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SERIAL NUMBERS 15001 and up


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

00 Index and foreword 00

100 Index
Composition of shop manual .......................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................................. 4

PC78US-8 00-100 1
100 Index
SEN04552-03 Composition of shop manual

Composition of shop manual 1

The contents of this shop manual are shown together with Form No. in a list.
Note 1: Always keep the latest version of this manual in accordance with this list and utilize accordingly.
The marks shown to the right of Form No. denote the following:
Q: New issue (to be filed additionally) q: Revision (to be replaced for each Form No.)
Note 2: This shop manual can be supplied for each Form No.
Note 3: To file this shop manual in the special binder for management, handle it as follows:
• Place a divider on the top of each section in the file after matching the Tab No. with No. indicated
next to each Section Name shown in the table below:
• File overview and other materials in sections in the order shown below and utilize them accord-

Section Title..................................................................................................................................... Form Number

Shop Manual, contents binder, binder label and tabs ..................................................................... SEN04543-03

00 Index and foreword .................................................................................................................... SEN04544-03

100 Index .................................................................................................................................. SEN04552-03 q
200 Foreword and general information ..................................................................................... SEN04553-01

01 Specification ............................................................................................................................... SEN04545-01

100 Specification and technical data......................................................................................... SEN04554-01

10 Structure, function and maintenance standard........................................................................... SEN04546-01

100 Engine and cooling system ................................................................................................ SEN04555-01
200 Power train......................................................................................................................... SEN04556-00
300 Undercarriage and frame ................................................................................................... SEN04557-00
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1 .................................................................................................... SEN04558-00
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2 .................................................................................................... SEN04559-00
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3 .................................................................................................... SEN04560-00
500 Work equipment................................................................................................................. SEN04561-00
600 Cab and its attachments .................................................................................................... SEN04562-01
700 Electrical system ................................................................................................................ SEN04563-01

20 Standard value table................................................................................................................... SEN04547-00

100 Standard service value table.............................................................................................. SEN04803-00

30 Testing and adjusting ................................................................................................................. SEN04548-01

101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1.............................................................................................. SEN04804-01 q
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2.............................................................................................. SEN04805-00
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3.............................................................................................. SEN04806-00

40 Troubleshooting.......................................................................................................................... SEN04549-01
100 Failure code table and fuse locations ................................................................................ SEN04807-00
200 General information on troubleshooting............................................................................. SEN04808-01 q
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1 ............................................................................. SEN04809-00
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2 ............................................................................. SEN04810-00
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3 ............................................................................. SEN04811-00
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4 ............................................................................. SEN04812-00
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode).................................................................. SEN04813-00

00-100 2 PC78US-8
100 Index
Composition of shop manual SEN04552-03

500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)........................................SEN04814-00

600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode) ..................................................................................SEN04815-00

50 Disassembly and assembly ........................................................................................................SEN04550-01

100 General information on disassembly and assembly...........................................................SEN04833-01 q
200 Engine and cooling system ................................................................................................SEN04834-00
300 Power train .........................................................................................................................SEN04835-01 q
400 Undercarriage and frame ...................................................................................................SEN04836-01 q
500 Hydraulic system ................................................................................................................SEN04837-00
600 Work equipment .................................................................................................................SEN04838-00
700 Cab and its attachments.....................................................................................................SEN04839-00
800 Electrical system ................................................................................................................SEN04840-00

90 Diagrams and drawings ..............................................................................................................SEN04551-01

100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings ......................................................................................SEN04564-00
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings.......................................................................................SEN04565-01

PC78US-8 00-100 3
100 Index
SEN04552-03 Table of contents

Table of contents 1

00 Index and foreword

100 Index SEN04552-03
Composition of shop manual......................................................................................................................... 2
Table of contents ........................................................................................................................................... 4
200 Foreword and general information SEN04553-01
Safety notice ................................................................................................................................................. 2
How to read the shop manual ....................................................................................................................... 7
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard............................................................................................ 9
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component............................................................................. 11
Handling of connectors newly used for engines............................................................................................ 20
How to read electric wire code ...................................................................................................................... 23
Precautions when carrying out operation...................................................................................................... 26
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler................................................................. 29
Standard tightening torque table ................................................................................................................... 32
Conversion table ........................................................................................................................................... 36

01 Specification
100 Specification and technical data SEN04554-01
Specification dimension drawing ................................................................................................................... 2
Working range diagram................................................................................................................................. 3
Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Weight table .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants.............................................................................................................. 10

10 Structure, function and maintenance standard

100 Engine and cooling system SEN04555-01
Engine mount ................................................................................................................................................ 2
PTO............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Cooling system.............................................................................................................................................. 4
200 Power train SEN04556-00
Power train .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Swing circle ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Swing machinery........................................................................................................................................... 6
300 Undercarriage and frame SEN04557-00
Track frame ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Idler cushion.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Idler ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Track roller .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Carrier roller .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Sprocket ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Track shoe..................................................................................................................................................... 8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1 SEN04558-00
Hydraulic component layout drawing ............................................................................................................ 2
Valve control.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Hydraulic tank and filter................................................................................................................................. 6
Hydraulic pump ............................................................................................................................................. 8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2 SEN04559-00
Control valve ................................................................................................................................................. 2
CLSS............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Functions and operation by valve ................................................................................................................. 18
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3 SEN04560-00
PPC valve ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Swing motor .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Travel motor .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Center swivel joint ......................................................................................................................................... 38

00-100 4 PC78US-8
100 Index
Table of contents SEN04552-03

Solenoid valve ............................................................................................................................................... 40

PPC accumulator........................................................................................................................................... 43
Anti-drop valve............................................................................................................................................... 45
Multi-control valve.......................................................................................................................................... 50
500 Work equipment SEN04561-00
Work equipment ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Dimensions of components ........................................................................................................................... 4
Work equipment cylinder ............................................................................................................................... 10
600 Cab and its attachments SEN04562-01
Air conditioner................................................................................................................................................ 2
700 Electrical system SEN04563-01
Electronic control system............................................................................................................................... 2
Monitor system .............................................................................................................................................. 33
KOMTRAX system ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Sensor ........................................................................................................................................................... 49

20 Standard value table

100 Standard service value table SEN04803-00
Standard value table for engine related parts ................................................................................................ 2
Standard value table for chassis.................................................................................................................... 3

30 Testing and adjusting

101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1 SEN04804-01
Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting ........................................................................................... 3
Testing engine speed..................................................................................................................................... 8
Testing exhaust temperature ......................................................................................................................... 9
Checking exhaust gas color .......................................................................................................................... 10
Adjusting valve clearance.............................................................................................................................. 11
Testing compression pressure....................................................................................................................... 13
Testing blow-by pressure............................................................................................................................... 15
Testing engine oil pressure............................................................................................................................ 16
Handling fuel system parts ............................................................................................................................ 17
Releasing residual pressure from fuel system............................................................................................... 17
Testing fuel pressure ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Testing fuel return rate and fuel leakage ....................................................................................................... 19
Bleeding air from fuel circuit .......................................................................................................................... 21
Checking fuel circuit for leakage.................................................................................................................... 23
Testing and adjusting alternator belt tension ................................................................................................. 24
Checking and adjusting air conditioner compressor belt tension .................................................................. 26
Testing swing circle bearing clearance .......................................................................................................... 27
Checking and adjusting track shoe tension ................................................................................................... 28
Testing and adjusting oil pressure in work equipment and travel circuits ...................................................... 30
Testing and adjusting swing and blade circuit oil pressure (Blade specification) .......................................... 32
Testing control circuit basic pressure............................................................................................................. 35
Testing and adjusting oil pressure in pump PC control circuit ....................................................................... 36
Testing PC-EPC solenoid output pressure .................................................................................................... 39
Testing LS differential pressure and adjusting LS valve ................................................................................ 40
Testing solenoid valve output pressure ......................................................................................................... 42
Testing PPC valve output pressure ............................................................................................................... 44
Adjusting play of work equipment and swing PPC valves ............................................................................. 46
Checking parts which cause hydraulic drift of work equipment ..................................................................... 47
Testing and adjusting travel deviation............................................................................................................ 49
Releasing residual pressure from hydraulic circuit ........................................................................................ 51
Testing oil leakage ......................................................................................................................................... 52
Bleeding air from each part ........................................................................................................................... 55
Adjusting mirrors............................................................................................................................................ 57

PC78US-8 00-100 5
100 Index
SEN04552-03 Table of contents

102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2 SEN04805-00

Special functions of machine monitor............................................................................................................ 2
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3 SEN04806-00
Handling voltage circuit of engine controller ................................................................................................. 2
Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system............................................................................. 3
Procedure for testing diodes ......................................................................................................................... 8
Pm Clinic service........................................................................................................................................... 9

40 Troubleshooting
100 Failure code table and fuse locations SEN04807-00
Failure code table.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Fuse locations ............................................................................................................................................... 4
200 General information on troubleshooting SEN04808-01
Points to remember when troubleshooting.................................................................................................... 2
Sequence of events in troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 3
Checks before troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 4
Classification and troubleshooting steps...................................................................................................... 5
Information in troubleshooting table .............................................................................................................. 6
Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos. ......................................................................... 8
Connection table for connector pin numbers ................................................................................................ 11
T- branch box and T- branch adapter table ................................................................................................... 47
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1 SEN04809-00
Failure code [989L00] Engine controller lock caution 1 ................................................................................ 3
Failure code [989M00] Engine controller lock caution 2 ............................................................................... 4
Failure code [989N00] Engine controller lock caution 3................................................................................ 5
Failure code [AB00KE] Charge voltage low .................................................................................................. 6
Failure code [B@BAZG] Eng oil press. low .................................................................................................. 8
Failure code [B@BCNS] Eng coolant overheat ............................................................................................ 9
Failure code [B@HANS] Hydr oil overheat ................................................................................................... 9
Failure code [CA111] ECM critical internal failure ......................................................................................... 10
Failure code [CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error ....................................................................... 13
Failure code [CA122] Charge air press sensor high error............................................................................. 14
Failure code [CA123] Charge air press sensor low error .............................................................................. 16
Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor high error ........................................................................................... 18
Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor low error ............................................................................................ 20
Failure code [CA144] Coolant temp. sensor high error................................................................................. 22
Failure code [CA145] Coolant temp. sensor low error .................................................................................. 24
Failure code [CA153] Charge air temp. sensor high error ............................................................................ 26
Failure code [CA154] Charge air temp. sensor low error.............................................................................. 28
Failure code [CA187] Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error....................................................................................... 29
Failure code [CA221] Ambient air press. sensor high error .......................................................................... 30
Failure code [CA222] Ambient air press. sensor low error............................................................................ 32
Failure code [CA227] Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error ..................................................................................... 33
Failure code [CA234] Eng. overspeed .......................................................................................................... 34
Failure code [CA238] Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error ................................................................................ 36
Failure code [CA271] IMV/PCV1 short error ................................................................................................. 38
Failure code [CA272] IMV/PCV1 open error ................................................................................................. 39
Failure code [CA322] Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error ................................................................. 40
Failure code [CA324] Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error ................................................................. 42
Failure code [CA331] Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error ................................................................. 44
Failure code [CA332] Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error ................................................................. 46
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2 SEN04810-00
Failure code [CA351] Inj. drive circuit error................................................................................................... 3
Failure code [CA352] Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error....................................................................................... 6
Failure code [CA386] Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error ..................................................................................... 8
Failure code [CA435] Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch .................................................................. 10
Failure code [CA441] Battery voltage low error ............................................................................................ 11

00-100 6 PC78US-8
100 Index
Table of contents SEN04552-03

Failure code [CA442] Battery voltage high error ........................................................................................... 12

Failure code [CA449] Rail press. very high error........................................................................................... 13
Failure code [CA451] Rail press. sensor high error....................................................................................... 14
Failure code [CA452] Rail press. sensor low error ........................................................................................ 16
Failure code [CA488] Chg air temp high torque derate ................................................................................. 17
Failure code [CA553] Rail press. high error .................................................................................................. 18
Failure code [CA559] Rail press. low error.................................................................................................... 19
Failure code [CA689] Eng. Ne speed sensor error........................................................................................ 22
Failure code [CA731] Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error ......................................................................... 24
Failure code [CA757] All persistent data lost error ........................................................................................ 25
Failure code [CA778] Eng. Bkup speed sensor error .................................................................................... 26
Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET datalink timeout error................................................................................ 28
Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error ............................................................................ 30
Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error.............................................................................. 32
Failure code [CA2249] Rail press. very low error .......................................................................................... 32
Failure code [CA2311] Abnormality in IMV solenoid ..................................................................................... 33
Failure code [D110KB] Battery relay drive short............................................................................................ 34
Failure code [D19JKZ] Personal code relay abnormality .............................................................................. 36
Failure code [D862KA] GPS antenna discon ................................................................................................ 38
Failure code [DA22KK] Pump solenoid power low error ............................................................................... 40
Failure code [DA25KP] 5V sensor 1 power abnormality ............................................................................... 42
Failure code [DA26KP] 5V sensor 2 power abnormality ............................................................................... 44
Failure code [DA29KQ] Model selection abnormality .................................................................................... 46
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3 SEN04811-00
Failure code [DA2RMC] CAN discon (Pump controller detected) ................................................................. 2
Failure code [DAFGMC] GPS module error .................................................................................................. 4
Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected) .............................................................................. 6
Failure code [DGH2KB] Hydr oil sensor short ............................................................................................... 8
Failure code [DHPAMA] Pump press sensor abnormality ............................................................................. 10
Failure code [DHS5KX] Travel PPC press sensor abnormality ..................................................................... 12
Failure code [DHSAMA] Swing right PPC press sensor abnormality ............................................................ 14
Failure code [DHSBMA] Swing left PPC press sensor abnormality .............................................................. 16
Failure code [DHX1MA] Overload sensor abnormality (Analog) ................................................................... 18
Failure code [DV20KB] Travel alarm S/C ...................................................................................................... 19
Failure code [DW43KA] Travel speed sol discon .......................................................................................... 20
Failure code [DW43KB] Travel speed sol short............................................................................................. 21
Failure code [DW45KA] Swing brake sol discon ........................................................................................... 22
Failure code [DW45KB] Swing brake sol short.............................................................................................. 24
Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider sol discon ......................................................................................... 26
Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider sol short............................................................................................ 27
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4 SEN04812-00
Failure code [DXA8KA] PC-EPC sol discon .................................................................................................. 2
Failure code [DXA8KB] PC-EPC sol short .................................................................................................... 4
Failure code [DXE4KA] Service current EPC discon..................................................................................... 6
Failure code [DXE4KB] Service current EPC short ....................................................................................... 7
Failure code [DY20KA] Wiper working abnormality....................................................................................... 8
Failure code [DY20MA] Wiper parking abnormality....................................................................................... 10
Failure code [DY2CKA] Washer drive discon ................................................................................................ 12
Failure code [DY2CKB] Washer drive short .................................................................................................. 14
Failure code [DY2DKB] Wiper drive (for) short.............................................................................................. 16
Failure code [DY2EKB] Wiper drive (rev) short ............................................................................................. 18
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode) SEN04813-00
Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system ............................................................................... 3
Information in troubleshooting table .............................................................................................................. 6
E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing .................................................. 8
E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) ......................................................................................... 10
E-3 Preheater does not operate .................................................................................................................... 14
E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season) .............................................................. 16

PC78US-8 00-100 7
100 Index
SEN04552-03 Table of contents

E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or cannot be locked............................ 18
E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running .......................................................................................... 20
E-7 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running.......................................................................... 23
E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally.............................................................. 24
E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally.................................................................. 26
E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally ........................................................................................ 29
E-11 Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable machine................................... 31
E-12 Machine monitor does not display some items..................................................................................... 31
E-13 Function switch does not work ............................................................................................................. 31
E-14 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally ........................................................................................ 32
E-15 Working mode does not change........................................................................................................... 33
E-16 Travel speed does not change ............................................................................................................. 34
E-17 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped.......................................................................................................... 35
E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate.......................................................................... 36
E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally................................................................................... 40
E-20 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding...................................................................... 42
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) .................... 43
E-22 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed .............................................. 56
E-23 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode .................................................................................. 57
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally....................................................... 58
E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally..................................................................................... 74
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode) SEN04814-00
Information contained in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................. 3
System chart for hydraulic and mechanical systems .................................................................................... 4
H-1 Speed or power of all work equipment, swing, and travel are low.......................................................... 6
H-2 Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls.......................................................................................... 7
H-3 No work equipment, travel and swing move........................................................................................... 8
H-4 Abnormal noise is heard from around hydraulic pump........................................................................... 8
H-5 Fine control performance or response of work equipment and travel is low .......................................... 9
H-6 Speed or power of boom is low .............................................................................................................. 10
H-7 Speed or power of arm is low ................................................................................................................. 11
H-8 Speed or power of bucket is low............................................................................................................. 12
H-9 Speed or power of blade is low .............................................................................................................. 13
H-10 Work equipment does not move in its single operation ........................................................................ 14
H-11 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large............................................................................................. 15
H-12 Time lag of work equipment is large..................................................................................................... 17
H-13 Work equipment loaded more is slower during compound operation .................................................. 17
H-14 Boom RAISE speed is low in compound operation of swing + boom RAISE....................................... 17
H-15 Travel speed lowers largely during compound operation of work equipment/swing + travel ............... 18
H-16 Machine deviates during travel............................................................................................................. 19
H-17 Travel speed is low............................................................................................................................... 20
H-18 Machine cannot be steered easily or steering power is low ................................................................. 21
H-19 Travel speed does not change or it is kept low or high ........................................................................ 22
H-20 Track does not move (only either side) ................................................................................................ 22
H-21 Machine does not swing....................................................................................................................... 23
H-22 Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power are low................................................................. 24
H-23 Excessive overrun when stopping swing.............................................................................................. 26
H-24 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large shock ............................................................... 27
H-25 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large sound ............................................................... 27
H-26 Hydraulic drift of swing is large............................................................................................................. 28
H-27 Flow rate in attachment circuit cannot be adjusted .............................................................................. 29
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode) SEN04815-00
Method of using troubleshooting chart .......................................................................................................... 2
S-1 Starting performance is poor .................................................................................................................. 6
S-2 Engine does not start.............................................................................................................................. 7
S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly.......................................................................................................... 10
S-4 Engine stops during operations .............................................................................................................. 11
S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ............................................................................................................ 12

00-100 8 PC78US-8
100 Index
Table of contents SEN04552-03

S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) ...................................................................................................... 13

S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion) .................................................................................. 14
S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue)....................................................................... 15
S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly ......................................................................................................... 16
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive ............................................................................................................. 17
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down).................................................... 18
S-12 Oil pressure drops................................................................................................................................. 19
S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) ................................................................................................. 20
S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating).......................................................................... 21
S-15 Abnormal noise is made ....................................................................................................................... 22
S-16 Vibration is excessive ........................................................................................................................... 23

50 Disassembly and assembly

100 General information on disassembly and assembly SEN04833-01
How to read this manual................................................................................................................................ 2
Coating materials list ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Special tool list............................................................................................................................................... 7
Sketches of special tools ............................................................................................................................... 11
200 Engine and cooling system SEN04834-00
Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly ............................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly ........................................................................................ 6
Removal and installation of engine front seal................................................................................................ 10
Removal and installation of engine rear seal................................................................................................. 11
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly..................................................................................... 13
Removal and installation of radiator assembly .............................................................................................. 24
Removal and installation of aftercooler assembly ......................................................................................... 27
Removal and installation of hydraulic oil cooler assembly ............................................................................ 29
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly ............................................................... 32
Removal and installation of fuel tank assembly............................................................................................. 42
300 Power train SEN04835-01
Removal and installation of travel motor and final drive assembly ................................................................ 2
Removal and installation of swing motor and swing machinery assembly .................................................... 4
Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery ........................................................................................... 6
Removal and installation of swing circle assembly........................................................................................ 13
400 Undercarriage and frame SEN04836-01
Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly ..................................................................................... 2
Disassembly and assembly of idler assembly ............................................................................................... 5
Disassembly and assembly of recoil spring assembly .................................................................................. 8
Spreading and installation of track shoe assembly........................................................................................ 10
Removal and installation of sprocket............................................................................................................. 12
Removal and installation of revolving frame assembly.................................................................................. 13
Removal and installation of counterweight assembly.................................................................................... 15
500 Hydraulic system SEN04837-00
Removal and installation of center swivel joint assembly.............................................................................. 2
Disassembly and assembly of center swivel joint assembly ......................................................................... 4
Removal and installation of hydraulic tank assembly .................................................................................... 6
Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly.................................................................................. 9
Removal and installation of control valve assembly ...................................................................................... 13
Disassembly and assembly of control valve assembly.................................................................................. 21
Disassembly and assembly of work equipment PPC valve assembly........................................................... 24
Disassembly and assembly of travel PPC valve assembly ........................................................................... 26
Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly .......................................................................... 28
600 Work equipment SEN04838-00
Removal and installation of work equipment assembly................................................................................. 2
Removal and installation of blade assembly ................................................................................................. 5

PC78US-8 00-100 9
100 Index
SEN04552-03 Table of contents

700 Cab and its attachments SEN04839-00

Removal and installation of operator cab assembly...................................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) .................................................................... 7
Removal and installation of front window assembly...................................................................................... 17
Removal and installation of floor frame assembly......................................................................................... 18
800 Electrical system SEN04840-00
Removal and installation of air conditioner unit assembly ............................................................................ 2
Removal and installation of machine monitor assembly ............................................................................... 6
Removal and installation of pump controller assembly ................................................................................. 7
Removal and installation of engine controller assembly ............................................................................... 8
Removal and installation of KOMTRAX terminal assembly .......................................................................... 10

90 Diagrams and drawings

100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings SEN04564-00
Hydraulic circuit diagram............................................................................................................................... 3
Actuator attachment hydraulic circuit diagram .............................................................................................. 9
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings SEN04565-01
Electrical circuit diagram ............................................................................................................................... 3
Air conditioner unit electrical circuit diagram................................................................................................. 27
Connector list and stereogram ...................................................................................................................... 29

00-100 10 PC78US-8
100 Index
Table of contents SEN04552-03

PC78US-8 00-100 11

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04552-03

©2009 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09

00-100 12


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

00 Index and foreword 00

200 Foreword and general information

Safety notice ................................................................................................................................................... 2
How to read the shop manual ......................................................................................................................... 7
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard ............................................................................................. 9
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component .............................................................................11
Handling of connectors newly used for engines ........................................................................................... 20
How to read electric wire code...................................................................................................................... 23
Precautions when carrying out operation...................................................................................................... 26
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler................................................................. 29
Standard tightening torque table ................................................................................................................... 32
Conversion table ........................................................................................................................................... 36

PC78US-8 00-200 1
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Safety notice

Safety notice (Rev. 2008/08)1

Important safety notice
Proper service and repair are extremely important for safe machine operation. The service and repair
techniques recommended by Komatsu and described in this manual are both effective and safe.
Some of these techniques require the use of tools specially designed by Komatsu for the specific
To prevent injury to workers, the symbol k is used to mark safety precautions in this manual. The
cautions accompanying these symbols should always be followed carefully. If any dangerous situa-
tion arises or may possibly arise, first consider safety, and take the necessary actions to deal with
the situation.

1. General precautions 7) If welding repairs are needed, always

k Mistakes in operation are extremely have a trained and experienced welder
dangerous. Read the Operation and carry out the work. When carrying out
Maintenance Manual carefully before weld in g wo rk , al way s wear wel din g
operating the machine. In addition, gloves, apron, shielding goggles, cap and
read this manual and understand its other clothes suited for welding work.
contents before starting the work. 8) Before starting work, warm up your body
1) Before carrying out any greasing or thoroughly to start work under good condi-
repairs, read all the safety labels stuck to tion.
the machine. For the locations of the 9) Avoid continuing work for long hours and
safety labels and detailed explanation of take rests at proper intervals to keep your
precautions, see the Operation and Main- body in good condition. Take rests in
tenance Manual. specified safe places.
2) Decide a place in the repair workshop to
keep tools and removed parts. Always Safety points
keep the tools and parts in their correct
places. Always keep the work area clean 1 Good arrangement
and make sure that there is no dirt, water, 2 Correct work clothes
or oil on the floor. Smoke only in the areas 3 Following work standard
provided for smoking. Never smoke while
working. 4 Making and checking signs
3) When carrying out any operation, always Prohibition of operation and handling by
wear safety shoes and helmet. Do not unlicensed workers
wear loose work clothes, or clothes with 6 Safety check before starting work
buttons missing.
Wearing protective goggles
q Always wear safety glasses when hit- 7
(for cleaning or grinding work)
ting parts with a hammer.
q Always wear safety glasses when Wearing shielding goggles and protectors
grinding parts with a grinder, etc. (for welding work)
4) When carrying out any operation with 2 or 9 Good physical condition and preparation
more workers, always agree on the oper- Precautions against work which you are
ating procedure before starting. Always 10
not used to or you are used to too much
inform your fellow workers before starting
any step of the operation. Before starting
work, hang UNDER REPAIR warning
signs in the operator's compartment.
5) Only qualified workers must carry out work
and operation which require license or
6) Keep all tools in good condition, learn the
correct way to use them, and use the
proper ones of them. Before starting work,
thoroughly check the tools, machine, fork-
lift, service car, etc.

00-200 2 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04553-01

2. Preparations for work 6) When removing a cover which is under

1) Before adding oil or making any repairs, internal pressure or under pressure from a
park the machine on a hard and level spring, always leave 2 bolts in diagonal
ground, and apply the parking brake and positions. Loosen those bolts gradually
block the wheels or tracks to prevent the and alternately to release the pressure,
machine from moving. and then remove the cover.
2) Before starting work, lower the work 7) When removing components, be careful
equipment (blade, ripper, bucket, etc.) to not to break or damage the electrical wir-
the ground. If this is not possible, insert ing. Damaged wiring may cause electrical
the lock pin or use blocks to prevent the fires.
work equipment from falling. In addition, 8) When removing piping, stop the fuel or oil
be sure to lock all the control levers and from spilling out. If any fuel or oil drips
hang warning signs on them. onto the floor, wipe it up immediately. Fuel
3) When disassembling or assembling, sup- or oil on the floor can cause you to slip
port the machine with blocks, jacks, or and can even start fires.
stands before starting work. 9) As a general rule, do not use gasoline to
4) Remove all mud and oil from the steps or wash parts. Do not use it to clean electri-
other places used to get on and off the cal parts, in particular.
machine. Always use the handrails, lad- 10) Be sure to assemble all parts again in their
ders or steps when getting on or off the original places. Replace any damaged
m a c h i n e . N e v e r j u m p o n o r o ff t h e parts and parts which must not be reused
machine. If it is impossible to use the with new parts. When installing hoses and
handrails, ladders or steps, use a stand to wires, be sure that they will not be dam-
provide safe footing. aged by contact with other parts when the
machine is operated.
3. Precautions during work 11) When installing high pressure hoses,
1) Before disconnecting or removing compo- make sure that they are not twisted. Dam-
nents of the oil, water, or air circuits, first aged tubes are dangerous, so be
release the pressure completely from the extremely careful when installing tubes for
circuit. When removing the oil filler cap, a high pressure circuits. In addition, check
drain plug, or an oil pressure pickup plug, t h a t c o n n e c t i n g pa r ts a r e c o r r e c t l y
loosen it slowly to prevent the oil from installed.
spurting out. 12) When assembling or installing parts,
2) The coolant and oil in the circuits are hot always tighten them to the specified
when the engine is stopped, so be careful torques. When installing protective parts
not to get scalded. Wait for the oil and such as guards, or parts which vibrate vio-
coolant to cool before carrying out any lently or rotate at high speed, be particu-
work on the oil or water circuits. l a r ly c a r e fu l t o c he c k t h a t t h e y ar e
3) Before starting work, stop the engine. installed correctly.
When working on or around a rotating 13) When aligning 2 holes, never insert your
part, in particular, stop the engine. When fingers or hand. Be careful not to get your
checking the machine without stopping fingers caught in a hole.
the engine (measuring oil pressure, 14) When measuring hydraulic pressure,
revolving speed, temperature, etc.), take check that the measuring tools are cor-
extreme care not to get rolled or caught in rectly assembled.
rotating parts or moving parts. 15) Take care when removing or installing the
4) Before starting work, remove the leads tracks of track-type machines. When
from the battery. Always remove the lead removing the track, the track separates
from the negative (–) terminal first. suddenly, so never let anyone stand at
5) When raising a heavy component (heavier either end of the track.
than 25 kg), use a hoist or crane. Before 16) If the engine is operated for a long time in
starting work, check that the slings (wire a place which is not ventilated well, you
ropes, chains, and hooks) are free from may suffer from gas poisoning. Accord-
damage. Always use slings which have ingly, open the windows and doors to ven-
ample capacity and install them to proper tilate well.
places. Operate the hoist or crane slowly
to prevent the component from hitting any
other part. Do not work with any part still
raised by the hoist or crane.

PC78US-8 00-200 3
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Safety notice

4. Precautions for sling work and making

1) Only one appointed worker must make
signs and co-workers must communicate
with each other frequently. The appointed
sign maker must make specified signs
clearly at a place where he is well seen
from the operator's seat and where he can
see the working condition easily. The sign
maker must always stand in front of the
load and guide the operator safely.
q Do not stand under the load.
q Do not step on the load.
2) Check the slings before starting sling
8) When installing wire ropes to an angular
3) Keep putting on gloves during sling work.
load, apply pads to protect the wire ropes.
(Put on leather gloves, if available.)
If the load is slippery, apply proper mate-
4) Measure the weight of the load by the eye
rial to prevent the wire rope from slipping.
and check its center of gravity.
9) Use the specified eyebolts and fix wire
5) Use proper sling according to the weight
ropes, chains, etc. to them with shackles,
of the load and method of slinging. If too
thick wire ropes are used to sling a light
10) Apply wire ropes to the middle portion of
load, the load may slip and fall.
the hook.
6) Do not sling a load with 1 wire rope alone.
q Slinging near the tip of the hook may
If it is slung so, it may rotate and may slip
cause the rope to slip off the hook
out of the rope. Install 2 or more wire
during hoisting. The hook has the
ropes symmetrically.
k Slinging with 1 rope may cause
maximum strength at the middle por-
turning of the load during hoisting,
untwisting of the rope, or slipping
of the rope from its original wind-
ing position on the load, which can
result in a dangerous accident.
7) Limit the hanging angle to 60°, as a rule.
Do not sling a heavy load with ropes form-
ing a wide hanging angle from the hook.
When hoisting a load with 2 or more
ropes, the force subjected to each rope
will increase with the hanging angle. The
table below shows the variation of allow-
able load in kN {kg} when hoisting is made
with 2 ropes, each of which is allowed to
sling up to 9.8 kN {1,000 kg} vertically, at
various hanging angles. When the 2 ropes 11) Do not use twisted or kinked wire ropes.
sling a load vertically, up to 19.6 kN {2,000 12) When lifting up a load, observe the follow-
kg} of total weight can be suspended. ing.
This weight is reduced to 9.8 kN {1,000 q Wind in the crane slowly until wire
kg} when the 2 ropes make a hanging ropes are stretched. When settling
angle of 120°. If the 2 ropes sling a 19.6 the wire ropes with the hand, do not
kN {2,000 kg} load at a lifting angle of grasp them but press them from
150°, each of them is subjected to a force above. If you grasp them, your fingers
as large as 39.2 kN {4,000 kg}. may be caught.
q After the wire ropes are stretched,
stop the crane and check the condi-
tion of the slung load, wire ropes, and

00-200 4 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Safety notice SEN04553-01

q If the load is unstable or the wire rope 13) If the hoist stops because of a power fail-
or chains are twisted, lower the load ure, turn the power switch OFF. When
and lift it up again. turning on a switch which was turned OFF
q Do not lift up the load slantingly. by the electric shock prevention earth
13) When lifting down a load, observe the fol- leakage breaker, check that the devices
lowing. related to that switch are not in operation
q When lifting down a load, stop it tem- state.
porarily at 30 cm above the floor, and 14) If you find an obstacle around the hoist,
then lower it slowly. stop the operation.
q Check that the load is stable, and 15) After finishing the work, stop the hoist at
then remove the sling. the specified position and raise the hook
q Remove kinks and dirt from the wire to at least 2 m above the floor. Do not
ropes and chains used for the sling leave the sling installed to the hook.
work, and put them in the specified
place. 7. Selecting wire ropes
1) Select adequate ropes depending on the
5. Precautions for using mobile crane weight of parts to be hoisted, referring to
a Read the Operation and Maintenance the table below.
Manual of the crane carefully in advance
and operate the crane safely. Wire ropes
(Standard “Z” twist ropes without galvanizing)
6. Precautions for using overhead hoist crane (JIS G3525, No. 6, Type 6X37-A)
k When raising a heavy part (heavier Nominal
Allowable load
than 25 kg), use a hoist, etc. In Disas- diameter of rope
sembly and assembly, the weight of a mm kN ton
part heavier than 25 kg is indicated 10 8.8 0.9
after the mark of 4. 12 12.7 1.3
1) Before starting work, inspect the wire 14 17.3 1.7
ropes, brake, clutch, controller, rails, over 16 22.6 2.3
wind stop device, electric shock preven- 18 28.6 2.9
tion earth leakage breaker, crane collision 20 35.3 3.6
prevention device, and power application
25 55.3 5.6
warning lamp, and check safety.
30 79.6 8.1
2) Observe the signs for sling work.
40 141.6 14.4
3) Operate the hoist at a safe place.
4) Check the direction indicator plates (east, 50 221.6 22.6
west, south, and north) and the directions 60 318.3 32.4
of the control buttons without fail.
5) Do not sling a load slantingly. Do not move a The allowable load is one-sixth of the
the crane while the slung load is swinging. breaking strength of the rope used
6) Do not raise or lower a load while the (Safety coefficient: 6).
crane is moving longitudinally or laterally.
7) Do not drag a sling.
8) When lifting up a load, stop it just after it
leaves the ground and check safety, and
then lift it up.
9) Consider the travel route in advance and
lift up a load to a safe height.
10) Place the control switch on a position
where it will not be an obstacle to work
and passage.
11) After operating the hoist, do not swing the
control switch.
12) Remember the position of the main switch
so that you can turn off the power immedi-
ately in an emergency.

PC78US-8 00-200 5
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Safety notice

8. Precautions for disconnecting and con- a Example of O-ring (Fitted to every joint of
necting hoses and tubes in air conditioner hoses and tubes)
1) Disconnection
k For the environment, the air condi-
tioner of this machine uses the
refrigerant (air conditioner gas:
R134a) which has fewer factors of
the depletion of the ozone layer.
However, it does not mean that you
may discharge the refrigerant into
the atmosphere as it is. Be sure to
recover the refrigerant when dis-
connecting the refrigerant gas cir-
cuit and then reuse it.
a Ask professional traders for collecting a For tightening torque, see the precautions for
and filling operation of refrigerant installation in each section of "Disassembly
(R134a). and assembly".
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a)
to the atmosphere.
k If the refrigerant gas gets in your
eyes or contacts your skin, you
may lose your sight and your skin
may be frozen. Accordingly, put
on safety glasses, safety gloves
and safety clothes when recover-
ing or adding the refrigerant.
Refrigerant gas must be recovered
and added by a qualified person.

2) Connection
1] When installing the air conditioner cir-
cuit hoses and tubes, take care that
dirt, dust, water, etc. will not enter
2] When connecting the air conditioner
hoses and tubes, check that O-rings
(1) are fitted to their joints.
3] Check that each O-ring is not dam-
aged or deteriorated.
4] When connecting the refrigerant pip-
ing, apply compressor oil for refriger-
ant (R134a) (DENSO: ND-OIL8,
VA L E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S :
ZXL100PG (equivalent to PAG46))
to its O-rings.

00-200 6 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
How to read the shop manual SEN04553-01

How to read the shop manual 1

q Some attachments and optional parts in this shop manual may not be delivered to certain areas. If one
of them is required, consult KOMATSU distributors.
q Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
q Shop manuals are divided into the “Chassis volume” and “Engine volume”. For the engine unit, see the
engine volume of the engine model mounted on the machine.

1. Composition of shop manual

This shop manual contains the necessary technical information for services performed in a workshop.
For ease of understanding, the manual is divided into the following sections.

00. Index and foreword

This section explains the shop manuals list, table of contents, safety, and basic information.

01. Specification
This section explains the specifications of the machine.

10. Structure, function and maintenance standard

This section explains the structure, function, and maintenance standard values of each component.
The structure and function sub-section explains the structure and function of each component. It
serves not only to give an understanding of the structure, but also serves as reference material for
troubleshooting. The maintenance standard sub-section explains the criteria and remedies for dis-
assembly and service.

20. Standard value table

This section explains the standard values for new machine and judgement criteria for testing,
adjusting, and troubleshooting. This standard value table is used to check the standard values in
testing and adjusting and to judge parts in troubleshooting.

30. Testing and adjusting

This section explains measuring instruments and measuring methods for testing and adjusting, and
method of adjusting each part. The standard values and judgement criteria for testing and adjusting
are explained in Testing and adjusting.

40. Troubleshooting
This section explains how to find out failed parts and how to repair them. The troubleshooting is
divided by failure modes. The “S mode” of the troubleshooting related to the engine may be also
explained in the Chassis volume and Engine volume. In this case, see the Chassis volume.

50. Disassembly and assembly

This section explains the special tools and procedures for removing, installing, disassembling, and
assembling each component, as well as precautions for them. In addition, tightening torque and
quantity and weight of coating material, oil, grease, and coolant necessary for the work are also

90. Diagrams and drawings (chassis volume)/Repair and replacement of parts (engine volume)
q Chassis volume
This section gives hydraulic circuit diagrams and electrical circuit diagrams.
q Engine volume
This section explains the method of reproducing, repairing, and replacing parts.

2. Revision and distribution

Any additions, revisions, or other change of notices will be sent to KOMATSU distributors. Get the most
up-to-date information before you start any work.

PC78US-8 00-200 7
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 How to read the shop manual

3. Filing method
File by the brochures in the correct order of the form number printed in the shop manual composition

q Revised edition mark

When a manual is revised, the ones and tens digits of the form number of each brochure is
increased by 1. (Example: 00, 01, 02 …)

q Revisions
Revised brochures are shown in the shop manual composition table.

4. Symbols
Important safety and quality portions are marked with the following symbols so that the shop manual will
be used practically.

Symbol Item Remarks

k Safety Special safety precautions are necessary when performing work.

Special technical precautions or other precautions for preserving stan-

a Caution
dards are necessary when performing work.

Weight of parts of component or parts. Caution necessary when
selecting hoisting wire, or when working posture is important, etc.

Tightening Places that require special attention for tightening torque during
torque assembly.

2 Coat Places to be coated with adhesives, etc. during assembly.

Oil, coolant Places where oil, etc. must be added, and capacity.

Drain Places where oil, etc. must be drained, and quantity to be drained.

5. Units
In this shop manual, the units are indicated with International System of units (SI). For reference, con-
ventionally used Gravitational System of units is indicated in parentheses { }.

00-200 8 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Explanation of terms for maintenance standard SEN04553-01

Explanation of terms for maintenance standard 1

The maintenance standard chapter explains the criteria for replacing or reusing products and parts in the
machine maintenance work. The following terms are used to explain the criteria.

1. Standard size and tolerance

q To be accurate, the finishing size of parts
is a little different from one to another.
q To specify a finishing size of a part, a tem-
porary standard size is set and an allow-
able difference from that size is indicated.
q The above size set temporarily is called
the “standard size” and the range of differ-
ence from the standard size is called the
q The tolerance with the symbols of + or – is
indicated on the right side of the standard

Standard size Tolerance

a The tolerance may be indicated in the text

and a table as [standard size (upper limit
of tolerance/lower limit of tolerance)].
Example) 120 (–0.022/–0.126)

q Usually, the size of a hole and the size of

the shaft to be fitted to that hole are indi-
cated by the same standard size and dif-
ferent tolerances of the hole and shaft.
The tightness of fit is decided by the toler-
q Indication of size of rotating shaft and hole
and relationship drawing of them

Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.046
–0.076 +0

PC78US-8 00-200 9
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Explanation of terms for maintenance standard

2. Standard clearance and standard value 5. Clearance limit

q The clearance made when new parts are q Parts can be used until the clearance
assembled is called the “standard clear- between them is increased to a certain
ance“, which is indicated by the range limit. The limit at which those parts cannot
from the minimum clearance to the maxi- be used is called the “clearance limit”.
mum clearance. q If the clearance between the parts
q When some parts are repaired, the clear- exceeds the clearance limit, they must be
ance is generally adjusted to the standard replaced or repaired.
q A value of performance and function of 6. Interference limit
new products or equivalent is called the q The allowable maximum interference
“standard value“, which is indicated by a between the hole of a part and the shaft of
range or a target value. another part to be assembled is called the
q When some parts are repaired, the value “interference limit”.
of performance/function is set to the stan- q The interference limit shows the repair
dard value. limit of the part of smaller tolerance.
q If the interference between the parts
3. Standard interference exceeds the interference limit, they must
q When the diameter of a hole of a part be replaced or repaired.
shown in the given standard size and tol-
erance table is smaller than that of the
mating shaft, the difference between those
diameters is called the “interference”.
q The range (A – B) from the difference (A)
between the minimum size of the shaft
and the maximum size of the hole to the
difference (B) between the maximum size
of the shaft and the minimum size of the
hole is the “standard interference”.
q After repairing or replacing some parts,
measure the size of their hole and shaft
and check that the interference is in the
standard range.

4. Repair limit and allowable value or allow-

able dimension
q The size of a part changes because of
wear and deformation while it is used. The
limit of changed size is called the “repair
q If a part is worn to the repair limit, it must
be replaced or repaired.
q The performance and function of a prod-
uct lowers while it is used. A value which
the product can be used without causing a
problem is called the “allowable value” or
“allowable dimension”.
q If a product is worn to the allowable value,
it must be checked or repaired. Since the
permissible value is estimated from vari-
ous tests or experiences in most cases,
however, it must be judged after consider-
ing the operating condition and customer's

00-200 10 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04553-01

Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component 1

To maintain the performance of the machine over a long period, and to prevent failures or other troubles
before they occur, correct “operation“, “maintenance and inspection“, “troubleshooting“, and “repairs” must
be carried out. This section deals particularly with correct repair procedures for mechatronics and is aimed at
improving the quality of repairs. For this purpose, it gives sections on “Handling electric equipment” and
“Handling hydraulic equipment” (particularly gear oil and hydraulic oil).

Points to remember when handling electric

1. Handling wiring harnesses and connectors
Wiring harnesses consist of wiring connecting
one component to another component, con-
nectors used for connecting and disconnecting
one wire from another wire, and protectors or
tubes used for protecting the wiring.
Compared with other electrical components fit-
ted in boxes or cases, wiring harnesses are
more likely to be affected by the direct effects
of rain, water, heat, or vibration. Furthermore,
during inspection and repair operations, they
are frequently removed and installed again, so
they are likely to suffer deformation or damage.
For this reason, it is necessary to be extremely
careful when handling wiring harnesses.

2. Main failures occurring in wiring harness

1) Defective contact of connectors (defec-
tive contact between male and female)
Problems with defective contact are likely
to occur because the male connector is
not properly inserted into the female con-
nector, or because one or both of the con-
nectors is deformed or the position is not
correctly aligned, or because there is cor-
rosion or oxidization of the contact sur-
faces. The corroded or oxidized contact
surfaces may become shiny again (and
contact may become normal) by connect-
ing and disconnecting the connector about
10 times.

2) Defective crimping or soldering of connec-

The pins of the male and female connec-
tors are in contact at the crimped terminal
or soldered portion, but if there is exces-
sive force brought to bear on the wiring,
the plating at the joint will peel and cause
improper connection or breakage.

PC78US-8 00-200 11
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

3) Disconnections in wiring
If the wiring is held and the connectors are
pulled apart, or components are lifted with
a crane with the wiring still connected, or a
heavy object hits the wiring, the crimping
of the connector may separate, or the sol-
dering may be damaged, or the wiring
may be broken.

4) High-pressure water entering connector

The connector is designed to make it diffi-
cult for water to enter (drip-proof struc-
ture), but if high-pressure water is sprayed
directly on the connector, water may enter
the connector, depending on the direction
of the water jet. Accordingly, take care not
to splash water over the connector. The
connector is designed to prevent water
from entering, but at the same time, if
water does enter, it is difficult for it to be
drained. Therefore, if water should get into
the connector, the pins will be short-cir-
cuited by the water, so if any water gets in,
immediately dry the connector or take
other appropriate action before passing
electricity through it.

5) Oil or dirt stuck to connector

If oil or grease are stuck to the connector
and an oil film is formed on the mating sur-
face between the male and female pins,
the oil will not let the electricity pass, so
there will be defective contact. If there is
oil or grease stuck to the connector, wipe it
off with a dry cloth or blow it dry with com-
pressed air and spray it with a contact
a When wiping the mating portion of the
connector, be careful not to use
excessive force or deform the pins.
a If there is oil or water in the com-
pressed air, the contacts will become
even dirtier, so remove the oil and
water from the compressed air com-
pletely before cleaning with com-
pressed air.

00-200 12 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04553-01

3. Removing, installing, and drying connec-

tors and wiring harnesses
1) Disconnecting connectors
1] Hold the connectors when discon-
When disconnecting the connectors,
hold the connectors. For connectors
held by a screw, loosen the screw
fully, then hold the male and female
connectors in each hand and pull
apart. For connectors which have a
lock stopper, press down the stopper
with your thumb and pull the connec-
tors apart.
a Never pull with one hand.

2] When removing from clips

q Both of the connector and clip have
stoppers, which are engaged with
each other when the connector is

q When removing a connector from a

clip, pull the connector in a parallel
direction to the clip for removing stop-
a If the connector is twisted up and
down or to the left or right, the
housing may break.

3] Action to take after removing connec-

After removing any connector, cover it
with a vinyl bag to prevent any dust,
dirt, oil, or water from getting in the
connector portion.
a If the machine is left disassem-
bled for a long time, it is particu-
larly easy for improper contact to
occur, so always cover the con-

PC78US-8 00-200 13
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

2) Connecting connectors
1] Check the connector visually.
Check that there is no oil, dirt, or
water stuck to the connector pins
(mating portion).
Check that there is no deformation,
defective contact, corrosion, or dam-
age to the connector pins.
Check that there is no damage or
breakage to the outside of the con-
a If there is any oil, water, or dirt
stuck to the connector, wipe it off
with a dry cloth. If any water has
got inside the connector, warm
the inside of the wiring with a
dryer, but be careful not to make
it too hot as this will cause short
a If there is any damage or break-
age, replace the connector.
2] Fix the connector securely.
Align the position of the connector
correctly, and then insert it securely.
For connectors with the lock stopper,
push in the connector until the stop-
per clicks into position.
3] Correct any protrusion of the boot and
any misalignment of the wiring har-
For connectors fitted with boots, cor-
rect any protrusion of the boot. In
addition, if the wiring harness is mis-
aligned, or the clamp is out of posi-
tion, adjust it to its correct position.
a If the connector cannot be cor-
rected easily, remove the clamp
and adjust the position.
q If the connector clamp has been
removed, be sure to return it to
its original position. Check also
that there are no loose clamps.

00-200 14 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04553-01

3) Heavy duty wire connector (DT 8-pole, 12- q Disconnection q Connection (Example of
pole) incomplete setting of (a))
Disconnection (Left of figure)
While pressing both sides of locks (a)
and (b), pull out female connector (2).
Connection (Right of figure)
1] Push in female connector (2) horizon-
tally until the lock clicks.
Arrow: 1)
2] Since locks (a) and (b) may not be set
completely, push in female connector
(2) while moving it up and down until
the locks are set normally.
Arrow: 1), 2), 3)
a Right of figure: Lock (a) is pulled
down (not set completely) and
lock (b) is set completely.
(1): Male connector
(2): Female connector
(a), (b): Locks

PC78US-8 00-200 15
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

4) Drying wiring harness

If there is any oil or dirt on the wiring har-
ness, wipe it off with a dry cloth. Avoid
washing it in water or using steam. If the
connector must be washed in water, do
not use high-pressure water or steam
directly on the wiring harness. If water
gets directly on the connector, do as fol-
1] Disconnect the connector and wipe
off the water with a dry cloth.
a If the connector is blown dry with
compressed air, there is the risk
that oil in the air may cause
defective contact, so remove all
oi l a nd wa ter fr om t he c om -
pressed air before blowing with
2] Dry the inside of the connector with a
If water gets inside the connector, use
a dryer to dry the connector.
a Hot air from the dryer can be
used, but regulate the time that
the hot air is used in order not to
make the connector or related
parts too hot, as this will cause
deformation or damage to the
3] Carry out a continuity test on the con-
After drying, leave the wiring harness
disconnected and carry out a continu-
ity test to check for any short circuits
between pins caused by water.
a After completely drying the con-
n e c t o r, b l o w i t w i t h c o n ta c t
restorer and reassemble.

00-200 16 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04553-01

4. Handling controller
1) The controller contains a microcomputer
and electronic control circuits. These con-
trol all of the electronic circuits on the
machine, so be extremely careful when
handling the controller.
2) Do not place objects on top of the control-
3) Cover the control connectors with tape or
a vinyl bag. Never touch the connector
contacts with your hand.
4) During rainy weather, do not leave the
controller in a place where it is exposed to
5) Do not place the controller on oil, water, or
soil, or in any hot place, even for a short
time. (Place it on a suitable dry stand).
6) Precautions when carrying out arc welding
When carrying out arc welding on the
body, disconnect all wiring harness con-
nectors connected to the controller. Fit an
arc welding ground close to the welding

5. Points to remember when troubleshooting

electric circuits
1) Always turn the power OFF before discon-
necting or connecting connectors.
2) Before carrying out troubleshooting, check
that all the related connectors are properly
a Disconnect and connect the related
connectors several times to check.
3) Always connect any disconnected con-
nectors before going on to the next step.
a If the power is turned ON with the
connectors still disconnected, unnec-
essary abnormality displays will be
4) When carrying out troubleshooting of cir-
cuits (measuring the voltage, resistance,
continuity, or current), move the related
wiring and connectors several times and
check that there is no change in the read-
ing of the tester.
a If there is any change, there is proba-
bly defective contact in that circuit.

PC78US-8 00-200 17
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component

Points to remember when handling hydraulic equipment

With the increase in pressure and precision of hydraulic equipment, the most common cause of failure is dirt
(foreign material) in the hydraulic circuit. When adding hydraulic oil, or when disassembling or assembling
hydraulic equipment, it is necessary to be particularly careful.

1. Be careful of the operating environment.

Avoid adding hydraulic oil, replacing filters, or
repairing the machine in rain or high winds, or
places where there is a lot of dust.

2. Disassembly and maintenance work in the

If disassembly or maintenance work is carried
out on hydraulic equipment in the field, there is
danger of dust entering the equipment. It is
also difficult to check the performance after
repairs, so it is desirable to use unit exchange.
Disassembly and maintenance of hydraulic
equipment should be carried out in a specially
prepared dustproof workshop, and the perfor-
mance should be checked with special test

3. Sealing openings
After any piping or equipment is removed, the
openings should be sealed with caps, tapes, or
vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is
blocked with a rag, there is danger of dirt
entering or of the surrounding area being
made dirty by leaking oil so never do this. Do
not simply drain oil out onto the ground, but
collect it and ask the customer to dispose of it,
or take it back with you for disposal.

4. Do not let any dirt or dust get in during

refilling operations
Be careful not to let any dirt or dust get in when
refilling with hydraulic oil. Always keep the oil
filler and the area around it clean, and also use
clean pumps and oil containers. If an oil clean-
ing device is used, it is possible to filter out the
dirt that has collected during storage, so this is
an even more effective method.

00-200 18 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of electric equipment and hydraulic component SEN04553-01

5. Change hydraulic oil when the temperature

is high
When hydraulic oil or other oil is warm, it flows
easily. In addition, the sludge can also be
drained out easily from the circuit together with
the oil, so it is best to change the oil when it is
still warm. When changing the oil, as much as
possible of the old hydraulic oil must be
drained out. (Drain the oil from the hydraulic
tank; also drain the oil from the filter and from
the drain plug in the circuit.) If any old oil is left,
the contaminants and sludge in it will mix with
the new oil and will shorten the life of the
hydraulic oil.

6. Flushing operations
After disassembling and assembling the equip-
ment, or changing the oil, use flushing oil to
remove the contaminants, sludge, and old oil
from the hydraulic circuit. Normally, flushing is
carried out twice: primary flushing is carried
out with flushing oil, and secondary flushing is
carried out with the specified hydraulic oil.

7. Cleaning operations
After repairing the hydraulic equipment (pump,
control valve, etc.) or when running the
machine, carry out oil cleaning to remove the
sludge or contaminants in the hydraulic oil cir-
cuit. The oil cleaning equipment is used to
remove the ultra fine (about 3 m) particles that
the filter built in the hydraulic equipment can-
not remove, so it is an extremely effective

PC78US-8 00-200 19
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Handling of connectors newly used for engines

Handling of connectors newly used for engines 1

a Mainly, following engines are object for follow- 2. Pull lock type (PACKARD-2)
ing connectors. q 95 – 170, 12V140 engines
q 95E-5 q Various temperature sensors
q 107E-1 Example)
q 114E-3 Intake air temperature sensor in
q 125E-5 intake manifold: TIM
q 140E-5 Fuel temperature sensor: TFUEL
q 170E-5 Oil temperature sensor: TOIL
q 12V140E-3 Coolant temperature sensor: TWTR,
1. Slide lock type Disconnect the connector by pulling lock
(FRAMATOME-3, FRAMATOME-2) (B) (on the wiring harness side) of connec-
q 95 – 170, 12V140 engines tor (2) outward.
q Various pressure sensors and NE
speed sensor
Intake air pressure sensor in intake
manifold: PIM
(125, 170, 12V140 engines)
Oil pressure sensor: POIL
(125, 170, 12V140 engines)
Oil pressure switch
(95, 107, 114 engines)
Ne speed sensor of flywheel housing:
NE (95 – 170, 12V140 engines)
Ambient pressure sensor: PAMB
(125, 170, 12V140 engines)

Disconnect connector (1) according to the fol-

lowing procedure.
1) Slide lock (L1) to the right.
2) While pressing lock (L2), pull out connec-
tor (1) toward you.
a Even if lock (L2) is pressed, connec-
tor (1) cannot be pulled out toward
you, if part A does not float. In this
case, float part A with a small screw-
driver while press lock (L2), and then
pull out connector (1) toward you.

00-200 20 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Handling of connectors newly used for engines SEN04553-01

3. Push lock type

q 95, 107, 114 engines
Fuel pressure sensor in common rail

Disconnect connector (3) according to the fol-

lowing procedure.
1) While pressing lock (C), pull out connector
(3) in the direction of the arrow.

q 114 engine

q 107, 114 engines

Intake air pressure/temperature sensor in
intake manifold

3) While pressing lock (D), pull out connector

(4) in the direction of the arrow.

q 107 engine

a If the lock is on the underside, use

flat-head screwdriver [1] since you
cannot insert your fingers.
2) While pressing up lock (C) of the connec-
tor with flat-head screwdriver [1], pull out
connector (3) in the direction of the arrow.

PC78US-8 00-200 21
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Handling of connectors newly used for engines

q 95, 125 – 170, 12V140 engines 4. Turn-housing type (Round green connector)
4) While pressing lock (E) of the connector, q 140 engine
pull out connector (5) in the direction of Example)
the arrow. Intake air pressure sensor in intake mani-
fold (CANNON-04): PIM etc.
Fuel pressure sensor in common rail: 1) Disconnect connector (6) according to the
PFUEL etc. (AMP-3) following procedure.
1] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of
the arrow.
a When connector is unlocked,
housing (H1) becomes heavy to
2] Pull out housing (H1) in the direction
of the arrow.
a Housing (H1) is left on the wiring har-
ness side.

Injection pressure control valve of fuel
supply pump: PCV (SUMITOMO-2)

2) Connect the connector according to the

following procedure.
1] Insert the connector to the end, while
setting its groove.
2] Turn housing (H1) in the direction of
the arrow until it “clicks”.

Speed sensor of fuel supply pump:
a Pull the connector straight up.

00-200 22 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
How to read electric wire code SEN04553-01

How to read electric wire code 1

a The information about the wires unique to each machine model is described in Troubleshooting section,
Relational information of troubleshooting.

In the electric circuit diagram, the material, thickness, and color of each electric wire are indicated by sym-
bols. The electric wire code is helpful in understanding the electric circuit diagram.

Example: AEX 0.85 L - - - Indicates blue, heat-resistant, low-voltage wire for automobile, having nomi-
nal No. of 0.85
Indicates color of wire by color code.
Color codes are shown in Table 3.

Indicates size of wire by nominal No.

Size (Nominal No.) is shown in Table 2.

Indicates type of wire by symbol.

Type, symbol, and material of wire are shown in Table 1.
(Since AV and AVS are classified by size (nominal No.), they are not indi-

1. Type, symbol, and material

AV and AVS are different in only thickness and outside diameter of the cover. AEX is similar to AV in
thickness and outside diameter of AEX and different from AV and AVS in material of the cover.

(Table 1)
Type Material temperature Example of use
range (°C)
Low-voltage Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
tor tric appliance General wiring
wire for AV
(Nominal No. 5 and above)
automobile Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Thin-cover Conduc- Annealed copper for elec- –30 to +60
low-voltage tor tric appliance General wiring
wire for (Nominal No. 3 and below)
Insulator Soft polyvinyl chloride
Heat-resis- Conduc- Annealed copper for elec-
tor tric appliance General wiring in extremely
tant low-volt-
AEX –50 to +110 cold district, wiring at high-tem-
age wire for Heat-resistant crosslinked
Insulator perature place
automobile polyethylene

PC78US-8 00-200 23
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 How to read electric wire code

2. Dimensions

(Table 2)
Nominal No. 0.5f (0.5) 0.75f (0.85) 1.25f (1.25) 2f 2 3f 3 5
Number of
strands/Diam- 20/0.18 7/0.32 30/0.18 11/0.32 50/0.18 16/0.32 37/0.26 26/0.32 58/0.26 41/0.32 65/0.32
eter of strand
0.51 0.56 0.76 0.88 1.27 1.29 1.96 2.09 3.08 3.30 5.23
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.4 3.0
AVS Standard 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.6 –
AV Standard – – – – – – – 4.6
er D
AEX Standard 2.0 2.2 2.7 3.0 3.1 – 3.8 4.6

Nominal No. 8 15 20 30 40 50 60 85 100

Number of
strands/Diam- 50/0.45 84/0.45 41/0.80 70/0.80 85/0.80 108/0.80 127/0.80 169/0.80 217/0.80
eter of strand
7.95 13.36 20.61 35.19 42.73 54.29 63.84 84.96 109.1
area (mm2)
d (approx.) 3.7 4.8 6.0 8.0 8.6 9.8 10.4 12.0 13.6
AVS Standard – – – – – – – – –
AV Standard 5.5 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6
er D
AEX Standard 5.3 7.0 8.2 10.8 11.4 13.0 13.6 16.0 17.6

“f” of nominal No. denotes flexible”.

00-200 24 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
How to read electric wire code SEN04553-01

3. Color codes table

(Table 3)
Color Code Color of wire Color Code Color of wire
B Black LgW Light green & White
Br Brown LgY Light green & Yellow
BrB Brown & Black LR Blue & Red
BrR Brown & Red LW Blue & White
BrW Brown & White LY Blue & Yellow
BrY Brown & Yellow O Orange
Ch Charcoal P Pink
Dg Dark green R Red
G Green RB Red & Black
GB Green & Black RG Red & Green
GL Green & Blue RL Red & Blue
Gr Gray RW Red & White
GR Green & Red RY Red & Yellow
GW Green & White Sb Sky Blue
GY Green & Yellow Y Yellow
L Blue YB Yellow & Black
LB Blue & Black YG Yellow &Green
Lg Light green YL Yellow & Blue
LgB Light green & Black YR Yellow & Red
LgR Light green & Red YW Yellow & White

Remarks: In a color code consisting of 2 colors, the first color is the color of the background and
the second color is the color of the marking.
Example: “GW” means that the background is Green and marking is White.

4. Types of circuits and color codes

(Table 4)
Type of wire AVS or AV AEX
Charge R WG – – – – R –
Ground B – – – – – B –
Start R – – – – – R –
Light RW RB RY RG RL – D –
Instrument Y YR YB YG YL YW Y Gr
Signal G GW GR GY GB GL G Br
Type of
Br BrW BrR BrY BrB – – –
Lg LgR LgY LgB LgW – – –
O – – – – – – –
Others Gr – – – – – – –
P – – – – – – –
Sb – – – – – – –
Dg – – – – – – –
Ch – – – – – – –

PC78US-8 00-200 25
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Precautions when carrying out operation

Precautions when carrying out operation 1

[When carrying out removal or installation (disassembly or assembly) of units, be sure to follow the general
precautions given below when carrying out the operation.]

1. Precautions when carrying out removal work

q If the coolant contains antifreeze, dispose of it correctly.
q After disconnecting hoses or tubes, cover them or fit plugs to prevent dirt or dust from entering.
q When draining oil, prepare a container of adequate size to catch the oil.
q Confirm the match marks showing the installation position, and make match marks in the necessary
places before removal to prevent any mistake when assembling.
q To prevent any excessive force from being applied to the wiring, always hold the connectors when dis-
connecting the connectors. Do not pull the wires.
q Fit wires and hoses with tags to show their installation position to prevent any mistake when installing.
q Check the number and thickness of the shims, and keep in a safe place.
q When raising components, be sure to use lifting equipment of ample strength.
q When using forcing screws to remove any components, tighten the forcing screws uniformly in turn.
q Before removing any unit, clean the surrounding area and fit a cover to prevent any dust or dirt from
entering after removal.
a Precautions when handling piping during disassembly
Fit the following plugs into the piping after disconnecting it during disassembly operations.
1) Face seal type hoses and tubes
Plug (nut end) Sleeve nut (elbow end)
02 07376-70210 02789-20210
03 07376-70315 02789-20315
04 07376-70422 02789-20422
05 07376-70522 02789-20522
06 07376-70628 02789-20628
10 07376-71034 07221-21034
12 07376-71234 07221-21234

2) Split flange type hoses and tubes

Flange (hose end) Sleeve head (tube end) Split flange
04 07379-00400 07378-10400 07371-30400
05 07379-00500 07378-10500 07371-30500

3) If the part is not under hydraulic pressure, the following corks can be used.
Nominal Dimensions
Part Number
number D d L
06 07049-00608 6 5 8
08 07049-00811 8 6.5 11
10 07049-01012 10 8.5 12
12 07049-01215 12 10 15
14 07049-01418 14 11.5 18
16 07049-01620 16 13.5 20
18 07049-01822 18 15 22
20 07049-02025 20 17 25
22 07049-02228 22 18.5 28
24 07049-02430 24 20 30
27 07049-02734 27 22.5 34

00-200 26 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Precautions when carrying out operation SEN04553-01

2. Precautions when carrying out installation work

q Tighten all bolts and nuts (sleeve nuts) to the specified (KES) torque.
q Install the hoses without twisting or interference and fix them with intermediate clamps, if there are any.
q Replace all gaskets, O-rings, cotter pins, and lock plates with new parts.
q Bend the cotter pins and lock plates securely.
q When coating with adhesive, clean the part and remove all oil and grease, then coat the threaded por-
tion with 2 – 3 drops of adhesive.
q When coating with gasket sealant, clean the surface and remove all oil and grease, check that there is
no dirt or damage, then coat uniformly with gasket sealant.
q Clean all parts, and correct any damage, dents, burrs, or rust.
q Coat rotating parts and sliding parts with engine oil.
q When press fitting parts, coat the surface with anti-friction compound (LM-P).
q After fitting snap rings, check that the snap ring is fitted securely in the ring groove.
q When connecting wiring connectors, clean the connector to remove all oil, dirt, or water, then connect
q When using eyebolts, check that there is no deformation or deterioration, screw them in fully, and align
the direction of the hook.
q When tightening split flanges, tighten uniformly in turn to prevent excessive tightening on one side.

a When operating the hydraulic cylinders for the first time after reassembling cylinders, pumps and other
hydraulic equipment removed for repair, always bleed the air as follows:
1) Start the engine and run at low idle.
2) Operate the work equipment control lever to operate the hydraulic cylinder 4 – 5 times, stopping the
cylinder 100 mm from the end of its stroke.
3) Next, operate the hydraulic cylinder 3 – 4 times to the end of its stroke.
4) After doing this, run the engine at normal speed.
a When using the machine for the first time after repair or long storage, follow the same procedure.

3. Precautions when completing the operation

1) Refilling with coolant, oil and grease
q If the coolant has been drained, tighten the drain valve, and add coolant to the specified level.
Run the engine to circulate the coolant through the system. Then check the coolant level
q If the hydraulic equipment has been removed and installed again, add engine oil to the speci-
fied level. Run the engine to circulate the oil through the system. Then check the oil level
q If the piping or hydraulic equipment have been removed, always bleed the air from the system
after reassembling the parts.
a For details, see Testing and adjusting, “Bleeding air”.
q Add the specified amount of grease (molybdenum disulphide grease) to the work equipment
2) Checking cylinder head and manifolds for looseness
Check the cylinder head and intake and exhaust manifold for looseness.
If any part is loosened, retighten it.
q For the tightening torque, see “Disassembly and assembly”.
3) Checking engine piping for damage and looseness
Intake and exhaust system
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for air
suction and exhaust gas leakage.
If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.
Cooling system
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for
coolant leakage.
If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.
Fuel system
Check the piping for damage, the mounting bolts and nuts for looseness, and the joints for fuel
If any part is loosened or damaged, retighten or repair it.

PC78US-8 00-200 27
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Precautions when carrying out operation

4) Checking muffler and exhaust pipe for damage and looseness

1] Visually check the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for a crack and damage.
If any part is damaged, replace it.
2] Check the mounting bolts and nuts of the muffler, exhaust pipe and their mounting parts for
If any bolt or nut is loosened, retighten it.
5) Checking muffler function
Check the muffler for abnormal sound and sound different from that of a new muffler.
If any abnormal sound is heard, repair the muffler, referring to “Troubleshooting” and “Disassembly
and assembly”.

00-200 28 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler SEN04553-01

Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler 1

k Before carrying out the following work, loosen the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank gradually to
release the residual pressure from the hydraulic tank.
k Even if the residual pressure is released from the hydraulic tank, some hydraulic oil flows out
when the hose is disconnected. Accordingly, prepare an oil receiving container.

Type 1

1. Disconnection
1) Hold adapter (1) and push hose joint (2)
into mating adapter (3). (Fig. 1)
a The adapter can be pushed in about
3.5 mm.
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After hose joint (2) is pushed into adapter
(3), press rubber cap portion (4) against
adapter (3) until it clicks. (Fig. 2)
3) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and pull
it out. (Fig. 3)
a Since some hydraulic oil flows out,
prepare an oil receiving container.

2. Connection
1) Hold hose adapter (1) or hose (5) and
insert it in mating adapter (3), aligning
them with each other. (Fig. 4)
a Do not hold rubber cap portion (4).
2) After inserting the hose in the mating
adapter perfectly, pull it back to check its
connecting condition. (Fig. 5)
a When the hose is pulled back, the
rubber cap portion moves toward the
hose about 3.5 mm. This does not
indicate abnormality, however.

PC78US-8 00-200 29
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler

Type 2

1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 6)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1), turn
lever (8) to the right (clockwise). (Fig. 7)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (7) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 8)

2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(7) straight until sliding prevention ring (6)
contacts contact surface (a) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 9)

00-200 30 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Method of disassembling and connecting push-pull type coupler SEN04553-01

Type 3

1. Disconnection
1) Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until sliding prevention ring (8)
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 10)
2) While holding the condition of Step 1),
push cover (10) straight until it contacts
contact surface (b) of the hexagonal por-
tion at the male end. (Fig. 11)
3) While holding the condition of Steps 1)
and 2), pull out whole body (9) to discon-
nect it. (Fig. 12)

2. Connection
q Hold the tightening portion and push body
(9) straight until the sliding prevention ring
contacts contact surface (b) of the hexag-
onal portion at the male end. (Fig. 13)

PC78US-8 00-200 31
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Standard tightening torque table

Standard tightening torque table 1

1. Table of tightening torques for bolts and nuts

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten metric nuts and bolts to the torque below.

a The following table applies to the bolts in Fig. A.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque

mm mm Nm kgm
6 10 11.8 – 14.7 1.2 – 1.5
8 13 27 – 34 2.8 – 3.5
10 17 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.5
12 19 98 – 123 10.0 – 12.5
14 22 157 – 196 16 – 20
16 24 245 – 309 25 – 31.5
18 27 343 – 427 35 – 43.5
20 30 490 – 608 50 – 62
22 32 662 – 829 67.5 – 84.5
24 36 824 – 1,030 84 – 105
27 41 1,180 – 1,470 120 – 150
30 46 1,520 – 1,910 155 – 195
33 50 1,960 – 2,450 200 – 250
36 55 2,450 – 3,040 250 – 310
39 60 2,890 – 3,630 295 – 370

a The following table applies to the bolts in Fig. B.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque

mm mm Nm kgm
6 10 5.9 – 9.8 0.6 – 1.0
8 12 13.7 – 23.5 1.4 – 2.4
10 14 34.3 – 46.1 3.5 – 4.7
12 17 74.5 – 90.2 7.6 – 9.2

a Fig. A a Fig. B

Remarks: The widths across flats against the thread diameters of flanged bolts (marks with "*") in Fig. A are
the ones indicated in the table for bolts shown in Fig. B.
(Values of tightening torques shown in the table for Fig. A are applied.)

00-200 32 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Standard tightening torque table SEN04553-01

2. Table of tightening torques for split flange bolts

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten split flange bolts to the torque below.

Thread diameter of bolt Width across flats Tightening torque

mm mm Nm kgm
10 14 59 – 74 6.0 – 7.5
12 17 98 – 123 10.0 – 12.5
16 22 235 – 285 23.5 – 29.5

3. Table of tightening torques for O-ring boss piping joints

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten O-ring boss piping joints to the torque below.

Thread diameter Width across flats Tightening torque Nm {kgm}

Nominal No.
mm mm Range Target
02 14 35 – 63 { 3.5 – 6.5} 44 { 4.5}
03,04 20 Varies depending 84 – 132 { 8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5}
05,06 24 on type of connec- 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0}
10,12 33 tor. 363 – 480 {37.0 – 49.0} 422 {43.0}
14 42 746 – 1,010 {76.0 – 103} 883 {90.0}

4. Table of tightening torques for O-ring boss plugs

a Unless there are special instructions, tighten O-ring boss plugs to the torque below.

Nominal Thread diameter Width across flats Tightening torque Nm {kgm}

No. mm mm Range Target
08 8 14 5.88 – 8.82 {0.6 – 0.9} 7.35 {0.75}
10 10 17 9.81 – 12.74 {1.0 – 1.3} 11.27 {1.15}
12 12 19 14.7 – 19.6 {1.5 – 2.0} 17.64 {1.8}
14 14 22 19.6 – 24.5 {2.0 – 2.5} 22.54 {2.3}
16 16 24 24.5 – 34.3 {2.5 – 3.5} 29.4 {3.0}
18 18 27 34.3 – 44.1 {3.5 – 4.5} 39.2 {4.0}
20 20 30 44.1 – 53.9 {4.5 – 5.5} 49.0 {5.0}
24 24 32 58.8 – 78.4 {6.0 – 8.0} 68.6 {7.0}
30 30 32 93.1 – 122.5 { 9.5 – 12.5} 107.8 {11.0}
33 33 – 107.8 – 147.0 {11.0 – 15.0} 127.4 {13.0}
36 36 36 127.4 – 176.4 {13.0 – 18.0} 151.9 {15.5}
42 42 – 181.3 – 240.1 {18.5 – 24.5} 210.7 {21.5}
52 52 – 274.4 – 367.5 {28.0 – 37.5} 323.4 {33.0}

PC78US-8 00-200 33
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Standard tightening torque table

5. Table of tightening torques for hoses (taper seal type and face seal type)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the hoses (taper seal type and face seal type) to the
torque below.
a Apply the following torque when the threads are coated (wet) with engine oil.

Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Taper seal Face seal

Nominal Width Nominal No. –
No. of across Thread
Thread size Number of
hose flats Range Target diameter (mm)
(mm) threads, type of
34 – 54 { 3.5 – 5.5} – 9/16-18UN 14.3
02 19 44 { 4.5}
34 – 63 { 3.5 – 6.5} 14 – –
22 54 – 93 { 5.5 – 9.5} 74 { 7.5} – 11/16-16UN 17.5
24 59 – 98 { 6.0 – 10.0} 78 { 8.0} 18 – –
04 27 84 – 132 { 8.5 – 13.5} 103 {10.5} 22 13/16-16UN 20.6
05 32 128 – 186 {13.0 – 19.0} 157 {16.0} 24 1-14UNS 25.4
06 36 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 30 1-3/16-12UN 30.2
(10) 41 177 – 245 {18.0 – 25.0} 216 {22.0} 33 – –
(12) 46 197 – 294 {20.0 – 30.0} 245 {25.0} 36 – –
(14) 55 246 – 343 {25.0 – 35.0} 294 {30.0} 42 – –

6. Table of tightening torques for face seal joints

a Tighten the face seal joints (sleeve nut type) made of plated steel pipes for low pressure service to
be used for engines etc. to the torque shown in the following table.
a Apply the following torque to the face seal joint while their threaded parts are coated with engine oil

Outer Width Tightening torque Nm {kgm} Face seal

diameter across Nominal No. – Thread diameter
of pipe flats Range Target Number of threads, (mm)
(mm) (mm) type of thread (Reference)
8 19 14 – 16 {1.4 – 1.6} 15 {1.5} 9/16-18UN 14.3
10 22 24 – 27 {2.4 – 2.7} 25.5 {2.6} 11/16-16UN 17.5
12 24 (27) 43 – 47 {4.4 – 4.8} 45 {4.6} 13/16-16UN 20.6
15 (16) 30 (32) 60 – 68 {6.1 – 6.8} 64 {6.5} 1-14UN 25.4
22 (20) 36 90 – 95 {9.2 – 9.7} 92.5 {9.4} 1-3/16-12UN 30.2
Reference: The face seal joints of the dimensions in ( ) are also used, depending on the specification.

7. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Bolts and nuts)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric bolts and nuts of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.

Tightening torque
Thread size
Bolts and nuts
mm Nm kgm
6 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
8 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
10 43 ± 6 4.38 ± 0.61
12 77 ± 12 7.85 ± 1.22
14 — —

00-200 34 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Standard tightening torque table SEN04553-01

8. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Eye joints)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the metric eye joints of the 102, 107 and 114 engine
series to the torque below.

Thread size Tightening torque

mm Nm kgm
6 8±2 0.81 ± 0.20
8 10 ± 2 1.02 ± 0.20
10 12 ± 2 1.22 ± 0.20
12 24 ± 4 2.45 ± 0.41
14 36 ± 5 3.67 ± 0.51

9. Table of tightening torques for 102, 107 and 114 engine series (Taper screws)
a Unless there are special instructions, tighten the taper screws (unit: inch) of the 102, 107 and 114
engine series to the torque below.

Tightening torque
Material In cast iron or steel In aluminum
Thread size (inch) Nm kgm Nm kgm
1/16 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.20 5±1 0.51 ± 0.10
1/8 20 ± 2 2.04 ± 0.20 15 ± 2 1.53 ± 0.20
1/4 25 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.31 20 ± 2 2.04 ± 0.20
3/8 35 ± 4 3.57 ± 0.41 25 ± 3 2.55 ± 0.31
1/2 55 ± 6 5.61 ± 0.61 35 ± 4 3.57 ± 0.41
3/4 75 ± 8 7.65 ± 0.82 45 ± 5 4.59 ± 0.51

PC78US-8 00-200 35
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Conversion table

Conversion table 1

Method of using the conversion table

The conversion table in this section is provided to enable simple conversion of figures. For details of the
method of using the conversion table, see the example given below.

Example: Method of using the conversion table to convert from millimeters to inches

1. Convert 55 mm into inches.

1) Locate the number 50 in the vertical column at the left side, take this as (A), and then draw a hori-
zontal line from (A).
2) Locate the number 5 in the row across the top, take this as (B), then draw a perpendicular line down
from (B).
3) Take the point where the 2 lines cross as (C). This point (C) gives the value when converting from
millimeters to inches. Therefore, 55 mm = 2.165 inches.

2. Convert 550 mm into inches.

1) The number 550 does not appear in the table, so divide it by 10 (move the decimal point one place
to the left) to convert it to 55 mm.
2) Carry out the same procedure as above to convert 55 mm to 2.165 inches.
3) The original value (550 mm) was divided by 10, so multiply 2.165 inches by 10 (move the decimal
point one place to the right) to return to the original value. This gives 550 mm = 21.65 inches.

Millimeters to inches (B)

1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929
50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

00-200 36 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Conversion table SEN04553-01

Millimeters to inches
1 mm = 0.03937 in
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.039 0.079 0.118 0.157 0.197 0.236 0.276 0.315 0.354
10 0.394 0.433 0.472 0.512 0.551 0.591 0.630 0.669 0.709 0.748
20 0.787 0.827 0.866 0.906 0.945 0.984 1.024 1.063 1.102 1.142
30 1.181 1.220 1.260 1.299 1.339 1.378 1.417 1.457 1.496 1.536
40 1.575 1.614 1.654 1.693 1.732 1.772 1.811 1.850 1.890 1.929

50 1.969 2.008 2.047 2.087 2.126 2.165 2.205 2.244 2.283 2.323
60 2.362 2.402 2.441 2.480 2.520 2.559 2.598 2.638 2.677 2.717
70 2.756 2.795 2.835 2.874 2.913 2.953 2.992 3.032 3.071 3.110
80 3.150 3.189 3.228 3.268 3.307 3.346 3.386 3.425 3.465 3.504
90 3.543 3.583 3.622 3.661 3.701 3.740 3.780 3.819 3.858 3.898

Kilogram to pound
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 2.20 4.41 6.61 8.82 11.02 13.23 15.43 17.64 19.84
10 22.05 24.25 26.46 28.66 30.86 33.07 35.27 37.48 39.68 41.89
20 44.09 46.30 48.50 50.71 51.91 55.12 57.32 59.53 61.73 63.93
30 66.14 68.34 70.55 72.75 74.96 77.16 79.37 81.57 83.78 85.98
40 88.18 90.39 92.59 94.80 97.00 99.21 101.41 103.62 105.82 108.03

50 110.23 112.44 114.64 116.85 119.05 121.25 123.46 125.66 127.87 130.07
60 132.28 134.48 136.69 138.89 141.10 143.30 145.51 147.71 149.91 152.12
70 154.32 156.53 158.73 160.94 163.14 165.35 167.55 169.76 171.96 174.17
80 176.37 178.57 180.78 182.98 185.19 187.39 189.60 191.80 194.01 196.21
90 198.42 200.62 202.83 205.03 207.24 209.44 211.64 213.85 216.05 218.26

Liters to U.S. Gallons

1 l = 0.2642 U.S.Gal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.264 0.528 0.793 1.057 1.321 1.585 1.849 2.113 2.378
10 2.642 2.906 3.170 3.434 3.698 3.963 4.227 4.491 4.755 5.019
20 5.283 5.548 5.812 6.076 6.340 6.604 6.869 7.133 7.397 7.661
30 7.925 8.189 8.454 8.718 8.982 9.246 9.510 9.774 10.039 10.303
40 10.567 10.831 11.095 11.359 11.624 11.888 12.152 12.416 12.680 12.944

50 13.209 13.473 13.737 14.001 14.265 14.529 14.795 15.058 15.322 15.586
60 15.850 16.115 16.379 16.643 16.907 17.171 17.435 17.700 17.964 18.228
70 18.492 18.756 19.020 19.285 19.549 19.813 20.077 20.341 20.605 20.870
80 21.134 21.398 21.662 21.926 22.190 22.455 22.719 22.983 23.247 23.511
90 23.775 24.040 24.304 24.568 24.832 25.096 25.361 25.625 25.889 26.153

PC78US-8 00-200 37
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Conversion table

Liters to U.K. Gallons

1 l = 0.21997 U.K.Gal
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0.220 0.440 0.660 0.880 1.100 1.320 1.540 1.760 1.980
10 2.200 2.420 2.640 2.860 3.080 3.300 3.520 3.740 3.950 4.179
20 4.399 4.619 4.839 5.059 5.279 5.499 5.719 5.939 6.159 6.379
30 6.599 6.819 7.039 7.259 7.479 7.699 7.919 8.139 8.359 8.579
40 8.799 9.019 9.239 9.459 9.679 9.899 10.119 10.339 10.559 10.778

50 10.998 11.281 11.438 11.658 11.878 12.098 12.318 12.528 12.758 12.978
60 13.198 13.418 13.638 13.858 14.078 14.298 14.518 14.738 14.958 15.178
70 15.398 15.618 15.838 16.058 16.278 16.498 16.718 16.938 17.158 17.378
80 17.598 17.818 18.037 18.257 18.477 18.697 18.917 19.137 19.357 19.577
90 19.797 20.017 20.237 20.457 20.677 20.897 21.117 21.337 21.557 21.777

kgm to ft.lb
1 kgm = 7.233 ft.lb
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 7.2 14.5 21.7 28.9 36.2 43.4 50.6 57.9 65.1
10 72.3 79.6 86.8 94.0 101.3 108.5 115.7 123.0 130.2 137.4
20 144.7 151.9 159.1 166.4 173.6 180.8 188.1 195.3 202.5 209.8
30 217.0 224.2 231.5 238.7 245.9 253.2 260.4 267.6 274.9 282.1
40 289.3 296.6 303.8 311.0 318.3 325.5 332.7 340.0 347.2 354.4

50 361.7 368.9 376.1 383.4 390.6 397.8 405.1 412.3 419.5 426.8
60 434.0 441.2 448.5 455.7 462.9 470.2 477.4 484.6 491.8 499.1
70 506.3 513.5 520.8 528.0 535.2 542.5 549.7 556.9 564.2 571.4
80 578.6 585.9 593.1 600.3 607.6 614.8 622.0 629.3 636.5 643.7
90 651.0 658.2 665.4 672.7 679.9 687.1 694.4 701.6 708.8 716.1

100 723.3 730.5 737.8 745.0 752.2 759.5 766.7 773.9 781.2 788.4
110 795.6 802.9 810.1 817.3 824.6 831.8 839.0 846.3 853.5 860.7
120 868.0 875.2 882.4 889.7 896.9 904.1 911.4 918.6 925.8 933.1
130 940.3 947.5 954.8 962.0 969.2 976.5 983.7 990.9 998.2 1005.4
140 1012.6 1019.9 1027.1 1034.3 1041.5 1048.8 1056.0 1063.2 1070.5 1077.7

150 1084.9 1092.2 1099.4 1106.6 1113.9 1121.1 1128.3 1135.6 1142.8 1150.0
160 1157.3 1164.5 1171.7 1179.0 1186.2 1193.4 1200.7 1207.9 1215.1 1222.4
170 1129.6 1236.8 1244.1 1251.3 1258.5 1265.8 1273.0 1280.1 1287.5 1294.7
180 1301.9 1309.2 1316.4 1323.6 1330.9 1338.1 1345.3 1352.6 1359.8 1367.0
190 1374.3 1381.5 1388.7 1396.0 1403.2 1410.4 1417.7 1424.9 1432.1 1439.4

00-200 38 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Conversion table SEN04553-01

kg/cm2 to lb/in2
1 kg/cm2 = 14.2233 lb/in2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 14.2 28.4 42.7 56.9 71.1 85.3 99.6 113.8 128.0
10 142.2 156.5 170.7 184.9 199.1 213.4 227.6 241.8 256.0 270.2
20 284.5 298.7 312.9 327.1 341.4 355.6 369.8 384.0 398.3 412.5
30 426.7 440.9 455.1 469.4 483.6 497.8 512.0 526.3 540.5 554.7
40 568.9 583.2 597.4 611.6 625.8 640.1 654.3 668.5 682.7 696.9

50 711.2 725.4 739.6 753.8 768.1 782.3 796.5 810.7 825.0 839.2
60 853.4 867.6 881.8 896.1 910.3 924.5 938.7 953.0 967.2 981.4
70 995.6 1,010 1,024 1,038 1,053 1,067 1,081 1,095 1,109 1,124
80 1,138 1,152 1,166 1,181 1,195 1,209 1,223 1,237 1,252 1,266
90 1,280 1,294 1,309 1,323 1,337 1,351 1,365 1,380 1,394 1,408

100 1,422 1,437 1,451 1,465 1,479 1,493 1,508 1,522 1,536 1,550
110 1,565 1,579 1,593 1,607 1,621 1,636 1,650 1,664 1,678 1,693
120 1,707 1,721 1,735 1,749 1,764 1,778 1,792 1,806 1,821 1,835
130 1,849 1,863 1,877 1,892 1,906 1,920 1,934 1,949 1,963 1,977
140 1,991 2,005 2,020 2,034 2,048 2,062 2,077 2,091 2,105 2,119

150 2,134 2,148 2,162 2,176 2,190 2,205 2,219 2,233 2,247 2,262
160 2,276 2,290 2,304 2,318 2,333 2,347 2,361 2,375 2,389 2,404
170 2,418 2,432 2,446 2,460 2,475 2,489 2,503 2,518 2,532 2,546
180 2,560 2,574 2,589 2,603 2,617 2,631 2,646 2,660 2,674 2,688
190 2,702 2,717 2,731 2,745 2,759 2,773 2,788 2,802 2,816 2,830

200 2,845 2,859 2,873 2,887 2,901 2,916 2,930 2,944 2,958 2,973
210 2,987 3,001 3,015 3,030 3,044 3,058 3,072 3,086 3,101 3,115
220 3,129 3,143 3,158 3,172 3,186 3,200 3,214 3,229 3,243 3,257
230 3,271 3,286 3,300 3,314 3,328 3,343 3,357 3,371 3,385 3,399
240 3,414 3,428 3,442 3,456 3,470 3,485 3,499 3,513 3,527 3,542

PC78US-8 00-200 39
200 Foreword and general information
SEN04553-01 Conversion table


Fahrenheit-Centigrade conversion: A simple way to convert a Fahrenheit temperature reading into a Centi-
grade temperature reading or vice versa is to enter the accompanying table in the center (boldface column)
of figures. These figures refer to the temperature in either Fahrenheit or Centigrade degrees.
When convert from Fahrenheit to Centigrade degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Fahren-
heit temperatures and read the corresponding Centigrade temperature in the column at the left.
When convert from Centigrade to Fahrenheit degrees, consider the center column to be a table of Centi-
grade values, and read the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature on the right.

1°C = 33.8°F
°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
–40.4 –40 –40.0 –11.7 11 51.8 7.8 46 114.8 27.2 81 177.8
–37.2 –35 –31.0 –11.1 12 53.6 8.3 47 116.6 27.8 82 179.6
–34.4 –30 –22.0 –10.6 13 55.4 8.9 48 118.4 28.3 83 181.4
–31.7 –25 –13.0 –10.0 14 57.2 9.4 49 120.2 28.9 84 183.2
–28.9 –20 –4.0 –9.4 15 59.0 10.0 50 122.0 29.4 85 185.0

–28.3 –19 –2.2 –8.9 16 60.8 10.6 51 123.8 30.0 86 186.8

–27.8 –18 –0.4 –8.3 17 62.6 11.1 52 125.6 30.6 87 188.6
–27.2 –17 1.4 –7.8 18 64.4 11.7 53 127.4 31.1 88 190.4
–26.7 –16 3.2 –7.2 19 66.2 12.2 54 129.2 31.7 89 192.2
–26.1 –15 5.0 –6.7 20 68.0 12.8 55 131.0 32.2 90 194.0

–25.6 –14 6.8 –6.1 21 69.8 13.3 56 132.8 32.8 91 195.8

–25.0 –13 8.6 –5.6 22 71.6 13.9 57 134.6 33.3 92 197.6
–24.4 –12 10.4 –5.0 23 73.4 14.4 58 136.4 33.9 93 199.4
–23.9 –11 12.2 –4.4 24 75.2 15.0 59 138.2 34.4 94 201.2
–23.3 –10 14.0 –3.9 25 77.0 15.6 60 140.0 35.0 95 203.0

–22.8 –9 15.8 –3.3 26 78.8 16.1 61 141.8 35.6 96 204.8

–22.2 –8 17.6 –2.8 27 80.6 16.7 62 143.6 36.1 97 206.6
–21.7 –7 19.4 –2.2 28 82.4 17.2 63 145.4 36.7 98 208.4
–21.1 –6 21.2 –1.7 29 84.2 17.8 64 147.2 37.2 99 210.2
–20.6 –5 23.0 –1.1 30 86.0 18.3 65 149.0 37.8 100 212.0

–20.0 –4 24.8 –0.6 31 87.8 18.9 66 150.8 40.6 105 221.0

–19.4 –3 26.6 0 32 89.6 19.4 67 152.6 43.3 110 230.0
–18.9 –2 28.4 0.6 33 91.4 20.0 68 154.4 46.1 115 239.0
–18.3 –1 30.2 1.1 34 93.2 20.6 69 156.2 48.9 120 248.0
–17.8 0 32.0 1.7 35 95.0 21.1 70 158.0 51.7 125 257.0

–17.2 1 33.8 2.2 36 96.8 21.7 71 159.8 54.4 130 266.0

–16.7 2 35.6 2.8 37 98.6 22.2 72 161.6 57.2 135 275.0
–16.1 3 37.4 3.3 38 100.4 22.8 73 163.4 60.0 140 284.0
–15.6 4 39.2 3.9 39 102.2 23.3 74 165.2 62.7 145 293.0
–15.0 5 41.0 4.4 40 104.0 23.9 75 167.0 65.6 150 302.0

–14.4 6 42.8 5.0 41 105.8 24.4 76 168.8 68.3 155 311.0

–13.9 7 44.6 5.6 42 107.6 25.0 77 170.6 71.1 160 320.0
–13.3 8 46.4 6.1 43 109.4 25.6 78 172.4 73.9 165 329.0
–12.8 9 48.2 6.7 44 111.2 26.1 79 174.2 76.7 170 338.0
–12.2 10 50.0 7.2 45 113.0 26.7 80 176.0 79.4 175 347.0

00-200 40 PC78US-8
200 Foreword and general information
Conversion table SEN04553-01

PC78US-8 00-200 41

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04553-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-08 (01)

00-200 42


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

01 Specification 1

100 Specification and technical data

Specification dimension drawing..................................................................................................................... 2
Working range diagram................................................................................................................................... 3
Specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Weight table .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants.............................................................................................................. 10

PC78US-8 01-100 1
100 Specification and technical data
SEN04554-01 Specification dimension drawing

Specification dimension drawing 1

Item Unit
1,650 mm arm 2,250 mm arm
Machine weight (with reinforced blade) kg 7,290 7,340
Bucket capacity m3 0.28 0.20
Engine type — Komatsu SAA4D95LE-5 Diesel engine
Engine rated output
• Net [ISO 9249/SAE J1349] kW{HP}/rpm 41 {55}/1,950
• Gross [SAE J1995] 42.8 {57}/1,950
A Overall length mm 5,770 5,785
B Overall height mm 2,730
C Overall width mm 2,330
D Shoe width mm 450
E Tail swing radius mm 1,240
F Crawler overall length mm 2,840
G Distance between tumbler center mm 2,235
Min. ground clearance mm 360
Travel speed (Low/High) km/h 2.9/5.0
Continuous swing speed rpm 10.0

a The engine rated output is indicated in the net value and gross value. Gross denotes the rated output measured of an
independent engine. While, net denotes the value measured of an engine under the condition essentially the same as
that when it is installed on machine.

01-100 2 PC78US-8
100 Specification and technical data
Working range diagram SEN04554-01

Working range diagram 1

Working range (mm)
1,650 mm arm 2,250 mm arm
A Maximum digging reach 6,380 6,920
B Maximum digging depth 4,100 4,710
C Maximum digging height 7,300 7,600
D Maximum vertical wall digging depth 3,610 4,030
E Maximum dumping height 5,180 5,500
F Minimum swing radius of work equipment 1,750 2,050
G Maximum reach at ground level 6,240 6,790
H Maximum lift above ground of blade 380 380
I Maximum drop below ground of blade 245 245

PC78US-8 01-100 3
100 Specification and technical data
SEN04554-01 Specifications

Specifications 1

Machine model
1,650 mm arm 2,250 mm arm
Serial No. 15001 and up
Bucket capacity m3 0.28 0.20
Operating weight kg 7,290 (7,370) 7,340 (7,420)
Max. digging depth mm 4,100 4,710
Max. vertical wall digging depth mm 3,610 4,030
Working ranges

Max. digging reach mm 6,380 6,920

Max. reach at ground level mm 6,240 6,790
Max. digging height mm 7,300 7,600
Max. dumping height mm 5,180 5,500

Max. lift above ground of blade mm 380 380

Max. drop below ground of blade mm 245 245
Maximum digging force (bucket) kN {kg} 61.3 {6,250} 61.3 {6,250}
Continuous swing speed rpm 10.0 10.0
Swing max. slope angle Degree 20.0 20.0
Travel speed (Low/High) km/h 2.9/5.0 2.9/5.0
Gradeability deg. 35 35
Ground pressure kPa{kg/cm } 2
32.4 {0.33} 33.3 {0.34}
Overall length (for transport) mm 5,770 5,785
Overall width mm 2,330 2,330
Overall height (for transport) mm 2,730 (2,750) 2,730 (2,750)
Overall height (for work) mm 2,710 (2,750) 2,710 (2,750)
Ground clearance of counterweight mm 735 (780) 735 (780)
Min. ground clearance mm 360 (400) 360 (400)
Tail swing radius mm 1,240 1,240

Min. swing radius of work equipment mm 1,750 2,050

Height of work equipment at min.
mm 5,570 (5,610) 5,500 (5,540)
swing radius
Crawler overall width mm 2,320 2,320
Crawler overall length mm 2,840 (2,900) 2,840 (2,900)
Track length on ground mm 2,235 2,235
Track gauge mm 1,870 1,870
Overall height of machine cab mm 1,835 (1,880) 1,835 (1,880)
Blade width x height mm 2,320 x 470 2,320 x 470
The values are based on the machine with the triple grouser shoe.
Values in ( ) are for the machines equipped with road liner.

01-100 4 PC78US-8
100 Specification and technical data
Specifications SEN04554-01

Machine model
1,650 mm arm 2,250 mm arm
Serial No. 15001 and up
Model SAA4D95LE-5
4-cycle, water-cooled, in-line vertical, direct injection type,
with turbocharger and air-cooled aftercooler
No. of cylinders – bore x stroke mm 4 – 95 x 115
Total piston displacement l {cc} 3.260 {3,260}
Rated output
• Net [ISO 9249/SAE J1349] kW{HP}/rpm 41 {55}/1,950
• Gross [SAE J1995] 42.8 {57}/1,950

Max. torque Nm{kgm}/rpm 237 {24.2}/1,600


Fuel consumption rate, at rated

g/kWh{g/HPh} 233 {174}
High idle speed
• At installed on machine rpm 1,950
• At independent engine 2,050
Low idle speed rpm 1,150
Starting motor 24 V, 4.5 kW
Alternator 24 V, 35 A
Battery (*1) 12 V, 55 Ah x 2
Radiator core type 4-array aluminum mesh core
Aftercooler core type Aluminum mesh core
Carrier roller 1 on each side

Track roller 5 on each side

Track shoe
• Steel shoe Assembly-type triple grouser shoe, 39 on each side
• Road liner Assembly-type road liner, 39 on each side
• Rubber crawler Unit-type rubber crawler
Variable displacement swash plate piston type x 1,
Blade specification

Type x No.
Gear type x 2
Capacity cm3/rev 44 x 2 + 33.2 + 7.0
Set pressure
Hydraulic pump

• Work equipment, travel 26.5 {270}

• Swing, blade 21.1 {215}
• Pilot 3.14 {32}
Variable displacement swash plate piston type x 1,
Type x No.
Gear type x 1
Hydraulic system


Capacity cm3/rev 44 x 2 + 7.0

Set pressure
• Work equipment, travel, 26.5 {270}
• Pilot 3.14 {32}

Type x No. 9-spool type x 1


Control method Hydraulically assisted

Variable displacement swash plate piston type


Travel motor

(with brake valve and parking brake) x 2

Fixed displacement swash plate piston type
Swing motor
(with safety valve and holding brake) x 1
*1. Battery capacity (Ah) is based on 5-hour rate.
a The engine rated output is indicated in the net value and gross value. Gross denotes the rated output measured of
an independent engine. While, net denotes the value measured of an engine under the condition essentially the
same as that when it is installed on machine.

