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سويرولاكبلا ةلمحل يعاعشلإا ريوصتلا ناحتما Radiography Technology Bachelor Degree (Bsc Exam Number: (Bsc-C)

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‫امتحان التصوير اإلشعاعي لحملة البكالوريوس‬

Radiography Technology Bachelor Degree (BSc.) Examination

Exam Number: (BSc-C)
Select the best answer:

1- The Distal tibia surface is called:

A. Medial malleolus
B. Anterior tubercle
C. Tibial plafond
D. Lateral malleolus
E. Tibio fibular joint
2- The zygomatic arch includes part or all of the:
A. Sphenoid bone
B. Temporal bone
C. Maxilla
D. Frontal bone
E. Mandible
3- Patients who are ………… are more difficult to image by ultrasound because of tissue
A. Weak
B. Very sick
C. unconscious
D. Too young
E. Obese
4- The structure on an U/S image that does not produce echo is known as:
A. Array
B. Anechoic
C. Echogenic
D. Gain
E. Artifact
5-The three main components of the sternum are the body, the xiphoid, and:
A. The acromion
B. The glenoid
C. The manubrium
D. The pedicle
E. The talus
6- The best position to demonstrate scaphoid is:
A. AP wrist
B. PA wrist with hand adducted
C. AP hand
D. Lateral wrist
E. Oblique wrist

7- The organ which receives the highest radiation dose (critical organ) from Tc99m MDP is:
A. Urinary bladder
B. Thyroid
C. Kidney
D. Bone
E. Liver
8- To see the fundus of stomach in Barium study we do:
A. Supine
B. Prone
C. Lt. Side
D. Rt. anterior oblique
E. Recumbent
9- If the two anterior clinoid processes are not superimposed in lateral skull it means:
A. High kV used
B. High mA used
C. Incorrect position
D. Correct projection
E. No grid used
10- The term Rt Posterior Oblique of chest means:
A. Patient erect and Rt posterior side in close contact to the film
B. Patient erect and Lt posterior side in close contact to the film
C. Patient erect and Rt anterior side in close contact to the film
D. Patient erect and Lt anterior side in close contact to the film
E. Patient erect and lateral side in close contact to the film
11- The central ray (centering point) for lateral projection of calcaneus is:
A. Lateral malleous
B. Medial malleous
C. 2.5 cm above medial malleous
D. 2.5 cm below medial malleous
E. Mid-way between malleoli
12- The recommended collimation for imaging lung nodules by CT is approximately:
A. 1 mm
B. 2-4 mm
C. 5-7 mm
D. 7-8 mm
E. 8-10 mm
13- The routine position that should be used to evaluate the longitudinal arches of the feet is:
A. Dorsi-plantar
B. Dorsi-plantar oblique
C. Lateral oblique
D. Lateral with patient erect
E. Dorsi-plantar with patient erect
14-The examination that involves emission of a signal from a patient is:
B. Diagnostic ultrasound
D. Projection radiography
E. Spiral CT

15- The average KV range for skull radiography is:
A. 50-60 Kv
B. 40-50 Kv
C. 75-85 Kv
D. 100-120 Kv
E. 60-70 Kv
16- The following is radiographed in the up right position to demonstrate fluid level:
A. Carotid artery
B. foramen spinosum
C. Mandibular menti
D. Parotid duct
E. Sinuses
17- With the patient in the supine position the radiographic base line is placed parallel to
the film. This is called:
A. PA position
B. Towne position
C. Reverse Towne position
D. Verticosubmental position
E. Submentovertical position
18- To show the neck of the femur in a true anatomic position:
A. Feet are in neutral position
B. Knees are flexed
C. Knees and hips are flexed
D. Feet are in internal rotation
E. Feet are in external rotation
19- Iodine is a:
A. Metal
B. Sugar
C. Halogen
D. Starch
E. Amino acid
20- The best projection to demonstrate sublaxation of acromioclavicular joint is:
A. Lateral
B. Lateral oblique
C. Infro-superior
D. Postero-anterior with weight bearing
E. Antero-posterior with weight bearing
21- We do lordotic view for chest to demonstrate:
A. Apices of lungs
B. Heart
C. Fluid level
D. Left lower lobe of right lung
E. Middle lobe of left lung
22- Film characteristics are:
A. Speed, latitude, and contrast
B. Sharpness and unsharpness
C. Resolution and Density
D. Only density
E. None of them

