HTIII:
management • low tyrosine and phenylalanine diet
• tyrosine and phenylalanine protein substitute
• target treatment levels: tyrosine 200–400 μmol/L
phenylalanine >50 μmol/L
Monitoring Frequency of blood tyrosine and phenylalanine monitoring
Regular monitoring of blood tyrosine and phenylalanine concentrations should be undertaken. Generally DBS are taken at home
and posted to the laboratory for analysis:
• weekly in infants because growth is rapid, or in newly diagnosed patients until stable
• every 1–2 weeks in 1‐ to 4‐year‐olds
• monthly thereafter or more frequently if levels are unstable
Nutritional monitoring
• dietary assessment at all clinic reviews
• nutritional biochemistry including plasma quantitative amino acids, FBC, iron studies, annual monitoring of other vitamins,
minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids as appropriate
Parent Support Metabolic Support UK
Dietary management: general principles of low nitrogen scavengers in UCD) or to increase excretion of toxic
protein diets intermediates (e.g. carnitine and glycine to excrete isovaleric
acid in IVA) or to replace a deficient product (e.g. arginine in
Introduction UCD). Medical aspects and disorder‐specific dietary treat-
ments are described under each separate condition. Patients
A low protein diet forms an essential part of the manage- with an OAA or UCD are invariably complex to treat, and it
ment of organic acidaemias (OAA), e.g. methylmalonic aci- is essential they are managed at specialist metabolic centres.
daemia (MMA), isovaleric acidaemia (IVA), glutaric aciduria Local professionals and hospital teams should also form an
type 1 (GA1) and the urea cycle disorders (UCD), e.g. citrul- integral part of their care package.
linaemia, ornithine carbamoyl transferase deficiency. These
disorders arise due to enzyme defects in the catabolic path-
ways of certain amino acids (in the case of OAA) and of Protein requirements
waste nitrogen excretion (in the case of UCD). The aim of the
low protein diet is to limit the substrate load (amino acids in Proteins are large complex molecules. Different proteins
OAA and nitrogen in UCD) on the ‘blocked’ metabolic path- work as antibodies, enzymes, messenger proteins such as
way to reduce the production of toxic metabolites that can some types of hormones and structural components and in
cause neurological sequelae and organ damage. As such, transport and storage. The body does not maintain reserves
these are classified as ‘intoxication type disorders’ of inter- of protein; thus a constant supply is needed (p. 513).
mediary metabolism. Low protein diets should provide at least the minimum
This section describes the provision of a low protein diet amount of protein, nitrogen and indispensable (essential)
and acute management, common to these disorders. Dietary amino acids to meet the body’s requirements. ‘Safe level of
treatment is generally combined with pharmacological treat- protein intake’ (Table 28.47) and requirements for indispen-
ment to reduce the substrate load on the pathway (e.g. sable amino acid intake have been set by FAO/WHO/UNU
Dietary Management: General Principles of Low Protein Diets 561
Table 28.47 ‘Safe level of protein intake’ for infants, children recent advances in determining protein and amino acids
and adolescents. requirements in humans is by a stable isotope method: indi-
cator amino acid oxidation [195]. Using this technique, mean
Age Safe level (g protein/kg/day)
and safe protein intake in children aged 6–10 years is
For infants < 6 months of age (months) reported to be 1.3 and 1.55 g/kg/day that is much higher
1 1.77
than current FAO recommendations. However, while experts
continue to debate the accuracy of alternative methodologies
2 1.5
used to determine protein requirements [12, 196, 197], the
3 1.36 FAO guidelines for protein continue to be used to guide low
4 1.24 protein intake prescriptions in OAA and UCD, although
6 1.14 some countries use local reference value guidelines. Ideally
the protein source in low protein diets should be mainly
For weaned infants (sexes combined) (years)
from HBV protein. However, this is not necessarily common
0.5 1.31 practice because a greater variety of foods and a higher
1 1.14 energy intake per gram of protein can be provided from LBV
1.5 1.03 protein foods. Children on low protein diets who frequently
2 0.97 consume a limited range of LBV protein foods (plant foods)
may be at risk of one or more indispensable amino acids
3 0.9
becoming rate limiting for protein synthesis, e.g. lysine in
4 0.86 predominantly cereal‐based diets. It is, therefore, important
5 0.85 that a variety of LBV protein foods (potato, cereals, rice,
6 0.89 pasta, pulses, vegetables) are eaten to ensure an adequate
intake of all indispensable amino acids. If the protein toler-
7 0.91
ance and prescription is generous enough, more HBV pro-
8–9 0.92
teins should be included to improve the protein quality of
10 0.91 the diet. A new method of calculating protein quality was
Girls published by the FAO in 2013 [198]. However, without more
11 0.9 up to date and extensive amino acids analysis of foods, this
is difficult and time consuming to calculate. There are no
12 0.89
publications describing an optimal ratio of HBV to LBV
13 0.88 foods in low protein diets for these disorders. Dietary prac-
14 0.87 tice surveys in UK and Europe report that HBV foods typi-
15 0.85 cally provide at least some of the daily protein allowance in
16 0.84
patients with UCD [199], and the OAA, propionic acidaemia
(PA) [200] and IVA [201].
17 0.83
Protein allowance (g/day) varies depending on the dis-
18 0.82 order, residual enzyme activity of the specific disorder,
Boys growth rate, age and prescribed medicines. During early
11 0.91 infancy, growth is at a maximum, so protein requirements
per kg body weight are greatest at this time. Clinical and
12–13 0.90
biochemical monitoring are essential to help prevent pro-
14 0.89 tein and amino acid deficiencies, which can cause severe
15 0.88 cutaneous lesions (babies and young children are particu-
16 0.87 larly vulnerable), and to guide protein prescription (refer
17 0.86 to specific disorders).
Protein intake may need to be temporarily increased:
18 0.85
Provision of a low protein diet provide more choice in a low protein diet. Parents should be
encouraged to spend time looking at different product
Protein choices in the supermarket.
In OAA and UCD a daily protein allowance is prescribed.
Protein intake (g/kg/day) decreases with age, but the total Protein substitutes (l‐amino acid supplements)
intake (g/day) increases (Table 28.47). Protein is provided Precursor‐free l‐amino acid supplements (i.e. disorder‐spe-
from breastmilk or infant formula for infants and food for cific amino acid supplements that do not contain the amino
older children (unless they are tube fed). Protein intake from acids that cannot be metabolised) are used by some centres
LBV protein foods can be measured by an exchange system, in the treatment of some OAA (further discussed under the
where one exchange equals the amount of each food that specific disorders as their role and use varies between disor-
provides 1 g of protein. This system allows greater variety in ders). The use of EAA supplements in UCD is discussed on
the diet as foods can be substituted for each other and still p. 590. Administration of amino acid supplements (termed
provide a similar protein content and the same total daily protein substitutes) for disorders of amino acid metabolism
protein intake. is discussed on p. 523. Although smaller amounts are used in
Table 28.48 provides a list of 1 g protein exchange weights OAA and UCD, the practical aspects are generally still
and energy content for basic foods such as potato, rice, pasta, applicable.
pulses, vegetables and some infant formulas. Protein can
also be provided by manufactured foods such as bread, pitta,
chapatti, breakfast cereals, biscuits, cake, potato‐based foods Energy
and vegetable fingers. The protein content on the nutritional
Energy requirements need to be adjusted for the individual’s
label is expressed as grams of protein/100 g food and some-
needs considering metabolic stability, rate of weight gain
times per portion. Parents should be taught how to interpret
and physical activity. Inadequate energy intake must be
the food label and calculate exchanges. For manufactured
avoided as it causes poor growth and metabolic instability
foods one exchange (1 g protein) is calculated as follows:
with endogenous protein catabolism, leading to an increased
• 100 ÷ (g protein per 100 g of food) production of toxic metabolites, e.g. ammonia in UCD, and
• if more than 1 g protein is desired, this is multiplied by must be avoided. The aim is to provide around normal
that number of exchanges, e.g. cornflakes = 7 g protein energy requirement for age and sex, except for those with
per 100 g physical disability who are likely to have lower energy
• 100 ÷ 7 = 14 g cornflakes = 1 g protein requirements due to reduced mobility, such as children with
• if 2 g of protein is required, then 14 g
× 2 = 28 g MMA who have had a metabolic stroke and, in others who
cornflakes may have increased energy requirements, such as children
with GA1 with severe dystonia.
Ideally the protein intake should be evenly distributed
Dietary energy can be provided by both the protein
between main meals with some allocated for snacks to avoid
exchanges and the following groups of foods that are allowed
giving a protein load at any one meal. Protein food exchanges
without restriction in the diet:
should be weighed using digital scales that weigh in 1 g
increments, at least initially. If parents cannot cope with the • foods naturally low in or free of protein: sugar, fats and a
concept of protein exchanges or weighing, then a set menu few commercial foods (Table 28.9). The classification
with handy measures or a pictorial food chart can be used. guideline for exchange‐free commercial foods in PKU
Often parents become familiar with portion sizes that pro- can also be used for low protein diets. Generally foods
vide 1 g of protein and stop weighing food; however, it with <0.5 g protein/100 g can be allowed freely unless a
remains important to check accuracy by weighing regularly. large portion is likely to be eaten
The energy provided by exchange foods has a wide varia- • fruits and vegetables with <1.0 g protein/100 g
tion, e.g. an exchange (1 g protein) of baked beans provides (Table 28.50)
20 kcal (85 kJ) and crisps 110 kcal (460 kJ). It may be helpful, • specially manufactured very low protein foods; these
particularly if the child has a poor appetite, to give parents include bread (loaves, rolls), pizza bases, pasta, rice, cous-
advice on choosing protein exchanges that are more energy cous, pasta, flour mixes (for cakes, savoury), breakfast
dense and provide >60 kcal (250 kJ) per exchange. cereals and bars, savoury snacks, biscuits/crackers, soup
HBV protein foods can be incorporated in the diet as 3 or sachets, low protein desserts, low protein energy bars
6 g protein exchanges (i.e. one exchange is the amount of and egg replacers. In the UK most of these foods are
food which provides 3 or 6 g protein). Table 28.49 provides a available on prescription, endorsed Advisory Committee
list of 6 g protein exchange weights for higher protein foods. on Borderline Substances (ACBS). Manufacturers of low
This is more useful for older children or those with milder protein foods include Fate Special Foods, First Play
disorders who are on a much more generous protein Dietary Foods, Gluten Free Foods, Juvela, MetaX,
allowance. Mevalia, Nutricia, PK Foods, Promin, Taranis and Vitaflo.
Some vegan, plant‐based foods are as high in protein as The protein content of most of these foods is very low, but
HBV foods; however, some are lower in protein and can help they should be checked as some may need to be counted
Dietary Management: General Principles of Low Protein Diets 563
Table 28.48 Basic list of 1 g protein exchange foods for low protein diets.
* For manufactured foods the weight for one exchange and energy value will be more accurate if calculated from the nutritional label on the food. The
figures given can be used as a guide.
The weight of one exchange for vegetables, potatoes and pulses is for cooked (boiled) weight (except for baked beans) unless otherwise stated.
Source: From Finglas et al. [54]. Licensed under Open Government UK.
as part of the daily protein allowance. Availability of swallow due to neurological disability, or vomiting, gastro‐
choice is important for quality of life and dietary adher- oesophageal reflux (GOR) and retching depend on energy
ence, but cost of products and quantity used should be supplements as their main energy source, which are invari-
considered if obtained on prescription. Manufacturers ably part of a modular tube feed. If energy supplements are
produce recipe booklets and online resources for their needed, it is important to maintain a healthy balance between
low protein food products, e.g. www.lowproteinconnect. fat and carbohydrate (CHO) energy.
• energy supplements: glucose polymer, fat emulsions or
Vitamins, minerals and trace elements
combined fat and glucose polymer supplements
Mineral deficiencies, particularly associated with low pro-
Manufactured low protein foods are not always necessary tein diets, have been reported in patients with OAA and
or popular with children on low protein diets although low UCD [202–204]. Vitamin and mineral supplements are invar-
protein milk replacements, e.g. Prozero and Loprofin Drink, iably essential as dietary intake will be severely limited.
are useful and can be well accepted. Some children obtain Adequate intake of vitamins A and C and folic acid can be
sufficient energy from normal foods and prefer to eat these. provided by fruits and vegetables, if eaten in amounts rec-
In contrast others with a poor appetite, inability to suck or ommended for healthy children. Iron, zinc, copper, calcium,
Dietary Management: General Principles of Low Protein Diets 565
Table 28.49 Basic list of 6 g protein exchange foods for low protein dissolved in water and can be used from age 3 years.
diets. Alternatively for older children Forceval Soluble Junior
(suitable from age 6 years) or Forceval Soluble or Capsules
Weight (g) = 1 exchange
(suitable from age 12 years) can be given. Forceval Soluble
Food = 6 g protein
Junior does not contain calcium, phosphorus or sodium,
Egg (hen’s) 1 medium egg inositol and choline and only small amounts of magnesium.
Meat, trimmed of all fat, e.g. beef, pork, 20–25 depending on cut A separate calcium supplement must be given. Forceval
lamb, chicken Soluble and Capsules differ in composition from Soluble
Processed meats, e.g. sausage, burger, Vary – calculate from Junior; they contain no sodium or vitamin K and only a
salami, ham, chicken nuggets nutritional label small amount of calcium, phosphorus and potassium. An
additional calcium supplement is needed. Phlexy‐Vits (pow-
der or tablets) is a comprehensive vitamin and mineral sup-
White fish, e.g. cod, haddock, plaice, 25
plement suitable from age 11 years. The powder is generally
taken mixed with a strong flavoured drink. If commercial
Oily fish, e.g. salmon, mackerel, sardines 30 vitamin and mineral supplements available from supermar-
Shellfish, e.g. prawns, crab 30 kets and pharmacies are used, it is essential their composi-
Scampi in breadcrumbs Approx. 60 – calculate tion is checked as this varies greatly between brands and
from nutritional label invariably will not provide an adequate intake of all neces-
Fish fingers, fish cakes Vary – calculate from sary micronutrients. Supplements should be given with a
nutritional label drink of water or mixed with water to dilute (as recom-
Cheese mended by manufacturer).
Cheddar, Edam, Gouda 25
Feta 40 Essential fatty acids
Cottage cheese Approx. 60 – calculate Children on low protein diets may be at risk of inadequate
from nutritional label intakes of essential fatty acids (EFA) and their longer chain
Nuts derivatives docosohexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic
Peanuts 25 acid (AA). LCPUFA deficiency, specifically DHA, has been
reported in patients with UCD and MMA, and supplementa-
Peanut butter 25
tion recommended [207]. Low plasma and red cell DHA con-
Cashew 30 centrations in patients with UCD and branched chain organic
Chestnuts 50 acidurias have also been reported [208]. Low protein diets
and modular feeds [206] need to be assessed for EFA and
Source: From Finglas et al. [54]. Licensed under Open Government UK. LCPUFA content. In the UK at least 1% of total energy intake
from linoleic acid and 0.2% from α‐linolenic acid is recom-
mended for infants [205]. FAO/WHO 2008 [209] recom-
vitamins B12 and D are most likely to be deficient in low pro- mends for children >6 months, 3%–4% linoleic acid and
tein diets based mainly on LBV protein foods. Children who 0.4%–0.6% α‐linolenic of daily energy intake, and DHA for
are less mobile and those who are less exposed to sunlight or infants to be based on amounts in breastmilk and for chil-
with dark skin are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency. dren: 100–150 mg for 2–4 years; 150–200 mg for 4–6 years;
Together, the diet and vitamin and mineral supplement 200–300 mg for 6–10 years. Red cell and plasma fatty acid
should provide at least the reference nutrient intakes (RNI) profiles should be measured if there are concerns about pos-
for vitamins and minerals [205], except for children with sible deficiency. Red cell measurements more accurately
MMA who have chronic kidney disease (CKD) (p. 262). reflect long‐term EFA and LCPUFA status. DHA is added to
The amount of supplement required varies depending on some of the disorder‐specific precursor‐free amino acid sup-
the child’s diet and must be assessed for the individual, plements used in treatment of OAA such as the Infant
including those on modular tube feeds [206]. The supple- Anamix and Cooler ranges. KeyOmega and Doc Omega are
ment is best given as a divided dose to enhance absorption. AA and/or DHA supplements that can be added if dietary
A list of ACBS prescribable micronutrient supplements is or modular feed sources are inadequate.
provided in Table 28.14. These vary in format (powders,
capsules, effervescent tablets). Paediatric Seravit (unfla-
voured or pineapple flavour) provides a comprehensive Monitoring a low protein diet
vitamin and mineral supplement (except for sodium, potas-
sium and chloride). The unflavoured powder can be added Clinical and biochemical
to infant formula or modular tube feeds, taking into account Nutritional adequacy of the low protein diet needs to be
what the feed already provides, or mixed into a strong fla- carefully monitored as deficiency states have been reported
voured drink to mask its flavour. FruitiVits is a comprehen- [202–204]. The following are necessary at clinic appoint-
sive supplement, an orange flavoured powder that is ments: clinical examination (skin, looking specifically for
566 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Fresh, frozen protein/100 g or tinned (fruit only weight) <1 g protein, unless stated otherwise. Fruits with >1 g protein/100 g may need
to be counted as part of the daily protein intake if eaten in large portions. Many dried fruits are higher in protein content and need to
be counted.
Apples Jack fruit Pineapples
Apricots Kiwi fruit Plums
Bilberries Kumquats Pomegranates (1.3 g protein/100 g)
Blackberries Lemons Pears
Blackcurrants Limes Prunes
Blueberries Loganberries Quince
Clementines Lychees Raisins
Cherries Mandarins Raspberries (1.4 g protein/100 g)
Cranberries Mangoes Redcurrants
Damsons Melons Rhubarb
Dragon fruit Medlars Satsumas
Figs, not dried Mulberries Sharon fruit
Figs, green, raw Nectarines (1.4 g protein/100 g) Star fruit
Gooseberries Olives Strawberries
Grapefruit Oranges Tamarillos
Grapes Passion fruit (2.6 g protein/100 g) Tangerines
Greengages Papaya Water melon
Guava Peaches Mixed peel
Fresh cooked (vegetable weight only) <1 g protein/100 g, unless stated otherwise. Vegetables with >1 g protein/100 g may need to be
counted as part of the daily protein intake if eaten in large portions.
Artichoke Cucumber Parsley
Aubergine Fennel Parsnip (1.6 g protein/100 g)
Beans, French, green Garlic Peppers
Beetroot boiled (2.3 g protein/100 g) Gherkins Pumpkin
Cabbage boiled (1.5 g/100 g) Herbs Radish
Carrot Leek (1.2 g protein/100 g) Rocket, raw (3.6 g protein/100 g)
Capers Lettuce, raw (1.2 g/100 g) Squash, butternut (0.9 g protein/100 g)
Cassava Marrow Swede
Celeriac Mustard and cress Tomato
Celery Mushrooms, raw (1 g protein/100 g) Tomato purée
Chicory Onion Turnip
Courgette (2 g protein/100 g) Spring onion Watercress (3 g protein/100 g)
Source: From Finglas et al. [54]. Licensed under Open Government UK.
signs of protein deficiency such as rashes, hair and nails),
anthropometric measurements, biochemical assessment Poor growth can occur in some of these disorders and may
(such as quantitative amino acids and electrolytes) and die- be attributed to the disorder and low protein diet; therefore,
tary assessment (checking all nutrients). At least annual regular monitoring is essential. It has been demonstrated
assessment of the following is also important: plasma status [210] that a protein-energy ratio range of 6%–12% correlates
of vitamins A, D, E, B12, minerals (ferritin, Hb), trace ele- with an optimal growth, BMI and % fat mass in OAA and
ments (copper, zinc, selenium) (Table 1.6), bone mineral den- UCD on a restricted natural protein diet (median natural
sity scans (by DEXA) and plasma and red cell status of EFA protein intake at or above safe intakes [8], without use of
and LCPUFA. l‐amino acids). However, no description of type or amount
Initial Dietary Treatment of the Critically Unwell, Newly Diagnosed Patient 567
of HBV or LBV protein was given. It was recognised that a adequate enteral energy intake difficult; a higher energy
protein intake at the upper end of this ratio may not be pos- intake can often be achieved from parenteral nutrition
sible due to the underlying metabolic defect. Data on 263 (PN) via a central venous catheter (CVC) or peripher-
MMA/PA patients from the European registry and net- ally inserted catheter (PICC) and may be preferable
work for Intoxication type Metabolic Diseases (E‐IMD) [211] during the initial stabilisation period. Assess for the
showed that a higher natural protein energy prescription ratio individual.
and plasma l‐valine and l‐arginine levels were positively • Reintroduce protein within 24–48 hours of stopping and
associated with height z‐score, but negatively associated with before if the acute metabolic derangement, including aci-
amount of synthetic protein prescription and age at visit. dosis, has been corrected and plasma ammonia is
The nutritional intake of infants needs to be monitored fre- <100 μmol/L (normal <40 μmol/L). This may be delayed
quently as they grow rapidly during the first few months in very sick infants on dialysis.
and year of life. Newly diagnosed neonates and young • Protein is usually commenced at 0.5 g protein/kg body
infants should be weighed 1–2 weekly at local baby clinics; weight/day and increased to the final safe level of pro-
this can usually be decreased to monthly intervals by one tein intake (Table 28.47) within a few days (typically 2–3
year of age if growth is satisfactory. Parents should initially days), depending on blood biochemistry. An age‐appro-
be contacted every 1–2 weeks to review weight gain and priate feed is used: for infants either infant formula or
assess feed intake; thereafter, the frequency can be based on EBM; for older children a paediatric enteral feed.
progress. Adjustments to composition and volume of low • If enteral feeds are not tolerated, PN is given (p. 71). A
protein feeds are then made based on weight gain (to give standard parenteral amino acid solution such as
the safe level of protein intake, provided the child is meta- Vaminolact or Vamin can be used, but only the desired
bolically stable) and guidance given on the feeding pattern, amount of protein (amino acids g/kg/day) given.
including frequency of feeding. This regular contact can also For example: to provide 2 g amino acids/kg for a 3.5 kg
identify any feeding problems at an early stage. infant
Vaminolact provides 65.3 g amino acids (9.3 g nitrogen =
58 g protein)/1000 mL
Initial dietary treatment of the critically unwell,
110 mL provides 7.2 g amino acids = 2 g/kg.
newly diagnosed patient Vaminolact, glucose and electrolytes solutions are given
together, as well as lipid and vitamin solutions; com-
Patients with ‘intoxication type disorders’ generally present
bined they provide the total energy and nutrient
following a symptom‐free period, which can be acute or
chronic. Neonates and young infants may present with a his-
• As the child stabilises the IV fluids or PN can be gradu-
tory of poor feeding, lethargy, hypotonia with relentless
ally decreased, and enteral feeds (providing the same
deterioration and progression to coma. Older children, or
protein and energy content) increased concurrently. A
even adults, may present acutely at the time of an intercur-
PN titration plan is calculated to decrease both solutions
rent infection or other catabolic event. The newly diagnosed
that enables tolerance to be assessed and an adequate
patient may be very sick with metabolic encephalopathy, in
energy intake and the desired protein prescription to be
intensive care with a severe metabolic acidosis and/or
constantly provided.
hyperammonaemia requiring ventilation and extracorporeal
• The titration plan is based on the volume and adminis-
procedures and drug management to remove toxic com-
tration rate of each PN solution and the volume of enteral
pounds. Reversal of catabolism is essential to prevent fur-
feed to be given.
ther production of toxic metabolites and to help stabilise the
• Electrolytes (sodium and potassium) may need to be
child’s condition.
added to the feed to provide normal requirements for
The principles of dietetic treatment to promote anabolism
age, taking into account any contribution of these from
are similar for both OAA and UCD:
IV fluids and medicines such as sodium bicarbonate (to
• Stop all protein sources (to reduce the production of treat acidosis) and sodium benzoate (to treat hyperam-
toxic metabolites from exogenous sources) for the mini- monaemia). Blood electrolytes should also guide intake.
mum time possible to avoid protein deficiency and • For infants, if the mother wishes to breastfeed, she should
catabolism. be encouraged to express several times a day to maintain
• Give a protein‐free, high energy intake to promote anab- a good supply of breastmilk until the baby becomes more
olism: IV fluids comprising 10% glucose and electrolytes, metabolically stable; then BF can be reintroduced. This
combined with or progressing to continuous nasogastric changeover from NG feeds to BF may take a few days in
(NG) feeds of 10%–20% glucose polymer (depending on a baby who is still not fully alert post‐extubation, has
age) ± fat emulsion; infants can be given a protein‐free been encephalopathic and has never established full BF
feed such as Energivit, as tolerated, or for older children, due to poor feeding prior to presentation. Initially a com-
Basecal. Some patients progress directly to introduction bination of some BF and NG/oral feeds may be best with
of protein (see below) and may not have a period of pro- progression towards full BF as the infant’s oral feeding
tein‐free feeds, once stabilised. improves. Careful monitoring is necessary to ensure the
• Fluid restrictions in the ventilated child and sometimes infant receives an adequate intake during this period.
poor tolerance of enteral feed can make provision of an EBM can be used to provide the protein requirement
568 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
until BF is fully established. Protein‐free feeds are usu- • Once the child transitions from acute to chronic manage-
ally given in combination with BF while metabolic stabil- ment, the principles of a low protein diet (p. 562) should
ity is being established and often long term to limit be followed. Practical aspects of feeding and ongoing
protein intake (see below). dietary treatment are described below.
• For children who present at an older age, a low protein • Prior to discharge the parents need to be fully educated
tube feed (short or long term), particularly for those and given clear written instructions about the dietary
with a severe neurological insult or to establish a low treatment and emergency regimen for management of
protein diet, may be needed. When starting a low pro- illness (discussed in detail under specific disorders) and
tein diet, taking a diet history is important as some chil- a list of contact information for the metabolic team.
dren may already self‐select a low protein diet and/or Liaison with local healthcare professionals, such as
have specific eating habits and food choices. This is health visitors and the local hospital team, is also an
seen typically, but not exclusively, in those with UCD. essential part of the ongoing care package.
This information is useful to plan the low protein diet
and to help the family cope. It may be possible to con- Examples of low protein feeds and diets for the manage-
tinue with a self‐selected low protein diet and just ment of OAA and UCD are given in Tables 28.51 and 28.52
ensure adequate protein‐free energy, vitamins and min- (infant feeds), Table 28.53 (older child’s diet) and Tables 28.54
erals are given. and 28.55 (tube feeds).
Table 28.51 Standard infant formula and Energivit (protein‐free feed) for 3‐month‐old male infant.
540 mL SMA Pro First Infant Milk (68 g powder) 362 1520 7 39 19
250 mL Energivit 185 777 – 25 9.5
Total 547 2297 7.0
Per kg 109 459 1.4 – –
Energy requirement per kg* 96 403
480/day 2106/day
Safe protein intake¶ 1.36 g/kg/day
Energy % 5.1 47 47
Sodium Potassium
(kcal) (kJ) CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) (mmol) (mmol)
* The dose of Paediatric Seravit is adjusted according to normal recommendations [205] taking into account the amount provided by infant formula (i.e.
the protein source).
Sodium and potassium per 100 mL is similar to standard infant formula.
Diet in Childhood 569
Infant feeding finger foods during the first year. The first solids given are
protein‐free such as fruit or low protein vegetable purées
Breastmilk or a whey‐based infant formula should provide the (Table 28.50) or very low protein manufactured foods such
main protein source for infants. Some centres choose to pro- as Aminex rusk and Promin low protein pasta meal that are
vide some of the daily protein allowance as EAA for UCD available on ACBS prescription, or commercial baby foods
infants or precursor‐free amino acids for MMA/PA/IVA containing <0.5 g protein/100 g (predominantly fruit purées),
infants; this will be discussed in the disorder‐specific sections. so, if refused, the total protein intake is not affected. Once
Breastmilk has many immunological and nutritional ben- these are accepted, protein‐containing solids are introduced
efits. In the normal population breastfed babies produce sig- from either commercial baby foods or homemade foods such
nificantly less propionic acid compared with formula‐fed as potato, vegetables or cereals. Protein exchanges should be
babies [213], so theoretically breastfed infants with MMA or gradually introduced, and intake carefully monitored to
PA may have the additional benefit of reduced gut propion- ensure adequate is being provided at all times from a combi-
ate production. Despite only a few published reports of BF in nation of feed and food and thus avoid risk of protein defi-
babies with UCD and OAA [214–216], demand BF can be ciency. It is best to have a flexible approach as to when the
successful provided there is regular monitoring of growth protein food should be given; some infants may take this
and metabolic status. BF can be difficult to establish in a best before (if not too hungry) or between feeds. One gram of
baby who has been sick and not breastfed for several days; protein from infant formula is replaced by 1 g of protein from
mothers need support and encouragement to express. They solids. This is less easy to regulate in the breastfed infant as
may feel anxious about not knowing how much protein the the protein intake is not known. Therefore, an aim for total
breastmilk is providing. If demand BF provides too much protein intake (usually the safe level of protein intake) is set;
protein, this can be reduced by supplementary protein‐free each breastfeed will then equate to an amount of protein, e.g.
bottle feeding before some or all breastfeeds. The volume of one feed = 2 g protein, and as the protein exchanges from
protein‐free infant formula to give before breastfeeds can be solids are introduced, the number of breastfeeds is reduced
calculated: (daily fluid requirements) − (volume of breast- to compensate.
milk to provide prescribed amount of protein) = volume of It is important to ensure that an adequate energy intake is
specialised infant formula required. provided by exchanges and free foods; otherwise breast-
feeds will not be reduced sufficiently; each 1 g protein from
For example, for a 4 kg infant, age 1 month: breastmilk provides around 52 kcal (217 kJ). The energy con-
Total daily fluid requirements = 170 mL/kg/day; safe level tent of protein exchanges can be increased by adding butter
of protein intake = 1.77 g/kg/day (Table 28.47) = 7 g or margarine to savoury foods. In both the bottle and breast-
protein/day fed infant, this process of introduction of solids is continued
Daily fluid requirements = 680–540 mL breastmilk (1.3 g throughout the first year of life or so and is dictated by what
protein/100 mL = 7 g protein) = 140 mL protein-free the infant can manage, until all the protein is provided by
infant formula given as 35 mL before four breastfeeds solid food. Ideally the protein exchanges should be evenly
If a whey‐based infant formula is used, the volume is distributed between main meals. During this changeover
adjusted to provide at least the safe level of protein intake period, it is important to ensure that vitamin and mineral
for age, or more if clinically indicated, and combined with a intake is adequate, the supplement being introduced or
protein‐free infant formula (Table 28.51). If not available, a increased with the progressive change to solids, as these
modular low protein feed that is similar in composition foods are a poorer source of micronutrients than infant for-
to standard infant formula, but protein‐free, can be used mula and breastmilk.
(Table 28.52); this is more complex for parents. Several Some patients never progress onto solids or take very
nutritional companies (e.g. Abbott, Mead Johnson, MetaX, small amounts because of feeding difficulties. This is dis-
Milupa, Nutricia) produce protein‐free infant formulas, but cussed in more detail in disorder‐specific sections. If precur-
only Energivit (Nutricia) is available in the UK. The protein‐ sor‐free l‐amino acids form part of the diet, progression to a
free formula can be either mixed with the standard formula product suitable for older infants or children is appropriate.
or given on demand after each protein feed. It is useful to If the infant does not progress onto solid foods, then a change
specify a minimum amount the infant should consume. from infant formula to a paediatric enteral feed during early
Dietary management of GA1 differs. The amount of natu- childhood is indicated to provide the base (and protein
ral protein from breastfeeds or standard infant formula is source) of a low protein feed. This may be an oral or tube
based on lysine intake and combined with a lysine‐free, low feed or combination of both.
tryptophan infant formula (p. 583).
above. It is important to ensure the child consumes a variety Table 28.53 Low protein diet for 6‐year‐old girl.
of LBV protein foods (Table 28.48). HBV foods, if the daily
protein intake allows, can provide some protein (Table 28.49). Very low protein foods such as fruits and some vegetables are allowed
freely and not counted as part of the daily protein intake.
Choices could include thin sliced meats (ham, chicken or
turkey), fish in oil, cheeses (processed cheese triangles, Weight = 18 kg, to provide safe protein intake = 0.89 g protein/kg
(16 g protein)
cream cheese), hot dog sausages, fish fingers, Quorn prod-
ucts, eggs, fromage frais and yoghurt (choosing the highest
Protein (g)
energy varieties) and custard‐style desserts. If the daily pro- (using 1 g protein exchanges)
tein allowance as food is not all eaten, it should be replaced
with fluids; a measured volume of cow’s milk with added Breakfast
glucose polymer to 15%–20% final CHO concentration is 20 g Cornflakes and sugar 2
often the simplest way to do this. Some children are poor
Protein‐free milk*
eaters and will not achieve an adequate energy intake from
the diet. Some ideas to help are: Potato waffle (weight will vary) 1
• frying foods, adding butter, margarine, vegetable oil, Biscuit, crisps, cake 2
mayonnaise or double cream (1 g protein and 270 kcal Packed lunch
[1.1 MJ] per 60 mL) to savoury foods such as pasta, rice or
2 thin slices bread 4
• adding sugar, glucose polymer or double cream to Butter or margarine
desserts Lettuce, tomato, cucumber and
• high CHO drinks (>10% concentration) or adding glu- mayonnaise
cose polymer to drinks to a final concentration of 15%– Violife cheese 0
25% CHO, depending on age 40 g fromage frais 2
• low protein crisps, e.g. cassava snacks, prawn crackers,
Portion fresh fruit
corn curls
• very low protein milks, e.g. Prozero, SnoPro, can be used to Evening meal
make milkshakes and desserts and can be poured onto 105 g cooked rice fried with chopped 3
breakfast cereals onion, garlic, tomato, green beans
40 g sweetcorn 1
Table 28.53 provides an example of a low protein diet.
30 g ice cream 1
Tinned fruit in syrup
Feeding problems and tube feeding
Some children with UCD [199, 217, 218] and OAA [206, Protein‐free milkshake*
219, 220] have extensive feeding difficulties, and tube feed-
ing is necessary to maintain metabolic stability and pro- Energy supplements: A daily dose of glucose polymer and/or fat
emulsion may be necessary if insufficient energy is provided by the diet.
mote normal growth, which can be difficult. Feeding issues
may be due to neurological impairment, poor appetite, Low protein special foods: Can provide extra energy and variety in the
slow feeding and food refusal, vomiting, retching, GOR diet as necessary.
and biochemical instability. Some of these problems can be Vitamin and mineral supplement: e.g. 1 sachet of FruitiVits or 25 g
present from diagnosis or be acquired, particularly during Paediatric Seravit is recommended for this age, but a lower dose may
provide an adequate intake depending on vitamins and minerals
episodes of metabolic decompensation. Poor appetite, lim-
provided by the diet.
ited food variety and lengthy mealtimes have been reported
as the main feeding problems identified by caregivers of * Protein‐free milk alternatives, e.g. ProZero, SnoPro, Loprofin Drink.
children with OAA and UCD [221]. This pilot study also
identified inadequate attention to the social aspects of eat-
ing as a key issue, with most children regularly eating with other single ingredients added to meet normal energy
alone. Involvement of a speech and language therapist and and nutrient requirements: glucose polymer, fat emulsions,
a psychologist at an early stage may help manage some vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. Alternatively, a protein‐
feeding and behavioural problems. Issues to consider free feed such as Basecal, which is a similar composition to
when feeding different age groups of children with PKU paediatric feeds but protein‐free, can be used and is easier
are provided in Table 28.20 and some of these suggestions for parents and helps ensure overall nutritional adequacy
may be useful. [206, 222]. It is important to ensure adequate fluids and fibre
If tube feeding is necessary, a low protein modular feed is are given (using a paediatric feed containing fibre or adding
designed to meet the specific therapeutic dietary needs of a fibre supplement to the feed). Some children have increased
the child’s disorder. A measured volume of a standard pae- fluid requirements, including those with GA1 who have
diatric feed is used to provide the prescribed protein intake, increased muscle tone or those with MMA and CKD. The
Feeding Problems and Tube Feeding 571
additional fluid is given as water, either between feeds or that parents and caregivers have adequate training in safety
extra water with tube feed flushes; this is often better toler- aspects of home enteral feeding and regular training updates
ated than adding to the feed volume. Examples of low pro- as incorrect practices may increase a child’s risk of meta-
tein feeds are shown in Tables 28.54 and 28.55. Gastrostomy bolic decompensation [221]. PEG‐J (percutaneous endoscopic
feeding is recommended in preference to NG feeding for gastro‐jejunostomy) feeding is a useful option for those with
children who require long‐term tube feeding. It is important ongoing vomiting problems.
(kcal) (kJ) CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Sodium (mmol) Potassium (mmol)
Electrolytes, vitamins and minerals need to be individually determined considering any additional intake from food or medicines.
* Dietary reference values for energy, SACN [212].
FAO/WHO/UNU safe level of protein intake (Table 28.47).
(kcal) (kJ) CHO (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Sodium (mmol) Potassium (mmol)
Propionate (in the form of propionyl‐CoA) is formed from three main sources, not just from amino acid catabolism,
• 50% from the catabolism of the precursor amino acids isoleucine, valine, threonine and methionine [224]
• 25% from anaerobic bacterial fermentation in the gut [224]
• 25% from the oxidation of odd‐numbered long chain fatty acids (C15 and C17) [225] and other metabolites. These odd‐
chain fatty acids are synthesised by the normal pathway of fatty acid synthesis, but propionyl‐CoA acts as the primer
instead of acetyl‐CoA – hence the additional odd number of carbons in the chain [226]
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance
Newborn screening No newborn screening in the UK. The impact and clinical benefits of screening in other countries continue to be discussed
[227, 228].
Clinical onset Patients can present at any age with acute or chronic symptom, but usually in the neonatal period: 65% PA, 48% MMA [229].
presentation, features Common biochemical and clinical features occur due to accumulation of propionyl‐CoA and other metabolites:
• early‐onset form: acute deterioration with poor feeding, vomiting, lethargy, hypo‐ or hypertonia and dehydration that can
progress to coma and death if untreated; biochemical findings include a severe metabolic acidosis with elevated anion gap
(although not always) [228, 230], ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis and hyperammonaemia
• late‐onset form: later in infancy or childhood with less severe symptoms including failure to thrive and developmental
delay, recurrent vomiting, ketoacidosis, acute metabolic decompensation; a movement disorder may also develop [223]
Long‐term Outcome varies widely – The mechanisms of toxicity are complex and not completely understood; for detailed reviews of the
complications and pathophysiology, refer to Kölker et al. [231] and Haijes et al. [232]. Accumulating toxic metabolites and mitochondrial
outcome impairment are considered causative factors. Survival rates have improved in the last decade, but early deaths still occur
[220, 233, 234]. Early onset is associated with poorer outcome. Outcome in MMA is best predicted by vitamin B12
responsiveness, enzymatic subgroup, age at onset and birth decade. Mut° and cblB patients have the poorest outcome,
mut− and vitamin B12 responsive patients have a much better long‐term outcome, although they remain at risk of metabolic
decompensation and long‐term complications such as CKD [233, 234].
Multiple body systems – Can be affected in both disorders even with current treatment strategies. Recognised complications
include acute injury of the basal ganglia (known as metabolic stroke) causing mental and motor retardation and movement
disorders, epilepsy (more prevalent in PA), cardiomyopathy [235] and long QT syndrome (more prominently in PA) [236],
pancreatitis [237], optic nerve atrophy [238], immune dysfunction, recurrent infections and pancytopenia and CKD (in MMA)
[239, 240]. These complications may arise during episodes of metabolic decompensation and/or are due to a more chronic
deterioration of organ function [241].
IQ/developmental outcomes – Range from normal to significant intellectual disability in both disorders [233, 234, 241]. In PA
the frequency of metabolic crises is reported to be negatively correlated with IQ [220].
Faltering growth is common – The causative factors are likely to be multifactorial and remain to be fully elucidated [220,
234]. Early‐onset and progressive growth retardation is seen in PA [220]. Growth retardation is also reported in MMA [211,
241]; CKD may be one of the contributing factors as this is a feature of CKD per se [242]. Failure to thrive is reported as more
common in MMA mut° patients than the other enzymatic subgroups [233].
Acute management The newly diagnosed patient may be very sick, with a severe metabolic acidosis (with increased anion gap), ketoacidosis,
lactic acidosis and hyperammonaemia in intensive care requiring ventilation and extracorporeal detoxification (to remove
ammonia and toxic compounds). Protein intake is stopped, and IV glucose (at least 10%) is given to reverse catabolism and is
a crucial part of the initial management to help stabilise the child (p. 567), [241].
Medical treatment Pharmacotherapy
Treated with some or all of these medications:
• l‐Carnitine 100 mg/kg/day – conjugates with propionic acid to form propionylcarnitine and increases its excretion in urine.
A lower carnitine dose may be given in MMA patients who have deteriorating kidney function and have high plasma
concentrations of propionylcarnitine.