PC78US-8 01-100 5
100 Specification and technical data
SEN04554-01 Specifications

Machine model
1,650 mm arm 2,250 mm arm
Serial No. 15001 and up
Hydraulic tank Box-shaped, open
Hydraulic oil filter Tank return side
Oil cooler Air-cooled (CF40)
Type Reciprocating piston type
Boom cylinder

Cylinder inner diameter mm 115

Piston rod diameter mm 65
Stroke mm 858
Max. length between pins mm 2,413
Min. length between pins mm 1,285
Type Reciprocating piston type
Cylinder inner diameter mm 100
Arm cylinder
Hydraulic system

Piston rod diameter mm 60

Work equipment cylinder

Stroke mm 861
Max. length between pins mm 2,123
Min. length between pins mm 1,262
Type Reciprocating piston type
Bucket cylinder

Cylinder inner diameter mm 90

Piston rod diameter mm 55
Stroke mm 710
Max. length between pins mm 1,765
Min. length between pins mm 1,055
Type Reciprocating piston type
Blade cylinder

Cylinder inner diameter mm 130

Piston rod diameter mm 65
Stroke mm 130
Max. length between pins mm 679
Min. length between pins mm 549

01-100 6 PC78US-8
100 Specification and technical data
Specifications SEN04554-01

PC78US-8 01-100 7
100 Specification and technical data
SEN04554-01 Weight table

Weight table 1

k This weight table is prepared for your reference when handling or transporting the components.
Unit: kg
Machine model PC78US-8
Serial No. 15001 and up
Engine assembly (excluding coolant and oil) 419
• Engine (excluding coolant and oil) 315
• Engine mount 30
• PTO 7
• Hydraulic pump 67
Cooling assembly (excluding coolant, oil and fuel) 55
• Radiator (excluding coolant) 7
• Oil cooler (excluding oil) 8
• Aftercooler 6
• Fuel cooler (excluding fuel) 1
Revolving frame 893
Operator cab 330
Operator seat 18
Fuel tank (excluding fuel) 47
Hydraulic tank (excluding hydraulic oil) 70
Control valve 57
Counterweight 732
Additional counterweight 220
Swing motor (including brake valve) 22
Swing circle 104
Swing machinery 47
Center swivel joint 17
Track frame assembly (excluding track shoe)
<Steel shoe spec. and road liner spec.> 1,350
<Rubber crawler spec.> 1,331
• Track frame 777
• Idler assembly 54 x 2
• Recoil spring assembly 40 x 2
• Carrier roller 3.4 x 2
• Track roller 12.4 x 10
• Travel motor (including final drive) 83 x 2
• Sprocket 19 x 2
Track shoe assembly
<City pad shoe (450 mm)> 410 x 2
<Road liner (450 mm)> 450 x 2
<Rubber crawler (450 mm)> 385 x 2
<Triple grouser shoe (600 mm)> 495 x 2

01-100 8 PC78US-8
100 Specification and technical data
Weight table SEN04554-01

Unit: kg
Machine model PC78US-8
Serial No. 15001 and up
Boom assembly 418
Arm assembly
<1,650 mm> 193
<2,250 mm> 212
Bucket link assembly 42
Bucket assembly
<750 mm width (including side cutter)> 204
<650 mm width (including side cutter)> 185
Blade assembly
<Blade (edge-welding type)> 360
<Wide blade (edge-welding type)> 370
<Reinforced blade (BOC type, including BOC)> 392
Boom cylinder assembly 85
Arm cylinder assembly 70
Bucket cylinder assembly 51
Blade cylinder assembly 46
a BOC: Bolt-On Cutting edge

PC78US-8 01-100 9
100 Specification and technical data
SEN04554-01 Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants

Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants 1

a For details of the notes (Note. 1, Note. 2…) in the table, see the Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Unit: l
Reservoir Specified capacity Refill capacity
Engine oil pan 11.5 11.0
Swing machinery case 2.0 2.0
Final drive case (each side) 1.1 1.1
PTO case 0.4 0.4
Hydraulic system 102 56
Cooling system 10 —
Fuel tank 125 —

01-100 10 PC78US-8
100 Specification and technical data
Table of fuel, coolant and lubricants SEN04554-01

PC78US-8 01-100 11

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04554-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-08 (01)

01-100 12


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

100 Engine and cooling system

Engine mount.................................................................................................................................................. 2
PTO................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Cooling system ............................................................................................................................................... 4

PC78US-8 10-100 1
100 Engine and cooling system
SEN04555-01 Engine mount

Engine mount 1

10-100 2 PC78US-8
100 Engine and cooling system
PTO SEN04555-01


a PTO: Abbreviation for Power Take Off

1. Breather combined with oil filler plug

2. Drain plug
3. Flywheel
4. Hydraulic pump case
5. Coupling
6. Hydraulic pump shaft
7. Oil level plug

PC78US-8 10-100 3
100 Engine and cooling system
SEN04555-01 Cooling system

Cooling system 1

10-100 4 PC78US-8
100 Engine and cooling system
Cooling system SEN04555-01

1. Reservoir tank 12. Fuel cooler inlet

2. Aftercooler outlet hose 13. Oil cooler outlet
3. Aftercooler inlet tube 14. Radiator
4. Radiator inlet hose 15. Radiator cap
5. Radiator outlet hose 16. Radiator inlet
6. Fan guard 17. Aftercooler outlet
7. Oil cooler inlet 18. Aftercooler
8. Net (if equipped) 19. Oil cooler
9. Drain plug 20. Shroud
10. Fuel cooler 21. Aftercooler inlet
11. Fuel cooler outlet 22. Radiator outlet


Radiator Oil cooler Aftercooler Fuel cooler

4-array aluminum Aluminum mesh
Core type CF40 Drawn cup
mesh core core
Fin pitch (mm) 3.5/2 3.5/2 4.0/2 4.0/2
Total heat dissipation surface
16.44 4.12 x 2 6.17 0.59
Pressure valve cracking 49.0 ± 14.7
— — —
pressure (kPa {kg/cm2}) {0.5 ± 0.15}
Vacuum valve cracking pressure –4.9 – 0
— — —
(kPa {kg/cm2}) {–0.05 – 0}

PC78US-8 10-100 5

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04555-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-08 (01)

10-100 6


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

200 Power train

Power train...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Swing circle..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Swing machinery............................................................................................................................................. 6

PC78US-8 10-200 1
200 Power train

10-200 2 PC78US-8
200 Power train
Power train SEN04556-00

Power train 1

1. Idler 10. Engine

2. Control valve 11. Center swivel joint
3. Travel junction valve 12. PPC lock solenoid valve
4. Pump merge-divider valve 13. 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve
5. Swing motor 14. Swing holding brake solenoid valve
6. Travel motor 15. Travel junction/ pump merge-divider sole-
7. Hydraulic pump (for pilot) noid valve
8. Hydraulic pump (for swing and blade) 16. Swing machinery
[installed to only blade specification] 17. Swing circle
9. Hydraulic pump
(Blade specification: for work equipment
and travel)
(Bladeless specification: for work equip-
ment, travel and swing)

PC78US-8 10-200 3
200 Power train
SEN04556-00 Swing circle

Swing circle 1

10-200 4 PC78US-8
200 Power train
Swing circle SEN04556-00

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard clearance Clearance limit
1 Bearing clearance Replace
0.3 – 1.2 2.0

2. Swing circle pinion grease filler port

3. Swing circle bearing grease fitting
4. Swing pinion bearing grease fitting
5. Outer race
6. Ball
7. Seal
8. Inner race (Number of teeth: 80)

a. Inner race soft zone position

b. Outer race soft zone position

Reduction ratio 80/10 = 8.0
Grease G2-LI
Grease quantity (l) 5.5

PC78US-8 10-200 5
200 Power train
SEN04556-00 Swing machinery

Swing machinery 1

1. Swing pinion (Number of teeth: 10) Specifications

2. Swing machinery case
3. No. 2 sun gear (Number of teeth: 14) Reduction ratio (14 + 58)/14 x (14 + 58)/14 = 26.45
4. Ring gear (Number of teeth: 58) Swing reduction
26.45 x 8.0 = 211.59
5. No. 1 planetary carrier ratio
6. No. 1 sun gear (Number of teeth: 14) Swing speed
7. Swing motor (rpm)
8. Oil filler pipe
9. Level gauge
10. No. 1 planetary gear (Number of teeth: 22)
11. No. 2 planetary gear (Number of teeth: 22)
12. No. 2 planetary carrier
13. Drain plug

10-200 6 PC78US-8
200 Power train
Swing machinery SEN04556-00

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard clearance Clearance limit
Backlash between swing motor
1 shaft and No. 1 sun gear 0.03 – 0.11 —
Backlash between No. 1 sun gear
2 and No. 1 planetary gear 0.10 – 0.27 0.6
Backlash between No. 1 planetary
3 gear and ring gear 0.12 – 0.38 0.6

Backlash between No. 1 planetary

4 carrier and No. 2 sun gear 0.10 – 0.26 —
Backlash between No. 2 sun gear
5 and No. 2 planetary gear 0.10 – 0.27 0.6

Backlash between No. 2 planetary

6 gear and ring gear 0.12 – 0.38 0.6

Backlash between No. 2 planetary

7 carrier and swing pinion
0.07 – 0.21 —

Backlash between swing pinion

8 and swing circle
0.27 – 0.83 2.0

Outside diameter of oil seal Standard size Tolerance Repair limit Repair by hard
9 contacting surface on swing 0 chrome-plating or
pinion collar 75 74.8 replace

PC78US-8 10-200 7

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04556-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

10-200 8


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

300 Undercarriage and frame

Track frame ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Idler cushion.................................................................................................................................................... 3
Idler ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Track roller ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Carrier roller .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Sprocket .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Track shoe ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

PC78US-8 10-300 1
300 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04557-00 Track frame

Track frame 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Track Rebuild
74 78
1 Length at idler guide frame
73 69 Rebuild or replace
158 162 Rebuild
2 Width at idler guide
156 152 Rebuild or replace

3. Idler 9. Track shoe

4. Track frame 10. Track roller guard (if equipped)
5. Carrier roller 11. Idler cushion
6. Travel motor 12. Idler guard (steel shoe, road liner)
7. Sprocket 13. Bracket to secure machine body for transpor-
8. Track roller tation (North America specification)

10-300 2 PC78US-8
300 Undercarriage and frame
Idler cushion SEN04557-00

Idler cushion 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Installed Installed Installed
Free length length load Free length load
1 Recoil spring Steel shoe, 47.3 kN 42.1 kN Replace
Road liner 412.3 323 {4,826 kg} 402 {4,295 kg}
Rubber 68.5 kN 61.0 kN
crawler 412.3 283 402
{6,985 kg} {6,217 kg}

2. Idler Specifications
3. Support Grease G2-LI
4. Rod
5. Cylinder Grease quantity (cc)
• Steel shoe, Road liner 84
6. Recoil spring • Rubber crawler 208
7. U-packing
8. Collar
9. Nut
10. Valve
11. Grease fitting

PC78US-8 10-300 3
300 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04557-00 Idler

Idler 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Outside diameter of projection
460 —

2 Outside diameter of tread 415 407

3 Tread depth 22.5 26.5 Rebuild or replace

4 Width of projection 43 —

5 Overall width 100 —

6 Tread width 28.5 —

Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance

Clearance between idler shaft size Shaft Hole clearance limit
7 and bushing
44 –0.250 +0.062 0.250 – —
–0.290 0 0.352
Standard Tolerance Standard Interference
Interference between bushing size Shaft Hole interference limit Replace
8 and idler
50 +0.117 +0.025 0.062 – —
+0.087 0 0.117
Standard clearance Clearance limit
Side clearance of idler
9 (each side) 0.190 – 0.395 —

Standard size Repair limit

10 Tread thickness
(at tread center)
Rebuild or replace
13.8 9.8

— Oil capacity 60 cc (engine oil: SAE30CD) —

10-300 4 PC78US-8
300 Undercarriage and frame
Track roller SEN04557-00

Track roller 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Outside diameter of projection
139 —
Rebuild or replace
2 Outside diameter of tread 110 103

3 Flange width 43 —

4 Overall width 136.6 — —

5 Tread width 46.8 — Rebuild or replace

Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance

Clearance between shaft and size Shaft Hole clearance limit
6 bushing –0.250 +0.165 0.230 –
40 —
–0.270 –0.020 0.435
Standard Tolerance Standard Interference
Interference between roller and size Shaft Hole interference limit Replace
7 bushing +0.150 +0.025 0.075 –
44 +0.100 –0.020 0.170 —

Standard clearance Clearance limit

Side clearance of track roller
8 (each side) 0.26 – 0.445 —
Standard size Repair limit
Tread thickness
9 (at tread center)
Rebuild or replace
33 29.5

— Oil capacity 160 – 180 cc (gear oil: GO140) —

PC78US-8 10-300 5
300 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04557-00 Carrier roller

Carrier roller 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Outside diameter of tread Rebuild or replace
82 72

2 Tread width 100 — —

Standard Tolerance Standard Interference

Interference between shaft and size Shaft Hole interference limit
3 bearing
30 +0.009 0 –0.004 – — Replace
–0.004 –0.010 0.019
Interference between roller and 0 +0.018 –0.031 –
4 bearing 62 –0.013 –0.012 0.012 —

Standard size Repair limit

5 Tread thickness Rebuild or replace
10 5

— Oil capacity 51 – 56 cc (grease: Alvania EP-2) —

10-300 6 PC78US-8
300 Undercarriage and frame
Sprocket SEN04557-00

Sprocket 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
1 Wear on tooth bottom diameter +1.0
433.004 –2.0 421

2 Wear on tooth tip diameter 483.7 ±2.0 472

Rebuild or replace
3 Wear on tooth tip width 28 — 23
4 Wear on tooth bottom width 38

5 Thickness at tooth bottom 84.002

PC78US-8 10-300 7
300 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04557-00 Track shoe

Track shoe 1

City pad shoe, road liner, triple grouser shoe

*1. City pad shoe

Triple grouser shoe (if equipped)
*2. Road liner (if equipped)

a Part P is the link on the bushing press-fitting side.

10-300 8 PC78US-8
300 Undercarriage and frame
Track shoe SEN04557-00

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Link pitch
154.3 157.3 Reverse or
2 Bushing external diameter 41.3 37.3

3 Link height 74 70
Repair or replace
Link thickness
4 (bushing press fitting part)
20 16

5 89

6 Shoe bolt pitch 73 Replace

7 57

8 Internal width 45

9 Link Overall width 30 Repair or replace

10 Tread width 26.3

11 Pin projection 3

12 Regular bushing projection 3.15

13 Pin overall length 131

14 Bushing overall length

(master bushing)
74.6 Adjust or replace

Standard size Repair limit

15 Bushing thickness
8.4 4.4

16 Spacer thickness —

17 Bushing 49.0 – 62.8 kN {5 – 6.4 ton}

18 Press-fit force Regular pin 49.0 – 117.7 kN {5 – 12 ton} —

(*) Master pin 39.2 – 78.5 kN {4 – 8 ton}
Retightening angle
Tightening torque (Nm {kgm})
a. • City pad 117.7 ± 19.6
90 ± 10
Regular link • Triple grouser {12 ± 2}
117.7 ± 19.6
Shoe bolt • Road liner {12 ± 2}
60 ± 10 Retighten
Tightening torque Retightening angle Torque lower limit
b. (Nm {kgm}) (degree) (Nm {kgm})
Master link
— — —

Number of shoes (each side) 39 —

Items marked with * are for the dry track.

PC78US-8 10-300 9
300 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04557-00 Track shoe

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Tolerance Standard
Standard size
21 Interference
and link
between bushing Shaft Hole
+0.314 +0.042
41 0.232 – 0.334
+0.274 –0.020

22 Interference
and link
between regular pin
0.198 – 0.400
Tolerance Standard
Standard size
23 Clearance between regular pin
and bushing
Shaft Hole
+0.150 +0.830
24 0.180 – 0.830 Adjust or replace
0 +0.330
Tolerance Standard
Standard size
(*) Interference between master pin Shaft Hole interference
24 and link +0.020 –0.198
24 0.178 – 0.270
–0.020 –0.250
Tolerance Standard
Standard size
(*) Clearance between master pin Shaft Hole clearance
25 and bushing –0.150 +0.630
24 0.380 – 0.880
–0.250 +0.230
Standard size Repair limit
26 Grouser height a. Replace
42 19
Road liner
Items marked with * are for the dry track.

10-300 10 PC78US-8
300 Undercarriage and frame
Track shoe SEN04557-00

City pad shoe, triple grouser shoe

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Grouser height
20 12

2 Shoe overall height 26 18

3 Plate thickness 6 Rebuild or replace

4 14

5 Grouser tip length 10

6 12

PC78US-8 10-300 11
300 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04557-00 Track shoe

Rubber crawler
(If equipped)

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
1 Wear of lug height
30 5

2 Wear of roller guide 42 58 Replace

Standard size Tolerance Repair limit
Wear of part meshing with
3 sprocket 22.5 ±0.5 27

10-300 12 PC78US-8
300 Undercarriage and frame
Track shoe SEN04557-00

PC78US-8 10-300 13

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04557-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

10-300 14


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

401 Hydraulic system, Part 1

Hydraulic component layout drawing .............................................................................................................. 2
Valve control ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Hydraulic tank and filter .................................................................................................................................. 6
Hydraulic pump ............................................................................................................................................... 8

PC78US-8 10-401 1
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic component layout drawing

Hydraulic component layout drawing 1

10-401 2 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic component layout drawing SEN04558-00

1. Bucket cylinder
2. Arm cylinder
3. Arm anti-drop valve (*3, *4)
4. Boom cylinder
5. Boom anti-drop valve (*2, *4)
6. Attachment selector valve
(machine ready for attachment)
7. Control valve
8. Swing motor
9. Accumulator (for breaker)
(machine ready for attachment)
10. Hydraulic pump
11. Oil filter
(machine ready for attachment)
12. R.H. work equipment PPC valve
13. L.H. work equipment PPC valve
14. Oil cooler
15. Travel motor
16. Blade PPC valve
17. Accumulator (for PPC circuit)
18. 4-spool solenoid valve
19. Multi-control valve (*1, *4)
20. Travel PPC valve
21. Attachment PPC valve
(machine ready for attachment)
22. Center swivel joint
23. Blade cylinder
24. Hydraulic tank

*1: North America specification

*2: EU specification
*3: EU specification (if equipped)
*4: Except North America and EU (if equipped)

PC78US-8 10-401 3
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Valve control

Valve control 1

1. Blade control lever 11. Attachment PPC valve

2. Blade PPC valve (machine ready for attachment)
3. L.H. work equipment control lever 12. Attachment control pedal
(for arm and swing control) (machine ready for attachment)
4. L.H. work equipment PPC valve 13. Travel lever
5. Lock lever 14. R.H. work equipment PPC valve
6. Accumulator (for PPC circuit) 15. R.H. work equipment control lever
7. 4-spool solenoid valve (for boom and bucket control)
8. Multi-control valve (*1, *2) 16. Control valve
9. Travel PPC valve 17. Lock pin
10. Travel pedal (machine ready for attachment)

*1: North America specification

*2: Except North America and EU (if equipped)

10-401 4 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Valve control SEN04558-00

PC78US-8 10-401 5
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic tank and filter

Hydraulic tank and filter 1

1. Hydraulic tank Specifications

2. Sight gauge Hydraulic tank capacity (l) 70
3. Suction strainer
4. Drain plug Oil level in hydraulic tank (l) 56
5. Oil filler cap combined with breather Bypass valve set pressure 0.15 ± 0.03
6. Filter element (MPa {kg/cm2}) {1.5 ± 0.3}
7. Bypass valve

10-401 6 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic tank and filter SEN04558-00


1. Filter element
2. Bottom plate
3. Gasket
4. Seam valve
5. Spring

Prevention of negative pressure in tank

q The hydraulic tank is enclosed and pressur-
ized. When the oil level in the hydraulic tank
drops, negative pressure is generated in the
To prevent this negative pressure generation,
seam valve (4) is opened to draw the atmo-
sphere to the tank.
(Vacuum valve cracking pressure:
0 – 4.9 kPa {0 – 0.05 kg/cm2})

Prevention of pressure rise in tank

q When the hydraulic circuit is operating, the
pressure in the hydraulic tank increases as the
hydraulic cylinder operates and the oil level
and temperature increase in the tank.
If the pressure in the tank rises above the set
value, bottom plate (2) is pushed up to release
the pressure in the tank.
(Pressure valve cracking pressure:
38.2 ± 14.7 kPa {0.39 ± 0.15 kg/cm2})

PC78US-8 10-401 7
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

Hydraulic pump 1

Blade specification
Model: LPD45+45

10-401 8 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

q This pump consists of a variable displacement
swash plate type piston pump, a double gear
pump (1 unit for blade and swinging and the
other for pilot pump) and a servo valve.

Features of double pump system

q The common single pump system makes
much loss in the pressure compensation valve.
Accordingly, the machine travel speed is
reduced much when the machine is steered.
q The double pump system does not make much
loss in the pressure compensation valve, since
the right and left travel circuits are independent
from each other. Accordingly, the machine
travel speed is less reduced when the machine
is steered.
q The double pump has simpler structure than
the tandem pump.

P1: Pump discharge port

P1T: Travel deviation control orifice
P2: Pump discharge port
P2T: Travel deviation control orifice
P3: Gear pump discharge port
P4: Pilot pump discharge port
P5: Gear pump pressure pickup port
PD: Drain port
PD2: Pump drain port (plug)
PEN: Control pressure pickup port
PEPC: EPC basic pressure pickup port
PGS: Gear pump suction port
PLS: LS pressure input port
(from control valve port LS)
PM: PC mode selector pressure pickup port
PPLS: Pump pressure input port
(from control valve port PP)
PPT: PTO oil filler port
PS1: Main pump suction port

1. Main pump
2. Servo valve
3. Double gear pump
4. EPC valve
5. Bleeder

PC78US-8 10-401 9
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

10-401 10 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

P3: Gear pump pressure input port

PAV: Pump average pressure port
PDE: EPC drain port
PEN: Control pressure input port
PEPC: EPC basic pressure input port
PH: Pump shuttle port
T: Drain port

1. Shaft
2. Flange
3. Case
4. Rocker cam
5. Shoe
6. Piston
7. Cylinder block
8. Valve plate
9. Servo piston
10. Oil seal

PC78US-8 10-401 11
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

Bladeless specification
Model: LPD45+45

10-401 12 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

q This pump consists of a variable displacement
swash plate type piston pump, a double gear
pump (1 unit for blade and swinging and the
other for pilot pump) and a servo valve.

Features of double pump system

q The common single pump system makes
much loss in the pressure compensation valve.
Accordingly, the machine travel speed is
reduced much when the machine is steered.
q The double pump system does not make much
loss in the pressure compensation valve, since
the right and left travel circuits are independent
from each other. Accordingly, the machine
travel speed is less reduced when the machine
is steered.
q The double pump has simpler structure than
the tandem pump.

P1: Pump discharge port

P1T: Travel deviation control orifice
P2: Pump discharge port
P2T: Travel deviation control orifice
P3: Gear pump discharge port
PD: Drain port
PD2: Pump drain port (plug)
PEN: Control pressure pickup port
PEPC: EPC basic pressure pickup port
PLS: LS pressure input port
(from control valve port LS)
PM: PC mode selector pressure pickup port
PPLS: Pump pressure input port
(from control valve port PP)
PPT: PTO oil filler port
PS1: Main pump suction port

1. Main pump
2. Servo valve
3. Gear pump
4. EPC valve
5. Bleeder

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401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

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401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

P3: Gear pump pressure input port

PAV: Pump average pressure port
PDE: EPC drain port
PEN: Control pressure input port
PEPC: EPC basic pressure input port
PH: Pump shuttle port
T: Drain port

1. Shaft
2. Flange
3. Case
4. Rocker cam
5. Shoe
6. Piston
7. Cylinder block
8. Valve plate
9. Servo piston
10. Oil seal

PC78US-8 10-401 15
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

Function Structure
q The pump converts the engine rotation and q Cylinder block (7) is supported on shaft (1)
torque transmitted to its shaft to oil pressure through spline (a). Shaft (1) is supported on
and delivers pressurized oil corresponding to the front and rear bearings.
the load. q The tip of piston (6) is shaped to a concave ball
q It is possible to change the delivery by chang- and integrated with caulked shoe (5). Piston
ing the swash plate angle. (6) and shoe (5) form a spherical bearing.
q There are 2 discharge ports, which can supply q Rocker cam (4) has flat surface (A), and shoe
pressurized oil independently. (5) is always pressed against this surface while
sliding in a circular movement.
q Rocker cam (4) is supported on flange (2) and
ball (12) which are fixed to case (3).
q Shoe (5) leads high-pressure oil to flat surface
(A) of rocker cam (4) to form a static pressure
bearing for its sliding.
q Piston (6) in each cylinder chamber of cylinder
block (7) moves relatively in the axial direction.
q Cylinder block (7) rotates relatively to valve
plate (8) while sealing the pressurized oil so
that an appropriate oil pressure balance is
maintained on this surface.
q The oil in the respective cylinder chambers of
cylinder block (7) is sucked and discharged
through valve plate (8).

10-401 16 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

Operation of pump
q Cylinder block (7) rotates together with shaft q As center line (X) of rocker cam (4) matches
(1), and shoe (5) slides on flat surface (A). the axial direction of cylinder block (7) (swash
q Rocker cam (4) leans around ball (12), and plate angle (a) = 0), the difference between
accordingly angle (a) between center line (X) volumes (E) and (F) inside cylinder block (7)
of rocker cam (4) and the axial direction of cyl- becomes 0.
inder block (7) changes. q Suction and discharge of pressurized oil is not
q (a) is named the swash plate angle. carried out in this state. Namely pumping
action is not performed. (actually, however, the
swash plate angle is not set to 0)
q Swash plate angle (a) is in proportion to the
pump delivery.
q There are an even number (10) of holes on cyl-
inder block and they match the 2 grooves of
valve plate (8) alternately. Oil of quantity for 5
pistons is discharged respectively through
pump discharge ports (P1) and (P2).

q With center line (X) of rocker cam (4) at swash

plate angle (a) in relation to the axial direction
of cylinder block (7), flat surface (A) acts as a
cam in relation to shoe (5).
q In this way, piston (6) slides on the inside of
cylinder block (7), so a difference between vol-
umes (E) and (F) is created inside cylinder
block (7).
q A single piston (6) suctions and discharges the
oil by the amount (F) – (E).
q As cylinder block (7) rotates and the volume of
chamber (E) becomes smaller, the pressurized
oil is discharged.
q On the other hand, the volume of chamber (F)
grows larger and, in this process, the oil is suc-

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401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

Servo valve

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401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

IM: PC mode selector current connector

P3: Gear pump pressure input port
PAV: Pump average pressure input port
PDE: EPC drain port
PE: Control piston pressure port
PEPC: EPC basic pressure input port
PH: Pump shuttle pressure port
PLS: LS pressure input port
PM: PC mode selector pressure input port
PMI: PC mode selector pressure pickup port
PPLS: LS pump pressure input port
T: Drain port

1. Lever
2. Spool
3. Plug
4. Seat
5. Piston
6. Sleeve
7. Plug
8. Locknut
9. Spring
10. PC-EPC valve
11. Spool
12. Ball
13. Plug
14. LS valve
15. PC valve

PC78US-8 10-401 19
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

Control of delivery
q If the swash plate angle (a) becomes larger,
the difference between volumes (E) and (F)
b ec o me s l ar g er a n d pu m p d el i v e r y ( Q )
q Servo piston (11) is used for changing swash
plate angle (a).
q Servo piston (11) carries out linear reciprocal
movement according to the signal pressure
from the PC and LS valves.
q This straight motion is transmitted to rocker
cam (4).
q Rocker cam (4) supported on flange (2) by ball
(12) carries out rotary motion.

10-401 20 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00


LS valve PC valve
q The LS valve controls the pump delivery q The PC valve is an equal horsepower control
according to the stroke of the control lever, or valve, which limits the oil flow rate to a certain
the demand flow for the actuator. level (according to the discharge pressure)
q The LS valve senses the flow rate demanded regardless of the control valve stroke so that
by the actuator from differential pressure the pump absorption horsepower will not
(dPLS) between inlet pressure (PPLS) and exceed the engine horsepower when pump
output pressure (PLS) of the control valve and discharge pressure (PP) is high.
controls pump delivery (Q). [(PPLS) is called q If the load during the operation becomes larger
the LS pump pressure, (PLS) the LS pressure, and the pump discharge pressure rises, it
and (dPLS) the LS differential pressure] reduces the pump delivery; and if the pump
q In other words, the pressure loss caused by discharge pressure drops, it increases the
flow of oil through the open area of the control pump delivery.
valve spool (= LS differential pressure (dPLS)) q This pump has 2 discharge ports and the aver-
is detected, and then pump delivery (Q) is con- age of their respective discharge pressures
trolled to keep that pressure loss constant and (P1) and (P2) is sensed.
supply the pump delivery according to the q The average pressure of (P1) and (P2) is
demand flow for the actuator. called (PAVE) and the relationship between it
q Pump discharge pressure (PP), LS pump pres- and the pump delivery [the total deliveries of
sure (PPLS) and LS pressure (PLS) are lead to (P1) and (P2)] is as follows.
the LS valve. The relationship between LS dif-
ferential pressure (dPLS) and pump delivery
(Q) changes as shown in the figure below.

PC78US-8 10-401 21
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump


Action of spring When swing gear pump pressure increases or

q The spring load of spring (2) at the PC valve is decreases
decided by the position of the swash plate. q The pressing force of spool (4) changes and
q If servo piston (6) moves to the right, spring (2) the pump delivery changes as in the case
is compressed through lever (1) and the spring when (PAVE) increases or decreases.
load changes. The spring constant of this
spring changes to 2 stages, depending on its When PC-EPC valve operates
length. q The PC-EPC valve changes the output pres-
sure with the input current from the controller
When pump pressure (PAVE) is low and the pressing force of spool (5) changes as
q The pressing force of spool (4) is reduced and i n t h e c a s e w h e n ( PAV E ) i n c r e a s e s o r
spool (3) is off to the right. At this time, ports decreases.
(C) and (D) are connected and the pressure
entering the LS valve becomes drain pressure
(PT). (Fig. 1)
q If port (F) and port (G) of the LS valve are con-
nected, the pressure in port (J) becomes drain
pressure (PT) and servo piston (6) moves to
the left.
q The pump delivery increases.
q If lever (1) moves to the left according to the
movement of servo piston (6) to extend spring
(2) and decrease its force, spool (3) moves to
the left to disconnect ports (C) and (D) and
connect pump discharge ports (B) and (C).
q Since the pressure in port (C) increases and
the piston pressure increases, servo piston (6)
stops moving to the left.

When pump pressure (PAVE) is high

q The pressing force of spool (4) is increased
and spool (3) is off to the left. At this time, ports
(C) and (B) are connected and the pressure
entering the LS valve becomes pump pressure
(PP). (Fig. 2)
q If port (F) and port (G) of the LS valve are con-
nected, the pressure in port (J) becomes pump
pressure (PP) and servo piston (6) moves to
the right.
q The pump delivery decreases.
q If lever (1) moves to the right according to the
movement of servo piston (6) to compress
spring (2) and increase its force, spool (3)
moves to the right to disconnect ports (C) and
(B) and connect drain pressure ports (D) and
q Since the pressure in port (C) decreases and
the piston pressure decreases, servo piston (6)
stops moving to the right.
q The stopping position of servo piston (6) (=
pump delivery) depends on the position at
which the pressing force generated by pres-
sure (PAVE) applied to spool (4) is balanced
with the force of spring (2). (Fig. 3)

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401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

When load is light

When load is heavy

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401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
SEN04558-00 Hydraulic pump

When balanced

10-401 24 PC78US-8
401 Hydraulic system, Part 1
Hydraulic pump SEN04558-00

PC78US-8 10-401 25

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04558-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

10-401 26


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

402 Hydraulic system, Part 2

Control valve ................................................................................................................................................... 2
CLSS............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Functions and operation by valve ................................................................................................................. 18

PC78US-8 10-402 1
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Control valve

Control valve 1

The control valves of the following types are set.
q 7-spool valve (with blade, without service valve)
q 7-spool valve (without blade, with 1 service valve)

Outside view and shape of each control valve

q The general view and sectional view show the 7-spool valve (with blade, without service valve).
q Compared to the control valve as shown, the blade valve located on the block is removed but the ser-
vice valve is added between the cover and the bucket valve for the control valve of the 7-spool valve
(without blade, with 1 service valve).

Since each service valve is add-on type, its later addition or removal is available.
A1: To blade cylinder P3: From pump discharge port
A2: To swing motor PA1: From blade RAISE PPC valve
A3: To left travel motor PA2: From swing RIGHT PPC valve
A4: To right travel motor PA3: From left travel REVERSE PPC valve
A5: To boom cylinder PA4: From right travel REVERSE PPC valve
A6: To arm cylinder PA5: From boom RAISE PPC valve
A7: To bucket cylinder PA6: From arm OUT PPC valve
B1: To blade cylinder PA7: From bucket DUMP PPC valve
B2: To swing motor PB1: From blade LOWER PPC valve
B3: To left travel motor PB2: From swing LEFT PPC valve
B4: To right travel motor PB3: From left travel FORWARD PPC valve
B5: To boom cylinder PB4: From right travel FORWARD PPC valve
B6: To arm cylinder PB5: From boom LOWER PPC valve
B7: To bucket cylinder PB6: From arm IN PPC valve
BP: From boom RAISE PPC valve PB7: From bucket CURL PPC valve
LS: To pump LS valve (LS pressure input) PP: To pump LS valve (LS pressure input)
LS1I: LS1 pressure pickup port PT: From pump merge-divider selector solenoid
LS2I: LS2 pressure pickup port PTSW: Pump pressure sensor mounting port
P1: From pump discharge port TB: To tank through bypass check valve
P1I: P1 pressure pickup port TC: To tank through bypass check valve
P2: From pump discharge port TS: To tank
P2I: P2 pressure pickup port TSW: To swing motor

1. Block
2. Blade valve
3. Swing valve
4. Left travel valve
5. Right travel valve
3. Pump merge-divider valve block
7. Boom valve
8. Arm valve
9. Bucket valve
10. Cover
11. LS bypass valve
12. Travel junction valve + LS bypass valve
13. Boom hydraulic drift prevention valve
14. Cooler bypass valve

10-402 2 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Control valve SEN04559-00

7-spool valve 1

(Blade specification, without service valve)

General view

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402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Control valve

Sectional view

10-402 4 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Control valve SEN04559-00

1. Suction safety valve (blade) 13. Suction valve (left travel)

2. Suction valve (left travel) 14. Suction valve (blade)
3. Suction valve (right travel) 15. Main relief valve
4. Main relief valve 16. Spool (assistant valve)
5. Suction valve (boom) 17. Spool (blade)
6. Suction valve (arm) 18. Spool (swing)
7. Suction valve (bucket) 19. Spool (left travel)
8. Suction safety valve 20. Spool (right travel)
9. Suction valve (bucket) 21. Spool (boom)
10. Suction valve (arm) 22. Spool (arm)
11. Suction valve (boom) 23. Spool (bucket)
12. Suction valve (right travel) 24. Unload valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
25 Suction valve spring diameter

5.1 N 4.12 N
39.2 x 4.45 33.5 {0.52 kg} — {0.42 kg}
2.65 N 2.06 N
26 Suction valve spring 36.3 x 4.45 33.3 {0.27 kg} — {0.21 kg}
89.2 N 71.4 N
27 Spool return spring 29.01 x 18.3 27.5 {9.1 kg} — {7.28 kg}
173 N 138 N
28 Spool return spring 29.03 x 18.4 26 {17.66 kg} — {14.1 kg}
181 N 144 N If damaged or
29 Spool return spring 29 x 17.5 25 {18.42 kg} — {14.7 kg} deformed, replace
136 N 109 N
30 Spool return spring 41.47 x 19.3 38.5 {13.82 kg} — {11.1 kg}
34.3 N 27.5 N
31 Spool return spring 41.1 x 19.3 40.5 {3.5 kg} — {2.8 kg}
104 N 83.2 N
32 Spool return spring 42.3 x 19.2 38.9 {10.6 kg} — {8.48 kg}
136 N 109 N
33 Spool return spring 41.13 x 19.3 38.5 {13.91 kg} — {11.1 kg}
184 N 147 N
34 Spool return spring 41.28 x 15 33.5
{18.74 kg}

{15.0 kg}
317 N 253 N
35 Spool return spring 42.4 x 19 34.5
{32.3 kg}

{25.8 kg}

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402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Control valve


10-402 6 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Control valve SEN04559-00

1. Pressure compensation valve R (left travel)

2. Pressure compensation valve R (right travel)
3. Pump merge-divider valve spool
4. Pressure compensation valve R (boom)
5. Pressure compensation valve R (arm)
6. Pressure compensation valve R (bucket)
7. Pressure compensation valve F (bucket)
8. Pressure compensation valve F (arm)
9. Pressure compensation valve F (boom)
10. Pressure compensation valve F (right travel)
11. Pressure compensation valve F (left travel)

F: Flow control valve

R: Pressure reducing valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
12 Spool return spring diameter length

164 N 131 N
45.38 x 14 37.5 {16.74 kg} — {13.4 kg}

13 Pressure
compensation valve
30.85 x 5.2 27
9.81 N
{1.0 kg} —
7.85 N
{0.8 kg}

14 Pressure
compensation valve
33.4 x 14.4 21.5
55.9 N
{5.7 kg} —
44.7 N
{4.56 kg}
If damaged or
15 Pressure
compensation valve
28.0 x 14.4 14.5
13.7 N
{1.4 kg} —
11.0 N
{1.12 kg} deformed, replace
16 Pressure
compensation valve
20 x 8.4 12
6.86 N
{0.7 kg} —
5.49 N
{0.56 kg}
1.96 N 1.57 N
17 Check valve spring 13.0 x 6.5 9.5 {0.2 kg} — {0.16 kg}
3.92 N 3.14 N
18 Check valve spring 27.2 x 6.9 22 {0.4 kg} — {0.32 kg}
3.92 N 3.14 N
19 Check valve spring 12.3 x 11.4 10.5 {0.4 kg} — {0.32 kg}
1.96 N 1.57 N
20 Check valve spring 21.9 x 5 15.8
{0.2 kg}

{0.16 kg}

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402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Control valve


10-402 8 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Control valve SEN04559-00

1. Spool (assistant valve)
2. Main relief valve

Blade valve
3. Suction safety valve
4. Suction valve
5. Spool
6. Check valve

Swing valve
7. Spool
8. Check valve

L.H. travel valve

9. Pressure compensation valve F
10. Suction valve
11. Suction valve
12. Spool
13. Pressure compensation valve R
14. LS bypass valve

F: Flow control valve

R: Pressure reducing valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x Installed If damaged or
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
15 Check valve spring diameter length deformed, replace
21.9 x 5 15.8 1.96 N — 1.57 N
{0.2 kg} {0.16 kg}

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402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Control valve


10-402 10 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Control valve SEN04559-00

R.H. travel valve

1. Pressure compensation valve F
2. Suction valve
3. Suction valve
4. Spool
5. Pressure compensation valve R
6. Travel junction valve + LS bypass valve

Pump merge-divider valve block

7. Pump merge-divider valve spool
8. Unload valve
9. Check valve
10. Cooler bypass valve
11. Unload valve
12. Main relief valve
13. Check valve

Boom valve
14. Pressure compensation valve F
15. Suction valve
16. Hydraulic drift prevention valve
17. Suction valve
18. Spool
19. Pressure compensation valve R

F: Flow control valve

R: Pressure reducing valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x Installed
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
20 Spool return spring diameter length

15.7 N 12.6 N
19.26 x 7.5 14 —
{1.6 kg} {1.28 kg}
1.96 N 1.57 N If damaged or
21 Check valve spring 21.9 x 5 15.8
{0.2 kg}

{0.16 kg} deformed, replace
73.5 N 58.8 N
22 Valve return spring 34.5 x 17.7 25
{7.5 kg}

{6.0 kg}
11.2 N 9.02 N
23 Valve return spring 16.6 x 13 13
{1.14 kg}

{0.92 kg}
10.8 N 8.63 N
24 Piston return spring 13 x 8.8 7.5 {1.1 kg} — {0.88 kg}

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402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Control valve


10-402 12 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Control valve SEN04559-00

Arm valve
1. Pressure compensation valve F
2. Suction valve
3. Suction valve
4. Spool
5. Pressure compensation valve R

Bucket valve
6. Pressure compensation valve F
7. Suction valve
8. Suction valve
9. Spool
10. Pressure compensation valve R

11. Suction safety valve

12. Check valve

F: Flow control valve

R: Pressure reducing valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x Installed If damaged or
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
13 Check valve spring diameter length deformed, replace
3.92 N 3.14 N
27.2 x 6.9 22 {0.4 kg} — {0.32 kg}

PC78US-8 10-402 13
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 CLSS


a CLSS: Abbreviation for Closed center Load Sensing System

Outline of CLSS 1

Features Composition
q Fine control not influenced by load q CLSS consists of a variable capacity piston
q Controllability enabling digging even under the pump, control valves, and respective actua-
fine control tors.
q Ease of compound operation ensured by flow q The hydraulic pump is configured with pump
divider function using the open area of spool body, PC valve and LS valve.
during compound operations
q Energy saving using variable pump control

10-402 14 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
CLSS SEN04559-00

Basic principle 1

Pump swash plate angle control

q The pump swash plate angle (pump delivery) q The pump swash plate angle shifts toward the
is controlled so that LS differential pressure maximum position if LS differential pressure
(dPLS) (the difference between pump pressure (dPLS) is lower than the set pressure of the LS
(PP) and control valve outlet port LS pressure valve (when the actuator load pressure is
(PLS)) (load pressure of actuator) is constant. high).
q [LS differential pressure (dPLS) = Pump dis- q If it becomes higher than the set pressure
charge pressure (PP) – LS pressure (PLS)] (when the actuator load pressure is low), the
pump swash plate angle shifts toward the mini-
mum position.

LS differential pressure ( d PLS) and pump swash

plate angle

a For details of functions, see the "Hydraulic

pump" paragraph.

PC78US-8 10-402 15
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 CLSS

Pressure compensation control

q A pressure compensation valve is installed to

the outlet port side of the control valve to bal-
ance the load.
q When actuators are operated simultaneously,
the pressure difference (dP) between the
upstream (inlet port) and downstream (outlet
port) of the spool of each valve becomes the
same regardless of the size of the load (pres-
q The flow of oil from the pump is divided (com-
pensated) in proportion to the area of openings
(S1) and (S2) of each valve.

10-402 16 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
CLSS SEN04559-00

PC78US-8 10-402 17
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Functions and operation by valve 1

Hydraulic circuit diagram and the name of valves 1

a The hydraulic circuit diagram shows the 7-spool valve (with blade, without service valve).

10-402 18 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

1. Block 18. Arm spool

2. Blade valve 19. Bucket spool
3. Swing valve 20. Pressure compensation valve
4. Left travel valve 21. Suction valve
5. Right travel valve 22. LS check valve
6. Pump merge-divider valve block 23. Travel junction valve + LS check valve
7. Boom valve 24. Boom hydraulic drift prevention valve
8. Arm valve 25. Cooler bypass valve
9. Bucket valve 26. Suction safety valve
10. Cover Set pressure: 9.8 MPa {100 kg/cm2}
11. Assistant valve 27. Suction safety valve
12. Blade spool Set pressure: 27.9 MPa {285 kg/cm2}
13. Swing spool 28. Main relief valve
14. Left travel spool Set pressure: 21.1 MPa {215 kg/cm2}
15. Right travel spool 29. Main relief valve
16. Pump merge-divider valve Set pressure: 26.5 MPa {270 kg/cm2}
17. Boom spool 30. Unload valve

PC78US-8 10-402 19
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Unload valve 1

When control valve is at HOLD

Function Operation
q When the control valve is at HOLD, pump q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
delivery (Q) discharged by the minimum swash are applied to the right side of unload spool (1),
plate angle is drained to the tank circuit. and LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are
q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2) applied to the left side. (PP1 = PP2, PLS1 =
are set to 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2} by spring (2) PLS2)
in the valve. [LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) q When the control valve is at HOLD, LS pres-
are 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}] sures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
q Since the pump merge-divider spool is at the and only pump discharge pressures (PP1) and
merge position, pump discharge pressures (PP2) are applied.
(PP1) and (PP2) are merged. q (PP1) and (PP2) are set with only the installa-
q LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2), and (PLS3) are tion load of spring (2).
merged. q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
increase to 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2} which is
the installation load of spring (2).
q Spool (1) moves to the left.
q Pump circuits (PP1) and (PP2) are connected
to tank circuit (T) through the notch of spool
q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
are set to 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}.

10-402 20 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

During work equipment fine control

Work equipment: Swing, boom, arm, bucket, attachment

Function Operation
q When the actuator demand flow is less than q If the work equipment is controlled finely, LS
the pump discharge at the minimum swash pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are generated
plate angle during work equipment fine control. and applied to the left side of spool (1). (PP1 =
q Pump discharge pressure (PP1) [(PP2)] is set PP2, PLS1 = PLS2)
to LS pressure (PLS1) [(PLS2)] + 2.45 MPa q Since the open area of the work equipment
{25.0 kg/cm2}. valve spool is narrow, LS pressures (PLS1)
q The differential pressure between pump dis- and (PLS2) are very different from pump dis-
charge pressure (PP1) or (PP2) and LS pres- charge pressures (PP1) and (PP2).
sure (PLS1) or (PLS2) becomes 2.45 MPa q The differential pressure between pump dis-
{25.0 kg/cm2} which is the installation load of charge pressure (PP1) or (PP2) and LS pres-
spring (2). sure (PLS1) or (PLS2) reaches 2.45 MPa {25.0
q Unload spool (1) opens. kg/cm2} by the installation load of spring (2).
q LS differential pressure (dPLS) becomes 2.45 q Spool (1) moves to the left.
MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}. q Pump circuits (PP1) and (PP2) are connected
q Since the pump merge-divider spool is at the to tank circuit (T).
merge position, pump discharge pressures q Pump discharge pressure (PP1) [(PP2)] is set
(PP1) and (PP2) are merged. to the force of spring (2) (2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/
q LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2), and (PLS3) are cm2}) + LS pressure (PLS1) [(PLS2)].
merged. q LS differential pressure (dPLS) becomes 2.45
MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}.

PC78US-8 10-402 21
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

During fine control of both travel valves

Function Operation
q When the demand flow is less than the maxi- q If the both travel valves are controlled finely,
mum pump delivery during fine control of both LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are gener-
travel valves. ated and applied to the left side of spool (1)
q Pump discharge pressure (PP1) [(PP2)] is set [(PP1), (PP2), (PLS1) and (PLS2) are divided].
to LS pressure (PLS1) [(PLS2)] + 2.45 MPa q Since the open areas of the both travel valve
{25.0 kg/cm2}. spools are narrow, LS pressures (PLS1) and
q The differential pressure between pump dis- (PLS2) are very different from pump discharge
charge pressure (PP1) or (PP2) and LS pres- pressures (PP1) and (PP2).
sure (PLS1) or (PLS2) becomes 2.45 MPa q The differential pressure between pump dis-
{25.0 kg/cm2} by the installation load of spring charge pressure (PP1) or (PP2) and LS pres-
(2). sure (PLS1) or (PLS2) reaches 2.45 MPa {25.0
q Unload spool (1) opens. kg/cm2} by the installation load of spring (2).
q The excessive oil (maximum pump delivery – q Spool (1) moves to the left.
demand flow) flows to the tank circuit. q Pump circuits (PP1) and (PP2) are connected
q Since the pump merge-divider spool is at the to tank circuit (T).
divider position, pump discharge pressures q The excessive oil (maximum pump delivery –
(PP1) and (PP2) are divided. demand flow) above the strokes of both travel
q LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are divided. valve spools is drained to tank circuit (T).
q The pump swash plate angle becomes maxi-
mum and the pump delivery becomes maxi-
mum. (for details, see "Pump merge-divider

10-402 22 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

When both travel valves are operated

Function Operation
q During operation of both travel valves, when q If the both travel valves are operated to the
the demand flow becomes maximum, draining maximum, LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2)
to tank circuit (T) is cut off, and all of pump are generated and applied to the left side of
delivery (Q) flows to both travel circuits. spool (1). [(PP1) and (PP2), and (PLS1) and
q Since the pump merge-divider spool is at the (PLS2) are divided respectively]
divider position, pump discharge pressures q Since the open areas of the both travel valve
(PP1) and (PP2) are divided. spools are wide, LS pressures (PLS1) and
q LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are divided. (PLS2) are not much different from pump dis-
q The pump swash plate angle becomes maxi- charge pressures (PP1) and (PP2).
mum and the pump delivery becomes maxi- q The differential pressure between pump dis-
mum. (For details, see "Pump merge-divider charge pressure (PP1) or (PP2) and LS pres-
valve".) sure (PLS1) or (PLS2) will not reach 2.45 MPa
{25.0 kg/cm2} which is the installation load of
spring (2).
q Spring (2) pushes spool (1) to the right.
q Pump circuits (PP1) and (PP2) are discon-
nected from tank circuit (T), and all pump deliv-
ery (Q) flows to the actuator circuit.

PC78US-8 10-402 23
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

When either travel valve is operated

Function q Since the open area of the left travel valve

q When either travel valve is operated, the travel spool is wide, LS pressure (PLS1) is not much
valve demand flow is supplied to the travel cir- different from pump discharge pressure (PP1).
cuit according to the travel valve stroke. q The differential pressure between pump dis-
q All the pump delivery on the non-operated charge pressure (PP1) and LS pressure
travel valve side is drained to the tank circuit. (PLS1) will not reach 2.45 MPa {25.0 kg/cm2}
q Since the pump merge-divider spool is at the which is the installation load of spring (2).
divider position, pump discharge pressures q Spring (2) pushes spool (1) to the right.
(PP1) and (PP2) are divided. q Pump circuit (PP1) is disconnected from tank
q LS pressures (PLS1) and (PLS2) are divided. circuit (T), and all pump delivery (Q) on the
q The pump swash plate angle becomes maxi- (PP1) side flows to the left travel circuit.
mum and the pump delivery becomes maxi- q Since the right travel valve is at HOLD, LS
mum. (for details, see "Pump merge-divider pressure (PLS2) is not generated.
valve") q Only pump discharge pressure (PP2) is
Operation q Pump discharge pressure (PP2) reaches 2.45
MPa {25.0 kg/cm2} by the installation load of
When left travel valve is operated to stroke end spring (4). Spool (3) moves to the left.
and right one is at HOLD. q All of pump delivery (Q) on the (PP2) side is
q If the left travel valve is operated to the maxi- drained to tank circuit (T).
mum stroke, LS pressure (PLS1) is generated.
q LS pressure (PLS1) is applied to the left side of
unload spool (1).

10-402 24 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

PC78US-8 10-402 25
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Merge-divider valve 1

When control valve is at HOLD and work equipment is operated (including compound operation of
work equipment + travel)

Function Operation
q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2) q When the control valve is at HOLD, the right
are merged in pump merge-divider spool (3). and left travel PPC pressure switches and the
LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2), and (PLS3) are work equipment PPC pressure switch output
also merged. no signals.
q The controller generates no output signals and
the pump merge-divider solenoid valve gener-
ates no output pressure.
q When the work equipment is operated, the
right and left PPC pressure switches do not
output signals and only the work equipment
PPC pressure switch outputs signals.
q The controller generates no output signals and
the pump merge-divider solenoid valve gener-
ates no output pressure.
q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
are merged and LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2)
and (PLS3) are also merged (PP1 = PP2,
PLS1 = PLS2 = PLS3).

10-402 26 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

When both travel valves are operated (including operation of either travel valve)

Function Operation
q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2) q If only right and left travel valves are operated,
are divided in pump merge-divider spool (3). the right and left travel PPC pressure switches
LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2), and (PLS3) are output signals but the work equipment PPC
also divided. pressure switch does not output signals.
q The higher one of pump discharge pressures q The controller generates output signals and
(PP1) and (PP2) is output as the LS pressure. the pump merge-divider solenoid valve gener-
ates output pressure.
q If the output pressure reaches 1.47 MPa {15
kg/cm2} which is the installation load of spring
(4), spool (3) is pushed to the left.
q Pump discharge pressures (PP1) and (PP2)
are divided and LS pressures (PLS1), (PLS2),
and (PLS3) are also divided.
q (PP1) and (PLS1) are supplied to the left travel
circuit and (PP2) and (PLS2) are supplied to
the right travel circuit.
q The higher one of pump discharge pressures
(PP1) and (PP2) is output as the LS pressure.
q The pump swash plate angle becomes maxi-
mum and the pump delivery becomes maxi-

PC78US-8 10-402 27
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Introduction of LS pressure 1

Work equipment valve: Swing, boom, arm, bucket, attachment

Function q LS circuit (PLS) is connected to tank circuit (T)

q LS pressure means the actuator load pressure from LS bypass valve (4). (see "LS bypass
on the outlet side of the control valve. valve")
q Practically, pump pressure (PP) is reduced by q The areas at both ends of pressure reducing
pressure reducing valve (3) of the pressure valve (3) are the same [(SA) = (SLS)], and
compensation valve to the same pressure as actuator circuit pressure (PA) acts on the (SA)
actuator circuit pressure (A), and is sent to LS end. The reduced pump discharge pressure
circuit (PLS). (PP) acts on (SLS) at the other end.
q In the travel valve, actuator circuit pressure (A) q Pressure reducing valve (3) is balanced at a
is directly introduced to LS circuit (PLS). position where actuator circuit pressure (PA)
and the pressure of spring chamber (PLSS)
Operation are the same. Pump discharge pressure (PP)
q If spool (1) is operated, pump discharge pres- reduced at notch (c) becomes actuator pres-
sure (PP) flows from flow control valve (2) sure (A) and is introduced to LS circuit (PLS).
through notch (a) in the spool and bridge pas-
sage (b) to actuator circuit (A).
q Since pressure reducing valve (3) moves to
the right, pump discharge pressure (PP) is
reduced by the pressure loss at notch (c) and
supplied to LS circuit (PLS). Then, it goes to
spring chamber (PLSS).

10-402 28 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

Travel valve

q When spool (1) is operated, pump discharge
pressure (PP) flows from flow control valve (2)
through notch (a) in the spool and bridge pas-
sage (b) to actuator circuit (A).
q Pressure reducing valve (3) is moved to the
right by actuator circuit pressure (PA) and
notches (c) and (d) are connected to travel
junction circuit (e) and LS circuit (PLS) respec-
q Actuator circuit pressure (PA) [(A)] is intro-
duced to LS circuit (PLS) through notch (c),
internal check valve and notch (d).

PC78US-8 10-402 29
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

LS bypass valve 1

q The LS bypass valve releases the remaining
pressure of LS pressure (PLS).
q While moderating increasing rate of LS pres-
sure (PLS), this valve generates pressure loss
in the throttle function with this discarded throt-
tle flow, decreasing the effective LS differential
pressure and enhancing stability.

When work equipment valve is operated (including compound operation of work equipment + travel)

q Since pump merge-divider spool (1) is at the
merge position, the hydraulic oil in LS circuits
(PLS1), (PLS2), and (PLS3) is drained from tip
filter (a) of LS bypass valve (2) on the (P2) side
through orifice (b) to tank circuit (T).

10-402 30 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

When both travel valves are operated (including operation of either travel valve)

q Since spool (1) is at the divider position, LS cir-
cuits (PLS1) and (PLS2) are divided.
q Hydraulic oil (PLS1) is drained from tip filter (a)
of LS bypass valve (3) on the (P1) side through
orifice (b) to tank circuit (T).
q Hydraulic oil (PLS2) is drained from tip filter (a)
of LS bypass valve (2) on the (P2) side through
orifice (b) to tank circuit (T).

PC78US-8 10-402 31
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

LS select valve 1

q At the time of simultaneous operation of swing
+ boom RAISE, this valve prevents high swing
LS pressure from entering the LS circuit (PLS)
so that the pump flow to the boom cylinder is
secured when the machine starts swinging,
and also prevents the boom RAISE speed
from reducing.

During normal operation

q The pilot pressure is not generally applied to
the pilot port (BP) except for boom RAISE
q In this state, pump pressure (PP) is led through
the internal passage of spool (1) to pressure
reducing valve (3) of the swing valve. At the
time of swing operation, there occurs LS pres-
sure (PLS) suitable for the load pressure, and
the pressure is led to the pump LS valve.

10-402 32 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

At simultaneous operation of swing + boom RAISE

q At the simultaneous operation of swing + boom
RAISE, the signal pressure of the PPC circuit
is led to the pilot port (BP).
q This pilot pressure (BP) is applied to spool (1).
If it increases and overcomes spring (2), spool
(1) is pushed to the right and the internal pas-
sage is closed. As a result, pump pressure
(PP) is not supplied to pressure reducing valve
(3) of the swing valve any more.
q Swing LS pressure (PLS) is not generated and
only boom RAISE is led to the pump LS valve,
and the pump delivery is controlled with the
boom RAISE LS pressure.
q Pilot pressure (BP) depends on the control
lever (boom RAISE) stroke.

PC78US-8 10-402 33
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Boom RAISE merge valve 1

q When the machine starts swinging while the
boom is being raised, the boom RAISE merge
valve merges the gear pump flow into the main
pump circuit to increase the boom RAISE

During normal operation

q The pilot pressure is not generally applied to
the pilot port (BP) except for boom RAISE
q In this state, since spool (1) disconnects gear
pump circuit (P3) from main pump circuit (PP),
the pressurized oil from gear pump circuit (P3)
does not connect into main pump circuit (PP).

10-402 34 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

At simultaneous operation of swing + boom RAISE

q At the simultaneous operation of swing + boom
RAISE, the signal pressure of the boom RAISE
PPC circuit is led to pilot port (BP).
q This pilot pressure (BP) is applied to spool (1).
If it increases and overcomes spring (2), spool
(1) is pushed to the right and check valve (3) in
it is pushed open. As a result, the pressurized
oil from gear pump circuit (P3) merges into
main pump circuit (PP) to increase the boom
RAISE speed.

PC78US-8 10-402 35
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Area ratio of pressure compensation valve 1

Function Area ratio (S1) : (S2) and compensation charac-

q The pressure compensation valve delicately teristics
adjusts the ratio of area (S2) of pressure q When the ratio is 1.00:
reducing valve (1) (right side) to area (S1) of [Pump (discharge) pressure (PP) – Spool
flow control valve (2) (left side) (S2/S1) to notch upstream pressure (PPB)] C [LS circuit
decide the compensation characteristics. pressure (PLS) – Actuator circuit pressure (PA)
(= A)], and the flow is distributed as per the
S1: Area of the flow control valve (2) – area of the spool open area ratio.
piston (3) q When the ratio is larger than 1.00:
S2: Area of the pressure reducing valve (1) – area [(PP) – (PPB)] > [(PLS) – (PA)] (= A), and less
of the piston (3) oil flows to the compensated side according to
the spool open area ratio.
q When the ratio is smaller than 1.00:
[(PP) – (PPB)] < [(PLS) – (PA)] (= A), and more
oil flows to the compensated side according to
the spool open area ratio.

10-402 36 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

Pressure compensation valve 1

Function q Flow control valve (2) reduces the open area

q When the load pressure becomes lower than between pump circuit (PP) and spool upstream
another actuator and the flow is going to (PPA) to generate a pressure loss between
increase during a compound operation, this (PP) and (PPA).
valve compensates the load pressure. [At this q Flow control valve (2) and pressure reducing
time, the load pressure of another actuator valve (1) are stopped at a position where the
under compound operation (the right side) is pressure difference between (PA) and (PLS)
higher than that of the actuator on this side applied to the both end of pressure reducing
(the left side)]. valve (1) becomes the same as the pressure
loss between (PP) and (PPA) on both sides of
Operation flow control valve (2).
q When the load pressure of another actuator q So, the pressure differences between the
side (the right side) rises during a compound upstream pressures (PPA) and the down-
operation, the flow in actuator circuit (A) on this stream pressures (PA) of the both spools
side (the left side) is apt to increase. under compound operation become the same,
q In this case, the LS pressure (PLS) of another and the pump flow is distributed in proportion
actuator is applied to the spring chamber to the opening area of each spool notch (a).
(PLSS) and pushes the pressure reducing
valve (1) and the flow control valve (2) to the

PC78US-8 10-402 37
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Boom hydraulic drift prevention valve 1

q While the boom lever is not operated, the
hydraulic drift prevention valve prevents pres-
surized oil from leaking from the boom bottom
through spool (1) to prevent the boom from
drifting hydraulically.

When boom is raised

q If the boom is raised, the pressurized oil from
the control valve pushes up poppet (2).
q Pressurized oil from the control valve flows
through the valve into the boom cylinder bot-

10-402 38 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

When boom is in neutral

q If the control lever is returned to neutral with
the boom raised, the holding pressure on the
boom cylinder bottom side is closed by poppet
q The pressurized oil flowing in through orifices
(a1) and (a2) is closed by pilot spool (3).
q The boom is held.

PC78US-8 10-402 39
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

When boom is lowered

q If the boom is lowered, pilot pressure (P1) from
the PPC valve pushes pilot spool (3) and the
pressurized oil in chamber (b) in the poppet is
q The oil pressure in port (Ab) is raised by the
pressurized oil from the boom cylinder bottom,
but the oil pressure in chamber (b) is lowered
by orifices (a1) and (a2).
q If the pressure in chamber (b) is lowered below
the pressure in port (Ab), poppet (2) opens and
the pressurized oil from port (Ab) flows through
port (Aa) into the control valve.

10-402 40 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

Boom regeneration circuit 1

At boom LOWER and own weight fall

Function Operation
q When the boom is lowered and falls due to its q When the boom is lowered and falls due to its
own weight because the bottom pressure (A) own weight, the bottom side pressure (A) in the
in the cylinder (1) is higher than the head pres- boom cylinder (1) will rise above the head side
sure (B), this circuit brings the return flow on pressure (B).
the bottom side to the head side to increase q A part of the return flow on the bottom side
the cylinder speed. passes through the regeneration passage (a)
of the boom spool (2), pushes the check valve
(3) to open it and flows to the head side.
q The boom LOWER speed is increased.

PC78US-8 10-402 41
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

At boom LOWER load process

Function Operation
q When the head pressure (B) of the cylinder (1) q When the boom is lowered and is in the load
is higher than the bottom pressure (A) while process, the head side pressure (B) of the
the boom is lowered and the boom is in the boom cylinder (1) rises above the bottom side
load process, the check valve (3) will be pressure (A).
closed, and the circuits on the head side and q Check valve (3) is closed by pressure (B) on
the bottom side will be interrupted. the head side and spring (4).
q The circuits on the head side and bottom side
are disconnected.

10-402 42 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

Travel junction valve 1

(Right and left travel junction circuits)

When machine travels straight

PC78US-8 10-402 43
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

When machine is steered during travel

10-402 44 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

q While the machine is traveling straight, if the
right and left travel spools are operated, the
junction circuit is opened to correct the flow dif-
ference between the right and left travel cir-
q While the machine is traveling straight, the flow
rates to the right and left travel motors become
almost the same to decrease travel deviation.
q The junction circuit is kept open while the
machine is steered, too, but it does not affect
the steering performance since opening (b) of
travel junction valve spool (3) is narrow.


When machine travels straight

q Since only the right and left travel valves are
operated and the work equipment valve is not
operated, the pump discharge circuits (PP1)
and (PP2) and LS circuits (PLS1) and (PLS2)
are divided respectively by the merge-divider
spool. (see "Pump merge-divider valve")
q If the right and left travel spools (1) are oper-
ated, the oil from the pump flows through pump
discharge circuits (PP1) and (PP2) and actua-
tor circuit (PB) to (B).
q If the machine is traveled straight, right and left
pressure reducing valves (2) are pushed to the
right and notches (a) are connected to the
junction circuit.
q The right end of travel junction valve spool (3)
is connected to the work equipment PPC pres-
sure circuit, in which no pressure is generated
since the work equipment valve is not oper-
q If the right and left travel actuator circuits are
connected by the junction circuit and any differ-
ence is made between the right and left travel
motors, that difference is corrected to reduce
the travel deviation.

When machine is steered during travel

q Since only the right and left travel valves are
operated and the work equipment valve is not
operated, the pump discharge circuits (PP1)
and (PP2) and LS circuits (PLS1) and (PLS2)
are divided respectively by the merge-divider
spool. (see "Pump merge-divider valve")
q The machine is steered by supplying demand
flow for the right and left travel spool strokes to
the actuator circuit. (see "Unload valve")
q If right travel spool (Right 1) is returned from
the travel straight position to neutral to steer
the machine, a load pressure difference is
made between right and left travel actuator cir-
cuits (PB). [(Left B) > (Right B)]

PC78US-8 10-402 45
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Travel LS bleed circuit and travel junction valve 1

During normal operation

10-402 46 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

During travel + operation of another actuator

PC78US-8 10-402 47
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
SEN04559-00 Functions and operation by valve

Function Operation
q If the travel actuator and another actuator are
During normal operation
operated simultaneously, discarded throttled
flow of LS pressure (PLS) is increased to lower q If boom spool (1) is operated, LS pressure
the pressure compensation accuracy of the (PLS) becomes the same as boom circuit pres-
travel circuit and to decrease lowering of the sure (A).
travel speed. q Since the work equipment valve is operated,
q While only the travel actuator or another actua- pump discharge circuits (PP1) and (PP2), and
tor is operated singly, the LS bleed circuit is LS circuits (PLS1), (PLS2) and (PLS3) are
kept closed. merged respectively by the merge-divider
q In addition, travel junction valve spool (5) valve spool (see "Pump merge-divider valve").
changes from opening (c) (wide) to opening (b) q LS pressure (PLS) is also led to spring cham-
(narrow) by the pressure from the merge- ber (PLSS) of pressure reducing valve (2) of
divider selector solenoid valve for the ease of the travel valve.
correction of the flow difference between the q Since the travel spool is not operated, notch
right and left travel circuits. (a) of pressure reducing valve (2) is closed and
check valves (3) and (4) of the bleed circuit are
also closed.
q While the boom is operated singly, the travel
LS bleed circuit is kept closed.

During travel + operation of another actuator

q If boom spool (1) is operated, LS pressure
(PLS) becomes the same as boom circuit pres-
sure (A).
q Since the work equipment valve is operated,
pump discharge circuits (PP1) and (PP2), and
LS circuits (PLS1), (PLS2) and (PLS3) are
merged respectively by the merge-divider
valve spool. (see "Pump merge-divider valve")
q Since the boom raise actuator circuit pressure
is normally higher than the travel actuator cir-
cuit pressure (A > B), the pressure in spring
chamber (PLSS) of pressure reducing valve
(2) on the travel side is higher than travel cir-
cuit pressure (PB).
q Pressure reducing valve (2) moves to the left
and LS pressure (PLS) flows through check
valves (3) and (4) of the bleed circuit and notch
(a) of pressure reducing valve (2) to travel cir-
cuit (PB).
q LS pressure (PLS), which has been the same
as boom circuit pressure (A), decreases since
it flows out to travel circuit (B).

10-402 48 PC78US-8
402 Hydraulic system, Part 2
Functions and operation by valve SEN04559-00

PC78US-8 10-402 49

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04559-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

10-402 50


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

403 Hydraulic system, Part 3

PPC valve ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Swing motor .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Travel motor .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Center swivel joint......................................................................................................................................... 38
Solenoid valve............................................................................................................................................... 40
PPC accumulator .......................................................................................................................................... 43
Anti-drop valve .............................................................................................................................................. 45
Multi-control valve ......................................................................................................................................... 50

PC78US-8 10-403 1
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3

10-403 2 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

PPC valve 1

a PPC: Abbreviation for Proportional Pressure Control

Work equipment and swing PPC valve 1

P: From charge pump P3: L.H. PPC valve: Swing RIGHT port
P1: L.H. PPC valve: Arm IN port R.H. PPC valve: Bucket DUMP port
R.H. PPC valve: Boom RAISE port P4: L.H. PPC valve: Swing LEFT port
P2: L.H. PPC valve: Arm OUT port R.H PPC valve: Bucket CURL port
R.H. PPC valve: Boom LOWER port T: To tank

PC78US-8 10-403 3
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

10-403 4 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

1. Spool
2. Piston
3. Disc
4. Nut (for lever connection)
5. Joint
6. Plate
7. Retainer
8. Body
9. Filter

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
10 Centering spring
[For ports (P3) and (P4)]
length Installed load Free length Installed load

17.7 N 14.1 N If damaged or

42.48 x 15.5 34 — deformed, replace
{1.8 kg} {1.44 kg}
11 Centering spring
[For ports (P1) and (P2)]
44.45 x 15.5 34
29.4 N
{3 kg}

23.5 N
{2.4 kg}
16.7 N 13.3 N
12 Metering spring 26.47 x 8.15 24.9 {1.7 kg} — {1.36 kg}

PC78US-8 10-403 5
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

Operation q The positional relationship between spool (1)

and body (10) [where fine control hole (f) is
When in neutral between drain chamber (D) and pump pres-
q Ports (A) and (B) of the control valve and ports sure chamber (PP)] does not change until
(P1) and (P2) of the PPC valve are connected retainer (9) comes in contact with spool (1).
to drain chamber (D) through fine control hole q Metering spring (2) contracts in proportion to
(f) in spool (1). the stroke of the control lever.
q Pressure at port (P1) also rises in proportion to
the stroke of the control lever.
q In this way, the control valve spool moves to a
position where the pressure of chamber (A)
[same as pressure at port (P1)] and the force
of the return spring of the control valve spool
are balanced.

During fine control

(neutral o fine control)
q When piston (4) is pushed by disc (5), retainer
(9) is pushed, and spool (1) is also pushed
through metering spring (2), and moves down-
q When fine control hole (f) is shut off from drain
chamber (D), it is almost simultaneously inter-
connected to pump pressure chamber (PP).
q Pilot pressurized oil of the control pump is led
to port (A) from port (P1) through fine control
hole (f).
q When the pressure at port (P1) becomes
higher, spool (1) is pushed back and fine con-
trol hole (f) is shut off from pump pressure
chamber (PP). At almost the same time, it is
connected to drain chamber (D) to release the
pressure at port (P1).
q As a result, spool (1) moves up and down until
the force of metering spring (2) is balanced
with the pressure at port (P1).

10-403 6 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

During fine control At full stroke

(when control lever is returned) q Disc (5) pushes down piston (4), and retainer
q When disc (5) starts to be returned, spool (1) is (9) pushes down spool (1).
pushed up by the force of centering spring (3) q Fine control hole (f) is shut off from drain
and the pressure at port (P1). chamber (D), and is interconnected to pump
q Because of this, fine control hole (f) is con- pressure chamber (PP).
nected to drain chamber (D), and the pressur- q The pilot pressure oil from the solenoid valve
ized oil at port (P1) is released. flows through fine control hole (f) and port (P1)
q If the pressure of port (P1) is lowered exces- to chamber (A) to push the control valve spool.
sively, spool (1) is pushed down by metering q The oil returning from chamber (B) passes
spring (2). from port (P2) through fine control hole (f') and
q Fine control hole (f) is shut off from drain flows to drain chamber (D).
chamber (D), and it is almost simultaneously
interconnected to pump pressure chamber
q The pump pressure is supplied until the pres-
sure in port (P1) recovers to a pressure equiv-
alent to the position of the lever.
q When the spool of the control valve returns,
the oil in drain chamber (D) flows in from fine
control hole (f') in the valve on the side that is
not working. The oil passes through port (P2)
and enters chamber (B) to replenish the cham-
ber with pressurized oil.

PC78US-8 10-403 7
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

10-403 8 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

Travel PPC valve 1

a For the operation, see "Work equipment and swing PPC valve".

P: From charge pump P4: Right forward

P1: Left reverse P5: Travel signal
P2: Left forward T: To tank
P3: Right reverse

PC78US-8 10-403 9
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

10-403 10 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

1. Plate
2. Body
3. Piston
4. Seal
5. Valve
6. Damper

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
7 Centering spring diameter
length If damaged or
deformed, replace
108 N 86.3 N spring.
48.57 x 15.5 32.5 —
{11 kg} {8.8 kg}
16.7 N 13.3 N
8 Metering spring 26.53 x 8.15 24.9
{1.7 kg}

{1.36 kg}

PC78US-8 10-403 11
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

Blade PPC valve 1

a For the operation, see "Work equipment and swing PPC valve".

10-403 12 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

P: From solenoid valve

P1: To blade and boom swing valve
P2: To blade and boom swing valve
T: To tank

1. Spool
2. Piston
3. Lever
4. Plate
5. Retainer
6. Body
7. Filter

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
8 Centering spring diameter length If damaged or
deformed, replace
147 N 118 N spring.
42.36 x 15.5 32.5 {15 kg} — {12.0 kg}
16.7 N 13.3 N
9 Metering spring 22.73 x 8.1 22 {1.7 kg} — {1.36 kg}

PC78US-8 10-403 13
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

Attachment PPC valve 1

(with EPC valve)

a For the details of operation, see the paragraph of "Work equipment and swing PPC valve".

10-403 14 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

P: From solenoid valve

P1: To service valve
P2: To service valve
T: To tank

1. Spool
2. Piston
3. Lever
4. Plate
5. Retainer
6. Block
7. Body
8. EPC valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
9 Centering spring diameter
length If damaged or
deformed, replace
125 N 100 N spring.
33.9 X 15.3 28.4 {12.7 kg} — {10.2 kg}
16.7 N 13.3 N
10 Metering spring 22.7 X 8.10 22.0 {1.70 kg} — {1.36 kg}

PC78US-8 10-403 15
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

EPC valve
a EPC: Abbreviation for Electromagnetic Proportional Control

C: To control valve 1. Body

P: From solenoid valve 2. Plug
T: To hydraulic tank 3. Connector

10-403 16 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC valve SEN04560-00

Function Operation
q EPC valve consists of the proportional sole-
noid and hydraulic valve. When signal current is 0 (coil de-energized)
q Upon receiving signal current (i) from the pump q While the signal current from the controller is
controller, EPC valve generates EPC output not flowing to coil (14), coil (14) is de-ener-
pressure proportional to the intensity of the gized.
current, and outputs it to the control valve. q Spool (11) is pressed to the right by spring
q Port (P) is closed, and the pressurized oil from
the front pump does not flow to the control
q The pressurized oil from the control valve is
drained to the tank through ports (C) and (T).

PC78US-8 10-403 17
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC valve

When signal current is very small (coil ener- When signal current is maximum (coil ener-
gized) gized)
q If small signal current flows to coil (5), coil (5) is q If the signal current flows to coil (5), coil (5) is
energized and a leftward thrust is generated in energized.
plunger (6). q Since the signal current is the maximum at this
q Push pin (4) pushes spool to the left and the time, thrust force of plunger (6) becomes the
pressurized oil from port (P) flows to port (C). maximum.
q Pressure in port (C) increases and the total of q Spool (2) is pushed to the left by push pin (4).
the force applied to surface (a) of spool (2) and q The pressurized oil from port (P) flows to port
spring load of spring (3) becomes greater than (C) at the maximum flow rate and the pressure
the thrust force of plunger (6). in the circuit between the EPC valve and con-
q Spool (2) is pushed to the right, port (P) is dis- trol valve becomes maximum.
connected from port (C), and port (C) is con- q Port (T) is closed and the pressurized oil does
nected to port (T). not flow to the hydraulic tank.
q Spool (2) moves up and down so that the pro-
pulsion force of plunger (6) may be balanced
with pressure of port (C) + spring load of spring
q The pressure in the circuit between the EPC
valve and control valve is controlled in propor-
tion to the signal current.

10-403 18 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Swing motor SEN04560-00

Swing motor 1

Model: LMF30AEL

B: From swing holding brake solenoid valve Specifications

MA: From control valve Model: LMF30AEL
MB: From control valve Motor capacity: 31 cm3/rev
S: From control valve Relief valve set pressure: 21 MPa {210 kg/cm2}
T: To tank Rated speed: 2,172 rpm
Brake release pressure: 1.32 MPa {13.5 kg/cm2}
1. Reverse prevention valve
2. Relief valve

PC78US-8 10-403 19
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Swing motor

10-403 20 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Swing motor SEN04560-00

1. Output shaft
2. Shoe
3. Piston
4. Cylinder block
5. Housing
6. Valve plate
7. Center spring
8. Swash plate
9. Brake spring
10. Brake piston
11. Disc
12. Plate
13. Relief valve
14. Check valve
15. Shuttle valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x Installed
Outside Installed load Free length Installed load
16 Check valve spring diameter length If damaged or
deformed, replace
1.57 N 1.27 N spring.
15.5 x 9.0 8.0 {0.16 kg} — {0.13 kg}
1.27 N 0.98 N
17 Shuttle valve spring 33 x 13.8 23 {0.13 kg} — {0.10 kg}

PC78US-8 10-403 21
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Swing motor

Brake valve

q The brake valve consists of check valves (2)
and (3), shuttle valves (4) and (5), and relief
valve (1).

q When the machine is in the swing holding
mode, control valve (6) closes the motor outlet
circuit, but the motor rotation is continued by
inertial force.
q The motor output, therefore, is abnormally
increased, resulting in damaging the motor.
q In order to prevent the motor damages, the
relief valve relieves the abnormally high pres-
sure to port (S) from the motor outlet side
(high-pressure side) of the motor.


When swinging is started

q When the swing control lever is operated to the
right swing, the pressurized oil from the pump
is supplied to port (MA) through control valve
q The pressure on port (MA) rises, the starting
torque is generated in the motor, and the motor
starts to rotate.
q The pressurized oil from the outlet port of the
motor passes from port (MB) through the con-
trol valve (6) and returns to the tank.

10-403 22 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Swing motor SEN04560-00

When swing is stopped

q When the swing control lever is returned to
neutral, the supply of pressurized oil from the
pump to port (MA) is stopped.
q The pressurized oil from the motor outlet can't
return to the tank since the returning circuit to
the tank is closed from control valve (6). Thus,
pressure on port (MB) increases.
q Rotation resistance is generated on the motor
and hence the brake starts working.
q Shuttle valve (4) is pressed as pressure on
port (MB) goes above port (MA).
q The pressure on chamber (C) is increased to
the se t pr es su re of re lie f v alv e ( 1) a nd
becomes the same as that of port (MB).
q A high braking torque works on the motor,
thereby stopping the motor.
q When relief valve (1) is being actuated, the
relieved pressurized oil and the pressurized oil
from port (S) are fed to port (MA) through
check valve (3).
q Above prevents cavitation on port (MA).

PC78US-8 10-403 23
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Swing motor

Modulating relief valve

q The swing motor relief valve restricts sudden
rise of the relief pressure to reduce the shocks
generated when the machine starts and stops


When circuit pressure is (P0)

q The relief valve does not operate.

When circuit pressure rises suddenly

q If the circuit pressure rises to (P1), hydraulic oil
acts on the area difference between (D1) and
(D3) [(D1) > (D3)] and pushes spring (4), thus
valve (3) starts opening.
q At this time, since pressure acts on the area
difference between (D1) and (D2) [(D2) >
(D1)], seat (1) follows valve (3).
q If seat (1) moves, however, the relief passage
to port (S) for the pressurized oil in chamber
(a) is reduced by ball (2), thus seat (1) moves
slower than valve (3).
q Accordingly, the relief pressure rises gradually
from (P1) to (P2) during the time until seat (1)
reaches sleeve (5).

10-403 24 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Swing motor SEN04560-00

Swing holding brake


When solenoid valve is de-energized When solenoid valve is energized

q If the swing holding brake solenoid valve is de- q As the swing holding brake solenoid valve is
energized, the pressurized oil from the charge energized, the valve is switched.
pump is shut off. q The pressurized oil from the charge pump
q Port (B) is connected to tank circuit (T). flows through port (B) to brake chamber (a).
q Brake piston (2) is pushed up by brake spring q After entering chamber (a), the pressurized oil
(1). compresses brake spring (1) and pushes
q Disc (3) and plate (4) are pushed together, and brake piston (2) down.
the brake is applied. q Disc (3) is separated from plate (4), releasing
the brake.

PC78US-8 10-403 25
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Swing motor

Reverse prevention valve

10-403 26 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Swing motor SEN04560-00

MA: From control valve

MB: From control valve
T1: To tank
T2: To tank

1. Valve body
2. Spool (MA side)
3. Spring (MA side)
4. Plug (MA side)
5. Spool (MB side)
6. Spring (MB side)
7. Plug (MB side)

Explanatory drawing of effects

PC78US-8 10-403 27
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Swing motor

Function When motor is stopped temporarily

q This valve reduces the swing back generation q The motor rotation is reversed by the closing
in the swing body by the inertia of the swing pressure generated at port (MB). (1st time:
body, the backlash and rigidity of the machin- reverse rotation)
ery system, and the compression of the q Reversing pressure is generated on port (MA).
hydraulic oil when the swing is stopped. Pressure (MA) is conducted to chamber (a).
q The valve contributes in preventing collapsing q The pressure compresses spring (3) by use of
of load when the swing is stopped and also the difference in areas of circles (φD3 > φD4) of
contributes in reducing cycle time (enhances spool (2) and moves spool (2) to the right side.
the positioning performance, enabling you to q Port (MA) and chamber (b) will be intercon-
proceed to the next work quicker than ever). nected.
q Ports (b) and (f) will be interconnected through
Operation the drilled hole (h) on spool (5). This intercon-
nection bypasses the reversing pressure on
When port (MB) brake pressure is generated port (MA) to port (T), thereby preventing the
q Pressure (MB) is conducted to chamber (d) reverse rotation of the 2nd time.
through notch (g).
q The pressure compresses spring (6) by use of
the difference in areas of circles (øD1 > øD2)
of spool (5) and moves spool (5) to the left
q Port (MB) and chamber (e) will be intercon-
q Since pressure (MA) is lower than the set pres-
sure of spring (3), spool (2) does not move and
the pressurized oil is kept in. Thus the braking
force is ensured.

10-403 28 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Swing motor SEN04560-00

PC78US-8 10-403 29
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Travel motor

Travel motor 1

A: From center swivel joint, port C2

(L.H. travel motor)
From center swivel joint, port B2
(R.H. travel motor)
B: From center swivel joint, port D2
(L.H. travel motor)
From center swivel joint, port A2
(R.H. travel motor)
D1: To center swivel joint, port DR2
(L.H. travel motor)
Plug (R.H. travel motor)
D2: Plug (L.H. travel motor)
To center swivel joint, port DR2
(R.H. travel motor)
P: From center swivel joint, port G2

1. Oil filler plug

2. Oil level plug
3. Drain plug

10-403 30 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Travel motor SEN04560-00

1. Regulator valve 13. Sun gear A

2. Timing plate 14. Sun gear B
3. Brake piston 15. Ring nut
4. Spindle 16. Pivot
5. Floating seal 17. Piston
6. Swash plate 18. Disc
7. Regulator piston 19. Plate
8. Planetary pinion B 20. Cylinder
9. Hub 21. Flange
10. Carrier 22. Counterbalance valve
11. Cover 23. Check valve
12. Planetary pinion A 24. Check valve

PC78US-8 10-403 31
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Travel motor

Model GM10VA-B
Displacement Hi 30.5
(cm3/rev) Lo 54.3
Rated speed Hi 2,628
(rpm) Lo 1,507
Brake releasing pressure 0.63
(MPa {kg/cm2}) {6.42}
Hi-Lo switching pressure 2.94
(MPa {kg/cm2}) {30}
Reduction ratio 45.97


1. Final drive 4. 2nd travel speed selector mechanism

Consists of 2-stage planetary gear mecha- Consists of the regulator valve and regulator
nism. Reduces the hydraulic motor speed from piston. Changes the rotation speed in 2 stages
high speed to low speed high torque. by changing the displacement of the hydraulic
2. Hydraulic motor
Consists of swash plate type axial piston motor 5. Parking brake
mechanism. Converts oil pressure from the Consists of multiple disc type brake mecha-
hydraulic pump into rotary motion. nism. Forms a unit with the hydraulic motor.

3. Brake valve
Consists of various valves. Provides the follow-
ing functions: stops the hydraulic motor
smoothly, prevents running away of hydraulic
motor, prevents generation of abnormally high
pressure when the hydraulic motor is stopped

10-403 32 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Travel motor SEN04560-00

Operation of motor
At low speed (the motor swash plate angle is maximized.)

1. 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve q Since 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve
2. Regulator valve (1) is de-energized, the pressurized oil from
3. Spring hydraulic pump (8) is not fed to port (P).
4. Check valve q Regulator valve (2) is pushed to the left with
5. Regulator piston spring (3) reaction force.
6. Swash plate q The main pressurized oil, sent from the control
7. Parking brake piston valve through check valve (4), is controlled by
8. Hydraulic pump regulator valve (2) and used to shut off the cir-
9. Travel control valve cuit to regulator piston (5).
10. Pump merge-divider valve q The pressurized oil in control chamber (C) is
11. Brake valve drained from port (D) through oil passage (e) of
regulator valve (2).
q Swash plate (6) reaches its maximum tilt
angle, and the machine travels at low speed
with the maximum motor capacity.

PC78US-8 10-403 33
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Travel motor

At high speed (the motor swash plate angle is minimized.)

1. 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve q When 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve
2. Regulator valve (1) is energized, the pressurized oil from
3. Spring hydraulic pump (8) is fed to port (P).
4. Check valve q Regulator valve (2) is pushed to the right with
5. Regulator piston the pressurized oil that is sent to port (P).
6. Swash plate q The main pressurized oil from the control valve
7. Parking brake piston passes through check valve (4), and passes
8. Hydraulic pump through oil passage (F) in regulator valve (2) to
9. Travel control valve control chamber (C), and is used to push regu-
10. Pump merge-divider valve lator piston (5) to the left.
11. Brake valve q Swash plate (6) reaches its minimum tilt angle,
and the machine travels at high speed with the
minimum motor capacity.

10-403 34 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Travel motor SEN04560-00

Brake valve Operation when pressure oil is supplied

q The brake valve consists of check valves (1a)
and (1b) and counterbalance valve spool (2)
as shown in the following figure.

q If the travel lever is operated, the pressurized

oil is supplied through the control valve to port
q The pressurized oil pushes check valve (1a) to
Function open and flows through motor inlet port (MA) to
motor outlet port (MB).
q When the machine travels down a slope, it
q The pressurized oil also flows into chamber (D)
may tr avel faster than the motor speed
through orifice (c) of counterbalance valve (2).
because of its own weight.
q When the hydraulic oil pressure in chamber
q If the machine travels down a slope with the
(D) goes above spring (3) reaction force, it
engine speed low, the motor runs idle and the
pushes counterbalance valve (2) to the left.
machine runs away, and this is very danger-
q Ports (MB) and (PB) open and the motor starts
to rotate.
q The brake valve prevents the machine from
q Ports (PA) and (E) open and the pressurized
running away and has it travel at a speed in
oil flows into brake piston (4) to release the
accordance with the engine speed (pump
parking brake.

PC78US-8 10-403 35
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Travel motor

Operation when pressure is shut off Brake operation at travelling downhill

q If the travel lever is returned to neutral, the q If the machine starts to run away on a slope,
pressurized oil from the control valve is the motor runs idle and the motor inlet port
stopped. (MA) pressure decreases and the pressure in
q Counterbalance valve (2) is pushed back to chamber (D) also decreases through orifice
the right with spring (3) reaction force. (c).
q The oil in chamber (D) flows to port (PA) q When the hydraulic oil pressure in chamber
through orifice (c). However, the back pressure (D) goes below spring (3) reaction force, coun-
is generated by closing of orifice (c), controlling terbalance valve (2) starts to return to the right.
the return speed of counterbalance valve (2) to q The oil in chamber (G) flows to port (PB)
the right. through orifice (f). However, the back pressure
q The oil returning from port (MB) is controlled is generated by closing of orifice (f), controlling
gradually with the moving speed of counterbal- the return speed of counterbalance valve (2) to
ance valve (2) and the shape of the cut part to the right.
stop the motor smoothly. q Counterbalance valve (2) moves to a position
q Even after the pressurized oil flowing to port where the force caused by the machine weight
(PA) is stopped, the motor continues rotation and the hydraulic force at motor inlet port (MA)
because of inertia and can cause cavitation. is balanced with the hydraulic force at motor
q Since check valve (1a) operates at very slight outlet port (MB).
negative pressure, ports (PA) and (MA) open q If motor outlet port (MB) is closed, the hydrau-
to prevent cavitation. lic pressure on the outlet side increases and
rotation resistance is generated.
q The travel speed is controlled according to the
pump delivery to prevent the machine from
running away.

10-403 36 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Travel motor SEN04560-00

Parking brake

When travel lever is operated When travel lever is set to neutral position

q If the travel lever is operated, the pressurized q If the travel lever is returned to neutral, the
oil from the pump moves spool (1) to the left. pressurized oil from the control valve is
q The pressurized oil flows through port (E) to stopped.
chamber (A) of brake piston (2). q The pressurized oil in chamber (A) of brake
q When the hydraulic pressure in chamber (A) piston (2) is drained into the case.
goes above spring (3) reaction force, it pushes q When the hydraulic pressure in chamber (A)
brake piston (2) to the left. goes below spring (3) reaction force, brake pis-
q Plate (4) and disc (5) are relieved of friction ton (2) is pushed back to the right.
force and the parking brake is released. q Brake piston (2) presses plate (4) and disc (5)
together and the parking brake operates.

PC78US-8 10-403 37
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Center swivel joint

Center swivel joint 1

Blade specification

A1: From control valve (R.H. travel REVERSE) A2: To R.H. travel motor port B
B1: From control valve (R.H. travel FORWARD) B2: To R.H. travel motor port A
C1: From control valve (L.H. travel REVERSE) C2: To L.H. travel motor port A
D1: From control valve (L.H. travel FORWARD) D2: To L.H. travel motor port B
E1: From control valve (blade RAISE) E2: To L.H. and R.H. blade cylinder head
F1: From control valve (blade LOWER) F2: To L.H. and R.H. blade cylinder bottom
G1: From 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve G2: To L.H. and R.H. travel motor port P
DR1: To hydraulic tank DR2: From L.H. and R.H. travel motor port D1 or

1. Cover 3. Slipper seal

2. Rotor 4. Shaft

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Standard clearance Clearance limit
Clearance between rotor and
5 shaft
70 0.056 – 0.105 0.111

10-403 38 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Center swivel joint SEN04560-00

Bladeless specification

A1: From control valve (R.H. travel REVERSE) A2: To R.H. travel motor port B
B1: From control valve (R.H. travel FORWARD) B2: To R.H. travel motor port A
C1: From control valve (L.H. travel REVERSE) C2: To L.H. travel motor port A
D1: From control valve (L.H. travel FORWARD) D2: To L.H. travel motor port B
E1: From 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve E2: To L.H. and R.H. travel motor port P
DR1: To hydraulic tank DR2: From L.H. and R.H. travel motor port D1 or

1. Cover 3. Slipper seal

2. Rotor 4. Shaft

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Standard clearance Clearance limit
Clearance between rotor and
5 shaft
60 0.056 – 0.105 0.111

PC78US-8 10-403 39
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Solenoid valve

Solenoid valve 1

4-spool solenoid valve

10-403 40 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Solenoid valve SEN04560-00

P1: From hydraulic pump, port P4 Operation

A1: To PPC valve
A3: To swing motor, port B Check valve
A2: To center swivel joint, port G1
A5: To control valve, port PT
T: To hydraulic tank
ACC: To accumulator (for PPC circuit)

1. PPC lock solenoid valve

2. Control relief valve
3. 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve
4. Swing holding brake solenoid valve
5. Travel junction/ pump merge-divider solenoid

Check valve
6. Plug
7. Plunger q This valve is installed between port (P) and
PPC solenoid valve. When the engine is
Solenoid valve stopped, plunger (1) is pushed back to the left
with spring (2) reaction force, and the path
8. Coil (ON/OFF type)
between ports (ACC) and (P) is closed to
9. Push pin
maintain the pressure in the accumulator.
10. Valve spool
q When the engine is running, plunger (1) is
11. Sleeve
pushed to the right with the pilot pressure that
12. Stopper
is sent to port (P), and ports (P) and (ACC) are
13. Body
Control relief valve
14. Adjustment screw
15. Locknut
16. Cover
17. Return spring
18. Plunger

PC78US-8 10-403 41
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Solenoid valve

Solenoid valve

When solenoid valve is "de-energized" (circuit Control relief valve

is closed)

q If the oil pressure in port (P) goes above return

q Coil (1) is de-energized when no signal current spring (2) reaction force, plunger (1) moves to
is supplied to coil (1). the right and the path between ports (P) and
q Spool (2) is pushed back to the left with spring (T) opens to relieve the oil.
(3) reaction force. Set pressure: 3.14 MPa {32 kg/cm2}
q As the path between ports (P) and (A) is
closed, the pilot pressure is not fed to the actu-
ator through port (A).
At the same time, the path to port (T) is open,
draining the oil from the actuator to the hydrau-
lic tank.

When solenoid valve is "energized" (circuit is


q Coil (1) is energized when signal current is

supplied to coil (1).
q Spool (2) is pushed to the right with push pin
q As the path between ports (P) and (A) is
opened, the pilot pressure is fed to the actuator
through port (A).
At the same time, the path to port (T) is closed,
shutting off the oil from the actuator to the
hydraulic tank.

10-403 42 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
PPC accumulator SEN04560-00

PPC accumulator 1

For PPC circuit

1. Gas plug
2. Shell
3. Poppet
4. Holder
5. Bladder
6. Oil port

q This accumulator is mounted on the solenoid
valve. If the engine is stopped with the work
equipment is kept at a raised position, the pilot
pressure is supplied to the control valve by the
pressure of the compressed nitrogen gas in
the accumulator. Therefore, the spool can be
operated to lower the work equipment by its
own weight.

Gas to be used: Nitrogen gas
Gas capacity: 300 cc
Sealed gas pressure: 1.18 MPa
{12 kg/cm2} (at 80°C)
Maximum operating pressure: 6.86 MPa
{70 kg/cm2}

PC78US-8 10-403 43
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 PPC accumulator

For breaker
(Machine ready for attachment)
1. Cap
2. Core
3. Ring
4. Lid
5. Bladder
6. Shell

q This accumulator is connected to the attach-
ment piping. When the breaker operates, the
oil pulsation is absorbed by the pressure of
compressed nitrogen gas of the accumulator,
to protect the hydraulic system devices and

Gas to be used: Nitrogen gas
Gas capacity: 480 cc
Sealed gas pressure: 0.1 MPa {1 kg/cm2} (at 80°C)
Maximum operating pressure: 6.86 MPa
{70 kg/cm2}

10-403 44 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Anti-drop valve SEN04560-00

Anti-drop valve 1

(If equipped)
a This valve can be mounted on the boom cylinder and arm cylinder.
a The valve is the standard equipment for the boom cylinder for EU specification.

V: From control valve

T: To hydraulic tank
CY: To work equipment cylinder
PI: From PPC valve
PCY: For pressure pickup port and equalizer circuit

PC78US-8 10-403 45
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Anti-drop valve

1. Pilot spool
2. Safety valve
3. Check valve

Unit: mm
No. Check item Criteria Remedy
Standard size Repair limit
Free length x
Outside Installed Installed load Free length Installed load
4 Spool return spring diameter

55.4 N 44.3 N If damaged or

24.8 x 16.8 22.5 — deformed, replace
{5.65 kg} {4.52 kg}
22.6 N 18.0 N
5 Spool return spring 19.1 x 8 14
{2.3 kg}

{1.84 kg}
15.1 N 12.1 N
6 Check valve spring 31.90 x 5.4 26.5
{1.54 kg}

{1.23 kg}

10-403 46 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Anti-drop valve SEN04560-00

q The anti-drop valve prevents the pressurized
oil from flowing back from the work equipment
cylinder and prevents the work equipment from
falling suddenly when the piping from the con-
trol valve to the work equipment bursts.


When the work equipment lever is in neutral

When the piping is normal

q Check valve (5) is closed under the holding
pressure of the work equipment cylinder led
from port (CY) to chamber (b).
q The anti-drop valve prevents the pressurized
oil from reversing from the work equipment cyl-
inder in order to prevent the work equipment
from falling suddenly when the piping bursts
between the control valve and the work equip-
ment cylinder.
q When the work equipment lever is in neutral,
since the pilot pressure led from the PPC valve
to port (PI) is 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}, pilot spool (1)
is moved to the left end by the forces of springs
(2) and (3) and chambers (a) and (b) are dis-
q No pressurized oil flows from the control valve
to the work equipment cylinder and the work
equipment cylinder is held.
q If the work equipment cylinder has abnormally
high pressure, safety valve (4) is actuated by
holding pressure (Pb) of the work equipment

When the piping bursts

q If piping (A) from the control valve to the work
equipment cylinder bursts, chambers (a) and
(b) are disconnected as in the case when the
piping is normal, thus the work equipment cyl-
inder is held.
q When the work equipment stops above ground
with the engine stopped, the operator can
lower it gradually by opening port (PCY) to dis-
charge the pressurized oil from chamber (b)
through orifice (7) and port (PCY).

PC78US-8 10-403 47
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Anti-drop valve

When pressurized oil flows from the control

valve to the work equipment cylinder

When the piping is normal

q If pressurized oil (Pa) led from the control valve
to chamber (a) overcomes the total of pressure
(Pb) in chamber (b) connected to the work
equipment cylinder and the force of spring (6),
check valve (5) opens and chambers (a) and
(b) are connected and then the pressurized oil
flows from the control valve to the work equip-
ment cylinder.

When the piping bursts

q If piping (A) from the control valve to the work
equipment cylinder bursts, the pressurized oil
in chamber (a) flows out of the burst part and
pressure (Pa) in chamber (a) lowers.
q If pressure (Pa) lowers below the total of pres-
sure (Pb) in chamber (b) and the force of
spring (6), check valve (5) closes and cham-
bers (a) and (b) are disconnected, thus cylin-
der pressure (Pb) is held to prevent the work
equipment from falling suddenly.

10-403 48 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Anti-drop valve SEN04560-00

When pressurized oil flows from the work

equipment cylinder to the control valve

When the piping is normal

q Holding pressure of the work equipment cylin-
der is led to chamber (b) and check valve (5)
q The pilot pressure from the PPC valve is led to
port (PI). If it becomes larger than the force of
spring (2) (area of ød), spool (1) moves to the
standby position on the right side. (1st-stage
q At this time, chambers (a) and (b) are not con-
q If the pilot pressure increases further and
becomes larger than the force of spring (3)
(area of ød), spool (1) moves to the right fur-
ther and chambers (a) and (b) are connected.
(2nd-stage stroke)
q Pressurized oil returns to the control valve
from the work equipment cylinder.

When the piping bursts

q If piping (A) from the control valve to the work
equipment cylinder bursts, the pressurized oil
in chamber (a) flows out of the burst part.
Since the pressurized oil in chamber (b) is sup-
plied to chamber (a) through opening (C) of
spool (1), however, sudden fall of the work
equipment is prevented. In addition, when the
PPC valve is returned to neutral, spool (1)
returns to the left end to disconnect chambers
(b) and (a), thus the work equipment stops.

PC78US-8 10-403 49
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
SEN04560-00 Multi-control valve

Multi-control valve 1

(If equipped)
a This valve is the standard equipment for North America specification.

(1) ISO pattern

(2) Backhoe pattern

Control pattern switching diagram (Port names correspond to the marks on the above figures.)

10-403 50 PC78US-8
403 Hydraulic system, Part 3
Multi-control valve SEN04560-00

PC78US-8 10-403 51

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04560-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

10-403 52


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

500 Work equipment

Work equipment .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Dimensions of components............................................................................................................................. 4
Work equipment cylinder .............................................................................................................................. 10

PC78US-8 10-500 1
500 Work equipment
SEN04561-00 Work equipment

Work equipment 1

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
Clearance between mounting pin size Shaft Hole clearance limit
1 and bushing of revolving frame
and boom –0.030 +0.174 0.130 –
65 –0.100 +0.100 0.274 1.0

Clearance between mounting pin –0.030 +0.174 0.130 –

2 and bushing of boom and arm 60 –0.100 +0.100 0.274 1.0

Clearance between mounting pin –0.225 –0.062 0.105 –

3 and bushing of arm and bucket 50 –0.285 –0.120 0.223 1.0

Clearance between mounting pin –0.225 –0.062 0.105 – Replace pin and
4 and bushing of arm and link 50 –0.285 –0.120 0.223 1.0 bushing
Clearance between mounting pin –0.225 –0.040 0.131 –
5 and bushing of bucket and link
–0.285 –0.094 0.245

Clearance between mounting pin –0.030 +0.173 0.130 –

6 and bushing of link and link
–0.100 +0.100 0.273

Clearance between mounting pin

and bushing of track frame and –0.025 +0.142 0.105 –
7 blade
–0.087 +0.080 0.229
(blade specification)

10-500 2 PC78US-8
500 Work equipment
Work equipment SEN04561-00

PC78US-8 10-500 3
500 Work equipment
SEN04561-00 Dimensions of components

Dimensions of components 1

1,650 mm arm

10-500 4 PC78US-8
500 Work equipment
Dimensions of components SEN04561-00

Unit: mm
No. Tolerance
Measurement point Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.100
1 — 60
–0.100 0
Arm side 71.5
Cylinder head side 70 ±1.2
–0.030 +0.100
3 — 60
–0.100 0
Boom side 220
Arm side 220
5 — 142.4 ±2.0

6 — 218.8 ±1.0

7 — 458.6 ±1.0

8 — 1,650 —

9 — 2,093.9 ±3.0

10 — 1,661.2 ±1.3

11 — 258.7 ±0.3

12 — 15.1 ±1.0

13 — 395.1 ±0.1

14 — 342 ±0.1

15 — 312.2 —

16 — 1,066.9 —
–0.225 0
17 — 50
–0.285 –0.150
Link side 200 –1.0
Bucket side 200 +2.0
–0.225 0
19 — 50
–0.285 –0.150
Arm side 188 –0.5
Bucket side 211 +3.0
Min. 1,055 ±1.5
Max. 1,765 —

PC78US-8 10-500 5
500 Work equipment
SEN04561-00 Dimensions of components

2,250 mm arm

10-500 6 PC78US-8
500 Work equipment
Dimensions of components SEN04561-00

Unit: mm
No. Tolerance
Measurement point Standard size
Shaft Hole
–0.030 +0.100
1 — 60
–0.100 0
Arm side 71.5
Cylinder head side 70 ±1.2
–0.030 +0.100
3 — 60
–0.100 0
Boom side 220
Arm side 220
5 — 228.2 ±2.0

6 — 239.5 ±1.0

7 — 465.5 ±1.0

8 — 2,250 —

9 — 2,702.7 ±3.0

10 — 1,652.1 ±1.3

11 — 259 ±0.3

12 — 7.6 ±0.5

13 — 395.1 ±0.1

14 — 342 ±0.1

15 — 312.2 —

16 — 1,066.9 —
–0.225 0
17 — 50
–0.285 –0.150
Link side 200 –1.0
Bucket side 200 +2.0
–0.225 0
19 — 50
–0.285 –0.150
Arm side 188 –0.5
Bucket side 211 +3.0
Min. 1,055 ±1.5
Max. 1,765 —

PC78US-8 10-500 7
500 Work equipment
SEN04561-00 Dimensions of components


10-500 8 PC78US-8
500 Work equipment
Dimensions of components SEN04561-00

Unit: mm
Measurement point Standard size Tolerance
1 — 309.8 ±0.5

2 — 38.6 ±0.5

3 — 97.1° —

4 — 312.2 —

5 — 1,057.2 —

6 — 143.7 —

7 — 8° —

8 — 5.2° —
9 — 50
10 — 60 —
11 — 70 0
12 — 200 0
13 — 40 —

14 — 71 —
15 — 296
16 — 18 —

17 — 100 —

18 — 115 —

19 — 95 —
20 — 211
21 — 40 —

22 — 24 —

23 — 89.3 —

24 — 87.9 —

25 — 60 —

26 — 66 —

PC78US-8 10-500 9
500 Work equipment
SEN04561-00 Work equipment cylinder

Work equipment cylinder 1

Boom cylinder

Arm cylinder

Bucket cylinder

Blade cylinder

10-500 10 PC78US-8
500 Work equipment
Work equipment cylinder SEN04561-00

Unit: mm
No. Item Criteria Remedy
Cylinder Standard Tolerance Standard Clearance
name size Shaft Hole clearance limit
–0.030 +0.262 0.097 –
Boom 65 0.638
–0.076 +0.067 0.338
Clearance between –0.030 +0.151 0.024 –
1 piston rod and bushing Arm 60 0.527 Replace bushing
–0.076 –0.006 0.227
–0.030 +0.151 0.024 –
Bucket 55 0.527
–0.076 –0.006 0.227
–0.030 +0.262 0.097 –
Blade 65 0.638
–0.076 +0.067 0.338
–0.030 +0.174 0.130 –
Boom 60 1.0
–0.100 +0.100 0.274
–0.030 +0.174 0.130 –
Clearance between Arm 60 1.0
–0.100 +0.100 0.274
2 piston rod support
shaft and bushing –0.030 +0.174 0.130 –
Bucket 60 1.0
–0.100 +0.100 0.274
–0.030 +0.174 0.130 –
Blade 70 1.0
–0.104 +0.100 0.278 Replace pin and
–0.030 +0.174 0.130 – bushing
Boom 65 1.0
–0.100 +0.100 0.274
Clearance between Arm 55 –0.030 +0.174 0.130 – 1.0
cylinder bottom –0.100 +0.100 0.274
3 support shaft and
Bucket 50 –0.030 +0.142 0.110 – 1.0
bushing –0.100 +0.080 0.242
Blade 70 –0.030 +0.174 0.130 – 1.0
–0.104 +0.100 0.278
Boom 961 ± 96.1 Nm {98 ± 9.8 kgm}

Arm 785 ± 78.5 Nm {80 ± 8.0 kgm}

Tightening torque of 1) Tighten to 1.18 – 1.37 kNm {120 – 140 kgm}.
4 cylinder head 2) Loosen to 0 Nm {0 kgm}.
Bucket 3) Tighten to 0.39 kNm {40 kgm}.
4) Control tightening of cylinder head by turning angle.
(Tighten periphery of cylinder head by 3.5 – 4.5 mm)
Blade 1.03 ± 0.10 kNm {105 ± 10.5 kgm}

Boom 2.60 ± 0.26 kNm {265 ± 26.5 kgm} (width across flats: 70 mm)

Arm 2.65 ± 0.26 kNm {270 ± 27.0 kgm} (width across flats: 65 mm)
Tightening torque of
5 cylinder piston locknut
Bucket 2.16 ± 0.22 kNm {220 ± 22.0 kgm} (width across flats: 60 mm)

Blade 3.14 ± 0.31 kNm {320 ± 32.0 kgm} (width across flats: 75 mm)

PC78US-8 10-500 11

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04561-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

10-500 12


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

600 Cab and its attachments

Air conditioner ................................................................................................................................................. 2

PC78US-8 10-600 1
600 Cab and its attachments
SEN04562-01 Air conditioner

Air conditioner 1

Air conditioner piping diagram 1

10-600 2 PC78US-8
600 Cab and its attachments
Air conditioner SEN04562-01

A: Front warm/cool air vent Dual pressure switch

B: Rear warm/cool air vent q If abnormally low or high pressure was gener-
C: Foot warm/cool air vent ated in the refrigerant circulation circuit, this
D: Defroster warm/cool air vent switch releases the magnet clutch of the com-
E: Recirculation air inlet pressor to protect a series of cooler-related
F: Fresh air inlet equipment.
High-pressure OFF:
1. Sunlight sensor 3.14 ± 0.20 MPa {32 ± 2 kg/cm2}
2. Refrigerant piping Low-pressure OFF:
3. Compressor 0.20 ± 0.02 MPa {2 ± 0.2 kg/cm2}
4. Ambient air temperature sensor
5. Air conditioner controller
6. Fresh air filter
7. Recirculation air filter
8. Dual pressure switch
9. Air conditioner unit
10. Machine monitor
11. Sight glass
12. Hot water take-out piping
13. Hot water return piping
14. Receiver
15. Condenser

Refrigerant to be used R134a
Refrigerant capacity (g) 780

PC78US-8 10-600 3
600 Cab and its attachments
SEN04562-01 Air conditioner

Refrigerant circuit diagram

1. Engine
2. Compressor
3. Condenser
4. Receiver
5. Sight glass
6. Dual pressure switch
7. Air conditioner unit

Table of tightening torque for refrigerant piping adapter

Unit: Nm {kgm}
No. Item Criteria Remedy

8 Lock bolt of compressor

refrigerant piping
7.85 – 11.8 {0.8 – 1.2}
(Screw size: M6 x 1.0)

9 Lock
bolt of condenser refrigerant 3.92 – 6.86 {0.4 – 0.7}
(Screw size: M6 x 1.0)

10 Lock bolt of receiver refrigerant

piping and joint
3.92 – 6.86 {0.4 – 0.7}
(Screw size: M6 x 1.0)

11 Connecting nut of receiver

refrigerant exit side piping
11.8 – 14.7 {1.2 – 1.5}
(Screw size: M16 x 1.5)

12 Lock bolt of air conditioner unit

refrigerant piping connector
7.85 – 11.8 {0.8 – 1.2}
(Screw size: M6 x 1.0)

10-600 4 PC78US-8
600 Cab and its attachments
Air conditioner SEN04562-01

PC78US-8 10-600 5
600 Cab and its attachments
SEN04562-01 Air conditioner

Air conditioner unit 1

10-600 6 PC78US-8
600 Cab and its attachments
Air conditioner SEN04562-01

A: From condenser Outline

B: To compressor q This is the horizontal air conditioner unit on
C: Hot water inlet which evaporator (1) and heater core (2) is
D: Hot water outlet arranged in parallel. Blower motor (4) is driven
to generate cool and hot air.
1. Evaporator q Selecting the temperature on the machine
2. Heater core monitor controls air mix damper (6) to adjust
3. Expansion valve the discharged air temperature.
4. Blower motor
5. Air mix damper actuator Cooler
6. Air mix damper q The cooler circulates refrigerant through evap-
7. Mode selector damper actuator orator (1) to cause heat exchange (dehumidifi-
8. Mode selector damper cation and cooling).
9. Recirculation/fresh air changeover damper actu- q Air taken in by blower motor (4) is cooled with
ator evaporator (1) and then blown out from the
10. Recirculation/fresh air changeover damper duct and grille.
11. Power transistor
12. Evaporator temperature sensor Heater
13. Recirculation air temperature sensor
q The heater circulates engine coolant in heater
14. Recirculation air filter
core (2) to cause heat exchange (heating).
q Air taken in by blower motor (4) is heated with
heater core (2) and then blown out through the
duct and grille.

