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Great Writing 3. From Great Paragraphs To Great Essays. Teacher's Notes 2015 3rd Edition

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Teacher’s Notes

Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition

Keith S. Folse
Elena Vestri Solomon
David Clabeaux

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 1 Introduction to Paragraphs

The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the parts of a good paragraph. Students
will study the basic elements of a paragraph, and they will be exposed to example paragraphs
that will model the elements in context. In addition, students will begin work on grammatical
elements (Grammar for Writing) that appear in all of the units of the text. Students will also be
introduced to peer editing and writing their first original paragraph.
Unit 1 introduces students to Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary
activities found throughout the text. For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary,
editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Understand the parts of a paragraph. (p. 4)
2. Learn about topic sentences. (pp. 4–13)
3. Become familiar with brainstorming. (pp. 13–15)
4. Learn about supporting sentences. (pp. 15–20)
5. Identify verbs and fragments. (pp. 20–21)
6. Learn about nouns and noun forms. (pp. 21–22)
7. Practice connecting topic sentences and supporting sentences. (pp. 23–26)
8. Learn about concluding sentences. (pp. 27–28)
9. Understand the four features of a well-written paragraph. (pp. 28–32)
10. Write an original paragraph. (pp. 34–35)

Before beginning this unit, have students make some attempt at writing in order to assess
their writing proficiency and their knowledge about the parts of a good paragraph, namely
indenting, topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences.
In Unit 1, the goal of the Grammar for Writing items is to teach students how to identify
verbs and fragments and how to use the correct noun form with certain adjectives.

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows a mountain biker peering over the Colorado River in Utah.
Go over the objectives on the top of page 3. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 3. Tell them you will come back to
this question at the end of the unit.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
What Is a Paragraph? pp. 4–5
This section presents some very important and foundational information on paragraphs
and topic sentences. Before moving onto the activities, carefully go over the explanations and
examples presented here. Encourage students to take notes on this information and reference it as
needed as they write topic sentences.

Activity 1: Selecting a Good Topic Sentence, p. 6

This activity will help the students understand the concept of a good topic sentence. Have
students complete this exercise in class with a time limit. Once they have completed the exercise,
check it as a class. Ask students to share their answers and how they came to each conclusion.
Discuss the answers in order to help students grasp the concept of a topic sentence.

Activity 2: Studying Topic Sentences in a Paragraph, p. 7

Have students discuss their answers to the pre-reading questions before they read the
paragraph. Point out to students that they will see this format (pre-reading questions, example
paragraph/essay, questions to have students analyze the paragraph/essay) throughout the text.
Point out the glossed words and clarify any unfamiliar vocabulary before students begin the

Five Features of a Good Topic Sentence, p. 8

Review the explanations and examples with students. Encourage students to take notes on
this information and reference it as needed as they write topic sentences.

Activity 3: Recognizing Effective Topic Sentences, pp. 8–9

Clarify that students should: (1) identify the general topic of the sentences and
(2) identify the best topic sentences. Have students refer to the information on topic sentences
presented on pages 4 and 8 as needed. Have students complete the activity individually or in
pairs depending on students’ needs.

Practice with Controlling Ideas, p. 10

Be sure to go over the explanations and examples, as students will need this information
to complete the next activity.

Activity 4: Reviewing Topic Sentences and Controlling Ideas, p. 10

Tell students that while his activity is similar to Activity 1, here they will have to identify
the controlling ideas as well. Have students refer to the information on controlling ideas
presented on pages 4, 8, and 10 as needed. Give students a time frame to complete the activity
and when they are done, have students share their answers and explain how they came to their

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 5: Using Controlling Ideas to Limit or Narrow a Topic, p. 11
Tell students that this activity will give them an opportunity to practice what they have
learned so far. Choose a topic that is of interest to students, such as traveling, and use it to create
a topic sentence that is too general. Write this topic sentence on the board and work with students
to rewrite it by adding or changing the controlling idea. After you have demonstrated this process
on the board, have students complete the rest of the activity on their own.

Activity 6: Writing Topic Sentences, pp. 12–13

Have students each paragraph before writing the topic sentences. Clarify any unfamiliar
vocabulary as needed. Note that teach example paragraph in this activity is a different type of
paragraph. If needed, have students work in pairs to complete this activity.

Building Better Sentences, p. 13

Have students turn to the first pages of Appendix 1 (pages 232–233) and go through the
examples of sentence-combining strategies as a class. Demonstrate the steps of combining
sentences on the board. Explain the importance of sentence variety in writing and ask students to
be conscious of the types of sentences they are creating as they write.
For further practice, refer students to Practice 1 on page 233. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. While working on Building Better
Sentences activities, it is important that students NOT look at the original sentences. The goal
here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. Have students complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in
small groups as needed.

Brainstorming, pp. 13–14

Go over the information and complete the brainstorming activity. If students need further
clarification, provide another topic for students to brainstorm. Write students’ ideas on the board
and organize them. Then, decide which ideas would be the best ones to elaborate on and which
ones should be discarded. Emphasize that during brainstorming, the focus should be on
generating and writing down ideas rather than correct spelling or grammar.

Activity 7: Brainstorming Practice, p. 14

If students completed the brainstorming activity from pages 13 and 14 as a class, have
students complete Activity 7 independently as an extension of the brainstorming strategies they
learned. Clarify that students should brainstorm first. Then they should write a topic sentence
with a good controlling idea below the brainstorming box. Point out that students will use their
ideas from this activity to write a paragraph in the next activity. As students work on this
activity, circulate around the room in order to support students as they complete brainstorming
practice on their own.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 8: Writing Your Own Paragraph, p. 15
Before the students begin this activity, review the structure of a paragraph: (1) topic
sentence, (2) supporting sentences, and (3) concluding sentence. If needed, have students review
the information about a paragraph on page 4.

Supporting Sentences, pp. 15–16

Go over the explanations and examples of the role of supporting sentences as well as the
types of supporting sentence. Encourage students to take notes on this information and reference
it as needed for future writing.

Activity 9: Creating Questions Leading to Supporting Details, p. 17

As stated on page 15, supporting sentences answer wh- questions about the main idea in
the topic sentence. Go over the model provided and have the class come up with more questions
for this topic sentence using who, when, where, and how. Examples might include questions such
as Who uses pesticides on their products? How are pesticides used? Where do people use
pesticides the most?

Avoiding Unrelated Sentences, p. 17

Emphasize the point that each supporting sentence must be directly related to the topic
sentence. Remind students that the information that is included in a paragraph (supporting
sentences) should be limited by the controlling idea of the topic sentence.

Activity 10: Identifying Supporting Sentences, pp. 18–20

Depending on the needs of your students, do the first one or two items as a class to model
the activity and/or have students work in pairs or groups for part or all of the activity. When
reviewing the answers, be sure to go over students’ explanations for their answer.

Building Better Sentences, p. 20

For further practice, refer students to Practice 2 on page 234. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at the
original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to see
the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Grammar for Writing

Checking for Verbs and Fragments, p. 20
Emphasize the importance of avoiding fragments in one’s writing. While including a
subject and verb in each sentence is basic grammatical knowledge, they are not always included

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
in student writing. Explain that fragments greatly reduce the reader’s perception of the quality of
the writing and that they are an important grammatical point to master.

Activity 11: Checking for Fragments, p. 21

After completing Activity 11, go over the answers as a class. Remind students that
fragments are both a common and serious error, and encourage them to practice and check their
work for fragments.

Grammar for Writing

Nouns and Noun Forms, p. 21
Explain that students must: (1) be able to distinguish between count and non-count nouns
and (2) know which adjectives take plural nouns. Ask students which points they need work on
and provide further explanations and examples as needed.

Activity 12: Editing for Noun Forms, p. 22

Point out to students that this activity will provide them with practice identifying count
and non-count nouns. Discuss as a class why “families” is a better choice than “family.” As a
class, also decide whether “elders” is correct or not and have a student explain why. Have
students complete sentences 2 through 6 independently and if time allows, correct the sentences
as a class to make sure that the students have fully grasped this concept. Encourage students to
ask for clarification as needed.

Connecting Topic Sentences and Supporting Details, p. 23

In good paragraph writing, supporting details have an obvious connection to the topic
sentence and elaborate on that idea.

Activity 13: Brainstorming for Topic Sentences, p. 23

Ask students to refer back to Activity 7, and remind them of what they learned when they
were first introduced to the concept of brainstorming. Quickly review the purpose of
brainstorming with students. Clarify that they first need to brainstorm and then write a topic
sentence. Then have students complete this activity independently. Once students are done
completing this exercise, have them share their answers with a partner.

Activity 14: Asking the Right Questions, p. 24

Have students refer back to Activity 9 and remind them that asking wh- questions is an
effective way to generate the supporting details. Clarify that students should use one of the topic
sentences from Activity 13 for item #2 in this activity.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 15: Writing Supporting Sentences, p. 25
Have students continue practicing by continuing with the ideas that they have developed
in previous activities. Remind students that they should use the topic sentence and questions they
wrote in Activity 14 and develop appropriate supporting sentences by answering the wh-
questions they invented.

Activity 16: Writing a Paragraph, p. 26

Emphasize to students that the most important point of this series of exercises is for
writers to see the connection between having a topic sentence with good controlling ideas and,
subsequently, a paragraph that includes solid supporting sentences.

Concluding Sentences, p. 27
Go over the information on concluding sentences, including the features of a concluding
sentence and transitions with concluding sentences. Encourage students to take notes on this
information and reference it as needed for future writing. Also, point out the note at the bottom
of the page about connectors and transitions that are presented in the rest of this text. They
should review pages 220–222 in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities for more
information on connectors and transitions.

Activity 17: Writing Concluding Sentences, p. 27

Have students write a concluding sentence for Paragraphs 2 and 5 (pages 12 and 18).
Keep in mind that concluding sentences have been intentionally omitted from these two
paragraphs so that students could add them at this point.

Four Features of a Well-Written Paragraph, p. 28

While most of this information has been presented in this unit already, these four points
concisely sum up the key features of a good paragraph. Be sure to point out the third feature and
direct students to examples in the book of paragraphs that are indented. Encourage students to
take notes on this information and reference it as needed for future writing.

Activity 18: Analyzing the Features of a Paragraph, pp. 29–30

At this point students should be familiar with the parts of a paragraph. To keep students
from feeling intimidated by this task, have them work with a partner on this activity for a limited
amount of time. Then have the different groups share their ideas and if appropriate, record their
ideas on the board or screen so that later, you can decide as a group what the best option is.

Building Better Sentences, p. 30

For further practice, refer students to Practice 3 on pages 234 and 235. Have students
complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT
to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 19: Bringing it All Together, pp. 31–32

As with all paragraph or essay reading in this book, provide some type of previewing
work, even if it involves just a simple question such as Can someone explain to us what a
natural disaster is? (This is an example for the first paragraph in this activity.) Have students
reference the information on concluding sentences on p. 27 as needed.