• Sodium benzoate – for treatment of hyperammonaemia.
• Vitamin B12 – pharmacological doses by intramuscular (IM) injection are given routinely to MMA B12 responsive patients.
• Sodium bicarbonate – to correct any acidosis in MMA.
• Carglumic acid (N‐carbamylglutamate) – for treatment of hyperammonaemia during acute decompensations. Carglumic
acid combined with nitrogen scavengers is reported as more effective in reducing plasma ammonia concentrations [243].
It may also be used in long term management.
• Metronidazole (antibiotic) – to suppress gut production of propionate [244]. It is usually given intermittently, but
administration between centres varies. Its clinical efficacy has never been proven in randomised controlled trials.
Metronidazole is not used by all centres routinely.
• Additional medicines are given to treat specific complications such as CKD in MMA, or in PA‐related cardiomyopathy,
CoQ10 supplementation may help [245].
Liver transplant in PA and in MMA, kidney, liver or combined liver and kidney transplants [246–248]; however, these are
associated with significant risk at the time of transplant. Peri‐ and post‐operative planning of nutritional management is
crucial to avoid catabolism and possible metabolic decompensation [249]. Liver transplant is not a cure, but minimises risk of
further decompensation and improves quality of life [241]; however metabolic complications may still arise, such as
metabolic stroke [250]. With liver transplant some relaxation of protein is possible, but patients still have increased
concentrations of plasma organic acids; ongoing close monitoring of diet is essential [249–251]. MMA children with kidney
transplant need to remain on a low protein diet.
Dietetic management The main aim is to reduce production of the toxic organic acids by:
• restriction of precursor amino acids (isoleucine, valine, threonine and methionine) by limiting natural protein intake
• avoidance of fasting to limit lipolysis and thus the oxidation of odd‐chain fatty acids with release of propionyl‐CoA
• provision of an adequate energy intake to limit catabolism
Parenteral nutrition should be administered when enteral protein is not tolerated at diagnosis, episodes of pancreatitis,
intolerance of enteral feeds
Monitoring Biochemical, nutritional and anthropometric monitoring are essential for optimisation of medical and dietetic management.
These are described in detail (p. 577).
574 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Emergency regimen • During intercurrent illnesses or episodes of vomiting and GOR with intolerance of enteral feeds, patients become catabolic
and are at risk of developing metabolic decompensation
• Standard emergency regimen (ER) (p. 673) and/or IV fluids (10% glucose and electrolytes) are given; the usual medicines
are continued (or increased) to help prevent decompensation (
Clinical management Baumgartner et al. Proposed guidelines for the diagnosis and management of methylmalonic and propionic acidaemia [241].
guideline Reid Sutton et al. Chronic management and health supervision of individuals with propionic acidaemia [252].
Chapman et al. Acute management of propionic acidaemia [253].
Jurecki et al. Nutrition management guidelines for propionic acidaemia: An evidence and consensus‐based approach [254].
Aldubayan et al. Acute illness protocol for organic acidaemias, methylmalonic and propionic acidaemia [255].
Parent support group
Dietary management acids (isoleucine and valine) are prescribed by some centres
to correct low plasma levels [256, 258]; it seems ironic to have
Low protein diet to supplement the amino acids that cannot be catabolised.
The 2014 MMA/PA guideline [241] advises PFAA should
The precursor amino acids (isoleucine, valine, threonine and form part of the total protein intake if natural protein toler-
methionine) do not accumulate in plasma so it is not possible ance is below 2007 FAO/WHO/UNU safe levels of protein
to use measurement of their plasma levels to determine the intake [8], making up any deficit. The 2019 PA guideline
intake of natural protein. Treatment is to limit dietary pro- from the USA [254] recommends for individuals tolerating
tein intake to around the safe level of protein for age (g/kg/ <100% of the dietary reference intake from intact protein to
day) (Table 28.47). Dietary protein is increased according to consider adding PROP medical food (i.e. PFAA) to meet
age, weight, clinical condition and quantitative plasma 100%–120% of total protein requirement.
amino acid concentrations. However, it can be difficult to Metabolic balance can be achieved without PFAA; they
achieve a balance between provision of sufficient protein are unpalatable and can be difficult to administer to children
and avoiding an excess of protein that may precipitate meta- unless they are tube fed. If used, the amount prescribed
bolic decompensation. Too low a protein intake can have should provide only part of the total protein intake and be
serious effects, such as poor growth, skin rashes, hair loss, based on growth and biochemical parameters, including
vomiting and metabolic decompensation [202–204, 241]. protein status such as plasma amino acids. Dietary intakes of
Practical aspects of provision of low protein diets and feeds isoleucine, valine, threonine and methionine should be cal-
have been discussed (p. 560). culated and compared to FAO/WHO/UNU [8] require-
ments to avoid deficiency states. Leucine intake should also
Precursor-free amino acids be calculated to avoid a high ratio of leucine to other large
neutral amino acids that could cause imbalance.
Some centres provide part of the total protein intake from PFAA supplements are available as infant formula, drink
precursor‐free l‐amino acid (PFAA) supplements (no mixes, gels or pure amino acids designed for different ages.
methionine, threonine, valine, isoleucine) to further reduce For details of presentation, composition, age suitability and
their intake from natural protein in an effort to improve met- preparation, refer to the manufacturers’ websites: www.
abolic stability, improve the quality of the low protein diet or, Similar products are
achieve protein requirements. This appears to be a more available outside the UK (, www.
common practice in some central European metabolic cen-, www.milupa‐
tres [200, 256, 257] and the USA [258] but is seldom used in
UK centres. Prescription of PFAA supplements is highly var-
iable and may provide up to 40%–50% of total protein intake Avoidance of fasting
[220, 256, 259]. However, the clinical value of PFAA remains It is recommended that long fasts are avoided to limit the
controversial. A retrospective review of MMA/PA (137 production of propionyl‐CoA from the oxidation of odd‐
patients) [219] concluded that PFAA supplementation did numbered long chain fats [225]. Mobilisation of fatty acids
not seem to have an important role in the long‐term nutri- can be suppressed by regular 3–4 hourly daytime feeding
tional and developmental outcome. Concerns have been and overnight tube feeding. Currently, overnight tube feed-
raised about the high leucine content of PFAA [258]; cross‐ ing is not used universally although many do receive this
sectional data on 61 patients with MMA identified iatrogenic because of feeding problems.
amino acids deficiencies (low plasma isoleucine and valine)
and poor growth outcomes attributable to increased leucine
Energy requirements
intake. Data from the E‐IMD registry on 250 MMA/PA
patients [256] also identified low plasma valine and isoleu- Resting energy expenditure (REE) is reported to be decreased
cine levels mainly in those receiving PFAA and related this in some patients when they are well [260]; however, others
with the high leucine content of these products. Single amino have described no difference between predicted and reported
Disorders of Propionate Metabolism 575
REE [261]. Standard predictive equations of REE may not be Dietary manipulations
a good guide to energy requirements in children with MMA
The low protein diet used for MMA is also appropriate die-
as they can have an altered body composition (increased fat
tary treatment for CKD:
mass, reduced fat‐free mass) and decreased renal function,
which are both known to affect REE [262]. • Increased fluids are needed to prevent dehydration. The
amount given is determined by kidney losses, blood
pressure, blood urea and electrolytes. Additional water
MMA B12 responsive patients
is given separate from the feed to ensure the full volume
Vitamin B12 (as hydroxycobalamin) is given as an IM injection of feed is delivered. In our experience families find it
or, rarely, as an oral supplement. The dose frequency is indi- easier to give water flushes between feeds rather than
vidualized. In a cohort of 11 patients from the author’s centre, adding extra fluid to the feed.
this ranged from every 1–7 days (median 2 days) [263]. On • Phosphate, calcium and vitamin D. Renal bone disease is
treatment, urine and plasma methylmalonic acid decreases to complex and begins even in the milder stages of CKD,
low but not normal concentrations. Some urinary methyl- seen biochemically as a rise in parathyroid hormone
malonic acid (UMMA) is still produced; concentrations vary (PTH). Renal bone disease is managed by a combination
between patients and may typically range from 200 to of medicines and diet:
900 μmol/mmol creatinine (normal 0–30 μmol/mmol) that is ◦◦ vitamin D analogues, e.g. 1α‐hydroxycholecalciferol
significantly less than non‐responsive patients where concen- (alfacalcidol) to increase calcium absorption from
trations can be >20 000 μmol/mmol creatinine. Horster et al. the gut
describe no kidney disease (creatinine clearance <60 mL/ ◦◦ if plasma phosphate is increased, dietary phosphate
min/1.73 m2 with UMMA excretion <2000 μmol/mmol creati- is restricted, although intakes may already be low
nine [233]). Plasma methylmalonate (PMMA) is also much because patients are on tube feeds or do not eat high
lower in B12 responsive compared with non‐responsive phosphate foods because of protein restriction.
patients. In the author’s cohort of 11 patients, PMMA ranged Phosphate binders are given to lower plasma phos-
from 4 to 482 μmol/L (median 44 μmol/L), normal phate, either calcium‐based (e.g. calcium carbonate)
0–0.29 μmol/L [263]. Concentrations of PMMA increase with or a calcium‐free binder if there is hypercalcaemia
loss of kidney function. Dietary treatment with a low protein (e.g. sevelamer hydrochloride)
diet and ER is the same as for B12 non‐responsive patients, • In children with CKD (non‐MMA), it is suggested that
although a more generous protein allowance may be possible. total calcium intake from nutritional sources and phos-
phate binders be in the range of 100%–200% of DRI for
Complications of methylmalonic acidaemia calcium for age (p. 253).
• Electrolytes
and propionic acidaemia
◦◦ Supplements of sodium bicarbonate are often needed
both to replace sodium losses and reduce acidosis.
MMA and chronic kidney disease
◦◦ If blood pressure is raised, dietary sodium intake may
Impaired renal function is a common complication in B12 need to be reduced.
non‐responsive MMA, manifesting initially with a defect of ◦◦ Hyperkalaemia is not usually a problem until the end
urinary concentrating and acidification ability due to renal stages of kidney disease when potassium intake may
tubular dysfunction [264]. Glomerular failure can develop at need to be reduced.
an early age with progression to chronic and then end‐stage • Vitamin A can accumulate in serum in CKD, and this
renal failure (ESRF) during childhood or adolescence [233, may be linked to hypercalcaemia [267]. In the UK a prac-
240, 265]. Deterioration of kidney function is likely to be tice guideline suggests that vitamin A intake in CKD
multifactorial with methylmalonic acid itself considered (non‐MMA) should be less than twice the RNI; however,
nephrotoxic [266]. Development of CKD correlates with uri- recent work suggests even this amount may be too high
nary MMA excretion, manifesting earlier in those with high- [268]. In MMA vitamin A intake should be assessed, par-
est mean MMA concentrations [233] and in those with mut° ticularly the contribution from vitamin and mineral
or cobalamin B [234]. Kidney function can deteriorate mark- supplements and any precursor free amino acid supple-
edly during episodes of dehydration, which can be caused ments. Intake of vitamin A around the RNI seems sensible,
by GI complications such as vomiting and GOR, inadequate but this may need to be reduced if plasma concentra-
fluid intake, repeated illness and metabolic decompensa- tions are raised.
tions. At the author’s centre the glomerular filtration rate is • Anaemia is a chronic complication of CKD and is
measured by the IOHEXOL method, 1–2 yearly from age 2 treated with iron supplements and injections of eryth-
years in MMA patients. The management of MMA and CKD ropoiesis stimulating agents: erythropoietin β or darbe-
(undertaken jointly with nephrologists) can be particularly poetin α. It is important to ensure adequate iron is
challenging and involves ongoing modification of nutrient provided from the low protein diet (most likely to be
intakes, fluids and medicines based on biochemical monitor- provided from a combination of feeds and vitamin and
ing results and clinical symptoms. mineral supplements).
576 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis can result in sympto- the type of foods that they will eat. Some are difficult feed-
matic and biochemical improvement, with fewer episodes of ers; parents complain of children being slow, fussy, retching
metabolic decompensation [239, 269–271]. On dialysis the or self‐inducing vomiting. Children with MMA have a pref-
dietary restrictions remain necessary and are modified erence for salty foods, e.g. crisps, tomato ketchup, chips and
according to biochemical results; protein intake may be salt, and may select these to compensate for increased uri-
slightly increased compared with intake pre‐dialysis. nary losses of sodium.
Glucose absorbed from the perotineal dialysis fluid contrib- Achieving optimal growth in MMA and PA can be diffi-
utes to the daily energy intake and should be taken into con- cult and although considered to be attributable to the low
sidered when assessing energy intake (p. 258). protein diet, other factors may also contribute. Enteral feed-
ing via gastrostomy (particularly if there is vomiting) or NG
tube is essential to provide an adequate dietary intake, to
Kidney transplant
prevent metabolic decompensation and to help the parents
Peri‐ and post‐operative planning of nutrition is crucial to cope with a child who is difficult to feed. In the author’s
avoid complications of catabolism and metabolic decompen- centre 12 of 14 patients with B12 non‐responsive MMA had
sation. Haemodialysis is performed pre‐kidney transplant to feeding problems, and 11 required long‐term tube feeding;
improve biochemical parameters. IV fluids, at least 10% glu- feeding problems were much less common in MMA B12
cose, are given during surgery. Post‐transplant the child’s responsive patients, and only 1 was tube fed [272]. In a
usual enteral feeds and protein intake can normally be intro- European cohort, gastrostomy feeding was necessary in 27
duced immediately in the first few days based on clinical of 55 patients with PA to ensure growth and metabolic sta-
progress. PN may be used by some centres, initially. MMA bility [220]. European surveys of dietary practices in PA
children need to remain on a low protein diet. report 63% (117/186) [200] and in MMA 42% (90/215)
patients [273] were tube fed. Early insertion of a gastros-
tomy in infants and young children has been recommended
Gastrointestinal problems
[252]. A PEG with a jejunal extension tube (PEG‐J) can also
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux, recurrent vomiting and retching be helpful in the management of episodes of vomiting and
are common in MMA B12 non‐responsive patients and often pancreatitis.
necessitate hospital admission. In the author’s cohort, 7 of 14
patients had GI symptoms; all were treated with anti‐reflux
medicines, and additionally a continuous overnight feed
with slow daytime bolus feeds given via an enteral feeding Pancreatitis is a recognised complication of both MMA and
pump was beneficial [272]. A hydrolysed protein feed helped PA and may be either a single acute episode or recurrent
some with GI symptoms, including diarrhoea. acute episodes [220, 234, 237]. In some cases it is associated
Constipation is a problem observed in some, particularly with an intercurrent illness. The pathophysiology of pancre-
in patients with PA. Maintenance of gut motility to prevent atitis is not clear. The child’s usual dietary restrictions should
constipation is important as it may reduce propionate pro- continue irrespective of the feeding intervention used to
duction. In a small study of four children, Senokot (vegeta- treat pancreatitis. A period of PN (in mild and severe) is
ble laxative) was reported to be biochemically beneficial and likely to be needed. Alternatively NG/gastrostomy/jejunal
to increase transit time [257]. Guidelines recommend that feeds may be possible. A standard parenteral amino acid
constipation should be treated promptly [241], and laxatives solution such as Vaminolact or Vamin can be used but should
have been recommended for PA [252]. Movicol is the laxative only provide the desired amount of protein (amino acids g/
of choice at the author’s centre. Adequate fluids and feeds kg/day). However, in severe pancreatitis additional protein
containing fibre (in tube fed patients) may also help prevent may be needed as protein catabolism can be substantial in
constipation. Probiotics may be useful to restore and balance response to the severe inflammation and, thus, increase
intestinal flora [241, 254], but evidence to support this in requirements [274]. Further details about the dietetic man-
MMA and PA is lacking. agement of pancreatitis can be found on p. 186.
standard ER (p. 673) and extra fluid are given, and usual on p. 678. Continuation of an adequate energy intake is
medicines are continued (e.g. carnitine, sodium bicarbo- important throughout this period.
nate); doses may be increased and additional medicines
given if ammonia levels are high. It is important to treat
pyrexia. If the child is vomiting at home and the full volume Emergency regimen – fluid recommendations
of ER is not able to be administered or tolerated, the child
should be admitted to hospital without delay, because of risk In MMA a generous fluid intake needs to be given to prevent
of metabolic acidosis, for treatment with IV fluids (10% glu- dehydration and deterioration of kidney function. The ER
cose and electrolytes) ( The usual protein should provide the child’s usual maintenance fluid intake
intake is stopped for the minimum time possible to prevent and more (this needs to be assessed on an individual basis
protein deficiency, which could greatly exacerbate the effects taking into account the child’s kidney function); 24 hour con-
of illness. Protein is normally reintroduced early (within tinuous tube feeds are suggested to administer the full fluid
24–48 hours) and over a period of 1–2 days depending intake. The usual dose of sodium bicarbonate may need to
on biochemical results (such as ammonia, blood pH and be increased. For IV fluids the BIMDG emergency protocols
gas, bicarbonate, ketones) and the clinical condition of the suggest that 120% maintenance fluids are given. If a child
child. Obviously, a more rapid reintroduction of protein is becomes dehydrated, more fluids will be needed, the daily
beneficial. Practical advice on protein reintroduction is given amount usually guided the nephrologist.
Blood Comments
MMA, methylmalonic acidaemia; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, glutathione disulfide; PTH, parathyroid hormone; Hb, haemaglobin; TIBC, total iron‐
binding capacity; TSAT, transferrin saturation.
578 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Parenteral nutrition at age 10 years and follow‐up according to bone health status
Inadequate nutrition in these disorders leads to catabolism,
making the metabolic disturbance worse. Some patients can
have frequent episodes of vomiting and acidosis and need Learning points: methylmalonic acidaemia and propionic
repeated hospital admissions. If protein reintroduction is acidaemia
often interrupted or delayed or not possible, an early resort
to PN is essential as there is risk of catabolism and deficiency. • Dietary management is a restricted protein diet (further
PN can reverse the catabolic spiral and improve the meta- manipulations of diet and fluids are needed when there is
bolic state. Provision of PN in these disorders is described chronic kidney disease) and emergency regimen for use
p. 567. Placement of a portacath may be considered in any during intercurrent illness
child who has frequent episodes of illness and if their IV • Outcome varies with Mut° and cblB patients having the
access is difficult. However, this needs to be carefully consid- poorest outcome, followed by mut− and cblA
ered because of the risk of line infection precipitating meta- • Vitamin B12 responsive patients have a much better long‐
bolic decompensation [252]. term outcome
• Multiple body systems can be affected with complications
Clinical and biochemical monitoring in MMA including cardiomyopathy, chronic kidney disease, pancre-
and PA atitis and optic nerve atrophy
• Episodes of metabolic decompensation need to be treated
Monitoring of the nutritional aspects of a low protein diet promptly to help prevent further organ damage and neuro-
has been discussed (p. 565). Routine biochemical monitor- logical insult
ing is shown in Table 28.56. Baseline DEXA is recommended
Isovaleric acidaemia
Acute management The newly diagnosed, clinically presenting infant is likely to be very sick with metabolic acidosis (with elevated anion gap),
hyperammonaemia, elevated lactate and urinary ketones and requires intensive care. Initial management to stabilise the infant
is to promote anabolism by giving IV glucose 10% and to reduce production and increase excretion of isovaleric acid by
giving IV carnitine. Protein intake is stopped temporarily.
Medical treatment Pharmacotherapy
and l‐carnitine, either or both, may be prescribed:
• l‐glycine (150–300 mg/kg/day)
• l‐carnitine (50–100 mg/kg/day) [281]
Both conjugate with isovaleric acid producing non‐toxic conjugates (isovalerylglycine, isovalerylcarnitine) that are excreted in
urine; hence isovaleric acid levels are reduced [282–284]. These medicines are particularly important during periods of
metabolic decompensation. The need for both medicines in a stable child is controversial [284–286], and prescribed doses
vary [279]. Medicines should be individually prescribed as response can vary [287, 288].
Dietetic The aim is to minimise the formation of isovaleric acid by:
management • limiting dietary intake of leucine (protein). Leucine does not accumulate in plasma so measurement of this cannot be used
to determine protein intake
• provision of adequate energy intake to prevent catabolism and promote normal growth and development
Mutation c.932C > T is a mild phenotype – protein restriction is not necessary, but an ER for management of illness is
recommended [278].
Monitoring – There is no established laboratory marker for monitoring therapeutic control. Plasma amino acids and carnitine should be
biochemical and monitored at routine clinic reviews. Plasma leucine is normal; it does not accumulate. Plasma glycine is increased in patients
nutritional taking glycine. Isovalerylcarnitine concentrations are increased. Monitoring of the nutritional aspects of a low protein diet has
been discussed (p. 565).
Emergency regimen • During intercurrent infections, catabolism greatly increases production of isovaleric acid with risk of metabolic
for management of decompensation
illness • The standard ER of frequent 2 hourly drinks/feeds of glucose polymer is given day and night to prevent catabolism (p. 673)
• Protein intake is stopped temporarily (24–48 hours)
• Glycine and carnitine continue to be given; doses may be increased temporarily as necessary
• Hospital admission for IV fluids (10% glucose, saline 0.45%) is necessary if ER is not tolerated (
• IV carnitine can be given; no IV glycine preparation exists
• If pancreatitis develops the usual dietary restrictions should continue irrespective of the feeding intervention used to
treat the pancreatitis
• PN may be necessary; alternatively NG or NJ feeds may be possible (see p. 186)
Episodes of metabolic decompensation appear to be less frequent with age [289] with no reported episodes beyond age 9
years in 21 patients [279]. However, the author is aware of episodes in older children in UK metabolic centres.
Clinical Currently there are no published consensus treatment guidelines for IVA.
management European proposed guidelines using SIGN methodology for IVA can be accessed from E‐IMD [290]
Parent support Metabolic Support UK
Practical aspects
Dietary management
• Practical management of low protein diets and feeds is
A European survey [201] of 133 patients from 38 centres described on p. 560
reports that dietary management varies and natural pro- • Natural protein should be limited, but to provide at
tein intake does not always provide the FAO/WHO/UNU least the FAO/WHO/UNU 2007 safe intake of protein
safe level of protein intake [8]. Leucine‐free l‐amino acid for age [8, 290]. A more relaxed protein intake than this
(LFAA) supplements were prescribed by 18 centres (none is often possible (around 2 g/kg in infants and young
from UK). The data was collected prior to the E‐IMD web‐ children, decreasing to between 1.5 g and 1 g/kg in
based IVA guidelines [290], which recommend limiting older patients, although some have higher intakes and
natural protein intake to provide at least the safe intake of remain metabolically stable)
protein. No recommendation to supplement LFAA is • Some patients, often those who present later, are not on a
given. In the author’s experience, the use of LFAA is gen- ‘counted’ protein intake and remain stable on a self‐
erally not warranted as metabolic stability is achievable on selected low protein diet, or they just avoid high protein
natural protein restriction alone, plus carnitine and/or foods, which can be the case in older patients who are on
glycine. a more relaxed diet [291]
580 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
3-Hydroxyglutaric acid
Figure 28.9 Glutaric aciduria type 1 – catabolic pathway of lysine, hydroxylysine and tryptophan.
Glutaric Aciduria Type 1 581
Insidious onset – A minority of patients have a more insidious onset with no obvious encephalopathic episode preceding the
development of the movement disorder [293, 302].
Late onset – Patients diagnosed after age 6 years who present with non‐specific and sometimes longstanding symptoms but no
dystonia; on MRI there are no striatal lesions, but predominantly white matter changes [303].
Newborn screening – Patients diagnosed on expanded newborn screening are asymptomatic [304].
Long‐term Patients appear to be at greatest risk of striatal injury during a finite period of brain development, between birth and 6 years. The
complications and neuropathogenesis of GA1 is not fully delineated; an overview is given by Jafari et al. [297]. Intraneuronal accumulation of high
outcome concentrations of glutaric acid (GA) and 3‐hydroxyglutaric acid (3‐OH‐GA) formed by de novo synthesis in the central nervous
system during catabolic episodes is considered to be the most important factor in precipitating neuronal damage, probably via
several mechanisms: excitotoxic cell damage, impairment of energy metabolism and oxidative stress [297]. As the transport
capacity for GA and 3‐OH‐GA across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) is low, they accumulate in very high concentrations during
catabolic episodes (10‐ to 1000‐fold higher than in plasma) and are ‘trapped’ in the brain [305]. Studies in GCDH‐deficient
mice provide evidence that lowering lysine intake and l‐arginine (or homoarginine) supplementation and an increased glucose
intake reduces the concentration of GA and 3‐OH‐GA in brain; carnitine supplementation increases formation of non‐toxic
glutarylcarnitine, but does not alter GA and 3‐OH‐GA production [306, 307].
Early detection by NBS and pre‐symptomatic initiation of treatment can greatly improve the outcome, preventing the
neurological handicap that develops with the clinical presentation and onset of neurological crises, provided there is good
adherence to dietary treatment and emergency regimen [304, 308]. A study of 87 patients diagnosed by NBS identified that
delayed emergency treatment in 12 patients caused acute‐onset motor disorder (mostly severe and moderate) and of those who
did not strictly follow maintenance treatment 8 of 16 developed an insidious‐onset dystonia (moderate to mild) without a
preceding acute event [304]. Even with good adherence, cerebral changes can still be seen on neuroimaging [309], and some
may still have fine motor and speech deficits [310]. Chronic kidney disease has been reported and may manifest irrespective of
treatment and good adherence [304].
Medical treatment Carnitine supplementation: 100 mg/kg/day to facilitate production of non‐toxic glutarylcarnitine from glutaryl‐CoA and to avoid
secondary carnitine deficiency as a consequence of its increased formation. Carnitine is also reported to have antioxidant
benefits [311]. A higher dose may be needed if free carnitine levels are low. A lower dose is given beyond 6 years of age
(30–50 mg/kg/day) [293].
Management of any movement disorder: Is complex and beyond the scope of this publication; recommendations are made in
the 2017 guideline [293].
Dietetic Lowering cerebral lysine influx and lysine oxidation limits production and accumulation of neurotoxic GA and 3‐OH‐GA and is
management considered neuroprotective in pre‐symptomatic patients who have not experienced a neurological crisis [308, 309].
Dietetic management is the same for high and low excretor patients and those with insidious onset:
• The standard ER of frequent 2 hourly drinks/feeds of glucose polymer is given day and night to prevent catabolism
(p. 673)
• Usual dose of LFAA continues to be given
• Usual carnitine dose is doubled (up to 200 mg/kg/day in infants and young children)
• Aggressive and prompt treatment of pyrexia
Monitoring – • Nutritional monitoring of low protein diets is discussed on p. 565. Severe protein and mineral deficiencies have been
biochemical and reported in those on low protein diets [312, 313].
nutritional • Biochemical monitoring of maintenance treatment is difficult as there is no reliable biochemical marker. Urine GA, 3‐OH‐
GA and plasma glutarylcarnitine do not correlate with outcome [314]. Lysine and tryptophan do not accumulate in plasma.
• The 2017 guideline [293] recommends routine biochemical monitoring and frequency (1–6 monthly in children <6 years of
age): quantitative plasma amino acids (in particular lysine, tryptophan) to assess nutritional status, carnitine to check
depletion and adherence, full blood count, liver function tests and albumin and bone chemistry.
• Plasma lysine should be maintained in the normal reference range [293], although it can be in the lower normal
reference range [314], and this is the author’s practice. If plasma lysine is lower than this, the diet is reviewed as an
increase in natural protein or change in type of food may be necessary, i.e. more milk‐based foods if the diet is high in
cereal content.
• Growth needs to be regularly monitored, particularly in dystonic patients as weight gain can be significantly reduced [314].
Clinical Boy et al. Proposed recommendations for diagnosing and managing individuals with glutaric aciduria type 1: second revision
management [293].
Parent support Metabolic support UK
582 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Dietary management all EAA [293]. Amino acid intakes (g/kg/day) from sup-
plements are given in Table 28.57.
The low lysine diet recommendations in the 2017 GA1 guide- • If the diet is not supplemented with LFAA, natural pro-
line [293] are based on the original 2007 [312] and 2004 [315] tein intake should provide the safe levels of protein
publications: intake or more, if necessary, to ensure adequate daily
lysine intake.
• A diet based on lysine is considered to be more precise • A potential benefit of giving amino acid supplements is
than a low protein diet because the lysine content of pro- that they provide a good source of arginine. Lysine and
tein‐containing foods varies considerably. The original arginine share the same cerebrovascular cationic trans-
recommendations for lysine and tryptophan intake (mg/ port system (y + system), and arginine competes with
kg/day) are based on clinical practice from Germany and lysine for uptake at the BBB and inner mitochondrial
published safe intakes at that time for the normal popula- membrane. However, high dose arginine is not recom-
tion (Table 28.57) [315]. mended as a low lysine diet is considered to be more
• More recent publications (FAO/WHO/UNU 2007) [8] set effective in lowering cerebral toxic metabolites [293].
lysine requirements lower (Table 28.57). However, the use
of these values has not been reported in clinical practice,
and it is, therefore, not known if further restriction of
Low protein (lysine) diet: practical aspects
lysine has any therapeutic advantage. It should also be
borne in mind that a good outcome can be achieved with The analysis of lysine content of foods in the UK is very
the current guideline recommendations. limited and old [46]. It is, therefore, not easy to provide a
• From age 6 years the risk of striatal damage diminishes; low lysine diet, except in early infancy when the lysine and
relaxation of the low lysine diet to a diet based on safe tryptophan content of infant formula and breastmilk is
levels of protein intake is, therefore, possible and recom- known. As weaning on to solid food progresses, a low pro-
mended [293]. However, no guidance on further relaxa- tein diet based around the safe level of protein intake may
tion of diet with increasing age is given. be a more practical option to limit lysine intake. As low pro-
• Recommendations for total protein intake (g/kg/day) tein foods vary in lysine content (Table 28.58), a combina-
(from natural protein and amino acid supplement) were tion of cereal‐, vegetable‐ and milk‐based foods is needed to
given in the 2007 guideline [312], but not in the 2017 ensure an adequate lysine intake. If the diet contains pre-
revised guidelines [293] because the natural protein intake dominantly cereal foods, lysine intake will be less than rec-
varies widely depending on the type of food consumed to ommended. The low protein diet is combined with
provide lysine. lysine‐free, low tryptophan amino acid supplements given
• Supplements of lysine‐free, tryptophan‐reduced amino according to, or at least in similar amounts to, the guideline
acids are recommended to ensure an adequate intake of recommendations (Table 28.57).
Treatment Age
* Lysine and tryptophan recommendations are based on the 1st European Workshop on GA1 (Heidelberg, 1993) and international dietary
recommendations available at that time [315].
Recommendations were given for protein and total protein intake in the 2007 guideline only [312].
Source: Adapted from [293, 312, 315].
Glutaric Aciduria Type 1 583
Table 28.58 Lysine content of selected food groups. [315]. Table 28.57 provides the FAO/WHO/UNU 2007
requirements [8] for tryptophan; these are mostly lower than
Food Lysine mg/g protein the 2017 guideline recommendations [293]. For details of pres-
Fish 90 entation, composition, age suitability and preparation of these
supplements refer to the manufacturers’ websites: www.
Nuts 80, Similar products are avail-
Meat 70 able outside the UK, www.mead-
Milk, cheese, yoghurt 70,, www.milupa‐
Eggs 60 Biochemical and haematological nutritional status are
reported to be better in those taking lysine‐free, low trypto-
Potato 60 phan supplements with added vitamins and minerals [316].
Vegetables 50
Cereal/baked goods 50 Infant feeding
Rice/barley/oats 40
Bread/pasta 30 On receipt of a positive newborn/diagnostic screening
result, treatment (diet and carnitine) should be commenced
Source: Data adapted from [312, 315]. promptly even before confirmation of diagnosis by enzyme
and/or mutation analysis. Infants can be breastfed and/or
An alternative approach to providing the low lysine diet is bottle fed. The BIMDG guidelines recommends that from
to provide the daily lysine intake as a prescribed number of diagnosis to age 1 year, lysine intake is restricted to 114 mg/
protein exchanges from cereal‐based foods and milk and kg/day (1.3 g natural protein) and 1.3–1.4 g protein equiva-
milk‐based foods (Table 28.58). At the author’s centre, LBV lent from LFAA, these being slightly higher than the
protein foods are averaged to 40 mg lysine/100 g (foods GA1 guideline (Table 28.57). Full details can be accessed
shaded in grey in Table 28.58), and milk and milk based foods from Lysine intake from either breastfeeds
70 mg lysine/g protein. More protein is given from cereal- or standard infant formula is restricted by giving supple-
based foods as this is more practical and manageable. Using mentary lysine‐free, low tryptophan infant formula, e.g.
this method the natural protein generally exceeds the safe GA1 Anamix Infant formula. A BF regimen will give more
level of protein intake; the total protein figures included in natural protein as lysine content is lower than in standard
the 2007 guideline also show this (Table 28.57). infant formula (89 vs. 114 mg/100 mL).
day of lysine. The volume of standard infant formula is lim- protein intake for age from a variety of cereal, vegetable
ited to restrict lysine to around 114 mg/kg/day and divided and dairy foods (p. 582 and Table 28.58). Protein from
between six to eight feeds, depending on feeding frequency. standard infant formula or breastmilk is replaced by food,
Lysine‐free, low tryptophan formula, e.g. GA1 Anamix Infant, gradually introducing 1 g exchanges of natural protein at
is then fed to appetite after the standard infant formula. a time using: purée potato, pasta, rice, lentils, vegetables
or commercial weaning foods (dried or wet varieties in
Example of a bottle feeding regimen for an infant aged 2 jars, pouches, packets) such as ordinary rusks, baby cere-
months, weight = 5 kg als or vegetable‐based savoury foods and yoghurt and
Aim: Limit lysine to 114 mg/kg/day (570 mg lysine) from milk‐based desserts.
natural protein • Start second stage lysine‐free, low tryptophan amino
Total fluids = 170 mL/kg = 850 mL/day acid supplement, e.g. GA Gel. Practical aspects of intro-
Standard infant formula 500 mL = 570 mg lysine = 114 mg/ ducing more concentrated amino acid supplements are
kg/day = 6.5 g protein (1.1 g/kg/day) given on p. 529. Less supplement is required in GA1
GA1 Anamix Infant 350 mL (850 mL – 500 mL) = 7 g protein compared to the amino acid disorders. One teaspoon of
equivalent = 1.4 g/kg/day GA Gel is introduced from around 6 months at one meal,
Feeds: 140 mL × 4 hourly × 6 feeds gradually increasing the quantity and giving at two and
First feed of 80 mL standard infant formula followed by sec- then three meals before solids. As Gel is increased, less
ond feed of 60 mL GA1 Anamix Infant to appetite (more is GA1 Anamix is given but ensuring adequate energy,
given if the infant is hungry) vitamins and minerals are provided by the diet and
A nutritional analysis for the daily feed plan is given in lysine‐free, low tryptophan supplement. GA1 Anamix
Table 28.59. Infant feeds may continue to be given on waking and
before bed until around 1 year of age. The guideline rec-
ommends 1.0–0.8 g protein equivalent/kg/day from the
Weaning supplement for infants aged 7–12 months, e.g. for a 10 kg
Weaning onto solid foods is started at the usual time of child, aged 1 year, one sachet of GA Gel provides 10 g
around 6 months (26 weeks) of age and proceeds in a similar protein equivalent = 1 g/kg and 67 mg tryptophan
method to low protein and amino acid diets, described in (=6.7 mg/kg/day), which does not provide the guide-
more detail on p. 569. Normal weaning practices are fol- line amount of 17 mg/kg/day (Table 28.57), but does
lowed: solids are introduced at one meal and then given 2–3 provide the more recent recommendation of 6.4 mg/kg/
times per day, and the infant progresses from smooth purées day [8]. The diet will provide more tryptophan. GA1
to lumpier foods and finger foods during the first year. An Anamix Junior powder given as a drink mix can be used
overview of weaning stages: from 1 year of age, each sachet providing 5 g protein
equivalent and 40 mg tryptophan. Some centres intro-
• Introduce free weaning foods, e.g. fruits, vegetables duce before 1 year.
(Table 28.50), low protein manufactured foods (p. 562). • Low protein manufactured foods can be given to provide
• Introduce 1 g protein exchanges to provide the lysine extra energy and variety, if necessary, e.g. low protein
requirement (90 mg/kg/day) or at least the safe level of rusk or cereal (p. 562).
Table 28.59 Nutritional analysis of daily feed plan for male infant with glutaric aciduria type 1.
Age 2 months, weight = 5 kg
Protein Lysine Tryptophan Fluid
kcal kJ Protein (g) equivalent (g) (mg/day) (mg/day) (mL/kg)
500 mL Cow & Gate First Infant Milk (68 g powder) 330 1386 6.5 — 569 103 100
350 mL GA1 Anamix Infant (54 g powder) 251 1004 7 — 36 70
Total 581 2390 6.5 569 139
Intake per kg/day 116 478 1.3 1.4 114 20
Aim per kg/day 96* 403 1.3† 100† 20‡ 170
114 #
29 §
* Ref. [212].
Ref. [293].
Refs. [312, 315].
Ref. [8].
Glutaric Aciduria Type 1 585
• Vitamins and minerals will be provided by the lysine‐ difficulties, due to dyskinesia, and GOR and vomiting, due
free, low tryptophan supplement (if enriched with vita- to truncal hypotonia. The extent of these feeding problems
mins and minerals), but depending on dose may not is related to the severity of the neurological disease, with
provide the full requirements. It is important to assess acute onset being much worse than insidious onset. Dietary
the additional contribution from the diet and supple- advice is tailored to the individual child’s needs: the use of
ment as necessary. thickened fluids, energy dense foods of the correct consist-
ency and energy supplements may be required to achieve
an adequate energy and fluid intake. Tube feeding is often
Young children
essential to maintain an adequate energy intake and to
achieve satisfactory growth. Nissen fundoplication (and
During early childhood the diet is provided by a combina-
insertion of gastrostomy) may be necessary in some patients
tion of foods to provide the recommended lysine intake
for treatment of GOR and vomiting. Assessing energy
(Table 28.57) or the safe level of protein intake (Table 28.47)
requirements in this group of patients can be difficult; the
for age. The LFAA supplement should provide around 0.8 g/
worst patients cannot walk so should need less energy, but
kg/day of protein equivalent (Table 28.57). The LFAA sup-
often energy expenditure is reported to be increased due to
plement plus protein exchange foods will provide adequate
high muscle tone and dystonic movements and to distur-
bances in temperature control [299], thus emphasising the
need for adjusting the diet to the requirements of the indi-
Diet after 6 years of age vidual. Additional fluids may be required in patients who
have disturbances in temperature control with excessive
As striatal damage occurs only during a finite period of sweating. An example of a low protein/lysine tube feed for
brain development, the low lysine diet can be relaxed beyond a symptomatic patient is given in Table 28.60. Not all
6 years of age; the GA1 guideline recommends avoidance of patients are on protein restricted feeds.
an excessive intake of natural protein and to use protein
sources with a low lysine content according to safe levels of
protein intake [293]. For some the natural protein intake Emergency regimens for management
may, however, already be greater than the safe intake, of intercurrent illness
depending on food choice. No specific guidance is given on
continued use of LFAA supplements. Lysine intakes of chil- Prompt and aggressive treatment of intercurrent illness by
dren on relaxed diet in the seventh year of life are reported to implementation of a high energy ER is critical to prevent
be mean ± SD 135 ± 50% of the recommendation for 4–6 year neurological damage in pre‐symptomatic patients and fur-
olds (60–50 mg lysine/kg/day) and a decreased LFAA intake ther injury in symptomatic patients [293, 308]. Delayed treat-
of mean ± SD 88 ± 17%; no information of actual natural pro- ment can have serious consequences with irreversible striatal
tein intake was given [314]. damage and a complex movement disorder [304]. Strategies
Current practice varies, with some centres continuing the to help prevent this need to be in place and include written
LFAA supplement and others changing to a more relaxed treatment protocols for home and local hospital and ade-
controlled protein intake without using supplements. It is quate education and training of parents/caregivers [293].
important relaxation of diet, and LFAA is discussed with fam- With increasing age, and in particular from 6 years of age,
ilies, and they are able to make an informed choice based on the risk of acute neurological insult appears to be reduced;
current evidence. however, the use of an ER is an important part of manage-
ment. The GA1 guideline provides comprehensive emer-
gency treatment guidelines and detailed strategies to prevent
Dietary management of symptomatic patients
its delayed implementation. GA1 emergency management
can also be accessed from
Dietary treatment in symptomatic patients who have pre-
The main aim of the ER is to reduce production and accu-
sented with encephalopathy and neurological crises is
mulation of neurotoxic GA and 3‐OH‐GA by:
reported to be of no or limited neurological benefit [298, 317,
318]. It is known that protein restriction cannot reverse neu- • provision of a high energy intake, at least normal require-
rological damage that has already occurred and dietary pro- ments for age to prevent catabolism; 120% of daily energy
tein restriction alone is not sufficient to prevent brain injury requirement is recommended by some centres [294]
[317–319]. The rationale for a restricted lysine or protein diet • omitting or temporarily reducing (by 50%) natural pro-
in symptomatic patients is unclear, but for some it may be tein intake
helpful in prevention of any possible progressive neurologi- • provision of usual dose of lysine‐free, low tryptophan
cal deterioration [299, 319] and is used in some centres. amino acids
• double dose of usual carnitine supplementation (carnitine
can be given IV)
Feeding problems
The general principles of implementation, administration
Feeding problems are common in the group of patients with of the ER and reintroduction of usual diet are the same as
neurological disease and include chewing and swallowing the standard ER (p. 673). It is particularly important to
586 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Table 28.60 Low protein/low lysine gastrostomy feed for a girl with glutaric aciduria type 1.