PC78US-8 10-600 7
600 Cab and its attachments
SEN04562-01 Air conditioner

Functions of major components

Evaporator Recirculation/fresh air changeover damper
q Evaporator fin is cooled by the low-pressure, actuator
low-temperature refrigerant gas being sent q It starts the built-in motor upon receipt of a sig-
from the expansion valve. Air from the blower nal current from the air conditioner controller in
motor is cooled and dehumidified when pass- order to open or close the recirculation/fresh
ing through the fin. air changeover damper through the link mech-
Heater core q The motor rotating direction is determined by
q Fin of the heater core is heated by the hot selecting recirculation/fresh air flow on the
water (coolant) being sent from the engine. Air machine monitor.
from the blower motor is heated as it passes q Rotation of the motor is stopped as the contact
through the fin. opens, which is to move interlocked with the
motor, or when signal current from the air con-
Expansion valve ditioner controller is turned "OFF".
q This valve converts high-pressure, high-tem-
perature liquid refrigerant from the condenser Evaporator temperature sensor
to low-pressure, low-temperature misty refrig- q In order to prevent freezing of the evaporator, it
erant through the throttling function. senses the evaporator temperature and sends
Flow rate of refrigerant is controlled by chang- necessary signals to the air conditioner con-
ing level of throttling depending on the thermal troller. The signal sent to the air conditioner
load in the operator's cab. controller is used to control the compressor. As
a result, temperature of the air blown out of the
Blower motor grille is adjusted depending on the volume of
q It suctions air by rotating the fin installed on the refrigerant circulated in the evaporator.
blower motor. And it is also used for sending
air to the evaporator and heater core. Recirculation air temperature sensor
q It senses the recirculation air temperature and
Air mix damper actuator sends necessary signals to the air conditioner
q It starts the built-in motor upon receipt of a sig- controller. The signal sent to the air conditioner
nal current from the air conditioner controller in controller is used to control the compressor. As
order to open or close the air mix damper a result, temperature of the air blown out of the
through the link mechanism. grille is adjusted depending on the volume of
q The motor rotating direction is determined as refrigerant circulated in the evaporator.
the air conditioner controller reads the position
of the potentiometer being built in the actuator.
This reading is done as the target temperature
is set on the machine monitor.
q Rotation of the motor is stopped as the contact
opens, which is to move interlocked with the
motor, or when signal current from the air con-
ditioner controller is turned "OFF".

Mode selector damper actuator

q It starts the built-in motor upon receipt of a sig-
nal current from the air conditioner controller in
order to open or close the mode selector
damper through the link mechanism.
q The motor rotating direction is determined as
the air conditioner controller reads the position
of the potentiometer being built in the actuator.
This reading is done as the mode is selected
on the machine monitor.
q Rotation of the motor is stopped as the contact
opens, which is to move interlocked with the
motor, or when signal current from the air con-
ditioner controller is turned "OFF".

10-600 8 PC78US-8
600 Cab and its attachments
Air conditioner SEN04562-01

Air conditioner controller 1

Input and output signals

Pin Signal name Input and Pin Signal name Input and
No. output signals No. output signals
1 NC — 17 CAN_H Input/output
Air mix damper actuator potentiometer 18 CAN_L Input/output
2 Input
19 Recirculation/fresh air changeover Output
3 Actuator potentiometer power supply Output damper actuator (A)
4 Dual pressure switch Input Recirculation/fresh air changeover
20 Output
5 NC — damper actuator (B)
6 Back-up power supply Input 21 Air mix damper actuator (A) Output
7 Blower feedback signal Input 22 Air mix damper actuator (B) Output
8 Power transistor control signal Output 23 Mode selector actuator (A) Output
Mode selector actuator potentiometer 24 Mode selector actuator (B) Output
9 Input
signal 25 Relay power supply Output
10 NC — 26 NC —
11 Recirculation air temperature sensor Input 27 GND (sensor) Input
12 Evaporator temperature sensor Input 28 NC —
13 Ambient air temperature sensor Input 29 NC —
14 NC — 30 Test terminal —
15 Sunlight sensor Input 31 RAM monitor (for switching display) —
16 GND Output 32 RAM monitor I/F —
33 RAM monitor output —
34 NC —
35 Compressor clutch relay Input
36 Blower main relay Input

PC78US-8 10-600 9
600 Cab and its attachments
SEN04562-01 Air conditioner

Compressor 1

A: From air conditioner unit Function

B: To condenser q Other than circulating the refrigerant, it com-
presses the refrigerant gas from the evapora-
tor to high-pressure, high-temperature misty
refrigerant so that it may be easily regenerated
(liquefied) at normal temperature.
q Its built-in magnet clutch turns on or off
depending on the evaporator temperature and
refrigerant pressure.

Number of cylinders – bore x
10 – 32 x 20.8
stroke (mm)
Piston capacity
Allowable maximum speed
Refrigerant oil to be used Denso: ND-OIL 8
Refrigerant oil capacity

10-600 10 PC78US-8
600 Cab and its attachments
Air conditioner SEN04562-01

Condenser 1

A: From compressor Function

B: To receiver q It cools and liquefies the high-pressure and
high-temperature misty refrigerant from the

a If the fin crushes or is clogged with dusts, heat

exchange efficiency is degraded and complete
liquefaction of refrigerant becomes unavail-
able. As the result, pressure in the refrigerant
circulation circuit will be increased, applying
extra load to the engine or degrading the cool-
ing effect. Thus, care must be used in its han-
dling and daily inspection to prevent the fin
from being crushed.

Fin pitch (mm) 3.95
Total heat dissipation area (m )
Max. operating pressure (MPa {kg/cm }) 2
3.53 {36}

PC78US-8 10-600 11
600 Cab and its attachments
SEN04562-01 Air conditioner

Receiver 1

A: From condenser Function

B: To air conditioner unit q It is used to store liquefied high-pressure, high-
temperature liquid refrigerant from the con-
denser. It is capable of completely liquefying
the refrigerant even when bubbles are con-
tained in the refrigerant due to the condenser
condition in heat dissipation.
q It eliminates foreign substances in the circula-
tion circuit and water content in the refrigerant
by use of the built-in filter and desiccating

Effective cubic capacity (cm3) 550
Weight of desiccating agent (g) 290

10-600 12 PC78US-8
600 Cab and its attachments
Air conditioner SEN04562-01

Sensor 1

Sunlight sensor Ambient air temperature sensor

1. Connector 1. Connector
2. Sensor 2. Sensor

Outline Outline
q The sunlight sensor is installed on top of the q The ambient air temperature sensor is installed
machine monitor of the air duct. in the battery room at the rear left of the
q It senses intensity of the sun light and sends machine.
signals to the air conditioner controller. The q It senses the ambient air temperature and
signal sent to the air conditioner controller is sends signals to the air conditioner controller.
used to control the blower motor and compres- The signal sent to the air conditioner controller
sor. is used to control the compressor. As a result,
temperature of the air blown out of the grille is
Output characteristics adjusted depending on the volume of refriger-
ant circulated in the evaporator.

PC78US-8 10-600 13

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04562-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-08 (01)

10-600 14


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

10 Structure, function and

maintenance standard 1

700 Electrical system

Electronic control system ................................................................................................................................ 2
Monitor system.............................................................................................................................................. 33
KOMTRAX system........................................................................................................................................ 47
Sensor........................................................................................................................................................... 49

PC78US-8 10-700 1
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Electronic control system 1

Machine control system diagram

*1: If equipped

10-700 2 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

PC78US-8 10-700 3
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Engine control function 1

1. Battery Function
2. Battery relay 1. The neutral safety circuit is employed to
3. Fusible link secure safety when the engine is started.
4. Fuse box q The engine does not start until the lock
5. Starting switch lever is set in the "LOCK" position.
6. Engine controller
7. Lock lever 2. The KOMTRAX engine cut circuit is employed
8. PPC lock switch to disable the engine from starting when the
9. Starting motor cut-out relay (for PPC lock) KOMTRAX terminal receives an engine cut
10. Starting motor cut-out relay (for personal code) command issued through external operation.
11. Fuel control dial
12. Safety relay
13. Starting motor
14. Fuel supply pump
15. Sensors
16. Engine controller power cut-off relay A
17. Engine controller power cut-off relay B
18. Machine monitor
19. KOMTRAX terminal

10-700 4 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

Starting engine
q When starting switch (5) is turned to "ON"
position, engine controller (6) sends com-
mand current to fuel supply pump (14).
For this reason, a fail-safe mechanism is
provided with the electrical system to stop
the engine when an electrical failure
q When starting switch (5) is turned to
"START" with lock lever (7) set in the
"LOCK" position, a starting current is sup-
plied to starting motor (13) causing the
engine to start.
However, as the neutral safety mecha-
nism is provided, the engine will not start if
lock lever (7) is set in the "FREE" position
at this time; starting motor cut-out relay (9)
cuts off the starting current to starting
motor (13).
q Upon receipt of the engine cut-off com-
mand from the external source,
KOMTRAX terminal (19) sends the signal
to machine monitor (18).
Machine monitor (18) causes starting
motor cut-out relay (10) to cut off the start-
ing current to starting motor (13), therefore
the engine does not start.

Engine speed control

q Upon receipt of a fuel control dial (11) con-
trol signal, engine controller (6) sends a
command current to fuel supply pump (14)
to adjust the fuel injection amount to con-
trol the engine speed.

Stopping engine
q When starting switch (5) is turned to
"OFF" position, the current from the ACC
terminal of starting switch (5) to engine
controller (6) is cut off, and consequently
the command current to fuel supply pump
(14) is cut off.
Fuel supply pump (14) stops fuel feed,
causing the engine speed to go down and
the engine stops.

PC78US-8 10-700 5
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Engine and pump mutual control function 1

1. Battery Input and output signals

2. Battery relay a. CAN signal
3. Fusible link b. PC-EPC valve drive signal
4. Fuse box c. Solenoid valve GND
5. Resistor d. Oil pressure sensor signal
6. Pump controller e. Oil pressure switch signal
7. Engine controller f. Throttle signal
8. Machine monitor g. Fuel supply pump control signal
9. Emergency pump drive switch h. Sensor signals
10. Fuel control dial
11. Fuel supply pump
12. Sensors
13. Pump oil pressure sensor
14. Oil pressure sensor
15. Oil pressure switch
16. Hydraulic pump
16a. Servo
16b. LS valve
16c. PC valve
17. Control valve
17a. Pump merge-divider valve
18. PC-EPC valve

10-700 6 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

q This function is turned ON when 1 of the 5
work modes of P, E, L, ATT and B is selected
with the work mode selector switch of the
machine monitor. The most suitable combina-
tion of engine torque (T) and pump absorption
torque can be selected for the contents of
work. If "Without" is selected for the attach-
ment on the initialization menu of the service
mode, 1 of the 3 modes of P, E and L is select-
q According to the pump absorption torque set at
each mode, based on the engine governor set
speed with the fuel control dial and the actual
engine speed, the controller controls pump
delivery (Q) so that the pump will absorb all
torque at each engine output point.
q When the engine speed (N) is lowered, the
controller prevents the engine from stopping by
throttling the pump absorption torque.

PC78US-8 10-700 7
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Control method in each mode

P, E, L, ATT and B mode

q Matching point:
Working mode Matching point
41 kW/1,950 rpm
{55 HP/1,950 rpm}
40.7 kW/1,850 rpm
{54.5 HP/1,850 rpm}
32.1 kW/1,630 rpm
{43.1 HP/1,630 rpm}
22.2 kW/1,370 rpm
{29.8 HP/1,370 rpm}

q Pump delivery (Q) is so controlled that engine

speed (N) will be kept near the matching point
set in each mode.
q If the load on the pump increases and pump
discharge pressure (P) increases, engine
speed (N) starts decreasing. At the time, the
controller reduces the pump delivery (Q) to
increase the engine speed to the matching
point. If the load on the pump decreases and
pump discharge pressure (P) decreases to the
contrary, pump delivery (Q) is increased until
the engine speed increases to speed (N) near
the matching point.

10-700 8 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

Control function during travel Control function with emergency pump drive
q In P, ATT or B mode, engine speed (N) at the switch "ON"
matching point is set higher during travel than q If the controller gets out of order and no work is
during working. possible because the hydraulic pump does not
q In E or L mode, engine speed (N) and pump work properly, operating emergency pump
absorption torque are kept constant during drive switch (1) temporarily enables to main-
travel and working. tain functions of the machine with absorption
torques quite similar to those in the E mode.
In this case, a constant current flows from the
battery to the PC-EPC valve, thus the hydrau-
lic pump is not controlled by the controller.
a: Emergency
b: Normal
a Emergency pump drive switch (1) is of the
alternative type. If the machine is operated
after the switch is set to "Emergency (a)" even
though the machine is normal, the user code
"E02" will be shown on the display.

PC78US-8 10-700 9
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Auto-deceleration function 1

1. Pump controller Input and output signals

2. Engine controller a. CAN signal
3. Machine monitor b. Oil pressure sensor signal
4. Fuel control dial c. Oil pressure switch signal
5. Fuel supply pump d. Throttle signal
6. Sensors e. Fuel supply pump control signal
7. Oil pressure sensor f. Sensor signals
8. Oil pressure switch
9. Hydraulic pump
10. Control valve
10a. Pump merge-divider valve
11. PPC lock solenoid valve

10-700 10 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

q When all the control levers are set to NEU-
TRAL for waiting for a dump truck or work, the
engine speed is automatically reduced to a
controlled speed, and fuel consumption and
noise are lowered.
q When any control lever is operated, the engine
speed returns immediately to the speed that is
set with the fuel control dial.

When control levers are set in neutral
q If all the control levers are kept in neutral for 4
seconds with the engine speed higher than
approx. 1,175 rpm, the engine speed is
decreased to the controlled speed (approx.
1,175 rpm) and held until any control lever is

When any control lever is operated

q With the engine speed at the controlled speed
(approx. 1,175 rpm), when any control lever is
operated, the engine speed increases immedi-
ately to the speed that is set with the fuel con-
trol dial.

A: All work equipment control levers in "NEUTRAL"

B: Work equipment control lever "OPERATED"
C: Fuel control dial set speed
D: Engine controlled speed (approx. 1,175 rpm)
E: 4 sec.
F: Max. 2 sec.
G: Max. 0.2 sec.

PC78US-8 10-700 11
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Engine automatic warm-up function 1

1. Battery Input and output signals

2. Battery relay a. CAN signal
3. Fusible link b. PC-EPC valve drive signal
4. Fuse box c. Solenoid valve GND
5. Resistor d. Hydraulic oil temperature signal
6. Pump controller e. Throttle signal
7. Engine controller f. Fuel supply pump control signal
8. Machine monitor g. Sensor signals
9. Emergency pump drive switch
10. Fuel control dial
11. Fuel supply pump
12. Sensors
13. Hydraulic oil temperature sensor
14. Hydraulic pump
14a. Servo
14b. LS valve
14c. PC valve
15. Control valve
15a. Pump merge-divider valve
16. PC-EPC valve

10-700 12 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

q Raises the engine speed automatically to warm up the engine if the coolant temperature is low after
start-up of the engine.
Operational conditions (all required) Operation
Coolant temperature: Max. 55°C o
Fuel control dial: Max. 1,300 rpm Engine speed: 1,300 rpm
Control levers: NEUTRAL
Release conditions (either one required) Release
Coolant temperature: Min. 55°C, and control levers are set to NEUTRAL. o
Engine speed: Any
Fuel control dial: Min. 1,300 rpm, and control levers are set to NEUTRAL.

Overheat prevention function 1

a See "Engine automatic warm-up function" for system circuit diagram.

q Prevents overheat to protect the engine by reducing load on the pump if the coolant or hydraulic oil tem-
perature becomes too high.
Operational conditions Operation and actions taken Release conditions
Engine speed: Remains same Coolant temperature: Max. 95°C
Coolant temperature: Min. 95°C o • Sends torque control signal to o Hydraulic oil temperature: Max. 95°C
lower the pump absorption • The original conditions are restored if
Hydraulic oil temperature: Min. 95°C
torque and reduce the engine above requirements are met (automatic
load. restoration).

Operational conditions Operation and actions taken Release conditions

Engine speed: Remains same
Alarm monitor: ON Coolant temperature: Max. 102°C
Coolant temperature: Min. 102°C o • Sends torque control signal to o Hydraulic oil temperature: Max. 102°C
• The original conditions are restored if
Hydraulic oil temperature: Min. 102°C lower the pump absorption
above requirements are met (automatic
torque and reduce the engine

Operational conditions Operation and actions taken Release conditions

Coolant temperature: Max. 105°C
Hydraulic oil temperature: Max. 105°C
Coolant temperature: Min. 105°C o Engine speed: Low idle o Fuel control dial: Returns to low idle (MIN)
Alarm monitor: ON position.
Hydraulic oil temperature: Min. 105°C Alarm buzzer: Sounds • The original conditions are restored if
above requirements are met (manual

PC78US-8 10-700 13
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Turbocharger protection function 1

a See "Engine automatic warm-up function" for system circuit diagram.

q When the engine is started at low temperatures and the engine speed is increased sharply, the turbo-
charger may be seized. Controlling the engine speed prevents this problem.
q The turbocharger protection time is controlled according to the coolant temperature.
Operational conditions Operating
o Turbocharger protection
Engine oil pressure: Max. 50 kPa {0.51 kg/cm2} (See the following figure)

A: Start engine
B: Duration of turbocharger protection
(approx. 0 – 20 sec)
C: Modulating time (approx. 1.5 sec)
D: 500 rpm
E: 1,175 rpm
F: 2,050 rpm (*1)

*1. Working mode: P mode

Fuel control dial: High idle (MAX) position
Swing lever full operated

10-700 14 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

PC78US-8 10-700 15
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Swing control function 1

1. Battery Input and output signals

2. Battery relay a. Swing holding brake release signal
3. Fusible link b. Swing holding brake solenoid valve drive signal
4. Fuse box c. CAN signal
5. Swing holding brake release switch d. Oil pressure switch signal
6. Pump controller e. Oil pressure sensor signal
7. Machine monitor f. Travel/swing alarm buzzer operation signal
8. Oil pressure switch
9. Oil pressure sensor
10. Travel/swing alarm buzzer
11. Hydraulic pump
12. Control valve
12a. Pump merge-divider valve
13. Swing motor
14. Swing holding brake solenoid valve

10-700 16 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01


Swing holding brake function Swing holding brake release function

q Interlocked with the swing operation, the swing q If the controller gets out of order and no swing
holding brake (auto lock) prevents hydraulic is possible because the swing holding brake
drift from occurring after the swing stops. does not work properly, operating swing hold-
q Interlocked with the arm retract operation, the ing brake release switch (2) releases the swing
swing holding brake is released to reduce the holding brake and allows swing operation.
load on the swing equipment during excavation a: Release (Emergency)
work. b: Normal
Function Swing holding brake Swing Release Normal
holding brake (when the controller (when the controller
• When the L.H. work equipment control lever release switch is out of order) is in order)
is set to NEUTRAL, the swing holding brake
works in 5 sec. Swing holding
Swing holding
Operation • When the L.H. work equipment control lever Swing brake brake is released.
brake works.
is operated for swing or retracting arm, the (*1)
swing holding brake is released allowing free *1: Hydraulic brake by the safety valve.
swing operation.

a When the swing holding brake is released,

only the hydraulic brake with the safety valve is
effective for swing. So, note that, when the
swing stops on a slope, a hydraulic drift may
a Swing holding brake release switch (2) is of the
alternator type. When the switch is turned to
"RELEASE (a)" position, the swing lock moni-
tor in the machine monitor will blink.

A: L.H. work equipment control lever "SWING"

(Swing holding brake "RELEASE")
B: L.H. work equipment control lever "NEUTRAL"
C: Swing holding brake "OPERATED"
D: 5 sec

PC78US-8 10-700 17
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Travel control function 1

1. Pump controller Input and output signals

2. Engine controller a. Oil pressure sensor signal
3. Machine monitor b. CAN signal
4. Fuel control dial c. Travel junction/ pump merge-divider solenoid
5. Fuel supply pump valve drive signal
6. Sensors d. 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve drive
7. Pump oil pressure sensor signal
8. Oil pressure switch e. Oil pressure sensor signal
9. Oil pressure sensor f. Oil pressure switch signal
10. Travel/swing alarm buzzer g. Travel/swing alarm buzzer operation signal
11. Hydraulic pump h. Throttle signal
12. Control valve i. Fuel supply pump control signal
12a. Pump merge-divider valve j. Sensor signals
12b. Travel junction valve
13. Travel motor
14. 2nd travel speed selector solenoid valve
15. Travel junction/ pump merge-divider solenoid

10-700 18 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01


Travel speed select function

1. Travel speed "Manual" change
q Turning the travel speed selector switch
"Hi" and "Lo" changes the motor capacity
and allows the machine to select travel
Lo Hi
Travel speed selector switch
(low speed) (high speed)
Motor capacity (cc/rev.) 54.3 30.5
Travel speed (km/h) 2.9 5.0
Travel motor swash plate angle Max. Min.
A: 13.7 MPa {140 kg/cm2}
B: 25.5 MPa {260 kg/cm2}
2. Travel speed "Automatic" change C: Min. 0.1 sec.
1) Automatic selection corresponding to D: Min. 0.02 sec.
engine speed
q When the engine speed is lowered to
below 1,600 rpm with the fuel control
dial, the travel speed changes to "Lo"

2) Automatic selection corresponding to

pump discharge pressure
q If the travel pressure increases on an
uphill with the travel speed selector
switch in "Hi", and the travel hydraulic
pressure exceeding 25.5 MPa {260
kg/cm2} continues for 0.02 seconds or
more, the travel motor capacity is
switched to low speed (corresponds
to "Lo") automatically (the travel
speed switch position remains "Hi").
q If the travel pressure decreases on a
flat or downhill with low speed
(caused by the automatic gear shift-
ing due to high pressure), and the
travel hydraulic pressure below 13.7
MPa {140 kg/cm 2 } continues for 0.1
seconds or more, the travel motor
capacity is switched back to the set
speed of "Hi" automatically.

PC78US-8 10-700 19
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Pump control function during travel

a See "Engine and pump mutual control func-
tion" for details.

Travel junction function

q When the travel control lever and work equip-
ment control lever are operated, travel junction
function detects the pilot pressure and judges
whether it is for travel/ work equipment com-
pound operation or for travel independent
q For travel/ work equipment compound opera-
tion, the signal to the travel junction/ pump
merge-divider solenoid valve is cut-off, control-
ling the oil flow between the right and left travel
motors to be equal, to prevent travel deviation
and improve straight line stability.
q When travel independent operation, a signal is
sent to the travel junction/ pump merge-divider
solenoid valve, separating the oil flow between
the right and left travel motors, to improve
steering stability.

Pump merge-divider function

q When the travel control lever and work equipment control lever are operated, pump merge-divider func-
tion detects the pilot pressure and judges whether it is for travel/ work equipment compound operation
or for travel independent operation.
q For travel independent operation, a signal is sent to the travel junction/ pump merge-divider solenoid
valve, dividing the pump delivery, to improve travel performance.
Pattern Criterion of travel operation Criterion of work equipment operation divider
• Work equipment is not operated
1 Divide
Travel PPC pressure: (Work equipment PPC pressure switch is "OFF").
Min. 1.47 MPa {15 kg/cm2} • Work equipment is operated
2 Merge
(Work equipment PPC pressure switch is "ON").

10-700 20 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

PPC lock function 1

1. Battery Function
2. Battery relay q Interlocked with the lock lever, the PPC lock
3. Fusible link switch is turned "OFF" when operating the lock
4. Fuse box lever to "LOCK" position.
5. Starting switch q When the PPC lock switch is turned "OFF", the
6. Lock lever current to the PPC lock solenoid valve is cut-
7. PPC lock switch off, causing neither the work equipment nor
8. Hydraulic pump machine moves even if levers or pedal are
9. Control valve operated.
9a. Pump merge-divider valve
10. PPC lock solenoid valve

PC78US-8 10-700 21
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Oil flow adjuster function for attachment 1

(Machine ready for attachment)

1. Pump controller Input and output signals

2. Engine controller a. Oil flow adjuster EPC valve drive signal for
3. Machine monitor attachment
4. Fuel control dial b. Oil pressure switch signal
5. Fuel supply pump c. CAN signal
6. Sensors d. PC-EPC valve drive signal
7. Emergency pump drive switch e. Solenoid valve GND
8. Oil pressure switch f. Throttle signal
9. Hydraulic pump g. Fuel supply pump control signal
9a. Servo h. Sensor signals
9b. LS valve
9c. PC valve
10. Control valve Function
10a. Pump merge-divider valve q The oil flow to the attachment when the attach-
11. PPC lock solenoid valve ment control pedal is depressed fully is con-
12. Oil flow adjuster EPC valve for attachment trolled by selecting ATT mode and setting the
13. PC-EPC valve attachment flow with the machine monitor.
14. Attachment circuit selector valve
15. Attachment

10-700 22 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

PC78US-8 10-700 23
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

System components 1

Engine controller

Input and output signals

q The following is the list of the symbols used for signal classification in the input/output signal chart.
A: Power supply
B: Input
C: Ground/shield/return
D: Output
E: Communication

DTP-4P [CN-CE03]
Pin No. Signal name Signal
2 NC —
3 Constant power supply (24 V) A
4 NC —

10-700 24 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

DRC-60P(1) [CN-CE01]
Pin Signal Pin Signal
Signal name Signal name
No. classification No. classification
1 NC — 31 NC —
2 NC — 32 Engine oil pressure switch B
3 NC — 33 NC —
4 NC — 34 NC —
5 NC — 35 NC —
6 NC — 36 Sensor power supply (5 V) A
7 NC — 37 Camshaft speed sensor B
8 NC — 38 NC —
9 NC — 39 NC —
10 Fuel supply pump regulator (+) B 40 NC —
11 Boost temperature sensor B 41 NC —
12 NC — 42 Crankshaft speed sensor B
13 NC — 43 NC —
14 Fuel supply pump regulator (–) C 44 Crankshaft speed sensor GND C
15 NC — 45 Injector #2 (+) D
16 NC — 46 NC —
17 NC — 47 Coolant temperature sensor GND C
18 NC — 48 Sensor GND C
19 Boost pressure sensor B 49 Coolant temperature sensor D
20 Ambient pressure sensor B 50 NC —
21 NC — 51 Injector #4 (–) C
22 NC — 52 NC —
23 NC — 53 Injector #1 (–) C
24 NC — 54 NC —
25 NC — 55 Injector #3 (+) D
26 Crankshaft speed sensor (5 V) A 56 Injector #4 (+) D
27 NC — 57 Injector #1 (+) D
28 NC — 58 Injector #2 (–) C
29 Common rail pressure sensor B 59 Injector #3 (–) C
30 NC — 60 NC —

DRC-60P(2) [CN-CE02]
Pin Signal name Signal Pin Signal name Signal
No. classification No. classification
1 CAN(+) E 31 NC —
2 NC — 32 Engine controller power cut-off relay GND C
3 NC — 33 NC —
4 NC — 34 NC —
5 NC — 35 Fuel control dial (+) B
6 NC — 36 NC —
7 NC — 37 NC —
8 NC — 38 NC —
9 NC — 39 NC —
10 NC — 40 NC —
11 NC — 41 NC —
12 NC — 42 NC —
13 NC — 43 NC —
14 NC — 44 NC —
15 NC — 45 Starting switch ACC signal B
16 NC — 46 NC —
17 NC — 47 NC —
18 NC — 48 NC —
19 NC — 49 NC —
20 NC — 50 NC —
21 CAN (–) E 51 NC —
22 NC — 52 NC —
23 NC — 53 NC —
24 NC — 54 NC —
25 NC — 55 Engine controller power cut-off relay D
26 NC — 56 NC —
27 Fuel control dial (5 V) A 57 NC —
28 Fuel control dial (–) C 58 NC —
29 NC — 59 NC —
30 NC — 60 NC —

PC78US-8 10-700 25
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Pump controller

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Electronic control system SEN04563-01

Input and output signals

AMP-81P [CN-C01]
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
No. Signal name signal No. Signal name signal
1 Constant power supply (24 V) Input 41 NC —
2 GND Input 42 NC —
3 Window washer Output 43 Starting switch ACC signal Input
4 Constant power supply (24 V) Input 44 GND (pulse signal) Input
5 GND Input 45 CAN_H Input/output
6 NC — 46 GND (analog signal) Input
7 NC — 47 GND (analog signal) Input
8 Potentiometer power supply (5 V) Output 48 NC —
9 Potentiometer power supply (5 V) Output 49 Pump oil pressure sensor Input
10 NC — 50 NC —
11 Arm angle sensor Input 51 NC —
12 NC — 52 Attachment oil pressure switch Input
13 NC — 53 Boom RAISE oil pressure switch Input
14 Boom LOWER oil pressure switch Input 54 NC —
15 Arm OUT oil pressure switch Input 55 Travel oil pressure sensor Input
16 NC — 56 Wiper motor reverse (W) Input
17 Arm IN oil pressure switch Input 57 Cab front window open limit switch Input
18 GND (analog signal) Input 58 Model select 4 Input
19 NC — 59 NC —
20 NC — 60 Starting switch C signal Input
21 Model select 2 Input 61 PPC lock switch Input
22 NC — 62 External start signal Input
23 Air conditioner compressor signal Input 63 NC —
24 Starting switch ACC signal Input 64 CAN_L Input/output
25 NC — 65 NC —
26 NC — 66 NC —
27 NC — 67 Boom angle sensor Input
28 NC — 68 NC —
29 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor Input 69 NC —
30 NC — 70 GND (analog signal) Input
31 Boom cylinder bottom oil pressure sensor Input 71 Blade RAISE oil pressure switch Input
32 NC — 72 NC —
33 Blade LOWER oil pressure switch Input 73 Bucket CURL oil pressure switch Input
34 Bucket DUMP oil pressure switch Input 74 Swing L.H. oil pressure sensor Input
35 NC — 75 Wiper motor stop (P) Input
36 Swing R.H. oil pressure sensor Input 76 Blade specification signal Input
37 GND (digital signal) Input 77 Model select 3 Input
38 Swing holding brake release switch Input 78 Overload alarm enable signal Input
39 Model select 5 Input 79 Starting switch ACC signal Input
40 Model select 1 Input 80 NC —
81 GND (digital signal) Input
AMP-40P [CN-C02]
Pin Signal name Input/output Pin Signal name Input/output
No. signal No. signal
82 NC — 102 NC —
83 NC — 103 NC —
84 NC — 104 NC —
85 NC — 105 NC —
86 NC — 106 NC —
87 2nd travel speed selector sol. Output 107 Travel and swing alarm buzzer Output
88 NC — 108 Battery relay drive Output
89 NC — 109 NC —
90 NC — 110 Travel junction/pump merge-divider sol. Output
91 NC — 111 NC —
92 NC — 112 NC —
93 Arm crane relay drive signal Output 113 NC —
94 Bucket DUMP control lock sol. Output 114 Wiper motor (–) Output
95 NC — 115 GND (solenoid) Input
96 PC-EPC Output 116 Solenoid power supply Input
97 Oil flow adjuster EPC for attachment Output 117 GND (solenoid) Input
98 NC — 118 Solenoid power supply Input
99 NC — 119 Wiper motor (+) Output
100 NC — 120 GND (solenoid) Input
101 Swing holding brake sol. Output 121 Solenoid power supply Input

PC78US-8 10-700 27
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Fuel control dial

1. Knob
2. Dial
3. Spring
4. Ball
5. Potentiometer
6. Connector

q This dial is installed in the right console box.
Potentiometer (5) is installed inside knob (1).
Turning knob (1) causes potentiometer (5)
shaft to rotate.
q This rotation changes the resistance of the
variable resistor within potentiometer (5), and a
throttle signal is sent to the controller.
q The hatched areas in the graph are error
detection areas. If the throttle voltage is within
the area, the engine speed drops down to low

10-700 28 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01


1. Resistor
2. Connector

For PC-EPC valve: 30 z

q This resistor sends an appropriate electric cur-
rent to each EPC valve, when the emergency
pump drive switch is turned to "ON".
a No electric current flows in the normal condi-

PC78US-8 10-700 29
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

Engine oil pressure switch

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

Contact type: Normal close

q This oil pressure switch is installed in the cylin-
der block. It detects engine oil pressure, and
turns the switch "ON" when the pressure goes
below the specified value.

10-700 30 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Electronic control system SEN04563-01

PPC oil pressure switch

1. Plug
2. Switch
3. Connector

Contact type: Normal open
Operating pressure to make contact point ON:
490 ± 98.1 kPa {5.0 ± 1.0 kg/cm2}
Operating pressure to break contact point OFF:
294 ± 49.0 kPa {3.0 ± 0.5 kg/cm2}

q This oil pressure switch is installed (8 places)
in the control valve. It detects the PPC oil pres-
sure when each actuator is operated, and
turns the switch "ON" when the pressure
exceeds the specified value.

PC78US-8 10-700 31
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Electronic control system

10-700 32 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

Monitor system 1

1. Machine monitor Outline

2. Battery q The monitor system keeps the operator
3. Pump controller informed of all machine conditions, by monitor-
4. Engine controller ing the machine conditions using the sensors
5. Air conditioner controller and switches installed in various parts of the
6. KOMTRAX terminal machine and processing them instantly to dis-
7. Sensors, switches play on the machine monitor.
8. Wiper motor, window washer motor The information displayed on the machine
monitor falls into the following types:
Input and output signals 1. Alarm when an error occurs
a. Power supply 2. Machine status display (coolant tempera-
b. CAN signal ture, hydraulic oil temperature and fuel
c. Sensor and switch signals level)
d. Drive signal q The switches on the machine monitor serve to
set operating conditions of the machine.

PC78US-8 10-700 33
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

Machine monitor 1

Outline Precautions on the machine monitor display

q The machine monitor provides monitor display q The LCD panel may have black points (points
function, mode selection function and switch which are not lighted) and bright points (points
function of the electrical equipment etc. Also it which do not go off) for the reason of its char-
provides an alarm buzzer. acteristics. If the number of the bright points
q The machine monitor has a CPU (Central Pro- and black points does not exceed 10, it does
cessing Unit) in it to process, display, and out- not indicate a failure or a defect.
put the information. q When the engine is started, the battery voltage
q The machine monitor consists of display and may drop suddenly depending on ambient
switches: the display is of LCD type, and the temperatures and battery conditions. In this
switches are of flat sheet switch. case, the machine monitor may go off for a
q If an error occurs in the machine monitor itself, moment. However, this phenomenon is not a
controllers or wiring circuit between the moni- failure.
tor and controllers, the monitor does not dis- q After the machine monitor is used continu-
play properly. ously, blue points (points which do not go off)
may be seen on the black background. This
phenomenon does not indicate a failure or a
Blue points can never be a problem as the
screen has usually blue or white background.
(White in the LCD is made up of red, green and

10-700 34 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

Input and output signals

070-18P(1) [CN-CM01]
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
Signal name signal Signal name signal
No. No.
1 Constant power supply (24 V) Input 10 Engine coolant temperature Input
2 Constant power supply (24 V) Input 11 Charging level Input
3 GND (constant power supply) — 12 GND (machine analog signal) —
4 GND (constant power supply) — 13 Lamp switch Input
5 Wake-up Input/output 14 Starting switch ACC signal Input
6 Starting motor cut-out relay (for personal code) Output 15 Starting switch C signal Input
7 GND (machine signal) — 16 Preheat Input
8 Hydraulic oil temperature Input 17 USB power supply (5 V) Output
9 Fuel level Input 18 GND (USB power supply) —

070-12P(1) [CN-CM02]
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
No. Signal name signal No. Signal name signal
1 Engine oil pressure sensor Input 7 GND (machine signal) —
2 Engine oil level sensor Input 8 CAN terminal signal —
3 Radiator coolant level sensor Input 9 CAN_H Input/output
4 Air cleaner clogging sensor Input 10 CAN_L Input/output
5 Swing lock switch Input 11 USB data (–) Input/output
6 Spare Input 12 USB data (+) Input/output

070-18P(2) [CN-CM03]
Pin Signal name Input/output Pin Signal name Input/output
No. signal No. signal
1 For communication terminal, RS232C CD Input 10 For communication terminal, RS232C CTS Input
2 For communication terminal, RS232C RXD Input 11 For communication terminal, RS232C RI Input
3 For communication terminal, RS232C SG — 12 GND (communication terminal power supply) —
4 GND (communication terminal control signal) — 13 Communication terminal status signal CH1 Input
5 Communication terminal selection signal Input 14 Communication terminal power supply control signal Output
6 For communication terminal, RS232C RTS Output 15 Communication terminal control signal CH1 Output
7 For communication terminal, RS232C TXD Output 16 Communication terminal control signal CH2 Output
8 For communication terminal, RS232C DTR Output 17 Communication terminal status signal CH2 Input
9 For communication terminal, RS232C DSR Input 18 Communication terminal power supply (12 V) Output

070-12P(2) [CN-CM04]
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
Signal name signal Signal name signal
No. No.
1 GND (peripheral equipment power supply) — 7 Reserved —
2 Peripheral equipment control signal Output 8 Reserved —
3 GND (for peripheral equipment, RS232C) — 9 Reserved —
4 For peripheral equipment, RS232C TXD Output 10 Reserved —
5 For peripheral equipment, RS232C RXD Input 11 Reserved —
6 Reserved — 12 Peripheral equipment power supply (12 V) Output

B60-8P [CN-CM05]
Pin Input/output Pin Input/output
No. Signal name signal No. Signal name signal
1 Camera power supply (8 V) Output 5 GND (Camera power supply) —
2 Camera NTSC signal 1 Input 6 GND (Camera signal 1) —
3 Camera NTSC signal 2 Input 7 GND (Camera signal 2) —
4 Camera NTSC signal 3 Input 8 GND (Camera signal 3) —

PC78US-8 10-700 35
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

Display 1

A: Normal operation screen

B: All indicators light-up screen
q If troubles that turn monitors (14) to (16) ON occur after starting the engine, the corresponding monitors
are displayed from the left top in the order of the occurrence time.
q If trouble of monitors (14) to (16) occur during working, the corresponding monitors are displayed in
large size for 2 seconds and then displayed in small size.
q If the hydraulic oil temperature goes High or Low while any monitor is displayed at the center portion
(hydraulic oil temperature gauge portion), only hydraulic oil temperature monitor (2b) is displayed.
C: Screen with maintenance interval reminder

10-700 36 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

No. Classification Display item Description Remarks

Display Temperature Background • Indicates corresponding temperature
location (°C) color range.
• Alarm buzzer sounds when the
W1 105 Red temperature exceeds 105°C.
W2 102 Red • If the monitor background appears
1a Gauge white, warm-up the engine.
(*1) W3 100 Blue
temperature W4 85 Blue
W5 60 Blue
W6 30 White
See the "Background color" column of the
1b Caution
Display Temperature Background • Indicates corresponding temperature
location (°C) color range.
• Alarm buzzer sounds when the
H1 105 Red temperature exceeds 105°C.
H2 102 Red • If the monitor background appears
2a Gauge white, warm-up the hydraulic
(*1) H3 100 Blue components.
Hydraulic oil
temperature H4 85 Blue
H5 40 Blue
H6 20 White
See the "Background color" column of the
2b Caution
Display Background • Indicates corresponding fuel level.
Quantity (l)
location color
F1 96 Blue
F2 78 Blue
3a Gauge
(*1) F3 60 Blue
Fuel level F4 41 Blue
F5 32 Blue
F6 23 Red
See the "Background color" column of the
3b Caution
Segment Load level • Indicates average load per minute on
a scale of 1 to 10.
Light to (Indicates when "Default (ECO
Green 1–8
4 ECO gauge medium display setting)" in the service mode
is "ON".)
Orange 9, 10 Heavy

• Indicates accumulated engine

operating hours (the alternator is
Service meter 00000 h – 99999 h
5 (F4 switch changes for clock display.)
• Displays time.
• 12-hour display (AM/PM)
Clock (F4 switch changes for service meter
• 24-hour display
*1: If the gauge signal is not available due to disconnection of CAN communication line, the gauge pointer goes off.

PC78US-8 10-700 37
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

No. Classification Display item Description Remarks

Background (If KOMTRAX is equipped.)
color • Displays message status.
6 Message (OFF when no message is available.)
Green There is unread message.
Blue There is unsent message.
Air Light ON: ON • Indicates air conditioner and air
conditioner Light OFF: OFF blower operating status.
INT: Intermittent • Indicates front glass wiper operating
8 Wiper ON: Continuous status.
Light OFF: Stop
Swing holding brake Monitor • Indicates swing lock operating status.
release switch display
9 Swing lock
ON Blink
Pilot Elapsed time after turning • Indicates preheat operating status.
the starting switch to
"HEAT (preheat)".
10 Preheat 0 – 30 sec. ON
30 – 40 sec. Blink
40 sec. or more OFF
Auto- Light ON: ON • Indicates auto-decelerator operating
decelerator Light OFF: OFF status.
P: Heavy-duty operation • Displays working mode.
E: Low-fuel consumption operation
12 L: Fine operation
B: Breaker operation
ATT: Double-acting attachment operation
Lo: Low speed • Displays travel speed setting.
13 Travel speed
Hi: High speed
(*2) Light ON: Abnormal range (below the • When an error is detected with the
14 Engine oil specified value) engine stopped, the monitor lights up
pressure Light OFF: Normal range on the screen.
(*2) Light ON: Defective battery charge • When an error is detected with the
15 Battery (Charge voltage < Battery voltage) engine running, the monitor lights up
charge level Light OFF: Normal range on the screen.
Caution Background • The display changes depending on
color the time to/after the maintenance.
• After the starting switch is turned
There is a maintenance item "ON", the monitor turns ON if the
16 Yellow which is 30 hours or less left monitor light-up conditions are met,
before next maintenance. and then turns OFF in 30 seconds.
There is a maintenance
overdue item.
*2: Included in the start-up check. After the staring switch is turned to "ON", the monitor turns ON for 2 seconds, and
changes to a normal operation screen if no error is found.

10-700 38 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

PC78US-8 10-700 39
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

Switches 1

No. Name Function Operation

Turns the auto-decelerator function • When the working mode is in "L", the auto-
ON/OFF. decelerator does not work.
1 switch
Light ON: ON
[Numeric keypad: 1] ON io OFF
Light OFF: OFF
P: Heavy-duty operation
E: Low-fuel consumption operation
Working mode Displays the working mode selector
2 L: Fine operation
selector switch screen.
B: Breaker operation
[Numeric keypad: 2]
ATT: Double-acting attachment operation
Travel speed selector Changes the travel speed.
3 switch Lo light ON: Low speed Lo (low speed) io Hi (high speed)
[Numeric keypad: 3] Hi light ON: High speed
Stops the alarm buzzer. • Stops the alarm buzzer.
Buzzer cancel switch
4 (Some alarm buzzer does not stop even if • The alarm buzzer resumes when another
[Numeric keypad: 4]
the switch is pressed.) error is detected.
Operates the front glass wiper.
(*2) o INT o ON o OFF o
INT: Intermittent
5 Wiper switch I (Intermittent) (Continuous) (Stop) O
ON: Continuous
[Numeric keypad: 5] i i i
Light OFF: Stop
ON: Washer fluid is sprayed and wiper works
[When wiper is not working]
OFF: Wiper works twice and stops after the
Window washer
6 Sprays washer fluid onto the front glass. switch is released.
[When wiper is working intermittently]
[Numeric keypad: 6]
OFF: Wiper works twice continuously and
returns to intermittent operation after
the switch is released.
*1: When the working mode is changed, the auto-decelerator function turns "ON".
*2: When the front window is open, windshield wiper and washer do not operate even if the switch is pressed.

10-700 40 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

No. Name Function Operation

Fan switch (Up) Controls the fan speed of the air • The air flow increases and the air
[Numeric keypad: 7] conditioner in 6 levels. conditioner adjustment screen appears.
(Low, Middle 1, Middle 2, Middle 3, Middle • The air flow decreases and the air
7b Fan switch (Down) 4, High) conditioner adjustment screen appears.
Temperature control
• The preset temperature increases and the
8a switch (Up)
air conditioner adjustment screen appears.
[Numeric keypad: 8] Controls the temperature inside the cab.
Temperature control (18.0°C – 32.0°C: Available at every 0.5°C)
• The preset temperature decreases and the
8b switch (Down)
air conditioner adjustment screen appears.
[Numeric keypad: 0]
• Automatically controls the air flow, air vent,
(*3) Auto-runs the air conditioner and air
recirculation/fresh air flow mode according
9 Auto switch blower.
to the temperature setting, and the air
[Numeric keypad: 9] AUTO light ON: Auto run
conditioner adjustment screen appears.
• Switches to the air conditioner adjustment
Turns the air conditioner ON/OFF. screen, and pressing it again switches ON/
10 A/C ON lights-up: Manual operation OFF.
Air conditioner switch
Light OFF: Stop
• Switches to the air conditioner adjustment
FRESH/RECIRC screen, and pressing it again switches
11 Changes the FRESH/RECIRC. recirculation/fresh air flow.
selector switch
• Switches to the air conditioner adjustment
Selects the air vent mode from 5 modes. screen, and pressing it again switches air
1. Front and rear vent mode.
2. Front, rear and foot • Mode 4 and 5 are not available with auto
12 Vent selector switch mode.
3. Foot
4. Foot and defroster o 1 o 2 o 3 o 4 o 5 o
5. Defroster I O
i i i i i
Turns the fan and air conditioner OFF.
13 OFF switch • Turns the fan and air conditioner OFF.
Light OFF: OFF

14a Guidance icon

a See "Guidance icon and function switch."
14b Function switch

*3: When the temperature is set at 18.0°C or 32.0°C, the fan speed is kept at "High". Even if the set temperature is
reached, the fan speed remains the same.
*4: When the fan is set at stop, the air conditioner does not start even if the switch is pressed.

PC78US-8 10-700 41
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

Guidance icon and function switch

q Functions available with the function switch depend on the guidance icon displayed above the switch.
q No function is available if no guidance icon appears above the function switch.
q The following is the list of guidance icons and the functions displayed above the function switches.

Function switch Item Function

1 Clear Clears selected/displayed item.

Moves selection down one page.

2 Move selection
(To the top page from the bottom page.)

F1 3 Set Sets function.

Starts function.
4 Start
(Used for starting measurement of split fuel consumption.)
Stops function.
5 Stop
(Used for stopping measurement of split fuel consumption.)
Sets selected item back to default.
1 Default
(Used for screen adjustment.)
Moves selection up one page.
F2 2 Move selection
(To the bottom page from the top page.)

3 Clear Clears selected/displayed item.

Moves selection down one item.

1 Move selection (To the top item from the bottom item.)
F3 Cancels hold function in the monitoring.
Moves selection to the left.
2 Move selection
(To the rightmost item from the leftmost item.)
Switching clock/
1 Switches clock/service meter display.
service meter
Moves selection up one item.
F4 2 Move selection (To the bottom item from the top item.)
Starts hold function in the monitoring.
Moves selection to the right.
3 Move selection
(To the leftmost item from the rightmost item.)

10-700 42 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

Function switch Item Function
Selecting maintenance
1 Selects maintenance screen.
2 Return Returns to the previous screen or condition.

Selecting user mode

1 Selects user mode screen.
2 Fix Fixes selected/displayed item.

PC78US-8 10-700 43
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

Operator mode function 1

q The functions in this mode are displayed in normal operation. Display and setting of these functions are
available from the operator's switch operations.
Display and setting of some functions require special operation of the switch.
q Items available in the operator mode are as follows:

Category Display order (*2)

(*1) W X Y Z
Display of KOMATSU logo 1 1 1 1
Display of inputting password 2 — — —
Display of start-up check 3 2 2 2
Display of warning after start-up check — — 3 —
Display of overdue maintenance — — — 3
Display of check of working mode and travel speed 4 3 4 4
Display of normal operation screen 5 4 5 5
Display of end screen
Selection of auto-decelerator
Selection of working mode
Selection of travel speed
Operation to stop alarm buzzer
Operation of windshield wiper
Operation of windshield washer
Operation of air conditioner
Operation to display clock/service meter
Check of maintenance information
Setting and display of user mode
• Breaker/attachment setting
• Display of message (including KOMTRAX messages for user)
• Screen adjustment
• Clock adjustment
• Language setting
• Economy mode adjustment
Display of energy-saving guidance
C Display of caution monitor
Display of user code and failure code
Function of checking display of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
D Function of checking service meter
Function of changing attachment/maintenance password
*1: The items available in the operator mode fall into the following categories.
A: Display from the time starting switch is turned to "ON" until the normal operation screen appears. Display after the
starting switch is turned to "OFF".
B: Display when the switch of machine monitor is operated.
C: Display when a certain condition is satisfied.
D: Display when special switch operation is necessary.
*2: For the category A, the order in which items are displayed varies depending on the setting and conditions of the
machine as follows:
W: When the engine start lock is set on.
X: When the engine start lock is set off.
Y: When an error is detected during start-up check.
Z: When a maintenance overdue is detected.
a For how to operate the operator mode functions, see the Operation and Maintenance Manual or "Spe-
cial functions of machine monitor" in "Testing and adjusting".
a For how to set the engine start lock on/off, see "Password setting/cancel manual".

10-700 44 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Monitor system SEN04563-01

Oil flow setting for breaker Oil flow setting for attachment

q Oil flow for the breaker can be changed in the q Oil flow for the double-acting attachment can
"Breaker/attachment setting" of the user mode. be changed in the "Breaker/attachment set-
q Oil flow level can be set as follows: ting" of the user mode.
q Oil flow level can be set as follows:
Oil flow level Quantity (l/min) Remarks
1 45 Oil flow level Quantity (l/min) Remarks
2 50 1 20
3 55 2 35
4 60 3 50
5 65 4 65
6 70 5 80
7 75 6 95
8 80 Default 7 110
9 85 8 125 Default
10 90
11 95
Language setting
12 100
13 105
14 110
15 115

q The language used in the machine monitor can

be changed in the "Language setting" of the
user mode.
q The available languages are as follows:
English, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Italian, German, Russian, Turkish,
Indonesian and Thai

PC78US-8 10-700 45
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Monitor system

Service mode function 1

q The functions in this mode are not accessible from the normal operation screen. Display and setting of
these functions are available by the serviceman's special operations of the switch.
This mode is used for special setting, testing, adjusting or troubleshooting.
q Items available in the service mode are as follows:
Mechanical Systems
Abnormality Record Electrical Systems
Air-conditioning System
Maintenance Record
Maintenance Mode Change
Phone Number Entry
Key-on Mode
Default With/Without attachment
Attachment/Maintenance Password
ECO Display
Pump Absorption Torque
Attachment Flow Adjustment
Cylinder Cut-Out
No Injection
Fuel Consumption
Terminal Status
GPS & Communication Status
KOMTRAX Settings
Modem IP Address (Model TH201)
Modem S/N (Model TH300)
Display of KOMTRAX message

a For how to operate the service mode functions, see "Special functions of machine monitor" in "Testing
and adjusting".

10-700 46 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
KOMTRAX system SEN04563-01

KOMTRAX system 1

q The KOMTRAX system consists of the

KOMTRAX terminal, communication antenna,
machine monitor and GPS antenna.
q This system sends various information of the
machine via wireless communication. It allows
operators of the KOMTRAX to obtain the
machine information from the office and to pro-
vide various services with the customers.
q The information available from the KOMTRAX
system are as follows:
1. Operation map
2. Service meter
3. Machine location
4. Error record
a To provide the services, you need to make an
arrangement for starting the KOMTRAX ser-
vice separately.

PC78US-8 10-700 47
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 KOMTRAX system

KOMTRAX terminal 1

Model: TH300
q Satellite wave is used.

1. Communication antenna connection Outline

2. Machine harness connection (AMP-14P) q The KOMTRAX terminal sends various
3. Machine harness connection (AMP-10P) machine information based on the network sig-
nals and input signals obtained through the
Input and output signals machine monitor, as well as GPS position
AMP-14P [CN-CK01] d ata, v i a wi r e l e s s c om m u ni c a t i on . T h e
Pin Input/output KOMTRAX terminal can send information via
Signal name
No. signal communication antenna.
A1 Power supply (5 V) Input q Conditions of the KOMTRAX terminal can be
A2 NC — checked with the "Display of KOMTRAX set-
A3 NC — ting" in the service mode of the machine moni-
A4 Selection of power supply voltage Output tor.
A5 NC —
q KOMTRAX terminal can be used only in the
countries specified by the communication con-
A6 NC —
A7 GND Input
A8 GND Input
A9 NC —
A10 NC —
A11 NC —
A12 NC —
A13 NC —
A14 NC —

AMP-10P [CN-CK02]
Pin Input/output
Signal name
No. signal
B1 RS232C DCD Output
B2 RS232C RXD Output
B3 RS232C TXD Input
B4 RS232C DTR Input
B5 RS232C SGND Input
B6 RS232C DSR Output
B7 NC —
B8 NC —
B9 NC —
B10 NC —

10-700 48 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Sensor SEN04563-01

Sensor 1

Atmospheric pressure sensor

1. Connector
2. Pressure inlet port

q This sensor is installed in the bracket on the side face of the cylinder block.
q This sensor senses the atmospheric pressure and converts it into an electric signal and then outputs
that signal.

Boost pressure and temperature sensor

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

q This sensor is installed in the intake manifold.
q This sensor senses the boost pressure and boost temperature and converts them into electric signals
and then outputs those signals.

PC78US-8 10-700 49
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Sensor

Coolant temperature sensor

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

q This sensor is installed in the water pump.
q This sensor senses the coolant temperature and converts it into an electric signal and then outputs that

Crankshaft speed sensor

Camshaft speed sensor

1. Connector
2. Sensor
3. O-ring

q The crankshaft speed sensor is installed in the gear of the flywheel, and the camshaft speed sensor is
installed in the gear of the camshaft.
q These sensors sense the gear rotations and convert them into pulse signals and then output those sig-

10-700 50 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Sensor SEN04563-01

Common rail pressure sensor

1. Common rail
2. Sensor
3. Connector

q This sensor is installed in the common rail.
q This sensor senses the fuel pressure and converts it into an electric signal and then outputs that signal.

Hydraulic oil temperature sensor

1. Connector
2. Plug
3. Thermistor

q This sensor is installed in the suction pipe of the hydraulic pump.
q This sensor senses the hydraulic temperature and converts it into an electric signal and then outputs
that signal.

PC78US-8 10-700 51
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Sensor

Fuel level sensor

1. Connector 4. Body 7. Spacer

2. Float 5. Spring
3. Arm 6. Contact

q This sensor is installed on the side face of the fuel tank.
q This sensor senses the fuel level and converts it into an electric signal and then outputs that signal.
q The float moves up and down according to the fuel level.
q The movement of the float operates the variable resistor through the arm.

10-700 52 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Sensor SEN04563-01

Pump oil pressure sensor

Boom cylinder bottom oil pressure sensor
(For overload alarm)
(EU specification)

1. O-ring Output characteristics

2. Sensor
3. Connector

q The pump oil pressure sensor is installed in the
control valve, and the boom cylinder bottom oil
pressure sensor is installed in the boom cylin-
der bottom piping.
q The pump pressure sensor senses the pump
discharge pressure and converts it into an
electric signal and then outputs that signal.
q The boom cylinder bottom pressure sensor
senses the cylinder circuit pressure and con-
verts it into an electric signal and then outputs
that signal.

PC78US-8 10-700 53
700 Electrical system
SEN04563-01 Sensor

PPC oil pressure sensor

(For travel and swing operation)

1. O-ring Output characteristics

2. Sensor
3. Connector

q This sensor is installed in the control valve
connecting part of the pilot circuit for travel and
swing operation.
q This sensor senses the pilot pressure and con-
verts it into an electric signal and then outputs
that signal.

10-700 54 PC78US-8
700 Electrical system
Sensor SEN04563-01

PC78US-8 10-700 55

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04563-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-08 (01)

10-700 56


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

20 Standard value table 20

100 Standard service value table

Standard value table for engine related parts ................................................................................................. 2
Standard value table for chassis ..................................................................................................................... 3

PC78US-8 20-100 1
100 Standard service value table
SEN04803-00 Standard value table for engine related parts

Standard value table for engine related parts 1

Applicable model PC78US-8

Engine SAA4D95LE-5

Cate- Standard value for

gory Item Test conditions Unit Service limit value
new machine

High idle rpm (*) 2,050 ± 50 —

• Coolant
Engine speed temperature: Low idle rpm 1,150 + 50 —
operating range
rpm (*) 1,950 —
At sudden
• Coolant % Max. 30 30
Exhaust gas color temperature:
operating range At high idle % Max. 10 20

Intake valve mm 0.35 —

• Normal
Valve clearance
temperature Exhaust
mm 0.50 —
• Oil temperature: 40 – 60°C
Compression MPa Min. 2.9 2.0
• Engine speed: 320 – 360 rpm
pressure {kg/cm2} {Min. 30} {20}
• SAE0W30E0S
• Coolant temperature: operating
kPa Max. 0.98 1.47
Blow-by pressure range
{mmH2O} {Max. 100} {150}

• Arm IN relief
0.34 – 0.59 0.25
SAE30 Oil
• At sudden {3.5 – 6.0} {2.5}
Oil pressure acceleration 0.29 – 0.49 0.2
SAE10W Oil
(Hydraulic oil MPa {3.0 – 5.0} {2.1}
temperature: {kg/cm2} Min. 0.18 0.15
Min. 80°C) SAE30 Oil
{Min. 1.8} {1.5}
• Low idle
Min. 0.15 0.13
SAE10W Oil
{Min. 1.5} {1.3}
• Whole speed range
Oil temperature °C 80 – 115 120
(inside oil pan)
• Between crankshaft pulley and
alternator pulley
Fan belt tension • Deflection when pressed with mm 6 – 10 —
finger force of approx.
58.8 N {6 kg}
• Between crankshaft pulley and
Air conditioner compressor pulley
compressor belt • Deflection when pressed with mm 12 – 15 12 – 15
tension finger force of approx.
58.8 N {6 kg}

(*): Value of (*) is the speed during travel.

High idle during digging work: 1,950 ± 50 rpm
Rated speed: 1,850 rpm

20-100 2 PC78US-8
100 Standard service value table
Standard value table for chassis SEN04803-00

Standard value table for chassis 1

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Standard value for
gory Item Measurement Conditions Unit new machine Service limit value
Engine speed

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C

• Engine coolant temperature: Within
At relief of 1 pump rpm 1,850 ± 100 1,850 ± 100
operating range
• Relief of 1 pump....Arm OUT relief

Boom control lever N o RAISE, LOWER 85 ± 10 Max. 95

Min. 75
Stroke of control lever, pedal stroke

Arm control lever N o CURL, DUMP 85 ± 10 Max. 95

Min. 75
Bucket control • Center of lever N o CURL, DUMP 85 ± 10 Max. 95
lever Min. 75
Swing control lever • End of pedal N o LEFT, RIGHT 85 ± 10 Max. 95
• Read Max. mm Min. 75
value through Max. 59
Blade control lever N o RAISE, LOWER 53 ± 5
stroke end Min. 47

Travel control lever

• Stop engine N o FORWARD, 115 ± 12 Max. 127
REVERSE Min. 103
Boom, arm, bucket, Max. 5 Max. 5
Play of control lever swing, blade Min. 3 Min. 0
Travel 10 ± 3 10 ± 5
15.7 ± 3.9 Max. 24.5
Boom control lever {1.6 ± 0.4} {Max. 2.5}
Operating effort of control lever

15.7 ± 3.9 Max. 24.5

Arm control lever • Measure operating effort of each control {1.6 ± 0.4} {Max. 2.5}
Bucket control lever by installing push-pull scale to 12.7 ± 2.9 Max. 21.6
lever center of its grip. {1.3 ± 0.3} {Max. 2.2}
• Measure operating effort of each control
12.7 ± 2.9 Max. 21.6
Swing control lever pedal by installing push-pull scale to its N {kg} {1.3 ± 0.3} {Max. 2.2}
• Read Max. value through stroke end. 25.5 ± 6.9 Max. 39.2
Blade control lever {2.5 ± 0.7} {Max. 4.0}
• Engine at high idle
24.5 ± 5.9 Max. 39.2
Travel control lever • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C {2.5 ± 0.6} {Max. 4.0}
74.5 ± 18.6 Max. 107.6
Travel control pedal {7.6 ± 1.9} {Max. 11}

PC78US-8 20-100 3
100 Standard service value table
SEN04803-00 Standard value table for chassis

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Standard Service limit

gory Item Measurement Conditions Unit value for new value

Boom 26.50 ± 0.98 26.50 ± 1.47

{270 ± 10} {270 ± 15}

Arm 26.50 ± 0.98 26.50 ± 1.47

{270 ± 10} {270 ± 15}
+0.5 +0.98
26.50 ± –1.47 26.50 ± –2
Bucket +5 +10
{270 ± –15 } {270 ± –20 }

Boom swing 20.5 ± 0.98 20.5 ± 1.47

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C {210 ± 10} {210 ± 15}
• Relief pressure with engine at full
23 ± 0.98 23 ± 1.47
Oil pressure

Swing throttle (Relieve only circuit to be {235 ± 10} {235 ± 15}

measured) MPa
RAISE {kg/cm2} 12.74 ± 0.98 12.74 ± 1.47
{130 ± 10} {130 ± 15}
LOWER 21.08 ± 0.98 21.08 ± 1.47
{215 ± 10} {215 ± 15}

Travel 26.50 ± 0.98 26.50 ± 1.47

{270 ± 10} {270 ± 15}

Control 3.14 ± 0.3 3.14 ± 0.5

{32 ± 3} {32 ± 5}
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
Lowering of oil • Difference between relief pressure at max. engine Max. 20 Max. 20
pressure speed and relief pressure at 1/2 of rated engine
speed (Pressure at relief of 1 pump)

Overrun of deg Max. 40 Max. 60

swing (mm) {Max. 297} {Max. 446}

• Run engine at full throttle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Deviation of swing circle made when it stops after
swinging 1 turn
• Value in { } is deviation of periphery of swing circle.

90° 2.3 ± 0.3 Max. 2.8

Time required
to start swing- sec.
• Run engine at full throttle.
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Time required to swing 90° and 180° 180° 3.7 ± 0.3 Max. 4.3
from starting point
• Value in { } is measured under rated
bucket load.

20-100 4 PC78US-8
100 Standard service value table
Standard value table for chassis SEN04803-00

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Standard Service limit

gory Item Measurement Conditions Unit value for new value

Time required to
finish swinging sec. 30 ± 3 Max. 35

• Run engine at full throttle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Time required to swing 5 turns after swinging 1 turn
• Position of work equipment: Extend to max. reach with
bucket under rated load or filled with dirt and sand

(Rated load: 450 kg)

Hydraulic drift of mm 0 0
swing (deg) (0) (0)
• Run engine at full throttle.
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Swing upper structure to 45° on slope of 15°
• Make match marks on swing circle outer race and
track frame.
• Measure deviation of marks made in 15 minutes.
• Run engine at full throttle.
Leakage from
swing motor • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C l/min. Max. 3.5 Max. 7.0
• Relieve swing circle.

speed 36 ± 4 Max. 43

Travel speed (1)

• Run engine at full throttle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C High
speed 21 ± 2 Max. 25
• Raise either track and measure time required
to move 5 turns after finishing 1 turn.


Low 25 ± 2 Max. 29

Travel speed (2)

• Run engine at full throttle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C High 14.4 ± 2
speed {13.6 ± 2} Max. 18
• Measure time required to travel 20 m after
run-up of at least 10 m on flat surface.
• { } : Rubber shoe specification

PC78US-8 20-100 5
100 Standard service value table
SEN04803-00 Standard value table for chassis

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Item Measurement Conditions Unit value for Service limit
gory new value

• Run engine at full throttle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Measure deviation made during travel of 20 m after
Travel deviation mm Max. 200 Max. 220
run-up of at least 10 m on flat surface.
• Measure on firm and level place.

a Measure distance (x).

Leakage from • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
swivel joint cc/min. Max. 10 Max. 50
(Each port) • Apply relief pressure to port to be measured.

Hydraulic drift of mm 0 0

• Stop engine.
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Stop machine on slope of 30° with sprocket up.
• Measure hydraulic drift of travel made in 5 minutes.
• Run engine at full throttle.
Leakage from
travel motor • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C l/min. Max. 1.1 Max. 1.65
• Lock shoes and relieve travel circuit.

20-100 6 PC78US-8
100 Standard service value table
Standard value table for chassis SEN04803-00

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Standard Service limit

gory Item Measurement Conditions Unit value for new value
Whole work
(Hydraulic drift Max. 350 Max. 600
of bucket tooth

Boom cylinder
(Retraction of Max. 8 Max. 12
Hydraulic drift

• Measure extension and retraction of each cylinder and

Arm cylinder hydraulic drift of bucket tooth tip from above position.
(Extension of • Measure on level and flat surface. mm Max. 41 Max. 62
cylinder) • Bucket: Apply rated load of 4,413 N {450 kg}
• Set lever in neutral.
• Stop engine.
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
Bucket cylinder
(Retraction of • Start measurement just after setting. Max. 25 Max. 38
cylinder) • Measure hydraulic drift every 5 minutes and judge
after 15 minutes.

• Stop engine.
Blade • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
(Hydraulic drift Max. 20 Max. 30
of blade tip) • Measure hydraulic drift of blade tip from max. height in
Work equipment

15 minutes.

Leakage from cylin- • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C cc/min. Max. 1.5 Max. 7.5
der (Each cylinder) • Apply relief pressure to cylinder to be measured.

3.4 ± 0.3 Max. 4.0
Bucket tooth on RAISE (To just before (To just before
ground cushion) cushion)


LOWER 3.3 ± 0.3 Max. 4.0

Max. extension • Run engine at full throttle.
Work equipment speed

of cylinder • Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C

Without arm
hydraulic drift 3.2 ± 0.3 Max. 4.0
(To just before (To just before
prevention cushion) cushion)
Arm valve
With arm 3.3 ± 0.3 Max. 4.0
Max. retraction hydraulic drift
of cylinder (To just before (To just before
prevention cushion) cushion)
Without arm 2.7 ± 0.3 Max. 3.3
hydraulic drift (To just before (To just before
prevention cushion) cushion)
Max. extension • Run engine at full throttle. valve
of cylinder • Hydraulic oil temperature: DUMP
With arm
45 – 55°C hydraulic drift 2.8 ± 0.3 Max. 3.3
(To just before (To just before
cushion) cushion)

PC78US-8 20-100 7
100 Standard service value table
SEN04803-00 Standard value table for chassis

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Standard Service limit

gory Item Measurement Conditions Unit value for new value


Max. retraction of CURL 3.2 ± 0.4 Max. 4.0

Work equipment speed

DUMP 2.3 ± 0.3 Max. 3.1

Max. extension of • Run engine at full throttle.
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C

RAISE 1.3 ± 0.2 Max. 2.1
Blade on ground
Work equipment

Max. height of LOWER 1.3 ± 0.2 Max. 2.1
blade • Run engine at full throttle.
• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
Time lag

Boom Max. 2 Max. 3.9

• Run engine at full throttle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Retract arm and bucket cylinder fully and lower
boom from max. height.
• Measure time from when bucket touches ground
until when machine body rises.

20-100 8 PC78US-8
100 Standard service value table
Standard value table for chassis SEN04803-00

Machine Model PC78US-8

Cate- Standard Service limit

gory Item Measurement Conditions Unit value for new value

Arm 0 Max. 1.0

• Run engine at low idle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Set upside of boom level and retract bucket cylinder
fully. Extend bucket cylinder and measure time from
when arm stops on lower side until when arm starts
moving again.
Time lag

Bucket 0 Max. 1.0
Work equipment

• Run engine at low idle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Set upside of boom level and retract bucket cylinder
fully. Extend bucket cylinder and measure time from
when arm stops on lower side until when arm starts
moving again.

Blade Max. 1.0 Max. 2.0

• Run engine at low idle.

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Lower blade from max. height and measure time
from when blade touches ground until when
machine body rises.
Internal leakage

Cylinders • Run engine at full throttle. Max. 3.5 Max. 15

• Hydraulic oil temperature: 45 – 55°C
• Leakage amount for one minute with cylinder or
Center swivel travel to be measured relief condition. Max. 10 Max. 50

PC78US-8 20-100 9
100 Standard service value table
SEN04803-00 Standard value table for chassis

Cate- PC78US-8 (Blade specification)

gory Main pump discharge
Performance of hydraulic pump

• Rated pump speed: 1,850 rpm

Discharge pressure of
Check- test pump Average pressure Standard discharge Lower limit of criterion
point (MPa {kg/cm2}) (MPa {kg/cm2}) ( /min.) ( /min.)

Any Pp Pp See graph See graph

a Avoid measuring near a bend of the graph since the error is large there.
a When measuring without removing the pump from the machine, if the engine speed cannot be set to the
specified level with the fuel control dial, calculate the pump discharge pressure at the specified speed
from the actual engine speed and measured pump discharge.

20-100 10 PC78US-8
100 Standard service value table
Standard value table for chassis SEN04803-00

Cate- PC78US-8 (Bladeless specification)

gory Main pump discharge
Performance of hydraulic pump

• Rated pump speed: 1,850 rpm

Discharge pressure of
Check- test pump Average pressure Standard discharge Lower limit of criterion
point (MPa {kg/cm2}) (MPa {kg/cm2}) ( /min.) ( /min.)

Any Pp Pp See graph See graph

a Avoid measuring near a bend of the graph since the error is large there.
a When measuring without removing the pump from the machine, if the engine speed cannot be set to the
specified level with the fuel control dial, calculate the pump discharge pressure at the specified speed
from the actual engine speed and measured pump discharge.

PC78US-8 20-100 11

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04803-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

20-100 12

Shop Manual


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

30 Testing and adjusting

101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1

Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 3

Testing engine speed.................................................................................................................................. 8
Testing exhaust temperature ...................................................................................................................... 9
Checking exhaust gas color........................................................................................................................ 10
Adjusting valve clearance ........................................................................................................................... 11
Testing compression pressure.................................................................................................................... 13
Testing blow-by pressure............................................................................................................................ 15
Testing engine oil pressure......................................................................................................................... 16
Handling fuel system parts.......................................................................................................................... 17
Releasing residual pressure from fuel system ............................................................................................ 17
Testing fuel pressure .................................................................................................................................. 18
Testing fuel return rate and fuel leakage .................................................................................................... 19
Bleeding air from fuel circuit........................................................................................................................ 21
Checking fuel circuit for leakage ................................................................................................................. 23
Testing and adjusting alternator belt tension .............................................................................................. 24
Checking and adjusting air conditioner compressor belt tension................................................................ 26
Testing swing circle bearing clearance ....................................................................................................... 27
Checking and adjusting track shoe tension ................................................................................................ 28
Testing and adjusting oil pressure in work equipment and travel circuits ................................................... 30
Testing and adjusting swing and blade circuit oil pressure (Blade specification) ....................................... 32

PC78US-8 30-4 1
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Shop Manual

Testing control circuit basic pressure.......................................................................................................... 35

Testing and adjusting oil pressure in pump PC control circuit .................................................................... 36
Testing PC-EPC solenoid output pressure ................................................................................................. 39
Testing LS differential pressure and adjusting LS valve ............................................................................. 40
Testing solenoid valve output pressure....................................................................................................... 42
Testing PPC valve output pressure............................................................................................................. 44
Adjusting play of work equipment and swing PPC valves........................................................................... 46
Checking parts which cause hydraulic drift of work equipment................................................................... 47
Testing and adjusting travel deviation......................................................................................................... 49
Releasing residual pressure from hydraulic circuit...................................................................................... 51
Testing oil leakage ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Bleeding air from each part ......................................................................................................................... 55
Adjusting mirrors ......................................................................................................................................... 57

30-4 2 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting SEN04804-01

Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting


Testing/Adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
Exhaust temperatures R 799-101-1502 Digital thermometer 1 -99.9 – 1,299°C
1 799-201-9001 Handy smoke checker 1 Bosch index: 0 – 9
Checking exhaust gas color A Commercially
2 Smoke meter 1
Commercially Intake: 0.35 mm
Adjusting valve clearance B Clearance gauge 1
available Exhaust: 0.57 mm
1 795-502-1590 Compression gauge 1 0 – 7 MPa {0 – 70 kg/cm2}
Testing compression pres-
C 795-502-1370 Adapter 1
sure 2 For 95E-5 engine
6271-11-3880 Gasket 1
Testing blow-by pressure D 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker 1 0 – 5 kPa {0 – 500 mmH2O}
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
799-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
Testing engine oil pressure E {600 kg/cm2}
Pressure gauge: 1.0 MPa
2 799-401-2320 Gauge 1
{10 kg/cm2}
6732-81-3170 Adapter 1 Size: 10 x 1.0
07002-11023 O-ring 1
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
Testing fuel pressure F 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
{600 kg/cm2}
795-471-1450 Adapter 1 Size: 8 x 1.25 mm
07005-00812 Washer 1
3 799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit 1
1 6151-51-8490 Spacer 1 f14
2 6164-81-5750 Joint 1 f14
3 07042-20108 Plug 1
4 Hose 1 Internal dimensions: Approx. 12 mm
Testing fuel return rate and
G Commercially
leakage 5 Hose 1 Internal dimensions: Approx. 5 mm
6 Measuring cylinder 1
7 Stopwatch 1
Testing swing circle bearing Commercially
H Dial gauge 1
clearance available
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
Testing and adjusting oil
1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
pressure in work equip-
J Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
ment, swing, and travel cir- 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
cuits {600 kg/cm2}
799-101-5220 Nipple 1 Size: 10 x 1.25 mm
07002-11023 O-ring 1
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
Testing and adjusting swing 1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
and blade circuit oil pres- K Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
sure 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
{600 kg/cm2}
799-101-5220 Nipple 1 Size: 10 x 1.25 mm
07002-11023 O-ring 1

PC78US-8 30-4 3
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting


Testing/Adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
Testing basic pressure of
L Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
control circuit 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
{600 kg/cm2}
799-101-5220 Nipple 1 Size: 10 x 1.25 mm
07002-11023 O-ring 1
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
Testing and adjusting oil
Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
pressure in pump PC con- M 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
trol circuit {600 kg/cm2}
799-101-5220 Nipple 1 Size: 10 x 1.25 mm
07002-11023 O-ring 1
3 799-401-3300 Adapter 1 Size: 03
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
Testing and adjusting oil 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
pressure in pump LS control N {600 kg/cm2}
circuit Differential pressure
2 799-401-2701 1 50 MPa {500 kg/cm2}
799-101-5220 Nipple 2 Size: 10 x 1.25 mm
07002-11023 O-ring 2
4 799-401-3300 Adapter 1 Size: 03
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
Testing solenoid valve out- 1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
put pressure Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
{600 kg/cm2}
2 799-401-3100 Adapter 1 Size: 02
Pressure gauge:
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester 1 2.5, 6, 40, 60 MPa
Testing PPC valve output 1 {25, 60, 400, 600 kg/cm2}
pressure Pressure gauge: 60 MPa
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester 1
{600 kg/cm2}
2 799-401-3100 Adapter 1 Size: 02
Testing oil leakage S Measuring cylinder 1
or T-adapter assembly 1
For DRC60, Econo (Does not include
799-601-4350 q Measurement box 1
799-601-4130 q T-adapter 1 CAM
Troubleshooting for engine 799-601-4160 q T-adapter 1 Ne sensor
controller/sensors/actuators 799-601-4220 q T-adapter 1 Engine controller
799-601-4240 q Socket 1 For ambient pressure sensor
799-601-4190 q Socket 1 Common rail pressure sensor
799-601-4340 q Socket 1 Injector
795-799-5530 q Socket 1 Engine coolant temperature sensor
799-601-4380 Socket 1 Boost pressure sensor
799-601-4260 Socket 1 Engine controller

30-4 4 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting SEN04804-01


Testing/Adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
799-601-2900 is not supplied any
799-601-2900 T-adapter assembly 1
For Econo (Does not include
799-601-2600 q Measurement box 1
Troubleshooting for chassis or
sensors/wiring harnesses 799-601-4201
or T-adapter assembly 1
For DT, HD (Does not include
799-601-9320 q Measurement box 1
799-601-4100 and 799-601-4201)
799-601-9020 q Adapter for DT 1 For DT2P
For DT3P (Does not include
799-601-9030 q Adapter for DT 1
799-601-4100 and 799-601-4201)
799-601-9040 q Adapter for DT 1
For DT6P (Does not include
799-601-9050 q Adapter for DT 1
799-601-4100 and 799-601-4201)
q Adapter for DT For DT12P (Does not include
799-601-9110 1
(Gray) 799-601-4100 and 799-601-4201)
For AMP3P (Does not include
799-601-9420 q Adapter for AMP 1
799-601-9000 and 799-601-9200)

PC78US-8 30-4 5
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting


Testing/Adjusting item Part No. Part name Remarks
or T-adapter assembly 1
For X1P (Does not include
799-601-7010 q Adapter for X 1
799-601-7000 and 799-601-7100)
799-601-7020 q Adapter for X 1 For X2P
For SW6P (Does not include
799-601-7050 q Adapter for SWP 1
For SW6P (Does not include
799-601-7060 q Adapter for SWP 1
Troubleshooting for chassis For M1P (Does not include
T 799-601-7080 q Adapter for M 1
sensors/wiring harnesses 799-601-7000 and 799-601-7100)
799-601-7090 q Adapter for M 1 For M2P
799-601-7110 q Adapter for M 1 For M3P
799-601-7130 q Adapter for M For M6P
For S16P (Does not include
799-601-7330 q Adapter for S 1
799-601-7000 and 799-601-7100)
799-601-7500 T-adapter assembly 1
799-601-7520 q Adapter for 070 1 For 070-12P
799-601-7540 q Adapter for 070 1 For 070-18P
799-601-9890 Multi-adapter 1 For DT-2, 3, 4/DTM-2P
Box for controller
799-601-4280 1
799-601-7340 q Adapter for M 1 For M8P
799-601-7360 Adapter for relay 1 For REL-5P
799-601-7370 Adapter for relay 1 For REL-6P
Testing coolant tempera-
799-101-1502 Digital thermometer 1 -99.9 – 1,299°C
ture and oil temperature

Testing operating effort and 79A-264-0021 Push-pull scale 1
depressing force 79A-264-0091 Push-pull scale 1
Testing stroke and hydraulic Commercially
― Ruler 1
drift available
Testing work equipment Commercially
― Stopwatch 1
speed available
Testing voltage and resis- Commercially
― Circuit tester 1
tance available
27 mm deep socket (hexagonal),
Removal and installation of Commercially
― Deep socket 1 Inside diameter: 24.5 (Equivalent to
engine oil pressure switch available
TONE 4A-27L)
Removel and installation of
coolant temperature sensor
Commercially 21 mm deep socket
(6261-81-6900) ― Deep socket 1
available (MITOLOY 4ML-21 or equivalent)
Engine serial
Removel and installation of
coolant temperature sensor 19 mm deep socket
― Deep socket 1
(6261-81-6901) 795T-981-1010 (MITOLOY 4ML-19 or equivalent)
Engine serial No.502654-
a For the model names and part Nos. of the T-boxes and T-adapters used for troubleshooting for the ma-
chine monitor, controllers, sensors, actuators, electrical equipment, and wiring harnesses, see "Trouble-
shooting (General information on troubleshooting), List of T-boxes and T-adapters".

30-4 6 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Tools for testing, adjusting, and troubleshooting SEN04804-01


PC78US-8 30-4 7
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing engine speed

Testing engine speed 4. Testing pump relief speed

1) Start the engine and operate the arm cylinder
a Test the engine speed with the monitoring func-
to the IN stroke end.
tion of the machine monitor.
a Test the engine speed under the following condi- 2) Set the fuel control dial in the high idle (MAX)
tion. position and set the working mode in the
q Engine coolant temperature: Within operat-
power mode (P).
ing range 3) Operate the left work equipment control lever
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating to relieve the arm circuit at the IN stroke end
range and test the engine speed.

1. Preparation work 5. Testing auto-deceleration speed

Operate the machine monitor so that the engine 1) Start the engine, set the fuel control dial in
speed can be monitored. the high idle position (MAX), and turn the
a For the operating method of the machine auto-decelerator ON.
monitor, see “Special functions of machine 2) Set all the levers and pedals for work equip-
monitor”. ment control, swing control, and travel in
a Monitoring code: 01002 Engine speed neutral and test the engine speed when the
auto-decelerator operates.
a The engine speed lowers to a certain level
about 5 seconds after all the levers and ped-
als are set in neutral. This level is the au-
to-deceleration speed.

2. Testing low idle speed

1) Start the engine and set the fuel control dial
in the low idle (MIN) position.
2) Set all the levers and pedals for work equip-
ment control, swing control, and travel in
neutral and test the engine speed.

3. Testing high idle speed

1) Start the engine and set the fuel control dial
in the high idle (MAX) position.
2) Set the working mode in the power mode (P)
and turn the auto-decelerator OFF.
3) Set all the levers and pedals for work equip-
ment control, swing control, and travel in
neutral and test the engine speed.

30-4 8 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing exhaust temperature SEN04804-01

Testing exhaust temperature

a Testing tools for exhaust temperature 3. Install sensor [1] of digital thermometer R and
Symbol Part No. Part name connect it to thermometer [2].
R 799-101-1502 Digital thermometer
k Install or remove the testing instrument after
the exhaust manifold temperature has low-

1. Remove covers (1) and (2).

4. Run the engine and test the exhaust tempera-

ture over the speed range.

5. After finishing test, remove the testing instru-

ment and return the removed parts.

2. Remove exhaust temperature pickup plug (3)

from the side of the center of the exhaust mani-

PC78US-8 30-4 9
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Checking exhaust gas color

Checking exhaust gas color

a Checking tools for exhaust gas color
Symbol Part No. Part name
1 799-210-9001 Handy smoke checker
A Commercially
2 Smoke meter
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.
k Be careful not to touch any hot part when re-
moving or installing the checking tools.
a Check the exhaust gas color under the following
q Engine coolant temperature: Within operat-
ing range
a If an air source and an electric power source are 2) Connect the probe hose, receptacle of the
not available in the field, use handy smoke accelerator switch, and air hose to smoke
checker A1. When recording official data, use meter A2.
smoke meter A2. a Limit the supplied air pressure to 1.5 MPa
{15 kg/cm2}.
1. Testing with handy smoke checker A1 3) Connect the power cable to an AC recep-
1) Stick a sheet of filter paper to smoke checker tacle.
A1. a Before connecting the cable, check that
2) Insert the exhaust gas intake pipe in exhaust the power switch of the smoke meter is
pipe (1). turned OFF.
3) Start the engine and accelerate it suddenly or 4) Loosen the cap nut of the suction pump and
run it at high idle and operate the handle of fit the filter paper.
smoke checker A1 so that the filter paper will a Fit the filter paper securely so that the ex-
absorb the exhaust gas. haust gas will not leak.
a Absorbing time: 1.4 ± 0.2 sec 5) Turn on the power switch of smoke meter A2.

6) Start the engine and accelerate it suddenly or

4) Remove the filter paper and compare it with run it at high idle and depress the accelerator
the attached scale. pedal of smoke meter A2 and collect the
5) After finishing checking, remove the testing exhaust gas into the filter paper.
tools and return the removed parts. 7) Place the contaminated filter paper on the
clean filter paper (at least 10 sheets) in the
2. Checking with smoke meter A2 filter paper holder and read the indicated
1) Insert probe [1] of smoke meter A2 in the value.
outlet of the exhaust pipe (1) and fix it to the 8) After finishing checking, remove the
exhaust pipe with a clip. checking tools and return the removed parts.

30-4 10 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Adjusting valve clearance SEN04804-01

Adjusting valve clearance

a Adjusting tools for valve clearance 3. Remove undercover (5) and rotate the crank-
Symbol Part No. Part name shaft through the opening under the crankshaft
Commercially pulley.
B Clearance gauge
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.
a Adjust the valve clearance under the following
q Engine coolant temperature: Normal temper-

1. Remove the engine hood, engine oil feed hose

(1), air conditioner compressor hose clamp (2)
and air intake elbow (3).

4. Rotate the crankshaft forward (clockwise seen

from the front) and set wide notch (a) (Width: 25
mm) of signal plate (1) at the rear of the crank-
shaft pulley to embossed letters "1.4TOP" (b) of
front cover (2).
Reference: All of the other notches of the signal
plate are 5 mm in width.
a Rotate the crankshaft with the crankshaft pul-
ley bolt (3) (Width: across flats: 27 mm).
a Always rotate the crankshaft pulley bolt for-
ward to prevent it from being loosened.
2. Remove cylinder head cover (4).

a When the No. 1 cylinder is at the compres-

sion top dead center, the rocker arm of the
No. 1 cylinder can be moved by the valve
clearance with the hand. If the rocker arm
cannot be moved, the No. 1 cylinder is not at
the compression top dead center. In this
case, rotate the crankshaft one more turn.

PC78US-8 30-4 11
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Adjusting valve clearance

5. Adjust the valve clearances marked with q in the 7. After finishing adjustment, remove the adjusting
valve arrangement drawing according to the tools and return the removed parts.
following procedure. 3 Cylinder head cover mounting nut:
8.82 ± 0.98 Nm {0.9 ± 0.1 kgm}

1) While fixing adjustment screw (1), loosen

locknut (2).
2) Insert clearance gauge B in the clearance
between rocker arm (3) and valve stem (4)
and adjust the valve clearance with adjust-
ment screw (1).

a With the clearance gauge inserted, turn

the adjustment screw to a degree that you
can move the clearance gauge lightly.
a Valve clearance
q Intake valve: 0.35 ± 0.02 mm
q Exhaust valve: 0.50 ± 0.02 mm
3) While fixing adjustment screw (1), tighten
locknut (2).
3 Locknut: 39 – 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
a After tightening the locknut, check the
valve clearance again.

6. Rotate the crankshaft forward 1 turn according

to step 4 to set the No. 4 cylinder to the compres-
sion top dead center and adjust the valve clear-
ances marked with Q in the valve arrangement
drawing similarly to those marked with q.

30-4 12 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing compression pressure SEN04804-01

Testing compression pressure 6) Remove holder (7) and injector (1).

a If the injector is stuck and is not removed
Symbol Part No. Part name
easily, pass a wire under the fuel inlet and
1 795-502-1590 Compression gauge
C 795-502-1370 Adapter pull it up to remove the injector.
6271-11-3880 Gasket a Do not apply an external force to the ter-
minal at the injector top.
When testing the compression pressure,
take care not to burn yourself on the exhaust
manifold or muffler or get caught in a rotating
a Test the compression pressure after the engine
is warmed up.
(Engine oil temperature: 40 – 60 °C)

1. Remove the injector of the cylinder to be tested

according to the following procedure.
a Test of the No. 1 cylinder is explained below
as an example.
1) Remove the heater hose clamp.
2) Remove wiring harness connector (2) from
2. Install adapter C2 to the injector mounting part
injector (1).
with holder (7) and connect compression gauge
3) Move fuel scatter prevention cover (3) from C1.
the joint. a Fit the gasket to the adapter end without fail.
3 Holder mounting bolt:
4) Remove clamp (4) and high-pressure pipe
(5). 27 – 30 Nm {2.8 – 3.1 kgm}
5) Pull spill hose connector (6) out of injector a Tighten the mounting bolt after the fulcrum of
(1). the holder is seated perfectly.

PC78US-8 30-4 13
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing compression pressure

3. Set the engine in the no-injection cranking mode 3) Connect spill hose connector (6) to injector
with the machine monitor. (1).
q Instead of the above work, you may discon- 4) Install high-pressure pipe (5).
nect the wiring harness connectors from all 3 High-pressure pipe flare nut (Both
the injectors so that fuel will not be injected at ends):
all. 25.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.6 – 3.0 kgm}
k Since starting of engine is dangerous, be 5) Install fuel scatter prevention cover (3) to the
sure to set the injectors so that they will joint of high-pressure pipe (5).
not inject fuel before starting the check. a Install fuel scatter prevention cover (3)
with the slit down (on both injector side
4. Crank the engine with the starting motor and and common rail side).
measure the compression pressure. 6) Install clamp (4) to high-pressure pipe (5).
a Read the pressure when the gauge pointer is a Install the clamp to the position from
stabilized. which it was removed. (The mounting
bolt goes through the clamp and enters
5. After finishing measurement, remove the the bolt hole of the air intake manifold.
measuring instruments and return the removed Accordingly, if the mounting bolt is in-
parts according to the following procedure. stalled normally, the clamp is installed to
1) Install O-ring (8) and gasket (9) to injector (1). its original position.)
a Do not install O-ring (8) to groove "a". 7) Connect wiring harness connector (2) to
injector (1).

2) Insert injector (1) in the cylinder head and fix

it with holder (7).
3 Holder mounting bolt:
27 – 30 Nm {2.8 – 3.1 kgm}
a Seat the fulcrum of the holder perfectly
before tightening the mounting bolts.

30-4 14 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing blow-by pressure SEN04804-01

Testing blow-by pressure

a Testing tools for blow-by pressure

Symbol Part No. Part No.
D 799-201-1504 Blow-by checker
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.
a Test the blow-by pressure under the following
q Engine coolant temperature: Within operat-
ing range
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating
5. After finishing test, remove the testing tools and
return the removed parts.
1. Remove the undercover of the hydraulic pump.

2. Install tool and adapter [1] of blow-by checker D

to breather hose (1) and connect gauge [2].

3. Start the engine, set the working mode in the

power mode (P), and turn the swing lock switch

4. While running the engine at high idle, relieve the

arm circuit and test the blow-by pressure.
a Read the gauge when the pointer is stabi-

PC78US-8 30-4 15
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing engine oil pressure

Testing engine oil pressure 2. Remove oil pressure pickup plug (1) from the
engine block.
a Testing tools for engine oil pressure
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
E 2 799-401-2320 Gauge
6732-81-3170 Adapter
07002-11023 O-ring
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.
a Test the engine oil pressure under the following
q Engine coolant temperature: Within operat-
ing range
1. Remove covers (1) and (2).

3. Install nipple [1] of hydraulic tester E1 and

adapter E3 and connect gauge E2.

4. Start the engine and turn the auto-decelerator

5. Test the oil pressure during low idle and high

6. After finishing test, remove the testing tools and

return the removed parts.
3 Oil pressure pickup plug:
20 – 22 Nm {2.0 – 2.2 kgm}

30-4 16 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Handling fuel system parts SEN04804-01

Handling fuel system parts Releasing residual pressure from

a Precautions for checking and maintaining fuel system fuel system
The common rail fuel injection system (CRI) a Pressure is generated in the low-pressure circuit
consists of more precise parts than the conven- and high-pressure circuit of the fuel system while
tional fuel injection pump and nozzle. If foreign the engine is running.
matter enters this system, it can cause a trouble. Low-pressure circuit:
When checking and maintaining the fuel system, Feed pump – Fuel main filter – Supply pump
take care more than the past. If dust, etc. sticks High-pressure circuit:
to any part, wash that part thoroughly with clean Supply pump – Common rail – Injector
fuel. a The pressure in both low-pressure circuit and
a Precautions for replacing fuel filter cartridge high-pressure circuit lowers to a safety level au-
Be sure to use the Komatsu genuine fuel filter tomatically 30 seconds after the engine is
cartridge. stopped.
Since the common rail fuel injection system a Before the fuel circuit is checked and its parts
(CRI) consists of more precise parts than the are removed, the residual pressure in the fuel
conventional fuel injection pump and nozzle, it circuit must be released completely. According-
employs a high-efficiency special filter to prevent ly, observe the following.
foreign matter from entering it. If a filter other k Before checking the fuel system or removing its
than the genuine one is used, the fuel system parts, wait at least 30 seconds after stopping the
may have a trouble. Accordingly, never use such engine until the residual pressure in the fuel cir-
a filter. cuit is released. (Do not start the work just after
stopping the engine since there is residual pres-

PC78US-8 30-4 17
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing fuel pressure

Testing fuel pressure 2) Install adapter F2 and nipple [1] of the

hydraulic tester F1 and connect them to
a Testing tools for fuel pressure
gauge of boost gauge kit F3.
Symbol Part No. Part name
a Use the oil pressure gauges of 2.5 MPa
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
1 {25 kg/cm2}.
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
F 795-471-1450 Adapter (8 × 1.25 mm)
07005-00812 O-ring
3 799-201-2202 Boost gauge kit
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.
a Test only the fuel pressure in the low-pressure
circuit from the priming pump through the fuel
main filter to the supply pump, and the return cir-
cuit from the supply pump/common rail/injector
to fuel tank.
k Since the pressure in the high-pressure cir-
cuit from the supply pump through the com-
mon rail to the injector is very high, it cannot
be tested.
3) Run the engine at high idle and test the pres-
1. Testing pressure in fuel low-pressure circuit sure in the fuel low-pressure circuit.
1) Open the engine hood and remove fuel pres- a If the pressure in the fuel low-pressure cir-
sure pickup plug (1) from the fuel main filter. cuit is in the following range, it is normal.
Reference: Negative pressure is indi-
Engine speed Fuel pressure
-49 – 0 kPa
At high idle
{-0.5 – 0 kg/cm2}

4) After finishing test, remove the testing tools

and return the removed parts.
3 Fuel pressure pickup plug:
7.8 – 9.8 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm}

30-4 18 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing fuel return rate and fuel leakage SEN04804-01

Testing fuel return rate and fuel 2) Insert spacer G1 on return block (2) side and
leakage tighten the removed joint bolt again.
a Be sure to fit the gaskets to both ends of
a Testing tools for fuel return rate and fuel leakage the spacer.
Symbol Part No. Part name 3) Insert joint G2 on common rail (1) side and
1 6151-51-8490 Spacer
tighten the removed joint bolt again.
2 6164-81-5750 Joint
3 07042-20108 Plug a Be sure to fit the gaskets to both ends of
Commercially the joint.
4 Hose
available 4) Connect test hose G4 to the end of joint G2.
G Commercially 5) Connect test hose G5 to connector (6) side of
5 Hose
available spill hose (4).
6 Measuring cylinder a Bind the connecting part of the test hose
Commercially with a wire etc. to prevent it from coming
7 Stopwatch off.
a Lay test hose G4 so that it will not slacken
a Prepare an oil pan of about 20 l to receive the and put its end in the oil pan.
fuel flowing out during the test.

1. Preparation work
1) Remove tube (3) and spill hose (4) between
common rail (1) and return block (2).

6) Remove spill hose connector joint (5) and

install plug G3.

a The above is the preparation work for test

of the leakage from the pressure limiter
and return rate from the injector.

PC78US-8 30-4 19
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing fuel return rate and fuel leakage

2. Testing leakage from pressure limiter 3. Testing return rate from injector
1) Lay test hose G4 so that it will not slacken a While testing the return rate from the injector,
and put its end in the oil pan. keep the test hose on the pressure limiter
2) Start the engine and keep its speed at 1,600 side connected and keep its end in the oil
rpm with no load. pan.
3) After the engine speed is stabilized, test the 1) Run the engine at the rated output.
leakage in 1 minute with measuring cylinder 2) After the engine speed is stabilized, test the
G6. return rate in 1 minute with measuring
a You may test for 20 seconds and judge by cylinder G6.
multiplying the result by 3. a You may test for 20 seconds and judge by
a If the leakage from the pressure limiter is multiplying the result by 3.
in the following standard range, it is nor- a If the supply pump pressure is low, the
mal. engine speed may not rise.
Engine speed Leakage In this case, record the engine speed, too,
(rpm) (cc/min) during the test.
At rated output Max. 20 a If the return rate (spill) from the injector is
in the following standard range, it is nor-
Rated output Limit of return rate
speed (rpm) (spill) (cc/min)
1,600 190
1,700 200
1,800 210
1,900 220
2,000 230

4) After finishing test, stop the engine.