Building Better Vocabulary

Activity 20: Word Associations, pp. 32–33
Explain to students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand their
vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students will
have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing. Point out
to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to choose the
word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be beneficial for
students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have partners take turns
looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 21: Using Collocations, pp. 33-34

Make sure that students understand what collocations are (words or groups of words that
naturally and that frequently co-occur with a target word). Explain that learning collocations will
help students build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases
in their writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Original Student Writing

Activity 22: Writing Your Own Paragraph, pp. 34–35
Tell students that in this activity, they will have an opportunity to combine everything
they have learned and have practiced. Read the directions as a class and encourage students to go
back to their recent work to use as guidelines. Encourage your students to use the Useful
Vocabulary for Better Writing on pages 226–229 to enhance their writing.
Use this activity as an opportunity to evaluate students in terms of how well they are
developing their writing skills. By evaluating your students at this point, you will also know if
there is an area or areas in particular with which some students are struggling and require
additional review.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 23: Peer Editing, p. 29
The website, NGL.Cengage.com/GW3, provides a series of peer editing sheets that
students can use for each original writing assignment. Remind students that peer editing is a
process that provides a writer with feedback and suggestions from a classmate and that can help
the writer find out if her or his writing is clear.
Before students begin, you may want to present the tips for peer editing on page 36.
Remind students to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 1 the website before completing this
activity. Have students exchange papers with a partner and use the sheet to edit each other’s
work. If necessary, remind students that peer editing is a process that provides a writer with
feedback and suggestions from a classmate and that can help the writer find out if her or his
writing is clear.

Tips for Peer Editing, p. 36

Explain that peer editing is an effective strategy in the writing process and that both the
editor and the writer benefit from the process. Remind students that the student who is editing
should also compliment the writer on his/her strengths and should also make some corrections
and suggestions in areas that need improvement. It is important for students to see the value in
this activity so that they will do it in a serious and respectful way.

Additional Topics for Writing, p. 36

Included in this section is a list of descriptive essay writing prompts. Point out to students
that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You may choose to
assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind students to refer to the
seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages191–

Timed Writing, p. 37
Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately.
Before beginning the writing task, review the writing prompt and the paragraph
guidelines provided. If necessary, teach the term writing prompt.

Students will find many new vocabulary words in the paragraphs that they read. You may
want to pre-teach these words before students read the paragraph or address them within the
context of the paragraph. Be sure to check students’ understanding of vocabulary, whether it is
explicitly or through informal comprehension checks on an ongoing basis. Encourage recycling
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
of vocabulary and let students know ahead of time that they may be informally or formally tested
on the vocabulary. Survey students in order to find out about their areas of academic interests
and goals. Based on students’ interests or majors (e.g., business, chemistry, literature), integrate
vocabulary related to these areas, possibly even from subject area textbooks. Have them create
their own subject area journals that they can use to add more vocabulary related to their specific
areas of interest and studies.


Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.

Making a Vocabulary Journal

An easy way to accomplish this is to do the following:
1. Ask students to separate a piece of paper into two sections vertically. The column on the left
should be approximately 2 inches wide.
2. In the left column, students will write the vocabulary word and its part of speech.
3. In the right column, students will write either a definition, a synonym, or a native language
translation of the word.
4. Underneath the definition in the right column, the student will create a sample sentence using
the word, but a BLANK SPACE will be used instead of the vocabulary word.

Using the Vocabulary Journal

Explain to the students that this type of vocabulary journal can be used in different ways:
a. By covering up the vocabulary word, students must look at the clues (definition and sample
sentence) and recall the vocabulary word.
b. By covering up the vocabulary word and the definition (across both columns), students must
use the sample sentence with context clues to recall the vocabulary word.
c. By covering up the vocabulary word and the sample sentence, students must recall the
vocabulary word by using its definition as a clue.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Sample Vocabulary Journal
vocabulary word, part of definition/synonym/translation
speech sample sentence

1. routine, n. custom; habit

My daily is getting up, going to work, and coming home to
make dinner.

2. glamorous, adj. exciting attractiveness; stylish

Movie stars usually have lifestyles.

3. task, n. assignment; job

The maid did not finish all her for the day.

Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal

Below is a list of vocabulary words from the paragraphs in the unit. We suggest that
students begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as necessary.

Paragraph 1, p. 7
lug nut wrench
to elevate
the strength
to be stuck
to screw
to make sure
in no time

Paragraph 2, p. 12
to skip

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Paragraph 3, p. 12
to highlight

Paragraph 4, p. 13
regardless of
to appreciate

Paragraph 5, p. 18

Paragraph 6, p. 19

Paragraph 7, p. 29
to plague
(side) effect

Paragraph 8, p. 31
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
to shake-up
to subside

Paragraph 9, p. 26
to plug

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 2 and 3. Direct their attention to
the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then ask
students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 2 Five Elements of Good Writing

The purpose of this unit is to teach students how to write paragraphs by reviewing the
components of a good paragraph, including the five elements purpose, audience, clarity, unity,
and coherence.
Students will continue with Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary.
For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to
produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary, editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Understand the purpose, audience, clarity, unity, and coherence of a paragraph. (pp. 40–57)
2. Learn how to write a purpose statement. (pp. 42–43)
3. Learn the importance of addressing the audience when writing. (pp. 44–46)
4. Learn how to make a paragraph clear. (pp. 46–50)
5. Practice unifying ideas. (pp. 53–56)
6. Learn how to make writing coherent. (pp. 56–57)
7. Understand the strategies of proofreading. (p. 58)
8. Write an original paragraph. (pp. 60–61)

Now that students understand the parts of a paragraph, they will continue to improve their
writing by learning how to apply the five elements of good writing to their own writing. These
elements include: purpose, audience, clarity, unity, and coherence. In Unit 2, the Grammar for
Writing items covered are using clear, descriptive language, and clear pronoun reference.

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows an elephant painting a picture in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Go over the objectives on the top of page 39. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 39. Tell them you will come back
to this question at the end of the unit.

What Makes a Good Paragraph?, p. 40

Without referring to their books, ask students to state the basic parts of a paragraph.
Record their responses on the board or screen and then have students open their books to page 40
and compare their responses to the bulleted list. Encourage students to take notes on this
information and reference it as needed for future writing.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Five Elements of Good Writing
Element 1: Purpose, p. 40
Display the five elements of good writing on the board or screen and have students copy
the list onto an index card. Review each element and ask students to describe what they think
each term means in their own words. Remind students to use the list of elements as a reference
when analyzing writing and when they write original work.
Then discuss the purpose of a paragraph. Note that different types of paragraphs have
different purposes and explain that the purpose will determine what is written and how it is
written. Encourage students to take notes on this information and reference it as needed for
future writing.

Activity 1: Analyzing a Paragraph, pp. 41–42

Explain that this activity will help students analyze the purpose of this example
paragraph. Discuss the pre-reading questions as a class. Talk about murals and write a list of
related vocabulary words on the screen or board to help students both understand the terms and
express what they know about the topic. Encourage students to ask for clarification as needed.

Purpose Statement, pp. 42–43

Review the explanations and examples of purpose statements. Emphasize how effective
purpose statements can be to help the writer say focused on his or her purpose for writing.

Activity 2: Writing Purpose Statements, p. 43

Point out that students will now practice writing purpose statements. Have students
complete the activity individually or in pairs as needed.

Element 2: Audience, p. 44
Go over the explanations and examples with the class, including the information on
relating to the audience and person. Encourage students to take notes on this information and
reference it as needed for future writing.

Consistent Pronoun Usage, p. 44

Explain that shifting between first, second, and third person within one piece of writing
creates confusion for the reader. Provide a few examples such as People should watch what you
eat and how much you exercise.

Activity 3: Recognizing Person, p. 45

Point out that this activity will provide practice with consistent pronoun usage. It may be
helpful for students to underline all the pronouns first and then see if the pronouns match the
nouns they refer to.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Choosing Person in Formal and Informal Writing, p. 45
Go over the information on formal and informal writing. Elicit from students more
examples of each type of writing. If needed, have students turn to page 44 to review the
definitions of first, second, and third person. Emphasize that the writing students do for this class
is generally formal.

Activity 4: Identifying Audience, p. 46

Before they begin the activity, read aloud a few examples of writing and have the class
decide the level of writing and which person should be used. Some examples can include an
e-mail to a friend, a paper for a class, an e-mail to an instructor, a letter of apology, or a letter of

Element 3: Clarity, p. 46
Explain that clarity means the writing is easy to understand because the language used is
specific and concise. Point out that the next two Grammar for Writing sections will teach
students how to achieve this goal.

Grammar for Writing

Using Clear, Descriptive Language, p. 47
While some of the Grammar for Writing items in this book help students avoid errors,
this section reminds students to use expressive, precise adjectives. Read the information aloud
and ask students to think about some words that would not be good to use because they are not
very descriptive. Write them down on the board. If students have a hard time thinking of
examples, you can suggest words such as stuff, things, fine, and good.

Activity 5: Choosing Clear and Precise Words, p. 47

If there are a limited number of dictionaries and thesauruses in the classroom, have
students work in groups or assign the activity as homework and have students use a dictionary or
thesaurus they have at home or online, or allow them to use their tablets or smart phones. After
students have completed the activity, compile a master list of all the adjectives students came up
with for each word. Point out that there are often a number of more descriptive and precise words
that students can use in their writing.
Emphasize that in addition to adjectives, prepositional phrases can be used to make one’s
writing more descriptive. Also note that the use of adverbs (such as slowly in the example
sentence) can also help make writing more descriptive.

Activity 6: Choosing Descriptive Phrases, p. 48

Activity 6 might be just as challenging as or even more so than Activity 5. For this
reason, it might be supportive for students to work with a partner in completing this activity. If

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
appropriate, have students use a dictionary or thesaurus for support. When students are finished
and if time allows, have students share their final sentences with the whole class.

Clarity in Sentences, p. 48
Go over the explanation and examples. Point out that asking wh- questions (e.g., Who
went to the store? What kind of store did he go to? Why did he go?) can help students identify
the information that would bring more clarity to their sentences.

Activity 7: Rewriting for Clarity and Description, p. 48

Point out that this activity is similar to the Activity 6, but here students are improving the
clarity of sentences. If students completed the previous activity with a partner they might feel
more confident in completing this one on their own. Encourage students to complete this activity
on their own. Remind them to ask wh- questions if they have trouble identifying the information
that would make their sentences clearer. Then check their sentences and provide feedback as

Activity 8: Analyzing a Paragraph, pp. 49–50

Briefly explain that students will read and analyze a descriptive paragraph. Discuss the
pre-reading questions in groups. Talk about eating in a restaurant and then working in a
restaurant. Encourage students to share their work experiences. Then have students complete the
activity independently.

