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Bridging The Gap

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Chapter 1


1.1 Rationale

Social networking most notably Facebook have become so popular today that

they are leading words on the lips of every students. You love to spend most of your

time checking your Facebook updates, but do you know that there are many positive and

negative effects of using Facebook?

Most of the students don’t realize the negative effects impacts of Facebook on

their life. And, the main reason is because they are already addicted to it. And, this

addiction can lead to several negative developments. The main purpose of this paper is

to suggest some ways of minimizing the bad impacts of Facebook to students and to

show you the positive effects using this SNS and how the students and teachers can use

this as an avenue for change from traditional to modern way of communicating and

teaching while in this paper will also tackle negative effects on students’ behavior and

performance. This research also focused on finding ways to enhance students’

motivation and improve their achievements, yet without looking closely at the sources for

their demotivation or academic failures/low GPA.

To give you a little background, Facebook was started in 2004 by Harvard

student Mark Zuckerberg. The web site initially began as a way to connect Harvard

students to each other. By late 2004, nearly half of the student population at Harvard

was using Facebook. Facebook was then opened to other Ivy League schools and

eventually most colleges across the United States and Canada. In September 2005,

Facebook launched a version for high school students. Today, the site is open to anyone

age 13 and older with a valid e-mail address. The site no longer requires users to have a

school affiliation to register.


It is a network that connects students, therefore indirectly creating the perfect

learning community. Muñoz and Towner (2009) stated that, “Students who participated

in a web-enhanced class outperformed those in the traditional lecture format,” (as cited

by Hamann and Wilson, 2003). This fact alone should make all educators at least a little

curious in the benefits of Facebook. Internet learning modules engage students in ways

that traditional lectures do not. Facebook increases teacher/student interaction in the

form of web-based communication. Facebook can help teachers connect with students

about assignments, upcoming events, post useful links, and samples of work, all outside

the classroom. Students are able to contact other students about questions on

assignments or exams and work together in an online group. The social networking

aspect of Facebook would let students check out their teachers profiles with personal

information, interests, background and friends which, according to studies, can enhance

student motivation, effective learning and classroom climate (Muñoz & Towner, 2009).

While in this study we will also talk about the cons or the negative effects of using this

kind of SNS. In some research, Facebook also shows negative impacts on the academic

performance of the students primarily when excessive amount of time is rendered in

using it.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The study seeks to answer the pros and cons of Facebook to the students’

academic performance. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following problems;

1. What are the Facebook factors that could affect the students’ academic


2. What are the perceived pros and cons of Facebook in the students’ academic

performance vis-à-vis the tools, number of hours in the use of SNS and its


3. What are the special motives that drive students to use Facebook?

4. How do the students utilize Facebook as a tool of improving their academic


1.3 Scope and Delimitation

No study is without limitation. Accordingly, this study is subjected to the following

limitations that future studies should address to shed more light on the subject under


This study is limited only in determining the pros and cons of using Social

Networking Sites primarily Facebook. Also, this further is limited among the Senior High

School (Grade 11 & Grade 12) students of San Fabian National High School during the

School year 2017-2018. A questionnaire was made to get the demographic profile and

answers that was used in generating an accurate result and recommendation with

respect to the problems.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This research study focused on the perceived pros and cons of using Facebook

in the academic performance of the students. The findings of the study is significant to

the following:

School Administrators. The result of the study will provide the school

administrators an eye view on the advantages and disadvantages hence, it could be

used and be integrated in the delivery of information among the students.


Teachers. The study will provide them the avenue to know and understand

better the nature of work Facebook as perceived by the people.

Senior High Students. These are the main beneficiary of the research study as

they will be able to have a research sample in the future.

Future Researchers. They can use the findings of this study as reference to

conduct a parallel study.

1.5 Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. This refers to the class standing of the students in a specific

term or period during the school year.

Facebook. This refers to a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect

and share with your family and friends online. It is a website that allows registered users

to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with

friends, family and colleagues.

GPA. This refers to the Grade Point Average, it is a summary statistic that represents a

student's average performance in their studies over a stated period of time, such as one


SHS (Senior High School). This refers to the educational level wherein it encompasses

Grade 11 and Grade 12 respectively as part of the higher years in the secondary


SNS (Social Networking Sites). It is the type of social media where Facebook belongs

other types of social media are blogging, micro-blogging, bookmarking and others.

