Pagsasalin K4: Pagsasalin Tungo Sa Intelektuwalisasyon NG W. Filipino
Pagsasalin K4: Pagsasalin Tungo Sa Intelektuwalisasyon NG W. Filipino
Pagsasalin K4: Pagsasalin Tungo Sa Intelektuwalisasyon NG W. Filipino
Marketers believe that quality products may not sustain its sales unless appropriate marketing
communications are employed. Thus, IMC has been conceptualized to explore all the means in order to
reach every member of the target market. For IMC to work well, it requires a lot of planning and right
timing for its implementation.
Food establishments like fast food chains utilize IMC to attain a variety of objectives. Fast food
chains offer a pleasant alternative to eating where in one can choose any variety of foods and offers a well
prepared hot meal which is ready to eat. It gives advantages to those people who do not have the ability,
time or will to cook at home. As of now, fast food chains continue applying the Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) in developing new products or promotions and consequently tell the customers
about it. IMC is becoming more significant in marketing practice because of the reduced cost effectiveness
of mass media and media fragmentation.
As consumers spend more time online and on mobile devices, all exposures of the brand need to
tie together so they are more likely to be remembered. Increasingly, the strategies of brands cannot be
understood by looking solely at their advertising. Instead, they can be understood by seeing how all aspects
of their communications ecosystem work together and in particular, how communications are personalized
for each customer and react in real time, as in conversation.
With this, it is necessary for us to know the response of consumers on each
marketing and sales promotional activities on the fast food chains. There is a marketing war going on in
fast food industry. Chains keep pushing the envelope; you end up getting some pretty bizarre things on the
menus. The best marketing and sales promotion strategies are the key to attract more consumers and
develop much higher profit.
Figure 1 shows the interplay of the variables of the study. The level of knowledge about marketing
and sales promotion served as the independent variables. On the other hand, the dependent variables
consisted of the response of the respondents towards fast food chains integrated marketing communication
efforts such as advertising, sales promotion and coupons. It was presumed that favorable response towards
IMC has something to do with how the consumers are well informed of these promotion endeavors.
In actuality, sales promotion is very prospective and effective element of IMC because it
contributes to the rise of sales through the active promotion of the product and delivery of detailed
information about the product to target customer groups. In such a situation, IMC can be very beneficial
for companies which need to increase their sales or which are just entering the market with a new product,
by which sales promotion attracts customers. Often discounts are used to accelerate sales and facilitate
sales promotion.
According to a site on signs by tomorrow, there are four practical tips for implementing Integrated
Marketing Communications (IMC). First, develop a strong brand identity. Any successful marketing
initiative starts with a strong brand. Second, develop clear brand standards. Even if you do not need a full-
blown style guide, every business can benefit from some clearly outlined guidelines that will ensure
consistency across your marketing and branding. Third, designate a “Brand Champion.” Every
organization should have one person who has primary responsibility for protecting your brand. If that
person sees it being misrepresented, he or she should bring it to the attention of someone with the authority
to make a change and ensure it is on the same page with the rest of your integrated marketing
communications. And lastly, identify operational touch points. Stop for a moment and walk through your
business process from the point of your customers.
The purpose of the study was to determine the level of knowledge and degree of response of
consumers towards IMC of fast food patrons – Jollibee and McDonalds. Particularly, it aimed to identify
the socio-demographic profile – age, course and weekly allowance of the respondents; assessed how
knowledgeable are the respondents towards sales promotional strategies used by Jollibee and McDonalds;
gauged how responsive are the respondents towards these IMC and determined whether their level of
knowledge and their level of response has significant relationship.
This study adopted the descriptive correlation design. In this method, descriptive analysis has been
done on the three variables of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) that may influence the
knowledge level of consumers. The correlation analysis was used to determine which of the three variable
tested has significant relationship to knowledge level of consumers. The process of descriptive research
goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. It involves the elements or interpretation of the
meaning or significance of what is described. Correlation method of research involves the collection of
data in order to determine the strength of relationship that exists between the two variables.
The setting of the study was in the downtown area of Davao City, particularly in the streets of
Ilustre, Bonifacio, Anda, San Pedro and Claveria. The City of Davao is one of the most important cities in
the Philippines and the chief city of the island of Mindanao. It is located in the province of Davao Del Sur,
situated in the southeast of Mindanao. It is also one of the Philippines’ most progressive cities. Its
international airport and seaports are among the busiest cargo hubs in the southern part of the Philippines.
The city itself is about 2,444 square kilometers or 943.6 square miles and is the biggest city in the world.
The researchers followed the following procedures in gathering the data:
1. Permission was obtained from the college dean of Accountancy and Business Administration to
conduct the survey.
2. Distribution of the questionnaires to the respondents.
3. Retrieval of the questionnaires from the respondents.
4. Tallying the responses of the respondents.
5. Analysis and interpretation of data.
A researcher-made questionnaire was used as instrument in gathering and collecting data. It
contained 14 closed ended items: 6 multiple choice and 8 Likert-scaled questions.
In determining the level of knowledge of consumers towards Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC), the raw scores that the respondents obtained were converted into intervals which
range from 1-9 and were interpreted as follows:
Rating Knowledge Level
0-3 Low
4-6 Average
7-9 high
In determining the relationship between the consumer’s level of knowledge and response towards
sales promotion, the Pearson-r correlation was used and subsequently the results were interpreted using the
details as follows:
Rating Interpretation
0.00 to + 0.20 Slight Correlation (Negligible relationship)
+ 0.21 to + 0.40 Low Correlation
+ 0.41 to + 0.60 Moderate Correlation
+ 0.61 to + 0.80 high Correlation
+ 0.81 to + 1.00 Very high Correlation
Before the questionnaire was administered to the respondents, it was submitted to experts to
establish its content validity.