3) After finishing test, stop the engine.

4. After finishing test, remove the testing tools and

return the removed parts.
3 Joint bolt: 3.9 – 6.9 Nm {0.4 – 0.7 kgm}

30-4 20 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Bleeding air from fuel circuit SEN04804-01

Bleeding air from fuel circuit

a If fuel is used up or if a fuel circuit part is removed
and installed, bleed air from the fuel circuit ac-
cording to the following procedure.
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.

1. Fill fuel in the fuel tank to full.

a Add fuel until float of the sight gauge reaches
to the maximum rising position.

2. Open the engine hood.

3. Loosen knob (1) of the feed pump and pull it out,

and then operate it forward and backward.
a Move the knob until it becomes heavy.
a The plug at the top of the fuel main filter does
not need to be removed.

4. After bleeding air, push in and tighten knob (1).

PC78US-8 30-4 21
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Bleeding air from fuel circuit

a Air bleeding route of fuel circuit

Fuel tank o Pre-filter o Main filter o Feed pump o Metering unit o Fuel tank

1. Fuel tank
2. Priming pump
3. Pre-filter with water separator
4. Main filter
5. Feed pump
6. IMV (Inlet Metering Valve)
7. Overflow valve
8. Rail
9. Injector
10. Safety valve
11. High pressure pump

30-4 22 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Checking fuel circuit for leakage SEN04804-01

Checking fuel circuit for leakage

k Very high pressure is generated in the
high-pressure circuit of the fuel system. If
fuel leaks while the engine is running, it is
dangerous since it can catch fire.
After checking the fuel system or removing its
parts, check it for fuel leakage according to the
following procedure.
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground.
a Clean and degrease the engine and the parts
around it in advance so that you can check it
easily for fuel leakage.

1. Spray color checker (developer) over the fuel

supply pump, common rail, fuel injector, and
joints of the high-pressure piping.

2. Start the engine, keep its speed at low idle, and

stop it when its speed is stabilized.

3. Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel

a Check mainly around the high-pressure cir-
cuit parts coated with the color checker for
fuel leakage.
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it and
check again from step 2.

4. Run the engine at high idle.

5. Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel

a Check around the high-pressure circuit parts
coated with the color checker for fuel leak-
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it and
check again from step 2.

6. Run the engine at high idle and load it.

a Relieve the arm circuit at the IN stroke end.

7. Check the fuel piping and devices for fuel

a Check mainly around the high-pressure cir-
cuit parts coated with the color checker for
fuel leakage.
a If any fuel leakage is detected, repair it and
check again from step 2.
a If no fuel leakage is detected, check is com-

PC78US-8 30-4 23
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting alternator belt tension

Testing and adjusting alternator Adjusting

belt tension a If the deflection is out of the standard range, ad-
just the belt tension according to the following
Testing procedure.
1. Remove undercover (1).
1. Remove covers (1) and (2).

Press the middle point of the belt between the

alternator pulley and crankshaft pulley with a
finger and measure deflection (a).
a Pressing force: Approx. 60 Nm {Approx. 6.1
a Deflection (a): 6 – 10 mm

2. Loosen alternator fixing bolts (1) and (2).

30-4 24 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing and adjusting alternator belt tension SEN04804-01

3. Loosen locknut (3) and rotate adjustment bolt (4)

to adjust the tension of alternator belt (5).
Reference: If adjustment bolt (4) is tightened
(turned to the right), the alternator belt (5) is loos-
ened. If the former is turned to the left, the latter
is tightened.

4. After adjusting the belt tension, tighten alternator

fixing bolts (1) and (2) and locknut (3).

5. Check again that the tension of alternator belt (5)

is in the standard range.

PC78US-8 30-4 25
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Checking and adjusting air conditioner compressor belt tension

Checking and adjusting air condi- Adjusting

tioner compressor belt tension a If the belt deflection is abnormal, adjust it accord-
ing to the following procedure.
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground. 1. Loosen bolts (1) and (2).

Checking 2. Move compressor (3) and bracket (4) together to

1. Open the engine hood, press the middle point of adjust the belt tension.
the belt between compressor pulley (2) and
crankshaft pulley (3) with a finger, and measure 3. After positioning compressor (3), tighten bolts
deflection (a). (1) and (2).
a Belt pressing force: 60 N {6.1 kg} a Check each pulley for breakage, wear of the
a Deflection (a):12 - 15 mm V-groove, and contact of the V-belt and
a If the V-belt is so lengthened that the adjust-
ment allowance is eliminated or it has a cut or
a crack, replace it.
a If the belt is replaced, adjust their tension
again after operating the machine for 1 hour.
a After tightening the bolts, check the belt ten-
sion again according the above procedure.

4. After finishing test, return the removed parts.

30-4 26 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing swing circle bearing clearance SEN04804-01

Testing swing circle bearing clear- 4. Set the arm almost perpendicular to the ground
ance and lower the boom until the front track shoe
a Testing tools for swing circle bearing clearance a At this time the front of the upper structureris-
Symbol Part No. Part name es and the rear lowers.
H Dial gauge
5. Under this condition, read dial gauge H.
a When testing the swing circle bearing clearance a The value indicated by dial gauge H is the
installed to the machine, perform the following clearance of the bearing.
procedure. a For the standard value, see Structure, func-
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low- tion and maintenance standard, "Swing cir-
er the work equipment to the ground. cle".
k Do not put your hands or feet under the un-
dercarriage during test.

1. Fix dial gauge H to the track frame and apply the

probe to the lower end of the outer race.

6. Return the machine to the condition of step 2

and check that dial gauge H indicates 0.
a If the dial gauge does not indicate 0, repeat
steps 2 through 5.

2. Set the work equipment to the maximum reach

position and set the bucket tip to the height of the
underside of the revolving frame.
a At this time the front of the upper structure
lowers and the rear rises.

3. Set dial gauge H to the 0 point.

PC78US-8 30-4 27
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Checking and adjusting track shoe tension

Checking and adjusting track Adjusting

shoe tension a If the track shoe tension is abnormal, adjust it ac-
cording to the following procedure.
1. Run the engine at low idle and drive the machine 1. Increasing tension
forward by the length of track on ground, and 1) Add grease through grease fitting (2) with a
then stop slowly. grease gun.
2) To check that the tension is normal, run the
2. Place square bar [3] longer than the distance engine at low idle and move the machine
between idler (1) and carrier roller (2) on the forward by the length of track on ground, then
track shoe. stop slowly.
a As the square bar [3], use an angle steel, etc. 3) After adjusting, check the track shoe tension
which will be deflected less. again according to the above procedure.

3. Test maximum clearance (a) between square

bar [3] and track shoe.
1 2
Standard max. clear-
ance (a)
Road liner, steel shoe 10 – 30 mm
Rubber shoe 1 – 3 mm


a You may add grease until dimension (b)

between the idler guide and track frame
end becomes 0 mm. If the tension is still
low, the pins and bushings are worn
much. In this case, reverse or replace the
pins and bushings.

30-4 28 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Checking and adjusting track shoe tension SEN04804-01

2. Decreasing tension
1) Loosen valve (1) to discharge grease, and
then tighten it.
k Do not loosen the valve more than 1
turn. If it is loosened more, it may
jump out because of the high-pressure
grease in it.
2) To check that the tension is normal, run the
engine at low idle and move the machine
forward by the length of track on ground, then
stop slowly.
3) After adjusting, check the track shoe tension
again according to the above procedure.

PC78US-8 30-4 29
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting oil pressure in work equipment and travel circuits

Testing and adjusting oil pressure 2) Install nipples J2 and connect oil pressure
in work equipment and travel gauges [1] of hydraulic tester J1.
a Use the oil pressure gauges of 60 MPa
{600 kg/cm2}.

a Testing and adjusting tools for oil pressure in

work equipment and travel circuits
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
07002-11023 O-ring
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground. Then,
release the residual pressure from the hy-
draulic circuit. For details, see "Releasing re-
sidual pressure from hydraulic circuit".

a The oil pressure in the work equipment and trav-
el circuits (pump discharge pressure) can be
checked with monitoring function of the machine
monitor, too (For details, see "Special functions
of machine monitor").
q Monitoring code: 01100 pump pressure
a Test the oil pressure in the work equipment and
travel circuits under the following condition.
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating

1. Preparation work
1) Open the sand cover and remove oil pres-
sure pickup plugs (1) and (2). 2. Testing unload pressure
q (1): Pump discharge pressure port (1) 1) Start the engine, set the working mode in the
check plug power mode (P), and turn the auto-deceler-
q (2): Pump discharge pressure port (2) ator OFF.
check plug 2) Run the engine at high idle, set all the levers
and pedals for work equipment control and
travel in neutral, and test the oil pressure.
a The pressure tested when the unload
valve is unloaded is indicated.

3. Testing work equipment relief pressure

1) Start the engine and move the cylinder to be
tested to the stroke end.
2) Set the working mode in the power mode (P).
3) Run the engine at high idle, operate the right
and left work equipment control levers to
relieve the cylinder, and test the oil pressure.
a The pressure tested when the main relief
valve is relieved is indicated.

30-4 30 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing and adjusting oil pressure in work equipment and travel circuits SEN04804-01

4. Testing travel relief pressure Adjusting

1) Run the engine and lock the travel mecha- a The unload valve cannot be adjusted.
k Put pin [2] between the sprocket and 1. Adjusting work equipment and travel relief
track frame to lock the travel mecha- pressure
nism securely. a If the relief pressure of the work equipment
circuit and travel circuit is abnormal, adjust
main relief valves (3) according to the follow-
ing procedure.
q (3): Main relief valve
a When adjusting the main relief valve, open
the sand cover.

2) Set the working mode in the power mode (P).

3) Run the engine at high idle, operate the travel
lever and pedal to relieve the travel motor,
and test the oil pressure.
k Before operating the travel lever and
pedal, check the position and locking 1) Loosen locknut (4) of relief value (6) and turn
direction of the locked sprocket again. adjustment screw (3).
k Do not remove the adjustment nut or

5. Work after finishing test inside parts will come out.

After finishing test, remove the testing tools and a The adjustment screw is
q Turned to the right, the set pressure is
return the removed parts.
3 Oil pressure pickup plug:
q Turned to the left, the set pressure is
20 – 27 Nm {2.0 – 2.8 kgm}
a Amount of adjustment per turn of adjust-
ment screw:
Approx. 19.6 MPa {Approx.
200 kg/cm2}
2) While holding adjustment nut (7), tighten
locknut (8).
3 Locknut: 39 – 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
3) Referring to the section of measuring, check
the relief pressure again.

PC78US-8 30-4 31
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting swing and blade circuit oil pressure (Blade specification)

Testing and adjusting swing and 2) Install nipple K2 and connect oil pressure
blade circuit oil pressure (Blade gauge [1] of hydraulic tester K1
a Use the oil pressure gauge of 60 MPa
{600 kg/cm2}.

a Testing and adjusting tools for swing and blade

circuit oil pressure (Blade specification)
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
07002-11023 O-ring
k Stop the machine on a flat ground, lower the
work equipment to the ground, and release
the residual pressure, referring to "Releasing
residual pressure in hydraulic circuit".

a The oil pressure in the work equipment, swing,
and travel circuits (pump discharge pressure) 2. Testing swing relief pressure
can be checked with monitoring function of the 1) Start the engine, set the working mode to
machine monitor, too (For details, see “Special power mode (P), and turn the swing lock
functions of machine monitor”). switch ON.
q Monitoring code: 01100 pump pressure 2) While running the engine at high idle, operate
a Test the swing and blade circuit oil pressure un- the left work equipment control lever to
der the following condition. (Blade specification) relieve the swing motor, and measure the oil
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating pressure.
range a The swing motor safety valve relief pres-
sure is indicated.
1. Preparation work a The swing relief pressure is lower than
1) Open the right exterior inspection window the main relief pressure.
and remove oil pressure pickup plug (1).
3. Testing blade (lower) relief pressure
1) Start the engine and set the working mode to
power mode (P).
2) While running the engine at high idle, operate
the blade control lever in the lowering direc-
tion to relieve, and measure the oil pressure.

4. Testing blade (raise) relief pressure

1) Start the engine and set the working mode to
power mode (P).
2) While running the engine at high idle, operate
the blade control lever in the raising direction
to relieve, and measure the oil pressure.

5. Work after finishing testing

After finishing testing, remove the testing tools
and return the removed parts.
3 Oil pressure pickup plug:
20 – 27 Nm {2.0 – 2.8 kgm}

30-4 32 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing and adjusting swing and blade circuit oil pressure (Blade specification) SEN04804-01

6. Adjusting swing relief pressure 7. Adjusting blade (lower) relief pressure

a If the swing relief pressure is abnormal, ad- a If the blade (lower) relief pressure is abnor-
just swing motor safety valve (2) according to mal, adjust main relief valve (6) according to
the following procedure. the following procedure.

1) Loosen locknut (5) of safety valve (2) and 1) Loosen locknut (9) of main relief valve (6)
turn adjustment screw (3). and turn adjustment screw (7).
k Do not remove the adjustment nut or k Do not remove the adjustment nut or
inside parts will come out. inside parts will come out.
a If the adjustment screw is a If the adjustment screw is
q turned to the right, the set pressure is q turned to the right, the pressure is in-
decreased. creased.
q turned to the left, the set pressure is q turned to the left, the pressure is de-
decreased. creased.
a Amount of adjustment per turn of adjust- a Amount of adjustment per turn of adjust-
ment screw: ment screw:
4.8 MPa {49.3 kg/cm2} 19.6 MPa {200 kg/cm2}
2) After adjusting, tighten locknut (5). 2) After adjusting, tighten locknut (9).
3 Locknut: 3 Locknut: 39 – 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
93.2 – 117.7 Nm {9.5 – 12 kgm} 3) Referring to the section of measuring, check
3) Referring to the section of measuring, check the relief pressure again.
the relief pressure again.

PC78US-8 30-4 33
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting swing and blade circuit oil pressure (Blade specification)

8. Adjusting blade (raise) relief pressure

a If the blade (raise) relief pressure is abnor-
mal, adjust suction safety valve (blade) (10)
according to the following procedure.

1) Loosen locknut (13) of suction safety valve

(blade) (10) and turn adjustment screw (11).
k Do not remove the adjustment nut or
inside parts will come out.
a If the adjustment screw is
q turned to the right, the pressure is in-
q turned to the left, the pressure is de-
a Amount of adjustment per turn of adjust-
ment screw:
19.6 MPa {200 kg/cm2}
2) After adjusting, tighten locknut (13).
3 Locknut: 39 – 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
3) Referring to the section of measuring,
chenck the relief pressure again.

30-4 34 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing control circuit basic pressure SEN04804-01

Testing control circuit basic pres- 3. Start the engine, set the working mode in the
sure power mode (P), and turn the auto-decelerator
a Testing tools for control circuit basic pressure
Symbol Part No. Part name 4. Run the engine at high idle, set all the levers and
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
1 pedals for work equipment control, swing
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
L control, and travel in neutral, and test the oil
799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
2 pressure.
07002-11023 O-ring
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground. Then,
release the residual pressure from the hy-
draulic circuit. For details, see "Releasing re-
sidual pressure from hydraulic circuit".
a Test the control circuit basic pressure under the
following condition.
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating

1. Open the left front inspection cover and remove

oil pressure pickup plug (1).

5. After finishing test, remove the testing tools and

return the removed parts.

a Do not adjust the relief valve for control circuit

basic pressure.

2. Install nipple L2 and connect oil pressure gauge

[1] of hydraulic tester L1.
a Use the oil pressure gauge of 6 MPa
{60 kg/cm2}.

PC78US-8 30-4 35
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting oil pressure in pump PC control circuit

Testing and adjusting oil pressure 2) Install nipple M2 and connect it to oil pres-
in pump PC control circuit sure gauge [1] of hydraulic tester M1.
a Use the oil pressure gauges of 60 MPa
a Testing and adjusting tools for oil pressure in
{600 kg/cm2}.
pump PC control circuit
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
M 799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
07002-11023 O-ring
3 799-401-3300 Adapter (Size: 03)
k Stop the machine on a level ground and low-
er the work equipment to the ground. Then,
release the residual pressure from the hy-
draulic circuit. For details, see "Releasing re-
sidual pressure from hydraulic circuit".

a Before testing the oil pressure in the PC control
circuit, check that the oil pressure in the work 3) Start the engine and operate the arm cylinder
equipment, swing, and travel circuits and the ba- to the arm IN stroke end.
sic pressure of the control circuit are normal. 4) Set the working mode in the power mode (P).
a Test the oil pressure in the pump PC control cir- 5) While running the engine at high idle, operate
cuit under the following condition. the right work equipment control lever to
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating
relieve the arm circuit in the arm IN direction
range and measure the oil pressure.

1. Testing PC valve output pressure (servo

piston inlet pressure)
a Test the PC valve output pressure (servo pis-
ton inlet pressure) and pump discharge pres-
sure simultaneously and compare them.
1) Open the engine hood and remove oil pres-
sure pickup plug (1).
q (1): PC valve output pressure pickup plug

a Testing condition and method of judg-

ment: If the pressures are in the following
ratio, the PC valve is normal.
Tested oil Operation of Ratio of oil
pressure lever pressures
Pump discharge
Arm IN relief
PC valve output Approx. 0.6
pressure (Approx. 3/5)
a If the PC valve or the servo piston is ab-
normal, the PC valve output pressure
(servo piston inlet pressure) is "the same
as the pump discharge pressure" or "al-
most 0".

30-4 36 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing and adjusting oil pressure in pump PC control circuit SEN04804-01

6) After finishing test, remove the testing tools 4) Start the engine and set the working mode in
and return the removed parts. the power mode (P).
5) Run the engine at high idle and low idle, set
2. Testing PC-EPC valve basic pressure all the levers and pedals for work equipment
1) Open the engine hood and disconnect pilot control, swing control, and travel in neutral,
pump discharge hose (2). and test the oil pressure at each speed.
2) Install adapter M3 and connect the discon-
nected hose again.
3) Install nipple [1] of hydraulic tester M1 and
connect it to oil pressure gauge [2] of
hydraulic tester M1.
a Use the oil pressure gauges of 6 MPa
{60 kg/cm2}.

a Testing condition and judgment method:

If the basic pressure is as shown in the ta-
ble, the PC-EPC valve is normal.
Operation of
Engine Output pressure
All control Approx. 2.9 MPa
Low idle
levers and {Approx. 30 kg/cm2}
pedals in Approx. 3.4 MPa
High idle
neutral {Approx. 35 kg/cm2}

6) After finishing test, remove the testing tools

and return the removed parts.

PC78US-8 30-4 37
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting oil pressure in pump PC control circuit

3. Adjusting PC valve
a When "the engine speed decreases" or "the
engine speed is normal but the work equip-
ment speed decreases" as the load increas-
es, if the pump discharge pressure and LS
differential pressure are normal, adjust the
pump PC valve according to the following
a Before loosening the locknut, be sure to
make match mark "a".
1) Loosen locknut (3) and rotate adjustment
screw (4) to adjust.
a Since the PC valve is eccentric type, in
which direction to rotate it to increase the
torque is unknown. Accordingly, adjust
while monitoring the engine speed.
2) After finishing measurement, tighten locknut
3 Locknut: 29.4 – 39.2 {3 – 4 kgm}

30-4 38 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing PC-EPC solenoid output pressure SEN04804-01

Testing PC-EPC solenoid output pressure

a Testing and adjusting tools for oil pressure in
pump PC control circuit
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
07002-11023 O-ring
a Oil temperature for test: 45 – 55 °C
1) Remove the pump oil pressure pickup plug
(5) (10 mm, P = 1.25).

3) Start the engine, select P mode, and

measure the oil pressure under the following
Measure- pressure Monitor
ment con- MPa output cur-
dition 2 rent
{kg/cm }
Approx. Approx.
Full Neutral
1.14 {11.18} 525 mA
Arm IN Approx. Approx.
relief 0.51 {5.00} 360 mA
Approx. Approx.
2) Install nipple M2 and connect it to oil pres- Slow Neutral
2.80 {27.5} 930 mA
sure gauge [1] of hydraulic tester M1.
a Use the oil pressure gauge of 60 MPa
{600 kg/cm2}.

PC78US-8 30-4 39
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing LS differential pressure and adjusting LS valve

Testing LS differential pressure 5) Install nipple [1] of hydraulic tester N1 and

and adjusting LS valve connect it to differential pressure gauge N2
(low pressure side) or oil pressure gauge [1]
a Testing and adjusting tools for LS valve of hydraulic tester N1.
Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
2 799-401-2701 Differential pressure gauge
799-101-5220 Nipple (10 × 1.25 mm)
07002-11023 O-ring
4 799-401-3300 Adapter (Size: 03)
k Stop the machine on a flat ground, lower the
work equipment to the ground, and release
the residual pressure, referring to "Releasing
residual pressure in hydraulic circuit".

a To obtain the LS differential pressure, measure

the pump discharge pressure and LS pressure
(actuator load pressure) simultaneously and cal- Differential
Fuel con- pressure
culate their differential pressure. Operation
trol dial
(MPa {kg/cm2})
Testing LS differential pressure 2.5 – 4.4
Full Lever in neutral
1. Testing with main relief differential pressure {25 – 45}
Bucket CURL
gauge Approx. 2.11
Full (Lever at stroke
1) Remove oil pressure pickup plug (1). {21.5}
2) Install nipple N3 and connect it to differential
pressure gauge N2 (high pressure side) or oil
pressure gauge [1] of hydraulic tester N1.

3) Disconnect LS oil pressure pickup hose (1).

4) Install adapter N4 and connect the discon-
nected hose again.

30-4 40 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing LS differential pressure and adjusting LS valve SEN04804-01

Adjusting LS valve
a If the LS differential pressure is abnormal, adjust
the LS valve according to the following proce-
a Before loosening the locknut, be sure to make a
match mark.
1) Loosen locknut (2) and rotate adjustment
screw (3) to adjust.
a If the adjustment screw is
q Turned to the right, the pressure is in-
q Turned to the left, the pressure is de-
a Amount of adjustment per turn of adjust-
ment screw: 1.27 MPa {13 kg/cm2}
2) After adjusting, tighten locknut (2).
3 Locknut: 29.4 – 39.2 Nm {3 – 4 kgm}
a After adjusting, measure the LS differen-
tial pressure according to the measure-
ment procedure shown above.
a When loosening or tightening the locknut,
hold adjustment screw (3) with a spanner
to prevent it from being dragged.

PC78US-8 30-4 41
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing solenoid valve output pressure

Testing solenoid valve output 2. Install adapter P2 and connect the disconnected
pressure hose again.

a Testing tools for solenoid valve output pressure

Symbol Part No. Part name
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
P 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
2 799-401-3100 Adapter (Size: 02)
k Lower the work equipment to the ground and
stop the engine. Operate the control lever
several times to release the residual pres-
sure from the piping, and then loosen the oil
filler cap of the hydraulic tank slowly to re-
lease the residual pressure from the tank.
a Before testing the solenoid valve output pres-
sure, check that the control circuit basic pres-
sure is normal.
3. Install nipple [1] of hydraulic tester P1 and
a Test the solenoid valve output pressure under connect it to oil pressure gauge [2].
the following condition. a Use the oil pressure gauge of 6 MPa
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating {60 kg/cm2}.
range a The figure shows the testing tools installed to
travel shift solenoid valve outlet hose (2).
1. Open the left side cover and disconnect solenoid
valve outlet hoses (1) – (4).
No. Solenoid valve to be tested
1 PPC lock solenoid valve
2 Travel speed selector solenoid valve
3 Swing holding brake solenoid valve
4 Pump merge-divider solenoid valve

4. Start the engine.

5. While running the engine at high idle, operate

each control lever and each switch to turn each
solenoid valve ON and OFF and measure the
output pressure.
a For the condition for turning ON and OFF,
see the operation table of each solenoid
a The operating condition of each solenoid
valve can be checked with the monitoring
function of the machine monitor (For details,
see "Special functions of machine monitor").
q Monitoring code: 02300 Solenoid 1

30-4 42 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing solenoid valve output pressure SEN04804-01

a If the output pressure is as follows, the sole-

noid valve is normal.
Solenoid valve Output pressure
OFF (De-energized) 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
ON (Energized) 2.9 MPa {30 kg/cm2}

6. The PPC lock solenoid valve output pressure

can be tested similarly to the control circuit basic

7. After finishing testing, remove the testing instru-

ments and return the removed parts.

PC78US-8 30-4 43
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing PPC valve output pressure

Testing PPC valve output pressure

PPC piping connecting positions

a The above figure shows the connecting posi-

tions of the PPC piping of the 1-attachment
The colors in ( ) are the colors of the bands
installed for piping distinction.

30-4 44 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing PPC valve output pressure SEN04804-01

a Testing tools for PPC valve output pressure 4. Start the engine and set the working mode to the
Symbol Part No. Part name power mode (P).
799-101-5002 Hydraulic tester
Q 790-261-1204 Digital hydraulic tester
5. While running the engine at high idle, measure
2 799-401-3100 Adapter (Size: 02)
the oil pressure with the control lever in neutral
k Stop the machine on a flat ground, lower the and at the stroke end.
work equipment to the ground, and release
the residual pressure, referring to "Releasing
residual pressure in hydraulic circuit".
a Before testing the PPC valve output pressure,
ensure that the control circuit basic pressure is
a Test the solenoid valve output pressure under
the following condition.
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating
1. Disconnect the PPC circuit hose to be tested.
a For the host to be disconnected, see "PPC
piping connecting positions".

2. Install adapter Q2 and connect the disconnected a If the output pressure is as follows, the PPC
hose again. valve is normal.
Lever operation Output pressure
3. Install nipple [1] of hydraulic tester Q1 and Neutral 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
connect it to oil pressure gauge [2]. Almost same as control circuit
a Use the oil pressure gauge of 6 MPa Stroke end basic pressure (See “Standard
{60 kg/cm2}. value table”)
a The figure shows the testing tools installed to
the bucket dump PPC circuit.
6. After finishing testing, remove the testing instru-
ments and return the removed parts.

PC78US-8 30-4 45
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Adjusting play of work equipment and swing PPC valves

Adjusting play of work equipment

and swing PPC valves
a If the right and left work equipment levers have
large play, adjust them according to the following
a The play of the lever terminal must be 0.5 – 3
mm at a position of 200 mm from the center of le-
ver rotation.

1. Remove the work equipment and swing PPC

valve assembly.

2. Remove bellows (1).

3. Loosen locknut (2) and tighten disc (3) until it

touches the heads of 4 pistons (4).

4. Fix disc (3) and tighten locknut (2) to the speci-

fied torque.
3 Locknut: 69 – 88 Nm {7 – 9 kgm}

5. Install bellows (1).

6. Install the work equipment and swing PPC valve


30-4 46 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Checking parts which cause hydraulic drift of work equipment SEN04804-01

Checking parts which cause 2. Checking arm cylinder

hydraulic drift of work equipment 1) Stop the arm cylinder about 100 mm before
the IN stroke end and stop the engine.
a If the work equipment (cylinder) drifts hydrauli-
cally, check to see if the cause is on the cylinder
packing side or control valve side according to
the following procedure.

1. Checking boom cylinder and bucket cylinder

1) Set the machine in the position for testing
hydraulic drift and stop the engine.
a Fill the bucket with a rated load or with dirt
and sand.

2) Operate the arm control lever in the IN posi-

q If the lowering speed is increased at this
time, the cylinder packing is defective.
q If the lowering speed does not change at
this time, the control valve is defective.
a Operate the control lever while the start-
ing switch is in the ON position.
a If the pressure in the accumulator is lost,
run the engine for about 5 seconds to
2) When checking the boom cylinder, set the heighten the pressure in the accumulator.
boom control lever in the RAISE position. [Reference] Reason why the lowering speed
When checking the bucket cylinder, set the is increased by the above operation when the
bucket control lever in the CURL position. cylinder packing is the cause of the hydraulic
q If the lowering speed is increased at this drift:
time, the cylinder packing is defective. 1] If the machine is set in the above position
q If the lowering speed does not change at (where the holding pressure is applied to
this time, the control valve is defective. the bottom side), the oil leaks from the
a Operate the control lever while the start- bottom side to the head side. Since the
ing switch is in the ON position. volume on the head side is less than that
a If the pressure in the accumulator is lost, on the bottom side by the volume of the
run the engine for about 5 seconds to rod, the pressure in the head side is
heighten the pressure in the accumulator. increased by the oil flowing in from the
bottom side.
2] As the pressure in the head side is
increased, it is balanced at a certain level
(which depends on the leakage), and
then the lowering speed is lowered.
3] If the circuit on the head side is opened to
the drain circuit by the above operation of
the lever (the bottom side is closed by the
check valve at this time), the oil on the
head side flows in the drain circuit. As a
result, the pressure is unbalanced and
the lowering speed is increased.

PC78US-8 30-4 47
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Checking parts which cause hydraulic drift of work equipment

3. Checking PPC valve

While the pressure in the accumulator is high,
set the lock lever in the LOCK/FREE position
and test the lowering distance.
a Operate the control lever while the starting
switch is in the ON position.
a If the pressure in the accumulator is lost, run
the engine for about 5 seconds to heighten
the pressure in the accumulator.
a If there is a difference in the lowering dis-
tance between the LOCK position and FREE
position, the PPC valve is defective (it has an
internal defect).

30-4 48 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing and adjusting travel deviation SEN04804-01

Testing and adjusting travel deviation

Inspection a Install an oil pressure gauge and check that

1. Run the engine and heighten the hydraulic oil the P1 and P2 discharge pressures of the hy-
temperature to the operating range and set the draulic pump are even.
machine in the travel posture.
a To set the machine in the travel posture, ex-
tract the bucket cylinder and arm cylinder ful-
ly and set the boom angle to 45 °.

2. Set the working mode to P and travel speed to


3. Run up for 10 m with the engine speed at high

idle and continue travel under the same condi-
tion for 20 m and test the deviation (a).

PC78US-8 30-4 49
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing and adjusting travel deviation

Adjusting 2. Insert hexagonal wrench (1) (Width across flats:

a Travel deviation can be corrected by draining a 4 mm) in adjustment plug (1) or (2).
part of the oil discharged from the pump which a Insert the hexagonal wrench securely.
discharges more oil with the adjustment plugs. 3. Loosen locknut (3), leaving the hexagonal
If the travel deviation is corrected by this method, wrench inserted.
however, the travel speed, work equipment a Before adjusting, mark the position of the
speed in the compound operation, and relief locknut with paint.
pressure lower since the pump discharge is a Loosen the locknut, securing the hexagonal
reduced. wrench.
a The following is the method of correcting devia- q Loosening angle of locknut: Approx. 90 –
tion applied when the machine deviates to the 180 °
right (left) in both travel directions.
a Travel deviation can be corrected by the follow-
ing method only when it is 200 mm or less.

k If the adjustment plug is loosened more than

the adjustment limit, high pressure oil spurts
out. Take care extremely.
k Lower the work equipment to the ground and
stop the engine. Then, loosen the hydraulic
oil filler cap slowly to release the internal
pressure of the hydraulic tank.

1. Check the position of each adjustment plug of

the main pump.
q When the machine deviates to the right:
Loosen adjustment plug (1). 4. Correct the travel deviation by loosening adjust-
q When the machine deviates to the left: Loos-
ment plug (1) or (2).
q Quantity of correction of travel deviation per
en adjustment plug (2).
a Loosen only either plug. Do not loosen both turn of adjustment plug: 150 mm (For refer-
plugs at the same time. ence)
a When the machine is shipped, the adjust-
ment plugs are tightened fully. Adjust the cor-
rection angle by the loosening angle of the
adjustment plugs.
a If the adjustment plug is dragged when the
locknut is loosened, tighten it again.
a The adjustable range of each adjustment
plug is 2 turns / 720° from the tightened po-
5. Tighten locknut (3).
3 Locknut: 2.94 – 4.9 Nm {0.3 – 0.5 kgm}

6. Check for travel deviation again. If the machine

still deviates, adjust again according to the
above procedure.
a Do not loosen the adjustment plugs more
than the adjustable range (2 turns / 720 °).

30-4 50 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Releasing residual pressure from hydraulic circuit SEN04804-01

Releasing residual pressure from 4) Repeat steps 2) and 3) above 2 – 3 times,

hydraulic circuit and the residual pressure in the piping is
released completely.
1. Releasing residual pressure from hydraulic
tank 3. Releasing residual pressure from swing
k Since the hydraulic tank is enclosed and motor circuit
pressurized, release the residual pres- The residual pressure in the swing motor circuit
sure from it when removing a hose or a can be released by performing the operation for
plug connected to it. "Releasing residual pressure from hydraulic
1) Lower the work equipment to the ground in a cylinder circuit" (Operate the lever in the swing
stable position and stop the engine. direction only, however).
2) Remove upper plate (1) of the oil filler cap.
3) Loosen oil filler cap (2) of the hydraulic tank 4. Releasing residual pressure from travel
gradually to release the air in the tank. motor circuit
Since the control valve spool of the travel motor
circuit is open, the pressure in this circuit can be
released by performing "Releasing residual
pressure from hydraulic tank".

2. Releasing residual pressure from hydraulic

cylinder circuit
k When disconnecting a pipe between a hy-
draulic cylinder and the control valve, re-
lease the residual pressure from the
piping according to the following proce-
1) Lower the work equipment and release the
residual pressure from the hydraulic tank.
For details, see "Releasing residual pressure
from hydraulic tank".
a Keep the oil filler cap of the hydraulic tank
2) Turn the starting switch ON and set the lock
lever in the FREE position, and then operate
the right and left work equipment control
levers forward, backward, to the right, and to
the left.
a The control valve is operated by the pres-
sure in the accumulator. The pressure in
the accumulator is used up, however, af-
ter the control valve is operated 2 – 3
3) Run the engine at low idle for 5 seconds to
heighten the pressure in the accumulator.
a The engine does not start until the lock le-
ver is set in the LOCK position once.

PC78US-8 30-4 51
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing oil leakage

Testing oil leakage

a Testing tools for oil leakage 2. Testing oil leakage from arm cylinder
Symbol Part No. Part name 1) Move the arm cylinder to the IN stroke end
Commercially and stop the engine.
S Measuring cylinder
k Release the residual pressure from the
a Test the oil leakage under the following condi- piping on the arm cylinder head side.
tion. For details, see Releasing residual
q Hydraulic oil temperature: Within operating pressure from hydraulic circuit (Oper-
range ate the lever in the arm IN direction on-
ly, however).
1. Testing oil leakage from boom cylinder 2) Disconnect hose (2) on the cylinder head
1) Move the boom cylinder to the RAISE stroke side and block it with a plug.
end and stop the engine. k Take care not to disconnect the hose
k Release the residual pressure from the on the cylinder bottom side.
piping on the boom cylinder head side. a Use the following part to block the hose
For details, see "Releasing residual side.
pressure from hydraulic circuit" (Op- 07376-70522 (Plug #05)
erate the lever in the boom RAISE di-
rection only, however).
2) Disconnect hose (1) on the cylinder head
side and block it with a plug.
k Take care not to disconnect the hose
on the cylinder bottom side.
a Use the following part to block the hose
07376-70422 (Plug #04)

3) Run the engine at high idle and relieve the

arm circuit by moving the arm IN.
k Take care not to "move the arm OUT".
4) Start testing the oil leakage 30 seconds after
relieving is started and test for 1 minute.
5) After finishing test, return the removed parts.

3) Run the engine at high idle and relieve the

boom circuit by raising the boom.
k Take care not to "lower the boom".
4) Start testing the oil leakage 30 seconds after
relieving is started and test for 1 minute.
5) After finishing test, return the removed parts.

30-4 52 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Testing oil leakage SEN04804-01

3. Testing oil leakage from bucket cylinder

1) Move the bucket cylinder to the CURL stroke
end and stop the engine.
k Release the residual pressure from the
piping on the bucket cylinder head
side. For details, see “Releasing resid-
ual pressure from hydraulic circuit”
(Operate the lever in the bucket CURL
direction only, however).
2) Disconnect hose (3) on the cylinder head
side and block it with a plug.
k Take care not to disconnect the hose
on the cylinder bottom side.
a Use the following part to block the hose
side. 2) Disconnect drain hoses (6) and block the
07376-70422 (Plug #04) hose side with plugs.
a Use the following parts to block the hose
07376-70315 (Plug #03)

3) Run the engine at high idle and relieve the

bucket circuit by curling the bucket.
k Take care not to "dump the bucket".
4) Start testing the oil leakage 30 seconds after 3) Turn the swing lock switch ON.
relieving is started and test for 1 minute. 4) Run the engine at high idle and relieve the
5) After finishing test, return the removed parts. swing circuit by swinging.
a Start testing the oil leakage 30 seconds
4. Testing oil leakage from swing motor after relieving is started and test for 1 min-
1) Remove covers (4) and (5). ute.
a After testing 1 time, swing 180 °, and then
test again.
5) After finishing test, return the removed parts.

PC78US-8 30-4 53
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Testing oil leakage

5. Testing oil leakage from travel motor 5) After finishing test, return the removed parts.
1) Remove the travel motor cover.
2) Run the engine, lock the travel mechanism,
and stop the engine.
k Put pin [1] between the sprocket and
track frame to lock the travel mecha-
nism securely.

3) Disconnect drain hose (7) of the travel motor

and block the hose side with a plug.
a Use the following part to block the hose
07376-70315 (Plug #03)

4) Run the engine at high idle, relieve the travel

circuit, and test the oil leakage.
k Before operating the travel lever,
check the position and locking direc-
tion of the locked sprocket again.
k Wrong operation of the lever can
cause an accident. Accordingly, make
signs and checks securely.
a Start testing the oil leakage 30 seconds
after relieving is started and test for 1 min-
a Test several times, moving the motor a lit-
tle (changing the position of the valve
plate and cylinder and that of the cylinder
and piston) each time.

30-4 54 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Bleeding air from each part SEN04804-01

Bleeding air from each part

Air bleeding item
Air bleeding procedure
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bleeding air Checking
Bleeding air Bleeding air Bleeding air
from Starting oil level and
from cylin- from swing from travel
hydraulic engine starting
der motor motor
pump operation
q Replacing hydraulic oil q q
q q q q
q Cleaning strainer (See note) (See note)
q Replacing return filter element q o o o q
q Replacing and repairing hydraulic
pump q q q o o q
q Removing suction piping
q Replacing and repairing control
q q q
Contents of work

valve o o
q Removing control valve piping
q Replacing and repairing cylinder
q q o o q
q Removing cylinder piping
q Replacing and repairing swing
motor q o q o q
q Removing swing motor piping
q Replacing and repairing travel
motor q o o q q
q Removing travel motor piping
q Replacing and repairing swivel
joint q o o o q
q Removing swivel joint piping
Note: Bleed air from the swing motor and travel motor only when the oil in the motor cases is drained.

1. Bleeding air from hydraulic pump 2. Starting engine

1) Loosen air bleeder (1) and check that oil When running the engine after performing step
oozes out through the air bleeder. 1, keep its speed at low idle for 10 minutes.
2) After the oil oozes out, tighten air bleeder (1). a If the engine coolant temperature is low and
3 Air bleeder: the automatic warm-up operation is started,
7.8 – 9.8 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm} stop the engine temporarily and reset the au-
a Do not use an impact wrench to tighten tomatic warm-up operation with the fuel con-
the air bleeder. trol dial (Set the starting switch in the ON
position and hold the fuel control dial in the
MAX position for 3 seconds, and the auto-
matic warm-up operation is reset).

3. Bleeding air from cylinder

a If a cylinder is replaced, bleed air from it be-
fore connecting the work equipment. In par-
ticular, the boom cylinder does not move to
the lowering stroke end, if it is installed to the
work equipment.
1) Run the engine at low idle for about 5
2) While running the engine at low idle, raise
and lower the boom 4 – 5 times.
a Stop the piston rod about 100 mm before
each stroke end. Do not relieve the oil.

PC78US-8 30-4 55
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
SEN04804-01 Bleeding air from each part

4. Bleeding air from swing motor 6. Checking oil level and starting work
a Carry out this step only when the oil in the 1) Run the engine, retract the arm cylinder and
swing motor case was drained. bucket cylinder to the stroke ends, lower the
a If the engine is operated without bleeding air work equipment to the ground, and stop the
from the swing motor, the motor bearing may engine.
be broken.
1) While running the engine at low idle, loosen
the drain hose (2) and tighten it when the oil
flows out.
a Do not swing while working.
2) While running the engine at low idle, swing
evenly to the right and left at least 2 turns

2) Check the oil level by sight gauge (4) on the

rear side of the hydraulic tank.
a If the oil level is below line L, it is insuffi-
cient. Add oil.
a The oil level changes according to the oil
temperature. Add oil when the oil level is
out of the following standard ranges.
q When oil temperature is 10 – 30 °C:
Between line H and line L
5. Bleeding air from travel motor q When oil temperature is 50 – 80 °C:

1) Remove the travel motor cover and discon- Near line H

nect motor drain hose (3).
2) Run the engine at low idle and check that oil
flows out of nipple (4).

30-4 56 PC78US-8
101 Testing and adjusting, Part 1
Adjusting mirrors SEN04804-01

Adjusting mirrors Adjusting mirror (B)

Adjust the mirror so that the operator can see per-
Adjusting mirror (A) sons at 1 m around the machine.
Loosen mirror bolt (2) and adjust the mirror so that (J): 1 m
the operator can see the right and left rear views
best which are blind spots from the operator seat.

a If the mirror is hard to adjust, loosen mirror bolt

3 Bolt (4): 15.7 – 19.6 Nm {1.6 – 2.0 kgm}
a Install the mirror as shown in the following figure.
(E): 170 mm
a Fix mirror stay (1) at the outermost position.
a If the mirror is hard to adjust, loosen mirror bolt
(2) and stay mounting bolt (3).
3 Bolt (2): 15.7 – 19.6 Nm {1.6 – 2.0 kgm}

a Adjust the mirror so that the side of the machine

will be reflected in it as shown below.

a Adjust the mirror so that the side of the machine

will be reflected in it as shown below.

PC78US-8 30-4 57

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04804-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09

30-4 58


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

30 Testing and adjusting 30

102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2

Special functions of machine monitor ............................................................................................................. 2

PC78US-8 30-102 1
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Special functions of machine monitor 1

Air conditioner specification

30-102 2 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Upper section of machine monitor (Display sec-

(a): Multi-display
a When the engine is started, the battery voltage
may lower suddenly, depending on the ambi-
ent temperature and the condition of the bat-
tery. In this case, the machine monitor goes off
for a moment. This phenomenon is not a fail-
ure, however.

Upper section of machine monitor (Switch sec-

[F1]: F1 function switch
[F2]: F2 function switch
[F3]: F3 function switch
[F4]: F4 function switch
[F5]: F5 function switch
[F6]: F6 function switch
a The function of each function switch is indi-
cated by graphic mark in the multi-display (a)
above that function switch.
a If the graphic mark of a function switch is not
displayed, that function switch is not working.

Lower section of machine monitor (Switch sec-

[1]: Numeral 1 input switch/Auto-decelerator
[2]: Numeral 2 input switch/Working mode selector
[3]: Numeral 3 input switch/Travel speed shifting
[4]: Numeral 4 input switch/Alarm buzzer cancel
[5]: Numeral 5 input switch/Wiper switch
[6]: Numeral 6 input switch/Windshield washer
[7]: Numeral 7 input switch/Air conditioner or
heater switch
[8]: Numeral 8 input switch/Air conditioner or
heater switch
[9]: Numeral 9 input switch/Air conditioner or
heater switch
[0]: Numeral 0 input switch/Air conditioner or
heater switch
Switch having no numerals: Air conditioner or
heater switch
a Each switch has the function indicated by
graphic mark and the function of inputting a
a The machine monitor automatically judges
which function of each switch is currently effec-
tive, according to the display condition of multi-

PC78US-8 30-102 3
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

t Ordinary functions and special functions of machine monitor

The machine monitor has the ordinary function and special functions and displays information of various
types on the multi-display.
Some items are displayed automatically according to the internal setting of the machine monitor and the oth-
ers are displayed according to the operation of the switches.
1. Ordinary functions: Operator mode
The items in this mode are displayed ordinarily. The operator can display and set them by operating the
switches (Display and setting of some items need special operations of the switches).
2. Special functions: Service mode
The items in this mode are not displayed ordinarily. Each serviceman can display them by operating the
switches specially. This mode is used for special setting, testing, adjusting, or troubleshooting.

Page Page
t Operator mode (Outline) t Service mode
6p 19p
A Display of KOMATSU logo 6p Monitoring 20p
A Display of inputting password 7p Mechanical Systems 25p
A Display of check of breaker mode 7p Electrical Systems 26p
A Display of check before starting 7p Air-conditioning System 31p
A Display of warning after check before starting 7p Maintenance Record 32p
A Display of ending of maintenance interval 8p Maintenance Mode Change 33p
A Display of check of working mode and travel speed 8p Phone Number Entry 35p
A Display of ordinary screen 8p Key-on Mode 36p
O (Special operation)

A Display of end screen 8p Unit 37p

B Selection of auto-deceleration 9p Default With/Without Attachment 38p
B Selection of working mode 9p Attachment/Maintenance Password 39p
B Selection of travel speed 10p ECO Display 40p
B Operation to stop alarm buzzer 10p Pump Absorption Torque 41p
B Operation of windshield wiper 10p Attachment Flow Adjustment 42p
B Operation of window washer 10p ATT EPC1 current adjustment 42p
B Operation of air conditioner/heater 11p ATT EPC2 current adjustment 42p
B Operation to display clock and service meter 11p ATT EPC3 current adjustment 42p
B Check of maintenance information 12p ATT EPC4 current adjustment 42p
Setting and display of user mode Cylinder Cut-Out 43p
B 12p
(Including KOMTRAX messages for user)
No Injection 44p
C Display of energy-saving guidance 13p
Fuel Consumption 46p
C Display of caution monitor 14p
Terminal Status 47p
C Display of user code and failure code 14p KOMTRAX
GPS & Communication Status 48p
O (Special operation)
MODEM S/N (TH300) 49p
Function of checking display of LCD
D 16p Service Message 50p
(Liquid Crystal Display)
D Function of checking service meter 16p
Function of changing attachment/maintenance
D 17p

30-102 4 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

a Classification of operator mode

A: Display/Function from time when starting switch is turned ON to time when screen changes to ordi-
nary screen and display after starting switch is turned OFF
B: Display/Function when switch of machine monitor is operated
C: Display/Function when certain condition is satisfied
D: Display/Function which needs special operation of switch

PC78US-8 30-102 5
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

t Operator mode (Outline) a Display pattern of operator mode

a Only outline of the operator mode is described The contents of display from the time when
in this section. For details of contents/opera- starting switch is turned ON to time when
tion of each function/display, see the “Struc- screen changes to ordinary screen depends on
ture, function and maintenance standard”, or the setting and condition of the machine.
Operation and Maintenance Manual. A : When engine start lock is set effective
a The following are the displays or functions of B : When engine start lock is set ineffective
the operator mode explained in this section C : When working mode at start is set to
(including some items which need special breaker mode (B)
operations). D : When there is abnormal item in check-
before-starting items
Display pattern E : When there is maintenance item which is
A B C D E not maintained after specified interval
Display of KOMATSU logo 1 1 1 1 1
Display of inputting password 2 — — — —
Display of check of breaker mode — — 2 — —
Display of KOMATSU logo
Display of check before starting 3 2 3 2 2
When the star ting switch is turned ON, the
Display of warning after check
— — — 3 — KOMATSU logo is displayed for 2 seconds.
before starting
a After the KOMATSU logo is displayed for 2
Display of ending of maintenance
— — — — 3 seconds, the screen changes to "Display of
inputting password", or "Display of check
Display of check of working mode
4 3 4 4 4 before starting".
and travel speed
Display of ordinary screen 5 4 5 5 5
Display of end screen
Selection of auto-deceleration
Selection of working mode
Selection of travel speed
Operation to stop alarm buzzer
Operation of windshield wiper
Operation of windshield washer
Operation of air conditioner
Operation to display clock and service meter
Check of maintenance information
Setting and display of user mode (including a The following screen may be displayed instead
KOMTRAX messages for user) of the above “Display of inputting password
Display of energy-saving guidance screen”.
Display of caution monitor a If this screen is displayed, call the person
Display of user code and failure code responsible to operation of KOMTRAX in your
Komatsu distributor and ask for remedy.
O (Special operation)
Function of checking display of LCD (Liquid Crystal
Function of checking service meter
Function of changing attachment/maintenance pass-

30-102 6 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Display of inputting password Display of check before starting

After the KOMATSU logo is displayed, the screen When the screen changes to the check-before-
to input the engine start lock password is displayed. starting screen, the check before starting is carried
a This screen is displayed only when the engine out for 2 seconds.
start lock function is set effective. a If any abnormality is detected by the check
a If the password is input normally, the screen before starting, the screen changes to "Display
changes to "Display of check before starting". of warning after check before starting" or "Dis-
a The machine monitor has some password play of ending of maintenance interval".
functions other than the engine start lock. a If no abnormality is detected by the check
Those functions are independent from one before starting, the screen changes to "Display
another. of check of working mode and travel speed".
a The monitors (2 pieces) displayed on the screen
are the items under the check before starting.

Display of check of breaker mode

When the starting switch is turned ON, if the work-
ing mode is set to the breaker mode [B], a message Display of warning after check before starting
to inform the operator of starting in the breaker If any abnormality is detected by the check before
mode is displayed on the screen. starting, the warning monitor is displayed on the
k If an attachment other than the breaker is screen.
used while the working mode is set to the a The following figure shows that the engine oil
breaker mode [B], the machine may move level monitor (a) is warning of low of engine oil
unexpectedly or may not operate normally level.
or the hydraulic components may be dam-
a After operation to check of the breaker mode is
finished, the screen changes to "Display of check
before starting".
If No is selected: Working mode is set to econ-
omy mode [E].
If Yes is selected: Working mode is set to breaker
mode [B].

PC78US-8 30-102 7
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Display of ending of maintenance interval Display of ordinary screen

When the check before starting is carried out, if a If the machine monitor starts normally, the ordinary
maintenance item is near or after the end of the set screen is displayed.
interval, the maintenance monitor is displayed for a Service meter (a) or a clock is displayed at the
30 seconds to urge the operator to maintenance. center upper section of the screen (The ser-
a This screen is displayed only when the mainte- vice meter or clock is selected with [F4]).
nance function is effective. The color of the a ECO gauge (b) is displayed at the right end of
maintenance monitor (yellow or red) indicates the screen (It is turned ON and OFF in the ser-
the length of the time after the maintenance vice mode).
a Set or change the maintenance function in the
service mode.
a After display of this screen is finished, the
screen changes to "Display of check of work-
ing mode and travel speed".

Display of end screen

When the starting switch is turned OFF, the end
screen is displayed for 5 seconds.
a Another message may be displayed on the
end screen, depending on the message dis-
play function of KOMTRAX.
Display of check of working mode and travel
If the check before starting is finished normally, the
screen to check the working mode and travel speed
is displayed for 2 seconds.
a After display of check of the working mode and
travel speed is finished, the screen changes to
"Display of ordinary screen".

30-102 8 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Selection of auto-deceleration q [F4]: Move to upper working mode

While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the auto- q [F5]: Cancel selection and return to ordi-
deceleration switch is pressed, large auto-deceler- nary screen
ation monitor (a) is displayed for 2 seconds and the q [F6]: Confirm selection and return to ordi-
setting of the auto-deceleration is changed. nary screen
a Each time the auto-deceleration switch is Working mode selector switch
pressed, the auto-deceleration is turned ON q Press: Move to lower working mode
and OFF alternately. q Hold down:Confirm selection and return to
a If the auto-deceleration is turned ON, large ordinary screen
monitor (a) and auto-deceleration monitor (b) a If you do not touch any of the function
are displayed simultaneously. switches and working mode selector
a If the auto-deceleration is turned OFF, auto- switch for 5 seconds, the selection is con-
deceleration monitor (b) goes off. firmed and the screen changes to the ordi-
nary screen.

3. When the ordinary screen is displayed again,

Selection of working mode large working mode monitor (a) is displayed for
Select a working mode according to the following 2 seconds, and then the setting of the working
procedure. mode is changed.
1. While the ordinary screen is displayed, press a When large monitor (a) is displayed, the
the working mode selector switch, and the display of working mode monitor (b) is
working mode selection screen is displayed. changed, too.
a The following figure is the working mode
selection screen displayed when "With
attachment" is set (If "With attachment" is
not set in the service mode, the attach-
ment mode [ATT] is not displayed).

<Precautions for selecting breaker mode [B]>

q If breaker mode [B] is selected, both of the
control of the hydraulic pump and the setting of
the hydraulic circuit are changed.
2. Operate the function switches or working mode q If an attachment other than the breaker is
selector switch to select and confirm the work- used, the machine may move unexpectedly or
ing mode which you will use. may not operate normally or the hydraulic
Function switches components may be damaged.
q [F3]: Move to lower working mode

PC78US-8 30-102 9
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Selection of travel speed Operation of windshield wiper

While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the travel While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the wiper
speed shifting switch is pressed, large travel speed switch is pressed, large wiper monitor (a) is dis-
monitor (a) is displayed for 2 seconds and the set- played for 2 seconds and the windshield wiper
ting of the travel speed is changed. starts or stops.
a Each time the travel speed shifting switch is a Each time the wiper switch is pressed, the
pressed, the travel speed is changed to Lo, Hi, windshield wiper setting is changed to INT,
and Lo again in order. ON, OFF, and INT again in order.
a When large monitor (a) is displayed, the dis- a When large monitor (a) is displayed, the dis-
play of travel speed monitor (b) is changed, play of wiper monitor (b) is changed or turned
too. OFF, too.
a If the windshield wiper is turned OFF, large
monitor (a) is not displayed.

Operation to stop alarm buzzer

While the alarm buzzer is sounding, if the alarm
buzzer cancel switch is pressed, the alarm buzzer Operation of window washer
stops. While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the win-
a Even if the alarm buzzer cancel switch is dow washer switch is pressed, the washing liquid is
pressed, the screen does not change. splashed only while the switch is held down.
a Even if the window washer switch is pressed,
the screen does not change.

30-102 10 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Operation of air conditioner/heater Operation to display clock and service meter

While the ordinary screen is displayed, press the air While the ordinary screen is displayed, press [F4],
conditioner switch and the air conditioner adjust- and section (a) changes to the service meter and
ment screen is displayed. clock alternately.
a While the air conditioner adjustment screen is a When the clock is selected, adjust the time, set
displayed, if you do not touch any switch for 5 12-hour or 24-hour display, and set the sum-
seconds, the screen changes to the ordinary mer time with the user mode function.
a Air conditioner specification

PC78US-8 30-102 11
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Check of maintenance information Setting and display of user mode

While the maintenance monitor or ordinary screen (Including KOMTRAX messages for user)
is displayed, press [F5], and the maintenance table While the ordinary screen is displayed, press [F6],
screen is displayed. and the user menu screen is displayed.

a To reset the time left after finishing mainte- a There are following items in the user menu.
nance, more operations are necessary.
Breaker/Attachment Settings
User Message
Screen Adjustment
Clock Adjustment
Economy Mode Adjustment

a The breaker/attachment setting menu is dis-

played only when "With attachment" is set in
the service mode.

30-102 12 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

[KOMTRAX message] Display of energy-saving guidance

q There are 2 types of KOMTRAX message; 1 is When the machine is set in a certain operating con-
for the user and the other is for the service. dition, the energy-saving guidance screen is dis-
q For user: played automatically to urge the operator to the
A message transmitted from the KOMTRAX energy-saving operation.
base station for the user. If it is received, the a The energy-saving guidance is displayed when
message monitor is displayed on the ordinary the following condition is satisfied while the
screen. To see the contents of the message, display setting is set effective in the service
operate "User Message" in the above user mode.
menu. a Condition for display:
q For service: Engine is running + All levers have been in
A message transmitted from the KOMTRAX neutral for 5 minutes + Caution (Note) or user
base station for the service. Even if it is code is not generated (Note).
received, nothing is displayed on the ordinary Note: Excluding hydraulic oil low temperature
screen. To see the contents of the message, caution.
operate "KOMTRAX message" display in the a If any lever or pedal is operated, or [F5] is
service menu. pressed, the screen returns to the ordinary

PC78US-8 30-102 13
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Display of caution monitor Display of user code and failure code

If an abnormality which displays a caution monitor If an abnormality which displays a user code and a
occurs on the ordinary screen or camera mode failure code occurs on the ordinary screen, all the
screen, the caution monitor is displayed large for a information of the abnormality is displayed.
moment and then displayed at (a) in the screen. (a): User code (3 digits)
(b): Failure code (5 or 6 digits)
(c): Telephone mark
(d): Telephone No.
a This screen is displayed only when an abnor-
mality (failure code) for which a user code is
set occurs.
a The telephone mark and telephone No. are
displayed only when the telephone No. is reg-
istered in the service mode.
a If multiple abnormalities occur simultaneously,
all the codes are displayed repeatedly in order.
a Since the information of the displayed failure
code is recorded in the abnormality record in
the service mode, check the details in the ser-
vice mode.

a When the caution monitor is also displayed,

the telephone mark is not displayed.

30-102 14 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

a Remedies given by displayed user codes to operator to take (The following table is an excerpt from the
Operation and Maintenance Manual)
User code Failure mode Action
When emergency pump drive switch is at the up (emergency)
E02 Pump control system error position, normal operations become possible, but have
inspection carried out immediately.
E03 Swing brake system error Have inspection carried out immediately.
Engine controller power source error
E10 Engine controller drive system circuit error Have inspection carried out immediately.
(engine stopped)
Engine controller system error Operate machine to a safe posture and have inspection carried
Output reduced to protect engine out immediately.
Operate machine to a safe posture and have inspection carried
E14 Abnormality in throttle system
out immediately.
Engine sensor (coolant temperature, fuel Operations are possible, but have inspection carried out
pressure, oil pressure) system error immediately.
Operations are possible, but have inspection carried out
E20 Abnormality in travel system
Operate machine to a safe posture and have inspection carried
E0E Network error
out immediately.

PC78US-8 30-102 15
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Function of checking display of LCD (Liquid Function of checking service meter

Crystal Display) To check the service meter while the starting switch
While the ordinary screen is displayed, if the follow- is turned OFF, operate the numeral input switches
ing numeral input switch and function switch are as follows. At this time, only the service meter sec-
operated as follows, all the LCD (Liquid Crystal Dis- tion displays.
play) lights up in white. q Operation of switches (simultaneous): [4] + [1]
q Operation of switches (simultaneous): [4] + [F2] a Since there is some time lag in start of the
a When finishing the operation of the switches, LCD, hold down the switches until the LCD dis-
release [F2] first. plays normally.
a If there is a display error in the LCD, only that a After the machine monitor is used continu-
part is indicated in black. ously, blue points (points which do not go off)
a The LCD panel sometimes has black points may be seen on this screen. This phenomenon
(points which are not lighted) and bright points does not indicate a failure or a defect.
(points which do not go off) for the reason of its
characteristics. If the number of the bright
points and black points does not exceed 10,
those points are not a failure or a defect.
a To return to the former screen, press the func-
tion switch.

30-102 16 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Function of changing attachment/maintenance 3. After the New password input screen is dis-
password played, input a new password with the numeral
When changing the attachment/maintenance pass- input switches and confirm it with the function
word used for the attachment setting function and switch.
maintenance setting function, follow these proce- a Set a new password of 4 – 6 digits (If it
dures. has only 3 or less digits or has 7 or more
1. While the ordinary screen is displayed, perform digits, it is not accepted).
the following operation with the numeral input q [F5]: Reset input numeral/Return to ordi-
switches. nary screen
q Operation of switches (While pressing [4], q [F6]: Confirm input numeral
perform the operation in order):
[4] + [5] o [5] o [5]
a This operation of the switches is not
accepted until 10 minutes pass after the
starting switch is turned on.

4. After the New password input screen is dis-

played again, input a new password again with
the numeral input switches and confirm it with
the function switch.
q [F5]: Reset input numeral/Return to ordi-
2. After the Attachment/Maintenance PASS- nary screen
WORD screen is displayed, input the current q [F6]: Confirm input numeral
password with the numeral input switches and a If a password different from the password
confirm it with the function switch. input before is input, the message to input
q [F5]: Reset input numeral/Return to ordi- again is displayed.
nary screen
q [F6]: Confirm input numeral
a Default password: [000000]
a If the input password is correct, the screen
changes to the next screen.
a If the input password is incorrect, the mes-
sage to input the password again is dis-

PC78US-8 30-102 17
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

5. If the screen to notify completion of setting is

displayed and then the ordinary screen is dis-
played, the password is changed successfully.

30-102 18 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

t Service mode a The items which can be selected in the

To change the operator mode to the service mode, service menu are as follows (including
perform the following operation. some items which need special opera-
This operation is always required when you use the tions).
service mode. 01 Monitoring
Mechanical Systems
1. Check of display of screen and operation of 02 Abnormality
switches Electrical Systems
While the ordinary screen is displayed, perform Air-conditioning System
the following operation with the numeral input 03 Maintenance Record
04 Maintenance Mode Change
q Operation of switches (While pressing [4],
perform the operation in order): 05 Phone Number Entry
[4] + [1] o [2] o [3] Key-on Mode
a This operation of the switches is accepted Unit
only while the ordinary screen is displayed.
With/Without Attachment
06 Default
ECO Display
Pump Absorption Torque
07 Adjustment
Attachment Flow Adjustment
08 Cylinder Cut-Out
09 No Injection
10 Fuel Consumption
Terminal Status
GPS & Communication Status

2. Selection of service menu 12 Service Massage

When the Service menu screen is displayed,
the service mode is selected. Select a service
menu you use with the function switches or
numeral input switches.
q [F3]: Move to lower menu
q [F4]: Move to upper menu
q [F5]: Return to ordinary screen (operator
q [F6]: Confirm selection
a You may enter a 2-digit code with the
numeral input switches to select the menu
of that code and confirm it with [F6].

PC78US-8 30-102 19
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

The machine monitor can monitor the condition of
the machine in real time by receiving signals from
various switches, sensors, and actuators installed
to many parts of the machine and the information
from the controllers which are controlling switches,

1. Selecting menu
Select "Monitoring" on the service menu

3. Deciding monitoring items

After selecting monitoring items, execute moni-
toring with the function switch or numeral input
a Execution with function switch: Double-
click or hold down [F6] (about 2 seconds).
a Execution with numeral input switch: Input
[99999] and press [F6].
a When monitoring only 2 items, for exam-
ple, select them and confirm with [F6]. If
[F6] is pressed once more at this time,
2. Selecting monitoring items monitoring is executed.
After the "Monitoring selection menu screen" is a If monitoring items are selected up to the
displayed, select items to be monitored with limit number, monitoring is executed auto-
t he f u nc t i o n s wi t c h e s or nu m e r a l i np u t matically.
q [F1]: Move to next page (screen)
q [F2]: Move to previous page (screen)
q [F3]: Move to lower item
q [F4]: Move to upper item
q [F5]: Reset input numeral/Return to ser-
vice menu screen
q [F6]: Confirm selection
a Selection with function switches: Select an
item with [F3] or [F4] and confirm it with
a Selection with numeral input switches:
Enter a 5-digit code, and the item of that
code is selected directly. Confirm that item
with [F6].
a If the color of the selected box changes
from yellow to red, selection of the item of
that box is confirmed.
a Up to 6 monitoring items can be selected
at a time. You may not able to set up to 6
items, however, depending on the display
form of those items.

30-102 20 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

4. Executing monitoring 6. Changing machine setting mode

After the "Executing monitoring screen" is dis- To change the setting of the working mode,
played, perform the necessary operation of the travel speed, or auto-deceleration during moni-
machine and check the monitoring information. toring, operate the corresponding switch under
a Monitoring information is indicated by the current condition, and the mode setting
value, ON/OFF, or special display. screen is displayed.
a The unit of display can be set to SI unit, While this screen is displayed, if the corre-
metric unit, or inch unit with the Initializa- sponding switch is operated further, the corre-
tion function in the service mode. sponding mode is changed.
a After finishing changing the setting, press
[F6] to return to the monitoring information
a If the setting is changed during monitoring,
the new setting is held even after the
screen returns to the ordinary screen after
monitoring is finished.

5. Holding monitoring information

The monitoring information can be held and
reset with the function switches.
q [F3]: Reset holding
q [F4]: Hold information (displayed data)
q [F5]: Return to monitoring selection menu

PC78US-8 30-102 21
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Monitoring items table

Unit (Initial setting: ISO) Com-
Code ponent
Monitoring item (Display on screen) Remarks
No. ISO meter inch in
00200 Controller model select — Pump
00201 Machine ID — ENG
01002 Engine speed r/min rpm rpm ENG
01601 2nd eng. speed command r/min rpm rpm PUMP
01100 Pump pressure MPa kg/cm2 psi PUMP
07101 Travel PPC Pressure MPa kg/cm2 psi PUMP
09001 Swing left PPC Pressure MPa kg/cm2 psi PUMP
09002 Swing right PPC Pressure MPa kg/cm2 psi PUMP
04107 Coolant temperature °C °C °F ENG
04401 Hyd oil temperature °C °C °F PUMP
01300 PC-EPC sol current mA mA mA PUMP
01700 Attachment sol current mA mA mA PUMP
03200 Battery voltage V V V PUMP
03203 Battery power supply V V V ENG
04300 Battery charge vol. V V V MON
36400 Rail pressure MPa kg/cm2 psi ENG
37400 Ambient pressure kPa kg/cm2 psi ENG
18500 Charge temperature °C °C °F ENG
All items (including the
ambient pressure) are
36500 Boost Pressure kPa kg/cm 2
psi ENG
indicated by absolute
36700 Engine torque ratio % % % ENG
18700 Engine output torque Nm kgm lbft ENG
03000 Fuel dial pos sens volt V V V ENG
04200 Fuel level sensor volt V V V MON
04105 Eng. Water Temp. Vol. Lo V V V ENG
04402 Hydr. Temp. Sensor Vol. V V V PUMP
37401 Ambient press sens volt V V V ENG
18501 Charge temp sens volt V V V ENG
36501 Charge press sens volt V V V ENG
36401 Rail pressure sens volt V V V ENG
17500 Engine power mode — ENG
31701 Throttle position % % % ENG
31706 Final throttle position % % % ENG
18600 Inject fueling command mg/st mg/st mg/st ENG
36200 Rail press command MPa kg/cm2 psi ENG
36300 Injection timing command CA CA CA ENG
37300 Fuel rate (Note 1) l/h l/h gal/h ENG
01602 2nd eng. speed command % % % PUMP
13113 Main pump absorb torque Nm kgm lbft PUMP
15900 Boom bottom pressure MPa kg/cm2 psi PUMP
Boom lower ON, OFF PUMP
Boom raise ON, OFF PUMP
01900 Pressure switch 1
Arm curl (IN) ON, OFF PUMP
Arm dump (OUT) ON, OFF PUMP
Bucket curl ON, OFF PUMP
01901 Pressure switch 2 Bucket dump ON, OFF PUMP
Service ON, OFF PUMP

30-102 22 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Unit (Initial setting: ISO) Com-

Code ponent
Monitoring item (Display on screen) Remarks
No. ISO meter inch in
01902 Pressure switch 3
Blade Down ON, OFF PUMP
Swing Brake ON, OFF PUMP
02300 Solenoid valve 1 Merge-divider ON, OFF PUMP
Travel speed ON, OFF PUMP
02200 Switch input 1 Swing Release Sw ON, OFF PUMP
Blade Spec ON, OFF PUMP
02201 Switch input 2
Overload Alarm ON, OFF PUMP
02202 Switch input 3 Key Switch (ACC) ON, OFF PUMP
02203 Switch input 4
Lock Lever Sw ON, OFF PUMP
Window Limit SW. ON, OFF PUMP
02204 Switch input 5 P Limit SW. ON, OFF PUMP
03701 Controller output 2 Travel Alarm ON, OFF PUMP
Key switch ON, OFF MON
04500 Monitor input Preheat ON, OFF MON
Rad. Level ON, OFF MON
04501 Monitor input 2 Battery charge ON, OFF MON
Monitor function F3 ON, OFF MON
switches F4 ON, OFF MON
Monitor 1st & 2nd SW3 ON, OFF MON
row switches SW4 ON, OFF MON
Monitor 3rd & 4th SW9 ON, OFF MON
row switches SW10 ON, OFF MON
Monitor 5th row
04506 SW14 ON, OFF MON
20216 ECM build version — ENG
20217 ECM calibration data ver — ENG
18900 ECM internal temp °C °C °F ENG
20400 ECM serial No — ENG
20227 Monitor ass'y P/N — MON
20402 Monitor serial No — MON
20228 Monitor prog. P/N — MON
20229 Pump con ass'y P/N — PUMP

PC78US-8 30-102 23
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Unit (Initial setting: ISO) Com-

Code ponent
Monitoring item (Display on screen) Remarks
No. ISO meter inch in
20403 Pump con serial No — PUMP
20230 Pump con. prog P/N — PUMP

a Entry order of items in table

The items are entered in the order of display on the monitoring selection menu screen.
a Unit
The display unit can be set to ISO, meter, or inch freely (Set it with unit selecting in Initialization of the
service menu).
CA in the display unit is an abbreviation for crankshaft angle.
mg/st in the display unit is an abbreviation for milligram/stroke.
a Component in charge
MON: The machine monitor is in charge of detection of monitoring information.
ENG: The engine controller is in charge of detection of monitoring information.
PUMP: The pump controller is in charge of detection of monitoring information.
Note 1: The momentary fuel consumption (Code No.: 37300) means the theoretical fuel consumption (Since
it is a theoretical value, it is a little different from the actual fuel consumption).

30-102 24 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Abnormality Record (Mechanical Systems) 3. Information displayed on "Abnormality Record"

The machine monitor classifies and records the screen
abnormalities which occurred in the past or which On the "Mechanical Systems" screen, the fol-
are occurring at present into the mechanical sys- lowing information is displayed.
tems, electrical systems, and air-conditioning sys- (a) : Occurrence order of abnormalities from
tem or heater system. latest one/Total number of records
To check the mechanical system abnormality (b) : Failure code
record, perform the following procedures. (c) : Contents of trouble
(d) : Number of occurrence time (Displayable
1. Selecting menu range: 0 – 65,535 times)
Select "Abnormality Record" on the "Service (e) : Service meter reading at first occurrence
Menu" screen. (f) : Service meter reach at last occurrence
q [F1]: Move to next page (screen) (if dis-
q [F2]: Move to previous page (screen) (if
q [F5]: Return to abnormality record screen
a If no abnormality record is recorded, "No
abnormality record" is displayed.
a If the number of occurrence time is 1 (first
occurrence), the service meter reading at
the first occurrence and that at the last
occurrence are the same.
a If [E] is displayed on the left of a failure
code, the abnormality is still occurring or
resetting of it has not been confirmed.
a For all the failure codes that the machine
2. Selecting sub menu monitor can record, see the Failure code
After the "Abnormality Record" screen is dis- table in "Abnormality Record (Electrical
played, select "Mechanical Systems" with the Systems)".
function switches or numeral input switches.
q [F3]: Move to lower item
q [F4]: Move to upper item
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen
q [F6]: Confirm selection
a You may enter a 2-digit code with the
numeral input switches to select the record
of that code and confirm it with [F6].
a The following figure shows the display of
the air conditioner specification. The
heater specification and heaterless speci-
fication are different from each other in the
display of "03 Air-conditioning System",
which may not be displayed in the heater-
less specification.
4. Resetting abnormality record
The contents of the mechanical system abnor-
mality record cannot be reset.

PC78US-8 30-102 25
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Abnormality Record (Electrical Systems)

The machine monitor classifies and records the
abnormalities which occurred in the past or which
are occurring at present into the mechanical sys-
tems, electrical systems, and air-conditioning
To check the electrical system abnormality record,
perform the following procedures.

1. Selecting menu
Select "Abnormality Record" on the "Service
Menu" Screen.

3. Information displayed on "Abnormality Record"

On the "Electrical Systems" screen, the follow-
ing information is displayed.
(a) : Occurrence order of abnormalities from
latest one/Total number of records
(b) : Failure code
(c) : Contents of trouble
(d) : Number of occurrence time (Displayable
range: 0 – 65,535 times)
(e) : Service meter reading at first occurrence
(f) : Service meter reach at last occurrence
q [F1]: Move to next page (screen) (if dis-
2. Selecting sub menu played)
After the "Abnormality Record" screen is dis- q [F2]: Move to previous page (screen) (if
played, select "Electrical Systems" with the displayed)
function switches or numeral input switches. q [F3]: Move to lower item
q [F3]: Move to lower item q [F4]: Move to upper item
q [F4]: Move to upper item q [F5]: Return to "Abnormality Record" screen
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen a If no Abnormality Record is recorded, "No
q [F6]: Confirm selection abnormality record" is displayed.
a You may enter a 2-digit code with the a If the number of occurrence time is 1 (first
numeral input switches to select the occurrence), the service meter reading at
record of that code and confirm it with the first occurrence and that at the last
[F6]. occurrence are the same.
a The following figure shows the display of a If [E] is displayed on the left of a failure
the air conditioner specification. The code, the abnormality is still occurring or
heater specification and heaterless speci- resetting of it has not been confirmed.
fication are different from each other in the a For all the failure codes that the machine
display of "03 Air-conditioning System", monitor can record, see the “Failure code
which may not be displayed in the heater- table”.
less specification.

30-102 26 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

4. Resetting abnormality record 3) After the "Electrical Sys. Error Reset"

1) While the "Electrical Systems" screen is screen is displayed, operate the function
displayed, perform the following operation switches.
with the numeral input switches. q [F5]: Return to "Electrical systems"
q Operation of switches (While pressing screen (Reset mode)
[4], perform the operation in order): q [F6]: Execute reset
[4] + [1] o [2] o [3] a The following figure shows the screen
displayed when the items are reset
one by one (which is a little different
from the screen displayed when all
the items are reset together).

2) Check that the screen is set in the reset

mode, and then reset the items one by
one or together with the function switches.
a If the screen is set in the reset mode,
[CLEAR] graphic mark is indicated at 4) If the screen to notify completion of reset
[F2]. is displayed and then the "Electrical Sys-
q [F2]: Reset all items tems" (reset mode) screen is displayed,
q [F3]: Move to lower item the reset of the abnormality record is com-
q [F4]: Move to upper item pleted.
q [F5]: Return to abnormality record a After a while, the screen returns to
screen the "Electrical Systems" screen.
q [F6]: Reset selected item
a To reset items one by one: Select the
item to be reset with [F3] or [F4] and
press [F6].
a To reset all items together: Press [F2],
and all the items are reset, regardless
of selection of the items.
a If [E] is displayed on the left of a fail-
ure code, the resetting operation is
accepted but the information is not

PC78US-8 30-102 27
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Failure code table

Failure code Trouble (Display on screen) Component in charge Category in charge
989L00 Engine controller lock caution 1 MON Electrical system
989M00 Engine controller lock caution 2 MON Electrical system
989N00 Engine controller lock caution 3 MON Electrical system
AB00KE Charge voltage low MON Mechanical system
B@BAZG Eng oil press. low ENG Mechanical system
B@BCNS Eng coolant overheat ENG Mechanical system
B@HANS Hydr oil overheat PUMP Mechanical system
E10 CA111 ECM critical internal failure ENG Electrical system
E10 CA115 Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA122 Charge air press sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA123 Charge air press sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA131 Throttle sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA132 Throttle sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA144 Coolant temp. sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA145 Coolant temp. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA153 Charge air temp. sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA154 Charge air temp. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA187 Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA221 Ambient air press. sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA222 Ambient air press. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA227 Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error ENG Electrical system
CA234 Eng. overspeed ENG Mechanical system
E15 CA238 Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA271 IMV/PCV 1 short error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA272 IMV/PCV 1 open error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA322 Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA324 Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA331 Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA332 Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA351 Inj. drive circuit error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA352 Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA386 Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA435 Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch ENG Electrical system
E10 CA441 Battery voltage low error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA442 Battery voltage high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA449 Rail press. very high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA451 Rail press. sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA452 Rail press. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA553 Rail press. high error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA559 Rail press. low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA689 Eng. Ne speed sensor error ENG Electrical system

30-102 28 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Failure code Trouble (Display on screen) Component in charge Category in charge
E15 CA731 Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA757 All persistent data lost error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA778 Eng. Bkup speed sensor error ENG Electrical system
E0E CA1633 KOMNET datalink timeout error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA2185 Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA2186 Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA2249 Rail press. very low error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA2311 IMV solenoid error ENG Electrical system
D110KB Battery relay drive short PUMP Electrical system
D19JKZ Personal code relay abnormality MON2 Electrical system
D862KA GPS antenna discon MON2 Electrical system
E0E DA22KK Pump solenoid power low error PUMP Electrical system
DA25KP 5 V sensor 1 power abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DA26KP 5 V sensor 2 power abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DA29KQ Model selection abnormality PUMP Electrical system
E0E DA2RMC CAN discon (Pump controller detected) PUMP Electrical system
DAFGMC GPS module error MON2 Electrical system
E0E DAFRMC CAN discon (Monitor detected) MON Electrical system
DGH2KB Hydr oil sensor short PUMP Electrical system
DHPAMA Pump press sensor abnormality PUMP Electrical system
E20 DHS5KX Travel PPC Sensor Abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DHSAMA Swing RH PPC Press Sensor Abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DHSBMA Swing LH PPC Press Sensor Abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DHX1MA Overload sensor abnormality (Analog) PUMP Electrical system
DV20KB Travel alarm S/C PUMP Electrical system
DW43KA Travel speed sol discon PUMP Electrical system
DW43KB Travel speed sol short PUMP Electrical system
E03 DW45KA Swing brake sol discon PUMP Electrical system
E03 DW45KB Swing brake sol short PUMP Electrical system
DWJ0KA Merge-divider sol discon PUMP Electrical system
DWJ0KB Merge-divider sol short PUMP Electrical system
E02 DXA8KA PC-EPC sol discon PUMP Electrical system
E02 DXA8KB PC-EPC sol short PUMP Electrical system
DY20KA Wiper working abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DY20MA Wiper parking abnormality PUMP Electrical system
DY2CKA Washer drive open circuit PUMP Electrical system
DY2CKB Washer drive short circuit PUMP Electrical system
DY2DKB Wiper drive (fwd) short circuit PUMP Electrical system
DY2EKB Wiper drive (rev) short circuit PUMP Electrical system

PC78US-8 30-102 29
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

a Entry order of items in table

The items are entered in the order of their failure codes (incremental order).
a User code
Attached : If the failure code is detected, the user, failure code, and telephone No. (if registered) are
displayed on the ordinary screen to notify the operator of the abnormality.
Not attached: Even if the failure code is detected, the machine monitor does not notify the operator of
the abnormality.
a Component in charge
MON: The machine monitor is in charge of detection of abnormality.
MON2: The KOMTRAX section of the machine monitor is in charge of detection of abnormality.
ENG: The engine controller is in charge of detection of abnormality.
PUMP: The pump controller is in charge of detection of abnormality.
a Category of record
Mechanical system: Abnormality information is recorded in the mechanical system abnormality record.
Electrical system: Abnormality information is recorded in the electrical system abnormality record.

30-102 30 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Abnormality Record (Air-conditioning System) 3. Information displayed on "Abnormality Record"

The machine monitor classifies and records the screen
abnormalities which occurred in the past or which On the "Air-conditioning System" screen, the
are occurring at present into the mechanical sys- following information is displayed.
tems, electrical systems, and air-conditioning (a): System/Component name
abnormalities. (b): Number of occurrence time
To check the air-conditioning abnormality record or (c): Condition (Normal or abnormal)
heater abnormality record, perform the following q [F2]: Reset abnormality record
procedures. q [F5]: Return to abnormality record screen
If [E] is displayed on the left of a condition,
1. Selecting menu the abnormality is still occurring or reset-
Select "Abnormality Record" on the "Service ting of it has not been confirmed.
Menu" screen. If CAN disconnection is displayed in Com-
munication condition, communication can-
not be carried out normally. Accordingly,
the conditions of other items are turned

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "Abnormality Record" screen is dis-
played, select "Air-conditioning System" or
"Heater System" with the function switches or
numeral input switches. 4. Resetting abnormality record
q [F3]: Move to lower item While the "Abnormality Record" screen is dis-
q [F4]: Move to upper item played, press [F2], and the number of occur-
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen rence time of abnormality is reset. If it is
q [F6]: Confirm selection confirmed at this time that the abnormality has
a You may enter a 2-digit code with the been reset, the display changes to Normal.
numeral input switches to select the
record of that code and confirm it with

PC78US-8 30-102 31
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Maintenance Record a The following items can be selected in the

The machine monitor records the maintenance maintenance record.
information of the filters, oils, etc., which the opera- 01 Engine oil change
tor can display and check by the following opera- 02 Engine oil filter change
tions. When maintenance is carried out, if the data
03 Fuel main filter change
are reset in the operator mode, the number of the
41 Fuel pre-filter change
times of maintenance is recorded in this section.
04 Hydraulic oil filter change
05 Hydraulic tank breather change
1. Selecting menu 06 Corrosion resistor change
Select "Maintenance Record" on the "Service 07 Damper case service
Menu" screen. 08 Final drive case oil change
09 Machinery case oil change
10 Hydraulic oil change

3. Items displayed on maintenance record screen

The following items are displayed.
(a) : Maintenance items
(b) : Number of times of replacement up to now
(c) : Service meter reading (SMR) at previous

2. Selecting maintenance record item

After the "Maintenance Record" screen is dis-
played, select an item to be checked with the
function switches or numeral input switches.
q [F1]: Move to next page (screen)
q [F2]: Move to previous page (screen)
q [F3]: Move to lower item
q [F4]: Move to upper item
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen
a You may enter a 2-digit code with the
numeral input switches to select the item
of that code.

30-102 32 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Maintenance Mode Change a The following items can be selected on

The operating condition for maintenance function in the “Maintenance Mode Change” screen.
the operation mode can be set and changed with 00 Maintenance mode on/off
this menu. 01 Engine oil change int.
q Set function effective or ineffective
02 Engine oil filter change int.
q Change set replacement interval (by items)
03 Fuel main filter change int.
q Initialize all set replacement intervals
41 Fuel pre filter change int.
1. Selecting menu 04 Hyd oil filter change int.
Select of "Maintenance Mode Change" on the 05 Hyd tank breather change int.
"Service Menu" screen. 06 Corrosion resistor change int.
07 Damper case service int.
08 Final drive case oil change int.
09 Machinery case change int.
10 Hydraulic oil change int.
99 Initialize all items

3. Contents of setting of “Maintenance Mode On/

After selecting "Maintenance Mode On/Off", if
the screen is displayed, set ON or OFF with
the function switches.
q ON: Functions of all maintenance items
are set effective in operator mode
2. Selecting sub menu q OFF: Functions of all maintenance items
After the "Maintenance Mode Change" screen are set ineffective in operator mode
is displayed, select an item to change the set- q [F3]: Move to lower item
ting with the function switches or numeral input q [F4]: Move to upper item
switches. q [F5]: Cancel selection and return to
q [F1]: Move to next page (screen) “Maintenance Mode Change” screen
q [F2]: Move to previous page (screen) q [F6]: Confirm selection and return to
q [F3]: Move to lower item “Maintenance Mode Change” screen
q [F4]: Move to upper item a Even if ON/OFF of each item has been
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen set, if the above setting is changed, it is
a You may enter a 2-digit code with the applied.
numeral input switches to select the item
of that code and confirm it with [F6].

PC78US-8 30-102 33
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

4. Contents of setting of each maintenance item a If the set value of an item set to "ON" is
After selecting each maintenance item, if the changed after 1 or more operating hours
screen is displayed, set the item with the func- since the start of setting, the change is
tion switches. recognized as a resetting operation.

q Initial value: Maintenance interval set in

machine monitor (Recommended by man- 5. Function of initializing all items
ufacturer and not changeable). After selecting "All Default Value", if the screen
q Set value: Maintenance interval which can is displayed, set with the function switches.
be set freely. Maintenance functions in
operator mode operate on basis of this set
time (which is increased or decreased by
50 hours).
q ON: Maintenance function of this item is
set effective in operator mode.
q OFF: Maintenance function of this item is
set ineffective in operator mode.
q [F3]: Select Reduce set value (Upper) or
OFF (Lower).
q [F4]: Select Increase set value (Upper) or
ON (Lower).
q [F5]: Cancel setting before confirmation
and return to “Maintenance Mode
q If this operation is executed, the set val-
Change” screen.
ues of all the maintenance items are ini-
q [F6]: Confirm setting of upper or lower line.
a After the setting of the upper and lower
q [F5]: Return to “Maintenance Mode
lines is confirmed with [F6] and the screen
Change” screen
chang es to the “ Maintena nce M ode
q [F6]: Execute initialization
Change” screen with [F5], the setting is
a A while after [F6] is pressed, the initializa-
tion completion screen is displayed. Then,
if the "Maintenance Mode Change" screen
is displayed, initialization is completed.

30-102 34 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Phone Number Entry a If [F6] is pressed without inputting a digit,

The telephone No. displayed when the user code/ there is not information of telephone No.
failure code is displayed in the operator mode can Accordingly, no telephone No. is displayed
be input and changed according to the following in the operator mode.
If a telephone No. is not input with this function, no
telephone No. is displayed in the operator mode.

1. Selecting menu
Select "Phone Number Entry" on the "Service
Menu" screen.

2. Registering and changing telephone No.

After the "Phone Number Entry" screen is dis-
played, register or change the telephone No.
q [F2]: Reset all input No.
q [F3]: Move to left position (if not blank)
q [F4]: Move to right position (if not blank)
q [F5]: Reset input digit/Return to service
q [F6]: Confirm input

a Up to 14 digits can be input from the left.

Input nothing in the surplus positions.
a If one of the input digits is wrong, move to
that digit (orange background) and over-
write it with the correct digit.

PC78US-8 30-102 35
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Default (Key-on Mode) 3. Selecting mode

Check or change various settings related to the After the "Key-on Mode" screen is displayed,
machine monitor and machine by "Default". select the mode to be set with the function
The function of working mode with key ON is used switches.
to set the working mode displayed on the machine q Power Mode: [P] is displayed when key is
monitor when the starting switch is turned ON. ON
q Economy Mode: [E] is displayed when key
1. Selecting menu is ON
Select "Default" on the "Service Menu" screen. q Lifting Mode: [L] is displayed when key is
q Breaker Mode: [B] is displayed when key
is ON
q Attachment Mode: [ATT] is displayed
when key is ON
q Mode at Previous Key-off: Final mode in
previous operation is displayed when key
is ON
q [F3]: Move to lower item
q [F4]: Move to upper item
q [F5]: Cancel selection and return to
"Default" screen
q [F6]: Confirm selection and return to
"Default" screen
a When the machine is delivered, "Mode at
2. Selecting sub menu Previous Key-off" is set.
After the "Default" screen is displayed, select a If "With attachment" is not set, the attach-
"Key-on Mode" with the function switches or ment mode cannot be selected.
numeral input switches. a While Attachment mode [ATT] is selected,
a Select this item similarly to an item on the if "Without attachment" is set, Power
"Service Menu" screen. mode [P] is displayed when the key is
turned ON.
a If the engine is stopped while breaker
mode [B] is selected in the operator mode,
Breaker mode [B] is always displayed,
regardless of the above setting.

30-102 36 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Default (Unit) 3. Selecting unit

Check or change various settings related to the After the "Unit" screen is displayed, select the
machine monitor and machine by "Default". unit to be set with the function switches.
The unit selecting function is used to select the unit q [F3]: Move to lower unit
of the data displayed for monitoring, etc. q [F4]: Move to upper unit
q [F5]: Cancel selection and return to
1. Selecting menu "Default" screen
Select "Default" on the "Service Menu" screen. q [F6]: Confirm selection and return to
"Default" screen
a When the machine is delivered, the “SI
Unit” system is set.

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "Default" screen is displayed, select
"Unit" with the function switches or numeral
input switches.
a Select this item similarly to an item on the
"Service Menu" screen.

PC78US-8 30-102 37
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Default (With/Without Attachment) 3. Selecting With/Without

Check or change various settings related to the After the "With/Without Attachment" screen is
machine monitor and machine by "Default". displayed, select the setting with the function
The "With/Without Attachment" function is used to switches.
set an installed or a remove attachment. q Without Attachment:
When attachment is not installed
1. Selecting menu q With 1 Attachment:
Select "Default" on the "Service Menu" screen. When attachment 1 is installed
q With 2 Attachment:
When attachments 1 and 2 are
q [F3] : Move to lower item
q [F4] : Move to upper item
q [F5] : Cancel selection and return to
Default screen
q [F6] : Confirm selection and return to
Default screen

a When an attachment is installed, if this

setting is not carried out normally, the
attachment cannot be set in the operator
mode. As a result, the attachment may not
work normally or the hydraulic compo-
2. Selecting sub menu nents may have trouble.
After the "Default" screen is displayed, select
"With/Without Attachment" with the function
switches or numeral input switches.
a Select this item similarly to an item on the
"Service Menu" screen.

30-102 38 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Default (Attachment/Maintenance Password) 3. Selecting Disable/Enable

Check or change various settings related to the After the “Attachment/Maintenance Password”
machine monitor and machine by "Default". screen is displayed, select the setting with the
The function of setting attachment/maintenance function switches.
password is used to set the display of the password q Disable : Password screen is not dis-
screen when the functions related to the attach- played
ment and maintenance are used in the operator q Enable : Password screen is displayed
mode. q [F3] : Move to lower item
q [F4] : Move to upper item
1. Selecting menu q [F5] : Cancel selection and return to
Select "Default" on the "Service Menu" screen. "Default" screen
q [F6] : Confirm selection and return to
"Default" screen

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "Default" screen is displayed, select
"Attachment/Maintenance Password" with the 4. Displaying “Attachment/Maintenance Pass-
function switches or numeral input switches. word” screen
a Select this item similarly to an item on the When the following operation is performed, the
"Service Menu" screen. password screen is displayed in the operator
q Maintenance mode: The Maintenance
table screen is changed to the Mainte-
nance interval reset screen.
q User mode: On the User menu screen, the
Breaker/Attachment setting menu is
selected and the screen is changed to the
Attachment setting menu screen.

5. Changing attachment/maintenance password

The password can be changed by operating
the switches specially in the operator mode.
a See Attachment/Maintenance password
changing function in the operator mode.
a Default password: [000000]
a If the password setting is changed from
Enable to Disable, the password is reset
to the default. When Enable is set again,
be sure to set a new password.
a The attachment/maintenance password is
different from the engine start lock pass-

PC78US-8 30-102 39
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Default (ECO Display) a If ECO display is turned ON, ECO is dis-

Check or change various settings related to the played when the screen changes to the
machine monitor and machine by "Default". ordinary screen. Even if the energy saving
The ECO display setting function is used to set the guidance is turned ON, however, it is not
display of the ECO gauge and energy saving guid- displayed if the condition for display is not
ance. satisfied on the ordinary screen.

1. Selecting menu
Select "Default" on the "Service Menu" screen.

a Display of ECO gauge (a)

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "Default" screen is displayed, select
"ECO Display" with the function switches or
numeral input switches.
a Select this item similarly to an item on the
"Service Menu" screen.

a Display of energy saving guidance

3. Selecting display setting

After the "ECO Display" screen is displayed,
select the setting with the function switches.
q ON : Display ECO
q OFF: Do not display ECO
q [F3] : Move to left item
q [F4] : Move to right item
q [F5] : Cancel setting before confirmation
and return to "Default" screen
q [F6] : Confirm selection in each line
a After confirming the setting of the upper
and lower lines with [F6], return to the
"Default" screen with [F5], and the setting
is effective.

30-102 40 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Adjustment (Pump Absorption Torque) 3. Selecting absorption torque

The operator can adjust various items related to the After the "Pump Absorption Torque" screen is
machine with the machine monitor. displayed, select a set value on the right side
The pump absorption torque function is used to with the function switches.
finely adjust the absorption torque on the hydraulic q Set value: For actual torque adjustment
pump. value, see table
q [F3]: Increase set value
1. Selecting menu q [F4]: Decrease set value
Select "Adjustment" on the "Service Menu" q [F6]: Confirm setting and return to Adjust-
screen. ment menu screen
a The 3 digits on the left side do not vary
since they are the code of this function.

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "Adjustment" screen is displayed,
select "Pump Absorption Torque" with the func- a Relationship between set value and
tion switches or numeral input switches. torque adjustment value
a Select this item similarly to an item on the Set
"Service Menu" screen. Code Torque adjustment value
000 +39.2 Nm {+4 kgm}
001 +29.4 Nm {+3 kgm}
002 +19.6 Nm {+2 kgm}
003 +9.8 Nm {+1 kgm}
022 004 0 Nm {0 kgm}
005 –9.8 Nm {–1 kgm}
006 –19.6 Nm {–2 kgm}
007 –29.4 Nm {–3 kgm}
008 –39.2 Nm {–4 kgm}

PC78US-8 30-102 41
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Adjustment (Attachment Flow Adjustment) 3. Selecting distribution of oil flow

The operator can adjust various items related to the After the screen of "Attachment Flow Adjust-
machine with the machine monitor. ment" is displayed, select a set value on the
The function of "Attachment Flow Adjustment" is right side with the function switches.
used to finely adjust the oil flow to the attachment in q [F3]: Increase set value
compound operation. q [F4]: Decrease set value
1. Selecting menu q [F6]: Confirm setting and return to Adjust-
Select "Adjustment" on the "Service Menu" ment menu screen
screen. a The 3 digits on the left side do not vary
since they are the code of this function.

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "Adjustment" screen is displayed, a Relationship between set value and distri-
select "Attachment Flow Adjustment" with the bution of flow to attachment
function switches or numeral input switches. Set Distribution of flow to
a Select this item similarly to an item on the Code
value attachment
"Service Menu" screen. 000 50 %
001 70 %
002 100 %
003 40 %

30-102 42 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

Cylinder Cut-Out
The operator can perform "Cylinder Cut-Out" oper-
ation with the machine monitor.
"Cylinder Cut-Out" operation means to run the
engine with 1 or more fuel injectors disabled electri-
cally to reduce the number of effective cylinders.
This operation is used to find out a cylinder which
does not output power normally (combustion in it is

1. Selecting menu
Select "Cylinder Cut-Out" on the "Service
Menu" screen.

3. Resetting Cut-Out cylinder

When changing a cylinder to be Cut-Out or
when Cylinder Cut-Out operation is finished,
select a Cut-Out cylinder to be reset with the
function switches.
a This operation may be performed while
the engine is running.
a When [F6] is pressed, if background (a) of
the selected cylinder No. becomes blue,
the cylinder is reset.
a If the machine monitor resets a Cut-Out
cylinder but the engine controller cannot
reset that Cut-Out cylinder, the background
2. Selecting cylinder to be disabled (a) of the cylinder No. becomes red.
After the "Cylinder Cut-Out" screen is dis- a The Cut-Out operation is not automatically
played, select a cylinder to be Cut-Out with the reset after the screen returns to the opera-
function switches. tor mode. Accordingly, be sure to perform
q [F1]: Move selection mark (R) to left the resetting operation after the cylinder
q [F2]: Move selection mark (R) to right cut-out operation is finished.
q [F3]: Reset holding
q [F4]: Hold 4. Function of holding displayed information
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen If [F4] is pressed during the cylinder Cut-Out
q [F6]: Confirm selection operation, the displayed information is newly
a This operation may be performed while held (c) (The real-time information is kept dis-
the engine is running. played on the left side).
a When [F6] is pressed, if background (a) of While the information is held, if [F3] is pressed,
the selected cylinder No. becomes white, the holding function is reset.
the cylinder is Cut-Out. a The holding function is effective, regard-
a If the machine monitor Cut-Out a cylinder less of setting of the reduced cylinder
but the engine controller cannot Cut-Out mode operation.
that cylinder, the background (a) of the
cylinder No. becomes yellow.
a One or more cylinders can be Cut-Out.
a In the cylinder Cut-Out operation, the
auto-deceleration function can be
selected. If the auto-deceleration is turned
ON, auto-deceleration monitor (b) is dis-

PC78US-8 30-102 43
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

[Reference] No Injection
q If a normally operating cylinder is Cut-Out, If the engine is operated after long storage of the
the following phenomena occur. machine, it may be worn or damaged because of
1) Lowering of engine speed insufficient lubrication with oil. To prevent this, the
2) Increase of final injection rate com- function to lubricate the engine before starting it by
mand (quantity) cranking it without injecting fuel is installed.
q If the engine is running near the high idle, Set the no-injection cranking while the engine is
however, the engine speed may not lower stopped.
for the reason of engine control.
q In this case, lower the engine speed with 1. Selecting menu
the fuel control dial and judge by increase Select "No Injection" on the "Service Menu"
of the injection rate command. screen.

2. Displaying check screen

If the "No injection" screen is displayed, the
machine monitor asks the operator if no injec-
tion cranking should be performed. Answer
with the function switch.
q [F5]: Do not perform (Return to Service
menu screen)
q [F6]: Perform
a While the screen is changing to the follow-
ing screen, the screen of "Communication
between controllers is being checked" is

30-102 44 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

3. Starting no injection cranking 5. Prohibiting no injection cranking

If no injection cranking (Fuel injection in no cyl- If the operator tries to perform the no injection
inders) becomes effective, that is displayed on cranking while the engine is running, the mes-
the screen. Under this condition, crank the sage that the “Engine is running” is displayed
engine with the starting motor. and the no injection cranking is not set effec-
a While the screen is changing to the follow- tive.
ing screen, the screen of "Setting is being a This function can be selected even while
prepared" is displayed. the engine is running. If the no injection
a Limit the cranking time to 20 seconds to cranking is performed, however, the mes-
protect the starting motor. sage of "Engine is running" is displayed
on the screen.

4. Finishing no injection cranking

After completing the no injection cranking
operation, press [F6], and finish of no injection
cranking is displayed and the screen returns to
the "Service Menu" screen automatically.

PC78US-8 30-102 45
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Fuel Consumption 3. Display and function during test

This function calculates the hourly fuel consump- Clock mark (a) flashes during test.
tion from the actual fuel consumption in a testing a While the fuel consumption is being
period and indicates it. tested, the operator can work with the
1. Selecting menu operator mode and other functions. Test is
Select "Fuel Consumption" on the "Service not finished until this screen is displayed
Menu" screen. again and [F1] is pressed (Even if the
starting switch is turned OFF, this function
is kept effective, although fuel consump-
tion is tested only while the engine is run-

2. Starting test
After the screen of "Fuel Consumption" is dis-
played, start test with the function switches.
q [F1]: Start
q [F2]: Clear 4. Finishing test
q [F5]: Return to Service menu screen Press [F1], and test is finished and the data
a When the screen of “Fuel consumption” is are displayed on the finishing date and time
displayed, if a data is indicated, it is the side.
data of the previous test. This data is not
an obstacle to new test and can be reset 5. Displaying fuel consumption
by pressing [F2]. If the test is finished, the hourly fuel consump-
a If [F1] is pressed, the data is displayed on tion calculated from the fuel consumption cal-
the starting date and time side and test culated by the engine controller and the
starts. elapsed time are displayed.

a The display unit of the fuel changes

according to the unit set with the default
(unit setting) function.
SI and meter: l/h
inch: gal/h

30-102 46 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

KOMTRAX Settings (Terminal Status) 3. Contents of display of terminal status

The setting condition and operating condition of On the "Terminal Status" screen, the following
K O MTRA X c an be c hec k ed wi th Di sp lay of items are displayed.
KOMTRAX setting. q Terminal type: Model name of KOMTRAX
Setting condition of terminal is used to check the communication MODEM
setting condition of the KOMTRAX terminal. q KOMTRAX communication: Executing con-
dition of station opening inspection
1. Selecting menu q GMT time: Greenwich Mean Time
Select "KOMTRAX Settings" on the "Service q [F5]: Return to KOMTRAX settings screen
Menu" screen.

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "KOMTRAX Settings" screen is dis-
played, select "Terminal Status" with the func-
tion switches or numeral input switches.
a Select this item similarly to an item on the
Service menu screen.
a The following figure shows the display when
Model TH300 KOMTRAX is installed. When
TH200/TH201 is installed, "03 IP Address"
is displayed.