Building Better Sentences, p. 50

For further practice, refer students to Practice 4 on page 235. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at the
original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to see
the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 9: Clarity in a Paragraph, p. 50

Point out that students will now analyze the clarity in Paragraph 11. Depending on the
level of support needed, have students complete this activity in small groups, in pairs, or

Grammar for Writing

Clear Pronoun Reference, p. 51
Remind students that this second Grammar for Writing will also guide students on ways
to bring more clarity to their writing. This section focuses on the common error of faulty
pronoun reference. Share with students the fact that this type of writing error is common with
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
native speakers as well as students learning English. Take some time to go over the explanations
and examples with students.

Activity 10: Editing for Clear Pronoun References, p. 51

Have students work individually in order to complete this activity. Clarify that the
number in parentheses is the number of pronouns in the item. Go over the answers as a class and
encourage students to ask for clarification as needed.

Activity 11: Editing for Clear Pronoun References, pp. 52–53

Tell students that this activity will help them continue to practice what they have learned
in the last two activities. Before students begin this activity, have them skim the paragraph and
then preview any vocabulary words with which students might not be familiar. Complete the first
sentence together as a class in order to provide a model sentence for this activity.

Element 4: Unity, p. 53
Go over the meaning of unity. Emphasize that all supporting sentence should be related to
the topic sentence.

Activity 12: Analyzing Unity, p. 53

Point out that students will examine the unity of this example paragraph in this activity.
Before students begin this activity, review the glossed words and any other words that they might
not know so that students can understand the content and will be able to focus on the activity.
Explain that in addition to helping writers stay true to their purpose for writing, purpose
statements can also be an effective aid in maintaining unity. Go over the questions and answers
about Paragraph 13 and its unity in relation to its purpose statement.

Building Better Sentences, p. 54

For further practice, refer students to Practice 5 on pages 235 and 236. Have students
complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT
to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal
here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 13: Maintaining Unity, pp. 55–56

Before students begin this activity, provide students with some tips on what to look for in
identifying a sentence that would not belong. An example would include sentences that do not
provide relevant information or accurate information. If students have difficulty, it may be
helpful for students to generate a purpose statement for this paragraph after reading the
paragraph. Then they can examine each sentence in the paragraph against the purpose statement.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
As with any exercise involving a paragraph, it is often helpful to do some pre-reading
practice, such as asking students general questions about the topic. An appropriate question
might be: Have you ever acted in a play? or How do you think acting on TV is different from
acting in a live play?

Building Better Sentences, p. 56

For further practice, refer students to Practice 6 on page 236. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at the
original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to see
the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Element 5: Coherence, p. 56
Go over the three features of coherence. Explain that logical order is particularly
important in paragraphs in which information must be presented in a certain order, such as a
narrative paragraph that presents a story or a process analysis paragraph that presents steps for
how to do something.

Activity 14: Sequencing Information, p. 57

Have students read the sentences in the order presented. Point out how difficult it is to
understand the information when the sentences are not in logical order. Then have students
complete the activity.

Repetition of Key Words, p. 57

Emphasize that there needs to be a balance between repeating key words and using

Transitional Words and Phrases, p. 57

The section on transitional words and phrases includes tips to help the students improve
their writing. Take time to go over the transitional words and phrases aloud. Ask them to think of
some examples and write the examples on the board or on the screen. Encourage students to take
notes on this information or flag this page and reference it as needed for future writing.

Writer’s Note: Proofreading Your Work, p. 58

Explain that proofreading is a key component in the writing process. Point out that it is
helpful to have a list of items to check when proofreading.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Five Proofreading Strategies, p. 58
These notes provide great tips for students. Go over the strategies as a class. Encourage
students to take notes on this information or flag this page and reference it as needed for future

Writer’s Note: Titles for Your Work, p. 58

Provide students with a copy of a sample paragraph, but do not reveal the title of the
paragraph. Have students brainstorm titles for the paragraph and record their responses on the
board or screen. Then write the original title of the paragraph and compare the title with those
that students suggested.

Building Better Vocabulary

Activity 15: Word Associations, p. 59
If necessary, remind students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand
their vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students
will have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing.
Point out to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to
choose the word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be
beneficial for students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have
partners take turns looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 16: Using Collocations, p. 60

If necessary, review what collocations are (words or groups of words that naturally and
that frequently co-occur with a target word). Remind students that learning collocations will help
them build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases in their
writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Original Student Writing

Activity 17: Writing Your Own Paragraph, pp. 60–61
Tell students that this activity will require them to apply everything they have learned and
practiced. Read the directions together as a class. After students brainstorm, make sure they
follow the guidelines listed.
Use this opportunity to evaluate students and get an idea of how well they are developing
their writing skills. By evaluating your students at this point, you will also know if there is an
area with which some students are struggling and need further support and review.

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Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 18: Peer Editing, p. 62
Before completing this activity, remind students to download and print Peer Editing
Sheet 2 from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. Have them use the sheet to provide feedback to their
peers. If necessary, remind students that peer editing is a process that provides a writer with
feedback and suggestions from a classmate and that can help the writer find out if her or his
writing is clear.

Additional Topics for Writing, p. 62

Included in this section is a list of different essay writing prompts. Point out to students
that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You may choose to
assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind students to refer to the
seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages 191–

Timed Writing, p. 63
Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately.
Before beginning the writing task, review the writing prompt and the paragraph
guidelines provided. If necessary, review the term writing prompt.

Write five sentences on the board or screen. Of the five sentences, be sure that three of
them contain vague language, e.g. The book is good. and We bought some stuff at the store. Ask
students to take out a piece of paper and re-write the sentences they think are unclear. Have
students volunteer to write the sentences that they revised on the board or screen and discuss as a
class if the rewrites include more specific language.
Then give students an article or piece of writing that is of general interest to the whole
class. Have them work in pairs to find words that seem especially selected, i.e., words where it is
obvious that the writer chose these words carefully. Encourage partners to share the words they
identified with the class.


Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.
Whether or not this particular strategy is employed, it is imperative that students acquire
a large amount of appropriate vocabulary in this course.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal
Below is a list of vocabulary words from the paragraphs in the unit. We suggest that
students begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as necessary.

Paragraph 10, p. 42
to influence
to apply

Paragraph 11, p. 49
to hustle
to hurry
to rush
to juggle

Paragraph 12, p. 52
to center

Paragraph 13, p. 53
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
to dust
to mop
to vacuum

Paragraph 14, p. 55–56

to classify

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 38 and 39. Direct their attention
to the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then ask
students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

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Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 3 Types of Paragraphs

In Unit 3, students will review various types of paragraphs, as well as other writing skills.
Some students may already be familiar with different paragraph styles while others may not have
been exposed to this aspect of academic writing. It is important to take the time to ensure that all
the students in the class understand the different styles in order to prepare them for more
advanced academic writing.
Students will continue with Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary.
For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to
produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary, editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Understand descriptive paragraphs. (pp. 66–70)
2. Understand comparison paragraphs. (pp. 70–74)
3. Practice subject-verb agreement. (pp. 75–76)
4. Learn about and edit word forms. (pp. 76–77)
5. Understand cause-effect paragraphs. (pp. 78–81)
6. Understand classification paragraphs. (pp. 81–85)
7. Write an original paragraph. (pp. 87–88)

In Unit 3, students will study four types of paragraphs: descriptive, comparison,
cause-effect, and classification. Most of the activities in this unit require students to study and
analyze example paragraphs. Students will learn how to write the various styles of paragraphs
(descriptive, comparison, cause-effect, and classification) by completing brainstorming and peer
editing activities. The Grammar for Writing sections of this unit present subject-verb agreement
and word forms, which are two important grammatical points that will enhance the quality of
student writing.

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows tourists photographing an emperor penguin in Weddell Sea, Antarctica.
Go over the objectives on the top of page 65. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 65. Tell them you will come back
to this question at the end of the unit.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Types of Paragraphs, p. 66
Explain that there are different types of paragraphs (some of which are listed here) which
differ in form and purpose. If time allows, have students identify the different types of
paragraphs presented in Units 1 and 2. Point out that in this unit, students will learn about
descriptive, comparison, cause-effect, and classification paragraphs. Briefly walk students
through the unit to show how each of the four types of paragraphs is covered in this unit.

Descriptive Paragraphs, p. 66
Go over the purpose, key features, and uses of descriptive paragraphs with students.
Encourage students to take notes on this information or flag this page and reference it as needed
for future writing.

Activity 1: Analyzing a Descriptive Paragraph, pp. 66–68

Point out that students will read and analyze a descriptive paragraph in this activity. Have
students discuss the pre-reading questions in groups. Talk about environments. Quickly move the
discussion topic to environmental destruction. Support students with vocabulary needs they have
as they try to discuss this topic (before reading). This kind of vocabulary support allows students
to re-encounter words they recently learned from class discussion or from other classmates. Have
students reference the information on descriptive paragraphs on page 66 as needed while they
answer the post-reading questions.

Building Better Sentences, p. 68

For further practice, refer students to Practice 7 on page 237. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at the
original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to see
the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Writer’s Note: Use of the Pronoun I in Academic Writing, p. 68

Review with students that although the pronoun I is not usually used in formal academic
writing, it is used to write about a personal experience. If time allows, bring in various examples
of writing that do and do not include I and discuss why this is appropriate for each kind of

Activity 2: Writing a Descriptive Paragraph, pp. 69–70

Tell students that this activity will guide them through the process of writing an original
descriptive paragraph. Discuss the various sample topics already provided and have students
select a topic of their own. Then circulate around the classroom in order to support students as

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
they brainstorm ideas for their particular topic. Continue to guide students through items #2–6
and provide additional support and reinforcement as needed.

Activity 3: Peer Editing, p. 70

Before doing this activity, remind students to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 3
from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. Have them exchange books and use the sheet to edit each other’s
work. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments and suggestions.

Comparison Paragraphs, p. 70
Point out that this is the second type of paragraph that will be covered in this unit. Go
over the purpose, key features, and uses of comparison paragraphs with students. Encourage
students to take notes on this information or flag this page and reference it as needed for future

Activity 4: Analyzing a Comparison Paragraph, pp. 71–72

Ask students how many similarities and differences they notice between dancing and
writing. Have them work on the activity in pairs or small groups.
Point out that students will read and analyze a comparison paragraph in this activity. Help
students clarify vocabulary as needed while they discuss this topic (before reading). This allows
students to re-encounter words they recently learned from you or other classmates. Have students
read the paragraph and answer the analysis questions individually. Have students reference the
information on comparison paragraphs on page 70 as needed as they answer the post- reading
questions. Then discuss the answers as a class and encourage students to ask for clarification as

Building Better Sentences, p. 72

For further practice, refer students to Practice 8 on page 237–238. Have students
complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT
to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal
here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 5: Writing a Comparison Paragraph, pp. 73–74

Tell students that this activity will guide them through the process of writing an original
comparison paragraph. Discuss the various sample topics already provided and have students
select a topic of their own. Then circulate around the classroom in order to support students as
they brainstorm ideas for their particular topic. Continue to guide students through items #2–6
and provide additional support and reinforcement as needed.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 6: Peer Editing, p. 74
Before doing this activity, remind students to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 4
from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. Have them exchange books and use the sheet to edit each other’s
work. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments and suggestions.