Social Media. This refers to the different media used by students through Internet like

the Facebook, Skype, Messenger, Twitter and E-mail among others.


STEM students. This refers to the students who are currently enrolled in Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics strand in the senior high school program.

1.6 Conceptual Framework

The researchers also composed an input, process and output. The inputs are the

factors that could affect the students’ academic performance, the perceived pros and

cons of Facebook in the students’ academic performance vis-à-vis the tools, number of

hours in the use of social media and its goal, to what extent students are addicted to

Facebook usage, the special motives that drive students to use Facebook and lastly the

way of students use Facebook as a tool of improving their academic performance.

What are the factors that

could affect the students’
academic performance?
What are the perceived
pros and cons of
Facebook in the
students’ academic
performance vis-à-vis the
tools, number of hours in Determine the pros and
the use of social media cons of using Facebook
and to the academic
its goal? performance of Senior
What are the special High School Students of
motives that drive PROCESS San Fabian National
students to use High School
Facebook? Floating of
How do the students use
Facebook as a tool of
improving their academic
performance? OUTPUT

INPUT Fig. 2

1.7 Theoretical Framework

This study used Mihály Csíkszentmihályi’s Flow Theory borrowed from

psychology as its theoretical lens. With this theory, it helps assess human-computer

interactions and addresses people’s use of the internet. Flow, as defined by

Csikszentimanlyi (1997), is the “holistic sensation that people feel when they act with

total involvement.” It implies absorption in a task, such that the person is completely

attracted by the artefact and the task being performed. Websites, email tools, and the

computer itself are all artefacts; the tasks refer to an assignment performed using these

tools (Firineran and Zhang, 2003). Thus Facebook is an artefact, and people using this

network engage in tasks that prompt their flow on the platform. Novak et al (1998) also

provide an extensive review of the definition of flow as experienced by people immersed

in a task. Described as total concentration and deep involvement in the tasks, these

activities result in intrinsic enjoyment, combined with keen curiosity and pleasure that

encourages repetition of the activity, but also the loss of time and an inability to control

usage or halt the activity.

This theory thus relevant to this study as it will help the researchers to easily

determine the cons and the pros as well in using Facebook to the academic

performance of the students.




Facebook consists of beneficial social networking features which allow user to

interact with a wide-ranged society regardless of distance. It also contains entertaining

tools and applications that enhance users‟ intellectual and social capacity. However,

how did these useful contents caused addiction and contributed negative effects to

Filipino students? The answer is in the definition of addiction and the nature of the

Philippines society.

Unfortunately, Filipino students have abused the advantages that Facebook

extends to them and they have been using it without caution and moderation. Eventually,

Facebook has greatly affected their academic lives. Generally, Garcia (2011) stated that

Facebook usage have apparent effects, both positive and negative, on students. In

2010, Kirschner and Karpinski found that Facebook users spent less time in studying

and they had lower grades than those who did not use SNS. However, the study of

Kabre and Brown (2011) and Rosen (2011) showed that Facebook usage has no effect

on academic performance of students.

The widespread Facebook addiction in the country can be explained by various

factors which constantly influence Filipinos. Radwan (2011) cited in his internet articles

that unfulfilled social needs and social approval are some of the reasons of social

networking addiction. In an economically depressed country like the Philippines, there


are many social issues that have not been resolved through the years and one of which

is prostitution. However, through Facebook and other social networking sites, victims of

these social odds which are sometimes unaccepted in their community can easily

socialize and they contribute to the increasing number of Facebook users. Aside from

the social problems which cause Facebook addiction, Elvin (2011) added that the

availability of Facebook on mobile phones also intensifies the cases of this type of

addiction. The country has been nicknamed as the texting capital of the world several

years ago and now surveys revealed that Philippines has the highest percentage of

Facebook users in relation to its total number of internet users. These surveys only show

that mobile phone has its part in the worsening Facebook usage in the country. In

addition, Filipino culture has a great implication on the status of FB addiction in the


SNS can be defined as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a

public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with

whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those

made by others within the system (Boyd & Ellison, 2008, ). Facebook was created by

Mark Zuckerberg to help residential college and university students to identify students

in other residence halls. It is described as “an online directory that connects people

through social networks at colleges and universities” (Zuckerberg, 2005). Websites such

as MySpace and the more popular FB have millions of registered users, with FB

becoming the overwhelmingly more popular SNS (Gonzalez, 2009).