Age 4 years, weight = 13 kg
Protein Lysine Tryptophan Sodium Potassium Fluid
kcal kJ Protein (g) equivalent (g) (mg/day) (mg/day) CHO (g) Fat (g) (mmol) (mmol) (mL)
450 mL PaediaSure Fibre 454 1899 12.6 – 945 180 50.4 22.4 12 12.7 450
GA1 Anamix Junior (54 g) 198 831 – 15 – 120 16.2 6.9 15.0 8.4
Duocal (85 g) 418 1751 – – – – 62 19 <0.8 <0.1
Add water to 1200 mL
Total 1070 4481 12.6 15 945 300 128.6 48.3 27 21.1
per 100 mL 83 373 10.7 4.0 2.1 1.6
Additional electrolytes may be necessary. Electrolytes from Duocal are not included in calculation. Adequate vitamins and minerals are provided from
the combination of PaediaSure Fibre and Anamix Junior. A fibre‐containing feed is used to help maintain normal bowel function.
* Refs. [205, 212].
Ref. [8]. Safe level of protein intake.
Refs. [293, 312].
implement the ER for any fever (high temperature). Episodes • If the ER is not tolerated, it is crucial that the child is
of vomiting and diarrhoea (even if no fever) necessitate hos- admitted to hospital without delay for IV therapy of 10%
pital admission. For very minor illnesses, ER may not always dextrose/0.45% saline and carnitine. The BIMDG pro-
be required, and continuation of the usual diet is appropriate. vides emergency protocols for IV management and can be
It is essential that this provides the normal energy intake accessed at
(extra energy supplements may be needed) and the usual • A low volume, continuous tube feed of pure LFAA (e.g.
amount of lysine‐free, low tryptophan amino acids. XLYS TRY Glutaridon, GA amino5) to provide 1 g protein
Administration, composition and practical aspects of the ER: equivalent/kg/day can be given along with IV fluids, as
tolerated. A concentration of 8–10 g amino acids/100 mL,
• Stop natural protein intake temporarily for 24 hours to a
as necessary, can be given. It may also be possible to add
maximum of 48 hours
glucose polymer to 10% CHO or higher
• Provide ER feed, a combination of the usual LFAA and
• In the UK there are no PN solutions designed specifically
glucose polymer solution ranging from 10% to 25%, as
for GA1
per for age (p. 676).
• Once the child begins to improve, the usual natural pro-
• For children <6 years old, give around 1 g/kg/day pro-
tein intake and diet/feed is reintroduced as for standard
tein equivalent from their usual LFAA supplement
ER, ensuring an adequate energy intake at all times
• Alternatively pure lysine‐free, low tryptophan amino
acids products such as GA amino5 are suitable for all age A calculated example of an ER for a 9‐month‐old infant
groups and can be easily added directly to the glucose who is unwell is given in Table 28.61. Examples of other feed
polymer solution (10%–25% CHO depending on age) recipes can be accessed from
• Amino acid supplements are hyperosmolar (see manufac-
turers’ information) and need to be considered if the child
has a GI illness, e.g. GA1 Anamix Junior, osmolality Learning points: glutaric aciduria type 1
>1220 mOsm/kg H2O
• In children aged ≥6 years, there is no consensus about the • Newborn screening and early treatment, with strict adherence,
use of LFAA supplements, but it may be advantageous to can prevent striatal damage and onset of movement disorder
continue to give if this helps prevent catabolism and lim- • Management is low lysine diet, carnitine and emergency
its lysine uptake across the BBB regimen (during catabolic stress)
• Fluid volume is the same as for standard ER • A high energy emergency regimen is critical to prevent
• The ER can be implemented at home, but patients need to neurological damage in pre‐symptomatic patients and fur-
be reassessed by professionals several times per day with ther injury in symptomatic patients
a low threshold for hospital admission • Low lysine diet can be relaxed >6 years of age, but the emer-
• NG feeding can help ensure the full volume of ER is gency regimen is still needed
given, but parents must be competent in doing this [320]
Urea Cycle Disorders 587
Table 28.61 Emergency regimen feed for an unwell infant with glutaric aciduria type 1.
Protein Protein Lysine Sodium Potassium
kcal kJ natural (g) equivalent (g) (mg/day) CHO (g) Fat (g) (mmol) (mmol)
GA1 Anamix Infant 400 mL 276 1148 – 8 Nil 29.6 14 4.8 7.6
Maxijul 100 g 380 1615 – – – 95 – tr tr
Total volume 1200 mL 656 2763 8 124
per 100 mL 55 230 0.7 – 10.4 1.2 0.4 0.6
Intake per kg/day 82 345 1.0
Aim per kg/day 72* 302* – 1.0†
Administration Feed: 100 mL every 2 hours day and night or 50 mL/hour as continuous tube feeds
Enzymes and disorders Normal function of the UC depends on a series of six consecutive enzymatic reactions, and inborn errors at each step have
been identified (Figure 28.10):
The ASS and ASL enzymes additionally form part of the overlapping nitric oxide production pathway.
There are also disorders of transport proteins of UC intermediates because the cellular steps are in two cellular
• citrin deficiency or citrullinaemia type II (CTLN2) (due to glutamate/aspartate antiporter citrin deficiency)
• hyperornithinaemia, hyperammonaemia, homocitrullinaemia (HHH) syndrome (due to ornithine/citrulline antiporter
ORNT1 deficiency)
These are rare disorders and are discussed in Clinical Paediatric Dietetics 4th edition [321].
Biochemical defect Any enzyme deficiency in the UC reduces flux through it blocking normal ureagenesis; waste nitrogen accumulates as
ammonia in blood and brain, which is neurotoxic and may cause a severe encephalopathy. Secondary metabolic changes
also contribute to central nervous system (CNS) toxicity, such as increased glutamine. Plasma ammonia is raised and can
be very high, e.g. in acute neonatal onset patients it can be >1000 μmol/L (normal <40 μmol/L). Plasma amino acids are
deranged, glutamine and alanine accumulate and arginine is low, except in arginase deficiency where it accumulates.
Citrulline accumulates to high concentrations in citrullinaemia and similarly argininosuccinic acid in ASA. These
metabolites are excreted in urine and provide alternative pathways for nitrogen excretion.
The pathology is complex and an overview of current understanding is given by Braissant [322]. Arginase deficiency is
distinct from the other disorders and is discussed separately.
Genetics All are inherited as autosomal recessive traits apart from OTC deficiency, which is X‐linked and the most common of these
disorders. There is a wide phenotypic spectrum within each disorder, with some ability to predict the course of some based
on mutations [323].
588 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Enzyme Name of disorder
1. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 CPS 1 deficiency
2. Ornithine transcarbamoylase OTC deficiency
3. Argininosuccinate synthetase ASS deficiency
or citrullinaemia type 1 Phenylbutyrate
4. Argininosuccinate lyase ASL deficiency HEPATIC NITROGEN
or argininosuccinic
aciduria (ASA) POOL
Alanine Phenylacetate
5. Arginase Arginase deficiency
or hyperargininaemia
6. N-Acetyl glutamate NAGS deficiency Glutamate
synthetase (NAGS)
Transporters Benzoate
and other compounds
7. Mitochondrial aspartate-glutamate Citrin deficiency
carrier (AGC2)
Mitochondrial matrix CITRULLINE
7 8
Orotic acid
Newborn screening No newborn screening in the UK. Expanded NBS is problematic, suitable screening markers and their specificity being key
issues [323].
Clinical onset Presents at any age from the neonatal period, throughout childhood and in adulthood. A detailed review of clinical
presentation, features symptoms and presentation is described by Haberle et al. [323]:
• Presentation may be acute, chronic or, rarely, acute intermittent. Signs and symptoms can be neurological (most
frequently), hepatic–gastrointestinal and psychiatric
• Most severe defects present acutely with hyperammonaemia in the neonatal period, most commonly within the first
7 days of life, or later at any age (which may be precipitated by a catabolic event such as an intercurrent infection),
and may cause a severe neurological handicap or even death
• Loss of appetite, poor feeding, lethargy and vomiting are common in all ages
• In the newborn there is often respiratory distress with signs of hyperpnoea, altered level of consciousness and seizures,
acute encephalopathy and collapse [324]
• Respiratory alkalosis is initially present in about 50% of acute onset patients [325]
• In later onset, confusion, headache, disorientation, abnormal behaviour, ataxia, focal neurological signs or coma can
occur, and in some there is also delayed physical growth and developmental delay [324]
• Protein aversion as revealed in diet histories of later presenting patients is common in urea cycle disorders (UCD), with
selective avoidance of high protein foods [326]
• Heterozygote OTC deficient females can present with postpartum psychosis
Urea Cycle Disorders 589
Long‐term High mortality and morbidity are associated with UCD [325, 327, 328]. The outcome is related to duration of coma at
complications and presentation and peak ammonia levels. The outlook for infants is very poor if the ammonia level is >1000 μmol/L, and a
outcome decision not to treat may be made [323]. The neurodevelopmental outcome can range from mild to profound cognitive
deficits [325, 327, 329]. In late‐presenting patients many have some degree of learning and neurological disability [325,
330]. Patients with ASL deficiency have poorest cognitive outcome, and this supports the theory that toxins other than
ammonia may affect this, such as argininosuccinate [327, 331, 332], increased guanidinoacetate concentrations or
deficiency of nitric oxide production. Some develop hepatic complications [331], systemic hypertension [332], GI
problems [333] and renal tubulopathy [333, 334].
Liver transplant is successful in preventing further episodes of metabolic decompensation in UCD, but cannot reverse
any neurological damage. Low protein diet and UCD medicines are not required post‐transplant [335].
Cell‐based therapies, gene therapy and enzyme replacement therapy are currently under trial as alternative possible
treatment options [323].
Medical treatment Pharmacotherapy
• Sodium benzoate and sodium phenylbutyrate (phenylacetate) conjugate with specific amino acids destined for
ammonia formation and thus reduce the nitrogen load to the UC (Figure 28.10). They are termed alternative pathway
medicines or nitrogen scavengers because of their mode of action. Both are available in different formats. They are
unpleasant tasting and can cause mucositis and gastritis, so it is important they are taken with meals and plenty of fluids
to help prevent this. Some patients have a gastrostomy tube specifically to administer these. Standard doses provide a
significant sodium load to infants, which can be a problem.
• Phenylbutyrate is metabolised in vivo to form phenylacetate that is conjugated with glutamine in liver and kidney to
form phenylacetylglutamine. If the reaction were complete, then 2 moles of nitrogen would be excreted for each mole
of phenylbutyrate given. However, more recent studies indicate only 1 mole is excreted [336, 337]. Phenylbutyrate is
also reported to deplete BCAA. Careful monitoring of plasma amino acids is essential to avoid deficiency, and
supplementation of BCAA may be necessary.
• Sodium benzoate is conjugated with glycine in the liver and kidney to form hippurate so that 1 mole of nitrogen is
excreted for each mole of sodium benzoate given.
• Glycerol phenylbutyrate is a new alternative to sodium phenylbutyrate. It has the added benefits of being sodium‐free
and tasteless and may be more effective [338].
• Practices differ with choice of nitrogen scavenger (one or both may be given), and doses vary; this to some extent depends
on the severity of the disorder and the patient’s tolerance. Higher doses may be used temporarily during episodes of acute
• Arginine becomes an essential or semi‐EAA in UCD because its synthesis is greatly reduced [339]. Arginine can be
administered orally or IV. It is available in liquid, powder or tablet form for oral use. It is given as a divided dose and
usually in conjunction with the other medicines.
• In OTC and CPS deficiencies, arginine supplements of 100–200 mg/kg body weight/day are given to replace that which
would normally be formed. The aim is to increase the flux through the UC and urea synthesis and to maintain a normal
plasma arginine concentration (normal reference range 40–120 μmol/L). Alternatively in OTC, in order to meet the
arginine requirements, supplements of citrulline can be given as it is rapidly converted to arginine via the intact part of
the UC. Also, citrulline contains one less nitrogen atom than arginine, thereby reducing waste nitrogen production;
however, it is more expensive than arginine.
• In citrullinaemia and ASA deficiency, arginine is given, up to 100–300 mg/kg/day [323], to replenish ornithine supply;
traditionally, higher doses have been given. The carbon skeleton of ornithine is needed for the formation of citrulline
and argininosuccinic acid that accumulate and are excreted in citrullinaemia and ASA, respectively, and provide
another method for nitrogen removal. Argininosuccinic acid is more effective than citrulline as it carries two waste
nitrogen atoms and has a higher renal clearance. Arginine, however, increases plasma concentrations of both citrulline
and argininosuccinic acid, the full consequence of which is unknown; concerns have been expressed that high
concentrations of argininosuccinic acid in ASA deficiency may have adverse effects on the brain and be hepatotoxic
[340–342] and is a main reason why lower arginine doses are prescribed, nowadays.
• N‐Carbamyl‐l‐glutamate (or carbamylglutamate or carglumic acid) – Defects of NAGS affect production of N‐
acetylglutamate. Patients with NAGS deficiency are treated with carbamylglutamate, the orally active form of N‐
acetylglutamate that is essential for activation of CPS1 (first step of the UC).
• Carbamylglutamate – Can be given during acute neonatal hyperammonaemia as an emergency drug to help lower
ammonia levels.
Dietetic management The aim (in combination with medicines) is to reduce the nitrogen load to the UC and prevent hyperammonaemia and
consequent neurological sequelae:
• restrict natural protein intake to provide around the safe levels of protein intake for age [8] (Table 28.47)
• EAA supplementation if natural protein tolerance is below the safe level of protein intake, with poor growth and
metabolic instability [323]
• branched chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation in patients on high doses of sodium phenylbutyrate who have
persistently low plasma BCAA
• provision of an adequate energy intake to ensure normal growth and prevent endogenous protein catabolism.
Energy requirements in ASA may be lower than other UCD and could be related to an imbalance of the Krebs
cycle [343]
• regular feeding and avoidance of prolonged fasts to help maintain good biochemical control. Plasma glutamine and
ammonia concentrations increase with fasting and catabolism
590 Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism, Organic Acidaemias and Urea Cycle Disorders
Acute management Patients who present acutely with hyperammonaemia are generally very sick, in intensive care requiring ventilation and
haemodiafiltration to remove ammonia. Reversal of catabolism and prevention of hyperammonaemia is a crucial to help
stabilise the child. Treatment must be initiated promptly to reverse catabolism and hyperammonaemia, as outcome is
correlated with duration of coma and peak ammonia levels [344].
Immediate management is to:
• stop protein intake
• start IV 10% glucose and electrolytes
• give IV medicines – nitrogen scavengers, arginine and carbamylglutamate (in some)
• start protein‐free feeds once the child is stabilised (dietetic management of a newly diagnosed neonate, infant or child is
discussed on p. 567)
• protein reintroduction may induce hyperammonaemia; an EAA supplement may be given to reduce waste nitrogen
(p. 590) and then replaced with natural protein once the patient is more stable
Monitoring – Clinical and biochemical monitoring are essential to assess metabolic stability and to guide treatment, protein intake and
biochemical and medicine doses [323].
nutritional Clinical monitoring: Includes growth, assessment for signs of any vitamin and mineral deficiencies (e.g. skin rashes, sparse
hair), liver ultrasound, blood pressure (in ASLD), neuroimaging, neurological and neurocognitive assessments
Dietary assessment: The nutritional monitoring of low protein diets has been discussed on p. 565.
Biochemical monitoring of plasma concentrations: Ammonia, glutamine, arginine and amino acids, particularly BCAA,
argininosuccinic acid in ASS, citrulline in ASL, creatine
Emergency regimen Prompt implementation of an ER during intercurrent illness is essential to prevent catabolism and hyperammonaemia:
• Stop natural protein intake and EAA supplements
• Give standard ER of frequent 2 hourly drinks/feeds of glucose polymer (p. 673)
• Give at least the usual doses of medicines (nitrogen scavengers and arginine)
• Admit to hospital, if not tolerating or not improving on ER
Clinical management Haberle et al. Suggested guidelines for the diagnosis and management of urea cycle disorders: First revision [323].
guideline US Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium guidelines
Parent support group Metabolic support UK
[349]. The rationale for use during infancy is not completely ability of phenylbutyrate to cause an enhanced flux through
clear as protein requirements per kilogram per day are high- the branched chain α‐keto acid dehydrogenase complex,
est and nitrogen retention is at a maximum, but this could be which catalyses the reversible oxidative decarboxylation of
related to using nitrogen scavengers. There are no studies the BCAA [352]. The effects of lowered BCAA are unknown,
that compare the two methods of management. but it may cause patients to be less stable [353]. Despite these
A trial of EAA supplements may be useful if: reports, BCAA supplement use across Europe is uncommon;
cohort studies from 2013 to 2019 report only 3% patients were
• blood biochemistry (glutamine, alanine, ammonia) can- prescribed supplements [256, 347], which suggests little
not be corrected by altering the medicines because the change in practice during this period. BCAA or single amino
child is either on maximum doses of medicines or refus- acid supplements can be given; there is no BCAA product
ing to take more and the protein intake is around the safe readily available in the UK.
intake and cannot be reduced further
• plasma amino acids are persistently low, with poor
growth and metabolic instability Feeding behaviour and tube feeding
• biological value of a low protein diet is lacking in one or Protein aversion (before and after diagnosis), poor appetite,
more EAA, which may occur if the protein is provided food refusal and poor variety of foods eaten, frequent vomit-
from a limited range of LBV protein foods ing and abnormal eating behaviour are features of some chil-
• natural protein intake is inadequate due to poor oral dren with UCD [217, 256, 326]. Some children may have an
intake (a tube may be the preferred option to provide ade- inadequate oral energy and nutrient intake due to mechani-
quate natural protein) cal feeding problems and unsafe swallow associated with
• metabolic control is poor, or there are repeated episodes neurological handicap or severe developmental delay,
of metabolic decompensation caused by hyperammonaemia or poor appetite. If a child is
• needed temporarily to help stabilisation in newly diag- unable to take sufficient orally, NG or gastrostomy feeding is
nosed patients essential to prevent hyperammonaemia and metabolic
decompensation. In a European study of feeding practices
EAA are generally given as a divided dose between feeds
[256], <20% received enteral tube feeds, and in a UK study
or two or three meals. Products differ in composition and age
25% [199]. Tube feeding may also be used specifically for
suitability (Table 28.62). It is important to be aware that all
administration of EAA and/or medicines, although the need
EAA provide a source of nitrogen (8.5%–13.7%), but this is
for this appears to be limited. The provision of a low protein
lower than the nitrogen content of food that ranges from
tube feed has been described on p. 570.
13.4% to 19.1% depending upon its amino acid composition
[347]. Similar products are available outside the UK (www.,, www.milupa‐ Nutritional and biochemical monitoring
Sodium phenylbutyrate is reported to selectively lower Recommended clinical, nutritional and biochemical moni-
plasma BCAA, and supplementation with BCAA has been toring of the diet is described (p. 565). In a study of 311 UCD
recommended [350, 351]. A possible mechanism for this is the patients, height z‐score was positively associated with the
Table 28.62 Essential amino acid products used in urea cycle disorders.
Amino acids Protein equivalent Energy kcal CHO Fat Vitamins and
Product (manufacturer) g/100 g g/100 g (MJ)/100 g g/100 g g/100 g minerals Comments
natural protein‐energy ratio, and low plasma leucine and medicines: growth, dietary intake, type and doses (including
valine associated with height z‐score < − 2SD [211]. Although timings and frequency) of medicines, compliance with diet
there are limitations to this study, it serves to highlight the and medicines, age (puberty can be a difficult time), use of
importance of ongoing monitoring, careful interpretation EAA, use of ER and timing of blood sample in relation to
and management decisions. Frequency of monitoring foods/EAA intake. Looking for patterns in results over time
depends on the child’s overall metabolic stability in relation can be helpful.
to treatment and compliance. Younger and more severe High concentrations of glutamine and ammonia in plasma
patients need more frequent monitoring, 3–4 monthly being may be caused by:
typical for most patients who are stable. A 24 hour profile of
• inadequate medicines, too high or too low a protein intake
plasma ammonia and glutamine can be helpful in patients
(causing catabolism); both factors may be a compliance
who are difficult to manage. Timing of the blood sample is
issue. It is also important to ensure that medicines are
important as there is variation in relation to meals and medi-
given as divided doses over the 24 hour day.
cines. Ideally, samples should be obtained at the same time
• periods of chronic catabolism caused by either an inade-
and at trough levels 3.5–4 hours after a meal. This will avoid
quate energy and protein intake due to poor appetite or
high concentrations of amino acids (seen following con-
repeated use of ER; so growth and clinical status must
sumption of EAA supplements at mealtimes) and low con-
always be considered when interpreting the results.
centrations being missed [354]. However, it is not always
possible to collect samples under optimal conditions, so Poor appetite is observed in some children [355], with high
results need to be interpreted in the light of the conditions. glutamine levels implicated, possibly causing an increased
Plasma ammonia may be falsely elevated due to poor or dif- influx of tryptophan (the precursor of serotonin) into the
ficult blood sample collection. The overall aim is to maintain brain and promoting serotonin synthesis. Serotonin increases
plasma concentrations: ammonia (normal), glutamine (nor- a feeling of satiety [356]. If plasma glutamine is maintained
mal range or at least <1000 μmol/L), arginine (high, normal) within the normal range, then, in some children, appetite may
and amino acids, particularly BCAA, within normal improve. Low plasma BCAA may be due to phenylbutyrate
reference ranges to achieve normal growth and the best pos- (p. 591). Good biochemical control may be difficult to achieve
sible development [323, 354] (Table 28.63). It is important to during periods of slow growth before and particularly after
be aware that plasma glutamine does not directly influence puberty [355]. When the adolescent stops growing, there may
brain glutamine concentration, as this is synthesised mainly be a period of instability because protein is no longer needed
in the brain. It is not known if this is altered if plasma glu- for growth; protein intake and medicines may require adjust-
tamine concentrations are high [354]. ment to restore stability.
Changes to dietary protein, EAA intakes, arginine and Argininosuccinic acid accumulates in ASA and high dose
medicines (sodium benzoate and phenylbutyrate, and argi- arginine will also increase its production; the full conse-
nine in ASA and citrullinaemia) are based on the results of quences of this are not known, or if there is a specific plasma
these investigations, and alterations vary depending on the concentration, that ASA should be kept below. A high
disorder (Table 28.63). Blood results need careful interpreta- plasma arginine may also be harmful by causing an
tion (particularly if they are unsatisfactory) because they are increased cerebral guanidinoacetate concentration [357]; a
influenced by a number of different factors that need to be fasting plasma arginine concentration of up to
considered before implementing any change to diet or 70–120 μmol/L is considered acceptable [323]. Liver
Table 28.63 Guide to management decisions for urea cycle disorders (excluding arginase deficiency).
All influencing factors should be considered before making changes to diet or medicines.
EAA, essential amino acids; BCAA, branched chain amino acids; OTC, ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency; CPS, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase
deficiency; ASA, argininosuccinic aciduria.
ASA and citrullinaemia – arginine, sodium benzoate or phenylbutyrate. If plasma arginine is much above the normal reference range 40–120 μmol/L,
arginine dose is not increased; sodium benzoate and/or phenylbutyrate would be increased instead. If plasma citrulline or argininosuccinic acid is too
high, arginine is not increased; sodium benzoate and/or phenylbutyrate would be increased instead.
* OTC and CPS – sodium benzoate and/or phenylbutyrate.
Arginase Deficiency 593
functions tests (LFT) are routinely monitored in ASA to • Protein is usually reintroduced within 24–48 hours of
detect the presence of liver disease early. A lower dose of starting the ER and over a period of 1–2 days depending
arginine may help normalise LFT; however, nitrogen scav- on the child’s clinical condition and biochemical results.
engers will need to be increased to compensate [357]. • Practical advice on protein reintroduction is given on
Arginine is necessary for the synthesis of creatine (Cr), p. 678.
which is used in energy storage and transmission. Decreased • If the child is not improving at home or does not tolerate
Cr levels have been reported in OTC deficiency, citrullinae- oral/enteral ER and medicines, which is common, they
mia and HHH syndrome; in contrast, in ASA Cr levels are should be admitted to hospital without delay for IV 10%
increased [358]. It is not yet known if altered Cr metabolism dextrose and medicines. The BIMDG (
effects CNS function in UCD. Monitoring of Cr may help to provides emergency protocols for IV management.
guide the dose of arginine in UCD as both high and low • Oral fluids can usually be recommenced within 24–48
plasma levels of arginine may have adverse effects [358]. hours, with a gradual changeover from IV to oral, thus
Dietary Cr intake may also be reduced on low protein diet always ensuring an adequate energy intake.
as meat is the main source. • Plasma ammonia should be measured frequently to help
guide protein reintroduction. Once the plasma ammonia
is falling and is <80–100 μmol/L, protein is gradually rein-
Emergency regimens for management of illness
troduced usually over the same 24–48 hour period. This
should not be delayed as inadequate protein will cause
• The standard ER of frequent feeds of glucose polymer
catabolism and increase ammonia levels further.
(p. 673) is given to prevent the effects of illness and accu-
• If hyperammonaemia is induced during protein reintro-
mulation of ammonia and glutamine and to promote
duction, giving an EAA supplement temporarily may help.
• Protein intake is stopped temporarily, and a high energy
intake is given from glucose polymer. The need to com-
pletely stop protein has been challenged [359]; the major- Learning points: urea cycle disorders
ity of patients studied were protein deficient on admission
with hyperammonaemia. However, there are no reports • Dietary management is a restricted protein diet with emer-
of undertaking this in practice. gency regimen during illness
• The usual doses of sodium benzoate, phenylbutyrate and • Nitrogen scavengers reduce waste nitrogen load to the urea
arginine are administered. If necessary during acute ill- cycle and thus ammonia
ness, the dose of both benzoate and phenylbutyrate can • Arginine becomes an essential or semi‐essential amino acid
be temporarily increased to 500 mg/kg/day. • Monitoring of plasma amino acids is essential to make med-
ical and dietetic management decisions
Arginase deficiency
Monitoring Clinical, nutritional and biochemical monitoring is same as for other UCD (p. 565, 591). The diet is monitored by regular
measurements of plasma ammonia and plasma amino acids, including arginine. Distinct from the other UCD, plasma
arginine is raised. The aim is to maintain plasma arginine levels <200 μmol/L (normal reference range 40–120 μmol/L),
which is extremely difficult to achieve, and a near normal plasma ammonia (normal range <40 μmol/L).
Emergency regimen Prompt implementation of an ER during intercurrent illness is essential to prevent hyperargininaemia and
hyperammonaemia and implemented as described for other UCD (but with no arginine medication):
• Stop natural protein intake and EAA supplements
• Give standard ER of frequent 2 hourly drinks/feeds of glucose polymer (p. 673)
• Give at least the usual doses of medicines (nitrogen scavengers)
• Admit to hospital, if not tolerating or not improving on ER
Clinical management Haberle et al. Suggested guidelines for the diagnosis and management of urea cycle disorders: First revision [323].
Dietary management suggested [323, 365]. The practical management of the low
protein diet and EAA supplementation are provided on
All dietary nitrogen has the potential to be converted to argi- pp. 562 and 590.
nine, this source being considerably greater than the small
amount of arginine that is naturally present in protein. In the
past, in order to restrict nitrogen intake, diets comprised an
Other metabolic disorders
EAA supplement with a very limited intake of natural pro-
The following rarer disorders are discussed in Clinical
tein. Nowadays, by giving sodium benzoate and phenylbu-
Paediatric Dietetics 4th edition [321]: lysinuric protein intoler-
tyrate, a more generous intake of natural protein may be
ance (p. 507), gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina (orni-
possible while still maintaining acceptable plasma arginine
thine amino transferase deficiency) (p. 510), guanidinoacetate
and ammonia levels. Protein is restricted to the safe level of
methyltransferase deficiency (p. 513), alkaptonuria (p. 515),
intake (Table 28.47), and is provided by a low protein diet, or
isolated sulphite oxidase deficiency (p. 516), non‐ketotic
some of the protein as an EAA supplement, which is more
hyperglycinaemia (p. 517), trimethylaminuria or fish odour
common practice. Studies report: 17/23 patients had EAA
syndrome (p. 519), glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase
supplements, providing 25%–50% of total protein intake in
deficiency and favism (p. 523).
children <16 years of age [347]; in 10/19 patients providing a
median 0.65 g/kg/day range 0.25–0.9 g/kg/day [361]. The
precise composition of protein intake must be determined by
References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
the balance of requirements for growth and the medicines
and other useful links are on the companion website:
necessary for good biochemical control. A combination of
50%–75% as natural protein and 25%–50% as EAA has been
28.A Appendix
Table 28.A.1 Types of protein substitute available on prescription (ACBS) for PKU in the UK.
PKU Anamix N 100 mL l‐Amino 13.1 2.0 0 70 7.5 3.5 Yes DHA, AA Infant formula
Infant acids Contains prebiotics
PKU Start V 100 mL* l‐Amino 14.3 2.0 0 68 7.2 3.5 Yes DHA, AA Infant formula
PKU Anamix N 12.5 g l‐Amino 40 5 0 41 4.8 0.2 Yes DHA, AA From 6 months to 5 years
First Spoon acids Unflavoured
PKU Anamix N 125 mL l‐Amino 8/100 mL 10 0 118 8.8 4.8 Yes DHA From 1 to 10 years
Junior LQ acids Unflavoured, orange, berry
PKU Anamix N 36 g l‐Amino 27.8 10 0 135 11.5 4.5 Yes DHA From 1 to 10 years
Junior acids Unflavoured, orange, berry,
vanilla, chocolate flavours
PKU Explore 5 V 12.5 g l‐Amino 40 5 0 43 5.3 0.2 Yes DHA, AA From 6 months to 5 years
acids Unflavoured
PKU Explore 10 V 12.5 g l‐Amino 40 10 0 83 9.8 0.4 Yes DHA, AA From 12 months to 5 years
acids Orange, raspberry flavours
PKU Gel V 24 g l‐Amino 41.7 10 0 81 10.3 0.02 Yes No From 6 months to 10 years
acids Unflavoured
Orange, raspberry flavours from
12 months to 10 years
PKU Squeezie V 85 g l‐Amino 12 10 0 135 22.5 0.5 Yes DHA, AA From 6 months to 10 years
acids Apple, banana flavours
PKU Express 15 V 25 g l‐Amino 60 15 0 74 2.4 0.05 Yes No From 3 years
acids Unflavoured, orange, lemon,
tropical flavours
PKU Express 20 V 34 g l‐Amino 60 20 0 101 3.3 0.07 Yes No From 3 years
acids Unflavoured, orange, lemon,
tropical flavours
PKU Cooler 10 V 87 mL l‐Amino 11.5/100 mL 10 0 65 4.4 0.8 Yes DHA From 3 years
acids Orange, purple, red, white and
yellow flavours
PKU Cooler 15 V 130 mL l‐Amino 11.5/100 mL 15 0 97 6.6 1.2 Yes DHA From 3 years
acids Orange, purple, red, white,
yellow flavours
PKU Cooler 20 V 174 mL l‐Amino 11.5/100 mL 20 0 130 8.9 1.6 Yes DHA From 3 years
acids Orange, purple, red, white,
yellow flavours
(continued overleaf)
Table 28.A.1 (continued)
PKU Air 15 V 130 mL l‐Amino 11.5/100 mL 15 0 75 2.0 0.8 Yes DHA From 3 years
acids Yellow (mango breeze), gold
(coffee fusion, contains <20 mg
of caffeine per pouch), white
(Caribbean crush), green (citrus
twist), red (berry blast) flavours
PKU Air 20 V 174 mL l‐Amino 11.5/100 mL 20 0 100 2.6 1.0 Yes DHA From 3 years
acids Yellow (mango breeze), gold
(coffee fusion, contains <20 mg
of caffeine per pouch), white
(Caribbean crush), green (citrus
twist), red (berry blast) flavours
PKU Lophlex N 62.5 mL l‐Amino 16/100 mL 10 0 58 4.4 Nil Yes DHA From 4 years
LQ 10 acids added Juicy orange, juicy berry, juicy
tropical, juicy citrus, berry,
orange flavours
PKU Lophlex N 125 mL l‐Amino 16/100 mL 20 0 115 8.8 Nil Yes DHA From 4 years
LQ 20 acids added Juicy orange, juicy berry, juicy
tropical, juicy citrus, berry,
orange flavours
XPHE Jump 10 M 63 mL l‐Amino 16/100 mL 10 0 63 5 0.3 Yes DHA (except From 3 years
acids unflavoured) Cola (without caffeine), wild
berries, orange flavours
Neutral (unflavoured)
XPHE Jump 20 M 125 mL l‐Amino 16/100 mL 20 0 126 10 0.6 Yes DHA (except From 3 years
acids unflavoured) Cola (without caffeine), wild
berries, orange flavours
Neutral (unflavoured)
PKU Easy Liquid G 130 mL l‐Amino 11.5/100 mL 15 0 98 2 0.5 Yes DHA, EPA From 3 years
acids Orange/citrus, mixed berries
PKU Easy Shake G 34 g l‐Amino 45 15 0 125 14 0.1 Yes No From 3 years
and Go acids Orange flavour
PKU Lophlex N 27.8 g l‐Amino 72 20 0 91 2.5 0.1 Yes No From 8 years
Powder acids Unflavoured, berry, orange
PKU Lophlex N 109 g l‐Amino 18.3 20 0 166 20.2 0.4 Yes DHA From 3 years
Sensation acids Berry flavour
Glytactin C 49 g CGMP 31 15 23 160 23 4.5 Yes DHA From 3 years
Bettermilk 15 Neutral flavour
Original Contains probiotic
Phe content Energy CHO g
Protein Protein g per mg per unit kcal per per unit Fat g per Vitamins and
Name Company Unit size source Protein g/100 g unit size size unit size size unit size minerals LCPUFAs Age suitability flavours
GMPro N 33.3 g CGMP 30 10 18 128 12.5 3.9 Yes DHA From 3 years
Use with caution 3–6 years
Vanilla flavour
GMPro LQ N 250 mL CGMP 4 10 18 112 8.5 4 Yes DHA, EPA From 3 years
Use with caution 3–6 years
Vanilla flavour
PKU sphere 15 V 27 g CGMP 56 15 28 91 4.9 1.3 Yes DHA From 4 years
Red berry, vanilla, chocolate
(continued overleaf)
Table 28.A.1 (continued)
PKU sphere 20 V 35 g CGMP 56 20 36 120 6.3 1.6 Yes DHA From 4 years
Red berry, vanilla, chocolate
PKU synergy N 33 g l‐Amino 60.6 20 <5 98 3.5 0.33 Yes DHA From 10 years
acids Citrus flavour
Phlexy 10 N 20 g l‐Amino 42 8.3 0 69 8.8 Nil No No From 8 years
Drink mix acids added Apple and blackcurrant, tropical
surprise, citrus burst flavours
Phlexy 10 tablets N 10 tablets l‐Amino 58 8.3 0 38 0.7 0.2 No No From 8 years
PK Aid 4 N 100 g l‐Amino 79 g 79 g/100 g 0 71 Nil Nil No No For infants, children and adults
acids added Unflavoured
ACBS, Advisory Committee for Borderline Substances; PKU, phenylketonuria; Phe, phenylalanine; CHO, carbohydrate; LCPUFA, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; N, Nutricia; V, Vitaflo;
M, MetaX; Galen; C, Cambrooke Therapeutics; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; AA, arachidonic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; GCMP, casein glycomacropeptide.
All nutritional analysis is for unflavoured products.
* Pack size = 400 g.
29 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Anita MacDonald, Marjorie Dixon and Fiona J. White
The common forms of galactosaemia are classical galactosaemia and biochemical (Duarte) variant galactosaemia.
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance. Incidence in Western Europe is estimated to be 1 in 16 500–44 000. The most
common classical galactosaemia mutation in Caucasian populations is Q188R (c.563A N G), associated with null red
blood cell GALT activity. Patients with Duarte variant galactosaemia have one GALT allele that is severely impaired
and a second GALT allele (Duarte‐2, D2) that is partially impaired [3].
Newborn screening No newborn screening (NBS) in the UK. No universal agreement about NBS.
Clinical onset The common forms are:
presentation, features • classical galactosaemia - is associated with neonatal symptoms and long‐term complications
• biochemical (Duarte) variant galactosaemia - infants and children may rarely present with this milder form. Patients
are usually asymptomatic and mainly identified due to abnormal NBS with moderate elevations in total blood
galactose and decreased GALT activity [4]. It is not associated with an increased risk of developmental abnormalities
and does not require dietary treatment [3]
Classical galactosaemia presents in the newborn period with life‐threatening illness when fed either breastmilk or
milk‐based infant formula (both contain galactose):
• Symptoms and signs include poor feeding, vomiting and diarrhoea, weight loss, jaundice, hypotonia, hepatic failure
and coagulopathy. Without urgent treatment, infants are at risk of Escherichia coli sepsis, multi‐organ failure and
death [5].
• Biochemical findings include abnormal liver function tests, abnormal clotting, hypoglycaemia, raised plasma amino
acids and renal tubular dysfunction. Rapid improvement occurs on stopping galactose‐containing feeds.
• Rarely, patients may present after the newborn period with faltering growth and developmental delay.
Long‐term complications Despite early diagnosis and strict galactose‐restricted diet, many treated patients develop one or more long‐term
and outcome complication(s).
Speech defect: Delayed speech vocabulary and childhood apraxia of speech are common [1]. More general speech/
language delays also occur associated with producing, rather than understanding, speech and language [4].
Cognitive development, executive and neurological function: Cognitive development, memory and executive
functions are commonly in the low average range, but there is a range of ability with some achieving university
education and attaining higher degrees.
Psychiatric symptoms: These include obsessive–compulsive disorder and autism spectrum disorder [6]. Anxiety and
depression may occur.
Primary ovarian dysfunction (POI): Ovarian damage resulting in POI occurs in 80% of women with classical
galactosaemia despite treatment [7], and the severity is variable [8]. Despite the high prevalence of POI, several
spontaneous pregnancies are documented, both in classical galactosaemia [9] and women with milder mutations. A
small number of women with galactosaemia have successfully breastfed their infants.
Reduced bone mineral density: 10%–25% of patients with classical galactosaemia are at risk of low bone mass density
(BMD z‐score <−2) as compared with the general population [10]. Diet restriction and ovarian insufficiency in women
both increase risk of compromised bone health. Blood vitamin D levels are commonly in the low reference range.
Growth disturbance: Growth may be delayed in childhood and early adolescence, but final height is usually normal,
although decreased height z‐scores compared to mid‐parental target height is described [11]. There is also a decrease
in fat mass and lean tissue mass compared with actual height z‐scores [12].
Medical treatment If galactosaemia is suspected, a galactose‐free formula should be given instead of breastmilk or standard infant
formula. Long‐term management includes:
• assessment of developmental milestones, intellectual development and speech and language should be done at
regular intervals such as preschool, primary, middle school and senior school ages according to International
Galactosaemia Guidelines [3]
• ophthalmological screening/follow‐up is necessary for cataracts
• many females need puberty induction and/or hormone replacement therapy to prevent sequelae of POI
Dietetic management Galactose‐restricted diet. Glucose and galactose form the disaccharide lactose, present in most animal milks. It is also
available as free and bound galactose in carbohydrates such as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, glycoproteins
and glycolipids.
The International Galactosaemia Guidelines [3] recommend a lifelong galactose‐restricted diet that only eliminates
sources of lactose and galactose from dairy products. At present there is insufficient evidence to support a specific
age‐related recommendation for the quantity of galactose allowed in the diet.
Monitoring – biochemical There is no consensus as to the most relevant biomarker(s) for monitoring as there is no clear association between
galactose metabolites, other markers and the development of both acute and long‐term complications:
• Red cell galactose‐1‐phosphate is widely used to monitor dietary adherence and should be measured at diagnosis
after 3 and 9 months, then annually [3]. More frequent measurements are only necessary if there is poor dietary
• Galactose‐1‐phosphate is high at diagnosis and falls progressively after commencing galactose‐free formula/diet, but
can take up to 1 year or even longer to decrease to the local treatment reference range (laboratories use varying
target ranges). Concentrations do not decrease to normal levels found in healthy individuals [3].
• Vitamin D status: serum 25‐hydroxyvitamin D, 25(OH)D, levels should be measured annually in children [3].