The sampling design used in this study was purposive sampling wherein the 400 respondents
included in the sample were chosen based upon a variety of criteria which included respondents who dines
at Jollibee and McDonald’s, and their willingness to participate in the research.
Presented in Table 1 is the socio-demographic profile of respondents in terms of age, course and
weekly allowance. It shows that among the 400 respondents, 240 or 60% of them are ages 10 to 20 years
old and 2 or 0.50% are 65 to 75 years old. In terms of course, 120 or 30% of the respondents belongs to
business administration course and 2 or 0.50% are senior citizens. Regarding with their weekly allowance,
170 or 42.50% of the respondents have allowances ranging from to 250 to 500 pesos while 66 or 16.50%
have 1,001 to 1,250 pesos.
Table 1
Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents
10 to 20 240 60.00
21 to 31 127 31.75
32 to 42 19 4.75
43 to 53 11 2.75
54 to 64 1 0.25
65 to 75 2 0.50
Total 400 100
BA 120 30.00
Engineering/IT 29 7.25
health Care AB 36 9.00
hospitality 37 9.25
Employed 18 4.50
Others (Marine Tech, 82 20.50
Criminology) 18 4.50
high School
Senior Citizen
Total 58 14.50
Presented in Table 2 is the fast food preference of consumers. The data show that as compared to
Jollibee people patronize more McDonald’s. Based on this survey, McDonald’s is more patronized and
they captured the taste preference of the people. Out of the 400 respondents, 208 or 52% of the fast food
chain lovers preferred to consume McDonald’s products, while 192 or 48% of them preferred to consume
Jollibee products.
The rivalry between Jollibee and McDonald’s is incomparable in terms of numbers of outlets;
McDonald’s has more than 31,000 outlets in more than 100 countries out of which 3,000 outlets are in
Asia. Jollibee has only 600 outlets and over 50 international outlets. Jollibee Foods Corporation is not a
household name when it comes to the global market. But in the Philippines, it is the king of the burger
market. McDonalds’ is the world’s largest food organization. One industry analyst said “if McDonald’s is
the Goliath of fast food, Jollibee is its Filipino David”. On the other hand, their different form of strategic
method as mode of reaching through consumers is very important.
According to Guthman (2003) globalization has facilitated many organizations to operate globally
which consequently may have changed the buying behavior of consumers and increased awareness on
global fast food brands. Telecommunications have contributed so much on the awareness among
consumers about other cultures, lifestyles and brands. It has now been examined that foreign fast food
brands are consumed more on a frequent bases in contrast to local ones. People feel modernized in
consuming foreign fast foods which has brought a rise in the power of global brands.
Ritcher (2003) calls this phenomenon the “McDonaldisation” of our society that has embraced the
all American meal throughout the globe. The McDonald’s logo is one of the most easily recognizable
company symbols throughout the world. The highly popular food franchise has many menu items as they
serve up specials for breakfast, lunch, dinner and plenty of snack options for anyone who are hungry in
between. They also offer guilty pleasures on their menus, such as French fries, sundae and hamburger.
These elements are comfort foods for many people and can be filling as well as tasty. McDonald’s is
among the most affordable fast food chains which offer a value menu with many options that help keep
dining costs low, which results to continuous patronization of consumers.
Table 2
Fast food preference of consumers
Jollibee 192 48
Mc Dondald’s 208 52
Total 400 1
Table 3
Level of Knowledge towards Marketing and Sales Promotion
(0-3) 147 36
LOW .7
(4-6) 195 48
(7-9) 58 14
hIGh .5
Presented in Table 4 is the consumer response towards marketing and sales promotion. Item
number 6 with the statement, “I buy more if the budget meals that they offer are affordable” got the
highest mean of 4.45 with a descriptive interpretation of “highly agree”. While item number 3 with the
statement, “I buy more if the endorser of the fast food chain is popular” got the lowest mean of 3.31 with
an interpretation of “slightly agree”. The over all mean of 4.00 implies that the respondents are
responsive towards the marketing and sales promotion strategies used by Jollibee and McDonald’s.
Consumers would patronize fast food chains that have many menu items that are affordable – combo
meals and frequent promotions for discounted items, counting on customers with budget sensitivity to be
attracted to these optio
I buy more if the 3.81 Agree Respondents are
endorser of the fast Slightly responsive towards
food chain is popular. IMC.
3.31 Agree
I buy more when there Respondents are slightly
are discount coupons. responsive towards
4 Marketing strategies
of fast food chains 4.08 Agree
help me to patronize Respondents are
their products. responsive towards
3.93 Agree
I buy more if the
budget meals that they Respondents are
offer are affordable. responsive towards
4.44 highly Agree
Respondents are very
responsive towards
Respondents are
Over-all Mean 4.00 Agree
responsive towards
Data in Table 5 show whether the knowledge of the respondents about the Integrated Marketing
Communication promoted by Jollibee and McDonald’s has something to do with the patronage of the
products offered by these two fast food chains. The Pearson-Correlation coefficient of 0.053 signifies
that there is a negligible relationship but insignificant since p-value is greater than 0.05. This means that
the role of Integrated Marketing Communication to entice consumers to patronize ones product has not
been established.
Table 5
Significant Relationship between level of Knowledge and Level of Response
Clow, Kenneth E., Baack, Donald E. (2006). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing
Communications, p. 108. Prentice hall PTR. ISBN 978-0-13-186622-5.
Guthman. (2011). Consumer Preference of Foreign Fastfood Brands over Local Fastfood Brands. 1 February 2011. http://www.
Foreign-Fastfood- Brands-668821.html
Mohrman, s. A. (1998). Tomorrow’s organization: Crafting winning capabilities in a dynamic world. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.