Grammar for Writing

Subject-Verb Agreement, p. 75
Go over the explanations and examples as a class as this is an area in which many errors
are often made in student writing. Emphasize the importance of correct subject-verb agreement.
Point out to students that because all sentences have a subject-verb relationship, this error could
potentially occur in every sentence. Remind them that this error is common in the writing of both
native and nonnative speakers of English.

Activity 7: Editing for Subject-Verb Agreement, p. 76

Work with students as a class to model strategies for finding errors in subject-verb
agreement. Tell students that while the task may seem simple, it is more difficult to perform
within a whole paragraph (as compared to just individual sentences).

Grammar for Writing

Word Forms, p. 76
Point out to students that one of the most common language errors occurs with word
forms. Tell them that a common error involves suffixes that indicate the part of speech. For
example, differ is a verb, different is an adjective, and difference is a noun.
Give students short lists of common suffixes that indicate a word’s part of speech, e.g.
-tion, -ity for nouns; -ate, -ify for verbs; -ive, -able for adjectives; -ly for adverbs.

Activity 8: Editing for Errors in Word Form, p. 77

Work together as a class to find the seven word form errors within this short paragraph.
Depending on the needs of your students, give them hints such as identifying lines of the
paragraph contain the error.

Cause-Effect Paragraphs, p. 78
With books closed, brainstorm as a class the purpose of a cause-effect paragraph and
record student responses on the board or on the screen. Then have students turn to page 78 and
compare the purpose provided in the book with their brainstorm responses.
Go over the purpose, key features, and uses of cause-effect paragraphs with students.
Encourage students to take notes on this information or flag this page and reference it as needed
for future writing.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 9: Analyzing a Cause-Effect Paragraph, pp. 78–79
Point out that students will read and analyze a cause-effect paragraph in this activity. Ask
students what they know about the phrase dropping out. Then do the same with retention.
Support students with clarification of vocabulary as needed while they discuss this topic (before
reading). This allows students to re-encounter words they recently learned from you or other
classmates. Have students read the paragraph and then answer the analysis questions
individually. Encourage them to reference the information on cause-effect paragraphs on page 78
as needed as they answer the post-reading questions. Then discuss the answers as a class.

Activity 10: Writing a Cause-Effect Paragraph, pp. 79–81

Tell students that this activity will guide them through the process of writing an original
cause-effect paragraph. Discuss the various sample topics already provided and have students
select a topic of their own. Then circulate around the classroom in order to support students as
they brainstorm ideas for their particular topic. Continue to guide students through items #2–6
and provide additional support and reinforcement as needed. Encourage your students to use the
Useful Vocabulary for Better Writing on pages 226–229 to enhance their writing.

Activity 11: Peer Editing, p. 81

Before doing this activity, remind students to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 5
from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. Have them exchange books and use the sheet to edit each other’s
work. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments and suggestions.

Classification Paragraphs, p. 81
Point out that this is the fourth and final paragraph type to be covered in this unit. With
books closed, brainstorm as a class the purpose of a classification paragraph and record student
responses on the board or on the screen. Then have students turn to page 81 and compare the
purpose provided in the book with their brainstorm responses.
Go over the purpose, key features, and uses of classification paragraphs with students.
Encourage students to take notes on this information or flag this page and reference it as needed
for future writing.

Activity 12: Analyzing a Classification Paragraph, pp. 82–83

Tell students that they will read and analyze a classification paragraph in this activity.
Ask students how many of them exercise at a gym and then how many of them run. Ask students
if any of them know about different kinds of running or about specific runners. Support students
with clarification of vocabulary as needed while they discuss this topic (before reading). This
allows students to re-encounter words they recently learned from you or other classmates.
Encourage students to reference the information on classification paragraphs on page 81 as
needed as they answer the post- reading questions.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Building Better Sentences, p. 83
For further practice, refer students to Practice 9 on page 238. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at the
original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to see
the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 13: Writing a Classification Paragraph Practice, pp. 84–85

Tell students that this activity will guide them through the process of writing an original
classification paragraph. Discuss the various sample topics already provided and have students
select a topic of their own. Then circulate around the classroom in order to support students as
they brainstorm ideas for their particular topic. Continue to guide students through items #2–6
and provide additional support and reinforcement as needed. Encourage your students to use the
Useful Vocabulary for Better Writing on pages 226–229 to enhance their writing.

Writer’s Note: Remembering the Purpose of Your Paragraph, p. 85

Remind students that using a purpose statement can also help them keep the purpose in
mind as they write.

Building Better Vocabulary

Activity 14: Word Associations, pp. 85–86
If necessary, remind students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand
their vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students
will have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing.
Point out to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to
choose the word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be
beneficial for students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have
partners take turns looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 15: Using Collocations, pp. 86–87

If necessary, review what collocations are (words or groups of words that naturally and
that frequently co-occur with a target word). Remind students that learning collocations will help
them build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases in their
writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Original Student Writing
Activity 16: Writing Your Own Paragraph, pp. 87–88
Review the four types of paragraphs students have practiced in this unit. Suggest they
generate one or two ideas for each type before they decide on a topic. Encourage your students to
use the Useful Vocabulary for Better Writing on pages 226–229 to enhance their writing.

Activity 17: Peer Editing, p. 88

Before doing this activity, remind students to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 6
from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. Have them exchange books and use the sheet to edit each other’s
work. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments and suggestions.

Additional Topics for Writing, p. 88

Included in this section is a list of essay writing prompts using the different modes. Point
out to students that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You
may choose to assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind
students to refer to the seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with
Activities (pages 191-198).

Timed Writing, p. 89
Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately. Before beginning
the writing task, review the writing prompt and the paragraph guidelines provided.

Have students work in partners or small groups. Provide them with pre-selected reading
materials such as newspapers, magazines, articles from the Internet, etc. Tell students that the
readings contain at least one example of each types of paragraph they have learned to identify.
Have students find a sample of each type of paragraph, tape or glue them on chart or poster
paper, and label each type. Have groups post their charts around the classroom and give them
time to walk around and view their classmates’ charts.


Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.
Whether or not this particular strategy is employed, it is imperative that students acquire
a large amount of appropriate vocabulary in this course.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal
Below is a list of vocabulary words from the paragraphs in the unit. We suggest that
students begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as necessary.

Paragraph 15, p. 67
to linger
to bustle
to abandon
to thrive

Paragraph 16, p. 71
to mirror
to be motivated
to enhance

Paragraph 17, p. 76
to commemorate
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Paragraph 18, p. 77
to embrace

Paragraph 19, p. 78
to drop out
the means
to cope

Paragraph 20, p. 82

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 64 and 65. Direct their attention
to the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then ask
students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

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Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 4 Descriptive Essays: Moving from Paragraph to Essay

The purpose of Unit 4 is to transition students from understanding the structure of a
paragraph to understanding the structure and components of an essay. This is done by showing
students the similarities between the two and by providing students with a step-by-step process
that breaks the task of writing an essay into seven simple, manageable chunks of work. The unit
also teaches how to write descriptive essays.
Students will continue with Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary.
For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to
produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary, editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Understand similarities between paragraphs and essays. (pp. 92–96)
2. Outline a descriptive essay. (pp. 96–97)
3. Learn descriptive vocabulary. (p. 98)
4. Learn about and practice using prepositions of location. (p. 99–101)
5. Learn about the five-paragraph essay structure. (p. 102)
6. Understand the seven steps of the writing process. (pp. 102–109)
7. Write an original descriptive essay. (pp. 110–112)

This unit transitions students from writing paragraphs to writing essays using descriptive
writing. While teaching this unit, keep in mind the dual purpose of moving to essay writing and
teaching how to write a descriptive essay.

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows a woman looking out over the Western Desert, Sahara, Egypt.
Go over the objectives on the top of page 91. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 91. Tell them you will come back
to this question at the end of the unit.

Reviewing Paragraph Basics, p. 92

As the comparison between paragraphs and essays is the foundation for this unit,
carefully go over the explanations and chart presented here and have students reference this
information as needed as they learn to move from paragraph writing to essay writing.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Descriptive Paragraphs and Essays
Activity 1: Studying an Descriptive Paragraph, pp. 92–93
Point out to students that students will read and analyze a descriptive paragraph in this
activity and that this activity represents a transitional point in the book. Explain to students that
because this paragraph will be expanded into an essay in the next activity, the questions are
designed to make sure that they have a good understanding of the structure of a paragraph. Make
sure that students understand the different parts of a paragraph: (1) the topic sentence, (2) the
supporting sentences, and (3) the concluding sentence. Be sure that students understand the
vocabulary in this paragraph, as much of it will be used in the essay.

Thesis statement, p. 93
Like a topic sentence, a thesis statement identifies the topic and provides a controlling
idea. Point out that the topic sentences of the body paragraph will support the thesis statement.

The Hook, p. 94
Direct students’ attention to the photo, and elicit what a hook is and how a fish is
attracted to it. Then go over the information about writing hooks.
Explain that writers should not assume that readers will want to read their
paragraphs/essays. Readers need a reason to keep reading past the first line. This reason will
often be an interesting hook. Although it is a small part of an essay, emphasize the importance of
having an interesting hook.

Activity 2: Studying a Descriptive Essay, pp. 94–96

This is the first essay that students will encounter in this book. As a class, discuss the
similarities between the parts of a paragraph and the parts of an essay. Point out to students that
the questions here are designed to illustrate how an essay parallels a paragraph. Encourage
students to refer to the information on paragraphs and essays on page 92 and to ask for
clarification as needed as they work through this activity.

Building Better Sentences, p. 96

For further practice, refer students to Practice 10 on pages 238–239. Have students
complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT
to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal
here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Outlining a Descriptive Essay
Activity 3: Completing a Descriptive Essay Outline, pp. 96–97
Have students work independently to fill in the blanks of a partially completed outline of
the essay they just read. Point out that this activity will help familiarize them with the structure
of an essay and will help them to develop their outlining skills.

Grammar for Writing

Describing with the Five Senses, p. 98
Write the five senses on the board or screen, and as a class brainstorm examples of each
one. Discuss what it means to appeal to the five senses and discuss the examples on page 98 of
writing that shows rather than tells. Emphasize the importance of showing rather than telling in a
descriptive essay. As a group, brainstorm other examples of sentences that show and appeal to
the five senses.

Activity 4: Focusing on Sense Words, p. 98

Tell students that Activity 4 is a vocabulary building activity in which they will be
required to try to generate words to describe the list of nouns. Point out that using descriptive
words related to the five senses will help students’ writing show rather than tell, which will
strengthen their descriptive writing. Divide the class into groups and have students compare their
lists of words at the end of the activity.