23- The developer acts on the emulsion causing the image to become:
A. Latent
B. Visible
C. Permanent
D. Invisible
E. No effect
24- In lumber vertebrate projections we select:
A. High mA with high Kv
B. Short time with low mA
C. Increase F.F.D
D. Long exposure time and low mA
E. Long exposure time and high mA
25- Exposure with an intensifying screen rather than direct exposure technique results in:
A. Longer exposure
B. Same exposure
C. Double exposure
D. More than double exposure
E. Shorter exposure
26- The sharpness of detail in a radiograph is decreased by use of:
A. A grid
B. Decrease of 10 Kv
C. Increase filtration
D. Decrease of 20 Kv
E. Large focal spot
27- The shallow breathing technique is used in which of the following examinations:
A. Lateral view of neck
B. Lateral view of sternum
C. Lateral view of chest
D. Oblique view of sternum
E. AP view of sternoclavicular
28- We do chasser lapine position in Ba-enema to demonstrate:
A. Ascending colon
B. Descending colon
C. Rectum
D. Rectosigmoid
E. Sigmoid
29- One of the problems that face most patients in MRI room is:
A. Claustrophobia
B. Cold place
C. Imaging by MRI is painful
D. Injection of contrast media
E. Patient position is not comfortable
30- To demonstrate urinary bladder full of contrast media in I.V.P investigation the central
ray is:
A. Perpendicular to film
B. 30o caudal
C. 15o cephalic
D. 15o caudal
E. 30o cephalic

31- The following is a radiography examination of the uterus and tubes:
A. Pelvimetry
B. Cholangography
C. Hysterosalpingography
D. Retrograde urography
E. Angiography
32- Secondary radiation is product of:
A. Over development
B. Increase of cone size
C. Penetrometer
D. Over fixing
E. Kilovoltage
33- A film badge depends on the ……….. principle for detecting radiation intensity:
A. Electronic
B. Filtration
C. Equilibrium
D. Quantity
E. Photographic
34- The term LD50/30 denotes the radiation dose required to kill:
A. 30% of animals in thirty days
B. 30% of animals in fifty days
C. 50% of animals in fifty days
D. 50% of animals in one day
E. 50% of animals in thirty days
35- One of the functions of the filament is:
A. Applying high Kv
B. Tube protection
C. Producing electrons
D. Directing the x-ray
E. Patient protection
36- The advantage of a rotating-anode tube over a stationary-anode tube is:
A. Larger field coverage
B. Greater tube capacity
C. Increase in contrast
D. Less expensive to operate
E. Decrease in contrast
37-The term (projection) when applied to CT refers to:
A. Speed of image acquisition
B. A data set representing x-ray attenuation in the patient
C. The size of the x-ray beam projected on the patient
D. The shape of the x-ray beam projected on the patient.
E. The mathematics of image reconstruction.
38-The principal advantage of CT over conventional tomography is:
A. Speed of image acquisition
B. Reduce patient dose
C. Improved contrast resolution
D. Improved spatial resolution
E. Fewer artifacts