The study of Ahmed et al. (2011) found that the first official Social Networking

Site is Classmates.com that was founded in 1995. The purpose of its creation was to

provide the students a means of social connection during or after their degree


The study of Jabr (2011) found that SNSs are making a tremendous effect nearly

in every aspect of life. In fact, it had shifted as a tool for extending academic learning

and communication. Facebook is a web-based application that allow individuals to

create profile and share information with friends within the system. This “Facebooks

phenomenon” had permeated on the students and became the latest online avenue for

social interactions, as well as academic interaction. Every technological innovation has

been a center of research attention and same is the case with the development and

evolution of Social Networking Sites. Some noted researchers have conducted studies

to find the several impacts of Facebook on its users, and they have arrived at mixed

conclusions. For example, the study of Suhail and Bargees (2006) found that excessive

usage of Social Networking Sites causes many psychological, physical, interpersonal,

and educational problems to users. A number of studies have also been conducted to

delineate the impact of Social Networking Sites on young generation and students.

Ellison (2007) proposed that young people compete on the basis of their efficiency

regarding the use of Social Networking Sites and the criterion of this competition is the

number of friends one can accumulate using these sites. As shown in the study of

Choney (2010) due to the increased popularity of SNSs, economists and professors are

questioning whether grades of students are being affected by how much time is being

spent on these sites. Essentially, the environment and other factors may affect the way a

student views learning and studying.

Truly SNSs are one of the factors that can affect student’s time, insight, and

outlook about learning and studying. With the prevalence of Facebook, the study of

Karpinski and Kirschner (2010) validated that students’ study time and their academic

performance could be affected. Moreover, the study of Karpinski (2009) shows that

users who spend more time on SNSs like Facebook spend less time in studying. Hence,

school authorities are one of the primary people who oppose its use particularly in

schools, which is the reason why they usually ban it during class hours. The teachers

and administrators are likewise affected because of this negative implications.

Many schools have opted for strict restrictions on SNSs usage mainly Facebook

in campuses amid concerns about safety, privacy and confidentiality, and lack of

knowledge about how best to ensure its appropriate use. The study of Lewis et al.

(2008) found out that the influence of Facebook continues to get increasingly more

pervasive, making actual and virtual realities almost indistinguishable. Students are

talking about the social networking related stuffs almost every single day; thus it would

be a surprise if any student never got involved with Facebook, Twitter or any other SNSs

nowadays. Moreover, students are paying more attention towards these social

networking activities rather than utilizing their time to study which will surely affect their

academic performance. The research of Karpinski (2009) found that SNSs specifically

Facebook usage is negatively correlated with Grade Point Averages (GPAs) of its users.

She observed that the GPAs of non-users is relatively higher than the users of these

sites. Also, the study found that 68 percent of students who used Facebook had a

significant lower GPA than those who did not use the Facebook. But the most interesting

finding was that 79 percent of Facebook users denied having any adverse impact of this

usage on their GPAs. It means that they are not aware of the fact that networking habits

affects their academic performance.

How do Facebook Affects Students?

Most of the time, students spend their time hanging around the web with

the popular social networking sites. Every day, more and more people are getting more

attached to Social Networking sites as it is now moving in as one of the primary means

of communication of people. Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ were only a few of the tons

of the sites out there that caters the need of people. Through Social Media, people has

the chance to combine work and relaxation. However, did you ever encounter the

question? How do Facebook affect your life? And what is your answer? What are the

benefits a student can get by using Social Networking Sites? The some points are get in

touch with your loved ones, relatives, and friends, get to know the latest news and

issues, participate in online discussions, communicate with your classmates,

be reminded of assignments, projects, and quizzes, conduct group meetings for group

projects and announcements, get the latest status and messages of your friends through

the News Feed

Obviously, social sites have a lot of uses for people with their exceptional

functionalities. Even without meeting in person, people can now interact with each

other and make a productive gathering. However, despite the fact that Social Media are

extremely helpful, it is still not perfect because there are still some negative points we

can encounter while using it. Some of the bad effects are, firstly, it invades your privacy,

it distracts you in everything you do, it causes too much attachment to it may lead to

spending too much time in it without doing your tasks and lastly there are some wrong

information released by unauthorized people that causes fear. 