PC78US-8 30-102 47
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

KOMTRAX Settings (GPS & Communication Status) 3. Contents of display of “GPS & Communication
The setting condition and operating condition of Status”
KOMTRAX can be checked with "KOMTRAX Set- On the screen of "GPS & Communication Sta-
tings". tus", the following items are displayed.
GPS & communication status is used to check the q Positioning: Positioning condition of GPS
condition of positioning and communication of the q Communication: Communication environ-
KOMTRAX terminal. ment of communication MODEM and con-
necting condition of communication
1. Selecting menu MODEM
Select "KOMTRAX Settings" on the "Service q Number of message not yet sent: Number
Menu" screen. of mails which are saved in machine mon-
itor and not transmitted yet
q [F5]: Return to KOMTRAX settings screen

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "KOMTRAX Settings" screen is dis-
played, select “GPS & Communication Status”
with the function switches or numeral input
a Select this item similarly to an item on the
"Service Menu" screen.
a The following figure shows the display when
Model TH300 KOMTRAX is installed. When
TH200/TH201 is installed, "03 IP Address" is

30-102 48 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

KOMTRAX Setting (MODEM S/N: TH300) 3. Contents of display of Modem S/N

The setting condition and operating condition of The serial No. of TH300 Modem is displayed.
K O MT RA X c a n b e c he c k e d wi t h d i s p l ay o f q [F5]: Return to KOMTRAX settings screen
"KOMTRAX Settings".
MODEM S/N is used to check the serial No. of the
KOMTRAX communication MODEM.

1. Selecting menu
Select "KOMTRAX Settings" on the "Service
Menu" screen.

2. Selecting sub menu

After the "KOMTRAX Settings" screen is dis-
played, select "Modem S/N" with the function
switches or numeral input switches.
a Select this item similarly to an item on the
"Service Menu" screen.

PC78US-8 30-102 49
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
SEN04805-00 Special functions of machine monitor

Service Message 3. Display of message (with return mail function)

Special messages for the serviceman sent from the If a box to enter a value with the numeral keys
KOMTRAX base station (a distributor, etc.) can be is displayed under the message, enter a
checked with this function. proper number with the numeral input switches
If there is setting in a message, a return mail can be and function switches and confirm it, and the
sent by using numeral input switches. information is returned to the KOMTRAX base
1. Operation to display menu q [F5]: Return to service menu screen
Select "Service Message" on the service menu q [F6]: Confirm and return input value
screen. a This message is different from a message
transmitted to the operator in the operator
a Since this message is special for the ser-
viceman, the message monitor is not dis-
played when it is received as in the
operator mode.

2. Display of message (Read-only)

If there is a message, its contents are dis-
played. If there is not a message, "No mes-
sage" is displayed.
q [F5]: Return to service menu screen
a This message is different from a message
transmitted to the operator in the operator
a Since this message is special for the ser-
viceman, the message monitor is not dis-
played when it is received as in the
operator mode.

30-102 50 PC78US-8
102 Testing and adjusting, Part 2
Special functions of machine monitor SEN04805-00

PC78US-8 30-102 51

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04805-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

30-102 52


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

30 Testing and adjusting 30

103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3

Handling voltage circuit of engine controller ................................................................................................... 2
Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system .............................................................................. 3
Procedure for testing diodes ........................................................................................................................... 8
Pm Clinic service ............................................................................................................................................ 9

PC78US-8 30-103 1
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
SEN04806-00 Handling voltage circuit of engine controller

Handling voltage circuit of engine

controller 1

1. Before disconnecting or connecting a connec-

tor between the engine controller and engine,
be sure to turn the starting switch OFF.

2. If a T-adapter is inserted in or connected to a

connector between the engine controller and
engine for troubleshooting, do not start the
a You may turn the starting switch to the
OFF or ON position but must not turn it to
the START position.

30-103 2 PC78US-8
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system SEN04806-00

Preparation work for 3) Insert or connect troubleshooting T-adapt-

troubleshooting of electrical ers in or to connectors CM01, CM02, and
CM03 of machine monitor (3).
system 1
a Connectors CM02 and CM03 are of
a When carrying out troubleshooting of an elec- the same type. When returning them,
tric circuit related to the machine monitor, check the mark plates of the mount-
e n g i n e c o n t r o l l e r, p u m p c o n t r o l l e r, o r ing brackets and take care not to
KOMTRAX communication MODEM, expose make a wrong connection.
the related connectors according to the follow-
ing procedure.
a Disconnect and connect the connectors having
special locking mechanisms according to the
procedure shown below.

1. Machine monitor
1) Remove 3 mounting bolts and cover (1).
a One of the mounting bolts is installed
in the cover on the right of the sun-
light sensor.
a While removing the mounting bolts,
disconnect connector P31 of the sun-
light sensor.

2. Engine controller
1) Open the engine hood.
a The engine controller is installed to
the counterweight.
2) Insert or connect troubleshooting T-adapt-
ers in or to connectors CE01, CE02, and
CE03 of engine controller (4).
a Connectors CE01 and CE02 are fixed
with screws. When disconnecting
them, loosen the screws.
a When returning connectors CE01 and
CE02, tighten the screws to the spec-
ified torque.
3 Screw: 3 ± 1 Nm {0.3 ± 0.1 kgm}
2) Remove 1 mounting bolt and duct (2).

PC78US-8 30-103 3
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
SEN04806-00 Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system

3. Pump controller
1) Slide the operator's seat and seat stand to
the forward end.
2) Remove cover (1).

4. KOMTRAX communication module

1) Slide the operator's seat and seat stand to
the forward end.
2) Remove cover (1).
3) Connect the troubleshooting adapters to
connectors C01 and C02 of pump control-
a Install the adapters to only the wiring
harness side.

3) Connect troubleshooting T-adapters to con-

nectors CK01 and CK02 of KOMTRAX
communication module (2).
a Cable (3) is for the communication
a The pump controller connector has a
special locking mechanism. Discon-
nect it according to procedures (a) –
( c ) s ho wn b el ow an d co nne c t i t
according to procedures (d) – (f).
Disconnection: (a) Unlock – (b)
Slide lever – (c) Disconnect connec-
Connection: (d) Position connector –
(e) Slide lever – (f) Lock.

30-103 4 PC78US-8
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system SEN04806-00

5. Engine Ne speed sensor (Crank sensor) 6. Boost pressure and temperature sensor
Engine Bkup speed sensor (Cam sensor) (Boost press & IMT)
Engine oil pressure switch (Oil pressure a Disconnection and connection of con-
switch) nector
a Disconnection and connection of con- The connector of the boost pressure and
nectors temperature sensor has a special locking
The connectors of the engine Ne speed mechanism. Disconnect it according to
sens or, e ngine Bk up s peed sens or, steps (a) – (b) and connect it according to
engine oil pressure switch have a special steps (c) – (d) as shown below.
locking mechanism. Disconnect them Disconnection: (a) Unlock – (b) Discon-
according to steps (a) – (c) and connect nect connector.
them according to steps (d) – (f) as shown Connection: (c) Connect connector – (d)
below. Lock.
Disconnection: (a) Slide lever – (b)
Unlock – (c) Disconnect connector.
Connection: (d) Connect connector – (e)
Lock – (f) Slide lever.

a Removal and installation of sensor

A torque wrench is necessary for removal
and installation of the boost pressure and
temperature sensor. See "Tools for test-
a Removal and installation of sensor ing, adjusting, and troubleshooting".
A deep socket is necessary for removal
and installation of the engine oil pressure
switch. See "Tools for testing, adjusting,
and troubleshooting".

PC78US-8 30-103 5
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
SEN04806-00 Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system

7. Supply pump IMV solenoid (Fuel regulator) a Precautions for connecting connector
a Disconnection and connection of con- Take care not to connect the connector
nector reversely.
The connector of the supply pump IMV Engage lock (e) on the wiring harness side
solenoid has a special locking mecha- with triangular notch (f) on the sensor side
nism. Disconnect it according to steps (a) (Do not engage lock (e) with square guide
– (b) and connect it according to steps (c) (g) on the opposite side of triangular notch
– (d) as shown below. (f)).
Disconnection: (a) Unlock – (b) Discon-
nect connector.
Connection: (c) Connect connector – (d)

8. Common rail pressure sensor (Fuel rail

a Disconnection and connection of con-
a Precautions for disconnecting connector The connector of the common rail pres-
The direction of the lock of the connector sure sensor has a special locking mecha-
varies with the tightened position of the nism. Disconnect it according to steps (a)
sensor and the lock may be in a direction – (b) and connect it according to steps (c)
in which it is difficult to reset (on the under- – (d) as shown below.
side or engine side). Disconnection: (a) Unlock – (b) Discon-
In this case, pinch the lock in direction (a) nect connector.
with bent-nose nippers [1] (commercially Connection: (c) Connect connector – (d)
available), and the lock is reset. Lock.
Since the lock clicks when it is reset, dis-
connect the connector after a click is heard.

30-103 6 PC78US-8
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
Preparation work for troubleshooting of electrical system SEN04806-00

9. Engine coolant temperature sensor (Cool-

ant temp)
a Disconnection and connection of con-
The connector of the engine coolant tem-
perature sensor has a special locking
mechanism. Disconnect it according to
steps (a) – (b) and connect it according to
steps (c) – (d) as shown below.
Disconnection: (a) Unlock – (b) Discon-
nect connector.
Connection: (c) Connect connector – (d)

a Removal and installation of sensor

A deep socket is necessary for removal
and installation of the engine coolant tem-
perature sensor. See "Tools for testing,
adjusting, and troubleshooting".

PC78US-8 30-103 7
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
SEN04806-00 Procedure for testing diodes

Procedure for testing diodes 1

a Test the assembled-type diode (8-pin) and the

single diode (2-pin) according to the following
a The conductive directions of the assembled-
type diode are as follows.

2. When using analog circuit tester

1) Set the tester in the resistance range.
2) Apply the leads of the tester as explained
below and check the movement of the
i) Apply the red (+) lead of the tester to
a The conductive direction of the single diode is the anode (P) side of the diode and
indicated on the surface of the diode. apply the black (–) lead to the cath-
ode (N) side.
ii) Apply the red (+) lead of the tester to
the cathode (N) side of the diode and
apply the black (–) lead to the anode
(P) side.
3) Judge the condition of the diode by the
movement of the pointer.
q The pointer does not move in i) but
moves in ii): The diode is normal (The
moving range (resistance) depends
on the type and selected range of the
tester, however).
q The pointer moves in both i) and ii):
The diode is defective (Internal short
1. When using digital circuit tester q The pointer moves in neither of i) and
1) Set the tester in the diode range and ii): The diode is defective (Internal
check the indicated value. disconnection).
a When an ordinary circuit tester is
used, the voltage of the internal bat-
tery is indicated.
2) Apply the red (+) lead of the tester to the
anode (P) side of the diode and apply the
black (–) lead to the cathode (N) side and
check the indicated value.
3) Judge the condition of the diode by the
indicated value.
q The indicated value does not change:
The diode does not have conductivity
q The indicated value changes:
The diode has conductivity (Normal).
Note: In the case of a silicon diode, a
value in the range from 460 to 600 is indi-

30-103 8 PC78US-8
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
Pm Clinic service SEN04806-00

Pm Clinic service 1

Model name Serial No. Service meter

T PC78US-8 h
User's name Date of execution Inspector

/ /

Main components Attachments Shoe width
Boom T Standard T ( ) T Breaker T 450 mm T( )
Arm T Standard T ( ) T( ) T 600 mm
Bucket T Standard T ( ) T( )
Check of oil/coolant level
T Radiator coolant When necessary
T Machinery case oil
T Engine oil T Damper case oil
T( )
T Hydraulic oil T Final drive case oil
Ambient temperature Altitude

°C m

Operator's opinion

Result of visual inspection

Mechanical equipment system fault history Electrical equipment system fault history
989EKX times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h
AB00KE times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h
B@BAZG times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h
B@BAZK times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h
B@BCNS times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h
B@HANS times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h
CA234 times/1st time h/last h times/1st time h/last h

Max. range of engine coolant temperature gauge Max. range of hydraulic oil temperature gauge

PC78US-8 30-103 9
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
SEN04806-00 Pm Clinic service

Check sheet (PC78US-8)

Model Serial No. Service meter User's name Date of execution Inspector
/ /

1. Engine
Checking condition
Standard Mea-

Service limit

No. Check item Fuel Work- Auto- Unit value for new sured
Operation of work value
control ing decel- machine value
dial mode eration
1 Engine speed rpm 1,900 – 2,000 1,900 – 2,000
Engine oil MAX All levers in neutral MPa 0.34 – 0.59 0.25
pressure {kg/cm2} {3.5 – 6.0} {2.5}
3 Engine speed rpm 1,150 – 1,200 1,150 – 1,200
Engine oil MIN All levers in neutral MPa Min. 0.18 0.15
pressure {kg/cm2} {Min. 1.8} {1.5}

2. Work equipment speed

Checking condition
Standard Mea-

Service limit

No. Check item Fuel Work- Unit value for new sured
control ing Checking posture, etc. value
machine value
dial mode
1 Boom RAISE Work equipment extended fully sec 3.1 – 3.7 Max. 4.2
2 Arm IN sec 2.9 – 3.6 Max. 4.0
Boom top horizontal
3 Arm OUT sec 3.1 Max. 3.3
Boom top horizontal
4 Bucket CURL sec 2.8 – 3.6 Max. 4.0
MAX P Arm cylinder retracted fully
Work equipment extended fully
5 Swing (5 turns) sec 27 – 33 Max. 35
Swing right and left
One side of track LO STD sec 32 – 40 Max. 43
6 pushed up and turned
(5 idle turns) HI STD sec 19 – 23 Max. 25
forward and backward

3. Hydraulic drift of work equipment

Checking condition Standard Mea-

Service limit

No. Check item Unit value for new sured

Checking posture, etc. value
machine value
Boom top horizontal
Hydraulic drift of
1 Engine stopped Arm cylinder retracted fully mm/5 min. Max. 350 Max. 600
bucket tip
Bucket loaded

30-103 10 PC78US-8
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
Pm Clinic service SEN04806-00

4. Hydraulic circuit
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Checking condition
600K 600K 600K 600K 60K 60K

No. Checked part
Fuel Work- Pump for
Operation of work Pump Pump main Pump Pump
control ing Control swing and
equipment main 1 2 LS 1 LS 2
dial mode blade
1 Pilot relief valve All lever in neutral — — — — —

2 Main relief valve Arm OUT relief — — — — —

3 Unload valve All levers in neutral — — — — —

D1 D2
4 LS valve Bucket CURL full — — — —
(Bladeless (Blade
Right swing relief — — — —
specifica- specifica-
Swing motor tion) tion)
safety valve E E
(Bladeless (Blade
Left swing relief — — — —
specifica- specifica-
tion) tion)

Checked oil pressure Unit Standard value for new machine Service limit value
A (Control circuit basic pressure) 3.14 ± 0.3 {32 ± 3} 3.14 ± 0.5 {32 ± 3}
B (Work equipment relief pressure) 26.5 ± 1 {270 ± 10} 26.5 ± 1.5 {270 ± 15}
Standard value

C (Unload pressure) 2.45 – 4.41 {25 – 45} 2.45 – 4.41 {25 – 45}
D (LS differential pressure when
Approx. 2.11 {Approx. 21.5} Approx. 2.11 {Approx. 21.5}
bucket control lever operated) MPa
{kg/cm2} Blade
20.6 ± 1 {210 ± 10} 20.6 ± 1.5 {210 ± 15}
E (Swing relief pressure)
22.6 ± 1 {230 ± 10} 22.6 ± 1.5 {230 ± 15}
F (Travel relief pressure) 26.5 ± 1 {270 ± 10} 26.5 ± 1.5 {270 ± 15}

* Gauge changing work: Change hoses of gauges [3] and [4].

[1] [2] [3a] [4a] [5] [6]
Checking condition
600K 600K 600K 600K 60K 60K
No. Check item
Fuel Work- Pump for
Pump Pump Pump Pump
control ing Operation of work equipment Control swing
main 1 main 2 LS 1 LS 2
dial mode and blade
H1 H1 H2 H2
6 Servo piston MAX P Arm OUT relief — —
Standard value

Checked oil pressure Unit Standard value for new machine Service limit value

H1 : H2 = 1 : 0.25
H (Servo control pressure) —
(Oil pressure ratio)

PC78US-8 30-103 11
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
SEN04806-00 Pm Clinic service

* Gauge changing work: Change [3] and [4] to 60K and change hoses of [3], [4], and [5].
[1] [2] [3b] [4b] [5a]
Checking condition
600K 600K 60K 60K 60K

No. Check item
Fuel Work-
Pump Pump Pump Pump
control ing Operation of work equipment Control
main 1 main 2 LS 1 LS 2
dial mode
J1 J1
MIN — — —
J2 J2
— — —
7 PC-EPC valve All levers in neutral
J3 J3
MAX E — — —

J4 J4
L — — —

Checked oil pressure Unit Standard value for new machine Service limit value
Standard value

J1 (PC-EPC valve output pressure 1) Approx. 2.8 {Approx. 29}

J2 (PC-EPC valve output pressure 2) MPa Approx. 1.1 {Approx. 12}
J3 (PC-EPC valve output pressure 3) {kg/cm2} Approx. 2.3 {Approx. 24}
J4 (PC-EPC valve output pressure 4) Approx. 1.4 {Approx. 14}

30-103 12 PC78US-8
103 Testing and adjusting, Part 3
Pm Clinic service SEN04806-00

PC78US-8 30-103 13

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04806-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

30-103 14


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

100 Failure code table and fuse locations

Failure code table ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Fuse locations................................................................................................................................................. 4

PC78US-8 40-100 1
100 Failure code table and fuse locations
SEN04807-00 Failure code table

Failure code table 1

User Component Reference

Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) Category of record
code in charge documents No.
— 989L00 Engine controller lock caution 1 MON Electrical system
— 989M00 Engine controller lock caution 2 MON Electrical system
— 989N00 Engine controller lock caution 3 MON Electrical system
— AB00KE Charge voltage low MON Mechanical system
— B@BAZG Eng oil press. low ENG Mechanical system
— B@BCNS Eng coolant overheat ENG Mechanical system
— B@HANS Hydr oil overheat PUMP Mechanical system
E10 CA111 ECM critical internal failure ENG Electrical system
E10 CA115 Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA122 Charge air press sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA123 Charge air press sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA131 Throttle sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA132 Throttle sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA144 Coolant temp. sensor high error ENG Electrical system Troubleshooting
by failure code,
E15 CA145 Coolant temp. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
Part 1
E15 CA153 Charge air temp. sensor high error ENG Electrical system SEN04809-00
E15 CA154 Charge air temp. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA187 Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA221 Ambient air press. sensor high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA222 Ambient air press. sensor low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA227 Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error ENG Electrical system
— CA234 Eng. overspeed ENG Mechanical system
E15 CA238 Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA271 IMV/PCV1 short error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA272 IMV/PCV1 open error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA322 Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA324 Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA331 Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA332 Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA351 Inj. drive circuit error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA352 Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA386 Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA435 Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch ENG Electrical system
E10 CA441 Battery voltage low error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA442 Battery voltage high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA449 Rail press. very high error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA451 Rail press. sensor high error ENG Electrical system Troubleshooting
E11 CA452 Rail press. sensor low error ENG Electrical system by failure code,
E15 CA553 Rail press. high error ENG Electrical system Part 2
E15 CA559 Rail press. low error ENG Electrical system SEN04810-00
E15 CA689 Eng. Ne speed sensor error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA731 Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error ENG Electrical system
E10 CA757 All persistent data lost error ENG Electrical system
E15 CA778 Eng. Bkup speed sensor error ENG Electrical system
E0E CA1633 KOMNET datalink timeout error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA2185 Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error ENG Electrical system
E14 CA2186 Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error ENG Electrical system

40-100 2 PC78US-8
100 Failure code table and fuse locations
Failure code table SEN04807-00

User Component Reference

Failure code Trouble (Displayed on screen) Category of record
code in charge documents No.
E11 CA2249 Rail press. very low error ENG Electrical system
E11 CA2311 IMV solenoid error ENG Electrical system
— D110KB Battery relay drive short PUMP Electrical system
E01 D19JKZ Personal code relay abnormality MON2 Electrical system Troubleshooting
by failure code,
— D862KA GPS antenna discon MON2 Electrical system
Part 2
E0E DA22KK Pump solenoid power low error PUMP Electrical system SEN04810-00
— DA25KP 5 V sensor 1 power abnormality PUMP Electrical system
— DA26KP 5 V sensor 2 power abnormality PUMP Electrical system
— DA29KQ Model selection abnormality PUMP Electrical system
E0E DA2RMC CAN discon (Pump controller detected) PUMP Electrical system
— DAFGMC GPS module error MON2 Electrical system
E0E DAFRMC CAN discon (Monitor detected) MON Electrical system
— DGH2KB Hydr oil sensor short PUMP Electrical system
— DHPAMA Pump press sensor abnormality PUMP Electrical system
E20 DHS5KX Travel PPC Sensor Abnormality PUMP Electrical system
— DHSAMA Swing RH PPC Press Sensor Abnormality PUMP Electrical system Troubleshooting
— DHSBMA Swing LH PPC Press Sensor Abnormality PUMP Electrical system by failure code,
— DHX1MA Overload sensor abnormality (Analog) PUMP Electrical system Part 3
— DV20KB Travel alarm S/C PUMP Electrical system SEN04811-00
— DW43KA Travel speed sol discon PUMP Electrical system
— DW43KB Travel speed sol short PUMP Electrical system
E03 DW45KA Swing brake sol discon PUMP Electrical system
E03 DW45KB Swing brake sol short PUMP Electrical system
— DWJ0KA Merge-divider sol discon PUMP Electrical system
— DWJ0KB Merge-divider sol short PUMP Electrical system
E02 DXA8KA PC-EPC sol discon PUMP Electrical system
E02 DXA8KB PC-EPC sol short PUMP Electrical system
— DY20KA Wiper working abnormality PUMP Electrical system Troubleshooting
— DY20MA Wiper parking abnormality PUMP Electrical system by failure code,
— DY2CKA Washer drive open circuit PUMP Electrical system Part 4
— DY2CKB Washer drive short circuit PUMP Electrical system SEN04812-00
— DY2DKB Wiper drive (fwd) short circuit PUMP Electrical system
— DY2EKB Wiper drive (rev) short circuit PUMP Electrical system

a Entry order of items in table

The items are entered in the order of their failure codes (incremental order).
a User code
Attached : If the failure code is detected, the user code, failure code, and telephone No. (if regis-
tered) are displayed on the ordinary screen to notify the operator of the abnormality.
Not attached: Even if the failure code is detected, the machine monitor does not notify the operator of
the abnormality.
a Component in charge
MON: The machine monitor is in charge of detection of abnormality.
MON2: The KOMTRAX section of the machine monitor is in charge of detection of abnormality.
ENG: The engine controller is in charge of detection of abnormality.
PUMP: The pump controller is in charge of detection of abnormality.
a Category of record
Mechanical system: Abnormality information is recorded in the mechanical system abnormality record.
Electrical system: Abnormality information is recorded in the electrical system abnormality record.

PC78US-8 40-100 3
100 Failure code table and fuse locations
SEN04807-00 Fuse locations

Fuse locations 1

Connection table of fuse box

a This connection table shows the devices to which each power supply of the fuse box supplies power (A
switch power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the ON position and
a constant power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the OFF and ON
a When carrying out troubleshooting related to the electrical system, you should check the fuses and fus-
ible links to see if the power is supplied normally.

<North America specification>

Type of power supply Fusible link Fuse No. Destination of power
1 10 A Resistor
2 30 A Solenoid valve
Switch power supply 3 15 A Cigarette lighter
(45 A)
4 10 A Windshield washer
5 10 A Horn
6 5A Working lamp relay
7 10 A Beacon (if equipped)
Switch power supply 8 20 A Working lamp
(45 A)
9 10 A Radio, speaker
10 5A Air conditioner
11 20 A Air conditioner unit
F02 12 10 A Optional power supply (1)
Switch power supply
(45 A) 13 10 A Optional power supply (2), power supply of 12 volt
14 10 A Spare
15 5A Air conditioner
F03 16 10 A Radio backup, room lamp
Constant power supply
(45 A) 17 20 A Machine monitor, pump controller, starting switch
18 30 A Engine controller
Starting switch 19 5A Engine controller
Switch power supply
ACC 20 5A PPC oil pressure lock solenoid

40-100 4 PC78US-8
100 Failure code table and fuse locations
Fuse locations SEN04807-00

<EU specification>
Type of power supply Fusible link Fuse No. Destination of power
1 10 A Resistor
2 30 A Solenoid valve
Switch power supply 3 15 A Cigarette lighter
(45 A)
4 10 A Windshield washer
5 10 A Horn
6 5A Working lamp relay
7 10 A Beacon (if equipped)
Switch power supply 8 25 A Working lamp
(45 A)
9 10 A Spare
10 5A Air conditioner
11 20 A Air conditioner unit
F02 12 10 A Optional power supply (1)
Switch power supply
(45 A) 13 10 A Optional power supply (2), radio
14 10 A Spare
15 5A Air conditioner
F03 16 10 A Room lamp
Constant power supply
(45 A) 17 20 A Machine monitor, pump controller, starting switch
18 30 A Engine controller
Starting switch 19 5A Engine controller
Switch power supply
ACC 20 5A PPC oil pressure lock solenoid

PC78US-8 40-100 5
100 Failure code table and fuse locations
SEN04807-00 Fuse locations

Locations of fusible links

Location of fuse box and fuse Nos.

40-100 6 PC78US-8
100 Failure code table and fuse locations
Fuse locations SEN04807-00

PC78US-8 40-100 7

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04807-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-100 8

Shop Manual


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting
200 General Information on troubleshoot-

Points to remember when troubleshooting ................................................................................................. 2

Sequence of events in troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 3
Check before troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 4
Classification and troubleshooting steps..................................................................................................... 5
Information in troubleshooting table............................................................................................................ 6
Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos. ....................................................................... 8
Connection table for connector pin numbers .............................................................................................. 11
T- branch box and T- branch adapter table ................................................................................................ 47

PC78US-8 40-4 1
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Points to remember when troubleshooting

Points to remember when troubleshooting

k Stop the machine in a level place, and check that the safety pin, blocks, and parking brake are se-
curely fitted.
k When carrying out the operation with 2 or more workers, keep strictly to the agreed signals, and
do not allow any unauthorized person to come near.
k If the radiator cap is removed when the engine is hot, hot water may spurt out and cause burns, so
wait for the engine to cool down before starting troubleshooting.
k Be extremely careful not to touch any hot parts or to get caught in any rotating parts.
k When disconnecting wiring, always disconnect the negative (–) terminal of the battery first.
k When removing the plug or cap from a location which is under pressure from oil, water, or air, al-
ways release the internal pressure first. When installing measuring equipment, be sure to connect
it properly.

The aim of troubleshooting is to pinpoint the basic cause of the failure, to carry out repairs swiftly, and to pre-
vent reoccurrence of the failure. When carrying out troubleshooting, an important point is of course to under-
stand the structure and function. However, a short cut to effective troubleshooting is to ask the operator
various questions to form some idea of possible causes of the failure that would produce the reported symp-

1. When carrying out troubleshooting, do not hurry to 4) Other maintenance items can be checked
disassemble the components. externally, so check any item that is consid-
If components are disassembled immediately ered to be necessary.
after any failure occurs:
q Parts that have no connection with the failure 4. Confirming failure
or other unnecessary parts will be disassem- Confirm the extent of the failure yourself, and
bled. judge whether to handle it as a real failure or as
q It will become impossible to find the cause of a problem with the method of operation, etc.
the failure. a When operating the machine to reenact the
It will also cause a waste of manhours, parts, or troubleshooting symptoms, do not carry out
oil or grease, and at the same time, will also lose any investigation or measurement that may
the confidence of the user or operator. For this make the problem worse.
reason, when carrying out troubleshooting, it is
necessary to carry out thorough prior investiga- 5. Troubleshooting
tion and to carry out troubleshooting in accor- Use the results of the investigation and inspec-
dance with the fixed procedure. tion in Items 2 – 4 to narrow down the causes of
failure, then use the troubleshooting table or
2. Points to ask user or operator troubleshooting flowchart to locate the position
1) Have any other problems occurred apart of the failure exactly.
from the problem that has been reported? a The basic procedure for troubleshooting is as
2) Was there anything strange about the follows.
machine before the failure occurred? 1] To start from the simple points.
3) Did the failure occur suddenly, or were there 2] To start from the most likely points.
problems with the machine condition before 3] Inspect other related parts or information.
4) Under what conditions did the failure occur? 6. Measures to remove root cause of failure
5) Had any repairs been carried out before the Even if the failure is repaired, if the root cause of
failure? When were these repairs carried the failure is not repaired, the same failure will
out? occur again.To prevent this, always investigate
6) Has the same kind of failure occurred why the problem occurred. Then, remove the
before? root cause.

3. Check before troubleshooting

1) Is there any sign of irregularities of the
2) Make checks before starting day's work.
3) Make checks of other items.

40-4 2 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Sequence of events in troubleshooting SEN04808-01

Sequence of events in troubleshooting

PC78US-8 40-4 3
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Check before troubleshooting

Check before troubleshooting

Item Criterion Remedy
1. Check of level and type of fuel — Add fuel
2. Check of fuel for foreign matter — Clean and drain
3. Check of fuel filter — Replace
4. Check of hydraulic oil level — Add oil
Lubricating 5. Check of hydraulic oil strainer — Clean and drain
oil/Coolant 6. Check of swing machinery oil level — Add oil
7. Check of level and type of engine oil (in oil pan) — Add oil
8. Check of coolant level — Add coolant
9. Check of dust indicator for clogging — Clean or replace
10. Check of hydraulic oil filter — Replace
1. Check of battery terminals and wiring for looseness and corro- Retighten or

sion replace
Electrical 2. Check of alternator terminals and wiring for looseness and Retighten or

equipment corrosion replace
3. Check of starting motor terminals and wiring for looseness and Retighten or

corrosion replace
Hydrau- 1. Check for abnormal noise and smell — Repair
lic/Mechani- 2. Check for oil leakage — Repair
3. Bleeding air — Bleed air
1. Check of battery voltage (with engine stopped) 20 – 30 V Charge or replace
2. Check of electrolyte level — Add or replace
3. Check of wires for discoloration, burn, and removal of cover — Replace
4. Check for released wire clamp and drooping wire — Repair
Electric, 5. Check of wires for wetness (Check connectors and terminals —
Disconnect the con-
electrical for wetness, in particular) nectors and dry
equipment 6. Check of fuse for disconnection and corrosion — Replace
After operating for
7. Check of alternator voltage (while engine speed is at middle or
several minutes: Replace
27.5 – 29.5 V
8. Check of battery relay for operating sound (when starting
— Replace
switch is turned ON or OFF)

40-4 4 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Classification and troubleshooting steps SEN04808-01

Classification and troubleshooting steps

Classification for troubleshooting
Mode Contents
Display of code Troubleshooting by failure code
E-mode Troubleshooting of electrical system
H-mode Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system
S-mode Troubleshooting of engine
Procedure for troubleshooting
If a phenomenon looking like a trouble occurs in the machine, select a proper troubleshooting No. according
to the following procedure, and then go to the corresponding troubleshooting section.

1. Procedure for troubleshooting to be taken when user code and failure code are displayed on
machine monitor:
If a user code and a failure code are displayed on the machine monitor, carry out the troubleshooting for
the corresponding "Display of code" according to the displayed failure code.

2. When electrical system failure code or mechanical system failure code is recorded in abnormality
If a user code and a failure code are not displayed on the machine monitor, check a mechanical system
failure code and an electrical system failure code with the abnormality record function of the machine
If a code is recorded, carry out troubleshooting for the corresponding "Display of code" according to the
recorded code.
a If an electrical system failure code is recorded, delete all the codes and reproduce them, and then see
if the trouble is still detected.
a A failure code of the mechanical system cannot be deleted.
a If a trouble is displayed in the air conditioner abnormality record or heater abnormality record by the
abnormality record function, carry out the corresponding troubleshooting in E-mode.

3. When user code and failure code is not displayed and no failure code is recorded in abnormality
If a user code and failure code are not displayed on the machine monitor and no failure code is recorded
in the abnormality record, a trouble that the machine cannot find out by itself may have occurred in the
electrical system or hydraulic and mechanical system.
In this case, check the phenomenon looking like a trouble again and select the same phenomenon from
the table of "Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos.", and then carry out trouble-
shooting corresponding to that phenomenon in the "E-mode", "H-mode", or "S-mode.

PC78US-8 40-4 5
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Information in troubleshooting table

Information in troubleshooting table

a The following information is summarized in the troubleshooting table and the related electrical circuit dia-
gram. Before carrying out troubleshooting, understand that information fully.
User code Failure code
Display on Trouble name displayed in abnormality record machine moni-
Display on machine Trouble
machine moni- tor
Contents of
Contents of trouble detected by machine monitor or controller
Action of
Action taken by machine monitor or controller to protect system or devices when engine con-
machine moni-
troller detects trouble
tor or controller
Problem that
Problem that appears on machine as result of action taken by machine monitor or controller
appears on
(shown above)
Related infor-
Information related to detected trouble or troubleshooting

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

<Contents of description>
q Standard value in normal state to judge possible causes
q Remarks on judgment

1 <Troubles in wiring harness>

q Disconnection
Connector is connected imperfectly or wiring harness is
q Ground fault
Wiring harness which is not connected to chassis ground
circuit is in contact with chassis ground circuit.
q Hot short
2 Wiring harness which is not connected to power source (24
V) circuit is in contact with power source (24 V) circuit.
q Short circuit
Independent wiring harnesses are in contact with each
other abnormally.

<Precautions for troubleshooting>

Possible causes (1) Method of indicating connector No. and handling of T-
Possible causes of trouble
and standard adapter
(Given numbers are refer-
value in normal 3 Insert or connect T-adapter as explained below for trouble-
ence numbers, which do not
state shooting, unless otherwise specified.
indicate priority)
q If connector No. has no marks of “male” and “female”
, disconnect connector and insert T-adapters in both
male side and female side.
q If connector No. has marks of “male” and “female”,
disconnect connector and connect T-adapter to only
male side or female side.
4 (2) Entry order of pin Nos. and handling of tester leads
Connect positive (+) lead and negative (–) lead of tester as
explained below for troubleshooting, unless otherwise
q Connect positive (+) lead to pin No. or wiring harness
entered on front side.
q Connect negative (–) lead to pin No. or harness entered
on rear side.

40-4 6 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Information in troubleshooting table SEN04808-01

Related circuit diagram

This drawing is a part of the electric circuit diagram related

to troubleshooting.
q Connector No.: Indicates (Model – Number of pins) and
q “Connector No. and pin No.”from each branching/merg-
ing point: Shows the ends of branch or source of merging
within the parts of the same wiring harness.
q Arrow (io): Roughly shows the location on the ma-

PC78US-8 40-4 7
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos.

Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos.

No. Phenomena looking like troubles Display
E-mode H-mode S-mode
of code
Phenomena related to user code/failure code
User code and failure code are displayed on ordinary screen of
machine monitor Accord-
When abnormality record is checked, failure code is displayed in ing to dis-
mechanical system abnormality record played
When abnormality record is checked, failure code is displayed in elec- code
trical system abnormality record
When abnormality record is checked, failure code is displayed in air
4 E-21
conditioner or heater abnormality record
Phenomena related to engine
5 Starting performance is poor S-1
6 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) E-2 S-2
7 Engine does not pick up smoothly S-3
8 Engine stops during operations S-4
9 Engine does not rotate smoothly S-5
10 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) S-6
11 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion) S-7
12 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) S-8
13 Oil becomes contaminated quickly S-9
14 Fuel consumption is excessive S-10
15 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) S-11
16 Oil pressure drops S-12
17 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) S-13
18 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) S-14
19 Abnormal noise is made S-15
20 Vibration is excessive S-16
21 Preheater does not operate E-3
22 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season) E-4
23 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally E-14
Phenomena related to work equipment/swing/travel
All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or
24 E-5 H-3
cannot be locked
25 Speed or power of all work equipment, swing, and travel are low H-1
26 Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls H-2 S-6
27 Working mode does not change E-15
28 Abnormal noise is heard from around hydraulic pump H-4
29 Fine control mode does not function H-5
Phenomena related to work equipment
30 Speed or power of boom is low H-6
31 Speed or power of arm is low H-7
32 Speed or power of bucket is low H-8
33 Speed or power of blade is low H-9

40-4 8 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos. SEN04808-01

No. Phenomena looking like troubles Display
E-mode H-mode S-mode
of code
34 Work equipment does not move in its single operation H-10
35 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large H-11
36 Time lag of work equipment is large H-12
Flow rate in attachment circuit cannot be adjusted (when attachment
37 H-27
is installed)
Phenomena related to compound operation
38 Work equipment loaded more is slower during compound operation H-13
Boom RAISE speed is low in compound operation of swing + boom
39 H-14
Travel speed lowers largely during compound operation of work
40 H-15
equipment/swing + travel
Phenomena related to travel
41 Machine deviates during travel H-16
42 Travel speed is low H-17
43 Machine cannot be steered easily or steering power is low H-18
44 Travel speed does not change or it is kept low or high E-16 H-19
45 Track does not move (Only either side) H-20
46 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding E-20
Phenomena related to swing
47 Machine does not swing H-21
48 Swing acceleration or swing speed is low H-22
49 Excessive overrun when stopping swing H-23
50 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large shock H-24
51 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large sound H-25
Swing holding brake does not operate normally
52 E-19 H-26
Hydraulic drift of swing is large
Phenomena related to machine monitor
53 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing E-1
54 Precaution lights up while engine is running E-6
55 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running E-7
56 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally E-8
57 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally E-9
58 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally E-10
Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable
59 E-11
60 Machine monitor does not display some items E-12
61 Function switch does not work E-13
62 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped E-17
63 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate E-18
Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner
64 E-21
abnormality record)
65 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed E-22
66 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode E-23
67 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally E-24

PC78US-8 40-4 9
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Phenomena looking like troubles and troubleshooting Nos.

No. Phenomena looking like troubles Display
E-mode H-mode S-mode
of code
Other phenomena
68 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally E-25

40-4 10 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

Connection table for connector pin numbers

(Rev. 2009. 06)
a The terms of male and female refer to the pins, while the terms of male housing and female housing refer
to the mating portion of the housing.

PC78US-8 40-4 11
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 12 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 13
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 14 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 15
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 16 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 17
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 18 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 19
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 20 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 21
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 22 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 23
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 24 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 25
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 26 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 27
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 28 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 29
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 30 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 31
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 32 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 33
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 34 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 35
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 36 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 37
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 38 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 39
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 40 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 41
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 42 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 43
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 44 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
Connection table for connector pin numbers SEN04808-01

PC78US-8 40-4 45
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 Connection table for connector pin numbers

40-4 46 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
T- branch box and T- branch adapter table SEN04808-01

T- branch box and T- branch adapter table

a The vertical column indicates a part number of T-branch box or T-branch adapter while the horizontal col-
umn indicates a part number of harness checker assembly.
T-adapter kit

Number of pins

Out of kit
Part No. Part name

799-601-2600 T-box (for ECONO) 21 q q q q q

799-601-3100 T-box (for MS) 37 q
799-601-3200 T-box (for MS) 37 q
799-601-3380 Plate for (14-pin) q
799-601-3410 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 24 MS-24P q
799-601-3420 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 24 MS-24P q
799-601-3430 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 17 MS-17P q
799-601-3440 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 17 MS-17P q
799-601-3450 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 5 MS-5P q
799-601-3460 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 10 MS-10P q
799-601-3510 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 5 MS-5S q
799-601-3520 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 17 MS-17P q
799-601-3530 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 19 MS-19P q
799-601-2910 Adapter for BENDIX(MS) 14 MS-14P q
799-601-3470 Case q
799-601-2710 Adapter for MIC 5 MIC-5P q q q
799-601-2720 Adapter for MIC 13 MIC-13P q q q
799-601-2730 Adapter for MIC 17 MIC-17P q q q q q q
799-601-2740 Adapter for MIC 21 MIC-21P q q q q q q
799-601-2950 Adapter for MIC 9 MIC-9P q q q q
799-601-2750 Adapter for ECONO 2 ECONO2P q q
799-601-2760 Adapter for ECONO 3 ECONO3P q q
799-601-2770 Adapter for ECONO 4 ECONO4P q q
799-601-2780 Adapter for ECONO 8 ECONO8P q q
799-601-2790 Adapter for ECONO 12 ECONO12P q q
799-601-2810 Adapter for DLI 8 DLI-8P q q
799-601-2820 Adapter for DLI 12 DLI-12P q q
799-601-2830 Adapter for DLI 16 DLI-16P q q
799-601-2840 Extension cable (ECONO type) 12 ECONO12P q q q
799-601-2850 Case q
799-601-4350 T-box (for DRC60,ECONO) 60 q
799-601-4360 Case q
799-601-7010 Adapter for X(T-adapter) 1 q q
799-601-7020 Adapter for X 2 X2P q q q q
799-601-7030 Adapter for X 3 X3P q q q q
799-601-7040 Adapter for X 4 X4P q q q q
799-601-7050 Adapter for SWP 6 SW6P q q q
799-601-7060 Adapter for SWP 8 SW8P q q q
799-601-7310 Adapter for SWP 12 SW12P q
799-601-7070 Adapter for SWP 14 SW14P q q
799-601-7320 Adapter for SWP 16 SW16P q
799-601-7080 Adapter for M(T-adapter) 1 - q q
799-601-7090 Adapter for M 2 M2P q q q q
799-601-7110 Adapter for M 3 M3P q q q q
799-601-7120 Adapter for M 4 M4P q q q q
799-601-7130 Adapter for M 6 M6P q q q q
799-601-7340 Adapter for M 8 M8P q
799-601-7140 Adapter for S 8 S8P q q q q
799-601-7150 Adapter for S (White) 10 S10P q q q q
799-601-7160 Adapter for S (Blue) 12 S12P q q q

PC78US-8 40-4 47
200 General Information on troubleshooting
SEN04808-01 T- branch box and T- branch adapter table

T-adapter kit

Number of pins

Out of kit
Part No. Part name

799-601-7170 Adapter for S (Blue) 16 S16P q q q q

799-601-7330 Adapter for S (White) 16 S16PW q
799-601-7350 Adapter for S (White) 12 S12PW q
799-601-7180 Adapter for AMP040 8 A8P q
799-601-7190 Adapter for AMP040 12 A12P q q
799-601-7210 Adapter for AMP040 16 A16P q q q q
799-601-7220 Adapter for AMP040 20 A20P q q q q
799-601-7230 Short connector for X 2 - q q q q
799-601-7240 Case q q
799-601-7270 Case q
799-601-7510 Adapter for 070 10 07-10 q
799-601-7520 Adapter for 070 12 07-12 q
799-601-7530 Adapter for 070 14 07-14 q
799-601-7540 Adapter for 070 18 07-18 q
799-601-7550 Adapter for 070 20 07-20 q
799-601-7360 Adapter for relay 5 REL-5P q
799-601-7370 Adapter for relay 6 REL-6P q
799-601-7380 Adapter for JFC 2 - q
799-601-9010 Adapter for DTM 2 DTM2 q q
799-601-9020 Adapter for DT 2 DT2 q q q q
799-601-9030 Adapter for DT 3 DT3 q q
799-601-9040 Adapter for DT 4 DT4 q q q q
799-601-9050 Adapter for DT 6 DT6 q q
799-601-9060 Adapter for DT (Gray) 8 DT8GR q q
799-601-9070 Adapter for DT (Black) 8 DT8B q q
799-601-9080 Adapter for DT (Green) 8 DT8G q q
799-601-9090 Adapter for DT (Brown) 8 DT8BR q q
799-601-9110 Adapter for DT (Gray) 12 DT12GR q q
799-601-9120 Adapter for DT (Black) 12 DT12B q q
799-601-9130 Adapter for DT (Green) 12 DT12G q q
799-601-9140 Adapter for DT (Brown) 12 DT12BR q q
799-601-9210 Adapter for HD30-18 8 D18-8 q q
799-601-9220 Adapter for HD30-18 14 D18-14 q q
799-601-9230 Adapter for HD30-18 20 D18-20 q q
799-601-9240 Adapter for HD30-18 21 D18-21 q q
799-601-9250 Adapter for HD30-24 9 D24-9 q q
799-601-9260 Adapter for HD30-24 16 D24-16 q q
799-601-9270 Adapter for HD30-24 21 D24-21 q q
799-601-9280 Adapter for HD30-24 23 D24-23 q q
799-601-9290 Adapter for HD30-24 31 D24-31 q q
799-601-9310 Plate for HD30(24-pin) q q q
799-601-9320 T-box (for ECONO) 24 q q q
799-601-9330 Case q
799-601-9340 Case q
799-601-9350 Adapter for DRC 40 DRC-40 q
799-601-9360 Adapter for DRC 24 DRC-24 q
799-601-9410* Socket for engine (CRI-T2) 2 G q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T2)
799-601-9420 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)PFUEL 3 A3 q q
Oil pressure sensor
Socket for engine (CRI-T2)
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)PCV
2 P q q
799-601-9440* Socket for engine (CRI-T2) 3 1,2,3 q
795-799-5520* Socket for engine (HPI-T2) 2 S q

40-4 48 PC78US-8
200 General Information on troubleshooting
T- branch box and T- branch adapter table SEN04808-01

T-adapter kit

Number of pins

Out of kit
Part No. Part name

Socket for engine (HPI-T2)

795-799-5530* Socket for engine (CRI-T3) 2 C q q
Temperature sensor
Socket for engine (HPI-T2)
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)TIM
2 A q q
795-799-5460 Cable for engine (HPI-T2) 3 - q
795-799-5470 Cable for engine (HPI-T2) 3 - q
795-799-5480 Cable for engine (HPI-T2) 3 - q
799-601-4110 Adapter for engine (140-T3)PIM 4 ITT3N q q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)
3 FCIN q q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)Atomo-
sphere pressure
3 FCIG q q
799-601-4150 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)POIL 3 FCIB q q
Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)
Oil pressure switch
2 4160 q q
799-601-4180 Adapter for engine (CRI-T3)PEVA 3 4180 q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)
Commonrail pressure
3 1,2,3L q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)
Air intake pressure/temperature
4 1,2,3,4C q q
799-601-4240* Socket for engine (CRI-T3)PAMB 3 1,2,3A q q
799-601-4250* Socket for engine (CRI-T3)PIM 3 1,2,3B q q
799-601-4330* Socket for engine (CRI-T3)G 3 1,2,3,G q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)
Pump actuator
2 2,PA q q
Socket for engine (CRI-T3)(95)
Air intake pressure/temperature
4 1,2,3,4T q
799-601-4260 Adapter for controller (ENG) 4 DTP4 q q
799-601-4211 Adapter for controller (ENG) 50 DRC50 q
799-601-4220 Adapter for controller (ENG) 60 DRC60 q
799-601-4390* Socket for controller (95ENG) 60 - q
799-601-4280 Box for controller (PUMP)
- q
799-601-9720 Adapter for controller (HST) 16 HST16A q
799-601-9710 Adapter for controller (HST) 16 HST16B q
799-601-9730 Adapter for controller (HST) 26 HST26A q
Multi-adapter for
DT2 – 4 and DTM2
3, - q
"*" Shows not T-adapter but socket

PC78US-8 40-4 49

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04808-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09

40-4 50


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1

Failure code [989L00] Engine controller lock caution 1 .................................................................................. 3
Failure code [989M00] Engine controller lock caution 2 ................................................................................. 4
Failure code [989N00] Engine controller lock caution 3.................................................................................. 5
Failure code [AB00KE] Charge voltage low.................................................................................................... 6
Failure code [B@BAZG] Eng oil press. low .................................................................................................... 8
Failure code [B@BCNS] Eng coolant overheat .............................................................................................. 9
Failure code [B@HANS] Hydr oil overheat ..................................................................................................... 9
Failure code [CA111] ECM critical internal failure ......................................................................................... 10
Failure code [CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error ....................................................................... 13
Failure code [CA122] Charge air press sensor high error ............................................................................ 14
Failure code [CA123] Charge air press sensor low error.............................................................................. 16
Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor high error........................................................................................... 18
Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor low error ............................................................................................ 20
Failure code [CA144] Coolant temp. sensor high error................................................................................. 22
Failure code [CA145] Coolant temp. sensor low error .................................................................................. 24
Failure code [CA153] Charge air temp. sensor high error ............................................................................ 26
Failure code [CA154] Charge air temp. sensor low error.............................................................................. 28
Failure code [CA187] Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error ...................................................................................... 29
Failure code [CA221] Ambient air press. sensor high error .......................................................................... 30
Failure code [CA222] Ambient air press. sensor low error ........................................................................... 32
Failure code [CA227] Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error ..................................................................................... 33
Failure code [CA234] Eng. overspeed .......................................................................................................... 34
Failure code [CA238] Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error ................................................................................ 36

PC78US-8 40-301 1
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1

Failure code [CA271] IMV/PCV1 short error ................................................................................................. 38

Failure code [CA272] IMV/PCV1 open error ................................................................................................. 39
Failure code [CA322] Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error ................................................................. 40
Failure code [CA324] Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error ................................................................. 42
Failure code [CA331] Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error ................................................................. 44
Failure code [CA332] Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error ................................................................. 46

40-301 2 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [989L00] Engine controller lock caution 1 SEN04809-00

Failure code [989L00] Engine controller lock caution 1 1

User code Failure code Engine controller lock caution 1

— 989L00 (Machine monitor system)
Contents of
• Engine controller lock is detected (Factor 1).
Action of • None in particular.
machine monitor • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Engine cannot be started.
• If this failure code is displayed after machine monitor is replaced, user password must be changed
to one before replacement.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Replacement of machine
1 This trouble may be caused by replacement of machine monitor.
state monitor

PC78US-8 40-301 3
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [989M00] Engine controller lock caution 2

Failure code [989M00] Engine controller lock caution 2 1

User code Failure code Engine controller lock caution 2

— 989M00 (Machine monitor system)
Contents of
• Engine controller lock is detected (Factor 2).
Action of • None in particular.
machine monitor • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Engine cannot be started.
• If this failure code is displayed after machine monitor is replaced, user password must be changed
to one before replacement.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Replacement of machine
1 This trouble may be caused by replacement of machine monitor.
and standard monitor
value in normal If this failure code is displayed while machine monitor is not
state 2 Defective machine monitor replaced, machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in
system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-301 4 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [989N00] Engine controller lock caution 3 SEN04809-00

Failure code [989N00] Engine controller lock caution 3 1

User code Failure code Engine controller lock caution 3

— 989N00 (Machine monitor system)
Contents of
• Engine controller lock is detected (Factor 3).
Action of • Tries automatic resetting.
machine monitor • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on
Related • Method of reproducing failure code: Failure code is not reproduced since system is reset automati-
information cally.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard If this failure code is displayed repeatedly, engine controller may be
value in normal 1 Defective engine controller defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
state carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-301 5
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [AB00KE] Charge voltage low

Failure code [AB00KE] Charge voltage low 1

User code Failure code Charge voltage low

— AB00KE (Machine monitor system)
Contents of
• While engine is running, signal circuit of alternator detected low charge voltage (below 7.8 V).
Action of • Displays charge level monitor on machine monitor.
machine monitor • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • If machine is operated as it is, battery may not be charged.
Related • Signal voltage of alternator can be checked with monitoring function. (Code: 04300 Charge voltage)
information • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
Defective alternator out troubleshooting.
(when system is normal) M22 (male) Engine speed Voltage
(1) – chassis ground Min. medium speed 27.5 – 29.5 V
Disconnection in wiring har- a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 (Disconnection in wiring or
Possible causes defective contact in connec- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (11) Resis-
Max. 1 z
tor) – J06 – AR (female) (1) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (11)
(Short circuit with GND cir- Resis-
cuit) – J06 – AR (female) (1) and circuit branch Min. 1Mz
end and chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
4 Defective machine monitor CM01 Engine speed Voltage
Between (11) –
Operation Min. 7.8 V
chassis ground

40-301 6 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [AB00KE] Charge voltage low SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 7
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [B@BAZG] Eng oil press. low

Failure code [B@BAZG] Eng oil press. low 1

User code Failure code Engine oil pressure low

— B@BAZG (Engine controller system)
Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of engine oil pressure switch detected low engine oil pres-
trouble sure (sensor contact opened).
Action of • Displays engine oil pressure monitor on machine monitor.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • If machine is operated as it is, engine may be damaged.
• Engine oil pressure switch signal is input to engine controller and then transmitted to machine mon-
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Lowering of engine oil pres-
Engine oil pressure may be low. Check it and remove cause if it is
and standard 1 sure (when system is nor-
value in normal mal)
state Defective engine oil pressure If cause 1 is not detected, engine oil pressure switch system may
switch system be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA435].

40-301 8 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [B@BCNS] Eng coolant overheat SEN04809-00

Failure code [B@BCNS] Eng coolant overheat 1

User code Failure code Engine coolant overheat

— B@BCNS (Engine controller system)
Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of engine coolant temperature sensor detected overheating
trouble of engine coolant (above about 102°C).
Action of • Displays engine coolant temperature monitor with red on machine monitor.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • If machine is operated as it is, engine may be seized.
• Engine coolant temperature sensor signal is input to engine controller and then transmitted to
machine monitor.
• Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Overheating of engine
Possible causes Engine coolant may be overheating. Check it and remove cause if
1 coolant (when system is nor-
and standard it is overheating.
value in normal
state If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature sensor sys-
Defective engine coolant
2 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for failure codes
temperature sensor system
[CA144] and [CA145].

Failure code [B@HANS] Hydr oil overheat 1

User code Failure code Hydraulic oil overheat

— B@HANS (Pump controller system)
Contents of • While engine was running, signal circuit of hydraulic oil temperature sensor detected overheating of
trouble hydraulic oil (above about 102°C).
Action of • Displays hydraulic oil temperature monitor with red on machine monitor.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • If machine is operated as it is, engine may be seized.
• Hydraulic oil temperature sensor signal is input to engine controller and then transmitted to machine
• Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Overheating of hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil may be overheating. Check it and remove cause if it
and standard (when system is normal) is overheating.
value in normal If cause 1 is not detected, hydraulic oil temperature gauge system
state Defective hydraulic oil tem-
2 may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for "E-9 Hydraulic oil
perature gauge system
temperature gauge does not indicate normally" in E-mode.

PC78US-8 40-301 9
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA111] ECM critical internal failure

Failure code [CA111] ECM critical internal failure 1

User code Failure code ECM critical internal failure

E10 CA111 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in controller.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Engine runs normally but it may stop during operation or may not be able to start.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Check fuse or circuit breaker on machine side directly for defect.
1 Defective fuse (If fuse is broken or circuit breaker is turned OFF, circuit probably
has ground fault.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective power supply cut- ing without turning starting switch ON.
out relay Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis- 185 –
– (32) tance 265 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– R23 (1) tance
Possible causes Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Max. 1 z
and standard – R24 (1) tance
value in normal Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
state Max. 1 z
– R23 (2) tance
Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
harness Max. 1 z
– R24 (2) tance
3 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (1) Resis-
defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) – T12 tance
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– R23 (5) tance
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– R24 (5) tance
Wiring harness between R23 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
battery (+) tance
Wiring harness between R24 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
battery (+) tance

40-301 10 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA111] ECM critical internal failure SEN04809-00

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R23 (1) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R24 (1) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R23 (2) and chassis ground tance
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
Possible causes 4 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
– R24 (2) and chassis ground tance
and standard circuit)
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
value in normal Min. 1 Mz
– R23 (5) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R24 (5) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between R23 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
battery (+) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between R24 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
battery (+) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, turn starting switch ON and
carry out troubleshooting.
5 Defective engine controller
CE03 Voltage
Between (3) – (1) 20 – 30 V

PC78US-8 40-301 11
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA111] ECM critical internal failure

Related circuit diagram

40-301 12 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error SEN04809-00

Failure code [CA115] Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error 1

User code Failure code Eng. Ne and Bkup speed sensor error
E10 CA115 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in Ne speed sensor circuit and Bkup speed sensor circuit simultaneously.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
• Engine cannot be started (if engine has been stopped).
appears on
• Engine stops (if engine has been running).

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective Ne speed sensor
1 Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA689].
Defective Bkup speed sen-
2 Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA778].
sor system
Possible causes Defective mount of Ne speed Check mount of Ne speed sensor directly for defect (defective
and standard sensor installation of sensor, indicator ring of crank pulley, etc.)
value in normal Defective mount of Bkup Check mount of Bkup speed sensor directly for defect (defective
state 4
speed sensor installation of sensor, indicator ring of camshaft, etc.)
Defective connection (Wrong Check Ne speed sensor and Bkup speed sensor directly for defec-
connection) tive connection (wrong connection).
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
6 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

PC78US-8 40-301 13
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA122] Charge air press sensor high error

Failure code [CA122] Charge air press sensor high error 1

User code Failure code Charge air press sensor high error
E11 CA122 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in charge (boost) pressure sensor circuit.
Action of
• Fixes charge (boost) pressure (400 kPa {4.08 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on • Acceleration performance of engine drops.
• Signal voltage of charge (boost) pressure sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36501 Boost pressure sensor voltage).
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sensor power sup- If failure code [CA227] is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it
ply system first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective charge (boost) PTIM Voltage
2 pressure sensor Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V
(Internal trouble)
Sensor voltage is measured with wiring harness connected.
Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and con-
troller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
value in normal ness Max. 1 z
(19) – PTIM (female) (1) tance
state 3 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) (36) – PTIM (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(48) – PTIM (female) (4) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
ness (19) – PTIM (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
(Short circuit with GND cir- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
cuit) Min. 1 Mz
(36) – PTIM (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(48) – PTIM (female) (4) and chassis ground tance

40-301 14 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA122] Charge air press sensor high error SEN04809-00

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(19) – PTIM (female) (1) and wiring harness Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
between ENG1 (female) (36) – PTIM tance
Short circuit in wiring har- (female) (2)
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
Possible causes 5
(With another wiring har- (19) – PTIM (female) (1) and wiring harness Resis-
and standard ness) Min. 1 Mz
between ENG1 (female) (48) – PTIM tance
value in normal (female) (4)
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(36) – PTIM (female) (2) and wiring harness Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
between ENG1 (female) (48) – PTIM tance
(female) (4)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective engine controller
ENG1 Voltage
Between (36) – (48) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 15
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA123] Charge air press sensor low error

Failure code [CA123] Charge air press sensor low error 1

User code Failure code Charge air press sensor low error
E11 CA123 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in charge (boost) pressure sensor circuit.
Action of
• Fixes charge pressure (101 kPa {1.02 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on • Acceleration performance of engine drops.
• Signal voltage of charge (boost) pressure sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36501 Boost pressure sensor voltage).
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA122].

40-301 16 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA123] Charge air press sensor low error SEN04809-00

PC78US-8 40-301 17
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor high error

Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor high error 1

User code Failure code Throttle sensor high error

E14 CA131 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in fuel control dial circuit.
Action of • Sets throttle angle with signal other than fuel control dial signal and continues operation.
controller (depending on each model)
Problem that
appears on • Engine speed cannot be controlled with fuel control dial.
• Signal voltage of fuel control dial can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 03000 Fuel control dial voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sensor power sup- If failure code [CA2185] is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it
ply system first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.

Defective fuel control dial P20 (male) Resistance

(Internal trouble) Between (1) – (3) 4.0 – 6.0 kz
Between (2) – (1) 0.25 – 5.0 kz
Between (2) – (3) 0.25 – 5.0 kz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (27) Resis-
ness Max. 1 z
– P20 (female) (1) tance
3 (Disconnection in wiring or
Possible causes Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (35) Resis-
defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
and standard tor) – P20 (female) (2) tance
value in normal Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (28) Resis-
state Max. 1 z
– P20 (female) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har- Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (27) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
ness – P20 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
(Short circuit with GND cir- Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (35) Resis-
cuit) Min. 1 Mz
– P20 (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (28) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P20 (female) (3) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
5 Defective engine controller CE02 Voltage
Between (27) – (28) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V
Between (35) – (28) Signal 0.5 – 4.5 V

40-301 18 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA131] Throttle sensor high error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 19
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor low error

Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor low error 1

User code Failure code Throttle sensor low error

E14 CA132 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in fuel control dial circuit.
Action of • Sets throttle angle with signal other than fuel control dial signal and continues operation.
controller (depending on each model)
Problem that
appears on • Engine speed cannot be controlled with fuel control dial.
• Signal voltage of fuel control dial can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 03000 Fuel control dial voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA131].

40-301 20 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA132] Throttle sensor low error SEN04809-00

PC78US-8 40-301 21
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA144] Coolant temp. sensor high error

Failure code [CA144] Coolant temp. sensor high error 1

User code Failure code Coolant temp. sensor high error

E15 CA144 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in coolant temperature sensor circuit.
Action of
• Fixes coolant temperature (90°C) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on
• Signal voltage of coolant temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04105 Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
TWTR (male) Coolant temperature Resistance
Defective coolant tempera- 0°C 30 – 37 kz
1 ture sensor
25°C 9.3 – 10.7 kz
(Internal trouble)
Between (A) – (B) 50°C 3.2 – 3.8 kz
80°C 1.0 – 1.3 kz
95°C 700 – 800 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 (Disconnection in wiring or Max. 1 z
Possible causes (47) – TWTR (female) (A) tance
defective contact in connec-
and standard tor) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
(49) – TWTR (female) (B) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(Short circuit with GND cir- Resis-
cuit) (49) – TWTR (female) (B) and chassis Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Coolant temperature Resistance
0°C 30 – 37 kz
4 Defective engine controller
25°C 9.3 – 10.7 kz
Between (47) – (49) 50°C 3.2 – 3.8 kz
80°C 1.0 – 1.3 kz
95°C 700 – 800 z

40-301 22 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA144] Coolant temp. sensor high error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 23
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA145] Coolant temp. sensor low error

Failure code [CA145] Coolant temp. sensor low error 1

User code Failure code Coolant temp. sensor low error

E15 CA145 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in coolant temperature sensor circuit.
Action of
• Fixes coolant temperature (90°C) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on
• Signal voltage of coolant temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04105 Engine coolant temperature sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA144].

40-301 24 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA145] Coolant temp. sensor low error SEN04809-00

PC78US-8 40-301 25
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA153] Charge air temp. sensor high error

Failure code [CA153] Charge air temp. sensor high error 1

User code Failure code Charge air temp. sensor high error
E15 CA153 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in charge (boost) temperature sensor circuit.
Action of
• Fixes charge (boost) temperature (intake air temperature) (70°C) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on
• Signal voltage of charge (boost) temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 18501 Boost temperature sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Intake air
PTIM (male) Resistance
Defective charge (boost) 0°C 29 – 36 kz
1 temperature sensor
25°C 9 – 11 kz
(Internal trouble) Between (2) – (1)
40°C 4.9 – 5.8 kz
100°C 600 – 700 z
Between (2) –
All range Min. 1 Mz
chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring ing without turning starting switch ON.
Possible causes harness
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
and standard 2 (Disconnection in wiring or Max. 1 z
(11) – PTIM (female) (2) tance
value in normal defective contact in connec-
state tor) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(48) – PTIM (female) (1) tance
Ground fault in wiring har- a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness ing without turning starting switch ON.
(Short circuit with GND cir- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
cuit) Min. 1 Mz
(11) – PTIM (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Intake air
ENG1 (female) Resistance
4 Defective engine controller 0°C 29 – 36 kz
25°C 9 – 11 kz
Between (11) – (48)
40°C 4.9 – 5.8 kz
100°C 600 – 700 z

40-301 26 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA153] Charge air temp. sensor high error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 27
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA154] Charge air temp. sensor low error

Failure code [CA154] Charge air temp. sensor low error 1

User code Failure code Charge air temp. sensor low error
E15 CA154 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in charge (boost) temperature sensor circuit.
Action of
• Fixes charge (boost) temperature (intake air temperature) (46°C) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on
• Signal voltage of charge (boost) temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 18501 Boost temperature sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA153].

40-301 28 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA187] Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error SEN04809-00

Failure code [CA187] Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error 1

User code Failure code Sensor sup. 2 volt. low error

E15 CA187 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in sensor power supply 2 (5 V) circuit.
Action of
Problem that
appears on
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA227].

PC78US-8 40-301 29
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA221] Ambient air press. sensor high error

Failure code [CA221] Ambient air press. sensor high error 1

User code Failure code Ambient air press. sensor high error
E11 CA221 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in ambient pressure sensor circuit.
Action of • Sets atmospheric pressure sensor to default value (52.44 kPa {0.53 kg/cm2}) and continues opera-
controller tion.
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Signal voltage of ambient pressure sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 37401 Ambient pressure sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sensor power sup- If failure code [CA227] is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it
ply system first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
PAMB Voltage
Defective atmospheric pres-
Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V
2 sure sensor
(Internal trouble) Between (2) – (1) Signal 0.3 – 4.7 V
Sensor voltage is measured with wiring harness connected.
Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and con-
troller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Possible causes Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
and standard ness Max. 1 z
(36) – PAMB (female) (3) tance
value in normal 3 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
state defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) (20) – PAMB (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(48) – PAMB (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(36) – PAMB (female) (3) and chassis Min. 1 Mz
Ground fault in wiring har- tance
4 Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(Short circuit with GND cir- Resis-
cuit) (20) – PAMB (female) (2) and chassis Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(48) – PAMB (female) (1) and chassis Min. 1 Mz

40-301 30 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA221] Ambient air press. sensor high error SEN04809-00

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(36) – PAMB (female) (3) and wiring har- Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
ness between ENG1 (female) (20) – PAMB tance
Short circuit in wiring har- (female) (2)
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(With another wiring har- (36) – PAMB (female) (3) and wiring har- Resis-
Possible causes Min. 1 Mz
ness) ness between ENG1 (female) (48) – PAMB tance
and standard
value in normal (female) (1)
state Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(20) – PAMB (female) (2) and wiring har- Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
ness between ENG1 (female) (48) – PAMB tance
(female) (1)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective engine controller ENG1 Voltage
Between (36) – (48) 4.75 – 5.25 V
Between (20) – (48) 0.3 – 4.7 V

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 31
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA222] Ambient air press. sensor low error

Failure code [CA222] Ambient air press. sensor low error 1

User code Failure code Ambient air press. sensor low error
E11 CA222 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in ambient pressure sensor circuit.
Action of
• Sets oil pressure to default value (52.44 kPa {0.53 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Signal voltage of ambient pressure sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 37401 Ambient pressure sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA221].

40-301 32 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA227] Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error SEN04809-00

Failure code [CA227] Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error 1

User code Failure code Sensor sup. 2 volt. high error

E15 CA227 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in sensor power supply 2 (5 V) circuit.
Action of
Problem that
appears on
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and standard and carry out troubleshooting.
value in normal 1 Defective engine controller
state CE02 Voltage
Between (26) – (22) 4.75 – 5.25 V

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 33
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA234] Eng. overspeed

Failure code [CA234] Eng. overspeed 1

User code Failure code Eng. overspeed

— CA234 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Engine speed is above operating range.
Action of
• Limits fuel injection rate until engine speed lowers to operating range.
Problem that
appears on • Engine speed fluctuates.
• Engine speed can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 01002 Engine speed)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Run engine at high idle.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes 1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.
and standard 2 Improper way of use Way of use may be improper. Teach proper way of use to operator.
value in normal
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
3 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-301 34 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA234] Eng. overspeed SEN04809-00

PC78US-8 40-301 35
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA238] Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error

Failure code [CA238] Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error 1

User code Failure code Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error

E15 CA238 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in Ne speed sensor power supply (5 V) circuit.
Action of
• Controls Ne speed sensor with signals of Bkup speed sensor.
Problem that
• Running engine stops (when Bkup speed sensor is also abnormal).
appears on
• Stopped engine cannot be started (when Bkup speed sensor is also abnormal).
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnect devices
Defective Ne speed sensor at right in order. If
1 failure code disap-
(Internal trouble)
pears when a device Ne speed sensor NE connector
is disconnected, that
device has a defect
in it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (26) – NE (female) (3) tance
nector) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible causes
Max. 1 z
and standard (44) – NE (female) (2) tance
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(26) – NE (female) (3) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(44) – NE (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Short circuit in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (with another wiring Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
harness) Resis-
(26) – NE (female) (3) and between ENG1 Min. 1 Mz
(female) (44) – NE (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
5 Defective engine controller
ENG1 Voltage
Between (26) – (44) 4.75 – 5.25 V

40-301 36 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA238] Ne speed sensor sup. volt. error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 37
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA271] IMV/PCV1 short error

Failure code [CA271] IMV/PCV1 short error 1

User code Failure code IMV/PCV1 short error

E10 CA271 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• There is short circuit in IMV circuit of supply pump.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective supply pump IMV PREG (male) Resistance
(Internal trouble) Between (1) – (2) 2.3 – 5.3 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 Min. 1 Mz
(Short circuit with GND cir- (10) – PREG (female) (1) tance
Possible causes cuit) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
and standard Min. 1 Mz
(14) – PREG (female) (2) tance
value in normal
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Hot short (Short circuit with Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (10)
3 Voltage Max. 1 V
24V circuit) in wiring harness – PREG (female) (1) and chassis ground
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (14)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– PREG (female) (2) and chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Resistance
4 Defective engine controller
Between (10) – (14) 2.3 – 5.3 z
Between (10), (14) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

40-301 38 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA272] IMV/PCV1 open error SEN04809-00

Failure code [CA272] IMV/PCV1 open error 1

User code Failure code IMV/PCV1 open error

E10 CA272 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• There is disconnection in IMV circuit of supply pump.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective supply pump IMV PREG (male) Resistance
(Internal disconnection) Between (1) – (2) 2.3 – 5.3 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 (Disconnection in wiring or Max. 1 z
(10) – PREG (female) (1) tance
Possible causes defective contact in connec-
tor) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
(14) – PREG (female) (2) tance
value in normal
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (10) Resis-
3 Min. 1 Mz
(Short circuit with GND cir- – PREG (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
cuit) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (14) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– PREG (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Resistance
4 Defective engine controller
Between (10) – (14) 2.3 – 5.3 z
Between (10) (14) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 39
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA322] Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error

Failure code [CA322] Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error 1

User code Failure code Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error

E11 CA322 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• There is disconnection or short circuit in injector #1 circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
• Output drops.
appears on
• Rotation is unstable.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective injector #1 CN1 (male) Resistance
(Internal trouble) Between (1) – (2) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 (Disconnection in wiring or Max. 1 z
(57) – CN1 (female) (2) tance
defective contact in connec-
tor) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
(53) – CN1 (female) (1) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
3 Min. 1 Mz
(Short circuit with GND cir- (57) – CN1 (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
cuit) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(53) – CN1 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
Defective injector or wiring If another failure code for injector abnormality is displayed, carry
harness of another cylinder out troubleshooting for it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Resistance
5 Defective engine controller
Between (57) – (53) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (57), (53) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz

40-301 40 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA322] Injector #1 (L #1) system open/short error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 41
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA324] Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error

Failure code [CA324] Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error 1

User code Failure code Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error

E11 CA324 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• There is disconnection or short circuit in injector #3 circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
• Output drops.
appears on
• Rotation is unstable.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective injector #3 (Inter- CN3 (male) Resistance
nal trouble) Between (1) – (2) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (55) – CN3 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
(59) – CN3 (female) (1) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(55) – CN3 (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(59) – CN3 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
Defective injector or wiring If another failure code for injector abnormality is displayed, carry
harness of another cylinder out troubleshooting for it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Resistance
5 Defective engine controller
Between (55) – (59) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (55), (59) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz

40-301 42 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA324] Injector #3 (L #3) system open/short error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 43
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA331] Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error

Failure code [CA331] Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error 1

User code Failure code Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error

E11 CA331 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• There is disconnection or short circuit in injector #2 circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
• Output drops.
appears on
• Rotation is unstable.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective injector #2 (Inter- CN2 (male) Resistance
nal trouble) Between (1) – (2) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (45) – CN2 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
(58) – CN2 (female) (1) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(45) – CN2 (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(58) – CN2 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
Defective injector or wiring If another failure code for injector abnormality is displayed, carry
harness of another cylinder out troubleshooting for it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Resistance
5 Defective engine controller
Between (45) – (58) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (45), (58) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz

40-301 44 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA331] Injector #2 (L #2) system open/short error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 45
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
SEN04809-00 Failure code [CA332] Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error

Failure code [CA332] Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error 1

User code Failure code Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error

E11 CA332 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• There is disconnection or short circuit in injector #4 circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
• Output drops.
appears on
• Rotation is unstable.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective injector #4 (Inter- CN4 (male) Resistance
nal trouble) Between (1) – (2) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (56) – CN4 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
(51) – CN4 (female) (1) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(56) – CN4 (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(51) – CN4 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
Defective injector or wiring If another failure code for injector abnormality is displayed, carry
harness of another cylinder out troubleshooting for it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
ENG1 (female) Resistance
5 Defective engine controller
Between (56) – (51) 0.4 – 1.1 z
Between (56), (51) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz

40-301 46 PC78US-8
301 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 1
Failure code [CA332] Injector #4 (L #4) system open/short error SEN04809-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-301 47

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04809-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-301 48


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2

Failure code [CA351] Inj. drive circuit error..................................................................................................... 3
Failure code [CA352] Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error ........................................................................................ 6
Failure code [CA386] Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error ....................................................................................... 8
Failure code [CA435] Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch .................................................................. 10
Failure code [CA441] Battery voltage low error .............................................................................................11
Failure code [CA442] Battery voltage high error ........................................................................................... 12
Failure code [CA449] Rail press. very high error .......................................................................................... 13
Failure code [CA451] Rail press. sensor high error ...................................................................................... 14
Failure code [CA452] Rail press. sensor low error ....................................................................................... 16
Failure code [CA488] Chg air temp high torque derate ................................................................................ 17
Failure code [CA553] Rail press. high error.................................................................................................. 18
Failure code [CA559] Rail press. low error ................................................................................................... 19
Failure code [CA689] Eng. Ne speed sensor error ....................................................................................... 22
Failure code [CA731] Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error......................................................................... 24
Failure code [CA757] All persistent data lost error ....................................................................................... 25
Failure code [CA778] Eng. Bkup speed sensor error ................................................................................... 26
Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET datalink timeout error ............................................................................... 28
Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error............................................................................ 30
Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error ............................................................................. 32
Failure code [CA2249] Rail press. very low error ......................................................................................... 32
Failure code [CA2311] Abnormality in IMV solenoid ..................................................................................... 33
Failure code [D110KB] Battery relay drive short ........................................................................................... 34
Failure code [D19JKZ] Personal code relay abnormality.............................................................................. 36

PC78US-8 40-302 1
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2

Failure code [D862KA] GPS antenna discon ................................................................................................ 38

Failure code [DA22KK] Pump solenoid power low error ............................................................................... 40
Failure code [DA25KP] 5V sensor 1 power abnormality ............................................................................... 42
Failure code [DA26KP] 5V sensor 2 power abnormality ............................................................................... 44
Failure code [DA29KQ] Model selection abnormality.................................................................................... 46

40-302 2 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA351] Inj. drive circuit error SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA351] Inj. drive circuit error 1

User code Failure code Inj. drive circuit error

E10 CA351 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in injector drive circuit.
Action of
• Limits output and continues operation (Limits common rail pressure).
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If another failure code (code of abnormality in injector system) is
1 Defective related system
indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.
Check fuse or circuit breaker on machine side directly for defect.
2 Defective fuse (If fuse is broken or circuit breaker is turned OFF, circuit probably
has ground fault.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective power supply cut- ing without turning starting switch ON.
out relay Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis- 185 –
– (32) tance 265 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Max. 1 z
Possible causes – R23 (1) tance
and standard Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Max. 1 z
value in normal – R24 (1) tance
state Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– R23 (2) tance
Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
harness Max. 1 z
– R24 (2) tance
4 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (1) Resis-
defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) – T15 tance
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– R23 (5) tance
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– R24 (5) tance
Wiring harness between R23 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
battery (+) tance
Wiring harness between R24 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
battery (+) tance

PC78US-8 40-302 3
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA351] Inj. drive circuit error

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R23 (1) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (55) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R24 (1) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R23 (2) and chassis ground tance
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (32) Resis-
Possible causes 5 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
– R24 (2) and chassis ground tance
and standard circuit)
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
value in normal Min. 1 Mz
– R23 (5) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE03 (female) (3) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– R24 (5) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between R23 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
battery (+) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between R24 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
battery (+) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, turn starting switch ON and
carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective engine controller
CE03 Voltage
Between (3) – (1) 20 – 30 V

40-302 4 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA351] Inj. drive circuit error SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 5
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA352] Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error

Failure code [CA352] Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error 1

User code Failure code Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error

E15 CA352 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in sensor power supply 1 (5 V) circuit.
• Operates Bkup speed sensor with signals of Ne speed sensor.
• Sets atmospheric pressure sensor to default value (52.44 kPa {0.53 kg/cm2}) and continues opera-
Action of
• Fixes charge pressure sensor value (400 kPa {4.08 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.
• Limits output and continues operation (Limits common rail pressure).
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA386].

40-302 6 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA352] Sensor sup. 1 volt. low error SEN04810-00

PC78US-8 40-302 7
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA386] Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error

Failure code [CA386] Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error 1

User code Failure code Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error

E15 CA386 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in sensor power supply 1 (5 V) circuit.
• Operates Bkup speed sensor with signals of Ne speed sensor.
• Sets atmospheric pressure sensor to default value (52.44 kPa {0.53 kg/cm2}) and continues opera-
Action of
• Fixes charge pressure sensor value (400 kPa {4.08 kg/cm2}) and continues operation.
• Limits output and continues operation (Limits common rail pressure).
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Bkup speed sensor CAM connector
Disconnect devices
at right in order. If Atmospheric
Defective sensor (Internal PAMB connector
2 failure code disap- pressure sensor
pears when a device Charge pressure
is disconnected, that PTIM connector
device has a defect
Common rail
in it. PFUEL connector
pressure sensor
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
3 (Disconnection in wiring or Max. 1 z
(36) – each sensor (female) tance
defective contact in connec-
tor) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
and standard (48) – each sensor (female) tance
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
ness (36) – each sensor (female) and chassis Min. 1 Mz
4 tance
(Short circuit with GND cir- ground
cuit) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(48) – each sensor (female) and chassis Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Short circuit in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(With another wiring har- (36) – each sensor (female) and Resis-
ness) Min. 1 Mz
wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (48) tance
– each sensor (female)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective engine controller
ENG1 Voltage
Between (36) – (48) 4.75 – 5.25 V

40-302 8 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA386] Sensor sup. 1 volt. high error SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 9
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA435] Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch

Failure code [CA435] Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch 1

User code Failure code Abnormality in engine oil pressure switch

E15 CA435 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in engine oil pressure switch signal circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
• Engine oil pressure switch-based engine protection function does not function.
• Engine oil pressure monitor does not display normally.
on machine
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch or start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective engine oil pressure ing without turning starting switch ON.
switch POIL (male) Resistance
Between (1) – chassis ground Max. 1 z
Disconnection in wiring har- a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 (Disconnection in wiring or
Possible defective contact in connec- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
tor) (32) – POIL (female) (1) tance
causes and
standard value a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
in normal state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Short circuit in wiring harness Wiring harness among all pins between
(With another wiring harness) ENG1 (female) (32) – ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(With all connectors of wiring harness dis- tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 Defective engine controller
ENG1 (female) Resistance
Between (32) – chassis ground Max. 1 z

Related circuit diagram

40-302 10 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA441] Battery voltage low error SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA441] Battery voltage low error 1

User code Failure code Battery voltage low error

E10 CA441 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in controller power supply voltage circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Engine continues operation normally, but it may stop during operation or may not be able to start.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA111].

PC78US-8 40-302 11
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA442] Battery voltage high error

Failure code [CA442] Battery voltage high error 1

User code Failure code Battery voltage high error

E10 CA442 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in controller power supply voltage circuit.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Engine continues operation normally, but it may stop during operation or may not be able to start.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA111].

40-302 12 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA449] Rail press. very high error SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA449] Rail press. very high error 1

User code Failure code Rail press. very high error

E11 CA449 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Common rail pressure sensor circuit detected abnormally high pressure (level 2).
Action of
• Limits output and continues operation (Limits common rail pressure).
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Common rail pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36400 Common rail pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA553].

PC78US-8 40-302 13
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA451] Rail press. sensor high error

Failure code [CA451] Rail press. sensor high error 1

User code Failure code Rail press. sensor high error

E11 CA451 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in common rail pressure sensor circuit.
Action of
• Limits output and continues operation (Limits common rail pressure).
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Signal voltage of common rail pressure sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36401 Common rail pressure sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sensor power sup- If failure code [CA352] or [CA386] is indicated, carry out trouble-
ply system shooting for it first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
PFUEL Voltage
Defective common rail pres-
Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.75 – 5.25 V
2 sure sensor
(Internal trouble) Between (2) – (1) Signal 0.25 – 4.6 V
Sensor voltage is measured with wiring harness connected.
Accordingly, if voltage is abnormal, check wiring harness and con-
troller, too, for another cause of trouble, and then judge.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Possible causes Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
and standard ness Max. 1 z
(36) – PFUEL (female) (3) tance
value in normal 3 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
state defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) (29) – PFUEL (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(48) – PFUEL (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(36) – PFUEL (female) (3) and chassis Min.1 Mz
Ground fault in wiring har- tance
4 Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(Short circuit with GND cir- Resis-
cuit) (29) – PFUEL (female) (2) and chassis Min.1 Mz
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(48) – PFUEL (female) (1) and chassis Min.1 Mz

40-302 14 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA451] Rail press. sensor high error SEN04810-00

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(36) – PFUEL (female) (3) and Resis-
Min.1 Mz
wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (29) tance
Short circuit in wiring har- – PFUEL (female) (2)
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(With another wiring har- (36) – PFUEL (female) (3) and Resis-
Possible causes Min.1 Mz
ness) wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (48) tance
and standard
value in normal – PFUEL (female) (1)
state Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(29) – PFUEL (female) (2) and Resis-
Min.1 Mz
wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (48) tance
– PFUEL (female) (1)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective engine controller ENG1 Voltage
Between (36) – (48) 4.75 – 5.25 V
Between (29) – (48) 0.25 – 4.6 V

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 15
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA452] Rail press. sensor low error

Failure code [CA452] Rail press. sensor low error 1

User code Failure code Rail press. sensor low error

E11 CA452 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in common rail pressure sensor circuit.
Action of
• Limits output and continues operation (Limits common rail pressure).
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Signal voltage of common rail pressure sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36401 Common rail pressure sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA451].

40-302 16 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA488] Chg air temp high torque derate SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA488] Chg air temp high torque derate 1

User code Failure code Charge air temperature high torque derate
E11 CA488 (Engine controller system)
Contents of • Temperature signal of boost pressure/temperature sensor exceeded control upper temperature
trouble limit.
Action of
• Limits output and continues operation.
Problem that
appears on • Engine output lowers.
Related • Boost temperature can be checked with monitoring function. (Code: 18500 Boost temperature)
information • Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Cooling performance of aftercooler may be low. Check following
points directly.
Lowering of cooling perfor-
1 • Looseness and breakage of fan belt.
Possible causes mance of aftercooler
• Insufficiency of cooling air
and standard • Clogging of aftercooler fins
value in normal
state Abnormal rise of turbo- Outlet temperature of turbocharger may be abnormally high.
charger outlet temperature Check related parts directly.
If causes 1 – 2 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
3 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

PC78US-8 40-302 17
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA553] Rail press. high error

Failure code [CA553] Rail press. high error 1

User code Failure code Rail press. high error

E15 CA553 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Common rail pressure sensor circuit detected abnormally high pressure (level 1).
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Common rail pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36400 Common rail pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.
2 Use of improper fuel Check fuel used directly (for high viscosity).
Defective electrical system of Common rail pressure sensor may have electric trouble. Carry out
Possible causes common rail pressure sensor troubleshooting for failure code [CA451].
and standard Defective mechanical system
value in normal 4 of common rail pressure sen- Check mechanical system of common rail pressure sensor directly.
state sor
Check overflow valve directly for broken spring, worn seat, and
5 Defective overflow valve
stuck ball.
6 Clogging of overflow piping Check overflow piping directly for clogging.
7 Defective pressure limiter Check pressure limiter directly for mechanical defect.

40-302 18 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA559] Rail press. low error SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA559] Rail press. low error 1

User code Failure code Rail press. low error

E15 CA559 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Supply pump does not feed fuel (level 1).
Action of
• Limits common rail pressure.
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Common rail pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36400 Common rail pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.
2 Use of improper fuel Check fuel used directly (for high viscosity).
3 Clogging of fuel filter a If a fuel filter is clogged, replace it.
a For contents of troubleshooting, see Note 1. For check of pres-
sure in fuel low-pressure circuit, see Testing and adjusting,
Defective low-pressure cir- "Testing fuel pressure".
cuit device Pressure in fuel low-pressure
-49 – 0 kPa
{-0.5 – 0 kg/cm2}
(At high idle or rated load)
Defective electrical system of Supply pump IMV may have electric trouble. Carry out trouble-
supply pump IMV shooting for following failure codes [CA271], [CA272].
Defective common rail pres- Common rail pressure sensor may be defective. Check wiring har-
sure sensor ness for damage.
Possible causes
and standard a For testing of leakage from pressure limiter, see Testing and
value in normal adjusting, "Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return
state rate from injector".
7 Defective pressure limiter
Leakage from pressure limiter Max. 20 cc/min (*)
*: A limit value is the value mentioned above, but a standard
value in normalcy is "0 cc/min. (no leak)".
a For testing of return rate (spill) from injector, see Testing and
adjusting, "Testing leakage from pressure limiter and return
rate from injector".
Speed at rated operation Return (Spill) limit from injector

8 Defective injector 1,600 rpm 190 cc/min

1,700 rpm 200 cc/min
1,800 rpm 210 cc/min
1,900 rpm 220 cc/min
2,000 rpm 230 cc/min
9 Defective supply pump If causes 1 – 8 are not detected, supply pump may be defective.
<How to use check sheet>
Carry out the above troubleshooting and take a record of the contents of the attached “Check sheet for no-
pressure feed“.
Note 1: Check the low-pressure circuit parts for the following items.
1) Fuel level
2) Clogging of fuel tank breather
3) Sticking and wear of feed pump and clogging of filter
4) Leakage through and clogging of low-pressure fuel piping
5) Clogging of fuel filter

PC78US-8 40-302 19
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA559] Rail press. low error

Check sheet for no-pressure feed

Model Work No.

Machine serial No. # Date of check / /
Engine Service meter h
Engine serial No. # Worker's name

A. Visual check Good NG

1 Fuel leakage to outside
2 Clogging of fuel tank breather

B. Check with machine monitor (Fault history function, monitoring function, and reduced cylinder mode function) Good NG
3 Check of failure code / / / /
Check of monitoring information
Standard value
Code Displayed item Checking condition Unit Measured value Good NG
(Reference value)

Low idle rpm 1,150 + 50

*1 Engine speed High idle rpm 2,050 ± 50
Equivalent to rating rpm 1,950
Low idle % 0
*2 Throttle opening degree
High idle % 100
*3 Fuel injection command Equivalent to rating mm3 — — —
4 Common rail pressure
*4 Equivalent to rating MPa
Common rail fuel
*5 Equivalent to rating MPa
Low idle CA — — —
Fuel injection timing
*6 High idle CA — — —
Equivalent to rating CA — — —
*7 Boost pressure Equivalent to rating kPa — — —
Engine coolant
*8 Low idle °C — — —
*9 Fuel temperature Low idle °C — — —
Check of reduced cylinder mode operation (Engine speed)
Standard value
Function Reduced cylinder Checking condition Unit Measured value Good NG
(Reference value)
5 No. 1 cylinder Low idle rpm — — —
No. 2 cylinder Low idle rpm — — —
No. 3 cylinder Low idle rpm — — —
No. 4 cylinder Low idle rpm — — —

C. Check of fuel circuit pressure Standard value

Checking condition Unit Measured value Good NG
(Reference value)
MPa -49 – 0 kPa
6 Fuel low-pressure circuit pressure High idle or rated load
{kg/cm2} {-0.5 – 0 kg/cm2}

D. Check of strainers and filters Good NG

7 Visual check of fuel filter

E. Check of leakage and return rate Standard value

Checking condition Unit Measured value Good NG
(Reference value)
8 Leakage through pressure limiter Equivalent to rating cc/min Max. 20 (*)
Equivalent to rating 1,600 rpm cc/min 190
Equivalent to rating 1,700 rpm cc/min 200 Speed:
9 Return rate from injector Equivalent to rating 1,800 rpm cc/min 210
Equivalent to rating 1,900 rpm cc/min 220 Return rate:

Equivalent to rating 2,000 rpm cc/min 230

40-302 20 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA559] Rail press. low error SEN04810-00

*1 – *10:
See Testing and adjusting, "Special functions of machine monitor", Monitoring items table.
*: A limit value is the value mentioned above, but a standard value in normalcy is "0 cc/min. (no leak)".
Rating or equivalent:
Relieve the circuit under the following condition.
1) Engine: Full throttle
2) Mode: P
3) Boom: Raise

PC78US-8 40-302 21
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA689] Eng. Ne speed sensor error

Failure code [CA689] Eng. Ne speed sensor error 1

User code Failure code Eng. Ne speed sensor error

E15 CA689 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in engine Ne speed sensor circuit.
Action of
• Operates with signals of Bkup speed sensor.
Problem that
• Running engine stops (when Bkup speed sensor is also abnormal).
appears on
machine • Stopped engine cannot be started (when Bkup speed sensor is also abnormal).

• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sensor power sup- If failure code [CA238] is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it
ply system first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
ness Max. 1 z
(26) – NE (female) (3) tance
2 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) (44) – NE (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(42) – NE (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min.1 Mz
ness (26) – NE (female) (3) and chassis ground tance
(Short circuit with GND cir- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
cuit) Min.1 Mz
(44) – NE (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Possible causes Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min.1 Mz
and standard (42) – NE (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
value in normal
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(26) – NE (female) (3) and Resis-
Min.1 Mz
wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (44) tance
Short circuit in wiring har- – NE (female) (2)
ness Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(With another wiring har- (26) – NE (female) (3) and Resis-
ness) Min.1 Mz
wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (42) tance
– NE (female) (1)
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(44) – NE (female) (2) and Resis-
Min.1 Mz
wiring harness between ENG1 (female) (42) tance
– NE (female) (1)
Defective mount of sensor or Check Ne speed sensor directly for defective mount (defective
5 defective rotation sensing clearance) or check rotation sensing part (crankshaft pulley)
part directly for defect.
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, engine Ne speed sensor may be
Defective engine Ne speed
6 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-302 22 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA689] Eng. Ne speed sensor error SEN04810-00

Possible causes Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard If causes 1 – 6 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
value in normal 7 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried
state out.)

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 23
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA731] Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error

Failure code [CA731] Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error 1

User code Failure code Eng. Bkup speed sensor phase error
E15 CA731 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Engine Bkup speed sensor circuit detected abnormality in phase.
Action of
• Controls with signals of engine Ne speed sensor.
Problem that
• Running engine stops (when Ne speed sensor is also abnormal).
appears on
machine • Stopped engine cannot be started (when Ne speed sensor is also abnormal).

• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Defective engine Ne speed Engine Ne speed sensor may be defective. Carry out trouble-
and standard 1
sensor system shooting for failure code [CA698].
value in normal
state Defective engine Bkup Engine Bkup speed sensor may be defective. Carry out trouble-
speed sensor system shooting for failure code [CA778].

40-302 24 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA757] All persistent data lost error SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA757] All persistent data lost error 1

User code Failure code All persistent data lost error

E10 CA757 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• All data in engine controller are lost.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears on • Engine continues operation normally, but it may stop during operation or may not be able to start.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA111].

PC78US-8 40-302 25
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA778] Eng. Bkup speed sensor error

Failure code [CA778] Eng. Bkup speed sensor error 1

User code Failure code Eng. Bkup speed sensor error

E15 CA778 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormality occurred in engine Bkup speed sensor circuit.
Action of
• Operates with signals of Ne speed sensor.
Problem that
• Running engine stops (when Ne speed sensor is also abnormal).
appears on
machine • Stopped engine cannot be started (when Ne speed sensor is also abnormal).

• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sensor power sup- If failure code [CA187] or [CA227] is indicated, carry out trouble-
ply system shooting for it first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
ness Max. 1 z
(36) – CAM (female) (3) tance
2 (Disconnection in wiring or
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
defective contact in connec- Max. 1 z
tor) (48) – CAM (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(37) – CAM (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min.1 Mz
ness (36) – CAM (female) (3) and chassis ground tance
(Short circuit with GND cir- Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
cuit) Min.1 Mz
(48) – CAM (female) (2) and chassis ground tance
Possible causes Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Min.1 Mz
and standard (37) – CAM (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(36) – CAM (female) (3) and between ENG1 Min.1 Mz
Short circuit in wiring har- tance
(female) (48) – CAM (female) (2)
4 Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(With another wiring har- Resis-
ness) (36) – CAM (female) (3) and between ENG1 Min.1 Mz
(female) (37) – CAM (female) (1)
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female)
(48) – CAM (female) (2) and between ENG1 Min.1 Mz
(female) (37) – CAM (female) (1)
Defective mount of sensor or Check Bkup speed sensor directly for defective mount (defective
5 defective rotation sensing clearance) or check rotation sensing part (in supply pump) directly
part for defect.
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, engine Bkup speed sensor may
Defective engine Bkup
6 be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
speed sensor
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 6 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
7 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-302 26 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA778] Eng. Bkup speed sensor error SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 27
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET datalink timeout error

Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET datalink timeout error 1

User code Failure code KOMNET datalink timeout error

E0E CA1633 (Engine controller system)
Contents of • Engine controller detected communication error in KOMNET communication circuit between pump
trouble controller and machine monitor.
Action of • Continues operation in default mode.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Information may not transmitted normally by KOMNET communication and machine may not oper-
appears on
ate normally. (Trouble phenomenon depends on failed section.)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
ness (Disconnection in wiring (9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Max. 1 z
1 tance
or defective contact in con- (1), – K02 (female) (A)
nector) Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Max. 1 z
(21), – K02 (female) (B)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
(9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Resis-
Ground fault in wiring har- Min. 1 Mz
(1), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3) and tance
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
chassis ground
Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
Possible causes (10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
and standard (21), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10) tance
value in normal and chassis ground
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
(9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Max.
Hot short (Short circuit with Voltage
(1), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3) and 5.5 V
3 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
chassis ground
Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Max.
(21), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10) 5.5 V
and chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective CAN terminal ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 resistance (Internal short cir-
K02 (male) Resistance
cuit or disconnection)
Between (A) – (B) 120 ± 12 z
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
5 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-302 28 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA1633] KOMNET datalink timeout error SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 29
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error

Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error 1

User code Failure code Throttle Sens. sup. volt. high error
E14 CA2185 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• High voltage was detected in throttle sensor power supply (5 V) circuit.
Action of • Sets throttle angle with signal other than throttle sensor signal and continues operation (depending
controller on each model).
Problem that
appears on • Engine speed cannot be controlled with fuel control dial.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Disconnect devices
Defective fuel control dial at right in order. If
1 failure code disap-
(Internal trouble)
pears when a device Fuel control dial P20 connector
is disconnected, that
device has a defect
in it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (27) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P20 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (28) Resis-
Possible causes
Max. 1 z
and standard – P20 (female) (3) tance
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (27) Resis-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min.1 Mz
– P20 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (28) Resis-
Min.1 Mz
– P20 (female) (3) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Short circuit in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (with another wiring Wiring harness between CE02 (female) (27)
harness) Resis-
– P20 (female) (1) and between CE02 Min.1 Mz
(female) (28) – P20 (female) (3)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
5 Defective engine controller
CE02 Voltage
Between (27) – (28) 4.75 – 5.25 V

40-302 30 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA2185] Throttle sens. sup. volt. high error SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 31
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error

Failure code [CA2186] Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error 1

User code Failure code Throttle sens. sup. volt. low error
E14 CA2186 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Low voltage was detected in throttle sensor power supply (5 V) circuit.
Action of • Sets throttle angle with signal other than throttle sensor signal and continues operation (depending
controller on each model).
Problem that
appears on • Engine speed cannot be controlled with fuel control dial.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA2185].

Failure code [CA2249] Rail press. very low error 1

User code Failure code Rail press. very low error

E11 CA2249 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Supply pump does not feed fuel (level 2).
Action of
• Limits common rail pressure.
Problem that
appears on • Output drops.
• Common rail pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 36400 Common rail pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA559].

40-302 32 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [CA2311] Abnormality in IMV solenoid SEN04810-00

Failure code [CA2311] Abnormality in IMV solenoid 1

User code Failure code Abnormality in IMV solenoid

E11 CA2311 (Engine controller system)
Contents of
• Resistance in supply pump actuator is abnormally high or low.
Action of
• None in particular.
Problem that
appears • Engine output drops.
on machine
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Causes Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective related system If another failure code is indicated, carry out troubleshooting for it.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective supply pump PREG (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (2) Max. 1 z
Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Possible 3 (Disconnection in wiring or Max. 1 z
(10) – PREG (female) (1) tance
causes and defective contact in connec-
standard value tor) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
Max. 1 z
in normal state (14) – PREG (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring harness
(Short circuit with GND circuit) Wiring harness between ENG1 (female) Resis-
(14) – PREG (female) (2) and chassis Min.1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective engine controller ENG1 (female) Resistance
Between (10) – (14) Max. 1 z
Between (10) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 33
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [D110KB] Battery relay drive short

Failure code [D110KB] Battery relay drive short 1

User code Failure code Battery relay drive short

— D110KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flowed at output to battery relay drive circuit.
Action of • Turns output to battery relay drive circuit OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Engine does not stop.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Battery relay Resistance
Defective battery relay
1 Between BR (terminal BR) –
(Internal defect) There is continuity
RE (terminal E)
Between BR (terminal BR) –
Min. 1 Mz
chassis ground
Possible causes
and standard a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal ness
state 2 Wiring harness between C02 (female) (108)
(Short circuit with GND cir- Resis-
cuit) – D01 – J01 – R02 (terminal BR) and chas- Min. 1 Mz
sis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Turn starting switch
3 Defective pump controller C02 (female) Voltage
Between (108) – 20 – 30 V
chassis ground (4 – 7 sec.)

40-302 34 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [D110KB] Battery relay drive short SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 35
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [D19JKZ] Personal code relay abnormality

Failure code [D19JKZ] Personal code relay abnormality 1

User code Failure code Personal code relay abnormality

E01 D19JKZ (KOMTRAX system in machine monitor)
Contents of
• Disconnection or short circuit was detected in personal code relay circuit.
• None in particular (when disconnection is detected).
• Turns output to personal code relay OFF (when short circuit is detected).
Action of
• If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself (when disconnection is detected).
• Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF
(when disconnection is detected).
Problem that
appears on
• This failure code is displayed only when engine lock function is effective.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON (Disconnection). Trouble cannot be
reproduced on machine (Short circuit).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse No. 3 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault (See cause 4).
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON. (Troubleshooting for
relay unit)
R07 (male) Resistance
Defective personal code Between (1) – (2) (300 – 600 z)
2 relay (Internal disconnection a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or short circuit) and carry out troubleshooting. (Troubleshooting by replace-
Replace personal code relay (R07) with another relay and perform
reproducing operation. If "E" of failure code goes off at this time,
Possible causes replaced relay is defective.
and standard a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
value in normal ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har-
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between F01 (3) – R07 Resis-
3 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between R07 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
CM01 (female) (6) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between F01 (3) – R07 Resis-
4 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(female) (1) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between R07 (female) (2) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
CM01 (female) (6) and chassis ground tance
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, machine monitor (KOMTRAX)
Defective machine monitor
5 may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting can-
(KOMTRAX section)
not be carried out.)

40-302 36 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [D19JKZ] Personal code relay abnormality SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 37
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [D862KA] GPS antenna discon

Failure code [D862KA] GPS antenna discon 1

User code Failure code GPS antenna disconnection

— D862KA (KOMTRAX system in machine monitor)
Contents of
• Disconnection was detected in GPS antenna circuit.
Action of • None in particular.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • GPS cannot measure position.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard Possible causes are defective GPS antenna, disconnection or
value in normal Defective GPS antenna or
1 short circuit in antenna cable, and defective connection of antenna
state antenna cable
cable connector (GPS).