Grammar for Writing

Using Prepositions of Location to Describe, p. 99
Clarify the meaning of the prepositions of location as needed. Have students copy the list
of common prepositions of location onto an index card and have them reference the list as they
describe a situation or event using spatial organization in their writing.

Activity 5: Using Prepositions of Location, p. 99

Utilize this activity as an informal evaluation opportunity. After completing the activity,
ask for a student volunteer. This volunteer should take a personal item out of his or her
backpack. The student should then proceed to place the object in 5 different places in the room
(on the desk, behind the ear, etc.). Have the other students record where each object is. Have
students compare their answers or turn them in for instructor evaluation.

Activity 6: Studying a Descriptive Essay, pp. 100–101

Point out that this descriptive essay is organized by a sequence of events. Essay 1 on
pages 94–95 was organized spatially (left corner, center, right corner). Both describe places and
use prepositions of location

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Building Better Sentences, p. 101
For further practice, refer students to Practice 11 on page 239. Have students complete
the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at
the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to
see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Five-Paragraph Essay Blueprint, p. 102

Go over the information in this section with students, placing emphasis on the five parts
of a five-paragraph essay. Students should be clear on the five parts and the elements that make
up each part. Encourage students to take notes on this information or flag this page and reference
it as needed for future writing.

Understanding the Writing Process: The Seven Steps, pp. 102–109

Explain to students that a process that multitudes of writers utilize is the seven step
writing process. This is a process that includes specific steps and in which writers work
continuously to improve their writing and to refine the way in which they utilize this process.
Emphasize the importance of understanding each step as students will be asked to follow
these steps in the original essay writing assignment at the end of this and subsequent units. Point
out that this process can be applied to all types of writing and can be a valuable tool for all future
writing. Encourage students to take notes on this information or flag this section and reference it
as needed for future writing.
Carefully review the information presented in each step and be sure to complete the mini-
activities within each step, as they will help to solidify these concepts.

Step 1: Choose a Topic, p. 103

Emphasize to students that every essay addresses a specific topic. Once they are assigned
a topic, or choose one themselves, they must then develop ideas about the topic. Point out the
importance of choosing an appropriate topic, as a poor topic choice will often result in difficult
and/or poor writing.

Step 2: Brainstorm, pp. 103–104

Emphasize to students the importance of brainstorming, or generating ideas about a topic.
Remind students that they should write all the ideas that come to mind and then select the ideas
that will provide the best support for the topic. Point out that there are a number of brainstorming
techniques, in addition to the three methods presented here (jot down ideas, cluster diagram, and

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Step 3: Outline, pp. 104–106
Point out the importance of having a purpose statement to help the writer focus on the
purpose throughout the writing process. Encourage students to create a purpose statement before
they begin outlining.
Emphasize the important role an outline plays in organizing how they will present their
information. Outlines also provide a kind of preview of the essay in order to determine which
areas are strong and which need further development. Mention to students that while formal
outlines use Roman numerals and capital letters, some only use words or phrases.
Be sure to review the information on thesis statements as well as points of development.

Step 4: Write the First Draft, pp. 106–107

Tell students that the next step after completing the outline (and receiving peer feedback
on it) is writing the first draft based on the structure they’ve created in their outline. Point out
that writing an essay is not a linear process and that they should expect to make multiple changes
and rewrites as they edit and revise their essay.

Building Better Sentences, p. 107

For further practice, refer students to Practice 12 on page 240. Have students complete
the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at
the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to
see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Step 5: Get Feedback from a Peer, p. 108

Emphasize to students the critical role that peer editing plays in editing and revising an
essay into a polished essay. Tell students that this step is so important because it provides them
with a new point of view which can help them identify the areas of their writing that need to be
improved or further developed. Remind them of the importance of providing constructive
criticism and recommend that they learn how to provide this by using the peer editing sheets
provided in the book as a model.

Step 6: Revise the First Draft, p. 108

Tell students that the next step in the writing process after receiving feedback from a
reader is using the feedback to revise and improve the essay. When revising in order to create the
second draft, point out to students that there are four choices for responding to the feedback:
(1) do nothing, (2) add information, (3) edit, or (4) cut information.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Step 7: Proofread the Final Draft, pp. 108–109
Emphasize to students the critical role that proofreading plays in correcting grammar and
spelling errors before turning in the essay. Point out that at this step in the process, they can still
make minor changes, such as adding or changing words that will make the essay stronger or
easier to understand.
Point out that these steps are also presented in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with
Activities, pages 192–198.

Building Better Vocabulary

Activity 7: Word Associations, pp. 109–110
If necessary, remind students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand
their vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students
will have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing.
Point out to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to
choose the word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be
beneficial for students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have
partners take turns looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 8: Using Collocations, p. 110

If necessary, review what collocations are (words or groups of words that naturally and
that frequently co-occur with a target word). Remind students that learning collocations will help
them build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases in their
writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Original Student Writing: Descriptive Essay

Activity 9: Writing Your Original Essay, pp. 110–112
Have students follow the seven steps of the writing process to write an original
descriptive essay. Remind students to reference the information on the seven steps found in this
unit or in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages 191-198) as needed.
Before students do Step 3, remind them to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 7 from
NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. They will also need Peer Editing Sheet 8 before completing Step 5.
Have students exchange papers with a partner and use the sheet to edit each other’s outlines and
first drafts. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments and
suggestions. Be sure that students carefully double-check their essay against the Final Draft
Checklist on page 112.

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Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Additional Topics for Writing, p. 113
Included in this section is a list of descriptive essay writing prompts. Point out to students
that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You may choose to
assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind students to refer to the
seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages 191–

Timed Writing, p. 113

Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately. Before beginning
the writing task, review the writing prompt and the essay guidelines provided.

Have students work individually to find descriptive essays on the Internet or in printed
materials. Then have each student mix up the order of the paragraphs in the essays and switch
with a partner in order to reassemble the essays in the correct order. Continue this activity
multiple times in order to give students a chance to exchange essays with as many classmates as
possible or as time allows.


Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.
Whether or not this particular strategy is employed, it is imperative that students acquire
a large amount of appropriate vocabulary in this course.

Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal

Below is a list of vocabulary words from the paragraphs and essays in the unit. We
suggest that students begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as

Paragraph 21, p. 93
to take in
to interact
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
to head to

Essay 1, pp. 94–95

to gather
to scan
to whisper
to alternate
to drown out

Essay 2, pp. 100–101

to hallucinate
to stroll
to adorn
to penetrate
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
to rummage
to top

Paragraph 22, p. 107

to overcome

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 90 and 91. Direct their attention
to the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then ask
students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 5 Comparison Essays

In Unit 5, students learn how to write comparison essays. Students are presented with two
different ways to organize a comparison essay: the point-by-point and block methods. Students
learn the importance of selecting good topics for this mode of essay and eventually write an
original comparison essay.
Students will continue with Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary.
For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to
produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary, editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Choose an appropriate topic for a comparison essays. (p. 116)
2. Understand different ways to organize a comparison essay. (pp. 117–119)
3. Practice making an outline for a comparison essay. (pp. 119–121)
4. Understand how to move from a comparison paragraph to an essay. (pp. 121-123)
5. Recognize word forms and common suffixes. (p. 124)
6. Learn about connectors and transitions. (pp. 126–127)
7. Learn about comparatives and superlatives. (pp. 127–128)
8. Use comparatives, superlatives and parallel structure. (pp. 128–130)
9. Edit for errors and edit from feedback. (pp. 131–132)
10. Analyze an essay. (p. 133)
11. Write an original comparison essay. (pp. 135–136)

Point out to students that this is the first of three units that focuses on an essay type.
Remind students that they learned about descriptive writing in Unit 4 and tell them that they will
now study comparison essays.

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows visitors comparing a photo of Mount Saint Helens to the cone of the volcano after it
Go over the objectives on the top of page 115. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 115. Tell them you will come back
to this question at the end of the unit.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Comparison Essays, p. 116
Make sure students understand the comparison and contrast in essays. Provide examples
of both concepts.

Choosing a Topic, p. 116

Go over the information on choosing a topic for comparison essays. Point out that not all
topics would be appropriate or interesting enough to compare in an essay. Encourage students to
take notes on this information or flag this section and reference it as needed for future writing.

Activity 1: Choosing Appropriate Topics and Titles, p. 116

Tell students that they will now practice choosing topics for comparison essays.
Depending on the needs of students, model an item or two and then have students work
individually or in pairs to complete the activity.

Organization of a Comparison Essay, pp. 117–119

Write block method and point-by-point method on the board or screen and explain to
students that these are two methods of organizing the supporting details in a comparison essay.
Work together as a group to discuss and review each method as illustrated in this section. Clarify
the term points of comparison. Encourage students to take notes on this information or flag this
section and reference it as needed for future writing.

Activity 2: Making an Outline for a Comparison Essay, p. 119–121

Tell students that they will now practice outlining a comparison essay. Have students
work independently to fill in the blanks of the partially completed outline of the essay they just
read using the words/phrases provided (at the bottom of page 119). Point out that this activity
will help familiarize them with the structure of an essay and will help them to develop their
outlining skills.

Activity 3: From an Example Paragraph to Example Essay, pp. 121–123

Go over each component of the instructions for this activity as a class. Guide students as
they work in pairs to take identify the similarities and differences between the paragraph and
essay. Dedicate extra time, as needed, to support students in comparing Paragraph 12 and Essay
3 and with answering and following instructions in items #3–6.

Building Better Sentences, p. 123

For further practice, refer students to Practice 13 and Practice 14 on pages 240–241. Have
students complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind
students NOT to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences
activities. The goal here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
to see if the student combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps
of combining sentences on pages 232–233.

Grammar for Writing

Recognizing Word Forms and Common Suffixes, p. 124
Explain that recognizing word forms and common suffixes can help students expand their
vocabularies and provide more variety in their writing.

Activity 4: Finding Word Forms in Essays, p. 124

Point out to students that one of the most common language errors occurs with word
forms. Note that the missing word forms can be found in “The Weather in Chicago and Miami”
on page 122. Complete several examples of this activity as a class and then have students
practice independently with some of the common word form problems.
Emphasize to students that vocabulary development is an integral part of improving their
writing skills. Use this word form activity as a springboard for students to build on their
vocabulary journals.

Activity 5: Brainstorming and Outlining Practice, pp. 125–126

Have students work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to brainstorm and then
transfer their ideas to an outline. Point out that students will not develop this topic into an essay.
You may choose to create outline templates such as this one, which students can use with other
writing projects. An outline template is a great tool for helping students with organizational

Connectors and Transitions, p. 126

Discuss as a class the chart of connectors and transitions on page 126. Encourage
students to make their own charts with sample comparing and contrasting structures commonly
used in comparison essays on index cards as needed for quick reference and to add to their lists
as they encounter new connectors and transitions. For more information, students should refer to
pages 220–222 of the Brief Writer’s Handbook.