The mentioned good and bad effects were only partial and it also varies

depending on the person involved. Though some people still makes the best out of

Social Media, we can’t still forget the negative side of it. Maybe, we should just

ask ourselves on what is our current position in the Social Networking World. The ever-

growing technology helps us make our life easier and better but we must be sure that we

should treat it with moderation.

Facebook’s Impact on Student Grades


How does Facebook activity affect a student’s grades? Reynol Junco, a

professor at Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania, recently set out to determine

exactly that. Mr. Junco assembled a sample of nearly 2,000 college students who self-

reported details of their Facebook use: not just total time spent on the social networking

site, but specific actions taken such as commenting, chatting, uploading photos or

seeing what others are doing — “lurking,” as Mr. Junco calls it. The study then stacked

its subjects’ overall G.P.A.’s against that Facebook activity. Students’ high school

G.P.A.’s — powerful predictors of college grades — were included in the study as

control variables, to establish subjects’ baseline academic ability and ensure no dramatic

swings in G.P.A. occurred that might belie other factors at play.

While overall time spent on Facebook negatively affected G.P.A., the results

were not clear-cut. As it turned out, those who frequently shared links on Facebook or

checked the site to see what friends were up to tended to have higher grades. Those

students who posted status updates tended to have lower grades. Mr. Junco found a

direct relationship between site use and out-of-class sociability: the more time a student

spent on Facebook, the more likely that student was to be involved with extracurricular

activities. Meanwhile — contradicting the zero-sum logic of some who might believe that

a minute spent social networking is a minute spent not attending to schoolwork — the

study found no substantive link between time spent on Facebook and time spent

studying. Mr. Junco said in an e-mail that he was surprised by the fact that the number

of times a student checked Facebook each day was only weakly related to

academic performance. “This tells me that spending an inordinate amount of time on

Facebook is related to negative outcomes, while just checking Facebook for a few

minutes each time is not,” he wrote.


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods and procedures including also the research

design, the location and population, research instrument and formation of the


3.1. Research Design

The study used case study design of a qualitative research which will be used as a

guide in formal interpretation of the pros and cons of Facebook usage to the student’s

academic performance of Senior High School Students in San Fabian National High


3.2. Participants of the Study

The participants of this study is mainly the Senior High School students of San

Fabian National High School which has a 20 respondents, 10 came from Grade 11 and

the other 10 came from Grade 12. The researchers used random sampling method to

determine the respondents of the study.

3.3. Data Gathering Instrument

One of the most important component of a research design is the research

instrument because it gathers data or information. These research instruments is a way

of gathering data. Without them, data would be impossible to put in hand.

Questionnaire is the common used instrument for the data collection. Some

known people cited a number of advantages of questionnaire as relatively economical

and sample can be obtained from a wide area. It also said that questions of the

questionnaire must be standardized and anonymity of respondents is assured. At last,

respondents complete questionnaire items at their leisure so responses are carefully


3.4. Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will follow the systematic procedures. The questionnaires serve

as a data gathering instrument prepared by the researches and we also prepared a letter

request to conduct the research study in its selected locale was made and then

summited to the concerned body in authority for their approvals. Next, by the approval of

the principal, the researches proceed to conduct the personal distribution of the

questionnaires to the respondents. In order to have our samples, we will use random

sampling method to get the proper and correct number of respondents.


We will orient the respondents of the study chosen through random sampling

regarding to the guidelines in answering the questionnaire and also we will clearly

explain the purpose and objectives of this study in order to assure that the respondents

will cooperate and to avoid some inhibition of accomplishing the questionnaire. The

researchers should compile the questionnaires collected from the respondents upon

accomplishment from answering questions. The data gathered from the respondents are

then analyzed and interpreted to arrive at the formulation of conclusion and

recommendation for this study.

The collected questionnaires from the respondents and formulated

recommendation will be submitted to the research adviser for the corrections and

suggestions. Revisions will be made following the correction and suggestions of the

research adviser.



In this chapter, data are subjected for process of presentation analysis and

interpretation to reflect it to the purpose of this study which determines the pros and

cons of Facebook usage in the academic performance of senior high school students.