• Dual‐energy X‐ray (DEXA) scans: every 4–5 years from onset of puberty.
Endogenous production of galactose fat) and mayonnaise include milk components to improve
their flavour. The lactose content of whey derivatives such as
Significant amounts of endogenous galactose are produced whey powder is high, comprising 70% of total solids.
in patients with galactosaemia, being several‐fold higher for There are exceptions in a galactose‐restricted diet:
body weight in infants than in adults [13] who produce • caseinates: foods containing caseinates are permitted as
approximately 13 mg/kg body weight/day compared with they contain trace amount of lactose only. They are used
approximately 41 mg/kg body weight/day in newborns in coffee whiteners, meat products and baked goods. The
[14]. Endogenous galactose is thought to originate from the Casein and Caseinates Regulations [18] state that the
transformation of glucose and from the recycling of glyco- maximum anhydrous lactose content of casein should
sylated proteins and lipids. It is considered a major cause of not exceed 1% by weight
late complications [15]. • butter oil and ghee: these contain minimal lactose
and galactose and are permitted in the diet for galac-
Dietary management: galactose‐restricted diet tosaemia in the UK. Butter oil is used by the food
industry for the following functions: flavour, flavour
The International Galactosaemia Guidelines (2016) [3] rec- carrier, food gloss, creaming, air incorporation, anti‐
ommend: ‘treating patients with classical galactosemia staling and shortening [19]
with a life‐long galactose‐restricted diet that only elimi- • non‐milk derivatives that may be added to food prod-
nates sources of lactose and galactose from dairy products ucts are shown in Table 29.4. These do not need to be
but permits galactose from non‐milk sources that contrib-
ute minimal dietary galactose. Within this definition we
accept that small amounts of galactose are present in spe- Table 29.1 Lactose and galactose content of foods [17].
cific mature cheeses and caseinates. At present there is
insufficient evidence to support a specific age‐related rec- Lactose content Galactose content
Food (g/100 mL or g/100 g) (g/100 mL or g/100 g)
ommendation for the quantity of galactose allowed in
the diet’. Milk, skimmed 4.4 2.2
Milk, whole 4.5 2.3
Sources of galactose Cream, single 2.2 1.1
(1) kinase
Galactose Galactose-1-phosphate UDP-glucose
(2) (3)
Transferase Epimerase
Glucose-1-phosphate UDP-galactose
Table 29.2 Milk, milk products and milk derivatives that should Table 29.3 Galactose‐restricted diet.
be avoided in galactosaemia.
Manufactured foods that contain or could contain milk or milk
Milk and milk products derivatives are shown in italics. Food labels should always be checked
Cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk as constituents change
Cheese, cream, butter Milk, milk products and milk derivatives
Ice cream, yoghurt, fromage frais, crème fraiche These should all be avoided (Table 29.2)
Plant and cereal milks
Milk derivatives Infant soya formula
Skimmed milk powder, milk solids, milk protein, non‐fat milk solids, Liquid soya milk, other plant milks (e.g. almond, coconut, oat,
separate milk solids rice*) – calcium enriched (not before 1 year of age)
Whey, hydrolysed whey protein, margarine or shortening containing
whey, whey syrup sweetener, casein, hydrolysed casein, sodium Fats and oils
caseinate, calcium caseinate Milk‐free margarine
Many margarines and low fat spreads contain milk
Lactose* Vegetable oils
Buttermilk, butter, artificial cream Lard, dripping, suet, ghee
Cheese powder
Meat and fish
Filtrated/enzymatically treated low lactose dairy products (containing Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish (fresh or frozen)
galactose) Ham and bacon (lactose may be used as a flavour enhancer – see
Low lactose milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream and spreads ingredient label)
Lactose as a filler may be used in Fish fingers
Flavourings Quorn
Tabletop or tablet artificial sweeteners Tofu
Medicines Many meat or fish products such as sausages, burgers, pies, breaded or
battered foods or in sauce may not be suitable
*Lactose powder is added to a diverse range of food products including Eggs
bakery goods, confectionery, dry mixes, dried vegetables and crisps. Cereal, flour, pasta
It is added: All grains; wheat, oats, corn, rice, barley, maize, sago, rye, tapioca
• To prepared foods to prevent caking or as a coating Pasta, spaghetti, macaroni, dried noodles, couscous
• To bakery goods to enhance browning and to reduce sweetness (it has Tinned pasta such as spaghetti hoops may contain cheese
one sixth the sweetness of sucrose) Flour: plain, self‐raising; cornflour, rice flour, soya flour, pastry products
• As a filler and flowing agent in seasoning mixes for foods such as Semolina
instant pot noodles or as a carrier for flavours and seasonings Carob
• Maybe to ham, bacon and salami Breakfast cereals
• To some artificial tabletop or tablet sweeteners Most are suitable, e.g. Weetabix, cornflakes, Rice Krispies
Some cereals may contain chocolate derivatives or milk
avoided except for lactitol, a polyol made from galactose. Bread and yeast products
Most bread is suitable
Some residual galactose is left after its fermentation in
Milk bread and naan bread contain milk, croissants and brioche
the gut, so it is unsuitable Pitta, chapatti
Muffins, crumpets and teacakes may not be suitable
Galactosides Cakes, biscuits, crackers
The α‐galactosides are part of the oligosaccharides (raffi- Many cakes, biscuits and crackers contain milk
nose, stachyose and verbascose) and are a potential source of Desserts
galactose. They are found in foods such as peas, beans, len- Sorbet, jelly, soya/plant desserts, soya/plant ice cream, soya/plant yoghurt
tils, soya beans, cocoa, nuts, wheat, oat flour and vegetables Most desserts/dessert mixes contain milk in some form
(Table 29.5). Fruit
Studies investigating the effects of galactosides in galac- All fresh, frozen, tinned or dried fruit
tosaemia are rare, include limited numbers of subjects and Vegetables
are short term and inconclusive. The α‐galactosidase linkage All fresh, frozen, tinned or dried vegetables
in oligosaccharides is not hydrolysable by the human small Most dried and tinned pulses, e.g. red kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils
Baked beans and ready‐made vegetable dishes such as coleslaw and
intestinal mucosa in vitro or in vivo. Instead, the galactosides
potato salad may contain milk
are rapidly degraded and fermented by the caecal microflora
to produce volatile short chain fatty acids. Galactosides are Savoury snacks
Plain crisps, poppadom
not avoided in the diet.
Nuts, peanut butter
The International Galactosaemia Guidelines (2016) [3] Flavoured crisps may not be suitable because they contain cheese or
recommend ‘allowing any amount and type of fruits, lactose as a filler in the flavouring
vegetables, legumes, unfermented soy‐based products.
Dry roasted nuts and popcorn may contain milk/butter
Although higher in galactose, all fermented soy‐based Seasonings, gravies
products can be allowed in the small quantities that are Pepper, salt, pure spices and herbs, mustard
typically used in the diet’.
Galactosaemia 603
Table 29.3 (continued) Table 29.6 Free galactose in fruit and vegetables (mg/100 g).
drainage (during this stage approximately 98% of the lactose regulatory role in the mineralisation and remodelling of bone
will be removed). The type of starter culture, coagulating [28]. Vitamin K supplementation may be beneficial when
enzyme and the acid produced can all alter lactose content combined with an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D,
by influencing the properties of the curd and the degree of but currently there is not enough evidence to recommend
whey expulsion. this.
For harder cheeses the curd is cut into small cubes, which
allows fluid to drain from the individual pieces of curd. Any Calcium and vitamin D
residual lactose in cheese curd is metabolised during its rip- It is important to ensure the reference nutrient intake (RNI)
ening process [27], and, generally, the longer the cheese has for all bone‐related nutrients is provided. Calcium intake
matured, the lower its lactose content. may be low. The UK RNI for calcium varies between 325 and
Other cheeses are not permitted. Specific analysis has been 1000 mg daily in children and teenagers [29]. Wherever pos-
commissioned by the UK Galactosaemia Medical Advisory sible, calcium requirements should be achieved from food.
Panel to test gouda, edam and some soft and processed Soya infant formula can provide RNI for calcium (age 0–2
cheeses, but all contain lactose and galactose and are not years) provided an adequate amount is taken. With advanc-
suitable [26]. ing age it may be necessary to change to a calcium‐enriched
plant drink (preferably supplemented with vitamin D).
Plant cheeses Suitable food sources should be encouraged to ensure ade-
Plant cheeses are suitable. They are dairy‐free and made quate intake: low galactose cheese, plant yoghurts, sardines,
from nuts, such as cashew, almond and pine nuts; soybeans; mackerel, sesame seeds and lentils (Table 29.9).
coconut oil; rice; and other ingredients. However, some are A calcium supplement may be needed. This can be chal-
low in protein and other nutrients, such as calcium. lenging mainly because of the size, type of presentation
(mostly tablets rather than liquid) and nutritional composi-
Enzyme‐treated cheese products tion available for children. Additional vitamin D supple-
Lactofree cheese produced from Lactofree milk is not mentation will aid calcium absorption, e.g. Healthy Start
recommended. vitamin drops (Table 1.22). Alternatively, there are several
prescribable calcium supplements with added vitamin D
Manufactured foods (Table 29.10). The latter are mainly chewable or dissolvable
in water. They are bulky and unpopular with children and
Interpreting galactose on food labels adherence is an issue. There are no suitable liquid calcium
As galactose is found in milk sources, it is important to teach supplements listed in the British National Formulary (BNF)
caregivers and patients how to identify milk on food labels. for children. If the diet as a whole is poor, it may be neces-
It is mandatory that a milk source is identified on the ingre- sary to give a more comprehensive vitamin and mineral sup-
dient list of pre‐packed foods (listed either in bold, in an plement, e.g. Paediatric Seravit or FruitiVits (suitable from 3
alternative colour or by underlining). The word ‘milk’ does years of age). Ideally calcium supplements should be
not need to appear if a milk product such as cheese, cream, co‐administered with vitamin D and given in more than one
yoghurt or butter is an ingredient because these foods,
legally, can only be made from animal milks. It is mandatory
to identify milk when the reference is to a less familiar dairy Table 29.9 Food sources of calcium for galactosaemia [17].
product or ingredient, e.g. quark (milk) and whey (milk).
Calcium (mg) Vitamin D (μg)
Cross‐contamination of manufactured foods with milk
Both milk‐free and milk‐containing foods may be manufac- per 100 mL/100 g
tured in the same plant or even using the same machinery. Calcium/vitamin D enriched 100–140 0.8
Cross‐contamination with milk is always possible, and if soya drinks
there is a risk of a food product being cross‐contaminated, the Soya dairy‐free yoghurts 120 Variable
label should include one of the following statements: ‘may
Low lactose hard cheese 730 0.3
contain milk’ or ‘not suitable for someone with milk allergy’.
The UK Galactosaemia Support Group Medical Advisory Whitebait 860 Not available
Panel permits foods that are labelled with a risk of cross‐ Sardines in oil/brine 500 5
contamination with milk. It is likely the quantity of milk is Pilchards 250 14
Sesame seeds 670 0
Red kidney beans 100 0
Vitamin and mineral supplementation Bread 170 0
Many nutrients are involved in optimum bone metabolism, Spinach 170 0
particularly calcium, phosphate and vitamin D. Vitamin K Apricots 73 0
also has an important role, acting as a cofactor in the post‐
translational carboxylation of osteocalcin, which has a Source: Licensed under Open Government.
606 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Adcal‐D3 (Kyowa Kirin Ltd). Calcium carbonate. Chewable tablet/effervescent Tablet 600 10
tablets. Not licensed for children under 12 years.
Cacit‐D3 (Warner Chilcott UK Ltd). Calcium carbonate. Granules. Not licensed Sachet 500 11
for use in children.
Calceos (Galen). Calcium carbonate. Chewable tablet. Tablet 500 10
Calcichew D3 (Takeda UK Ltd). Calcium carbonate. Chewable tablet. Tablet 500 5
Calcichew D3 Forte (Takeda UK Ltd). Calcium carbonate. Chewable tablet. Tablet 500 10
Natecal D3 (Chiesi Ltd). Calcium carbonate. Chewable tablet. Tablet 600 10
Baby boy, born full term, discharged home from local hospital on day 3
Fully breastfed, birthweight = 4.5 kg
Appeared well except for jaundice
Feeding deteriorated and he started vomiting
Admitted to a local hospital, diagnosed with a urine infection and commenced antibiotics. However, he was also found to have liver dysfunction with
deranged clotting and intermittent hypoglycaemia and was transferred to a paediatric liver ward. Galactosaemia was suspected; breastfeeding was
stopped; soya infant formula was given; fluids were restricted
Over the next 3 days, fluid intake was gradually increased to normal requirements; liver function similarly improved; he tolerated the soya infant
formula and his clinical symptoms ameliorated within 48 hours
Classical galactosaemia was diagnosed with a galactose‐1‐phosphate concentration >2000 μmol/L and determination of galactose‐1‐phosphate
uridyltransferase activity. He was homozygous for the Q188R mutation.
Discharged home on a galactose‐restricted diet only
He drank soya infant formula without difficulty, and galactose‐restricted solids were introduced at 20 weeks of age. Parents gradually expanded his
diet according to his age, introducing low lactose cheese, plant yoghurts and other suitable products
His galactose‐1‐phosphate concentration only slowly lowered to within treatment range during the first year despite excellent dietary adherence
He continued to feed well and gained weight appropriately
At the age of 2 years, he was changed onto a toddler calcium and vitamin D enriched commercial soya drink. His weight and length were adequate,
as were his intakes of calcium and vitamin D
At the age of 3 years, his clinical progress is good, but speech is slightly delayed. His nutrient intake, growth and galactose‐1‐phosphate concentrations
are assessed twice per year
Introduction to glycogen metabolism branch (which glycogen phosphorylase then shortens), leav-
ing one glucose moiety at the α‐1,6 branch point, and the
Glycogen, the storage form of carbohydrates (CHO), is glucosidase component releases the single glucose moiety
found predominantly in the liver and skeletal muscle; minor and breaks the branch point – hence the name debrancher
stores are found in the heart and brain. It is a large molecule enzyme. Phosphoglucomutase then converts glucose‐1‐
containing up to 60 000 glucose moieties that are linked in phosphate into glucose‐6‐phosphate (G6P). Skeletal muscle
straight chains with α‐1,4 glycosidic bonds, and branched glycogen is predominantly degraded to glucose‐6‐phos-
with α‐1,6 glycosidic bonds, at intervals of 4–10 glucose resi- phate where it is used by muscle fibres during contractions
dues, thus forming a glucose reservoir. Glycogen is a major and converted to lactate, as detailed below.
fuel source. In the fed state glucose forms glycogen (glyco- G6P has three fates:
genesis). Glycogen synthase catalyses the formation of the
• conversion to free glucose via glucose‐6‐phosphatase,
α‐1,4 linkages between glucose molecules, enabling the glu-
which occurs predominantly in the liver, for release into
cose chain to elongate, forming amylose. Glycogen branch-
the bloodstream
ing enzyme then catalyses the formation of the α‐1,6‐linked
• as the initial substrate for energy production via glycoly-
branch points to enable assembly of side chains of glucose
sis, forming pyruvate. Under aerobic conditions p yruvate
molecules, amylopectin, resulting in the polymer, glycogen.
is oxidised to form ATP; under anaerobic conditions in
In the fasting state liver glycogen is degraded (glycogenoly-
active muscle tissue, it is converted to lactate. Lactate
sis) to glucose‐6‐phosphate via a series of enzymatic
generated from muscle glycogen or glucose can be trans-
reactions. Phosphorylase kinase activates glycogen phos-
ported via the bloodstream to the liver and, via the
phorylase, the rate‐limiting step in glycogenolysis, which
gluconeogenic pathway, to reform glucose. This recy-
shortens the unbranched outer α‐1,4 links of the glycogen
cling pathway is known as the Cori cycle
molecule to release glucose‐1‐phosphate and leave four glu-
• processed by the pentose phosphate pathway to yield
cosyl units at the α‐1,6 branch point. The debrancher enzyme
NADPH and ribose derivatives
then performs two catalytic functions: the transferase com-
ponent transfers three glucose residues (from the shortened Gluconeogenesis is the reversal of glycolysis and is
glycogen branch) to the end of a neighbouring glycogen another major pathway for glucose formation via G6P from
608 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
lactate, pyruvate, gluconeogenic amino acids and glycerol. as the glycogen storage disorders (GSD). These are notated
Fructose and galactose can also enter the gluconeogenic by a Roman numeral, the deficient enzyme or the person
pathway to form glucose or, via glycolysis, forms pyruvate who first described the disorder (Figure 29.2, Table 29.12). In
and lactate (Figure 29.2). A more detailed review of glycogen this section the hepatic GSD are discussed as these are treated
metabolism is given elsewhere [34]. primarily by diet. Treatment ranges from complex intensive
Defects of most enzymatic reactions involved in glycogen feeding routines with overnight tube feeds to more straight-
metabolism have been identified and collectively are known forward avoidance of fasting and management of illness.
Phosphorylase b kinase
Glycogen VI IX
Phosphorylase a Phosphorylase b
Galactose Galactose-1-phosphate
(Figure 29.1)
acetyl-CoA Free fatty acids
TCA cycle
Figure 29.2 Pathway of liver glycogen metabolism. UDP‐glucose, uridine diphosphate glucose; PLD, phosphorylase limit dextrin; TCA, tricarboxylic acid.
Table 29.12 Hepatic glycogen storage disorders, nomenclature and main organs involved.
Type Ib
Granulocyte‐colony stimulating factor (G‐CSF) treatment increases neutrophil count and decreases fever, infection and severity of
IBD; however, splenomegaly with abdominal pain is a complication and limits dosage [40, 58]. Vitamin E supplementation, given
for its antioxidant properties, is reported to improve neutrophil function, reduce infections and enable a decrease in G‐CSF doses
[60, 61].
Dietetic Infants and children need a frequent supply of CHO both day and night to maintain normoglycaemia. Provision of CHO varies by
management age and fasting tolerance; typically 2 hourly daytime feeds for infants and young children. From around 1 to 2 years: introduction of
uncooked cornstarch (UCCS) may extend fasting tolerance; for older children: continuous tube feeds or UCCS at night. Post‐
puberty, CHO therapy is still needed, but may be less frequent.
Emergency During intercurrent infections, glucose polymer solution is given to maintain normoglycaemia and prevent hypoglycaemia and
regimen lactic acidosis. The emergency regimen (ER) should provide at least adequate CHO to meet endogenous glucose production rates
for age (Table 29.13) or the child’s usual CHO requirement. A standard ER may provide too much glucose and cause
hyperglycaemia and thus risk of rebound hypoglycaemia.
Monitoring Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical monitoring is essential to assess efficacy and guide dietary treatment, which aims to
promote normal growth, minimise secondary biochemical abnormalities and help delay the onset and severity of long‐term
complications. More detailed clinical and biochemical monitoring is given on p. 617.
610 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism Introduction to Glycogen Metabolism 610
Clinical Kishnani P, Austin SI, Abdenur JE et al. Diagnosis and management of glycogen storage disease type I: a practice guideline of the
management American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics. Genet Med. 2014, 16(11) e1 [63].
guideline Rake JP, Visser G, Labrune P et al. Guidelines for management of glycogen storage disease type I – European Study on Glycogen
Storage Disease Type I (ESGSDI). Eur J Pediatr. 2002, 161(1) S112–119 [64].
Visser G, Rake JP, Labrune P et al. Consensus guidelines for the management of glycogen storage disease type 1b – European Study
on Glycogen Storage Disease type 1. Eur J Pediatr, 2002, 160(1) S120–3 [40].
Parent support Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (UK) (
Table 29.14 Example feeding regimen for a female infant, age 10 weeks, with GSDI.
Weight = 5 kg Fluid (mL) (kcal) (kJ) (lactose) (g) Protein (g) Fat (g)
*Lactose = 0.25 g glucose and 0.25 g galactose. Glucose polymer can be added to provide more glucose, as indicated
by blood glucose and lactate results.
calculate and weigh the amount of food required using Diet for children
the CHO analysis on food labels, for example, an infant
• provide 0.3–0.5 g glucose/kg/hour (Table 29.13)
weighing 8 kg requires 0.5 g glucose/kg/hour, which
• under 2 years of age the daytime glucose continues to be
equates to 8 g CHO for 2 hours:
given at 2 hourly intervals (or more often) either from a
◦◦ Step 1: Look at total CHO content per 100 g of food
meal or snack containing complex CHO or a paediatric
(on nutrition analysis label)
enteral feed with added glucose polymer
◦◦ Step 2: Then 100 ÷ by the CHO content per 100 g of
• starchy foods such as potato, rice, pasta, bread and break-
fast cereals are encouraged in preference to sugary foods
◦◦ Step 3: Multiply the answer by 8 (or other amount of
as these are more slowly digested to produce glucose
CHO required) = weight of food, which provides 8 g
• from around 1 year of age the night feed is changed to
CHO (or other amount of CHO required)
a solution of glucose polymer up to 15% CHO con-
• if insufficient food is eaten, then a full feed or a top‐up
centration in 1 to 2 year olds, providing weaning is
feed of infant formula with a total concentration of 12%–
well established; 20% CHO for 2 to 6 year olds; 25%
15% CHO is given to provide the 2 hourly CHO
up to a maximum of 30% CHO for older children.
Often a vitamin and mineral supplement is added to
• boluses of pure glucose polymer are best avoided because
this feed
it is rapidly absorbed, may cause swings in blood glu-
• occasionally, a paediatric enteral feed is administered at
cose and may not maintain blood glucose for 2 hours in
night in preference to glucose polymer alone, particu-
some patients
larly if growth or food (and nutrient) intakes are
• for the overnight feed the volume of infant formula is
decreased, and glucose polymer added to provide
• many children find it very difficult to eat breakfast due to
around 0.5 g glucose/kg/hour, with the ultimate aim of
being fed overnight; CHO may need to be provided from
providing all CHO as glucose polymer from about 1 year
simple sugar such as glucose polymer, milk or fruit juice
of age, provided weaning is well established and the
as a drink or mixed with the dose of UCCS
child has a good food intake
• in type Ib bacterial infections, oral and intestinal mouth
• the daily feeding regimen must be nutritionally adequate
ulcers and chronic IBD may necessitate further dietary
and meet protein requirements; this can be compromised
in patients on high CHO diets and who also do not
• mouth ulcers can make oral feeding difficult and painful;
eat well. Vitamin and mineral supplements are often
meals and snacks may need to be temporarily replaced
with nutritionally complete fluid supplements, and if
An example of a weaning diet is shown in Table 29.15. necessary these can be given via NG tube
Glycogen Storage Disease Type I 613
Time Food or drink Total CHO (g) CHO* (g/kg/hour) Protein (g) Fat (g) (kcal) (kJ)
*The portion size of CHO foods (appropriate for age) will make the CHO content of main meals in excess of the specified requirement of 0.5 g/kg/hour
(calculated as a combined intake).
glucose 5
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
Time of day
Figure 29.3 24 hour continuous glucose monitoring before uncooked cornstarch. Normoglycaemia is shown by shaded grey band.
Glycogen Storage Disease Type I 615
glucose 5
00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 00:00
Time of day
Figure 29.4 24 hour continuous glucose monitoring after uncooked cornstarch. Normoglycaemia is shown by shaded grey band.
• an example of the results of an UCCS load test is given in Cornflour load test GSDIb – age 6 years, 1.5 g/kg
Figure 29.5. Over time blood glucose decreases and lac- 6
tate increases. The test is stopped when blood glucose Glucose
5 Lactate
is <3 mmol/L and/or the child has symptoms of
hypoglycaemia 4
• the biochemical test results are used to determine the fre-
08.00 CHO foods, e.g. breakfast cereal, bread; often only small amount eaten
Breakfast 35 g cornflour mixed with up to 100 mL water or semi‐skimmed/skimmed milk
10.30 Snack if no breakfast eaten to provide 10 g CHO, e.g. portion fruit, small slice bread with
Mid‐morning margarine, 1 semi‐sweet biscuit
12.00 CHO foods to provide 20–30 g CHO, e.g. bread, pitta, wrap as sandwich
Lunch suggestions Fillings, e.g. ham, low fat cheese, egg, chicken, tuna and salad vegetables
Fruit or low fat/low sugar yoghurt
13.00 35 g cornflour mixed with up to 100 mL water or semi‐skimmed/skimmed milk
17.00 CHO foods to provide 20–30 g CHO, e.g. potato, pasta, rice, chapatti, couscous, noodles
Evening meal suggestions Meat, chicken, eggs, fish, dhal
Vegetables or salad
Fruit or low fat/low sugar fromage frais
19.00 CHO foods to provide 10–15 g CHO, e.g. toast, crackers, crumpet, muffins, semi‐sweet
Bedtime snack biscuit, cereal and semi‐skimmed milk
20.00 to 07.30 20% glucose polymer 35 mL hourly (provides 0.3 g CHO/kg/hour)
20.00 and 07.30 15 mL bolus of 20% glucose polymer
• vitamin D and calcium intakes need to be adequate CHO with prolonged exercise. Parents often report the need
together with good metabolic control to optimise bone to give food or sugary drinks before, during or after exercise.
health [46, 47] Pre‐exercise dietary treatment may need to be adjusted
according to the intensity and duration of the exercise being
undertaken with complex CHO for low to moderate inten-
Quality of life
sity and a sugary snack/drink for high intensity. Guidance is
The intensive 24 hour feeding regimen is demanding and required on quantities as too much sugar will result in
time consuming for parents, particularly if feeding 2 hourly. hyperglycaemia. It is important that children are encouraged
It is disruptive to normal living during the day and particu- to be physically active to help prevent overweight or obesity
larly night for both parents and child, with potentially seri- and associated risks of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
ous consequences if treatment is not adhered to [81].
Management requires constant watching of the clock and Hypoglycaemia
great attention to detail as delay in feeding will result in
hypoglycaemia; human errors do occur including forgetting Hypoglycaemia occasionally occurs and may be related to
to switch on the pump or alarm clock [81]. Feeding problems delayed meals/drinks/UCCS, illness, poor dietary compli-
are common and can manifest as a poor food intake or qual- ance or prolonged exercise. Parents should contact the meta-
ity of diet and overfeeding because of concern about hypo- bolic team if there is repeated hypoglycaemia. Parents need
glycaemia. A lower quality of life has been reported in GSDI to recognise early warning signs such as sweating, pallor,
patients; this study also highlights the burden of care on par- irritability or drowsiness and respond by immediately giv-
ents [98]. Disordered eating and body esteem is also reported ing a sugary or glucose polymer drink orally or via the tube
[99]. Support from a paediatric psychologist is valuable. and, on recovery, some starchy foods. Excessive amounts of
glucose can cause rebound hypoglycaemia; 10–20 g glucose
is usually adequate. Dextrose gels such as Glucogel (40%
dextrose) can be rubbed into the buccal cavity and is an
A major reduction in exercise capacity in adult patients with invaluable treatment for the semiconscious or uncooperative
GSDI has been reported, with mean blood glucose levels for child. If the child is unresponsive or fitting, emergency ser-
patients showing a progressive decrease throughout exercise vices should be urgently called. Patients with GSDI do not
and recovery [69]. Children are likely to require additional respond to glucagon (as it normally increases blood glucose
Glycogen Storage Disease Type I 617
via glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis); IV glucose (10%) children may not be symptomatic at these blood glu-
or a dextrose gel (as above) is necessary to treat a child with cose levels as lactate may be providing an alternative
hypoglycaemia who is unconscious. fuel source. Single blood glucose and lactate levels in a
routine clinic appointment are not a good indicator of
Managing the unwell child: emergency regimen for GSDI long‐term metabolic control
◦◦ plasma lactate <4.0 mmol/L. Some centres aim to
During intercurrent infections, adequate glucose must be maintain lactate in the normal reference range: 0.5–
maintained to prevent hypoglycaemia and, in GSD type I, 1.0 mmol/L (mild to moderate hyperlactataemia:
lactic acidosis: 2.0–4.0 mmol/L). This can be very difficult to achieve
• the standard ER concentrations of glucose polymer for in some patients, and a moderately increased lactate
age used for management of illness in other metabolic may be beneficial as it provides fuel to the brain
disorders (p. 677) may provide too much glucose, par- when blood glucose is low [74]. Lactate can be chron-
ticularly at 20%–25% glucose polymer concentration, ically elevated despite seemingly good dietary treat-
resulting in hyperglycaemia and potential rebound ment. The concentration at which lactate contributes
hypoglycaemia when discontinued to long‐term complications is not known
• the ER glucose solution for GSD1 should provide the ◦◦ plasma triglycerides (TG) <6 mmol/L [64], normal
endogenous glucose production rate for age or the child’s fasting levels 0.5–2.2 mmol/L. The American College
usual hourly glucose intake (Table 29.13) and an ade- of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) guide-
quate intake of fluids (similar volumes to standard ER) lines [63] do not suggest an aim for plasma TG. Wang
• often 24 hour continuous tube feeds of glucose polymer will et al. [45] reported significantly increased adenoma
replace either the usual 2 hourly dietary regimen or UCCS progression in patients with a mean 5‐year TG value
• IV fluids may be necessary and must provide adequate, of >5.6 mmol/L. TG can be chronically raised and
but not excessive, glucose compared to the usual require- probably reflect decreased metabolic control [36].
ment of g glucose/kg/hour or mg/kg/min (Table 29.13) Ideally TG should be as near normal as possible
• an overall adequate glucose intake must be given when • Weight and height should be monitored regularly and
titrating from IV fluids back to the usual feeding plan BMI calculated. BMI should ideally be normal range, but
• if IV fluids have provided more glucose than the usual this can be difficult to achieve in some patients. The
overnight feed, there is a risk of hypoglycaemia; this suggested aim is to maintain BMI between 0 and +2
needs to be considered when planning the titration plan standard deviation scores [64]. Mid‐upper arm circum-
and blood glucose should be monitored ference is another useful assessment tool particularly if
there is hepatomegaly, but is not standard practice.
An example of an ER is given in Table 29.17. • Growth retardation occurs with inadequate treatment
and even on intensive treatment [100, 101]. Mundy et al.
Clinical and biochemical monitoring have reported improved growth with intensive dietary
treatment, but a subset within their patient group who,
Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical monitoring is despite therapy, have poor growth. These patients had
essential to assess the efficacy of dietary treatment and to measured endocrine responses similar to those reported
guide the composition of the diet (Table 29.18): for untreated patients, but the reasons for this are not yet
• Continuous glucose monitoring is a useful tool (p. 629). clear [100]. Interestingly, the more obese patients were
Blood glucose monitoring at home may be useful, but is tallest, although as a group they were significantly
not perceived essential for daily management. shorter than average.
• Biochemical aims of dietary treatment are: • Regular biochemical monitoring of vitamin and miner-
◦◦ preprandial blood glucose >3.5 mmol/L. Hypoglycaemia als, in particular calcium and vitamin D, is recommended
is defined as a blood glucose <3.0 mmol/L. Some because of risk of low BMD and osteopenia. BMD should
be assessed by DEXA scan from 5 years of age every 1–2
years [64].
Table 29.17 Example of an emergency regimen for a 3‐year‐old girl
with GSDI.
ER to provide 0.4 g glucose/kg/hour. Body weight = 14 kg Learning points: glycogen storage disease type I
Calculate the daily amount of glucose = 0.4 g × 14 kg × 24 hour = 134 g • Dietary treatment involves avoidance of fasting, frequent
(5.6 g glucose/hour) provision of glucose day and night, with individualised
feeding regimens
Recipe for 24 hours:
• Diet regimens are particularly demanding in young children
140 g glucose polymer • Maintenance of normoglycaemia is essential to normalise
+ water added up to 1400 mL (10% CHO concentration) blood biochemistry, although this is difficult to achieve, and
to delay onset or prevent long‐term complications
Feed 60 mL/hour continuously for 24 hours = 0.4 g CHO/kg/hour
618 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Fanconi Bickel
GSD type 0 Ia/b IIIa/b VI and IX syndrome
CGM * * * * *
Glucose +/− lactate profiles * * * * *
in hospital
UCCS load test * * * * *
Glucose √ √ √ √ √
Lactate √ √ √ √
Ketones √ √ √ √
Creatinine kinase √
Liver profile √ √ √ √ √
Urate √
Triglycerides √ √ √ √ √
Cholesterol √ √ √ √ √
Bone profile, vitamin D †
√ √ √ √ √
FBC, WBC, iron status √ √ √ √ √
Renal profile √ √ √ √ √
Urine protein–creatinine ratio √ √
(or equivalent)
CGM, continuous glucose monitoring; UCCS, uncooked cornstarch; LFT, liver function tests; FBC, full
blood count; WBC, white blood cells.
*Glucose and lactate profiles, CGM and UCCS load test are usually performed annually, but may vary as
clinically indicated.
Vitamin D – annually.
Enzyme Debrancher enzyme is bifunctional with two catalytic sites (p. 609, Figure 29.2).
Biochemical defect Two main subtypes:
• debrancher enzyme deficiency in liver, skeletal muscle and heart (GSD type IIIa, 85% of cases)
• debrancher enzyme deficiency in liver only (GSD type IIIb, 15% of cases) [38]
Production of free glucose from glycogenolysis is limited, and the partially degraded glycogen is stored
as an abnormal structure, termed ‘limit dextrin’. The gluconeogenic pathway, however, is functional for
endogenous glucose production, and this prevents the development of profound hypoglycaemia during
fasting, although it can still occur. Glycolysis proceeds normally. Functionally these patients have only
partial glycogenolysis, while glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are preserved.
Genetics Autosomal recessive inherited disorder. A high predicted prevalence is reported in the Faroese
(approximately 1 in 3100) [102] and North African Jews from Israel (1 in 5400) [103].
Clinical onset presentation, features Presents in infancy and early childhood (usually before 18 months) with predominantly liver‐related
features: fasting intolerance, severe hepatomegaly (due to both glycogen and fat accumulation) and
markedly elevated liver transaminases, hyperlipidaemia (triglycerides and cholesterol), ketotic
hypoglycaemia and failure to thrive [104]. Lactate is normal. Biochemical abnormalities improve on
treatment, but may not normalise.
Glycogen Storage Disease Type III 619
Long‐term complications and outcome Cardiac manifestations and skeletal myopathy may develop with increasing age. Accumulation of limit
dextrin may be involved in their pathogenesis. Cardiac involvement is variable, typically manifesting as
asymptomatic left ventricular hypertrophy starting in the first decade of life [104], which can progress to
symptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, severe cardiac dysfunction, congestive heart failure and
(rarely) sudden death [105–108]. Predictive features for cardiac outcome are not known. Skeletal
myopathy presents as weakness and wasting and gradually progresses, being a greater problem for adults
[107, 109]. Many children, however, tire easily with exercise. Skeletal muscle glycogen normally
provides an essential energy source to contracting muscle, especially at high intensities. Exercise
intolerance in six GSDIIIa patients has been attributed to a block in muscle glycogenolytic capacity
[110]. Creatine kinase (CK), a marker of muscle damage, may increase as children become more active;
the ISGSDIII study data reports a raised CK at some time point in 100/124 patients, median age 10 years
(range 0.3–56.1 years) [104]. CK in adult patients, although often still above the normal reference range,
is reported to decrease, probably due to progressive muscle loss [109]. Whole‐body muscle magnetic
resonance imaging is a useful monitor of muscle involvement; signal alteration was predominant in the
lower limbs and postural muscles in a cohort of 15 patients (age 16–59 years) [111]. Liver symptoms
improve with age; thus hypoglycaemia is less of a problem. A small number of patients develop hepatic
cirrhosis and adenomas and, rarely, hepatocellular carcinomas, but this is much less than in type I [107].
BMD is markedly reduced in GSDIII with type IIIa patients being much worse than IIIb [112]. A high
incidence of bone fractures in paediatric patients is reported [104], suggesting reduced BMD may
develop early. Melis et al. [113] propose the pathogenesis of impaired bone mineralisation is
multifactorial, attributable to poor metabolic control. Hyperlipidaemia occurs, but complications of
pancreatitis and atherosclerosis are not reported [104]. Poor growth can also be seen in childhood,
although spontaneous catch‐up growth usually occurs during puberty [114]. Overweight and obesity are
recognised complications [68, 104]. Liver transplant has been reported [54, 107, 109].
Acute management Initial acute management may necessitate management of hypoglycaemia and correction of biochemical
abnormalities with IV fluids and/or frequent feeds.
Dietetic management Dietary management is the primary treatment. The aims are to:
• prevent hypoglycaemia and ketosis in the infant and young child
• promote normal growth and BMI
• help delay onset of cardiac manifestations and muscle myopathy in type IIIa
• pre‐exercise dietary management to prevent risk of hypoglycaemia
Infants who present with hypoglycaemia and poor fasting tolerance require a more intensive dietary regimen
with increased CHO, similar to GSDI (p. 610). Children who present later with short stature and
hepatomegaly are treated with UCCS or Glycosade, which is given to try and improve their growth rate.
Symptomatic hypoglycaemia is generally not a problem. As gluconeogenesis is functional, the gluconeogenic
precursors such as the glucogenic amino acids, lactate and glycerol can be converted to glucose. High
protein and high fat diets are being used to reverse hypertrophic cardiomyopathy as the traditional high CHO
diet may actually be harmful due to accumulation of limit dextrin. As gluconeogenesis is functional, it is not
necessary to limit fructose and galactose containing foods.
Monitoring Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical monitoring is essential to assess the efficacy of dietary
treatment, to guide composition of the diet and to promote normal growth. Most of the guidelines given
for GSDI (p. 617) can be used for GSDIII, taking into account any differences. Table 29.18 provides
guidelines for biochemical monitoring. Other recommendations for monitoring include
echocardiography (for ventricular hypertrophy), neuromuscular assessment, DEXA scans and liver
ultrasound [107]. CK is a useful measure of muscle damage (see above).
Emergency regimen During illness a frequent supply of glucose must be maintained to prevent hypoglycaemia and ketosis.
The ER information for managing the unwell child with GSDI can also be used for patients with GSDIII
(p. 617).
Clinical management guideline Kishnani PS, Austin SL, Arn P et al. Glycogen storage disease type III diagnosis and management
guidelines. Genet Med. 2010, 12 446−463 [107].
Parent support group Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (UK) (
Dietary treatments: high CHO, high protein or high or prevent cardiomyopathy and skeletal muscle myopathy.
fat diets Either CHO intake can be increased to provide a continu-
ous supply of glucose (similar to GSDI) or protein intake
Controversy surrounds which dietary therapy is best for can be increased to enable gluconeogenesis to provide the
patients to maintain normoglycaemia and also to improve main source of glucose.
620 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Practical provision of high CHO, high protein diet (concentrated milk protein powder, 89% protein) are likely to
be necessary. Protifar can be added to UCCS and skimmed
Infants who present early with hypoglycaemia and poor fast- milk drinks and to a continuous overnight feed of skimmed
ing tolerance require a more intensive dietary regimen with milk, replacing some of the glucose polymer (gram of CHO
increased CHO, as for GSDI (p. 610). The suggested energy for gram of protein). This latter change should be instituted
ratio in GSDI is 60%–70% from CHO, 20%–25% from fat and in hospital, so blood glucose can be formally monitored. Most
10%–15% from protein. At night, continuous tube feeding is high protein drinks or dessert supplements are too high in
used and regular 2 hourly feeding or UCCS during the day- energy intake to be very useful. Exceptions are ProSource
time. The feed regimen examples for GSDI (p. 612) can be Plus Liquid (neutral and flavoured), which provides 15 g pro-
used for GSDIII if the patient is not on a very high protein tein, 11 g CHO, 100 kcal (420 kJ) in 30 mL and can be given
diet. Starchy foods should be used in preference to simple orally or by tube, and ProSource Jelly with 20 g protein, <2 g
sugars to limit peak glucose excursions and insulin release. CHO, 90 kcal (375 kJ) per 118 g serving. Older children may be
As discussed, there should perhaps be greater emphasis on able to replace nocturnal feeds with UCCS before they have
the inclusion of high protein foods and lower CHO in the stopped growing if their fasting tolerance is >6–8 hours.
diet, particularly if a child has or develops a cardiac or skel- Fasting tolerance should be assessed in hospital, as described
etal myopathy. Table 29.19 gives guidance on provision of for GSDI, and can then be monitored at home using continu-
combinations of high CHO diet, high protein and low fat ous glucose monitoring (CGM).
diet. The ACMG guidelines [107] recommend a high protein It is important to carefully monitor the energy distribution
diet and refer to the energy ratios used by Slonim et al. of the diet and when making changes to macronutrient energy
(20%–25% energy from protein, 50%–55% from CHO and intakes. CGM can be used to further monitor these changes at
20%–25% from fat) [119–121]. These protein intakes are very home. Further CHO reductions can be made if blood glucose is
high, e.g. 100 g protein provides 25% of energy in a diet pro- at upper level of normal. Too high an energy intake from CHO
viding 1600 kcal (6.7 MJ). High protein foods at meals and can cause rebound hypoglycaemia [130]. If a child has limited
snack times need to be increased and parents need guidance exercise capacity, this should be considered when planning the
on portion sizes, suitable low fat foods such as skimmed overall energy intake to avoid excess weight gain.
milk, low fat yoghurt and fromage frais. Achieving a suffi- Children who present later with short stature and hepato-
ciently high protein intake, even from protein rich foods, is megaly are treated with UCCS or Glycosade to try and
very difficult, and pure protein supplements such as Protifar improve their growth rate. Symptomatic hypoglycaemia is
Table 29.19 High CHO, normal protein, low fat diet or high protein, normal/reduced CHO, low fat diet for GSDIII.