Activity 6: Analyzing Connectors and Transitions, pp. 126–127

Clarify that students should use the essay version of “The Weather in Chicago and
Miami” for this activity.

Grammar for Writing

Forming the Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives and Adverbs, p. 127
As a class, go over this important grammar point that students should be aware of in their
writing. Point out to students that comparatives and superlatives are commonly used and are a
useful tool in comparison writing.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 7: Practice with Comparatives and Superlatives, pp. 127–128
Review the words that signal comparatives (than) and superlatives (the) before students
complete the activity. Have them compare answers with a partner.

Grammar for Writing

Parallel Structure, p. 128
Point out to students that both native and nonnative English speakers make frequent
errors with parallel structure. As needed, provide examples that help illustrate items 1 and 2 in
this section. Encourage students to ask for clarification as needed.

Activity 8: Using Comparatives, Superlatives, and Parallel Structure, p. 128

Clarify that students should look for errors regarding comparatives, superlatives, and
parallel structure. Have students work independently or in pairs as needed. Based on students’
need for additional support with error correction, provide them with a hint by telling them how
many errors are present in each sentence.

Activity 9: Combining Sentences, p. 129

Point out that the paragraphs in Activities 9–13 make up a whole essay. Make sure
students read all of the paragraphs in the essay before they begin the activities.
Point out to students that a common problem with writing often includes writing short,
choppy sentences. Tell students that this activity requires them to combine similar ideas into one
sentence while maintaining parallel structure.
Take time to emphasize the importance of sentence variety in writing. Encourage
students encouraged to evaluate their writing at the sentence level to ensure that their sentences
are varied. Remind students that the introduction to Building Better Sentences in Appendix 1
(pages 232–233) contains strategies for combining sentences.

Activity 10: Using Connectors and Transitions, p. 130

Point out that this is the second paragraph in the essay. Complete several items together
as a class to model for students how connectors and transitions help shape the information that is

Activity 11: Editing from Teacher’s Comments, p. 131

Point out that this is the third paragraph in the essay. Explain to students the importance
of utilizing feedback in order to correct their mistakes. Tell them that Activity 10 ties in multiple
grammar activities in a real-life format. Complete this activity together in order to model for
students how to use edits and comments in order to rewrite and revise writing. Remind students
to indent the first line of the paragraph.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Activity 12: Editing for Errors, p. 132
Point out that this is the fourth paragraph in the essay. Work together as a class to make
corrections and discuss the errors they find in the example essay. Tell students that the more they
practice editing and revising, the more readily they will be able to edit their own work for errors.

Activity 13: Using Correct Grammar, p. 132

Point out that this is the last paragraph in the essay. Explain that the grammar practice in
Activity 12 is designed to model some of the more common mistakes students make. Complete
this activity in small groups or as a class for additional support as needed.

Building Better Sentences, p. 132

For further practice, refer students to Practice 15 on pages 241–242. Have students
complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT
to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal
here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 14: Analyzing an Essay, p. 133

As needed, work together as a class to analyze the context of Essay 4. Point out to
students that the questions in this activity are designed to bring the key components of an essay
to their attention. Make sure that students are able to explain their answers.

Building Better Vocabulary

Activity 15: Word Associations, pp. 133–134
If necessary, remind students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand
their vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students
will have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing.
Point out to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to
choose the word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be
beneficial for students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have
partners take turns looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 16: Using Collocations, pp. 134–135

If necessary, review what collocations are (words or groups of words that naturally and
that frequently co-occur with a target word). Remind students that learning collocations will help
them build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases in their
writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Original Student Writing: Comparison Essay

Activity 17: Writing Your Original Essay, pp. 135–136
Have students follow the seven steps of the writing process to write an original
comparison essay. Remind students to reference the information on the seven steps in the Brief
Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages 191–198) as needed.
Before students do Step 3, remind them to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 9 from
NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. They will also need Peer Editing Sheet 10 before completing Step 5.
Have students exchange papers with a partner and use the sheet to edit each other’s outlines and
first drafts. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments and
suggestions. Be sure that students carefully double-check their essay against the Final Draft
Checklist on page 136.

Additional Topics for Writing, p. 136

Included in this section is a list of comparison essay writing prompts. Point out to
students that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You may
choose to assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind students to
refer to the seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities
(pages 191–198).

Timed Writing, p. 137

Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately. Before beginning
the writing task, review the writing prompt and the essay guidelines provided.

Write four connected pairs of sentences on the board but leave out the transitions. Ask
students to provide what they think are appropriate transitions between the sentences, e.g. “My
father is retired. My mother works 35 hours per week.”
Take a paragraph from a newspaper, magazine, or other written work and retype it with
seven grammatical errors, making sure to include sentences that need transitions between them.
Display the paragraph on the board or screen and make corrections as a class. Be sure to discuss
the rationale for each edit and encourage students to ask for clarification as needed.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.
Whether or not this particular strategy is employed, it is imperative that students acquire
a large amount of appropriate vocabulary in this course.

Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal

Below is a list of vocabulary words from the essays in the unit. We suggest that students
begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as necessary.

Essay 3, p. 122
to constitute
in fact
to center on
to perceive
to drop
to dump
up to
to paralyze
for instance
to destroy
in the end
to upset
to deal with
to anticipate
to stand

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Essay 4, pp. 129–132
(p. 129)
to earn
to pilot

(p. 130)

(p. 131)

(p. 132)
to steer
to operate
to share

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 114 and 115. Direct their
attention to the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
ask students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 6 Cause-Effect Essays

In Unit 6, students learn about two distinct models of cause-effect essays: many causes
leading to one effect and one cause leading to many effects. While there are other models of
cause-effect essays, this unit concentrates on these two models as they are the most commonly
used in academic writing.
Students will continue with Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary.
For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to
produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary, editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Understand the two purposes of cause-effect essays. (p. 140)
2. Learn to choose and organize topics in a cause-effect essay. (pp. 140–144)
3. Understand how to move from a cause-effect paragraph to an essay, and analyze a
cause-effect essay. (pp. 145–147)
4. Identify different word forms in essays. (p. 147)
5. Practice brainstorming and outlining for a cause-effect essay. (pp. 148–149)
6. Review and analyze connectors and transitions. (p. 149)
7. Review the different ways of expressing action in the past, and practice with present and past
tense. (pp. 150–151)
8. Review and practice using preposition combinations with nouns. (pp. 152–153)
9. Combine sentences and use connectors and transitions. (pp. 154–155)
10. Practice editing a cause-effect essay. (pp. 156–158)
11. Analyze a cause-effect essay. (p. 158)
12. Write a cause-effect essays. (pp. 161–162)

Before beginning the activities in Unit 6, make sure that all of the students understand the
graphic representations of cause-effect essays at the beginning of the unit. Most of the activities
in this unit require students to study and analyze various example cause-effect essays. Students
will learn how to write and revise a cause-effect essay by completing brainstorming, outlining,
and peer editing activities.
The goals of the Grammar for Writing sections in Unit 6 are to teach students common
cause-effect structures, ways of expressing past actions, and preposition combinations with

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows cracks near the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.
Go over the objectives on the top of page 139. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 139. Tell them you will come back
to this question at the end of the unit.

Cause-Effect Essays, p. 140

Explain that a cause-effect essay should show either several causes of one thing, or
several effects of one thing. Caution students not to try to show multiple causes and effects in
one essay.

Choosing a Topic, p. 140

Review the explanations and charts. Explain that topics of a cause-effect essay can vary
from situations in which one cause produces one effect (first chart), multiple causes produce one
effect (second chart), and one cause produces multiple effects (third chart).

Activity 1: Choosing Appropriate Topics and Titles, p. 141

Point out that this activity will provide practice choosing appropriate topics for a
cause-effect essay. After completing this activity, ask students if they see certain words in the
titles (such as causes, reasons, impact, and effects) that indicate cause-effect dynamics.

Organization of a Cause-Effect Essay, pp. 141–143

Go over the outline of a cause-effect essay as well as the information on supporting
details. Point out that there are three ways to organize supporting details: (1) by category, (2) in
chronological order, (3) by order of importance. Encourage students to take notes on this
information or flag this section and reference it as needed for future writing.

Activity 2: Making an Outline for a Cause-Effect Essay, pp. 143–144

Clarify that students must first brainstorm ideas, which they should compare with a
partner, and then work independently to fill in the missing parts of the outline using the
words/phrases provided (at the top of page 144). Point out that this activity will help familiarize
them with the structure of a cause-effect essay and will help them to develop their outlining

Activity 3: From an Example Paragraph to Example Essay, pp. 145–147

Go over each component of the instructions for this activity as a class. Guide students as
they work in pairs to take identify the similarities and differences between the paragraph and
essay. Dedicate extra time, as needed, to support students in comparing Paragraph 19 and Essay
5 and with answering and following instructions in items #1–6.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Building Better Sentences, p. 147
For further practice, refer students to Practice 16 on page 242. Have students complete
the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at
the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to
see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 4: Finding Word Forms in Essays, p. 147

Point out that the missing word forms can be found in Essay 5 on the previous page
(page 146). As a class, complete several examples of this activity as needed and then have
students practice independently with some of the common word form problems.
Emphasize to students that vocabulary development is an integral part of improving their
writing skills. Use this word form activity as a springboard for students to build on their
vocabulary journals.

Activity 5: Brainstorming and Outlining Practice, pp. 148–149

Have students work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to brainstorm and then
transfer their ideas to an outline. Point out that students will not develop this topic into an essay.
Be sure students circle the organizational method for the essay and for their supporting details
they are using in the middle of page 148. You may choose to create outline templates such as this
one, which students can use with other writing projects. An outline template is a great tool for
helping students with organizational difficulties.
For extra brainstorming and outlining practice, students can complete the exercise again
on a separate piece of paper using an additional title from Activity 1.

Grammar for Writing

Common Cause-Effect Structures, p. 149
Discuss as a class the chart of connectors and transitions on page 149. Encourage
students to make their own charts with structures commonly used in cause-effect essays on index
cards as needed for quick reference and to add to their lists as they encounter new connectors and
transitions. For more information, students should refer to pages 220–222 of the Brief Writer’s
Handbook with Activities.

Activity 6: Analyzing Connectors and Transitions, p. 149

Point out that students will now practice connectors and transitions for cause-effect
essays. Clarify that students should use the essay version of “Dropping Out” (page 146) for this

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Grammar for Writing
Ways of Expressing Past Actions, p. 150
Review as a class the four verb tenses that can express past actions. Be sure to cover both
the function and the form of each of the tenses provided. Provide any further clarification on the
tenses as needed.