This chapter mainly presents the resulting data inputs about the factors that could affect

the, the perceived pros and cons of Facebook usage in their school performance with

regards to tools, number of hours and their goal, also it talks about the special motives

and the way how the students utilizing Facebook for them to improve academically.

In addition, this chapter’s further processes were based on data gathered via

questionnaire made by the researchers to arrive at having the intended result for this

research study.

In problem number one (1) it sought to answer the different Facebook factors that

could affect academic performance of students.

Length of Time spent

Time nowadays is so important we can do many things or make things

productively with just a short period of time. Millennial students opted to use their time to

communicate or to just enjoy chatting with their friends and family but spending too

much time with it causes them to abandon their studies just because of Facebook. In our

findings the respondents are spending an estimate of 5 hours daily in using Facebook

the longest time answered by our respondents is 12 hours per day. It means half of

his/her day was allotted in using Facebook, meanwhile, the shortest time is just 4

minutes a day. The average time all in all is about 5-6 hours. It only shows that there is

really a big problem in regards with their time spending because 5 hours of Facebook

usage is no joke. It affects their time in doing their school works which leads to low

grades. It may also affect their health as we all know that phone, laptop or even desktop

can produce radiation which is bad to our eyes. Health problems causes by Facebook

usage can decrease the determination of students in learning and understanding their


Health problems

Due to the demand of information and the eagerness of students to learn many

of them relies in Facebook posts wherein they can gather data, ideas, lessons, and most

especially knowledge that could help them grow personally as a student. But health

consequences they might face is very alarming. Depression thingy is so wide spread

inside Facebook it triggers the emotion of students and feel the same thing or adopt the

mind-set of the depressed people. In that case, students’ academic performance might

be affected because of their emotional needs also Facebook usage may lead into poor

eye sight, tiredness, and lack of sleep that causes the student to be lazy with the

everyday discussions.

Social Influence

Social Influence is the most important factor in predicting the adoption of

Facebook; students are influenced to adopt it to establish or maintain contact with other

people with whom they share interests. Regarding the purposes of Facebook usage,

Social Relations is perceived as the most important factor among all of the purposes

collected. Our findings also revealed that the educational use of Facebook is explained

directly by its purposes of usage and indirectly by its adoption.

To answer problem number two (2) which asked the respondents the pros and

cons on how the tools, time using Facebook, and their goals affects them. The answers

were classified into following:


Facebook as promoting social awareness. At the present, information are highly

anticipated by the students through Facebook it helps them to know the information they

needed and wanted. Being informed in a certain thing gives them the knowledge on

what is going on with the world especially nationwide issues or even worldwide such as

human rights abuses, wars, epidemic diseases and disasters that could make a big

impact with their thinking in relation with their studies.

Facebook as a medium to communicate. As we all know, Mark Zuckerberg

created Facebook mainly for communication purposes. Now, it surpasses its desires

when it was developed and launched last 2004 by him and his board mates in Harvard

University. At this present time, it has billions of users worldwide which had used

Facebook basically for communication purposes likewise with the respondents and the

data gathered from them.

The respondents were asked via questionnaires floated by the researchers about the

function or the features they are using oftentimes. In connection, their favorite thing they

are doing in Facebook is chatting next is posting. Some of the reasons are as follows:

“Chatting, because I want to communicate with my friends and family.”

- Respondent No. 1

“Chatting, because I used to chat with someone when I am bored.”

- Respondent No. 2

“Chatting, because most of the time I chat my classmates to get more information about

school demands like assignment and many more.

- Respondent No. 3

“Posting, because I want to post the pictures when we go to other place.”

- Respondent No. 4

We can see that the majority of the respondents answered chatting for them to be

able to reach or communicate their friends and family easily. In relation with their

studies, they’re using Facebook in order to gather information in regards with their

school works or activities such as assignments, projects, research, and other

requirements needed. Facebook for bridging gaps. In this study it once again prove its

purpose as Marc Zuckerberg always wants. Students opted to use Facebook as a

platform and means of communication with their classmates. It helps them when one or

many forgot their assignments and other school demands in result a complete and on-

time passing of projects/assignments were expected. Posting in Facebook is not bad in

fact it helps students to express their feelings and sentiments about their teachers,

classmates and school’s problem and shortcoming. In that way teachers can act quickly

to address the issues and have a good relationship among their students.