Sugar and sugary foods These are allowed, but should be kept to a minimum, e.g. table sugar, sweets, cakes, ice cream, preserves
High protein, low fat foods*
Milk Semi‐skimmed or skimmed milk, low fat fromage frais or yoghurt
Meat Lean red meat (5%–10% fat content), trim off all visible fat
Fish White fish instead of oily
Cheese Low fat cheese, e.g. cottage, edam type, half-fat cheddar, quark
Pulses Beans, lentils, peas (and sweetcorn)
Meat alternatives Tofu, Quorn
High fat foods should be used sparingly, e.g. butter, margarine, vegetable oil, animal fats, cream (double, whipping, single), imitation cream,
mayonnaise, salad dressings, pastry, batter and breaded foods
Avoid fried or roasted foods. Spread butter or margarine thinly on bread
Snack foods
Most children choose high fat or sugary snack foods, e.g. crisps, nuts, sweets and chocolate. Low fat, high protein or high carbohydrate snack foods
should be used instead, e.g. yoghurt, fromage frais, crackers and low fat cheese, glass of milk for the high protein diet or sandwich, plain biscuits,
crumpet, fruit for the high starch diet
*High protein diet for GSD III – at least one serving of high protein, low fat food at three main meals and bedtime snack. Generous intakes of milk should
also be given.
High CHO diet for GSD III – one serving of high protein, low fat foods at two meals. Can include milk (or milky foods) in the daily diet.
622 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
generally not a problem for these children, although after an for GSDI, may help. Preisler et al. [132] report exercise toler-
overnight fast they may have high ketones. Frequency of ance improved with fructose ingestion in three adults with
administration and dose of UCCS (1–2 g/kg/dose) will vary GSD III.
depending on fasting tolerance, age, growth rate and response.
Usually a dose is given before bed, and sometimes daytime
doses are necessary to improve growth. Children should have Hypoglycaemia
regular meals and a bedtime snack that contain both starchy The guidelines given for management of GSDI can also be
and protein food. Fat intake should be decreased to compen- used for patients with GSD type III (p. 616).
sate for the increased CHO intake and for weight control.
A high starch, normal protein, low fat diet and high pro-
tein, normal/reduced starch, low fat diet for GSDIII is given Managing the unwell child: emergency regimen
in Table 29.19. information for GSDIII
The guidelines given for management of GSDI can also be
Vitamins and minerals used for patients with GSD type III with the aim to prevent
Vitamin and mineral intakes need to be regularly assessed. If a hypoglycaemia and ketosis (p. 617). As not all children with
high percentage of the dietary energy intake is provided as pure GSDIII are tube fed, glucose polymer drinks need to be given
starch or glucose polymer, there is greater risk of vitamin and orally, 2–3 hourly day and night, depending on usual fasting
mineral deficiencies. Calcium and vitamin D intakes are particu- tolerance.
larly important because of risk of decreased BMD [112, 113].
Clinical onset, Usually presents in childhood, around 2–3 years of age, with:
presentation • abdominal distension, hepatomegaly (due to increased liver glycogen storage) and growth retardation. Clinical presentation is
features the same as in hepatic forms of GSDIX (p. 624) and similar, but generally milder to that seen in GSDIII
• there may be some muscle or central nervous system involvement with symptoms such as mild hypotonia, delayed motor
development, muscle weakness and cramps [134]
• significant ketosis may be present particularly after an overnight fast or during illness. This represents inadequate production of
glucose from liver glycogen with stimulation of counter‐regulatory hormones, glucagon, adrenaline and growth hormone to
maintain normoglycaemia, which reduce insulin levels and increase lipolysis and further ketosis [135]. Cases with
normoglycaemic ketonaemia have been described [136]
• mild increase in liver transaminases, alkaline phosphatase and gamma‐GT [135]. Blood lipids, particularly triglycerides, are
usually raised. Normal uric acid and lactate levels [137]
• large glucose loads may increase postprandial lactate levels; this was seen in 6/6 patients following a glucose loading
test [134]
Long‐term Clinical symptoms generally improve with age; hepatomegaly has usually resolved by puberty [133] and complete catch‐up in
complications final height achieved:
and outcome • osteoporosis is a risk factor if there is chronic ketosis [38]
• GSD VI was thought to be a benign condition, but long‐term complications have been reported with cases of likely liver
fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma [138, 139] as well as mild cardiomyopathy [138]
Initial Assessment of any hypoglycaemia or significant ketosis on the usual dietary intake by serial blood glucose monitoring and early
management morning ketone measurement. This can be done in hospital or at home with a period of CGM (p. 629) and early morning ketone
• hypoglycaemia is not always symptomatically obvious and may only become apparent if monitored overnight or after an
overnight fast. If hypoglycaemia is present, it is usually less severe than in GSDI or GSDIII
• hyperketosis may be present after an overnight fast indicating the occurrence of lipolysis to preserve blood glucose and the
need for additional CHO intake overnight, even if absolute hypoglycaemia has not occurred
Dietetic Dietary manipulation is the primary treatment aiming to:
management • maintain normal blood glucose levels and prevent ketosis
• correct hyperlipidaemia
• promote normal growth and maintain a healthy BMI
Dietary advice is based on fasting tolerance:
• many patients do not require specific dietary treatment
• depending on fasting tolerance management ranges:
◦◦ from regular meals and a bedtime snack that are high in complex CHO and with generous protein, with ER for illness
◦◦ to those additionally requiring daily UCCS therapy at night to prevent hypoglycaemia or ketonaemia
• a high protein intake may be advantageous in providing precursors for gluconeogenesis and reducing reliance on CHO, thus
decreasing glycogen storage
• avoidance of both under‐ and overtreatment is important. Undertreatment results in hyperketosis due to utilisation of lipolysis,
β-oxidation and ketogenesis +/− hypoglycaemia as gluconeogenesis and fatty acid oxidation are functional. Overtreatment
with excess food, milk formula or UCCS results in excess liver glycogen storage and peripheral body fat storage.
Alcohol It is important to discuss alcohol intake with adolescents as it is a potent inhibitor of gluconeogenesis. Recommendations for
GSDIII can be used (p. 622).
Hypoglycaemia Guidelines for GSDI can be used (p. 616).
Monitoring Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical monitoring is essential in assessing dietary treatment efficacy, dietary composition
changes and promoting normal growth. Most of the monitoring described for GSDIII (p. 619) is applicable, accounting for any
differences in dietary treatment and affected biochemistry. Biochemical monitoring guidelines are detailed in Table 29.18.
Abdominal ultrasound of the liver or, in older children, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is performed every 12–24 months to
assess for complications of liver cirrhosis and adenoma [135].
Emergency Illness or prolonged fasting, e.g. for surgery, could precipitate hypoglycaemia. It is essential that a supply of glucose is given
regimen frequently:
• ER guidance for GSDI can be used for GSDVI (p. 617)
• ER drinks need to be taken 2–3 hourly depending upon usual fasting tolerance
Clinical Kishnani PS, Goldstein J, Austin SL et al. Diagnosis and management of glycogen storage diseases type VI and IX: a clinical
management practice resource of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Genet Med 2019, 21(4) 772–789. [135].
Parent support Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (AGSD) (
624 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Emergency regimen Illness or prolonged fasting, e.g. for surgery, could precipitate hypoglycaemia. It is essential that a supply of glucose is given
• ER guidance for GSDI can be used for GSDIX (p. 617)
• ER drinks need to be taken 2–3 hourly depending upon usual fasting tolerance
• where a feeding tube is in situ, ER can be given continuously
Clinical management Kishnani PS, Goldstein J, Austin SL et al. Diagnosis and management of glycogen storage diseases type VI and IX: a clinical practice
guidelines resource of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG). Genet Med. 2019, 21(4) 772–789. [135].
Parent support group Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (AGSD) (
Severe GSDIXc
Dietary management principles for GSD types A more intensive dietary regimen will be required to main-
tain euglycaemia, prevent ketosis and promote growth, sim-
VI and IX
ilar to GSDIII (p. 619).
The aim is to maintain normoglycaemia, which reduces the
need for lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation and so prevents Diet for infants with GSD VI, GSD IX and GSD0
the development of ketosis:
Presentation in early infancy would be unusual apart from
• Avoidance of hypoglycaemia and significant ketosis.
those of an affected older sibling; thus there is little experi-
These can normally be managed by regular 3–4 hourly
ence of the practical management in such situations. In the-
daytime meals and a bedtime snack comprising complex
ory, from knowledge of the disorders and their management,
CHO and generous protein (Table 29.19). The precise
cases identified in infancy would require:
ideal energy distribution of the diet is not known.
Additional protein may be useful: • regular feeding at 3–4 hourly intervals throughout the 24
◦◦ to provide gluconeogenic precursors hour period to maintain normoglycaemia and prevent
◦◦ to be a direct fuel for muscles ketosis
◦◦ simultaneously replacing the energy from additional • a controlled fast with monitoring of blood glucose, lac-
protein with a reduction in CHO energy may reduce tate and ketones could be used to determine the safe
glycogen storage [129, 135] maximum fasting time between feeds
ACMG guidelines recommend an overall diet relatively • monitoring of blood glucose, lactate (in GSD0) and
high in complex CHO (45%–50% energy), generous pro- ketones could be used to assess the adequacy of the fre-
tein (2–3 g/kg/day, 20%–25% energy) with reduced fat quency of feeding and volumes taken
(approx. 30% energy) [135]. It can be difficult to achieve • breastfed infants may need supplementary feeds of
high protein intakes solely from food protein and protein infant formula or glucose polymer if breastfeeds alone
supplements may be required (p. 621): are insufficient to maintain euglycaemia
• If there is overnight hypoglycaemia or significant early • weaning onto solid foods would be advised to start as
morning ketosis (>0.5 mmol/L), UCCS should be intro- normal around 26 weeks of age; as the intake of solids
duced, approx. 1 g/kg/dose given at bedtime or late containing complex CHO and protein increase these can
evening (p. 613). A second dose of UCCS may be required replace some of the milk feeds
overnight to adequately maintain blood glucose and pre- • frequency of feeding, particularly overnight, needs reas-
vent ketosis. UCCS dosing requirements may be deter- sessing regularly throughout infancy as fasting tolerance
mined by an UCCS load test (p. 614) or by monitoring of may increase
626 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Alcohol It is important to discuss alcohol intake with adolescents as it is a potent inhibitor of gluconeogenesis. Recommendations for GSDIII
can be used (p. 622).
Hypoglycaemia Guidelines for GSDI can be used (p. 616).
Monitoring As for GSDVI.
Emergency Illness or prolonged fasting, e.g. for surgery, could precipitate hypoglycaemia. It is essential that a supply of glucose is given
regimen frequently:
• ER guidance given for GSDI can be used for GSD0 (p. 617)
• ER drinks need to be taken 2–3 hourly depending upon usual fasting tolerance
• the CHO concentration may need to be reduced from the standard age‐related ER to prevent hyperglycaemia and maintain blood
sugars within a reasonable range (3.5–8 mmol/L)
Clinical None published
Parent support Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (AGSD) (
Blood glucose mmol/L Blood lactate mmol/L Learning points: glycogen storage disease type 0
(reference range (reference range
Time (minutes) 3.3–5.5 mmol/L) 0.6–2.5 mmol/L)
• GSD0 is generally a less severe form of GSD
0 2.5 1.42 • Usually requires management with regular meals of com-
+40 2.6 Haemolysed plex CHO and protein, limiting intake of refined CHO
• UCCS may be required at night to prevent nocturnal hypo-
+70 7.8 8.15
glycaemia and hyperketosis
+120 6.9 8.18
Transporter Glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), a facilitative glucose (and galactose) transporter expressed in pancreatic islet cells, on the
basolateral aspect of small intestine epithelial and proximal convoluted renal tubular cells and in hepatocytes
Biochemical • deficiency of GLUT 2
defect • deficiency affects glucose homeostasis [152] due to GLUT 2’s involvement in intestinal glucose uptake, renal reabsorption of
glucose, glucose sensing in the pancreas and hepatic uptake and release of glucose (and galactose). It is essential for glucose
entry into pancreatic islet cells, a process that is insulin dependent [153]
Genetics • autosomal recessive inheritance due to mutations in the SLC2A2 gene
• >70% of cases are in consanguineous families
• >100 mutations have been described [153, 154], the majority being private, i.e. unique to a single family [155]
Clinical onset • clinically FBS presents in early childhood in those with a severe phenotype: hepatomegaly and nephromegaly due to glycogen
presentation, accumulation in liver and kidney
features • growth failure with severe short stature
• delayed bone age
• hypophosphataemic rickets
• delayed motor development
• bone deformities, including genu valgum and kyphosis, may be present
• malabsorption is not always a presenting feature; in a review of cases [156], 16% had intestinal symptoms including chronic
diarrhoea or failure to thrive in infancy
• cognitive development is normal
• some cases may be identified on NBS for galactosaemia with galactosuria
• cataracts, due to hypergalactosaemia, have been seen in a few cases although they were not found in the original patient
despite a large milk intake throughout his life [153]
• symptomatic hypoglycaemia in untreated patients is rare, presumably due to increased blood levels of ketone bodies and
628 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
Biochemistry at Biochemical features of Fanconi Bickel syndrome (FBS) are of glucose and galactose intolerance and a Fanconi‐type nephropathy:
presentation • postprandial hyperglycaemia caused by decreased glucose uptake by the liver and low insulin secretion due to impaired
glucose sensing by pancreatic β cells
• fasting hypoglycaemia due to altered glucose transport from hepatocytes [157] with ketosis
• tubular nephropathy results in glycosuria, galactosuria, amino aciduria and increased renal losses of bicarbonate, phosphate,
calcium and potassium
• urine testing for amino acids and galactose is usually diagnostic in these patients, in conjunction with the clinical phenotype
• increased gluconeogenesis increases intracellular glucose, which cannot exit the cells, and inhibits glycogenolysis; this results
in glycogen accumulation within the liver, enterocytes and renal tubular cells
• hydrogen breath tests following a glucose load are normal indicating that intestinal uptake of monosaccharides is not impaired;
an additional transport system for glucose, SLGT1 (sodium‐dependent glucose co‐transporter) in the apical membrane and at the
basolateral membrane, a vesicle mediated pathway, appears to enable intestinal glucose uptake [156]
Long‐term Despite careful management of symptoms FBS, due to its severe phenotype, is difficult to manage:
complications • the clinical symptoms of the original patient described persisted into adulthood and he had severe short stature [158]
and outcome • four cases had extremely poor linear growth (well below the 0.4th centile), severe tubulopathy and persistent nephrocalcinosis;
heptomegaly, although reduced in 2/4 cases, remained along with abnormal glucose control, particularly postprandial
hyperglycaemia [159]. Similar outcome is seen in cases in the author’s unit
• UCCS has been proposed to improve metabolic control and growth [160]; however, the beneficial effects on growth seen in
other GSD with the use of UCCS do not appear to be replicated in FBS
• in two siblings with a mild phenotype [161], the elder boy, diagnosed at 9 months, presented with faltering growth; his younger
sister was investigated in the neonatal period and never had clinical symptoms. They have never had the classic symptoms of
hepatomegaly, nephromegaly or hyperphophataemic rickets and only had mild glycosuria and proteinuria. Both had elevated
blood galactose levels. At age 9½ and 4½ years, they achieved normal growth on frequent feeds of a diet restricted in glucose and
galactose and avoidance of prolonged fasting. UCCS, 0.5 g/kg, was given at bedtime for the first 2 years. There have been no other
published cases of mild phenotypes with good clinical outcome; other mild cases may exist as a cause of isolated glycosuria
• a first case of hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, which did not appear associated with hepatic adenomas, as is the
case in other hepatic GSD [162]
Initial • assess fasting tolerance and institute dietary therapy to maintain normoglycaemia and prevent ketosis
management • assess renal tubular losses of glucose, galactose, amino acids, calcium, phosphate, potassium and bicarbonate
• assess plasma calcium, vitamin D and phosphate status
Medical • renal tubulopathy requires supplementation of bicarbonate, potassium and phosphate
treatment • calcium and vitamin D supplementation may be required
• adequate fluids must be given because of polyuria
Dietetic Management of FBS is based on symptomatic treatment. Dietary aims:
management • maintaining normal blood glucose level, preventing both hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia
• preventing ketosis
• correcting hyperlipidaemia
• promoting normal growth and maintaining a healthy BMI
Control of blood sugars is managed by frequent intake of complex CHO, UCCS and, in some cases, continuous overnight feeds:
• large intakes of glucose and galactose (including that provided from sucrose and lactose) at a single time should be minimised
to help prevent hyperglycaemia
• frequency of feeding can be determined by fasting tests, but is usually at least 3 hourly
• fasting tolerance may be improved by using UCCS
• euglycaemia and prevention of ketosis overnight might be possible with several doses of UCCS
• if overnight continuous feeding is required, the composition of the feed depends on daytime nutritional intake and growth,
varying from glucose polymer to a nutritionally complete feed
• increased protein intake is needed to compensate for aminoaciduria
• there are no definitive recommendations to restrict galactose
• fructose can be tolerated as part of the diet as it is absorbed in the intestine via GLUT5, a transporter specific to fructose that is
found in both the apical and basolateral membranes of the enterocyte [153]. Fructose may, therefore, be useful as an alternative
monosaccharide to enable reduction in glucose intake, e.g. in overnight feeds. Fructose does not need to be converted to
glucose for release from cells and is released by a different pathway to glucose [163]
Alcohol It is important to discuss alcohol intake with adolescents as it is a potent inhibitor of gluconeogenesis. Recommendations for
GSDIII can be used (p. 622).
Hypoglycaemia Guidelines for GSDI can be used (p. 617).
Monitoring Regular clinical and biochemical monitoring is important to evaluate the adequacy and efficacy of current dietary treatment,
appraise if any dietary management changes are required and assess the family’s understanding and delivery of the management.
Monitoring is required to ensure:
• adequate provision of CHO and protein from diet
• adequate dosing of UCCS if required (this may be based on results of biochemical monitoring)
• nutritional adequacy of vitamin and mineral intake
• normal growth
• appropriate management of illness and that ER is updated for age and weight
• appropriate management of hypoglycaemia
Further monitoring is as for GSDI (p. 617). Routine biochemical and annual monitoring and aims are shown in Table 29.18.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Glycogen Storage Disorders 629
Emergency The CHO concentration may need to be reduced from the standard age‐related ER to prevent hyperglycaemia and maintain blood
regimen sugars within a reasonable range (3.5–10 mmol/L).
Illness or prolonged fasting, e.g. for surgery, could precipitate hypoglycaemia. It is essential that a supply of glucose is given
• ER guidance given for GSDI can be used for FBS (p. 617)
• the CHO concentration may need to be reduced from the standard age‐related ER to prevent hyperglycaemia and maintain
blood sugars within a reasonable range (3.5–10 mmol/L)
• additional fluids may be required if there is significant polyuria
• ER drinks need to be taken 2–3 hourly depending upon usual fasting tolerance or given as a continuous infusion where a
feeding tube is in situ
Clinical None published
Parent support Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (AGSD) (
Learning points: Fanconi Bickel syndrome (FBS, GLUT 2 Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has become a valu-
defect, GSDXI) able tool in the routine monitoring of GSD patients to assess
metabolic control and appropriateness of the dietary regimen.
• FBS is a rare form of GSD caused by a defect in transport- CGM allows an individual’s glucose levels to be continually
ing glucose into cells monitored over a period of time by an indwelling glucose sen-
• Both hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia can occur and sor. It is a relatively non‐invasive technique. There are advan-
require management with regular meals with complex tages over intermittent glucose monitoring in that information
CHO and may require inclusion of UCCS to extend fasting on direction, magnitude, duration and frequency of fluctua-
period or continuous overnight tube feeding tions in blood glucose levels is also obtained [164, 165].
• In addition to the defect in glucose homeostasis, there is also Initial reports in small numbers of GSD patients demon-
a Fanconi picture resulting in increased renal losses of fluid, strated that CGM provided useful longitudinal data on
glucose, galactose, amino acids, calcium, phosphate and blood glucose concentrations rather than single time points
potassium; supplementation to replace losses is essential [166] and the detection of unrecognised hypoglycaemia
[167]. A study including an audit of 55 profiles in 26 patients
(mainly children) showed 95% of profiles produced mean-
ingful data and highlighted the usefulness of CGM, in asso-
Continuous glucose monitoring in glycogen ciation with diet diaries +/− lactate and ketone measurements
storage disorders and growth data, in optimising GSD biochemical parameters
and nutritional management [164]. A further study of CGMS
Assessment of blood glucose control is pivotal to the man- in 20 patients (40% ≥17 years old) showed the usefulness of
agement of hepatic GSD forming an integral part of the the technique throughout the age continuum [168]. In addi-
broader clinical and biochemical monitoring (Table 29.18). tion to its role in detecting subclinical hypoglycaemia, the
Regular assessment of the child’s dietary intake, growth and study also highlighted the detection of periods of hypergly-
relevant biochemistry is essential to optimise treatment and caemia, which equally need to be recognised and managed
outcome by avoidance of under‐ and/or overtreatment [39]. to prevent longer‐term consequences of chronic hypergly-
Historically assessment of appropriateness of treatment caemia (obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes).
regimens, in most UK and European metabolic centres, has
been an annual inpatient admission for a 24 hour blood glu- Continuous glucose monitoring systems
cose +/− lactate profile, other relevant biochemical parame-
ters and growth measurements. Although such admissions How they work
are able to provide true blood glucose +/− lactate measure-
• continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) consist
ments, their benefit is limited due to:
of an indwelling glucose sensor attached to a wireless
• giving only single point in time measurements, typically data recorder
pre‐ and post‐meals or as a maximum every 1 or 2 hours, • the sensor, a very fine microelectrode coated with glu-
with no indication as to the trajectory of glucose levels cose oxidase, is inserted under the skin, usually into the
• the hospital environment differing from home and the abdomen although other areas can be used, e.g. upper
inability to reproduce normal home life, e.g. mealtimes arm and buttock, and connected to a small recorder
and types of food are different, and normal activity levels • the sensor measures glucose concentrations indirectly via
at home and school cannot be maintained an electrical signal produced by a glucose‐oxidase elec-
• changes in dietary regimens may need a further period trochemical reaction in the interstitial fluid. Measurements
of inpatient assessment are taken every 10 seconds, and an average reading every
630 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
5 minutes is recorded and wirelessly transmitted to the and results should be interpreted with some caution,
data recorder, producing up to 288 measurements per particularly if they appear unusually abnormal for
day the child. For example, if blood glucose and lactate
• sensor signals are converted to glucose concentration by levels are well controlled, a one‐off very high lactate
a calibration process utilising finger stick blood glucose level would be unusual, but following a period of
measurements [169]: hypoglycaemia, a high lactate level would be in keep-
◦◦ to reduce errors in calibration, capillary blood sam- ing. Lactate, however, can be high in seemingly well‐
ples should be taken at times when these should be managed patients, despite normoglycaemia; in these
more stable, e.g. preprandial cases lactate levels may be more consistently raised
◦◦ a major cause of sensor error is calibration with capil- • CGM profiles should be carried out with normal activi-
lary glucose levels that are rapidly changing as there ties, including school days and sports, and no changes to
is a lag time between changes in plasma and changes dietary intake unless advised
in interstitial glucose levels [170]. This, in addition to • following the monitoring period, the sensor data are
the sensor reaction time for glucose to diffuse into the downloaded using specific computer software, and the
sensor and for a signal to be processed, give an over- data are then reviewed:
all lag time of 5–15 minutes [171] ◦◦ lower and upper limits for glucose levels are defined,
• retrospective and ‘real‐time’ systems are available. In which the software uses to look at time periods above
GSD management the use of ‘real‐time’ systems is dis- and below the target glucose range. In the author’s
couraged as this may result in families making frequent centre these are set at a lower glucose limit of
management changes, without discussion, which may 3.5 mmol/L and upper limit of 8 mmol/L, except for
not be appropriate [164] Fanconi Bickel syndrome where the upper limit is set
at 10 mmol/L due to the extremes of hyperglycaemia
observed in the condition
Practicalities of using CGM
• data generated includes:
• sensors can remain in situ for around 6–14 days depend- ◦◦ individual daily graph of glucose profile
ing on type ◦◦ overlay of each day’s profile on one graph
• blood glucose meter measurements are taken four times ◦◦ data on total number, highest, lowest and average
daily prior to main meals and before a bedtime snack, start sensor values and standard deviation (SD) of glucose
of continuous overnight feed or evening dose of UCCS readings – the lower the SD, the less fluctuation there
• a daily food diary is kept throughout the study and is is in glucose values
essential for accurate interpretation of CGM results ◦◦ accuracy criteria, which includes correlation between
(Table 29.21) sensor and calibration capillary glucose measure-
• lactate and ketone monitoring, as clinically relevant, is done ments and the mean absolute difference (% MAD).
alongside CGM. Lactate meter measurements are done MAD is the average % difference between sensor
concurrently with blood glucose measurements. Ketones and capillary glucose values. Values <28% are opti-
(urine or blood using a dual‐purpose blood glucose/ketone mal or <18% if glucose is maintained within a nar-
meter) are usually measured before breakfast only: row range [173]
◦◦ measurement of blood lactate is particularly relevant ◦◦ excursion summary, which describes the number of
in GSDI. The Lactate Pro portable meter has been glucose levels above or below target glucose levels
validated in GSDIa [172] ◦◦ duration distribution, giving % time below, within
◦◦ lactate measurements, however, can be inaccurate and above target in 24 hours
particularly if the blood sample was not free flowing • CGM profiles should be reviewed looking at trends and
the presence of repeated patterns rather than relying on
single measurements, in conjunction with all other test
Table 29.21 Home monitoring indicating the different parameters
monitored according to disorder.
results to inform management advice
An example of the use of CGM in practice is shown in
GSD type 0 Ia/b IIIa/b VI and IX FBS Figures 29.3 and 29.4. Home monitoring for types of GSD is
CGM ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ shown in Table 29.21.
Blood glucose (capillary) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
meter levels
Benefits of CGM
Lactate ✓ ✓ • avoidance of hospital admissions and associated
Ketones ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ repeated venepuncture
• may be inserted and removed at home by nurses trained
Food diary ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
• Time
• Quantities • improved representation of normal lifestyle including
dietary intake, activity patterns and adherence to pre-
CGM, continuous glucose monitoring. scribed dietary regimens
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance 631
Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) is a very rare, possibly under‐diagnosed, inherited metabolic disease.
Enzyme Aldolase B (fructose‐1, 6‐bisphosphate aldolase) found in the liver, kidney and small intestine
Biochemical Block in the conversion of fructose‐1‐phosphate (F‐1‐P) to glyceraldehyde and dihydroxyacetone. This results in accumulation
defect of F‐1‐P and lack of intracellular phosphate/ATP causing inhibition of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis and reduced glucose
production (Figure 29.6).
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance. There are some common mutations in the ALDOB gene that can be analysed initially if HFI is
Clinical onset Generally presents after weaning when fructose‐containing foods are introduced. May have an aversion to sweet foods and
presentation, sugar‐containing medicines, which may delay the diagnosis for years. Presenting clinical features can vary between:
features • acute severe presentation with hypoglycaemia, seizures and coma following ingestion of fructose, sucrose or sorbitol. In
neonates this may lead to acute liver failure, kidney failure and death [174]. Acute presentation is less likely before weaning
when infants are fed non‐fructose‐containing feeds, i.e. breastmilk or infant formulas where lactose is the carbohydrate
source. However, there are case reports of neonates presenting, precipitated by being fed sucrose‐containing formula [175]
• non‐specific features of poor feeding, vomiting, abdominal distension, restlessness, lethargy and growth faltering. A good diet
history in these situations may reveal self‐avoidance of sweet foods and drinks and vomiting with sugar‐containing
medications and gives a clue to the diagnosis
• progressive liver dysfunction, hepatosplenomegaly, hypoglycaemia and renal tubular dysfunction
Long‐term The long‐term prognosis is good provided a fructose‐free diet is followed, although hepatomegaly and fatty changes in the liver
complications and may persist [176].
outcome The diet needs to be continued for life.
Acute IV dextrose to correct any hypoglycaemia
management Avoidance of IV fluids containing fructose or sorbitol (this is not an issue in the UK)
Dietetic Minimal fructose, sucrose and sorbitol diet (Table 29.22)
management Supplementation of vitamin C and folic acid to meet requirements
Medications Pharmacy check regarding suitability of medicines as they can contain sucrose, fructose, sorbitol and artificial sweeteners.
Monitoring • growth
• dietary adherence
• liver and renal function tests, full blood count, plasma folate and iron status (haemoglobin and ferritin)
• clinical assessment of skin and gums, checking for signs of vitamin C deficiency (swollen tissue, tender and bruises easily and
bleeding gums). Vitamin C status can be measured in white blood cells, but analysis is not performed routinely by all
laboratories ( Adult range: 26.1–84.6 μmol/L (there is no paediatric range); deficiency level:
<11.1 μmol/L
• vitamins A, E and D, selenium and zinc to measure general nutritional status as indicated
• plasma lactate, urate and urinary protein to assess renal tubular dysfunction as indicated
632 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
References Steinmann B, Santer R. Disorders of fructose metabolism. In: Saudubray JM, Baumgartner M, Walter J (eds) Inborn Metabolic
Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment, 6th edn. Berlin: Springer‐Verlag, 2016. [174].
Baker P, II, Ayres L, Gaughan S, Weisfeld‐Adams J Hereditary fructose intolerance. In: Adam MP, Ardinger HH, Pagon RA et al.
(eds) GeneReviews. Seattle: University of Washington, 2015. [177]
Parent support Metabolic Support UK (
Fructose-1-phosphate Fructose-6-phosphate
(1) (2)
Meat and poultry
All fresh meat and poultry Processed meats that have added sucrose, e.g. meat pastes, frankfurters, salami,
pâté, sausages, tinned meat
Processed meat products (check there is no added sucrose, Tender sweet meats, e.g. ham, honey cured meats
fructose or honey) Ready‐made meat meals (possible sources are gravies, sauces, vegetables,
breadcrumbs, batter, pastry)
Meat substitutes
Soya products, tofu, Quorn Ready‐made meals with these products may contain sucrose
Fresh and frozen fish Fish tinned in tomato sauce
Shell fish Fish paste
Fish tinned in brine, oil or water Fish cakes, fish fingers
Ready‐made fish meals (possible sources are sauces, vegetables, breadcrumbs,
batter, pastry)
Flour and cereals
Flour (white in preference to wholemeal), buckwheat, cornflour, Bran, wheat germ
custard powder, sago, semolina, tapioca, oatmeal, barley
Flaky pastry, filo pastry, shortcrust pastry (not sweetened) Dessert pastry
Pasta and rice
Spaghetti, macaroni, other pasta (white in preference to Pasta tinned in tomato sauce
Noodles, egg noodles Pot savouries, e.g. pot noodle
Rice (white in preference to brown)
Breakfast cereals
Porridge, Puffed Wheat, Ready Brek, Shredded Wheat Most manufactured breakfast cereals
(continued overleaf)
634 Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism
• Always read the label of manufactured foods to check for sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, polyols or unsuitable sweeteners.
• Check toothpaste for sorbitol.
Dietary Treatment 635
Table 29.23 Vegetables allowed in a minimal fructose, sucrose Table 29.23 (continued)
and sorbitol diet [180].
Total daily fructose intake from vegetables should not exceed
1.0–1.5 g/day
Beans – black eye, broad, butter, soya
Group 1 – potatoes (old)
Peas – marrowfat, mushy, processed peas in water
1 portion = approximately 0.3 g fructose
Chickpeas or hummus
Boiled – 2 small egg size (100 g)
Jacket (flesh only) – 1 medium (100 g) Source: Licensed Under CC BY 4.0.
Mashed – 2 tablespoons (100 g)
Roast potatoes – 2 small (100 g) products including medicines. Pharmacokinetic studies
in humans given sucralose showed that the majority was
Chips – medium portion (120 g)
recovered unchanged, predominantly in faeces [182]. It
Plain crisps – 2 small packets
would appear unnecessary to exclude sucralose in HFI
*Potato waffles (1) because the amount added to foods is likely to be
*Potato croquettes (2) extremely small, it is mostly not absorbed, and its intense
*Check to ensure does not contain sugar sweetness will probably be disliked
under no legal obligation to declare this information to • lack of dietary fibre may also be a problem. This can
the consumer as sucrose, fructose and sorbitol are not be overcome by including pulses and oats, which
allergens [193] contain only very small amounts of fructose, or inclu-
sion of Resource Optifibre (Nestle); the fibre source is
guar gum
Nutritional problems
Nutritional deficiencies may arise in children with HFI: Learning points: hereditary fructose intolerance
• risk of vitamin C and possibly folic acid deficiency due to
the exclusion of the major dietary sources of these vita- • Many patients will have self ‐selected a low fructose diet
mins, i.e. fruits and vegetables [194] prior to diagnosis
• supplementation with vitamin C and folic acid is neces- • A good diet history taken can alert healthcare professionals
sary to provide reference nutrient intake [29] to the possibility of HFI in undiagnosed patients
• commercial vitamin and mineral preparations should be • Dietary avoidance of fructose continues lifelong to avoid
checked to ensure ingredients do not contain sucrose, deleterious effects on liver and kidney
fructose, sorbitol, sucralose or other polyols
Fructose‐1,6‐Bisphosphatase Deficiency
Anita MacDonald
Introduction to fatty acid oxidation formed from the ketogenic amino acids (p. 503). Electron
carriers (FADH2 and NAD) enter the electron transfer
Fatty acids are a major fuel source for most tissues of the chain to produce ATP. Enzyme defects can occur in the
body, especially during fasting, when glucose supply is lim- carnitine and fatty acid oxidation pathways, in the trans-
ited. They are the principal energy source for cardiac muscle fer of electrons and in the production and utilisation of
and skeletal muscle in the resting state and during prolonged ketone bodies, with resultant inadequate energy produc-
exercise. Fatty acid oxidation is also essential for the produc- tion (Figure 30.1).
tion of ketone bodies, another important fuel, which can be The metabolic disorders that manifest in these pathways
used by all tissues, particularly the brain during prolonged are treated primarily by diet. Some aspects of management
fasting as it cannot use fatty acids to generate energy. Ketones are universal, but others vary with the underlying disorder,
are also the preferred fuel for the heart. age at onset and severity. The main aim of treatment is to
Most naturally occurring fatty acids have a chain length ensure an adequate energy intake and avoidance of fasting
of 16–18 carbon atoms (long chain fatty acids [LCFA]). Fat to minimise the oxidation of fatty acids and by using an
metabolism begins in adipose tissue in response to falling emergency regimen (ER) during illness. Additionally, in
levels of blood glucose. Insulin activates hormone‐sensi- more severe long chain fatty acid oxidation disorders (LC‐
tive lipase, which promotes the release of free fatty acids FAOD), a minimal long chain fat diet, with increased carbo-
from triglycerides into the blood stream. Fatty acids are hydrate (CHO) intake and supplements of medium chain
then transported to the tissues bound to albumin. In tis- triglyceride (MCT), is needed. In other disorders, such as
sues where they are used, fatty acids enter the mitochon- medium chain acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase deficiency and the
dria bound to carnitine via the carnitine cycle pathway. ketone body disorders, MCT is best avoided.
Within the mitochondria, β‐oxidation is the primary Metabolic Support UK ( is
breakdown pathway of fatty acids to produce acetyl‐CoA the UK patient organisation for inherited metabolic disor-
and electron carriers. Acetyl‐CoA can enter the citric acid ders; it encompasses all FAOD and offers bespoke support to
cycle or form ketone bodies in the liver. Ketones are also families and patients.
Plasma membrane CT
outer membrane
Acylcarnitine + CoA
LCKAT Mitochondrial
inner membrane
MTP complex
Acetyl-CoA Acyl-CoA
H 2O
SCHAD Crotonase
NAD+ e–
e– e– ETF Mitochondrial
Cx I Q QO inner membrane
Dietary guidelines for managing an at risk neonate SMA Gold Prem 1 (refer to manufacturers’ data on C8,
with a family history of MCADD C10 fatty acid content)
• If for any medical reason parenteral nutrition (PN) is
Neonatal deaths have been reported in breast‐ and formula‐ required, the volume of lipid solution to be administered
fed babies who were undiagnosed [8]. Newborns are at great- should be decided on an individual basis, and those that
est risk during the first 72 hours of life, especially if they are contain MCT, e.g. SMOF, should not be given
being breastfed. A prospective birth plan should be made to
avoid any delay in screening or clinical problems. Management Dietary guidelines for managing the well child
of MCADD at birth can be found online ( with MCADD
• Any at risk baby should be screened at 24–48 hours, and
results made available promptly Children (from 1 year of age)
• A term baby should be fed at least 4 hourly and, if pre-
• Advise a healthy balanced diet with regular meals (three
term, 3 hourly day and night until a diagnosis of MCADD
main meals, including breakfast, which must not be missed)
is confirmed or excluded
• Restriction of LCT is not necessary
• Special or preterm formulas that contain added MCT
• Fast for a maximum of 12 hours overnight (Table 30.1)
should be avoided (see below)
• Include a bedtime snack containing starchy foods such
• Top‐up feeds of formula milk are recommended for a
as bread, crumpets, muffins, rice cakes, crackers, biscuits,
breastfed baby ( as the energy content
pitta bread, chapatti or cereals
of breastmilk is low for the first few days of life and only
• Replace missed meals with a starchy snack, if necessary
small volumes are consumed
• Maintain a ‘healthy lifestyle’ through diet and exercise; a
• If there are concerns about feeding volumes, the baby should
CHO snack can be given before or after exercise if neces-
be transferred to the neonatal unit and fed by nasogastric
sary, but is not always essential
tube or given an IV infusion containing 10% glucose
• If teenagers consume alcohol, the amount should be
limited and always taken in combination with food (see
Dietary guidelines for managing the well infant below)
with MCADD • Avoidance of special feeds or energy supplements that
contain added MCT, e.g. most paediatric hydrolysed
Infants (under 1 year of age) protein feeds and some enteral feeds (refer to manufac-
turers’ data on C8, C10 fatty acid content)
• Breastfeeding or normal infant formula is suitable • If for any medical reason PN is required, the volume of
• Long fasts should be avoided (Table 30.1) lipid solution to be administered should be decided on
• Demand feed every 3–4 hours throughout the day an individual basis, and those containing MCT, e.g.
• Night feeds should be given according to guidelines for SMOF, should not be given
‘maximum safe fasting times’ (Table 30.1)
• Wean onto a normal diet at the usual time around 6
months (26 weeks) of age
• Encourage a regular intake of starchy foods as weaning Alcohol inhibits gluconeogenesis, so both fatty acid oxida-
progresses tion and gluconeogenesis, which provide fuel during fast-
• Restriction of long chain triglycerides (LCT) is not neces- ing, will be impaired. Excessive alcohol intake can lead to
sary [5] inadequate food intake and vomiting, which can be life
• The vegetable oils added to standard infant formula contain threatening [4]. Alcohol intake should be limited and always
only very small amounts of MCT, so this is not a problem taken in combination with food. If a teenager does start to
• Avoidance of special infant formulas or preterm formu- vomit, they must be admitted promptly to hospital for IV
las, which contain added MCT, e.g. Pregestimil Lipil and fluids and glucose. Friends should be made aware that the
individual has MCADD, so they know to get medical help
promptly enabling more rapid treatment.
Table 30.1 Medium chain acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency:
guidelines for ‘maximum safe fasting times’ for the well child.
Age Time in hours
Coconut oil contains 13% and coconut 5% of the total fatty
Positive screening result to 4 months of age* 6 acid composition as C8 and C10. This amount of MCT is
From 4 months 8 small and unlikely to cause any problems. If coconut oil
From 8 months 10 were to be consumed in large amounts, suitability should be
considered. Coconut based foods (e.g. coconut flakes,
From 12 months onwards 12
chunks, yoghurt, water, spreads) or foods with coconut as an
*Around 2 weeks of age. added ingredient do not need to be avoided as these will
Source: contain only small amounts of MCT.
Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC‐FAOD) 643
• an acute ‘hypoketotic’ hypoglycaemia and encephalopathy with associated liver failure, hyperammonaemia and
• cardiomyopathy and arrhythmias (often in infancy)
• skeletal muscle involvement that may cause hypotonia, weakness, muscle pain and exercise intolerance with acute
episodes of muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis) and high CK; in CPTID and CACTD rhabdomyolysis does not occur
• muscle CPT II deficiency is the most frequent type of CPT II deficiency; it more commonly presents in early childhood
(1–12 years) than adolescence and adulthood; symptoms of myalgia, myoglobinuria and muscle weakness occur
intermittently and are triggered mainly be exercise or intercurrent illness [12]
• rhabdomyolysis can be the only clinical symptom in patients with mild VLCADD
• some patients with CPTI have renal tubular acidosis during infancy
Outcome Most patients with LCHADD or MTPD develop pigmentary retinopathy and/or a progressive peripheral neuropathy (more of
a problem in MTPD). Patients with LCHADD have a more severe chorioretinopathy than MTPD [16]. Diet may help delay
the onset and progression, but not prevent retinopathy [16]. Retinopathy is also reported to be milder and develop later in
those diagnosed by NBS [17]. Early diagnosis and diet therapy may also delay onset and severity of peripheral neuropathy
[18]. Outcome data from a cohort of 14 Austrian patients with LCHADD (9 confirmed by NBS), all with common mutation,
reports normal growth and psychomotor development in 12 patients (except for 2 born premature) and less frequent
hospitalisations with age [19]. Children may develop muscle pain with exercise, and some have a very limited exercise
capacity. Patients with partial deficiencies of VLCADD often remain asymptomatic throughout childhood and sometimes
throughout life. Longitudinal outcome data on VLCADD from the IBEM‐IS USA database reported that most newborns
identified by NBS remain asymptomatic and cardiomyopathy is uncommon. Elevations in CK as a marker of rhabdomyolysis
associated with illness were common and typically first appeared in 1‐ to 3‐year‐olds [20]. CPTII neonatal form is lethal.
Acute management Clinically diagnosed infants may be very sick and be managed in intensive care. IV 10% glucose is essential to reverse
lipolysis and promote anabolism.
Dietetic management Treatment is primarily by diet and varies depending upon the severity of the disorders and the centre treating the child.
Nevertheless, the main aim is to minimise lipolysis and LCFA oxidation and to prevent the accumulation of potentially
toxic acyl‐CoA intermediates and the acylcarnitines formed from these. The abnormal metabolites that accumulate are
disorder specific and present in higher concentrations during times of metabolic stress such as illness. Abnormal plasma
acylcarnitines are not seen in CPTID [12].
Avoidance of long fasts and illness and exercise management are needed in those with mild and severe onset defects. For
CPTIID the treatment recommendations for VLCADD (mild to severe) can be used [21]. In more severe defects in the
carnitine cycle and β‐oxidation pathway, typically those presenting early, a minimal long chain fat diet, with increased
CHO intake and supplements of MCT and regular feeding, is needed. Overnight tube feeding in infants and young
children is used in the UK and some other countries, such as Finland [18], to limit fatty acid oxidation overnight, but this is
not universal practice. In CPTI deficiency relaxation of a strict diet may be possible if there are normal CK and liver
transaminase levels (personal communication). During exercise additional CHO and/or MCT is required to provide an
endogenous energy supply to exercising muscles.
Emergency regimen During illness patients are at risk of metabolic decompensation due to increased lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation. To help prevent
this the standard ER (p. 673) for age of frequent feeds of glucose polymer with or without MCT is given to provide energy.
Monitoring Key monitoring is biochemical, nutritional and cardiac, additionally in LCHADD and MTPD nerve conduction studies and
Clinical management Treatment recommendations in long chain fatty acid oxidation defects: Consensus from a workshop, 2009 [21].
guidelines VLCAD Nutrition management guidelines: Genetics Metabolic Dietitians International, 2019 (access at,
based on a Delphi consensus.
There are no clinical management guidelines for disorders of the carnitine cycle.
Dietary management of LC‐FAOD The Treatment recommendations in long chain fatty acid oxida-
tion defects: consensus from a workshop by Spiekerkoetter et al.
Long chain triglycerides [21] advises:
Long chain fat intake is restricted because LCFA cannot • LCHADD and MTPD: Asymptomatic and symptomatic
be either transported into the mitochondria or undergo patients should limit long chain fat intake as low as pos-
β‐oxidation, depending on the enzyme defect. The safe sible. There is evidence that diet may delay onset and pro-
upper limit for long chain fat intake is unknown and varies gression of peripheral neuropathy and retinopathy
with the severity of the disorder. Normalisation of acylcarni- [15–19]. Infants should be started on a low LCT, high
tine profiles is observed in LCHADD and MTPD when LCT MCT infant formula. Once on solid food, fat intake should
intake is <10% total energy and MCT are given [22]. In those be 25%–30% of total energy with 20%–25% of this as MCT,
with a milder myopathic form of VLCADD or CPTIID, LCT although in practice more typically 15% is LCT, including
restriction may not be necessary. 3%–4% essential fatty acids (EFA), and 15% is MCT
Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC‐FAOD) 645
shortage of oxaloacetate prevents this from being oxidised in lycogen stores. However, in LCHADD this may be
the citric acid cycle. Heptanoyl‐CoA is oxidised by medium more important to delay retinopathy and peripheral
chain fatty acid enzymes to generate acetyl‐CoA and propi- neuropathy [17, 18].
onyl‐CoA as well as 4‐ and 5‐carbon ketone bodies. • Uncooked cornstarch (UCCS) is used by some centres,
Propionyl‐CoA is converted to oxaloacetate, which acts as an including the author’s, to provide a source of ‘slow
‘anaplerotic’ substrate for the citric acid cycle and may help release glucose’ to help limit fasting [35]. In older chil-
to restore the energy deficiency state, so triheptanoin appears dren continuous tube feeding overnight may be replaced
to be superior to MCT [33]. Clinical trials are under way to with UCCS (personal practice). This may be a better
study the efficacy of C7. Results from an open‐label phase 2 option than stopping overnight feeds completely. Before
study in 29 patients with severe LC‐FAOD suggest that there use, the metabolic response to UCCS should be assessed
appear to be some benefits: decreased major clinical events since this varies between patients [35]. The GMDI
and reduced hospitalisations due to rhabdomyolysis com- VLCAD Nutrition management guidelines (
pared to existing treatments including MCT [33]. Triheptanoin suggest that there is little evidence to support the use of
is not yet widely available outside the USA. UCCS at night and advise a complex CHO snack at bed-
time, if necessary.
• There are no published studies comparing the metabolic
Frequency of feeding profiles of patients with LC‐FAOD on overnight feeds or
on UCCS and those who fast overnight or comparing the
Frequent feeding is recommended to reduce lipolysis. The
long‐term outcome of these different treatments.
safe duration of fasting for different disorders and ages has
• Patients with milder defects are likely to tolerate over-
not been well defined, and practices, including the need for
night feeds, differ between countries and centres. A stable night fasting without problems.
isotope study used to assess fasting intolerance in LCHADD
(five children aged 5.5–9.5 years) demonstrated increased
Prevention of deficiencies on a low LCT diet
lipolysis and accumulation of long chain acylcarnitines after
4 hours of fasting, which occurred before hypoglycaemia. Patients on minimal LCT diets require supplements of fat‐
The authors suggest fasting tolerance may be more limited soluble vitamins, EFA and long chain polyunsaturated fatty
than previously suggested and fasting assessment should be acids (LCPUFA). Additional supplements such as B12 and
related to the complete metabolic situation and not only iron may be needed depending on food choices. An adequate
hypoglycaemia [34]: calcium intake is usually provided from low fat dairy foods.
• The treatment recommendations in long chain fatty acid oxi-
dation defects: consensus from a workshop [21] suggest in
In the UK at least 1% total energy intake from linoleic acid
VLCADD, MTPD and LCHADD during stable metabolic
and 0.2% from α‐linolenic acid are recommended [36]. Others
condition to feed 4 hourly during the day and a maxi-
recommend a much higher intake of 4.5% daily energy
mum safe fasting time at night of 4 hours for <3 months
intake in infants <4 months of age, decreasing to 3% from
of age if the infant is well nourished, then 6 hours from
age 4 years [21]. The joint FAO/WHO 2008 report on fatty
3 months of age, 6–8 hours from 6 months of age and
acids recommends an adequate daily intake for children
10–12 hours from 12 months.
>6 months to be linoleic acid 3%–4% and α‐linolenic 0.4%–
• The GMDI VLCAD Nutrition management guidelines
0.6% of daily energy intake [37].
( suggest maximum fasting times to be
Most sources of EFA (such as walnut oil) do not provide
3–4 hours for age 0–4 months, 4–6 hours for age 4–6
LCPUFA, such as arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexae-
months, 6–8 hours for age 6–9 months, 8–10 hours for age
noic acids (DHA), but these are expected to be synthesised
9 to <12 months of age and 10–12 hours for >12 months.
from the parent EFA that are provided. However, it may be
Fasting times for more severe phenotypes should be set
prudent to add DHA and AA supplements on very low LCT
at the lower end of the recommended range.
diets to ensure adequate intake, avoiding the need to increase
• In the UK, fasting is more limited in severe defects to
walnut oil and, hence, LCT intake. It has also been suggested
help reduce the risk of cardiomyopathy and in LCHADD
that DHA deficiency may contribute to the pathogenesis of
and MTPD the onset and progression of long‐term com-
chorioretinopathy of LCHADD, although this is not pre-
plications of retinopathy and neuropathy (although there
vented by supplementation [38]. Nevertheless supplements
is little evidence for this). Children with severe defects
of DHA at a dose of 60 mg/day in children <20 kg and
are fed 3–4 hourly during the day, and nasogastric (only
120 mg/day in children >20 kg are recommended in MTPD
bolus) or continuous gastrostomy feeding overnight, or
and LCHADD [21]. FAO/WHO [37] recommends an ade-
the child is woken for feeds during the night. Overnight
quate daily intake of DHA for normal children to be:
feeding is not standard practice; the literature suggests
that some countries do this [17], but others consider • the amounts found in breastmilk for infants
management should be achievable without this [19]. It is • 100–150 mg for children aged 2–4 years
difficult to be sure whether overnight feeding is neces- • 150–200 mg for children aged 4–6 years
sary, particularly in older children who have larger • 200–300 mg for children aged 6–10 years
Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC‐FAOD) 647
Fat‐soluble vitamin supplements required. Whey protein powder does contain small amounts
Vitamins A, D and E are essential for those on low LCT diet. of LCT but can be used as the protein base with glucose pol-
Vitamin E deficiency is associated with a peripheral neurop- ymer and added minerals and vitamins, EFA and LCPUFA
athy, which is one of the long‐term complications of MTPD to provide recommended intakes (p. 646). Suitable commer-
and LCHADD and should, therefore, be provided in normal cial minimal fat feeds with no added MCT are Low Fat
requirements for age, at least. Module (0.14 g fat/100 mL) and basic‐f (<0.1 g fat/100 mL)
(Table 30.2).
Clinically diagnosed infants are likely to be very sick,
Carnitine managed in intensive care and receiving IV 10% glucose and
It remains uncertain whether carnitine supplements should electrolytes. Once clinically stabilised, nasogastric feeds
be given to patients with LCFA oxidation disorders. Plasma‐ should be introduced and titrated against IV fluids to main-
free carnitine concentrations are often below the normal tain adequate energy intake and prevent further metabolic
range, particularly after episodes of illness, but tissue levels decompensation. The feed should be distributed evenly over
are probably not low enough to affect fatty acid oxidation. 24 hours to limit fasting and provide energy from both CHO
Supplements may facilitate the excretion of metabolites, but, and MCT regularly, e.g. for an infant weighing 6 kg feeding
by increasing the level of long chain acylcarnitines, it is pos- 150 mL/kg/day (900 mL):
sible that they may increase the risk of arrhythmias [39]. • 120 mL 3 hourly × 5 feeds during the day (at 8 am, 11 am,
2 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm)
• 300 mL given at 40 mL/hour continuously overnight for
Energy distribution of the diet in severe defects 8 hours from 10 pm to 6 am (the night feed can be com-
As LCT is restricted, more energy needs to be provided from menced 2 hours after the last day feed and discontinued
CHO and supplements of MCT. The optimal distribution of up to 2 hours before the morning feed)
energy intake from CHO and MCT is not known. The fol-
lowing provides a guide to the typical energy distribution Weaning diet
and long chain fat intake of the diet in severe defects (based Weaning is commenced at the normal time around 6 months
on personal practice): (26 weeks) of age. Feeding problems have been reported in
• 60%–65% energy from CHO (CHO energy will vary children with LCHADD, particularly in early childhood,
depending on LCT and MCT intake) despite good metabolic and clinical condition [40]. With age
• 10%–15% energy from protein these problems either improved or resolved in this cohort.
• 20%–25% energy from medium chain fat (depending on An example of a suggested menu plan for infants is pro-
the disorder) vided in Table 30.3. Solids should have a minimal fat content
• 1.2%–2% energy from EFA (based on FAO/WHO [37]; and be high in CHO. Rice, cereal, potato, fruit and vegetables
higher intakes may be appropriate) are suitable as first weaning foods. Low fat, high protein
foods can also be given, e.g. chicken or turkey breast, white
LCT is often expressed as g/day. fish, lentils, very low fat cottage cheese and yoghurt.
Infants 0–6 months: 2–7 g LCT/day (4%–7% of daily energy Commercial baby foods can be included in the diet: wet baby
intake) if either Monogen or Lipistart (Table 30.2) provides foods (fat content <0.5 g/100 g) and dried baby foods (fat
the sole source of nutrition. LCT intake will increase with the content <2 g/100 g) can be given freely. Baby foods with a
introduction of solid food. higher fat content need to be counted as part of the daily fat
Older infants and children: It is possible to continue to intake. Parents can be taught how to calculate the amount of
restrict intake of long chain fat to provide ≤6% total energy fat a food provides from the nutritional labelling (p. 649). As
intake, ≤7 g LCT/1000 kcal (4.2 MJ), excluding EFA. Similar solid food increases, it can replace some of the 3 hourly day
dietary practices are reported to be used by others [39]. This feeds, ensuring it provides at least the same amount of
is a very strict diet and not all agree this is warranted. energy as the feed. MCT oil/emulsion/ powder (p. 651) is
incorporated gradually into the diet to maintain MCT at
20%–25% of daily energy intake. As weaning progresses, the
Minimal long chain fat diet
volume of infant formula should be decreased, and glucose
polymer ± MCT added to provide the required amount of
energy. Eventually the night feed can contain glucose poly-
Infants with severe long chain defects (diagnosed clinically mer and MCT only.
or by NBS, not in the UK) need a minimal LCT feed supple- Monogen or Lipistart, as the sole source of nutrition, pro-
mented with MCT such as Monogen or Lipistart; both are vides more than the UK suggested requirement for EFA. As
nutritionally complete infant formulas with minimal LCT infant formula decreases, an additional source of EFA is
content (Table 30.2). needed. Walnut oil provides a good source of EFA and allows
As previously discussed it is possible MCT cannot be fully minimum LCT to be given (Table 30.4). The dose of oil to
oxidised in some severe CACTD or CPTIID [31, 32], and a give should be calculated taking into account the EFA
modular feed without fat (long or medium chain) may be from the infant formula. To provide the UK suggested
648 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
Monogen (Nutricia) Lipistart (Vitaflo) basic‐f (Milupa)* Low Fat Module (Nutricia)
E, energy; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; LCT, long chain triglyceride; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; AA, arachidonic acid.
• Reconstitution: Monogen 1 scoop added to 25 mL water.
• Reconstitution: Lipistart 1 scoop added to 30 mL water.
• In UK only Monogen and Lipistart are prescribable.
*Not available in the UK.
Source: Manufacturers.
Table 30.3 Minimal long chain fat weaning diet. Sample menu.
*Suitable commercial baby foods (p. 647). Baby foods with a higher fat content are best avoided.
Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC‐FAOD) 649
Table 30.4 Walnut oil. Essential fatty acid composition. include in the diet and given as a reasonable portion. Parents
can be taught to calculate and then weigh the amount of
1 mL walnut oil provides food that provides a certain amount of fat. This also makes it
Energy 8.4 kcal easier to monitor the daily fat intake, for example:
35 kJ
Weight of food to provide 1 g fat
Fat 0.93 g
Linoleic acid 0.58 g
fat content per 100 g of food
α‐Linolenic acid 0.12 g
Ratio n6:n3 fatty acids 4.5 Medium chain triglycerides
A daily intake of 20%–25% of total energy intake is advised.
For analysis of other oils, see Fatty acids, 7th Supplement to McCance
The optimal timing of administration has not been defined;
and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods, 5th edn. Cambridge: Royal
Society of Chemistry and London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and however, it is common practice to divide the dose and give
Food, 1992. three to four times a day, as it is rapidly absorbed and used
and high doses may cause GI symptoms in some patients. In
young children MCT often remains part of the night feed.
requirement of EFA, the dose of walnut oil needed is MCT can be added to the diet as an oil, emulsion or powder
0.1 mL/56 kcal (235 kJ). The walnut oil is administered as a (Table 30.6). MCT oil can increase the palatability of the diet.
single dose and given as a medicine from a spoon or via the It has a low smoke point compared with other cooking oils.
feeding tube. Other oils such as sunflower, safflower (mainly Care must be taken when cooking foods in MCT oil to ensure
linoleic acid), soya and flax are also rich sources of EFA, and it does not burn or become overheated as it develops a bitter
a combination of these can also be used if walnut oil is dis- taste and an unpleasant odour. The optimum cooking tem-
liked. Monogen (600 mL) and Lipistart (400 mL) provide the perature for MCT is 160 °C. MCT oil can also be used in bak-
suggested intake of 60 mg DHA/day advised for LCHADD ing, e.g. cakes, biscuits and pastry, and can be added to a
[21]. An alternative source of LCPUFA (such as KeyOmega) variety of foods such as pasta and soups. MCT emulsion, e.g.
can be given as less or no infant formula is given. Liquigen, can be easily mixed into food and liquids without
Fat‐soluble vitamin supplements are likely to be required separating such as skimmed milk, low fat yoghurt, desserts
once the intake of low LCT infant formula falls below and sauces, and used in baking. MCT Procal powder comes
500 mL/day (Table 30.2). in pre‐measured sachets and can be added to hot or cold
food or drinks (not fruit juice as it curdles) and used in bak-
Children ing recipes. Recipes are available for all products from their
manufacturers. Table 30.7 gives an example of how to
Long chain triglycerides provide the daily intake of MCT.
Children need a minimal LCT diet with an energy distribu-
tion as previously outlined (p. 647). Inevitably, daily intake Other nutrients
of long chain fat increases with age. The figures quoted are EFA can be added as walnut oil or combinations of other oils
based on the lowest possible long chain fat intake that is as described for infants. LCPUFA can be given as KeyOmega
practicably achievable for a given age. However, as the safe (1 sachet = 100 mg DHA, 200 mg AA) and DocOmega
upper limit for long chain fat is not known, such a low LCT (1 sachet = 200 mg DHA) as needed to provide the daily
intake may not be of clinical benefit and, therefore, unneces- requirements [37].
sary (p. 644). Ideally, the diet should be a combination of The choice of fat‐soluble vitamin supplement will depend
starchy foods (e.g. rice, pasta, potato, bread, cereals) and on need, age and desired format: powder, tablets or soluble
very low fat sources of protein, such as white fish, white tablets are available. Ketovite tablets and liquid provide an
chicken or turkey meat and pulses (Table 30.5). To enable adequate intake of fat‐soluble vitamins and B12 and are suit-
suitable low fat food choices, parents need guidance on able for all ages. Alternatively, more complete vitamin and
interpreting food labels, in particular to understand words mineral supplementation can be provided: FruitiVits (from
used to describe the fat content of food, which can be mis- age 3 years), Paediatric Seravit (all ages), Phlexy‐Vits sachets
leading (reduced fat, low fat, virtually fat‐free, 90% fat‐free), or tablets (from age 10 years), Forceval Soluble Junior (from
and that different types of fat (monounsaturated and poly- age 6 years) and Forceval Soluble (from age 12 years) (p. 524).
unsaturated) are all long chain fat and total fat content Intakes of iron, zinc and B12 should be regularly calculated as
should be used to calculate fat intake. these can also be low in minimal LCT diets.
Nutritional labelling expresses the total fat content as
grams of fat per 100 g and often grams of fat per portion. Frequency of feeding
Manufactured foods that have a fat content <0.5 g/100 g can Lipolysis can be minimised by 3–4 hourly feeding during the
generally be allowed in the diet freely, unless large amounts day and continuous overnight tube feeds. If feeding over-
are being consumed. Those with a higher fat will need to be night, the amount of energy required is not known. One
counted as part of the daily fat allowance. Foods with a fat approach to minimise overfeeding is to provide glucose
content of up to 5 g fat/100 g are more likely to be suitable to polymer to equal basal glucose production rates for age
Table 30.5 Minimal long chain fat diet.
Milk Skimmed milk, condensed skimmed milk Full fat and semi‐skimmed milk
Natural yoghurt, very low fat yoghurt and fromage frais (<0.2 g/100 g) Cream (all types)
Low fat cottage cheese (<0.5 g/100 g) Full fat yoghurt and fromage frais
*Very low fat cheeses Full and half fat cheeses
Quark (skimmed milk soft cheese) †
Ice cream
Low fat ice cream
Egg Egg whites, egg white replacer, meringue Egg yolks
Fish White fish (no skin), e.g. haddock, cod, sole, plaice Oily fish, e.g. sardines, kippers, salmon, mackerel
Crab, crabsticks, tuna, prawns, shrimps, lobster Fish in breadcrumbs, batter, sauces, pastry
Tinned: tuna in brine or water, crab, prawns, shrimps Tinned: fish in oil
Poultry *Chicken, *turkey (white breast meat, no skin) Chicken, turkey (dark meat and skin), basted poultry,
duck, goose
Chicken in breadcrumbs, batter, sauces, pastry
Meat *Lean red meat (<5% fat content) Fatty meat, sausages (normal and low fat), burgers, meat
paste, paté, salami, pies
Meat substitutes Soya mince, *Quorn, *tofu
Pulses Peas, e.g. chick peas, split peas None, unless in made‐up dishes containing fat
Beans, e.g. red, white, borlotti, black‐eyed
Fats/oils Medium chain triglyceride oil as advised Butter, margarine, low fat spread, vegetable oils, lard,
dripping, suet, shortening
Pasta and rice Spaghetti, macaroni, other pasta, noodles, couscous, rice (white) Wholemeal pasta, pasta in dishes, e.g. macaroni
cheese, carbonara
Brown rice, egg noodles
Flours and Flour (white), cornflour, custard powder, semolina, sago, tapioca Flour (wholemeal), soya flour, oats, bran
cereals Foods made with flour that contain fat, e.g. pastry,
sauces, cake, biscuits, batter, breadcrumb coatings
Breakfast cereals Many are suitable Cereals with nuts and chocolate, e.g. muesli
Wholewheat cereals, e.g. Weetabix, Bran flakes, are higher in fat All‐bran, Ready Brek
content than non‐wholewheat cereals, e.g. Rice Krispies, cornflakes
Bread and *White bread, white pitta, crumpets, muffins. Some crackers have a Wholemeal, wholegrain breads, naan bread, chapatti made
crackers low fat content, e.g. rice cakes, matzos, Ryvita (not sesame) with fat, croissants, oatcakes, cheese crackers, †crackers
Cakes, biscuits Only those made from low fat ingredients †
Cakes, †biscuits, buns, pastry for sweet and savoury
and pastry 95% fat‐free cakes and biscuits foods, e.g. apple pie, quiche
Desserts Jelly, meringue, sorbet, very low fat ice cream, skimmed milk Most desserts, e.g. whole milk puddings, trifle,
puddings, e.g. rice, custard cheesecakes, gateaux, †mousse, fruit pie or crumble
Fruit Most varieties – fresh, frozen, tinned, dried Avocado pears, olives, yoghurt/chocolate covered dried
fruit, banana chips
Vegetables All vegetables and salad Chips, †crisps, †low fat crisps, roast potato, potato or
Very low fat crisps vegetable salad in mayonnaise or salad dressing, †coleslaw
Herbs and spices Pickles, chutney
Herbs, spices, salt, pepper
Nuts and seeds Nuts, peanut butter, seeds, e.g. sesame, sunflower
Sauces and Tomato ketchup, brown sauce, soy sauce, Marmite, Oxo, Bovril, †
Gravy granules, †stock cubes
gravies very low fat gravy mixes Salad cream, mayonnaise, oil and vinegar dressings
Fat‐free dressings and mayonnaise †
Sauce mixes (jars, tins, packets)
Minimal fat sauces (jars, tins, packets)
Soups Some low calorie and ‘healthy eating type’ soups are very low fat Most soups, cream soups
Confectionery Boiled sweets, jelly sweets, fruit gums, pastilles, marshmallow, Chocolate, chocolate‐covered sweets, toffee, fudge,
mints, ice lollies butter mints
Sugars and Sugar, golden syrup, jam, marmalade, honey, treacle Lemon curd, chocolate spread
Baking products Baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, yeast, arrowroot, essences,
food colouring
Drinks Fruit juice, squash, fizzy drinks, milkshake flavourings, tea, coffee †
Instant chocolate drinks, cocoa, malted milk type
drinks, e.g. Horlicks
*Intake of these foods may need to be restricted because of their fat content.
These foods in the ‘avoid list’ often have very low fat equivalents, which can be included in the diet.
Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders (LC‐FAOD) 651
Table 30.7 Example providing daily medium chain triglyceride intake. Table 30.8 Examples of an overnight feed for long chain fatty acid
oxidation disorders.
Daily MCT intake for a 4‐year‐old girl
Estimated average requirement for energy for age = 1400 kcal Overnight feed for a 6‐year‐old boy, weight = 22 kg
(5.9 MJ)/day [36] 25% CHO from glucose polymer, administered at 25 mL/hour from
Provide 20%–25% energy from MCT = 280–350 kcal 10 pm to 6 am via gastrostomy
(1.2–1.5 MJ) ÷ (8.3 kcal, 35 kJ/g MCT) = 34–42 g/day
Fluid 200 mL
Breakfast 20 mL MCT emulsion (10 g MCT) added to Energy 200 kcal (840 kJ)
breakfast cereal Glucose polymer 53 g (95% CHO)
Lunch 1 sachet MCT Procal (10 g MCT) added to CHO 0.3 g CHO/kg/hour
very low fat yoghurt at school
Evening meal 10 mL MCT oil (10 g MCT) added to
cooked pasta Glucose polymer and MCT feed, administered at 25 mL/hour from
10 pm to 6 am via gastrostomy
Another 10 g of MCT added to the night feed (Table 30.8) from MCT Fluid 200 mL
Energy 200 kcal (840 kJ)
Glucose polymer 30 g (95% CHO) = 114 kcal (479 kJ)
MCT = 1∕4 of daily dose (10 g MCT) as 20 mL Liquigen
(around 0.3–0.4 g CHO/kg/hour) (p. 610). Addition of MCT (= 5 g MCT/100 mL) = 90 kcal (370 kJ)
as an energy source should enable the energy from CHO to
CHO, carbohydrate; MCT, medium chain triglyceride.
be reduced. Table 30.8 gives examples of overnight feeds.
Fasting tolerance increases with age; therefore, in older chil-
dren it may be possible to stop overnight feeds completely or children may not be able to do prolonged periods of exercise
substitute with one or more doses of UCCS. Typical doses of without developing muscle pain, so it has to be avoided.
UCCS used are 1–1.5 g/kg/dose. It is first introduced at The symptoms may occur due to limited ability to oxidise
home to test its palatability and tolerance, similar to the pro- LCFA as a fuel source for exercising muscle or the accumu-
cess in glycogen storage disease (p. 613). Before changing lation of toxic intermediates. Short burst exercise may be
management, it is good practice [35] to assess the child’s more suitable than prolonged low intensity exercise because
metabolic response under controlled conditions in hospital CHO will be used in preference to LCFA. As yet, no treat-
by serial measurement of plasma‐free fatty acids, blood ment has conclusively been shown to prevent rhabdomyol-
glucose, acylcarnitines and CK on their usual regimen and ysis, but several papers suggest that dietary modification
after a dose of UCCS. The results of these studies are used to may reduce the risk of this. Some patients with CPTIID
plan how frequently a dose of UCCS is given. appear to benefit from taking a diet rich in polysaccharides
pre‐exercise [41]. Pre‐exercise boluses of MCT (0.3–0.4 g/
Exercise management kg/dose) have been reported to improve exercise capacity
Glucose is the initial fuel during any exercise. Under normal in patients with various FAOD [42]. Dietary treatment may
circumstances CHO is the main fuel used for moderate to need to be adjusted according to the intensity and duration
high intensity exercise such as sprinting, whereas fatty acids of the exercise being undertaken. CHO foods and/or MCT
are the main fuel for low to moderate intensity exercise. can be trialled before or during or even after exercise to see
Patients with VLCADD, LCHADD, MTPD and CPTIID can if this exercise capacity is improved. MCT can be given as a
experience muscle pain, rhabdomyolysis, elevated CK and, prescribed dose of Liquigen, or MCT Procal, and CHO can
in severe cases, myoglobinuria with exercise. These epi- be given from food such as a low fat cereal bar, banana,
sodes may begin to occur in children as they become more bread or a glucose polymer drink. If a child does develop
active and want to play sports for longer periods. Some muscle pain during or, more likely, following exercise, this
652 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
must be treated promptly as there is a risk of rhabdomyoly- example, in LCHAD deficient patients, cumulative long
sis, myoglobinuria and subsequent renal failure. The stand- chain 3‐hydroxyacylcarnitine concentrations appear to cor-
ard glucose polymer ER ± MCT, with extra fluids, should be relate with the progression of retinal disease [44].
implemented. Rest is important until symptoms resolve. Monitoring of acylcarnitines may, therefore, be useful in
Children are likely to find it very difficult and painful to guiding dietary management. Plasma‐free carnitine levels
walk for the first 24–48 hours. It is essential that parents and should also be monitored, although there is dispute about
patients know to look for signs of myoglobinuria (dark, cola‐ supplementing carnitine if levels are low (p. 647), except in
coloured urine) and to go to their local hospital and make OCTN2. Plasma transaminases and CK are helpful markers
immediate contact with their metabolic team for further of clinical status. CK increases markedly during episodes of
management advice. Plasma CK can be markedly elevated exercise or illness‐induced rhabdomyolysis and returns to
during episodes of rhabdomyolysis and is helpful in deter- normal once treated. Fat‐soluble vitamins and EFA and
mining the extent of muscle damage and management LCPUFA concentrations should be monitored annually and
needed. ER guidelines (IV and oral) for hospital use can be more often if there are concerns about dietary deficiencies.
accessed from Erythrocyte measurements of EFA/LCPUFA are a better
marker of long‐term nutritional status than plasma. Other
nutritional markers such as iron and B12 status may also be
Dietary monitoring
necessary if there are concerns about nutritional adequacy
of the diet.
Once an infant or child is established on dietary treatment,
families need continued support and advice. Regular moni-
toring of this complex diet is essential to:
Dietary guidelines for managing the unwell child
• ensure the diet is nutritionally adequate, particularly for with a LC‐FAOD
fat‐soluble vitamins, EFA and LCPUFA
• ensure the overnight feeds provide adequate CHO (or Illness in any child is usually associated with loss of appetite
energy) for age and prolonged fasting, and fatty acid oxidation rates increase
• check the intake of LCT and MCT to provide energy. In LC‐FAOD this process is limited, and
• provide new ideas and information on low fat manufac- the child is at risk of serious illness. The ER needs to be
tured foods started promptly to inhibit the mobilisation of fatty acids
• assess exercise tolerance and provide advice on CHO/ and to prevent rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria, as there
MCT intake is risk of acute renal failure. The standard ER guidelines
• check the ER for CHO concentration and volume and should be used for LC‐FAOD.
parents’ understanding of its use
Transfer protein Electron transferring flavoprotein (ETF) or ETF ubiquinone oxidoreductase ETFQO (Figure 30.1)
Biochemical defect Due to defects of ETF or ETFQO that carry electrons from dehydrogenation reactions (in β‐oxidation, lysine, tryptophan,
branched chain amino acids, choline) to the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Results in an energy deficiency.
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance. ETF: mutations in ETFA, ETFB. ETFQO: mutations in ETF dehydrogenase gene
Clinical onset MADD ranges in clinical severity. Some patients are completely responsive to riboflavin [46]. Severe MADD presents
presentation, features within the first few days of life with hypoglycaemia, hyperammonaemia, acidosis, hypotonia and hepatomegaly; some also
have congenital malformations, and cardiomyopathy may develop.
The less severe form may present from infancy to adulthood with hypoglycaemia, liver problems and muscle weakness [12].
Outcome Neonatal onset cases do not survive. Sudden death can occur at any time.
Drug treatment Trial of riboflavin (some cases are completely responsive). Oral sodium d‐3‐hydroxybutyrate is given to more severe
patients [47]. CoQ10 supplements are recommended for late onset ETFQO [48].
Dietetic management Little is published on dietary treatment of MADD. In patients with severe congenital malformations, no treatment is effective or
appropriate. If riboflavin is responsive, no dietary modification is necessary. Patients with more severe MADD are commenced on:
• a low fat, protein‐restricted diet as the dehydrogenase enzymes of β‐oxidation and some amino acids are affected
• regular feeding during the day with a high CHO intake to provide an adequate energy intake and limit lipolysis
• overnight fasting should be limited; young children are given continuous overnight feeds that can be replaced by UCCS
in older children to provide a ‘slow release’ source of glucose; it is essential to assess tolerance individually
• MCT should be avoided as they may precipitate problems [49]. Medium chain fatty acids enter the mitochondria
primarily independent of carnitine so bypassing CPTI, the step at which β‐oxidation is normally regulated; therefore,
high concentrations of toxic metabolites could be generated
• typical energy distribution of the diet in severe defects (based on personal practice):
–– 65%–70% energy from CHO
–– 8%–10% energy from protein (at least the safe level of protein intake for age [50]
–– 20%–25% energy from fat (the use of MCT is probably best avoided)
–– frequent feeding
For infants a modular feed with the above energy ratio is given, ensuring it provides all nutrients including EFA and LCPUFA in
recommended amounts. Partial breastfeeding is possible when combined with a fat‐free modular feed [51]. The diet can be based on
protein and fat exchange foods: each 1 g protein exchange should provide a maximum of 3 g fat. Additional fat may be necessary if
the protein exchanges are very low in fat. Very low protein and fat and high CHO foods can be given freely, e.g. fruit, most vegetables,
sugar. Some low protein manufactured foods are suitable and can provide additional energy, e.g. low protein pasta, rice, flour.
Monitoring – nutritional Regular monitoring is essential to ensure nutritional adequacy and normal growth. There is no useful biochemical marker
to determine the response to diet. Even on diet, acylcarnitine profiles generally remain abnormal but in less severe disease
can be normal. Routine biochemical nutritional monitoring should be undertaken for patients on low fat diets similar to
LC‐FAOD (p. 652). If the child is on a very low protein diet, monitoring of plasma amino acids may be indicated.
Emergency regimen During illness the standard ER (p. 673) of very frequent feeds, day and night, of glucose polymer should be given (oral or
tube) to minimise protein catabolism and increased fatty acid oxidation, thereby reducing risk of metabolic
decompensation. Fat should be avoided during the acute period.
654 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
Tiglyl-CoA 4
Acetoacetyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA
2-Methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA
4 2
Propionyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA
Acetoacetate 3-Hydroxybutyrate
Figure 30.2 Biochemical pathways of ketogenesis and ketolysis. HMG-CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A. 1, Mitochondrial(m) HMG-CoA synthase;
2, HMG-CoA lyase; 3, succinyl-CoA 3-oxoacid CoA transferase (SCOT); 4, mitochondrial acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (T2). Reprinted with permission of Springer.
Introduction the surface. The four main classes of lipoproteins are classified
according to their density (Table 30.9). Apolipoproteins
Triglycerides, cholesterol and phospholipids are the three main
enable the packaging and transport of lipids; they are also
forms of lipid in the body. Their production and transport through
cofactors for enzymes and ligands for lipoprotein receptors [71].
the body is based on three interrelated pathways known as the
Disorders of lipid metabolism managed by dietary inter-
exogenous, the endogenous and the reverse cholesterol transport
vention can be categorised into:
pathways (Figure 30.3, Table 30.9). Lipids are transported in
plasma as lipoproteins, which have a hydrophobic core of triglyc- • hypolipoproteinaemias: serum lipoproteins are deficient
erides and cholesteryl esters with hydrophilic molecules (phos- or absent
pholipids, cholesterol and proteins known as apolipoproteins) on • hyperlipoproteinaemias: serum lipoproteins are increased
TG apoB-100
MTP apoE
% wt
from % wt % wt
Lipoprotein TG PL C + CE Apolipoproteins Function
CM 90 6 3 ApoB‐48, ApoA‐I, Secreted from enterocytes. CM transport dietary TG and FC from the
A‐IV intestine. CE, FC and TG are hydrolysed by pancreatic lipase in the intestine,
emulsified by BA, absorbed into enterocytes and then packaged into CM. TG
in the CM is hydrolysed by endothelium‐bound LPL in adipose tissue and
muscle. CMR taken up by liver delivering CE and FC (endogenous pathway)
VLDL 55 15 22 ApoB‐100, ApoC‐I, Secreted from hepatocytes. TG (synthesised in liver) is packaged with CE and
C‐II, C‐III, ApoE apoB‐100 to form VLDL and then transported to adipose tissue and muscle
(endogenous pathway). TG on VLDL is hydrolysed by LPL
LDL 5 25 50 ApoB‐100 Catabolic product of VLDL formed by activity of HL. LDL transport
cholesterol from liver to peripheral tissues (endogenous pathway). LDL
normally removed by LDLR on liver, excess taken up by macrophages
HDL 5 25 20 ApoA‐I, A‐II, Transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to liver (reverse cholesterol
ApoC‐I, C‐II, C‐III, transport). FC and PL form nascent HDL, which becomes a larger HDL
ApoE particle through action of LCAT. Low levels of HDL are associated with
higher risk of cardiovascular disease
BA, bile acid; C+CE, sum of cholesterol and cholesterol ester; CM, chylomicrons; CMR, chylomicron remnants; FC, free cholesterol; HDL, high density
lipoproteins; HL, hepatic lipase; LCAT, lecithin cholesteryl acyl transferase; LDL, low density lipoproteins; LDLR, LDL receptor; LPL, lipoprotein lipase;
TG, triglyceride; VLDL, very low density lipoproteins, wt, weight.
Source: Adapted from Kwitervich PO [73].
658 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
Schaefer and Levy [74] describe grouping disorders of causes. Advances in understanding lipoprotein metabolism
lipid metabolism by the lipid profile characteristic of the continue to be made, assisted by the ongoing discovery of
condition. Further classification becomes more complicated cases with novel mutations. Table 30.10 summarises the
as similar phenotypes can result from different underlying disorders reported in children.
Exogenous hypertriglyceridaemia
Familial lipoprotein lipase Defective or absent LPL causing ↑↑ TG, ↑↑ CM, ↓ HDL, Approximately 10–15 g LCT/day
deficiency (LPL) accumulation of CM ↓ LDL, normal VLDL MCT added to diet
EFA and fat‐soluble vitamin supplements
ApoC‐II deficiency (APOC2) Defect in apoC‐II that is a co‐
factor for LPL
Defective Defect in the GPIHBP1 protein
glycosylphosphatidylinositol that is involved in binding LPL
apoAV deficiency (APOA5) Exact mechanism of apoAV is
unclear but is a modulator of
TGs [77]
Lipoprotein maturation factor 1 LMF1 aids in LPL folding and
(LMF1) transport
(continued overleaf)
Hypolipoproteinaemias 659
Endogenous hypertriglyceridaemia
Familial hypertriglyceridaemia Abnormal hydrolysis of TG ↑↑ TG, ↑ VLDL 10–15 g LCT/day
(APOA5 and LIPI) Usually later onset MCT added to diet
Present in childhood if EFA and fat‐soluble vitamin supplements
secondary risk factors for
hyperlipidaemia are present
Other hyperlipidaemias
Sitosterolaemia (also known as Defect in ATP‐binding cassette ↑↑ plant sterols in blood and Low saturated fat diet
phytosterolaemia) [78–80] transporter ABCG5/8 that tissues, ↑ LDL Avoid foods high in cholesterol, plant
Increased absorption and transports sterols back into gut sterols and sterol fortified foods [78–80]
decreased biliary excretion of for excretion
plant sterols and cholesterol Ezetimibe therapy (sterol absorption
inhibitor) (p. 667) ± bile acid
Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency Defect in lysosomal degradation ↑ TG, ↑ LDL, ↓ HDL See Wolman disease (p. 669)
of cholesteryl esters and (less marked increases than
Infant onset (Wolman disease) triglycerides in cholesterol ester storage
disease, CESD)
Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency Defect in lysosomal degradation of ↑ TG, ↑ LDL, ↓ HDL May require modified lipid diet
Childhood/adult onset (CESD) cholesteryl esters and triglycerides
CM, chylomicrons; EFA, essential fatty acids; HDL, high density lipoproteins; HL, hepatic lipase; IDL, intermediate density lipoproteins; LCT, long chain
triglyceride; LDL, low density lipoproteins; LDLR, LDL receptor; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; MCT, medium chain triglyceride; MTP, microsomal triglyceride
transport protein; TG, triglyceride; VLDL, very low density lipoproteins.