Configuration drawing

40-302 38 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [D862KA] GPS antenna discon SEN04810-00

PC78US-8 40-302 39
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [DA22KK] Pump solenoid power low error

Failure code [DA22KK] Pump solenoid power low error 1

User code Failure code Lowering of solenoid power supply voltage

E0E DA22KK (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Solenoid power supply voltage of controller is below 20 V.
• While this failure code is displayed, detection of failure codes (disconnection/short circuit) of all the
Action of
solenoid systems is stopped.
• Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Since no solenoid valve is driven normally, machine does not operate normally.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse F01 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See Cause 3.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between C02 (female) (116), Resis-
Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring (118), (121) – F01-2 tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between F01-1A – F02 Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
(male) (2) tance
Wiring harness between F02 (male) (1) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
RM tance
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal Wiring harness between C02 (female) (116), Resis-
state Min. 1 Mz
Ground fault in wiring har- (118), (121) – F01-2 and chassis ground tance
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between F01-1A – F02
circuit) Resis-
(male) (2), – circuit branch end and chassis Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between F02 (male) (1) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
RM and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
4 Defective pump controller C01 (female), C02 (female) Voltage
Between C02 (116), (118),
20 – 30 V
(121) – C01 (2), (5)

40-302 40 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [DA22KK] Pump solenoid power low error SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 41
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [DA25KP] 5V sensor 1 power abnormality

Failure code [DA25KP] 5V sensor 1 power abnormality 1

(North America specification)

User code Failure code
Trouble 5V sensor power supply output 1 abnormality
— DA25KP
Contents of
• Voltage of 5 V sensor power supply output 1 circuit is below 2.5 V or above 6.0 V.
Action of • Turns output of 5 V sensor power supply output 1 OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (8) – Resis-
Possible causes Min. 1 Mz
A08 (female) (1) and chassis ground tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
state 2 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (8) –
Voltage Max. 1 V
A08 (female) (1) and chassis ground
If causes 1 – 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
3 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-302 42 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [DA25KP] 5V sensor 1 power abnormality SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

(North America specification)

PC78US-8 40-302 43
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [DA26KP] 5V sensor 2 power abnormality

Failure code [DA26KP] 5V sensor 2 power abnormality 1

User code Failure code 5V sensor power supply output 2 abnormality

— DA26KP (For pump control)
Contents of
• Voltage of 5 V sensor power supply output 2 circuit is below 2.5 V or above 6.0 V.
Action of • Turns output of 5 V sensor power supply output 2 OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that • Automatic gear shifting function does not work (pump pressure sensor system).
appears on • Auto-decelerator keeps working and is not reset or fine control performance of work equipment is
machine lowered (PPC pressure sensor system).
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Disconnect connector with starting switch OFF, then turn start-
ing switch ON and carry out troubleshooting.
Swing right PPC
pressure sensor
Disconnect sensors at right in
Defective pressure sensor order and carry out operation to Swing left PPC
1 P08
(Internal short circuit) reproduce trouble. If "E" of failure pressure sensor
code goes off when a sensor is Pump pressure
disconnected, that sensor is P25
Travel PPC pressure
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Between C01 (female) (36) – P07 (female)
(2) wiring harness and ground Min. 1 Mz
[Swing right PPC pressure sensor system]
Between C01 (female) (74) – P08 (female)
Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(2) wiring harness and ground Min. 1 Mz
2 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
[Swing left PPC pressure sensor]
Possible causes circuit)
and standard Between C01 (female) (9) – P25 (female)
value in normal (3) wiring harness and ground Min. 1 Mz
state [Pump pressure sensor system]
Between C01 (female) (55) – P26 (female)
(2) wiring harness and ground Min. 1 Mz
[Travel PPC pressure sensor system]
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Between C01 (female) (36) – P07 (female)
(2) wiring harness and ground Voltage Max. 1 V
[Swing right PPC pressure sensor system]
Between C01 (female) (74) – P08 (female)
Hot short (Short circuit with
(2) wiring harness and ground Voltage Max. 1 V
3 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
[Swing left PPC pressure sensor]
Between C01 (female) (9) – P25 (female)
(3) wiring harness and ground Voltage Max. 1 V
[Pump pressure sensor system]
Between C01 (female) (55) – P26 (female)
(2) wiring harness and ground Voltage Max. 1 V
[Travel PPC pressure sensor system]
If causes 1 – 3 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
4 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-302 44 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [DA26KP] 5V sensor 2 power abnormality SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 45
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
SEN04810-00 Failure code [DA29KQ] Model selection abnormality

Failure code [DA29KQ] Model selection abnormality 1

User code Failure code Model selection abnormality

— DA29KQ (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Model code signal for model which is not registered in controller is input.
Action of • Changes input model code to code of default model (PC78US) and continues control.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Since control is carried out on assumption that model is PC78US, no particular problem occurs.
• Model code of pump controller can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 00200 Controller model code)
• Condition of model selection signal can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02209 Switch input 6)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective model selection ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 connector (Internal discon-
C01 (female) Resistance
nection or short circuit)
Between (40), (76) – (81) Min. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (40) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – C01 (female) (76) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (40) Resis-
Max. 1 z
and standard – C01 (female) (81) tance
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (40) Resis-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
– C01 (female) (76) and chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (40) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– C01 (female) (81) and chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
Between (40), (76), (81) –
Min. 1 Mz
chassis ground

40-302 46 PC78US-8
302 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 2
Failure code [DA29KQ] Model selection abnormality SEN04810-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-302 47

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04810-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-302 48


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3

Failure code [DA2RMC] CAN discon (Pump controller detected)................................................................... 2
Failure code [DAFGMC] GPS module error.................................................................................................... 4
Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected)................................................................................ 6
Failure code [DGH2KB] Hydr oil sensor short ................................................................................................ 8
Failure code [DHPAMA] Pump press sensor abnormality............................................................................. 10
Failure code [DHS5KX] Travel PPC press sensor abnormality .................................................................... 12
Failure code [DHSAMA] Swing right PPC press sensor abnormality ........................................................... 14
Failure code [DHSBMA] Swing left PPC press sensor abnormality.............................................................. 16
Failure code [DHX1MA] Overload sensor abnormality (Analog)................................................................... 18
Failure code [DV20KB] Travel alarm S/C...................................................................................................... 19
Failure code [DW43KA] Travel speed sol discon.......................................................................................... 20
Failure code [DW43KB] Travel speed sol short ............................................................................................ 21
Failure code [DW45KA] Swing brake sol discon........................................................................................... 22
Failure code [DW45KB] Swing brake sol short ............................................................................................. 24
Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider sol discon......................................................................................... 26
Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider sol short ........................................................................................... 27

PC78US-8 40-303 1
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DA2RMC] CAN discon (Pump controller detected)

Failure code [DA2RMC] CAN discon (Pump controller detected) 1

User code Failure code CAN disconnection (Pump controller detected)

E0E DA2RMC (Pump controller system)
Contents of • Pump controller detected communication error in CAN communication circuit between machine
trouble monitor and engine controller.
Action of • Continues operation with information of CAN communication just before detection of error.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Information may not be transmitted normally by CAN communication and machine may not operate
appears on
normally. (Trouble phenomenon depends on failed section.)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
ness (Disconnection in wiring (9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Max. 1 z
1 tance
or defective contact in con- (1), – K02 (female) (A)
nector) Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Max. 1 z
(21), – K02 (female) (B)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Min. 1 Mz
2 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
(1), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)
Possible causes Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
and standard Resis-
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Min. 1 Mz
value in normal tance
(21), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
Hot short (Short circuit with Max.
(9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Voltage
3 24 V circuit) in wiring har- 5.5 V
(1), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)
Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Voltage
5.5 V
(21), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective CAN terminal ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 resistance (Internal short cir-
K02 (male) Resistance
cuit or disconnection)
Between (A) – (B) 120 ± 12 z
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
5 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-303 2 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DA2RMC] CAN discon (Pump controller detected) SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 3
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DAFGMC] GPS module error

Failure code [DAFGMC] GPS module error 1

User code Failure code GPS module operation error

— DAFGMC (KOMTRAX system in machine monitor)
Contents of • Position data is not sent from GPS module (in machine monitor) to KOMTRAX communication
trouble MODEM in 50 seconds after KOMTRAX is started.
Action of • None in particular.
machine monitor • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on
Related • Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON (At least 50 seconds after starting
information switch is turned ON).

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal GPS module of machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble
1 Defective machine monitor
state is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-303 4 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DAFGMC] GPS module error SEN04811-00

PC78US-8 40-303 5
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected)

Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected) 1

User code Failure code CAN disconnection (Monitor detected)

E0E DAFRMC (Machine monitor system)
Contents of • Machine monitor detected communication error in CAN communication circuit between pump con-
trouble troller and engine controller.
Action of
• If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
machine monitor
Problem that
• Information may not be transmitted normally by CAN communication and machine may not operate
appears on
normally. (Trouble phenomenon depends on failed section.)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
ness (Disconnection in wiring (9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Max. 1 z
1 tance
or defective contact in con- (1), – K02 (female) (A)
nector) Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Max. 1 z
(21), – K02 (female) (B)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Min. 1 Mz
2 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
(1), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)
Possible causes Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
and standard (10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Min. 1 Mz
value in normal (21), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10)
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between CM02 (female) (8),
Hot short (Short circuit with Max.
(9) – C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) Voltage
3 24 V circuit) in wiring har- 5.5 V
(1), – K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)
Wiring harness between CM02 (female)
(10) – C01 (female) (64), – CE02 (female) Voltage
5.5 V
(21), – K02 (female) (B), – N08 (male) (10)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective CAN terminal ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 resistance (Internal short cir-
K02 (male) Resistance
cuit or disconnection)
Between (A) – (B) 120 ± 12 z
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
5 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-303 6 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DAFRMC] CAN discon (Monitor detected) SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 7
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DGH2KB] Hydr oil sensor short

Failure code [DGH2KB] Hydr oil sensor short 1

User code Failure code Hydraulic oil temperature sensor short

— DGH2KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Ground fault was detected in hydraulic oil temperature sensor circuit.
Action of • Controls pump in normal mode (as when hydraulic oil temperature is 20°C to below 95°C).
controller (Overheat prevention function does not work.)
Problem that
• While hydraulic oil temperature rises normally, hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not move from
appears on
top of white range (bottom of green range).
• Signal voltage of hydraulic oil temperature sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04402 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor voltage)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
1 perature sensor (Internal dis- P22 (male) Resistance
connection or short circuit) Between (1) – (2) 3.5 – 90 kz
Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
Possible causes
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 2 ness (Short circuit with GND
state circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P22 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
Between (29) – (46) 3.5 – 90 kz
Between (29) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

40-303 8 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DGH2KB] Hydr oil sensor short SEN04811-00

PC78US-8 40-303 9
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DHPAMA] Pump press sensor abnormality

Failure code [DHPAMA] Pump press sensor abnormality 1

User code Failure code Pump pressure sensor abnormality

— DHPAMA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Signal voltage of pump pressure sensor circuit is below 0.3 V or above 4.4 V.
Action of • Fixes pump pressure at 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2} and continues control.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Automatic gear shifting function does not work.
appears on
• Straight travel performance or steering performance lowers.
a If 5 V circuit (3) and ground circuit (1) of pressure sensor are connected inversely, pressure sensor
Related will be broken. Accordingly, take extreme care when checking.
information • Pump pressure can be checked with monitoring function. (Code: 01100 Pump pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON or start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective 5 V sensor power a If failure code [DA25KP] is also displayed, carry out trouble-
supply 1 system shooting for it first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
P25 Voltage
Defective pump pressure
2 Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.5 – 5.5 V
sensor (Internal defect)
Between (2) – (1) Signal 0.3 – 4.5 V
If voltage is abnormal, check failure code. (If "E" of failure code
goes off at this time, pump pressure sensor is defective.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Possible causes Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (18) Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring – P25 (female) (1) tance
value in normal 3
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (49) Resis-
state nector) Max. 1 z
– P25 (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (9) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J07 – P25 (female) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (49) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P25 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
5 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (49)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P25 (female) (2)
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
6 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

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303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DHPAMA] Pump press sensor abnormality SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 11
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DHS5KX] Travel PPC press sensor abnormality

Failure code [DHS5KX] Travel PPC press sensor abnormality 1

User code Failure code Travel PPC pressure sensor abnormality

E20 DHS5KX (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Signal voltage of travel PPC pressure sensor circuit is below 0.3 V or above 4.5 V.
Action of • Fixes travel PPC pressure at 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2} and continues control.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Automatic decelerator cannot be reset.
appears on
• Travel right forward performance lowers.
a If 5 V circuit (3) and ground circuit (1) of pressure sensor are connected inversely, pressure sensor
will be broken. Accordingly, take extreme care when checking.
• Travel PPC pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 07101 Travel PPC pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON or start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective 5 V sensor power If failure code [DA25KP] is also displayed, carry out troubleshoot-
supply 1 system ing for it first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
P26 Voltage
Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.5 – 5.5 V
Defective travel PPC pres-
2 Between (2) – (1) Signal 0.3 – 4.5 V
sure sensor (Internal defect)
If voltage is abnormal, replace travel PPC pressure sensor with
another PPC pressure sensor and check failure code. (If "E" of fail-
ure code goes off at this time, travel PPC pressure sensor is defec-
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (18) Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring – P26 (female) (1) tance
state 3
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (55) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
– P26 (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (9) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J06 – P26 (female) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (55) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P26 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
5 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (55)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P26 (female) (2)
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
6 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-303 12 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DHS5KX] Travel PPC press sensor abnormality SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 13
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DHSAMA] Swing right PPC press sensor abnormality

Failure code [DHSAMA] Swing right PPC press sensor abnormality 1

User code Failure code Swing right PPC pressure sensor abnormality
E20 DHSAMA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Signal voltage of swing right PPC pressure sensor circuit is below 0.3 V or above 4.5 V.
Action of • Fixes swing right PPC pressure at 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2} and continues control.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Automatic decelerator cannot be reset.
appears on
• Swing right performance lowers.
a If 5 V circuit (3) and ground circuit (1) of pressure sensor are connected inversely, pressure sensor
will be broken. Accordingly, take extreme care when checking.
• Swing right PPC pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 09002 Swing right PPC pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON or start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective 5 V sensor power If failure code [DA25KP] is also displayed, carry out troubleshoot-
supply 1 system ing for it first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
P07 Voltage
Defective swing right PPC Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.5 – 5.5 V
2 pressure sensor (Internal Between (2) – (1) Signal 0.3 – 4.5 V
If voltage is abnormal, replace swing right PPC pressure sensor
with another PPC pressure sensor and check failure code. (If "E" of
failure code goes off at this time, swing right PPC pressure sensor
is defective.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (18) Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring – P07 (female) (1) tance
state 3
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (13) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
– P07 (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (9) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J07 – P07 (female) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (36) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P07 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
5 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (36)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P07 (female) (2)
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
6 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-303 14 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DHSAMA] Swing right PPC press sensor abnormality SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 15
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DHSBMA] Swing left PPC press sensor abnormality

Failure code [DHSBMA] Swing left PPC press sensor abnormality 1

User code Failure code Swing left PPC pressure sensor abnormality
E20 DHSBMA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Signal voltage of swing left PPC pressure sensor circuit is below 0.3 V or above 4.5 V.
Action of • Fixes swing left PPC pressure at 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2} and continues control.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Automatic decelerator cannot be reset.
appears on
• Swing left performance lowers.
a If 5 V circuit (3) and ground circuit (1) of pressure sensor are connected inversely, pressure sensor
will be broken. Accordingly, take extreme care when checking.
• Swing left PPC pressure can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 09001 Swing left PPC pressure)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON or start engine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective 5 V sensor power If failure code [DA25KP] is also displayed, carry out troubleshoot-
supply 1 system ing for it first.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
or start engine and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
P08 Voltage
Defective swing left PPC Between (3) – (1) Power supply 4.5 – 5.5 V
2 pressure sensor (Internal Between (2) – (1) Signal 0.3 – 4.5 V
If voltage is abnormal, replace swing left PPC pressure sensor with
another PPC pressure sensor and check failure code. (If "E" of fail-
ure code goes off at this time, swing left PPC pressure sensor is
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (18) Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring – P08 (female) (1) tance
state 3
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between C01 (female) (74) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
– P08 (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (9) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J07 – P08 (female) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (74) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P08 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
5 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (74)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P08 (female) (2)
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
6 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-303 16 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DHSBMA] Swing left PPC press sensor abnormality SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 17
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DHX1MA] Overload sensor abnormality (Analog)

Failure code [DHX1MA] Overload sensor abnormality (Analog) 1

User code Failure code Overload sensor abnormality (Analog)

— DHX1MA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Monitor which is not set to be displayed (Overload alarm monitor) is displayed.
Action of • None in particular.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on
Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Pump controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system, trou-
1 Defective pump controller
state bleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-303 18 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DV20KB] Travel alarm S/C SEN04811-00

Failure code [DV20KB] Travel alarm S/C 1

User code Failure code Travel alarm S/C

— DV20KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• Abnormal current flowed in the travel alarm circuit, when power is supplied to the circuit.
• Power to the travel alarm circuit is switched OFF.
Action of
• Even after the failure cause disappears of itself, the machine operation does not return to normalcy,
unless the engine starting switch is once turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • The travel alarm does not sound.
Related • Operation of the travel alarm (ON or OFF) can be checked in the monitoring function.
information (Code: 03701 Controller output 2)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn the engine starting switch OFF for the preparations, and
keep the engine running during the troubleshooting.
M14 (female) Travel lever Voltage
Travel alarm defective
1 Neutral Max. 1 V
(Internal defect) Between (1) and (2)
Operated 20 – 30 V
If the above voltage is normal but the travel alarm does not oper-
Possible causes ate, the travel alarm is defective.
and standard a Turn the engine starting switch OFF for the preparations, and
value in normal Grounding fault of wiring har- hold it in the OFF position during the troubleshooting.
state ness
(Contact with grounding cir- Between wiring harness between C02 Resis-
cuit) (female) (107) and M14 (female) (1) and Min. 1 Mz
chassis ground
a Turn the engine starting switch OFF for the preparations, and
keep the engine running during the troubleshooting.
3 Pump controller defective C02 Travel lever Voltage
Between (107) – Neutral Max. 1 V
chassis ground Operated 20 – 30 V

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 19
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DW43KA] Travel speed sol discon

Failure code [DW43KA] Travel speed sol discon 1

User code Failure code Travel speed solenoid system disconnection

— DW43KA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When output to travel speed shifting solenoid was turned ON, disconnection was detected in circuit.
Action of • None in particular. (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate.)
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
• Speed is low at High travel speed position (Machine monitor is set to High but actual speed is about
appears on
• Operating condition of travel speed shifting solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02300 Solenoid 1)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine + Set travel speed to High + Operate travel lever.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective travel speed shift- ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 ing solenoid (Internal discon-
V02 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (2) 20 – 60 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (87) Resis-
value in normal 2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – V02 (female) (2) tance
state nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115), Resis-
Max. 1 z
(117), (120) – V02 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 Defective pump controller C02 (female) Resistance
Between (87) – (115), (117),
20 – 60 z

Related circuit diagram

40-303 20 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DW43KB] Travel speed sol short SEN04811-00

Failure code [DW43KB] Travel speed sol short 1

User code Failure code Travel speed solenoid system short

— DW43KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When output to travel speed shifting solenoid was turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to travel speed shifting solenoid OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
• Speed is low at High travel speed position (Machine monitor is set to High but actual speed is about
appears on
• Operating condition of travel speed shifting solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02300 Solenoid 1)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine + Set travel speed to High + Operate travel lever.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective travel speed shift-
1 ing solenoid (Internal discon- V02 (male) Resistance
nection) Between (1) – (2) 20 – 60 z
Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (87) Resis-
state Min. 1 Mz
– V02 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C02 (female) Resistance
3 Defective pump controller
Between (87) – (115), (117),
20 – 60 z
Between (87) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 21
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DW45KA] Swing brake sol discon

Failure code [DW45KA] Swing brake sol discon 1

User code Failure code Swing holding brake solenoid system disconnection
E03 DW45KA (Pump controller system)
Contents of • When output to swing holding brake solenoid was turned OFF, disconnection was detected in cir-
trouble cuit.
Action of • None in particular. (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate.)
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Machine cannot swing (Swing holding brake is not reset).
• If solenoid and wiring harness are normal, operator can swing machine by setting swing holding
brake release switch in release position (Swing holding brake does not work, however, when
machine stops).
Related • Keep swing lock switch in OFF position and swing holding brake release switch in release position
information during troubleshooting.
• Operating condition of swing holding brake solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02300 Solenoid 1)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective swing holding ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 brake solenoid (Internal dis-
V03 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (2) 20 – 60 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective assembled-type ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 diode D01 (Internal discon-
D01 (male) Digital circuit tester Continuity
Between (7) – (3) Diode mode There is continuity
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between C02 (female) (101) Resis-
state Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring – D01 (female) (7) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between D01 (female) (3) – Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
J04 – V03 (female) (3) tance
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115), Resis-
Max. 1 z
(117), (120) – V03 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.

4 Defective pump controller C02 (female) Disconnect D01 and Resistance

connect pins (3) and
Between (101) – (7) on female side 20 – 60 z
(115), (117), (120) directly.

40-303 22 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DW45KA] Swing brake sol discon SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 23
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DW45KB] Swing brake sol short

Failure code [DW45KB] Swing brake sol short 1

User code Failure code Swing holding brake solenoid system short
E03 DW45KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When output to swing holding brake solenoid was turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to swing holding brake solenoid OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Machine cannot swing (Swing holding brake is not reset).
• If solenoid and wiring harness are normal, operator can swing machine by setting swing holding
brake release switch in release position (Swing holding brake does not work, however, when
machine stops).
• Keep swing holding brake release switch in release position during troubleshooting.
• Operating condition of swing holding brake solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02300 Solenoid 1)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Start engine + Swing with left work equipment control lever.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective swing holding
1 brake solenoid (Internal short V03 (male) Resistance
circuit or ground fault) Between (1) – (2) 20 – 60 z
Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard ness (Disconnection in wiring
value in normal or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between C02 (female) (101) Resis-
nector) – D01 – J04 – V03 (female) (2), – S25 Min. 1 Mz
state tance
(female) (14)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C02 (female) Resistance
3 Defective pump controller Disconnect D01 and
Between (101) –
connect pins (3) and 20 – 60 z
(115), (117), (120)
(7) on female side
Between (101) – directly. Min. 1 Mz
chassis ground

40-303 24 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DW45KB] Swing brake sol short SEN04811-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 25
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
SEN04811-00 Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider sol discon

Failure code [DWJ0KA] Merge-divider sol discon 1

User code Failure code Merge-divider solenoid disconnection

— DWJ0KA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When merge-divider EPC solenoid was driven, disconnection was detected in circuit.
Action of • None in particular (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate).
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Single operation speed of work equipment and swing is high in lifting mode (L).
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective merge-divider EPC ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 solenoid (Internal disconnec-
V04 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (2) 7 – 14 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (110) Resis-
value in normal 2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – V04 (female) (2) tance
state nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115), Resis-
Max. 1 z
(117), (120) – V04 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 Defective pump controller C02 (female) Resistance
Between (110) – (115), (117),
7 – 14 z

Related circuit diagram

40-303 26 PC78US-8
303 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 3
Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider sol short SEN04811-00

Failure code [DWJ0KB] Merge-divider sol short 1

User code Failure code Merge-divider solenoid short

— DWJ0KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When merge-divider EPC solenoid was driven, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to merge-divider EPC solenoid OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Single operation speed of work equipment and swing is high in lifting mode (L).
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective merge-divider EPC
1 solenoid (Internal short cir- V04 (male) Resistance
cuit or ground fault) Between (1) – (2) 7 – 14 z
Between (2) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (110) Resis-
state Min. 1 Mz
– V04 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C02 (female) Resistance
3 Defective pump controller
Between (110) – (115), (117),
7 – 14 z
Between (110) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-303 27

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04811-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-303 28


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4

Failure code [DXA8KA] PC-EPC sol discon ................................................................................................... 2
Failure code [DXA8KB] PC-EPC sol short...................................................................................................... 4
Failure code [DXE4KA] Service current EPC discon ...................................................................................... 6
Failure code [DXE4KB] Service current EPC short ........................................................................................ 7
Failure code [DY20KA] Wiper working abnormality ........................................................................................ 8
Failure code [DY20MA] Wiper parking abnormality ...................................................................................... 10
Failure code [DY2CKA] Washer drive discon ............................................................................................... 12
Failure code [DY2CKB] Washer drive short.................................................................................................. 14
Failure code [DY2DKB] Wiper drive (for) short ............................................................................................. 16
Failure code [DY2EKB] Wiper drive (rev) short ............................................................................................ 18

PC78US-8 40-304 1
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DXA8KA] PC-EPC sol discon

Failure code [DXA8KA] PC-EPC sol discon 1

User code Failure code PC-EPC solenoid system disconnection

E02 DXA8KA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When PC-EPC solenoid was driven, disconnection was detected in circuit.
Action of • None in particular (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate).
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • If pump load increases, engine speed lowers largely and engine may stall.
• Drive current of PC-EPC solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 01300 PC-EPC solenoid current)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective PC-EPC solenoid ing without turning starting switch ON.
(Internal disconnection) V11 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (2) 7 – 14 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Emergency pump
S25 (male) Resistance
Defective emergency pump drive switch
2 drive switch (Internal discon- Normal Max. 1 z
nection) Between (3) – (2)
Emergency Min. 1 Mz
Normal Max. 1 z
Between (6) – (5)
Possible causes Emergency Min. 1 Mz
and standard
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
value in normal
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (96) Resis-
Max. 1 z
Disconnection in wiring har- – S25 (female) (3) tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between S25 (female) (2) – Resis-
3 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- V11 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115), Resis-
Max. 1 z
(117), (120) – S25 (female) (6) tance
Wiring harness between S25 (female) (5) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
V11 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 Defective pump controller C02 (female) Resistance
Between (96) – (115), (117),
7 – 14 z

40-304 2 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DXA8KA] PC-EPC sol discon SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 3
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DXA8KB] PC-EPC sol short

Failure code [DXA8KB] PC-EPC sol short 1

User code Failure code PC-EPC solenoid system short

E02 DXA8KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When PC-EPC solenoid was driven, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to PC-EPC solenoid OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • If pump load increases, engine speed lowers largely and engine may stall.
• Drive current of PC-EPC solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 01300 PC-EPC solenoid current)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective PC-EPC solenoid
1 (Internal short circuit or V11 (male) Resistance
ground fault) Between (1) – (2) 7 – 14 z
Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective emergency pump Emergency pump
S25 (male) Resistance
2 drive switch (Internal short drive switch
circuit or ground fault) Between (2), (3) – (4) Min. 1 Mz
Possible causes
Between (2), (3) – Normal
and standard Min. 1 Mz
value in normal chassis ground
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (96) Resis-
3 ness (Contact with GND cir- Min. 1 Mz
– S25 (female) (3) tance
Wiring harness between S25 (female) (5) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
V11 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C02 (female) Resistance
4 Defective pump controller
Between (96) – (115), (117),
7 – 14 z
Between (96) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz

40-304 4 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DXA8KB] PC-EPC sol short SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 5
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DXE4KA] Service current EPC discon

Failure code [DXE4KA] Service current EPC discon 1

User code Failure code Service current EPC solenoid disconnection

— DXE4KA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When service EPC solenoid was driven, disconnection was detected in circuit.
Action of • None in particular (Since no current flows, solenoid does not operate).
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Attachment does not operate.
• Drive current of service EPC solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 01700 Service solenoid current)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Set in attachment mode (ATT).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective service EPC sole- ing without turning starting switch ON.
noid (Internal disconnection) V30 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (2) 7 – 14 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (97) Resis-
value in normal 2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – V30 (female) (1) tance
state nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115), Resis-
Max. 1 z
(117), (120) – V30 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 Defective pump controller C02 (female) Resistance
Between (97) – (115), (117),
7 – 14 z

Related circuit diagram

40-304 6 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DXE4KB] Service current EPC short SEN04812-00

Failure code [DXE4KB] Service current EPC short 1

User code Failure code Service current EPC solenoid short

— DXE4KB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When service EPC solenoid was driven, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to service EPC solenoid OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Attachment does not operate.
• Drive current of service EPC solenoid can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 01700 Service EPC solenoid current)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Set in attachment mode (ATT).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective service EPC sole-
1 noid (Internal short circuit or V30 (male) Resistance
ground fault) Between (1) – (2) 7 – 14 z
Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (97) Resis-
state Min. 1 Mz
– V30 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C02 (female) Resistance
3 Defective pump controller
Between (97) – (115), (117),
7 – 14 z
Between (97) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 7
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DY20KA] Wiper working abnormality

Failure code [DY20KA] Wiper working abnormality 1

User code Failure code Wiper working abnormality

— DY20KA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When windshield wiper works, W signal of working ends is not input.
Action of • Turns working output to wiper motor OFF.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Wiper motor does not work.
• Condition of W contact signal of wiper working area can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02204 Switch input 5)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Set wiper switch to INT or ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
M05 (female) Wiper blade Resistance
Defective wiper motor (Inter-
1 Operating range top Max. 1 z
nal disconnection)
Between (6) – (5) Other than operating
Min. 1 Mz
range top
Between (1) – (3) All range Max. 20 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (56) Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
Disconnection in wiring har- – M05 (male) (6) tance
and standard
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between M05 (female) (5) – Resis-
value in normal 2 Max. 1 z
state or defective contact in con- J01 – chassis ground (T09) tance
nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (114) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– M05 (male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (119) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– M05 (male) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C01 (female) Wiper blade Resistance
3 Defective pump controller Operating range top Max. 1 z
Between (56) – chas-
sis ground Other than operating
Min. 1 Mz
range top
Between (114) – (119) All range Max. 20 z

40-304 8 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DY20KA] Wiper working abnormality SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 9
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DY20MA] Wiper parking abnormality

Failure code [DY20MA] Wiper parking abnormality 1

User code Failure code Wiper parking abnormality

— DY20MA (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When windshield wiper is stored, P signal of storage area is not input.
Action of • Turns storage output to wiper motor OFF.
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Wiper is not stored.
• Condition of P contact signal of wiper storage area can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 02204 Switch input 5)
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Set wiper switch to INT/ON to OFF.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
M05 (female) Wiper blade Resistance
Storage area Max. 1 z
Between (4) – (5)
Defective wiper motor (Inter- Working area Min. 1 Mz
nal disconnection) Between (1) – (3) All range Max. 20 z
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (114) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– M05 (male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (119) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– M05 (male) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (75) Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
state Disconnection in wiring har- – M05 (male) (4) tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between M05 (female) (5) – Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- J01 – chassis ground (T09) tance
nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (114) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– M05 (male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between C02 (female) (119) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– M05 (male) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C01 (female) Wiper blade Resistance
3 Defective pump controller
Between (75) – chas- Storage area Max. 1 z
sis ground Working area Min. 1 Mz
Between (114) – (119) All range Max. 20 z

40-304 10 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DY20MA] Wiper parking abnormality SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 11
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DY2CKA] Washer drive discon

Failure code [DY2CKA] Washer drive discon 1

User code Failure code Window washer drive system disconnection

— DY2CKA (Pump controller system)
Contents of • When output to window washer drive system was turned OFF (when ground circuit was connected),
trouble disconnection was detected in circuit.
Action of • None in particular (Since no current flows, washer motor does not operate).
controller • If cause of failure disappears, system resets itself.
Problem that
appears on • Window washer does not operate.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse No. 4 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 5.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective washer motor M06 (male) Resistance
2 (Internal short circuit or
ground fault) Between (1) – (2) 5 – 20 z
Between (1), (2) – chassis
Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective assembled-type ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 diode D02 (Internal short cir-
D02 (female) Continuity (Resistance)
Between (3) – (7) No continuity (Min. 1 Mz)
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har-
value in normal
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between F01 (4) – J05 – Resis-
state 4 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- M06 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J01 – M06 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between F01 (4) – J05 – Resis-
5 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
M06 (female) (1), – D02 (female) (3) tance
Wiring harness between C01 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
J01 – M06 (female) (2), – D02 (female) (7) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective pump controller
C01 (female) Voltage
Between (3) – chassis ground 20 – 30 V

40-304 12 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DY2CKA] Washer drive discon SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 13
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DY2CKB] Washer drive short

Failure code [DY2CKB] Washer drive short 1

User code Failure code Window washer drive system short

— DY2CKB (Pump controller system)
Contents of • When output to window washer drive system was turned ON (ground circuit was disconnected),
trouble short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to washer motor OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Window washer does not operate.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Turn washer switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective washer motor ing without turning starting switch ON.
(Internal short circuit) M06 (male) Resistance
Possible causes Between (1) – (2) 5 – 20 z
and standard a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
value in normal Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
state 2 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (3) –
Voltage Max. 1 V
J01 – M6 (female) (2), – D02 (female) (7)
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defec-
3 Defective pump controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-304 14 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DY2CKB] Washer drive short SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 15
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DY2DKB] Wiper drive (for) short

Failure code [DY2DKB] Wiper drive (for) short 1

User code Failure code Wiper motor drive forward system short
— DY2DKB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When output to wiper motor drive forward side was turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to wiper motor drive forward side OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Windshield wiper does not operate.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Set wiper switch to INT or ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective wiper motor (Inter-
1 nal short circuit or ground M05 (female) Resistance
fault) Between (3) – (1) There is continuity
Possible causes
and standard Between (3) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (119) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– M05 (male) (3) tance
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defec-
3 Defective pump controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-304 16 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DY2DKB] Wiper drive (for) short SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 17
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
SEN04812-00 Failure code [DY2EKB] Wiper drive (rev) short

Failure code [DY2EKB] Wiper drive (rev) short 1

User code Failure code Wiper motor drive reverse system short
— DY2EKB (Pump controller system)
Contents of
• When output to wiper motor drive reverse side was turned ON, short circuit was detected in circuit.
Action of • Turns output to wiper motor drive reverse side OFF.
controller • Even if cause of failure disappears, system does not reset itself until starting switch is turned OFF.
Problem that
appears on • Windshield wiper does not operate.
• Method of reproducing failure code: Turn starting switch ON + Set wiper switch to INT or ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective wiper motor (Inter-
1 nal short circuit or ground M05 (female) Continuity/Resistance
fault) Between (1) – (3) There is continuity
Possible causes
and standard Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (114) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– M05 (male) (1) tance
If causes 1 and 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defec-
3 Defective pump controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-304 18 PC78US-8
304 Troubleshooting by failure code, Part 4
Failure code [DY2EKB] Wiper drive (rev) short SEN04812-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-304 19

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04812-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-304 20


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

400 Troubleshooting of electrical system

Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system ................................................................................ 3
Information in troubleshooting table................................................................................................................ 6
E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing.................................................... 8
E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) ......................................................................................... 10
E-3 Preheater does not operate.................................................................................................................... 14
E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season).............................................................. 16
E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or cannot be locked ........................... 18
E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running .......................................................................................... 20
E-7 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running.......................................................................... 23
E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally ............................................................. 24
E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally.................................................................. 26
E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally ........................................................................................ 29
E-11 Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable machine................................... 31
E-12 Machine monitor does not display some items .................................................................................... 31
E-13 Function switch does not work ............................................................................................................. 31
E-14 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally ........................................................................................ 32
E-15 Working mode does not change........................................................................................................... 33
E-16 Travel speed does not change ............................................................................................................. 34
E-17 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped.......................................................................................................... 35
E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate ......................................................................... 36
E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally .................................................................................. 40

PC78US-8 40-400 1
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)

E-20 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding...................................................................... 42
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) .................... 43
E-22 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed .............................................. 56
E-23 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode .................................................................................. 57
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally....................................................... 58
E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally..................................................................................... 74

40-400 2 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system SEN04813-00

Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system 1

Connection table of fuse box

a This connection table shows the devices to which each power supply of the fuse box supplies power (A
switch power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the ON position and
a constant power supply is a device which supplies power while the starting switch is in the OFF and ON
a When carrying out troubleshooting related to the electrical system, you should check the fuses and fus-
ible links to see if the power is supplied normally.

<North America specification>

Type of power supply Fusible link Fuse No. Destination of power
1 10 A Resistor
2 30 A Solenoid valve
Switch power supply 3 15 A Cigarette lighter
(45 A)
4 10 A Windshield washer
5 10 A Horn
6 5A Working lamp relay
7 10 A Beacon (if equipped)
Switch power supply 8 20 A Working lamp
(45 A)
9 10 A Radio, speaker
10 5A Air conditioner
11 20 A Air conditioner unit
F02 12 10 A Optional power supply (1)
Switch power supply
(45 A) 13 10 A Optional power supply (2), power supply of 12 volt
14 10 A Spare
15 5A Air conditioner
F03 16 10 A Radio backup, room lamp
Constant power supply
(45 A) 17 20 A Machine monitor, pump controller, starting switch
18 30 A Engine controller
Starting switch 19 5A Engine controller
Switch power supply
ACC 20 5A PPC oil pressure lock solenoid

PC78US-8 40-400 3
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system

<EU specification>
Type of power supply Fusible link Fuse No. Destination of power
1 10 A Resistor
2 30 A Solenoid valve
Switch power supply 3 15 A Cigarette lighter
(45 A)
4 10 A Windshield washer
5 10 A Horn
6 5A Working lamp relay
7 10 A Beacon (if equipped)
Switch power supply 8 25 A Working lamp
(45 A)
9 10 A Spare
10 5A Air conditioner
11 20 A Air conditioner unit
F02 12 10 A Optional power supply (1)
Switch power supply
(45 A) 13 10 A Optional power supply (2), radio
14 10 A Spare
15 5A Air conditioner
F03 16 10 A Room lamp
Constant power supply
(45 A) 17 20 A Machine monitor, pump controller, starting switch
18 30 A Engine controller
Starting switch 19 5A Engine controller
Switch power supply
ACC 20 5A PPC oil pressure lock solenoid

40-400 4 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
Before carrying out troubleshooting of electrical system SEN04813-00

Locations of fusible links

Location of fuse box and fuse Nos.

PC78US-8 40-400 5
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 Information in troubleshooting table

Information in troubleshooting table 1

a The following information is summarized in the troubleshooting table and the related electrical circuit
diagram. Before carrying out troubleshooting, understand that information fully.
Trouble Trouble which occurred in the machine
Information related to detected trouble or troubleshooting

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

<Contents of description>
• Standard value in normal state to judge possible causes
• Remarks on judgment
<Troubles in wiring harness>
• Disconnection
Connector is connected imperfectly or wiring harness is
• Ground fault
Wiring harness which is not connected to chassis ground
circuit is in contact with chassis ground circuit.
• Hot short
Wiring harness which is not connected to power source (24
2 V) circuit is in contact with power source (24 V) circuit.
• Short circuit
Independent wiring harnesses are in contact with each other
Possible causes
Possible causes of trouble abnormally.
and standard
value in normal (Given numbers are refer- <Precautions for troubleshooting>
state ence numbers, which do 1) Method of indicating connector No. and handling of T-
not indicate priority) adapter
Insert or connect T-adapter as explained below for trouble-
shooting, unless otherwise specified.
3 • If connector No. has no marks of “male” and “female”,
disconnect connector and insert T-adapters in both male
side and female side.
• If connector No. has marks of “male” and “female”, dis-
connect connector and connect T-adapter to only male
side or female side.
2) Entry order of pin Nos. and handling of tester leads
Connect positive (+) lead and negative (–) lead of tester as
explained below for troubleshooting, unless otherwise
• Connect positive (+) lead to pin No. or wiring harness
entered on front side.
• Connect negative (–) lead to pin No. or harness entered
on rear side.

Related circuit diagram

This drawing is a part of the circuit diagram related to troubleshooting.

• Connector No.: Indicates (Model – Number of pins) and (Color).
• “Connector No. and pin No.” from each branching/merging point:
Shows the ends of branch or source of merging within the parts of the
same wiring harness.
• Arrow ( ): Roughly shows the location on the machine.

40-400 6 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
Information in troubleshooting table SEN04813-00

PC78US-8 40-400 7
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing

E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing1
Trouble • When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing.
• When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays KOMATSU logo, screen to input pass-
word (if set), screen to check breaker mode (if set), screen of check before starting, screen to check
working mode and travel speed, and ordinary screen in order.
• When the engine is started, the battery voltage may lower suddenly, depending on the ambient tem-
perature and the condition of the battery.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 Low charge level of battery Electrolyte specific gravity
Battery voltage (2 pieces)
(1 piece)
Min. 24 V Min. 1.26
Defective fusible link F03 or If fusible link or fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault.
fuse No. 17 (See Cause 5.)
Wrong connection of connec- Machine monitor connector may be connected wrongly. Check it
tor directly. (Check mounting bracket plate with connector.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between battery (–) – chas- Resis-
Max. 1 z
sis ground tance
Wiring harness between battery (+) – RB – Resis-
Max. 1 z
F03 (male) (1) tance
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between F03 (male) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring F01-15D tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between F01-17 – J07 – Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
CM01 (female) (1), (2) tance
Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (3), Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
(4) – chassis ground (T09) tance
and standard
Wiring harness between F01-17 – H15 Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
state (female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (5) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J05 – CM01 (female) (14) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between battery (+) – RB – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
F03 (male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between F03 (male) (2) – Resis-
Ground fault in wiring har- Min. 1 Mz
F01-15D tance
5 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between F01-17 – J07 – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
CM01 (female) (1), (2) tance
Wiring harness between F01-17 – H15 Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (5) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
J05 – CM01 (female) (14) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then hold starting switch OFF
and ON and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
CM01 Starting switch Voltage
6 Defective machine monitor Between
OFF 20 – 30 V
(1), (2) – (3), (4)
ON 20 – 30 V
(14) – (3), (4)

40-400 8 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-1 When starting switch is turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 9
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn)

E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) 1

Trouble • Engine does not start (Engine does not turn).

• Engine starting circuit has following 2 start lock mechanisms.
1) Start lock with password of machine monitor
2) Start lock with lock lever

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 Low charge level of battery Electrolyte specific gravity
Battery voltage (2 pieces)
(1 piece)
Min. 24 V Min. 1.26
2 Defective fuse No. 20 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 10.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then keep starting switch
OFF and turn it to START and carry out troubleshooting in each
Defective starting switch
3 H15 (male) Starting switch Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
OFF Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (4)
START Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective lock lever switch S14 (female) Lock lever Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
Free Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (3)
Lock Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective starting motor cut-
out relay R06 or R07 (Inter- R06 (male), R07 (male) Resistance
Possible causes nal disconnection or short Between (1) – (2) 300 – 600 z
and standard circuit) Between (3) – (4) Max. 1 z
value in normal
state Between (3) – (5) Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF (with only terminal C discon-
nected), then turn starting switch to START and carry out trou-
Safety relay terminal Voltage
Between B – E Power supply 20 – 30 V
Between R
Defective starting motor Generation input Max. 1 V
6 (R17-2) – E
safety relay (Internal defect)
Between S
Starting input 20 – 30 V
(R17-1) – E
Between C (R18) – E Starting output 20 – 30 V
If power supply, generation input, and starting input are normal but
starting output is not normal, starting motor safety relay is defec-
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch to
START and carry out troubleshooting.
Starting motor terminals Voltage
Between B – chassis
Defective starting motor Power supply 20 – 30 V
7 ground
(Internal defect)
Between C (E10) –
Starting input 20 – 30 V
chassis ground
If power supply and starting input are normal but starting motor
does not turn, starting motor is defective.

40-400 10 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) SEN04813-00

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective alternator (Internal
8 Alternator Voltage
short circuit)
Between AR (female) (1) –
Generation output Max. 1 V
chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (4) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
R06 (female) (5) tance
Wiring harness between R06 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
R07 (female) (4) tance
Wiring harness between R07 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
R17 (female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between starting motor
Disconnection in wiring har- safety relay B – heater relay – battery relay Resis-
Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring B tance
or defective contact in con-
Wiring harness between starting motor Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
safety relay E – chassis ground tance
Wiring harness between starting motor Resis-
Max. 1 z
safety relay C – starting motor C (E10) tance
Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
Max. 1 z
(male) (1) tance
Possible causes
Wiring harness between S14 (male) (3) – Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
value in normal R06 (female) (1) tance
state Wiring harness between R06 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
J02 – chassis ground (T08) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (4) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
R06 (female) (5), – circuit branch end tance
Wiring harness between R06 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
R07 (female) (4) tance
Wiring harness between R07 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
Ground fault in wiring har- R17 (female) (1) tance
10 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between starting motor
circuit) Resis-
safety relay B – heater relay – battery relay Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between starting motor Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
safety relay C – starting motor C (E10) tance
Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(male) (1) tance
Wiring harness between S14 (male) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
R06 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
11 24 V circuit) in wiring har- Wiring harness between R17 (female) (2) –
ness alternator AR (female) (1), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V

PC78US-8 40-400 11
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn)

Related circuit diagram

40-400 12 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-2 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn) SEN04813-00

PC78US-8 40-400 13
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-3 Preheater does not operate

E-3 Preheater does not operate 1

Trouble (1) When starting switch is turned to HEAT position, preheating monitor does not light up or flash.
• Preheater monitor lights up when starting switch is turned to HEAT and starts flashing about 30 sec-
onds after to notify completion of preheating (It stops flashing about 10 seconds after).
Related • If engine coolant temperature is below 20°C, automatic warm-up system operates and preheating
information monitor lights up for up to 30 seconds.
• Condition of starting switch (preheating) signal can be checked with the monitoring function.
(Code: 04500 Monitor input 1)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then keep starting switch OFF
and turn it to HEAT and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
Defective starting switch H15 (female) Starting switch Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
OFF Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (3)
HEAT Max. 1 z
Possible causes
and standard Disconnection in wiring har- a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
ness (Disconnection in wiring without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 2
state or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
(16) – J04 – H15 (female) (3) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then keep starting switch OFF
and turn it to HEAT and carry out troubleshooting in each case.
3 Defective machine monitor CM01 Starting switch Voltage
Between (16) – OFF Max. 1 V
chassis ground HEAT 20 – 30 V

(2) When starting switch is turned to HEAT position, intake air heater mounting part does not become
Related • Check that engine can be turned with starting motor (If engine cannot be turned, carry out trouble-
information shooting for E-1 Engine does not start (Engine does not turn)).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF (with wiring harness con-
nected), then keep starting switch OFF and turn it to HEAT and
carry out troubleshooting in each case.
Defective heater relay (Inter- Continuity/Resis-
1 Heater relay Starting switch
nal disconnection) tance
Between R15 –
OFF There is continuity
chassis ground
Between R14 – R16 HEAT Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF (with wiring harness con-
nected), then turn starting switch to HEAT and carry out trou-
bleshooting in each case.
Possible causes E01 Starting switch Voltage
Defective intake air heater
and standard 2
(Internal disconnection) Between terminal –
value in normal HEAT 20 – 30 V
state chassis ground
If voltage is normal but heater mounting part does not become
warm, intake air heater is defective.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between H15 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
Disconnection in wiring har- J04 – heater relay R15 tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between battery relay RM – Resis-
3 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- fuse FL (terminal F04) tance
nector) Wiring harness between fuse FL (terminal Resis-
Max. 1 z
F04) – heater relay R14 tance
Wiring harness between heater relay R16 – Resis-
Max. 1 z
intake air heater E01 tance

40-400 14 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-3 Preheater does not operate SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 15
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season)

E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season) 1

Trouble • Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season).
• When engine coolant temperature is below 30°C, automatic warm-up system raises engine speed
to 1,300 rpm.
• If fuel control dial is opened more than 70% for 3 seconds when starting switch is turned ON or after
engine is started, automatic warm-up system is turned OFF. (Automatic warm-up system stops
automatically after operating for 10 minutes.)
• If engine coolant temperature is below 10°C, turbocharger protection function operates to keep the
engine speed at low idle.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Engine coolant Coolant temperature
Monitoring code
temperature level
105°C 6 (a: Red)

Possible causes 102°C 5 (a: Red)

Defective engine coolant 04107
and standard 1 100°C 4 (a: Blue)
temperature signal system Engine coolant
value in normal 85°C 3 (a: Blue)
state temperature
60°C 2 (a: Blue)
30°C 1 (a: White)
If level of coolant temperature gauge is different from actual cool-
ant temperature, carry out troubleshooting for “E-8 Engine coolant
temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.
If cause 1 is not detected, engine controller may be defective.
2 Defective engine controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Engine coolant temperature gauge and engine

coolant temperature monitor

40-400 16 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-4 Automatic warm-up system does not operate (in cold season) SEN04813-00

PC78US-8 40-400 17
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or cannot be locked

E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or
cannot be locked 1

Trouble (1) All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse No. 20 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 6.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective lock lever switch S14 (female) Lock lever Resistance
(Internal disconnection)
Lock Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Free Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective PPC lock solenoid
3 (Internal disconnection or V01 (male) Resistance
short circuit) Between (1) – (2) 20 – 60 z
Between (1) – chassis ground Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes Defective assembled-type ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard 4 diode D01 (Internal short cir-
D01 (male) Resistance (Continuity)
value in normal cuit)
state Between (4) – (8) Min. 1 Mz (No continuity)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring (male) (1) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between S14 (male) (2) – Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
V01 (female) (2) tance
Wiring harness between V01 (female) (1) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between F01-20 – S14 Resis-
6 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(male) (1), – circuit branch end tance
Wiring harness between S14 (male) (2) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
V01 (female) (2), – D01 (female) (4) tance

40-400 18 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-5 All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism do not move or cannot be locked SEN04813-00

Trouble (2) All work equipment, swing, and travel mechanism cannot be locked.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective lock lever switch S14 (female) Lock lever Resistance
Possible causes 1
(Internal short circuit)
and standard Lock Min. 1 Mz
value in normal Between (1) – (2)
Free Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
2 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between S14 (male) (2) –
Voltage Max. 1 V
V01 (female) (2), – D01 (female) (4)

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 19
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running

E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running 1

Trouble (1) Charge level monitor lights up red.

Related • Signal voltage of alternator can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04300 Charge voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
Defective generation by out troubleshooting.
1 alternator (when system is AR (male) Engine speed Voltage
normal) Between (1) – chas-
Middle or higher 27.5 – 29.5 V
sis ground
Disconnection in wiring har- a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness (Disconnection in wiring ing without turning starting switch ON.
Possible causes or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
and standard (11) – J06 – AR (female) (1) tance
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
3 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between CM01 (female)
circuit) Resis-
(11) – J06 – AR (female) (1), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
4 Defective machine monitor CM02 Engine Voltage
Between (11) –
Running Min. 7.8 V
chassis ground

40-400 20 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 21
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-6 Precaution lights up while engine is running

Trouble (2) Fuel level monitor lights up red.

Related • Signal voltage of fuel sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04200 Fuel sensor voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Low fuel level (when system Fuel level may be low (below about 41 l). Check it and add fuel if
and standard is normal) necessary.
value in normal If cause 1 is not detected, fuel level gauge system may be defec-
state Defective fuel level gauge
2 tive. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-10 Fuel level gauge does not
indicate normally”.

Trouble (3) Engine coolant temperature monitor lights up white.

• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up white, engine coolant temperature may be low
Insufficient warm-up of
Possible causes (below about 30°C). Warm up engine.
1 machine (when system is
and standard • Lighting up white: Engine coolant temperature is low.
value in normal • Lighting up blue: Engine coolant temperature is proper.
state If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature gauge sys-
Defective engine coolant
2 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-8 Engine
temperature gauge system
coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

Trouble (4) Hydraulic oil temperature monitor lights up white.

• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up white, hydraulic oil temperature may be low
Insufficient warm-up of
Possible causes (below about 20°C). Warm up engine.
1 machine (when system is
and standard • Lighting up white: Hydraulic oil temperature is low.
value in normal • Lighting up blue: Hydraulic oil temperature is proper.
state If cause 1 is not detected, hydraulic oil temperature gauge system
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
2 may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-9 Hydraulic oil
perature gauge system
temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

40-400 22 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-7 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running SEN04813-00

E-7 Emergency stop item lights up while engine is running 1

Trouble (1) Engine coolant temperature monitor lights up red.

• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up red, engine coolant temperature may be high
(above about 102°C). Cool down engine coolant (Run engine at
low idle).
Possible causes Overheating of engine cool- • Lighting up red: Engine coolant temperature is high
1 (overheating).
and standard ant (when system is normal)
value in normal • Lighting up blue: Engine coolant temperature is proper.
state Carry out troubleshooting for “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes
too high (overheating)”.
If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature gauge sys-
Defective engine coolant
2 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-8 Engine
temperature gauge system
coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

Trouble (2) Hydraulic oil temperature monitor lights up red.

• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

If monitor lights up red, hydraulic oil temperature may be high
(above about 102°C). Cool down hydraulic oil (Run engine at low
Possible causes Overheating of hydraulic oil
1 idle).
and standard (when system is normal)
• Lighting up red: Hydraulic oil temperature is high (overheating).
value in normal
• Lighting up blue: Hydraulic oil temperature is proper.
If cause 1 is not detected, hydraulic oil temperature gauge system
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
2 may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for “E-9 Hydraulic oil
perature gauge system
temperature gauge does not indicate normally”.

Trouble (3) Engine oil pressure monitor lights up red.

Related • Signals of engine oil pressure switch are input to engine controller and then transmitted to machine
information monitor through communication system.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Lowering of engine oil pres-
Engine oil pressure may be low. If it is low, carry out troubleshoot-
and standard 1 sure (when system is nor-
ing for “S-12 Oil pressure drops”.
value in normal mal)
state Defective engine oil pressure If cause 1 is not detected, engine oil pressure gauge system may
switch system be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for failure code [CA435].

PC78US-8 40-400 23
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally

E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally 1

(1) While engine coolant temperature is rising normally, temperature gauge does not rise from white
Trouble range (C).
(2) While engine coolant temperature is stabilized normally, temperature gauge rises to red range (H).
• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes If cause 1 is not detected, engine coolant temperature sensor sys-
Defective engine coolant
and standard 1 tem may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for failure codes
temperature sensor system
value in normal [CA144] and [CA145].
state If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

(3) Display of coolant temperature gauge is different from actual engine coolant temperature.
Trouble (4) Display of engine coolant temperature gauge is different from display of engine coolant tempera-
ture monitor.
• Signals of engine coolant temperature sensor are input to engine controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Engine coolant temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04107 Engine coolant temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Engine coolant Coolant temperature Color of monitor light
Possible causes temperature level (a)
and standard 105°C 6
value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor Red
102°C 5
100°C 4
85°C 3 Blue
60°C 2
30°C 1 White

Engine coolant temperature gauge and engine

coolant temperature monitor

40-400 24 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-8 Engine coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally SEN04813-00

PC78US-8 40-400 25
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally

E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally 1

(1) While hydraulic oil temperature is rising normally, temperature gauge does not rise from white
Trouble range (C).
(2) While hydraulic oil temperature is stabilized normally, temperature gauge rises to red range (H).
• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
Hydraulic oil
P22 (male) Resistance
Defective hydraulic oil tem-
1 perature sensor (Internal dis- 25°C 38.18 – 47.77 kz
connection or short circuit) 85°C 5.39 – 5.98 kz
Between (1) – (2)
100°C 3.60 – 3.90 kz
105°C 3.16 – 3.43 kz
Between (2) – chassis ground Resistance Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
Disconnection in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) – Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- P22 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (46) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
P22 (female) (1) tance
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) – Resis- Min. 1
state P22 (female) (2) tance Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (29) –
Voltage Max. 1 V
P22 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshooting
without turning starting switch ON.
Hydraulic oil
C01 (female) Resistance
5 Defective pump controller 25°C 38.18 – 47.77 kz
85°C 5.39 – 5.98 kz
Between (29) – (46)
100°C 3.60 – 3.90 kz
105°C 3.16 – 3.43 kz
Between (29) – chassis ground Resistance Min. 1 Mz
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
6 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-400 26 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 27
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-9 Hydraulic oil temperature gauge does not indicate normally

(3) Display of hydraulic oil temperature gauge is different from actual hydraulic oil temperature.
Trouble (4) Display of hydraulic oil temperature gauge is different from display of hydraulic oil temperature
• Signals of hydraulic oil temperature sensor are input to pump controller and then transmitted to
Related machine monitor through communication system.
information • Hydraulic oil temperature can be checked with monitoring function.
(Code: 04401 Hydraulic oil temperature)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil temper- Color of monitor light
Possible causes temperature ature level (a)
and standard 105°C 6
value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor Red
102°C 5
100°C 4
85°C 3 Blue
40°C 2
20°C 1 White

Hydraulic oil temperature gauge and hydraulic

oil temperature monitor

40-400 28 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally SEN04813-00

E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally 1

(1) While fuel is added, fuel level gauge does not rise from red range (E).
(2) While fuel level is low, fuel level gauge does not lower from green range top (F).
Related • Signal voltage of fuel level sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04200 Fuel level sensor voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective fuel level sensor
1 (Internal disconnection or P21 (male) Fuel level Resistance
short circuit) Between (1) – FULL 7 – 11 z
chassis ground EMPTY 85 – 95 z
Disconnection in wiring har- a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ness (Disconnection in wiring ing without turning starting switch ON.
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (9) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
– P21 (female) (1) tance
Possible causes
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
state circuit) Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (9) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P21 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between CM01 (female) (9)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P21 (female) (1)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
5 Defective machine monitor CM01 (female) Fuel level Resistance
Between (9) – FULL 7 – 11 z
chassis ground EMPTY 85 – 95 z

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 29
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-10 Fuel level gauge does not indicate normally

(3) Display of fuel level gauge is different from actual fuel level.
(4) Display of fuel level gauge is different from display of fuel level monitor.
Related • Signal voltage of fuel level sensor can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04200 Fuel level sensor voltage)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON or start engine and carry out trouble-
Reading of fuel level Color of monitor light
Quantity of fuel
Possible causes gauge (a)
and standard 96 l 6
value in normal 1 Defective machine monitor 78 l 5
60 l 4 Blue
41 l 3
32 l 2
23 l 1 Red

Fuel level gauge and fuel level monitor

40-400 30 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-11 Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable machine SEN04813-00

E-11 Contents of display by machine monitor are different from

applicable machine 1

Trouble Contents of display by machine monitor are different from applicable machine.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting (with
Possible causes monitoring function).
and standard 1 Defective model code signal
Monitoring code Normal display
value in normal
state 00200 Controller model code PC78US-8
If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

E-12 Machine monitor does not display some items 1

Trouble • Machine monitor does not display some items.

• The LCD panel sometimes has black points (points which are not lighted) and bright points (points
which do not go off) for the reason of its characteristics. If the number of the bright points and black
points does not exceed 10, those points are not a failure or a defect.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON and carry out troubleshooting.
Possible causes
Defective machine monitor When following switches are operated, if all LCD panel is lighted
and standard 1
(LCD panel) up (all surface becomes white), LCD panel is normal.
value in normal
state • Operation of switches: [4] + [F2] (Press simultaneously)
Defective machine monitor If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
(body) (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

E-13 Function switch does not work 1

Trouble • Function switch does not work.

Related • Condition of signal of function switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04503 Monitor function switch)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective.
1 Defective machine monitor
state (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 31
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-14 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally

E-14 Auto-decelerator does not operate normally 1

(1) When auto-decelerator switch is operated, auto-decelerator monitor does not light up or does not
go off.
Related • Condition of signal of auto-decelerator switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) Auto-decelerator is not operated or reset with lever.

Related • Set speed of auto-decelerator is 1,400 rpm. If fuel control dial is not set above this speed, auto-
information decelerator is not operated or reset.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Start engine and carry out troubleshooting (with monitoring
Monitoring code Item Normal display
When lever is
01900 Boom RAISE operated: ON
Pressure switch 1 Arm IN When lever is in
neutral: OFF
Bucket CURL When lever is
Defective PPC pressure sig-
1 01901 operated: ON
nal Bucket DUMP
Pressure switch 2 When lever is in
Possible causes Service neutral: OFF
and standard
value in normal Blade UP When lever is
state 01902 operated: ON
Pressure switch 3 When lever is
Blade DOWN non-operated: OFF
If display of monitoring is abnormal, carry out troubleshooting for
“E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal nor-
If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
If causes 1 – 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
3 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
If causes 1 – 3 are not detected, engine controller may be defec-
4 Defective engine controller tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

40-400 32 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-15 Working mode does not change SEN04813-00

E-15 Working mode does not change 1

Trouble (1) When working mode switch is operated, working mode selection screen is not displayed.
Related • Condition of signal of working mode switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When working mode is changed, setting of engine and hydraulic pump is not changed.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
and standard 1 Defective machine monitor
troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
value in normal
state Pump controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
2 Defective pump controller
troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 33
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-16 Travel speed does not change

E-16 Travel speed does not change 1

Trouble (1) When travel speed switch is operated, travel speed monitor does not change.
Related • Condition of signal of travel speed switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When travel speed is shifted, actual travel speed does not change.
• If cause 1 occurs, actual travel speed does not lower when travel speed is shifted to Lo.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
Possible causes 1 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C02 (female) (87)
and standard Voltage Max. 1 V
– V02 (female) (2)
value in normal
state If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
If causes 1 – 2 are not detected, pump controller may be defective.
3 Defective pump controller
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Related circuit diagram

40-400 34 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-17 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped SEN04813-00

E-17 Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped 1

Trouble • Alarm buzzer cannot be stopped.

Related • Condition of signal of alarm buzzer cancel switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 35
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate

E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate 1

Trouble (1) When wiper switch is operated, wiper monitor does not light up or go off.
Related • Condition of wiper switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When wiper switch is operated, wiper does not operate.
Related • Condition of window rear limit switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 02204 Switch input 5)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
W03 (male) Front window Resistance
Defective window rear limit
1 When installed to
switch (Internal short circuit) Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
When retracted to
Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective wiper motor (Inter- ing without turning starting switch ON.
nal disconnection) M05 (female) Continuity
Between (1) – (3) There is continuity
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (119) Resis-
Possible causes 3 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – M05 (male) (3) tance
and standard nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (114) Resis-
value in normal Max. 1 z
state – M05 (male) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Resis-
C01 (female) (57) – W03 (female) (1) Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
C01 (female) Front window Resistance
Defective pump controller
(Rear limit switch system) When installed to
Min. 1 Mz
Between (57) – front
5 chassis ground When retracted to
Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective pump controller ing without turning starting switch ON.
(Wiper motor system) C02 (female) Continuity
Between (119) – (114) There is continuity

40-400 36 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 37
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate

Trouble (3) When window washer switch is operated, window washer does not operate.
Related • Condition of window washer switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04504 Monitor 1st, 2nd line switches)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-400 38 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-18 Windshield wiper and window washer do not operate SEN04813-00

PC78US-8 40-400 39
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally

E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally 1

Trouble When swing holding brake release switch is set to FREE position, machine cannot swing.
Related • Signal state of swing holding brake release switch can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 02200 Switch input 1)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Defective swing holding Swing holding brake
1 brake release switch (Inter- S25 (male) Resistance
Possible causes release switch
nal short circuit)
and standard NORMAL Min. 1 Mz
Between (13) – (14)
value in normal FREE Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
2 24 V circuit) in wiring har- Wiring harness between D01 (female) (3) –
ness J04 – V03 (female) (2), – S25 (female) (14) Voltage Max. 1 V
and chassis ground

40-400 40 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-19 Swing holding brake does not operate normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 41
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-20 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding

E-20 Travel alarm does not sound or does not stop sounding 1

• Alarm does not sound during travel.

• Alarm does not stop sounding while machine is stopped.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C02 (female) (107) Resis-
1 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – M14 (female) (1) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (115) Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
(117) (120) – M14 (female) (2) tance
value in normal
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C02 (female) (107) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– M14 (female) (1) tance
Defective travel alarm (Inter-
3 If causes 1, 2 are not detected, travel alarm is defective.
nal defect)

Related circuit diagram

40-400 42 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air

conditioner abnormality record) 1

Trouble (1) When air conditioner switch is operated, air conditioner control screen is not displayed.
Related • Condition of air conditioner switch signal can be checked with monitoring function.
information (Code: 04505 Monitor 3rd, 4th line switches, 04506 Monitor 5th line switch)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (2) When air conditioner switch is operated, air conditioner does not operate at all.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Defective fuse No. 15 If fuse is broken, circuit probably has ground fault. (See cause 4.)
If fuse in unit is broken, circuit in unit probably has ground fault.
2 Defective fuse in unit
(See cause 4.)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between F01-15 – fuse in Resis-
3 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- unit – ACW (wiring side) (6) tance
nector) Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(16) – chassis ground (T14) tance
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal 4 ness (Short circuit with GND Wiring harness between F01-15 – fuse in
state circuit) Resis-
unit – ACW (wiring side) (6), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective air conditioner con- ACW (wiring side) Voltage
troller Between (6) – (16) 20 – 30 V
If above voltage is normal, air conditioner controller may be defec-
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
6 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

PC78US-8 40-400 43
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record)

Trouble (3) Air does not come out (Air flow is insufficient).

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON (coil side).
R20 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (3) 140 – 340 z
Defective blower relay (Inter-
nal disconnection) a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting (contact side).
R20 Air conditioner switch Voltage
Between (4) –
Air blow position 20 – 30 V
chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective power transistor
2 Fan switch If air flow changes according to
(Internal defect)
Operate between Low and operation of fan switch, power
Medium and High. transistor is normal.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Defective blower motor MB (wiring side) Air conditioner switch Voltage
Possible causes 3
and standard (Internal defect) Between (1) – (2) Air blow position 20 – 30 V
value in normal If above voltage is normal and blower motor does not revolve,
state blower motor is defective.
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between F01-10 – fuse in Resis-
Max. 1 z
unit – R20 (female) (1) tance
Wiring harness between R20 (female) (3) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
ACW (wiring side) (36) tance
Wiring harness between F01-11 – R20 Resis-
Max. 1 z
Disconnection in wiring har- (female) (4) tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between R20 (female) (2) – Resis-
4 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- MB (wiring side) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between MB (wiring side) (2) Resis-
Max. 1 z
– PTR (wiring side) (3) tance
Wiring harness between PTR (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(1) – chassis ground (T14) tance
Wiring harness between PTR (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(2) – ACW (wiring side) (8) tance
Wiring harness between PTR (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(4) – ACW (wiring side) (7) tance

40-400 44 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between R20 (female) (3) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
ACW (wiring side) (36) tance
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between R20 (female) (2) – Resis-
5 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
MB (wiring side) (1) tance
Possible causes circuit)
and standard Wiring harness between MB (wiring side) (2) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
value in normal – PTR (wiring side) (3) tance
state Wiring harness between PTR (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(2) – ACW (wiring side) (8) tance
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
6 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 6 are not detected, air conditioner system may be
Defective air conditioner sys-
7 defective. See Machine Component Volume of Shop Manual, Air
conditioner, Troubleshooting.

PC78US-8 40-400 45
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record)

Trouble (4) Air is not cooled (Cooling performance is insufficient).


Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON (coil side).
R21 (male) Resistance
Between (1) – (3) 140 – 340 z
Defective compressor relay
(Internal disconnection) a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting (contact side).
R21 Air conditioner switch Voltage
Between (2) –
Cooling position 20 – 30 V
chassis ground
Internal air sensor may be defective. Carry out troubleshooting for
2 Defective internal air sensor
“(7) Abnormality in internal air sensor”.
Defective high and low pres- High and low pressure switches may be defective. Carry out trou-
sure switches bleshooting for “(13) Abnormality in refrigerant”.
Defective compressor clutch
4 Compressor clutch may be defective. Check it directly.
(Internal defect)
Defective compressor (Inter-
5 Compressor may be defective. Check it directly.
nal defect)
Possible causes a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
and standard ing without turning starting switch ON.
value in normal
state Wiring harness between F01-10 – fuse in Resis-
Max. 1 z
Disconnection in wiring har- unit – R21 (female) (1) tance
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between R21 (female) (3) – Resis-
6 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- ACW (wiring side) (35) tance
nector) Wiring harness between F01-11 – R21 Resis-
Max. 1 z
(female) (4) tance
Wiring harness between R21 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
AC02 (female) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between R21 (female) (3) – Resis-
7 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
ACW (wiring side) (35) tance
Wiring harness between R21 (female) (2) – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
AC02 (female) (1) tance
If causes 1 – 7 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
8 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 8 are not detected, air conditioner system may be
Defective air conditioner sys-
9 defective. See Machine Component Volume of Shop Manual, Air
conditioner, Troubleshooting.

40-400 46 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

(5) Air conditioner abnormality record: Communication condition “CAN disconnection”, Communica-
tion condition “Abnormal”
• While abnormality in communication is being detected, “CAN disconnection” is displayed.
• If abnormality in communication has been detected and reset, “Abnormality” is displayed.
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
out normally. Accordingly, condition of other items is not displayed.
• Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between N10 (female) (1) – Resis-
1 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- CM02 (female) (8), (9) tance
nector) Wiring harness between N10 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
CM02 (female) (10) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between N10 (male) (1) –
CM02 (female) (8), (9), – C01 (female) (45), Resis-
Ground fault in wiring har- Min. 1 Mz
– CE02 (female) (1), – K02 (female) (A), – tance
2 ness (Short circuit with GND
N08 (male) (3)
Wiring harness between N10 (female) (2) –
CM02 (female) (10), – C01 (female) (64), – Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
CE02 (female) (21), – K02 (female) (B), – tance
Possible causes N08 (male) (10)
and standard a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
value in normal and carry out troubleshooting.
state N10 (male) (1) – CM02 (female) (8), (9), –
Hot short (Short circuit with C01 (female) (45), – CE02 (female) (1), – Voltage Max. 5.5 V
3 24 V circuit) in wiring har- K02 (female) (A), – N08 (male) (3)
ness Wiring harness between N10 (female) (2) –
CM02 (female) (10), – C01 (female) (64), –
Voltage Max. 5.5 V
CE02 (female) (21), – K02 (female) (B), –
N08 (male) (10)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective CAN terminal ing without turning starting switch ON.
4 resistance (Internal short cir-
K02 (male) Resistance
cuit or disconnection)
Between (A) – (B) 47 – 67 z
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)
If causes 1 – 5 are not detected, machine monitor may be defec-
6 Defective machine monitor tive. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried

PC78US-8 40-400 47
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record)

Trouble (6) Air conditioner abnormality record: Setting condition “Abnormality”

• If setting of air conditioner controller model is different from setting of machine monitor model,
“Abnormality” is displayed.
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
• Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Defective air conditioner con- Air conditioner controller may be defective. (Since trouble is in
and standard 1
troller system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)
value in normal
state Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
2 Defective machine monitor
troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

Trouble (7) Air conditioner abnormality record: Internal air sensor “Abnormality”
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective internal air sensor ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 (Internal disconnection or
THI (device side) Resistance
short circuit)
Between (1) – (2) 300 z – 430 kz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (11) – THI (wiring side) (2) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
(27) – THI (wiring side) (1) tance
value in normal
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(11) – THI (wiring side) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(11) – THI (wiring side) (2)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 48 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

Trouble (8) Air conditioner abnormality record: ambient sensor “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective ambient sensor ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 (Internal disconnection or Tempera- Resistance
P32 (device side)
short circuit) ture (reference value)
Between (1) – (2) 25°C 1,700 ± 85 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (4) – P32 (wiring side) (1) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side) Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
value in normal (3) – P32 (wiring side) (2) tance
state a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(4) – P32 (wiring side) (1) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between AC01 (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(4) – P32 (wiring side) (1)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 49
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record)

Trouble (9) Air conditioner abnormality record: Air flow sensor “Abnormality”
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective air flow sensor ing without turning starting switch ON.
1 (Internal disconnection or
THF (device side) Resistance
short circuit)
Between (1) – (2) 100 z – 115 kz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (12) – THF (wiring side) (2) tance
Possible causes nector) Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
and standard Max. 1 z
(27) – THF (wiring side) (1) tance
value in normal
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
state Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(12) – THF (wiring side) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(12) – THF (wiring side) (2)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 50 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

Trouble (10) Air conditioner abnormality record: Sunlight sensor “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sunlight sensor
1 Sunlight sensor may be defective.
(Internal defect)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (3) – P31 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(15) – P31 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Possible causes ing without turning starting switch ON.
and standard Ground fault in wiring har-
Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
value in normal 3 ness (Short circuit with GND Min. 1 Mz
(3) – P31 (female) (1), – circuit branch end tance
state circuit)
Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
(15) – P31 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Hot short (Short circuit with
Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side)
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har- Voltage Max. 1 V
(3) – P31 (female) (1), – circuit branch end
Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side)
Voltage Max. 1 V
(15) – P31 (female) (2)
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 51
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record)

Trouble (11) Air conditioner abnormality record: Air outlet damper “Abnormality”
• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective air outlet servo-
1 Air outlet servomotor may be defective.
motor (Internal defect)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27) tance
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring (3) – ACW (wiring side) (3) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (9) tance
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (23) tance
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (24) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
Possible causes Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (9), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
and standard 3 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
value in normal circuit)
state Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (23), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (24), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
Hot short (Short circuit with
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (9), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (23), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between MV1 (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (24), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 52 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

Trouble (12) Air conditioner abnormality record: A/M damper “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective air mix servomotor
1 Air mix servomotor may be defective.
(Internal defect)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(1) – ACW (wiring side) (27) tance
Disconnection in wiring har- Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
ness (Disconnection in wiring (3) – ACW (wiring side) (3) tance
or defective contact in con- Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side) Resis-
nector) Max. 1 z
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (2) tance
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (21) tance
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side) Resis-
Max. 1 z
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (22) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
ing without turning starting switch ON.
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
(3) – ACW (wiring side) (3), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
Possible causes Ground fault in wiring har- Resis-
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (2), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
and standard 3 ness (Short circuit with GND tance
value in normal circuit)
state Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (21), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (22), – circuit branch Min. 1 Mz
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
and carry out troubleshooting.
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
(3) – ACW (wiring side) (3), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
Hot short (Short circuit with
(5) – ACW (wiring side) (2), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
(6) – ACW (wiring side) (21), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
Wiring harness between MAM (wiring side)
(7) – ACW (wiring side) (22), – circuit branch Voltage Max. 1 V
If causes 1 – 4 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
5 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 53
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record)

Trouble (13) Air conditioner abnormality record: Refrigerant “Abnormality”

• If “CAN disconnection” is displayed as communication condition, communication cannot be carried
Related out normally. Accordingly, this condition is not displayed.
information • Method of reproducing abnormality record: Turn starting switch ON + Turn air conditioner (A/C)
switch ON.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Insufficient refrigerant (gas)
1 Refrigerant (gas) may be insufficient. Check it directly.
(when system is normal)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Defective high and low pres- ing without turning starting switch ON.
2 sure switches (Internal dis-
P17 (male) Resistance
Possible causes Between (1) – (2) Max. 1 z
and standard a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
value in normal ing without turning starting switch ON.
state Disconnection in wiring har-
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between ACW (wiring side) Resis-
3 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- (4) – P17 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P17 (female) (2) – Resis-
Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
If causes 1 – 3 are not detected, air conditioner controller may be
Defective air conditioner con-
4 defective. (Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be
carried out.)

40-400 54 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-21 Air conditioner does not operate normally (including air conditioner abnormality record) SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 55
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-22 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed

E-22 While starting switch is in OFF position, service meter is not displayed1
Trouble • When starting switch is turned OFF, service meter is not displayed.
• While starting switch is at OFF position, if following switches are operated, service meter is dis-
played at top center of screen.
Operation of switches: [4] + [1] (Press simultaneously)

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

When starting switch is turned ON, if machine monitor displays
Possible causes
Defective backup power sup- nothing, backup power supply system may be defective. In this
and standard 1
ply system case, carry out troubleshooting for “E-1 When starting switch is
value in normal
turned ON, machine monitor displays nothing”.
If cause 1 is not detected, machine monitor may be defective.
2 Defective machine monitor
(Since trouble is in system, troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

40-400 56 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-23 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode SEN04813-00

E-23 Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode 1

Trouble • Machine monitor cannot be set in service mode.

Related • If following switches are operated, machine monitor is set in service mode.
information Operation of switches: [4] + [1] o [2] o [3] (While pressing [4], press other switches in order)

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard
value in normal Machine monitor may be defective. (Since trouble is in system,
1 Defective machine monitor
state troubleshooting cannot be carried out.)

PC78US-8 40-400 57
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally 1

Trouble (1) Boom RAISE operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective boom RAISE PPC Right work equip-
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P03 (male) Resistance
ment control lever
connection or short circuit)
Neutral Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Boom RAISE Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (53) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P03 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P03 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (53) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P03 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (53)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P03 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (53) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 Mz
sis ground Boom RAISE Max. 1 z

40-400 58 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 59
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (2) Arm DIGGING operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective arm DIGGING
PPC pressure switch (Inter- Left work equipment
1 P05 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection or short control lever
circuit) Neutral Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Arm DIGGING Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (17) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P05 (female) (1) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P05 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (17) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P05 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (17)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P05 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
control lever
Between (17) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 Mz
sis ground Arm DIGGING Max. 1 z

40-400 60 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 61
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (3) Bucket DIGGING operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01901 Pressure switch 2

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective bucket DIGGING
PPC pressure switch (Inter- Right work equip-
1 P04 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection or short ment control lever
circuit) Neutral Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Bucket DIGGING Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (73) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P04 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P04 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (73) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P04 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (73)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P04 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (73) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 Mz
sis ground Bucket DIGGING Max. 1 z

40-400 62 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 63
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (4) Bucket DUMP operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01901 Pressure switch 2

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective bucket DUMP PPC Right work equip-
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P01 (male) Resistance
ment control lever
connection or short circuit)
Neutral Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Bucket DUMP Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (34) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P01 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P01 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (34) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P01 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (34)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P01 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (34) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 Mz
sis ground Bucket DUMP Max. 1 z

40-400 64 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 65
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (5) Boom LOWER operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective boom LOWER
PPC pressure switch (Inter- Right work equip-
1 P06 (male) Resistance
nal disconnection or short ment control lever
circuit) Neutral Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Boom LOWER Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (14) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P06 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P06 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (14) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P06 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (14)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P06 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Right work equip-
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
ment control lever
Between (14) – chas- Neutral Min. 1 Mz
sis ground Boom LOWER Max. 1 z

40-400 66 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 67
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (6) Arm DUMP operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01900 Pressure switch 1

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective arm DUMP PPC Left work equipment
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P02 (male) Resistance
control lever
connection or short circuit)
Neutral Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
Arm DUMP Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (15) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P02 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P02 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground (T08) tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (15) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P02 (female) (2) tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (15)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P02 (female) (2)
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Resistance
control lever
Between (15) – Neutral Min. 1 Mz
chassis ground Arm DUMP Max. 1 z

40-400 68 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 69
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (7) Swing operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.

Related • Monitoring code: 09001 Swing LEFT PPC pressure
information 09002 Swing RIGHT PPC pressure

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes
Defective swing RIGHT PPC
and standard 1 Carry out troubleshooting of failure code [DHSAMA]
pressure sensor system
value in normal
state Defective swing LEFT PPC
2 Carry out troubleshooting of failure code [DHSBMA]
pressure sensor system

40-400 70 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Trouble (8) Blade UP operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.

• Monitoring code: 01902 Pressure switch 3

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective blade UP PPC
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P28 (male) Blade control lever Resistance
connection or short circuit) Not operated Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
UP Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (71) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P28 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P28 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (71) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P28 (female) (2) – chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (71)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P28 (female) (2) – chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Blade control lever Resistance
Between (71) – chas- Not operated Min. 1 Mz
sis ground UP Max. 1 z

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 71
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally

Trouble (9) Blade DOWN operation is not displayed normally by monitoring function.
• Monitoring code: 01902 Pressure switch 3

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
Defective blade DOWN PPC
1 pressure switch (Internal dis- P11 (male) Blade control lever Resistance
connection or short circuit) Not operated Min. 1 Mz
Between (1) – (2)
DOWN Max. 1 z
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Disconnection in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
ness (Disconnection in wiring Wiring harness between C01 (female) (33) Resis-
2 Max. 1 z
or defective contact in con- – P11 (female) (2) tance
nector) Wiring harness between P11 (female) (1) – Resis-
Possible causes Max. 1 z
chassis ground tance
and standard
value in normal a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then carry out troubleshoot-
Ground fault in wiring har- ing without turning starting switch ON.
state 3 ness (Short circuit with GND
circuit) Wiring harness between C01 (female) (33) Resis-
Min. 1 Mz
– P11 (female) (2) – chassis ground tance
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then turn starting switch ON
Hot short (Short circuit with and carry out troubleshooting.
4 24 V circuit) in wiring har-
ness Wiring harness between C01 (female) (33)
Voltage Max. 1 V
– P11 (female) (2) – chassis ground
a Prepare with starting switch OFF, then start engine and carry
out troubleshooting.
5 Defective pump controller C01 (female) Blade control lever Resistance
Between (33) – chas- Not operated Min. 1 Mz
sis ground DOWN Max. 1 z

40-400 72 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-24 Monitoring function does not display lever control signal normally SEN04813-00

Related circuit diagram

PC78US-8 40-400 73
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
SEN04813-00 E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally

E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally 1

Trouble • KOMTRAX system does not operate normally.

• If KOMTRAX system administrator makes request for checking system on machine side for trouble,
Related carry out following troubleshooting.
information • Even if KOMTRAX system has trouble, it does not particularly appear on machine.
• Carry out all troubleshooting on service menu screen of machine monitor.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Turn starting switch ON and check “Terminal status” screen.
1 Defective communication 1 Check item Normal display
KOMTRAX communication Open
a Turn starting switch ON and check “GPS & Communication
Status” screen.
Check item Normal display
N ###,##,## (Latitude)
2 Defective GPS
Positioning E ###,##,## (Longitude)
In positioning
Possible causes If latitude and longitude are not displayed in 5 minutes on open
and standard ground, notify KOMTRAX service hot line.
value in normal a Turn starting switch ON and check “GPS & Communication
state Status” screen.
Check item Normal display

Defective communication Satellite in View –

3 Communication
environment No Satellite in View
If Communication Status does not display “Satellite in View” for 15
minutes when the machine stays outdoor where can view sky,
check if connector of TH300 or antenna on top of the cab are prop-
erly connected.
a Turn starting switch ON and check “GPS & Communication
Status” screen.
4 Defective communication 2
Check item Normal display
Number of message not yet sent 0 – 60 (Normally 0)

a Select “Terminal Status” from “12 Display of a Select “GPS & Communication Status” from
KOMTRAX setting” in the service menu of the “12 Display of KOMTRAX setting” in the ser-
machine monitor. vice menu of the machine monitor.

40-400 74 PC78US-8
400 Troubleshooting of electrical system (E-mode)
E-25 KOMTRAX system does not operate normally SEN04813-00

PC78US-8 40-400 75

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04813-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-400 76


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and

mechanical system (H-mode)
Information contained in troubleshooting table ............................................................................................... 3
System chart for hydraulic and mechanical systems ...................................................................................... 4
H-1 Speed or power of all work equipment, swing, and travel are low ........................................................... 6
H-2 Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls............................................................................................ 7
H-3 No work equipment, travel and swing move ............................................................................................ 8
H-4 Abnormal noise is heard from around hydraulic pump............................................................................. 8
H-5 Fine control performance or response of work equipment and travel is low ............................................ 9
H-6 Speed or power of boom is low .............................................................................................................. 10
H-7 Speed or power of arm is low..................................................................................................................11
H-8 Speed or power of bucket is low ............................................................................................................ 12
H-9 Speed or power of blade is low .............................................................................................................. 13
H-10 Work equipment does not move in its single operation........................................................................ 14
H-11 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large............................................................................................. 15
H-12 Time lag of work equipment is large..................................................................................................... 17
H-13 Work equipment loaded more is slower during compound operation .................................................. 17
H-14 Boom RAISE speed is low in compound operation of swing + boom RAISE....................................... 17
H-15 Travel speed lowers largely during compound operation of work equipment/swing + travel ............... 18
H-16 Machine deviates during travel ............................................................................................................ 19
H-17 Travel speed is low............................................................................................................................... 20
H-18 Machine cannot be steered easily or steering power is low................................................................. 21
H-19 Travel speed does not change or it is kept low or high ........................................................................ 22

PC78US-8 40-500 1
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)

H-20 Track does not move (only either side) ................................................................................................ 22

H-21 Machine does not swing....................................................................................................................... 23
H-22 Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power are low................................................................. 24
H-23 Excessive overrun when stopping swing.............................................................................................. 26
H-24 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large shock ............................................................... 27
H-25 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large sound ............................................................... 27
H-26 Hydraulic drift of swing is large............................................................................................................. 28
H-27 Flow rate in attachment circuit cannot be adjusted .............................................................................. 29

40-500 2 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
Information contained in troubleshooting table SEN04814-00

Information contained in troubleshooting table 1

a Troubleshooting table collectively carry the following information. Carry out troubleshooting work after
fully grasping their contents.
Trouble Phenomena occurring on machine
Information on occurred failures and troubleshooting

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Cause for presumed
and standard failure <Contents>
value in normal (The attached No. for • The standard values in normalcy by which to judge "good"
state filing and reference or "no good" about presumed causes.
purpose only. It does not • References for making judgement of "good" or "no good"
stand for any priority)

PC78US-8 40-500 3
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 System chart for hydraulic and mechanical systems

System chart for hydraulic and mechanical systems 1

40-500 4 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
System chart for hydraulic and mechanical systems SEN04814-00

a This is a system chart that has been drawn up by simplifying the whole hydraulic circuit chart. Use it as
a reference material when troubleshooting the hydraulic and mechanical systems.

PC78US-8 40-500 5
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-1 Speed or power of all work equipment, swing, and travel are low

H-1 Speed or power of all work equipment, swing, and travel are low 1

Trouble • Speed or power of all work equipment, swing, and travel are low.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
1 Malfunction of unload valve Control levers Unload pressure
3.4 ± 1.0 MPa
All levers in NEUTRAL
{35 ± 10 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Control lever Main relief pressure
Defective adjustment or 26.5 ± 1.5 MPa
2 Arm relieved in IN direction
operation of main relief valve {270 ± 15 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure cannot be set normally by adjustment, the main
relief valve may be malfunction or may have an internal defect.
Check the main relief valve directly.
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of self-pressure
3 Control levers Control circuit basic pressure
reducing valve
3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
All levers in NEUTRAL
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Possible causes
and standard Measured oil Measurement
Oil pressure ratio
value in normal pressure conditions
state Pump discharge
Defective adjustment or 1
4 pressure Bucket digging
operation of PC valve
PC valve output position Approx. 0.23
pressure (Approx. 1/4)
If the oil pressure cannot be set normally by adjustment, the PC
valve may be malfunction or may have an internal defect. Check
the PC valve directly.
LS differential
Oil pressure ratio
Measured oil pressure
pressure All levers in Bucket curled
NEUTRAL (Lever at stroke end)
Pump discharge
Defective adjustment or
5 pressure Almost same Approx. 2.11 MPa
operation of LS valve
LS valve output pressure {21.5 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure cannot be set normally by adjustment, the LS
valve may be malfunction or may have an internal defect. Check
the LS valve directly.
6 Malfunction of servo piston The servo piston may have malfunction. Check it directly.
If there is none of the causes listed above, the piston pump may
7 Defective piston pump have problems of lowering of performance, malfunction, internal
defect, etc.

40-500 6 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-2 Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls SEN04814-00

H-2 Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls 1

Trouble • Engine speed sharply drops or engine stalls.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Control lever Main relief pressure
Defective adjustment or 26.5 ± 1.5 MPa
1 Arm relieved in IN direction
operation of main relief valve {270 ± 15 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure cannot be set normally by adjustment, the main
relief valve may be malfunction or may have an internal defect.
Check the main relief valve directly.
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Measured oil Measurement
Oil pressure ratio
pressure conditions
Pump discharge
Defective adjustment or 1
2 pressure Arm: Relieved in IN
operation of PC valve
Possible causes PC valve output direction Approx. 0.23
and standard pressure (Approx. 1/4)
value in normal
If the oil pressure cannot be set normally by adjustment, the PC
valve may be malfunction or may have an internal defect. Check
the PC valve directly.
LS differential
Oil pressure ratio
Measured oil pressure
pressure All levers in Bucket curled
NEUTRAL (Lever at stroke end)
Pump discharge
Defective adjustment or
3 pressure Almost same Approx. 2.11 MPa
operation of LS valve
LS valve output pressure {21.5 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure cannot be set normally by adjustment, the LS
valve may be malfunction or may have an internal defect. Check
the LS valve directly.
Orifice or filter in servo The orifice or filter in the pump servo equipment is suspected of
equipment clogged clogging. Check the equipment itself.
5 Malfunction of servo piston The servo piston may have malfunction. Check it directly.

PC78US-8 40-500 7
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-3 No work equipment, travel and swing move

H-3 No work equipment, travel and swing move 1

Trouble • No work equipment, travel and swing move.

• Set the working mode at P mode for the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Stop engine for preparations. Start troubleshooting at engine
high idle.
Work equipment lock lever Solenoid output pressure
Malfunction of PPC lock
1 0 MPa
solenoid valve Locked
Possible causes {0 kg/cm2}
and standard 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
value in normal Released
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
The piston pump is suspected of malfunction or an internal failure.
Diagnose it in the following manner.
2 Defective piston pump
• Remove the main oil pressure measurement plug and crank the
engine. If oil flows out, it is in normal condition.
It is presumed that the pump shaft does not rotate due to some
3 Defective damper
internal failure of the damper. Check the damper itself.

H-4 Abnormal noise is heard from around hydraulic pump 1

Trouble • An abnormal noise is heard from around the hydraulic pump.



Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Hydraulic oil level lowered Make a visual check.
2 Quality of hydraulic oil bad Air may have get mixed with the oil. Make a visual check.

Possible causes It is presumed that the breather in the cap of hydraulic tank is
Hydraulic tank cap breather
and standard 3 clogged, thereby causing negative pressure inside the tank. Make
value in normal a visual check.
state It is presumed that the strainer in the hydraulic tank is clogged,
Hydraulic tank strainer
4 thereby causing negative pressure in the suction circuit. Make a
visual check.
The piston pump is suspected of an internal failure. Check the
5 Defective piston pump
pump itself.

40-500 8 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-5 Fine control performance or response of work equipment and travel is low SEN04814-00

H-5 Fine control performance or response of work equipment and travel

is low 1

Trouble • Fine control performance or response of work equipment and travel is low.
• Set the working mode at P mode for the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Orifice in LS circuit clogged The orifice in the LS circuit is presumed to be clogged or entry of
or entry of air air. Check the orifice itself.
a Stop engine for preparations. Start troubleshooting at engine
high idle.
LS differential
Oil pressure ratio
Oil pressure to be
measured At bucket CURL
Possible causes All control levers in
(Control lever full
and standard NEUTRAL
Defective adjustment or mal- stroke)
value in normal 2
state function of LS valve Pump delivery
pressure Nearly equal oil Approx. 2.11 MPa
LS valve output pressure {21.5 kg/cm2}
If the oil pressure does not return to normalcy even after the adjust-
ment, malfunction of the LS valve or its internal failure is sus-
pected. In that case, check the valve itself.
Malfunction of the servo piston is suspected. Check the piston
3 Malfunction of servo piston

PC78US-8 40-500 9
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-6 Speed or power of boom is low

H-6 Speed or power of boom is low 1

Trouble • Speed or power of boom is low.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Right work equipment control
Malfunction of right PPC PPC valve output pressure
1 lever
valve (boom circuit)
NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Boom RAISE position Min. 2.65 MPa
Boom LOWER position {Min. 27 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Control levers Solenoid output pressure
divider solenoid valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}

Possible causes Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve of the control valve may have a
and standard divider valve malfunction. Check it directly.
value in normal Malfunction of boom control The spool of the boom control valve may have a malfunction.
state valve (spool) Check it directly.
Malfunction of boom control
The pressure compensation valve of the boom control valve may
5 valve (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)
Malfunction of boom control The lock valve of the boom control valve may have a malfunction.
valve (lock valve) Check it directly.
Malfunction or defective The suction valve of the boom control valve (on the bottom side
7 sealing of boom control valve and head side) may have a malfunction or its sealing may be
(suction valve) defective. Check it directly.
Malfunction or defective
The centralized safety-suction valve of the control valve may have
8 sealing of centralized safety-
a malfunction or its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
suction valve
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
9 Defective boom cylinder
Boom cylinder Leakage from cylinder
Relieved in RAISE direction 7.5 cc/min

40-500 10 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-7 Speed or power of arm is low SEN04814-00

H-7 Speed or power of arm is low 1

Trouble • Speed or power of arm is low.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Left work equipment control
Malfunction of left PPC valve PPC valve output pressure
1 lever
(arm circuit)
NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Arm IN position Min. 2.65 MPa
Arm OUT position {Min. 27 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Control levers Solenoid output pressure
divider solenoid valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Possible causes
and standard Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve of the control valve may have a
value in normal divider valve malfunction. Check it directly.
state Malfunction of arm control The spool of the arm control valve may have a malfunction. Check
valve (spool) it directly (OUT side).
Malfunction of arm control
The pressure compensation valve of the arm control valve may
5 valve (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)
Malfunction or defective The safety-suction valves of the arm control valve (on the bottom
6 sealing of arm control valve side and head side) may have a malfunction or their sealing may
(safety-suction valves) be defective. Check them directly.
Malfunction or defective
The centralized safety-suction valve of the control valve may have
7 sealing of centralized safety-
a malfunction or its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
suction valve
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
8 Defective arm cylinder
Arm cylinder Leakage from cylinder
Relieved in IN direction 7.5 cc/min

PC78US-8 40-500 11
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-8 Speed or power of bucket is low

H-8 Speed or power of bucket is low 1

Trouble • Speed or power of bucket is low.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Right work equipment control
Malfunction of right PPC PPC valve output pressure
1 lever
valve (bucket circuit)
NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Bucket CURL position Min. 2.65 MPa
Bucket DUMP position {Min. 27 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Control levers Solenoid output pressure
divider solenoid valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Possible causes
and standard Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve of the control valve may have a
value in normal divider valve malfunction. Check it directly.
state Malfunction of bucket control The spool of the bucket control valve may have a malfunction.
valve (spool) Check it directly.
Malfunction of bucket control
The pressure compensation valve of the bucket control valve may
5 valve (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)
Malfunction or defective The safety-suction valves of the bucket control valve (on the bot-
6 sealing of bucket control tom side and head side) may have a malfunction or their sealing
valve (safety-suction valves) may be defective. Check them directly.
Malfunction or defective
The centralized safety-suction valve of the control valve may have
7 sealing of centralized safety-
a malfunction or its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
suction valve
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
8 Defective bucket cylinder
Bucket cylinder Leakage from cylinder
Relieved in CURL direction 7.5 cc/min

40-500 12 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-9 Speed or power of blade is low SEN04814-00

H-9 Speed or power of blade is low 1

• Speed or power of blade is low.
• Set the working mode to P mode and carry out the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Causes Standard value in normalcy and references for troubleshooting

a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.

Malfunction of blade PPC Control lever PPC valve output pressure

valve (blade circuit) Neutral 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Min. 2.65 MPa
Blade UP or DOWN position
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Defective adjustment or
Blade and swing gear pump cir-
2 malfunction of blade and Control lever
cuit relief pressure
swing gear pump relief valve
21.1 ± 1.5 MPa
Blade DOWN position
{215 ± 15 kg/cm2}
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Defective adjustment or
Blade and swing gear pump cir-
3 malfunction of blade UP Control lever
cuit relief pressure
safety-suction valve
12.7 ± 1.5 MPa
Blade UP position
{130 ± 15 kg/cm2}
cause and Malfunction of blade control
4 Blade control valve spool may be malfunctioning. Check it directly.
standard value valve (spool)
in normalcy Malfunction or defective seal
Suction valve of blade DOWN control valve may be malfunctioning
5 of blade DOWN control valve
or may have defective seal. Check it directly.
(suction valve)
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Control lever Solenoid output pressure
divider solenoid valve Neutral 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Travel operation only (either or 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of pump merge- Pump merge-divider valve of control valve may be malfunctioning.
divider valve Check it directly.
Malfunction or defective seals
Centralized safety and suction valves of control valve may be
8 of centralized safety and
malfunctioning or may have defective seals. Check them directly.
suction valves
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
9 Defective blade cylinder
Blade cylinder Leakage through cylinder
Blade DOWN relief 7.5 cc/min
Gear pump may have performance reduction, malfunction, internal
10 Defective gear pump
defect, etc. Check it directly.

PC78US-8 40-500 13
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-10 Work equipment does not move in its single operation

H-10 Work equipment does not move in its single operation 1

(1) The boom does not move when operated indepen-

(2) The arm does not move when operated indepen-
• Work equipment does not move in its sin- dently.
gle operation. (3) The bucket does not move when operated inde-
(4) The blade does not move when operated indepen-
• Set the working mode at P mode for the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Stop engine for preparations. Start troubleshooting at engine
high idle.
Possible causes Work equipment control lever
PPC valve output pressure
and standard 1 Malfunction of PPC valve (pedal)
value in normal NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Min. 2.65 MPa
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of work equip- The spool in the work equipment control valve is presumed to mal-
ment control valve (spool) function. Check the valve itself.

40-500 14 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-11 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large SEN04814-00

H-11 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large 1

Trouble • Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large. (1) Hydraulic drift of boom is large.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Possible causes 1 Defective boom cylinder
Boom cylinder Leakage from cylinder
and standard
value in normal Relieved in RAISE direction 7.5 cc/min
state Defective sealing of boom Sealing of the lock valve of the boom control valve may be defec-
control valve (lock valve) tive. Check it directly.
Defective sealing of central- Sealing of the centralized safety-suction valve of the control valve
ized safety-suction valve may be defective. Check it directly.

Trouble • Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large. (2) Hydraulic drift of arm is large.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
1 Defective arm cylinder
Arm cylinder Leakage from cylinder
Possible causes
Relieved in DIGGING direction 7.5 cc/min
and standard
value in normal Defective sealing of arm con- Sealing of the spool of the arm control valve may be defective.
state trol valve (spool) Check it directly.
Defective sealing of arm con- Sealing of the suction valve of the arm control valve (on the bottom
trol valve (suction valve) side) may be defective. Check it directly.
Defective sealing of central- Sealing of the centralized safety-suction valve of the control valve
ized safety-suction valve may be defective. Check it directly.

Trouble • Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large. (3) Hydraulic drift of bucket is large.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
1 Defective bucket cylinder
Bucket cylinder Leakage from cylinder
Possible causes
Relieved in DIGGING direction 7.5 cc/min
and standard
value in normal Defective sealing of bucket Sealing of the spool of the bucket control valve may be defective.
state control valve (spool) Check it directly.
Defective sealing of bucket Sealing of the suction valve of the bucket control valve (on the bot-
control valve (suction valve) tom side) may be defective. Check it directly.
Defective sealing of central- Sealing of the centralized safety-suction valve of the control valve
ized safety-suction valve may be defective. Check it directly.

PC78US-8 40-500 15
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-11 Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large

Trouble • Hydraulic drift of work equipment is large. (4) Hydraulic drift of blade is large.
• Set the working mode to P mode and carry out the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
1 Defective blade cylinder
Blade cylinder Leakage through cylinder
Blade DOWN relief 7.5 cc/min
Possible causes
and standard Defective seal of blade con-
2 Blade control valve spool seal may be defective. Check it directly.
value in normal trol valve (spool)
state Defective blade control valve
Suction valve seal and safety valve seal of blade control valve may
3 (suction valve and safety
be defective. Check them directly.
valve) seals
Defective seals of central-
Centralized safety and suction valves of control valve may have
4 ized safety and suction
defective seals. Check them directly.

40-500 16 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-12 Time lag of work equipment is large SEN04814-00

H-12 Time lag of work equipment is large 1

Trouble • Time lag of work equipment is large.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Possible causes Malfunction of control valve
The regeneration valve of the control valve may have a malfunc-
and standard 1 (regeneration valve) [Boom
tion. Check it directly.
value in normal and arm]
state Malfunction of control valve The suction valve of the control valve (on the head side) may have
(suction valve) a malfunction. Check it directly.

H-13 Work equipment loaded more is slower during compound

operation 1

Trouble • Work equipment loaded more is slower during compound operation.

Related • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
information • When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

The pressure compensation valve of the work equipment loaded
less may have a malfunction. Check it directly.
Compound operation More loaded side Less loaded side
Boom RAISE +
Boom Arm
Possible causes Arm DIGGING
and standard Malfunction of pressure com- Boom RAISE +
value in normal Arm or boom Boom or arm
1 pensation valve of work Arm DUMP
state equipment loaded less Boom RAISE +
Boom Bucket
Arm Bucket
Boom LOWER +
Arm Boom

H-14 Boom RAISE speed is low in compound operation of swing +

boom RAISE 1

Trouble • Boom RAISE speed is low in compound operation of swing + boom RAISE.
• If the speed of single operation of the boom RAISE speed is slow, conduct troubleshooting for H-7
Related first.
information • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Possible causes Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

and standard Malfunction or defective
value in normal The boom RAISE assistant valve of the control valve may have a
1 sealing of boom RAISE
state malfunction or its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
assistant valve

PC78US-8 40-500 17
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-15 Travel speed lowers largely during compound operation of work equipment/swing + travel

H-15 Travel speed lowers largely during compound operation of work

equipment/swing + travel 1

Trouble • Travel speed lowers largely during compound operation of work equipment/swing + travel.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Control levers Solenoid output pressure
divider solenoid valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Possible causes Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve may have a malfunction. Check it
and standard 2
divider valve directly.
value in normal
state Malfunction of work equip-
The pressure compensation valve of the work equipment control
3 ment control valve (pressure
valve may have a malfunction. Check it directly.
compensation valve)
Malfunction of swing control
The pressure compensation valve of the swing control valve may
4 valve (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)
Malfunction of travel control
The pressure compensation valve of the travel control valve may
5 valve (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)

40-500 18 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-16 Machine deviates during travel SEN04814-00

H-16 Machine deviates during travel 1

Trouble • Machine deviates during travel.