Facebook as an instrument in socializing. Finding friends is not an easy thing but

by the creation of Facebook and its continuous development it becomes easy. A

respondent answered this as a pros or an advantage in using Facebook. Indeed, finding

new friends is one of the best thing a young people can do because they are in need of

attention and guidance by their same group of age.

Facebook as used in expanding knowledge. One of the perceived advantages of

Facebook usage in students’ academic performance, they are gaining knowledge

through trivias, facts and lessons posted in Facebook. In Facebook there is a

connection, it is also a tool in bridging the gap in flow of information and updates that

could affect the students’ academic performance. Lastly, trivias are very helpful in a

student who is exploring the world of knowledge they’re like a thirsty person and the

water is the trivia, facts and lessons they gain.


Facebook as a habitual thing. All things not always come with only pros it also

may result in consequences. Facebook usage must come with proper balancing of time

and self-control. Most of the respondents sighted that Facebook addiction is the

common disadvantage of Facebook usage because it is the root cause or maybe one of

the major factor resulting in other disagreeable outcomes. When becomes a habit, one

student may feel discomfort and affect their academic performance specifically their time

in reviewing and doing their assignments. Sexual content addiction is also a thing to

resolve for it affects the mental health of students. When they are addicted to sexual

contents they will also become addicted in using Facebook. Facing your gadget is a

tiring thing for your eyes especially when you are uncontrollable in result tiredness and

lack of sleep can be felt by the students due to Facebook addiction and the worse thing

is imbalance in managing their time that some intends to neglect their assignments

Facebook as a platform of spreading “fake news”. Timely issues must be known

by everyone, especially by the students because they are the generation of which will be

totally affected by those. The bad news is this, fake and misleading news is widely

spread throughout social media mainly in Facebook that most Filipino students are

using. Facebook becomes the platform of wrongdoers to misinform the Filipinos. At this

time, in Philippines this is a notable issue as they brought it to the Senate hearing. Fake

news or fake information are very rampant nowadays its proliferation can never be stop

easily in just one click. The sad thing is this, many students are unaware of this because

they are lack of ability to critically read the content and they just absorbing it not knowing

that what they read is fake at all. It’s very alarming because every knowledge they gain

and news they have read could be used in answering question in school activities such

as quizzes and exams and resulting in failure.

Facebook as causing time-imbalance. Respondents is little bit aware of the

consequences they are facing as one respondent answered: “Mas inuuna ko pa ang pag

gamit ng Facebook kaysa sa mga gawaing bahay ay school works.” - Respondent No. 2.

Facebook usage not only affects our academic performance it also creating a big impact

inside their house. School works are inevitable, for the teachers test the students

capability and knowledge by giving them assignments, take home quizzes or exams,

projects and other school related activities. Based on the data gathered it shows that

students are hooked-up on it, they are disregarding their school works. Improper time

balancing is the main reason why. Students are incapable of balancing their time using

Facebook and doing school works and sadly even their household chores.

In problem number four (4) it intends to know the special motives that drives the

student in using Facebook. The researchers derived in two themes:

Friend finders

Social network sites (SNSs) such as such as Facebook, CyWorld, and MySpace

allow individuals to present themselves, articulate their social networks, and establish or

maintain connections with others. These sites can be oriented towards work-related

contexts (e.g., LinkedIn.com), romantic relationship initiation (the original goal

of Friendster.com), connecting those with shared interests such as music or politics

(e.g., MySpace.com), or the college student population (the original incarnation

of Facebook.com). Facebook, enables its users to present themselves in an online

profile, accumulate “friends” who can post comments on each other’s pages, and view

each other’s profiles. Facebook members can also join virtual groups based on common

interests, see what classes they have in common, and learn each other’s hobbies,

interests, musical tastes, and romantic relationship status through the profiles. In this

way students find Facebook a great thing in making friends. With the question seek their

motivation one answered, “To find new friends” - Respondent No. 3.

Intimacy and connection

With the majority answer, it was their family who motivates them to use

Facebook, it’s because of its chatting, voice and video calling and even the pictures

posted on their walls helps them to feel at ease even they are away from them. It is so

much important for it affect and inspire students to study hard and do more

academically. One respondent answered: “It is used to communicate with my mother”. -

Respondent No. 4

Through its advanced features Facebook also is also being used by students

who has friends away from them. Just like for example, a transferee adjusting with

her/his new school in Senior High. He/She can get suggestions in how to adjust step by

step through his/her ex-classmates and even get bond with them to avoid being sad and

lonely. With that, it boost the confidence of a student in taking part to the different

activities such as contests, pageants, and seminars.

