Photovoltaics: Technology Overview: M.A. Green
Photovoltaics: Technology Overview: M.A. Green
Photovoltaics: Technology Overview: M.A. Green
Solar electricity produced by photovoltaic solar cells is one of the most promising options yet identi"ed for sustainably providing
the world's future energy requirements. Although the technology has, in the past, been based on the same silicon wafers as used in
microelectronics, a transition is in progress to a second generation of a potentially much lower-cost thin-"lm technology. Cost
reductions from both increased manufacturing volume and such improved technology are expected to continue to drive down cell
prices over the coming two decades to a level where the cells can provide competitively priced electricity on a large scale. The
subsidised, urban residential rooftop application of photovoltaics is expected to provide the major application of the coming
decade and to provide the market growth needed to reduce prices. Large centralised solar photovoltaic power stations able to provide
low-cost electricity on a large scale would become increasingly attractive approaching 2020. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights
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990 M.A. Green / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 989}998
absorbed by an upper one passes through to an underly- mean that modules would have to be carefully disposed
ing cell. of or, preferably, recycled after their useful life was "nish-
As discussed in Section 6, this works best if the mater- ed. However, there may be some problems in gaining
ial in the underlying cells is varied so that each responds market acceptance in what is likely to be mainly
progressively better to the redder light that is transmitted a `greena market over coming years.
to it. By alloying silicon with germanium, a material There are also only limited known resources of tellu-
chemically similar to silicon but much scarcer, this is rium (Zweibel and Green, 2000). If all identi"ed reserves
readily achieved. were converted into cells of the present designs overnight,
The best commercial amorphous silicon cells presently they could generate 10% of the world's present electricity
use three cells stacked on top of one another, with pro- use (a steadily decreasing percentage inde"nitely, if re-
gressively more germanium in the bottom two (Zweibel and cycled at end of life).
Green, 2000; Kazmerski, 1997; Pantain, 1995). Each cell is An even more promising technology at the moment, in
very thin, only 100}200 nm thick. This ensures reasonable the author's opinion, is one based on the ternary com-
stability (only about 15% degradation in output when pound, copper indium diselenide (CuInSe ). As if three
exposed to bright sunlight). However, the stabilised e$cien- elements were not enough, this compound is often
cy is quite poor, only 6}7% for the best commercial mod- alloyed with copper gallium diselenide (CuGaSe ) and
ules, according to manufacturers' data sheets. copper indium disulphide (CuInS ), giving material with
This low e$ciency, even with the sophisticated cell up to "ve elements involved (Kazmerski, 1997). The n-
design involved, is expected to make it di$cult for this type layer in these devices consists of a layer of cadmium
technology to be competitive in the long term. However, sulphide, as in the previous cadmium telluride cells. An
the low temperatures involved in making these cells alternative for this layer is being sought, to eliminate the
mean that they can be deposited onto low-temperature toxic cadmium.
substrates such as plastics. This makes them especially Small area laboratory cells have demonstrated e$cien-
suitable for consumer products. cy close to 19%, despite the "ne-grained polycrystalline
material used (Zweibel and Green, 2000; Kazmerski,
5.3. Thin-xlm, polycrystalline compound semiconductors 1997; Partain, 1995). Modules of this material are now
commercially available in small volumes with e$ciency
Many semiconductors made from compounds can ab- up to 12% demonstrated in pilot production. This is not
sorb light more strongly than the elemental semiconduc- far behind what is achieved with standard crystalline
tors, silicon and germanium, for reasons that are well silicon wafer modules.
understood but quite subtle (Kazmerski, 1997) (silicon Apart from the use of cadmium and even more limited
and germanium are `indirecta rather than `directa ban- known resources of indium than tellurium, an often
dgap materials). This means compound semiconductor quoted limitation of this technology is `manufacturabil-
cells can be thin but still operate e$ciently. Most com- itya. This is often interpreted as meaning it is di$cult to
pound semiconductors, when formed in polycrystalline diagnose problems in production with this material, since
form, have poor electronic properties due to highly del- the di!erence between good and bad material is not
eterious activity at grain boundaries between individual su$ciently well understood to allow di!erentiation and
crystalline grains in the material. A small number main- control during the various manufacturing steps.
