Ijrsp 19 (5&6) 306-308
Ijrsp 19 (5&6) 306-308
Ijrsp 19 (5&6) 306-308
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and evolution of electronics
B.RNag ""'\
Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, University of Calcutta, Calcutta 700 009 )
The role of semiconductors in the evolution of electronics to its current form is discussed. The
two routes along which electronics has evolved by using silicon and by using compound semicon-
ductors are described. The potential of the heterostructures and quantum well devices in shaping the
electronics of future is also indicated.
if one may venture to make a prophecy, will be Electronics has evolved since the invention of
the era of the uses and applications of the ele- transistor, mostly rhrough semiconductor devices.
ment germanium, the wonder child of electronics. The developments in electronics have become
We are on the threshold of this era. One foresees completely dependent on the science and technol-
with a certainty the advent of radio equipments of ogy of semiconductors. The objective of this arti-
unbelievably small sizes replacing many of the cle is to briefly outline the different routes in
cumbrous and heavier ones in use today. And at which this evolution has taken place.
the same time, as it happened before with a fund-
amentally new invention, there will open up many 2 Silicon-based electronics
new fields of application of radio electronics". We The first transistor was made with polycrystals
realize after 35 years in 1990 that no prophecy of germanium. Within a few years, as soon as
could be more true. techniques for the purification and crystal growth
Electronics may be said to have originated in of silicon were developed, silicon replaced germa-
1883 when Edison noticed the Edison effect, the nium. Silicon was considered a better material as
flow of current between the filament of an electric the silicon devkes were less temperature sensitive
lamp and a metal electrode placed inside it. This because of its larger band gap. For the next two
effect was utilized in vacuum tubes to control the decades electronics evolved in the direction of
motion of electrons and realize thereby various miniaturization with silicon as the main working
circuit functions, e.g. amplification, oscillation, material. Devices were made with grown junction,
modulation, rectification, detection and switching, by alloying, by diffusion on bulk material and
a comprehensive name for all these is electronics. then on epitaxial material with planar technology
Vacuum tubes being the basic element, Langmuir. and by ion implantation. Each new technique
had defined electronics as 'a branch of science caused a reduction in the scale size of the device.
which deals with devices and techniques employ- The progress was so rapid that the size was re-
ing electrons detached from ordinary matter'. duced from about 103 .um in 1948 to 1 .um in
This definition was correct till 1948, the year in 1968.
which the invention of transistor was announced. In the meantime, ·around the beginning of sixt-
Prof. Mitra had assessed the role of this invention ies, techniques were developed for the integration
so correctly that he modified Langmuir's defini- of transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors on
tion to 'electronics is the science and the art of a silicon chip, which made possible realization of
controlling the movement of electrons'. He felt complete circuits in large numbers as one device.
sure that the movement of electrons will be con- These integrated circuits use either the bipolar
trolled for electronics of future not only in vacu- transistors having the basic forms of planar tran-
306 I
sistors or MOS transistors. The details of the materials may be made to· realize any band gap or
transistor layout and the technology used for cir- effective mass or mobility in between the limits
cuit realization are too complex for a discussion mentioned above. These properties of the com-
in this article. However, it is of interest to note pound semiconductors have caused evolution of
the developments in technology and in size reduc- electronics along a different route.
tion with the passage of years. Evolution of the Because of direct band gap, optoelectronic de-
technology of making. MOS devices has been such vices could be realized; these appeared first as
that the cell area has been reduced from 3000 light emitting devices (LEDs) which could be
Jim2 in 1970 to 4 Jim2 in 1989 and the number of made to emit any colour by engineering the band
devices has been increased from 4 k to 16 M per gap with mixtures of binaries. Next came the in-
chip. The latest chip reported from Japan is a 64 vention of diode laser using GaAs for the first
M-bit memory with 0.3 11m technology. time. The operating wavelength of the lasers can
Chips or the ICs of various scales, namely, SSI, also be tailored to suit the requirement. These de-
LSI, vLSI and ULSI, are one form in which elec- vices have caused amalgamation of light with elec-
tronics has evolved by using the semiconductors. tronics; which is at present visible as optical com-
These circuits have made the present electronics munication and other systems. The work is also
very different from vacuum tube electronics. The progressing for the realization of photonics where
jungle of vacuum tubes, resistors, capacitors, electrons will control light signals directly without
wires and tags have been replaced by neatly ar- the intermediary of currents.