In the question created to know the special motives of the students in using

Facebook. Majority of the respondents were motivated because of their friends.

Millennials or Generation Y are known for their love of friends. Millennials are the people

born in 1800 to 2000. It is undeniable thing that one reason which inspires them to use

Facebook is because of their friends because at this time connection/communication is

really a key for a successful and strong relationship not just for couples but also for a

group of friends. It also somehow inspires them to do better academically.

In the last problem of this study it sought to answer on how the students utilizing

Facebook to improve their academic performance. Many answered by reading facts,

trivia, and articles that can help them more intelligent and capable of answering school

related questions. Others uses Facebook as gaining inspiration through their friends and

family as a result it is translating into good academic performance and grades. Some are

utilizing Facebook to magnet information and feed their thoughts via Facebook posts on

their news feed.

Thru a questionnaire, students were asked on how they are utilizing Facebook as

a tool in improving their academic performance. In this question the answers were

different depending on how they are using Facebook, the diversity of students affects the

data. They are effectively using Facebook by “expressing” and “learning”. Expressing in

a sense that they have the freedom to share knowledge and to communicate information

and ideas with others. Learning by making use of Facebook as a way in attaining and

gathering knowledge that can be useful with future and current lessons through reading

trivia, articles and news and even chats of their classmates in either private message or

group chat.



5.1 Summary

This study determined the pros and cons of using Facebook to the academic

performance of Senior High School students in San Fabian National High School.

A case study was used in the study. Data were gathered through the use of a

questionnaire prepared by the researchers and administered to 20 Senior High School

students, 10 came from Grade 11 and the other 10 was answered by the Grade 12


With the questions formulated, it shows that length of time spent, health

problems and social influence are the factors that needs to be addressed in order to

minimize Facebook’s effect to the students’ academic performance with the average

time spending in using Facebook is 5 hours with a 12 hours longest time and a 4

minutes shortest time. Mental and physical health problems were also need to consider

for it affects the students thinking and how they act inside and outside their classroom.

Social influence also one of the major factors affecting the students for it causes them to

use Facebook just for example, a student chatting his/her long-time friend with many

topics and it so happen that his/her exam will take place tomorrow.

The respondents prefers chatting than other features of Facebook which helps

them develop social and communication skills. They use Facebook mainly for

communicating with their classmates about the different school activities given by their

teachers and to reach their family members away from them to keep them inspired and

motivated in school.

It also shows that the respondents are fully aware on the advantages and

disadvantages of Facebook usage in regards to their academic performance.

Advantages are very evident as well as disadvantages. The researchers, with the date

gathered as its basis, concluded that Facebook’s pros are promoting social awareness,

medium to communicate, instrument in socializing, and expanding knowledge which the

students uses to produce greater ideas that can be useful when time comes during their

class discussion. Facebook also being branded as one of the most useful social

networking site because of its features which allows the students to communicate with

their love ones, but contrary with that, many consequences or disadvantages takes

place in using Facebook – fake news, addiction, and exposure in sexual contents to

name a few. Facebook also affects the time management of the students for it has a

very attractive and enjoyable features.

Students has their different motives that drives them in using Facebook some

answered it was their family which motivates them others think it was their friends.

Motivation differs from each person and influence by others greatly influence them. For

example, a mother who is working abroad and a son missing the care and presence of

his mother. Facebook’s plays a huge role in bridging the gap and as a result a more

open-minded, inspired, and energized students were developed. Students utilizing


Facebook is a great thing because it can improve their academic performance. At the

present time many pages opted to plant knowledge to the students with trivia, ideas and

lessons in life in result of that is more knowledgeable and productive students in school.

In line with this, the researchers came up with two main uses of Facebook to the

students, expressing and learning.

