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1 Summative Exam in Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Science

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
Enrile, Cagayan


NAME:________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ____________________ SCORE: _______
Directions: Write T if the statement correct and F if II. Pure social science vs applied social science
otherwise. Write your answer before the number. Directions: Write PSS if the discipline falls under pure
(1 point each) social science and ASS if it falls under applied social
1. Social science is the study of society and the science. Write your answer on the blank provided.
manner in which people behave and affect the (1 point each)
world. 1. Economics - _______________
2. Social sciences are only applicable in the academe 2. Social Work- _______________
and not in the workplace. 3. Geography- _______________
3. Applied social scientist use and borrow different 4. Psychology - _______________
concepts, theoretical models, and theories from 5. Sociology- _______________
social science and disciplines. 6. Counseling- _______________
4. Guidance counselling is a profession that helps 7. Political Science- _______________
address a person’s specific projects, business 8. History- _______________
successes, general conditions and transitions in 9. Demography- _______________
life, relationships, or profession 10. Anthropology- _______________
5. Applied social sciences provide good theoretical 11. Communication- _______________
and conceptual foundations for social work
practice. III. Identification
6. Psychology studies how human mind work in Directions: Read the following statement and identify
consonance with the body to produce thoughts what area of specialization where counselors work does
that lead to individual actions the situation applied to. Write your answer before the
7. Counseling as an art is the subjective dimension of number. (2 points each)
counseling. It acclaims a flexible and creative _______________1. Ella feels sad because she was having a
process whereby the counselor modifies the problem with his spouse these past few months, so she
approach to meet the developing needs of clients. decided to find a help to this counselor.
8. Remedial goals refer to assisting a client to _______________2. Gina is a Grade 12 student who is
overcome and treat an undesirable development. having a hard time deciding on what course or career she
9. Counseling happens when a person who is will pursue. She talked to their school counselor to find aid.
distressed asks and permits another person to _______________3. The father of Aya has been drinking
enter into a particular kind of connection with him alcohol day and night every day and she thinks that this
or her. habit is the reason why he’s very ill. Where can Aya ask for
10. A licensed professional scholar may render to help?
individuals, groups, organizations, or the general _______________4. Josefina’s mother is about to retire
public counseling services involving the application from being a teacher, that’s why she chose to bring her
of clinical counseling principles, methods, or mother to a counselor who can assist her on the activities
procedures to assist individuals in achieving more of the aged after retirement.
effective personal, social, educational, or career _______________5. The pandemic brought by the
development and adjustment. coronavirus made Dora to be
11. The way we perceive or view things, people, unemployed, but she will not give up and decided to build
events and our environment, is influenced by our her own business. Whose
values. counselor can she run to for help?
12. Counselors treat with confidence personal
information about clients, whether obtained Prepared by: Obsolon N. Dayag
directly or indirectly by inference. Subject Teacher
13. In view of the theory of utilitarianism in relation to
beneficence, the application of utilitarianism Checked by: Myrna C. Parallag
would be to apply an ethical decision in the light of Head Teacher II
costs and benefits for each participant.
Approved by: Maria T. Acorda
Principal III

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