• Before starting the troubleshooting, ensure that track shoe tension is within the standard range.
Related • Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
information • Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of self pressure
1 Control levers Control circuit basic pressure
reducing valve
3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
All levers in NEUTRAL
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Travel lever PPC valve output pressure
Malfunction of travel PPC
2 Min. 2.65 MPa
valve Forward or reverse position
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
Difference in above output Max. 0.4 MPa
between both sides {Max. 4 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Travel lever Solenoid valve output pressure
divider valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
Possible causes
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
and standard
value in normal a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
state running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
4 Malfunction of unload valve Control levers Unload pressure
3.43 ± 1.0 MPa
All levers in NEUTRAL
{35 ± 10 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve may have a malfunction. Check it
divider valve directly.
Malfunction of travel junction
6 The travel junction valve may have a malfunction. Check it directly.
Malfunction of travel control The spool of the travel control lever may have a malfunction.
lever (spool) Check it directly.
The travel motor may have a defect in it. Check it directly.
(This can be checked by exchanging the right and left travel motor/
8 Defective travel motor
final drive assemblies and seeing if the travel deviation direction
The final drive may have a defect in it. Check it directly. (It may be
9 Defective final drive checked by abnormal sound, abnormal heating, metal chips in
drain oil, etc.)
Defective adjustment of
Adjust travel deviation adjustment plug. For details, see Testing
10 travel deviation adjustment
and adjusting, "Testing and adjusting travel deviation".

PC78US-8 40-500 19
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-17 Travel speed is low

H-17 Travel speed is low 1

Trouble • Travel speed is low.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of self pressure
1 Control levers Control circuit basic pressure
reducing valve
3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
All levers in NEUTRAL
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Travel lever PPC valve output pressure
Malfunction of travel PPC
2 Min. 2.65 MPa
valve Forward or reverse position
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
Difference in above output Max. 0.4 MPa
between both sides {Max. 4 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Travel lever Solenoid valve output pressure
divider valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
Possible causes
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
and standard
value in normal a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
state running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
4 Malfunction of unload valve Control levers Unload pressure
3.43 ± 1.0 MPa
All levers in NEUTRAL
{35 ± 10 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve may have a malfunction. Check it
divider valve directly.
Malfunction of travel control The spool of the travel control lever may have a malfunction.
lever (spool) Check it directly.
Malfunction of travel control
The pressure compensation valve of the travel control lever may
7 lever (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)
Malfunction of travel control The suction valve of the travel control lever may have a malfunc-
lever (suction valve) tion. Check it directly.
The travel motor may have a defect in it. Check it directly.
(This can be checked by exchanging the right and left travel motor/
9 Defective travel motor
final drive assemblies and seeing if the travel deviation direction
The final drive may have a defect in it. Check it directly. (It may be
10 Defective final drive checked by abnormal sound, abnormal heating, metal chips in
drain oil, etc.)

40-500 20 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-18 Machine cannot be steered easily or steering power is low SEN04814-00

H-18 Machine cannot be steered easily or steering power is low 1

Trouble • Machine cannot be steered easily or steering power is low.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of travel PPC Travel lever PPC valve output pressure
valve In NEUTRAL on both sides 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Min. 2.65 MPa
Operated on either side
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of pump merge- Travel lever Solenoid valve output pressure
divider valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Position for travel only 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
(On either or both sides) {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Malfunction of travel junction Travel lever Solenoid valve output pressure
solenoid valve All levers in NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Possible causes
and standard Position for travel only on 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
value in normal either side {32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
state Malfunction of hydraulic The check valve of the hydraulic pump may have a malfunction or
pump (check valve) its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
Malfunction of hydraulic The shuttle valve of the hydraulic pump may have a malfunction or
pump (shuttle valve) its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
Malfunction of pump merge- The pump merge-divider valve may have a malfunction. Check it
divider valve directly.
Malfunction of travel junction
7 The travel junction valve may have a malfunction. Check it directly.
Malfunction of travel control The spool of the travel control lever may have a malfunction.
lever (spool) Check it directly.
Malfunction of travel control
The pressure compensation valve of the travel control lever may
9 lever (pressure compensa-
have a malfunction. Check it directly.
tion valve)
Malfunction of travel control The suction valve of the travel control lever may have a malfunc-
lever (suction valve) tion. Check it directly.
The counterbalance valve and check valve of the travel motor may
Malfunction of travel motor
have a malfunction. Check it directly. (It may be checked by
11 (counterbalance valve and
exchanging the front and rear motors or the right and left motors
check valve)
and checking change of the phenomenon.)

PC78US-8 40-500 21
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-19 Travel speed does not change or it is kept low or high

H-19 Travel speed does not change or it is kept low or high 1

Trouble • Travel speed does not change or it is kept low or high.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Possible causes Solenoid valve output
Malfunction of travel speed Travel speed Travel lever
and standard 1 pressure
selector solenoid valve
value in normal Lo In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
Hi Operated
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of travel motor The speed-changer unit of the travel motor may have a malfunc-
(speed-changer unit) tion. Check it directly.

H-20 Track does not move (only either side) 1

Trouble • Track does not move (only either side).

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective seat of travel con- The suction valve seat of the travel control lever may be defective.
trol valve (suction valve) Check it directly.
Defective seat of travel con-
The safety and check valve seat of the travel control lever may be
2 trol valve (safety and check
defective. Check it directly.
Possible causes valve)
and standard Malfunction of travel motor The counterbalance valve of the travel motor may have a malfunc-
value in normal 3
(counterbalance valve) tion. Check it directly.
The travel motor may have a defect in it. Check it directly.
4 Defective travel motor (This can be checked by exchanging the right and left travel motor/
final drive assemblies and seeing if the immobile track changes.)
The final drive may have a defect in it. Check it directly. (It may be
5 Defective final drive checked by abnormal sound, abnormal heating, metal chips in
drain oil, etc.)

40-500 22 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-21 Machine does not swing SEN04814-00

H-21 Machine does not swing 1

Trouble • Machine does not swing. (1) Machine does not swing in either direction.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Right work equipment control
Malfunction of swing holding Solenoid valve output pressure
1 lever
brake solenoid valve
In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
Operated for swing
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Possible causes Malfunction of swing motor The holding brake of the swing motor may have a malfunction.
and standard (holding brake) Check it directly.
value in normal a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
state running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
3 Defective swing motor Left work equipment control
Leakage from swing motor
Swing circuit relieved Max. 7 l/min
The swing machinery may have a defect in it. Check it directly.
4 Defective swing machinery (It may be checked by abnormal sound, abnormal heating, metal
chips in drain oil, etc.)
Gear pump may have performance reduction, malfunction, internal
5 Defective gear pump
defect, etc. Check it directly.

Trouble • Machine does not swing. (2) Machine does not swing in only one direction.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Left work equipment control
Malfunction of swing PPC PPC valve output pressure
1 lever
In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Min. 2.65 MPa
Operated for swing
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of swing control The spool of the swing control valve may have a malfunction.
Possible causes valve (spool) Check it directly.
and standard a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
value in normal running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Left work equipment Swing relief pressure
control lever (Pump pressure)
Defective adjustment or mal-
3 function of swing motor Swing circuits
20.5 ± 1.5 MPa
(safety valve) Enable relieved (separately
{210 ± 15 kg/cm2}
on both sides)
Swing circuits
23 ± 1.5 MPa
Disable relieved (separately
{235 ± 15 kg/cm2}
on both sides)
Defective sealing of swing Sealing of the suction valve of the swing motor may be defective.
motor (suction valve) Check it directly.

PC78US-8 40-500 23
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-22 Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power are low

H-22 Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power are low 1

• Swing acceleration, swing speed and (1) Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power
swing power are low. are low in both directions.
• Set the working mode to P mode and carry out the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Air in swing PPC circuit and
1 Air may be in swing PPC circuit and swing motor. Bleed air.
swing motor
Clogging of swing PPC cir-
Swing PPC circuit orifice or slow return valve may be clogged.
2 cuit orifice or slow return
Check them directly.
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment Swing relief pressure
control lever (Pump pressure)
Defective adjustment or mal-
3 function of swing motor Swing relief (Inde-
20.5 ± 1.5 MPa
(safety valve) Enable pendent relief on
{210 ± 15 kg/cm2}
Possible causes right and left)
and standard Swing relief (Inde-
23 ± 1.5 MPa
value in normal Disable pendent relief on
{235 ± 15 kg/cm2}
state right and left)
Malfunction of swing control
4 Swing control valve may be malfunctioning. Check it directly.
Malfunction of swing motor Swing holding brake section of swing motor may be malfunction-
(swing holding brake section) ing. Check it directly.
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
6 Defective swing motor Left work equipment control
Leakage through swing motor
Swing relief Max. 7 l/min
Swing machinery may have defect in it. Check it directly. (It may
7 Defective swing machinery be checked by abnormal sound, abnormal heating, metal powder
in drained oil, etc.)

40-500 24 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-22 Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power are low SEN04814-00

• Swing acceleration, swing speed and (2) Swing acceleration, swing speed and swing power
swing power are low. are low in only either direction.
• Set the working mode to P mode and carry out the troubleshooting.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Air in swing PPC circuit and
1 Air may be in swing PPC circuit and swing motor. Bleed air.
swing motor
Clogging of swing PPC cir-
Swing PPC circuit orifice or slow return valve may be clogged.
2 cuit orifice or slow return
Check them directly.
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment Swing relief pressure
control lever (Pump pressure)
Defective adjustment or mal-
3 function of swing motor Swing relief (Inde-
20.5 ± 1.5 MPa
(safety valve) Enable pendent relief on
{210 ± 15 kg/cm2}
right and left)
Possible causes Swing relief (Inde-
and standard 23 ± 1.5 MPa
Disable pendent relief on
value in normal {235 ± 15 kg/cm2}
right and left)
a Prepare with engine stopped, then run engine at high idle and
carry out troubleshooting.
Left work equipment control
Malfunction of swing PPC PPC valve output pressure
4 lever
Neutral 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Min. 2.65 MPa
Swing position
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
Malfunction of swing control
5 Swing control valve spool may be malfunctioning. Check it directly.
valve (spool)
Malfunction of swing motor Suction valve of swing motor may have defective seal. Check it
(suction valve) seal directly.
Malfunction of swing motor Reverse prevention valve of swing motor may be malfunctioning.
(reverse prevention valve) Check it directly.

PC78US-8 40-500 25
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-23 Excessive overrun when stopping swing

H-23 Excessive overrun when stopping swing 1

(1) Overrun of upper structure is large in both direc-

Trouble • Excessive overrun when stopping swing.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Air in swing PPC circuit and
1 Air may be in swing PPC circuit and swing motor. Bleed air.
swing motor
Clogging of swing PPC cir-
Possible causes Swing PPC circuit orifice or slow return valve may be clogged.
2 cuit orifice or slow return
and standard Check them directly.
value in normal
state a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
3 Defective swing motor Left work equipment control
Leakage from swing motor
Swing circuit relieved Max. 7 l/min

(2) Overrun of upper structure is large in only one

Trouble • Excessive overrun when stopping swing.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Air in swing PPC circuit and
1 Air may be in swing PPC circuit and swing motor. Bleed air.
swing motor
Clogging of swing PPC cir-
Swing PPC circuit orifice or slow return valve may be clogged.
2 cuit orifice or slow return
Check them directly.
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Left work equipment control
Malfunction of swing PPC PPC valve output pressure
3 lever
In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
Min. 2.65 MPa
Operated for swing
{Min. 27 kg/cm2}
Possible causes Malfunction of swing control The spool of the swing control valve may have a malfunction.
and standard 4
valve (spool) Check it directly.
value in normal
a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Left work equipment Swing relief pressure
Blade lock
control lever (Pump pressure)
Defective adjustment or mal- switch
5 function of swing motor Swing circuits
(safety valve) 20.5 ± 1.5 MPa
Enable ON relieved (separately
{210 ± 15 kg/cm2}
on both sides)
Swing circuits
23 ± 1.5 MPa
Disable ON relieved (separately
{235 ± 15 kg/cm2}
on both sides)
Defective sealing of swing Sealing of the suction valve of the swing motor may be defective.
motor (suction valve) Check it directly.
Malfunction of swing motor Sealing of the reverse prevention valve of the swing motor may be
(reverse prevention valve) defective. Check it directly.

40-500 26 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-24 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large shock SEN04814-00

H-24 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large shock 1

Trouble • When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large shock.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Left work equipment control
Malfunction of swing PPC PPC valve output pressure
1 lever
Possible causes valve
In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
and standard
value in normal Min. 2.65 MPa
Operated for swing
state {Min. 27 kg/cm2}
The swing PPC slow return valves may have a malfunction. Check
Malfunction of swing PPC
2 them directly. (They may be checked by exchanging with each
slow return valves
other and checking change of the phenomenon.)
Malfunction of swing motor The safety valve of the swing motor may have malfunction. Check
(safety valve) it directly.

H-25 When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large sound 1

Trouble • When upper structure stops swinging, it makes large sound.

• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

1 Air in swing motor Air may be in swing motor. Bleed air.
Malfunction of back pres- The back pressure check valve may have a malfunction. Check it
sure check valve directly.
Possible causes Malfunction of swing motor The swing motor (safety valves) may have a malfunction. Check
and standard 3
(safety valve) the valves directly.
value in normal
The swing motor (suction valves) may have a malfunction. Check
state Malfunction of swing motor
4 the valves directly. (They may be checked by exchanging with
(suction valves)
each other and checking change of the phenomenon.)
The swing machinery may have a defect in it. Check it directly. (It
5 Defective swing machinery may be checked by abnormal sound, abnormal heating, metal
chips in drain oil, etc.)

PC78US-8 40-500 27
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
SEN04814-00 H-26 Hydraulic drift of swing is large

H-26 Hydraulic drift of swing is large 1

Trouble • Hydraulic drift of swing is large. (1) When swing holding brake is operated
• If the swing holding brake release switch is in the normal position, the swing holding brake operates
and the disc brake holds the upper structure.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
Right work equipment control
Possible causes Malfunction of swing holding Solenoid valve output pressure
1 lever
and standard brake solenoid valve
value in normal In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
state 3.14 ± 0.5 MPa
Operated for swing
{32 ± 5 kg/cm2}
Malfunction or internal defect
The holding brake of the swing motor may have a malfunction or
2 of swing motor (holding
an internal defect. Check it directly.

Trouble • Hydraulic drift of swing is large. (2) When swing holding brake is released
• If the swing holding brake release is in the emergency position, the swing holding brake is released
and the upper structure is held with only hydraulic pressure.
• Conduct the troubleshooting in working mode P.
• Before starting troubleshooting, check that the oil level in the hydraulic tank is proper.
• When starting troubleshooting, warm up the hydraulic oil to 45 – 55°C.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Defective sealing of swing Sealing of the spool of the swing control valve may have a mal-
control valve (spool) function. Check it directly.
The safety valves of the swing motor may have a malfunction.
Defective sealing of swing
Possible causes 2 Check them directly. (They may be checked by exchanging with
motor (safety valve)
and standard each other and checking change of the phenomenon.)
value in normal The suction valves of the swing motor may have a malfunction.
state Defective sealing of swing
3 Check them directly. (They may be checked by exchanging with
motor (suction valve)
each other and checking change of the phenomenon.)
Malfunction or defective
The reverse prevention valve of the swing motor may have a mal-
4 sealing of swing motor
function or its sealing may be defective. Check it directly.
(reverse prevention valve)

40-500 28 PC78US-8
500 Troubleshooting of hydraulic and mechanical system (H-mode)
H-27 Flow rate in attachment circuit cannot be adjusted SEN04814-00

H-27 Flow rate in attachment circuit cannot be adjusted 1

When attachment is installed

Trouble • Flow rate in attachment circuit cannot be adjusted.
• If an attachment is installed, the flow rate in the service circuit changes according to the selected
Related working mode.
information • How to adjust the flow rate in modes B and ATT is different from that in mode B. For details, see
Operation manual.

Cause Standard value in normal state/Remarks on troubleshooting

Malfunction of attachment
The attachment flow rate adjustment EPC valve may have a mal-
1 flow rate adjustment EPC
function. Check it directly.
Possible causes a Keep the engine stopped for the preparations, and keep it
and standard running at high idle during the troubleshooting.
value in normal Wiring harness PPC valve output
state Service pedal
Malfunction of service PPC connector pressure
valve Disconnect connec- In NEUTRAL 0 MPa {0 kg/cm2}
tor V30 of attachment
flow rate adjustment Above 2.65 MPa
EPC valve. {Above 27 kg/cm2}

PC78US-8 40-500 29

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04814-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-500 30


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

40 Troubleshooting 40

600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)

Method of using troubleshooting chart............................................................................................................ 2
S-1 Starting performance is poor .................................................................................................................... 6
S-2 Engine does not start ............................................................................................................................... 7
S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly.......................................................................................................... 10
S-4 Engine stops during operations ...............................................................................................................11
S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly ............................................................................................................ 12
S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) ..................................................................................................... 13
S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion).................................................................................. 14
S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) ...................................................................... 15
S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly ......................................................................................................... 16
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive............................................................................................................. 17
S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down) ................................................... 18
S-12 Oil pressure drops ................................................................................................................................ 19
S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel)................................................................................................. 20
S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) ......................................................................... 21
S-15 Abnormal noise is made....................................................................................................................... 22
S-16 Vibration is excessive ........................................................................................................................... 23

PC78US-8 40-600 1
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 Method of using troubleshooting chart

Method of using troubleshooting chart 1

The troubleshooting chart consists of the "questions", "check items", "causes", and "troubleshooting" blocks.
The questions and check items are used to pinpoint high probability causes by simple inspection or from
phenomena without using troubleshooting tools.
Next, troubleshooting tools or direct inspection are applied to check the narrowed causes in order from the
most probable one to make final confirmation according to the troubleshooting procedure.
Items to be drawn from the user or operator. They correspond to A and B in the chart on the right. The
items in A are basic ones. The items in B can be drawn from the user or operator, depending on their
Check items
Simple check items used by the serviceman to narrow the causes. They correspond to C in the chart on
the right.
Items to be narrowed from the questions and check items. The serviceman narrows down the probable
causes from A, B, and C.
Items used to find out the true cause by verifying the narrowed causes finally in order from the most
probable one by applying troubleshooting tools or direct inspection.

Items listed in the [Questions] and [Check items] and related to the [Causes] are marked with E, Q, and w.
E : Causes to be referred to for questions and check items
Q : Causes related to questions and check items
w : Causes highly probable among ones marked with Q
a When narrowing the "causes", apply the items marked with w before those marked with Q.
When narrowing the causes, do not apply the items marked with E. (If no items have other marks and
the causes cannot be narrowed, however, you may apply them.)

40-600 2 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
Method of using troubleshooting chart SEN04815-00

PC78US-8 40-600 3
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 Method of using troubleshooting chart

<Example of troubleshooting> Exhaust gas is black

Let us assume that a trouble of "Exhaust gas is black" occurred and we checked the [Questions] and [Check
items] and found the following 3 items to be the causal symptoms; [Exhaust gas slowly became black],
[Power slowly became weaker], and [Dust indicator is lighting red].

40-600 4 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
Method of using troubleshooting chart SEN04815-00

There is a causal relationship between 3 items in the [Questions] and [Check items] sections and 5 items in
the [Causes] section.
The method of pinpointing the "cause" from the causal relationship and approaching the "troubleshooting" is
explained according to Step 1 – Step 3 shown below.

PC78US-8 40-600 5
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-1 Starting performance is poor

S-1 Starting performance is poor 1

General causes why starting performance is poor Causes

q Defective electrical system

Leaking or clogged fuel piping, entry of air

Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap
Defective contact of valve and valve seat

Defective alternator (generator section)

q Insufficient supply of fuel

Defective alternator (regulator section)

q Insufficient intake of air

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

Defective intake air heater system

Defective or deteriorated battery

q Improper selection of fuel
a The common rail fuel injection system (CRI) controls the

Clogged air cleaner element

Worn piston ring, cylinder

fuel injection timing electrically. Accordingly, even if the
starting operation is carried out, the engine may not start
until the crankshaft revolves 2 turns at maximum. This phe-

Clogged fuel filter

Defective injector
nomenon does not indicate a trouble, however.

Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E
Became worse gradually Q w w Q
Starting performance
Engine starts easily when warm w w

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q Q

Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and
Maintenance Manual w w Q Q

Oil must be added more frequently w

When engine is preheated or when temperature is low, preheating monitor does not
indicate normally w

During operation, charge level monitor indicates abnormal charge w w

Dust indicator is red w
Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w Q
When priming pump is operated, it makes no reaction or it is heavy w Q
Starting motor cranks engine slowly w
If air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not
While engine is cranked flow out w
with starting motor,
If spill hose from injector is disconnected, little fuel spills w
Check items

When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of

some cylinders is low
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular Q Q w
There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q w Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w

Inspect air cleaner directly q

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q
When air is bled from fuel system, air comes out q
Inspect fuel filter directly q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” indicated
by code
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not
When starting switch is turned to HEAT, intake air heater mount does not become warm q

Is voltage 20 – 30 V between alternator terminal B and terminal E with Yes q

engine at low idle? No q
When specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured, they are low q




*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

40-600 6 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-2 Engine does not start SEN04815-00

S-2 Engine does not start 1

a) Engine does not turn Causes

Defective connection of battery terminal

Defective starting motor (motor section)

General causes why engine does not turn
q Seized parts inside engine
o See “S-4 Engine stops during operations”

Defective or deteriorated battery

Defective steering circuit wiring

q Defective electrical system

Broken flywheel ring gear

Defective starting switch

Defective battery relay

Defective safety relay

Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E

Condition of horn when Horn does not sound Q Q w

starting switch is turned ON Horn volume is low w
Battery electrolyte is low w
Battery terminal is loose w
When starting switch is turned ON, there is no operating sound from battery relay Q w
When starting switch is turned to START, starting pinion does not move out Q Q w
Check items

Speed of rotation is low w

When starting switch is Makes grating noise w w
turned to START, starting
pinion moves out, but Soon disengages again w
Makes rattling noise and does not turn Q Q Q

Inspect flywheel ring gear directly q

When specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured, they are low q

Carry out troubleshooting

There is not voltage (20 – 30 V) between battery relay terminal B q
and terminal E

on E-mode
When terminal B and terminal C of starting switch are connected, q
engine starts
Turn starting switch OFF, When terminal B and terminal C at safety relay outlet are
connect cord, and carry out q
connected, engine starts
troubleshooting at ON
Even if terminal B and terminal C at safety relay outlet are
connected, engine does not start
When terminal at safety switch and terminal B at starting motor are
connected, engine starts



PC78US-8 40-600 7
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-2 Engine does not start

b) Engine turns but no exhaust smoke comes out Causes

Defective operation of overflow valve (Does not close)

General causes why engine turns but no exhaust smoke comes
q Fuel is not being supplied
q Supply of fuel is extremely small

Leaking or clogged fuel piping, entry of air

Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap
q Improper selection of fuel (particularly in winter)

Defective common rail pressure limiter

Seized, abnormally worn feed pump

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

Defective supply pump MPROP
Broken supply pump shaft
Insufficient fuel in tank

Defective fuel injector

Use of improper fuel

Clogged fuel filter

Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E

Exhaust smoke suddenly stopped coming out (when starting again) w Q w w E

Fuel other than specified one is used w
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and
Maintenance Manual w E Q

When fuel tank is inspected, it is found to be empty w

Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w
Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained Q E E E
When fuel filter is removed, there is not fuel in it w w
Check items

Fuel is leaking from fuel piping

When priming pump is operated, it makes no reaction or it is heavy w Q
If air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not
While engine is cranked with flow out Q Q w Q
starting motor,
If spill hose from injector is disconnected, little fuel spills Q w w w Q

When air is bled from fuel system, air comes out q

Inspect fuel filter directly q
Inspect feed pump directly q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)”

q q
indicated by code
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in supply pump IMV (*2)” indicated
by code
Inspect overflow valve directly q
Engine can be started in reduced cylinder mode q
Fuel flows out when pressure limiter return piping is disconnected q



*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

*2: Displayed failure codes [CA271] and [CA272]

40-600 8 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-2 Engine does not start SEN04815-00

c) Exhaust smoke comes out but engine does not start Causes

Worn dynamic valve system (Valve, rocker lever, etc.)

(fuel is being injected)

Defective coolant temperature sensor, wiring harness

General causes why exhaust smoke comes out but engine does
not start

Leaking or clogged fuel system, entry of air

q Lack of rotating force due to defective electrical system

Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap

q Insufficient supply of fuel
q Insufficient intake of air

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

Defective intake air heater system

Clogged injector, defective spray
q Improper selection of fuel

Defective, deteriorated battery

Clogged air cleaner element

Worn piston ring, cylinder

Clogging of fuel filter

Use of improper fuel
Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E
Suddenly failed to start w w Q

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q

Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and w w
Maintenance Manual
Oil must be added more frequently w
When engine is preheated or when temperature is low, preheating monitor does not
indicate normally w

Dust indicator is red w

Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged Q
Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained w
When fuel filter is removed, there is not fuel in it w
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
When priming pump is operated, it makes no reaction or it is heavy w Q
Starting motor cranks engine slowly w
When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w
Check items

If air bleeding plug of fuel filter is removed, fuel does not

While engine is cranked with flow out Q w
starting motor,
If spill hose from injector is disconnected, little fuel spills w
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of
some cylinders is low w

Inspect air cleaner directly q

Inspect dynamic valve system directly q
When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q

When air is bled from fuel system, air comes out

Inspect fuel filter directly q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” indicated
by code
Engine can be started in reduced cylinder mode q
When specific gravity of electrolyte and voltage of battery are measured, they are low q
Coolant temperature gauge does not indicate normally q
When starting switch is turned to HEAT, intake air heater mount does not become warm q




*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

PC78US-8 40-600 9
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly

S-3 Engine does not pick up smoothly 1

General causes why engine does not pick up smoothly Causes

q Insufficient intake of air

Seized turbocharger, interference of turbocharger

q Insufficient supply of fuel
q Defective condition of fuel injection

Leaking or clogged fuel piping, entry of air

Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap
Defective contact of valve and valve seat
q Improper selection of fuel
q Controller is controlling in derate mode

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

Clogged injector, defective spray
(limiting injection rate (output) because of an error in electrical system)

Clogged air cleaner element

Worn piston ring, cylinder

Improper valve clearance

Clogging of fuel filter

Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E

Engine pick-up suddenly became worse w Q Q Q

Non-specified fuel is being used w w w
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance w w
Oil must be added more frequently w
Dust indicator is red w
Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w
Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained w
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
When priming pump is operated, it makes no reaction or it is heavy w Q
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some Q w
cylinders is low
Blue under light load w
Color of exhaust gas is
w Q w w
Check items

When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w
When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w
High idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load is applied Q w
There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q Q Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w

Inspect air cleaner directly q

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q

Inspect valve clearance directly

When turbocharger is rotated by hand, it is found to be heavy q
When air is bled from fuel system, air comes out q
Inspect fuel filter directly q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” indicated by q
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q






*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

40-600 10 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-4 Engine stops during operations SEN04815-00

S-4 Engine stops during operations 1

General causes why engine stops during opera- Causes


Broken dynamic valve system (valve, rocker arm, etc.)

Broken auxiliary equipment (pump, compressor, etc.)

q Internal parts of engine seized
q Insufficient supply of fuel

Defective engine controller power supply wiring

q There is overheating

Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap

q Problem in drive devices on applicable

Broken, seized piston, connecting rod

machine side

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

o Carry out troubleshooting for devices on

Clogging of feed pump gauze filter

Broken, seized crankshaft bearing

Defective starting switch wiring

applicable machine

Leaking, clogged fuel piping

Broken, seized feed pump

Broken supply pump shaft

Defective hydraulic pump

Broken, seized gear train
Insufficient fuel in tank

Clogging of fuel filter

Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E
Abnormal noise was heard and engine
stopped suddenly w w w w Q w Q w w

w Q Q

Condition when engine Engine overheated and stopped

Engine stopped slowly w Q Q Q Q
There was hunting and engine stopped w Q Q Q Q Q Q
Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q Q Q
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation
and Maintenance Manual w w

Fuel level monitor indicates low level w

When fuel tank is inspected, it is found to be empty w
Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained w w
Metal particles are found when oil pan is drained w w Q Q
Check items

Does not turn at all w w

When engine is cranked by Turns in opposite direction w
hand Moves by amount of gear backlash w w
Supply pump shaft does not turn w
Engine turns, but stops when load is applied to machine w

Inspect dynamic valve system directly q

Inspect piston, connecting rod directly q
Inspect crankshaft bearing directly q
Carry out troubleshooting

Inspect gear train directly q


Inspect fuel filter directly q

on H-mode

Inspect feed pump gauze filter directly q

Inspect feed pump directly q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply
q q
pump (*1)” indicated by code
Engine rotates when pump auxiliary equipment (pump, compressor,
etc.) is removed
Check controller power supply wiring q
Check starting switch wiring q






*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

PC78US-8 40-600 11
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly

S-5 Engine does not rotate smoothly 1

General causes why engine does not rotate smoothly Causes

q Air in fuel system

Clogged injector, defective spray (dirt in injector)

Defective Bkup speed sensor, wiring harness

q Defective speed sensor (Error at degree that it is not indicated)

Defective Ne speed sensor, wiring harness

Leaking or clogged fuel piping, entry of air
Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap
Insufficient fuel in tank

Clogging of fuel filter

Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E

Occurs at a certain speed range

Occurs at low idle Q Q Q Q Q
Occurs even when speed is raised Q Q Q
Occurs on slopes w
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance Manual w
When fuel tank is inspected, it is found to be empty w
Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w
Check items

Rust and water are found when fuel tank is drained Q

Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
When priming pump is operated, it makes no reaction or it is heavy w Q

When air is bled from fuel system, air comes out q


Inspect fuel filter directly q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in Ne speed sensor (*1)” indicated by code q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in Bkup speed sensor (*2)” indicated by code q


*1: Displayed failure code [CA689]

*2: Displayed failure code [CA778]

40-600 12 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) SEN04815-00

S-6 Engine lacks output (or lacks power) 1

General causes why engine lacks output Causes

q Insufficient intake of air

Seized turbocharger, interference of turbocharger

Air leakage from air intake piping and aftercooler

Clogged injector, defective spray (dirt in injector)

Defective boost pressure sensor, wiring harness

Defective installation of boost pressure sensor
q Insufficient supply of fuel

Defective drive of injector (signal, solenoid)

q Defective condition of fuel injection

Clogged air breather hole of fuel tank cap

Defective contact of valve and valve seat
q Improper selection of fuel

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

q There is overheating
o See “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too

Clogged air cleaner element

Leaking, clogged fuel piping

high (Overheating)“

Worn piston ring, cylinder

Improper valve clearance

Clogged fuel spill piping

q Controller is controlling in derate mode

Clogging of fuel filter

(limiting injection rate (output) because of an
error in electrical system)

(air leakage)
Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E
Suddenly Q w Q Q Q Q

Power was lost

Gradually Q Q Q Q Q Q
Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q Q
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and
w w
Maintenance Manual
Oil must be added more frequently Q Q
Dust indicator is red w w
Air breather hole of fuel tank cap is clogged w
Fuel is leaking from fuel piping w
Output becomes insufficient after short stop of operation w
Black w w
Color of exhaust gas is
Blue under light load w
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of
w w
some cylinders is low
Check items

When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger

When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w
High idle speed is too high Q
High idle speed under no load is normal, but speed suddenly drops when load is applied Q w Q Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular w w Q Q w
There is hunting from engine (rotation is irregular) Q Q Q Q Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w w

Inspect air cleaner directly q

Inspect air intake piping directly q
When boost pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q q
When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q
Inspect valve clearance directly q

Inspect fuel piping q

Inspect fuel filter directly q
Inspect spill port check valve directly q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)”
indicated by code
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does
q q
not change
Inspect charge pressure sensor mount directly q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in charge pressure sensor (*2)”
indicated by code









*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

*2: Displayed failure codes [CA122] and [CA123]

PC78US-8 40-600 13
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion)

S-7 Exhaust smoke is black (incomplete combustion) 1

General causes why exhaust smoke is black Causes

q Insufficient intake of air

Leakage of air between turbocharger and cylinder head

Defective coolant temperature sensor, wiring harness

q Defective condition of fuel injection

Seized turbocharger, interference of turbocharger

q Improper selection of fuel
q There is overheating

Defective contact of valve and valve seat

o See “S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high

Stuck, seized supply pump plunger

q Controller is controlling in derate mode

Improper fuel injection pressure

(limiting injection rate (output) because of an error in

Clogged air cleaner element

Worn piston ring, cylinder

Improper valve clearance

Crushed, clogged muffler

Abnormally worn injector

Improper injection timing
electrical system)

Clogged, seized injector

Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E
Suddenly became black w w Q Q Q
w Q Q

Color of exhaust gas is Gradually became black

Blue under light load w
Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q
Oil must be added more frequently w
Suddenly w Q Q Q
Power was lost
Gradually Q Q Q Q
Dust indicator is red w
Muffler is crushed w
Air leaks between turbocharger and cylinder head, clamp is loosened w
Engine is operated in low-temperature mode at normal temperature Q Q Q
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some Q w
cylinders is low
When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w
Check items

When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w

Torque converter stall speed or pump relief speed is high (Fuel is injected excessively) Q
Exhaust noise is abnormal Q w Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular Q Q Q Q Q w
Blow-by gas is excessive w
If spill hose from injector is disconnected, abnormally much fuel spills w

Inspect air cleaner directly q

When turbocharger is rotated by hand, it is fount to be heavy q
When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q

Inspect valve clearance directly q

When muffler is removed, exhaust sound improves q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” indicated by
code q q

When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in coolant temperature sensor (*2)”
indicated by code
Confirm with monitoring function q q




*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

*2: Displayed failure codes [CA144] and [CA145]

40-600 14 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) SEN04815-00

S-8 Oil consumption is excessive (or exhaust smoke is blue) 1

General causes why oil consumption is excessive Causes

q Abnormal consumption of oil


Oil leakage from oil pan, cylinder head, etc.

Worn, damaged valve (stem, guide, seal)
q Long-time operation of engine at low idle or high idle
(Do not run engine at idle for more than 20 minutes

Dust sucked in from intake system


Clogged breather, breather hose

q External leakage of oil

Oil leakage from oil drain plug

Worn, damaged rear oil seal
q Wear of parts in lubrication system

Oil leakage from oil cooler

Oil leakage from oil piping

Worn piston ring, cylinder
Worn seal at turbine end
Worn seal at blower end

Oil leakage from oil filter

Broken piston ring

Broken oil cooler

Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period

Oil consumption suddenly increased w Q
Oil must be added more frequently w Q
Oil becomes contaminated quickly Q Q w
Outside of engine is dirty with oil w w w w w
There are loose piping clamps in intake system w
Inside of turbocharger intake outlet pipe is dirty with oil w
Inside of turbocharger exhaust outlet pipe is dirty with oil Q w
Check items

There is oil in coolant w

Oil level in clutch chamber or damper chamber is high w
Exhaust smoke is blue under light load w w
Excessive Q Q w w
Amount of blow-by gas
None w

When intake manifold is removed, dust is found inside q

When intake manifold is removed, inside is found to be abnormally dirty q

Excessive play of turbocharger shaft q q

Check breather and breather hose directly q
When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q
Inspect rear oil seal directly q
Pressure-tightness test of oil cooler shows there is leakage q q
There is external leakage of oil from engine q q q q




PC78US-8 40-600 15
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly

S-9 Oil becomes contaminated quickly 1

General causes why oil becomes contaminated quickly Causes

q Entry of exhaust gas into oil due to internal wear

Clogged turbocharger lubrication drain tube

Defective seal at turbocharger turbine end
q Clogging of lubrication passage
q Use of improper fuel
q Use of improper oil

Clogged breather, breather hose

q Operation under excessive load

Defective oil filter safety valve

Worn piston ring, cylinder
Worn valve, valve guide

Exhaust smoke is bad

Clogged oil cooler
Clogged oil filter
Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E

Non-specified fuel is being used Q Q
Oil must be added more frequently w
Metal particles are found when oil filter is drained Q Q w
Inside of exhaust pipe is dirty with oil w
Engine oil temperature rises quickly w
Blue under light load w
Check items

Color of exhaust gas is

Black w
Excessive Q Q w Q
Amount of blow-by gas
None w

Excessive play of turbocharger shaft q

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q q

Check breather and breather hose directly q

See S-7
Inspect oil cooler directly q
Inspect oil filter directly q
Spring of oil filter safety valve is hitched or broken q
Inspect turbocharger lubrication drain tube directly q




40-600 16 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive SEN04815-00

S-10 Fuel consumption is excessive 1

General causes why fuel consumption is excessive Causes

q Leakage of fuel

Defective coolant temperature sensor, wiring harness

q Defective condition of fuel injection (fuel pressure, injection timing)
q Excessive injection of fuel

Fuel leakage from fuel filter, piping, etc.

Defective common rail pressure

Fuel leakage inside head cover

Defective supply pump plunger

Defective operation of injector

Defective feed pump oil seal

Defective spray by injector

Improper injection timing

Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period

More than for other machines of same model Q Q Q Q
Condition of fuel Gradually increased Q Q
Suddenly increased Q Q
There is external leakage of fuel from engine w
Combustion is irregular w
Engine oil level rises and oil smells of diesel fuel w w
When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of some
cylinders is low w
Check items

Low idle speed is high Q

Torque converter stall speed or pump relief speed is high Q
Black Q Q Q Q
Color of exhaust gas is
White Q

Remove head cover and inspect directly q

Inspect feed pump oil seal directly q

Carry out troubleshooting according to “No-pressure feed by supply pump (*1)” indicated by code q
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does not change q
If spill hose from injector is disconnected, much fuel spills q
Carry out troubleshooting according to “Abnormality in coolant temperature sensor (*2)” indicated
by code q

Confirm with monitoring function q q



*1: Displayed failure codes [CA559] and [CA2249]

*2: Displayed failure codes [CA144] and [CA145]

PC78US-8 40-600 17
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down)

S-11 Oil is in coolant (or coolant spurts back or coolant level goes down)1
General causes why oil is in coolant Causes
q Internal leakage in lubrication system

Broken cylinder head, head gasket

q Internal leakage in cooling system

Broken oil cooler core, O-ring

Cracks inside cylinder block
Holes caused by pitting
Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period

Suddenly rose Q Q
Oil level
Gradually rose Q Q
Hard water is being used as coolant Q Q
Oil level has risen and oil is milky Q Q w

There are excessive air bubbles in radiator, coolant spurts back w

Pressure-tightness test of cylinder head shows there is leakage q


Inspect cylinder block directly q q

Pressure-tightness test of oil cooler shows there is leakage q


40-600 18 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-12 Oil pressure drops SEN04815-00

S-12 Oil pressure drops 1

General causes why oil pressure drops Causes

q Leakage, clogging, wear or lubrication system

Leaking, crushed, clogged hydraulic piping

Defective oil level sensor, wiring harness
q Defective oil pressure control
q Selection of oil by the temperature etc. specified in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual is not observed.

Clogged, broken pipe in oil pan

q Deterioration of oil due to overheating

Clogged strainer in oil pan

Defective regulator valve

Worn journal of bearing
Lack of oil in oil pan

Defective oil pump

Coolant, fuel in oil

Clogged oil filter

Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E

Oil pressure monitor indicates low oil pressure Q w

Non-specified oil is being used Q Q
Replacement of filters has not been carried out according to Operation and Maintenance
Indicates pressure drop at low idle w

Oil pressure monitor Indicates pressure drop at low, high idle Q w w w Q

(if installed) Indicates pressure drop on slopes w
Sometimes indicates pressure drop w Q
Oil level monitor indicates oil level drop w w
Oil level in oil pan is low w
External hydraulic piping is leaking, crushed w
Check items

Oil is milky or smells of diesel oil w

Metal particles are found when oil pan is drained w
Metal particles are found when oil filter is drained w Q

Metal particles are found in oil filter q


Inspect oil pan strainer, pipe directly q q

See S-13

Oil pump rotation is heavy, there is play in oil pump q

Valve and spring of regulator valve are fatigued, damaged q
Inspect oil filter directly q
If oil level sensor is replaced, oil level monitor indicates normally q




PC78US-8 40-600 19
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel)

S-13 Oil level rises (Entry of coolant or fuel) 1

General causes why oil level rises Causes

q Coolant in oil (milky)

Defective seal of auxiliary equipment (pump, compressor)

q Fuel in oil (smells diluted diesel fuel)
a If oil is in coolant, carry out troubleshooting for “S-11 Oil is in coolant”

Broken cylinder head, head gasket

Broken oil cooler core, O-ring

Worn, damaged rear oil seal
Cracks inside cylinder block

Defects in supply pump

Holes caused by pitting
Broken injector, O-ring
Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E

Fuel must be added more frequently w w
Coolant must be added more frequently Q Q
There is oil in coolant Q Q Q Q w
Oil smells of diesel fuel w w
Oil is milky Q Q
When engine is started, drops of water come from muffler Q
When radiator cap is removed and engine is run at low idle, an abnormal number of bubbles appears,
w Q
Check items

or coolant spurts back

Exhaust smoke is white Q
Oil level in damper chamber is low w
Oil level in hydraulic tank is low w

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q

Remove injector and inspect O-ring q

Inspect cylinder block directly q q

Inspect rear oil seal directly q
Pressure-tightness test of oil cooler shows there is leakage q
Remove and inspect supply pump directly q
Inspect seal of auxiliary equipment directly q


40-600 20 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) SEN04815-00

S-14 Coolant temperature becomes too high (overheating) 1

General causes why coolant temperature becomes too high Causes

q Lack of cooling air (deformation, damage of fan)

Defective radiator cap (pressure valve)

Defective coolant temperature gauge

q Drop in heat dissipation efficiency

Broken cylinder head, head gasket

Defective operation of thermostat

Slipping fan belt, worn fan pulley

q Problem in coolant circulation system

Rise in hydraulic oil temperature

Clogged, crushed radiator fins
Clogged, broken oil cooler
Holes caused by pitting

Clogged radiator core

Broken water pump
Lack of coolant
Confirm recent repair history
Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E E E E

Sudden overheated Q w Q
Condition of overheating
Always tends to overheat Q w w Q
Rises quickly Q w
Coolant temperature gauge
Does not go down from red range w
Radiator coolant level monitor indicates drop of coolant level w
Engine oil level has risen, oil is milky w Q
Fan belt tension is low w
When fan pulley is turned, it has play w
Milky oil is floating on coolant w
There are excessive air bubbles in radiator, coolant spurts back w
Check items

When light bulb is held behind radiator core, no light passes through
Radiator shroud, inside of underguard side are clogged with dirt or mud w w
Coolant is leaking because of cracks in hose or loose clamps w
Coolant flows out from radiator overflow hose w
Fan belt whines under sudden acceleration w
Hydraulic oil temperature enters red range faster than engine coolant w

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q

Inspect cylinder directly q
Carry out troubleshooting

Inspect oil cooler directly q


Temperature difference between upper and lower tanks of radiator is large

on H-mode

When operation of thermostat is carried out, it does not open at cracking

Temperature difference between upper and lower tanks of radiator is slight q
Inspect radiator core directly q
When operation of radiator cap is carried out, its cracking pressure is low q
Inspect fan belt, pulley directly q
When coolant temperature is measured, it is found to be normal q






PC78US-8 40-600 21
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
SEN04815-00 S-15 Abnormal noise is made

S-15 Abnormal noise is made 1

General causes why abnormal noise is made Causes

q Abnormality due to defective parts

Deformed cooling fan, loose fan belt, interference of fan belt

Defective inside of muffler (dividing board out of position)
q Abnormal combustion

Leakage of air between turbocharger and cylinder head

q Air sucked in from intake system

Improper fuel injection timing (abnormality in coolant

a Judge if the noise is an internal noise or an external

Broken dynamic valve system (valve, rocker lever)

Interference of turbocharger, seized turbocharger

temperature sensor, boost temperature sensor)

noise before starting troubleshooting.
a The engine is operated in the low-temperature mode
while it is not warmed up sufficiently. Accordingly, the

Excessive wear of piston ring, cylinder

engine sound becomes a little larger. This does not indi-
cate abnormality, however.
a When the engine is accelerated, it is operated in the

Improper gear train backlash

acceleration mode and its sound becomes a little larger

Removed, seized bushing

Improper valve clearance

Clogged, seized injector

for up to about 3 seconds. This does not indicate abnor-

Dirt caught in injector

mality, however.

Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period E

Gradually occurred Q Q
Condition of abnormal noise
Suddenly occurred Q Q Q
Non-specified fuel is being used Q
Oil must be added more frequently w
Metal particles are found when oil filter is drained w w
Air leaks between turbocharger and cylinder head w
When engine is cranked, interference sound is generated around turbocharger w
When engine is cranked, abnormal sound is generated around cylinder head w w
When engine is cranked, beat noise is generated around muffler w
Check items

When exhaust manifold is touched immediately after starting engine, temperature of

some cylinders is low w Q

Blue under light load w

Color of exhaust gas is
Black Q w Q
Engine does not pick up smoothly and combustion is irregular w
Abnormal noise is loud when engine is accelerated Q Q Q Q
Blow-by gas is excessive w

When turbocharger is rotated by hand, it is found to be heavy q

Inspect dynamic valve system directly q
When muffler is removed, abnormal noise disappears q

Inspect valve clearance directly

When compression pressure is measured, it is found to be low q
Inspect gear train directly q q
Inspect fan and fan belt directly q
When a cylinder is cut out for reduced cylinder mode operation, engine speed does
q q
not change
Abnormal noise is heard only when engine is started q
Confirm with monitoring function q





40-600 22 PC78US-8
600 Troubleshooting of engine (S-mode)
S-16 Vibration is excessive SEN04815-00

S-16 Vibration is excessive 1

General causes why vibration is excessive Causes

q Defective parts (abnormal wear, breakage)

Improper fuel injection timing (abnormality in coolant temperature

q Misalignment between engine and chassis
q Abnormal combustion
a If abnormal noise is made and vibration is excessive, carry out trouble-
shooting for “S-15 Abnormal noise is made”, too.

Stuck dynamic valve system (valve, rocker lever)

Loose engine mounting bolts, broken cushions

Worn main bearing, connecting rod bearing

Broken output shaft, parts in damper

sensor, boost temperature sensor)
Improper gear train backlash
Worn camshaft bushing
Confirm recent repair history

Degree of use of machine Operated for long period

Suddenly increased Q Q
Condition of vibration
Gradually increased Q Q Q
Non-specified oil is being used Q Q
Metal particles are found when oil filter is drained w w
Metal particles are found when oil pan is drained w w
Oil pressure is low at low idle Q Q
Check items

Vibration occurs at mid-range speed Q Q

Vibration follows engine speed Q Q Q
Exhaust smoke is black w Q

Inspect dynamic valve system directly q

Inspect main bearing and connecting rod bearing directly q

Inspect gear train directly q

Inspect camshaft bushing directly q
Confirm with monitoring function q
Inspect engine mounting bolts and cushions directly q
Inspect output shaft or inside of damper directly q




PC78US-8 40-600 23

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04815-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

40-600 24

Shop Manual


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly

100 General information on disassembly
and assembly

How to read this manual ............................................................................................................................. 2

Coating materials list................................................................................................................................... 4
Special tool list ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Sketches of special tools ............................................................................................................................ 11

PC78US-8 50-4 1
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 How to read this manual

How to read this manual

1. Removal and installation of assemblies

Special tools Removal

q Special tools which are deemed necessary for q The “Removal” section contains procedures
removal or installation of parts are described as and precautions for implementing the work,
A1,•••X1 etc. and their part names, part numbers know-how and the amount of oil or coolant to be
and quantities are described in the special tool drained.
list. q General tools that are necessary to removal are
q Also the following information is described in the described as [1], [2]•••etc. and their part names,
special tool list. part numbers and quantities are not described.
1) Necessity q Various symbols used in the “Removal” section
t : Special tools that cannot be substituted are explained and listed below.
and should always be used (installed). k : This mark indicates safety-related precau-
q : Special tools that will be useful if avail- tions that must be followed when implement-
able and are substitutable with commer- ing the work.
cially available tools. a : Know-how or precautions for the work
2) Distinction of new and existing special tools [*1]: This mark shows that there are instructions or
N: Tools newly developed for this model. precautions for installing parts.
They respectively have a new part number. 6 : This mark shows the amount of oil or cool-

R: Tools with upgraded part numbers. They ant to be drained.

are remodeled from already available tools 4 : Weight of part or component

for other models.

Blank: Tools already available for other Installation
models. They can be used without any modi- q Except where otherwise instructed, installation
fication. of parts is done in the reverse order of removal.
q Instructions and precautions for installing parts
3) Circle mark Q in sketch column:
q The sketch of the special tool is present-
are shown with [*1] mark in the “Installation”
ed in the section of “Sketches of special section, identifying which step the instructions
tools”. are intended for.
q General tools that are necessary for installation
q This mark means part No. of special tools
starting with 79*T - *** - ****and they can are described as [1],[2]•••etc. and their part
not be supplied from Komatsu in Japan names, part numbers and quantities are not de-
(i.e. locally made parts). scribed.
q Marks shown in the “Installation” section stand
for the following.
k : Precautions related to safety in execution of
a : This mark gives guidance or precautions when
doing the procedure.
2 : Type of coating materials
3 : Tightening torque
5 : Quantity of oil or coolant to be added

Sketches of special tools

q Various special tools are illustrated for the con-
venience of local manufacture.

50-4 2 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
How to read this manual SEN04833-01

2. Disassembly and assembly of assemblies

Special tools Disassembly

q Special tools which are deemed necessary for q In “Disassembly” section, the work procedures,
disassembly or assembly of parts are described precautions and know-how for carrying out those
as A1,•••X1 etc. and their part names, part num- procedures, and quantity of the oil and coolant
bers and quantity are described in the special drained are described.
tool list. q General tools that are necessary for disassem-
q Also the following information is described in the bly are described as [1], [2]•••etc. and their part
special tool list. names, part numbers and quantities are not de-
1) Necessity scribed.
t : Special tools that cannot be substituted q The meanings of the symbols used in
and should always be used (installed). “Disassembly” section are as follows.
q : Special tools that will be useful if avail- k : This mark indicates safety-related precau-
able and are substitutable with commer- tions that must be followed when implement-
cially available tools. ing the work.
2) Distinction of new and existing special tools a : Know-how or precautions for the work
N: Tools newly developed for this model. 6 : Quantity of oil or coolant drained

They respectively have a new part number.

R: Tools with upgraded part numbers. They Assembly
are remodeled from already available tools q In “Assembly” section, the work procedures,
for other models. precautions and know-how for carrying out those
Blank: Tools already available for other procedures, and quantity of the oil and coolant
models. They can be used without any modi- added are described.
fication. q General tools that are necessary for assembly

3) Circle mark Q in sketch column: are described as [1], [2]•••etc. and their part
q The sketch of the special tool is present-
names, part numbers and quantities are not de-
ed in the section of “Sketches of special scribed.
q The meanings of the symbols used in
“Assembly” section are as follows.
k : Precautions related to safety in execution of
q This mark means part No. of special tools
starting with 79*T-***-**** and that they
can not be supplied from Komatsu in Ja- the work
pan (i.e. locally made parts). a : This mark gives guidance or precautions when
doing the procedure.
2 : Type of coating material
a General tools that are necessary for removal
3 : Tightening torque
5 : Quantity of oil or coolant to be added
or installation are described as [1],[2]•••etc.
and their part names, part numbers and
quantities are not described.
Sketches of special tools
q Various special tools are illustrated for the con-
venience of local manufacture.

PC78US-8 50-4 3
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 Coating materials list

Coating materials list

a The recommended coating materials such as adhesives, gasket sealants, and greases used for disassem-
bly and assembly are listed below.
a For coating materials not listed below, use the equivalent of products shown in this manual.
Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
q Used to prevent rubber gaskets, rubber cush-
LT-1A 790-129-9030 150 g Tube
ions, and cork plugs from coming out.
q Used for plastic (except polyethylene, polypro-
20 g Polyethylene pylene, tetrafluoroethylene and vinyl chloride),
LT-1B 790-129-9050
(2 pcs.) container rubber, metal, and non-metal parts which require
immediate and strong adhesion.
Polyethylene q Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.
LT-2 09940-00030 50 g
container q Used to fix and seal bolts and plugs.
1 kg
LT-3 (Set of adhesive Can q Used to stick and seal metal, glass, and plastics.
and hardener)
500 g

LT-4 790-129-9040 250 g q Used to seal plugs.
Holtz MH 705 790-129-9120 75 g Tube q Heat-resistant seal used to repair engines.
q Quick-setting adhesive.
ThreeBond Polyethylene q Setting time: Within 5 sec. to 3 min.
790-129-9140 50 g
1735 container q Used mainly to stick metals, rubbers, plastics,
and woods.
q Quick-setting adhesive.
q Quick-setting type.
Aron-alpha Polyethylene
790-129-9130 2g (max. strength is obtained after 30 minutes)
201 container
q Used mainly to stick rubbers, plastics, and met-
q Features: Resistance to heat and chemicals.
Loctite Polyethylene
79A-129-9110 50 cc q Used for fitted portions used at high tempera-
648-50 container
q Used to stick or seal gaskets and packings of
LG-1 790-129-9010 200 g Tube
power train case, etc.
q Used to seal various threaded portions, pipe
Polyethylene joints, and flanges.
LG-5 790-129-9080 1 kg
container q Used to seal tapered plugs, elbows, and nipples
of hydraulic piping.
Gasket sealant

q Features: Silicon-based heat and cold-resistant

LG-6 790-129-9020 200 g Tube q Used to seal flange surfaces and threaded por-
q Used to seal oil pan, final drive case, etc.
q Features: Silicon-based quick-setting sealant.
LG-7 790-129-9070 1 kg Tube q Used to seal flywheel housing, intake manifold,
oil pan, thermostat housing, etc.
LG-8 q Features: Silicon-based, heat and cold-resistant,
ThreeBond 419-15-18131 100 g Tube vibration-resistant, impact-resistant sealant.
1207B q Used to seal transfer case, etc.

50-4 4 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
Coating materials list SEN04833-01

Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
q Used for rough surfaces such as the circle gear
LG-9 top seal which does not need to be clamped,
ThreeBond 790-129-9310 200 g Tube water resistance of the clearance at the welded
1206D area, etc.
Gasket sealant

q Can be coated with paint.

LG-10 q Used as lubricant/sealant when the radiator
ThreeBond 790-129-9320 200 g Tube hoses are inserted.
1206E q Can be coated with paint.
LG-11 q Feature: Can be used together with gaskets.
ThreeBond 790-129-9330 200 g Tube q Used for covers of the transmission case and
1121 steering case etc.
790-129-9090 100 g Tube q Gasket sealant used to repair engine.

q Used to prevent scuffing and seizure of


press-fitted portions, shrink-fitted portions, and

LM-P 09940-00040 200 g Tube
threaded portions.
q Used to lubricate linkages, bearings, etc.
Seizure preven-
tion compound

q Feature: Seizure and scuffing prevention com-

pound with metallic super-fine-grain, etc.
- - Can q Used for the mounting bolt in the high temper-
ature area of the exhaust manifold and the tur-
bocharger, etc.

G2-LI SYG2-400LI-A
q Feature: Lithium grease with extreme pressure
G0-LI SYG2-160LI
Various Various lubrication performance.
*: For cold dis- SYGA-160CNLI
q General purpose type.
trict SYG0-400LI-A (*)
q Used for parts under heavy load.
Molybdenum SYG2-400M 400 g × 10 q Do not apply grease to rolling bearings like
disulfide grease SYG2-400M-A 400 g × 20 swing circle bearings, etc. and spline.
LM-G (G2-M) SYGA-16CNM 16 kg q The grease should be applied to work equip-
ment pins at their assembly only, not applied
for greasing afterwards.
Hyper White SYG2-400T-A q Seizure resistance, heat resistance and water
Grease SYG2-16CNT resistance higher than molybdenum disulfide

400 g lows-type
G2-T, SYG0-400T-A grease.
16 kg container
G0-T (*) (*) SYG0-16CNT q Not conspicuous on machine since color is
*: For cold district (*) white.
Biogrease SYG2-400B
G2-B, G2-BT(*) SYGA-16CNB q Since this grease is decomposed by natural
400 g lows-type
*: For use at high SYG2-400BT (*) bacteria in short period, it has less effects on
16 kg container
temperature and SYGA-16CNBT microorganisms, animals, and plants.
under high load (*)
q Feature: Silicone grease with wide using tem-
G2-S perature range, high resistance to thermal-oxi-
ThreeBond - 200 g Tube dative degradation and performance to prevent
1855 deterioration of rubber and plastic parts.
q Used for oil seals of the transmission, etc.
q Feature: Urea (organic system) grease with
heat resistance and long life. Enclosed type.
427-12-11871 2 kg Can q Used for rubber, bearing and oil seal in damp-
ENS grease
Caution: Do not mix with lithium grease.

PC78US-8 50-4 5
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 Coating materials list

Komatsu code Part number Q'ty Container Main features and applications
SUNSTAR q Used as primer for cab side.
Glass con-
PAINT PRIMER 20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
580 SUPER facture)
SUNSTAR 417-926-3910
q Used as primer for glass side.
GLASS Glass con-
20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
PRIMER 580 tainer

Adhesive for cab glass

q Used as primer for painted surface on
Glass con- cab side.

PAINT PRIMER 22M-54-27230 20 ml

tainer (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
q Used as primer for black ceramic-coated
surface on glass side and for hard poly-
22M-54-27240 150 ml Can carbonate-coated surface.
(Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
SUNSTAR q Used as primer for sash (Almite).
Glass con-
SASH PRIMER 22M-54-27250 20 ml (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
GP-402 facture)
SUNSTAR q “S” is used for high-temperature season
PENGUINE Polyethyl- and “W” for low-temperature season as
SEAL 580 417-926-3910 320 ml ene con- adhesive for glass.
SUPER “S” or tainer (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-

“W” facture)
Polyethyl- q Used as adhesive for glass.
Sika Japan,
20Y-54-39850 310 ml ene con- (Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-
Adhesive for cab glass

Sikaflex 256HV
tainer facture)
SUNSTAR Ecocart q Used as adhesive for glass.
PENGUINE 22M-54-27210 320 ml (Special (Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-
SUPER 560 container) facture)
SUNSTAR Polyethyl- q Used to seal joints of glass parts.
PENGUINE 417-926-3920 320 ml ene con- (Using limit: 4 months after date of manu-
Caulking material

SEAL No. 2505 tainer facture)

SEKISUI SILI- Polyethyl- q Used to seal front window.
CONE SEAL- 20Y-54-55130 333 ml ene con- (Using limit: 6 months after date of manu-
ANT tainer facture)
q Used to seal joint of glasses. Translu-
cent white seal.
SILICONES 22M-54-27220 333 ml Cartridge
(Using limit: 12 months after date of

50-4 6 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
Special tool list SEN04833-01

Special tool list

a Tool part number 79TQT-QQQ-QQQQ cannot be supplied (they are items to be locally manufactured).
a Necessity:
t ……Cannot be substituted, must always be installed (used)
q ……Extremely useful if available or can be substituted with commercially available part
a New/Remodel :
N……Tools with new part numbers, newly developed for this model
R……Tools with upgraded part numbers, remodeled from items already available for other models
Blank……Tools already available for other models, can be used without any modification
a Tools marked Q in the Sketch column are tools introduced in the sketches of the special (See Sketches
of special tools)

Component Part No. Part name Nature of work, remarks


1 795T-221-1010 Push tool t 1 N Q Press fitting of front oil seal
2 795-931-1100 Seal puller assembly q 1 Pulling out of rear oil seal
Removal and installation
A 795T-221-1020 Plate t 1 R Q
of engine oil seal
3 790-101-5421 Grip t 1 Press fitting of rear oil seal
01010-51240 Bolt t 1
Removal and installation 1 796-460-1210 Oil stopper q 1
of hydraulic pump
Oil stopper of hydraulic
assembly and engine D
and hydraulic pump 2 796T-460-1240 Rod t 1 Q tank
Removal, installation of
1 796T-226-1120 Push tool q 1 Q
790-101-3400 Bearing puller q 1 Removal of bearing outer
790-101-3220 Screw q 1 race
790-101-5201 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5281 q Plate 1
3 Installation of oil seal
790-101-5221 q Grip 1
01010-51225 q Bolt 1
790-101-5201 Push tool kit q 1
Disassembly and assem-
bly of swing machinery F 790-101-5331 q Plate 1 Press fitting of sub bearing
assembly 790-101-5221 q Grip 1 outer race
01010-51225 q Bolt 1
790-101-5401 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5431 q Plate 1 Press fitting of main bear-
790-101-5421 q Grip 1 ing outer race
01010-51240 q Bolt 1
Press fitting of main bear-
6 796T-221-1010 Push tool t 1 Q
ing inner race
Press fitting of sub bearing
7 792T-413-1120 Push tool t 1 Q
inner race
Press fitting of bushing
1 796T-416-1010 Push tool t 1 Q
Disassembly and assem- (inside)
Press fitting of bushing
bly of travel PPC valve H 2 796T-416-1030 Push tool t 1 Q
assembly (outside)
3 796T-416-1020 Push tool t 1 Q Insertion of pin

PC78US-8 50-4 7
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 Special tool list

Component Part No. Part name Nature of work, remarks


790-101-5001 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5141 q Plate 1
Disassembly and assem- 1 Press fitting of bushing
790-101-5021 q Grip 1
bly of idler assembly
01010-50816 q Bolt 1
2 796-230-1110 Installer t 1 Installation of floating seal
L 790-101-5001 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5111 q Plate 1
3 Press fitting of bushing
Disassembly and assem- 790-101-5021 q Grip 1
bly of track roller assem-
bly 01010-50816 q Bolt 1
4 796T-230-1210 Installer t 1 Q Installation of floating seal
5 791-601-1000 Oil pump q 1 Charging with oil

791-685-8006 Compressor (B) t 1

790-201-2860 Spacer t 1
Disassembly and assem-
bly of recoil spring M 791-635-3160 Extension t 1 Compression of spring
assembly Cylinder
790-101-1600 t 1
(686 kN {70 ton})
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1
791-620-3000 Remover and installer t 1
791-635-3110 q Frame 1
791-635-3120 q Support 1
791-635-3130 q Nut 1
791-635-3140 q Screw 1
791-635-3150 q Hook 1
791-635-3160 q Extension 1
Spreading and installa- 791-635-3170 q Nut 4
Pulling out and press fit-
tion of track shoe assem- R 791-635-3180 q Screw 2 ting of master pin
791-635-3190 q Screw (For fixing) 1
791-635-3210 q Pilot 1
791-620-3220 q Adapter 1
791-615-7161 Pin pusher 1
791-615-7170 Guide t 1
790-101-1300 t 1
(980 kN {100 ton})
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1

50-4 8 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
Special tool list SEN04833-01

Component Part No. Part name Nature of work, remarks


790-101-2501 Push puller q 1
790-101-2510 q Block 1
790-101-2520 q Screw 1
790-101-2540 q Washer 1
Disassembly and assem-
Disconnection of rotor and
bly of center swivel joint T 791-112-1180 q Nut 1
790-101-2630 q Leg 2
790-101-2570 q Washer 4
790-101-2560 q Nut 2
790-121-2650 q Adapter 2
790-502-1003 Repair stand t 1 Disassembly and assembly
1 of hydraulic cylinder
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1 assembly
boom Removal and
790-102-3802 Wrench assembly t 1
swing, installation of
blade cylinder head
Arm, assembly
790-330-1100 Wrench assembly t 1
Socket (Width across
790-102-1320 t 1 boom
flats: 70 mm)
Removal and
Socket (Width across
790-102-1330 t 1 Blade installation of
3 flats: 75 mm)
piston nylon
Socket (Width across
790-302-1290 t 1 Bucket nut
flats: 60 mm)
Socket (Width across
790-302-1310 t 1 Arm
flats: 65 mm)
4 790-720-1000 Expander q 1 Expansion of piston ring
796-720-1650 Band q 1
Disassembly and assem- 07281-01029 Clamp q 1
bly of hydraulic cylinder U 796-720-1660 Band q 1 Installation of
assembly 5 Boom, arm
07281-01159 Clamp q 1 piston ring
796-720-1670 Band q 1 Boom
07281-01279 Clamp q 1 blade
790-201-1702 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5021 q Grip 1 Boom,
01010-50816 q Bolt 1 blade
790-201-1791 q Push tool 1
790-201-1702 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5021 q Grip 1 Press fitting of
Arm, boom
6 cylinder head
01010-50816 q Bolt 1 swing
790-201-1781 q Push tool 1
790-201-1702 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5021 q Grip 1
01010-50816 q Bolt 1
790-201-1771 q Push tool 1

PC78US-8 50-4 9
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 Special tool list

Component Part No. Part name Nature of work, remarks


790-201-1500 Push tool kit q 1
790-201-1610 q Plate 1 Boom,
790-101-5021 q Grip 1 blade
01010-50816 q Bolt 1
790-201-1500 Push tool kit q 1
Disassembly and assem- 790-201-1590 q Plate 1 Press fitting of
Arm, boom
bly of hydraulic cylinder U 7 cylinder head
790-101-5021 q Grip 1 swing
assembly dust seal
01010-50816 q Bolt 1
790-201-1500 Push tool kit q 1
790-201-1580 q Plate 1
790-101-5021 q Grip 1
01010-50816 q Bolt 1
790-441-1802 q Remover t 1
790-441-1810 q Sleeve 1
792-900-1530 q Screw 1
Removal and installation 796-270-1110 q Adapter 1 Removal of work equip-
of work equipment V 1
01803-13034 q Nut 1 ment assembly
01643-33080 q Washer 1
790-101-4000 Puller 1
790-101-1102 Pump 1
Removal and installation 1 793-498-1210 Lifter (Suction cup) t 2 Removal and installation of
of operator’s cab glass X operator’s cab glass
(stuck glass) 2 20Y-54-13180 Adapter t 2 (stuck glass)
Impact wrench q 1
Removal and install of
— Socket wrench
counterweight assenbly Commercially
(Width across flats:41 q 1

50-4 10 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
Sketches of special tools SEN04833-01

Sketches of special tools

Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches.
A1 Push tool

A3 Plate

PC78US-8 50-4 11
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 Sketches of special tools

Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches.
D2 Rod

F1 Push tool

50-4 12 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
Sketches of special tools SEN04833-01

Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches.
F7 Push tool

H1 Push tool

PC78US-8 50-4 13
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
SEN04833-01 Sketches of special tools

Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches.
H2 Push tool

H3 Push tool

50-4 14 PC78US-8
100 General information on disassembly and assembly
Sketches of special tools SEN04833-01

Note: Komatsu cannot accept any responsibility for special tools manufactured according to these sketches.
L4 Installer

PC78US-8 50-4 15

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04833-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09

50-4 16


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly 50

200 Engine and cooling system

Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly ................................................................................ 2
Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly ......................................................................................... 6
Removal and installation of engine front seal ............................................................................................... 10
Removal and installation of engine rear seal .................................................................................................11
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly .................................................................................... 13
Removal and installation of radiator assembly ............................................................................................. 24
Removal and installation of aftercooler assembly......................................................................................... 27
Removal and installation of hydraulic oil cooler assembly ............................................................................ 29
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly .............................................................. 32
Removal and installation of fuel tank assembly ............................................................................................ 42

PC78US-8 50-200 1
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly

Removal and installation of fuel

supply pump assembly 1


k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)

terminal of the battery.

1. Open engine hood assembly (1).

4. Set fuel stop lever (10) in the close position.

2. Move the engine hood fixing bar according to

the following procedure.
1) Remove 2 mounting bolts (3) of engine
controller rubber cover (2).
2) Remove bolt (4) and reverse and install
bracket (5).
3) Remove pin (6) and washer (7) from bar 5. Remove the following parts to secure the work
(8) and move bar (8) to bracket (5). space.
a When pulling out the pin, support the 1) Remove clamp (11) and 3 bolts to remove
bar. bracket (12).
a When moving the bar to the bracket,
take care that the engine hood will not
4) Install removed pin (6) and washer (7) to
bar (8).

3. Remove engine hood fixing bracket (9).

50-200 2 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly SEN04834-00

2) Remove belt protection cover (13) and fan 8. Disconnect connector PREG (20).
guard (14).
3) Loosen the mounting bolts of air condi- 9. Remove the pin and disconnect spill hose (21).
tioner compressor (15) and remove belt
(16). [*1] 10. Loosen sleeve nuts (22) and (23) and remove
high-pressure pipe (24). [*4]

6. Remove clamp (17) and disconnect fuel hose

(18) from the fuel filter. [*2] 11. Remove clamps (25), (26) and (27).
a Remove the hose without disconnecting it
from the fuel supply pump. 12. Remove joint bolts (28) and (29) and fuel tube
(30). [*5]
a Remove fuel tube (31) without disconnect-
ing it from the fuel supply pump.

7. Remove 2 boots (19). [*3]

a Check the directions of the slits of the
13. Remove 4 fuel supply pump mounting bolts
(32) from the gear case.

PC78US-8 50-200 3
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly

14. Fully loosen temporary fixing bolt (33) from the 2) Remove 3 nuts (38) and remove fuel sup-
fuel supply pump and remove fuel supply ply pump (34) from pump holder (39). [*9]
pump assembly (34). [*6] a After the pump holder is removed, the
a Temporary fixing bolt (33) cannot be temporary fixing bolt can be removed.
removed from the pump holder at this

15. Remove fuel hose (18) and joint bolt (35) from
fuel supply pump (34) and remove fuel tube
(31). [*7]
a Check the installed direction of the fuel Installation
tube. q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

q Adjust the belt tension. For details, see Testing
and adjusting, “Checking and adjusting air con-
ditioner compressor belt tension”.

3 Fuel hose joint bolt:
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}

q When installing the boots, set their slits in the
directions checked when removed.
16. Remove the supply pump holder according to q The boot is designed with fire safety to prevent
the following procedure. fuel from splashing onto the hot engine if fuel
1) Loosen nut (36) and pull out fuel supply leaks.
pump gear (37) with gear puller [1]. [*8]

50-200 4 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of fuel supply pump assembly SEN04834-00

[*4] [*7]
k Never bend a high-pressure pipe for the 3 Fuel tube joint bolt (35):
convenience sake. 19.6 – 29.4 Nm {2.0 – 3.0 kgm}
k Be sure to install the boot to the sleeve nut
after installing the high-pressure pipe. [*8]
a Before installing a high-pressure pipe, confirm 3 Pump gear mounting nut (36):
the following points. If any abnormality was 65 – 75 Nm {6.6 – 7.6 kgm}
found, replace it with new one. Otherwise,
leakage of fuel can result. [*9]
q No visible striations (b) or patchy dents (c) in q When installing the pump holder, install the
the taper seal portion of the connection ((a) temporarily fixing bolt without fail.
portion: area 2 mm inside the tip).
q No deformation in portion (d) (at the end of the
taper seal portion: 2 mm inside the tip).

3 Sleeve nut (22) on common rail side:

25.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.6 – 3.0 kgm}
3 Fuel supply pump side (23):
18 – 23 Nm {1.9 – 2.3 kgm}

3 Joint bolts (28) and (29):
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}

q Temporarily fix the fuel supply pump with tem-
porary fixing bolt (33) and then tighten the 4
mounting bolts from the gear case side.

PC78US-8 50-200 5
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly

Removal and installation of fuel 4. Remove clamp (4) and 3 bolts to remove
injector assembly 1
bracket (5).

k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Open engine hood assembly (1).

5. Remove belt protection cover (6) and fan

guard (7).

6. Loosen the mounting bolts of air conditioner

compressor (8) and remove V-belt (9). [*2]

2. Set fuel stop lever (2) in the close position.

7. Move air conditioner compressor (8) toward

this side.
3. Remove engine oil filler (3). [*1]

50-200 6 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly SEN04834-00

8. Remove 2 high-pressure pipe fixing clamps a Store the high-pressure pipe, taking care
(10). [*3] that taper seal portion “a” of its joint will
not be scratched.

9. Remove boots (11) and loosen sleeve nuts

(12) on the common rail side. [*4] 13. Remove holder mounting bolt (19) to remove
a Check the direction of the slit of the boots. holder (20). [*6]

10. Disconnect 4 connectors (13) from the fuel

q No. 1 cylinder: CN1
q No. 2 cylinder: CN2
q No. 3 cylinder: CN3
q No. 4 cylinder: CN4

11. Pull out pin (14) and disconnect spill hose (15).

12. Remove boot (16) and loosen sleeve nut (17)

on the fuel injector side to remove high-pres-
sure pipe (18). [*5]
a Check the direction of the slit of the boot.

PC78US-8 50-200 7
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly

14. Remove fuel injector assembly (21). [*7] Installation

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

3 Oil filler hose clamp:
5.9 ± 0.49 Nm {60 ± 5 kgcm}

q Adjust the belt tension. For details, see Testing
and adjusting, “Checking and adjusting air con-
ditioner compressor belt”.

k The clamp used for fixing a high-pressure
a Remove aftercooler hose (22) and tube pipe must be a gunuine Komatsu part and it
(23) from fuel injector No. 4. must be tightened to the specified torque.

q When installing the boot, set its slit in the direc-
tion checked when it was removed.
q The boot is designed with fire safety to prevent
fuel from splashing onto the hot engine if fuel
3 Sleeve nut: 25.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.6 – 3.0 kgm}

q When installing the boot, set its slit in the direc-
tion checked when it was removed.
k Never bend a high-pressure pipe for the
convenience sake.
k Be sure to install the boot to the sleeve nut
after installing the high-pressure pipe.
a Before installing a high-pressure pipe, confirm
the following points. If any abnormality was
found, replace it with new one. Otherwise,
leakage of fuel can result.
q No visible striations (b) or patchy dents (c) in
the taper seal portion of the connection ((a)
portion: area 2 mm inside the tip).
q No deformation in portion (d) (at the end of the
taper seal portion: 2 mm inside the tip).

3 Sleeve nut: 25.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.6 – 3.0 kgm}

50-200 8 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of fuel injector assembly SEN04834-00

3 Holder mounting bolt:
27 – 30 Nm {2.8 – 3.1 kgm}

q When reusing the injector, replace O-ring (24)
and gasket (25) with new ones.

PC78US-8 50-200 9
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine front seal

Removal and installation of Installation

engine front seal 1
1. Using tool A1, press fit front oil seal (3) to front
Special tools
cover (4).
a Before installing the front oil seal, check

that the crankshaft end corners and front

Sym- oil seal lip sliding surfaces are free from
Part No. Part name

bol flaw, burr, fin, rust, etc.

a Charge the space between the front oil
t 1 N Q seal lips with 2 cc of lithium grease.
2 Front oil seal: grease (G2-LI)
A 1 795T-221-1010 Push tool

Removal a Install the front oil seal flush with the front
1. Remove the engine and hydraulic pump
assembly. For details, see “Removal and
installation of engine and hydraulic pump

2. Remove crankshaft pulley mounting bolt (1)

and crankshaft pulley (2). [*1]

2. Install the crankshaft pulley.

a Set key way “a” of crankshaft pulley (2) to
key (6) of crankshaft (5).

3. Remove front oil seal (3).

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to


3 Crankshaft pulley mounting bolt (1):
343 – 402 Nm {35 – 41 kgm}

50-200 10 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of engine rear seal SEN04834-00

Removal and installation of 4. Install 2 guide bolts [1], remove remaining fly-
engine rear seal 1
wheel mounting bolt (4), and lift off flywheel
(3). [*3]
Special tools
Flywheel: 25 kg

Part No. Part name


2 795-931-1100 Seal puller assem- q 1

A 795T-221-1020 Plate t 1 R Q
3 790-101-5421 Grip t 1
01010-51240 Bolt t 1


1. Remove the hydraulic pump assembly. For

details, see “Removal and installation of 5. Remove rear oil seal (5).
hydraulic pump assembly”.

2. Remove coupling mounting bolts (1) and cou-

pling (2). [*1]

a Hitch the end of tool A2 to the metal ring

of the rear oil seal and pull out the seal
with impacts of slide hammer [2].
q Before pulling out the rear oil seal,
3. Sling flywheel (3) and remove 5 of 6 flywheel drive it in a little to separate it for the
mounting bolts (4). [*2] ease of removal.
a Do not use a drill etc. since chips may
enter the engine.

PC78US-8 50-200 11
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine rear seal


q Rear oil seal mounting procedure

Used tool A3 to install rear oil seal to flywheel
a Fill about 3 cc of grease to between the
rear oil seal lips.
2 Rear oil seal: grease (G2-LI)

q Measuring radial runout of flywheel
1) Install dial gauge [3] to the flywheel hous-
2) Set the probe of the dial gauge at right
angles to the spigot joint (a) or the outer
periphery of the flywheel.
3) Rotate the crankshaft one full turn and
q Carry out installation in the reverse order to measure the difference of the maximum
removal. values of runout of the needle.
a Check that the position of needle
[*1] remains in its original position after
3 Coupling mounting bolt: the flywheel is rotated one full turn.
98 – 123 Nm (10 – 12.5 kgm) Radial runout: Max. 0.3 mm

[*2] q Measuring face runout of flywheel

q Tighten the flywheel mounting bolts according 1) As with the measurement of radial runout,
to the following procedure: set the probe of the dial gauge at right
1) Apply engine oil EO#30 to the bolt angles to end face (b) close to the outer
threads. periphery of the flywheel.
2 Mounting bolt threads: a For measurement, move the crank-
Engine oil (EO30) shaft forward or backward to prevent
2) Tighten the bolts in the order of 1 to 6 as error caused by an end play.
shown in the diagram below. 2) Rotate the crankshaft one full turn and
3) Tighten the bolts each in two actions by measure the difference of the maximum
applying torque as specified in the order of values of runout of the needle.
item 2) above. Face runout: Max. 0.35 mm
3 Mounting bolt:
Unit: Nm {kgm}
Procedure Range
1st time 58.8 – 117.6 {6.0 – 12.0}
2nd time 186.2 – 196 {19.0 – 20.0}

50-200 12 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly SEN04834-00

Removal and installation of 4. Remove fan guard (3).

cylinder head assembly 1

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Open radiator coolant drain valve (1) to drain

the coolant.
6 Coolant: 10 l
5. Disconnect wiring connector AC02 (4).

6. Remove clamp (5).

7. Remove belt protective cover (6).

2. Set fuel stop lever (2) in the close position.

8. Loosen the mounting bolts of air conditioner

compressor (7) and remove belt (8) and air
conditioner compressor (7). [*1]
a Move the air conditioner aside.

3. Remove the aftercooler assembly. For details,

see “Removal and installation of aftercooler
a The aftercooler assembly must be
removed to remove the water pump

PC78US-8 50-200 13
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly

9. Remove air conditioner compressor mounting 2) Remove partition cover (17).

bracket (9).

3) Remove 6 mounting bolts (18) from the

10. Disconnect air conditioner heater outlet hose aftercooler and remove fan (19). [*3]
(10) and return hose (11).

11. Disconnect radiator upper hose (12) and lower

hose (13). [*2]

12. Disconnect connector TWTR (14) and remove

clamp (15).

a Keep remove fan (19) slung.

13. Remove the water pump assembly according

to the following procedure.
1) Remove cover (16).

50-200 14 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly SEN04834-00

4) Loosen alternator mounting bolts and 1] Lock spacer (22) with bar [1] and
remove fan belt (20). [*4] loosen the mounting bolts. [*6]

a Loosen the mounting bolts of alterna- 2] Remove the mounting bolts, taking
tor (21) through the hole of the parti- care that spacer (22) and pulley (23)
tion cover removed in step 2). will not fall.

5) Remove the 6 mounting bolts through the 6) Remove 4 mounting bolts (24) and water
hole of the slung fan and remove spacer pump assembly (25). [*7]
(22) and pulley (23) from the water pump.

PC78US-8 50-200 15
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly

14. Disconnect 2 fuel hoses (26) and (27) and 20. Disconnect 4 connectors (39) from the fuel
remove fuel main filter (28) and bracket (29) injector.
together. [*8] q No. 1 cylinder: CN1
q No. 2 cylinder: CN2
q No. 3 cylinder: CN3
q No. 4 cylinder: CN4

21. Disconnect boost pressure sensor connector

PT1M (40).

15. Remove wiring clamps (30) and (31).

16. Remove 2 mounting bolts (33) of bracket (32)

and loosen hose clamp (35) of oil filler (34).

17. Remove bracket (32) and oil filler (34) 22. Remove 8 boots (41) from the high-pressure
together. pipes. [*10]
a Check the directions of the slits of the
respective boots on the fuel injection side
and common rail side.

23. Pull out pin (42) and disconnect spill hose (43)
from the fuel injector.

24. Remove spill hose clamp (44).

18. Disconnect electrical intake air heater terminal

E01 (36).

19. Remove 4 bolts (37) and bracket (38).

50-200 16 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly SEN04834-00

25. Remove 2 clamps (45) and remove 4 high- 27. Remove the fuel injector according to the fol-
pressure pipes (46). [*11] lowing procedure.
1) Remove fuel injector holder mounting bolt
(49) and holder (50). [*13]
2) Remove 4 fuel injectors (51). [*14]

a Store each high-pressure pipe, taking care

that taper seal portion “a” of its joint will
not be scratched.
28. Remove clamp (52) and remove tube (53) from
cylinder head cover (54).

29. Remove 3 nuts (55) and cylinder head cover

(54). [*15]

26. Remove air intake manifold (47) and air intake

connector (48) together. [*12]

30. Remove the muffler assembly according to the

following procedure.
1) Remove muffler heat insulation cover (56).

PC78US-8 50-200 17
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly

2) Remove muffler drain tube (57). 3) Disconnect turbocharger lubrication inlet

3) Remove 4 nuts (58) on the turbocharger tube (68) and return tube (69). [*20]
side. [*16] a Since the lubrication tube will be
4) Remove 2 U-bolts (59) and muffler (60). installed between the cylinder block
[*17] and exhaust manifold, check its
5) Remove muffler mounting bracket (61) installed position.
an d i ns ta ll r e m o v ed h o ok ( 6 3 ) wi t h
removed bolts (62).

4) Remove exhaust manifold and turbo-

charger assembly (70). [*21]
31. Remove the exhaust manifold and turbo- 4 Exhaust manifold and turbo-
charger assembly according to the following charger assembly: 15 kg
1) Disconnect air intake hose (64). [*18]

32. Remove bolts (72) of alternator bracket (71)

from the cylinder head.
2) Remove clamps (65) and (66) and remove
connector (67) on the aftercooler lower
hose side. [*19]

50-200 18 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly SEN04834-00

33. Remove the rocker arm assembly according to Installation

the following procedure. q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
1) Loosen locknut (73) and loosen adjust- removal.
ment screw (74). [*22]
2) Remove 8 mounting bolts (75) and rocker [*1]
arm assembly (76). [*23] q Adjust the belt tension. For details, see Testing
and adjusting, “Checking and adjusting air con-
ditioner compressor belt tension”.

q When connecting the radiator hose, apply
TB1208E (ThreeBond) to the adapter up to
about 30 mm from its end.
q When connecting the radiator hose, check that
it is free of a crack etc. and normal.
q Check the inside of the insertion portion of the
hose, too, for breakage etc.
3 Clamps of radiator hoses (12) and (13):
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}

34. Remove the cylinder head assembly according [*3]

to the following procedure. q If slung fan (19) was removed, be sure to
1) Remove 8 push rods (77). return it before installing the spacer and pulley.
2) Remove 17 cylinder head mounting bolts
(78). [*24]

q Adjust the fan belt tension. For details, see
3) Lift off cylinder head assembly (79). Testing and adjusting, “Testing and adjusting
4 Cylinder head assembly: 30 kg alternator belt tension”.

q Before installing the spacer and pulley, check
that there is the slug fan.

PC78US-8 50-200 19
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly

[*6] [*9]
q Lock spacer (22) with bar [1] and tighten the 3 Oil filler hose clamp (35):
mounting bolts. 5.9 ± 0.49 Nm {60 ± 5 kgcm}

q When installing the boots on the fuel injector
side and common rail side, set their slits in the
directions checked when removed.
q The boot is designed with fire safety to prevent
fuel from splashing onto the hot engine if fuel

a Precautions when installing high-pressure pip-
k Never bend a high-pressure pipe for the
convenience sake.
[*7] k The clamp used for fixing a high-pressure

q Since there are 2 lengths of the mounting pipe must be a genuine Komatsu part and it
bolts, take care when installing them. must be tightened to the specified torque.
Part (a): L = 55 mm (3 bolts), Part (b): L = 50 k Be sure to install the boot to the sleeve nut

mm (1 bolt) after installing the high-pressure pipe.

a Before installing a high-pressure pipe, confirm
the following points. If any abnormality was
found, replace it with new one. Otherwise,
leakage of fuel can result.
q No visible striations (b) or patchy dents (c) in
the taper seal portion of the connection ((a)
portion: area 2 mm inside the tip).
q No deformation in portion (d) (at the end of the
taper seal portion: 2 mm inside the tip).

3 Joint bolt of fuel hose (26):
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm}
q Tighten harness clamp (80) and bracket (29)

3 Sleeve nut on fuel injector side:

25.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.6 – 3.0 kgm}
3 Sleeve nut on common rail side:
25.5 – 29.4 Nm {2.6 – 3.0 kgm}

50-200 20 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly SEN04834-00

q When installing the air intake manifold, apply
gasket sealant to it.
q Apply a string of gasket sealant about 1 mm in
diameter (f).
2 Air intake manifold mounting face:
Gasket sealant (LG-7)

3 Cylinder head cover mounting nut (55):
7.84 – 9.8 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm}

3 Nut (58) on turbocharger side:
27 – 34 Nm {2.8 – 3.5 kgm}
q Since there are 2 lengths of the mounting
bolts, take care when installing them. [*17]
Part (a): L = 75 mm (6 bolts), Part (b): L = 65 3 Fixing nut of U-bolt (59):
mm (2 bolts) 7.8 – 9.8 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm}
3 Clamp of air intake hose (64):
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}

3 Clamp (65) (turbocharger side):
5.88 – 7.8 Nm {0.6 – 0.8 kgm}
3 Clamp (66) (air intake hose side):
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {1.1 ± 0.05 kgm}

q Install turbocharger lubrication tubes (68) and
(69) as shown in the photo.

[*13], [*14]
q Installation procedure of fuel injector
1) Install new O-ring (81) and copper gasket
(82) to fuel injector (51).
2) Insert fuel injector (51) in the cylinder
3) Install holder (50) to the fuel injector and
tighten mounting bolt (49).
a Ensure that holder (50) is fitted to
groove “a” of fuel injector (51)
securely and then tighten mounting
bolt (49).
3 Holder mounting bolt:
27 – 30 Nm {2.8 – 3.1 kgm}

PC78US-8 50-200 21
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly

a Tightening procedure of cylinder head mount-
ing bolts
1) Clean the threaded holes of the cylinder
2) Apply molybdenum disulfide lubricant
(LM-P) to all surfaces of the threaded por-
tions and seats of the cylinder head
mounting bolts and the seats of the cylin-
der head holes.
3) Screw each cylinder head mounting bolt
into the threaded hole of the cylinder head
with the fingers in the order shown in the
figure by 2 – 3 turns.
3 Joint bolt of turbocharger lubrication inlet 4) Tighten the cylinder head bolts in the
tube (68) (turbocharger side): order shown in the figure.
9.8 – 12.7 Nm {1.0 – 1.3 kgm} 3 1st time: 68.6 ± 9.8 Nm {7 ± 1 kgm}

3 Joint bolt of turbocharger lubrication inlet 3 2nd time:

tube (68) (cylinder block side): 107.8 ± 4.9 Nm {11.0 ± 0.5 kgm}
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm} 3 3rd time: Make a mark on the cylinder
head mounting bolt head and cylinder
[*21] head seat and tighten the cylinder head
q Installation procedure of exhaust manifold and mounting bolt by 90° (+ 30/0°).
turbocharger assembly
1) Install the guide bolt and set the gasket.
2) Install exhaust manifold and turbocharger
assembly to the guide bolt and tighten the
mounting bolts.
3 Exhaust manifold and turbocharger
34.3 – 53.9 Nm {3.5 – 5.5 kgm}

[*22], [*23]
q Before installing rocker arm assembly (76),
loosen locknut (73) and fully loosen adjustment
screw (74).
q When installing rocker arm assembly (76),
ensure that the adjustment screw ball is fitted (“F” in the figure indicates the front side of
to the push rod socket and tighten the mount- the engine and “R” indicates the rear
ing bolts alternately. side.)
3 Rocker arm mounting bolt (75):
19.6 – 29.4 Nm {2.0 – 3.0 kgm}
q For valve clearance adjustment, see Testing
and adjusting, “Adjusting valve clearance”.

50-200 22 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of cylinder head assembly SEN04834-00

q After tightening, make a punch mark on

each bolt head to indicate the number of
used times.
q When using a new bolt, do not make a
punch mark.
q Replace a bolt having 5 punch marks with
new one.

(“p1” in the figure indicates the mark on

the cylinder head, “p2” indicates the mark
on the cylinder head mounting portion,
and “n” indicates the punch mark.)

q Refilling with coolant

Add coolant through the coolant filler to the
specified level. Run the engine to circulate the
coolant through the system. Then, check the
coolant level again.
5 Coolant: 10 l

PC78US-8 50-200 23
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of radiator assembly

Removal and installation of 6. Remove 4 wing screws (6) to remove net (7).
radiator assembly 1

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Remove the counterweight assembly. For

details, see “Removal and installation of coun-
terweight assembly”.

2. Open radiator coolant drain valve (1) to drain 7. Remove partition plate (5) and plate (8).
the coolant. a Pull the partition plate out of tube (9).
6 Coolant: 10 l
8. Remove receiver tank fixing clamps (10) and 2
clamps (11) to remove receiver tank (12).

3. Disconnect aftercooler upper hose (2). [*1]

a Keep receiver tank (12) slung until con-
4. Disconnect radiator upper hose (3). [*2] denser (13) is removed.

5. Disconnect radiator overflow hose (4) and pull 9. Remove condenser assembly (13).
it out of partition plate (5). a Move the condenser assembly aside so
that its tubes will not be deformed or bro-

50-200 24 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of radiator assembly SEN04834-00

10. Disconnect radiator lower hose (14). [*3] 13. Lift up and remove aftercooler assembly (18).

11. Disconnect aftercooler lower tube (15) and 14. While moving radiator assembly (19) toward
remove cover (16). the removed aftercooler, lift up and remove it.

12. Remove net rail (17).

PC78US-8 50-200 25
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of radiator assembly

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

3 Clamp of aftercooler upper hose (2):
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {1.1 ± 0.05 kgm}

[*2], [*3]
q When connecting the radiator hose, apply
TB1208E (ThreeBond) to the adapter up to
about 30 mm from its end.
q When connecting the radiator hose, check that
it is free of a crack etc. and normal.
q Check the inside of the insertion portion of the
hose, too, for breakage etc.
3 Clamp of radiator upper hose (3):
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}
3 Clamp of radiator lower hose (14):
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}

q Refilling with coolant

Add coolant through the coolant filler to the
specified level. Run the engine to circulate the
coolant through the system. Then, check the
coolant level again.
5 Coolant: 10 l

50-200 26 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of aftercooler assembly SEN04834-00

Removal and installation of 4. Remove 4 wing screws (5) to remove net (6).
aftercooler assembly 1

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock

1. Remove engine hood assembly (1).

4 Engine hood assembly: 20 kg

5. Remove partition plate (4) and plate (7).

a Pull the partition plate out of tube (8).

6. Remove receiver tank fixing clamps (9) and 2

clamps (10) to remove receiver tank (11).

2. Disconnect aftercooler upper hose (2). [*1]

3. Disconnect radiator overflow hose (3) and pull

it out of partition plate (4).

a Keep receiver tank (11) slung until the

condenser is removed.

PC78US-8 50-200 27
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of aftercooler assembly

7. Remove condenser (12). 10. Pull out and remove aftercooler assembly (16).
a Place the condenser on a stand so that its [*2]
tubes will not be deformed or broken.

8. Remove cover (13) under the aftercooler. Installation

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

3 Aftercooler upper hose clamp:
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {1.1 ± 0.05 kgm}

q When installing, set convex parts (“a” and “b”)
at the bottom of the aftercooler to the concave
parts (“a” and “b”) of the machine.

9. Disconnect aftercooler lower tube (14) and

remove cover (15).

50-200 28 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of hydraulic oil cooler assembly SEN04834-00

Removal and installation of 5. Remove hydraulic oil cooler net rail (3).
hydraulic oil cooler assembly 1

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap gradually to
release the pressure inside the hydraulic

1. Remove the aftercooler assembly. For details,

see “Removal and installation of aftercooler
6. Disconnect hydraulic oil cooler lower hose (4).
2. Loosen the hydraulic tank drain plug to drain
the oil. [*1]
6 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 100 l)

3. Remove air cleaner assembly (1). [*2]

a Remove hydraulic oil cooler undercover

(5) and prepare an oil receiver.

4. Remove 2 batteries (2).

PC78US-8 50-200 29
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of hydraulic oil cooler assembly

7. Remove clamp (6) and disconnect hydraulic oil 10. Raise and remove hydraulic oil cooler assem-
cooler upper hose (7). bly (11). [*3]

8. Remove the bolts and plates (8) and (9).

9. Remove 4 hydraulic oil cooler mounting bolts


50-200 30 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of hydraulic oil cooler assembly SEN04834-00

Installation q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
removal. level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
[*1] again.
3 Hydraulic tank drain plug: 5 Hydraulic tank:
58.8 – 78.4 Nm {6 – 8 kgm}
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 100 l)
3 Hose clamp: q Bleeding air
8.3 – 8.8 Nm {0.85 – 0.9 kgm} Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, “Bleeding air from each part”.
q When installing, set convex part (a) at the bot-
tom of the hydraulic oil cooler to the concave
part (a) of the machine.

PC78US-8 50-200 31
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly

Removal and installation of

engine and hydraulic pump
assembly 1

Special tools

Part No. Part name


1 796-460-1210 Oil stopper q 1
2 796T-460-1240 Rod t 1 Q
3. Remove the counterweight. For details, see
Removal “Removal and installation of counterweight
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower assembly”.
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock 4. Remove undercovers (2) and (3).
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release
the pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
a Record the positions of the disconnected pip-
ings, wirings, and connectors to prevent a mis-
take in reconnecting them.

1. Open radiator coolant drain valve (1) to drain

the coolant.
6 Coolant: 10 l

5. Remove fuel prefilter (4) and cover (5).

a Set the fuel stop lever in the close posi-
a Move the fuel prefilter and cover aside so
that they will not be obstacles when the
engine and hydraulic pump assembly is

2. Loosen the hydraulic tank drain plug to drain

the oil. [*1]
6 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 100 l)
a When using tool D, remove the strainer of
the hydraulic tank and install tool D to stop
the oil.

50-200 32 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly SEN04834-00

6. Remove the muffler according to the following 7. Remove seat (9).

1) Remove 4 mounting bolts (6) and clamp
2) Pull out muffler (8) with muffler mounting

8. Disconnect the hoses from the hydraulic pump.

(10): Port P4 hose

(11): Port P1 hose

(12): Port P2 hose
(13): Port PLS hose
(14): Port PPLS hose
(15): Port Pd (drain) hose

PC78US-8 50-200 33
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly

9. Disconnect hydraulic oil temperature sensor 14. Remove fan guard (22).
connector P22 (16).

10. Remove clamps (17) and (18).

15. Remove clamps (23) and (24) of the engine

controller wiring connector from plate (25). [*4]

11. Loosen drain plug (19) and drain the oil

remaining in the piping.

12. Disconnect suction hose (20) from the hydrau-

lic pump. [*2]

16. Remove clamp (26) and disconnect alternator

terminal B connector E03 (27) and alternator
terminal R connector E02 (28).
a Do not disconnect travel alarm connector
M14 (29).

13. Disconnect ground wire terminal (21). [*3]

50-200 34 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly SEN04834-00

17. Disconnect fuel hoses (30) and (31) from fuel

main filter (32). [*5]

21. Disconnect air conditioner heater return hose

18. Remove clamp (33).
22. Disconnect radiator lower hose (39). [*6]
19. Disconnect hose (34).

23. Remove clamp (40) and bracket (41).

20. Remove 3 clamps (35), (36) and (37).

PC78US-8 50-200 35
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly

24. Remove belt protection cover (42), fan belt 28. Disconnect electrical intake air heater terminal
(43) and air conditioner compressor belt (44). E01 (50).
[*7], [*8]
a Loosen the alternator and air conditioner 29. Remove clamps (51) and (52).
compressor mounting bolts and remove
the belt. 30. Disconnect connector (53).

31. Remove muffler drain tube (54). [*9]

25. Remove the 2 bolts and wiring mounting plate

32. Remove air conditioner refrigerant hose clamp
26. Disconnect starting motor terminal B (46) and (55).
starting motor terminal C E10 (47).
33. Disconnect connector AC02 (56) and remove
27. Remove clamp (48). clamps (57) and (58).

a To disconnect starting motor terminal C 34. Disconnect aftercooler upper hose (59). [*10]
E10 (47), remove cap (49) and loosen the
screw with a cross-head screwdriver. 35. Disconnect radiator overflow hose (60).

50-200 36 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly SEN04834-00

36. Disconnect radiator upper hose (61). [*11] 43. Remove air conditioner compressor assembly
37. Disconnect air conditioner heater outlet hose

44. Loosen clamp (71) and remove the mounting

bolts and air cleaner assembly (72). [*12]
38. Remove 4 wing screws (63) to remove net (64).

39. Remove 6 bolts (65) and plate (66).

45. Loosen clamps (73) and (74) and disconnect

air duct hose (75) between the air cleaner and
turbocharger. [*13]
40. Remove partition plate (67).
a Pull the receiver tank tube out of the parti-
tion plate.

41. Remove the 2 receiver tank fixing clamps to

remove receiver tank (68).
a Keep the receiver tank slung until the con-
denser is removed.

42. Remove the 4 bolts and condenser (69).

PC78US-8 50-200 37
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly

46. Remove the fan according to the following pro- 4) Remove 6 mounting bolts (80) from the
cedure. aftercooler side and remove fan (81). [*15]
1) Disconnect aftercooler lower tube (76)
and remove cover (77).

a Keep removed fan (81) slung.

2) Remove net rail (78).

47. Remove the engine and hydraulic pump

assembly according to the following proce-
3) Pull out and remove aftercooler assembly dure.
(79). [*14] 1) Sling engine and hydraulic pump assem-
bly (82).

50-200 38 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly SEN04834-00

2) Loosen 4 engine and hydraulic pump Installation

assembly mounting bolts (83). [*16] q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

3 Hydraulic tank drain plug:
58.8 – 78.4 Nm {6 – 8 kgm}

3 Clamp of suction hose (24):
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {110 ± 5 kgcm}

q Fit spacer (85) and install ground wire terminal

3) Lift off engine and hydraulic pump assem-

bly (82).
a Lift off the assembly, while checking
for an undisconnected piping and wir-
4 Engine and hydraulic pump assem-
bly: 390 kg

q Fit spacer (86) and install clamp (24) to plate

a When lifting up, take care that turbo-

charger (84) will not interfere.

PC78US-8 50-200 39
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly

[*5] [*11]
3 Joint bolt of fuel hose (35): q When connecting the radiator hose, apply
24.5 – 34.3 Nm {2.5 – 3.5 kgm} TB1208E (ThreeBond) to the adapter up to
about 30 mm from its end.
[*6] q When connecting the radiator hose, check that
q When connecting the radiator hose, apply it is free of a crack etc. and normal.
TB1208E (ThreeBond) to the adapter up to q Check the inside of the insertion portion of the
about 30 mm from its end. hose, too, for breakage etc.
q When connecting the radiator hose, check that 3 Clamp of radiator upper hose:
it is free of a crack etc. and normal. 8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}
q Check the inside of the insertion portion of the
hose, too, for breakage etc. [*12]
3 Clamp of radiator lower hose: 3 Clamp (76): 8.3 – 8.8 Nm {0.85 – 0.9 kgm}
8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}
[*7] 3 Clamp (79): 8.8 ± 0.5 Nm {0.9 ± 0.05 kgm}
q Adjust the fan belt tension. For details, see
Testing and adjusting, “Testing and adjusting [*14]
alternator belt tension”. q When installing, set convex parts (“a” and “b”)
at the bottom of the aftercooler to the concave
[*8] parts (“a” and “b”) of the machine.
q Adjust the belt tension. For details, see Testing
and adjusting, “Checking and adjusting air con-
ditioner compressor belt tension”.

q Install wiring clamp (87) to muffler drain tube

3 Aftercooler upper hose clamp:
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {1.1 ± 0.05 kgm}

50-200 40 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of engine and hydraulic pump assembly SEN04834-00

[*15] q Refilling with coolant

q If slung fan (81) was removed, be sure to Add coolant through the coolant filler to the
return it before installing the engine and specified level. Run the engine to circulate the
hydraulic pump assembly. coolant through the system. Then, check the
coolant level again.
5 Coolant: 10 l

q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
5 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 100 l)

q Bleeding air
[*16] Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
q The right rear of the engine and hydraulic ing, “Bleeding air from each part”.
pump assembly mount is different from the
other portions. Take care when installing.
3 Engine and hydraulic pump assembly
mounting bolt:
249 – 309 Nm {25.0 – 31.5 kgm}

PC78US-8 50-200 41
200 Engine and cooling system
SEN04834-00 Removal and installation of fuel tank assembly

Removal and installation of fuel 2) Remove step (3).

tank assembly 1
3) Remove cover (4) and side cover (5).