39- The ischial tuberosity corresponds with the vertebral level of:
A. T9-10
B. S1-2
C. L2-3
D. 1 to 2 inches inferior to distal coccyx
E. L5
40- The following bone is not a facial bone:
A. Middle nasal conchae
B. Lacrimal bone
C. Vomer
D. Mandible
E. Maxilla
41- Image presented in conventional tomography is:
A. Axial
B. Coronal
C. Sagittal
D. Transverse
E. Lumetric
42- The principal reason that high kvp is employed in CT imaging is:
A. Increased beam penetrability
B. Reduce reconstruction time
C. Reduce scan time
D. Reduce image noise
E. Reduce image latitude
43- To reduce the scan time in MRI imaging we have to:
A. Use the shortest TR possible
B. Use the highest TR possible
C. Use special RF coils
D. Not use RF coils
E. Patient must be prone
44- The degree of blacking of a film by x-ray beam depends on:
A. Speed of the film
B. Size of focal spot
C. Low grid ratio
D. Photon energy reaching the film
E. Type of x-ray tube
45-One of the main advantages of MRI compared with other imaging modalities is:
A. Improved spatial resolution
B. Has no contra-indication
C. Improved contrast resolution
D. Excellent soft tissue discrimination
E. Has no artifacts
46- In Towne view of skull the orbito-meatal line will be:
A. Perpendicular to film
B. Parallel to the film
C. 45o to the film
D. 35o to the film
E. 30o to the film
47- The normal power of magnetic field used in MRI is:
A. 0.15 tesla

B. 1.5 tesla
C. 15 tesla
D. 150 tesla
E. 1500 tesla
48- To increase the slice thickness in MRI imaging, we:
A. Decrease the transmitted RF band width
B. Increase the slice selection from gradient strength.
C. Increase the transmitted RF band width. Or decrease the slice selection gradient
D. Decrease the transmitted RF band width. Or increase the slice selection gradient
E. Decrease the transmitted RF band width
49- The ultrasound examination:
A. Is a safe procedure
B. Exposes patients to ionizing radiation
C. Is painful
D. Has harmful effects
E. Has biological effects
50- Rare earth screens have an X-ray to light conversion of:
A. 20-25%
B. 18-20%
C. 25-30%
D. 30-35%
E. 150%
51- The magnetic media that is used to store the ultrasound image is:
A. Laser disk
B. Polaroid film
C. Transparency film
D. Videotape
E. Color paper print
52- To insure that the patient has full inspiration during exposure (for PA chest) the number
of posterior ribs must be:
A. 6-7 ribs
B. 7-8 ribs
C. 9-10 ribs
D. 12 ribs
E. 3-7 ribs
53- Increasing the following parameter will result in an increase in sound intensity:
A. Frequency
B. Velocity
C. Beam area
d. Wavelength
E. Power
54- To see normal gallbladder in U/S exam the patient must be:
A. 8-10 hour fasting
B. Full bladder
C. After eating fatty meal
D. After drinking water
E. In erect position
55- Patient preparation for nuclear medicine examination for kidneys includes:

A. Fasting for 6 hours before the test
B. Drinking plenty of water before the test
C. Fasting 12 hours before the test
D. Drinking castor oil before the test
E. Enema wash before the test
56-The term that correctly describes the shoulder joint is:
A. Humeroscapular
B. Glenohumeral
C. Acromioclavicular
D. Sternoclavicular
E. Glenoid cavity
57- The radiopharmaceutical agents or tracers given to the patient in nuclear medicine
tests give energy as:
A. X-rays
B. Sound waves
C. Gamma rays
D. Beta particles
E. Alfa particles
58- Radioactivity is the process of:
A. A stable nucleus becoming unstable
B. An unstable nucleus becoming stable
C. An electron moving to a higher energy shell
D. An electron moving to a lower energy shell
E. A stable nucleus becoming stable
59- In the nephrogram phase (10 min) in intra-venous pyelography (I.V.P) we see:
A. Urinary bladder
B. Kidney and calculi
C. Ureters
D. Renal artery
E. Visco-ureter junction
60- If an x-ray tube is used with a smaller focal spot, the penumbra will be:
A. Increased twice
B. The same
C. Darker
D. Increased more than three times
E. Decreased

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