Abetalipoproteinaemia (ABL)
Defect Defect in MTP protein resulting in impaired processing of apoB. Dysfunctional apoB causes impaired CM packaging
and formation of VLDL and consequently LDL. Overall, it leads to the defective secretion, i.e. low levels, of the
plasma lipids: chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL and fat‐soluble vitamins.
660 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
Hypobetalipoproteinaemia (HBL)
Defect Defect in the synthesis of apoB (the step before the defect in ABL) causing impaired apoB. Leads to low levels of
plasma LDL and fat‐soluble vitamins
Genetics Autosomal co‐dominant inheritance. Mutation in APOB gene causes an error in the translation of apoB protein. Most
mutations in APOB cause a truncated apoB protein, but some mutations affect intracellular transport of apoB.
Another mutation in PCSK9 gene causes upregulation (reduced degradation) of the LDL receptor that causes
increased clearance of VLDL and LDL cholesterol [81]. Inheritance of one mutation in APOB gene causes
heterozygous HBL, inheriting two mutations causes compound heterozygous or homozygous HBL (the term
homozygous HBL will be used throughout to include compound heterozygotes). Heterozygous HBL has a milder
clinical presentation than homozygous HBL.
Incidence heterozygous HBL: 1 in 1000–3000 [85]
Incidence homozygous HBL: 1 in 1 000 000 [81]
Clinical onset Heterozygous HBL: Usually asymptomatic; there is a three‐ to fivefold greater liver fat content than the general
presentation, features population; some develop hepatic steatosis.
Biochemical features: LDL cholesterol and apoB level are one quarter to one third normal [81].
Homozygous HBL: Onset is within first 24 months of life; biochemical and clinical features are indistinguishable
from ABL [85]
Long‐term complications The long‐term outcome in heterozygous HBL is unknown; ongoing follow‐up, particularly monitoring liver function,
and outcome is recommended. In homozygous HBL early recognition and treatment with fat‐soluble vitamins can slow the
progression of neuromuscular and ophthalmological degeneration [81]. Malabsorption resolves with a fat‐restricted
diet. Hepatic steatosis may be more prevalent in HBL than ABL [75].
Defect Product of SAR1B gene is needed for intracellular trafficking of CM particles. The mutation causes accumulation of
lipid (pre‐CM transport vesicles) in the enterocytes and decreased, but not absent, LDL and apoB.
Hypolipoproteinaemias 661
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance. Mutation in SAR1B gene. Incidence 1 in 1 000 000 [81]
Clinical onset presentation, Clinical features normally present in early infancy and are similar to ABL [81]
features Biochemical features:
• low levels (approximately 50% less than normal [76]) of total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, chylomicrons, but normal TG
• elevated CK in many cases especially those with muscle complications
• fat‐soluble vitamin and EFA deficiency; plasma vitamin E levels are very low; omega‐3 deficiency was less of a
problem than omega‐6 in one study population [76]
• anaemia due to iron and folate deficiencies secondary to fat malabsorption
• elevated prothrombin time and in severe cases GI bleeding associated with vitamin K deficiency
Clinical symptoms involve many organ systems and include:
• gastrointestinal: diarrhoea, steatorrhoea, abdominal distension and faltering growth
• neurological: areflexia, ataxia, myopathy and muscle pain and sensory neuropathy have been reported [76] less
severe than in ABL and HBL and tend to occur in those with a delayed diagnosis or poor compliance to treatment
• ophthalmological: if present, mild compared to ABL and HBL
• liver: hepatomegaly and steatosis in a few cases; cirrhosis has not been reported [81]
• cardiomyopathy: has been described in adults [76]
Long‐term complications With early diagnosis, catch‐up growth can be achieved. Diarrhoea and steatorrhea resolve with dietary modifications.
and outcome Long‐term data on outcome is lacking; ongoing follow‐up is required.
Dietary management of ABL, HBL and CRD LCT restriction needs to be individually determined to
relieve the GI symptoms of diarrhoea, steatorrhoea and
Low LCT diet abdominal distention and typically varies from 5 g fat/day
in infants up to 20 g/day in older children. The diet is based
Lee and Hegele [75] recommend in ABL that total fat intake, on low fat carbohydrate foods such as white fish, lean meat,
particularly LCT, should be <30% of energy intake and if pulses, fruit and vegetables and very low fat dairy products
possible closer to 20%; however, this differs markedly from such as skimmed milk and very low fat yoghurt. The LCT fat
clinical practice: GI symptoms generally only resolve on a allowance should be distributed evenly through the day.
much lower LCT intake. Homozygous HBL resembles ABL
and so requires a similar LCT restriction. Children with het-
Adequate energy
erozygous HBL are usually able to absorb the fat provided
by a normal diet without restriction [86]. Peretti et al. [76] Faltering growth at presentation needs correction. Throughout
recommend in CRD that total fat intake should be <30% childhood energy deficit caused by LCT restriction should be
energy intake; this too differs in clinical practice as a very compensated for with an increase in energy from low LCT,
much lower intake is necessary to prevent GI symptoms. carbohydrate‐based foods and MCT supplements.
662 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
Medium chain triglycerides Ketovite tablets and liquid, Dalivit, Paediatric Seravit and
FruitiVits (p. 526). Plasma concentrations are monitored to
Medium chain triglycerides (C8 and C10) do not require
guide whether doses need to be adjusted beyond this.
chylomicrons for their absorption as they are absorbed and
transported directly from the intestine to the liver via the
hepatic portal system. MCT oil or MCT supplements Essential fatty acid supplements
(Table 30.6) can partially replace dietary LCT to enable more
EFA intake is restricted when following a low fat diet. In CRD
choice, improve palatability and provide additional energy.
neither intravenous (IV) nor oral supplementation with EFA
For example, MCT oil can be used in baking to make biscuits
was able to normalise plasma concentrations [76]. Plasma lev-
or pastry in place of margarine or used for frying foods.
els did not seem to impact outcome as, despite low plasma
Further information on using MCT oil and alternative
omega‐6 fatty acid levels, the cohort of patients described still
products can be found on p. 649.
made very good clinical progress. There are no specific guide-
Historically, the use of MCT as an energy source in ABL
lines for EFA supplementation in HBL; therefore, supplemen-
was controversial due to case reports of it possibly causing
tation with walnut oil (EFA) and KeyOmega (LCPUFA) to
hepatic fibrosis [87, 88]. However, there are single case
provide at least population requirements should be given
reports of children who developed cirrhosis independent of
(p. 646). Regular monitoring of EFA is essential with biochem-
using MCT oil [75, 84]. Furthermore, there are case reports of
ical analysis of red blood cell (RBC) membrane fatty acids,
benefit of MCT for catch‐up growth and absence of adverse
rather than plasma fatty acids. RBC fatty acids reflect long‐
effects with its use [89]. Some metabolic centres, including
term fatty acid balance in tissues and are not influenced by
the author’s, include MCT in the diet with caution, in
recent dietary fat intake [92]. If tolerated the fat derived from
prescribed amounts; regular liver ultrasound scans and bio-
walnut oil is not included as part of the daily fat allowance,
chemical monitoring of liver function are required. Similar
although this practice may differ between centres.
concerns have not been reported in HBL or CRD.
Infant feeds
Fat‐soluble vitamins
Newly diagnosed cases are often referred via gastroenterol-
Vitamin E and beta‐carotene are fully reliant on transport in ogy services, with a history of having been fed various spe-
apoB‐containing lipoproteins for their delivery to the tissues cialist formulas in an attempt to manage the malabsorption
of the body. Vitamins A, D and K, however, especially if caused by fat‐laden enterocytes. Infants should be fed from
taken in sufficiently large doses, are understood to be able to diagnosis with a minimal LCT formula. Diarrhoea may con-
utilise the MCT transport pathway [75, 83]. tinue for several weeks, but the infant begins to thrive with
Recommendations for supplementing fat‐soluble vita- the minimal LCT formula. If MCT is tolerated, a formula
mins are: supplemented with MCT may be given, e.g. Monogen or
Lipistart; both are nutritionally complete and contain 1.8–
• vitamin E: 67–200 mg/kg/day [75, 90]
2.5 g MCT per 100 mL (Table 30.2). Exclusive feeding with
• vitamin A: 30–120 μg/kg/day [75] or 450 μg/day [76]
Lipistart or Monogen will provide approximately 0.5–0.9 g
• vitamin D: 20–30 μg/day [75, 76]
LCT/kg based on an intake of 150 mL/kg.
• vitamin K: 5–35 mg/week [75] or 15 mg/week [76]
If MCT is to be avoided, basic‐f and Low Fat Module
Long‐term supplementation of vitamin E in high doses (Table 30.2) are suitable products on which to base a feed.
increases serum vitamin concentrations, but levels remain low Both require addition of vitamins, minerals and EFA supple-
in ABL, often <30% of the lower limit of normal [76, 91] and ments to meet requirements; basic‐f also needs added glucose
in CRD [83]. Different oral vitamin E preparations (liquid, polymer to meet energy requirements. A minimal fat modu-
tablets) are available including water‐soluble forms. Liquid lar feed may be just as practical to use; an example providing
preparations are often in an oil‐based suspension and in approximately 5 g LCT is outlined in Table 30.11. The modu-
larger doses contribute to the daily LCT fat allowance. In the lar feed requires a minimal fat protein source (e.g. Protifar,
author’s centre alpha‐tocopherol acetate is mainly used Hydrolysed Whey Protein/Maltodextrin Mixture, Complete
(1 mL contains 100 mg vitamin E and l400 mg castor oil). Amino Acid Mix), glucose polymer (e.g. Polycal, Vitajoule),
In contrast, deficiencies of Vitamin A, D and K seen at electrolytes, EFA (e.g. walnut oil), LCPUFA (e.g. KeyOmega)
presentation can be corrected. The initial dose of vitamin A is and vitamins and minerals (e.g. Paediatric Seravit). If neces-
high so it is important to monitor accordingly, as there is risk sary a restricted amount of LCT (e.g. Calogen fat emulsion)
of toxicity [75, 84]. Fat‐soluble vitamin supplementation may be added to the feed as an additional source of energy.
should be given orally as this route is effective. There have Alternatively, and probably preferably, the amount of walnut
been reports of hepatic complications in patients with ABL oil can be increased until it provides all the allowance of LCT
who have received parenteral vitamin supplementation; as invariably EFA levels remain low. As walnut oil is not a fat
however, the association is not explicit [75]. At the author’s emulsion, it should not be added to the feed, but given as a
centre, once initial deficiencies have been corrected, ongoing bolus divided into 2–3 equal doses through the day.
supplementation of vitamins A, D and K is provided through Historically, breastfeeding has been considered to be con-
standard multivitamin and mineral supplements such as traindicated in ABL, HBL and CRD; however, a small amount
Hypolipoproteinaemias 663
Table 30.11 Minimal fat feed (approx. 5 g LCT) when MCT is to be avoided.
A 16‐week‐old boy, prior to weaning. Weight = 5.4 kg (2nd centile). Length = 60 cm (9th centile)
Daily requirements:
Fluid 150 mL/kg. Energy 96–130 kcal (400–545 kJ)/kg. Protein 1.8 g/kg
EFA given as walnut oil to meet requirements (p. 646)
Feed volumes: 140 mL × 6
Energy (kcal) Protein (g) CHO (g) LCT (g) Na (mmol) K (mmol)
of breastfeeding may be possible in combination with a min- these disorders; additional feeds can be given during the
imal or fat‐free formula. Breastmilk intake needs to be day instead).
restricted based on LCT allowance, e.g. 120 mL breastmilk
can be estimated to provide 5 g LCT. Close monitoring is
required, and the ratio of breastfeeding to formula feeding
altered according to biochemical parameters, clinical symp- A fat (LCT)‐restricted diet needs to continue into childhood.
toms and growth. Daily fat allowance may increase slightly as already dis-
Glucose polymer, such as Maxijul or Vitajoule, can be cussed. A guideline for achieving a minimal fat diet in
added to infant formula to increase the energy density of the children is to aim for main meals to contain ≤3 g fat per meal,
feed for those with faltering growth. Feed volumes may also snacks ≤0.5 g fat per item and desserts ≤0.5 g fat per portion.
need to be increased to provide additional energy; if the The LCT content of suitable foods is given in Table 14.14.
extra feed volume results in exceeding the LCT allowance, A sample menu providing ≤10 g fat/day is given in Table 30.12.
additional feeds of glucose polymer and a protein source
should be given instead.
Older children and adolescents
It can be particularly difficult to achieve an adequate energy
Weaning diet
intake for growth and development on such a low fat diet in
Transition to solid foods can begin as usual at around 26 this age group. Foods such as skimmed milk (made into
weeks of age with a minimal fat diet consisting of baby milkshake with low fat flavouring), very low fat yoghurts,
cereal mixed with the minimal fat feed, fruits and vegeta- low fat breakfast cereals, fruit (including dried), fruit juices,
bles (excluding avocados and olives), pulses, meats and meringue, jelly, jam and sorbet are suitable low fat sources of
fish naturally low in fat. Families need to be taught how energy. Low fat food brands designed for weight loss can be
to calculate daily fat intake. As a guide for using commer- useful and are increasingly available in the supermarkets;
cial baby foods, wet baby foods and dried baby foods their fat content per portion needs to be considered before
containing ≤0.5 g fat/100 g and ≤2 g fat/100 g, respec- including in the diet. Standard recipes (e.g. for biscuits, cakes
tively, are allowed freely if given in typical portion sizes. and savoury foods) can be adapted to make low fat versions.
Other baby foods with a higher fat content need to be MCT oil will help to improve the palatability and the energy
counted as part of the total daily fat allowance. Families density of the diet (used with caution in ABL). See p. 648 for
can be taught to calculate fat content of food from nutri- further details of using MCT supplements. Glucose poly-
tional food labels (p. 649). A sample menu for a low LCT mers (e.g. Maxijul, Polycal, Vitajoule) may need to be used if
weaning diet is given in Table 30.3 (excluding the advice adequate energy cannot be achieved with food alone.
regarding overnight feeding, which is not necessary for Finding suitable snack foods can be a particular challenge,
664 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
Table 30.12 A sample minimal fat menu providing ≤10 g fat/day. especially when out with friends. Advice should be given to
families about minimal LCT choices when eating out.
Quantities will vary according to age and appetite
Ongoing dietary assessment and monitoring is required to
Breakfast Low fat cereal (<2 g fat/100 g, per 30 g serving = 0.5 g ensure the diet remains nutritionally adequate. EFA and fat‐
fat) e.g. cornflakes, Rice Krispies with skimmed milk
soluble vitamin supplements continue to be needed. To achieve
Very low fat yoghurt (<0.2 g fat/100 g)
White bread* toast (no spreading fat) and jam/honey/
adequate calcium intake, minimal fat calcium sources should
marmalade be encouraged in the diet, e.g. skimmed milk (0.1% fat) and
Fruit juice very low fat yoghurt (<0.2 g fat/100 g). Haemoglobin and fer-
Lunch Sandwich made with bread*/bread roll* with filling ritin levels should be monitored in view of the low intakes of
of chicken/lean ham/tuna in brine or spring water/ haem sources (particularly red meat) in the diet.
low fat cheese spread and salad Adherence to a low fat diet can be difficult, and young
OR baked beans and jacket potato people and their families need ongoing support. As young
OR egg white omelette with peppers and mushrooms people get older and more independent, they need to learn
with boiled potatoes to manage the diet themselves. This requires them to under-
Fruit/jelly/very low fat yoghurt
stand the reasons for the diet as well as receiving education
Snack Fruit/vegetable sticks/suitable low fat snack items, on a practical level to enable suitable dietary choices as they
e.g. low fat cereal bar
move to adulthood.
Evening Chicken/turkey (light meat)/very lean beef (<5% fat)
meal with fat drained or removed/white fish
Vegetables or salad Learning points: hypolipoproteinaemias
Boiled/jacket/mashed potato or boiled pasta/rice/
chapattis (no fat) • ABL, HBL and CRD are very rare
Meringue and very low fat yoghurt/milk pudding • Treatment is a low LCT diet with supplementation of fat‐
made with skimmed milk
soluble vitamin and essential fatty acids
Bedtime Glass of skimmed milk • MCT can be used, but with caution in ABL
Low fat cereal with skimmed milk • Vitamin E is supplemented in very high doses, but plasma
levels remain low in ABL
*Check fat content of product.
Primary hyperlipoproteinaemias present due to genetic As many of the primary hyperlipoproteinaemias are very
disorders, whereas secondary hyperlipoproteinaemias are rare, only the two most prevalent disorders are discussed:
acquired due to another underlying disease or environmen- familial lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency (type I hyperlipi-
tal factors, e.g. diabetes, obesity and excessive alcohol intake. daemia) and familial hypercholesterolaemia.
Protein LPL
Biochemical defect Defect in LPL gene causing decreased activity of LPL. Results in increase in chylomicrons, triglyceride, total cholesterol
and inability to clear dietary fat
Genetics Autosomal recessive inheritance
Incidence of homozygous: 1 in 500 000–1 000 000 [93]
Clinical onset presentation, Heterozygous carriers are usually asymptomatic
features Homozygous: Presents in first year of life
Biochemical features:
• very high plasma TG, up to 10 000 mg/dL (114 mmol/L) [71] (normal fasting levels 0.5–2.2 mmol/L)
• high levels of CM, low HDL, low LDL, with normal VLDL
Clinical symptoms at presentation include:
• creamy blood
• abdominal pain
• eruptive xanthomas, hepatosplenomegaly and lipaemia retinalis
• pancreatitis
• immune dysfunction has also been hypothesised [94] in a case report of a child who appeared to develop
immunodeficiency with altered neutrophil function
Long‐term complications Episodes of pancreatitis can be life threatening.
and outcome The role of plasma TG as an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) in the general population is
unclear due to insufficient evidence looking at TG in isolation from other plasma lipids [95, 96]. Kwiterovich [71] states
that premature atherosclerosis does not occur in LPL deficiency.
Hyperlipoproteinaemias 665
Acute management If there is pancreatitis at presentation, this will need to be treated foremost.
If there is no pancreatitis at presentation, chronic dietary management can be commenced.
Medical treatment Aim to control plasma triglyceride levels to avoid pancreatitis.
Dietetic management Low LCT diet
Adequate energy
MCT supplements
Fat‐soluble vitamins
EFA and LCPUFA supplements
Aim plasma TG <10 mmol/L
Monitoring – biochemical Total cholesterol, TG, LDL, HDL
and nutritional Liver function tests, albumin, clotting factors
Vitamins A, D, E, K, B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, iron
Pancreatic enzymes (amylase, lipase)
Monitoring tests Liver ultrasound, not always done routinely
Dietary management of LPL deficiency nutrient intakes [36]. Additional mineral supplements such
as calcium and iron may also be needed if the diet does not
The aim of dietary treatment is to control plasma triglyceride provide sufficient sources. Plasma levels are monitored to
levels and avoid pancreatitis. guide any adjustments that need to be made. Be aware that
fat‐soluble vitamin levels may be falsely elevated in the pres-
ence of high levels of circulating triglyceride.
Restricted LCT intake
Restriction of LCT to 5 g/day will result in optically clear
Essential fatty acids
fasting serum and lowering of serum triglycerides. Such
severe fat restriction is difficult to maintain in the long term, EFA supplements are needed as requirements will not be
so fat allowance should be determined by individual toler- provided by the fat‐restricted diet. At the author’s centre,
ance. A restriction of dietary fat to 10%–15% of total energy, walnut oil is given to provide EFA and KeyOmega to pro-
or up to 25 g LCT fat/day, is usually sufficient to reduce vide LCPUFA to meet population requirements (p. 646).
plasma triglyceride levels and avoid pancreatitis [97, 98]. There are individual case reports of LPL deficient patients
Plasma triglycerides will not normalise; the aim is to main- responding to treatment with 15–30 g MCT oil or 4 g omega‐3
tain at a level <10 mmol/L, although a more realistic target fatty acids daily with a dramatic decrease in fasting plasma
for some will be <20 mmol/L provided there is no abdominal triglycerides [100–102]. One case was found to respond with
pain. Experience from the author’s centre suggests abdomi- an increase in mass and activity of LPL [100]. The mecha-
nal symptoms can occur with TG >15 mmol/L and pancreati- nism for these findings is not fully understood, but is likely
tis with TG >20–30 mmol/L or higher. The diet is similar to to be due to a unique genotype rather than the more common
that described for the hypolipoproteinaemias (p. 661). genetic defects seen in classical LPL [100].
Medical The aim of treatment for both heterozygotes and homozygotes is to lower plasma LDL levels and reduce the risk of CVD [106].
treatment The aim for adults is to reduce LDL cholesterol by 50%; no specific target is given for children.
Statins (HMG‐CoA reductase inhibitors):
• The first choice of drug therapy [114] and offered lifelong
• NICE recommends statins offered to children with FH by the age of 10 years or at the earliest opportunity thereafter; not all are
licensed for this age group
• Systematic reviews [115–117] summarise that statins are well tolerated and effective (reduce LDL cholesterol levels by
20%–40%) and are not associated with increased risk of adverse effects in children (aged 8–18 years) in the short term
• The need for longer‐term studies is recognised
Other lipid lowering drug therapies:
• bile acid sequestrants: bind bile acids in the intestine, causing upregulation of bile acid synthesis and, therefore, utilisation of
• fibrates: reduce triglyceride levels and increase HDL
• ezetimibe: a cholesterol absorption inhibitor that impairs dietary and biliary cholesterol absorption from the small intestine [118]
These may all be used in cases of intolerance to statins or in combination with statins for management of homozygotes or
exceptional circumstances, such as a family history of heart disease at a very young age. Until the use of statins, bile acid
sequestrants were the preferred treatment in children; however, due to poor tolerance long‐term adherence was low [105].
Dietetic NICE Clinical Guideline 71 recommends a lipid‐modified diet. Due to insufficient data on the effectiveness of lipid lowering diets
management in FH, this recommendation is based on three high quality reviews of dietary interventions in the general population [119–121].
NICE Clinical Guideline 71 [106]:
• total fat intake 30% or less of total energy intake
• saturated fats 10% or less of total energy intake
• intake of dietary cholesterol <300 mg/day
• saturated fats replaced by increasing the intake of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
Additional recommendations:
• include at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
• eat two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish; do not routinely recommend omega‐3 fatty acid
• if food products containing plant stanols and sterols are consumed, these products need to be taken consistently to be effective
If bile acid sequestrants are used long term, then supplementation with fat‐soluble vitamins (A, D and K) and folic acid should be
Monitoring – Fasting total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides
biochemical and Liver enzymes (transaminases), bilirubin and CK if on statins
clinical Weight and body mass index
Carotid artery assessment, carotid intermedia thickness and carotid plaque score may be measured to monitor progression of
disease in homozygous FH; it is not routinely monitored in clinical practice in heterozygous FH
Monitoring – If a modified lipid‐lowering diet is followed, fat‐soluble vitamin supplements should not be required; however, it is assiduous to
nutritional check fat‐soluble vitamin levels annually. If lean red meat is restricted, then iron stores need to be monitored. Calcium intakes
should be assessed, and supplements given if there is poor intake of low fat dairy products.
Clinical NICE Clinical Guideline 71 [106]
Parent support [122]
It is important that families are given information about Total fat intake <30% of energy intake
exercise, smoking, alcohol and weight management along-
Assessing each child’s diet individually is essential. Some
side lipid‐modifying drug therapy and dietary intervention.
families may already follow a ‘healthy’ diet and achieve the
Where relevant, support should be given to individuals
recommended guidelines for total fat intake because a p arent
about weight reduction to achieve a healthy weight, as obe-
has FH. Others will require education and help to interpret
sity is a further risk factor for CHD. Further details of the
food labels. As a guide and in line with NHS Live Well, a
lifestyle interventions can be found in the NICE CG71 [106]
high fat food contains >17.5 g fat/100 g, and a low fat food
with some practical resources including increasing activity
contains <3.0 g fat/100 g or 1.5 g fat/100 mL for liquids [123].
levels and healthy eating recipe ideas on the NHS Live Well
In order to achieve this, simple adjustments in the diet can be
website‐well/ [123] and Heart UK www.
made, such as using low fat dairy products. Full fat milk [122].
668 Disorders of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation and Lipid Metabolism
(3.5% fat) can be replaced with skimmed milk (0.1% fat), 1% total and LDL cholesterol [99]. As a guide, foods low in SFA
fat milk or semi‐skimmed milk (1.7% fat). Decreasing the contain ≤1.5 g/100 g or 0.75 g/100 mL for liquids [123]. Foods
intake of hidden sources of fat in manufactured foods, such high in SFA contain ≥5.0 g/100 g and include foods such as:
as from cakes and biscuits, will help in achieving the target
• fatty cuts of meat, meat products such as sausages and
fat intake. Some centres advise reducing intake of red meat
and replacing with alternative protein sources such as beans,
• butter, ghee and lard
pulses, poultry (light meat, no skin) and white fish (not
• cheese, especially hard cheese
fried). Suggestions for making suitable food choices when
• cream, soured cream and ice cream
eating out should also be given as required. Table 30.13 gives
• savoury snacks, e.g. crisps and salted nuts
a suggested meal plan for a 10‐year‐old boy with newly
• chocolate confectionery, biscuits, cakes and pastries
diagnosed FH.
• palm oil, coconut oil and coconut cream
Saturated fatty acids (SFA) intake <10% of energy intake Dietary cholesterol <300 mg/day
Meta‐analyses have shown that manipulating the type of fat A reduction in dietary cholesterol has only a small effect on
in the diet of the general population can modify serum lipid plasma cholesterol levels. This is thought to be due to the
profiles [99, 121]. Changes in plasma total cholesterol con- body’s feedback mechanism that alters endogenous produc-
centrations are largely achieved through changes in LDL tion depending on exogenous intake [121]. Dietary choles-
level [124]. An increased intake of SFA raises plasma levels of terol is found in eggs, high fat dairy products, shellfish and
offal. Foods containing dietary cholesterol need not be
restricted unless they also have a high SFA content. There is
no recommended limit on egg consumption. They can be
Table 30.13 A suggested meal plan for a 10‐year‐old boy newly
diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolaemia. included in a healthy balanced diet, but the method of cook-
ing needs to be considered, boiling or poaching instead of
Weight = 31 kg (50th centile). Height = 143 cm (75th centile) frying or scrambling with butter. Reducing the SFA intake
Breakfast Large bowl of low fat breakfast cereal with skimmed often has the secondary effect of decreasing dietary choles-
milk and chopped fruit terol intake.
2 slices wholemeal toast/bagel + olive oil‐based
margarine or margarine enriched with plant stanol/
sterols + honey Increasing monounsaturated fats and
Glass of water polyunsaturated fats
Mid‐morning Banana Polyunsaturated fats (PUFA) and monounsaturated fats
snack Glass of water
(MUFA) have been shown to have a hypocholesterolaemic
Lunch Tuna in spring water (drained) with ‘extra light’ effect when substituted for SFA in the diet in the general
mayonnaise and cucumber slices in a tortilla wrap* population [97, 99]. Replacement of SFA with PUFA reduces
OR a mini baguette filled with low fat hummus and
both HDL and LDL cholesterol, whereas MUFA reduces
tomato slices
Low fat crisps* OR low fat cereal bar* LDL, but has less of an impact on HDL. Omega‐6 PUFA are
Carrot or celery sticks found in sunflower oil, corn oil and soya oil. These oils can
Apple replace saturated fats and oils in the diet for use as a spread
Low fat yoghurt and in cooking. LCPUFA from fish oils (omega‐3 fatty acids),
Glass of water compared with other PUFA, cause HDL cholesterol to rise
Mid‐afternoon 1 slice wholemeal bread toast + olive oil‐based margarine and TG to decrease [77]. Oily fish such as pilchards, mack-
snack or margarine enriched with plant stanol/sterols erel or salmon should be included in the diet at least once a
Handful of grapes week. MUFA are found in avocados, olive oil, rapeseed oil (a
Diluted squash
cheaper alternative to olive oil) and fat spreads made from
Evening meal Chicken curry (using light meat) with onions, green these oils.
beans in a tomato‐based sauce cooked in rape seed
oil with boiled rice (white or brown) OR grilled
salmon and new potatoes with steamed carrots, peas
and sweetcorn
Plant stanols and sterols (phytosterols)
Meringues and low fat yoghurt with chopped Sterols and stanols are components of cell membranes and
strawberries OR fruit and low fat custard made with
produced in both animals and plants. All sterols and stanols,
skimmed milk
Glass of water
whether animal or plant, contain a sterol ring (in stanols
this ring is saturated, in sterols it is unsaturated) [125].
Bedtime Cereal* and skimmed milk OR hot chocolate using
Phytosterols, therefore, resemble cholesterol (an animal
low fat drinking chocolate and skimmed milk OR a
glass of skimmed milk sterol), and their ingestion competes with cholesterol absorp-
tion in the intestine [126]. Several small and short‐term stud-
*Check nutrition label for fat content. ies have shown that incorporation of phytosterol‐containing
Infant Onset Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency (LAL‐D) 669
foods in the diet of children with FH reduces LDL choles- but soluble fibre, e.g. oats or linseed, may also have a lipid‐
terol by 10%–15% [108, 127]. This was achieved by taking modifying effect. Good quality evidence in FH is limited;
2.3 g/day plant sterol and 2.8 g/day plant stanol as enriched one small study in adults with FH showed a significant
spreads. They need to be taken consistently to be effective. reduction in LDL [126], which is consistent with studies in
The opinion of NICE [106] is that the evidence is insufficient hypercholesterolaemia [128]. Beta‐glucan, found in oats,
to draw definitive conclusions regarding effectiveness of may lower cholesterol by the formation of a gel in the diges-
phytosterols, and as longer‐term use is very limited, further tive tract that binds to cholesterol and bile salts, so prevent-
research is recommended. No evidence of associated vita- ing cholesterol absorption [129]. Some starchy foods can be
min deficiencies has been identified with the use of plant bulky and increase satiety levels and may have the unde-
sterols or stanols in children. sired effect of reducing energy intake in some children.
A variety of phytosterol‐enriched products can be found
in supermarkets, the Flora ProActiv and Benecol ranges
Other supplements
being widely available. Esters of sterols and stanols tend to
be used for food fortification as they are more easily incorpo- Psyllium‐enriched cereal, garlic, omega‐3 fatty acids and soy
rated into food. Products vary in the amount they contain, protein are just some of the other foods or supplements that
e.g. 10 g of fortified spread contains 0.5–0.7 g of sterol/stanol have been assessed for benefits in FH. The studies that have
per 10 g and a serving (68–100 g) of yoghurt drink contains been undertaken to date are small and inconclusive, and no
2 g sterol/stanol. Yoghurts, bars and chewy sweets are also recommendations for practice can be made currently.
available. These products are a significant expense for fami-
lies as they need to be consumed regularly.
Learning points: hypercholesterolaemia
Fiona J. White
Long‐term complications Infant LAL‐D has only had a licenced treatment, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), since 2015, so long‐term
and outcome outcome data is not yet available:
• historically infants with LAL‐D died before a year of age, median 3.7 months [134]
• with ERT and dietary therapy, survival and growth are improving [131, 135, 136]; the oldest patient surviving of
those in the initial clinical trial is 7 years old, functioning normally and attending mainstream school (as of May
2019, author’s centre)
• although there is improvement in gastrointestinal function, severe dietary fat‐restriction remains necessary
• oral feeding aversion and reliance on long‐term enteral tube feeding is common
Acute management At diagnosis most infants will be extremely sick due to the underlying disease process and malnutrition. Acute
management will depend upon the individual’s clinical state, but as a minimum will include:
• stopping all dietary lipid intake
• correcting any dehydration
• correcting any haematological and clotting abnormalities
• starting ERT as soon as possible
Drug treatment ERT: weekly IV infusion of KANUMA® (sebelipase alfa)
Supportive treatment for any associated medical issues
Fat‐soluble vitamin supplementation
Dietetic management Dietary management is essential alongside ERT. It is based on management of the consequences of abnormal lipid
Rationale storage due the underlying enzyme defect including:
This is the practice of the • lipid storage in macrophages within the lamina propria of the small intestine results in blunting and expansion of
author’s centre, which other villi; digestive enzymes and absorptive capacity are reduced causing decreased digestion and absorption of
centres treating infant onset nutrients and persistent frequent diarrhoea [137]: minimal fat, amino acid, monosaccharide feed
LAL‐D have also used • evidence of protein losing enteropathy (increased faecal alpha‐1‐ antitrypsin) and gut inflammation (increased
faecal calprotectin): high protein intake
• persistent vomiting, probably due to gut dysmotility, and abdominal distension due to hepatosplenomegaly and
‘intestinal gas’ compromise the feed volume tolerated: small, frequent or continuous tube feeds are better tolerated
Further details on the practical dietary management are discussed on p. 670:
Nutritional monitoring • growth: weight, length, occipital frontal circumference (OFC) and mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC) (probably
the best growth parameter to measure as it is not affected by organomegaly)
• gastrointestinal symptoms
• nutritional bloods including:
⚬⚬ fat‐soluble vitamin status – monthly until levels have normalised and then 3 monthly
⚬⚬ red cell EFA status – 3 monthly initially
Emergency regimen Onset of increased vomiting and/or diarrhoea to the child’s norm can rapidly lead to dehydration and should be
treated quickly:
• stop usual feeds and start oral rehydration solution (ORS) at 120% of child’s usual maintenance fluids
• take to the emergency room for assessment of dehydration (weight loss), hypernatraemia (urea and electrolytes
[U&Es]), acidosis (blood gas):
⚬⚬ if blood results are normal, continue with ORS, daily weights and U&Es; reintroduce feeds after 24 hours
⚬⚬ if blood results are abnormal, stop enteral feeds. Treat with IV fluids including correcting deficit and any
hypernatraemia. Reassess every 12–24 hours. Once diarrhoea reverts to ‘normal for individual’, reintroduce usual
feeds; this can be over 24 hours, titrating with IV fluids. If diarrhoea persists, but weight regained, U&Es and
blood gas normal, introduce enteral ORS and reassess in 24 hours
• if not re‐established on usual feeds within 3 days, consider modified PN as nutritional status can decrease quickly
Clinical management Not yet published
References Jones SA, Rojas‐Caro S, Quinn AG et al. Survival in infants treated with sebelipase Alfa for lysosomal acid lipase
deficiency: an open‐label, multicenter, dose‐escalation study. Orphanet J Rare Dis, 2017, 12(1) 25 [135]
Jones SA, Valayannopoulos V, Schneider E et al. Rapid progression and mortality of lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
presenting in infants. Genetics Med, 2015, 18 452 [134]
Parent support group
the liver where it used for energy. Intakes of up to with onset of increased gastrointestinal symptoms, wors-
2 g/kg/day have been used, at least initially, to pro- ening liver function and declining growth.
vide an additional energy source For patients who remain fully reliant on enteral feeds,
• carbohydrate: usually as glucose polymer, up to 20% LCT intake can be restricted to that providing for EFA
concentration. If increased gradually, from an initial 10%, and LCPUFA requirements. In those who eat LCT, intakes
higher concentrations are tolerated. High CHO concen- should be as minimal as possible, e.g. 0.5 g/kg/day to a
trations are required for catch‐up and maintenance of maximum of 5 g/day
growth as fat energy intake is very restricted • MCT: it is unclear whether some MCT is tolerated or not
• sodium: 6–8 mmol/kg/day. Infants usually have low long term. Small amounts, a maximum of 2 g/kg/day,
plasma sodium levels and are likely to have increased have been used in infancy and appear to be tolerated. In
losses due to diarrhoea. Glucose requires sodium for some cases where growth has remained poor, even with
absorption, so it would, therefore, seem that a high glucose increased total energy intake, removing MCT has
intake will require additional sodium [138]. Urinary improved growth even if the energy deficit is not made
sodium measurements can provide a guide to sufficiency up with additional carbohydrate or protein energy [131]
of sodium status. Where there are continued fluid and
electrolyte losses, i.e. continued diarrhoea, maintaining a
Initial dietary management
urinary sodium–potassium ratio of at least 2:1 is important
[139]. The aim is to maintain urinary sodium >20 mmol/L
Change of feed to an amino acid, monosaccharide (glucose
• micronutrients: ensure meeting reference nutrient
polymer) and minimal LCT feed with moderate MCT
intakes (RNI) [36]. Additional supplements of fat‐soluble
vitamins are often required
• fluids: tolerance of feed volume may be compromised • In the UK this requires individualised modular feeds as no
with an enlarged abdomen due to hepatosplenomegaly, suitable amino acid (or peptide)‐based commercial feeds
and large volume feeds may affect respiratory function. are suitable, all having too high LCT and total fat content.
Small frequent feeds or continuous tube feeds are often Commercial feeds that are available in some countries are
better tolerated Vivonex T.E.N. and Tolerex (Nestle). Practical details for
modular feed are given in Tables 30.14 and 30.15
• Many infants will have intestinal failure and, even when
Lipid intakes long term changed to an appropriate amino acid‐based feed, will
continue to have diarrhoea and vomiting and become
It is not known how much fat can be tolerated. Despite ERT dehydrated. There should be a prompt decision to stop
and minimal fat intakes, there appears to be ongoing lipid enteral feeds and start modified PN
storage in the gut:
Modified PN aiming to provide:
• LCT: tolerance to dietary LCT appears extremely limited.
In the author’s and others’ experience, increases in LCT • protein: 4 g protein (0.64 g nitrogen)/kg/day
either intentionally, in very small increments, or inad- • glucose: start with approximately 12 g/kg/day and
vertently have resulted in worsening clinical condition increase by 2 g/kg/day up to approximately 25 g/kg/day;
Table 30.14 Amino acid, monosaccharide (glucose polymer) and minimal LCT feed with moderate MCT content (per 100 mL, based on full feeds
of 100 mL/kg/day).
Table 30.15 Commercially available amino acid, monosaccharide and minimal LCT formulas (available in some countries outside UK).
Vivonex T.E.N.
(Nestle Health Sciences) 100 (420) 3.83 20.6 0.3 0 3.2 2.3
(Nestle Health Sciences) 100 (420) 2.05 22.6 0.2 0 2.2 3.0
this will depend on energy needs to gain weight and (Abbott), Fortijuce (Nutricia) and Fresubin Jucy Drink
grow. Blood glucose levels should be monitored (Fresenius) (Table 12.5)
• lipid: avoid any lipid until ERT has been started:
Probiotics have helped abdominal distension, due to large
⚬⚬ restrict fat to 1 g/kg/day using a lipid source con-
amounts of ‘gas’ seen in many infants and older children.
taining MCT, e.g. SMOF (30% MCT); there are other
MCT lipid emulsions available Weaning onto a very low fat diet can start around 6 months of
⚬⚬ account for the lipid content of the fat‐soluble vitamin age or once re‐established on enteral feeds:
source in the total lipid intake
• sodium: increased requirements, usually at least 6 mmol/ • suitable very low fat weaning foods (Table 30.3, exclud-
kg/day ing the advice regarding overnight feeding)
• continuing a minimal fat diet as weaning progresses;
Once diarrhoea subsides (vomiting usually stops too), for discussion of long‐term lipid intake, see p. 671.
trophic feeds (1 mL/kg/hour) of ORS should be started to Tables 14.13 and 14.14 provide information on free foods
maintain gut integrity either by continuous enteral feed or for a minimal LCT diet and LCT content of foods.
orally if the infant will take it, divided into 6–8 feeds over the Table 30.5 gives information on a minimal LCT diet, and
day (total 24 mL/kg/day). This fluid should be additional to a sample minimal fat meal plan containing ≤10 g LCT is
that provided by the PN. given in Table 30.12. Portion sizes may need controlling
Re‐establishing oral/enteral feeds once growth rate is to maintain the daily LCT allowance. Parents can be
satisfactory: taught how to calculate portion size from nutritional
• Enteral feeds are started, using an amino acid‐ and information given on food labels (p. 649)
monosaccharide‐based, minimal LCT and MCT feed as • depending upon growth and intake of solids, it may be
described above and in Table 30.14 possible to reduce feed volume; generous protein intakes
• The feed should be increased gradually as tolerated, e.g. >RNI [36] should probably be continued
by 1–2 mL/hour every 24–48 hours as tolerated • the addition of fibre to feeds should be considered if
• Decrease PN as enteral feeds are increased the child does not eat any significant amount; in older
children who no longer have watery diarrhoea, but
It is important to be aware that vomiting and increased have unformed stools, the addition of fibre has helped
stool output will occur with the reintroduction of oral/ • oral feeding aversion is common, particularly if there has
enteral feeds. Feeds should not be decreased unless either been a very protracted period of frequent vomiting
dehydration is occurring (indicated by significant weight loss
or biochemical evidence) or MUAC is static or decreasing. Learning points: infant onset lysosomal acid lipase
Ongoing dietary management
• Treatment is a combination of enzyme replacement and
Introduction of whole protein, disaccharide‐containing minimal fat feeds dietary therapy
can be considered once gastrointestinal symptoms are very much • Nutritional therapy is complex
reduced, and growth is satisfactory. This may be after many • Any changes in dietary therapy must be made quickly if
months or even years. Feed changes should be made slowly, things are going wrong and slowly and gradually when
titrating with the current feed, e.g. starting with 10% of the new things are going well
feed and 90% of the current feed with 10% increases weekly as • Treated infant onset LAL‐D is a new phenotype; knowledge
tolerated. Some may not tolerate the change and get onset of and evidence for best management is being gained; consen-
increased diarrhoea; the introduction should be stopped and a sus guidelines on management are in progress
return to the previously tolerated feed. Suitable formulas would be:
• Low Fat Module (Nutricia), basic‐f (Milupa), minimal fat
feeds (Table 30.2) References, further reading, guidelines, support groups
• a modular feed based on skimmed milk powder and other useful links are on the companion website:
• fat‐free ‘juice‐style’ enteral supplements (>1 year age),
e.g. PaediaSure Plus Juce (Abbott), Ensure Plus Juce
Marjorie Dixon
Emergency Regimens for Inherited
Metabolic Disorders
Emergency regimen
Disorder group Disorder Usual medicines and doses Disorder specific therapy
(continued overleaf)
676 Emergency Regimens for Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Emergency regimen
Disorder group Disorder Usual medicines and doses Disorder specific therapy
NAGS, N‐acetylglutamate synthase; CPS, carbamoyl phosphate synthetase; OTC, ornithine transcarbamylase; ASA, argininosuccinic aciduria; HHH, hyperornithinaemia, hyperammonaemia,
homocitrullinuria; CHO, carbohydrate; IV, intravenous; LCHAD, long chain 3‐hydroxyacyl‐CoA dehydrogenase; VLCAD, very long chain acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase; MTP, mitochondrial
trifunctional protein; MCT, medium chain triglycerides; CPT, carnitine palmitoyltransferase; CACT, carnitine‐acylcarnitine translocase; HMG, 3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl‐CoA synthase or lyase;
SCOT, succinyl‐CoA:3‐oxoacid‐CoA transferase.