Activity 7: Practicing with Present and Past Tense, p. 151

Complete several items together as a class in order to model for students how to use
context in the text to help them figure out the correct verb tense. Provided additional practice or
clarification as needed.

Building Better Sentences, p. 151

For further practice, refer students to Practice 17 on page 243. Have students complete
the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at
the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to
see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.
Grammar for Writing
Preposition Combinations with Nouns, p. 152
Review as a class this important grammar point that students should be aware of in their
writing. Point out that like forms of irregular verbs, these combinations do not follow a rule and
must be memorized. Go over the meaning of the combinations presented in the chart and provide
examples (or elicit examples from students) as needed.

Activity 8: Practicing with Preposition Combinations with Nouns, pp. 152–153

Have students reference the chart on page 152 as needed as they complete the activity.
Point out to students that they must use and recycle these phrases in order to learn to use them

Working with Language in a Cause-Effect Essay

Remind students that appropriate connectors and transitions allow readers to follow the
connections between ideas. Encourage students to also notice and use verbs and nouns that
indicate cause and effect (such as benefit, effect, impact, influence).

Activity 9: Combining Sentences, p. 154

Point out that the example paragraphs in Activities 9–13 make up a whole essay. Make
sure students read all the paragraphs in the essay before they begin the activities.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Point out to students that a common problem with writing often includes writing short,
choppy sentences. Take time to emphasize the importance of sentence variety in writing.
Encourage students encouraged to evaluate their writing at the sentence level to ensure that their
sentences are varied. Remind students that the introduction to Building Better Sentences in
Appendix 1 (pages 232–233) contains strategies for combining sentences.

Activity 10: Using Connectors and Transitions, p. 155

Point out that this is the second paragraph in the essay. Complete several items together
as a class to model for students how connectors and transitions help shape the information that is

Activity 11: Editing from Teacher’s Comments, p. 156

Point out that this is the third paragraph in the essay. Explain to students the importance
of utilizing feedback in order to correct their mistakes. Tell them that Activity 11 ties in multiple
grammar activities in a real-life format. Complete this activity together in order to model for
students how to use edits and comments in order to rewrite and revise writing. Remind students
to indent the first line of the paragraph.

Activity 12: Editing for Errors, p. 157

Point out that this is the fourth paragraph in the essay. Work together as a class to make
corrections and discuss the errors they find in the example essay. Tell students that the more they
practice editing and revising, the more readily they will be able to edit their own work for errors.
For students who need further support, indicate how many errors occur in each line of the

Activity 13: Using Correct Grammar, p. 158

Point out that this is the last paragraph in the essay. Explain that the grammar practice in
Activity 13 is designed to model some of the more common mistakes students make. Complete
this activity in small groups or as a class for additional support as needed.

Activity 14: Analyzing the Essay, p. 158

As needed, work together as a class to analyze the context of Essay 6. Point out to
students that the questions in this activity are designed to bring the key components of an essay
to their attention. Make sure that students are able to explain their answers.

Building Better Sentences, p. 148

For further practice, refer students to Practice 18 on p. 243. Have students complete the
activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at the
original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to see
the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Building Better Vocabulary

Activity 15: Word Associations, p. 159
If necessary, remind students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand
their vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students
will have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing.
Point out to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to
choose the word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be
beneficial for students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have
partners take turns looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 16: Using Collocations, p. 160

If necessary, review what collocations are (words or groups of words that naturally and
that frequently co-occur with a target word). Remind students that learning collocations will help
them build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases in their
writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Original Student Writing: Cause-Effect Essay

Activity 17: Writing Your Original Essay, pp. 161–162
Have students follow the seven steps of the writing process to write an original
cause-effect essay. Remind students they can also refer to the information on the seven steps in
the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages 191-198) as needed.
Before students do Step 3, remind them to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 11
from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. They will also need Peer Editing Sheet 12 before completing
Step 5. Have students exchange papers with a partner and use the sheet to edit each other’s
outlines and first drafts. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments
and suggestions. Be sure that students carefully double-check their essay against the Final Draft
Checklist on page 162.

Additional Topics for Writing, p. 162

Included in this section is a list of cause-effect essay writing prompts. Point out to
students that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You may
choose to assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind students to

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
refer to the seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities
(pages 191-198).

Timed Writing, p. 163

Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately. Before beginning
the writing task, review the writing prompt and the essay guidelines provided.

Consider using the following expansion activities as additional support for topics covered
in this unit depending on students’ needs:
• Write partial sentences on the board using the cause-effect connectors. Have students
complete the sentences with logical information.
• Ask students to each write one complete sentence using the cause-effect connectors.
Collect the sentences. Choose 10 of the most interesting sentences and create a matching
activity where students need to match the first part of the sentence to the second part of
the sentence. This is a time-saving activity that uses students’ original work as an
evaluation tool.
• A simple way of creating extra activities that help develop sentence skills is to take a
sentence that is well written and deconstruct it yourself into smaller sentences. Give those
smaller sentences to students and ask them to make more complex sentences out of the


Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.
Whether or not this particular strategy is employed, it is imperative that students acquire
a large amount of appropriate vocabulary in this course.

Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal

Below is a list of vocabulary words from the paragraphs and essays in the unit. We
suggest that students begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as

Essay 5, pp. 146

to recruit

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
to cram
to succumb

Paragraph 23, p. 151

to bully
to establish

Paragraph 24, pp. 152-153

to benefit
to tend
to be cooped up

Essay 6, pp. 154–158

(p. 154)
to be aware
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.

(p. 155)
to reap

(p. 156)
mood enhancer

(p. 157)
to engage
to increase
to pursue

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 138 and 139. Direct their
attention to the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then
ask students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
UNIT 7 Classification Essays

Unit 7 features classification essays, a common rhetorical style in academic writing and
one that most students are familiar with. However, many students have problems with
classification essays because of its perceived ease. One thing that should be reiterated while
presenting this unit is that the classification outline must account for all of the aspects being
categorized. This unit also features connectors and transitions, passive voice, and adjective
clauses as Grammar for Writing elements.
Students will continue with Building Better Sentences and Building Better Vocabulary.
For further support, you may use the Great Writing 3 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® to
produce quizzes on the grammar, vocabulary, editing, or writing that is covered in this unit.

1. Learn about classification essays and how to choose a topic. (pp. 166–167)
2. Organize a classification essay. (pp. 167–170)
3. Understand how to move from a classification paragraph to an essay. (pp. 171–174)
4. Analyze a classification essay. (pp. 171–174, 184)
5. Identify word forms in a classification essay. (p. 175)
6. Practice brainstorming and outlining a classification essay. (pp. 175-176)
7. Practice using connectors and transitions in classification essays. (pp. 176–177)
8. Review and practice using the passive voice. (pp. 177–178)
9. Practice using adjective clauses. (p. 179–180)
10. Practice combining sentence. (p. 181)
11. Practice using connectors and transitions. (p. 182)
12. Edit for errors and edit from feedback. (pp. 182–184)
13. Write an original classification essay. (p. 187)

In Unit 7, students will learn how to select the best principle of organization for
classification essays in order to make sure that all types of each category that relates to the main
item are represented in the essay. Guided practice is provided as students first analyze an outline
for a classification essay before creating their own.
Most of the activities in this unit require students to study and analyze example
classification essays. Students will learn how to write and revise a classification essay by
completing brainstorming, outlining, and peer editing activities.

Unit Opener
Each unit begins with a two-page opening spread featuring a photo, a set of objectives,
and a culminating writing task.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Direct students’ attention to the photo and ask them to tell you what they see. This photo
shows a collection of various eggs at the Nebraska State Museum.
Go over the objectives on the top of page 165. Explain that students will do these in the
unit. Have students look at the question at the bottom of page 165. Tell them you will come back
to this question at the end of the unit.

Classification Essays, p. 166

Explain that classification essays put things into groups using certain criteria. Provide
examples that students can readily understand (e.g., students’ countries of origin, types of
English classes, food groups, musical genres).

Choosing a Topic, p. 166

Explain what a principle of organization is and go over the examples provided (and add
additional examples as needed). Emphasize the importance of choosing an appropriate principle
or organization and explain to students that this choice will greatly affect the quality of their

Activity 1: Choosing Appropriate Topics and Titles, p. 167

Tell students that they will now practice making good choices for topics of classification
essays. Depending on the needs of students, model an item or two and then have students work
individually or in pairs to complete the activity. Ask students to notice certain words in the titles
(such as type) that represent classifications.

Organization of a Classification Essay, pp. 167–168

Go over the explanations and walk students through the outline. Point out the parallel
form of the supporting details in each body paragraph. Encourage students to ask for clarification
as needed.

Activity 2: Making an Outline for a Classification Essay, pp. 169–170

Have students work independently to fill in the blanks of a partially completed outline of
the essay they just read using the words/phrases provided (at the top of page 169). Point out that
this activity will help familiarize them with the structure of a classification essay and will help
them to develop their outlining skills. Direct students to the body paragraphs and point out the
parallel structure of the supporting details in each body paragraph.

Activity 3: From an Example Paragraph to Example Essay, pp. 171–174

Go over each component of the instructions for this activity as a class. Guide students as
they work in pairs to take identify the similarities and differences between the paragraph and
essay. Dedicate extra time, as needed, to support students in comparing Paragraph 25 and
Essay 7 and with answering and following instructions in the post-reading questions. As students
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
read the paragraph and essay, remind them to circle or highlight vocabulary that they might not
be familiar with.

Building Better Sentences, p. 174

For further practice, refer students to Practice 19 and Practice 20 on pages 244–245. Have
students complete the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind
students NOT to look at the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences
activities. The goal here is to see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just
to see if the student combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps
of combining sentences on pages 232–233.

Activity 4: Finding Word Forms in Essays, p. 175

Point out that the missing word forms can be found in Essay 7 (pages 172–173).
Complete several examples of this activity as a class as needed and then have students practice
independently with some of the common word form problems.
Emphasize to students that vocabulary development is an integral part of improving their
writing skills. Use this word form activity as a springboard for students to build on their
vocabulary journals.

Activity 5: Brainstorming and Outlining Practice, p. 175–176

Have students work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to brainstorm and then
transfer their ideas to an outline. Point out that students will not develop this topic into an essay.
You may choose to create outline templates such as this one, which students can use with other
writing projects. An outline template is a great tool for helping students with organizational
For extra brainstorming and outlining practice, students can complete the exercise again
on a separate piece of paper using an additional title from Activity 1.

Grammar for Writing

Connectors and Transitions, p. 176
As a class, discuss the connectors and transitions chart on page 176. Point out that the top
section presents connectors and transitions for listing and giving examples while the bottom
section presents those that describe relationship. Encourage students to make their own charts
with connectors and transitions commonly used in classification essays on index cards as needed
for quick reference and to add to their lists as they encounter new connectors and transitions.