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Open the inspection cover at the rear right and

open fuel drain valve (1) to drain the fuel.
6 Fuel: 125 l (when full)

3. Disconnect fuel level sensor connector P21


2. Remove the machine right side cover assem-

bly according to the following procedure.
1) Remove cover (2).
4. Disconnect hose (7) from the fuel tank.

50-200 42 PC78US-8
200 Engine and cooling system
Removal and installation of fuel tank assembly SEN04834-00

5. Remove fuel tank under cover (8). 8. Lift off fuel tank assembly (12).
4 Fuel tank assembly: 50 kg

6. Disconnect the 2 hoses from the fuel tank.

(9): Hose between fuel tank and fuel prefilter
(10): Drain hose

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

2 Fuel tank mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)

7. Remove 4 fuel tank mounting bolts (11). [*1]

PC78US-8 50-200 43

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04834-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

50-200 44

Shop Manual


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly

300 Power train

Removal and installation of travel motor and final drive assembly ............................................................. 2
Removal and installation of swing motor and swing machinery assembly ................................................. 4
Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery......................................................................................... 6
Removal and installation of swing circle assembly ..................................................................................... 13

PC78US-8 50-4 1
300 Power train
SEN04835-01 Removal and installation of travel motor and final drive assembly

Removal and installation of travel 5. Disconnect 4 travel motor hoses (3).

motor and final drive assembly
k Lower the work equipment completely to the
ground and stop the engine. Then loosen the
oil filter cap slowly to release the pressure in-
side the hydraulic tank.

1. Removal track shoe assembly. For details, see

"Spreading and installation of track shoe

2. Swing work equipment 90 °, then push up

chassis with work equipment and set block [1]
6. Lift off travel motor and final drive assembly (4).
between track frame and track shoe.
a Be extremely careful not to damage the nip-
3. Lift off sprocket (1). [*1]
4 Sprocket: 20 kg
ple tool surface of the hose mount.
4 Travel motor and final drive assembly:
90 kg

4. Remove travel motor cover (2).

50-4 2 PC78US-8
300 Power train
Removal and installation of travel motor and final drive assembly SEN04835-01

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to re-

2 Thread of travel motor mounting bolt:
Thread tightener (LT-2)
3 Sprocket mounting bolt:
186.3 – 225.6 Nm {19 – 23 kgm}

2 Thread of travel motor and final drive assem-
bly mounting bolt:
Thread tightener (LT-2)
3 Travel motor and final drive assembly mount-
ing bolt:
245 – 309 Nm {25.0 – 31.5 kgm}
a Bleed the air from the travel motor. For details,
see Testing and adjusting, "Bleeding air from
each part".

q Refilling with oil (hydraulic tank)

a Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then check the oil level

PC78US-8 50-4 3
300 Power train
SEN04835-01 Removal and installation of swing motor and swing machinery assembly

Removal and installation of swing 3. Remove 9 mounting bolts (7).

motor and swing machinery
assembly 4. Install forcing screws to 2 places "a" and discon-
nect the swing motor and swing machinery
Removal assembly from the machine.
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock po-
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release the
pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Release the residual pressure in the hydrau-
lic circuit. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, "Releasing residual pressure from
hydraulic circuit".
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Disconnect the 5 hoses from the swing motor.

(1): Port MB hose (Band color: Brown)
(2): Drain hose T (Band color: White/Green) 5. Lift off swing motor and swing machinery
assembly (8). [*1]
4 Swing motor and swing machinery as-
(3): Port MA hose (Band color: White)
(4): Port S hose
(5): Port B hose (Swing lock) (Band color: sembly: 75 kg

2. Remove clamp (6) attached to T brain hose (2).

50-4 4 PC78US-8
300 Power train
Removal and installation of swing motor and swing machinery assembly SEN04835-01

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to re-

q When installing the swing motor and swing ma-
chinery assembly, position it to dowel pin (9).
2 Mating face of swing machinery case:
Gasket sealant (LG-6)
3 Swing motor and swing machinery assembly
mounting bolt:
235 – 285 Nm {23.5 – 29.5 kgm}

q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

Add oil through the oil filler to the specified level.
Run the engine to circulate the oil through the
system. Then, check the oil level again.
5 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjusting,
"Bleeding air from each part".

PC78US-8 50-4 5
300 Power train
SEN04835-01 Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery

Disassembly and assembly of Disassembly

swing machinery
1. Draining oil
Remove the drain plug to drain the oil in the
Special tools swing machinery case.
6 Swing machinery case: 2 l

Part No. Part name 2. Swing motor assembly

1) Remove swing motor mounting bolts (4).

2) Separate swing motor assembly (1) by tight-
1 796T-226-1120 Push tool q 1 Q
ening a forcing screw into tapped hole "a"
790-101-3400 Bearing puller q 1
2 and lift it off.
790-101-3220 Screw q 1
790-101-5201 Push tool kit q 1 a Before disassembling, make match
790-101-5281 q Plate 1 marks between swing motor assembly (1)
3 and ring gear (2)and between ring gear
790-101-5221 q Grip 1
01010-51225 q Bolt 1 (2) and machinery case (3) with paint to
790-101-5201 Push tool kit q 1 position these parts accurately when as-
F 790-101-5331 q Plate 1 sembling.
790-101-5221 q Grip 1
01010-51225 q Bolt 1
790-101-5401 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5431 q Plate 1
790-101-5421 q Grip 1
01010-51240 q Bolt 1
6 795T-221-1010 Push tool t 1 Q
7 792T-413-1120 Push tool t 1 Q

3. No. 1 sun gear, No. 1 carrier assembly

1) Remove No. 1 sun gear (6).
2) Remove No. 1 carrier assembly (7).

50-4 6 PC78US-8
300 Power train
Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery SEN04835-01

3) Disassemble No. 1 carrier assembly 4. No. 2 sun gear

according to the following procedure. Remove No. 2 sun gear (17).
1] Remove snap ring (8), thrust washer (9),
gear (10), bearing (11)and thrust washer 5. Ring gear
(12). Remove ring gear (2).

6. No. 2 carrier assembly

1) Remove No. 2 carrier assembly (18).

a Do not reuse snap ring(8).

4) Drive pin (13) to push out shaft (14).
a After removing the shaft, remove pin(13).
a Do not reuse pin (13). 2) Disassemble No. 2 carrier assembly
5) Remove thrust washer (15) from carrier (16). according to the following procedure.
1] Remove snap ring (19), thrust washer
(20), gear (21), bearing (22), and thrust
washer (23).
a Do not reuse snap ring (19).
2] Drive pin (24) to push out shaft (25).
a After removing the shaft, remove pin
a Do not reuse pin (24).
3] Remove thrust washer (26) from carrier

PC78US-8 50-4 7
300 Power train
SEN04835-01 Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery

7. Collar
1) Set the shaft and case assembly to a press 9. Oil seal and bearing outer race
and push sub bearing (28) with tool F1. 1) Remove oil seal (33) from case (3).
a Operate the press slowly and push the
bearing until the 2-piece collar can be re-
2) Remove 2-piece collar (29).

2) Using tool F2, remove bearing outer

races(34) and (35) from case (3).

8. Shaft assembly
1) Set block [1] to shaft and case assembly (3).
Using push tool [2] and the press, remove
shaft assembly (29).
2) Remove sub bearing (28).

3) Set the shaft assembly to the press. Using

push tool [3], remove main bearing (30) and
seal (31) from shaft (32).

50-4 8 PC78US-8
300 Power train
Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery SEN04835-01

Assembly 2. Sub bearing outer race

a Clean the all parts and check them for dirt or Using tool F4, press fit outer race (35) to case(3).
damage. Coat their sliding surfaces with engine a Press fitting force:
oil before installing. Max. 5.6 kN {Max. 0.6 tons}

1. Sub bearing outer race 3. Main bearing outer race

Using tool F3, press fit oil seal (33) to case (3). Using tool F5, press fit outer race ((34) to
a Replace the oil seal with new one. case(3).
a When pressing oil seal, apply liquid gasket a Press-fitting force:
lightly to inside surface of hoses in housing Max. 11.8 kN {Max. 1.2 tons}
and wipe off protruding outside completely.
2 Periphery of oil seal:
Gasket sealant (LG-5)

4. Shaft assembly
1) Install seal (36) to shaft (32).
a Install the seal so that the lip may face up-
a Coat on the lip to be free from swelling of oil side.
seal. Fill 40 - 60? % of the space "a" between
2) Using tool F6 and the press, press fit main
oil seal and dust seal.
2 The lip of oil seal: Grease (G2-LI)
bearing (35).
a Press fitting force:
12.0 – 34.2 kN {1.3 – 3.5 tons}

PC78US-8 50-4 9
300 Power train
SEN04835-01 Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery

3) Set case assembly (3) to shaft assembly 5. No. 2 carrier assembly

(32). 1) Assemble No. 2 carrier assembly according
4) Using tool F7 and the press, press fit sub to the following procedure.
bearing (35) until the 2-piece collar can be 1] Install thrust washer (26) to carrier (27).
inserted. 2] Match shaft (25) to the pin hole of the
a Press-fitting force: carrier and install it by hitting it lightly with
Max. 14.7 kN {Max. 1.5 tons} a plastic hammer.
a Turning the case, press fit the bearing 3] Insert pin (24).
slowly. a Use new pin.
5) Install 2-piece collar (31). a Insert the narrower end groove "b" of
the pin.
a After inserting the pin, caulk 2 parts
"a" of the pin hole of the carrier.

6) Measure the starting torque of shaft (32).

a Starting torque:
Max. 19.6 Nm {Max. 2.0 kgm} 4] Install thrust washer (23), bearing (22),
gear (21), thrust washer (20), and snap
ring (19).

a Use new snap ring.

a When installing the snap ring, do not
increase its closed gap to 8 mm or
more so that it will not be deformed.
a Ensure that the snap ring is fitted to
the groove perfectly.
2) Install No. 2 carrier assembly (18) to the shaft
and case assembly.

50-4 10 PC78US-8
300 Power train
Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery SEN04835-01

a Measure distance "c" between the top 8. No. 1 carrier assembly

end of gear (21) and that of case (3) to 1) Assemble No. 1 carrier assembly according
check the fitting condition of 2-piece collar to the following procedure.
(31) 1] Install thrust washer (15) to carrier (16).
Distance “c”: 21.7 mm
2] Match shaft (14) to the pin hole of the
carrier and install it by hitting it lightly with
a plastic hammer.
a Use new pin.
a Insert the narrower end groove "a" of
the pin.
3] Insert pin (13).
a After inserting the pin, caulk 2 parts
"a" of the pin hole of the carrier.

6. Ring gear
Install ring gear (2).
a Apply gasket sealant to the hatched part "d"
in the figure.
2 Fitting face of ring gear:
Gasket sealant (LG-6)

7. No. 2 sun gear

Install No. 2 sun gear (17).
q Take care not to install the sun gear and
planetary gear upside down.

PC78US-8 50-4 11
300 Power train
SEN04835-01 Disassembly and assembly of swing machinery

4] Install thrust washer (12), bearing (11), 9. No. 2 sun gear

gear (10), thrust washer (9), and snap 1) Install O-ring and swing motor assembly (1).
ring (8). a Match the marks made on the swing mo-
tor assembly and ring gear when disas-
2) Tighten 12 swing motor mounting bolts (4).
3 Mounting bolt:
58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6.0 – 7.5 kgm}

a Use new snap ring.

a When installing the snap ring, do not
increase its closed gap to 8 mm or
more so that it will not be deformed.
a Ensure that the snap ring is fitted to
the groove perfectly.
2) Install No. 1 carrier assembly (7). a Supplying oil and grease
3) Install No. 1 sun gear (6). 1) Tighten the drain plug and supply power train
oil (TO30) through the oil filler.
6 Swing machinery case: Approx. 2 l
2) Supply grease from grease nipple (37). Wipe
off grease pushed out of seal (36).

2 Swing machinery case (main bear-

Grease (G2-LI)
Approx. 115 g

50-4 12 PC78US-8
300 Power train
Removal and installation of swing circle assembly SEN04835-01

Removal and installation of swing Installation

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to re-
circle assembly
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower [*1]
the work equipment to the ground, stop the 2 Swing circle mounting bolt: Adhesive (LT-2)
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock po- 3 Swing circle mounting bolt:
sition. 235 – 285 Nm {23.5 – 29.5 kgm}
Target: 260 Nm {26.5 kgm}
1. Remove the revolving frame assembly. For
details, see "Removal and installation of [*2]
revolving frame assembly". q Sling the swing circle assembly and install it to
the track frame with inner race soft zone mark
2. Sling swing circle assembly (1) and remove the "S" of the inner race directed as shown in the fig-
24 mounting bolts. [*1] ure.
q "T" indicates the outer race soft zone.
3. Lift off swing circle assembly (1). [*2] 2 Swing circle mounting face:

4 Swing circle assembly: 120 kg Gasket sealant (LG-6)

2 Swing circle grease filling quantity:
5.5 l (G2-LI)

q Apply sufficient amount of grease (G2-LI) to part

"P" of the internal gear.

PC78US-8 50-4 13

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04835-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09

50-4 14

Shop Manual


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly

400 Undercarriage and frame

Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly .................................................................................. 2

Disassembly and assembly of idler assembly ............................................................................................ 5
Disassembly and assembly of recoil spring assembly................................................................................ 8
Spreading and installation of track shoe assembly..................................................................................... 10
Removal and installation of sprocket .......................................................................................................... 12
Removal and installation of revolving frame assembly ............................................................................... 13
Removal and installation of counterweight assembly ................................................................................. 15

PC78US-8 50-4 1
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly

Disassembly and assembly of 4. Remove O-ring (7) from shaft and collar
track roller assembly assembly (6).

Special tools

Part No. Part name


790-101-5001 Push tool kit t 1
790-101-5111 q Plate 1
790-101-5021 q Grip 1
L 01010-50816 q Bolt 1
4 796T-230-1210 Installer t 1 Q
5 791-601-1000 Oil pump q 1

Disassembly 5. Remove shaft and collar assembly (6) from roller

1. Remove pin (2) from track roller assembly (1),
then remove collar (3).

6. Remove floating seal (9a) from roller (5), then

remove floating seal (9b) from shaft and collar
2. Remove floating seal (4a) from collar (3). assembly (8).

3. Remove floating seal (4b) from collar (5).

50-4 2 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly SEN04836-01

7. Remove bushings (10) and (11) from roller (5). a The metallic faces of the floating seal which are
in contact with each other must be free from dirt.
a Thoroughly clean the parts to be in contact with
the supplied oil. After cleaning them, the dirt re-
maining on these parts of 1 roller assembly must
be below 25 mg and the size of the dirt must be
below 0.3.
a Set plug (2) on the outside of the machine body.


a When installing the floating seal, thoroughly

clean, degrease, and dry the parts marked with
the thick lines (the load ring and faces in contact
with the load ring).
Check that the contact surfaces of the floating
seal are free from dirt. 1. Using tool L3, press fit bushing (11) to roller(5).
a Press fit bushing (10) similarly.

a When inserting floating seal assembly in the

housing, use the installer, tool L4
a After the floating seal is inserted, check that it
does not slant more than 1 mm and its projection
(a) is as follows.
(a): 6 – 10 mm

PC78US-8 50-4 3
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Disassembly and assembly of track roller assembly

2. Using tool L4, press fit floating seal (9b) to shaft 7. Install O-ring (7) to shaft and collar assembly (6).

3. Using tool L4, press fit floating seal (9a) to shaft

a Press fit floating seal (4b)similarly.

8. Install collar (3) to shaft (6), then install pin (2).

9. Using tool L5, fill the roller with oil and tighten
plug (12).
5 Track roller: 145 – 155 cc (GO140)
4. Install shaft and collar assembly (8) to roller (5).

5. Turn over the assembly of roller (5) and shaft (6).

6. Using tool L4, install floating seal (4a) to collar


50-4 4 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Disassembly and assembly of idler assembly SEN04836-01

Disassembly and assembly of 4. Remove floating seal (6) on the opposite side
idler assembly from idler (4), shaft (5) and support assembly (7).

Special tools

Part No. Part name


790-101-5001 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5141 q Plate 1
L 790-101-5021 q Grip 1
01010-50816 q Bolt 1
2 796-230-1110 Installer t 1

5. Remove dowel pin (8) to remove support (7)
1. Remove dowel pin (1) and then support (2). from shaft (5).

2. Remove floating seal (3) form support (2) and 6. Remove bushings (9) and (10) from idler (4).
idler (4).

3. Remove idler (4) from shaft (5) and support

assembly (7).
a The idler contains 60 cc of oil. Drain the oil at
this stage of disassembly. Take care and
spread a cloth on the floor to prevent smear-
ing the floor with flushing oil.

PC78US-8 50-4 5
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Disassembly and assembly of idler assembly

Assembly a When installing the floating seal, thoroughly

clean, degrease, and dry the parts marked
1. Using tool L1, press fit bushings (9) and (10) to with the thick lines (the load ring and faces in
idler (4). contact with the load ring).
a Press fitting force: 26 - 53 kN {2.6 - 5.4 tons}

a When inserting the floating seal assembly in

2. Fit the O-ring and install support (7) to shaft (5) the housing, use the push jig. This push jig
with dowel pin (8). must push the load ring.
[1]: Cylindrical push jig

3. Using tool L2, install floating seal (6) to idler (4)

and assembly of shaft (5) and support (7). a The metallic faces of the floating seal which
a Apply oil to the sliding surface of the floating are in contact with each other must be free
seal and take care that dirt will not stick to from dirt.
that surface. a After the floating seal is inserted, check that
it does not slant more than 1 mm and its pro-
jection is as follows.

50-4 6 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Disassembly and assembly of idler assembly SEN04836-01

4. Install the assembly of shaft (5) and support (7)

to idler (4).

7. Fit the O-ring and install support (2) with dowel

pin (1).
5. Supply oil between shaft (5) and idler (4).
5 Quantity of oil: 60 cc (EO30-CD)

6. Using tool L2, install floating seal (3) to idler (4)

and support (2).
a Apply oil to the sliding surfaces of the floating
seal and take care that dirt will not stick to the
floating seal.
a Degrease the contact faces of the floating
seal and O-ring.

PC78US-8 50-4 7
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Disassembly and assembly of recoil spring assembly

Disassembly and assembly of 2) Set recoil spring assembly (4) to tool M.

recoil spring assembly k Since the installing load of the spring
is heavy and dangerous, set the spring
Special tools securely.
a Installing load of spring:

47.3 kN {4,826 kg} (Steel shoe)

Part No. Part name 68.5 kN {6,985 kg} (Rubber shoe)


791-685-8006 Compressor (B) t 1
790-201-2860 Spacer t 1
791-635-3160 Extension t 1
790-101-1600 t 1
(686 kN {70 ton})
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1


1. Remove mounting bolt (1) and remove plate (2).

2. Remove lubricator (3).

3) Apply hydraulic pressure slowly. After the

3. Remove yoke piston assembly (5) from recoil
spring is compressed, remove nut (7).
spring assembly (4).
a Compress the spring until the nut is loos-
4. Disassembly of recoil spring assembly
a Release the hydraulic pressure slowly to
1) Remove set bolt (6). eliminate the spring force.
4) Remove pilot (9) and cylinder (10) from
spring (8).
a Remove O-ring (15) from the cylinder.

5. Disassembly of yoke piston assembly

1) Remove wear ring (12) from yoke piston (11).
2) Remove snap ring (13) and U-packing (14).

50-4 8 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Disassembly and assembly of recoil spring assembly S E N 0 4 8 3 6 -0 1

Assembly 4) Apply hydraulic pressure slowly to compress

the spring. Tighten nut (7) so that the
1. Assembly of yoke piston assembly installing length of the spring will be (a).
1) Fit U-packing (14) to yoke piston (11) and a Installing length(a)of spring:
secure it with snap ring (13). 323 mm (Steel shoe)
2) Install wear ring (12). 283 mm (Rubber shoe)
2 Nut:
2. Assembly of recoil spring assembly Lubricant containing molybdenum
disulphide (LM-P)
1) Fit O-ring (15) to cylinder(10).
2) Install cylinder (10) and pilot (9) to spring (8).

5) Remove recoil spring assembly (4) from tool

3) Set recoil spring (4) to tool M.
6) Install set bolt (6).
3 Set bolt: 59 – 74 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}
7) Fill cylinder (10) with grease (G2-LI).
a Quantity of grease (G2-LI):
Approx. 84 cc (Steel shoe)
Approx. 208 cc (Rubber shoe)
8) Loosen lubricator (3) and insert yoke piston
assembly (5) in recoil spring assembly (4)
until grease comes out through part (B).
3 Sliding parts of yoke piston and wear
ring: Grease (G2-LI)
9) Tighten lubricator (3).
a Install the valve so that the fitting will be
on the outside.
10) Install plate (2).

PC78US-8 50-4 9
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Spreading and installation of track shoe assembly

Spreading and installation of track 2. Move machine forward so that position of master
shoe assembly pin is at front of idler, and set block [1] in position.

3. Using tool R, pull out master pin. [*2]

Special tools

4. Remove tool R, pull out temporary pin, and
remove dust seal, then drive machine in reverse

Part No. Part name to lay out track (2). [*3]


791-620-3000 Remover and installer t 1
791-635-3110 q Frame 1
791-635-3120 q Support 1
791-635-3130 q Nut 1
791-635-3140 q Screw 1
791-635-3150 q Hook 1
791-635-3160 q Extension 1
791-635-3170 q Nut 4
R 791-635-3180 q Screw 2
791-635-3190 q Screw (For fixing) 1
791-635-3210 q Pilot 1
791-620-3220 q Adapter 1
791-615-7161 Pin pusher t 1
791-615-7170 Guide t 1
790-101-1300 t 1
(980 kN {100 ton})
790-707-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1


1. Lower work equipment to ground, then loosen

lubricator (1), and relieve track tension. [*1]
k The adjustment cylinder is under ex-
tremely high pressure. Never loosen the
lubricator more than one turn. If the
grease does not come out, move the ma-
chine backwards and forwards.

50-4 10 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Spreading and installation of track shoe assembly SEN04836-01

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to re-

a Adjust the track tension.
For details, see Testing and adjusting, "Testing
and adjusting track tension".

a Use tool R and press fit the master pin so that
the protrusion of the master pin is dimension (a).
Protrusion (a) of master pin: 3 ± 2 mm

a When assembling the dust seal, coat the bush-
ing contact surface with grease (G2-LI).
a If the rubber of the road liner (rubber pad type)
becomes worn or broken and the head of the
mounting bolt becomes damaged, replace the
shoe with a new part immediately. If the head of
the mounting bolt becomes flattened, it will be
impossible to remove it.

PC78US-8 50-4 11
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Removal and installation of sprocket

Removal and installation of Installation

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to re-
1. Remove the track shoe assembly. For details, 2 Threads of sprocket mounting bolt:
see “Spreading and installation of track shoe Adhesive (LT-2)
assembly”. 3 Sprocket mounting bolt:
186.3 – 225.6 Nm {19 – 23 kgm}
2. Swing the work equipment by 90 ° and push up
the machine with it, and then set blocks [1]
between the track frame and track shoe.

3. Remove the 14 mounting bolts and lift off

sprocket (1). [*1]
4 Sprocket: 20 kg

50-4 12 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Removal and installation of revolving frame assembly SEN04836-01

Removal and installation of 5. Remove the operator cab assembly. For details,
revolving frame assembly see “Removal and installation of operator cab
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release the
6. Disconnect the hoses from the center swivel
pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Release the residual pressure in the hydrau-
(6): Drain hose (Band color: White/Blue)
lic circuit. For details, see Testing and adjust- (7): Travel right reverse hose
ing, “Releasing residual pressure from (Band color: Green/Yellow)
hydraulic circuit”.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
(8): Travel left reverse hose
(Band color: Orange/Yellow)
terminal of the battery. (9): Blade raise hose
(Band color: Yellow/Blue)
1. Remove the work equipment assembly. For (10): Travel 2nd travel speed selection hose
details, see “Removal and installation of work (Band color: Yellow/Yellow)
equipment assembly”.

2. Disconnect the 2 hoses from the boom cylinder.

(1): Boom cylinder head hose
(2): Boom cylinder bottom hose

3. Remove the lock plate, pull out mounting pin (3),

and remove boom cylinder assembly (4).
a Check the quantity and positions of the in-
serted shims.

(11): Travel right forward hose

(Band color: Black/Yellow)
(12): Travel left forward hose
(Band color: Brown/Yellow)
(13): Blade lower hose
(Band color: Red/Black)

7. Remove plate (14) from the swivel joint.

4. Remove engine hood assembly (5).

4 Engine hood assembly: 20 kg

PC78US-8 50-4 13
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Removal and installation of revolving frame assembly

8. Remove mounting bolts (15), leaving 2 each at Installation

the front and rear. [*2] q Carry out installation in the reverse order to re-

2 Sliding surface of mounting pin (When as-
sembling): Hyper white grease (G2-T)
2 Mounting pin (Greasing after assembly):
Hyper white grease (G2-T)
k When aligning the pin holes, never insert
your fingers in them.
q Adjust the shim so that clearances “(a), (b)” be-
tween boom foot pin (17) and boom bracket (18)
will be 1.0 mm or less.
Clearance (a): t = 1.0 mm
Clearance (b): t = 1.0 mm, t = 1.5 mm
9. Sling revolving frame assembly (16) and remove
the remaining mounting bolts. [*3]
a Sling the revolving frame assembly so that it
can be balanced in each direction.
k Never use the tap hole at the top of the

10. Lift off revolving frame assembly (16).

a When lifting off the assembly, take care that
it will not interfere with the center swivel joint.
4 Revolving frame assembly: 900 kg

[*2], [*3]
2 Revolving frame mounting bolt:
Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Revolving frame mounting bolt:
235 – 285 Nm {23.5 – 29.5 kgm}

q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

Add oil through the oil filler to the specified level.
Run the engine to circulate the oil through the
system. Then, check the oil level again.

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjusting,
“Bleeding air from each part”.

50-4 14 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Removal and installation of counterweight assembly SEN04836-01

Removal and installation of coun- 2. Lift off engine hood assembly (4).
terweight assembly 4 Engine hood assembly: 30 kg

Special tools

Part No. Part name


Impact wrench q 1
- Socket wrench
(Width across q 1
flats: 41 mm)
a Use the impact wrench and socket wrench appli-
cable for the tight ening torque for the counter-
weight mounting bolts. 3. Remove 2 mounting bolts (6) of engine controller
3 Counterweight mounting bolt:
rubber cover (5).
1,150 –1,440 Nm {118 – 147 kgm}
4. Remove engine hood fixing bracket (7).
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock po-
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Remove the machine right side cover assembly

according to the following procedure.
1) Remove step (1).
2) Remove cover (2) and side cover (3).
4 Side cover assembly: 20 kg

PC78US-8 50-4 15
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
SEN04836-01 Removal and installation of counterweight assembly

5. Disconnect connectors CE01(8), CE02(9) and 7. Remove damper case breather bracket (14).
CE03 (10) from engine controller (11).

6. Remove CAN terminal resistor K02 (12) from the

engine controller mounting bracket.

8. Remove clamps (15) and bracket (16).

9. Remove 2 eyebolt hole caps (17).

a Use a 4-mm hexagonal wrench to loosen 10. Install 2 eyebolts [1] to the eyebolt holes and
screws (13) of connectors CE01 and CE02. sling counterweight (18).

50-4 16 PC78US-8
4 400 Undercarriage and frame
Removal and installation of counterweight assembly SEN04836-01

11. Remove 3 mounting bolts (19) from underside of Installation

the counterweight. [*3] q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
a Counterweight mounting bolt: removal.
f27 mm × 120 mm
(Width across flats: 41 mm) [*1]
3 Screw (16):
2.55 – 3.11 Nm {0.26 – 0.32 kgm}

q For the installation procedure of the engine
controller assembly, see “Removal and in-
stallation of engine controller assembly”
q .

2 Counterweight mounting bolt:
Adhesive (LT-2)
3 Counterweight mounting bolt:
1,150 – 1,440 Nm {118 – 147 kgm}
12. Lift off counterweight assembly (18). [*4] [*4]
a When slinging the counterweight, move it to- q When installing the counterweight, raise en-
ward the rear horizontally so that it will not in- gine controller rubber cover (5).
terfere with the machine body.
4 Counterweight assembly: 830 kg

PC78US-8 50-4 17

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04836-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 09-09

50-4 18


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly 50

500 Hydraulic system

Removal and installation of center swivel joint assembly ............................................................................... 2
Disassembly and assembly of center swivel joint assembly........................................................................... 4
Removal and installation of hydraulic tank assembly...................................................................................... 6
Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly ................................................................................... 9
Removal and installation of control valve assembly ..................................................................................... 13
Disassembly and assembly of control valve assembly ................................................................................. 21
Disassembly and assembly of work equipment PPC valve assembly .......................................................... 24
Disassembly and assembly of travel PPC valve assembly........................................................................... 26
Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly ......................................................................... 28

PC78US-8 50-500 1
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of center swivel joint assembly

Removal and installation of center 3. Disconnect hoses (10) – (19) from the under-
swivel joint assembly 1
side of the swivel joint.

Removal 4. Remove elbow (20).

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the 5. Sling the swivel joint and remove 4 mounting
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock bolts (21). [*1]
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release
the pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Disconnect the hoses from the center swivel

(1): Drain hose (Band color: White/Blue)
(2): Travel right reverse hose
(Band color: Green/Yellow)
(3): Travel left reverse hose
(Band color: Orange/Yellow)
(4): Blade raise hose (Band color: Yellow/Blue)
(5): Travel 2nd travel speed selection hose 6. Lift off center swivel joint assembly (22).
(Band color: Yellow/Yellow)
Center swivel joint assembly: 17 kg

(6): Travel right forward hose

(Band color: Black/Yellow)
(7): Travel left forward hose
(Band color: Brown/Yellow)
(8): Blade lower hose (Band color: Red/Black)

2. Remove plate (9) from the swivel joint.

50-500 2 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of center swivel joint assembly SEN04837-00

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

3 Center swivel joint mounting bolt:
98 – 123 Nm {10 – 12.5 kgm}

q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
5 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, "Bleeding air from each part".

PC78US-8 50-500 3
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of center swivel joint assembly

Disassembly and assembly of

center swivel joint assembly 1

Special tools

Part No. Part name


790-101-2501 Push puller q 1
790-101-2510 • Block 1
790-101-2520 • Screw 1
791-112-1180 • Nut 1
T 790-101-2540 • Washer 1
790-101-2630 • Leg 2
790-101-2570 • Washer 4
790-101-2560 • Nut 2
791-112-2650 • Adapter 2


1. Remove cover (1).

2. Remove snap ring (2).

3. Using tool T, pull swivel rotor (4) and ring (3)

out of swivel shaft (5).

4. Remove O-ring (6) and slipper seal (7).

50-500 4 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of center swivel joint assembly SEN04837-00


1. Install slipper seal (7) and O-ring (6) to swivel

shaft (5).

2. Set swivel shaft (5) to the block. Using the

push tool, hit swivel rotor (4) with a plastic
hammer lightly to install it.
a Apply grease (G2-LI) to the contact sur-
faces of swivel shaft (5) and swivel rotor
a When installing the rotor, take care fully
not to damage the lips of the slipper seal
and oil seal.

3. Install ring (3) and secure it with snap ring (2).

4. Install the O-ring and cover (1).

3 Mounting bolt:
31.4 ± 2.94 Nm {3.2 ± 0.3 kgm}
a When assembling, take carefully so that
dirt, rust, flaw, etc. will not cause a trouble.
a After assembling, seal each port with a
polyethylene plug.

PC78US-8 50-500 5
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of hydraulic tank assembly

Removal and installation of 4. Disconnect 2 hoses (6) and (7).

hydraulic tank assembly 1
5. Remove 2 bolts (8), then remove bracket (9)
Removal and selector valve (10) together.
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release
the pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Loosen the hydraulic tank drain plug to drain

the oil. [*1]
6 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

a Fix bracket (9) and selector valve (10) with

2. Remove the fuel tank assembly. For details, a rope etc.
see "Removal and installation of fuel tank

3. Remove the washer tank and radiator reservoir

1) Disconnect vinyl tube (1) from the washer
2) Disconnect washer motor connector M06
3) Remove washer tank (3), radiator reser-
voir tank (4) and bracket (5) together.

50-500 6 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of hydraulic tank assembly SEN04837-00

6. Remove fuel hose clamp (11) from the hydrau- 9. Remove bolt (19) and clamp (20).
lic tank.
10. Remove wiring clamp (21).
7. Disconnect the 6 hoses from the hydraulic a Wiring clamp (21) is of insert type.
(12): Main valve seal drain (Ts) hose
(13): T-block drain hose
(Band color: Black/Green)
(14): Swing motor drain hose
(Band color: White/Green)
(15): Solenoid drain hose
(Band color: Black/Blue)
(16): Swivel joint drain hose
(Band color: White/Blue)
(17): Boom cylinder hydraulic drift prevention
valve drain hose (Machine with boom
hydraulic drift prevention valve)

11. Loosen clamp (23) of suction hose (22). [*2]

a Pull out the suction hose when removing
the hydraulic tank.

8. Remove 3 clamps (18) from the hydraulic tank.

12. Disconnect hydraulic pump drain hose (24)

from the hydraulic pump. [*3]
a Remove the hydraulic pump drain hose
without disconnecting it from the hydraulic

PC78US-8 50-500 7
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of hydraulic tank assembly

13. Remove 4 hydraulic tank mounting bolts (25). Installation

[*4] q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

3 Hydraulic tank drain plug:
58.8 – 78.4 Nm {6 – 8 kgm}

3 Suction hose clamp:
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {110 ± 5 kgcm}

q If hydraulic pump drain hose (24) was discon-
nected from the hydraulic tank, connect it to
the hydraulic tank when installing the hydraulic
a Remove clamp (26) to remove the mount- tank.
ing bolt at the left rear of the hydraulic

2 Hydraulic tank mounting bolt:
14. Lift off hydraulic tank assembly (27). Adhesive (LT-2)
a While pulling out suction hose (22), 3 Hydraulic tank mounting bolt:
remove the hydraulic tank assembly. 98 – 123 Nm {10.0 – 12.5 kgm}
4 Hydraulic tank assembly: 75 kg
q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)
Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
5 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, "Bleeding air from each part".

50-500 8 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly SEN04837-00

Removal and installation of 3. Remove undercovers (1) and (2).

hydraulic pump assembly 1

Special tools

Part No. Part name


1 796-460-1210 Oil stopper q 1
2 796T-460-1240 Rod t 1 Q

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower 4. Loosen drain plug (3) to drain the oil from the
the work equipment to the ground, stop the flywheel case.
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release
the pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Loosen the hydraulic tank drain plug to drain

the oil. [*1]
6 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)
a When using tool D, remove the strainer of
the hydraulic tank and install tool D to stop
the oil. 5. Remove fuel prefilter (4) and cover (5).
a Move the fuel prefilter and cover aside so
that they will not be obstacles when the
hydraulic pump assembly is slung.

2. Remove the counterweight. For details, see

"Removal and installation of counterweight

PC78US-8 50-500 9
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly

6. Remove the muffler according to the following 8. Disconnect the hoses from the hydraulic pump.
procedure. q (10): Port P4 hose
1) Remove 4 mounting bolts (6) and clamp
2) Pull out the muffler (8) with muffler mount-
ing bracket.

q (11): Port P1 hose

q (12): Port P2 hose
q (13): Port PLS hose
q (14): Port PPLS hose
q (15): Port Pd (drain) hose

7. Remove seat (9).

9. Remove muffler drain tube (16). [*2]

10. Remove plate (17).

50-500 10 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly SEN04837-00

11. Disconnect hydraulic oil temperature sensor 16. Sling hydraulic pump assembly (24) and
connector P22 (18). remove the 12 mounting bolts.

12. Remove clamps (19) and (20). 17. Lift off hydraulic pump assembly (24). [*5]
a Pull out the flange section of the hydraulic
pump to near the frame. Then, while rais-
ing the flange section a little and lowering
the gear pump side a little, lift off the
hydraulic pump assembly.
4 Hydraulic pump assembly: 67 kg

13. Loosen drain plug (21) and drain the oil

remaining in the piping.

14. Disconnect suction hose (22) from the hydrau-

lic pump. [*3]

15. Disconnect ground wire terminal (23). [*4]

PC78US-8 50-500 11
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of hydraulic pump assembly

Installation q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
removal. level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
[*1] again.
3 Hydraulic tank drain plug: 5 Hydraulic tank:
58.8 – 78.4 Nm {6 – 8 kgm} 56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

q Install wiring clamp (16) to muffler drain tube q Bleeding air
(25). Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, "Bleeding air from each part".

3 Clamp of suction hose (22):
10.8 ± 0.5 Nm {110 ± 5 kgcm}

q Fit spacer (26) and install ground wire terminal

2 All around flywheel case mating face:
Gasket sealant (LG-6)

50-500 12 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of control valve assembly SEN04837-00

Removal and installation of 3. Remove the washer tank and radiator reservoir
control valve assembly 1
1) Disconnect vinyl tube (4) from the washer
Removal tank.
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower 2) Disconnect washer motor connector M06
the work equipment to the ground, stop the (5).
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock 3) Remove washer tank (6), radiator reser-
position. voir tank (7) and bracket (8) together.
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release
the pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Release the residual pressure in the
hydraulic circuit. For details, see Testing
and adjusting, "Releasing residual pres-
sure in the hydraulic circuit".
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
a Record the positions of the disconnected pip-
ings and wiring connectors to prevent a mis-
take in reconnecting them.

1. Loosen the hydraulic tank drain plug to drain

the oil. [*1]
6 Hydraulic tank: 4. Remove ATT selector valve assembly accord-
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l) ing to the following procedure.
q Machine with ATT selector valve assembly
1) Disconnect the 6 hoses from selector
2. Remove the machine right side cover assem- valve (9).
bly according to the following procedure. (10): Port A2 hose (Band color: Red)
1) Remove step (1). (11): Port B2 hose (Band color: Blue)
2) Remove cover (2) and side cover (3). (12): Port A1 hose
4 Side cover assembly: 30 kg (13): Port B1 hose
a Disconnect hose (10) from port A9 of
the control valve and disconnect hose
(11) from port B9.

PC78US-8 50-500 13
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of control valve assembly

(14): Port T2 hose 6. Disconnect the connectors on the front side of

(15): Port ACC hose the control valve.
k Ensure that there is no pressure (18): Spare for service valve (If equipped)
left in the accumulator. (19): P01 (Bucket dump pressure switch)
(20): P02 (Arm out pressure switch)
(21): P03 (Boom raise pressure switch)
(22): P25 (Hydraulic pump pressure switch)

2) Sling ATT selector valve assembly (9),

remove 2 mounting bolts (16), and lift off
the selector valve assembly.
4 Selector valve assembly: 13 kg

(23): P07 (Right swing pressure sensor)

5. Remove rubber cover (17). (24): P28 (Blade raise pressure switch)

50-500 14 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of control valve assembly SEN04837-00

7. Disconnect the connectors on the rear side of 9. Remove clamps (32) and remove wiring (33)
the control valve. from the control valve.
(25): Spare for service valve (If equipped)
(26): P04 (Bucket curl pressure switch)
(27): P05 (Arm in pressure switch)
(28): P06 (Boom lower pressure switch)

10. Disconnect the hoses on the right side of the

control valve.
(34): Port PP hose
(35): Port P2 hose
(29): P08 (Left swing pressure sensor) (36): Port LS hose
(30): P11 (Blade lower pressure switch) (37): Port P1 hose
(38): Port P3 hose

8. Disconnect hydraulic oil temperature sensor

connector P22 (31) on the hydraulic pump

PC78US-8 50-500 15
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of control valve assembly

11. Disconnect the PPC hoses on the front side of 12. Disconnect the PPC hoses on the rear side of
the control valve the control valve.
(39): Port PA8 PPC hose (Service valve) (49): Port PB8 PPC hose (Service valve)
(If equipped) (Band color: White/Brown) (If equipped) (Band color: White/Orange)
(40): Port PA7 PPC hose (Band color: Red) (50): Port PB7 PPC hose (Band color: Blue)
(41): Port PA6 PPC hose (Band color: Orange) (51): Port PB6 PPC hose: (Band color: Green)
(42): Port PA5 PPC hose (Band color: Yellow) (52): Port PB5 PPC hose: (Band color: Black)
a Do not disconnect hose (43).

(53): Port PT hose (Band color: Green/Blue)

(44): Port PA4 PPC hose
(Band color: Green/Yellow)
(45): Port PA3 PPC hose
(Band color: Orange/Yellow)
(46): Port PA2 PPC hose (Band color: Brown)
(47): Port PA1 PPC hose
(Band color: Yellow/Blue)
a Do not disconnect hose (48).

(55): Port PB4 PPC hose

(Band color: Black/Yellow)
(56): Port PB3 PPC hose
(Band color: Brown/Yellow)
(57): Port PB2 PPC hose (Band color: White)
(58): Port PB1 PPC hose
(Band color: Red/Black)

50-500 16 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of control valve assembly SEN04837-00

13. Disconnect the hoses and joints on the left side (70): Port A4 hose (Band color: Green/Yellow)
of the control valve. (71): Port B4 hose (Band color: Black/Yellow)
(59): Service valve A8 port (If equipped) (72): Port A3 hose
(60): Service valve B8 port (If equipped) (Band color: Orange/Yellow)
(61): Port A7 hose (Band color: Red) (73): Port B3 hose (Band color: Brown/Yellow)
(62): Port B7 hose (Band color: Blue) (74): Port A2 hose (Band color: Brown)
(63): Port A6 hose (Band color: Orange) (75): Port B2 hose (Band color: White)
(64): Port B6 hose (Band color: Green)
(65): Port A5 hose
a The hoses of ports A8 (59) and B8 (60)
were disconnected when the ATT selector
valve assembly was removed.

(76): Port A1 hose (Band color: Yellow/Blue)

(77): Port B1 hose (Band color: Red/Black)
(78): Port TS hose
(79): Port TSW hose

(66): Port B5 hose (Band color: Black)

(67): Hose (From ATT selector valve)
(Machine with ATT selector valve assem-
(68): Port TC hose (To oil cooler)
(69): Port TB hose (To hydraulic tank)

PC78US-8 50-500 17
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of control valve assembly

14. Remove 4 control valve mounting bolts (80).

15. Lift off control valve assembly (81).

4 Control valve assembly: 65 kg

50-500 18 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Removal and installation of control valve assembly SEN04837-00

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to removal.
a Do not mistake the installed position of each hose.

Port name Band color Port name Band color Remarks

A8 – PA9 White/Brown To attachment
B8 – PB9 White/Orange To attachment
A7 Red PA8 Red Bucket dump
B7 Blue PB8 Blue Bucket curl
A6 Orange PA7 Orange Arm out
B6 Green PB7 Green Arm in
A5 Yellow PA6 Yellow Boom raise
B5 Black PB6 Black Boom lower
A4 Green/Yellow PA4 Green/Yellow Right travel reverse
B4 Black/Yellow PB4 Black/Yellow Right travel forward
A3 Orange/Yellow PA3 Orange/Yellow Left travel reverse
B3 Brown/Yellow PB3 Brown/Yellow Left travel forward
A2 Brown PA2 Brown Right swing
B2 White PB2 White Left swing
A1 Yellow/Blue PA1 Yellow/Blue Blade raise
B1 Red/Black PB1 Red/Black Blade lower
PT Green/Blue – – From pump merge-divider selector solenoid valve
TC – – – To oil cooler
TB – – – To hydraulic oil filter
TS – – – To hydraulic tank
TSW – – – From swing motor

PC78US-8 50-500 19
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Removal and installation of control valve assembly

3 Hydraulic tank drain plug:
58.8 – 78.4 Nm {6 – 8 kgm}

q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
5 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, "Bleeding air from each part".

50-500 20 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of control valve assembly SEN04837-00

Disassembly and assembly of

control valve assembly 1

The control valves of the following types are set.

q 7-spool valve (Without blade)
q 8-spool valve (With blade)
q 8-spool valve (With 1 service valve without
q 9-spool valve (With 1 service valve and blade)
a Each service valve is add-on type, which can
be added and removed during work.

In this section, only the precautions for assembling
the 8-spool valve are described.
a Only the related items are shown in the figure.
a For the figures not shown here, see Structure,
function and maintenance standard, "Control

q Control valve upper and lower covers

a Tighten 4 combination bolts (700-85-
11111) (2) of control valve upper cover (1)
in the order of [1] – [4] in 3 times.
3 1st time:
19.6 – 29.4 Nm {2 – 3 kgm}
2nd time:
39.2 – 49.0 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}
3rd time:
58.8 – 73.5 Nm {6 – 7.5 kgm}

q When loosening and tightening the following

bolts, ensure that the spools are in the valve.
(3): 723-11-17361

PC78US-8 50-500 21
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of control valve assembly

50-500 22 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of control valve assembly SEN04837-00

PC78US-8 50-500 23
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of work equipment PPC valve assembly

Disassembly and assembly of work equipment PPC valve assembly 1

a Only precautions for assembling the work

equipment PPC valve assembly are explained

Disassembly Assembly
a Spring (6) and spring (7) consists of each one a Plugs (2) and (3) cannot be replenished.
of two types of springs with different installed a The head of plug (3) must not be projected
loads in four places, so check the mounting from the body (1) surface.
position (oil pressure port) and mark with tags 3 Plug (3): 6 – 11 Nm {0.6 – 1.1 kgm}
to prevent mistakes when installing. a When installing piston (8), apply grease (G2-
LI) to its outside and the inside of the body (1)
a Install spring (5) with its small diameter side on
the shim (4) side.
q Diameter of spring (Inside diameter)
Small diameter side: Ø4.9 mm
Large diameter side: Ø5.55 mm
a When installing springs (6) and (7), note that
they are different and they must be installed to
different hydraulic ports.
q Installed height: 32 mm (Common to both
q Installed load:
Spring (6) (P1, P2): 35 N {3.57 kg}
Spring (7) (P3, P4): 21.77 N {2.22 kg}
3 Bolt (11):
11.8 – 14.7 Nm {1.2 – 1.5 kgm}

50-500 24 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of work equipment PPC valve assembly SEN04837-00

a When installing joint (12) to body (1), apply

LOCTITE as shown below.
1) When installing the joint, apply 1 drop
(approx. 0.02 g) of LOCTITE (No. 648)
each to 2 places of the female screw (A)
of the body. Before installing the joint,
thoroughly degrease and dry its male
screw and the female screw of the body
with DRYSOL.
2) Drop LOCTITE to the following positions.
2 Female screw (A) of body:
3 Joint (12): 39 – 49 Nm {4 – 5 kgm}

a Apply grease (G2-LI) to the sliding parts of joint

(12) and contact surfaces of disc (13) and pis-
ton (8).
2 Quantity of grease (G2-LI)
1) Sliding parts of joint: 2 – 4 cc/periphery
2) Contact surfaces of disc and piston:
0.3 – 0.8 cc/place
a When assembling disc (13), adjust it so that
the end play of the lever will be 0.5 – 3 mm at
200 mm from the center of revolution.
q See Testing and adjusting, "Adjusting play
of work equipment and swing PPC valve".
3 Nut (14): 69 – 88 Nm {7 – 9 kgm}

PC78US-8 50-500 25
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of travel PPC valve assembly

Disassembly and assembly of

travel PPC valve assembly 1

Special tool

Part No. Part name


2 796T-416-1010 Push tool t 1 Q
H 3 796T-416-1030 Push tool t 1 Q
4 796T-416-1020 Push tool t 1 Q

1. Remove screw (20) and damper assembly 5. Remove piston (7) to remove retainer (6),
(19). springs (5) and (4) and shim (3).
a Store shim (3) after checking the thickness
2. Remove mounting bolt (17) to remove case and the number of shims at each mount-
(16), shaft (15) and lever (13) assembly. ing position.

3. Remove mounting bolt (11) to remove plate 6. Remove valve (2) from body (1).
a Check the thickness and the mounting
position of washer (12).
a Remove pin (22) from body (1).

4. Remove seal (9) and collar (8).

50-500 26 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of travel PPC valve assembly SEN04837-00

Only the precautions for assembling the travel PPC
valve assembly are described.

a When assembling, clean and inspect the parts

closely and take care fully so that dirt, rust,
flaw, etc. will not cause a trouble.

a When installing piston (7), apply grease (G2-

LI) to its outside and the inside of the body

a Install spring (4) with its small diameter side on

the shim (3) side.
q Diameter of spring (Inside diameter)
Small diameter side: 4.9 mm, Large diam-
eter side: 5.55 mm

a Apply grease (G2-LI) to the rocking part of

shaft (15) and the contact surfaces of lever
(13) and piston (7) and the contact surfaces of
damper (19) and pin (18).
2 Quantity of grease (G2-LI)
Rocking part of shaft:
4 – 8 cc/periphery
Contact surfaces of lever and piston:
0.3 – 0.8 cc/place
Contact surfaces of plate and pin:
0.3 – 0.8 cc/place

a Install washer (12) 1.6 mm thick first. If the dif-

ference between both sides at the stroke end
of the lever exceeds 0.7°, change the washer
thickness to reduce the difference to below
0.7°. (If the washer thickness is reduced by
0.3 mm, the stroke end angle is increased by
q Thickness of washer (t): 1.0, 1.3, 1.6 mm

a Tighten each part to the following torque.

q Plug (26): 6 – 11 Nm {0.6 – 1.1 kgm}
q Plug (25): 4 – 9 Nm {0.4 – 0.9 kgm}
q Screw (22): 7.8 – 9.8 Nm {0.8 – 1.0 kgm}
q Bolt (19): 25 – 30 Nm {2.5 – 3.2 kgm}
q Bolt (11): 27 – 30 Nm {2.8 – 3.5 kgm}

PC78US-8 50-500 27
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly

Disassembly and assembly of Disassembly

hydraulic cylinder assembly 1
1. Cylinder assembly
1) Set cylinder assembly (1) to tool U1.
Special tools 2) Using a hydraulic pump or a power
wrench and tool U2, loosen head assem-

bly (2).

Part No. Part name


790-502-1003 Repair stand t 1
790-101-1102 Hydraulic pump t 1
790-102-3802 Wrench assembly t 1
790-330-1100 Wrench assembly t 1
Socket (Width
790-102-1320 across flats: 70 mm) t 1

790-102-1330 Socket (Width t 1

across flats: 75 mm)
790-302-1290 Socket (Width t 1
across flats: 60 mm)
Socket (Width
790-302-1310 across flats: 65 mm) t 1
3) Pull out piston rod assembly (3).
4 790-720-1000 Expander q 1 a Place an oil pan, etc. under the cylin-
796-720-1650 Band q 1 der to receive the oil.
07281-01029 Clamp q 1
796-720-1660 Band q 1
07281-01159 Clamp q 1
796-720-1670 Band q 1
07281-01279 Clamp q 1
790-201-1702 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-201-1791 • Push tool 1
790-201-1702 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-201-1781 • Push tool 1
790-201-1702 Push tool kit q 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-201-1771 • Push tool 1
790-201-1500 Push tool kit q 1
790-201-1610 • Plate 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-201-1500 Push tool kit q 1
790-201-1590 • Plate 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1
790-201-1500 Push tool kit q 1
790-201-1580 • Plate 1
790-101-5021 • Grip 1
01010-50816 • Bolt 1

50-500 28 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly SEN04837-00

2. Piston rod assembly 3. Disassembly of piston assembly

1) Set piston rod assembly (3) to tool U1. 1) Remove wear ring (9).
2) Using a hydraulic pump or a power 2) Remove piston ring (10).
wrench and tool U3, remove nylon nut (4). a Apply a screwdriver, etc. to the piston
a Width across flats of nut: ring and hit it with a hammer to break
Unit: mm off the piston ring.
Cylinder Boom Arm Bucket Blade
Width across
70 65 60 75

4. Disassembly of cylinder head assembly

1) Remove the O-ring and backup ring (11).
2) Remove O-ring (12).
3) Remove snap ring (13) and dust seal (14).
3) Remove piston assembly (6) from piston 4) Remove rod packing (15).
rod (5). 5) Remove bushing (16).
4) Remove head assembly (2).

5) Remove cap (6) and take out 9 balls (7),

then remove plunger (8).
q Perform this work for only arm cylin-

PC78US-8 50-500 29
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly

Assembly 2. Assembly of piston assembly

1) Using tool U4, expand piston ring (10).
a Apply engine oil to the sliding surfaces of each a Set the piston ring to tool U4 and
part and take care not to damage the packing, revolve the handle by 8 – 10 turns to
dust seals, O-rings, etc. expand the piston ring.
a Do not insert the backup ring forcibly. Heat it in 2) Using tool U5, contract piston ring (10).
water at 50 – 60°C, then insert it carefully.

1. Assembly of cylinder head assembly

1) Using tool U6, press fit bushing (16).
2) Install rod packing (15).
3) Using tool U7, install dust seal (14) and
secure it with snap ring (13).
4) Fit O-ring (12).
5) Fit the backup ring and O-ring (11).

3) Install wear ring (9).

a Take care not to open the closed gap
of the ring too much.

50-500 30 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly SEN04837-00

3. Piston rod assembly 4) Set piston rod assembly (3) to tool U1.
1) Set plunger (8) to the piston rod and install 5) Using tool U3, tighten nut (4).
9 balls (7) and secure them with cap (6). 2 Nut: Liquid adhesive
a Check that there is some play at the (Equivalent to LOCTITE 262)
plunger tip. 3 Nut:
q Perform this work for only arm cylin- Cylinder
der. Tightening torque
Boom 2.60 ± 0.26 kNm {265 ± 26.5 kgm}
Arm 2.65 ± 0.26 kNm {270 ± 27 kgm}
Bucket 2.16 ± 0.22 kNm {220 ± 22 kgm}
Blade 3.14 ± 0.31 kNm {320 ± 32 kgm}

a Facing the cutting side of the nut to

the piston side, tighten the nut.

2) Install head assembly (2) to piston rod (5).

3) Install piston assembly (6) to piston rod

4. Cylinder assembly
1) Set the cylinder to tool U1.
2) Install piston rod assembly (3).
a Push in the piston rod to the end.

PC78US-8 50-500 31
500 Hydraulic system
SEN04837-00 Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly

3) Using a hydraulic pump or a power

wrench and tool U2, tighten head assem-
bly (2).
3 Head assembly:

Tightening torque
Boom 961 ± 96.1 Nm {98 ± 9.8 kgm}
Arm 785 ± 78.5 Nm {80 ± 8 kgm}
1st time:
Tighten to 1,176 – 1,372 Nm {120 –
140 kgm}.
2nd time:
Loosen to 0 Nm {0 kgm}.
Bucket 3rd time:
Tighten to 392 Nm {40 kgm}
4th time:
Apply angle tightening
(Tighten periphery of cylinder head
by 3.5 – 4.5 mm).
Blade 1.03 ± 0.10 kNm {105 ± 10.5 kgm}

a After assembling, clean each part and

mask the piping ports and pin hole.

50-500 32 PC78US-8
500 Hydraulic system
Disassembly and assembly of hydraulic cylinder assembly SEN04837-00

PC78US-8 50-500 33

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04837-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

50-500 34


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly 50

600 Work equipment

Removal and installation of work equipment assembly .................................................................................. 2
Removal and installation of blade assembly ................................................................................................... 5

PC78US-8 50-600 1
600 Work equipment
SEN04838-00 Removal and installation of work equipment assembly

Removal and installation of work

equipment assembly 1

Special tools

Part No. Part name


790-441-1802 Remover t 1
790-441-1810 Sleeve 1
792-900-1530 Screw 1
796-900-1240 Adapter 1 3. Remove cover (10).
V 1
01803-13034 Nut 1
01643-33080 Washer 1
790-101-4000 Puller 1
790-101-1102 Pump 1

k Extend the arm and bucket fully, lower the
work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap to release
the pressure inside the hydraulic tank.
k Release the residual pressure in the
hydraulic circuit. For details, see Testing 4. Disconnect connector (11).
and adjusting, “Releasing residual pres- (If arm crane is equipped.)
sure from hydraulic circuit”.
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Disconnect the 7 hoses.

a Since the engine will be started, be sure to
plug the disconnected hoses.
(1): Hose going to attachment (If equipped)
(2): Bucket cylinder bottom hose
(Band color: Blue)
(3): Arm cylinder bottom hose
(Band color: Green)
(4): Arm cylinder head hose
(Band color: Orange)
(5): Bucket cylinder head hose
(Band color: Red)
(6): Arm crane hose (If equipped)
(7): Drain hose (If equipped)

2. Remove clamp (8) and disconnect connector


50-600 2 PC78US-8
600 Work equipment
Removal and installation of work equipment assembly SEN04838-00

5. Sling boom cylinder (12). 8. Sling work equipment assembly (13).

6. Remove lock plate (13) on the head side, and 9. Disconnect connector (14) and remove mount-
pull out pin (14). [*1] ing bolt (16) on the potentiometer mounting
a Check the quantity and positions of the plate (15). (If arm crane is equipped.)
inserted shims.
10. Remove plate (15) and pull out lock pin.

7. Lower boom cylinder assembly (12) onto sup-

port stand [1]. a Arm crane installation specification

PC78US-8 50-600 3
600 Work equipment
SEN04838-00 Removal and installation of work equipment assembly

a When removing the pin to use tool V1, Installation

remove clamp (17) and draw connectors. q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

2 Sliding surface of mounting pin (When
assembling): Hyper white grease (G2-T)
2 Mounting pin (Greasing after assembly):
Hyper white grease (G2-T)
k When aligning the pin holes, never insert
your fingers in them.
q Adjust the shim so that clearances “a, b”
between boom (19) and bracket (20) will be 1.0
mm or less.
q Clearance “a” shim thickness: t = 1.0 mm
q Clearance “b” shim thickness: t = 1.0 mm,
t = 1.5 mm

11. Lift off work equipment assembly (13).

a Check the quantity and positions of the
spacer (18).
q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)
Work equipment assembly: 1,050 kg
Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
5 Hydraulic tank:
56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, “Bleeding air from each part”.

50-600 4 PC78US-8
600 Work equipment
Removal and installation of blade assembly SEN04838-00

Removal and installation of blade 4. Remove right and left lock plates (5) and
assembly 1
remove blade and frame mounting pin (6). [*2]

Removal 5. Lift off the blade assembly.

Park the machine on a level ground, lower
Blade assembly:
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
370 kg (Standard specification)
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
position. 4 Blade assembly:
380 kg (Wide specification)
1. Sling blade cylinder (1).
Blade assembly:
400 kg (B.O.C specification)
2. Remove lock plate (2) and mounting pin (3).
a Keep the blade cylinder slung on the

3. Sling the frame side of blade (4).

PC78US-8 50-600 5
600 Work equipment
SEN04838-00 Removal and installation of blade assembly

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

2 Mounting pin: Grease (G1-T)
k When aligning the pin holes, never insert
your fingers in them.
q Adjust the shim so that clearance “a” between
blade (4) and blade cylinder piston rod (7) will
be 1.0 mm or less.
a Shim thickness: t = 1.0 mm

2 Mounting pin: Grease (G1-T)
k When aligning the pin holes, never insert
your fingers in them.
q Adjust the shim so that clearance “b” between
blade (4) and frame (8) will be 1.0 mm or less.
a Shim thickness: t = 1.0 mm

q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level

q Bleeding air
Bleed air. For details, see Testing and adjust-
ing, “Bleeding air from each part”.

50-600 6 PC78US-8
600 Work equipment
Removal and installation of blade assembly SEN04838-00

PC78US-8 50-600 7

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04838-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

50-600 8


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly 50

700 Cab and its attachments

Removal and installation of operator cab assembly ....................................................................................... 2
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) ...................................................................... 7
Removal and installation of front window assembly ..................................................................................... 17
Removal and installation of floor frame assembly ........................................................................................ 18

PC78US-8 50-700 1
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator cab assembly

Removal and installation of 4. Remove cover (6) and ducts (7), (8) and (9).
operator cab assembly 1
a Remove wiper motor wiring connector
Removal M05 on the reverse of cover (6), too.
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
a Record the locations of the disconnected wir-
ings and connectors to prevent a mistake in
reconnecting them.

1. Remove floor mat (1) and cover (2).

2. Remove machine monitor (3). For details, see

“Removal and installation of machine monitor
assembly”. a Use a 4-mm hexagonal wrench to remove
1 right bolt (10) of cover (6).
a Remove 2 clips (11) to disconnect ducts
(8) and (9).

3. Remove right covers (4) and (5).

5. Remove covers (12) and (13) at the rear of the

operator seat.

50-700 2 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator cab assembly SEN04839-00

6. Disconnect connectors CK01 (15) and CK02

(16) from KOMTRAX terminal assembly (14).
a Leave communication antenna wiring (17)

7. Disconnect connectors (19) and (20) from

pump controller (18) and unclamp and remove
wiring (21).

14. Remove right duct (30).

a Press connector unlock portions “a” of

pump controller connectors (19) and (20)
and pull in levers (21).

15. Disconnect connector (31) and remove the

clamp of wiring (32).

8. Disconnect 6 relay connectors (22) and 3 (23).

9. Disconnect 3 resistor connectors (24).

10. Disconnect pump resistor connector K01 (25)

and emergency switch intermediate connector
S25 (26).

11. Remove service connector N08 (27).

12. Remove fuse box (28).

13. Unclamp and remove wiring (29).

PC78US-8 50-700 3
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator cab assembly

16. Remove 2 bolts (33) and clip (34) to remove 19. Disconnect connectors H09 (43), H16 (44) and
duct (35) at the left rear. H08 (45).

20. Remove ground terminal (46) and clamp (47).

17. Disconnect connectors N10 (36) and AC01

(37) and connectors (38) and (39) from air con-
ditioner controller (40) and unclamp and 21. Disconnect radio antenna wiring (48).
remove wiring (41).

22. Remove wiring clamp (49).

18. Open cover (42) at the left rear of the machine.

50-700 4 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator cab assembly SEN04839-00

23. Remove 2 mounting nuts (50) and 3 mounting 25. Lift off operator cab assembly (54).
bolts (51) at the left front and rear of the opera- a Lift up and remove the operator cab
tor cab. [*2] assembly little by little, while checking for
a Mounting nuts (50) are used to install the an undisconnected wiring, etc.
floor frame, too.
Operator cab assembly: 330 kg
a The photo shows the left rear.

24. Remove 2 mounting bolts (52), mounting rub-

ber (53) and 3 mounting bolts (51) at the right
front and rear of the operator cab. [*3]
a Mounting bolts (52) are used to install the
floor frame, too.
a The photo shows the right front.

PC78US-8 50-700 5
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator cab assembly

Installation a Marks of a indicate the installed positions

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to of 3 mounting bolts (51) on each of the
removal. right and left sides.

q Insert 2 ducts (8) and (9) to the base of duct
(55) in advance and pull up and insert them in
ducts (56) after installing the machine monitor.

3 Mounting bolt (52):
235 – 309 Nm {24 – 31.5 kgm}
(Right front mounting bolt)
3 Mounting bolt (58):
[*2] 319 – 608 Nm {32.5 – 62 kgm}
q Bolts (57) of mounting nuts (50) are used to (Right rear mounting bolt)
install the front frame from underside, too.
When tightening the nuts, hold the bolts so that
they will not be dragged.
3 Mounting nut (50):
235 – 309 Nm {24 – 31.5 kgm}
3 Mounting bolt (57):
235 – 309 Nm {24 – 31.5 kgm}

50-700 6 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) SEN04839-00

Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) 1

a Among the panes of window glass on the 4 (1) :Right side window glass
sides of the operator's cab, 5 panes (1) – (5) (2) :Left side rear window glass
are stuck. (3) :Door upper window glass
In this section, the procedure for replacing the (4) :Door lower window glass
stuck glass is explained. (5) :Front window glass
When replacing front window glass (5), remove (6) :Front window assembly
front window assembly (6). (It is impossible to (Front window glass + Front frame)
replace only the front window glass while the (7) : Double-sided adhesive tape
front window assembly is installed to the oper- (16) : Center trim seal
ator's cab.)
For the procedure for replacing the front win-
dow assembly, see “Removal and installation
of front window assembly”.

PC78US-8 50-700 7
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass)

Special tools a If the window glass is broken finely, it may

be removed with knife [4] and a screw-

a Widening the cut with a screwdriver, cut

Part No. Part name the adhesive and double-sided adhesive

tape with knife [4].

(The figure shows the operator's cab of a
1 793-498-1210 Lifter (Suction cup) t 2 wheel loader.)
2 20Y-54-13180 Adapter t 2

a Remove the window glass to be replaced
according to the following procedure.

1. Using seal cutter [1], cut the adhesive between

broken window glass (9) and operator's cab
(metal sheet) (8).

2. Remove the window glass.

1. Using a knife and scraper [5], remove the
remaining adhesive and double-sided adhe-
a If a seal cutter is not available, make holes sive tape from the metal sheets (glass sticking
on the adhesive and double-sided adhe- surfaces) of the operator's cab.
sive tape with a drill and pass a fine wire a Remove the adhesive and double-sided
(piano wire, etc.) [2] through the holes. adhesive tape to a degree that they will
Grip the both ends of the wire with pliers not affect adhesion of the new adhesive.
[3], etc. (or hold them by winding them Take care not to scratch the painted sur-
onto something) and move the wire to the faces.
right and left to cut the adhesive and dou- (If the painted surfaces are scratched,
ble-sided adhesive tape. Since the wire adhesion will be lowered.)
may be broken by the frictional heat, apply (The figure shows the operator's cab of a
lubricant to it. wheel loader.)
(The figure shows the operator's cab of a
wheel loader.)

50-700 8 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) SEN04839-00

2. Remove oil, dust, dirt, etc. from the sticking 3. Apply primer (10).
surfaces of cab (8) and window glass (9) with a The using limit of primer (10) is 4 months
white gasoline. after the date of manufacture. Do not use
a If the sticking surfaces are not cleaned primer (10) after this limit.
well, the glass may not be stuck perfectly. a Use the primer within 2 hours after
a Clean the all black part on the back side of unpacking it.
the window glass. a Even if the primer is packed again just
a After cleaning the sticking surfaces, leave after it is unpacked, use it within 24 hours
them for at least 5 minutes to dry. after it is unpacked for the first time.
(Discard the primer 24 hours after it is
1) Stir the primers for paint and glass suffi-
ciently before using them.
a If the primer has been stored in a
refrigerator, leave it at the room tem-
perature for at least half a day before
stirring it.
(If the primer is unpacked just after
taken out of the refrigerator, water will
be condensed. Accordingly, leave the
primer at the room temperature for a
sufficient time.)
2) When reusing primer brush (11), wash it in
white gasoline.
a After washing the brush, check it
again for dirt and foreign matter.
a Prepare respective brushes for the
paint primer and glass primer.

PC78US-8 50-700 9
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass)

3) Evenly apply paint primer to the surfaces a As for right side window glass (1),
to stick double-sided adhesive tapes and apply the primer to only the surfaces
the surfaces out of those surfaces on to stick double-sided adhesive tapes
operator's cab (8) which will be coated and the surfaces out of those sur-
with the adhesive. faces.
2 Paint primer: q Part (b)
SUNSTAR PAINT PRIMER 580 SUPER a After applying the primer, leave it for
or equivalent at least 5 minutes (within 8 hours) to
a Do not apply the primer more than 2 dry.
times. (If it is applied more than 2 a Never apply wrong primer. If the glass
times, its performance will be low- primer is applied by mistake, wipe it
ered.) off with white gasoline.

a Parts to be coated with primer: Apply 4) Evenly apply glass primer to the sticking
the primer all over dimension (a). surfaces of window glass (9).
q Dimension to apply primer (a): 2 Glass primer:
or equivalent
a Do not apply the primer more than 2
times. (If it is applied more than 2
times, its performance will be low-

50-700 10 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) SEN04839-00

a Parts to be coated with primer: Apply a When sticking double-sided adhesive tape
the primer to the sticking surfaces of (7) around a frame, do not lap its finishing
window glass (9) and all over dimen- end over the starting end but make clear-
sion (d) which will be on double-sided ance (e) of about 5 mm between them.
adhesive tape (7) and operator's cab 1) Stick double-sided adhesive tape (7) for
(8). right side window glass (1) as shown in
a Do not apply the primer to the the figure.
boarder about 5 mm wide between
the black part and transparent part of
the glass.
a After applying the primer, leave it for
at least 5 minutes (within 8 hours) to
a Never apply wrong primer. If the glass
primer is applied by mistake, wipe it
off with white gasoline.

a Stick double-sided adhesive tape (7a)

additionally for right side window
glass (1).
q Positions to stick additional double-
sided adhesive tape for right side win-
dow glass:
(f): 140 mm
(g): 500 mm

4. Stick double-sided adhesive tape (7) along the

inside edge of the glass sticking section.
a Do not remove the release tape of the
double-sided adhesive tape on the glass
sticking side before sticking the glass.
a When sticking the double-sided adhesive
tape, do not touch the cleaned surface as
long as possible.
a Take care that the double-sided adhesive
tape will not float at each corner of the
window frame.

PC78US-8 50-700 11
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass)

2) Stick double-sided adhesive tape (7) for 4) Stick double-sided adhesive tape (7) for
left side rear window glass (2) as shown in front window glass (5) as shown in the fig-
the figure. ure.
a Double-sided adhesive tape: 1,004
mm × 2 pieces

3) Stick double-sided adhesive tape (7) for

door upper window glass (3) and door
lower window glass (4) as shown in the q Details of the sticking positions are as
figure. follows.
(The figure shows the door upper window (h): Stick to inside end of right and
glass.) left front frames (17).
(j): Retract by “3.0 mm” from the end
of front frame (17).

(The figure shows the door lower window


50-700 12 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) SEN04839-00

5. Position the new window glass. a When positioning front window glass
1) Check the clearance between the window (5), set its horizontal and vertical posi-
glass and the operator's cab on the right, tions as shown below.
left, upper, and lower sides, and then Part (m) (Right side):
adjust it evenly. Project by “3.8 mm” from the
2) Stick tapes [6] between window glass (9) frame end.
and operator's cab (8) and draw position- Part (o) (Upper side):
ing line (n). Retract by “3.0 mm” from the
a Stick tapes [6] to the right, left, and frame end.
lower parts of the right side window
glass, left side rear window glass, and
door lower window glass for accurate
3) Cut the tape between window glass (9)
and operator's cab (8) with a knife, and
then remove the window glass.
a Do not remove the tapes left on the
window glass and operator's cab
before installing the window glass.

6. Apply adhesive.
a Use either of the 2 types of the adhesive.
2 Adhesive (Summer): SUNSTAR PEN-
2 Adhesive (Winter): SUNSTAR PEN-
a The using limit of the adhesive is 4 months
after the date of manufacture. Do not use
the adhesive after this limit.
a Keep the adhesive in a dark place where
the temperature is below 25°C.
a Never heat the adhesive higher than
a When reusing the adhesive, remove the
all hardened part from the nozzle tip.

PC78US-8 50-700 13
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass)

1) Break aluminum seal (13) of the outlet of 5) Apply adhesive (15) to the outside of dou-
adhesive cartridge (12) and install the ble-sided adhesive tape (7) of the opera-
nozzle. tor's cab.

2) Cut the tip of the adhesive nozzle (14) so a Apply adhesive (15) to dimensions (s)
that dimensions (q) and (r) will be as fol- and (t) of double-sided adhesive tape
lows. (7) of operator's cab (8).
q Dimension (q): 10 mm q Dimension (s): 10 mm
q Dimension (r): 15 mm q Dimension (t): 15 mm
a Apply adhesive (15) thicker than dou-
ble-sided adhesive tape (7).
a Apply the adhesive evenly.

3) Set adhesive cartridge (12) to caulking

gun [7].
a An electric caulking gun is more effi-
cient. a As for the right side window glass,
apply the adhesive to the outside of
the double-sided adhesive tape on
the periphery of the glass.

4) Remove the release tape of the double-

sided adhesive tape on the glass side.

50-700 14 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass) SEN04839-00

7. Install the window glass. a After installing front window glass (5),
1) Install window glass (9), matching it to the install the center trim seal to its bot-
lines of the positioning tapes drawn in step tom. Then, apply caulking material all
5. a r o u n d t h e g l a s s t o f i l l pa r t ( u )
a Since the window glass cannot be between the glass and center trim
removed and stuck again, stick it very seal.
carefully. a When caulking, neatly arrange the
a Stick the glass within 5 minutes after form of the adhesive at the right and
applying the adhesive. left ends with a rubber spatula.
2) After sticking window glass (9), press all 2 Adhesive: Sikaflex 256HV manu-
around it until it is stuck to the double- factured by Sika Japan
sided adhesive tape.
a Press the corners of the window glass

a You can perform this work efficiently

by pulling window glass (9) from
inside of the operator's cab with suc-
tion cup X1.
(The figure shows the operator's cab
of PC200-7.)

PC78US-8 50-700 15
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of operator's cab glass (Stuck glass)

8. Fix the window glass. 9. After installing the window glass, remove the
1) After installing right window glass (1) to primer and adhesive from the operator's cab
the operator's cab, insert stopper rubbers and window glass.
X2 to 2 places (v) at the bottom of the a Using white gasoline, wipe off the adhe-
glass to fix the glass. sive before it is dried up.
(The figure shows the operator's cab of a When cleaning the glass, do not give an
PC200-7.) impact to it.

10. Protect the stuck window glass.

1) Keep the stopper rubbers, styrene foam
blocks, and rubber bands installed for 10
hours (at temperature of 20°C and humid-
ity of 60%).
2) After removing the stopper rubbers, sty-
rene foam blocks, and rubber bands, wait
at least 14 hours, at least 24 hours in total,
before operating the machine actually.

(The figure shows the operator's cab of


2) Using styrene foam blocks [9] and rubber

bands [10], fix the window glass and dou-
ble-sided adhesive tape to fit them com-
(The figure shows the operator's cab of

50-700 16 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of front window assembly SEN04839-00

Removal and installation of front

window assembly 1

k Lower the work equipment to the ground

and stop the engine.
a To replace the front window glass, the front
window assembly must be removed from the
operator’s cab. The procedure for removing
and installing the front window assembly (front
frame and front window glass) is explained

1. Raise the front window assembly to the ceiling
and fix it with the rear locks (on both sides).

2. Remove left lower block (1) and right lower

block (2).

3. Reset the lock at the rear of the cab.

4. Lower front window assembly (3) carefully a lit-

tle. Put out rollers (4) and (5) under the right
and left sides of the front window through the
portion from which the right and left lower
blocks were removed in step 2 (the bottom of
the rails).

5. Twist front window assembly (3) to the right

and left to remove right and left upper rollers
(6) and (7) from the rails, and then remove
front window assembly (3). Installation
a For (6) and (7), see the figure above. q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

PC78US-8 50-700 17
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of floor frame assembly

Removal and installation of floor 3. Open radiator coolant drain valve (2) to drain
frame assembly 1
the coolant.
6 Coolant: 10 l
k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap gradually to
release the pressure inside the hydraulic
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.
k In the case that you do not drain the cool-
ant, if you disconnect the heater hose when
the coolant temperature in the radiator is
high, you may be scalded. In this case, wait
until the coolant temperature lowers and
then disconnect the heater hose. 4. Remove air cleaner assembly (3). [*1]
k Collect the air conditioner refrigerant
(R134a) from air conditioner circuit in
a Ask professional traders for collecting and fill-
ing operation of refrigerant (R134a).
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a) to the
k If refrigerant gas (R134a) gets in your eyes,
you may lose your sight. Accordingly, put
on protective goggles while you are collect-
ing the refrigerant (R134a) or filling the air
conditioner circuit with the refrigerant
(R134a). Collecting and filling work must be
conducted by a qualified person.
a Record the locations of the disconnected pip- 5. Remove exhaust temperature sensor P32 (4).
ings, wirings and connectors to prevent a mis-
take in reconnecting them.

1. Remove the operator cab assembly. For

details, see “Removal and installation of opera-
tor cab assembly”.

2. Open engine hood (1).

50-700 18 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of floor frame assembly SEN04839-00

6. Remove fusible links F02 (5) and F03 (6) and 9. Remove 2 clamps (14) and (15).
fuse holder (7).

10. Disconnect 4 connectors.

7. Disconnect harness terminals RM (8), RB (9), (16): V04 (Pump merge-divider selector)
RE (10) and BR (11) from battery relay (12). (17): V03 (Swing brake)
(18): V02 (Travel Hi/Lo selector)
(19): V01 (PPC hydraulic lock)

11. Remove toolbox (20).

8. Remove 2 covers (13) on the front side and left

side of the machine.

12. Disconnect the 2 PPC hoses from PPC valve

(21) on the right side of the operator seat.
(22): Port P2 (Blade raise)
(Band color: Blue/Yellow)
(23): Port P1 (Blade lower)
(Band color: Red/Black)
a Do not disconnect 2 hoses (24).

PC78US-8 50-700 19
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of floor frame assembly

13. Disconnect horn connector M07 (25). 17. Remove ground wire terminal (36).

14. Disconnect 3 hoses (26), (27) and (28) from T-

block (29).

18. Disconnect 8 hoses from block (37).

(38): Bucket dump (Band color: Red)
(39): Boom raise (Band color: Yellow)
15. Disconnect travel PPC valve pressure sensor (40): Swing right (Band color: Brown)
connector P26 (30). (41): Swing left (Band color: White)
(42): Bucket curl (Band color: Blue)
16. Disconnect the 4 hoses from travel PPC valve (43): Boom lower (Band color: Black)
(31). (44): Arm in (Band color: Green)
(32): Port P2 hose (Left forward travel) (45): Arm out (Band color: Orange)
(Band color: Brown/Yellow)
(33): Port P1 hose (Left reverse travel)
(Band color: Orange/Yellow)
(34): Port P4 hose (Right forward travel)
(Band color: Black/Yellow)
(35): Port P3 hose (Right reverse travel)
(Band color: Green/Yellow)

19. Disconnect 3 hoses (47), (48) and (49) from P-

block (46).

50-700 20 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of floor frame assembly SEN04839-00

20. Remove air conditioner high and low pressure 26. Disconnect starting motor safety relay interme-
switch connectors P17 (50) and disconnect air diate connector R17 (60).
conditioner refrigerant hoses (51) and (52)
from the air conditioner unit. [*1]

21. Disconnect air conditioner heater hoses (53)

and (54) from the air conditioner unit.

27. Remove clamps (61) and (62).

22. Remove ground wire terminals T14 (55) and

T01 (56).

23. Remove the 2 bolts and starting motor safety

relays (57) (R18 and R19).

24. Remove ground terminal (58) of the starting

motor safety relay.

25. Remove the 2 bolts and electrical intake air

heater relays (59) (R14, R15 and R16).

PC78US-8 50-700 21
700 Cab and its attachments
SEN04839-00 Removal and installation of floor frame assembly

28. Pull out wiring lock pad (63) and draw out wir- 31. Remove 2 mounting bolts (70) at the left front
ing (64). and rear of the floor frame from underside. [*2]

29. Remove T-block (29). 32. Lift off floor frame assembly (71).
a Place the removed T-block on the floor a Lift up and remove the floor frame assem-
frame. bly little by little while checking for an
undisconnected wiring etc.
4 Floor frame assembly: 220 kg

30. Remove 5 clamps (65), (66), (67), (68) and

(69) at the floor frame bottom.

50-700 22 PC78US-8
700 Cab and its attachments
Removal and installation of floor frame assembly SEN04839-00

Installation q Refilling with oil (Hydraulic tank)

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to Add oil through the oil filler to the specified
removal. level. Run the engine to circulate the oil
through the system. Then, check the oil level
[*1] again.
a When installing the air conditioner circuit 5 Hydraulic tank:
hoses, take care that dirt, dust, water, etc. will 56 l (Specified oil quantity: 102 l)
not enter them.
a When installing each air conditioner refrigerant q Refilling with coolant
hose joint, check that the O-ring is fitted to it. Add coolant through the coolant filler to the
a Check that the O-ring is not damaged or deteri- specified level. Run the engine to circulate the
orated. coolant through the system. Then, check the
q When connecting each air conditioner refriger- coolant level again.
ant hose, apply compressor oil (DENSO: ND-
O I L 8 , VA L E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S : 5 Coolant: 10 l
ZXL100PG (equivalent to PAG46)) for refriger-
ant (R134a) to the O-ring. q Filling air conditioner circuit with refriger-
ant (R134a)
[*2] Fill the air conditioner circuit with refrigerant
a Since the floor frame mounting bolts are used (R134a).
to install the operator cab assembly, too, see a Filling quantity: 780 g
“Removal and installation of operator cab
a Tighten mounting bolts (70) at the left front and
rear to the specified torque from under side.
3 Mounting bolt (70):
235 – 309 Nm {24 – 31.5 kgm}

PC78US-8 50-700 23

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04839-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

50-700 24


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

50 Disassembly and assembly 50

800 Electrical system

Removal and installation of air conditioner unit assembly .............................................................................. 2
Removal and installation of machine monitor assembly ................................................................................. 6
Removal and installation of pump controller assembly ................................................................................... 7
Removal and installation of engine controller assembly ................................................................................. 8
Removal and installation of KOMTRAX terminal assembly .......................................................................... 10

PC78US-8 50-800 1
800 Electrical system
SEN04840-00 Removal and installation of air conditioner unit assembly

Removal and installation of air 2. Remove covers (2) on the front side and left
conditioner unit assembly 1
side of the machine.

k Park the machine on a level ground, lower
the work equipment to the ground, stop the
engine, and set the lock lever in the lock
k Loosen the hydraulic tank cap gradually to
release the pressure inside the hydraulic
k In the case that you do not drain the cool-
ant, if you disconnect the heater hose when
the coolant temperature in the radiator is
high, you may be scalded. In this case, wait
until the coolant temperature lowers and
then disconnect the heater hose. 3. Disconnect connectors V04 (3), V03 (4), V02
k Collect the air conditioner refrigerant (5) and V01 (6) and remove the wiring and
(R134a) from air conditioner circuit in toolbox (7).
a Ask professional traders for collecting and fill-
ing operation of refrigerant (R134a).
a Never release the refrigerant (R134a) to the
k If refrigerant gas (R134a) gets in your eyes,
you may lose your sight. Accordingly, put
on protective goggles while you are collect-
ing the refrigerant (R134a) or filling the air
conditioner circuit with the refrigerant
(R134a). Collecting and filling work must be
conducted by a qualified person.

1. Open radiator coolant drain valve (1) to drain

the coolant. 4. Remove air conditioner high and low pressure
6 Coolant: 10 l switch connectors P17 (8) and disconnect air
conditioner refrigerant hoses (9) and (10) from
the air conditioner unit. [*1]

5. Disconnect air conditioner heater hoses (11)

and (12) from the air conditioner unit.

50-800 2 PC78US-8
800 Electrical system
Removal and installation of air conditioner unit assembly SEN04840-00

6. Remove floor mat (13) and cover (14). a Use a 4-mm hexagonal wrench to remove
1 right bolt (22) of cover (18).
7. Remove machine monitor (15). For details, see a Remove 2 clips (23) to disconnect ducts
“Removal and installation of machine monitor (20) and (21).

10. Remove covers (24) and (25) at the rear of the

8. Remove right covers (16) and (17). operator seat.

9. Remove cover (18) and ducts (19), (20) and 11. Remove duct (26) at the left rear.
(21). [*2]
a Remove wiper motor wiring connector 12. Disconnect connectors N10 (27) and AC01
M05 on the reverse of cover (18), too. (28) and connectors (29) and (30) from air con-
ditioner controller (31) and unclamp and
remove wiring (32).

PC78US-8 50-800 3
800 Electrical system
SEN04840-00 Removal and installation of air conditioner unit assembly

13. Remove right duct (33). 17. Remove 3 mounting bolts (40) of seat mount-
ing bracket (39) on each of the right and left

14. Remove covers (34) and (35).

18. Install 2 forcing screws [1] on the left side and

1 on the right side.

15. Remove cable clip (36) and disconnect cable

(37) from duct (38).
a Insert a flat-head screwdriver between the
cable and clip and press the cable clip 19. Remove 3 air conditioner unit mounting bolts
down and pull it out toward you. (41) on the front side and 2 (42) on the rear
16. Remove the 2 bolts and duct (38).

50-800 4 PC78US-8
800 Electrical system
Removal and installation of air conditioner unit assembly SEN04840-00

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
a When installing the air conditioner circuit
hoses, take care that dirt, dust, water, etc. will
not enter them.

q When installing each air conditioner refrigerant
hose joint, check that the O-ring is fitted to it.
q Check that the O-ring is not damaged or deteri-
q When connecting each air conditioner refriger-
ant hose, apply compressor oil (DENSO: ND-
20. Install 1 guide bolt [2] on each of the right and O I L 8 , VA L E O T H E R M A L S Y S T E M S :
left sides, tighten the right and left forcing ZXL100PG (equivalent to PAG46)) for refriger-
screws [1] evenly to lift up the bracket, and ant (R134a) to the O-ring.
remove air conditioner unit assembly (43).
a Tighten the forcing screws until the [*2]
bracket is lifted up 90 mm. q Insert 2 ducts (20) and (21) to the base of duct
(38) in advance and pull up and insert them in
ducts (44) after installing the machine monitor.

q Filling air conditioner circuit with refriger-

ant (R134a)
Fill the air conditioner circuit with refrigerant
a Filling quantity: 780 g

q Refilling with coolant

Add coolant through the coolant filler to the
specified level. Run the engine to circulate the
coolant through the system. Then, check the
coolant level again.
5 Coolant: 10 l

PC78US-8 50-800 5
800 Electrical system
SEN04840-00 Removal and installation of machine monitor assembly

Removal and installation of 3. Remove 1 mounting bolt (6) and remove duct
machine monitor assembly 1

k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Remove rubber cap (1) and remove bolt (2).

4. Disconnect connectors CM01 (8), CM02 (9)

and CM03 (10).

5. Remove the 4 mounting bolts and pull out

machine monitor (11) a little.

2. Remove 2 mounting bolts (3) and cover (4).

6. After pulling out machine monitor (11) a little,

disconnect GPS antenna line connector (12)
a When removing cover (4), disconnect sun- and remove machine monitor assembly (11).
light sensor wiring connector P31 (5).

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

50-800 6 PC78US-8
800 Electrical system
Removal and installation of pump controller assembly SEN04840-00

Removal and installation of pump 4. Remove 4 mounting bolts (5) to remove pump
controller assembly 1
controller assembly (6).

k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Remove top cover (1) at the rear of the opera-

tor seat.

q Carry out installation in the reverse order to

2. Remove wiring clip (2).

3. Disconnect connectors C01 (3) and C02 (4).

a While pressing unlocking parts “3a” and

“4a” of each connector, pull in levers “3b”
and “4b” to disconnect.

PC78US-8 50-800 7
800 Electrical system
SEN04840-00 Removal and installation of engine controller assembly

Removal and installation of

engine controller assembly 1

k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Open engine hood assembly (1).

4. Disconnect connectors CE01 (10), CE02 (11)

and CE03 (12) from engine controller (13).

5. Remove CAN terminal resistor K02 (14) from

the engine controller mounting bracket.

2. Move the engine hood fixing bar according to

the following procedure.
1) Remove 2 mounting bolts (3) of engine
controller rubber cover (2).
2) Remove bolt (4) and reverse and install
bracket (5).
3) Remove pin (6) and washer (7) from bar
(8) and move bar (8) to bracket (5).
a When pulling out the pin, support the
a When moving the bar to the bracket,
take care that the engine hood will not
4) Install removed pin (6) and washer (7) to
bar (8).

3. Remove engine hood fixing bracket (9).

50-800 8 PC78US-8
800 Electrical system
Removal and installation of engine controller assembly SEN04840-00

a Use a 4-mm hexagonal wrench to loosen Installation

screws (15) of connectors CE01 and q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
CE02. [*1] removal.

a Installation procedure of engine controller

1. Install mounting bolts (16a) and (16b).
2. Install mounting bolt (16c) and insert groove
(17a) of plate (17) in mounting bolt (16c).

6. Remove 4 mounting bolts (16) of engine con-

troller (13).

7. Lift up and remove engine controller assembly


3. Tighten mounting bolts (16c) and (16d) to fix

plate (17).

3 Screw: 2.55 – 3.11 Nm {0.26 – 0.32 kgm}

PC78US-8 50-800 9
800 Electrical system
SEN04840-00 Removal and installation of KOMTRAX terminal assembly

Removal and installation of Installation

KOMTRAX terminal assembly 1 q Carry out installation in the reverse order to
k Disconnect the cable from the negative (–)
terminal of the battery.

1. Remove top cover (1) at the rear of the opera-

tor seat.

2. Disconnect antenna cable (2).

3. Disconnect connectors CK01 (3) and CK02


4. Remove 4 mounting bolts (5) and KOMTRAX

terminal assembly (6).

50-800 10 PC78US-8
800 Electrical system
Removal and installation of KOMTRAX terminal assembly SEN04840-00

PC78US-8 50-800 11

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04840-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

50-800 12


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

90 Diagrams and drawings 1

100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings

Hydraulic circuit diagram................................................................................................................................. 3
Actuator attachment hydraulic circuit diagram ................................................................................................ 9

PC78US-8 90-100 1
100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings

90-100 2 PC78US-8
Hydraulic circuit diagram
Hydraulic circuit diagram PC78US-8 (Blade specification)

PC78US-8 (Blade specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-100 3
Hydraulic circuit diagram
Hydraulic circuit diagram 1
PC78US-8 (Bladeless specification)
PC78US-8 (Bladeless specification)
a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-100 5
Hydraulic circuit diagram
Hydraulic circuit diagram PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-100 7
100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings
Actuator attachment hydraulic circuit diagram SEN04564-00

Actuator attachment hydraulic circuit diagram 1

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

PC78US-8 90-100 9
100 Hydraulic diagrams and drawings

PC78US-8 90-100 11

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04564-00

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 07-08 (01)

90-100 12


Machine model Serial number

PC78US-8 15001 and up

90 Diagrams and drawings 1

200 Electrical diagrams and drawings

Electrical circuit diagram ................................................................................................................................. 3
Air conditioner unit electrical circuit diagram................................................................................................. 27
Connector list and stereogram...................................................................................................................... 29

PC78US-8 90-200 1
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings

90-200 2 PC78US-8
Electrical circuit diagram (1/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (1/6) PC78US-8

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 3
Electrical circuit diagram (2/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (2/6) PC78US-8

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 5
Electrical circuit diagram (3/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (3/6) PC78US-8

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 7
Electrical circuit diagram (4/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (4/6) PC78US-8

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 9
Electrical circuit diagram (5/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (5/6) PC78US-8

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 11
Electrical circuit diagram (6/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (6/6) PC78US-8

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 13
Electrical circuit diagram (1/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (1/6) PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 15
Electrical circuit diagram (2/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (2/6) PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 17
Electrical circuit diagram (3/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (3/6) PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 19
Electrical circuit diagram (4/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (4/6) PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 21
Electrical circuit diagram (5/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (5/6) PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 23
Electrical circuit diagram (6/6)
Electrical circuit diagram (6/6) PC78US-8 (EU specification)

PC78US-8 (EU specification)

a This figure covers the equipment and devices that are unavailable as optional items in some areas.

90-200 25
Air conditioner unit electrical circuit diagram
Air conditioner unit electrical circuit diagram PC78US-8


90-200 27
Connector list and stereogram
Connector list and stereogram PC78US-8

Connector Number Address of Connector Number Address of

Model Component name Model Component name
No. of pins stereogram No. of pins stereogram
A08 DT-T 8 Intermediate connector B-9 P07 AMP 3 Swing (RH) pressure sensor E-7
A08 DT-T 8 Intermediate connector (arm crane spec.) P08 AMP 3 Swing (LH) pressure sensor G-8
A13 DT-T 2 Intermediate connector B-9 P11 X 2 Blade lower pressure switch G-8
A13 DT-T 2 Intermediate connector (arm crane spec.) P13 X 2 Pressure switch F-8
A14 DT-T 3 Intermediate connector (for arm crane spec.) G-1 P14 X 2 Pressure switch H-8
AB_35A Terminal 1 Alternator N-9 P17 S090 2 A/C Hi/Lo pressure switch J-1
AC01 YAZAKI 10 Air conditioner unit AA-5 P20 M 3 Fuel dial S-7
AC02 X 1 Compressor for air conditioner L-9 P21 X 1 Fuel level sensor F-1
ACC Terminal 1 Starting switch terminal ACC Q-9 P22 D 2 Hydraulic oil temperature sensor I-9
AR_35A — 3 Alternator N-7 P25 AMP 3 Pump pressure sensor E-7
B Terminal 1 Starting switch terminal B R-9 P26 AMP 3 Travel PPC shuttle valve I-1
BR Terminal 1 Starting switch terminal BR R-9 P28 X 2 Blade raise pressure switch E-7
BR Terminal 1 Battery relay terminal BR N-4 P31 050 2 Sunlight sensor Q-6
C Terminal 1 Starting switch terminal C R-9 P32 X 2 A/C outside temperature sensor N-6
C01 AMP 81 CH700 controller U-8 P46 AMP 3 Boom cylinder bottom pressure sensor (arm crane spec.) G-1
C02 AMP 40 CH700 controller V-9 P50 DT-T 3 Boom angle sensor (arm crane spec.) H-1
CAM — 3 Cam sensor AF-1 P51 DT-T 3 Arm angle sensor (arm crane spec.) B-2
CE01 DRC 60 Engine controller CM2150 AG-3 PAMB — 3 Air pressure sensor AF-5
CE02 DRC 60 Engine controller CM2150 N-7 PFUEL — 3 Common rail pressure sensor AG-5
CE03 DTP 4 Engine controller CM2150 N-7 POIL — 1 Engine pressure switch (low) AD-6
CK01 AMP 14 KOMTRAX controller U-9 PREG — 2 Supply pump regulator AD-7
CK02 AMP 10 KOMTRAX controller V-9 PTIM — 4 Boost pressure and temperature sensor AD-8
CM01 070 18 MH801 monitor P-6 R05 MICRO ISO 5 Relay for cab light (for JPN, North American spec.) AA-7
CM02 070 12 MH801 monitor Q-6 R05 MICRO ISO 6 Relay for cab light (for EU spec.) P-9
CM03 070 18 MH801 monitor R-6 R06 MICRO ISO 5 Relay for starter cut (PPC lock) Y-8
CM04 070 12 MH801 monitor (not used) - R07 MICRO ISO 5 Relay for starter cut (personal code) Z-8
CM05 070 8 MH801 monitor (not used) - R1 Terminal 1 Starting switch terminal R1 R-9
CN1 DT 2 Injector #1 AF-9 R10 MICRO ISO 5 Relay for optional light Q-9, AA-7
CN2 DT 2 Injector #2 AF-9 R14 Terminal 1 Electrical intake air heater relay D-9
CN3 DT 2 Injector #3 AG-9 R15 Terminal 1 Electrical intake air heater relay C-9
CN4 DT 2 Injector #4 AG-9 R16 Terminal 1 Electrical intake air heater relay C-9
D01 SWP 8 Battery relay AA-6 R17 X 2 Intermediate connector L-1
D02 SWP 8 Electrical intake air heater relay washer motor AA-7 R18 Terminal 1 Starting safety relay terminal C M-1
D03 SWP 8 Monitor light switch Z-8 R19 Terminal 1 Starting safety relay terminal B M-1
D10 M 2 Diode AA-6 R2 Terminal 1 Starting switch terminal R2 (not used) -
D11 M 2 Diode AA-5 R20 AMP 4 Blower relay Y-9
E01 Terminal 1 Electrical intake air heater K-9 R21 AMP 4 Compressor relay Y-9
E02 X 1 Intermediate connector K-9 R22 MICRO ISO 5 Relay for beacon (if equipped) P-9, AA-8
E03 D 1 Intermediate connector J-9 R23 Relay 5 Relay for CM2150 (1) Z-8
E10 Terminal 1 Starting motor N-8 R24 Relay 5 Relay for CM2150 (2) Z-8
F01 — 20 Fuse AA-7 RB Terminal 1 Battery relay terminal B N-5
F02 L 2 Fusible link (45A) N-6 RE Terminal 1 Battery relay terminal E N-5
F03 L 2 Fusible link (45A) N-6 RM Terminal 1 Battery relay terminal M N-5
F04 Terminal 1 Fuse holder D-9 S02 SWP 6 Light switch S-7
F05 Terminal 1 Fuse holder D-9 S07 SWP 6 Beacon (if equipped) T-8
F06 Terminal 1 Fuse holder E-9 S10 Y090 2 Right knob switch R-7
H08 M 4 Intermediate connector (for JPN, North American spec.) N-3 S14 M 3 PPC hydraulic lock switch Y-1
H09 M 8 Intermediate connector N-4, AA-2 S21 Terminal 6 Emergency pump drive switch AA-6
H10 M 6 Intermediate connector (for EU spec.) N-3, Z-1 S22 Terminal 6 Emergency swing holding brake release switch AA-6
H15 090 22 Intermediate connector T-8 S25 090 16 Intermediate connector AA-7
H16 090 22 Intermediate connector AA-2 T01 Terminal 1 GND (floor frame) L-1
J01 J (PINK) 20 Junction connector (pink) U-1 T02 Terminal 1 Cab GND N-4
J02 J (PINK) 20 Junction connector (pink) U-1 T03 M 1 Intermediate connector (for JPN, North American spec.) X-1
J03 J (PINK) 20 Junction connector (pink) V-1 T04 Terminal 1 GND (floor frame) J-1
J04 J (BLACK) 20 Junction connector (black) V-1 T05 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) J-1
J05 J (GREEN) 20 Junction connector (green) V-1 T06 Terminal 1 GND (engine body) J-9
J06 J (PINK) 20 Junction connector (pink) W-1 T07 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) I-9
J07 J (PINK) 20 Junction connector (pink) Y-1 T08 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) A-9
K01 M 2 Pump resistor Z-8 T09 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) A-8
K02 DT 3 CAN resistor N-6 T10 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) A-8
L01 DT-T 2 Boom working lamp C-6 T11 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) A-8
L02 DT-T 2 Boom additional working lamp (left) (for EU spec.) D-6 T12 Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) A-8
L03 M 2 Cab light L-9 T14 Terminal 1 GND (floor frame) L-1
L05 SWP 4 Intermediate connector M-9 T15A Terminal 1 GND (engine controller) N-8
L15 DT 2 Beacon lamp (if equipped) M-9 T15B Terminal 1 GND (revolving frame) I-9
M01 PA 9 Radio (for JPN, North American spec.) X-1 TO3A Terminal 1 Radio GND (for JPN, North American spec.) X-1
M02 M 2 Speaker (left) M-9 TWTR — 2 Engine coolant temperature sensor AE-9
M03 M 2 Speaker (right) K-9 V01 D 2 PPC lock solenoid valve K-1
M40 X 2 Head lamp J-9 V02 D 2 Travel speed solenoid valve K-1
M04 — 2 Cigar lighter R-7 V03 D 2 Swing holding brake solenoid valve K-1
M05 M 6 Wiper motor I-1, P-4 V04 D 2 Travel junction / pump merge-divider solenoid valve L-1
M06 KES1 2 Washer motor F-8 V10 D 2 Bucket dump lock solenoid (arm crane spec.) D-6
M07 090 2 Horn H-1 V11 D 2 PC-EPC valve L-9
M09 M 2 Power supply (if equipped) U-1 W03 X 2 Limit switch M-9
M10 M 2 Power supply (2) Z-1
M11 M 4 DC/DC converter (for JPN, North American spec.) W-9
M12 M 2 12V optional power supply (for JPN, North American spec.) X-9
M13 M 2 Socket (if equipped) (for JPN, North American spec.) W-9
M14 D 2 Travel alarm K-9
M15 M 2 Power supply X-9
M41 X 2 Head lamp H-9
M50 AMP 8 Radio (2) (for EU spec.) N-5
M51 AMP 8 Radio (1) (for EU spec.) N-5
N08 DT-T 12 Service connector AA-8
N10 SUMITOMO 4 Air conditioner unit AA-4
NE — 3 NE sensor AF-1
P01 X 2 Bucket dump pressure switch F-7
P02 X 2 Arm out pressure switch F-7
P03 X 2 Boom raise pressure switch F-7
P04 X 2 Bucket curl pressure switch G-8
P05 X 2 Arm in pressure switch G-8
P06 X 2 Boom lower pressure switch G-8
90-200 29
200 Electrical diagrams and drawings

PC78US-8 90-200 31

PC78US-8 Hydraulic excavator

Form No. SEN04565-01

All Rights Reserved
Printed in Japan 10-08 (01)

90-200 32

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