tain good performance in polycrystalline form for rea-
sons that are not usually well understood. These are the 5.4. Thin-xlm polycrystalline silicon cells
candidates for thin-"lm polycrystalline compound
semiconductor solar cells. As previously mentioned, silicon is a weak absorber of
One such semiconductor is the compound cadmium sunlight compared to some compound semiconductors
telluride (CdTe). Technically, it is an ideal material, giv- and even to hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Early at-
ing properties suitable for making reasonable solar cells tempts to develop thin-"lm solar cells based on the poly-
even with relatively crude material deposition ap- crystalline silicon did not give encouraging results since
proaches (such as electrodeposition, chemical spraying, the silicon layers had to be quite thick to absorb most of
and so on). The junction in these cells is again between p- the available light.
and n-type material, but for the latter, a di!erent com- However, in early 1980s, understanding of how e!ec-
pound semiconductor, cadmium sulphide, gives best re- tively a semiconductor can trap weakly absorbed light
sults. CdTe cells have been used mainly in pocket into its volume greatly increased (Green, 1995). Due to
calculators to date, but large area, moderate performance the optical properties of semiconductors, particularly
modules have also been demonstrated (Kazmerski, 1997). their high refractive index, cells can trap light very e!ec-
The main concern with this technology is the toxicity of tively if the light direction is randomised, such as by
the materials involved, even though very small amounts striking a rough surface, once it is inside the cell. Optical-
are used in the modules. At the very least, this would ly a cell can appear about 50 times thicker than its actual
M.A. Green / Energy Policy 28 (2000) 989}998 995
Fig. 12. Multigap-cell concepts: (a) spectrum-splitting approach; (b) tandem-cell approach.
bandgap, as is the case for normal cells. This gives rise to highest bandgap cells uppermost. In the limit of an in"-
prospects for unique devices, such as transparent win- nite number of such cells, the limit on conversion e$cien-
dows that convert the infrared wavelengths while letting cy is increased to 70%, and further to 87% if focussed
visible light through. sunlight is used (Marti and Araujo, 1996) (the di!use
component of sunlight would have to be wasted in the
6. Longer-term developments latter case, giving a lower e!ective e$ciency in practice).
Three-cell stacks are now in production for high-perfor-
As outlined above, photovoltaic technology is on the mance cells for spacecraft and to improve the stability of
verge of a major transition from `"rst-generationa silicon amorphous silicon cells (Section 5.2.2).
wafer-based technologies to a `second generationa thin- Are there other ways of obtaining such performance
"lm product. This transition should proceed at an accel- that may be simpler in practice? A few other approaches
erating pace over the coming decade. Once this transition have been suggested. These should become experi-
is complete, is there anywhere else for the technology to mentally more feasible with on-going improvements in
go? material science over the coming decades.
Although there will be evolutionary improvements in One class of device is based on `hot carriersa (Ross and
both "rst- and second-generation cell performance, the Nozik, 1982). Although the solar cells stay cool, the
e$ciency of standard cells is restricted to less than 33% charge carriers in such devices ideally reach distributions
by quite fundamental considerations (Marti and Araujo, typical of much higher temperatures by avoiding energy
1996). Basically, standard cells are quantum converters, loss by collisions with the atoms making up the cell,
ideally converting one sunlight photon to an electron in a fundamental loss mechanism in standard cells. E$cien-
the load. This alone limits e$ciency to about 44%. An cies similar to the in"nite tandem cell are possible in this
additional loss arises since the cell can supply this current case. Another approach is to use not just excitations
at a voltage somewhat less than the potential corre- between two bands of carrier energy as in a normal cell,
sponding to its energy bandgap. but excitations in materials designed to have more than
However, the thermodynamic limit on the conversion two bands of allowed energy participating in the process
of sunlight into electricity is a more impressive 93%. Is it (Luque and Marti, 1997). Again, e$ciencies approaching
possible for solar cells to come closer to this limit? the in"nite tandem cell case are feasible, in principle.
The answer seems to be `yesa, although new ideas are
probably required to make this a reality. One idea that is
well established is based on splitting sunlight into di!er- 7. Policy implications
ent wavelength bands and sending to cells of bandgap
optimised for each band (Fig. 12(a)). Fortunately, this The history of the evolution of solar cell costs versus
splitting can be achieved more simply merely by stacking accumulated production volume is shown in Fig. 13
cells on top of one another as in Fig. 12(b), with the (Green, 2000). The straight line "tted to the data shows
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