*Emergency regimen is the standard emergency regimen shown in Table 31.2.
**Emergency regimen is based on standard emergency regimen plus precursor-free amino acids (see related chapter for specific disorder).
Practical Provision of ER 677
Administration of ER Divide total volume over 24 hours: give 1–3 hourly orally or via feeding tube (bolus or continuously)
* Data provided by Scientific Hospital Supplies International Limited, Clinical Paediatric Dietetics, 3rd edn.
Table 31.3 Example emergency regimen for a 4‐year‐old girl with idiopathic ketotic hypoglycaemia.
A 4‐year old with ketotic hypoglycaemia who is unwell with a sore throat and not eating well
Weight = 16 kg
Preparation: 1 sachet of S·O·S 20 (or 4 × 5 g scoops of glucose polymer*), add water to 200 mL, flavour with squash as desired
Day 2: On recovery, reintroduce usual diet, continue some ER drinks, particularly at night, with guidance on volume and frequency, until eating
normally again
*Glucose polymer powders contain approximately 95% CHO; if using 20 g powder the CHO concentration is 19%.
(61.9%) and are not suitable for ER. Parents should be Commercial drinks
taught to measure glucose polymer powder accurately
using handy scoop measurements or weighing scales and Some children dislike the taste of glucose polymer (even
then to add water to a final volume (usually 200 mL). when flavoured) and prefer commercial drinks, but the CHO
Recipes for individual feeds/drinks or larger volumes concentrations of these are lower than the standard ER.
should be provided. Pre‐measured, colour‐coded sachets of Commercial drinks can be used but with caution. Glucose
glucose polymer are available: S·O·S 10, 15, 20, 25; the num polymer powder must be added to the required CHO concen
bers indicate the percentage of CHO concentration once tration, e.g. to make a 20% CHO ER drink with fruit juice, 10 g
prepared. One sachet is made up with water to 200 mL. glucose polymer (using a scoop to measure) is added to
Sachets are more accurate than using scoops or weighing 100 mL fruit juice (10 g CHO/100 mL). Written instructions on
[8]. They are more convenient, portable and easily stored preparation of the chosen commercial drink need to be given.
for use in an emergency situation at, e.g. nursery or school. As CHO concentrations of drinks can change and alternative
It is worthwhile trialling the glucose polymer solution flavours and formats of the same product have different CHO
when the child is well in a non‐emergency situation to concentrations, parents must be taught to read the nutrition
ascertain if they will take it and to familiarise the parent information label for the CHO concentration per 100 mL and
with the reconstitution process. Glucose polymer solution to always check before using. Low calorie, sugar‐free drinks
can be flavoured with squash to help palatability. Table 31.3 and no added sugar drinks contain very little or no CHO and
gives an example of an ER for a 4‐year‐old girl with ketotic should be avoided. Parents need to be informed of this and to
hypoglycaemia. seek advice from their metabolic team if prescribed locally.
678 Emergency Regimens for Inherited Metabolic Disorders
metabolic team (doctor, dietitian, clinical nurse specialist) for understanding of ER, instructions and recipes need to be
advice at an early stage and also to consult their primary care regularly reviewed with parents in outpatient clinics and
team for assessment and treatment of common childhood updated in accordance with the child’s current dietary treat
illnesses. One or more of the metabolic team will make contact ment, age and clinical condition. If a child is reported to be
with the parents throughout an episode of illness: frequently on their ER, this warrants further investigation. A
MedicAlert bracelet may be useful for some children.
1. If the parents are unsure whether their child is showing
the first signs of impending illness (pallor, dark eyes,
Holiday and travelling overseas
lethargy, irritability, loss of appetite, fever, headache,
aches and pain, cough, sore throat or ears), then a single
Families can travel abroad, but it is best they go to countries
ER drink is given as a precaution. Clinical observations
that have expertise in the management of metabolic disease,
are reported to be generally better than biochemical
should their child become unwell. This needs to be discussed
measurements for detecting decompensation; subtle
with the metabolic team at an early stage of planning a trip.
changes in behaviour are usually the earliest signs of this
Parents must take all ER products and up‐to‐date medical
and are most easily detected by parents [9]. The child’s
and dietetic management information and have details for a
clinical state is then reviewed regularly within 1–2 hours.
hospital and consultant to go to in the event of an emergency.
2. If on reassessment their child has improved, the normal
Sensible precautions need to be taken on holidays abroad,
diet is resumed; if, however, their child has deteriorated
particularly in hot countries, to reduce the risk of dehydra
or shown no signs of improvement, the full ER is com
tion and infections. ORS is essential because of an increased
menced for a period of 24 to a maximum of 48 hours,
risk of gastroenteritis.
always alert for signs of improvement or deteriorations.
Once their child is recovering, parents are instructed
how to reintroduce the usual diet.
3. If the child is not tolerating the ER (i.e. refusing ER Learning points: emergency regimens
drinks, vomiting, persistently high temperature, not
responding or becoming encephalopathic), they should • ER should be used during episodes of illness to prevent
be taken to their local hospital for assessment. Parents metabolic decompensation and or hypoglycaemia
should take all ER information and products with them. • The standard ER is suitable for most disorders, but some
require additional specific ER instructions
Parents are taught to recognise signs of encephalopathy • Emergency guidelines (IV and enteral) can be accessed
such as disorientation and poor responsiveness, accompa from
nied by a glazed look. Measurement of blood glucose is • Good daily communication is needed between parents,
helpful if there is a risk of hypoglycaemia, e.g. glycogen metabolic team and local paediatric hospital team to
storage disorders, but is not appropriate in disorders of optimise management
fatty acid oxidation where hypoglycaemia is a late finding
and the child may already be very unwell before this devel
ops. Blood glucose tests can be inaccurate at low levels.
Therefore, if there are clinical signs suggesting hypoglycae
mia, this should always be treated immediately. Blood Idiopathic ketotic hypoglycaemia
ketones may be present during illness and used as a marker
of catabolism (and, therefore, a possible surrogate marker IKH is the most common cause of hypoglycaemia beyond
of metabolic stability) in some disorders such as MSUD infancy. Children typically present between 18 months and
and OAA. Some parents are taught to monitor ketones at 7 years of age with an episode of hypoglycaemia accompa
home. Ketone monitoring in MSUD is described on p. 540. nied by high levels of ketones in plasma and urine, precipi
Monitoring of temperature is important and should be tated by a period of prolonged fasting often associated with
treated in the normal way. intercurrent illness. Seizures may occur, but neurological
It is essential that there is close liaison and good commu sequelae are rare [10]. IKH improves with age and rarely
nication between the metabolic centre, the local hospital manifests beyond about 8 years of age [11]. The prognosis is
team and parents to help with management. It is also useful generally good, and some children never experience a sec
to organise open access to the local hospital’s paediatric ond episode. IKH is considered to be due to a failure to
ward. Parents should be given written instructions on sustain sufficient hepatic glucose production [10, 12]. This
implementation of the ER including recipes, suggested fluid may, however, just represent the ‘lowest percentile of nor
volumes for increases with age or weight, feeding frequency, mative distribution of fasting tolerance in children’, and, as
contact telephone numbers, an initial and provision for such, IKH should not be classified as a pathological condi
ongoing supply of glucose polymer and a copy of the tion; diagnosis is only made after exclusion of any specific
British Inherited Metabolic Diseases Group (BIMDG) endocrine or metabolic disorder that can cause a ketotic
emergency protocol as a ‘parent‐held guideline’. Use and hypoglycaemia [12].
680 Emergency Regimens for Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Abdominal wall defects, 157–159 preterm infants, 99 sensory processing difficulties, 407–408
Abetalipoproteinaemia, see South Asian infants, 496 therapeutic diets, supplements, 413–418
Hypolipoproteinaemias Anaphylaxis, food allergy, 317, 318, 325, Autoimmune enteropathies, IPEX
Absorptive function of the gut, 159–160 331–333, 337 syndrome, 127
Acute kidney injury, 238–245 Angioedema, food allergy, 317, 332 Autoimmune hepatitis, 168, 169, 180, 183
biochemical assessment, 240 Anorexia nervosa, 393–404 Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder
enteral feeding, 240 Anthropometry, 2–5 (ARFID), 33, 393, 410
haemolytic uraemic syndrome, 238, 243 Antiepileptic drugs, 344, 358
insensible fluid requirements, 243 Arachidonic acid, see Long chain Bartter syndrome, 279–280
nutritional guidelines, 240–245 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) Basal metabolic rate (BMR), 86–87
parenteral nutrition, 240 Arginase deficiency, 587, 593–594 Betaine, in homocystinuria, 544
renal replacement therapy, 239 Arginine, in urea cycle disorders, 589, Beta‐ketothiolase, T2 deficiency, 654
Acute liver failure, see Liver failure, acute 592–593 Bile salts
Adrenoleukodystrophy, X‐linked, 508, Argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) cystic fibrosis, 225
510, 512 deficiency, 587 liver disease, 172, 180, 183
Advisory Committee on Borderline Argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) preterm infants, 98
Substances (ACBS), 16 deficiency (citrullinaemia), 587 short bowel syndrome, 160, 163
Afro‐Caribbean diet, 498–499 Arginosuccinic aciduria (ASA), 587 Bilirubinaemia, conjugated
Air displacement plethysmography, 3 Asian diet, 488–498 hyperbilirubinaemia (CHB), 172
Alagille’s syndrome, 179 Asthma, food allergy, 315, 334, 337 Binge eating disorder, 394
Alkaptonuria, 594 Atopic dermatitis, 315, 318–320, 326, Bioelectrical impedance analysis, 3
α‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency, 179 332, 338 Bite reflex, 435
Amino acid‐based formulas, 141, 144, 324 Atresia Blood glucose (sugar) levels
cancer, 377, 379 biliary, 172, 179, 182, 184 congenital hyperinsulism, 208, 211,
food allergy, 321–324, 331–332 duodenal, 155 213–214
enteral feeding, 53, 55 intestinal, 159 diabetes mellitus, 203–204
gastroenterology, 130, 132, 140–141, 144 oesophageal, 149–155 glycogen storage diseases, 610, 614, 617,
immunodeficiency syndromes, 387–391 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 623, 626, 629
short bowel syndrome, 161–162 (ADHD) liver disease, 170, 174
surgical babies, 158 autism, 407, 409 Body mass index (BMI), 4
Amino acids, classification, 503 food allergy, 318, 337 Body composition, measurements, 2–4
Anaemia Autism, 405–418 Bone marrow transplant (BMT), see Stem
Afro‐Caribbean children, 499 co‐morbidities, 407, 410 cell transplant
chronic kidney disease, 255 diagnosis, 405 Branched chain amino acids
epidermolysis bullosa, 447–448 dietary issues, 410–413 liver disease, 169, 173–175
faltering weight, 468 management, medical, social, 409–410 maple syrup urine disease, 532,
iron deficiency anaemia, 29, 38–39 nutritional assessment, management, 535–541
nephrotic syndrome, 268 410–414 urea cycle disorders, 589–592
glycogen storage diseases, 629–631 Developmental delay, see Neurodisabilities Elemental formulas, see Hydrolysed protein
idiopathic ketotic hypoglycaemia, 680 Diabetes insipidus, see Nephrogenic formulas; Amino acid‐based
Copper, in Wilson’s disease, 181, 183 diabetes insipidus formulas
Cornstarch, cornflour, uncooked cornstarch Diabetes mellitus, type 1, 189–205 Elimination diets, food allergy, 319–321
(UCCS) adolescents, 198 Emergency regimens (ER), 673–680
congenital hyperinsulinism, 215 babies and toddlers, 196 acute liver failure, 169
dumping syndrome, 155 carbohydrate counting, 193–194 congenital hyperinsulism, 209, 215
fatty acid oxidation disorders, 646 children, 196–197 implementation guidelines, 678–679
fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase deficiency, 637 coeliac disease, 205 instructions for parents, 679
glycogen storage diseases, 609, cystic fibrosis‐related, 205 metabolic disorders requiring ER,
613–615, 637 education and review, 195–198 674–676
idiopathic ketotic hypoglycaemia, 680 glucose monitoring, 191 standard emergency regimens, 677
liver diseases, 174 glycaemic index, 198–199 Empirical diet, food allergy, 319–320
Cow’s milk protein allergy hypoglycaemia, 203–205 Energy
alternative ‘milks’, 143–144 illness, 205 protein‐energy ratio for growth, 14
amino acid‐based formulas, 140–141, insulin to carbohydrate ratio (ICR), 193–194 requirements, 8–10
331–332 insulin therapy, pumps, 199–200 supplements, modules, 13–15
breastfed infant, 139 nutritional management, 192–195 Enteral nutrition, 52–63
hydrolysed protein formulas, 140–141 physical activity and exercise, 200–203 administration, methods, routes, 55–59
mammalian milks, 139, 333 secondary to medication, 206 amino acid‐based feeds, 53, 54
milk‐free diet, 142 Diabetes mellitus, type 2, 205–206 blended diets, 62
milk, egg, wheat and soya‐free diet, Dialysis, 239, 256–257 dumping syndrome, 40
142–143 Diarrhoea, see Malabsorption equipment, 59–60
soy protein formulas, 139–140, 333 Dietary intake, assessment, 7, 467 expressed breast milk, 52–53, 58
Critical care, nutrition in, 80–95 Dietary reference values (DRV), 8 feed intolerance, 61
energy metabolism, 82 Diet kitchen/bay, 49 feed thickeners, 54–55
enteral nutrition, 88–90 Disaccharidase deficiencies, 115–117 follow‐on milks, 53
immunonutrition, 91–95 Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome hanging time, 60
monitoring, 91 (DIOS), 235 home enteral feeding, 60–61
nutritional assessment, 85–86 Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), see Long chain hydrolysed protein feeds, 53, 54, 56, 57
nutritional requirements, 86–88 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) indications, 53
refeeding syndrome, 91–92 Down’s syndrome, see Neurodisabilities infant formulas, 52–53
substrate utilisation, 82–83 Dual‐energy x‐ray absorptiometry modular feeds, 53, 54
Crohn’s disease, 128–132 (DEXA), 3 monitoring, 61–62
exclusive enteral nutrition, 129–131 Dumping syndrome, 155 nutrient‐dense infant formulas, 53
introduction of foods, special diets, Duodenal atresia, 156 oromotor skills, 62
131–132 D, vitamin paediatric enteral feeds, 53–54
nutritional requirements, 129 ethnic and cultural diets, 490, 495, 497 refeeding syndrome, 63
refeeding syndrome, 131 deficiency, 39–40 Enteropathy
Cultural diets, see Ethnic groups and serum 25‐hydroxyvitamin D autoimmune, 127
cultural diets concentrations, 380 coeliac disease, 121–125
Cystic fibrosis, 216–237 Dysphagia congenital, 120–121
assessment, 218–219 diet food texture descriptors, 435–436 gastrointestinal food allergy, 138–148
bone mineral density, 226, 228, 234–235 neurodisabilities, 434–436 protracted diarrhoea, 120–121
CF‐associated liver disease, 232–234 oesophaeal atresia, 153 Eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases
CF‐related diabetes, 228–234 (EGID), 125–126
CFTR modulator therapies, 236–237 Eating disorders, 393–404 eosinophilic gastroenteritis, 126
clinical features, 217 anorexia nervosa, 393–394 eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE), 125–126
enteral feeding, 223–225 assessment, 395 Epidermolysis bullosa (EB), 438–451
gastrointestinal issues, 235–236 binge‐eating disorder, 394 anaemia, 447–448
nutritional advice, moderate deficit, body mass index, 394, 395, 398 bone health and mobility, 447, 451
222–223 bone health, 396–397 complications influencing nutritional
nutritional advice, preventative, 221–222 bulimia nervosa, 394 status, 441–442
nutritional advice, significant deficit, dietetic management, 396–400 dental caries, 450
223–225 family based treatment, 396, 404 dilated cardiomyopathy, 448
nutritional management, aims, 217–218 exercise, 399–400 enteral feeding, 442–443
pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, expected weight gain, 698 fibre, 448
219–221 refeeding syndrome, 396, 400–404 gastrointestinal issues, 449–450
sodium, salt, 226–227 Eczema, see Atopic dermatitis infant feeding, 439–442
vitamins and minerals, 225–228 Eicosapentaenoic acid, see Long chain nutritional assessment, 444–445
Cystine, supplementation in polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCP) nutritional requirements, 445–449
homocystinuria, 547 Electrolyte mixtures, see Oral Rehydration nutrition support, 439–443
Cystinosis, 274–275 Solutions puberty, 450
684 Index
Epilepsy, see also Ketogenic diets Familial hypercholesterolaemia, 666–669 amino acid‐based formulas, 324, 331
food allergy, 318, 336 dietary management, 667–669 anaphylaxis, 317, 318, 325, 331–333, 337
Erythema, 317 drug therapy, 667 breastfeeding, 330–331
Essential amino acids (EAA) fat intake, 667–668 controversial elimination diets, 336–337
arginase deficiency, 593–594 screening, 666 diagnosis, 318–319
parenteral nutrition, 71 stanols and sterols, 668–669 dietary management, 329–334
urea cycle disorders, 589–590 Familial lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency, elemental diet, 321
Essential fatty acids (EFA), 302, 565, 646 663–666 elimination diets, use in diagnosis,
chylothorax, 301–303 acute episodes, 665–666 319–321
disorders of fatty acid oxidation, 646 dietary management, 665 empirical diet, 319–320
healthy diet, 15, 41 Fat emulsions, 14 few foods diet, 320–321
hypolipoproteinaemias, 662–663 Favism, 594 food challenges and reintroduction of
intestinal lymphangiectasia, 118 Fatty acid oxidation, disorders of, 640–672 foods, 322–328
ketogenic diets, 358 Feed preparation area (special feeds unit), food labelling, 329–330
liver diseases, 172, 177 45–49 hydrolysed protein formulas, 323, 331
low protein diets, 565 bottles, 47 mammalian milks, 333
modular feeds, 146 legislative requirements, 45, 47 natural progession, ‘allergic march’,
parenteral nutrition, 69–71 microbiology, 47–49 334–336
preterm infants, 98–99, 101 pasteurisation and blast chilling, 46–47 nutritional requirements, 329
short bowel syndrome, 161 plant and equipment, 46–47 pollen food (oral allergy) syndrome, 320,
vegetarian and vegan diets, 488, 490, preparation and ingredients, 47–48 326, 336
494, 497 staffing, 47 probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, 337–338
walnut oil, 118, 177, 302, 389, 646–647, 649 structural design, 46 soya formulas, 333
Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), 8 thermal disinfection, 47 symptoms, clinical manifestations,
Ethnic groups and cultural diets, nutrition, Feed supplementation, 13–16 316–318
486–501 concentrating formulas, 13–14 Food intolerance, see Food hypersensitivity
Afro‐Caribbean communities, 498–499 energy and protein modules, 14 Food protein‐induced allergic proctocolitis
infant feeding and weaning, 499 nutrient‐dense formulas, 14–16 (FPIAP), 127
nutritional problems, 499 Fever induced refractory epilepsy of Food protein‐induced enterocolitis
Rastafarians, 498 childhood syndrome (FIRES), 346, 359 syndrome (FPIES), 126–127
Chinese communities, 499 Few foods diet, food allergy, 320–321 Food Safety Regulations, 45, 47
infant feeding and weaning, 500 Fibre Fructosaemia, see Hereditary fructose
Yin and Yang foods, 500 constipation, 136 intolerance
fruitarian diet, 488 Crohn’s disease, 131 Fructose
infant formulas, 491–493 diabetes, 193, 195 diabetes mellitus, 195, 202
Jewish communities, 501 faltering weight, 469 feed component, 15, 145, 162
religious and cultural influences on fibre-containing feeds, 54 FODMAP diet, 138
diet, 499 healthy diet recommendations, 18, 38 functional diarrhoea, 137
Somalian communities, 501 neurodisabilities, 423, 428 glucose‐galactose malabsorption, 118–119
infant feeding, 501 vegetarian and vegan diets, 487, 497 glygogen storage disease, 610
nutritional problems, 501 Fluid, requirements, 8–13 hereditary fructose intolerance, 635–636
South Asian dietary customs, 488–498 insensible fluid losses, 243 sucrase‐isomaltase deficiency, 116
infant feeding and weaning, 496 FODMAP diet, 138 Fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase deficiency,
nutritional problems, 496–498 Follow‐on milks, 10, 24 637–638
vegetarian and vegan diet, 486–488 enteral feeding, 53 Fruitarian diet, 488
infant feeding and weaning, 486–487 Food additives Fundoplication, 152–153
children, 487–488 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 337 chronic kidney disease, 263
Vietnamese communities, 500–501 Food allergy, see Food hypersensitivity enteral feeding, 56, 59
infant feeding, 500–501 Food allergy, prevention of, 339–343 gastro‐oesophageal reflux disease, 134
nutritional problems, 501 ‘allergic march’, 339
Exomphalos, see Abdominal wall defects breastfeeding, pregnancy, 339–340 Galactokinase deficiency, 606
Extremely low birthweight, 96 hydrolysed protein infant formulas, 340 Galactosaemia, classical, 599–606
introduction of solids, 340–342 cheese, suitability, 604–605
Faltering weight (failure to thrive), 464–471 maternal and infant diet, 342–343 galactose‐restricted diet, 601–605
assessment, 466–468 micronutrients, 342 galactosides, nucleoproteins, free and
behavioural management, 469 prebiotics, probiotics, 343 bound galactose, 602–603
causes, 465–466 recommendations, 343 milk substitutes, 603–604
definition and identification, 464–465 Food challenges, 322–328 vitamins and minerals, 605–606
mealtimes and snacks, 468–469 double blind placebo controlled food Gastric hypersecretion, 163
nutritional management, requirements, challenge (DBPCFC), 325 Gastroenteritis, 113–115
468–469 Food groups, 23, 29–31 acute infective diarrhoea, 113
outcome, 466 Food hypersensitivity (allergy, intolerance), lactose‐free formulas, 114
social care, 469 315–338 oral rehydration solutions (ORS), 114
Index 685
Gastrointestinal food allergy, 138–148 Glycogen storage disease type 0, 625–627 preschool children, 29–33, 37
amino acid‐based formulas, 140–144 Glycogen storage disease type I, 609–618 responsive feeding, 27–28
hydrolysed protein formulas, 140–141, dietary management, 610–617 salt, 18
143–144 emergency regimen, 609, 617 school meals, 35–36
mammalian milks, 139 glucose requirements, 610 schoolchildren, 33–37
milk‐free diet, 142 hypoglycaemia, 616–617 snacks, packed lunches, 35–36
milk, egg, wheat and soya‐free diet, infants, 611–612 teenage pregnancy, 36
142–143 monitoring, 617–618 vitamin D, 28, 39–40
modular feeds, 145–148 older children, 612 vitamins, 31
soya formulas, 139–140 uncooked cornstarch, 609–611, 613–615 Height, measurement, 2–3
Gastro‐oesophageal reflux (GOR), GOR vitamins and minerals, 615–616 alternative measurements, 423–424
disease, 133–134 Glycogen storage disease type III, 618–622 height age, 4–5, 8, 11
chronic kidney disease, 263 dietary management, 619–622 Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI),
congenital heart disease, 292, 295 emergency regimen, 619, 622 631–637
congenital hyperinsulinism, 212 uncooked cornstarch, 619–622 dietary management, 632–637
cystic fibrosis, 221 Glycogen storage disease type VI, 622–625 fructose, sources, 635–637
enteral feeding, 54, 56, 58 Glycogen storage disease type IX, 624–625 minimal fructose, sucrose and sorbitol
eosinophilic oesophagitis, 125 Glycogen storage disease type XI, Fanconi diet, 633–634
epidermolysis bullosa, 449 Bickel syndrome, 627–629 nutritional deficiencies, 637
feed thickeners, 133–134 Glycomacropeptide, in Hirschsprung’s disease, 156–157
feeding problems, 134 phenylketonuria, 520 Homocitrullinaemia (HHH) syndrome, 587
food allergy, 138 Goat’s milk, 139, 333, 487, 501, 551, 603 Homocystinuria, classical, 541–551
fundoplication, 134 Growth children, late diagnosis, feeding, 550–552
infant feeding, 133–134 catch‐up, 14 cystine supplementation, 547
medications, 134 charts, 3–4 dietary management, 545–551
neurodisabilities, 433 cerebral palsy, 420 infant feeding, 548–549
oesophageal atresia, 152–155 Down’s syndrome, 421 methionine exchanges, 545–548
positioning, 133 Prader–Willi syndrome, 479 protein substitute, 546–547
Gastroschisis, see Abdominal wall defects Williams syndrome, 284 pyridoxine, 542
Gastrostomy feeding, see Enteral feeding expected growth, 7–8 Human milk, see Breastmilk
Glucagon, 201, 205, 210, 213–214, 504–506 thrive lines, 4 Human milk fortifier, see Breastmilk
Glucose z‐scores, 4 Hydrolysed protein formulas
feed component, 15 Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase cancer, 377, 379, 385
monitoring, 191, 209, 232, 629 deficiency, 594 cystic fibrosis, 225, 235
oxidation rate, 72, 82, 169 Guar gum, 162 enteral feeding, 53–57, 61
production rate, 610, 617, 651 Gut motility disorders, 132–138 food allergy, 323, 331–332
requirements, 610 abdominal pain‐related disorders, 137 gastrointestinal diseases, 116, 140–141
Glucose‐galactose malabsorption, 118–119 constipation, 136–137 immunodeficiency syndromes, 387–390
infant feeding, 118–119 diarrhoea, 137 liver diseases, 180
minimal glucose, galactose diet, 119 functional gastrointestinal disorders, peptide chain, epitope, 140, 331
Glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase 135–138 prevention of allergy, 340
deficiency, 594 gastro‐oesophageal reflux, 133–134 short bowel syndrome, 161–162
Glucose polymers, 14 intestinal pseudo‐obstructive disorder, surgical babies, 152, 158
Glucose transporter 1 deficiency syndrome, 134–135 3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl‐CoA lyase
344–345, 355 irritable bowel syndrome, 137–138 (HMGCL) deficiency, 654
Glutamine low FODMAP diet, 138 3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl‐CoA synthase
burns, 458–459 Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and (HMG‐CoA) deficiency, 654
cancer, 381–382 retina, 594 Hyperactivity, see Attention deficit
critical care, 82, 93–94 hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
parenteral nutrition, 71–72 HbA1c, 190 Hyperammonaemia, 587
short bowel syndrome, 162 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome, 238, 243 Hypercalcaemia, 283–286
urea cycle disorders, 589–593 Harlequin ichthyosis, 452–453 idiopathic infantile hypercalcaemia,
Glutaric aciduria type 1, 580–587, see also Head circumference, measurement, 3 283–284
Organic acidaemias Healthy eating, 18–42 Williams syndrome, 284–286
diet in children, 585 breastmilk and breastfeeding, 19–23, 37 Hypercalciuria, 281–284
dietary management, 582–587 complementary feeding, 25–28 Hypercholesterolaemia, see Familial
emergency regimen, illness, 585–587 dental caries, 39 hypercholesterolaemia
infant feeding, 582–585 expressed breastmilk, 22–23 Hyperkalaemia, 238, 251, 260–261
low lysine diet, low protein diet, 582–586 food groups, 29–31 Hyperlipoproteinaemias, 664–672
Gluten‐free diet, 122–124 formula feeding, 23–25 Hyperornithinaemia, 587
Glycaemic index, 174, 177, 193, 196, 346, Healthy Start, Sure Start, 3 Hyperoxaluria, primary, 281–282
354, 619 iron deficiency anaemia, 38–39 Hypertension, 250–251, 254–255, 260, 265
Glycerol kinase deficiency, 639 lactating mothers, 23 Hyperuricaemia, 608
686 Index
Hypoallergenic formulas, see Hydrolysed Inherited metabolic disorders, rare, hypercalciuria, 277
protein formulas; Amino acid 511–512, 594 hyperoxaluria, primary, 281–282
based‐formulas Inspissated bile syndrome, 179–180 nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, 276–279
Hypobetalipoproteinaemia, see Insulin nephrotic syndrome, 266–269
Hypobetalipoproteinaemias carbohydrate ratios, ICR, 193–194 renal stones, 279–283
Hypolipoproteinaemias, 659–664 preparations, 191 renal tubular disorders, 272–279
abetalipoproteinaemia, 659 therapy, pumps, 199–200 Knee height, measurement, 424
chylomicron retention disease, 660 Intestinal‐associated liver disease (IFALD),
dietary management, 661–664 66, 101, 164, 178 Labelling, food regulations, 122–123, 142,
essential fatty acids, 662 Intestinal failure, 66, 79, 160 329, 350, 518, 601, 604, 636
hypobetalipoproteinaemia, 660 Intestinal lymphangiectasia, 117–118 Lactase deficiency
infants, 662–663 essential fatty acids, 118 lactose intolerance, 317
medium chain triglycerides, 662 MCT supplementation, 118 lactose‐free formulas, 115, 117
older children, 663–664 minimal fat infant formulas, diet, 118 primary deficiency, 117
vitamins, 662 protein supplementation, 118 secondary deficiency, 117
Intrauterine growth retardation, 96 Afro‐Caribbean communities, 499
IgE, non‐IgE, food allergy, 125–127, 138–142, Iron, sources in vegan and vegetarian diet, Chinese communities, 499
315–338 490, 493 Vietnamese communities, 500
Ileus Isolated sulphite oxidase deficiency, 594 Length, see Height
functional, post‐surgical, 158, 160 Isoleucine, see Maple syrup urine disease Leucine, see Maple syrup urine disease
meconium, 222, 224 Isovaleric acidaemia, 578–580, see also Leukaemias, 372
Immunodeficiency syndromes, 383–392 Organic acidaemias Linoleic acid, see Essential fatty acids
autoimmune enteropathy, 386 dietary management, 579–580 α‐Linolenic acid, see Essential fatty acids
chronic granulomatous disease, 386–387 Lipid metabolism disorders, 656–672
dietetic management, HSCT, 389–390 Jaundice, 73, 101, 167–182, 600 Lipoproteins, composition, 657
dietetic management, SCID, 387–388, 391 Jejunal feeding, see Enteral feeding Liver disease, chronic, 171–178
DiGeorge syndrome, 386 causes, 172
gene therapy, 388 Ketogenesis and ketolysis, disorders of, cirrhosis, 175–176
IgA deficiency, 385–386 654–656 faltering growth, 174–175
IgG deficiency, 386 Ketogenic diets, 344–370 hepatosplenamegaly, ascites, 175
haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis adverse effects, 367–368 hypoglycaemia, 174
(HLH), 387 classical diet, 349–350 jaundice, conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
haemopoetic stem cell transplantation considerations pre‐diet, 347–348 (CHB), 172
(HSCT), 388 discontinuing diet, 369 malabsorption, fat, 172–174
severe combined immunodeficiency enteral feeding, 361–363 MCT formulas, supplements, 173
(SCID), 387–388 fine tuning, 365–366 oesophageal varices, 175
Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome, 387 glucose transporter 1 deficiency pancreatic enzyme deficiency, 172
Immunonutrition syndrome, 344–345, 355 portal hypertension, 175
burns, 458 indications, contraindications, 346–347 transplant, 176–178
cancer, 381–382 infants, 358–360 vitamins, 174
critical care, 92–93 intercurrent illness, 366–367 Liver disorders, leading to chronic liver
epidermolysis bullosa, 447 ketones, 357 disease, 178–183
Infant milk formulas, standard, 10, 12 low glycaemic index treatment, 354–355 Alagille’s syndrome, 179
concentrated, 13–14 MCT diet, 350–352 α‐1‐antitrypsin deficiency, 179
enteral feeding, 36 mode of action, efficacy, 345–346 autoimmune hepatitis, 180
ready‐to‐feed, 13, 14, 44 modified Atkins diet, 351–353 biliary atresia, 179
supplemented, 13–15 modified ketogenic diets, 354 choledochal cysts, 180
Infant onset lysosomal acid lipase monitoring, 374–376 cystic fibrosis‐related liver disease, 181
deficiency (LAL‐D) (Wolman parenteral nutrition, 361–365 galactosaemia, 178
disease), 669–672 pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency, haemangioma, 179
dietary management, 670–672 345, 355 inspissated bile syndrome, 179
very low fat diet, 672 vitamins and minerals, 357–358 intestinal failure‐associated liver disease
Infantile Refsum’s disease, 510, 512 Ketotic hypoglycaemia, idiopathic, (IFALD), 178
Inflammatory bowel disease, see Crohn’s 679–680 neonatal hepatitis, 178
disease; Ulcerative colitis Kidney diseases, 238–286 non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease
Inherited metabolic disorders, introduction acute renal failure, see Acute kidney (NAFLD), 181
to, 502–512 injury progressive familial intrahepatic
carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism, Bartter syndrome, 272–274 cholestasis (PFIC), 180
502–504 chronic renal failure, see Chronic kidney Wilson’s disease, 181, 183
inheritance, 504–508 disease Liver failure, acute, 168–171
newborn screening, 510 congenital nephrotic syndrome, 269–271 clinical management, 168–169
nutritional interventions, rare disorders, cystinosis, 274–275 dietetic management, 170–171
511–512 hypercalcaemia, 283–286 glucose oxidation rates, 170
Index 687
hepatic encephalopathy, 169 Low phenylalanine diet, see Medium chain fat/triglyceride (MCT),
hypoglycaemia, 168–170 Phenylketonuria emulsion, 14, 15
malnutriton, 168 Low protein diet chylothorax, 301–303
Long chain fat/triglyceride (LCT) emulsion, organic acidaemias, 560–571 disorders of long fatty acid oxidation,
14–15 tyrosinaemias, 554–557 644–652
Long chain fatty acid oxidation disorders, urea cycle disorders, 560–571 enteropathy, 140–146
643–653 Low sucrose diet, 115–117 intestinal lymphangiectasia, 118
children, minimal LCT diet, 649–652 Lower leg length, measurement, 424 ketogenic diet, 345, 350–352, 355, 366, 368
essential fatty acids, 646, 649 Lymphomas, 372 lipid disorders, 661–663, 665–666, 670–672
exercise, 651–652 Lysinuric protein intolerance, 594 liver diseases, 172–173, 177, 180, 182–183
infants, minimal LCT diet, 647–649 Lysosomal storage disorders (LSD), 511 MCT oil, 649, 651
intercurrent illness, 652–653 medium chain acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase
long chain triglycerides, 644–645, 647 Malabsorption deficiency, 642–643
medium chain triglycerides, 645–647, acute gastroenteritis, 113–115 parenteral nutrition, 69–70
649, 651 cancer, 377 preterm infants, 98, 101
monitoring, 652 coeliac disease, 121–125 short bowel syndrome, 161, 162, 165
triheptanoin, 645–646 congenital chloride‐losing diarrhoea, 120 Methionine, see Homocystinuria
uncooked cornstarch, 646, 651 congenital enteropathies, 120–121 Methylmalonic acidaemia and propionic
vitamins and minerals, 647, 649 congenital heart disease, 294 acidaemia, 572–578, see also Organic
walnut oil, 647, 649 Crohn’s disease, 128–132 acidaemias
Long chain 3‐hydroxyacyl‐CoA cystic fibrosis, 219–221 complications, 575–576
dehydrogenase deficiency disaccharidase deficiencies, 113–117 dietary management, 574–578
(LCHADD), see Long chain fatty acid eosinophilic diseases, 126–127 emergency regimen, illness, 576–577
oxidation disorders food allergy, 138, 317–318 low protein diet, 574
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids functional (toddler) diarrhoea, 137 monitoring, 577–578
(LCP, LCPUFA) glucose‐galactose malabsorption, 118–119 precursor‐free amino acids, 574
allergy prevention, 340, 342 gut motility disorders, 134–135 Microvillous inclusion disease, 120
congenital heart disease, 302 immunodeficiency syndromes, 385–387 Mid upper arm circumference,
familial hypercholesterolaemia, 668 intestinal lymphangiectasia, 117–118 measurement, 3, 464
healthy eating, 10, 23, 41 irritable bowel syndrome, 137–138 Migraine, food allergy, 318, 336–337
hypolipoproteinaemias, 661–664 lipid disorders, 660–662 Milk, egg, wheat and soya‐free diet,
ketogenic diets, 368 liver diseases, 172, 175, 179, 180, 182–183 142–143
long chain fatty acid oxidation disorders, modular feeds, 145–148 Milk‐free diet, 142
646–647, 649 pancreatitis, 188 Mineral bone disorder, chronic kidney
low protein diet, 525, 565 protracted, 120–121 disease, 251–254
parenteral nutrition, 69 requirements for infants with, 114 Minerals, supplements, and vitamins, 16–17
preterm infants, 98, 101 short bowel syndrome, 160, 163–164 Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation
short bowel syndrome, 161 surgical babies, 152, 157, 158 disorders, 640–672
sources, 494 Malnutrition Modular feeds
vegan diets, 488 classification, 5 enteral feeding, 53, 55
Long chain triglyceride (LCT) content of hospitalised children, 43 intractable diarrhoea, 145–148
foods, 304 physical signs, 5 ketogenic diet, 358, 361
Low birthweight, 96 screening tools, 1 minimal fat, 662, 665
Low calcium diet, 284–286 Malonyl‐CoA decarboxylase deficiency, 654 protein‐free, 567
Low glucose‐galactose diet, 118–119 Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), short bowel syndrome, 162
Low lactose diet 532–541 Monosaccharides, 15
galactosaemia, 600–601 branched chain amino acids, 535–541 Multiple acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase
lactose intolerance, 115, 117 diet in children and young people, 538–539 deficiency (MADD), 653–65
Low LCT diet dietary management, 535–541
abetalipoproteinaemia, 661 emergency regimen, illness, 538–541 N‐acetylglutamate synthetase (NAGS)
chylomicron retention disease, 661 infant feeding, 535–538 deficiency, 587
chylothorax, 299–304 leucine exchanges, 536–537 Nasogastric feeding, see Enteral nutrition
familial hypercholesterolaemia, 666–669 protein substitute, 537–538 Necrotising enterocolitis, 66, 89, 101, 103,
familial lipoprotein lipase deficiency, Maternal dietary protein 109–110, 159–160, 212, 303–305
665–666 prevention of food allergy, 339, 340, Neonatal hepatitis, 178
hypobetalipoproteinaemia, 661 342–343 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, 276–279
intestinal lymphangiectasia, 117–118 treatment of food allergy, 127, 134, 139, 331 renal solute load, 276
long chain fatty acid oxidation disorders, MCT oil, 173, 302–303, 362, 649, 651, 662, 665 salt restricted diet, 277–279
644–652 Medium chain acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase Nephrotic syndrome, acquired, 266–269
Low leucine diet, see Maple syrup urine deficiency (MCADD), 641–643 dyslipidaemia, 267
disease avoidance of MCT, 642 food allergy, 267
Low methionine diet, see Homocystinuria dietary guidelines, 642–643 growth, 267–268
Low microbial diet, see Neutropenic diet intercurrent illness, 643 nutritional management, 268–273
688 Index