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Lesson Plan in Science 5 (Division Demo)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III- Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
Norzagaray West District
Phase 1, NHV Bitungol, Norzagaray, Bulacan

Lesson Plan in Science 5

Second Grading

Modes of Reproduction in flowering and non-flowering plants

I. Objective

Differentiate self-pollination from cross pollination.


II. Subject Matter

Values Integration: Appreciation/Cooperation

Science Skills: Communicating and Describing

References: Learner’s Material p.72-74

Materials: laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Visual aids, envelop

III. Learning Activities

A. Preparatory Activities

Greetings: Good morning studentsl!

Let us all bow down and pray.

Checking of attendance

1. Drill

Let the pupils answer the prepared PowerPoint presentation. Let them see
the pictures of different kinds of plants and identify whether the following plants are flowering
or non-flowering plants.

2. Review

Show picture of gumamela flower and identify the different parts.

3. Motivational Activity

Show different kinds of plants to the students. Call one in each row to go in front and tell
what they observe from the plants.

B. Presentation

You can see different types of plants everywhere. They differ in size, shape,
color, smell and even in their mode of reproduction.

Like animals, plants need to continuously reproduce themselves. Some

reproduce through their seeds while some utilize other means. Today, we are going to
discuss about the modes of reproduction in flowering and non-flowering plants.

Who among you are fond of reading a story?

(Present the story of Melay and Beeboy)

2. Analysis and Discussion

The modes of reproduction in flowering plants are usually brought about by

wind, water, insects, birds and humans. Ferns use both sexual and asexual
reproduction method. In sexual reproduction, a haploid spore grows into a haploid
gametophyte. The saprophyte produces spores, completing the life cycle. It can also
brought by water, insects, animals, human and wind. Mongo seeds are familiar white
bean sprout in the classroom or home. The main agent of reproduction is human.
Mosses spread in multiple ways, but unlike flowering plants they depend on
moisture to sexually reproduce. Mosses reproduce by spores which are analogous
meaning alike or comparable to the flowering plants seed.

3. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Practice

Identify what is being described. What is being described? Write your answer on the
crossword puzzle below.

_____1. It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same

_____2. It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of
another flower that belongs to anotjer plants but of the same kind. (down)
_____3. It is male part of the flower.(cross)

_____4. It is one of the agents that aid sexual reproduction of plants.(down)

_____5. It is the female part of the flower. (cross)

b. Independent Practice

Group Activity

4. Generalization

There are two kinds of pollination, the self-pollination and cross pollination.
Self-pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the
same flower or of a different flower that belongs to the same plant while Cross
pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma of a flower of
another plants of the same kind.

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Describe the mode of reproduction in flowering and non-flowering

plants. Write self-pollination or cross pollination on the blank.

V. Assignment

Write Fact if the statement is correct or Bluff if it is incorrect.

__________1. In cross pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the anther o the
stigma of a flower in another plant of the same kind.
__________2. Mosses reproduce by spores, which are analogous to the flowering
plants seed.
__________3. Mongos are also epigeal, meaning seedlings emerge from their seed
husks and leave them below the ground.
__________4. Plants do not need pollinators so they can reproduce.
__________5. Plant reproduction is not necessary to the whole ecosystem.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Prepared by:

Teacher I

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