5.2 Conclusion

Base on the data gathered, the researchers derived with the following


Facebook usage is not bad at all but addiction with it and wrong information it

relay does. Facebook has an equal number of pros and cons that could affect the

academic performance of a student. The number of hours they are spending in using

Facebook one factor that is greatly affecting their academic performance based on the

theoretical framework. This study used the Flow theory of Mihály Csíkszentmihályi’s

which can be used in deriving a more concrete findings, it says there that people is

greatly attracted to the artefact which is the computer itself and the task being

performed. With the study of Novak et al (1998) it provides a more extensive review of

the flow as people immersed in a task. It was described as total concentration and deep

involvement in the task with these activities, enjoyment, keen curiosity and pleasure can

be felt by the people that encourages them to repetition of the activity, but also it may

result in loss of time and an inability to control the usage or halt the activity.

Facebook’s different features are indeed interesting, it shows how the world is

technologically advanced. Being connected with others is a great feeling, the feeling of

being love and missed by the people who plays a big role in your life and takes a big part

in your heart. Communication is a key to great success. Techers-students ties can also

be developed in Facebook. Facebook brings people happiness and great satisfaction.

In everything we do there is a Pros which equates to Cons. With regards in

using Facebook it was never been an exception for it has many advantages some are

gathering data, information, and updates that students are badly needed to answer their

assignment or can be used in tasks they are doing. Consequently, Facebook now have

many fake news outlets that can greatly affect the students’ academic performance. It

also affect how the students think and act inside the classroom by being addicted in

using it and with its unpleasant content. Being sleepy and feeling sick is one of the major

problems facing by the students addicted with Facebook that needs to be address

immediately by the government and school administrations thru certain programs.

Motivation can be defined as the reason or reasons one has for acting or

behaving in a particular way. In this study, it shows that influence by others affects their

time in using Facebook, its either they use it for academic, enjoyment, and

communication purposes. It also shows that Facebook is an effective tool when we are

utilizing or maximizing its ability to helps us. It enables the students to gain knowledge

learn things in advance, being aware of the current issues the nation is facing, and lastly

to improve themselves academically and as a person to be the best version of


5.3 Recommendation

With the findings and conclusion given the following recommendations were raised:


1. The researchers suggest that teachers should be play a big role in the disseminating

information using Facebook via creating group chat or group page in Facebook in order

to utilize the features of it.


2. The researchers suggest that the student should have more time communicating in

order to have more solidified relationship among their friends and family as well as

reading helpful posts rather than playing and reading senseless contents.

3. The researchers suggest that students has to like more pages and joining groups to

gather more knowledge that can be useful in the future.


1. The researchers suggests that school administrators may conduct a symposium to

address the uncontrollable Facebook usage because the students should be fully aware

on the consequences they may face when they are addicted in Facebook. Posting

slogans in school surroundings in regards with the problem is also highly recommended

for the students to be reminded.

2. The researchers recommends that each student has to critically read on the content of

articles posted for it may be subjected in falsification of information, because fake

information or deceiving contents may encounter that leads to gather wrong ideas and

information that can harm themselves or other people surrounds them.

3. For parents, the researchers suggest that they shall actively monitor their children in

using Facebook. Their actions and posts in Facebook may lead them to wrong directions

in life instead of learning and doing their school works. Their time spending using

Facebook must also be closely monitored as it may cause huge consequences to the life

of their children as a student.


4. The researchers highly recommend that the school administrators, teachers and

parents should do posting spiritual, academic, inspirational, and motivational stories for

this will help the students’ utilize Facebook and take advantage of it rather than seeing

sexual and unpleasant posts.

5. For benevolent teachers, the researchers recommend that they should be a good role

model in using this Social Networking Sites, bad contents must be prohibited for

teachers as they are the one who leads the students in the path of development.

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Information technology in the modern era has provided the world with marvelous

creations and inventions; worth mentioning are the social networking platforms. The

sites of virtual community such as Facebook have gained tremendous popularity in the

last few years. It was originally created to enhance socialization among university

students, and at present being recognized as the best social networking site used by

people of all ages and professions. Facebook assist its users in maintaining the search

and visibility of their personal profile. The use of these applications is even escalating on

mobile phones and internet devices, which is an indication that this social network is

expanding and will continue in the foreseeable future.


Just like everything has pros and cons, Facebook is not free from issues. This

research was conducted with an aim to understand the frequency and ways in which

Facebook is used by the Senior High School of San Fabian National High School. The

study also provides a context in which the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook

usage on the academic performance can be analyzed by the school administrators,

teachers and students.

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