ranged identical looking chips connected by neat- Properties of III-V compounds have also been
ly laid thin metallic connections on printed circuit useful for changing the face of. microwave and
boards. The work horse of this electronics is sili- mm wave electronics. The invention of transistors
con, which is the basic material used in major has replaced vacuum tubes in communication and
part of electronics industry today. Silicon has, digital electronics by semiconductor devices. But
however, some limitations, most important of for a long time, vacuum tubes continued to be
which are (i) mobility of charge carriers is low, used in microwave systems. New devices were in-
and (2) optoelectronic interactions are not effi- vented using the properties of III-V 'compounds
cient. Electronics for high frequencies, micro- which have made possible miniaturization and in-
waves and millimetre (mm) waves and for optics tegration of microwave systems. Microwaves and
has therefore evolved in a different route. mm waves are now generated, amplified and de-
tected also by semi&onductor devices. Integrated
3 Compound semiconductors in electronics systems in the form of microwave monolithic inte-
Compound semiconductors have been the ma- grated circuits (MMICs) have become possible us-
terials for electronics for microwaves and optic ing gallium arsenide as the substrate material on
waves. It was suggested in 1926 that materials which active as well as passive devices may be
with the crystal structures of germanium and sili- realized to make a complete transmitter or a re-
con (the two elemental semiconductors) could be ceiver.
made by me.lting a stoichiometric mixture of a
group III B element with a group V B element 4 Heterostructure and quantum well electronics
and resolidifying the melt. This suggestion ulti- The Ill-V compounds may also be used to real-
mately led to the realization of a new class of ize heterostructures in which crystals of two or
semiconductors which do not occur in nature but more materials may be grown alternately. The di-
are grown artificially in laboratory. These com- mension of the individual layer may also be made
pounds are: InSb, lnAs, InP, GaSb, GaAs, GaP, as small as a few monolayers. Electrons are con-
AlSb,AlAs and AlP. These compounds are all fined in these structures in lengths comparable to
semiconductors but have energy band structures electron wavelength. Consequently, the compo-
very different from that of Si or Ge. The energy nent of momentum in the direction of confine-
band gap varies from 0.24 to 1.55 eV, the effec- ment gets quantized and the electron system be-
tive mass ratio from 0.013 to 0.15 and the elec- comes two-dimensional or 2 DEG. Properties of
tron mobility from 0.1 to 10 m2Ns. Some of such confined electrons are very different from
these compounds are again direct band gap mate- those in bulk materials. Current evolution of elec-
rials. It is also possible to make mixtures of the tronics is occurring using these quantum devices.
binary compound~ to realize ternary or quater- Already, quantum well lasers (QWLs), high elec-
nary compounds, which have properties interme- tron mobility transistors (HEMTs) and resonant
diate between the component binaries, so that tunnelling bipolar transistors (RTBTs) have been
developed, which are likely to cause spectacular tronics will have to include control of photons
changes in optoelectronic and digital systems. De- along with the control of the motion of electrons.
vices have already been realizt:d with switching
speeds of 20 ps or less, power-delay products of 5 Conclusion
the order of femto joules, characteristic tempera- Prof. Mitra had prophesied that electronics
tures of 300 K or more, operating frequencies in would be ultimately based on germanium. He had
the THz range and suitability for multistate logic. named germanium as it was the only usable semi-
Experiments are also being conducted to realize conductor in his time. Electronics engineers did
1-and even O-dimensional electron gas systems so not believe that vaccum tubes would be complete-
that electrons may move freely in one direction ly replaced ultimately by semiconductor devices.
only or are fully confined. What will be the im- Semiconductors were believed to have only limit-
pact of these new devices on the evolution of ed fields of application in low-power and low-fre-
electronics is not yet clear. It may, however, be quency devices. But, we see today that Prof. Mitra
expected that systems will be further miniaturized, was right in every way. Electronics today is fully
will consume still less energy, will be faster and based on semiconductors, so much so, that no
more versatile. Photonics and electronics will be country can hope to foster growth of electronics
completely integrated and the definition of elec- without a good base in semiconductors.