Activity 6: Analyzing Connectors and Transitions, p. 177

Clarify that students should use the essay version of “The Many Faces of Acting” (pages
172–173) for this activity. Have students reference the chart at the top of page 176 as needed as
they complete this activity.
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Grammar for Writing
The Passive Voice, pp. 177–178
Go over the explanations and examples of the passive voice. Make sure students
understand both the form and the function of the passive voice. Point out to students that many
sentences we see in the passive voice omit the by phrase. The sentence Corn is grown in Iowa is
an example of this type of passive sentence. Ask students why the phrase by farmers is not

Using the Passive Voice, p. 178

Discuss with students why the passive voice is considered overused. Illustrate contexts in
which the passive voice is necessary and other instances where it should be revised.

Activity 7: The Passive Voice, p. 178

This activity gives students practice with changing active voice to passive. As an extra
activity, have students write sentences in the passive voice. Then, exchange with pairs and
change the sentences to active voice.

Grammar for Writing

Using Adjective Clauses, p. 179
At this level, students should be fairly comfortable writing simple adjective clauses.
However, it is important to go over this section in detail with students to reinforce this important
grammatical point, which can greatly improve the quality of students’ writing. Clarify as needed
when an adjective clause contains necessary information and when it contains unnecessary
information (and thus requires a comma).

Activity 8: Practicing with the Passive Voice and Adjective Clauses, p. 180
Point out that students will practice identifying and correcting errors with the passive
voice and adjective clauses. Have students work independently or in partners and reference the
Grammar for Writing sections on pages 177–179 as needed. Based on students’ need for
additional support with error correction, work as a class to correct underlined parts of the

Activity 9: Combining Sentences, p. 181

Point out that the example paragraphs in Activities 9–13 make up a whole essay. Make
sure students read all the paragraphs in the essay before they begin the activities.
Point out to students that a common problem with writing often includes writing short,
choppy sentences. Tell students that this activity requires them to combine three pieces of
information into one sentence while maintaining parallel structure.
Take time to emphasize the importance of sentence variety in writing. Encourage
students encouraged to evaluate their writing at the sentence level to ensure that their sentences
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
are varied. Remind students that the introduction to Building Better Sentences in Appendix 1
(pages 232–233) contains strategies for combining sentences.

Activity 10: Using Connectors and Transitions, p. 182

Point out that this is the second paragraph in the essay. If needed, complete several items
together as a class to model for students how connectors and transitions help shape the
information that is presented.

Activity 11: Editing from Teacher’s Comments, pp. 182–183

Point out that this is the third paragraph in the essay. Explain to students the importance
of utilizing feedback in order to correct their mistakes. Tell them that Activity 11 ties in multiple
grammar activities in a real-life format. Complete this activity together in order to model for
students how to use edits and comments in order to rewrite and revise writing. Remind students
to indent the first line of the paragraph.

Activity 12: Editing for Errors, pp. 183–184

Point out that this is the fourth paragraph in the essay. Work together as a class to make
corrections and discuss the errors they find in the example essay. Tell students that the more they
practice editing and revising, the more readily they will be able to edit their own work for errors.
Provide students with additional support by indicating how many errors occur in each line of the

Activity 13: Using Correct Grammar, p. 184

Point out that this is the last paragraph in the essay. Explain that the grammar practice in
Activity 13 is designed to model some of the more common mistakes students make. Complete
this activity in small groups or as a class for additional support as needed.

Activity 14: Analyzing the Essay, p. 184

As needed, work together as a class to analyze the context of Essay 8. Point out to
students that the questions in this activity are designed to bring the key components of an essay
to their attention. Make sure that students are able to explain their answers.

Building Better Sentences, p. 184

For further practice, refer students to Practice 21 on page 245. Have students complete
the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups as needed. Remind students NOT to look at
the original sentences while working on Building Better Sentences activities. The goal here is to
see the combinations that result and how they are different, not just to see if the student
combinations match the original. If necessary, have students review the steps of combining
sentences on pages 232–233.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Building Better Vocabulary
Activity 15: Word Associations, p. 185
If necessary, remind students that learning word associations will help enrich and expand
their vocabulary by building connections to more words. By increasing their vocabulary, students
will have more options in communicating their ideas, which will help improve their writing.
Point out to students that this activity is about word associations, not definitions. The task is to
choose the word or phrase that is most closely associated with the target word. It may be
beneficial for students to complete this activity with a partner and with a dictionary. Have
partners take turns looking up the meaning of the words they do not know.

Activity 16: Using Collocations, p. 186

If necessary, review what collocations are (words or groups of words that naturally and
that frequently co-occur with a target word). Remind students that learning collocations will help
them build on their bank of commonly used phrases and that incorporating these phrases in their
writing will help it sound more natural and advanced.
Model how to select the correct answer by completing several of the items together as a
class. Have students complete the activity individually or in pairs. Encourage students to keep a
list of the most common or useful collocations and ask them to review them on their own for

Original Student Writing: Classification Essay

Activity 17: Writing Your Original Essay, pp. 187–188
Have students follow the seven steps of the writing process to write an original
classification essay. Remind students to reference the information on the seven steps in the Brief
Writer’s Handbook with Activities (pages 191–198) as needed.
Before students do Step 3, remind them to download and print Peer Editing Sheet 13
from NGL.Cengage.com/GW3. They will also need Peer Editing Sheet 14 before completing
Step 5. Have students exchange papers with a partner and use the sheet to edit each other’s
outlines and first drafts. If necessary, remind students to make helpful and positive comments
and suggestions. Be sure that students carefully double-check their essay against the Final Draft
Checklist on page 188.

Additional Topics for Writing, p. 188

Included in this section is a list of classification essay writing prompts. Point out to
students that in order to become better writers, they need to write as much as possible. You may
choose to assign these topics a daily, weekly, bimonthly, or voluntary basis. Remind students to
refer to the seven steps in the writing process in the Brief Writer’s Handbook with Activities
(pages 191–198).

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
Timed Writing, p. 189
Timed writing is a valuable skill for students to work on since many standardized tests
include a timed-writing section. Students might feel varying levels of anxiety due to this time
limit, which can result in a greater number of errors than they normally make. Explain to
students that timed-writing practice can help them feel more comfortable and confident in other
timed-writing situations where they will need to write quickly and accurately. Before beginning
the writing task, review the writing prompt and the essay guidelines provided.

Provide additional support for writing outlines by having students write their outlines on
paper and post them on the walls around the classroom. Then, with a simple evaluation sheet, ask
students to circulate around the room and analyze their classmates’ outlines. Simple questions
that can be asked to guide students in their outline analysis include: (1) Are all of the types
represented in this outline? Is the thesis clear? and Do you have any recommendations for
making the outline clearer?


Because vocabulary is such an important point in moving to a higher proficiency level,
instructors may want their students to maintain a vocabulary journal to correspond to the
vocabulary, which is something that we strongly advocate.
Whether or not this particular strategy is employed, it is imperative that students acquire
a large amount of appropriate vocabulary in this course.

Suggested Words for the Vocabulary Journal

Below is a list of vocabulary words from the paragraphs and essays in the unit. We
suggest that students begin with these words and add other words to their vocabulary journals as

Essay 7, pp. 172–173

to produce
to range
to rehearse
to memorize
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
on location
to rank
regardless of
to be safe to say

Essay 8, pp. 181–184

(p. 181)

(p. 182)

(pp. 182–183)
to avoid
to bond

(p. 183)
to upgrade
to sightsee

(p. 184)
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.

Have students refer back to the opening spread on pages 164 and 165. Direct their
attention to the objectives. Ask them to put a check mark by the objective(s) they achieved. Then
ask students the question at the bottom of the page. Students can raise hands to show if they can
answer yes to the question.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
The sections of the Handbook can be used in any order and as necessary. It is important
to be familiar with the content presented in this Handbook in order to use it as needed throughout
the course.

Understanding the Writing Process: The Seven Steps, pp. 191-198

This section covers the seven basic steps of writing a paragraph. It shows how a student
successfully follows the seven steps and produces a coherent, cohesive essay. We suggest you
find some time to go through this section before students go about writing their first essay from

Editing Your Writing, pp. 199–203

This section guides students through the editing process and provides specific and
explicit advice on editing. This section helps student incorporate teacher feedback as they rewrite
their drafts by providing step-by-step training. In Editing Your Writing, students use a series of
guided questions to analyze and compare three versions of the same student essay.

Capitalization Activities, pp. 204–207

This section focuses on capitalization and consists of two parts. The first part is a set of
basic rules; the second part is actual practice with capitalization.

Punctuation Activities, pp. 207–213

This section focuses on punctuation. It provides instruction and pertinent practice in end
punctuation, commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, semicolons, and editing for errors.

Sentence Types, pp. 213–215

This section offers a concise guide to simple, compound, and complex sentences and
offers a few practice activities for students. You may wish to begin the textbook with a review of
sentence types in this section and then move on to the main units in the text.

Additional Grammar Activities, pp. 216–219

This section offers practice in grammar within the context of paragraphs and essays.
Students can practice verb forms, connectors, articles, prepositions, and comma splices, either
individually or as a class assignment. Many of the practice activities in this section concentrate
on editing for errors, which is a good way of reviewing specific grammar rules in the context of
essay writing.

Connectors, pp. 220–221

This section contains a list of connectors, including transition words and coordinating
conjunctions, to help maintain a flow of ideas in an essay. Make students aware of this list as
Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.
early in the course as possible and encourage them to use it as appropriate. You may have
students turn to this section at the first mention of connectors in the text (Unit 5, page 116).

Citations and Plagiarism, pp. 223–223

This section explains and demonstrates how to cite borrowed information in order to
avoid plagiarism. A special emphasis is placed on teaching English learners how to paraphrase,
as they may not understand the original material or they may not know the necessary vocabulary
to express the same idea in their own words. This may be a relatively new concept to some
students, so it is important to emphasize the importance of avoiding plagiarism.


Appendix 1 Building Better Sentences, pp. 232–245

Appendix 1 contains Building Better Sentences exercises. Be sure to spend some time as
a class reviewing the strategies for combining sentences presented on pages 232–233 before
students attempt the activities and refer back to this section as needed. At this point, students will
probably have questions about word order and punctuation usage. Encourage students to ask for
clarification as needed. It may be helpful to review this section periodically.

Appendix 2 Peer Editing Sheet Sample, p. 246

Appendix 2 is a sample peer editing sheet that students will use when reading each
other’s work and providing feedback. Students will need to go to NGL.Cengage.com/GW3 for
the peer editing sheets that they will use with each unit. Students are more likely to give relevant
feedback if they are looking for specific elements within an outline or essay. The questions are
specifically designed to direct students’ attention to specific, targeted points to enable them to
provide helpful and constructive feedback.

Answer Key
The answer key for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays can be
accessed on the web by going to the instructor site at NGL.Cengage.com/GW3.

Teacher’s Notes for Great Writing 3: From Great Paragraphs to Great Essays, 3rd Edition
Copyright © 2015 National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for use in class.

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